#songfic prompt
I was listening to MARINA (I'm sorry, she will always be Marina And The Diamonds to me :sob:) because i'm gay and I just wanna say that Starring Role REALLY fits Jaskier's pov of Yen and Geralt's relationship "You don't love me, big fucking deal I'll never tell you how I feel You don't love me, not a big deal I'll never tell you how I feel
It almost feels like a joke to play a part When you are not a starring role, in someone else's heart You know I'd rather walk alone (rather walk alone) Than play a supporting role If I can't get the starring role"
and post-mountain Geraskier... "You're like my dad, you'd get on well I send my best regards from Hell" I'm thinking of fanonically abusive Jaskier's dad kicking Jaskier to the curb for being a bard/being gay kinda thematically rhyming with Jaskier being dropped off the side of a mountain by Geralt
So if anyone wants to make an animatic or songfic for this I will literally become the abysmal forces (in joy) I'd appreciate a happy ending of course (because Netflix slacked off and didn't give one to Jaskier, Geralt's "apology" was shit and we all know it)
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Ironstrange - they meet pre-ironman and stick with each other through it all/sarcasm all the way pointing out each others flaws and working on it together.
This is a lot of ground to cover, so I offer you snippets :) Also, this somehow became a songfic halfway through. 'Through the years' by Kenny Rogers, because the lyrics are so very fitting.
Ko-fi | Masterlist | Word count: 0.8k (plus the song lyrics)
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I can't remember when you weren't there When I didn't care for anyone but you I swear, we've been through everything there is Can't imagine anything we've missed Can't imagine anything the two of us can't do
The first time they met was at a medical conference. Stephen was there to give a speech. Tony was there to donate money and to party, and because Pepper had forced him to make an appearance. It was good press for SI or something like that.
For once he had decided to listen because he remembered medical students to be big party animals.
Well, it turned out that changed after they graduated college and worked real jobs. It wasn’t the worst party he had ever been to but he was still very bored.
That was until a young doctor approached him at the bar and flirted with him bluntly. Tony was flattered – still he didn’t intend to make it too easy for the man. No matter how handsome he was.
“So you’re some kind of surgeon prodigy? That don’t impress me much.”
“Shania Twain, 1997. Although loosely interpreted.”
Tony didn’t indicate with any reaction if he had actually planned to make it sound like those lyrics. But he did gesture to the barkeeper to bring a drink for Strange; and that had to mean something.
It gave Strange a boost of confidence. “I will have you impressed by the end of the night.” It wasn’t a question, just a simple statement. He had wanted to pick apart Tony Stark’s brain ever since he specialized in neurology. And now he had the chance.
Through the years, you've never let me down You've turned my life around The sweetest days I've found, I've found with you Through the year, I've never been afraid I've loved the life we've made And I'm so glad I've stayed right here with you Through the years
“Why do you have to go to Afghanistan for that demonstration?” Stephen asked – again. “Rhodey said it would be perfectly fine to do it in Nevada.”
Of course Rhodey – that traitor – had told him that. The two had joined forces against him on this issue.
“Because I can,” he replied – again. “It’s called customer service.”
Stephen looked away. “I think it’s the worst idea you ever had and that you are an idiot for doing this.”
Tony saw it in Stephen's face that he wasn’t happy about his answer. They had already argued so much about this, and Tony was tired of it.
What Stephen and he had wasn’t a relationship. Not really. Both had agreed on that. And this was part of why.
“Thanks for establishing that. You’re welcome to leave anytime.” Like everyone else did who was fed up with Tony. There always came the point when people no longer tolerated his bullshit.
Stephen’s jaw clenched, but he didn’t move. “Yeah, no. I’m not letting you go that easily.” He was neither impressed by his words nor his behavior.
Tony let out a breath he didn’t realize he had held. He preferred arguing to Stephen walking out of him.
I can't remember what I used to do Who I trusted, whom I listened to before I swear, you've taught me everything I know Can't imagine needing someone so But through the years it seems to me I need you more and more
Tony was standing in Stephen's apartment. It felt familiar yet odd. Things were still in the same place as before he had left, but something seemed to have changed. He was exhausted by the past month he had lived in that hidden cave.
It took Tony far too long to realize what that was: there was no trace of him in the apartment anymore. Before there had been small items scattered all around: a book, tablets, clothes… it was all gone. And Tony didn’t know what that meant. He had been gone for months and he didn’t know if Stephen had moved on in the meantime.
Tony felt vulnerable because maybe for the first time in his life he didn’t know what to say. He couldn't predict Stephen's reaction.
“So you got kidnapped in Afghanistan. That don’t impress me much,” Stephen finally said in his best ‘I told you not to go’ voice.
Tony smiled, still tired, as a weight was lifted off his shoulders.
Through the years, through all the good and bad I knew how much we had I've always been so glad to be with you Through the years, it's better every day You've kissed my tears away As long as it's okay, I'll stay with you Through the years
“It’s going to be alright.”
Tony meant it, but for Stephen it was a lie. He didn’t see how he could ever be alright again. He was ruined. He had lost his hands – the single most important part of him.
“Spare your breath,” he hissed coldly. He didn’t want to hear Tony’s words of comfort. They meant nothing to Stephen.
Tony sighed, his eyes on the golden ring on the table next to his husband's hospital bed. Stephen wasn’t able to wear it, his hands were still bandaged. Maybe he would never be able to wear it again. Even without the promise Tony had made on the day he had given the ring to Stephen, he wouldn’t waltz out just like that.
“Nice try. But I won’t let you go that easily.”
Through the years, when everything went wrong Together we were strong I know that I belonged right here with you Through the years, I never had a doubt We'd always work things out I've learned what love's about, by loving you Through the years
Tony took in his husband's appearance; the goatee, the blue robes, and the subtle muscles under them. He looked good – far better than the day Stephen had run away to Nepal on a whim. It seemed like he found what he had been looking for and Tony was glad to see him in a better place.
Still, it didn’t hurt to grill him a little more; just as a revenge for the radio silence.
Tony crossed his arms. “So you’re a wizard now? That don’t impress me much.”
Through the years, you've never let me down You've turned my life around The sweetest days I've found, I've found with you Through the years, it's better every day You've kissed my tears away As long as it's okay, I'll stay with you Through the years
They were on Titan and their chances to win looked rather slim. Still, there was hope; as long as they stuck together through it.
Tony stepped next to Stephen as they watched together Thanos arrival on that vast planet.
“So you’re that purple grape that gave me nightmares for years?” His nano-sunglasses were back on his nose for the sole purpose to look over their rim judgmentally. “That don’t impress me much.”
He heard Stephen roll his eyes.
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ana-cantskywalker · 16 days
sabezra + start over again by new hope club for the drabbles?
I try to respond to an ask in a reasonable timeframe challenge (level: impossible)
Legally this isn’t a drabble (I only very recently learned what a drabble technically is and this ain’t it) I don’t even think it can be considered a microfic anymore. It absolutely got away from me and is kinda massive considering the prompt.
Anyways, I hope you like it!
Setting: Modern au, they are in college (idk the details just college)
He was an idiot.
He’d been told that before but now he was sure of it because only an idiot would do what he’d done yesterday.
It had started out going extremely well for him, after taking nearly three years to work up the courage to do so, he’d finally told Sabine how he felt. How he saw his best friend as more than just a best friend, how he wanted them to be more.
And she hadn’t killed him surprisingly enough.
He thought such a heavy confession would ruin what they already had, which is why he’d taken so long to admit it, but she took it well. She didn’t hate him for one, and she even agreed to go on a ‘date’ with him. Not a real go to a nice restaurant type of date, but something slightly more intimate than their usual hangouts, to see if it would be a dynamic they might want to pursue.
He didn’t really know why she’d agreed, he wouldn’t dare hope it was because she reciprocated even if she wouldn’t admit it, but maybe…
They’d agreed on a picnic in the park near his house, casual but not anything like what they would normally do together. All their cards on the table, but without the pressure, the stage was set to be a perfect day, and he’d been thrilled.
That is until he had to go and kriff it all up.
His first mistake was being chronically late, not on purpose of course, but late nonetheless. She had to wait for him for nearly half an hour, it was a miracle she hadn’t just left, and maybe she should have. And then he had to go put his foot in his mouth when he tried complimenting her, he couldn’t even remember now what he’d said, just that it had sounded like a borderline insult.
He should’ve just told her she was beautiful, because kriff, she was.
Then, the cherry on top to the disaster of a date was when he knocked over his drink and spilled it all over her dress. Like an idiot.
It hadn’t ended with her yelling at him like he probably deserved, but it had been three days ago and she hadn’t so much as texted him. They usually talked every day. She was rightfully upset and he didn’t know how to fix it.
He needed to, his relationship with Sabine, friend or otherwise was one of the most important relationships he had. Also if he didn’t Tristan was going to kill him the next time he saw him.
The sound of a door closing snapped him from the doom spiral he was having face down on the couch. Looking up he saw his roommate Zeb walking in. The older boy gives Ezra a disapproving once over, “You still moping?”
Ezra doesn’t dignify him with a response, so he keeps going. “You know moping here on the couch isn’t going to fix anything.”
He rolls his eyes, “Thank you for that astute observation, Zeb.”
Zeb pushes through their tiny living area towards his room, “Fine, if you want to sit here in your misery then do it, just don’t bother me about it. But, if I was you, I would go apologize.”
With that he’s gone and Ezra sits up, he was right and Ezra hated it. He’d known for the past three days that was what he needed to do, he was just terrified of the response he might get. What if she chewed him out and never wanted to see him again.
Well, maybe that was a little extreme, she had every right to be upset but he might have been making the situation more drastic in his head. He had been known to be dramatic over things on occasion.
As he is pondering the extent of his dramatization of events, his eyes land on a picture stuck to the fridge, he could barely make it out from where he was, but he knew what it was of. It was a picture he and Sabine had taken when they went to the amusement park outside town last Summer. It was one of his favorite memories, not just with her, but ever. Was he really going to ruin that over his stupid cowardice?
No. He wasn't.
He was going to make things right.
The trip to the coffee shop where Sabine worked was quick. It was the prime spot to run into her for two reasons. One, because it was currently her work hours and he didn’t want to wait. Two, because if he risked waiting till later and trying to go see her at her and Tristan’s shared apartment, there was always a chance he would be there and she wouldn’t, and he didn’t fancy getting punched in the face today.
However, that still wasn’t out of the question with Sabine.
The bell above the door rang as he entered, and he was greeted by the familiar smells of coffee and pastries. It was quiet inside, only a few customers sitting at tables and no one in line at the register. Behind it sat Sabine, hunched over what he could assume was a sketchbook, golden eyes narrowed in concentration, purple and pink hair framing her face. She really was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.
He cautiously approaches the counter, and she doesn’t look up, even when he reaches it, clearly not noticing it was him. Without so much as a glance she asks, “How can I help you?”
He clears his throat, pushing down the nerves in his stomach. “Could I have a hot chocolate please… and a second chance?”
Her head snaps up, eyes locking with his, shock written on her face, “Ezra-”
He cuts her off, which probably wasn’t the best idea in terms of trying to make it up to her, “Sabine, I’m really sorry about the other day. I messed up completely, and I know you’re probably really mad at me because I was a total idiot.”
It all comes out as one big word vomit, and he looks at the ground, embarrassed both because of why he had to apologize in the first place, and also because of his delivery of said apology.
“Yeah, you were kind of a total idiot weren’t you?”
When he looks up, instead of the disapproving scowl he’d been expecting, he finds a mischievous smirk. He could cry from relief at the fact that she apparently didn’t hate him.
He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, “Could we start over?”
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usamamoweek · 3 months
With only 143 days until the start of @usamamoweek2024 - we thought we could get our awesome community involved in picking a prompt idea.
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brandstifter-sys · 20 days
Sink or Swim
@dukexietyweek 2024 Day 3 - Music + Dreams
Word Count: 2489 (Ao3)
Rating: T
Pairing: Dukexiety
Characters: Remus, Virgil
Warnings: Genderfluid!Remus (Reina on fem days), self depreciation, songfic, high school, confessions
Virgil has a good life and a loving spouse, and he can't help but dream about the day all the pieces fell into place
It was late in the evening when Virgil got home from work. He was tired and needed to unwind quietly without waking the kids and his genderfluid partner. 
He found himself on the couch looking through old photo albums, wistfully getting taken back in time. It was hard to imagine that high school ended twelve years ago. It was even harder to imagine how much he changed from those days. Not only could he grow facial hair, but he was taller and less of a twig. 
Virgil stretched out on the couch and closed his eyes, laughing internally at some old memories, like the day he joined the baseball team, or when he finally got to dye his hair. But nothing compared to one of the best days of his life. 
That memory brought a smile to his face as he drifted off.
Hey kid, just give it a shot 
Virgil was a mess of nerves, hiding in his old, oversized hoodie as he traveled from class to class. Aside from his spot on the baseball team, he was a nobody, a shadow in a sea of teen drama. 
He flipped his dark sidebangs from his face and clutched his backpack straps tightly. He just finished Trigonometry and he was headed straight for Film History, where his pulse always skyrocketed. 
He could admit that his hormones were on the fritz, but he knew that the real cause of his nerves was one person. Reina, or Ree, as she preferred, could very easily give him a heart attack. And this was the day he would risk it all. 
It's a chance you'll never get back, like it or not 
It was spring, the perfect time to get ice cream and hang out in the park. Virgil already had a plan, and a couple back up ideas. He just had to get his ass in gear before he missed his window of opportunity. 
But that was easier said than done.  
He rounded a corner and his heart sank. Ree was surrounded by her friends just outside the History classroom. They were mostly girls, chatting away about stuff Virgil refused to listen in to. 
He curled into himself and bit his lip. How the hell was he supposed to ask her out with an audience? 
You have to hold your head high and put those fears aside
And then one of her friends noticed him approaching. She spoke in a hushed whisper and giggled. Reina had the nerve to blush adorably. 
Virgil hated that he had to go to that exact classroom. He hated how pathetic he looked. 
What chance did he have with her? He was just some queer weirdo. He didn't even have jock status despite being on the baseball team. 
You think she'll walk away, ignoring what you say
Reina wasn't super popular like her brother, but she had friends and enemies. She was friendly, kind, and quirky. She could spend time with whoever she wanted. She didn't need to waste her time with him. 
It would make more sense for her to ignore him, to surround herself with likable people. Hell, it was a mistake on her part for considering him a friend, if at all. He really wasn't worth her time. 
It's kinda funny how she gets under your skin 
But then she broke away from her group and approached him. She had a certain bounce to her gait that drew attention to her. Everything about her was adorable from her wry smile to her wily wavy hair. 
Virgil hated how he just wanted to hold her and kiss every freckle on her face. He hated how he could crumble from a silly little glance. 
You tell yourself to run, when she gets close enough 
“Hey Virge!” she greeted him, restraining herself from hugging him. Virgil was glad she could respect that boundary, since he was likely to faint if she hugged him out of the blue. 
“Uh, hey,” he stammered, cringing internally. He didn't like how her friends were giggling. He was making a fool of himself and he wanted to get away from the situation, his legs were itching to run. 
“So, you know how Mr. Tanner is going to give us that partner assignment today? I was thinking that we could be partners!” Reina chirped and swayed her shoulders shyly. Virgil would have agreed in a heartbeat if her friends weren't giggling like crazy behind her. 
“I, uh,” he winced and rubbed his neck. He couldn't stop from glancing over her shoulder. 
“Don't mind my harem,” Reina said and glared over her shoulder. Some of her friends rolled their eyes, some snickered, and one blew a playful kiss. But they all stopped paying attention to them. 
This is your chance to sink or swim  
“So, do you want to be partners?” she asked him again, a bit more sheepishly. 
“Yeah—uh—yeah, I mean we'd have to work on it after practice so if that's a problem—” 
“Nope! I'll meet you on the field after practice and we can get started!” Reina beamed and grabbed his hand, “Let's sit together this period!” 
You've got me swinging from the ceiling
And all I know is I never want to come back down
It shouldn't have been so easy for her to make him feel like he was walking on air. With just the slightest touch Reina had the power to turn the air in his lungs to helium. Just the thought that she reached out to him for something so mundane has him giddy on the inside. 
He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs on top of a mountain. He was thrilled and terrified, all because of one gremlin. 
He would be on this high for a while. 
This is the time to open your eyes  
Virgil’s day was a blur. He could remember the stuff he learned, and what he would have to do for his film history project, but he didn't really recall anything else about the day, or how he found himself manning left field, not that he was paying attention.
He was too busy internally panicking. He still had to ask Reina out while he still had the courage, and he wasn't sure if he could. They were working on a project for a grade, and he couldn't risk fucking that up on top of rejection. 
It was too risky. 
“Alright guys, bring it in!” the coach shouted from the dugout. Of course, Virgil joined the rest of the team, ready to hear all the complaints and when their next game was. He already knew his own flaws and when he would have to showcase them, so he barely paid attention. 
“And remember, it's not safe for your girlfriends to sit on the field and watch. That's why we have bleachers,” the coach said and eyed the outfielders. Virgil’s blood ran cold. Why was the coach starting at him so much? 
“Who was on the field?” Toby, the pitcher, whispered to Gus, the catcher. 
“Your ex,” Gus whispered back, “Reina.” 
“She never came to practice when we were dating, what the hell? I'm not taking her back.” 
“She didn't even look at you. She was probably eyeing Seth,” Gus scoffed quietly. Virgil didn't need to hear any more. 
As soon as the huddle broke he packed up his bag and made his way to the bleachers. Maybe he didn't have a chance. Seth was good looking, played third base, and he tried so hard to be like Toby. It would make sense for Reina to focus on him. Meeting with Virgil was the perfect excuse. 
Of course, Reina was on the bleachers, waiting for him and swinging her legs. She beamed at him when he came over. 
“Hey, you ready to go to my place to watch a few movies?” she asked, “Or did you want to walk around for a bit?” 
“Shouldn't I shower first? I'm pretty sure I stink,” Virgil asked, making sure his arms stayed down. 
“Nah! I kinda like how you smell. And I kinda wanna talk to you about something, nothing bad, I just need an opinion from someone who isn't interested in roshambo without the rock and paper.” 
Virgil's heart went out to her. She was nervous and clearly distressed by this thing. 
“Let me put this in the locker room and change, and then we can walk around the track and talk,” he ceded. Reina smiled at him and nodded. Virgil refused to take longer than he needed. 
  So he took a quick shower before going back. At least Reina was still there waiting. She looked relieved to see him in his hoodie. 
She hopped to her feet and skipped to meet him part way. 
“So, what's up?” Virgil asked as they made their way to the track. 
“What would you do if I was a guy?” 
“Uh, stop calling you Reina and stop using she/her pronouns.” 
“You wouldn't think I'm weird in a bad way?” 
“No, not for that.” 
“What if I was a guy, but only some of the time?” 
“I would use the name and pronouns you prefer. I don't think being genderfluid or bigender is weird.” 
“Do you think anyone would want to date me if I was gender fluid?” Reina pouted up at him with the saddest green eyes. 
You better spill your guts 
And never let her leave your side  
Virgil grabbed her shoulders gently and nodded. 
“I know I would date you if you were any flavor of trans. I would date you if you were cis. I have the most obnoxious feelings for you, they make me a nervous wreck because I can't bear to make a mistake in front of you. I don't care what name or pronouns as long as you're you.” 
“Virgil—” she said with a distant look in her eyes. 
“Even if you aren't interested in me like that, I know that there's a lot of people who would want to date you,” he relented and dropped his arms. 
Just give it some time, let it sink into her mind
They continued to walk around the track in relative silence. The soft wind and warm sun couldn't calm Virgil's nerves. Reina wasn't talking or making noise. She always made noise. He fucked up and ruined everything. He couldn't even look at her.
She'll be coming back for more  
Virgil glanced at Reina. She was looking at him with glassy eyes. 
“My boy name is Remus,” she said. 
“Remus,” Virgil repeated, “it suits you.” 
Reina smiled at him and hugged his arm. 
“You're the first person to say that name to me. It feels good to hear it,” she giggled and rubbed her cheek on his arm. 
You've got me swinging from the ceiling
And all I know is I never wanna come back down
Virgil couldn't fight the blush rising on his face. His heart decided to play Metallica’s “One” against his ribs, slamming in his chest. Reina had to realize that she was sending his feelings into overdrive. She had to realize that she was teasing his heartstrings after that confession. 
“I would date you too,” she hummed, “You're the sweetest guy I know, even with that tough shell.” 
You gotta pull yourself together now
Before your time is running out 
“You would?” Virgil asked and stopped walking. Reina squeaked and caught her balance, grinning up at him. 
Virgil took a deep breath. He could do this.
You better make your move before she goes again
“Will you be my girlfriend and/or boyfriend?” he asked and rubbed his neck. There was still a chance she'd say no. He didn't even ask her on a date! 
Reina immediately pounced, jumping to wrap her arms around his shoulders. Virgil caught her and stumbled a bit, but he was able to hold her up by the thighs while she squealed and nuzzled his neck. 
“Yes! Of course I will! I'm your boyfriend today!” Remus said and leaned back to look at Virgil’s face. He was blushing adorably and chewing his bottom lip, hoping for something more, something Virgil could provide. 
You gotta pull yourself together now 
“Does that mean we can kiss?” Remus asked and wiggled his eyebrows. 
Before your time is running out 
You better make your move before he goes again 
“Yeah,” Virgil said, completely red in the face. He had kissed dudes before, mostly on dares, but he was absolutely flustered at the thought of kissing Remus. 
He leaned in and let his eyes flutter shut, praying Remus would meet him in the middle. Then their lips met and Virgil could hardly contain the sheer joy filling him. It was short and sweet, but it left Virgil giddy and unable to fight his smile. 
“Wanna get pizza and make out while we do our project?” Remus asked when they pulled apart, “If it gets you to smile at me like that, I I'll let you touch my boobs!” 
“I'll smile like this without doing that,” Virgil chuckled, “Just don't get pineapple pizza.” 
Remus laughed and hugged him, pleasantly surprised that Virgil was still carrying him with ease. 
“Anchovies it is!” he teased, expecting Virgil to drop him or get grossed out. 
“You read my mind,” Virgil hummed and carried him off the track, excited for what could come from this.
Virgil woke up to the pleasant sensation of lips on his own. He blinked away the sleep from his eyes when those lips pulled away, and he was met with vibrant green eyes. 
“Mm, Ree?” he mumbled. 
“That’s right big boy, and you left your Trash Bat all alone last night!” Remus purred. 
“Sorry about that. I didn't want to wake you up.” 
“That's sweet! But I had to save you from getting covered in stickers and glitter before the kids went to school!” 
“What time is it?” Virgil grunted and sat up. It was already bright, so he had to have slept until late in the morning. 
“Time to order lunch and make out while we watch scary movies.” 
“Just like our first date. Funny, I was just dreaming about that.” 
“Oh! Was that the day I ogled your butt, came out to you, and you carried me all the way to my house? Roman thought I got hurt!” 
“Yeah,” Virgil smiled up at him, “And all these years later you still got me swinging from the ceiling with everything you do.” 
Remus giggled and kissed him again. 
“You say that as if I'm not up there with you!” 
Virgil huffed and pulled Remus on top of him, flopping on his back again. 
“The pizza can wait, I need to hold you for a bit.” 
Remus kissed his neck and snuggled up with him. Moments like these reminded him that he had to thank his 15 year old self for choosing to swim and not sink.
Song: Sink or Swim - Close to Home
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brinleyparke · 2 months
Kingsman Fic Ideas/Prompts
Merwin, Perciwin, Hartwin, or Gen: Charlie gets kicked out or at least punished for the water prank.
Parachute test fix-it (Merwin or Gen): Perhaps Merlin takes a minute to understand why Eggsy has said chip on his shoulder
What if Eggsy and Charlie were the last two in the parachute test?
"Manners maketh man. You'd do well to remember that Mr. Hesketh." Or Harry is none too pleased when he finds out how Charlie has been treating Eggsy. (Can be Hartwin or Harry can be more of a father figure in this)
What if Charlie had passed the loyalty test?
Harry lets Eggsy teach Dean a lesson after Eggsy fails the final test and comes home and finds out that Dean hit his mom.
Post-TGC: (Merwin or Gen) Merlin lives, but Eggsy still feels guilty.
Merwin or Gen: Daisy asks Merlin to dress up as Gru for Halloween so that her and Eggsy can be minions.
H/C after train track test
Maybe Eggsy is upset that he was drugged.
Maybe Eggsy has been drugged before, so he has a panic attack or a nightmare after the train test.
Maybe Eggsy is still freaked out a little because he thought he was gonna die.
Eggsy gets de-aged to 4 years old (mind and body). Harry takes care of him until they can turn him back. (GEN FIC) Based on this fanart:
Harry apologizes to Eggsy for what he said and the assumptions he made in the Black Prince.
Tilde tells her parents about Eggsy.
Merwin or Gen: After the toast to Merlin, Eggsy leaves the room (maybe he goes to the bathroom or something) and breaks down. Harry or Tequila or Ginger Ale comforts him.
Tilde meeting Daisy and Eggsy's mother for the first time.
Post-TGC: Eggsy has nightmares about Merlin and almost losing Tilde, and Tilde comforts him.
During training, Eggsy has nightmares about Dean.
After Merlin's "most dangerous job interview" speech, Harry explains the bruises on Eggsy's cheek and neck.
After the water test, all of the recruits receive physicals. Eggsy doesn't have much medical history because Jamal treated most of his injuries. The doctor and/or Merlin are concerned about the scars and/or broken bones or bone fractures that didn't heal properly.
"When was the last time you ate?" Or Eggsy's first meal at Kingsman. He's not particularly gross or rude about eating; he just eats very fast. Roxy or Merlin is concerned. In other words, Eggsy has food insecurity issues.
"What's his story?" Or during or after TGC: Ginger Ale or Champ is curious about Eggsy, and ask Harry what Eggsy's story is. Or maybe they ask Eggsy himself
Songfic based on "Waiting For Superman" by Daughtry about Michelle waiting for Lee to come back home even after Harry told her he was dead.
Songfic based on "Save Me" by Jelly Roll
Songfic based on "How to Save a Life" by The Fray
Eggsy dresses up as Robin Hood for Halloween. 🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵
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Reacher (TV) x-over: Tequila tries to recruit Reacher.
Reacher (TV) x-over: Dixon or Neagley is recruited to Statesman to be the new Ginger-Ale
Arrow x-over: Kingsman needs the Green Arrow's help.
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jorzed · 2 months
Charpim songfic send post
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thegloweringcastle · 11 months
La Belle Fleur Sauvage
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@elucienweekofficial​ Day 5: Nature
a/n: This is unlike anything I’ve ever written before. So I'm a little nervous, but very curious to hear your thoughts! Even if it hasn’t turned out as I hoped, it was certainly lots of fun to write.
It is a songfic based on La Belle Fleur Sauvage by Lord Huron, and even if you don’t read this I am begging you to still listen to the song because it is absolutely enchanting.
Happy reading and listening! <3
Word Count: ~1.9k
I. What you’re looking for won’t be found easily
It grows upon the mountain, in a sacred place
Lucien had been reared in a family that valued power; raised by a father who controlled with an iron fist, surrounded by brothers who thirsted for riches and every exotic pleasure known to humankind.
His mother, a kindhearted woman too pure for the likes of his father, was his only solace. She offered him a refuge, a quiet place to hide, to live freely and exist simply.
That was the only sacred place in his entire world; not one other honorable being could be found within miles. As a boy, he doubted he would ever find anyone as loving as his mother in the rest of his life.
II. Up beyond the clouds an ancient ground, so they say
And many men have died trekking up that way
The first time Lucien heard the legend of the woman had been at one of his fathers banquets - one of Lucien’s first attendances.
He remembered, with shocking clarity, the many horrors recounted to him by rich merchants. There were stories of every ill-fate that had befallen those who set out in search of such unearthly beauty. Some had been so jealous - of whom or what, Lucien couldn’t understand - that they threw themselves from cliffs, while others never even survived the first leg of the journey, lost to the beasts that roamed the foothills.
But while each variation had a billion different details, one thing remained the same: the woman who dwelled in the mountains was of another world, another kind; her beauty so unnatural that anyone who could keep it would live a bountiful life.
III. Once he’s gazed upon her, a man is forever changed
The bravest men return with darkened hearts and phantom pain
There was not much that happened in the village. Peddlers came and went, merchants sold their goods and expanded their mansions, beggars crowded the street corners, and young men set off to intrude upon what did not want to be found.
Lucien was never one to believe the stories that circulated. Everyone had their own version of the legend, but as he matured he realized it was all nothing but the wishful thinking of those who craved what they would never deserve and could never obtain.
But his mindset changed when the O’Donoughy brothers left and swiftly returned, ice cold in the dead of summer, their eyes distant and watery. What they had seen, nobody knew; but everyone had suspected. As Lucien grew into a young man, more and more of the people he had known as boys set out mountain-bound. The O’Donoughy twins had returned aged beyond their years in those few days, while others - the ones never seen again - were said to have simply sat there, watching and waiting until they rotted to nothing, some force spending their lifespans tenfold.
Lucien always prided himself in being level headed and respectful, and he had every intention of leaving well enough alone no matter what legends were wrong or right. Honestly, he did.
Until the truth of his paternity came out, and they were forced to run.
He may have been able to help save his mother, but his life had been left in rubble, the knowledge that his mom was safe and happy the only salvageable debris.
IV. Her colors change to mark the passing of the days
No earthly sight can match the beauty she displays
Exiled now by his half-family, Lucien was left to seek out a new home; somewhere he could start fresh. But that meant risking trespassing on the one place he had always sworn not to intrude. A new, better life could only be found over the mountains, through the same pass that hosted so many legends and tales.
Evergreen trees towered above Lucien, toying with the golden sunlight and disorienting all sense of direction. As he wandered, following meek flower paths and worn animal trails, morning light took on the telltale orange hue of afternoon. Yet, even as time passed and the light changed above him, the sun never actually moved. Birdsong grew distant and rare as he gained elevation, the odd silence chilling him to his very marrow.
The woods grew so dense that the forest floor never saw daylight, and Lucien could barely squeeze between each tree as he forged ahead. He knew he should have taken it as a warning, but he had no other options.
V. I've meant to find the place where all good things begin
To smell her scent and watch her dancing in the wind
Finally, finally, the forest opened up to a meadow of rustling wildflowers and billowing grass and-
He did a double take. Triple take. He pinched himself.
It was real.
There she was, flesh and blood - maybe - and swaying through the tall grass; she looked like she was dancing. Rosy cheeks, gleaming honey-brown hair, and big doe eyes. She flowed with the wind as if it were a song made just for her. She understood the whisper of the grass and the humming of the bees as well as her own heartbeat. She flowed so smoothly as if she herself were part of the wind; a bird guiding the breeze across the dramatic hills.
And Lucien couldn’t fathom it; so many things, he simply couldn’t wrap his mind around. How could such beauty still exist? Why would anyone want to interfere with it? It was perfect just the way it was; humans didn’t deserve this. They simply weren’t good enough.
In circles she spun, dipping low to pick a flower before turning to brush one slender hand through a bundle of cattails. Lucien simply watched her, wholly enraptured by her supple movements. He didn’t even think about it when he stepped forward, wanting to keep watching her as she began to move away.
He saw her, she saw him, and the world froze. The breeze dissipated, the whispering grass held its breath, the dancing flowers paused.
Predator and prey held eye contact, stuck between cycles. Something glinted, the hollowness akin to fear. But he could have been wrong; he was on the edge of the clearing, after all.
She took one, timid step towards him. He took one, timid step back.
“Who are you?” Her voice, lush and gentle, rang louder than it should have. Wholly unnatural.
His throat was dry. “My name is Lucien Va- Lucien. I hail from the village to the east.” He paused, continuing when she didn’t speak. “I wish to use your alpine pass to continue west, with your blessing.”
Lucien’s heart constricted as she approached, her radiance even more devastating up close. But now he saw - proof. She wasn’t human. Pointed ears, wide eyes, long, slender fingers.
“Why should I believe you?” The sound of her voice would be the death of him. “Why would I offer you safe passage, when that is what everyone else has asked for? It has never turned out to be the truth.”
So neither were predators; both had been prey at some point in time. Lucien wanted to see to it that it would never again be the case.
“Lady…” He went down to one knee, looking up at her figure haloed by the sun.
Her brow quirked up as she hesitated. “Elain.”
“My Lady Elain,” It came out as a benediction. “I don’t know what proof I could present to you, but I swear to leave you be. I merely hope to pass through and allow you to enjoy your space.” Even if he didn’t want to leave.
She leaned in, evaluating him just as he did her. He caught her scent - honey and berries. Sweet and addicting.
“There is a flower,” She started. “It grows farther than most can travel, higher than many wish to go. But I’ve heard its beauty is unlike anything else, and I wish to see it. Help it flourish here,” She gestured to the clearing. “With the others. If you can find it for me and bring it back with roots intact, I will allow you onwards.”
She did not wait for a response before turning smoothly, her cotton dress rippling with the motion. Lucien waited another heartbeat before standing, struggling to process what had happened, what he had seen.
He began his quest.
It could have been days that he searched, or months. The sun never moved, only disappearing suddenly to leave room for night. Time moved strangely in the woods; one day it was mild, spring weather, and the next it was crisp autumn, with auburn leaves raining down. Once it snowed, but then it was blazing hot.
The entire time, Lucien searched. He thought long and hard, he went at it ruthlessly, he went over the same places dozens of times. But he never gave up. Because as he searched, something blossomed in his chest. Something warm and soft and right. He didn’t aim to find the flower just to move on; he wanted to please her, to give her a reason to smile. The thought of it made his heart yearn.
So he stayed resolute, fending off the beasts in the woods and pursuing any hint of unique greenery that could possibly match what she wanted.
But nothing he found would ever be enough, would never be as beautiful as her.
VI. I'd give it all to love that girl, oh
I'd be the one to pluck that fleur, oh
Lucien found his way back to the clearing, hoping to any higher power that she would be there again.
And sure enough, there she was, this time lying in the tall green grass and basking in the sun.
“My Lady Elain,” He called.
She stood slowly, brushing herself off as she moved towards him. “Lucien of the East.” A faint smile graced her face. “Have you found the flower?”
He returned the smile in kind with an added bit of mischief. “Indeed, I have.”
Her chin tilted, her eyes squinting.
“Where is it, then?”
“My lady, I am afraid you sent me on a snipe hunt.”
“You asked for a flower whose beauty was unlike anything else. You wanted to help it thrive here,” He stepped forward, bolder now. “But I realized something.”
“Tell me, what did you realize?”
Now they both moved in, meeting each other halfway.
“I was meant to find you.”
Her eyes sparked, a bright boundless smile overtaking her features. It nearly brought Lucien to his knees. She tucked her slender, ivory hand into his broad, tan one. With a shared smile, she guided them through the meadow towards the small cottage hiding on the edge.
Lucien decided he had no reason to go over the pass; everything he could ever need was right there in that sacred place.
VII.  And when I die, I want her lying by my side, in my grave
I'd give it all to love that girl, oh
Another big thanks to @elucienweekofficial moderators for their dedication! <3
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agent-troi · 10 months
How about a msr prompt touching the back of his neck.
I hope you like it!!🙈😄
Your Hand Does Something To My Skin (659 words) by AgentTroi Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The X-Files Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Fox Mulder/Dana Scully Characters: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully Additional Tags: Post-Episode: s07e08 The Amazing Maleeni, Established Relationship, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully in Love, Flirting Summary: Mulder and Scully go for a walk on the pier after the events of The Amazing Maleeni.
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winterspiderpurrs · 11 months
Okay so I'm not one for song fics but I heard this months ago and I thought it would fit well! Then today the artist popped back up on my Spotify and was like.... this is a sign!
Anywho.... hope you like it!
When the Avengers invited him to the gala fundraiser, he was excited! Course no one knew his identity, so he would have to wear his suit still, but he could wear a tux over it! Peter would make sure to swing by a 2nd hand shop to find something that would fit him. There was no way his high school prom suit would still fit him.
But once it was the day of the event, and he got there 30mins after it started. Other then a couple of greetings he was ignore. Some guest giving him dirty looks. Sure he knows not everyone likes Spiderman. He didn't fit into the "super hero" role. And with what gets printed at The Bulge well he knows some people may be wary of him.
Spending most of the night standing in the corner, only really leaving that spot to hit the appetizer table. He doesn't mind being left out. Used to it by this point. But it still hurt a little bit with being invited, but then once there, not included in any of the photos with the team. Being included more in anything going on at the event.
Sighing, he slinks off to wonder around. Eventually, he finds a room that looks like an unused living room with a piano in it. He can still hear the event going on, and he was further away, so it's not likely anyone would stumble into the room.
Sitting down on the bench infront of the piano. He played a couple random keys. Listening again to make sure no one was heading to this room before he stared playing a tune. Humming a little bit before he started to sing.
"The golden age is over, falling to its knees
Still waking up from the American dream
Now that I'm sober, I lost my relief
The older I get, the better I see
We're all chasing relics of history
Stars burned out in time
I'm a pariah in a big city
With fake ass messiahs asking for pity
We're left for dead 'cause we're stuck in our heads
It's hard to witness this modern-day sickness"
While Peter was singing and playing the piano, he wasn't paying close attention to the foot steps heading his way. Then the door opened and then closed quietly.
"Take all the colors, paint them black and white
Close all the blinds so you can't see the light
We're overstimulated, medicated
What the hell have we created?
Praising our Gods when they can't fucking save us
I'm a pariah in a big city
With fake ass messiahs asking for pity
We're left for dead 'cause we're stuck in our heads
It's hard to witness this modern-day sickness (oh)
Modern-day sickness (oh)
We're all chasing dreams that are make believe
'Til the day we die
I'm a pariah in a big city
With fake ass messiahs asking for pity
We're left for dead 'cause we're stuck in our heads
It's hard to witness this modern-day sickness
I'm a pariah in a big city
With fake ass messiahs asking for pity (asking for pity)
We're left for dead 'cause we're stuck in our heads
It's hard to witness this modern-day sickness (ooh, ooh)
It's hard to witness this modern-day sickness........"
Someone started clapping and in his surpise/panic Peter jumped and evened up falling off the piano bench.
Who was it that walked in??? I feel like this is a good song..... LET ME KNOW!
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subukunojess · 8 months
Freestyle Phantom: He'll Come Back To You Again
Fandom: Mario + Rabbids, Rayman
Content Warnings: Slight Angst, Main Character gets possessed/controlled
Word Count: 1,943
Summary: Based on a Tumblr Art Challenge. An Alternate What-If Scene for Rayman in the Phantom Show. As the final battle goes underway, The Phantom introduces a new form that would not only shock the unlikely heroes in more ways than one but might also have one of them question everything.
This is a one-shot I wrote for @hostess-of-horror's Phantom Genre Challenge a while back where someone would pick out their favorite music genre and imagine Phantom's new form as that genre. Since I can't draw at the moment, I decided to do the next best thing and write it. This resulted in a slight songfic with some Rayman angst mixed in.
For the challenge, I decided to create Freestyle Phantom, a late 80s version of the Phantom that has shock-based attacks and can control a hero of his choice for one to two turns similar to Hypnotize in the game. The song that the Phantom sings is "Let The Music Play" by Shannon which I recently found out is considered the #1 Freestyle song. I recommend listening to it.
I provided the Archive of Our Own link, but I'll also put the fic under the cut for you to read here as well! I hope that this is okay:
Rayman opened his eyes to the sound of a clap that reverberated through the room and his figurative eardrums. At first, he almost forgot where he was until music started playing. 
Oh, right. He and his teammates were stopping a large ghost rabbid from getting revenge and possibly taking over galactic media with unlimited power. After hitting the show-tune villain where it hurts, the team woke up to... flashing lights, scattered speakers, and checkered dance floors. But that was not the sight that shocked everyone the most. There in the spotlight floated the Phantom wearing a garish neon pink jacket styled with coattails, a black shirt, and purple fuzzy bracelets. His phonograph was now a light purple color. Needless to say, the heroes shielded themselves from the sight. 
"Augh, my eyes!" Rabbid Mario exclaimed.
"That jacket's so fourth decade ago!" Rabbid Peach scoffed. The Phantom ignored the cries, moving his body to the syncopated beat.
"This next act will get your heart pumping and the beat stomping you into the dance floor! Let's go at it with this mix!" Phantom smirked, electricity flowing through his transparent body.
Rayman, on the other hand, hid behind some speakers nearby. His face was a mixture of familiarity and suspicion. He turned to Beep-0 and asked, "Anything you can tell us, Beep-0? The music rings a bell, but I can't put my finger on it."
"Hmm," Beep-0 scanned the Phantom using the tacticam and gasped in realization. "According to my findings, we're experiencing Freestyle music. Rabbid Peach isn't too far off in the timeline. It's an electronic genre that was popular in a couple of cities and had to compete with other genres like techno, funk, or pop. It was usually played in dance clubs. And the nerve of him, using the first Freestyle song to perform! A disgrace to the original artist!"
"Whatever it is, I can dig it!" Rabbid Mario grinned as he got out to dance freely until Rabbid Peach pulled him back behind cover.
Beep-0 continued, "There's a static in the Phantom's eyes, so we're going to deal with shock-based attacks. But knowing the diva, he'll have something up his sleeve. Keep your guard up and dash those lights!"
The three heroes nodded, huddling together for their battle plan. This time, there were five light bulbs that surrounded Phantom like a circle or a pentagram with Goombas, Stooges, and a few Spellraisers scattered around. After a brief discussion, the heroes went to work. 
As the two Rabbids dashed the two lights in the front, Rayman used the flying rings to glide toward the back of the stage. He dashed the backlight before he shifted to his Rocket costume and flew his rocket to target the Spellraisers and Stooges. Meanwhile, Rabbid Mario took out as many Goombas as he could whereas Rabbid Peach summoned a clone and helped the clone team jump into the next light. Four out of five lights were dashed before the enemies attacked. The Stooges and the remaining Goombas advanced towards the heroes as the Spellraisers threw their shots and summoned more Stooges. 
It was Phantom's next move that surprised the heroes. Usually, Phantom would stay in the spotlight, wave his hand to disable any weapons or techniques, and let out a note that would slam someone into next week for his first turn. Instead, he took one look around the stage with a twirl, then placed his hands upon his chest as his gramophone glowed eerily and he prepared an action with an invisible range. 
Rayman shuddered. He did not like the confident, smug grin on the Phantom's face in general, but it seemed more ominous now than ever. He glanced at the Rabbids all over the floor who looked equally wary. There was no telling what the Phantom would do and it did not help when Beep-0 scanned the pose and it came up blank with his full effort. Either way, someone had to be the bait. With the brawler and two healers out on the field, Rayman decided for himself and moved first.
Before Rayman could even grab a ring or take a step, Phantom jerked in his direction, inhaled, and sang out while waving, "Let the music play!" Rayman stumbled, losing his footing but regained balance and stopped to check the damage. 
"Huh." Rayman patted himself down, feeling no ooze on his face or around his hands as he gradually smiled in relief. "I can shoot and use my powers still, so I think I'm--"
Just then, Rayman froze and paled, his hands hanging by his sides as he tilted his head down. His teammates gaped in concern.
"What's wrong, Ray?" Rabbid Mario called out. 
"And this is no time for dancing in place!" Rabbid Peach added with a scowl. Rayman, in fact, found his feet were pacing from side to side with the beat. His body glowed a light purple as he struggled to lift his head. His eyes were purple, one pupil brown and the other light blue. 
"I... I can't-- move my body!" He managed to hiss as his body shook. It was so shocking that even the Rabbid Peach clone gasped in horror along with the heroes. 
"What's the meaning of this?!" Beep-0 demanded an explanation. 
"That would be me." The Phantom piped up with a dark chuckle. "What better way for your final show to turn out than by throwing in a climactic betrayal?"
"Betrayal? What do you-- Ghk!" Rayman yelped when his hands started to raise in unison with the Phantom's. Phantom cracked his knuckles and neck which looked strange with Rayman copying him. 
"Now, to make use of your two turns." All of a sudden, Rayman jumped down from the raised platform, dashed into the Rabbid Peach clone, and ran as far away from the Phantom and the remaining light as possible before he shifted into his Vortex costume. He raised his hand and instead of pulling minions with tornadoes, his teammates were caught instead. The three Rabbids flew towards Rayman and dropped to the floor with minor injuries.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean that!" Rayman apologized. 
Beep-0 growled, glowing red as he and the team glared at Phantom. "That Devious Wind-Bag! He found a way to be like our Spark, Mayhem, and control anyone with his music!"
"Hey, leave my best buddy alone! No one gets to control his body like that!" Rabbid Mario shook his fists angrily. 
Rayman blinked. "Best Buddy?"
"Us Punching Pals gotta stick together!" With that, the Rabbid Plumber rushed to show the Phantom what for, forgetting that he still needed to take out one more light. When he got close, Phantom sang out a blast that shocked Rabbid Mario multiple times and stopped him in his tracks. 
The two Rabbid Peaches and Beep-0 looked at each other. Both Rabbid Mario and Rayman were out of commission which meant it was up to them to destroy the spotlight. Rabbid Peach covered for her clone as the two of them made their way to the light whereas Beep-0 stayed with Rayman to give moral support. 
The eggplant thingamajig, however, was still reeling. Rabbid Mario called him his best buddy even when they recently just met. Rayman thought he only had one or two best buddies. He would never think that a Rabbid would think of him to be one. Regardless, he needed to get out of the Phantom's control, but the ghost had a strong grip.
"Let me go! I don't want to hurt them!" Rayman pleaded as his body ran after Rabbid Peach, pulling out his plunger gun. 
'Funny. I thought deep down you'd want to take down the Rabbids.' Phantom's voice echoed in Rayman's mind. 'They captured you, took over a planet, and annoyed you to no end. Because of them, no one remembers you. It wouldn't hurt to enjoy pushing some around a little. Give them a taste of their own medicine! Mwahahaha!'
Rayman did not know what he hated more; the idea of hurting his comrades, temporary or not, or the fact that some part of him was considering the notion.
After taking down some Stooges, the clone dashed the final light before screaming as Rayman chased it with his gun raised, apologizing repeatedly while doing so. Although the spotlight shut off, the Phantom still had his glow as he sang, "We started dancing, and love put us into a groove as soon as we started to move."
"It's okay, Ray. I'm comin' for ya!" Rabbid Mario exclaimed in assurance, coming from the electrocution until another High-C froze him again. "After I get over the shocks. Curse you, catchy rhythm!"
"The music played while our bodies displayed through the dance. Then love picked us out for romance."
Rabbid Peach chased after Rayman, punching Spellraisers in the process. She came to Rabbid Mario and healed him on the way over. 
"I thought it was clear the plan was we would share this feeling just between ourselves."
It did not help that all the minions were dancing to the beat, the lights were flashing with the atmosphere, and the rhythm was indeed catchy. Rabbid Peach took some brief pictures before getting serious. The new goal was to defeat the Phantom's phase before he decided to control someone else. If anything, this gave her the excuse to punch the weird Rayman and knock him out for the remainder of the fight. She would heal him later. 
"But when the music changed, the plan was rearranged; he went to dance with someone else."
At that lyric, Rayman had already shot his gun at the clone before turning his body around towards Rabbid Peach. She had to admit she felt guilty for a moment, seeing Rayman staring at his betraying body parts like he wanted to bite at his non-existent limbs to stop. She backed away from him, unaware that she was getting closer to the Phantom. 
"We started dancing and love put us into the groove, but now he's with somebody new. What does Love want me to do?"
Rabbid Peach noticed Phantom's voice loud near her ears. Before she could turn around, a wave of a hand spread a dark ooze that covered her face and eyes.
"Where'd you go? Hold still, will ya?!" She snarled as she pushed herself into where she thought Rayman stood, throwing punches but Rayman kept dodging and weaving before pushing her to the ground. She then launched missiles in the air haphazardly. One hit the Phantom but the other two hit the remaining Spellraisers. 
"Love said: let the music play! He won't get away. Just keep the groove and then he'll come back to you again! Let it play!"
As the music kicked up and the Phantom's singing became much more sinister, Clone Rabbid Peach got from behind Rabbid Mario and dragged him to the back so they could attack the ghost with a surprise attack. 
"Let the music play. He won't get away. This groove, he can't ignore. He won't leave you any more!"
"No, no, no!" Rabbid Peach protested, deciding to retreat until she could get the ooze out of her face and Rayman would be set free. 
Although the hold would loosen any second now, Rayman still trembled at the power Phantom possessed and the implications. Who knew which hero he would go after next? A large Rabbid ghost posed a threat that he had not realized until now. As his brown pupil turned blue and tears formed in his eyes, Rayman strained a smile as he sang with Phantom's voice in unison, pointing his gun at his fellow teammate. 
"Somebody stop me~!"
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laceyjane44 · 9 months
GaaSaku 2023 FanFest Day9
Prompt: Song Fic
Song: Something About Us; Daft Punk
How many times had she been here? She shouldn’t be this anxious.
Biting her nail, Sakura willed the thumping of her heart to subside. Nervousness wouldn’t become of her, and she’d managed to keep her cool thus far. Three weeks she had been in Suna as an enthusiastic volunteer of a two-month pilot program for academy students, assessing the demand and benefits of foreign exchange within the medical sectors of the academies. Sharing knowledge and securing connections were the anticipated surface level benefits that would have long reaching effects as the students gathering here would eventually become industry leaders and innovators.
Being the apprentice of the Hokage, Sakura had been acting as their ambassador of sorts; she headed all of their official interactions, represented the Konoha medics within the walls of Suna, and submitted regular reports of engagement and overall projected retention of the program. This year’s pilot program was being heavily monitored; it was at least once a week that she stood before the council along with the head of the Suna medical division to discuss curriculum and student comments.
Though, all other times she was called to the Kage tower, much like this one, she’d been summoned to Gaara’s office, and their conversations had so far been private ones.
At first, it had been strictly business, they were both busy people with plenty of others that were bargaining for their time, and their meetings were brief. After her first weekend in town, Temari had treated Sakura to lunch with the family and, following that, their conversations then strayed from the topic of the exchange and migrated to more casual and more personal things. She found herself taking a leisurely seat across from him quite often now, even having tea with him once during the evening, and it had been so natural that she hadn’t thought twice about him wanting to see her back to her accommodations after their teatime went on a little late.
At her door, she bid him goodnight and said that she would see him around.
He had wished her the same and said that he would see her tomorrow.
Well, it was tomorrow.
Something in his voice had told her to anticipate his call, and something in his eyes tempted her belief in all the suspicions she’d been having of his uncharacteristic behavior. These butterflies in her stomach weren’t unfamiliar, neither was the weightless feeing in her chest, her hands touched her face, was she blushing?
Gaara had been called out of the city before her arrival and she stood in an empty office waiting for his return; hopeful, anxious, and no longer able to ignore…
It might not be the right time I might not be the right one But there's something about us I want to say 'Cause there's something between us anyway
Ground floor of the Kage tower, a quiet evening on a Friday, and the doors of the reception lobby swung open for the Kazekage as he returned from his call. A gust of wind followed him in, the last of his teleportation to fade away, and the few people still mulling about bowed respectfully to him as he walked through.
The receptionist nodded to him with a soft smile as she greeted, “Welcome back, Lord Kazekage,” as he walked by the desk.
Gaara nodded back, he was already through the lobby and heading off down the hall to the stairs; he was late, and he loathed the thought of keeping her waiting.
He’d needed to be out of the city most of the day and had traded his usual robes for the formal cloak that he often traveled with, his hair was a windblown mess – he was sure, and even though he’d hurried to return, he was growing more and more anxious with every step he took.
Three weeks Sakura had been here, three weeks he had been hopelessly distracted and endlessly conflicted. He’d just been trying to make sure everyone was settled nicely at first, he wanted to know right away if there were any issue with their accommodations, but then his sister had invited her out to their weekend lunch and he’d been making excuse after excuse to call her back to his office and speak with her again.
Ever hesitant, it took a few times for him to build the courage to keep her around for casual discussion, there was only so much to be reported on the program when he insisted on seeing her practically every other day. Once he did though, her professional exterior cracked like a shell and she welcomed a friendly conversation with him, and he was encouraged on by the small achievement. He’d since been monopolizing her free time, though she hadn’t yet complained, and he took that as a sign to take a little risk.
Gaara brushed his hands through his hair as he walked down to the hall to his office, the administrators were nearly all gone and the building was quiet save for the sound of his blood rushing in his ears.
With the weekend upon them, he would dare to ask for an afternoon of her time, offer to show her another favorite local spot for lunch, and see what she might think of it being just the two of them. If she found it favorable, and if she enjoyed their afternoon, he could even ask for another, maybe even a dinner that he might convince her to turn into a private drink.
Perhaps he was delusional, he could very well be grossly misreading her ques, but at the same time he thought…
I might not be the right one It might not be the right time But there's something about us I've got to do Some kind of secret I will share with you
The door to his office clicked open and Sakura turned to face him as the light of dusk illuminated the air around her. Gaara stepped inside, apologizing for keeping her waiting, she assured him it was fine. When the door shut behind him, he inquired about her day; nothing exciting. She asked about his time out of the city; uneventful. There was a pause in their small talk, a little awkward for the first time in over a week, and Gaara struggled to find the right way to ask, he was hoping he could steer the conversation to the topic naturally but he couldn’t think straight with the question waiting to leap from his tongue.
But Sakura wasn’t naïve, this hopeless back and forth was getting nowhere and she had a lingering suspicion as to why she had been called to Gaara’s office for the fourth time that week. “So, does Temari have plans this weekend?”
Gaara’s heart flipped, and he shook his head; he’d been tiptoeing around this for the last few days and he could do it no longer. She knew why he had called her here; he could see it in the expectant look in her eyes, and she wasn’t asking about Temari, not really. “No,” he said, clearing his throat. He swallowed, now suddenly fearful that his next words may very well ruin his ability to see her like this. “By the way,” he said, again running a hand through his messy hair and looking down for a second. “What are your plans for the weekend?”
Sakura eyed him and absentmindedly pulled her lip between her teeth, as if studying him. “Nothing, why?”
Gauging her reactions, he began, “I was just wondering if you’d, maybe, want to join me for lunch?” he managed to say, the weight of her gaze forcing him to avert his eyes when the question finally came. When he looked back, though, she was smiling and she nodded a little coyly, accepting his invitation with the rosy dusting of a blush across her cheeks.
He didn’t know for sure, and neither did she, but maybe, just maybe…
I need you more than anything in my life I want you more than anything in my life I'll miss you more than anyone in my life I love you more than anyone in my life
Thanks for reading!
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/LaceyJane
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2120361/WiccadBaltane0501
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 11 months
Anarcia, 11 on the soulmate au list xo
Luna!! Thank you, this prompt screamed Anarcia when I found it earlier. I love the way this came out, and I feel like this song fits perfectly.
11. Whenever your soulmate sings, you can hear the song they’re singing in your head.
For someone that has never seen a musical in her entire life, Anetra constantly had show tunes stuck in her head. When she first started getting songs from Wicked and Chicago when she was about 12, she assumed that she was going crazy at an early age.
Until her parents sat her down and explained to her that around preteen age, most people started to get a connection to their soulmate. Some people heard their soulmate's thoughts, and others have seen their soulmates in dreams. But Anetra? Connection to her soulmate wasn't as easy to try to go find them.
Whenever her soulmate sang, Anetra was able to hear the song in her head.
Once Anetra got into her teen years, she was absolutely sure that her soulmate was someone who probably performed on a stage in a theater.
Now she was in her mid-twenties, and the show tunes never stopped. Part of her was thankful that her soulmate probably lived in a different timezone than her, since the songs she could hear ended in the late afternoon.
The part that she wasn't a fan of? Her soulmate was a morning person since she started hearing vocal warmups before she even got out of bed.
Anetra barely paid attention to the show tunes and occasional Taylor Swift for the past two days. She's traveled across the country with her taekwondo students to go to the national championships, hoping to see a win for her team.
Sitting with two other coaches, she's been carefully watching matches all day. When a break in between matches and the competition staff had to reset the floor, Anetra informed the other coaches that she was going out of the gymnasium to find a vending machine.
Leaving the loud gym, Anetra started to hear familiar music in her head again. A song that she's been hearing for as long as she's had a connection with her soulmate.
On my own Pretending she's beside me All alone I walk with her 'til morning
When Anetra first heard this song in her head, the lyrics featured masculine pronouns. Then into her teen years, the song slowly changed into feminine pronouns. As a confused teenager, Anetra had to Google the lyrics she was hearing and found out that the original song from Les Miserables indeed had male pronouns.
Once Anetra got older and discovered more about her own sexuality, she preferred hearing this version of the song.
Forgetting about finding a vending machine, Anetra searched through the biggest high school she's ever seen, sensing that her soulmate was nearby. Navigating the empty hallways, she heard to next part of the song.
Without her I feel her arms around me And when I lose my way I close my eyes And she has found me
Antera eventually found signage for the school's auditorium, and listened to a voice in the choir room nearby, hearing her soulmate's voice in person for the first time. Her back was to the choir room door, too nervous to peek inside.
In the rain, the pavement shines like silver All the lights are misty in the river In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight And all I see is her and me forever and forever
The accompanying piano music stopped, and she heard two voices speaking quietly in the choir room behind her. This was her only chance to confirm that whoever was in the room behind her was her soulmate. Anetra knew that she couldn't sing worth a damn, but this was her one and only shot.
And I know it's only in my mind That I'm talking to myself and not to her And although I know that she is blind Still, I say, there's a way for us
Her heart was pounding once she finished singing the next part of the song, even though she's known the lyrics like the back of her hand.
Anetra heard heeled footsteps come closer, and the wooden door open. She turned to see a tall blonde in a pastel pink dress come out of the room and quietly shut the door behind her.
"How did you do that?" The blonde slowly asked, and Anetra guessed that her plan was a success.
"I've been hearing that song in my head since I was twelve years old. I hear it almost every week." Anetra explained, carefully watching her soulmate's facial expressions. She hesitantly continued "I think we're soulmates."
"Are you the one that's been making me hear K-pop music randomly?" they asked, and Anetra snorted.
"You can blame my friend Aura for that. She plays it all the time in her car." That was probably the only time that Anetra actually sang along to music, Aura always played the catchiest K-pop songs.
"I'm Marcia." they held out their hand and smiled.
"Anetra, it's nice to finally meet you." She gently took the hand, she can finally put a name and face to the voice she's become so fond of.
"I've got to get back to my student, I teach voice lessons on the weekends." Marcia explained "But maybe we could trade numbers and talk more later?" they suggested.
Anetra nodded and passed Marcia her unlocked phone, "Sounds perfect, I've got to get going as well. I'm actually here for the taekwondo competition that's here too." she remembered that she had to get back to her students in the competition.
As the two said their goodbyes, and Anetra found her way back to the gymnasium, watching the matches again, she saw a new text message pop up on her phone.
Marcia: Unless you're interested in voice lessons, please stick to martial arts ;)
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elvesandlanterns · 2 years
Cale Anti-Hero
It wasn’t often that Cale found himself alone. There was always ‘something’ happening so it was totally reasonable that he wanted to take advantage of his new found free time. They had settled on singing; it had use to be Cales favorite pass time with his mother, he had not sang in years and for Kim it had been even longer. ….. they really should had been more careful.
I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser
Ron stopped short of the mansions entryway, Hans and the kids rushing in only to quite. They had all planned to come home earlier today. Had no one told Cale?
Ron huffed, what was this puppy saying? Cale had matured so fast in such a short time, too fast even.
Midnights become my afternoons
Raon chuckled it was just like his human to sleep the whole day away if he could! Good thing Lemon gramps was here to wake him up!
When my depression works the graveyard shift
The wolf children stopped smiling turning to look at Lock, “What does that mean!”, “What’s wrong?”, “Hyung Lock haven’t you been taking care of him!”. Lock stilled beside Beacrox, no no this couldn’t be happening how could their savior, the man who took them in be so unhappy?
All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room
What did that mean, Cale had never killed anyone if anyone was to be haunted by ghost it should be me though Choi Han. Listening in from a different room in the house, having taken an entrance through the window instead of the door like a reasonable man.
I should not be left to my own devices
Alberu seconded that! Cale never does know when to leave shit alone. He’s been surprised to have gotten a call from Cales children only to be welcomed with the sound of beautiful singing. But Alberus’ stomach began to twist he had a bad feeling just where this was going.
They come with prices and vices
I end up in crises
Rosalyn started next to Alberu ready to teleport at a moments notice! Cheeks puffing in anger, just who on Earth would go to Cale demanding money? And enough to put Cale in crises… maybe this was before from when Cale use to be a trash drunk ? The lyrics did say “vices” after all hhhmmm
Tale as old as time
I wake up screaming from dreaming
The dragon and cats looked at each other in confusion, Cale loved sleep they definitely would have noticed if he had nightmares!
Ron closed his eyes and sighed, oh those nightmares after the first Countess had died. Was he the only one that ever knew about those? Not that he was of much help, Cale was nothing like his own son he still didn’t know how to confront or comfort him at all,
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
'Cause you got tired of my scheming
For the last time
Positively Everyone froze, what? Did Cale think that they would all just abandon him?
Deruth began to cry, he didn’t want to see this anymore. Who had decided to share such a thing with them in the first place? It never would had been Cale. That child never aloud himself to be so vulnerable in front of his family. In front of him. What kind of a father had he been?
The Henituse family could here Deruth crying but no one had any words to console him. After all wasn’t this there fault? They had made Cale feel so unloved and unwanted in his own home that he now believed that no one would stay with him if give the chance.
It's me
I'm the problem, it's me
Cage was beginning to regret picking up the call from Cale kids right now. Taylor was utterly distraught and admittedly so was she. Cale was a good person! Their very own lucky charm!
At teatime
Everybody agrees
Basen felt ashamed. He remembered getting into verbal tirades with Cale the first few times his trashy behavior had started. He had told him to act better, for the family’s social reputation if nothing else! But just how many of those tea times included demeaning his brother as a part of the entertainment. And then he had just yelled at him and told him to go back to endure more. He was a horrible brother.
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
Pasetons face flushed a tad, he had considered Cale a bit vain actually. Not that he didn’t have a right to be! But did Cale perhaps not enjoy looking at himself? Did they perhaps have this in common?
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
Antihero? But Cale was a hero! Sure he did unsavory things to reach his goals but.. but… did it perhaps bother Cale? He always did say he wanted a slacker life.
Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby
And I'm a monster on the hill
If Violan had been less dignified or more hot tempered she would have thrown her teacup into the wall! Instead she rose from her seat to talk to her husband, no one no matter how noble was going to get away with making Cale feel uncomfortable in his own body! Violan smiled, no doubt Cales new body guard and vice captain Hilsmans knights would agree.
Too big to hang out
Slowly lurching toward your favorite city
On and Hong hissed! Yeah to save it!
Pierced through the heart but never killed
Something in Choi Han broke, Cales voice cracked as if he was crying. He never wanted to hear Cale cry, it hurt so much to not be able to do anything- he’d do anything.
Did you hear my covert narcissism
I might disguise as altruism
Like some kind of congressman
Alberu hummed at that, did Cale hate politics that much? What is this feeling ? Oh right guilt.
Tale as old as time
I wake up screaming from dreaming
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
And life will lose all its meaning
For the last time
It's me
I'm the problem, it's me (I'm the problem, it's me)
At teatime
Everybody agrees
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
Choi Han decided to join everyone else at the parlor, he couldn’t take this alone anymore.
I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money
She thinks I left them in the will
On and Hong were outraged! They would never love someone so despicable!
Meanwhile every adult was enraged! They would protect Cale and his little family - was that why Cale loved money?
The family gathers 'round and reads it
And then someone screams out
"He's laughing up at us from hell!"
Cage was bewildered why would Cale ever think he would go there? And didn’t Cale not believe in god?!?!
It's me
No one knew what to do after the song ended, everybody in person or on call was as tense as a bow string. There were no words to break the tension.
Cale was beginning to play the piano again, oh dear god now what??!?!
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mewnekoice-mecha · 11 days
End of Silence Zane/Danny poll
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w1ng3dw01f · 2 months
as I get back into writing fanfiction for the summer, there are two songs stuck in my head and I need to know which Lost or other fandom ships goes well with the songs:
Once More to See You by Mitski,
The Water is Fine by Chloe Ament
Dead Sea by The Lumineers
any thoughts?
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