#sorry it took me a sec to answer life has been crazy
braxiatel · 1 year
What kind of weapon does grian use in the battle against the warden in thr Equinox au?
(I forgot, completely)
I gave Equinox!Grian the same weapon as Hades has in Greek Mythology, ie, a bident.
It's like a trident, except it has two prongs rather than three.
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claireelizabeth85 · 4 months
Come Home to Me - John and Lizzy prompts - Angst No.17
The prompt is from this list and is written in italics. Enjoy.
After returning to the base, John dropped Lizzy off at the female quarters.  He continued out to the hardstands.  His head was a mess.  The anger and rage he felt about losing Buck, and the waiting around was driving him crazy.  He felt like a champagne bottle all fizzed up and ready to pop.  He wanted to get the bastards that got his friends, that got Buck, the one man on the planet who understood him better than anyone.  Then there was the heartbreak with Lizzy.  He knew he shouldn’t have said anything to Red so soon after arriving, he had walked straight into that one and when Liz left the ops room, he felt sick, like he had seriously screwed up the one thing that was good in a world full evil.
She was everything to him.  His best friend, his lover, the absolute centre of his universe.  He marvelled at the way she would stand up for herself, curse out the guys who would tell her she couldn’t do something. The way she commanded respect and gave it in return.  She drank and sang – albeit better than he could by a country mile and yet he had allowed his pride to get in his way.
John could see the jeep headlights approaching as he sat in the left hand seat – in Buck’s seat.  No matter if he was command pilot or co pilot, Buck always sat in the left seat.  Ken Lemmons and Lizzy pulled up to the plane and Lizzy jumped out, telling Lemmons to give her a second.
“John? Johnnie, you in here?” Johnnie she only ever called him that when she was worried about him. Lizzy had started to climb through the hatch to get up to him. “Yea Liz, I’m here.  I’ll be out in a sec” as he took a deep draw on his cigarette. Lizzy either didn’t take his answer or hear him as she appeared a second later in the gap between the two pilot seats.
“You, John Egan might be the love of my life, but you are a shitty liar.” She took his almost empty hip flask off his knee and swatter away his hand when he tried to get it back. “So, you’re just going to drink and smoke yourself into oblivion before you fly tomorrow?” Lizzy was still pissed, despite what had been said at the church. “Yup.” John couldn’t bear to look at her, despite knowing he needed her comfort and love.  The guys that went down weren’t just his friends, they were hers too.  She might wear RAF uniform but she’s 100th through and through. 
“John, we’re going to get the fuckers that got our friends, I promise.” John laughed. She was now the morale booster, just like he had been to Buck, telling him that if there were just pilots left, it would have been them two. “Sure, Liz.” He had nothing left.  He didn’t feel anything again. “Chick has me on standby for tomorrow. There are two supernumeraries and I’m taking one from the 95th as we don’t have any forts left.”
Lizzy was so matter-of-fact.  She knew it wasn’t what John wanted to hear and she wasn’t asking his permission but telling what was going to happen.  He slowly turned to look at her.  Her blue eyes, normally so bright and full of life and joy, were dark.  They had lost their sparkle when he didn’t know, but there was so much pain in her eyes, he desperately wanted to comfort her and tell her everything was going to be okay, but he couldn’t.  Even though they had talked things through after the Ops room, she was still determined to get up in the air.
“Do you love me?”  John asked quietly.  He knew what he was asking and where this was going. It would end in tears (possibly for both of them) and the collapse of his world even more, and he wasn’t sorry about it.
“Yes, you know I do.  Why do you ask?” John took a deep breath. “If you love me, you’ll turn down the supernumerary and stay on the ground.  Stay with Chick, Red and Croz.  You decide Lizzy, us or the air.”
Lizzy looked as though she had been slapped. The shock of his question written all over her face.  John could see the tears starting to pool in the centre of her eye, all the conflicting thoughts crossing her mind whilst she tried to reconcile what he was asking.
“Why would you…? How can I…? Why do I have to decide? You’re asking me to choose between you and flying, between you and my career! Two of the most important things in my life. It’s virtually impossible.  How could you ask that of me, John?”
Lizzy waited for him to answer and when he didn’t, she took another long look at him.  The man she loved more than anything wanted her to choose.  “I can’t and I won’t.  I love both things equally and I won’t choose.  If you loved me, like you claimed, you wouldn’t be asking. Be safe tomorrow, John.  Don’t do anything stupid for god’s sake and when you get back, maybe there will be enough of this relationship to salvage.”
He caught her meaning. “You’re not going to be here?” Lizzy turned as she headed down to the hatch. “No. Chick has arranged transport for me to get to the 95th so I can be there ready for tomorrow morning.”
Lizzy was about to leave, but putting her hand on his shoulder, she leaned down and kissed John’s cheek. 
“I do love you, John Egan, I think I always have and probably always will.  I will see you when you get back.”
And with that, she was gone.
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imaginecolby · 2 years
you gotta learn to trust || c.b.
summary: when colby makes it seem like you're untrustworthy, you make it clear to him that you will not accept that.
colby x female!reader
“colby, i don’t understand why you’re getting upset! i’ve told you a million times before, i’m not interested in him.” you yelled.
“i’m sorry that i don’t want my girlfriend hanging out with someone who i know has expressed interest in her!” he yelled back.
“colby i am a grown woman. you do not get to dictate who i get to be around.”
“that’s not what i meant.” he said quietly.
“do you not trust me enough to not cheat on you? do you not trust me enough to be able to handle myself around someone that i have zero romantic interest in? have i ever given you any indication that i would ever do anything to betray your trust?”
“well, no. but-”
“but nothing!” you interrupted. “if you don’t trust me then maybe we shouldn’t even be together. we don’t need to waste anymore of our time on this.” you said. you grabbed your things and stormed out of the house. as you sat down in your car, you heard colby calling for you. but you were so angry with him, you didn’t want to listen to anything he had to say.
as soon as you got back home, your phone started going off. text messages and phone calls from colby and his friends coming through. you silenced your phone, left it in the kitchen, and went into your room. you laid down and started dozing off, the stress of fighting having tired you out.
a few days passed, and you were hardly in the mood to deal with anything at all. you didn’t want to work, you didn’t want to deal with anyone, or anything. you hadn’t spoken to anyone other than your coworkers for the past few days. you were at lunch one day and happened to look down at your phone just as a text was coming through.
“y/n, please talk to him. he’s been moping around the house for a week and has barely left his room.” a text from sam read.
“tell him to get over himself first. he hasn’t reached out to me either, and i’m tired of being the bigger person. if he wants to act like that, then let him. he got us into this mess, and he needs to fix it.” you replied.
you saw another text come through, but you ignored it. as you went through the rest of your day, you tried to push colby out of your mind. you hated when you fought with him, because the both of you always threw yourselves into a slump. you wanted to do everything in your power to fix this, because you knew you could. but like you told sam, colby was the one who brought this upon himself.
later that evening, you were at home starting dinner. just as you finished cooking. you heard a knock on your door.
“just a sec!’ you called out. you turned off your oven and went to answer the door.
“hey.” colby said quietly.
“what are you doing here?” you asked, walking back to the kitchen.
“i came to talk to you.” he said. you continued to move around your kitchen, paying little attention to him. “would you please stop and listen to me?” he asked. you stood against the wall across the kitchen from him. you took in his appearance, and you could tell he hadn’t been sleeping well. the bags under his eyes were extremely prominent, and he looked like he hadn’t showered since you’d last seen him. your current situation was tearing him up. and seeing him like this was tearing you up.
“talk.” you spat.
“y/n, i’m so sorry. i’m sorry for the way i acted, and i’m sorry for the way i made you feel. i do trust you. i trust you with my life, and to know that i ever made you feel like i didn’t has been eating me up inside. it’s been over a week since we last spoke, but i feel like it’s been years.” he said.
“i feel the same way. i’ve missed you like crazy. but you really hurt me. i have given you my everything for the past two, almost three years. to have you insinuate that you don’t trust me enough to be around someone that i have told you, on more than one occasion, that i have no interest in. and it’s not like i actually hang out with him. we’re together for work, and that’s it. nothing more.” you explained to him.
“i understand that. i let my jealousy get the best of me, and i let it get to my head. i shouldn’t have projected my feelings onto you the way i did. i should have come to you in the right manner and explained how i was feeling, rather than letting things escalate the way they did.”
“yes, you should have.”
“and i’m sorry. genuinely sorry. the last thing i ever wanted to do was to upset you. tell me what i can do to fix this.” he said, stepping towards you. you wanted so badly to jump into his arms, and kiss him all over, but you knew better than to forgive him this quickly.
“i need you to prove to me that you actually trust me. you coming to me to apologize is a start, but i need you need to prove it.”
“anything. i will do anything.”
“good.” you said quietly. you reached out to him and pulled him into your arms and hugged him tight. “i love you.”
“i love you too.” he said softly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“you wanna stay for dinner?” you asked him.
“sure. it smells really good.” he said.
“complementing my cooking is not gonna let you off the hook.” you teased.
“oh my god, no. that’s not why i said it.” he laughed.
you and colby enjoyed your dinner and ended up having a nice evening together. hopefully, things could quickly get back on track between the two of you. your fights were few and far between, and fingers crossed that this would not cause too much of a problem between you and him.
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whiteqnn · 4 years
Pairing: Corpse Husband x Fem! Reader
Summary: Sean invites one of his good friends - Y/N - to play with him and the group. She has a lot of fun with them, but at the same time is too oblivious, too nice, and too pure to notice that one particular Among Us player has taken a liking to her the moment he heard her voice...
Notes: Hello everyone! This is the very first time I’m publishing something bigger in here, I’m honestly still figuring out how Tumblr works, even though I’ve had this account for quite some time now 😅. That being said, please don’t expect anything super impressive. I tried my best though just so you know. 🥺
A/N- It didn’t turn out as I expected, but I really hope at least some of you find it enjoyable :(
Y/C/N - your channel name
part 2
part 3 
part 4 
part 5 
PURE [1]
“Did you guys find anybody?” Felix asked, as the number of players still showed just 7 of them. They could just start now, but the game would be way more fun with a full lobby. 
“Yeah, Lily’s joining. I just texted her the code, so she should be here at any moment.” Sykkuno replied after receiving a text message from the said girl. “Oh, and Corpse also said he’d be joining soon.” 
“Great. Anyone else?”
 “I think Jack was also bringing someone, right?” Dave asked.
“Huh? Oh yeah, I have one coming, she’ll join us in a few” the asked man replied at the same moment Lily’s character appeared in the lobby. 
“Who you’re bringing Jack?” 
“Y/N” he said, causing Felix to gasp in shock and yell into his mic:
“How the fuck did you manage to convince her? I’ve been bugging her about this game for the past week and she always had some excuse!” 
“What can I say, my charm is irresistible” Jack replied nonchalantly, causing everyone in the lobby to laugh at his fake deep voice.
The number of participants changed to 9, as a little black astronaut with horns on his helmet appeared in the lobby. 
“Corpse, you’re here!” Rae’s character ran up to the man, circling him excitedly. 
“Hey man!”
“What’s up, Corpse?”
“Hello everyone” his deep voice sounded out “Sorry to keep you waiting.”
“All good man, we’re still waiting for one person.” Felix reassured him “Sean, why is she not here yet? Are you sure you’ve sent her the right code?”
“Of course I am!” he all but shouted at Felix “And about that, she just texted me to give her a few more minutes and that we should start without her.”
“We can just wait, right?” Lily offered, earning a few hums of approval from the others.
“I think it might take a little longer than a few minutes, she has some problems with her microphone.”
“Who are you guys talking about?” Corpse asked, completely unaware of who Jack was referring to.
“Wait, Jack, you mean Y/N from Y/C/N?” Sykkuno asked suddenly, only then realizing why this name sounded familiar
“Yeah, the one and only” Jack replied, a smile evident in his voice.
“Oh my god, I love her videos!” Rae exclaimed at that “She’s so funny and sweet!”
“Yeah! Her new video is so freaking cute, I wish she’d upload more often.” Poki agreed. 
“Right?” Jack said, clearly very proud of his friend. “But don’t let that sweet demeanor fool you guys cause she’s one of the best players I’ve encountered in this game.”
“That’s true, she’s a secret big brain genius” Toast confirmed, making Pewdiepie gasp once again. 
“wHAT??YOU TWO PLAYED WITH HER?!” Felix’s offended voice boomed through everyone’s headphones “HOW DARE YOU. HOW COULD YOU NOT INVITE ME?!” 
“That’s for not inviting me to your latest Cringe episode!” Jack was quick to respond, making others in the lobby laugh at their mini fight. 
“Oh, so that’s where I recognized her from!” Sykkuno nearly shouted when he finally put two and two together. “I can’t wait to meet her, she seems like a really nice person.”
“She is! When she got impostor for the first time she refused to kill me” Toast explained, earning himself a couple of Aww’s from his friends. “So we just ran around the emergency button until I called the meeting and voted her off.”
“Yeah, only to be her first victim in the next game.” Jack all but giggled, clearly very amused at the memory of Y/N going into a full berserk mode. No one except for him and Toast knew how good she really was at this game... 
“She’s basically the wolf in sheep’s skin” Felix concluded with a chuckle “Very soft wolf, however.”
“She’s like the complete opposite of Corpse, both in voice and personality” Jack suddenly said, making Felix laugh wholeheartedly at something only two of them understood at the moment. 
“I don’t know how should I take that” Corpse admitted with a chuckle. He remained silent for most of the conversation since he didn’t really know who the guys were talking about. But he would lie if he said he wasn’t intrigued by this girl at least in the slightest. Although he heard about her channel, he hasn’t seen any of her videos, so he didn’t really know what to expect. But hearing what gamers like Sean and Felix said about her, he knew he’s not gonna be disappointed once the girl joins them in the game. 
“Imagine Corpse and Y/N talking.” Felix said suddenly with a seemingly very amused voice.
“Imagine Corpse and Y/N both being Impostors” Toast said, which resulted in many of them shouting over each other at how crazy that would be. 
“Alright, now that you mention this I start fearing the moment two of them meet” Jack confessed with loud laughter following the sentence. Corpse chuckled deeply under his breath, at the same time glancing at the questions his audience was asking him in his stream. He could hardly read any, as there were quite a lot of people asking, so all he saw was just a bunch of comments moving at the speed of light in his chat. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he was slightly nervous, seeing the growing number of people watching his stream. It was still a rather new thing to him, and he feared he'd say something inappropriate, or just make a complete idiot out of himself. 
"At least no one can see me..." he mumbled under his breath after muting his microphone. 
"Oh! Y/N just texted me! She's joining the call right now!" 
"Fuck yeah!" Felix shouted excitedly "Just so you know Jack, I won't forget that you two played without me."
"Uh-oh. Is that a threat? Are you threatening me now?" 
"It's a warning" Felix replied, receiving a series of gasps from other players. "If I get impostor, you're the first one on my list."
"Okay, everyone heard that! You know who to vote off when I'm dead!" 
"It's so cool to play with someone new, I wonder if she's as good as you guys depict her" Sykkuno spoke up, but before anyone could answer his question, a new character popped up in the lobby.
"Hi everyone! I’m sorry I left you just like that, but this stream would be completely useless without me being able to answer your questions. Fortunately it wasn’t anything serious, I just had to readjust my mic and go through the settings to find what was wrong. Took some time, but here I am now!” Y/N chirped into her microphone, smiling apologetically at her webcam. At the moments like this, she really appreciated how supportive her audience was. No one was hating on her when she had to get off the stream for a couple of minutes, and everyone was just so understanding that it made her heart melt. Perhaps her audience wasn’t very big, but it felt almost like a second family to her. 
“Anyway, as you already know from my twitter, today I’ll be playing Among Us with my friends and their friends! I can’t wait if I’m being honest, last time I played this game was so much fun, and there was only a few of us.” she admitted with a genuine smile on her face. “Let’s just text Sean now so we can get into the lobby...”
Y/N: Ready to play with you guys ^^
Jackaboy: Great! You got that mic fixed already? 
Y/N: Yes, everything is fine. I’m sorry you had to wait so long.
Jackaboy: It’s all good kiddo, no worries. I’ll call you and send you the code in a sec. 
Y/N: Perfect, thank you Sean :)
Jackaboy: Btw, everyone can’t wait to meet you ;-)Y/N stared at the screen for a moment, only now, seconds before joining the group, realizing how nervous she felt. From Sean’s tweets she saw earlier, she figured that the lobby was right now full of many famous streamers, those she wouldn’t even compare herself to. It’s not that she thought of herself very low, but... being among such youtube celebrities like them made her panic a little bit. She didn’t want to look like a complete fool amongst them. 
Playing or recording with Sean and Felix was something else because she knew those guys for years (and yet still sometimes found herself thinking how lucky she got to be able to call them her friends). She felt good in their company, not worrying about choosing the right words. But amongst the rest of the players, she knew only Toast and talked with Rae maybe once in her life... 
What if the rest won’t like her? 
Y/N cleared her throat, realizing that she was still staring at her phone like hypnotized and her audience was already asking her what’s going on. She quickly typed in the code Sean had texted her and readjusted her headphones, before joining the discord chat.
“THERE SHE IS” screamed Sean, making her grin from ear to ear, hearing how excited he was “Little wonderchild!”
“I think you meant little TRAITOR” Felix corrected him with a scoff. A silence settled in the lobby as everyone was waiting for Y/N to speak up.
“Um... hello everyone..” she said softly, almost inaudibly, a sudden wave of shyness taking over her. “I’m Y/N” 
“Oh, you were right about that Corpse thing!” replied another, also very soft and very sweet voice, and Y/N saw the image of someone named Lily pop up. “It’s like the exact opposite!” 
“See? Told ya. Everyone, meet Y/N/N, the little angel from Y/C/N.” 
“Hey Y/N!”
“Hi there!”
“Hey, what’s up?”
“H-Hi, so great to meet you, Y/N!” a very friendly sounding voice said, and a little lime astronaut with the name Sykkuno above it started running around her. “Can’t wait to play with you!”
“That’s so nice, thank you” she replied with a wide smile on her face, moving around his character as well. “I can’t wait to play with you too, actually with all you guys. It’s so great to be here with you.”
“Jack I swear she’s the cutest little thing I’ve ever heard. Where the hell did you find her?!” Poki all but yelled at the man, making Y/N giggle to herself and in-process loosen up a little bit. They all seemed like someone she’d happily be friends with. 
“Or rather, where do you get one?” someone else commented, making them all burst into laughter, Y/N included. 
“Guys, what did I say about that sweet demeanor...” Jack said after calming down from his fit “Don’t put your guard down just because she sounds like that!”
“Wait- what did you tell them about me?” Y/N asked confused, the tone of her voice making him laugh even more “Jack!”
“Don’t worry, only the good stuff” a very deep, low voice spoke up, leaving her taken aback for a moment. Her eyes widened slightly and she glanced at the name of that person, reading out CORPSE. Now that’s something she didn’t expect... 
“Corpse, mind your manners! You didn’t even introduce yourself!” 
“Oh, shit- yeah, sorry. Um, I’m Corpse, it’s very nice to meet you Y/N” he replied right after, making her lip corners curl up into a smile. 
“Nice to meet you too Corpse, you have a really pleasant voice.” she spoke sweetly, completely unaware of the chaos that was taking place in her stream chat. She didn’t even think of it the way her audience did, she just simply spoke up her mind, and being an incredibly nice person - turned it into a compliment.
“Oh- wow. I mean, thank you so much. I love your voice too, it’s really sweet” he replied, nervously chuckling at the end, before muting his mic. It was, however, enough for Felix and Sean to start teasing him, as the two immediately screamed:
“It’s the voice Felix, I told you he’d fall into her trap!” 
“Wait- he was just being nice, guys! Stop making fun of him” Y/N immediately defended the man, trying to speak up over the hysterical laughter of the other players. 
“Oh my god, but what if they both get impostors and they both pull the voice cards on us?!” Rae managed to yell through all the noise, making Y/N even more confused.
“Wait, what? What do you mean? I don’t understand.” 
“Don’t worry Y/N, that’s how I feel all the time around them.” Sykkuno seemed to be the only one who heard her question, as the rest continued their gabbing without giving her as much as a glance. 
“Alright, let’s start the game maybe. I might have a few old scores to settle” Toast cleared his throat theatrically, his astronaut coming face to face with Y/N’s. 
“Oh, you mean me? I thought I already apologized!” she replied frantically. “You gave me no choice Toast, I didn’t even want to kill you in the first place...”
“I’m sorry!” 
“Alright, enough! Toast, just don’t kill her right away, okay? Let her run around the map, fearing for her life for a moment.” Y/N gasped upon hearing Jack’s words, clearly sensing the smirk behind his voice. 
“Wha- Jack?! Since when are you against me?!” 
“Don’t worry Y/N, I won’t let them hurt you. You haven’t played with us yet, I’ll protect you.” 
“Oh, thank you so much Sykkuno! I’ll protect you too!” 
“Great. Another one simping...” was Felix’s last words, before the game began. 
Y/N sighed in relief upon seeing the word crewmate forming on her screen, but at the same time feared Toast’s inevitable revenge. She thought they'd already buried the hatchet, but it seemed that he was desperate to make her pay for the last time they played together. 
“Aw, Sykkuno was serious” she mumbled with a smile, when his lime astronaut started circling her white one, so she would follow him. “Okay, let’s do some tasks.”
They both made their way towards the medbay, Sykkuno patiently waiting nearby as she did the scan, then Y/N waiting for him to do the same. The moment his little character stepped towards her, a meeting was called by none other than Felix.
“What happened?” Rae asked.
“I called the meeting because I’m afraid of Jack” he responded, causing everyone to laugh. “Seriously though! Dude’s been following me around the whole time.”
“I was just making sure nobody kills you.”
“Yeah don’t go all Sykkuno on me!” Felix screamed, making the call erupt into even more laughter. 
“Alright, are we skipping?” 
“Guys, my life is in danger!” Felix wouldn’t give up. “Come on, show some support! Y/N? You played with him, you know his techniques!” 
“Sorry Felix” Y/N giggled, clicking the skip button. 
When the next round began, Sykkuno was quick to join Y/N on her way towards admin, where they both found Poki doing the upload. They did the card swipe and left her there, when the lights suddenly went off.
“Uh-oh. Let’s head the opposite direction, Sykkuno” the girl murmured, dancing around his character and heading towards Comms instead of going to Electrical. It was the easiest way to die, after all. 
Once they entered the room and waited for someone to fix the lights, Y/N could see another figure appear in the same location. She couldn’t recognize whose character it was, but upon seeing the horns on the helmet she smiled to herself.
“Hey there, Corpse” she said, walking up to the black astronaut, who was standing still in the same place as if he was just watching her and Sykkuno run around Comms instead of doing their tasks. 
They stood like that for a couple of seconds until Corpse turned around and ran away, and that’s when the first body was reported. 
“Oh no, Jack!” 
“Poor guy. He’s gonna haunt us now.”
“Where’s the body?” 
“Navigation” replied Rae, who was the one to find Sean’s green astronauts’ body “Didn’t see anyone around, but I’m pretty sure someone just vented right in front of my eyes...”
“Any suspicions?” Toast asked.
“Um, not really sure, it was the exact same moment the lights went off. I was doing tasks with Jack and then he just died. I only saw the vent close, nothing or no one else.”
“Okay, where are you guys right now?” 
“I’m in admin with Dave, we only passed Poki when we got there.” Lily’s voice sounded out, quickly being joined by Poki’s explanation.
“Yeah, I was finishing the upload when you guys came in, Y/N and Sykkuno saw it”
“Did you see her?” Toast asked, addressing his question towards the white and lime astronauts. 
“Yes, we were doing the card swipe before going to Comms. Corpse joined us for a moment and then left.”
“Yeah, I was on my way to fix the lights when I stumbled upon them in Comms, the body was reported the exact moment I left.”
“Can someone confirm this? I mean, did someone see you besides the two of them?” Toast continued his questioning. 
“I think I only saw Felix in Medbay.”
“Hmm, so no one really knows where you were this whole time. You could easily lure Jack into Navigation and kill him there. Is that what you did, Corpse?”
“Woah, that’s some serious accusation” Corpse replied in his usual, low and calm voice. “Where were you Toast? You seem the only one who still doesn’t have an alibi”
“Neither does Felix.” Y/N spoke innocently, and the mentioned man quickly started his explanation.
“Okay, I was with Jack at the beginning but he clearly can’t confirm this since someone snapped his fucking neck. We’ve split up in O2 after doing our tasks and then he must’ve gone with Rae. I just wandered around the map, escaping from the death.”
“Hmm, so not only were you one of the last people to see him alive, but you also admit to not doing your tasks” Y/N said, trying her best to keep her voice steady and stop herself from laughing. She was sure Sykkuno was doing the same thing, they both refused to do any tasks after the lights went off, after all.
“Yeah, but does that already makes me an Imposter? I’m just scared for my life, that’s all.”
“Y/N has some good logic, but I’m not really sure it’s Pewds. I mean, I saw him in Medbay and he really seemed to be just jogging around.” Corpse said, his voice almost immediately doing its magic, as people more or less willingly agreed to skip this round as well. 
“I think it’s Felix. I mean, I haven’t played with him yet, but I have this feeling that he’s just acting.” Y/N said to her chat after muting herself. She went towards Weapons to do another task, seeing Sykkuno’s little character follow her once again, but the doors were suddenly locked and his lime astronaut remained in Cafeteria. “Oh no, Sykkuno” she sighed with a pout on her face, deciding against waiting for him and risking getting her neck snapped. She finished her task in Weapons and moved towards another location, when suddenly Corpse appeared in front of her, coming right out of nowhere. 
“Oh- Corpse, you scared me to death” Y/N breathed a laugh, watching as his character stood still for a couple of seconds, before circling around her white astronaut. Y/N nodded her head with a smile, even though he couldn’t see her, and followed him in Shields, where they found Poki’s dead body. 
“The body is in Shields” Y/N replied right after reporting the body, only to gasp in shock when she realized more than one person was killed. Red crosses decorated not only Poki’s name but were also visible next to Dave and Lily. 
“What the hell?!” Felix all but yelled into his mic, obviously shocked just like everyone else who was still alive. 
“Now that’s... a lot of bodies” Sykkuno mumbled under his breath. 
“Alright, who’s in Shields? Y/N, you said you found the body there, which one?”
“Poki’s, Corpse was there with me” her reply was followed by his short and low hum. 
“Sykkuno, where are you? I didn’t see you anywhere since the last round.” Felix asked, clearly accusing the lime astronaut of being a murderer. 
“I was... doing the wires in electrical, Toast was there for a moment as well.”
“Yeah but I was only searching for the body, so I saw you maybe for a second” Toast replied, building even more suspicions around Sykkuno.
“But- guys, you know I wouldn’t kill two people in one round, let alone four of them.”
“No one says you did that, I only mentioned that you were nowhere to be seen. You could’ve been sabotaging the map for the other Impostor” Felix said nonchalantly.
“Guys, I-”
“It’s him! It must be him!” Rae shouted through her mic. 
“Sykkuno is 100% innocent, I can vouch for him” Y/N’s voice sounded out in everyone’s headphones “We were together since the start of the game and he didn’t kill me, even though he had quite a number of chances to do so.”
“Weren’t you with Corpse this time?” Felix asked suspiciously.
“I was! But at the beginning, I was with Sykkuno, until someone locked him in Cafeteria. That’s when we split up.”
“And you haven’t seen him ever since?”
“Well, no, but-”
“Then I can assure you it was only a matter of time before he’d stab you in the back” Toast concluded, making Sykkuno gasp in confusion.
“Wha- No, I would never do that! Y/N is our guest, I was just making sure she was okay!”
“Sykkuno, simping won’t save your life right now” 
“Wha- I- Guys!” he tried to stutter out some logical explanation “Y/N, don’t believe them!”
“I don’t, I know you’re innocent! C’mon guys, he wouldn’t do it!” 
“Yeah yeah, let’s kick him out. Corpse, who are you voting?” Toast asked, and Y/N could see the I voted sign next to his character. 
“I kinda feel like Felix tries to shift the blame onto Sykkuno. He didn’t even tell his location, and was already throwing accusations on someone else.” Corpse replied after a moment, making the smile widen on Y/N’s face. Someone was finally on her side! 
“That’s because he can’t even explain himself!” Felix exclaimed, voting as well. 
“Besides, I’m pretty sure if it wasn’t for whoever locked that door, Y/N would be dead as well!” 
“No, I told you I-!”
“Guys, we have ten seconds to vote. Rae?” 
“I think it’s him as well. He was acting suspiciously since we started this round. I vote Sykkuno”
“No, Sykkuno...” Y/N whispered with a pout on her lips, when she saw the number of people who voted for her lime friend. 
Sykkuno was ejected. 
“Alright, I’m pretty sure it’s Felix. I saw Rae multiple times and she didn’t kill me, Toast also doesn’t act very Impostor like, but maybe that’s just one of his strategies... Corpse is with me again, I don’t think that’s him, I mean, he followed me around last round, but still didn’t do anything, and even vouched for me and Sykkuno when we were both clearly chilling in comms. It can’t be him... right?” 
 Dead body reported.
 “I just saw Corpse kill Toast, then vent!” Rae’s voice blared through Y/N’s headphones, as she looked in shock at the red cross next to Toast’s name. If not him, then..?
“What?” the accused man asked calmly “That’s a self-report, she’s trying to frame me. You guys can’t possibly believe her.”
“I believe her. I saw you enter the Electrical with Toast, then he’s suddenly dead” Felix said. 
“That’s because she vented in there and killed him.”
“No! I swear, Y/N/N you have to believe me!” she directed her words towards the girl who remained silent during their discussion, processing her accusations over and over in her head. “I was fixing the wires, Toast was doing another task, and then boom! I see Corpse snapping his neck!”
“How could you see that if the lights were off?” Y/N suddenly asked, making Rae cut her own sentence off “No one went to fix them, they were off the entire round.”
“It’s Rae, it must be her” Corpse couldn’t help but laugh wholeheartedly at how small was the mistake which completely blew Rae’s cover. “We’re voting Rae, right Y/N?”
“No! Guys, I mean, let me explain, I-!”
Rae was ejected. 
“Now that was something I didn’t expect. I would’ve never thought it was her, I even suspected that Sykkuno might really have been the other Impostor, but now... It’s just me, Corpse, and Felix. I’m clear, clearly, so it must be one of them. And since Corpse protected me for the past few rounds, there’s no other option than...”
Her eyes suddenly widened when the realization hit her, and she quickly turned around to speed towards the emergency button. Fortunately, no one was around to stop her from calling the meeting.
“Felix.” Y/N started, trying to contain her excitement and sound seriously “Where were you when Sean was killed?”
Neither Corpse of Felix said a word, as it was probably the last question they expected her to ask. Felix cleared his throat, however, and finally replied:
“Y/N, that was literally the beginning of a game. How am I supposed to remember what I did then?”
“Well” she said nonchalantly “I, for example, clearly remember the things you said even when we were in the lobby.”
“What are you implying?” 
“Wasn’t it you, who told everyone that Sean was your number one if you get Impostor?” she asked with a wicked smile on her face. Felix was dumbfounded, he obviously didn’t expect her to pull that card on him, hell, he didn’t even know how she knew about it since she wasn’t even in the call at the time. 
“FELIX” Corpse suddenly broke the silence, simultaneously breaking the said man from his train of thoughts. 
“Okay, first of all- YOU WEREN’T EVEN IN THE CALL WHEN I SAID THAT” he yelled through his mic, making both Y/N and Corpse laugh, as it only confirmed their suspicions. 
“See? You only proved my point.” 
“Oh, fuck’s sake- I was just joking okay?!” he tried to defend himself, but hearing how he couldn’t even contain his own laughter anymore, it was clear he already accepted the defeat. “It wasn’t serious, god damn it!” 
“You know what to do, Y/N” Corpse’s voice asked through her headphones, and surely, she knew exactly what to do.
“C’mon Y/N, that’s not fair! At least let me explain myself!” 
“Bye Felix” she said in an overly dramatic tone before Corpse voted as well. 
Soon enough, the sign VICTORY could be seen on her screen, which made her squeak and joy. This game was really fun, even though she was so scared of being killed first. 
“I knew it! I knew you would figure out it’s him! That son of a bitch who murdered me!” Jack basically yelled out, clearly very happy about the result. 
“Y/N, seriously now, how did you know I’ve said that?” Felix asked without even hiding his surprised tone.
“Let’s just say I might’ve stolen some of your viewers, Felix” she admitted, winking at her webcam, a new wave of comments landing on her chat. “Thanks guys!” 
“Okay, that is rude and not fair!” 
“It helped me win, so I’ve got nothing else to say” Y/N grinned from ear to ear, before muting herself for a moment to finally answer some of the questions from her chat, while the rest took a quick break to eat something or go to the bathroom.
She was halfway through telling the story of how she met Sean when she noticed she got a message from a private discord chat. 
CORPSE: That was really impressive :)
Y/N smiled to herself upon seeing his text and quickly typed out the answer. 
Y/N: Thanks!! I wouldn’t have done that without you though, you stood up for me and Sykkuno and all
Y/N: Also, thanks for protecting me from being murdered ^^
CORPSE: No problem, I knew you were innocent right away. 
CORPSE: Anyway, good game, Sean was right saying that you’re one of the best players
She couldn’t help the blush that arose on her cheeks, it was very sweet of him to say that, even though she didn’t actually do much except for exposing Felix. 
Y/N: I wasn’t an Impostor though, so you didn’t really see much :)
She watched the three dots beside his name, that signaled he was still texting. The chat was completely forgotten, but people seemed to quickly notice that small, shy smile on her lips, and the pink tint decoring her cheeks.
CORPSE: Okay, now I’m intrigued... 
Y/N: Maybe we’ll both be Impostors one day ^^
CORPSE: Can’t wait for that to happen.
Soon enough, they returned to the lobby to begin another game. Y/N glanced at her chat for a second, and the moment she returned her eyes to the game, her jaw basically dropped. 
IMPOSTOR was written in bold letters in the middle of the red screen, right above her name.
Corpse’s little character was standing beside her. 
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aeempress · 3 years
Apritello Express Evidences, part 3
Apritello, my dear friends, is really all hints, devil in details, little pieces that, in the end, become a huge picture.
I can't say that there are a lot of episodes with April and Donnie spending quality time together, no. But all episodes are important to understand how their relationship are involving, growing. If you have sharp eyes and think about all of this even a little bit, you will be surprised how gracefully their relationship changes and grows, how characters evolve.
Dear passengers, we're about to start. Mind the gap!
Episodes “The Gumbus” and “Mrs. Cuddles”. 
I think it would be appropriate to analyze these episodes in bunch, because they have common situations of spooky supernatural stuff and reactions of characters to this.
When you watch these two eps in raw, it's easy to see how alike are reactions of Donnie and April in some scary, really odd situations. 
Adrenaline ‘n’ reclessness
April is really into all spooky things in “The Gumbus”, she's not afraid of some creepy stuff and she's really brave girl who easily copes with stressful and life-threatening situations.
Donnie is incredibly calm and collected when alive doll talked to him.
But still, April was frightened about plush rabbit because it was really unexpected for girl, she wasn’t ready to realize that plush doll that she’d worked with is alive fear-eating monster who will hurt and intimidate to get their precious screams. But point remains: Donnie and April share crazy fearlessness, which turns into an adrenaline addiction.
And here I am, a science guy, who tell you: adrenaline is a big deal for our body. This hormone can even provoke an onset of romantic feelings. Chemistry and anatomy come to fill the gaps: when a person is afraid, their pulse quickens, a cocktail of hormones is releasing into the blood, which sharpen the senses and reflexes. It will create a strong emotional bound, that's important for maintaining romantic kind of feelings. The more impressions there are (even negative ones), the higher the chance that person will remember his|her partner, and want to see them again – the body gets hooked on adrenaline, like a drug.
That’s why D&A have so strong, unshakeable boundaries. They are so alike: their attitude to scary things, the way Donnie and April cope with them, the adrenaline addiction their share. They even express feelings the same way.
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And one tiny detail: April and Donnie start the teasing Raph for his fear of mrs. Cuddles. So they become the first victims of plushie.
Friendly reminder: they were the 1st victims, and what’s happened with them we don’t know, because it wasn’t shown due to not ruin the atmosphere of suspense.
But we have a beautiful quote of mrs. Cuddles and this precious shot which explain everything
Raph: Where’s Donnie?
Cuddles: In a happy place where he’ll scream and I can grow forever and now you’re gonna join him!
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In a happy place, huh? Tied up with April in Splinter’s bedroom, a really happy place. Hold a sec, are they -
And after that Donnie’s responding is killing me.
Donnie:[OS] I'm afraid of togetherness.
Yep. All normal here. We should continue.
"Operation Normal" even though doesn't show a lot of interactions between April and Donnie, however continues the general outline highlighting the topics that were mentioned earlier in the show.
Firstly, April's relationship with her classmates. We're able to see how poor her scholar life is in "Hypno Part Deux" and "The Purple Jacket". She has no "normal", human friends except some strange remora guy, more like acquaintance than friend, though. But still, having "be normal" kick she's fine with Donnie's weirdness ( Mikey is always beyond all normal comprehension, Raph goes weird while he's alone, without brothers, and his fear of miss Cuddles is no big deal to fam, Leo didn't show any weird stuff during the series, like, reeeeal weird, m'kay?).
Conversation between April and Donnie at pizza spot
Really interesting and smooth scene. We’ve got Donatello who stares at April while he’s waiting his favourite pizza, no big deal.
And his legs.
If a person is interested in you, during a conversation, they will put their right foot forward (a left-handed person is more likely to put their left foot forward) in order to close the distance between you. - Check.
being in company, peson will point the sock at the most pleasant interlocutor for them. - check.
April’s legs are ponted at Donnie. Checkmate.
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Yeah, April is hanging out with Donatello and Leonardo, but the main focus of hers is on Donnie. 
All these scene makes me think that Donnie, knowing about how badly sometimes April  wants to be normal, is up to help her overcome this. Fight fire with fire:  fill up her life with all of this weird, mystic stuff so it will be normal with time. Regular people go to pizza spot to spend some quality time together, so we have pizza restaraunt here, in Hidden City. Make all odd normal, and problem will solved.
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Donnie really tries his best, look at his face. Dee’s fine with all this bizzare things what happens to April, he’s fine with her. But still he fails, because April’s concept of normalcy differs drom Donnie’s.
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And again, for Donnie it’s not a problem at all. He’s always was at the opposite side of normalcy and it doesn’t matter for him if April is in the same boat with him. Cause, as I said, Don’s fine with that.
Second, how much Donnie knows about April.
- Scoff! Are you really still on this whole "I want things to be normal" kick?
- Yes, what big city girl doesn't have a kayak and has hazmat suit?
Interesting detail here: this line launches Donnie’s flashback (because the first scene is from “Purple Jacket”, it’s Dee’s episode, obviously). And Don, as far as I can tell, has in his flashback moments with April when she did something reaaally impressive. His face is way more louder than any words.
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- Short answer: no. Long answer: nnooooooooo.
- Oh, no! You know how April freaks out around the cosplay wizards!
These tiny lines are containing a lot of background, stories, intimate conversations that April and Donnie share. This show always does the same trick: we never see a direct action, we are only able to see a result or statement of the result. But series do a great work telling us with such small and imperceptible gestures that their bonding at this point is mutual. Not only D tells April about his inventions, family and fam's issues he has and even his falls, mistakes and failures. April does the same thing, sharing with Donatello one of the most important things to her. Problem that really bothers her.
C'mon, he'd even memorized Sunita's name, though April messed up with this situation a bit. It seems Donnie memorizes facts about April - he remembered the wi-fi password from old April's work as we can see in "The Longest fight" (he could hack it easily, he's a genius, why he's been keeping in mind some piece information that useless for a year? It doesn't make any sense)
Oh, and that. Just a coincidence, I guess?
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Just alike suits, no big deal. Plus, the whole family has it (and something tells me that guys have suits at the behest of Don, so probably April does). But Donnie and April has a lot in common like emotional expressions, reaction about some kind situations, fight style and even tastes in fashion.
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Also, it seems like Donnie's been watching April for sometimes.
While Leo was hiding in trash can, to not catch anyone's eye rather than April. He definitely couldn't know who was passing by, but there was Donnie to observe from above. That's why he was hanging down the stairs when Leo spoke to April.
It’s not the first time Donnie dress up as old lady to monitor April’s day.
Leo: Why do you always make us dress up as old ladies? Donnie: №1: confort, №2: to blend in as we monitor April’s day for max normalcy.
 3. Even when D took away this cosplay wizard, he's still keeping eye on her.
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Oh no, you don’t. Grandmas here!
Donatello changes his foe to save April exactly. He fought all evening with Brutus, but when April slightly gets in danger, Donnie just attacked anyone who has intention to hurt her and ruin her evening.
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Is that a flying turtle in an old purple dress?
April, who all evening was trying to look “normal”, hiding her real friends because they are mutant turtles and pretending that nothing unusual happens here, finally gives up when Sunita mentioned Donnie. Even though new April’s friend has asked her before about Leo.
His eyes. 
Donnie is really impressed but what he saw, and the reason - April O'Neil.
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The episode "Warren & Hypno, sitting in a Tree" is another incredible piece of whole picture.
Turtle tank is decorated for April birthday in purplish scheme, definetely Donatello's work.
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Dee's nonverbal speech.
• He seems more interested and softer than usual looking at April. It's easy to say comparing him with brothers. Mikey is in anticipation of fun mode, Leo relaxed and show his "whatever it will be fun" attitude, Raph is listening carefully, but still, Donnie could just turn his head in April's vouce direction, not a whole body.
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• Warren felt Don's gaze while talked with April, so worm made the remark. Pay attention to the construction of the frame of neighboring scenes. The second frame is April's perspective. And Don is looking namely at her.
Indignation. Disappointment. Spark, storm, madness (i love this russian meme, sorry not sorry)
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• Donnie seems sincerely sorry for this situation with April's b-day. And again, this soft gaze and "Raph, shut the shell up, your nonsense is upsetting her"-eyes.
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• Donatello is kind of person, who’s avoiding a proper confrontation, so he rarely stands up for someone.  He were remaining silent, when Raphael tried to cheer April in the most radiculous way, but when Hypno tried to play with April’s feelings, Donnie blew it. 
He’s obviously in wrath as D emote that expressively. Yeah, he had much on his plate at April’s birthday, but it’s her b-day on the line, not his pride.
Warren used April, playing with her fan feelings. Her idol betrayed her, she was locked up in a cage, and now we have Hypno who wants to use her again by pitting and pushing for her compassion, because, it’s obvious - boys would do everything she said. 
And Donnie tries to keep Hypno away from her, protect her feelings from another betrayal. 
As he’s already stated - “For you, anything”.
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The show always tells us: if you wanna trigger Don, bring April in. 
Hypno tried to turn this thing around, Leo did the same in “Al be back”. 
If Hypno-tamus did that accidentally as he found out that April O’ Neil is a birthday girl, so her wishes that day were laws, Leo did it on purpuse.
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Leo is good at manupulating and pulling some strings, plus he knows his twin as back of his hand. That’s why Leo mentioned April in the end as she was always the most powerful argument, the reason and motive for Donnie. At second he’s even panicked, but remained calm. He almost blew up his coolheaded image because of one certain girl in yellow.
• Donnie is really happy to present Warren's arm to April. He even holds it like a rare, priceless treasure. D is really proud of himself right now: he saved the day, after all. The emotional reaction of hers is exactly what Donnie wants to get. And then, his final pose, while April is on 9th cloud from happiness - that's really territorial gesture, D claims his supremacy and confidence, telling "See? That's my happy birthday girl".
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Leapfrog with a composition
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Donnie and April are more and more eager to be together in the frame. Composition’s boners, m’kay.
Special ride for April
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Yeah, Donnie used to offer his battleshell to give April a special ride. It even has  a seat and handlebars for her comfort. She can control the flight as well as Donatello, they are like co-pilots. But he never carried her on his back before.
Usually, April is carried by Raphael, on his neck/shoulder, and she’s fine with it. Raph is strong enough to carry her without any difficulties or slowing down.
It’s not Donnie’s weak to carry her - no, he strong enough to carry his battleshell with a lot stuff in it everyday, Don can carry Splints on his shoulder without any apparent difficulty. He strong enough to hold the weight of his battleshell+April. Oh, c’mon, D assembled the Turtle tank only by himself and this for sure requires a lot of physical strength in order to engage in auto mechanics. Try lifting the wheel with tyre, and you'll see what I mean. Of course, there is a jack, but it will not solve all the problems. Don could use hydraulics and Archimedes ' laws, but I'm sure he did most of it with his own hands. Lifting and carrying, all by himself.
Not the strengh what’s matter but another point.
The sequence where Donnie carries April on his back doesn’t last long, it’s pretty easy to miss, while Raph openly do that with April on him. 
Plus April’s gaze: she’s staring right at us with her “ninja-eyes” as if they were caught in the middle of something. The duration and length of the sequence, the way it is made all of this arouse certain thoughts. 
It’s like nobody should see this. Too personal. To be more specific - too close and intimate? 
Donnie stated a few times that he’s not into togetherness, tactile interaction and phisical side of contacts. Although he's fine with his brothers, don't forget that April is a girl. Even if she feels like part of family, she’s not his relative. She’s not his sister. 
Some people tend to avoid physical contact with the objects of their interest. And this behaviour fits in Don’s character. He’s anxious type with a lot of psychological and emotional issues. Yeah, he tries to cover it up, built a shell to protect himself, behave as confident extravert but he’s nothing like that. Sometimes D tends to distance himself from his family, to hide in his shell, and we've seen that throughout the show. 
Don hangs by his phone quite often, he addicted to this as his comfort zone, his peaceful cave, where everything is much easier,
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Don pretends he’s so busy with his science stuff to ward off his brothers (ep. Mind Meld), 
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Don went to the lab to work on his projects, while he could hang out with April and the brothers (ep. Mrs. Cuddles). And he left for what? To work on self-cleaning tooth pick, or the titan bust of himself? It’s seems like lame excuse to be alone. He’s definetely an intovert, who sometimes needs some space and time with himself. 
All his cocky behaviour is showing off to hide insecure, diffident and vulnerable creature, softshell purple turtle. Yeah, Donnie has confidence in what he’s great in: tech, science stuff, where he’s only one is capable of. But if someone steps on his domain or doubts his authority, his true colours exposed.
And, once again, “Mind meld” is a great evidence of that. Would callous, unsumpathetic guy without heart have a wall with pictures of his fellows? I’m afraid not. Donnie has a soft, caring heart.
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There’s an alley of his the dearest moments, because photos - are always memory, precious moments we want to keep. 
1 - from “Minotaur Maze”. Don loves good pizza, loves his brothers, and they have a little adventure together. Yeah, this photo isn’t on champ wall, but still.
2 - from “Mascot melee”. Important day for bros as they show themselves to people at daylight to rescue Raph and their operation to buy a new robe for his father. It’s their joint brothers dance, and D is loving to dance, remember? Definetely special occasion.
3 - from “Mascot melee”. Splints was really glad to receive a gift from boys. And Donatello, as we know, is always eager to achive for pop’s approval. This for sure must be in his precious moments collection.
5, 7 - from “Donnie’s gifts”. He even keeps a dorky photo, which Raph uses as profile pic at Donnie’s number.
8, 9 - “Down with the sickness”. It was funny to survive all the 7 stages to achive what boys wanted. They failed, but still.
10 - from “Al be back”. Who knows that Splints is so good at singing?
4, 6 - from “The Fast and the Furriest”. Strange choice, cuz, you know, photos ten seconds before his collision with April bat?
And yeah, he HAS April’s photo here. And at this pic it’s April, and April alone,without his brothers. 
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Don’s a real softie, see?
And avoiding physical contact is a way to protect Donnie’s already shattered self-esteem. To not cause any doubts in front of girl which he’s interested in. That’s possible reason why we did not receive any heartwarming hugs in “The Purple Jacket”.
But Donnie carries April, because it’s her birthday. On the one hand, the girl claims that  her b-day is cursed, and Donnie could, by any chance, do something nice for her, and on the other hand - any request of the bithday girl - is the law, as we could see earlier.
Gift for birthday girl
There is no Donnie in the scene after Draxum throw off Warren's arm. While Raph comfort April about her birthday, Donnie was looking for it to present it to April.
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He knows the best what is the most precious gift for her. Warren Stone, her idol, goat of making news; she have been in Stoneheads fanclub for 9 years. Also, it seems that Donnie is the one of turtles, who collected info about this worm.
Also, he stopped immediately when April stepped between them and show no disappointing (remind you about Donnie's sadistic science guy nature). The reason is April.
And another cute detail: their glasses are the same form.
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Another episode "Mystic library" has slightly touched D&A interaction. But were talking about Apritello, it's all hints but quality.
When Mayham trapped in the mirror and Raph, Leo and Mikey obviously are not coping, April decides to call Donnie to clear situation up.
Donnie, mister "I ruin everything", she's going to call for help. I repeat this. April calls for help Mr. Science to solve mystic problems with her pet. MYSTIC PET.
 And he AGREES.
Turtles dissuade their friend from calling Donatello but after a while, April returns with Donnie, and sees the bathroom in ruins.
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I'm gonna clear this moment.
1. April haven’t called Donnie.
2. Some time later she returns with Dee.
3. Our girl is pretty shocked to see her bathroom in ruins, argo she didn't see/hear Raph chose to solve problem with smashing.
It must mean only ine thing: April went for Donnie by herself. We don't know where was he, we don't know what the reason April brought Donnie with her by herself, 'cause we know that if she call Dee, he will definitely get to her immediately.
Something is definetely off.
By the way, April changed Don’s profile pic.Yeah, the first one is very informative since Donnie is a turtle and he’s purple and he has bandana. Seems like April have done it by herself, editing the photo of real turtle. She didn't put a lot of effort into this, this image doesn't show her real attitude towards Don. But second is more personality-tinged. Sleeping Donatello in all his gear - this detail can tell us about only one thing - he was photographed when he fell asleep after his sleepless night(s) working hard at something - is something she can catch or receive by boys (namely speaking, it’s Leo, according to Ben Schwartz stated in an interview, that if Leo had an Instagram account, that 60 to 70% of his photos would be his brothers caught sleeping or slipping on things). And still. April has a dorky and little embarrassing pic of Donatello and this is... Interesting and cute?
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This profile pic remind me about ROTTMNT: Sound off! (2nd issue)
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The next station is “The Purple Game”.
Another episode in which the interaction of the characters is small in timing, but great in content.
And once again: they have a lot in common. I’d never tired of repeating this thing ‘cause the series do the same trick, showing one thing from different points of view. April and April shares the same taste in games, the same attitude, the same mojo. 
But the most important thing here is how D&A interacrions are shown in this episode. Unlike other episodes, the interaction here is indirect, is provided by gaming.
Their customized avatars reflects their personality. I mean, the colour schemes (though Donatello has never shown any interest in yellow, he used it for customization of his persona), the way their avatars looking. Game even refering to Sherlock_Corn as “she”, albeit it’s impossible to refer to her avatar in female pronoun. Because, you know, design and nickname?
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And the in-game interaction of the avatars resembles D&A irl relationships. Bootyyyshaker 9000 don’t like togetherness, he’s looking like Donnie’s expectation of himself (cool and tough guy, as D sees himself in his own dreams)
Their dialogue
Actually. Actually, Donnie and April are not able to hear each other as game has no voice chat, but their lines make an perfect dialogue nevertheless.
April:Bootyshaker9000? Donnie? 
Donnie:April? You’re the last person I need to destroy to achive rank №1!
Both:There can only be one!
Donnie said the cheat combination, so April would know for sure what he is supposed to do, but she has no idea.
So, once again: their sync is incredible.
And can we talk about that?
April’s attack
As it seems, attacks may be customized by players. Bootyyshaker has attack that refers at Donatello main feature - superior intellect.
And this attack isn’t effective, because REAL April O’Neil has a resist towards it. She has known D for years, she knows what he’s capable of, she’s aware of his nerd side. April’s immune to it, so Sherlock_Corn is.
 Sherlock_corn has a default attack - kernel cannon. It’s nod to her nickname: kernel, corn, the same book. But her second atteck is something reflecting her personalitiy. Plus, April is aware of Donnie’s “fear” of togetherness. All’s fair in love and war, right?
April took a lot of BS9000 hp by her “friendly hugs”. And, by the way, his sweet reaction for hugs.
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The selection of the final opponent. It might be literally anyone, but we wouldn’t be able to see Dee’s obsession in that case. Yeah, he’s already had a  demon possesion ™, but it was too easy to him to win. No challenge. No “kill or be killed”, “It’s me or you” mojo.  He needed some tough gamer for challenging, to develop his character, push him too far. And  April, actually, is an excellent choice to reveal the character of certain purple turtle.To expose his true colours. And April do a great job: they know each other, so battle will be spicy, they are both compepitors, they are so alike, so it would be intersting to watch Donatello vs April. And it will, ‘cause In-game April and In-game Don is somewhat different than them usual.
April is Don’s slayer for sure. She’s good at gaming, her last attack was almost fatal for him. So he had to to cheated on her. 
Captain Cuddlecakes. Yes, she know about his afraid of togetherness. And there’s lovey-dovey attack animation with this cuddling and Donatello’s persona behaves like him. And it was SPECIAL RUN, so... I haven’t the foggiest why. Cute detail, I mean.
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Just look at it.  Isn’t it cute?(at least we got their hugs somewhere... kinda. kinda.)
“Snow Day“, albeit  being family episode, shows a lot about D&A relationship through “family war”.
First of all, the same taste in films.   
Donnie’s already shown the same attitude to fashion, scary things as Cap O'Neil, April shares the same gamer’s mojo as Donatello, but now? We have Donnie and April that are loving the same movie.
For love of purple supernovas, of all the Jupiter Jim’s movies (and there are more than 60 of them), that's a convinient coincidence, they like the same movie.
It stated in series several times that Dee is fond of Atomic Lass. He had crush on her when he was child, he admires her by all his heart, so it will make sense if films with this character he would be his favourite. It’s logical, isn’t it?
Atomic Lass, even if she is part of JJ-universe, however, isn't in every movie. Leo described "JJ: Pluto vacation IV" and there is no sights of Atomic Lass. Like, at all. 
Nevertheless, April’s claimed that “PV-4” is the best movie of the time, and Don agrees. 
April:What the whaaaat? Hold up, Skip. “Jupiter Jim Pluto Vacation 4″ is the best JJ movie  of all time.
Donnie:Ranked, by us, just now. So it’s basically official, no arguing.
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And they do this thing again. Reflecting each other. Facial expressions, intonations, poses and etc. Haven’t I mentiones that? Mirroring is natural way to build communication. People, who communicate enthusiastically, who have sympathy to each other, feelings of certain nature, unconsciously copy each other's poses.
Direct reflection and close contact have a strong effect. This is used between lovers, people with close relationships or interested in each other.
And you can see that during not only episode, but through the whole series. 
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Poses, gestures, facial expressions they share constantly. Even if they are apart, they are mirroring each other, showing their bound. Because Apritello is not always about sitting close, holding hands and blushing. Apritello is about staying together even if they are not.  It’s about solid foundation, about synergy, about chemistry Donnie and April share. And all of these are not always so obvious and clear, evident. But so realistic nevertheless.
And that’s why they splitted off the fam - they are too close and alike. 
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I stated it before but DonniexApril team is way more effective than Donniexbrothers team. Donatello and April are equal, worth each other. They are comfortable with each other, their teamwork is amazing. 
They are always near, close to each other for the entire episode. Stand up for each other, side by side. They have no need to do team-building, because their sincronization is incredible. April works well together with Donnie, their skills compliment each other. 
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I love that April in a first place look at Donnie to check is everything alright.
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And a cherry on top?
This inviting gesture. Donnie just watched all along how his brothers and April try to throw some cold water on this situation (khem, it slipped). But when April call him with this inviting gesture, he’d like to help. 
In other words, he was waitng when April requests for his help.    
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Composition’s boners
Sometimes it happens during the show, but this episode beat hte score at this point. I say only one word: physics. Or, more precisely, the force of attraction. Or, maybe Mayham.
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... Anyway.
Fitting in the type
April can play not so nice against her enemies, she got steady hand and meanness, merciless and reclessness. She’s passionate and kinda badass, sassy - in a positive way, she’s baddest girl who can kick your butt if you mess with her, and she really good at this. 
She has a fire, and Donnie likes that. Dee never stated that directly but miss O’Neil impressed him so many times and in different way so it’s kinda pretty obvious. 
Just look how Donatello reacted the way April took Raph down a peg. Her actions are elegant, relaxed but really sly. She almost dare Raph to put his flag on top only to bring him down to Earth in really painful way. She destroyed Bros’ team so easily just by waiting a bit and by calling Mayham. 
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She’s definetely got some pepper.
Pretty cute but baddest, don’t you think?
And Donnie was impressed for sure, he admitted it - “That is fun for me”. He don’t even stand a chance, c’mon: she’s smarass and elegant, she can be mean and cute at the same time. 
Even though that’s it for season 1 analysis (the last series is more appropriate  to review as part of 2nd season, plus it was a reaally big post, I need some time)
You can refresh this whole situation in the car 1 and the car 2 or follow the hashtag #apritello express as you please. It’s a pleasure of mine, keep in touch :)
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 291: The Endeavor Pamphlet
Previously on BnHA: Dabi showed up atop Gigantomachia’s back and was all “you’ll never guess who I really am!” and the readers humored him and were all “who?” and he was all “TODOROKI TOUYA” and we were all “WOW └(・。・)┘ OH MY GOSH I WOULD NEVER HAVE GUESSED”, except for Shouto and Enji who were GENUINELY SHOCKED. Anyway so Touya was all “and guess what I’m doing right now!” and before anyone could even try, he was all, “STREAMING MY EMMY-NOMINATED MINISERIES ‘HELLO, I’M EVIL BUT ALSO TRAGIC AND SEXY, NOW LET ME TELL YOU ALL ABOUT MY DAD WHO SUCKS’’, THAT’S WHAT.” And everyone was all “oh my god” and Touya was all “ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪” for basically the rest of the chapter, and that’s pretty much it! Oh, wait, except for the part where he also doused himself in bleach in a fit of pure theatrics, which is actually pretty much the main takeaway from the entire chapter really because it was just wild af. ANYWAYS.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi introduces Baby Touya, the world’s most enchantingly sweet character, and is immediately all, “I sure can’t wait to tell you guys all about how his fucking jaw burnt off.” Thankfully he doesn’t (YET), and we cut back to the present pretty quickly, where Dabi explains how he took all of his brain cells that should have been used to stop him from pouring bleach over his head, and instead put them all toward his big brain plot of releasing an elaborate video detailing Endeavor’s various abuses and crimes, and even throwing Hawks under the bus as well because WHY NOT. He then leaps off of Gigantomachia’s back (like I said, no brain cells) all set to blast them with a Prominence Burn, only to be stopped by none other than THE LEGEND HIMSELF, MOTHERFUCKING BEST, PRETTIEST, NICEST, MOST OUTSTANDING MOTHERFUCKING JEANIST. Who’s no doubt outraged by the crime against hair he witnessed only moments earlier. GO GETTIM JEANY BOI.
so I haven’t had time to answer any of them because this has been the stupidest week, but I just wanted to tell you guys that I received no fewer than nine asks about Dabi’s hair. which, in a week filled with election memes and tumblr’s most cursed fandom briefly rising back up from the dead, is a pretty impressive feat for him if you ask me. like, I know I was making fun of it basically nonstop, but it sure did generate a lot of discussion so maybe I should rethink my opinions on Dabi’s PR strategies now, idk
anyway. it’s Saturday. time to catch up on this shit. let’s see how fucked the Todorokis are
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“thanks for being all right” the fuck
who allowed this child to be so cute. I’m serious. who signed off on this
how could a child this adorable possibly want to murder his equally adorable baby brother. please, your honor. there must be some mistake here
guess how prepared I am to read all about Touya’s tragic past. mm. that’s right. zero ready. none ready
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listen you guys. I just want to take a moment to appreciate that Horikoshi Kouhei did one of two things here. either (1) he planned it out FROM THE VERY START that Touya would be born with red hair Because Fire Powers, but would then have his hair turn white due to trauma, thus making the Dabi/Touya connection very slightly less obvious, although Let’s Be Real Who Are We Kidding. OR, (2) the anime got it wrong and gave him red hair, and rather than allowing this plot hole to continue to exist, Horikoshi took it upon himself to concoct this elaborate storyline and pretend it was never a plot hole at all! in which case I sure hope someone at Bones is sending him a VERY nice Christmas card this year. got this man sweeping up all your messes for you. you’re just lucky he has some sort of wild compulsion to address these things
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FATHER AND SON. how sweet. :| still zero percent ready for any of this btw
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and Enji’s smiling at him. he’s so proud of him. but then Touya won’t be able to do it, and Enji’s gonna stop training him, and Touya’s gonna feel like a failure and keep pushing himself in order to try and win his dad’s affections back, because that’s all kids fucking want, all they want is just love, that’s fucking it, you couldn’t just give him that?? and then he’s gonna immolate himself fflkdlskfh THERE YOU SEE HORIKOSHI, I KNOW THE WHOLE STORY ALREADY, YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THE WHOLE “SHOW THEM THE DEAD DOG” THING YET AGAIN YOU PIECE OF SHIT
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I keep pressing the emergency stop button but this industrial tragedy machine just keeps on chugging along anyway, I’m pretty sure this thing is not up to code
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:| I am so sorry sweet boy, Horikoshi is only getting started with you
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but he wasn’t actually a child to you, he was just a little puppet child for you to live vicariously through!! and then you went and did the same fucking thing with Shouto afterwards and never learned your lesson until just six months ago!! fucking hell, Enji
so now he’s all “Touya is dead, that’s an unforgivable lie” fflkdhflk motherfucker does he look dead to you. if you really think that, tumblr and twitter have got a little over five years’ worth of archived theory posts to show you
oh shit Touya’s countering with “it’s an unforgivable truth”, which, damn. I actually think Horikoshi’s dialogue is one of his weaker points as a writer a lot of the time, but that comeback was snappy as fuck
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actually guys, now that I’ve seen how ridiculously fucking cute baby!Touya was, I can almost understand why Shouto and Enji never put the pieces together before lol. any passing similarities would have easily been dismissed on account of he’d need to be at least 10x more adorable in order to get the full resemblance
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gotta say, so far The Endeavor Pamphlet is just about as spicy as I could have hoped
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(ETA: Natsuo’s face as he watches his beloved dead brother come back to life only to literally and metaphorically set everything on fire in one fell swoop is :/. why must you do this to me Natsu. can’t you see I’m trying to throw a Welcome Back Jeanist party here.)
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btw I neglected to mention this last week, but yes I do recognize and appreciate that this is Can’t Ya See-kun himself whom Horikoshi has chosen to be the face of this existential crisis which the general public is about to experience. rip CYS-kun
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excuse me. putting aside the implications of Dabi sharing this context-less murder video of Hawks with the entire world for a moment, I just have to pause for a sec here, because when exactly did he get a chance to edit this all in?? complete with voiceover that seamlessly ties in with the prerecorded footage of him with DNA test results sans shirt?? you’re telling me this motherfucker, with all the smoke that was in the room thanks to his own quirk, somehow got a PERFECT SHOT of the PRECISE MOMENT when Hawks drove his feather knife into Jin’s back, using his MAGIC CAMERA THAT HE I GUESS HAD THE ENTIRE TIME IN THE POUCH RIGHT NEXT TO HIS BLEACH BOTTLE, and then immediately somehow got this very next shot as well FROM AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT ANGLE
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and this after I just wrote that whole long paragraph positively GLOWING about this man’s ability to plug up a plot hole. jfc. just scratch out every damn word I said lol. just forget all of it
are you fucking kidding me, the footage was from the cameras Skeptic planted on Hawks??
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that’s... actually... okay you know what, it still doesn’t make any sense in the slightest, but the determination to address it nonetheless... just, dammit... I feel like I’m constantly at war with myself over whether or not I want to shake this man’s hand or slap him lmao. whatever, then!!
anyway, since Shouto and Enji can’t actually see the damage that Touya is dealing to the hero industry even as they speak, Touya is taking it upon himself to give them the highlights
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I think it’s a testament to how much Endeavor cares about Hawks that he managed to zero in on that comment even amidst all the craziness of his eldest son returning from the dead to announce how he’s been carefully plotting their destruction for years and years. like, he heard “Hawks” and his face immediately went like that. you think he’s worried that Dabi did something to him? because he’d be right to worry lol
so the Endeavor Pamphlet narration is now explaining all about how Hawks totally killed the Number 3 Hero Best Jeanist as well! yep... he sure did... totally...
Hawks, that is. lol. not Jeanist. NO, JUST MY POOR HALF-DEAD WINGLESS BABY SON
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interesting! we suspected as much, I think, with the clues that Ending dropped, and the little flashback right after the name reveal. still not clear how Dabi found out about it though!
looooool okay here we go, breaking out the heavy-handed holier-than-thou shit now
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you know, I do find it interesting how trying to model themselves after All Might’s noble Symbol of Peace image has kind of ended up being the heroes’ undoing here. like, I could write a whole essay on this, but what it basically boils down to is that they were all trying too hard to be perfect. All Might went out there and did his thing and was amazing, and so the powers-that-be built an entire system centered around this seemingly-infallible person, and they acted like the system was infallible as well. and so most of the population ended up becoming complacent over the years, and meanwhile the people who were unfortunate enough to fall through the cracks understandably wound up disillusioned and perceiving the heroes as these false idols
anyway, but I think one positive takeaway from this is that the new up-and-coming generation of heroes represent a breakaway from that system. like, imo what we’re witnessing is the downfall of the Perfect Hero, and the rise of the imperfect hero. and this new generation doesn’t shy away from their failures or pretend like they never happened. they pretty much can’t pretend, because their failures are all right out there in the open for everyone to see. Bakugou Katsuki, just to name one example off the top of my very biased head, has had his own personal character journey basically play out right in front of the media’s eyes. his humiliation at the sports festival, his kidnapping by the League, and all of the fallout afterward. this isn’t someone who can ever go out there and convince the world that he’s perfect. but what he can do, instead, is show the world that he’s trying. that he’s trying with everything he has to do his best, to be the best. rather than this untouchable godlike image, it’s instead the image of someone painfully human who is nonetheless striving with everything he’s got to keep moving forward, flaws and all, and work his way to the top
and ultimately I think that’s going to be a much more positive image to send out to the world when all’s said and done. because rather than merely inspiring awe, heroes like that inspire people to take action themselves. or at least that’s what I hope! and not just Bakugou, but the others as well. we’ve got Shouto, whose own personal trauma is being aired in front of the whole nation even as I sit here ranting. we’ve got Deku, who cries at the drop of a hat, and who fought to become a hero despite being quirkless (and I think it’s only a matter of time before that eventually becomes public knowledge as well). tl;dr because I’m getting way too long-winded here, but these kids have effectively been humanized in a way that the old generation never was, and I think that’ll go a long way towards building trust between them and the people they’ll someday be protecting, and inspiring the next generation in hopefully a much healthier way
anyway so where were we. ...oh yes, Dabi was explaining that heroes only protect themselves, and is presumably building up to his grand conclusion of “therefore you should all just let the villains take over and burn down the world”
omfg. YOU GUYS
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so now Dabi’s leaping off of this ninety-foot-tall gargoyle man like that’s a normal, smart thing to do. unless he can fly too now? saw his dad doing it back at Fukuoka and was all “hmm”
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lol he and Deku both look so determined but they’re basically sitting ducks. their “oh shit” faces do look remarkably like their “TIME TO SWING INTO ACTION” faces but don’t be fooled, they have one good arm and about six pints of blood left between the two of them. looks like this one’s all on you Shouto
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y’all. can’t even talk right now, my brain has completely shut down lol. just. ...
  °˖✧◝( ̄▿ ̄)◜✧˖°
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impalas-r-important · 4 years
Love of my Life - (7) Stick around
Summary: A little bit more back story about Y/N as she shares her story with Dean.
Warnings: N/A. Mechanic Dean?
A/N: I just want to say thank you to everyone who has reached out to me with your love for this series! Ya'll are the best! If you haven't heard Love of my Life by Queen, then go listen to it. Such a beautiful song.
Series Masterlist
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I was up before Sam which almost never happens, but I was determined to get coffee and muffins to take over to Y/N and ask her if she wanted to come with us to Montana. Walking up to her door, I kept reminding myself to take deep breaths and not act like an idiot. I knocked on the door and I heard a faint “Come in.” Slowly pushing the door open, I see Y/N folding her clothes to pack into her suitcase. She had her hair up in a ponytail, with jeans and a hoodie on and I couldn’t help but smile when she looked up at me.
“Hey Winchester.”
“Hey!” That sounded too eager, tone it down, Dean… I cleared my throat and continued. “Do you always leave your door open for people to just walk in? That’s not very safe.”
“I just forgot to lock it this morning after I got back from the ice machine. I figured it was you or Sam knocking, but I have this bad boy ready just in case.” She reached over the bed to her nightstand and held up a large knife.”
“That’s not going to do much good if someone were to barge in here with a gun.”
Y/N raised her eyebrow at me with a doubting look on her face which made my heart jump a little. “Most of the time, bringing a knife to a gun fight is a bad idea. But most people aren’t me.” She spun the knife in her hand and set it down on the bed next to her.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.” I teased and held up a small brown bag with blueberry muffins inside. “I brought you some breakfast.” My gesture was interrupted by the bag being ripped from my hands and pinned to wall just behind me with a knife. It took a second to process what just happened. “Did… Did you just throw a knife at me?” Maybe I should be concerned, but more than anything I’m beyond impressed and a little turned on.
Y/N sent a devious smile my way as she walked over and pulled the knife from the wall, catching the bag before it fell to the ground. “You sounded like you were doubtful of my knife skills so I figured I’d prove it to you.” She stuck the knife in the back of her belt and opened the bag, pulling out a muffin. “Oh, blueberry! My favorite!” How this girl can go from terrifying one second to completely adorable in the next is beyond me, but I can’t get enough of it.
I sit on the bed and she joins me, pulling her feet up and sitting cross legged by my side. “So, you got any plans after this?” I ask as she pulls a muffin from the bag and hands it to me.
“No, I don’t think so. Find a case somewhere close by, I guess?”
“Well Sam and I found one in Montana if you want in. We can always use the backup.”
Y/N’s smile fades as she pops the last bite in her mouth.
“I would love to, but I don’t know if I can…”
My heart sinks. “How come?”
“My stupid piece of crap car can barely make it fifty miles without over-heating. The trip here really did a number on it and I don’t know that it would make it all the way to Montana.”
“Well, lucky for you, I know a great mechanic.” I wink at her and dust the crumbs off my lap. “I’m good with cars. I fix my baby up all the time and keep her running like new. Let me take a look at your piece of crap and see what I can do.”
“Wow, a personal compass and mechanic who brings me breakfast first thing in the morning. What am I supposed to do without you, Dean Winchester?” I knew Y/N was joking, but all I wanted was to tell her that she never had to be without me.
“I’ll tell Sam to get a head start and scope the case out. I’ll stay here with you and fix up your car and we can meet him there. Deal?”
“Dean, you don’t need to do that.”
“I want to.”
Y/N looked skeptically at me, so I reached over and grabbed her hand, squeezing it for reassurance.
“Thank you.” She said softly.
All I wanted to do was lean in and kiss her and it took everything in me to stop myself.
“I’m going to go update Sam. Be back in a sec.”
After giving Sam the low down, I met Y/N at her car. It was a simple jeep, nothing too complicated and I figured it would be an easy fix.
“You wanna pop the hood?” I instructed. She got in the car and pulled a lever. I pulled the hood up and began looking. It only took a few minutes to find a large crack in her water pump.
“Figured it out.” I said as I shut the hood. “Your water pump is busted. Let’s take her to that auto parts store a few blocks down and I’ll have her up and running in no time.”
“My knight in grungy plaid!” She joked as she walked to the passenger side door, which I opened for her before hopping in the driver’s side.
Y/N walked across the street to the gas station and bought some snacks and drinks while I quickly changed the pump, then we headed out on the road. Sam had only left a few hours before us and I sent him a quick text letting him know that we were on our way.
We were looking at a fifteen hour drive ahead of us, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to get to know Y/N more.
“So, where’d you learn to throw knives like that?” I asked.
“Well, that’s kind of a long story.” She muttered as she shuffled through CDs, looking for one to pop in.
“We have time.” I was genuinely interested in knowing everything about her. I would sit in this stupid car for a whole week if it meant I got to be with Y/N.
I knew she could sense my sincerity and tried to repress a smile as she looked at the floor. “Well, you remember me telling you that my family died when I was little?” I nodded. “I kind of bounced around between hunters who raised me and taught me the ropes. I never really stayed with anyone for that long, though. Bobby kept me the most. I’m sure I was a burden on him, but he’s the only one who didn’t make me feel like I was, and I love him for that. But I always wanted to feel like I belonged with someone, you know? Like I just wanted to stick with one person and not have them dump me off with the next hunter who was free to look after me. I quickly learned that the more useful I was on hunts, the longer I’d stay with someone, so I decided that I’d learn how to throw knives. Bobby gave me this little guy,” she reached down and opened the glove compartment, pulling out a decent sized pocketknife, “and I practiced in every free minute I had. Eventually, I upgraded to bigger and better weapons, but this one holds a place in my heart.” She folded the knife back up and put it away. “Anyway, long story short, I got pretty good at throwing pointy things.” She chuckled.
“Did you ever get to stick with someone?”
She pursed her lips. “Not really, no. Once I was an asset on hunts, people would keep me around for longer, but never permanently. When I turned sixteen, Bobby set me up with one of his old cars and I went out on my own.”
I couldn’t fathom how anyone in their right mind wouldn’t want this amazing person around. “I’m sorry.” I shot her a sympathetic side smile.
“You don’t need to be.” I was surprised at her response. “People tell me all the time that I had a crappy childhood, but I didn’t know any different. I learned a long time ago that I can’t let myself feel deprived or angry about the past because that doesn’t help with anything. There’s enough bad that we deal with in our lives and I’m not going to make it worse by throwing a pity party for myself.” She cleared her throat and quickly shook her head, bringing a smile back on her face and changing her tone of voice instantly as she reached into the shopping bag full of treats. “Jerky or ding-dongs?” She asked.
“Jerky. I’ll leave the chocolate for you.” I remembered our conversation from the diner, how she told me she had a big sweet tooth.
“Good answer.” She beamed.
“So, your family,” I started between bites, “what were they like?”
“From what I remember, they were wonderful.” Y/N gave a sweet smile and reminisced as she gazed out the front window. “I was six when they died, so I don’t remember a lot, but I do remember my mom being patient and loving and my dad could make me laugh even on the worst days. I had 4 older brothers who were very protective. I looked up to them a lot. I’ve got some pictures at Bobby’s place. I’ll have to show you someday.”
“I’d love that.”
When Y/N showed me this side of her, it was hard to picture her as a hunter, even though I had seen firsthand how badass she could be. She seemed so vulnerable and kind, and I couldn’t understand how she could be so genuine after what she went through. I hated that she never had a true place of her own, and I wanted to tell her she had found one with me. It had only been a day and a half, but I couldn’t picture the future without this girl by my side. I wanted to tell her that, but how do I say something like that without coming off like an obsessed crazy man?
Y/N asked about my life, and I filled her in on everything. Our mom dying, our dad dying, me going to hell, and even things about myself that I wouldn’t tell Sam. I trusted her. Hours had passed and we had to stop for gas. It was getting late, and she volunteered to drive so I could shut my eyes. She had a blanket in the back seat that she gave to me and I wadded it up to use as a shield between me and the cold window.
Y/N played some music but turned it down low so she wouldn’t wake me. She must have thought I was already asleep and began to softly sing along to Love of My Life by Queen. I kept my eyes closed tight and listened to her, hanging onto every word.
You will remember
When this is blown over
And everything’s all by the way
When I grow older
I will be there at your side to remind you
How I still love you
As she sang those words, my head flooded with pictures of the two of us sitting on the porch of a small secluded house, watching our kids play in the front yard with a big old dog. I had never pictured a future like this for myself, but the minute I met Y/N, I felt a new door open for me. I had always thought that I would die young in a blaze of glory, but now all I wanted was to get out of the hunting life and live a simple one. Maybe not today or anytime soon, but someday. Was it crazy that I felt like this after knowing her for barely two days? Yes. Did I care? No.
My life had very few moments where I felt completely at peace and content, but this was one. One that I would remember every day, and the one that made me realize that I was one hundred percent head-over-heels in love with this girl.
Sam had already spoken with the police and the families of the victims by the time we got there. We quickly figured out who the wolf was and had him taken care of by the end of the day. We made a good team. I convinced Sam and Y/N that we should celebrate at the local bar, and the three of us were sitting at a table. Y/N volunteered to buy the next round and left her chair to go get it.
“So…” Sam started as I watched Y/N joking with the bartender. “You gonna tell her?”
“Tell her what?”
“That you like her, or whatever.”
“We’re not in high school, Sam.”
“Okay, fine. I just mean, I’ve never seen you like this before, and you need to make up your mind. We’re done with this case and she’s taking off in the morning if you don’t do something.”
I sighed and played with the label on my beer bottle. “I know…”
“I think we make a good team, the three of us.” Sam added. “Why don’t you, invite her to come hunt with us for a while?”
I looked at him skeptically. “You’d be okay with that?”
“Dean, she’s one of the best hunter’s I’ve ever seen, she actually helps with research, she’s fun, and you’re much more tolerable to be around when she’s with you.”
“Yeah, okay. I’ll ask her tonight.”
You, Sam and Dean had been having the time of your lives at that bar. You couldn’t remember the last time you had ever felt like you fit in with anyone like this. Sam was so easy to get along with. You teased him, he teased you, and you both teamed up to tease Dean. He felt like a brother to you. Dean, on the other hand, was so caring and interested in you like no one had ever been before. You had been fighting back strong feelings for him since you had first met him just two days prior; feelings so strong that they scared you. You had heard stories about him from Bobby and other hunters about how he would reel women in, use them, and leave them, so you left your guard up a little. But you had a hard time believing he was that kind of a person. For some reason, you trusted him like you had known him your whole life and it was rare that you trusted anyone at all.
Sam was telling a story about the food Dean used to try and cook for them at motels when they were kids and couldn’t get through a sentence without splitting his side from laughter, which, in turn, made you and Dean belly laugh as well. The ringtone of your phone broke through the cackles and you pulled it from your pocket. You excused yourself and stood up from the table, walking outside where you could hear better.
“Hey, Y/N, it’s Mitch”
“Wow, hey Mitch. It’s been a long time. Everything okay?” You had worked a few cases with Mitch in the past few years. He was a decent hunter. Young, like you, so you got along with him better than older hunters who looked down on you.
“I’ve got a case in Idaho that I can’t seem to figure out. You free?”
“You’re in luck. I just finished up something in Montana. Text me your address and I’ll be there tomorrow.”
“Thanks, I owe you one.”
You walk back in the bar, disappointed that you have to leave the fun. Dean smiles the second he sees you come back inside. You sat down next to him and he put his arm on the back of your chair.
“I thought you ran away, sweetheart.”
“I figured you could foot the bill.” You teased. “No, I actually got a call from a hunter in Idaho needing some help, so I think I’ve gotta call it a night and find a motel to crash at. I told him I’d be there tomorrow.”
Dean’s face dropped as you pulled out your wallet and set some money on the table. Sam gave Dean a knowing look which you caught. As you pulled on your jacket, Dean grabbed your arm softly.
“Wait, Y/N. Uhm, Sam and I were talking, and we’d love it if you’d let us stick with you for a while. If you’re okay with that, that is…”
You couldn’t fight the smile that crept up on your face. “You guys want to come with me?” Sam and Dean both nodded. “Well come on then. Let’s go get some sleep.”
The boys popped up, paid their part of the bill and Dean put his hand at the small of your back as you walked out, trailing Sam. Once you were outside, he moved his hand to grab yours, lacing his fingers between yours, which took you by surprise. “Is this okay?” He asked. Your heart was fluttering and your stomach doing flips. You nodded and smiled, squeezing his hand in response.
Chapter 8
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nooneactuallyasked · 4 years
Diner Gal - Reggie x Reader Part 4
Requested: I am my own requester, we have fun here
Word count: 2,513
Warnings: Not enough Reggie? (Does that count? It does now lol)
Summary: Julie and the Phantoms ( + Flynn ) go to a musical diner/café/restaurant for inspiration and hopefully a future gig but they end up meeting a very special waitress.
Note: Sorry this took so long to get out, it’s quite a bit longer so that’s why. Also, can I just thank and say hello to @i-should-be-writing-my-own-fic​, all of your comments and reblogs are so sweet, you’re amazing! There will be more Reggie content coming up, this is a slow-burn, I hate when characters instantly fall in love, I feel like they need to make a connection first. Okay, enjoy!!!
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Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
“Alex, stop pacing! Reggie- what- what are you doing?”
“Practicing my bass.”
“In mid-air…….without your bass?”
“It’s called an air bass, if I’m made out of air my bass can be too.”
“Okay, you do that.” Julie grabbed her keyboard stand, standing in the garage doorway, “Luke make your bandmates calm down, I have to take this out to the car.” Without an answer, Julie stumbled out of the garage towards where her dad and the car were waiting.
Luke scribbled in his notebook, without looking up, “You guys need to chill out, as long as we’re all together we’ll rock so hard there’s no way Cal will say no!” Reggie smiles and points a finger at him, “Plus, Y/N will be there, she’ll be able to convince Cal for us.” He adds as Julie jogs back in, “Okay we should be good to go as you guys can all poof in your instruments. You guys should get ready to leave.”
“Alright, but let me finish this line. I am in the zone.” Luke scribbled some final words on his notebook pages before looking up, “Alex, get off the runway, you’re gonna fall over the table or something.”
“But what if he says no and not even Y/N can convince him? I mean, what if- what if he has other bands in mind and just said yes to Y/N because she works there? What if we play and completely mess it up!?” Luke deadpans Alex as his bandmate starts shaking his hands up and down, his pacing increasing.
Luke rolls his eyes, standing up and holding Alex by his shoulders, “Chill, we’re gonna be fine. We’re gonna do amazing, like we usually do.”
“Guys, we need to go. Like, now. So, hurry up, move it!”
“So, Cal, my good buddy, my favourite boss, um...would it be alright, and remember that I’ve been a faithful worker for such a long time, would it be alright if I skipped every other audition apart from Julie and her band’s?” Y/N dragged out, her voice rising in pitch, trying to convince Cal with her best puppy eyes whilst he stared back at her with a deadpan expression.
“No, sit down. We have some performers to listen to.” She sighed and sat down in the chair next to him, putting her elbows on the desk in front of them, “I saw that coming…” she leaned her cheek against her palm as Cal chuckled at her, “And yet you always ask.”
“One day…one day I successfully skip this bullshit, mark my words.”
“Sure, sugar-pie. Now stop your grumbling, our first performer comes in 2 minutes.”
I want your love, and I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your love and all your lover’s revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
Oh oh oh oh oooh-
The poor girl’s voice broke. Y/N could see it coming, her vowel technique needed a bit more work but the girl was obviously passionate, this would crush her ego.
“You can stop now, we’ve heard enough. We’ll let you know.
Y/N winced, Cal could seem really cold at times however the warm smile he gave every performer at the end of his mantra definitely helped ease any hurt they may or may not feel.
“I can’t wait to perform here, I know you’ll make the best choice. I’ll see you on Friday.”
Maybe this wouldn’t crush her ego, after all, it seemed the thing was infinite. The girl walked out, her high heels clicking on the floor as Cal sighed. She knew why, when auditions were open to anyone who could arrive on time it was hard to find people who had that spark when performing. It doesn’t matter how good your voice is if you’re boring to watch then you might as well not show up.
Friday’s were important, they were a chance for anyone to get on stage and become an overnight sensation. But it got complicated when there were so many people that they had to pick and choose. That’s why they tried to get as many people as possible to perform, everyone deserved a chance to live out their dreams.
“Alright, I’ll grab our next victims. See you in a sec.” Y/N stood up, her chair scraping on the floor as Cal rolls his eyes, “Try to make it not sound like we’re about to murder everyone.” She chuckles, “Sure, I can try but I can’t promise it will happen.”
Y/N walked out of the door and into the ‘waiting area’, this happened every month and yet she never got used to how tedious it was. She picked up the waiting list and scanned the names, “Yulie and the- uh, the atoms? Anton's? Uh, come on through.” She put down the list and walked out, only hearing a chorus of male voices, “Again? Really?” “None of us are even called Anton!” and an awkward laugh from a female voice.
She sat back down in her chair and turned to Cal, “One Yulie and the Anton’s coming or up, or atoms, I’m not quite sure.” Cal started laughing, “Sounds fun, maybe we’ll get some science jokes.” Y/N started laughing too, “As long as it’s not physics I think I’ll be fine.”
The door opened up and four familiar faces walked in, all looking slightly sheepish. “Hi, sorry, it’s actually Julie and the Phantoms. Sorry if we’re late at all, we didn’t really know what time to come.” Cal raised an eyebrow and Y/N chuckled,  “That would be my fault, I never got round to giving them a time. This is the band I was telling you about,” She turned to Julie, “Sorry, I completely forgot the name and the writing, no offence, didn’t particularly help me out.” Luke grimaced at her words as Julie started laughing, “Yeah, I’m thinking I’ll get someone else to sign us up to things in the future.”
Cal coughed to gain our attention, “As much as I love this friendliness we don’t have all day, we have all of your kit here, our guys brought it in earlier. What will you be playing for us today?”
“Oh, uh we’ll we playing a song called Edge of Great. We hope you like it.” Y/N smiled at Julie and Cal nodded, pen at the ready. She hoped for the life of her that they were actually good or Cal would never trust her judgement again.
Running from the past
Tripping on the now
What is lost can be found, it's obvious
And like a rubber ball
We come bouncing back
We all got a second act, inside of us
Julie sat at her keyboard, her finger dancing over the keys. She seemed lost in the music and it was obvious how passionate she was, it made even Cal, the ever poker-faced, break out in a small smile. Julie moves to the middle of the performing area, as the beat drops the boys appear causing Cal to double-take in surprise, Y/N snickers in response.
I believe
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of
Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own
Y/N nodded her head and tapped her feet to the rhythm, her smile grew wider and wider, Cal would never doubt her again and she got to listen to a killer band, today was looking up.
'Cause we're standing on the edge of great
(On the edge of great) Great
(On the edge of great) Great
(On the edge of great)
'Cause we're standing on the edge of great
Luke kept sending glances toward Julie as she was dancing in between them all, the stage presence was amazing. They were definitely at the top of Y/N’s list of potential performers.
We all make mistakes
But they're just stepping stones
To take us where we wanna go
It's never straight, no
Sometimes we gotta lean
Lean on someone else
To get a little help
Until we find our way
Luke and Julie gravitate towards each other, their excited smiles growing soft and caring; the chemistry was definitely a plus, it was incredible to watch, like watching history unfold. The two share a microphone as they sing the chorus, Reggie and Alex share a look and Y/N smiles, not even Cal could find a fault in their performance.
I believe
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of
Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own
Y/N started dancing in her seat whilst Cal laughed. She then had a brilliant idea, she stood up and tried to pull Cal up to dance with her. While he refused and tried his best to stay down, his efforts were almost futile against his laughing and Y/N’s upward pull on him.
'Cause we're standing on the edge of great
(On the edge of great) Great
(On the edge of great) Great
(On the edge of great)
'Cause we're standing on the edge of...
Luke went back to his mic and Julie came over to Y/N, she smiled brightly and they danced around together. They both felt like they had made a firm friend, the fun dance they shared confirmed that feeling, neither could have felt happier at that moment, they were lost in the music and everyone around could see it.
Shout, shout
C'mon and let it out, out
Don't gotta hide it
Let your colours blind their eyes
Be who you are no compromise
Just shout, shout
C'mon and let it out, out
What doesn't kill you makes you feel alive
Y/N moved back from Julie and sat back down, her smile still evident. Cal laughed at her and she pushed him with her shoulder. Julie turned to Luke as he moved toward her, the heart eyes were back.
I believe
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of great
Reggie and Alex joined Luke in singing the chorus as Julie continued her high belt which left Cal in slight shock and Y/N almost jumping and screaming in support and excitement.
Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own
Y/N smiled at Alex when he looked up, he beamed right back and continued singing and drumming with a passion that shined through everything else. She looked over to Reggie and sent a smile his way too. He winked at her and chuckled when she rolled her eyes playfully at him, though her smile widened in response.
'Cause we're standing on the edge of great
(On the edge of great) On the edge of great
(Great, on the edge of great) On the edge
(Great, on the edge of great)
'Cause we're standing on the edge of...
Julie went back to her keyboard and slipped her mic into the holder, Luke went over and looked her in the eyes as they sang to each other. The chemistry was off the charts!
Running from the past
Tripping on the now
What is lost can be found, it's obvious
When they finished and the boys disappeared Cal just sat there speechless, Y/N pushed his shoulder before giving them a standing ovation. “That was amazing!” She turned to Cal who was still seated, now thinking over what he just watched, “Oh come on, stand up, clap, stop pretending to be professional we both know you’re not! Book the band and we’ll have them for our last set, we’ll go out with a bang.” Cal still looked unsure, “I don’t know, what if-“ “Okay, no.” Y/N turned to Julie, “You’re our last performance on Friday. We have rehearsals every other day to check up on you, if you let me know where we can do it at a place of your choice. Your soundcheck will be at 2pm on Friday. Don’t miss it. Once again, you’re our closing act so you’re welcome to stay or go at any time between you soundcheck and your performance. We’ll let you know your performance time when we figure out the rest of the performance schedule. Thank you guys for coming, it was amazing, you’re definitely going places.”
Cal stared at her, his jaw slack in surprise, until he shook himself out of it and stood up, going to ask Y/N what she was doing, “What- you can’t just- we need to think about this.” She turned to him and deadpanned, “We both know you were gonna book them anyway, I’m doing you a favour, even you couldn’t help but smile.” Y/N turned back to the group, “Once again, thank you for coming. Ask the front desk for my info, give me a call by tomorrow to sort out a rehearsal time and space.”
Julie smiled widely, her chest starting to warm with a familiar jittery feeling of excitement, “Thank you! Thank you so much! I’ll definitely let you know as soon as I can.” Y/N laughed, “Don’t sweat it, someone needs to make decisions for Cal when he goes brain dead.”
“Hey! I’m still your boss!”
“I might as well be yours at this point” She shouted back without turning her head, causing a chuckle from Julie. She tried not to acknowledge the boys because if what they were saying was true, it seemed to be looking that way, she didn’t want to appear clinically insane to the public eye.
The boys themselves, however, didn’t really have much to add to the interaction. They were just standing there, slightly shocked by how assertive Y/N was when she was passionate about something. Reggie just stared at her, a slight smile spreading across his face.
“Okay, we still have some more performances to listen to but it was great meeting you and I guess you’re our final act now so welcome, whilst you’re with us you are our family so relax. As you can see, our dynamic isn’t the most professional so rules aren’t always completely followed to the letter.” Cal joined them, a smile back on his face. He put his hand on Y/N’s shoulder and they smiled at each other, “This one over here basically runs the place so go to her for anything and everything. I can’t wait to see your performance, good luck.” He turned and walked out into the ‘waiting area’ to find the next performer
“Well, it’s been a blast, I’ll see you next time.” Julie smiled at Y/N and then the boys poofed out, making Y/N jump and stare at the empty space left behind, “I’m not even going to ask…oh! Also, please tell leather boy to stop staring at me, or at least ask why?”
“Oh, sure, I’ll ask him what’s up. I’ll call you as soon as I can, see you soon.”
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praphit · 4 years
WandaVision: When you can’t let go of that robo-lovin.
So, I just finished watching "WandaVision", and I must say, right off the bat 
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Disney Plus is finally paying off. I'm in the group of peeps who got DP, not for the mouse, but for the ones whom the mouse is in bed with, and most recently on Mickey's playtime Marvel List - Wanda Maximoff and her robo-boy toy VISION... or is that “THE Vision”? - that seems kinda ostentatious, but whatever.
When I first heard that Wanda was getting a series, I said "Who cares?" I don't care bout no Wanda! What has she been other than a weird pest?
Let's review:
She tried to kill the Avengers, she accidentally injures and kills innocent people, she was getting in the way, so Tony Stark had to get his CPU (Vision) to babysit her, she falls in love with the CPU - can we talk about how strange this is? I didn't say wrong, just different, cuz honestly, we may be headed there soon. That movie "Her" might be a reality with how tech is going these days.
But, imagine I come to your home and fall in love with your laptop (which messes everything up for you with all your devices and your social media), THEN (as Wanda did with Vision), I run off on some romantic journey with all of your devices. Imagine how Tony would have felt, if he was still with us.
She had one job when it came to Thanos, and it ended up not mattering.
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Then, went full rage on the wrong Thanos.
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Idk if that’s a look (Thanos) pain, release, of he’s listening to his jam. Kinda looks like he’s saying “JESUS”. But, Wanda is pissed.
Wanda: "You took everything from me!"
Thanos: "Lady, I don't even know you!"
I didn't care about Wanda. But, damn, Marvel is so good that in one episode they made me care; one trailer, really.
If you had not seen the trailer for this series, you might be confused by the first episode. 
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You might even ask yourself - "What the bleep is this nonsense?!" We want heroes vs villains. We want super-powered explosions. We want capes, ridiculously tight clothes, bulky armor, and anything else that makes no sense to fight in.
You're giving me "Bewitched"?
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I DID see the trailer, so I knew going in that it would be a slow burn with some nostalgia, some quirks, and some eeriness; right up my alley.
The change in Tv decade styles btw *chef kiss*
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I figured that they'd be trapped in some mysterious, magical world - which they are...
Unless you're super geeky with the funny books, there's no way you'll see what's coming in this mystery.
And it IS a mystery, not only to the audience, but for the characters involved in this show. Don't nobody know what the hell is going on.
But, LaWanda and Vishawn 
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(sorry, I just wanted to use this pic - Ha! Y'all are crazy.)had help figuring things out:
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Yeah, it's actually Monica Rambeau, 
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but... admit it, some of you kept thinking about Rambo too, right?? No offense to this actress, but I'd rather see old man Sly play Rambo, and HIM be in this mysterious WandaVision town. Let's get Disney a lil bloody. Wishful thinking, I suppose.
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Marvel WILL BE venturing into multiple universes soon, so perhaps Rambo finds his way to team up with The Punisher? Huh?? YEAH!
But, no... Rambeau (meh No personality, but whatever).
Randall Park - 
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He's that person we all know who has made us laugh so much in life, that they don't even need to say anything anymore; you look at them and laugh. I love this dude!
Kat Dennings - 
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I remember liking her more in the Thor movies.  I found her annoying, this time around.   She joins the mystery to figure tech stuff out, and she's a doctor or something (don't you forget it!). She also asks the team she just meets to get her some coffee, and acts like they're disrespecting HER, by their lack of response. I know she's a doctor and all, but damn! Imagine some electrician comes to your place to serve YOU, they're condescending to you, and then  they ask you for some coffee. Get the hell outta here!
Oh, and there's a dude named “Director Dick”. That's my name for him, but the name fits.
The people in this town are acting out as if they've been scripted for some show. And all of these characters, AND US, get to figure it out together - through antics from different times in Tv culture. 
Times sure were different back in the day:
No social justice issues implanted or cursing or sex or drugs... now, I'm not saying it was a better time, just a different one :) A time when dad jokes ruled! Simple times! Ignorance was bliss. But, it kinda wasn't - not really.
It's like having an animal die on your property somewhere, and it starts to stink. You COULD find the truth of the stench... or light candles everywhere. Some really strong candles - maybe some of those Gwyneth Paltrow candles.
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Though the stench might get covered up, the problem is still there. At some point, your kids could find the dead rotting animal... maybe start playing with it... you get the point.
In this show, the townspeople's minds have been taken over by someone or something, and it's torturous for them. So... bliss on the surface, but... not so much, going deeper. I tell you all of this, plus great production in each epi, a good slow-burn mystery, and fun with comic characters in a way we haven't seen before on screen, and hell yeah - Grade: A series.
Now... spoilers.
You might want to leave now.
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People, Wanda is the villain here. I'm not sure if that's the message the writers are trying to convey or not, but I don't care; she is the clear villain here.
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Here’s Wanda reading some Hell book, conjuring some dark spirits - nbd.
We are rooting for her throughout this show; even after we find out that she has been (even if not maliciously) controlling every one, we still root for her.
I'm not saying that's bad, but we can't forget about what she has done! Remember, I said that the mind control was torturous for the townspeople.
There's a very emotional moment at the end of this series between Wanda and Vision, and between them and their kids (yeah, they have kids... that's a whole other thing). This moment is well done and touching. There's even a bad ass fight between Wanda and the "true... villain"? - of this story. I'll get to her in a sec (There’s a badass Vision fight scene as well).
I loved all of that! But, at the end of the day...
I know Wanda is grieving and all, we all grieve, but we all don't, in our grief, take a whole town hostage, torture the people, all while playing house with our family. That's kinda sick, no??
Are we doing a girl-power thing? or a “witches are people too” thing? or “but she’s doing it all for her family” thing (yeah, they’re not actually real, but whatever)? I don’t know.
I'm not sure that we know what a villain is anymore. It used to be clear - the guy with the beard was the bad guy, or the guy wearing the black outfit was the bad guy, or the people who aren't Americans are the bad guys :)
But, movies like "Joker" and "Deadpool" and Harley's joint have confused some.
Who else would be the villain? There's a character, the villain (i guess), a witch named Agatha Harkness, played by Kathryn Hahn
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Here she is saying “I’m the villain? Really? What about her?!!”
   - she's excellent btw; def the highlight of this show; her and Paul Bettany's hair game.
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But, let's compare:
betrays her coven back in the day, sure, but why you bringing up old shit? 
She allows Wanda to play out this fantasy for a while, and even played along. She could have just killed her when she was ignorant; that's what I would have done. She eventually shows Wanda the truth (granted, she then wants Wanda's power, but hey, everything has a price. And for all we know, she would have used all of that power to... cure the worlds diseases or something... though prob not:). Annnd maybe she killed an imaginary puppy. Convo for another time: if you kill something that's not real, does it matter??
That's it!
She didn't (like Wanda): abduct a town, torture its people, bring Vision back from the dead (kinda), endanger soldiers who were just doing their jobs, create weird fantasies (And did she have sexy time with previously dead, fake Vision? This thing gets even weirder if she did. But, let's not go down that path.) Oh, and she magically punted a black woman (Rambo) the length of a football field just for her asking Wanda some questions.
When the townspeople finally regain their minds (Lord knows how long it's been), they look at her with disdain, and I don't blame them.  And what does Wanda do?? - shrug, put on a hoodie, and fly off - to break into somebody's home and read some devil book.
Where’s cancel culture in this universe? 
I know she made us feel, but I ask again, who's the villain here?
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Still Grade A stuff for me (again, I loved this!), but c'mon, people.
We get a glimpse of Captain Marvel 2 as well. My fingers are crossed. I actually liked the first movie. But, many others did not, and one of the reasons - Captain Marvel doesn't have much of a personality, and another - she's too powerful (no risk).
So, to answer the critics, we have Monica Rambeau - another ridiculously super-powered hero, with no personality. So, two unrelatable characters flying around in space, as Sam L Jackson tries not to curse. But, if Marvel can make me care about evil ass Wanda, I'll still hold out hope for Capt Marvel 2.
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SO Diamond of the Day HMMMMM this episode was not was i was expecting and IT WAS SO MUCH BETTER THAN I’D IMAGINED. HEARTBREAKINGLY DEVASTATING? YES OF COURSE. BUT SO SO BEAUTIFUL. i didn’t think it was going to be almost entirely Merlin and Arthur intimately talking and holding each other and everything coming out. and i’m so so happy that that’s what it was 🥺🥺🥺 it was fully just a Merthur episode. the episode we all deserved despite the tragedy because it did fit well even if it’s heartbreaking okay? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Merlin: “you’re bleeding”
Arthur: “that’s alright i thought i was dying
Merlin’s just rambling about everything he’s done and should’ve done and Arthur’s just smiling at him dopily i cannot deal with this 🥺😭 and Merlin just breaks down crying as he tells him that he’s the sorcerer i- 🥺🥺🥺
the way they’re holding each other
Merlin said ‘i use my magic for you, Arthur. only for you’ 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 let’s be honest, Diamond of the Day Part 2 is all just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 oh, and some more 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Arthur just fucking breaks when Merlin first does magic in front of him knowingly obviously lmao he’s just so scared and feels betrayed i-
when Gaius comes back with the herbs and Merlin’s angry at his dad Gaius for not getting the best things he could because he’s just so scared about Arthur this boy i swear- 🥺🥺 but Gaius just knows and tells him to go water the horses lmao come on Gaius you KING
it’s so lovely when Gaius is talking to Arthur about Merlin and trying to talk him round and then we get the gem: ‘there are those who say he’s the greatest sorcerer to walk the earth’... ‘Merlin?’ lmaoooo Arthur stop being a little shit for like TWO (2) SECONDS and listen to Gaius
Merlin is just distraught ‘i can’t let you die’ OH BABY. the ANGST i simply could not deal
then they come across the two saxons ‘you have to help us, we were ambushed’ ‘by who?’ ‘tHEse tWo mEN’ nice one Merlin glad to see your ability to lie has not improved since.. the poetry incident lmaooooooo i can’t with him then Merlin fucking magics them into oblivion and all Arthur can say is ‘you’ve lied to me all this time’ 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and the look he gives Merlin just broke me. THE ANGST
then in the forest at night Arthur half heartedly spits ‘why don’t you use magic’ when Merlin’s tryna light the fire oh baby Arthur’s so mad i can’t with this boy. you little arsehole Arthur Pendragon boy’s been saving your life since day one pipe down ANYWAY Merlin gives him a proper answer and says it’s just out of habit and he turns to Arthur and this boy just NODS AT MERLIN AND THE GROUND, WITH A SLIGHT HINT OF A SMILE AND RAISED EYEBROWS AS IF TO SAY ‘GO AHEAD, DO IT’ THE CHEEK OF THIS MAN he just wants to watch him do it. anyway Merlin does and says ‘it feels strange’ and all Arthur can say is ‘yeah’ yeh alright well done mate do better next time i know you’re dying babe but please
Arthur still has the same expression on his face, ever so slight smile, and says ‘i thought i knew you’ and Merlin’s looking at him like ‘wtf man what do you want me to say to that exactly??’ but actually says ‘i’m still the same person’ 🥺🥺🥺 ‘i trusted you’ 🥺🥺🥺🥺 ‘i’m sorry’ 🥺🥺 ‘i’m sorry, too’ 🥺🥺🥺 I’M SORRY TOO. ARTHUR SAID I’M SORRY TOO
then a crazy intimate moment where Merlin takes off Arthur’s boots and Arthur’s so confused as to why he’s still acting like this UHHHHH KING that’s all Merlin’s ever done he just wants to be yours take that as you will
then Merlin’s feeding him and Arthur just comes out with it. he doesn’t understand why he would act the servant when he’s a sorcerer 🥺🥺 ‘it’s my destiny’ ARTHUR IT’S HIS DESTINY I- ‘as it has been since the day we met’ and Arthur cracks a slight smile at that 🥺🥺🥺 ‘i tried to take your head off with a mace’ ‘and i stopped you, using magic’ AND LET ME TELL YOU THESE BOYS REMINISCING JUST FINISHED ME OFF ONCE AND FOR ALL WHY IS THIS SO SOFT 🥺🥺🥺 ‘you cheated’ ‘you were going to kill me’ ‘i should have’ ‘i’m glad you didn’t’ and Arthur scoffs i’ve asked you before, can you just pipe down for a sec? thanks. and Merlin’s just saying lovely things to him and Arthur’s just looking at him so intently and sweetly ‘there’ll never be another like you, Arthur’ and then Arthur’s pondering and Merlin looks away like he’s spoken out of turn and idk man getting a bit of a GAY VIBE like he’s admitting his love and shouldn’t have. idk seems kinda gay to me. idk though
the way he holds his head while he’s feeding them yes i know this is just what you do but 🥺🥺🥺🥺
at this point every time Arthur collapses i was crying because i kept thinking he was gonna die at any minute i- i’m a mess
Arthur says ‘why did you never tell me?’ king. KING. how could he??? 🥺🥺 and Arthur just looks so so sad
the way Merlin’s holding him
Merlin tells him he didn’t want to put Arthur in that position of deciding whether or not to chop his head off and Arthur replies with a smile ‘that’s what worried you?’ 🥺🥺🥺 YES KING HE’S ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT YOU. Merlin tells Arthur that he was born to serve him and that he’s proud of that and Arthur’s just looking at him like Merlin’s just given him the world 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
‘so you’re not an idiot that was another lie’ lmaooooo king stop ‘no, it’s just another part of my charm’ and Merlin turns back to him and gives him the warmest little smile 🥺🥺 and Arthur has a little smile to himself 🥺🥺🥺
then Merlin’s doing all his little magic tricks to distract the saxons and Arthur’s watching so intently. so quizzically. and says with his trademark sarcasm ‘you’ve done this before’ and Merlin just looks at him and Arthur almost doesn’t know what to say until ‘all these years Merlin, you never once sought any credit’ YEAH WE KNOW KING THAT’S WHY YOU LOVE HIM
i just love how this episode is just the progression Arthur slowly coming to terms with who Merlin is and accepting him for it which is not what i thought it was going to be but boy oh boy am i glad that it is 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Arthur’s starts ‘whatever happens...’ and is about to say something sad and Merlin just- ‘shh don’t talk’ ‘i’m the king Merlin, you can’t tell me what to do’ ‘i always have, i’m not going to change now’ ‘i don’t want you to change. i want you to always.. be you’ 🥺🥺 this episode really gave us everything and then took it all away huh? and then they’re joking and Arthur’s delirious and passes out and Merlin’s got tears in his eyes, just holding his neck to make sure he’s ok 🥺🥺🥺
and then it’s time for Morgana to die and Arthur has to watch Merlin plunge this blade into his sister because that’s who she is even if she’s gone a bit bad lmao and Merlin says ‘goodbye Morgana’ and Arthur’s just staring like he feels nothing at this point 🥺🥺🥺🥺 but then he says ‘brought peace at last’ and i just- 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i’m broken 🥺🥺
and then Arthur collapses. and they joke about Merlin’s magic not being able to save him🥺 and Merlin’s just holding him. 🥺 because that’s what Arthur asks him to do 🥺 please. and Arthur says ‘there’s something i want to say’ and i was just sobbing uncontrollably at this point. and Merlin thinks he’s going to say goodbye. but that’s not it. of course that not it Merlin. 🥺🥺 ‘everything you’ve done... i know now. for me, for camelot... for the kingdom you help me build’ AND IT’S COMING. Merlin tells him he would’ve done it without him and i think we all know that’s not true and Arthur says ‘maybe’ with a smile at him 🥺🥺🥺 AND IT’S STILL COMING ‘i want to say something i’ve never said to you before’ and I FUCKING KNEW what it was going to be ‘thank you’ and i just broke and so did Merlin and Arthur’s just smiling at him and Merlin’s shouting his name but he’s gone and 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 he whispers ‘stay with me’ but it’s too late 🥺🥺🥺 and Merlin screams for the Great Dragon.
he tells him there’s nothing that can be done. and Merlin thinks he’s failed but dragon boy tells him that’s not the case 🥺🥺 because he’s built everything that he was supposed to with Arthur 🥺🥺🥺 ‘i can’t lose him, he’s my friend’ oh
‘Arthur is not just a king... he is the once and future king’ i-
and then Arthur’s in the boat and Merlin touches his forehead and he just breaks down crying and if i remember correctly Merlin, Arthur told you no man is worth your tears 🥺🥺🥺 and he just keeps touching him because it’s the last chance he’ll ever get. and he sets the boat off and he breaks down crying again. baby, me too
now, i don’t know if he was meant to light it up and couldn’t bring himself to??? but that’s what i’m thinking currently
OKAY I AM DONE. yes this was a post to help with the trauma. yes it’s long. i am currently dead. i’ll keep you updated lmao
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fallingsunflower · 3 years
BESTIES I'm so sorry - I hit my post limit waaaay earlier than expected! Some of y'all joined me on my backup account, (which I also hit the limit on lmao), but I'm back now.
I had over 400 asks to go through and I'll give you a warning that not all of them will appear (either because they were old or because they were topics we already answered). But here is a giant list of asks I compiled for you from when I wasn't allowed to post lol they don't really require my response but I found them entertaining to read. Hope you don't mind I've just put them all together in one post. It's also to save me from using up my 250 posts lol
"this is all so embarrassing like my god imagine when the promotion of the movie starts how horrible it will be for other people who made the movie too"
"SELL UR TICKETS TODAY WATCH THE MOVIE ILLEGALLY, next article we’ll be talking about these two assholes filing for bankruptcy. cheap harlots. don’t mess with your meal ticket."
"hate to say it but i defs think they‘ve got a sliver of the gp’s attention for five minutes"
"I am scanning through all these photos looking for just ONE where he looks like he's smiling and enjoying this. It's so crazy."
"I guess those are all the pics we’re getting right now. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they finish the Italy trip off with one more major Backgrid photo shoot."
"Olivia’s trending on Twitter but not Harry. Like it’s obvious who’s getting the PR gains here!"
"If they dont give us a 6 month or more break after this im gonna need them to pay for my therapy bills from now on bc of this damage no joke let me crawl back into my shit hole now 😑"
"The palce they at is referred to as “tuscanys best-kept secret”. Everyone point and laugh."
"she looks like she’s enjoying all of this. he looks like he wants to push her into the water."
"a few people said he’s keeping his shorts pulled up or covered in all the shots because of the Nike branding which they ask to not get photographed. What a setup."
"Man I knew the second those Tomdaya pics came out of them kissing and how they were trending so fast that HO were going to do something to 'top' them. Its pathetic /// FRRR. she probably hoped for the positive reactions that people gave tom & zendaya but unfortunately, miss girl got the opposite. when will they realize that nobody, but his fans, find them cute lmao can they just stop, it’s so embarrassing 😭😭😭"
"He really out here doing this with someone who almost old enough to be his mother, shiiiiiiiit. Sickening. Sick of these 2 for real now, i was fine with the good old blurry back content and whatnot but this? Crossing a line here nobody wanna see that shit and knowing how people feel goooooood damn."
"I aboslutely despise kendall for obvious reason but this one is actually worse than the hendall one bc you couldnt really see as much as now dis gos tang."
"She’s also wearing the cross necklace again. I feel like if that was so meaningful to her she wouldn’t risk loosing it in the ocean 🙄"
"guys have eyes on tmz. I Do not have tw now. they were so aggressive towards them"
"I'm sorry for Harry because you lost your damn mind bro"
"Now why the hendall pics are better ?? NO SHADE BUTT"
"I’m genuine confused like do they actually want dwd to flop or what? I just threw up in my mouth I sure as hell ain’t gonna watch their sorry ass movie. Is it supposed to flop? I’m so confused!"
"The match was not interesting enough so they cooked up something different especially since people were pointing out how they staged the PDA. And the page 6 article is out already!!!"
"Who the fuck thought this was a good idea"
"Is it just me or does harry's face looks really blank for someone out on a Romantic date with his alleged girlfriend.?"
"if thats it, harry hasn’t no game🤣🤣🤣🤣"
"so this is why the tabloids weren’t talking about the match pics! they didn’t have any value on their own. now with the yacht pics? my oh my they’re gonna get the clicks of their lives. her team was prob like “wait a sec we got something for y’all”"
"If they were models hired to act like a couple they wouldn't get the job......"
"Not them starring right at the camera in some of them help make it less obvious will you"
"HENDALL🤣🤣🤣is that uuuu"
"Harry’s ass crack thought it should make an appearance too."
"What a great day for team PR, happy Monday you guys! Let's pop the champagne 🍾🍾🍾🍾 P. S. They both need acting lessons, tbh"
"It’s quite interesting how everything that’s happened before I’ve seen predicted weeks/and in advance on blogs or fan accounts. Like his life has always been so predictable but damn"
"He was hiding the Nike check. That’s why his swim trucks are rolled up to an absurd degree even for him. He knew he was gonna get photographed."
"What I’m noticing is wether people like them together or not, everyone’s saying they’re aren’t a hot couple…there was more chemistry in the Kendall pics by far"
"i also find it weird that he’s not smiling in any of the pictures and it would be one thing if there were five pics from ten minutes of time but there are like 70 from an obvious extended period of time"
"It's interesting everyone involved is being Team Try Hard. Yet the universe says no. The last set of pics, Tom and Zendaya overshadowed. People even paid more attention to Angelina and the Weekend (even if business possibly). Fast forward to today and all this fakery only for Gwen/Blake to tie the knot. His team needs to get a clue. She needs to go. Harry needs to clean this up fast."
"Ok i looked at one hugging pic and one kidding pic and they could not look more stagged. It looks unatural ,strange and weird from all angles. You can clearly see from their body posture they are posing for a photographer from backgrid."
"Like I said in my ask a couple days ago the day we get kissing pics is the day that I believe this is all a stunt and I was right. They took a page out of hendall 2016 and it’s looks so forced and awkward. Hendall did it better cause at prater they had chemistry. They must be scared this movie is going to tank because they are pushing this way too hard"
"Real, PR, or whatever relationship it is, they’re fucking boring. You are on a yacht in Italy, can’t you have a little bit of fun? I can’t believe how boring they are, I just can’t. Even if it is just PR, can’t you make a fucking dumb joke so you can laugh or something? Do they have anything in common like to talk about or discuss or make fun of? I’d literally killed myself if I looked like that in a relationship. They are not communicating in any photos we’ve got. They are just walking, or sitting. Even when they hold hands or kiss or hug, they never communicate."
"okay but did ya’ll see the pic of her diving in?? i can’t stop laughing 😭😭😭😭"
"they look horrifically awkward i cannot believe what harry is doing"
"his ass is hanging out and her bra is almost off what in the hell"
"Hqs on a yacht like that? Mhmhmhm hmmmmm / I bloody well hope that’s not the extend of their acting. That’s dire! 🤦‍♀️"
"this is literally the most predictable “couple” to exist. first, people talked about them showing up the game, and they did. second, people were just talking about kissing pics... AND THEY JUST CAME OUT LMAOOOOOO"
"annnnnnnnnnnnnd there it is. YOU KNOW THEY KNEW THERE WAS A CAMERA."
"ok but where’s the pda or did that get made up? cause these have to be the most awkward pics i’ve ever seen which makes me feel better 😂 also i can feel the meme’s coming with the one of her diving off the boat"
"I call it how I see it they are both assholes and full of shit. Like do your fake kiss somewhere else I do not want to see it!"
"Can they at least act like they’re having a good time?"
"hahahaha I can't stop laughing with that photo of O it's literally her knowing she's being photographed and diving into a professional swimmer style😭"
"the pics are so organic that Olivia is looking straight at the pap before kissing Harry."
"he looked a lot happier with kendall in their yacht pics compared to today’s. i know that was PR too, but he was very smiley and seemed talkative. with this girl it’s like the complete opposite lmao."
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Wanna start? Masterlist
Pairing: DBH!Connor x OC!Maya
Words: 2.193 (yes, it's a bit longer but I really love this chapter and didn't want to cut it somwhere)
Warning: some cursing;
Connor stayed the rest of the evening and the whole night with Maya. And as she awoke the next morning, she was surprised and very happy to see that Connor was still there. As Maya walked into the living room, she saw Connor staying in front of the terrarium, watching her little friend.
"Haven't you met Trevor before?", Maya asked and joined Connor.
"You named your gecko Trevor?", he asked, visibly amused.
"Sure. It isn't that he would care anyway. I mean, it's a gecko. I don’t think he understands one single word I’m telling him. Maybe it’s better this way.", she answered with a wink. Connor smiled but it faltered a bit.
"Hank had called me. Maybe we have a lead for our case."
"Sounds good. When do you have to leave?"
"He will be here in five minutes."
"Oh, then it's good I woke up or you would have sneaked out again, huh?", Maya joked but she saw that Connor didn't get it. He blinked with his eyes and tilted his head. Then, his expression changed as he searched for the right words.
"Thank you, again. I… I really appreciate what you do for me."
"I'm here for you whenever you need me, Connor.", Maya said honestly and Connor nodded before he left to meet Hank on the street.
"Connor, wait!", Maya called out and the android stopped. She ran towards him, got on her tiptoes and flung her arms around his neck.
"Please, be careful, okay? Don’t get shot again.", Maya said, softly smiling and he nodded not knowing what the right reaction would be. This much affection towards him confused him but in a nice way.
"Another night spent with Maya, huh?", Hank asked and watched the android closely as he entered the car.
"Yes, it was helpful. Where are we going?", Connor asked as the lieutenant hit the road.
"We have to meet someone."
Forty minutes and a quick stop at the CyberLife Tower later, Hank parked his car in front of an abstract and cubical building. As Hank's phone rang, he left the car to answer it. Connor looked one last time over the area before he left the car as well to join Hank who walked up and down.
"Is everything okay, Lieutenant?", Connor asked as he closed up to his partner.
"Chris was on patrol last night. He got attacked by a bunch of deviants but he got saved by Markus himself."
"Is Chris okay?"
"Yeah, he is under shock but he is okay. These are crazy times at the moment.", Hank said and walked to the front door of the building.
"I have a bad feeling, Lieutenant."
"Bad feeling, huh? Have you checked your program? It might be a glitch.", Hank teased but Connor frowned. After everything that had happened the last few days, Connor was insecure if something might be really wrong with him or his program.
[X] shoot
[O] spare
Connor pointed Kamski's gun at the head of the kneeling Chloe. He looked her straight in the eyes. Her LED was spinning blue. She wasn't concerned. She was a machine and she just watched him patiently. But Connor was disturbed. His LED was spinning yellow as his system was working. There was a clash between his instructions to get information for his mission and … something else.
… I'm convinced you will be able to find a way to solve this case without killing someone. There is always an alternative. To spare someone's life is always better…
Maya's soft voice echoed through his mind and reminded him of everything she had tried to teach him the first night. Suddenly, the eyes he looked into weren't the eyes of Chloe anymore, instead he saw Maya's bright eyes and her smile.
The LED was moving erratic red as he acted against his instructions: Connor pulled the gun away from the kneeling android. Kamski stepped around Connor and watched him.
"Fascinating. CyberLife's last chance to save humanity is itself a deviant."
"I- I'm not a deviant."
"You spared its life rather than to accomplish your mission. You saw a living being in this android. You showed empathy."
"Okay, that's enough. We're leaving.", Hank said and pushed Connor away from the eccentric scientist. Connor was almost out of the room as Kamski spoke up.
"By the way, I always leave an emergency exit in my programs. You might never know.", Kamski said and Connor left the villa with a troubled mind. He passed Hank who followed slowly behind Connor.
"You said you would do everything to accomplish your mission."
"I- I know…", Connor stammered.
"Why haven't you shot?"
"I don't know, okay? I just saw Maya's eyes and I couldn't-"
"Th...the girls eyes, I meant."
"But you said Maya. You like her a lot, don't you? Well, obviously, she has a good effect on you.", Hank said with a smile and passed a confused looking Connor.
"It snows again.", Gary said dryly.
"You mean, it's still snowing. I never saw it stop for one sec.", Maya stated and gave a customer his order while she looked at the grey sky. She liked snow but not if she had to work in this cold truck. Tom, one of the construction workers, who always came over in his lunch break, joined the truck, as well.
"Hey man, have you heard about the deviant attack at the Plaza? They have destroyed the whole place.", Tom said. Maya had seen the so-called 'attack' on the news but even then, she wasn't trusting the anchorman and his information. Somehow, she was sure that Markus and the others hadn't been violent how it got displayed.
"Yeah, man! That's the reason why I still don't have one. I don't trust these things.", Gary admitted with a spiteful undertone.
"They're not things!", Maya insisted but no one supported her opinion. Gary crossed his arms and shook his head about his sister.
"You're sympathizing with these terrorists? After everything they have done so far?"
"They are not violent!", Maya called out and threw the flipper on the table.
"Haven't you seen the news this morning?"
"Sure, I have-"
"Then you saw how they have destroyed the CyberLife store and everything around!", Gary argued back. Maya gritted her teeth. The fact that they had broken into the store with a truck wasn't helpful for her argument. But still, she was convinced that the news had misrepresented the android’s action.
"They just want to be heard! No one would listen to them-", she argued.
"It would be better if they stay silent, if you ask me! Oh, hey, Jim! What's up man?", Gary said and turned over to the next customer. Maya hated it to be ignored but she also hated to have this kind of conversation with her brother again and again.
"Hey! Good to see you! The usual?", Gary asked the next customer.
"Good but please, send this thing away. It's an android free zone here!", Gary said and Maya turned around to see who his brother was talking to. Maya saw Hank and then, her eyes fell on Connor who smiled at her softly and nodded slightly to greet her.
"Hey, plastic asshole! What are you staring at?", Gary asked angry and stepping into the line between Connor and Maya. This was the point where Maya had enough.
"Gary! Shut the fuck up!"
"Stay out of this!”, Gary hissed and glared then at Connor, “And you, go away!"
"You won't send him away!", Maya hissed back.
"This is my truck and my rules! And I don't send him away! I send it away!", Gary said and turned around to Maya with gleaming eyes.
"His name is Connor and you will apologize to him because he's my friend!"
"Your friend? Are you out of your stupid mind? You can't be serious!"
"I am very serious, Gary!", Maya hissed through gritted teeth and stepped closer to her brother.
"Maya, I swear to god-"
"That's enough!", Hank called out to stop them, "Gary, calm down! It's still your sister you're talking to so, calm the fuck down. Connor, I guess Maya could use a break. Accompany her a bit.", Hank said further and watched how Maya stepped back and out of the truck. She threw her apron into a corner with more force than necessary and grabbed her coat and scarf.
"Hank! You can't let her walk around with this thing!", Gary called out frustrated. Once again, Maya stopped and glared at her brother, ready to jump at him again but Hank pushed her carefully further as he saw her angry eyes.
"I trust him. Connor, we meet us later in the DPD.", Hank said with no room for any more objection from anyone.
"I'm so sorry for my brother’s behaviour. Sometimes, he can be such a jerk!", Maya said frustrated after they had walked a bit. She was so angry that she couldn't even look at Connor.
"It's okay-"
"No it isn't!", Maya called out and stopped suddenly. Connor stopped as well and looked confused at her.
"No matter if android or not, no one should be treated like that!", Maya called out and Connor stepped closer.
"You defended me in front of your brother. No one ever did that.”, he said with a soft smile, “Maya, you have the best intentions but not everyone sees it this way and some people won't ever see it like you.", Connor said low.
"It's frustrating.", Maya said but calmed slowly down. The cold air and the falling snow cooled her temper. They continued their way side by side. Maya snuggled deeper into her coat and pushed her hands deeper into the pockets while Connor walked just casually next to her, seemingly unaware of the cold. She watched him, gnawed on her lower lip and asked the question in her mind.
"Aren't you freezing? It's so cold!"
"No. My systems regulate my temperature to a perfect level. See?", Connor said and offered her his hand. Maya smiled because it was completely innocent from him but the butterflies in her stomach danced happily around. She took the hand and because Connor had learnt it recently, he intertwined his fingers with hers. Connor's hand was perfectly warm. And like this, hand in hand, they started to walk again.
"How's your case doing? Was the lead helpful?", Maya asked after five minutes of comfortable silence. The android next to her stayed silent but the LED told her something was bothering him. The LED was spinning yellow with a bit of red.
"Connor?", Maya asked, carefully pushing.
"We have met Kamski-"
"Kamski? You mean the Elijah Kamski?", Maya asked surprised and Connor nodded.
"Hank could make an appointment with him."
"And?", Maya asked excitedly as the android stayed silent.
"We...we haven't found out something useful.", Connor said but stared at the ground, avoiding her glance. Maya knew that he was hiding something.
"Connor, please. Tell me what happened. Something keeps you busy.", Maya said softly and looked at him encouragingly with a smile.
"Maybe he knew something but I…"
"I failed. Again.", Connor admitted low and looked away from her. Doubts were written on his face. Maya stopped and stepped in front of Connor. With her hand on his cheek, she turned his face back to her. With a sad expression he looked at the small woman in front of him who was simply nice and sweet towards him. Suddenly, he realized he was going to lose this if he wouldn’t make any progress soon.
"Why do you think you have failed? What happened there?", Maya asked and waited. Connor looked into the distance, his LED spinning yellow as he reconstructed the happenings earlier that day.
"There was this 'Kamski Test'. I had to pass it if I wanted information from him. If I would have passed this test, he would have told me what I needed to know but I… I…", Connor stopped and looked Maya straight into the ocean blue eyes he had seen earlier in a different situation.
"Yeah?", Maya said encouragingly and squeezed his hand, "I'm here for you."
"The test was to kill one of his androids."
"What? That's ridiculous! What kind of test shall this be?", she said shocked.
"It is based on the Turing Test. The test shall show if a machine is able to feel empathy. In the end, Kamski put a gun in my hand while his Chloe knelt in front of me."
"And, then?", Maya asked, feeling on edge. Connor looked away and she tried to give him time. As it was almost too long for her to endure the silence, Connor looked back at her.
"I couldn't kill the android. I saw yo- something in her eyes and I couldn't shoot.", Connor closed his explanation. There was something else. Something in his voice. He wanted to say something else but before Maya could wrap her mind around it, the thought was gone.
"You spared her life because of empathy. That is good. Don't blame yourself, Connor.", Maya said reassuringly but she saw that Connor was still troubled.
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Trouble in Devildom Town, Part 1/3
In this short story, our dear Leviathan is back with another one of his “hey I teleport you Normies into a game world”- kinda games. What will the happen inside the world of the game “Trouble in Terrorist Town”??
This story contains two OCs/ MCs, so if you´d like to know more about the girls Violet and Clover, you can check out their character designs & descriptions on my blog :D
Hope you´ll have fun on this three-parted adventure!
 Approximate reading time: 10~15 minutes
Words: 3.156 words
 It was a calm, neat Saturday evening, when a new message hit the "House of Lamentation" group chat...
GUYS (and girls LOL)
To your room? Seriously?!
I can't remember having Levi calling us over ever before... What's going on??
I do hope for you this matter is worth the ruckus...
We'll be there in a sec!
  And so, the whole mansion's population found themselves in the third-born's room a few minutes later.
"Levi..." Being the last one to step inside the crowded room, Belphegor was rubbing his eyes in a tired manner. "Would you tell us what's going on now...?"
However, Leviathan wasn't really going to answer any of their questions.
Instead, he was prompting his guests to close the door, his gaze drifting over all of them.
Lucifer crossed his arms.
"This maniac expression on your face is highly worrying, Levi," Lucifer said.
Levi turned towards his computer, hectically mashing his keyboard, clicking on several pop-ups that appeared on his monitors, before finally turning around to properly face them.
He wore a crazy smile.
"Dammit, Levi," Mammon burst out, "I'm not in the mood for your weird shi-"
Ignoring him, Levi spoke in his best terrifying voice.
"I welcome you..."
Before anyone could react, he pressed a last key, then the monitors emitted such a strong light that all of them had to close their eyes.
  Slowly able to see again, the nine of them suddenly found themselves in a little shack.
"What... What happened...?" Violet was the first one to take a proper look around. "Where are we?!"
Leviathan's laugh pulled them out of their confusion. He spread his arms triumphantly.
"Welllcome tooo....
Trouble in Terrorist Town, the special, virtual reality but actually it's true reality -edition!!"
"Trouble in... What?" Mammon asked.
"Wait..." Clover was searching for Levi's attention. "I know this game, I've played TTT before. But why are we... really here?"
Satan shot his otaku brother a glare.
"Is this one of your real life games that you are only allowed to leave when you win??"
"Kind of," Levi laughed. "Don't worry though, if you die here, you don't die for real. You'll get kicked into a spectator lobby and we'll all respawn together once the round is over."
The oldest brother gave a stressed sigh.
"Really, now..." Lucifer rubbed his temples in distress. "Why do you always force us into playing your games without asking first...?"
"Well... I feared all of you would say no if I did" Levi responded, actually in a slightly sad tone.
When Lucifer breathed another sigh, they heard Asmo giving a weird squeal.
"Look at our outfits tho~!" he hummed.
He was standing in front of a partly broken mirror, posing while blowing his reflection some hot kisses.
"A simple black, military look, slightly armoured just at the right places... And oh my, tight clothes just show all those curves and perfections of my astonishing body..."
As he was looking around to find someone who would agree with him, his eyes landed on Clover.
"Isn't that right, darling~?"
The girl didn't even look at him.
Instead, she was staring at somebody else with a heavy blush covering her face.
"Y-yeah... Curves and... Perf... Perfection..."
Asmo wouldn't need to, but nonetheless he followed her gaze to find the sixth-born.
Of course, Beelzebub noticed this piercing glare that laid on him, but (fortunately for the girl), he was too pure to correctly interpret the thirst behind it.
"Huh? Clover? Are you not feeling well? You look like you have a fever..."
He hurried over to check that her face was truly burning hot, and of course only getting warmer now that he was this close, in this soldier like, perfect, absolutely stunning uniform that just-
Thankfully, Leviathan saved the girl from passing out.
"The game is about to start soon and you don't even know the rules!!"
With a little frown, Violet leaned against the wooden wall that Satan was already rested against.
"So we're really going to play this crazy game...?" she mumbled so only the blond could hear.
She gained a chuckle.
"I guess so..." Satan whispered. "Although I must say, weird and extreme as they may be, but Levi's games can be quite amusing if you just go with the flow."
She mustered him, then a smile spread on her face as well.
"Well, I guess we should take all the opportunities we can to do crazy stuff while Clover and I are here in the Devildom."
Before Satan could answer, Levi threw a pebble at them.
"You listen as well, Normie!!"
Then, he finally went to explain the rules...
  "In our group of nine, there are three that are not like the rest...
They are traitors.
They work as a trio, trying to kill all the other players in order to win the game.
But who are they, you ask yourself?
Well, that is a thing only they know, and THE thing the innocent one's have to find out.
To their guidance is the almighty detective.
Unlike the traitors, the detective can, or should, reveal his role so that the remaining players, called the 'innocents', can protect him better.
Then, logically, the innocents' and detective's goal is to find the three traitors and eliminate them.
When the game starts, we may run out of this shack and will have additional two minutes to spread over the map. Keep in mind that in those two minutes it is impossible to harm your co-players, but after that, it's time for war.
The map is covered with all sorts of weapons that may help you in the epic fights we will have.
But behold!
Both, the traitors and the detective, have access to special weapon shops, where they can, any time, any place, trade achievement points for super cool, limited items to grant their victory!
On your wrists, a health bar will appear, but you can only see your own. Once your life points reach zero, you will be put into said spectator lobby and may follow the game like ghosties in the sky! Then you will also see who has which role."
 Levi took a look around after having finished.
"Any other questions?"
Belphie raised his hand.
"Do the traitors know who the other traitors are? Or can they kill each other?"
"Very good questions! They know of each other, but they may also kill each other if it gives any tactical advantages. Their goal is to have at least one traitor alive at the end of the game while the rest is dead.
Ah, I forgot to say...! If an innocent person or the detective kills another innocent one, they will die as well, as a penalty."
After a round of silence, everyone looked as if they were ready.
"Good to go?" Levi checked one last time.
Gaining nods as an answer, a big smile grew on Levi's face.
"Alright!!! Then...
Let's begin!!!"
  The players were just about all out of the shack when the game officially started.
A giant countdown manifested in the bright sky of day that, judging by the bright sunlight, must have been the sky of the human world.
Two minutes were slowly ticking down.
Levi was pointing up at the clock...
"After this preparation time starts the overall time of one hour. If that time is over, the innocents will win as well. But for every person the traitors kill, they gain five minutes to add to the counter."
... And then he pointed down on his arm.
"You should all see a role written on here. And the traitors will see two other player's names on here as well."
He gained a round of hesitant nods.
"Our player names are displayed above our heads. Be careful, they might reveal your position if you're not hiding well enough."
They heard Belphie snort with laughter.
He pointed above Mammon's head.
"'StupidMammon'? I like that name, it's better than your real one!"
"Huh?!" Mammon looked up to see it himself. "WhAT?! Levi, did you give me this shitty name AGAIN?!??"
"Lolololol, sorry Mammon, I had to."
Kind of automatically, everyone needed to check their names before doing anything else.
Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
"Most of our names are normal, though... We have Beel, Belphie, I am 'Lucifer' as usual..."
"Yep! I am Levi-chan, and the Normies are Violet-chan and Clover-chan."
"What an honour to have a naming scheme fitting your name," Violet smiled.
"Well, I felt kind today. Don't push your luck, or I'll change it into Normie #1 and Normie #2 for the next round."
O moment later, Satan gave a sigh.
"... Why am I called 'Stan'?"
Levi looked at his name.
"... Oh. Must be a typo lololol"
The others laughed a little, while the Avatar of Wrath tried to contain his displease, but out of all, Asmo seemed to find it the most amusing.
Which was weird, because he was completely ignoring the fact that his nickname wasn't normal either, but there was an extra fat "Ass-mo" written above his head...
 After a round of getting used to the sensation of being inside a video game, Violet clasped her hands to finally get things started.
"Could we get going? There's only less then a minute left before the friendly fire wears off."
Very grateful for helping to get the game going, Levi was about to dismiss everyone, when he remembered one important detail.
"WAIT!!" he screamed.
"What?! I wanna go already...!" Asmo whined.
Levi looked around.
"The most important role!! Who's the detective?!"
Everybody shot each other glances, then, finally, a little "ah!" caught their attention.
Their gazes landed on Mammon.
"There's 'detective' written on my left arm, so I guess it's me?"
"WHAT?!" Levi pressed out. "OH, MAN....! Why does it have to be MAMMON?!"
"Well, I guess the innocents are on their own, then," Satan agreed to Levi's resignation.
"With Mammon as the most powerful innocent, the traitors have a clear advantage," Lucifer agreed, too.
"Aw, maaan, and I was hoping for an exciting first round..." Asmo pouted, of course, in agreement.
The white haired male gave a growl.
"H-hey!!! Don't be like this, I'll kill those traitor bitches in no time!!"
But no one was listening.
In a collective sigh, all the others automatically started to move, not a single soul feeling the need to stick to the one person they knew was one of the good ones.
"Hey!!" Mammon called out again. "Aren't ya innocents s'posed to guard me?! Where are y'all going?!?!"
... But no one was listening.
"Grr... Just you wait...! I'll slay this game!!"
And with that, he turned to follow behind Lucifer and Violet, whining and screaming at them to wait for him, only to see how Lucifer was fastening his step.
   Walking through the deserted village and onto a wide, open area, Clover soon felt her fear of being chased kick in.
Somehow, she had ended up all by herself, but that only made stumbling about so much worse.
But now, as she turned her head to check if someone was following her, she saw how Satan had been trying to follow her in silence.
As they locked eyes, however, he greeted her with a smile and went up to her as if nothing had happened.
"... Hi," Clover mumbled carefully.
"Please don't mind my behaviour," the blond said while gesturing to continue walking together. "I still have to figure out how to properly behave in this situation. I mean, it's not every day that we suddenly face each other as maybe allies, maybe enemies... right?"
The girl shot him a sceptical glance.
"Well, that's true... But if your goal is to not appear suspicious, then... Don't to that again. Just a friendly little piece of advice."
Satan laughed.
"Yes, my apologies. You see, you have mentioned you know this game, so I found it best to stick to you."
They halted as they found a pistol laying on a boulder nearby, a package of ammunition right next to it.
Both of them were hesitating, then Satan turned around to continue.
"You take it," he said, obviously trusting that Clover wouldn't shoot his back right this instant.
Well this, or he was already bearing a weapon...
"I've seen people play this game lots," Clover continued the conversation. "I know how everything works, but I'm afraid I'm pretty bad at all the aiming stuff..."
The two reached a weird cliff that parted the land in a huge gap, no ground to be seen in the huge depths. One of those super unstable-looking wooden bridges was leading to the other side.
The platform on the other side was rather small, with only a few buildings in the middle of it.
Satan held his chin in a contemplative manner.
"I bet there must be some rare items waiting for those who would go that far and cross the bridge..."
Clover gave a nod.
"Probably... Welp, you can get the stuff, I have terrible fear of heights, so I'm not going over that wobbly bridge thingy."
The girl was about to leave again, but the male got hold of her wrist.
"No, you're coming with me."
"What?! Why?"
He searched for her eyes.
"Look. I trust that you're innocent, and I ask you to trust me, too. I could have already killed you if I wanted to, when you were all alone. But we need to work together if we want to stand a chance against the traitors and whatever special weapons they might have."
He made a little pause while the girl fought with herself to make up her mind.
"Please," he said again.
Finally, Clover gave an annoyed grunt.
"Fiiiine..." she grumbled. So, she pointed at the bridge. "But you go first... Mister Stan."
She stressed his nickname in a manner to mock him.
Satan looked at her for a moment, dazzled, then he turned around and could only give a breathy laugh.
"See, now you can be sure that I am innocent. Because if I was allowed to kill you just now, I definitely would have."
  "Oooh, Leviii!"
Asmo was nearly doing little jumps while trotting alongside the third-born. His excitement was visible, but very odd, and of course Leviathan noticed that his brother was acting strange.
"Asmo, for Lord Diavolo's sake, what's wrong with you?!"
Putting on his best puppy eyes, Asmo looked at him all innocent.
"Eeh? Shouldn't you be happy that somebody actually enjoys your weird games for once?"
Levi growled in response, moving through the deserted village with such care, as if death could be waiting behind every next corner.
... Well, it could, yes, but his super secret agent act was just... a little too much...
"Sure, but... You're almost TOO excited about this. A little shady, if you ask me... Like, out of all games, why would one where we kill each other be one to wake your interest?!"
He gained a dramatic rolling-of-eyes.
"Oh, please, Levi! It's not the killing or tactical contemplation that gets me excited... But think about the potential that this scenario bears!"
They peeked inside one of the empty houses.
There were two weapons inside, a crowbar and a shotgun without ammunition.
Breaking the nearest window, Levi climbed inside to pick them up, and was kind enough to give Asmo the crowbar even though he hasn't done anything worth gaining it (as Asmo had even been too scared to get a cut from climbing through the broken window so he didn't move an inch).
"What potential, exactly?" Levi asked, more because he felt like Asmo would pressure him into asking that anyway.
Glad that he could continue his speech, Asmo placed a dramatic hand on his forehead.
"The potential for drama, Levi!! Just imagine... us lonely wolves lumbering through the streets, and our maidens Violet and Clover shivering in fear!"
He changed his pose, wrapping his arms around himself as if hugging someone.
"Oh, whom should they trust?? Their hearts, their minds, or just nobody at all?!"
Then, he suddenly grabbed Levi by his shoulders, getting pretty close to his face.
"Love blooms in times of war, Levi! And I will take every chance I can to see those flowers in their full beauty!"
Then, Levi gave an exhausted sigh.
"... Can you please go away...?"
And Asmo let go of him.
"Tsk. Okay, if you're not mentally able to understand the depth of my words, then I shall find a better place to fulfill my tasks...!"
  "Sooo, Beel, where you wanna go?"
The twins were already out of town, kind of heading towards the edge of a nearby forest.
The taller one seemed to be searching for something.
Then, he held his stomach.
"I'm... Hungr-"
"No, don't even say it" Belphie sighed. "Are you, really? Even inside a game?"
Beel only gave a pout, so Belphie continued after a while.
"Well, if we must secure you won't go on a rampage and destroy the whole game, then the forest might be the best place to find something for you."
And so, Belphie continued heading straight towards the green.
After a while, however, Belphie noticed how his brother wasn't following any more.
Turning around, Beel had stopped completely and was looking off into the distance behind them.
When Belphegor asked him what was wrong, the other male slowly shook his head.
"Where did everyone run off to?" Beel asked. "I can't see any of the other players..."
"Hm... I saw Violet, Lucifer and Mammon go into the forest as well... Asmo and Levi seemed to have stayed near the village... And I don't know where Satan has gone."
Now Beel turned his head.
"And Clover?"
"Uhm... She went somewhere... there, I think. I heard her talk with Levi when we left, but it seemed like she wasn't going to stay with him."
"So she's all alone right now?"
Belphie got a little confused over Beel's worried expression.
"Well, maybe. But she could be a traitor, so why are you so worried about her?"
Beelzebub's gaze drifted away again.
"I just... Don't like that thought." He snapped back at his smaller brother. "And by the way, you could be a traitor as well."
Belphie leaned back in a carefree manner.
"Yeah, but I told you I'm not. You don't believe me? I believe you're innocent, too!"
Beel gave a little sigh.
"But you can read me like a book, even if I tried lying to you..."
They kept standing there in a little silence.
Then, without further ado, Beel grabbed his brother by his arm, turned around, and kept going into a different direction.
"Beel, what are you...?! Weren't you hungry?! What about the forest??"
"... I sense food over there. Don't worry, and let's get going."
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quokkacore · 4 years
do you believe in magic? [kim yugyeom]
summary: Inspired by the HP quote, “Me dad’s a muggle. Mam’s a witch. Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out.”
pairing: kim yugyeom x fem witch!reader
genre: fluff, witch!au
warnings: mild language, yugyeom faints? idk
song rec: lizzo - deep
word count: 2.1k
a/n: this was originally posted to my old writing blog on september 15th, 2018. happy reading! <3
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Kim Yugyeom was lucky he was cute.
It wasn’t that he was stupid. Not at all — Yugyeom could be very smart when he wanted to. No, your Gyeommie was just… oblivious.
Oblivious to the fact that his girlfriend, which was to say, you, was a witch.
You’d been dating Yugyeom for almost a year now, and needless to say, things were getting pretty serious.
For most people, the way romance worked, had maybe four steps. One, you meet, two, you fall in love, three, you start dating, and if things are that serious, then… four, you get married.
For witches, specifically the witches that decided to date non-witches (muggles, no-majs, mortals, humans, or whatever you call them), there were always five steps: to tell the person they were dating that, hey, they were a witch. Some opted to wedge the extra step in between three and four, but you had heard of a few that had left it as a fifth step.
Which never really ended well, or so you’d heard. So that was why, as your first anniversary approached, you’d decided to start dropping more hints about your abilities to your boyfriend, who really, really sucked at picking them up.
Your black cat, for one. You’d gotten Jules before you started dating, but you’d realized something the first time Yugyeom had met your cat.
“Why a black cat?” He’d asked, before jokingly adding, “They’re bad luck, you know. And they’re friends with witches.”
There were several things you wanted to answer with. That black cats weren’t bad luck, and, yes, they were friends with witches. Why did he think you had one? But instead, you’d answered with the most stupid words you’d ever heard yourself say.
“In this house, we don’t approve of cat racism.”
And he’d lost it.
Since then, things had gotten more serious. You’d met his parents. He’d met yours (in what was the most nerve wracking night of your life, but that was a story for another time). He’d even asked if you wanted to move in, which was what made you realize just how serious that things were starting to get. A few nights later, before falling asleep, you asked him a question.
“Gyeom?” You murmured, and you felt a soft rumble from his chest as he let out a quiet, “Hmm?”
“Do you believe in magic?”
He craned his head to look at you in the dim light. His eyebrows were furrowed, and his lips were pouting slightly as he contemplated the question. “Why do you ask?” He asked back a few moments later.
You could feel your heart in your throat as you contemplated telling him in that very moment. You opened your mouth to speak, ready to tell him.
“No reason,” You answered instead, “I just… I just think sometimes that whatever force brought us together had to have been, uhh, magical, for you and I to be so perfect for each other.”
As his eyebrows remained furrowed, his lips grew into a small smile.
“You are so cheesy sometimes,” He replied, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Gyeommie.” You couldn’t help but feel disappointed in yourself, mentally slapping yourself for being such a wimp.
Still, he smiled slightly wider and his grip tightened a little on your waist, calming your nerves. And you fell asleep like that, wishing you could tell the truth about who you really were.
There was also the slight fear of him thinking you were a freak or being angry once you told him. You’d even asked yourself if he’d attack you, as you’d heard it happen before, but immediately discarded the thought.
This was Kim freaking Yugyeom, the boy who’d taken you for a walk in the park during summertime and refused to kill a mosquito that had landed on his arm because, “The little dude’s just living his life. You wouldn’t like it if you were eating a grilled cheese and someone just decided to merk you.”
…Yeah, you were safe.
So you continued dropping hints. Each and every one went completely ignored, as if he were leaving you on read in person. First, you decided to reorganize your tarot cards in front of him when he was visiting your apartment.
“Cool!” He answered, “I didn’t know you played poker. Maybe you can teach me.”
He took another bite of the sandwich he’d made himself, before wiggling his eyebrows. “I’ve always wanted to play strip poker, you know.”
His tone was playful, and you laughed. But at the same time… Does he really not know the difference between tarot cards and playing cards?
“They’re not poker cards, babe,” You explained as he finished his sandwich, “They’re tarot cards.”
He tilted his head, his silver earrings dangling.
“I’ve never heard of that game, how do you play?”
“Gyeom, it’s not a game—”
You were interrupted by the sound of Yugyeom’s phone. He fished it out of his pocket, before mumbling, “Just a sec, jagi.”
He answered the phone. “Bam, what’s up? Dude, calm down. What? Now? I can’t, I have to… Fuck, Bam, fine, I’ll be there in ten minutes. You owe me, big time.”
He hung up, sighing as he carded a hand through his hair. You furrowed your eyebrows. “What’s up with Bambam?” You asked, watching him pick up his jacket from the couch.
“His cat’s going into labor,” He groaned, “He’s freaking out. He wants me to help him.”
Pulling on his denim jacket, he walked towards you to press a kiss to your cheek. “Teach me your game another time, babe. I gotta go, I’m sorry.”
He started toward your apartment door, opening it hastily. “Wait, Yugyeom—”
But he was already gone, leaving you dumbfounded.
And that was only the first attempt.
You tried making some tea because, hey, infusions are witchy. He told you that you didn’t need to diet because you were beautiful just the way you are. Which was sweet, but, also mildly frustrating.
You’d left your book of shadows out where he could see it, on a page full of runes and sigils. He’d told you that you were a great abstract artist. You’d even started watching movies with witches in them while he was around, like Hocus Pocus or Practical Magic, even though you had a strong distaste for how misrepresented you felt.
Finally, for your anniversary, after going out for a nice dinner, you gave him a DVD set of the first season of Game of Thrones, because you knew he’d been wanting to start watching it.
“It has magic in it,” You said in a sing-song tone when he unwrapped it, back at his apartment. He turned his head to look at you, his dark eyes glittering. “I get it now, Y/N,” He answered, and your eyes went wide.
“Y-you do?”
He nodded, smiling at you, and you felt your heart swell. “I looked up what tarot was,” He began, “It’s a form of… divination, right?”
You nodded proudly, grinning. Finally!
“That, and then the tea leaves, the drawings in your journal, then the movies, and this? Babe…”
You were so happy, you could scream.
“…You really didn’t have to go that far with the whole ‘what we have is magical’ bit, jagi, but, damn, this is so sweet. I love you.”
Your smile faded. “What?” You asked, blinking.
“What?” He asked back, his tone different from yours. You sounded confused, he sounded even more confused. “Y-you think this is a play on my words, Yugyeom?”
He blinked, scratching at the back of his neck and looking awkward as hell. “Is that… not what this is?”
You stood up, shaking your head. “I… need some water.”
You walked over to the kitchen, but he followed you as you did. “What?” He asked innocently from behind you, “What did I do?”
Not looking back, even though the whiny tone he took was adorable, you opened his refrigerator to grab a bottle of water. Opening it, you shook your head, “Nothing, Gyeom. Forget about it.”
You took a swig of your water, turning back to face him. He looked frustrated. “No,” he answered, stepping closer to you, “I won’t.”
“Really, Gyeommie, it’s not a big deal…”
“Of course it’s a big deal,” He replied, eyebrows furrowing as he gently took the water bottle from your hands, and set it on the counter in a haste, “I want you to be happy, and that can’t happen if you’re not letting me know what’s bothering you.”
“Yugyeom, I… You’ll think I’m crazy.”
“I’d still love you,” He murmured, pressing his forehead against yours, and you felt your eyes flutter shut, “No matter what you do, Y/N, I’m gonna love you.”
One of his big hands grasped yours, and you smiled as he pecked you on the lips. The other hand went to the counter, sandwiching you between it and him.
“Tell me, baby,” He murmured, as you opened your eyes, looking up at him.
You took a deep breath, bracing yourself to tell him, and you felt his free hand, the one against the counter, move. You opened your mouth, but nothing came out.
He smiled warmly, still moving his free hand to be more comfortable. “Come on, Y/N, I’m sure it’s not that bad— waitnoholycrap!”
As he’d been moving his hand along the counter, he’d accidentally managed to tip over your water bottle, which was still uncapped. Both his head and yours moved to watch it fall over, things seeming to move in slow motion.
Your eyes widened as Yugyeom broke away from you and moved to grab it, and you held out a hand instinctively, closing your eyes as you braced yourself to get splashed by cold water.
You opened one eye when it never came.
You were met with Yugyeom looking at you, eyes wide as the moon. He looked pale as hell, mouth agape. You opened both eyes, and stared at him for a moment, before realizing what had freaked him out so much, as you turned to look down at the bottle of water, which was, surprise, surprise, levitating. No water had spilled from it, thankfully.
“What the— H-how—”
You flicked your wrist upwards, watching as the bottle of water floated upwards, before settling itself back on the counter. You glanced back at your boyfriend, whose eyes had somehow managed to get even bigger. “D-did you… How did you even…?”
“Gyeom,” You mumbled, staring up at him, “Do you believe in magic?”
He blinked, pointing at the bottle, and then you, and then back at the bottle. “You— But— Wait, that’s what this was all about?”
You nodded sympathetically. “I’m sorry, I wanted to tell you sooner, but I…”
Your words were lost on Yugyeom, who was already in his own world. “You just… and you… water bottle…”
His words faded off to somewhere, and a few seconds later, he did too. His eyes rolled up into his head, and he started falling forward, and you caught him before he could hit his head on anything. You never imagined this would happen.
“Yugyeom?” You asked, tone worried but also slightly amused. “B-Babe?”
A half hour and one more levitation spell later, Yugyeom came to in his bed, with you sitting next to him as you applied a cold cloth to his forehead. His eyes cracked open, and he rasped out, “Y/N?”
“Hey,” You murmured, “How are you doing?”
“D-did you really—"
“Make the water bottle float? Yeah. Yeah, I did. This entire time, Gyeommie, I’ve been wanting to tell you the truth. A-and now you know, I’m a witch.”
Yugyeom took a deep breath, eyes looking up at his ceiling. “Goddamn,” He mumbled, “I high key thought I was going crazy for a moment.”
You chuckled, shaking your head lightly. “You’re not, Gyeom. I swear.”
He didn’t respond, and your heart went into overdrive. And when your heart went into overdrive, you tended to word vomit. “I mean, I understand if you wouldn’t want to date me because of it, I know it’s weird and if you want to break up I’m not gonna stop you even though I love you andyou’rereallyspecialtomeactuallywaitnopleasedon’tbreakupwithmeGyeom—!”
“Woah, woah. Calm down, Y/N…” He grabbed your hand, and squeezed. You instinctively squeezed back. “Why would I break up with you over the fact that you’re, like, Hermione Granger?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “I don’t know… I’ve heard about it happening before…”
He shook his head, removing the cloth from his forehead and slowly sitting up. “Nothing could keep me away from you, jagiya. Not even magic, which, now, at least, I do believe in. Does that answer your question?”
He leaned in to kiss you again, and you felt how the both of you were smiling.
When you broke away, his nose and forehead were resting against yours, and you opened your eyes to be met with his.
“Does this mean that we can go on a date on your flying broomstick? You know, Kiki’s Delivery Service style?”
“Gyeom, those don’t exist.”
“Wait, what? You mean my entire life has been a lie?”
Yeah. This was gonna be good.
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cloudywriter · 4 years
Okay, hear me out... A Nessian carnival situation?
first, i need more prompts, send whatever & alright this one took me a sec but then i got into and i’m pretty happy with it. sorry, it’s such a long built up but it’ll come. pretty swift nessian fix here ya go:
A Tale of Questionable Carnival Rides
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Nesta huffed, checked the time on her phone again, and rolled her eyes. It was only 9:32pm now and the endless stream of kids and parents was still steadily flowing and likely would be for another hour or so. 
Nesta checked again. 9:33pm. 
It wasn’t that she hated the annual carnival fundraiser for the school, she liked planning it and making sure everything ran smoothly, being student council president that’s usually what her job description was. But not this year, no, this year Nesta was in charge of running one of the mini-game stands as Clare, who was supposed to be managing it, came down with the flu.
To say the least, Nesta did not enjoy dealing with groups of screaming children and their hovering parents. Honestly, she’d rather slam her hand into a car door than spend another hour watching kids fail to knock down three pins then become upset because they don’t get a prize for losing. 
She was able to handle the first couple of kids that shed some tears and the few parents that wanted a pity prize, but as the night wore on her patience began to run thin.
A young blonde boy, maybe eight or nine years old, was now making his way up to Nesta’s booth followed by presumably his mother. 
Nesta gave her the same, plastered-on smile she’d been giving all night to the woman approaching. 
“Hi, three balls please,” the mother said sweetly, handing a five-dollar bill to Nesta over the table.
Nesta gave her a small nod and plucked three red balls from the bucket beside her, handing one to the little boy.
“Alright, all you have to do is knock down all three pins and you’ll get a prize,” she stated her usual rehearsed line. 
Of course, the little boy missed his first shot, his aim a little too low, Nesta passed him a second ball in response. Once again, his ball missed its mark and the boy let out a little sound of frustration.
“It’s okay, you’ve got one more shot,” Nesta explained before setting the final ball before him. 
The boy swiped up the plastic, red orb and weighed it in his hand. He turned his attention back to the three pins still sitting untouched atop the table adorned with a red and orange plaid, fall-appropriate cloth; he chucked the ball, grazing the top pin enough to knock it off. 
“I did it! I did it!” The boy cried punching the air in triumph. 
“Hey, I’m sorry, but you actually have to knock down all three to win,” Nesta frowned, feeling a little sympathetic for the kid. 
“That’s crap!” He shouted. Nesta shifted her weight awkwardly from one foot to the other, “I’m sorry, that’s just the rules.” 
The mother’s mouth was set in a thin line as she rested her hand on his arm. “C’mon honey, maybe you’ll have better luck at ring toss?” She offered. However, he looked up at her unimpressed, “No! This booth is the only one with the dragon stuffed animal! I got the top pin!”
The mother’s eyes flitted back up to Nesta. “Can you just give him the dragon? I mean he did hit one and I already gave you money, I’m sure that dragon is cheaper than five dollars.”
“I’m sorry, but I really don’t think I can do that,” Nesta reiterated. 
The mother huffed, obviously getting upset now and started digging around in her purse. She slapped down another five-dollar bill in front of Nesta, “There? Is that enough? Just give him the damn toy.”
Nesta was a little torn on how to handle the situation, the last bit of patience she possessed slowly disintegrating. “Look, I can give you another three balls for you to try again but I can’t just give out the prizes for some money.” 
The mother rolled her eyes, slamming her hand down by her side; “He’s just a kid, he’s not going to hit all of the pins and don’t try to tell me that dragon is worth more than a few bucks. This is just a high school fundraiser, save me the trouble and give my kid the damn prize.”
The son looked up at his mother with a pout.
“Ma’am, I’m sorry to hear that your son has no hand-eye coordination but frankly it’s not my problem. If you want to try and pay your way through another game I’d suggest the bean bag toss, my sister Elain is a softy.” Nesta gave her a sickly sweet smile and crossed her arms over her chest.
At that, the woman’s face turned a tint of red. “Okay, who is running this? I’d like to speak to one of your teachers or the principal, you’re being extremely rude.”
“I’m being rude? Lady, I’m just trying to get in my community service hours.”
The woman’s nostrils flared and Nesta could tell she was about to crack, she started to speak her voice significantly raised. “Alright, missy-”
“Whoa, hey, what is going on here?” Another voice chimed in.
Nesta groaned, her head turning to face the student council vice president who had now joined the interaction. 
“Are you running this thing? This girl has been astonishingly ill-mannered,” the woman began. Cassian held up his hand, “I am not the one in charge, unfortunately, you’re actually looking at the boss right now.” 
The woman gave Nesta another scowl, snatched up the five-dollar bill that still rested on the table, and grabbed her son’s hand dragging him off into the crowd. Cassian didn’t turn to leave though, “I’m actually surprised you didn’t get into a fight with a crazy mom earlier. I almost left your general vicinity thinking I wouldn’t have to break up anything, good thing I didn’t.”
Nesta rolled her eyes and uncrossed her arms, letting them rest at her side again. “My hero,” she added sarcastically. 
Cassian smiled. “C’mon, sweetheart, why don’t we go for a little cooldown ferris wheel ride.” 
“Really?” Nesta asked, gesturing with her head towards the sad scrap of chipped brightly painted metal that was the ‘ferris wheel’ the school decided to splurge on and rent out. “You’d get in a cart and the whole thing would topple over.”
Cassian only shook his head. “Nah, c’mon, Archeron. What, are you scared of heights?”
“Yes, I’m deathly afraid of being lifted twenty feet into the air, Cassian.”
Cassian didn’t respond, just held out his arm. Nesta sighed, deciding she’d rather risk her life on a very janky carnival ride than work that damn game. She slipped out from behind the tables and looped her arm through Cassian’s, “I hope you know you’re paying whatever ridiculous rate they have going.”
“I suspected as much,” he answered, pulling her across the high school parking lot which had been transformed into the makeshift carnival. 
They stood together in the small line and Nesta closed her eyes, tipping her head back breathing in the scent of corn dogs and funnel cakes deeply. The student letting kids on and off the ride collected Cassian’s money and they stepped into their cart. It did audibly creak as Cassian and all his muscles took up residence, Nesta settled in across from him. 
“How have you enjoyed working a booth? Think next year you’ll decide to do it again rather than running around making sure everything’s working out?” Cassian asked, stretching his arms behind him.
“I think if I get stuck handing kids balls to throw at pins or something like that again I will abdicate my throne.”
Cassian raised his brow. “It can’t be that bad.”
Nesta shrugged. “Why do you care? You’re probably thinking up a scheme to make sure I end up on game duty again so you can have my presidential status.”
“Nah, I’m not after your position I swear. I don’t even like being vice president.” 
Now it was Nesta’s turn to raise a brow. “Then why do you keep doing it?”
Cassian hesitated a moment. “It’s the only way I get to spend time with you,” he confessed. 
“You’re telling me for two years you’ve run for vice president so you could hang out with me?” Nesta asked, disbelief coating her tone.
Cassian nodded. 
“You took on the extra burden of full hour meetings twice a week before school, put in countless hours of budgeting, fundraising, making posters, all that jazz just to spend time with me?” 
Cassian nodded again looking as if he were trying much too hard to stay cool and calm. “Romantic, isn’t it?” He smirked like he was ready for Nesta to melt into his arms.
“No, that’s so fucking stupid,” Nesta crossed her arms.
Only then did Cassian’s built up nonchalant aura falter. “W-what?”
“Yeah dumbass, you literally could have just asked me out.”
“I didn’t think you’d ever say yes,” now Cassian was leaning forward, his face exuding a plethora of emotions. 
Nesta leaned forward, her face only a few inches from Cassian’s own. 
“I would’ve said yes,” she almost whispered. Cassian’s eyes searched Nesta’s face for any sign that she was playing a cruel joke, he found none. “Nesta?” he asked softly. 
“Would you really go out with me?” His eyes were wide and hopeful, the innocence of it all made Nesta smile. Especially knowing how much of a goofball Cassian was, it was different seeing him so genuine and unguarded. 
“I really would,” she answered at last. She and Cassian just stared at each other for a moment, the corners of their lips upturned. 
“Nes?” Cassian’s voice broke. Nesta raised her eyebrows slightly, encouraging him to continue. “Is it okay if I give you my letter of resignation on the date, too?” 
Nesta let out a small giggle and rested her forehead against his. “You’re such a doof.”
alright, well i hope you liked it! also thank you guys so much for all the love on my last nessian prompt fic, usually, i only get like 15-20 notes a post so all the attention that one got made me really happy. also, i promise i'm still working on my other stories!
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bellakitse · 4 years
Okay, Cupid
While hiding in the bathroom from the worst online date of his life and trying to find a way out of it, Carlos Reyes meets a beautiful man with green eyes who convinces him to escape the restaurant together.
Written for Lone Star Week Day 3 - Alternate Universe (AU)
He’s hiding in the bathroom.
He, Carlos Reyes, an Austin Police Officer, is hiding in the bathroom stall of a very nice Italian restaurant from a genuinely horrible online date, and he needs to call his best friend to scream at her since really it’s all her fault. He informs her of this the second she answers her phone. Forgetting his manners, he doesn’t bother with even a hello.
“Try online dating, Carlos. What’s the worst that could happen, Carlos. You’re going to end up old, alone and with a dozen cats, Carlos,” he throws back at her the mocking words she said to him a few days ago.
“What’s the worst that could happen, Michelle? Well, I could be on a date with someone who is obviously a fan of Jeffrey  Dahmer. At least if I die and my future cats eat my face, it’s for survival, not because they have a fetish,” he hisses at her.
There is silence on the other side of the phone for a second before she speaks. “Hello to you too,” she starts dryly with a hint of laughter, causing Carlos to roll his eyes at her tone. “I take it the date is going well.”
“Sure,” he shoots back sarcastically. If she thinks she’s going to out bitch him, she has another thing coming.
“Let’s see, where to start – ” he pauses for effect. “How about that he looks nothing like his picture. It’s not catfishing but close enough, or how about that he barely blinks when he looks at me. I counted to forty-five before his eyes actually shut for a millisecond,” he tells her, letting out a full-body shake as he remembers the creepy stare.
“Or how about the heavy breathing thing he does when he’s talking about how soft my skin looks,” he continues, his voice going higher. “Obviously, I have found my soulmate, and I’m calling you to let you know I’m eloping to Vegas.”
“Congratulations, I wish you endless happiness,” Michelle shoots back, and this time there isn’t just a hint of amusement in her voice, the laughter is clear.
“I hate you; this is all your fault, and I’m never listening to you again,” he hisses back at her, rolling his eyes when it does nothing to stop her from laughing. If anything, it sets her off even more.
“If he’s really that weird, then bail.”
He opens his mouth to yell at her some more. She’s the one that’s been nagging him about wasting his youth, telling him he needs to find someone. He doesn’t have cats, but he doesn’t see what’s so wrong with having some. He hears another snicker and realizes with embarrassment that it’s not coming from his phone and his supposed best friend, but from outside his bathroom stall.
“Michelle, hold on a sec,” he says quietly. He opens the door of the stall to find a man by the sink counter, leaning against it with a grin on his face.
“Sorry,” the stranger says with a smile that contradicts his apology. Carlos takes him in, his fit build, his artfully tousled hair, stunning green eyes, and a gorgeous face.
“Michelle, I’ll call you back,” he mumbles, ending the call.
“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, really,” he continues, the smile on his face is friendly for a moment before turning wicked. “Or to laugh at the fact that you’re obviously out with a serial killer that will probably try to make a skin suit out of you before the night is over.”
Carlos shivers at the mental image the words evoke. “Fucking hell, thanks for the lifetime of nightmares, mean stranger.”
“TK,” he introduces himself, the grin never leaving his face. “And to be fair, if my prediction is right, it won’t be a very long lifetime.”
“Carlos,” he answers back dryly, a hint of amusement flickering inside him even if it’s at his own expense. “Let me guess; you’re a motivational speaker, because I gotta say this conversation is going great.”
TK lets out a delighted laugh, and Carlos takes in how it makes his already pretty face even more stunning; he can feel the corners of his mouth tick upward against his will.
“No, but it’s nice to know if I want a career change – ” TK trails off with a grin. “I’m a firefighter, recently moved here from New York.”
Carlos raises an eyebrow at the fellow first responder. “Austin Police, at your service.”
“You’re a cop,” TK exclaims, his green eyes widening. “Then what are you so worried about, just arrest the weirdo.”
“I can’t arrest someone for being creepy,” Carlos argues, rolling his eyes. “The prisons would be full if that was the case. Not to mention none of my buddies would ever let me live it down if I’m so weirded out by my date I bring him in.”
TK snickers softly, raising his hands when Carlos gives him a dirty look. “Is it really that bad? At least your date showed up; mine didn’t even do that.”
“You got stood up?” Carlos questions in shock. “Who would stand you up? Look at you.”
Carlos feels his cheeks heat up as TK raises an eyebrow at him, the hint of a satisfied smirk on his face at Carlos’ unintentional compliment.
“I don’t know; I was supposed to be on a blind date. I had a rose on my table so he could know who I am. We were supposed to meet an hour ago,” TK shrugs, unconcerned. “Maybe he came in, took one look at me and bailed.”
“Not possible,” Carlos blurts out, unable to help himself. He blushes hard, but it’s worth it for the way it makes TK smile, this time a little softer.
They stay quiet for a moment, neither sure what to say. Carlos knows he can’t stay in the bathroom much longer. His date is waiting outside, probably more than ready to get to the part of the night where he moisturizes Carlos’ body before he uses it.
Carlos shudders again at the thought. Jesus, he really doesn’t want to go back out there.
“Ditch him,” TK says suddenly like he can read his mind.
Carlos opens his mouth to argue, that wouldn’t be kind, right?
“I know it’s not necessarily nice,” TK continues quickly before he can speak, and Carlos is starting to really wonder if the guy can read his mind. “But you’re a cop, which means you listen to your gut. So what does your gut say?”
Carlos chews on his bottom lip as he thinks about what TK has just asked. Chances are he’s overreacting, and his date isn’t a crazy person, if he genuinely thought he was, he wouldn’t be thinking of him as a date but a perp. But he freaks Carlos out enough that everything inside him is screaming to leave.
Then there’s TK – he’s been in the bathroom with the guy for less than ten minutes, and he’s had more fun bantering with him than he has had all night, or any night in a long time.
It’s not nice, it’s downright rude, but his heart is already pounding with excitement before he even gets the words out.
“Come with me,” he blurts out, his hands sweating when TK raises an eyebrow at him in surprise. “You said your idiot date stood you up,” he pushes on quickly. “And that you recently moved to Austin, right?”
TK nods slowly at him; there is a hint of a smile on his face that encourages Carlos to continue.
“Well, if you haven’t been here long, then you probably don’t know Lupita’s Tacos over on Walker,” he tells him with a grin. “Her tacos are a religious experience; even racists don’t complain about Mexicans after they try them.”
TK lets out a snort, his eyes dancing with amusement. “Well damn, that’s one hell of a sale pitch, how can I say no to tacos that can solve racism.”
“You can’t,” Carlos answers, grinning, excited in a way he hasn’t been in the longest time. “So, are you in?”
TK bites down on his lip, but it does nothing to diminish his smile. “Hell yeah.”
“Great,” Carlos answers happily, letting out a breath before he starts planning their next move. “Now, to get out of here without Hannibal seeing me.”
TK pushes off the counter, walking towards Carlos until they’re only inches apart. “Leave that to me,” he says, the twinkle in his green eyes is full of mischief, completely charming and more than a little disarming for Carlos. He’s always enjoyed playful partners.
He feels himself blush at his thoughts, just because TK agreed to help him bail on his weird date and get tacos doesn’t mean anything is going to happen between them. It doesn’t matter how beautiful TK is or how he’s totally Carlos’ type.
He’s not finished with his thought when TK is extending his hand to him.
“Shall we?” TK asks teasingly, wiggling his fingers at him.
Carlos takes his hand, inhaling a sharp breath as he feels a shock go through him when their hands touch. Eyes snapping up to TK’s, his heart beats a little faster when he finds that TK looks stunned himself. He tightens his hold on TK, fingers interlocking.
“So you got a plan?” he asks after a moment where they both look down at their hands.
“Through the kitchen and out the back?” TK suggests with a shrug. “Tell me he didn’t drive you here.”
“No,” Carlos shakes his head, with an online date, no way was he going to let anyone pick him up. “I drove here.”
“Perfect, I ubered,” TK says with a grin as he guides Carlos deeper into the restaurant. “Guess you’re our getaway driver.”
Carlos chuckles softly, shaking his head, he’s not sure what he’s doing, trading one stranger for the next but it feels right even if he still feels kind of shitty for his date.
“Maybe I should leave him a note?” he questions right before they step into the kitchen. “So that he doesn’t spend the night waiting for me to come back?”
TK looks at him for a moment, seeming to come to a decision he waves over the waitress that coincidently had brought Carlos and his date their menus and waters as she stands by a cutlery station.
“Hey,” he starts, smiling brightly at the young girl, Carlos can see how she’s instantly affected by the power of TK’s smile and feels a little relieved it’s not just him. He listens as TK explains the situation; bad date, trying to leave without making a scene.
The girl nods as she looks at him, he’s thankful she’s not giving him a judging look.
He pulls out his wallet, taking a couple of bills out to cover anything the guy might order and a tip for her.
“You don’t have to go through the kitchen, that exit leads to the parking lot,” she explains as she points to a different door. “Also, that guy is totally bizarre.”
Carlos smiles at her, he’s not sure if she picked up on the same odd vibe or if she’s trying to make him feel better for bailing, but he’s grateful all the same.
He and TK make it out to the parking lot without a problem, and while he still feels terrible for leaving, he also can’t help the relieved breath he lets out the second he’s inside his car. He pulls out of the parking lot quickly and sets towards Walker St.
“So how long have you been in Austin?” he asks, his eyes straying off the road to look at TK for a second.
“Almost four months?” TK adorably wrinkles his nose as he thinks. “My dad got offered to help rebuild the firehouse we’re at, I had a bad break-up, so we decided I could use a change of scenery, and came here.”
Carlos itches to ask about the break-up, but it isn’t his place no matter how curious he might be. “What company are you with?”
“The 126,” TK says with a smile, and Carlos feels his eyes widen at the number.
“You’re TK Strand then,” he says, amazed at the coincidence. “Your dad is Captain Strand.”
TK looks over at him; his eyes are wide and curious. “That’s right, how did you know that?”
“Well, for one, I have been on a few of your calls,” he starts, letting out a chuckle, he can’t believe he’s been in TK’s orbit without running into him.
“That’s impossible, I would have noticed you,” TK answers back quickly, and Carlos feels his pulse spike at the blatant assurance that TK found him attractive.
“Ditto,” Carlos murmurs, feeling his cheeks heat up even as he smiles when TK flashes him a smirk. “Maybe we just haven’t been lucky enough to be on the same calls. But I know Judd, and Michelle Blake is my best friend.”
“Well, damn,” TK shakes his head, his shoulders shaking a bit. “We’ve been running in the same circles and missing each other; fate is not always kind.”
“We ran into each other today though,” Carlos points out, looking over at TK as he parks outside a small storefront with blue writing. “Maybe fate is making it up to us?”
TK nibbles on the corner of his bottom lip, it’s an appealing shade of pink, and all Carlos wants to do is lean in and soothe the teeth marks TK is leaving with his tongue. TK lets out a small noise, and Carlos forces himself to drag his eyes off his mouth to look at his eyes. Even in the dim light of his Camero, TK’s eyes are mesmerizing, they’re a shade darker than earlier, and there is a look in them that Carlos recognizes as what he’s currently feeling.
“What are you thinking right now?” he whispers, leaning forward over the center console and swallowing hard when TK does the same.
“You know what I’m thinking about,” TK whispers back, he wets his lips slowly. “You’re thinking it too; it’s all over your face.”
“Tell me anyway,” he shoots back.
Carlos sees the smirk on Tk’s face seconds before he presses his lips against his. TK traces his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, the action is playful, and Carlos parts his lips instantly for him, his stomach clenching and fluttering in a way that it hasn’t since he was a teenager. He’s known TK less than an hour, and yet the touch of his mouth against Carlos’, sends his heart racing. TK flicks his tongue against his, and Carlos can’t help the needy noise that escapes from his throat. TK answers the sound with one of his own, a low moan that vibrates between them. The kiss turns hard and dirty as they desperately grab at each other, hands coming up to each other's faces as the kiss gets desperate, they’re practically fused together, and it’s still not enough.
Carlos can’t remember the last time he wanted anyone as much as he wants the man who is kissing him like he’s staking a claim on him.
God, he hopes he is, because after tasting TK, Carlos doesn’t think he can go back to swiping right on Tinder.
Maybe Michelle is right, and he does need someone, he just wants that someone to be TK.
They break the kiss when breathing becomes a problem. Still, and even though he’s breathing heavy, TK gives the corner of his mouth a small kiss, he lingers there, lips soft against Carlos’ skin in the gentlest of caresses while his hand touches Carlos’ opposite cheek just as tenderly.
“Holy shit,” he breathes out with a wide smile, his eyes shining with unbridled happiness. “Where have you been all my life?”
Carlos lets out a laugh, the joy of knowing TK is feeling the same as he spreads through every inch of him. “Going on shitty online dates, obviously.”
“Hmm,” TK murmurs, still smiling as a mischievous look takes over his handsome face. “Proposal. I’ll take you on non-shitty dates; some would even say amazing ones. I won’t make you feel like you’re out with a serial killer, and at the end of the night as a reward, you kiss me like that, what do you say?” he asks him, the smile on his face is shy, his eyes hopeful.
“I won’t fear that you’re going to eat me?” Carlos jokes, feeling his face go red when TK smirks at him, the smile is absolutely filthy. Carlos is embarrassed and turned on before TK even speaks.
“I mean,” he starts, there is a slight drawl to his words that should be ridiculous instead of hot, but it still makes Carlos’ stomach flip. “I can promise that if I eat you out – “ he grins, his tongue poking at the corner of his mouth. “You’ll enjoy every second of it.”
TK laughs at the look on Carlos’ face, but Carlos doesn’t respond, he can’t when his face is red and his dick hard. Instead, he pulls a giggling TK back into another kiss until the laughter trails off, and TK is begging into his mouth, telling him to forget the tacos in favor of taking him home.
Carlos turns his car back on; he figures he can cook them something back at his place later, and while he does that, he can delete his tinder profile.
As TK kisses his cheek and down his neck, whispering how good it’s going to be between them, he figures he won’t be needing the app anymore.
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