#that was just an archaeologist look <3
mariathorpe · 8 months
thinking about that crusty suit kassandra/alexios wears at the end of the atlantis arc and how everyone tried to gaslight me into thinking its sexy
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satoshy12 · 6 months
Professor Fenton of Gotham University.
Cutest Dani with Papa Professor/Teacher Danny, who is teaching history at Gotham University. (As he can just meet historical people in the ghost zone.) +
After the years did go by, Danny was able to do better with his enemies; he was a teacher! Ghost Writer and Clockworks fault + small but of Mr. Lancer, and in the Zone he was able to meet historical figures pretty easily. + That was how Danny became the youngest professor in the US with his master's thesis in history.
And then he became a professor in Gotham; his students weren't sure how to feel about a teacher their age or younger. But ironically, he was the best teacher they ever had at the university! So people had no problem.
And Danny showing off his baby girl, Dani, is fun for him too! Hey, the job makes sure his daughter Dani can go to the university for free in the future. And his students really like Dani! + Adult Danny and Ellie Look i had before me. (Manhwa:" male lead's little lion daughter)
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And Cassandra Cain was a pretty good person who spent time with Dani. When she visits the University for Tim, she found Dani.. And kind of forgot she wanted to visit Tim. + Wayne Manor Tim:" I fear my professor will become my brother-in-law." +Extra+ Archaeologists:" I dreamed and worked my whole life to find a book handwritten by Shakespeare!" Professor! Danny: " I have like 3 of them and gave 1 to my teacher for an A+ in history and English for the rest of the year. Man, Mr. Lancer did cry for like 2 weeks after that."
+ And to the Archaeologist's horror, it's really an original one. They found Mr. Lancer of Amity Park, who proudly showed them the book. So many historians and Archaeologist don't leave Danny alone; they know he has a lot of things like that but no idea where he hides them!
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i learned what are the most mysterious places in the world
Marree Man – The fact that there is not a single witness to the creation of the Marree Man speaks to the absolute isolation of central South Australia. Somehow in 1998, one person or a group of people were able to create a 2.6-mile long line drawing of an aboriginal hunter, without being seen. In the midst of barren, arid land in South Australia, the Marree Man is the largest geoglyph and work of art in the world. Cut into the harsh landscape with lines over 115 feet wide and one foot deep, the towering Marree Man is easily visible from space. Thirteen years after the Marree Man was discovered during a flyover, little is known about its origin. Although we may never know the true origin of the Marree Man, it is certainly one of most intriguing modern day mysteries.
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Chocolate Hills – Bohol Island in the Philippines during the dry season, you might notice what looks like thousands of chocolate kisses protruding from the terrain. These mysterious conical mounds are known as the Chocolate Hills. There are approximately 1,268 individual hills, their heights ranging from 100 to 160 feet, though the highest is almost 400 feet high. The hills, which are almost all symmetrical, consist of grass-covered limestone and turn brown during the dry season. Despite the abundance of hills, it is unclear how they were formed. There are multiple geological explanations ranging from oceanic volcano activity to limestone weathering. Numerous legends and tales also exist to explain the Chocolate Hills.
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Giants Nest – In 1949 a geologist named Vadim Kolpakov discovered a large mound of limestone in the north of the Irkutsk region in southeastern Siberia. The cone is curiously shaped with a crater at the top and a small mound in the center. The mound is about 40 meters high and 100 meters across at the base. The smaller mound at the top is about 12 meters high. The crater was named Patomskiy, after a nearby river, but local residents call it “the Fiery Eagle’s Nest”. Since the discovery of the crater, there have been many theories as to what could have created it. For a long time it was believed to be a meteorite impact structure. Some linked it to the Tunguska meteorite, whose remains have never been discovered. But the crater does not resemble any other known meteorite site. Even now, the origin of the crater is not discovered.
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Richat Structure – In the midst of vast, vacant Sahara desert, just outside of Ouadane, Mauritania, lies a 30-mile wide geological oddity known the Richat Structure, sometimes called the “Eye of Africa.” From space, this natural curiosity forms a distinct and unmistakable bull’s-eye that once served as a geographical landmark for early astronauts as they passed over the Sahara. Once thought to be an impact crater due to its circularity, the unusual formation is now widely believed to have been caused by the erosion of a geological dome formed by pressure from a bulb of molten magma below.
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Plain of Jars – The Plain of Jars is a collection of large stone jars interspersed throughout the Xieng Khouang plain in the Lao Highlands. The stone structures are mostly made of sedimentary rock and, ranging from 3 to 10 feet in height, each can weigh up to 14 tons. To date, the origin of the jars is unknown, though archaeologists believe that they were originally used between 1,500 and 2,000 years ago. Many researchers have theorized that the jars may have once served as funerals urns or food storage. As local Laotian legend would have it, the jars were created by Khun Cheung, an ancient king of giants who lived in the highlands. It is said that Cheung, after fighting a long and victorious battle, created the jars in order to brew huge amounts of celebratory lao lao rice wine.
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Giant’s Grave of Coddu Vecchiu – Giant’s or Tomba Dei giganti, are megalithic gallery graves that were used as public tombs during the Bronze Age. The massive gravestones were built by the Nuragic civilization, which existed in Sardinia from the 2nd millennium BCE. to the 2nd century CE. Despite the imaginative name, the sites were not the burial site of any giant; they were giant community burial chambers. Though we know the tombs had a funerary purpose, more questions remain. Little is known about the rituals or traditional beliefs that motivated their construction. Were they mass graves? Were they built to facilitate the journey into the afterlife? Since their existence has yet to be justified by scientific research, they have been credited to the supernatural, which has only increased their mystery. Legend also claims that yes, indeed, these were the tombs of powerful giants.
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Zone of Silence – Pilot Francisco Sarabia was flying over a patch of desert land in Mexico when his instruments started to act increasingly odd. The man had to make an emergency landing in the middle of nowhere. Little did he know that this "nowhere" would be later dubbed "The Zone of Silence.” Weird radio silence isn't the only oddity of the creepy Zone. Like, what’s that weird trio that locals keep meeting in the Zone? They’re two men and a woman. Every time people see them, they’re wearing bizarre clothing that isn't suitable for a journey in the desert whatsoever. On top of all that, the Zone of Silence is known as a 50 km patch of deserted land where meteorites come crashing down on an eerily regular basis. On July 11, 1970, the US launched an ATHENA rocket from the Air Force base in Green River, Utah. The rocket was supposed to land somewhere in the area of White Sands in New Mexico. Instead, it went off course and, as if being pulled by some external force, crashed right in the heart of the Zone of Silence.
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Michigan Triangle – Stretching from Ludington to Benton Harbor, Michigan and to Manitowoc, Wisconsin, the Lake Michigan Triangle has inspired numerous accounts of activity that are difficult to explain by rational thought. The mystery began in 1891, when a schooner named the Thomas Hume set off across the Lake to pick up lumber. Almost overnight in a torrent of wind, the Thomas Hume disappeared along with its crew of seven sailors. The wooden boat was never found. After the turn of the century, strange events happened at steady intervals. Of the more mysterious is the case of the Rosa Belle. In 1921 eleven people inside the ship, who were all members of the Benton Harbor House of David, disappeared and their ship was found overturned and floating in Lake Michigan. While it appeared that the ship had been damaged in a collision, no other ship had reported an accident and no other remains had been found.
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Alaska Triangle – The Alaska Triangle is a place in the untouched wilderness where mystery lingers and people go missing at a very high rate. The area began attracting public attention in October 1972, when a small, private plane carrying U.S. House Majority Leader Hale Boggs, Alaska Congressman Nick Begich seemingly vanished into thin air. For more than a month, 50 civilian planes and 40 military aircraft plus dozens of boats, covered a search area of 32,000 square miles, but no trace of the plane, the men, wreckage or debris were ever found. Afterward, more planes went down, hikers went missing, and Alaskan residents and tourists seemed to vanish into thin air. In fact, since 1988, more than 16,000 people have disappeared in the Alaska Triangle, with a missing person rate at more than twice the national average. These disappearances are blamed on everything from severe weather to aliens, to swirling energy vortexes, to an evil shape-shifting demon of Tlingit Indian lore called Kushtaka, with no scientific explanation to the disappearances till today.
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The Initiation Well – The Initiation well is 88 feet deep well located on the land of Quinta da Regaleira. Actually, it was used for ceremonial purposes. There is another small well near this well. Both these wells are connected by tunnels. The larger well contains a 27-meter spiral staircase with several small landings and the smaller well contains straight stairs that connect a series of ring-shaped floors to one another. The smaller well is also called the 'Unfinished Well'. The depth of this larger well is equal to the four-storey building, which becomes narrower on going closer to the ground. It is believed that there is some kind of light comes out from the well inside the ground and comes outwards. Surprisingly, there is no system of light inside this well, then where from this light comes, it is the secret. Anyone who comes to visit here, always raises the question of where the light comes from inside the well? Till today this secret is unsolved.
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(Image Source : Google)
Thanks for Reading.
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kamisatomay018 · 6 months
Playtime with the Otters
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Neuvillette x fem!reader
Lots and lots of fluff! And yes I know many people must’ve written fics on this topic but I wanted to give it a go as well! Hope you all enjoy!<3
Also the artwork is not mine, all credits go to the original owner!
There you stood, with your lover’s face buried in your stomach, his arms clinging onto you around your waist while you caressed his long locks. You were both alone in the Opera Epiclese, and as usual, a hard trial had left your husband very upset, prompting you to come visit him to help him feel better. You loved how he was never afraid of being vulnerable around you, how the rain would always slow down and stop the moment he saw your figure walking past the grand doors to the courtroom. You massaged his head, gently caressing his horns making him hum in satisfaction. “Feeling better now love?”
He smiles softly, nodding and looks up at you with those devastatingly beautiful siren eyes of his, your presence having brought back life into them. “Yes Mon Amour, I cannot thank you enough..” You giggled softly, placing a sweet kiss on his forehead “Since when did we start having such formalities between us hm?” He laughs at your words, the gentle yet heartwarming sounds of his laughter bouncing off the walls of the rather depressing courtroom, filling it with joy. The dark clouds were long gone, and gentle rays of sunshine had begun to seep through the fluffy clouds.
“You’re right Cherie…but I do not wish to part with you so soon. I have plenty of free time, can you please stay with me some more?” Oh archons, how could you ever say no to those pleading eyes of his? Your smile brightened as you nodded, an idea already coming to mind. “I’d love to spend more time with you Neuvi! How about we go for a swim hm? It’s been so long since we’ve done that!” Neuvillette’s eyes softened as sweet memories swarmed into his mind like the tides, reminding him of your beautiful past; of the day he first saw you.
As the Hydro dragon, being in water always calmed him down, he would dive into the deepest depths of Fontaine’s oceans after a difficult trial to clear his mind. Besides, the melusine’s village was also underwater, and he’d spend a lot of time with them. On one such fateful day, as he swam towards the depths of the salacia plains, he saw a beautiful young girl examining a shipwreck ever so carefully, analysing every single scratch and dent on the broken pieces of the ship. That person was you, Fontaine’s leading historian and archaeologist who had been awarded and recognised by many for your hard work and dedication towards piecing together the history of this land.
Neuvillette was surprised by your bravery, for the depths of the salacia plains were dangerous and eerie, and no human would willingly come close to them. But here you were, seemingly enthralled by the historical evidence in front of you. He also noticed a Hydro vision glowing around your waist, which explained why you were so unafraid of the depths of these waters. However, Neuvillette’s eyes had widened as he saw a few enraged seals swim your way, ready to attack you. Without him even realising, he swiftly swam towards you, protecting you from the attack and using his hydro powers to harmlessly deflect the seals, making them retreat.
You on the other hand, were utterly surprised by what happened. You turned around and to your bewilderment, the Chief Justice himself was in front of you, protecting you from the seals’ attacks. To say that you were flustered was an understatement. Ah how embarrassed you were! Your cheeks had flushed pink, as you timidly thanked the Iudex, apologising for troubling him. But what you didn’t know that just by looking into your ocean blue eyes, Neuvillette’s heart immediately told him that he had found his mate, his partner for life. And ever since that day, he always found some way or the other to meet you, and you noticed how friendly the melusines had become around you. One thing led to another, and you both fell deeply in love.
Ever since then, both of you would often go to dive into the depths of Fontaine’s oceans together, collecting seashells, starfish and ancient relics together. Sometimes you would take him to multiple ruins underwater, explaining the history behind them and he would listen to you, completely enthralled by your knowledge and research abilities. Swimming in these oceans had deepened your love far beyond the deepest depths of the oceans of Teyvat.
And now, to hear you suggest that you both swim together made Neuvillette happier than ever, making him readily agree. Anything for his love. His heart skipped a beat as he heard your giggles, the big smile on your lips tempting him to kiss you, which is exactly what he did. You gasped softly, but immediately reciprocated the soft action of pure love. Neuvillette was clingy by nature, and it was your favourite thing ever. He would kiss you out of the blue, always hold your hand, whisper sweet nothings in your ear and hum the tunes of the oceans to lull you to sleep. He was the sweetest husband ever.
As you both parted, he held you hand, intertwining your fingers together as you walked outside the now empty Opera House, heading straight towards the ocean. The rain was long gone, and a beautiful rainbow decorated the skies, illuminated on the gentle surface of the waters. You both dived in together, your vision glowing as you both felt so content. You decided to head towards the salacia plains, as that place held the best memories you both had ever made.
As you both were swimming towards the depths, neuvillette felt your hand slip away from his, making him frown. He looked towards your direction and saw you swimming towards what looked like a cage. He followed immediately, not wanting you to come to harm. What you both saw upon reaching the sight broke your heart. Inside the cage was an otter, looking afraid and trying to get out, and outside the cage was another otter, probably his partner, whimpering in agony as she couldn’t help her partner out of the cage. They joined their little paws through the bars of the cage, seeming so distressed.
“Neuvi..look at these poor otters! How could someone trap such an innocent animal! Come on, we’ve got to help them!” Your worried voice spoke, making him nod. Indeed, it was most cruel to trap such beings in these cages. You swam closer to the otters, alerting them both as they were afraid you had come to harm them. “It’s okay, I don’t mean you any harm, I promise..I’m gonna help your partner get out okay?” You spoke in your soft voice, but of course, the otters couldn’t understand. Neuvillette then swam next to you, and you saw the way the otters instantly relaxed, the free one even approaching him, tilting her tiny head as she swam backwards towards his horns, making happy noises.
Your heart melted at the sight, and you laughed in delight. “Neuvi, you and the otters look so much alike!! They think you’re one of them!” Although puzzled, Neuvillette couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking his head softly knowing that you would never let this incident die down. And quite frankly, he wouldn’t mind because your happy giggles were his favourite melody. Taking this chance, he swam towards the cage, examining it. “Hmm..mon amour, I think we need to search for a key to open this lock. I’m afraid we cannot use our powers to break this open as it might hurt the poor otter trapped inside.” You nodded at his words “Alright, you stay here with them, I’ll be right back with the key!” He turned towards you, tenderly kissing your forehead. “Be careful, and if any danger comes to you, immediately call for me hm?” You gave him that oh so sweet smile of yours, nodding. “I will, you have my word.”
With that, you swam away, searching for a key. After around 10 minutes of searching, you found a metal key buried in the sand, picking it up and went back to your husband. “Alright, I’ve found a key, let’s hope it’s the right one!” Neuvillette took the key, and to your delight, the cage opened, making the otters immediately hold hands and hug each other, their snouts rubbing together in tender affection. Meanwhile you and Neuvillette both smiled happily at the sight, holding each other’s hands out of habit. “Oh this is so precious Neuvi!” “Indeed Mon amour, I’m glad we could rescue the otter.”
The otters then looked at you both, noticing the way you were holding hands, just like them. In their eyes, Neuvillette already looked like them, so perhaps you were his mate! They swam towards you both happily, expressing their gratitude. You laughed happily as the otters surrounded Neuvillette, examining his horns in glee. “Aaaww if only I had a Kamera with me, I’d capture this moment! You sure you’re the hydro dragon Neuvi? Because you clearly look more like these adorable otters!” You teased your husband, a playful glint in your eyes. Your husband laughs at your words, shaking his head as he snakes his hands around your waist, spinning you around. “Someone’s having a lot of fun hm?” He spoke with a playfully threatening tone, yet his voice was so full of love and adoration for you.
While you both were busy being playful, the otters had returned, this time with the sweetest little surprise for you both. Your eyes shined happily as they gave you both beautiful pink seashells, glittering under the soft sunlight from above. “Oh these are so beautiful!!” “Sweetheart, look..” Your husband’s gentle voice made you look in front of you, and your heart melted into the biggest puddle ever. Two tiny baby otters were surrounding their father who was previously trapped, and then swimming towards you and Neuvillette, booping their tiny snouts with your noses as an innocent little gesture of gratitude. “Aaaww they’re a family! Oh Neuvi this is so sweet..” He smiled too, nodding as he held you close to him, all his stress long forgotten. “It really is..and one day, we’ll come back here to visit them, with our own family..” Your cheeks flushed pink as you looked at your husband, nodding happily. “Yes, yes we will..”
5 Years Later..
Both you and Neuvillette watched with big smiles and warm eyes, as your tiny 4 year old twins played with the otters in Salacia Plains, the very family of otters you both had rescued 5 years ago. Neuvillette’s dragon powers granted his kids the freedom of swimming in the water, and to his delight, both your children had inherited one particular draconic feature of his: his beautiful blue horns. Your daughter had beautiful white locks like her father, while your son had your shining brown hair. They were such darlings, and the day the two of them were born, all of Fontaine had celebrated. The sun had shone brightly, a big beautiful rainbow adorned the skies while all the creatures underwater celebrated the arrival of two new hydro dragons.
Like their parents, your kids were deeply connected to the waters of Fontaine, and both you and Neuvillette would often take them on swims. And now here you all were, watching with joy as your kids played with the otters, finding shiny shells and little wonders buried underneath the sand. As neuvillette held you close and watched his little dragons grow and play, he swore he had never been this happy. And he knew that he would always protect this happiness, his family. With you three, he was complete. With his family, he was at peace. And these very depths of Fontaine were your family’s safe place, and the keeper of all your memories together.
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frogspond200 · 9 months
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚔𝚘v 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝
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Requested by: Anon
Ask: Can we get a yandere Simon Petrikov one-shot please? (It can be any scenario you want it to be, l'm not picky):))
Warning: general yandere behavior
Date: 9/4/2023
Our story begins in the Land of Ooo, where Simon Petrikov, once a kind and gentle archaeologist, is now consumed by the Ice King's madness. He spends his days collecting trinkets and artifacts, desperately searching for a way to regain his sanity.
Upon laying eyes on the reader, Simon is immediately captivated by their presence. The reader's appearance, demeanor, and even voice remind him of a time long gone, the 2000s when life was seemingly more straightforward and ordinary. As the story progresses, Simon's obsession with the reader intensifies, bordering on dangerous infatuation.
"They're perfect" Simon whispers under his breath. He begins to feel a strong compulsion to do whatever it takes to make the reader his own. He starts to devise a plan to make them his, no matter the cost. He knows he must act fast before someone else takes them away.
"Excuse me!" Simon catches up with them, waving his hands in the air. "I-I'm Simon" He pants catching his breath. "Simon Petrikov, you look... nostalgic to me...I-In a good way!" He chuckles. He looks good, even handsome with his dark brown messy hair. Simon looks friendly and kind, with a warm, inviting smile. He has a soft, gentle face, and his eyes sparkle with kindness...
His demeanor was warm and inviting, and his voice was gentle and soothing. He gave off a comforting aura, and it was easy to tell he was a kind and caring person so you introduced yourself back. "I'm Y/n"
"y/n..." He whispered under his tongue. It tasted like sweet natural honey in his mouth... It was clear that he was taken aback by your presence. His eyes sparkled with admiration and a hint of surprise. There was no way you would never notice his true obsession with you. He nervously shifted his gaze away, as if he was afraid of revealing too much.
His cheeks were tinted with a faint hue of pink, a sure sign that he was blushing. His lips curved into a shy smile, and he muttered a soft 'yes'. That he finally found someone like him...who couldn't wrap their heads around this fucked up reality, and he wanted to keep it that way.
He wanted to keep them safe, and he wanted to keep them close. He wanted to protect them, and he wanted to make sure they were happy. He wanted to keep this moment between them forever. And he was going to. No. Matter. What. Even if he has to keep them, even if he has to kill them. He was going to do whatever it took to make sure they were safe and happy. He was going to make sure that nothing would ever tear them apart. He was determined to make this a reality.
You were woken up around 3 a.m., and your body was craving something to drink, so you got up and went to your kitchen in your PJ shorts and an oversized shirt you bought for no reason except that it was bigger than you. You opened the fridge and saw a bottle of water placed there some time ago. It was still cold and you gulped it down in one go. You felt like someone's eyes were on you, making you tense.
Then there was a knock at your door, opening it you saw Simon who looked like he hadn't had any sleep, he was sweating, his hair more messy than usual, he was fidgeting with his finger, he mumbled "I'm sorry for what I'm about to do y/n" you tilted your head. He threw something at you. You can't remember what, you just remember seeing stars before everything turned black.
You slowly gain consciousness, rubbing your head and groaning. You ran your head over your neck, no chains or collars...Then your wrist, nothing...you glided your hands down your body...clothes still on. No bounds, cuts, or bruises. "I'm not that curl dear..." You snapped your head towards the voice, moving away. You couldn't see him due to the lack of light in the room but you could hear him. He stepped closer...
The more you moved back, a hand came into your vision. It brushed a messy strand out of your face. "Are you alright?" it asked calmly. A face came into your vision. You didn't wanna look at it. You had an idea of who it was but you didn't want to admit it was him. He would never do a thing like this. Right? You looked down at the white sheets around your body. "Why?" you asked. Your voice wasn't loud or pissed. It was weak and heartbroken.
You heard a sigh come out of his mouth. He didn't say anything. He just grabbed your hand and squeezed it gently. You knew he was trying to tell you that everything was going to be alright, even though you both knew he just fucked up your relationship with each other. You felt a wave of emotions sweep over you and all you wanted to do was cry, another cry escaped his lips and he sat on the bed, bringing you closer to him, even when you tried hitting his chest and pushing you away he kept you against his chest, running his finger through your hair whispering things like "It's gonna be ok" and "I did all of this for you"
You continued to cry and he held you until you had no more tears left. He kissed your forehead and let you go, looking into your eyes with love and understanding. He wiped away your tears. A smile crept onto his face. It wasn't a possessive one.
He took your hand and slowly pulled you towards him. He hugged you tightly and whispered, "It's going to be alright, dear…You're safe here with me. and with me alone." He kissed your lips gently. His lips felt warm and loving, like a comforting blanket of security and safety. His touch was gentle and reassuring, urging you to relax and take some much-needed comfort...
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zahri-melitor · 8 months
Next up time for more intense angst in the Potted Fanon Histories with Robin III, TIM DRAKE:
Tim, newborn: His parents bring him home from the hospital to the family mansion in Bristol, Drake Manor. They are millionaires.
Tim, 3: Was at Haly’s Circus. Saw the Graysons die.
Tim, 8-9: Realises that Dick Grayson is Robin after seeing him do a quadruple flip on the news. Becomes immediately obsessed with Batman & Robin. Starts sneaking out at night with a camera to take photos.
Tim, 8-9: Jack and Janet Drake decide that their child is just so mature and competent that really, they’re too busy with their work running a multimillion dollar medical company as internationally renown archaeologists. Tim is now left at home in Drake Manor, with a housekeeper and/or nanny.
Tim, 10-13: shortly after Tim gets into his new hobby of midnight roof vigilante photography, Jason becomes Robin. Tim is now obsessed with this new younger Robin who cares so much for children.
Tim, 10-13: attends Gotham Academy. His parents return home at irregular intervals for a few days without warning. They repeatedly encourage him to network with other children at school for Business Purposes. At some stage they decide he no longer needs adult supervision at home, as he’s just So Responsible. Mrs Mac now drops in for a couple of hours per week to do the vacuuming and cook.
Tim and his parents: Janet is an Ice Queen and Jack is abusive. Tim is unaware that this is not normal. He is being raised as a Business Baby. He is expected to skip grades at school and be working 2-3 years above his age cohort.
Tim, 11-13 (yes we’re sticking with a wide range here): Tim finds out Jason is dead when Bruce announces it in the paper. During his nights out he notices Bruce is getting more violent. Tim goes to find Dick in Bludhaven to tell him that Bruce is too violent! Dick shrugs him off so Tim is determined – he goes to Bruce and tell him that there must be a Robin and insists it is him.
Tim, 13-14: is a smol sad bean. He is now Robin and Bruce is less violent but he’ll never be a Robin like his hero ~*~Jason Todd~*~. Bruce accidentally calls him Jason and looks at the memorial case all the time. Tim knows he’s not really part of the family but he’s doing his best as Robin.
Tim, 13-14: Tim goes on a trip to Paris where he encounters assassins. No further details.
Tim, 13-14: Dick starts dropping by the Manor and Gotham every second weekend to patrol with Tim as Robin, because he’s so guilty about Not Spending Enough Time With Jason. They become close, like brothers.
Tim, 13-14: Tim encounters Steph as Spoiler when she hits him on the head with a brick. They immediately start dating.
Tim’s Parental Free Square: Janet and Jack are both alive and well and neglect Tim. They have not realised he is Robin as they’ve been home for 6 weeks total in the last 5 years.
Tim’s Alternate Parental Free Square: at an unspecified time Janet died. Jack went into a coma. Since then, Tim has been living at Wayne Manor in a spare room. One day, Jack might wake up, but it’s been months or years now.
Tim, 14: Tim forms Young Justice with his best friends Kon, Bart, Cassie and Cissie. They hang out together and play baseball in space! (the only plot that happens here)
Tim, 14-15: Tim and the rest of Young Justice (minus Cissie) become Teen Titans. No reason why, they’re just old enough now. (The only plot that happens here is Titans of Tomorrow where they meet their evil adult selves)
Alternate Robin Tim plot: Joker Junior! Due to either Reverse Robins or just a desire for whump, Tim is captured by Joker and tortured till insanity. He becomes Joker Junior.
Tim, 14-15: there’s a new villain in Gotham haunting the streets, Red Hood. Bruce is now obsessed with him and has no time to pay any attention to Tim. He has told Tim not to patrol. Dick is also worried. Tim, forbidden from going out in Gotham, goes to hang out at Titans Tower (location unspecified). Jason turns up and beats Tim up with his own bo staff and may slit Tim’s throat. Alternately, Tim sneaks out in Gotham anyway and encounters Red Hood on another occasions where he gets his throat slit. This is a major injury that scars badly.
Tim, 16: His parents die. His best friend, Kon, dies. His girlfriend Steph dies. Tim is very distraught by this and refuses to let Bruce adopt him, inventing a Fake Uncle. He tries to clone Kon 99 times in a basement.
Tim, 17: gets adopted. He meets Damian and Damian immediately tries to deliberately murder him. Several times. 
Tim, 17: Bruce dies. Tim is convinced he is not dead. If Battle for the Cowl happens, Jason tries to kill him with a batarang. Once Dick is Batman, Tim and Dick fight over whether Bruce is dead. Dick says Tim is crazy and should be in Arkham. He then tells Tim that Damian is now Robin. Tim, furious, drops out of school and runs away and becomes Red Robin.
Tim, 17: Tim is captured by Ra’s Al Ghul. He loses his spleen. He gets away by blowing up ALL the League bases and hundreds of people die. He then returns to Gotham and falls out of a tower due to Ra’s Al Ghul. Dick catches him. The spleen loss is a secret.
Tim, 17: Tim gets emancipated and is no longer legally a family member because that’s how emancipation works. He now runs Wayne Enterprises as CEO. Everyone is impressed how good at it he is and how hard he works. 
Tim, 17: Tim is still mad about what Dick said to him. Damian again attempts to murder Tim, this time by dropping a billboard on his head and when that doesn’t work, by cutting his line. Dick takes Damian’s side, and explains Tim can’t be Robin anymore because Damian just needs it so much more and look how well he’s doing!
Tim, 17: Bruce returns due to Tim’s research but he’s now mad at Tim because Tim tried to kill Captain Boomerang (who killed his parents). 
Tim, 17: (optional angst) the Daughter of Acheron tries to rape Tim and Cass saves him. This provides angst. Cass is the only person who knows or cares. 
Tim, 17: Jason apologises for trying to kill Tim multiple times and blames it on pit rage. Tim accepts this as a good explanation and becomes Best Brothers with Jason as he has apologised.
Tim, 17: Tim’s no longer part of the family and it gives him ANGST. He’s just so sad. Also he just can’t trust Dick any more and their brotherhood is Eternally Destroyed. He’s just a Coworker.
Tim, currently: Tim comes out as bi and starts dating an old classmate, Bernard. They live on a boat. Bernard was in a paincult for a while. Tim is Robin. 
Alternate Tim, currently 17: Tim is living in an apartment and running Wayne Enterprises. He does not live at Manor but he has a bedroom there. This is an argument between him and Bruce. There is still tension between Tim and Dick that they are both sad about, but Tim is cool with Jason. Tim has either forgiven Damian or they fight constantly every time they’re near each other. Tim is Red Robin.
Tim, currently: is in a relationship with Bernard, Kon or Steph, pick one. If Tim is in a relationship with Kon, Bruce vaguely disapproves and says “no metas in Gotham” a lot. 
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fazedlight · 4 months
I think a lot about how my experience of watching Supergirl is different from those who saw the show as it was airing.
I blazed through the entire show in a few weeks, and knew in advance that Kara and Lena had a big fallout. And going through at that pace... the Rift made itself central in my mind in many ways. (If you read my fics, you've probably noticed 🤣.)
Then I got encouragement to write my Archaeologist AU, and I thought... why not. I started writing.
But my brain started frizzing out. I was so embedded in the Rift that I had a hard time imagining a Lena before her various betrayals (Andrea, Rhea, Eve, Kara, etc). What does Lena look like when she's trusting and optimistic? She's still cynical, but she's hopeful too...
So I paused on that to write my Lena character study. In part because I had these notes about her time at MIT that seemed fun, but it was also critically necessary to finishing the archaeology AU. Because Lena wasn't always the hurt and closed-off person that she became in season 5. (That fic didn't get a lot of attention, and I didn't expect it to - but it really helped me internalize a softer Lena.)
And now it feels full circle in a way, in that I'm writing a real AU (unlike the archaeology one, my Aviation AU has a human Kara). The character study and the other AU were sort of a bridge.
I think a lot of people got to spend more time with the more trusting, optimistic Lena of season 2 than I did. I'm guessing that Lena's villain era wasn't even the expectation when people watched the ups and downs of the pre-Rift in season 3 and 4.
It's just interesting to think about, how I'm circling back to an earlier Lena, when I think it's the Lena that most of the fandom internalized for a very long time.
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aetherdoesthings · 5 months
I've seen your post on Sanji vs Zoro x Reader and Sanji vs Nami x Reader and loved both. now how about.. Sanji vs Robin for Reader's affections? >:)
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😳 i'm about to do all of the straw hats at this point trying to compete for y/n's love 😭 but let's see how far this can go >:)
forethoughts: i had so much fun writing robin's one. lowk starting to feel bad for sanji because it's been 3-0 for him against nami, zoro, and now robin. but life goes on :).
notes: fem!reader, competitive robin = no mercy for the other competitor.
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You were the new ‘scribe’ for the Straw Hat Pirates, a role that Luffy deemed important because he wanted someone to document all of their adventures so when they passed your writings will live on for the next generation.
You knew how important your job was, since you were documenting the future King of the Pirates’ adventures. You were constantly under stress to perform well and record everything, not missing anything at all so you could paint an accurate picture.
You were very well at hiding your stress in your job, but only two people on the ship noticed your anxious self.
The archaeologist and the cook.
Robin, the ever observant soul, could tell by the way you ran around the ship trying to document everything, to the way you locked yourself in your shared room with Nami and Robin to write everything out, that the job was putting you under a lot of stress.
Sanji could tell something was putting you under a lot of stress by the way you constantly skipped meals and brushed away his desserts.
They weren’t just concerned because that’s what good friends do, but because they were both in love with you.
Robin admired your work ethic and how you always wanted to put your best work forward, while Sanji was in love with you because, needless to say, you were a girl.
Robin knew that Sanij had a crush on you (obviously because you were a girl), and began to see it as a competition to see who was worthy of your love and your time, by seeing who could help you destress more. Sanji knew that Robin had a crush on you just by the way she looked at you, and he was mad.
So from the first day you joined, the lovestruck archaeologist and cook made it a competition to see who could help you relax.
Robin had an upper hand, as you were a girl, and shared a room with her. Every time you had locked yourself in your room to write everything, she always quietly entered the room, holding a tray of coffee and tea. 
She’d always tell you to take a break, and that she wanted to discuss something with you, just so you could take your mind off of your task at hand. 
The two of you have a little setup inside your room with a table and two chairs, made for your conversations you would frequently have, depending how hard you worked that day. She’d always talk to you about how her day was, about what all the Straw Hats were currently doing, so you wouldn’t have to run around anymore to find out what everyone else was doing. With her devil fruit ability, she was able to monitor all the Straw Hat’s whereabouts and what they were doing, making sure that you never had to run around to find out for yourself. She’d also supply you with her own papers if you ran out, or ink if you ran out as well. She’d also talk about a new book she was reading, recommending a book for you to read as well.
Needless to say, Robin 100% made your job easier and less stressful for you. She’d always stay by your side throughout the day, as she saw quality time as a big love language. You loved her company as well. Robin always had a calming aura and sensation that drawn you to her, especially with your hectic life. You always loved to spend time with her, ranting about whatever it is you wanted to and Robin was there to listen. 
Nami would sometimes crash into your conversations you two would have, sharing her insight, before leaving to give you space. Of course Nami knew about Robin’s massive crush on you; it reeked so heavily whenever Robin treated you like she treated Chopper, whenever Robin lended you her sweater if you were cold or whenever Robin let you borrow any book from her library.
Sanji was very mad, enraged by the upper hand Robin had. And it didn’t help that most of the time you and Robin were always in your room, a place Sanji was banned from because of his perverted tendencies.
The only time Sanji could even see you was when you were with Robin, sitting down together in the galley yapping about a book Robin was reading as Sanji served the two of you dinner. Out of spite Sanji would serve something less appetizing compared to your gourmet dish to Robin, but you always would give your extras to Robin just because. 
It was safe to say Robin was winning the destress competition, as well as your love. You didn’t know that Robin was doing all of this to win you over, but you knew that you were more than friends with Robin compared to everyone else on the ship.
It sucked more for Sanji because the ever clever (ha it rhymes) Robin made sure that the only time you spent with someone else was with her, so that inevitably you were going to be the closest with her just purely because of time. Robin had her eyes on you, and she wasn’t going to let some perverted cook stop her from getting what she wants.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 10 months
I Found You Again
3. Spoiler alert! Chapter 1044/Episode 1071 Spoilers!!!!!!
"Nika!Luffy and fem!reader where reader is the moon goddess. In the legends, the moon goddess and the sun god Nika were lovers that seperated to help humanity. Before Luffy is awakened, he feels a strange bond toward reader and so does she. Reader always loves being by his side, even in battle, which leads to her joing the crew. After the battle with Kaidou, Luffy was seriously injured. However, Luffy's awakening also trigger reader's awakening. Reader turns into goddess form that helps healing Luffy. Seeing reader in that form, Luffy laughs and pulls her in for a kiss, saying that he now knows why he is attracted to her, she was his, all this time. Reader, crying as now finally reunited with him, returns his kiss."
Warnings: Chapter 1044/Episode 1071 Spoilers!!!!
Word Count: 1180
     Nika gave his beloved a smile, though his eyes were brimming with tears. He really didn’t want to separate, much less like this.
     “I love you Nika and I know we’ll find each other again. One as untamable and restless as you? I have no doubt you’ll look for me. Just be careful. The humans are more fragile than we are.” the goddess said, giving her white haired lover a kiss.
     “I love you too G/n, I promise I’ll find you. You’re the only one who I would be willing to be chained by and the one I trust most not to do so. Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. Besides, we’ll be making them strong, then they won’t be as fragile.” Nika gave her his usual sunny smile, followed by his little ‘shishishi’ laugh that always made her smile. She gave him one last kiss, before touching her forehead to his as they disappeared, heading to the earth below.
     He’d always felt close to you, from the moment he saw you, he felt something for you. Granted, he didn’t know what he felt for you, only that it was something. Almost immediately, he’d asked you to join his crew. No reason given, just ‘join my crew!’. The others hadn’t been sure what to make of it. Most of them had joined for a reason, but you weren’t a navigator, a sniper, a first mate, a cook, or a musician. You weren’t an archaeologist, a shipwright, or a doctor. You were a devil fruit user on an island they stopped by. Okay, sure, you wanted to go out to sea, you said you were searching for… something. You’d told them it was a meaning, a purpose to your life, but you still weren’t like the others. Sure, you were strong, and yeah, you could fight, but Luffy hadn’t even known that in the beginning. Just, ‘join my crew’. Of course Luffy loved being around you constantly once you’d joined. Whether it was playing games on the deck, talking about beetles or something one of you found interesting, sitting next to you during meals, or even just laying on the grass together in silence. Where one was, the other could be found. Fights were much the same unless Luffy was fighting a particularly difficult opponent, you were by his side and had each other’s backs. That being said, he always made sure your safety was a priority. Meaning if he thought the fight would be too much for you, he got you out of harm's way.
     Looking up at the top of the skull that made up Onigashima, you couldn’t help the horror that filled you. Luffy… you couldn’t hear him anymore. Couldn’t hear his heart. Tears ran down your cheeks, your beloved was gone. You didn’t even notice the sudden pounding that resonated throughout your body. He couldn’t be gone, yet there was nothing coming from the rooftop. Another pulse ran through your body as your eyes changed color. Even in your pain induced trance, you noticed the strange pulsing that resonated throughout your body. Not that you cared, not until the sound of drums reached your ears. Your hair began to float slightly as it lengthened, turning a silvery white like the moon. The drums seemed to pick up in beat and volume as you smiled. Somehow, he wasn’t dead, ignoring Kaido, you shot up to the roof, your new found powers sending you flying through the air as you smiled, landing beside a rather different Luffy. His hair and clothes were white and though he was still wounded, he smiled at you. Placing a hand on his cheek, you smiled. Your touch was cool but pleasant as his wounds stitched themselves closed, his smile widening. As soon as he was healed enough to move, he was tackling you and pulling you into a kiss.
     “Shishishi, I found you, G/n! Told you I would!” Luffy said with a wide grin, though he wasn’t entirely certain as to what he was saying. Your name was Y/n, not G/n and he’d never promised to find you to the best of his knowledge, but the words left his mouth before he could think about them, not that he would have anyway.
     “I suppose you did. Now if only I could convince you to be careful for once!” you teased, taking his face in your hands. Luffy could only give you his signature little laugh as he smiled at you.
     “I was careful, promise! Besides, you’re here so now I’ll always be okay! You always make me feel better!” he said, pulling you into an embrace. His eyes suddenly widened as he pulled away, remembering what was happening below, “Oh! I forgot about Kaido! Hang on! I need to finish my fight!” he said excitedly, making you laugh.
     “You are absolutely not doing this without me this time!” you said as Luffy reached down to grab Kaido. Though Luffy’s sudden transformation seemed to surprise the others, you found yourself oddly unphased by his new look and abilities as you stayed on the roof with him. You wouldn’t jump in unless he needed it, Nika had never needed your aid before. Your brow furrowed as you shook your head. Luffy, Luffy had never needed your help in a fight before. Where had Nika come from? The ‘fight’ didn’t take long, Luffy easily defeating Kaido before stretching his arms and pulling you close again, giving you that same sunny smile he always gave you.
     The both of you seemed to return to ‘normal’ as you stood atop Onigashima together, though it was clear Luffy was feeling rather drained.
     “Rest, my sunlight. You’d been through a lot tonight. Just as the moon watches over those who slumber away, I’ll watch over you as you sleep.” you said softly, gently lowering him to the ground and lightly forcing his head into your lap. It wasn’t even 5 seconds later that his snores filled the air, letting you watch over and protect him as he rested. Though you’d healed some of his injuries, he would still need a great deal of rest. Picking him up and putting him on your back, you carried him back down to the others, smiling when they gave you odd looks.
     “There’s no way to explain anything without sounding insane, just trust me that Luffy and I are alright and there’s no need for concern. He’ll need a few days of rest though. Awakening a devil fruit like his is… a strain on his body.” you said, as you all headed off of the ‘island’ that now sat not far from the flower capital. Turning your head, you smiled at your sleeping love. You were finally reunited, truly reunited. Though you still didn’t understand why your mind kept calling him Nika or why you felt like you’d just reunited when you’d been fighting your way up to the top together, you could figure it out later, all that mattered right now was that you were together and he was alive.
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Casualties and Confessions - 11th doctor x fem! reader
Request: “Hi! Could you please write a fluffy/romantic fic (fem! Reader x 11th doctor) with prompts 22 and 29. Maybe something where the Doctor gets in trouble during one of their adventures because of his bravado and the reader tends to his injuries afterwards (the reader kisses his bruises and all this stuff) <3
Prompts: 22 “You look…” “Adorable? Cute? Sexy?” “I was thinking more along the lines of stupid, idiotic and dumb but sure” 29 “Could you please stop being stubborn for once in your life?”
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 2911
*** = time skip
Requests Prompts
“Doctor would you please just sit down?” You groaned as the time lord turned his back to you once again.
“I told you I’m fine, you don’t need to look after me. It’s just a few bruises.” The doctor replied, busying himself with the control panel.
You let out a groan of frustration as you ran your fingers through your hair. The doctor could be a real pain in the arse when he wanted to be.
“It’s not just a few bruises” You mimicked, walking over to him.
“You’re bleeding. Not only that, but you also smacked your head pretty hard, and I would really love it if you weren’t flying through the time vortex with a concussion so please for the last time – Sit. Down.” You crossed your arms over your chest, staring at him.
The doctor fidgeted under your gaze, unsure of where to look. “Honestly it’s not that big of a deal I’m fine-“
“Oh my god doctor! Could you please stop being stubborn for once in your life?” You yelled.
The doctor was slightly taken back by your tone. It was very rare that you raised your voice, even rarer for you to raise it at him.
You sighed “I just want to make sure you’re okay. Will you let me do that? Please?” You said, your tone softening.
The doctors stomach flipped at your words. He wasn’t used to people caring about him in the way you did. It was a foreign feeling; but he liked it. Without saying anything, he sat down and handed you back the first aid kit he’d taken from you earlier.
“Thank you” You smiled at him.
“I will say, as much as I understand why you said what you did, this is on you.” You chuckled, earning a grin from the doctor.
“Well he was wrong. And you know me, never have been a fan of archaeologists.”
The doctor had taken you a planet not dissimilar to earth. He’d been rambling on about a specific museum exhibit that he’d been wanting to show you for days now yet every time he’d tried to take you, something else came up and caught his eye. But finally, here the two of you were strolling round an ancient building marvelling at all the artifacts on display.
“Doctor this place is just…wow” You said as your eyes gazed upon all the displays around you.
There were all sorts of alien relics from different points in history scattered around the room. Some things you recognised, like a rogue cyberman head that was being displayed in a glass case or one of the guns used by the Silurian race which was hanging on the wall. It was all so fascinating.
“Yes, yes this is all well and good but let’s get to the good bit.” The doctor said, grabbing your hand and pulling you forward.
You laughed at his child like glee as you ran with him.
“Okay, we’re here” The doctor said, coming to a very sudden stop which caused you to collide with his chest.
He placed his hands on your shoulders to steady you, causing a blush to creep onto your cheeks. You’d had feelings for the doctor for a while, I mean how could you not? When a funny, kind hearted, rather attractive man (well – alien) whisks you off and shows you all of time and space – it’d be hard not to fall for him. Normally you’d been pretty good at keeping it under wraps yet for some reason, recently anything he does gets you flustered within a matter of moments
“Close your eyes.” The doctors voice came, breaking you from your thoughts. You looked up at him, the glint of joy held in his eyes melting your heart.
“Okay but if you walk me into a wall, we’re falling out.” You said with a laugh.
“As if I would let that happen to you.” The doctor commented before standing behind you, his hands on your arms as he manoeuvred you forward.
You held your hands out cautiously in front of you but luckily you didn’t hit anything. After a few moments, the doctor stopped.
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.” He said excitedly.
You peeled your eyes open slowly, unsure of what to expect. Your jaw fell open as your eyes took in the sight before you. Next to you, the doctor watched in pure delight as you looked at the exhibit. “
Is this…I mean…It’s beautiful.” Your voice was quiet as you truly had no words to describe how blown away you were.
Before you stood the most gorgeous painting of a landscape, a sky full of vibrant orange, reds, yellows burning their way onto the canvas. Clouds scattered around the fire of the sky, with a burnt orange moon peering out from behind them. In the centre of the painting sat a magnificent dome, within which there were buildings, quite sizeable buildings – almost like skyscrapers. The dome reflected the light of the sun onto the sandy terrain below and if you looked close enough, it was as if you could actually see the light dancing around the floor.
“This was my home.” The doctor said, his gentle voice cutting through the silence. “Gallifrey.”
The pride was evident in his voice as he stared longingly at the painting.
“It’s exquisite doctor.” You replied, still in awe.
“I don’t know where this painting came from. But I am glad some memory of my planet lives on. It was a truly wonderous place.” He said softly.
You glanced over at him, his face fallen slightly. You knew how much he missed him home, his people. Even though he tried to hide it, the guilt consumed him. And it broke your heart.
“Thank you.” You said, never taking your eyes from him. He turned to face you; his brow furrowed in confusion.
“For what?”
“For bringing me here. For showing me your home. I know how painful it must be for you and I am glad you felt comfortable enough to share this with me. It means a lot.” You explained, smiling softly at him.
The doctor took a step closer to you, cupping your face in his hands.
“There is no one else I would rather share this with. If I could take you there in person I would do so in a heartbeat. You are the most important thing in my life, and I want you to see me. All of me.” His words were so soft, so genuine it made tears well in your eyes.
“I see you doctor. And I love you.” You said, the words slipping out before you had a chance to stop them.
The doctor faltered for a second, slightly surprised by your confession. You began to pull away, regretting your choice before the doctor gently pulled your face towards him and promptly crashing his lips to yours. You sighed happily as you melted into him, your arms wrapping around his neck. The kiss was short, but heartfelt. You pulled away grinning up at the doctor, who held you close.
“I love you too by the way.”
“Oh good” You chuckled.
The two of you stood there, just enjoying the others embrace.
“Yeah just tell Allie that she’s going to have to wait for that order, I have a lot more on my plate right now.” A loud voice echoed off the walls, causing you and the doctor to turn around.
The sound of footsteps were getting closer, as were the voices.
“Right so Alex if you could please get the Sontarans body armour boxed up and ready to ship for Monday, and Trevor if  you sort of the Zantian artifacts that would be- Oh hello.” A man, dressed in a full suit and tie appeared before the two of you, followed by two other men, who you assumed to be Alex and Trevor.
“Hello” The doctor replied awkwardly.
“I’m sorry but how on earth did you get in here? This museum isn’t open for another week.” The man said, clearly very agitated.
You rolled your eyes, looking up at the doctor. “Really? You couldn’t have brought us here a week later.”
“Well, I didn’t want it to be busy when we came” The doctor said fidgeting with his bow tie.
You chuckled at his behaviour before turning your attention back to the man in front of you.
“Will you two stop blabbering and tell me how you got in here? I have every right to get you locked up for this. Breaking and entering one of the most prestige buildings in the city and I-“
“I’ll stop you right there thank you. We are actually a part of an official alien artifacts organization, and we were sent here to make sure everything was in order for the grand opening.” The doctor said, flashing them his psychic paper.
The man’s face dropped as he read whatever credentials had just shown up.
“Oh. Oh, right yes of course. I do apologize. I hadn’t been made aware of any visits” The man fumbled through an apology.
“Yes well the uh big boss wanted to keep it a surprise just in case. You know how things are. Anyway, everything seems to be in order. We were just admiring the painting before heading off so goodbye.” The doctor said quickly before taking your hand in his and beginning to walk away.
You were still grinning over the fact the doctor had kissed you. Not only that, he’d told you he loved you. You felt giddy.
“Why would you ever be interested in such a dull painting? Come, let me show you some artifacts that are worth your time.” The man called after the pair of you.
The doctor stopped dead in his tracks. You felt your stomach drop. The doctors face fell.
“What did you just say?” He asked, his voice calm.
But not a relaxing calm, more sinister. More like the type you get before a storm.
“The painting, it’s hardly anything of interest.” The man repeated, clearly not sensing the rising anger in the time lord.
The doctor dropped your hand, marching over to the man.
“You know nothing of that painting. You know nothing of my planet so don’t you dare for one minute tell me that my home is hardly anything of interest.” The doctor didn’t shout. He didn’t need to. His words held enough rage and force in them to do more damage than shouting ever could.
You watched as his chest rose and fell, obviously in an attempt to calm himself down. There was very little that riled the doctor up this much. But you understood why this had caused such a reaction.
“Y-your planet? You mean to say you’re a-“
“Time lord. Yes. The last of them. So choose your words a little more carefully.” The doctor replied.
The mans face contorted in disgust.
“How dare you step foot in here. How dare you step foot onto our planet. Timelords are a disgrace. There extinction was a victory for the rest of us.” His words were dripping with malice as he eyed the doctor.
Your heart burned, anger rising in you as well. The doctor froze once again, his breathing increasing once more. You saw his fists clench as his body became rigid with fury. You began to walk over to him, knowing you needed to get him out of here. You didn’t know what he was going to do but you didn’t want to find out.
“Restrain him.” The man called before you could reach him. The two other men standing behind him were on the doctor in an instant, pinning the doctor against the wall.
“Get off of me. Get off.” The doctor shouted, thrashing in their arms.
“Doctor!” You yelled running towards him.
However before you could reach him, two other men appeared grabbing a hold of you as well. You cried out in pain as they pulled you harshly away from the doctor.
“LET HER GO. DO NOT TOUCH HER" He bellowed, struggling even harder against the men holding him.
“Your kind are nothing but a plague to the rest of the universe. I will be doing her a kindness by getting rid of you.” The man snarled.
“Don’t you fucking hurt him.” You yelled as the men began dragging you away.
Your eyes found the doctor, he looked just as terrified as you just before he was dragged off to another room and out of your eyesight. The further you got from the doctor, the more panicked you became. They were going to kill him. You couldn’t let that happen. The men brought you to the end of a corridor, where there stood a cage.
“You’re just going to lock me up and leave me here are you? Very original” You spat.
One of the men chuckled. “Of course not. We’re going to lock you up and sell you to the highest bidder. There are all sorts of different aliens coming to the opening event that have never seen a human before. I’m sure they will be most interested in you.” He said, chuckling along with his friend.
No. This is not happening. You were getting the doctor and you were getting out of here. With all the energy you could muster, you kicked one the men square between the legs – causing him to double over in pain before doing the same to the other one. With their grip on your arms now loosened, you were able to pull yourself free and began running as fast as you could back in the direction on the doctor. When you made it back to the room you had originally been in, there was no sign of him.
Your mind was racing. You knew you only had a short amount of time before the men recovered and came after you. Suddenly, you heard the doctor yell out in pain. Your heart felt as if it stopped beating as you heard his cries. You went to run towards the noise before looking around you. If you ran in there unarmed, you were as good as captured again. You looked around the room before your eyes landed on the Silurian gun you had noticed earlier. You didn’t have to use it, just threaten to. You grabbed it off the wall before running in the direction of the doctor.
Everything was a bit of a blur after that. When you found the doctor he was laying on the floor, breathing heavily. He had cuts all over his face, as well as nasty looking bruises. It hadn’t taken much to scare the men away, none of them clearly having been threatened with a gun before. You helped the doctor stand before rushing back to the safety of the TARDIS.
“There you are. All patched up.” You said with a smile, taking a step back to admire your work.
Due to the cuts the doctor had obtained, his face was lightly decorated with plasters which you have to admit was a rather funny sight.
“How do I look?” The doctor asked, standing up.
“You look…”
“Adorable? Cute Sexy?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of stupid, idiotic and dumb but sure” You teased, laughing at the frown on his face.
“Well I guess that’s the last time I let my girlfriend take care of me then.” He mumbled to himself as he walked back to the console.
Your stomach fluttered at his words. Whether he meant for you to hear them or not you weren’t sure, but you had.
“Girlfriend?” You commented, following him.
His eyes widened as you stood in front of him. He opened his mouth to say something before changing his mind and closing it again.
“Did you just call me your girlfriend?” You asked, a smirk pulling at your lips.
“I, well, technically yes. I just assumed – because of earlier- isn’t that usually what people do?” He said, stumbling over his words.
You beamed up at him, taking his face gently in your hands. “Yes, it is. Albeit people usually get asked rather than told, but as long as I’m yours I really don’t care.”
The doctors cheeks flushed a light shade of pink at your words, causing your heart to race. He was so beautiful.
“Now as your girlfriend, I demand that you keep this pretty face of yours safe. As much fun as I had looking after you, I’d like my boyfriend to remain in one piece.”
“You think my face is…pretty?” The doctor said, still very flustered.
“Of course I do. Even if its been slightly battered with all these bruises.” You ran your thumb gently across each one before leaning up and placing a kiss on them.
The doctor fidgeted slightly as you kissed his face, making you chuckle against him.
You pulled back and smiled at him. “There we are, all better.”
He grinned down at you, nothing but love reflecting back at you.
“I will forever be grateful that the universe gave me the gift of meeting you.” The doctor said, holding you close to him.
“I love you too.” You replied, sighing happily as you rested your head against his chest.
You could hear his two hearts beating in a steady rhythm as he gently ran his fingers through your hair. This was definitely something you could get used to. And you did.
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physalian · 3 days
11 Underexplored settings of post-apocalyptic worlds
Inspired once again by my recent binge of abandoned explorations.
The greatest hits of the sprawling city scapes and farmland that feature in everything from post-alien invasions to zombie takeovers to just worlds gone by in a not-so-distant future tend to be:
Generic office buildings
Water parks
Famous monuments
Cruise ships
It’s come to my attention though just how many architectural abnormalities there are, in their own current post-apocalyptic states, that would absolutely befuddle archaeologists centuries from now trying to figure out their purposes.
So whether you want to go hard into “this new world has completely forgotten what came before it” or your very own and unique road trip through desolation, here’s some suggestions for cool and/or practical settings!
1. Disney/Iconic Theme Parks
2000 years from now after X disaster strikes, survivors completely removed from historical context stumble upon…. Disney World. They presume Mickey really was a giant mutant mouse, or a mouse-shaped deity worshiped by the local populace (and I mean… are they wrong?). People who might have never left the local area without planes and feasible transport, or knowledge that land across the ocean even exists, might be astounded by the buildings of Epcot’s World Showcase, or any of Disney’s themed resorts.
Water parks are done to death, but not enough emphasis is put onto how bizarre these places would look without context, even to a younger generation that has no idea what it used to be.
Orlando has a hotel with its own rainforest in a massive atrium, with ponds and boats and boardwalks inside. But, you know, I guess strolling through Chicago or New York City is cooler. It may be unfilmable, but it’s not unwritable.
2. The foundations of unfinished construction projects
The remains of an office building that never was, a veritable modern Stonehenge with how little would survive an apocalypse. Inexplicable areas of land with massive pits for unbuilt parking garages, or sprawling swimming pools and lazy rivers.
Or massive, skeletal towers that would have been the monument to a much larger estate that just lost funding. Buildings still surrounded by scaffolding, only half-complete with their windows.
3. Survivor’s encampment landmarked by a monument/hotel/theme park that was never built
In one of those abandoned videos, a company in China was trying to build a discount Disneyland and all that remains is an unfinished Cinderella Castle with steel shells of the gables… behind a modern shopping mall.
Any structure that would have been deeply out of place either in the country it’s built in, or the newer buildings that surround it, immediately looks more creative than just ‘generic strip mall’ or ‘generic high school’. And it’s also realistic, as projects like this fall through constantly, as a unique piece of your worldbuilding. Or, it did have its run as whatever the strange building was part of, and through bankruptcy and selling the land around it, it ends up being the only structure that remains.
4. Hotels that are made up as if the staff vanished instantaneously
Or, many, many Covid victims. Having your characters scrounge for resources through a hotel with beds still made, coffee cups on the breakfast tables, serving spoons and plates ready to go by the buffet. Halloween, Christmas, or Valentine’s decorations still on display.
The schedules for the final week of business still hanging in the offices, unopened mail, packages for guests still in the mail room, pallets of new soaps and supplies still in the delivery bay from the distribution center, linens still in the industrial dryers. I worked in a hotel scheduled for eventual demolition and the disrepair the interior fell into because, what’s the point of managing mold and bed bugs when it’s all getting gutted anyway, makes it super creepy knowing guests are completely clueless on the other side.
Places that have been completely ransacked and destroyed are creepy, sure, but places that are almost frozen in time despite the decay around them are both eerie, and rather dark. Cruise ships/confined spaces like ships tend to be used more for horror, but these, too, as if they’re frozen in time.
5. Cargo ships/shipping yards
An easy-ish one to film in. Looters breaking open shipping containers, or building entire communities and homes out of those containers either on land, or on the barges and ships. A community that can weigh anchor and move once resources and scavenging dries up, or another violent group moves in on the land.
Or, in the case of a viral apocalypse, a community relatively spared from the violence out on the open ocean.
6. IKEA/Furniture Warehouses and DC’s
Warehouses especially have few entries and fewer windows to secure, but as their contents (except the showroom floor) are in mint condition at the time of the world ending and probably stored in plastic and crates, they’d be relatively spared from the elements as a good base camp.
Furniture is also too heavy to loot in a panic and absconding with a brand new mattress probably wouldn’t be at the top of people’s minds as doomsday approaches.
Your little community each having their own lavish living spaces with whatever eclectic furniture they either liked or could now get their hands on for free would just be cool to read about.
7. Penthouse suites
Climbing those stairs would suck and depending on the build quality, the safety of the structure over time would degrade, but maybe your community has manual cranks for the elevators. There might be one way down, but there’s also only one way up, and you can see invaders and catastrophe coming for miles.
These places tend to be dripping in luxury your characters might otherwise have never experienced and they could either make a base there, or have a grand old time trashing the place up because the rich are dead and gone.
8. Historical forts
They lasted this long, why not a few centuries more? The fort that comes to mind is the Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, Florida, right on the beach with a built-in defense wall and a huge courtyard for your community of plucky survivors.
Castles, too, though they’d likely be prime real estate for all manner of interested parties. Aging, famous forts are just never in these types of stories, unless it’s a picture of where the military used to be, now overrun or destroyed.
9. Ski resorts
Similar to the made-up hotels and theme parks, this one comes with presumably multiple buildings, potential use of the slopes and ski transports, isolation via elevation and remoteness from major cities, and the threat of bitter winters and blizzards.
Never been to one myself in winter, but remote locations for a post-apocalypse story tends to just be shorthand for “generic farm or small town,” which isn’t super immersive.
10. Luxury malls
Seen in The Last of US, it gives you a microcosm of so many different environments all slapped together and there’s no limit on what kinds of stores you could include, or all the kiosks, all the mini attractions like trampolines, kiddie parks, massage tables, and even VR flight simulators.
Maybe it has a theater tacked onto it, or a double-story book store, one of those rental spaces dedicated to fancy cars or candy stores. Great for the main setting or even just passing through, especially as they’re already a dying breed you can go ham with. ‘Luxury’ and designer items collecting dust right across from the discount store with everything for under &14.99 could strike a powerful message about social constructs.
11. Science museums
Sure you can make some poignant message about priceless artwork being left to rot, or. When I was a kid, I went to a science center with natural disaster simulators like house fires and tornadoes and a whole-ass IMAX theater where I saw Night at the Museum, the only movie I’ve ever seen in a proper IMAX dome.
There was a whole kids section with a ropes course, area for exploring the human body, a NASA-sponsored mock up space module, mock up grocery store, and little exhibits here and there about optical illusions and the physics behind laying on a bed of nails and how it doesn’t kill you. It’s just something unique and fun that your characters can interact with and gives them plenty to play off and give little anecdotes to make them feel more human.
Point is, your post-apocalypse doesn’t have to be limited to the usual suspects. We’ve all seen the strip malls and Walmarts and suburban homes and farms. There is no special effects budget or filming restraint in a book and I’d love to read more stories set in unique and descriptive places, or just fresh takes on your standard survival camp that isn’t just “build a wall around a section of neighborhood”.
It’s the apocalypse. All real estate becomes free real estate.
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tarotphil · 2 months
Bestie I need to know what answers corresponded to Dan or Phil
oh my gosh I’d love to share :)) take the quiz before reading below the cut!!!!! also take this as the performance art it is, I’m not genuinely assuming very specific things about dan and phil’s internal worlds lol
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for Dan: love like a dog as in loyal, eager to provide a service, full blown adoration. love like a leaky faucet as in always present even when the sink is “off”. but also as in sporadic, unexpected, unavailable. (this is not a dig at dan, that is the option I would choose)
for Phil: love like an archaeologist as in dedicated to craft of discovery, careful, curious. love like a snowstorm as in all encompassing, obscuring, hungry
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for Dan: Catholic guilt yeah, but also thinking on the past in a “I wish I had done it different way”
for Phil: mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. among other things his commitment to nostalgia is a type of grief.
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for Dan: peeling fruit as an act of service has big dan energy. he would pass tiktok clementine theory. cannabalism bc i think he’d enjoy himself on yellowjackets Hannibal hunger as love tumblr. angels is his for a lot of reasons. I was thinking about angels as machinery, which meshes with his clean brutalism aesthetic. also angels as fallen from grace, as a subversive queer symbol
for Phil: time loops, we are back to the grief and nostalgia. but I’m also appealing to his brand of creativity here. glitch theory, fantasticalism. ghosts….. we are back to grief, but also his understanding of horror. the ocean is something I associate with phil a lot for some reason. I think it’s the mystery of it
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for Dan: he’s a teddy bear, he’s so soft. he has his childhood teddy still. glowing globes for mystery, matches the aesthetic of the moon room. kiss me lollipop…… must I say more
for Phil: I was so captivated by him going “I think that’s what god looks like” in relation to the golf with friends structure. so, for phil, interesting lines and lights that evoke a feeling of reverence <3 icy stag bc I associate him with snow and the fantastical. surreal spotlight sky… I can’t explain it just is
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for Dan: A Boat is a poem to me about navigating depression, I think dan would love it. Dan is SO this too shall devastate coded, I don’t think I need to explain.
for Phil: the Kyla Jamieson poem for a few reasons. Love of the natural world, but also I think it carries a sense of creative frustration? The Athena Davis poem because of how gentle it is. meditations on death, meditations on kindness
Dan and Phil: this is the only option on the quiz that gives points to both outcomes…. I want to do with you what spring does with cherry trees. That’s so them
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I actually think these kinda speak for themselves
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for Dan: he’s such a sensitive soul, which is why he got the heart hurt option. he puts so much of his heart into everything, so this is an acknowledgment of him not being as cerebral as he thinks. for the bones, an ache in my bones is one of the ways I visualize my depression. a bone deep heaviness
for Phil: hurt in your hands because of hands as a symbol for creativity. to me this meant an itch to create. hurt in your lungs I can really only justify by vibes. the hurt of running too hard maybe? Of a body meant to house you doing a bad job of it?
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for Dan: mmm realizing I said I associate phil with the ocean which is true, but I associate Dan with whale falls. that’s all I got for that lol. for the microbiome, I love love love the human microbiome, it’s fascinating. I think dan would have a heck of a time with the idea that we’re mostly made up of non self organisms
for Phil: beauty in the small things and beauty in natural system we’re not at all a part of. nod to his love of birds, love you Steve
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these are mostly all vibes, except for Phil’s sense of otherworldliness and Dan’s commitment to forward growth
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for Dan: the wooden overcoats quote…… sorry not get 2009 on you. The Beatrice letters quote is a little bit “it’s awful work” “not to me, not if it’s you”. as a doctor loves his sickest patient for real
for Phil: the Mabel quote is a little bit about love as a creative I think, and a private creative at that. The love exists even if you destroy the art. the locked tomb quote, they are so dependent. he dyed his shoes green
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bitchesgetriches · 7 months
I've been thinking for a few weeks now since I read your article about how you shouldn't go to grad school. And I've been thinking about how much I disagree... for certain instances. To be clear, I am working on my PhD in a material science program in a low cost "city" in the United States, just entering my third year. I went to grad school because I knew from I wanted to do research. I want to (in ~2 years) be working in a national lab. I want to do research. I knew this from the first time I used a sputtering tool in undergrad (~4 years ago) (yes I can straight to PhD from undergrad).
As I was reading your article, I was sad. Now I know, not all grad school is research and I believe your experience wasn't research. But I feel like you could have added the positives of going to grad school, the people that it's good for. If you want to do research, grad school is probably a great place for you to be. Yeah, the pay sucks (but you can make it work) and the hours sometimes suck too (why does everyone want to use the TEM, let me use it not at 5pm on Saturday someday please), but you can really love what you do. I love doing research, I belong here. I would be miserable working a desk job.
I hope I'm getting my point across, I usually love what you do (I've been following since 2016, but went away from Tumblr for a few years). When I moved into my first apartment, I looked to you for advise. Same with starting my emergency savings and just recently a IRA (pay sucks, took a bit to get there). I'm just do glad I didn't read your article before I started grad school because it can be great and just what I needed.
No matter what though, I still love you and what you do! <3
Hey, thanks for writing in, honey! And you know what? We agree.
We mention a couple times in the article that there are exceptions. If you're going to be a working scientist for example (medical doctors, biologists, archaeologists, astrophysicists, researchers of all stripes, etc)... you absolutely must go to grad school! And get your PhD!
But for people who aren't working in a specialized or scientific field? That's where our hard stance on grad school applies.
Sorry we didn't make that more clear. We're always happy to go back and update stuff, so I've gone ahead and edited the article to make it clear that there are exceptions. If you see something else we've screwed up, tell us and we'll fix it.
22-Year-Olds Don't Belong in Grad School 
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Dee Headcanons for @anomalocaris-enthustist :)) YAY!!!
<3 Dee was sick a lot as a child, and the rest of the family still treats him as if he is very fragile
<3 The family only started going to a professional piercing and tattoo artist after Dee asked Ches to pierce his ears and Victoria walked in on Ches attempting to do it using an unsanitized paper clip
<3 Dee used to have an actual job before he began blackmailing other students at his school for cash, but he was fired when a customer asked where the cabbages were and he responded with "At Isengard" instead of "On Aisle Six"
<3 Just because he's quiet doesn't mean Dee doesn't notice things. He sees everything, but chooses to keep it to himself
<3 Dee hopes to one day be an archaeologist/journalist, but is afraid of failure so he tells adults who ask that he "doesn't really know yet"
<3 Dee is an insomniac, and loves to sneak up to the rooftop at night, looking at the stars and contemplating life
<3 Dee runs a My Little Pony discord server
<3 Dee hates the feeling of people staring, because he feels like he is being scrutinized or studied, and to him it feels violating. This is why he was so hostile to Diane after he realized she had been looking at him
<3 Dee finds Diane pretty, but believes that he's not her type and thinks she was actually judging him or his clothes when she was staring
<3 Lif and Dee take Heavy along on every single one of their dates, and people frequently ask if Heavy is their son
<3 After Heavy's teacher cut his hair, her Facebook account was suspiciously flooded with videos of people getting outrageous hairstyles and dying their hair very bold colors. She hasn't been able to log back in to stop the flood of videos since
<3 Dee's favorite snack is saltine crackers and he enjoys the look on people's faces when he orders black coffee in public
<3 Dee respects Glam and will only take criticism from Glam to heart. He got his piercings in the exact same place as Glam, tries to do the same eye makeup as him, and even immerses himself in the same hobbies as Glam to receive praise from him
<3 Dee feeds a family of kittens that live in the alleyway where Glam and Ches meet. He and Heavy are currently thinking of ways to convince Glam to alter the "No pets.... even fish" rule and adopt them
<3 Dee likes having his hair pulled back because he once had the same teacher as Heavy and she cut his hair too, which traumatized him. Now it is kept safely in its tied up poofball away from teachers
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one-idea · 2 months
I love your wado ichimoji pov posts! Your only in whisky peak and show devotion well in an inanimate object well "my dumass son" (affectionately) *less than 2 weeks after starting to travel with others, the captain still believes after them losing badly*: I have 2 to protect now my son and a little king. What I'm really looking forward to 1. resignation at some point is that Sandai Kitetsu is going to continue to be here 2. the treasure trove of Timeskip on Mihawk's creepy would produce 3. sibling time with enma (Christ they have been made by the same person but wados going to be the only voice of reason between the 3).
Thank you so much!!! Sorry this took me a hot minute to respond to.
I really love that au and I want to work on it more.
As I am only in Thriller Bark I can’t speak in earnest about all of your ideas (yet) but I can hit one.
1. Wado excepting that Sandai Kitsune is here to stay.
They come to a begrudging understanding at the end of Whiskey Peak. Wado still doesn’t like Sandai and hopes Zoro gets ride of it, but at least Sandai has respect for the captain now.
It’s Alabaster where Zoro learns to cut steal when the two finally start to have a smidgen of respect for each other. After all Zoro uses all three blades to cut steal, if Sandai was truly a weak blade she would have broken by now.
Through Jaya and Skypia all three blades are focused on protecting Captain and crew. Gaining respect for some of the other crewmates (namely Robin) though throughout it all Wado is still waiting for Zoro to find a better sword.
It isn’t until Water 7 and Enies Lobby. When all three blades are in unity fighting to save one of their own. Because their King and Master wants the Archaeologist back. Because the King has lead them to an incredible fight, a test of their Skills. Because their King keeps asking them to do the impossible with total confidence that they can, they won’t let him down. (The sea train is going to be fun)
It isn’t until Yabashiri is destroyed that Wado realizes she wasn’t ready to lose either companion.
It’s been so long since she had traveled with companions who had voices. These were the first blades Zoro had, besides her, that had distinguishable voices. To hear one of those go out rattles both Wado and Sandai.
The rust man could have grabbed any of them but he grabbed Yabashiri. Her voice was gone. It takes sometime for both Wado and Sandai to come to terms with that.
While Wado is still annoyed with Sandai and her violent tendencies, she’s mellowed under Zoro’s care. Her bloodthirsty now matches his own. And while she does occasionally cry out for blood, it’s normally because of a threat to King or crew. She no longer calls for the blood of just anyone, only outside threats. Problem is those threats haven’t always attacked them yet. (Sandai’s more of a if we kill it before it can attack it can’t hurt them, sort of protector)
Wado and her still butt heads, but Sandai made it this far as a Grade blade, she’s not going anywhere soon.
Once in Thriller Bark, once they gain Shushi, another one of the 21 Great grade blades, a fully realized black blade, and Wado’s sibling to boot. Things get shaken up again.
Where Wado is motherly and protective of her dumb son’s dreams and loved ones. Aligned with Zoro in dream and crew, knowing him the longest and living up his values.
And Kitsune is Zoro’s bloodthirstiness. His violence but also protective fury. Zoro changed her from pure bloodshed to reflect his own violence. She reflects his more aggressive side.
Yabashiri was quite. One to follow Wado’s lead but still had its own personality. In that offered caution. She reflects Zoro’s observation. The ability to tell what is and isn’t a threat and when to act.
Shushi is different. Shushi already had a master take it to the full extent of its power. He is stronger and more durable. Increasing Zoro’s strength and forcing the others to rise to his level. Zoro cannot take this blade farther, rather he must rise to meet its strength and durability. Harding himself and his other blades to become the strong unbreakable protector of the crew.
Wado and Sandai are not (yet) black blades they can still grow and rise with Zoro’s power. Shushi is both a greatly needed boost and a challenge to rise to. He often thinks back on his prior master and compares Zoro to him. (He is quite pleased to be wielded by a descendent of his beloved Shimotsuki Ryuma)
Once I get to Zoro training with Mihawk I’ll talk more about them. But it’s going to be really fun to write all three swords interacting with Yoru. But it’s also going to be hard on Wado. Up until then Zoro favored her as his one sword style blade. But after his time with Mihawk it switches to Shushi. A stronger more durable blade. While the switch makes sense, I’m sure it was a hard transition for both Wado and Zoro. And I’m excited to write on it.
I am so excited to get to Wado and get Enma. It’s a needed change for Zoro to push forward. While Enma has great power on its own, it’s not yet a permanent black blade. There is still room to grow and strengthen along side Zoro. Shushi couldn’t grown anymore. Zoro had mastered it, he rose to the challenge and surpassed it. Now he needs to bring his own blades to the top.
(I really hope one of his blades becomes permanently black by the end of the show. I want it to be Wado)
Right now I’m in Thriller Bark, but the platform im watching on only has the show up to Marineford/ASL adventures so once I get through all of that, I will either rewatch all pre-time skip and start writing my Wado Ichimoji POV au and Reverse Strawhats while I wait for the platform to put up more episodes or I’ll crack and get a new subscription to watch post time skip. Only time will tell.
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kjcreed · 4 months
The Jewel of Seven Stars | Chapter 3
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Series Masterlist Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Warnings: profanity; illegal transportation (again); shotgun
Pronouns: they/them
Summary: The year is 1954. 9 years after the Second World War ended. Most people in the blooming city of New York should be living pretty peacefully by now. And most of them really are... Well, except for you... And your brother Tony for that matter. Your father was an archaeologist working to uncover the truth about the legend of Queen Nefret and the prophecy that has been engraved on the walls of her tomb which your father discovered with his team. The only problem is that he went missing and now it's your job to find him. But what if you unintentionally become a part of said prophecy? And what if you meet a persistent librarian and her extravagant brother along the way?
Disclaimer: This story is inspired by the 1999 film The Mummy, partly inspired by the book The Jewel of Seven Stars by Bram Stoker and a little by the life of Queen Hatshepsut.
“So… do we know what the first thing we’re going after is?” You heard the voice of the younger twin beside you and when you looked towards her, you watched as she matched her step with yours as the four of you walked through the streets of the port city on the small island.
“Tony and I think it’s probably a talisman of some sort.” You shrugged your shoulders a little. “You do know about the legend of Queen Nefret, right?” You inquired as you glanced at the woman beside you again. She looked strangely enchanting with the colours of the sunset reflecting on her skin. For some reason, you felt like you never wanted to take your eyes off of her.
“Yes… yes, I do.” She nodded in confirmation and looked back up at you. She really wasn’t bad to look at at all. “Well, I think that the talisman could actually be a tyet amulet…” You continue explaining your theory as you look at Pietro and Tony walking in front of you, talking about god knows what.
“The knot of Isis?” Wanda asked and you smiled to yourself at the fact that she actually knew what you meant. When you tried to explain your theory to Tony, he looked at you as if you were crazy for thinking he knew what a tyet amulet was and why it was even relevant.
“Yeah… According to the legend, Nefret was a sorceress. It would make sense for her to use objects associated with Isis… or Aset, if we want to be culturally accurate…” You trail off and look at the girl again. She looked like she was thinking about what you were saying and you could notice the exact moment it clicked for her and you couldn’t help but chuckle a little.
“Because Isis is the goddess of magic, amongst other things.” Wanda said with a proud smile and you nodded in confirmation. “Exactly.” You and Wanda looked at each other for a moment and it reminded you of the first time that you met. You got lost in your own thoughts as you looked at the girl and for Wanda, it was the same.
She felt very intrigued by you. Ever since you almost knocked her over the railing of the ship you were trespassing on. For some unknown reason, she was dying to get to know you better. She knew she was looking at you for too long now, but so were you.
She didn’t want to look away. Something about the mischief in your eyes and your unpredictable behaviour pulled her in. It was only when her brother wrapped his arm around her shoulders with a hearty laugh that she snapped out of her haze.
“Are you two nerdy nerds done nerding? Because Tony and I just found us a boat.” The blonde man said with a grin on his face, motioning to the pier you suddenly appeared to be in front of.
Both you and Wanda look away from each other to look ahead towards the sea but before you do, you think you notice something resembling a blush on the girl’s cheeks.
You notice Tony talking to an older guy who had a tobacco pipe hanging from his lips loosely. You watch them for a little while and decide to walk over to them when you see the man get irritated by what your brother is saying.
“No passengers!” You hear the man exclaim when you walk up to them. You pat your brother on his back when the man makes a shooing motion at the both of you and you drag Tony back to where you were standing with Pietro and Wanda. “What happened?” You turn to your brother with an amused smile.
“He was already heading there anyway so I asked him if he could take us with him but he basically told me to fuck off.” Tony threw his arms up in frustration making you laugh a little which earned you a punch in the arm and a glare.
“Well… You know what that means…” A mischievous grin spreads across your face and Tony shoots you a warning look. “No. No way. I’m not doing that again.” He protested, shaking his head dismissively. “What are they talking about?” Wanda asked your brother with her eyebrows furrowed. “They want to sneak onto the ship.” Tony sighed and Wanda raised her eyebrows at you for confirmation and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Oh, because that worked out so well for you the last time.” Wanda commented sarcastically as she put her hands on her hips just like when you got kicked out of the inn. You couldn’t help but find her attempt at being firm rather amusing. “We made it here, did we not?” You snark back a reply with that stupid smile on your face making Wanda scoff in return.
“I dunno… It could be fun.” Pietro shrugged his shoulders and went to stand next to you, making you nudge him with your elbow as a sign of appreciation for being on your side. Wanda, however, gave him an unamused look.
“No. We’re not doing this.” Tony stood his ground and to be honest, you couldn’t really blame him. It’s not every day that you’re being shot at while swimming for your life towards an unfamiliar island.
You also knew that you didn’t have any other option. While you were walking towards Tony and the man you noticed that his ship was the only one on your side of the port and to your luck he was already headed where you needed to go.
“And what else do you want us to do, Tony?” You cross your arms over your chest and give your brother an irritated look. “I don’t know! Wait for another ship or something?”
You shook your head at your brother’s words. “We can’t waste any more time. Did you forget that our father is missing?” The determined look on your face told Tony that there was no way he would convince you otherwise so he just sighed in defeat. “Fine.” He also knew you were kind of right, but he would never admit that to your face.
“What?!” Wanda looked at the three of you bewildered that this was actually going to be your plan. “You cannot be serious-” “Sorry, Wands. Three against one.” Pietro interrupted his sister’s protests and Wanda shot you a glare in return. You gave her a playful smile before focusing your attention on her brother who leaned towards you. “So... how are we gonna do this?”
“Woah. What was that?” Wanda gripped her brother's clothes as the wooden floor under your feet shook a little. “That means we’re off.” You say with an excited smile and look around the small storage room you managed to sneak into while the owner wasn’t around.
You waited there for about an hour before the man finally set sail and now the four of you were crammed inside what you were sure to be the smallest room on the ship. If you could even call the man’s vehicle a ship. It was something between a ship and a boat really…
“Get comfortable because this is going to take a couple of hours…” You say, the smile not leaving your face and Wanda and Tony let out small groans of dissatisfaction.
Earlier when you got to the storage room, it was pitch black in there. Luckily you managed to find two small candles and Tony always carried a lighter in his pocket. It wasn’t much, but the dim light that illuminated the room just added to the atmosphere.
The four of you sat on the ground, surrounding the only source of light you had. You used the time you had to get to know each other a little bit better. You found out that Pietro and Wanda were originally from a small country in Central Europe called Sokovia but moved to America with their parents when they were little kids. You and Tony told them about your father and his research along with a few anecdotes from your childhood.
Tony and Pietro were engaged in a conversation about Tony’s projects and how he was working to be an electronic engineer and you were just pondering about the journey ahead of you when Wanda sat a little closer to you and pulled your dad’s book out of her satchel.
“I forgot to give you this back…” She handed you the book and you looked at it before looking back up at her. “So you’re not mad at me anymore?” Your teasing smile made Wanda annoyed a little bit but she still had to hold in a giggle threatening to escape her lips.
“I am…” She replied but you could see in her eyes that she didn’t really mean it. Annoyed? Yes. But mad? Very unlikely. “But I’m not a thief.” She tilted her chin upwards a little and you were amused, to say the least. You looked at the book before pushing it slightly away from you.
“You can hold onto it if you want.” You say and give her a more sincere smile this time. She was a little taken aback by your offer but accepted it nonetheless. “Thank you.” Her voice was quieter than before and she looked away from you a small smile grazing her lips.
You noticed she had a really nice smile. The girl was very pretty overall but her smile might be your favourite feature of hers yet. You got lost in the way the light from the candle reflected in her greenish eyes and it took you a moment to reply to her. “It’s no problem. I have the whole thing pretty much memorised…” You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly. “Wow… I didn’t know you were such a nerd about dad’s stuff.” You heard the teasing voice of your brother making you groan a little.
“I’m not! I was just bored in the house sometimes…” You tried to defend yourself even though you knew your brother wasn’t really buying it. “Oh dad would’ve loved to see this.” Tony nudges you and you roll your eyes. “Shut up, Tony.” Your cheeks were starting to have a faint red tint to them and you could feel it. That’s why you tried to change the subject as quickly as you could. Wanda thought it was amusing and kind of adorable.
“Can I look at the map from the book real quick?” The fond smile that was playing on Wanda’s lips fell as soon as those words left your mouth. You notice the girl exchange a worried look with her brother and it makes you furrow your eyebrows while you look between the two of them. “What?” You quirked your eyebrow at the twins.
“Well… Uh… We…” Pietro’s stammering induced an unpleasant feeling in the pit of your stomach. “We… kinda burned it.” You and Tony looked at each other with wide eyes before you turned to the twins with unbelieving looks. “You what?!” Your voice was a couple of octaves higher than normal and you stood up from your spot on the ground.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” You couldn’t believe what you just heard. The only thing that could actually lead you to your lost father was gone. Burned to a crisp. Just like that. Sure… You somewhat remembered the locations that were marked on the map… But what if you’re wrong? And this whole thing goes to shit?
“Y/N… You need to calm down…” The voice of your brother stopped you from spiralling for a moment. “Calm down?” You snap back at your brother and Wanda and Pietro exchange worried glances. “Just sit down before-” Your brother was cut off by the sound of the door opening and a shotgun being loaded. You froze in place and slowly turned around only to be faced with the owner of the boat pointing a shotgun at your stomach. “Fuck…”
“Easy there, cowboy.” You say with your hands up as the man shoves you forward with his shotgun. “You want to get shot in head?” He said with a foreign accent, probably Spanish if you had to guess, as he raised the weapon at you.
You feel someone step on your foot making you wince and when you look to your side you see Tony giving you a pointed look. “Sorry, sorry.” You tell the man quickly and look back at him.
“I say no passengers. You not speak English?” You and your companions were huddled together with your arms raised, the man holding you at gunpoint on the deck of his ship.
“We’re really sorry, but we needed to get to Isla de Los Despiertos. We’re looking for my father and we had no other choice.” You explain. Your voice is a little shaky from nervousness since you could be shot dead any second.
The man slowly lowers his weapon and tilts his head at you. “So you not tourists?” He inquires. You and your companions exchange confused glances at the question. When you don’t reply, the man raises the shotgun again, making you become alarmed once again. “No! No, no. We’re not tourists!” You respond quickly and the man squints his eyes at the four of you, scanning you from head to toe.
You breathe out a sigh of relief when the man lowers his gun with a grumble. “I hate tourists.” Wanda and Pietro look at each other in amusement as they hear him exclaim. The man puts his gun down and crosses his arms over his chest as he looks at you again.
“Why you want to go to Isla de Los Despiertos?” He quirked an eyebrow at the four of you. It was Wanda who spoke up this time. “We are searching for an amulet… it should be somewhere in the ruins of Amfazar.” She explained, remembering the name on that little piece of the burned map. You were a little surprised by how confident her tone of voice was. You liked this side of her.
The man stared at her for a long moment before he suddenly burst out laughing. And it lasted for a while. He only stopped once he noticed that the rest of you weren’t as amused as he was. He looked back at you and his eyes widened slightly.
“Oh… You serious?”
Author's Note
Heyo! Back at it again with another chapter I hope you enjoy. Thank you so much for the likes, reblogs and positive comments on this series, dear reader! Isla de Los Despiertos is supposed to translate to Isle of The Awakened from Spanish, just to clear things up... You'll hopefully find out what that means in the next chapter :)
Thank you for reading and see you again soon!
Series Masterlist Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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