#sorry about the tangent but it’s something that bugs me
quibbs126 · 2 years
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No but really this made me sad. I know he leaves but still
Also side note, but what’s up with Dark Choco’s voice acting? It’s weirdly inconsistent. In this story and his introduction in Episode 8, I think his voice acting is great, you can really hear the emotion in his voice. But in Episodes 13-14, his voice acting, at least to me, doesn’t sound as good. Like, it sounds more like a somewhat poor Batman or Shadow the Hedgehog (specifically the more recent ones) impression. It’s not bad, but like, it sounds like he’s pitched his voice so low that he can’t put in that emotion because he’s more focused on the deep voice. It’s like he’s trying to sound mean, but it’s at every point, even his epiphany. And to me it’s like, why did the voice change? It sounded good before, this one not so much. I dunno, it’s weird and I don’t understand why
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lilybug-02 · 25 days
The HK comic was very sweet and wholesome and I loved every second of reading it! :3
Also does Dewi give hornet back her thread? Im pretty sure she needs that for silksong when that eventually releases lol
Also to go off on an unrelated tangent/rant, people have been supposedly like up in arms about how "Silksong will never release!" and how "Its taking FORVEVER to come out!" But like.... First of all, its and indie studio. Secondly It was only announced in 2019, which, yeah, was 5 years ago, but with the way people were describing it I thought it was announced like way earlier. And hollow knight was released in 2017, but the way people talk about it makes me think its like a classic from early 2000's or something. Sure, its a good game, but why are people so stuck on the Silksong thing? Like at least you're pretty sure you're probably gonna get a full game when it releases. With other communities/fandoms you'd be lucky to get even an announcement. Like Deltarune for example. Not even Toby Fox was sure he was gonna be able to do it in the first place lol. And if you think 5 years is bad of a wait, imagine waiting for a new LITERALLY ANYTHING WHATSOEVER from Bethesda that isnt the 100th re-re-release gold ultra plus edition of fucking Skyrim again but now on the fucking smart watch or whatever. I'm 90% sure that most of Bethesda's existance as a company has been spent making something for Skyrim instead of working on anything new or original.
Sorry for the random rant btw
Anyways love your art, have a nice day, kay bye imma go die of awkwardness in the corner :)
First off thank you very very much. I am so glad to hear how much you like the Hollow Knight comic. And to answer your question, Hornet allowed Dewi to keep that thread. She gave it to him as a peace offering for helping the bugs get back home and to lead Dewi through the maze like cave. Don't worry, she has PLENTY of thread back in Hallownest.
And regarding the impatience of Silksong. I get it. I am the very lucky few to get into the game NOW. I haven't had to wait as long as the many other people waiting for Silksong to release, and in that regard I am quite spoiled. Yeah, Deltarune won't fully release in at least another 5 years, but I wouldn't want to say I'm morally better for my "patience". Waiting for a game or any kind of media SUCKS. The fandom keeps it alive, but even those can grow stagnant. As long as you aren't harassing the creators or fans of the project, you can be as angry or frustrated or sad as you want. I think it's normal and can help others feel less alone in their feelings as well.
Not to say your points of contention above aren't relevant!!! Patience and kindness are always important to keep in mind with artistic projects. Art is HARD and can be very taxing. I hope I'm not dampening your message. ❤️ Thanks for sharing
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Marvel inspired quotes to CK characters
Demetri Alexopoulos:
I’m engineering, he’s bio-chem (Turn this into hawkmetri, or something?)
Well, you should know by now, that looks can be deceiving. (Most likely about Kyler)
Amen to that, sister. (Saying this to Sam)
You are the least supportive pretend girlfriend I've ever had! (Again, this would go to Sam)
That's very alarming. (He would say this so calmly)
No, NO! Dear God, no!
Miguel Diaz:
Sam is my friend. She's different. (Him before dating Sam)
Science, biatch. (He’d say this to mock Dem or something but he’s definitely at science con)
Do something... Do something!... DO SOMETHING!... DO SOMETHING! (Season one era Mig? Yeah I think so)
I won't give up. I can't give up. (Again with the season one era Mig)
Many Heads, One Tale (I’m using this one as a sexual probe at Daniel and his many partners)
Who needs space? Because I've got something magnificent right here. (Possibly praising Johnny for being a great sensei and again, with the season one era)
Robby Keene:
I'm tired of seeing our friends ripped apart from each other. That can't happen to us again. I won't let it. (DIRECTED TO TORY. 🗣️)
Maybe I'm stuck in a loop. Kreese, Silver, my dad... They're all the same. It keeps happening.
I guess you don't know me at all. (This is definitely targeted to either Sam or Daniel)
Nope. Right now. Come with me. (He’s off dragging Tory somewhere)
"Is that one of LaRusso's?" I don't know. The guy never tells me anything.
I think they need a time-out. (They = Kenny and Anthony 👀)
Anthony LaRusso:
No, of course not. But they made the most idiotic, ill-conceived request imaginable.
People tend to confuse the words 'new' and 'improved'. (Talking about certain people at Cobra Kai 👀)
"I'm not exactly a team player." We're not exactly a team. (Kenthony tension, of course 🤭)
I forgot how good you are. (He’s definitely all bugged eyed watching Kenny do some moves 😏)
I'm sorry. "What?" It’s nothing. Never mind. (Kenthony tension again)
"Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me? Where's the 'I told you so'?" That's not me anymore. (More Kenthony, sorry 🤷‍♂️)
A little tangent: I will lose my ever loving mind if they make Tory into Kwon; she’s already happy with Robby plus those two are really cute together. I’ll be destroyed if they are torn apart, because of a new character, and this is safe to say that I didn’t like Sam’s cheating arc like at all. That fucked me up too, wtf.
Had to sprinkle in some Hawkmetri since it too, is becoming a guilty pleasure of mine. It’s so interesting looking into another ship that I haven’t step foot into and also, I had to feed the Kenthony shippers too with Anthony’s quotes. Hopefully I can remember to make the next part of this, because there’s still a couple other headcanons I need to finish on this blog that I haven’t. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed these and have a good rest of your day ☺️🙂‍↕️
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sealofarchives · 5 months
Oneshot scenario: Leo x GN!Reader - Late Hour Conversations
Prompt: A surprise visit from Leo when the reader couldn't make it to the lair due to pms (tone can be viewed as platonic or romantic)
Warnings: mostly towards the topic of pms (nothing too graphic though) and a slight mention of throwing up (again not too graphic)
Close to 2 am...
You just woke up from an accidental nap in attempt to get rid of the monthly menstrual headaches. Your phone was a few inches away as you winced grabbing it.
Sorry Leo, I can't make it to the lair today.
I couldn't sleep because of pms and I still have a terrible headache because of it...
The electronic screen laid out the messages you sent a few hours ago. You looked for some other video to watch while adjusting your head back onto the pillow.
The sound of a light blue portal appearing close to your bedside immediately caught your attention. As you tried to sit up while the red slider turtle almost dropped a plastic bag, slightly startled that you were still awake at this hour.
Leo cleared his throat but, still held on the bag filled with menstrual products, attempting to hide the worried look on his face.
"The store ran out on what you usually use so... Think you can manage a few days with these?"
"Its fine thanks but, you're not using this time to skip out on the night patrols?"
"Its been kind of a slow week so not much was happening. Until we all saw your message."
"When you mentioned the headache part, we didn't want to risk making it worse. Since we can get a bit rowdy and I dunno, just one turtle checking up on you seemed like the best idea."
"I'm guessing you guys were panicking when it happened to April."
Leo rolled his eyes as he made himself comfortable sitting in a nearby chair.
"I wouldn't call it panicking if we ended up getting pale faces with how Splinter explained it. At least April can make it sound like something out of a scary movie."
The turtle took notice towards a cup by your desk before looking back at you.
"I'd hate to bug you about staying hydrated at this hour but, if the headache's back, I could go grab a refill for you."
A sly smile showed up on your face as you briefly paused the video.
"When you say it like that, you're almost starting to sound like Raph."
Leo got up from the chair as he stuck out his tongue at you, taking the empty drink.
"You and Donnie always forget to eat breakfast right before Raph or Mikey wake up. Just be lucky I haven't told them about it."
The turtle returned back with the glass of water just as you readjusted yourself sitting by the edge of your bed. You briefly muttered a thanks with a remark.
"If you did, you'd be whining about missing a few hours for your well needed beauty sleep."
Leo sat beside you but, ignored the comment. Feeling his face heat up as you sipped your drink.
"You still kind of scared us when you were close to throwing up in the turtle tank. Just taking a shortcut away from reaching your favorite fast food place."
You muttered a geez under your breath, realizing it was a month ago when that happened.
"Don't remind me, I would have to be Donnie's helper for a few weeks if I ended up making a mess on his prized vehicle."
Leo lightly chuckled relaxing his shoulders as he began to stretch.
"I'm pretty sure Donnie will ease up on the workload. The fact you can keep up with his neverending tangents helps a lot. But, in case he gets a little too over his head, just get a spare beach ball-"
You lightly pinched Leo's cheek before going back to finish your drink.
"Yeah no, I can hold my ground against Donnie if he's gonna be stubborn about taking breaks."
"When he claimed, he can surpass my messed up sleep schedule by noon. Around 9 am, when I placed a pillow close to his keyboard. He was already snoring on top of it."
Leo rubbed his cheek while crossing one of his legs on to the edge of the bed.
"I guess any beach ball pranks are out of the question because..."
"I can already imagine you rushing to defend Donnie from those 'dreaded colorful spheres.'"
A light hum and smirk surfaced your face as you pretended to ignore Leo.
"If you keep bringing up it, I'll mostly spare Mikey and Raph and just aim for your face instead."
"Hey, I was kidding about that?! I wouldn't go that far to scare Donnie!"
The red slider turtle pouted as you laughed but, not loud enough to draw attention to your room.
"I know, just wanted to see if you're still keeping up to being the face man of the group~."
"Uh duh, its still part of my image. I don't need to be reminded-"
"Unless you want to keep pestering me about it~."
You playfully pushed Leo away but, grinned back at him.
"I guess I owe you a pizza since my headache hasn't come back to bite me."
"So, thanks Leo..."
Leo almost froze from the hug but, nuzzled near your shoulder because of your high body temperature.
"Are you gonna hate me if I really want pineapple toppings?"
You poked his face with your empty cup as Leo hid his head from your annoyed smile.
"I'll glare at you if you don't give me something in return..."
Leo gave a quick thumbs up before hurrying out of the door to refill your drink.
After a couple of days, both of you reached a compromise on an empty rooftop building, trading the pizza box for your favorite food. You still silently judged Leo's choice of pizza toppings.
However, he was more content that he got to see a genuine smile from you.
Bonus drawing:
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I couldn’t draw the body without making it too wonky so here’s a quick sketch of a POV where you don’t notice Leo acting almost soft around you > /// <
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sushisocks · 9 months
bro it makes me so mad how ppl say sean didn’t need a break after getting recused by the bounty hunters becuz he got a party but whats ur opinions on it???
Obviously, I think way too much about Sean, and read very much into a lot of smaller things when it comes to him. I imagine the people who say Sean didn't need a break after his rescue would think I read too much into his character, and I may perhaps even be hit with a 'its not that deep bro', but that has never really stopped me, lol.
And I will wholeheartedly disagree with those who say he did not need a break. I think believing that, taking this aspect at face value, is disregarding one of the game's strongest points; environmental storytelling. A lot of what we learn about the gang members in this game, is through just hanging out at camp. Not only do you get to be privy to scenes and interactions that tell us about the interpersonal dynamics, but the characters also have daily routines and habits that tell you things about them!
And see, in Horseshoe, sometimes Sean walks funny at camp even without having had anything to drink ahead of time. You could read this as a bug but I personally think there's a more obvious reason behind it. He's quick to sit down or lean against things, during his shifts on watch AND otherwise. Other people here on tumblr have pointed out how he barely eats, or clearly struggles to.
Now consider what Sean actually TELLS us, in his rescue mission. He had his teeth pulled, his feet burned. And I don't know about you, but that sure does sound like things that would leave a mark - not necessarily a visible one, but one that would affect behavior, because pain does.
When I had my wisdom teeth pulled, I was on painkillers for days after. I also had one done at a time, so that I could use the opposite side of my mouth to chew my food while one side healed, and I still struggled to eat.
Do you think Sean was shown the same courtesy?
He has a front tooth missing - in what world is eating comfortable? Do you think he has the strength, then, to be up on his feet all the time? Feet which, most likely, are still healing from being burned??? Like, what is the logic in taking Sean being fine at face value, here?? Do we actually believe Dutch is a good and competent leader, now?!?
And like, I'll say it, Sean 100% played down what he'd been through. I could go on at length about my thoughts about the reasons why, as pertaining to the role he performs in the gang, excitement and relief and adrenaline about being free again, not wanting to appear weak, etc etc. But I also do think, then, that it's almost a little bit silly to not extend him the same courtesy as we do many of the other characters of this game, and consider what this experience might actually have been like for him.
Sean, Arthur, and Javier were all kidnapped and tortured. All three of them. And they all had it real fucking bad. Can we, like, let ourselves sit with that for a moment? And acknowledge that Sean had it just as bad as the other two??
He was also stuck in that situation for the longest!!! At least two fucking weeks, minimum, while Javier and Arthur's experiences were for -- two to four days?
The difference is of course that Arthur and Javier both had their experiences shown on screen, and they both got to rest afterwards.
Sorry, that was a bit of a tangent, back to the party thing.
Ultimately, Sean is given a party because the gang needs a party. They are still recovering after Blackwater and Colter; they are in dire need of levity and fun, which is given through something to celebrate. They need a distraction. These are the things which Sean performs and gives the gang; the party isn't even really for him; it's for what he represents, and what his return represents. The party isn't what he needs, and he sure as hell was not well enough to just jump back into action.
What he needs, what he should have had, is a break after the shit he went through. He wasn't given permission for that though, not from their leader and not socially from anyone else, and furthermore he didn't really give himself permission for it. You have to do his rescue mission before pouring forth oil, because the second Sean is back, he's looking for jobs, and he wants in on the train robbery.
He's working, immediately.
(The fact that people actually believe him lazy just because he doesn't do as much as Arthur, the gang's workhorse, after returning from being held and tortured by bounty hunters, is insane to me. Yall are gonna believe Arthur about that?? According to him, all the guys in camp save Charles are lazy!)
Idk, what I find the strangest about takes like these is like... Most of the other characters are worthy of discussion, analysis, and discourse. But - not even the game, but characters in the game, who show themselves to have their own faults and prejudices as well - tell us Sean is lazy and easy-going and fun and that's all he is, and we believe it? Where did the critical thinking go??
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md-confessions · 5 months
Codegold is such a cool name it's such a pity its the name of a super toxic ship
I love J and I hate her
she's the type of character who I'd like to hit with a table ngl
Also random tangent. I'm kind of confused about drone abilities/biology, like in terms of their arms. Bc we know they can turn them into guns and fire missiles right, but they also come equipped with bubble blowers (ep 2) and A flag saying 'so insanely suspicious' (ep 1)
I know it might just be for the purpose of comedy but Uzi also says she's "hormonal" in ep 1, which if true would imply they have endocrine systems???
and then in ep 2 the lady with the sunglasses investigating that guy who went missing after being lured into Eldritch J's trap says "do we have fingerprints?" like girl??? shouldn't you know that???
Ok I am probably just being extremely stupid and this is all just for humour, or they just use the same terminology as humans for things they experience that are kind of similiar - like, maybe they don't get hormonal but their CPU is just in overdrive, and they just call it being "hormonal" because the humans were responsible for coding the ability for them to use language and they would've done it in a way that was more familiar to them, rather than the drones.
Also, about batteries as a food (or fuel) source, it might again just have been a visual gag when we see Alice eating them but the way batteries allow a current to flow and thus for circuits to work is by inducing a potential difference, which requires a chemical reaction to separate the charges to the opposite terminals, and they can't do that if they've been... digested??? Also, does the metal just become a part of them??? do they excrete???
Im such an idiot for overanalysing this sorry but it's just something that's always bugged me even if I adore the show
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yumenotambourin · 5 months
Can you tell me more about your Elfilis pleaaseeee
Okay so I’m not really good with open questions, but I’ll just dump whatever comes to my mind, if you want to know something specific feel free to ask!! I’ve been rotating them in my mind nonstop for two years I’d never be able to write everything.
First of all, my Lizzie is the Ultimate Lifeform. What does that mean, you may ask? Well, to put it simply, they are meant to* be the pinnacle of evolution, a being capable of anything, a being that cannot be outmatched.
*I say they are meant to because they are not a product of evolution. They are an angel birthed by Void’s feeling of being alive(???).
So, Elfilis is the perfect being. And knowing this has made them grow arrogant and self absorbed, although not exactly with malice. They are aware that they are genetically superior to any other being in the universe, and they treat others (who they call “inferior beings”) with I don’t really know how to explain this but with less disdain and more condescension. They essentially treat everyone around them like a little child might treat bugs: as tiny, insignificant things who can be fun to watch but even more to squash.
That’s kinda why they destroy planets, too. They just think it’s fun, and they genuinely don’t see anything wrong within it because they see themselves as above “pointless inferior concepts” such as morality. They also never really had a home, instead they travel from planet to planet, only briefly stopping to rest before blowing them up with no remorse, so they have little to no concept of consequences or society, and they dismiss these things as being below them. Also, they don’t destroy these planets due to ill feelings, in fact they love visiting different ones, but they simply don’t see the point in letting the planets continue existing after they’ve seen them (sorry if I’m not explaining well I’m just a bit tired)
Btw going on a little tangent here but today I was translating old Japanese mouce posts and one of them said “I find their arrogance inspiring” 😭 emoji)I mean I get what they’re saying, and honestly same but not worded it like that 😭 but maybe I have to look better what each word means.
Throughout their unmeasurably long existence, Elfilis never even thought of the possibility of being defeated. They are a smart mous, but they are also painfully overconfident and reckless to a fault. Which is, for example, why they let themself be run over, or get captured in the first place.
Lizzie was captured with guns. They might have healing abilities, but when the thing that hurts you stays inside of their body it actually made it worse. So they were shot until they passed out from the pain.
While in captivity, Elfilis spent the vast majority in their dream world, using it to explore the outside through the visitors’ memories and trying their best to pretend like everything is alright, waking only to see Neichel.
Btw, they’re very torn on their feelings towards Neichel, because on one hand she kept them company and stood by their side the entire time and they grew attached to her, while on the other hand she stole their song and exploited them like the rest, plus the sole fact that she is a human.
Also the New Worlders' feelings about Elfilis were mixed between fear, wonder and tenderness(like 🥺), no matter how much hatred one could hold for a being who attempted to destroy their planet, for nearly everyone it vanished the moment they saw how beautiful and miserable this creature was.
But Lab Discovera was sooo close to develop technology beyond anything humanity could've ever imagined, and if they frred the mous they'd have all the more reason to turn this planet to dust. So its better to keep them caged, right...?
Anyways, their decision to split was a stupid impulsive choice they made in the heat of the moment during a failed attempt at escape. They figured that by ejecting all their feelings would’ve allowed them to reason better, and the half of themself outside could help the half of them inside escape. They certainly didn’t expect to spawn two babies and condemn them to suffer for millennia.
In the present, Elfilis greatly loves their little ones, and takes on the role of the cool older sibling for them. They want the Gemini to be as happy as possible to make up for all the suffering they’ve put them through. Btw, they don’t want the babies to necessarily follow their footsteps, but they want them to at least be aware that they, too, are perfect like their sibling.
Btw they despise Kirby for being a “bad influence” on Elfilin and for trying to prevent them from existing just cause he made a little friend and for running them over, but they tolerate him because he undoubtedly makes their babies happy.
They also often pick on Meta Knight, mainly to tease Elfilin cause he admires him, but also cause they see that he’s trying to make himself look cooler by acting the way Galacta is (falsely) portrayed in the present and they think its funny.
Btw the were also a Gucci Gangster, specifically the healer of the team. Due to void shenanigans they can’t remember much of their other two friends, but meeting Kirby and Meta Knight unlocked their memories of Galacta. They miss him very much but they’re somehow sure they’d be able to bring him back one way or another.
Okay so its 2 am so that’s all for today, I repeat I’m not too good with open questions so if you want to know more please feel free to ask!!!
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2ndalt · 7 months
Guess who's avoiding homework again???
That's right, I've translated Pamela's section of the extra credits! First, she wrote a letter for the entire Thea Sisters, and from what I can tell this is a "Get to Know Me!" exercise.
She mentions a couple of things about herself, like how "I like simple things, because complicated things make my brain seize up." and that she's very cheerful, but if she's hungry she gets quite cranky. Then she goes off on a tangent about how much she loves pizza *cough* we know *cough* before mentioning her abilities as a mechanic, before signing off with:
"I'm sure I'm forgetting something… I'll tell you in the next episode!"
(I honestly don't know what "I'll tell you in the next episode!" is supposed to mean. Is it a translation error? Is it just one of Pam's colorful phrases?? Is she breaking the fourth wall???)
"P.S for Violet: I'm sorry if I scream every time I see your cricket, but I can't help it!"
Pamela acknowledging her fear of Frilly and apologizing for it is just very cute to see. Like, I hate bugs too, but I'd imagine that it's a lot worse for Pam since insects in New York are absolute menaces (especially when they fly) and only mean trouble for people working in the restaurant industry. Instead of acting like Violet was weird for having a pet cricket, Pamela accepts that Frilly is important to Violet while also coming to terms with her somewhat-irrational fear of insects. She never puts any blame on Violet for the way Pamela feels, and that's the emotional maturity we love to see :)
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The next letter from Pam is a doozy, mainly because it's talking about her siblings. Her 9 siblings.
Anyways, the siblings in order are: Vince, the eldest who will inherit the family business, Sam the second oldest who works as a mechanic (possibly where Pam got her mechanic skills from), Bess the third oldest and the prettiest, Flo the fourth oldest and a great dancer, coming in fifth place is our fav Pamela, Gas the sixth and who seems like his only personality trait is being chubby, Jo the seventh youngest ("who ____? like crazy!" I couldn't translate the word beverde so idk what Jo does), Spike the eighth youngest who butts heads with Vince the most often, and finally Gus and Peggy, who are twins and the youngest. I was not kidding, this was a lot of info to keep track of.
First of all: Bless Pamela's mother for giving birth nine different times. Second of all: Here it's revealed that Pamela is the fifth oldest in her family, making her the middle child. Lemme just start off with I DID NOT GET THOSE VIBES FROM HER! I THOUGHT SHE WAS GONNA BE THE OLDEST/SECOND OLDEST INSTEAD SHE'S THE MIDDLE CHILD??!! my mind is shattered. Also, from what little we are told about Pam's family it seems like she's the first one to go to a college/university, which is hella neat.
The next section Pamela writes is a little... weird.
She wants to travel to the year 3000 to see what the future is like, and says some of her own optimistic predictions. Like, curing acne with ice cream or cats becoming really small creatures (Which raises a whole 'nother slew of questions about how mice and cats evolved, but that's for a different post).
But the one that stuck out to me was her idea that for studying, all that they'd have to do is place their heads on a textbook and find out everything there is to know. It sounded familiar and then I realized-
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She. She predicted it. In the special edition series, this is literally what Pamela proposed in the very first book. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Pamela if you don't stop breaking the fourth wall right now I'm gonna call your editor.
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bloodboundsiege · 1 year
project update/where i've been/other stuff
Hey everyone! I know it's been a loooooooong time since I posted anything or gave any updates, but since I just updated the demo with some bug fixes--you can go here or to the pinned post on my page to download the new patch if you want to take the demo out for another spin--, I figured it was as good a time as any to talk about what's been going on.
This is probably going to turn into a long post, so if you don't want to read all of that, here's the tl;dr: Bloodbound: The Siege is still underway, I just was going through a really difficult period. Thank you all for your support of me and your continued enthusiasm for this project. It doesn't go unnoticed, and I'm really thankful for it.
Where I've Been
You know how sometimes someone will take forever to post an update to their fic and then the author's note will be like hey, sorry it took me so long to upload a new chapter, I was kidnapped? This is nothing like that. It's a lot less juicy, but I figured I'd still talk about it.
When I first started working on this visual novel, I was doing some freelance social media work, living with my family, and had a ton of free time on my hands. I would literally wake up every day and sit at my desk for 9+ hours a day, working on this project, making music, or writing screenplays.
At the end of last summer, I moved across the country, started grad school, and started working a pretty demanding job to support myself. It was also the first time since 2020 that I was doing any kind of significant socializing, and I was still working on this project, along with my other endeavors.
I felt like I was killing it. It didn't matter that wasn't getting a lot of sleep or really taking care of myself. I was somehow doing everything I wanted to do and needed to do.
And then...it caught up with me, right around when I released the demo for BBTS. I was having panic attacks at work, barely making deadlines for school, and it would take me half the day to work up the energy to get out of bed. It felt like I could do was sit in my room, watch Netflix, and doomscroll. Everything else was left to the wayside. Even though I was able to finish out my spring semester with good grades and left my job on good terms, I was hanging by the skin of my teeth. I also had some really messy stuff going on in my personal life that exacerbated these issues.
I had to spend this summer trying to rebuild myself and find a balance again. I'm in a much better place now--I started working out, which has been great for my anxiety, I quit vaping, I'm starting to be more conscious about what I put in my body and how it affects me, but I had to prioritize myself and my well being in order to get to this place.
As a side note, the experience of announcing this project and releasing this demo has been...strange. I put a lot of work into this project, from teaching myself how to code to writing the story, and this is the most visible thing I've ever put out. I was hoping maybe fifty people would play this demo and be like cool, but it's a much higher number, and a lot more feedback.
And that's both really cool and really scary. Cool because it's awesome that people appreciate something I created. Scary because now I want to make it good. I don't want to disappoint you all.
A Brief Tangent On How People Interact With Fandom Creators Sometimes
Even though I'm not always super active/interactive on here, I really enjoy getting asks about the project, whether it's hype, an inquiry, or feedback. Even if it's negative feedback, I know that it's coming from a good place. I also am really appreciative of messages that are either letting me know about bugs, or expressing any concerns about the story I am planning to tell. I don't take those kinds of things personally at all.
But I have noticed--and this is not just exclusive to the Choices fandom--that sometimes, people will interact with fic writers, fan devs, or really anyone that makes any kind of ContentTM in a way that isn't any of the aforementioned things I described above. Sometimes, the way that people interact with me--or other creators--is demanding, passive aggressive, or outright hostile. Other times, it may be well-intentioned, but it still feels like it's crossing some boundaries.
I'm extremely thankful to everyone who has reached out to check on me, but there's a huge difference between doing that and accusing me of abandoning this project and framing it as a deep moral failing on my part. I know I'm not the only person in this fandom that's experienced this. It really doesn't feel good, and it isn't helpful. Even if I had just decided I was no longer feeling BBTS and decided to dip, that isn't okay.
I additionally ask that in the event of another pause in posting on this project, people not reach out to me on my personal tumblr to ask about the status of this project, or to tell me to check my DMs or inbox on this page, or anything of that sort. To my recollection, I have never posted the URL my personal tumblr on this page. Like I said before, I'm appreciative of the fact that people are passionate about this project, but it's important to me to be able to keep this space and that space separate from one another.
I would absolutely understand any of this kind of behavior if there was money involved. If I had investors to answer to, or people pre-ordered the completed game from me and paid up front, people would absolutely be within their right to be frustrated with the radio silence that's been coming from my end and reach out to ask about the status of the game, or even be upset with me. But that isn't what's happening here.
This project is supposed to be fun. There's something really liberating about the fact that I can't ever monetize this or put it into a portfolio. It means it's for me and for you. We're all just supposed to be here because we like being here.
But part of the reason why the burnout and the anxiety I was experiencing spilled over into this project was because of these more pushy interactions. It made me feel like I was letting people down, or like the stakes of this were higher than they actually are.
I don't want to sound ungrateful, or like a diva. Like I said, I'm really appreciative of the reception of this project, and I'm grateful for any and all feedback, inquiries, or curiosities. But I just ask that everyone be respectful, and I don't think that's an unreasonable request. We'll all have a good time--both here and in the larger Choices fandom--if we're kind to one another, and if we're respectful of each other's boundaries.
Is Bloodbound: The Siege Still Happening?
Bloodbound: The Siege is still happening, but it is not going to be coming out this year, unless I somehow gain the ability to freeze time. Most of the sprite work is done--though I might do another round of retrofitting sprites into their respective dialogue boxes because I'm a glutton for punishment--and I'm pretty close to completing the more detailed outline of this story.
While I'm not ready to do this yet, it is extremely likely that by the end of the year, I'll start seeking out additional help for this project, mostly with programming. There will be a more detailed post about that when the time comes.
Until then, it's good to be back. Catch you on the flipside.
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
There's this question that's been bugging me for a while. How would one go about writing Honey and Guy angst? I can't picture a angsty scenario with those two. The only thing close to angst i can imagine with them is hurt/comfort.
(definitely asking for no reason! It's not like I would want to write a fic about them. Absolutely not! You're crazy!!!)
I’ve been wanting to write angst for them for like a month now, but my laptop charger hasn’t come in so I can’t write at all, HOWEVER I do have a scenario in my head.
I’ve said this scenario before but incase no one saw it, I hc Honey as the type to go crazy in high school or college. Straight A student, never late to class, honor roll, varsity team, scholarship stuff. I hc Guy as the type to literally be okay with a D-. If it’s not a F hes cool. Best class was English, it was a miracle he graduated on time.
See where I’m going with this? With Honey studying for finals and taking so much shit seriously, Guy would be bored. They usually hang out before or after classes, or even text, but Honey brushed all that off for studying. SO Guy would do what Guy does best and distract them until they’re convinced to hang out with him. Great plan, right? Nothing going wrong? Yeah that’s what they said abt the submarine.
Plan backfires, Honey gets pissy with Guy not taking finals seriously. They get angry that he keeps insisting on “just winging it” with something so important. The stress mixed with annoyance becomes frustration and they say some things they didn’t mean and they wish they could take back to this day.
Guy is in shock and can’t find anything to say back so he silently leaves after their tangent and rant, with Honey realizing what they said to him and trying to apologize, key word: trying. They’re not used to saying sorry or having a long-term friend, so they don’t know how, and just leave him alone.
I’m not sure how I’d end it, I’d probably leave it on a cliffhanger for shits and giggles before releasing a comfort part 2 a week later.
Also this would be before Guy confessed to liking Honey, so probably them in High School if they knew each other then?
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elendsessor · 5 months
no fusion run update part nightmare fly has been swatted
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i have to admit this took a great number of tries, a lot of grinding, and a lot of skill manipulation. i was thinking “oh i’m pretty overleveled so beelzebub won’t be as bad as usual-”
i did make sure to get magma axis ahead of time and avenge for good measure but there were two major problems:
one, only qing long had makakaja, and he doesn’t null/reflect dark attacks.
two, nobody on my team had debilitate.
yes loa can learn it but that would take even more grinding and i didn’t want to do that since it’s not really how i like going through the labyrinth or a lot of the game.
quick side tangent and explanation since i’m sure someone may ask: yes the grinding dlc exists but i don’t want to get paid dlc for something so minor and game breaking. only thing i have is merciful difficulty (don’t remember if that’s dlc or not i’ve had that option available since i got nocturne) and even then i only used it for grinding. scout’s honor, i’m doing major fights on hard mode and decided bc i’m worried about the possibility of being too op i would be running from a majority of fights (on normal of course) unless it’s a demon i want to recruit. if i end up needing to do some passive leveling i switch back to hard. i genuinely hate merciful difficulty but considering how grindy nocturne can be it was somewhat necessary to level my demons without taking an eternity. i don’t like how merciful is game journalist mode, i don’t like how much of a joke boss encounters are with it, etc etc. and trust me playing a save file with only merciful difficulty was so boring.
that’s also why i genuinely hate the grinding dlc aside from being paid when it should’ve been in base nocturne hd, and why i made some pretty big decisions that don’t min-max demifiend. part of the fun of nocturne is overcoming the bosses since they’re some of the hardest in the series and let’s be real being owned by at least one is a right of passage. if you’re extremely overleveled before facing bosses like matador that are infamous for forcing you to learn the game, it takes you out of the experience. that’s part of why i’m nerfing myself just in case. (i’m not going to be using freikugel as soon as it’s available but depending on how lucifer goes (i’m playing chronicle so he has diarahan oh joy) i may end up using it if absolutely necessary. divine shot’s cooler anyways sorry not sorry.) since i have to do some grinding for demon skills bc no fusion, there’s a very real chance i may get too op, and i’d rather not. also fun builds are better than the meta builds again sorry not sorry.
this all being said, i did hit a roadblock. the best way to deal with the beel in any game he’s in (where the skill is available) is to have at least one party member with debilitate. nocturne’s debuff skills like war cry and fog breath are pretty busted, but it would be too risky to use taunt without a dekaja to follow up, and mp preservation is really big in fights where the enemy can remove buffs/debuffs, so yeah debilitate is huge on a lot of levels. unfortunately despite it working in the original ps2 versions of nocturne, hd fixed a lot of ai bugs including certain ways to trick it into never removing buffs/debuffs.
this was my first true mandatory skill mutation fest.
and after several resets, i got debilitate on my star player.
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also got it on gogmagog just in case so it turned into a roughly two hour endeavor of chaining. that beautiful 3% mutation chance pulled through eventually. i didn’t expect to use gogmagog given his fire weakness and i couldn’t remember if beel has any fire moves but he was an emergency switch in if i ran out of great chakras.
now you may be wondering why qing long is ko’d when he was obviously used despite not a good fit for beel and that’s because he again managed to pull through. beel will not remove buffs or debuffs in the first phase nor use death flies early on, so i sped through with a few makakajas before sacrificing him for a monke switch. funny monke kept buffing defense and evasion to make some attacks not as powerful especially since titania can’t deal with physical moves especially if they’re powered by focus.
after a few tries i finally got a winning run where the ai forgot to do some crucial dekajas and dekundas, spammed death flies which was doing nothing, and ultimately magma axis secured the kill. it was long. beel is built like a tank. probably would’ve made him run out of mp eventually given how long it took. but this was the first hurdle since thor that really got me and it served as a nice palette cleanser. once you play through nocturne once or twice, most bosses end up being pretty easy, but the labyrinth of amala always finds a way to destroy your self worth and remind you what game you’re playing, and i think that’s why i’m beginning to appreciate it more.
one more side note but beelzebub has the best battle theme in the game just saying it’s a banger and so unique i love it
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
I might be going off a bit of an off tangent here but the whole idea of how alternates age always make me think about Adam…within canon.
Like, since he’s an alt that pretty much grew up so much like a human, his body reflects that. I just kind of have the idea since he’s seemingly always thought he was human his body sort of thinks the same? He’s never like shifted forms or tried to look like someone else because he never knew it was something he could possibly do.
which makes me also think, if what is happening to Adam in catalyst is him shifting to a more alternate…like, icky look or whatever- then maybe it’s happening now because since he can’t deny anymore on what he really is neither can his body. Like “Ohh! We’re not human? Then let me just-” *bone crushing sound effects.mp3*
just makes me wonder if he would of looked like he kept aging like a person if he never found out what he was…or if his body at some point would just stop look like it was aging either way. (This is just how I look at it, I’m sure people look at these sort of situations with Adam differently but I felt like rambling my thoughts sorry lol. Talking about the age of Host and how the idea of aging works just made me think of this, and Adam is just one of those characters in my brain that really make me think and want to stick him under a microscope and study him like a silly bug.)
YEAHH LIKE. I think if he was never told, Adam would've. lived a mostly normal, human life. Though. eventually he'd have to find out right? find out why he's not aging any further or, how he's older than he should be able to live.
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butchbarneygumble · 6 months
As someone who tries to reduce meat and dairy products in their diet, I think your opinions on veganism aren't really quite right. I understand how you'd want more people to be vegan but it just isn't viable for some people either health wise or financially. I know it might not be what you meant to say in your posts but it kinda seems like you think you're better than people who aren't vegan. I understand getting upset about something important to you but it kinda comes off as rude at some points.
Also this is kind of a tangent but I remember you reposting something about how people not killing bugs but eating meat are hypocrites but that's just not true? People kill bugs for no reason but people kill livestock for an actual purpose.
I'm not saying veganism is bad or anything, I hate the meat and dairy industry as much as anyone else I just think you should think about how other people might see your posts before posting them.
Thanks for reading!
I never mean to single out people who can't go vegan for any reason. I'm autistic and have permanent stomach issues so I get it! My rants and such are mainly about people who have all the resources possible and don't even try, the "but I like meat too much" people. I used to be like that! I'm fully aware food deserts exist, that some religions put a lot of emphasis on animal products, that there are people who still hunt their own meat, and that is not what I want to single out.
Try to see it my way. I am confronted with meat adverts everywhere I go. At home I live near a meat processing plant and I have to see pigs being ferried to there every time I'm on the road nearby. Pigs, who are more intelligent than most pets, stacked up next to each other, basically dying of thirst so they don't piss themselves before they're killed. Cattle in the fields nearby who always look emanciated and I know they were bred to give milk and had their calves taken away... and it makes me jaded. So I get a little snarky sometimes.
I don't remember the bug post honestly and I don't wanna call someone sparing a single bug is a hypocrite, that's my bad there. I understand it can be more complex to some people and I appreciate if people are kind to bugs even if they eat meat.
I don't mean to come off across as elitist but please realize my vegan lifestyle makes me the extreme minority (not trying to seem like I'm oppressed or anything, just purely semantics) and you can literally go anywhere else if you don't wanna see my opinions. I'm sorry if I sound rude but like... it's a case very dear to my heart.
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raviolifabbrioli · 2 years
It was a simple mission, really. Fly down to the planet’s surface, take some samples of the soil and water, collect some of the local foliage, and return to the Castleship to have it analysed. There is absolutely no reason why it had to end up going the way it did. The universe apparently just hated Lance.
Coran had gone on a long tangent about things to look out for on the surface of the planet; starting off with flora and fauna to watch out for before devolving into reminiscing about the past, but honestly Lance had just tuned the eccentric alien out, too caught up in his own head. He had only been shaken from his thoughts by his name being said. He looked up, and his eyes connected with Keith’s. 
Lance frowned. “What? I missed that, sorry.” With the disappearance of Shiro and Keith stepping up as leader, Lance really should have been paying more attention, but he couldn’t help when he zoned out. Being ripped so quickly from Earth had shaken him more than he cared to admit, and it was starting to get to him now with Shiro’s second space-related disappearance. 
Keith only rolled his eyes and huffed, evidently not believing Lance. Lance went to protest but the sound died quickly in his throat. He was torn. He resented not being taken seriously, being the butt of the joke, and he had never hesitated on these kinds of reactions before, which must have been obvious to the others because Keith cleared his throat awkwardly and answered. “I said your name because I want you on this mission with me,” Keith’s ears were slightly pink at the tips, peeking out between his mullet that Lance had once so aggressively teased him on, so hidden that Lance is sure he’s the only one who noticed it. 
Lance blinked. “Are you sure?” He wasn’t one to question orders so blatantly, but this was new. Keith actively wanting Lance on a mission with him? That was strange. Keith settled his expression, going for something less scowl centred and more reassuring, and nodded. Lance resolved himself to what this mission would entail, scouting to see if the Galra were already occupying this planet, and squared his shoulders. “Lead the way, boss.”
Never had a mission gone to shit so quickly. Pidge came with them, all hitching a ride in Green with her cloaking ability, and walked behind Keith, who was slashing through vines and branches in an impressive display of strength, with her head shoved into her datapad. Lance brought up the rear with his bayard active and resting heavy in his hands, hoping he didn’t need to use it. His eyes were scouring back and forth, mostly behind him, which is why he didn’t see what unfolded in seconds in front of him until it was too late. 
Lance heard a sound, like the metal of Keith’s bayard sword hitting something that was more organic, but not a branch or vine, something more hallow, heard a shriek from Pidge and a stifled shout from Keith, then wild swooshes like Keith was waving his sword in the air. Lance spun around as quickly as he could, bayard raised like hackles, only to be met with the stupidest sight he’s ever had the displeasure of witnessing. Keith appears to be trying to battle an alien equivalent of wasps, except bigger and more brightly coloured, which set off warning bells in Lance’s head, with his sword. Pidge had backed right up, clearly not wanting to engage and maybe just the slightest bit scared of bugs, leaving Lance standing between her and Keith. 
Now, Lance doesn’t blame himself for what happened next. He totally doesn’t kick himself for not paying more attention to Coran’s rant on the wildlife of this planet, thus incapacitating him on how to deal with said wildlife. 
Lance raises his bayard to take aim and attempt to help the new pilot of the Black Lion with these very angry flying bugs, looking intently through his scope, instead finding himself a front row witness to Keith being stung by one. It stung like a wasp, its stinger staying in its body, which had contorted forward so the damned bug could see where it was stinging Keith. It nailed him in the small space between the neck of his armour and the base of his helmet, right on the side of his neck, which set off more warning bells in Lance’s head. His mind was just endless bells tolling, like noon next to a bell tower. 
Without any more hesitation, Lance started blasting the bugs out of the air, taking great care to aim precisely and not accidentally nail his teammate. Between him and Keith they managed to take a few down before the others got the message and started to buzz quickly away. 
“Get the one that stung him!” Lance finally tuned back in to hear Pidge shouting. He looked wildly around, not sure where it had gone, not knowing if Pidge was keeping on where it had gone, until he noticed Keith start to waver on his feet. Collapsing his bayard and ignoring Pidge, she could get the damn bug, he darted forward and caught Keith in his arms before the other could collapse. Keith looked even more pale than usual, his head and limbs flopping around before settling with Lance stabilising him. His neck was already starting to swell, So Lance quickly hauled Keith onto his back, running as fast as he could with Keith on his back to Green. It took him not very long in reality, but with Keith silently pressed against him it felt like too long. He could hear Pidge trotting after him, but he didn’t dare look behind him. 
Reaching Green, Lance took Keith to the ridiculously small but thankfully existing barracks on the Lion, placing him gently on the cot there. Pidge came in not long after and headed right for the cockpit, putting Green in autopilot and then rushing back to where Lance and Keith were. 
Lance had already started pulling Keith’s armour off, focusing on the helmet and the chestpiece, wanting to see the wound closer and also worried that any pressure on the swelling would cause permanent internal damage. It looked like a giant lump, like a massive mosquito bite stretching up Keith’s neck. Lance pulled off his gloves and gently felt around the swelling, pausing when Keith groaned and shifted. He didn’t want to cause more pain, but needed to feel it. It felt squishy, like it was a bunch of liquid. Lance frowned. 
“How is he?” Pidge’s voice was small, coming from behind Lance. She probably felt guilty for falling back and freezing, especially since Keith got stung, but it wasn’t her fault. Lance had hesitated too. Lance looked over his shoulder at the Green Paladin and noticed she was gripping her hands together, as if praying, her face riddled with concern. 
“He’s out cold, so there’s not much I can tell now, but he seems to be as well as possible. He moved, so I know he’s not paralyzed. I’m just worried about this lump on his neck impacting his spine. How long until we get to the Castle?” Lance’s mind was shooting through lists he vaguely remembered from his First Aid course he took at the Garrison years before. He wished suddenly in a fit of frustration that he had a better memory. 
“About two minutes,” Pidge said, reminding Lance that he was in the middle of a conversation. He nodded, picking absently at the skin on the side of his thumb. While his face was always the picture of perfection, flawlessly smooth skin, his hands had become the target for his nervous picking. He had always been a nervous kid, but ending up fighting in a ten thousand year old war in space certainly didn’t help. His nail beds were a mess of scabs and freshly picked hangnails, his anxiety choosing to wage war on his poor fingers ninety per cent of the time. He tried to keep his nails short to discourage picking, but it didn’t do much. 
Keith groaned again, and both Lance and Pidge’s eyes snapped to their leader. He rolled onto his side and Lance brought his hands up to push against Keith’s shoulders and force him back onto his back. The last thing they needed was for him to accidentally aggravate his sting. Keith’s eyes fluttered open, and Lance noticed there was a strange film covering them, something yellow and mucus-like, similar to reptiles' second eyelids. It disappeared after a few blinks, so Lance just filed it away for later. If he remembered. Keith frowned, which reassured Lance oddly enough, and tried to turn his head to look around. 
“Try to keep your neck still,” Lance answered the unasked questions. “You were stung by one of those wasp looking bugs. We’re on our way back to the Castle now, we’ll be there any minute now and we’ll get you right into a healing pod. You’ll be okay.” Lance wasn’t sure if he was reassuring himself or Keith. Without really thinking, Lance brought his hand up and tangled his fingers with Keith’s, giving a reassuring squeeze. 
Keith’s voice sounded raspy and dry, but the stubborn fool just had to talk. “How long have I been out?” 
“Just a few minutes, you collapsed around when we dealt with the bugs, and Lance caught you.” Pidge spoke then, reminding Lance that he wasn’t alone with Keith. “I couldn’t find the exact bug that stung you, so I just grabbed one of the ones Lance shot.” Lance shot a grateful smile at her, thankful that at least they had that. 
Whether it was the stress, the fade of adrenaline, or just Lance’s regular amounts of anxiety, a low buzzing started to fill his ears, like he just walked out onto the street after being at a loud concert. 
Keith squeezed Lance’s hand back, startling him into reality again. Lance drifted off too easily and too often for his own liking. It was something he wanted to work on. 
“How are you feeling?” Lance asked Keith. 
Keith frowned again and shifted his shoulders to lay more comfortably on the cot. “Dry.” Keith has never been very talkative, and Lance wasn’t expecting a sudden change in that just because he was stung by an alien bug. 
Lance frowned. “How do you mean?” 
Keith’s shoulders lifted in a shrug and he flinched, hissing with pain. Lance instantly brought his hands up and felt the swelling again. Keith’s eyes darted over to Lance but he didn’t make a sound, even if it hurt. It still felt squishy, but it also felt smaller. Lance couldn’t see a difference, but it definitely felt like there was less. 
Just then there was a rumble and a sudden jolt in Green, making Lance list sideways into Keith. He braced himself against the wall above Keith with his free hand, but he was still much closer than the two usually were. Lance’s face flushed and he pushed himself away with a muttered apology. Pidge ran ahead to tell the others what had happened, and Lance squatted and pulled Keith onto his back again, making the trek towards the healing pods. 
As they walked, Keith brought his hand up and started to play with the hair at the base of Lance’s neck. The first brush of Keith’s fingers against his nape made him still. Keith’s fingers stilled for a moment too, but continued on as soon as Lance started walking again. Lance chalked it all up to the sting, and his worry grew with every passing step. By the time he arrived at the med bay he was breathing much harder than normal, although whether that was because he was carrying Keith or because Keith was playing with his hair was unknown, and was met with Coran, Allura and a jar holding a very alive alien bug. So that was what that buzzing on Green had been. 
When Allura saw them she frowned. “Can Keith not walk?” 
Lance shrugged as best as he could while holding Keith. “I just kinda picked him up without checking, to be honest.” Lance turned his head to the side and looked at Keith out of the corner of his eye. “Can you walk?” Keith nodded. “Then would you mind getting off? I’m not that strong,” Lance laughed breathlessly, and Keith slid off his back, coming to stand at his side and crossing his arms in his usual fashion. 
“Ahem,” Coran coughed to get their attention. All three turned to look at him. “This little critter is called the Vinculum Bug, and is known to bond the victim to whomever makes contact with them first, which in this case would be our dear Red Paladin.” Lance and Keith exchanged glances, neither really sure what to make of that. Coran seemed to realise they didn’t understand. “By bonding, I mean the one who was stung usually feels pain when not in contact with what’s commonly referred to as their ‘antidote’.” Lance frowned and looked at Keith. Keith wouldn’t look at him now. 
“Is this true, Keith?” Lance asked. He was still staring at Keith, who wouldn’t look at him. Keith nodded at the floor. Lance stepped closer and lifted his hand to touch Keith’s shoulder, but he flinched, making Lance pause. He stepped even closer despite Keith’s initial reaction and spoke quietly so only the Black Paladin could hear him. “I know you’re not big on touching, but I can’t let you be in pain when there’s something I can do to help. Please, let me help,” Lance said softly. He held his hand out for Keith to hold or ignore and waited. Keith studied his hand for a moment before pulling off his glove and linking their hands. He let them fall between the two and they both turned back to face the Alteans. Keith looked determined now. 
“How long will this last?” Keith asked, his voice steady. 
Coran messed with his moustache. “Hard to say for sure, but going by the size of your sting I would guess around a movement? Maybe even two,” he looked pensive and genuinely concerned, an unusual look on the older Altean. “I’m more worried about how the venom will react with your Galra DNA. We have no record of how the venom works on humans, but we know what it’s like for Galra. They become possessive, irritable, and filled with an excess amount of energy usually spent fighting. Since you haven’t presented with any of your Galra side, I’m wondering if it will draw it out.”
For a moment everything seemed like too much for Lance to handle. He started to spiral, going down a rabbit hole of anxious thoughts, sick with worry for Keith and how this would end. He was only brought back by Keith squeezing his hand. When he looked up, Keith was still looking at Coran and Allura. 
“Coran and Pidge should be able to track any changes in my health and DNA pretty well, with Pidge’s understanding of the human composition and Coran’s records of the Galra. I’ll be as honest about my symptoms as I can, and I’ll have Lance to help me notice things I would otherwise miss, right Lance?” Keith looked at him now, and Lance nodded his confirmation with wide eyes. How Keith was able to keep a level head through this all was beyond him. Lance would be having a full blown panic attack if this were him. Keith nodded back at him and then looked back at the Alteans. “We’ll just have to deal with this as we go, sound good?” Everyone nodded at the Black Paladin. “Good.” Coran and Allura left then with the bug, no doubt returning it to Pidge to let her continue her tests and to talk with the rest of Team Voltron. 
As soon as they left the med bay Keith leaned against the wall beside the door and pulled Lance into his arms, the two of them sagging against the wall. Keith took in a shaky breath and stuffed his head into the crook of Lance’s neck, his nose and mouth pressed to as much skin as he could access. Lance’s worry began to gnaw at the edges of his mind again. Keith wasn’t a big physical person, and the fact that he was touching Lance so casually was worrisome. 
“How much pain are you in right now, honestly?” Lance asked quietly. Keith just groaned in response. Lance huffed. “Do what you need to, take what you need. I’m here to help you, don’t be shy.” Keith chuckled at that, almost like he was sharing an inside joke with himself. Then he groaned again. 
“More,” he breathed, the air between them shifting. “I need more.” Lance reached up and started to take off his chest plate. Once Keith realised what he was doing he eagerly reached up and helped Lance, the armour falling away quickly. As Lance worked on his armguards, Keith dealt with his own armour. The pieces fell away quickly with Keith’s rushed encouragement, and before long Lance found himself with his flight suit unzipped halfway and pushed down around his waist, with his bare back resting against Keith’s bare chest, settled between Keith’s legs. They had somehow ended up sitting on the floor, with Keith’s back against the wall. Keith had his chin hooked over Lance’s shoulder, his fingers pressed against his hips like hot coals. Lance’s heart was beating so fast he felt like it was going to burst from his chest. Keith could definitely feel it, but the embarrassment from that thought was overshadowed by the position they were sitting in. 
They sat like that for who knows how long, and eventually Lance’s heart steadied and he leaned back to rest more comfortably against Keith. Lance was so warm and felt so safe that he almost started drifting off. He startled suddenly when Keith moved his arms to wrap more comfortably around his torso and he moved his head so his forehead was resting against Lance’s shoulder. Lance covered Keith’s arms with his own and tilted his head to gently press into Keith’s for a brief moment. 
“We should get cleaned up,” Keith mumbled. Lance hummed his agreement. Neither of them moved. All Lance could hear was their steady breathing. 
Eventually Lance gently squeezed Keith’s arms. “Come on,” he urged. Keith groaned in protest, making Lance laugh. “Hey, it was you who said we should get cleaned up, not me.” Keith smiled against Lance’s shoulder then, and Lance felt something hopeful flutter in his chest. He tried not to entertain it, but he also couldn’t bring himself to crush it. He pulled away from Keith slowly and got to his feet, turning to look at Keith, The Black Paladin was openly staring at Lance, expression unreadable. Lance blushed suddenly and held out his hand to help pull Keith to his feet. When they were both standing, they gathered up their armour and pulled their flight suits back on, getting ready to head to the showers. 
Keith took Lance’s hand and led them out of the med bay, looking forward determinedly. Lance openly stared at him, taking in the way Keith’s hair fell over his nape and the slope of his jaw. Objectively, Keith was very attractive. Objectively. Lance wasn’t blind, or an idiot. He wasn’t sure if he was actually attracted to his teammate, the ongoing war really making feelings like those take the back burner, but Lance couldn’t seem to stop himself from staring right now and letting his heart hope. 
When they arrived at the showers they seemed to have the same thought: how was this going to work? 
“How long do you think you can last without touching?” Lance chanced the question. 
Keith huffed again, humorlessly this time. “Maybe a few minutes?” Keith looked over at Lance. “Can you shower that fast,” he teased, and Lance’s face flushed red again, this time in indignation. 
“Yes! I just won’t be able to do my full routine,” he trailed off, and Keith actually laughed. It was a clear sound, and Lance found himself enjoying it quite a bit. Hopefully he could make Keith laugh again. 
“Alright Beauty Queen, you can finish your skincare routine outside of the shower, where I can access you.” Keith winked and pulled away from a blushing Lance, turning the corner to the other showers. Lance could hear cloth rustling which in no way helped his blushing before getting undressed for his own shower. 
Lance must have been three minutes tops, but Keith was already waiting for him when he came out of the shower, pulling the still wet Red Paladin into his arms and nestling his head into the crook of Lance’s neck like he had just a few minutes before. Lance’s arms instantly wound around Keith’s bare back, holding him tight. 
“That wasn’t too long buddy,” Lance couldn’t help the worry seeping into his voice. “How are we going to manage this?” He knew Keith had spent years alone in the desert, and before then he had no idea what his home life was like, but Keith wasn’t very good at communicating his emotions, Lance had noticed, which he had a lot of. Lance knew how to listen to his own body and mind, knew how to manage his emotions and needs, but he was worried about Keith. 
Lance pulled away and cupped Keith’s face, forcing the boy to look directly at him. “I know you’re used to doing things on your own, so I’m going to remind you again. We’re a team. I’m with you on this. Whatever you and your body needs, tell me, and I’ll help as much as I can. Okay?” Keith nodded, his expression wide and open, before Lance pulled him back into a tight hug and stayed there until Keith decided he was good. 
Lance wasn’t sure how he ended up in these situations, but here he was, acting as Keith’s chair. They were both in shorts and baggy tank tops, sitting together on the couch in the common room, watching the hologram screen play some Altean movie they couldn’t understand. The plot was so convoluted and the scenes didn’t seem to match each other at all that Lance could hardly pay attention. It totally wasn’t because Keith was playing with his hair again and it felt so nice. Nope, not because of that at all. 
One of the side doors whooshed open and Allura walked in, not at all phased by the position Lance and Keith were in. She did however take one look at the holoscreen and start laughing at them.
“What?” Lance asked. Keith paid them no mind. 
Through her fits of laughter Allura managed to say. “You need to select a movie.” Lance just blinked at her. It was hard enough understanding the buttons in the Lions, but trying to figure out ancient Altean movies? No way. “This display shows you the available movies. It plays a small scene from all the options, and if you find one that interests you then you select it.”
“Oh,” Lance felt dumb. “Like an advanced Netflix,” Allura looked uncertainly at him and he just waved his hand. “A less advanced version of this from Earth. Keith,” Lance looked over at the paladin. “Did you see one that you were interested in?” Keith’s eyes slid over to meet Lance’s and for whatever reason it felt super intimate, making Lance blush once again. That was like the fourth time today, get it together. 
Unbeknownst to either boy, Allura was smiling softly at the two of them. 
Keith shook his head. “Well what kind of movies do you like?” Lance asked, hoping Keith could narrow it down for him. 
Keith shrugged. “I like horror and thrillers, mostly monster ones though.” Keith blushed. “I also like movies about mythical creatures,” he said quietly. 
Lance snorted. “Let me guess, you liked mothman?” Keith blushed harder. “Oh my god, you totally did!” Lance laughed a little. “I was more of a Bigfoot guy myself,” he shared. Keith stared at him, trying to see if Lance was joking with him, which he wasn’t. The smile Lance got was tentative and brighter than anything he had seen before. He’d give anything to see it again. 
“Allura,” Lance started, looking over to where she was standing, only to find the space empty. She must have left at some point. Lance looked back at Keith and shrugged. “Guess we’ll have to figure out what movie seems best on our own?” Keith grinned. 
So that’s what happened. Lance and Keith eventually settled on a movie and relaxed into each other, looking at the screen in a comfortable silence. It was about a varga later that Keith seemed to get restless. Lance didn’t notice at first, starting to drift off because of the warmth and comfortable position he was sitting in, but then he felt Keith press his face into Lance’s neck. 
“You okay there?” Lance asked sleepily. Keith answered with a small whine in the back of his throat, which Lance would be lying if he said it didn’t go right to his dick. Lance exhaled softly. Keith, not noticing the effect he had on his fellow paladin, nuzzled further into the side of Lance’s neck, inhaling deeply. Lance felt lightheaded, which was an odd feeling to have after being so sleepy just seconds before. 
“Lance,” Keith murmured softly, pressing closer to Lance. Boom, instant hard on. Great. 
“Keith,” Lance said, trying to keep his voice even. He knew that Keith was in a vulnerable spot. He had noticed since that sting that Keith had been acting differently, more open, and it worried him more than he cared to admit. He cared about Keith, a lot more than he cared to admit either. There were a lot of things he didn’t want to admit, even to himself, but right now it was how attractive Keith was behaving and how little self-restraint Lance found himself with. 
Spending so long in space had its tolls on everyone. For Lance, he missed the physical affection he would get from his family, and he missed the intimacy of a partner. Keith acting like he is right now was doing more for Lance than he thought possible. 
“Keith,” Lance’s voice came out stronger now. “Are you okay?” If Keith didn’t cut this out right now Lance didn’t know what was going to happen, which scared him more than anything. He wasn’t the type to take advantage of people, especially not when they were inhibited by anything. He just didn’t want to hurt Keith. “Talk to me buddy.”
In response, Keith pressed a warm kiss to the side of Lance’s neck, making him full body shudder. Fuck. 
Lance turned his head to look at Keith and opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Keith pressing their mouths together. They both groaned in unison, Keith gripping the sides of Lance’s face and stopping him from pulling back, which he was about to do. This wasn’t right, Keith wasn’t in his right mind, and Lance felt like he was taking advantage of the paladin. Keith kissed Lance breathless before pulling away and blazing a hoy path across Lance’s face and down his neck to his shoulder. 
“Keith…” Lance groaned. He lifted his hands to press against Keith’s chest and move them apart, but Keith had always been stronger than him. Keith shifted, moving his legs apart and settling into Lance’s lap, keeping Lance right under him. 
As hot as it was, Lance was starting to panic. How far would Keith go? He needed to stop this right now. 
“Keith,” Lance said firmly, finally getting the Black Paladin’s attention. Keith pulled back from Lance’s neck, lips shiny and red, pupils blown wide, looking like the most beautiful person in the universe. “Talk to me.”
The words had barely left his lips before Keith slumped forward, resting his forehead on Lance’s. 
“I don’t know what’s happening,” Keith grit out, sounding like he was holding himself back. “But I know that I want this, and I need this, and it’s not because of that stupid sting.” Lance frowned, and Keith must have sensed it because he spoke again. “The feelings aren’t because of the sting,” he corrected himself. “The need though, the insatiable desire,” Keith inhaled sharply and Lance shuddered again. “That is because of the sting.”
He pulled back and looked down at Lance, desire and pain evident in his eyes. If it weren’t for the sting Lance would find it incredibly hard to resist. He looked down, eyes landing on the bulge in Keith’s pants before his eyes darted to the side, face burning. 
“I just don’t want you to do something you might regret,” Lance mumbled. 
“Lance,” Keith spoke gently, tipping his face to look up at the paladin again. “When it comes to you, I could never regret anything.” Lance closed his eyes and basked in the confession, his mouth hanging open. Keith didn’t wait for Lance to respond before leaning down and pressing their mouths together again. Lance expected his mind to be noisy and filled with anxiety and shouting, but for once it was quiet. So he let this happen. Let himself be consumed by Keith. 
They sat there for a while, mouths moving in unison against each other, before eventually they heard Pidge and Hunk arguing with each other down the hall. Lance and Keith broke apart with a wet pop, staring at each other before bursting into laughter. Keith stood abruptly, pulling Lance to stand with him. 
“Come on,” Keith said. “I want to suck your dick and I need a lot more privacy for that.”
Lance let out a strangled noise and let Keith lead him away. Keith would be the death of him. 
The next morning, Lance woke before Keith. He rolled over and stared at the Black Paladin, taking in how soft and open his face was in sleep. He watched as Keith’s chest rose and fell, and watched as his muscles bunched and relaxed as he woke, looking him in the eyes when Keith finally looked at him. 
“Morning,” Lance said, the anxiety causing chaos in his mind. He was worried about what Keith would do. 
“Morning,” Keith mumbled, snaking an arm out and pulling Lance closer, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “You’re not sore, are you?” Lance shook his head and buried his face into Keith’s chest.
He had nothing to worry about. Keith had him. 
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doodle17 · 1 year
Gosh, I really like your AU and it gets me thinking about so much in regard to Psychonauts, which makes me very happy :)
So you said that Raz had known Linda since he could climb, and I was wondering, did Loboto create Linda to help with Raz's waterphobia? Like he saw his poor boy being terrified of the water and wanted to make it safe? Or at least not have to worry to much about the boy drowning, considering they are practically surrounded by water.
Makes me wonder, did Raz ever befriend the crows as well? And considering that he lived at Thorny Towers, did he get clairvoyance before he started at camp? And maybe he used the clairvoyance with the help of the crows to prank or just observe
Maybe with the help of the crows he was even able to see what was going on at camp without physically being there?
Moving back to my original tangent, how long has Loboto and Coach worked together? Was Linda a creation specifically for the purpose of stealing children or was she more the reason Coach though Loboto might be the right one for the job? (Like he saw her "kidnapping" a kid(Raz) and wanted to know more)
Makes me wonder, did Loboto ever mention anything about Raz to Coach Olander? Like he's a proud dad, so it kinda feels like he would, but he also not the most neurotypical person so he might just make it sound like Raz is another of his experiments (Like Linda). Resulting in Olander being quiet confused when he sees the boy and connects the dots
Anyway, sorry for making this so long
Thank you for being great and I hope you have a lovely day!
For the topic of Linda, I kind of like the idea you mentioned above about Coach thinking she was "kidnapping" Raz. But I'm pretty sure in canon, that she was created when Coach came to Loboto with his plan. But it could still work, because I have a feeling Linda was created a long time ago in advance so yeh!
The crows are still huge jerks lol they've been pecking Raz's head since he was little. So, no, not really. He learned about the camp when he noticed sounds and the light of a campfire from across the lake, as well as commercials playing on the banged up TV in Gloria's room. He usually used Linda as his main transportation to the woods to watch from the trees.
And Cal always talked very fondly of his son, Raz, to Coach. But yeah, lol Coach always thought Raz was just another experiment or something and not a legit kid, because Loboto never really talked about Raz as if he was a kid. He would always call Raz things like "Adorable clump of atoms" "Bug eyed cutie" "Big headed ball of love" and MANY more.
And thank you so much for asking questions! I'm very happy to answer and your questions really naked me think (in a good way) I'm glad you enjoy the au :)
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aeoki · 1 year
Seven Bridges - Love and Peace?: Chapter 8
Location: Yumenosaki Student Council Room Characters: Ritsu & Mao
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< The memory ends. Currently, in the Yumenosaki student council room. >
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Mao: So what is this “Peace Party”? They sound awfully fishy.
Ritsu: I shall be the one to explain that.
Mao: Why you? Don’t just barge in onto the conversation like that. I know I haven’t been paying much attention to you lately and you’re sad because of that, but you’ve got nothing to do with this, Ritsu.
Ritsu: I’m involved in a way. Those people from the “Peace Party” have been bugging me too.
In fact, that’s exactly why I’m here – I came to get advice on them.
Mao: That so? Sorry, I thought you were like a cat who missed its owner and decided to get in the way of my work.
Ritsu: Of course, I don’t mind if you do spoil ye ol’ me rotten, though?
Mao: Why did you phrase it like that? Are you pretending to be your brother or something?
Ritsu: If you say the same thing again next, I’ll skewer you with my own hands. Even you don’t get a free pass, Maa-kun.
Putting that aside, it’s both disappointing and cute to see you don’t know anything about the “Peace Party”, despite being on the Student Council, but they’re the biggest force in the “producer course”.
They don’t call themselves the “Peace Party”, so I don’t blame you if the name doesn’t ring a bell.
As you know, the “producer course” in Yumenosaki that Anzu’s a part of is a proper course starting this year.
Right now, in essence, the ones who are making that happen are the second and first-years. The first-years are new students who passed the exam for the course. It’s pretty peaceful there at the moment since they’re fresh, new students.
The problem lies with the second-year students. They’re mostly transfer students from other schools.
Mao: Transfer students, huh. Sounds pretty nostalgic. Are they like what Anzu was last year?
Ritsu: Yeah. It looks like the management for Yumenosaki is securing students by grabbing potential candidates from other schools.
By the looks of it, they’ve gathered almost enough second-years as first-year students.
Mao: Why would they do that?
Ritsu: Who knows…? I’m not part of the Yumenosaki management so I’ve got no clue. Last year, Anzu did a bad job by achieving some pretty great things…
Maybe they thought they could achieve the same miracles over and over if they gathered a large number of those “similar things”.
Mao: That’s not right. Anzu made those miracles happen because she was the one who made them happen. Not because it was some transfer student from the outside.
Ritsu: There’s no point in telling me that. Who knows if that reason is real or not?
One thing for sure is that the higher-ups don’t look at what someone’s individually like on the inside – They look at their character type and achievements instead.
It’s the same for exams and job-searching, but they judge someone based on their character type and the numbers they see.
A riffraff of dubious origins is seen as the same as the others just because they’re also a transfer student.
We can’t really say this and that about other people, either.
The staff and our fans are unique individuals but we tend to lump them roughly together, after all.
Mao: Well, I kinda get what you mean. In most cases, I’m just known as “an idol kid” instead of “Mao Isara” in the adult society.
As long as you remember your character type and use it properly, you can mostly get by just fine in this world.
Ritsu: Yeah. It’s not something bad at all – It’s just a system our ancestors created in order to effectively navigate this world.
And it’s because it works pretty well that it’s valued as the right way of doing things.
Because of that, people who are labelled “bad character types” find it really difficult to live in this world.
No, it’s hard for them to live in this human world.
Mao: …………
Ritsu: I went off on a tangent. The “Peace Party” refers to, in other words, the transfer students who have been gathered that way.
They’re the second-year students in the “producer course” who were gathered from all over the country.
They weren’t chosen at random. They’re skilled and some of them have actual producer achievements to their name…
Some of them have learnt how to be a producer at other idol training schools – They were specifically chosen because they have the skills.
Just like the old people in the idol industry, they realised it would be advantageous to be affiliated with Yumenosaki Academy which is deeply connected with the successful ES…
And apparently was happy to transfer over.
Mao: Hmm. Well, I agree it’s a smart decision.
Ritsu: That’s what you call being shrewd. Not that I have the right to say that, though. People who think they’ve made a smart move all tend to look down on others.
Maybe it’s because everyone else around them looks stupid in comparison, but they mostly tend to treat others like they’re someone different from “themselves”.
They always want to prove that they’re superior to others in order to uphold their self-esteem.
It’s nice if they were able to achieve things in a healthy manner by working hard, but there are a lot of people who simply show they’re a head above by putting others down.
It doesn’t matter if they’re doing it consciously or unconsciously – They’re still trampling over people either way.
They trample the “humans aside from themselves”.
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