#thank you!! i love talking about legends
alghulnyssa · 1 year
For the ask thing - Legends of Tomorrow
oh this is gonna be fun
Favourite character: listen. it counts. nyssa al ghul. she was on the show for a whole scene IT COUNTS (second choice would probably be zari 1.0 i really really love her) Funniest character: oh do i have to pick one oH yes okay damian darhk. truly the perfect villain for legends Best-looking character: won't pick nyssa for this one, I'm going with zari 3 favourite ships: captain canary on no. 1 I'm always gonna be stuck with them. darhkatom always good. and avalance also for sure Least favourite character: a certain character who shows up every now and then coming from his own show i wont name names i haven't been a hater in a really long time (someone actually once unfollowed me because i was hating on him too much. kinda proud of it but it was also a wakeup call). anyways if you know you know Least favourite ship: zari/nate it just wasn't necessary and came up too fast out of nowhere. love them both but should've just stayed friends Reason why I watch it: its my favorite show of all time it makes me so happy. it is absolutely unhinged in all the best ways possible but at the end heart is always at the center of the story. it is always character driven and most of the time manages to stay a good ensemble show with divided focus (unless its time for crossovers. then sara is the one and only main character (she will still be cut out of the promo poster for the legends' part of the crossover (yes this really happened))) Why I started watching it: i started arrow in back 2014 and loved it, then came the flash enjoyed that too. when the first trailer for legends was released i was SO excited for this show you wouldn't believe. at that point i think we had to wait like another year for the show but the moment the pilot came out i was watching and i was in love. it was literally my all time favorite show since the start.
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lillybearrie · 22 days
Hello I would like everyone to imagine it's school spirit week at gotham elementary and it's dress like your hero day. So you've got kids all in batman superman or wonderwoman costumes and a few are dressed up in things like firefighters and construction workers because "my dad is my hero" and ofc there's a few robins and nightwings and batgirls running around
and then this little red haired kid showed up in an old black long sleeve shirt with a red bat made out of construction paper safety pinned to the front of it, a brown jacket, and a red baseball cap because he couldn't find a red ski mask that was good enough so his mom finally just handed him an old hat and sent him off.
And after complaining when he was forced to take off the jacket and bat symbol because of the "no bad guys" rule implement after someone tried to dress up as the joker that "Red hood is a good guy tho" Tyler put on his blue hoodie (the one he's worn every day for the last month and a half) and started telling everyone that it's his superhero costume that red hood gave to him and the he's his own hero "the blue hood".
No one believes him.
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meadowsofmay · 11 months
it's really interesting how vax is the caretaker in his relationship with the sister — he, objectively, one of the most beaten up characters both by the fault of his own recklessness and the unfortunate roll of the dice. and yet, the moment he gets up and regains senses he goes to check on vex, braids her hair and watches her, following her very step.
all the while spending nights at her door and for a long time not allowing himself a comfort of keyleth's presence after the most traumatic events. i am on the episode 61 and i genuinely want to make everybody see how much he struggles all the while understanding why he doesn't do so himself being so closed off and having "and i walk away" as his default way out of the situations when emotional vulnerability is required.
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skyward-floored · 5 months
I'd love to know more about Lost 👀
- hero-of-the-wolf
Hehe sure thing! I have some posts around here somewhere talking about him but I don’t feel like finding them lol
So Lost (Link) is a knight at the castle, one of the best, though he’s pretty quiet and stern. He’s close with Zelda though, and they’ve known each other for a long time. Zelda starts getting these dreams where darkness covers Hyrule, overtaking the kingdom, but in every dream she sees a figure holding a mystical blade who saves the kingdom right before it’s destroyed.
Zelda does some research and consulting with Impa, and they figure out the blade has to be the Master Sword. The problem is its existence has been largely forgotten, and there’s only guesses and legends as to where it is. But they finally narrow it down to being in a particular forest, and Zelda sends out a group of her best knights to try to find it, Link along with them.
But something goes wrong. Only one knight comes back, injured and riding Link’s horse. He manages to get out a story about Link disappearing into the woods, and after hours of searching having no luck finding him. Until suddenly a dark figure came out of nowhere and attacked them all, one they quickly realized was Link.
Vaati, or some purple-themed guy is the villain here, and he’s the one who has Link under his control. He was posing as an ambassador from a faraway land, but had been gradually gathering resources and monsters, and has plans to take over Hyrule. And he’s quickly accomplishing that with Link’s (unwilling) help. He needed some muscle, and taking the hero out was an added bonus.
More stuff happens, but basically Zelda ends up being the one to go out and find sages to help stop Vaati, since the Master Sword and its hero aren’t exactly available to help. And Link is hunting her down the entire time, and is similar to Ghirahim in how you encounter and fight him over the course of the game.
I... think that’s mostly it lol. I’ve had him as an oc for a year or two now but I haven’t done much with him but write a handful of out of context scenes from his story XD the whole thing is mostly something I just like to play with :3
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bloodbenderposting · 3 months
do you have any hc on how bloodbending slowly began to affect Noatak and Tarrlok more and more? Like their mental health, how Noatak began to feel other people’s blood like a 6th sense? Really other than just what the show tells us
oh hoho i sure do.
i think for noatak he began to feel reliant on it, to know what other people are doing and to regulate himself, he became hyper vigilant around the house, especially of his father but has a hard time toning down this ability now that they escaped, leaving him easily overwhelmed and often exhausted. i also think he started using his mental bloodbending on himself when he was tired or sick to push himself and not show weakness, since in his mind that’s what is stopping him from being as much of a target. trust took a long time to unlearn.
i think tarrlok completely shut out his bending after he was able, closing off a part of himself, his only experience with bending has been painful and harmful to himself and those around him. i headcanon waterbenders have minor control over their body temperature, i think he wouldn’t use this when needed and opt to bundle up instead, this was not good when they hadn’t settled down yet and we’re on the move. i also think he would an extreme aversion to being around animals, since much of their training was controlling them.
i think noatak is desensitized to blood and injuries including on himself and tarrlok is very squeamish around blood. like two sides of the same coin.
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maivalkov · 3 months
I apologize beforehand if this comes out as vulgar, but is Abel's "special package" the way it is only in Zoute Drop or is it an overall in your fanfics?
Anon, dearest anon. I need you to know that this is one of, if not the greatest fic-related ask I have ever received. Great subject, very polite - I can't ask for much more than that.
To answer your question: yes, it's consistent.
What sets it apart in ZD, however, is the fact that our poor, ever-suffering protagonist hasn't had the best luck while 'shopping', shall we say. As such, when faced with a decent human being who also happens to come with good assets, João can't resist pointing it out. In fact he does this several times in one chapter alone.
Legends also claim that the author became so engrossed in the telling of smut that she forgot just how many times she praised Abel's package. One can only wonder if this is true. It is.
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sysig · 1 year
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Hey, it’s not inaccurate! As advertised! (P1 | P2 | P3) (Patreon)
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snowshinobi · 30 days
thank fuck my partner's LoL main is sexy
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measlyfurball13 · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
Well, I'm a fic writer, so prepare for an esoteric assortment of fics in no particular order!
I'll open with my most recent, and the one I consider my best. This is a found family hurt/comfort fic starring Team Dark (comprised of Shadow the hedgehog and his two closest friends Rouge, and Omega, for those unfamiliar with the franchise.) Shadow is immortal, nearly indestructible, and saddled with some truly terrible PTSD around the ones he cares about dying on him, and it was interesting to portray that through a narration style I'd never tried before. This was also the fic where I really fleshed out how I write Omega, who is my all-time favorite character in the Sonic franchise. He's the most delightful blend of blunt and violent but also more caring than he lets on.
This one also deals with the unusually serious subject matter of post-mortem care. I remember waffling about posting this fic for weeks, worried that people would think a Sonic fanfic with such a down-to-earth subject matter would be scoffed at. Surprise! I was wrong. Once I posted it, this fic got a ton of positive attention, which I was grateful for.
Next up is a truly strange pick- it's a League of Legends fanfic, yet it's not about Veigar, the character I hyperfixated hard on for a solid year. I like the fics I've written with Veigar, don't get me wrong, but I like this one better. It stars Kassadin, a lone desert warrior who lost his family to the darkness he's trying to find the heart of, and Kai'sa, a woman who was consumed by said darkness but managed to wrestle back control of her body.
I really got to develop a unique character narration for the lead, Kassadin. It's a particularly strong, mature, and unique character voice, one that I enjoyed writing a lot and am quite proud of. I also leveraged some fantastic dramatic irony- anyone familiar with League lore knows that the monster he encounters is actually his long-lost daughter, Kai'sa. Yet his attitude towards that fact continually fluctuates, before ending on a negative-leaning note, something that was very challenging for me to do! (I'm a chronic therapy-speak writer, something I'm constantly working to avoid.)
I think it's underrated. League isn't a big fandom anyway, and I posted this onto an otherwise Veigar-focused blog. Perhaps I should post it on AO3.
I just had to mention one of my famous Sigma Overwatch fanfics on this list. I wrote a shitload of fic for this character, and almost all of it blew the fuck up back in 2019. I was the first person to post fic for Sigma once he came out on this website! (Not this fic in particular, mind you, but I thought that fact was worth a mention.)
Of my absolute deluge of Sigma fic, this is probably my favorite. The rest are good, but are a little simple. This one, though, has the thematic thread of "control" woven throughout it that I'm quite proud of. I also feel that this is the fic in which I captured the morally grey character of Moira the best- her emotions towards Sigma are complicated, but ultimately, she is his superior and the one responsible for a portion of his mistreatment here at Talon. This fic is essentially about her coming to that realization, and I think that's a powerful moment. It's a character dynamic I haven't seen anywhere else in media/fic. I'm proud that I wrote it.
Okay this next one is weird. By all odds, it should be my least favorite work, right? I'm not a romance writer. Doomfist is far from my favorite character. Hell, I'm not attracted to men, yet this fic continues to linger in my conscience as one that I'm immensely fond of.
I wrote it for and to evoke the writing style of the lovely amazing @ow-old-men. Gabe (op of that blog) has such fucking amazing imagery in his fics, and my imitation of that resulted in some of my favorite imagery and vibes I've ever written. I also think it's some rather strong character work- it's a moment where a confident, practically invincible socialite allows the mask to slip for just a second with a stranger.
Particularly, it's that singular moment that the entire fic was based around, the one that I suggested to Gabe in the first place. The idea that one of the proudest and most powerful men in the world would kneel for you without question so that you could kiss his forehead. Idk man, I still remain in love with the vibes of this one, even though it's so far outside the confines of my usual writing.
And finally, to finish this list off, I just have to plug my longest posted fic to date. This is my incredibly niche crossover of two obscure sci-fi shows that have my whole heart. It was also my first true practice at writing a long-form character arc, to which I think I succeeded.
Kitt, the AI from Knight Rider, wakes up far in the future and realizes that his closest companion is likely long gone. Over the course of this fic, he goes from wanting to deactivate to learning to open back up and allow a new person into his life. There's also some good ol' buddy-cop shenanigans between him and Garibaldi, the security officer aboard the space station that Kitt wakes up on, including a particularly fun scene where Kitt helps him cheat at cards.
This fic is showing its age just a tad with some of the writing and characterization of the Babylon 5 characters, but I'm still immensely, immensely fond and proud of it. Writing this fic taught me a lot that I'm applying to my current projects now. I wouldn't be where I am now without this one.
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medicaldoctordana · 2 years
I do love Glen Morgan and James Wong's team writing. Their last episode was Never again before their return in season 10...
Not me typing this post and wanting to fact check myself and listing all of their episodes that the two of them wrote and finding they are actually some of the most fucked up and absolute wild x-files episodes that exist. Yes a couple are hits but holy heck these two guys wrote all THOSE episodes!!!!!
Never Again
Die Hand Die Verletzt
One Breath
Little Green Men
Beyond the Sea
Musings of CSM
Home Again
Founder's Mutation
(Nothing Lasts Forever)
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yagatoclan · 10 months
honestly some of y’all need to calm down about the zelda movie.
literally we know nothing about it other than it being live action which listen i know succcksss BUT it’s still gonna be live action so all the complaining and hate towards it can simmer down now pls.
the director is a zelda fan he wants the same thing you want. shitting on him ain’t gonna do nothing he was only hired for the job he’s qualified for he didn’t decide he was gonna make it a live action movie. point your pitchforks towards the people who actually made that call if you just HAVE to be angry. but honestly that ain’t gonna do much either. y’all know they’re not gonna make that movie trash so idk why y’all are so upset still.
the zelda series is more than just a hyper fixation for some people. you guys are putting entirely too much negative energy into my favorite thing so imma need ya to stop
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kkoraki · 2 years
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lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
I remember some time ago you mentioned you're going to introduce new characters in the next chapter of your Gabe fic. If that's not a spoiler, can you tell us who they are? Btw I'm excited for the update!
Thank you for this question and keeping your interest in it ❤
That's a bit spoiler-y, actually, but I'll give you some general information.
I'm going to introduce three new characters: one of them is related to Valerio, as she (yes, that's a woman) knew him before he got to Gabe's school (which means she knows about his scars and his past~); two other characters are related to each other, they're sort of a duet and will be very important for the main plot. They're also women because I need more important female characters who are not dead in my fic, lol.
Thank you again!
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mactavishsgfandwife · 7 months
Soft Simon "Ghost" Riley Cuddling You 🧸
this is not about dominant tough simon riley, this is about sweet precious baby boy simon riley :3 this is my response to @paper-r-i-n-g-s-and-c-r-o-w-n’s request (here) and the link they included! thank u for being my first request loviee
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Simon Riley absolutely loves to be babied when you cuddle him.
Scary Simon. Soldier Simon. 6’4", jacked Simon, walking around the base in his skull mask, scaring anyone who doesn’t know better shitless. To the enemy, he’s like an urban legend - once you realise that he’s there, it’s too late.
And that’s the image that he likes to keep - he grew up tough, and he refuses to be anything but tough. He might be nice now but he wouldn’t hesitate to blow your brains out if you double-crossed him.
That is, until he met you. It was hard to get him to open up at first, with his reluctance to be anything but casually terrifying, and his fear that he would get too attached, just in time for you to leave. But after 6 months together, he’s finally comfortable, and you’ve discovered his soft spot for being praised like a baby.
"Aww…" you coo, stroking his grown-out buzzcut, as he lays on your chest, "my sweet boy." His broad body is holding you down to the bed, and you know you wouldn’t be able to escape from under him if you wanted to. But you don’t mind, after all, it’s sweet to see him like this. With his face pressed into your neck, one strong arm around your waist and the other around your torso, he mumbles softly.
You press soft kisses into the top of his head as you rub his back - he’s been training all day and he’s so tired. :( Poor baby, he really needs you to hold him. His shoulders are sore and as you rub them gently he lets out a little whine, nuzzling his face further into the crook of your neck.
"Mmm," he groans, his voice muffled against your skin.
"Oh, baby…" you pull those hands back up to cradle him to you, "are you okay, sweet boy?"
"Tha’ hurts," he mumbles. He’s not very talkative when he’s like this, he just wants to be held.
"Sorry," you kiss the top of his head apologetically, "is my poor baby sore from training?" He groans as you call him that, nodding in response as he breathes in your scent.
"Speak up for me, sweetheart" you coo.
"’M sore from training."
"Who’s sore..?"
"N what’re you, honey..?" you stroke his hair softly, like he’s a precious teddy bear.
"Your baby," he mumbles.
"Good boy." Just a few months ago, Simon would have been mortified by the interaction, but you’ve got him wrapped around your little finger, cuddling up to you like he’s a cat and you’re a heating pad. He is a good boy, and he deserves some comfort after working so hard. 💗💗💗
(my other - nsfw - story about pathetic simon here)
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i hope this is what you asked for! i hope it doesn’t come off as too pathetic but also i love writing (and thinking about) sweet pathetic simon. <3 like omg if anyone knows who made the render then lmk so that i can credit! i wasn’t sure who the name on the image referred to
masterlist buy me a coffee
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Do you have any idea how tempted I was to just copy paste the entire list of fics? ANYWAYS-
“The Time & Legend whumptober continuation” :D
“Various Incredibles au “oneshots” :)
“An original zelda idea l've been messing with” XD
The Time and Legend Whumptober continuation
Ohhh this is my evilest wip, I went absolutely ham on the angst in this guy. It’s a continuation of a whumptober I wrote in 2021, and a lot of people really wanted a continuation.
So I started out writing just a short thing, but then it grew, and grew and grew and grew and now I have over 13k of this fic in which everyone has a very very very bad time. I was working on it a little today actually :)
“That’s... going to b-be a problem,” he rasps, and Time helps him shift into a better position, where he ends up leaning heavily on the old man’s shoulder with a bitten-back groan.
Time takes one look at Legend’s bad arm and realizes it’s merely dislocated, rather than broken like he originally feared. He runs a careful hand over the veteran’s arm and shoulder, and Legend bites back a whine.
“F-fix it,” he bites out, and Time sighs.
“Vet you’ve got other more pressing injuries, we should bandage them before we try to—”
“Please,” Legend whispers, and the lack of snark immediately convinces Time. A long, measured breath escapes his mouth, and he changes his position, holding Legend’s arm down as he prepares to slot it back into place.
Various Incredibles au oneshots
Once again, going to put this under a cut because this post would be very long without it :)
These are lots of little bits and ficlet things that will probably one day become oneshots, but for now are just little ideas I write down that I don’t want to forget. Some are more put together than others though, such as the one this bit is from!
“I don’t know if we can make it across that,” Warriors said uneasily, squinting at the rain that blocked their view. “The river rose fast...”
“If we don’t cross now though, we might not be able to get back for some time,” Artemis replied, her eyes still bright with worry.
They exchanged looks again, then Warriors grabbed an umbrella, and got out of the car.
“Link, don’t do anything foolish,” Artemis warned, then also got out of the car, following after him to where he stood by the bank of the river.
“I’m not doing anything foolish, I’m just seeing if we’ll be able to get across,” Warriors refuted, then handed her the umbrella. “Here, I’m going to get a closer look.” Then he paused and handed her his scarf as well, putting it around her shoulders with a grin. “Don’t get it wet.”
“Be careful,” Artemis warned, and Warriors gave her a cocky grin before stepping out from the shelter of the umbrella, near immediately getting soaked.
An original zelda idea I’ve been messing with
I’ve mentioned this one a handful of times, but the basic gist is that the Link in this story (I call him Lost) gets corrupted by the bad guy (Vaati im thinking). It’s up to Zelda to travel across Hyrule and discover the identities of the six sages in order to stop the villain and un-corrupt Link, who functions similarly to Ghirahim in that he’s actively hunting her and has to be fought multiple times.
I’ve written bits of it now and then just to play with ideas, but I don’t know if it’ll ever be a real “fic”. Either way, I like talking about it, and I’ve even designed some characters and things :)
Here’s one of the parts I’ve written!
Zelda took a slow breath in, steeling herself for the words about to come out of Impa’s mouth.
“The Hero has been corrupted.”
The room went into an uproar but Zelda barely heard it, biting her lip so hard it nearly drew blood. Link, her best friend, and really only friend aside from Impa, had been twisted into little more then a puppet for Ambassador Vaati to use as he pleased.
She felt distantly like she was going to throw up.
“—doesn’t even have the blade! Are we certain the boy is the hero?” one of her councilors boomed, “for all we know Vaati merely created a lookalike of our best knight to frighten us! Are we even certain the boy is still ali—”
“That’s quite enough,” Impa said sternly, then placed a hand on Zelda’s shoulder. “We have firsthand reports of what happened. Captain Link is who has been corrupted.”
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lnfours · 2 months
august | l.n
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summary: you were never mine ; aka the one where the summer fling comes crashing down, but after an unexpected face in the media pen, lando is left questioning why he ever left.
warnings: pretend lando got a later start in formula one, summer flings, slight brothers best friend!lando, reader ends up working in the industry, kinda second chance romance vibes, fluff, hints of angst if you squint, and mentions of sexual content. i had to cut this short because it was getting super long, so if you want a part two to this make sure to let me know :) anyways, happy august, my loves 🤍 may your air be salty and the rust be on your doors.
listen | masterlist
summer: your favorite time of the year. where you’d spend your days outside, salt heavy in the air and the cool ocean breeze whisking away all your problems. your few months of peace where nothing else in the world mattered more than sitting on the beach by the ocean during the day and sitting by the cozy bonfire after the sun had finally set.
peaceful, until you had met him.
getting swept off your feet by the boy your brother had befriended was the last thing on your mind. but nonetheless, you had. his charming smile with cute dimples had you head over heels. moles charting his skin like constellations making him so much prettier. you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t breathtaking, laying on the lounge chair with his curls sitting almost perfectly against his forehead. so unaware at how your eyes danced over his figure behind your sunglasses.
a perfect example of beautiful chaos.
him and his siblings had gotten close to you and your brother, thankful for there to be people their age in the small costal town to befriend. you mostly kept to yourself and his sisters in efforts to push the crush you had quickly developed down. not wanting to start something that could never be finished. not wanting to put your heart on the line just for something to yank him from your grasps.
but after a week or so, you had caved in. getting to know him better every day. he had told you about his life back home, how he was a racer. wanting to make it to formula one, race amongst legends. you had told him about your studies in university, wanting to pursue journalism and things of that nature.
he listened with interest. being the only person who sounded interested in you talking about it, not like the others who had given quick responses when you had told them before. a change that brought a smile to your face and warmed your heart because he actually cared.
he had you opening up to him like a book, wanting nothing more than to understand the beautiful soul that stood in front of him. shared laughs and talks in the kitchen of your family’s vacation home echoing off the walls. sharing your deepest secrets, sharing stories about your youth that normally, you’d cringe about, but he found adorable.
and the two of you got closer, a bond forming between you. lingering glances and touches sending sparks through your bodies. and talks in the kitchen turned into conversations by the fire pit on nights where it’d just be the two of you. weeks of learning about each other. the weeks passed by quickly, and after the first month out of three he had known you like the back of his hand. and you had known everything there was to know about lando norris.
after a couple more weeks of subtle flirting and lingering glances, he had finally grown the courage to ask you what had been prodding at him since the moment he met you.
“can i take you out sometime?”
and like that, all your previous statements about not getting too attached, not wanting something for the sake of it being yanked away, was out the window. you met his green eyes, sparkling in the glow of the bonfire in front of you, a smile on your face as you spoke.
he pulled out all the stops. making reservations for the fancy restaurant downtown and bringing you flowers that had caught his eye in the shop window on the way back from his morning jog. a gesture that made you smile ear to ear and your heart beat quicken. a gesture that made you feel truly loved.
the first date turned into many more. wether it was getting dinner or ice cream in town, or heading towards the beach at sundown to watch the waves crash against the shore. the weeks carried on and you had dinner with his family, all of them ecstatic that he had found someone like you who loved their son the way they did.
you still remembered the day he had written against your skin. your stomach flat against the towel on the sand, back facing the sun that was slowly being swallowed by the ocean as the moon threatened to shine. he was propped up on his elbow, tracing shapes into your skin.
he drew with his fingers and you laughed softly, humming, “hmm, a star?”
he nodded, voice soft as he spoke again, “okay, i have one more. they’re words this time. ready?”
you hummed in approval, his index finger drawing a straight line against your spine.
“i,” you said.
he nodded, writing out the next word.
you furrowed your eyebrows as he drew the ‘e’, “love?”
“yeah,” he said, “last word, put them together.”
your heart squeezed against your chest as he wrote out the final word.
you sat up, meeting his eyes, “you?”
he nodded again, smiling as he tucked the lose strand of hair away from your face.
“i love you.” it sounded heavenly coming from his lips.
you blinked at him, a smile finding its way to your lips, “i love you, too.”
you had pulled him closer by his neck, pressing your lips to his. his hand cupping your cheek, the two of you breaking away when the smiles had taken over your face, too wide to continue the kiss.
“c’mon,” you smiled, getting up from the towel. he followed your lead with a questioning look as you grabbed your bag, throwing it over your shoulder as the other hand grabbed your sandals. taking off towards the private entrance to the beach the lovely vacation home had come with.
“where’re you going?” he laughed, following you anyway. chasing after you with the towel in his hand.
“come find out!”
and he did, following you back up to the house. once he caught up, you were inside and up the stairs. you shut the door behind him, pulling him closer to you as your back pressed against the white wooden door.
“what’re you up to?” he smirked, letting your hands snake around his neck as his found their home on your hips.
“well, no one’s gonna be back for another couple hours,” you trailed on. he smiled, shaking his head.
“absolute minx.”
you smiled, reaching up and pressing your lips against his. he had immediately taken control, his hands moving to the back of your thighs before you understood that he wanted you to jump. he caught you with ease, never letting his lips leave yours as your legs wrapped around his torso, walking back towards your bed before he laid you down carefully.
you smiled as he climbed over you, leaving kisses against the exposed skin of your tummy in his path before his face met yours again, nose brushing against yours, “i love you.”
“i love you, too.”
your hands roamed the skin of his back as his squeezed your hips before he pulled away, breathless.
“you’re sure?” he asked softly, “i don’t want this to be something you regret.”
you nodded, reaching behind you and pulling at the ties of your bikini top, tossing it to the side. he watched you with love filled eyes, mouth agape as your head hit the pillows again. a hand coming to rest against his cheek.
“i’m sure,” you smiled, “i love you, lando.”
and after that, you’d often find yourself twisted in your bedsheets with him. your head against his bare chest as your nails drew shapes into his skin. his lips leaving soft kisses to your hairline.
after one specific night, you had fallen asleep against him when he got the call. softly moving you to your side of the bed before walking towards the connected bathroom. the call he had been desperately waiting for.
it was finally his moment. he was making it big.
“can you be here monday?”
he glanced down at the date on his phone. it was two days from now. he’d never make it unless he left now.
he glanced back into the bedroom where your sleeping figure laid, head resting against the pillow as you slept peacefully. he swallowed, immediately feeling guilty. he should wake you up.
“hmm?” he quickly snapped back to the phone call, “sorry, uhm, you said monday?”
“yeah, just to sign some things. do some press, show you around, that sort of thing.”
he took a deep breath, “okay, yeah. sure, sounds good. i’ll see you monday.”
“see you monday,” zak brown’s voice was warm on the other end, “safe travels.”
lando pressed the red button with shaky hands, shoving his phone into the pockets of his sweatpants as he walked back into the bedroom. he grabbed his hoodie off the end of the bed, immediately feeling regret as he looked over your peaceful state. how you were unaware that he was about to leave and never come back.
and with a gentle kiss to your forehead and a mumbled, “i love you,” to your hair, he walked out of the room. walked right out of your life just as quick as he had entered it.
when you woke up the next morning confused that he was no longer with you in your bed. you tried to call, but no answer. you were met with silence. even in your texts you were met with the ‘delivered’ at the bottom of each one. tears flowing down your cheeks as you were left wondering what you had done for him to disappear. to pretend like you were never a thing.
it wasn’t until the fall that you had seen his face again. this time on an instagram post from mclaren. announcing him as a full time driver. he wore a smile, the same floppy curls you had loved, were still messy. hitting against his forehead. he had finally got what he wanted.
and the years went on, you continued to see him pop up every so often. celebrating podium placements and achievements, finally living the life he wanted. the life he had suddenly chose that no longer included you.
he had checked in on you every so often, too. smiling softly when your face popped up on his screen as he’d scroll through your account. you had the life you wanted too, graduating from university and smiling at the camera as you held your diploma. the hard work you had put in finally paying off and meaning something.
he lost track at the amount of messages he had typed out and deleted in your dms. lost track of all the times he had wished he had told you, lost track of the different outcomes he had came up where the ending had you in it. even after convincing himself you were better off out of this lifestyle, he couldn’t help but wish you were.
the knocking on his drivers room had pulled him out of his thoughts, swiping out of your instagram account as the woman smiled sweetly in the doorway.
“they want you for media.”
he nodded, tossing his phone to the couch, tying the papaya race suit around his waist and slipping the mclaren cap back onto his curls, sporting it backwards as he followed the woman down the hallway.
“where’s oscar?”
“he’s already there,” she said sweetly, “hasn’t been there long, though. only a few minutes.”
he nodded, smiling politely at the woman before entering the media pen. she guided him to the opening, smiling before stepping to the side. he took a sip from his water bottle, smiling at the camera man who tapped your shoulder to get your attention. an apologetic smile on your face as you spoke, turning towards the fence, “sorry-“
the same green eyes met yours and the both of you stood in shock for a moment. sure, you had known you were going to bump into him eventually, but on your first day? was the media pen really lacking that many reporters?
“y/n?” he asked, voice soft as your heart hit the floor.
you swallowed, gripping your notepad a little harder as you sent him a tight lipped smile, “hi,”
“since when do you,” he stammered, tripping over his own words before taking a breath, “since when do you work for sky?”
“todays my first day, actually,” you said, a nervous smile on your face, and if he noticed, he thankfully didn’t mention it, “i see mclaren’s been treating you well.”
“y/n, can we-“
“let’s get started, yeah?” you dodged his question, glancing down at your notebook. he nodded softly in response and you motioned for your camera man to begin recording.
as you stood there asking him questions about his race, all he could think about was if you had wondered the same things he did. if you, too, laid awake at night and thought about all the different scenarios and lifetimes where the two of you ended up together. he wondered if you hated him for how he left you, without a proper goodbye.
he didn’t know it, but you could never hate him. even after all these years you couldn’t hate him with a single bone in your body. not when your heart still beats for him.
he opened his mouth to speak after you ended the interview, but it shut quickly as the woman in papaya cut off his thoughts, whisking him away to do more interviews. you watched as he left, a sad and regretful look on his face as he made his way to the next reporter.
“you alright?” your camera man asked, noticing how you chewed on your bottom lip. a nervous tick of yours that everyone seemed to have caught onto.
you nodded, straightening your posture and taking a deep breath, pushing every thought you had to the side berore smiling at the man next to you, “yep, who do we have next?”
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