#tax discrepancies
thetaxguyin · 6 months
Regulatory Challenges: Maruti Suzuki's Recent Tax Disclosures
In a recent disclosure to regulatory authorities, Maruti Suzuki, a leading automotive manufacturer, shed light on its encounter with tax-related challenges for the fiscal year April 2019 to March 2020. The company revealed that it received a show cause notice (SCN) from the Rajasthan GST department, citing discrepancies in tax return reconciliations amounting to INR 3.1 lakh. Maruti Suzuki has…
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princehendir · 7 months
I think the actual biggest risk factor for falling for phone scams is not ever having had to call a government office to get a problem solved.
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binders-and-beanies · 7 months
Another day another fucking problem
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ice-devourer · 1 year
i’m highlighting and taking notes listening to ‘from eden’ and silent scream into my palms whenever the ‘i slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door’ lyric comes on.
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incorrectbatfam · 9 months
Have the Gooners had any direct or indirect encounters with any supervillains?
Interviewer: Tell me why you want to intern at LexCorp.
Booker: LexCorp? The ad said something else.
Interviewer: LexCorp is our parent company.
Booker: I see.
[later that day]
Booker: *finds an ad for criminals wanting an intern*
Booker: Well, it's either this or LexCorp.
Booker: *applies*
Riddler: Behold, my ultimate puzzle!
Riddler: *clicks a remote*
Riddler: Why isn't the screen working?
Henchman: It's the new software update. I'm calling tech support.
Henchman: *calls*
Mac, on the other end: Best Buy Geek Squad, how may I assist you?
[a year ago]
Gene's coworker: Hey Gene, can you do me a favor?
Gene: I would, but I'm totally swamped with this one guy's tax returns.
Gene's coworker: Which one?
Gene: Someone named Harvey Dent. There are so many discrepancies, it's like he's living two lives.
Milo: *driving*
Milo: *sees a pedestrian*
Milo: *slams the brakes and honks*
Harley: Hey, I'm walkin' here!
Otto: Morning, Basil. The usual wash?
Clayface: *nods*
Otto: Sounds good. I'll get your car clay-free in half an hour.
[two years ago]
Cobblepot: Bartender, another drink!
Molly: Sir, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cut you off.
Cobblepot: Who owns this lounge? Who's paying your salary?
Molly: Fine, what'll it be?
Cobblepot: Our finest red wine, of course.
Molly: Good choice.
Molly: *slips a sedative when he's not looking*
Molly: Here you go. Have a good night.
Cobblepot: What?
Molly: Nothing.
[three years ago]
Talia: For this drill, I want to focus on distance. Team A, take the turrets. Team B, you're on the ground with arrows.
Kellin: *grabs a bow*
Talia: And... fire!
Kellin: *fires an arrow*
*arrow hits an oil lamp*
*lamp falls next to Ra's*
*cape catches fire*
Blaise: *googles how to make his weed plants grow faster*
Blaise: *clicks on a video*
The video: Good afternoon, gardeners and plant lovers. I'm Dr. Pamela Isley and today I'll be showing you how to...
[three years ago]
Scarecrow's assistant: Sir, one of your employees wants to see you.
Scarecrow: Send him in.
Rob: Dr. Crane, I'm Rob Steeler. I'm one of the people who intercepted that shipment containing the last ingredient you need for your new fear gas.
Scarecrow: And what do you need?
Rob: Can these other guys step out of the room? It's kind of personal.
Scarecrow: *waves them out*
Rob: *points a gun at Scarecrow*
Scarecrow: Somebody's feeling fearless.
Rob: Your new formula cost me the love of my life. I can see you reaching under your desk for some fear gas and I'm telling you right now, it won't work because the thing I'm most afraid of already came true.
Scarecrow: So you seek revenge.
Rob: Tempting, but no. I want an out—from you, your organization, and your operations. I don't want you or any of your big-shot Rogue connections to come anywhere near me or my family.
Scarecrow: And if I refuse?
Rob: *shoots the wall behind Scarecrow*
Scarecrow: Very well, have it your way. Best of luck finding any semblance of success. You and I both know you will live and die a common thief.
Rob: We'll revisit that when we meet in hell.
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carnivorousyandeere · 9 months
Yan forging their Darling’s signature for marriage papers even though they’ve never even formally “met,” one another. Darling only finds out when they get in trouble with the IRS because there’s some tax discrepancies because of the marriage or something like that 😭
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elentarial · 5 months
Dear Morifinwe,
I recently had the privilege of reading your treatise on Dwarven tariffs and found it fascinating reading indeed. I don’t suppose you hear that often. However, I was wondering if you could perhaps clarify the situation on the 36th page, just under the table of tares of standard shipping containers. I was under the impression when one converted between ounces and gallons (which, why aren’t you using liters as a standard unit of liquid measurement??), the multiplier is 0.0078126, but you have it listed as 0.0078125. Does the Naugrim measure alcoholic liquids differently? As you have only two sentences describing the conversion of Dwarvish mead, I can not determine whether it is a typographical error or if I have been misinformed. If the latter is the case, any more explicit suggestion or direction would be appreciated since (as I have pointed out) your explanation in the paper is relatively brief.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Turukano,
I am delighted that you enjoyed my protocols for trade in East Beleriand! In regards to your question about whether dwarves measure alcohol differently than other liquids, no Turno, an ounce is an ounce. You have been misinformed. The conversion factor is indeed 0.0078125.
Thank you,
Carnistir Morifinwe,
Dear Moryo,
Thank you for the quick and brief reply. However, I digress, the conversion multiplier is 0.0078126. It was that in Tirion, and it is that now. Please explain your computations. 
Looking forward to your reply,
Dear Turno,
I am the one who devised that conversion. I don’t need to prove my work to you because I came up with it in the first place. Any possible discrepancies are due to rounding errors. The conversion is valid.
Dear Moryo,
I am well aware that you first calculated the conversion between ounces and gallons. I sat on the council that granted you the defense of such a claim, and if you will recall, I questioned your math then. You were wrong in Tirion, and you are wrong now.
Awaiting your reply,
How delightful to know you remember our time together at the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences. I have no recollection of your involvement in my defense, but I really try to avoid thinking of you. Were you there? I thought you were too busy being henpecked by the campus gulls to accomplish anything, research or otherwise.
I generally thought you were one of the better brothers; don’t be an ass. Just admit you are wrong. 
Turgon Turukano,
 Lord of Nevarast,
 High Prince of the Noldor
My dearest Turukano,
What a lovely title that is. Quite fitting for your already overinflated ego, but I genuinely hate to remind you that you are a second son and not, in fact, the High Prince of anything. Unless, of course, condolences are in order, then I also do not care because I find your brother infuriatingly obnoxious. I would feel for Nelyo, though. 
Dear Carnistir,
Nelyo…remind me, is that your eldest brother or our grandfather? I can never remember who was born first, him or my father. Regardless, he’s ancient and an inappropriate match for my brother. 
But I beseech you, dearest cousin. Please take a look at your defense from Tirion. I believe there is a note regarding the conversion on the final copy. I don’t have a copy with me, but I am sure you must have kept one for yourself. 
My darling Turno,
At least we agree on one thing. Fingon and my brother are terrible for one another. 
I do happen to have a copy in my archives. I will check for this mythical correction and have my scribe translate a copy for you. I will enclose it in my next reply, as it’s rather embarrassing to doubt the work of scholars. 
With love,
Fuck you. There was no correction; the rate has always been 0.0078125. This exchange has been a complete waste of my time, and I will implore Himring to approve an additional one point five percent tax on all limestone coming from and all other goods going to Vinyamar. 
Despite all of Caranthir’s immense irritation, the final letter to Nevarast is returned some months later by an exhausted raven. Shortly thereafter, he receives word from Hithlum that Turgon and one-third of the Noldor forces in West Beleriand have disappeared. 
For @cilil (who suggested Caranthir and Tax Day as a prompt) and @dalliansss (who originally did the heavy lifting on building Caranthir’s taxation empire).
Miscalculation (on AO3)
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Matthew | Your Faith Is My Faith | Romantic
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Your grandfather has tasked you with the transaction of his life. He kills two birds with one stone by setting you up with a potential romantic interest at the same time.
Requested by: Morgen
Gaius feels like he’s going to have a sunstroke at this point. He squints against the light as he stands next to Matthew’s booth, and whereas he’d normally enjoy the sun, now he can’t wait for his shift to be over. 
The people of Capernaum hurry through the city and it has been a long while since Matthew had any customers at his station. The tax-collector has counted his inventory a few times and has compared them to his ledger, finding no discrepancies, even after double-checking– Triple-checking. Time really does go by slowly this afternoon, even by Matthew’s standards.
A young woman appears, not a lot younger than Matthew, halting in her step opposed to the rest of the people rushing home for Shabbat. Gaius gives you a curious look, wondering why you are looking around as if searching for something, unlike the others, who are bee-lining for their destinations.
Your eye falls onto the guarded booth and you walk up to it, holding onto the strap of your bag. You smile a little as you look at the sky for a moment. “Just like he said. Late in the afternoon, on the sixth day, so that there would be no line at this time.” you muse to yourself. 
Matthew frowns a little. “Beg your pardon? Like who said?”
Approaching the booth, you lean towards the tax-collector.
“My grandfather, Matthew.”
“How do you know my name?” 
You can’t help but chuckle a little at the unexpected misunderstanding. 
“I mean, my grandfather, whose name is Matthew.” 
“But my name is Matthew.”
For a brief moment, the two of you look at one another. Then, a small smile spreads over your face, which takes Matthew by surprise. He isn’t used to anyone smiling at him, let alone an attractive young woman. He feels a strange flurry of emotions inside his chest before he clears his throat. 
“Are you here to satisfy your tax requirement?” he says in a tone that indicates it’s a practised, often repeated line, and you take your bag from your shoulder, placing it in front of him on the counter, locking eyes with him through the iron bars. 
“My grandfather said I should come here and give something to you.” 
Matthew blinks in slight confusion. “Who is that grandfather you keep mentioning?” There is frustration in his voice and you curiously observe him. 
“Matthew bar Hezron.” 
The tax-collector checks his ledger by sliding his finger across the page, giving you some time to take him in properly. Matthew seems to be sweet, a bit nervous in his habits, with a handkerchief clenched inside his palm, but he appears to be well-groomed and wealthy, judging by his tunic and the expensive scent of bergamot hanging around him. Still, you don’t want to think of him as attractive. He is a tax-collector after all, so you push away the flutter in your chest.
Your grandfather had been insistent on you going here, during this day of the week at this very hour, to give him the item that is currently burning inside your bag. He had added with a wink that he would appreciate it for his name to be kept in the family. When you had tried to mention that you were planning on naming your future firstborn son Matthew in memory and honour of him, he had waved it off with the comment that it was not what he meant, then added that you and the tax-collector were going to follow to same purpose one day. Every word from the old man left you with more questions than answers.
Something strange swirls in your gut as you mull over the instructions. Surely, your grandfather hadn’t meant to try and be a matchmaker for his only granddaughter that still remained a bachelorette. The last thing your family needed was the shame of a tax-collector on their shoulders. 
“Here.” Matthew pulls you from your spiralling thoughts, and you look up, quickly forcing a polite smile on your face. He briefly mirrors the expression. The sight adds something else altogether to that strange butterfly in your stomach, something more soft. “Uh… He recently came to me with an odd request. That he took on all of his children and their families debts. What’s your name?” 
“It’s (Y/n).” you tell him. 
“(Y/n),” he repeats, and you cannot help but feel your heart skip a beat of how nice it sounds when he speaks it. Matthew looks over the ledger again and hums. “Oh, yes, I found it. He has purchased your debts as well, which means that you’re in the clear. Does that answer your question?”
You frown a bit. “I made no request on my own balance.”
“Then why are you here?” 
You open the flap of your bag, and Matthew’s brow furrows in puzzlement. 
“I’m here to give something to you. My grandfather wants you to have it and he told me to go give it to you.”
“What is it?” Matthew asks, “Something of value that he can use to pay off this immense dues?” 
Something akin to sadness flashes through your eyes, but Matthew doesn’t pick up on it. 
“My grandfather is going to pass away soon.”
Matthew blinks. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. So why pay off his debt now?” 
Your hand slides into your bag and finds what you had been tasked to give to the tax-collector at the booth. 
“It is the most valuable thing my grandfather owns. He said it is more valuable than gold, more precious than rubies.” 
Matthew’s eyes light up as you withdraw your hand. “In that case, I may be able to help you liquidate it. We could work together. A ledger coming up this short on a balance this big reflects very poorly on my performance.”
You take out the prayer tassels and hold them gently in your palm. “These are one of a kind,” you parrot the words that your grandfather had told you to say to the tax-collector, “They date back to the first Exile, made with the world’s most exquisite tekhelet.” 
Matthew gives you a look. “Well, there must be a buyer for it!” He dares to smile a little and feels his heart skip a beat when you mirror it. “If the amount settles the debt, your grandfather will be spared!” 
Drawing a deep breath, you gather the courage to say what your grandfather had insisted on. “My grandfather, the owner of these tzitzit, wants to encourage you to keep them for yourself. He… He wants you to have them.” 
The tax-collector frowns, looking at Gaius for a second to see if the Primi is listening in on the conversation, but he man in question is still leaning against the side of the booth, miffed at the way the sun shines in his eyes. “But… Why? We aren’t relatives.”
“I don’t know,” you admit, “he told me to give them to you and implore you to keep them. He…” 
You swallow hard, knowing that your next words might not be very kind in the light of what Matthew chose as his profession. “He said that you have no use for them right now, and that you chose this occupation. However, he was certain that one day you might need them again.” 
The scoff Matthew lets out almost offends you. “I highly doubt that, with all due respect. I… How about I put these on the market, and I will see what I can do for your grandfather. Perhaps they will bring in quite a bit of money and thus the debt will be settled. If not… Well, you know the penalty of not paying off a tax debt of this extent.” 
“He told me to let you know that he will accept whatever fate awaits him, and that it is more important to him that his children and grandchildren are free from the weight of their debts to the Roman Empire.” 
“It would be wasteful for him to spend the rest of his life in a labour camp. Seeing that he sent his granddaughter instead of coming over by himself tells me he is not physically well.” 
“I think he knows what he is doing. He may not be the healthiest anymore, and he gains another malady or two every day, as he is slowly taken by old age, but his mind is still bright. He was… Extremely adamant on sending me here instead of my brother.” 
You aren’t sure why you’re telling him the latter, but you say it before you can even realise it was forming on your tongue, and Matthew blinks at you in slight puzzlement. There is something disarming in his dark eyes as he looks at you like that, and you can’t help but smile.
“I don’t… Don’t understand.” 
“Honestly? Me neither. But… For what it’s worth, I’m glad he sent me instead of coming over himself. After all, he told me to keep an eye on you when he is gone. He said you and I were supposed to meet, so here I am to fulfil that wish of his.” 
“I cannot recall the face of your grandfather, let alone comprehend as to why something like that would be his last wish before he passes away.” 
It is clearly making Matthew a bit uncomfortable as he hears an unfamiliar stranger wants to have his granddaughter spy on him, which is something you can get behind. You hum apologetically and fiddle with the prayer tassels for a moment as they still lay on the counter between the two of you, separated by the iron bars. 
“It has something to do with establishing a future for his descendants.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” 
“He said you and I will meet again under different circumstances,” you repeat what your grandfather had told you before sending you off, “That we will follow the same purpose one day.” 
Part of you is still a little insulted at his words. After all, how could he possibly think that you’d want to associate with a tax-collector of all people, let alone walk alongside him? 
“The same purpose? What purpose?”
“I am just the messenger is all.” you muse, “But over my years of knowing him, I know that his word can be trusted, for he has never lied to me, and if anything he ever said confused me, it made sense later.”
“I cannot make sense of this.” 
“He thought you’d say that, and he told me to say something else.” You take a deep breath before revealing the words. “He wants me to welcome you back into the faith. Once you’re ready, come to me to say the word.” 
“What? Come find you? Where? And why?”
You shrug and grab your bag again, pulling it over your shoulder before strapping it shut.
“Frankly, I don’t even know. Time will tell, I suppose. I… I’m sorry, but I have to go home now before Shabbat starts.”
Matthew rapidly blinks, inhaling as if wanting to say something, but the words die on his tongue as he watches you retreat.
“Shalom shalom.” 
“Uh, shalom.”
You give another kind smile, knowing your grandfather’s plans could not have been in vain, and aware that all you now had to be was patient to one day find out what he had meant. Matthew looks at you as you walk away, then realises he’s holding the tzitzit in his palm, fiddling with them, and calls after you.
“Uh, miss, what did you want me to do with the prayer tassels?” 
However, the words fall on deaf ears as you turn the corner, and he stares at them in his hand for a moment.
In the meantime, you nearly collide with Someone, and you promptly apologise. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” 
“No harm done.” a gentle voice reassures you, and you smile at the Man in front of you as you brush past Him.
“Shabbat Shalom.” 
“Shabbat Shalom.” He repeats in greeting as you walk off.
The Stranger smiles as you walk off, then halts right on the corner that you had turned moments before bumping into Him, and looks at Matthew, who pockets the prayer tassels in favour of putting them with the valuable items to auction off later. The Man smiles, humming as if He knows something nobody else does whilst He looks at your departing form again, and continues His walk through the town, smiling. 
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tsims · 6 months
Howdy! I love your style of play and the way your domestic units evolve, I would like to ask you a few questions if it's not too much trouble since I haven't played enough of the sims 3, how do you make the game rotational? Do you follow some set of rules or do you balance it with a mod? And, one more, the game runs smoothly on your laptop, don't you need something like the smooth patch from lazyduchess?Thanks, and sorry for so many questions >u<
Hello! It's not too much trouble at all.
For how I make sims 3 rotational. I use the "sims 2 aging" option in Ani's Mod of randomness. This way my sims only age when I play them. I also have story progression off, and use a mod that prevents random go steady (boyfriend/girlfriend), marriage, and divorce --- it's on sim asylum if I remember and should be easy to hunt down with a google search.
It's a lot more easy for me to keep track of and doesn't need any extra work on my end, however many sims 3 players prefer to use Nraas Caste System for a rotational system. Also, with Nraas you can pause a pregnancy (a pregnancy will keep progressing even if you leave a household with Ani's mod so I tend to play a household until a sim gives birth to stop age discrepancy.
For rules, I have a few like giving a sim a "one true career", and they keep interviewing until they get it. That way I get to play with the job hunting mod, and it's a lot of fun! I tax all my sims every Friday, and I only have sims get pregnant when they wish for it --- I have a mod by migos that means sims aren't fertile all the time, and the mod also comes with birth control and the possibly of being infertile. I only give them pets when they're asked for too. I put all my sims with "bad traits" in therapy of some kind, and follow Pleasant sims sims 2 hobby system for my sims with some tweaks (so I'm forced to play with more skills etc)
Something else I do is use real life population stats to determine how many sims can get a degree, be LGBT+, and how many sims are religious.
The save runs well on my computer, but honestly I think a big part of it is having Nraa's/Ea's story progression off, and instead playing rotationally, sims 3 lag is mostly routing errors, so sims having to age up every other day around town is hectic. Smooth patch helps with load times in cas/buildbuy etc, and mods like OhRudi's mods that make interactions take less space, and Nraa's overwatch that reset stuck sims helps the game run pretty well! Also, I have a routing fix mod that allows sims and pets interact on slopes, I'm sure that's on mod the sims.
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violant-apologia · 9 months
in fallen london, treacheries are ways that existence in the neath breaks from that on the surface. the primary two (the treachery of maps and the treachery of clocks) exist to explain the game abstractions of the route system and action discrepancy respectively.
there's another game abstraction that i think should be identified with a treachery, though. so, may i present
the Treachery of Records
Have you ever wondered why you can tell an editor a Tale of Terror!! to remind them of their holy purpose but then can't turn around and sell the same tale to the Bazaar? How on earth you can tell Penstock 80,000 hints in any reasonable time frame? And how the Bazaar manages to levy a tax on Touching Love Stories leaving the Neath anyway?
This is the fault of the Treachery of Records. While on the Surface there is a clear distinction between idea and physical object, the line becomes a little fuzzier in the Neath. This allows abstract goods ("hints", "notions", "memories") to be given and traded like physical trinkets. When you give someone a Cryptic Clue, you no longer have that clue — in the giving it has left your possession and entered the receiver's.
(Whether you still remember the content of the item is up for debate, but regardless you no longer "have" it, so you can't give it to anybody else or exploit it for your own purposes.)
This Treachery is also what allows the clear differentiation of conceptual items, allowing for a clear answer as to whether two similar Appalling Secrets count as separate secrets or not — or whether a particular memory is of Light or of Distant Shores.
(also if anyone has a better name please tell me, a friend and i spent a while thinking about it and this is the one i liked the most but it isn't particularly great)
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architectuul · 11 months
Utopia K67
In his novel Blindness Jose Saramago narrate a story of a plague that affects the city so the encounters between inhabitants become increasingly frightening. The immense absurdity of the capital development of the contemporary city recalls Saramago's apocalyptic vision of the development affected by an epidemic of white blindness.
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How will we live together when public spaces are sold out? The story is a parable of the fear of the unknown - is it war, isolation or just the fear of being to close to each other? 
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Public talks in K67 with local cultural and political figures transmitted live on-air of Independent Coastal Radio NOR.
The utopia starts in projects that are going beyond the expected rules. It points out the neuralgic problems of the location and seeks the analysis of the current state of matter. One of the utopias stands in a small Slovenian coastal town Koper - in a public square where a parking lot is situated on the most prominent position next to the sea.
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The utopia - K67 kiosk, designed by Saša Mächtig in 1967, concludes its story with the absurdity of the use of the public square next to the sea in favor of parking. As the writer and journalist Martin Reichert, to whom we dedicated this project, would say, “it is a parking lot with the most beautiful view in the world."
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K67 is one of the best examples of design during the former Yugoslavia. In the context of the presentation in the public space, with the help of the owner Coastal Galleries Piran, it was placed on the square in Koper in December 2021, in order to become a new generator for its urban content.
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From spring to late autumn 2023, a process of tactical and performative urbanism took part in the K67 in favour to create an inclusive public space. The main concept proposed and elaborated within the municipality was based on the change of the current parking lot on the square into a green community space.
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Unfinished project Solis was more than ten years a failure of a PPP concept. After COVID the investor succeeded to add two more floors of the private apartments.
Tactical urbanism is the opposite of investment urbanism, which has a dispersed structure of activity in space and builds various, mainly residential buildings that sell well, but without a well-thought-out placement in the context of the city. The last plan for Koper was signed by the architect Edo Mihevc in the 1960s.
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Urban Plan for Koper, Edo Mihevc (1961). | Source © Neža Čebron Lipovec
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The renovation of the new roof for the city market was executed via the municipality but without a public competition.
Today it looks like investor urbanism is much faster than the concept of town planning per se. This results in a fact that there is no more urban planning in the city of Koper today.
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The farm market with live animals in plastic tent on Ukmarjev square shows the discrepancy of communication between the municipality and experts.
In Koper as in other towns across the Adriatic coast there is an obvious pressure from investor urbanism. Public spaces are mostly touristized, privatized and don’t belong to dwellers anymore. Therefore is important to ensure that buildings are not built without public competitions. The K67 stays a reminder of a utopia that shall make aware of the importance of reuse and creation of community spaces.
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The cruise ships don't need to pay tax in Koper so instead of Venice, were are banned are welcomed for a pollution of cruise tourism.
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The utopia K67 is dedicated to the writer and journalist Martin Reichert.
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edge-oftheworld · 3 months
descriptions and reasons under the cut
this is a cashton sponsored post
okay. So. This is gonna be a long one so buckle up. Basically, long story short, changing the entire industry and the way we consume music as a result. Charting won’t matter nearly so much, and promo will have a lot less of a monetary incentive.
pros: I hope on a site like tumblr this is pretty obvious. All people deserve a living wage and the whole broke musician sleeping in their car til they make it big stereotype excludes a lot of people and actually causes a lot of trauma that probably has something to do with the high mortality rate of musicians even after they make it. More people from poor backgrounds being able to do music ESPECIALLY in countries that are marginalised by the industry. A lot less ability for labels and managers to take advantage of people which we see all the time. Musicians can afford things like therapy and actual instruments and education without having to work another job even before they’ve made it big.
basically what I’m proposing is this: streaming services like spotify reverse their tiers of income to artist per stream and it’s more like tax brackets: the less streams you get, the more you earn per stream. until you can from one full length album earn enough to survive. you do earn marginally more the more it’s streamed so I don’t get yelled at too badly—but it’s like being in a higher tax bracket, you take home more in the end but the government or streaming company takes a higher portion, so it should be a win win situation. Ticket prices to shows are also capped but not unreasonably: you can still sell packages with VIP and merch there’s just a top price that’s only waivered if you do some charity donation with a percentage.
cons: need regulation to ensure streaming services don’t completely bar the work of lower performing artists (but remember they still take a cut. and if you get zero streams you still earn nothing so you will need some promo, just so the streaming services don’t get mad at me. I know that’s not quite UBI it’s the best I got sorry). there’s the whole idea that artists will make bad low effort songs just to get a high percentage of the cut of them—but refer to previous point, this may not be a problem. also, with so many good songs already there do you think people are genuinely gonna put in no effort? if you made a song that’s already a lot of effort. HOWEVER
Using AI to make songs might cause problems so idk maybe some regulation there—I think there is already is there? or can we just tell when there’s humanity in something?
there’s the possibility that the streaming services go out of business because bigger artists remove their music from them (bigger artists being their main source of revenue). I don’t know how to properly mitigate this risk—other than stopping said big artists creating competition platforms that are basically the same as the platforms we have now. idk maybe it’s just me but I can’t see this making it any worse, only better. we need to value art and artists and the income discrepancy does no one any good.
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scbhagat · 3 days
GST Return Filing Services in Delhi By SC Bhagat & Co.
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) system in India has streamlined the taxation process, but it can still be complex for businesses to navigate. Accurate and timely GST return filing is crucial for businesses to avoid penalties and ensure smooth operations. If you’re looking for reliable GST Return Filing Services in Delhi, SC Bhagat & Co. offers expert assistance tailored to your business needs.
Why GST Return Filing is Important? GST return filing is a legal obligation for businesses registered under the GST regime. It involves submitting details of sales, purchases, output GST (on sales), and input tax credit (GST paid on purchases) to the government. Filing returns correctly and on time ensures:
Compliance with Regulations: Non-compliance with GST regulations can result in hefty fines and interest on unpaid taxes. Input Tax Credit: Proper filing allows businesses to claim input tax credits, reducing the overall tax burden. Avoid Penalties: Timely filing helps avoid late fees and penalties, which can accumulate quickly. Smooth Audits: Maintaining accurate records through return filing facilitates hassle-free audits. Types of GST Returns in India Different types of GST returns need to be filed depending on the business type and activities. Here's an overview of the major returns:
GSTR-1: Details of outward supplies of goods and services (sales). GSTR-3B: Summary return showing total taxable value and taxes paid. GSTR-4: Return for composition scheme taxpayers. GSTR-9: Annual return for normal taxpayers. GSTR-10: Final return when GST registration is canceled. Why Choose SC Bhagat & Co. for GST Return Filing Services in Delhi? Expert Team: SC Bhagat & Co. has a team of experienced professionals who specialize in GST regulations. They stay updated with the latest changes in GST laws to ensure compliance and accuracy in your filings.
End-to-End Service: From compiling the necessary data to submitting the return on time, SC Bhagat & Co. provides comprehensive GST return filing services. They handle everything, so you don’t have to worry about the complexities involved.
Customized Solutions: Every business is unique, and so are its GST filing requirements. SC Bhagat & Co. offers personalized services that cater to the specific needs of your business, ensuring that you only pay the taxes you owe and nothing more.
Timely Filing: SC Bhagat & Co. prioritizes deadlines and ensures that all GST returns are filed within the stipulated time frame, avoiding any late penalties.
Affordable Services: High-quality service doesn’t have to come with a high price tag. SC Bhagat & Co. offers competitive rates for their GST return filing services, making them accessible to small and medium-sized businesses in Delhi.
Common GST Filing Challenges Solved by SC Bhagat & Co. Errors in Data Entry: Mistakes in entering sales and purchase data can lead to discrepancies. SC Bhagat & Co. ensures that all data is accurately compiled to avoid errors.
Complex Tax Rules: GST laws are constantly evolving, making it hard for businesses to stay compliant. With their expert knowledge, SC Bhagat & Co. keeps your business updated with the latest regulations.
Delayed Filings: Late filings lead to penalties, but SC Bhagat & Co. ensures timely submissions, minimizing risks of fines.
Mismatch in Input Tax Credit: They help reconcile input tax credit claims, ensuring you don’t lose out on eligible credits due to mismatched data.
How to Get Started? Partnering with SC Bhagat & Co. for GST return filing in Delhi is easy. Simply reach out to their team, and they will guide you through the process, offering personalized assistance based on your business requirements.
Conclusion Accurate and timely GST return filing is essential for maintaining tax compliance and maximizing input tax credits. With SC Bhagat & Co.’s GST Return Filing Services in Delhi, businesses can enjoy peace of mind knowing their GST obligations are handled by experts. Save time, avoid penalties, and stay compliant by letting SC Bhagat & Co. manage your GST returns.
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mylovelyrainblog · 11 months
Just saw some said Biden’s stuff members were calling for Gaza ceasefire. Didn’t find the news myself, but it is true more and more people will not remain silent. The sense of craziness of watching this murderous Israel regime clearly states its purpose of mass murder and ethnic cleansing, and then do it blatantly in front of the whole world, threatening and retaliating against anyone who dared to say a word, including UN, journalism, heath workers, while having the support of US’s bombs and tax dollars, must prove too much of a moral discrepancy and global ethical disaster for anyone with half a brain to keep quiet. What we are witnessing is collapsing of the “normal.” No one will believe in the current world order if this shit is allowed to go on, if Israel is allowed to ethnic cleanse and land grab just because it is US’s “alley.” Imagine what will follow.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
I've just watched Purple Heart on Netflix (don't, it's a waste of time for more reasons than fits in this ask box) but it reminded me once again that it took me some time when I was younger to understand why having a severe health issue would lead to financial ruin and debt in several American movies (I'm French). Some things would be tough in France, like being able to afford a really good wheelchair (more expensive than SS price cap), but not diabetes like the girl in the movie, or cancer. 1/2
2/2 I don't understand how people who would have all reasons to be in favour of a state-subsidised, paid-by-social-contirbution (it's cotisation sociale in French, not quite like a tax in its principle) health care system. We do also have discrepancies between rich and poor and our hospital is on the brink of collapse but that's under investment, not the the solidarity system.
Sorry I think I forgot a bit. I don't understand why people who would benefit form such a system are so resolutely against it. Just because of ideology?
As I have written about in various posts before, it is impossible to overstate the damage that forty years of hard-right messaging, starting with Reagan and continued in some shape or form by almost all his successors, has done on the American psyche. Until the 1980s, taxes were high, the welfare net was robust, things like college, health care, house buying, etc were either readily affordable or heavily subsidised, and somehow this was not viewed as Socialism, even in the middle of the Cold War. But then when Reagan and company got in there and revamped the entire economic system to chiefly and only favor rich people, they had to come up with a way to sell it to everyone else. Thus the Myth of the Free Market became America's guiding philosophy, and it worked. Oh boy, did it work. It still works now. You should reject any benefit or system introduced by the government because blah blah bad (as if the chaotic for-profit privatised broken mess we have now works so well, but shh, don't criticise the capitalism. That is, as we all know, Socialism!)
Anyway... yeah. I feel it important to note, however, that despite the stereotypes, the core base of Trump/MAGA/Republican supporters actually are not poor. They do fit some of the expected demographics: largely white, male, straight, and don't have a college degree -- but they often make $50k or more a year, which is definitely not poverty level. We are often sold the "Economic Anxiety" canard about Trump voters (ignoring the fact that voting for a Republican to fix the mess created by Republican policies is, uh, confusing), but the people at the Capitol on January 6 had enough money to leave their jobs, arrange travel and hotel in DC, and buy Trump merch and weapons and God knows what else. Some of them even flew there by private jet. So on the one hand, yes, there are plenty of poor and working-class white people who have been so brainwashed by Reagonomics that they reject even those reforms/programs that would help them (and also don't want those programs to help non-white people). But a lot of the MAGA support is exactly what it looks like: well-off white people for whom this unfair economic system is working pretty damn well, who do not want to be forced by the Evil Government to redistribute any of it, and are eager to embrace fascist and fascist-adjacent social and cultural policies as a result.
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nordholm · 9 months
Navigating Dubai's VAT Landscape: Nordholm Accounting's Tailored Approach
Are you an investor or entrepreneur eyeing business prospects in the vibrant landscape of Dubai, UAE? Amidst the promising opportunities, the stringent regulations surrounding Value Added Tax (VAT) registration can be a challenging hurdle. At Nordholm Accounting and Bookkeeping Services, a division of Nordholm Investments, we specialize in offering bespoke accounting and VAT solutions, easing the complexities of VAT compliance for your business expansion in Dubai.
Unlocking Dubai's potential demands a comprehensive understanding of VAT regulations. Nordholm provides a suite of services finely tuned to meet your business needs:
Effortless VAT Tax Registration: Our seasoned team guides you seamlessly through the VAT registration process, ensuring compliance and enabling your business to thrive within legal boundaries.
Expert VAT Tax Consultancy: Tap into our experts' knowledge for professional advice and adept handling of VAT intricacies, safeguarding your business from potential pitfalls.
Tailored VAT Tax Implementation: We assist in integrating VAT seamlessly into your business framework, offering specialized training to equip your staff with the necessary skills to navigate VAT obligations effectively.
Precise VAT Tax Return Filing: Leveraging automated tools and meticulous scrutiny, we ensure accurate and timely VAT tax return submissions, mitigating risks associated with errors.
Comprehensive VAT Tax Audit: Our services extend to conducting thorough VAT tax audits, ensuring compliance, rectifying discrepancies, and safeguarding your business from penalties.
Partnering with Nordholm guarantees access to unparalleled advantages:
Speed and Precision: Expect swift and accurate services, aligning with your business requirements while maintaining a high degree of accuracy.
Tailored Solutions: Recognizing the unique challenges faced by businesses, we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific VAT and accounting needs.
Accessible Support: Our dedicated team remains available 24/7, offering uninterrupted support and guidance whenever you need it.
Navigating Dubai's VAT landscape need not be a daunting task when you have Nordholm's expertise at your disposal. Trust us to handle the complexities while you focus on steering your business towards success.
For seamless VAT Services in Dubai, trust Nordholm Accounting and Bookkeeping Services. Contact us today to embark on a journey of growth while ensuring steadfast compliance with VAT regulations in the UAE.
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