#sorry if its kinda crappy haha
askthesupersisters · 8 months
To Dolores: What do they use to activate their powers?
"The girls' 'powers' come from their suits, whose core is the gemstone each of them wears as an accessory. The suits are activated with a certain voice command by default, but I've allowed them to alter the activation conditions as per their preferences (though I usually supervise making said altercations myself to prevent malfunctions).
"As far as I'm aware, my niece and the Asian one activate theirs by touching their cores in a certain manner; however, everyone else seems to have kept the default voice command. I suppose they like the novelty of telegraphing their transformations with a slogan."
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NOT MY DAUGHTER SPIDER BOY (Tom Holland Spider Man x Irondad) Adopted Reader
If you like bad flirting this is for you!
In this fic Tom Holland's Spiderman and Tony's adopted daughter (the reader have clear chemistry with one another and not only for classes.)
Info abt y/n in this fic, y/n was adopted by Tony when she was eleven. Fury came to him about a vigilante with special abilities who appeared to be in distress. She has the powers of element manipulation, nature manipulation, flight, along with enhanced mobility and agility. She came from an abusive home and was a daughter to mutants which is how she got her original powers. Then she was taken in by hydra to be experimented which is how her other abilities were gained. She was acting up in an attempt for a cry for help. Tony encountered her in his suit and a bond was immediately formed.
"Anybody have eyes on the target?" Nat questioned over the comms
'I do! He's located by the planters, god he's making this so obvious! He looks up to no good." The spiderboy happily chirped. God he was really hyped up on that coffee. He enjoyed this wayyyy too much.
I remember when dad first introduced me to Peter, as soon as we met I felt a slight rivalry forming. I knew him of course, he was in the running for top of the class, too bad I already had that spot. No matter what it felt like we were always competing. Who would get the best grade on the final? Who can run the fastest? Who's powers were better?
Of course I would never admit this, but I did start to grow fond of this spiderboy, he was super sweet and nice company. Especially considering the fact that I had no friends my age, my best friend is already 15,000 years old. He was nice to be around, and I could talk to him about my problems. Sooner than later a crush formed and I may or may not have developed a slight crush on him. BUT that does not mean he no longer got on my nerves. I like the slight rivalry we have.
"Am I clear to move in on our target? It looks as if he is about to place his bomb down. These people wouldn't be able to handle this amount of heat." "No, not yet stark. We need to wait or else this may not go too well." "Noted cap, I will wait for your signal to vine him. Are we still a no go for mini tornados?" "YES" DAMN that was loud "SORRY y/n/n, your mini tornados are cool and all but not as cool as you!" "Again with the crappy pick up lines Peter? You are aware that that's my daughter and that I can hear you right? If you are going to flirt at least do it right." "There's the sassy stark we all know and love, nice one dad. But I mean, I kinda like the cheesy pick up lines they have some charm. Keep em coming spidey"
"Hey, are you an angel y/n? Cause I think you're perfect and you are the obi-wan for me!" "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE Y/N/N?!" "I UNDERSTOOD THAT REFERENCE!"
"Haha, ok Pete maybe tonight Han doesn't want to fly solo. But let me just take this target down first."
"Sorry Dad"
"Sorry Mr Stark"
I may write a continuation to this I have no idea lmao
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mudanonaito · 5 years
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todoroki shouto for @krshima ↳ from your @dailybnha secret santa~
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luminous-letters · 2 years
HELLO i see your requests are open and i'm kinda curious;;;
So the case is i really don't like sebek, like pretty much can't stand him BUT theres a scenario that happend in my dreams that was sebek finding mc crying (they don't really get along yet) the reason being she really misses home and feels super alone in this new world, so how do you think he would react after that? I wanna see if this fic makes me like him a little bit more (can be romantic or platonic u choose)
i understand that sebek could be a bit off-putting at first glance (with him constantly screaming about malleus and whatnot) he's the scrunkliest scrunkly that ever scrunkled if he ever grows on you. you'd go from crocodile (derogatory) to crocodile (affectionate)
naurr it's completely alright
side note: i'm so sorry that it was delayed this much 😭 i hope you enjoy 💛
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"Human, you're formally invited to a grand banquet at Diasomnia. Make sure to not be late as to not cause shame to Lord Malleus' name," Sebek handed you an invitation, in all of its black and green glory.
"I...I don't— I can't attend," you replied, handing it back to him. "You're declining an invitation from Lord Malleus himself?" he looked at you incredulously, bewilderment that quickly morphed into aggression.
"Do you not know your place?" he huffed, "The crowned prince of the great Briar Valley sends an invitation your way and you have the gall to decline?" he seethed.
Why are you refusing something that he's been wishing for his entire life?
"You're right, I don't know my place. But I'm sure as hell it isn't here," you replied, trembling, with tears that threatened to spill.
"What are you talking about?"
"I want to go home. I didn't ask for any of this shit I'm getting," the thinnest sliver of strength you had finally snapped. "I have parents, siblings. I don't want to be stuck in some dead end, crappy excuse for a dorm. I have a life, and I want that life back."
You were homesick, that much he gathered. But is it too much to refuse an invitation from Malleus Draconia, of all people?
"I don't belong here."
That certain phrase rang a few unwanted bells inside Sebek's mind. You do not belong here. How many times did he hear those words over and over. How many times was he shunned out, ostracized and frowned upon because of the blood that ran through his veins— impure blood. He was not fae nor was he human, then where should he belong?
He understands now. There's somebody else like him.
"But still, you are to attend the banquet. I'll escort you come seven o'clock," he left the invitation on the table. "I expect you to be properly dressed and groomed by the time I return."
You didn't reply.
Did he do the right thing? He wondered as he prepared the various tableware for the banquet. He moved absentmindedly, knee-deep in his thoughts and doubts about his earlier exchange with you.
"...bek? Se...k? Sebek!"
"WHAT?!" his voice boomed.
The crash of the now shattered, ceramic plate echoed across Diasomnia's ghostly lounge.
"You look troubled. Did something happen?" Silver asked, quickly moving Sebek away from the shards. "It's nothing," he grumbled.
"If it bothers you this much," Lilia emerged from the dark corridor, "Then it must be concerning," he used his magic to return the plate to its former, more pristine, condition.
"I assure you, Master Lilia, it's nothing of concern."
"Could it be...your conversation with the Prefect earlier?"
"Silver...! How...how did you know?" he hung his head low, his heart thumping quickly from anxiety. "A bird told me," came Silver's reply.
"Calm yourself, Sebek," Lilia Vanrouge's soft voice gave reassurance, but it barely did anything to ease his worries. "Your conversation with her sounded like it didn't go too well," Silver continued, causing Sebek's heart to beat faster than before.
With the mention of the Prefect, Malleus Draconia materialized from bright green wisps. "What about the Prefect?" the Diasomnia housewarden questioned, further exacerbating the half-fae's frenzied heartbeat.
"My Lord, she's declined the invitation. She does not wish to attend," Sebek gulped, jumping when cracks of thunder roared around the dorm.
"Sebek, if you should know, the Prefect is an endeared acquaintance of mine," Malleus spoke in a low voice, it was so threatening that it sent chills down Sebek's spine.
Sebek stammered, "W-we had an exchange earlier and...and— well, she had the nerve to not accept and—"
"And I feel like she'll want to attend even less after our conversation..."
An uncomfortable, drowning, almost deafening silence filled Diasomnia. Save for the occasional rattles of thunder.
"Lilia, cancel the banquet. I have more important matters to attend to," Malleus waved off towards the dorm's vice housewarden. "No, I will not," Lilia's voice was stern.
"This banquet is as important to Briar Valley as much as it is to Diasomnia, and it is your duty as housewarden as well as the crowned prince to host the event and tend to the delegates," Lilia scolded. "But she's—"
"She can wait. This affair weighs worlds more than her."
Sebek hadn't felt more ashamed and embarrassed before. The irony that he was the one who would cause his Lord's rage and strike a disagreement between both of the people he looked up to. "Sebek," Malleus called.
"Yes, my Lord?"
"Seeing as you were the one who pushed her to such extremes," the fae prince began, "I task you with consoling her, take it as a chance at redemption. Stay with her until she feels better, I don't care even if it takes until sunrise."
"But Malleus, it's his right to attend. This abuse of power is something not befitting of someone of your caliber," Malleus laughed at Lilia's remark, "Abuse of power? I'm merely enforcing discipline and conduct to one of my retainers," he said the title with malice, meant to demean rather than to glorify.
"Take it as a chance at redemption."
"Malleus—" Lilia interjected, "No, I'll do it!" Sebek said, with the same loud enthusiasm he'd always offer his Lord. "If that's your decision..." Lilia sighed.
He offered the first year a pat on the back, "I'll save you some food for when you get back."
"Thank you, Master Lilia! And I will not disappoint, Lord Malleus!" with that, Sebek began his march towards Ramshackle dorm. To you.
Seven o'clock sharp. He was standing in front of your dorm, donning a black suit and a bright green tie. He had hope that maybe, just maybe, you'd decide to attend. He's always wanted to be with them, with true fae. "Um...are you there?"
"If you're here to escort me you're just wasting your time," you spoke from behind the door. "I'm...I'm sorry, I should've taken into consideration your situation..." Sebek said.
No reply. The lights flickered off and fading thumps of footfalls against oaken floorboards were the only replies he received.
What else could he do but wait. Diligently and patiently he sat on the porch, watching the stars as he passed the night. As Lilia says, "One cannot achieve greatness without patience."
Well, he didn't actually say that. He just thought it'd be cool if he did.
Come sunrise, as the morning dew rested on the last few blades of grass in your dorm's lawn, Sebek was still there. He waited, although he was silently snoring. He was slumped over with a plastic bag in hand.
"I missed the banquet," he sighed, "Well I never asked you to—"
"I know. I did it of my own accord, well Lord Malleus asked me to keep you company. But I swear most if it was because I was...I was guilty?" he rubbed the sleep off his eyes.
"I brought some leftover food from last night. Seeing as the headmaster doesn't give you enough budget to afford good food," he handed you the bag, filled to the brim with delicious dishes— savory pork and sweet and sour chicken, among many others.
You took it, "Come inside, we can eat it together."
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
Yo berry it’s rox :))
so its 5/20 here and ya know what day it is 😁
But the thing is, im currently falling out of narancia and i have a new main f/o rn, but narancia has impacted me so much that i decided to still kinda celebrate his bday? yeah? oh and also for the first time, even if im moving f/os/fandoms, im keeping an oc, that oc being melora, why? idk i just think she’s cool HAHA (and its nice to keep atleast something from one of the best phases ive ever had)
So while im not romantically attracted to him anymore, im still grateful that ive made him an f/o in some sense? yeah? so to atleast make something for his bday, i made this feat. my favorite oc
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anyways, thank u !! 😭
Hey Rox! Sorry for the late response! 
That’s understandable! I know how much of an impact Narancia has had on you so I get still wanting to celebrate his birthday even if you feel like you’re falling out of Narancia. That’s cool though that you intend on keeping Melora even if you’re moving fandoms! Nice. 
That’s understandable though! It’s good you had such a lovely time when you did have Narancia as a romantic f/o, and I hope you’re having a nice time enjoying the new main f/o you’ve got! 
Oh my gosh sdfkdlsjfds I love it! I’m sure Narancia would really love the note too and would definitely want to watch those crappy cgi movies with his daughter to celebrate his birthday lol. Also crying at the doodles too omg, Narancia appreciates them so much :P 
Take care, Rox!! 
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aminiatureworld · 4 years
Ship: RFA + Minor Trio and GN!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5,431 words total; about 700 per person
Premise: A rewrite of an old request I wrote back in 2017 (link here).
Author’s Note: These are less headcanons and more fics outlines lmao but hope you like this rewrite. I do considering I can barely stand reading the original, my writing has thankfully improved, and I hope it will continue to do so. I haven’t written in 2nd person in literal years (3rd person ftw) so I hope it doesn’t come off too strange. 
Two notes. Firstly I’ve done my best to make the reader gender neutral. If you catch any gendered terms feel free to tell me so I can fix it. Secondly, I haven’t played Another Story yet, rip my broke ass, so if V and Saeran are a bit out of character, that’s definitely why. I’m working on it haha. In regards to V I simply know almost nothing about his route, and in regards to Saeran I’ve decided to ignore what I know about his route, mostly because this was hitting 4,000 words at that point and an in depth HC involving canonical thing would probably be about that length. Sorry this is so long and thus the final HCs a bit rushed. Thanks for putting up with me! Hope you enjoy!
Ao3 link in reblog
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Having a fear of thunderstorms was one of the most obnoxious fears on the planet sometimes. Especially when one is surround by 60 mph gusts of wind and the house one lives in feels like 80% glass.
This was the predicament you were left in when a series of storms passed through the first week you and Zen were officially dating. Oh joy.
Despite how in love you were with Zen, revealing one’s fears, especially when they seem vaguely irrational, is a difficult thing to do, so you teetered towards Option B
That being: Don’t tell anyone, keep calm, if you need to take a break go to the bathroom or say you forgot something in the bedroom. Okay? Okay.
However this flawless plan of attack lasted only about five minutes, and the first clap of thunder had you ready to bolt under the bed.
Zen, bless him, was utterly oblivious, listening to the backtrack of a song he was working on and occasionally making such benign comments as “that’s a lot of rain” or “wow that was loud”
Yeah. That was loud. Help me.
Eventually it got a bit… much, and you had to make your excuses about getting a book from the television/living room. Since it was in the “basement” part of the complex you’d figured that it’d be easier to hide out there. Just turn off all the lights, try to find earplugs, then count down the time until the storms were over.
Unfortunately the weather wasn’t adhering to this plan very well, how typical of it, as the storms were supposed to last until the early hours of the morning. And it wouldn’t exactly be unobtrusive to not eat.
So after ten minutes in the dark you went out to help Zen prepare dinner. At least no one needed to go to the grocery store. And today’s menu included Japchae, so always a treat! It was going to be okay, nothing was going to happen. It’s fine.
At least that’s what you told yourself until a particular bright flash of lightning streaked the sky and you promptly jumped and dropped the sweet potato noodles on the ground.
At this point Zen switched from oblivious to overly concerned. Say what you will about him but he was truly a sweetheart when he noticed something was wrong. As he helped you pick up the spilled noodles, assuring you that there was enough still in the package to use, he asked what was wrong
You explained that when you were little your grandparents had a house in a village in the countryside and one summer day lightning struck a powerline, causing it as well as two houses close to yours to burn down.
Zen responded with such concern. “Oh MC I’m so sorry to hear that! Was anyone hurt? No wonder you’re uncomfortable around storms now.”
“It was such a long time ago, and it’s so unlikely to happen again my lifetime… I don’t know why I’m still so afraid, it’s so stupid.”
“It’s not stupid to be afraid of something. You don’t have to hide your fears around me sweetheart. There’s no shame in it.”
Unfortunately words usually cannot make fears go away, but safe to say you were touched. Picking up the rest of the noodles and disposing them you and Zen shared a sweet series of hugs, and maybe you wouldn’t continued down that route if the water hadn’t begun to boil and dinner was once more brought back into stark focus.
Afterwards you guys ate in front of the tv, turning on a random crappy show and making fun of the announcer.
You could still hear the thunder every once in a while, but Zen made sure you felt safe and happy, cuddling you, doing something to draw your attention to him at the beginning of each clap of thunder, and keeping up a steady stream of conversation, even about the most mundane of things.
Your fear still wasn’t gone, and you still weren’t excited for the rest of the week, but at least you had someone with you who truly cared and was actively trying to make you feel better. You knew Zen would always be there for you, and that knowledge would carry you through the most anxious of times, to the other side.
You truly loved him so much.
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Sometimes you wished that you could disappear into something as easily as Yoosung did, both with his games and with his studying.
Yoosung was in his first year of veterinarian medical school and, having just passed the first series of exams, had invited you over to the apartment he was leasing, for an evening of games, television, and overall hanging out. It would’ve been more of a date, but the weather was impressively stormy and, much to your relief, it was decided that staying inside was the better option.
Yoosung was loading up a game on the tv and you were checking to see what remained in the fridge, when a bolt of lightning raced across the sky; suddenly you became aware of just how very high up apartment buildings tended to be, and, much like usual, the logical part of your brain repeating Googled information about lightning rods was replaced by a static of anxiety floating around in your brain.
Returning to the TV room you nervously picked up the controller, hoping that Yoosung wouldn’t notice. Not that you didn’t trust him to understand, indeed you’d hardly met anyone as understanding as Yoosung, but it was more that years of being told “it’s just rain” had kinda gotten to your system.
The first half an hour or so was alright, the quiet mental notes you were taking told you that the storm was still far enough away, although there was no doubt it was getting closer; something reinforced by your, hopefully, discreet checking of the weather app.
When the storm arrived, oh boy did it arrive.
The winds felt unbearable, screaming terribly, rattling the windowpanes with fast, stinging rain, so much so the outside looked less like the outside and more like the middle of a whirlpool. A whirlpool that occasionally set itself on fire, the lightning dispersed by the odd shadows of the rain.
At this point all pretense fell out the window.
“MC?” Yoosung looked over as you’d dropped the remote and drawn your legs up to your chest, burying your face in your knees, all thoughts blocked out. “MC.” Yoosung said a little louder, putting his own remote down on the coffee table and scooting over to where you were sitting on the couch. “Hey.” He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, something vaguely uncomfortable considering the position you both were sitting in, but still a welcome presence, a bit of comfort making its way past your wall of fear.
“Not a huge fan of thunderstorms I see.” He said when the storm had calmed down a bit. You let out a shaky sort of laugh. Understatement of the century, wouldn’t you think?
“I have an idea!” Yoosung ran out of the room, leaving you to curl yourself up again, until he came back, a pair of headphones in hand.
“These are the best noise cancelling headphones I own, and they cost a fortune so they’d better work.” He placed them over your ears, and immediately you noticed how muffled the sound became. Evidently it must’ve shown on your face, because Yoosung smiled even wider, nodding gently before picking up his remote again.
As the storm continued so did the gaming. At some point you guys ended up thrown about the couch, cuddling each other, and occasionally knocking elbows when the gaming got intense. When things were finally over you two lay there a little longer, although you’d taken the headphones off.
“Thank you.” You whispered, content.
“For what?” Yoosung smiled. “That’s what boyfriends are for.”
“Not all boyfriends.” You countered “You’re special. The best boyfriend one could ask for.”
And you meant it.
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I imagine both you and Jaehee not being huge fans of thunderstorms. They frightened you, and to Jaehee the volume gave her a headache, not to mention the fact you were both living in a cheap apartment on the ground floor while the coffee shop’s purchase was still new; and the whole structure had this obnoxious habit of vibrating with both the lightning and thunder, leaving everything a bit discombobulated and very unpleasant.
The coffee shop wasn’t much better really, open as it was, the whole front being 85% glass and only 15% brick.
So when you both checked your phones and saw that storms were on their way it was all about planning.
Since you couldn’t afford to close the shop for the week you instead put a large display in the windows, putting up cardboard trees, birds, and whatever else would block most of the view.
You went through the store, making sure everything unnecessary was unplugged.
Really it was probably a bit overkill, or at least Jumin and Seven certainly thought it was, but hey better safe than sorry.
The apartment was given the same treatment, blinds and shutters were closed, toasters and charging cords were unplugged, and Aspirin and earplugs were stocked up.
The week of the storms was really incredibly unpleasant, with you two sneaking in hugs and kisses whenever the line of customers was small, squeezing each other’s hands when a particularly bright streak of lightning flashed, or when the thunder seemed to become unbearable.
No dawdling home this week, much to the chagrin of both of you, who’d taking to park exploring and other such mundane things that both you and Jaehee had missed out on, her due to work and you due to being shut up in Rika’s apartment for eleven days.
Nevertheless neither of you were particularly keen to venture out in the middle of a storm, so instead you two headed home, a night’s worth of musicals and cuddling ahead of you.
Dinner was spent in front of the tv, although usually you two usually made a point to eat at the dining table it was in the most windowed room in the house and thus not meant to be.
Zen’s beautiful tenor might not have been enough to completely drown out the storms, but it was certainly a help, not to mention the large doses of cuddles you were giving one another.
But really the best part about it was just being able to talk freely about your fears, you both having the reference that those who don’t suffer with what’s widely considered an irrational fear in modern times don’t understand.
And that was really what kept it together for you two. You’ll always be there for one another, you’ll always understand one another.
Eventually the clock struck the hour and you both realized that not only would there be work tomorrow, but musicals can’t much be enjoyed when you’re only paying half attention.
You got ready for bed, both making a final sweep for plugged in appliances that might burn out if there should be an energy surge.
Right before you two drifted off to sleep you gave Jaehee a small kiss. “What was that for?” She whispered. Everything was so beautifully comfortable, so cozy and intimate, and your happiness in that moment overpowered all fear.
“I just love you, I love you so much.” You replied. Jaehee blushed, but returned the kiss.
“I love you too. Forever.”
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It’s not that you hid it from him because you were embarrassed, well at least that wasn’t the main reason. It was more Jumin’s habit of blowing everything out of proportion, to the point of hindrance. That was really what you were afraid of, you just needed calm, need comfort, not yoga or whatever was to be the cure. And not that Jumin couldn’t or wouldn’t give you comfort, but the likelihood of him giving you calm was maybe a bit more debatable.
So you tried to keep it hidden, mentioned nothing of it on your way out the door in the morning, avoiding the topic in the messenger, even when Seven started to go on and on about windspeed – did the bastard know something?
Things seemed to be going… okay? I mean they weren’t great, you were constantly pushing down the urge to hide in a closet or something, but hey Jumin wasn’t aware yet. Success?
The trip home was certainly unpleasant, and the text that your husband was working late again certainly didn’t seem promising, but hey there’d be Elizabeth, and the bedroom had amazing blackout curtains. So, yeah, it’d be fineeee.
At least it would be if the damn penthouse didn’t have windows for walls. Something that certainly wasn’t normal or part of the regular plan.
Nor was it really possible to take a nap with the thunder so loud and your thoughts running high, really it’d probably be better on the lower floors if you weren’t so sure of people being there.
At this point the plan became less of “don’t let Jumin know, play it cool” to “survive whatever the cost”, which yes perhaps was also an overreaction on your part, but you knew damn well that all rationality had long fled, and you weren’t about to go chasing after it, that wasn’t what you needed right now. Rationality was also what had you go into a google wormhole about terrifying lightning related accident. Need one say more?
So you picked up a perhaps a bit disgruntled Elizabeth the 3rd, and buried yourself under the covers, stroking her fur at regulated intervals, trying desperately to pay attention to the video you’d loaded on your phone, to less than perfect success.
You wouldn’t say that you were dozing when Jumin came home, it was more like you were so deep in your fears that you really didn’t have room to pay attention to anything else.
“MC?” Jumin was instantly alert when you didn’t run to greet him at the door, something that had really become tradition between the two of you. Him being also a bit of a worrier – and a bit being perhaps a gracious way of saying it, lovely though it can be – his first thoughts were that you’d hit your head and passed out somewhere, but the fact that Elizabeth had also not come to greet him clued him in that you two were most likely holed up somewhere, perhaps napping, as had happened a few times before.
His surprise then when you turned out to be in bed, distinctly not unconscious or asleep, holding onto Elizabeth like a vice, was really immense.
“Darling, is something wrong?” You knew he meant something rather more akin to “Something is definitely wrong and I’m very worried and hope you tell me, if not I might become a horrendous paranoiac and never stop bugging you but I also want to be polite about it.”
You folded quite quickly, deciding that it really wasn’t worth it, you were in such a state, and the anxiety was still in complete control of your brain, excuses weren’t about to be made.
In a moment Jumin had enveloped you in a hug, which you were glad to accept, discreetly kicking his phone away hoping that he’d not notice it and get it in his head to send for a meditative trainer or some such thing, since that wasn’t what you were looking for, at least not at the moment.
Thankfully though he seemed more focused on your wellbeing, asking you to talk through your anxiety, gently drawing circles on your back in an attempt to get rid of excess tension. It felt good to be able to release your stream of consciousness, even if it was a bit embarrassing. Every time you started feeling a bit overwhelming you’d insert an apology here and there but Jumin would simply shake his head and assure you it was fine
“After all, you were so patient and understanding when I went through a crisis of consciousness, when all my emotions were suddenly flooding my mind. You listened to me then, the least I can do is listen to you now.”
After you’d exhausted your thoughts and you two had laid there a bit, cuddled together, basking in each other’s presence, you two went to the kitchen, where Jumin insisted he’d make dinner himself.
You weren’t happy to be in the windowed room again, but one flick of a discreet switch and they were suddenly shuttered closed.
“You can do that?!”
“Of course?”
“Ugh, the idle rich.” You shook your head and Jumin feigned horror. This act went on throughout dinnertime, another thing to help soothe your nerves, as well as Elizabeth, who was being awfully nice, curled up in your lap.
Every clap of thunder and Jumin would hold your hand or give you a kiss or hug, again trying to distract you.
Afterwards it was watching trashy soap operas – really you couldn’t understand why Jumin adored these shows so much, he really did secretly have a flare for the dramatics – and more cuddling.
As the night got later and you got sleepier you realized that, though the anxiety wasn’t completely gone, you really were quite content.
“Ah, I wouldn’t mind this every time it stormed.”
Jumin chuckled at that. “Why not? Anything to make you comfortable and happy.”
“You’re going to spoil me terribly you know.”
“Again, why not? Comfort isn’t spoiling someone, and if it was I’d spoil you rotten. You deserve the universe, I’m just giving what I can.”
And really the comfort he gave you was worth five universes at that moment, but wasn’t he always worth that much?
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Saeyoung’s reaction to your fear would probably initially be teasing.
Not because he thought it was funny, more his brain still found sincerity a hard thing to grapple with, and he found his knee jerking reaction be to try and make fun, enough fun for you to forget about everything.
You knew this of course, had long ago learned his patterns, his mannerisms and habits, and initially you tried to play along with it, after all the only reason he knew you were afraid of thunderstorms was because he’d caught you running into the closet on the CCTV in Rika’s apartment. If it weren’t for that you would’ve been perfectly happy with him never finding out. Surely you could humor him a bit.
Well anxiety has a funny way of sharpening one’s nerves, and by the sixth joke you were ready to pull your hair out, both from Saeyoung and from the storm.
“Hey Saeyoung? I really do appreciate what you’re doing, don’t get me wrong, but I… I don’t think this is going to be the way to sort it out.”
“Oh… I see.” Saeyoung faltered. Saeran, who was also not a fan and was thus gaming, probably with the volume at unhealthy rates, still managed to snort out a “I could’ve told you that.” Saeyoung shook his head apologetically.
“I’m sorry MC… I, uhm. Yeah…” For a moment you both sat on his horrifically battered couch, the tension rising. Saeyoung screwed his face up in thought, before launching himself towards you, wrapping you up in a huge hug.
“I.. Saeyoung-?”
“Cuddles are a miracle cure.” He said, kissing you on the forehead. “They’ll chase away the storms, just you wait, and in the meantime, how about you teach me how to make something other than sandwiches.”
“I know you know how to cook.” You pointed out, at least happier with this approach, but Saeyoung shook his head.
“I forgot. I can now only make ham sandwiches, and that is truly a sad fate. Won’t you help me? Oh cook in shining armor.”
You rolled your eyes at that “Isn’t being the hero more of your route?” But agreed to make something with him.
Saeyoung really put everything into the “I forgot act”, and you soon found yourself distracted by his antics, peeling onions with a vegetable peeler, “accidentally” getting flour in your hair, tackling you with hugs and kisses the minute thunder or lightning even attempted an interruption. You found yourself either laughing or breathless from his attention, and when your anxiety was too difficult to ignore you allowed Seven to wrap you in a hug as you buried your head in his shoulder, his arms acting as a barrier for the sound.
Dinner took a horrendously long time to cook, something Saeran was sure to point out, but it really did help. As you two were cleaning up dishes Saeyoung paused for a moment.
“Being a hero really isn’t my thing you know.”
“Huh?” You’d sorta forgotten the earlier conversation amidst all the antics.
“You saved me MC, from myself, my own destruction. The least I could is chase away a few thunderstorms. I’d do anything to make you happy. So, I hope that you can be happy.
“What a silly thing to say.” You said, giving him a peck on the cheek. “I’m already so very happy, so incredibly glad to have you in my life. Indeed, if this isn’t happiness then there is no such thing.”
He really was your hero, your knight in peculiar armor. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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V/Jihyun Kim
V hated thunderstorms. Although he’d agreed to get his vision fixed, the date of the surgery was still some months off, and in the meantime every storm sent him in disarray, the sudden loudness of the thunder a disconcerting reminder of his own vulnerability, the fact that if even one thing in his life shifted he was likely to run right into it.
Being someone who had such a visceral hate, he was quick to become aware of your anxiety as well. It was something he just picked up on, before you had the chance to even think about hiding it from him.
“I see I’m not the only one who hates when it storms.”
You weren’t really surprised by his fear, he’d made it quite clear how he disliked to be reminded of the vulnerability that came from being blind, his eyes were already an ever present reminder of his past, a reminder of the feelings that had rotted inside him, which were so difficult to reconcile with.
So during the storms he ended up focusing most of his nervous energy on you, preferring that to morbid thoughts about the path his life had taken.
Coincidentally you tended to have the same reaction, and thus stormy days, though far from pleasant, became a semi-pleasant ritual, full of affection and comfort.
You pointed out the lightning and counted the miles out loud for him, something that helped him ground himself in the world, feel a little more in control of the situation, and in return he kept up a steady stream of conversation, telling you how your fears weren’t silly, how much it mattered to him that you were happy, and all the things you’d do together when the storms passed.
Sometimes you two turned on a podcast, or a video whose audio V had heard multiple times before, another exercise in familiarity that helped comfort you two. He also didn’t mind whether you kept the lights on or turned them off, only wishing to keep at least one window open, to keep track of the storm’s progress.
He also was in the habit of singing or humming at random intervals, his voice kept you in the moment, rather than in an endless loop of “what ifs”.
By the end of the storm you two were often exhausted, which is why they so often ended with you two tangled together, already half asleep.
One such time you were about to sleep, only barely awake to nod when V said the storm had passed.
“Jihyun,” you mumbled, hearing a hum in return. “I love you.”
V smiled, hearing that from you always felt like a moment of rejuvenation, of sudden clarity.
Kissing your forehead he hugged you a little tighter.
“I love you too.”
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Saeran loved storms. Loved the sheer, raw, uninhibited power they exuded, the proof of how natural ruled above all.
You knew that. You also knew that storms were, in fact, the bane of your existence, and that you’re rather die than sit up and watch them with him.
But you also didn’t want to disappoint him, didn’t want to be a source of unhappiness in his life, so when Saeran eagerly looked out the window and called out “MC! It’s thundering!” You reluctantly dragged yourself over to watch with him.
At first it was alright if you focused on him more than on the outside, the awe and glee he took in watching the rain was endearing, the happiness marked so clearly and without inhibition. It was something that almost took your breath away in how beautiful it was, the joy of somehow who’d had so little of it.
Then the first clap of thunder arrived and you’d nearly sprained your wrist, slipping on the counter and banging your arm.
Saeran’s attention was immediately turned away from the thunderstorm and he looked at you curiously.
“Are you alright MC?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, it’s just, I’m fine.” You didn’t want him to know. It made him so happy, how could you ever take away from that, holding you bruised elbow you excused yourself to the bathroom for a moment, saying you needed make sure nothing was serious.
Of course that excuses could only last for so long, but the bathroom seemed such a comfort compared to the windowed rooms, and you lost track of all sense of time or space, curled up in a ball, leaning against the cold wall, the linoleum tiling keeping you grounded.
Eventually however it came to an end, and there was a short knock before Saeran turned the doorknob and opened the door.
“Something wrong?” He asked, immediately realizing the answer to that question after looking at your position. Kneeling down to face you he cupped your cheek. “Thunderstorms?”
You nodded, despite yourself. You really didn’t want to take this from him. But he didn’t seem to have felt like anything was taken, instead kissing you on the forehead and opening his arms for you to envelope yourself in them, something you did gratefully.
He held you, rocking you slightly, whispering random bits of words, random pieces of song, anything to keep your anxiety lower. Nudging the door shut once more you two stayed there for a while, and you finally felt yourself calm down.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled.
“For what?” His tone was that of genuine confusion.
“For taking away watching thunderstorms from you. I don’t want to take anything away from you of course, I really don’t. I’m so sorry.”
“Oh MC…” Saeran peppered your face with kisses. “You haven’t taken anything away from me. I can still watch the thunderstorms, can still love them. Your fear isn’t something to be ashamed of, we all fear things in our lives, all have things we’d rather throw aside. I’m always here for you, always. It’s something I chose, and would choose over and over again. And that choice doesn’t mean I cannot chose to love thunderstorms, or watch them. It just means I have to make sure you’re comfortable as well. Besides, I wouldn’t want to do something that made you uncomfortable, not if I could do something about it. So don’t talk like that anymore, okay?”
You nodded, feeling reassured and slightly sheepish. He really was too good for words.
You two stayed in the bathroom until it became too uncomfortable, when you moved to the bed. It was a lovely evening, the storms having mellowed into a gentle rain.
Wrapped in Saeran’s arms you suddenly felt such a rush of emotions overcome you, contentment, bashfulness, love. Especially love.
You loved Saeran so much. And you always would.
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You’d really rather not tell Vanderwood.
You two were the cynics of the group, sarcastic, unfazed, or rather you hid your general emotions to the larger group in a swath of wit and humor. You really didn’t want to tell him that you were afraid of what was essentially a fear that had outlived its purpose.
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Vanderwood with your true feelings, indeed sometimes you felt as if Vanderwood was the only person you could trust with your true feelings, a sentiment they had reciprocated multiple times.
It was moreso you already knew how much people saw your fear as overreacting. Didn’t need your partner to join the bandwagon of slight bafflement and bemusement, even if they couldn’t help themselves.
So there you were, sitting on the couch, storm on full display, trying not to dig your head into the side of the lazyboy as Vanderwood sat typing away on their computer.
Unfortunately the storm grew more and more violent, and you quickly grew more and more uncomfortable, your plans of nonchalance having really taken a critical hit.
Before you could think of a proper excuse to go into the bedroom closet and have a bit of a scream a huge clap of thunder shook the complex and the book you’d held in your hands plummeted to the ground.
Vanderwood immediately got up and shut the blinds. “I forgot you don’t like storms.” They said, closing the last of the blinds before turning around to your startled face.
“You know I don’t like thunderstorms?!”
“Was I not supposed to?” They looked vaguely confused, and not a bit amused.
“No.” You buried your hands in your palms.
“No I was or no I wasn’t?”
“You weren’t.” You groaned. “It’s embaraassing.”
“Why should it be embarrassing? Look, MC.” They walked over to you, taking your hands in theirs. “There are a lot of embarrassing things people are in life. Of which I’m at least half of them. I cannot say a lot of things with great confidence, but I can say this. You aren’t the least bit embarrassing for having an incredibly common and practical fear.”
“A fear that should’ve died out with the invention of bricks.” You muttered.
“Perhaps. But we both know that’s not how it works.” They replied. “So don’t feel the need to hide something like that. Okay?”
You nodded and Vanderwood smiled, before giving you a hug, something which you gladly reciprocated.
It was a quiet evening, one of easy cooking and laughing at miscellaneous videos, of making fun of spy shows and swapping stories.
In the end you probably shouldn’t’ve been so surprised.
Vanderwood was an amazing partner, caring, funny, observant, loving.
Perhaps it was okay to have such a fear around them. And if it was okay with Vanderwood than everyone else would have to suck it up, because really two people’s opinions mattered to you on the fact, yours and theirs. And in this instance you’d found yourselves completely in accord.
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osakaso5 · 4 years
Halloween Event Story
~Fluffy Blast Racing~ Chapter 5: Provocation
Chapter Index
Toma: Ow...
Haruka: I'm... not dead..?
Torao: Is this the colony..?
Minami: ...It's so dusty.
Toma: This is the Mecca of racing..? Sure doesn't look like it...
Red Cotton: <We're sorry to disappoint you, but this is indeed our planet, Desert Colony.> 
Torao: Is this noise coming from that engine..?
Haruka: There's tools and parts lying around. If we fix it, it should work again...
Green Cotton: <This is all the dusts' doing. This town was once prosperous and full of racers.>
Minami: ...It's a shadow of its former self.
Toma: Ah, hey, who's that over there?
???: !!!
Haruka: They... kinda look like us, don't they..?
Minami: You're right...
Beige Cotton: <It seems we were right.>
Torao: Right about what?
Brown Cotton: <When you fused with us and became fluffs, they turned into evil fluffs, or "eviluffs".>
Brown Cotton: <They did something similar the last time we cottons joined forces with Earthlings...>
Minami: But who did they fuse with?
Beige Cotton: <With your negative impulses.>
Haruka: Our negative impulses..? What's that supposed to mean?
Green Cotton: <Do you ever get the urge to do something bad?>
Green Cotton: <Like eating all the candy that you're supposed to share with others.>
Haruka: ........
Beige Cotton: <Or letting your ego get the best of you.>
Minami, Toma, & Torao: ........
Red Cotton: <Even if you don't act on them, your negative impulses will linger in the air.>
Red Cotton: <Those impulses must be what the dusts have now fused with.>
Toma: So that's our negative feelings, basically...
Haruka Eviluff: Iii... i! Poi. <This driver's useless, luff! And I don't need this spanner either, luff!>
Haruka: Ah, that one's just throwing all his tools away..!
Toma Eviluff: Iii! Garigari, bechabecha. <I've scratched up this car, luff! Time to paint it a really gross color, luff!>
Toma: He's scratching the paint..! And now he's gonna replace it with something nasty..!?
Torao: Hey, look at those ones...
Torao Eviluff: Mii! Mi mii! Puroro, puroro! <Move it, luff! This is our street, luff!>
Torao: His driving's too fast and dangerous. He's gonna cause an accident if he doesn't stop soon.
Minami: And the other one is throwing thumbtacks all over the ground.
Minami Eviluff: Nana! Nanaa! Jarijari, poi. <These will pop all their tires, luff!>
Minami: They're violent to the extreme...
Torao: They're even jumping on the hood, without a care in the world.  
Toma: ...Enough is enough! I'm gonna stop them!
Toma: Hey, eviluffs! Cut it out! There's no reason for you to do that!
Toma Eviluff: Iii..!? ...Iiii!
Haruka Eviluff: Iii! ...Iiiii!
Haruka Eviluff: Shut up, luff! We're not gonna listen to you noobs, luff!
Haruka: Huh? Who are you calling a noob?
Toma Eviluff: We ain't got time for you small fry, luff!
Minami Eviluff: These eviluff forms are so convenient, luff! We can use them to do so much bad stuff, luff!
Torao Eviluff: Stop getting in the way of our chaos, luff! Go home, losers!
Minami: They don't seem to be taking us seriously. They can't seriously expect us to be provoked by that, do they?
Toma: Just you wait, eviluffs! We'll kick your asses!
Haruka: Hmph! We'll pulverize you!
Torao: Well, some of us clearly got provoked.
Minami: Goodness...
Minami: If we challenge them now, we're likely to end up losing miserably.
Torao: Haha. That's true, but maybe getting right in their face will actually work.
Toma Eviluff: You aren't gonna obey, luff?
Toma: Nope, and we'll beat you in the next car race!
Toma: When we do, you'll have to stop doing bad stuff and listen to us!
Haruka Eviluff: No way are we gonna lose, luff! You idiots, luff!
Torao Eviluff: When we're done with you, you'll be the laughingstocks of the whole galaxy, luff!
Minami Eviluff: Go ahead, make a fool out of yourselves by racing with a crappy car, luff!
Minami: Hehe, hehehe... A crappy car, you say? You really don't know who you're talking to.
Haruka: Minami's... laughing...
Toma: Oh, looks like we're not the only ones who got worked up!
Minami: I suppose we'll just have to crush them thoroughly.
Toma: Uh, sure... You do realize we just gotta make them stop, right..?
Haruka: Remind me not to piss Minami off like, ever...
Torao: How much time do we have before the race?
Brown Cotton: <The preliminaries begin tomorrow. Teams that win the preliminaries can race in the finals.>
Brown Cotton: <We will have to race by next sundown.>
Torao: That's less than I thought. We don't have time to make a car from scratch.
Torao: We'll have to fix up one of the wrecked ones...
Minami: Yes, that sounds like the best course of action. If all of us work together, we can repair a car more quickly.
Toma: Okay, me and Torao will find working parts.
Torao: Yep.
Haruka: We'll design the car.
Minami: Yes. Let's get started. 
To be continued...
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Not a request, because I see a lot of people aren’t respecting that and I’m sorry, instead could you do an ask for NSFW headcanons you have for Ernesto De la Cruz from Coco? Please and thanks, and I LOVE your Tumblr!
Asks aren't full headcanon sets just so you know ^^ Its just whatever crappy nonsense I come up with when I read your ask haha XD Thank you for respecting me! ^^
I kinda touched on this in another ask, when I was asked what various DV's have going on in their pants, but I've wanted to expand since then so thank you for the opportunity!:
Ernesto's favourite thing, is to get his cock sucked. Like, even the other most perverted and rude Disney Villains appreciate penetration (Which benefits you, as well), but Ernesto? No no, he's not big on foreplay and he knows his cock is under average size (Which embarrasses him when it comes to actually fucking a person)- but you know what's good for him that doesn't involve either of those things? Blow jobs.
Oh boy, does he love them- and he's a selfish lover, so enjoy having your mouth full a lot of the time.
There are times, though, of course where you get to cum by his hand... but of course, these times benefit him, too.
By that I mean its when you absolutely should not be squirming in your seat. See, he has strong guitar-playing fingers with callouses at the pads and all (In human form- in skeleton form though obviously its a different feeling. The monster fucker in me is still saying its great though), so he gives really great hand jobs... and he loves to do that under tables at restaurants, and just generally- in public. The bastard is just sittin there beside you, smirking but otherwise the picture of confidence as usual, while unknown to everyone around him his fingers are every so gently, slowly bringing you to your release. Then stopping as soon as you're about to blow, and waiting for you to calm down again... then starting all over again.
He also loves to receive LOTS of praise, and give lots of degradation- except for rare times where he's feeling extremely lucky to have you and he just ahs so many wonderful things to say about you. Its these times where he actually fucks you, too.
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levidalevida · 4 years
✨get to know me tag game ✨
Thank you for the tag, you magnificent human @leo-probably​ 💜
I’m tagging @treefrog203​ , @iwannabeyourhoney​ , @whattadragg​ + anyone else that would like to do this :’)
What do you prefer to be called name-wise? I’m ok w both Lex & Lexi ! 
When is your birthday? August 7th
Where do you live? Canada 🇨🇦 
Three things you are doing right now: not including my lil tumblr break; watching s4 of haikyuu, smoking weed, eating chips ✨health✨
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest? 1. Haikyuu! hence why I’ve gotten so hooked and am trying to binge s4 so I can get on the manga asap 🥵 2. BNHA, most of my tl posts about it and I just really wanna watch it!! 3. Kinda been flakey w keeping up w AOT over the years, so since its back now w s4, I wanna binge the series & catch up heh
How has the pandemic been treating you? meme? meme.
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A song you can't stop listening to right now? Comedown by Taska Black
How old are you? 22!
School, university, occupation, other? I graduated from college in 2018! Currently working in the fashion industry full time!
Do you prefer heat or cold? Cold for sure!
Name one fact others may not know about you: I used to play tennis when I was younger and competed in a youth tournament when I was like 12 (or 13 idr) 
Are you shy? Mostly no! But it depends lol
Pronouns? She/her
Biggest pet peeves? Malicious, underhanded compliments that are in my opinion literally worse than insults. Also, people who feel the need to minimize your feelings, achievements to make themselves feel superior. Grinds my fucking gears LOOOL
What is your favorite "dere" type? o pls no, I don't even know how to answer this so I will just pass hahaha
Rate your life from 1-10, one being crappy and 10 being the best it could be: A 4-5? I would rate it lower, but I got a roof over my head and a job during a pandemic, so things defs could be worse for me. 
What's your main blog? This is it! 
List your side blogs and what they're used for: No side blogs haha, I used to run an edgy/indie/skater girl blog back in 2013-2014 (djflksdajkjes) but that's all done & deleted now hahahah
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends? I’m the blah blah friend, I will not shut up and if you ever dare get my lightweight ass drunk at a karaoke I will be serenading you love songs from the early to mid 2000s, sorry 
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heelstylerollins · 4 years
twenty questions
Tagged by the lovely @junglecassidy yes you are lovely
what do you prefer to be called name-wise ?
just Kaley, i mean idk even if you just call me heelstylerollins it's good haha
when is your birthday ?
july 7th
where do you live ?
parts unknown, somewhere over on Mexico, im not saying were
three things you're doing right now ?
watching “wwe day of hell in a cell” and i’m supposed to be writing and listening to music
four fandoms that have peaked your interest
ummm wrestling has been my main obsession for a LONG time but i will say i love (and i feel kinda basic saying this) Marvel and Star Wars, and i also really love Avatar: The Last Airbender, i became a fan much later than most, growing up i only liked X-men, Power Rangers and then wrestling, i saw Star Wars and ATLA like 3 years ago.
how has the pandemic been treating you ?
well i’m really asocial so it’s not a problem in that regard, but work wise i stayed at home for two months but i have been working for the most part of the year.
a song you can't stop listening to right now ?
to clarify, i’m not into kpop but i’ve had BTS’s Dynamite stuck in my head
recommend a movie
i forget everything when people ask me stuff ... umm Shazam from DC yep its a fun movie go watch it
how old are you ?
school, university, occupation, other ?
i did school leave me alone lol i work at a music store and no i'm not a musician, i’ve said it before but i wish i would have the courage and i wish my neck didn’t hurt so i could be a wrestler because i’m stuck obsessed with this thing.
i’ll say it until it’s true, i want to be a published autor.
do you prefer heat or cold ?
where i live it's a very hot area, im not kidding when i say we call it ‘Fire Nation’ so i like cold weather but not REALLY cold
name one fact others may not know about you
i hate dressing up, i only own t-shirts, jeans and sneakers and i don’t really use makeup.
if it were up to me i would go to work with my pjs
are you shy ?
yes i’ve struggled all my life with it, but like i'm also very quiet and if i don’t have anything to say i don’t talk and people didn’t like that and made me feel bad for not talking, it took me a long time to be comfortable enough to small talk and now im good at it, doesn’t mean i want to tho
preferred pronouns
biggest pet peeves ?
people talking over me, like if you shut up for i second i might say what i need to say?
what is your favorite "dere" type ?
i read it's something about anime idk i don’t care lol
rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy, 10 being the best it could be
id said like an 8
what's your main blog ?
this is it man, been here since 2014 i think
list your side blogs and what they're used for
i’m on @heelstylerollinswriting ​ for fics and @theocassidy making gifs and edits for OC and BF
is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends ?
if you want to talk to me you can, i will be happy to talk and i know i sound friendly but i’m really bad at conversations, so i’m sorry if i leave you mid way?
also if you want me to talk ask me about wrestling like literally it's the only thing i know about
Tagging @wxstethenxght @flawlessglamazon @your-darkdiva
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atopearth · 4 years
Tales of Crestoria Part 3 - Growing from Mistakes (Ch 3-5)
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Anyway, about time Kanata and Misella got captured by Aegis and Leon? Haha. As for Aegis' close relationship with Queen Rebecca? Nope, that's just spelling disaster man. Aegis is probably as naive as Kanata if he thinks that this is okay, because even if he knows so, people don't, and it doesn't help that the Queen personally visits him a lot. He's pretty silly and innocent to think that him being her confidant is okay when she's supposed to have the king and many other people to rely on. It definitely doesn't help that she does all this so publicly. Btw, since we haven't seen Leon much, and this was probably the first time I heard him talk so much, I finally confirmed that his VA is definitely Midorikawa Hikaru! Tamahome (Fushigi Yuugi) brings back all my memories! I also loved him as Yoshino Yuusuke (Clannad), yes, he is one of my favourite VAs too, so I'm glad I have his SSR! Anyway, I'm not sure why he's so adamant on capturing Vicious since it doesn't seem like a justice thing like it is for Aegis but I do appreciate how kind Leon is to be concerned over Aegis and want to watch out for him.
 LMAO at the prisoners feeling like they're being disrespected because Kanata and Misella kept talking and ignoring them, and then when they do talk to them, Kanata says nice to meet you like they're at a party or something hahahah. Nice to see that Rebecca isn't just a damsel in distress and actually has been actively finding a way to escape from the kingdom. Not surprised though, she's young, kind and beautiful, whereas the king is so old and definitely evil lol. I feel sorry for her that she got dragged into becoming queen just because the king loved her beauty. Like dang though, she was a rural farm girl and he was able to find her? That would suck. Or I wonder if he goes around looking for beautiful women lol. Okay, he does lol, he even finds beautiful men, eugh. It's nice to know that Rebecca was once pretty naive though and thought that everything would be like a dream come true since the king proposed to her, and it was only after she married him that she realised how crappy her life could become. To be fair though, at least she's still in his good favours as a queen and didn't get demoted into servant or something after he finished playing with her. I guess her maintaining her beauty helped lol. I feel sorry for Rebecca, I really wanted her to live even if she was kinda delusional and hopeful that Aegis loved her. Kinda silly how the king could appear so suddenly in the sewers though, like how did he catch up to them so fast and how did they not notice lol. Anyway, I feel sorry for Aegis the most. He didn't even kill anyone but he's been framed for trying to elope with Rebecca and then killing her when she became a liability. At least for Kanata, he really did kill his father. In this case, Aegis is completely innocent. He's such a kind and righteous soul that wanted the best for his kingdom too. It's so saddening. Leon to the rescue! I'm happy that Leon prioritises Aegis over disgust at having to ally with Vicious since he seems to hold a grudge against him or something. It seems like Leon is really strong! Ooh, Yuna saves the day with her boat? Good to know she's the informant that Vicious frequently deals with. Her manner of speaking is interesting yet annoying though lol. Anyway, kinda cool that this Ivis person was able to create the Nation of Sin whilst forming a barrier that protects it from the outside world, and even preventing people without the Stain of Guilt from being able to enter the place or even see it. It seems like they really wanted to create a safe haven for all these people. It's funny that Vicious calls it a boring place, but I guess it's understandable lol, in any case though, I'm not surprised it's a boring and peaceful place. With all the chaos that comes with being a transgressor, what makes Vicious think they'd be crazy here? Lol. I mean, if they were, I'm sure they'd get kicked out lol.
Lmao, even though Aegis is getting kinda annoying with the transgressor this and transgressor that (his situation is understandable though, so I don't really blame him), I love how Kanata just drags him along, and Vicious just wants Aegis to remember that he is a transgressor now too lol. It was heartbreaking when Aegis finally kinda opened up and talked about how his parents were poor but did their best to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight, so in order to repay them, he worked hard to become a righteous knight, yet that all backfired on him when he lost everything and he's even being helped by the people he stubbornly believed to be the worst and has even become one of them, it's just pretty depressing. It was nice to see that the warmth of the transgressors' stew really got to Aegis. I'm happy to see Aegis fight for these defenceless transgressors that are getting massacred by the little girl (who is the culmination of the thoughts of condemnation etc) and her army of enforcers. I'm kinda surprised all the transgressors died though, like, did no one think it was possible that they might get attacked one day and prepared for that? I doubt not having a blood sin is an excuse too, since Aegis fended at least some of them off without it. Oh well, at least the little furry creature survived hahaha. Maybe we'll get an SSR version of the furry thing one day if it evolves into something strong🤣 I guess it's good that they've resolved themselves to fight against the world and the vision orbs instead of just hiding away now though. Lmao at Misella naming the little creature after meat, I guess Meakyu is a kindaaaa cute name.
Omggg it's Luke!! I love him. He's so spoiled and whiny, but it's hilarious. Lmaooo when Luke said Misella should sell her dress so that they would have money to hire a carriage and Kanata said if they sell it, she'd be naked and that would be awesome LOL. Priorities, Kanata. Omgg, I didn't expect them to have Luke once again make an irrevocable mistake that would cause innocent people and their town to be destroyed... But, like Vicious said, the biggest problem lies with the Senegal guy who knew what kind of guy Luke was and lied to him that the "monster" needed to be defeated when it was actually keeping the mountain intact and safe with its' mana. Wow, Senegal is so ruthlessly cruel... I can't believe he even killed the Southvein people who were able to evacuate from the landslide and survive. Not too surprising since they interfered with his mining but still crazy. Even more crazy that his fabricated lie is that he had no choice but to decimate the town because he sent Luke as a peace envoy and Luke ended up killing one of the residents in self defence (due to their hatred of Northmine people), like excuse you?? Is no one going to investigate the landslide and other stuff? Or are they so powerful that they can block people from going there? Btw, so nice to see Jade!! I guess the reason why Misella has been thinking that Kanata isn't really "Kanata-like" is because instead of advocating for his sort of belief in justice, he is now instead taking things into his own hands to punish others that he thinks "deserves" it. Not saying he's wrong since people like Senegal probably do deserve it, but in a sense, it just kinda becomes the idea that instead of the vision orbs doing the condemnations, now Kanata is doing them, and really, is this how justice is supposed to be, and really, can they save the world like this? Since really, because of their belief in their own views, they ended up killing the guardian spirit of the mountain to save Luke, like yeah, they had "no choice", but was it really like that, or did they just not think of other methods to prevent stuff like this from happening? Have they kinda become used to the idea that they should just solve everything with the violence and condemnation that they were dealt with?
I'm kinda happy to see that everyone is helping out Luke in wanting him to find his own path after the sins he committed, causing so many deaths even if he didn't intend it. Aegis is right, Luke's higher position makes him even more responsible for his lack of knowledge and his naivety, so it would be nice for him to face his sins and grow as a person. Well, I guess rather than it being something nice, he really needs to grow up and understand that his decisions can really change lives. But, I think that with Jade and Asbel there to guide him, he'll be good as long as he tries. Lmao at their great idea of earning money, I'm not sure if Kanata, Misella and Aegis could win prize money as a theatre troupe lol. It's funny how Misella thought Aegis wanted her spot as the heroine when they haven't even decided on what to do lol. Penelope must be dying from how bad Kanata and them are loll, although she does seem to be literally dying too. Anyway, nice to see that Yuna vows to not use her vision orb and instead tries her best to uncover all the facts and the whole story (as the journalist she is) with all the evidence she can gather to piece everything together rather than relying on a vision orb to do things when it only shows one side of things. 
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On the other hand, it's nice to see that Kanata and them have realised the existence of the crazy researcher Malcolm experimenting placing human souls in monsters and the other way around. It seems that he was the one who made Emil share his body with Ratatosk now. I guess Kanata will definitely meet up with Cress again one day then (since Cress is adventuring with Mint, Emil/Ratatosk and Marta to prevent people like Cress' master and Emil's situation from happening again). Forgot to mention, but it was really cool seeing Lloyd and Colette! Well, it was kinda obvious that Penelope was dying, but it was nice to know that the reason Yuna is deterred from using her vision orb is kinda similar to Farah. Yuna used it on Penelope's mother to show her physically abusing Penelope as a child when she made mistakes in training to be the best actress, and although it's definitely terrible to allow something like that to go on, it's also true that Yuna hurt Penelope a lot by using the vision orb on her mother and having her condemned to death. As she said, there were definitely other ways to handle the situation, but because everyone from the moment they are born have been ingrained with the idea of the vision orb, everyone decides to solve their problems by using it instead of thinking about other ways. They probably think it's a hassle to deal with problems any other way when you can so easily record it and have other people help make the judgement on what to do instead of thinking for yourself on what other things you can do to rectify the situation. But yeah, I'm sure Penelope doesn't really blame Yuna, since really, her mum was abusive and Yuna wanted to protect her.
Omgg their pirate costumes are so cuteee! Especially Misella's! Love it! Meakyu's is pretty hilarious lolll. It was a pretty cool idea to pretend the pirate raid was actually their stage play that was a part of the festival. It wouldn't have been cool if the pirates were actually stronger than them though hahaha, but all's well ends well. It's pretty silly but funny how Vicious was the one who lured them all here to chase some made up treasure just because he wanted to steal a ship from the pirates lolll. He's so drastic, I love it. Awww, Patty and Chat are so cute~ I love how the townspeople dragged them away to treat them to food for their "good show" against the pirates haha. Honestly, I know Yuna meant well and everything by telling people that Penelope's performance sucked and that they should look forward to her next one instead because she knew how dissatisfied Penelope was with it and how much she would want to stand up again to rectify how bad this one was, but really, Yuna (and the party) are the only ones that know Penelope's true feelings. So really, it's hard for people to not dislike her for saying such "disrespectful" things about Penelope's "last performance" especially as a close friend. As for the condemnation towards her, really, it's just a bunch of petty people everywhere that don't like her journalist articles lol, but it is rather interesting that you can be condemned for something like this. It really shows how the importance doesn't lie in the gravity of the crime, the vision orb is just a depraved way of wish fulfillment for those who abuse it to get rid of people they don't like. I like how Vicious helped Yuna come to terms that what she said wasn't wrong, because she knew that praising her crappy performance was the biggest insult to Penelope, and really, these people have no right to condemn her for what she thinks just because they think that Penelope is dying so no one should say such things. They didn't even bother listening to why she said it and I'm sure they knew what she said was right anyway but were just too spiteful and self absorbed to care since it was their best "legitimate" opportunity to get rid of her. The only good thing out of all this is that for once, there were actually other people next to these crazy people that were trying to tell them that it was unreasonable and possibly a misunderstanding and that they shouldn't be too hasty to condemn Yuna like that, which is a first that I very welcomed. I mean, it honestly felt like these people used their brains for once compared to the villagers in the previous chapters. Maybe you could warrant it as the difference between countryside villages and city towns, but whatever it is, it's nice to see that the story is at least veering a bit away from "every person aside from the Tales characters are either dumb, crazy or evil". 
Anyway, nice end to the chapter as Kanata further resolves himself to change the world and Yuna will accompany them as their "pen" since "swords" can't resolve everything. The only sad part is that I used my gleamstones to draw but still couldn't get SSR Yuna, but at least I got an SSR Aegis loll. Overall, I do look forward to the next chapters and characters. I mean, Eizen (the guy who got annoyed at Vicious for using Aifread's name to lure the crappy pirates here) looked pretty cool and I would totally draw for him if he got an SSR. He'd probably fit in well with my team of beautiful boys LOL. He seemed like a best boy for some people, so I guess I'll look forward to if he'll have more appearances soon! Otherwise, I would like to see Tear, Natalia and Guy (outside of the recent event)!
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lampmeeting · 4 years
since i can now do this ldsfk 1-Metalocalypse (obvi) and 2 Chickles back at you :3
oh HELL yeah *rubs hands together* okay this’ll be long so i’ll do a cut
Favorite character: PICKLESSSSS
Least Favorite character: everyone says rockso and like I GET IT he’s revolting, but my ultimate least-fave is toki’s dad. fuck that old man.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): CHICKLES, HAMMERTOOTH, uhhhh (what else is there?? i’m kidding) nathan/abigail, charles/magnus, nathan/toki
Character I find most attractive: oh fuck don’t do this to me. i have too many types!! i can’t pick! fuck. i’m just gonna say charles. even though it’s magnus. wait. no. it’s pickles. charles. toki. fuck. magnus. i can’t do it dfkgjhf
Character I would marry: realistically?? like, i would say charles but unless i’m a member of dethklok i’m gonna be getting like .02% of that man’s time. honestly i would pick toki or nathan. toki would be so sweet and attentive, all the huggings and kissings, awww. nathan i feel would be the same, but only in private. you gotta kinda work on him a lil bit haha.
Character I would be best friends with: my heart says pickles but my soul says murderface. i would FOR SURE laugh at one of his off-hand under-his-breath comments because that’s just what i do, i fucking laugh at everything, and he’d be like OH? someone thinks i’m funny?? and then my life would never know peace (in a good way)
A random thought: i wanna hear all the dethklok albums from before the show started. like that album where their abs were airbrushed, wtf did that sound like?
An unpopular opinion: season 4 was good. :O i feel like i hear the sentiment from quite a few people that season 4 on the whole was bad. i love all the seasons equally actually.
My Canon OTP: CHICKLES. may i present to the court, exhibit A *points to my icon* (shhh no, let me dream)
My Non-canon OTP: toki/magnus :’) i think this is just about as non-canon as you can get, really. but the heart wants what it wants.
Most Badass Character: DEFINITELY charles.
Most Epic Villain: sorry, mags... salacia.
Pairing I am not a fan of: i think i’m willing to at least entertain most any ship. i’ve read some interesting things for sure. i draw the line at seth/pickles though (i’m glad that doesn’t really seem to exist anymore? it was around more back in the day).
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): aside from magnus and abigail, who both needed WAY more screen time?? i would say dr rockso in a sense. he was sort of that kooky rascal you wave your finger at when he gets in trouble, and then they had to go and do the whole dory mclean thing. and i get the point of the episode, but after that i wasn’t rooting for rockso anymore and he kinda became more of this sinister kinda figure? i dunno. i think that whole angle could’ve been done away with and it would’ve been a lot better. also him trying to fucking drown toki in the christmas episode. 8( ouch, man.
Favourite Friendship: probably nathan and pickles, since they’re the lynchpin of the whole outfit.
Character I most identify with: pickles with some toki on the side. :’) ahhh.
Character I wish I could be: i wanna be that girl that nathan was dating for a while, the one the boys end up befriending and playing scrabble with. i want to be their friiiiiiiiiend
When I started shipping them: WELL....okay so i actually just went back and looked at my old deviantart account and the first drawing i did of them (yes i’m linking to 14-year-old art pls don’t judge me) was on Oct. 18, 2006, so like...the dethfam episode hadn’t even aired yet. god damn. there was someone in the sausage festival livejournal community who had drawn the two of them, and then i fucking went ravenous for it real quick and it became like the only thing i drew for months hahaha. i had been nickles up until then. :O
My thoughts: MY THOUGHTS??? this is so vague. i have many thoughts. uh, for one? they’re perfect together? the straight-laced workaholic and the lazy degenerate? yes please, gimme. they’re like yin and yang, opposites attracting. and yet i feel like, once they get past that, they realize they’re both so similar at their cores. and pickles helps charles loosen up, and charles gives pickles some structure. they both give each other someone to lean on when shit gets bad. pickles can be a surprisingly good caretaker when he wants to be. :’)
What makes me happy about them: everything?? i really don’t know how to adequately describe just how much i love them and just how much that means hahah... you ever ship something for 14 years?? i know some of y’all have. it gets in your blood. that’s like over a third of my life right there. not to be dramatic or anything hahaha but they’re important to me. that ship helped get me through some rough months back when i lived alone in a crappy apartment, and it’s hilarious to me that i’m getting back into it hardcore like i was back then considering everything that’s going on right now, just current events-wise and personal stuff-wise.
What makes me sad about them: god damn, anything about those 9 months charles spent “dead”. anything post-doomstar. anything snakes ‘n barrels where they’re together for a short time and then never see each other until charles becomes dethklok’s manager. pickles pining after him for like a decade after the band forms. or charles pining, having to watch pickles party and do drunks and sleep around. or BOTH of them pining and not realizing it, or REALIZING IT and not acting on it because what if it hurt the band somehow? maybe charles wouldn’t want to jeopardize it but pickles would be okay with it, and charles would have to be the one to say no. ahhhhhhhHHHHHH
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: oof, i agree with you here, Ash. i’ve read a couple fics where, like, the bdsm aspect wasn’t even fun. i probably know the exact fic that left a bad taste in your mouth because there’s one specific one i’m thinking of that left a bad taste in mine (actually two...). like i had to actually get up from the computer and go do dishes hahah... uck. but yeah. don’t like charles being abusive to pickles. i think pickles does like some punishment from time to time, and he definitely has some daddy issues. but i don’t want it to get fucking sinister haha y’know? pickles, at his heart, is a good-times guy. he likes good feelings. he wants to feel nice. and charles, at HIS heart, is all about service.
Things I look for in fanfic: are they in love or just hooking up?? i mean i’ll take either at the end of the day, but i’m a romantic and i need the love, i crave it.
My wishlist: give to me all the fics about snakes n’ barrels chickles. how i haven’t written one baffles me (though i did have that huge plot write-up from months back haha...i should turn that into a real fic sometime). would also love a huge fic about their marriage, complete with canon-typical buffoonery. fics about them retiring together. ;0; fics about them just having nice peaceful moments. literally just.....any fic haha...
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: my soul literally begins to shatter apart if i consider them ultimately ending up with anyone else hahaha... other relationships can come and go, but at the end of the line i need those boys to be together. <3
My happily ever after for them: after galaktikon II, dethklok has kinda run its course. the band uses their near-infinite resources to help rebuild the earth. shortly after, it’s pickles who proposes in a surprising turn of events. shaken after the battle, he doesn’t wanna waste any more time. they get married barefoot on the beach probably in like fiji or something (pickles’ idea) with friends and family present (the okay ones haha, also magnus is there with toki because this is my dream, damnit). pickles has white flowers in his dreads in lieu of a bouquet. T~T everything goes well, no one crashes the wedding. they have a lovely honeymoon there when everyone else leaves. pickles says he’s decided to retire from music, but it’s not long before he’s working feverishly on new music in the home studio at their new place. some real expansive stuff. he’s kinda doing it as a weird therapy, coming to terms with some stuff. he never gets clean but he’s not using drugs and alcohol as a band-aid for his problems quite so much anymore. charles retires from managing bands (he doesn’t have the heart for it if it’s not dethklok) and ends up doing the adjunct professor thing whenever he gets bored. but he practices guitar a lot, pickles teaching him some advanced stuff, they jam together sometimes. he takes up sailing because it’s something he’s always wanted to do but never had time for. after pickles releases his first solo album, charles takes him on a long, romantic sailing trip. everything is perfect, everything’s gonna be good forever. 8′) forever. the end.
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sikereviewdotcom · 5 years
wilfred (2011) - season 1 ep1 “happiness” review
ok so today were reviewing fucking "wilfred" basically its a story about a depressed guy who tried to kill himself but he failed because hes a pushover in life and even suicide is mocking him yea jk actually his sis prescribed him placebo so the meds he used in his suicide attempt were useless yada yada
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then he sees his neighbours (on who he tots have the hots for) dog as a man and hes like lol wtf why is there a furry standing in my yard? im not into dogplay dudette, please dont do this to me ah-
unfortunately for him the chick, on the next day asks to take care of her dog meanwhile because idk shit happens in her house? and she has to work? yea something like that so anyway he accepts because hes into her and out of it aswell more out of it than anything tho
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our man, ryan is pretty disturbed but it happens anyway he has NO control over his life so why would he have control on  a dog fursuit wearing 40 yo man? yea exactly wouldnt make sense
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wilfred enters his house and smoke a damn bong thats right, a very efficient way to introduce what kind of character were up against see, jason gann has the perfect face for such character looking all dirty in that suit with a big ass black painted dog nose you gotta think "that dawgs up to no good" and youd be damn right keep reading to discover why so basically nm happens in this episode if it isnt the setting of all the shit because well ryan has a lot of issues and its gonna get worse you cant believe this dog is gonna make things better for ryan not really hes just scamming the loser with cheap tricks and drugs
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btw after (trying) to vape or w/e with wilfred, the man falls asleep, wakes up because his sis whos a bitch, remember her
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its important to spot whos a bitch in each show ill be reviewing its pretty easy to balance whos the antagonist and who isnt although it often is much more complexe than that which is why im here making it all very easy and very interesting, aside from lost cases like the magic school bus i cant make that shit any worse nor TOO better like i have limited power my reviews are sike but some shows are just nah back to our whipped cream: ryans depression: he is jobless ok? so his sis is mad that he doesnt make the effort to come work and do what he has to also he used to be a lawyer btw because his father wanted him to be and then his father died and he lost his job and he hated being a lawyer so w/e but he also seemingly lost all reasons to live and redacted more than one suicide letter so im not sure what to think about it he was really eager to die yknow his sis couldnt care less tho its like "yo stop ruining my image im trynna get you a job in my hospital fuckface" yea see that why shes an inconsiderate bitch
so instead of going to work because of wilfred, ryan takes him for a while btw that vermin also tries to get elijah (the actor playing ryan is elijah wood obvs btw so this series already gets 5 points to begin with i dont make the rules) to throw a tennis ball and dont forget this ball ok? its gonna come back and start a whole drama its the beginning of our adventure a ball
next theyre in a restauration thing eating chips and drinking a beer together dog and his friend then the waitress comes and
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happens the tiddies eating, it almost one fucking minute im sure we could all feel the embarassement of having your animal rubbing its balls and penis against your friend whos over for the nights leg in the middle of spring and youre just trying to get it back but wow the hormones are hitting it hard its like a cleaning robot vibrating on a grandma whos cardiacs chest and you trynna take that little asshole away but for some reason its rubbed in olive oil so not only does it reeks of olive, its also slippery as heck and you can see your grandma spasmming on her soon-to-be deathbed, she has spasms for god sake no the robot no someone stop it from stimulating the old ladys torso ah shit marguerite died after drowning in her drooling 
not even died of an heart attack nah, it was such a messy death she suffered so much no one could do anything its like the robot was sentient yknow and well same goes for wilfred hes making it on purpose but uses the excuse : he likes the boobs it nothing personal, ryan
w/e they leave after paying (not for the side tits tho, it was a freebie for dogs) after that shit happens (i wont spoil you EVERYTHING, im just painting a pic here ok?) at this point you could wonder "is wilfred being a dick on purpose or its just about said instincts? how much percentage of his behavior is actually dog and how much is ryans mind (the guy is deranged  there is no denying that but how much? )) whats sure is that his owner likes her dog vm and hes maining that chick
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good for him? but it also happens that before that, elijah just threw the ball above the gate and into his much less friendly neighbour because he was sick of the dog asking to throw it and so yea, there is a tension between ryan and wilfred not any kind of tension, exactly the kind of elija x reader fanfic i wanted to read except pov: im a canine furry and i smoke weed on a daily basis and im a jackass
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theyre almost breaking up someone does something about it i was seriously getting into it wow oh no fuck look at me tearing one or two here
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rip their new born bromance? or... is it all there is to it? well see no obviously its the problem we were waiting for because when our fella enters back home and idk whatever else happens its night and his sister comes home and she goes all "lol actually i gave you placebo itd be dangerous otherwise you numbfuck" but shes quickly muted once our man notices his dog friend in his yard... its time for a reunion a heart to heart conversation to proceed so he has to ditch his sis which he casually does bros before hoes
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its again about the ball which HE WILL go and fetch by passing over the fence to get in neighbours yard but damn it cant be just that? wouldnt it make a lame crappy story? we need some actions, we got the tits, the beer, no job, delinquency has no limit so fuck it says the dog as he smashes the window and enters the bikers house because he SMELLS (like he smells the shit streaks you have on your pants) the weed, ryan is like "no fuck bro no shit fuck ah-" then sees the damn weed which they steal ok? hes really a pushover he has not got the right idea of stopping being one because thats what his new friends supposed to be here for yknow trynna get his loser into a winner, that lil camper gotta level up his game, go get into the business of life barging in kicking the door to enter, no shame nor hesitation were trying to make him STEP UP for HIMSELF but guess what? ill tell you later or itd be a spoil in a spoil surely a bad paradoxal medium w/e business going on blablabla theyre up to no good thats for sure as sure as how much ryans actually enjoy this the mans into this pee slash poop affair:
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spoiler alert: he does it and
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im just quoting him here : he never felt more alive nor glad to be so i guess thats whats life about shitting in peoples affair, stealing weed plants and quitting your job on your first day (you havent showed up tho so w/e you never really worked in that place no one knows you its all good you can get back in that place looking innocent and smiling with your broken ribs "yea nah i never had a job here and ditched yall huh" thats foxy of him kinda but not really since he had no intention back then to do anything for himself it was all strings pulled by a fucking dog hilarious really im having a kick haha no
so what next? theyre best friends? man and dog, a wonderful friendship happens he has no more family to support him but HE HAS A DOG guys he was so into it im feeling sorry for this hobot-to-be schizophrenic man
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i wont spoil you but trust me when i say not to trust a furry who eats tits on your first date
in conclusion: it was a pretty decent first episode ill update my final thoughts on the first season once im done watching it but so far its recommandable the camera work is pretty cool like its not just thoughtless filming we actually have a nice feel to it, the setting of the series is esthetically pleasing you get nice colors and it aint boring, its not like a FRIENDS episode yknow? dawg i dislike how boring it looks filming wise for start but damn i aint reviewing FRIENDS rn so next, the comedy? after all its a comedy genre series not a drama, idk if id review an actual depressive show on here thatd bum the vibe out ok? i know im making all my revs awesome w/e it is that i choose to rate and comment but still im serving you a plate of my finest sheez not any fizzle in the mizzle ok?
anyway yea the humor aint bad, i havent laughed my ass of but i did find it amusing to watch the jokes may actually kick in in the second episode ill have to update this rev alright? just hang on to your balls peeps this fam will serve in due time
rating: 7,5/10 scenery/camera work 7/10 comedy 8/10 interest/entertaining points total: 7,5/10 for a first episode is fine enough to be recommanded, like a "give it a chance" sorta case yknow isnt the most hilarious show youll watch but its fine especially if youre into homoromantic tension between a furry and elijah wood 
tg, out
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subasekabang · 5 years
Long Dream –Live Remix– (A Side)
Title: Long Dream –Live Remix– (A Side)
Rating: T
Word Count: 7598 total, 3758 this chapter
Characters: Coco, Joshua, Neku, Beat, OMC, OFC
Warnings: Major character death
Summary: Her Magnum Opus nears completion, and as her audience approaches, she hurriedly arranges one final rehearsal.  Elaboration on a pet theory of mine, built out of Final Remix spoilers.
Every day streets are crowded with people
Every night streets are jammed with these noises
Things are so strange, are they real or a dream?
Where am I now, trapped in this city of illusion?
Neku surveyed his surroundings.  It didn’t take him long to recognize them.
“This is Cat Street…”
“Yo, finally!” Beat said, running a few steps ahead.  “We can get outta Shibuya from here!  I’m so ready to be done with this crappy Game!”
Neku looked up the street, murmuring, “Unless the way ahead has been rearranged too…”
He tensed a bit as Coco stepped up behind him, the tiny Reaper saying, “No worries fam!  See, the way ahead looks, like, totez clear!  That super tough wall you guys just made it past must’ve been the last challenge!”
Neku’s eyes caught on the café just ahead.  Even in this situation, it still sparked a very complicated emotion in his heart.
“Yo, whatchu waitin’ for,” Beat said, “an engaged invitation?  Le’s go, man!”
Beat took off.  Neku followed at a slower pace, saying, “Hold on!  While we’re here, shouldn’t we ask Mr. H what’s going on?”
The other boy skidded to a halt.  “Huh?  You think the H-Man’s gonna tell us anything?”
“He might.  We have time to spare—it can’t hurt to ask.”
Coco made a face as she walked up next to him.  “Uuuuh, source?  That guy, like, oozes bad vibes.  You should totez just finish the Game!  That’s all that matters, yeah?”
Neku shook his head.  “I still want to know what’s going on.  Out of the people who might actually know, Mr. H is the only one with an address.  We might not get another chance.”
The Reaper rolled her eyes and shrugged.  “I mean, I guess, but like, why risk it?  The finish line is literally right in front of y’all—just cross it and end the Game.  Then if you still wanna talk to Coffee Weirdo, just walk right back in and do it then!  It’ll totez be less stressful once we’re off the clock!”
Beat nodded.  “Yeah, man!  We gotta get this over with either way.  Plus we might get an explanation jus’ for winnin’!  We’ll keep the H-Man as a back-up plan, aight?”
Neku crossed his arms.  “I still feel like this would be less risky.”
“Aw c’mon!” Coco said, skipping down the sidewalk.  “You srsly need to chill, Neku!  Let’s just finish the Game already.  Besidez…while we stand here chatting, the other Players are still fighting Noise and stuff.  Like, uh, Shiki?  Do it for her!”
“Right: Shiki and Rhyme is still out there, Phones!” Beat said.  “We gotta end the Game now!”
With a sigh, Neku grumbled, “…Alright, I guess we shouldn’t keep them waiting.  But soon as we’re done, I’m coming back to get answers.”
The three of them ran down Cat Street, with Coco trailing farther and farther behind.  Eventually she came to a stop, and just watched the boys continue with a wide grin on her face.
“Ugh, finally,” she said to herself.  “This pair was WAY more stubborn than the last, 7.8/10 too much effort.”
Neku noticed they had lost her just as he and Beat ran over the city limits.  The next thing he noticed was pain.  Intense, searing pain, like his entire body was on fire.  Judging by the way Beat had toppled over on the ground, the same thing was happening to him.  Neku fell to his knees as the agony worsened.
Coco slowly approached them, taking care to not actually cross the limits.  “This is fine!  All according to keikaku.  Congratz on winning the Reaper’s Game: Expert Mode!  Oh btw, keikaku means plan.”
Beat cried out suddenly.  Black and red flames consumed him, burning brightly for a few seconds before vanishing, leaving not even ashes in their wake.  Neku’s eyes widened in horror.
“What did you do to him?!” Neku demanded.
“Erased him, duh,” Coco said.  “Though technically wasn’t me, actually my baby that did it.”
“He needs loads of food to grow up big and strong.  I’ve tried, like, a gazillion different things, and the Soul of super tough Players like you two is what works the best by far!  ty so much!”
The pain only grew.  Neku screamed, doing all he could to endure it despite knowing he was failing.
Coco put a hand to her ear.  “Mmmm whatcha say?  Couldn’t make that out.”
It wasn’t long before the flames consumed Neku as well, and then he too was gone.  Coco put her hands on her hips and smiled.  The world around her shifted, wavering like a mirage until it all melted into one swirling void of bluish clouds.  Before her spawned a massive creature: a tapir with purple skin and six tusks, yellow tattoo-like protrusions in the shape of flames erupting all across its form.  Its red eyes focused squarely on Coco.
“Yay!  Look at you, you absolute unit!  You’re, like, so strong now you could body anyone!”
Coco threw herself onto the tapir’s trunk, hugging it tightly—the creature gave a guttural rumble in response.  She could sense its power increasing, and giggled happily as she took a step back.  The tapir lowered its head and nudged her gently.
“Okay, okay.”
Reaching up, she scratched the tapir’s trunk.  It tilted its head and squeaked.
“Aw, who’s a good boy?”
Coco hopped up to the top of its head, lying down so she could reach far enough to scratch behind its ear.  The tapir lifted its trunk and trumpeted happily, then floated up and down in place, jostling Coco only the smallest amount.
“Haha, very good, such cute, wow!”
Soon it settled down.  Coco propped up her head with one hand, continuing to slowly pet the tapir with the other, and let out a long sigh.
“Tapez my dude, I’m, like, so glad I have you.  ngl you’re kinda my bff.”
The tapir grunted, swinging its trunk slightly.  Coco swayed along.
“I dunno when it’s going down…but I’mma make sure you get through it.  You’re one of my peeps too now!  So it’s a legit promise!”
Coco extended her pinky.  The tapir inclined its head a little and flexed its claws.
“Oooooh right.  Well, still totez binding lol.”
She pressed her face against the tapir’s skin, letting her eyes close.
“Aaaaaah, we’re almost there, Tapez.  Should just need, like, another few rounds and you’ll be a prime example of the ideal Noise body!  Though tbh if the next pair is as annoying as this one, totez just gonna yeet them straight into your stomach.”
Her phone chimed.  She opened one eye to look at the screen, and then rolled onto her back and groaned loudly, kicking her legs about in frustration.
“Uuuugh for real?  Fine, whatevs.”  She paused to pet the tapir one more time.  “Sorry Tapez, I gotta bounce.  brb and then we’ll go find you some more treats!”
The tapir squeaked a farewell, and then Coco stood up and shut her eyes again.  Focusing her power, she elevated her Vibe and reached out with her mind to feel for the world she wanted to travel to; after so many times, it was easy for her, and in mere seconds she had concrete beneath her feet.  Opening her eyes, Coco looked up at the skyline of Shinjuku and smiled brightly.
I love my city tbh.
Feel the people, hear the voices
They are reaching out to catch you
Feel the rhythms, hear the noises
You are beating all the visions
Coco moved through the city at a slow pace.  Shinjuku was a travel hub, a place that was purely transient for most: each moment was fleeting, but each brought something new, something different, and that everlasting tumultuous tide of life fascinated Coco in a way nothing ever had before.  Each second was something wholly unique, and she never wanted to miss even one of them.  She spun around on a corner, taking it all in, and just laughed to herself.
“Having fun, Atarashi?”
Her good mood was spoiled instantly.  She grimaced over her shoulder to see Joshua standing there, looking every bit as smug as she remembered him.
“fml what are you even doing here Kiryu?” she asked, turning around and crossing her arms in a huff.  “Can’t you, like, take a hint?”
“Nice to see you too.”  He raised a hand to his chin.  “Hm.  I’m curious: why is it you hold onto your wings even in the RG?”
Gesturing to them, Coco said, “Aesthetic.”
“…And what aesthetic would that be, exactly?”
“fyi I’m headed to a super important meeting rn so unless you’re finally ready to fite me irl then I, like, don’t even want to hear it.”
Joshua chuckled and brushed aside a lock of hair, which only made him seem even more smug and made Coco even angrier.  “Stimulating as that has the potential to be, we’d both be in quite a bit of trouble with the folks upstairs if we were to have a skirmish.”
“Oooooh good point,” she said as she turned away.  “And I bet you’re, like, already in hot water after the way you went off.”
“Nothing to worry about on that front.  I’ve spoken with my Producer and he assures me the matter has been put to bed.  Things in Shibuya will be staying the way they are.”
Coco spun around.  “WTF?!  You two are out of trouble just like that?  I literally have no words!”
“Hm?  Why, I would assume your Producer has been apprised of the details as well.  Has he not passed them along to you yet?”
There was a short delay, and then Coco glanced aside and grumbled, “That must be why he sent me that txt…”
“I take it you’ve been too busy with your side project to stay on top of the paperwork.”
Coco locked eyes with Joshua.  He was still smug, that would never change, but now there was a deadly undercurrent to his words that demanded Coco’s attention.
“tf are you even talking about?” Coco asked.  “You really need to stay in your lane, Kiryu.”
“That’s rich, coming from you.”
“Well for starters, I know you’ve been poking around my city.”
“omg!  Tourism is a crime now?”
“Considering our circumstances I believe it falls more under ‘corporate espionage’.”
“It’s totez hilair to me that you consider the UG a corporation.”
“Setting that aside for the moment, there’s also the fact that you’ve been shirking your duties as Composer to jaunt off to an alarming number of parallel worlds as of late.”
Coco smirked.  “Aw, u just jelly I can travel between worlds without needing to call an Uber to get back.”
Joshua shrugged.  “I admit, it’s a skill I’ve yet to master—even my alternate selves seem to have difficulty with it.  One came to call on me recently, you know.  Said something about a bizarre Noise erasing two former Players in his world.”
Yawning loudly, Coco said, “Kiryu can I, like, get a tl;dr?”
Joshua’s face began to darken, the undercurrent gradually rising towards the surface.  “Well Atarashi, it certainly sounds like you’ve been attacking alternate Shibuyas.  If so, that’s something I believe qualifies as ‘in my lane’.  Wouldn’t you agree?”
Coco cackled.  “Pffft omg are u srs?  I am DECEASED y’all, the guy who just tried to wipe his whole city is acting protective up in this bitch!  lmaoooooo!”
Joshua stared hard at her.  “Coco, do think for a moment: how do you suppose the Higher Plane would react to this news?”
“What, are you, like, planning to tell them?  If you’ve got some proof then hmu.”
Joshua didn’t answer.
“lol that’s what I thought, smdh you better sit down Kiryu.  Even if I were, like, messing with parallel worlds or whatevs, why would the Higher Plane even care?  Angels from this world have no jurisdiction there.  It’s free real estate.”
Slowly, Joshua nodded.  “…Alright.  Perhaps you have a point.  Let’s leave the Higher Plane out of this hypothetical.  The only one you need to be concerned with…is me.”
The air suddenly felt very heavy.  Coco actually needed to remind herself to breathe, but she made sure her reaction wasn’t obvious.
“So, Atarashi.  Explain to me why you’ve been killing Neku in so many parallel worlds.  And, do try your best to make it a very good explanation.”
Coco brought her hands up to her face, twisting slightly away.  “lololol I’m confused.  Mad cuz I beat your record?  Or want to make sure I don’t off this world’s copy of Edge Head before you can tell him he’s worthy of your grace?  Honestly?  I ship it.”
Joshua paused.  “Neku himself isn’t the issue here.  But if you’re making a move into my territory—“
“Yeah yeah yeah, cuz you care, like, SO much about your territory!  I am SHOOK seeing you come in here acting like the authority on protecting your peeps!  I could learn so much about my job from watching you!”
“I’m feeling a bit of déjà vu.  I could have sworn I’ve already told you that a Composer’s job is simply to judge their people, and that it is only the existence and boundaries of their respective UG that require protection.”
Coco covered her mouth.  “omg!  Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?”  She dropped her hands and stuck out her tongue.  “jk obv you’re full of it.”
“I don’t see why I should need to divulge my motivations to you of all people,” Joshua mumbled, “but if you must know…I was under the impression that Shibuya was not worth keeping around.  Now that I’ve seen it still holds potential, I of course have every intention of preserving the seeds that I’ve sown.”
Coco scowled at him, but didn’t speak at first.  Nearly a minute passed before she said, “Then tbh?   I’m not your enemy.”
Joshua’s eyebrows went up.
“It’s, like, only a matter of time before a new kind of Game starts up Kiryu.  Their Game.  And I’m gonna be mad prepared when it does.  If you had literally a single brain cell you’d totez be doing the same thing.”
By the time she was done, Joshua’s eyes had narrowed down to a suspicious glare.  “Surely you’re not referring to the party I’m assuming?”
“Like, who else?”
Joshua stared down his nose at Coco as he considered his next move.  Coco grunted, drew out her phone, and checked her messages.
“My, you truly are impossible to figure out,” Joshua sighed.
Coco gave her best Clearly Fake Smile and replied, “Because you’re an expert at that lol.  I’m nothing compared to your galaxy brain.”
“I think I could do it if not for that absurd…shall we call it a dialect?”
“Uh, this is how people talk now?  Hello?  If you knew anything about people, then like, you’d already know that, but as always you have 0 friends so buh-bye.”
“…Hm.  And, exactly how many friends do you have, Atarashi?”
Coco frowned.
Joshua turned.  “But, alright.  If this is some plan to deal with the Inferno, then I’ll drop the matter for now.  But, one thing I’d like to make clear before I go.”  He took one last glance back at her, eyes full of ice.  “I will not tolerate any interference in this world’s Shibuya.”
He was off without another word.  Coco suppressed the urge to shudder, turning back to her phone and mumbling half-formed syllables as she made herself look busy.  She looked back up to be sure that he was gone, and then sighed and tucked her phone away, gazing over Shinjuku once more as she waited for the tension to leave her body.  It was immediately replaced by joy.
“omg whoops.  Rōjin is totez still waiting orz.”
Is it angels?  Is it devils?
Whispering in my ears
Is it emotions?  Is it illusions?
I need to be with you
Coco poked her head through the shrine’s gate.  Looking up the path, she could see a bald, tan-skinned man with a stoic face sitting at the building’s entrance, his eyes already locked onto her.  She flinched.
“Uuuuh what’s up gamers?” she blurted as she stumbled forward.  “I know I’m, like, totez late, but I have a tru legit reason for it, get a load of this!”
The man was Seiji Rōjin, owner of the shrine and also Shinjuku’s Producer.  He offered not a single word as Coco hurriedly explained her encounter with Joshua to him.  When she was done, he nodded and closed his eyes; Coco looked around awkwardly for a few seconds, and then took a seat next to him.
“You must leave your Opus be,” he ultimately said.
Coco started.  “Uh, excuse me?  Abandon all my hard work just because that nerd doesn’t want me near his bf?  I think the heck not!”
Rōjin opened his eyes to look at her.
“…Um?  Something else?”
“The Higher Plane demands a Game.”
Coco blinked.  Then she rolled back, digging her fingers into her scalp and shouting, “AAAAAAARGH, srsly?!  I know I haven’t held a Game in, like, forev, but can’t they just let me handle thingz down here?  Please say sike!”
Rōjin said nothing.  As she accepted the reality of the situation, Coco’s heart sank.
“But…Tapez…”  She groaned.  “…Is, like, a teeny bit of faith in me too much to ask?  They know I’ve got mad skillz!  When you taught me how to make Tapez, you said I was one of only, like, three Composers whomst’ve ever been able to control Magnum Opus Noise—they should be totez impressed with me already!”
“The Higher Plane demands more of your position than mere talent,” Rōjin said.  “It demands discipline.”
Coco pulled herself back into a sitting position.  “I am, like, sooo disciplined!  I legit wanted to tear Kiryu’s face off, but I didn’t!”  She got back on her feet as she went on, “Like, sure, this is about Shinjuku, but the whole reason I’m working on Tapez is so he can protect my peeps!  Making sure he’s bad enough to dunk on anyone is literally The Best Thing I can be doing rn!  The Inferno is out there, you know, somewhere, and we dunno when they’re gonna throw hands!  And now I have to take time out of my counterattack schedule to run some basic-ass Game?”
She whirled back to face Rōjin.  He didn’t say anything.  Coco stared at him for a few moments, realizing she was getting a headache.
“…heck.  We don’t really have much of a choice, do we?  If the Higher Plane wants a Game so bad, then like, we gotta pull together a Game.  Tapez will just have to chill for a week I guess.”
Coco put a hand to her head as she trudged past Rōjin for the door.
“Ugh, lemme see, the Conductor obvs needs to show, and we should probably @ all the Officers too.  idk who’s gonna be the GM this week but they—“
The pain in her head suddenly turned sharp.  She paused mid-step.
Her vision blurred, then went dark.  And then she saw Shinjuku again, but it was…different, somehow.  As if viewed through some sort of filter.  She saw the streets, the people, and then a glowing red symbol up in the sky—and then the streets were empty.  Not a single soul was left in Shinjuku.  No, not quite, next she saw one person: a girl who slowly walked forward with a blank look in her eyes.  The girl stared straight ahead, but couldn’t see Coco.  Still, she opened her mouth to speak.
“All that’s left in the world is me.”
Coco gasped as the shrine came back into focus.  At first she was too surprised to make any sense of the event.  But as she breathed, she processed it, and her eyes shot wide as pure dread came over her.
Rōjin stood, watching her with furrowed brow.  Coco’s entire body shook as she turned to face him.
“I…I saw it again…!”
She jumped forward and grabbed Rōjin’s shirt.
“It was the same vision!  You remember, right?  From, like, WAY back when I first asked you about Magnum Opus Noise?  I saw it again!  Shinjuku was erased—it was an Inversion!  I-I…”  She looked down as tears started to form in her eyes.  “I haven’t seen anything since that day…why now?  Is…is the Inferno about to attack Shinjuku?  Is that what this means?!  Are we out of time?!”
She felt a hand on her head.  Looking up, she saw Rōjin staring back at her, his face as calm and stoic as ever.  Coco swallowed hard, and then exhaled slowly.
“R-Right…right.”  She managed a chuckle.  “Like, look at me, crying in the club like a little bitch!  Thanks bunchez, Rōjin.”
She stepped away and wiped her eyes on her sleeve.  Coco found herself looking up at the sky, as if to verify what she had seen hadn’t actually come true…at least, not yet.  The same skyline greeted her.  But this time, she just couldn’t feel happy about it.  This time, it made her feel resolute.  She turned back to Rōjin.
“Sorry fam.  But I, like, can’t just sit on my ass and play a Game rn.  The Higher Plane might not be convinced, but I just know the Inferno’s on their way to end my whole career, and I’m not about to take that.”
Rōjin paused.  Then, with a single nod, he said, “Mood.”
Coco giggled.  “omg, you’re, like, literally the worst!”
She left the shrine and made her way back up the street, thinking, Dunno how much more time I have to beef up Tapez.  My boi’s totez strong, but I can’t be too careful, and probs don’t have much time for last minute boosts.  I need to, like, think of how else I can improve his chances…
Her feet slowed, and she looked back at the shrine.
…Hm.  I wonder what she would think?
Coco crossed her arms.
I mean, she’s gonna be totez disappointed there’s no Game.  But like, she’s still my Conductor, yeah?  If I can’t trust her to back me up, then who can I trust?
She turned and got moving again.
At the v least I gotta ask.  Whatever it takes…my Shinjuku is going to survive.
Every day noises are killing these people
Every night noises are waiting for me but
Don’t run away, we’ve got no time left to fear
Where are you now, still it’s showing me illusions
5 notes · View notes
So, i wrote some Spideypool, if anyone wants to read it???
Warnings: language, kinda sexual content??(nothing explicit, just Deadpool making his pick-up lines)
Peter sighed; His heart was pounding in his chest as he took the last step up the side of the building. The broad figure of his friend sat there, humming a song Peter had never heard before, and scribbling on a paper. The brunet’s hand clenched as he opened his mouth.
“Hey,” his voice shook a bit, but he pushed down the fear. “Wade!”
The figure’s head whipped around as he ripped off his mask. Underneath was a bright smile, but it faded into something different. Peter wasn’t sure if it was good or bad. Wade stood up with wonder glinting in his eyes. They walked closer to each other.
Peter had not been the fondest of Wade when they had started working together. He killed people, for god's sake! He made snarky comments, and had no filter. Some of his first words to Peter in a regular conversation was, “hey, babe, just wanna let you know that ass looks nice in that suit, but i bet it looks better out.” And more stuff like that still came his way today, such as, “fuck, you ever get that one urge to just fuck the closest person to you? Like, i get it EVERY TIME I'm next to you, and i don’t know why!” But it never got physical, which was commendable.
Sexuality wasn’t the problem with those comments, it was the profanity. Deadpool is a very R-rated character, whereas Peter tried to keep himself and Spider-Man as PG-13 as he could.
Though Wade might not be the best with words or looks, being scared all over his body, his actions were all Peter needed to know that he was a good person. When they first met, Wade wouldn’t have hesitated to pull the trigger on anyone. Nowadays his first resort wasn't the guns. He made an effort to not kill as many people. He was more apologetic, and showed his soft side more often. He was loyal and trusting, taking off his mask and revealing his identity just a couple days after they had met. He promised to never look under Peter’s mask and protect his identity from being discovered, even though he didn’t even know it.
Wade smiled and leaped forward to hug Peter. “AAAAAHHHHHH!” His scream shook Peter to his core. “You! Wha-i don’t! Webs! You’re beautiful!”
Peter dropped the mask that was in his hand to the ground. “Sorry, where are my manners. My names Peter. Peter parker-”
“DUH I KNOW THAT!” Wade yelped. “Dude! I-i can’t believe you’re Spider-Man! Peter Park-OH MAN! FUCK! I’ve been saying pick up lines to a millionaire this whole time? OH SHIT! BUT FUCK, MAN! Peter damn Parker.”
Wade went in for another hug; Peter squeezed him back. Wade had a specific sent to him. It was like baby powder mixed with burning wood. It… it was interesting. Peter felt Wade thumbing his back, so peter reciprocated by rubbing the other man’s back. Then, Peter felt something fall on top of his head and roll down his neck. Wade sniffled, and peter realized that he was crying.
“Hey, hey, hey!” His voice was frantic as they broke the hug. “What’s wrong.”
Wade wiped his eyes quickly. “I-I'm fine. It’s just I'm so happy that you trust me with this.”
Peter smiled. “I am too.”
They stood silently for a bit.
“Oh, yeah” peter chuckled. “I’m never really this well groomed. This is like the first time i’ve shaved in a bit… so…”
It had been a couple months since Peter had taken off his mask; The two of them were now inseparable. Peter was making his way over to Wade’s to go to their monthly “I-wanna-show-you-this-crappy-movie-and-laugh-at-it-with-you party” that they had every first Friday of the month. They switched who chose the movie every month, so one month Peter would choose then Wade would pick the next time.
It was getting dark. They always watched their movies in the dark. Peter walked along the busy road, cars zooming past. Sirens wailing every second, horns honking, stereos blaring crappy rap music, and people chattering. A group of people would pass him on the road every now and again. Usually groups of relatively young people. Some would stop for a second if they recognized him, but most just walked past without batting an eye.
When he got to Wade’s door, Peter knocked politely. Wade answered the door with some sweatpants on. Just sweatpants. Peter wasn’t very dressed up either, wearing some jeans, a t-shirt, an oversized bomber jacket, and some converse. It wasn't a very formal event so it made sense to not dress fancy.
“Hey, Pete!” They hugged for a second, then Wade invited Peter in. Wade had a shabby apartment. He knew it, Peter knew it. But it felt more like a home then peter’s penthouse that he didn’t even want to buy. He was drunk when he got it.
They went over to the couch and sat down. Wade already had a bowl of popcorn ready for them to enjoy. Peter brought over a stupid rom-com that was so poorly made that every second of it they had to pause because they were laughing so hard. It was so basic and cheesey, but they enjoyed laughing at it’s stupidness.
Eventually they got tired to making fun of it and lazily sat around, somewhat paying attention, making small conversation, and dozing off a bit. Peter found himself leaning up against Wade’s shoulder. He had fallen asleep and now the other man’s arm had found its way around the brunet’s shoulders. The movie was almost done, and Wade was staring blankly at the screen.
“Looks like you’re enjoying this masterpiece.” Peter’s voice was a little gruff with sleep. Wade snapped his arm back to himself, his face red.
“Sorry,” he choked out, but all Peter did was chuckle. He grabbed Wade’s hand and pulled his arm around again.
“It’s fine,” peter smiled.
“Ha, yeah. Sorry. Sorry for freaking out.”
“Wade, you don’t need to be so nervous!”
“Haha yup!” Wade said pretending to be even more uncomfortable.
“Oh my god. You’re so f-uhhhgggg” the two just started to chuckle.
The movie credits were now rolling and they had nothing to do. Wade’s are wrapped around Peter’s shoulders. The two of them kind of uncomfortable. There was something in the air that peter couldn’t quite place his finger on.
The weight of Wade’s arm was lifted from his shoulder; peter felt bare. He actually kinda liked that. Wade cleared his throat.
“Uhh,” he rubbed the nape of his neck. “Should you get going? I, uh, i don’t know if you have any other plans, and it’s getting kinda late.”
Peter felt a hole sink inside of him. He loved it here. Wade always cracking jokes. Peter had come to love the mans twisted humor. Though it was raunchy and gross at times, Wade at least dared to say the things he said. Peter didn’t want to leave and go back to his very boring penthouse. It sucked because it was a 3 bedroom for only one person. This place was so homey and warm. And Wade was their. Wade kinda gave Peter a sense of fun and joy, which he didn’t feel too often.
“Uh, well i don’t really have any other plans tonight,” Peter tried to find a reason to stay. His mind raced through all the possibilities, over thinking each one. His brain never knew when to stop. Then everything else melted away when his brain produced one scenario. A scenario where Peter flung himself at Wade and kissed him. “Uhhhhh… oh god.”
Wade’s expression changed. Concern? Confusion? God, Peter wished he had a Karen with him at all times to tell him how people were feeling so he didn’t have to try to read emotions. “Hey, Pete, you okay?”
His body went into action. He felt like a higher power was controlling him. Like he was a sim or something. He couldn’t stop his hand from cupping Wade’s face as he got closer. Weirdly enough, Peter didn’t mind being out of control for just this once.
But that changed. Wade leaned forwards too, and made them meet a lot faster then Peter had thought. It wasn’t how Peter imagined a first kiss would be. Well, he had kissed other people before, and his and MJ’s first kiss was a LOT better than this. Well, his first kiss with MJ was more aesthetically pleasing than this, but Peter couldn’t help but feel like he wanted this.
Wade was doing most of the work with this. He put a hand on Peter’s back and another behind his head, and he was pulling Peter in. The brunet started to rub the side of Wade’s face with his hand, and he wrapped his other arm around the back of Wade’s scared neck. Peter chuckled as Wade put the hand that was placed on Peter’s back under his shirt. Wade moved his other hand under Peter’s shirt too and pulled on Peter. He was pulled into a position where peter was on top of Wade’s bare chest. They pulled away from the kiss and panted. Wade was moving his hands rhythmically on peter’s back, and it made him weak. How was he so good at this?
Peter just laid on top of the other, broader, man. The shorter man snuck his head into the crook of Wade’s neck.
“So, what was that you said about not having plans tonight?” Wade smirked. “Cause, to me it looks like you DO have some plans.”
Peter shoved Wade as he stuck out his tongue. “Oh, fine. I’ll give in to your crappy pick up lines just. This. Once.” Wade pumped his fists in the air with excitement.
Peter took a sip of his coffee. Black with two sugars. He was sat at the breakfast bar that led into the small kitchen in the corner of the main room. You pass by the kitchen, on your left, as you walk into the apartment. The dining room on the right side, and the living room in the middle, but you have to walk past the first two to get to it.
Wade was standing with some sweatpants on again. He had pulled them on this morning. Pater had watched him from the bed. The golden sunlight had poured in through the tiny slits in the blinds. Little bits of dust were floating in the air around him. His skin had looked holy, too holy to touch. He had looked like a god. A god who was now brewing coffee because he had given the last cup of the last batch to his… uhh… boy… friend?
“Uhh, Wade?” The other man turned around with a “hm?”. “What would you consider our relationshi-”
“Daddy, who’s this?” A little girl’s voice was groggy as a yawn escaped her mouth. When Peter whipped his head around with a bright smile, she lit up too. “Oh daddy! You didn’t tell me that Petey was staying over!”
“That was, uhh, a bit of a last minute thing” her father chuckled out. The small girl leaped up as Peter rushed up to her and gave him a hug. He ruffled her hair as he giggled.
“How’s school been, Ellie?” Wade walked over to place a hand on Peter’s back after the girl was set down.
“Oh!” Ellie took in a deep breath. “Well, you see, i don’t really have a lot of friends, but i really like art class, like, it’s really fun, and the teacher’s really nice, and we do lots of cool stuff. My PE teacher sucks because he makes us run every day and i get tired and it sucks and the only thing i like about that class is when we get to play dodgeball. We read this really cool book the other day but i can't remember what its called which sucks, but it was about the butterfly and it made a tornado with its wings and stuff it was SUPER COOL! Daddy and i watched Star Wars the other day and all the big planes were like ‘pew pew pew’ and Luke and Han were like ‘i’ll save you princess’ and it was AWESOME!”
“Well,” Wade cleared his throat. “Speaking of which, do you have your stuff for school ready?”
“Yup!” Ellie squeaked.
“Alright, captain Ellie, let's fight some bad guy's with knowledge! Drive this spaceship to school!” Wade picked up his keys and spun them on his finger effortlessly.
“It’s not a spaceship, dummy!” Ellie mocked as they headed to the door. “It’s a silver cr-v.”
Peter nearly spat out his coffee that he was sipping back into his cup. “See you later, Ellie!” Wade smiled and winked as he headed out the door, still pulling on a t-shirt.
Peter looked at a notepad and pen that hadden't been on the counter before Ellie had come out. Peter stood up and walked over to read it. The note was written in scribbled hand writing. Definitely Wade's. It read "Pete, you know exactly who you are to me and who I and to you. You don't seem like the hook-up type, so I'm guessing i just got myself into a long term thing."
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How to Pretend to be Normal
Last night we were joking about @heliocentricgeometric‘s Zira being absolutely terrible at people skills and how Tony might help her out with that. We spontaneously started a RP that just grew. @the-grey-hunt has already said it’s canon for one of the 2 nights we camped before ending up at the caves that we ended our Session 1 at.
There’s a mention about employers getting kidnapped by goblins at the beginning but that was said before we figured out when this was taking place. Tony and Zira are the only two awake as everyone else is sleeping and we’re on night-watch.
I’ve already decided I’ll probably fic this but that’s not going to be published for a little while because of spoilers on Tony’s background. I just really want you guys to know that Tony is literally plotting murder.
D&D Campaign RPs
(Read more for mobiles users!)
Zira ( @heliocentricgeometric): You mean people don't want to hear all about death??
Tony (me): I'm sure they do but there's a time and place for it, you know? Also depends on the kind of person. ...Actually just keep quiet on that until the other person brings it up. But the weather is always a good topic! And spells, too. But don't give away trade secrets
Zira: The weather can kill you if it gets bad enough though.
Tony: And smile; people like that. Yeah, don't mention that. Sometimes people don't like to hear the truth. Just think of happy, fun things! And fluffy.
Zira: Uhhhhhhh, happy things liiiike the approval of others?? The love of a family?? The overwhelming fear of failure pushing you to do better???
Tony: ...
Tony: Tell me your best joke.
Zira: Uh
Tony: Take your time. Best jokes are the ones that aren't five second afterthoughts.
Zira: There was this joke my friend told but it mostly made me uncomfortable
Tony: Yeah?
Zira: It was about this guy being tortured who thought he would be freed if he gave them the answers they wanted. The joke is that he died when he outlived his usefulness.
Tony: (thinking crap)
Zira: Haha?
Tony: Um...let's...not go with a joke. I'm sure that joke will find its target audience somewhere but it is not here. Actually, use that next time we fight some bad guys. It'll go down like a lead balloon there. For added effectiveness say it from behind Rhodey.
Zira: Ok, so here are the forbidden topics: torture, death, terrible happenings, crime in general--
Tony: Yes, yes, yep.
Zira: --murder? Is that a small talk?
Tony: No.
Zira: Jobs?
Tony: Definitely not. 
Tony: ...Yes! Depending on the job!
Tony: Don't talk about that time we almost got our employer kidnapped by goblins. That doesn't speak well for us.
Zira: It’s standard to not talk about assassinations so I got that down
Tony: That's great.
Zira: I mean if he got kidnapped then that speaks more about how he’s not good enough to protect himself.
Tony: That's...irrelevant to the topic but sure.
Zira: if I ever got kidnapped I know no one would come after me.
Tony: Aw, honey, that's not true. I know for a fact DJ would be first in line and I'd be right after him
Zira: ??? That’s just procedure
Tony: Definitely not our procedure.
Zira: What???
Tony: Yeah? We're a team, Zira. That means we stick together. And if you ever got into trouble or stuck somewhere you shouldn't be we'd get you out.
Zira: That seems like a waste of resources and time, if an operative can’t function solo then they have failed.
Tony: That's a crappy way of looking at people. No one is a waste of time or space.
Zira: If they have a purpose, then yeah.
Tony: And if someone says that, then they deserve a good kick in the head.
Zira: Huh.
Tony: No, you don't need a purpose to be valuable. You're valuable for being you
Zira: Does that mean I should kick Ms. Payne in the head?
Tony: I have no idea who Ms. Payne is but I guess? If she said that, then yes.
Zira: She’d probably kill and/or make me hurt a lot for disrespect. ...I find your advice suspect.
Tony: ...Yes, she deserves all the kicks in the head.
Tony: Actually, where does Ms. Payne live? Just out of curiosity.
Zira: I don’t know; she left after finishing the first stage.
Tony: Too bad; I would have loved to have sent her a card telling her all the ways in which she was wrong. Ms. Payne, huh? Tell me more about her.
Zira: That is one of the ballsiest things anyone has ever said to me.
Tony: I haven't even gotten started, buddy.
Zira: Ms. Payne was my caretaker!! She encouraged me in all the ways that I needed to be encouraged. She was very lenient, too, even when she caught me sneaking into the library.
Tony: Oh yeah?
Zira: And sneaking food.
Tim (aka Bo/Bill via @thechaoticwave): *wakes up* Sorry, what is this about?
Tony: Shhh. Go back to sleep
Tim: Oh okay, sorry.
Zira: I was hungry and so was my friend and she only smacked me a little bit, AND let me keep the food.
Tony: Um
Tony: How often did that happen?
Zira: Oh y’know. It was a training thing, we had to learn how to deal with lean times, or not having access to resources. So they kept us on the edge of starvation for a while
Tony: ...oh yeah.
Zira: Ms. Payne said I did a good job of being creative and fighting for my food.
Tony: That's...totally reasonable.
Zira: She said that willingness to break rules to do what needs to be done is good.
Tony: Creativity's a good thing. Depends on the rules
Zira: Honestly i was just hungry though, and I hated seeing Meri so sad. It was hard to dance when she was so hungry, and she loved to dance. So...
Tony: You got her food. That was a brave thing to do, Zira.
Zira: ... Thank you
Tony: But that must have been tough. And that definitely wasn't fair on you or your friends. You were kids. Kids shouldn't have to worry about that. No matter what you are or where you're from
Zira: We were special.
Tony: Aren't we all?
Zira: We were meant for something. And they helped us on that path.
Tony: ...yeah, I've heard that, too.
Zira: But I’m scared they were wrong. I saw things that weren’t right. But what were we doing, if not the right thing?
Tony: You were doing what you had to. Tony: I've only known you a few days now, but I know that you're a sweet kid. I know that you care for others and that you're trying. You wouldn't have done anything unless you had to.
Zira: ....
Tony: There was only so much you could do as a kid.
Zira: Thanks. You seem nice, too. And you seem like me. Kinda like you’re running.
Tony: I guess we all kind of are in a way. We're all similar like that. And nice? I guess I'll have to turn in my street cred cards
(DJ aka @doxblogsstuff rolls over in his sleep and snorts, then mumbles "Bombs" then starts snoring.)
Tony: (snorts) That kid over there? Blew up a few things at his school. Didn't quite fit in there either. I ran into him getting into trouble. You want to guess what?
Zira: Did he blow something up?
Tony: That was too easy.
Zira: He seems like the type
Tony: You think, huh? Yeah, and then he just followed along after me.
Zira: He blew up a library.
Tony: ...Wait, really?
Zira: Who does that?
Tony: I didn't see any explosions.The last library he blew up was his university's. 
Zira: He said he set off something in a library.
Tony: Ah, yeah. That'd be the one.
Zira: And supposedly murder is bad so I didn’t do that.
Zira: But seriously.
Tony: ...Okay, I'll be honest and say it depends on the type of murder and also DJ's school got used to his explosions.
Zira: A library?? That’s such a safe place, with so many areas to hide.
Tony: Or as used as they could be. Yeah, libraries are quiet, aren't they? Lots of places to hide; lots of things to do. Things to discover… Or blow up in this dummy's case.
Zira: Stuff to learn! Knowledge is power, the more you know the less they can hurt you.
Tony: Yeah, knowledge goes a long way in helping that.
Zira: Get everything right and everything will be ok.
Tony: Or as okay as it can be. I'm never going to say it'll be perfect, but it'll be okay somehow.
Zira: But a lot of the stuff they said was wrong, so can I ask: Is it normal to beat kids as encouragement to do better?
Tony: ...No.
Zira: Violence seems frowned upon, so I guessed so
Zira: Why? It seems to work fine. It worked on me.
Tony: Look, I'm going to be honest again and say sometimes violence gets you places. But what kind of places those are might not be good. But it's never okay to hurt a kid.
Zira: Huh. Ok. So there’s a lot to unpack there.
Tony: You say it worked on you. What do you remember about what happened?
Zira: I was a coward, or forgot things, or did something else wrong. And then they hurt me. Not enough to take me out, but enough to serve as a reminder to do better.
Tony: ...
Tony: Would it be fair of me to say that when they beat you, you were scared to have it happen again?
Zira: Of course. I was scared a lot
Tony: I bet you were. And when you're scared, sometimes you make mistakes. Especially when you're so scared you can't think straight.
Tony: But let's picture this. You do something wrong. Say you messed up in a spar. And instead of beating you, Ms. Payne instead tells you that it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes. This is what you did wrong and this is how you can do it better next time.
Zira: I...
Tony:  Would that have been better than what actually happened?
Zira: It would have hurt less.
Tony: And you would have learned from that mistake, wouldn't you?
Zira: I don’t know.
Tony: That's okay. You don't have to know right now. But please believe me when I say that you didn't deserve any of that.
Zira: Logically, the brain functions less efficiently when in pain, as it is dedicating most energy to handling that pain. So it leads to more mistakes, whiich is why torture is so effective. They’re more likely to let something slip out, or do anything to make the pain stop. But pain also imprints in your mind more.
Tony: ...yeah
Zira: It’s intense and ensures you never forget how to make it stop, how to avoid it. But I would have liked to not have been hurt.
Tony: No one wants to be hurt. But you remember that first thing you said? “The brain functions less efficiently when in pain.”
Zira: Yes.
Tony: How did she expect you to learn if you were in pain?
Zira: I don’t know.
Tony: I don't either, Zira. But I do know that you're something else to be sitting here in front of me.
Zira: I--
Zira: Thank you.
Tony: It's no problem, kid. And even if you don't believe me now, and you don't have to, I hope you think about it. And if you do ever happen to remember where Ms. Payne ran off to...let me know? I'll make sure we steer clear of her.
Zira: I will. I appreciate it, as if she ever knows where I am in light of some things that have happened it would probably be quite dangerous to go near her.
Tony: ...Thanks for telling me.
Zira: It’s no problem :), and I hope whatever you’re running from turns out ok, too.
Tony: I know you haven't known me long, and you've probably only heard whatever stories DJ told you, but trust me when I tell you that I'm not going to let anything happen to you.
Tony: ...Thanks, kid. I hope so, too.
Tony: By the way, you said you like libraries, right? You ever want a conversation with someone, books are a good way to do it. People love a good story. Just, er...tone down the murder and the facts about what happens to bodies.
Zira: I LOVE talking about libraries; that is officially my Small Talk.
Tony: Then that's what you'll talk about when you meet someone new, all right?
Zira: Yeah!
Tony: But after introducing yourself first. And asking them how they're doing.
Zira: (mentally taking notes)
Tony: I've been reliably informed it turns people off if you start talking immediately about something else.
Zira: But also, I’ve noticed that people have second names? That designate what clan/family they belong to.
Tony: Not everyone. Bo...or Bill, I guess, doesn't have one.
Zira: So if I introduced myself it would not be abnormal to not include a last name?. Seeing as I don’t have one.
Tony: ...I mean this in the nicest way possible, but the most abnormal thing about you would not be your missing last name.
Zira: Actually, can numbers be last names? I have an operative number that I could use.
Tony: ...what...is it?
Zira: Yes, i have been considered unfit for infiltration due to my appearance.
Tony: Unfit?
Zira: And inability to "shut my fucking mouth."
Tony: Well, you certainly stand out in a crowd, but that's a good thing! ...sometimes Actually, ignore that last bit
Tony: I've never heard of anyone with numbers for last names. It'd probably be a little unusual. But if you really want a last name we could come up with something.
Zira: I don’t want a number last name, so I will go to a library and look for a list of last names. The number makes me feel very small, and I don't know why.
Tony: That sounds like a great idea. Let me know if you want help with that.
Zira: Ok! It seems I have a lot of choices, which is nice. I may run some by you, if that’s all right.
Tony: Oh yeah. There are loads of options. And I’m here for you in that case. We all are. But for the love of God, don’t run them by Bo. Bill, I mean. That bird has no sense in names
Zira: He has so many names. I didn’t know someone could have that many names.
Tony: Neither did I and I have two.
Tony: By the way, DJ stands for Dummy Junior and don’t let him tell you otherwise.
Zira: It WHAT
Tony: Oh yeah.
Zira: (immediately lunges over to DJ)
Tony: No, no, don’t wake him up. Do you want explosions?
(Zira freezes in place)
Tony: You can ask him in the morning.
Zira: But I have to know. This is the best thing I think I’ve ever learned.
Tony: Well, he probably wouldn't tell you immediately. It took me several bribes of bombs and some candy to get him to 'fess up.
Zira: Who names their child Dummy?
DM ( @the-grey-hunt): (somewhere, in another universe, Tony sneezes)
Zira: And the junior bit implies there is a GROWN MAN WITH THE NAME DUMMY.
Tony: Honestly I have no idea but I'm sure I don't want to run into DJ's dad.
Zira: Ohhhh my god.
Tony: Or maybe he was just so small that they had to add the junior bit.
Zira: I would laugh in his face which would absolutely get me punched.
Tony: In your groin, probably.
Zira: Oh my god
Tony: He can't jump that high.
Zira: I called DJ a little man when we first met.
Tony: Ooh yeah.
Zira: Which he was not happy about
Tony: That would do it. I mean, he's small. But best not to bring that to his attention unless you want a lecture. Candy doesn't quite seem to do the trick...
Zira: Candy?
Tony: ...are you telling me you have never had candy?!
Zira: What is candy??
Tony: I don't have a simple answer for this other than really good food. I mean, it can be sweet and sour?
(Tony is rummaging around in his pack.)
Tony: So I guess it depends on what your preferences are. Me, I like sweet. But I occasionally go for sour, too.
Zira: Sweet?? I know sour is like lemons.
(Tony pulls out bag of candy, which is mostly chocolates but there are some rock candies as well.)
Tony: Do you like lemons?
Zira: I got some lemon juice poured on some wounds once.
Tony: ...god, why
Zira: It tasted terrible.
Tony: Nothing sour for you, then.
Zira: It might’ve been the blood though. Training of course.
Tony: Wait, did you taste the lemon or the blood?
Zira: Gotta know how to deal with torture and such. Something definitely tasted bad
Tony: ...I wish I didn't understand the reasoning behind that logic damn it
Tony: Okay, here's something sour. Since lemons can taste nice and I'm not having your taste of lemon be spoilt by blood, which definitely tastes nasty. Unless you're a vampire; I don't judge...much.
Zira: :o
DM: (Zira is handed a single Ye Olde Sour Gummy. It’s the blue and red one.)
Zira: (face kinda twists up) Why would someone want to eat this?? It hurts?
Tony: ...Definitely not sour, then. Some people like it. Try the chocolate?
DM: (the chocolate's a little melty; backpack temperature)
Zira: (lights up)
Zira: !!!!!! This tastes so nice!! Is it magic??
Tony: (laughs) Close enough, I like to think.
Tony: Okay, so chocolate is a hit. You're my type of girl. There's also this. It's a kind of rock candy which is great for sucking on.
Zira: :D! They should’ve just used this to get us to do good.
Tony: Just let it sit in your mouth and roll it around your tongue. Unless you have super tough teeth, in which case I guess you could just bite it in half. But the fun is in letting it sit on your tongue. It's great for long hikes. 
Tony: Yeah, chocolate goes a long way in bribery. Would've worked wonders when I was a kid.
(Zira has sharp teeth, and when she grins you can see how they shimmer like mother of pearl. She’s grinning and her face is covered in chocolate and every unearthly thing about her is in sharp relief.)
Tony: (entirely unfazed) Yeah, your teeth are super sharp. Let's not bite it in half. I have more where that came from but you need to enjoy it.
Zira: You are now officially one of my favorite people. I wish Meri could have some of this.
Tony: I would be significantly more impressed by that if I didn't know what kind of people were in your past.
Tony: You could keep some to take to her if we ever run into her? ...Or maybe not that bit in particular because it'll melt for sure.
Zira: I don’t know if that’s a good idea. She’s still loyal. I ran and left her behind and now she’s probably mad at me and under orders to bring me back dead or alive.
Tony: You were friends, weren't you?
Zira: I can’t believe I left her behind. God. I just ran.
(Tony slowly goes to sit next to her.)
Tony: How old were you?
Zira: I’ve lost track. Less than a year ago...so around 17. I received a sign and I panicked.
Tony: You panicked and you ran. You didn't think, did you? You just had to get out. You had to be somewhere else because where you were wasn't right.
Zira: Yes. Yes, that’s exactly it. How did you know?
Tony: I know something about that kind of panic. It just grabs you and doesn't let you go. And you're left scrambling for what's broken.
Zira: I was afraid for so long, but I thought… I thought I could be brave, that I could be strong for Meri. But then...
Tony: But then?
Zira: I left. I went out on my first real mission, and we got deep into the forest, and I collapsed and woke up with the realization that I had to leave. And I did, unthinking and terrified.
Tony: There was nothing else? ...That sounds difficult. And your friend...she was still in the forest?
Zira: She should have finished the mission.
Tony: I don't know the details, and I'm not asking you to share everything. I know it's difficult. But your friend... She was your friend?
Zira: And continued taking orders, so. ...Yes
Tony: You two trusted each other?
Zira: She was everything. We protected each other. I stole food for her, and she helped me fight. I helped her with writing and reading when the instructors called her stupid. She defended me from our more sadistic classmates.
Tony: ...
Tony: (sighs)
Tony: I don't know Meri the way you do. I don't know if she would have gotten a sign like yours either. But from what you're telling me? Do you think she would trust the people she's with now, or do you think she'd trust you? Do you think that after everything you two shared that she'd just abandon everything?
Zira: I don’t know
Tony: I don't either.
Zira: She hated them. She fought back a lot at first and they broke her. And now… I don’t know.
Zira: She still tried to keep me safe, but she got worn down and down and down.
Tony: But she defended you.
Tony: That happens. But she had you. And I know - I know you said you left her behind.
Zira: Yes. I knew how worn down she was. I knew she needed someone to hold her up, keep her back safe. And yet…
Tony: I can't tell you what she felt when that happened. What she thought about it. But the kind of bond you described...that doesn't go away so easily. It can't. So if you ever meet her again...maybe...maybe things aren't as bad as you think they are.
Tony: And yet...
Zira: I think I’d like some chocolate.
Tony: Yeah, me, too.
Zira: Just in case.
Tony: Sure thing. It'll probably melt before, but I've got more
(Tony does hand the bag to Zira.)
(It's his entire stash)
(Zira lights up)
Zira: This is all for me??
Tony: ...Let me take the sour ones out first
DM: (there’s 2 slightly chocolate stained sour gummies left)
Zira: I didn’t do anything to earn this, why… (And she droops a bit)
(Tony pats her shoulder)
(Zira starts to kind of, push it back towards him)
Tony: Lesson 1, kid. You don't have to earn presents. You get presents for being you.
Zira: Presents????
Tony: This is a present. A slightly melted present but a present
Zira: :D!
Zira: Presents are great!!
Tony: That they are. Just don't give any to DJ. They're wasted on him. Bombs are the way to go if you want to bribe him. Also Rhodey likes a chocolate but you can't give them to him.
Zira: I will keep that in mind. ...It’s getting late.
Tony: Yeah.
Zira: We should probably hand the shift off. And, Tony?
Tony: Hm?
Zira: Thank you. Thank you so much.
Tony: ...you're welcome, Zira.
Zira: Goodnight, friend.
(Tony is rather speechless) 
Tony: ...yeah, goodnight. Sweet dreams.
Tony: ...Also, don't sneak too much chocolate before you sleep. It'll give you a stomachache.
Zira: Gotcha :)
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