#talia al ghul smut
dilfwaynes · 2 years
i. estranging from wayne | t. al ghul
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summary: talia never had a problem with snatching resources and other factors before from her ex, granted he always took reoccupy of anything purloin; but with you talia isn’t too willing on returning you to the gotham knight.
⚢ pairings; talia al ghul x fem!reader, bruce wayne x fem!reader
✎ word count ; 3.3k
✗ warnings; dom!talia al ghul x sub!fem!reader, future smut with plot, talia being a little mean in the beginning and bruce being a shit head.
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brandish enflames your skin, the embarrassment and anger quite literally flooding through like water under floorboards and tearing apart anything other than a rehash of an emotional saga of ire, shame, and resentment, for him and yourself. allowing him to treat you like an old trinket that’s tossed in a sheet and hiked up a shelf to remember for when it has a purpose, as well as forgetting about you like a generation passed down antique around the manor.
resentment for empty promises and his runs to cartier and tiffany’s for gifted diamonds to try and fill up his shallow promises somehow. resentment for succeeding in making things up for you, and then rotating to the root once again, and making you lose respect for yourself for your stupidity and naiveness. resentment for his usual family’s broad control of their facial expressions now sudden gained vociferous without them catching on when they also come to the realization bruce has stood you up for her again
selina was sculptured with a blade of aphrodite’s hand, her skilled cheekbones and cat-like eyes to her full lips and thighs and her long legs to match her height, it wasn’t hard to understand why your boyfriend is in love with her —you, yourself very well could see yourself in the same situation, replaced with you on selina’s arm instead—he and her will always have a connection, a bond that you two didn’t, couldn’t ever have. you accepted that a long time ago, but you thought it’ll remain as just a “what if” and remembrances. even though that wasn’t ideal you knew bruce would never get fully over her and belong to you wholeheartedly, you thought maybe at least you could have half of him. they had an understanding with each other that few shared with a man like bruce, an orphan underground that he and selina shared, while you and he quite didn’t, more of a middle ground with uneven sides to put it more accurately.
selina is also his ex who he never fell out of love with.
so it was more than longing and tension, more than wanting. there’s history, already the known, and longing for the once before and having something standing in the doorway of getting it, and honestly you even doubt you were the pillar to that door, which is probably the most pathetic part of it. you don’t even matter enough to be a problem or thought wedged in.
shreds prick the pad of your finger while you aimlessly flick the old wooden table with your head propped up in your hand, you can’t bear the confidence to make eye contact with alfred or luke and kate in the kitchen with you, barely giving a dry thank you when alfred collects your untouched plate of dinner.
red hot embarrassment flushes when luke gives an apologetic look and kate continues the exchange with whispering with a bullhorn of not understanding why you stay with her cousin. you swallow thickly with tears threatening to start with swelling of a burning sting behind your lids, viewing yourself as a complete idiot, actually waiting for him again, swiping your bag and hastily leaping out to the hallways, deluding the hot tears with your thumb as you try to rush from the fallen self-dignity that you lost in this manner.
embarrassingly so you can count on your fingers over how many times you’ve cried in the wayne manor hallways because of this very same situation you keep repeating yourself in.
‘stupid, stupid, stupid’. you scream at yourself mentally for placing yourself to constantly be humiliated, and for knowing your future self will take bruce back with open arms, and more than likely legs when he comes to your place with apologizes and kisses. tears completely blur your eyesight and train of thought when you finally end your rush to the door and step outside, and instantly colliding your body into someone, taller than you enough so that for a second you thought it was dick but you’re quickly confirmed wrong when you lift up to roiled jaded eyes.
overwhelmed with emotions before and confusion you’re obtusely glued to the floor, arms bent under your weight to support your gaze at the woman standing inches away, almost towering above you if she were to move closer, your mouth agape slightly, the action seemingly gets her eyes to slit the tint of the spleen in them more.
from the sleek of her cheekbones and bridge of her nose and green eyes and bronze radiance you already knew who she was without damian needing to confirm with it a calling of mother. your lips pull into a deeper pout as all your emotions fest larger than some minutes ago, great, now two of bruce’s aberrantly gorgeous exes are in gotham.
from her tighten expression she doesn’t need certification to know who you are either.
talia’s demeanor changes somewhat at the sound of damian’s voice, taking her annoyed eyes from your figure—still on the ground— and looking towards damian, muttering what you surmise is arabic. damian takes a peer at you and motions a look of being out of the loop, talia’s eyes latch onto you once more, annoyance clouds over now with unamused and a cocked brow of curiosity.
“damian is this how your father now regards his newest beloved?” she jeeringly quips and you can tell she doesn’t expect an answer, rather just wanted to throw a dagger into breaking the ice. your eyebrows deepen and you peck at your bottom lip, swallowing tightly at the jab. damain ignores his mother and reaches his hand to pull you up by your side, you know he recognizes your form of state and why your eyes are so glossy, acquainted already and that only further shames you.
heat elopes your skin more when you notice that you stayed grasped to the ground for this entire interaction, and quite literally giving talia the ultimate power play with falling onto your ass and staying there. you shrug subconsciously, not the worse or most embarrassing thing that has happened, just another add to the list, and realistically talia has the power play with simply existing.
“the typical?” damian asks, eyebrow raised exactly like his mother that it has you blinking your eyes a second, flicking to talia and latching onto an brief few seconds of intense eye contact. chewing on your bottom lip, brushing off whatever dirt attached onto your legs and skirt, bashfully avoiding the question and urging to make the outcome of tonight not so pitiful and low esteem, especially in front of talia, who’s rather dour parched to the side.
you wonder if she meaningfully meant to strike herself out to be so gorgeous tonight in her fitted washed jeans, the allure of the contrast of her white long polo sleeve against her skintone, or did it just come naturally to her like how all these runway models sort like to claim for themselves?
she seizes your longing eye and holds it again, her stare is complexion with boring into you, yet also uninterested in you at the same time. for you, her presence racks your body with insecurity, and something else you can’t tell right this second.
before even being given the chance to choose to ignore or reply to damian’s question hidden behind a clear statement, he’s gone from the sudden beep of whatever bat device, signaling he’s needed and passing on good nights to you and his mother. you shyly fully turn your attention to talia, anxiously pushing hair behind your ear while trying not to be a complete embarrassing idiot.” sorry for running into you, i should’ve paid more attention,” you quietly apologize, fastening out the words to ease out a fast escape from the situation.
talia was gorgeous in such a way you had never seen, coasted with sultry that edged with freeze rather than hot, structure that defined her bones in an angular perfection, her eyes honed and intimidating
the slit in her eyes struck dubiously, aghast some in the behavior towards your apology to her, she didn’t expect you so demure in such a timid way, bruce’s exes after her have been all rather… prim or at least along those lines.
“or if i hurt you by mistake, i didn’t mean to.” you ramble suddenly at her lack of reply and subdue stare, you sincerely hope you didn’t hurt her in your dull-witted rush, god you truly hated bruce at this moment as guilt claws at your stomach. what if you did clash into talia too hard and now she thinks you’re some bitter girlfriend and meant to run into her and you’re smug about it?
talia’s eyebrows farrow up just a smudge, holding down a bubble of laughter at your words, amusement overthrows any other micro responses at the genuine concern of yours thinking you could harm her. though she can’t pinpoint out if her amusement is set to leaning in offense or just plain amusement, you are as genuine as someone talia has ever met, your movements also show no falseness of putting up a show of timorous, you were truly a shy thing, a nervous habit of jutting your bottom lip between your teeth, pouting and giving doe eyes unconsciously.
you had to be very young with your mannerisms, talia wasn’t quite sure how young tho, but you were far too good and innocent for bruce, talia knows that for sure.
“no harm was inflicted.” her voice is lighter than she had expected and she can tell you thought the same, it was clear of any frostbite but also a dead end to it. you nod awkwardly, getting the hint of the lack of words and edge in her tone, she didn’t want to continue speaking to you. figuring a goodnight was pushing it, you decide to skim past her and the door to walk out to the cold air, and once again mentally scream when you realize you didn’t drive to the manor but tailed down a cab
that was hours ago when the sun only set to twilight and now it’s well over eleven, in this hour cabs tend to be freaky with drivers and more sketch, then again what choice do you have? you can only allow yourself so much self-shame, there has to be a limit, and going to ask for a ride back in the manor is well over dirt in that crossing.
ignoring the stinging crisp nipping at your skin, you pull out your phone and dial a texi service once researching for the most legitimate and less socially rejected one, somewhere along forgetting about talia’s coexistence with her also taking way out, seeming to not sense her adamant gaze on you.
you were very different than bruce’s usual type, thoughts of so swirled buoyant in talia’s head as she took keen in you, somewhere in the middle of diminutive; naïve and careless of your surrounds and hearing, giving you the benefit somewhat as her movements were trained as a deadly assassin, but also ticking that you were just as oblivious in other occasions too. you were timid and polite, shy.
curiosity and doubt burned her thoughts if you were that what you’re showing and not a trickery, damian seemed to care for you to bend down and help you recover from a clumsy fall, as well to ask about your well being in a tension knowledge he already knew information about. the mere idea of you playing some game and damian getting hurt cause of it has her stomach clutching, alongside her teeth.
“is your driver absent?” your attention disengages from the bright lighting between your eyes, fasting to the called-out voice and talia, your surprise must’ve shown on your face with the amused tug of her lip and brow. swallowing, you lamely nod, no cabs were answering or willing to come to the outskirts of gotham at this hour, even with the wayne name being under the address. talia merely tsk’s, her eyes steep and contacting with yours as you shrink under her stare.
her amusement quickly fades and a rush of panic engages in you at her loose response and lack of words, until you realize that she wants a verbal reply back.” yeah, i can’t get a cab for some reason.” you laugh awkwardly, dumbly showing a display of your words by waving your phone, cringing at yourself immediately.
your guess was right about her wanting verbalizing when her eyes light up the dull fringes of umbrage from your lack of voice before, noting yourself to keep in mind whenever— or if ever— you’re in the presence of talia again.
“the butler’s available, perhaps he can assist your aid,” talia suggests lowly, a new delicate placed behind her words. the idea has you drowning in displeasure at the thought of marching back into the manner and asking for a ride back to your house after your boyfriend bailed on you to help his ex. you shake your head softly instinctively with strays of hair brushing against your skin, a sight of talia’s expression quickly reminds you of her surmised preferences of words.
“It's fine, i rather just wait for a cab,” you reassure, pointed more towards yourself than talia, gripping the coat closer to your forested-over skin while glancing back at your phone to see if you received any notifications back. talia’s hum reached your hearing lowly and firing a spark of your interest and costing a peer at her; dry runs over your throat with torrid at connecting with talia’s pierced stare now more inflamed than some minutes ago with smoothed from any hardness, vehemence enhancing the effect of moonlight casting a white bright flare to her hair, jaw, and collarbone.
granted your answer was far from needing to be calculated, the response unknowingly pleased talia and meeting her without any difficulty, you quite didn’t think much about the earlier counter, or realized talia would put thought into the ordeal, and your apparent for making your situation was bold, though talia wasn’t quite sure if bruce kicked you to the side for batman duties regarding gotham, or a catwoman, she eclipses the other factors and leaning on the latter of the problems.
“perhaps i can escort you,” talia propounds while choosing to ignore the fast twitch of your brow and widen eyes, misdoubt swirls of her suspicion some minutes before, considering that you might actually just be bruce’s little bovine, docile and meek lamb. although even if you were, she’s still rather curious about your relationship with damian as he never mentioned you, yet seemingly cared enough to pull you up.
“i assume you reside in gotham city also?” she easily hunches out and walks towards the stretch where her black mercedes stills a few inches sideways from you and the driver’s seat merely far away, poised movements to her plodding reach inside her car. a glimpse once again has your throat clamping and burning, the moon glowering the defines shadows of talia’s jawline, lips and eyes and for the hundredth time your attentiveness falls into talia’s intense gaze; eyes scrutinizing through the rear view mirror to see your choice of her offering.
the frosted wrath of gotham this month of the year ultimately decide your decision when you feel your thighs chalking together to create warmth from the cold, you press for a moment, before hesitantly opening the door and slowly sliding into the passage seat. talia stares at you for a long moment, jades a waiting hue that leaves you confused and slightly uncomfortable in your seat until you blink with the realization she’s waiting for you to tell her your address; it seems like you can’t get enough of embarrassing yourself to talia tonight. you hurry and give her your address between an awkward forced laugh and large blushing spread across your cheeks, talia converts her gaze quickly ahead and roars engine to life.
“are you cold?” talia suddenly asks, voice flat with the question usually benevolent and concern, at least whenever jason or barbara has asked, even bruce. you still for a few seconds, nodding timidly before realizing your mistake again. talia’s lips tug upwards as she watches you catch yourself from your nonverbal habit of answering questions, the removal of the said habit from you picking up her dislike for it does rumble satisfaction in her.
”yeah, staying outside for a few minutes made me freezing.”
‘so obedient.’ talia thinks fetchingly and turning up the contrast of the heat, taking a brisk peek at you, vast curiosity about you swirling in different directions now other than the original reason.
“you and my son are well acquainted?” talia asks in a manner that’s very well stating it, rather than asking it, your head glides towards talia’s question from the heated thoughts angered at your suppose gotham knight. your frown turns confused, is talia annoyed or mad if you had a connection with damian? could she be thinking you’re trying to replace her as damian’s mom?
“uh, i guess. he’s a really good kid.” you reply back and avoid her fast glance at you, you simply can’t handle making eye contact being so close to her, sitting by her is already nerve racking and has you regretting not sliding into the backseat originally; her perfume hazing your sensesso strong that you have a feeling sitting in the back also wouldn’t have helped.
maybe you’re slightly attracted to your boyfriend’s son’s mother aka his ex - god what is wrong with you?
“damian’s prodigious, stupendous is his birthright,” talia waves her hand dismissively after claiming her sentence, as if what she just said is the casual run of the mill. you furrow your eyebrows but remain quiet.”what are your problems regarding the knight?” talia bluntly asks with no quiver of second guessing to ask her question, though you doubt talia’s the type of woman to ever second guess herself.
“it’s crowded when there’s three people in a relationship,” you respond without a beat to her question, with her question being so honest and straight to the point you figure she deserved an answer in the same regard. talia arches her brow amusingly after you confirm what she knew.”i’ll imagine so.” she draws, voice almost light and bemused.
for the first time being in her car you finally look at her and wonder why she bothered to ask you when her words mean are simply dry, maybe it’s normal when talking to an ex of your partners? or maybe you’re let down and was maybe hoping for some sight in advice.
“the doe eyes don’t shackle him to the bed as you hoped, i assume,” she teasingly jests in a dark tone after some large moments has passed, her words addles your already currently dull mind with trying to figure out what she meant. pulling your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to understand her but before so her gaze abruptly shifts to you, eyes boring yours until they linger downward to your lip trapped by your teeth - remaining her eyes onto you while shutting down the car”you’re home.”she announces and burning you up with hot embarrassment, no wonder why she’s staring at you! she wants you out.
“thank you for driving me to my place, i really appreciate it,” you express it meekly after getting out of the benz as elegantly you possibly can muster. after no response in the thirty-five seconds of waiting you begin gently closing the door after you.
”goodnight doe.”
ignoring the rush instant of sense of shock at first and leveling yourself slowly towards the door leading to your apartment, you can’t deny the also flooding giddy sensation at the nickname talia addressed you by, and how stupid that feeling makes you feel as you merely met talia two hours ago. a snapped zoom jolts and tells you that talia left the parking lot and some relief settles in from no longer in her tense presence - her perfume on your clothes make youpractically dizzy, as if her eyes didn’t have enough of that effect.
sighing you quickly unlock the lobby door with your card before some batman villain decides to come and kidnap you tonight. on the topic of batman while entering the elevator you think of the best possible to kill him, being honest with yourself? you think offering off the joker would kill bruce more than actually killing him.
maybe it’s not selina you’re fighting with for bruce but rather a psychotic gay clown.
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opheliawillowbrook · 2 years
In an attempt to win a bet against Tim Drake, Damian goes on an alcohol infused rant on the Justice League's Social Network. Proving he not only can be funny, but to also divulge the embarrassing tale of how he lost his virginity. However, the stakes are made ever higher when the consequence of losing (not only to Drake) mean confessing his true feelings to girl he loves most.
48 notes · View notes
froggyfics · 1 year
The Deadliest Poisons Are The Sweetest - 6
Conflict arises within the Al Ghul household.
18+ only! I do not consent for this content to be viewed by minors. Please take heed of the warnings listed, though they are not entirely comprehensive. All characters are consenting adults. Do not continue reading if you are uncomfortable with the content. This story and its contents are 100% fictional, and are not affiliated with DC Comics.
Sincerely appreciate you guys for leaving comments and messages about my writing! Your interactions definitely push me to complete my work. Thank you for your patience.
Feedback is always appreciated. Feel free to message me privately or comment below to let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is always welcome!
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Pairing: LOA!medieval!Damian Wayne x fem!reader
Word Count: 3,780
Warnings: misogyny?, smut, p in v penetration, oral sex
The Wayne Manor, in all its glory, is quite ordinary. 
Yes, it is perhaps the most magnificent building in all of Gotham – but if you look closely enough, there are little quirks that can only be seen in homes that have been lived in. 
Little chips on the doorframe showed its perpetual use. The floorboards creaked due to constant footsteps. The stained windows were discolored to divulge their age.
The manor gave off a completely different aura when compared to the Al Ghul Castle. The castle was built primarily for defense purposes and was not meant to be lived in. Its bloody history was obvious with its moat, drawbridges, and arrow slits.
Maybe that’s why you instantly felt more at ease at the manor. This was a home. It had no nefarious purpose. Even if the castle was purged of its malignant occupants (namely Talia), it could not erase its bloody history. 
With that being said, you could not say that you were completely comfortable at the manor. 
“How can I make you feel more at home?” Alfred inquires.
You’re not entirely sure how to answer his question. Maybe he could send word for your family to come to the manor instead of staying at the castle. 
You push the idea to the back of your mind almost immediately after thinking it. Your family hasn’t really been acting like your kin since you’ve arrived in the capital. They’re simply too busy schmoozing to notice your plight. After all, you are their ticket to the upper echelon. Damian had you leave the castle so hurriedly that you did not even have the chance to seek them out to say farewell. You doubt they’d care about your absence anyways.
“Where’s Damian?” 
“He’s still speaking with his father. I can have him come to your room as soon as he finishes his discussion.”
“Yes, that would be wonderful.”
Alfred bows before exiting the room. “Your highness.”
You let out a melancholic sigh while plopping on your bed. The absolute silence that surrounds you deafens your ears. The peacefulness reminds you that this is the first time in a long time that you had to yourself. 
Your ladies-in-waiting are out familiarizing themselves with the manor. Rachel returned to her own home, promising to follow you to manor after she packed her own belongings. Alice, your personal servant, is acquainting herself with the servants’ quarters. 
Talia is not breathing down your neck. Your mother is no longer nit-picking at your appearance. Your father is not here to remind you of your dimwittedness. Your older brother is not hounding you to convince your in-laws to give him a council seat. 
It's just you. After so much time surrounded by others, wishing for some alone time, you’re suddenly dumbfounded. How were you able to entertain yourself before him – before Damian?
The embroidery hoop sits longingly in your open chest. Your needlework was in sore need of improvement you realized after moving to Gotham. After all, the noblewoman here had no household chores to take up their time, thereby leaving them experts at embroidery. 
You sit down on a sturdy wooden chair. It’s easy for you to distract yourself in the work that you’re doing. All that there is to distract you are the crackling of the candles and the occasional prick of the needle. 
You nearly fall out of the chair in terror when the door opens suddenly. Your ladies-in-waiting come barging in, talking amongst themselves merrily until they notice you. Their faces sour. 
“C’mere, your highness,” Matilda sneers. “Time for bed.”
A sigh escapes your lips before you can control it. Surely, you cannot be treated this way! After all, you’re a princess now!
Alas, you scurry to Matilda and turn your back towards her. Of course, you can wish for a spine all you’d like, but you’d never stand up to her. Or to Honora. Or Joan. Or Talia. You’re…you. A princess, but you were born among the lowest of aristocrats. Just a generation prior, your family were peasants! Matilda, Joan, and Honora all came from distinguished dynasties that far surpassed your own. 
“Ouch!” You tried with all your might to keep quiet while Matilda yanks you about, but when her nails scratch against your back, you can’t help but let out a screech.
“Oh, hush now!”
“You’re – hurting me.”
Matilda remains quiet and you step out of your dress after it pools at your feet. The fireplace keeps the room warm, but the hostility in the air increases the temperature. She tugs the nightgown over your head rudely. 
“I suppose I’ll stay the night with the princess.” Honora points to the feather mattress near the bed. 
Matilda and Joan nod their heads and curtsy towards you.
“Now, is there anything else you’d like for us to do before we retire for the night, your highness?” Joan’s voice is sickly sweet, but at this point, you know her words are laced with venom.
“No, thank you. You are dismissed. Have a nice night.”
They snicker in each other’s ears and walk towards the door, while Honora looks longingly at them. Joan opens the bedroom door and gasps at the sight. 
“Your highness!”
Damian leisurely strides into the room with his hands behind his back like a soldier. The occupants of the room immediately bow in respect, including you. 
So much time had passed from when you told Alfred to call for Damian, that you didn’t think he’d actually come to see you. But here he was! In your room. You didn’t even know what you wanted to say to him. You didn’t remember why you asked Alfred to send Damian to you in the first place.
He clears his throat and looks around the room. His gaze lands on your discarded embroidery hoop atop your dresser. He picks it up to examine the half-finished red carnation on the fabric. Your entire body heats up in embarrassment. In your lonely haze, you barely recalled poking the red and green thread through the linen fabric. It meant nothing. Damian catches your gaze, and you hope to communicate silently that it meant nothing to you. Boredom took over and flowers were a common item to embroider. It meant nothing. You weren’t thinking about him then, and you certainly didn’t care that he was standing in front of you now. 
“You lot are dismissed for now.”
The ladies scamper out of the room immediately as Damian’s command leaves his lips. No back talk. No snide comment. If only they respected you half as much as they respected him, your day-to-day life would become so much smoother.
“Alfred mentioned that you called upon me.”
Your eye twitches. “Only to say goodnight.” You stare at him until it becomes uncomfortable. “So, goodnight.”
You turn around to get under the warmth of your covers. You pull the coverlet and bedsheet out as calmly as you can, even though a combination of anger and embarrassment courses through you. 
You want to lie back down fully, but Damian remains standing in place. 
“Can you please call my lady-in-waiting in here?”
“No?” you scoff. “Why not?”
“We’re having a conversation, that’s why.”
“No, we’re not,” you huff. “I have had quite a tumultuous day. If you’ll excuse me, I will retire for the night.”
“You are angry with me.”
You scowl, but say nothing in return. You are angry. In fact, you are irate. Your marriage has just begun, and you already want to escape. 
“I’ve spoken with my father,” Damian interrupts the silence. “We will be staying here, at Wayne Manor. The castle is not the place for us.”
He exhales loudly when you do not respond. You are looking down at your coverlet, but can sense his movements closing in on you. He tediously sits on the farthest possible corner of the bed.
You shake your head in disbelief and face him with a glare on your face. “I do not bite, your highness, if that’s what you’re afraid of.”
His smile momentarily catches you off-guard, but his chuckles reignite your anger. “You look like you will,” he responds once he notices your fury. His attempt at easing the tension does not work.
“I truly apologize for what my mother said to you. It was not…appropriate to say the least. Here at the manor, I can assure you that no one will question our marital bed like she did.”
“Tell that to my ladies-in-waiting. You do know that they are your mother’s spies, right? They’ll report everything to her.”
He shrugs. “I have been known to keep a loyal household.” He winks at you. “I have my ways.”
You simply can’t stand it. He’s being so…friendly. It irks you.
“Thank you, your highness. T’is late. I will not keep you up.” 
Your attempt to dismiss Damian is ignored. He tuts and closes the distance between you two. His new position is right at your side. His thigh touches your own, with just sheets of fabric separating the two of you.
“You’re angry with me,” he repeats.
“What’s it to you?” You do your best to keep your voice steady. “It’s not like you care.”
“Of course, I do. Of course, I care.”
A humorless laugh escapes your throat. “I’m not stupid. I have not grown up with your fancy tutors or privileged background, but I’m not stupid.”
“I never said you were stu –”
“You don’t have to say it for me to know that you and everyone else think it!” you nearly shout. “Your highness –”
“We’ve been over this.” He rubs his forehead. “You are my wife. Refer to me as husband or Damian –”
“I am not your wife!” It’s unintentional, but some of your spit lands on his face. You fight to get the covers off of you, jumping out of bed. You can only stomp a few steps away from Damian before his arm grabs your bicep.
You’re pulled back towards him and he swivels you around to face him once again.
“I am not your wife!” you repeat.
“What are you going on about, woman?” His own anger is evident due to the bulging vein on his neck. “Have you hit your head and lost your memory already?”
You speak through gritted teeth. “Your highness, I am not sure why you have roped me into your lies, but clearly there is another motive behind our so-called marriage.” You rip yourself from his hands, and point at him menacingly. “I don’t think I care to know why you have lied to me, but just know I’m onto you. You cannot deceive me. I know that we are in a sham marriage.”
Damian’s eyes nearly transform to coal black, the green is no longer visible. You slowly drop your accusatory finger, mentally kicking yourself for your tantrum. His disposition is quite fearsome, you realize. You were admittedly terrified of Prince Damian, who comes from a long line of terrifying and tyrannical ancestors. 
“Careful there, woman,” he taunts. “You are speaking to your prince.”
“I thought you were just my husband,” you sneer before you realize what you said. You clamp your mouth shut.
His eyes narrow dangerously. “Same difference. Do you need reminding?”
Well, now you’ve done it. You were going to be beheaded come sunrise, weren’t you? Why couldn’t you have just shut up? Why did you have to believe the lies he said in the garden? Who cares, he’s a man – they all lie. What difference does it make that your man joins in the age-old tradition of lying?
Damian waits expectantly for some sort of response from you, while your mind races. 
Damian smiles, but you can tell it’s the coldblooded kind. He takes one step, then another, and then one more until he’s toe-to-toe with you. 
You look up meekly at your prince. He towers over you and it dawns on you just how precarious your situation is. It has been just a day since you’ve married. The marriage could easily be annulled, especially at Damian’s behest. You are replaceable. There are countless others you would kill to be the heir’s wife.
And who could replace Damian? Quite literally, no one. Your family would forever be disgraced. No one would want to interact with the family of the heir’s former wife. It would be an embarrassment. Not to mention, you would forever be the laughingstock of the kingdom. The day-old princess. 
He cups your face, and his thumbs brush your hot cheeks. His other fingers grip the back of your neck, nearly painfully so. “Well, I think you do.”
Your breath hitches in the back of your throat when he plants his lips on your forehead. They travel to your nose before one hand shifts the collar of your nightgown.
“Admittedly, t’is my fault.” He suckles the tender skin at the base of your neck. “I have not truly turned you into a wife yet.” The implications of his words make you shiver, along with the wet kisses he leaves up and down your neck. His actions leave you in shock. This was not the way you expected to be…punished? Reprimanded? You’re not sure what exactly Damian is planning.
He kisses the pulsing point in your neck and the sensitivity nearly makes your moan. You bite your lip in retaliation, but of course, he notices it. 
You want to retort, but his thumb rubs against your nipple. You breathe out heavily as he continues his ministrations, your fiery attitude withers away as your nipple hardens under his touch. 
His hands slowly make their way to your hips and he grabs them firmly to guide you in the direction of the bed. 
You yelp when he pushes you onto the bed roughly, nearly landing completely on your back, but you catch yourself by your arms. You watch in utter curiosity as Damian rolls your nightgown over your knees, exposing you the warm chill of the room. He bites his lip lewdly and sinks to his knees.
You yelp again when he pulls you closer to the edge by the ankles. 
“You can watch if you want.” He gives you wet kisses from your ankle till your inner thigh. When he reaches your thigh, you attempt to close your legs around his head. It’s simply too sensitive. 
He pushes your knees apart and begins the cycle again on the other leg. This time, when he reaches your inner thigh, he takes hold of your legs and spreads them as far apart as he can. 
You squirm and squirm as he continues kissing your inner thighs.
“Damian,” you whimper.
“The lioness suddenly cannot seem to roar, only mewl,” he teases.
You can feel his hot breath on your innermost parts. The intimacy of the situation makes you grip the bed, but once he latches onto you, your hands cramp in the air.
“Oh! Ooh! Oh.” You moan loudly while he deliciously eats you out. His tongue sloppily latches onto your sensitive nub, but he occasionally leaves you long, languid licks on the entire region.
His hand snakes up your body, shirking your nightgown up until it’s over your shirt. He tweaks your nipples, and you can feel your abdomen tightening in response. 
You can feel the cooling wetness when Damian finally releases his hold on your clitoris. You want to mourn the absence of his tongue, but the mourning period ends as quickly as it began when he starts to rub his thumb in firm, circular motions.
There are so many sensations happening simultaneously. His thumb on your clit. His rough shirt agitating your nipples. Wet kisses on your neck. His fingers occasionally swiping the wetness leaking from your hole and spreading it around. You couldn’t stop the tide even if you wanted to.
The only thing to hold onto is his biceps. It starts in small waves. A strange feeling arises in you, but you don’t want it to stop. It roils in faster and faster peaks. You bite your lip in anticipation. When it finally arrives, a sound escapes your throat that has never come out before. Your muscles contract as you reach your peak. 
Damian’s lips leave your neck to latch onto your mouth. You moan into his mouth as the feeling rides itself out. It’s so overwhelming that all modesty flies out the window. You don’t care how loud you are. You don’t care how you must look. All that surrounds you is the pleasure that Damian extracted from you. 
The kiss you share is unlike the one from the day before at your wedding. Your wedding kiss was short and sour. This one is long and sensual. 
You don’t want the kiss to end, but Damian takes the initiative to pull back. He maintains eye contact with you while he removes his tunic and pants. You obscenely take in the sight of his defined abs and strong muscles, but you stop once your eyes meet his hardened member.
You jump slightly when he suddenly spits on it. His hand moves up and down to spread his saliva around. The sight is so lewd that you turn your head to avoid it.
“Don’t get all shy on me now, beloved.”
His words force you to look once more at him. His pushes your shoulders down to where you lay flat on the bed. You crane your neck to at least look at what he’s doing. He holds your neck up with his hand to give you a better view once he realizes what you’re trying to do. 
He pokes at your entrance. “Beloved, breathe for me.”
You have no choice but to follow the instructions of the man that just had his face in between your thighs moments ago. You inhale, then exhale, and repeat the process.
The pain halts your breath. You hiss as the head of his penis is thrust into you. He shallowly inserts the tip in and out, and leans down to pepper your face with light kisses. Slowly but surely, your hiss turns into a whimper. In response, he thrusts deeper and deeper. He whispers tenderly into your ear.
“You feel amazing, my love.”
“This is what I should have done last night.”
“I am all yours.”
You don’t even realize you’ve shed a tear until he swipes it away. The gentleness of the moment wipes away the last month from your memory. All that exists is here and now.
It hurts, but there’s an equal amount of pleasure licking behind the pain. Damian’s ever-increasing groans only add to your own desire. He impales you with every thrust, but he does so as slowly as possible. You can tell he could be rougher if he wanted, as evident by his muscular figure. 
He leans his forehead onto your own, and closes his eyes. You keep yours open to watch him pant. There’s a glow on his skin that highlights every handsome feature about him. 
His breathing becomes erratic and so do his thrusts. His grunts are nearly animalistic until finally he groans loudly in delight. You can feel a gush of wetness around your entrance as he lazily thrusts himself in and out of you. He stills himself inside of you at last before practically crushing you under his weight.
You can hardly breathe under the pressure and feebly push upwards against his chest with your hands that are trapped under him. He pulls out of you completely and rolls over to your side, still panting heavily. 
He shifts you onto your side to face him and pecks your entire face with light kisses. You giggle at his show of affection, wishing that he would never stop. 
But he does. Everything good must come to an end. With one final peck on your lips, he rubs his hands up and down your back before getting up from the bed. The warmth of his body escapes you and you find yourself quite cold suddenly. The fireplace still burns brightly, but Damian’s touch provided a fiery heat that could not be replicated through any other means. 
Once he’s finally dressed, he leans down to give you a passionate kiss. You return the affection to the best of your naïve ability. 
“Our marriage is now officially sealed. Do you feel like our union is a sham still?”
You squirm in embarrassment. You recall the argument that preceded your intimate counter, but shame overcomes you at the way you behaved. 
You nod your head in response. “I apologize, Damian. This past month has just been a whirlwind for me.”
He gazes at you while tying his pants tight. “I understand.” He reaches down and kisses your knuckles, like he did when you first arrived in Gotham. “Goodnight, beloved.”
He strides towards the exit. “Damian, will we spend any time together tomorrow? I’d love a tour of the manor with you as my guide.”
“I don’t think that is possible. I’ll be very busy.” He attempts to walk away, but is stopped by your questioning again.  
“Can we at least have dinner together?” He doesn’t turn to face you entirely, but he does tilt his head in your direction. 
“Would that make you happy?” he finally says.
“Yes,” you immediately answer. You wanted what just happened to continue to happen. Not necessarily the sex, although that was a definitive plus, but the closeness. 
You felt so much closer to Damian within just a night of emotional intimacy that your negative memories of him from the past month shift towards the back of your head. Every kiss he gave you tonight replaced every snide comment made in your direction, the loneliness you felt, and the confusion regarding your relationship status.
“Then, we shall have dinner.” With that, he leaves the room, leaving you bare on the bed. 
His absence makes the pain and soreness in your abdomen and genitals evident. You clutch your belly in an attempt to soothe the cramps away.
Your door bursts open. You scramble to cover yourself with something, with anything, but it’s too late.
Honora glares at you as she makes her way towards the bed. The best you can do in your fumbled state is cover yourself with your arms and make yourself as small as possible. 
She looks you over, and then at the red and transparent stains on the coverlet. 
“Get off the bed,” she snaps. She exits the room and returns a few moments later with two servant girls.
“Hurry up,” she barks at the servants as they scurry to change to the sheets. “I’d like to get some sleep before the sun rises.”
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spectr3inl0ve · 8 months
some NSFW thoughts I need to share with a batman fan:
I hc him as the type who prefers going raw. Like yea, he gives lectures on protection and safe sex to his kids over and over again and it's all well and good, but! He himself doesn't like sleeping around. He only sleeps with those he really really loves and hence, he gets the urge to fill them up and is always begging his women to let him finish inside them. I like the hc that Talia didn't really have to try to get the condom off (hehe).
i fear you may be right (im kicking my feet and twirling my hair), bruce is so the type to pull the batkids aside when he finds out abt a romantic partner or hookup and express the importance of protection and contraceptives. and yes, bruce is going to be a hypocrite when it comes to taking his own advice. atm i dont think writing smut is for me cus i cringe when i write it 😭😭😭 but i will try and write smth good for this when i feel more comfortable!!!
as for your headcannon, i like it but i cant rlly give my two cents as i havent rlly read into the whole talia al ghul thing </33
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saintsheretic · 11 days
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Saint or Dorian, he + any, 21y, UTC -3 / BRT looking for rp partners: yes main account: @glittering-graves (prefer to be messaged here for roleplay matters, but you're welcome to follow there if you want to be mutuals out of roleplay stuff!)
been writing for 10 years, roleplaying for 2. my style is literate/novella, but I enjoy texting threads when I'm in the mood. my prose is almost exclusively third person and past tense.
I'm mostly interested in OCxOC, although I'm interested in some fandoms as well and could RP for them. but be warned, I'm extremely picky about those. I have a preference for FxF, MxM, polyamory or otherwise queer romance.
as I have an interest for darker, taboo themes as well as ERP/NSFW/smut/however you call it, I prefer to roleplay against 18+ muns (exceptions are highly unlikely). please don't lie about your age to me, I'll know. I almost exclusively RP on discord -- shoot a DM or off-anon ask for my handle! or like this post and I'll approach, if you prefer. (alternatively, if you can't reach me, message my discord alt account, which has the same username as this blog, I try to check that at least once a week)
see under the cut for a general look at what I'm interested in, and the wanted plots tag in my blog for specific plots.
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everything in bold are my faves to play as or to write.
genres & themes : paranormal romance , horror , vampire / hunter , thriller , detective / suspect , enemies to lovers , dark fantasy , fae / human , dark academia , professor / student, toxic exes , historical fiction ( victorian and medieaval, mainly ) , gothic themes , sci-fi , legal age gaps , crime author / serial killer , mafia , religious themes and imagery , spies .
fandoms ( characters* ) : Batman ( Bruce Wayne , Jason Todd , Selina Kyle , Talia al Ghul ) , Marvel ( Peter Parker , Matt Murdock , Jessica Jones , the Moon Knight system ) , Six of Crows ( Kaz Brekker ) .
hard limits : JK Rowling properties , incest / pseudo-incest / stepcest , main characters below 18 , race play or any racially focused kink , orientation play and detransitioning-related kinks , toilet kinks , RPF .
*characters I'm willing to play as specifically. assume I'm willing to RP them against any other characters or OCs unless I state otherwise.
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muffleddespondent · 11 months
I searched for Talia Al Ghul x reader and what pops up is gojo Satoru smut? Wtf
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redjaybathood · 1 year
Wracking my brains trying to come up with what stuff can I do for commissions. Like, I was joking about ranting about Batman for $10 but also, I really really need money right now. Like. I'm 1000 USD in debt and have no money for cat food or medication* - and while i am expecting a paycheck some time next week, it will cover the debt and... basically nothing else. so i will be getting more debt, and the cycle continues.
like. i need one month without debt and will be fine the next month after that, so i need to figure out a way to get some quick buck
So. If you ever wanted to commission something off me, like a fic, or meta, please contact me now!
What characters can I write about:
Jason Todd;
Stephanie Brown;
Cassandra Cain;
Duke Thomas;
Damian Wayne;
Talia al Ghul.
Can I write smut? Yes, I can, but it's anti-sexy, so if that's what you want, basically any kink.
Pairings? Don't care.
Genre? Anything except fluff and humor. Angst and AUs are my specialty though.
Prices - $10/1K words.
You can commission stuff here: https://ko-fi.com/rdbtjhd
Update: something went wonky with my PayPal or Ko-fi and it doesn't accept international payment. I don't have any other way to recieve money right now so, thank you for everyone who tried to help, I really appreciate it. I will figure something out.
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bittersweet-kelly · 1 year
Superman Saves a Cat From a Tree. Chapter 1 - Selena gets caught up with an old pal
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Superman saves a cat from a tree: Part 1, Part 2
Summary: Catwoman, Selena Kyle, steps into some trouble while trying to find her ex, Batman, who seems to be missing while dealing with the League of Assassins and his ex, Talia Al Ghul. She runs into one of Batman's wards.
Rating: 18+ (Smut in later chapters) Minors do not Interact
Parings: Selena Kyle (Catwoman) x Clark Kent (Superman)
Warnings: Jokes about butts, smut in later chapters, swearing, jealousy (If you squint), not beta'd or lightly proof-read
Word Count: 1,296
Disclaimer: I do not own Henry or have any connections to Henry. Nor do I own any content from DC comics, Warner Brothers.
I wanted to start with Selena's side before moving onto Clark's. He'll be coming later dears. ;)
It's been 3 months since Bruce Wayne and Selena Kyle got engaged and it's been 1 month since Selena dumped Bruce on the grounds of being bored. Or so she goes around and tells people. It was much more complex than that, obviously. Bruce wanted kids where Selena didn't… Bruce has kids. Adopted sure, but they're still kids. The late night costume rendezvous also became less frequent and that sort of killed the vibe for Selena… She liked the chase. The tease. Now she was caught and hooked… What was she supposed to do now? Be a wifey? Become a housewife? Join the cast of Housewives of Gotham? Heavy pass.
She was now free to do what she pleases. That also involves slipping into her tight costume that hugged her every curve to distract the thugs of Gotham. Who doesn't love the attention? Her catsuit was like a second skin. The zip stopped halfway down her sternum, revealing her cleavage that was tucked firmly in her clothes.
During one night ,while she was stalking the rooftops in her favourite neighbourhood, she heard some gunfire from the streets. She snorted to herself. "Batman will be after their asses soon. Poor souls." While chuckling to herself it slowly dawned on her… She hasn't heard from Bruce or Batman for 3 weeks. Furrowing her brow she checked her phone. No missed calls… Messages. She shrugged it off, he's probably drowning his sorrows in the nearest bar - crying because she left him. Or so she told herself. Anyone would cry after being dumped by her.
Her train of thought was interrupted by a shuffle of feet landing on the roof with her. The loose pebbles shuffling underneath their weight. "I was just thinking about you." She turned, expecting the brooding bat.
"Thanks, can't say I was thinking about you." Dick Greyson, better known as Nightwing, retorted back to her with a wink. "What pleasure do I owe being thought of? My handsome looks?" He smirked at her. Selena scoffed. Nightwing stood in front of her in his own tight costume that showed off his athletic body.
"I thought you were the big, bad Bat." She placed a hand on her hip, while looking over at him. "What are you doing here? Thought you were exiled to Bludhaven?"
"Exiled?" Dick put a hand over his heart. "Is that what Bruce told you? No it was Damian wasn't it?" Shook his head. "Ass."
"Mhm. He is a brat, I'll give you that but ass? That's all you." She leaned over to peer at his ass and glutes. "Ever thought you should change your name from Dick to something butt related?" Selena joked with a cocky smirk spread across her lips. Dick tutted, wagging a finger at her.
"Careful, you were nearly my Step-mom. That's taboo in places… Other than the internet." Dick rolled his eyes. "My eyes are up here lady." Motioned with his fingers to where his eyes are. "Plus you can talk, you have the same issue as me I bet." Selena couldn't argue that point, she too had a big butt. Bruce loved to squeeze it - amongst other things but that might have been weird to discuss to one of his kids.
"Speaking of Dad…" Selena turned back to look over at Gotham. "Where is he? I would have expected to see him sulking around in the shadows by now. I even stole- I even rescued some jewels from some black market dealer and I half expected to see him." Selena looked over to Nightwing. He looked pensive.
"We haven't heard from him for about 2 weeks now. Not like him. None of us have been scowled at or told we're doing something wrong. Alfred handed me a note when I went to go and see him. It mentions he's gone to see Talia to resolve a feud." Dicked looked confused at Selena. She just shrugged her shoulders.
"Guess he's gone back to his side piece?" She said bitterly. "Hey, no idea. But aren't you the one who ended things?" Dick pointed out after spotting how she spoke and sensed some jealousy. "Hmph!" Selena decided to ignore Dick's comment. "So he's gone back to the league of assassins."
Dick hummed in thought. "Yep, seems like it. After Bruce's run-in with them last time they seemed to vanish. If they're back in Gotham, means somethings going down. I've been looking for their entrance the last few days now. I can't spot anything out of the ordinary. No ninjas to chase either!" Scoffed in disappointment. Selena's brow furrowed.
"I see… Hidden tunnels most likely. Have you asked Killer Croc?" She asked, half serious as she looked over at Dick again. "He knows the sewers like the scales on the back of his mutated paw." Dick pointed at her before half skipping away.
"You have a point Kit-kat." He then swan dived off the edge of the building. Once a performer, always a performer. Show-off. "While you go and get your ass kicked… I'll go for a little girl on girl action." Turning her attention to the 'Garden of Eden' greenhouse and shop down in Bristol Gotham. "Red better be there."
Having made her way across town Selena stood looking at the overgrown greenhouse near the river. Climbing through a broken window she looked around until coming to a large room. To the side was a large plant that looked like it was trodden on and beaten down. Not like Pamela to treat her babies like that…
"You shouldn't have come Selena." A voice echoed around the room making it hard for Selena to pinpoint Poison Ivy's location. "But Red." Selena replied in a sing-song tone of voice. "I thought you missed our little chats. I know I missed you." Selena's gaze shot down as a vine wrapped around her ankle, tearing her off the ground to leave her hanging like she was caught in a boobie-trap. "IVY! Is this anyway to treat a friend?" A pair of giant leaves rustled and flapped to thee floor revealing the fiery, in more than one way, redhead.
"We are not friends!" Ivy snapped back. "You only call me a friend when you want something. You're all take and no give! No wonder Batman came looking for me." Her hand brushed her locks away from her face. Walking over to Selena to stand face to face. Other than Selena being upside down. "-You-" Ivy prodded Selena's forehead with her pointer finger. "You told Batman how to find me… How to enter my place of refuge." Ivy Scoffed, turning her head to the side. "…Ivy. You live in a greenhouse with a rather odd looking tree sticking out of the building. It's not exactly conspicuous." Ivy's attention fell back onto Selena, rolling her eyes at the truth.
"Now why shouldn't I throw you out like the trash you are?" Ivy placed her hands on her hips giving Selena attitude.
Catwoman gasped. "Ivy! You wouldn't litter your own beautiful green earth would you?!" Selena raised a brow, even though she was wearing a mask the fabric lifted with her eyebrow.
"Fine!" Spat Ivy. "You made your point… You can decompose here, feed my babies." Ivy turned on the spot, slapping Selena with her hair. "That will give Batman time to solidify his plan."
Selena found herself being lifted higher into the air. "IVY?! WHAT PLAN?" She screamed only to be turned the right way up.
"Oh, something about ruling the League of Assassins by giving Talia more heirs." Ivy waved her hand dismissively over her shoulder. Selena then felt her body feeling numb, like something tight was wrapped around it… The vines tightened around her body and acted like a cocoon with how they sealed her in.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 9 days
Like Father Like Son Falling for Strays is a part of Their Foundation
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/EFceOZP by KISMA_28 Years after Batman saves Jason from the Joker’s twisted attempt on his life, and after Jason’s return to the vigilantism working alongside his family as Red Robin, he is still grappling with the trauma from that night. Whereas Tim Drake, now Selina Kyle’s protégé and occasional partner-in-crime operating under the alias - Stray, maintains a secret relationship with Jason. When Damian Wayne uncovers the truth about their relationship, he chooses to support them knowing that everyone deserves an opportunity to find love. As time progresses Bruce and the rest of the family eventually come to learn of Jason's secret relationship along with Tim’s nightly activities. Damian steps in to act as a mediator, hoping to prevent the foundations of their family from crumbling, all whilst helping Jason and Tim find their own way with decent advice and council. Since when did Damian become so well-versed in the matters of the heart and conflict resolution? And how will Jason and Tim navigate the challenges their relationship faces? Words: 2297, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Damian Wayne, John Constantine, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Talia al Ghul, Dick Grayson, Roy Harper, Original Characters, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Selina Kyle Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd, John Constantine/Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne/Original Character(s), Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Dick Grayson/Roy Harper, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain Additional Tags: Tim Drake is Catlad | Stray (DCU), Jason Todd is Red Robin, Tim Drake is Bad at Self-Care, Overprotective Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake's Missing Spleen, Good Parent Talia al Ghul, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Past Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne is Robin, Damian Wayne Has a Heart, Protective Damian Wayne, Protective Selina Kyle, Protective Talia al Ghul, Family Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, I Don't Even Know, Eventual Smut read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/EFceOZP
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ao3feed-superbat · 1 year
So Suddenly
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Gafkw60 by Thicc_Personality Cinnamon, dark chocolate, with a hint of ginger , a tantalizing smell to Clark's nostrils, familiar in a way that gets his fangs protruding and his hormones going crazy with the thought of who that smell tends to belong to. But, he's asleep and so is Bruce so this must be a-"mm." Clark opens his dark blue eyes slowly, sniffing the air as the scent of slick gets stronger in the air- Words: 1891, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Leslie Thompkins, Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Clark Kent, Omega Bruce Wayne, Smut, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Clark Kent Loves Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Loves Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne Loves Children, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Breeding, Worry, Scared Bruce Wayne, Protective Clark Kent, Somnophilia read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Gafkw60
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cloakedsparrow · 1 year
Bruce did not acquire most of his children the usual way. Neither did Clark and Lois. Said children are still their kids, of course, but that means they've needed some cover stories along the way.
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
DCU (Comics)
Batman (Comics)
Superman (Comics)
World's Finest (Comics)
Red Robin (Comics)
Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics)
No Romantic Relationship(s)
Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Clark Kent/Lois Lane
Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne - Relationship
Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent
Lois Lane
Dick Grayson
Chris Kent
Tim Wayne
Tim Drake
Jon Lane Kent
Damian Wayne
Jason Todd
Cassandra Cain
Kon-El | Conner Kent
Bizarro (DCU)
Additional Tags:
Adopted Children
Bat Family
super family
No Dialogue
No Romance
No Smut
One Shot
Cover stories
Language: English
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benbamboozled · 2 years
Omg I actually did it!
As per a request from @disniq that actually was an ask that I will put up when this is posted—my rec list of (mostly) smutty one-shots that is NOTICEABLY LONGER than my other fic rec list, heh.
So, before I get into it—cards on the table…
In the interest of limiting any possible controversy—because I’m just here to have a good time—my personal parameters as I went through all of my fave Jason Todd fics to create this particular rec list were:
-No Batcest (or whatever I think counts these days…I honestly can’t keep up and I don’t care to.)
-No noncon (however you can pry dubcon from my cold dead hands)
-No underage (whiiiich p. much takes out all my Robins-as-Robin recs)
-Nothing that I will personally define as “really weird” (and you can just use your imagination there)
Please keep in mind that a whole lotta good fic and a lot of my faves had to be left off of this particular rec list due to those parameters.
Okay, so…what’s left, HA! Welp, that’s what I’ve cobbled together here! There are a few non-smutty ones sprinkled in because I just liked them, but for the most part these are…yeah, they’re smut.
MIND THE TAGS. I know you all get that, but I still need to put up the disclaimer.
If you like any of these, pleeeease drop a comment on the fic! Doesnt matter if it seems like the author might not be in the fandom anymore—it’s still nice to see your work was enjoyed by someone! (I got a really nice comment a few months ago on a one-shot I wrote MORE THAN A DECADE AGO and it made my friggin year.)
(And if you don’t like ‘em…that’s fine but you’re wrong…but it’s fine…but you’re wrong.)
NOW…without further ado…your rec list!
A Stitch In Time
—Rated E
—Jason Todd/Clark Kent
—Summary (abridged): “Jason is dying again, his throat slit open by the man who’s supposed to be his father. This time, lying in the rubble of an explosion, he calls Superman instead.”
these games we play
—Rated E
—Apollo/Midnighter/Jason Todd/Slade Wilson, Jason Todd/Slade Wilson, Jason Todd/Midnighter, Jason Todd/Apollo
—Summary: “Something warm unfurls inside of Jason. It takes him a moment to realize what it is: trust.”
(OKAY MIND THE TAGS ON THIS ONE. Like, all of the recs, obviously, but ESPECIALLY this one.)
replace the feathers in our vests
—Summary: “Bruce Wayne was actually a crimelord; the Robins were all boys who met on the street and were adopted as his ‘sons’; finally, Dick grabs his little brothers and runs. Written for Comment Fic.”
—mici (nobarlembeat)
—Rated T
—Technically tagged as JayDick BUT Dick is Renegade and there’s not a whole lot of shippiness in it so I’m adding it.
—Summary: “Talia has one last teacher before she funds Jason to return to Gotham, and that teacher has only one thing to teach him.
Or that's what Jason thinks.”
catch a tiger by the
—mici (noharlembeat)
—Rated E
—Ra’s al Ghul/Jason Todd, Tiger King of Kandahar/Jason Todd, Tiger King of Kandahar/Jason Todd/Ra’s Al Ghul
—Summary: “It begins with a shadow and a stalking; it ends with an offer to become a triple-agent.
Or: Tiger meets an infuriating assassin, who offers him an infuriating deal. He wouldn't be so infuriating if his mouth wasn't so pretty.”
there’s something better wrong with you
—Rated E
—Jason Todd/Midnighter (Jaynighter? Hoodnighter?)
—Summary: “Why are the tragic ones always so fucking pretty?”
Seeds of Redemption
—Rated E
—Arkham-verse, Jay/Bane
—Summary: “After Jason's brief tenure as the Arkham Knight, he tries to make up for his actions by fighting the crime and corruption of Gotham as the Red Hood.
On a recon mission to observe Black Mask, Jason runs into one of his old torturers and discovers he's not the only one looking to atone.”
—Rated T
—Kon-el/Jason Todd (mentioned Bart/Tim)
—Summary: “Kon has a one-track mind.”
Don’t let your yearnings get ahead of your earnings
—Rated T
—Jason Todd/Slade Wilson (Hoodstroke)
—Summary: "Slade."
The tension that draws Todd up a little is interesting, as is his immediate, "As in Wilson?"
Slade quirks an eyebrow, watching the side of the kid's face. "Heard of me, hm?"
"Yeah," Todd says, after a couple seconds, "once or twice." Then, quieter and with more feeling, "Fuck."”
In the corner of his eye
—Rated T
—Technically tagged JayTim but it’s not like super shippy (also it’s Talon!Jay, so).
—Summary: “For weeks, Tim's been seeing a shadow in the corner of his eye. Just barely there, and he struggles to catch it for more than a moment, or identify it. Then, things start showing up in his apartment; small gifts, with no clue as to who's left them. Tim's determined though; he's going to find out who it is.”
And there you have it!
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Check out the amazing works and de sure to leave kudos and comments for our lovely, awesome participants! 🎁🎉
1. Put A Little Sugar On Top for a_posteriori [Fic - Treat, Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Relationships:   Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd, Jason Todd/Rose Wilson
Tags:   Jason Todd is Not Robin, Jason Todd is Not Red Hood, Jason Todd is Not a Batfamily Member, Jason Todd is Catlad | Straybut retired, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Civilian Jason Todd, Alternate Universe - College/University, Sugar Baby Jason Todd, at least he is considering it, College Student Jason Todd, Sex Cam Worker Jason Todd, Good Parent Selina Kyle, Mentioned Selina Kyle, Jason is adopted by Selina Kyle, Mentioned Slade Wilson, Dancer Jason Todd, Genderfluid Jason Todd, Mentioned Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne - Freeform
Summary:   Down and out, Jason feels like his grades might start to slip because of all the side hustles he’s taken up to afford to go to Uni. While working one night he finds a potential solution in an unlikely place.
2. Dipped Into for a_posteriori  [Fic - Treat, Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Relationships:   Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Jason Todd/Slade Wilson, Jason Todd/Rose Wilson, Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Slade Wilson, Talia al Ghul & Jason Todd, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall & Jason Todd, Koriand'r & Jason Todd
Tags:   League of Assassins Jason Todd, All Caste Jason Todd, All-Blades (DCU), Lazarus Pit Side Effects (DCU), Lazarus Pit Madness (DCU), Resurrected Jason Todd, Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Body Horror, Daddy Issues, Mommy Issues, Shameless Smut, Porn With Plot, Some Plot, Female Jason Todd, Dick Grayson Has Issues, Dick Grayson is Not Nightwing, Dick Grayson is Renegade, Dick Grayson as Slade Wilson's Apprentice, Rose Wilson is Ravager, Past Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Roy Harper is Arsenal, Jason Todd-centric, Jason Todd Does Not Return to Gotham City, Horny Jason Todd, Mentioned Ra's al Ghul, Mentioned Bruce Wayne
Summary:   With a dip into the most dangerous Lazarus Pit of them all, Jason has to come to terms with becoming Jay, a women with unbridled rage and horniness. Despite it all, Jay finds herself face to face with more to learn from Talia's endless parade of experts and a body that has demands greater than he'd ever tasted before his fateful fall. Or the one where Jay just wants to fuck everyone in sight.
3. Cassandra Cain discovers she has a twin brother in Gotham - Jason Todd for dragonpyre [Fic - Treat, General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Relationships:   Cassandra Cain & Jason Todd
Tags:  Found Family, Siblings, Twins
Summary:  Cassandra Cain discovers she has a twin brother in Gotham and leaves to find him. The two are instantly inseparable. Bruce and Dick just want to get these tiny murder babies off the street. Cass just wants to keep her only family safe. Cassandra Cain had a twin, how to tell Batman!
4. He's My Home for Nightwang [Fic - Treat, Explicit, Creator Chose Not To Warn]
Relationships:  Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
Tags:  Switching, Praise Kink, Barebacking, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Coming Untouched, Coming In Pants, Frottage, Love Confessions, Making Love
Summary: Jason's thoughts in the privacy of his own mind. Forever. Soulmates. Fated lovers. Home. The last is how it feels. It’s not something so huge that he cannot escape it – because he doesn't want to escape this – but it's significant enough that he feels calm, easy, and relaxed.
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evita-shelby · 2 years
For @noforkingclue in their 2.5k celebration.
Been taken over by the Nolanverse!Scarecrow so I wrote something with the sentence starters they suggested
"you have to step out of this darkness and let them see you for who you are, like i have."
Gif by @lovealtars
It is a Johnathan Crane x OC written in second person pov like a reader insert
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“You have to step out of this darkness and let them see you for who you are, like I have.” Johnathan holds your face in his hands and you feel pity for the man he is now.
He’s driven insane by his own weapon.
The antidote can only do so much, it can purge you of the toxin and immunize you, but whatever damage to your psyche it did, it can’t fix.
Johnathan Crane is no longer the brilliant man you seduced into the League of Shadows’ employment.
No longer the brilliant man you corrupted after discovering those shipments of blue flower compound in his apartment.
But you are no longer a slave, you are free and once Batman gets rid of all the other people ---people like Talia and Bane--- who will make him seek greener pastures, you will come in and take his company.
Now that Ra’s al Ghul is finally dead, you, Eva Leonor Smith Riley, can begin the rather simple task of taking over the entire world, one corporation at a time.
Only Wayne Enterprises stood in your path to glory, but unlike your husband, the joker, your former master and his daughter, you would not be defeated by the Bat.
“I will, my love, but not yet. Once Talia and Bane are dead, once Bruce Wayne and Batman are gone, I will step out of the shadows and into the light.” You say softly as you remind him that you have yet to win.
He may have lost, but your game has just begun.
You just needed to step out of Gotham for a while, just long enough to have your enemies take each other out.
“And you will be there with me, Johnathan.”
Sorta prequel to this (it is smut so you've been warned)
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ao3feed-timkon · 2 years
King of Shadows
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dPsIzq8
by Aristotle_410
Young Justice AU
Set at the start of Season 2
An angry Conner is still reeling from dumping M'gann. He gets together with Cassie but realizes that isn't the healthiest relationship either. Tim Drake is one of the Team's newest recruits and he happens to be an omega. Enter an emotionally constipated and socially akward Conner who just growls at Tim until he agrees to be his boyfriend.
Words: 1730, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Young Justice - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, M'gann M'orzz, Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis Crock, Wally West, Wolf (Young Justice), Alfred Pennyworth, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul, Slade Wilson, Lady Shiva
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Tim Drake/Dick Grayson, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent/Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis Crock/Wally West, Tim Drake/Ra's al Ghul, Tim Drake/Slade Wilson
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Kon-El | Conner Kent, Alpha Dick Grayson, Alpha Jason Todd, Alpha Damian Wayne, Alpha Bruce Wayne, Alpha Ra's al Ghul, Alpha Slade Wilson, Omega Tim Drake, BAMF Tim Drake, Mpreg, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Protective Bruce Wayne, Awkward Flirting, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst, Knotting, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites, Possessive Behavior, Protective Kon-El | Conner Kent, Top Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bottom Tim Drake
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dPsIzq8
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ao3feed-jaytim · 2 years
King of Shadows
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/44058261 by Aristotle_410 Young Justice AU Set at the start of Season 2 An angry Conner is still reeling from dumping M'gann. He gets together with Cassie but realizes that isn't the healthiest relationship either. Tim Drake is one of the Team's newest recruits and he happens to be an omega. Enter an emotionally constipated and socially akward Conner who just growls at Tim until he agrees to be his boyfriend. Words: 1730, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Young Justice - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, M'gann M'orzz, Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis Crock, Wally West, Wolf (Young Justice), Alfred Pennyworth, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul, Slade Wilson, Lady Shiva Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Tim Drake/Dick Grayson, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent/Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis Crock/Wally West, Tim Drake/Ra's al Ghul, Tim Drake/Slade Wilson Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Kon-El | Conner Kent, Alpha Dick Grayson, Alpha Jason Todd, Alpha Damian Wayne, Alpha Bruce Wayne, Alpha Ra's al Ghul, Alpha Slade Wilson, Omega Tim Drake, BAMF Tim Drake, Mpreg, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Protective Bruce Wayne, Awkward Flirting, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst, Knotting, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites, Possessive Behavior, Protective Kon-El | Conner Kent, Top Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bottom Tim Drake read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/44058261
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