#some of the ideas I had were kinda hard to put into words 😭
skelecentral ¡ 8 months
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Some more hcs I’m too lazy to write out by hand:
Internal betrayal regards intention/desire/conflicting character traits. Has to do with shame and self-hatred.
Examples of internal betrayal might be: an integrity soul desiring to harm someone, a determination soul giving up before they start, a bravery soul grappling with fear, or a patience soul finding themselves struggling with self control.
External betrayal regards action. Has to do with guilt and corruption.
Examples of external betrayal might be: a justice soul screaming at someone undeserving in a moment of rage, a kindness soul having ulterior motives to their kind actions, or a perseverance soul ghosting someone after a bad interaction.
Whether fissures form/how they form is involved entirely in the soul’s perception of the betrayal (or lack thereof). If a human does not feel they’ve done anything that conflicts with their trait, a fissure will not form, even if it might seem it should (a justice soul might feel justified in taking two eyes and a limb from someone who stole their wallet). The opposite principle also holds true - if a human feels they’ve done something that conflicts with their trait, even if it doesn’t seem like they have, a fissure will still form (a perseverance soul might feel guilty for abandoning something important to them after significant burnout). If a soul does perceive a betrayal, whether it forms as an internal or external fissure is also up to it. Not every action is one or the other.
Fissures come in different severities - most are small and heal in a short span of time, but some are deep and might not ever fully go away.
Fissures are a darkened version of the inverse color to the primary trait (ex. An integrity soul would have deep orange/brown fissures, a justice soul would have deep purple fissures, a kindness soul would have deep red fissures, etc.)
Fissures can also form in response to betrayal of a secondary trait, though this is less common.
Showing someone your soul outside of battle can be personal, but not as much as you’d think. Still, it usually only happens between friends and family - there are things you can tell from looking at a soul that not everyone wants to reveal (general feelings at the moment, general intention, basic character traits, whether or not someone is hiding something, etc.)
Touching someone’s soul is a bit different. You can garner much more information from the act (memories, regrets, fears, secrets, specific feelings and intentions, hopes, dreams, etc.) and it is incredibly personal — to touch someone’s soul requires them to lend you an inordinate amount of trust, and it is an overall a terrifying experience. The ecstasy of being known, though, is a huge draw, and many people push past their fear to experience it with their closest loved one.
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moonstruckme ¡ 2 months
Hi, I absolutely love your writing and i’d thought i’d try to request a remus lupin x reader kinda hurt comfort fic or blurb? Reader comes from a dysfunctional family where her dads alway angry and she feels like she’s walking on egg shells when around him and her mom throws all responsibilities like taking care of younger sibling onto reader so they always feel like they aren’t doing enough and they kind of cary these traits into their relationship with remus? maybe remus comes home from a hard day at work and reader can immediately sense he’s in a bad mood and like gets really quiet and starts working on the house instead of spending time with him bc she thinks he will be mad or something
This was way longer than i intended it to be im sorry😭 and I totally understand if this was too much or a topic that you don’t wanna write about there is no pressure at all!!!
love ya! -anon
Thanks for requesting lovely!
cw: implied past harmful/abusive dynamics
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 849 words
If the sharp turn of his key in the lock didn’t tip you off to Remus’ mood, the way he shuts the door behind him would. Automatically, your mind starts whirring with the things you can do. 
Your boyfriend has barely taken his shoes off before you’re in the kitchen, unloading the overfull dish rack. You’ve no idea how you let it go this long; some of these things have been dry for days. You’re shutting drawers and cabinets as softly as you can, wary of worsening Remus’ irritation with a racket. 
“Hey.” He pads into the kitchen, reaching for you. 
“Hi.” You smile and give him a kiss. His hands start to come around your waist, but you pull away in favor of grabbing a pot from the rack. 
“What’re you up to?” he asks. The exhaustion in his voice has a terse edge that makes your fingertips crackle with nervous energy. 
“Just tidying a bit.” 
“Want some help?” 
“I’m good, thanks,” you reply in your most serene voice. “You’ve only just got home, why don’t you relax?” 
Remus hesitates a handful of moments, watching as you go back to whizzing about the kitchen before wordlessly retreating to the living room. 
Once the dish rack is empty, you decide to start filling it up again. There’s an unwashed pot on the stove, an old container of leftovers in the fridge, and a handful of dishes on the coffee table. You make yourself as scarce as you can when you go to retrieve the last. Remus is still emanating traces of a worn-thin temper from where he sits on the couch, reading his book, and you try to minimize the clatter of the dishes as you stack them. When there’s a sigh, you try even harder. 
“Would you stop for a second?” 
You freeze in your tracks. “Stop what?” 
“Just,” he shakes his head, frustrated, “put the dishes down.”
You obey wordlessly. 
Remus looks at you with something you can’t decipher in his expression. “Now would you come here, please?” 
You walk over to him, tensing for—you don’t know what. You don’t think Remus would hit you, and he doesn’t seem like he’s going to shout. You’re stiff with anticipation nonetheless. 
He reaches for you. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, slotting against him naturally, the way you always do. Remus presses both palms into your back, hugging you tighter than usual but not enough to hurt. 
He nuzzles his face into your neck. “What’s going on with you?” he asks, and he sounds like the soft, grumbly version of himself that tells you to stop fidgeting at 4 a.m. before trapping you in his hold. You start to relax. 
“You seem like you’ve had a hard day,” you say. Not quite an admittance, but close. 
“I have,” Remus agrees. “I was hoping to come home and relax with you. Maybe have a kiss if you were feeling generous.” His teasing comforts you further, and you don’t flinch when he adjusts his hold so he can look you in the eyes. “Are you being weird because you know I’m in a bad mood?” 
When he puts it like that it sounds so silly. This is how you’ve learned to be around hot tempers, quiet and useful, but of course Remus would want someone to console him. To be with him instead of hiding away. 
“I’m sorry,” you breathe out. Your hands smooth over his shoulders, a belated comfort. 
He sighs, and this time when you hear the frustration in the sound you know it’s not meant for you. Remus takes your face in both hands, pressing a firm kiss to your brow before resting his own against it. 
“Nobody’s angry with you,” he says softly. 
“I know,” you reply just as quietly. “If I think about it, I know you wouldn’t be. It’s just…” 
“Old habits die hard?” he guesses. There’s a wry twist to his tone. 
You hum apologetically. 
Remus lets his cheek slide along yours, pulling you in for another hug. This one is gentler, his hand running the length of your back and squeezing in all the right places. “It’s okay,” he reassures you. “I’m sorry I came home so cross, sweetheart. I never want to worry you.” 
“I like to worry about you a little,” you tease, and you can sense the reward of your boyfriend’s smile spreading unwillingly over your shoulder. “And it’s not fair to expect you not to have any bad feelings around me. That’s just normal.”
Remus hums thoughtfully. “What if we try this: when you’re feeling like I’m upset, you just say something and we’ll talk about whether it has anything to do with you. Do you think that would work for you?” 
You turn your head to rest your cheek on his shoulder. Remus’ palm cruises down the curve of your spine as you let out a breath. “Yeah, I think so. Thanks.” 
“Thank you, lovely.” He tucks his chin to skim a kiss over your temple. “This is just what I needed. I feel better already.”
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biolumien ¡ 4 months
Hi!! Your rooftop smoke fic with Hoshina was just superb. 😭💖
Was wondering If could request a scenario where they had been mutually pining for one another. And they'd, on more than one occasion catch each other's eyes across the room. And a handful of people from the Defense Force notices. Cause could they be more obvious?
Whether that would end up angsty or with a happy ending is up to you! I love the way you write for Hoshina. You capture him pretty perfectly haha
Stay safe and healthy!!
notes: omg... thank you for your compliments... it means smsm! uhh... well. this kinda took on a life of its own, i'm sorry. i hope you don't mind ;-;;
say it! come on, say it!
soshiro hoshina x gn!reader alternatively: romcom except then i smacked it so hard with angst at the end. sorry. word count: 2400
“you need to close your mouth when you’re staring.” you feel the ice-cold touch of a can press against your cheek, and you shriek as you stare up at–
“ah, fuck. i’m not staring, narumi,” you mutter, taking the soda can from him. narumi seemed less than convinced, his eyes barely visible from underneath his bangs. 
“o-kay. and you’re totally not ogling hoshina with googly eyes.” narumi cracks open his own soda, taking a long sip from the can. “why don’t you just date already? i’m gonna be honest, i’m sick of you looking at him like that. it’s boring, bland, predictable… fuckin’ hate that will they won’t they bullshit.” 
“i can’t,” you complain dramatically. 
hoshina, from the other side of the room, was talking to captain ashiro while examining some paperwork. occasionally, okonogi would come over, point out some new development, and there’d seem to be another heated debate between the three. you always liked seeing hoshina in his element—whether it be instructing other officers, training with his blades, or awkwardly not making eye contact with him when he spoke to you. 
“like hell you can’t!” narumi hissed, reaching out to put you in a headlock. “stop looking at him like that!” 
“like hell what? who’s looking at who?” 
hoshina had come over, staring at the two of you, right as narumi’s arm was beginning to wrap around your neck. narumi immediately flew back from you as you laughed nervously. 
“uhh, like hell i, umm…” you fumbled for an answer, staring up at hoshina nervously. why had he just come over? why was he looking at you like that? your lips quiver for a moment.
“oh, relax!” hoshina clapped you across the back, laughing. “you look so nervous! like you’ve just confessed you had some very, very personal feelings or something! that’s adorable…” 
let me die, you think furtively as hoshina’s hand brushes your shoulder. narumi’s face was pinched. 
“don’t let narumi bully you too much; he’s just a little lowlife, after all,” hoshina said with teasing venom in his voice. 
“you bitch,” narumi growled. “i have no idea how they see anything in y—” his face paled as the words left his lips, and you think you almost see god for a minute. you hide your face with your hands, waiting for hoshina’s verdict, and you swear that the next moment you get, you were going to make narumi very sorry for spilling your metaphorical, hell, call them literal at this point, guts out in the open. 
“hmm?” hoshina hums. the world fell silent—at least silent to you, in any case, your eardrums pounding in time with your heartbeat. “well—”
“vice captain hoshina!” mina ashiro’s voice was sharp and piercing. “time to go.” 
“huh?” hoshina cocks his head. “ah, of course, captain. be right there!” 
he turned to you and narumi with a small smile, one of his fangs peeking out for a moment before waving his fingers. 
“see you.” he nods his head to you specifically before he turns away. 
you wait until you are absolutely, absolutely sure he’s out of earshot before turning on narumi, throwing your soda can at his head. 
“fuck!” narumi swore. “what the fuck was that for?” 
“you idiot! why did you basically confess to him for me?!” you hiss. “i’m trying to count on you to not run your damn mouth!” 
“hoshina’s an idiot,” narumi says sullenly. “i bet he didn’t even notice.” 
the walk through the hallway was silent, up until—
“you’re red,” mina says, her hand reaching for her skirt pocket to pull out her phone. 
“stop,” hoshina’s voice is strangled, far more strangled than he’d like it to be. “no, i’m serious. no photos. you’ll need to talk to my PR agent about that.” hoshina’s ears were tinged pink, and he raised his hands to try and hide the flush. 
“hoshina,” okonogi sounded disapproving, “why don’t you just confess already? i’m getting tired watching you get so concerned over them…” 
“ha! confess,” hoshina laughs. “and what good would that do? i’m not exactly peak romance material, you know this…” 
“the only one not noticing that is you, hoshina,” mina mutters. “you get all sullen when they leave and happy when they come back, but you have to act like a… hmm… what does he act like, okonogi?” 
hoshina’s eyes went wide as okonogi hummed. 
“a cat!” okonogi declares emphatically. 
“yes. you’re right,” mina says decisively. “that’s a good fit. you act like a cat about it. you try to—”
“stop. stop it, stop it, i don’t want to hear it. stop analyzing my personality. this isn’t some kind of joke,” hoshina says, his voice sounding more flustered as he went on. “they’re never gonna say yes. it’s stupid. confessing like this… it would only be a burden on all of us.” 
mina and okonogi exchanged a look.
“besides, i’m a bad boyfriend. remember that last girl, from operations,” hoshina laughed. “broke her heart in three seconds flat.” 
“… if i remember correctly, you liked her quite a lot, though,” okonogi said hesitantly. 
“ha! so what if i did?” hoshina asked. “she only just left when i… hm.” his smile seemed to falter somewhat, but he laughed. “it’s fine. it’s fine. i’m fine.” 
behind his back, mina and okonogi exchanged another look. 
but his mind flickered back to his hand on your back, and wondered if you leaning into his touch was a fluke. 
you stare at hoshina from across the room. he’s eating by himself, half a piece of melon bread in his mouth as he stared down at some papers in his hand. you’d have asked to sit next to him, if only you were braver. but you were a coward, so here you were. you stare down at your own food, tearing off a corner of the red bean bun you were eating, popping it in your mouth. 
your crush on hoshina was about as subtle as a freight train. which is to say, you felt it coming on, and then by the time you’d fully reconciled it, you were already being run over repeatedly. it was just grappling, mostly, with how cool he was, endlessly. 
you wondered what it would be like to live under the intensity of his stare, as it enveloped you whole. 
would it be like a benevolent fire? or would he raze you so wholly that there’d be nothing left? 
you wanted to find out. you wanted to find out, but you were so scared he’d burn you before you could even get close. but what was important was that hoshina, for sure, didn’t even bother to reciprocate your feelings. that’s what you were so sure of—because why would someone like him give you the pleasure of his time? surely his time was more valuable than wasting it on a nobody like you. 
his intensity, sharpened to a fine point, was better spent figuring out how to permanently eradicate the kaiju threat altogether. 
you sighed miserably. 
“now that sounds like a miserable sound to me,” hoshina’s voice rang out right next to your ear. 
you nearly jumped out of your skin as soon as you heard his voice, too focused for a second on the soft, tickling sensation of his breath against the shell of your ear. your face bloomed bright red, and you immediately backed away from him, your heart pounding loudly in your chest. 
“hoshina!” you stammer. “what—what are you doing?” 
“eating?” hoshina raises his eyebrow, a teasing smirk on his lips. “noticed you were staring. take a picture, by the way, if you want. they do last longer than the momentary glances.” he sat down next to you, continuing to eat.
so he had noticed you staring. 
“s-sorry. for staring,” you say. 
“huh? why are you sorry?” hoshina asks, cocking his head at you, one of his eyes opening a bit wider. “i don’t mind. if i minded, i woulda said something.” your face flushed a little more at his words, and you looked away as he laughed. 
“you really are cute,” he says fondly, reaching out a hand to pat your head.
… huh?
“what?” you ask weakly. 
“huh? did i say something weird?” hoshina asks, the picture perfect image of innocence—or so you’d say, if his eyes weren’t narrowed at you, and the smile on his face a little too much like a smirk, waiting for how you’d react. 
“no…? i guess? it’s just not something i thought you’d say. to me,” you say falteringly, looking away for a moment. 
“mm. i guess i should make a habit of saying it more, huh?” hoshina teases, removing his hand from your head. 
and as you fluster a little more, you curse god for your crush on soshiro hoshina. 
“you need to quit fucking around,” narumi says, pointing a dumbbell at hoshina in the training room. 
“fucking around? i’m doing nothing of the sort,” hoshina says, that mask of innocence still on his face. narumi’s brow furrows. 
“sure, and you don’t also ogle… you need to get your shit together and confess, or swear to god, i’ll kill one of you. or, hell, why don’t we just kill both of you so i don’t have to fucking look at you?” narumi scoffs, anger spiking in his voice. 
“ha, yeah, maybe if you do that i’ll finally be free from hearing your annoying, grating voice,” hoshina says, prodding narumi in the chest.
“yeah, but then you won’t confess your feelings and then i’ll have to die knowing i broke up a couple that hadn’t even gotten together,” narumi grumbles. “i’m not a monster.”
“huh?” hoshina asks.
narumi looked like he was about to blow a gasket.
“wait, so you didn’t know they reciprocate?”
“i–well, i… hoped?” hoshina says, realizing how stupid he must sound. his mind flit back to your reactions the past few days–hell, the past few weeks? maybe the past few months? “oh. shit.”
“oh. shit. indeed,” narumi mocks. “so, are you going to tell them?”
“i…” hoshina suddenly realized how terrified he was. his face paled, his hand coming up to his mouth. “i… shit. wait. this is–fuck. i…” he ran a hand through his hair, pushing his bangs up past his face, a shaking sigh passing his lips. “no. this is… how would i even begin to explain it? i’m not… i can’t. i’m not–i can’t be a good partner. not in this line of work. my judgement could be compromised! that wouldn’t–”
“your judgement is already compromised,” narumi says, a bared snarl-turned-smile on his lips. “you know, hoshina. this is probably the most interesting you’ve ever been. you’re always facades, niceties. pretended you were untouchable, swimming in that sea of self-loathing and ineptitude. but maybe you’re beginning to live a little, aren’t you?”
hoshina’s eyes widened.
it’d always come to the worst, you thought. you coughed up a mouthful of blood as another round of rubble began to creak overhead. you tried to force your body to move, and your suit pulsed in response to your movements, attempting to close the bloody gashes across your body from the kaiju attack. 
“command, come in,” you gasped out, holding up a shaking hand to your in-ear. you winced as there was only a clicking static in response–was no one coming? were you all alone? were you going to die like this, your limbs barely even able to hold up their own weight even with most of your combat power unleashed? is this all you were good for? your knees buckled as you collapsed onto the ground, coughing out a mouthful of blood.
were you going to die like this?
you couldn’t.
you didn’t want to.
your vision swam a bit as you coughed out another mouthful of blood, your mind lingering.
hoshina had touched your back right before you’d left, a small smile crossing his face.
“don’t die,” he’d said. 
and here you were, stumbling through the rubble, hurting so badly that you might as well be dead. 
it was utterly and painfully cliche to think about letting hoshina down. you didn’t want to, and yet there was a horrifying possibility that you would. and as you buckled again, collapsing onto your knees, you coughed out another mouthful of blood.
“command,” you repeated, in a weaker voice. “please. if someone–if anyone can hear me–i need help. suit damage is–” you cough again, wiping blood from your mouth. “--critical. please.” 
and as your vision swam, you felt a hand press against your shoulder.
“there you are.”
you blinked hard, staring up at the face of soshiro hoshina, who’d pulled his mask off, leaning down to pull you into his arms.
“hoshina,” you whisper. “i’m sorry–i shouldn’t have… i got…”
“why are you apologizing?” hoshina asks, his voice sounding more choked than you’d like it to be.
“i didn’t mean to–i didn’t mean for this to happen.” you think you’re bleeding across hoshina’s suit, across his gloves as you press your head against his shoulder. 
hoshina laughs desperately, wetly.
“you didn’t mean to–of course you didn’t mean to!” hoshina protests. “the attack was more than any of us could have predicted–of course you didn’t mean for any of this happen–i don’t want you to apologize for that.” his hand reaches up to swipe some blood away from your brow. “come on, love. i have to tell you how i feel–that bastard was right, after all. my judgement was compromised from the beginning, around you.” 
“that bastard? narumi?” you ask, coughing a bit. why did it feel so cold? your eyes fluttered for a moment,  “what does he have to do with any of this–”
“i love you,” hoshina says. “i’m sorry it took me this long to tell you. and i’m selfish, for waiting until you’re bloodied, like this, to tell you.” you didn’t like the desperate look in his eyes like he was convinced you were going to die. you leaned up, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“you bastard,” you muttered. “couldn’t you have thought up a better time and place for all of this?” 
“no,” hoshina admits. “because i’m selfish, after all.” he smiles at you, the corner of his mouth twitching ever so slightly. “come on. let’s get you to the medbay. i’m not letting you die on me yet.”
“okay,” you whispered weakly. “okay.”
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josephquinnswhore ¡ 1 year
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Her Sanctuary
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader.
Summary: you start pulling away from Joel, he’s scared he’s going to lose you.
Word Count: 1.7k
Content Warning: mentions of anxiety, bad mental health. Joel talking about Sarah!!! 😭 soft Joel!!!!! Hurt/comfort.
Note: kinda just wrote this on a whim after rewatching the last of us. I miss joel. @cool-iguana ily.
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You were an outspoken person. About everything. There wasn’t a single topic you didn’t have an opinion on. Always a snarky reply, a joke, or following pun. That’s just who you were.
Joel spent months wishing you weren’t like that. That you’d just shut up so he could have a few moments of silence between you. His limited replies included a scowl, raised eyebrow or an annoyed grunt. He spent months travelling across the country with you, refusing to open up and reluctantly teaching you how to shoot his rifle.
He didn’t like how you made him feel. How he had started looking at you romantically. The sound of your laugh stirred something in him. Your bright eyes lightened the darkness in his own.
He never allowed himself to let you in; as much as a fight he put up. You wormed yourself into the cracks in the walls around his heart and started to mend him. He doesn’t know when it happened exactly, all he can remember is wanting to hear more of her laugh, he even found her a joke book in an old RV he scouted one evening at the trailer park they posted in overnight.
He had learned how to accept your brightness, for all its worth. Your dorky comments, crooked grin and boisterous laugh. Even those small touches to his back and arm when you would pass by, excusing yourself. Always followed by a mumbled, “sorry.”
But this.. this he didn’t know what to do. He was tearing himself up inside for not knowing what to do. You were quiet today, something bubbling inside of you that radiated off and in between them in a depressing aura that had Joel feeling breathless.
He even found himself staring at you, from the corner of his eyes, turning his head to watch you, making sure you kept up as you lingered a few steps behind him, completely silent. Not laughing, not crying. Silent.
It was heart wrenching and he couldn’t figure out how to put the pieces together to finish the puzzle. Nothing extreme had happened that they hadn’t faced before. They’d fought off some infected yesterday but—it couldn’t have possibly been that. They were fine. They survived.
Maybe you just wasn’t coping as well as he thought you were.
He tried to think of things to cheer you up, and the guilt consumed him when he realised he didn’t really know much about you. He had never asked. It was always you asking about him, pestering to know more about him. He cursed himself for being so selfish.
The harsh reality of their one sided dynamic hit Joel hard, he had always protected her, with his physical strength and ability to kill. That primal instinct that kept them both alive and for what? He couldn’t help her when she actually needed.
He felt utterly useless.
Until. He had an idea. That stupid fucking joke book that she treasured, had to cheer her up right? It had to draw out one of those loud laughs that made his insides flip, the smile that made your eyes squint that his heart craved to see.
He reached into his pack, pulling it out. She’d stashed it in there, insisting that her pack had no more room. He didn’t argue, he knew she struggled carrying the weight. He decided that day that he could carry the extra burden for things that she decided she couldn’t bare.
This baggage however, was tricker. He would take it if he could. He hoped this would work.
He turns around to look at you and what he saw made him feel like there was a metal vice around his heart, your slumped shoulders and black eye bags complimented a vacant look in your eyes, you were unrecognisable in comparison to your default sunshine personality.
“Hey, I was thinkin’ about that algae-bra joke you told me the other day.” He tried to make his voice as soft as he could when he spoke to you, trying to nudge a reaction.
Nothing, she barely looks at him. “Hm?”
“Anyways, I was thinkin’ we could pass the time with this.” He held the joke book in his hand, swinging his pack back over his shoulder, adjusting his rifle strap as he shuffles on his feet.
You felt a spark of something, something that was quickly put out by the fear and darkness that felt so consuming.
“Maybe later?” You offer quietly, walking past him. “It’ll be dark soon.”
Joel felt defeated. How had he failed so badly. How did he let this fester inside of her like a fucking disease that he didn’t know how to get rid of.
This was an infection in your mind; that he figured on his own. This kind of infection he didn’t know how to cure. He had always pushed his own anxiety and panic attacks down burying them, until he learnt to live with it.
But you; the one fucking good thing in his life that brought him life, hope. He wouldn’t allow you to ignore it, to let it consume you.
He wasn’t going to let you fall victim. He would do whatever it took.
He set up camp in silence, stuck in his head about how the fuck he was going to help you, a feeling of shame overwhelmed him as he sits by the fire, rubbing his hands together as you sit in your sleeping bag, across from him.
Arms wrapped tightly around yourself, legs pulled to your chest. It made you look smaller, the way you held yourself protectively. A reflection of the flames flicking in her eyes only made the mood more somber.
He can’t say something came over him, possessed him to say what he felt bubbling up inside of him. He didn’t want to lose her. To him, you were too important, you disarmed him and weaselled your way into his heart. He wasn’t going to let you leave, not ever.
“When my little girl used to get upset, she always shut me out like this, like what you’re doin’, I always told myself she’ll come around.” He nods to himself, as if reminiscing the memory.
You stay silent, watching him. Watching his expression soften.
“An’ now she’s gone it’s all I regret. Not doin’ more. Not making more of an effort with shit like that. Fuckin’ haunts me.”
Not once in the months they’ve travelled he had mentioned having children, a daughter, let alone a decreased one. He had mumbled a few times in his sleep, incoherently a name. Serine, Sari, Sarah? You could never figure it out, and never pried.
But here he was, sitting across from her looking on with longing eyes and his features the most relaxed she’d ever seen.
“I ain’t makin’ that same mistake again, seein’ you like this, pullin’ away. Feels like I’m failin’ all over again.” His admission shocks you, enough to stun a quiet confession from your own lips before you could think.
“I thought you were going to die.” He seems surprised to hear you talking, but stays silent, wanting you to talk more, wanting to hear more.
“I know we’ve dealt with plenty of infected.. we’ve had some close calls even, sure.” Your heart clenched as you recall.
Joel lying on the ground with that infected on top of him, Joel’s gun inches away as he fumbles, fingertips desperately grasping the hairs of grass as he searched for his weapon.
Holding the infected away with one arm, grunting in a struggle that he was bound to lose. It’s rotten teeth and fleshy stench was so close to grazing Joel’s neck. Inches away from sealing his fate.
You had somehow mustered some courage inside of you to tackle the infected, throwing it off Joel and giving him a split second to reach for his gun and put a bullet in the back of the infected’s head.
Your jeans still stunk, of gunpowder and blood. A stench so vile you couldn’t help but relive the moment, it was on your mind every second, unable to process it all.
You almost lost Joel. Joel almost fucking died. It was a breath away.
“I thought if I just—shut down maybe you’d get tired and ditch me.. worse yet I’d stop caring about you so damn much.” Joel’s ears perked at her soft admission.
“And I know you think I’m just—some annoying fucking girl that you have to protect and feed and I’m sorry..“ Joel wouldn’t allow another word.
“Hey. Look at me, now.” His tone was soft, but held a firmness, there was no doubt he wasn’t asking you. He needed you to look at him.
His face looked so soft beyond the flames of the fire, his expression was tender and kind; as no one had ever seen before. He looked beautiful, fuck, he was handsome. You’d always thought so.
“I know it was a close call, we’ve learnt from it, yeah? We won’t make the same mistake.” You nod, Joel continues.
“Don’t pull away from me sweetheart. Please.”
You open your mouth to say something, but Joel interrupts by patting the space beside him.
“C’mere sweetheart. C’mon.” You don’t waste a moment to plop beside him. He wraps his sleeping bag around you and his big hands grip around your torso to pull you into his.
“Tell me you ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
For the first time since you’ve known Joel. He was the one asking for comfort, reassurance.
“Promise I’m not going anywhere Joel.” You nuzzle into him, his natural musk strung a desire out of her that all she could do was lean into him.
“You get some rest now. I’ll keep ya safe.” He murmurs into her ear, a promise.
All you could do was obey him. Closing your eyes as your body and mind revelled in the intimacy and vulnerability of this moment.
His head rested on top of yours, your hair gets stuck in the rugged coarse hairs of his beard. He finds himself nuzzling into you, allowing himself to get lost in you. After months of fighting you; he lets go. He lets you in.
You were his. And he wasn’t going to let anything fucking hurt you. Not even yourself. He would be your sanctuary. No matter what it took.
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2knightt ¡ 8 months
「 i ruin it all by saying somethin’ stupid.」
IN WHICH—you think you ruined everything by telling your best friend you love him.♡ ໋֢ ✧
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⌗ 🕯️ notes !𖥔༌ ᰷ ﹅: n’ two people before me made fics similar to this! @/chillyfrys with sodapop x male!reader and @/dearnows with the whole gang. go read both! they’re both talented and lovely people🫶!
Dallas Winston ;
you two just finished pretending to be a couple getting married in a fancy restaurant to get free food.
you liked the rush and dallas was just really fucking hungry 😭. so when the idea was brought up, dallas just nodded.
you two walked out of the restaurant—shit eating grins on your faces as you hold in laughs. you pretend to marvel at the obviously fake and stolen ring dallas had pulled out.
once you felt like you were far away enough—you burst out laughing.
“i can’t believe we got away with it! like??”
“i’m a great actor, y/n.”
dallas said with a chuckle, looking over at you as he lit a cigarette, cupping a hand to protect the flame.
“yea. that’s why i love you, dallas.”
you immediately paused—the smile on your face dropping. you kinda just stared at the sidewalk in front of you, avoiding dallas’ gaze like the plague.
dallas was silent, his head turned towards you. you both stopped walking, trying to process your words in two different ways.
in your head, you were screaming and crying. ‘FUCKFUCKFUVK😭😭😖😖.’ in dallas’ head he was jusy kinda more, ‘they fucking what?? i thought we were just friends?? are we not??’
dally mumbled, his eyebrows raised as smoke seeped through his lips as he asked.
nervously, you stood up straight, lips tightened as you become more and more awkward by the second. nodding as you hum to begrudgingly confirm.
a chuckle left dallas’ throat as he sees your reaction. he took a drag from his cigarette before taking a small step closer toward you.
he mumbled, hooking a finger around your belt loops, pulling you closer toward him. you stumbled to his side, his hand resting on his backside.
dallas has never been the guy to outright say ‘i love you.’ but this is a start. you’re happy nonetheless with this, his hand on your lower back, guiding you.
his own way of not saying somethin’ stupid like you did.
“so…you love me, huh?”
“…fuck you mean, ‘maybe’?!”
Johnny Cade ;
“i-i can’t do this anymore, y/n. i hate that damned house.”
“johnny, you’re always welcomed at mine. you know that.”
you found johnny on the verge of tears in the lot. your best friend was alone in such a time where he needed someone the most.
you rushed toward his side, sitting beside him on the cold grass. johnny rested a head on your shoulder as you rubbed his back, trying to provide any sort of comfort.
“i know. it’s just—i don’t know. jumpin’ at a fuckin’ bug ain’t a life for anyone.”
“jesus, johnny. i love you too much for you to be talkin’ like this.”
johnny nodded his head, not realizing the weight behind your words at first. you did, however.
your eyes widened as you tightened your lips. ‘FUCKKKK—DID HE REALIZE??? WHY DID I SAY THAT??? NONONONO, JOHNNY DON’T THINK TOO HARD ‘BOUT WHAT I SAID😭😖💔’
johnny blinked, realizing what you told him. did you mean it in the way he’s thinking? did you love love him? or was this all just some prank a bunch of soc’s put you up to?
he moved away from your shoulder, hugging his knees as he turned his head to look back at you.
“uh…what did you mean?”
johnny thought asking that would cost him his life. you’re just freaking out in your head.
“it’s nothin’, man. don’t look into it.”
you mumbled, trying to avoid the scenario in your head that you do redo your confession and he just spits on you before walking away.
johnny, however, wanted you to own up to it. it’d be a lot less work on his end. he adjusted his position, getting closer to you as he asked another question.
“tell me. please, y/n.”
you bit your tongue to stay away from saying something irrational.
“i just said i really like you. that’s all.”
you mumbled so quietly, johnny could barely hear. he was awfully glad that this road was almost dead, hearing you admit somethin’ stupid like that was lovely.
johnny shifted around where he sat, his back straightened as he played with with cuticles, picking at them to distract him from his own small confession.
“me too. i—uhm, like you too.”
johnny’s always had trouble saying ‘i love you.’ this is close enough for the both of you. it’s a start—a start to something better.
“why didn’t you just tell me, y/n?”
Ponyboy Curtis ;
you always liked pony. you never knew what it was. maybe it’s because he was nicer to you than other guys—or maybe it’s because you fell in love with your best friend.
it’s not like you know, anyways.
you were sleeping over at his house, you always do. darry and soda’ve gotten used to it by now—keeping spare everything’s around the house for you.
it was late at night, watching a bunch of movies you two made fun of repeatedly. ponyboy said he was gonna ‘rest his eyes’ but you knew that he was just gonna fall asleep.
his head fell onto your shoulder, his body entirely relaxed. seeing your best friend like this was heartwarming—it seemed ponyboy couldn’t get a break.
you adjusted your position so he’d be more comfortable, a hand over his gently. with your attention diverted away from the TV, you watched as strands of his hair fell over his forehead.
a quiet chuckle escaped your throat as you brushed them back, a small whisper leaving your lips as did so.
“god—i love you.”
‘thank GOD this man is asleep! ☺️🙈this’d be real fucking embarrassi-‘
“you what?”
ponyboy asked, a little a lot taken aback by the words that just left your mouth. his eyes were widened as his ears burned, sitting up straight.
you looked back at him with the same reaction—more embarrassed than anything. your eyes were darting all around the room as you tightened your lips.
“i didn’t say shit, man.”
“don’t even try that with me right now, y/n.”
your immediate thought was ‘hoooolyyyy fuck😰😰’ while ponyboy’s was, ‘can they just admit it already😐.’
“…weren’t you asleep?”
“don’t you have something to tell me?”
ponyboy groaned, rolling his eyes at your answer as you toyed with your fingers, biting the inside of your cheek.
ponyboy just decided to say somethin’ stupid like you did—ready to get this 1000lbs weight off his shoulders.
“i love you too.”
he grumbled, crossing his arms as he went back to watching the movie. his posture faltered before a sigh left his lips, a head on your shoulder as you tried to process what just happened.
“you loveeee me, pony😍😍”
Sodapop Curtis ;
you cannot keep living like this—seriously! how are you supposed to be walking around, pretending like you aren’t totally and utterly in love with your best friend!
he’s way cute, way understanding, way too funny, way too smart (even if he won’t admit it.), and did you mention way too cute?
you thought about just telling him upfront. ‘today’s gonna be the day!’ it never was though... you always chickened out or someone got in the way the second you opened your mouth to tell him the speech you rehearsed.
your eyes were locked on sodapop as he went under the hood of a random car. you couldn’t care less about what steve was complaining about—nor what vehicle this is.
“why’re you even ‘ere? you don’t even work today, y/n!😒”
“steve—she can come n’ go. don’t act like you don’t enjoy her visitin’.”
“what? jumpin’ in to save your girlfriend?”
soda paused before throwing a rusted screw at steve, hitting his bicep. you laughed quietly, watching the two bicker back and forth.
“ain’t you got a register to run?”
steve mumbled before whispering something to soda, covering one side of his mouth so you wouldn’t see. you rolled your eyes at his immature antics—not finding them amusing when it doesn’t involve you as much.
“what was that?”
“nothin’, y/n…”
he answered with a giggle as soda looked flustered and annoyed. steve practically skipped away, leaving the two of you alone.
even though you two knew each other since grade school, the air in the garage was awkward. like the two of you didn’t know how to start a conversation in your 16–almost 17–years of living.
with that you went on a rant about a rumour goin’ around. ‘it’s total bullshit!’ you’d shout with a huff. what was this rumour? you n’ soda are secretly dating.
“that’s insane.”
“i know! and it’s like—i do love you like that it’s jus-“
OF COURSE YOU HAD TO SCREW IT ALLL UP BY SAYING SOMETHIN’ STUPID! you’re soo cool for that, y/n. wow. good job.
soda paused, his body tensed before a sigh left his lips. he chuckled, standing up straight as he slammed the hood of the door closed, looking over to you with a smile.
“well—it ain’t really a rumour, is it?”
“…it isn’t?”
“not if you’re free at 8 tomorrow.”
maybe you’re both stupid, maybe you’re both young, or maybe it’s actually gonna work out this time. you smiled as you nodded, confirming you had no plans.
“oh my glory—finally.”
“I MEAN, FINALLY. am i gonna be the best man, soda woda😍?”
“hell nah.”
“man, fuck you and your loving partner. happy ass couple, pissin’ me off in my own store.”
Darry Curtis ;
chocolate cake. who doesn’t love it? sure as hell not the boys that run in and out of the curtis’ house, stuffing their faces with this. they eat it like they’ve never eaten in their lives.
apparently it was up to you and darry to supply the next batch. darry (and the boys) announced it oddly ominously.
“we’re low on the supply.”
“….supply of what, darry? …what’re you’re jobs again?”
“OHHH. yeah okay—let’s go make some.”
and that’s how it started. you flicking flour at darry’s darkened hair, making jokes about him ‘finally looking his age,’ darry laughing as you stood there with pride before he grabbed you by the waist and picked you up, putting you on the opposite side of him.
‘he wants me sooo bad😭😭😂😂’ ‘they looks so pretty when they’re smiling.’
duality of man am i right
caught up in the moment, giggles filling the room, your mind empty, you began to mumble somethin’ stupid to yourself.
“jesus—i love you.”
darry hummed, wide eyed with brows raised as he turned his head to face you. you stared back—an awkward expression across your face.
all darry did, however, was lightly chuckle as he brushed back a strand of your hair that fell out of place.
“you’re a real treat.”
he’d mumble before confessing somethin’ stupid just as you did.
“i love you too. always have, y’know.”
the cake was forgotten about for 10 minutes. within said time—you two were giggling about the times you tried to confess to one another
“kissing? in front of my cake?”
“i knew it…”
“ight…are y’all done?”
Steve Randle ;
steve got into another fight—real bloody and real ugly. and who’s job was it to patch him up—as always? you, of course! who else would it be other than his ‘bestest friend’?
“glory, steve! who were you fightin’? the hulk?”
“with the way i was fightin’—i might as well be the hulk. you shoulda seen me!”
he began to mimic the punches he threw earlier as he sat on your kitchen counter—mumbling small ‘bam!’s and ‘boom!’s. you chuckled quietly as you dampened several cotton balls with the alcohol.
“yeah, you wish.”
“you jus’ don’t see the vision.”
steve mumbled, rolling his eyes as you brought the cotton balls up to his open wound on his cheek. he hissed with pain at first, searching for your hand to squeeze.
you realized what he was doing—your ears beginning to burn up. you allowed him to grab your hand, letting him use this as a way to ease the pain.
“i’m doin’ this to help you, steve!”
“oh my god—shut up! i love you n’ all, but shut up!”
steve stopped his over exaggerated complaining to look at you with parted lips, his face getting red.
“like…love, love? or just ‘i love you, man’?”
he tried to get clarification so he doesn’t start geeking in front of you like a loser over something he could’ve gotten wrong.
“like—i love, love you.”
you mumbled, putting down the cotton ball as you tried to regain your posture. ruining it all by saying somethin’ stupid was always somethin’ you thought you’d do—but never actually do.
steve slowly got a grin on his face—seemingly ecstatic at the news. he jumped off the counter before putting both hands on your shoulders.
“really?! ‘cuz i’ve always thought you’d never feel the same, and i’ve always been so scared about that! the gang’s not gon’ believe me!”
he rambled, smiling from ear to ear as he said he felt the same way as you. maybe being an idiot sometimes ain’t all that bad.
“‘m the gonna be the best boyfriend ever.”
“i know you will be.”
Two-Bit Mathews ;
drinking was you two’s favourite pass time. you always said he made the hangovers bearable—he always said you made drinking way more fun.
stumbling out of bucks bar, you grabbed onto two-bit’s arm to stabilize you. he chuckled before wrapping an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in close.
“didn’t know i was that irresistible.😍”
you pushed away from him, laughing to yourself as two-bit took a step closer—obviously way more sober than you are.
walking down the sidewalk at night, talking about whatever topic came to mind. sure, most of your nights consist of doing this. and sure, your mind always wanders to how cute he looks under the streetlights.
but WHO CARES?! you need to know what happened in the newest episode of the mickey mouse club house!!😖😖
you looked over at two-bit who’s hands seemed to be flying everywhere as he complained about what goofy and donald had been doing.
“i love you.”
“AND THEN HE-what?😀”
he paused in the middle of his sentence, whipping his head around to look over at you. maybe it was the drunken haze that made you say somethin’ stupid—you didn’t really care.
“yeah. always have.”
two-bits silence scared you more than the confession—the anxiety causing you to sober up slightly. however, the wide grin he got and the small chuckles eased you back.
“cool! i-i mean—cool. i love ya too.”
two-bit said—his words coming out quickly and jumbled together. he cleared his throat with tightened lips before wrapping an arm around your shoulders once more—expect you don’t pull away.
he later continued his rant about goofy and donald—holding you close.
“so…what made you realize😍🥰?”
“i like loser men.”
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jwanniie ¡ 7 months
ik hanni's so soft, but can you make a fic like I kinda wanna see her as a fuck girl 😭 liek girlie be fuckin girls left and right
And she's like a bball/foot ball player and ur like innocent and ofc a VIRGIN
Mean gp hanni please, and also take ur time 😓
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Pairings: G!p Fuck girl basketball player Hanni x fem reader!
Word count: 1,4
Warnings: unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your Willy), use of aphrodisiac, manipulation, corruption kink, p in v, fuck girl hanni, virgin reader, reader gets called kitty, little bit of teasing, not proofread, and just filthy smut!!
Jwans note: I managed to make this kinda soft🫣🤷‍♀️
You hated basketball, and you hated Hanni. Or maybe you hated basketball because of hanni?
Hanni was one of the most popular basketball players in your whole school, and the most arrogant one. She had girls literally flooding her house everyday or all over her in the school cafeteria.
You’ve heard some of the nastiest rumors about her, from the same girls that she has fucked dumb and threw away the next day, it got to the point that there were no more girls to fuck in your school, she had to “re-fuck” and that was one of the things that she hated. She wanted something new and different, not something she already got to have her fun with. She got bored easily and that’s just her habit.🤷‍♀️
You hated her because of her mean attitude and the way she treated the girls after she got to have her fun with them. Well hate is a big word, dislike is more like it.
You never hanged out with type of people like Hanni. She was way out of your league and you liked your own small group of friends. You guys weren’t nerd but you weren’t popular, you guys just had your grades on the top of the list. You cared for your future and career. So after the cute kindergarten crush and date you had, you never went out nor had some kind of hook up in some available room in those frat parties like most people your age did.
You heard the unnecessary rumor in your school, about your friend group being a pack of losers and virgins. You have no idea who spread that information, but there was nothing to deny except the losers part. You honestly didn’t know what was wrong with being a virgin or not having much experience. But still you had to torment the laughing of the mean girls and the laughing of the fuck girls.
Hanni found the thing, quite alluring actually. The idea of fucking a virgin pussy and virgin mouth, didn’t fail to make blood pressure in her cock and also she’d put you in the list of the girls she has already fucked, so it’s a win win situation for her.
But the real question is…How will she get you under her spell?! You were a hard person to impress or to make a move on, so if she acted nice and kind around you, that won’t impress you.She need more smart and easy way to blind you under the sheets.
The teacher has been nagging about her needing a tutor because of the constant basketball practice and the basketball games. So she have been missing out on lots. Hanni recommended you as her tutor, you were shocked that she even acknowledged you, you were gonna deny but the wide smile the teacher gave and the loud “Good choice” she muttered made you change your mind and accept being her tutor. What is the worse that could happen?
Days come and go as fast as wind, and here you are in front of her door, the first tutoring session. Bringing your hand to knock on the wooden surface. You gave two soft knocks, and not long after, a figure stood tall in front of you. She was wearing grey sweatpants and her teams basketball shirt.
You couldn’t help but let your eyes travel down to her crotch, the visible little bump in there. She saw how you eyed her length she gave a little dirty chuckle. “Shall we go inside?”
You gulped before meeting her lust filled eyes and nodded hurriedly. The little look she had on her face, made anticipation burn right under your belly button.
You sat down on her black leather couch crossing your legs and she stood in front of you.
“Do you want coffee, tee or juice?” She asked you heading towards her kitchen, you registered what she said. “Juice is fine!” You answered politely.
You waited for her patiently, your bag on your lap, playing with all of the cool zippers and pockets before her figure came with a tray of what you think is Orange Juice and heart chocolates. You honestly don’t know about this combo of Orange juice and chocolate, but you are here as a guest so you must be grateful for what she offers you.
You took the glass of juice from the tray and took a little sip, she offered you heart chocolates with a little smirk. Your heart told you to not take it but your brain shouted otherwise and you obviously went with your brain.
“Taste these new chocolates, I bought them from a cool shop near here!”
You mumbled a low ‘thank you’ and took a bite from the heart chocolate. “It’s good!” You said with a warm smile on your face. “I know” she smiled back at you, or not a smile, it was more like a grin.
You started the tutoring session, it was going peacefully and perfectly, before you felt your panties soaked, you were so wet that you swore that there is a probably a stain on her couch. But what confused you was,why were you aroused? There was no particular reason for you to be this wet.
You felt that your clit was ten times more sensitive and you felt like a horny rabbit, even the slightest touches of her hand on your burning form was enough to make the most sinful noises come out. She saw how you were biting your lip or stuttering when her knee brushed against yours. The drug finally did it work and she loved seeing you in this vulnerable state.
You tried rubbing your soaked pussy against the couch, but soon stopped due to the noises that threatened to fall. She wrapped her hand on your thigh, dangerously close to your heat.
She started groping and rubbing the soft flesh. And you couldn’t help yourself and you let out a moan, your hand immediately found it way on top of your mouth, your eyes wide at the sound you just let out.
She gave once again one of her dirty chuckles “if you want me to touch you this badly you could just tell me kitty!” Her index and middle finger found it way over your clothed clit and started rubbing it.
“Fuck- baby you have a waterfall down here” your breath hitched, your brain too occupied with pleasure and the feeling of wanting more that you are not processing what she said. She took off your pants and started toying with your soaked pussy, playing with your folds, thrusting her knuckles in then pulling immediately out, or pinching your sensitive pearl.
And suddenly all of her touches were gone. Her sweats were getting too uncomfortable and suffocating for her, with one swift motions her clothing was discarded on the same pile as your pants.
She aligned herself with your walls before pushing in, your virgin pussy suffocating her cock in the most delicious way ever.
“Fuck kitty, your pussy is hugging me so tight.” Her eyes were shut close and yours were too. Your sobs echoed through the room walls, you were desperate for more. Her hips started rocking against yours gently, the head of her cock discovering places nobody has ever visited. She gripped on your waist like she could just collapse any moment, the grip so tight that you are sure there is now a red or purple marks there
“I’m the first and only one who is going to run this pussy” she muttered before her face leaned against yours, her lips swallowing your high pitched moans.
Her pace started being desperate, hammering her hips against yours, sweaty skin slapping sounds echoing, moans and groans the only thing your brain processing. Her lips captured yours, the kiss messy and sloppy, exchanging saliva and her tongues sucking on yours.
Your pussy was now swallowing her length even tighter, “Hanni I-I’m close” you uttered, it was more like a moan but she could understand you.
“M-me too kitty m-me too!” She groaned. Her tips continued abuse made you clench once more around her before your orgasm washed over you, leaving you exhausted. Your first ever orgasm.
You felt your insides being flooded with warm sticky liquid and you realized that she came. She snuggled onto you, her hands wrapping around your exhausted form. And your hands around her neck. You knew that you had to take a shower soon, but you want to enjoy this moment for now.
445 notes ¡ View notes
luvnoirs ¡ 7 months
senior night
paring: paige x fem!reader synopsis: paige asks you to be her girlfriend during senior night warning(s): none ! (sfw) word count: 1.2k
a/n: this was a request (i changed it just a bit) and i feel like i kinda rushed it a little cause i wanted to hurry and give y'all something so im sorry for that 😭
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you only had one goal tonight: do not cry.
it was senior night at uconn tonight and since you were extremely close friends with the women's basketball team, you stood in the crowd cheering on as the seniors on the team began receiving their plaques. you knew that regardless of their decision to stay at uconn or persue their career beyond college, your friendship with the girls would never falter. you would even call them your sisters and you successfully held back tears at the sight of watching them be recognized for all their hard work and contribution to the huge legacy that uconn holds.
though as one particular blonde started walking across the gym floor along with her family members, you felt your heart tug.
you had just seen her before the game, wishing her good luck with a swift kiss on the cheek and a sweet smile. if you two weren't in front of a sold-out crowd and cameras showcasing the game on national television, you would have given her that kiss on the lips like you've been doing for the past few weeks.
at first, you two thought it was nothing. it was normal for friends to kiss each other, right? though with one too many shots at ted's one night and an entire dorm room to yourself, one thing led to another, and shortly, the two of you became casual sex partners. you both agreed not to let it ruin your friendship and that it was just for fun, but you couldn't help but start feeling something that was more than platonic for the girl.
though the complicated friendship between you and paige might've been a secret to everyone else, it didn't go unnoticed by your friend azzi. the girl was constantly nagging you about the two of you making things official, but you simply didn't have the courage to tell paige how you really felt about her.
moments later, all the seniors began to line up to say a special speech, and one by one they all went, leaving paige to be the last one to speak.
she grabbed the microphone from aubrey and spoke, "uh, i can't put into words what this program has meant to me—what you guys have meant to me..."
and as she continued speaking, you felt your smile grow. even before you and paige started seeing each other exclusively, you've always been friends and loved each other, so you know exactly what she's been through and how much she struggled behind closed doors.
you can remember being there to comfort her last season when she was out due to her injury. paige had shown up to your dorm, her usual happy expression replaced with a straight face and watery blue eyes. you two had spent that night watching tv and talking about the most random topics to take paige's mind off of missing the season as she snuggled into you on your couch.
and ever since that day, it has become your ritual. paige spent at least one night a week over at your dorm, even sleeping over until the next day some times. she even bothered to stop giving you a heads up and just used the spare key that you had given her to let herself in whenever she pleased.
you let out a quiet laugh at the memory of her walking in while your back was turned, and she thought it would be a good idea to scare you. and after that day, she swore to never sneak up on you again after ending up with a nasty bruise on the side of her face due to the force of your fast reflex.
"and one more thing—and i just know she's gonna kill me for this, but i've spent these past few days trying to figure out how to do this." paige said as the crowd grew quiet in anticipation.
your eyes squinted in confusion as you watched her. you were just as confused as everyone else.
"but tonight is special, so i thought, why not do it tonight? a huge reason why this won't be my last senior night is because of a very, very special woman who has helped me through my tough times and has, in general, made me a better person. without her, or, of course, my fellow teammates, i'm not sure i would have made it through this season so far, and i just want to thank her for being there for me."
the crowd erupted in more cheers, some even shedding a few tears, while you stood with your mouth open, wondering what the hell she was talking about.
"i don't want to make this too sappy or take up too much of your time, so with that being said, i want to ask y/n to come up here, please."
your heart sank. at first, you thought you were hearing the wrong thing, but since the team already knew where you were seated, they all turned towards you and began cheering. i stood in shock as they gestured for me to come down onto the gym floor as the rest of the crowd began clapping and whistling. i watched as a few of the teammates started jumping around with red and pink balloons and a few signs, one of 'i love you'. you wondered how they even managed to hide that.
with a hand over your mouth, you began excusing yourself as you made your way past the fans and down the stairs to the main floor. paige stood in the middle with the microphone still in her hand and a huge smile on her face. your feet felt like they were glued to the ground, and she must've noticed, so she began walking towards you instead.
"y/n, i couldn't tell you why i didn't do this sooner because, honestly, i've loved you since our freshman year here..."
and as paige continued, you felt yourself finally cry. with a huff, you tried to wipe them away before they fell but it was just too many tears escaping at once. her long legs allowed her to reach you in no time and she lifted her free hand to softly wipe the tears that you failed to catch with the pad of her thumb.
"... so, i want to ask you to officially be mine," paige handed the microphone to aaliyah who was nearby, and grabbed my face with both of her hands. "will you be my girlfriend?"
you barely had any time to blink because, as soon as you said yes, the blonde engulfed you in a hug, lifting you off the floor to even spin you around. the crowd loved it.
"paige!" you laughed, as she finally placed you back on your feet. you placed your hands on top of your head in disbelief. "you... i can't believe you did this! you could've asked me on a regular wednesday afternoon, and i would've said yes."
paige scoffed, "you know i'm extra and gotta go all out."
your response was cut short by the rest of the team bombarding you with hugs and more cheers.
"you guys were behind all this?" you asked them, and they all nodded.
"girl, everyone knew about you two. it was so obvious." ice said knowingly, and the rest of the team nodded in agreement. "and jana you owe me ten bucks."
"you guys did not make a bet on me." paige said in disbelief, and jana shrugged.
"i didn't think you would actually do it.”
and as the rest of the team went on in conversation, you grabbed your girlfriend's hand and placed a kiss on the back of her palm.
"i love you."
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thehouseofurmotha ¡ 2 months
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ミミ❤*•.¸♥ 𝓜𝔂 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮 ♥¸.•*❤彡彡
Pairing: Shinso x reader
Soulmate au! I looooove soulmate au's in this one the first words you speak to your soulmate is tattoo'd somewhere on your body! There are other types of soulmates tho like more subtle ones too where you crave whatever your soulmate is eating, have a clock that counts down etc etc. Also I fear I did not have the patience to write all of the events for the sports festival so it kinda sucks 😭
Okay giving y/n a quirk in this one too
Quirk: Sakura! You can create sakura leaves, with the leaves you can control them similarly to how Hawks can control his feathers, while also being able to create things out of your petals.
Downsides: migraines from over use, as well as the more you push your quirk the weaker the items you make become. (Imagine this is present mics voice guys)
Warnings: Sports festival arc 😔, swearing, angst
Summery: Meeting your soulmate goes happens in the most unexpected way.
You fight shinso in the first round instead of Midoriya
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"THE SPORTS FESTIVAL?" The class all shouts in unison, after what they had just went through, they weren't sure if this was the best idea.
"Yeah, Aizawa-Sensei are you sure that's a good idea after the USJ attack?" Kaminari is the one to voice everyone's concerns.
"That's a valid concern Kaminari, but the Sports Festival is the most watched sports event across the world. Before the development of quirks people watched the Olympics, but now if you enjoy watching competition you're watching the U.A. sports festival. It's not something that we can just simply cancel. Security will be increased tenfold compared to other years." This seemed to satisfy your classmates concerns. Trusting whole heartedly what there teacher has to say. "You guys will have the next two days to prepare. Don't take this lightly, pros from all over the country will be watching and scouting."
And with that he dismisses the class, allowing you and your classmates to go change into your uniforms and work on training.
You work on allowing yourself to propel yourself through the air with your petals. You forge them to make wings of sorts on your back. It works pretty well, but flying in the air is definitely something you'll need to get use to. Ending back on the ground due to an overwhelming nausea caused from motion sickness.
Aizawa throws a bottle of water at you, it hits your arm causing you to look up at him. "Smart way to use your power, being in the sky can give you many advantages while doing hero work."
"Thank you Aizawa-Sensei." The water quickly helps you feel better, and the praise from your teacher puts a smile on your face. Knowing that you're on the right track gives you the motivation to keep going.
As the school day finally ends, you're tired but there's a feeling of satisfaction knowing that all your hard work will be put on display at the School Sports Festival. Not just any school either, U.A. the top hero school that you somehow managed to get into. You honestly don't really remember how you did it, you do know that you scored extremely high on the entrance exam. This entire school year has felt like a fever dream.
The only thing that you think could make it any more feverish, was to meet your soulmate. You knew that this was the age where quite a lot of people ended up meeting their soulmates, and you desperately hoped it would be the case for you. Being able to grow up with your soulmate, would be a blessing. With this, there was also that voice in the back of your head that you never would meet them. It's definitely not an unheard of thing, some people just never do find their fated partner.
There were many different ways people found out who their soulmate was. You were lucky enough to have the most obvious form, the first words your soulmate will ever speak to you is tattooed on your body. Yours is on your side specifically. The words aren't the most romantic, but they bring you comfort saying, 'so you have an impressive Quirk huh?, I've never seen anything like it'
You still desperately craved to meet your soulmate. And as you drifted to sleep that night, you thought about them. And who they might be.
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The day of the sports festival had finally arrived. You sit in the 1-A waiting room feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. You really wanted this to go well for you. To have the pro hero's see you and scout you for internships. It was such a exciting idea. They announced that the first event would be an obstacle course. With your ability to fly this should be a piece of cake for you.
As they announced the start, it suddenly dropped to frigid temperatures and you watch as multiple people get Frozen to the ground. You managed to react quickly enough to get yourself in the air before it manages to reach you. As you get into the sky you see 3 different people ahead of you.
Many people may be competing to the winner of the first event, but all you wanted to do was stand out, but not enough that people would think you're too much of an enemy.
You manage to make it through the first round coming in 5th place and you're more than happy about it. You take the time between rounds to allow yourself to breath, you hoped that you hadn't used to much power flying for the entirety of round one. But whether you did or not, you would keep pushing through.
Midnight announced that the second round would be a cavalry battle. Depending on what place you came during the obstacle course, determined how many points you were worth. Other than the first place winner, who had a million points. Every person higher than the last had 5 points added. So the person in 42nd place had 5 points and then it went up from there.
Since you had come in 5th place, you were worth 185 points. You were so glad that you hadn't fight so hard to be in first place. Part of you pitied Midoriya for the large target that would be placed on his team.
At some point, while you had been lost in thought. A certain purple headed tired looking guy had started walking towards you. You snap out of your thought to see him standing in front of you. You hadn't seen him around before, so you figured that he wasn't in the hero course class 1-B. Maybe a support course student by the look of it.
"So you have an impressive Quirk huh?, I've never seen anything like it." As the words come out of his mouth a burning sensation starts in your side and spreads throughout you. You freeze, staring at him in shock. You realized that the moment you spoke, he would know who you were. He would know that you're his soulmate.
Before you can even think you start running away from him. You want to turn around, to speak to him but your body won't let you.
A second later your snapped back into reality, crashing into someone's chest. You look up and realize that it was Todoroki. You immediately move backwards and start muttering out apologies.
"Oh, it's okay y/n. Are you okay?" He looks at you with what you think may be concern.
"Oh yeah I'm okay!" You give him your normal positive attitude, you couldn't let what just happened distract you.
"I was coming to find you anyways, it seems you don't have a team so will you be on mine?" You give him a small nod in response.
"Of course, I promise to do my best." With that you smile and are warned that the cavalry battle is starting soon.
Somehow in the matter of 15 minutes, your team managed to get the one million headband and win. You honestly feel as though you had blacked out, still distracted by what had happened earlier. But you did your part, and so did the rest of your team resulting in the win.
The last part of the sports festival was finally upon you. The one on one individual battles. You were horrified to find out that you would be fighting against him, who you found out is named Hitoshi Shinsou. Your soulmate, who didn't know he was your soulmate.
Well your lost in thought, Ojiro comes over to you. In your time at U.A. you and him had started to become friends.
"Y/n you cannot speak to him while fighting." He looks so serious as he says this.
"Uh why?" You're genuinely puzzled at this, not that you really wanted to say anything to him.
"His quirk is brain washing, the second you speak to him he can get you to do anything he wants. That's how he got me to join his team, that's why I dropped out." You feel bad for him, knowing how excited he was about the sports festival.
"Thanks for the heads up Ojiro." Part of you wants to keep this in mind, but all you want to do is talk to him.
"I know this may sound selfish, but beat him for you and me." And with that he walks away leaving you to prepare yourself for your battle.
Internally you start to freak out, not knowing if you could do this. And suddenly all the time has passed, and you're standing in the arena waiting for midnight to tell you to start. Your heart beats so fast you think it might beat right out of your chest.
"Let the battle begin!" Midnight calls out and everything suddenly feels so much more real. This is actually happening, and there's actual pro hero's watching your every move.
"So your the girl that ran away from me earlier? Well there's no running now." There's a smirk on his face, like he's over confident.
You remain silent carefully creating petals but keeping them out of sight from him.
"Hm? Still nothing to say, what a shame. Of course a pretty face like yours has nothing to say. No opinions, no nothing just meant to sit there and look pretty." You know he's just trying to get into your head, and you hope that if he knew he wouldn't be saying this things.
Once you feel you've made enough petals, you quickly shoot them out to restrain him. Pushing him closer and closer out of bounds.
"Ooo look pretty girls got a pretty quirk. Fitting huh." You take a good look at him. Studying his features. You can see on his face you knows he isn't going to win. Not if he doesn't get you to speak.
"You know you're lucky, to have such a hero like quirk. People like me, who don't have physical type quirks what are we supposed to do?" You can head the pain in his voice, you can feel his pain. And it starts to cloud your judgment. But you keep pushing to get him out of bounds. He is certainly fighting back.
"So this is how it's going to go? You're not actually going to fight me? Fine, be a coward."
This almost gets you to respond to him. But you know you can't, you have to win this battle. It feels like your future career as a pro hero depends on it. You need to stand out, to let people see you.
Finally you get him right to the edge. And for some reason, you start to cry.
"What the fuck are you crying about? Does the pretty girl feel bad for not giving me a chance to put up a real fight." And with that you push him out of bounds and he looks at you with hatred.
You take a deep breath, feeling it go all the way through your lungs, "I'm sorry you had to find out like this."
You immediately see the shock in his eyes as he clutches he's side.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? You knew this whole time you fucking knew. You- you fucking hid this from me. And you tell me now of all fucking times. You're genuinely an awful fucking person. I wish you had just kept your mouth shut." The longer he rants the louder he gets and you're sure the whole stadium could hear him. You start to sob harder as he starts to come towards you. He doesn't look like he wants to hurt you but it's clear he's not happy either.
Before he can reach you he's knocked out by Midnights quirk. You fall to your knees sobbing and begging his unconscious body for forgiveness. Quickly you brought away from the prying eyes of the audience by Midnight.
At some point you ended up in a room with both Midnight and Aizawa.
"Alright kid, do you know why he got so angry? I mean I get losing sucks but that was a different type of angry." Aizawa, your teacher is the one who breaks the silence.
"It's my fault- it really is- he's- he's my soulmate and I figured this out earlier before the Cavalry battle began. I couldn't break myself to speak to him after he spoke to me first. So I ran away. But then- after the match ended I couldn't stop myself- I didn't mean to speak to him- but I did- and it's my fault.." You stare out the ground, not brave enough to look up at either Aizawa or Midnight. Some hero you'll be.
"Alright kid, I'm only gonna say this once so you better listen alright?" You just give a small nod to let him know you're listening. "You were put in a rough spot, you found out during a time where you were already under a load of pressure. You didn't know how to handle it, sure you didn't go about it in a great way. But you're a teenager." He sighs, you look up with him and is met with tired eyes. Just like his.
Midnight chimes in, "It's just fate hun, this is how you were supposed to meet. And I know it may be scary now but it'll work out." Aizawa just grunts in agreement.
"Thank you.." It comes about barely a whisper but they hear it.
"He should be awake soon, we're only on the second match of the first round and you'll be last in the second, so you should have some time to talk to him if you so please." With that statement from Midnight, her and Aizawa leave the room. Leaving you alone with just your thoughts.
Before you have time to think about it, your legs are bringing you to Recovery girls office where he was being held.
You pace in front of the door for 5 minutes before gaining the courage to knock. You hear a gruff 'come in' and you know that he's awake. You take a moment before carefully opening the door.
"Oh. It's just you." He says it like he's upset, but you can see the relief on his face.
"I'm sorry, I just, I didn't know what to do." You look at him, begging silently for his forgiveness.
He sighs, "I get it, I guess. You were in a tough spot and I probably would have done the same. I shouldn't have freaked out on you."
"It's okay, I deserved it."
"No, you didn't I was out of line. I have a lot to work on if I ever want to be a hero."
"I think we both do." As your gaze meets his again, suddenly you realize how everything has changed.
"Thank you though, for not actually fighting me. I don't think I would have been able to live with myself if I had caused you pain." He looks up at you, with his knees pulled to his chest and his head resting atop of them."
You give him a slight nod in response not knowing what to say. "You know, I always wondered what scenario would cause my soulmate to be telling me they're sorry we had to meet like this. But I guess I get it now."
"Your words to me were so much better than mine. You deserve better, and I'll spend my entire life trying to be the better you deserve." His eyes widen and it looks like he might cry.
"We'll do it together." And then everything in the world feels right. Like this is exactly where your meant to be.
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Alright chat I fear I did not eat this one up 😔 but we thug it out. I've spent to long on this trying to figure out out so I give up 😞😞 please forgive me if it's bad 🙏 as always my requests are open and happy reading! <3
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starleska ¡ 1 year
So what I get is that most fans are spreading rumors about clown being hacked or putting words in his mouth, and some are treating him like a child who needs to be protected at all cost (which is kinda creepyďżźďżź ďżźbehavior). And this is happening because he made a NSFW tag, right? What a way to wake up to.
hello anon! yes, you've hit the nail on the head - i'm so sorry that this was what you woke up to! it certainly had my heart rate up for a bit 😭💖 here's the situation (apologies for the long post):
Clown has now made an official separate tag for NSFW content, #PlayfellowXXX. this is excellent! much like Toby Fox did with the #Undertail tag, NSFW fanworks creators now have a separate space to place their work, meaning that individuals who don't want to see that content don't need to.
Wally Darling and Frank Frankly Voice Actor F. Frankie Frankenstein confirmed that this was real, and a decision made by the Welcome Home team.
this was quickly corroborated by Clown, who said that they have not been hacked, and he just needed some time to adjust to all of the new attention. they also found the whole outcry quite funny!
after this, Welcome Home team member Anonymous Puzzler also said that this was a mutual decision between the team, and specifically said that it wasn't coerced in any way. she also confirmed that NSFW was never prohibited in the first place - it was just asked to be private while they worked everything out.
during this time, there were a variety of reactions from people. many were elated; some were confused; others were angry and/or upset. some believed Clown was hacked; others believed he was coerced; others acknowledged its veracity, but were saddened/angered all the same.
to recap: NSFW content has never been banned, according to the Welcome Home team: they just wanted time to work out the best way to protect younger people and those who don't want to see that kind of content in an enormous fandom. the team's preference is now for all Welcome Home NSFW content to go under the tag #PlayfellowXXX. this is a decision Clown and the team have reached organically, without coercion, and for the betterment of the fandom.
there is a significant portion of folks who are distressed by this news, and who are assigning thoughts and feelings onto Clown without knowing him personally. i don't think this is terribly healthy. it's okay if you don't like NSFW fanworks; having a separate tag means you can block/blacklist, and not have to see it!
personally, i think this is a wonderful idea. i'm saddened by the backlash NSFW creators are receiving in the wake of this news - especially as someone who received some of that hate, despite never having made NSFW content for Welcome Home!
i'm also baffled by the repeated assertion that Clown has somehow been coerced into this decision by 'porn-addicted weirdos'. the Welcome Home fandom has been extraordinarily respectful of the private NSFW rule...now, it's okay for people to make NSFW content for Welcome Home, guys. we literally got the green light 😅
the creator is an adult, the characters are adults, and it's a horror project which will deal with mature themes. this really is the best way the team could've handled this kind of project suddenly getting an enormous audience with a lot of younger people! no one is 'more deserving' of being in the fandom, and no one is 'better' than anyone else for making or not making a certain kind of fanwork. certainly, no one 'owns' a tag, character, or fandom - it is a courtesy to have a separate space so that people can avoid NSFW content if they want to.
at the end of the day, i hope those who are upset get a chance to rest, and realise this isn't the end of the world. i understand how hard this might be, especially if NSFW content is a real no-go for you. but everyone's fandom experience is different, and i promise you, the NSFW creators aren't making that content just to make you, personally, feel bad! 💖 if you see someone posting in the wrong tag, or who has outdated information, just politely let them know, or mute/block/scroll on as you need to.
now, i realise i'm breaking my own rule about not weighing in on discourse...but i have so many Welcome Home followers and wanted to make this easily accessible 🙏 i hope this clears up any questions people have.
to the NSFW creators - have fun! to those who'd rather not see NSFW content - take care of yourself! i hope you all have a wonderful day :3c
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kitten4sannie ¡ 2 years
Ok ok listen to me. I need to share this. Drabble idea. woo + san get their ass ate. That's it. That's the ask.
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the gifs pleasee 😭 listen i’m not much of a top but this ask opened my third eye bro like i actually ascended after writing this 😵‍💫 also this is my first time writing from a totally dom perspective but i kinda went off i gotta say 👀 (and i never thought i would have a mommy kink yet here i am 🧍🏻‍♀️) thank you for requesting something so mind-numbingly hot, my friend 🥹🖤
𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒’𝓈 𝒞𝑜𝓂𝓅𝒶𝓃𝓎
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Boyfriend! Wooyoung x Fem! Reader x Friend! San
Genre: smut
Summary: Things take an interesting turn during game night.
W.C: 2.2k
Warnings: alcohol use, dom! reader, sub! san, sub! wooyoung, threesome, mxm, subspace, use of the word ‘mommy’, sex is referred to as ‘playtime’, praise, oral (receiving), handjob, cum swapping, kissing (it gets a little messy), rimjobs, brief nipple play (m receiving), cum eating
“So how’s the whole open relationship thing going?” San asked, bringing his almost-empty beer up to his lips and swallowing the rest down.
“Really good,” Wooyoung nodded, leaning back in his chair a bit, one hand holding his uno cards, his other one settled on your thigh.
San tossed the empty beer into the trash and cracked open another one, taking a few chugs of it, letting out a sigh of satisfaction after. “Have you guys had a threesome yet?”
As you were reaching for another card in the deck in front of you, your fingers froze for a second, a crooked smile on your face. “Oh? When did our sex life become such a hot topic?”
“It’s a genuine question,” San explained, shrugging his shoulders, his attention turning to you, watching as you drew a couple cards until you got one that you could use. “So is that a yes or a no?”
Feeling Wooyoung squeezing your thigh and giving you a shy smile, you bit your lip and reached for your own beer, finishing it off. “Want to take a guess, Sannie?”
Your friend poked his tongue into his cheek, his fingers pressing into the cards he was holding, almost causing them to bend. “Mm, I’d put some money down on it being a yes.”
You chuckled, your finger circling the rim of your drink. “Ding ding ding.”
One question led to another and before you knew it, you were explaining your last sexual encounter in graphic detail for your boyfriend and friend’s enjoyment, as well as your own.
“Woo loves when he goes last, but I teased him too much last time. He was so hard, he was almost in tears watching me use one of my playthings.” Giggling softly, you lowered your cards down onto the table, opting to take a swig of your beer, knowing the uno game had been long forgotten.
San was on the edge of his seat, gripping his thighs so tightly, his fingertips turned white. “How did you use them?”
Already palming Wooyoung’s hard cock from underneath the table with your free hand, you let out a small huff of air, finding it adorable how flushed San’s face was, though it could’ve been due to the beers he had been chugging that night. “I made them eat me out, of course. I didn’t let them come up for a breather either, but that’s how they prefer it.”
Wooyoung leaned his body against yours, nudging your collarbone with his head like a cat would, emitting a small whine.
You smiled, nuzzling your boyfriend’s head with your cheek. “Ahh, Wooyoung wants to start playtime. Will you be joining us?”
San swallowed so hard you could hear it from across the table, grateful that you couldn’t see how hard he already was.
Your eyes lowered slightly, your fingers squeezing Wooyoung’s pulsing length, hearing him let out a quiet moan. “You look like you want to say something, Sannie.”
“Spit it out,” you said somewhat harshly, causing your friend to lean himself into the table and bite his lip, watching him take a shaky breath in and out.
“I want that…I want you to treat me like that…and I want Wooyoung to…play with me…”
Glancing over at Wooyoung who was already giving you the same look he always gave you before playtime, you returned your gaze to San. “Now, was that so hard to say?”
Your friend quickly shook his head, his blond hair swaying back and forth.
“Good, now get up.”
“Having fun, Sannie?” Lying comfortably on your bed with your legs spread open, you held San’s face down against your cunt, hearing him let out a few muffled noises of approval as he eagerly lapped at your clit.
San caressed your thigh with one hand and used the other to plunge two digits into your dripping hole, his movements only faltering when he felt Wooyoung grab his ass from behind and spread it apart.
“Are you going to taste Sannie while he tastes me, baby?” you asked your boyfriend, knowing he was already deep in subspace.
“Yes, Mommy…” Wooyoung spit on his fingers and rubbed them over San’s entrance, idly prodding at it in order to test the waters. “As long as I don’t touch myself, I can taste him as much as I want, right?”
“That’s right, baby. Now, go on…” You ran your fingers through San’s blond hair, admiring the way he continued to lick and suck at your clit, despite already trembling and moaning from the sensation of Wooyoung’s tongue plunging into him. “Feels good, huh?”
“Uh-huhhh...” San answered, his eyes starting to disappear underneath his heavy eyelids when Wooyoung reached around and began to stroke his cock, his tongue still slipping in and out of him.
“I want you to tongue-fuck my cunt the same way my baby’s giving it to you, Sannie.”
San obeyed, spreading your outer lips apart with his thumbs and shoving his tongue inside your hole, repeatedly pushing it in and out, trying his best to replicate how Wooyoung was pleasuring him. “Ahhn…ahhh…”
“Such a good boy,” you praised shakily, tossing your head back into the pillow behind you, your thighs starting to squeeze around San’s head.
Hearing your moans grow louder and louder, Wooyoung tugged up and down on San’s cock, a fair amount of pre-cum dripping from it. “Are you gonna cum, Mommy?” he asked in a soft voice, sliding two digits inside his friend’s hole and rubbing his prostate.
“Yes, baby…!” you moaned out, barely able to raise your voice louder than San’s own whiny, desperate moans.
“Are you gonna make a mess all over Sannie’s face?” Wooyoung continued his pursuit to make his friend cum, knowing he was incredibly close based off of the way San’s cock was throbbing and leaking all over his hand.
“Y-essss…!” You let out a strangled cry, angling your head down to watch San attempt to catch all of your gushing arousal on his tongue, giving him a satisfied smile when you squirted onto his face, his hair becoming damp as well.
Almost simultaneously, San emitted a heavy groan, unable to look up at you, his eyes rolling back into his skull from how hard he was cumming, barely able to take how Wooyoung milked his cock of every last drop he had to offer.
“Mm, you look like you came nice and hard, Sannie.” You sat up, encouraging San to sit up as well, rubbing his muscular shoulders to bring him back to reality. “Come here,” you mumbled, grabbing his chin and bringing him into a passionate kiss, wanting to taste yourself on his lips.
San melted into you and kissed you back, your tongues entwining, while Wooyoung moved closer to the both of you, watching with stars in his eyes until he began to feel ignored. After a few more moments passed, he whined a bit, murmuring, “Mommy…I wanna taste too…”
You pushed San away, your lips connected by a few strands of spit mixed with your arousal, pouting in Wooyoung’s direction. “Does my baby feel left out?”
He mirrored your pout, nodding his head in an exaggerated manner, making you and San let out a collective ‘aww’.
You clutched San’s chin, as well as your boyfriend’s and slowly encouraged them to meet in the middle. San hesitated, glancing over at you as though he were asking for permission. “Go on, playboy. Give my baby a kiss.”
Only a few inches away from Wooyoung, San shut his eyes and pressed his lips against his friend’s, who eagerly slipped his tongue into his mouth.
Licking your own lips, you gripped the back of their heads near their necks and held them together, hearing them moan in unison. “Mommy’s cum tastes yummy, doesn’t it?” You slipped your fingers into Wooyoung’s peach-colored hair and idly stroked the ends of it, appreciating how he nodded his head, then opened his eyes and gazed over at you just as San began to suck on his tongue.
You let out a gentle sigh of approval, encouraging your boyfriend and friend to lean their heads in opposite directions using your hands, deepening their kiss.
Wooyoung kept his glossy eyes locked on yours, despite exploring his friend’s mouth, their spit dripping down from their chins and onto their thighs.
You let them continue their sloppy kiss until you noticed that Wooyoung’s cock appeared to be red and dripping at the tip, hearing him whine into San’s mouth. “It’s my baby’s turn to cum, okay, Sannie?” you informed casually, resting your hands on your friend’s shoulders and pulling him away from your boyfriend.
San sat there for a moment in silence, still in a daze. His brown eyes were glazed over, his cheeks were flushed, and spit still dribbled down the side of his chin.
You gave him time to recover, reaching up to pet his hair, giving his head a pat when he slowly returned to reality. “Sit over there and watch, okay? Play with your dick if you want, but I’m giving him my full attention now.”
San nodded, crawling to the other side of the mattress and plopping down against the headboard, ready for what was about to happen next.
You positioned Wooyoung on the bed in the way he always loved, his body folded up so that his lower half was up in the air, his legs near his head. “Mommy…” he exhaled, looking up at you with half-lidded eyes.
“What is it, baby?” you cooed, spreading his ass apart and massaging your thumbs into his supple flesh. “You want me to take care of you now?”
“You want Sannie to watch you moan and whine for me like the good boy you are?”
San, who was half-sitting, half-laying down near the two of you, gripped his cock tightly from hearing your words.
“Yes, please.” Wooyoung bit his bottom lip, before glancing over at his friend. “Did my Mommy taste good?”
San nodded his head adamantly, licking his lips a bit, a light blush on his cheeks. “Very good…”
“Thought so,” you mused, a satisfied smile on your face, your attention still on Wooyoung. “Now, since you were so obedient for me, you deserve a reward.” You pursed your lips, a wad of spit dripping down onto your boyfriend’s ass and sliding along it, rubbing your saliva around the rim of his tight hole.
“Thank you, Mommy…” Wooyoung moaned out, his cock twitching slightly against his lower abdomen.
“You’re welcome, baby.”
Noticing San gazing at him, Wooyoung took it upon himself to reach over and run his fingers over one of his pert nipples, sheepishly rubbing it in circles. “Touch me too, Sannie…”
San obliged instantaneously, rubbing two fingers over Wooyoung’s sensitive nubs one at a time, doing it slowly at first, then gradually speeding up once he saw that you added a finger inside Wooyoung.
Already nearing his orgasm from going untouched for so long, Wooyoung emitted a long, whiny moan when you added another finger and spread them apart so that you could slide your tongue in and out of him.
“Yeah? My baby loves being played with, huh?” you questioned in a low tone, replacing your tongue with your fingers and curling them, rubbing them against his prostate.
Wooyoung nodded quickly, his cock twitching and throbbing into his abdomen, a stream of pre-cum leaking out onto his melanin skin. “Am I a good boy, Mommy? Am I being a good boy for you?”
“You’re always such a good boy, baby…” you answered, pushing your digits inside his tight hole up to your knuckles, relishing the constant stream of moans and whimpers that Wooyoung was letting out.
“Gonna cum…gonna cum…” he echoed weakly, tears forming in the corners of his brown eyes. “M’ gonna cum for you, Mommy…!”
San groaned deeply, stroking his cock so rapidly, his upper arms started trembling from how desperate he was to cum again, a few drops of sweat falling down his temple.
“Then cum, baby…” You pounded your fingers into Wooyoung’s pulsing hole, drinking in the sight of him quivering and crying out from the immense pleasure.
A strangled yell erupted from your boyfriend’s throat, gripping the sheets of your bed so tightly he almost tore them, still making sure to look up at you when he began to orgasm. “I wanna cum inside my mouth, Mommy…” he whispered, opening his mouth, salivating so heavily that some spit dripped past his plush lips.
“My naughty boy…” you sighed, pulling your slick fingers from him and gripping his cock, positioning it near his mouth just in time for his cum to begin shooting out onto his own tongue. “You better swallow it all and show Sannie just how filthy you are.”
Wooyoung happily obliged, swallowing every last drop that landed on his tongue and inside his mouth, responding, “Ahhh…” to show the both of you that there was nothing left.
San’s soul almost left his body, his body jolting, emitting a mostly silent moan as he came, shooting his load out onto your sheets.
You laid down next to Wooyoung, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and nuzzling your face into his neck, giving him a few kisses. “Good boy…You’re my good little boy…”
He giggled, turning his body towards yours and resting his head in the crook of your neck, closing his tired eyes. “Always…”
Finally recovering, San sighed, wiping some sweat from his brow and gazing in your direction. “So is this going to be a regular addition to game night, or what?”
You sneered, side-eying San from the opposite side of Wooyoung, who was resting comfortably in your arms, already falling asleep. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Your friend gave you a suggestive smile, chiming, “Very much so.”
Apply for the taglist here ⇢ ♡
Š toxicccred, 2023.
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tojixz ¡ 2 years
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Pairing: Jake Sully x Fem!Reader
Notes: First of all I want to thank you for all the affection! Thank you so much for the likes and reblogs, I'm so happy!!! 😭💞💞 And also, I wasn't so happy with this part, I feel like it got kinda shitty, so I'm sorry if it's bad 🥲
Summary: Tuk finally comes into the family, lots of love and affection. I am horrible with summaries????
Warnings: TW!! Labor pain, a lot of anguish on mommy's part, Sully family worried.
Word Count: 3k
Skxawng (n) - Idiot
Sa'nok (n) - Mom TĂŹyawn (n) - Love
Sempul (n) - Father Yawntu (n) - Loved
Part one | Part two
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The sun was high in the sky by now. You were sitting leaning against a tree near the camp, weaving some baskets. After all, it was one of the only activities you were capable of doing right now.
Not wanting to play the victim, which you certainly are not, you were unable to do activities that required much body movement or strength. In the last few weeks you were experiencing many contractions and extreme pain. Your feet were swollen and it felt like you were carrying a Thanator on your back. Honestly, it couldn't get any worse.
Therefore, your only choice was to do simple tasks that were even assigned to children. You felt useless, it really was not a pleasant state.
But what relieved your stress was knowing that your baby will soon arrive. Soon she will be in your arms, babbling something or crying for your attention. You were anxious. Both to get rid of that awful end-of-pregnancy feeling and to finally feel the warmth of your child.
You were quiet, humming songs as you enjoyed the fresh air of your home and the sounds of nature. Definitely a planet blessed by your divinity.
A few seconds later you finished making the last basket of the day. In total there were three, which you considered to be enough so far. Deciding to take your handiwork to the people in the clan who would use it, you got up from the ground to start your way back to the camp. You certainly had a hard time getting up, heavens, your back was killing you, but nothing that a little effort wasn't enough.
That is until you felt a sharp pain in your abdomen and something warm trickle down your thighs.
No. This couldn't be what you thought it was.
A wave of panic began to wash over you as you let out agonized groans from the extreme pain you were feeling.
Why now? Why just now?? Couldn't that have waited a few minutes to happen?!
You had to act fast. You had to go to Mo'at. You had to tell them your baby was coming. But what guarantee was there that you would make it there?
Leaning against the trunk of the tree, you put your hand on your belly and start trying to breathe to calm your heartbeat, but your breath is coming in between cuts. You are losing strength in your legs and the pain is unbearable.
"Hold on baby. Just wait a little longer. We're coming…" Muttering to yourself both as a way to keep calm, and also to keep your focus on the hike, you start walking toward the camp. If you found anyone along the way, that would be good enough. They might be able to help. "Ah Great Mother… I won't make it."
Tears welled up in your eyes. You didn't want to do this alone. You couldn't. You were too afraid of what might happen.
But you also had no strength left in your body. Your legs were shaking, still trying to hold on, and your abdomen was throbbing. It was unbearable. Waves of frustration covered you as your only option was to sit back down on the floor and pray to Eywa that someone would come to help you.
You felt more and more contractions and at this point you could only scream and accept the fact that you would have to deliver the baby yourself.
What an idea of yours to distance yourself from the camp. You could be at home, in your own comfort. But you wanted and needed fresh air.
Jake had become ten times more protective of you, preventing you from going out much, or if you did, was in the company of someone. You understand his concern; you could go into labor at any moment. But it doesn't change that you still missed doing things on your own. Well, that desire of yours led to this situation at the moment.
To make matters worse, you wouldn't have the chance to find your children around, nor your husband. Jake, Neteyam and Lo'ak were out doing their daily training, and Kiri was also studying and learning with her grandmother. They are still children, but it is the best thing to learn at a young age.
With your back resting on the trunk of the tree, you begin to take deep breaths to calm your hiccups and prepare yourself for the next steps. There was no more time, you would have to do it yourself.
That is until you hear footsteps behind you.
It couldn't be a predator. Although you were not exactly in the camp, you were in a nearby location. Wild animals don't go near there because they were aware that there were too many people to deal with. So it is a safe area. But it could also only mean one thing…
It is someone walking there!
And it was just a soul she needed to call for help.
"Grandma told me to get purple seeds, but I've been looking for so long and I can't find anything! Come on…" Kiri was frustrated that she couldn't find the ingredient that her grandmother had charged her to get. But she kept walking.
Until she heard moans of pain and quiet sniffling behind a tree. This startled her a little, but then she thought 'Is anyone hurt?'
Walking cautiously to the spot to check, she came across her mother. She was on the floor looking like she was in pain, sweat covering her entire body as tears streamed from her eyes. It felt like her heart stopped for a second at the sight.
"Sa'nok? What's wrong?!", Kiri crouched down next to her mother, as she started to look around her for apparent injuries. Her eyes fell on her wet legs and her hand resting on her stomach.
"Mom… that's not-"
"Kiri! Oh heavens, thank you. Kiri, my child, go get your grandmother. I need you to get her over here as fast as you can, please!" Her voice was hoarse from crying over the pain, along with the emotion that consumed her that Eywa had listened to her prayers and directed Kiri to you.
"But mother, I can't leave you, not like this-"
"Kiri, it will be all right. I need you to get your grandmother. Now. Hurry!"
Kiri didn't even think straight before her little legs were running towards her grandmother's tent. Even if she gets there quickly, her grandmother won't be able to speed up her steps that much. Seeing her mother in that state terrified her. How long were you there suffering alone? With no one to take away her fear.
Kiri had never run so hard in her life, her lungs were burning for air and her mouth was dry. On the way to the tents, Kiri came across ikrans landing nearby. It was her father and her brothers.
"Hi babygirl, why are you in such a hurry-", Jake was cut off by the pleading voice of Kiri who was gasping for air.
"Sempul! Go to mommy, she needs your help. She's near the tree she usually stands to weave things. Now I need to go to grandma, please take care of mommy!", Kiri didn't even give her father a chance to answer or ask any questions before running back to her grandma. Jake was alarmed by his daughter's tone and her haste. Putting the pieces together, Jake's mind could only think of one thing.
His baby is coming.
Before he could even draw that conclusion, he found himself running frantically to the tree his daughter had said, being followed by his other children. "No, you go back home. Tell Kiri to stay too", Jake shouted over his shoulder, still seeing his children following him.
"We can't stay home, mommy needs help!", Lo'ak tried to argue but only received a warning look from Jake.
"Stay. I'm ordering", Jake spoke in a firmer voice, noticing how his children stopped in their running and just looked at his back. Jake wasn't sure if you would want your children watching your sister deliver her baby and they could only make the situation worse by asking questions. Therefore, he had no choice.
Concentrating on the road ahead, Jake finally arrives at the place informed and is confronted with their pleading and agonized cries. It breaks his heart. If Kiri hadn't found you, what would have happened? Would you have had to go through this alone? He imagines how terrified you must have been.
"Hey, hey, are you all right? I'm here", Jake took your hand and squeezed it gently to convey his support. You didn't have to suffer without anyone anymore.
"I look fine to you-", your speech was cut off by the scream you let out from the sudden contraction you felt. You had forgotten what a hellish pain childbirth was. Even though you had already done it twice, you will definitely never get used to the feeling. "Ah Great Mother… give me strength." More tears rolled down your face as you continued to scream and squeeze Jake's hand.
Jake was never going to get used to this phenomenon either. It was terrifying to say the least to watch the birthing process. He hated to see you suffer, hated that only you had to go through this pain. But he was thrilled at the idea that his baby was finally coming. Jake's heart was starting to soften.
A few minutes had passed with Jake trying to comfort you, his wife, until Mo'at arrived on the scene. When she arrived, she didn't even exchange words properly before going to between your legs and analyzing the situation.
"You are already very dilated. I apologize for not being here sooner, my child. But now I need you to spread your legs wider and push."
You didn't even think long before you pushed it out. You couldn't wait any longer, everything hurt. Your body felt like it was going to break in half. Jake knew you had such strength in your hand at the birth of your first child, but man, he really was always scared. It's amazing that his hand didn't break.
Your throat hurt from screaming so much, and your lower half was numb. Mo'at said that she was already starting to see the child, so she encouraged you to continue.
But how? Frankly, you were running out of strength. This is definitely the most difficult labor of the previous two. You wanted to scream at Eywa and ask her to get it over with, but you could only let out shaky sighs as you continued your labor.
This baby will be a blessing, you will love it as much as the others, you couldn't wait to hold it in your arms. But it's Jake's fault that you're lying there on the floor in pain.
After a lot of sacrifice, a lot of effort, a lot of tears and pain. You were finally able to hear your son's cry. Or rather, daughter.
It was a girl, a beautiful little girl.
You laid your head down on the support Mo'at had placed for you, while you stabilized your breathing. You were exhausted, feeling like you might pass out at any moment. Your body was disgusting and sticky, covered in sweat and blood. It was a little frustrating. But what kept you from exhaustion was the beautiful cry of your daughter. It was one of the most beautiful sounds you had ever heard.
Mo'at handed the baby into Jake's trembling hands as she thanked Eywa for the blessing. There were tears in her eyes and a wide smile on her lips.
Jake held his daughter in his arms with the greatest care in the world. Tears ran down his cheeks as he talked to the baby to calm her down. "She's so… beautiful."
You let out a weak laugh, more tears filling your eyes. You were thrilled to see Jake's infectious smile, to see your beautiful baby standing there. "Thank you, Big Mom. Thank you."
Jake brought the baby close to you and gently placed her on your chest. She was fussy, crying, but the moment she felt your mother's warmth, she calmed down. Jake helped you support the baby, since you didn't have much strength to hold her. He laughed at the way a small smile settled on the baby's mouth, resulting in an even bigger one from you.
"What's it going to be named, yawntu?", Jake asked, depositing a delicate kiss on your forehead. It was so soft that you thought you had imagined it.
Analyzing the little face of your daughter, you mentally thanked Eywa once again for blessing you with another pure little being in your life. You were very happy.
"Tuk. Tuktirey. That is the name of our new star."
"Mom, can I hold her?" Lo'ak was on his side, just looking at his little sister sleeping on the cloth that was pinned to his chest.
He was not one to admit or call others cute. But in this case it was inevitable. His new baby sister was so cute and cuddly! Her little hands clasped tightly near her mouth to bite, which looked disgusting since she had no teeth.
"If you hold it, you'll knock her over, skxawng", not even looking at her brother, Kiri said with her usual debauched tone. She couldn't take her eyes off her little sister either, her chubby body being too cute to look away.
Neteyam, like his brothers, was inside the small circle they formed around you, who were preparing dinner that day. As an older brother, he was thrilled to gain another sister. He would not speak aloud, but he was afraid that it was another boy, Lo'ak was already enough to handle. Anyway, he was also itching to hold her, but he didn't have the courage to ask like Lo'ak. But not only that, he was also afraid of knocking over or hurting his precious Tuk, so just looking at her was enough. Neteyam already loved her as much as his other brothers did.
"I know you all want to pick up and play with your sister, but she is sleeping now. When she wakes up, you guys can talk to Tuk all you want", you said looking fondly at each of your little ones, noticing the almost nil disappointment in their eyes. You let out a giggle at that.
Jake silently snuck up behind you, slipping his big arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder, depositing a lingering kiss on your neck in the process. "Yes. And anyway, only I can hold the TukTuk."
You rolled your eyes at the comment. The children frowned at their father and then said 'That's unfair!'. Jake loved to tease them.
"Sure, sure, Jake Sully", you turned your head to look into his face and deposited a gentle kiss on his lips. "Now go play! You're getting in the way of my food preparation. You too Ma'Jake."
Lo'ak didn't want to leave Tuk's side, she was stronger than he was. But Neteyam dragged him to the other corner of the hut, Kiri saying goodbye to her little sister and following right behind.
Jake and his stubborn spirit, on the other hand, remained motionless in the same place. You sighed and just continued to season the meat to put on the fire to roast later. "And the big baby, will you unglue?"
"I know you don't want me far away", he came closer to you, if it was possible, and began depositing kisses and kisses all over your neck and shoulder. That got you a few gasps and a tickle.
"Pff, how proud you are, huh."
A comfortable silence settled between you, only listening to the screams of the children, probably fighting among themselves over some toy. Neteyam seemed a little lost in the middle not knowing whether to indulge his desire to also fight, or to separate his siblings.
You were more than happy to have this family. You couldn't want anything else in your life. Eywa blessed you with everything beautiful.
Your younger self would never imagine or even think about the possibility of having a family. Your own family. And you're not sure what your former self would think. But your younger self is definitely very happy now. You can only thank Great Mother, and Jake, for coming into your life.
With each moment your heart was filled with more and more affection. So much love that it overflowed and you didn't know what to spend it on; Jake and you have surely raised the most beautiful and sweetest children in all of Pandora.
"We could have one more."
And then silence. Your movements simply stopped and you turned your face to look at him in shock.
"Jake, are you kidding? We just had another baby!"
"What? We can always do more, right?", Jake sank his face into the curve of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent as he listened to your incredulous laugh. "I can always fill you up with more."
"You are unbelievable sometimes, Jake Sully." You didn't know how to react to your husband's comment. He says that, but when your kids get ready, the first thing he says is 'No more kids!'
You removed Jake's arms from around you, turned around and put your hands on his face, then murmured, "Maybe on our next date night."
There wasn't even time for the man to react before you added to your previous sentence, "Now help me with dinner. I need to finish for you before Tuk wakes up."
Jake pulled himself together and let out a loud laugh before giving you a hug, taking care of the baby on his chest. You were startled, but couldn't stop the smile that was forming on your lips as you heard him whisper, "Thank you, for everything, my love."
"I who thank you, tĂŹyawn."
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I believe this is the last part of this story, which at the beginning I didn't even think there would be more 😭 thanks a lot for everything!!! If you want to send suggestions of what I can write or extra scenarios for this story anyway, feel free!
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rottingpirate ¡ 2 years
Can i request Ghost Soap KĂśnig with a tall male reader who super sweet to everyone and he also like to bake something like pie and he always bring everyone some when he bake something?
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Honey Lavender || Soap, Ghost, KĂśnig x M!reader
Warnings: none just fluffy baking moments, I know nothing about baking
A/N: I got kinda confused and wrote it slightly (very) differently, hope it doesn't bother you too much 😭. I can rewrite it if you like.
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As Ghost sits at the dining table and observes your fluid motions and skill, moonlight filters into the kitchen. He wasn't really watching the cooking, to be honest. Simply put, he was watching you.
He keeps watching. When he notices that you are also gazing at him, he flushes slightly, and you give him a modest smile in return.
The smile woke him up instantly. He noticed that you were more aware of your surroundings while frosting something. A piece of cake.
"What are you doing?" The man finally asked. Suddenly, he realized how tired he sounded.
"First off, you sound like a corpse. Secondly," although you didn't put down the icing spatula, you temporarily stopped icing the cake, and turned around to face Ghost. "You can't be that ignorant. You watched me bake it for, I don't know. half an hour? Why are you still awake? It's past midnight."
He raises his hands in defense and leans slightly back in his chair.
"What, it's already past midnight? But the same could be said for you." He decides to disregard your observation that he sounds like a corpse.
You grumble and turn back to your cake and continue to frost it.
"What's the point of baking so late anyway?" He rests his arms and asks questions. Since no one is up, it must have been close to two in the morning.
You appear to stiffen up and take a moment to pause before inhaling something unintelligible.
He would have missed your slightly audible words had he not made an effort to actually hear you.
"Birthday of who? Soap's? Gaz’s?” He has no idea and closes his eyes. He was aware that he had misplaced something.
"You are so stubborn." You speak suddenly with a strain in your voice. You turn around once more and point to the wall-mounted clock. It's past midnight, which means a new day has begun.
“Okay.” Ghost droops his head. "And?”
What did you mean by that?
You gasp, appearing surprised. Turning your back. "Today is...Your birthday is today. As a result, I was…" You continue.
"You were making me a cake?"
You give a tentative nod, your shoulders still tight.
"You know I'm not a fan of candy, right?"
With what can only be described as a death glare in your eyes, you turn to face him. After a split second, the expression is hard to read, and the glare softens.
Ghost has a sudden bad feeling. Very bad. "I didn't say I wasn't going to eat it, I love what you cook," he adds in.
"Sure did sound like you were hinting at it." The frosting on the cake is completed just in time.
You takes a knife, a fork, and a small plate out of the cabinet. “If you are going to eat it, then.” After slicing it into even pieces, you bring the cake and fork to him.
As he watches you take a seat next to him, Ghost takes the cake with barely a heartbeat of hesitation.
Then takes a bite. It suddenly seems like a whole cake vanished into thin air.
Ghost places the now empty plate in front of you. He joins his fingers with yours, gathering a sliver of courage. "I'm grateful". He mutters almost inaudibly while blushing a little. "Thank you."
"And finally, we must add three cups of powdered sugar." As he combines the icing, you say.
You are approximately thirty minutes into the cookie-making process, and so far everything appears to be going well. The cookies are currently cooking beautifully in the oven, which has a pleasant temperature.
"Okay, tell me, love, how is it?" He questions as you turn around and consider while peering into the bowl. You furrowed your brows slightly.
"Is it wrong?"
"Hmm, I think it needs just a little bit more sugar,"
Taking a pinch of the powdered sugar between your fingers and flicking the powder in his face, you say, "Like that," Bright red had now settled on his cheek. His eyes widened in surprise. You exclaim with pride as you laugh.
When you start innocently rolling out more dough to be cut, you notice powder particles flying and hear air blowing behind you. When you turn around, you see Soap with a shit eating grin and a white covering his hands. "Are you itchin' for a fight, MacTavish?" you tsk.
“Perhaps. However, you Y/N were the first to act." He says it way too politely.
"Then this equates to war." You say it with a subtle grin. When you do this, you put one on your lover's face as well.
"I suppose so."
You set off with those three words. It started out as nothing more than a bowl of white powder before water was eventually added to the mix. Squeals and giggles fill the air, and at one point, a metal bowl clangs against the floor. Because of the commotion you two are causing, you know that anyone who enters the kitchen might become alarmed. However, this battle was too much fun to worry about anything else.
You coughed a little when another cloud of flour was thrown in your direction. You cough even more as you lean against the counter, causing Soap to move closer to you. He stops talking when you smear a fist full of frosting across his neck and cheek. You laugh out loud, and the look on his face was priceless.
"Oh, wow. Haha."As you make fun of him, you keep laughing.
"You know that was a dirty play."
“All's fair in love and war,” you says, pointing at him as you wipe the frosting from his lips. As you clean the tip of your thumb, you say while batting your lashes.
"Watch out for what you ask for. I've never been one to easily give in." He states as you begin to walk together in a circle, you smile at him. Waiting for the other to make the first move again as they evaluate one another.
"Well, I don't believe that I need to be careful." He has frosting all over his face because of you.
He leaps toward you without speaking, making you scream childishly. He followed closely behind, his fingers covered in frosting, as he ran around the kitchen. "I only want to give you a kiss, so why are you running?" He chuckles.
You both stop on either side after making a few more laps around the table. Trying to trick the other person into going your way, facing each other. You think you've got him with one more jerk of your neck, but he was one step ahead of you.
“Gottcha.” Before you both slip and fall to the ground, he exclaims triumphantly. Both of you laugh as you land on his chest.
"Are you alright?" In the midst of your laughter, you ask.
“Yeah.” He laughs, feeling a little sluggish from the fall.
Since he has you locked in his arms, your entire weight is on him.
"Would a truce work?" As you look down at him, you say. Your hands on either side of his face and your legs straddling his waist
“I guess” He says while smiling and kissing you softly.
The perfect baking night was shared with you and KĂśnig. Given the short amount of time between missions and the flurry of general conversation, it was a pleasant surprise. The goal was simply to have some fun and pass the time rather than creating a grand dish.
That's when you came up with the brilliant idea to bake some cookies and give them to everyone in the base to cheer them up.
You both got to work immediately, laughing, humming, singing, and dancing to the beat of your own songs.
The basic cookies turned into every kind of sweet treat and pastry imaginable, as the kitchen counter was watched by two sets of anxious eyes.
KĂśnig chuckled, "I think we made a little too much."
You hummed back, "Guess we got a little carried away."
You eagerly reached for the first treat as you removed your oven mitt and use your forearm to remove some flour from your face. You cautiously bit into the delicate strawberry tart before your eyes widened. "Oh”
“Good?” Asked your boyfriend, removing his oven mitts and folding his apron for storage. His face lit up as you enthusiastically nodded and devoured the tart.
“Mhmm. Oh, giving away all of these would be a shame." You chuckled. König had to agree, here were a lot of treats here, but they wouldn't be nearly as good in the morning when they weren't still warm from the stove. In addition, even if you consumed a few, the amount would still be sufficient for the entire morning's consumption.
KĂśnig said lightly, "It wouldn't hurt to eat a few," as he carefully removed a cookie from a tray and marveled at the way it still sparkled with melted butter. His eyes widened at the flavor as he took a bite. Buttery and almost crumbly, it had a salty-sweet flavor. It was absolutely delectable for something that was so easy to prepare.
As you two eagerly dug into nearly every tray and baking sheet there was, KĂśnig replied, "It is lovely." He was amused. Although his features didn't quite reflect it, he smiled as he watched.
You eventually offered the explanation that you were simply "taste testing" them before offering to others. KĂśnig gave an explanation for each new treat each time one of you picked it up.
You laughed, reminisced, and smiled as you ate, eventually bringing chairs into the room to relieve your sore legs.
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dumplingsfordays ¡ 1 year
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modern au - roommate hcs !
ft. Kazuha, Scara, Xiao, Zhongli, Diluc, Albedo
I'm backk~
I haven't wrote in a little bit so I'm sorry 😭
Anyways this is a random idea I had, idk how well my thoughts are gonna translate into words but we'll see ig
Also idk if you need a warning for this but Diluc's has a mention of man titties so... do what you want with that ig
Reader's gender not specified, and this is not proofread!! Apologies for any mistakes, feel free to message me and I'll fix them :)
Image credit!
But as always, thank you for reading <3
- omg this man 😭😭 he is (imo) the best roommate you could ever have.
- he'd probably be super nice when you two first meet and stay that way!!
- he wakes up at a fairly good time too, and if he knows that you're sleeping, he'll try to be as quiet as possible.
- he does his share (and often a little more, if he has time) of the chores consistently.
- kazuha even follows a schedule on when to do certain stuff - he writes it down in a calendar in the kitchen
- he does like to cook when he has some free time, and they don't always turn out amazing but the smell will have your mouth watering.
- his room is super neat!! It's very aesthetic and a little minimalistic, but not overwhelmingly so.
- and it's always clean!!!!!
- he mostly hangs around either in his room or the living room on a couch. Sometimes he'll come into your room, but he always knocks!
- he respects your privacy too 😍 this man is a treasure, treat him well
- he doesn't mind hanging out with you!! If you're into makeup, he actually likes to go makeup shopping with you and just chill while you pick out some stuff :)
- everyone thinks you're partners when you guys hang out, but kazuha doesn't seem to mind 🤭
scara (sorry it's a bit short, never rlly written anything abt him before 😭😭)
- he's a little turd but you still like him, and he gets confused because why haven't you moved out yet????
- he probably spends like 80% of his time away from the house (apartment? wherever you guys live basically), but he still manages to do his chores on time
- anyways, he really likes watching movies super late at night, so when you join him 20 minutes in with popcorn, it's sort of a bonding time for you two
- he doesn't cook, so he orders takeout a lot... and what really surprised you is that after a week or so of living together, he started to order for both of you because "you were whiny that I didn't get you anything"
- (he actually does it bc he's trying to say thanks for putting up with him :))
- he goes to bed super late and wakes up super late. You have to deal with this by not making ANY noise when you do stuff in the morning or he will be very grumpy for like 2 days (you learned this the hard way 😭)
- on days when he's friendlier, he'll bring you stuff like plushies when he gets back. He'll say that Yae or Yoimiya asked him to give these to you, but you doubt that those two gave you twelve stuffed animals in the span of a month.
xiao (another short one 😭 just like his height)
- I mean... He's okay?? He just sits in his room a lot and I headcanon that he's kinda sorta a gamer so
- he doesn't mind doing chores for you if you can't, but he'll do them a little late because he's like that
- this man SIMPS for Chinese food, like I'm not joking. He doesn't know how to make it, but before moving in w you he searched up Chinese restaurants and that's one of the reasons he moved in lmao
- you guys don't really see much of each other a lot... but you always, always go on grocery trips together. Why? Because he seems to consistently forget the shopping list that you wrote down for him at home, on the kitchen counter, and if you go shopping for him, he complains that you didnt get the things he asked for (but he doesn't write you lists 👀)
- he does have his sweet moments too. If you play videogames, he'll play with you if it's multiplayer. If it's not - no worries, you'll both play it, sitting side-by-side.
- if you're not into videogames though, he does like learning stuff, especially from you. He thinks that you're a good teacher, and even if it's you teaching him how to make coffee (because he doesn't know and wants to learn), he'll keep persevering through it just for you.
- oh boy. Room time.
- his room isn't that bad, if you can look past the giant pile of Monster cans in a trashcan below his desk. It's often dark, with the blinds down, and if you're walking down the hallway, there's a 90% chance that you'll see green led lights shining through the gap beneath his door.
- speaking of his door, it's covered in those signs that say stuff like 'warning! no stupid people beyond this point' or 'dont touch me until I've had my morning Monster'. If you couldn't tell yet, he's obsessed with Monster.
- he streams on twitch, and he's pretty popular, so you'll hear screams of disappointment coming from his room quite often.
- but one sight that you'll never forget is when you went to bring him apple slices (did I mention that he likes apples??), you opened the door to him standing in front of his monitor in a maid dress 😭. According to him, this was a dare that his viewers had him do, and that you better not mention this to anyone!!
- he was so red when he was explaining it though 🤭🤭 you, being the kind soul that you are, swore on your heart to keep it a secret :)
- omfg you KNOW this man likes having meals with you. That's such a random thought but hear me out.
- when you eat, he eats with you at the table. Even if you made something only for yourself, he'll whip something up for him and eat with you.
- ANYways he likes to save money so much that his room only consists of a mattress on the floor, a coffee table for a desk, a beanbag in the corner, and a bookshelf that is practically overflowing with books. You take pity on him, of course, and buy him another bookshelf, which he now treasures :)
- probably has a lot of plants around the house/apartment, and he takes care of them as if they were his children. There isn't a day when there isn't a bouquet of flowers sitting on the dinner table.
- if you're allergic to pollen, though, he'll make sure to buy plants, not flowers, like China Dolls or aloe vera or cactuses, whichever you like best 🤭
- he LOVES reading!! Whenever you come downstairs, you'll see him reading, and if you're interested, he'll recommend it or books like it. He does wear reading glasses and he looks really hot in them but don't tell him I said that
- he probably takes forty-minute showers, and the shower is chock-full of hair products. 2-in-1 shampoo?? Zhongli's never heard of it. He may be (nearly) broke, but he takes care of his hair.
- tbh I think he likes to bake bread. Idk if COVID is a thing in the modern au, but if it is, then he was probably one of the people that searched up 'how to make banana/sourdough bread' and fell in love with making it...
- I like to think that he has a nice and neat schedule for each day, and his sleep schedule specifically is so freakin amazing. He goes to sleep at around 9-10, and wakes up at 6am sharp 😭
- he also likes tea before bed (and any other time of day really). He loves the different scents of the tea and it calms him a lot, so be prepared for a ton of afternoon tea parties with him :D
- ok so we know that Diluc is super rich and stuff but let's just pretend that he roomed w you to save money-
- he works out. A lot. Usually in the morning and around 8pm, and he always goes to this super fancy private gym or whatever.
- and he KNOWS that you go 'ooga booga man titties' mode whenever you see his chest so that bastard is almost always shirtless
- "Diluc why are u shirtless??" "It's hot in here" "...it's like 65 degrees. How tf are you hot"
- no but he's nice though, don't get me wrong. He'll help you do stuff around the house that you can't and he always seems to be there to help. Can't reach something? Diluc's there. Can't open something because it's too heavy? Diluc's got you.
- he'll do chores, just not very well. Can't do the dishes manually at ALL, and if you do have a dishwasher (which he buys on the third day if you don't), he will fall to his knees and thank the gods.
- he has a 10-step skincare routine. His skin is flawless and you are a little jealous, but if you really want to use some of his products, he won't mind :)
- he can cook (but not desserts/pastries lmao). He's super good with the grill, if you want grilled meat or fish or veggies or anything, really. But if you don't want it grilled, he's just as happy to make it using another method!!
- super good at board games, he's especially amazing at monopoly. Nobody can beat him, and he's proud of it >:)
- you've never been in his room for some reason, but you expect that it's very modern and monochrome, with hints of red (obvi).
- he usually has kinda red eyes in the morning, though, and when you asked about it he said that he likes going for night drives, but you were a little suspicious
- you stayed awake one night and you could hear him exit, but no car noises 🤔 you still wonder on what's he's doing so late almost every single night...
- also speaking about cars, the neighbors are always shocked that there's a lamborghini parked outside of your residence (house, apt building, what have you) lmao
- they're always like "do you have a rich bf?? Who is he??" and you're like "nah he's just my roommate :D"
- this man!!! He's so big brain!!!
- he'll definitely help you with studying for literally anything. Computer science? He got you covered. Bio? Sign him up. Hell, even art? He's super good at it so he won't mind teaching you!
- but when I tell you that he consumes a lot of coffee, it's a LOT. Like 4-5 cups a day. You wonder how, and even if, he sleeps.
- he makes really good coffee too! He bought one of those super cool ones and the coffee he makes is legendary. No wonder he drinks it so often!!
- he barely eats simply because he has so much work, and you essentially have to force him to come downstairs. You make him eat lunch and dinner, and occasionally breakfast if he can. He's super grateful for it, because he sometimes doesn't realize his hunger until he sits down at the table and his stomach growls like a bear-
- he loves classical music, especially Debussy, and it's always playing in his room. You started warming up to it, actually, and now whenever you hear Debussy, you think of Albedo.
- speaking of his room, it's... kinda messy, actually. Think paper and pencils and eraser shavings everywhere. He does clean it up like two times a month, but the papers always reappear within a couple days.
- he really likes art, and he'll hang some of his faves around the house/apartment :) it honestly makes the whole space feel cozier
- does his chores VERY last-minute, but he feels bad about it. You always tell him that it's nothing to worry about, that he still does them, but he insists on trying his best to do them earlier, which you appreciate :D
- he actually uses you as an art reference sometimes, only if you're free for an hour though. He doesn't like paying for models to come in and pose so he saves money by asking you... or at least that's what he says 👀
- your main bonding time is when you go in his room (or vice-versa) and just chill. He likes your company more than he'd like to admit, and you sometimes catch him staring at you from across the room when you're laying on his barely-used bed.
note : sorry if some characters are a little ooc 😭😭 I'm not too good at writing Diluc n Scara so... OH ALSO I would've included Ayato too but I feel like hes not really the type of person to room w someone (well bc he would def flaunt his wealth by buying a private mansion or smth)
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thatdeadaquarius ¡ 1 year
Sobbing and crying just saw your post of us sounding like a Sim, and I am DYING.
What if it went the other way? They can understand us, but we can't understand them!
Us : hey so what the fuck is happening why tf am I in genshin impact
Them : OMG ASKSKSKSKS FEDERRRALL MEERKK TREEESO! (Omg it's the divine God I'm shittinh myself oml) or whatever idk)
Us: excuse me what the fuck did you just say about my mother? (US mishearing or maybe the words are randomized? Who knows)
Everyone just being confused and frustrated on why you can't understand them. Is it because they aren't worshipping you enough? Maybe some friendship level BS where obly those who are lvl 10 can understand u or smth? Who knows, certainly not the Creator.
I highkey am thinking about writing smth for this now but having it be for like each archons reaction or smthin but who knows. I just wanna see a bunch of divine beings confused outta their mind in like whatever cities square and it turning into a "holy game of charades"
Also happy early birthday ajdjdjkdkdkdk
(ぼ  ̄ ³ ̄)ぼ here have a hug for your patience- sorry karma!! :')
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LMAO this inuyasha gif- obviously everyone else guessing what ur doing and the 2 others r like ppl like Venti or Kaeya who r just fucking with ppl by joining you lol
Oh no.
Oh god (you??) no.
What if you had the highest friendship with little d**ks like Scaramouche.
He’d be like, “Eh, I don’t feel like translating today.” 💀
Also I’m rolling with the idea that 
perfect understanding = lvl 10,
Most words 7-9
Some words 5-6
Kinda ?? they get 2 words per sentence or smth 3-4
Basically nothing 1-2
Anyway ornery bitches like Scara/Xiao/Alhaitham/Rosaria/Diluc (all for diff reasons like diluc/xiao would just be overwhelmed and dont like ppl that much lol, whereas haitham doesnt give a fuck lmao) would kinda suck to have as translators
They pull something like “oh well the god of gods said I could have the last slice of cake/an extra glass of wine hehe”
For different reasons these people would also be ROUGH translators: FISCHL OH NO- , Zhongli, Albedo (he simply would omit “unnecessary details”, cyno, ITTO PLEASE, Raiden (puppet) bc shed take stuff too far/too literally u would never be able to communicate jokes, Razor (im sorry bbyboy), Shenhe
You may or may not get another title of a jokester god bc of these SILLY charades 💀
The people u have higher levels of friendship with giving hints LMAO
“Uhhh….. Oh! Oh! Greatest Lord wishes to see a dance performance!” 
Nahida’s sweet voice rings out in Yujing Terrace, her tiny hand waving in the air like an elementary student who’s really excited to answer. …Which isn’t that far off honestly.
“Hmm, I disagree Buer, I believe the Hundun Emperor is saying they wish to take a bath perhaps. I am also attempting to use context, as it has been a long day for them.” Zhongli is in his classic “majestic thinking gentleman” pose, and you’d admire it more if it weren’t for the fact that they don’t seem to be getting what you’re saying.
You hadn’t yet found someone with a higher friendship level than 2 or 3 (hey, don’t blame yourself, you really have to put effort into friendship levels to get them anywhere and you were still busy screwing around in Sumeru when you got spirited away).
So needless to say, most people were getting “the, me, I, you, etc.” rather than the actual important keywords you needed them to, hence the godly charade game now.
As you “hold” something, you throw your hands up in the air, still keeping your hands wrapped around nothing. You think if somebody told you last week that you’d be playing charades with the archons in Genshin Impact so you could actually communicate with them… well you don’t know what you would have done. Maybe just gave them a really awkward laugh.
“Oh! Are you asking for a weapon? Akitsu Mikami, my emperor, we or our nations will surely provide protection from any harm that might befall you. Hm, I suppose we should offer something anyway… I wouldn’t want to displease them…” Ei mutters to herself, having taken over her puppet once more for the occasion.
She and Buer, still retaining their authority status, had asked for the area to be cleared in order to try and get closer to communicating with the Divine First, or you.
“Ha! What idiot would try to hurt the All-Parent in their home, unless they wish to get thrown?” Venti cheekily says, as you don’t understand him, but judging by Zhongli’s clenched jaw, Ei’s sigh, and Nahida’s giggle, you can guess.
You give your own sad sigh… it’s already been 3 hours. 😭
How hard is charades for 4 archons??
Well… apparently very hard.
You put your face in your hands, and you hear the (retired) archons start to debate something, you can tell it’s getting a little passive-aggressive between Venti and Zhongli by their tone alone. 
…Okay, now it’s just aggressive.
The archons eventually give their attention back to you so you can go back to your charades lol
You tried opening your mouth and closing it, very obvious, they can’t go wrong. 
…Turns out they can. 
Somehow you find yourself with a hot tea brewed by the geo archon. 
(Venti attempted to offer you Dandelion Wine, or Osmanthus Wine even, and only god, well you now, knows where he pulled them from. Ei swatted his head, he looked so offended, and his cheeks were all puffed up, heh.)
Giving up, you just try to motion for them to stay still, your hands gesturing like trying to calm a wild animal.
They give you questioning looks, and you begin to walk off, they all seem to immediately start discussing something with each other. All of the gods look very conflicted, and after a minute of you getting further away (yes, you’re almost home free, Xiangling here you come! ) Nahida skips to catch up with you.
She gives you a beaming smile, and you can’t bring yourself to not return it. She's so much cuter in real life, even the official art didn't do her justice.
You make your way towards the restaurant, finally.
And apparently you’re happier than you thought to smell the savory scents flowing out of the kitchen because your stomach growls loudly.
You’re too hungry to even attempt to stop it, no one will care, except Nahida’s eyes go wide. She begins to sputter, and flail her hands desperately trying to charade an apology at you.
…you were just trying to tell them you were hungry. 💀
Ask box open again! :] 🎊
✨️Hope you guys got smth out of this rough draft✨️ ♡
:D hope u guys have had a good weekend!
My senior art exhibit is april 6th so wish me luck and prayers (from any religion im not picky pls)
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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writingshushf1 ¡ 2 years
Heyy, can i please request a forced proximity one bed trope for danny ric? i miss him😭 and reading fics helps lol
thankyouu xx
Suit and tie
Summary: forced proximity: a trope where the two characters are forced to spend time together
Rating: +16
Warnings: some mentions of being hard.
Word count: 1.6k
Notes: this is the second fic of a series that is inspired by @mignonricciardo “formula one drivers as romance tropes'  so the credit of the original idea goes to her! this one is pretty much everything she said about it because it was THE BEST EVER and it even matched with the request- sorry i kinda forgot to do the "same bed" plot, so i put something like that, SORRYYYY
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Your best friend was getting married and you were the maid of honour. The wedding was to be in Fernando de Noronha, an extremely luxurious island - and the best part? Spend ten days there. There would be the wedding rehearsals, dress fitting, but also going out to parties, going to the beach every morning and they had rented a beachfront mansion for the closest guests. 
The humid heat beat against her skin as she stepped off the plane, but in a paradise like this? You wouldn't turn it down. Once there, you were introduced to all of the groom's friends - many you already knew, but one stood out: Daniel, the groom's best man. You knew him from television, from the races and how he was now on a gap year.
The atmosphere already started to get heated as he was definitely flirtatious with you and clearly it would be a total lack of respect to let him down. 
He was your partner in activities for the wedding, yet it seemed he was following you around. Well, actually it was several coincidences - very strange ones. Let’s start that your friend didn’t plan this correctly, so you would be staying in the double bedroom with him, only separated by a door - okay that he mostly didn’t even care about it.
The first morning there, you decided to go to the house gym, a nice way to start the day, but 15 minutes later, he was showing up there. You said hello to each other and each followed your own workout - of course, you were clearly watching him a few times, he was very strong and it made you shy. While he? You were turning on your back or squats and he was totally paying attention to your ass. At the end of the workout, you exchanged a few words, but nothing too interesting.
Monday morning, you came downstairs and there he was, eating at the balcony table. Everyone else was there too, so the only free place was at his table. You served yourself and went over, apologising and sitting down across from him. Again, a small conversation ensued, until the groom pulled you away to some other activity and you were left alone.
In the afternoon? You decided to go to the sauna, it was a moment to relax, just a towel around your body, feel the heat in your body, but the door suddenly opened and who was there? Him, just a towel around his waist. Out of respect, Daniel sat down away from you, however the silence became awkward after a while.
"Third time we've met, funny huh?" He commented.
"Like it or not, the house isn't a hotel, so the chance we'll be passing each other by. And we are in the double bedroom."
"I know, I like it. It's nice to see you several times a day."
You didn't reply, just chuckled softly and remained silent. Your body shuddered at the way he'd said he liked seeing you-not that he wasn't the biggest flirt, but it made a puddle form between your legs.
The bride and groom insisted on going to a nightclub on the island, which was very famous - and luxurious. Plus, they rented a limo, so everyone was squeezed into it and guess who was next to them? That's right, Ricciardo. Your thigh rubbed against his several times because of the curves in the city and the movements of the people. His arms ended up colliding with yours several times, especially when he grabbed a drink. When they arrived at the nightclub, the situation was no different, it was crowded, so even though you closed your small group, your bodies were often against each other - especially that you weren't sober and wanted to dance. You even felt a hand hover over your waist, but it never stayed there.
That same night, you’ve mistaken the bed and ended up sharing a bed with him, which made thing awkward between you two during the rest of the day - you clearly remember only using a shirt and panties and him being only with his trousers, besides the cuddling and the very noticeable boner he got in the morning and how non-discrete he was on trying to get out of the bed.
“You didn’t remember what happened except sharing a bed with someone. And now? That someone had a boner that was right against your ass. You raised your head to see Daniel and soon laid again, not moving that much, it was so embarrassing to share the bed with, cuddle and know basically grinding against his ass and him being hard. Well, the Australian woke up soon, because you felt his body moving, so you pretended to be asleep, so it would be less awkward than it already was. He got up so fast, forgetting that you could ‘wake up’ and see him with a boner.”
On the fourth day, you needed peace, so while almost everyone was at home, you decided to go to the beach, to look at the beautiful sunset that turned the sky into various shades of orange and pink. For a few seconds, you tried to find the perfect spot to feel the sand on your feet and listen to the waves. But then you spotted a tall figure with dark curls and immediately realised who it was: Daniel Ricciardo. You grunted low, thinking about going home. Really, at every possible opportunity you were going to meet? It was getting boring having to say hello and make awkward small talk. 
Soon he spotted you, slapping the seat next to him and you went, since you'd already been caught, at least you'd enjoy him talking and talking for the next thirty minutes. But it didn't go like that. He stayed still, enjoying the silence between the two of you. The sound of the sea waves filled the background, as did the parallel conversations of tourists and locals. It was such a pleasant moment that it seemed something had changed in you.
He accompanied you back to the mansion and you left to each your own corner, however now something had changed. You wanted more completely random encounters with him.
The other morning, again you sat at his table, however he was much more talkative.
"No, but drinking champagne in a shoe may not sound glorious, especially since you just spent almost two hours running, but honestly it's a highlight of my life..."
You laughed out loud at his comment, putting your hand to your face.
"Who's going to want to kiss you when they find out that?”
“Honestly, I think they don’t care that much, I’m a good kisser, you know.”
“Oh, of course you are.”
“I’m being serious! You can test it if you want, full refund if you hate it, which I highly doubt.”
You blushed at his comment and he chucked - Daniel discovered that he loved to make you blush. So he did it again, every single day, multiple times he would flirt with you.
“Oh, that bikini looks great on you, I wonder if it looks prettier when you’re not using them.”
“I bet I can make other parts of your body blush.”
The wedding day came, you were wearing a light blue dress, it was a bit shorter because the wedding was on the beach, your hair was free and the makeup was light. You were holding a small version of the bouquet. Daniel walked close to the other couples that would enter and he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you. His heart was beating fast and he just wanted to hold you in his arms and kiss into the end of the world - but he held himself, it was his best friend’s moment, maybe after the reception. He also looked smoking hot - white button up shirt with two buttons open, light blue shorts and blazer and sandals.
You two linked arms and soon his mouth was against your ear, murmuring how pretty you looked and it wasn’t fair to the other women there, you were standing out with your beauty. The ceremony was wonderful, you cried a few times, trying not to ruin your makeup - it didn’t actually work, but worth the try.
The reception was at a dance hall two blocks from the beach, so you took your time to go, waiting for the other couples. When you arrived, it was the time for the first bride and groom’s dance, however your friend was quite exaggerated and wanted this big dance with all the maids and their pairs, so as soon as everyone was there, your hands were at Daniel’s shoulder and other hand. You breathed in, nervous to mess it up, but he reassured you that you two rehearsed the whole week, it would be fine. The Australian’s body against yours was a torture, he was so hot and focused on the dance, guiding you through the dance hall without missing a step - and the song “Suit and Tie” didn’t help, it felt so sexy.
“You chose the song, right?” You murmured.
“Of course! They wanted a very slow and kinda sad song, I wasn’t going to dance to that!”
After the food, your best friend was going to throw the bouquet and you wanted to stay away, however Daniel pushed you into the middle of the women.
“Wives tales are not true, Ricciardo!” You screamed at him, chuckling - maybe the alcohol was making its effects.
One thing you didn’t expect was to actually grab the bouquet when she threw - which you gasped in surprise, it wasn’t what you actually wanted.
Or well, was it?
Later that night, you left the bouquet and the party, going to the beach. Soon as you thought you would be alone he appeared.
“Hey! I was looking for you everywhere.”
“Oh, sorry… I needed time away from the loud music.”
“It’s okay, I get it.” He stood right beside you. “I was going to do the same.”
“Are you sure? You could be after me. Very stalker type of thing.”
“Oh, you’re pretty confident, huh?” He smiled. “Okay… Maybe I was looking for you.”
“Hm. I believe that. Why?”
“You…” He grabbed your waist, waiting if you were going to reject his touch. “Look so hot.”
Before you could answer, his lips crashed against yours and soon you reciprocated, letting your tongue go against his, in a heated and desperate kiss, like you’ve waited almost ten days to realise that you should have been doing that since the moment you two laid eyes on each other. He didn’t wait much to pick you up in his lap, going back towards the house, laying you on the couch.
“What if someone sees it?”
“No one will, they’re getting drunk at the party.” He let little kisses around your jaw.
“You’re so confident, Ricciardo.”
“And you get horny because of it.” He chuckled against your neck, pulling your waist against his.
“Hmmmm…” You bit your lower lip, feeling the wet kisses against your neck. “True.”
Maybe wives' tales were true.
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l8rs-gat0rs ¡ 2 years
we all saw how Steven was just entranced by Layla in the show 😭 so could you do a fic where he emotionally cheats on the reader, so when she finds out and confronts him he’s on his hands and knees begging her not to leave him, but she’s over him and leaves the apartment.
That’s all I got, you can’t choose the ending if you want
(Feel free to ignore if you’re not comfortable writing this)
The Mind Wanders
Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader
TW: Not completely sure, but the subject matter may trigger some people so I'm putting a warning in case because writing this fic did bring up shitty memories from a past toxic relationship.
(But pls don't feel bad abt requesting this anon, I loved writing it! It was so fun to create a story around your request, it really flexed my creative muscles to create a story with emotional depth like this. Also, I kinda played with the prompt a lil' bit, so she doesn't "find out" she knows, but she's in denial. I hope you're okay with that!)
Warning(s): ANGST. Emotional cheating, heartwarming fluff to cure your angsty pain <3 , Set in an AU before the events of the show, Third person, very minimal y/n use. Steven's redemption arc is told through his own POV.
Summary: you find out Steven's mind has been wandering. He's become quite entranced with another woman, and you won't stand for it. After you leave, Steven is determined to do anything, and everything to regain your trust.
Word count: 6.2k
Thank you, Anon for this request!!! <3
And credits to my dear friend Lina for helping me with this fic, and also being my proofreader. I had a little roadblock but she gave me amazing ideas for Steven's redemption arc :) her brain is amazing.
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You've been dating Steven long enough.
Long enough to know his tells.
Long enough to know he was lying when he said Layla was "just a friend" to him.
And that's how you got to where you are right now. Sitting at a bar downtown, drinking your feelings away.
You and Steven were at a coffee shop for a late afternoon coffee and tea that you suggested, just to get out of the house for a little. He was currently talking about the cutest kid that had shown up at his work.
"She was quite literally dressed as Sekhmet, and she was telling me about how she wanted to be a doctor!" Steven explained animatedly.
You smiled at the thought.
"She was absolutely adorable, I'll tell you that." He said before taking a sip of his tea.
"Yeah I'll bet she was," you chuckled.
Suddenly the bell on the coffee shop door rang and you noticed Steven immediately became attentive and sat straight up, staring at the person who just walked in.
Confused, you turned to see who it was and your face quickly turned emotionless with a hard stare. You turned back to Steven after seeing who it was.
"H-Hey, Layla!" Steven said, calling out to her name and waving. 
Layla's head turned and her eyes lit up as she noticed Steven, promoted to make her way to our table.
"Oh, hey Steven!" she said with a bright smile.
You watched Steven's face, he gave her a crooked smile and blush painted his cheeks.
When Layla noticed you, she smiled kindly and greeted you as well, "Hi y/n".
You eyed Steven’s fiddling fingers, nearly forgetting to answer, doing your best to chalk his behavior up to the crowded atmosphere.
"Hey Layla" you replied, making sure to perfectly hide your discomposed state behind a small smile.
"What brings you here Layla?" Steven asked. 
 "I was just in the neighborhood for some archeology stuff and I saw this place, so I thought I'd stop in and grab some coffee," she explained.
"Interesting, what kind of archeology stuff?" Steven asked, looking at her as if she was the goddess Isis herself.
"Well, there were some old Egyptian artifacts recently dug up at a cemetery, so they've called for me to take them and bring them back to Egypt." She seemed excited about her task.
Steven, on the other hand, looked like someone had just kicked a puppy in front of him.
You felt like grabbing him and running out of the store with him, but of course, that would be childish, so you kept your mouth shut.
 "Wait, you're going to Egypt? For how long?" Steven asked with a frown.
"A week." she said.
"Well, when are you leaving?" Steven asked, his disappointment showing through even as he tried to hide it.
"I've got a flight this Saturday actually, gotta take that Sunday to recover from the flight" she laughed.
Before Steven could say anything else, because he practically looked like he was about to beg her to take him with her, you spoke up.
"Wow, Layla that's so great! I'm really excited for you, I know you love Egypt." you said supportively.
She smiled gratefully.
"I love Egypt too!" Steven interjected, causing your jaw to clench. 
Layla giggled, causing Steven to look like he just won the jackpot.
"Yeah, I do love Egypt, I'm glad to be going back. Thanks y/n" she said kindly.
You nodded in acknowledgment, your jaw still locked, afraid that if you opened your mouth your emotions would blow up at Steven.
"Well I've got to go, but it was nice to see you both, I'll see you around," she waved at both of you before getting in line to order her coffee.
You both waved back, Steven admittedly way more animated than you, watching Layla go to the counter to order her coffee.
"Oh she's just the best isn't she? Wow, Egypt!" He exclaimed, turning back to his tea.
"Yeah, it's really cool." you said half-heartedly.
But of course, Steven didn't seem to notice anything was wrong at all, and he continued to talk about Egypt and Layla the rest of the time you were there.
You didn't hate Layla, you knew it wasn't her fault that Steven seemed to be entranced by her. Hell, she seemed as oblivious to Steven's feelings as he was to yours.
Steven had met Layla last month, when she was visiting the museum he worked at, checking out the artifacts in the ancient Egyptian exhibit. Steven introduced her to you that very same day and it didn't bother you at first, how much he talked about her. You knew he was just happy he found someone who shared his interest in ancient Egypt, you were even happy for him. On the rare occasion you three hung out, she was a great friend to you as well. But then you started to see the signs.
The way he would have stars in his eyes when he talked to her, or even about her. The way that whenever he looked at her, he looked at her like she was the only person on earth. When he listened to her speak, he was hanging onto every single word she said.
He never explicitly cheated, of course, Steven would never do that, he wouldn't even hurt a fly. At least not with intention.
He was still charming towards you and the two of you acted like a couple. There was never anything wrong, even physically.
But whenever Layla came into the mix, you became a third wheel.
The two of you left the coffee shop eventually, the sun was setting and there was a chill of winter breeze though the streets of London.
You walked together back to Steven's flat, which you had been living in for around two months now.
You smiled fondly as Steven talked in the background while you remembered the day he asked you to move in with him. It was on your 10-month anniversary, he had been so nervous he was practically shaking. You remember thinking it was a bit fast to move in, but then again,
It was Steven.
so of course you said yes.
He was still your Steven. You turned to him and smiled as he glanced at you, holding your hand with the cutest smile on his face.
The two of you took the elevator up to his flat and you entered together, Steven closing the door behind you, and locking it.
"So what would you like for dinner, lovely?" He asked, pressing a kiss to your cheek before moving to the kitchen.
"Hmmm, I don't know, surprise me." You said teasingly.
"Will do, one special surprise dinner coming right up!" Steven said excitedly, getting to work in the kitchen.
You giggled at how adorable he was as you hung your scarf up with your coat.
"Sit down and relax, I'll do all the work, don't you worry!" Steven moved, putting a pot of water on the stove to boil. 
"Alright Mr.Grant, I'll be waiting right here on the couch." You smiled,  taking your shoes off and plopping down on the couch.
He looked at you with a huge smile before turning back to grab some things out of the fridge.
You smiled and turned on Netflix to watch your current favorite show. 
About 1 episode in, Steven was finally finished with dinner.
"Alright, your special surprise dinner is ready!" He called, waving you over with his hand.
"Ooooo let's see what we have here" you wiggled your fingers after getting up from the couch and turning the tv off.
"Et VoilĂ !" Steven presented the plates to you.
"Wowww! Spaghetti and meatballs, real fancy!" You mockingly made fun.
"Yeah, but I bet it's the best spaghetti and meatballs you'll ever taste!" He chided.
"Well I'll be the judge of that." You joked, walking toward the table that was by the stove.
Steven moved to sit across from you. He watched you carefully as you got a slice of meatball before wrapping the spaghetti around the fork and bringing it to your mouth.
You chewed in silence for a little bit, hiding your reaction to how good it tasted.
"So? How is it?" Steven asked nervously.
"Mmmm" you looked up at the ceiling, finger to your chin, pretending to think.
He looked at you with hopeful eyes and you couldn't help the smile that broke your insightful thinking face.
"Steven, it's absolutely delicious." You said with a cheeky smile.
His face lit up into a wondrous smile and your heart melted.
"Wow, I'm so glad you like it!" He said before digging into his own plate.
The two of you continued dinner with some light small talk in between bites until you heard Steven's phone ding with a text notification.
You immediately recognized the different text tone and your soft smile disappeared as Steven immediately stuck his hand in his pocket and fetched his phone out.
He unlocked it and his eyes grew into big circles and he smiled.
"Wow Layla just sent me a picture of a gold scarab beetle that was found at the cemetery!" Steven excitedly texted Layla back.
You stared at him in silence as you watched him grinning, followed by a chuckle, and more texting.
Your eyes glanced at his half eaten plate of food and your rage started to boil over.
You couldn't take it anymore.
You threw your fork onto your plate, the silverware clanging loudly, causing Steven to jump and stare at you with wide eyes and a frown.
"Love?" He asked softly as he watched your face cautiously.
"Steven, I can't do this anymore." You told him seriously.
"Do what?" He asked, alarm quickly spreading across his features.
"This. With you. Us." You said.
"Wha- Why!?" He exclaimed.
"Steven, you don't see me! I'm right here, and you can't even see me!" You yelled exasperatedly.
"What do you mean!? I see you!" He said, desperately trying to understand what you meant.
He reached for your hand but you swiped it away from him and got up from the table abruptly.
Steven flinched before standing as well.
"No you don't Steven. All you see is Layla." You said bitterly. 
Tears burned your eyes as they threatened to spill, the words you had been thinking for months finally coming out of your mouth, and you held back those hot angry tears as you listened to them as if you were outside of your own body.
"Wha- I- no!" Steven denied, stuttering between you and his phone.
"Yes you do. I'm sitting here eating dinner with you and you're texting Layla. We're at the coffee shop, you see Layla, and she's all you can talk about. We could be having a random conversation, and you will bring up Layla!" You let out in frustration.
He stared at you dumbly and that made you even more angry.
You made your way to the door quickly, when Steven tried to grab your hand, you looked at him with a deadly stare and he took a firm hold on your arm.
"Let. Go. Of. Me." You said sharply.
"Lovey, please. You're making a mistake!" He begged.
You snatched your arm out of his hands and glared at him.
"Trust me I'm not, and don't fucking call me that anymore. I'm not going to stay in a relationship that I'm not appreciated in. You're already acting like you're dating Layla, so you might as well make it official." Your words laced with venom.
Steven flinched again and you continued,
"I tried to ignore it for so long, but I can't ignore it any longer Steven. I can't ignore the fact that you make me feel invisible!" You vocalized your rage, causing your words to crack near the end. You turned on your heel, putting your jacket and scarf on.
"Y/n please!" Steven sobbed, and you turned around, shocked to see him on his hands and knees.
"Steven get up!" You exclaimed.
No matter how angry you were at him, it broke your heart seeing him like this.
He sat up onto his knees and put his hands into the prayer position, looking up at you with tears in his eyes.
"Please don't go! Please, I promise Layla is just a friend! Y/n please, I need you, I-I can't lose you!" He begged through his tears.
Your heart felt like it was shattering into a million pieces.
You turned back around, no longer able to look at him and you reached your hand out, gripping the door handle.
"No! No no no no y/n please don't go! Give me one more chance! I'll be better!" Steven said, fully sobbing at this point.
You gripped the door handle tighter and shut your eyes tightly without giving another glance, only able to think of all the times Steven had made you feel less important than Layla.
You opened your eyes as you opened the door, hearing his sobs, pleas, and shuddering breaths grow louder.
"I'm sorry Steven, but we're over." You said coldly before you walked out the door, slamming it behind you.
You quickly sped down the hallway and got into the elevator.
When the door closed your fully tensed body sagged and you held your head in your hands and sighed deeply.
You wiped your face before opening the Uber app and calling a car.
So yeah. That's why you're currently on your 4th drink, looking down into your cup as if it was the most interesting thing on the planet.
Your mind wandered back to Steven, the imagine of him begging you not to leave while on his hands and his knees.
You shut your eyes painfully and shook your head.
There was a time where you believed that Steven could never hurt you. His warm, innocent eyes and gentle, nervous touches made you feel safe.
You opened your eyes and scoffed at your foolishness.
He had just been too good to be true, and you should have seen it.
You glanced at your phone,
Dammit it was getting late, but your stuff was at Steven's apartment, and there was no way in hell you were going back there.
Your eyes lit up as you remembered you kept some stuff over at your best friends Rachel and Chloe's house due to your frequent sleepovers.
You went into your contacts and dialed Chloe's number.
"Hey babes, It's been a while!" Chloe said when she picked up.
You smiled softly at the sound of her Glaswegian accent through the phone.
"Hey chlo' do you think I can stay with you and Rae for a little bit?" You said sadly, embarrassed to even be asking.
"Of course love! RAE! GET THE GUEST ROOM READY, Y/N IS STAYING OVER!" You heard her scream.
"Thanks so much Chloe" you chuckled.
"Of course, you're always welcome here!" She exclaimed.
"And one more thing?" You whispered sheepishly.
"Sure," she said, egging you on to continue speaking.
"Can you come pick me up from the bar downtown that we usually go to? I'm kiiiiinda drunk." You asked, apologetic.
"Oh god, we'll be there in 5" Chloe replied before hanging up.
You snorted and let your head fall against the bar, waiting for them to come pick you up.
You lifted your head for a second to pay and tip the bartender, before you laid your head back down after letting the bartender know you were waiting for your friends to come pick you up.
He took your money, thanked you for the tip, and nodded in acknowledgement, telling you to get home safe then moved on to serve another customer.
Chloe and Rae texted you when they arrived in front of the bar and you stumbled out.
You opened the door, and collapsed into the seat before shutting the door behind you.
You threw your head back and groaned.
"Jesus you look like absolute shit." Rae said, turning around in her seat to look at you.
"Did something happen with Steven?" Chloe asked, acknowledging you through the rear view mirror.
"Just drive," you groaned.
You told them what had happened with Steven during the car ride and they listened sympathetically.
"I told you to break up with him sooner, he's a proper bag of shit." Rae said.
You shook your head and sighed, going quiet for the rest of the ride. Your friends respected your silence.
When you got to their house, they brought you to your room and you noticed they left you a fresh set of clean pajamas to wear.
"God, I love you guys!" You yelled through the door.
"Yup!" You heard Chloe say and you giggled before changing your clothes.
When you came out of the room you saw 3 small tubs of ice cream with 3 different colored spoons in them on the coffee table in front of the tv, Chloe and Rae beacons you over to the couch. 
You plopped down in between them and pulled them into a group hug.
"I fuckin love you guys, you know that right?" You said sincerely.
"Yeah we know." Rae teased, causing the three of you to chuckle.
"Now what are we watching!" Chloe announced once the three of you pulled away from the hug.
The next couple of days were rough, but you got through them. You had gone back to Steven's apartment while he was at work and gathered some clothes and your important things. You'd come back for the other stuff later.
Steven surprisingly did not try to contact you but you did notice his flat seemed to be even more messy than usual. You also noted the several crumpled-up sheets of paper that you were pretty sure you knew the contents of. You shook your head sadly, trying not to feel bad for him. He was the one who hurt you, and the best thing for you now was to just move on and heal from it.
You grabbed your car keys, locked the door behind you and picked the boxes up before taking them back into your car, driving back to your temporary residence.
You silently cursed yourself for selling your old flat, but you couldn't keep paying rent for a place you didn't even live at. You thought you and Steven were in it for the long haul.
You got back to Chloe and Rae's place and brought the boxes to your room.
You sat on your bed with a sigh and started unpacking.
Steven's Pov
Steven walked into his flat and sighed at its emptiness. He missed seeing you smile at him and get up from your laptop to greet him and give him a kiss.
It had been approximately a week since you had stormed out of his apartment. He removed his coat and after placing his work bag down, he paused for a second to look around before he realized...
You had been here while he was at work, and took most of your stuff with you.
Tears started to well up in his eyes once again.
He took his shoes off and walked over to his bed with his shoulders sagged, then stepped over the ring of sand so he could lay down.
He remembered the first time you came to his apartment. He had thought of so many excuses to tell you when you would inevitably ask about the sand around his bed, as well as the ankle restraint.
When you finally set foot into his apartment, he went into full panic mode and started a word vomit.
You had stopped him before his head exploded and said you didn't care about anything weird he did because it didn't define him. You didn't care if he had a sleeping condition, or if there were books covering every possible surface of his flat. You promised him that day, you would never judge him.
He stared at his ceiling as the tears rolled down the side of his eyes and into his hairline.
You had always seen him, and you had made him feel that way.
He thought back to what you said the day you left:
"Steven, you don't see me! I'm right here, and you can't even see me!"
His eyes were blurry as more tears welled up.
He hated himself for making you feel that way, he couldn't believe he didn't see he was hurting you.
He scoffed at himself,
it's been a week and he's still crying over you.
He sat up, wiping his eyes.
He looked around again and remembered the whole week it had taken for you and Steven to clean up his flat so it could be in the state that it was currently in.
You had told him to stop apologizing over 50 times as the two of you organized all his books so they were no longer scattered over every surface.
You had done so much for Steven without him ever even asking.
His heart ached as he glanced at the empty space in his bed where you used to sleep, right next to him every night.
He hadn't bothered to contact you in fear of you blocking him.
His phone buzzed and he quickly checked it desperately to see if you texted him.
It was Layla.
He frowned and put his phone back down, not bothering to check her text.
He hadn't meant to make it seem like he was interested in Layla, she was just the first person he ever met that shared his interest in the things he was most passionate about.
You didn't happen to be as passionate, but you also shared Steven's interests in Ancient Egyptian mythology. In fact that was how the two of you met, at the museum.
Almost the same exact way as how he met Layla.
His heart felt heavy, here he was, comparing the two of you. He was such a bloody knob.
You deserved so much better.
He could be better.
He furrowed his brows,
but how was he supposed to tell you or show you that?
He had no clue where you were even staying because he remembered you told him you sold your flat after you moved in with him.
Guilt wracked his whole body.
He thought hard about hotels in the area-
Your best friends!
Steven grabbed his phone and checked his texts between the two of you.
He scrolled up until he saw you mention them, you had asked him to pick you up from their house when you were drunk.
He blushed heavily as he remembered what happened that night after he picked you up.
There, you had sent him the address!
He copied the address from your text and input it into his GPS.
You were staying only a couple miles from him.
The next day, Steven put on his best button up and went to the shop. He bought a stuffed animal Paddington the bear since he remembered Paddington was your favorite movie, also the reason you moved to London. He also bought a small bag of your favorite chocolates.
As Steven made his way to your current residence at your friend's place, he kept going over what he planned to say to you.
When the Uber finally arrived he was shocked out of his thoughts when the driver announced they had arrived at his destination.
He thanked them and got out, grabbing the gifts and clutching them tightly as he stared at the house that you were hopefully in.
He felt sweaty but he was determined to show you he changed.
He made his way up to the house and gingerly knocked on the door.
One of your friends opened the door.
…Which one was this?
Right, Chloe!
"H-Hello Chloe, is y/n here?" He said looking past her, trying to see inside the house.
She glared at him and covered the open space with the door, blocking his view.
"No, she's not actually, and even if she was, she doesn't want to see you anymore, so don't come here again." She said, whispering angrily at him.
Steven frowned.
"Who's at the door Chlo'?" Steven heard the sound of your melodic voice hit Steven's ears and he perked up, his eyes widening.
"It's NO ONE, just a salesman," Chloe replied, making sure Steven knew he was not welcome.
"Don't come back here again Steven, or you'll regret it." she whisper-snapped to him again.
"Why'd you say 'no one' like that?" Steven heard you say before Chloe shut the door in his face.
Steven deflated and sighed.
He would have to think of something else.
Your pov
"Because, it was no one, now get back to writing, or whatever you're doing. That's what you do for your job right?" she said, dismissing you.
"Okay mom!" you relented, rolling your eyes.
She went to the bathroom to get ready for work, and you quickly put your laptop down and ran to the window to see who was at the door.
Your heart dropped to your stomach as you saw Steven, walking dejectedly down the street holding a teddy bear and what you could tell was a bag of your favorite chocolates.
Alright, maybe it was better Chloe didn't let you talk to him, what would you even say to him?
Even the thought of talking to Steven was too painful for you so you shoved it down and went back to writing.
A few days later, you were on your laptop getting some work done. You started to feel hungry, so you decided to grab a snack. Chloe and Rae were both at work, but they would be home in one-two hours, and you would all have dinner together.
Rae promised she was bringing home burgers and fries tonight so you didn't have to cook.
To say you were excited was an understatement.
You carefully gathered the ingredients to make yourself a quesadilla.
You hummed to your current favorite song that's been stuck in your head for a while now as you prepared your food.
Once you were done, you cleaned up after yourself and took your food to your bedroom to eat it. (Chloe and Rae didn't need to know)
You were sitting up against the headboard, scrolling through your phone when you heard a knock at the window.
Your heart was beating in your chest as you heard it again, more rapidly and you turned to look at the window.
There was a shadow of a person behind the curtain.
You slowly put your plate on the side table and grabbed scissors out of a jar with pencils and pens.
You held it in a stabbing position as you made your way towards the window slowly, terror gripping your heart, while the person on the other side rapidly banged their knuckles against the window.
You breathed in slowly and closed your eyes before opening them and quickly pulling the curtain away and raising the scissors in a stabbing motion.
Your eyes widened and you gasped as you saw Steven hanging on for dear life to the side ledges of the window.
You quickly dropped the scissors and opened the window.
"Steven what the fuck!? how did you even get up here?" you shouted, staring at him in shock.
"Well, I did climb up the pipeline but In retrospect that was a terrible idea once I got this far up to your window." he said, looking at you in fear.
He looked down at his feet trying to secure his footing but his foot slipped and he wobbled, his eyes going fully round.
"Oh shi-!" He said, losing his balance,
before he could fall backward your reflexes kicked in and you grabbed his arm pulling him inside your room, causing him to topple inside and on top of you.
You both stared at each other with wide eyes as he was on all fours, hands and legs on either side of your head and body.
Your breathing slowed and you found yourself getting lost in Steven's round puppy dog eyes as the shock wore off.
You suddenly became hyperaware of the position you were in and your body heated up as you started to blush heavily, you noticed the same happened to Steven.
"Oh, uhhh, lemme just-" you started rambling and shifting and he mumbled some words of an apology as he scrambled to get off of you.
Once you got up, you stood a couple steps away from Steven and stared at him as he took the backpack he was wearing off.
You just watched him silently as he took out the same stuffie of paddington and bag of chocolates from the other day.
He held them out to you and stared at you, silently pleading you to take them.
You did, placing them on your bed.
Steven shuffled nervously on his feet and you crossed your arms with furrowed brows.
"Steven, I just, I have so many questions." You said angrily.
He opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off.
"One, why are you here? Two, how did you even know this was my room? And three, how did you know I was even in here?" You asked, exasperatedly.
You could see from his face that a million different thoughts were running through his head before he spoke up.
"Okay, well, I'm here because I need to talk to you. I knew this was your room and you were in here because I came here another time. And I waited till Chloe and Rachel went to work so I could actually talk to you, then I tried to knock on the door but Chloe forgot her bag and came back so I hid, then l heard the two of you talking because the window was open and Chloe said "well, this is your room" and I knew you were in here today because I saw you close the curtains when I got here." He quickly jumbled all of his answers together.
"Oh, and I didn't come through the door because... well... I wanted to surprise you. You know, be all romantic and stuff." He added sheepishly.
You just stared at him appalled.
"A-And I know I probably sound insane!" he said quickly after seeing your reaction.
"Yeah, you do. And you need to leave Steven." You said pointedly.
"No y/n! you need to understand, I did this all for you! because I can't live without you!" he tried explaining desperately.
Your hardened expression softened a bit but you stayed quiet.
Steven looked relieved when he noticed you let him speak, and he cleared his throat to look at you.
"y/n I'm so sorry I hurt you and made you feel the way I did. I didn't mean to, honestly! I was just so excited when I met Layla because she was an archeologist and she was interested in ancient Egypt and she's passionate about it just like me. So excited that I might have been too blind to see how I was hurting you. I'm so sorry that I ever made you feel unseen. I could never love Layla like I love you. These past few weeks without you have been hell. The flat feels so cold and empty. I smell your perfume on the sheets but you're not there when I go to bed or wake up. Your smile used to make my whole world shine and it's been dark ever since you left. And I know you deserve way better than me, I was a total knob, but if you will have me back y/n, I promise, for the rest of my life, I will make it my mission, to make you feel happy every day, even on the worst days. And feel free to tell me to bugger off, I'll understand and I'll never contact you again I promise. You know, if you love someone let them go, and all that."
The whole time he spoke he was looking into your eyes until his last two sentences. He was hoping so desperately that you would hear, see, and feel the sincerity in his words. You could tell. Honestly, you were just surprised he didn't stutter that entire time. But you could tell by the fact that he couldn't look at you when he said it, how painful it was for him to think you could reject him.
Again, you had dated long enough,
Long enough to know his tells,
Long enough to know he was telling the truth about everything he told you just now.
And you knew he was willing to accept the fact that he could lose you.
For you.
He was still the same puppy-eyed man who came up behind you to explain the hieroglyphs on a pillar you were looking at, just to impress you.
He was still the man who apologized to his fish when he bumped into the tank.
He was still, your Steven.
you looked down and your feet and let out a small chuckle at your thoughts.
When you looked back up at Steven, you saw he was positively beaming.
"God I've missed that beautiful melody." He said softly, tears forming in his eyes.
You smiled, your own tears forming as he walked closer to you, slowly.
You smiled, two streaks running down your face as you noticed his tears fall from his eyes.
When he stood directly in front of you, he put one hand on your cheek and held it there. His touch was so fragile, as though he thought if he held you too hard, you might break.
"Can I hug you?" He asked softly.
You nodded and he wrapped his arms around you.
You reciprocated the hug, slowing your breathing, trying to control your tears.
Steven hurt you, and he realized his mistake, nearly too late. But here he was now. doing everything in his power to rectify his mistake, promising you that he would never make you feel that way ever again. Shit, he almost fell from the 2nd floor trying to apologize.
You squeezed him tighter, and he squeezed you back.
"Thank you Steven" you whispered.
When the two of you slowly pulled away from each other, your tears finally stopped, and so had Steven's.
He wiped your tears away gently.
"Don't thank me y/n, I shouldn't have given myself a reason to apologize in the first place." He said with his hands still cupping your face.
After a beat of silence, he finally spoke up.
"So does this mean you'll move back in with me?" Steven asked hopefully.
You laughed, causing a smile to spread across Steven's face.
"Just shut up and kiss me." grabbing his face, you pressed your lips to his.
He gladly shut up and kissed you back, melting into you, you even felt his body press closer to you. You felt the dried tears on his cheeks against your face.
When you pulled away, you were both slightly panting for air, and Steven pressed his forehead to yours, holding your hands in his.
You both closed your eyes and stayed like that for a while.
When the two of you pulled away from each other you turned, looking at the things he bought you.
You held his hand and led him to your bed, sitting down next to them.
You picked up the bear and smiled at it.
"You remembered how much I love Paddington." you said, turning to look at him.
He smiled fondly at you and nodded.
"The little bear that brought you to me."
Your heart practically melted.
You put the Paddington bear down and picked up the bag of chocolates.
"And you remembered my favorite" you grinned at him, holding up the bag.
"Of course, I can never forget the beautiful noises you make every time you eat one of those." he said, blushing immediately after he said it.
"You felt your face heat up as well and you hid your face in your hands, smiling sheepishly.
You felt his hands gently grab your hands to move them away from your face.
You felt yourself get lost in Steven's eyes, the color of them matching your favorite chocolate. Reminding you that coincidentally, Steven had the power to make those same noises come from your mouth.
You were so close you could feel Steven's breath on your lips.
Suddenly you heard the door open and you both jumped back from each other.
"y/n!!!" you heard Chloe call your name, dragging it out.
"We're home! and we bought the food!" you heard Rae say excitedly.
"Shit!" you jumped up from the bed, causing Steven to the same.
"Okay, okay uhhhhh" you said quickly looking around.
"I'll talk to them first, so they don't jump you, and then I'll call you downstairs, okay?" you said quickly with your hands on his shoulders.
"Okay, I got it." Steven nodded.
"Alright great" you said rushing to open the door.
"Y/n!" Steven whisper-yelled your name causing you to pause and turn around.
"Yeah?" you whisper-yelled back.
"I love you." He reminded with a small smile.
You almost physically melted at his cuteness.
"I love you too."
You closed the door softly as you heard Chloe call your name again as she looked for you.
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