#that’s their trio’s name no I don’t take constructive criticism
berlingotesque · 2 years
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Is batim violent ? 
Batim’s fandom : no, of course not 🌸🧚‍♀️✨
Also batim, for no reasons :
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It's crazy how everyone’s so insensitive about the death of these three just because they’re all inky and stuff 💀 Just picture them human, it’s brutal man
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lilxberry · 3 years
‘Evil’ Step-mom - Kevin/Tom Keller (Platonic/Romantic)
Requested by: @thanossexual​
Hi! So if you decide to write for Riverdale parents could I perhaps request Tom Keller x Reader, Platonic! Kevin Keller x Reader , where Y/n is in her thirties and is engaged to Tom and Kevin's friends come over to cheer him up when they find out cause they think that he's mad or sad but he's actually getting along with the reader and gossiping with her about boys and teenage drama and their reaction is just priceless when Kevin tells them that he's basically on best friend terms with Y/n. 😎
Ofc feel free to ignore this request if you don't like it!
I LOVED this request so of course I wasn’t gone ignore. With this, I mainly focused on giving a little detail between Kevin and readers’ relationship and how the girls had assumed that Kevin would be upset with Tom and readers’ engagement.
I do plan on making a part two, where I would focus more on Tom and reader, maybe a slightly prequel about the night they had gotten engaged or the aftermath of their engagement. Maybe a lil’ conflict between whatever Josie’ mom name is and the reader. (I lowkey don’t care. She is just as irrelevant to me as she is hot lmao). Maybe because she’s jealous or something, I dunno, I’m brainstorming rn.
Anyways, I’ve waffled on long enough so I hope you enjoy.
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Warnings: None really, just humour tbh. I’m shocked too.
Words: 777
Pairings: Kevin Keller x reader (Platonic) (Female Reader). Mentions Tom Keller x reader (Romantic)
Kevin’ morning had been a…confusing one at that. At soon as he walked through those doors to enter the school, the girls had flanked him and offered him their ‘condolences’, even Cheryl. His raised eyebrow and utter confused expression were definitely comical and just so him.
They had refused to bring whatever was supposedly upset him up or give some form of explanation to the young man, leaving him with little to no answers and a sore neck from all the shaking he has done through the day.
This continued until, finally, the bell to signify the end of last period sounded, giving the student body the freedom, they had craved all day.
Kevin had no desire to rush, wanting to take his time to put whatever textbooks into his locker and collect whatever he may need until tomorrow. But the girls had other plans. As soon as Kevin had passed the door exiting the class, he was flanked. Veronica on his right, Betty to his left.
“C’mon Kev, we’ve got some shakes to sip at Pop’s,” stated Veronica, clearly showing that he had no say in whatever they had planned. “Cheryl and Toni are going to meet us there.”
Kevin sighed deeply through his nose as he rolled his eyes before offering both of his arms to the girls which they quickly linked with their own. “Fine, but I need to get something from my locker.”
“Come on then, we don’t have all day,” Betty remarked playfully, eliciting a collective chuckle from the trio as they began to walk down the hallway and towards Kevin’ locker.
Being sat with the girls at Pop’s really hadn’t given Kevin any clarity on why they were acting so weird. Weirder that what would be considered standard rate in Riverdale, at least.
“As much as I’ve loved the attention from my girls, truly, can someone please tell me why you’re all acting strange?”
Toni, Veronica and Betty had all simultaneously decided to take another sip from their milkshakes as they adverted their gaze. Cheryl had looked towards each of her female companions before sighing exaggeratedly and turning her attention towards Kevin who sat opposite to her.
“I don’t understand why you would want to bring it up and not just accept how great friends we are being right now. I mean, the amount of support we’re showing you at this terrible time is impeccable,” the red head spoke, slightly trailing from the point.
Kevin gave her a blank stare, waiting for her to finally spill what was going on. She sighed once more before speaking again. “We are simply trying to help you through the terrible news of your father proposing to Y/N.”
Kevin’ eyebrows furrowed; face scrunched up into confusion. Why was that terrible news? He greatly liked Y/N, he loved that she was now finally going to join the family officially. He was even the one to push his father to propose. Hell, he was even there when he had done so.
Shaking his head, he stuttered slightly as he spoke. “I-I don’t understand. Why is that bad?”
All heads at the table had snapped to look at him, all held a look of utter shock, as if he what he had said were incredulous.
“I thought it was gonna be an evil step-mother situation, honestly. We all did.” Toni was the first to break the silence, voicing what everyone had clearly thought was his feelings about you.
Kevin shook his head, a smile now forming on his lips. “No, I love Y/N. She’s awesome and she makes my dad happy, which makes me happy. Plus, we gossip all the time. Half of the drama I’ve know has been because she constantly texts me.”
Veronica smiled at Kevin as she rested her hand upon his arm in a friendly manner. “I’m sorry we got it so wrong. I’m glad, we’re glad, that you love her so much.”
“Yeah. We should have asked. We’re all sorry.” Betty gave him as side hug which he had happily returned.
“It’s fine. But yeah. Maybe ask next time.” They all shared a small laugh, resuming the chit chatting from before, taking sips from their shakes once more.
Quickly finishing off his drink, he looked towards the girls before speaking up. “I should get going, me and Y/N kinda have a movie night planned.”
“And you didn’t invite moi?!” Veronica feigned insult with an overdramatised gasp and hand over her chest. “Have fun, Kev.”
After more farewells from the rest of the girls, Kevin hastily left the diner, on his way to spend time with his favourite gossip guru and soon-to-be step-mom.
Honestly, can we appreciate how quickly I have gotten these last two fics out because holy shit lmao
I really did have fun writing this and hope I can create a good part 2 where I focus on the relationship between Tom and reader
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
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20moonchild21 · 4 years
𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵𝘁 [𝗯𝘁𝘀]
⇉ 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 5
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JK x female!oc, Jin x female!oc, bunny!JK x human!oc, leopard!Jin x human!oc, JK x female!oc x Jin
mentiones of abusement, injuries, injured Jin, traumatized Jin and JK, suffering, angst, mentiones of feeling guilty, too much fluff
I am so excited to finally add Jin properly to the story. I really hope you like the new chapter. The next update will next Sunday, because I am still stuck in my exam period.
Also, if you are looking for some other Hybrid!Bts au stories, I have a few pretty good recommendations for you.
My personal favorite is Inferiority complex written by @starlightauroras-writes. Please check out her story and leave a lot of likes. Her story s amazing!🥰
Don’t forget to also check out my other recommendations that I linked below that chapter.
Of you have any criticism or recommendations or other wishes, there is no need to be afraid to write me. I am open for any kind of messages as long as they are constructive! Don’t forget to like and leave a comment, so I know I can continue!
Also, thank you for all the likes and cute messages you left under the other chapters. It always makes me happy!
By the way, did you watch JK‘s livestream yesterday? He actually read out my comment, and I swear my heart exploded. Best moment in my life🙏🏼🙈🤤
Stay healthy and safe!
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[chapter 4 ||| chapter 6]
„Is he going to be okay, Hope?” Jungkook whispered, tears still spilling out of his eyes, as he watched his brothers injured upper body lying on the couch in Hope’s apartment.
Once the trio had arrived there, the girl immediately had taken off Jin’s shirt and tried to medicate his injuries. He had several bruises along his ribcage. Hope palpated over them, and finally came to the decision that luckily, that he had no inner bruises or broken bones.
But his scratched were another thing. Some were already starting to heal, but others were deep and looked infected. The girl carefully cleaned them all up with a wet clothe. Every time the wet fabric made contact with the open flesh, she would feel his muscles twitching under her touch. He must feel so much pain. When she was done, she opened her fits aid kid and covered all the deeper cuts up with fresh bandages, so they would catch other infections.
She soaked the cloth again with water, and drove it over the sleeping boy’s face, whipping off all the dust, sweat and dirt. Beside the scratches and bruises, Jin had a really beautiful face. With his plump lips slightly parted, and his deep brown eyes closed, he truly looked like a sleeping beauty.
“Yes, Kookie.” She sighed, as she threw her dirty cloth away. “He is going to be okay. We will keep an eyes on his injured so they won’t get infected again.”
She stood up from the ground, taking all the used supplied with her into the kitchen, where she disposed them in the trash can. For a short moment, she closed her eyes and leant forward onto the counter edge, trying to process the day.
Who could have told her almost three weeks ago, that her world would turn upside down from one second to another?
Studying law, she had read many cases from abused and misused Hybrids. She had read them back and forth, up and down, trying to imagine their how they must feel. But nothing she had read could compare with reality.
Reality had hit her hard since she had seen the real suffering in this world. In the past, she wanted to stand up for Hybrid law, because she thought that they were disadvantaged in this society. But now, now she wanted to stand up for them, because they were suffering in this society. Suffering from the species that called themselves human.
But right now, she could do nothing but being there for those two Hybrids. She had no other choice. She turned around and wated to go back into the living room, when the scenario she saw made her stop in her tracks.
Jin was still lying peacefully on the couch, his chest was rhythmically falling up and down. Jungkook kneeled in front of the couch, so he could be at the same level as the sleeping boy. His hand was still holding Jin’s, as he had pushed himself further up, with his head buried into the creak of Jin’s neck and shoulder. He was slowly moving and rubbing his head along the sensitive skin, spreading his scent all over his brother.
Among Hybrids, scenting was one of the most intimate ways of showing his affection to one another.
The girl stayed silence in the kitchen, just watching how carefully and lovely Jungkook was threatening his brother. She absolutely didn’t want to ruin that moment between those two.
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Jungkook spent the whole evening running around the apartment, making sure that Jin was okay. He got him some more blankets to cover his shaking body, pillows to make sure that he head was stable, he made him warm tea, that we always ended up drinking himself, because Jin was still sleeping.
It took the girl much to convince him to at least leave the couch and eat dinner with her at the table, but when his stomach growled loudly, he eventually showed insight and left the sofa.
“Jungkook, he is fine. “ He ripped his gaze away from his brother on the couch. “Come on, I bet Jin would want you to eat your food.”
Jungkook sighed loudly, ears hanging weakly at the side of his head. How could he eat peacefully, when he knew that his brother went through hell and back since his escape. If he just had stayed there, with is old owners, Jin would have never been treatened so badly. But he also would have never met Hope.
He looked up from his plate, just to see the girl looking at him worriedly. She seemed to be often concerned about him. He saw the way she would ask him if he was okay, or how she would tell him to eat enough when he said he wasn’t hungry, or how she would cry and try to conform him the night he broke down.
He didn’t mind though. Never, in his life someone had been worried about him. She gave him anything: a bed to sleep, foot to eat and just a place to feel safe and….home. Even though he had only known her for a little more than three weeks, he felt like this was the place where he belonged.
But even though he was happy she allowed him to live with her, there was also this other voice in his mind. The voice that always reminded him that he was only a guest in her house. And every guest had to leave at some point.
A shiver ran down his spine. He feared the day she would come to him and tell him that he and Jin had to leave. Where would they go? Would they have to go back to their old owners?
No, they were not their old owners. They still were their owners. And this meant that they would have to go back to them. He would never lay in his soft bed again. He would never read in his favourite book again, the one with this little daws and Hobbits. He would never look at the photo wall again, wishing that there was a phot of him and the girl, too.
“What is going on in your pretty little head?” Hope had carefully laid her hand on top of his, a small smirk played on her lips. “I can see your mind racing.”
“I just –“ He wanted to tell her his concerns, but he decided against it. Today was not the day he wanted to hear that they had to leave. “I just – thought about that Jin might be hungry. He looks pretty thin.”
“But he is asleep right now.” She squeezed his hands a little bit. “But as soon as he wakes up, he can eat as much as he wants, okay?”
The Hybrid forced out a small smile and nodded his head. He would just try to enjoy the time that he had left.
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After dinner, Jungkook had gone straight back to the couch, curling up beside his brother. Not once this day had done anything else, besides lying next to Jin and waiting for him to wake up. It was cute to watch though. Jungkook had a big heart, and the girl knew that he wished for nothing more than to just get the love back he gave to others.
Earlier, when the witch had told her, that they had given Jungkook up for adoption, Hope had felt a giant stone falling from her heart. She had feared that they would still be looking for him, wanting him back at all it costs.
But with he being free to be adopted, she could sign his papers while re-registering Jin. Even though she had his papers and deed of ownership, she needed to report her adoption to an authority. But she wanted to wait for Jin to fully wake up before she would do so. After all, she didn’t know if he or Jungkook even wanted to be adopted again.
She couldn’t offer them a luxury life. She would first had to make herself a name in the lawyer business, which will take a lot of time, because Hybrid lawyer often don’t get much appreciation. But don’t matter what the both of them will decide, she would have to accept their wishes, even though it would break her heart.
With the bunny Hybrid in her apartment, it was the first time in years that she felt truly happy again. Since her mother had died and her friend moving away for college, she had felt alone in her life. There had been no one to wait for her until she came home from college or work, or someone with whom she could talk at the dinner table.
She truly enjoyed the time with the Hybrid.
She sighed, as she looked over to the sofa, where Jungkook was still curled up next to Jin, reading his favourite book. She smiled when she thought about his fascination with the Hobbits. He had found that book a few weeks ago, while scanning through her book shelf.
He had told her every day what happened in the book, and though she knew the plot of the book back and forth, she listened to everything he told her. Once he had been done with reading through the book, he just read it from the start again, not even thinking about tying another one.
“I think I will go to bed earlier. “ She said, as she made her way over to the sofa, holding a mug with Jungkook’s favourite tea in her hands. “I am pretty tired.”
The bunny looked up from his book. He watched her putting the mug on front of him at the small table, before she took a seat next to him at the sofa.
“Can I – “ Jungkook hesitated for a moment, before he began to speak again. “Can I sleep on the sofa tonight with Jin Hyung. I don’t want to let him alone. What if he wakes up and don’t knows where he is. Or if he –“
“Jungkook.” The girl stopped him, smiling slightly. “Of course you can sleep here. Shall I get your blanket and pillow?”
He quickly nodded, as a small shade of red began to spread over his cheeks. Hope stood up and walked over into his room. Jungkook was a very tidy and organized Hybrid. He made his bed every morning, every piece of clothes in his drawer was exactly folded and stacked up and he even had managed to organize her storage room, the so called ‘Chamber of secrets’, which she had failed to clean up for several years.
(Do you know on which scene from TBBT I am referring to? I love it :D)
She made her way over to the bed, carefully taking the blanket and pillow into her arms, trying to not carry it to close to her body, so her scent wouldn’t be all over it. A smile played on her lips, as she remembered the day when Jungkook insisted on washing Brian’s clothes, because he didn’t like to smell another male on his clothes.
When she turned around to go back to the living room, her eyes caught something on the Hybrid’s desk. Next to desk lamp laid the notebook she gave to Jungkook a few weeks ago. It wasn’t closed like, the open page pointing upwards.
She didn’t want to invite his privacy, but when she saw the sketched lines from the distance, she got curious. She often had wondered whether he was writing or sketching in there, when she watched his hands sliding wildly over the pages.
Hope took a few steps closer, looking back at the door to make sure Jungkook wouldn’t catch her looking at his private things. When she bent over the small back, her heart skipped a beat.
Jungkook had indeed sketched something. The lines were soft and accurate, taking all the space the page could offer. The picture had been drawing from the perspective when sitting at the dining table, the place where the bunny sometimes sat while she worked on her computer.
In the background, she recognized her kitchen, with the white fridge and the small hatch, and in the font ground she saw herself sitting. She was amazed by the precision he had drawn her hair falling over her shoulder and the feature of her face looking concentrated at the laptop in front of her.
Next to the her in the picture, he had written 4 capital letters. The letters were messy and scrawly, but she could read them without problems: 卄口ㄗモ
The girl’s heart swell with love. He had drawn her into his notebook, the place where he kept the deepest thoughts of his mind.
With the proudest smile on her face, she made her way back into the living room. She carefully placed the blanket over and pillow next to Jungkook, before she made her way over to Jin one last time, checking if he was okay.
When she was sure that everything was fine, she made her way over to the front door to turn off the great light in the room. The small lamp next to the TV was now the only source diving the room with cosy and warm light, just enough that Jungkook could still read his book.
“Good night Jungkook. Don’t read too long, you need your sleep.” She walked up behind him and bent down.
With her all braveness bundled, she pressed a short kiss on the top of his fluffy hair, before bending back up. Luckily, the room was dark enough to hide her reddening cheeks, as Jungkook looked up. He closed his small book, laying it to the side.
“Thank you for saving my brother.” He whispered, as he took her hands in his bigger one, squeezing them slightly.
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When she woke up the next morning, the flat was unusually quiet. Normally, she was woken up by the dull tones of Jungkook’s boxing gloves hitting his punching bag. He would always wake up before her, already finishing his morning workout. She wondered every day, where he took his motivation from, but she didn’t mind though.
She changed into comfortable clothes, and carefully made her way up into the living room, trying to be as quiet as possible, in cases both Hybrids were still sleeping on the sofa. She tippy-toed through the hallway and peeked around the corner.
Jungkook was sprawled out on his back. He had his legs spread, and he blanket was only covering half his body, making his left leg stick out and hanging loosely off of the sofa. With his arms lying beside his head to either side, and his mouth slightly parted, and ears laying loosely on the sofa, he looked like someone had shot him.
Hope smiled at this scene in front of her, slightly shaking her head. It was nice to see how safe and comfortable he felt around here. She moved her gaze away from the bunny, and looked over to the other Hybrid lying on her couch. To her surprise, her eyes met big, brown orbs looking back at her.
“Good morning, Jin.” She said softly, as she went around the corner.
She tried to make her voice as smooth and warm as possible, showing him that she didn’t want to put any harm on him or Jungkook, after all, he didn’t know how happy Jungkook had been over the last weeks.
Jin, however, didn’t reply. His ears were pressed flat against his head, as he kept looking sceptically at the girl, before his gaze fell onto his naked upper body, that was half covered by a blanket.
“We had to take your shirt of yesterday.” The girl quickly said, knowing exactly what was going on in his head. “You have some pretty infected injures. I just wanted to wrap them up. I hope this was okay?”
He hesitated at first, but eventually nodded as a small shade of red covered his cheeks. He pulled the blanket, that had slide down his torso, up a little bit higher. It was obviously embarrassing for him to lay half naked on her couch.
“I think Jungkook wouldn’t mind borrowing you one of his shirts.” She quickly said. “I will get one for you.”
She turned around and got the shirt from Jungkook’s drawer, before going back and giving it to Jin. He carefully reached out and took the piece of hands out of her hands.
“I will just go and make some breakfast.” She was about to leave, before something came into her mind. “You can try waking up Jungkook. He wouldn’t want to miss eating his flakes.”
She made her way into the kitchen and started to prepare the breakfast as she always did each morning. Sometimes, she would hear some deep voices coming from the living room. Jungkook seemed to be awake by now.
“Kook, is it really safe here?” She heard Jin asking, as she was about to get the milk out of the fridge.
“It is, Hyung. Hope is the nicest girl in the world. She even gave me my own room and…” He kept rambling about the most normal things in the world, which made the girl even sadder. He shouldn’t be this exited to have his own bed to sleep in. She sighed and turned her attention back to the fried egg in the pan, before she heard Jungkook’s cracking voice“…I – I really missed you, Hyung. I thought that – that they – “
“Shh. It’s okay, Kook.” Jin whispered back. “I only wanted you to be safe.”
Hope gulped in the kitchen. She knew how much it hurt to loose someone you love. But she didn’t want to imagine how it must feel to not know if someone you love is dead or barely alive and tortured to death.
She waited another 5 minutes, making sure that she would not interrupt the moment, before she carried the pan into the dining room. Jungkook was just pulling away from hugging Jin , before he stood up and stretched his arms into the air, as well as his ears.
“Did you sleep well, Kookie?” The girl asked amused, as she pulled her chair back and took a seat.
Jungkook helped Jin up from the sofa, and led him the way over to the table by holding his hand. He pulled himself his chair back and sat down as well, gesturing for Jin to sat down, too.
“It’s okay.” The bunny said, as he saw Jin’s hesitation. “You can sit down and eat with us.”
Jin’s eyes flicked from Jungkook over to the girl, waiting for her to give him permission. Hope smiled softly at him, as she placed her mug back down and nodded at the standing boy. Jin hesitated again, before he carefully took a seat beside Jungkook, eyes never left the girl to make sure he didn’t do anything wrong.
“Do you want to try those flakes?” Jungkook held his bowl directly under Jin’s nose.
The older boy was clearly overwhelmed by the whole situation. His ears kept wildly twitching around, as he sniffed at the bowl, looking confused and scared at the same time.
“No.” He whispered, sinking his head down.
“But you must be hungry, Hyung!” Jungkook had placed his bowl back down in front of himself.
He was asking Jin all over again if he wanted to eat something and why he refused to eat something, but Jin just shook his head every time.
“Jungkook, don’t force him to eat something.” Jungkook dropped his ears but nodded, turning his attention to his own bowl, while the girl spoke now into Jin’s direction. “Jin, you don’t have to eat something if you don’t want to, but you are free to eat whenever and whatever you like. You don’t need to ask for my permission either. Just – do what makes you happy.”
Jin looked at her with wide eyes, still trying to figure out if she was serious or not. He nodded shyly, before he looked at the munching bunny next to him. Jungkook smiled with his mouth closed, before reaching over towards his orange juice. He lifted the glass and gestured for Jin to take it.
Jin’s eyes flicked towards the girl once again, but she avoid his gaze on purpose, pretending to be busy with her toast. With the slowest movement, Jin reached out for the glass, taking it out of Jungkook’s hand. He looked at it, before placing it on his lips.
While he drank, his eyes kept flickering between his brother and the girl, watching every movement form both of them closely. After his glass was empty, he carefully sat it back down on the table. Though he kept his gaze down, Hope saw his eyes flickering over to slices of bread lying in the small basket.
“You can take the bread, Jin.” As soon as she spoke his head shot up, as if he was caught doing something bad. “There is more than enough for the three of us.”
Jungkook confirmed her offer with a quick nod, and eventually, Jin reached his hand out to take a slice of bread. Though he refused to put something onto his bread, Hope was glad he eat something after all.
Breakfast went over without any other incidents. Jin kept munching at his bread, while the girl carefully introduced herself, telling him about her life like she did when she met Jungkook. Jin didn’t reply, he nodded from time to time, but stayed silent.
The only time he actually responded, was when she mentored how she had found Jungkook and taken him in. His ears dropped down onto his head.
“Thank you for saving Jungkook.” He had whispered, before bowing his head slightly.
Once they were done eating, Hope told Jungkook to give Jin a small tour while she would do the dishes. The bunny was more than eager to show his older brother everything in the house. He grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the table.
Hope watched with shaking head, as Jungkook dragged the confused boy into his own room, where she could hear him rambling nonstop about every little detail.
She turned her attention back towards the dishes in the sink. Later that say, she would have to call the authority, to make an appointment for re-registering Jin and signing Jungkook’s adopting papers, of course only if both of them will agree.
She didn’t want to bring the topic up this early. Jin had been here for not even one day. It would be hard for him to decide if he wanted to stay or not, and Jungkook would probably make the same decision as his brother, because he didn’t want to be separated from him again.
This meant she would set the appointment in about 1 week. Hopefully, this would be enough time for Jin to at least trust her enough.
“….And this is the photo wall.” She turned around and looked at Jungkook, who was still holding Jin’s hand. “This is my favourite wall of the entire apartment. I look at the photos every morning or when I am bored….”
She watched as she took a step closer, looking interested at the different photos. Hope honestly didn’t know why Jungkook was so fascinated about the photos hanging on the wall. Sometimes, she would watch him how he sat in front of that wall for over 30 minutes, just staring at the photos.
It was adorable thought. The picture surprise for his birthday was a good idea.
“….And this is Hope at her graduation party. Look, she was one of the best students in her year. She is so smart. And this is Hope and her mom at her mom’s birthday. But her mom died a few years ago. Hope is very sad about this, because she said her mom was the best mom in the world. And this are Hope’s friends from High School…..” Jungkook kept rambling about every single picture, talking about them as if they were the most precious things in the world.
Jin was still staring at the pictures, giving Hope the chance to watch his profile. He was as tall as Jungkook, but definitely slimmer than him. He had shaggy brown hair, that fell smoothly over his forehead. At the top of his head set a pair of fluffy, black, brown and white ears, that twitched back and forth.
It was just now, that the girl actually saw Jin’s tail. Since he was a Leopard, his tail was much longer. It reached about the almost the middle of his calves. It was covered with fluffy fur and black stripes all over.
She broke her staring when she noticed Jungkook finishing his monologue, not wanting to make her new guest uncomfortable.
“Hope!” Jungkook came running up excitingly at the girl when he saw her standing in the doorway of the kitchen. Where did this boy take his energy from all the time? “Jin-Hyung likes my room very much. I thought that he might can share my room with me?”
Hope wasn’t surprise by this question. She could tell that both of them were really close, even if she hadn’t known both for long.
“I – ehm – I can also sleep on the fl – “ Jin’s cheeks were covered in red, as he stuttered about sleeping on the floor.
“It’s okay, Jin.” The girl quickly interrupted him. “You can sleep wherever you want to sleep. If you want to share a room with Jungkook, that’s fine by me. There are also 2 more empty bedrooms, so if you change your mind, you can also sleep in there. It’s your choice.”
“Please, share a room with me, yeah?” Jungkook was squeezing and tugging Jin’s hand, begging him to sleep in his room.
“Okay, I – I will share.”
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@fanoffandoms @mirror-juliet
⇉ wanna be added? Write me a message!
[recommendations | inspirations] ⇉ must reads!
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hardskz · 5 years
a penny for your thoughts.
pairing — han jisung x female! reader
genre — trope inversion of the soulmate au, college au, enemies to lovers, angst and fluff-ish, smut; oral, possessiveness kink, praise kink, safe word, size kink, first time
synopsis — life isn’t easy when you belong to the 1% of the world population that has a soulmate, know who your soulmate is and happen to be utterly in love with said soulmate’s best friend. alternatively, jisung can hear all of your unfiltered thoughts and has heard enough of your horny fantasies to the point where he wants to throw up, so he takes matters in his own hands. 
note — i think i’m gonna cry this work is my 11k word BABY i’ve never been THIS invested over a fic. this is purely self-indulgent and an emotional rollercoaster ride if you ask me. this fic is all over the place it’s chaotic and i apologize in advance for many italics you are welcome i hope you CRY and SUFFER with me because completing this bitch was a midlife crisis in itself. that being said, i appreciate any form of constructive criticism so pls go ahead and rip my baby apart sdkjl
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“You’re staring again,” Hyunjin notes. Seungmin and Jeongin stifle a burst of laughter while Felix, whose head is resting on Hyunjin’s lap, sends you a look that resembles Candace from Phineas and Ferb whenever she finds her brothers creating some whacky futuristic shit, laughs like a madman and then resumes to call her mother with an ear-splitting MOOOM! because she’s so certain that her brothers are busted this time.
“Am not,” you huff as you tear your eyes away from the guy just sitting a little bit farther away from you, basking in the warm glow of the sun. Today he’s sitting in the perfect angle, giving you the best view on his side profile. His signature cap is perched right on top of his head but even then, you can see how his eyes brighten up and how the corners of his lips tug upwards as he laughs at his friend’s joke.
“You’re a worse case than the Mary Sue protagonist of every romance anime ever.” Seungmin snorts before he playfully nudges your side with his shoe. “Just say you want Seo Changbin to bang you and go.”
“Hey! We have a child present!” Hyunjin chastises, to which Jeongin rolls his eyes.
“I’m not a child. We’re all in fucking college.”
“Fine, not a child then. The baby has been corrupted! Don’t swear, it sounds so wrong coming from you!”
“Shut up. It’s called freedom of speech!”
“It’s ‘shut up Hyung’ to you!”
Felix groans in distress and is probably rethinking his life choices. Seriously, what does Felix, resident hopeless romantic, see in Hyunjin? Sure, he’s good-looking and a great friend when he’s not bitching around or hovering over the nearest trash can after taking too many shots. But a romantic? Please, Hyunjin can’t even eat without making a mess out of his shirt.
“I don’t want him to bang me,” you mutter and receive a collective ‘yeah sure’ look. “Fine, I don’t want him to bang me only. He’s nice,” you retort before your eyes flit back to him for a millisecond. By now, Changbin has put his hands on the grass and is leaning back, enjoying the sunlight while listening halfheartedly to the other guy blabbering.
“And hot. We get it. Now get dicked,” Seungmin deadpans, earning flabbergasted looks from everyone and a smack from Hyunjin.
“Show a little more empathy, you dickwad. She’s whipped.”
“Anyway—“ Felix sits up, earning a pout from Hyunjin but he blatantly ignores it, and directs the conversation back to the previous topic before the other two bump heads, “(y/n), you have his number. You’re not strangers, so why don’t you just make a move?”
You glance at him with horror in your eyes. “What do you expect me to do? Ring him up and ask him to hang out with me because I find him cute?”
“Uh, duh? Last time I checked, that’s how you ask someone out.”
“Absolutely not.”
“New idea.” Seungmin butts in. “Why don’t you ask Han Jisung—“
“Agreed.” Hyunjin shoots you a nod of approval before Seungmin can start yet another interrogation about your bitter hatred towards Jisung. Jisung, who happens to be said friend of Changbin that is laughing beside him right now. “He must think he’s so much better than us because he’s hanging out with the senior geniuses of the music production major. Then again, Seo Changbin and Bang Chan are on a different level than us commoners.”
“Speaking of Chan,” you quickly say to steer the conversation away from the personification of everything you hate. “Where is he? It’s so weird seeing the trio incomplete.”
This time, Jeongin chimes in. “Haven’t you heard?”
“Heard what?”
“Chan and that one language major — you know, the one who collapsed a while back?” When all he’s met with are clueless faces, Jeongin sighs. “Seriously, you guys should keep up with campus news. I swear, everyone and their mothers already know by now. But anyway, they’re soulmates. It’s also the reason why Chan has been pulled out of the boxing team until the end of the semester and had to cancel their training camp as soon as she broke down.”
Felix does a double-take. “But Chan’s the ace of the boxing club!”
“It is what it is.” Jeongin stretches his legs out, shrugging. “What else is to expect when you have the proximity link and need to be around your soulmate within a certain distance unless you want death?”
“Poor guy. Must be a smack in the face for him, now that he’s got a soulmate and happens to have the worst link one could have.” Seungmin says.
“The tattoos are worse though.” Hyunjin fires back. “I mean, you’re literally born with a tattoo of your soulmate’s name and then grow up knowing that you have one? And even if you never meet them, you won’t have better chances with others if you want some romance. Who in their right mind wants to have a lover who’s got someone else’s name tattooed on them since birth?”
“No one.” You chuckle. “Absolutely no one.”
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In another lifetime, another universe, you and Jisung would probably be on better terms. He’s sunshine on legs and looks decent from an objective point of view.
In another lifetime, another universe, you’d like to believe you’re childhood friends and have been neighbors ever since your first shit in your diapers. Perhaps you would be clowned from being inseparable once in a while, but you’d go with it and then shrug it off as if it was nothing.
In another lifetime, another universe, you’d like to believe that being soulmates doesn’t equal the downfall of two people. Sure, the fact that people are bound to each other and the danger of growing too dependent on that person remains, but it probably won’t be so frowned upon. Probably. Hopefully.
However, as much as you want to twist it, another lifetime is not this lifetime, the reality.
In reality, you and Jisung are only neighbors because the universe has some kind of inexplicable hatred towards you. Seriously, you must’ve done something wrong in your previous life to be punished in this one. And because the universe has sadistic tendencies and loves to make you suffer, the laws of the universe are just as equally fucked up.
The concept of soulmates is a lot of things, but most of all, it’s a mystery. There are endless possibilities for soulmate links, not all of them discovered. And unlike popular belief, soulmates do not have to necessarily share the same link. So voilà, even more fuckery from the universe.
There’s only one reason that justifies your wholehearted, unfiltered hatred towards Han Jisung. Well, only one reason that seems justified in this lifetime.
The tattoo is simple; just fine black characters under your collarbone that are nicely hidden under high-cut shirts.
But the fact that it’s his name tattooed on you since birth remains.
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“Let me crash here for the night.”
“Let me crash here for the night, please.”
“My answer is still no.”
The exasperation is plastered on Jisung’s face as he tries to keep his temper in check. Truth be told, it’s damn satisfying seeing him wanting to rip your head off but refraining to do so. Perhaps you’re enjoying this more than you expected at one o’clock in the morning. For the past five minutes, Jisung has been asking you to let him stay over for the night. You’d save him out of his misery and help a neighbor out who locked himself out of his apartment at this hour — well, if he wasn’t Han Jisung.
By now, he’s growing more impatient with every further rejection. “Oh come on, all my friends live on the other side of town and you can’t expect me to ask the old grandma next door! At this rate, I’m gonna freeze to death overnight!”
“Then go break a window or something,” you deadpan, ignoring the dramatic hand gestures he’s making to accentuate his words.
“The fuck? I’m not going to break into my own place.”
Not wanting to draw out the pointless conversation any longer, you’re about to slam the door shut when he blocks your action with his foot. “C’mon, just this one night. Please.”
He’s not budging anytime soon. His bullheadedness reminds you of Seungmin, who always tries to get Hyunjin wasted whenever you attend those Greek frat parties. Seungmin, who always succeeds in getting Hyunjin wasted, followed by Hyunjin hugging a bucket for the next few hours as he tries to get over the hangover. With a defeated sigh, you gesture Jisung to come inside and don’t wait for him until he’s taken his shoes off at the entryway.
“Look, I know you don’t like me—“
“Well, ‘don’t like’ is putting it very lightly—” you scoff once he’s caught up to you in the living room. It’s not exactly spacious; the couch takes up most of the room and college assignments are spread all over the minuscule coffee table.
“You could at least treat me like a decent human being.”
That statement is enough to get your ears flaming. You whip your head in his direction, voice getting louder. “How can I when your existence is making my life worse than it already is! And I mean it literally! Just seeing your name whenever I look at myself through the mirror sickens me!”
“Stop acting like you’re the only victim here.” Jisung snaps back in the same manner. If there was a little bit of etiquette in the first place, it has all vanished now. “I’m not having it easier when all I hear from you is the dozen ways you want Changbin to fuck you dumb!”
You freeze.
“Cat got your tongue? It’s already bad enough that you have those kinds of thoughts about my best friend every single day.”
“But I thought— y-you had the proximity link?!” This has to be a joke. A very bad one at that. His proximity link is the very sole reason why you lived next to him. His soulmate link is the only reason why you’ve been stuck together like glue since you could walk.
Jisung taps his foot impatiently, running his hand through his hair. “That’s what I thought too until I started hearing things that nobody said around me. First, it was just a few thoughts every other day, but now you’re like an annoying radio that I can’t switch off.”
“Why didn’t you tell me then? I would’ve—“
“Stopped fantasizing about Changbin’s dick? And then you would’ve jumped to the next person. I don’t care if you like him or not, it’s none of my business. Changbin’s hot, anyone with eyes can tell. Besides, it’s not like you have a chance anyway…”
You feel your blood boiling at his underlying message and cross your arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Jisung doesn’t bat an eyelash and says in a mocking tone as if stating the obvious. “No doubt that Changbin will make you feel good. But could you return the favor?”
That’s a low blow. Even for Jisung, that’s a low blow.
“I get that you’ve got a dirty mind. But those are just fantasies. Could you really execute them just the way you had in your head? You don’t even have experience in the first place.”
“If I sucked you off right now, you wouldn’t even be able to speak properly!” God knows what went over you when you countered. At this point, rage has taken over your brain and you don’t even realize what you just said right away. Not that it matters anyway; all you see is red.
Jisung just raises a brow, clearly unimpressed by your outburst. “Prove it,” he challenges casually and then flops himself onto the couch, legs spread wide. It’s an open invitation. “Go ahead, make me see reason with your oh so mind-blowing skills.”
The only thing you’re able to do physically is gape at him. He is joking, right? As if he actually means it—
“I knew it. Shameless in your head but too flustered to say it out loud, let alone following up with your bold statements.”
That seals the deal. You’re fuelled by anger and the desire to prove him wrong as you drop on your knees and are on eye level with his crotch. However, your spirit dissolves the longer you silently stare and realize that you have no fucking clue on what to do. Jisung is painfully aware of that too.
“I’m more terrified than turned on seeing your angry face.” He lets out an exasperated sigh before he pulls you up and directs you to sit on his lap. “Obviously it’s not working when neither of us is in the mood. You gotta get in the mood first,” he mutters, hands settling on your hips.
The look in his eyes is more composed now, but you can tell he’s being observant. As if you have clues written all over your face, he keeps you under his stern gaze. Then his eyes droop lower to your lips and he slowly leans forward.
Not even a second later, you firmly plant your hands on his shoulder and push him back. “No lips.”
If Jisung is judgemental about your sudden stunt, he doesn’t comment on it. “Anything else, your royal majesty?”
You’re too tired to react to his mockery and roll your eyes. “No marks.”
“I can work with that,” he mumbles more to himself rather to you. Then he leans forward again and buries his face in the crook of your neck. Surprised by his actions and new to the unfamiliar sensation, you tense up. Jisung seems to take notice of that too.
“Relax,” he orders, rubbing circles on your hips to help you loosen up.
Well, that’s easier said than done. It’s already bad enough that you’re gradually exposing yourself as the complete amateur you are, and out of all people who could’ve been the first to do any form of sexual advances on you, it just had to be Jisung. Perhaps you shouldn’t have rejected that one kid in high school who was the only one who ever had a crush on you. Even if that kid wasn’t your type and not a serious commitment anyway, maybe you would’ve at least some sort of experience with dick.
“A-ah—“ your breath hitches when he nips on the patch below your earlobe. He smiles against your skin as if he just made some scientific discovery and swipes his tongue on the same spot, eager to make you squirm. Not wanting to slip up anymore, you clamp your mouth shut with a hand.
“Let me hear you, baby. Just relax, I got you.” When the fuck did his voice start to sound lower and raspier? Where did ‘baby’ come from? All rationality and resistance leave your body when he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him.
The cologne of musk lingers strong on him, almost intoxicating even, and you can’t form a cohesive thought anymore. The only things you are painfully aware of are an arm forcing your chest flush against his and his hot breath all over your neck.
You’re so far gone that you fail to notice that you’ve started grinding on his lap. Jisung moans softly into your neck as he encourages you to move with his hands.
“On your knees, baby,” he whispers after a while. A rush of disappointment runs through your veins once he detaches his lips from you and slides you off his lap, but all of that is forgotten once you see the prominent bulge in his pants.
Right. There’s a reason why you ended up in this predicament in the first place.
Jisung urges you to touch him with a simple nudge. “C’mon, baby. Take it off.”
You don’t waste time discarding his sweatpants. Just when you’re about to tug his underwear off, you notice the wet patch on the fabric. A surge of mischief washes over you as you boldly cupped his hard-on over his boxers, causing an obscenely loud moan from him.
He flinches, definitely not expecting that brashness from you, and throws his head back. “S-stop teasing me already and take that goddamn thing off or God help me what I’m going to do if you push my buttons.”
That. That was a threat. That dealt much more damage to you than you like to admit.
As much as you want to watch him break and see if he’d make his threats come true, you decide against your feelings and hook your fingers under the waistband and tug the fabric down in one swift motion. A groan leaves Jisung as his cock, fully hard and leaking precum, is exposed to the cold air. He’s certainly above average; on the longer side probably, and you’re conflicted on whether to think fuck, I want him in my mouth right now or fuck, how on earth is that supposed to fit into my mouth?!
You don’t get far with your inner conflict when a hand grabs a fistful of your hair and slowly urges you closer. The next thing you know, something is tapping your lips and before you fully register it, the tip of Jisung’s cock lies heavy on your tongue.
You carefully look up and meet Jisung’s hooded eyes. His shirt has ridden up a bit and flashes just a little bit of his toned stomach. That’s just enough of an indicator to see that Jisung is holding himself back, in case his irregular breathing hasn’t been a dead giveaway.
Jisung opens his mouth, about to say something, when you give an experimental suck on his dick. “Do something— f-fuck, a little more, baby.”
That’s enough to build your confidence up. You slowly take in more of his dick, sucking carefully and making sure to cover your teeth. The rest that doesn’t fit in your mouth is barely covered with your hands, and you messily try to coordinate your hands, switching between rubbing the base of his dick to cupping his balls.
“Mmh, use more pressure,” Jisung whispers, not trusting the stability of his voice when you fondle with his balls. A groan leaves him when you suck harder on his cock and switch back to swirling your tongue around. For a total beginner, you are holding yourself up better than he expected. Fuck.
“Focus on the tip fir— hhh- aa-ah...” His brain blacks out for a moment when you swirl your tongue around his tip and dare an experimental hum, the vibrations going straight down to his dick. The grip on your hair loosens, but it’s still firm enough to experience a sharp tug. “You’re doing good baby. So good.”
The combination of his sounds, the decent taste of precum on your tongue and the way his adam’s apple bops is enough to send you into sensory overload. You notice the way Jisung tenses his thighs, as to keep them still. You’re about to pull out completely to prevent your drool from getting on your face. However, before you get the chance to complain, he forces his length back on you that it grazes the back of your throat, nearly making you choke.
“Fuck, I— I’m gonna— s-soon—“ he hisses and you take it as a sign to speed up. At this point, your jaw hurts and a mixture of drool and precum drips down your chin. It’s borderline disgusting if you think about it, but the delectable sounds leaving Jisung compensates for it.
He sharply tugs on your hair, ordering you to pull off, but you slap his hand away. “I’m going to spill in your mouth if you don’t pull off right now—“ Jisung chokes on his words when you interrupt him with a hum as if to say so what? It doesn’t help that you’re looking up at him with teary eyes and a lot of conviction, even though you’re visibly struggling to keep half of his dick in your mouth.
When he cums, it’s accompanied but drawn out moans, and you forcing yourself to swallow the horrible texture. It’s not horrible per se, but you’d gladly refuse to swallow a second time if you were given the choice.
Jisung looks down at you with flushed cheeks and is about to wipe off the drool or cum or whatever liquid is staining your bottom lip, but you quickly block his hand. “I’ll clean up by myself.”
For a minuscule second, he looks defeated; he looks borderline disappointed, but before you can pinpoint his feelings for sure, his expression changes. “But what about you?” he asks, eyes raking down your body and stopping at the waistband of your pants.
“I’ll deal with it on my own.” You shrug, avoiding his eyes. All of sudden, you find it hard to breathe in the room as the realization settles into your brain. You just sucked off Jisung. Jisung, out of all fucking people.
“You sure?” Your eyes flit to him who looks like he’s been observing you the entire time. His breathing has calmed down, his lips look a little bit plumper than before and his hair sticks out in all different directions. Looking at his current state makes you feel sick, and your undying hatred for him starts growing again. It’s your fault that he looks so fucked out and—
Why the fuck did you even do that?
“Yes. Now stop asking before I change my mind and kick you out.”
Before he can have the last word, you turn on your heels and rush into your bedroom, ignoring the fact that your underwear is practically drenched.
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You wake up to the smell of pancakes emerging from the kitchen. “What are you doing?”
“I’m making breakfast?” Jisung throws you a questioning look and then plates the last batch of pancakes from the pan. “It’s the least I can do after you were friendly enough to let me crash on the couch.”
Your eyes wander to the countertop to the two plates stacked with pancakes. Jisung finishes up the second plate and hands it out to you.
You stare dumbly at the plate. It’s too early for your brain to mouth filter to work, so the first thing you spit out is, “How do I know you didn’t poison it?”
“Are you fucking serious—“ Jisung squeezes his eyes shut, mutters something inaudible under his breath before he puts on the fakest smile he can muster. “I can take a bite if you really insist.”
“Give me that plate.” You point to the other plate on the counter. Presentation-wise, it looks the same as the one Jisung is offering you, minus the visible steam.
“There. Wanna switch again or can I finally eat?” he scoffs when you walk past him to get cutlery and sit at the dining table; it’s essentially a round wooden table where one of the legs is about to break. Two plates and a pitcher at most take up the entire surface. You really should consider buying a new table, but you have better things to spend on rather than that.
From your peripheral vision, you see Jisung rolling his eyes. Perhaps you were making an entire unnecessary circus, critically cutting through the pancake and inspecting each and every side before stuffing it in your mouth. But again, in your defense, it’s too early in the morning to show basic etiquette towards him out of all people.
You have to admit that visually, the pancakes look good. What you didn’t expect were the pancakes to taste just how they look. It looks like you couldn’t contain your surprise in you, judging by the amused smirk that finds its way onto Jisung’s face as he claims the chair across from you.
“As if you could actually cook,” you splutter because there’s no fucking way you are giving him that satisfaction of the day.
However, it seems to bemuse him even more. “You literally eat this every day and know the recipe by heart. With the excessive number of times you recite the ingredients a day, obviously, something got stuck in my brain,” he explains while cutting through his own portion.
The rest of breakfast is spent in silence. You both finish at the same time and while you’re washing the dishes, he’s stayed put in the chair, mindlessly checking something on his phone.
“You didn’t have to cook, you know. You could’ve just left.” you start. It’s already awkward enough that he’s still here. Bloody hell, you should’ve just waited with the plates and ushered him out of your place instead of just getting away as fast as possible from the table. Now that you think about it, this was probably the only time you two were somewhat amicable at such proximity. (Even if you didn’t talk at all. Still, it’s progress.)
He drops his phone on the table with a soft ‘bang’. “It’s the least I could do. Besides, I was starving too.”
“In other words, you’re taking advantage of my fridge?”
Just as you’re drying your hands, he’s about to leave. “I’ll get going, lecture’s starting in a few. And, uh, thanks for letting me stay here.”
You just shoot him a weird look. “You already thanked me once. How often do you wanna repeat yourself?”
Jisung rolls his eyes. “Fine, next time I’ll just leave without a word then.”
It’s when he’s finally out of the door that his last words sink in.
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“Yo, I have pics of sweaty Changbin in a jersey. How much do you wanna pay for those gems?”
You nearly choke on air. “What the fuck?” Really, that’s the only appropriate reaction.
“Hyunjin, this needs more context.” Felix looks like he’s seriously second-guessing his taste in men before shaking it off with a sigh and elaborates. “He’s been trying to find out some scoop about Chan for the campus blog and caught him in his angry boxer mode and Changbin was also there assisting him. Hey, did you know that Chan doesn’t tape his hands before punching the bag? Fuck, that’s so intimidating but so hot at the same time—“
“Yah! I’m your boyfriend! How can you say that in front of me?!”
Changbin. Changbin in a jersey. Changbin in a jersey and drenched in sweat. And Hyunjin seriously has HQ pictures of that Changbin.
It really, absolutely shouldn’t have been the first thing that crossed your mind, but the idea of that Changbin — bonus if he still has anger pent up in him — barging into your place and instantly throwing you on the bed—
“I’m not a perverted creep who’s gonna buy pictures of him that he doesn’t even know exist. Besides, isn’t that a violation of his rights? He never consented to those pics. This is college, you’re only working for the campus blog, not fucking Dispatch.” you deadpan.
“So you don’t even want to take a sneak peek at a picture?”
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You barely stepped a foot into your apartment when Jisung storms out of his own place and stops in front of you. “You fucking liar.”
“Excuse me? What the— hmph!”
The next thing you know, Jisung forces his way into your hallway, slams the door shut and crowds you against it. His face is invading your personal space, eyes enraged and jaw locked. Even though his anger is far from justified as you haven’t glanced at him ever since he stayed over, a tiny part of you believes that you pissed him off for good. It's not the first time you witness him angry. However, it's the first time you witness him look as if someone murdered his family and was trying to get revenge.
“I thought you took care of it yourself!”
“Took care of what?”
“Did you already forget that I can read your mind?!”
You scrunch your nose, trying to connect the dots in his words. It doesn't take long for you to realize that there’s no point in trying. A frustrated groan leaves you. “Why are you getting so riled up? I just breathed and you stormed into my place!”
“‘Bullshit. You weren’t just breathing,” he snaps, and you flinch when his hand lands a few inches beside your face with a loud pang. “You were thinking of Changbin again! And I mean that in the thousand sex positions and locations you want him to bang you kind of thinking! And also—“
“Also what?”
“I know you’ve been pent up for days. Seriously, why don’t you just get off like every other sane human being?”
His brutal delivery leaves you flabbergasted. How the fuck does he know that? No. No. No. He doesn’t know. He can’t. Just because he can read your mind doesn’t mean that you didn’t pleasure yourself after giving him that blowjob. Jisung’s probably bluffing — he has to be bluffing.
“W-why should I answer you?” you stutter. Suddenly the walls look much more interesting. When was the last time you painted the walls? Maybe it’s time to switch things up—
“Are you really about to get all cocky with me? Give me a break.” Jisung chews on his bottom lip after little deliberation. “You wanna know why? Because one of my best friends is going through a hard time that can utterly destroy his entire future thanks to the fucking universe! If that isn’t stressful as it is, I also see and hear all kinds of things you want Changbin to do to you. And your fantasies are also affecting me.”
You stare at him as if he sprouted eight new legs. “So you’ve also been…?”
“Sexually frustrated? Fuck yes. And it’s all your fault. So take responsibility and do something against it before I do.”
“Are you threatening me?”
“So what if I am?”
A cold shiver runs down your spine once you meet his stone-cold gaze. Frustration is displayed all over his features, from his labored breaths to the raised brow. He’s not playing mind games this time, he’s actually frustrated.
There are a billion red flags, a billion blinking signs saying NO DON’T YOU EVEN THINK OF DOING THIS! DON’T BE A FUCKING IDIOT in your mind. There are so many countless reasons why you should listen to your head, but the way Jisung is lusting after you is terrifyingly attractive.
You don’t trust your voice to respond verbally. Instead, you look down at your trembling hand and tug at the hem of his shirt. It’s just then when you also realize that your thighs are clenched. Fuck.
Jisung takes the hint. In the blink of an eye, he’s yanking you to your room, kicks the door shut with a loud ‘thud’, and manhandles you on the bed. You’re too stunned to react, and gulp when he hovers over you and strips off his jacket, leaving him in a white shirt that doesn’t hide his toned arms.
“Use the color system, alright? Green when everything is alright, yellow when you want me to slow down, and red when you want me to stop for good?” he asks.
“I know what the color system is,” you mutter, tearing your eyes away from him.
“That’s not an answer to my question.” he presses.
“Fine, color system it is. There! Happy? Now get on with it—“
Jisung pins your wrists above your head vigorously. “You don’t call the shots here. I do.”
Your stomach swoops. You really should’ve listened to your brain. This Jisung isn’t comparable with the Jisung you sucked off a few days ago. That Jisung was cocky — he’s always cocky, what are you even saying — but he still gave you room to breathe. This Jisung is downright scary.
“Good thing for you, I know exactly what you want me to do—” he starts sinisterly as his thigh settles firmly between your legs, pressing up against your clothed core. You suddenly regret wearing a skirt. “—and trust me baby, even if I couldn’t read your mind, I would do all those things because that’s what I plan on doing to you regardless.”
The look he gives you should be illegal. He shouldn’t be in the position to look down at you, as if he’s the king and has free reign over the consequences you are about to bear. Your head suddenly feels dizzy, and it’s way too hot in the room. It’s as if your bedroom has morphed into some vacuum as you’re desperately trying to breathe. Your system ceases to function once he presses his thigh even harder on your cunt, and all you manage to make is a pathetic whimper.
A menacing grin makes its way to his face. He’s clearly thriving on this ego-boost and continues to grind his thigh on you until your hips start to sway along. It seems like you found your voice again once he leans down and nibbles on your neck. Your moans are barely audible at first, but they slowly turn into drawn out mewls and labored breaths.
Your eyes snap open when he suddenly retreats his thigh and holds your hip in a vice grip, stopping you from moving. “W-what the fuck? Why did you stop?”
“Tell me what you want me to do.”
“Huh?” You squint at him. “But you can read my mind!”
“I want you to say it out loud.”
There’s no way in the universe that you’ll do that. You’ll gladly wipe off that shit-eating grin out of his face whether he likes it or not, but with his hold on your wrists, that is deemed impossible.
You should say something out loud though. Yellow. That would save you from the humiliation. You could regain at least an ounce of control, not feel so pathetic anymore. It’s a simple word, just two syllables, six letters. The tables can be turned to your advantage. It’s easy.
You don’t.
“You’re embarrassed, aren’t you? You can’t say all those filthy thoughts in your head out loud because you’re ashamed, huh? Not when you love feeling so powerless, subject to anything I do to you. Face it baby, just admit that you’re a needy little bitch who wants to get off on my fingers so bad, and I’ll give you what you want,” Jisung growls in between hot, wet kisses he leaves on your neck.
“I—“ you whimper after some difficulties, “I’m your needy little bitch w-who wants to get off on your fingers.”
Jisung’s head pipes up, his face just hovering a couple of inches away from yours. With that little distance between you, you know it’s not a trick of the light and that his eyes are blown up with hunger, hunger, and more hunger. "Not just any bitch, but mine? Do you like it when I call you mine?"
You nod. From there on, it’s a chain reaction.
He wastes no time slipping his fingers past your panties, mindlessly trailing along your folds. You throw your head back in pleasure, bucking your hips into his touch. A cry leaves you the moment he slips a finger inside you, his thumb simultaneously flicking your clit. It’s sensory overload, rendering your rationality to a standstill.
Your utter downfall is marked once Jisung adds a second finger, never slowing down. He groans at the way you clench around him like a maniac, and the sounds he makes send jolts all over your body. You’re writhing under his grasp at this point, overstimulated by everything yet at the same time, you feel your arousal slowly fading.
“Does my baby feel good? Are you close?” Jisung asks, nipping on your earlobe.
“I don’t know,” you whisper.
“What do you mean, ‘you don’t know’?”
The pit in your stomach grows. You’ve never experienced claustrophobia, but right now, it’s like everything’s suffocating you. “A-as in I don’t fucking know!” you exclaim shakily.
Jisung stops his movements. The weight on your wrists is lifted, and he looks at you, face unreadable. “(y/n), color. What’s your color?”
“Green. It’s just...” your trail off, avoiding his eyes.
“I’ve never come before,” you confess in defeat. You really can’t believe that Jisung out of all people is the one to make the call of judgment. “I mean it! I’ve tried getting myself off but I never managed to... so cut me some fucking slack because I’m trying my best here and am still new to everything!”
Jisung stays silent. He stares at you in… confusion? disbelief? You really have no clue how to read his expression. Something negative for sure, though. He’s Satan’s spawn, for fuck’s sake. He’s probably thinking twice about going down on you, thinking about the gravity of a mistake he’s dealing with this time. He just has no clue how to articulate his irritation—
“You’re so cute, fucking hell,” he whispers.
You do a double-take. What? What did he say?
A small chuckle escapes his lips. As if he doesn’t mind. Wait. He doesn’t mind. “I’ll take good care of you. Trust me on this,” he says.
“That’s a little late coming from you, your fingers are literally up my vagi— h-ha-aah—“
“Just shut up and let me do the work.” Jisung rolls his eyes as he works you up again, fingers moving at a slower pace this time. Within minutes, he’s reduced you into a panting, stuttering mess. “You look so tiny and helpless underneath me. How adorable,” he coos, to which you just whine.
“Yeah? You like it when I call you tiny? Like it when your tight cunt already feels stuffed with just two fingers? Maybe we should stretch it to a third one, think you can handle that?” he presses on. That’s when he rams his fingers into a particular spot, making you arch your back. A knowing smile makes its way onto his lips. “Found it.”
“N-no, fuck— t-too much—” you babble, but he continues to abuse your sweet spot without remorse.
An unfamiliar pressure builds up in your abdomen, threatening to burst. Your whines grow louder, breaths shallower. You squeeze your eyes shut as you thrust your hips into his hand, desperate for more friction. “Jisung, I think I’m gonna—”
“Oh no, not like this,” he growls. “Keep your eyes open. I want you to look at me when you cum. So you’ll remember that it was me who made you cum for the first time. It’s me who’s making you feel good.”
That is easier said than done. You manage to open your eyes, though with a lot of difficulties. Scratch that, your eyes are barely open. Jisung is a blurry image, and you’re unable to register everything he says, the sound of his fingers squelching in your heat blaring in your ears.
You deem it fucking impossible to keep your eyes open when your orgasm hits you hard, body spasming from the sensation. But you keep on trying, keep forcing to set your eyes on him.
It’s all worth it though when the reward you get is a proud smile on his face, as well as streams of praises coming from his mouth.
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It’s a continuous pattern that goes as follows:
1. You spend your days glued to your friends.
2. At least one of them (usually, it’s Seungmin) preaches how you should get your shit together and ask Changbin out.
3. Somehow, Changbin manages to leave a strong presence in your fantasies and you end up daydreaming about a scenario that stars him, you and a bed (if you’re feeling more daring, any other kind of surface or object he could pound you into.)
4. Jisung notices and forces the horniness out of your system.
5. You tell yourself that it’s the last time Jisung has such control over you.
And then the cycle repeats.
But here’s the thing: you find yourself doing no. 5 you with less conviction the more it happens. No. 5 is a formality at this point. You don’t know when you went the wrong path, but are you really in a position to complain? Jisung is good with you, he’s good with his fingers, even better with his mouth.
But then there’s this side of Jisung after he’s ruined you. He knows what you want to eat after you’re all cleaned up, knows what show you want to watch, knows if you want to just drop dead in bed or need someone to force you to finish your uni assignments. In short: Jisung is good. If you ever said that out loud and someone caught wind of it, they might assume that you liked him.
But Changbin. You like Changbin. You like Changbin you like Changbin you like Changbin—
You like Changbin, right?
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“You’ve been looking at me as if I had the word CLOWN written over my forehead. Do I have something on my face or what?” you cross your arms and are met with your friends quickly averting their eyes from you.
Felix is the first one to break the silence. “Is that a new dress?”
“Not really. I recently found it when I cleared out my closet and decided to give it one more try. Why—“ you pause, and your expression turns grim once it dawns on you. “I look ridiculous in this, don’t I?”
“You look like a clown.”
“Seungmin-Hyung, did you really just???”
If your crippling self-esteem hadn’t reached its all-time low before, then it definitely did now. “Geez, thanks,” you deadpan.
Jeongin is panicking, trying to provide some damage control as Felix snaps at Hyunjin and Seungmin. “Nobody cares about your two cents!”
“Well, but she asked for our opinion!”
“Nobody cares about your honest two cents!”
“Let’s just have lunch at the burger place and talk about this later, Hyung!”
You’re still dazed, chuckling dryly like those cartoon characters usually do when their soul leaves their body after someone dragged them. The entire situation is downright sad to witness. Is this a sign that your period is coming soon? That’s it! That probably explains why you’re acting so uncharacteristically sensitive today—
“The dress suits you, (y/n). You should wear it more often,” Changbin says.
“Hah?” you flinch and you’re sure your soul actually left your body when you turn to face Changbin smiling genuinely at you. Out of your periphery, you see Jisung and Chan behind him, but that’s not the point.
What? The? Fuck? Did he really just? Did Changbin just… compliment you?
You don’t realize how long you’ve dumbly stared at him until Jeongin nudges you. “Uhhhh, thanks!” you squeak out, cringing at how your voice just went up by an octave. You can feel Jeongin facepalming internally at your response, but you don’t blame him; you’d most likely do the same.
Changbin just smiles before he turns away to get to his next class, tugging Jisung and Chan with him.
Nevermind. Wearing this dress was the best decision you’ve made in your entire college career. The way you suddenly beam almost gives Felix whiplash — it’s obvious in the way he stares at you as if he ended up watching a comedy instead of the melodrama he was expecting. Hyunjin seems just as flabberghasted, Jeongin is still cringing from the secondhand embarrassment, and Seungmin just grins.
“Ah, so lover boy is the reason, I see.”
You roll your eyes at him. “Oh my god, just shut up, Seungmin.”
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Jisung is eating you out with such fervor that has you sobbing and thrashing around. He’s merciless in every literal sense, keeping your hips planted on the couch with his hands to the point where veins are bulging out, and lapping up your juices with his tongue, continuing even though you already came. He only pulls away, lips glistening in your release, once you tug on his hair despite his orders to not do that.
“Already spent now? But baby, we just started.” he pouts. “Or is it because it’s me? Would you defy if Changbin was the one eating you out?”
You stare at him with blown out eyes. Why the fuck is he bringing up Changbin now? The words hang heavy in your throat and are threatening to burst, but the death stare he delivers stops you from doing so.
Something’s not right.
“Don’t tell me... you’re wet again because I just mentioned Changbin. Changbin this, Changbin that, huh? It’s always only Changbin, Changbin, Changbin. And I thought I was doing you good all along,” he rages, making you flinch. He can be terrifying when he wants to be, but this time, he seems completely out of it. “You know what? I’m fucking done with holding back. You’re mine, got it?”
With that, he dives back into your cunt, sucking harshly on your clit as he slides a finger in you. You try to pry him off, but his weight is restraining you to the sofa.
“Jisung, it hurts— ouch—“ Panic starts to rise in you when he finally detaches himself from your nub, but instead, moves down to your thighs and starts sucking on the skin with a force much harder than you’re used from him. “What are you doing? S-stop—!”
“You’re mine, you’re supposed to be mine. I am literally written on your skin. So why can’t you just wish to be with me? Do I have to mark you up so that you’ll finally get it?”
It hurts. It hurts. Once you feel teeth on your skin, you burst into tears. “Red, Jisung, red!”
As if it was the spell to break the cast, Jisung finally snaps out of it. His features break once his eyes meet yours. Regret sticks onto him like a second skin, and he slightly moves his hand in an attempt to reach out to you. Your muscles react faster though, and you instinctively pull your legs towards yourself and shy away from him. The way his face drops by another layer of remorse tugs at your heartstrings, but the impending fear overpowers everything else you’re feeling.
“What’s going on? What went over you?” you ask.
Jisung’s breath is shaky. He feverishly opens his mouth several times, but no sound is coming out. He’s struggling to find the right words, maybe trying to find a somewhat reasonable justification for his behavior. In the end, he lets out a defeated sigh. “I can’t do this anymore without having feelings—” his voice is weak and vulnerable and you’ve never witnessed him break down like this before, “—I like you. I like you the way you like Changbin. I just...”
“Leave,” you whisper, but in this silence, your voice rings out loud and clear. This is… too much weight for your heart to carry.
Jisung complies. He grabs his belongings from the floor, slips on his shirt, and leaves with his head hung low. His footsteps grow more and more distant, but then he stops.
“Are you really in love with Changbin?” His voice cracks.
You don’t muster up the courage to face him. “Just read my mind.”
It’s silent again. Too overwhelming. You’re waiting for yet another outburst of him, waiting for his “I want you to say it out loud”, because that’s how the conversation always goes.
The last thing you hear is the front door falling in its lock with a soft click.
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You like Changbin. You like Changbin you like Changbin you like Changbin you like—
You like him, right?
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Things have changed.
You and Jisung haven’t crossed paths ever since, not even passed each other by in the hallways. It’s weird since you’ve grown used to seeing him every day outside of your apartment complex. You’ve never really acknowledged each other’s presence with a wave or something in the sorts; it was just a second where your eyes met, and then your days went on.
That being said, you run into Changbin quite frequently. If you ever exchanged words, it’s nothing more than friendly small talk and the one or other compliment about his music. Talking to Changbin is nice; he makes you smile.
You know a little bit more about Changbin now, like his favorite ice cream flavor or the fact that he has a pokemon plushie named Gyu. It’s cute, and you chuckle when you think about how you’d pay good money for that information a few weeks ago.
Changbin is nice, and there’s nothing more to the story.
The chaotic quartett you call your friends however, doesn’t seem to buy it. They are loud and nosey and have eyes, so it was set in stone that they’d tease you about it sooner or later. It’s all fun and games, and you played along with it at first, because that’s how you guys are. But as time went on, when the banter became so repetitive and blown out of proportion to the point where they have made clowning you about your small interactions with Changbin the pinnacle of their entertainment, you’ve begun to be fed up by it.
“Will you finally stop bringing him up in an indecent manner every single lunch break? Or even better, stop bringing him up altogether?” You snap, which shocks everyone at the table because you never snap.
Nobody has time to react as you quickly stomp away to grab some fresh air. You mutter out every curse under the sun, not intending to let your anger take over you this much. You’ve only made it past the door when Felix catches up to you, placing a hand over your shoulder.
“(y/n), what’s the matter? Clearly, something’s bothering you. And I know it’s not because of just Seungmin.” Concern is woven in his smooth voice.
You have to admit, it was a smart and calculated move from your friends to send Felix your way. He’s always been the compassionate one out of your little friend group. Like a pillar, he’s the one who keeps you all grounded (and he’s the one to drive your asses back home after the wild Alpha Beta Gamma frat parties).
“I don’t like Changbin that way, I realized. So it’d be very much appreciated if you asses didn’t allude to that every time,” you huff.
Felix sends you an understanding smile. “We can work that out. You know that Hyunjin and Seungmin in particular can be insensitive and sometimes don’t realize they’ve taken things too far..”
“Fine, but that’s not the main thing that’s eating me up alive, Felix.” you sigh. The words seem to flow out of your mouth like a waterfall. “I’ve realized I’ve never really liked Changbin. Okay, fine, he was just a crush I had but I don’t like him.”
He nods slowly, his brain processing your ramble. “So you like someone else.”
“Yes. And I don’t know how to fix it because we got into a huge fight.”
“Talk to them. That’s the only thing left to do.” His response is immediate, and he says it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Every relationship has its ups and downs, and if you want to be committed, you have to fight for it. If you were made for one another, you’ll make it.”
The last part makes you laugh internally. If only he knew.
“Let me guess, you expect me to barge into his place to sort things out,” you say.
Felix gives you the look of judgment. “I mean, you could also show some human decency and text him in advance so he’s also prepared. But that works fine too.”
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Come to think of it, you’ve never been to Jisung’s apartment. That’s about to change when you knock on his door sometime in the evening, shortly after sunset.
Jisung’s face immediately drops once he opens the door. “What are you doing here?” His voice is soft, drenched in regret.
It’s not that his appearance has reached rock bottom. He still takes good care of himself; however, you pick up the dark circles under his eyes and his complexion seems a little paler. Not sickeningly pale, but in a sense that he hasn’t seen the light of day for a few consecutive days.
You shift your weight on one leg and fiddle with your fingers. “Can we talk?”
Jisung gulps. “Yeah, sure,” he mumbles after a moment of hesitation before inviting you in.
“I’ve thought a long time about this. Everything, really,” you start awkwardly as soon as you’re both standing stiffly in his living room. “I, um…”
You cringe inwardly as your voice trails off. Truth be told, you’ve rehearsed what you wanted to say many times a few hours ago. Even wrote down the entire speech. Then threw the draft away, only to compose a new one. And then again and again and again. After what felt like an eternity, you had polished your final speech and memorized it from top to bottom, even making sure that your flow sounded natural. But now that this is the real deal, your mind goes blank. Of course, of fucking course, your illiterate brain had to give up on you in the situation that mattered the most.
Jisung purses his lips. “Do you want something to drink first? No need to rush—”
“I don’t like Changbin!” you blurt out. Jisung stares at you in confusion. “I mean, I used to like Changbin — I still do, he’s a nice guy! Don’t get me wrong — but that’s all he is. He’s… nice. I like him, as a friendly guy. I had a crush on him, but now it’s just, uh, like. Platonic! Yeah, platonic.”
Despite him nodding slowly, you know that he is still lost. You would be too if you were on the receiving end of this painfully clumsy delivery.
You give yourself a mental slap as you take a deep breath. It can’t get any worse than this. Definitely impossible. You’ve already proven to him how bad your public speaking skills are. Might as well get over it with the bluntest words. “I miss you. And not because of the sexual things we did, but everything else. I miss you coming over, miss the movie night, and all that. I miss you, Jisung.”
He stares at you silently. Your eyes search his face for any sign of emotion, and for one too many times, Jisung is impossible to read. Okay, perhaps you did manage to tell him what you wanted to tell him even worse than whatever the fuck your initial attempt was.
But then his blank armor cracks. Little by little, his eyes soften, disbelief and remorse on display for you to see. Jisung is looking at you as if his world has fallen apart even more. He’s looking at you as if he’s clinging to the last threads of reason, trying to make sense of the situation. He’s looking at you with eyes that could hold stars behind them, stars that were supposed to burn out yet shine brighter than the universe.
“How can you say that? I hurt you. I made you cry! I was being a selfish asshole who put out his anger on you!” he exclaims, voice breaking towards the end. Pain clouds his red eyes, and he’s fighting to keep the tears at bay.
You slowly prod closer to him, testing the waters. He doesn’t react once, not even when you stand directly in front of him. Not even when you gently place your hands on a shoulder each. Not until you say, “It’s alright. I’m alright. No hard feelings.”
That’s his breaking point. Tears stream down his face, while quiet hiccups jump out of his throat. “How can you be so nice to me?” His sobs are muffled as he eases into your touch, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. Instinctively, he wraps his arms around your waist, clinging onto you as if you’re his lifeline.
The answer is simple, you say to yourself, as you thread a hand in his hair. “We’re soulmates.”
The weight of the words hangs in the air, shattering the previous tension and all the worries in your heart. It’s liberating, finally being able to say it out loud without feeling like an abnormality for saying those words with happiness. You’re soulmates. You’re soulmates, and that’s okay.
Jisung’s sobs resound throughout the room, and so do his countless, tiny yeah, we are’s. You need a moment before you register the wetness on your face. It feels like an eternity standing in his warm embrace, even after there are no more tears left to cry.
“Can I kiss you?” Your voice is quiet, barely above a whisper, but Jisung catches it. two fingers gently lift your chin so that you’re facing him. You almost melt when your eyes meet, his gaze filled with adoration that makes you want to burst at the seams.
“Yeah. I’d love that.” Jisung smiles.
It costs you your willpower to tear your eyes away from him before they flutter down to his lips. Despite his bottom lip being a little cracked, they look inviting and you wonder what they taste like. You expect him to nudge you, expect him to tell you to hurry up and do something because you’re pretty sure you’re staring at his lips for far too long.
He doesn’t. The grip on your chin is loose as if to tell you to take your time and go at your own pace. But the longer you wait, the more reluctance builds up. It’s a lot of power he’s given you; hell, it’s the first time he hands the reigns to you.
“Can you… uhm… I’ve never done this before, so yeah…” you look at him with a crooked smile.
The breathless chuckle that leaves him sounds like music to your ears. Jisung moves his hand to the back of your neck before closing the distance between you.
The kiss is short and sweet, but that alone suffices to make the butterflies in your stomach burst. The faint taste of coke lingers on him, and before you know it, you’re kissing again. Jisung’s lips are like an addiction, reeling you back in for another one. Somewhere along the way, the kisses change. Innocent presses of lips are long forgotten, replaced by teeth playfully tugging on your bottom lip, and Jisung kissing you deeper to the point where he steals all oxygen out of your lungs.
Your hands slide down his chest, tugging on his shirt. Startled by your bold actions, he pulls away, but you catch him back into another liplock that leaves the two of you breathless. All you can think of clearly is Jisung Jisung Jisung—
This time he forces himself away from you. Gasping for air, he places his forehead on yours. “If we go farther than this, then I don’t know if I can control myself.” His warning is barely above a whisper.
“Then don’t,” you whisper back.
That’s all the reassurance he needs before leading you to his bedroom, all the whilst latching onto your lips once more. He doesn’t let go of you until your back hits the soft mattress and he’s on top of you. Warm, slightly calloused hands trail from your cheeks to the hem of your shirt.
“Green,” you respond, smiling up at him. The sun has long vanished at the horizon, replaced by the dim moon and stars. Despite only a little light surging past the blinds into the room, you can see Jisung’s features crystal clear. The endearing smile is cast into the back of your mind, so is the delicacy in his touch, fingertips lightly grazing your skin as he sheds all your clothes off until you’re left in your underwear. After hearing your complaints, he discards his own clothes with an amused glint in his eyes.
Jisung takes his time pounding every single detail of your features into his memory. His hands roam all over your body, inciting goosebumps. You lean into his touch with a sigh and flit your gaze to him once he stops on a particular spot.
The look on his face is unreadable, but the hesitation in his voice speaks for itself.  “Does this bug you?” he asks, uncertainty laced in it as he runs his finger over each character of his name that’s inked under your collarbone. You shake your head with a hum that turns into a soft moan once he leaves kisses on the spots his finger burned before, one for each letter. Eventually, his actions spiral out to sucking lovebites and rutting his bulge against your heat, enticing louder whines out of you. Your vision morphs into blurriness as you move your hips in sync with his, locking your arms around his neck to pull him even closer to you.
“(y/n), baby…” Jisung heaves for air, “Is it okay if I…?.”
“Please,” you mewl, “want you inside me.” Your desperation must’ve shone through your tone, as Jisung presses a loving kiss on your forehead before he reaches over to the nightstand for a condom, grinning like a lovesick idiot.  
In books and movies, this is the part where the virgin would reach peak nervousness. Too many fears would be inhabiting their mind; the fear of pain, fear of not fulfilling their partner’s needs, fear of the entire situation, essentially. Whatever they depict in those books and movies, it doesn’t match up with the warmth and want pumping in your veins. Even after Jisung slipped your and his underwear off and slid the condom on his leaking cock, there’s no sign of fear bubbling in you. It’s rather the opposite; you nudge him to finally slide into you.
“So impatient,” he tuts playfully, and because he can’t help being a bit sadistic, he teases your dripping entrance with the tip of his cock. Tears begin to form in your eyes from the frustration of clenching around nothing. You feel like crying for good once he slowly pushes into you. The stretch feels unfamiliar and completely different than what you’re used to from his fingers, but it’s not unpleasant as you throw your head back. While you’re adjusting to his girth, Jisung observes your every expression, faltering whenever you scrunch your eyes shut. 
“You still there?” he asks in hushed tones, caressing your cheek.
In awe about his concern, you nod. “I’m fine. It’s just… new. I’ve never done this, but I guess you already figured that out.” It takes you a moment to catch your breath, and then you give him the green light to continue.
The way Jisung has your hands firmly against the bed lacks the usual roughness; he isn’t gripping your wrists as if he’s about to cut off your blood circulation. This time, he has intertwined his fingers with yours as if he doesn’t ever want to let go of you. A firework of colors and stars is all you see as he thrusts into slow and deep and with all the passion he has to offer. His lips don’t leave space for a breather either; he kisses you with so much fervor that it swallows your heart up whole. At that instant, you realize that he’s claimed your heart and isn’t going to give that up any time soon. You don’t mind, because you know that you’ve committed the same crime.
It’s not long after until you feel the orgasm building up. Jisung brings one hand down to flick your clit, and just like that, you unravel beneath him. His own release follows suit, a muffled groan coming from his lips as he spills into the condom.
It’s quiet for a moment, no words spoken between you except for harsh breathing. Eventually, Jisung slides his softening dick out of you and disappears for a moment to clean up, returning with a damp towel for you to freshen up a little, as well as a glass of water.
“I think I won’t be able to walk tomorrow,” you say after you gulped down the drink in one go, voice devoid of emotion. A laugh leaves Jisung. The way you deliver it is so casual as if he didn’t just have his dick in you minutes before. “Also, isn’t this the part where we should cuddle?”
“So bossy, your royal majesty.” He even takes a bow before he climbs back on the bed, pulling the covers over your bodies, and scooting up to you. He says something else, but you don’t register what exactly. All you care about is being wrapped in his warm embrace. The stench of sweat isn’t prominent on him anymore. Instead, it’s a huge cloud of Axe overpowering your senses. You would complain, but you’re too blissed out to bother.
Jisung must’ve noticed at a certain point that you’ve wandered to daydream paradise. “You’ve been quiet for a while. A penny for your thoughts.”
“But you can read my mind.”
“I want you to say it out loud.” His answer comes like a shot while his hand is brushing through your hair. “That, and your thoughts are too jumbled and my head is going to malfunction if I try to decode everything running in your head right now.”
The corners of your lips quirk upwards. “I’m just thinking about how we did everything in the wrong order. It’s just now that we kissed, before that I only sucked you off or something. We’re so fucked up.”
“If you word it that way, we definitely didn’t follow the book.” Jisung laughs in agreement. The vibrations from his chest causes you to bubble up in warmth.
“I don’t mind, though. That’s not the point. I’m happy.” You don’t have to look up to know that his eyes lit up. “Jisung, I’m happy that you’re mine.”
The hold around your waist tightens, and you feel a soft kiss being pressed on top of your head. “And I’m happy that you’re mine.”
In another lifetime, another universe, you probably wouldn’t have to go through these struggles. Society would normalize having someone that completes you. You wouldn’t go through countless stages of denial, countless stages of frustration, and countless stages of doubt.
In another lifetime, another universe, you potentially could’ve been on even worse terms. Just like in those cyberpunk movies, maybe you two would be enemies, one fighting alongside the government, the other assisting the villain who tries to overthrow the system. Star-crossed lovers, that’s what you two would be dubbed as.
In another lifetime, another univer—
No need to fantasize about what could be. The only lifetime that matters is this lifetime, this universe, your reality. In reality, people like you live in hiding. In reality, society is doubtful towards people with soulmates. In reality, people like you are destined for a tragedy. It’s taken you a long time to wrap it around your head.
That’s alright though. You’re alright. You’ll always be alright. The universe might have not played in your favor in this lifetime, but you still found each other. Perhaps, the universe will be more forgiving towards you in your next lifetime. Or the one after. Who knows? Whatever happens, at least you know you have one person you’re bound to meet wherever you are, whenever you are. One person who won’t ever let go of you. One person you won’t ever let go of.
“Yeah, I’m yours.”
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ynisamenace · 4 years
 Party For One
Warnings: sub! Aone being a flustered mess, confident dom! Reader, nsfw kinda (grinding, not pg-13 kissing), mention of drugs and alcohol, college au! Aone.
Word count: 2.3k
a/n: ok guys this is my first fanfic so apologies if it’s not too good or if the ending is too rushed. Constructive criticism is always welcome and pls don’t forget to like and/or reblog. Thank you!
Aone was not much of a party goer. Although his friends were more outgoing, he in fact was not. He was more of a homebody, mostly leaving his shared apartment with Kenji for school, to get more ramen from the corner shop near his uni or practice with his newly-formed volleyball team; courtesy of his newly-formed friend, Kanji. Then proceeding to come home to shower, nap, wake up, struggle with his homework and then sleep till the next day. He was about to start the fourth activity of his daily routine when the sound of the doorbell rang through the apartment.
Sighing, he left his spot at the kitchen island to open the front door, then trying to close it once Kanji’s face appeared behind it.
“Woah woah if you wanted some alone time, you should’ve just said that”, the cat-faced friend exclaimed, just barely slipping through the crack in the door. Face adorned with brown freckles and a smile seemingly super glued to his face, he looked like the poster boy of golden retriever boys, “Wouldn’t matter anyway since I’m still dragging you to Sugawara’s tonight.”
Ah yes, Suga’s party, the one Aone was being forced to go to as a favour for his new friend. The white haired boy uttered a grunt of disapproval as Kanji plopped down onto his couch.
“I’m telling you man, when girls see us walking in together with my beauty and your scowl-,” he smirked while giving Aone a once over, “-they’ll come flocking like parakeets.” Aone ignored his new friend’s rambling and was about to go back to his homework when his phone buzzed. Picking it up and looking at his crush’s name made him do a double take before realizing it was from his class groupchat.
Y/n❤: Someone better come pick me up or else I’m dumping the mary jane😤
Sugawara: You live on campus, how did you sneak it in?
Y/n❤: Come pick me up and I’ll tell you
Bsf/n: I can see I’m gonna be on y/n duty tonight. I’ll come get you in 5
Y/n❤: Girl I’ll literally marry you don’t play with me
                                         -5 minutes later-
Y/n❤: Psa to everyone in this groupchat, bsf/n and I are married now
Bsf/n: As long as you do my makeup for the party lol
Y/n❤: Deal
A slightly dejected sigh left the tall boy’s lips, wishing it was him y/n would joke about marrying to the- wait party?? The realization that y/n was going to the same party as him made heart race with anticipation and although he never talked to her in any of the classes they shared, Aone developed a massive crush on y/n just by seeing the way she interacts with others as well as her personality. Her presence when she walks into a room, beautiful coily/kinky hair either flowing or in a different ‘protective style’ (which Aone ended up googling the meaning to) and her face adorned with a smile so bright, he could feel his ears getting hotter just by its look, it would be foolish to think that no other person in his uni or elsewhere had already snatched her up. Which is why Aone never felt the need to let her know about how much he was falling for her.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of his roommate’s door opening, revealing a clearly tipsy Kenji trying and failing to button up the last button on his silk shirt.
“Is anyone g-gonna help or what..” he slurred, stumbling into the living room, planting himself right in front of Aone who begrudgingly helped him with the last button. Satisfied, the intoxicated boy walks over to Kanji on the couch who’s currently scrolling through his instagram feed. He gives Kenji a once over before giving a nod of approval to his outfit. He turns to the tall, white haired boy, “Aone go change, the party starts in 10 and you know it’ll take us half an hour to get there!”, he exclaimed gesturing to Aone with his hands in a shooing manner. He didn’t understand what was wrong with his gray shirt and black sweatpants but went to his room to go change anyway, returning six minutes later sporting a green and white checkered shirt with dark blue jeans and black levis. The trio hurriedly leave their apartement, Kanji practically dragging both boys to his car before appointing Aone as the designated driver as the boy was the only one who had no intention to drink at the party.
The ride to the party took much more than half an hour as Aone was forced to drive while simultaneously trying to stop the two boys at the back from drinking any more of the pregame Kanji brought as well as preventing Kenji from messing with the aux cord. In the end, both boys settled on playing Ei8th mile on repeat the rest of the drive, both alternating between rapping DigDat and Aitch’s lines. Finally getting to the address Sugawara sent to the group, the trio hopped out of the car and went to knock on the door, opening to reveal the silver haired boy in all his glory wearing a burger king crown and a drunk smile.“You guys look li-hiccup-ke you had a fun drife here”, opening the door wider to reveal flashing red and purple strobe lights, living room filled with drunk and soon-to-be drunk college students and a hiphop song playing with a loud base that almost made Aone’s teeth clink. The two drunk boys wasted no time heading to the make shift bar in the kitchen, Aone following reluctantly behind feeling quite awkward in the party setting. Even worse, he was unable to spot y/n in the crowd making his heart drop lower into his stomach.
 No no no no. 
Even though Aone didn’t think y/n would like him the way he likes her, he was hoping he could at least use this party to make himself known to her, maybe forming a friendship with her first before professing his love. Dejectedly, he trudges to the bar, sulking next to his now very drunk friends who are far more interested with the designs on the kitchen counter. 
“Dude it’s so swirly…how do they make it like that?” one of the boys asks.
“Bro it has to be like a top secret thing. Like in the dark web,” the other replied, his eyes widening as his pupils are blown out more.
Not wanting to deal with their drunk conspiracies, Aone heads to the store room in search for some water after not seeing any laid out. Finding a bottle, he quickly gulps it down, faintly hearing the song in the living room change to one with a much deeper base. Leaving the store with his thirst finally quenched, he recognizes the song as Cold by Rico Nasty, her gravely voice echoing around the living room and drowning out some of the chatter which Aone was grateful for.
Ridin’ in a Maserati
Like Scotty I’m with two hotties
I ain’t just walk in the party-
“I brought the drugs to the partyyyy”, a voice which made Aone’s heart beat faster screamed, Y/n bursting through the front door with a medium sized pack of marijuana and a tray of what he assumes are pot brownies as the crownd cheered at her arrival. Her eyes wide with excitement, hair in cute little bantu knots (which Aone noted is now probably his favourite hairstyle on her), and dazzling smile still glued to her face. Making a bee line to the kitchen to drop the stuff she was holding, she hugged and greeted the people closest to her, making Aone regret not standing closer to the front door before realizing she was making her way straight to him.“Hi Polar Bear!” her scent of f/p enveloping him as she hugged his stomach, hair right next to nose, making the boy short-circuit. Y/n is hugging me. Me. Hugging. She smells so good. I should probably hug her back. But what if that’s weird. Hugging me. I’m gonna marry her. I’m gonna throw u-
“Takanobu woohoo you good?” she whispered in neck, drawing him out of his daydream, while at the same time making blood rush to his lower region. His eyes widen as he turns to see her staring right at him, inches apart and eyes questioning.
“I-I’m doing well y/n, um you uh look great tonight”, he managed to blurt out, his compliment making her lips curve into that signature smile. He unconsciously let out a low groan as he felt his jeans tighten even more as his mind raced a mile a minute, envisioning her on top of him, smile turning into a smirk as she runs her hands over his body making him squirm. His neck, his nipples, his happy trail, his-
Once again brought out of his daydream, he looked around to see y/n already gone and dancing in the living room, her presence making her look ethereal in the flashing lights. Smiling slightly, Aone deciding to stop before his imagination made him cream in his pants, decided to go look for his friends spotting both of them laying near a potted plant in the hallway caressing the leaves and muttering under their breaths. He discreetly goes back to the store, getting two bottles of water and placing them on either side of his friends, knowing they’ll be shocked at it ‘appearing’.
Sighing tiredly, he briefly thinks of just driving back to his apartment having already seen his crush and hugged her, but decided against it not wanting to feel guilty for abandoning his intoxicated friends. He was about to go to the backyard looking for some fresh air before he heard his name being said in the crowd. Turning around too quickly he bumped into someone, gripping their waist and letting their scent envelop him before he caught a glimpse of their hair. 
Yes yes God yes
“Nobu I’m so sorry, I was trying to get your attention but you didn’t turn around!” y/n exclaimed, gripping his shirt making the boy realize his grip on her waist was tightening significantly. He quickly tried to let go but y/n wasn’t having any of it and planted his large palm on her backside, squeezing a little. Aone’s face had never been as red as it is now from that simple action. Clearing his throat, he gives a tentative squeeze to gauge her reaction and seeing the smirk on her face as her pupils darken. She finally releases her grip on his hand and turns to the dance floor, Aone follow behind.
 As they reach the dance floor, afrobeats fill the air as joro by wizkid which Aone knew was one of y/n’s favourite songs) plays turning the energy of the party to a slower tempo. Y/n turns to the tall boy, once more putting his hands on her waist, before pulling him closer to her, their bodies now pressed against eachother.
Aone can feel her grinding on his pants and begs to any God who’ll listen to please not let him pop a boner right now. Her mouth comes closer to his ear and he can feel her breath making shivers run down his spine. “I could feel it you know…” she whispers as his eyes widen, embarrassment from though him as he realizes she felt the first boner he popped while hugging her in the kitchen “…didn’t peg you as the type. What a pervert you are Nobu.”   
That small gesture almost made Aone cream in his pants. Almost. If not for the overwhelming shame he would feel if someone saw him, his dick was already as hard as can be. A murmur left Aone’s lips and y/n has to strain her neck to hear him over the sound of the music flowing through the house.
“What was that Nobu?”
“P-plea-ase,” he whispers, ears a bright shade of red as y/n smirks looking him in the eye to see his pupils blown out, clouded with lust and feeling his member poking her in the thigh.
“Please what Nobu?” their lips almost touching.
“..Please kiss me”
“That’s all you had to say ya damn polar bear”, finally pressing her lips on his and making the butterflies in his stomach turn into fireworks. He really couldn’t believe it. His head felt like it was about to burst from all the blood that rushed into it. Her lips felt so much better, so much better than his imagination. Her hands sliding up to his neck and slipping into the hair on the nape of his neck, he uttered a low groan giving access to y/n to slip her tongue onto his. Aone could feel his precum dampening his briefs and hoped that a dark spot wouldn’t be visible by the end of the night. She tried to break the kiss, his head leaning closer not letting her go until she tugged hard on his nape hair forcefully, a string of saliva still connecting them.
“What a needy boy”, she smirked, letting go of him to swipe at the corner of his lips. “Why didn’t I come speak to you earlier?”, he didn’t care because for him, this really was worth the wait.
 Aone was not much of a party goer, but he’d have to thank his friends in the morning for forcing him to go to this one.
Tags: @itzgabz22
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dourpeep · 3 years
Just me messing around with the incorrect quote generator for the lovely trio (KazuXiaoReader). I'm keeping all of them on this post for future reference because these are hilarious--
Or, if you just want to read them and nod appreciatively:
(there's a lot because I have no sense of 'maybe I should stop')
Reader, texting Kazuha: Kazuha! Help I’m being kidnapped Xiao: Where are you? Reader: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help. Kazuha: I’ll call Xiao. Xiao, answering their cell: Y’ello? Kazuha: Where’s Reader? They texted me that they were being kidnapped. Xiao: Reader? Whaddya mean, they're right next to me- Xiao: Xiao: I’ll call you back. *hangs up* Xiao: THE NEW HAIRCUT ISN’T THAT BAD! Reader: WHO ARE YOU?!
Reader: So what’s for dinner? Xiao, staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.
Kazuha: I can explain. Xiao: Can you? Kazuha: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
Reader: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait. Kazuha: You and me!!! Reader, tearing up: Okay.
Xiao, to Kazuha: My life is in the hands of an idiot! Kazuha, motioning to themself and Reader: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
Reader: If Kazuha and I were drowning, who would you save? Xiao: You two can’t swim? Kazuha: It’s a hypothetical question, Xiao! who would you save? Xiao: my time and effort.
Xiao: I know you snuck out last night, Reader. Kazuha: Play dumb! Reader: Who's Reader? Kazuha: NOT THAT DUMB!!!
Xiao: We need a distraction. Kazuha: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises? Reader, whispering: My time has come
Kazuha: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives Reader: They wake up at 4:30 AM Kazuha: Kazuha: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives
Reader: You fuckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon. Xiao, not looking up from their book: Spear. Reader: BLOCKED.
Reader: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Kazuha: Okay. Reader: And make out during the scary parts. Kazuha: Th- Kazuha: The scary parts. Kazuha: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
*Reader and Xiao skipping stones on lake* Reader: It’s such a beautiful evening. Xiao, whispering: Take that you fucking lake
Reader: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I’M SORRY] Xiao: What's that? Reader: Remorse code. Xiao: I'm even angrier now.
Reader: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Kazuha: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Reader: Absolutely not.
Reader: You have to apologize to Kazuha Xiao: Fine. Xiao: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.
Reader: Xiao, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Xiao: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Reader: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Kazuha.
Kazuha: So that’s my plan. Xiao: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don’t want to sound mean. Kazuha: No, go ahead, I want to hear it. Xiao: It fucking sucks. Kazuha: That’s not constructive criticism.
Kazuha: Are you an ‘arr’ pirate, or a ‘yo ho ho’ pirate? Xiao: I’m a ‘I’m not paying $600 for photoshop’ pirate.
Reader: Why are you on the floor? Kazuha: I'm depressed. Kazuha: Also I was stabbed, can you get Xiao, please.
Reader: In my defense, I was left unsupervised. Xiao: Wasn't Kazuha with you? Kazuha: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Reader: So, what, now I’m just supposed to do anything that Xiao does? I mean, what if they jumped off a cliff? Kazuha: If Xiao were to jump off a cliff, they would’ve done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Xiao jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff. Reader: You jump off a cliff! Kazuha: Gladly. Provided Xiao did first.
Kazuha: Tell Xiao about the birds and the bees. Reader: They're disappearing at an alarming rate.
Reader: That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut... Xiao: You would eat yourself? Reader: I wouldn’t even question it.
Reader: You're right. Xiao: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
Kazuha: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness. Reader: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you. Xiao: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t-
Reader: You love me, right, Xiao? Xiao: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Kazuha: Xiao... Xiao: Oh no, 'Xiao' in b-flat. Xiao: You're disappointed.
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hitsuhinahappiness · 3 years
Scar Map - All Sewn Up
(T/W: Swearing and language)
The journey back through the Senkaimon was typical at first, to say the least, and the squad ten captain was not surprised that his chipper lieutenant was, still, bouncing off the walls as they walked to the other end of the massive channel to take them home. 
“Why couldn’t we have just stayed a little bit longer, Captain?” The strawberry blonde complains. 
“I wanted to do a little more shopping! I had only scratched the surface of the Karakura Mall when we were so abruptly and rudely summoned home!” Only the sound of the soft padding of their sandals against the dirt interrupted the silence that the lieutenant did not take up.
Her captain sighed. It was clear by the tone of her voice she was only trying to lighten the mood. Nevertheless, he was going to lecture her. 
“It can’t be helped, Matsumoto. We have to report back to the head captain. We cannot return to the world of the living without backup. These arrancars, they’re much too strong for just us alone to handle. Even Ichigo Kurosaki couldn’t defeat one of the Espadas. For all we know, they’re going to invade the Soul Society next. Tactically, their next move could be to eliminate all those who pose a threat to their plans. That includes the captains, the lieutenants, anyone who could stand a chance in a battle with a soldier of his undead army.” His silvery eyebrows furrowed as he trudged through the gravel. 
Aizen. What hell are you doing with Orihime Inoue? Did you think no one would notice? That no one cared for her, or that they wouldn't come for her? You seem to have a nasty habit of swiping loved ones for your own personal gain.. His loose hands at his side became tightly wound fists.
He shook it off as he heard Matsumoto begin to speak again, this time, taking on a somber tone. 
“Soldiers… Captain, could they really be starting an army? Aizen, Tosen… and Gin?”
“They are, and they have created their own militia. Now, we need to get back and hunker down. We need to prepare the Soul Society for whatever may come next.” 
“The captain’s right, Rangiku,” Ikkaku starts. 
“It doesn’t matter now, all that matters is that we prepare the others, and make sure that we have enough muscle to destroy these bastards. We won’t let them take our home or the souls of the innocent.” 
“How mature of you, Ikkaku. I’m so proud!” Yumichika chimes in. 
“Mature? I’m always mature, mature’s my middle name.” He rebukes. 
“Yeah, sure..”
“Would all of you be quiet!? Just for once?” Toshiro calls from ahead of the trio. 
“We’ve almost arrived.” 
“I think you’re just grumpy because you get to didn’t spend enough quality time with M--”
“Do not.” He interrupts sharply without looking back. Rangiku burns holes in the back of his head with her laser beam eyes. She had been trying to gain more information about Momo’s wellbeing ever since she heard her captain speaking to her on the video monitor back at Orihime’s house. 
I heard her voice, but.. 
Matsumoto turns to look back at Ikkaku and Yumichika, who have struck up a conversation of their own about the Aizen situation, and then briskly strides a little faster to catch up to her captain. 
Then she was just… gone..
“Is it that bad?” Rangiku murmurs from behind him, her eyes slanted with worry. She noticed his shoulders tense, and he took a long pause before uttering his next words quietly.
“... I don’t know what to do… how am I supposed to explain this all to her? He has her so--...” As if his voice wasn’t low and chilling enough, he forces out the word even more hushed between gritted teeth.
“Brainwashed.” He swallows hard and looks up as the slight glint of the portal catches his eye. 
“If anyone can bring her back, Captain,” Matsumoto says as they approach the Soul Society once more. 
“It’s you, and she will come back to you. You know that, don’t you? At some point, she’ll have to realize that Aizen was never there for her in the way you have been her entire life.” They walk into the blinding light side by side, followed by the two from the Zaraki squad. 
“I truly hope you’re right, Rangiku.”
“This Captain’s meeting is now in session. Pay attention everyone.” The Head Captain’s booming voice calls out to all the ten remaining captains. 
“We know now that Souske Aizen, Traitor of the Soul Society and the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, is forming a militia of his own, and his base of operations, as reported and confirmed by Captain Hitsugaya and his team, is Hueco Mundo. We suspect he is preparing to harness the power of the Hogyoku to obliterate the barriers between this realm, the hollow realm, and the world of the living. We must prepare for worst-case scenario outcomes. Now, we do not know exactly how powerful some of the men in his army are, however..” 
Yamamoto drones on and the captains all listen respectfully, but Captain Hitsugaya’s thoughts are elsewhere. 
Where was Sasakibe holding Momo? And what were they doing with her? Is she asleep again? Is she alright? Or is she scared? 
He stared down at his feet intently, itching to see her again, to know that she was okay. He was too caught up in his thoughts that he failed to notice the Head Captain beckoning him until he was snapped out of his own head with a stern, 
“Toshiro Hitsugaya. I have asked you to report!” 
Toshiro looks up, blinking and tightening his jaw. He takes a deep breath before answering. 
“My apologies, Head Captain, there’s just a lot to digest. These arrancar, they’re strong. Much stronger than we’ve anticipated. As we’ve learned, the Adjuchas are the lower-level, pawn-like soldiers in his army. These Adjuchas level soldiers had all five of us nearly defeated, and it took the release of the Gentei Kaijo for us to finally be able to turn the battles in our favor. However, we know that Aizen has soldiers who are much stronger than even these Adjuchas, who we were just able to eliminate after using all of our capabilities. The strength of these humanoid-hollows is… unimaginable. One of the more elite soldiers was there, in Karakura town. His spiritual pressure was immense. It was… an ocean of spirit energy. He attacked Rukia Kuchiki of Squad 13 and the substitute soul reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki, and injured them both severely, although this arrancar was summoned back to Hueco Mundo before either of them were killed. He arrived once more in the World of the Living about a month later with three other arrancars. We were able to fend them off and nearly defeat them, until they escaped once again, this time taking Orihime Inoue, friend of the substitute soul reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki, with them. It appears she went voluntarily to Hueco Mundo, and it seems Souske may be interested in her… special powers. Aizen has also arranged ten of the most powerful arrancar at his disposal to serve as his most trusted informants. These soldiers are his muscle, the strongest among his hollow subordinates. The arrancar that Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki battled was one of these powerful “Vasto Lorde”. They are called ‘Espada’. Throughout the mission, we were able to eliminate a few of Aizen’s arrancar. However, we are still unsure as to how many men he has in total. It would seem that there are still ten remaining Espada, and an unknown number of arrancar pawns.”  
No one speaks as the information sinks into each of the captains’ minds. A quiet murmur of conversation begins to rise in the air like dust on a windy day out in the Rukongai. An unspoken question hangs above them like a guillotine blade, 
“Are we doomed?”
“Silence!” Yamamoto’s voice swoops through the chatter and once again, the meeting room is silent. 
“Our job is to ensure that each and every one of us becomes stronger. We need to be strong enough to crush Souske Aizen’s plan before he even has a chance to set it into motion! We now have three months for preparations. Come winter, everyone must be ready for all-out war.” 
A/N: Well, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! There’s much more to come. I’ve edited all that I have so far, and perfected it the way I saw fit, grammar and spelling wise. I’m not sure how long this will end up being, but I guess I’ll just keep writing as long as I have the inspiration! Constructive Criticism and suggestions are always welcome. Much love and joy and peace to you all!! 
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lizardthelizard · 3 years
libby, hi, hello :] . i am here for any of your August headcanon’s; I’m planning a rewatch and need smthn to shield me from the show slandering his name/personality !
[ in general you’re my top August News Source/lh ]
💖 ahhhhhh jack hello!!! thank you so much for the ask! I hope you enjoy your rewatch~
They really did reduce him to a convenient plot device after they temporarily killed him off in Season 2, didn’t they?
Anyway, a few snappy little headcanons for you:
August is Bi. no i do not take constructive criticism.
A little while after he was turned into an adult again (and things settled down in Storybrooke) he adopted a cat. Marco babies the cat even more than August does. (You know those videos of those dads that are all ‘no, I don’t want a pet’ and then they get one and a few weeks later, it’s THEIR pet and they’re cooing over them. That’s the vibe I’m imagining here). (Depending on whether or not you might want him to have already have had Figaro (my beloved) in the EF, this cat could either be a new cat, or...just straight up Figaro. Either way, he’s getting a cat.).
Yes he DID go to Emma’s wedding. I don’t care that we didn’t see him there in the episode. He WAS there. He was very happy for her. Killian got over his little moment of jealous insecurity. We’re all friends here.
He did a lot of hanging out with Henry as he grew up. We know from canon that he taught him how to ride a motorbike, which is very sweet but I also like the idea that helped Henry with his writing as well. And Henry has absolutely used that stupid typewriter on more than one occasion.
He’s an aquarius. yes, i do take constructive criticism but only if you supply me with a thorough counterargument.
PLEASE I need this man to get some therapy. But also...I always imagine that talking to Archie would have been especially hard for him. After all, as Jiminy, he already knew exactly what he was like as a kid. From Archie’s perspective (and a general outside perspective) that actually might seem to be a good thing (since he already knew what he was like and so could maybe approach the situation differently) but...from August’s POV? Maybe Archie is just a little too close to the situation. Anyway, I can see him avoiding things for ages (even despite lots of very gentle prodding from Archie) until one day he just breaks down, and a flood of all this crap he went through over the past 28 years just spills out.
On a related note, yes I would like him to be angry with Marco at some point. Me and @naivesilver have talked about this before (BTW, if you want angsty August headcanons, absolutely hit her up. Serena’s August hcs are too good to miss 😌💕) and we were kind of just saying that, urr, YEAH August should have been allowed have been angry with him for a bit (even if both of them would totally avoid that conversation for a long time, since they’re both weighed down with so much gUILT).
I kind of HAVE to headcanon that he had some kind of affinity with animals. In the book he talks with a bunch of different animals (a snake, a pigeon, a dormouse), so having something like that in OUAT isn’t too much of a stretch. ANYWAY, yes, I’m still hung up on the fact that he somehow sent a pigeon to Neal’s apartment window. (August, Neal and Snow should all unite as a trio of random characters with an innate ability to just tell random birds where to fly to whenever they feel like it).
I wish that he’d talked with Emma properly about the whole ‘sent you to jail and stole your money thing’. Like, I love him to death but Emma totally deserved the opportunity to be pissed off with him for a while. She kind of ended up taking out all her anger on Neal (who, yes, she also had every right to be angry with) but August ends up being too busy being a 7 year old for her to actually ever have a go at him. August gets to have a go at his dad, so Emma should get to have a go at August. (And, of course, after a week or so of Emma being a little frosty and August being particularly sheepish, he offers to make things up to her by buying her as many hot cocos and bear claws from Granny’s as she wants (and, naturally, she totally takes him up on this offer.)
After the whole...turned into wood again, then turned into a 7 year old again, then turned back into a man again.. thing, August was kind of scared of lying again for a little while. But, old habits die hard, and I can totally still see him telling tall tales (like the lemurs in Nepal thing) purely because he can’t help himself. Although, sometimes he confesses straight afterwards (with a good-natured smile) that maybe he was exaggerating the truth a little.
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sepublic · 3 years
The Astro Queue and Party Car!
           Kez… my beloved… You’re so wonderfully expressive and cartoonish, and unusually flirty with anything that exists. Yet so charming and delightful, yet beneath it all you’ve got insecurities and I feel so BAD for her… But you know what, she didn’t need Paco, and the uh… Okay I kind of forgot their names, besides Hive and Spice-something, I have a general idea, and it doesn’t matter! Oh yeah, there’s also a rock from the Hey Ho Whoa Car, I appreciate that kind of retroactive return for an old car, that’s fun.
           Weird tangent incoming, but… Going back to what I said about Kez kind of reminding me of Ryan’s lifestyle, she also seems to have the insecurity of Min, and how they both have this thing of… Being afraid of how they’re perceived and letting that really get to them! And Kez… she looked SO at ease and relieved on Min’s shoulder at the end, my heart is MELTING…! Maybe Kez has traits that can make her relate to both Min AND Ryan as a mediator, as an example of the one they become (also foreshadowing One who inversely becomes One-One), and I like that her lack of understand of social cues (or knowing disregard) allows her to comment as an impartial third, outside party…
           But also- LORE! So it seems that those boots are meant to root passengers in place so they can’t muck about whenever the Steward is operating in the same car; I think we finally, FINALLY have an answer to what it meant when it told Tulip to stay in her seat- It’s likely a default line for a passenger who somehow manages to move from their place whenever the Steward is operating… Which, given all of Amelia’s mess and hijinx with the Infinity Train’s normal functions, that’s kind of her fault! Seeing Kez glitch also lends credence to the interpretation of denizens being spawned by orbs in a sense… Which, for Tuba-is-Alive conspiracy theorists, hope is there? Because her orb might still exist?
           Regardless… The Steward seems to really live up to its name, and it’s cool to see how it usually is meant to function- Not necessarily for maintenance, but for giving passengers anything they need, should there be a necessity! Which, that makes me wonder if the Steward and One keep track of passengers to rescue them if things get dangerous, which again, is ANOTHER problem Amelia caused, and contributes further to Grace and Simon forming the Apex! Yikes… Still, it’s fascinating to see how the Steward’s role plays in interacting with passengers more, and intriguingly, Amelia’s own dialogue there… It kind of sounds like she suggested to One that he give Min and Ryan their things back?
           So, maybe this is what Amelia had in mind; Maybe she wanted a more hands-on approach to the Infinity Train? Perhaps One invited her specifically as an actual human, second opinion as a passenger, someone who can provide input on how the Infinity Train is working, a review and feedback, constructive criticism! Oh god… Imagine if Amelia actually got her number down, and THEN One asked for feedback, and she decided to stick back because it’s not like she has anything waiting- But then realizing the opportunity to bring back Alrick made her number go back up!
           Still, if Amelia IS trying to convince One to be more proactive, then it’s interesting that she becomes even MORE hands-off than neglectful when she takes the role of Conductor! Did she just, like… Give up at some point? She mentions that Ryan and Min have to ‘individuate’, is One keeping a human passenger as suggestions on how to handle passengers more, as they directly watch over them? Is Amelia suggesting that Min and Ryan be more individual and separate, perhaps having their own numbers even, because she disagrees with One’s experiment? I can only guess, but I’m glad that, as I’d hoped, Book 4 indirectly gives us a look and context to Amelia’s backstory on the Infinity Train, as setup for her eventual arc… Also, just considered Kez and Amelia parallels as people called in as a second, outsider’s opinion on an issue, especially if you consider how One becomes a duo himself, too!
           Poor Ryan, he really does seem to have an issue of… Feeling belittled, being made to feel like he’s dumb and his ideas aren’t good, perhaps? While Min, he can get frustrated and I feel more angry at Ryan openly as a result, VS Ryan at Min… And I think that of course plays into his obvious anxiety; How Min and Ryan both feed into but can also bring one another up… Min is nervous, he’s overtly cautious, but Ryan can encourage him to put himself out there more! But also, Min can be the patience that Ryan needs, they really complete one another… But on the other hand, Ryan’s outbursting behavior can make Min even MORE anxious and resentful, and Min constantly being a dampener on his AND Ryan’s ideas can make Ryan chafe, it’s fascinating!
           It kind of fits the crossroads theme; How these two could use their opposite traits to propel one another, or instead drive each other crazy… And that could’ve played into the Infinity Train’s decision to appear to them at that moment; Do Ryan and Min collaborate and let their differences make up for one another, or drive each other crazy? How Ryan taking the keys, it could’ve led to Min taking cues from him and growing, or it could’ve led to Min being understandably frustrated and even MORE resentful with Ryan… And Ryan could learn to take into account Min setting his own boundaries, or instead disregard them recklessly! They go hand in hand together, it is a FASCINATING synergy!
           Also, I have to wonder what happened to Morgan, where they are… And I like the neat subversion of like, everyone already being gone; But it doesn’t matter, the party is still a ‘hit’ because our trio had fun together! And how they don’t need to impress anyone, just themselves; That’s some incredibly clever symbolism there, I like it! Also appreciate the return of Mr. Green and the theming of the Green Car in some capacity, I wonder what’s the story THERE, if the Green Room actually has a secret portal to the Green Car, etc.! Who’d have thunk that Green Car short didn’t just allude to Book 2, but also Book 4 as well!
           Onto the next destination, passengers! I can’t wait to see what awaits us…!
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goldenkamuyhunting · 3 years
Are there some of Noda’s choices you don’t like or that outright pissed you?
Personally I found the death of Botarou to be really unfair. I was prepared for his eventual death, but why did he have to go so soon? His interactions with the original trio are awesome 😔
It’s a bit complicate because although there are choices Noda took that I didn’t enjoy, if they work in the story or make thematically sense, I understand the reason for them to be in the story and, while I can’t say I enjoyed them, I still think Noda did right in including them.
On the other side, even if a plot development pleases me, if it makes little sense in the story or it’s just a too recurring trope, I’m less prone to pass it over...
And you might say the thing I absolutely hate is when characters don’t get developed or plot points discharged.
For example Svetlana is so poorly developed she’s mostly a plot device and Vasily is even less used than her, which really makes me angry because Vasily had a lot of potential but so far he had been left mostly forgotten and hardly used in a relevant way for the plot of the story, so he seems just forced into it.
I could give Svetlana a pass because it could be Noda had to rush with that part of the story and cut her role... but Vasily didn’t really get a chance to integrate in the plot at all. Even now that he was meant to have a duel with Ogata... it ended up in nothing, Usami's fight with Ogata was more plot relevant than Vasily’s whole presence in the whole story.
I know some hope he’ll snipe Ogata, but if Vasily is in the cast merely because at the end, when nobody expects it, he takes Ogata out, well, he’s reduced as a plot device to ultimately kill a character. A sudden heart attack, a brick falling on his head, a fall causing him to hit his head, could have done the same job.
We didn’t need to have Vasily in the cast just to have Ogata die a death similar to the one of Cheyenne in “Once Upon a Time in the West”, unexpectedly killed by the guy nobody considered dangerous anymore at the end of the movie. Vasily has more potential than being just that.
Another thing I didn’t like and I was pretty vocal about his the whole ‘Jack the Ripper’. Noda so far has created amazing convicts who were all well constructed.
‘Jack’, or better Michael Ostrog, seems merely tossed in due to the popularity of his name, but his backstory and motive are pretty weak and there are mistakes in his story. To Noda’s credits though, he’s fixing his story in the volume version so maybe this will get solved by the time the volumes will cover his full story.
Another plot that went nowhere is the whole bloodbath thing that should have pushed the convicts to escape.
I mean... at most 1 convit was killed as 22 walked out of it just fine... and it’s even hard to picture that convict being killed in that situation and Wakayama of all the people managing to sneak away with him corpse and skin him later on.
I mean, one would expect people like Hijikata, Ushiyama, Boutarou or Sakamoto would stop him from doing so...
I won’t criticize Boutarou’s death. It crushed me... same as Ariko’s ‘death’, or the death of other characters but, storywise they all had a reason to be.
So for me it’s mostly a problem of narrative.
As long as it serves a purpose, I’m okay with what happens in the story, even if it’s not what I wanted to happen or if it made me sad.
If it instead goes nowhere or it’s poorly done instead... well, I end up on being pretty vocal on how I didn’t like it... even though I’m aware it might be just me.
Thank you for your ask!
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fandomrewrites · 3 years
Chasing Butterflies: Unity Day
Hello all! Again, sorry I missed last week, but I am back! There is only four more chapters after this one and then I will switch back to my Teen Wolf fanfic. I’m going to alternate between these two stories after each season. As always constructive criticism is welcomed and let me know if you want to get added to any of my taglists. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!
Season 1; Episode 9: Unity Day Pairings: OC x OC Best Friends, no love interests chosen yet Warnings: Swearing, guns, alcohol  Word Count: 2,332
Season 1 Masterlist
Elara and Nova stand beside each other as they listen to Jaha's speech. "My friends, this is a historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year, on the ground."
"Right. After we did all the work. Someone shut him up." Miller states, watching the Chancellor with an annoyed look on his face.
"You shut up, Miller. No one's forcing you to watch." Raven scolds.
"But Miller has a point." Nova speaks up, agreeing with her fellow delinquent. "They weren't even expecting us to live." 
Elara elbows Nova in the ribs causing the girl to roll her eyes. "For ninety-seven years, we have eked out existence, hoping that someday our descendents would return to Earth." The Chancellor continues.
"Whoo! Yeah! Monty strikes again!" The two girls turn to Jasper's excited yells, "Hey! Call this batch Unity Juice! Who's thirsty?" 
Jasper starts handing out the moonshine as Monty calls out, "Save me some!"
"Let's get a drink." Nova hooks her arm through Elara's. 
"You go. Someone needs to stay sober." Elara replies.
"One drink, Lara. That's it. Trust me, I'm not planning to get anymore after that either. The Grounder's don't know it's Unity Day; I don't want to let my guard down. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't loosen up a little."
Elara sighs but let's Nova pull her to Jasper so they can both grab a cup. Chancellor Jaha's voice can still be heard from the screen, "To our sons and daughters on Earth listening to this message, we will see you soon. The first Exodus ship will launch in under sixty hours, carrying the reinforcements that you need, so stay strong. Help is on the way."
Nova scoffs, "Like those words are supposed to be comforting."
Hearing her Miller replies, "Seriously, he's a joke. Though I'm surprised you're so against the privileged."
"Being privileged just means I see how corrupt the Ark is from a different angle."
Miller raises his cup, "I'll drink to that."
Nova raises her glass back in a mock toast, "To the Chancellor and the council. For so kindly pardoning us of our crimes only after they sent us to our deaths."
Miller smiles, "Hear hear."
 A few minutes after Miller and Nova's interaction the camp's communication system went dead. "Hey. The comms are still dead. They cut out during the pageant." Clarke says.
"Best Unity Day ever." Bellamy mutters, causing Nova to snort.
"Do you really think now is a good time to be having a party? I mean, the Grounder is out there."
"Grounders." Bellamy corrects. "By now he's made it home. He's probably putting together a lynch mob." Seeing the look on Clarke and Elara's faces he continues, "Relax. I got security covered. Why don't you go get a drink? You look like you could use one."
"I could use more than one." Clarke says.
"Then have more than one. It''s Unity Day, Clarke. Lighten up a little." Nova replies, bringing her own cup to her lips.
Bellamy nods, "The Exodus ship carrying both of your parents comes down in two days. After that, the party's over. Have some fun while you still can. You deserve it."
At the mention of her father Nova scrunched her face up in disgust, "God, I'm going to need more to drink after that reminder."
"I thought you said you would only have one." Elara states, looking at her friend in concern.
Nova shrugs then chugs the rest of her moonshine. The drink burned her throat on the way down. "You're only having one and Blake already said security is covered. I need something to stop me thinking about the fact that I'm going to be seeing my father in a few days."
 On one of the tables the delinquents have begun a game of moonshine pong. Nova and Miller are on a team against Sterling and Monroe. "We are so beating you." Nova says, a rare smile lighting up her face.
"Bring it on, Kane." Sterling replies.
Nova throws first, easily making the manmade ball into one of the cups. Miller then throws his ball, sinking it into another cup. Nova and Miller both let out a cheer, high fiving as Monroe and Sterling drink.
The game continues back and forth until Nova throws the ball landing it in the last cup. Miller lets out a loud yell and picks Nova up in a celebratory hug. "That's what I'm talking about!"
"Called it from the beginning." Nova says smugly. Just as the words leave her mouth, Clarke taps her on the shoulder. She turns to look at the blonde, "What is it?"
"Come here." Clarke leads her away from the group and towards Bellamy.
When he sees the two girls approaching, he addresses the blonde, "Having fun yet, princess."
Ignoring him she instead starts explaining why she dragged Nova towards the older boy, "Finn set up a meeting with the Grounders. Nova and I are supposed to talk with them."
"I'm too drunk for this shit." Nova says, running a hand through her hair.
"Listen, I think it might be worth a shot. I mean, we do have to live with these people." 
"They'll probably gut you, string you up as a warning." Bellamy states.
"Well, that's why I'm here. I need you to follow us, be our backup."
"Does Finn know this?"
"Finn doesn't need to know, and, Bellamy, bring guns."
 Walking through the woods, Clarke decides to break the silence. "I'd love it if you were right about this, but did you ever consider it might be a trap?"
"Yep, but since it's Unity Day, I decided to have hope instead." Finn replies.
"The Grounder's don't know it's Unity Day." Nova says, "And if this happens to be a trap and they kill me. I'll make sure to stay alive long enough just so I can kill you."
"Seriously, Finn, you're putting a lot of faith in a guy who stuck a knife in you." Clarke states.
"And you are sounding more and more like Nova and Bellamy." Finn shakes his head at the blonde.
"There is nothing wrong with sounding like me. I was born a leader and a warrior. I'm keeping us alive." Nova glares at Finn.
"You want to start a war." He tries to continue but Nova cuts him off.
"Bullshit. The Grounder's have been picking us off one by one since we got here. If it wasn't for me, Bellamy, and Clarke reacting in the ways that we have a lot more of us would be dead. I don't want a war, Finn. But if they think they can get away with killing one of our own, they are in for a rude awakening."
 As the trio arrives at the meeting place Clarke and Nova's eyes fall on Octavia. "So that's how you set this up. You helped him escape, didn't you?" Clarke asks the younger Blake.
"I trust him." Octavia says.
Nova rolls her eyes as Clarke mutters, "There's a lot of that going around."
The group turns their heads to the sound of someone arriving. The Grounder that escaped, Lincoln, runs up to Octavia. They hug and pull away when Clarke exclaims, "Look, horses!"
Nova raises an eyebrow, impressed at the sight of the beautiful creatures. "Hey. We said no weapons." Finn says, looking at Lincoln.
"I was told there wouldn't be." The Grounder replies.
"It's too late now." Clarke says, shaking her head.
Nova casually places her hands in her pockets, making sure her knife is still there. As the three delinquents move forward, Lincoln holds out a hand, "They go alone."
"We'll be fine." Clarke says, reassuring the teen.
Nova and Clarke reach the middle of the bridge at the same time the Grounder leader does. "Your name is Clarke?" The leader asks, looking at the blonde.
"And you are Nova?"
"Yeah." Nova states, the glare never leaving her face.
"I'm Anya."
"I think we got off to a rough start, but we want to find a way to live together in peace." Clarke starts.
"I understand. You started a war that you don't know how to end."
Nova scoffs, "Trust us. We know how to end it. We would just prefer to do this peacefully rather than having more bloodshed."
Clarke holds up a hand telling Nova to stop, "We didn't start anything. You attacked us for no reason."
"No reason? The missiles you launched burned a village to the ground." Anya argues.
"The flares? No. That was a signal meant for our families. We had no idea-"
"You're invaders. Your ship landed in our territory." Anya cuts Clarke off.
"We didn't know anyone was here when we got sent down. Add to the fact that all of us here didn't have a choice to come down but were forced to by our people." Nova states.
"You knew we were here when you sent an armed raiding party to capture one of us and torture him."
"Only after he captured one of our own." Nova says, taking a step closer to the Grounder.
The Grounder takes a step forward, now chest to chest with the petite brunette, "You were the one who killed one of my warriors when you came into our territory."
"In retaliation for your warriors leading my people into traps to kill them. You were plucking us off one by one and I wasn't going to just sit by and let it happen."
 Somewhere behind them, hiding in the woods, Jasper, Bellamy, Raven, and Elara sit watching the interaction. “Grounder Princess looks pissed.” Raven states.
“Yeah well, our Angel has that effect.” Bellamy replies.
“I really hope she backs off. This isn’t going to end well.” Elara whispers, clearly nervous for her friend.
“I always thought Nova was lying when she said she wasn’t afraid of anything. I think this proves that she was telling the truth.” Jasper says.
 "Nova." Clarke scolds. The blonde tugs on her friend's arm, willing her to step back but Nova refuses to be the first to back away. So instead Clarke starts speaking, "Even though Nova wants to continue to argue, I see your point." Anya steps back to get a better look at Clarke as she speaks, "That's why we need to put an end to all of this."
"Lincoln said there are more of you coming down, warriors."
"The guard, yes, but also farmers, doctors, engineers. We can help each other but not if we're at war."
"Can you promise that these new arrivals won't attack us, that they'll respect the terms we agree on?"
Clarke hesitates, "I promise I will do everything I can to convince them to honor the terms that we set."
"Why would I agree to an alliance that your people can break the moment they get here?"
"How about we set terms for a temporary agreement and then when the rest of our people come down we can set up another meeting and our leaders and you can set up a more permanent agreement?"
Before Anya has the chance to reply a voice from behind the two delinquents yells out, "Clarke, Nova, run! They're gonna shoot!" Nova recognizes the voice as Jasper.
Nova and Clarke react immediately. They turn around and start running away from the Grounders and towards Finn who is rushing towards them.
"Finn, go back! Go, go!" Clarke yells at the boy.
Nova watches as Lincoln jumps in front of Octavia, saving her from an arrow. 
Once the group of delinquents are back together in the woods, Bellamy starts arguing with Finn. "You got anything to say?"
"Yeah. I told you no guns!" Finn argues.
"I told you we couldn't trust the Grounders. I was right." Clarke defends her actions.
"Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?" Raven asks Finn, hurt that he didn't talk to her.
"I tried but you were too busy making bullets for your gun." Finn replies.
"You're lucky she brought that! They came there to kill you, Finn!" Bellamy says.
"You don't know that! Japer fired the first shot!" Finn yells.
"You ruined everything!" Octavia agrees with Finn. 
She storms off in the direction of camp as Jasper yells after her, "I saved you! You're welcome!"
"Will all of you shut up. We can't change anything that happened so stop arguing about it." Nova says.
There is a brief moment of silence that Finn breaks, "Well, if we weren't at war already, we sure as hell are now." He then turns to Clarke, "You didn't have to trust the Grounders. You just had to trust me."
Finn runs off after Octavia just as Bellamy mutters, "Like I said, best Unity Day ever."
“Nov, you should have told me what was happening.” Elara says, looking at the petite girl, who just shrugs in response. “You could have been killed. I swear you are way too impulsive and hot headed.”
“I don’t need you to lecture me, Lara.” Nova snaps. “I’m not going to be afraid of some Grounders, I’ve been trained since I could walk. Out of all of us in our camp I have the best chance at survival when it comes to going up against them.”
Right after the words leave her mouth an explosion in the sky causes the remaining delinquents to stop and look up. "The Exodus ship? Your parents are early." Bellamy says.
"Wait. It's going too fast. Something's wrong." Clarke replies as she watches the ship fall to Earth.
Not even a minute later it crashes, creating a mushroom cloud. Clarke sinks to her knees as Nova's eyes widen and her mouth drops open in shock.
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staytiny-yaps · 4 years
hey! saw you were new-ish n wanted to request something! could you do Sirius with a badass reader? who absolutely does not put up with his shit? like plays quidditch and is notoriously the bad girl! if they get together or not is your choice, i just love me some pining boys
A/n: I most definitely can! Sorry this took so long hun xx Hope you enjoy and again, all feedback and/or constructive criticism is welcome, but please be polite 🧡
The first round of quidditch tryouts in their fifth year was coming up and Y/n and James were to choose the new members.
While James was excited about this job, Y/n L/n was wracked with nerves; what if she didn't pick right and let the team down?
Nevertheless, they were nerves that she wouldn't let show.
She was a badass, she couldn't let weakness show, but keeping all her nerves bottled up was making her a lot shorter with people than she usually was.
Especially a certain Marauder that tended to put her on edge even when she wasn't filled with anxiety.
Y/n finished pulling on her boots and shrugged on her robes, heading down for breakfast with her friends.
"You just need something to take the edge of Y/n!" Axel told her as they entered the great hall.
"Don't tell me what I need Lucas." She snapped and he shook his head.
"Don't call me by my last name." He quipped back and Lola laughed.
"Besides, there's not much that helps that I could use three days before quidditch tryouts. I need my head about me." Y/n reasoned as the three of them took a seat at the Gryffindor table.
"Oh no Y/n, I can get us some Firewhisky for tonight. It'll help you relax for now and you'll be perfectly fine on Saturday." Lola told us and Y/n opened her mouth to agree when a voice came from behind them.
"I don't understand how you lot even got into Gryffindor. Listen to yourselves." A shrill voice rang out.
The trio turned around and glared at an auburn haired Marlene McKinnon.
"I don't remember asking McKinnon. Now move along before one of us kicks your arse again." Y/n growled.
"Yeah, because any of you could beat Marlene." Dorcas came to her defence and Axel rolled his eyes with an exasperated sigh.
"Do you need a little reminder of what happened last time?" He threatened and Y/n and Lola gave innocent smiles.
"Whatever, don't mess the team up for Gryffindor, L/n." Marlene rolled her eyes, but walked off a little sheepishly.
"That was oddly gentlemanly of you, Axel," Y/n rested a hand on his forehead as they turned back to their food, "you feeling okay?"
He grabbed her wrist and pushed her hand away.
"Shut up." He muttered, a blush tinting his cheeks.
Lola gave him a knowing look and he only shook his head.
"Ello Y/n." An obnoxious, deep voice sounded.
"Dear Merlin, it is impossible to have a peaceful breakfast around here." Y/n complained and pointedly ignored the call.
"C'mon Y/n, don't be like that. I'm beautiful, you're beautiful, it just works." Sirius Black wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind as he spoke.
"Get your arms off me, Black, before I break them." She spoke stiffly through gritted teeth.
He retracted his arms so fast, you might think he was genuinely afraid of her pulling her wand on him.
"Let's not be hasty here. I only came to ask a favour." Sirius held his hands up in surrender.
"What makes you think we'd ever do you a favour Black?" Axel spat, venomously, shifting an inch or two closer to Y/n.
"No no, you've got it all wrong. I only want a favour from our dear N/n here." He patted her head and she slapped his hand away.
"Don't call me that. What do you want?" She hissed and he chuckled nervously.
"The quidditch trials are soon. I really want to get on the team. Please, please teach me?" He asked and Y/n shook her head.
"No way. Get your buddy Potter to do it."
"He's busy and I only have three days!" Sirius protested desparately.
"I'm busy!" She argued and he stared skeptically.
"With what?" He questioned.
"With a life." And with that she turned around and went back to her food.
Sirius turned on his heel and walked away defeatedly.
"How'd it go?" Remus asked as he joined Sirius on the walk out of the Great Hall.
"She's never gonna notice me Moony! It's hopeless." He rubbed his hand over his face as he spoke.
"It's not hopeless." Remus started only to be cut off.
"It is! She has no interest in me! All she cares about is those stupid friends of hers. What do I do Moony?" He stopped walking and shook his friends shoulders.
"Well let's start with not breaking my neck," Remus began, pushing Sirius' arms away, "and there's clearly only one option."
"There is?" Remus shrugged and nodded.
Later the same day, Y/n sat by Axel in Transfiguration.
She was leant back in her seat with her feet on the table and her hands behind her head, Axel doing the same, but instead of supporting his head, he was doing his work.
Something hit the back of her head and she turned to see a balled up piece of parchment on the floor by her chair.
Looking around she saw Black pointing and gesturing to open the note.
She rolled her eyes and turned back to the front, only for another piece of parchment to hit her moments later.
She whipped her head around and brought her feet to the floor with a glare only to see Sirius with his hands clasped together, frantically mouthing 'Please!'
She reached down with an exasperated sigh and grabbed the ball.
She uncrumpled the note and read over it.
'Please L/n, I'll do anything. Name your price.'
She gave a smirk to Axel and scribbled something down on the parchment before balling it back up and throwing it back.
"Miss L/n, Mister Black, something you'd like to share with the class?" Professor McGonagall snapped.
"No, no not really." Y/n said simply, putting her feet back on the desk.
"L/n and Lucas would you please get your feet off my desks." Though as she spoke, she knew her mistake.
This was Y/n and Axel.
"No can do Prof." They declared in sync before snickering a little.
McGonagall opened her mouth to reply, but closed it again, knowing her attempts were going to be futile.
The class was nearly finished anyway.
As they walked out of the classroom Sirius yelled Y/n's name through the crowd.
"You go ahead Ax, I'll catch up with you later." She pushed him forward with her arm and turned to face Sirius.
She smiled in a fake-sweet manner, "Yes?"
"Your price! Servant life?" He exclaimed, demanding explanation, flailing his arms about dramatically.
"Yes. You do what I say for the rest of today and tomorrow, and I'll train you up on Friday in time for the tryouts on Saturday." She walked at a fast pace as she talked, not even looking at him.
"Really?" While it sounded awful in theory, it would give him an excuse to hang around the girl he's been harbouring a crush on for the past two years.
"Everything I say."
"You aren't gonna ask me to kill someone are you?" He joked and she glared at him.
"Come find me at lunch Black. Have some salad on my plate for me, and some pumpkin juice." She began to walk away and he grabbed her elbow.
"Is that all?" He asked when she faced him.
"Now that you mention it, I have Lola's spare skirt in my bag," she reached in her bag and passed it to him, "be wearing that, with no robe on top or tights underneath."
He gaped at her as she began to walk off again.
"We have the next class together!" He called out and she laughed.
"I won't be there, Servant."
Y/n sat with her friends on the couches in the Gryffindor common room.
"Lola, I thought you said you'd get us Firewhisky?" Axel pointed out from his place at Y/n's side.
"Oh shit, I forgot." Lola brings her palm up to her head and flops onto the floor.
"Don't worry guys. All in good time." Y/n chimed in and they looked at her suspiciously.
Only moments later Sirius stalks through the Gryffindor common room holding a bottle that's had all the labeks ripped off.
He hands it to Y/n and she gives him a dismissive nod.
"One more order for tonight, Servant. Go up to Axel's dorm, make his bed and then bring down two of his hoodies." She pointed up the stairs to the boys dorms and he groaned.
The next day Axel busts into the Marauders' dorm with an evil grin, at the crack of dawn.
"Sirius Black! Y/n's waiting downstairs and she demands your presence immeadiately!" He yells, spurring the boys to wake.
"Lucas, breakfast only just started!" Sirius protested and Axel only shrugged.
"Guess no quidditch training for you."
"Okay, okay!" Sirius leaps out of bed, wearing only sweatpants and sprints his way down the stairs.
Y/n was curled up in Axel's hoodie and a fluffy blanket that she must've brought from home.
For the school's bad-girl, she looked strangely sweet and innocent, half asleep in a fluffy blanket.
Sirius heart swelled and he felt a blush creep up his neck, seeing her so vulnerable.
"Go get me and my friends breakfast from the hall and bring it up here Black. Breakfast in front of the fire for us!" She ordered and he blinked.
Her strong, sharp voice was so at odds with the way she was laying on the couch, firelight sparkling in her eyes.
"And, since you couldn't be bothered putting a shirt on before you came down here, you can't put a shirt on when you go down there." She added and he pasted on a smirk.
"Like what you see L/n?"
"Don't test me Sirius Black or I'll break all your fingers with my eyes closed." She spat and Sirius turned away so she wouldn't see his frown.
"Right, well, I'll go and... get that for you."
Friday afternoon, after classes, Y/n headed into the common room in search of Black to get to his training session.
She walked in and found him talking to Lupin on the other side of the room.
She began to shout his name, then silenced herself when she caught wind of his conversation.
"Moony I agreed because I thought it'd give me a reason to stick around with her, but she keeps sending me away on missions. If I didn't fancy her so much I would not be going through so much just to get a training session." Y/n gaped.
He fancied her?
She's never heard of anyone fancying her, except Axel, who is so painfully obvious about his feelings.
Sirius Black got on her nerves, he was annoying and loud and only thought he was funny.
So why did her heart flutter at the thought of his feelings?
"You fancy me, Black? That's the revelation of the century." Both boys jumped and faced her.
"Y/n I-"
"Come on Black, it's time for your training session." She cut him off with a small, but genuine smile for once.
His heart beat into his throat and his face felt like it was on fire.
They began to walk down to the pitch side by side and when the silence was almost unbearable, Y/n spoke up.
"So, you know the rules of quidditch right? You just want to get better?"
"Y-yeah. What... what were you thinking?" He curses himself for stuttering and Y/n smirks.
"I was gonna start with staying on a broom. Then catching and throwing a ball, then maybe hitting one with a bat. We don't need a new keeper or seeker, so we'll focusing on the chaser and beater positions." Y/n laid out the lesson plan and for a moment she didn't seem like, smoking, drinking, putting-her-feet-up-and-doing-no-work Y/n.
She was so passionate about quidditch and surprisingly committed to helping Sirius do well.
"Why do you hate me Y/n?" Sirius blurted out and covered his mouth.
"What? I don't hate you."
"Then why do you act the way you do?" He asks and she sighs.
"It isn't easy for me to make friends so I stick with the ones I have. And I have a temper, certain people tend to get on my nerves fairly easily. You with your group of Maroidies or whatever you call yourselves-"
"Marauders." Sirius corrected, but quieted at her warning look.
"You're really loud, your idea of mischief is annoying pranks and you flirt with anything that crosses your path." She finished and you could say his mood was significantly lowered.
They reached the quidditch pitch and Y/n glanced at her broom then Sirius' empty hands.
"But when you're by yourself, not showing off with those other arseholes, you aren't too bad Sirius." He looked at her to see a smile on her face and his heart stumbled.
She called him by his first name, with no add-ons, in a nice way.
"Now, last order of your servant-hood. Go in and get yourself a broom so we can get started before dark." She nodded towards the tent.
Sirius raced towards the school brooms with a bright, goofy grin covering his face.
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twstedoven · 4 years
The Bucketlist Azul x reader Chapter One.
word count: 1,119
Author’s note: 
Before this chapter, there's a short prologue to be read. You don't have to read it as it's not important, but it is just there if anyone is curious. I don't know how to link it sadly. As always constructive criticism is always helpful :)
The hail of rain ricocheted against the worn glass skylight. Like bullets shattering the only defense line, the so-called Ramshackle dorm viciously waved its imaginary white flag to Mother natures fury. Mold coated the tattered barrier filling the blank canvas resembling a painting. Countless of fauna sheltered under a demolished room professing it as theirs. Even the undead roam in the domain, creating nothing but trouble for a specific feeble student. 
Fits of cough joined the melody of the coarse wind. Under several duvets lay a (hair-colored) young lady suffering the bitter cold as her teeth grind against each other, pleading for the weather to calm down quickly. She focused on the little lit wax of a candle, directing her thoughts on the events that occurred in the past five months. In her Grandmother's attic, the scattered dust-looking glass, a coffin, and the talking floating feline seemed all to hallucinate from her medication's effects. Unfortunately, this wasn't all true as her companion would bring her back to the actuality of Twisted Wonderland. Speaking about her companion, their he dozes on the end of the bed, oblivious to the somber mood emitting from the female.  
Letting out a sigh, she left her haven of safety, attempting to tire herself out.  Her socks' woolen sole proceed on the timber glossed floor, gliding as if it was her skating rink. Every night this was a repetition of the same actions. Insomnia played a role in hindering her sleeping habits. Humming a child lullaby, she stared down at the ground walking in a straight line as her arms formed a T. In the girl little world, she was on a high tightrope attempting not to fall on the hazardous base of dirt. As childish as it seemed, she enjoyed these threatening situations. It wasn't like she was a masochist but instead, she couldn't care about her health and safety, mostly when she haves six more months to live. The pills' resources began its decline when your thrust in a world with no knowledge of the illness; shes diagnosed. The disease suddenly became an essential condition to take seriously. 
The humming ceases as her eyes widen at the sudden fall. It seemed the ability of movement collapsed. Letting out a huff, she stared at her hopeless legs as they were unresponsive to her futile attempts to get back up. The (hair-colored) drained student was sick of life—no home to go back. No family to see her, especially her doting Grandmother. Gripping hard on the thin material, she finally cracked. The agony of a screamed escaped her mouth, shouting obscenity of phrases. Letting go of all her locked emotions. This was just her everyday nightly routine.
"Man, you look like someone punched both of your eyes."
The little feline spoke. He stared down at her exhausted build in concern. He furrowed his brows, "Did you not get any sleep last night again?". Her head rose from its position as they were both situated in the kitchen table. "Yes, Grim, thank you for your concern." "well, then don't act like some gloomy weirdo!! We have classes soon, and your actions are going to damper my mood." Grim hovered towards the fruit bowl, which consisted of a couple of slow decaying bananas. "Here, take this, it will boost your energy straight away, human." He smirked to himself, pleased at his effort in helping. Reluctantly (name) grabbed the edible berry, Peeling away the skin while munching on the snack. 
"C'mon, the more we stall, the more we'll miss Mister Crewel potion class." tugging on the adolescent uniform sleeve as if he was pleading like a child for attention. Every day, Grim would beseech to hurry her actions. She nodded her head while throwing the skin of the fruit in the wastebasket. Adjusting her uniform one more time, she closed the ruptured door, following Grim towards the prestigious academy. 
Last night outburst of her cries luckily heard from her roommates of ghosts. They couldn't do much except comfort (name). It was the dawn of sunrise where a miracle of her legs functioned again. Stagnant towards her bed, she collapsed and gained thirty minutes of sleep until Grim jerk her forcing her to get up.  "Good Morning (name) and Grim," the male's polite voice greeted the pair. Arrange behind them stood an attractive blue-haired student labeled Deuce. The first-year associated with the nonmagic user and a wannabe magician as well as close friends. She smiled softly at him while Grim excitedly addresses the first year about anything. 
(Name) was silent throughout the entire walk, only joining in the conversation if directed towards her.  Missing from the iconic quadruple unit was trouble maker Ace. From Deuce perspective, he has gotten in issue with dorm leader Riddle Roseheart leading him cleaning toilets. 
The chatter died down as the trio halted at a scene unravel in front of them. Another pair of mischievous students cornered a helpless freshman. One of them was holding a parchment taunting his fellow peer. It was clear that the incapable student was struggling to keep his tears rolling down his face. 
Mutters of the people looked at the boy, remorseful of his actions. The Leech brothers were not twins to be played with, especially under the control of the manipulative sea witch Azul Ashengrotto. Lacking the uniform tie, Floyd leans more towards him, grinning at his misery. "ah~ little shrimpy, you already knew the outcome with this contract, but you still signed it," his hand trapped him against the stone cobble structure.  His brother stood their just smiling. They were cold and ruthless as the mood around them was thick air.
Enough of watching the unfortunate victim and the sadist pair, Deuce grabbed the frail female hand, dragging her away from the depressing scene. "Oi, don't leave me behind!!" Grim shouted, following both them hastily. "I swear in the rest of my days in Twisted Wonderland I'll never make a deal with them." Deuce declared, holding her hand still. After a reasonable distance away from the Leech twins, he looked at his friends. "Promise me you'll never make a deal with them?" Grim let out a prideful huff. "of course, I won't, knowing their nothing but cruel fishes, I won't fall for the small tricks." (name) didn't answer back, eyes still observing the recent segment. As much as she knows Octavinelle devious nature, she couldn't help but curious about making a deal. 
The freshman and the feline watched her waiting for her reply. 
Soon after, they were back with their average banter of discussion. Unknowing to them, a pair of dark navy blue eyes followed (Name) marking her the next victim to his miserable contract. 
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justaddgame · 3 years
Cooldown: The Other Monster in Monster Hunter
I don’t remember which monster it was, but just mere moments after its introduction there was this sudden “Aha!” moment as this nagging feeling I’d been having during my early hours with Monster Hunter Rise finally clicked. My Hunter was staring out into the depths of Shrine Ruins as he shouted to his cohorts “Let’s do this!” and this mystery feeling I had been wrestling with before finally had a shape to it. While the nature of Capcom’s popular Monster Hunter franchise appears cruel to some, I think there’s something worth considering that could help add a layer of depth for those wary to give a try.
We are the other monster in Monster Hunter.
The Other Monster in Monster Hunter Rise
Allow me to explain. The launch of Monster Hunter Rise on Nintendo’s Switch this year was met with critical acclaim from both critics and fans alike in a landmark entry—recently shipping 7 million units worldwide—in the long-running Capcom franchise that was born decades ago on Sony’s PlayStation 2 in 2004. Soon after its release in late March, however, I noticed a familiar conversation had developed among a few online outlets over concerns of the game’s main hook. Calling itself Monster Hunter leaves no surprises, and for some it evokes an uncomfortable feeling of relentless slaughtering. I think it’s worth considering the persistent theme existing throughout the series that depicts the monsters as something to be respected as much as they are feared. Because of this, nothing is wasted upon a kill, whether it’s in the use of new gear or vital materials to improve the lives of the community.
Still though, this discourse that surrounds the nature of the game seems to have persisted. Honestly, I get the feeling. I don’t think it’s unnatural at all to feel sorrow for the slain as you stand over them triumphantly. In Capcom’s defense, the monsters are endless—even the flagship monsters that adorn each game’s cover art—and the context behind the quests is often in the aid of the community under threat somehow.
Whatever your feelings may be on the subject, however, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for some to be put off by the context of these games. But my hope is for just one like this to find comfort in visualizing the Hunter in a different light. During my time with Rise so far, I like to think of the Hunter sharing a deeper connection to Monster Hunter’s world than as just a brutal killing machine.
My opinion? Hunters are no different than the rest of the monsters.
The Brain Thinks, The Limbs Fight, The Heart Races
I keep saying that, but what does it mean? So far it sounds like I’m only confirming those fears, right? But I don’t mean a monster in the tyrannical nature, but instead something like anything else you’d come across in Rise’s numerous quests.
In Monster Hunter Rise, players take the role of a Hunter within the village of Kamura, which has been bearing the brunt of monster attacks, all while a greater threat looms from the shadows. Like previous entries, you don’t have to take the task on alone. Palicos, the anthropomorphic felines of the Monster Hunter world, can be called upon to assist you in these hunts and provide numerous advantages in your quests. New to Rise is the Palamute, canine companions that are not only combat trained, but provide extra maneuverability to hunters allowing them to ride away from danger and climb to great heights much faster than on their own. The Hunter remains as the lead of the party, but this partnership is more ingenious than it appears on the surface.
In fact, I think it helps to illustrate the bigger picture: Hunters are not just mindless antagonists to the wildlife. On the contrary, one of Monster Hunter Rise’s fiercest monsters is the trio of Hunter, Palico, and Palamute and also one of many within the greater ecosystem. Each member provides a functional part and adds up to a greater sum to create something that as fearsome as any other monster.
First, take the Hunter, who provides advanced weapon handling skills as well as the vast knowledge of Rise’s bestiary necessary to topple each one efficiently. The Palico, meanwhile, provides crucial support when up against overwhelming odds. For example, think of some of the real-life animals and insects out there that have a defense mechanism—poison, quills, webbing, stingers. That’s the Palico. It’s the Hunter’s mechanism by way of laying traps and afflicting statuses to slow their target. Finally, the Palamute provides transportation and operates like a hidden hand to the Hunter, often distracting the monster so the other limbs can move in.
Working together as one, they create a unique and powerful team that’s awesome to observe and more so to be a part of it. One bout with the wily Bishaten and you’ll begin to appreciate the similarities these three share with the other monsters. When it comes down to it, they all rely on tails, claws, and whatever other tools are in their arsenal. The difference in appearance is merely for show.
Thriving in What Feels Like Home
This characterization only gets stronger as you take your first steps outside Kamura’s walls and into the Shrine Ruins, Rise’s initial area of exploration. It’s difficult to get a sense of these characteristics while spending time in the village, but this changes once out in the wild.
This is especially true for both Rise and its predecessor, Monster Hunter World, which first adopted open environments for players to freely explore, as opposed to individual zones from previous entries that loaded on demand. Quests are generally limited to a generous 50 minutes, and though you’re not likely to spend it all on one quest, especially given Rise’s ramped-up gameplay, it can be time well-spent gathering materials, studying the land, and engaging the wildlife.
But I think it’s in these two games where this extra time can be truly appreciated.
Like every other monster, Rise gives the player the opportunity to live on the terrain, if only briefly, and tap into the monstrous side of their crew. It’s the natural environment for a Hunter, where any restrictions fall away, and they can do what they do best. These moments are best illustrated by Rise’s soundtrack—lying still in the background while environmental ambience fills the void during gathering expeditions—before crashing in at the moment you’re spotted by something larger than yourself. After spending enough time out in the wild, Kamura begins to feel like a sanctuary from the dangers of reality. But that’s the most likely message, isn’t it? Any other monster has a place of security to retreat to, and Kamura certainly fits the bill for the Hunter.
The Titular Monster, Magnamalo, Stares Back at You
While the Monster Hunter series doesn’t necessarily dig down deep for a backstory to the player’s actions, it has been played around with here and there, while relying mostly on player actions. Rise is a more significant step this time around, with Capcom leaning on the tools provided by its in-house RE Engine to construct fun, if only a few, cutscenes to weave together enough engaging narrative in the single player component. Residents of Kamura have names as well as roles, and there’s a shared urgency to everyone’s efforts. Another one of those narrative elements is Rise’s flagship monster, Magnamalo, serving as something of a rival to the Hunter. You eventually tangle with it after a series of events foreshadowing the showdown, and the outcome serves as the game’s soft ending that leads into further adventures online with friends and strangers.
***Spoilers for Magnamalo’s fight***
I thought Magnamalo was a fascinating fight for several reasons, most of all because I saw things in this particular monster that wasn’t shared by others. For example, Magnamalo has a few characteristics that share an interesting similarity to the Hunter. First, we learn that it takes advantage of The Rampage, an event Kamura’s leader, Master Fuegen, alludes to as one of the greatest threats to Kamura’s survival. During these moments, several monsters siege the outer gates protecting the village in a coordinated attack. Magnamalo is apparently cognizant of this and is said to appear during these Rampages to feast on monsters, and we witness this ourselves as the story progresses.
Like Magnamalo, the Hunter participates in Rampages to acquire resources.
Upon coming face-to-face with Magnamalo for the first time, you may notice it fights with patience unmistakably like Hunters. Series veterans will be the first to tell you that best practice is to pay attention to what the monster is doing at all times in order to learn how to react. Magnamalo almost does something similar, choosing at times to fight at a distance, taking pot shots of energy released from its tail. It never seemed to be in a hurry until there was a sure opening.
In some ways, Magnamalo was like catching my reflection in the mirror. Our goals weren’t so unlike, and our methods were carefully crafted and considered. If Magnamalo, a monster, was like myself, how could I not be the same?
Don’t be Afraid to be the Other Monster
None of this is to say you can’t be uncomfortable with Monster Hunter.
I can understand people drawing real-world connections to the gameplay of Rise, I just wouldn’t take it that far myself. I can only take the context of the game and view it in my own perspective, and rather than concluding Hunters as sadistic, I choose to see them through the same lens as a creature like Magnamalo and the many others like it.
There may be other ways to help contextualize these games, I would welcome it. I think a counterpoint could be made from hunts never being depicted as sport, but, Arena Quests, admittedly, are hard to overlook considering these take monsters out of their natural environment. I can chalk that up to it being a video game—of course there’s challenges to do the thing as quickly as possible—and there’s numerous other things Monster Hunter does to gamify the experience all things considered.
I would like to see people try to crack that one. In the meantime, I’ll continue to believe, as I did in that moment on the Shrine Ruins cliffs, that we’re simply the other monster in Monster Hunter. Not a blight on nature, not an unfeeling killer, but a rival in a competitive environment for survival.
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galvanizedfriend · 4 years
So when was the last time you read a fanfiction where Tyler was portrayed as a decent person or boyfriend because he was certainly not the villain this fandom tried to make him be? Even Stefan is written worse than he actually was in the fanfictions somehow, which is a tough job. So i stand by with what i said a) it’s not limited to female characters b) it’s a general theme among writers to villanize a third party to prop the main couple unless they are trying to set up a legitimate triangle.
On another note no i don’t support gratuitous female bashing but i also don’t support gratuitous girl!power tm friendships either. In what world do you vision Hayley and Caroline being “bffs” following tvd canon straight away? Because they were not hostile to one another already? Did Caroline have no reasons to hate Hayley?? Wasn’t it Hayley who was the epitome of “i’m not like other girls” and looked down on “girly girls” which is what Caroline is classified as? I think most of the time people project their own feelings for the characters and not the characters’ feelings for each other whether it’s while bashing them or forcing other characters to love them. And it’s ok to a degree, writers are prone to be biased, that’s acceptable but when it’s too much it does stick like a sore thumb.
And I want to add that it’s weird that the writers using Aurora to prop Cami made you hate Aurora, see it worked as the complete opposite for me, it just made me hate Cami. That’s what I tried to make a point of when i said some resentments are warranted, maybe I put it the wrong way but characters like Elena and Cami get resented because of that. Which brings me to another point, as you said Elena gets bashed a lot as well so it actually has very little to do with being Klaus’ love interest. You were not in the fandom at the time but even a lot of pro originals feelings among tvd fandom was tied to main trio’s hypocrisy, sacrificing everything or comitting all sorts of crimes in the name of saving Elena was starting to irritiate the fans, antogonists who call them out on it were much more likeable. So yes fandom resentment is a thing but it takes its roots from the canon depict of those characters.
I'm trying to understand your point here, anon. Are you telling me that I'm not allowed to think it's crap when people bash female characters because they're jealous? The "writers project their feelings for characters instead of characters' feelings for each other" thing you just said is probably reason number 1 why certain characters get written in certain ways while others don't. It's funny how people will sometimes claim others "project" whilst thinking they don't do the same.
I can't tell you when was the last time I read a fic where Tyler or Stefan were depicted as nice and great because they are rarely depicted at all. People just don't bother writing them into stories. But I can tell you when was the last time I read a fic where Hayley ended up murdered by Klaus after having the baby as a "gift" to Caroline. This week.
You're very mistaken if you think I like Hayley or Camille. Clearly you don't know me very well, even though you feel like you have to lecture me on what I can or cannot appreciate in a fic. I dislike both of them very much. And you clearly didn't understand a single thing I wrote about writing female characters. You don't have to make them perfect and flawless and BFFs forever in order to make a decent, fair depiction of them. If you'd bothered to check out the stories I recommended, you'd understand what I meant. Female characters are held to incredibly high standards which male characters aren't. They should be flawed, they should fall from grace, they should make mistakes, they should be villanous. But there's a big difference between that and bashing, and when the line gets crossed it's when I drop out. Even, or especially, in canon. And I don't know where you think I mentioned that Caroline and Hayley had to be BFFs, tbh.
And it's not weird at all that I would hate Aurora. I already didn't like Cami, and her S3 writing varies from weak to straight-out awful, the way that whole plot plays out is not flattering at all to her character, and already she was hard to defend, but I hate Aurora because she's a caricature. I'm not talking about what she does, I'm talking about what she is as a character, which is a terrible construction of a very harmful female stereotype. They could've done the whole thing a thousand times better, instead they take a thousand years old vampire and reduce her to a vengeful ex who wants to hurt the new girl because she's jealous. 🙄 Did it make Cami seem perfect? No. Did it make me like Aurora? No. It's bad writing, it's what it is. And a terrible portrayal of a female relationship that could've been filled with resentment and bitterness and hostility without Aurora being labeled as "mad". I just hated the third season of TO. Period.
This fandom has more than enough reasons to resent canon and to criticize everything in those shows. It's bad in many, many ways. And it's written in an incredibly misogynous way which makes me baffled to think that it was created and run by a woman. But, again for the people in the back, the fact canon is bad doesn't mean I want to read the exact same kind of portrayal in fics. Fanfiction is, in many ways, about fixing what's wrong or lacking in canon, and one of the problems I like to see fixed is how female characters and their realtionships are written. You can still write Caroline hating on Hayley without it descending into bashing. If you can't tell the difference, then that's a whole other thing.
I really don't get your point here. I don't agree with you and I think I'm allowed to have my preferences and not put up with shit I dislike. I would take gratuitous female friendships any day over misogynous crap, but maybe that's just me.
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randomvarious · 3 years
Question - “3rd Question” Hardware #05 by Richie Rich Song released in 1999. Mix released in 2000. Techno
From critic Greg Prato:
Techno producer Marco Carola has often been compared to such contemporaries as Jeff Mills and Richie Hawtin. Born in Naples, Italy, Carola took up the drums at an early age and by 15 was concentrating on electronic and house music. By 1993 Carola had put together his own studio and was issuing tracks for several different labels until he launched his own record company, Design Music, in 1996 (one of the first Italy-based techno-based labels). Ensuing tours of Australia, Europe, and America soon followed, resulting in such releases as 1998's Fokus and 2001's Open Systems, the latter of which Carola describes as an "electronic experience."
Missing from that short bio, however, is the fact that Carola also had another small label from the late 90s to mid-aughts called Question, which served as a home for his "conceptual techno" work. Based out of Offenbach am Main in Germany, Question only released records by Carola, for which he performed under the same name as the label, except for one release. In '99, he released a trio of Question records, 3rd Question, 4th Question, and 5th Question, and the following year, the excellent Australian techno DJ, Richie Rich, included a piece of 3rd Question on his own double-disc mix, Hardware #05.
What I particularly dig about this song and other techno tunes of its ilk is how they manage to take a bunch of rhythmic bits of percussion—claps, hi-hats, and a variety of drums—and combine them all in such a way as to produce something that actually sounds melodic. Now, I'm no music scholar and I don't know jack about theory either, and I also know that what I'm laying out probably wasn't some newfound concept with the advent of highly rhythmic techno, but I still really love the whole idea of constructing an overarching melody through sole use of only small, rhythmic pieces. There's a scrapingly sharp and short melody that gets introduced towards the end of the track here, but the meat of this one really only has rhythms, and yet the sum of those rhythms, when worked into a rich lather, has a way of sounding like a melody. Awesome stuff.
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