#songs that should by all rights make me cry for specific reasons
solarwynd · 2 months
To all the people saying "Armys don't care about hyung line, they just care about maknae line", you know what? You're right, that's absolutely true. But the real question is: What are you gonna do about it? That has been the case for 11 years now, are you gonna keep crying for another decade? Maybe it's time for people to accept that armys are and have always been a heavily biased fandom, and if that pisses you off so bad then leave, cause we all know is not gonna change. Years of complaining have never fixed the issue, in fact, it's only gotten worse. Most of the group's golden years are behind them, and the tendency is for solo work to take up more and more space as time goes on. There's no fixing the problem at this point, so either accept it or leave. 'Real army' this, 'fake army' that, have you considered that if the vast majority of your fandom is and has been a certain way since the very beginning, then maybe that's what the 'real' version of your fandom is? Have you considered that maybe the 'real army' is a fandom that doesn't care about the members equally? Cause the real version can't be the minority, and maybe that minority are the ones who are in the wrong place here. All groups have this problem, so I don't know why some people thought armys were gonna be the magical exception where fans somehow managed to equally like 7 different people. If anything, they should consider themselves lucky that there are multiple members fans care about, cause it could've been just one like it happens to a lot of other groups.
And if I wanna be real controversial here, what if I say that BTS themselves are partially to blame for this? You get the fandom you get based on what you offer, and if you offer an unbalanced group, you're gonna get an unbalanced fandom. Cause let's be honest here, BTS is a vocalist group with rappers in it. Like when a singer has a rapper as a feature in their song, sure, the song has a rapper in it, but you wouldn't call it a rap song. That's what BTS's music has been like since they changed their sound way back in 2015, and it has only gotten more pronounced over the years. Especially when you consider a lot of fandom is from 2020 and after. You really think you're gonna get rap fans with songs like Dynamite and Butter? If BTS wants a rap fandom maybe they should start making rap music. And no, one rap line song every album is not gonna cut it. And as armys love to say, rap line is in charge of their music, so who's to blame for this if not them? They knew they were not gonna get big if they continued with their inicial plan of trying to be a hip-hop idol group, so they changed it. That's the choice they made. If they made their bed, then they can lie in it. Rap line will get no sympathy from me. And as for Jin? You give nothing, you get nothing.
Maknae line is the reason the group has as many fans as they do, so they're gonna have all the popularity. If we wanna get specific, then this is how it goes. Jungkook being given way more lines, screentime and dance center that everybody else was inevitably gonna result in him being popular, let's not act clueless. Taehyung realized he was in a k-pop group which means you just need fans to like looking at you to be popular, so he stoped acting silly, got all serious and mysterious, double down on the fanservice, and got more popular because of it. Jimin worked his ass off with whatever little he was given and it payed off for him. Especially now in the solo era with him being the only maknae line member actually putting in effort to make good music. So if people listen to his music more than other's, then good, he deserves it.
The point is, armys are the fandom they are and the fandom they were made to be. There's nothing unexpected going on here, some people just can't accept reality and prefer to instead subject all of us to their whining and I'm way past being over it.
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syluscore · 1 year
Every Version of You (4)
A reverse harem with three variants of Leon Kennedy and feminine reader.
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~ Masterlist ~ Previous Part ~ Next Part ~
(i struggled a lot with this part and putting it off because it's filler. it's the event that needed to happen to get from point a to point b. but i've done it so now updates should come quicker!)
SONGS: I Can't Handle Change - Roar and I Bet on Losing Dogs - Mitski
CONTENT WARNINGS FOR PART FOUR: dejecting from one's self, anxiety, crying, some comfort, thoughts of giving up, arguing, let me know if there's something else that needs to be tagged
TAGLIST: @growingupnrealizing , @weneewinnie , @delulusimps , @yoonbabe-d , @missjoenowhere , @cassiecasluciluce , @greywardensaywhat , @kennedyswhore , @british-mint-bunny , @all-mights-babygirl , @weasleytwinscumslut , @pinkrose1422 , @ir3nic-sluvv , @blue4pple , @izuoyarmin , @cosmcqt
You stand, frozen in place, right in front of the giant tube that’s supposed to contain Leon. Every noise in the room sounds far away. You’re not even sure you���re really standing here right now with how unreal you feel. How disconnected you feel from yourself.
Numb. You feel numb.
Is any of this real? How can it be real? You know it’s stupid to question yourself like this. You always laughed off people who would ask dumb questions like, “Is this a dream?” Of course it’s not a dream! But now you’re questioning if this is a fucking dream. You don’t know, maybe you never knew.
You can tell the men are trying to talk to you, but you can’t seem to force yourself out of your own head. Can’t make yourself care enough to socialize with any of them. You wanna stay inside your mind’s fuzziness. It wraps you like a blanket and it’s the only solace you can seem to find.
You’ve been able to push your feelings down–to just push yourself through the motions, but it seems to be hitting you all at once now. And you’re not sure why, but you’re dreading facing Leon. And there’s no specific reason for your anxiety, maybe it’s just everything coming to the surface in the face of a conversation you don’t know how to have.
Maybe you’re dreading his reaction. 
“Hey!” you hear someone yell to get your attention as they nudge your shoulder, which finally snaps you out of your almost hypnotic state. 
Your head snaps in their direction, “Hmm? What?”
Your eyes meet older Leon’s. “Are you ready?” It’s a stupid fucking question. You and him both know it, but for some reason, you still find yourself having a hard time responding. You open your mouth several times to reply, but no sound manages to make it past your lips.
“Are you okay?” he lowers his voice to nearly a whisper.
You’re not sure why that does something to your brain–why you’re biting your lip as tears slip down your cheeks again. Why did the dam break right now? Before you can even force the tears back down, force yourself to keep it together, he’s wrapping his arms around you.
You’re limp in his grasp. Wide eyed and arms hanging at your sides. You’re stiff in his arms, unable to properly react. His chin is resting on top of your head as he presses your cheek into his chest.
You wish he’d just stop. Pull himself away from you. Read your body language and take the hint. But he doesn’t. He only clings to you tighter.
And you don’t know why, fuck, you don’t know why anything anymore, but you soften in his arms. You allow yourself to accept his embrace. And for some reason, it makes you feel somewhat calmer. As if you can finally breathe in his arms.
“It’s gonna be okay, yeah? Just breathe. You’re fine, everything is fine. I’ve got you.”
And you believe him completely. You pull your head away from his chest and look back into his eyes. 
You close your eyes, taking in a deep breath, holding it, then opening your eyes as you release it.
“That’s it. Feeling better?” He tucks your hair behind your ear and you can’t speak. You force yourself to nod. Just nodding feels like it takes all of your energy. 
You’re exhausted, utterly and undoubtedly exhausted. You could pass out while standing up if you allowed yourself to. But you know you can’t. You know you must swallow down all of the negative feelings because there’s much more pressing matters at hand. You are not what’s important right now. 
“I’m okay,” you assure Leon softly. “Let’s do this.”
“You’re sure?” He cocks an eyebrow in obvious disbelief. 
You nod your head weakly. “Like ripping a band-aid off, right?” He rubs your shoulders, but doesn’t attempt to move on. “I’m sure, Leon, please.”
He finally releases you, but not before offering up his hand. It confuses you at first, but you eventually relent and intertwine your fingers with his. You’ll take any link to ground you that you can. You’re still not fully convinced that you won’t just fade into nothingness, maybe you’d even welcome it and allow it to consume you. 
It’d be so easy to let yourself go as well, but you’re not hanging on for yourself. You’re hanging on for Leon and maybe that’s enough for you. Well, it has to be enough for you, it’s all you have to cling to.
“Okay, here we go,” Luis mumbles as he pulls the lever and the blinding light is back and somehow stronger this time. 
Before you can even reach up to cover your own eyes, someone else’s hand is covering them. Your free hand shoots up to cover the hand over your eyes. It’s obvious who it is, so you run your hand up his arm and cover his eyes with your hand. It’s not the most comfortable position, but you’re fucking greatful for it.
The light is gone and you both drop your hands, looking ahead as Leon’s drenched body is pulled from the liquid by Chris. Chris pulls Leon’s body down the ladder with the help of Luis and they lay him on the ground.
“Leon? Leon, can you hear me?” Chris speaks as Leon’s eyes flutter open and closed as he slowly wakes up. 
Leon’s eyes finally stay open and he stares up at Chris with a blank expression on his face. He slowly blinks as confusion creeps up his face.
He suddenly sits up and pushes himself to his feet, stumbling backwards away from Chris and Luis. His wet clothes cling to his body, throwing off his balance as he braces himself against the wall. 
“Leon. Calm down,” Luis tries to level with him.
He shakes his head, “Who the fuck are you?”
“Just here to help-”
“Help with what, asshole?”
Older Leon speaks up, “Well, if you’d let him explain and stop interrupting-”
“And who the fuck are you?” Leon spits out as his eyes dart to older Leon’s. He looks down at your laced fingers and then his eyes meet yours. “What’s going on?”
You pull your hand from older Leon’s and take a few steps toward Leon, “I’m not entirely sure, but everything’s okay, okay?”
“Don’t,” he puts his hand out in front of him causing you to halt your movements. “Just… stay over there.” 
You feel your face fall at the tone of his voice, talking as if he’s disgusted by you. It causes you to step backwards, your back colliding with older Leon’s chest. 
“It’s okay,” he quietly speaks into your ear, “He’s just confused right now.” You nod your head in response, because what else can you do?
Leon continues arguing with Chris and Luis, but you tone it out. You turn and look up at older Leon’s face. He brings his hand down to cup your cheek, rubbing his thumb gently beneath your eye. Your eyelids instinctively close in the comfort of his gesture.
“And what the fuck is going on over there?” Leon’s raised voice brings your attention back to him. “Who the fuck is that?”
Your eyes dart between the two of them, not sure if you should tell Leon the truth. Older Leon meets your gaze and nods his head once, encouraging you to speak.
You take a deep breath before speaking, “He’s you, Leon. From the future.” 
The room is quiet as you and Leon stare at each other. His face is skeptical as he looks between you and the older man.
“You’re joking?” He huffs out and you shake your head at him. Another moment of silence passes. “What do you mean by that?”
“He’s here to save me, Leon.”
He scowls. “Why are you fucking with me right now? What’s wrong with you?”
Older Leon steps in front of you. “Don’t speak to her like that.”
“Fuck you dude-”
“Can you shut the fuck up?”
“I’m not taking this-”
“Shut the fuck up!” Older Leon yells and the room falls into a silence once again. It’s awkward. It’s fucking uncomfortable. You could cut the tension with a knife. Just any sort of cheesy phrase that could be used to describe this shit, insert that here. 
Everything feels so unnatural. How could a conversation ever flow under these conditions? In these circumstances? How are you supposed to act, supposed to talk?
“Do you want her to die?” Older Leon gestures toward you. Leon scoffs and rolls his eyes, but doesn’t answer. “Well. Do you?”
“Obviously not.”
“She will. And there won’t be anything we can do to stop it if you don’t get it together.”
“You gonna kill her?”
“No, but-”
“But nothing! You’re talking out your ass right now. I’m not doing this shit.”
“Really?” Older Leon asks in a monotone voice that has chills running down your spine. Leon nods in response, causing older Leon to suddenly snap.
He closes the gap between the two of them, grabbing Leon by his collar and pushing him towards the giant vat of liquid again.
Chris follows after them. “Leon, what are you doing?”
“I’m going to show him.”
“We don’t even know if that’ll work.”
“Don’t care.”
“Just think for a minute.”
“No.” The men fight the entire way to the top of the vat of liquid, but older Leon manages to get the younger man up there.
“Fuck,” Luis calls out as he runs to the control panel slamming down some buttons. “Okay. Okay! Be careful Leon-” He isn’t able to finish his warning before older Leon is pulling both of the men into the liquid.
“Oh my god!” You gasp out as you watch the Leon’s floating in the water, electrical currents surrounding them, looking like they’re shooting straight into them. Older Leon grips Leon by his shoulders, both their heads falling back weightlessly as they go still in the liquid. 
Water swirls all around them and you can do nothing but watch. It’s like they’re the calm in the storm, so still as a whirlpool rages on around them. 
As quickly as they entered their comatose states, they’re snapping out of it. Breaking through the top of the liquid and gasping for air. 
Older Leon pulls himself up on the platform first, offering Leon a hand that he ignores as he pulls himself out of the liquid as well. They sit on the platform in complete silence, both staring off into space.
A ringing cuts through the silence and Luis picks up a small phone sitting on the control panel. 
“Leon,” both men's attention dart to Luis, but he gestures the phone towards the younger of the two. “It’s yours.”
Leon hurries down the ladder and grabs the phone, answering quickly. “Hello?... Now?... Can it wait?...Alright, fine… Yeah, I’ll be right there.” He hangs up the phone and turns to face you. “I have to go. Urgent request by the president.”
“Be safe?” Your voice is barely above a whisper. He nods his head, scanning the room before heading for the door.
He stops dead in his tracks when he sees Rookie, who’s been standing off to the side, staying out of the way this whole time. But he quickly shakes his head and continues, slamming the door shut behind him.
You look over at Rookie and he shrugs at you. “I didn’t think seeing me would help.”
You didn’t think of it that way. Of course Leon would instantly recognize his younger self, it’s what he used to look at in the mirror every day.
“Is he gonna be okay?” You ask no one in particular. Your eyes scan the room, waiting for someone, anyone, to answer you. 
“He’ll get there,” Chris finally speaks up. “But we got work to do. We knew he’d be pulled away for that mission, so we knew he wouldn’t be around.” Chris’ hand meets your shoulder and he squeezes in an attempt to comfort you. “Get some rest. Tomorrow, we start Operation Save Your Life? Or whatever you’d like to call it.”
Chris heads out the same door Leon did and your gaze falls to the floor. You doubt you’ll be able to sleep after everything that just happened, but you’d be lying if sleep wasn’t calling out to you.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
Still thinking about Viv's claim that she thinks both sides are in the wrong and it's bugging me enough to do a quick episode run down to see how exactly that claim stacks up. Hopefully quantifying a bit more will help see where we're actually at
Ozzies: Between episodes 6&7 Stolas gets a personality transplant and goes from calling Blitzo his 'impish little plaything' and demeaning him to being head over heels for him, calling him by his name and bowing to him. When the car drives away the camera lingers on Stolas crying, though the episode ends on Blitzo and his emotions so we'll call this one even
Queen Bee: We see Blitzo's emotions in the aftermath in the form of a self-destructive bender, but noticeably what he says to Loona is that he's upset that he'll die alone. He doesn't say anything about being upset about feeling used or mistreated by Stolas (he even says his name along with the others before he throws up)
The Circus: Retcons galore backstory about how Stolas and Blitzo were childhood friends and despite using him for sex all s1, Stolas was apparently really in love with Blitzo the whole time?? It doesn't make a lot of sense but go with it. Episode ends with a song where Stolas not only implies Blitzo was somehow lying to him this whole time (Genius.com contributor suggests Stolas believed Blitzo actually loved him, which seems the obvious interpretation of these lyrics) but also makes him out to be a weak victim. He shows no guilt whatsoever for the part he played in making Blitzo feel degraded and used.
What’s between you and I Just a comfortable lie I’m the fool who believes When you look in my eyes
Seeing Stars: Stolas being framed as badass while he's choking his butler and it not being remotely bad on his part that he continues to sexually accost Blitzo in their first meeting after Ozzie's. Any criticisms Blitzo makes of Stolas (not remembering his own spells) are dismissed by Stolas with nonsensical arguments (it's relevant Blitzo can't remember Moxxie's phone number, apparently?)
Exes and Ohs: Stolas isn't in this episode or mentioned at all
Western Energy: Text message exchange after Ozzie's show Stolas giving a non apology where he doesn't actually address the problem, literally doing a 'I'm sorry if something I said or did upset you'. Episode ends on Stolas alone in the hospital where the viewer should pity him that Blitzo didn't come to visit :(
Unhappy Campers: No Stolas!
Oops: Blitzo dismisses the notion that Stolas cares about him by using examples obviously meant to favor Stolas. He is framed as jaded and unreasonable and Fizz is the obvious voice of reason. The imp who hates royalty is called a supremacist, Blitzo is the in between who dislikes Stolas and Fizz - the one who capes for royalty - is presented as in the right
Full Moon: Blitzo again criticizes Stolas, without getting to mention anything specific from s1. He is framed as going too far and tries to apologize. Stolas acts like the deal was a mutual thing even when admitting it was wrong
By my count that's basically no examples in Blitzo's favor. And I imagine if we counted all the Twitter likes from Viv on posts favoring Blitzo we'd turn up a big goose egg there, too
Careful, now! You laid out all the facts and stated them plainly, and we know that that makes a certain subset of fans angry and scared.
Viv can claim that "they're supposed to both be in the wrong" all she likes, but it doesn't mean a thing if every other word of writing in season 2 suggests the opposite. I guess the real test will come in Apology Tour, when we get to see who's actually doing the apologizing.
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madammidnightsblog · 1 year
Warning: sex, buttplug (m&f), public settings, sub idol, dom f!reader, Bang PD (brief), park setting (once), handcuffs, voyeur , fan meet (once)
Namjoon isn't really into buttplugs but he is more than willing to wear one if you ask, there is almost nothing he wouldn't do if you asked. But he feels funny wearing one in the studio with Bang Hitman working alongside him, the toy occasionally humming softly against a sensitive spot if he squirms too much and to make it worse, you were sitting in the same room. Your eyes staring at the back of his head which made his heart pound even more against his chest and he felt himself grow more aroused at the thought of you turning the toy completely up and having him a moaning mess in front of the older man. It really took everything in this man to cover every moan that would slip out and from palming himself through his sweats to somehow make the agonizing pace of the plug to grow more intense and just give his poor dick some friction that it was silently begging for.
"What do you think? Do you think it would work with the chorus or should we move it to the bridge?" Bang questioner as he skimmed over the roughly scribbled idea, wanting the younger man's opinion to organize the chaos that filled the page.
"Uh, well," Namjoon mentally slapped himself for not paying attention but could you blame him? He was in a tough situation and really wanted to work as diligently as he could but the damn plug really made it it hard to prioritize.
Bang notices how confused he looked and took in considering that they were working for about five hours and it was close to two in the morning so he thought he must be tired so he started to pack up, "Don't worry about it. You must be tired so we can finish later after some sleep so get some rest and I'll call around one- thirty." With that, he felt after bidding you goodbye.
You got up and walked over to the panting male as he leans back in his office chair, eyes screwed shirt while his right hand came down to his crotch to gently rub his erection, "You did such a good job baby." You praised as you sat in the chair that the former CEO was seated.
Namjoon whimpered softly as you took out your phone and turned off the plug, "May I cum now?"
You looked up at him surprise. You were sure he silently came a few times but those sucks in breath and squeezing of the arm rest was him holding back? Now that was more amusing. Cocking your head to the side and folded a leg over the other with a smirk, "Why didn't you cum pretty boy? You had about three hours of torture and all the chances to do so."
Namjoon turned his chair toward you, his hands were tugging at the draw strings in anticipation, "Because you never told me to." He whimpers.
"Go head baby. Cum as many times you want, you earned it for being such a good boy for Mommy." With that, he yanked down his sweats and boxers to reveal a twitching and leaking dick.
"I can't-please-can't!" He cried as his hands yanked at the cuffs, the metal clanking against the chair with every tug.
You sat in front of him, sipping your wine with a pleased smile as you watched as he breaks down in front of you after his third orgasm washed over him, painting his stomach and lap in his release. Something about watching him cry and cum without stopping makes you feel so powerful because of the pretty way he cries and begs and the way his beautiful body shakes with every release, the pearly white liquid painting his golden skin. His moans and cries were heavenly, almost as if he was singing such a beautiful song and the sobs came out like a loud yet sweet chorus that he made specifically just for you and it made your pussy ache. The plug in his ass and the vibrator that was tapped to his dick was the cause of his pleasure and the reason of his uncontrollable orgasms and they weren't stopping anytime soon, not until he said 'sheep'.
"You can take it, you've done it before." You singed before taking another sip, the refreshing taste of Pinot Grigio made you hum.
"Fuck, Mommy, please!" He sobbed, his dick twitched against his abdomen.
You hummed in thought, eyes staring at the glass in your hand and watched how the golden clear liquid that swirled with every soft roll of your wrist. You really didn't need to think about joining your boyfriend but you wanted to make him wait, keeping him on his toes and holding to the desperation which was what you did. Flicking your eyes back at him to see his glossy eyes as they stared into yours before placing your glass on the table next to you before getting up, slowly making your way over to him which had him whimpering for you. The clicking of your heels made his fingers dig into the armrests in attempt to hold what's left of his control and the fact that you were in just heels and one of his button of shirts made his dick ache.
Standing behind the chair, you slowly slid your hands down to his wrists to gently rub at them, "Are you sure you want me to do anything, darling? You seem to have enough fun with those toys." You teased as you eyes the two vibrators.
A sob left his lips, "Y-Yes, touch me, fuck, please."
He isn't the type to act honey in public or even attempt to do anything that remotely resembles a sexual act that isn't dancing so when you asked him to wear a plug and go for a walk at a park, he was quick to turn it down. So when you said you'd wear it instead, he was more nervous about it but didn't mutter a complaint since you were the one to want to do it but he was scared that a child would hear or an elderly person would see how your legs were wobbling and the no so quiet moans and call the cops. Everything was going smoothly, your wobbles were so noticeable and your moans were at a minimum or seen as coughs which did get you two some odd looks but Hoseok didn't care because his mind was occupied with the flashes of you putting the plug in but that was until you held onto his shoulder.
"Fuck." You moaned softly, your free hand was itching to cup your crotch in hopes to touch yourself.
Swallowing dryly, Hoseok did his best to guide you towards an empty and closed off area, "J-Just give me a second." He whispered.
The poor man almost tripped over his feet when he heard you moan his name. He was trying so hard to avoid any issues so you two could be in private but a woman that was jogging by turned around once noticing how you struggled to walk properly thanks to the rising volume of the plug, "Hey, are you ok? Do you need an ambulance?" She questioned while taking out her earbuds.
Shaking your head, you forced a smile which looked borderline lewd, "I'm.. I'm fine. Just got a cramp." You quickly said, trying to avoid slipping out a moan.
The woman eyes him before looked back at you but when Hoseok helped you stand up better, you bud goodbye before you two made your way to the public bathroom. Once inside, he quickly but slowly dragged you to a stall which you were glad he did because you were too overwhelmed with pleasure you were sure you wouldn't be able to walk anymore without someone realizing what was up. You took off your shirt and sat on the edge of the toilet, pulling your legs up to your chest after making sure you wouldn't fall off and told him to hurry. It was hard to keep going without his dick inside of you by know.
"I'm so full." He moans as he spreads his cheeks to show off the pretty blue plug in his ass, his white thong pushed to the side.
Biting your lip, you slipped onto the bed while reaching a hand out to rub his erection through the damp material. Soft purrs left his pillowy lips made you shiver in excitement, wanting nothing but to rip the thin fabric off and suck his cute cocklet. With every rub to his small dick, you spewed out filth which had him whimpering and rutting up against your hand which you allowed, loving how needy and desperate he is for you. You were more than happy to make him wait for you until he was a sobbing mess, getting turned on by the way he sobs for you and his big pretty eyes filled with tears that spill down his round cheeks. Tracing his bugle through the material had him shaking and breath hitching, the vibrator purring softly as his velvet walls squeeze around the toy as if it will slip out.
"Such a pretty kitty," you swallowed thickly as you took in his beauty, "And all mine." With that, you yanked the panties off which made him gasp in shock.
You got tired of seeing the thin material already, wanting to see him bare under you and marked so you wasted no time, lifting a leg of his to press a kiss to his ankle and slowly made your way to knee. Lowering yourself slowly, your eyes stared into his glossy ones as you slipped your tongue out and licked a stripe to his inner thigh, licking before pressing sloppy kisses to the soft flesh as his moans came out in soft puffs. Legs spreading further to allow you to lay comfortably between them and placed playful bites to the area before turning your attention to his twitching cocklet once again.
"Want help?"
Biting his lip as he looked away shyly, "Yes, please."
He's bold with anything kink related, believing it will be better if taken risks so the plug was pushed into his hole before a fan meet and he was more than excited. You being a staff member, you were there playing with the remote in your pocket and watching how he would struggle to speak and even sing which did get him concerned looks from the members and fans but it only made you both aroused. Trying to sign an album, he leaned his head onto the table and let out a shaky moan as the toy was turned all the way up, his eyes squeezed closed and jaw going slack which made the fan in front of him worry and Namjoon and Taehyung next to him ask him if he was alright. He was shaking and squeezing the pen as his thighs squeezed together, trying to calm himself down from his high but his mind was just going blank.
"I'm fine, fuck, I just got a cramp." He gasped, shifting slightly in his seat as the toy was turned down to the lowest setting.
He was trying his best to ignore the mess he made in his pants but when you came into view he was whimpering softly, wanting you to hold him and call him your good boy for cumming but you couldn't. Pouting, he quickly scribbled down his signature and got ready for the next fan, ignoring the looks the members and the manager shot him while forcing a smile to the squeaking fan. Every second talking, singing, and chatting with the small span of time with the fans was exhausting since all his entertainment was drained from that orgasm but thankfully it went by quick without the toy going past low so he managed. Once everything was finished, he rushed off the stage and to the nearest bathroom with you in tow and thankfully no one was around the area to stop you from following him into there. Locking the door behind you, you barely got to turn around without him yanking you into his embrace.
"Bunny, calm down. Don't wanting anyone bothering us." You whispered, noses touching from how close you were.
He whined, "Hurry up then Mommy, need a kiss."
With that, you closed the gap by smashing your lips against his which made him moan into the kiss as his hands shot down to his belt and unbuckled it. Hastily, he undid his pants and pushed the down to his ankles while you did the same with yours. Pulling back earned you a whine but you shushed him before pushing him onto the toilet after he dropped his boxers. Knowing you two had to be quick before they started to look for him, you pushed your panties to the side to reveal your sopping cunt which had him moaning at the sight of your slick sticking to the fabric of your panties.
"Be quiet baby." You ordered before hovering over his dick, slowly sinking down onto it with ease.
"Mommy." He moans against your breast, his tongue lazily swirling around your nipple which made you sigh.
Your hand pumping his dick made him whine and moan as your thumb pressed against his utheral hole teasingly. His eyes closed in bliss as he sucked contently at your swollen bud which you were more than happy to see because his flushed face was pressed against your breast cutely. Times like this is why tented windows of the company van was a wonder, letting your cute baby boy suck onto your breast while you have him a handjob, doing your best to match whatever spear the plug in his ass was going. With you in his lap, he was comfortable since your scent and warmth made it better to him and the toy in his ass had him holding you tighter, making it a little difficult to move your hand between both of your legs.
"You are so needy. I spoil you too much, don't I? Taking time out of your schedule to make my prince feel good because he is so needy for his Mommy, hm?" You sighed mindlessly, knowing his mind was somewhere else based how he tried to fuck up into your hand.
His eyebrows furrowed as the pleasure built up, the knot in his stomach slowly coming undone so he squeezed your waist, sucking harsher which made your head press against his as you moaned. Thrusting upwards sent him over the edge, spilling his release onto your hand and his thighs, detaching his lips from your bud to moan out your name. Panting softly, he leaned his head back against the seat while you reached behind you and into the glove compartment to get the wet wipes and cleaned him up while handing him his water bottle. You smiled and praised him while cleaning up the mess and he couldn't help but bury his face into your neck, breathing in your scent as he closed his eyes.
Yoongi would never be caught dead doing anything sexual in public, he wouldn't allow himself to be lewd anywhere that wasn't in the safety of your shared apartment. It would take a lot to convince this man to wear a plug in public for more than twenty minutes out of fear of someone noticing him and try to approach him. He was way too well known for something like that to happen to you decided to make him do it when the members were supposed to come over and have dinner. You were cleaning up the kitchen with Namjoon while Yoongi tried his best to stay quiet on the couch behind the maknae line sat on the floor, playing scrabble while he pressed the couch pillow against his chest in hope to ground himself. It was hard for him, the toy was coming in waves that thudding against his prostate thanks to the larger plug of choice. Having such a hard time, he got up and excused himself to the bedroom, in hopes to lock himself in for a minute and cum.
"I'm going to grab something from the bedroom and I'll meet you on the balcony." You excused yourself which Namjoon happily made his way to the balcony with his beer.
Making your way quietly down the hall, you heard Yoongi's soft moans between the laughs and fight of the younger members which made your heart race. You were itching to touch yourself at the idea of him taking care of his boner with everyone within earshot, it really made your pussy throb knowing if they wanted to they would hear him. Sneaking into the room that he forgot to lock, you watched his he humped the armrest of your chair in front of your makeup table, his pants straining his erection with every rut. Locking the door, you made your way over to the door and stood behind him, holding his waist which made him jolt back to reality and tried to pull away until you stop his to relax. Knowing it was you, he went back to rutting the armrest while letting out louder moans of your name.
"Just like that baby, move with the vibrations." You moaned as you pressed yourself against him.
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bluejay-the-geek · 5 months
DC characters/moments as Tortured Poets Department songs/lyrics bc i have a light concussion and am very bored (in the album's chronological order)
(disclaimer before someone is triggered- some of the lyrics are taken out of context or interpreted differently than what they actually mean. this is just for fun don't come for me. also this gets pretty angsty towards the end so proceed with caution)
"I was supposed to be sent away, But they forgot to come and get me"- tim drake very obviously bc neglecting parents/boarding school
"I love you, it's ruining my life"- early harleen quinzel about joker
"My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys"- the whole song is just harley quinn idc (pre-harlivy of course)
"Now I'm down bad, cryin' at the gym"- nightwing def cried at the gym at some point
"I stopped tryna make him laugh, stopped tryna drill the safe"- dick grayson about bruce after moving out of wayne manor
"You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues? I died on the altar waitin' for the proof, You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days"- remember the whole selena leaving bruce at the alter thing? yeah
"I'd rather burn my whole life down, Than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin', I'll tell you something 'bout my good name, It's mine alone to disgrace"- I'm just getting red hood vibes from this no specific reason
"Now, pretty baby, I'm runnin' back home to you, Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to"- almost every gotham rouge to batman right after escaping arkham/prison. especially joker, catwoman and riddler lol
"At the park where we used to sit on children's swings, Wearing imaginary rings"- this one specific panel of tim and steph
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"And this city reeks of driving myself crazy"- everyone who's ever been to gotham
"All my girls got their lace and their crimes, And your cheating husband disappeared, well, No one asks any questions here"- it's giving gotham city sirens
"Am I allowed to cry?"- maybe it's just me but i thought about clark kent discovering he had different biological parents and grieving about them even though the parents that actually raised him are alive and well
"So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street, Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream, "Who's afraid of little old me?", You should be" red hood's debut
"The scandal was contained, The bullet had just grazed, At all costs, keep your good name, You don't get to tell me you feel bad"- jason todd about the whole making batman choose between him and joker at the end of under the red hood
"You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me"- this is 100% Bane bc he was born and grew up in prison for a crime he didn't even do!! also cassandra cain and damian wayne
(^this is actually the lyric that inspired this entire post lol)
"You caged me and then you called me crazy, I am what I am 'cause you trained me, So who's afraid of me? Who's afraid of little old me?"- kind of a stretch but remember that time they put jason in arkham?
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)- again the whole song is harley about joker
"Your arson's match, your somber eyes, And I'll still see it until I die, You're the loss of my life"- bruce about jason. out of all the robins that died, jason's death hit him the hardest. even now when bruce sees red hood, he still sees that happy little kid that he lost
"I can read your mind, "She's having the time of her life", There in her glittering prime, The lights refract sequin stars off her silhouette every night, I can show you lies"- bc we all know Nightwing is always dying on the inside, and it was very true in the discowing era bc it was right after he left the manor
"'Cause I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit"- jason pre-bruce
"I'm so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like the plague"- ok so we got joker about batman, cupid about green arrow, hush about bruce wayne... and a bunch of others but it's too many to write lol
"And you deserve prison, but you won't get time"- fucking tarantula that bitch
"The smallest man who ever lived"- the atom! not any of the messages in the song tho ofc he's just very small
"What if I told you I'm back? The hospital was a drag, Worst sleep that I ever had, I circled you on a map ,I haven't come around in so long, But I'm coming back so strong"- joker to batman after escaping arkham again
"I haven't come around in so long, But I'm making a comeback to where I belong"- jason coming back to protect crime alley after being away from gotham for years after his resurrection
"Even if it's handcuffed, I'm leavin' here with you"- batman and catwoman<3
I Hate It Here- imagine the whole song as homeless jason todd taking shelter in the library💔
"I built a legacy that you can't undo, But when I count the scars, there's a moment of truth, That there wouldn't be this if there hadn't been you"- bruce built a legacy as batman, and created a huge family he loves, and it hurts to think about but he wouldn't have any of it if joe chill hadn't murdered his parents
"Please, I've been on my knees, Change the prophecy, Don't want money, Just someone who wants my company"- kid bruce grew up all alone in a huge mansion, but he'd give all his billions away in a heartbeat if he could change his parent's fate
"So, they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst"- ok so you might think i chose cassandra cain for this only bc of the name, BUT- cass notices things others don't (like cassandra the prophet...), bc of her skills and abilities she is feared the most (Ik the song said "she feared" not "she is feared" but idc lol). like if someone knew so much about you just by looking you'd think she's some kind of a witch too
Peter- picture this: jason had a childhood friend back at crime alley. he left to live in wayne manor and become robin, and said goodbye to his old friend, promising they'd reunite again in the future. 3 years pass and his friend reads an article about jason's death. now listen to the song and try not to cry (if someone writes that fic send me the link IMMEDIATELY this has been haunting me) here's the link to the song with lyrics bc ik you're too lazy to look it up. also jason's middle name is peter:)
"Splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless, Excellent fun 'til you get to know her"- brucie wayne vs batman
"Started with a kiss, "Oh, we must stop meeting like this" But it always ends up with a town car speeding, Out the drive one evening"- catwoman and batman of course<3 the town car is the batmobile speeding out the batcave to catch catwoman (to arrest her or make out with her? probs both)
Robin- ofc we have to go robins for robin! imo that's bruce to dick and jason's robins, and dick to damian when he was his robin. dick and jason- despite the hard times they went through that led to them becoming robins, they were still mostly happy curious kids that run around covered in mud while bruce tried (unsuccessfully) to maintain the innocence they had left. as for damian- it's more of a stretch than the other 2 bc he had no childlike innocence before robin, but dick tried his hardest to extract the child that was hidden inside the ruthless assassin the league created, finally allowing him to experience normal kid things. idk
"He said, "I'm not a donor but, I'd give you my heart if you needed it", She rolled her eyes and said, "You're a professional""-to me this is clark kent completely in love and lois with her sass
"And at last, She knew what the agony had been for"- almost every hero. they suffer, they sacrifice, they fight, and sometimes they want to give up- but at the end of the day, they save lives, so it's all worth it
and that's it folks! feel free to add more/share your insights!!
sorry for any spelling/grammer mistakes, English isn't my first language plus like the title said i had a minor head injury a few days ago and I'm tired soI'm not proofreading this bc I'm going to sleep rn goodnight to all✌️
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cardboardheartss · 5 months
Breaking My Silence
bts sajaegi issue
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Firstly I would like to apologise to my followers! I'm really sorry you all had to see me lash out and use such vulgar language, that was really embarrassing to be honest, which is why I edited my posts lol! I genuinely believe I only reacted like that because I was scared of losing this blog and I was really offended by that one ARMY, so I decided to just cuss her out because I could not imagine losing my one and only blog over a tarot post. Now back to why I have written this post, we all are aware of the BTS Sajaegi issue all over social media right now and from my tarot reading you can tell that it was in fact true. To be honest, I really do not understand K-Pop stan's obsession with Payola/Sajaegi, saying who paved/paid the way and all that ruckus. I need K-Pop stans to understand that ALL these companies pay for streams, sales, youtube views and etc. They need to understand that this K-Pop industry is hella competitive as hell, I mean we literally saw BSH wanting to step on AESPA, SM buying people to study NEWJEANS concept, SM staff listening to popular K-Pop songs to study the popular songs and see how they can replicate them, BSH debuting Sakura and Chaewon to compete with IVE and soooo many more instances. ARMY are all over social media posting concert photos of BTS tours, trying to prove that they did not use sajaegi does not make any sense to me?!
I really do not know how to explain this in words but different K-Pop groups have luck in being the "it" factor making it easy for them to pull fully dedicated fans this does not mean other groups that do not have that factor or fewer streams are not as talented compared to the groups at the top. I mean look at BTS, BLACKPINK, LE SSERAFIM, NEWJEANS & TWICE, they have that "it" factor to pull crowds both domestically and internationally, and I am certain they use sajaegi but does this sajaegi thing affect their quality of music, talents, etc?! NO! So why on earth are people taking this to heart specifically ARMY? I am currently listening to BTS as I am typing this and I will repeat this once again! The sajaegi thing really does not affect their talent and producing abilities, all of their discographies are honestly the best... so why would you cry and whine about how BTS paid for streams and awards. That is NOT what you guys should be looking at, the boy's music and talent because that is what matters the most. If newjeans were to come out and say they use sajaegi for streams, I would not be crying because why should I? I love new jeans but them buying streams will not affect my school fees payments and stationery money so... why are I-ARMY having a full-blown meltdown over things that will not affect them in their everyday lives?! THIS IS WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO DETACH! PLEASE I BEG! So I need ARMY to stop attacking people for sharing their opinions and thoughts on this situation ANDD stop attacking other groups for the same thing right after this drama dies down soon! Attacking "rival" groups is not going to help in this current situation, and saying BUNNIES are not part of the "HYBE Family" because we agree with Min Hee Jin who tried to "bewitch" BTS? and also because we saying we do not want her to leave?! look... newjeans is where they are because of her, Min Hee Jin, they all worked together and became successful so why would we want that main person who created all of this to just pack her bags and leave? not saying we agree with her past actions, right now newjeans art and music are what we are worried about, and this is the main reason why we do not want her to go. anyways... I have a class in 5 minutes! later everyone!!
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cjkie22 · 10 months
A non-exhaustive list of why you should listen to hit dirtbag boyband Bears in Trees:
their music is really amazing. you'll love it.
especially if your Spotify wrapped was on the pov: indie side of things
and even if it wasn't.
songs for every emotion
absolutely beautiful lyrics
sometimes these lyrics make sense. sometimes they don't. that's part of the fun.
songs about platonic love !!!!!
songs for the queers! the aros! the aces! the enbies! the trans community!
my dad likes them. doesn't sound like a lot, but it's an achievement.
(more underneath the break)
iain (bass/vox/lyrics) has "ginger" tattooed on the back of their head. if that isn't iconic I don't know what is.
on the note of iain, they were the first person i was aware of that used they as a pronoun, and that changed my life
they have a discord server! it's a really lovely community. i am not biased in the slightest. (discord.gg/sandbox) (https://discord.com/invite/thesandbox) (i will personally send you an invite i don't actually know what the link is)
they should DEFINITELY be on the heartstopper soundtrack
if I'm remembering correctly in the tiktok where they said they should be on the heartstopper soundtrack, they also said 3 out of 4 of them were in some way queer. seems like a good thing to me.
they opened for you me at six earlier this year. it was my first time seeing them live. and WOW.
I met some of my best friends through this band. I'm not joking; big shout out to the mojo dojo castle house, I'll never forget that weekend.
they're hilarious on the internet
you might cry at several of their songs for a million different reasons
BearBerry records
they have a tumblr blog @/bearsintreesofficial (iirc). I'm not gonna tag them but
BiT gigs are a safe space. I may have almost fainted at my last one (new cross inn, August 2023) but I've never met so many kind strangers and genuinely lovely people
merch is super comfy and really cute.
it gives stardew valley and animal crossing (trust me I'm right)
after the new cross gig (sweatiest gig in the world), despite surely being exhausted, callum (uke/keys/vox) took my bereal and i got my mini lesbian flag signed by them all
I turned out not to be a lesbian, which possibly makes it funnier, but the flag is stuck on my wall still
cryptids would LOVE their band
there's also a community minecraft server for discord members
BiT postcards !!!!
gosh and the bit stickers
they covered stick season on an Instagram live
they also do the funniest twitch streams
iain and the mountain
the raccoon email address
george (drums/production) is elite. the drum fills in doing this again? iconic. also has a specific really cool shirt I want to steal
wedding. dress. tiktok.
callum doesn't wear shoes on stage. apparently this was common knowledge but it sure surprised me at new cross.
the austrian soft drinks advert
iain make up looks
callum plays the flute. I want to say classically trained flautist but i may be wrong.
none of them have EVER bribed any members of law enforcement
their songs are very tattooable
talking of tattoos, nick (lyrics/guitar/saw him play the uke on stage once) has L + R tattooed on his forearms (iirc). absolute genius and I am stealing it when I get more of my patchwork sleeve done
iain releases solo music to under the name pet yeti. it's ethereal. callum also plays flute on one of them.
trumpet joe
the four of them never look like they are dressed for the same event
someone once edited the bears in trees wiki page to say that Ryan Ross was in their band
silly geese
that time we got singing? poetry? performance art? of THAT harry potter fanfiction
according to tiktok, iain and nick once had to sneak into their own show because they were underage
I have a video in the depths of my camera roll of them covering Mama by My Chemical Romance on a twitch stream
all of them give me gender envy at different times
their newest single (bart's bike) features banjo
patreon content
yelling it gets better with a room full of people was a healing experience.
modern baseball and fall out boy adjacent in my brain
if you like bears in trees you're automatically hot and really cool
they did a song with noahfinnce and its really super good
callum also featured on a myriad song which is also really super good
bit songs feel like coming home. they feel like hot chocolate and a blanket on a cold night. they feel like a warm hug. they feel like surviving and falling in love with life again and overcoming the worst things. they feel like victory, because you didn't think you'd make it to adulthood. but I'm 20 now. and I'm still here. I've almost graduated uni. and that's what bears in trees feels like.
all of their songs!!!! amazing!!!!
please feel free to add to this list. I'm taking suggestions.
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cemetery-irises · 5 months
Blorbotagging the song again!! May repeat some of the points said before but I'm thinking of a different scenario than the original analysis now.
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At the start of the breakdown, he's already starting to blurt out whatever's in his brain, but he's stable enough to lament the fact that it's happening. He wants to think about what he wants to say but his tongue is too loose for comfort.
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This is his memory of him and The Hermit's "first meeting". Alva would likely slip up in his persona at some points since he already knows Luca extremely well, and already knowing Luca's name probably is something he overlooked at first, until Luca brought it up. Luca was probably scrambling to figure out if he'd actually met the Hermit before (he has, but not in the manor) until they realise Oh Shit I should ask him questions and stuff
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Ironically, he remembers how Alva was more than he remembers himself, but he doesn't remember the right parts. He remembers Alva was an overwork-er who barely spent time apart from his invention, and Luca emulates that behaviour no matter how many times in the past Alva tried to make sure he didn't fall into that unhealthy pattern. He remembers Alva was smart, charming and comforting to be around, but he doesn't know how to be any of those, so he stumbles into his own way of doing it, no matter how un-alva-y he may be acting.
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This fits him """stealing the manuscripts""" as I said before, but it also works for him scrambling to pick up the pieces of himself.
[I never meant to disappoint, I genuinely thought I was smart and charming unlike how I am now. / Am I like Alva now? I feel like there's so much I'm missing... Maybe I should r-read my diary. again. / If you compliment me on something, I'm going to do it over and over again. I need to do the things that people think I do well. I have to be perfect at what I like to do, right? Otherwise I'm not how I was. (I'll never be him I'll never be him I'll never be him never never never never—)]
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{repeated lyrics but want to highlight the top and bottom lines specifically}
Luca idolises everyone he cares about, because "they all know who they are and what they're doing! T-their heads aren't broken! like mine! ...I-i should be proud of them, w-why am I... crying...?"
And the mask he puts on to reflect everyone, ESPECIALLY towards Alva, is mostly to try in vain to mask his brain damage. He doesn't want to look stupid, he doesn't want to feel stupid, please just let his words come out how he wants them to, please please please please PLEASE-
He's scared of Alva figuring out that his son is useless now, meanwhile Alva has already figured it out and disappointment in him is probably the FURTHEST emotion to what Alva feels.
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This part of the song is a slow moment of relief before everything slams into him. He really will do whatever it takes. He tries to make himself steady but he sees Alva worried over him for no clear reason because "w-why are you so proud of me?! I-I'm broken!! I'm ruined!!!!"
He shatters.
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He desperately tries to use the repetition to ground himself and get a good footing on his brain, but all it succeeds in is dragging him further and further and further down his spiral.
Eventually it somehow devolves further into a cascade of "like you" because he just wants Alva to understand how much he's fucking trying to be like them. Trying to be smart, loved, worth anything at all.
(also the final tight spiral at the end before he hits the bottom with the "how I just wanna be just like you, like you, like you, like you, like You, Like You, Like YOU, LIKE—")
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jgyapologism · 11 months
Only Friends (book & show canon) Parallels with Hurt and Grieve but Don’t Suffer Alone (my fic) 
So…I noticed a while ago that my Sandray fic and the canon of the show (and now the book) shared some very eerie commonalities, and I just needed to make a list to keep track of all the things that were happening that matched up between my canon and the show/book’s canon, because I don’t think anyone would believe me otherwise.
Obviously, if you haven't read my fic, then this post won't make sense, but in case you want to, you can find it here.  
I’m not saying anything with this post. I don’t think P’Den or P’Jojo have read my fic, and even if they have, the book and show canon were finished long before I started writing, but it just really is too uncanny, and sometimes very specific, in how my understanding of the characters/story match up almost exactly with theirs.
NOTE: All parallels listed are unintentional parallels I wrote/posted before canon in the book/show. Some aspects of the show/book are intentionally used in my fic — those are obviously left out of this list.
Sand with his back to ray in bed in ep 5 / his birthday; ray reaching out and touching his shoulder vs. ch 3 of my fic where he gets in bed with his back to ray during his withdrawals and ray hitting his back during his nightmares (posted before ep 5 ever came out)
Ray’s dad beating him in the novel version vs. “If his father knew he was eavesdropping, Ray would get a beating, for sure.” (ch 4, fic)
Sand researching rehab centers for ray in ep 10 vs. sand telling ray he’s already looked into rehab centers in chapter 3
Ray’s dad being the one to try and buy off Sand to force Ray into rehab in the show (ep 7) vs. Ray’s dad forcing Ray into rehab after his withdrawals in my fic (ch. 8)
jojo on ray (twitter): "but i think rayman should be more open with a doctor than with strangers" vs ch 10 when ray refuses to open up beyond his name at group therapy
Ep 10 when ray yells at sand saying "i'm the one who should be upset. you don't have the right to cry" (show) vs. ch 12 when ray says to sand (after seeing the photos of him and jane) “About what? What could you possibly need someone to comfort you about?” 
Sandray hug / show pda at the therapist's office (ep 10 show) vs. when they hug for a long time / show pda on the lawn of the rehab center (ch 12) 
“Why are you asking so many questions? Just say what you want me to do. You're wasting my time” (ray to his therapist in ep 10) vs. “Then you tell me, what is the reason?” He snaps, unable to hold it in any longer. “Aren’t you supposed to tell me what’s wrong with me?” (ray to his therapist in ch 13 of my fic)
"sand please understand me" (ep 10 show) vs. ray just wanting to be SEEN throughout this entire fic 
“Like two stars caught in a gravitational pull and attracted to one another” (novel camping scene part 6) vs. ch 16 “It’s like he’s hyper-tuned to Sand’s body, moving and orbiting around him like a twin star.” (seriously what the fuck)
Ray being insufferable about being boyfriends in ep 11 vs. ray being insufferable about boyfriends/pet names from chapter 17 onwards
Ray pointing out the plum wine in ep 10 and it being sand’s main source of income / sand destroying a jar vs. sand hiding the plum wine from ray in the fic because it’s his main source of income (ch 18, posted after ep 9 but before ep 10)
Bostonray apology in ep 12 (non-apology/insults/easy forgiveness) vs. ch 18 of my fic boston calling ray and saying “i won’t apologize for it” and ray saying “fuck you” / “asshole” and moving on / reconciliation - just overall getting their dynamic and friendship on the nose
The use of Micro’s song เติมน้ำมัน and playing at the record shop / ray singing it in ep 11 vs the same lyrics/song being played over a record player in chapter 19 during Ray’s welcome home party - posted RIGHT before ep 11 came out (literally what the fuck at this one)
Ray telling sand “i’ve never loved someone so much i drove all the way out…” in the novel and indirectly being the first to tell sand he loves him / say i love you vs. ch. 20 of my fic ray almost being the first to say i love you (and he would have, if not for the interruption)
Just general character things that I didn’t fully expect to see happen in canon:
Ray only realizing he needs help through Sand and getting professional help in the show vs. ray only accepting that he needs help after sand tells him rehab will be good (and then getting professional help)
Nick confirmed as part of the friend group even without boston (show/book) vs. sandnick joining the friend group from ch 14 onwards in my fic 
Ray realizing the full weight of his feelings for sand during therapy in the show vs. ray opening up and talking about his feelings for sand to Dr. Duangkamol in the fic
Sand’s subtle alcoholism throughout the show vs. sand’s subtle alcoholism throughout the fic
Sand not focusing on himself / taking care of himself at all throughout the show vs. sand not focusing on himself / taking care of himself at all throughout the fic (ok i know this is generally agreed upon but i started this fic from ep 2 and just..kept it going yall)
Top suffocating Mew with his presence in the show (ep 9 & 10) vs. the same in my fic
Boston distancing himself from the group after they shut him out vs. the same in my fic (literally posted the chapter sand punches him before even ep 5 came out)
Cheum trying (awfully) to be a good friend at the end of the show (ep 12) vs. cheum trying (awfully) to be a good friend in my fic (ch 15 onwards)
Sand and nick being friends since high school (book canon) vs. sand and nick being long time friends in my fic confirmed in ch 21 (this one is tricky b/c i was still writing the chapter when it was confirmed in book canon — but i’m going to count it anyway since i had already written this section before reading book canon)
Ray being protective and taking care of Sand in the show (during the whole Boeing thing) vs. Ray being protective and taking care of Sand in my fic (once they become boyfriends, e.g., when Sand is sick, during sex, and overall wanting to take care of / spoil Sand)
Sand and Mew actually getting along in the show (ep 12) vs. Sand and Mew befriending each other in my fic (ch 14 onwards)
I stopped tracking after the finale aired, so anything that happens beyond chapter 21 in my fic is unable to be counted as a coincidence, since the canon is complete. The book canon is however still being translated and released from multiple sources, and I haven’t gotten around to it all, so there may be more. 
Anyways, I just think this is really freaky and deserves to be seen because I feel slightly crazy for how fucking close I got these characters to canon before it was ever established in canon??? And some are just a bit too on the nose?? 
P’Jojo and P’Den pls hire me 
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boiohboii · 2 years
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Stage name: Lin
Korean Name: Kang Aerum
Argentinian Name: Ayelén Messi
(known in 2022)
Date of birth: 5/7/2004
Debut date: 2/4/2011
Fandom name: Felicity
(The name was decided by Aerum in 2015 as her fans always made her smile and gave her immense joy)
Title(s): Nation's daughter. International sweetheart.
Relationship status: (secretly) dating
Mother: Kang Soojin
Father: Lionel Messi
Step-mother: Antonela Roccuzzo
Half-brothers: Thaigo Messi, Mateo Messi, Ciro Messi
Facts about Aerum:
She made her debut when she was 7 years old, making her the youngest idol to ever debut.
Her mother was against her being an idol, especially at such a young age.
Her career, however, started with acting alongside Cho Ara and Lee Dong-wook in 2008 with the movie Heartbreak Library.
Her first song stayed at number one in the charts for a year and 7 months.
She got really famous internationally in 2013 due to her interactions with Bruno Mars and ED Sheeran plus her collaboration with Taylor Swift.
She grew up with every idol from second generation looking after her and every idol of third and fourth generations looking up to her.
She was thinking of never going back to being an idol after 2020's incident and the trauma it left.
As of 2020, South Korea implemented strict laws that specifically deal with saesangs as a result of what happened.
She is quite the social butterfly, being loved by all idols and adopted by all groups.
Fan favorite Aerum quotes:
"But I don't want to sleep!" {4 year old Kang Aerum, behind the scenes of Heartbreak Library}
"If I like a boy I will go out with him and with you!" {7 year old Kang Aerum, on her mother's lap backstage of her first performance}
"Nick-oppa, can we do Bo-unnie's Girls On Top?" {8 year old Kang Aerum, on 2PM's Nichkhun's back at JYP's dance studio}
"The only reason I'm not crying is because you are IU" {9 year old Kang Aerum, after being denied ice cream}
"Can you teach me how to groove dance?" {10 year old Kang Aerum, lying on the floor of Shinee's practice studio}
"Should I be doing this?" {11 year old Kang Aerum, at 2 am right before whipped cream was spilled all over the camera}
"Hey! Look down!" {12 year old Kang Aerum, in front of Hwiyoung}
"I cannot understand anything you said.... I really hope mum won't find this, it'll be 2 years of wasted Spanish teaching" {13 year old Kang Aerum, in a fancall}
"I want to get older to date oppa!" {13 year old Kang Aerum, at a Strong Woman Do Bong Soon interview}
"I love everyone who has helped me get to where I am today, and especially my mum, even if she didn't want me to be here at first I am here because of her and for her. Mum, I made it this far and I will keep going! Felicity i love you all, you made me so happy today, you made me artist of the year and I can never be happier." {14 year old Kang Aerum at MAMA award show, receiving her 5th award of the night}
"I have a lot of concepts I want to try out, but I think it'll be too hard for you guys" {15 year old Kang Aerum, at her 4th sold out world tour}
"I will be preforming at the ending ceremony?" {18 year old Kang Aerum, wishing she could hit her manager}
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allyallyorange · 3 months
please elaborate on the spotify playlist!!!
Are songs added randomly or in chronological order to represent the development of the characters throughout the story? specific turning moments in the story and which songs represent that? any songs that are your favorite (personally or for how they represent the character)? reason for why some songs are used across more than one character? (does it represent their relationship with the character(s) as opposed to their independent character in those cases?
-enthusiastic adventureteez lover
I've been wanting to answer this ask for awhile but I keep forgetting cus I had to make sure the playlists are still what I remember cus my younger sister adds to them occasionally too!
As best as I could I organized the songs in chronological order, to represent the character's development/internal feelings throughout the story. Though I think I haven't tidied up Jongho and Wooyoung's playlists to make them chronological. Or they've been updated since. I started the playlists way back when I fist started doing doodles for this au so it's been a WHILE haha
My Love Mine All Mine is one of my favourites in general but also for Seonghwa specifically. It's so comforting but melancholy at the same time(?). Hwa and Yeo have one of my favourite relationships in this AU and I discovered that song right when it came out at about the same time I was cooking up ideas for this AU so I cannot listen to it without thinking about Seonghwa. It's sort of foreshadowing too, because I picture this song as Seonghwa's love for Yeosang. Despite how horrible the situation they're stuck in is, Seonghwa found a purpose in protecting Yeosang. Yeosang shows Seonghwa that life can be beautiful and it doesn't have to be so lonely. Seonghwa wishes that, even if something were to happen to him, he could still somehow watch over Yeosang. Which is sort of what will happen to him. He dies, but then he essentially becomes Prismo (the wish maker). The human Seonghwa did die, but the star became a cosmic being. Even though he doesn't entirely connect with or remember the others and he doesn't like. Go out of his way to watch over them, when Yeosang shows up crying and begging for Seonghwa to come back, the Star can't help but feel protective and sad for the boy.
Yes! Overlapping songs have significance!
I Want You - is on both The Vampire and The Star. For me I'm pretty sure the song is about breaking up with someone despite being still in love because it's just not working. But in this context it's meant to signify their codependence on each other. Yeosang needed Seonghwa to survive when they met, and even though he's all grown up, he still believes he needs Seonghwa to do everything with him and for him. Seonghwa needed Yeosang to feel a purpose to live. He lived about 100 years in complete isolation and couldn't think of a reason why he should continue to suffer through life until he met Yeosang, who was also alone. When Seonghwa dies, Yeosang is so desperate to reunite with him he doesn't care about anything else, but when he finally see's him again, Seonghwa is telling him he can't come back home with him. He tries telling Yeosang that he's not even 100% Seonghwa at all, just a fragment of him, but it doesn't even matter to Yeosang because he just wants him back so badly.
I Love You So - is on both The Human and The Boy. Don't take all of the lyrics too seriously, the vibes and certain parts are what I care about. Jongho and Yunho will always love each other like family, Jongho loves Yunho despite years of being brushed aside and treated coldly, Yunho loves Jongho even though when they reunite, Jongho is the one treating him coldly, and it's difficult to connect with him at all. They both have a mental image of the other in their brains that they can't let go of. Jongho thinks of Yunho as his cool older brother, someone he looked up to, but who ultimately couldn't bear being alone. Yunho thinks of his much younger cousin, a child. Someone he has to look after.
On that note there's a newer playlist my younger sister started just for Yeo and Hwa so that's here if you wanna listen!
and here is the post with links to the other playlists
that's all I got for now, I still will probably clean up the play lists a bit in the future, but for now! I hope you guys enjoy listening to them!
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acaciapines · 6 months
I just read all your deltarune fics and. I have to know. do you have playlists for each of the characters. and if you do. could you please share them. i’m so so curious about songs you attribute to each of the characters bc i love your interpretation of them so so much
oh!!! im glad you enjoyed them!!
i do have several playlists but not in any form i could share so. uh. instead i'll just make a list of all my most favorite songs i associate with these kids 'cause if i did every song we would be here for A Long While.
do feel free to send in another ask if you want me to explain one in more depth!!! im one of those people who cannot escape associating songs w/ characters/stories so i have a LOT more i could say if that is wanted lol.
Little Fang - Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks: literally The Most Kris Song Of All Time, like do I even have to explain it. its just Them.
Real Love Song - Nothing But Thieves: this is a newer one on my kris playlist but i think it really fits their relationship with dess--taking the 'love' part in a familial/platonic way, 'can i sing this to you / got a thing about you / and it won't go away' i think this song really captures the sort of...hold dess's opinion always has over kris's sense of self, and the way they feel about her isn't exactly returned equally. in a sense this fits more with my dess-raises-kris au but it does work for kris in my other works too.
San Cristobol - Mal Blum: this is the dess song of all time to the point where it's my voiceclaim for her and is half the reason the band au exists. one big part of my dess is that she leaves voluntarily, even if she might get stuck in a dark world later on--she leaves ON PURPOSE, because she wants to. and this song is like, leaving people behind, 'sometimes i think i left you just to see if i'd be missed,' and sort of wanting to reach out but also maybe not. in a world where dess sings this she is singing it to asriel.
My Tiger, My Heart - The Boy Least Likely To: another dess song of all time, if the last one is dess singing to asriel, this one is her to kris&noelle. this song has been on my dess playlist for so long i've scripted out an animatic to it. specifically i see this as being a song for the space after she sees the bunker but before she leaves--like 'my tiger my heart / we're growing apart' in regards to how she sees kris, and then 'and i think it would be / happier / being free' LIKE. GOD. ITS SO GOOD.
Wash - Floor Cry: noelle about dess...specifically noelle as i write her in the holiday-dreemurr kids series, her pov fic in there was named after this song, but its just about. how you idolize your older sister and then she leaves and comes back and maybe isnt as good as you thought she was and you realize you're going to pick kris over her and so its about 'i never want to / become just like you / it's pretty simple / wish i could tell you why' because noelle struggles with this because she should be happy her sister is back, right? and yet...
Sidelined - The Garages: this is THE RALSEI SONG OF ALL TIME.....like. oh my GOD just listen to it. it's ralsei all the way down, how she struggles with figuring out who she is, with being a darkner, with the prophecy and the weight it puts on her, and how she's supposed to be left behind and forgotten but she doesn't want that and how scary it is to try and be a person when the world never wanted you to be one.
Pluto - Sleeping at Last: ANOTHER RALSEI SONG....this one specifically is in regards to the dess raises kris au lol since i explore ralsei/susie/noelle there but it works for ralsei in all universes. like just listen to it. it's so ralseicore. its similar in theme to sidelined so im not going to repeat myself but just 'i've been worried all my life / a nervous wreak most of the time' to the chorus of 'til one day i had enough / of the exercise of trust / i leaned in and let it hurt / let my body feel the dirt.' LIKE
and these are most of my big ones! i have more around somewhere but most of these i dont even have in a playlist i just sort of remember whenever the song comes on njdfgdfg. sorry theres not so much asriel or susie here i just dont have as good songs for them.
once again if you (general) want me to dive more into one of the songs lemme know!!! i will always talk about these kids!!!
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jihyoruri · 4 months
I’m not rlly surprised richgirlyn is a rapper… I mean I thought she’d be giving like “this one is for the boys w the boomin system” but after that insta update…
FIRSTLY “I wanna have a breakup so I can have a breakdown and no one will question” NO BECAUSE YALL SEE WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING? I’ve been right this whole time she wants to be vulnerable and wants to feel her emotions fr but she thinks it’s embarrassing
also ning js like me fr “you should cry rn” YASSS💥💥
moving on.. richgirlyn I was not aware of ur game! “don’t ever suggest that stupid shit to me again” OKAYYYY
no because everyone talking about baemonyn but richgirlyn is hard asf like standing on BUSINESS.
ik her company don’t let her say shit in the songs I know she’s going crazy on features like those unhinged exy verses (ifykyk) like I know she has BARSSSS. i know when they see she on the song everyone on twt is like NOT AGAAAINN😭😭
like I was not aware of her game… imagining her dressing in all pink 2000s core and posing with her hands in front of her tryna act hard LMFAOOO😭😭
there’s no way.. I know her members kinda confused asf sometimes because they think she’s just kinda shallow and preppy and whatever but then they witness her bars..
I think shamelessyn, wowyn, and baemonyn stans might lowk respect richgirlyn… like they could hate her all they want but game recognize game.. baemonyn as a rapper too like.. I feel like after that instagram shit they’d get along 😭😭
LIKE in the works she’s chill just kinda yknow.. bitchy and real asf but !?! WHY IS SHE ACTING LIKE SHE SCARY LMFAOO😭😭
was saying cibyn and richgirlyn stans fighting but.. I mean I think baemonyn stans probably be arguing who’s the better rapper 😭
the way she specifically said bf because she knows the bf wouldn’t be the real reason she’s crying and he wouldn’t have any emotional toll on her because she barely likes men😭 (she has had a couple of bfs tho)
ning is so real for that (she’s also yn’s only real friend yn likes to keep her circle small so that’s why ning is the only person in her priv.)
LOL she can get snappy for real we “don’t ever suggest that stupid shit to me again” but let’s talk about “nah it makes me real get ur money up and you’ll be real too.”
her features are considered the best she says the craziest shit on her verses and barley collabs with kpop idols it’s mostly krnb so yk she’s allowed to say some stuff.
she rlly does try to act hard in her little pink outfits it’s like her trademark
her wow!yn shameless!yn and baemon!yn would definitely get along no doubt about it (two singers two rappers)
baemon!yn stans and richgirl!yn arguments probably go crazy because they’re both crazy good rappers
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indigowallbreaker · 7 months
Fluff Prompt 25 (“I would marry you again in a heartbeat.”) for Bernadetta/Sylvain ! (please and thank you gj writing lately I'm so proud and happy to see you writing again)
-crying- This idea is incredibly soft, thank you <3 I'm sorry it took me a hundred years to finally finish.
[prompt rules]
[more Beagles stories]
25. “I would marry you again in a heartbeat.”
Not once all evening had someone approached Bernadetta to proclaim they were Lord/Lady So-And-So and such a shame about your father and could you introduce me to-- blah blah blah.
Not once all evening had Bernadetta felt the need to hide away because the hall was too crowded with strangers or people that whispered behind her back.
All that, combined with the amazing food and lively music, made this the best wedding Bernadetta had ever attended. The next time she got a moment alone with Ignatz and Claude, she planned to praise them and their planning skills.
She felt a hand at her lower back. "You look happy," Sylvain said in her ear. "What are you thinking about?"
It had been a long time since Bernadetta had felt shy about telling her husband what was on her mind. But the specific thing she was thinking sounded rude no matter who she said it to. "Just that this is a great wedding," she answered instead.
Sylvain hummed in agreement, watching Ignatz dance with his mother. "Much better than ours."
Bernadetta practically sagged against his side. "Oh good, you think so too." Sylvain wrapped an arm around her and laughed into her hair. "I didn't want to be mean but you're right!"
"It helps that Ignatz wasn't expected to invite half the Kingdom. Or my parents."
The memory of their wedding day still brought exhaustion to Bernadetta's whole being. More than half the guest list had been people Bernadetta had never met before in her life, and half of that number had been people Sylvain detested. Their mothers had gotten along entirely too well for their liking, Sylvain's father had scowled the at everything, there had been no end to the people who wanted to worm their way into the good graces of the new generation of Margraves--
Bernadetta watched Ignatz laugh as his brother dramatically whisked their mother out of Ignatz's arms and into the next song. Apart from a few merchants and the Almyran guards keeping party crashers at bay, everyone here was friend or family. This wasn't a hot social gathering for connecting with those in power; it was a celebration. And a spirited one at that.
Familiar lips brushed her forehead. "We should have another one," Sylvain murmured, quiet enough to give Bernadetta pause.
She looked up at him. "Another what?"
"Another wedding." He laughed again. "I mean, not the mess we had before. A wedding like this." Sylvain nodded to the small gathering around the dance floor, the grins, the honest enjoyment, the way Ignatz and Claude beamed at everyone.
Then Sylvain ducked his head against hers. "Never mind. That's a lot of fuss for no reason."
"It's not for no reason!" Bernadetta turned in his arms and cupped his face. "I'd marry you again in a heartbeat!"
A bright blush took Sylvan's cheeks but he chuckled, holding her gently by the wrists. "Yeah? Who are we inviting this time? His Highness and Marianne, that's a given."
"Ferdinand too. And Petra since she couldn't make it to our first wedding."
"We should probably invite Claude and Ignatz. As thanks for the idea."
"Yes! And Felix and Ingrid and Leonie and Dorothea!"
Sylvain laughed. "While we're dreaming, do you think Ashe could cater the whole thing?"
Bernadetta pouted and squeezed Sylvain's cheeks again. "I'm not dreaming!" She stated. "I would marry you again. I will marry you again!"
The levity in Sylvain expression vanished, replaced with a slack jaw and round eyes. "You're serious," he said with faint awe in his voice.
"I am." She let him pull her hands away, gripping them tight. "Our wedding wasn't us, Sylvain. I want a wedding that's about us. Our happiness." Bernadetta lowered her head to his chest, her next words muffled. "I love you."
Sylvain let go of her hands and wrapped both arms secure around Bernadetta. "It wouldn't be too much for you? Another wedding?" He asked, voice low and comforting.
"With you, I can do anything." Even as she said the words, Bernadetta felt her face burn up. That sounded more like something she would write in one of her stories, rather than something she would say aloud.
Sure enough-- Sylvain laughed and kissed the top of her head, ignoring the fist she blindly beat against his shoulder in embarrassment. "We'll plan more tonight, then," he said. "Maybe I'll corner Claude and see if I can get him to explain how he kept it secret that the King of Almyra was getting married in a random Alliance village."
"T-That would be useful to know."
With another chuckle, Sylvain pressed his lips to the top of her head again, this time leaving them there as he said, "I love you, too."
No Lord/Lady So-And-So came to interrupt their moment. No intimidating old noble who would look disparagingly upon them. No one was around them except for those Claude and Ignatz held dear.
So Bernadetta simply stayed in Sylvain's arms for a few beats longer, letting him rock them gently as the music on the dancefloor picked up speed. She would dance with her husband later. Maybe even dance with Ignatz. But first, she had this moment of peace, and she used it to think about her own upcoming wedding.
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puzzledmemories · 1 month
Comfort food(s): I am a lover of food, so I feel like I have a lot of these (or at least, I love food when it tastes good. I am a bit picky, and I don't always love how my dad cooks so it really depends on the day...) Pizza (pepperoni and mushroom, or meat lover's), chicken tenders, fast food burgers, bacon, pulled pork, ice cream, chicken thighs... all sure fire ways to cheer me up. Probably highest on the list is chocolate, though, and the darker the better. I'm a chocolate fiend. Do I probably eat more chocolate than I should? Yes. Will I eat less chocolate? Probably not.
Comfort drink(s): I'm mostly a water and milk drinker. The comfort drink, however, is a frozen chocolate from Dunkin Donuts. I do also enjoy me a hot chocolate, but if it's not homemade, I'm less likely to order those out because I'm sensitive to heat and have to wait before I can drink them. Frozen chocolates are my favorite, though. Delicious drink that heals the soul.
Comfort movie(s): Used to be The Lion King when I was younger. These days? This sounds so weird. But it's season two of Neo Yokio, which is just one episode that is a movie. Neo Yokio sounds absolutely weird to call a comfort media. In my low moments, though, Neo Yokio is a place I find myself turning to. I probably should watch it again soon, since I'm having a rough time of things right now.
Comfort show(s): Yugioh GX and Yugioh Vrains are big ones. I love Yugioh and that's probably not a surprise. Outside of that... Delicious in Dungeon is a recent one. Blue Exorcist is one I really need to get back into. I'm sure there's more, but I'm blanking.
Comfort clothing: I love to bundle up in hoodies and sweat pants. If I'm really not feeling well or I'm really tired, I like to hide in the hood.
Comfort song(s): My music tastes are really specific and weird. If I'm driving and don't want to/don't have time to set up Spotify and my phone, I listen to a local hard rock radio station, but I only enjoy maybe 50% of the songs on it. I don't know how to describe my taste in music, so I'll just list off some recent comfort songs. Creep by Radiohead. Square Hammer by Ghost. Several songs from AmaLee's recent album Rise of the Monarch. A good chunk of Toby Fox's music qualifies for this, I think. Face Up Face Down from the Music to Duel By soundtrack. A lot of Steven Universe music qualifies for this (Change Your Mind and Here Comes a Thought are probably the big two). There's more, but. Shrugs.
Comfort book(s): Warriors by Erin Hunter. I recently grabbed one of the books to get free shipping with the Sonic Tarot Deck, but, uh, that package isn't being opened anytime soon for probably obvious reasons. I really want to read it, but it'll make me cry.
Comfort game(s): I have so many of these. I've put almost 600 hours into Pokemon Violet, but also, it's easy to get burnt out on. Phantom Brave is a game I am constantly coming back to. Undertale was a big one for a long time that I put so many hours into playing different routes. The entire Kingdom Hearts series was hugely defining for my childhood and I always love it. Paper Mario is another big one.
Tagged by: @wifeysaremylifey
Tagging: anyone who wants to join in !
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all-hail-the-corn · 1 year
Not enough acloudyskye posts on this app.
acloudyskye is a relatively small electronic music artist, digital artist, and animator largely known in the "FORM" artist community.
He blends this style of super suspenseful and emotional melody with cinematic drums and roaring synth drops that gives his music a larger than life feel. The lyrics are often vague but bring such a weight to the song when put in context with the melody.
Along with his music he's also been building a world through his animation. The animation style rings as a sort of PS1 era graphics paired with a overgrown post apocalyptic setting that's so pretty to look at. He's only made a few shorts so far, but he's slowly building a world and a rich story through his music and animation. You can check them out on his youtube:
Despite being a relatively smaller artist, talk to any one of his fans and they're a dedicated one. Not one song unlistened to. Everyone eagerly awaits the next release to delve deeper into this world. Fans from everywhere we're inspired to make fanart of all sorts. One of possibly the biggest projects came from the beat saber moding community:
For those that have never played beat saber before, it doesn't normally look anything like this. This was all handmade, modeled, timed, for this one song. For this ONE experience. This map became the highest rated beat saber map of all time almost overnight. This is the kind of stuff acloudyskye inspires
There's one song in particular I want to point specific attention to:
(If you're not wearing headphones or listening on good speakers, you should try to)
This song consistently stays top of his most listened, and for good reason. It feels like a panic attack. The one line right before the drop is so jarring to me - "...Gasping for air as I fall through the ground"
"as I fall through the ground"
It's as if you expect you can't go any lower. You've reached rock bottom but instead of feeling the ground below you you fall into the infinite, further below.
Thank you for reading, acloudyskye truly is something special :)
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