#spider-Man AU
ivvyela · 1 month
imagine with me, if you will, a nwh potential fix-it involving none other than the multiverse saving duo deadpool and wolverine.
i know, i know - but please, let me cook.
wade and logan now jump across timelines to "fix" things aka travel the multiverse for funsies and deal with the consequences later and somehow end up in a universe where peter parker doesn't exist, but spider-man does. and wade, blessed with the power of "i know this for the plot", immediately knows that is bull. shit. and sure enough, they find one very depressed, very lonely, and very jaded peter parker.
after much annoyance, light stalking, and following spider-man while he's on patrol, they get peter to spill how he ended up in this situation. and after hearing everything, logan breaks the silence with a simple, yet effective: "shit, kid. that... shit."
"yeah, well... now you know, so you can, like, leave me alone."
"nope, not gonna happen." wade shakes his head and tactfully ignores logan's imploring look of what-the-fuck-are-you-getting-us-into-now "i take my job as marvel jesus very, very seriously, so frankly, this is my job to fix your sorry little life, buddy. and if flat-out telling them you exist didn't work, then - "
"oh, i actually... i never told them."
"...come again?"
"i tried to tell them, but i couldn't. so..."
"i'm sorry... your best friend and girlfriend were crying, telling you to come find them and remind them of you, and you chose not to?"
"they're happy and safe without me! i wasn't going to ruin - "
"oh my god. you sweet, self sacrificial, idiot spider-baby. okay! we can fix this! we're no tony stark, but consider us your pseudo daddies for the time being, kid. let's get you your life back."
which is how one very emotional and determined deadpool, followed by a stoic, nonchalant wolverine (who, in all honesty, probably should be completely against this, but once wade commits to something, he can't be talked out of it, and the sooner he gets his fix from this the sooner he can go home, so fuck it we ball), end up in a certain cafe, all up in a poor barista and her friend's face with a cut-out yearbook photo of some kid, yelling "LOOK AT HIM! LOOK AT THIS BOY! HE'S SO LONELY! LIKE A SMALL, FORLORN, VICTORIAN CHILD! REMEMBER HIM, GODDAMMIT!"
(their efforts result in two confused and scared teens, and getting kicked out of said cafe.)
peter practically begs them to just leave him alone, that this was his choice, and he's fine with it, but both wade and logan know a lie when they hear one. they both know what being alone can do to a person, and peter is just a kid who got dealt the shittiest cards in life and at this point, it just feels wrong to leave him here without trying to do something. and maybe they both have a small soft spot for the teen, so what?
and peter knows both men can see through his broody, teenage angst front he's been putting up since the spell, and he's tried so hard to hate the two of them, get them to hate him so they would leave, but they're not budging, so really, there's no point in trying to push them away, right?
and so, he lets them in. he learns that while logan is stoic and intense and kinda terrifying, he's also someone who just wants to do the right thing for the people he cares about. he's also lost people, and he blames himself, but he's come out on the other side. he would tell peter about his daughter, laura, who wouldn't let him wallow in self pity because she is good, better than he has ever been. he never saw himself as a father, but she's still around, so he must be doing alright.
and at first hearing it would result in a pang in his chest, memories of thai food after walking into a smoke-filled kitchen, assurances that things will work out when everything feels hopeless, a tombstone that can never convey everything she was, but now... it's nice to hear that logan still had someone after losing everyone.
so, peter listens to logan's stories. in return, peter tells logan all about his mom.
and wade was brash and loud and conceded and really, really annoying, but he's... no, that's it. he's all of those things, but in a weird way, it's like all those bad qualities merge together to make him a good guy. and yeah, he can walk away at any point, he has absolutely no obligation to help peter, but he does it anyway.
("nonono, don't you dare make me some selfless hero type, kid. i know for a fact that every deadpool has a peter. i'm doing this for the me in your world."
"you're... huh?"
"bottom line, i'm a selfish bastard. i'm doing this for me, 'kay?")
peter didn't fight it. he's had experience with seemingly self-absorbed, deflecting type heroes.
wade doesn't replace him, not even close, but... still.
maybe peter will never get back what he lost. but, for the first time, peter sees a light at the end of the tunnel. that, maybe, he can stop being just spider-man, and he can start being peter parker again, too.
(and if there's a barista talking to her friend about how it's weird that two guys would show up holding a photo of an odd customer from weeks ago, demanding they remember him, and despite not knowing him she felt something, and her friend couldn't help but agree, well... that's neither here nor there.)
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loserharrington · 1 year
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a spiders bite
pairing: spider-man!ethan landry x female!reader
WC: 1.5K
warnings: cursing, mention of panic attacks. should be it!
summary: ethan doesn’t seem to understand that his actions are hurting the people that love him.
A/N: spider-man au is like top 5 best AUs! definitely plan to write more in the future for ethan and others. i like to think i was the first one to mention jack as a peter parker varient (i wasn’t the first) honestly would be down for a part2 if there are requests/ideas.
also would love to plug @echnated​ for their WONDERFUL spider-man!ethan x black cat!reader and @burnyouwithacigarettelighter and their spider-man!ethan series💗💗
@alecmores my editor🫶🏻
been in the drafts since april 22
masterlist / ethan landry
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“you’re an idiot. an actual idiot!”
“how am i-“ “you could have gotten killed or revealed your identity!” a swift smack to his chest with the back of your hand.
“how about a- a thank you, you know? instead of this hostility?” ethan yanked the bug-eyed mask off his face and his pillow of curls stuck out in all directions. 
“i don’t think you deserve a thank you after the stunt you pulled. wha- what made that smart mind think, ‘yeah, one hundred percent a good idea’?” arms crossed over your chest as you waited for an answer.
he opened his mouth with his hands held up and out, it looked like he had an answer ready, but his mouth closed and his arms dropped. he closed his eyes and tilted his head at the ceiling, a sigh leaving his nose.
“look, i was in a tough spot. i had to think in the moment and sometimes those aren’t the smartest ideas.” you scoffed, “damn right.”
ethan rolled his eyes at you and smoothed a gloved hand over his sweaty face. you kept your defensive stance as you blankly stared at ethan for almost getting himself hurt. acting like a bitch was your facade when you wanted to keep your emotions hidden and in check, but you knew the longer this conversation continued you’ll soon break.
“y/n… me being a hero, it means i have to put others before myself. i’m constantly putting my life on the line every time i go out on the streets, keeping an eye out for dangerous people. so if me saving you puts my life on the line-” he stepped closer and your eyes looked him up and down, a crack in the mask. his free hand caressed your cheek, his thumb touching your dark circles. “i will always choose you over my life.” he whispered his confession.
you felt the twitch to your brows and the flare of your nostrils as you tilted your head to look into his soft eyes. “that’s suicidal of you. and fucking dumb!” you shoved his chest, making him stumble from the unexpected reaction.
you moved away from ethan, needing to keep a distance to keep yourself level-headed. your fingers scrunched the roots of your disheveled hair, eyes tightly shut as you scrunch your face up. a yell was waiting to rip from your throat.
“why- why would you say something like that, ethan? never-never, say you’ll choose mine over yours! do you… do you even understand how just the- the thought of you gone…” dampness came to your eyes and you felt the snot ready to run. shaky hands ran down your face, your breathing getting harder.
“hey…” the sound of ethan’s voice caused a slight jump. you stuck a hand out, needing to keep the space.
“i… i know you weren’t given a choice when given your powers. and you decide to do good for new york and- and help people, big or small… that's incredibly brave of you. and i’ve always stuck by your side and helped you in difficult times. but with these- these- these fucking villains started to show up more each day and getting more dangerous…” tears rained down your face and you saw how ethan had to restrain himself. “i worry about you every time i hear a siren or someone shouting for help. i always have the news playing and notifications on social media to keep constant updates when you're swinging around. and- and when i hear word that you’ve taken a tumble or some shit… i- i- i start to panic and hyperventilate and then my body starts to shake and my throat tightens…” as you were explaining to ethan the reactions started to show.
you were shaking your hands out then switching to tapping the pads of your fingers together in quick succession. your chest was moving up and down in short, shallow breaths and every time you breathed out your mouth it was a shudder. when trying to swallow your throat felt completely closed and the tears were forming.
“ethan… i can’t lose you, ever.” a weak whisper. “you- you don’t un-understand what it- it would be like to- to- to live-“
ethan’s nylon arms wrapped you nicely and tight like a weighted blanket. a hand pushed your head into the crook of his neck while he leaned his chin against your temple. while your arms took a second to process his touch, they moved inch by inch until you reciprocated the tight hold.
with your eyes slipped shut you took deep breaths in through the nose to inhale ethan’s scent, sweat mixed with something clean almost floral. you counted each time his chest moved with yours and let the tingles of his fingers run over your body. he kept his voice low and it was deep as he whispered reassurance into the air and your ear when he moved his head near your shoulder.
when he pressed a kiss to the skin just below your hair, you felt your shoulders slouch just a bit. it was like each touch and breath ethan took, allowed your brain to come down from its panic and focus on the present.
ethan is alive and you're in his arms.
“you won’t lose me y/n. i promise. you’re the reason i fight to stay alive and come back to your warmth every day and every night. you keep me stable and make sure i don’t run around with my head cut off.” you gave a dry chuckle at his words.
ethan leaned back and stared down at you, hands moving from their previous spots to hold your cheeks. your arms loosened their tight grasp around his waist, palms flat against his spine. ethan’s clear brown eyes peered deep into your soul, it made you nervous.
“fighting leprechauns and human octopuses are things i’ll constantly deal with if it keeps the city safe, but most importantly…” his head moved closer, your eyes watching every closing inch. “i’ll keep fighting the bad guys if it means you’re safe. i want you to understand that. you are my number one priority.”
and he pressed his chapped lips softly against yours. you froze before melting into the warmth he caused in your bones. the tips of your fingers skated over the smooth fabric of his suit until you were clutching his biceps. the kiss made you a bit lightheaded, almost tipsy but you were sober and clear-headed.
ethan pulled away and you almost groaned in disappointment. you kept your eyes closed just a bit longer in case the moment was just a daydream and when you opened them you would still be in your room, with ethan still dressed in his outfit, but the kiss wouldn’t have existed. with a flutter to your lashes and parted lips, the scene was exactly as imagined, but ethan was close and his hands were still holding your face.
“that wasn’t a dream?” you sighed in relief. ethan grinned at your words as he shook his head, his curls swishing. “not a dream. a wish come true for me.”
“such a romantic.” you joked to hopefully hide the heat on your face. “a wish came true for me as well.”
his grin widened. he swiped his right thumb over your cheek, “i promise you, i’ll always come back. no matter what, nothing is keeping me from you.” he finished his sentence with a kiss on your forehead.
you wanted to fight him on the honey-sweet sentiment. you saw how hurt he’s been recently, more cuts and bruises to his pale skin that- yes they heal quickly, but he’s still human. you hear how spider-man is struggling to stay on his feet or how he’s throwing punches that don’t land from the news as you pace in your room. you see how he groans and squeezes his eyes shut whenever you help clean him up when he climbs through your window looking ready to clasp. some days you worry he’ll be killed and you won’t hear about it until the news makes the official announcement, the news anchor saying in their somber tone “we regret to inform the citizens of brooklyn that the vigilante hero, spider-man, has been killed by…” and everything would turn to white noise as you fall to your knees and scream your lungs out.
but you also know how hard ethan fights. even if it’s his last breath he will give his all to stop the dangers from harming civilians. and how sweet he is to the people on the streets. how he will pick a cat from a tree it scurried up and was too afraid to leave. if a child was crying he would crouch to their level and ask their name, and try to make them smile or laugh.
as you stood in his embrace you let your heart skip a beat or two as you remembered that you finally got to kiss ethan. you tried to push the scary “what ifs” away and focused on his lean stature and how he kept placing quick but heartfelt kisses to the crown of your head.
“okay,” you replied after a while, “just come back to me and i’ll forever help bandage you back together,” you spoke into his chest.
another kiss to your hair, “i promise. i can't lose my girl when i just got her.” and you hear his heart speed up.
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hedonistbyheart · 1 year
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Ellie has just told her dad that actually she prefers burgers and he's feeling terribly betrayed. Peter is too busy snickering to keep an eye on his daughter.
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inluvwcaitvi · 12 days
desperately need a modern AU where teenage vi is spider-woman.
bonus points if powder is super invested in trying to find out spider-woman’s identity cuz she’s rly curious and smart (and it worries vi constantly lmao). :)
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msquared1414 · 2 years
Will Byers!!!!
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dupliciaa · 1 year
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i’ve also been drawing more lately 👉👈 this is my spiderhua au
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aimlovesmusic · 10 months
Just an Au I’ve been cooking up, feel free to ask questions cause idk where to start with info.
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joycew-art · 1 year
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I made this drawing based on @hotdrinkstudies's Spider-Man Birdrick AU :D I experimented a lot with different brushes to get a bit of a Spider-Verse look. I don't think I really got it, but the effects are still nice and I learned a lot.
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ivvyela · 2 months
thinking about that theory where peter parker is the mcu's anchor being. and like. the possibilities of it. imagine learning your entire universe's anchor being, the person who pretty much controls the fate of the universe, is some guy who just doesn't exist??? not even dropped off the face of the earth, but there is no proof of this person even existing in the first place???? and maybe strange or the fantastic four or whoever feels responsible for/is tasked with finding and protecting this anchor being but that's kinda hard to do when you have Absolutely Nothing to go off of.
or alternatively, peter himself learning that the entire universe is basically relying on him staying alive, and he already has a lot on his shoulders but this??? having lost everything and everyone and now learning that the weight of the world is literally on his shoulders and fuck!!! he just wanted to be a friendly neighborhood spider-man but that's parker luck for you!!
and like. there's so many ways to take it and i haven't seen anyone considering this and guys. guys. consider it. take it and run with it or what have you. fuck it and throw doctor doom in the mix for the irondad girlies because surely that will be fun.
and i know i know the theory doesn't fully go hand in hand with the mcu cannon but. fuck the cannon. let me scream into the void about this. let me shove it in your faces and hope someone does something with it. let me have my silly where's waldo peter parker anchor being au.
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linktheacehero · 4 months
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Spider man spider man~
Silly spiderman au with sheik/zelda
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kiok0r0 · 6 months
Spider Ruben save me…
Spider Ruben…
Save me Spider Ruben…
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sorry he's buying a hot dog you know how it is for hero business
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imaginmatrix · 10 months
hey, if I wanted all the glory I wouldn’t wear a mask
A Percabeth / "Percy Jackson is Spider-Man" AU
chapter 1/?
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A sharp sting shot through his knuckles, up his arm, seemingly right into his chest and he jerked, shouting an expletive far worse than “shit” that would make his mother cringe. Something small was flung from his hand.
He squinted.
There— a tiny, regular, run-of-the-mill brown house spider.
Except he’d never had a spider bite hurt this much before.
“Son of a bitch. ”  His breath hissed as he massaged his hand, already feeling a welt rising to the surface. And the stinging… that sharp stabbing pain didn’t seem to ebb as it should have. Instead, it felt like it was actually growing in intensity. 
And it was hot. Impossibly hot, considering how freezing the lab had been moments before. Was that spider actually venomous? Was this an allergic reaction? Did he need to go to the ER before his skin turned black and his hand fell off?
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kaptain-pastel · 3 months
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HAPPY PRIDE !! (featuring my spider-man ocs)
I finished the piece right in the nick of time!! bonus below the cut :D
Remember your daily click!
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the sketches I did of their pride outfits, as well as a better height reference!
Fun facts:
- It's Harry's first pride so he's a little nervous! It's Peter's first pride out, but he's been before to support Gwen
- Harry's shirt is OSCORP pride merch
- MJ and Gwen are dating and Harry and Peter aren't sure where they stand yet
- Peter made his Spider-Man Pride shirt himself (Harry hates it but doesn't want to seem homophobic)
- This isn't canon to my universe!! I just wanted to draw them happy and proud because there isn't a time in the story where Gwen is alive and Peter and Harry are out
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Collateral Damage
Summary: Written for AI-less Whumptober 2023 Day 11. Takes place in a Spider-man AU. The Night-Spider AU. Hiccup finds out who the man under the mask of Doc Ock is.
Warning: /
Rating: Teen and Up
Characters: Hiccup, Viggo, Stoick, Gobber
Pairing: Slight Vigcup
Words: 1 413
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: Paralyzed
Whumpee: Hiccup, Viggo
Author’s Notes: What do you do when you watch Across The Spider-Verse? You come up with your own AU, of course.
When the Night-Spider webs up all of Doc Ock’s metal appendages before he can strike again, he hadn’t thought his plan through. He just wanted to disarm him, get the old artifact- a cylindrical object with these strange lenses- back, and then finally hand him over to the police at long last.
But he didn’t catch him in time and Doc Ock plummeted to the ground from the third floor of an apartment complex next door to the museum that he stole it from. There was the sound of him crashing into the dumpster below before ending up on the ground.
Standing on the ledge of the roof, the Night-Spider looks down at him, shock freezes him in place. His nemesis lay far beneath him and as the seconds pass, he remains unmoving.
“Oh no… Oh no!” Panic is starting to set in. He hurries down, shooting a web to a nearby railing and slinging down. When his feet touch the ground, he drops to his knees next to his fallen foe.
He can hear his labored breathing through his mask, a clear sign of life.
“Oh Gods, oh no. What do I do? What do I do?” His eyes move from the man’s head to his feet and back, his hands hover. In any situation, he’s always managed to keep a levelhead, but not this time. Both parties get hurt in a fight, but never has either one just plummeted to the ground and then stopped moving. No, something is terribly wrong with the Doc.
“Come on, Spider-man,” he tells himself, willing his heart rate to calm. He can’t take care of him if he’s like this.
Finding some kind of calm in the storm, he moves to remove the mask. As a masked vigilante himself, he would hate it if someone were to take off his, but if he doesn’t remove Doc Ock’s, he might miss a vital clue.
So he takes it off and another shock courses through his system. First there’s a familiar goatee, followed by several other features that are no stranger to him until at last short dark hair reveals itself to him.
He knows this man. He works for him.
All this time, the good Doc has been Viggo Grimborn. His mentor and his boss.
“Oh Gods.”
Everything he’s done and the battles fought mingle with the sickening feeling of being responsible for his pain or worse. Removing a glove, he checks his breathing and his pulse. It’s thready, he needs a hospital if he is to live another day. Pulling it together, the Night-Spider calls for the first responders, lying and telling them that a civilian got caught in a skirmish between him and Doc Ock.
That night, the Night-Spider returns home, suit hidden beneath a layer of regular clothes, hood from a hoodie up. Standing on the doorstep, he pulls off his own mask. Breath shaky, eyes watery, and his chest impossibly tight with emotion. He stuffs it in the pocket of his jeans, his gloves in a different pocket, and walks in with his own key.
The door barely closes behind him when there’s already movement coming from the living room. Rubbing in his eyes to get rid of the salty tears in them, it takes only a second for hands to take his shoulder and turn him around.
“Hiccup, darling,” Stoick pulls his “daughter” in for a hug. Hiccup takes comfort in it, leaning into the man’s chest and beard. Today has been awful.
“Hey lass,” Gobber stands behind him, his eyes speak of comfort.
The hug ends as they break apart. A good thing, he was close to breaking. A finger to his chin, his father makes him look up.
“We heard about Viggo. Are you alright?” He asks, his voice softer than he thinks he deserves.
“Just in… shock,” it’s the only way he can describe it. If he is to truly talk about what he feels… no amount of words can describe that.
A tear slips free, he wipes the rest away before they can, but Stoick still pulls him in for another. Gobber reaches over and pats him on the back in support.
Viggo suffered massive internal bleeding and several fractures, including to the spine. He has a brain bleed that isn’t currently putting his life at risk for the time being and a slew of bruises.
As soon as he’s allowed to, Hiccup visits him. He sits in the chair at his bedside when he stirs. He’d needed surgery to stop the bleeding in his abdomen, but they’re not sure yet about his spine.
“Hiccup?” Viggo’s voice comes out slow and raw, though there’s no way he could’ve known that he was sitting there, waiting for him to wake up.
“I’m here,” Hiccup tells him, drawing his tired gaze as he sits closer. despite his drowsiness, a smile crosses his face upon seeing him.
“My Dear,” he sighs and grasps his hand, but Hiccup takes his hand back. Viggo has no idea he’s the reason why he’s in the hospital. He has barely begun to give this fact a place, let alone that he’s the real identity behind his alter ego’s nemesis.
“How’re you feeling?” Hiccup asks.
“...Numb,” Viggo swallows and he looks away, guilt eating him alive. He hopes he feels numb because the drugs from the surgery have yet to wear off and not because the spine injury that he caused has paralyzed him.
They won’t know until his doctor comes to check up on him and give him the news.
Viggo must not suspect anything yet, he hasn’t asked him any questions yet.
“You got involved in a fight and…” I saw you.’ He can’t tell him that.
“With the Night-Spider, yes. So you know?” He says it so casually, almost like he expected him to find out.
“Don’t look at me like that, my Dear. I know how you must’ve found me, you’ve always been brilliant. Yet I find myself unguarded by authorities. You kept my secret, didn’t you?" He asks, his voice a low rumble. Hiccup nods.
It's one thing when you're out fighting crime and trying to make the world a better place, but when you find out one of your recurring baddies is someone you're close with… Well, it changes the whole game.
"Did he see me?" Then Viggo asks that question and suddenly he's not sure how to answer.
"No, I…" How do I tell you this? "He called for the ambulance, but he left as soon as I came to see what all that noise was about. He didn't remove your mask, I did." And in a way, it's not a lie. He didn't feel like the put-together hero that so many people look up to in that moment. He was just Hiccup then. The dragon nerd. The dreamer. Too scared to be out to his fathers, his professional life, or the world. Whether as the vigilante or who he truly is. Can't be connected to the Night-Spider if not even the genders your presenting line up. And no connection means family and friends stay safe.
Once upon a time, it meant Viggo stayed safe. Until it turned out he's one of the villains and now Hiccup isn't sure anymore who he's protecting anymore. Viggo from the Spider or his loved ones from him.
They've worked together for months now, trying to create biomechanical replacements and other aids for amputees, an extremely personal endeavor for him. How did he not see? How has his boss, genius as he is, not seen through him?
Or perhaps he has. And he's keeping his secret, just like Hiccup currently keeps his?
Viggo takes his hand again, this time it's not taken back. He pulls his fingers up to his lips and kisses the back of them. Hiccup is not surprised, there's been a bit of flirting in the workplace. A “power imbalance” his friends had called it, Astrid and Heather particularly worried. He’s out to them, but they also know that they are the only ones he’s out to and Viggo is almost twice his age.
“Thank you for keeping my secret, my Dear,” Viggo shows his gratitude, keeping their joined hands on his chest, close to his heart.
Hiccup wants to pull away, but doesn’t find the strength to. The last thing he should do now is turn his back on him. Viggo needs him, he has no one else.
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Stay | C. Soobin
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Pairing: Spider-Man! Soobin x gn! Reader
Genre: fluff, Spider-Man au, non idol au, coffee shop au
Spider-Man series!
Lua’s note: hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of my Spider-Man series! For now I’m only doing txt, but eventually I’ll do enhypen too!
Warnings: mentions of fights, slight injuries, weapons, might contain grammar mistakes. English is not my first language.
The Night Shift was never your favorite. You were working on Nap of a Star Café, you needed money to pay for your tutoring sessions. While you were working you used your free time to study, you needed to pass your final exams.
It was 9 p.m. and the coffee shop was empty. Since no one was there you decided to open your books and study for a while. A few minutes passed and you heard someone enter the shop. It was Soobin, your friend from chemistry class.
“Hey yn, are you almost done for today?.” He walked towards the counter.
“Hey Soob, yeah I’m almost done, we close at ten. I’m just studying right now, and waiting for any customers.”
Soobin nodded. “You’re studying for chemistry?” He said as he glanced at your opened books.
“Yeah, I need to study for my tutoring session tomorrow, I’m having a review exam tomorrow before the actual exam.”
“I can help you study! I’m good at chemistry, or at least that’s what they’ve told me.” He chuckled.
“Really? I’d be very grateful for that Soobin, I really need help with this.”
“It’s no problem.”
“Oh I’m sorry, did you want to order anything?” You forgot you were the barista of the coffee shop.
Soobin chuckled. “Umm a regular coffee would be okay, please.” You nodded and started preparing his coffee.
“Here.” You handed it to him.
“How much is it?” He said reaching for his wallet.
“It’s on the house, don’t worry.” You smiled to him and he looked at you surprised but he eventually smiled.
“Thank you.”
Soobin felt somewhat mesmerized by you. Everyone, except you apparently, knew that Soobin had a really big crush on you. Everyone noticed how we looked at you and how he followed you around most of the time. You just thought he was being friendly and that it was probably something normal.
Suddenly, Soobin started feeling something, as if something bad was going to happen. It was his spider senses. Usually he could tell that something bad was going to happen with his senses and reflexes, it was very useful for him to prevent accidents and other things.
He looked outside the window and saw a group of men getting out of a Van, they were wearing masks and they looked like they were looking towards the shop. Soobin had to do something. He needed to put on his suit. He didn’t want to leave you there alone, but he couldn’t risk to be seen by someone.
“Um Yn, I have to go now, I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” He said rapidly and left without hearing your goodbye.
This made you confused but you didn’t paid any mind. “Maybe he remembered he was busy..”
Suddenly there was a loud noise. A group of four men entered the front door. They were wearing masks and had weapons in hand. You froze in your place. “What now?”
“Stay there, honey. We’re not gonna hurt you we just need you to give us all the money.” One the men said as he got closer to you.
You stood still, you were to shocked to do anything. You felt like your feet were stuck to the ground.
“Better be quick, you don’t want one of these hurting you, right?” He signaled the weapon which made you even more scared.
“I don’t think that would be necessary.” Another voice talked in the store. It sounded familiar but you were tu busy being scared to think about who it could be.
One of the men let out a bitter chuckle. “Who even are you?”
“Man, I thought it was obvious. I’m Spider-Man! But there’s no time for introducing each other.” You felt a wave of relief when you saw him. He shoot a web towards the guy’s gun making him drop it.
Spider-Man started fighting with the men and you hid behind the counter and called the police.
The fight kept going for at least 10 minutes until the police arrived and arrested the men.
Spider-Man stood there talking to the police answering some questions until you walked outside of the café.
“Are you okay?” He walked towards you. You couldn’t see his face, because of his mask, but he looked like he was worried.
“I’m alright, they didn’t do anything to me.” You shrugged.
“That’s a relief. Are you going home now?” He asked.
“Yeah. I already closed the café.” You were still a little scared about the whole situation that happened just a few minutes ago.
“You shouldn’t go back alone. I’ll walk you.” He offered and you agreed.
“Alright then.”
The two of you walked in silence. Your apartment wasn’t very far from your workplace so it wasn’t a long walk.
“You know, you should probably start faking your voice. You don’t want anyone knowing you’re Soobin, right?” You said as you walked. He stayed still for a second.
“What?! No, no! I’m not Soobin! Who’s Soobin? I don’t know a Soobin!” He started rambling and making up excuses, which made you chuckle.
“It’s alright Soob, I won’t tell anyone if that’s what you’re worried about.”
He sighed and nodded. “How did you figure it out?”
“Your voice. I knew it sounded familiar.” You shrugged and he nodded.
“Well maybe i should fake my voice or something.” He sighed.
“Yeah, you should.”
“You know, I was planning on telling you… but I guess I just didn’t know how. I thought that maybe you would make fun of me…”
“Why would I? You’re literally Spider-Man! That’s so cool.” You said enthusiastically trying to cheer him up.
“You think so?” You nodded and he smiled to himself. “I’m glad you think it’s cool.”
You arrived at your apartment after a few minutes.
“Hey, uh do you want to stay for a bit?” You asked him nervously. You were scared he would found it weird and say no.
“Oh, I’d love too, but isn’t it a little late?” He was right, it was almost 11:30 p.m.
“I…uh, I was saying, you know…umm” You needed to find something to say. “Your arm! I saw one of those guys hit you there, it probably hurts. Let me help you!” You quickly said. You didn’t know why you wanted him to stay, it felt like you didn’t want him to leave.
“Well, it does hurt a little.” He said. Then he agreed and you both entered your apartment. You sat on the sofa and held an ice pack to his arm while he told you stories and things that had happen in his superhero activities.
You forgot about time and everything around you. You didn’t want him to stop talking. You could hear him all day long, and see his pretty smile with dimples on his cheeks. Maybe your heart started to flutter for him that night.
“Thank you for saving me today, Soobin.” You smiled at him.
“It’s no problem. I’ll stay by your side.”
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