#the batch knows something's up so its not like he has to worry about them questioning their sanity and that affecting their combat
somestorythoughts · 5 months
Eldritch Echo Pt. 4
Folks. Folks I have a very basic plot now. Holy fucking shit. I mean like it's a basic plot but my little scene has expanded into a couple of interconnected scenes so. Of all the things to make me write another fanfic it's a random eldritch Clone Wars thought. Okay then.
Perhaps Echo is more Uncanny Valley than fully Eldritch, but I'm certainly not going to change the name now. Especially not when it's aliterative.
Enjoy Part 4!
It’s not as if Tech thinks Crosshair is lying when he said that he saw Echo with over twenty golden violet eyes (and what does that even mean, golden violet?), or that Hunter is wrong when he says Echo doesn’t just smell like a trooper. He did consider that they were dreaming, but they had too many examples from different days for that to be the case. And Wrecker’s observations, backed up by the medical files, certainly supported their statements, as did Echo’s smirk and general amusement. It’s just that he cannot see how he didn’t notice.
It’s true that Crosshair is probably the most observant of them, but it isn’t as if Tech doesn’t pay attention to people. That’s dangerous on Kamino. He is willing to admit he pays more attention to machines and that sometimes he misses things, but that doesn’t mean he’s unobservant.
And yet while Wrecker immediately had an answer when Crosshair brought this up and from the sound of it Hunter had responded quickly as well, Tech cannot recall seeing or hearing anything to suggest that Echo was genetically anything other than another trooper. And aside from that brief thought of bright teeth that could simply have been the sunlight, Tech doesn’t notice anything until two nights later, when Echo is injured.
Echo had been deliberately elusive in response to all of Crosshair’s demands, answering questions as unhelpfully as possible with an innocent smile that Tech would have known was false even without his goggles. He distinctly remembers Crosshair yelping and looking up to see Echo grinning like a wolf while Crosshair swore at him. When he’d asked Crosshair had snarled “That little bastard just made his tongue purple.” Tech hadn’t known how to react to that and had returned to reading through Echo’s medical records. He and Crosshair shared a medic’s duties for their batch and so he had everyone’s records, but even after reading them three times he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
And then they have a mission with commando droids, and Echo wound up under Tech and Crosshair’s careful hands due to a gash in his side that his armor hadn’t quite blocked.
“I want a word with whoever gave those bastards swords.” Echo hissed as Crosshair began to stich him up. Their sniper snorted.
“Understandable.” Tech replied. “I have never asked what your tattoo is.”
The tattoo in question is on Echo’s right shoulder, a few inches above his prosthetic. It’s simple, a straight line with three dots below it and two dots above, but Echo’s expression turned sad.
“It’s my squad. Domino. The bottom three are Hevy, Droidbait, and Cutup. The top two are Fives and I.”
“Fives.” Tech mused. “I’ve heard you mention him after your nightmares.”
Echo grimaces. “Yeah. Yeah Rex says he died a bit before you found me. The others, they died on Rishi. Fives has a matching one on – ouch!”
“Don’t twitch so much.” Crosshair ordered as Tech handed him the bacta. Echo rolled his eyes, closing them. Crosshair glanced up, then caught Tech’s eyes to point at the tattoo.
The dots have changed position.
“Your tattoo has moved.”
Echo smiles without opening his eyes. “They do that.”
“That is not normal for a tattoo Echo.” Tech states. The smile transforms to a grin, jagged and wide, and Echo opens his eyes.
Oh. That’s what golden violet is.
“Normal’s relative Tech. Surely you’ve figured that out.” He pulls himself to his feet, taps his chest. “Thanks Crosshair.”
Blue lines move under his skin, over his heart. They make a little five that pulses like a heartbeat. Tech looks into Echo’s eyes.
“You were asking Wrecker and Hunter why you didn’t see anything off about me. You want to know why?” Tech nods. Somehow his grin goes wider and oh human mouths definitely aren’t supposed to make that shape. “You’ve been focusing on my prosthetics. And I’m still adjusting to them.”
And then there’s nothing off about him as he practically chirps “I’m going to sleep. Bye!” and leaves. Tech stares.
“You get it now?” Crosshair asks dryly. Tech can only nod.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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headcanons about the little d's
sfw (fluffy nonsense) | 1.3k words | gn!reader
content/warnings: mentioned relationships with the demon brothers and the dateables. mostly fluff, some possessive/jealous behaviours if you squint.
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No. 1 (when you’re dating the Avatar of Pride)
He’s not the largest of the Little Ds, but he’s the one that acts the most dignified.
He assumes leadership over the other lesser demons when Barbatos isn’t around and gives No. 2 the most lectures about being a proper lesser demon.
The other Little Ds notice No. 1 acts differently when you’re staying at the castle. He preens for you, floating near your side like a puffed-up balloon as he escorts you to the guest bedroom you’ll be staying in.
He’s more affectionate when he knows the other Little Ds are busy elsewhere (he gets flustered when they tease him about how sweet he is towards you).
He can be a little foul-tempered if No. 4 is slacking on his chores and trying to get your attention instead.
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No. 2 (when you’re dating the Avatar of Greed)
He’s so fond of you, and he doesn’t hide it the way some of his lesser demon siblings do; even if you’re not dating Mammon, No. 2 loves spending time with you.
He likes to call Mammon Papa for two reasons: — He is the Avatar of Greed, and No. 2 looks up to him as the embodiment of their shared sin even if he won’t admit it out loud. — It annoys Mammon which is lots of fun!
No. 2 tattles on Mammon whenever he tries to steal valuables from the Demon Lord’s castle. Once the others are distracted, he can finally talk to you without them interrupting!
The castle has its own lost & found of sorts, forgotten valuables the rich demon lords leave behind. He’ll sort through the latest batch of forgotten belongings and try to give them to you as gifts. Isn’t he thoughtful? (You always refuse, but you pat his head or give him a hug for thinking about you which is almost better!)
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No. 3 (when you’re dating the Avatar of Envy)
He gets jealous of Leviathan when you haven’t visited the castle lately. He also doesn’t like it when you spend too much time with the other Little Ds.
He makes sure that you or Levi have a TV in your guest room whenever you have to spend the night at the castle. He likes to sit in your lap while you watch movies or play games.
He feels like he doesn’t do his chores as well as the other demons do and worries you’re disappointed in him. (Barbatos actually thinks he’s one of the best workers little Ds. He tends to stick to himself and focus on his work and isn’t as prone to distractions like the others are.)
He doesn’t like working during the castle’s large dances or parties, unless you’re going to be there—he’ll try to stay near you if you are. Otherwise, he finds other chores he can do elsewhere in the castle where he can be alone and not have to deal with anyone else.
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No. 4 (when you’re dating the Avatar of Wrath)
He’s easily distracted when something annoys or angers him. He’s usually given non-cleaning chores since he's kind of terrible at it (he tends to break things a lot during his little tantrums).
He does make an excellent escort for you because he can be trusted to keep you safe.
He fights a lot with No. 1 and they are constantly butting heads over who’s in charge and the right way to do things when Barbatos isn’t around.
He chases away other demons that he thinks are too close to you—not just other Little D’s either, but any demon he thinks you should stay away from (basically all of them except for Satan—usually).
He brings you books to read when you stay overnight at the castle. He doesn’t mention that some of them are borrowed without permission from Diavolo’s private library or the secret castle vaults. He can usually return them before anyone even notices so it's your little secret!
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No. 5 (when you’re dating the Avatar of Lust)
Little Ds normally don’t care about their appearances, but No. 5 insists he needs to be bathed before your arrival because he wants to look his best for you!
The other Little Ds don’t take him seriously and Barbatos doesn’t always have time. He’s very sad when you arrive and you usually offer to help him instead when he explains why he’s upset. The others are so mean to him, but you’re so kind~
He showers you with compliments and helps Diavolo and Barbatos pick out gifts for you that he thinks you would like.
His affection and possessiveness towards you is much higher than most of the other Little Ds because he shares a feedback loop of emotions with Asmodeus.
His sin gives him the unique ability to sense when others are attracted to you, even if Asmo isn’t around. 
No. 5 tells Asmo everything that happens at the castle when he can’t be there with you—the angel who’s too touchy for his own good, the sorcerer that flirts with you shamelessly, even the way Mr. Barbatos treats you better than anyone else…
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No. 6 (when you’re dating the Avatar of Gluttony)
He’s the largest of the Little D’s but surprisingly quick. He’s also very strong.
His favourite chores are anything that lets him work in the kitchen but sometimes he gets hungry. He didn’t mean to take a bite out of the cake Barbatos just finished decorating, honest! :( 
Sometimes he’ll fix your plate for you so you get the best food before anyone else can…yes, even Beel.
He usually hovers around your chair at mealtimes so he can get you anything else you might need (and maybe you can sneak him some of your food when you think Barbatos isn’t looking). <3
If you’re staying at the castle overnight, he brings late night snacks to your room.
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No. 7 (when you’re dating the Avatar of Sloth)
He’s lazy and sleeps a lot, but he’s usually the quickest to finish his chores: the sooner he’s done, the sooner he can rest!
He’s small enough that he likes to rest on your shoulder for a little snooze. He’s not very heavy and you don’t mind, right? <3
He likes helping Barbatos prepare your guest room so he can make sure your blankets and pillows are the softest ones available. (Sometimes he tries to sneak spare bedding from Diavolo's personal linens, but Barbatos usually catches him.)
Normally he sleeps with the other Little Ds but when you’re at the castle, he sneaks into the room you share with Belphie and curls at the foot of the bed. If he sleeps near you, he can make sure you have nice dreams.
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Other Little D headcanons:
Their size is mostly determined by age and their power/strength of their sin.
They’re all fond of you even if you’re not dating their corresponding Avatar of Sin, but their feelings for you are amplified when you are.
They’re very suspicious of the non-demons who act too friendly towards you. They will try to persuade you why you should choose a demon for your prospective romantic partner instead. They will also try to sabotage those relationships or act aggressive/hostile towards the angel/human partner you’ve chosen.
If Diavolo or Barbatos have strong feelings for you, you’ll find yourself being invited to the castle a lot more. You’ll also hear endless praise about what a good mate the young prince would be, or how handsome and kind their boss is.
(They think they’re being subtle, but they’re reeeeally not.)
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read more: how the little ds act when you are dating barbatos | obey me masterlist
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boku-no-bunbun · 7 months
Can I request a story where baki and Jack have a little sister and woth them she's really nice and sweet but with there day she matches energy and is just as mean and bitchy as he is?
Yes I can 😌
I hope you like it ♥
Warning: strong language, name calling, yujiro hanma
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Baki and Jack were at the arena and sparing on the sand floor as dust clouds pick up with every move. Sitting on the side watching was Tokugawa and Captain stratum also sitting with them was baki and Jack's little sister. She has always been interested in fighting, not really wanting to complete but she sure as he'll can beat up to 200 people if she wanted. Tokugawa even asked if she would be willing to participate in any championships but she politely declined saying she just really love to watch and support her big brothers.
"I'm curious though, you're brothers are encouraged to fight by your dad, what dose he think about you fighting?" There was a bit of a pause after Tokugawas question. Captain just looked away knowing exactly what's coming next. "I don't really care what that big bastard thinks, I'd beat his ass if I want to then we'll see what he thinks about me fighting." Y/n says as she crossed her arms. He dosent like her dad. He killed her mom before she was old enough to know what she looked like and though her childhood she was raised by her brothers and when her dad was involved he was always yelling and batching.
the young hanma always felt that you should treat people the way you want to be treated so she always gave him the same attitude back. They have there little moments of him giving advice to be stronger, then its back to insults.
After about 2 hours Baki and Jack were finished there match and the three hanma siblings were standing outside talking about what they would eat tonight when there hair started to stand up followed by a strong presence.
"So you three gonna just stand there, or are you gonna greet your faughter?" A rough voice was heard and Jack stays silent while baki turns around. "Hey dad" baki gives a lazy smile. Y/n on the other hand rols her eyes and looks up at the oger annoyed. "What do you want old man?" "What do I want... I wanna know what the hell I was watching earlier!!!"
Baki and Jack grow stiff and sigh "watching you two fight was like watching tots throw a tantrum, have you learned nothing!!! What a disgrace!" Jack just roles his eyes while baki tries to say something, but before he could get anything out yujiro turn to his daughter and start yelling at her. "And you! What the hell do you mean I'm a big bastard! You ungrateful ass! You could never beat me in a fight not even in your dreams! I demand an apology!"
Y/n sighs and relaxes and starts off "well dad I would apologize... If what I said wasn't true ass hole! You're always fussing about something! And if you're so worried about it fight me if you don't like what I said!" Baki sweat drops and tries to calm both his dad and sister down. "Hey how about we go have a nice family dinner or something?" "Shut the hell up, the last time we ate together you ate more fists than food!" Y/n gets more mad and her aura becomes more menacing "Don't yell at my fucking brother like that! He was trying to be nice" "oh look at you trying to be the savior around here, you couldn't beat anyone even if you tried! Maybe if you weren't so slutty you could spend more time training!" "Takes one to know one bitch, and maybe I wouldn't be a slit if my own father wasn't such a fat whore!"
Baki stands there watching not knowing what to do as his sister and dad go back and forth. Jack puts a hand on his brothers shoulder "you should know more than anyone baki, that you shouldn't get in between a fight that has nothing to do with you." "Yeah... we never found out what we would have for dinner though."
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photogirl894 · 6 months
Hello my beautiful, kind friend! Congratulations on 1,300 INSANE! 🤩 🎉
Please may I request some Hunter fluff with a female reader with the prompt:
“A life without you isn’t one I want to live.”
Perhaps Hunter accidentally confesses his true feelings to reader & then follows up with that cute line? Up to you if you’d want to do of course but I feel like you’d love to write for your Clone Hubby! Love you so much 🥰🩵
Thank you so much, Alanah!! Your friendship and support all these years has meant the world to me! 💜
Ohhhh you are far too kind with this request, my dear! 🥰🥰
**Putting a spoiler warning in case, but spoilers for Bad Batch s3 ep7**
"Chasing Waterfalls"
4. "A life without you isn't one I want to live."
Pairing: Hunter x fem reader
The escape from the Empire on Teth hadn't been easy for you and all the Clones, but you'd all managed to get away nonetheless. It definitely hadn't been without its challenges.
Not only had the Empire managed to find everyone there and blow up the Clones' secret base, but they'd tracked you through the jungle and there had been an assassin on your trail. You had told everyone that you and Crosshair would draw his fire while everyone got to the rendezvous point to meet with Echo and you both pursued the assassin. However, he had attacked the both of you and, to protect Crosshair, you had tackled the assailant over a cliff's edge into a swiftly flowing river, which connected to a series of large waterfalls. You'd gone over one and fell into a rocky landing where the assassin tried going for you again. With a vibroblade drawn, he'd attacked you, but luckily, Hunter had trained you not only in hand-to-hand combat, but with a blade, as well. How to use it and how to fight against an opponent with one. You'd held your own, but only barely. The assassin was strong and highly-trained. Eventually, he'd forced your head under the water and you found your breath being driven quickly from your body. Lucky for you, Crosshair had caught up with you and stunned the assassin, which made him fall into the river and be taken with the next waterfall. Crosshair and also Howzer had been quick to grab you before you could fall over, as well, and saved your life. Hunter soon followed and you could tell, even with his helmet on, that he was worried about you. You figured you falling over the cliff had frightened him and he was trying to reassure himself that you were okay.
After that, you had been stopped at the rendezvous point by a battalion of Clones, but Rex knew their Commander; Commander Wolffe, and he had been willing to let you all go. Once all of you boarded Echo's ship, you were safe for the time being.
The entire ride back to Pabu, Hunter said nothing to you, which was very unlike him. The two of you were very close and talked all the time. He knew you better than you even knew yourself and the same could be said for you about him. What was wrong? Was he worried about Omega, since the Empire had nearly caught them? Was he reconsidering their options?
Or...was he angry at you for what you had done?
It wasn't until you got to Pabu that finally you decided to break the longstanding silence between you two.
While the others returned to the Marauder, you pulled Hunter aside by the big tree on the collanade. "Hunter...what's wrong? You didn't talk to me the whole trek back. That's not like you."
He turned away, his brow furrowed with conflicted emotions. You could tell he wanted to say something, but was fighting against it.
"If you're mad at me for what I did on Teth, I'm sorry. I was just trying to--"
"Don't ever do that again."
He had interrupted you so abruptly that it almost made you choke on the remainder of your words.
Then he looked back at you, his brown eyes radiating with pain, but not of physical nature. He kept going, his voice firm yet nearly shaking, "Do you have any idea what it did to me to see you disappear over the cliff and the waterfall like that? Do you know how terrified I was thinking that you had been killed and that I'd lost you forever?"
His hands came up to your arms, clutching you tightly. "I never want you to do anything like that again! Do you hear me? I can't lose you, (Y/N)! You mean everything to me and I care too much for you to even dare imagine my days without you!"
You blinked in surprise. This wasn't anything you were expecting to hear from him. While you had suspected for some time that he harbored feelings for you, just as you did for him, you hadn't expected him to say anything like this nor did you think his feelings ran that deep.
As you struggled to find the words to respond, he lifted his hands to your face and brought his forehead to yours, his eyes squeezing shut to try and hold himself together. "A life without you isn't one I want to live," he then said to you, now a more present trembling in his voice.
The fear in his words was unmistakable and it made you realize how reckless your actions on Teth had been. Not only just in regards to your own life, but to the lives of your squad; to Hunter's life. You had been thinking of their safety, but hadn't considered how your possible demise would affect them, especially Hunter. It was never your intention to frighten him and hearing how scared he sounded broke your heart. It had apparently scared him so much that it caused him to confess to you, which you hadn't anticipated.
You reached up and took one of his hands on your cheek, leaning into his gentle touch. "I'm so sorry," you whispered. "I...I never meant to scare you like that. I was only thinking of keeping you and the others safe."
"You can keep us safe, but please...not at the cost of your life," he replied. "I would never survive if you were no longer at my side. I need you. I...I love you."
As soon as those three words left his mouth, his hands grasped the back of your head and his lips came upon yours, kissing you softly but with evident yearning. Your heart soared within you as you kissed him in return, knowing now that your life was no longer your own to trifle with.
Your life was his and his life was yours...and neither of you would ever live without the other.
Photogirl894's Fluff/Romance prompts
Photogirl894's 1,3000 Celebration fics
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blackkatmagic · 27 days
Gosh seeing prompts from you always makes my week. Great way to start off my first day of this semester! For the clone asks how about Colt?
(Oh, good luck!!! You got this!)
Down in the bowels of the Jedi Temple, deep beneath one of the wild gardens, there's a hot, heavy darkness, cut through with the sound of hammers on metal, and Colt has never been so entranced by anything since the day he was decanted.
It’s possible—probable—that he shouldn’t be down here, shouldn’t have slipped away from the hall outside the Council Chambers while General Ti is in a meeting, but he couldn’t help himself. Blitz and Hammer are up there still, in case she needs them, and Colt was ostensibly walking Havoc to the Halls of Healing to see how the Jedi Healers work, but this place isn't anywhere near the Halls. Colt isn't immediately needed for anything, and that’s a rare experience in the middle of war. Indulging it like this might be wrong, but it’s hard to care when there are shadows of smiths flickering and dancing on the mural-covered walls, like living things entirely apart from the Jedi working the forges.
Colt itches with the need to get closer, to actually see the forging, and he risks a glance over his shoulder, checking that the hallway is still clear, then turns—
Collides, hard, with a body out of armor, and hisses as he’s knocked back a step, his sore shoulder suddenly making itself known again. He snaps a hand up to it, takes another step back to be safe, and says sharply, “What the hell?”
Looking just as startled, Neyo takes a step back as well, then pauses. He raises a brow, gaze sweeping up and down over Colt, and asks, “Why do you look like one of the trainers just caught you in the hanger after lights-out?”
Colt flushes, hot to the tips of his ears. It’s been a long time since he was any sort of cadet—hells, he helped train most of the cadets—and Neyo's not anywhere close to being an Alpha batch clone. The only ones who can give Colt grief are his batchmates.
“Commander,” he says, pointed, and folds his arms over his chest, ignoring the twinge the motion causes. “Know from experience, then?”
Neyo rolls his eyes. “I was with General Windu,” he says, faintly grumpy in a way that’s fully an admission of embarrassment, even if he doesn’t want to show it. “He came down to talk to one of the smiths about supply issues.”
“As you were, then,” Colt says, bland, and Neyo snorts but slides past Colt with the speed of a former trainee trying to avoid having to run extra laps. A little amused, Colt watches him go, then turns back—
Pauses, startled, as something shimmers and catches the light, sliding over his armor like liquid and disappearing beneath the cuff of his blacks.
It seems like a trick of the light, but something feels…uneasy. Colt stares for a second, then strips off his gauntlet with quick motions, finds the cuff of the blacks, and tugs it back as best he can, then stops. Stares, a shiver washing down his spine, at the sight of a spill of pearl-like brilliance sliding down his arm, liquid but still. When he presses his fingertips to it, it feels slick, warm like flesh, with no pain to its presence even though it looks like it’s bonded to his skin.
Something prickles, alarm and a sharper emotion, and Colt turns, catches sight of Neyo just rounding the distant corner. Just a coincidence, maybe, but—
A shadow moves, and Colt turns back sharply, pulse leaping. There’s no one approaching, though, just a door halfway down the hall that’s swung open, copper inlays catching the light and seeming to dance. No one is emerging, and after a second Colt moves forward, not sure if he’s worried that someone could be hurt or simply curious. Rubbing at the pearlescent spill down his arm, he leans in, then pauses.
It's a forge, entirely empty of any Jedi, or the droid professor Colt met in passing. The cryo-furnace is lit, filling the air with heat, and there are tools resting on the anvil, as if they're just waiting for hands to take them up.
Colt curls his fingers around the edge of the door, feeling like there’s a hook behind his ribs, dragging him forward. The want has teeth, and he stares at those tools, at the pile of metal cubes resting beside the forge, a larger one that’s set apart from the rest. He could make something, he thinks, and it’s a little like a surge of madness, a little like a heady rush of joy. He could make a warhammer, or a spear, or an axe. He could create something out of those cold blocks of metal, and it would just take time and effort and skill.
Colt's been a soldier since the moment he was decanted, focused on destroying. The urge to create something is unfamiliar, but desperate.
The first step into the workshop feels forbidden, like he’s breaking the rules. Colt does it anyway, even though rule-breaking is what gets clones decommissioned or sent for reeducation. He’s alone here, though, and when he swings the door shut after himself, it feels like handing the whole universe a dare.
As the lock clicks home, the forge-fire leaps higher, shimmers. For an instant, there are shadows dancing on the walls, not Jedi smiths but something else entirely. Huge figures in armor, in familiar helmets, wielding hammers with an entirely different sort of skill than the Jedi. Colt can almost see them, Human-like but not Human, shadows from somewhere, somewhen else entirely.
One of the shadows turns to look at him, a simian figure with grey skin and yellow eyes that fall to meet Colt's. He’s holding a gravity hammer, slick with the look of pure beskar, and when Colt goes perfectly, breathlessly still, he smiles.
“Grandson,” he says, and it echoes like thunder trapped underground. “Come.”
Colt goes. There's no other option.
(Hours later, Colt wakes to the sound of his comm beeping, missed transmissions flashing red. He stripped off his armor at some point, left it piled at the edge of the work area, and there's a new burn on his arm that he doesn’t remember getting, soot smeared across the bright, shining pearl stitched into his skin.
There's a hammer, too. Something huge and heavy and fit for a Mand'alor to carry, unfamiliar but so deeply known that Colt can feel the shape of it in his bones. His head is spinning, but he takes it up, still warm from the forge, and feels it resonate like a vast roar come down through history, wrapped up inside of him and forgotten for far too long.
The forge-fire is still burning, and there's more metal waiting to be shaped. The warhammer isn't his, but—
Colt made it. Colt made it, and it will find the hands it’s meant for.)
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
can you make headcanons for all the tadc cast with a reckless reader?
also, have a good day :)
TADC cast x reckless! reader!
last post for this batch! ill get right back to answering stuff soon! my cinnamon roll dough is almost done with its first rise and ill have to shape them soon! also gotta make the frosting..! short post since the base of one of my thumbs is getting a lil sore idk if its because ive been typing so much these past few days or if i just slept on my hand wrong; maybe both
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youre in luck reader! you cant really get hurt in the digital world...! well, not... traditionally.. you can definitely still feel pain, thats for sure, but i dont think your digital body has any bones to break or skin to scrape..! so hey at least you can kind of be as reckless as you want without consequence...! except, there are consequences. caine is not at all happy at your recklessness.. i mean sure yeah some of his IHAs can be more... intense, i mean zooble almost got turned into a gloink, but..! i think he tones down his adventures just so you wont throw yourself into the danger
tries to stop you but her words fall short as you run in yelling into whatever the threat is without a second thought. "i- wait- er..." and youre gone, leaving pomni to hurry and try to catch up with you. she probably has to drag you to safety, assuming this isnt a case where you got all glitched up by an abstracted circus member.. shes gonna have to work herself up to get you to chill out; perhaps ending in a whole emotional thing where she just. explodes? perhaps
just because you cant get hurt doesnt mean shes not going to fuss over you. if there were a need for it i think she would keep a pack of Band-Aids on her. however, because you guys cant get hurt in that way, she tries to keep you in bed when you inevitably get knocked a little too hard and need to rest it off. dont even think about trying to get up out of bed, shes going to give you this stern look that only a few percentage of people can muster.
you know the look
the stern one
scolds you too if you get caught up in something real dangerous
only really softens up if you threw yourself in danger for the sake of another person, because i think ragatha would do the same
"bet you cant make that jump"
"bet i <> can!"
que you absolutely eating shit after you fail to make that jump, comically flipping over yourself and face planting. you probably have cartoon birds circling around your head. jax laughs at you before eventually coming over to help you up. he will not let you live this kind of stuff, down
he gets so so scared when youre not in his sight, i think if he knew you were willingly throwing yourself into harms way? this man would have a heart attack! like really, or he would if he still had his organs and stuff...if he could he would keep you in his pillow fort with him forever... but he cant, so he has to settle with following you around with meek attempts to try to stop you
zooble would do similar stuff as jax, but when you actually. go to do the dangerous thing they just pull you back. "dude. i wasnt being serious"
bro has to keep you on one of those kid leashes because your first instinct someone says "bet" or "no balls" or anything in that vein, you need to prove yourself
her comedy mask probably falls off from the sheer shock from how easily you just. launch yourself into things. on one hand she worries for you, but on the other hand she cant help but feel a little jealous; i mean shes just ribbon and a mask, shes not really... tough... strong.. durable... she wants to be able to run around and do the things you do but theres that fear of being immediately broken down or overpowered, you know? didnt mean to get silly there; anyways i think she would try to keep in you bed to sleep off the soreness, like ragatha
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portcakess · 11 months
Sweet Tooth Dottore . ⋆ੈ✩‧₊˚ೃ༄
HC: I'd like to imagine that the feared Second harbinger, Dottore, has a HUGE sweet tooth with no consequences
a/n: this is my first story and headcanon here! please IM TRYING MY BEST
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Like what the Raiden Shogun said,  "Cavities are no big deal — you can just replace your teeth." Which is the case for Dottore.
He's one of the smartest, most knowledgeable, beings in Teyvat and has conducted countless experiments on others and himself. Surely the Doctor definitely has modified parts of his body. He doesn't replace his organic parts with pure metal covered in synthetic, close to life, skin. That's what his segments are for. Instead what he did is create some sort of serum or potion that allows his teeth to grow back. Perhaps he being the genius he is extracted that ability from a shark, modified it to be able to work on his own body.
You are quite fond of his natural sharp teeth, you think its endearing, sometimes out of pure impulse and much to his irritation, you like to cup his cheeks then spread them open with your thumbs to shape his lips to a smile (more like a grimace from his unwillingness to be part of your shenanigans), in the middle of kissing then proceeding to open his jaw to examine his sharp teeth. No matter how much you see them, you couldn't get enough. He doesn't have it in him to stop you, he's quite fond of that focused and fascinated expression you have plastered on your face when you're interested in something, much more when he's that subject.
What horrifies you is when he would out of nowhere yank out a tooth from his mouth. You two could be hanging out in his lab, he could be in the middle of an experiment, mid conversation, and he wouldn't hesitate or even tell you moments before he yanks out a tooth, insisting that he felt a small ache, immediately recognized it was a cavity and needed to purge the distraction. All while some blood dribbles out of his mouth. Don't worry! It grows back in 10 minutes!
Teeth aside, now onto the cause of his concerning habits.
Fortunately, he doesn't have to worry about any health issues asides from mild cavities that don't even get the chance to develop much. He's immune to every disease and every possible health related problem.
Unfortunately for you, you were still pure 100% human and can be prone to any disease out there. Being the normal human being you are in contrary to your lover, you can't help but also feel horrified when you see Dottore put at least 12 tablespoons of sugar in his drink of choice. 10 teaspoons on a good day. He doesnt sleep often, unless you somehow miraculously convince him to sleep with you that night. He needs all the sugar on top of SOME coffee to keep his mind functioning sufficiently for his experiments and research.
"Would you like some coffee with your sugar?"
Recall that one time, he received a not so satisfactory report from one of his segments due to some unfortunate circumstances in their mission. His expression one moment clouded over with irritation and mild rage, then the next moment much calmer when you, who had been sitting on the office desk with your back faced to the segment during his meeting, had fed him a spoonful of the parfait you had happened to be eating.
From that day onward, the segments make sure to inform you before their creator if their mission went badly just so you could prepare some desserts for your boyfriend so that he doesn't end up possibly wiping out any of the segments you're quite fond of upon hearing the news.
If he cooks for you, which is already a rare occasion on its own. He makes two separate batches for the each of you. One of his batches would follow the normal, healthy amount of sweet that he followed from what he knows or from a recipe, then the other...would be for him, certainly much much sweeter than yours. You dont mind it too much, him constantly eating sweets makes his lips taste like candy!
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madameminor · 1 year
In More Ways Than One, Part 9 - Bad Batch x F!Reader - Wrecked
Summary: Everything seems perfect the morning after - until Wrecker starts acting strange.
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Tags: 18+ smutty mcsmutterson, porn with plot, basically, all the good stuff
Warnings: Dom drop, aftercare, breeding kink, shiny's being jerks.
Notes: I'm experimenting writing more with less, since sometimes I get too caught up in the words - I may or may not like it. Regardless, please enjoy Wrecker being a sweet boy.
Word Count: 5k+
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 3.5 Part 4 Part 4.5 Part 5 Part 5.5 Part 6 Part 6.5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 8.5 Part 9 Part 9.5 Part 10
The bliss of a truly rested sleep is really second to none. Waking slowly from the comforting embrace of peace, you feel the necessary rest down to your soul.
That is - until you shift to stretch - and feel the full effects of yesterdays ‘punishments’.
Your stretching squeal becomes a mournful moan as you ache in places you’ve never ached before - and are met with a soft chuckle and a gentle hand on your cheek.
“Mmhmm. The lesson continues,” Crosshair smirks, kissing your nose from where he stands by his bed. You squint open your eyes and pout at him before turning your back to him, showing your disdain for his teasing. He chuckles again and gently spanks you, making you turn to pout at him again as he scoots in behind you. 
“Don’t be like that. It’s your own fault anyway,” he murmurs into your neck, kissing gently as his hand gently rubs over your hip, your thigh. 
“Hmph,” you pout away from him, too sleepy to think of a comeback.
He lightly nips along where Hunter bit you the night before, making you gasp at the light pull of memory. 
“Nnnn Crosshair, don’t get me going this early I’m so SORE.”
He smirks in your ear. “You want to stay here then?”
“Hmph, alright. We’re going to the mess for whatever serves as breakfast out here. You want us to bring you back something?”
“Mmhmm,” you nod in affirmation, eyes still closed, voice sleepy. “Y’s please.”
Another chuckle by your ear. “Its a good thing you’re cute.”
“M’super cute.”
“You are. We’ll be back.”
The rest is like hazy background noise as you drift in the peaceful stream of ‘sleepy’.
“So she is staying?” Tech, quietly.
“Mmhmm.” The sound of a toothpick between teeth. 
“Hmph. Can’t say I’m surprised.” Hunter, smirking. Various armors being put on. Echo’s chuckle, the sound of blasters finding holsters, its all starting to fade as you slip back into-
Hunter’s voice is just above a whisper.
 “Hey Wrecker,” a little louder, trying not to disturb you, but obviously working to get attention. “Come on, we’re headed to the mess. Grub time.”
You don’t hear any movement, just a voice, facing towards a wall - just above a whisper, and very, very guilty.
“U-uh you guys go ahead, I-I’m not really hungry.”
Everything stops.
You’re up and by his bed before you know you’ve thought about it, pulling his shoulder towards you to make him look up, the scanner you whisked from your pack blinking readings as you draw it down his face.
He freezes like a porg in headlights as you finish your scan. You set it down in confusion, hand to his forehead. 
Hunter is just over your shoulder.
“What’s wrong with him?”
You scan again for anything, anything. “His vitals are fine. There’s no fever.”
“None of the side effects from the inoculations mentioned lack of appetite?” Tech muses quietly.
“Even if it did, Wrecker always has an appetite. He defies the odds,” Echo says firmly.
A small spark of worry in your chest has you on your feet. “I’ll take him to the infirmary and do some more tests to see if it’s anything -”
A hand grabs your wrist as you turn to get dressed. You look to where Wrecker waits, his eyes panicked instead of surprised.
“NO, no, I’m fine, really. Just… just not hungry, ok? I don’t need to… uh, go with them to the mess.” He looks down and away from his brothers.
You almost kick yourself.
You turn to the others, “Alright my dears, I’ll take it from here. Out.” You shoo them towards the door, ignoring the fact that you’re giving orders while completely naked.
Hunter raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure-”
“BIP bip bip bip, go. Out. Bring back food for two, please. Don’t hurry back.”
The door whisks closed so fast it almost catches Echo’s kama.
You turn back to Wrecker, sitting on the bed beside him. “They’ve gone, honey.”
He looks over at you, briefly meeting your eyes before looking off to the side- he opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. His eyes meet yours again, pleading for help with whatever he needs to say. Your heart melts a bit for him - your gentle giant, in unknown territory. You scoot closer to him, putting your head to his, your hand on his cheek.
“I’m right here, I’m listening. Take your time.”
He sighs in relief, closing his eyes and breathing with you. He wraps his arms around you and rolls onto his side, pulling you over him so you’re the closest to the bulk head. He buries his face in your neck - aw, he’s hiding. You stroke his bald head to soothe him, letting him find the words he needs.
You don’t have to wait long. “Are you….ok?” 
Something in his tone sets off your mental alarm bells.
“I’m wonderful. A little sore, but its a good sore. Why, honey?”
“I didn’t… hurt you, right? You aren’t… mad at me?”
“Oh darling, no,” you say, fully turning to face him, your hand cupping his face. He leans into it, still avoiding your eyes. “No no no. I’m so grateful to you. I loved last night. I feel so lucky that all of you gave to me like that. I’m the happiest woman alive this morning.”
He finally looks up at you, still looking guilty. “Really?” 
“Yes yes yes, a thousand times yes,” you say quietly, smiling. “All the things we did last night were things I’d talked to Crosshair and Hunter about enjoying - I may have seemed like I was upset, but it's what I wanted.”
“So I’m… I’m not a bad person for liking it?”
“No,” you say firmly, still staying quiet so it doesn’t sound like a reprimand. “I like those things being done to me. And you can like doing those things to me because I’m saying yes. If you liked those things and I was screaming my safe word, that would not be ok, but that’s what a safe word is for - to tell you when I’m not ok.”
“I… w’ll, I know that. But I still feel like what I did was wrong. I don’t understand, I liked it at the time, but… I started thinking about it, and now…Whats wrong with me?”
“Nothing, babe, nothing at all. This happens sometimes, and it means you care about me, and you would never hurt me if I asked you to stop. This proves you’re a good person, not a bad one. This happens, a lot of people in your position can feel like this after they do some of what we did last night. It even has a name. It’s called ‘dom drop’.”
“It… it is?” Understanding and relief start to show on his face. You start to breathe again.
He’s relaxing, slowly, but steadily. “Did the others feel like this?”
You trace along his face scar. “I don’t know. They may have at some point, either last night or before, but if this isn’t their first time they probably have ways to care for themselves.” He nods, thinking. You stroke the side of his face, being sure to meet his eyes. “Babe, I’m sorry. There are things to watch out for, and I didn’t think of you in the moment at all. It was your first time, I should have checked in with you. I’m so sorry, and I’ll work to communicate with you so much more, starting right now.”
He looks at you, still hesitant, but nods before burying his head into your shoulder again.
You mentally kick yourself, feeling the gravity of your responsibility settle on you - this is the second time you left him in the dust. If you were going to make this work with all five of them, you needed to up your game - to make sure you took care of those who needed you at those junctures. And Wrecker needed you to pay more attention to guiding him - he was new to all of this.
No use beating yourself up. You didn’t know who would need what before, but now you do.
Time to make it right.
You kiss his head, willing his worries away. “What do you need right now, darling? Snuggles? Kisses? Closeness?” He nods, snuggling closer. You smile, settling into the security of his strength around you.
The silence is peaceful. You feel him breathing, heart slowing. You stroke his head, trailing kisses every few strokes. You feel him relax against you, tension releasing… but there’s still a sadness. Something isn’t quite right yet. You let your mind wander over what past lovers have liked, have asked for in their care.
 “Do you want to hear about what I liked last night?”
He looks up again in surprise - and nods. Good.
You smile, settling into him and the pillow while thinking back. “Hmm…I liked having you in my mouth while the other two were inside me.” He grins. 
You continue. “I liked when you spanked me - it felt so good to have you so big in me and spanking me at the same time. I want to do that again, if you do.” His eyes spark in interest, and you can feel something near your pelvis firm. 
“I like hearing you lose yourself and go hard with me - using me to cum like that. I liked how you didn’t let me cum, but you really wanted to. I always love feeling you cum inside of me, and what you said about wanting to push so far inside of me was SO hot.”
He gets bashful again. Interesting. “Yeah?”
You prop yourself up on one elbow, fingers tracing along his shoulders. “What did you like about last night?”
He swallows. “How hot you looked tied up like that. It was really… kriffing hot.”
You giggle in response. He smiles.
“When you choked on me because Echo fucked you so hard. That felt so good.”
“Oooo, I remember that. The look on your face was very attractive.”
He smiles. “I’m glad the boys made me wait, cause I really wanted to feel you cum, but then watching you cum so hard was really hot.” 
He pauses, then glances away while finding the words, rubbing the back of his neck.
“A-Also, uh… there was…uh… there was a moment where I thought something kind of weird, but it was really hot to think about?”
“OOooo, tell me,” you smile, shifting closer.
He keeps rubbing the back of his head. “It…um…”
He’s so kriffing cute. “I’m listening, darling, I want to hear about all the things that you like.”
He swallows, still not meeting your eyes. “I uh… I wanted to cum so hard in you that you… got pregnant.”
Your core tenses in excitement. Oh, say it isn’t so. “Oh really?”
“Y-yeah…” he looks back at you, words suddenly spilling out in a rush. “I’d never do that, I know you have, like, that thing that stops you from having babies, but the thought just popped into my head and it was really hot at the time and-”
Ooooh the Gods are good. “I think so, too.”
He blinks. “You do? It’s not weird?”
Your smile is coy. “No, it's something a fair amount of people like. Including me, at times.”
He gulps again - you feel the firm grow firmer. His voice sounds mildly strained. “But you can’t have babies right now.”
“That’s true,” you flirt, a finger tracing along his collar bone, “but we can pretend. You can fill me up so full and imagine what I look like when I have your baby growing in me. A cute little wrecking ball.”
Firmer still. You can feel his heart thumping in his chest. “Babe… thats…”
You smile, leaning in closer to him. “Do you want to try now? Want to try and cum in me so hard that you get me pregnant?”
He reflexively grips your hips, where his hand rests, bucking involuntarily. “Kriff yeah…"
His fingers trail down, pulling your leg up over his hip before moving behind your leg to trace over your slit, groaning as his fingers come away wet and sticky.
Your breath catches at the need in his eyes. “See how much I like the idea?”
He groans again, bucking up, fingers eagerly returning to push inside your entrance.
You wince at the sudden intrusion. “Gently, love, You all worked me over really well last night.”
He lightens up immediately. He slides one finger inside your slippery slit, thick and firm, curling against your walls, stroking your g-spot delicately. You clench around him, savoring the feeling of his loving care in your pleasure. He groans as he pulls his finger out again.
“FUCK babe… I’m sliding in so easily.” He pumps again, watching your face fastidiously. “Can you… take another?”
“Yes, oh yes.” Your hips buck, begging for more of him inside of you, thoughts running through your head of what you’re about to do. You start to ride his fingers while he moves inside you, meeting each other with each thrust. You hold behind his neck for support, eyes meeting his, begging him not to stop.
That sets something off in him, moving forward to latch his mouth onto where neck meets shoulder. “Kriff, that’s right mesh’la, ride my fingers. Want you so ready to take my cock. You want it so bad, don’t you?”
You whimper out a cry, riding his fingers as he pumps them into you. “Can’t wait to feel you fill me…”
He involuntarily bucks against your leg. “Fuck I’m going to cum so far into you. Can’t wait to fill you up till you’re leaking, make sure it takes.”
Fuck it’s so hot to hear him say that. “O-One more, Wrecker, I c-can take another.”
He slides in a third finger, finally giving you the same girth as he is, sliding himself down to suck pulses into your clit. 
“WRECker…” Your eyes fall back into your head, your head falls back between your propped arms, and you fuck along him for all your worth, riding the wave of the pleasure cresting from his pulses. 
“Oh babe I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”
“That’s right babe, cum for me, cum for me real good.” 
You feel yourself start to seize, riding his tongue as he pushes you through, eagerly licking up everything you’re releasing like its frickin’ candy.
You’re left panting - but still craving him. You whine a bit, bucking as he pulls his fingers away. You want so much more. You want what he said he’d give you.
Wrecker starts running your slick on his fingers over his hard length, already weeping precum. He bites back a groan, looking down at you with need, with… worry? Aww, the darling is checking in. Your heart swells.
“Babe, can I…”
You reach up to cup his cheek.“Yes, please yes. But kiss me when you push in? I’m afraid I’ll moan too loud…”
He kisses you deeply, sliding in so gently, both of you swallowing the other’s groans. HIs head falls to your chest as he breathes through the moment. 
“So kriffing tight. Fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight.”
“It's cause I want your cum, babe. I want it so bad.”
He groans, hips stuttering into yours, making you gasp, eyes rolling back.
“Can’t wait to give it to you,” he says, slowly starting to fuck into you. He puts his head to yours, one hand coming up to cup the side of your face. “Fill you up so good with my cum. Want to get you so big for me, kiss your belly, talk to our strong baby while you bounce on my cock. Tell them how beautiful their mom is.”
“Oh Wrecker…”Your voice comes out a moan, unable to think around his giant cock fucking into you.
His head falls to your shoulder, hips moving faster. “NNNnn I’m gonna cum, mesh’la. You ready for me? You ready for me to fill you up?”
You can barely form a thought, but the words just flow out of you. “Yes Wrecker, please. Please. Pump your cum inside me, honey, I want it so bad.”
He grips under your shoulder, holds your thigh against his hip, driving his full length inside your throbbing hole. “KRIFF. Take it then. Take it all. Nnn... NNN.”
He growls a groan as his hips stutter, releasing his seed what seems like an unnatural amount of times deep inside you, using his leverage to push in as far as he can.
He doesn’t stop, even as you feel him start to soften.
He groans. “Fuck, babe. FUCK. I want to keep going so bad, I don’t want to stop I’m still so horny.” 
You’re so on fire with need that you don’t skip a beat.“Then come here, big boy, and let me help you with that.”
He moves up the bed, offering you his slowly softening cock. Karking hell, you’re so hungry and desperate for more, you immediately take him as far as you can with one swift move. He cries out a swear - he’s so sensitive, but he wants it so bad, SO BAD. He fucks your mouth gently, watching his cock disappear down your throat. 
“Fuck, babe. That’s it. Just like that, getting me so hard again. I wanna fill you up more. So much more. Gonna make you cum this time too, so you strangle all my cum out of my cock, fill you up so good.”
You look up at him, watching him take you in, his eyes transfixed where your lips wrap around his cock.
“NNnnn could cum down your throat, fill you up from both ends,” he murmurs, almost to himself. You moan around him at the thought, making his hips stutter with a groan. “You’d like that, huh?”
You purposefully moan a yes, smirking internally as his eyes roll back.
“B-But I wanna make you cum too, feel you cum around my cock. Kriff, fuck I need to feel you cum on my cock.” He pulls out and away, clamping around the base for a moment while he breathes. As you sit up, wiping spit from your mouth, he picks you up and places you so your head is towards the other end of the bed, hooking your legs up with his elbows. He pushes into you hungrily, ravenous to feel you around him again, moaning along with your feverish cry. He starts to slowly fuck into you.
“WRECKer! Oh honey you feel so good.” You bring your hand down to play with your clit. “Wanna cum. Wanna cum while you’re fucking a baby into me.”
His hips speed up, spurred on by your rapturous cries. “That’s right mesh’la. Kriff. Milk me dry. Gonna be so full I put TWO babies in there. Gonna see you get so big. So big cause of me…”
Stars, you can FEEL how aroused he is, he’s so hard, so needy in his thrusts. “I’m so close, Wrecker, I’m so close. Fill me up while I cum for you. Give it to me, please.”
“Whatever you want, babe, anything you want.” His voice is desperate, his eyes feverish with need and arousal. “Fuck I’m gonna cum again. Take it all. Cum for me while you take it all. Kriff, kriff, KRIFF.”
You swear he pushes in so far he’s in your cervix. You feel each spurt of his spend coat your walls, fill your womb, leaving you sated and full, wishing, on some level, that this was real.
Wrecker falls to one elbow, panting, still propping himself up so as not to crush you, still shivering every few seconds as his orgasm racks him anew.
“B…Babe… that was… that was so…”
You put your head to his, your hand to his cheek, panting from the intensity of your orgasm. You feel your breath slow, leaning in and kissing him slowly, sensually, bringing him down on top of you. Your hands rove over his bald head, feeling the smooth skin under your fingertips. You pull back after a moment, laying back to look up at him while your fingers continue along his scar.
“Yeah,” He sighs in relief, head dropping to your shoulder as you giggle. “I’m gonna pull out, ok?”
“Ok.” You gasp a little as he gently pulls out, leaving you emptier than you were - but not by much. He turns towards the bathroom, presumably to get a towel - you gently grab his hand before he can.
“Wait. Don’t you want to see how full I am first?” You can’t help the mischievous smile dancing across your face.
He looks back at you, confused.
“Look,” you smile, laying back along the sheets, spreading your legs, hand trailing down to your lower lips - and parting them.
His widening eyes tell you he’s watching his seed brimming at your entrance, slowly trickling out of you. You clench, partly to emphasize the flow, partly because its so hot, watching him watch you like this.
He gulps, eyes glued to your pussy. “Babe, can I… do somethin’?”
“Yes,” you lilt, pulling your fingers away from your entrance.
He slides his thumb carefully over your slit, gathering some of the slick between your thighs. Eyes alight, he leans over you - and holds his thumb up to your lips. 
You smile at him, propping yourself up on your elbows, and without taking your eyes from his, you take his thumb into your mouth, tasting your combined juices, sucking him clean.
“You’re gonna get me hard again,” he groans, almost reluctantly.
You release his thumb with a smile.
“Good,” you purr, nuzzling against his hand, “because I think you promised to cum down my throat next? ‘Fill me up from both sides’?”
You see the shiver run through him.
“Kriff, babe. You’re gonna be the death of me,” he groans - right before climbing back on to his bed. 
A half hour later finds Wrecker between your thighs with a damp cloth, cleaning up the substantial mess he’s made after cumming twice more. He can’t bring himself to look, he really shouldn’t look, he’ll just get going again - and hes not sure he could take another round before his brothers come back, and they’d been nice enough to leave them alone this long. There would be - he shivers - more chances another time.
Besides, he wanted to hold you after that. 
Throwing the rag toward the end of his bed, he finds you snuggling extra close into his chest, filling him with warmth as he wraps his arms around you. Yeah, this was what he wanted.
“Mmmmm… that was everything.” You look up at him. “How are you, babe? How did you like that?”
“Great,” he grins - before his face falls into uncertainty. “Though I, uh, didn’t expect that to happen, you know…”
“I know, but I just loved the idea soooo much…” you nuzzle against his nose, his grin returning. Kriff, you made him feel like a cadet again, getting his first detonator. “Did that feel like what you needed?”
“Uh…” he thinks for a moment, trying to remember where he started. “Yeah… I think I… I just wanted to know you weren’t mad, or hurt or… somethin’ else. I liked feeling… like feeling close to you.” He (very) lightly squeezes you. “I like this.”
“Then lets do this if we try something intense like we did last night. I’ll make sure to come be close to you, and tell you how happy I am. Yes?”
He kisses the top of your head, feeling a knot unclench in his chest. “Yeah. I like the sound of that.”
He’s silent for a moment, taking it all in, thinking about last night, this morning, just now… comparing it to every other moment of comfort in his life. Were there any?
He looks down to where you’re snuggled against him. “Babe?”
He can feel your answering hum through his chest. “Hm?”
“Thanks… for taking care of me.”
You look up at him with those beautiful eyes and beautiful smile, the greatest gifts of all.
“Of course, honey,” you say quietly, kissing his chin. “It’s my pleasure.”
“Do you ever think about it? Having kids?”
The question seemed to come out of nowhere - you had spent the time waiting for the squad cuddling and talking about what other things you wanted to try together or with the others, making sure to listen for his wants and needs. A comfortable silence followed, each of you breathing in the other, until…
“Sometimes. Not a lot, since there’s no call for it right now, but I’ve thought about it.” You look up at him. “Why? Have you?”
“W’ll. Not, uh… not til now. But I… I really liked the idea of having a kid with you.” He won’t meet your eyes, he’s so bashful. Such a sweetheart. “Never thought of anything other than hanging with my brothers, but the thought was kinda… I dunno, nice.”
You smile up at him and kiss his nose, about to answer - and are suddenly overtaken by a huge yawn, your body relaxing into the warmth surrounding you. 
He grins. “Tired, huh?”
You grimace in embarrassment as you finish your yawn. “Mmm… yes. You aren’t?”
“Naw, too hungry. You go ahead and sleep, mesh’la.” He strokes your head and kisses your crown. “I’ll take care of you.”
You can’t help but smile into his chest, enjoying the warmth blooming in yours, letting your heavy eyelids close. “Wrecker…”
“I’m really happy.” You breathe him in and sigh out relief.
His hands pause midstroke, but his body stays relaxed.
“... me too, babe.” You can hear the beaming smile in his voice. “I’m really happy too.” He continues his stroking, gentle fingers lulling you to sleep…
-until the door slides open.
“Are you two done?”
Crosshair’s slithery voice is as sardonic as ever. You smirk, your eyes staying closed.
You feel a shift next to you as Wrecker twists to whisper over his shoulder. “Shhhh - yup. Feelin’ much better.”
“Good.” Tech’s voice is, of course, matter of fact, even while quiet. “We have brought food. There is a fair amount-”
“AlRIGHT.” Wrecker whispers in joy, jumps up out of bed, doubles back to pull the blankets over you and kiss you on the head, making you giggle, then heads to the table. “I’m STARVING!”
Hunter’s whisper is sharp. “You di’kut, put on some clothes before you eat.”
You slip off into sleep with a smile, listening to your boys doing what they do best, your heart full of gratitude for every single one.
Yours to care for, as long as you have them.
Earlier - The Mess Hall
“So where’s your medic?”
The four batchers look to the end of their table - where two clones with freshly painted armor stand, sneering. 
Tech adjusts his goggles, looking them up and down. “Tending to one of our teammates. He was not feeling well this morning, potentially due to our inoculations yesterday.”
“Why does it matter?” Crosshair’s hiss is sharp, but not quite dangerous. Yet.
The two smirk at each other before looking back to them. 
“Does she happen to be doing that on her back?” asks the one on the left with a mean grin.
All of their heads whip around, Crosshair, Tech, and Hunter tensed. Hunter’s eyes flash in warning. “Care to say that again, trooper?”
The left chuckles. “I think you heard me.”
The right elbows the left, indicating the group with his head. “Probably is. Probably needs it, if she was sniffing around our boys yesterday.” He looks back to the seething squad. “What's the matter? Your squad can’t keep one woman satisfied?”
“That’s enough.”
Echo stands where he is, staring down the other two. In this moment, the others can see his power shine through - this man was an ARC trooper, decorated for his many exemplary missions, a survivor from behind enemy lines, and back out in the field for brothers and Republic. 
And he was irritated.
“I don’t know why you weren’t taught any manners back on Kamino. Maybe you were too distracted by your own insecurities that day.”
The two clones stiffen, slowly bristling- but Echo isn’t done.
“It doesn’t kriffing matter what she does in her private life,” he continues, eyes daring them to interrupt him. “What matters is she’s a trooper, like all of us. She puts her life on the line; fights the same battles we do, without enhanced abilities. She shows up, she works hard, and she cares for a bunch of clones like us, treats us like people,” He punches the table for emphasis, making the regs jump into a defensive stance, “so what else do you really need to know about her?”
The two regs stand, stunned, glancing at each other to think of a comeback- but there isn’t one.
“We all care about her as a member of our squad- so if you’re here to cause her trouble, then we have a problem. Now.” Echo leans forward, hand on the table, his voice getting very low.  “Is there something else you would like to say to us, vode?”
“Oh I think they’ve said enough.” Squad and regs turn to see Captain Case, helmet on, arms crossed. The two reg troopers jump to attention. 
“Mel. Felbourn. Not really showing our battalion in the best light, are ya? I think you owe their medic an apology.” His voice sounds dangerous through the vocoder. “After you finish scrubbing all the public freshers on the ship. Top. To. Bottom.”
“Sir yes sir!” The regs say in unison, stiff as boards.
“Dismissed,” the Captain waves, the two clones hurrying off and away with nary a mumble.
Hunter sits back at the table, turning to face Case. He looks over the Captain with a suspicious gratitude. “You didn’t need to do that.”
They can hear the Captain’s smirk. “I did, actually. They’re my men- and if no one has ‘taught them manners’, well, I’d better start now.”
He takes off his helmet and tucks it under his arm, shaking out his hair a little. “So, did I hear your medic isn’t feeling well?”
“No,” Tech corrects, of course. “Our demolition’s expert was not feeling well, so naturally our medic stayed behind to monitor any potential complications.”
Captain Case winces. “Ah, sorry to hear that. Though I’m not surprised, those inoculations are still new enough. Never know the side effects-”
“Why did you step in?” Crosshair interrupts, voice low and suspicious, glaring over at the reg Captain. “If you’re expecting to get to her through us, you’re wrong.”
Case blinks a few times, then chuckles. “Is that what you think that was?” He shakes his head, saying almost to himself. “You’ve all been hanging around the wrong vode.” 
He looks back up at them, meeting all of their eyes. “Rex and Cody speak highly of you boys, and they don’t do that lightly. Anyone who has earned their respect… well, is definitely worthy of mine.”
He turns to leave. “I’ll leave you to your breakfast. Just know…” he flashes a cheeky grin at them, making eye contact with Hunter. “A girl like that? Make sure to take good care of her.”
Hunter smirks. He supposes he likes this reg after all. 
“You can count on it.”
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samcurrentlywriting · 4 months
Outside our comfort zone
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Summary: The Bad Batch are still cadets, and need to prove themselves worthy of the money and efforts the Kaminoans spend for them. So, one day, Tech decides to modify the parameters for the battle simulation.
Word count: 1610
Prompts: "Injured" (main prompt) & "Comfort zone" (alt prompt)
Notes: This is a very quick soft cadet au story that kind of fits both prompts! I hope you enjoy!! (Banners & dividers by @summer-of-bad-batch)
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Crosshair is crawling like a snake in the ventilation shaft, an activity he has found himself doing more and more often. He is silent and agile, and likes to watch people when they can’t see him. Usually, he just tries to spy on regs that were mean to his brothers, and then spills all their secrets. But that day, he sees Nala Se, the chief Kaminoan scientist, and Lama Su, the prime minister, walking together to her office, and the young clone cannot stop himself from following them. 
By the time he reaches the best position to eavesdrop, they have already begun talking. 
“Clone Force 99 is too costly, and not efficient enough to be worth the effort.”
“They will improve, but they need training. The work we have done on their enhanced abilities is of utmost importance. We need to test its limits.”
Crosshair swallows. He’s glad he followed his instincts. They’re talking about his squad. And not positively. The clone cadet sighs. They have been trying their best. But between the constant bullying from the regs and the countless medical tests they are always doing, they barely have any time to practice their combat techniques. 
“Their efficiency is too limited. They’re unpredictable, and therefore dangerous, we don’t know how much their mutations have impacted their programming.”
Nala Se tries to say something, but Lama Su cuts her short:
“Unless you can get them to expand their comfort zone, I’m afraid we will have to cease this experiment and terminate all the specimens.”
Crosshair’s heart skips a beat, and he doesn’t wait to hear if Nala Se defends them. He needs to go back to their quarters. 
When he opens the door, he is relieved to see his brothers doing ok. Wrecker is working on disarming some smoke bombs Tech made for him. Tech is lying in his bed, eyes riveted to his datapad. Hunter is playing with his knife in the center of the room, looking in the void. As soon as Crosshair enters, Hunter stands up to greet him, and frowns when he notices how disturbed his youngest brother looks. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I overheard the prime minister talking to Nala Se. He said that we’re not good enough to continue the experience. That we stay in our comfort zone during training, and that it’s too narrow, and that we’re unpredictable. If we don’t get better, they’re going to kill us!”
“They can’t do this! We’re already so much better than the regs!” Wrecker shouts, flexing his muscles. 
Hunter doesn’t say anything, but he holds Crosshair in his arms. The youngest clone is already taller than him, but he knows sometimes all Crosshair needs is reassurance, and feeling protected. 
“What do you suggest, Tech?” He asks once he’s let go of Crosshair.
The second-born readjusts his goggles. 
“We have another training session tomorrow morning. Nala Se always sets up the parameters so that they are quite easy. I suppose she is worried about damaging us, since she spent so much time researching us. However, I could hack into the system and change the parameters, making the simulation harder. If we pass, we will have proven that we can, in fact, go beyond our comfort zone, as he put it.”
The four brothers look at each other, a silent agreement forming between them. 
“Do it, Tech.”
“Don’t kill us either.” Crosshair grunts, suddenly feeling sick. 
What if Lama Su is right? What if they aren’t good enough? 
“There’s nothin’ in this facility that can kill us, ah!” Wrecker replies, before going back to his smoke bomb. 
“We need to plan strategies.” Hunter dictates. 
They spend most of the night preparing different plans depending on the situation. When they go to sleep, they’re all so tired they fall asleep immediately. 
The next morning, they all wake up a bit giddy, worried that this is their last chance to prove their worth. Tech works on his datapad for a little while, before confirming that the parameters of their simulation have been successfully changed. Hunter gives them a little pep talk before they go for breakfast in the mess hall. Luckily, this is one of the few mornings where the regs have better things to do than to bully them. They go back to their quarters to gear up, and walk to the simulation room. They step onto the elevating platform, and wait for their turn. They can hear blaster sounds and shouts from the group before them. 
Hunter frowns. They’re the only ones this age going for the simulation room. They are better than the regs. But he assumes the constant medical testing and the general process of making them were expensive. Being better than the regs isn’t enough for them. They need to be profitable. 
A green light flashes above their heads, and they brace themselves for the short way up. The platform shakes and begins its ascension. They enter the large simulation room, and catch a glimpse of the very much adult clones leaving the place. The members of Clone Force 99 look barely older than twelve. Hunter breathes in deeply, then nodds to all his brothers. They can do this. In front of them, a red light turns on, and then a blue one. They spring into action. 
Two seconds into the simulation, and they realize how different it already is. There are way more droids than usual, and they fire a lot. Hunter breathes in once more. When he’s calm and collected, he shouts:
“Plan forty-three!”
The four of them spring in action. Last night wasn’t the first time they devised plans. They heard a sergeant talk about a plan alpha once, and Tech thought it was a great idea to catalog all their strategies. Wrecker had the hardest time remembering the numbers, but he could guess which plan it was as soon as he saw how his brothers moved. 
Crosshair climbs quickly on a nearby tower, avoiding the blasts from the droids below him. Hunter attacks the droids from the left, Tech from the right, and Wrecker runs through them in the center. They move to the second half of the room within minutes. 
There is a tower they need to conquer. Hunter can feel there is an electromagnetic field protecting it, though he can’t see it. He signs at Crosshair, still on the tower:
There is a magnetic field, find the lever and deactivate it.
Copy that, the youngest clone signs back. 
More droids advance to their position, and they need to move if they don’t want to be caught. They hear Crosshair shooting behind them, and Hunter feels the magnetic field disappearing. 
“Forward!” He yells. 
They attack the droids standing in their way. Crosshair tries to take down as many as he can from where he is, but quickly realizes that he and his brothers are overwhelmed. Tech set the parameters too high. They aren’t good enough. 
As if he has heard him, Tech turns to Crosshair and shows the tower canons with his hands. Crosshair nods and shoots these down one by one. 
Down on the battlefield, Wrecker suddenly comes up with an idea. 
“Tech, I’m gonna throw you towards the tower, and you can climb the rest.”
“This is too dangerous, you will not be able to defend yourself during this time, and risk getting shot.” Tech retorts. 
“I got Crosshair and Hunter to protect me. We don’t have time to argue!” He adds when Tech raises his index and opens his mouth. 
Hunter, who hears them despite the racket, places his back to Wrecker, both his training guns pointed to the droids. 
Wrecker drops his gun, seizes Tech under the armpits and throws him with all his might to the tower, making him arrive about two thirds of its height. But as he hurls his brother, he feels a sudden pain in his back. He grunts, reaches for his gun and starts aggressively shooting all the droids around him. He knows this is a training, but the pain is very much real, and it burns him. Suddenly, all the droids stop moving, and he sees Tech waving from the top of the tower.
“Yeah Tech!”
He high-fives Hunter, who’s bearing a beaming smile. Immediately, he feels the pain in his back and falls to his knees. Crosshair and Tech run to him. 
“You are injured. I told you that would happen.” Tech teased.
“You need a medic.” Crosshair whispers, frowning. 
A kaminoan droid guides them outside the room, to the medical bay. There, another droid applies cold gel in the burnt area on Wrecker’s back. 
“Wounds like these are not supposed to occur during your training sessions. It appears the strength parameters were tampered with. Do you want me to file a report?”
The four brothers glance at each other before shouting at the same time:
“No, no need!”
The droid leaves them alone in the room. They’re soaked in sweat, bruised, but happy. They made it! They didn’t even know they had it in them. 
There is a knock on the door. They straighten. Lama Su and Nala Se enter the room, in that slow kaminoan fashion. 
“That was an impressive display.” The prime minister says. 
Nala Se stares at Tech, but her face is hard to read. Even Hunter cannot tell whether she is angry, or pleased, or simply doesn’t care. 
“Once CT-9903 recovers from his light injury, you will begin the second phase of your training.” The chief scientist added, before leaving them alone once more. 
They all smile and squirm with excitement. They can’t wait to go to a real battlefield, and fight off some real droids.
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Ok, I know that I already reblogged @antianakin's post about why Anakin didn't need to murder an entire Tusken village because 2-3 of them killed his mom (original post here), but I just feel the need to talk about one of the most damning examples of why Anakin has no excuse for that response.
Post Order 66 Jedi/Clone interactions.
Let's just say, for the sake of the argument, that the entirety of the Tusken village--including the literal babies and children--all took part in the torture/murder of Shimi Skywalker. No exceptions.
Anakin's response to his mother's death is to murder everyone with no remorse or a second thought. Even when he confesses what he did to Padme, the RotS novel clearly shows that he doesn't actually feel bad about what he did. Most of his worry is about what others will think of him and, ironically, about how he's a "good Jedi" that should be better than this.
Now let's move on...
Every clone took part in Order 66 in some way.*
The clones murdered every single Jedi they could in cold blood (albeit without a choice), including the children, with only a miniscule few survivors. How many do we canonically have right now that didn't get captured and become Inquisitors? Obi-Wan, Quinlan, Cal, Caleb/Kanan, and Gungi are all I can think of at the moment.** That's 5 Jedi, out of thousands, that survived--and that's not even mentioning the destruction of their places of worship/cultural artifacts and the shitty propaganda spread about their culture.
* I'm not including the Bad Batch because, my own opinions about the show/characters/writing/etc. aside, we can all agree that the only reason their chips didn't activate was because they're Filoni's beloved OCs and he has a habit of trying to make his OCs "special" in some way.
** I'm not including Ahsoka in this because, like she says repeatedly as of Season 7 of TCW onward, she isn't a Jedi and doesn't see herself as such--and for the same reason I'm not including Grogu, since he's like...a Mandalorian apprentice now and not technically a Jedi. I'm also not including Luminara because she eventually gets captured and killed pretty early on and I'm trying to only include Jedi that are alive for a significant amount of time in the Imperial Era.
So, how do the Jedi treat the clones after they murder their entire family and destroy their culture? Let's look!
Example One:
Obi-Wan Kenobi never learns about the inhibitor chips, as of current canon. He is 100% under the impression that Cody and the 212th (as well as all of the other clones) just up and betrayed him and the Order for no reason. He also watched the security tapes that, yes, showed Anakin killing children, but also would have shown the clones killing Jedi as well.
In the Kenobi show he runs into a clone veteran of the 501st--a veteran who, in all likelihood, probably stormed the Temple and was a part of its destruction.
Does he spit in the clone's face? Call him a murderer? Kill or harm him in any way?
He gives the veteran some of his credits, even though it's made a point in the show that Obi-Wan is now working with limited funds and is very poor at this point in time. He doesn't have credits to spare and he is supposed to be looking for Leia, but he takes a moment to give some to someone who took part in the genocide of his people.
He also routinely thinks about Cody and the 212th in the comics! He remembers them fondly and still connects Cody to the feeling of hope, even though they tried to kill him! Even though he has no idea that they never wanted to!
Example Two:
Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume knows about the inhibitor chips, but in Rebels it's made very clear that he thinks that it's just something the clones made up so that they didn't have to take responsibility for their actions.
In Rebels, Ahsoka makes the (objectively bad) decision to send Kanan out to find her "old friends" to help the rebellion.*** Kanan then finds out that her "old friends" are three clones, only after he gets there and sees them. He reacts in a panic and ignites his saber, clearly freaking out a bit.
*** I'll probably expand on this later, because I have a lot of opinions on this particular decision of hers, but anyway-
Does he try to hurt and/or kill them? Do they have to fight him off? Does he even lunge in their direction or deflect Wolffe's blaster bolt at him?
Again, nope!
He steps in front of Ezra in a defensive position and, when shot at by Wolffe, deflects the bolt into their ship. Then, when Ezra steps in and says that Ahsoka said to trust them, Kanan de-ignites his saber and they all have a conversation about them helping in the rebellion--even though Kanan clearly doesn't trust them at all and is dealing with his PTSD while being there. Eventually he even comes to get along with/trust Rex, albeit in later episodes.
Example Three:
Gungi, in the Bad Batch, meets up with the Batch and immediately recognizes them as clones. Now, we don't know his opinion on them and their betrayal because it's never really expressed, but it's safe to assume that he has no idea about the chips (at least, until Tech tells him) and it's clear that he's very scared at that point in time.
What does he do?
He hides in the corner of the ship and is wary about the food they offer to him.
That's literally it.
And then later in the episode he works together with TBB and trusts them enough to let them help defend his village.
So, even with most of the Jedi either having no idea about the chips or likely doubting that story, we're shown over and over again that the Jedi never seek revenge against the clones or try to kill them after Order 66. Even though their lives were ruined by what the clones did/took part in, they're never shown to be actively trying to cause them harm.
So there is literally no way you could possibly justify Anakin killing an entire village of Tuskens because of his mother's death, when--in arguably the same/a worse situation--the Jedi are actively shown not doing that.
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raayllum · 3 months
I've been thinking about the two-headed snake from the beginning of the show, and the Law of Chekhov's Gun is telling me that it's going to be coming back and causing problems sooner or later. Thought/theories?
The soul switching spell is definitely one of the most interesting plot and thematic elements the show has introduced and it looms over most of the fandom's thoughts regularly, I think. So let's go over it:
Obviously the biggest question here is "did Viren use the soul fang serpent to successfully switch Harrow's soul with Pip?", which people have speculated for years with about the same information (s1-s2) until s5 recently kicked things up a notch in terms of like having something new to turn over. @kradogsrats has a great meta here in regards to what exactly we can glean from 5x02 and how it may re-contextualize what we already 'know'. I highly recommend giving it a read.
That said, two things are true to me regarding the "is Harrow in Pip" theory:
Something happened in that room
Harrow is not going to come back
With these in mind, it's important to note that we know that TDP develops its seasons in batches simultaneously. The team didn't go from s1 to s2 to s3, but instead developed all three around the same time. Obviously production and some stuff was going around in order, but the only decisions that have been noted as changing was 1) Callum and Rayla were decided upon being a couple when storyboarding 2x04 as it wasn't originally in the cards and 2) Ezran going back to Katolis at the end of S2 was a surprise.
I make note of this because season two is absolutely the last point in show where you could angle things so that a Harrow who survived in Pip could come back and it wouldn't be Fucking Weird, basically. This is for two reasons:
1) We spend a good chunk of the season worrying about what the boys will do when they find out and actively mourning Harrow, with only one episode (2x07) not touching on it at all. That is a lot of time to spend on a character death you're going to ultimately undo. Conversely, we get less episodes dedicated to Rayla's relationship with her parents (1x05, 3x03, 3x08) in the first arc because it is widely implied that she's going to get them back; no point seeing her heavily mourn them when that's going to get reneged.
2) Harrow coming back wouldn't have much of a plot or character standpoint on the bulk of the trio — Callum largely received his dad/family related closure back in S2 and it'd let Runaan off the hook, so his and Rayla's relationship would be easier, not harder — but it'd nuke Ezran from both an emotional and a plot standpoint. His main arc is intrinsic to being royalty of a prince-turned-king, pushing him to make more decisions and figure out how to manage the difficult road to peace.
If Harrow comes back, he'd either stay on as an advisor (but that'd still kinda take weight off Ezran's shoulders that's currently there and arguably should be) or step away, leaving his young son to shoulder it alone. The first lessens Ezran's emotional poignancy within the theme(s)/show, and the second makes Harrow like, a bad father in ways he absolutely never was in life.
As pointed out in Krads' meta, Viren is likewise surprised when he sees Harrow alive and well in his 5x02 dream, and we get this exchange:
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While we could read Harrow's initial "Surprised to see me" (because if the show points something out in dialogue, they really want you to Know) as "surprised to see me [out of the bird]" the show itself quickly does away with that reading. Viren is surprised that Harrow's survived, period. That doesn't bode well for "Viren is 110% sure that he, himself, put Harrow 100% into that damn bird". But like I said, something had to have happened, and Viren's behaviour with Pip is real fucking weird otherwise if he didn't at least try for something.
[ Side note: I also think it's worth noting what, exactly, is happening in the initial stages of Viren's dream with Harrow. This is decidedly not real Harrow, but the Harrow Viren wished for: someone who would not only forgive him, but embrace his dark magic use (aka him) rather than reject it. Not only is Harrow here alive because of Viren, but this Harrow loves Viren for what he did, and accepts Viren's act of devotion not only as one of family, but reciprocates it: "You're not just a servant. You're my family. You're a brother."
And Viren, for his part, is giving the reasonings behind Harrow's refusal ("I was frightened" / "They were coming to kill you") on both ends, without actually addressing the dark magic elephant sized rift in the room, still citing that it was about circumstance rather than principle or perspective. Moving on. ]
Remember how I said S2 was the last possible point things could've been shifted to accommodate a "Harrow comes back in full" plotline (most likely)? Yeah, well the other side of that is that S2 is the last time the show could've accommodated a retcon of "Viren didn't do anything to Harrow, actually, at all" the way that fans have often implied, and it's largely because of this otherwise very unnecessary scene all the way in 2x09 (in which other changes, like Ezran turning to go home, and Rayllum's romantic route, had been more than well decided):
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This to me is the singular biggest sign that something did happen, and it's something we will uncover in the future, because otherwise, there is literally No Reason to not have Pip in Katolis upon Ezran's return. If the writing team truly intended to fully nullify Viren and 'retcon' the Harrow-bird situation, keeping Pip in Katolis and having him interact visibly and non-life alteringly with Ezran was the way to do it. But Pip has been MIA since 2x09 and has not interacted with anyone other than Viren since 1x04, and so it remains a Mystery that, likewise, the 5x02 Harrow dream went to completely unnecessary stakes to remind you of Pip's existence in the first place.
Moreover, you simply do not have a main character who can Talk to Animals (a power that outside his connection with Zym has not been incredibly plot relevant in ways that couldn't otherwise be achieved since like... 1x08-1x09 itself) and then Remove an animal he could talk to unless you decidedly Do Not (or cannot) have that conversation happen yet.
Which reaffirms what I said earlier: we can be 100% sure that something happened, and we can be at least 95% sure that Harrow is not being fully brought back in order to not lose narrative weight to Viren and Runaan's responsibility in his death and in Ezran's series' long arc.
So what did happen?
One possible answer (that I've posited, of course there are many) is that Harrow's soul got split in two.
We've seen people be separated from what would let them 'go on' before (Sarai's last breath yelling no as her spear sinks into Avizandum's chest; the Moonshadow assassin troupe in TTM). This would allow for a part of Harrow to exist in his own body (since there's a hot second between the spell being over and when Runaan's binding falls, though that might just be linked to bodies > souls, but the Lotus flowers are clearly linked to souls, so...?) and for part to exist in Pip. Pip could offer a solace and goodbye, that part of Harrow ultimately needs to be freed (literally) and left to be at peace, which could be effective and tie in both Ezran and Callum's emotional needs about their father.
Of course, this is all speculation. Harrow could be brought back as an advisor after everything, helping but not telling Ezran how to rule because the new generation should pave the way; something else could've been put into Pip entirely that we just don't have the Star or Deep magic context for.
Thematically and symbolically though, I think a lot of the actual concept of "switch souls with somebody else" > actual Pip-Harrow plot line has been brought back somewhat in full already, so let's talk about it.
Theme / Symbolism
The switching spell is, textually, a warped collision of Callum and Claudia's brains, and we see it repeatedly echo throughout both their arcs from S1-S5:
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Some of this is quick-paced and obvious, such as when Callum literally switches places later just this episode and says he's Ezran, preparing to die in Ezran's place. (This is one of the reasons Callum, Claudia, and Viren circle each other so closely in the series; not only are they our three primary mages; Viren and Harrow's rift happens indirectly on Viren's end, after all, because of Callum and Claudia's collision here.)
Some of this is more of a slowburn — Claudia, collapsing on the floor and clearly having done a number on herself to spare her brother; Rayla with Callum's scarf to make Sol Regem chase her instead; Callum, taking Finnegrin's deal that was originally to set himself free in hopes he'll let Rayla go — or taken onto the shoulders of other characters (Ezran and Viren's literal king exchange in 3x04) simply because the idea of Exchange is so intrinsic to the series and to dark magic use in particular. Sometimes transactional, sometimes selfless, occasionally necessary in the eye of the beholder.
However, in a more literal sense, it sets up the series' long association of dark magic with snakes, and all that comes with it (poison, losing your soul, knowledge, chains, etc):
When Callum does dark magic, he's crushing a snake's rattle tail, a literal warning sign. Claudia for the entire first arc has a literal (snake) chain on her wrist that she uses for dark magic. The fact that the series routinely uses Christian symbolism for its villains (Aaravos eating an apple, Viren dying and being resurrected, sacrificing your "only beloved son" etc etc) only heightens this more negative association.
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We also get mentions from the Book 2 novelization that the true sight serum Viren uses to try to see the mirror is 1) inherited from Kpp'Ar, which never bodes well and 2) made from the venom of eyeless vipers under moonless nights by the Oracles of Ophidia, just to double down on the "snake shit obscures your sight with dark magic and madness" angle.
But at the end of the day, thus far, snakes are just a symbol.
The more interesting way the soul-switching spell has come full circle though, already, through the possession plotline. Case in point:
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Aaravos sets up his pawns to suffer and take the fall for him in the past (Ziard) and present (Claudia). He's hidden within Viren's body before (3x07 siege of Lux Aurea). He takes this to be a more literal, threatening embodiment through his possession of Callum. His soul and will overtakes Callum's body. Callum asks to die so Aaravos can't use him; in this lens, Callum will be dying for not just Aaravos' mistakes, but Aaravos' choices. Aaravos will 'hide' inside Callum's body and enact his will through it, and it'll lead to bloodshed either of Callum or of Rayla (or both) inevitably while Aaravos, in S6, will presumably get off scot free. (To be clear, Callum's not going to die, but this is the idea/risk of the concept and one of the reasons why it's so terrible.)
Which makes sense, honestly. The soul switch spell is the first real dark magic spell we get to see the context for, as Ziard's 1x01 spell takes time (3x01) as well as the moral reservations against. It just makes sense that Aaravos, the 'originator' of dark magic for lack of a better understanding, would then take said spell to its natural conclusion in which case even the consent of the vessel isn't just violated, but completely terminated and disregarded. Because, y'know — dark magic is awful, and it always has been.
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dawn-moths · 1 year
Hi can i have number 27 with cerulean gaze touya please?
you can absolutely have #27 with cerulean gaze touya ☺️
prompt: kissing to make them stop talking
character: dabi/touya (boku no hero academia // a storm pairs well with a cerulean gaze)
words: 2000+
content warning: 18+ content! minors please dni! reference to past trauma/ptsd, a very messy and passionate kiss.
“You’re late,” you say the moment you hear the front door to your tiny apartment swing open with a short creak, sticking a little before being forced the rest of the way closed as the cheap wood swells with the summer’s humidity. You hope your words come out sounding annoyed with a tiny flicker of anger, but your true emotions betray you.
Because you were so worried— have been sitting on the couch anxiously counting each ticking of the wall clock with your mind scurrying off to all the worst case scenarios it can think of— ever since it passed over an hour since Touya had texted you that he was on his way home from work.
It normally only took him fifteen minutes to get home if he didn’t have any quick on-the-way stops to make, speeding back to you on his old, beat up bike, looking forward to seeing your comfortingly familiar face each and every time, always drawn back into your orbit no matter how far he traveled.
And you had been lucky, for the most part, that nothing had followed Touya from his old life to sink its fangs into the new one you two shared. No ghosts hunting him and eager to haunt his mundane peace ever since he’d let Dabi sink to the bottom of the bay, brushed the ash from his hands, and walked away.
But that didn’t mean that you still didn’t worry.
Because sometimes, when he was running late or took too long to respond or wouldn’t pick up your calls, one of those little demons with tiny, razor claws still embedded like a thorn in your memory hissed out an eerie reminder of, “What if something terrible has happened? What if tonight’s the night he doesn’t come home?”
“Shit— I know, sorry…” Touya quickly apologized, kicking off his boots and hanging his motorcycle helmet on its usual hook on the wall beside the door, tossing his jacket onto the back of the kitchen chair just a few feet away. You don’t turn to face him as you hear the jingling of keys shoved hastily into his pocket and his footsteps hurrying over to the couch, can barely convince yourself to look up into those striking cerulean eyes as he stands before you and continues with only slightly less urgency, “Right as I was about to close up the owner came by and said he had to run through some of next week’s shipment details with me…”
You’re trying to make him feel guilty, though usually in the aftermath you’re able to realize how unfair that is, but you can’t help it. You still won’t look at him, though it has less to do with the fact you were trying to drive home your displeasure with his actions and more so that, if you did, you knew there was a very good chance you’d end up crying right now.
Because you just couldn’t get the image out of your head— the visual of one of Chisaki’s guys trailing Touya on his bike and pulling up beside him as he parked in the spot reserved for him outside the complex, the fatal gunshot ringing out from beyond the window, your boyfriend’s body crumpled on the concrete in a blossoming puddle of blood as you gaze down at it from above— or another past enemy out for revenge, walking into the little coffee shop Touya loved working at so much with all its handcrafted mugs made by local artists and all the nutty, smoky, herbal scents of the freshest batch brewed, recognizing Touya’s distinct face— the face he used to share with Dabi, back when he’d gone by that name— and stabbing him at the register, leaving his body slumped behind the counter where he probably wouldn’t be found till the next morning.
They were visions that infected your dreams, poisoning you from the inside out and sometimes leaving you a trembling, terrified husk of yourself as you wept and hyperventilated, curled in on yourself in the empty bathtub or under every blanket on the bed as the trauma you’d sustained from back then sank its vicious, gnashing teeth into the fleshy, vulnerable parts of your mind.
Sometimes Touya was there to help you through these episodes, help you out of them, whether with his arms around you or just with his voice coming out slightly tinny through the speakers of your phone. Sometimes you had to ride it out until he returned home and either found you caught in the middle or lingering in the aftermath, eyes glassy and hollow and cheeks still streaked with the evidence of dried salt.
And in the end, he’d convince you that everything was alright. That he was alright. And that, so long as he had you, he always would be.
But it turned out it didn’t even take looking at him this time to cause tears to well and spill from your eyes, shallow breaths silently hitching in your chest as your greatest fears won yet another battle inside of your brain.
“Hey, hey…” Touya was crouched before you now, both of his big, slender, tattooed hands resting on your upper thighs, gently kneading them with reassurance as he reminded you, “It’s ok… I’m right here… I’m right here, I got you… Hey…”
You flung your arms around him, pulling him closer as you continued to cry into his shoulder, breathing in his scent of coffee and campfire smoke with the smallest twinge of nicotine and feeling just a little bit calmer for it.
“When you don’t come home on time I—” you choked out, your voice reduced to a feeble squeak as you squeezed your eyes shut and drew in a deep breath, exhaling it with a shudder. “I just worry that— I get scared that— What if—”
You couldn’t seem to speak any of those grim possibilities into existence, afraid saying them out loud would make them so, sputtering out half sentences until all your words turned so frantic they ceased to make any sense at all.
“Hey…” Touya was cupping your face in his hands now, gazing deep into your bloodshot eyes, searching for something, or perhaps trying to lead you out from your own treacherous fog. “I’m ok,” he repeated, leaning forward to press his forehead to yours and dropping his voice to a placating whisper. “I’m right here. We’re together in the apartment. Nothing bad has happened. We’re both ok…”
Things seemed to stay like that for a long time, just the two of you gently pressing foreheads until your breathing slowed and your tears ceased to fall. All the while, Touya was stroking your jaw with the calloused pad of his thumb in slow, soothing motions, quietly shushing you and repeating his affirmations of safety until you seemed to come back to him, come back to yourself.
“There we go…” he said with a sliver of a smile as he pulled back just far enough for you to lock eyes with him again. “There she is, that’s my girl… You’re ok, see…?”
And you believed him now, believed that the two of you were safe so long as you had each other, and almost was able to manage a crooked grin of your own until suddenly a new wave of your initial anger ignited in your chest again, a slight scowl twitching back onto your brow.
“You need to let me know next time you get caught up,” you told him. “Please, Touya. Just a simple text will do. It’s just— It’s torture sitting here thinking something bad happened to you when so much time has gone by. Please, please, I—”
Before you could say another word, Touya’s mouth was locking onto yours, his tongue teasing at the seam of your lips until you obediently parted them for him, flooded by the familiar heat of his kiss.
He could be so passionate sometimes, striking a match within you and tossing it to the dry brush of your ivory bones until your entire being was alight with a raging wildfire, both of you frantically grabbing for each other, being pushed up against doors or walls or counters, fingers tangling in and pulling hair, nails raking down backs, gasping and moaning and aching with pleasure, that neither of you could escape the blaze.
Other times, like right now, he knew how to let his love burn like a candle, flame slowly eating down the brittle wick inside of you as the sweet, sticky feeling of arousal pooled molten in your belly, coating your veins in a tender, honey-dipped kind of desire.
No matter if you were cross at him or craving him, the second method worked each and every time. And pretty soon, all you’d be able to focus on was just how much your body wanted his, all other thoughts reduced to delicate, snowy ash and blown away by the breeze.
“Tou—!” you attempted to say as you drew in a gasp of air, but he only gave you half a second to catch your breath before going back for more, nipping at your bottom lip and giving the plush, sensitive flesh a light tug, letting you feel him smirk against your lips as he hummed out a note of mischievous amusement after you let out a startled squeak.
And you were positively melting into him now, letting out muffled moans that he swallowed down with each new, languid lick into your sweet little mouth. You couldn’t resist the taste of each other, his flavor being the dark, bitter kind laced with something subtly spicy, while yours was light and fresh and just the tiniest bit sweet with the piece of hard candy you’d sucked on after dinner, saliva exchanging between the two of you until your two distinct flavors merged into the one that only you and Touya had ever tasted.
Touya was addicted your soft little mewls and delightfully adorable whimpers as he deepened the kiss, and you couldn’t get enough of his lilting, smoky hums, both of you memorizing the map of each other’s mouths, the ridges of each other’s tongues, the shape of each other’s teeth, and pretty soon you couldn’t even remember what you’d been so mad about in the first place.
Because here, like this, there were no worries, no sorrows, no traumas to chase away.
There was only his careful hands, now beginning to find their way to the hem of your shirt and making your stomach flinch as they ghosted over your skin, and his ever present warmth and the skillful way his mouth knew exactly what to do to make more of that sickly sweet desire roll over inside of you.
The next time he pulled back to admire your flushed face, a thin strand of saliva bowing and snapping between your mouths, Touya licking it up as he combed his long fingers through a few loose tangles in your hair and admiring the way your split-slick lips shone under the dim lamplight, he knew his apology had at least been a little bit accepted.
However, the way your pupils were blown wide with want and your eager little hands threaded through the inky tufts at the base of his skull and gave a tiny, impatient tug told Touya that he’d probably have to do a lot more than just kiss you after making you wait so long.
“I promise to text you next time,” he said, sounding truly sorry that time, though still couldn’t help but flash just a spark of a smug smirk at your disheveled state.
You gave his cheek a light, loving nudge with your nose, your anger dissolving like sugar in water, and replied in a hushed tone, “You better…” before beginning to press more soft pecks to his jaw.
But then Touya’s hands were finding purchase under your soft thighs, lifting you from the sofa as he stood, cradling you in his lithe grasp and starting for the bedroom.
He gave your neck a teasing, featherlight kiss when you tried to nuzzle into him further and said through a breathy chuckle, “Don’t believe me? Well, then I guess I’ll just have to show you how sorry I am.”
Needless to say, after tonight, he’d be fully forgiven. Though, he didn’t think you’d mind so much if he ever made the same mistake again in the future and had to apologize.
send me a number from this prompt list + one of the characters i write for and i’ll write a short lil something for you 💕
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velvetvexations · 1 day
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But they still use the n-word, anon. They still use the n-word. Yet you think that years and years ago they were so worried about being "challenged" on grounds of transphobia ("transmisogyny" was not in widespread use at the time) that they felt the need to change their language? Even though they still, to this day, use the n-word.
You're an idiot.
And yes, actually, GNC boys who present in a feminine matter does affect things! You can't seriously pretend that every single depiction of an AMAB person wearing women's clothing could only ever possibly be a trans woman or based on trans women. That's not only ahistorical and erases real people right in front of you, but it also gets fucking racist as hell when you start imposing that view on other countries. Did you know, for instance, that "kathoey", the term "ladyboy" is a translation of, is generally used by people who self-identify as men? Because I'm guessing the answer is "no."
Femboys are and have always been a thing, stop fucking erasing them and appropriating their language just because you desperately want the world to revolve around you.
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So many young trans girls are going to come out of this traumatized from the dooming, isolated and potentially trapped in abusive relationships because they'd been indoctrinated into the belief that only other trans women will ever love and support them.
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The problem is that it has "fab" in there, so they can't do it like they're trying to do with femboy because it inherently points to "TMEs."
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(2/2 ana mardoll) i really dont mind when trans women genuinely criticize specific terrible shit that a trans man has actually done, and mardoll has always been a fucking loser who does all the stereotypical negative shit that people tend to act like trans men do. i just wish people would not act like its standard behavior to be like that and judge us all on the basis of the worst of our community lmao. this is behavior that goes both ways tho, trans men judge trans women like this too. idk lol
The person I've seen most accused of being a ringleader was Neon Yang, who was definitely not that even though they contributed. The one I most remember was the trans woman who said something to the effect of "yeah well it didn't sound like the author was trans so I was completely justified actually" and that drives me up a wall because the transradfem girlies are going to lose their mind when I post the first chapter of Nursed with Kerosine.
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I have to answer them mostly in batches, with a few exceptions, because I get so many.
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Imagine if everyone just decided to start saying a PoC who votes Republican is white.
It's going to be difficult for them to ever actually make a callout post for me because they can screenshot my takes but there will never be a single piece of evidence that I've ever harassed anyone and they know it.
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It's not just about taking it seriously, but it's extremely repellent just as content and can be severely triggering, which it would have been for me if I hadn't watched it when I was a teenager before The Deeplore Trauma settled into my bones. I don't think I can even get into the later stuff now because of the association.
But fuck me gently with a chainsaw, everything else about it should be immensely cool and it sucks it's not in something that isn't weighed down by that.
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Explicitly using dysphoria as a plot point like that is interesting and does sound like good fuel for a transfem headcanon.
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No, it isn't, the only thing being discussed is whether he fits the criteria for "TMA" or not, and he does.
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Buffalo Bill is not a stereotype of trans women, and in fact I applaud and deeply appreciate the author for making that crystal clear and treating trans people with great respect and sympathy for the time in which it was written, but he became the model for a stereotype of trans women that transphobes have taken and ran with since the day the the movie came out.
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techs-goggles9902 · 3 months
Two Souls Entwined
Part 4 (Eventual) Captain Rex x oc
A/N: HOLY SHIT GUYS IM BACK. I COOKED UP A STORM THIS TIME. These are my personal headcannons so if you don’t like them you’re welcome to leave 🤩 feel free to criticize I love criticism. Not beta read (as always) 😆
Word count: 2883 (went way overboard)
No warnings unless you’re scared of mean Kaminoans
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“If you’re thinking of leaving, Kal, you know the deal. Su’cuy, Niva,” a voice says from beside the pair of stunned mandos. 
Jango Fett stands before them, looking out the window as well. 
“Jango, you said-”
“I said you’ll be training special ops troops. They just happen to be growing them.”
“Clones…” Niva says before Jango can answer Kal. “Clones of Jango.” 
“I knew you were the brains, ad’ika,” Jango chuckles, grinning at the girl. 
“How the fierfek did you get involved?” Kal asks. 
“A good five million and a little something special. Don’t look so surprised, you would do the same.” Jango looks between Kal and Niva before gesturing for them to follow him down the glossy corridor. Niva’s senses are overwhelmed as she looks between the toroids. 
She blinks rapidly as thoughts spiral in her brain. They aren’t her own and they change as she looks between the towers. It’s like the fetuses are speaking to her. She pauses and looks at one tower specifically, squinting slightly as her gaze lands on a certain tube. The fetus floats in the translucent liquid, an umbilical cord abnormally curling around its leg. 
“Niva, c’mon,” Kal shouts from down the hall. Niva hesitantly pulls her eyes away from the baby to jog back to her adoptive father. 
If something was wrong, the Kaminii would know. They would know. The baby’s fine. 
“You’re both dead now, don’t worry about it, Kal,” Jango says. Niva must’ve missed a bit since they’re both mid conversation about something. 
Right… I’m dead. 
“So, Ilippi threw your sorry shebs out?” Jango asks Kal, who’s expression softens slightly at the mention of his ex-wife. 
“Told you, you should've married a Mando girl. Aruetiise don’t understand the mercenary way.” 
Niva’s eyes narrow involuntarily as Jango brings up Ilippi. She refused to let Kal take their 8 year old sons into war with him, and soon, Kal’s family were no longer waiting for him to come back. 
Didn’t let those kids go into battle, what an outsider! I turned out fine, Niva thinks. 
“Ko Sai said something wasn’t right about the first batch of clones. They’ve been tested and I don’t think they’ll make the military grade, but I’ve told Orun Wa we’d look at them before… you know,” Jango explains. 
“I don’t. Please elaborate,” Kal says. 
“You’ll see.” Jango leads them down the hall, ushering them into a nearby room. 
“Welcome, gentleman,” says Orun Wa in his peaceful monotone, not even addressing Niva, with a gentle tilt of his head. The Kaminoan has a bony fin going down the back of his head and to the nape of his neck. 
“So the first batch have been confirmed as below the accepted standard?” Jango asks. 
“These units are defective, I admit there was an error made while enhancing the genetic template.” Orun says, craning his slender neck to call out to someone in the corridor. “Bring them in.”
Niva turns as the door opens, glancing at Kal. He gives her a small nod, putting a hand on her shoulder. Six pairs of footsteps enter the room. Niva notices: the footsteps are close together, shorter strides instead of longer ones that would fit an adult. 
Kal turns, his eyes widening as he looks down. Six identical boys - maybe four, maybe five at the most - walk into the room. 
These are children, not soldiers… not droids… not units… little kids. 
All had identical curly black hair and dark blue tunics and pants. Both Kal and Niva expected grown men, not… 
“Kids… Kal’buir…” Niva can’t take her eyes away from the boys as she whispers to Kal. His hand leaves her shoulder as Jango inhales sharply. The boys huddle together, one of them holding his arms back like he’s shielding his brothers from Orun Wa, two boys clutching each other as they look at Kal with their big, dark, unblinking eyes. 
Oh… He’s defending his brothers… 
It rips at Niva’s heart, reminding her once again of her brothers. She figured out fast that Kaminoans didn’t tolerate anything that doesn’t meet their society’s principles of perfection. Maybe they don’t know that it’s often imperfection that gives humans an edge?
She hears Orun Wa, Jango, and Kal talk about the boys, but she can’t bring herself to tune in. Not that she understood most of what they said, anyway. Her Basic wasn’t as up to par as she’d like. She spoke with a slight accent, just barely there, pronouncing some letters and words differently than born Basic speakers.  
Three of the boys look up at Niva with their big round eyes. Niva tries to smile and give them a wave, but all three flinch as her hand raises, making Niva immediately put her hand down. 
One of the kids mimics her wave, his scared expression softening a bit. Niva grins at him and he bares his teeth in an attempt of a returning smile. 
“What do you mean by reconditioned?” Kal says, drawing Niva back into the conversation. She obviously missed a lot. 
“In this case, termination. These units cannot follow orders and are simply too unreliable, failing to meet the personality profile required,” Orun Wa replies casually. 
“Terminated? They’re children!” Niva says, gesturing to the boys.
“Niv…” Kal mumbles, placing a hand on her shoulder again. Evil is supposed to be dark and menacing… not soft-spoken.
Then Kal registers what they meant by terminating. Within a second, his clenched fist is at Orun Wa’s chest. “You touch any of those kids, you gray freak, I’ll skin you alive and feed-” 
“Steady,” Jango says, pulling Kal’s arm back. 
“This is uncalled for, we only care for our customer’s satisfaction,” Orun Wa states. Niva watches with wide eyes, instinctively stepping towards the boys. Kal hears his heart thundering in his ears, yanking his arm out of Jango’s grip, stepping in front of the kids, who were silent. His eyes never leave Orun’s yellow irises. 
Jango grips Kal’s shoulder hard enough to hurt. Don’t. Leave this to me. 
“We could do with a few wild cards,” Jango carefully says, stepping between the Kaminoan and Kal. “It’s good to have a few surprises for the enemy, no? How old are they?”
“Two standard years.” 
Niva’s jaw literally drops to the durasteel floor. The boys look older, though. Kal slowly puts his hand back to place his palm on the head of the defending boy’s head. But small fingers clasp onto his calloused hand instead. A helpless gesture. Kal swallows hard. Two years old.
“I’ll train ‘em. What’re their names?” He asks, looking between Jango and the Kaminoan. 
“All units are numbered,” Orun Wa starts. 
“We can… give them names… right?” Niva speaks up quietly. All three men look at her. Kal gives her a discreet hand signal: later. 
“Anyway, our quality control designated them as Null class and-” 
“Null? As in, no di’kutla use?” The veins in Kal’s neck have never been so prominent. 
“Kal, leave this to me,” Jango breathes. 
“No, they’re not units, Jango.” The little hand was holding on for dear life. Another boy comes up and wraps his little arms around Kal’s leg. 
To Niva, the next minute goes by so fast. Before she can even blink, the boy thrusts his fingers into Kal’s boot, taking out the hidden blaster, tossing it to the boy who’s holding Kal’s hand. 
The boy caught it cleanly and pointed it at Orun Wa, his little fingers just barely holding the blaster steady. 
“Osik,” Jango sighs. “Put it down, kid.” 
But the boy held the weapon at the perfect angle, left hand steadying the right, eyes focused on his target. Niva looks between the men, flabbergasted at how calm Jango is. 
I couldn’t protect them… so… maybe I can protect these boys…
“Hey, bud,” Niva says, gently putting a hand on the boy’s arm as she kneels down beside him. “Put it down, yeah? No need for shooting anybody, kyr’ika. Give me the blaster.”
He doesn’t budge, barely blinking.
“You’re safe, lad,” Kal’s voice is soft as he squats down beside the kid, nodding to Niva, a silent indicator that he’s got this. “Come on… put it down. There’s a good lad. Now give me the blaster.”
The boy lowers his arms slowly, “Yes, sir…” He hands the blaster to Kal, who scoops him up. 
“Good lad…” Kal lowers his voice to whisper in the boy’s ear. “Nicely done, too.” 
A small hand tugs Niva’s, making her look down. Two pairs of big eyes stare up at her, one boy mimicking the wave she gave them earlier. Niva grins and waves back with her free hand. She crouches down so she’s eye level with the boys. 
“Hi, I’m Niva,” she holds out her hand. The boys stare at it and then one of them shakes her hand with his little fingers. 
“I’m N-7 and that’s N-10,” he says, meeting her gaze. 
“Pleasure, boys. We’ll work on names later, yeah?” Niva keeps up her smile. N-10 looks at N-7, nudging him with his elbow. Niva can barely hear under his breath as he whispers to N-7, “I wanna shake her hand, let go.” 
Niva lets out a small laugh, N-10 now holding her hand and meeting her gaze just like N-7. These were little boys but were so much like grown men. She’s aware of Kal and Jango speaking behind her. 
“What kind of armor is that?” N-10 asks. 
“It’s made out of beskar. It’s Mandalorian - do you know what that is?” Niva replies. Both boys shake their heads. “Well, I’ll teach you.” 
“You talk funny,” N-7 chimes in.
“So do you, little man.” The boy’s eyes widen as he looks at N-10, who gives him the same wide eyed look. Niva can see N-7 mouth silent words to his brother, We talk funny? She smiles at the pair’s sudden realization. 
“Ad’ika, let’s go.” Kal looks down at his daughter, the little marksman who pointed the blaster at Orun Wa on his hip. Niva nods and stands, her hand slipping from N-10’s much smaller one. 
Niva doesn’t even need to help Kal take the six boys to their quarters. The tiny soldiers silently march behind the two Mandos. 
The walk back to the room was eerily silent. Kal occasionally tried to make simple conversations with the boys, all attempts ending in one word answers from various kids. 
Niva could hear the boy’s thoughts and felt their emotions. Not a clear thought, though, just a jumbled mess entangling with her own thoughts. Multiple voices spoke to her as she walked beside her father figure, some small and quiet, others prominent and deafening. 
As the group walked down the sterile halls of Kamino they passed lines of other clones, all the same age as the Nulls, marching in the opposite direction. One of the boys caught her eye, his shaven head differentiating him from his brothers.
He caught her eye, his amber irises following her green ones as they passed each other. His thoughts melted into her own. The bridge of Niva’s nose pulsed with a deep ache, silencing her overcrowded mind. 
“Ad’ika… Niva, are you okay?” Kal’s voice broke her trance. 
“Yeah… yeah, I’m fine. Headache, ‘s all, Buir.”
“Mm… Have you ever finished that story of yours? Remember, the one you wanted to write before we met?”
”I remember. No, I haven’t done much with it since then. Should I?”
”Maybe. Just find something inspiring, like these little lads.” Kal reaches back to ruffle one of the boy’s hair. 
“In… In what?” 
“Something that gives you ideas, ad.” 
The first night with the boys was… something. Niva hardly slept with two little four year old boys clinging to her all night, their little fists white knuckling her sleep shirt. 
Kal settled on names for all six of them, taught them a bit of mando’a, filled their little bellies with uj cake, realized how traumatized they were, and knocked out with Ordo - N-11 - on his lap.
N-7 and 10 - now Mereel and Jaing - clung to Niva as if she were their lifeline. They held her pant legs tightly in their little fists when they walked down the corridors or just to the ‘fresher. Whenever she’d ruffle their mops of brown curls they’d look up at her with a confused look, not aware it was a sign of affection. 
The first time she did so, Mereel looked terrified, his pools of amber going wide, like his eyes were taking over his little face. 
What did the kaminiise do to you boys… 
Niva eventually worked up enough courage to begin wandering the halls of Tipoca City in her spare time, finding training areas and barracks under construction for the millions of clones that will eventually call this sterile place home - or as close to home as possible. 
On her fourth day of exploration, she saw the kaminioan. Of course there were kaminiise everywhere, it was Tipoca City, but this one was different. She sat on a tall bench - built specifically for kaminioans - overlooking one of the few functioning training areas. 
Her skin, a sickly gray, shined in the light. Her large black eyes with blue-gray irises were focused on the cadets through the glass. Niva was intrigued by her, the way she looked at the cadets like they were roba up for slaughter. 
Niva made a habit to walk past her on her walks since the kaminioan always sat there at the same time everyday. A couple days after first seeing her, she spoke up, not looking away from the cadets. 
“Can I help you, Ms. Niva Veen?” She startled Niva, stopping her in her tracks. 
“How do you know my name?” 
“I read your file, Mandalorian. May I ask why you’re always walking about instead of training our troops?” She still didn’t look up. 
“It’s my free time, I finished training one standard hour ago,” Niva says as she walks up to the kaminioan. “What’re you doing?”
“My job.” 
“May I ask what your job is, then?”
“I am Chief Scientist Ko Sai’s assistant. I’m here to study the Generation Ones, seeing what should be improved and changed in later Generations,” the kaminoan answers in the same monotone Orun Wa used several days prior. 
“What’s your name?” 
“Nala Se.” 
“Nice to meet you.”
“Why do you always come here?” Nala Se asks with a sigh, seeming to be done with Niva. 
“I’m-” Niva couldn’t think of the correct word. “You’re just always out here. You look sad sometimes.”
“I am allowed to feel emotions sometimes, Niva Veen.” 
Niva cocks her head. “I’m good at reading people. You seem more than sad, like you’re focused on something important to you, something to prove to someone.” 
Nala Se finally looks away from the cadets, her massive eyes meeting Niva’s. “You’re correct, actually.” She leans back slightly and pauses, her eyes widening as she realizes something. “I need a trainer. Not for myself, but for… special ops troopers. You seem qualified, for a sixteen year old.” 
“I can train troops. I know what I’m doing,” Niva replies, narrowing her eyes slightly. Nala Se hums an acknowledgement, standing and turning her back to the girl. 
“Follow me, then,” she says. 
The private tubing system fascinated Niva, her face nearly pressed to the glass as she zoomed past the water and its inhabitants. 
“Have you never seen an ocean before? It really isn’t that intriguing,” Nala Se says. 
“Not this close…” Niva replies as she unfocuses her eyes to see the water streaming past her. 
The lab was just as sterile as the rest of Kamino, but the dimness was a mixture of soothing and eerie. They entered through the floor, directly in the center of the lab. 
“You remember how the six other Null ARCs were disposed of?” Nala Se asks Niva. 
“Yes…” Where is this going? 
“I saved them. Orun Wa and Ko Sai didn’t think they’d last in combat, you see. One was smaller than the rest, one stockier, two very thin, one a female. The female and one of the lankier cadets had poor eyesight compared to the average clone,” Nala Se explains. 
She walks to a panel on the wall, opening a hidden door. A hidden door in a hidden lab. What else lies in these walls? She continues, “I was tasked with the extermination of those six. Yes, I directly disobeyed orders, but once I show the higher ups, I’ll be rewarded. I will surpass Ko Sai to become the next Chief Scientist.” 
Niva watches as the hidden door leads to a brighter corridor. The hallway leads to another door, small noises can be heard from behind the transparisteel. 
“CT-9903 and the female would’ve never lasted. I’ve done all I could to preserve their eyesight but not much can be done. Both require glasses. In addition, I modified the entirety of the batch so they can’t be traced back to the Nulls.”
“Wait,” Niva says, “CT? Not ARC?” 
The door at the end of the hidden hallway behind the hidden door in the hidden lab opens to reveal six clones, the same age as the Nulls, sitting on their respective six bunks, dwarfing them. 
“Clone Force 99, this is Niva Veen. She will be continuing your training from now on.”
Mando’a used:
Kaminii means kaminoan (the se at the end of certain scenes is just plural as in kaminoans)
Fierfek is just some random curse I think
Aruetiise means traitor
Shebs means your rear
Ad’ika is a term of affection for a kid (ad means the same)
Buir is father/mother (no gender in Mando’a)
Taglist: @fionajames @sevdidntdie @dangraccoon @hellhound5925 @skellymom @angie-is-silly (why did you change your fucking name dude 😭 you gave me a stroke trying to find you)
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
Chapter 10 (Mastermind—MOTA Fic
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A/N: The moment has arrived....this is the Abe AND the Rosie chapter, so please, sit back, relax, and enjoy the chaos unfolding that is sure to cause so many problems haha. As always, let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy!
Early September 1943
Another wave of new pilots were flown into base in the beginning of September.  Upon their arrival, Ruth was kept immensely busy.  If not for the fact that another mission was going to happen within the next day—Captain Dye was set to hit 25 missions, after all—then certainly for the fact that there were three other missions that were captivating her attention. 
Her court martials had slowed and lessened in number.  Whether it was because the men were too focused on the war efforts and the way that the missions had increased or if it was because she was speeding through the cases, Ruth wasn’t sure.  Either way, she much preferred being able to aid in the legality of the missions that Harding was having the men run.  
The Schweinfurt-Regensburg mission had been a costly one and it wasn’t something that Ruth was altogether eager to repeat.  She wasn’t sure how she felt about Harding’s insistence upon High Risk-High Reward.  
No amount of human lives would ever be able to make up for winning the damn war.  Life was sacred in all of its forms.  And if the Allies managed to win, Ruth wouldn’t be able to forget about how costly this entire thing had been in the first place.  The amount of men that had died in the skies, the amount of men who died in the hospital wing of Thorpe Abbotts after failed surgeries or losing too much blood. 
They would haunt her mind like some sort of whispery dream that she could never be rid of, no matter what she did.  
Truth be told, the deaths just made her worry about her brothers—wherever they all were.  Jonah was somewhere in the Pacific, likely on some unknown island and fighting a sort of trench warfare that no one would ever be able to understand.  John was somewhere off the coast of Europe, trapped in an impenetrable ship that could sink just like the ships at Pearl Harbor.  And Abe?  God, that kid was so stupid.  He could be anywhere in the world, maybe even already fighting the enemy or dead in a ditch. 
And they’d never know unless he wrote to them or someone found his effects to send back to their family.  
At the minute though, Ruth was walking briskly next to Harding as they went to inspect the first batch of new pilots that had flown in.  More would be arriving that afternoon and another inspection would surely take place later that evening.  
Ruth wondered how many men would continue to come into the base and how many would just take the place of nameless men who would be forgotten.  How many would have to die in order for them to make an actual difference and find footing in this war?  She didn’t agree with John Egan on a great number of things, but getting close with the replacements did in fact seem like a foolish idea. 
The men in this war were expendable.  Anyone in the war was.  That was the only thing she had really learned.  You were replaceable because you were just a job to be filled and a part of the machine fighting Hitler.  And until Hitler was gone, you would continue to be expendable.  
When they entered the barracks, everyone shot to attention rather quickly.  Some were half-dressed and Ruth couldn’t help the fact that her lips curled into a small sort of smirk at their reaction.  When would men stop being blushing messes about the fact that a woman had the authority to enter their barracks at any given time for inspections? 
Harding placed his hands on his hips, facing the men with an approving nod.  There wasn’t anything out of place with this group of recruits, save it be the mess of their gear that they had recently deposited in the room.  
“I’m Colonel Harding.  I wanted to personally introduce myself to you boys and welcome you to Thorpe Abbotts and to the war in Europe,” Harding said, surveying the room.  “This here is our JAG-Corp lawyer, Lieutenant Sharpe.  I suggest if you want to stay on my good side, you start with staying on her good side.  She handles all of the court martials here on base.” 
Ruth felt the eyes of all of the men stray to her for a moment.  “Anything they need to fix, Lieutenant?” Harding questioned. 
“Timeliness.  Surprise inspections can happen at any given time.  And make sure your gear is always stashed under your beds, not in front of it,” Ruth advised shortly. 
Harding gave a grin.  “That being said, there will be no infractions on your first day.  Everything else is fair game, though.  Do your best to stay out of trouble and for those of you that want to bring an end to Hitler and the German forces, I look forward to seeing your work.  I leave you in Lieutenant Sharpe’s capable hands for the next few moments.” 
With that, Harding strode from the room rather quickly.  Asserting herself before any of the men could pipe up, Ruth cleared her throat.  “The cooks have a meal prepared in the mess-hall, if you will all follow me there.  From there, the Hunderedth’s Air Executive, Jack Kidd, will take over and give you your schedules and new orders.” 
She turned and began walking, only to stop.  She waited expectantly for a moment or two before realizing that they really had no damn clue what to do with a woman.  “Did I stutter?  Get a move on!” Ruth commanded.  
At that, the men all scrambled to their feet and to follow her out the door.  Sometimes, it was like herding a bunch of cats.  Ruth gave an eye roll, adjusting the cuff links on her pristine uniform as she led the way to the mess-hall.  It was a silent walk, though she could hear some murmurs from amongst the men. 
Once the mess-hall was in sight, an amused Jack Kidd and Bucky Egan stood at the doors, waiting for her.  “Have fun terrorizing the new kids?” Bucky questioned. 
Ruth gave a huff, shaking her head at him as the men began to shuffle in the building.  “It’s like working with a bunch of children.” 
“I knew you’d miss herding us,” Bucky placed a hand on his heart in a mock-serious gesture.   
“Like I miss cholera or the croup,” Ruth had no sooner turned around than she was nearly flattened by someone—it was Kidd who tugged her backwards so she wouldn’t get run over.  
“Wow, I guess some things never change.” 
Ruth couldn’t help that her jaw dropped.  Bucky and Kidd made their escape before she could surely rip into the new guy in the way that only Ruth Sharpe could.  But Ruth couldn’t help the fact that she was almost speechless. 
Because standing there in front of her, with entirely too much hair gel, was Robert Rosenthal.  “I guess they don’t,” Ruth finally found her footing, shaking her head at him.  “You’re still using too much hair gel.” 
A smile slipped across Robby’s face and he bit back a retort or a grin.  “Lieutenant, huh?  Who let that happen?” 
“Hotshot pilot,” Ruth retorted.  “Who said lawyers were allowed to do that?” 
“It’s good to see you too, Ruthie,” Robby practically sang the nickname affectionately given by her younger siblings.  
She tried not to let her eye twitch at the use of her nickname, something she only let certain friends use anyway.  “Same to you, Robby.” 
“Your ma’ still not know that you’re here?” 
“That depends,” Ruth crossed her arms.  “You’re not gonna tell her.” 
“Says who?” 
“I’m sure I can find an infraction to use against you.” 
“Some things never change,” Robby muttered.  “I’m sure it’s going to be a damn delight working with you.” 
Almost immediately upon entering the mess hall, Pappy, Nash, and Speitz were on Rosie like some sort of hunting dogs surrounding their prey.  “Why’d you linger to talk to that Lieutenant?” Nash questioned, wiggling his eyebrows in Rosie’s direction.  
“Yeah, were you tryin’ to get a good word in with—” Speitz started. 
“No, no, no, no,” Rosie said, putting his hands up.  “Absolutely not.  That she-devil and I have known each other since we were kids.  We grew up just down the hall from each other.” 
“Is she the one who—” Pappy started.
“Yes, she’s the lawyer I competed with,” Rosie said, giving a roll of his eyes.  “Can we let it go now?” 
“I guess for now!” 
Abe Sharpe couldn’t stop tapping his foot on the ground of the plane, occasionally gnawing on his pencil as he glanced at his navigational charts.  No mistakes, no flaws, not a single equation done incorrectly.  The last thing he wanted was to be the one guy who threw off the entirety of the group and landed them somewhere that wasn’t England or Allied territory.  That would be largely embarrassing and would certainly be grounds for an inquiry that would absolutely end in them finding out that he wasn’t, in fact, freshly 18.  And that he was actually a 16 and a half runaway that had a bone to pick with Hitler. 
“Sharpe, I don’t know why you’re worrying so much,” Came the voice of his bombardier, Samuel Scott.  
Abe shifted his position, turning to face his friend.  “Well I just don’t wanna—” 
“Kid, you’ve never been wrong a single time with those numbers.  You’re faster than anyone in the whole damn Air Force.  Damn genius, is what you are.” 
He wasn’t so sure about that particular fact, but he appreciated the encouragement from his friend.  “But Sam—” 
“No ‘buts’,” Sam insisted.  “Just because you’re fresh out of high school is no reason for you to doubt yourself.  You’re here because you deserve to be here.  Now shut up and get us squared away to Thorpe Abbotts.” 
A small grin crossed Abe’s features and he gave a nod.  “Yeah, whatever you say, Sam.” 
It hadn’t been easy, running away from home.  The decision had been one made out of desperation and annoyance, truth be told.  The last thing he cared about was going to prom or finishing out his sophomore year of High School.  His brothers were out fighting for their people and for their country.  He had friends who were older and they had all joined up. 
The stuff that his mother was worrying about was small in comparison to the mountain range of problems that the rest of the world was undergoing.  And he wasn’t about to just sit on his ass for another two years and wait to turn 18 so he could enlist.  
Being good at numbers had helped him.  He had created a fake document and from there, no one had blinked an eye—though he was small for an 18 year old in everyone’s eyes.  And training had been hard because he looked so young and he truthfully didn’t know a lot about all of the adult stuff people kept talking about. 
One or two white lies here or there wasn’t going to sink him to hell (he hoped, anyway).  So Abe had kept up a careful lie and things had started to turn around once his mind was able to be on display.  Everyone in the entire group trusted his numbers and equations—and he knew exactly why.  He already had offers from several colleges for after he finished High School and if he hadn’t been so concerned about actually living his life and having a social life (mostly due to his mother’s influence), then he might’ve already graduated early and been done with that portion of his life. 
But that wasn’t meant to be and leaving home had been gut-wrenching.  If not for the fact that he was leaving the safest place that he had ever known, then certainly for the fact that Mary was going to kill him for leaving her behind.  But she was even younger than he was and he couldn’t just keep listening to Alice and Sarah and their fears for the war.  It was too hard to just be stagnant.  
That being said, he hadn’t written to his family a single time since running away.  The only person he could possibly want to write was Ruth and she was somewhere in London working on women’s causes or some shit (he really didn’t know, he didn’t pay all that much attention to her letters to their mother).  And seeing as how he was certain she would oust him to the military and get him sent home, he wasn’t about to step a single toe out of line. 
Upon landing, Abe was practically thrumming with excitement.  He liked being up in the air and the feeling of being free. He enjoyed being on his own, as much as he wanted some guidance and some help. But he had the other men in the Hundredth and he was going to be just fine, he could feel it in his bones. 
He’d never traveled out of New York, let alone the country.  So to suddenly be on English soil, Abe couldn’t help the fact that his eyes were wide and he was watching and looking at everything he could possibly see.  It didn’t seem all that different from home—except for the fact that this wasn’t the city and this was the countryside.  
Abe was only semi-paying attention as the group he was with began the trek towards the barracks.  And just as he was about to cross into the barracks, a voice called out his name.  “Abe!” 
Turning, he found Nash making a beeline towards him.  They had met a few days previous in preparations for coming to Europe.  Nash had promised that if he needed some friends, Nash was happy to provide them.  He had a small group with him as he jogged over to Abe.  
“You made it!” Nash exclaimed with a grin, clapping him on the back. 
“Yeah, I guess I did—” 
“Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me.” 
Abe gulped at the sudden familiar voice.  Because standing there a few feet from them, presumably one of Nash’s friends, was Robert Rosenthal.  “Uh….hi?” 
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mondaymelon · 2 years
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white day 2023! ♡
(xiao, ayato, itto x gn!reader)
(a/n) a little something short for white day that i had to get out before 12 - :) seeing official xiao art has rejuvenated my soul
headcanon style!✩ enjoy ♡
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xiao ♡
he hasn't forgotten the gift you gave him a month ago.
it was just a small pouch of handmade chocolates, yet he was moved by the honesty of the present. he hadn't understood valentine's day, and he still doesn't, but from what he's heard from hu tao and zhongli, a month after february 14th comes white day, where he'll give you a gift himself.
at least, that was what the two of them suggested.
and he intended to follow that advice. remembering the warm, unusual but pleasant feeling that had arose through his body when you had handed him the sweets, smiling softly... he wanted to give you that feeling too. he wanted to make you as happy as you had made him, in that moment.
and xiao isn't a great cook, not by any means, but he tries his best to learn. with the help of several friends and the wangshu inn boss, verr goldet, he manages to make... a presentable gift. when he gives it a small taste test, it seems to be edible, at least, and still somewhat retains its intended heart shape. it's a little oddly colored, wobbly in some parts, but he's satisfied with it.
and so the day finally comes. he's prepared a speech, or more like a couple sentences, to say to you, if you're willing to hear it.
"love. i have something for you."
"oh, xiao! and you really don't have to-"
"you gave me a gift, so i have to return the favor." his face his flushed red from where he's hiding it with his gloved hand desperately, his other hand holding out the small wrapped pouch that he had spent hours on trying to tie on the perfect beaded ribbon. "h-here. take it."
you gingerly held the bag, as if it might disappear, then stared up at the red-faced man with eyes full of wonder. "this... this is for me?"
"d-don't get any wrong ideas. it was only because adepti... adepti honor the holidays of you mortals."
you laugh, a delightful sound that only causes the male to redden deeper.
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ayato ♡
there's a fact that's not known to many - and it's that commissioner kamisato ayato actually is quite fond of sweets.
it's something you learn with time as you gradually note how every time you visit the kamisato estate, ayato always has some form of chocolate, mochi, even candy, the kind that inazuman kids eat, in a little round dish on his desk.
so when feburary rolls around, you decide to gift ayato something. you're not exactly sure what, but it's going to be sweet. and what better fitting than some valentine's day chocolate? it takes a bit of work, though to be fair, you do know your way about the kitchen slightly better than the average person. not much of an advantage, but an advantage nonetheless.
and when the 14th comes and you present your finished treats to the azul-haired man himself, his reaction surprises you. with sparkling eyes, he gently takes the pouch from you, before glancing at you, then back at the gift.
"for me? really?"
"yep! hopefully you'll like it." you grin sheepishly. "this was my first time making this sort of thing, so if it doesn't taste great, just tell me. i can always try and make another batch, if that's what you want."
"don't worry, i'll like it."
and since then, for the past month, he's been thinking about that moment. he wants to pay you back, but not just that. he wants to let you know that he did appreciate it. all of it.
hence, he's come up with a solution - to gift you chocolates himself.
he's lucky that white day is quite the popular holiday in inazuma, otherwise he wouldn't have the excuse to pull it off. he contacts you beforehand, and you respond your agreement to meet up, completely oblivious.
"this. this is for you, sweet." he smiles softly while he says the name, placing the small gift in your outstretched palms. he takes note of every expression that flits across your face - confusion, then surprise, finishing off with a happy yet flustered gaze. he knew you too well, well enough to read your face like a book.
"me?" even as you ask it, you take the pouch and hold it tightly in your hands, eyes wide with the suddenness of it all.
"who else? of course i meant you, the most beautiful and kind person in the whole of teyvat."
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itto ♡
itto... is an interesting case.
you're fond of him, that much is true. and you're good friends with him also - the two of you are close. yet why does he always... try to impress you?
at first its almost unnoticeable. he reports to you about his wins and mutters his losses at the end of each day, where you're nodding along, already half asleep.
but after you give him some homemade chocolates for valentine's, that behavior had spiked. whenever you saw him, which was often, he would only recount to you about how he had beaten this one child and how he won this and that and how kuki had made him return whatever he had taken as his victory spoils... it wasn't annoying, per say, but you did wish to know why he was doing all of this.
itto just wants to impress you, is all.
he's been wanting to pay you back after you gifted him those chocolates on valentine's, but he just hasn't found the right thing! - until now. itto isn't a man who really follow schedules, a calendar, or reason, but he does somehow know that white day is coming up, a holiday that was sort of like reverse valentine's. and that meant he could finally pay that debt.
"hey hey! you free this afternoon?" itto inquires of you in the morning, while you just stare at him, groggy-eyed and still off floating somewhere in sleep mode.
"huh? yeah... i'm free." you yawn, an action that makes itto inexplicably happy.
"then let's meet at the back of shimura's after he closes up, okay? you got that? don't forget!" with that, he runs off, sending you a little wave on the way out, a silly grin stretching across his face.
when the sun finally reaches its peak in the sky, itto is restless. it's a feeling he doesn't experience often, partly because how his life works and partly because of his behavior. he's usually carefree in just about anything, so really, this is a first.
and you do show up. just the thought itself brings a smile onto the white-haired man's face as he coughs into his hand before bringing out the bouquet of wildflowers that he picked for you off the shores and islands of inazuma, along with more than a several brightly colored sweet treats.
"this is a thank you!" itto grinned, shoving the things into your arms, crimson eyes sparkling.
"i-i can't accept this much-!"
"no wayyyy! psh, c'mon. do it for me?" the oni makes a pouty face, staring at you with his pitiful expression.
"fine. ...thank you." in the sunlit area, you're surprised yet flushed expression is as sweet as the candy he's just given you.
"haha, happy white day!"
masterlist ✩
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