#some time ago i've been on a business trip and i didn't really want to go there but my boss wanted me to go there and i hated the hotel and
cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
Are your requests still open? I was hoping for a request for a Lucifer x sinner reader where she was once in love with someone when she was alive but they betrayed her leading to her death causing her to be afraid of letting others in. She's been a resident of the hotel since the pilot, but doesn't really talk much about her feelings or past life but is convinced by Charlie who says singing helps her when she needs to get out her own emotions. So when she thinks everyone is gone for the day on one of Charlie's bonding field trips, she uses the piano in the main area to sing her heart out, not realizing Lucifer decided to stay. The song I'm thinking of is "Perfect Doesn't Last" by Beth Crowley. So when she sings it and he overhears listening and watching her he's reminded of Lilith and feels for the reader understanding her more than when they first met during his first visit to the hotel (ep 5). I'm not sure of how to end it, so if you want to add anything to it I'm totally up for it. I just thought this song would match him so well.
A/N this is my first time writing for this man. Also,, i think it’s so funny that everyone is just like “short king” even tho alastor is canonically at least seven feet tall and charlie is at least like six feet tall. that’s so silly of us.
Encore (Lucifer x Reader)
Paring: Lucifer x Reader
Warnings: Domestic abuse briefly mentioned.
Word Count: 2,169
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Lucifer had just wanted to visit Charlie. With their relationship on the up and up, he was eager to not give up his chance to fix things with his favorite and only daughter. However, when he arrived at the hotel, throwing the doors open in unadulterated excitement, it was to find the normally busy lobby area empty.
The door fell shut behind him and his smile slipped from his face. Carefully, he ran his eyes over every inch of the room. There really was no one to be found.
"Maybe they're just all in their rooms, yeah." he said aloud to himself, "Charlie is probably... in her office! It must take a lot of work to run a place like this. Yeah, that's what it is."
Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor had asked her to come with them to the movies. It was supposed to be a reward, for how hard they had all been working. They had really tried their best to convince Y/n to join them but, as always was the case when activities that took them out of the hotel were not required, Y/n had declined the offer.
Y/n was still getting used to Hell in all its big scary wonder, she still hurt. Everything was so complicated and while spending time with her thoughts didn't make her feel good per-say, spending time with others had been making her feel even worse. Besides, Charlie had given her some advice a few days ago she wanted to test out and she didn't exactly feel comfortable doing that while the hotel was crawling with people.
Y/n trusted Charlie. She was the first person to have extended a kind hand in her direction since her arrival in Hell. When Charlie had found out Y/n had been a concert pianist in the living world, she was elated.
"That's perfect!" she had said, leaning across the desk towards her, "We have a piano in the Hotel's auditorium!"
"I... I don't know if I really can... perform, right now. If that's alright." Y/n had replied, wringing her hands and unable to keep eyecontact.
"What? Oh no! That's not what I meant at all. It just seems... well if you did it for a living, you must have loved it. And it seems like you always have a lot on your mind, lots of stuff to process, and I know you don't like talking to people about it and, well, music always makes me feel better. It feels freeing, like I'm getting everything bottled up inside me out when I sing."
"I... I don't think I've ever really thought about it that way." she had admitted in response, "It was just something I had always done. I started lessons when I was three."
"Well, you should try it some time." Charlie had smiled back, "Maybe it will help."
Once she was sure everyone was gone and the hotel was hers alone, Y/n had slipped quietly from the confinement of her room. It had taken her a bit to find the auditorium. When she finally did and saw the piano it held, her breath caught in her throat.
It was a beautiful old baby grand made out of a warm cherry wood that matched the hotel's theming well. The lid had creaked when she had opened it, the keys had been dusty to the touch.
It had been a long time since she'd played. With mild joy, she let her fingers run the usual scales and arpeggios, finding a comfort in the familiarity of it all. Once satisfied her fingers were all warmed up and ready to play something real, she posed them over the keys.
Lucifer had lost himself in the depths of the labyrinthine hotel. The twists and turns of the hallways were unfamiliar to him despite the tour Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor had lead him on. His hope at finding his daughter and spending some time with her had long since flickered out. He was on the verge of going home, his hand half raised to open a portal, when he heard it.
A faint echo of music flooded the hallway and Lucifer froze. It was haunting and distant, it drew him in. His sights set on a new sort of entertainment for the afternoon, he listened carefully and began to follow the sound.
As he got closer to its source, Lucifer realized that who ever was making the music was not just playing the piano but singing. Their voice was soft and lovely, nearly ethereal in its sheer humanity and anguish.
I would have bet on us
We were untouchable, you and I
I couldn't get enough
It was a fairytale come to life
Lucifer at last reached the half open door to the room the music appeared to be coming from. Not wanting to disturb the artist just yet, he transformed into a snake and slithered his way silently into the room. There, sitting at the piano on the stage, was Y/n.
I had your heart
At least that's what I thought
Now I'm second guessing every moment
Wondering where we went so wrong
He didn't really know much about Y/n except that she was new to Hell. Charlie had mentioned off hand that she had died in an incident of domestic abuse. Lucifer had no idea why she had ended up in Hell or what she was really like. When he had visited the hotel the first time, Y/n had been quiet and reserved. She had stood to the side and watched, barley even introducing herself to him.
At first, he had thought it to be disrespect. Not every demon in Hell was his biggest fan after all and while he was used to it, it still stung that even one of his daughters would be reformed sinners would be blatantly rude to him. He had quickly realized however from her flittering eyes and the way she clutched at herself that it wasn't disrespect at all. Y/n had been nervous.
Of course, Lucifer had made an attempt to make her feel more comfortable but, when he had extended his metaphorical hand, Y/n had just closed herself off even further. According to Charlie and Angel Dust, that was just what the demoness was like. She was shy.
You got inside my head
Taking up every inch of space
'Til there was no room left
Her hands flew across the keys with a practiced grace. Lucifer felt she knew he was there, watching. He felt that she just might be performing for him.
So many parts of me erased
You had my heart
And tossed it in the dirt
As he listened to the words she sung, they resonated with him. For a split second, he could have sworn it was Lilith sitting there at the piano, not Y/n. He shut his eyes, shaking his head slightly. He was oddly grateful when he opened them again to find it had just been his imagination.
Now that was a first. Since Lilith had disappeared seven years ago, Lucifer had been a mess. Lucifer was always a mess but, Lilith leaving like that really did him in. She had been his rock, his guiding light, his everything. He had risked everything for her and he had lost. At least, back in the old days, he had gained something out of the chaos. A daughter, a wife, a world to try and shape. One after another, they were all taken from him. Even now, even with their relationship improving the way it was, he felt Charlie slipping away again.
Now I'm second guessing every moment
Wondering where we went so wrong
I just keep asking
Would this have been worth it if I knew the ending all along.
Without really thinking about it, Lucifer retook his normal form and sat down in one of the auditorium's front row seats. Thankfully, Y/n was too wrapped up in her own world to notice and she just continued to play.
What started so perfect was over too fast
I should have seen the warning signs
'Cause perfect doesn't last
Perfect doesn't last
Light shined off her face, that was how Lucifer had realized she was crying. Despite the tears, her voice never wavered. A performer at her core, just like him.
I would have bet on us
We were untouchable, you and I
As the last lingering notes echoed through the room, he began to clap. Y/n jumped at the noise, turning to face him with wide eyes and cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Lucifer was undeterred and, getting to his feet, gave her a standing ovation. After a few moments, he ceased in his applause.
"That was beautiful." he said, breaking the new silence that had fallen between them.
"Um, I'm sorry." Y/n's gaze fell back to the piano.
"No! No no no!" Lucifer exclaimed, jumping up onto the stage.
He kneeled before her, lifting her hands from her lap and taking them in his own. She turned to him, surprise drawing out the features of her face once again.
"Don't apologize for taking up space."
"I... I just didn't mean to disturb you is all. If you're looking for Charlie, she's out at the movies with everyone else."
"I was but, I can talk to her later, when she gets back. You didn't disturb me at all, Y/n. As I said, it was beautiful. It was..."
He trailed off, the smile slipping from his face.
"Oh fuck!" Y/n exclaimed, "I didn't mean to upset you! I'm really sorry, what can I do to make it better?"
"You didn't upset me." Lucifer shook his head, "You just... somehow managed to put words to the very things I've been struggling with the past couple years."
A smaller, much kinder and more genuine smile made its way onto his face.
"If you'd like to play more, I'd love to hear it."
Y/n's cheeks flushed red again.
"Theres no pressure." Lucifer shrugged, "Just giving you the option."
"An audience of one... well, it's a little intimidating." she admitted bashfully, "I'm used to the faceless mob of the crowd."
"I can see why. You have an undeniable gift."
"I guess... I don't know. Charlie just said it might help me process stuff. To play again, I mean."
"Was she right?"
Y/n paused in thought for a moment before nodding slowly.
"I think she might have been. My chest does feel a little lighter now."
"Then play."
"Um, mister... king of Hell? Sir?"
Lucifer laughed.
"You can just call me by my name. No formalities necessary. 'Mister king of Hell sir' was my fathers name."
Y/n laughed lightly at his terrible joke. The sound sparked a sudden joy in Lucifer's chest, one he hadn't felt in quite a long time.
"Well, Lucifer." she began again, stumbling a bit over his name.
"I'll... um, I'll need my hands back. If I'm to keep playing."
He looked down and his eyes widened. Lucifer hadn't realized he had still held her hands in his. Immediately he dropped them, getting to his feet and looking away in mild embarrassment.
"Sorry, about that."
"Don't apologize for existing." Y/n parroted his earlier words.
When he turned back to her, it was to find she was smiling slightly.
"How bad would it be if I said sorry again right now?"
"You'd be sounding like me."
"Lets make a deal then: no sorries unless something is actually wrong."
"What if I can't tell if your mad at me or not?"
Lucifer looked down at the seated demon. In not one of his wildest dreams could he ever imagine being mad at her but, that wasn't exactly something he could say.
"Then you can always ask."
"And you promise you wont lie to me?"
"I promise."
"Promise promise?"
She eyed him suspiciously for a moment before nodding her head. Turning back to the piano, her hands found their place on the keys once again. She hesitated.
"I..." Y/n shot Lucifer a look over her shoulder, "Thank you."
"Thank you. There is some solace in knowing someone else out there feels the same way I do, if for different reasons."
"Yeah. There is, isn't there? Maybe part of our deal can be helping each other figure that all out too."
The suggestion had been half thought out. Y/n hadn't really meant to give it a voice, it had escaped her locked lips. She quickly turned back to the piano.
"Sorry. That was dumb."
"What did we just say about sorries!" Lucifer exclaimed, "No apologizing for existing. I think that suggestion sounds rather nice."
"Okay. I... I'm actually going to play now. Is that okay?"
With a snap of his fingers, Lucifer reappeared in the seat he had previously inhabited. He crossed his legs, resting his hands on his knee.
"Whenever your ready."
Song is Perfect Doesn't Last by Beth Crowley as requested :)
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dotster001 · 7 months
The Long Game; a For Tuna End
Custom content end, but takes place after the canonical bad end
Part One Part Two Part Three Choose Another Ending
Riddle remembers when he got the call. He didn't know how Grim even had his phone number. It was about four months ago.
“Now's your chance!”
“Sorry?” He was just about to leave his law firm for the day, when his phone had rung, and now he was stuck there.
“Y/N and the baker broke up!”
Riddle nearly dropped his phone. He put Grim on speaker and opened up his text messages. He was still very close with both you and Trey, having dinner with you both every Saturday. Often, you both joked with him about how you would adopt him so you could force him to take a break. Sure enough, both of you had texted him.
Hey, Riddle, so, Trey and I aren't seeing each other anymore. Wanted you to know before you heard it from someone else.
I know you were his friend first, but I hope you don't hate me, and we can still hang out?
Trey's message was similar.
Y/N and I broke up. We're still gonna be friends, nothing bad happened. But I wanted you to know.
Riddle watched the typing bubble on Trey's message space, and nearly threw his phone when he got the message.
I know you've never stopped loving them. So whenever the two of you get together, I want you to know I'm ok with it 😉
“Well? C'mon Mr. Lawyer! Will you be there tomorrow, or not?!” Grim shouted, clearly having been unable to get his attention for a while.
“Trey’s my friend. I can't just take his partner the day after they broke up,” Riddle sighed tiredly. Yes, Trey wasn't wrong. He never stopped loving you, no matter how hard he tried, how many people he dated, how much time he would stay away. But society has rules. He couldn't act on his feelings right away. It wasn't like you held those feelings for him. You wouldn't have dated Trey if you had.
“Don't be stupid, Rosehearts. This is your one chance. I have Ashengrotto on standby at any moment!”
Riddle held back a snicker. Clearly, that was untrue. Azul had been married for two years.
“Go ahead and call him, then.”
“I will! Goodbye forever, Rosehearts!”
Four months later, and it was the first chance he'd had to have dinner with you again. Grim was grouchy, slumping in his chair, refusing to do anything but glare at him. Your current tactic seemed to be to ignore him.
“Tell me everything! It feels like so long since I last saw you!” You said excitedly, scooping a portion of strawberry and walnut salad onto his, then Grim's, plate.
“I've been busy,” he hummed, skirting around the question. He'd been busy because he'd chosen to be. Between Grim's relentless phone calls, and Trey attempting to push him in “the right direction” every day since a month ago, he'd been being forced to face his feelings that he'd spent years trying to bury. Throwing himself into his work had seemed to be the only peace he'd had.
“Riddle, we've talked about this! You can't overwork yourself like this! Someone who spent a year in medical school should be well aware of that!”
Riddle rolled his eyes, but smiled playfully. “You sound ridiculous, right now. I had way more on my plate at NRC than I've ever have at work.”
“Maybe. But one of these days, I'm gonna trap you in my house, and make you take a vacation.”
That didn't sound too bad. Being trapped in a house with only your tender love and care to worry about.
“I'll look forward to that day,” he laughed tiredly. You seemed satisfied with that answer, and continued chatting about what you'd been up to. He winced, however, when he made eye contact with Grim, who looked suspiciously happy.
“So?” Riddle echoed. He knew exactly what Trey had called him to ask, but he didn't really want to answer.
“So?! A little birdie told me you and Y/N are going on a trip this weekend!”
“It’s not like we'll be alone. Grim is coming,” Riddle held back a slightly bitter tone at that.
“Yeah, and for some reason he's desperate for you to be his dad. I'm sure he's got something worked out.”
“He only wants me so that he can “be rich” and get tuna. And because he was extremely bitter that you ruined his plans, years ago, and wants revenge on you.”
Trey laughed. “I think you'd be surprised, Riddle. He's an interesting little guy. I think he actually likes you.”
Riddle rolled his eyes. “Is it normal for an ex boyfriend to be this interested in matchmaking his ex?”
“It is when the ex boyfriend wants his ex and his old friend to be happy, and he can see how good they would be together.”
“Sure, sure. Listen, Trey, I gotta go,” Riddle muttered, wanting to end this phone call as quickly as possible.
“Don't forget to pack a toothbrush!”
“Yeah, yeah…”
“And a swimsuit!”
“Yeah, yeah-”
“And don't forget to pack sunscreen!”
“Bye mom,” Riddle sighed tiredly as he hung up. He leaned back in his chair, massaging his temples. Why did he even agree to a vacation with you? It was already seeming to be more effort than it was worth. But he'd already said yes. And he knew you, and his coworkers, wouldn't take it lying down. The moment his coworkers had heard he was going to have a weekend beach vacation, they'd put all their effort into making sure he had no excuse not to go.
You, meanwhile, had already purchased and planned the vacation. You gave him those sad eyes when he was about to turn you down, and he found himself nodding along.
Two days. That's all he'd have to put up with. He could do this.
“I need my own bed.”
Both you and Riddle stared at Grim, who had an angry look on his face.
“The fuck?” You muttered.
“I refuse to go back to the Ramshackle days. I will not be sharing a bed with a stinky human!”
“Stinky?” You sounded mildly offended.
You'd all just arrived at the vacation cabin, and found out there were two bedrooms. You had been preparing to put both your's and Grim's bags in one of the rooms, when he'd dropped the bomb.
“It's fine. I can just take the couch,” Riddle muttered, already tired.
“No! This vacation is supposed to be about you getting some rest for once! I'll take the damn couch,” you growled, dragging your bag over to the very stiff looking sofa.
Riddle grabbed the handle of your suitcase, yanking it away.
“You paid for the beds. You should sleep in one.”
“I have an idea!” Grim shouted. You both turned to stare at him. “Since both of you are stinky humans, and Y/N was prepared to share anyway, you could both share the bed!”
Riddle's eyes widened, his jaw dropping, but you spoke faster.
“I mean, if you're okay with that Riddle, I don't mind.”
He nodded dumbly, and you took his suitcase, carrying it to your now shared room.
It took a second for it all to process, but what made it settle in was the exaggerated wink Grim was giving him.
“Word of warning. Y/N is a major cuddler!” Grim whispered, scampering off to his own room. Riddle's face felt like it was on fire, as you called over to him, telling him the room was ready.
He stumbled in, trying to puzzle out how the trip had gotten away from him so quickly.
“Why did we let him win?” He asked tiredly.
You sighed, then gave him a war torn smile.
“He's really good at what he does.”
You went to the ensuite bathroom, and before Riddle could process, time had passed and you had reemerged in your pajamas. You pulled back the comforter, and snuggled yourself into the bed.
“Aren't you going to change?” You asked.
“My clothes are comfortable,” he muttered.
That was a lie.
“Alright then,” you patted the space next to you, and Riddle gulped. He trudged over to the bed, as though he was taking his death march. Then he stiffly flipped onto the bed.
“You can come closer. I swear I don't bite,” you laughed, as he pushed himself as far to the edge as possible.
“I don't need much space,” he muttered.
“Alright. Good night, Riddle,” you hummed. You quickly fell asleep, clearly used to sharing a bed.
Riddle, meanwhile, found himself staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep. He wasn't touching you, but your body heat was fogging his mind. Your scent, as well, was inescapable, and sleep, inevitably, evaded him.
He looked at the alarm clock on the side table. 1:35 am. He groaned. This was never going to work.
As quietly as possible, he left the bed, and made his way out of the cabin. He wandered down to the beach, trying to clear you from his head. He stood near the edge of the ocean, and closed his eyes, letting the sounds of the waves drown you out.
Then he was sprayed with a wall of water.
He spluttered, choking on sea water. When he had finally recovered, he heard a voice he hadn't heard in years.
“Hey, Goldfishie!”
He groaned, looking out at the sea, where he saw a pair of glowing mismatched eyes.
“Floyd. How are you?”
“Same old, same old,” he hummed.
“Excellent. WHY DID YOU SPLASH ME?!” Riddle roared, making Floyd laugh.
“Because I wanted to. By the way, aren't you supposed to be making out with Shrimpy?”
Riddle's face went crimson. “What-”
“Y/N’s doing the same thing with Jade and Sea Turtle. The day they broke up, they started texting Jade non stop about asking him out. The difference is that Jade is so much better at it than you are.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Riddle snarled.
“It means, Jade already bagged his prey. Like, a month ago. Trey sent me here, because he knew you'd wimp out at some point,” Floyd gave him a disappointed once over. “He's gonna be sad when he hears how fast it was.”
“You used his name…” Riddle muttered in awe.
“Yeah?” Floyd shrugged. “He's prolly gonna be my brother in law one day. That makes him family. But you're dodging the issue.”
Floyd fixed him with a glare.
“Do I need to take a transformation potions, and take care of things myself?”
“First off, why would you even help me? Didn't you used to have a crush on Y/N?”
“Yeah. So did everyone. The difference between you and everyone is that, for everyone, it was just a crush, which meant it went away. For you, it's love. Which is why you're too scared to schmooze them right now.”
Riddle sighed tiredly. He never thought he'd see a day where he had a reasonable conversation with Floyd. He sat down in the sand, staring off into the distance.
“They always were so happy with Trey. What if I never match up?”
Floyd rolled his eyes, slipping below the surface as he groaned.
When he pooped back up, he fixed Riddle with a glare.
“Do you really think me, and Sea Turtle, and Jade, would all be pushing you to this if we didn't think you were capable of making Y/N happy?” He rolled his eyes again, before splashing him with more water. “Seven's, we all used to love Y/N! And we still cherish them! If anyone can give them a happy ending, it's fucking Riddle Rosehearts!”
Riddle stared at Floyd for a moment, before a smile split his face.
“Floyd, somehow you grew up.”
“Ugh!” Floyd splashed him a third time, before diving below the surface.
Riddle allowed himself a giggle, before making his way back to the cabin. He changed out of his dripping clothes, into his pajamas, and made his way back into the bed.
He looked at you for a moment, letting you fog his mind again. His heart skipped a beat, as you sighed softly, then flipped over, wrapping your arms around him, and tangling your legs with his.
For a moment, he thought he would die. Then you sleepily whispered,
“Grimmy, you're so squishy.”
Riddle sighed in relief. His dignity was safe for now. You were just asleep. You weren't actively trying to give him a heart attack.
It felt good though. Resting so close to you. And he soon found himself finally drifting off.
He woke up early. He was always an early riser. But he was pretty sure what woke him up this time was your head resting on his neck, cutting off his air supply. He didn't want to have to wake you, but he needed to breathe.
“Y/N,” he groaned, gently shifting as much as he could with you wrapped up around him. It took a couple calls of your name before your eyes fluttered open, sleepily looking up at him. Then your eyes widened and you shot up, pulling away.
“Oh my god, Riddle, I am so sorry! I cuddle in my sleep sometimes,” you hastily spoke.
“Y/N, it's fine,” he said, looking away so that you hopefully wouldn't see how red he was. He missed your warmth already.
“God, I'm so embarrassed,” you moaned, burying your face in your hands.
“Don't be. Actually,” he steeled his courage, looking at you with what he hoped was a calm confidence. “This seems like a good time to tell you something important.”
You peeked at him from between your fingers.
“I love you.”
Your hands dropped from your face, your jaw dropped.
“I know you were dating Trey, like, a year ago, but-”
“For Seven's sake! Riddle! This is gonna make me sound super sus, but do you think I would have so quickly agreed to share a bed with you if I didn't like you back?”
Riddle stared at you, before swiftly pinning you down, a dangerous smile on his face.
“And why, my dear Y/N, didn't you say something sooner?”
You stiffened, realizing you were probably in trouble.
“Ha ha, well um-”
“My darling rose,” he hummed, gently caressing your cheek. “It's against the rules to keep your queen waiting.”
He leaned in, and the door slammed open.
You both turned your heads to see Grim, who's eyes widened with glee.
“Finally! Tuna for everyone! Riddle's treat!” He skipped out of the room, laughing happily.
“What the fuck?” You muttered.
“I'll go deal with that,” Riddle said, leaving the bed and stretching, before making his way to the door. He stopped for a moment, then turned back to you with a wicked grin.
“Don't think for a moment that you have escaped punishment.”
He held back a laugh as he watched you hide under the blankets.
A/N: dear riddle fans. I have gifted you the longest ending to date. Am I forgiven for making you wait so long for his happy ending?
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 11 days
Hey!!!:) I can’t really remember if I've requested this before, but just in case, I’m sending it again. 😭
could I ask for a story where reader and Donna are struggling to have a baby? They’ve been trying for some time, but nothing seems to be happening, and they’re feeling really desperate to make it work.
Maybe reader starts to feel a bit insecure and scared, worried that Donna might lose patience and idk throw her out if she doesn’t get pregnant. She thinks that Donna is disappointed in her and blames the situation on her.
But at the end, it finally works out, and they’re overwhelmingly happy!
Thank you, and I wish you well, as always! ;)
Yesss!!!! I don't remember a similar request, but thank you for it!!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :)))))
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst (G!P Donna slightly implied)
Word count: 6,827
Summary: You wanted to give her a baby, to start a family, but you didn't know if you could...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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You paced back and forth, nervous, thinking about what the best words would be to confront the problem, wondering if those words really existed in your entire vocabulary. You were nervous, alone in that big house, with your mind too busy to be aware of the passage of time.
You were already accustomed to the darkness of a place that once seemed sinister to you, a dark, isolated and almost forbidden house.
A couple of years ago you decided to face your own fears, to enter the forest which gave you nightmares, that forest no one entered, and from which no one ever returned.
It could be that you were born in that place, in that village isolated from the world, under the protection and mercy of the Black Gods. Neither they, nor Mother Miranda, nor the Lords were reasons for you to think your life was safe, for you to believe you were nothing but a simple human being in a strange place.
You were not the most devout villager, nor the most helpful, nor the most sociable. You were simply you. A girl lost in a dark world, surrounded by legends, by fears that your family instilled in you over time.
Perhaps you could have lived differently if your parents had not been the cause of your fears. They, faithful devotees of the Cult, took care to warn you of all the dangers that the masses said didn’t exist, of that shadow that always hovered over you, over the creatures protected by those absurd Gods.
That extreme fear, that trembling in your legs every time the Lords were near, caused one of your most characteristic traits to be cowardice, cowardice that, when you turned 19, you decided to forget.
What was the best way to do it? Facing your fears.
The forest seemed the ideal place for it. There were no lycans. There was no constant danger as could be in the castle. That place was always uninhabited. It could even seem that there was no danger behind that wooden bridge.
You were wrong. You knew who lived there. You knew what could happen if she caught you. Donna Beneviento was the youngest, the most mysterious of the Lords and the owner of that forest, of those ramshackle cabins.
A dark woman, with a dark past, with serious problems in her mind, with the ability to make anyone who disturbed her suffer and wipe them off the map while screaming in terror. You knew it and for some reason, you assumed that it wouldn’t happen to you. But, again, you were completely wrong.
After walking around that place, telling yourself that everything was okay, that you hadn't done anything wrong, you tripped and fell into a small ditch, hurting your foot.
Asking for help was absurd, and moving, too.
When that black shadow, when that woman in black appeared before your eyes with a stoic pose, covered by the black veil, watching you, you could only close your eyes.
Nothing happened to you. Lady Beneviento was nothing like anything you had heard. Yes, she was a quiet woman, uncommunicative, but... Well, she helped you without reason. She healed your wounds under an almost sepulchral silence. Something unexpected, but that would lead to many more encounters, to questions with a hoarse, whispering voice.
It wasn't long before the fear disappeared and you began to feel other things towards that woman. A mutual feeling that settled in your heart after seeing her true face for yourself, the thing she was ashamed of. Beauty was something subjective but… In that case, you didn't think it was like that at all.
Then the kisses came, the hugs, the pleas for you to stay a little longer, just a little longer. You didn't care about anything, not the deformity of her face, not her body, altered by the the Gods’ whim … Nothing, nothing prevented you from falling madly in love with her.
And so two years passed, the two best years of your life.
But, like everything, nothing could be perfect, not that day, the day in which you had to expose to the brunette the worries you had for several days.
In your mind you rehearsed the conversation over and over again, the way to tell her what was happening to you, what that could mean. You could have tried to keep hiding it from her, but it was pointless.
Donna wasn't a bad person. She was kind, caring and understanding. Her problems didn't mix with yours and besides, you had learned to deal with those crises. You shouldn't be afraid, right?
After a while, the door of the mansion opened, letting in the woman of your life, covered in that horrible black veil, holding the fun and irreverent Angie in her arms.
“Oh, Donna, you're early,” you said nervously, walking towards her while she got rid of the cloth that covered her beauty. Her serious face sketched a smile as she saw how you approached, how you kissed her quickly.
“It was just a meeting like any other,” she explained, gently grabbing your waist, returning more quick kisses, unfortunately for the doll, who let out a furious growl.
“I'm glad to hear it,” you sighed, letting your head rest on her shoulder.
Any moment was good to express the love you felt for her, to melt with her hugs, but that day was different, that day her arms were not romantic, they were more like a refuge.
“Were you bored?” Donna asked, kissing your head and finally pulling away, putting her veil in a drawer. You sighed, shaking your head.
“No, I’ve been sorting out the books in the living room,” you explained, walking next to her, who listened intently to your words, nodding slowly.
“It was not necessary,” she whispered in a tender voice, taking your hand, noticing it was shaking. “(Y/N), tesoro… You’re shaking.”
“Oh, well,” you said, pulling your hand away quickly, too quickly, affirming your concerns. “It’s nothing.”
Donna looked at you with a frown. You weren’t the best of liars, and she wasn’t stupid. You couldn’t fool her or lie to her, she would always know.
“What’s wrong?” she asked again, facing you and placing a lock of hair behind your ear. “Something’s worrying you…”
“Th, the truth is… Yes,” you sighed, finally confessing, continuing your mental search for the right words, one that was fruitless. “Come, I have, I have to tell you something,” you said, taking her hand and leading her to your favorite reading corner, indicating that she should sit down.
“Okay… Dimmi, (Y/N),” she whispered with a low voice, broken by the nerves she fought against every time you had something to tell her.
You could say that Donna, in her own way, was also quite a coward, although her only fear was always the same, losing you.
“Um, I… I don't really know how to tell you,” you stammered, scratching the back of your neck but not separating your hand from hers. “I'm, I'm a bit… scared.”
“Scared,” Donna repeated, with a marked accent that betrayed her own concern. “What are you scared of, tesoro?”
“Scared is perhaps not the right word…” you murmured, looking at the ceiling, anywhere except at her bright eye. “Let's say… Worried?”
“Well, in that case, tell me what's worrying you,” the lady in black said, nodding understandingly.
You took a breath, unable to find those magic words, ones that weren't dangerous, that wouldn't make the lady nervous.
“I'm late,” you finally said, closing your eyes and opening them slowly, cowardly checking her reaction. She seemed calm, her face didn't change.
“You're late…” she repeated cautiously, blinking erratically.
“Yes, I… I should have gotten my period last week and… Well, I’m a week late,”you said in a whisper that was becoming increasingly inaudible.
“Um…” Donna murmured, smiling nervously. “What do you mean, (Y/N)?”
“Well, I mean, I mean…” you stammered, your body shaking from that fear, that thing you didn't want to think was possible, even though deep down, you knew that it was, of course it was possible.
“Amore mio,” Donna said, with a surprised but radiant face, taking your hands, squeezing them affectionately. “Sei incinta?”
“What?” you asked confused, trying to figure out what she had asked. After all that time with her, you didn't have to think about it too much anymore. “Oh, I… I don't know.”
“Tesoro…” Donna sighed, cupping your face in her hands, with a radiant smile, of sincere happiness, something that relaxed you a bit. “Are we going to have a baby?”
“I don't know, Donna, I… I've always, always been regular like a clockwork and… Well, I don't really know but… Yes, it's quite likely,” you murmured, pleasantly surprised by her reaction, which was, of course, what you feared the most.
“That's wonderful news, (Y/N), a baby…” she said, radiating happiness, kissing you quickly, excited.
“Is it?” you asked confused, laughing at her quick kisses, at that tender nervousness of the brunette.
“Of course, tesoro,” she said, nodding, settling down next to you on the couch
“Wow, you've taken it well,” you sighed in relief, dodging the hundreds of kisses that attacked you mercilessly. “I didn’t know you were so excited about it.”
“Honestly, I didn’t either,” the lady said, shaking her head, still caressing you. “But thinking about it makes me... It makes me happy.”
“Does it? Well, that's a relief,” you joked, thinking about how stupid you were to think that somehow it would be bad news. “Anyway, it's just a delay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit.”
“You said you were regular like a clockwork,” she said, visibly nervous. “It's incredible... A baby...”
“I don't know if I'm ready for it,” you said somewhat fearfully, with a lot of new worries assaulting your mind, a lot of things that were going to happen and that you didn't know how to handle.
“Certo, I guess no one is ready enough but... Don't worry, I'll help you with everything you need,” she sighed, with her hand on your cheek, with her eye shining with emotion. “And, and we will be... A family, a real one.”
“Family? It sounds great,” you said amused as Donna bit her lower lip, unable to hold back a tear of emotion.
“You make me so happy…” she sighed in a sweeter voice, kissing you again, this time more slowly, enjoying the contact. “Oh, oh, there are so many things to think about…”
“Yes,” you laughed amused, wiping away a tear that was running down your cheek. “So many things…”
“Yes, I… I'll have to make some clothes for it and, well, we should think about where it’s going to sleep and… Is it a boy or a girl?”
“How would I know?” you asked, shaking your head and arching your eyebrows. “Donna, relax, it's too early for that.”
“No, no, no, you're the one who has to relax and rest. A, from now on I'll take care of you as if you were a princess… My princess…” the lady sighed, brushing her nose against yours. “Amore mio, ti amo così tanto…”
“Me too, Donna, me too…”
At least it was good news for her. You couldn't hide that incipient fear of being a mother, that strange nervousness. A baby wasn't exactly something you had in mind. It was something improvised, a surprise.
Donna, for her part, was elated, excited, smiling; eager to meet that life she created inside of you. Everything had to be perfect for baby Beneviento and, from what you had seen, it was going to be.
Her fears, problems or worries didn't seem to overshadow that emotion, the joy of having a family, of starting one with you.
In your mind you thought about the consequences, the reality of your situation, how it would change your life. After thinking about it, you came to the same conclusion as the lady in black, it was wonderful news.
But, as if it had been nothing but a joke of fate, everything went wrong one morning. Just when you could already feel that same emotion as your girlfriend, the harsh reality hit your feelings; it had been a false alarm.
Your period came back to mock you, to mercilessly crush that happiness you were no longer able to stop feeling. It was a disappointment, a terrible disappointment that you had to tell her. Again, you didn't know how.
“Donna...” you murmured, slowly opening the doors of the workshop where she worked on her dolls. She turned around with a smile, indicating you to come closer.
“Ciao, tesoro, come, look at this,” she said, with that same smile, showing you what looked like a small, very small garment. “Do you like it?”
You took in your hands what looked like a small pajama, decorated with animals, hand-embroidered in an extraordinary way, although it shouldn't surprise you.
“It's nice,” you whispered, suppressing a sob.
No, you just didn't see yourself capable of giving her the bad news. You had never seen her so happy, not even the day you told her you loved her for the first time.
“I made it with grey fabric, and before you tell me, no, it's not a sinister vice on dark tones,” Donna joked, picking up the pajamas again and running her hands over the embroidery. “I chose grey because I don't know if it's going to be a boy or a girl, and besides, that pink and blue nonsense is a bit old-fashioned, isn't it?”
“Old-fashioned? But Donna…” you said amused, with a sad smile. “Aren't you over 50?”
The lady in black, as clueless with jokes as ever, looked up, as if she was seriously considering her answer.
“I couldn’t tell you,” she said seriously, focused again.
You rolled your eyes, bending down to give her a soft kiss on the cheek, one that made her smile back, you didn’t know for how long.
“Donna, I…” you began, sighing.
“I thought that the baby would sleep with us until it was old enough,” the doll maker interrupted, leaving you a second away from telling the truth. “Yes, yes, I know that the guest room is far from the basement but don’t worry, Angie will take care of it.”
“Hey!” the doll protested, with a high-pitched squeak. “If I’m going to babysit a crying child, I demand compensation.”
“Compensation? I gave you the gift of life,” Donna said amused, looking at you in a complicit manner.
The doll growled as she walked towards you comically.
“You're going to take it away from me by making me endure your child: Mom! Where's Mom? I'm afraid of the dark! Angie, come to the bathroom with me, that lady in the painting scares me! That's not free, silly Donna,” the puppet mocked.
Donna laughed tenderly, shaking her head. You took a breath, closing your eyes.
“Donna,” you said in a more serious tone.
“Don't pay attention to her, she's looking forward to having someone to play with,” the lady said, carefully folding the pajamas.
“Your life will be like hell!” Angie shrieked again, apparently furious. “We'll be your worst nightmare, you tireless copulators!”
The lady in black sighed with the same tenderness in her smile.
“Honey, listen to me for a moment,” you said, slowly losing your patience. It was as if deep down, Donna was ignoring you on purpose, as if she didn't want to know what you had to say to her.
“Mm?” she murmured, leafing through a book on sewing patterns, a book about baby clothes. “Oh, look at that crib... We'll have to ask the carpenter to make us one and...”
“Donna, listen to me,” you said abruptly, holding her shoulders, forcing her to look at you. Her eye widened with a confused look and she nodded. “I'm not pregnant.”
“Cosa?” she asked in a small voice, frowning, beginning to tremble.
“Non, sono, incinta,” you repeated, dragging out your words, demonstrating everything you had learned in those two years.
You wanted to be no doubt, to be clear. You may have been a bit abrupt, but it was necessary. When Donna got something in her head, it was very difficult to her to get it out.
“No?” she sighed, looking down, her smile slowly disappearing. “But, but… What happened?”
“Nothing, nothing happened,” you said in a somber voice, hurt by that reaction, by seeing the sadness in her eye again. “It was a false alarm, that's all.”
“Oh, um… Okay, I…” Donna stammered looking away, breathing nervously, disappointed. “I, I need a moment.”
“Donna, honey,” you said affectionately, running a hand over her cheek, which she gently pushed away.
“Please, go away,” she whispered, in a voice that warned of an imminent crisis. “Leave me alone.”
“My love…” you sighed, shaking your head.
“Get out!” she shouted nervously, forcing you to obey her, sobbing. You didn't want to argue, that was the last thing you needed at that moment.
It was a horrible day, and, after it, time didn't change that bitterness.
Donna didn't seem the same. She had gone back in time. She had become surly again, always with that sad look, with that darkness on her face. For you it had been a bad experience but for her, for her it was much worse.
You really didn't think she would accept it that much, you didn't even know that she was that excited about having a child with you. In your thoughts there was only one question, one that you asked yourself every night, one for which you still had no answer: What if we have a child?
After thinking about it thoroughly, having that kind of respite thanks to that scare, you were able to think things through better, think pros and cons before making a decision. It didn't take long for you to know what you wanted to do, what you could do.
Starting a family wasn't in your short-term plans, but little by little, you began to want it, to look to the future with a smile. Yes, of course you did, you wanted a child, a child with her. You wanted that happy family you began to dream of.
“Honey?” you asked one morning, peeking into the kitchen.
Donna was there, preparing food with that same sad expression, one she'd had for weeks and that you couldn't erase. She looked at you out of the corner of her eye, with a fake smile, gesturing for you to come closer.
“Mm, it smells so good,” you said sighing, grabbing her waist from behind. She laughed shyly, offering you a sample of that delicious sauce.
“Do you think it needs some more salt?” she asked concentrated while you tasted it, shaking your head.
“No, it's perfect, darling,” you said, nodding with a genuine smile.
Donna imitated your gesture, moving so you would let her go.
“Am I disturbing you?” you asked a bit nervously, again, not knowing what words to use to express your decision. She looked at you briefly, shaking her head.
“No, you’re not,” she said with a cold voice, but trying not to lose her tenderness.
“Good, because… Because, I have to talk to you,” you said, tilting your head so she would look at you, something she did briefly, returning to the food right after. “Seriously.”
“Talk, tesoro,” she whispered, stirring that delicious sauce.
You rolled your eyes, taking her hand away from the wooden spoon and leaving it on the counter, turning her body.
“(Y/N), I'm, I'm cooking,” Donna protested, still holding your hand but with an annoyed expression. “Can't we talk another time?”
“No, hey, listen, I've been thinking…” you said, gesturing with your other hand.
“I can listen to you while I cook,” she murmured, letting your hand go and picking up the spoon again.
You groaned, snatching it back from her. A bad idea, since Donna was more irritable than usual. Poor thing, she probably had no idea. You were going to cheer her soul up again.
“No, I really want you to listen to me,” you insisted, now taking both of her hands, holding her in front of you.
The lady sighed and nodded in defeat.
“I thought that… Well, maybe, maybe it's not such a bad idea to have a baby,” you said, letting your nerves speak for you. She stared at you, frowning.
“What do you mean?” she asked confused, studying your gestures.
“I mean that, well… I saw you so excited that time that… Yes, Donna, I want, I want to have a baby with you, one, one that we want, you know…” you said with a mischievous look, playing with her hands. “If it's okay with you, of course.”
“Are you serious?” she asked, with that bright smile briefly returning to her face. “Do you want… Do you want to have a baby with me?”
“Yes, Donna, of course I want,” you nodded smiling, relaxed by seeing the happiness on her face again, by seeing the illusion that disappeared so abruptly.
“You make me so happy…” the lady sighed, resting her forehead against yours, kissing you slowly. “So, so happy…”
You laughed amused, hanging on her neck, biting your lip.
“How about you turn off the gas, stop preparing that delicious meal for a moment and get to it?” you asked, whispering in her ear. She looked at you, breathing nervously, turning the kitchen faucet.
“With pleasure,” she whispered back, taking you in her arms by surprise, walking out of the old kitchen among timid laughs.
At least that illusion, that desire to fight, to love, to live, returned to Lady Beneviento. You were also excited, waiting for events to develop on their own.
You always considered yourself a lucky girl. In your 21 years you had been very lucky with your decisions, very lucky to meet Donna, to win her love… You thought that chance was in your favor, ready to compensate you for so many years of darkness, for that fearful and lonely childhood.
You didn't know why when you were happiest, luck seemed to abandon you.
“Well?” the lady in black asked, nervously playing with her hands, waiting for the result, like every month.
“Boy or girl, silly?” Angie asked too, while you approached slowly, with a sad look.
“Nothing,” you murmured, showing the horrible result of that test. “Negative.”
“What? L-Let me see,” the lady said, frowning and snatching the test from your hands, confirming your failure.
“What do you have to do with it? It's a damn line, Donna,” you said frustrated, letting yourself fall on the couch.
Of course, you weren't lucky anymore.
Yes, well, it would have been too much of a coincidence if it had worked on the first try. On the first, maybe the second, but not on the fourth.
Nerves, anxiety began to take their toll on your body. You weren't getting pregnant, no matter how many times you tried. Fate was no longer on your side.
You tried everything, reading books, taking your temperature... None of those methods seemed useful to you. You knew that giving up was cowardly, but, little by little, you began to lose hope.
Donna seemed calm, understanding, but deep down, you knew that she wasn't, causing you to be in a constant nervous state, an irritability more typical of the lady in black than of yourself.
It wasn't anger at Donna. She was doing everything she could. That anger, that frustration was only directed at one person, you.
“Shit...” you hissed, crossing your arms, shaking your head.
“She said shit,” Angie sang, pointing at you mockingly.
“Hey, leave me alone, will you? Get lost,” you said sharply to the doll, who stopped laughing immediately, surely due to the coldness of your gaze, an unusual one.
“Don't take it out on Angie, tesoro,” Donna said, sitting next to you and leaving that failed test on the table. “It's okay, we'll try again.”
“Surely everything would be easier if that piece of wood and porcelain stopped being unnaturally alive!” you shrieked furiously, causing the doll to flee in terror.
“(Y/N)…” the lady sighed, controlling the trembling of your hands. “Come on, amore mio, relax.”
“I'm relaxed, can't you see it?” you growled, pulling your hands away from hers, frustrated, terribly frustrated. She tilted her head with a sad look.
“Nobody said it was easy… We must, we must be patient,” Donna told you, with a soft and tender voice, enduring your brusqueness, your bad mood.
Meanwhile your head was thinking about what the reason for your failure could be; why life didn't seem to want to make its way into your body. You didn't want to think it was your fault, anything but that.
On other occasions you would have swallowed your accusations, but the pressure was already too strong.
“What if it's your fault?” you murmured with a frown, moving away from the woman in black, who pointed at herself, confused.
“Mine?” she asked, surprised by your accusation.
“Yes, yours, who tells you that you can have children?” you asked irrationally, taking it all out on poor Donna. She was very patient with you.
“Oh, well, I, I…” she stammered with a shy look, with an embarrassed smile.
“You, what?” you insisted, with a tone that was too arrogant.
“Oh, (Y/N), it's not possible... Nothing's wrong with me, everything's fine,” she said, making you frown distrustfully at seeing her nervousness.
“No? How can you be so sure?” you asked inquisitively, narrowing your eyes.
“Well, because... Oh, I forgot that I had to do something and...” Donna said, getting up nervously from the sofa. You no longer had any doubts.
“Hey, hey, hey! Come here, Beneviento,” you said furiously, grabbing the lady by her wrist, contemplating the lie hidden in her bright eye. “Spit it out, what are you hiding from me?”
“I, niente...” she stammered, giving herself away even more.
“Niente? So I guess I have to believe your word,” you hissed with a dangerous look, leaving the lady in black with no way out, who moved nervously. “Donna…”
“I had to do it, okay?” she finally said, walking further away from you.
“Do what?” you asked impatiently, stamping your foot on the floor, furious for no reason, angry at Donna, at your own failure.
“I had to know if… If I won't be able to get you pregnant because… Because of me,” she whispered, avoiding your gaze.
“What have you done?” you asked again, through clenched teeth, making your lover more and more nervous.
“I, I told Mother Miranda to… Well, to… do some tests to me,” Donna confessed, lowering her gaze. You were left breathless, your heart struggling to calm down.
“What? Her? What tests?” you insisted nervously.
Donna shrugged, blush visible on her cheeks.
“Nothing out of the ordinary, just some analysis,” she explained with a shaky voice, with a marked accent, trying to get away from you again.
You made a face of disgust, shaking your head in disbelief.
“Analysis? Oh, no, I don't think you let that witch manipulate your…” you hissed, upset.
“What did you want me to do?” she protested, more sure of herself, clenching her fists on both sides of her hips. “I should wait again and again just to see us fail?”
“You're the one who says that we have to be patient,” you reproached, annoyed by her words.
“Yes, but, but… I wanted, I wanted to make sure, (Y/N), and you know what? I'm perfectly fine, I'm fertile,” Donna said, with a cockier tone, nervous, nervous just like you.
“Oh, I'm happy for you…” you mocked with an ironic tone. “Then it's my fault, right?”
“I didn't say that,” the ventriloquist hissed, with a cold look. “But if you agreed to let Mother Miranda to check you, maybe…”
“No! No way!” you shouted nervously, terrified by that possibility. “We've already talked about it, although I see what it was for… You've ignored it.”
“Why are you so stubborn?” Donna asked, with a calmer fury, with pain in her eye, not resentment. “I just want her to take a look at you.”
“Sure, sure…” you murmured, nodding ironically. “I thought I made it clear. I didn't want that kind of mutant crow to know we were going to have a baby.”
“Why not? She has a right to know,” the lady said, increasingly nervous.
“Shit, Donna, because I say it!” you shrieked, echoing off the old walls. “You told me that she wants to resurrect her daughter, how can you be so stupid?”
“Perché mi stai insultando?” she sobbed, with a tear sliding down her cheek. “(Y/N)…”
“Donna, wake up,” you said, without the slightest regret for her apparent crisis, selfishly ignoring her feelings. “Miranda wants a daughter, we want a baby. They are dangerously common interests, don't you understand?”
“She would never hurt our child,” the lady in black hissed, changing her sobs into furious gasps.
“No? Are you completely sure?” you asked mockingly, with your conscience screaming for you to listen to it.
“Although, even if she wanted to, I would never allow it,” Donna whispered, clenching her fists again. “You have to listen to me, (Y/N), let her examine you and…”
“I said no,” you said in a calmer voice, but confident in yourself. “We will keep trying, I have time.”
Your hatred towards Mother Miranda seemed to be the only reason for your refusal, but you knew it wasn't. You were scared and terrified. You couldn't know if you were to blame, if your body refused to take that step, if there was a biological or physical reason for so much failure. If so, what would Donna think? How would she react to the possibility that you couldn't have children?
Just thinking about it made your stomach clench. If you didn't know how excited she was, you wouldn't have given it any importance, but you knew that Donna wanted a baby, she wanted to start a family with you. If she couldn't do it, what made you think she would want to continue with you?
“Donna, wait,” you said in a whisper, when the lady in black turned around furiously, mad at you, with your terribly unfair attitude. “Wait, darling.”
She stopped, turning around again slowly, her breathing labored. You gestured for her to come closer and she reluctantly obeyed.
“I'm sorry,” you whispered, hugging her tenderly. “I'm sorry, my love, I didn't mean to insult you. I'm just… I'm nervous. I didn't think it would be that difficult.”
Donna sighed in your ear, hugging you back, holding you tightly against her body.
“I know, I'm nervous too,” she murmured, holding your face, brushing your hair away from your face, looking you straight in the eyes. “But don't worry. Everything will be fine, you'll see.”
“I don't want her to see me, or touch me, or... No, I don't want to...” you sobbed, burying your head in her dress, letting those tears of frustration soak the black fabric as she rocked you with a soothing whisper.
“It's okay, it's okay, tesoro, I'm not going to force you,” she said softly, comforting your crying, your helplessness, your frustrated desire to give her the family she deserved.
Everything seemed to calm down, but that little haven of peace didn't last long. You kept trying, you kept failing.
The most likely cause would be your body. You would be the one to blame. You couldn't find another possible reason, something to excuse yourself with. You tried everything, and you just kept failing.
The insecurity that was already beating strongly in your subconscious came to light. A horrible depression loomed over you, over you two. You only saw disappointment in your lover's eye, failure, your failure.
Her spirits were also dampened by all these fruitless attempts. Donna was sad, but you were terrified. Nightmares began to plague your sleepless nights, the most horrible images you could see appearing in your dreams, images of Donna with another woman, with a precious baby in her hands, with that she wanted so much and you couldn't give her.
The constant torture of your mind passed to your body. You didn't feel like eating, sleeping, living... Not even in the moments when you mixed your bodies you could stay focused. That act of love, of passion between two people was reduced to a simple routine, to a few programmed movements and endings.
Everything stopped making sense to you, everything became cloudy, disappeared.
You even pretended to fall asleep on the couch to avoid sharing a bed with Donna. You had no right to do so, you were a disappointment, a failure. Shadows began to hover over you, over your relationship, or at least, that was what you saw, what her gaze told you.
“No?” Angie asked, sitting next to your lying body on the couch, trying to cheer you up. It was something worthy of admiration, but you couldn't even appreciate it.
You shook your head, unfazed by that senseless joke.
“Okay... Oh, oh... How about this one? Let's see, (Y/N), can you tell me the difference between a toilet and a car?” the doll asked, with a voice worthy of the best comedian.
“I have no idea,” you sighed, shrinking more into yourself.
“Easy, in the car you sit to run, but in the toilet you run to sit…” Angie said, making the sound of a drum roll.
Well, at least she managed to get a smile out of you, even if it was a sad, lifeless one.
“You laughed, silly!” the puppet shrieked, amused.
“Thanks, Angie…” you murmured, rubbing your arms due to the cold you felt, the pain in your body from having slept there so many nights.
“Don’t thank me,” she mocked. “You have to get up from there, you're going to get moldy,” she said amused, pushing you with her ridiculous strength to get you to stand up, something she naturally failed to do.
“Leave me alone, will you? I've heard enough stupid jokes for today…” you murmured, turning around.
“Oh, Donna, Donna, the fool laughed!” the doll said suddenly, when the sound of heels interrupted that conversation.
“Did she?” a soft voice asked, the lady in black, who sat next to you, caressing your hair affectionately. “Amore mio… how are you?”
“I can tell you I'm not… Pregnant,” you sighed, suppressing a sob, not daring to look at the lady, shrinking even more.
“Have you taken the test?” Donna asked softly, ignoring your increasingly frequent ironies. “Have you had your period?”
“No, I haven't taken the test,” you whispered, shaking your head. “What for? I already know the result.”
“Have you bled?” she asked again.
You shook your head again.
“No, but that doesn't mean anything, it's just that I'm eating wrong,” you explained, shivering with a chill.
“You're freezing, tesoro, let me cover you,” Donna commented with another tired sigh, unfolding a warm blanket and putting it over you.
“Thanks…” you whispered, briefly looking at the brunette, who sketched a tired smile as she continued her caresses on your hair.
“(Y/N), you have to cheer up…” she murmured after a few minutes of silence. “You don't know how much it hurts me to…”
For some reason you didn't know, you stood up furiously, misinterpreting her words.
“What hurts you, Donna? Does it hurt you that I'm a failure?” you asked abruptly, irrationally, unhinged. “Does it hurt you that I'm not able to get pregnant?”
“No…” she sighed, with her eyebrow arched, keeping the softness of her gaze. “No, tesoro, it hurts me to see you in that condition.”
“Relax, it will pass,” you commented, sitting on the sofa, with that blanket clinging to your body. “I suppose everything has an end, right?”
“What do you mean?” Donna asked, in a small voice.
“Come on, Donna, stop pretending that you care about me,” you hissed, pointing at her unpleasantly.
“Pretend? What are you talking about?” she asked confused, playing nervously with her hands.
“Oh, please, stop it,” you protested, crossing your arms. “Look, if you're going to leave me, do it now, don't make me suffer.”
“I don't understand you, leave you?” the lady in black asked again, blinking nervously.
“Yes, of course you do…” you whispered, nodding mockingly. “It's very clear. I can't get pregnant, I'm useless to you. You're probably looking for another stupid girl to let you impregnate her, to give you what I can't. That's it, isn't it?”
“Why do you say so? Tesoro, you're rambling, you have to calm down. Do you want some tea?”
“I don't want a fucking tea!” you screamed furiously, making the lady back away. “I want you to tell me the truth, to tell me that you don't need me anymore, that you're going to kick me out of your house! Because I'm useless.”
“No, non è vero…” Donna murmured, trying to take your hands, trying to make you reason. “I love you…”
“Do you love me? Please… You can't love me, I'm a failure,” you said, dragging out the words, letting the tears leave your eyes again.
“Basta, (Y/N). I can't stand to hear you say those things,” Donna said, darkening her gaze. “You're not a failure, do you hear me?”
“You can't stand, what else can't you stand? You should throw me out right now and start the family you want with another woman, a better one,” you said with a calmer voice, but hurt.
“I don't want another woman, I love you…” she sighed, more and more nervous, but keeping her composure. “Please, tesoro, stop… Saying those things…”
“It's the truth,” you said, shaking your head. “I'll pack my bags.”
“What? No!” the lady shrieked, furious, grabbing you by the shoulders. “Please, (Y/N), come back to your senses. I don't love you because you can give me a baby, I love you for who you are, I'm crazy about you, and… I, I don't care that you can't get pregnant. It's not that important to me.”
“You say that now, I can see your disappointed face,” you said, ignoring her words.
“I'm not going to deny that I would like to have a child with you, that I would like it more than anything, but… Listen to me, I'm not losing hope, besides, we can adopt,” she said, holding your nervous hands, slightly lifting your chin.
You nodded, letting the air out of your lungs, closing your eyes, regretting your attitude.
“Don't lose hope,” you repeated sobbing, playing with the fabric of the blanket.
Donna shook her head with a reassuring smile.
“Everything will be fine, amore mio, trust me,” she whispered tenderly, kissing you slowly, letting her lips silence your crying.
“How can you be so sure?” you asked, a little more relaxed, leaning on her shoulder.
“Intuition...” she sighed, kissing your hair and getting up from the couch. “Come on, tesoro, take the test.”
“What for?” you asked listlessly, rubbing your eyes with your fingers.
“Just do it. I have a good feeling about it,” she said, with a sincere smile, pulling you up, giving you the object after a quick kiss.
You really didn't expect anything. You took the test so you could continue to regret it, so you could continue to sink into your failure.
“And now that damn line will appear and…” you said while washing your hands, with the test visible in the sink. You had to look at it several times, it didn't look like always. “One… Two…” you counted the lines that appeared, you counted them several times. “One… Two…”
You put it face down, you looked at it carefully. There was no doubt. Two lines.
“One… And…” you murmured, opening your eyes wide. “Gods… Gods! Donna!”
You ran towards the stairs, going down them almost doing acrobatics, almost tripping clumsily.
“Donna…” you gasped, leaning against the living room door. The lady in black looked at you, blinking in confusion at your attitude.
You didn't say anything, you simply approached the sofa, sitting next to her and handing her the test.
“Uno, due... Can you see it?” you said amused. “Look, Donna, look, one... And two...”
“Tesoro...” the lady sighed, mouth agape, observing the test like you, looking for the mistake somewhere. There wasn't one.
“Donna, I'm pregnant,” you said with the widest smile you'd ever had in your entire life, crying with joy and throwing yourself into her arms.
“Amore mio!” she exclaimed, with that same expression, hugging you tightly, laughing erratically, unable to contain her joy.
“Yes, Donna... A baby...” you sobbed, hugging her, squeezing her body in a comical way. You had done it.
“Sono così contenta…” she murmured, giving you as many kisses as she could, making you laugh, making you feel happy again.
“Baby, baby!” Angie squealed, joining in your displays of affection.
“Donna, I think this is the happiest day of my life…”
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oneofthetorturedpoets · 3 months
Casual (part 2/?)
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You genuinely thought you would just be able to have a one night stand with Melissa and move on, but one night turned into three and now you were having to return to your regular life, unsure of where you and Melissa stand.
You turn your car off, grabbing your bag before getting out. You pull your shirt down and prepare yourself for the day. You look up and see Melissa doing the exact same thing a few parking spots away from you, she turns her head, spotting you. You give her a shy smile and wave in her direction, she returns the smile and wave before shutting her car door. You both walk towards the school entrance, not saying a word. You manage to walk fast than her, beating her to the door. You grab the handle, pulling the door open for her. She slightly quickens her walk, muttering a thank you. You both walk towards the break room. The awkwardness eating you up inside.
"So-" You both start at the same time, you laugh.
"You go first" You glance over and see her nervous expression.
She looks over to you. "So" She smiles at you, making your heart speed up. "I had a lot of fun last weekend and... I'm just wondering if we can keep it between us? I don't want the whole school knowing my business."
You wanted the same thing, why should your dirty laundry be spread across the elementary school? "yeah, of course. I was thinking the same thing."
She pats your shoulder with a tight lipped smile. "Great."
You hear a knock on your door, Melissa walks into your class. "Hey, y/n" She walks over to you, setting a Tupperware in front of you.
You smile, knowing exact what was in the dish. "I've been craving this all month."
She nods. "I know, I made it the other night and forgot that I had it in my fridge."
"Thank you, Mel." You stare up at her, unknowingly driving her crazy. She squeezes her thighs together
She can't take her eye off you and neither can you. The eye contact goes on for longer than reasonable. "Do you want to come over tonight?"
She never invites people over to her house, except for Barbara. "Sure, yeah, that sounds fun."
"This is amazing- you are amazing." You say as Melissa runs her warm fingers gently up and down your arm. The light from the sun turning her hair into a fiery red.
She smiles at you. "Me too"
You roll over, snuggling closer to her. She wraps her arms loosely around your torso. "Y/n?"
you hum. "You've been an amazing friend and I don't want that to change."
You can't help the frown that forms on your face, luckily you were facing away from her. "You want to stay just friends?"
"well, yeah? I mean we haven't really talked about it, I just kind of figured. You know I'm not dating right now, I just need to let off some steam." She states, matter-of-factly.
You fight back your tears of disappointment. "Yeah, you're right"
"We can still have fun, I like the idea of having a friends with benefits relationship with you." You get up, trying to cover your naked body, you felt too vulnerable. "Hey, where are you going?"
You throw your shirt on. "I just think it's wrong to lay in bed with you if were just friends"
"We don't have to be 'just friends' though." Once your clothes are on you reach for the door but Melissa stops you. "Why can't we just keep it casual?"
"I'm just not that kind of person, Melissa. I thought you would've taken that into consideration before bringing me into your bed."
You haven't seen Melissa in two weeks, she went on a trip to visit some family and you didn't realize how much you crave to just see her, even from a distance. You know you left abruptly the last time you saw her but you wished she would've texted you while she was away. You get a notification that she posted on her instagram story, you click the notification faster than you'd like to admit. The post is a picture of a dish she's cooking in her kitchen. You look at the time she posted it and it said 'an hour ago'. You jump up, throwing on whatever coat you find and rush over to her house.
Once you pulled up to her house, you sat for a second, contemplating your actions. You weren't the kind of person to have a no-feelings relationship, especially when you already have feelings for her. Was it selfish of you to want to go with want she wants so you can have just a part of her? Before you knew it, you were already walking up to her door. You knock on the door. A few seconds went by... Then a minute... Then two. Maybe it was the universe telling you it was a bad idea. You defeatedly march back to your car, as you went to open your car door, Melissa pulled up next to you in her car. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of her.
She got out, walking over to you. She admired the way your ears and nose were red from the winter winds. You pulled your coat tighter, shivering from the cold. "Y/n.. hey." She pulls you in for a quick hug. "Look.. I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable in any way, I should've talked to you about my intentions before sleeping with you. I really love being friends with you and I'm sorry if I screwed that up."
You shake your head. "No, I get it. I mean we're both great friends and maybe it would be fun to add some benefits to it" She smiles widely, excitement taking over her features.
"I'd like that..." She pauses. "Do you want to come in? I was trying out a new dish but fucked it up so I went out to buy some cheesesteaks. I got two, one to put away for tomorrow but if you're hungry, I don't mind giving it to you." You nod, following her up the path to her home.
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firewasabeast · 4 months
In This My Weakness
Summary: A week before the wedding, Buck gets a devastating call that his parents won't be coming.
read below or on ao3. I'm thinking of making a part two as well, but this fic can be read alone.
Tommy could tell something was wrong before Buck even hung up the phone. His smile had all but disappeared and the gleam that was usually always in his eyes was now replaced by a cloud of darkness.
Tommy's arm instinctually reached out to rest on the back of the couch, giving Buck the perfect spot to fall into. “What's wrong?” he asked, Buck gripping his phone tightly, staring down at it.
“They're uh- they're not coming,” Buck answered, his voice cracking.
Tommy was confused. He hadn't actually heard the phone call. Buck had been in the kitchen of their new place when he answered, then quickly stepped outside. Tommy had only been reading his facial expressions through the glass door.
“Who's not coming where?” he asked slowly.
Buck sighed. He bit the bottom of his lip before responding. Tommy knew that was something he'd do when he was trying not to let his emotions take over. “Mom and dad,” he replied, “to the wedding. They're not- um, they're not coming to the wedding.”
“What?!” Tommy turned to better face Buck on the couch. “What do you mean they're not coming to the wedding, Evan?”
Buck shrugged. Tommy knew he was barely holding it together, trying to play it down, make it seem like it didn't bother him as much as it really did. But, at least to Tommy, Buck was a terrible liar.
“Evan, honey, speak to me, please. Why aren't your parents coming to our wedding?”
Another shrug, but Buck looked away from his phone this time. He glanced over at Tommy, who could now see the redness in his eyes. He was fighting to keep the tears away.
“They, um, th- they said they had planned a cruise like a year ago and forgot until now, apparently.”
Tommy ran his hands through his hair, eyes wide, feeling more confused now than before. “I'm sorry, what? Evan, that doesn't make any sense.”
“I guess they didn't get insurance for the cruise, so if they cancel they don't get their money back, and they completely forgot until they got a reminder email this morning.” Buck shook his head and let out a laugh. “I guess I shouldn't be surprised.”
“No, you should very much be surprised. They can't get money back for a cruise so they cancel on their son's wedding? This doesn't make any sense. Should I call them? I'll call them.”
As Tommy went to reach for his phone, Buck laid a hand over his, stopping him. “No, Tommy, don't. I- I really appreciate it, but it's fine. Really. I'm fine.”
Buck patted Tommy's hand, then got up and started making his way back into the kitchen. He had been in the middle of cleaning some things up when he got the call, so he needed to go finish that.
Except, at least to Tommy, the conversation was very far from over. So he got up as well and followed Buck.
“I just don't get it,” he said. “Can they switch dates? I've had to do that for trips before.”
“I asked that. But whatever cruise they're going on doesn't go back to those same places for a few months, or something... I don't know. The answer was no, though.”
“What all did they say? I feel like I'm getting a third of the story here.”
“They said what I told you. Can't make it, have a cruise, no refunds, send their love... and a blender, I guess.”
“We already have two blenders.”
“And now we'll have a backup for our backup.” Since they got into the kitchen, Buck had been avoiding eye contact. He was keeping busy, moving dishes from the drain to their spots in the cabinet, clanging silverware together as he tossed them into a drawer, and even moving spices from their usual spots on the spice rack to new spots.
“Well, should we- should we change our date then?” Tommy asked. Yes, they both wanted to get married on the anniversary of the day they first met but, if they needed to adjust for the Buckley's, they would.
The question stopped Buck in his tracks. Still turned away from Tommy, he lowered his hands to rest them on the counter. “We're not changing our date.”
“No,” he doubled down, firmer this time. “We're not changing our dates. If they can't make an effort to show up, then they just won't be there.”
Now Tommy was starting to get somewhere. Sometimes it took a minute, but Buck would always eventually let his true feelings out.
“If you're sure.”
“I am.” Buck finally turned to face Tommy. He wiped at his eyes, letting out a humorless laugh. “I really thought we were getting somewhere, you know? I thought... I thought they cared.”
“Ev, I think they care, they just-”
“Prioritize a cruise over our marriage.” Buck finished.
“We could Facetime them,” Tommy offered weakly.
Buck shook his head. “No, if they- if they can't show up they don't need to be there at all.” He wiped at his eyes again, but this time the tears couldn't be held back. He felt like a little kid again, his lip trembling, head down, trying to quiet his sobs so his parents couldn't hear him.
But his parents weren't there this time; Tommy was. He was there, and he was wrapping Buck up in a hug before Buck even realized he had crossed the room.
He held on tight, clutching the back of Tommy's shirt. His shoulders shook with the force of his cries, but Tommy held on.
He always held on. His strength, both mentally and physically, kept Buck upright during his toughest moments.
Buck did the same for Tommy too. That's why this relationship worked so perfectly. They didn't go fifty-fifty here; they both gave one hundred percent of themselves.
“I re- really wanted them th- there,” he managed to get out through little breaths.
“I know, I know,” Tommy soothed, running a hand up and down Buck's back.
“They were s- supposed to walk me down the a- aisle.” He pulled back from Tommy just enough to look up at him. “Oh God, what are we gonna do about that?”
“Hey, hey, don't worry about it,” Tommy said, bringing his hand up to Buck's face. He used his thumbs to gently wipe the tears from his cheeks. “We'll figure something out. We don't have to do the walking down the aisle, or my mom can walk us both, or we'll walk together, or-” he paused, “or you could ask Bobby and Athena.”
Buck sucked in another breath, contemplating the idea. “That's- You think they'd do that?”
Tommy smiled softly. “Of course they would. They wouldn't hesitate for a second.”
“Bobby's already doing the ceremony though.”
Tommy shrugged. “Doing things a little differently than normal is the Buckley way, isn't it?”
Buck managed a shaky laugh. “The Buckley-Kinard way now. Sorry you're stuck with me.”
Tommy shook his head. “I'm not.” He placed two fingers under Buck's chin, just like the night he first kissed Evan. The night he tried to play it cool, all while his heart was racing and mind filled with a million different thoughts. He kissed him softly, slowly. He could feel Buck's body relax, some of the weight from the last few minutes falling away.
“I love you, Evan.”
Buck reached up, running his hand through the back of Tommy's hair. There were a lot of people that told Buck they loved him. Some, he believed, others... not so much. But there was one person who he believed it every single time, and he was gonna marry that man in a week, no matter who was or wasn't there.
“I love you too.”
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little-pondhead · 2 years
Fenton Family on Vacation (part 1)
Original Post⬅️
"You know, when you revealed yourself as Phantom, I thought it would be much harder to adjust." Madeline Fenton, ghost-hunting extraordinaire and mother of two, stared at the swirling green portal in her basement. Despite building the darn thing herself, with its glowing wires and simple design, Maddie felt like she was seeing the whole thing for the first time.
It was late afternoon on a Saturday. At least, Maddie assumed so. She hadn't stepped foot outside their lab for a while now. Too busy modifying all their ghost-hunting equipment. The blinking red numbers of the digital clock on their desk said it was almost six in the evening. Then again, it has been six in the evening for the past several months. The clock was very much broken, and no one had bothered to fix it. 
It was summer, so the time spent in the Fenton lab drastically increased. And with the reveal of their son Danny, Maddie practically breathed ectoplasm with the amount of time she was spending in the basement. Danny said it was no big deal, but both Fenton parents were determined to re-evaluate their research and inventions completely. Basically, starting from scratch. 
So imagine her surprise when, two days ago, both Jazz and Danny sat them down to propose a memorable family vacation. 
And for some reason, she couldn't say no. Was it her guilt? They were prepared to shell out the money for any dream destination the kids proposed. But no, Danny had invited them to a different dimension via the Ghost Zone. This was tremendous progress, not just in her relationship with her kids but also for their new research. (Let's not mention the headache she got from learning parallel dimensions exist.)
Apparently, the kids had been planning this for a while because now everyone was packed and armed to the teeth, two days later. Jazz had taken care of the logistics-when to leave, how to get there, what to bring. Danny was the one to choose the location since he was the most familiar with the Ghost Zone. Maddie learned much later that he had just thrown a dart at a lineup of names on a corkboard.  
"Are you sure it's okay for us to enter?" Maddie looked concerned.
"Yeah! It'll be fun, mom!" Danny reassured. "It's just a week off-I've always wanted to show you the cool parts of the Ghost Zone without the immediate threat of horrible death." Maddie gave her son the stink eye. He was grinning a bit too innocently for her liking.
"Well, I think it'll be a great bonding experience!" Jack announced, winking at Danny. Badly. "Someone was being a little paranoid about the mall trip yesterday; I hardly got a chance to spoil our new little princess."
Ah, yes, their new granddaughter. Danielle. Maddie had been furious to discover how horrible Vlad had been to her family. Attempting to murder her husband, trying to recruit Danny as a weird evil son/apprentice, outright disrespecting and dismissing Jazz's existence, and wanting to marry her?? "Furious" was putting it lightly. The man slept with a doll version of herself, for heaven's sake! And then Danny just offendedly mentions that Vlad had cloned him. Several times. Only one clone survived; a little girl with no identity of her own. And here was her son sheepishly asking if they might consider letting the clone stay? Even for a little? She was traveling around right now but didn't really have a place to call home-
Maddie and Jack immediately offered to adopt the girl into the family as their youngest. 
(Jazz giggled. "Danny already beat you to it. They tried being cousins at first, but he acts like a total dad around her—the fastest case of ghost adoption that I've ever seen. Instead of a new child, Elle's more like a new grandchild.")
Danny blushed, hunching his shoulders in. "I don't know if Elle wants to be a grandkid-we haven't talked about it, really."
The trio startled and turned, watching the last two of the Fenton family work their way down the stairs into the lab. Jazz was gripping her backpack in one hand and Elle's arm in the other, using her superhuman strength to keep Elle in line. Probably so Elle wouldn't run down the stairs and permanently kill herself. Jack quietly chuckled at the sight of Elle's ghost-themed backpack, so painstakingly picked out the day before. It was a tad too big and looked just adorable on her. A few tiny blob ghosts floating around her head whizzed in excitement, sometimes using the backpack as a place to hide. Maddie, personally, loved the pink light-up sneakers that Elle showed off as much as possible. Her husband had done well shopping by himself. 
It was evident Elle was excited about the trip. Despite all her travels abroad, satisfying her wanderlust, she'd never been to another dimension. When they had reached the bottom, Elle phased out of Jazz's grip, bolting to collide with Jack in a hug. "Yesterday was loads of fun." She exclaimed. "I loved shopping around for new stuff. And if being Danny's kid means I get two new grandparents in the deal, then I'm taking it."
Danny made a face. "But isn't it weird to have a dad so close in age to you? What if people look at you weird?"
Jazz snorted at her brother's words, picking her way around the lab mess. "Danny, you'd be the one they would look at funny. A fifteen-year-old-"
"I'm almost sixteen!"
"A fifteen-year-old who has a physically thirteen-year-old daughter? People will be ready to call CPS."
"And besides!" Elle detangled herself from Jack's grip and stomped over to Maddie with a shit-eating grin as she looked at her dad. "Technically, I'm only a year old. You're not going to leave your poor, unstable clone daughter alone in the world to fend for herself, right?" Danny just grumbled. Something about not even being old enough to drive. 
Maddie cooed a bit and enjoyed the hug from her new granddaughter. It was cold but in a good way. Elle's response was a low hum that vibrated through her body. It reminded Maddie of a cat's purr.
"I've been meaning to ask," Maddie said. Elle clung tighter as she adjusted her grip. "What is ghost adoption?? You mentioned that before when explaining your relationship with Elle."
Their son shuffled his feet a little. "Uh, it basically means my core has connected to hers in a parental way, I guess." He was obviously nervous. "When we first met, even before I knew Elle was a clone, my core recognized her as a "baby ghost," so to speak. There was enough of a connection that I kind of adopted her subconsciously."
"But it doesn't happen with between all ghosts." Jazz cut in. It felt like their eldest was giving them a lecture on this and that every week. "Frostbite explained it a while ago, something about similar cores and ambient ectoplasm. Kind of like pack bonding?"
Maddie nodded, barely following. "And Frostbite...you said we were visiting this person?"
Danny perked up, actually floating a few feet off the ground in excitement. "Frostbite is the best! He's the leader of the Far Frozen and looks like a giant yeti. He helped me figure a bunch of things out and makes the best cocoa."
"Well, I'm excited to meet him."
And they were. Going through the portal was an experience and a half. It wasn't the first time they'd done this, but it was still memorable. Danny and Elle had gone ghost and chased each other around the Specter Speeder while Jazz piloted, hunched over the steering wheel. The Ghost Zone was a wonderful mix of greens and purples; Jack lamented his lack of a camera.
("We don't want to give Technus something to use." Tucker explained. Danny's friends had come by to help them all pack properly. "The Fenton Cameras haven't been ghost-proofed all the way, and Technus is an insufferable b-uh, idiot when he manages to get his hands on new tech. I'll never hear the end of it.")
It was just so much colder than they expected. The "Far Frozen" certainly lived up to its name. So did Frostbite and his legendary cocoa. The giant yeti (did he count as a ghost??) also took the opportunity to give each Fenton a checkup (ghosts have doctors???) to make sure everyone was healthy enough for inter-dimensional travel. They were, and Frostbite even handed over a few extra vials of pure ectoplasm to tide the kids over in case they didn't land near a natural source in the new dimension. Jack and Maddie took a few vials each, one for each of their ghost kids, and Jazz just tucked hers away in her luggage with a little pat.
Then they were off sightseeing. Understandably, most of Danny's allies were a bit wary around the (mostly former) ghost hunters but did their best to hide it. Jack and Maddie got to meet Princess Dorathea, who could turn into a freaking dragon how cool was that, Jack-
There was Pandora, a towering woman with blue skin and four arms. She took a liking to Maddie and gifted her an engraved xiphos. "To match her fighting spirit." The woman explained. She did not tell anyone what the engraving meant. At some point, they saw a towering castle in the distance. It was hard to see, but the towers looked like spiraling ice. Jack asked about it.
"Oh, that's nothing special." Danny waved them off. "Don't worry about it. We DO need to worry about Walker's prison, so duck down for a bit. He doesn't like it when the living are in his territory." Maddie didn't bother pushing the subject, so they moved on.
Then there was Wulf, a werewolf who could make portals and was the kids' teacher on that subject. Jazz was especially excited, greeting Wulf with a bear hug. (Maddie vaguely remembered something about her daughter being a werewolf now, but she very rarely changed while in the living world. Maddie had almost forgotten.) Jack was pleasantly surprised to learn Wulf spoke Esperanto. In fact, that was the only thing he could speak. It turns out Esperanto was something Jack had learned during their college days. The two hit it off, and Jack had to be dragged away from whatever conversation they were having.
Time moved a bit sluggishly, but eventually, they got around to "the least annoying ones." Elle had a blast messing with someone named Fright Knight, who just kept calling her 'my lady' for some reason. Danny got a few potshots in when one of his rouges (was that a robot?) got too close to the Speeder. They met Ghost Writer, Amorpho, Lunch Lady, Nocturne, Technus, Ember, Cujo, and a few others. Their final stop was Clockwork's.
The flight there was exceptionally long. It felt like forever, yet the clock in the Speeder only moved forward five minutes. Jazz explained that this was Clockwork's influence. He was the Master of Time, and the closer they got to his lair, the weirder time was. Eventually, the Fenton family arrived. Clockwork's lair was, well, a clock tower.
("Really, I don't know what we expected, Maddie.")
It was dark and green, sitting on a tiny island they could barely land on. Ectoplasm was thick in the air; Maddie was sure that if she weren't already ecto-contaminated, it would have been increasingly difficult to breathe. Multiple ticking sounds filled the air as if the tower was filled with nothing but clocks. Maddie took a wild guess and thought it probably was. A glowing green sticky note drew their attention as they approached the door.
Danny scowled as he read the note. "Daniel, something has come up with the Observants. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't make the Watchtower your new haunt. A natural portal will open next to the Speeder. Enjoy your vacation, Clockwork. Drat, I was hoping he'd be home. I really wanted you to meet him."
Maddie pats his shoulder. "It's okay. I'm sure we'll find time later." Elle giggled at the pun.
"I know." He sighed. "It's just, he can be so cryptic. Why would I make a watchtower my new haunt? I've never even been to a real watchtower! But the note says a natural portal will spawn next to the Speeder so that we can wait for that."
"You mean this portal?"
Jazz was closely examining a small tear in reality that had popped into existence next to her foot. It was small and low to the ground. Small enough that the Specter Speeder definitely couldn't get through. Maddie doubted they'd be going in all at once.
Elle peered over her shoulder. "That's it! Come on, old man, I'll race you!" She dove in without waiting for a reply.
"DANIELLE MADELINE FENTON!" Danny immediately chased after, disappearing into a swirl of green.
"Oh yeah, she's definitely related." Jazz said. "Come on. I'll follow behind once you two go through." Maddie looked at Jack, and Jack looked at Maddie. Fine with them.
Jack went first, knuckles tight from gripping his bag straps, doing his best to suck in his gut before dropping out of existence. Maddie went next, standing on tiptoes and still having Jazz bend down to press a kiss to her cheek before she left. "Make sure to lock up the Speeder."
Jazz smiled, her eyes glowing with the barest hint of green. She had a hand on the Fenton thermos clipped to her belt and if Maddie squinted, she could see the barest outline of a crown on her head. "See you on the other side, mom."
Maddie stepped into the portal, feeling nothing but open air, and fell through.
(the fix was kind of rushed but there is an extra line or two now that actually mentions it)
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abbysimsfun · 8 days
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 44 (A Nephew and a Wedding!)
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Making the most of a rainy autumn, Heather travelled to Henford to meet River and Cassandra's son, Michael, before he was even a week old.
She marvelled at her tiny nephew while he slept. "It's incredible, Riv! That's your kid!"
"He's pretty amazing, isn't he? I can't believe he's finally here."
Heather had arrived with first-time grandmother, Bella Goth, who always looked incredible. Even now that her jet black hair had faded to grey, she dressed like she could stop traffic everywhere she went.
"He has my brother's chin," she said, glancing wistfully upon her grandson as he woke from his nap. Baby Michael had been named for Bella's brother, who died in a motorcycle crash at the age of 32.
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Bella was delighted to meet her grandson, but memories of her older brother still made her sad. He’d been gone for over twenty years, but he was her big brother - the only person she regretted leaving behind in Sunset Valley when she and Mortimer got married.
Cass cradled her new son. "I know how much you miss him. I wanted to honour his memory, and when he was born, we thought he looked like a Michael. Are you upset?"
Bella pushed forth a smile. "No, my goodness. My brother would have been thrilled to know his name lives on." Cass carefully studied her mother's face. "I know Michael's death triggered the depression that led to my disappearance, but I'm a stronger person now. I want to see my grandson grow up, and I have plenty to keep my mind busy. Diego keeps talking about taking a trip, and your brother's wedding is next month."
"Maybe Alexander and Lydia will give you more grandkids soon," Heather suggested sweetly as she cuddled Michael in her arms.
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"You know she doesn't even want a wedding?" Bella smiled. "I told Lydia there was no chance my son would elope at Brindleton Town Hall, but she doesn't want seating, because she doesn't want an audience. She doesn't want a wedding dress, and doesn't want Alexander in a tux. The guests will be more dressed up than they are!"
"If it's what she wants, won't it still be beautiful?" Cass saw the world in such a romantic way.
"She wants an altar made of palm leaves! In our mansion! The aesthetic has me gasping! But she says the only part of the wedding she's actually looking forward to is her honeymoon in Sulani. All she cares about is marrying Alexander, not showing off for a bunch of guests she doesn't know."
"I think that's sweet," said Cassandra.
"A part of me was mortified! But a bigger part of me wishes I'd had the guts to stand up to Mortimer's parents when I was thrown into the deep end of the society scene as his photogenic new bride all those years ago. I really like her."
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Heather and her siblings were all invited to the big day – a simple and phoned in ceremony (by the Watcher!) at the Goth family mansion in Brindleton Bay.
(I just wanted to make sure they didn't break up or something so I rushed it, quick and dirty. They're a side-side household at the moment even though I've tentatively plotted some of their future in my notes, but sometimes I just want to play and not do all this set up. And I'll shamelessly try to excuse it with storytelling every time.)
Surprisingly, no one complained about sitting on the floor for the ceremony. And even though it was raining, Heather chatted with Holly outside in their boho-style dresses.
"That colour looks great on you," Holly said, eyeing the purple dress Heather had chosen from the shop with almost no thought.
"Thanks, but I don't know where I might have a chance to wear something like this again." (The game picked it at random but I like how the colour nods to Gen 3)
"Maybe you should wear it with Conrad somewhere."
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"We're not really a dressy couple," she said. "All my clothes get covered in whatever Ash gets his hands in then wipes on my shirt. If he wasn't at his dad's this weekend, I'm sure the dress would already have at least three stains."
Holly laughed, shaking her head. "You're so unflirty, sis. I don't know how you have the hottest man on the planet practically begging to move in with you."
"I'm taking him home to Henford soon. I really want him to meet everyone, but I'm so worried it won't go well."
"Why wouldn't it go well? Didn't you say he wanted to come with you today but couldn't get away from work?"
"I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop, that's all."
"What, like he's secretly working for the Landgraabs in some elaborate scheme to steal your code for your next mobile app?" She laughed at the thought, but Heather would be lying if she said the possibility had never crossed her mind, even once, in the months since she'd known him.
"I think it's more that if it doesn't go well, it would hurt too much."
"Then don't overthink it. You know no matter what, you'll always have us."
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As hard as it was to take Holly's advice, Heather spent the next few weeks focused on her clinic to keep her mind off her relationship fears. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
NOTE: Lydia Kim-Lewis (now Goth!) is the youngest of three daughters of Eric and Alice. She's also Hazel Nesbitt's best friend since childhood, which is why the family-focused wedding had so many Nesbitts, too. For those who like updates on townies and premades, eldest Olivia married Imran Watson and they have three kids, and Spencer of course married Everett (and they have Greyson and Jett). Spencer and Lydia were both born in-game.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 1 year
Thinking about Us... | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Thinking about You part two <3 Pairing: f!reader x Jungkook Word Count: 2.1k~ Author’s note: The proposal requested by @jeonsrv hope you like it! Read Thinking about You for more context~
'Finally' I say to myself dragging out the last syllable feeling so thankful to be home. I pull out my phone to see how far the ride that I had scheduled is from the airport and before I can even open the app I receive a text from you. 
'Hey handsome I hope you're not working too hard. I'm going out for a girls day with some of my friends so I'll probably be busy until later on tonight but I just wanted you to know that I miss you and I love you and I can't wait for you to come home x'
I can't help but smile at how adorable you are and I send a quick response telling you to be safe and have fun.
'I'll be home before you know it love! I love you and miss you too' I finish and see the notification pop up that my ride is here. 
Opening the door to our home I'm greeted by the feeling of Bam almost tackling me to the floor. "Hi buddy hi! Yes I know I missed you too? Mommy isn't home right?" I question him like I expect him to give me an answer. "Good, because you've gotta help me game plan so we can figure out how to ask mommy to marry me" I say smiling at the thought of being able to truly call you mine. "Mr. and Mrs. Jeon Jungkook, has a nice ring to it doesn't it?" I say to him as I start to walk over to our bedroom. 
"Okay Bam" I say sitting down on the edge of the bed. "You got any ideas" to which he just responds with a tilt of his head. "Yeah me too" I say feeling a bit nervous at the fact that I don't have anything planned yet. "I want to do it tonight because if I have to hold onto this ring any longer she might end up seeing it you know?" he watches and listens even though I know he has absolutely no idea what I'm saying.
"You know you're a really good listener right?" I say getting up and walking over to get the ring. "You wanna see the ring Bam?" I say and pull it out to show him. He sniffs it a few times and looks up at me with clear confusion as to what he's supposed to do with it. "Do you think mommy is gonna like the ring? Huh? What do you think?" I say starting to baby him and get down on the floor to wrestle around with him knowing that he loves it. 
After playing with Bam for a bit I decide to sit down and really plan this out. You would think I would've thought of this a long time ago but I guess I've been so focused on trying to figure out how to get the ring home that I couldn't think of anything else. I flop back down onto the bed, wracking my brain for things that you might like. 'Maybe a trip to the coast? Nah, too far. A walk in the park? No, too simple. An expensive meal? Too extravagant' I say to myself.
I know you, I know that you prefer life being more simple and that you're not a huge fan of the glitz and the glamor. I want to do this right though, you deserve to have a beautiful, well thought out proposal. I close my eyes for a second to think and before I'm even able to take a deep breath I hear my phone start to ring.
"Hello?" I answer curious to see who this unknown number might be. 
"Hey, JK!"
"Oh it's you, who's phone are you calling from?" I question my best friend Jimin.
"What kind of greeting is that? To answer your question I'm calling from my work phone, my other one... well that's not important now. What is important is the fact that you still haven't told me what you're doing for the proposal. Did you get the ring already?" he questions like the nosy and inquisitive person that he is. 
"Yes hyung I got the ring but now that I have it I feel like I'm drawing a blank. I have been so focused on just getting the ring that I didn't give myself time to think about how to propose" I admit. "You got any ideas?" I question cringing at the fact that I'm asking him for help. 
"Well how about a family get together or something? Or like a picnic, or maybe a nature walk! You know, take her up to the mountains to see a beautiful view and then ask her there" he says listing off some new ideas. 
"No I don't think she would like anything like that, she hates hiking and we would be all sweaty, gross and tired. I don't think that's how she would like to remember our proposal" I say laughing at his creative but not so fun ideas.
"Well what does she like? What did you guys do on your first date? That might give you an idea, like what made her want to say yes to a second date?" he offers up and I have to take a second to pause and reflect back on that time when we were so young. 
3 years ago...
"I'm telling you man I think she's super into you! She saw us hanging out at my parent's house last weekend and the next time she saw me she came straight up to ask me about you. I told her that I could set you two up and you should've seen the way her eyes lit up like I promise she's into you. Plus she and Jina have been friends for ages and she's a really cool girl. I think you guys would be really good together" he finishes and I can hear the muffled sounds of another voice and then someone else comes to the phone. 
"Jungkook hey it's Jina, she really really likes you and I know you're a good guy and I wouldn't trust her with anyone else. That being said if you hurt her I swea-" she gets cut off by what I can assume is Jimin ripping the phone out of her hand.
"Yeah yeah we know Jina just go tell he to get ready for their date tomorrow" he says brushing her off and I can hear her run out of his room after what I can assume is her slapping Jimin upside the head. "Aish this girl" he mumbles before coming back to me.
"I never said I would take her out" I say with an amused tone knowing that I am in fact taking her out since I had planned to ask her a while ago anyways. 
"Whatever just pick her up from her house tomorrow at 6 okay? I'll text you her address" I agree and we end the phone call there and I can't help but smile not only at their sibling antics but also at the fact that I'll be able to see you again. 
Flashback over 
Coming back to my current conversation with Jimin I tell him all the details that I can remember from our first date and he helps me plan everything out.
"You really think this is gonna work? Do you think she'll say yes?" I question since I can't help but start to doubt myself as the time gets closer. 
"She loves you Jungkook, more than you know. I'm sure she'll say yes" he says hoping to reassure me. 
"Okay well I guess here goes nothing. Thanks for your help hyung" I say bidding him adieu.
"Anytime, let me know how things go alright?" I agree and we end the call there. 
After making a few calls and also asking Jina to help me convince you to come home early, I make my way to Lotte World. I set up some clues and instructions all through out the apartment so I hope you'll take the bait. Ones that said things such as 'Come and find me at the place that started the first day to our forever' as well as a outfit that I labeled with 'Wear me' that is similar to the outfit you wore when we first met on that summer night. You looked so gorgeous and so kind that something in me knew I needed to get to know you. Call me a hopeless romantic but I think I knew deep down that you would be the woman I would marry someday. I just hope that you feel the same way about me. 
I sent a quick text to Jina to tell you to talk to the people at the front gates and to give them your name so they can give you your ticket along with the note reading 'Where I first held your hand in mine is where you will seek and soon my love you will find...'
I wait around near the ice skating rink and soon feel butterflies in my stomach as I see you start to walk my way, still not having seen me. You look just as beautiful as you did 3 years ago, I don't know how I got so lucky finding a woman like you that understands me and listens to me and helps me become a better man. I just hope that I can continue to be that man that always betters himself so I can be worthy of your love and trust. 
Walking up from behind I place my hands over your eyes and whisper "Guess who?" You play into it and list off a few of your favorite actors and idols until I finally get sick of making you guess and place my hands on your hips and spin you around towards me and press a chaste kiss on your lips. 
"God I missed you" I say just loud enough for you to hear. "Me too, so so much. Why didn't you tell me you were coming home when we were on the phone last night?" you say with a slight tilt of your head. "Because I wanted to surprise you! Did it work?" I say giving you my best bunny smile. "Yes of course you did! I thought I was going to have to wait a few more days but I'm thankful you're home, safe and sound" you say cupping one of my cheeks and I lean into your touch and place a kiss on your wrist. "So what's all of this for?" you say laughing at the whole charade I put you though. "I told you I had a surprise for you didn't I?" I say laughing at your slightly confused face. Why do you have to look so adorable all the time? I swear you'll be the death of me some day. 
"Your surprise was to recreate our first date?" you say blushing a bit at the thought. "I know I haven't been able to spend a lot of time with you lately and I feel terrible about it, so I wanted to take us back to the night we truly met and spent time with each other. Growing up hasn't been easy for us and juggling my career has been a struggle in itself but I just want to remind you that you are so so loved by me. You are the closest person to my heart and I couldn't imagine anyone else that I would want to spend my life with. It's you, it's always been you and it always will be you. So..." I start and get down on one knee. I see both of your hands go to cover your mouth, surprised and I hope excited for this moment. "will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I say and pull out the ring while my eyes start to gloss over with tears. I see you nod your head up and down a few times before responding "Yes, oh my God yes! Yes Jungkook a thousand times yes!" You say and come down to my level and kiss me with all that you've got while tears stream down your cheeks. 
We break apart for a moment and stand up so I can place the ring on your finger and we're soon startled as the crowd of people around us starts to cheer. "Does this mean I get to call you Mrs. Jeon now?" I say with a smile, "Slow down tiger we've gotta wait until the I do's for that" you say and give me a sweet but short lived kiss. "Well I do, Do you?" I say lighting up at the smile on your face. "I do".
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
AITA for not telling my sister we're related?
Okay, so basically. I have this friend (??X -- look, they're around my age but I don't know my age because time is not something I'm good at keeping track of. I think I'm older? Not by much though.), we'll call them R. R's a great person -- trustworthy, reliable, friendly, willing to play good cop to my bad cop (METAPHOR!!! NOT ACTUALLY COPS!!!), one time we planted an inordinate amount of beetroots together? Maybe more than once.
R is also, like, super possessed by an evil version of himself. At least, I'm pretty sure S (???X) is evil. He's sneaky, ominous, keeps saying things that don't make any sense, have this really spooky voice, and oh yeah there's also the eyes that change color and the fact that he keeps! Bugging me! About my past! Which you'd think would not be something appropriate to ask someone with a mechanical arm and a bunch of burn scars! And yet!!
Anyway. S insists her name is also R but in this case I'm referring to her as S because otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell the difference now would you? And I've been trying to figure out what exactly is going on with S for ages. Like, don't get me wrong, terrified of her, but I also want her help. Having someone like that on my side could be really useful.
The thing is, a while ago S and I talked and zhe showed me this... weird, old buried upside-down clocktower in the ground? I tried to talk things out with zhen and ask what zhe wanted but. Uh. Look, at some point maybe I stopped paying attention and tripped while going down one of the internal ladders or something, I still have a few healing bruises from that talk. Lost some time, too. But I do remember her mentioning I was related to R (and also something about us being time and space? Maybe? I don't want to think about that! So I'm not going to!) and that I was supposed to be zhens older brother.
The other thing is, every time I've remembered this (memory issues, you know how it is, everyone has 'em) it's been the worst possible time to go "hey, by the way, we're related" to R. Like, absolutely godawful timing. I didn't tell them immediately because S possessing R messes up their body hardcore and frankly I was scrambling to get them health potions so they wouldn't randomly die about it. I didn't tell them the next time I remembered because we were busy dealing with the person who blackmailed us who turned out to be a) a literal star and 2) basically a baby -- who then kind of told us the reason he's not, you know, in the sky, is that his brothers pushed him out of it as a prank and if there's any really bad time to tell someone you're their brother, it's when the kid in front of you is basically going "brothers suck, source: me." (Side note -- some weird combination of ESH and NAH from that situation as far as I'm concerned. We worked stuff out.)
Only, uh. Look, I am entirely not sure what happened. I randomly came to in the clock tower again one day with S glaring at me, and then next thing I know I've lost more time and R is helping me get out of the clocktower cavern with an absolutely splitting headache. He gets me up out of the place and then to my house (I saw some weird signs with my handwriting on them along the way. Sidenote: might also be possessed by an evil me.) and is acting... really weird. Keeps asking if there's anything I need to tell him or am keeping from him, eventually just reveals that S spilled the beans on us being related. I think he's a little mad about it -- I mean, I would be too -- but I really did just totally forget! I've been super busy and might've gotten a concussion at the time S told me!
Anyway. Found out someone was my sister via her evil possession twin. Forgot to tell them because the timing was always the worst timing imaginable. Am I the jerk for this specific thing. Not the other stuff. Probably was kind of a jerk during the thing with the star. Not relevant here.
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thelonelyempath · 1 year
M!Crush x F!Reader: Better Late Than Never PART 1
THEME: Fluff, Some Angst (Enemies To Lovers)
WARNING(s): None yet (Part 2 is NSFW)
**This was heavily inspired by a Skins episode. It's Naomi's episode from season 3. I did make a few key changes to avoid the "plaigarism" allegations. It was also heavily inspired by IRL beef I have with someone at my college who I may or may not have had a crush on at one point. Unfortunately, that beef will not end in this manner because the world don't work like that.**
It was cold and miserable. Why were you even forced to go on this stupid retreat with C/N anyways? He told you his friends set it up so the two of you could "stop hating each other". Yeah, like that would ever work. If anything, you expected that time spent alone with him would make the two of you hate each other more.
"You okay?" he asked you, the glow of the fire illuminating his face.
"That's the first time you've asked me something." you quipped back.
"Well...answer it then. Are you okay?"
"No. This is miserable. The weather's shit and the company's even worse. Why are we even here? Why were we forced to go on this stupid camping trip with each other?"
"You know you could have said no. Nobody forced you to be here."
He was right. You could have said no. But, admittedly, a camping trip (even with someone you don't like) was better than sitting at home and being bored all weekend.
"Whether or not I said no is irrelevant." you said. "What was the point of this trip? Was it so your friends could make bets on if we're gonna hook up?"
"I'll be honest," he answered. "I don't know either. They said it was to get us to stop hating each other, but it's really none of their business. And now we're both just sitting here, bored and unhappy. The worst part is they're making us share a tent."
The fire was warm. It felt nice. You held out your hands against it to warm them. Unfortunately, the skies were looking a bit ominous. You were expecting rain at any second.
"You know I never hated you, right?" C/N said out of nowhere.
"Hmm?" you raised an eyebrow.
"It's true, Y/N. I never hated you. I guess I was always such an ass to you because I knew you didn't like me. It made me feel powerful. God, I'm such a dumbass."
Damn. That hit hard. Truth be told, you never hated him either. Maybe his friends were right. Maybe this rivalry was stupid and pointless.
"I never hated you either." you confessed. "I caught you running your mouth about me to your buddies and it hurt me. I was angry and upset. And I think that may have colored my thoughts about you."
"That's totally valid." he said. "And listen, I never should have said those things about you. It's fair that you thought I was a dick. I know I hurt you. Like I said, I'm a dumbass. I'm sorry."
"I guess I'm sorry too."
"For what?"
"The way I reacted. I held a grudge and I really shouldn't have--"
You were cut off by his lips pressing against yours. It was totally out of left field. Was it because you were talking too much and this was his way of getting you to shut up because he couldn't stand the sound of your voice anymore? You didn't want to like it, but you did. You surrendered to the kiss, which grew deeper when you gave in.
"I've been wanting to do that for a really long time." he said breathlessly after pulling away.
"You..." you didn't understand. "you kissed me. You just kissed the person who caught you talking shit about them a few months ago."
"I sure did. And I enjoyed every second of it. The reason I was talking shit about you in the first place was because I have secretly always had a crush on you. I was just scared of it and thought I had to pretend I didn't like you so it wouldn't be obvious. But that was really stupid and immature of me. I should've just told you so all this petty drama could have been avoided. But yeah...I've been crushing on you."
You felt a blush forming on your cheeks. C/N noticed this and smiled. Did you maybe secretly like him too? Where were all these feelings coming from?
"If you want the truth," you said. "I think the reason I was so hurt and angry was because I sort of liked you too. Maybe your friends were right. Maybe we didn't need to be fighting with each other."
It all finally made sense. You were both just too stubborn to admit you had feelings for each other. But you supposed it was better late than never. Though the fire was still blazing, a cool breeze washed over you. You ran cold anyways, so this did not help. You hugged yourself for warmth. C/N saw this and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in close and kissing the crown of your head. Alas, you were finally in his arms. You didn't realize how badly you wanted that until now. With your head pressed against his chest, you could hear his heartbeat. It sounded so beautiful. Maybe you were starting to drift off to sleep. But just as you began to drift away, the moment was ruined. There was the rain, putting out the nice, cozy, warm fire.
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morose-melodies · 2 years
Heyooooo!!! Can i request for yan pierro and yan pantalone, seperate, with a darling who cant decide for themselves? I always have a hard hard time when it comes to decisions whether its small or large matter, and many people think its a burden
Choices *sigh* | yandere pierro and pantalone x reader
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any other day, pantalone would have made this decision for you but today was your special day, so he wanted you to decide for yourself.
but you sat across from him, looking far more confused than you had to as you tried to think of a good reply to pantalone's question; "where would you like to go today?"
you didn't know where to go. there were so many places to go, how would you ever decide? you didn't know and you'd much rather pantalone surprise you than form him to make you decide.
"I dunno," you figured that was the best answer, but after seeing pantalone's smile slightly drop, you quickly followed your last statement by saying, "... you should decide where we go...because it'll be more special that way... to me."
pantalone parted his lips, to say something but stopped, just before he did, and sighed instead. you bit your bottom lip, you felt apologetic but what could you do? you really didn't know where to go.
but actually... you wanted to go to many places, lieye, inazuma, mondstadt... etc, you wanted to go sightseeing, you wanted to go a nice diner, you wanted to build a snowman... the list went on, you didn't know know what to do.
"how would that be more special, (y/n)?" pantalone questioned, he wasn't impatient, no, he was quite understanding of your indecisiveness, he understood some choices mattered more than others.
just as this one did.
and consequently, your birthday was one of his days off, so he had all the time in the world for you and only you.
"because... your input matters," you replied, fingerings at the hem of your top as you looked over to pantalone, "I can name a few places... and you can choose. does that sound good to you?"
pantalone's existing smile grew wider as he nodded to you, not hesitating, because pleasing you was what he wanted to do on your special day, that's what he wanted to do on any day.
"... a restaurant, sightseeing, the café downtown, liyue, mondstadt, inazuma, i want to visit-" you stopped the moment you heard pantalone laugh, your nails digging into the palms of your hands as you anxiously waited to hear what it was he had to say.
"perhaps we could narrow that list down... just a bit," he smiled, as he reached out to you, waited to see if you'd flinch away from him, and then placed his hand over your hand, "it would be too sudden to plan a trip to liyue, mondstadt or inazuma... how about the two of us go to the new restaurant downtown?"
you nodded, "that would be perfect," watching as pantalones eye seemed to twitch and his smile slightly dropped just as you attempted to pull your hand away from his. he hesitated before slowly moving his hand away from yours and motioned for you to stand up just as he did.
once the two had stood up, pantalone hesitantly wrapped his arms around you, afraid you'd rebuke his touches but you did nothing and leaned into the hug.
he was almost surprised when you leaned into his hug but that didn't stop him from pulling you closer to himself and letting his smile widen.
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"you've been so busy, lord harbinger," you whispered, your arms wrapped around pierro and his around you. "and I've missed you," you added, feeling as though it was the first time in years that you had seen pierro.
"(y/n)... forgive me for not making time for you." it was late, the sun had set hours ago and pierro had come to visit you, it was unexpected but you happily accepted him into your house.
and then the big question came, "what would you like the two of us to do? to make up for the lost time." He asked, seemingly unwilling to release you from the hug you initiated.
you tensed and that's when he released you, rubbing your arm gently as he awaited your answer, "I don't know... maybe we can just stay here and do something together?"
pierro tuts, before asking, "is that what you truly want? is there nothing else you'd like to do?" his question caused you to sigh before replying with, "um... I guess we could... go to a café together? or...shop together... maybe we could go to a restaurant together?"
"shop together? that could be nice, is that what you want us to do, (y/n)?" pierro asked, and you pursed your lips, does he really want to do that? or is he just being kind?
"uhm..." you were now hesitant to say yes. you wanted him to enjoy himself too, you didn't want to be selfish... "maybe we could go... stargazing?"
pierro seemed to be without a reply for a few seconds before nodding and saying, "that would be very nice. but are you sure that's what you'd want to do?"
... you bit your lip, hard, unsure of what to say. why does he keep questioning you? does he not want to do either of the things you want to do? is he trying to make you doubt yourself purposely?
you were confused, so you figured the best thing to do was shrug.
"... what was that? did you not understand why question?" pierro asked, a brow raised and his voice questioning, "would you like to go stargazing or is there something else you'd like to do?" pierro repeated his question and you began to feel bad.
"I don't know... I just-"
"(y/n), don't allow such trifle matters to intimidate you, we could do either of these activities at another time. don't think so much, (y/n), it's not a big decision."
it's not a big decision... he's right. "uhm...," you paused, then frowned before asking, "can you just pick one? i can't decide... I'm sorry," then scratched your nose as you awaited a response.
"if thats truly what you want... then ill take you shopping, (y/n)."
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glittter-vamp · 1 year
Ohio Is For Lovers | J.B
Joe Burrow x Reader.
Warnings:18+ MDNI. Mention of Pregnancy. Angsty. Mention of Miscarriage. Alcohol. Raunchy jokes.
Word count: 4.7k
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6 Months Later:
Getting your luggage at baggage claim in the sea of people at this busy airport, you make your way outside. The freezing cold winter weather smacks you in the face waking you up and sending shivers down your body. You had just flown into Cincinnati from Providence for the holidays. After what happened 6 months ago you got your shit together as quick as you could, stayed at your parents for a few weeks before you left to Providence and left your old life behind. You never found out who set fire to your apartment because the apartments surveillance system wasn't functioning properly and you also never found out who was behind the hit and run but you wanted to move on from that and you did, focusing on your new life in Rhode Island. Things had been going really well for, you loved your new Job, loved the new city and have met some pretty cool and nice people along the way.
You wait for a bit outside in the freezing cold weather, the crazy traffic and honking overstimulating you a bit but you finally spot the familiar car. "Hey bitch!!" Peyton yells and honks not caring about being annoying to those around you as he pulls up with Sasha riding shotgun. They both hop out of the car and hug you tight. "Oh I've missed you so much!!" Sasha says. "Me too bitch! Spending thanksgiving alone this year fucking sucked, I missed out wine and Chinese take out." Peyton says. "I missed you guys too and I told your ass I'd send you a ticket to come to me for that weekend!" You say to Peyton as you guys hop into the warm car, Peyton taking your luggage and putting it in the trunk. "Here, we got you some hot cocoa!" Sasha says passing it to you in the back. "You guys are the best, thanks." You smile taking a sip of the delicious chocolate and milk. "So, how was the plane ride?" Peyton asks as he gets us out of the crazy airport. "It was fine, lots of crying kids on board but thankfully I had my headphones." You nod.
"I hope your mom and dad aren't too upset you didn't go with them to Paris and decided to spend the holidays with us." Sasha says sipping on her own hot beverage. "Nah, my sister and her little family went, so they're enjoying that and have forgotten all about me by now." You shake your head. Your parents were yet another trip for the holidays, this time they invited you but you really didn't feel like traveling far for the holidays and skipped out on it, plus you were spending a lot of money on your new place. "Are you hungry? There's this new Mexican place in downtown where that Thai place was." Peyton asks. "I'm so down for some food, I haven't ate anything since last night." You agree. You guys talk about what you had been up to the last few days and end up at the Mexican restaurant sooner than you'd thought you'd be, which you knew was courtesy of Peyton's speeding. Walking into the restaurant it wasn't too busy, few people every other table. 
After you guys get seated and given menu's Sasha speaks up. "So...meet anyone new?" She wiggles her eyebrows at you. "No, you know I told you I don't want to date anyone for a while." You sigh. "Okay well maybe not date but have you hooked up with anyone? What are the guys like over there?" Peyton grins. "I haven't hooked up with anyone but I have gone to a few gay bars over there and the guys are cute! You're going to have a great time when you go." You smile nodding. "You're hanging out with other gays out there!? Oh, I should of let your ass walk here, how dare you replace me." Peyton scoffs making you and Sasha laugh.
"What about you guys? Anyone you guys are hiding from me?" You ask looking at your two best friends, Peyton shaking is head no. "I've been out with this guy a few times from work...his name is Jason." Sasha smiles. "Oh yeah you mentioned him to me a couple weeks ago, you guys hooked up yet?" You ask and she blushes. "Yeahhhh!" You and Peyton laugh making her blush even more. "Okay... okay! Hush there's people around!" Sasha says getting embarrassed. You guys enjoy your dinner and then head over to their apartment. Sasha and Peyton had moved in together since the whole weird note situation and my place getting burned down. They thought it would be safer for the both of them since they both lived alone. The place was super cute, spacious and just outside of the downtown area with good security.
"So, what do you guys want to do tomorrow?" Sasha asks Peyton and I after we all shower and change into our pajamas. "Wellll, I kind of promised Tee and Ja'Marr I'd hang out with them before they leave for the holidays." You bite your lip. "Wait...you still talk to them?!" Peyton asks as he makes us some drinks from the bar they had near a window. "Yeah...they text me all the time before games and keep tabs on me. We have a group chat & they are always asking when I'm coming to a home game so I thought we can go to one tomorrow if that's okay with you guys."  You say, your friends looking at you weird.
"You're not scared that they're telling Joe about what you're up to and how you're doing?" Peyton asks. "I don't... really care, What are they gonna tell him? That I'm doing good and I'm happy?" You shrug. "What about running into him tomorrow or having to see him?" Sasha asks. "I watch him every week on my tv and I have no issue ignoring him if I have too." You shrug. "Does he know his friends and teammates still talk to you?" Peyton asks. "Probably, Tee posted us on his story, it was a picture from when we volunteered last year, I don't really think they care much for Joe's opinion on this. After I basically told Joe to get out my life...the guys reached out and we had drinks one night before I left Ohio and they heard my point of view of things. They supported my decision, they knew Joe and I weren't compatible no matter how much we all wanted . " You shake you head taking the drink Peyton was making for you out of his hands.
"Do you... like either of them or something? Did you hook up with his teammates?" Sasha asks and you snort rolling your eyes. " Oh bitch, please tell me you did!" Peyton grins. "No! First off, one of them literally dated Mariana... no fucking thanks. Second, I am never ever getting involved with another professional athlete much less another football player that still plays with Joe and are really good friends with him. That's weird." You shake your head. "I mean, you could do the funniest thing ever and hook up with his teammates and kick Joe while he's been down, you know I like supporting women's rights but I also loveeeee supporting women's wrongs." Peyton smirks making Sasha laugh and you roll your eyes at him.
"Like I said, I'm not putting myself through that shit again. Once is enough." You shake your head taking a sip of the drink. "Can I ask you a question? You don't have to answer but I'm pretty intrigued to know." Sasha speaks up and you nod. "Do you miss Joe at all?" Sasha asks and Peyton rolls his eyes as her question. "Oh girl c'mon on, let's not ruin Y/N's night here." Peyton scoffs. "What?! It's a valid question! She almost had a baby with the guy! ad everything happened so quick!" Sasha defends herself making you laugh as you sit on their couch.
"I'll be honest, even though he did bring unnecessary drama in my life for a while and things were never perfect between, he was still a very comforting person for me so I miss that, I think that's why I stuck it out so long with him, things felt at ease when  was around him...and maybe I miss the sex." You bite your lip making your friends chuckle. "That makes me sad that you guys ended the way you did and felt like this about him." Sasha pouts. "It is what it is, I'm sure he's moved on plenty since us." You shrug. "I heard he was dating a swimsuit model now, seems like he can't fathom being alone." Sasha snorts. "Can straight men ever?" Peyton laughs. "Good luck to her." You breathe shaking your head. You guys talk a bit more and enjoy your drinks while watching a Christmas movie before you all go to bed, you sleeping in their guest bedroom which was super cute and cozy.
In the morning Peyton made you guys a delicious breakfast with French toast, eggs & bacon and you texted the group chat with the guys letting them know you were in town and if it was possible to get three tickets for tonight's game. Tee almost immediately texting back that he would get back to you as as he could about them.
"I say we go ice skating tomorrow." Sasha says as we sit around enjoying our breakfast. "I'm not that type of gay." Peyton says making you and Sasha laugh. "Oh come on! It'll be fun, maybe you can fall into the arms of a big strong guy." Sasha wiggles her eyebrows. "Girl, I'm 6 foot 5, I am the strong the guy?!" Peyton shakes his head making us laugh. We finish our food and as Sasha and I cleaned up since Peyton made breakfast, your phone dings. Drying your hands quickly on a towel nearby, you pick up the phone and see it was the guys, they had gotten tickets for you and your friends for tonight's game.
"The guys got the tickets." You say to your friends as you respond to the guys and thanking them for pulling some strings so last minute. "You know its supposed to be cold as shit tonight right guys?" Peyton says. "That's why whiskey exists!" You smile and he rolls his eyes. "Hey, you don't have to come if you don't want grandpa." Sasha says to Peyton. "Oh, I'm going!  You bitches aren't leaving me behind." Peyton says leaving us in the kitchen in the sassiest manner making you laugh. "You need to have your revenge dress moment tonight." Sasha says to you as you start the dish washer. "What are you talking about?" You chuckle looking at her weird. "In case you run into Joe! Which I'm sure might happen, you need to look good to see what he could of had if he wasn't such a dumbass ad respected you." Sasha nods. "Girl, it's going to be like 15 degree's tonight. I'm gonna be warm, I really don't care about making Joe feel some type of way." You shake your head. "Ugh, have some fun will you!" Sasha scoffs making you laugh.
It was afternoon now and you guys had just finished getting ready for the game. As always, you just wore whatever you wanted not really caring too much about team colors. You just wore mostly black layers, cozy boots and some thermal blue jeans wanting to stay as warm as you could tonight. "The uber is here!" Sasha says walking into the living room from her room. We all head out into the cold air and make our way to the car the SUV that was waiting for us. "Do you know who they're playing today?" Sasha asks me as we ride in the back of the car. "Not a damn clue." You shake your head. "Go sports!" Peyton says making you guys laugh. You guys make it to the stadium, happy that you guys left when you did because the place was super packed with people making it hard to find your seats after you got through security.
"I'm getting us drinks!" Peyton says to Sasha and I. You guys not and Peyton leaves to the concession stand which wasn't that far away. "This is exciting!" Sasha smiles. "Last time I was here, it was with Mariana and then Joe and I had fight in the locker room." You snort shaking your head. "Crazy how time flies." Sasha shakes her head. Soon Peyton returns with some strong drinks for everyone and you take a picture of you three posting it on your story. After a bit, the game eventually starts and pretty much you three just cheer when everyone else cheered. It was a bit a weird for you to see Joe playing on the field right now, you guys hadn't talked since the day at the hospital when you lost the baby. 
You remember going out for those drinks with Ja'Marr and Tee and them trying to convince you to at least talk to Joe but you knew if you did in that moment, you probably wouldn't have left to Rhode Island and be where you are now. Part of you felt guilty for a bit after that, but it was really the only way for you to get out of every situation that had you unhappy plus, getting threatening notes and your apartment set on fire just wasn't something you wanted to stick around and play with to just attempt to be with Joe.
"I really... don't understand this fucking game, I'mmmm getting us more drinks." Peyton says making you laugh. "Get me vodka this time please!" Sasha says to him before he leaves us. "I don't know much about football but it seems like no one is having a good time out there, people keep getting hurt and they look so cold." Sasha says. "We are so undeserving of these tickets." You laugh shaking your head. All of a sudden you guys then spot Tee and Ja'Marr getting into it with some players of the opposing team on the field after a dirty hit on the field.
"What the hell is going on out there?" Peyton asks handing us drinks. " The other team is playing dirty and the guys aren't having it." You shrug. Taking a sip of the new drink, the game continues until half time. "We should get sushi after this!" Peyton says over the loud music that was playing, Sasha and I nodding in agreement.
You guys talk amongst yourselves and take plenty of pictures during halftime and before you knew it the guys were back on the field. They were pretty much neck in neck with the other team so this game could really still go either way. You spot Joe running on the field getting into position and instead of throwing the ball to one of his teammates he makes a run for it with the ball. "He's really... not that fast. Reminds me the rat from Ice Age with the acorn" Peyton says making your snort. "That's a squirrel not a rat!" You laugh as Joe runs with the ball almost making it to the end zone but out of no where this huge player from the other team tackles him, hard. The hit looked painful and it wasn't long before everyone spotted Joe holding his elbow in pain. "Oh fuck." You stand up feeling your heart sinking in your chest. "That doesn't look good." Sasha shakes her head standing next to you. "Are you fucking kidding me?! That was a baby hit!" You hear some guy behind you angrily yell to which you rolled your eyes at, as did many other fans around him.
Soon you heard the sea of people becoming disappointed and worried over Joe, the medics soon were on the field checking him out and every time they attempted to move his arm Joe would immediately wince in pain. "Oh baby... he's out. There's no way he's gonna keep playing." Peyton shakes his head. They get Joe up from the ground and he walks towards the tunnel looking extremely upset and in pain. The crowd cheers for him but even behind the cheers you could tell they were as upset as he was.
The energy in the stadium after that had did a complete 180. Luckily Joe's injury didn't cost them the game but people were still sad over what happened. As we were leaving two security guards approach us and you already knew the drill. " Y/N Y/L/N?" One of them asks me, Peyton already looking at them weird and getting defensive. "Yeah, let me guess. I gotta follow you." You raise an eyebrow at the man and he nods. "C'mon guys." You tell Sasha and Peyton who look at you weird. "It's the guys sending for us, we're not in trouble." You tell them and they nod still suspicious of this but still following you guys to the golf carts.
"This makes me feel like Beyoncé when she's backstage." Sasha says making you and Peyton look at each other and start laughing. "Humble yourself honey." Peyton snorts, Sasha flicking him off. You guys get taken the room you haven't seen since you had basically hated Joes guts. You all thank the guys and they let you know the drill with snacks and drinks. There was a few women in there probably waiting on their husband or boyfriend but you guys find a spot somewhere and sit down. "This is pretty cool." Sasha looks around. "They said anything was for grabs right?" Peyton says eyeing the snacks. "Go crazy." You chuckle as he gets up and heads over to the snack table.
"You think Joe is okay?" Sasha asks you. "Probably not." You shake your head. After a little while you hear two familiar voices call your name. Smiling you get up from your seat turning around seeing Tee and Ja'Marr. "Hey guys!!" You smile at them giving them each a hug. Sasha and Peyton greet them as well and you guys sit down at an empty table. "So how have you guys been?" Ja'Marr asks us. "Pretty good... Thanks for the tickets, that was quite the game." Sasha smiles. "No problem and yeah, this one's a tough one. Critical timing too since the play offs start very soon." Tee shakes his head. "At least you guys won though! Something good came out of it." You smile trying to lighten their mood. "Yeah but Joes out the rest of the season, he tore his UCL so if we were to make it to the Super Bowl... he can't even play. That's gonna fuck us up so much." Ja'Marr shakes his head. You couldn't help but to feel horrible for everyone especially Joe.
You all catch up for a bit, them asking you a billion questions about Rhode Island and asking if you'd ever return here to Ohio. Ja'Marr had asked you about Mariana, specifically if you've heard anything from her and you'd tell him no which was the truth. You didn't know exactly why he was asking but you didn't really want to ask. That was his business and you weren't getting into anything that had to do with her ever again. "I need to pee." Sasha says to you, Peyton nodding in agreement. "Bathrooms are over there to your right." Tee points. They thank him and they walk off leaving just you, Ja'Marr and Tee.
"So... have you talked to Joe at all?" Ja'Marr asks, both men looking at you for an answer. "No, I debated on reaching out a few times but I heard he was dating someone and I'm not getting into that type of drama again like that. Hell no." You shake your head. The guys look at each other for a moment and then bust out laughing which had you confused. "Dating who?! Dudes only focus has been football and stalking you on social media all these months." Tee laughs. "It was all over social media that he was dating some model & why or how would he be stalking my social media?" You ask confused since it was private. "That was just a stupid rumor started by some dumb gossip website and we've caught him on your Instagram a bunch of times. I think he has a fake profile which we've told him how weird that shit was by the way and his excuse was that he just wanted to make sure you were happy and safe." Ja'Marr shakes his head rolling his eyes.
"Did he leave already?" You ask. "Nah, he's in a medical room dealing with his emotions and shit. He doesn't wanna see anyone, he's going through it." Tee shakes his head with a disappointed look on his face. "Although... maybe he wouldn't mind seeing you." Ja'Marr smirks and your eyes open wide. "Hell no, no way." You shake your head. "No way what?" Sasha asks coming back to us, Peyton following her. "They want me to go talk to Joe." You shake your head. "Oh?" Peyton looks at you and you shake your head no. "He's down this hall to your left. C'mon guys, let's get some snacks and talk about how much Rhode Island sucks." Tee says to your friends and you scoff. "What? Guys! No—assholes." You mutter annoyed at them as they all ignore you and leave you standing out in the hall like an idiot.
Sighing you make your way to the door where Joe was behind, taking a deep breath before knocking and opening the door. Immediately you heard his voice. "Get out." He says in a very monotone way. You peek your head in and see he was laying down on a stretcher facing up in a dimly lit room with his good arm draped over his face. "I guess I deserve that attitude." You nod closing the door behind you. Your stomach flip flopping from nervousness. Joe freezes and peeks under his arm towards you.
"Wh-what are you doing here?" Joe asks slowly sitting up. His injured arm in a sling. "I'm in town for the holidays and the guys gave me tickets to the game tonight." You awkwardly say stuffing you hands in your back pockets. He looked like he had been crying. "Of course they did." Joe scoffs. "I know I'm the last person you wanna see right now or ever but I just wanted to check up on you." You bite your lip awkwardly. "Yeah right, like you give a shit about what happens to me." He scoffs, it sucked hearing those words come from his mouth but you couldn't blame him, you weren't the nicest to him the last time you saw him. Plus, he was upset cause of his injury which is understandable.
 "I know I shouldn't have bothered you but I just wanted to apologize on how I left things... and your injury tonight...but I'll uh, leave you be." You nod reaching for the door again awkwardly. "Wait!" You hear Joe say before you could even touch the door. "I...shouldn't have snapped at you like that, I'm sorry. I'm...I'm not even mad at you." He shakes his head as he sits looking down at his dangling feet. He was still in half of his uniform and even though he was a grown ass man well over 6 foot, he looked so small to you in this moment. "You don't have to lie, I know the way I handled things was beyond fucked up." You sigh leaning against the door. "Honestly, you had every right. I was being a stupid jackass, my parents knocked some sense into me after I came clean with everything. You put up with too much shit with me and I was worried too much about myself and not enough about you. I'm surprised you didn't come fined me and ran me over with your car" Joe admits. "Well...to be fair I didn't have one at the time so, maybe that worked in your favor." You tease making him chuckle. 
"Maybe it was just a classic case of right people, wrong time." You shrug. "You really think we could of been right for each other if things weren't so fucked up around us and I wouldn't have fucked up most of it?" Joe asks. "I'd like to think so, we pretty much ignored every red flag between and around us Joe... I think that ultimately fucked everything up because we choose to ignore and ignore." You say, Joe nodding. "How's Rhode Island?" Joe asks and you snort. "You should know...the guys told me about your Instagram stalking." You tease seeing Joe's freeze and his face turn a light shade of pink. "Fucking assholes." Joe mutters shaking his head making you chuckle. "I didn't mean to be weird, I just still feel paranoid about your safety with everything that happened. M=Ja'marr thinks Mariana was behind everything, he found some weird folder with information about us two...I think she was going to try and blackmail us if news hit about the affair she was having on Ja'Marr. She's disappeared. We think she left Ohio." Joe fills you in and you scoff. "That fucking crazy bitch." You shake your head. 
"Things are pretty good, I like the city, co workers are pretty cool." You nod changing the subject. "I'm really happy to hear that." Joe says giving you a small smile. Before you could reply there was a knock on the door followed by the voice of a man you didn't recognize. "Burrow, your parents are looking for you dude, pack it up, get some rest." The guy says. "I should... get back to everyone, I'm sure they're hungry and waiting on me." You say to Joe and he nods looking sad. "I'm really sorry I couldn't be the man you deserved Y/N, I kill myself over it everyday." Joe says somberly. "People aren't perfect Joe, don't beat yourself up over it, but I really do hope you recover as quickly and good as possible. I would tell you to not be too hard on yourself while you recover but I might as well talk to a brick wall for that." You joke making Joe chuckle. "Take care of yourself and you should come to more games, helps motivate the guys." Joe says glossy eyes which almost triggered your own emotions that you were pushing down. " I will take it under consideration, take care of yourself." You smile at him before leaving the room and letting out a deep breath trying to control your emotions before you meet everyone up again. 
A month later:
The holidays came and went. You spent time with your best friends and you were now back in Rhode Island in your home. Winter had officially struck the north east as it was snowing today. Cuddled up on your couch with the fire place on and a glass of wine in your hand you were on facetime with your friends. "So, when are you coming back?" Peyton asks you. "Uh! no Sir, it's time you guys come to me. We can do something this summer...I just finished the guest bedrooms and we can hit all the bars out here, maybe even drive to Boston for a weekend." You suggest. "I'm down for some Boston cheeks." Peyton smirks making Sasha roll her eyes and you laugh. "Did you spend the homegoods gift card we got you for Christmas?" Sasha asks changing the subject. "I did! I got stuff for the guest bathroom and a few holiday clearance stuff for next Christmas." You nod. You talk more with your friends about what you guys had planned for the next few weeks until your doorbell rang. It was 7PM on a snowy Friday night and you weren't expecting anyone over. "Uh oh booty call! We'll let you go so you can have your fun." Peyton winks. "It's probably my neighbors stupid doordash again, she keeps putting my door number for some reason, but I'll talk to you guys later." You sigh getting up. You hang up your phone tossing it on the couch and setting down your wine glass on your side table. You go to your door opening just a bit expecting some poor delivery driver in this snow but you almost choke on your own spit when you saw who it was. "Wh-what are you doing here?" You stand there frozen in place. 
"I'm... done ignoring." Joe responds. 
A/N: I know I said this last chapter was coming Sunday but I couldn't wait that long lol Ohio Is For Lovers has officially wrapped up and I just want to thank you guys sosososososo much for reading and supporting this series. I haven't written a series in years and the love and support you guys have shown me has meant soooo much! If you haven't checked it out already I have been working on a new Joe Burrow series called Cherry Waves, so check that out if you'd like and if it's not for you I plan on doing a small holiday series in November. Thanks again for the support 🖤🖤🖤
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 8 months
♡Weekly Chronicles♡
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Hey babes! I haven't done a weekly chronicle in so longgg but I have some good updates because I missed you girlies<3 Welcome to my new girliesss!
The semester has officially started and so far I like all my classes. I decided to do 18 credits worth of classes this semester and I didn't realize how busy my schedule would be until last week lol. I'm trying to find a way to reorganize my schedule because babes it is a lot. I have a bunch of items I need to get a few textbooks I will try and order this week but other than that it has been very simple since it is the first full week of the semester I don’t expect them to do too much. I hope all my college girlies are doing well let's buckle in and get this semester done so we can be hot girls all summer lol. Side note there is this really cute guy in a few classes near me and I see him all the time he is soooo cute lol he's blonde and tall I had a math class with him I believe a year ago never said anything to him and I don’t plan he’s just cute lol.
I have been great mentally. So far this year I have been super organized when it comes to my goals and habits so it has made me feel secure knowing I am going down the right path. I need to pay for my refill of my antidepressants I like to call them my happy pills. They have helped me a lot these past 3 months because I remember last year around this time I was so depressed Seasonal depression affected my motivation and goals, so I didn't accomplish much. Thankfully this year is different. Also, I've been working on saying more affirmations I sometimes have a tough time looking in the mirror, especially around the time of my period but I'm constantly reminding myself I'm beautiful self-love is a continuous journey and to be patient.
I have been sticking to my diet plan! It has been working I've been seeing major results of course I have slip-ups sometimes but I get right back on and  I don't judge myself because I'm human and weight loss will not be linear. I can’t wait to reach my goal I still have more pounds to go but I got this! I've been super strict on my skincare routine and I've been seeing results with that as well my dark spots are slowly fading and I'm super happy. I recently cut my hair so I’m on a hair growth journey now. So if you have any tips especially if you have 4a, 4b, and 4c hair I'd love some tips below, and even if you don’t please share babes<3
My schedule has been super hectic. So now I'm trying to figure out how to organize my hobbies into my schedule but also trying to keep balance so I don't become overwhelmed. Pilates has been amazing I love the burn it's so addictive I can’t wait to get back into weightlifting in the second quarter of the year! I want to learn how to create flower arrangements so I can keep fresh flowers in my home. I'm still looking into new hobbies so I can have some excitement in my life outside of school. I tried some hobbies during the break and realized certain hobbies aren’t for me and some are. Also, I have been on it with my Italian! By the end of this year, I want to be bilingual. Every time I practice it makes me want to book a trip to Italy just to speak Italian with Italians lol.
I love chatting with you babes and want you girlies to chat back<3 so let me know what you have planned this week and how was your weekend Love you babes we are almost at 200 followers<3
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Don't Smile - Struck by Love Legacy Challenge - Season 2, Episode 13
It was the week of Christmas and Naomi hadn't bought any Christmas gifts for her family. Naomi and Bear went to the local shops to see if there was anything left that was good enough for her family.
As she reached the end of her shopping trip, she ran into a familiar face, Leo.
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Leo: Oh, hey stranger!
Naomi could feel her cheeks heating up being near this man that she had such a real dream about, of course he couldn't know about the dream, but she felt like he could see right through her. Naomi spoke: Hey, how's it going?
She tried her hardest to sound like she was stressed, or excited that he was here.
Leo smiled at her: Sorry that I ran out without saying anything, I had to get to work and I didn't want to disturb you. You looked so peaceful.
Naomi was shocked by his statement, had he been thinking about how he treated Naomi during the hookup? Naomi: Don't worry about it, didn't hurt my feelings. She lied.
Leo's smile falters for a second, if Naomi wasn't paying attention she could've missed it, Naomi thought this was strange. Leo: I didn't get your number either, I mean if you wanted it.
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Naomi's heart picked up, she wasn't expecting him to react like this to her. Naomi: I mean sure yeah, more friends the merrier, am I right?
Leo: Yeah, friends. Here's my number.
Leo and Naomi exchanged phones to put their information in the others. When Naomi received hers back, his name had a little heart next to it, her heart was a traitor and fluttered again.
Leo: I was actually about to head in for a bite to eat, you wanna join me?
Naomi: I was gonna grab dinner here too, they are one of the only places around here that allow dogs inside.
Leo: Really? I didn't know that! Let's grab a table.
The pair plus Bear head inside the restaurant. They grabbed a table and placed their order.
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Naomi: So what brings you out here to Del Sol Valley? I thought you lived in the city with your brother?
Leo: Well, I accepted a job out here a few weeks ago and was making the trip, but Rhett, my brother, was able to afford the apartment on his own. With my new job I'd be able to afford a place on my own, so I got one up on the hill. It's about 15 minutes away from your place if I remember correctly.
Naomi shifted in her seat, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks and another body part that was betraying her as she remembered the night that her and Leo shared. Naomi: That's great that you got a new job! I've been pretty busy at my job as of late. My boss is putting pressure on me to learn another instrument other than Piano.
Leo: Is that something that interests you?
Naomi: Not really, but if it makes my boss happy then I'll do it. I'm just trying to make a living.
Leo: What do you want to do?
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Naomi pondered his question for a bit, she wasn't sure. All she knew is that she wanted to make music, write songs, but strictly with Piano and her voice. She could not bring herself to learn yet another instrument. As much as she loved piano it didn't come easy to her. Naomi: I don't want to learn another instrument.
Leo: Then don't, tell your boss that. If you don't want to do something, then don't.
Naomi: That's not exactly how it works.
Naomi and Leo got caught up in conversation over their meal.
Leo: You busy after this?
Naomi did finish her shopping for her family, she didn't have anything planned after this and she had this need for him that she didn't understand. Naomi: No, I'm not busy. Just got to take Bear home for his dinner.
Leo: You want company?
Naomi couldn't stop herself before she was agreeing to this man. She seriously had to stop this before she became too attached. She knew that this was only going to end in one way, heartbreak. Yet, she still let him come over.
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After some fun activities, Leo and Naomi cuddle in bed together. Something that Naomi didn't let herself do, yet another rule she was breaking for him. And this time he didn't leave.
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sexsecretstoo · 1 month
His wife knows he fools around with men
CW: noncon
I wrote a little while ago about hooking up with a married male coworker on a business trip a few weeks back. Just wanted to share an update. I tried really hard to be good because he was married but things have gotten complicated. For about a week after we got back from the trip, he hinted we should get together. I kept ignoring his hints or changing the subject. That seemed to calm him down because he backed off. Then about a week later I went into the office on a Saturday. I went to the gym first & didn't bother to change out of my workout clothes. He was there but everything was cool. We were the only ones in on a Saturday afternoon but we work on opposite ends of the floor so except for a courtesy "hi" when I got there, we had no interaction. Until, that is, I went into the break room to refill my water bottle. He followed me in almost immediately. I went about my business and went over to the water dispenser on the counter. Next thing I know, he slides in behind me, puts his hands on my back and forces me over the counter. He cups my ass & starts calling me a "fucking cock tease". I told him to back off but he slid his hand between my legs and grabbed my balls over my gym shorts. I've always had some nonconsensual fantasies so I was getting hard and quickly losing my desire to resist. "We had a lot of fun the other day. Why don't you wanna go again." I told him I hated the idea of hurting his wife; she was a nice lady who didn't deserve that. He laughed and said I should've thought of that before I went down on him in the hotel room. Then he said it was okay because she knew he fooled around with guys. I don't know if that was true or not but I immediately relaxed after hearing it. He pulled down my shorts and underwear, unbuckled his belt and took me right there. It was such a hot fantasy fulfilled and I really got into it. I've always been into ass play but I've never bottomed before. It was amazing and intense. We've now hooked up six times in the last ten days. I still feel bad I'm having an affair with a married man but it feels too good to stop.
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fismoll7secinv · 2 months
15 questions, 15 people:
I was tagged by dear @a-very-fond-farewell 💚I hope you get your lobster sanctuary! 💚
1. are you named after anyone?
2. when was the last time you cried?
I don't know, I don't really cry
3. do you have kids?
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
yeah, quite casually in everyday life, but I try to tone it down
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
I'm bad with faces, I might not recognise someone who's new to me after interacting with them every day for 2 weeks (based on a true story) xdd so what I notice at first is the overall vibe they present, which is a combination of their posture and body language, clothes and accessories, facial expressions etc. This doesn't tell absolutely accurately who they are, but it shows how they want to be perceived mixed with some unconscious elements they might not notice themselves, which is interesting to me
6. what’s your eye color?
eh idk, people say they're blue when I'm in a blue pool, green when I'm among greenery, grey when it's a bit dark. I guess they're a subtle mixture that looks like nothing until there's something external that brings out one of the colors. it's a bit annoying tbh, so I usually just say grey
7. scary movies or happy endings?
i love horror, very high on my list of fav genres, but I also love happy endings, just not necessarily in horrors. In media other than horror I need HE or I feel down. So i'd say: both
8. any special talents?
I've had a music talent since I was little, couldn't understand how other kids didn't know how to play the flute or keep the rhythm. I've also heard various ppl say that I somehow know how to arrange things to be aesthetically pleasing, but I could never explain how to do it, it just looks better a certain way. A bit for drawing, considering how fast I improved compared to some other people, but I haven't pursued it farther than sketching. Sport comes pretty smoothly to me and my body, I've always been "the athletic girl"
I may sound like i'm bragging but i try to be objective for my own self. After all "talent" means nothing and is just bitterly wasted if you're not practising, so for me it can be more of a shameful thing that I let rot rather than something to be proud of. It's also so useless when teaching others, because you don't know how to explain shit when you do it intuitively, which tripped me a lot of times while trying to teach someone. Very annoying and sometimes isolating in a sense that you just vibe with yourself instead of sharing the experience with others
9. where are you born?
in a hospital
10. what are your hobbies?
reading, writing, taking care of plants, pen & paper rpgs, collecting weird trinkets and paintings, drawing, horror movies, detective stories, listening to podcasts
11. do you have any pets?
we have a dog but I moved out of my family home recently and the doggo stayed there, I still visit often and walk him, but it doesn't feel like he's really mine anymore :(
12. what sports do you/have you played?
I did gymnastics and horse-riding for a few years as a kid, used to jog in middle/high school, I also go on a trip to the mountains at least once a year to hike bc I'm obsessed with it. Recently I like to do yoga and fitness to bring my body to its limit and stretch all the pains that keep accumulating. I almost didn't move from my desk for over a year some time ago because i was too busy with uni, work and a few other big things, and it ended up in a neck injury that escalated to a few months of rehab. Now I move a lot so those nightmarish pain and several contusions don't repeat
13. how tall are you?
taller than most women and many guys
14. favourite subject in school?
all languages, math, biology
15. dream job?
neuroscientist, astronaut or pilot of small planes
I have no idea who did this already, feel free to ignore as always. Tagging @prommethium @miyakuli @still-gathering-roses @carmine-sunlight @wikipedie
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