#talia al ghul hc
dilfwaynes · 2 years
i. estranging from wayne | t. al ghul
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summary: talia never had a problem with snatching resources and other factors before from her ex, granted he always took reoccupy of anything purloin; but with you talia isn’t too willing on returning you to the gotham knight.
⚢ pairings; talia al ghul x fem!reader, bruce wayne x fem!reader
✎ word count ; 3.3k
✗ warnings; dom!talia al ghul x sub!fem!reader, future smut with plot, talia being a little mean in the beginning and bruce being a shit head.
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brandish enflames your skin, the embarrassment and anger quite literally flooding through like water under floorboards and tearing apart anything other than a rehash of an emotional saga of ire, shame, and resentment, for him and yourself. allowing him to treat you like an old trinket that’s tossed in a sheet and hiked up a shelf to remember for when it has a purpose, as well as forgetting about you like a generation passed down antique around the manor.
resentment for empty promises and his runs to cartier and tiffany’s for gifted diamonds to try and fill up his shallow promises somehow. resentment for succeeding in making things up for you, and then rotating to the root once again, and making you lose respect for yourself for your stupidity and naiveness. resentment for his usual family’s broad control of their facial expressions now sudden gained vociferous without them catching on when they also come to the realization bruce has stood you up for her again
selina was sculptured with a blade of aphrodite’s hand, her skilled cheekbones and cat-like eyes to her full lips and thighs and her long legs to match her height, it wasn’t hard to understand why your boyfriend is in love with her —you, yourself very well could see yourself in the same situation, replaced with you on selina’s arm instead—he and her will always have a connection, a bond that you two didn’t, couldn’t ever have. you accepted that a long time ago, but you thought it’ll remain as just a “what if” and remembrances. even though that wasn’t ideal you knew bruce would never get fully over her and belong to you wholeheartedly, you thought maybe at least you could have half of him. they had an understanding with each other that few shared with a man like bruce, an orphan underground that he and selina shared, while you and he quite didn’t, more of a middle ground with uneven sides to put it more accurately.
selina is also his ex who he never fell out of love with.
so it was more than longing and tension, more than wanting. there’s history, already the known, and longing for the once before and having something standing in the doorway of getting it, and honestly you even doubt you were the pillar to that door, which is probably the most pathetic part of it. you don’t even matter enough to be a problem or thought wedged in.
shreds prick the pad of your finger while you aimlessly flick the old wooden table with your head propped up in your hand, you can’t bear the confidence to make eye contact with alfred or luke and kate in the kitchen with you, barely giving a dry thank you when alfred collects your untouched plate of dinner.
red hot embarrassment flushes when luke gives an apologetic look and kate continues the exchange with whispering with a bullhorn of not understanding why you stay with her cousin. you swallow thickly with tears threatening to start with swelling of a burning sting behind your lids, viewing yourself as a complete idiot, actually waiting for him again, swiping your bag and hastily leaping out to the hallways, deluding the hot tears with your thumb as you try to rush from the fallen self-dignity that you lost in this manner.
embarrassingly so you can count on your fingers over how many times you’ve cried in the wayne manor hallways because of this very same situation you keep repeating yourself in.
‘stupid, stupid, stupid’. you scream at yourself mentally for placing yourself to constantly be humiliated, and for knowing your future self will take bruce back with open arms, and more than likely legs when he comes to your place with apologizes and kisses. tears completely blur your eyesight and train of thought when you finally end your rush to the door and step outside, and instantly colliding your body into someone, taller than you enough so that for a second you thought it was dick but you’re quickly confirmed wrong when you lift up to roiled jaded eyes.
overwhelmed with emotions before and confusion you’re obtusely glued to the floor, arms bent under your weight to support your gaze at the woman standing inches away, almost towering above you if she were to move closer, your mouth agape slightly, the action seemingly gets her eyes to slit the tint of the spleen in them more.
from the sleek of her cheekbones and bridge of her nose and green eyes and bronze radiance you already knew who she was without damian needing to confirm with it a calling of mother. your lips pull into a deeper pout as all your emotions fest larger than some minutes ago, great, now two of bruce’s aberrantly gorgeous exes are in gotham.
from her tighten expression she doesn’t need certification to know who you are either.
talia’s demeanor changes somewhat at the sound of damian’s voice, taking her annoyed eyes from your figure—still on the ground— and looking towards damian, muttering what you surmise is arabic. damian takes a peer at you and motions a look of being out of the loop, talia’s eyes latch onto you once more, annoyance clouds over now with unamused and a cocked brow of curiosity.
“damian is this how your father now regards his newest beloved?” she jeeringly quips and you can tell she doesn’t expect an answer, rather just wanted to throw a dagger into breaking the ice. your eyebrows deepen and you peck at your bottom lip, swallowing tightly at the jab. damain ignores his mother and reaches his hand to pull you up by your side, you know he recognizes your form of state and why your eyes are so glossy, acquainted already and that only further shames you.
heat elopes your skin more when you notice that you stayed grasped to the ground for this entire interaction, and quite literally giving talia the ultimate power play with falling onto your ass and staying there. you shrug subconsciously, not the worse or most embarrassing thing that has happened, just another add to the list, and realistically talia has the power play with simply existing.
“the typical?” damian asks, eyebrow raised exactly like his mother that it has you blinking your eyes a second, flicking to talia and latching onto an brief few seconds of intense eye contact. chewing on your bottom lip, brushing off whatever dirt attached onto your legs and skirt, bashfully avoiding the question and urging to make the outcome of tonight not so pitiful and low esteem, especially in front of talia, who’s rather dour parched to the side.
you wonder if she meaningfully meant to strike herself out to be so gorgeous tonight in her fitted washed jeans, the allure of the contrast of her white long polo sleeve against her skintone, or did it just come naturally to her like how all these runway models sort like to claim for themselves?
she seizes your longing eye and holds it again, her stare is complexion with boring into you, yet also uninterested in you at the same time. for you, her presence racks your body with insecurity, and something else you can’t tell right this second.
before even being given the chance to choose to ignore or reply to damian’s question hidden behind a clear statement, he’s gone from the sudden beep of whatever bat device, signaling he’s needed and passing on good nights to you and his mother. you shyly fully turn your attention to talia, anxiously pushing hair behind your ear while trying not to be a complete embarrassing idiot.” sorry for running into you, i should’ve paid more attention,” you quietly apologize, fastening out the words to ease out a fast escape from the situation.
talia was gorgeous in such a way you had never seen, coasted with sultry that edged with freeze rather than hot, structure that defined her bones in an angular perfection, her eyes honed and intimidating
the slit in her eyes struck dubiously, aghast some in the behavior towards your apology to her, she didn’t expect you so demure in such a timid way, bruce’s exes after her have been all rather… prim or at least along those lines.
“or if i hurt you by mistake, i didn’t mean to.” you ramble suddenly at her lack of reply and subdue stare, you sincerely hope you didn’t hurt her in your dull-witted rush, god you truly hated bruce at this moment as guilt claws at your stomach. what if you did clash into talia too hard and now she thinks you’re some bitter girlfriend and meant to run into her and you’re smug about it?
talia’s eyebrows farrow up just a smudge, holding down a bubble of laughter at your words, amusement overthrows any other micro responses at the genuine concern of yours thinking you could harm her. though she can’t pinpoint out if her amusement is set to leaning in offense or just plain amusement, you are as genuine as someone talia has ever met, your movements also show no falseness of putting up a show of timorous, you were truly a shy thing, a nervous habit of jutting your bottom lip between your teeth, pouting and giving doe eyes unconsciously.
you had to be very young with your mannerisms, talia wasn’t quite sure how young tho, but you were far too good and innocent for bruce, talia knows that for sure.
“no harm was inflicted.” her voice is lighter than she had expected and she can tell you thought the same, it was clear of any frostbite but also a dead end to it. you nod awkwardly, getting the hint of the lack of words and edge in her tone, she didn’t want to continue speaking to you. figuring a goodnight was pushing it, you decide to skim past her and the door to walk out to the cold air, and once again mentally scream when you realize you didn’t drive to the manor but tailed down a cab
that was hours ago when the sun only set to twilight and now it’s well over eleven, in this hour cabs tend to be freaky with drivers and more sketch, then again what choice do you have? you can only allow yourself so much self-shame, there has to be a limit, and going to ask for a ride back in the manor is well over dirt in that crossing.
ignoring the stinging crisp nipping at your skin, you pull out your phone and dial a texi service once researching for the most legitimate and less socially rejected one, somewhere along forgetting about talia’s coexistence with her also taking way out, seeming to not sense her adamant gaze on you.
you were very different than bruce’s usual type, thoughts of so swirled buoyant in talia’s head as she took keen in you, somewhere in the middle of diminutive; naïve and careless of your surrounds and hearing, giving you the benefit somewhat as her movements were trained as a deadly assassin, but also ticking that you were just as oblivious in other occasions too. you were timid and polite, shy.
curiosity and doubt burned her thoughts if you were that what you’re showing and not a trickery, damian seemed to care for you to bend down and help you recover from a clumsy fall, as well to ask about your well being in a tension knowledge he already knew information about. the mere idea of you playing some game and damian getting hurt cause of it has her stomach clutching, alongside her teeth.
“is your driver absent?” your attention disengages from the bright lighting between your eyes, fasting to the called-out voice and talia, your surprise must’ve shown on your face with the amused tug of her lip and brow. swallowing, you lamely nod, no cabs were answering or willing to come to the outskirts of gotham at this hour, even with the wayne name being under the address. talia merely tsk’s, her eyes steep and contacting with yours as you shrink under her stare.
her amusement quickly fades and a rush of panic engages in you at her loose response and lack of words, until you realize that she wants a verbal reply back.” yeah, i can’t get a cab for some reason.” you laugh awkwardly, dumbly showing a display of your words by waving your phone, cringing at yourself immediately.
your guess was right about her wanting verbalizing when her eyes light up the dull fringes of umbrage from your lack of voice before, noting yourself to keep in mind whenever— or if ever— you’re in the presence of talia again.
“the butler’s available, perhaps he can assist your aid,” talia suggests lowly, a new delicate placed behind her words. the idea has you drowning in displeasure at the thought of marching back into the manner and asking for a ride back to your house after your boyfriend bailed on you to help his ex. you shake your head softly instinctively with strays of hair brushing against your skin, a sight of talia’s expression quickly reminds you of her surmised preferences of words.
“It's fine, i rather just wait for a cab,” you reassure, pointed more towards yourself than talia, gripping the coat closer to your forested-over skin while glancing back at your phone to see if you received any notifications back. talia’s hum reached your hearing lowly and firing a spark of your interest and costing a peer at her; dry runs over your throat with torrid at connecting with talia’s pierced stare now more inflamed than some minutes ago with smoothed from any hardness, vehemence enhancing the effect of moonlight casting a white bright flare to her hair, jaw, and collarbone.
granted your answer was far from needing to be calculated, the response unknowingly pleased talia and meeting her without any difficulty, you quite didn’t think much about the earlier counter, or realized talia would put thought into the ordeal, and your apparent for making your situation was bold, though talia wasn’t quite sure if bruce kicked you to the side for batman duties regarding gotham, or a catwoman, she eclipses the other factors and leaning on the latter of the problems.
“perhaps i can escort you,” talia propounds while choosing to ignore the fast twitch of your brow and widen eyes, misdoubt swirls of her suspicion some minutes before, considering that you might actually just be bruce’s little bovine, docile and meek lamb. although even if you were, she’s still rather curious about your relationship with damian as he never mentioned you, yet seemingly cared enough to pull you up.
“i assume you reside in gotham city also?” she easily hunches out and walks towards the stretch where her black mercedes stills a few inches sideways from you and the driver’s seat merely far away, poised movements to her plodding reach inside her car. a glimpse once again has your throat clamping and burning, the moon glowering the defines shadows of talia’s jawline, lips and eyes and for the hundredth time your attentiveness falls into talia’s intense gaze; eyes scrutinizing through the rear view mirror to see your choice of her offering.
the frosted wrath of gotham this month of the year ultimately decide your decision when you feel your thighs chalking together to create warmth from the cold, you press for a moment, before hesitantly opening the door and slowly sliding into the passage seat. talia stares at you for a long moment, jades a waiting hue that leaves you confused and slightly uncomfortable in your seat until you blink with the realization she’s waiting for you to tell her your address; it seems like you can’t get enough of embarrassing yourself to talia tonight. you hurry and give her your address between an awkward forced laugh and large blushing spread across your cheeks, talia converts her gaze quickly ahead and roars engine to life.
“are you cold?” talia suddenly asks, voice flat with the question usually benevolent and concern, at least whenever jason or barbara has asked, even bruce. you still for a few seconds, nodding timidly before realizing your mistake again. talia’s lips tug upwards as she watches you catch yourself from your nonverbal habit of answering questions, the removal of the said habit from you picking up her dislike for it does rumble satisfaction in her.
”yeah, staying outside for a few minutes made me freezing.”
‘so obedient.’ talia thinks fetchingly and turning up the contrast of the heat, taking a brisk peek at you, vast curiosity about you swirling in different directions now other than the original reason.
“you and my son are well acquainted?” talia asks in a manner that’s very well stating it, rather than asking it, your head glides towards talia’s question from the heated thoughts angered at your suppose gotham knight. your frown turns confused, is talia annoyed or mad if you had a connection with damian? could she be thinking you’re trying to replace her as damian’s mom?
“uh, i guess. he’s a really good kid.” you reply back and avoid her fast glance at you, you simply can’t handle making eye contact being so close to her, sitting by her is already nerve racking and has you regretting not sliding into the backseat originally; her perfume hazing your sensesso strong that you have a feeling sitting in the back also wouldn’t have helped.
maybe you’re slightly attracted to your boyfriend’s son’s mother aka his ex - god what is wrong with you?
“damian’s prodigious, stupendous is his birthright,” talia waves her hand dismissively after claiming her sentence, as if what she just said is the casual run of the mill. you furrow your eyebrows but remain quiet.”what are your problems regarding the knight?” talia bluntly asks with no quiver of second guessing to ask her question, though you doubt talia’s the type of woman to ever second guess herself.
“it’s crowded when there’s three people in a relationship,” you respond without a beat to her question, with her question being so honest and straight to the point you figure she deserved an answer in the same regard. talia arches her brow amusingly after you confirm what she knew.”i’ll imagine so.” she draws, voice almost light and bemused.
for the first time being in her car you finally look at her and wonder why she bothered to ask you when her words mean are simply dry, maybe it’s normal when talking to an ex of your partners? or maybe you’re let down and was maybe hoping for some sight in advice.
“the doe eyes don’t shackle him to the bed as you hoped, i assume,” she teasingly jests in a dark tone after some large moments has passed, her words addles your already currently dull mind with trying to figure out what she meant. pulling your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to understand her but before so her gaze abruptly shifts to you, eyes boring yours until they linger downward to your lip trapped by your teeth - remaining her eyes onto you while shutting down the car”you’re home.”she announces and burning you up with hot embarrassment, no wonder why she’s staring at you! she wants you out.
“thank you for driving me to my place, i really appreciate it,” you express it meekly after getting out of the benz as elegantly you possibly can muster. after no response in the thirty-five seconds of waiting you begin gently closing the door after you.
”goodnight doe.”
ignoring the rush instant of sense of shock at first and leveling yourself slowly towards the door leading to your apartment, you can’t deny the also flooding giddy sensation at the nickname talia addressed you by, and how stupid that feeling makes you feel as you merely met talia two hours ago. a snapped zoom jolts and tells you that talia left the parking lot and some relief settles in from no longer in her tense presence - her perfume on your clothes make youpractically dizzy, as if her eyes didn’t have enough of that effect.
sighing you quickly unlock the lobby door with your card before some batman villain decides to come and kidnap you tonight. on the topic of batman while entering the elevator you think of the best possible to kill him, being honest with yourself? you think offering off the joker would kill bruce more than actually killing him.
maybe it’s not selina you’re fighting with for bruce but rather a psychotic gay clown.
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frownyalfred · 1 month
but in all seriousness, I’m chewing on the headcanon that Bruce killed a lot with Ra’s and the League of Assassins before forming his own no-killing code. and the batkids always think he’s never killed anyone and doesn’t have the stomach for it, but the opposite is true. he had the stomach for it and he was good at killing people. and if he didn’t have his code, his rules, he would simply never stop killing bad people who deserve it.
I’m imagining some sort of visit from Ra’s or Talia where they tease/allude to this right in front of the batkids and everyone just goes quiet. because Bruce? killing people? but there was always a reason he was going to be heir to Ra’s. they wouldn’t have chosen him if he didn’t have that kind of potential.
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damian-lil-babybat · 1 month
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"Eventually, I will no longer drown from the overflowing of an empty cup"
Pre-Morrison Talia would be the kind of love poets would write for.
Talia al Ghul, with all her history, faults, and flaws, have no means to have had so much love for the people she cherish. But she does...she does.
"We are immortals, Habibi. When others say they love forever, they lie. But we don't have the same luxury. For people like us, forever means eternity, beyond death and even after. It is a curse, my heart. Our curse. For such promise meant to taint such noble feelings— And yet, I will never apologize for loving you."
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"Boy Wonder" (2024) #4 by Juni Ba.
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reineydraws · 2 years
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every time i see someone talk about a damian on my dash, it's always like, "is it wayne or desmond?"
(btw the al ghul wayne family portrait--and anya's grapple gun in the first image--is based off this forger family portrait)
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aviolettrose · 5 months
A fanfic idea:
Jason gets triggered by certain words into a soldier the league trained, and Damian tries to figure out if Jason is ظل(zala = shadow, translated by google) his "babysitter" and bodyguard from his childhood.
There is a situation where Damian has to battle someone and is forced to use a single weapon. After thinking about his odds, he chose ظل, because either he is right or wrong (of course, he is right)
Jason is frozen in his spot when Damian starts to say something in arabic. "عليك أن تخدم وتحمي رأس الشيطان. يجب أن تأخذ أنفاسك الأخيرة أثناء حمايتي. أنت جنديي الذي سوف يستمع وينفذ أوامري"
("You shall serve and protect the demon head. Your last breath shall be taken while protecting me. You're my soldier, who will listen and act to my orders", translated by google again).
After Damian finishes, you can see how his opponent just stands there and laughs until blood starts to run out of his mouth because he has a katana sticking out of his stomach. He spits blood and dies and bla bla bla, irrelevant.
The opponent falls to the ground and reveals Jason standing there, looking catatonic, no shine in his eyes, and Damian knew he was right.
However, he doesn't know how to "end" Jasons "soldiers' mode," which causes chaos afterward.
Damian is in school, he will see Jason sitting in a three in a league uniform (Jon is freaked out by it)
Damian is on a mission with the Titans? Well, he ain't going alone
However, Jason freaks everyone out, even his family. It seems like he doesn't need anything except training and Damians' presence.
Jason cooked a feast once, only for Damian, and when Tim tries to take something, he almost loses a hand (Jason did it only for a thread, if he wanted to he would have cut Tim's hand off).
It frustrates Damian so much after a while that he asks Bruce if his mother could come over (of course, Bruce says yes because he wants his son back).
When Talia arrives and she sees the state Jason is in, she talks with Jason on Arabic about "his state".
(Like, "Who are you?" "Your Soldier, my queen", "Who told you to protect Your Prince?" "My Prince himself requested my protection")
And of course, Talia gets Jason to snap out somehow (he pretends to have no memories about this time, but he knows everything).
(I didn't think further, but if you have any ideas, please let me know)
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ambrosethedarling · 2 years
Batfam HC
In no particular order
Damian ends up taller than them all but for a period of time he was the same height as Tim and it was the most tense eight months at the manor
The only other physical effect the Pit left on Jason aside from healing his body is that his eyes now shine. Taking a nice picture of him is near impossible. He’ll stand where he knows light will reflect into his face to scare people. It’s Terrifying as Red Hood
Actually both Damian and Jason have the eye shine. Same with Talia and Ra’s.
Stephanie is a bottle blonde, she was blonde as a little kid but her natural color darkened to a medium light brown. Her license and ID and file in the batcave all say Blonde. It makes her laugh.
Every other hero that hasnt already had a Bat claim them will generally avoid the Bats whenever possible except for Duke. Everyone loves Duke.
All of them had to learn how to ballroom dance and can still do it
If it’s not a black or white tie event or meeting at WE offices, Tim has no clue how to dress himself. He lets Bernard dress him but that’s not really any better.
Bruce plays the piano very well. He stopped playing for a while after his parents died but got back into it before taking Dick in. He knows a couple classics like Clair de Lune [Alfred’s favorite] and Fantaisie Impromptu, op. 66 [his favorite] but he likes to improvise a lot. Helps him think.
Dick only knows how to cook three things without needing a recipe or instructions; Mămăligă, Ciorba de burta, and what he remembers of his mother’s Cozonac recipe.
Cass picks up instruments very quickly and so far knows the basics of piano, guitar, violin, and erhu.
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Some bats for AAPI month
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 year
DC Comics Incorrect Quotes Pt 135
Damian: Mother says there's two things an Al Ghul never does: apologize and pay taxes.
Talia: I can't help it, I'm proud of you. You're like a son to me. A white, crispy son.
Jason: How would that even work? Am I adopted?
Talia: No, your father's just really pale. Almost invisible.
Damian: I'm joining the war on autism on the side of autism.
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leoleolovesdc · 4 months
I like to think damian used to talk so formally as a kid because talia and ra’s aren’t that familiar with modern english and just taught him what is grammatically correct
(Also ra’s is an eccentric little old man and likes speaking fancy words, something damian picked up on)
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dilfwaynes · 2 years
spare some thoughts/hcs about sugar mommy talia please?
⚢ pairings; talia al ghul x fem!reader
✗ warnings; sugar baby/mommy d/s, dominant!talia x submissive!reader, talia being a little possessive, docility, oral, mentions of sex toys.
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so so so incredibly private and  secretive with personal matters, you barely know anything about her but her name, age, and tiny  trinkets of traits and things about her.
you only asked a few times about her line of work and how she affords let alone her expenses plus her extended luxury towards you. she simply  brushes you off and tells you not to worry your pretty head about it or gives a short answer of investments. if you ever sneaked and snooped around her place and computer or files and she caught you in the act, she’ll spare in icy irate and tell you to stay out of her business. it’ll lead into punishment and revoking some  privileges, such as her black card and any allowance of touching her or yourself.
she’s soooo hubristic to spoiling you and rarely ever tells you no unless it comes to cars with high speed, she’s  strict about it and will not nudge, would get vexed if you continue to nag about it and calmly tell you to drop the brat attitude or she’ll take care of it. she’s very stubborn and thread the lines of how she can handle a Lamborghini from self persistent and control.
doesn’t care for the bratty attitude mostly but sometimes indulges it when she’s in the mood, she could easily resist your glossy eyes and pouty lips if she wanted like the few times  prior, but enjoys the act of the whole situation, tsk’ing her tongue and muttering a quiet.”what am i to do with you?”
most likely to become a passenger princess when she doesn’t send cars to pick you/drop you off, likes switching her hand between the gearstick and you, and most of the time her touched are innocent snd simply just of wanting intimate touch.
she’s obsessed with lingerie and actively gifts it to you, you know it’s more for her own pleasure and indulgent rather than purely a gift to you but you enjoyed the gesture nonetheless, the pieces are always expensive and well crafted, at least with whatever little material there was to craft; talia definitely has her favorite types on you and most tend to not cover much. it’s well worth it whenever she lifts her gaze up and down and gives you a look that ruins the set before she to rip the material off you.
she demands exclusivity even if it’s not in a relationship matter, she’s jealous but would never admit to the seething ache to her gums of you seeing other situationships to provide for you, and in exchange giving yourself to them, she won’t allow it and if you were to ever end yours and hers agreement and pursued others, she would undoubtedly make sure to run their empires and businesses to the ground so they no longer could have you. makes sure that you don’t indefinite know she’s behind it, you eventually come running back anyways.
sends you to whatever country or city you want and whenever you want for vacation, ignoring your pouting whenever she tells you that she can’t join you in the trip, but offers to pay for the expenses for your friends so you won’t go alone.
she adores you always, but especially when your head is between her thighs after she does something extra luxurious/spontaneous for you. loves seeing your eyes look up at her while you’re down on her knees for you, it gives her the extra boost of empowerment of the whole situation-ship.
 absolutely loves whenever you come to her when you have have a problem, definitely icing the cake of you seeing her as your secured net. she likes being seen as provider and taking care of you, it gives her a sense of control in a non toxic way.”don’t worry, i’ll see it fixed.”
literally takes care of all your expenses: rent, college  intuition, phone bill, cable. literally everything and a monthly allowance of belonging high in the zero’s. you’re  practically talia’s personal princess, she also has no problem of buying tiaras to go along with the princess treatment.
probably prefers missionary if you’re into sex toys, she likes seeing your face and maintaining eye contact while she’s delivering you pleasure, as well as feeling your hands on her back and experiencing body contact as much as she can with your thighs around her and everything else.
never actually telling you her true identity unless she actually makes the situation more official, until then she’s contented as you thinking she’s talia head and not belonging to an assassin dynasty.
she shows little things of being more than a sugar mommy-baby dynamic by getting matching things, nothing too drastic; just little things like wearing cartier love bands and other luxury things-alike
on the sidelines of caring if damian found out about what’s she’s doing, definitely regrets it when you find out she has a son and you call her a milf, and then have to break down what that means since she has no idea of what that means.
“habib please never address me as that again.”
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frownyalfred · 3 days
thinking about a Damian who was raised his entire life hearing how much he looks like his Father, how he's the blood son, how he's better than any other child Bruce Wayne has taken in, starting to buy into it like a kid does, only to hit puberty and turn out looking like 80% Talia.
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byghostface · 7 months
Daminika asking game
Questions for Daminika/Flamian Shippers! a Thread ♥️🫀 by @ damiandefenderr on Twitter(X)
1. What’s your favorite panel/moment of them?
Need them to hold hands again please…
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-[Robin(2021)#7/#11]-Artist: Gleb Melnikov-
Also this one panel of reunion hugs from the newest issue🫶♥️
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-[Batman and Robin(2023)#6]-Artist: Nikola Čižmešija-
2. What was your initial reaction to them getting together?
Tears of joy + stayed up late drawing out of excitement, cuz I've been rooting for them since the Robin(2021) # 7 issue.
3. What song/lyric reminds you of daminika?
♪-We could be together, you could stay forever
We could waste time baby, nothing else matters
Oh, when I look into your eyes
I wanna bury you by my side-♪
-BURY YOU by Ari Abdul
4. How do you think their first date would go?
They catch up with each other 's life while having a meal and doodling on Damian's sketchbook at his favorite Arab restaurant.
5. What’s your headcanon for Nika regarding Damian?
She likes to listen to Damian talking about his original story and ideas, and his plans to present them with different forms of media( art, acting, music ).
Nika thinks Damian's an interesting and straightforward person and likes his pride in himself in the first introduction he has on Lazarus Island. Think he's an honorable and fairly challenging fighter. Plus the mystery ghost(Alfred) that keeps appearing around him intrigues her. After stealing back his manga from XXL and giving it a good read, she wanted to know more and more about him.
6. What’s your headcanon for Damian regarding Nika?
He likes to text Nika from time to time, and when he doesn't know what to say he sends pictures of his pets to her, Nika sends back pictures of her own pets(cat, insects, reptiles) and the activity she is doing or the sunset view that is outside of her room window.
Damian is angry with Nika at first but realizes that he can only blame himself for being impatient to learn the Death Tournament's rules, thus letting her get the upper hand. Damian thinks Nika is a quick wit, bold and resilient person. He admired her fighting skills from afar and was secretly pleased that she kept seeking him to talk and be friendly with him, and still kept a respectful personal space for him.
7. If you could publish a daminika mini, what would it be about?
daminika sketchbook tour (about their daily life inspirations, choice of art styles, their views on people who are around them), and they have doodles/comments cameo on each other's pages occasionally.
8. What do you think Bruce & Taila's reaction would be to Damian & Nika being official?
Bruce is wary about Nika but can’t say much to Damian because of his own dating/lovers history, later on, realizes what Damian has seen in her.
Talia tells Damian a few times how she is unimpressed by Nika, but Damian doesn’t hear a word from her after he introduces Nika to her in person.
9. What’s a trope that you think fits daminika?
Sent to kill each other (secret mission) but fell in love unintentionally when they met and learned more about one another.
10. How do you think their relationship would be like?
It’s both their first ever relationships, so they are cautious and consider each other’s feelings a lot. Damian is serious about it and mentally initiated. Nika is much more relaxed and physically initiated.
1.2 (dates and activities).3 (taking care of each other, sleep habits, gifts) .pet names.art styles.asking game
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The real reason Jason and Damian dislike Tim is because he gets along great with Talia and they hate having to share their mom's attention
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Jason Todd is a menace and Ra's wants him off of his lawn to go away
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gothamknightress · 1 year
deeply mystifying whenever i see people make talia older than bruce. like, for better or for worse, her being significantly younger than bruce informs a lot of their dynamic and i truly struggle to imagine what it would look like without that. i don't even know if a talia who was older than bruce would have really fallen for him. by which i mean, maybe she would have had feelings for him, but she wouldn't have spent so many years heartsick over him because i think if she'd had some more life experience, she would have clocked him as someone very difficult to have a lasting relationship with and not put him on a pedestal so much. but she was very young and very in love and put up with a lot because she really wanted to believe there was a way things could work out.
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whenits--notreal · 4 months
What if... Tim visited Jason's grave everyday after his death, then one day he finds his grave upturned. He first thinks that someone was grave robbing (ha) before realising that the grave was dug from the inside.
Tim finds Jason first but he still ends up in the Pit with the League because nothing else could have healed him. This time, however, Jason has Tim with him.
[This sort of turned into a story so I'm moving it to my side blog]
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