#thank you to Cass for her notes they are both helpful and also keep me humble because they roast me good
itsjunear · 24 days
Unspoken words
Note: Hey loves! I'm sorry for disappearing again, I was on vacation, and I'm terrible at managing my time. I finished my first semester at university and have started the second one (send help, please 💀), so all the accumulated stress made me want to write. Thank you for taking the time to read this! 💙💙 I'm sorry if it's a mess, but I hope it entertains you a bit! I've discovered that I enjoy writing angst, so I think that's my path.
P.S.: Azriel will always make me sigh, but I admit that Cassian is my favorite bat boy, so I'll include him everywhere.
Anyway, I love you all!💙💙 Every like and reblog is appreciated! Just a reminder that English isn't my first language, so if there's any mistake, don't hesitate to tell me!
Words: 1k+ Warnings: None, just angst Summary: The reader saw at the family dinner how Azriel and Elain worked together. It made something inside her stir, and the feelings she had been hiding became painfully unbearable.
For the Mother.
It was the only thought that came to mind before I dodged Cassian's blow. My reflexes definitely weren't at their best today, and we both knew it. So, I just rolled my eyes at the smug smile on Cassian's face.
I had slept less than three hours because every time I closed my eyes, the image I so desperately wanted to get out of my mind was the only thing I saw. So, I had tossed and turned in bed until dawn, which is why my body was so exhausted and dodging blows felt like torture. I wasn't even trying to attack him, just to hold my ground. That's how pathetic I was being today.
I didn't even anticipate Cassian's move until I felt his legs sweeping mine out from under me, and my back hit the ground. I gasped as the air left my lungs and let out a groan from the impact.
"What the hell is wrong with you today?" I heard his voice ask before his wings spread out above me, shielding my eyes from the direct sunlight.
I sighed, exhausted, and gave up, stretching my arms out and relaxing my muscles. He just crossed his arms and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Since when are you so bad at fighting?"
I huffed and pulled my limbs in until I was sitting up. "Don't feed your ego too much. I'm just not having a good day."
I felt him scrutinize me with his eyes, narrowing them before he sighed and dropped his body next to mine.
"What's going on?" he asked softly, even his hazel eyes had turned gentler.
I could tell him, I knew I could, just as I knew he would keep quiet. But verbalizing what I felt, how I felt, would make everything more real.
"It's nothing. It's just my head, you know" I lied, downplaying it.
Cassian stayed silent next to me for a few seconds before I felt his hand press my shoulder. Of course, he had read the lie.
I sighed. Maybe I could tell him what I had seen yesterday, the connection between a certain shadow singer and the youngest Archeron sister at dinner, but telling him would mean explaining why it affected me so much.
"It's nothing, Cass. It's just that…" I paused to think a bit. "Have you ever felt cornered? Like you're running away from something you don't want to face… But once everything happens before your eyes, there's nowhere left to run."
I looked at him uncertainly, trying to hide the feeling of desperation and sadness. He came closer to me and put one of his arms around my shoulders, ignoring how sweaty we both were, before giving me a look of understanding and nodding gently.
"It's not a pleasant feeling" he agreed. "But I also know that if there's no place left to run, all you can do is face it, or whatever is haunting you will devour you."
"It's not that simple."
"It never is," was his only response before he shrugged "Being over five hundred years old doesn't make things easier."
"It's just that…" I swallowed thickly and finally decided to show him my vulnerable side. "Yesterday…"
However, before I could utter a word, the sound of boots hitting the ground alerted me, and I forced myself to keep my mouth shut. Cassian reacted by frowning and turned to see who it was. I mimicked his action, and when I saw a pair of wings accompanied by dark tendrils, I tensed a little.
I understood that Az had wanted us to hear him coming. So, I didn't flinch when he stood there studying us for a moment.
"Am I interrupting?"
I gave Cassian a quick, discreet glance, trying to convey that we'd finish the conversation later. He looked at me confused, but I shook my head, and he nodded in agreement without insisting.
He pressed my shoulder again before changing his position, still on the ground, but his attention now directed to his brother.
"So, your ass remembered we had training today and decided to show up, huh, Az?" he let out, instantly changing the mood of the place.
"I had a meeting with Rhys" Azriel replied simply, with one corner of his mouth lifted. "You look defeated."
Cassian's wings twitched, and I had to hold back a smile to speak. "He kicked my ass, actually, and now he's here on the ground pitying me."
Az smiled, and for a moment, I had to remind myself that this was nothing, that I shouldn't get any ideas in my head that would only go one way. He was off-limits, and continuing to think that way made my chest ache, so I forced myself to look away and focus on his shadows, some roaming the space, others coiling around his neck, whispering things in his ear.
"Hard to believe after the beating Rhys gave you yesterday" he mocked.
"That's not true" Cassian made an indignant noise before getting up from the ground and heading to the secluded area where we could rest for a while.
Grateful for the distraction from my own thoughts, I laughed as Az approached, and my joy faded a bit when I noticed he was stretching out his hand to help me up. I looked at him and hesitated, but I didn't want him to misinterpret my hesitation, knowing how his mind would tell him it was because of his scars. So, I took his hand, preferring my pain over his, even though these small gestures were what hurt me the most at the end of the day.
I thanked him without looking at him to soften the blow and prevent him from noticing my expression.
"I'm ready to fight you. Whenever you want" Cassian said as he drank water and tied his hair again with the leather strap Nesta had given him.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the competitive flame ignite in Az's face. Then I knew it was time to leave and pray to The Caldroun that neither of them would bleed today.
I walked over to Cassian, with Azriel on my heels, and took some water too, while looking for a towel to dry off. Az guessed what I wanted and handed me one that was next to him.
"Thanks" I repeated again without looking at him.
I said nothing more because I feared the lump that was slowly forming in my throat, but I could feel his gaze scrutinizing me. Nevertheless, I ignored it. I was determined to get rid of all the damn feelings.
As much as it hurt me more than I let on.
"I have to go, Cass. See you later" I said, patting his shoulder.
He nodded, smiling, looking for my gaze. "I'll look for you in the library" he replied, referring to finishing the conversation.
I nodded, and he returned to the training ring. So I turned to Azriel, who was already taking off his shirt, and I had to swallow hard. Seeing him in all his glory was always breathtaking, seeing his bronzed skin, every sculpted muscle, scar, and Illyrian tattoos.
But I would have to learn to forget him. There was no other option.
"See you later, Az" I said, also saying goodbye as I walked past him.
Or rather, trying to. Because he gently took my arm and spread his wings a bit, halting my path and blocking my way.
I had to hold back a shiver and looked at him, full of confusion.
"Everything okay?" he asked softly.
I could feel his eyes searching for answers in mine, even the cold brush of one of his shadows on the arm he still held. The only thing I could think of was to look away and nod.
"Yeah, why?" I replied in the calmest tone I could muster.
He said nothing, but I could still feel him trying to decipher something. As if he were searching for answers somewhere in me and couldn't find them anywhere.
"Are you sure?"
I nodded without saying anything, trying to bury my feelings deep inside. I was terrified; nothing good would come of letting anything surface. I'd rather spend a thousand years in The Prison than ruin the peace that existed in everyone's lives.
Still, I knew I hadn't convinced him that everything was fine, but I also knew he was kind enough not to push me. So finally, after a moment of doubt, he let me go and lowered his wing to let me pass.
"See you later, Az" I said again, escaping so quickly that he had no time to hold me back again or even say anything.
Once a few steps away, I felt the tension leave my body, and I let the expression of concern take over my face. I tried not to look back, I swear I did, but before going down the stairs, I turned my head a bit, only to find Az's worried gaze.
Maybe I should have bothered to change my expression, but, anyway, it didn't matter. Nothing would change, so I just continued my way down the stairs while a feeling of sadness took over my chest.
Let me know if you want me to add you to the tag list. I wasn’t sure if those who had previously asked still wanted to be included, so just let me know if you still want to be tagged!
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luvly-writer · 2 years
"But oh..Cara mia"
Ch. 11 The princess is back
Dick Grayson x Latina! reader
Status: Ongoing
Author's note: Starfire is slightly OOC because i needed to change it in order to fit the story. Bro ngl, I feel bad for the character cause I love her in the comics and in the series. So head up, you have been warned. Hope you enjoy! Love you all and hope you are all safe! Remember to drink water and rest <3
Taglist: @lorosette @nanas-teatime @prettyacademia00 @mxtokko @sarahkaliii @w31rdg1rl @Eurydicegrimes @writing-for-the-hell-of-it
Series Masterlist:
You walk into the cave and sense the tense atmosphere. Damian is glaring daggers at Dick who is scolding him for what you hear is about his lack of respect, and Kory is looking at both of them, taken back. Jason, Tim, Stephanie, Barbara, Cass, and Duke look uncomfortable as fuck. Bruce tiredly looks at the scene and then buries his face in his hands in exasperation. Alfred is nowhere to be seen. You walk closed and finally clear your throat, making them stop and look at you. "Bad time to arrive?" you say and Bruce has never been more thankful for the fact that you have appeared. "Not at all, we were just discussing the strategies and it got out of hand. Good of you to join us, Calvary. I have hope that you won't be making this a habit" says Bruce making you smile sheepishly as you walk toward them. You try to ignore the looks they are giving you. "Well then, fill me in on what has happened, the sooner I'm up to date, the quicker a solution can be found," you say as you go and stand next to Barbara. As Bruce fills you in, you can feel a few pairs of eyes set on you. To be honest, they were ALL stealing glances at you. Your new armor came as a surprise to them. It suited you. It hugged your body nicely and showcased your best features. Definitely a good look on you. "That would be about it, any suggestions?" finished Bruce and you hum. Finally, you speak up, "We need to go undercover. Selina is out of the question because she was already our main source of information and if they see her more than one night, knowing Penguin, he will start to grow suspicious. Harley is also out, last I know, they weren't in the best of spots and that takes Ivy out as well. We could always call Kate. She hasn't been working much with direct contact with the rouges so it could be an opening. A simple in and out. But it can't stop there, we need eyes everywhere. We should expand patrol routes so that we can observe all of Penguin's trade activity. Call in Harper and Luke. Ivy, Selina, and Harley can help as well. We need all hands on deck. Patrol the ports and the Gotham highway exits for any unusual activity. We can rotate so it won't look suspicious." Bruce stays quiet. He wasn't that fond of having missions extend away from the people present but they did need all hands if they wanted to stop it before it started.
Bruce nodded pleased by her suggestion. "I'll call Harper, Luke, Selina, and Kate. You make sure Ivy and Harley are on board. Remember to keep a low profile, too many vigilantes out can cause alarm and potentially give away that we are out for them. We will go on the usual patrol routes tonight and begin tomorrow with the new ones. Dismiss" and just like that he turned and headed straight for the Batcomputer. This gave freeway for the others to finally greet you properly. "I'll be damned, Yn swoops in and saves the day!" exclaims Steph with a laugh, pulling you into a hug. You laugh and greet her back. "First of all, EXPLAIN THE SUIT!" said Barbara excitedly and the girls nod. "Definitely cause girl you looking fired up!" exclaimed Duke and you smile. "Grandmother gave it to me, she insisted I should start to live up to my Amazonian status and mom insisted as well," you say and they all nod. You turn to Jason, who hugs you and lifts you up. "Well damn, Amazonian armor fits you well sis!" and you squeeze him back. Once he lets go, Tim walks to you, "Please do not make it a habit to leave so often, especially in the middle of a case." and you laugh as you ruffle his hair affectionately. "I'll try not to" you say holding your pinky, to which Tim wrapped his around yours and nodded. Hey! Pinky promises were sacred in this family. Finally, Damian steps forward, arms crossed. "Is that armor even durable for battle?" (translation: are you sure it will keep you safe?) he asks and you mimic his crossed arms and answer, "Of course Damian, it was made by the gods themselves and all of my adjustments are still there, so trust I will be alright." He nods and goes to stand next to you, leaving Dick as the only person left to greet you. You both stay looking at each other. Your gaze is challenging and his was a little starstruck.
My word, you looked heavenly. He would never say it out loud but he had always loved how your old suit looked on you. He always saw it as a shame when you had decided to drop your cowl and reserve it for emergencies only. He remembered one of the times he had come back from Bludhaven to visit and saw you. He had been 19 at the time and you 17. He had done a double take when he saw you. You truly had grown and blossomed through the years, becoming one beautiful young lady. He had always found you attractive, but that was always set aside and ignored because of your constant fighting. But then, as he saw you giggling with Babs as you both teased Bruce about the date he had with Selina, he knew that he couldn't ignore it anymore. You were mesmerizing. A sight that he never got tired of admiring. Sure you had your differences but fucking hell, you are one beautiful woman and your suit always highlighted that. Coming back to the present, nothing could prepare him for the moment you walked out of the Zeta tube. He quite literally felt his breath being knocked out of his lungs. From your ponytail adorned by the royal headpiece to the way, the suit hugged your body, to the knee-high boots. You were a sight. And when you took your mask off, those gorgeous (y/c) eyes that found him and challenged him to say something made his heart stop for a second. You were going to be his ruin and it scared him how more than willing he was of letting that happen. He was so ready to get on his knees, worship, and pledge allegiance to he-
his train of thought was interrupted by Kory, who was staring holes into Yn. "You must be Calvary, I am Princess Koriand'r of Tamara, also known as Starfire. A pleasure to meet you" she said, extending her hand towards Yn. Everyone noticed the slight snark in her tone as she dropped her titles. Thankfully, Diana had assumed something like this would happen and prepared Yn on how to respond when someone tried to intimidate her with status. Yn lifted her head and tightly grasped Kory's hand. "Princess Yn Prince of Themiscira, darling of the gods. It is a pleasure indeed" she said holding eye contact with Kory. Yn let go of her hand and said, "Now if you excuse me, I have some calls to make, hope your stay has been pleasant so far." and turned to walk away to her lab, turning the lights on, and sitting on her desk. Watching the entire thing, Damian smirked. Oh, how he adored Yn. Dick gulped and turn his gaze towards Star, who looked at him suspiciously as if trying to read him. He then turned to Damian, who crossed his arms once again, and walked away towards Yn's lab, "Not hearing it, Grayson". The rest had already left after Yn left aside from Barbara. Kory huffed and decided to walk upstairs. Dick closed his eyes, knowing he was in for another argument, and groaned. Barbara looked at him with pity, "Oh Dick, what have you gotten yourself into" she said as she placed a hand on his shoulder and walked past him. What indeed had he gotten himself into.
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pansy-picnics · 8 months
in one of ur order posts you mentioned cass and lance understanding each other and I am VERY interested to hear ur thoughts. I always thought those 2 would have a fun dynamic...
AUGHHHHH YES THANK YOU I THINK SO TOO….!!!!!! Idk it’s kind of a mess when i try to put it into words but it’s like…something about them both being in the “shadow” of rapunzel and eugene respectively. they just both handle it very differently…bc lance i feel is always looking out for others and it leads him to neglect himself a lot, but when he really looks into it and he sees eugene’s growth and how he’s come into his own…how he’s found his roots and even his father….as happy for him as he is lance can’t help but feel a bit bitter sometimes. it’s the secondary character syndrome yk!!!! lance just hasn’t really reached a “breaking point” like cass has because he’s trying to manage it in a healthier way…he’s trying to make a life for himself with what he has and he’s realizing he likes things a lot as they are. but that doesn’t make that grief of what he wish he could’ve had just go away….so when he does confide in someone abt those feelings nobody rlly gets it more than cass does. and more than anyone else LANCE is the one who truly understands why cass did what she did.
this little fic of them is very important to me... this one is also one i think about a lot. it’s hard to find lance fics in this economy. :( i like to think they bonded a little leading up to destinies collide, not enough for cass to change her mind about leaving but enough to give them both some food for thought you feel me…..they both just have this unspoken Understanding with each other, and they both admire each other a lot. the shenanigans cass lance and eugene would get into would also be SO silly so it’s a shame we never really saw them interact </3
cass seems to be inherently drawn to the golden retriever type anyways whether she likes it or not so i’m sure lance and rapunzel drag her out on day trips all the time. she and lance gossip together and stuff yk...i think post series she’ll often still go out of the kingdom for work trips (in my head after settling with rapunzel she works as an ambassador for corona, mostly just to be able to get out more while still helping raps), and sometimes in the middle of the night as shes on her way back she’ll stop at his place in old corona just to steal food from him. leaves him a horribly written note and a cool rock or something. like. “Took a piece of the pie in the oven. There were already slices taken out so I figured it’d be fine. Oh I’m back btw. Not dead yet”
they also play pranks on eugene together ALL the time and this is canon actually i made the show. lance can honestly get her to do anything if he can convince her it’ll annoy eugene somehow /hj
ALSO LANCE BEING A WINGMAN FOR CASSUNZEL IS SOMETHING I NEED SOOOOO BAD AND I CANT BELIEVE NOBODY’S THOUGHT OF IT BEFORE. Like honestly i think if she were to tell a single soul about her hopeless crush it would be lance. i think he’s the only one who would be normal about it and keep it a secret tbh. lance just keeps randomly trying to put them in Situations together and cass is getting really suspicious that he’s doing it on purpose but she doesn’t REALLY have any actual evidence so she can’t say anything and it’s driving her crazy. rapunzel is just like “Cassss don’t be silly ur overthinking it ^_^” (shes lying to herself)
IDK. I THINK THEY’D HAVE SILLY SHENANIGANS AND THEY MAKE ME EMO TBH. The secondary characters always cursed to live in someone else’s shadow…..finding solace and friendship in each other………..Though one is sidelined for a much more obvious reason than the other (cough cough RACISM) but its Fineeeee its fine i’m normal about it😁 /s
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hannahtempler · 2 years
Hi! I am a big fan of your webcomic (and also I just realized you did some of the artwork of Thirsty Sword Lesbians and congratulations on that, it rules). Anyway, I found the Book 1 of Cosmoknights at a comic book store yesterday and I have been pouring over every little detail since. And there is one thing that's making my brain buzz. So I hope you don't mind me asking...
The thing is, I am reading the French translation, and that means stuff is a LOT more gendered. Particularly, in Cass' flashback during her time as a princess, when she goes to meet with Bee, people use male epithets to refer to her, including Bee. Also, Jaws uses female wordings to talk to both of them at the bar, but during the tournament the only time the turn of sentence genders her he says "tu es cinglé", which is the masculine form. I have checked, and all the male epithets correspond to places where the original story says either "fella", "dude" or "big guy", which could mean that the translator has just decided to keep the masc vibe of those terms and ignore that fact that (as far as I'm aware) the terms they're using in French are not as gender-neutral as they are in English. And I guess Jaws saying "cinglé" instead of "cinglée" could be a typo. But all put together, with the fact that the commentators use he/him for Bull even in the English version, makes me wonder...
So I guess my question is, on one hand, did you get any say on the translation? Is this the translator's interpretation, or yours?
And if it is yours, can you tell us a little more of what's going on with Cass' pronouns here? Is she (I'm using "she" because Bee does) genderfluid to some degree? Is she just someone who likes male epithets because of their associations? Does she have a male alter ego as a cosmoknight to keep pursuers at bay? If yes, does that mean all the cosmoknights know and are willing to protect the secret that she's a woman to the public, and that's why Jaws genders her like that at the joust?
(Also, is the second book going to come out in French? I'd love to have the series all in the same language, and not paying the price of the book in shipping fees would be great)
I hope I've not overwhelmed you, i'm sorry for the wall of text, and I hope you have a great day!
Hi! Thanks so much for your kind words and thoughtful questions! I'll do my best to answer here:
I didn't get a direct say on the translation– although I do speak French, I don't practice a lot, so I would probably miss a lot of the subtleties you're describing. It's possible that there is variation after translation, but from what it sounds like, the French version does come close to the intention of the English version.
Cass uses any/all pronouns and is gender-fluid– most of the time she uses she/her pronouns, but does not object to more masculine descriptors (for example, Bee affectionately greets her with "Hey, big guy" during the flashback). It's less that she has a male alter ego, and more that she is unconcerned with how people interpret her gender (Cass's gender expression matches my own, so I'm also partially speaking from personal experience here).
It's worth noting that during the games the commentators assume she is a man because of her size and approach to fighting while still referring to Bee as a woman, and often in public Cass is addressed with male pronouns (or "hey fella" etc.)– and while that may help keep her identity hidden, it's not necessary for a secret disguise (some women do compete in the games, after all). Cass loves to play in the gender playground and gets a kick out of people's perceptions– for those who don't know her (e.g. fans of the game) it's an indictment of their assumptions about gender, and for those who do (for example, Jaws), it can be a sign of mutual respect and acknowledgement of her fluidity.
It makes a lot of sense that she would enjoy flexibility when we consider the highly gendered expectations placed on her growing up*– now that she's away from home and dressing how she wants (often wearing a binder), she's free to thrive in and out of people's expectations.
I hope that makes sense! There's a little more about this in the second book (specifically about the way knights interact with each other outside of the ring) that I think helps illuminate some of this too.
Also: yes, the second book will be out in French either later this year or early next year! No exact dates yet, but the publisher (Bliss) will announce at some point soon.
*here's some fun bonus Cass trivia: she's the youngest of five, and all the boys in her family have names that mean "ruler" or "king"– Kingsley, Derek, Rory, and Elric. Expecting another boy, her parents picked out the name Caesar, but she juked 'em :^)
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karimac · 1 year
...in the details, Part 10
A/N: Warning for this series: 18+ audience (minors DNI), some cinematic level violence, some fluff and angst. Doubt that smut will be involved, but it may be implied. I’ll make sure that is noted clearly if it pops up.
All relationships, at this point in the story, are platonic, but there is romance in the cards for Kari and Bucky.
Please do not repost or translate my work. Likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
Taglist is open! Please send an ask, and I will gladly add you to the list. If I have added you and you do not wish to be on the list, please let me know, and I'll take you off the list.
Word count: 3.3k, give or take a word
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Right now you were very happy to not be at the Stark Lab.
The minute Peter uttered the name Cailleach you wanted to bolt back to Ireland, but you had given your word to Sarah Wilson, and you were not about to break it.
“Mom! Uncle Sam’s friend the Bird Lady is here!” Cass yelled as you walked up to the front door of the Wilsons’ home. Oh, the sight of the bald cypress trees all around the old white house made you think back to better times with your brother Ewan in this part of Louisiana.
“Her name is not the Bird Lady,” Sarah said as she came to the front door. “Come on in, Kari.”
“I have been called much worse than the Bird Lady, so I’ll take it,” you said as you walked in and extended your hand to Sarah. She, instead, went right in for a hug. “Sam should be here in the morning. I just got supper on if you’d like to join us.”
“Thank you. I’d love to,” you said as you watched Cass and AJ work on setting the table for their mother. “My brothers used to have table duty, too. Thank you, Cass and AJ.”
“How many brothers did you have? I thought Sam was joking when he said eight.”
“No, he was right. Eight brothers and four sisters,” you replied as you walked over to the kitchen counter near the sink. “Can I be of help? I don’t want to mess up your kitchen routine.”
“Thank you! You understand!” Sarah replied with a loud laugh. “Sam is always fussing around when he visits.”
“But he grew up here, so I’m sure he feels he has the right to do it. I’m a guest in your home, and my mam always said to defer to the lady of the house. Your home, your rules.”
“Where’s your bird?” AJ asked as he finished setting out the cutlery. “Uncle Sam said it might come into the house if we ask you to bring it in.”
“Stardust is not an indoor kind of bird, so she'll stay in the trees just outside the front door tonight. And I’ll walk around the property a bit to make sure everything is warded. In other words, I’ll say a few spells to keep the unwanted out of your area. People you know won’t be affected. I promise.”
“Can we watch? Mom! Please?” Cass pleaded as you giggled and shook your head a bit.
“There won’t be much to see. No big swirling portals like Doctor Strange uses. My magic tends to be a bit different. I also have to take into account the local magic users in your area. Do no harm. And do not call a ton of attention to what you are doing. My mam taught me that, too.”
“Are any of your family still alive? Sam didn’t think so, but he wasn’t exactly sure,” Sarah said as she got the last of the serving dishes to the table and you all sat down.
“My parents and siblings have all passed. I have a few cousins back in Ireland, but we aren’t as close as we used to be. I have sisters-in-law from both my marriages that are, by the grace of the Lord and Lady, still with us. Most of my family is what is now called found family. Like The Avengers.”
“And Sam’s new partner Bucky. Sam mutters about him a lot. He said you two knew each other back in 1943?”
“Sam mutters about everyone a lot. And yes, I knew Bucky back at the time of World War II. He’s a good man. Sam could not find a better partner to have his back. He’s a very smart guy, and he can be a very good friend. You should get to meet him soon. I’m hoping he comes down here with Sam, but he has to take care of something first.”
You were not about to get into the whole Helmut Zemo nonsense right now. You were much better off digging into the dish of gumbo Sarah had just handed you. “Thank you for your gracious hospitality. I know this can’t be easy. I’m sure you worried about your brother before, but what he is going to do now, well, that brings about a whole new set of concerns. I’ll help in any way I can.”
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Sarah wanted you to take her room, but you told her you were perfectly happy sleeping on the couch downstairs. To be honest, you wanted to make sure everything in the ground floor was in order when everyone else went to bed. You planned to check in with Sam and give him a full report to ease his mind.
When the morning light broke through the living room window, you heard the jingle of keys in the lock and knew Sam had finally made it home. “Hey, Sam,” you said as you waved your hand over the top of the sofa so he wouldn’t freak out when he found you there. Your hair was a mess, and the Dropkick Murphys t-shirt and leggings you were wearing had likely seen much better days, but at least you were awake enough to hold a conversation. “Did you bring Buck with you?”
“You look like hell. Sorry, but you do,” Sam said as he set down his bag and closed the door. “Were you out doing, you know, magical stuff last night?”
“I warded the property. Every corner of the house, the dock, the boat. The main road. The back road. I did it when everyone was asleep so I didn’t scare your neighbors. I wasn’t trying to attract too much attention.”
“I get it,” Sam said as he went to put on the coffee pot. “Thank you. As for Buck, he had things to do.”
“Zemo and the Wakandans? Oh, that can’t be good, can it?” you said as you got off the sofa and started to fold up the blankets. “He’ll get here. In his own time, but yeah, he will. And I’ll stay as long as you need.”
“Did you…” Sam started to ask as he pointed to his head, “you know. That thing you can do?”
“Sam, it was a simple line from Bucky to Zemo to the Wakandans. I didn’t have to read your mind. As I told you and Buck, I’d only do a mind link in battle or in an emergency. I am not saying I have never used telepathy if absolutely pressed, but I try not to with my friends unless I am told I can do so. Now, can I help with breakfast?”
“Morning,” Sarah said as she made her way into the kitchen and looked at Sam. “Don’t grill our guest.”
“It’s OK,” you said as you pulled your hair back into a ponytail before rearranging things you had bumped off the coffee table near the sofa. “My ways are not normal or usual by any means. Immortals, well, we can get a bit aloof. Cold. Lose our way if we don’t interact with anyone but our own kind.”
“There are more of you? Wait. Is it like Highlander? Tell me you aren’t going to go fight someone and…” Sam started to ask as Sarah hit him with a dish towel on his upper left arm. “Ow. Don’t you want to know if some crazy Scotsman is coming to cut off her head?”
“Sam, you sound crazier than usual,” Sarah groaned as she grabbed a coffee mug. “Kari, please excuse my brother for being annoying.”
You stood there smiling, but you also had tears in your eyes as you looked at the siblings and remembered tables in places much older than this one and those who you called kin seated around them. “Thank you for reminding me of my own family. I miss them more than you would likely imagine. And you both have the right to ask any questions you want. My life is not exactly normal. It never has been.”
“That’s what Steve and Natasha used to say,” Sam noted as he grabbed his own mug. “That you were thinking 15 steps ahead of the rest of us because that’s how you were brought up. That you were seeing things unfold in ways none of us could fully grasp.”
“Maybe we should change the subject?” Sarah asked as she handed you a mug of coffee. “At least for now. The boys will be down soon, and I don’t want them worrying about things like that.”
“Your house, your rules,” you said as you nodded to Sarah. “Sam, I will gladly fill you both in later. On anything you need to know. I promise.”
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After breakfast and a fast shower, you headed outside onto the docks where Sam was working on the boat. Sarah had a group of neighbors getting ready to help her with repairs to the dock, and you hung back a bit to check out your wards to make sure they were working properly.
To be honest, you would have liked nothing better than to fly around the house and up and down the bayou, but you did not want to scare the neighbors. No one needed a visit from Damage Control or the local police.
That’s when Bucky rolled in with a huge suitcase in hand. He set it down on the back of a flatbed, and you watched as he went about helping Sam with the boat. You also noticed his interaction with Sarah. While you remembered Bucky the Flirt all too well, it had likely been ages since he had a chance to use those skills.
{{Staying away from them for a few more minutes is probably a good idea}} you thought as you noticed Sarah’s and Bucky’s smiles as they interacted with each other. You could also see Sam was getting the “annoyed brother” look as he watched the two of them. {{Nope. Let this play out. You know you’ll need to walk away from this eventually. Better that Bucky get a good support system in place}}
As you turned to look back out onto the bayou, you swore you could have felt the touch of a hand on your shoulder as you thought about Ewan, the brother who had made New Orleans his home oh so long ago. {{How I wish you were here, little brother}} you thought as memories started to play of long nights of partying in the French Quarter with many of his vampire brethren. The people that had written the TV show “The Originals” were not that far off about life for the preternatural community in the Crescent City.
“Hey!” you heard Sam shout as he walked over with a beer. “Cyborg is monopolizing my sister. Maybe you better get over there to make sure he behaves.”
“So you all behave is more like it. Thank you,” you said as you took the beer. Paradise Park Lager. A local brew that had a very good reputation. “Sarah, want me to get these two to leave the boat alone for a bit so you can work? I’m sure there are other things they can be doing.”
You looked at the case Bucky had brought with him and knew right away where it had come from. You also knew he had probably paid a steep price for the right to get it for Sam. “And maybe we need to get that inside before the kids decide to check it out? We don’t need to hear the chorus of ‘Uncle Bucky brings the coolest things with him’ right now.”
“That’s reserved for you, right?” Bucky said as he raised his beer to you. You just glared at him for a minute before answering. “Well, Buck, we both missed out on that part. My siblings, as far as I know, never had kids. None of my sisters anyway. So I guess we both need to grab it where and when we can. My concern this time was the boys hurting themselves, not the applause a gift might bring.”
You set down your beer and just walked off the dock at that point. You were not about to get into that whole discussion about having kids of your own, nieces or nephews in your life or anything like that. No one was ready to hear that story yet. You sure as hell were not ready to talk about it now.
{{No one needs to hear that damned story}} you thought as your feet kept moving. {{Not about Galen nor Merlin nor the damned battle that took Galen's life nor the sword that pierced your heart...nor the child you thought was but was not}}
You could hear Sam lighting into Bucky about his comment, but you didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of seeing you wipe tears from your eyes by turning around. A walk down the back roads would do you good anyway, and maybe it would give those two time to work out their own problems that centered around the shield that was now sitting in Sarah’s living room.
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By the time you got back, it had been decided that Bucky was going to stay the night, and since you were too, you decided to sleep out on the porch this time. It was a lovely night, and you really didn’t mind being out there in the breeze that came off the bayou and through the trees around the front of the house. It was also a way to put up a buffer of sorts after dinner. You shot down Bucky’s attempted apology with one of your “no problem, Buck” replies. You were not up to any sort of discussion about your life, even if Bucky had played a greater part in it than most people would have imagined.
By the time the sun came up the next morning, you heard the boys already downstairs, and you looked in the window to see Bucky telling them to back off because they were playing with the shield.
“Buck, you and Sam have to figure this out,” you said as you walked back inside. “No one else can do it for you. And until you guys do, well, no one will be able to move forward.”
“That’s the plan,” Sam said as he came into the living room and picked up the shield. “Come on, Buck,” he said as he walked out into the yard and started to set up some sort of training area with blue mats strapped to trees so he could work with the shield. You stepped aside as Bucky went out after Sam, and you stood in the doorway watching as the two men actually seemed to be figuring things out.
“Aren’t you going out there?” Sarah asked as she joined you in the doorway. “I bet you could use that shield better than both of them.”
“Steve taught me a bit, yes, but not enough to teach your brother,” you replied as you smiled at Sarah. “He has to find his own path. And he will. As will Bucky.”
“Are you and Bucky…” she started to ask, but you shook your head to stop the question.
“My life is too damned screwed up to be a benefit to anyone, and I am not going to pull Bucky into my mess. He’s worked too hard to get his own life back. I will not jeopardize that for him,” you replied as you looked at Sarah. “I just want him to be happy.”
{{Even if that makes me miserable}} you thought as you smiled, your true thoughts and feelings pushed down as far as you could shove them.
“Thank you for your hospitality, Sarah, but now that Sam is here, I probably should think about heading home,” you said as you grabbed your backpack from a peg in the hallway, slinging it over your back before giving Sarah a hug. “But if those two start acting weird, call me. I’ll help you straighten them out.”
“I may be calling you every day,” Sarah said with a laugh as the two of you walked onto the porch. You both stood there watching as Bucky and Sam seemed to take a moment for themselves in regard to that flying piece of vibranium. “Hey! Take five you two!” Sarah shouted as both her brother and Bucky turned around. “Kari’s heading out.”
“You two have this covered,” you said as you pointed toward the shield. “I’m glad you figured it out. If either of you get any info on the Flag Smashers, call me. I’ll do the same.”
“Airport?” Bucky asked as you shook your head and laughed. “Of course not.”
“No, I need to take care of some business back home,” you said as you opened a portal that looked out onto the front door of your home in Kildare. “My manager is leaving my pub, so I need to interview replacements.”
“Pub? What pub?” Sam asked as you smiled and walked to the portal.
“It belonged to my youngest brother Donal, and since I’m the last sibling standing, it’s mine now. It won’t run itself, so I need to go find a capable publican. If I ever bring you all back there, you’ll get to see it. Trust me. Sarah, thanks again. Guys, I’m sure I’ll see you soon enough,” you added as you stepped through the portal and set foot once more on Irish soil.
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Days went by without a word from Bucky or Sam, but word of a New York meeting regarding the GRC made you contact them, so you all decided to meet in Manhattan. Sam and Bucky were well received by both the military and the NYPD, but your arrival seemed to make some of them a bit nervous. That was all you needed as the guys pulled you aside to reveal that Sharon was also on the scene. It was Madripoor Redux, and that was fine to a point.
What was not fine was some little kid pointing out the two Captain Americas.
John Walker was there, too, and that was going to complicate things in ways you could not even begin to fathom at the moment.
And, if you were being honest with yourself and everyone else, something was hovering around you like some damned invisible force field. You felt weird, and no one needed that right now.
Sam was giving calls over the comms after you all split up, and you were stuck more or less tailing after John Walker. He had no more use for you than you did for him, and the thoughts radiating off him proved that point again and again.
((Why isn’t she just going somewhere else?)) you heard him think as you did a brief telepathic sweep of the area. You would have loved to drop a few home truths in his brain, but a bus full of kids up ahead put that to rest. Walker looked back at you, and you stood there for a moment mentally sweeping the bus. “At least one Flag Smasher, a bunch of kids from Cottonwood, Arizona and a downed teacher. Walker, can you keep anyone else from getting on that bus while I get those kids off?”
“How are you going to do that?” Walker asked as you started to form two rune shields that grew and grew until you let them fly toward the bus. The spell had been a gift from Wong, and right now you were very happy to have it in your arsenal. As the air around the transport turned a bright blue, the students and the unconscious teacher were suddenly on the street near Walker, and you were inside the bus kicking the confused Flag Smasher out a window. A second terrorist had been crouching near the driver’s seat all along, and she threw you out the doors and into the wall of a local Ray’s Pizza. The impact was a bit more than you planned for, and you passed out as your head snapped back and slammed into the brickwork.
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Next: Part 10, or What in the Multiverse is going on now?
@taglist: @arrthurpendragon, @historygeekfics, @starryeyes2000, @chickensarentcheap
16 notes · View notes
kindahoping4forever · 4 years
I Love You, Ain’t That The Worst Thing You Ever Heard? // Ashton Irwin
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This started out loosely based on a dream I had (🤡) and spun into something a lot more complex and interesting. I’ve been working on this on and off for months (bless @cal-puddies​ who I’m sure is glad she won’t have to hear about this anymore lol); it was actually one of the first things I tried writing on my own (I just couldn’t get this concept out of my head) and as my writing evolved, I had to keep going back to retool and make sure the story did too. Hopefully you’ll think it was worth the effort!
Warnings: FWB-but possibly more-!Ash, slight jealousy/angst but it’s mostly internal, dummies who don’t realize that they’re in love, an absurd amount of smut but it’s justified because there’s an emotional narrative to it (really), moments of Dom!Ash, oral/manual stimulation of a female, overstimulation, spanking, cumplay, (and yet also) protected sex, no for real there is so much smut you guys I think that’s a comprehensive list of warnings but I’m not sure  
Word Count: 5858
Cass & Crystal’s Collab Masterlist
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“If you’re not ready in 15 minutes, I’m going without you,” Ashton declares.
“Cool but it’s my friends we’re having dinner with, so that might be controversial,” you point out, nudging his elbows off your vanity so you can open the drawer in front of where he’s sitting.
“Oh, they like me better than you, it won’t be a problem,” he teases, handing you the beauty blender you were looking for.
You snatch it from his hand. “Dude, you literally weren’t even invited, you just asked if I was busy and said ‘oh that could be fun’ when I told you what I had planned.”
“I feel like my presence was assumed when they asked you,” he shrugs.
You toss the sponge at him and he laughs as you shoo him out of the room so you can finish putting yourself together.
You and Ashton have been together for a few months, although neither of you have ever tried to discuss what “together” actually means. Your relationship seemed to be an endless string of implications. When you met, it was implied you liked each other. When you made out at a party a few weeks later, it was implied it was as friends. When you started sleeping together, it was implied it was casual. In your mind, you were something more than “friends with benefits” but still something less than a full-on relationship.
He puts a record on and has just crossed into the kitchen to help himself to a bottled water from your fridge when he notices a vase of flowers on the counter that he definitely didn’t send you.
“Fancy flowers,” he comments. “Who sent them?” He asks, despite immediately checking the card and seeing the message “Thanks for last weekend, let’s do it again sometime ;)” alongside what seems to be a masculine name.
You’re rooting around in your closet, trying to find the top you had planned on wearing while your mind is focused on your mental checklist of everything you still have left to do before you leave; it takes a good 15 seconds for it to register that Ash has even said anything and another 10 before you distractedly call out “a friend” in response.
Ashton sits on your couch and while his hands are turning the pages of some random magazine he found on your coffee table, his eyes are fixed on the bouquet he can still see sitting on the kitchen counter. You’ve never discussed exclusivity, he would have no right to be jealous. But he can’t deny the panic that ran through his body when he saw that card and he can’t keep his mind from racing now.
He thinks he’d almost feel better if he’d found evidence you were fucking someone else; he hates the thought of someone else touching you but he’s also confident that they couldn’t possibly make you feel the way he does in bed. He’s not worried about the sex. But flowers? That implies romance, implies thoughtfulness and intimacy, which are things he wouldn’t blame you for seeking elsewhere. He knows he hasn’t been offering that to you in the ways he could, in the ways you probably deserve.
He tortures himself with these thoughts a bit longer and then props himself in the doorway of your bedroom to check on your progress.
“Oh you’re still here? You were so quiet out there I figured you made good on your threat and you were already at the restaurant ordering apps without me,” you tease, pulling on your boots.
Ash gives a half-hearted chuckle in response. “You look nice,” he compliments you quietly.
You flash him a pleasant but puzzled smile; something’s off with him, you don’t think he’s ever said you look “nice” as long as you’ve known him and he never passes up a chance to banter with you.
He makes small talk but you notice the way his fingers are fiddling with the label of his water bottle and how his eyes hesitate to look for yours. By the time you’re ready, he’s nonchalantly mentioned the flowers three times and asked you to a party next weekend, when he usually never plans that far in advance.
You pause gathering your things as you realize what’s happening. He's fucking jealous, you amusedly think to yourself. Part of you wants to tease him about it but there’s an underlying sense of nervousness to it that’s almost sweet. How could something as innocuous as a vase of flowers shake this man’s seemingly endless confidence?
"I wasn't trying to be vague before," you tell him. “I helped someone move last weekend; only a couple people showed up to help, it was pretty intense. That’s what the flowers are for.”
“Let’s do it again sometime, winky face?” He raises his eyebrows, casually drinking from his water bottle to show how unbothered he is.
You make a face. “I should’ve figured you’d read the card,” you tease. “I joked that the move was so brutal I’d sooner buy him the apartment than help again when the lease is up.” To punctuate your story, you walk over, peck him on the lips and affectionately straighten his shirt collar. “I don't know what you're thinking but I can tell you you’re probably overthinking it.”
Ash tightens his jaw and runs his tongue over his lips as he listens to you. "Didn't even know you liked flowers," he shrugs as you smile softly at him.
When he doesn’t immediately follow you out of the bedroom, you know his wheels must still be turning. You get your keys out of the dish and text your friends that you’re leaving now. He finally appears and just as you’re about to tell him you really need to get going, he grabs you and gives you the most over the top, absurdly intense kiss of your life. One hand twisted in your hair, one hand pressing you against him, tongue claiming your mouth as his. He's clearly trying to prove a point - what and to who, you’re not quite sure - but he certainly proves it.
He pulls away, fire in his eyes and casually says, “You lock up, I’ll get the car started?” as if nothing happened.
You stand there, stunned for a moment, quickly attempt to repair your smudged lipstick and lock the door to meet him outside.
The car ride is mostly silent, save for the radio. Ashton plants his hand on your thigh the second you get in the car and it doesn’t budge the entire time. When you grab drinks with your friends at the bar, his hand never leaves your back. During dinner, his arm snakes around your waist the second you slide in the booth next to him. To the outsider this would seem possessive and you're guessing it partly is but you think you’re pretty good at reading Ash at this point and to you, it feels more complex than that.
He’s still his engaging and charming self, chatting endlessly with everyone about everything but you can tell he’s in his head and you’re not entirely sure why. You recall how unnerved he seemed back at your apartment. You think about the number of times he’s leaned in to whisper a joke or comment in your ear tonight. You feel the gentle way his fingers brush over your hip while you wait for the check and you start connecting the dots.
It may have started with jealousy but this goes deeper than some basic macho territorial bullshit. You’re fascinated as you consider this development. He never seemed to feel angry or betrayed at the thought of someone else holding your attention; he just seemed troubled. Sad. And now it feels like he’s constantly reassuring himself of your presence, like as long as he keeps touching you, keeps engaging you, you’re undeniably there with him.
Your head swims as you consider the implications of this. You never doubted you both cared for each other but is it more serious than that to him? To you? You focus on him talking with your friends and you don’t realize you’re staring until you feel his eyes on you. He looks at you with amused expectancy; you just shake your head and smile fondly.
Your friends say their goodbyes and you start down the street back to the car park. Ash reaches for your hand and it kind of breaks your heart so when you stop to wait for the crosswalk, you place his arm around you and snuggle into him. He looks at you quizzically, as if he's surprised by your affection. He truly has no idea how transparent he is sometimes, you think to yourself as you mumble something about being chilly.
As you make your way down the block, he starts chattering away about the night’s events and with each comment you burrow further into his embrace, appreciating the cool night air and the sound of his voice.
By time you’ve reached the parking structure, you’ve got your arms wrapped around him, inside his jacket. He sways with you as you wait for the elevator, “Am I dropping you back home?”
Your answer comes out muffled as you’ve decided to take this opportunity to bury your face in his chest. “Your place.”
He kisses the top of your head and clarifies, “Thought you had work tomorrow?”
As the elevator doors open, you say, “But your place is closer now” with a glimmer in your eye and you pull him, first into the elevator and then into you. You give him a kiss reminiscent of his over the top, absurdly intense one from earlier but yours has no underlying point to prove. You’ve decided you need him, only him and you want to be sure he knows that.
The car ride is once again silent but this time there is a different tension in the air. His hand finds its way onto your thigh again, though this time it’s definitely a few inches higher. You can’t help but study him, as breathtaking as ever, lit only by the glow of evening LA traffic. You’re now almost as lost in your thoughts as you know he was earlier. He was so perturbed by those goddamn flowers, why? If you had found a gift from someone you didn’t know at his place, would you be feeling the same way? You’re pretty sure you would.
He catches your gaze at a stop light or two but he doesn’t say anything, just gives your thigh a reassuring squeeze and turns back to the road. As soon as he shuts the engine off, you’re practically lunging across the car to get your lips back on his again. He indulges you for a minute and then breezily laughs, “let’s get you inside then” as he pries you off of him.
Once inside, it’s a dizzying clash of teeth, tongues, lips and limbs as you stumble up the stairs into the bedroom. You’re not sure exactly when it happened but suddenly he’s in his underwear and has you naked and spread in front of him.
He runs his fingers through your folds as he looks at you with a predatory glint in his eyes, asking, “Wet already, huh? This all for me?”
That’s apparently the extent of his teasing mood as he dives right in and starts eating you out before you even think to answer. You gasp and immediately tangle your fingers in his hair as he ruthlessly attacks your clit, first swirling it with the tip of his tongue and then sucking it in between his lips. The way he alternates broad strokes of his wide tongue with deliberate rapid fire flicks has you whimpering faster than you thought possible.
“Been wanting to taste you all evening, beautiful, thought we’d never get away,” he murmurs as he teasingly presses light kisses into your thighs.
“Ash…” you start, still attempting to catch your breath. “What is going on with you tonight…”
He chuckles and replies, “Says the woman who practically jumped me in the parking lot after dinner?” He pushes himself up your body to kiss you deeply, both of you groaning as you taste yourself on his tongue.
He pulls away just enough to continue, “Says the woman who could barely wait for me to put the car in park before she pounced again?”  He kisses you even harder, distracting you enough that you don’t notice his hands have begun to wander until you feel two fingers slowly dragging against your pussy.
You break the kiss with a moan and Ashton seamlessly moves his mouth to your neck, giving several teasing bites and nips before he raises his head to look directly at you and say, “Says the woman who I suspect has been dripping for me since the kiss I gave her before we left for dinner?”
He pushes his fingers into you with ease and expertly starts working them. “Maybe even before? Has my girl been wanting me this badly all night?”
You feel your skin flush as you hear the words “my girl” come out of his mouth; this is new. That’s as far as your thought process gets because then he’s curling his fingers and all you can focus on is the way your walls are beginning to twitch and tighten around them, “Ash… please…” is the best response you can manage.
His hand that’s not buried inside you traces down your throat and over your breasts. “Please what, baby? Think you know you’re gonna have to do better than that,” he teases.
“... Want to cum… PLEASE…” you breathlessly pant out, rocking your hips against his fingers which have slowed to an agonizingly slow pace, keeping you just on the edge of orgasm.
“Oh don’t worry, pretty girl, you’ll cum alright,” he teases with his bottom lip fixed in a mock pout. “Gotta make it up to you, I obviously should’ve filled you the second I walked through your door tonight,” he speeds his fingers back up and adds his thumb into the mix, rubbing it against your clit, causing your legs to shake.
You grip his arm that’s working you over, digging your nails into his bicep as your entire body tenses and you pulse around his fingers. “That’s my girl, that was a good one, wasn’t it?” he coos as he pumps his fingers into you a few more times for good measure.
You can only breathe heavily in response; your mind and body are both reeling. There it is again: my girl. That kiss by your door, his hands on you all evening, now my girl. You’re not sure if it’s intentional or if his subconscious is giving him away, but he’s claiming you. You’re much more comfortable with that idea than you thought you’d be.
The second it seems like you’ve started to catch your breath, Ashton withdraws his fingers from your body and sucks them clean, exaggeratedly groaning his approval. You reach out for him, hoping for a kiss but before you even realize what’s happening, he’s back between your legs lapping away at your center again. “ASH, what the FUCK,” you cry out, legs involuntarily closing around him.
Unfazed, he easily spreads your legs back how he wants them and looks up at you, face obscenely wet and glistening from his task. “You tasted so good on my fingers, I wanted more straight from the source,” he shrugs and immediately returns to his mission.
You involuntarily let out a tiny moan at his remark before tugging on his hair to get his attention. “Too much” is all you manage to get out before he licks at your clit in just the right way to make you jolt and let out a guttural groan.
He pulls back and snickers against your thigh. “That’s what I thought, do I know my girl or do I know my girl? Know when you're ready for another one before you even do, know how to leave you speechless with just a couple flicks of my tongue,” he sneers, rapidly fluttering over your clit in demonstration. “Know this pussy even better than you do, bet you’ve never had anyone else who can say that, have you?”  
You grab onto his shoulder and moan as soon as you hear that magic phrase, my girl, again. Ash’s dirty talk has always been a huge turn on for you but tonight the language is as telling as it is arousing: you are his. You decide that you like it, you want that and you like that he wants that.
You sigh deeply, disappointed but not surprised, when he pulls away just as you feel your climax begin to build. He kisses up your stomach until he reaches your tits, spreading sloppy kisses over one while he squeezes the other, rolling over the nipple with his thumb. You’re not quite sure why tenderness is your instinctual response but you go with it, softly running one hand through his hair and stroking his face with the other.
He looks up at you and his eyes are as breathtaking as always, glowing with both a familiar fire and also a softness you’ve only seen on occasion. You can’t help but smile as you tell him, “You’re unbelievable.”
“Is that a complaint or a compliment, my dear?” He asks with a smirk as he turns his attention to your other breast, repeating his actions.
“Not sure… both maybe…” you reply, in a dreamy haze of fondness, amusement and desire.
“I’ll take it,” he mutters against your skin. Satisfied with his work on your chest, you see him start to move back down between your legs.
“Ashhhh… no, need more,” you object, attempting to pull him back up to you.
“That’s what I’m tryna to give you here, baby,” he chuckles, allowing you to pull him up to your lips.
You frantically kiss him and grabble between your bodies until your hand finds his erection still confined in his boxers and you give it a squeeze. “GOD, Ash, honestly I just want your cock more than anything right now,” you hate how pitiful you sound but you also hope it’s enough that he’ll give you what you want.
Instead he looks you directly in the eye, grins and taunts, “But when don’t you want my cock more than anything?”
He impishly pecks your nose and confidently states, “First you cum on my tongue. THEN you can cum on my cock.” And with that, he’s suddenly peppering quick kisses all the way back down your body, musing almost to himself, “No one else can make you feel this way, can they, darlin’? Know how to get you off like this? Gets you this needy?”
Ashton dives back in with a renewed sense of purpose and has you cumming within moments; you swear at a certain point you can feel him grin against your sensitive core, clearly reveling in the nonsensical murmurs you don’t even realize you’re letting out until you hear them yourself.
“Good girl, sound so pretty when you cum for me, taste even better,” he praises, pressing a final kiss to the inside of each of your thighs before he’s on his feet, finally stripping off his underwear and retrieving a condom from the bedside table.
You’re tired from his teasing but the anticipation of finally having him inside you fuels your decision to snatch the package from him and begin tugging at his cock as soon as he’s within arms reach. You roll the condom on him as he tucks your matted hair behind your ear and says, “Been so good tonight, baby, you decide how you want it.”
You purse your lips in amusement because while his offer appears generous, based on the tone of the evening and the charged mood you're both in, there's no way he doesn't already know you're about to choose his preferred position.
You reach up and kiss him lustfully one more time before you dramatically turn over and raise yourself up on all fours, looking over your shoulder at him with an expectant look. He raises an eyebrow at you and you playfully roll your eyes at him, "Are you going to pretend like you're surprised or are you gonna fuck me?"
He grips your ass cheeks, kneading them in each hand, fondly clicking his tongue, "Cum twice already and still so impatient.”
You expect him to tease you; he always does and after the evening you’ve had, you assume you’re in for another tortuous display of dominance so it takes you by surprise when he’s suddenly sliding in to you. You hear his breathing become noticeably more pronounced as he buries himself and his fingers lightly trace down your spine, his actions pausing for just a beat longer than you'd like.
Without even giving it a second thought, you start eagerly moving against him. "Need me that badly you can't even wait one second for me to catch my breath?" He taunts in a voice that's both amused and aroused. He wraps his hand in your hair and yanks hard. "So desperate for me to wreck you, gotta fuck yourself on my cock?" He punctuates his question with a swift smack to your ass.
You attempt to scoff at his teasing but a simple, strained “FUCK” leaves your lips instead as you steadily rock yourself back against him. He doesn’t seem to mind your initiative, responding to your movements with approving groans and keeping his large hands occupied by covering your ass, first with sharp slaps followed by firm yet tender rubbing to soothe your reddening skin.
You hear yourself chanting “More. Please. More.” in a staccato rhythm matching the way you’re throwing your body back on him. He complies with your request, hand coming down on your backside multiple times in rapid succession and you cry out in satisfaction. You love the sting but you think you love the fact that you’ll be wearing his marks for days even more.
A particularly strong blow has your arms giving out, dropping your upper body down to the bed with a moan. He takes this as you handing over the reins and quickly moves his hands from your ass to your hips, grip digging into your skin as he takes over and starts pounding into you.  
“Goddamn you wrap around me so good, it’s like you were made to take my cock weren’t you, beautiful?” His praise has both your mind and body humming; it’s been a long evening and although you’ve already had two orgasms, you find yourself overwhelmed by the undeniable need to cum with him inside you.
He pushes down on the small of your back to pop your ass and fuck you at a better angle but the way his fingers firmly but gently fall on your skin reminds you of how he touched you earlier in the evening. In the restaurant. On the street. In the car. Always wanting to feel you, always confirming your presence, always reassuring the both of you that your rightful place was with him.
An unexpected wave of affection washes over you and suddenly you’re needing him in a much different way. You manage to feebly say, “Ash? Babe?” as you muster the strength to raise yourself back on one arm while you fling the other behind you, blindly searching for him.
You almost never call him pet names so it immediately jumps out at him; he notices the shifted tone in your voice and halts his actions. You turn your head to meet his gaze as he pants, “You alright? What’s happening?”
Your hand finally finds his resting on your hip and you give it a squeeze, “Changed my mind. Need more of you on me.”
The confusion and concern that were clouding his features softens into something familiar yet somehow undefinable as he gingerly pulls out and leans forward to give you the softest kiss you’ve received all evening. “Well, let’s do that then.”
You spin around to face him and sit back on your knees, pulling him into another soft, slow kiss, brushing his hair off his forehead. He basks in your tender attention for a moment before he’s guiding you back down onto the bed, situating himself to fully lay on top of you, between your legs, careful not to break your kiss until you’re ready.
He slips back inside you and before he even gets the chance to ask, a breathy “Yessss” is all the confirmation he needs to know that this is what you were craving. You wrap your legs around him and run your hands across his broad back, “Just wanted to feel more,” you explain.
Your eyes are closed, relishing the feel of his weight on you and the stretch of him inside you, so you don’t notice the way he silently studies you for a moment before he lifts himself up and starts thrusting into you again.
For all the filth that’s come out of your mouths this evening, this round finds you both unusually quiet, letting your joined symphony of moans, groans, “yeah”s and “fuck”s say everything that needs to be expressed.
You feel him reach for your hand and move it to rest above you on the pillow, interlacing his fingers with yours; you respond with a squeeze and then one up him by turning your head to nip at the moon tattoo closest to you, simply because you can. He’s left his signature up and down your body tonight, it’s only fair you get to leave a small token of your appreciation on his.  
He hisses at the feel of your teeth lightly grazing his skin. “Come on, darlin’, play nice.”
“Since when do we do that?” You breathlessly reply and then bask in the glow of the grin you receive in response.
Still smiling, Ash shakes his head. “If you’re able to make smartass remarks like that, clearly I’m not doing my job here.”
He takes one of your legs from around his waist and lifts your thigh back towards your chest; your mouth opens to moan but nothing happens as he pulls almost entirely out and then fucks into you so much slower and deeper than before. He chuckles, “That’s more like it.”
You consider rolling your eyes at his teasing or panting out another sassy quip at him but the way he’s moving in you feels so otherworldly you honestly don’t care about anything else. You grab on to his forearm and dig your nails in.
“Feeling good, beautiful?” He reaches between you and mercilessly rubs your clit. “Who’s making you feel this good?”
The sound emanating from your throat might be his name but mainly sounds like a series of whimpers.
He rubs harder and thrusts deeper. “Didn’t hear you, speak up. Whose cock makes you feel like this?” You continue crying out nonsensically as you feel yourself on the verge of your third orgasm.
You need him close so you pull him down to you for a kiss. He sloppily licks into your mouth, panting against your lips. He’s almost as gone as you are. You bite at his bottom lip and say, with a bit more desperation than you anticipated, “Gonna cum for you, Ash.” He nods understandingly and pecks your lips once more.
His lips move to your neck as his thrusts speed up again; he’s determined now and you’re moaning in earnest. You feel that familiar burning in your core and your eyes instinctively flutter shut, savoring the fall into bliss.
"Uh-uh, eyes open, baby. Want you to look at me. Need to be sure you know whose cock it is you're cumming on,” Ashton commands.
You force yourself to focus on him as you start to unravel, your entire body on fire, tensing deliciously; your mind is screaming his name but only indecipherable whines fall from your lips. Ashton is relentless as he fucks you through it, his thrusts never slow; no matter how impossibly tight your pussy squeezes around his cock, he never stops driving into you even rougher and deeper than before.
His eyes remain locked on yours, making the entire experience feel unbelievably more intimate. You swear you can feel every pent up emotion from the evening - the jealousy, the worry, the possessiveness, the passion, the… love? - in his gaze and you’ve never had a more intense orgasm, physically or emotionally.
As you come down from your high, you hear him praising you, “Yes, baby... love making you cum… you always give so much… always such a good girl for me.” His words alone would've earned a reaction from you but he sounds as wrecked as you feel, causing you to emit a deep and breathy moan at this realization. He’s panting so heavily you know his release won’t be far behind.
You feel like you're mad with desire at this point; you're beyond satisfied and you know you couldn't possibly cum again but you still feel like you're wanting something, you still need more of him. Feeling emboldened by watching Ash lose control and the euphoria still pulsing through your body, you find yourself digging your nails into his arms and muttering, “Want your cum, Ash.”
He lets out a grunt as his hips slam into yours. “Oh, you’re definitely about to get it,” he smirks.
You sigh partly out of exasperation and partly out of arousal for what you’re about to request. “No, Ash, I want it,” you pant. “Want you to cum on me, make me yours.”
His hips slow as he processes your words. “Fuck” is all he can manage to growl under his breath in response. He pulls out and you whimper at both the absence of him and the anticipation of what’s going to happen.
Ashton peels off the condom and you can’t take your eyes off him as he wraps his long fingers around his cock and begins to stroke himself. It only takes a few tugs before he’s gasping and murmuring your name and you have to moan along with him when you feel his warm cum spurting onto your stomach and chest. He maintains a firm grip as the rhythm of his hand varies, making sure he squeezes out every last drop for you.
He hangs his head in exhaustion for a beat and then takes in the sight of you: fucked out, chest heaving, painted in his release. You catch him staring and offer him a tired yet mischievous smile; he seems to pick up on your wavelength and smirks as he runs a finger through the substance on your breasts and brings it up to your lips for you to suck off.
“Jesus, baby,” he groans, shaking his head almost as if he can’t believe his eyes. “Don’t move.” He affectionately rubs your thigh a few times before he moves off the bed and ducks into the bathroom, returning seconds later with a wet washcloth.
He climbs back next to you on the bed and presses a passionate kiss to your lips before he starts gently cleaning you up; it’s quiet for a few moments and the intimacy is not lost on either of you. You reach up and brush his wild hair from his eyes. “Hey,” you start, fondly.
He smiles much softer than he has all night. “Hey yourself,” he giggles.
You pause and feel a bit of leftover boldness coursing through you, so you comment, “You seem like you’ve got something on your mind.”
Ash bites his lip and exhales deeply, clearly considering how to answer. He looks down, avoiding your eyes, and fusses over a mark on your hip that’s sure to form into a gnarly bruise by morning. “Sorry if I got a little crazy tonight, I know I‘m usually better at checking in with you,” he muses.
You sit up and squeeze his shoulder. You feel the urge to reassure him but you can tell he’s on the verge of opening up and you don’t want to derail him. You’re trying to find the courage to prompt him further when he surprises you by admitting, “It just really fuckin’ got to me when I thought... “ he trails off, looking away again. “I got weirded out about those flowers and I shouldn’t have. And I’m sorry.” He tosses the washcloth onto the nightstand in exasperation.
You give him a faint smile. “Ash, I told you ---”
“I know and I believe you but I just started thinking... and then I couldn’t stop,” he confesses quietly. He stands up and pulls on a pair of shorts before busying himself by starting to tidy the bed.
You excuse yourself to the bathroom. You figure he could use some time to process whatever it is he’s still trying to work out so you wash your face, brush your teeth and slip on a t-shirt of his you find discarded on the counter.
You venture back into the bedroom and find him tossing the pillows back onto the bed after having changed the sheets. He still looks lost inside his thoughts and you yearn to ease his mind. You walk over and hug him from behind, burying your face into his back; he gives your arms an affectionate squeeze.
“I know we don’t really talk about this kind of thing but I feel like you should know I haven’t seen anybody else since we started talking,” you offer, your confession muffled with your face still pressed against his skin. “It hasn’t even been a conscious thing, I just… haven’t been interested, I guess.”
Ashton pulls you to his side and kisses the top of your head. “Thank you for telling me that,” he murmurs, rubbing your back.
You quickly come around and kneel on the bed in front of him so that you’re at his eye level and you wrap your arms around his neck. “And I liked everything that happened tonight; you know I would have told you otherwise,” you assert. He nods in acknowledgement so you continue, “I like hearing you tell me I’m your girl, I like when you make me feel like I’m yours... ”
You feel tempted to look away, to fidget with the necklace he’s wearing but you resist. You look straight into his hazel eyes, full of warmth and attentiveness, and state, “You know, I could be yours, if that’s something you decide you want.”
Ash only lets your words hang in the air for a split second before he wraps his arms around you tightly and kisses you slowly; it’s intense and passionate but not in the same over the top, cocky way that he kissed you back at your apartment. This kiss is also trying to prove something but it’s a message meant only for you and he’s taking his time to make his point clear.
When your mouths finally separate, you take a deep breath and steady yourself on his arms. You open your eyes at him and grin. “Was that your way of asking?”
Crystal’s tag list:
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
Ok ok I love the idea of Danny becoming Jazz's couch gremlin after she moves out because homelife is hard and dangerous.. mixed with gotham. And I love platonic shit so here's my idea~ Steph and Cass going to college, sharing an apartment bruce pays for. They wanted to make sure there was one extra room, having to convince Bruce really hard- because they wanted the college experience of having a random roommate. Turns out finding a good roommate was hard. They were either too messy or broke stuff, or was very into drama. Here comes Jazz, she begins college in Gotham on Steph's second year. She notices Steph struggling in the library trying to finish assignment. Jazz sits down and helps her without question. Steph staring at Jazz like THIS ANGEL Q A Q SAVING ME! Jazz then apologizing for just stepping in, she just look like she was having trouble. Steph like NOOO don't apologize.. actually can you help me with this?
And so Jazz and Steph end up bonding because Jazz tutors her. Steph realizing this girl probably has not had much fun in her life, ends up bringing Jazz out with Cass to have some fun, and even Babs for movie night. Jazz hesitant at first but then enjoys herself, because she hadn't had many friends if any in years to do stuff like this. Steph then starts thinking like.. Ok this girl is cool, she's probably a neat freak, a little weird. She'll probably refuse but I'mma ask if she wants to room with us! To her surprise, Jazz immediately says yes very loudly. Then just chuckles nervously starting to explain herself. That she was planning on getting an apartment in gotham anyways, because she doesn't like being in a dorm. It made it harder for her little brother to visit.. yada yada. Steph just getting a good laugh, okaying. Jazz asking if it be fine if her little brother come every now and then. Steph doesn't see the problem though not how she expected. Jazz giving steph a squeezing hug in thank you, making Steph both suspicious but also like aw ok this is cute. Jazz tries to help pay rent when steph like nah its paid for. Trust me, you couldn't pay for it. Having to explain a bit why they got this fancy ass apartment for "free." Jazz like oh.. We still have to pay for our own food though. Jazz smile like ok, I can do that. Determine to be the best roommate so they don't regret it. Plus she does really enjoy hanging out with them. She cant move in til like before the holidays. Steph saying she can move her stuff in before and fix it all up after coming back from home. Jazz saying if its ok for her brother to come up here, she rather stay. Feeling bad that be the first experience with them as roommates. Steph and Cass shrug, though keeping note of it, since they be mostly at the manor anyways. Steph almost dies when she first meets Danny, like ok is this how I get introduce to B's new wards? Not even a text? DAnny confused like..what? No.. uh.. is Jazz here? Oh gawd did I get the wrong address? Steph laughs even harder, then tells Jazz her brother's here. Also stating now both Dick AND Bruce are not allowed to come visit. =w= Just to pick on them really. Red-head Jazz and black hair/blue eye danny. But can see them all getting along. Tim coming over ready to pick them up for some vigilante or hanging out. That's when Cass noticing something's wrong with Danny, getting a look at him now. Danny trying to shake it off, but she insists he's hurt. Can tell that his rib is broken. Jazz then like "DANNY?! Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't want to worry you! I'm fine!" "Please tell me the rib got removed before you came over." "Yes! I removed the rib, its fine! Just healing." The three of them finding this odd, but assuming Danny recently got out of the hospital and try not to tell Jazz. When really he got his butt kicked, and then flew all the way over. Then over time just little things about Jazz and Danny start piling up, like the way they're jumpy, or keen reflexes. Cass noticing the most. Jazz's medical knowledge, helping Steph or Cass when they have an injury from hero work that's bothering them. Jazz also finding out pretty quick they're vigilantes, just because of how they have a family thing to do at night. Or a night job. Jazz recognizing the signs, and accepting it because she likes them. Though finds it funny how her little brother and her bestfriends are vigilantes. I don't know if I explained this well, just basically a more domestic route to finding out identities and them bonding as friends first. >w< Steph and Cass getting worried when Danny comes by one night, just panicked and looking hurt. Jazz freaking out.. the girls like dont even have to ask ;3.. though they would like to know what happen. Jazz having to vaguely tell them about their parents.
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nukaberries · 3 years
Hello! Could you do reactions of Arcade, Veronica, Benny and Mr. House to the courier being relatively new to Vegas and came all the way from the Midwest (like Indiana or Ohio or the farm land states) maybe they did it for a fresh start or just to get out of the cold. Up to you. Thank! Have a good day
Hi hi!! <33 This is the first New Vegas ask I'm writing and I'm super excited already!! On that note though, please bare with me if I write anyone a little out of character (Mr House especially, I always end up murdering him during my playthroughs of NV lmao) I'm also from the UK, so if I get any locations wrong I'M SO SORRY I'M CLUELESS JSDJSJ
New Vegas Characters React to the Courier Being New to the Mojave
Arcade Gannon
At first, Arcade can't really understand why someone would want to come to Vegas, considering everything that was currently taking place with the NCR and the Legion. It's something he'll question you on at first, but he supposes there's some wisdom in turning over a new leaf and having a fresh start somewhere where nobody knows who you are.
As insane as he thinks you are for coming to the Mojave with no idea what to expect, he also feels like he has to keep an eye out for you - even when he isn't accompanying you on your travels - just to make sure you stay out of trouble or that one of those thugs in Freeside doesn't get the jump on you.
When the two of you are travelling together though, he's sure to point out different places to you if he thinks they could help you out. Whether that be doctor's clinics, relatively welcoming settlements or safehouses that the Followers have set up, he wants you to know places you can go to if you need help.
Once the two of you become closer, Arcade will often suggest you both returning to your home - unless you had a specific reason for leaving and then he won't push any further. It could be nice to get away from New Vegas for a little while and he'd like to see the place you grew up in.
Veronica Santangelo
Not being from the Mojave herself and having an insatiable thirst to explore the wasteland and all it has to offer, Veronica immediately jumps at the chance to join you in your travels - once she makes sure you won't be any kind of threat to the Brotherhood of Steel, that is.
Exploring alone is interesting as it is, but having a partner by her side is something Veronica finds to be even better. Not only do her own eyes light up when she first sees the Strip and all its bustling casinos, but she notices how yours do too. It's nice to share those memories with someone.
But Veronica can't always be by your side, sometimes you want to take Boone to go fight the Legion, or you want to deal with Crimson Caravans and the Van Graffs with Cass. Veronica doesn't mind, really, but she worries about what she might miss when she's not by your side. You might come back raving about finally clearing out Quarry Junction all by yourself and she'll start to feel like while you're finally fitting in with the Mojave, she's still stuck on the outside alone.
She'll try to voice these concerns to you, trying her best not to come off as jealous or selfish. She loves seeing you grow and adjust to your new life, but it's hard to not feel left behind. But you showing her your Pip-Boy, with specific places marked with a V for Veronica next to them as places you can go explore together, makes her worries practically non-existent.
Benny Gecko
Truthfully, Benny actually feels a little guilty when you reveal to him just how new you are to the Mojave. You'd barely had time to do all the stupid tourist shit before he decided to bury you in a shallow grave.
On the bright side though, he ran one of the biggest casinos in Vegas. You need a tour guide? He's your man. Not only does it clear his conscience, which isn't something you'd assume Benny Gecko would want, but you're not complaining at the offer for help around the Strip.
Plus, he gives you all the gossip he has on the other factions in the area - which is a lot, if you were wondering. You actually find out about the White Gloves being cannibals thanks to Benny letting you know, although you had your suspicions there was something off about them based on appearance alone.
You may be waiting for Benny to finally turn on you, but having him in your corner - even if temporarily - turns out to be a pretty good thing. He's a good source of information and he actually seems apologetic about the whole Platinum Chip run in with the Great Khans, no matter how much he tries to steer your conversations away from the subject.
Robert House
For a man that's been rotting away in the Lucky 38 for the past 200 years, Mr House is extremely clued up on the ins and outs of New Vegas, although you could've guessed that pretty easily, he does run the place.
At first, your lack of knowledge of the area is a problem for him, one he makes clear from the moment you meet. How is he supposed to recruit you and have you help him if you don't even know how to get from Goodsprings to Primm without checking your Pip-Boy every two seconds?
While he can't show you the ropes in person, he does make the effort to have the Securitrons keep an eye on you, offering to give you directions if you seem like your lost. If you thought Victor followed you around enough on your way to New Vegas, you're not prepared for what's to come.
Deep down, and while he won't admit it, House does have good intentions. He'd even go as far as to say he's relieved when you make it back to the Lucky 38 safe. But that's just because he needs you to help him deal with the other factions, not because he actually cares about what happens to you, right?
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“Ready?” Tim asked. He took a last look over the microphone on the desk in front of him, then sideways at Dick and Damian, arranged on either side of him, a few feet away, with their own microphones.
Dick held up a sheet of paper. “I have the question list.” 
“I think that’s it, then.”
“Are we supposed to do some kind of intro?”
“Uh, unclear.” Tim snapped his fingers and leaned into his microphone.
“This is a podcast-interview thing,” he said. “We’re answering questions. Okay, I nailed the intro, so let’s hear the first one on the list.”
“Can somebody please explain Bruce Wayne’s family?” Dick read. “I know he has a bunch of kids, but I can’t figure out how many or where he got them from.”
“Interesting phrasing on the back half of that,” said Tim. “I feel like something expensive that went on sale.”
He clutched a hand to an imaginary necklace in feigned admiration. “Why Bruce! You must tell me where you got those!”
“You were never expensive,” said Damian. “Perhaps a grocery check-out display?”
Tim sighed and turned sideways, so he could look Damian in the face. “Being honest, I didn’t think you knew enough about shopping to make that joke.”
“I would never set you up on purpose.”
“I know.”
“Let’s get back to the question,” Dick suggested. “Can somebody please explain Bruce Wayne’s family?”
“I don’t know,” said Tim. He swung back towards the microphone, grimacing. “Maybe? It’s complicated.” 
“Complicated,” Dick repeated, flatly.
“Yeah, complicated.”
“It’s your own family.”
“That doesn’t make it simple,” said Damian.
“Do we get time to make an outline?” Tim asked, emboldened by the unexpected support. “Before we do our presentation?”
Damian half-smiled at that, while Dick looked the two of them over with a skeptical expression. 
“Are you telling me you don’t understand our own timeline?”
Tim waved a hand in a why-are-you-looking-at-me kind of gesture. “What, does anybody?”
“I do.”
“You experienced it linearly! We came in partway through, it’s different.”
“You take the question then.”
“If the two of you can’t manage it,” said Dick, with a distinctly sarcastic shrug.
“Obviously I can do it,” said Tim, suddenly defensive. He knew Dick was trying to get a rise, but Dick was good at that, and it was working. “I’m just saying it’s a confusing story.”
Tim pointed in Damian’s direction. “Back me up.”
“Absolutely not.”
“We can take turns,” said Dick, apparently satisfied with his victory. “Okay. Thomas and Martha Wayne died when Bruce was eight years old. Nineteen years after that, when Bruce was twenty-seven, he attended Haly’s Circus the night two acrobats fell to their deaths during a trapeze routine. Bruce took in their surviving son, me.”
Dick held up a finger. “My name is Dick Grayson, and I was Bruce’s ward from age twelve until the day I turned eighteen.”
“Which is different that being adopted,” Tim put in, “so bear that in mind for later.”
“Right. At eighteen, I became an adult, so Bruce wasn’t my guardian anymore. A year after that, Bruce met and adopted Jason Todd.”
“The second child he took in,” said Tim.
“But the first child he adopted,” said Damian.
“Exactly,” said Dick. “In that moment, Bruce was thirty-four with one former ward and one adopted son— which again, are distinct concepts.”
Tim nodded. “Jason Todd passed away three years after his adoption, when he was fifteen.”
“I never met him,” said Damian, straight-faced.
“Me neither,” said Tim, like he hadn’t spoken to Jason that morning. “I did meet Bruce though, at around that time.”
“The next few years are… harder to explain, I guess,” said Dick.
Tim raised an eyebrow in Damian’s direction, shaking his head in mock disgust. “See? Now he admits it.”
“The nerve.” Tim grinned as smugly as he could manage, so that Dick could see. Was Tim being difficult on purpose? Absolutely. Was he going to change that? Absolutely not. 
“Right, it can be my turn. I’m Tim Drake, and I met Bruce when I was thirteen years old.”
“I was…” Dick glanced upwards, like he was trying to remember— or, failing that, calculate. “Right now you’re…?”
“Do you not know my age?”
“I probably do.” Dick tapped a finger against the desk a few times, looking pensive. Eventually, he gave up.
“I’m blanking.” 
“Congratulations, Damian,” said Tim. “You are no longer my least favorite sibling.”
“I was your least favorite?” Damian asked, with such innocence that Tim couldn’t stop himself from bursting out laughing.
It took him a few moments to regain control. “You looks so proud of yourself,” he told Damian, as soon as he could.
“Thank you, I am.”
“I’m writing you both out of my will,” muttered Dick, “as soon as we get home.” 
“Shame.” Tim swiped a sweatshirt sleeve over his eyes, still grinning. “I had my eye on your terrible CD collection.”
“The estate in its entirety, I believe,” said Damian. 
“Shut up,” said Dick. “Keep answering the question.”
“Yeah, yeah, give me a minute.” Tim held up a hand to count on his fingers. “We did circus, Jason, Jason’s death— oh right, me. I met Bruce when I was thirteen and Dick was twenty-two, which would make Bruce thirty-seven.”
“I would have gotten there eventually.”
“Go to hell. Two years after that, when Bruce was thirty-nine, he met our sister, Cassandra Cain.”
“She was seventeen then,” said Damian.
Dick nodded. “Simplifying, we met her through a family friend. That same year, Bruce adopted me.”
“Which puts Father at thirty-nine with two sons—”
“One deceased,” added Tim.
“Having already met Tim and Cass,” Dick finished. 
“Now if you think that’s confusing,” said Tim, gesturing broadly, “you’re right, it is.”
Damian nodded. “It gets even worse.”
“Yeah. For another two years we were— again, simplifying— in roughly the same place. After that, Bruce adopted me—”
“—making my life even worse.”
“Shut up, you weren’t even around yet. At forty-one, Bruce had three sons, one deceased.”
“That’s Todd.”
“And then came—”
“Me.” Damian raised his own hand. “My name is Damian Wayne, and I am my father’s genetic son. We met for the first time when Father was forty-one, and I was ten.”
“Four sons,” said Dick. “By age it’s me, Jason, Tim, Damian.”
“But from Bruce’s perspective,” said Tim, “Jason, then Dick, then me, then Damian.”
“I’d note,” said Damian, “that I was born several years before Todd’s adoption, and since I have been a Wayne from the beginning, I am both my father’s youngest child and his first child, whether he was aware of me or not.”
“But wait!” Tim interjected. “There’s more!”
“We’re almost done,” said Dick. “We already mentioned meeting our sister Cassandra. Bruce adopted her formally after Damian arrived, while Bruce was still forty-one.”
“Which means,” said Tim, “that we can do a final tally. Damian?”
“Assist me. We have Dick—”
“Alive,” said Damian.
“Not alive.”
“Alive, regrettably.”
“And you.”
“Yes.” Damian sat back in his chair. Tim leaned forwards in his, so he could put his elbows down on the desk. 
“That’s pretty much it,” he said. “I won’t say how old we are right now, because it turns out Dick doesn’t know, and I don’t want to help him.”
Dick rolled his eyes. “I barely know my own age.”
“You’re eighty. One thousand, nine hundred, and forty. Some other number. I don’t know, why would I remember a very basic fact about my own family member?”
“To be fair to him,” Damian put in, “you are very forgettable.”
“And you’re my least favorite again.”
“Shame. As a last fact, I’d also note that Martha and Thomas Wayne died when Father was very young, so he was primarily raised by the butler.”
“That’s Alfred,” Tim agreed, “and his formal title is butler, but he’s also, you know, our grandfather.” 
“Can we move to another question now?”
“I guess?” Tim looked over at Dick for confirmation. 
“I don’t know,” Dick sighed. “Maybe.” 
Merry Christmas, my loves
timeline post / google doc
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hauntedwitch04 · 3 years
Hello. I am a big fan of your writing and you have great writing skills. I would like to ask, if you are fine with it and you have time and you like the concept of course, if you could write a cassian x reader where reader is a famous assassin and cassian is sent to arrest her and he brings her to the night Court where she meets everyone. They are mates, which they find out later. It's more like an enemies to lovers. You can decide the ending. Thank you for your time and I am sorry if I bothered you. Also English isn't my first language so sorry for grammar mistakes. Have a nice day and stay safe!
The angel’s claw
Cassian x Reader 
Words: about 1.6k word
Warnings: cursing, blood, wound, bad writing
Author’s note: Hi! Thank you so much, I really appreciated what you said. I enjoyed writing it, hope you like it!
Request are always open!
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Damn it. 
It's all Y/N can think about while watching the light of the torch that illuminates the corridor outside her cell, which passes thinly under the door and through the small barred window they use to pass her food. Her cell is small and dark, the smell of mold invades her thoughts and doesn't allow her to think of a plan to escape. All her mind keeps wondering is how an assassin like her, with thousands of successful kills had managed to fall into a stupid trap set by an overgrown bat who was in charge of the Night Court troops. All of those kills have given her the reputation as Prythian's deadliest assassin and the nickname "the angel's claw", as she kills all of her victims with a specific knife that resembles a claw. A legend tells that it is a real claw, and that it was of the last dragon existing in the world, that she had killed at an early age; the nickname "angel", instead, comes from her innocent and pure face like that of an angel, that however hides a black soul, stained with blood, with more secrets than stars in a starry night. 
Suddenly the light on the floor is interrupted by two people, who open the cell and enter. Y/N doesn't recognize them at first, then he realizes who the General and Commander of the Night Court's armies and the Spymaster Shadowsinger are. The assassin realizes that they're going to have fun, smiles, and gets ready to play. 
Y/N: "What a pleasure to see you both. At least I no longer have to see only one dickhead but two." 
Cassian: "Watch your mouth, I remind you that it's also up to us if you live or die, so you better behave." 
Y/N: "I'm not a two year old General, I can take care of myself and I'd rather die than have to deal with you for five minutes." 
The shadowsinger laughs at the scene in front of him and shakes his head as he pulls out the famous knife, the Truth-Teller, to try and put fear into the girl, even though he knows that it is a futile effort. 
Azriel: "You told me Cass was particular, but this one far exceeds my expectations. Also it's true, she's very attractive, now I can see how people were falling for her deceptions." 
Y/N: "So General do you think I'm attractive? So you flatter me." 
Cassian: "As attractive as a poisonous snake, like a nightmare."- the man replies bored, leaning against the door in a relaxed pose, though he is betrayed by his tense muscles and hands resting on his weapons, risky to carry in a cell with such a good assassin, but he knows that in case he wanted to kill them he would have done it right away. 
Y/N: "Well honey I may be a nightmare, but you can't help but admit that I look more like a daydream."- says the girl winking at Cassian, who moves from the door and angrily starts walking around the cell grumbling something about them wasting their time. (Sorry not sorry, but sho just heard Taylor Swift's "Blank Space" and the phrase is stucked in my mind). 
Cass: "Okay enough talk, we have to go. Az put the cuffs on her." 
Y/N: "Wow guys, at least take me out to dinner first."
Azriel tries to suppress a laugh as he puts the handcuffs on the assassin, and then follows his brother up the stairs, dragging the girl behind him, to a slightly larger room where there is a table and chairs in the center. They are located underneath Rhysand's Nightmare Court residence. 
Rhysand: "Finally, I thought he had killed you. Too bad he didn't, I had so much hope."- says the High Lord sitting at the table, as the others take their seats, to receive a middle finger from his brothers. 
Y/N: "What work do I have to do?"- asks the girl looking into the eyes of the High Lord. 
Rhysand: "How do you know you have to do a job for me?"- asks the man intrigued by the question. 
Y/N: "Well it seems more than obvious after all, you sent your hound after me, and in case you were wondering I'm talking about Azriel, and then the other idiot came and captured me and now it's just the four of us in a room? I don't think you want to ask me to marry me." 
Rhysand: "I told you Az would be a great addition." 
Y/N: "Okay, I didn't get that one instead." - states the assassin confused. 
Rhysand: "Well my dear, you got that right, I want to offer you a job, but not just a murder, no I have bigger plans for you. My proposal is to become my assassin, part of my court, and in return you will have protection and a very good salary."- says the High Lord with obviousness, as he looks at the girl, who now does not have that sly smile she had before while talking, but a serious face while listening carefully to the words of the man in front of her. 
Y/N: "And how do you know that I will not betray you? That I won't accept another assignment and kill you and your entire family? How do you know I'll accept?" 
Rhysand: "Because I got inside your head and saw what you want most in life, and that's a home, friends, family. I'm not promising the last two, though I can see Azriel already likes you and believe me when I say that's a more than rare occurrence, but you can rest assured that you'll have a place to live, in Velaris." 
Y/N: "Velaris?" 
Rhysand: "My city. It's secret, no one knows where it is or how to get there, you'd be safe from all the people looking to kill you. Accept, and I'll put an end to all your troubles."- says the man with a light in his purple eyes that makes him look like a child at a playground. 
Y/N: "So when do we leave?"
So Y/N joins the Inner Circle. She soon becomes friends with Amren and Azriel, while with Cassian the situation doesn't go very well. Despite the fact that the assassin is proven, in many missions, to be loyal to the Court of Night and its High Lord, he still does not believe her, of course sometimes there are times when they get along and live together, but in general there is always a lot of tension between the two. Everything changes when during a mission she saves him. The General is shocked by what Y/N has done for him. 
They were on a mission in the Court of Autumn, they were camping in the woods, in a remote spot of that red and orange tinged forest, when the girl had seen a guard from the Court's army they were infiltrating appear. That guard had already thrown a knife at the unsuspecting General's wings, however. Quickly she steps in front of him, taking the blow instead, not before throwing a knife in turn at the guard, killing him instantly. 
Cassian is shocked by the girl's act of selflessness and bravery, but all the man can think about is the blood pouring from the girl's wound. He immediately sets to work trying to stem the wound. After several attempts he succeeds, the wound is not very deep, but it is very big.
Quickly the batboy makes sure to move their camp to a cave, putting the assassin in a safe place. Once he gets everything they have into that cramped space he stops to look at the girl lying on the ground asleep. 
He stops and stares at her, until he feels something snap in him. Bond. 
Immediately everything seems to fall into place and he finds himself looking at Y/N with even more adoration than before. He sits down next to her and runs a hand through her hair, removing it from her sweaty forehead. She jerks her eyes open, only to relax seeing that it's Cassian. 
Y/N: "I get that we're mates, but if you keep looking at me like that you're going to wear me out."- she says in a weak voice. 
Cassian: "How do you know we're mates? Since when have you known?" 
Y/N: "Since I saw that guard trying to hit you. It clicked at that exact moment and I felt the need to protect you." 
Cassian: "And now I'm torn between needing to punch you for the crap you did or kiss you for how beautiful you are." 
Y/N: "I vote for the latter, if you care to know." 
And so the two of them kiss and like magic all those months of hate disappear in a cloud of smoke, like a bad memory of a beautiful present and an even brighter future. Now off to bed boys, if your mom and dad find you still up they'll kill me and I won't be able to babysit you anymore. No this time the "Uncle Azzy" and sweet eyes technique doesn't work, I still knew I shouldn't leave you with Gwyn too long.  No I love your aunt, but she has the ability to make me do anything she wants in a crazy way, and she has taught it to you. Now time to go to sleep. Uff... Okay, another story, but this is the last one. God Y/N and Cass are going to kill me.
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icerosecrystal · 3 years
An Unexpected Turn Of Events
Mominette Month 2021
Day 01 - Find A Child
Authors note: Hi, everyone! Just one quick to let you all know so that this fic is not confusing for you. This fic is a reverse Robin fic. In other words, Dick is the youngest instead of the eldest, and Damian is the oldest instead of the youngest. This same thing applies to all of the other bat children as well.
Marinette sighed in relief as she finished rifling through her purse. She had woken up late and had hastily left her hotel room for her consultation. She had thankfully not left behind anything that she would need during the consultation. Feeling a bit paranoid, she looked once more through her purse, and there was the tape measure, pencils, notebook, sewing kit, and the NDAs. She may or may not have flipped through the grimoire belonging to the guardians and found the spell for expanding the space in her purse to be the way it was for her yo-yo when she transforms into Ladybug. Unlike her yo-yo, the expansion was still limited. But the extra space was still beneficial.
As Marinette was walking, she pulled out her phone to look at the time. 9:50, she thought, leaves me enough time to get to Wayne Tower by 10:00 if I want to be on time. As she was putting her phone away, she felt something hit her legs and torso. She let out a slight oof at the unexpected weight against her lower body. As she peered down, she saw a cute boy, probably around eight years old clinging onto her legs. He had black hair, and as he looked up at her with teary eyes, she saw the most devastating sparkling blue eyes she had ever seen. His slightly chubby cheeks were flushed pink, and his nose also had a pink tinge to it. The flushness was probably a result of the choked sobs he was currently letting out.
As Marinette looked around, she realized that none of the nearby grown-ups looked to be his parents, nor did they look like they were missing a child. She bent down and smiled softly at him, hoping to calm him down a bit. After a beat or two, her smile seemed to do the trick, and his sobs reduced down to a few tears. Once she knew that he had calmed down, she softly whispered, “ Hey, honey. Are you lost? Do you want me to find your parents?”
He sniffled a few times before replying with a slight tremor in his voice, “Yes. Please help me find my Boose.”
“Your Boose?” Marinette questioned.
“Yes,” he slightly whimpered, “Boose is my new daddy. My other daddy and mommy had to say goodbye to me.”
Marinette gasped in shock at his words. This poor kid, so young, and yet his parents were gone. Dead. Marinette thought about the many akumas which her parents didn’t survive. She then shook herself out of her thoughts. Come on, Marinette. Stop worrying about yourself all time. Your parents are okay now. But this kid is lost! Get out of your head! Steeling herself, she gently asked him, “What’s your name, hon? Mine is Marinette, but you can call me Mari..”
Surprised by the kindness and warmth in her voice, he stuttered out, “Richard… but I like Dick better. Richard sounds old. I’m not old!” He then shyly added, “It’s nice to meet you, miss. You have a pretty name.”
Marinette smiled as she saw his confidence growing with every word he spoke. Marinette laughed aloud at the words he shyly said, “It’s nice to meet you too.” She then questioned, “Do you remember where your daddy is?”
Dick was now bouncing on his heels, and he squealed out in excitement, “Yes! My daddy is in the big, tall building with the huge ‘W’ on it!”
The corners of her mouth twitched in amusement. Dick’s excitement was infectious. His words then caught up to her. Well! It looked like luck was on her side after all! She would have enough time to get Dick back to his dad and still be on time for her consultation. She stood back up and then smiled down at him, “Well, I’m heading there too! So why don’t I take you back to your daddy?”
Dick nodded his head rapidly before holding her hand with his much smaller one. They then started walking towards Wayne Tower. Dick continued to babble on about the most random of things. He talked about his grumpy older brother, who it seemed begrudgingly liked him. He also discussed the many pets his older brother had. It also seemed like Dick’s adoptive dad had a slight problem with adopting too many children from what could be told from the many siblings that Dick mentioned.
When the door of Wayne Tower came into sight, Dick stopped talking, allowing them to walk in comfortable silence. As she was about to speak to ask him where in the building his father worked or the name of his dad, Dick blurted out, “I like you, Miss Mari. Can you be my mommy? I don’t have a new one yet!”
Marinette stopped in shock before trying to stutter out something, anything, but all of her words were incoherent. What do you say in response to a question like that, she thought to herself? She saw Dick looking at her for an answer, and after a while, he decided to pull out some puppy eyes. Shoot! Marinette thought. I need to say something to stall for time. At least until I get him to his dad. She reassured him, “I am thinking about my answer, Dickie! But how about we first get back to your daddy, and then we talk about it?”
Dick contemplated her words before nodding in agreement and practically bouncing through the doors. Marinette sighed in relief and also walked through the doors. Her head was down as she speculated what she should do about Dick’s question. Suddenly, a rough voice spoke up in front of her, “Hello. Ms. Dupain-Cheng, I presume.”
Marinette lifted her head, and there in front of her was Bruce Wayne, her newest client. And clinging to him was the very boy that was holding her hand just seconds ago. She suddenly remembered hearing something about Bruce Wayne adopting the son of some acrobats who were in an accident. The name of the kid was Richard Grayson! She hadn’t made the connection!
Realizing that Bruce was looking for an answer, she hastily stuck out her hand, stuttering, “That is correct, Monsieur Wayne. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
He stared at her hand before gently taking it and raising the back of her hand to his lips. “Please, the pleasure is all mine. Let’s make our way upstairs.”
She blushed at his gentlemanly actions before squeaking out a small, “Let’s.” The three of them climbed into the elevator and went to the top floor of the building. The doors of the elevator opened up, and Bruce gestured for her to go first. She did so and looked around at the beautiful interior of the building that she had not yet noticed. Bruce then opened up the door to what seemed to be his office. Inside she saw there to be seven kids. She smiled at them in greeting. Most of them smiled back at her. The exception to this was what looked to be the oldest and one of the younger ones. (Damian and Jason, if you didn’t figure it out.)
Marinette felt Bruce step closer so that he was next to her before he spoke once more, “These are all of my children, biological, adopted, or otherwise.” He pointed to the man with stunning green eyes stating, “This is my oldest son, Damian. He’s 22.” Damian gave a tight-lipped smile in response, along with a slight tilt of his head.
Next, Bruce gestured to what looked to be the second oldest saying, “This is Tim. He’s 18 years old.” He was sipping coffee and giving the briefest of nods to her. He looked seconds away from collapsing.
He then acknowledged a blonde girl, remarking, “This is Stephanie, but she likes to be called Steph. She’s 17 years old.” The girl seemed to be bouncing in place and close to bursting from excitement.
He pointed to a rough-looking boy stating, “This here is Jason. He just turned 15. He’s a few months older than the next youngest.” The boy smirked at Marinette in acknowledgment of his introduction.
Bruce finally gestured to a girl with Asian features saying, “This is Cassandra or Cass. She’s 14, but like I said, a few months younger than Jason.” The girl seemed to be peering through her very soul. After gazing for a few seconds, she hummed in what Marinette deemed to be satisfied as if she liked what she saw.
Bruce then turned towards her, “And you’ve already met Richard or Dick. Thank you for bringing him back.”
Marinette smiled in acknowledgment of his compliment before replying, “It was nothing Monsieur Wayne. He was all alone, so I had to help him. But he was delightful the whole time. Now as for what I came here for, what type of clothes have you been looking for–”.
But before she could continue, Dick blurted out, “Daddy, I like Ms. Mari! Can we keep her? I want her to be my mommy!”
The result was instant. The room burst into a flurry of noises, each of Bruce’s kids trying to speak over one another. Marinette was blushing very brightly. In fact, from how hot her face felt, she was sure that she was inventing new shades of red. Marinette looked over to see Bruce’s reaction and squeaked when she saw him staring at her with a sharp, analytical gaze.
Marinette took a few breathes to calm herself down. She then softened both her gaze and voice as she addressed Dick, “Dickie, honey, as much as I loved meeting you and talking with you, I, unfortunately, cannot be your mommy. Bruce is your daddy, and he will someday find a lovely lady who will be your mommy.”
At her last sentence, all or most of the kids seemed to have snorted in amusement. It seemed as if they disagreed with her statement. Dick looked sad and seemed to be growing teary-eyed. Marinette looked over to Bruce for some help but only found him concealing the amusement that he was most likely feeling quite well. If she hadn’t been Ladybug, she probably would have never noticed the slight bit of emotion peaking through his mask. She glared at him reproachfully as if saying, this is your kid, so you need to help me convince him that I would not make a good mother.
He rolled his eyes in return as if trying to say, Don’t kid yourself. You would make an excellent mother. And you’re already attached to him, don’t deny it.
As Marinette sighed in response, Bruce turned away from her towards Dick and knelt to his level. He then gently said, “Now Dick. Miss Mari can’t be your mommy.” Marinette started nodding as if agreeing with Bruce’s words. But then stopped when he continued, “But she can visit you and maybe one day be your mommy.”
Marinette opened and closed her mouth, no words coming out. Before shyly looking down before raising her head, stammering, “Well, I guess I could visit.”
All the kids started cheering in response. The exception to this was Damian. But the corner of his lips was slightly raised as if the start of a smile. Dick bounded over to her, hugging her and babbling out everything he wanted to do with her. And in all the chaos, Marinette’s and Bruce’s eyes met. They both exchanged small smiles.
Marinette then clapped her hands together, reminding them, “I do still have to do a consultation with all of you. So how about we do that, and then we can do something fun together?” Seeing everyone’s nods, Marinette then continued with the consultation. But unbeknownst to anyone in the room, their relationship would change drastically in the coming months. But ultimately, it would change for the better.
One Year Later
It has been a year since the faithful day when Dick requested Marinette to be his mom. And since then, they only seemed to grow closer. She had met Alfred, Bruce’s Psuedo father and the children’s pseudo grandfather. She thought that he was extraordinary. And honestly godsent. She also experienced a lot of adventures with the Waynes. In fact, after only four months of knowing each other, she figured out that they were the Bat-Family. She had caught them once after patrol and raised her eyebrow as if demanding an answer, and god did she get an answer from them!
Marinette and Bruce had also started dating. This change in their relationship occurred a few weeks after she found out their identities. They were now engaged to be married in a few months. All the children had warmed up to Marinette over the months, even Damian, who always withheld his emotions. But they had all come to see her as their mother figure and were ever so grateful for her. And so they wanted to do something for her birthday.
The very morning of her birthday, everything went wrong. Marinette woke up to quite the sight. All over the kitchen was what looked to be cake batter. It seemed as if they were trying to put the baking she had taught them to good use, but they had also made the cake batter explode. Marinette and Bruce stared at the mess before they both started laughing. Marinette had a light, melodic laugh, while Bruce had a very gruff laugh.
Marinette beckoned all of them forward for a hug before proclaiming, “I love that you all were trying to do something for me, but none of you had to do anything. But it’s the thought that counts, so thank you. But next time, please stay away from the kitchen.”
She then shooed them on their way before getting two mops, handing one to Bruce as she passed by him. She kissed him on the cheek before starting to clean up the mess, Bruce following her actions. She then quietly snickered, “Well, this was quite a sight to wake up to on your birthday. I would have thought that today would have been relaxing.”
She looked up to see Bruce shoot her a small look before shaking his head in amusement. “Mari, darling, when has our lives with them ever been relaxing? They are always getting into trouble.”
She snorted in response, “Yes, well, they get it from their father.”
Bruce glared at her lightly before pulling her into a deep kiss, “I don’t know. Their mother seems to be just as chaotic sometimes.”
She shook her head in amusement, pulling herself away from Bruce’s embrace and questioning, “How is this even my life anymore?”
He chuckled lightly, alerting her that he was about to sass her in some way. “Well, from what I remember, about a year ago, you came across this kid that–”
Marinette held up a finger to his mouth, stopping him from uttering another word. She was also glaring at him reproachfully. “Yes, I do know-how. I was there. Now go away so that I can clean up the rest of the kitchen. You’re distracting me.”
He let go of his mop before giving her another deep kiss and then darting away. As he strolled out of the room, he shouted over his shoulder, “Oh, I know how distracting I am. I am well aware of how irresistible I am, ma coccinelle.” He could hear her spluttering in response before yelling back at him, but he continued on his way to his office. Along the way, he chuckled to himself.
Back in the kitchen, Marinette was glaring at nothing. She was also plotting ways to show her fiance who the irresistible one was. She then sighed in happiness. Yes, her life was amazing. A year ago, if someone told her this would be her life, she wouldn’t have believed it. But now she was living it, and god was it amazing. Funny what finding a child will do to you, Marinette thought to herself before carrying on with her task of cleaning up the mess her kids had made. Yeah, life was amazing.
2,683 words
I actually got it done!
~ ❄ Crystal ❄
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paintball169 · 3 years
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2021!
Day 2 - Family
Day1 - Day2 - Day3
Marinette Wayne was the baby of the Family. She loved her brothers to no end.
Maybe a little more because they treated her as the baby.
Being the youngest had both its advantages and disadvantages. On one hand they listened to her every demand. On the contrary they were over protective.
Being the youngest also had other perks. No one could ever say to Marinette. Growing up Marinette was given lots of love by her older siblings. She got everything. She always loved the attention her crazily big family paid her. Don’t get her wrong, She loved her family a lots.
They gave her everything she asked. All she had to do was ask.
A ride in the Batmobile. Done. Modelling her clothes. Done. A baby Tiger. Also done. But mostly Marinette enjoyed spending time with her crazy family.
She loved the gifts and all, But the most? It was spending time together.
Playing pranks, Making gifts for each other, Game nights, Cooking nights.
Yeah those were definitely her most fond moments.
Her father and Siblings tried not to blow up the kitchen. That was something straight out of the funny TV shows for Baby marinette. She always loved her brothers and father trying to cook, and later accidentally blowing up the Kitchen. That was the funniest part. She would fall down laughing while clutching her stomach every single time.
Don’t blame her, Her family managed to do the most impossible things. Setting water on fire, Blowing up an egg in the microwave, Her father couldn’t even make coffee!
And that was funny itself. Marinette loved sitting on a chair and watching her Dad trying to make sense of the Coffee maker. Everytime she ended up laughing out loud.
She also loved doing the trapeze with Dick. Playing pranks on everyone with Jay. Trying to stay up all night with Tim. Walking Titus with Damian. Dancing with Cass. Doing ridiculous things with Stephanie. Watching Babs help through the Comms. Baking with Alfred too.
Also there was another thing she loved the most. Going to WE with her Dad. The Employees were made to sign NDA’s so her Identity wouldn’t get out. Many times she got bored in Dad’s meetings. So she ended up talking to one of the employees while they worked. Marinette was curious about business. So she often ended up with her bombarding a person with Queries. At the end of the Day, her dad would realize she wasn’t with him. That ended with him panicking and announcing on the huge microphones in WE. She enjoyed scaring the shit out of her Dad.
So when it was time to stay with her mother. Everyone ended up crying. Marinette was confused and sad. Did heer family not love her anymore? Did they hate her now? What about Jay-Jay? And Dami? Sure he was four years older than her, but he loved her, Right? She pulled her father’s coat and timidly asked
“Do you all hate me now? Is that why you're sending me away?”
Gasps were heard among many. “No darling, we don't, we love you lots. But your mother gave birth to you right? Don’t you think she wants to meet you too? You can still visit every summer and winter break.We won't miss a single christmas without you. I promise we’ll all call you daily!” Her father says. Yes, that makes sense. She should thank the lady for giving birth to her. Maybe the lady wants to know what she looks like.
“Pinky Promise?”
“Pinky Promise.”
And the promise was kept. Every Summer she ended up with new memories. She also got to thank the lady who gave birth to her. She was her Maman now. And there was Papa too! Marinette hopes that her Dad finds her another Mom! Then she would get to keep two Moms and two Dads! One will always be her Dad, Bruce. Second will be her Maman. Third, her Papa Tom. And fourth her Mom or another lady her Dad finds.
Marinette loved her new life too!! She also missed her Brothers and Sisters and the craziness they brought. She loved cooking with her Maman. Also she loved Baking with Papa. She also had a two year old sister Bridgette! She looked just like her! Now she has a small Sibling. It’ll be just like her and Damian!
Marinette made a lot of friends. Bonded with her sister. Also Introduced her to her Dad!
She had such good friends! She also became a superhero. Her both families knew about that. But all that changed one day. Why? The one and only Lila Rossi.
She took all of Marinette’s friends. Except Chloe, Kagami, Luka and Nathaniel. Chloe is dating Nathaniel. And Kagami is dating Luka. She also has a boyfriend, Jon kent. She started dating him Last year. Her family knew about Lila. So did Bridgette. She always called Lila a Witch.
This year she won't be going to Gotham to visit her family! They will be coming here! She was Psyched. Now Bridgette could meet them in person! She and Bridgette were currently sitting in Le Grand Paris waiting for the Waynes. Her Class was also going to be there. Instead they will be talking with Mr.Agreste. Oh Boy, She was going to enjoy this.
As she was thinking about what her family brought her, They said it was a surprise. They even got Bridgette one! Bridgette wanted to become a Cop, Just like Dick. She wondered if that was related. Maybe a famous cop’s autograph. Ooh maybe Commissioner Gordon’s.He was her role model after all! As she was soaked in her thoughts she missed the group of men wearing suits. Everyone’s Jaw Dropped. Aurore started filming. Her train of thoughts were cut off when she fell down from weight. She looked to see it was Jason Todd.
“Ouch Jay-Jay! Get off!” Marinette shouts. “What? Am I not allowed to hug my Baby Sister anymore?” He asks with fake hurt. “Of course you can! But seriously you are jumping on me!”Marinette Retorts. Then she’s under a dog pile. “I’m gonna join the pile too!!” Bridgette and Damian shout. “Boys get off your sister!” This earns a lot of Gasps. “Thanks Dad, I missed you.” Marinette then hugs her father. “Missed you too.”
“Hey Bridgette, nice to meet you formally!” While the waynes are absorbed in their conversation they miss a class with a teacher and principal coming in and taking a seat. Mr.Agreste is here in person.
“Aren’t those the Waynes? Why are they sitting with Mari-trash?” Lila asks getting a lot of Gasps. “Lets go talk to them, they will make an excellent Buissniess partner.”Mr.Agreste says to Adrien, getting a nod in return. Everyone follows them. The first thing they here is
“-A whole fabric shop for me? Thank you!” Marinette says hugging her Father.
“Is this Commissioner Gordon’s Autograph? That’s so cool!” Bridgette says.
“Mr. Wayne! A surprise seeing you here!” The Waynes turn to see Gabriel.
“Hello Gabriel. A surprise indeed.” Bruce answers smoothly.
“If you don’t mind, What are you doing here?” Gabriel asks.
“Oh, I decided that this year I should visit my daughter in Paris, Instead of the other way around,” Bruce says Patting Marinette’s head.
“She’s your daughter? She has quite a lot of potentiel Mr.Wayne.” Gabriel says Surprised.
“Right? She’s MW! Marinette Wayne!” Bruce exclaimed. Everyone Gasps.
“Oh?I’m glad our kids are such good friends.” Gabriel says fuming to the fact she’s on the top of the Designers list. To his surprise Mr.Wayne Scoffs.
“Good friends? Good Friends? These children bully my daughter on claims of a liar! Your son knows the truth, Yet he let’s kids bully my Daughter!On what note are they Good Friends?” Bruce Fumes. Everyone pales.
“I apologise, I had no idea.” Gabriel says.
“Not your fault. You should pay more attention to your son. Like even I’m a lot of busy. I still make time for my family. Although I'll still be pressing charges against the class and School.”
That’s how Lila’s Reign ended. She loved her Family no matter how much Chaotic they were. Yes she loved them lots.
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courtofwingsandruin · 4 years
I’m so mad at the ACOTAR fandom right now and how they’re dealing with Azriel’s chapter.
Warning: under the cut is just me going off for way too long about Azriel and his extra chapter.
Azriel is a huge comfort character for me, and before I could get my hands on the actual extra chapter I saw tons of posts talking about how gross and OOC he was and the disgusting things he was saying about Elain.
I literally laid in bed crying over it because it hurt to think that this character I had invested so much into, that I had been desperate to hear more about, would be that horrible.
And then I read it and...It’s not that bad? Yeah, he speaks of her sexually and is turned on by her. Sure. But she’s also turned on by him in that moment? She’s wanting him just as badly? He can clearly see that she does, we can clearly see that she does. I haven’t read ACOSF, so I may be wrong, but as far as I know she hasn’t accepted the mating bond yet and has shown no sign of planning to do so. She hasn’t shown any sign of wanting to be Lucien’s mate, but she’s shown a very obvious sign in this chapter about liking Azriel and wanting him.
I didn’t like the whole “Rhys and Cass got their Archeron sisters, why don’t I have one?” thing either, because it does feel like he’s just projecting his loneliness onto Elain and assuming that the Cauldron was wrong because of a kind of dumb theory he has. But I didn’t really feel like he was calling himself entitled to her. If she did not want him, he would be acting completely different. But she is showing that she wants him, is interested in him, and isn’t showing any signs of being interested in Lucien (as far as I understand, correct me if I’m wrong). So yes, it was a weird and stupid thing for him to say, but I don’t think he’s thinking “She should be mine because of this one little crazy thing I noticed.” He’s saying “The Cauldron and the Fates have been wrong about mates in the past and I’m just thinking maybe it was wrong about Lucien and Elain because they don’t have chemistry and we do AND because of this one little crazy thing I noticed.” He just didn’t state it that way.
(Also, quick note: Azriel says he can defeat Lucien out of arrogance, yeah, but also remember that he didn’t do so just unprompted. Rhys was the one to be like “he could challenge you to this duel BS” and Az, who probably only has confidence in his powers and nothing else about himself, says back, “I would win” because...tbh I’d probably say that too if my brother was like “You want this girl but she bElOnGs to another man so he can fight you for her.”)
The line that stuck with me the most was this: “But she’d gotten Azriel one last year—a headache powder he kept on his nightstand at the House of Wind. Not to use, but just to look at. Which he’d done every night he’d slept there.” I think it’s super important to read between the lines in chapters from the POV with characters like Azriel. He’s going to be a lot more open and upfront about his sexual desires than his romantic desires, even with himself, after spending so many years of pining after Mor for it to never happen. With how he has always been the one to try to stay stoned face and keep his personal feelings hidden. We see this with how, when Rhys brings up Mor, Azriel ignores it outright—and thus ignores his feelings. And I feel we also saw it with Gwyn and how he isn’t truly sure what he’s feeling towards her, which is the only reason we actually get a genuine view of those feelings towards the end of the extra chapter.
That quote kind of showed an inner working of his head that we aren’t seeing yet. He clearly isn’t only having sexual thoughts—he stares at this powder and probably thinks about a lot of damn things regarding Elain, not just regarding the bond and the sexual desires. Don’t forget that he’s been one of the few people to be her friend—sitting with her and listening to her and hanging out in the gardens with her in the previous books. His feelings are not only sexual. He’s just not showing us everything because this is only, what, 9 pages from him? We aren’t going to see every little thing he is feeling.
I believe, wholeheartedly, that the next book will be about Elain and Azriel. SJM has set up too much for them both for it to not be. For it to be about Elain and Azriel—unless she pulls a trick on us and has it focus solely on their individual development rather than their relationships, which is possible but I can’t see happening—this would mean that the two of them end up together (1 relationship per book, guys).
I’m not gonna go into Gwyn, because I don’t know much about her yet, and I don’t want to hit you guys with false information. But I feel like Azriel and Elain both have a lot of development to go through and Gwyn will be there with them, but I don’t really know if she is going to be a genuine love interest, or just someone who helps Azriel open up and be better—a good, true friend that he can count on.
The one thing I will say is that Elain and Mor have the parallel of making Azriel’s shadows disappear, or hide away—and Azriel definitely had romantic feelings for Mor. And Gwyn has a completely different effect on Azriel’s shadows. Whether this is a mating bond, or something else about Gwyn we have yet to find out, I don’t know. But I feel it’s definitely important to remember the similarities between how his shadows react to Elain and how they react to Mor versus how they react to Gwyn.
If you actually stuck around for all of this, thank you. I’m gonna go cry into my pillow now over how desperately I need ACOSF so I can focus on Nesta and Cassian and not all of this bull with Azriel and Elain and Lucien and Gwyn.
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ikroah · 3 years
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The strangest gal I ever had never happy ‘less she’s mad. Oh, I got a woman mean as she can be, sometimes I think she’s almost mean as me. —“Mean Woman Blues,” Elvis Presley (1957)
It Keeps Right On a-Hurtin’ #16 - Crimson Caravan
Collaborative Issue! Guest Artist: Esseress
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Read IKROAH on Archive of Our Own
Notes / Original Pencils / Transcript:
Girls’ night! Girls’ night!
I want this issue to speak for itself so I’m going to cut right to gratuitously thanking our latest guest artist, Esseress, who did a completely phenomenal on these five pages. We’ve been working on it for a long time and I’m over the moon to finally bring it to you now on this blog. I love writing this comic, and I loved doing the lettering and composition for it, but my goodness do I love Esse’s art. It was a real privilege to have that art as part of It Keeps Right On a-Hurtin’, especially since the artist was such an immaculately pleasant collaborator. If you’re reading this, thank you again for such a fun project (and talking about Naruto with me lol).
Original Pencils (click for full size):
This issue was one of my most fun composition challenges yet because something that you want to avoid in comics as much as possible, I think, is talking heads. You want to avoid shots that are static, overly repetitive, and uninteresting. Now the challenge is, how do you do that when your whole comic takes place in a small storeroom and is nothing but a conversation between two characters?
Playing with angles and expressions, and using repetition intentionally with the percussive referent of Agnes cutting into the floorboards, made for some really suspenseful page layouts that complemented the script in a major way. I’m especially proud of the third page, with its quick cutaway to the exterior of the office and the cutting continuing beneath Agnes’ dialogue. Also, did you notice that you only ever see Agnes’ left side this issue? You never get to look her in the eye this issue, and given how cagey she’s acting, that evasiveness was an intentional compositional choice. It was satisfying to pull off, but hear me, it took a lot of planning in the thumbnail stage to pull off well.
The other fun challenge of this issue was lighting. When you’re in a closet a night and don’t want to be seen, how do you see? The delightful answer was to have Agnes actually use that damn flashlight she wears on her shoulder; attentive readers will notice that this is the second time she’s used it in the comic, with the first time being back in Boulder City at the end of Volume 1. Hmm…guys, I wonder if it’s a bad omen that she only seems to turn it on when she’s about to commit or assist in a murder…
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Speaking of lighting! One last fun hiccup about this issue was the final page. The script I wrote called for it to transition from night to morning between the first and second panels, but in a case of unforeseen and magnitudinous pedanticism, it was while coordinating the lighting on that page with Esse that I looked up the actual time of sunrise in the Mojave Desert for the time of year this issue takes place, which is November 5th if you’re curious. Turns out the sun shouldn’t be rising until after 7:00 AM, which hardly makes McLafferty the exceptionally early riser her planner says she is. That’s not to say it’s actually 7:00 AM in the comic…go ahead and play the CinemaSins ding for the wrong sunrise time, or whatever. And it’s not like any of you would have known or cared if I didn’t say anything! It was just too weird of a writing quirk to not bring up. The lesson, folks, is to always remember your temporality when writing. It’ll help you sleep a lot easier.
EXT. CRIMSON CARAVAN, night. The lights are out and everyone in the caravan compound have retired to their barracks for the night. From inside one of the compound buildings comes a soft sound.
INT. CRIMSON CARAVAN OFFICE. AGNES SANDS is bent over on the floor of a storeroom, carving into the wooden floor with her bootknife. ROSE OF SHARON CASSIDY leans against the door behind her.
AGNES: So…have you ever killed anyone before?
AGNES continues cutting into the floor without looking at CASS as she speaks.
AGNES: And I don’t mean a raider or fiend or something, nothing in self-defense. I mean in cold blood.
CASS: You mean like you killed those Khans?
(NOTE: *IKROAH #14—Lou.)
CASS: Hmmm…no, I guess I haven’t. When it comes to bloody vengeance just for myself…
CASS: …be gentle, it’s my first time.
AGNES doesn’t react to CASS’ joke. CASS becomes equally serious.
CASS: …I’d imagine this ain’t your first rodeo, the way you asked.
CASS: I mean…this Benny guy, in Vegas. When we catch him, which notch on your blood-spattered bedpost is he?
AGNES stops cutting into the floor, raising her knife. CASS’s expression tightens with concern. The silence is uncomfortable.
AGNES: Second.
CASS: Oh, thank God.
AGNES: What?
CASS: No offense, but the way you got all serious, I worried for a second you might be some kind of serial killer nutjob.
AGNES: No, no, I’m sorry. I was just…thinking. I really know how to meet the wrong men, apparently.
CASS (smiling): Dead men, right?
AGNES frowns. Her knife plunges back into the wooden floor.
CASS: Wanna talk about it?
CASS: Not like we have anything else to do.
AGNES: I really don’t.
CASS: Fine. That said, though, I did imagine this whole revenge thing being a bit more…exciting. Can’t say I like being stuck in a closet.
AGNES (smirking): You get used to it.
CASS: Why, though? You picked the lock to her fucking office like a cheap office toy. Why not break into her barracks and we shoot the bitch now?
AGNES: First, because that’s a great way to get us both killed.
AGNES keeps cutting as she speaks, deeper and deeper into the floor.
AGNES: Second, you want her to know it was you, so we have to get her awake and alone.
AGNES: Third, her planner on her desk confirmed what I already suspected—that she’s an early riser—so we’ll see her sooner rather than later, while the rest of the company is still asleep.
AGNES: Fourth, we want to send a message to everyone else. So it has to be at least a little spectacular.
CASS: Oh…you’ve really thought this through.
AGNES stops cutting. She slowly lifts her knife out of the floor.
AGNES: Yeah.
CASS: Where’d a medic get so good at murder?
AGNES rises from bending over the floor to a kneeling position, turning back towards CASS and frowning.
CASS: Sorry. You probably don’t want to talk about that, either.
AGNES: Maybe another time. For now…
AGNES leans back, kneeling over an intricate cross-hatch, about three feet in radius, of deep cuts and gouges into the floorboards in front of her.
AGNES: …just trust me.
EXT. CRIMSON CARAVAN. Night turns to early morning, and ALICE McLAFFERTY, the boss of the caravan, walks up the steps of her office and enters.
AGNES (from inside, whispering): Alright. Now. Quickly.
From inside her office, a door is kicked open.
ALICE: What the hell, who are you—!?
CASS: Rose of Sharon goddamn Cassidy, of Cassidy fucking Caravans, you bitch!
ALICE: No, you’re—
The sound of a shotgun going off in the middle of the compound wakes up the whole caravan. Crows scatter from the courtyard while guards start rushing towards the office door.
AGNES: Alright, now let’s go! Shoot the floor here where I—
The guards close in on the office while wooden shrapnel falls from a new hole in the floorboards of the office, and AGNES and CASS drop through to the ground outside, and crawl away from the caravan guards under the hut just as they reach the McLAFFERTY’s front door.
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libraryofnesta · 3 years
Tied to Ruin
ao3 link
Cassian and Nesta were lovers, partners in crime. They did everything together. That is until tragedy strikes, causing Nesta to run away, far from everything she once knew.
Over five years later, Nesta is living life to as full as it can get. It’s not until an incident occurs that drags her into far more than she bargained for.
thanks so much for reading. i'm a huge hoe for exes to lovers, so i have like 20 ideas in my head, and this is one of them. It's multichapter. i'm not sure how long this is gonna be, but definitely over ten chapter. this fic has two timelines. One will show them from when they're kids to teens, and one while they're adults. Both will occur at the same time, so things will start to unravel as you read.btw! velaris is gonna be like a super small town in new york. like no one knows about it.
TW: implied domestic violence, nothing graphic.
Chapter 1: lonely beds, different cities
Words, how little they mean
When you're a little too late
I stood right by the tracks
Your face in a locket
Good girls, hopeful they'll be and long they will wait
Sad Beautiful Tragic
Taylor Swift
2016, Small Town Velaris
“Please,” she whispers, voice hoarse. Nesta is practically begging at this point, but she has nothing else to relent to. “We can get out of here.” She swallows hard when he doesn’t reply. “We’re still young Cassian, we can still-”
“Nesta.” He says. It's one word, but it makes her pause. He rarely calls her Nesta. It’s always ‘Nes’ or ‘Sweetheart.’
“I can’t.”
Their lives have changed so drastically over the past few weeks. Nesta’s whole childhood is here. Everything she’s ever known. She’s not sure how much more of it she can handle now.
She’s well aware of the tears streaming down her face. Nesta doesn’t know what she can say to convince him, so she says the one thing that she’s been repeating over and over.
“You can��”
Cassian’s face seems to harden. The look he gives her makes her take a step back. He hasn’t looked at her like that in years. “Go ahead and leave Nesta.”, he says, voice rising. “Go live that picture perfect you always wanted. I won’t stop you.”
“Not everyone wants what you do.”
2021 New York, Manhattan
Something about leaving Valkyrians still makes her feel at odds. She’s not as resistant to the sight of blood anymore, and she’s not sure if she can ride a motorcycle as well as she used to. There are still parts that linger though. She still remembers how to throw a punch. A damn good one too. She still feels uneasy when someone walks in the same direction for too long though. It might be the worst part of it all.
Nesta doesn’t do much for fun.  She doesn’t dance as much as she likes. The amount of books she reads has decreased. Her days consist of work and eating, even though she skips more meals than she should. But she’s free. That’s what really matters, doesn’t it?
The muscles in Nesta’s body ache. She just finished a seven hour shift, and got a promotion that pays much better. Nesta wants to celebrate. She wants to talk to someone. It’s been so long since she’s talked to anyone. The fear of someone finding out about her past is lodged so deep in her head it caused her to isolate. The simple way of putting it is she has no friends.
Coworkers are the only source of non-work related conversation she engages in. It’s always small talk too. Just as Nesta is about to fall asleep, she rubs her eyes and forces herself to stay awake. Getting up from the lumpy couch, Nesta walks to her cabinet, grabbing a random mug and pouring wine into it. Once she gets a better look at the mug, she can’t help but scoff.
It’s ironic. Complaining about being lonely. It’s almost like she chose loneliness. She loves the quiet. When she was younger, all she wanted was alone time. She dreads it now. Nesta gets up after finishing her glass.  She’s a bit drowsy, and is way too tired to walk all the way to her room. Instead Nesta walks back over to her couch. She lies horizontally, staring into the abyss until she eventually falls asleep.
She dreams of seeing him that night. It’s a regular occurrence. It’s lessened over the years, but never fully disappeared. The image of him is blurry. It’s not as precise as it used to be. She hates still thinking of him. It doesn’t stop her from reminiscing a little though.
Her being upset makes sense of course. They’d known each other for over ten years, hating one another at first. Eventually, he began to grow on her. Their bickering had become playful, before they once again became estranged.
The figure turns around, and he knocks the wind out of her. His hair is out of it’s usual bun.  He gives her that familiar boyish smile, walking towards her and putting an arm on her.
“Missed me Sweetheart?”, he says, ruffling her hair a bit. Nesta scrunches her nose in response.
“You wish.”
He rolls his eyes. “Yeah yeah whatever.” He talks for a while. Nesta’s barely paying attention. It’s just nice to hear his voice again. He asks her what she’s reading, and she replies the same every time. It’s silent after a while. They’ve talked themselves out. It’s a nice silence though. Her favorite silence.
Cassian stares at her for a few seconds, giving her a soft smile and pushing a loose hair behind her ear.
“Come back,” he whispers.
Her breath stutters. “It’s been five years, Cass,” she mutters, breaking eye contact. Her eyes flicker between the ground and his face, gauging his reaction.
He doesn’t stop looking at her.
“I didn’t want to leave,” said Nesta. There’s a lump in her throat.
He scrubs a hand over his face. “Yet here we are.”
“You know why I left.”
Her eyes feel like they’re beginning to water. “I asked you to come with me. You’re the one who didn’t.”
Cassian looks to the side. He looks impassive, yet also emotionless. “You’re the one who ran away, Nesta.”
“I didn’t run away.”
He scoffs in response. “Keep telling yourself that.” Cassian starts walking away. It’s cloudy and has no solid ground or sky. At that moment she remembers where she really is. Nesta stands there, waiting until he fully fades away. It always feels too real.
The dreams always end like that.
Nesta can barely pry her eyes open when she wakes up. She has the next two weeks off. Her boss, Helion, had insisted she take a week or two off, since the bar was under a small renovation. She checks her phone and it reads 12:03. Jesus, she really had overslept.
In all honesty Nesta had no idea what to do with her free time. Maybe she’ll finally finish that book she started months ago. But in reality Nesta knows all she’ll do is go to a bar and let a stranger fuck her into oblivion until she kicks them out or leaves.
By the time Nesta leaves her house it’s around 3:00.  She goes to the coffee shop next door. She orders a coffee and sits in the corner of the room. Nesta somehow feels like the center of attention. It’s an empty shop, but it feels like all eyes on her. The room feels too cold.
The feeling follows her when she goes to the local bookstore. It’s crowded, but the area is quiet. Nesta browses through the shelves, sticking to the romance section. She holds a few books. It’s not until Nesta drops one, people begin to look at her. It makes a loud thump hitting the floor. Several pairs of eyes turn to her. The cover is of a shirtless man too.
Fuck , she thinks, This is embarrassing. Nesta purses her lips, hand curling into a fist as she puts the book back on it’s shelf.
It’s around 5:00 when she takes the train home. Nesta spent the rest of her day at the park, not wanting to stay at home. It doesn’t feel like home as much as she’d like it to though. Finally, Nesta makes it home.
She’s in an empty parking lot. The area she lives in is pretty small.  Nesta knows basically everyone in her apartment complex. It’s a tiny place. She never talks to anyone, but they do acknowledge each other. Barely anyone has a car either, herself included. So it is a bit weird to see an unrecognizable car. It’s odd, but Nesta thinks nothing of it. It’s probably just someone visiting.
Nesta goes into her apartment, before leaving once more to go to the bar that’s the second closest to her apartment. She’s usually working at this time, flirting with customers and taking them home when her shift ends.
The bar is crowded and loud. Lights are flashing, voices yelling, bodies moving. It’s out of her comfort zone. She’s been doing this for years and is still isn’t used to it. She sits on one of the stools where the drinks are served. A girl approaches her. Nesta never approaches anyone. She can’t see clearly in the light. The girl’s hair is brunette, though her roots are dark. Her brown skin illuminates in the flickering light.
“Hey”, she says “I’m Nora” Nora extends her hand to her. Nesta smirks in response, resting her elbow on the counter grasping her hand with the other.
“I’m Mila,” she says. No matter what she does, Nesta will never use her real name. Nora’s eyebrows raise. Nesta can see her lick tongue move as it pushes on her skin.
“Pretty name.”
They talk for around five minutes. It’s all small talk. They drink while they talk. Most of the things she responds with are lies anyways. Nora grasp’s her arm with her hand. “Wanna get out of here?” she asks. Her words are slurred, and Nesta has to restrain herself from flinching.
Something in her head tells her not to let anyone in her house though. Something is wrong, but she can’t put her mind on it. The idea of letting a stranger in her house sends goosebumps across her arms. Before, she’d never question it twice. Now that she thinks of it, doing this practically screams stranger danger. Especially with her past, this person could be anyone. Nesta slowly probes herself from the girl.
“I’ve gotta go”, she says. “Sorry, but there's something I need to do.” The girl doesn't seem to mind, either too drunk to care, or only looking for a one night stand. She nods, before introducing herself to someone else. Nesta feels her chest lighten, exiting the crowded bar to call an uber.
Whenever it’s quiet, she always reminisces.
2006, Small Town Velaris
Nesta wakes up and finds herself stranded. She has no idea where she is. She’s lying in a bed inside a mostly empty room. There’s only a few pieces of furniture, a stool and a drawer. It’s relatively small.  The last thing she remembers is being in a car with her sisters and parents. She hears voices outside of the room yelling.
“You expect me to leave-”
“Her father is-”
“She’s nine what would she-”
“So what if she’s young!”
“-s innocent so what if-”
She hears a loud smack. The silence after is deafening. The voices are quiet after, whispers. Afterwards, Nesta hears footsteps approaching. She scrunches her eyes shut, trying to pretend to be asleep. Nesta hears the door open and close. A hand lays on her forehead. As the person removes it, a calming voice talks. “Are you awake?” Nesta slowly looks at the person, opening only one eye, then another. She sees a woman with black hair and tan skin. Her cheeks are flushed and she has a small smile on her face.
The woman squats down so she’s the same height as the bed Nesta is laying on. “Hi,” the woman whispers, voice solemn and comforting. “My names Aurora,” she says. Nesta squishes her lips together. She’s confused and feels like crying. Nesta doesn’t cry though. She’s pretty sure her eyes water though, because Aurora strokes her hair and whispers, “It’s okay to cry.”
Nesta gasps and shakes her head. “Mommy says I’m not supposed to cry.” Aurora seems to be shocked silent. The silence makes Nesta become aware of everything that is happening. She slowly sits up. Once her feet are off the bed, Nesta quickly sprints to the door, opening it and running out. She has no idea where she’s going.
Suddenly, Nesta is hit with a hard impact, and falls down on her butt. She looks up and sees two boys. They’re both around the same height. They have the same dark hair too, except one is longer than the other. Nesta gets up and brushes off the dust on her leggings.
She notices it then. The leggings. She’s never worn pants before.
It’s also when she notices the juice smeared across one of the boy's shirts. It’s the long haired one’s. He drops the red cup to the ground and makes an angry noise. “That was my favorite shirt.”
Nesta feels sheepish as she whispers a quiet, “Sorry.”
The one with longer hair whispers to the other boy, obviously meaning for her to hear too. “She’s probably not even double digits.” The other boy is quiet, looking at the ground. He seems nervous and shy.
Nesta feels a sense of outrage course through her. She pouts, crossing her arms. “I’m almost ten. I’m nine and a half” The boy crosses his arms too.
“Well I’m ten and a half,” he says.
“Cassian,” Aurora scolds. “Play nice.” She puts a hand on Nesta’s shoulder and bends down. “I need to talk to…” She doesn’t continue.
Nesta turns towards her, and realizes she needs her name. “Nesta,” she says.
Aurora smiles, “That’s a wonderful name.”
Cassian still seems angry. “I think it’s stupid.” Aurora sighs and gets up. “Azriel”, she says to the other boy. He hadn’t talked the whole time, Nesta almost forgot he was there. “Make sure he stays out of trouble. And Cassian, please change your shirt.” The two (stupid) boys walk away. Once they’re from a far enough distance, Aurora looks back down at her. “I have to talk to you about something.”
2021 New York, Manhattan
Nesta walks into her apartment tired and half asleep. Once inside her apartment, she changes into more comfortable clothes, sweatpants and a grey t-shirt.
Nesta’s about to go to bed, until she hears the sound of glass shattering and liquid spilling. She freezes, thinking about the mug of wine she left out.  
Nesta scrambles towards the kitchen and grabs a flashlight from a cabinet, flashing the light to the ground. The mug is shattered to pieces, and she can still see little droplets of wine. The words aren’t visible anymore, letters broken and unreadable.
There’s no way it could’ve fallen on its own. It was in the middle of her counter. Unless...
Suddenly it all makes sense. The unrecognizable car in the parking lot. The uneasy feeling in her stomach. The constant nagging in her head, telling her that something is wrong.
She thinks about calling the police but goes against it. Years in a fucking biker gang taught her better then to trust those scumbags.
She always kept a gun in her house. Just in case. She really hates how no matter what she does. she’ll always be connected to this.
The person inside her apartment most definitely knows where she is. Nesta grabs a broom, sweeping the glass shards into an empty bag. She can fix it later. Tying it up, Nesta leaves it on her counter.
There's a wall blocking the entrance to her bathroom. She walks towards it, opening and closing the door so it seems she went inside. Grabbing her gun from the small drawer, Nesta lays her back against the wall, barely peeking out the wall, but just enough so she can see them as they crawl out from behind her couch.
The figure moves stealthily, back turned towards her. If she weren’t directly staring at it, there would be no way of knowing it was there. The moves look familiar, but she can’t put her mind on it. The moonlight shines on them so she can see the most obvious features. It’s not until the floor creaks the figure turns towards her direction. Nesta turns back to face her bathroom door, hands drawn to tight fists. There’s no way they hadn’t seen her. She moved too slow. Nesta peeks her head out to look again.
It’s not until she sees a familiar pair of scarred hands in the moonlight, it all comes together.
“Azriel Night?”
In dreams
I meet you in warm conversation
We both wake
In lonely beds
In different cities
And time
Is taking its sweet time erasing you
And you've got your demons
And darlin' they all look like me
PSA!! go to ask’s to be added to tag list
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Azriel ~ Different
Azriel x Reader
Summary: You have been having nightmares frequently and Azriel always is there to help you. This time, though, you finally open up about your nightmares and the things you experienced Under the Mountain.
Warning: Mentions of r*pe and sex*al assault. Please be wary.
Word Count: 1785
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Azriel POV
Her screams had woken me again.
"Azriel! Azriel, no!"
This was becoming a recurrent, nightly tradition. A tradition I wished would would just simply not be anymore.
I did what I always did, bursting into her room, Truthteller at the ready to fend off whatever ailed her but we both knew it was mostly for show. Still, I would never not rush to her side, never leave Truthteller behind for the sake of the fact that the one time I didn't would inevitably be the one time something was truly, physically wrong with her and I would kick myself for treating it as any other night - especially since the fear was certainly not all that unfounded.
But it was just a nightmare. Another nightmare.
My screams had woken him again.
He had done the chivalrous thing of course, bursting into my room with Truthteller, prepared to fight the evil lurking in the shadows he couldn't predict or trust but we both knew nothing was there to fight, it was all in my head.
Another nightmare.
One like all the rest but this time...it was worse.
"Y/N" Azriel breathes, lowering the blade
"I'm okay" I shake my head, offering a weak smile, "Routine procedure at this point, right?"
I bite my lip, trying to hold the tears back and averting my gaze. It was usually at this point that Azriel would ask if I wanted him to stay but for some reason tonight was different. He closed the door, left Truthteller on the bedside table and climbed into bed with me immediately after, no questions, no waiting for an invitation.
Of course, I knew if I told him to leave he would do so. It was always my choice. But tonight it appeared maybe he needed this contact as much as I.
"You're safe" Azriel murmurs, gathering me into his arms.
I choke on a sob, curling into his side and resting my head on his bare chest. Usually, when he was shirtless it was an effort to keep focused but at the moment it was just further proof he was here, alive and free. It was proof he was safe.
"It's not my safety that scares me" I breathe. Once again, we were breaking from normal pattern. Previous nights, it had always been my screaming waking him, he would run in, ask if I wanted him to stay, I would agree and then he'd hold me until I fell asleep.
I never talked about the nightmares I had, never. Not even the first time...
"No!" she screamed, thrashing violently in the bedsheets, almost tearing them apart, "No, don't take-NO!"
"Y/N!" Azriel yells, bursting in through the door at the same time she awakens, clutching the sheets to her chest, sweat slick hair plastered to her forehead, tears streaming down in uncontrolled rivers of fear and pain, "Y/N, what is it?!"
"Nothing, Az, I'm sorry for waking you" she sighed, running a hand through her hair, "It was just a nightmare, I've had them for a while."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Azriel frowned, Truthteller lowering to his side.
"It wasn't necessary. I've been dealing with these since-before I got back."
"Would you..." Azriel trailed off, "Do you want me to stay?"
"No, I..." she began to reject the proposal but suddenly changed her mind, "Actually, yes, please."
Azriel nods, placing Truthteller on the bedside table before moving to open up the covers, having since nervously been put in some semblance of order as they had spoken but he stops mid-way noting that her resolve had shaken - that she was now shaking, violent sobs wracking her body.
"Y/N" Azriel said and the one word was enough to break her.
"Azriel" she sobbed, tears flowing freely again, face screwed up into an expression of unfiltered pain.
"Y/N" Azriel whispers, sitting on the bed and pulling her onto his lap. She wrapped her legs and arms around him, securing herself to him as she sobbed into his neck until the sun rose.
She had fallen asleep that way, her legs and arms secured around him in a tight embrace, tears dried and leaving her skin slightly sticky with the moisture.
He had placed her down in the bed after he had fixed the sheets with one hand, the other supporting her body, becoming limp each second sleep overtook her.
He had intended to leave but she had subconsciously clung to him with a grip so strong it had surprised him and rather than risk waking you or, worse, upsetting you, he had climbed into bed beside her, tucking her into his chest so her face rested right where his heart was.
He had found it a very fitting place for her to rest.
Azriel had done it every night since, every time a nightmare came around unless you wished otherwise, which had never happened as of yet. Even if you didn't scream out, his shadows were so attuned to you, he would sense it and come in anyhow - where you would be sitting cross legged on the bed, hugging yourself or crying or just staring at the ceiling with a dead expression on your face.
Having him with you, holding you in his arms, stroking your hair, legs intertwined and breathing synchronised. It was the best remedy for your fear.
A cure.
"Then what does scare you?" Azriel asks, his voice hesitant to bring up a memory that causes you pain.
"You do" I breathe, "My nightmares are always about you."
Azriel breathes in deeply, "I scare you?"
"No, no!" I rebuke, "No, not you personally! My nightmares always involve you...they..."
"You don't have to tell me" Azriel whispers
"I think I need to" I admit, "These dreams, they're obviously not getting better. Maybe telling someone...maybe telling someone will help."
Azriel waits patiently. Content to listen or to completely disregard everything you said if that was what you wished, the way he'd always been.
"Most nights, A-Amarantha comes back" I explain, stumbling over the name, "And this time she takes you instead of Rhys and other nights...other nights it had always been you that was taken."
"And she took you because she knew he was hiding something" Azriel confirmed, it was the little knowledge he did have of Amarantha and her motives, "So to punish him further, she took you, his only living relative, and..."
"And that's all you know" I nod, "But what you don't know is that...she didn't just punish Rhys. She punished me too."
Azriel stiffens in my arms, his hand momentarily freezing in it's soothing stroking up and down my spine.
"If any of it gets to be too much, I can stop" I say
"No" Azriel shakes his head, "You lived it. I can at least stand to hear about it, especially if it helps you."
"She used to...make me watch." I spat in disgust, "While she...basically raped Rhys I had to watch. Everything she did to him, the malice in her eyes while she did what she did, the enjoyment in knowing he was doing this not for her but to protect what he loved...Worse, we both had to pretend it was normal. That we enjoyed it. If we didn't, our facade as the Court of Nightmares would fall apart and we couldn't let that happen."
Peering up at Azriel, I stopped for a moment to assess his reaction. His eyes were hard as flint, like chips of hazel ice. He nodded softly, encouraging me to continue.
"On the odd occasion she would also...bring me into the scene. It wasn't often, she didn't like it all that much herself it was mainly just to put us on edge. Thankfully, she never made us do anything...to each other. I never touched Rhys once nor he me and I'll always thank the Mother for that but she would still...it was still..."
"You don't need to say what it was" Azriel cuts in, "I know."
It was traumatising.
"So, when the nightmares come about. It's not Rhys under Am-under her. It's you. I see her with you. Some nights you're faking it like we had to, others you're genuinely enjoying it, and sometimes you're...screaming and-and begging her to stop-" My tears choke off the words and I sob loudly.
He pulls me ever closer in response, hushing me as his hands stroke my hair, "That's not me. It was never me."
"What if it could be?" I cry, "What if another one of her comes around one day and they take you. I couldn't bear it-"
"You could. I had to" Azriel admits. Both comforting and upfront. He would never lie to you and to say it would never happen again could be a lie, "When you were taken, I...Cauldron, I would always try to leave Velaris, damn the consequences. It was always Amren and sometimes Mor and Cass who would pull me off the ledge. I couldn't stand it, thinking about what she could be doing to Rhys but, to you...it was worse. Infinitely worse."
"If it ever does happen, I need you to be strong" Azriel continues, "I will do everything in my power to keep it from happening but if the Mother decides that's how things play out...I will need you to be strong, to protect yourself because the idea of you ever being hurt for the sake of me...it's not right."
"It would be" I sniffle, "To keep you safe, I would do anything. I did. Rhys did."
"You'll never have to again" Azriel resolves, kissing the top of my head, "Never again."
I exhale loudly, making a sudden decision that could change everything.
"I love you."
"I love you too" His response was automatic. I mean, we had said it a dozen times but this...was different.
"I don't mean it like that" I admit, peering up at him sheepishly, "I'm in love with you. I have been for a...a very long time."
Azriel's silence spurs me on to speak more, explain myself.
"I understand if you don't feel the same and I'm sorry I never told you earlier but at first it was a crush and then...then I got taken and I was stuck without you for so long. After that, I knew it was love and not a crush on my part but I couldn't say anything. I just...I couldn't. But then you came in every night to help with my nightmares and that was-"
My words are cut off as Azriel takes my chin in his hand, dipping his head and kisses me. Soft, tentative, comforting. It wasn't the kind of kiss that made your toes curl or butterflies erupt, it was the kind of kiss that admitted everything words could never express.
He pulls back only slightly, leaving you nose to nose.
"I have always loved you" Azriel breathes, "From the moment I saw you barrelling into the Illyrian camps, bright smile and unruly attitude."
"I love you" I smile, tears sliding down my face, - happy tears, "So much"
"And I you."
After that, neither of you slept alone ever again.
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