#tbh yes its her aesthetic
brokenhardies · 2 years
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Madoka ‘Luna’ Mishina (made in this dollmaker)
A student of Kosei High’s music department and the eldest daughter of Eikichi Mishina. While appearing aloof and stoic on the outside, Madoka is a very caring, charming and confident young lady, with a strong sense of justice. She’s only recently moved to Shibuya from Sumaru City, and feels like an outsider because of that.
During the Phantom Thieves investigation into Madarame, Madoka is dragged along for the ride, awakening when she witnesses her friend Yusuke Kitagawa’s cognitive portrait and realizing that his teacher saw her friend as an object rather than a person.
Her Persona is Della Rose, an Old West outlaw and member of the infamous Wild Bunch gang. Della Rose uses a combination of curse & bless skills, with an emphasis on critical based skills - learning physical moves with a high chance of critical - as well as learning both dekaja and dekunda.
Her codename, Luna, comes from the crescent shaped hair clip that she wears in her hair, as well as the fact that the moon is associated with the night, when Phantom Thieves typically strike. She wields a buckler shield as her melee weapon and a portable light machine gun as her ranged weapon.
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genericpuff · 7 months
I was reading your essay on "fat" rep in LO and as woman who is overweight, maybe not but definitely chubby/pudgy and often getting shit for it by my family... Do we ever see Persephone with a not-flat stomach? Even just a little protruding, not necessarily round. Or a double chin? I know fat looks different on different people, but... To me that seems like a pretty obvious way for an artist to show their character is meant as fat rep. If Rachel actually wanted that, I mean.
There are definitely times Rachel tries to draw her "fat" but it feels so tone deaf because it's still just like... as I've mentioned in my essay about it, it's "Hollywood fat", i.e. the kind of belly pouch fat that many women have that's often painted as ugly even though it's very commonplace to have (because no person is entirely flat! we're humans, not planks of wood!) The problem is if you try to quantify as little amount of fat as possible as "fat representation", you can't really call it fat representation because it only represents people on the lower end of the spectrum of fat. Here's an example of what I mean when I tried to find that one specific image example I was thinking of that I had seen ages ago lmao (this isn't the one I was thinking of but it gets the same point across):
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Yes, cartoon stylization is a thing, but watch out for the folks who say they can't draw fat people because "it wouldn't suit my style", it falls into the same type of excuse camp as Tim Burton saying black people wouldn't suit the "aesthetic" of his films. They actually could draw fat characters in their style, it's more likely they just don't want to (but don't want to admit to that).
And honestly, if someone just wants to stick to drawing characters of a specific race, body type, etc. that they're familiar with, that's not a crime in and of itself IMO, but don't claim that your work is representation for a group when it's really only carrying the bare minimum or if you're just forcing it for the sake of seeming progressive. That's pretty much where LO falls, its "fat representation" only represents the bare minimum of fat that doesn't apply to the people who are looking for legitimate fat rep in media. Sure, there will be people who will still connect with that body type, especially for people who have stretch marks or belly pouches, but can it really be called 'fat rep' on the whole when it's not going to connect with the people who are genuinely fat? I'm someone who's gone through weight gain and struggled with body image, while I can totally relate to the type of body Persephone has where she (sometimes) has a muffin top and cellulite on her legs, that doesn't make her "fat representation" as a whole because she doesn't represent the women who are genuinely fat beyond chubbiness or being "not flat".
All that aside, the only indications of Persephone being 'fat' are the odd panel where Rachel gives her a belly or "stretch marks" (tbh they look less like stretch marks and more like scars from a bear attack lol):
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But then she'll also draw Persephone with a straight up bodybuilder torso and have her say outloud that she's "small-medium":
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It all feels very tone deaf because it's Rachel trying to have her cake and eat it too - she wants to draw Persephone as her usual small cinnamon roll self who can be infantilized and fetishized by the men around her (which Rachel loves to write and draw btw) BUT she also wants to try and take credit for Persephone being "fat rep" so whenever she remembers to do so, she'll throw in her laziest attempts at making Persephone seem "fat" but really she's just the Hollywood version of "fat" by having a belly pouch and stretch marks that many women of varying sizes have regardless of weight changes. We can't even assume that she may have been fat at one point and lost the weight (leading to the stretch marks) because we've seen Persephone in basically all stages of her life from childhood to adulthood. She's always been itty bitty and her entire personality and relationship with Hades is written around that.
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youremyheaven · 10 months
Art & Vedic Astrology
i thought ill make a post about the recurring motifs, patterns, techniques that different nakshatra natives seem to resort to in their art work!! so here it goes<3
Punarvasu natives often use matrixes, mazes, repetition, interloping patterns, and tessellation in their work.
Pedro Friedeberg
He has Punarvasu rising and he is known for surreal, abstract and whimsical style
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he repeatedly used the same patterns over and over again in his work
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Claire Nakti's new YT short did mention that these natives were very prominent in the Surrealist art movement and I often see how they have this surreal, whimsical element in their artwork. Often using bright colours and repeating the same pattern/motif over and over again.
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the Punarvasu aesthetic is veered towards maximalism. however these natives do not like clutter or maximalism that is random? if you look at any of these artworks, you can see how the same pattern is repeated many many times (a common theme in the work of these natives) its not 8 different patterns or motifs, so there is a sense of minimalism or balance within their otherwise eclectic seeming art creations.
MC Escher
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If I use the term "tessellation", the artist that would come to mind for most people is MC Escher (Ketu in Punarvasu). he had a thing for repetitive imagery and using the same pattern over and over again.
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he made the technique of tessellation as well known as it is now. in fact it was Escher's signature style
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alt-j has a song called "tesselate" and its written by joe newman (the lead vocal) who also has ketu in punarvasu!!
Harmony Korine
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He has Ketu in Punarvasu and you can see how he uses endless circles in his work, going back to Punarvasu's association with the endless nature of the universe
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he returns to the same motif again and again
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or draws the same pattern repeatedly
Paul Klee
he has ketu in punarvasu and his venus & rising in swati, another nak associated with infinite space and abundance
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there is a tendency to use the same pattern repeatedly
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once again the punarvasu urge to use bright colors and repeat the patterns, themes, motifs
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and there's a lot of interlooping
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here's a cat (punarvasu's yoni animal)
Sol Lewitt
He is Punarvasu moon
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There is tessellation and use of bright colors
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repeatedly using the same shapes, patterns and the work being maximalist outwardly but minimal in essence
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lots of interloping because punarvasu is the endless infinity of the cosmos!!
slightly similar to Punarvasu natives, these natives also seem to love repetition and pattern making
Yayoi Kusama
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Yayoi Kusama is Ashlesha moon and this art installation definitely seems to invoke serpentine vibes but sticks to the whimsical, colorful, exuberant nature that is Kusama's trademark
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her birth time is unknown but I strongly believe that she has Punarvasu rising tbh
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i mean??? her work is very punarvasu coded imo but here's more of her ashlesha esque work
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not to promote stereotypes but these be looking like snakes to me 🤪
Princess Fahrelnissa Zeid
She is Ashlesha moon
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Ashlesha natives love color and using bold patterns and designs in their work but their work is maximalist through and through
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with Punarvasu, their artworks were almost minimalist compared to the hypermaximalist works that Ashlesha natives seem to create
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do you see how crowded and busy these works are?
Keith Haring
He is Ashlesha rising and we can see how he consistently used similar motifs throughout his work but his work is very loud and very maximalist
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like this
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his work is very eclectic and very busy
Andy Warhol
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Andy Warhol is Ashlesha sun & rising and his most famous artwork is one that uses repetitive imagery and features Marilyn Monroe (Ashlesha rising)
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(yes this is a painting) Ashlesha natives love to use the same pattern to crowd an entire painting
Willem de Kooning
He is an Ashlesha moon and his works also have the same eclectic, colorful and "loud" aesthetic that we saw in the works of other Ashlesha natives
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do you see how there is a similar running motif in all his works but compared to the works of a Punarvasu native, an Ashlesha native work seems far more frenetic and fast(?) there is a different degree of intensity
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cerastes · 7 months
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It’s great that IS4 will have better distributed and more “fun” oriented intensifiers (called ‘Natures’ in this case, until they release an official term, if they change it). Waves in IS3 were, to be frank, rather shoddily implemented, starting with the way Arts damage gets kneecapped horribly bad. In IS4, it’s instead a general, smaller Damage Reduction for both Phys and Arts.
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The Hope handicap in IS3 was the reason a good amount of people didn’t really even try or stuck to People Skills squad: it was too early, too much
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3* non-reserves cost 1 Hope. That immediately changes how IS is played at a fundamental level: Kroos 3* is a great addition to any team because of her innate good damage, spinach compatibility, and 0 cost… But is she worth that precious 1 Hope when your 6* mainliners will cost a whooping 7 Hope? Suddenly that Reserve Sniper seems a whole lot better at 0 cost. It’s a pretty big ask at Waves 4: Even if you only consider Waves 7 as the max difficulty for the purposes of scoring, that’s still way early to throw such a huge change into the mix. Nature 6 seems more apt, and note it only affects 4* and up. I think it’s a step in the right direction; at Waves 4, using Reserves is fine, but at Waves 13 and up, by the time enemies receive their Floor 2 buffs, that’s already a stat heft the Reserves will struggle to compete with, and they have no Skill to even the field. Yes, Waves 8 and above is flexing and testing your own limits, but this can and should also be fun, and getting Hope-starved so badly is a huge turn off to a lot of people, so they use People Skills squad. Then they get bored because using anything but People Skills squad on Waves 4 and above means dealing with the Hope drought.
I also would like if they made Natures more apparent in the UI tbh. This is definitely not an HG blunder, but a concerning amount of people didn’t know (maybe don’t know) that there’s a ladder of difficulties in IS3, because AK players hate reading or are allergic to tutorial text or some other phenomenon, so I had plenty of anons saying IS3 was easier than IS2 and in the same ask asking what these Waves I spoke of were.
All in all, I hope IS4 ends up feeling better than IS3. I do like IS3, but it was a bit of a letdown, to be dorothy frank. I think the Seaborn aesthetic was not really used to its fullest (maps are boring slates of light blue with a pretty boring bgm). It was fun grinding out the Week 1 Waves 15 clear, but after that, it didn’t grab me nearly as hard as IS2 did with it’s excellent aesthetic and replayability.
When it comes to bosses and minibosses: IS3 minibosses are kiiiinda mid. IS2’s Golem and Jetman are fun, the Clown was scary depending on your build, the… Shooty dude was mid, and IS3 midbosses feel like him for the most part.
I like Highmore Boss more than Phantom Boss, I think Highmore is a really good boss and map. Last Knight is the single most miserable boss to fight in the game and very boring even when you know what to do, and somehow worse than Big Sad Lock. Ishar-mla is fine, not bad, not very good, just fine, which is a bit of a letdown for me, considering Mouthpiece is one of my favorite bosses in the game. Jury’s still out on Boss #4, hope it’s good, Playwright isn’t phenomenal but he’s good.
My thoughts on the state of IS3. Though these are various criticisms I have for it, I do wish to note: it’s still a fun mode, and I think a great learning experience: balancing a roguelike or roguelite is not easy and it wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be, but it’s still a fun game mode.
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bug-bites · 7 months
one of my fav things to read/write is a f!reader x Simon "Ghost" Riley, where the reader is almost exactly like ghost. I'm talking full black mask, (maybe legally dead) few words, silent, callsign generally spooky like Reaper or Phantom, and I was wondering if you would wanna do that?
Usually I have reader as a childhood friend or adopted sibling of Roach, which is why roach is so comfortable around ghost. He's just used to it. If it's pure fluff or platonic that's completely fine, and if you don't wanna do that it's also fine!! I just thought I might as well shoot my shot :)
Your an amazing writer, have an awesome day <3
seeing double
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cw: canon-typical violence, breif (pun intended) mention of ghost having skeleton boxers (nothing like explicit though i dont even know if this needs to be mentioned tbh but better safe than sorry), ghost gets shot womp womp, angst w/ a happy ending, so many military inaccuracies, barely proofread :P
pairing: platonic!simon 'ghost' riley x f!reader, gary 'roach' sanderson & reader
characters: simon 'ghost' riley, gary 'roach' sanderson (price, gaz and soap mentioned v briefly!)
authors note: omg you are so sweet thank you so much!! sorry this took so long i've been so busy with things, i hope you don't mind that i got a bit silly with this one and basically wrote a fic in jot notes 😭 (ALSO ROACH MENTION!! I LOVE MY BBYG THANK YOU ANON <3)
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when you first met ghost he genuinely thought this was a joke. the balaclava, the whole death motif, your callsign being phantom which is literally synonymous with ghost, even your attitude was so eerily similar to him. it was like looking in a mirror
it didn't help when he tilted his head you mirrored your actions
i think he wouldn't gravitate immediately to you, it's not that he didn't like you he just felt a bit odd with how similar you two were, in all honesty he was probably slightly unnerved by you
soap and gaz definitely crack jokes about you being the second coming of ghost or something dumb like that
whenever anyone is referring to you and ghost and phantom it was always "the ghosts" or "ghost and girl ghost" which pissed you OFF
roach cant count all the times you have ranted to him about how everyone treats ghost like he came up with your whole aesthetic and you copied him when you have been doing this for YEARS before you even met ghost!
"and everyone acts like he invented skeletons and being legally dead! how self centered do you have to be to act like you invented skeleton iconography?! THEYRE SKELETONS. THATS LIKE BASIC HUMAN ANATOMY. and its always men taking the credit- god its so stupid! i did shit this first and how do i know that he isn't copying me huh?? did we ever think of that?? and ghost is such a basic ass fucking name like really. ghost? bet the only reason he wears that mask is to cover up his casper sized forehead."
roach knows that you're annoyed and you probably aren't trying to be super mean- maybe you don't even think ghosts forehead is casper sized! but hey, he isn't trying to argue while you look like you're about to rip someone's head off
instead he opts for calmly signing words of comfort lest you tear ghosts head off (with a few minor corrections)
"yes roach i know phantoms are pretty much the same as ghosts but that's not the point. you're basically my brother. you have to be on my side. that's how it works."
its good you and roach get along with each other. however, since you are just so similar with someone whos name starts with s and ends with imon "ghost" riley he becomes friends with roach quite easily and rants to him too
"she thinks shes so fookin crea'ive but you know wha? she isnt. bet ive been in SAS longer than her. wheres 'er skull tattoo at?? cause i got a whole sleeve done almost a decade ago! she isnt the first to come up wi' this. see, i get youre friends wi' 'er but truth is she di'nt come up wi' all o' this 'erself and she isn't half as dedicated as me. i even got skeleton boxers! she got those??- wait no dont answer tha' i dont wan' tha' image in my head."
for the first month or two whenever you see each other its clear you two do not get along.
roach tried to crack a joke but if anything it just made you hate ghost more
"hey, phantom. what's got two legs and bleeds?" "half a dog." you and ghost respond in unison
the rest of the day you dont even acknowledge each other. price makes a joke about how "you both are acting like you killed someone" which you mutter a small "oh im going to that's for sure" under your breath
safe to say you had a long rant to roach about how now not only is he stealing your whole persona, he's taking your jokes now too
you think roach would be torn between choosing sides but no this man loves every second of it. its so petty- so stupid he just needs to see how long you two idiots will keep butting heads
you mention how you were planning on getting a red mask? he's going up to ghost being like "hey, ghost did i ever tell you red is totally your colour? you know what actually? you should get a red mask!"
you both walk into the next briefing with your new masks and you couldn't be more pissed
to make matters worse you both are teamed up for the next mission. something about stopping a major arms dealer but ghost is the one getting his hands dirty. all you need to do is get into security, guide him through the complex enough for him to grab intel and leave
its simple. you've done it a billion times before, same with ghost. the first half goes fine. you both get in, he grabs the intel and is ready to head out, both of you speaking only when necessary.
minor issue- actually major issue, getting out wasn't as smooth. somehow ghost ended up shot right as he's notifying you that he's almost out. you hear the gunshot ring out, a grunt and scuffling.
"phantom to ghost. how copy."
your voice rings out, an eerie silence following after
"ghost. how copy."
you repeat again, this time earning a response
"m' alive. shot in the leg. bullet went clean through, makin a torniquet as we speak" he grunts back. you have never been happier to hear his stupid manchester accent "keep it that way."
if past you knew those four words directed at ghost would come out of your mouth, you're pretty sure you would've stolen a tank and driven it off a cliff immediately with ghost in it too probably
but now is not the time hotwiring a tank and locating a cliff would take too long anyways, you guide him out, occasionally telling him some stupid fun fact to make sure he's still there or just to keep him alert
"did you know that jellyfish have one hole for their mouth and asshole?" "these get more concerning the more you tell me." "most koalas have chlamydia." "alrigh', 'nuff of that. fun facts are s'pposed to be fun, you know that right?" "learning is fun."
this earns a chuckle from him which he quickly covers up with a cough
he makes it out alive, busted up that's for sure but alive nonetheless
you hook his arm over your shoulder, talking about everything and anything to keep him conscious. he's going to listen anyways so might as well make the most of it
"you're not as bad as i thought you'd be, 'specially for a copy cat." he says after you tell him yet another bizarre animal fact "i got a red mask first by the way" "piss off. this is why i don't compliment you" he rolls his eyes, for once not out of annoyance "i wear it better anyways." "sure, sure. believe what you want, but just know that i'm the cooler one." "you also are shit at making tourniquets" "so you finally admit that i'm cooler." no amount of eyerolling or snappy comebacks can hide your grin at this point. you silently thank your past self for choosing to wear a mask all the time "you're quite bold for someone who got shot in the leg"
once you two get back, practically everyone is surprised how all the deadly glares and colorful insults muttered under heavy sighs between you two have now been replaced with playful banter and empty threats with no murderous intent behind them
price heard you laughing with ghost followed up with you telling ghost "they will never find your body" which did scare the shit out of him but it made ghost laugh so hard he nearly pissed himself
price made sure to check that ghost was in fact alive for the next few days, just to make sure you were joking
when asked about it both of you just shrug and reply "trauma bonding."
roach, although disappointed with the absence of drama is glad to see two of the most special people in his life getting along bros just sad he cant be an instigator anymore
and as soon as ghost comes back from leave, he's got double the scary dog privileges he originally had
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nomeniko · 1 month
hi :D for the ask game What do you wish more people understood about kazui? Which trial 2 MV do you enjoy the most, and why?
thank you for the ask i would grovel at ur feet in gratitude i hope the sun shines down and makes the light dance for u and you only today
1. if anything ive seen a few theories of kazui possibly revealing himself to be a two faced manipulator of sorts due to his self proclaimed liarness…. like ‘ohh u cant trust what he says he cld be trying to make himself look pitiable to the audience to get voted inno’ sort of theories which is. no he wont do that???
is he a liar? to a degree yes—liar not in the sense that what he says are direct falsities, but more like hes built much of his character to constantly disguise his true intentions/feelings as a defense mechanism. the lies he says are less of words from a schemer and more of redirections from someone who is, all in all, an insecure adult scared of what will happen if he isnt able to meet peoples expectations of him
as much as he calls himself a liar hes mad honest about where he thinks his capabilities lie, which is to say he doesnt believe in his capabilities at all lol. when amane asks him for help with her studies, he turns her down after some consideration bc he doesnt believe himself to be smart enough to help (despite having graduated from a university; sports degree or not credit shld be given where credit is due). when he talks to shidou post ktk attack, he refuses to admit doing any of the work in taking care of the situation and instead puts all the praise onto shidou. even his physical strength and skill (which is arguably the one part of him he does acknowledge and take some sort of belief in) is something he treats as less of something that he has achieved himself and more of an obligation of his—like, hes strong bc to him he HAS to be, bc it is expected of him to protect those who need protecting. he does want to protect others, sure, but much of that wanting comes frm how ingrained it is in him that thats what hes good for, thats what his strength is for (his timeline w/ yuno on her bday says as much nyway)
the way i see it, that self deprication of his plays back into his obsession with meeting the expectations placed onto him, or at least lessening the disappointment of others by lessening those expectations in the first place. if u tell someone that u didnt go to the right university, that u didnt do much to help anyway, that u were born so fundamentally wrong as a person that everything is bound to go to shit as long as ur there (he basically said this to es in his t1 vd im not even kidding), wouldnt that ensure the safety that youre less likely to ruin someone elses confidence in you? less likely to ruin bc in the small chance that u still fuck up, theres not much left to ruin at that point
in the end ig what i wish more ppl understood abt kazui is that hes a liar yes, but not a manipulator. he lies to stay safe, not to be a sadist or whatever. you cant take what he says at face value (in much the same way u cant do the same for any other prisoner tbh), but that does not mean u shldnt take anything he says srsly at all!!!
2. ok this one i have to give a bit of thought, mostly bc i cant pick just one
if the standards were which t2 mv do i enjoy for its direction music n visual wise, purge march takes the cake so quickly. the music itself is so bomb (which like, i cant even find a logical explanation as to why… its just so good to listen to) n the mv itself does such a great job at creating the right atmosphere, both in its flashy theatrics and the subtle uncanniness under it. mayb i have a slight bias bc tpm was the whole reason i got into milgram in the first place, but i stand by it idccc
aesthetic wise, def all knowing and all agony. the horror elements r genuinely disturbing, but not so overbearing that it overwrites the pop style that milgram has going on. i luove the use of amber for blood, plus the filters that remind me of found footage u usually see show up in asian horror movies. i think i was actually terrified the first time i watched the mv
symbolic wise, its cat always and forever god bless. it takes advantage of its aesthetics to hint at subtle secrets so well that it makes me giddy as hell. the use of colors as a part of the set, the transitions frm scene to scene having its own part in making the story, n honestly making the bg more blank than usual readjusts the focus of the mv on what matters p well. i cant mention every detail rn or else id be here all day
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bobbimorses · 3 months
need your thoughts on hawkeye & black widow #1 so badly tbh !!
this is like the third story in a decade where clint is being pursued for an assassination that he may or may not have committed and then reveals "well maybe i Did. you ever think about that???" "but clint...that's against your code!" "oh so NOW we remember that- i mean yes. i SHOT them." (explanation pending)
it is also the second story where multiple assassins are pursuing him simultaneously and then they explode him and break his ribs and cut up his leg and poison him but the first one had all that happening in the sewers after he got a prescription for his UTI so that one was funny. also those villains were in dog costumes and juggling.
ANYWAYS! i feel like they were unsure of who the secondary character in a black widow story was gonna be, and then someone remembered "oh shit! it's her and hawkeye's 60th anniversary!" and voila. i mean, i'm glad someone remembered? if only they remembered to make a corner box logo earlier than 15 minutes before press. it very much feels like a black widow story
which leads us to the bobbi page. it's as if everybody expected someone to have run with the bobbi-clint story threads post-thunderbolts, and then went "oh, wait, nobody actually did that?" bc what was that explanation. why is bobbi cool hanging back and mostly just listening to the CIA. i may retract my complaints if bobbi comes out of the woodwork with a plan or maybe even if they go on a date bc i can be bought off.
i do enjoy some whump myself, but i have to admit that many a series since fraction & aja's hawkeye v4 have clint smash head-first into the concrete early into an issue so he can have bandages all over his nose and face in all subsequent panels, but ignoring any other aspects of injuries? his humanness isn't just for aesthetic purposes--it's his whole thing! in said dog and juggler assassins hunting him down in the sewers storyline, clint was limping and slowed down by his injuries, having trouble drawing his bow; showing operating in a superhuman realm as a human is an impressive feat, but it has its consequences, injuries have consequences! here, we had an ambulance ride and slow-down, so that was nice. but also at the end he's standing around, face bandaged--i think this is just me nitpicking after historical portrayal. lest we forget mr. "i was underneath a taxi. yeah i lifted it up. i am fine."
in conclusion: oh shit guys clint's in a comic again?
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shysideho · 4 months
fortnite servers are still down so i'm gonna share my opinion about these battle pass greek mythology skins cause they suck
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ZEUS: this is the best one out of the battle pass so get ready. classic zeus look except this is just a 20 year old with gray hair. fortnite doesnt know how to make old (using that term liberally) or fat people.
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POSEIDON: dude this one sucks. i know it's a kids game and there needs to be a meme character but i feel like they massacred my boy. i guess they thought any other design would be too zeus adjacent but i feel like they couldve leaned in more with a fish-man? idk
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APHRODITE: new age gen z aphrodite. again just a 19 yo with gray hair. artist renditions of her are always just whatever is sexy at the time, so i guess this is hot for 14 year olds. her clothing is egregious why tf are there 2 belts.
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HADES: gas mask? i like the gold crown but the gas mask really throws off the whole vibe. i am glad they didnt go the devil route like a lot of art takes. they do have it correct with him being god of the underworld and not death itself.
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ARTEMIS: tbh artist renditions of artemis are so wildly diverse i can't be that upset with this one. the galaxy hair and aesthetic is very 2012. it moves btw its not a solitary design.
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CERBERUS: furry bait shouldve been the minotaur 0/10 cant even tell he has 3 heads. also not a humanoid. no justice for minotaur ever i guess.
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bluenightcomedies · 7 months
uuuugh i keep procrastinating cuz i wanna make new refs n' arts n' all for us all but art slow so fuggit placeholder pinned abt the system better pinned with comm details, other accs, etc later :3 will reopen for commissions once arty verifies me! as a whole we're legally deaf and disabled! we can all draw but have diff styles/preferences :3 body is 30 (eugh i don't like admitting that) so am adult BUT we don't wanna be involved in nsfw art so pls respect that⭐ We can't get a formal diagnosis due to various real life issues, so we're not going to claim any particular diagnosis, but we can't exactly ignore the symptoms and stay masked forever. We're going to stay out of syscourse as much as possible, of course. 🌙 each alter has an assigned emoji so ppl can tell us apart easier if needed, use em as our tags too (when we remember) note- using they/them for any of us fine too!⭐
(doesn't include alters that rarely or never front) ⭐star emoji = Blue! she/her pls~ guess i'm the honorary host cuz i front most. uhhh... nothing rly too fancy i can say abt myself, i'm p affectionate and love y2k art and hanging out, i try to be as nice as i can >w< my art's usually sketchbooky, with thin lines and soft colors/shading!
💠this blue gem/flower emoji is Azure! she/her, she's kinda new to the system. looks n' acts a lot like me but uh... more childish i guess? very silly, very 'cringe culture is dead'. loves to rp, say silly things, n' cling to people. hyperfixates on Dot Hack (RIP) her art looks like mspaint x3 🌙 (Writing for myself since I'm available.) The name's Lune, hence moon emoji, and I use she/her pronouns as well. Formerly "Starry" but people kept confusing me with Blue due to her star symbolism. Used to be the designated mask, I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore... Sometimes I re-mask out of habit so if something sounds like me but wasn't marked as an alter, it probably is me. I have a flat tone and chronic paranoid anxiety so uh... Let me know if I come across as rude, I usually don't mean to. I enjoy doing research and organizing information, so I'm often the one to fact-check things or find guides and how-to's for the system. My art's very bold and colorful, and friends describe it as 'angular'. Clashes with my personality, huh? 🗝️key emoji = Sylverwynd! he uses he/him! he's super laid back and chill, i've never seen him upset or anything, but he's rly long-winded talks... kinda poet-y? he loves reading and talking abt lore and myths so he'll pop in if ur talking abt something he likes or if he has trivia 2 share! fave genres r horror n' fantasy he's still experimenting w/ style but likes drawing rly soft
❌cross emoji= Laceburner! it/its or they/them pronouns! tbh i'm not used to it/its pronouns but Lace wanted em; it's very uh... emotionally empty i guess? aroace, agender, can't socialize or empathize v well. it usually fronts when the rest of us are tired or in pain cuz it just ignores all that. likes 2000's scenemo aesthetics though which is surprising but ye idk how to describe its style, but it's trying to mimic emo art n' likes bright colored lines with dark bg/colors 🗡️the dagger is Kal! he/him pronouns, he gets angry and stressed abt things really easy but he gets too hostile abt it so he tries to not front too much; need to find him a way to de-stress n' chill out... when he's not mad at smth he's a good sympathetic listener imo, still swears and talks all rough tho hasn't drawn much yet but does rly harsh lines and fast/messy sketches when he does (and gets riled up by mistakes =w=;)
❤️heart is Weiss! genderfluid, goes by any pronouns, usually uses whatever they like at the time x3 has a hard time fronting but tries to. flirty, loves dumb jokes, overly confident... (we worry they'd get us in trouble sometimes cuz the shit they want to say) loves demon and monster-related stuff! still experimental style but uses bold colors and thick rough lines a lot, may get suggestive (forbidden from outright nsfw, don't ask >:c) btw ur always welcome to direct asks @ someone specific >w< we just might take a while to respond
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panzershrike-pretz · 7 months
Hey Pretz!! 2, 14, and 25 for the HBO War fandom positivity ask game please 💙
Zim zam, Lou!
2. Who are some of your fav creators/mutuals?
You put me in a situation right here 😭 I hate having to choose because I just love everyone and don't like leaving people out xD BUT, if i do really have to choose i'd go with @next-autopsy and @malarkgirlypop because of their fics! I don't keep up with a lot of reading so I only really know their works, and i absolutely FUCKING LOVE THEM!!!! And @sweetxvanixlla because oh my god. Those moodboards. I get the feelings. Also, @samwinchesterslostshoe because drawings. OH MY GOD THAT IS INSANE. Love my boy Antonio Julian Spiegeon.
I actually just want to tag everyone because I just love them and their stuff, tbh, but decided to go with a top 4 for now. If you are my mutual and is seeing this, I ALSO LOVE YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU DO WANT TO HUG YOU AND KISS YOU ON THE FOREHEAD DON'T FEEL LEFT OUT.
14. Your fave underrated character?
Lou why are you so mean to me. W h y. I'm just here like- dying. Cannot choose. Will be letting you down 9n this one xD it's been too long since I last saw BoB and I can't remember right now who's more underrated, so I don't feel in a good enough position to choose from :'].
25. What colors do your mutuals remind you of?
Ok. Starting up with you, @luckynumber4, definetely dark or navy blue. I think it's because of your blog aesthetic but really, the url also fits and I love it.
@next-autopsy is emerald green. It's the color she uses on her fic and I cannot see Nex without thinking of that color anymore.
@xxluckystrike i think you remind me of gold. Like, golden flower fields; your personality definetely makes me think of that.
@malarkgirlypop is seafoam OR pink (that really strong one almost radioactive.) The seafom is because it simply fits her so fucking well??? Goes amazingly with her hair too. And the pink is because of her personality. She's just so radiant and catches your attentionwithouteven trying. Love it.
@land-sh is definetely wine. Yes its because of the blog. Fight me.
@sweetxvanixlla is this color: 🩵. Its an emoji she always uses and I cannot see this color anymore and not think of her; just amazing.
@georgieluz is lavander. That's it. He makes me think of it and I love that.
@footprintsinthesxnd is moss green. Idk but just gives ne the vibes; I think its simply so pretty and a not very appreciated color (yeah this is a call out. Everyone should appreciate Jess a lot. Love her.)
@coco-bean-1218 is light pink. Mostly because of her old pfp, but also because she seems soft and is so very kind! Light pink fits her a lot.
@whollyjoly is orange, mostly because that flower crown in her pfp always catches my eye (i fucking love that holy shit).
@mads-weasley is also orange. Based in vibes alone. Love u.
@iceman-kazansky is ice blue or white, they remind me of winter (i guess its because of the Gene pfp?? Idk) and I simoky love the feels.
@bucky32557038ww2 is salmon. Its a calm and good lookung color; it brings ne good feelings and I think it definetely fits you!
@holdingforgeneralhugs you. You are a hard one?? But like... your name makes me think of violet. That or any shade of purple, really.
@thewayisset is white. Its simple, i know, and its also heavily inspired on the pfp, but I just feel like white suits you.
@samwinchesterslostshoe is gray-ish red, because of the pfp on the discord group. I think its a pretty color that suits you :].
I am sure i forgot about some people but i really tried here xD I got the most my brain would let me and I think that's fair KEKEKEKEK
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sleepy-vix · 13 days
hello hello hello!! i hope this day is treating you well <3
so. erm. i finished if we were villains one second ago. there are tear tracks still glistening on my face. and i have Thoughts TM
to be frank i wasn't a fan of most of the book (i found the very excessive shakespeare-quoting stilted, pretentious and cringey — and i'm saying this as a person who quotes shakespeare too much for the average sane person and is very annoying about it) but something changed when i was reading act five. i then proceeded to cry through the end bit of act five and the whole epilogue.
i have no idea what i feel about it skjfksdfj i have no idea when i started caring about these pretentious ass bitches enough to cry over them, seeing that for most of the book i was just incredibly annoyed by all of them. although i am proud to say i clocked james and oliver for what they were in their first few interactions. the power of the gaydar ladies and gents
i think part of the problem was that i was comparing it to the secret history so much in my mind (which is practically literary perfection in my mind. i personally believe that donna tartt is a greek muse in disguise and should be treated as such/j) it just paled in comparison — honestly, people need to stop comparing the two or just lumping them into "dark academia" (i'm personally not the hugest fan of aesthetic-based grouping for book recs, but that's a rant for another day)
i think it's a one-time read for me. like yes it was definitely an... interesting experience but probably not good enough to reread? i don't know?? i have zero idea if you like this book or not i just know that you've read it — so apologies if i accidentally offended you or something 😭😭 i would love to hear your thoughts on it though (especially the ending)!
im like ehhh about it now 😭 which is sad because i was so obsessed with it i made a playlist for james and oliver (im such a geek it's actually so embarrassing 💀)
also i completely agree with you about the shakespeare quotes. it got to a point where i would just skip the quotes and only read the actual writing because is it ever THAT serious?
also i have a few other icks about the book:
- oliver and meredith getting together (that was so ???? like i lowkey hated oliver for that)
- filippa's character. it was so ?? like m.l. rio did such a bad job writing her... the idea of her character is awesome but the execution was really not, which was disappointing.
but in general i really liked it :) i read it before the secret history, so thankfully i never unconsciously compared them with eachother (which i've heard is actually really common between people who read tsh first).
i agree with you in the dark academia lumping thing sooo much. like, you often see them side by side, but the only thing they have in common is a friend group + one person dies + school setting. which really doesn't mean much considering that alot of stories are set in schools and include friend groups.
also not to mention that tsh is twice the size of iwwv 😭 idk i get so defensive when ppl bash iwwv for being worse than tsh (even tho i agree)
tbh i loved it alot but i wouldn't reread it either because the oliver and meredith parts where so 💀
m.l. rio is writing another book btw! its called grave digger. im looking forward to it because i'd like to know if she's actually a good writer or if she was only good in my 13 year old mind.
im so happy that u sent me this ask :)) its not very often that i get to talk abt iwwv with a person who agrees with me that the book is sad but not that good
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revive-the-fandom · 1 month
Hey! Saw your essay about the inconsistencies. Ah ye. When contrasting the Httyd movies with the shows, I like to not take it all that seriously. "But the shows are canon!!!!!" the shows are a beautiful and meaningful AU of the movies and vice versa; I've fared wonderfully treating them like that. Keeping the good parts for inspo and tossing the rest tbh.
E.g. I'm keeping Dagur and Viggo and the Fireworms for canon. Maybe there was an outpost called Dragon's Edge once, but I like to think to myself that Hiccup merely used it as a weekend base camp / storehouse for further explorations rather than actually living there for extended periods of time. He had to make all his Httyd2 improvements on Berk somehow within those five years lol. He would have had to abandon Dragon's Edge wayyy earlier to be able to have a constant presence on his home island that would earn him the village's support and Stoick's eye regarding Chieftainship. I'm definitely keeping the volcano eruption though. Also the Buffalord, the amazing Season 4 Hiccstrid kiss, the Night Terrors and Chicken. And of course the gang becoming better friends.
...On the other hand I'm definitely treating Heather, Mala, the Wingmaidens and all the dragons I don't personally like as vivid fever dreams lol. I'm also ignoring the comics. Had Hiccup truly encountered Viggo and gone through all of that Rtte character development canonically, he wouldn't have acted as naive as he did in Httyd2... Viggo already taught him better than that.
Those are just my two cents, they are also helping me embrace such things as Homecoming etc.
If you could build your canon however you liked, what would you keep? :)
I don't know if you meant it like this but I do want to clarify that I adore the first 2 movies, GotNF, LotB, RoB, DoB, and RttE. And I like elements of Httyd 3 and Homecoming, but not them in general.
(I have no intention of reading the comics - they don't interest me).
Criticising stuff I like, and pulling it apart to see how it ticks is literally my biggest hobby, so, no problems enjoying it there.
I would honestly keep most of it, so here's a list of some of what I'd remove instead:
The inconsistencies between httyd 1 ending and RoB opening - mostly to do with the dragons' integration into Berk and the new infrastructure for the dragons.
Stoick's inconsistent and easily swayed opinion on the dragons - he would never allow them to be banished from Berk unless he was physically forced to. They saved Hiccup's life, they pretty much are Hiccup's life, and he would never dishonour Valka's memory by going against her ideals (esp since her son basically redeemed her weirdness by proving her right 15 years later).
Gothi's role - she shouldn't be the only healer on Berk, she shouldn't even be a healer. They made new characters for Mulch, Bucket, Mildew, Johann, Silent Sven, Alvin, Savage, Dagur and Heather (and most of those are males) so just kick one of those out and build a new healer for Berk (bonus points if its a relation of one of the Riders e.g. a Thorston).
Johann's villain arc - I've talked about this a lot already so I won't repeat myself but this was an atrocious direction to take.
Viggo's redemption happening off screen
Dagur's redemption happening off screen
the Hunters having exactly the same ships as Drago (who comes from outside the archipelago & is designed with a different aesthetic than the vikings)
inconsistencies with the Hunter's Lore
Ryker being forgotten - the brother of ur main villain???? hello?
Krogan being so inconsistent...
Where are the women warriors???
Defenders of the Wing Lore Inconsistencies
Mala's whole personality - during the trial episode and marriage episodes especially
nearly every woman has a love interest
Dagur x Mala (not necessarily the ship - fandom adds depth to it tbh - but just how the show itself handles it)
Throk x Ruffnut (it's fine its just boring and doesn't add anything)
Gruffnut. the man annoys me - his design is lazy, his voice is annoying, he has an intruiging opportunity to add depth to the thorstons but is never utilised
Agnut. same as above
Astrid being in love with Hiccup but only in a conventional "im a woman and I will get jealous at any opportunity" kind of way
Gustav's lack of character development
the A team should not include those characters. Bucket and Mulch are farmers WHAT are they doing here. Gothi is old as fuck and she's got important shit to be doing (like apparently being the ONLY healer on Berk - srsly what r u gonna do when she dies?). Spitelout is on the Berk Council and is one of the main leaders of their military, why would he want to be bossed around by a 19 yro. the only one who makes sense is Gustav.
why does Astrid have to build the A team at all?? shouldn't Stoick or the entire military force of Berk teach themselves to use dragons to fight off invaders????
Astrid being so inconsistent with her suspicions and cautions.
Astrid randomly deciding to be Mother to dragons like Garf and throwing away all her military training and paranoia to bring said dragons on actual military operations??? like just say you needed a conflict and picked The Woman to throw under the bus.
Heather's (and Oswald's) mild backstory inconsistency.
Heather being a femme fatale.
Posing for the camera
The Wingmaidens - they're an obvious scramble to add female characters but they fall short on believability and worldbuilding.
The Bewilderbeast beneath Beserker Island. I don't like how... fucky.. this makes the plot. We didn't need this, we could have just ended on Johann & Krogan heading towards Valka's mountain, which could explain why Hiccup was still exploring the archipelago in httyd 2. then we could have done a post-credits-esque scene with Valka decimating Johann and Krogan. boom, vibes preserved, plotholes kind of prevented.
ok theres probably a lot more but this was all i could think of. Ik it looks like a lot but most of it is just tweaking canon. the majority of RoB, DoB, and RttE are wonderful. otherwise I wouldn't give half of a shit about them.
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fairyhaos · 8 months
can you do moots as book tropes maybe? if possible
yes i definitely can omggg lezzgo (these kinda turned into fic tropes instead tho ngl,,,)
@slytherinshua is a coffee shop setting! no idea why tbh, but i imagine her as the animated, lovely customer who always comes into the cafe during the slow hours, with a smile on her face and a book in her hand and a whole array of wonderful and weird new things to chatter about to the barista who may be just a tiny bit in love with her
@blue-jisungs feels very much like a magical school book series. i'm thinking harry potter, i'm thinking school for good and evil, i'm thinking magic and pastel blues and childhood friends to lovers and saving the day and being a hero, either willingly or unwillingly, and learning and growing to become the best person you are able.
@wheeboo is arranged marriage!!!! i can't explain it but the tension and the drama ✨ and the way it can be either enemies to lovers or strangers to lovers is soooo rania. she'd bicker, she'd banter, but most of all she'd fall in love so, so deeply that she cannot even think of not loving them anymore.
@rubywonu is a fae/ faerie world setting. im thinking cruel prince-esque, with drama and blood and alliances, but also with all of its whimsy and its magic and its sparkly gold fairy dust. it's something a bit mysterious, very much unknown, and only the strongest and the most quick-witted will be able to survive
@selenicives dragonsssss and faux medieval settings :D the lore and the intrigue and the aesthetics of it all make me think of weiwei, #1 bc i think xe would love to create a world like that but also bc it feels vv much like something xe would enjoy being part of haha
@ylliris-hanniehae is exes to lovers. perhaps an unusual one, but exes to lovers, and second chances, is always about soft love and gentle stories, of talking things through and comforting past hurts and making promises to move on into the future, together. and i think ylli would like that.
@odxrilove is amnesia. dori is gonna get hit by a truck or smth during a crucial moment in the plot and half of the story is spent watching her struggle to get back her memories before PLOT TWIST it turns out that either a) someone intentionally hit her or b) she never lost her memories in the first place????? i feel like drama follows her wherever she goes tbh.
@weird-bookworm is found family ^^ bc she's just so sweet and nice and also a little bit silly and goofy exactly like how the found family dynamic often is. also sky just fits so seamlessly into our group like she's always meant to be here, so duh. she's now part of our family.
@etherealyoungk is just. cottagecore like idk how to explain it. when a character moves away from the bustle of the city to live in the countryside, perhaps to heal past traumas, and they discover an elusive stranger with flowers in their hair who help them open their heart and learn to love again? that's skye.
@gyuswhore is a baker/ bakery au! again i literally don't know why but em gives me the vibes of a rambly + bubbly + slightly weird baker who always makes sure to beam at the regulars and mayhaps be just a little bit enamoured with this one customer who always comes in and, without fail, orders fifteen egg tarts in bulk. she doesn't know what they're doing with so many egg tarts. but she's gonna find out.
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shzmluvrs · 9 months
very very specific request but 2019 freddy x clown collector reader? like reader collects clown dolls and all that kinda jazz and just how freddy would feel about that
For some reason, as I go through dark times, this triggered such motivation and inspiration within me, so I thank you deeply🥲🫵🏽🫶🏽.
Also, I'm gonna name you bc I can pretty much guess you have a thing for specifically 2019 Freddy and that's pretty unique about you, so your name is 2019 (unless you have something more creative in mind lmao-).
~ Star✨️
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Circus Baby
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Prompt: The weird and overly fan-obsessed didn't particularly have a place at Fawcett Central. But, there they were, anyway, to be gawked and mocked at by the relatively common and "normal" student body. And while yes, Freddy was a prime suspect in the 'overly obsessive' category, he had to admit you definitely took the cake for the 'weird' department. In a good way to him, of course. Besides, who else is he gonna jokingly refer to as a wanna-be Gotham villain?
Timeline: Post Shazam! Pre S!:FOTG
TW/Content: Clowns (if they scare you, you not gonna like this at all, I'm sorry😭)⚡️Cursing⚡️Mentions of insecurity/anxiety and whatever relating⚡️Me being a little unhinged about this subject (for some reason-)⚡️Cringe? A little. But get over it tbh...
Reader: Fem! She/Her/Hers Pronouns! Clowncore Aesthetic/Style!
Requested By: Anon (2019?)
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I know you said clown collector, but because I'm literally insane, I wanna take this a step further...
Reader who is just full steam ahead into the clown-lifestyle😻🤡!!
Surely, it all started at a young age with your odd habit of collecting any bit of clown-related memorabilia you could get your grubby little hands on. But it soon escalated (and I'm betting startling your parents💀) into you basically being a clown.
Well, not literally.
I mean, you entertained the idea that you were decently humorous, and the occasional animal balloon tricks were attempted, but besides that, you managed to take something known for its silly (sometimes scary) wackadoo nature, and made it ✨️girlboss✨️.
And it helped that you didn't exactly shy easy, so you were proudly showing up places in your colorful, rainbow, clown-esque outfits...
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Unless, of course, you happen to have a specific and favorable color, to which then it was your clown-esque wear themed specially in that color.
And your creative makeup that managed to be both cute and clown. Clute, if you will. Or maybe Cu-own...? Uh...😬...
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And you could never forget about your hair. Unless you're a huge fan of styling and coloring your actual hair in cool, funky colors and ways, wigs were your best friend...
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"Places" included school, for the most part, and you had thankfully become desensitized to the rude and teasing stares and the unprompted comments and whatnot... And at some point, so did the rest of the student body and staff, because it was clear no matter what they said, you weren't gonna tone down yourself for them.
Plus, it was fun! You felt as though the positive outweighed the negatives, thoroughly enjoying the bright-eyed and excited looks on younger grade's faces when they saw you occasionally pass through their section of the building, or when you'd actually receive compliments on your makeup from some of your peers. Plus, you were routinely asked to do other people's theater makeup, so-...
You got to try out new looks, new styles, new whatever every day without a care in the world!
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It was something Freddy found himself admiring about you from afar. It's not like you were exactly hard to miss, but it didn't change the fact that every seventh period, he'd wake himself up from an exhausting school day in complete, full anticipation for your arrival. He adored your outfits, your makeup, your hair, and once the day came when he'd finally gain the courage to speak to you, he'd hopefully adore you as whole, too.
That day came when you two were assigned to be partners for an upcoming project. A bittersweet emotion ran through his chest. Wasn't this what he wanted? The perfect excuse, chance, opportunity to get to know you? He was so nervous, he broke out into a cold sweat. Hands growing shaky and clammy, watching as you approached through the gaggle of other students shuffling around to get to their partners. And once finally sat, he stared, completely tuning out the teacher's next set of instructions.
At first, he couldn't bring himself to speak. For what seemed like the first time in a long while, Freddy Freeman was speechless. In complete awe by your presence (and ecstatic you hadn't grimaced or groaned when he was announced to be your partner), he admired every single detail of your purposefully paled face, the random little specs of glitter, elongated eye and mouth features thanks to eyeliner, and the outfit was definitely another one for the books.
At first, this boy's intense stare up and down your figure made you hope he wasn't actually the weirdo he was coming off as. Granted, you...did look like a clown, but once the stare surpassed the entire rant the teacher had gone on and then some minutes afterwards, you felt it necessary to speak up.
"Um... So, do you know how you wanna go about the project? Or...?"
"Sorry for- Oh my god, I-...Sorry for staring, that was probably really creepy for you and that's, like, the opposite of what I wanna do here-. I just think that this, whatever this is, this whole..." He used a big hand gesture to reference your ensemble. "...Is the coolest ever and I'm literally blown away."
"?!?😃 Oh my god, thank you 😃?!?"
And that was all it took before the two of you were hyperactively conversing back and forth on, not even just style choices, but on any and everything else that came to mind. It was like a force had been sparked between you two, the fire unable to be put out, let alone dimmed. It led to the start of an immediate and solidified friendship. Which, of course blossomed into something more. But I wanna focus on more of the "firsts" for now.
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Aka, The first time you had entered his home and met his family, which was the same day y'all met. He hadn't prepped you or anything, simply guaranteeing that they were bound to love your company and to pay no mind to any comments they might make. And while sure, you were pretty much used to having that mindset already, for some reason, this time made you nervous. Nervous like the very first time you had truly discovered you even liked this style and wanted to go out in public dressed as such, nervous. It had you adjusting your pins, clothing, and other accessories the entire walk there, and you swore that you had probably stress-sweat all of your hard-work makeup away.
To keep this short and sweet, every interaction was... unique, to say the least. First, there was a tall brunette sporting prep-wear, waltzing around the house with her phone pressed against her ear and determination in her voice to ace this interview for a nearby community college. But upon seeing you, stopped dead in her tracks and (much like Freddy) s t a r e d.
"That's Mary." "Your sister?" "Yes, out of two." "She's pretty."
"Freddy, why is there a clown in our home? Darla's birthday isn't for another four months."
Ngl, that stung you a little, but nothing you haven't heard (or expected to hear) before...
"Wh- No, shut up, that's not- She's a friend from school, we have a project together. This is just what she looks like, this is how she looks." "...Oh :). Well, you're gonna have to teach me how you have such a smooth base, because my products could never. Anyways, talk later, interview..." And with a shy point to her phone, she left you with a grin that you returned, growing flattered at the compliment on your makeup.
Then there was a boy, about shoulder height with glasses, who barely gave half of a glance in your direction. It's not that he didn't see you at all. He just... didn't care. Clearly, too focused on the TV screen that he stood basically directly in front of. "Optimal gaming stance, he claims..." Freddy informed, swiftly pulling you along before you could become engrossed in the Mortal Kombat fight yourself.
You were lead to the kitchen, Freddy rummaging through the pantry and fridge on the hunt for proper sustenance while you worked together. It was there, you were met with his mother, who gave a very "mom-happy" yet clearly confused smile. "Hi...!" She greeted suddenly, which urged you to awkwardly strike out your hand for her to shake. If you knew you were gonna be literally seeing his entire family same day, you would've toned down a little bit, at least. Just to let them get used to it all... but alas...
"Hi, I'm (Y/N). I'm just here to work on a project with Freddy." "Oh, I see! A theater project."
"Nah, science." Freddy corrected with a tone of casualty, kicking the fride door closed with the stub of his crutch, his other hand/arm supporting the weight of all of his gathered snacks and drinks.
"Oh." Rosa smiled again, still innocently confused. And before you could try to explain, Freddy was already insistent on the hurry to his room. It's okay, though, because once Rosa realized what you wore was just a creative, style choice a while later, she found it just that. Creative. And totally supported and compared it to alternative styles she'd seen back in her high school days, bless her heart🥰😭.
On the way towards/up the stairs was where you encountered what you had to assume was Freddy's father and older brother, who breezed past the two of you at first, but then did quick double-takes. "Ohooh, you look sick! What is this, like a statement, or...?" You received an immediate compliment from Victor, a chuckle leaving your throat along with a shrug of your shoulders.
"Something like that, I guess." And then Pedro, who did a scan up and down your figure much like Freddy had in class, before giving a satisfactory nod.
"Cool." "Thank you :')."
Walking down the hallway en route to Freddy's room, there was one more escapade that involved your purse accidentally falling open and your makeup going everywhere. It was the glittery stuff, too, so not only was it an expensive loss, but it was now going to be permanently marked onto the hardwood floor (yes, you felt beyond terrible, but it doesn't really matter bc a. There's already stains and glitter and whatnot everywhere in that house that are permanent, Rosa and Victor have given up on them, you can't convince me otherwise. And b. They ended up renovating by the second movie anyway, so it's fine😭).
It didn't stop you from desperately trying to scoop it all up, anyways, though (cuz I would, too, ngl-). Freddy informed that he'd go to his room to set the food down and would be back to help you, which was fine, but it left you in his hallway desperately scrambling at loose makeup like a weirdo. But clearly, that isn't what Darla saw when she poked her itty bitty head out of her room at the commotion. In her eyes, you were a mystical, magical being that harbored one of her favorite things in the whole world (glitter, duh), and she squealed so l o u d-
It scared you at first, especially when she came barreling towards you and almost managed to tackle you in an unexpected but returned hug. Rambling on and on about what a honor it was to meet you, "...whatever you are...!" She added, which pulled a giggle from your lips, and how excited she was and how she had so much to show you and-
"Oh my god, D, why..." Freddy sighed, having left for what was barely even a minute or so and had come back to find his youngest sister perched in your lap and talking your ear off. He should be doing that! Well, I guess minus the sitting in your lap part.
Unless you're into that🥴.
Idk. Anyways-
"DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS, DID YOU KNOW SHE WAS HERE?!" "😐Yes, I did. I brought her here. She's my friend and we're BUSY, so you need to go back to your ROOM, and mind your BUISNESS, please."
It took a lot more convincing, but after promising you'd converse with Darla another time (without Freddy💀-), she did as told and you two had finally entered his room. You found yourself quiet impressed with his superhero memorabilia, something about it reminding you of your own "little" collection back home. Maybe the obsessiveness of it all, or simply just how much of it there was. But you didn't have the pleasure of questioning, because-
"What the hell...?" "Dude, don't start-" "-I wasn't gonna say anything." "You literally were, I can tell by that dumb look on your face." "Freddy, I guarantee you, I'm not the dumb looking one in this room. And don't get me wrong, it isn't her either..." "Harhar, you're so funny. Why don't you leave and go do stand up comedy? I think you in particular would make an excellent CLOWN, don't you think, (Y/N)?"
"I... uhm...uh... ;-;." You weren't expecting a fifth sibling, that's for sure. His family was clearly very diverse. And at first, you couldn't quite tell if he was getting ready to bully you or not, seeing as Freddy was very quick with his wit in order to defend you. You wouldn't doubt it. Billy seemed to suffer from a bad case of RBFS.
Resting Bitch Face Syndrome.
"Ignore him." Freddy advised, whipping open his laptop while Billy scoffed.
"I'm right here, y'know. This is my room, too, you guys can't just-" "Okay, fine, then ignore him harder."
You giggled. It was grounds for Billy to address you separately/on his own.
"I like your outfit. It just...caught me off guard." You smiled, giving a nod of understanding. "Thanks, I get that a lot."
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
The first time Freddy visited your house was months after the initial meeting. Not for any particular reason, there just hadn't been any real excuse until now...
"My parent(s) have been dying to meet you, like, I swear, if they keep pestering me about it, I was going to actually go insane. On some Joker type shit."
Freddy laughed at your last remark, but as we all know, the boy is quick-witted and smart-mouthed, so it was always easy for him to launch off of literally anything you say with a teasing remark that... sometimes you swore was him actually flirting. But, you couldn't be too sure. You didn't wanna ruin a good thing.
(You say as you literally bring him home to your parent/guardian(s) as if that's not the literal thing you do when-...nvm).
"Oh, so you've been gassing me up, huh~? Cute, cute... D'you tell them how much I adore you? Wouldn't want them thinking I'm neglecting you or anything." "Stop it." You giggled, nudging at his shoulder before pulling out your house key.
Freddy didn't exactly know what he expected upon entering your household. He supposed it'd reflect yourself. Colorful and creative, lots of little knick-knacks and trinkets, endless amounts of stuff to fill any empty space... At the very, very, fantasy like most, your house would be some foreign cottage in the woods that resembled a lot like the witche's candy house from the Hansel & Gretel tale (before it rotted, ofc).
So naturally, he was a little thrown off to find it was his very least thoughts that had come to play, the house almost gray compared to you. White walls, furniture organized hyper-symmetrically, every last item in its very clear-cut place. Not a spec of dust or dirt, not a thing out of place... and quiet. Almost eerily so. Well, maybe not. It could just be the fact that he wasn't used to seeing and hearing a house as such, given his living situation (loud family, messy-homey-actually looks lived in house...). But regardless-
"...I'm home!!" The call out to your parent(s) startled him for a moment, and though you did receive an answer back that sounded like it came from a room close by, it was almost like it echoed against the silence. Freddy shook it off. You didn't judge anyone or anything when you had first come over to his place, so he wouldn't do the same. If anything, they were just loose observations he couldn't help but make/notice.
But anyways- You lead him into your kitchen and there, he met your parent(s), who was quick to make a comment on how surprisingly "normal" he appeared to be. And usually, something like that might sting a little (for you, because like, uh, rude?? But dw, they meant it in a teasing/jokey way). But to Freddy? Normal? That meant the world, seeing as usually, most people couldn't see past his crutch, should they choose to see him at all. But he supposed the apple didn't fall far from the tree in the "non-judgemental" department. You must've got it from them.
That went relatively well, but here came the part you were always nervous about when inviting guests into your room...
"Woah..." The same way he was captivated by you was the same way he felt about your room. It was the splash of color amongst your house. Figures, all of what he'd expected of the whole/entire house would be crammed off into your one room, I mean, duh, where else would it be? It was littered with posters and trinkets and stuffed animals, clothes lying around that you scrambled to pick up and shove into your closet out of sheer embrassment. Even the walls were painted the color(s) of your choosing/liking, and my god, did you have so many different shelves full of things he wanted to mess with. He wouldn't, for now, waiting for the right time to ask permission before touching anything.
And then...he saw it. The corner of your room dedicated to that one specific, niche little thing you loved so much and based your entire personal being around...
The clown corner🤡.
"Oh...my god..."
You quickly spoke up before he could say anything more, the initial shock of your odd clown figurines, dolls, books, whatever the fuck else could possibly be clown-themed/related collection being enough for you to just assume the worst of thoughts he may have. "I know, it's weird. I mean, weirder than normal weird. But-" "I love you." He had whipped his head towards you just as fast as the confession left his person, a lazy smile etched into his features while you grinned almost manically because like, huh??
"...Excuse me😃?"
He shook the expression away, shaping himself back to normal as fast as possible at your reaction.
"No-! I don't. I mean, I do! Like, I meant it like, I love how you're like me, with the whole, "corner of the room being dedicated to this thing," thing. Superheroes are my thing, clowns are yours... obviously, and I love that. I love that you're me and I'm you and we're basically one."
"Freddy-..." You sighed, only able to laugh to yourself and at his rambling before gently pulling him closer to one of the shelves by the hand. "Look at this..." You encouraged, watching him lean closer to inspect some of the figurines and newspapers and other lose things in one specific place on the shelf.
"Oh my shit, that's Harley Quinn...!!" He gushed while you nodded proudly.
"My idol." You added, Freddy turning to you as you explained. "I know people consider her a villain, or whatever. Or that's she's crazy. But, I don't understand how that could be possible when the woman literally has a PhD and was an entire psychiatrist before she met Joker. Not to mention, the only reason she did half of the crazy shit she did was 'cause of that cunt-wad, so when I heard she finally emancipated herself from him, you have to understand... I literally love her."
Freddy didn't know how else to respond. Here he was, in your room, being one of your closest best friends, you talking to him (willingly, might I add, because even after all this time, he still can't even fathom how and why you genuinely love spending time with him and being his friend even though you remind the poor boy 24/7😭), and rambling to him about his favorite subject no less! And how it relates to your favorite subject! A combination of niche interests!! He-!
"I'm going to kiss you on the lips, (Y/N)." "Pfft-!" You snorted, the second confession catching you off guard in a flurry of amusement and surprise once again. But this time, he didn't have any excuses to back the claim up. Like, surely, he could easily pass that off as a joke or an intense way to say something along the lines of, "You don't know how much this topic interests me, especially coming from you, and it's making me so excited and happy and I want to talk/hear more."
But at the same time...
"What, like, actually?"
So now, you've presented Freddy with the option to mean it. For real. Which, like...
"I- Uh, like, only if you'd let me or you did it first or something." He laughed boisterously. "I wouldn't just do it without asking, that'd be craz-"
's m o o c h !'
You giggled. You had left some of that white and red behind on his lips.
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Okay, beyond this point is just some random other stuff I thought of...
DOING THE MAKEUP!!! Omg the way this boy BEGS you do his face the way you do yours, and girl, lemme tell you, you pop off...! You turned him into the clown-boy of your dreams, call that a Laughing Jack makeover/cosplay.
...*coughs*...ignore that, I had a phase, don't judge me.
Anyways, seriously, I think Freddy would rock the clowncore look so well, especially if you take advantage of his freckles and make them all individually a different color against white/pale foundation.
I also think he teases/flatters you by randomly gifting you trinkets he finds to add to your collection. So dolls he finds in thrift stores, or figurines he saw at a random strip mall shop, things like that.
Hella Harley Quinn discussions ensue, y'all love her.
Kissing him or him kissing you anywhere on the face is always funny because the white/pale foundation will transfer and it's the cutest thing. Or when you hug him and he's wearing super dark or super light clothing so your makeup is just smeared across his shirt and he's looking at you like, "😐" and you're looking at him like, "😕my fault bro🙂."
He also likes to steal some of the dolls/stuffies you might have, so if a clown is missing, you know that he probably has it. Y'all be treating them like your lil' babies, naming them and all😭. He sends you blurry, chaotic, cutsey type pictures of them and it'll have a corny ass caption like, "Jester won't lay down for his nap, I think you might need to come over and cuddle for a bit or something" yk💀.
Him stealing your wigs, too. And just literally any loose/baggy clothes of yours that will fit him. But it's okay bc you do the same with his when you're dressed down for once. He actually is so used to you all clowned up that when you're bare face and in one of his sweaters and shorts, you look like this cute little random girl to him.
"Who are you and what have you done with (Y/N)😧🫵🏻🙊?!" "Dawg😐..."
Ngl he hates sleeping in your room at night. He loves you and all of your quirks, of course. And don't get me wrong, he loves y'all children (the clown dolls n stuff)...but look man, they a lil' scary at night, just staring down at him from the shelves and shit and it freaks him out more than he wants to admit. You have a night light just for him when he stays over, though (it's a jumbo ladybug pillow pet you've had since you were like, eight, but the shit is so bright, it'd be a waste to just throw it out. Plus, it now helps Freddy sleep at night so win-win).
On that topic, bro has been jumpscared so many times bc you play too much and like to place your life-sized dolls around the house. He'll be thinking someone broke in and will be on the b r i n k of saying "Shazam!!" out of total fear before he realizes it's you just fucking with him. And is mad he can't do it back bc you're too used to seeing them💀.
Nicknames!!! Lord, this boy has some many! Just to name a few, "Circus Baby" "Harley" "Funny" As in he'll use it the same way one uses "Pretty". "Hey, Funny, you feelin' okay? Yeah? Okay, good." Also, "The fourth Flying Grayson" which you find pretty distasteful🥴.
If you post on social media, he spam likes and comments on all your post, especially if you make TikToks. He doesn't care what content it is, either. It could be you just talking about your stuff, it could be you posting little scenarios, it could be you showing your makeup routine, you could be making cringey ass thirst-traps for all he cares. You're posting and showing off your style? He's giving you all of his support and love shamelessly. He always does and will💙.
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This was long but that's okay, that's just what I do lol😆.
Sorry again for my long hiatus, y'all. I do be struggling in this economy😔✊🏽. I hope anyone who sees this is doing well, Moon and I love y'all's support so much, it makes our day🫶🏽!
~ Star✨️
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trancylovecraft · 3 months
For every fandom you’ve written for so far (KNY, Scott Pilgrim, Moral Orel, AOEX), who’re your favourite characters from these fandoms?
Ooooo i like this ask!
BLUE EXORCIST: Mephisto Pheles! I love him so much hes such a bastard lmao. i really love trickster/genius/chess player characters and this mans literally my favourite character of all time lol, hes so complex and i could genuinely rant off about him for hours. when my reqs are open, feel free to ask for him cause oifjiejwogjojwog
DEATHNOTE: L Lawliet! I love genius characters and i love him too lol. i like his voice especially as im a prosecuted dub watcher, hes just so funny and so intelligent while still retaining his dark elements-
DEMON SLAYER: Kokushibo! I love him so fucking much omg, Second favourite character of all time behind Mephisto. Like I love his appearance, His personality, His. I need more yanplatonic of this man, SERIOUSLY I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER IF YOU SEND ME SOME PLATONIC SISTER! READER FICS OF HIM LMAO-
Mitsuri! I also need to add mitsuri because i saw the new kny movie and sHES JUST SO MOIFJWIOJGIOWEG- i love her so much and now i cant decide whether its koku or mitsuri i love more, love them equally tbh
HAZBIN HOTEL: Lucifer! i love the hype that was built up from the pilot around him, then he just turned out to be some awkward ahh twink. i love him lmao, especially during his fight with adam, he did great there.
HEATHERS: JD! hes literally the posterboy yandere ofc i love him lol. dont really have much to say but his animatic depictions are just :>
HELLUVA BOSS: Queen Bee! i have a lot of issues with helluva boss but FUCK I LOVE QUEEN BEE. especially since shes voiced by kesha. Her design? beautiful. Her personality? Fun. Shes just so irjkgiogopegrgeg
MORAL OREL: Clay Puppington! hear me out.. i know hes a shitty person but i mean hes fucking hilarious.
PANTY AND STOCKING: Stocking! i like her aesthetic a lot lmao and her design is really iconic. personality too is a plus and she has some really good lines!
SCOTT PILGRIM: Wallace Wells! dont really have a favourite character from scott pilgrim but i do like wallace the most lol. his personality is just.. YES.
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fecto-forgo · 1 year
I would like you to info dump about the kirby gijinkas 👀
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kirby:just kid stuff like rain boots, hair accessories n overalls, they also have two designs-one for older games n one for newer games!! n a scrapped off old one cuz it looked too fancy </3 also the bag is angel themed bc i thought thatd just look cute ngl
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bandana dee:as i said on another post i got inspired by smash dedede having a shirt that rly looks like the beginning of a yukata or a kimono!! also he doesnt have a mouth, design on the right was an early concept lol (by "isn't allowed" on the sheet i mean im not sure if having it over the haori could straight be an insulting mistake or if its just something most people would not think of doing bc why would you) i bullshitted an eye design but my best friend rly liked them so i never changed them lol
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marx: i literally finished his final design yesterday.even tho nothing changed i just gave him elf ears bc he looks silly w them lol.anyways its just a jester design tbh? since his hat has two differing patterns i thought itd be neat to add both the sun and the moon from his little villain plan to his outfit (i miss his fluffy hat balls a little though </3) also he has no arms tho his wings can work as them sometimes.bc im a firm believer in always having characters who lack limbs in their original design either not have them or have a fun replacement
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elfilin:theyre themed around a more cutesy aesthetic for angels n space! contrasting forgo and elfilis more dark theme of those, also w an inspiration of retro futurism! and yes their outfit is completely stupid and overly complicated thats part of the charm <3 theyre like a scene kid to me.also a little star bc all of kirbys friends get one.fun fact they had 4 beta designs bc nothing looked good
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fecto forgo:(sorry for bad pic i need to redo its entire reference sheet) just an hospital gown w medical tomes that werent removed from them (my best friend gave me that idea n what to add lol), i think theyre best described as a blob of weird elfilis slime that can take a humanesque form rather than a human form that can blob, theyre constantly melting n all its veins are visible, theyre v cold to touch n in the tube their body flows in a way that gives them cherub imagery similar to what was intended w canon forgo, also its legs are useless, theyre very weak and unstable and not naturally formed (also since i picture the elfilis split as some uh.physical form?? of disassociative trauma random trivia when they front post game elfilins eyes get replaced w theirs, just for the aesthetic)(credits to my bestie for coming up w that interpretation lol)
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shadow kirby:they get two designs like kirby, both inspired off theirs but just like.emo lol.dont ask why their hair started doing that its whatever reason they became purple in canon.they have overalls beneath that coat btw
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and miscellaneous designs i havent given a final sheet to yet!! taranza and dark taranza r based off more fantasy victorian (? medieval???) clothing, susie is holographic bc i didnt want to give her gray shading n her limbs r all floaty (i imagine shes always making some weird electric noise due to that), gooey is just like cute tbh? their cape is based off their mock matter form, chuchus hair is based off the shape the octopus species she apparently is has, i dont have any notable commentary for drawcia or claycia (was that her name) other than drawcia is like a paint blob.also claycias supposed to be way chubbier but i underestimated how huge her coat would look.gotta fix that
thats all the ones i have!! GOD it feels good to finally share them lol
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