#streaming movie adventure
filmepik · 1 year
Kumpulan Nonton Film Adventure Subtitle Indonesia Streaming Movie Online, Nonton Movie Bioskop indoxxi, Cinema21, LK21,Bioskop Keren Streaming Film Terlengkap dan Download Film HD terbaru Gratis.
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fandom-official · 11 months
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This month has more than enough to keep up entertained
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jazmatazzzzzz · 5 months
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Late rainy nights spent being homoerotic and writing about my quests
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hollywoodoutbreak · 4 months
While the Delorean car has all but disappeared, one particular Delorean remains a beloved part of Hollywood lore -- the one famously used as a time machine in the Back to the Future trilogy. The three films' popularity has endured to this day, and the 1985 original is widely considered to be one of the decade's masterpieces. While the films remain beloved by the generation that made them hits upon their first release, they continue to gain new generations of fans, thanks to home video, streaming, and word of mouth. Christopher Lloyd, who starred as Dr. Emmett Brown in the film, spoke to the Scotland Comic-Con about why he thinks the Back to the Future films all stand the test of time (no pun intended).
The Back to the Future trilogy is available on DVD, Blu-Ray, 4K, and most digital platforms.
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agentnico · 4 months
Orion and the Dark (2024) review
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Woah, Jacob Tremblay under went some plastic surgery or something, as he looks mega-different! Was watching an interview with him and Paul Walter Hauser talking about this film, and the kid has hit puberty big time. Now looks like an annoying moody teen. If they reboot Twilight, we’ve found Edward.
Plot: The thing Orion fears the most is the dark. When the embodiment of his worst fear pays a visit, Dark whisks Orion away on a roller-coaster ride around the world to prove there is nothing to be afraid of at night.
What starts as a pretty basic by-the-numbers animated film about how every aspect of life can be scary quickly morphs into something that celebrates the unpredictability of it whilst exploring how balance is essential. The main kid Orion - he’s basically Beau Is Afraid for kids. He gets freaked out by everything, and honestly he was just really sad to watch, and Tremblay is almost too good at portraying the character’s inner fear, making me wonder how much of the real Tremblay is present within Orion. We are treated to an amusing scrapbook montage of Orion’s imagined worst case scenarios, after which the film briskly jumps straight into the nightly events where Dark comes knocking, featuring a delightfully narrated introduction by Werner Herzog. Paul Walter Hauser makes Dark so loveable, turning a concept that is scary for some into a gentle giant with his own doubts and insecurities. The interactions between Orion and Dark are entertaining and amusing, if a bit inconsistent, as every time you think they’re becoming friends, Orion goes back to his fears. It’s all easy digestible family friendly entertainment, even if there were a couple of surprisingly dark, pardon the pun, jokes included throughout.
However it is in the last 20 minutes when the movie does a mad 360 degree turn and switches genres into this crazy multi-generational escapade, as such in the last 10 mins me and my fiancée were questioning momentarily what just happened. Look, as a collective package Orion and the Dark is a basic animation that takes a lot from other movies of its kind, but those last moments or so jarringly mad and out-there that we were shook. That is until I saw who has a screenplay credit and then all made sense. That’s right, one of the writers of this film is Charlie Kaufman. As you may know, Charlie Kaufman’s films scratch at your head and mess with your mind, as his writing fundamentally deconstructs the ways in which it plays with and incorporates narrative structure of the story itself. In a nutshell, his films are surreal and weird, hence why Orion and the Dark’s ending makes all the more sense.
The animation style itself is fun, somewhat similar to Mitchell vs the Machines’ 2D to 3D blend, and a pleasing colour palette with the dark blue and purple environments, however you can tell this is a cheaper budget from DreamWorks, as many times the backgrounds looked too plain and simple, and even the character designs of the nightly entities were not that original or creative. In fact aside from Dark, all the other night sprits were really bland and unmemorable, and one of them was voiced by acting legend Angela Bassett, so that’s saying something.
Overall Orion and the Dark is enjoyable for what it is, but doesn’t really make a strong impression aside from its last mind-bending 10 minutes, and knowing now of Kaufman’s involvement I feel like this movie had the potential of going weirder from the start, but instead is really by-the-numbers and forgettable, and will not be seen as the cure to nyctophobia.
Overall score: 5/10
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izzyizumi · 2 years
#Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Spoilers #The Beginning Spoilers re: Koushiro
Me, prETENDING TO BE SHOCKED TM when the DigiFes trailer for "The Beginning" reveals Koushiro's now advanced to / become a "leading researcher" on "everything to do with" the Digital World, gaining /world recognition/ in the process, as if the 02 Epilogue and post-production materials didn't confirm this /exact fact/ multiple times over 20~+ years ago: w O W!!! I love how Koushiro Izumi Keeps On WINNING!!! YOU GO Koushiro you sHOW THEM ALL
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chewwytwee · 1 year
sucking and fucking everyone else who's torrenting the non-remastered original star wars trilogy with me
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severalowls · 2 years
Unfortunately lordings of the powerings seems to just be basically fine and if you take it on its own merit outside of the review bomb trainwreck its basically just A TV Show and I don't think there's much point inventing things to make fun of it for because there's no way that it's living up to the Media Franchise Launching Merch Juggernaut Everybody On Earth Watches level they're banking on and would require for it to even begin to make a fraction of its budget back and sustain further seasons. Because it's just basically fine. And it needed to be revolutionary. But its just a TV show.
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passion-of-arts · 3 months
Der Film “Damsel” ist ein Netflix-Fatasyfilm mit Millie Bobby Brown. Die neueste und mittlerweile dritte Zusammenarbeit zwischen Netflix und Millie Bobby Brown ist nicht, wie die meisten vermutet hätten, ein dritter Enola Holmes-Film, sondern etwas Neues. Lennart erzählt euch heute in seiner Filmkritik, ob sich ein Blick in das Fantasy Abenteuer lohnt. 🐲🎬📺 👸🏻
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bookhouseboy1980-blog · 7 months
Home Alone (1990) (Review)
Sub to my channel for more: https://www.youtube.com/@borednow5838/videos
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fandom-official · 2 years
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September entertainment sorted ☑️
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shestel-blog · 11 months
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depraveddove · 1 year
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Tonight event in the Twisted Kingdoms server.
@ 8 p.m. EST Eragon!
Join us for dragons and adventure and a very wholesome movie.
Everyone is welcome. Must be 18+ to join.
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agentnico · 2 years
The Sea Beast (2022) Review
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Plot: In an era when terrifying beasts roamed the seas, monster hunters were celebrated heroes and none were more beloved than the great Jacob Holland. But when young Maisie Brumble stows away on his fabled ship, he's saddled with an unexpected ally. Together they embark on an epic journey into uncharted waters and make history.
This new Netflix animation shoots itself in the foot a little due to having such a dull uninspiring title. The Sea Beast? I mean really? Sounds like a cheap straight-to-TV film that would be shown on Nickelodeon or the Disney Channel. It’s a shame really, as I feel due to said title this beautiful animation won’t get the attention it deserves and will get lost in the Netflix back catalogue. As The Sea Beast happens to compete against some of Pixar’s and DreamWorks’ best by telling an exciting swashbuckling tale of pirates, the high seas, beasts and even a cute little blue creature that looks like my fiancée's family’s French bulldog. It plays out like How To Train Your Dragon: Sea Edition with a bit of Pirates of the Caribbean mixed in there. And luckily it doesn’t just play out like a comedy with an endless non-stop jokes (no shade towards Thor: Love and Thunder, not that I’m sore about it). It is actually just a very enjoyable story, with interesting characters, cute creatures and some incredible animation.
Speaking of animation...this is one hell of an animated movie! Like the animators animated hard here. I’m talking they really squirted the paint of the paintbrush on this one. The way the water of the sea looks in this, I was half shocked it wasn’t real. Though to be fair the attention the detail was impeccable, as you can see the separate singular hairs on characters’ heads and the fabric texture sparkling off the clothes. This is a very good looking movie, and I feel like the only part that looked fake was the main sea monster that looks like the animators ran out of budget, so just quickly made the beast design on Microsoft Paint. Wait, is Microsoft Pain still a thing? Anyone who has Vista please answer me! Anyway, even though it looks fake, the sea monster itself still manages to be super cute. 
There’s also a solid voice cast at bay here, with the likes of Jared Harris and Marianne Jean-Baptiste lending their vocal chords to the high seas, and also I was surprised to see in the end credits that Karl Urban voices the main hero Jacob Holland, which as a Lord of the Rings fan always warms my heart. This was overall such a wonderful animated adventure that really surprised me as it came out of nowhere, and with how Klaus was a pleasant treat a few years back, Netflix seems to really be putting an effort in their animated feature fare, so I look forward to seeing what they come up with next. As for The Sea Beast, cannot recommend it enough!
Overall score: 8/10
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as-facts · 1 year
HDHub4u:The Ultimate Site for Streaming  and Popular Films
Looking for a reliable streaming site to watch new and popular films? HDHub4u is the ultimate solution! Discover a vast library of the latest movies and shows.
Introduction: In the present era of digitalization, a plethora of individuals across the globe prefer online streaming as their go-to source of entertainment. As there are several streaming platforms to choose from, the process of selecting an appropriate one can be quite arduous. However, if you seek a dependable streaming platform to view the latest and most popular films, HDHub4u is the…
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