#the best fanfic in the hole world
omg-gojo · 1 year
SS of my favorite ✨ LOGICAL PROPOSAL✨ moments
Spoilers ahead
It's completely random, really warned
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My days after My college graduation were, looked for job, japonese class, read LP until passing out
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Weekly Jungkook Fanfic Recs
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Some fine JK fics for your reading pleasure. 🔞 Please show your appreciation to all the wonderful authors:)
Cursed Hours: You know what your boyfriend is? That’s right – horny. And, you know what, you are too. Jeon Jungkook is super mega ultra hot. (Facts.) But. Even you don’t fuck doing cursed hours. You try to delicately explain to your love that there are, in fact, suboptimal times to be asking for banging. (This conversation ends exactly in the way that everyone is predicting.) https://whatifyoulivelikethat.tumblr.com/post/727237944196333568/cursed-hours-m-jjk Touchin': Jeon Jungkook has got ten minutes and a hard dick. So he says. You learn you can’t trust everything he says though. https://whatifyoulivelikethat.tumblr.com/post/721978268910272512/touchin-m-jjk Last Christmas: Last Christmas, she gave you her heart, wrapped up with a note saying, I love you. She meant it. This Christmas, you give her back the stuff she left at your place and run into her next-door neighbor that knew all about your love. Somehow, you end up explaining why it went wrong. https://whatifyoulivelikethat.tumblr.com/post/704515975314391040/last-christmas-m-jjk Not Allowed: The date of Jeon Jungkook’s mandatory military service is drawing close. There’s a heart-to-heart… following by fucking all three holes. What? That harsh training is easier to endure when Jungkook has nice memories of his girlfriend’s sweet, sweet ass. https://whatifyoulivelikethat.tumblr.com/post/738121282845032448/not-allowed-xvii-m-jjk Sink: You left your hair tie, battin’ those eyes by the sink, you leave ‘em behind think I know why... https://whatifyoulivelikethat.tumblr.com/post/731946585290883072/sink-m-jjk Prisoners Of The Moon: Jungkook is the third and youngest prince to werewolf royalty. He is also a white wolf – the rarest of his kind – and a beacon of hope to his people when tensions are high in the forestlands. After decades of tyrannical werewolf reign, the forest spirits are desperate for change and his presence threatens the prospects of a new world order. So, as part of an age-old tradition, they gift you as a tribute of the fairies to the young prince in the hopes that you’ll be the key to a brewing revolution. Unbeknownst to you, you hold the key to so much more. https://archiveofourown.org/works/33945859 Devil In A New Suit: Money’s something that makes the world go around.  There’s absolutely nothing wrong with securing the bag.  You don’t shame anyone for doing what they need to do. That is, until you come face to face with the poor guy that’s being suckered out of both his heart and cash.  You simply can’t let it go on. https://yeojaa.tumblr.com/post/632978831885598720/masterlist-devil-in Lost Stars: Jungkook was lost. He didn’t know who he was anymore, so he decided to leave and find himself. But he wasn't expecting to find you along the way, an island girl who has no idea who he is. Jungkook has a secret. But so do you. https://www.tumblr.com/yoongiofmine/679078722079424512/lost-stars-series-masterlist?source=share Rebound: After being dumped by your boyfriend of three years, your best friends decide the best way to get over someone is getting under someone else. A dingy dive bar in the middle of nowhere is the perfect place to find a rebound. But what happens when you end up on the bed of a punk-rock lead singer who can’t seem to get enough of you? https://yoongiofmine.tumblr.com/post/687877308271443968/rebound-jjk-mini-series-masterlist
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books · 4 months
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Writer Spotlight: Rose Sutherland
Rose Sutherland @rosesutherlandwrites is a Toronto-based writer who grew up a voracious reader with an overactive imagination in Nova Scotia (where she once fell off a roof trying to re-enact Anne of Green Gables!). She's been to theatre school in NYC, apprenticed at a pâtisserie in rural France, and currently moonlights as an usher and bartender—in between writing queer folktales, practicing yoga, dancing, singing, searching out amazing coffee and croissants, and making niche jokes about Victor Hugo on the internet. She's mildly obsessed with the idea of one day owning a large dog, several chickens, and maybe a goat. A Sweet Sting of Salt is her debut novel.
Keep reading for more about character arcs in A Sweet Sting of Salt, Rose's favorite fanfic tropes, and some excellent reading recs 👀
Can you tell us about A Sweet Sting of Salt and how you came to write it?
A Sweet Sting of Salt is a queer (f/f) historical reimagining of the classic folktale of the selkie wife, set in 1830’s Nova Scotia. I call it a “reimagining” because while it draws on the folktale, it’s not a retelling of that tale so much as a story playing out in relation to that mythology. I’d wanted to write something centering a love story between two women for a while, but the initial spark came from a Tumblr post! It suggested the idea of selkies testifying before the UN as victims of human trafficking, which reminded me of all the things I disliked about the original folktale and its inherent darkness that is generally glossed over, starting me down the rabbit hole toward finding my own story.
How did you approach research for A Sweet Sting of Salt, and what is a favorite historical fact you learned?
I joke that I did a lot of research by osmosis: I already had a lot of base knowledge about the location, having grown up in Nova Scotia, and then set the story in a period that I’ve been absorbing information about in a low-key way for ages—1832 is also the year of the student rebellion in Les Mis, so I’ve been gleaning tidbits about this era since I first got into the musical and book back in high school. However, I had to do more specific research into things like British divorce law, period midwifery, and animal husbandry. I also visited some small, hyper-local museums on the South Shore that gave me an invaluable glimpse into daily life. I also did some fun practical research into things like “How long does it take to walk from x to y?” and “How cold IS a plunge into this body of water in March?” (Spoiler: Very.) 
A fact that fascinated me but didn’t make it into the book was that some early European settlers in the area were granted lands by luck of the draw, pulling from a deck of playing cards: Each card was assigned to a specific 50-acre lot, and whatever you pulled, you were stuck with it.
When we meet them, Jean and Muirin are isolated for different reasons. What do you hope readers still searching for their people take away from A Sweet Sting of Salt?
That there’s always hope. It’s valuable and important to keep reaching out to the world around you, to be open, and not cut yourself off—the biggest reason for Jean’s loneliness at the beginning of this story is the way she has come to keep everyone around her at arm’s length, shutting herself away out of fear, and refusing to let anyone truly get to know her because she thinks that’s the best way to protect herself from being hurt again. Reaching out to others can take a real act of courage, especially if you’ve had bad experiences in the past, but “your people” will reach back to you.
Found family elements play a strong role throughout the novel, within supernatural and mundane settings and across species. Was this something you intended from the beginning, or did this grow out of writing the relationship between Jean and Muirin?
I always intended for Jean to have a found family of this type, which is something that a lot of queer people identify with, but those bonds also got stronger and more meaningful as I wrote, especially once Jean and Muirin began growing into their own family unit—their new relationship and the real danger that comes along with it put pressures on Jean’s other relationships that I hadn’t originally considered. Disagreements with Anneke and Laurie over Jean’s choices arise from their deep concern and love for her, and her own love and care for them, reflected in her responses, is a big part of what made them feel like a real family, for me. Jean and Laurie always having each other’s backs while also being the first to call one another out on their bullshit ended up being one of my favourite dynamics in the whole book.
The selkie myth carries an inherent element of transformation. What is a character transformation you most enjoyed writing, and why?
On a character level, the change in Jean’s worldview following a conversation with her childhood sweetheart meant a lot to me—it heals an old wound for her. I love how grounded and self-assured she is afterward, in spite of the daunting task still ahead of her. But my favourite transformation to write was the antagonist’s mask-off moment, where they directly threaten Jean for the first time. It’s so sly and coded so that only she will understand the menace behind it, a real dun-duh-dunnn moment, which was a lot of fun for me—I also enjoy the foreshadowing elements in that exchange.
This is your debut novel. Did anything surprise you about getting it from manuscript to published book?
Oh my gosh, how LONG it took! After I finished the original draft and decided it was worth attempting to publish, I spent over a year revising based on my own thoughts, input from beta readers, critique partners, and my mentor, Maureen Marshall (whom I connected with through the now defunct Author Mentor Match program, and whose book, The Paris Affair—about a young gay engineer attempting to help Gustave Eiffel secure the funding to build a certain celebrated Parisian landmark— is coming out in May). After that came a full year of querying agents and getting rejected. A lot. People loved Salty but weren’t quite sure what to do with her or where the book would fit in “the market,” which was hard to deal with at the time but is hilarious in retrospect: Salty was snapped up less than a month after she finally went out on submission! But that was back in 2022, and the book is only coming out now. Publishing can be painfully slow.
You’ve written fanfic in the past—do you have a favorite fanfic trope?
I’m not sure either of these counts as a trope, but I adore a character that’s “pure of heart, dumb of ass”, and love a truly unhinged Fanon Explanation For Canon Object. As a longtime Les Mis stan, I ship Tholomyes/Getting Punched. If you know, you know.
Do you have any favorite queer retellings of folktales you can recommend?
Right here on Tumblr, I’m a huge fan of @laurasimonsdaughter, who writes delightful riffs on classic folktales, truly inventive urban fantasy spins on old lore, and her own original folktales. 
I’m currently reading Spear, an amazing queer, gender-bent, Arthurian novella by Nicola Griffiths. Anna Burke’s books Thorn and Nottingham are up next on my TBR. Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of brilliant queer historicals that aren’t retellings (I recently loved Suzette Meyr’s The Sleeping Car Porter and Heather O’Neil’s When We Lost Our Heads) and wonderful historical retellings that aren’t queer (I highly recommend Molly Greeley’s beautiful, heartbreaking Marvelous, about the real-life couple that inspired Beauty and the Beast). Queer, historical retellings aimed at adults seem to be considered quite niche, still, and can take some digging to find! So, throwing this out to Tumblr: Do you have recommendations for me?
Do you have a writing routine? Is there a place/state of being/playlist you find most conducive to your writing practice?
My routine is chaotic at best, but I find I do my best work earlier in the day, so I usually scribble in my journal while I have breakfast, and then progress to working on my current project as I drink my second cup of coffee. I’m lucky—my day job is an evening gig, which mostly allows me to write on my preferred schedule… but I’ve also been known to have a bolt of inspiration strike at 10pm and dash home to write until well past midnight on occasion. Nothing quite like the hyperfocus zone!
What’s next for you? Are you working on anything you can tell us about?
No official news yet, but I’m currently working on a story set in 18th-century provincial France based on a true unsolved mystery of the past. It has me delving into a very specific branch of French folklore, and I hope future readers will pick up on common threads with one popular fairytale in particular. I’m really excited about where this one is headed, but keeping the details close to my chest for now!
Thank you Rose for taking the time to answer our questions! If you love queer fantasy and old folktales, grab yourself a copy of A Sweet Sting of Salt, and be sure to share your queer folktale reading recs with Rose on @rosesutherlandwrites!
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weirdocat83 · 5 months
I hate the fact that one of my favorite ships is a non-canon ship with a name that makes me want to crawl in a hole and die every time I say it out loud. I love fics of airplane/shen yuan because their whole relationship is so strange and weirdly nuanced. A parasocial relationship between an author and his hater both turned into transmigrators in the world the author wrote making them the only people that could truly understand each other in that world. So their weird parasocial relationship turns into a best friendship and eventually possibly something more. Frankly, I think it’s romantic and funny in fanfics when they bicker like an old married couple while also having solemn moments reminiscing about a reality they can’t get back to or even modern AUs where they meet up and Shen yuan gets on airplane’s case about fixing his writing and possibly even paying him to do so. but at the same time, every time I have to say the ship name, ‘cumplane’ I die a little inside because really? You had to take their usernames -which are both dick jokes- and make the “ultimate” dick joke?? Why?
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togglesbloggle · 6 months
In Defense of Bad Things
'Bad' here meaning mostly 'amateur'; stuff made enthusiastically by people at an unprofessional level. Art with visible gaps between what the artist imagined and what they achieved, products of flawed craftsmanship. I suppose everybody can appreciate them to some extent, it's a rare parent that doesn't put up their kid's drawings on the fridge in one way or another. But it turns out to be a fully general skill you can cultivate, and the more I do, the more I'm glad I did.
Partly, it's the teacher thing; finding delight in amateur work is one of the ways to find delight in the process of learning. Cultivating a love of striving-qua-striving can help make you a force for good in the world, as people start to feel safe trying to do things when you're around, even when their efforts are wobbly. You get to participate a little more in the process of atoms spinning themselves into ideas, even when there aren't any illusions about whether you're helping cultivate some revolutionary genius in the field.
And partly it's a fabulous way to build community. By necessity, our professional-level skills tend to be at the service of other people, performed for economic benefit; that's kind of how you get professionally good at something in the first place. When we're acting for our own sake, and among friends, most of what we do with one another is amateurish. I only cook middling-okay, I can't hold a tune that well, I'll never be a speed runner for anything. If you can only enjoy singing from the hundred best singers in the whole world, manufactured and polished by major studios, then you and your friends will sit shoulder-to-shoulder and passively listen to music. But it's so much richer an experience to sit face-to-face, actually singing together, even badly; you expose yourself to so many new ways to appreciate and respect one another, building relationships on what you've accomplished and not just by witty criticism or liking the same things.
And partly it's because some of the most powerful and innovative artistic experiences are in high-churn environments with low expectations and low barriers to entry, if only because those catch the passionate and driven young people that have been otherwise overlooked by our systems. The golden age of webcomics meant that a ton of the actual art involved was pretty lousy, but it also produced work that people still talk about today. D&D began as a profoundly unpolished collection of handmade rulebooks sold at cons in a plastic baggie. By the time these products of enthusiastic amateurs filter themselves through various levels of popularity and absorb mainstream cash influx, they're often risk-averse and missing a lot of the bold spark that inspired their fans in the first place; others will simply never drift towards the mainstream at all. I'm not saying you should be the person who goes out to dig through the slush piles of the internet looking for overlooked art, unless you want to be-- but sometimes a work of actual staggering genius also happens to be a Supernatural fanfic by a first-time author who's a little hazy on commas, and if that's a dealbreaker, you're going to miss out on some profoundly valuable experiences.
And hiding behind all of these things is, like...
Our appreciation of beauty has an odd structure, right? When things are done very skillfully, by brilliant artists with years of training, we can usually appreciate those accomplishments. And when we're looking at nature without human influence, and especially when we think very deeply about natural processes and understand them in context, we often rediscover that sense of beauty. There's just this bizarre hole in the middle where we declare things 'ugly'; as if a little skill is worse than none at all.
I really don't trust that gap. It feels like a trick my brain is playing on me, you know? It has me suspicious that a lot of what I consider 'ugly' or 'bad' is not a very direct experience of the world at all, or an informed judgment. That it is, rather, a declaration of (self-, social-) identity; a desire to be seen as a person of good taste, or as somebody who does things well, or just more primitively as one of the monkeys who is in the good-stuff-tribe and not one of the monkeys who is in the bad-stuff-tribe.
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artistzjay · 26 days
You know what I find really interesting, annoying, and frustrating all at the same time?
How people dumb down characters to make the other characters look good.
Or when they take away all of the bad traits from one character to make that character liked but amplify the other party’s bad qualities or add bad qualities that doesn’t exist.
As in basically making them OCs.
Like how they make a characters in Miraculous Ladybug worse than what they are and how they make Marinette the most amazing person on earth when she literally broke into Adrien’s house multiple times and stalked him on multiple occasions.
Yet the fandom is creating such fiction that will reconstruct the entirety of the show, especially the salt fanfiction, making the class to be such bullies because of Lila, like making Alya some kind of angry, irrational dog or Adrien some kind of really creepy dude, when, in reality, Marinette, actually the creep all because of the chameleon episode.
Is Alya not the best of friends? Yes.
Was Adrien’s advice to Marinette stupid? In my opinion, yes.
Did they make the characters dumb (dumber than usual) in chameleon? Yes.
Marinette is a kid but her classmates around e also children and her crimes are much bigger than their in the show and the fanfic is just making it seem like her crimes are not existent.
Or in DC fanfiction where they make characters like the Green Lantern or The Flash or Superman incredibly dumb or incredibly incompetence for the Bats.
Then, in reality, Hal graduated top of his class and has (what I believe are) a aviation degree and engineering degree, working on extremely complex projects of aircraft, Barry is a forensic chemist and literally works on crime scenes, or Clark who is literally a reporter who won two Pulitzers awards, works at one of the best newspapers in the industry/world, and does amazing work on his stories
And all of them have use their intelligence to defeat their enemies bigger than themselves, but writers just throw it all away to make them complete blundering idiots or just straight up a-holes for Batman and his family.
Just complete disregard for the characters quality in who they are and what they stand for.
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princessleechan · 3 months
"You're the man!" Chapter 29 (written chapter)
⚽Chapter tags: MDNI, she’s the man au, revenge au???, cross dressing!reader, reader identifies anything but male, sports au, queer themes, university au, love-whatever the fuck kind of shape, double date time, awkwardness, wonwoo's little operation, soccer boy banter, suggestive
⚽Tag list: @90s-belladonna @the-boy-meets-evil @lirtha97 @hipsdofangirl @justineasian @kwanisms @multi-kpop-fanfics @pantumin @wooahaeproductions @mayashu @shuasdraftsalt @lone-lone-ranger @headlockimnida @horanghaezone @haolistic @porridgesblog @jeonjungkaka @luchiet @ujimatchaaa @skzdesi @cheoliehansolie @vlbii @myghobi @sisterofsomeone @joonsytip @gyublues @alltheshineofthestars-blog @randomworker @isabellah29 @savgogh @too-many-kpop-hubands @shingsoluvely @kamabokogonpachro @skittlez-area512 @seccdlurv @chisskaa @mochiteez @theyluvfrankocean @lllucere @thomawifey @middle-of-the-earth @okiedokrie @itsokaytobedumb00 @humankimbap @zezedoesshit @teenyfinds @jeonghansshitester @aaa-sia @heyitz00 @silvsie
You couldn't feel more awkward sitting next to a girl you've barely known for five minutes while Chae throws herself onto Mingyu across from you, their closeness unbearable. Your gaze shifts to Ruka, your date for the evening, who remains absorbed in the game on her phone, her attention unwavering and completely detached from the dry atmosphere between you two.
Just perfect.
“I’m so happy to see us all here, right Gyu?” Chae's voice is tinged with playful affection as she clings to your roommate's bicep, her fingers lightly tracing over his firm, taut skin. Mingyu, caught off guard by her touch, tries his best to maintain composure and not melt under her lingering caress.
“Y-yeah. It’s great,” he stammers, clearly flustered.
You nod half-heartedly in agreement, the uncomfortable silence thickening the air between you and Ruka. She sits unmoving besides her finger tips, her focus unwaveringly locked onto the tiny screen of her phone, seemingly oblivious to the world around her. The ambient sounds of the restaurant—the clinking of utensils, distant chatter—fade into the background, and you feel like a useless fourth wheel with holes jabbed at either side.
Meanwhile, 'Operation: Save Wonwoo’s Love Life' is in full swing. Wonwoo and his carefully curated team sit in the shadows of a dimly lit booth, strategically positioned far enough away to avoid detection but close enough to catch snippets of the conversation—or the lack thereof—at the next table. Wonwoo adjusts his glasses, the lenses reflecting the faint light, before hiding behind his newspaper, leaning back against the worn leather booth and pretending to mind his own business.
“You know you only look more suspicious like that,” Jeonghan quips, his eyes darting briefly from his phone screen, where he's engrossed in scrolling through social media. The other boys—Jihoon, Soonyoung, Joshua, and Junhui—take Wonwoo's lead, their gazes fixed on the double date unfolding before them like they're watching a dramatic reality show.
“Until it fails me, it hasn’t failed me yet,” Wonwoo mutters, his voice tinged with anxiety as he peeks over the top of the newspaper.
Jihoon coughs in disdain, "I swear, we're one restraining order away from becoming stalkers.”
Junhui hums appreciatively as he savors his sundae, each spoonful a taste of pure bliss. The rich chocolate sauce drips down the sides, and he makes a show of enjoying every bite. “You guys need to try the new dessert specials. It’s so good.”
“How are you eating dessert already?” Joshua asks, eyeing the decadent confection with envy as he lowers his newspaper. “Our entrees haven’t even come out yet.”
“I got excited and came by early,” Junhui explains with a sheepish grin, offering a spoonful to Joshua. “Want some?”
“Of course,” Joshua replies sassily, but he takes the spoonful almost immediately, the sweet treat melting on his tongue.
“Guys,” Wonwoo exclaims, exasperated, as he rustles the cumbersome stack of papers in front of him. “Focus, boys. I’m about to lose my girl to the eighth dwarf, Slutty.”
Jeonghan rests a reassuring hand on Wonwoo’s shoulder, his touch meant to calm the frazzled mastermind, though a hint of amusement plays at the corners of his lips. “I really don’t think you have a problem with Yeonam, but who am I to question your judgment?”
“I have a question though,” Jihoon interjects, nursing his Coke Zero with delicate fingertips as he stirs it with a singular straw. “What exactly are we supposed to do? Watch their date like some weird old perverts and twiddle our thumbs while we wait for it to fail?”
Wonwoo sighs, frustrated, and puts down his newspaper. “No, we ensure that Ruka comes out of this still single.” His determination is palpable, a blend of desperation and hope driving his every move. “My chances were already low, I don't want them to be zero.”
“For what? For you to yandere over her in the shadows?” Jihoon taunts, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
“Don’t make me climb over there.”
“Guys, wait,” Soonyoung gently halts them, his voice unusually serious. “Look.”
The boys' attention shifts to Ruka, who suddenly slams a palm against the table, her scowl deepening. “Fuck! Two stars? This shit’s annoying.”
“Ruka, look up from your phone, girlie,” Chae encourages brightly, her arm still linked with Mingyu's. “Yeonam was so excited for this.”
“Oh, uh, yeah, haha.” You force a grin, turning to your date. “So, did you win?”
Ruka scoffs dismissively, her attention still fixated on her phone. Without acknowledging your question, she flags down a passing waiter with practiced ease. The waiter moves swiftly, as if guided by the wind, and returns promptly with another shiny aluminum can of Mountain Dew Kickstart. Ruka cracks it open with a familiar motion, taking a long gulp, nearly draining half of it in one go, and returning to her mobile game.
Wonwoo shrugs, his voice tinged with resignation. “Monster is the better choice–if not the right one–but not all relationships are perfect.”
“This is so stupid,” Jihoon grits out, already letting his impatience show.
Meanwhile, Chae delicately prods at her date, her voice dripping with saccharine sweetness as his arm was sandwiched between her breasts bulging through her shirt. “Mingyu, I’m having a great time.”
“Really?” Mingyu's eyes light up, hope and happiness dancing across his face like flickering flames.
“Mmhmm,” Chae hums softly, her gaze locking with his, eyes sparkling with genuine enjoyment.
And here you had believed men couldn’t be more uncomplicated. Despite the sparse exchange of words throughout the date, Mingyu is visibly enthralled by Chae’s simple affirmation. You observe him practically glowing with delight, his usually composed demeanor giving way to earnest stammered compliments, each word twisting a dull ache deeper into your gut.
“So, Chae,” you ask, trying to steer the conversation away from your discomfort. “When did you know you liked Mingyu?”
“Oh me? Well, I guess I’ve always known how…strapping he is, but he’s always felt out of reach, but I said ‘fuck it.’ So I finally picked up my boots and asked him out. And boy do I not regret it.” She drags her fingers down his chest with deliberate slowness, tracing the divide between his pectorals, eliciting timid giggles from him. The sensation of her touch against his skin causes Mingyu to squirm slightly, caught between delight and nervous anticipation.
“That tickles.”
She laughs, running her perfectly manicured fingers through his hair and enraging you even more. “Sorry, You’re just so adorable.”
“Right, right.” You interrupt. “But you like him, why? Surely it’s not just because of his looks.”
“Of course not,” she chuckles, “he’s also like so…ambitious. Athletic. Charming? Need I go on?”
“Sure, those are great qualities but—“
“Are you jealous? Yeonam, Ruka is right next to you.” Her teasing tone carries a hint of amusement as her eyes flicker over to your date.
You steal a glance at Ruka, noticing her continued absorption in the game on her phone. Despite your attempt at a smile, a knot of unease tightens in your stomach, and you nervously rub your dry palms against your textured pants. The soft hum of the restaurant surrounds you as Ruka leisurely takes another long sip from her recently acquired Mountain Dew, seemingly indifferent to the suffocating tension that fills the air, particularly affecting you.
“I’m not jealous,” you assert quietly, though the words feel hollow in the midst of the uncomfortable silence.
“Really? Because you’re acting like I’ll steal your roommate right from under you.”
“Yeah, Yeonam,” Mingyu agrees with a chuckle, “it’s all good. What’s the issue?”
"Just making conversation, Ruka. So, do you like… cheese?"
She responds with a slight grimace, a fleeting expression of annoyance crossing her features, before swiftly returning her gaze to her phone screen. The dim glow illuminates her indifferent expression as she continues tapping away, lost in her virtual world.
“Great,” you mutter.
“That’s my girl,” Wonwoo grins, brimming with pride.
“This date is kinda lame,” Soonyoung mumbles before Jeonghan chimes in similarly, “Yeah. When does it get good?”
“This isn’t a fucking soap opera,” Wonwoo retorts, “just keep watch.”
The date takes a turn when Chae gets confident. His hands move with gumption, gliding over Mingyu’s skin as her lips run a feiry path down his neck. A moan escapes past his lips as he leans into her, gently caressing her shoulders, and getting into the rhythm faster than any blue hedgehog.
“Oh here we go,” Soonyoung observes with a growing smile.
“Mingyu, you useless virgin,” Wonwoo grumbles.
Barely able to endure another second of the couple in front of you lost in primal acts, you reach your breaking point. A storm of frustration brews in your chest, and your fingers dig into the denim of your Levi jeans, the fabric stretched tight against your tense thighs. With a shallow breath, you gather your resolve before abruptly rising from the booth.
“You know, I think I forgot to do something back at the dorms. Sorry for the abrupt end, Ruka, but maybe we shouldn't do this again. Bye.” Your words come out rushed, laced with unease and annoyance.
You storm out, leave the boys watching in a bit of shock before they avert their gazes back to the threesome as sound of the door swinging shut behind you with a decisive thud erupts a domino effect. As Chae watches your departure, she disengages from Mingyu as swiftly as if unclasping Velcro, her expression shifting to a forced, amicable grin. “Yeah, this was nice, but I've got to go too,” she says quickly, her eyes darting between Mingyu and the exit you just stormed through.
“What? Why?” Mingyu asks, disappointment evident in his voice, heart still pounding from the tension Chae’s abrupt display of affection.
“Sorry. I just suddenly remembered I think I left my living room lights on, but this was fun. We should do it again. See you.” And with that, Chae exits just as swiftly as you, leaving Mingyu to process her departure.
He turns to his roommate's abandoned date, Ruka, who is still engrossed in her phone, and slumps down in his chair, not only disappointed but regretful. “So, you and Chae are cousins?” he engage awkwardly.
“Mmhmm,” Ruka replies nonchalantly.
He scratches his forehead, blowing an exhausted sigh. “Did you like the date?”
She shrugs. “Whatever.”
“…What Valorant rank are you?”
Ruka pauses her game for once, looking up at Mingyu with a hint of interest, thumb pads hovering over her phone screen. “Ascendant. Why?”
“Want to know an Immortal, before he becomes Radiant?” Mingyu suggests with a grin
“You’re an Immortal?” Ruka asks, intrigued.
“No, but I know one.”
And somewhere in that restaurant sits a very embarrassed man with strawberry colored ear tips and bright tomato expression, he was ready to crawl back in his humble hole now.
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Elks Version 2.0
My fanfiction writing journey began in February of this year. Prior to that, I had never written anything akin to fanfic or fiction for my own enjoyment. On March 19 I was finally able to shush the anxiety and second-guessing of stepping into the world of sharing my words. Thanks to @ohheypedrito’s steadfast enthusiasm along with @justagalwhowrites’ kind words and guidance I hit post on Golden Walkway. Since then I've shared over 100,000 words and had the support of countless kind souls. Some of those kind souls have looked through my writing and marked it up making me better at the craft. With all of this newly acquired knowledge, I look back on some of my earlier works and really see the holes that needed to be filled by more practice. If I'm being honest, that's why it's been so hard for me to continue on my first multi-chapter fic; the ugly voice inside my head wants me to just call it quits and give up because the writing doesn't match the caliber I hold myself to. I can't allow that to happen. So, with all of that being said, I have made the decision to go back and re-edit my first multi-chapter fic Elks. Soft Jackson Joel meets a shy, artsy girl who loves music and has somewhat of a smart mouth and wooow they fall for each other? Shocking, I know. This story means a lot to me, and is definitely me coping with what just might rear its ugly head during season two. That's what I love about fanfic, we can choose any new adventure for our blorbo.
My plan is starting next week, on the 9th, I will repost the edited *first* chapter of Elks, along with a small ficlet from Joel's perspective, moodboard, and playlist for each selected chapter. Each week you can expect the same thing, until I catch up to the unpublished chapters my Google Docs hold. I've never done anything like this before and I'd really love to have y'all participate if you'd like. One of the best parts of this whole journey has been meeting so many new friends and sharing in the fun of the PPCU. I hope you'll join me. Comment, reblog, send me a DM, stick a post-it note to my back, and I'll add you to the taglist. You can participate as little or as much as you'd like, so much of this is just me thanking scared-to-post past Mallory for stepping foot on this new journey that has turned into a fun and fulfilling hobby. As always, thanks for reading. 💕
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doberbutts · 2 months
it sounds like the anon who sent the ask about the intersex fanfic character is wanting to write a story “about being intersex” i.e. about the personal experiences of being intersex, given they mentioned wanting to write about “how it affects his life” and “what happens if people find out” (both phrased in a way that seems to presume negativity and difficulty). I think you gave good advice from a worldbuilding perspective but I would add to that that overall the prevailing advice for writers is not to write about the ~great personal struggle~ of being [x minority] if you’re portraying a character with an identity you yourself don’t share; and (to the asker) if you are really determined to do that anyway as a perisex person, you should consider doing more research than sending a tumblr ask. read a few books or something. (i think if they go with your very wise worldbuilding advice this would no longer apply, the wording simply gave me pause.)
I understand that that is the prevailing advice, however I disagree to a certain extent.
I think that if you are not [marginalized demographic here] and you are trying to write about the experiences of said demographic, including any sort of personal struggle, then you have a duty to ensure that you do your research to present the best representation of said demographic you possibly can, and that you should be open to advice if someone from said demographic tells you that you are falling into dangerous tropes or stereotypes.
However, I do not think that only [demographic] should write [demographic]. This is for a few reasons:
In writing a demographic different from your own, and doing research to ensure that you are doing it well, you as the author will learn a great deal about what you have to unpack and unlearn about said demographic, including things you were not even aware of before. This, to me, is a positive thing. It is one more ally in the struggle for freedom.
I'm thinking specifically of Tamora Pierce and her books which include multiple races, ethnicities, sexualities, and genders that Pierce herself has voiced that she avoided on purpose because she was afraid that she'd fuck them up. And how she felt her world get a little wider, when she got over that fear and started making sure to include these demographics because she felt that it was important to her to understand them.
But also, your readers are predominately going to be your demographic, which means that you have the power and potential to spread this same learning over a much wider net. Harper Lee and Louis Sachar are nonblack, however To Kill A Mockingbird and Holes are widely read in schools to learn about antiblack racism and are frequently used as a baseline to teach children of all demographics. Yes, schools should also be using books by actual black people, but I do not think either of these titles are necessarily bad choices. Miles Morales of Spiderverse fame was initially created by an entire team of nonblack people, and yet the movies touch heavily on the subject of racism being a constant background in his life. I have not yet read the comics, and don't know that I ever will since I'm not a comics kind of guy, so I cannot speak to those.
Anyway the last reason that I disagree that only [demographic] should write [demographic] is because then that turns into overall less representation and less diversity. I'm a big fantasy fan. I'm so happy when I see a black character in fantasy, and even moreso when that black character is outside of the Bad Guys Only races. And I think that if we only let black people make black characters, we will see overall less black characters, because black people are often willfully excluded from the writers room and production staff. I'd rather an all-white team do their due diligence to ensure good representation, than no black characters at all because black writers can't even get in the door. Of course, the solution is More Black Writers, but this is a multifaceted problem worsened by racist society, so the baby steps are what we have to work with.
I do agree that anon does need to do more research. However, intersex books that are actually written by the community, rather than medical journals treating us as an oddity, are fairly few and far between. Asking a random blog is not enough research, no. But it may help them get started on where to look.
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honeydewsour · 4 months
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The Quibbler but as monthly shoujo magazine cover parody with wizarding world fanfic titles
(made this while ago to play around with fonts and giggles so pardon the messiness)
might become a series hopefully getting all the titles covered as the cover art or/and adding new titles …uuuh let’s see, any idea what bonus gift for the next parody?chocolate frogs?snitch keychain?? also can anyone guess which shoujo magazine i used for reference?
warning all of the titles mentioned are 18+ read the tags!
a bit of review me gushing out/screaming about the fanfics mentioned, under the cut;
A Good Man Is Hard To Find by cloniccouer
Sebastian Sallow x Player Character | completed | post canon 7th year au | re-read worthy | characterization 10/10 | cinema | easter eggs type of writing | the more you re-read the better | banter between the characters is one of the best part | filling the hole in the canon hp universe | this is probably the 3rd time i mentioned this fic in my blog | that’s your sign to read it! |
Lace, Letters, and Lectures: Professor Sallow by mahoushoujo_m
Sebastian Sallow x Player Character | ongoing | post hogwarts au | professor!seb au obv | i’m letting this one marinate to 100k words | will come back to edit |
Lost Connection by AsphodelRose87
Harry Potter x OFC | completed | Post Hogwarts Battle au | questionable harry | questionable character(s) | questionable decisions | messy, just messy | the kind of messy i like | auror!harry au | right person wrong time and place or right place and time wrong person? |
break a sweat by @shadowtriovibes
Sebastian Sallow x OFC | ongoing | 7th year au | but iirc there is also a tumblr completed ver? if you want to read it | sports & sweats yeah | seeker!seb au | imelda best captain you can ask | inappropriate use of the room of requirement ahem |
Post War by @josiecarioca
Severus Snape x OFC | ongoing | EVELYN BLACK IS SO MOTHER | this one is masterpiece | cinema | Post Hogwarts Battle au | Snape lives au | i still read Al-Andalus part A LOT | better writing than some of tv series out there | exploring more about hogwarts founders | characterization 10/10 | especially the OCs | even the villains | altering the chemicals in my brain | prepare yourself | for this life changing event |
Unraveling of Fates by @aesopsharpstuff
Aesop Sharp x OFC | ongoing | pre canon au | ex auror OFC | werewolves | trauma | i can feel nina’s pain through the screen or am i just dramatic | unreliable ministry & headmaster black what’s new?? | 1880s hogwarts staff are baddass | not talking about a certain headmaster obv |
In The Shadow of Us by @slytherizz
Sebastian Sallow x Player Character | completed | post hogwarts au | #sebastiansallowgettingoutfromazkabanparty /jk uuuh not really but that’s the vibe | post azkaban | enemies to lovers mmm slurrp | was it a misunderstanding or was it betrayal? |
To Frame the King (of Cats) by heartsof_theround
Ominis Gaunt x OFC | ongoing | OMINIS IS A CAT PERSON CONFIRMED | nostalgic shoujo manga vibes except the 18+ part | sigh…teenagers | emotionally constipated ominis | lowkey stalkish OFC | cute cats | lot of cats | slow burrnnnn | character development | this fic might be the next art cover i will draw |
Of Paper Planes and Wildflowers by @eggymf-archived
Ominis Gaunt x OFC | ongoing? | filthy in the beginning | wholesome heartwarming vibe after that | pen pals | the letters is the best parts i still re-read them a lot | this fic lives rent free in my head | you don’t know me but eggy i miss you | idk why but i’m always getting hungry reading this | prepare snacks | sorry for the typo TT |
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gilbirda · 4 months
The king's dead (long live the king) - Masterpost
In this post I'll be updating everything I have on this AU. The tag will be "Eldritch Ghost King!Danny" if you want to search my blog!
It was a big project I wanted to challenge myself with, with crazy lore and worldbuilding, with a lot of exploration of eldritchness and angst. But I just got absorbed by DPxDC crossover, saw my niche in writing romance, got obsessed with Jason and Jazz and the rest is history.
I feel it's a crime none of this will probably see the light of day, so. Here. Chaotic mode it is. Fish my posts boy. I will post sporadically about this AU. You have been warned.
If someone wants to take anything from the lore or ideas, you are welcome to! Tag me so I can check it out!
Also I'm down for discussing AU with people 👀✨
What is this fic about?
This was supposed to be my magnum opus. It's the "main" fic in my AO3 series You and me and our best friends make three. So far the series has side stories or one shots located in different moments of the story. The main fic was supposed to tell the full story on how it happened, how we ended up here.
Back in 2021, when I went down the rabbit hole with Danny Phantom, I envisioned a neat AU where Danny was this eldritch ghost king... with a twist.
I love eldritch Danny (those who know me can confirm) but I wanted to explore something I haven't seen a lot even in the angst torture-vivisection saturated market of this 20 year old fandom:
What if the Ghost King is not power, but a sacrifice?
What if it is not known that the Ghost King is actually the host of a powerful entity (I called it The Whisper, because it talks in your mind in whispers) who is always hungry. Always. Hungry. And if it doesn't have a host will eat all the Infinite Realms then the Living World.
The Ghost King makes a pact with the Whisper. The King can tap into the ectoplasm, the energy, of every creature, object, city, etc. in the Realms and convert that energy into food for the Whisper.
But nobody knows this. Is a secret shared from King to King, and you only find out after accepting the crown.
Why would you refuse? Is the King, it's an honor, is power, is greatness. Who would deny the Whisper its food?
Only one managed to sever the connection.
His name was Pariah Dark.
He went insane.
What is The Whisper?
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Basically this ⬆
Is a cosmic entity that was stranded on Earth a loooong time ago. It created the Infinite Realms with its flesh and blood (ectoplasm) and all ectoplasmic creatures come from it.
But its hungry.
Posted chunks of story so far and their order in the timeline:
Act I:
Desired - Danny meets the Core for the first time
Ceremony - Danny is crowned King
Party like you are dead - the Ghost King invites all of Amity Park to his castle. Reveals all around.
Act II:
Never judge a book by its cover (dpxdc crossover)(my very first dpxdc work!) - Justice League summons the Ghost King to help deal with an eldritch creature. What they get may be a worse monster
Hidden identities? Never heard of them (dpxdc crossover) - direct sequel to the previous part. Batman and some of the colony go to Amity to investigate. They catch glimpses of horrors that they can't help but wonder
Remedy (+18!!!)(my very first DP fanfic!) - self indulgent Porn Without Plot in this universe. Placed in a distant future where everything is fine
Race ya! - funny haha thing set a bit after Remedy
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 months
No following; Planet of the Apes fanfic Chap. 1
*Author's note*
Okay so we're gonna try something new here tumblr. Ever since I saw the new Planet of the apes film a month ago I got interested in the fandom once again but never thought anyone wrote fics for the fandom. After reading some on FF.net as well as here, it got me wanting to write a series while I'm on a writer's block for my current series. And thus this series was born.
This entire series will encompass the Andy Serkis trilogy and will be a Caesar fic. But it is STRICTLY PLATONIC so if that's not your cup of tea, no hate and just move on. This is my story and I'll write it the way I want to.
Now to those who wish to give this series a chance as you read, leave a comment down below if you wish to be tagged for updates (rn I'll be binge posting cause I've already got 10 chapters ready to go and be read).
WARNINGS: Fluff, angst, swearing, violence. So this won't be for the light of heart (at least until I get to Dawn and then War).
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Some say that the bonds between human and animal are a unique thing.  That there’s an unbreakable trust between the two and that they are fated to always be together.  Others say that like soulmates, there’s always an animal for a person who needs them the most.  For me, I would end up having the most unique of all bonds with an animal that is closest to my own species of animal.
This is the story of such a bond, this is the story of Lin and Caesar.
It was nightfall and pouring down rain as I rode home with my best friend Gabriella and her mother.  Gabi and I had known each other since Pre-K after we both had a love for the Disney movie Lilo and Stitch.  From that moment on we’ve been inseparable.  Currently I was getting a ride home with her mom after our strings class.
She and I after school go over to the rec center every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights and perform with the San Fransisco Strings and Orchestra for minors.  Gabi plays the cello and I play the violin.  We’re both pretty good if I do say so myself, our teacher tells us that we could eventually go far into the world of music if we set our mind to it.  But I think I’m good cause of my genetics, after all my grandpa was a former music professor and conductor.  But he doesn’t really play anymore, or at least he tries to.
We soon stopped at my house and I said grabbing my things and readied my umbrella.
“Thanks for the ride Mrs. Montez.”
“Anytime Lin sweetie. Watch out crossing the dark, wet sidewalk.”
“I will, see you tomorrow in class Gabi.”
“See yah Lin.” I quickly opened the door and opened up my umbrella before quickly racing across the sidewalk and up the stairs to my front door.  I took my key and unlocked the door but not before waving one final time and soon Mrs. Montez drove off down the road.
I entered inside and shook off my umbrella before hanging it to dry.  I also took off my raincoat and hung it up beside it before walking further into the house proclaiming.
“Hello? Grandpa? Uncle Will?” that’s when I heard the sound of cooing, like a baby cooing but it wasn’t human.  I set my violin case down to the banister by the front door and walked into the study room where I found a large box with holes sitting on the table.  As I got closer to it, I heard my uncle say.
“Oh perfect timing, guess that means I can show you both.” I turned and saw both my uncle and grandpa coming around from the kitchen entry.
“Show me what?” uncle Will walked passed me, ruffled my hair and stood over the box.
“Hey grandpa.”
“Hey sweetheart. Get another gold star from Ms. Honey for good behavior?” I smiled solemnly.  Ms. Honey was my kindergarten teacher, my current teacher is Mr. Simmons. 
My grandpa for the past couple of years has been dealing with Alzheimer’s disease.  Uncle Will told me that it’s a disease that slowly eats away at the brain’s cells, affecting memory and sometimes body function.  You see, my parents died in a plane crash when I was just 3 years old and in their will they had the next guardianship be my grandpa.  But two years ago, that’s when the disease started to take its effect on him.
So my uncle Will had to move in with us to help not only take care of me but of grandpa too.  And when he’s at work and I’m at school, a nice nurse comes in and helps take care of grandpa.
“Grandpa, I’m in the 4th grade. My teacher is Mr. Simmons. You know the nice man you and uncle Will met last month at the school picnic.” He looked dazed for a second but then said.
“Oh right, yeah I knew that.”
“Dad, Lin, come check this out.” Uncle Will said trying to redirect the conversation.  We came over and the second we looked inside, there lay a baby monkey.
“Is that a monkey?” I asked with a head tilt.
“He’s actually a chimpanzee, an ape.” Uncle Will corrected me.  Grandpa was in pure awe as he slowly reached in and touched the baby chimp.
“What is that? Is he injured?” he asked as I took notice of a mark right around the right side of his chest.  It was a prominent balding mark in a unique shape, a long oval shape with an additional stripe at the top.  Kinda reminded me of an incomplete cross or an unfinished F.
“No, I think that’s a birthmark.” Uncle Will said as he crossed into the kitchen and started putting some things into the fridge.  All the while grandpa picked up the baby chimp and lifted him high into the air like he was Simba.  The little guy was just small enough to fit between both of grandpa’s hands.
“Listen Lin,” he told me before he began quoting, “‘But as for Caesar, kneel down, kneel down and wonder.’”
“He’s so cute.” I awed as I reached out and touched his little toes.
“Yeah don’t get too attached, either of you.” Uncle Will told us.
“So why bring him here then if we can’t keep him?” I sassed.
“He’s not a dog or a cat, not even a bunny rabbit. He’s a wild animal. My coworker promised he’d try to find an animal sanctuary for him in a couple of days.” I let out a exasperated groan.
“Animal sanctuaries are still prisons.”
“Don’t get smart young lady.” My uncle playfully reprimanded as he pointed at me.
“It’s not polite to point.” I sassed back.
“Polite? Okay, I’ll show you polite.” My uncle said as he shut the fridge and giving me that narrowed but playful look in his eyes.  I took off running as he raced after me.  I got only up four stairs before I felt two arms wrap around me and he swung me away from the staircase and the next thing I felt was a wet finger in my ear.
“Yeah your mom did this to me all the time when we were kids, now it’s payback.” He laughed.
“I’m innocent in this vile act!” I proclaimed dramatically.
“But you must pay for the sins of thy mother young youth!”
“Will, Maria, you two better stop horsing around in there.” At hearing my mom’s name we both settled down and a somber feeling was in the air.
“He’s been calling me that on and off for the past week.”
“Honestly who can blame him. You look so much like her when she was your age.” He said with a soft smile and he ruffled my hair again.
“Yeah. And when have I ever lied about anything in regards to my big sister?”
“Exactly.” He then playfully nudged my side with his before changing the subject.  “Now please tell me you managed to eat dinner cause I’ve had a long day of work and I don’t feel like cooking anything.”
“Lucky for you, the rec center was hosting a pizza party after the past few months prepping for Districts last week. Maestro Fiyero said we earned a little break after working us so hard.”
“Good. Now why don’t you brush your teeth and get ready for bed.”
“Why does my curfew have to be 9 o’clock? I’m 10 years old, not five.”
“Growing girls needs sleep too you know.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell grandpa I said goodnight will yah?”
“Will do kid. Sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite.”
“You too.” I grabbed my violin and raced on upstairs and did my nighttime routine before getting into bed and turning off the light.
As the night progressed, I soon heard the sounds of shrieks coming from the hallway.  I opened my eyes and looked at my clock to see that it was 2:30am.  I got up and let out a cough and muttered to myself.
“Need some juice.” Quietly I walked down the hallway towards the stairs but as I came to the bathroom I could hear the shower running as well as the bathroom sink.  Did grandpa accidentally leave the water running again after taking his shower?  No, Uncle Will would’ve turned it off by now.
I knocked softly on the door and I heard my uncle’s voice say.
“It’s just me dad.”
“I’m not grandpa.” I heard footsteps and the door cracked open and when he saw me, he brought me into the bathroom before closing it.  Immediately I was hit with the heat that had been trapped by the hot water that was coming from both the shower and the sink.
“What are you doing up so late Lin?”
“I heard shrieking and then I got thirsty.”
“Ohh sorry, guess this little guy woke you up too huh?” it was then I took notice of the baby chimp swaddled up in my uncle’s arms.  I looked down at him and he looked up at me, moving his grip from my uncle’s finger to mine as he cooed.
“He looks like he has a cold.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, his nose is kinda runny.”
“Well that’s normal for babies sometimes. He’s barely a day old. You definitely had a runny nose when you were born.”
“No I didn’t!”
“Oh yeah you were quite the little snot monster. The original boogeyman, or boogeygirl.” He said taking his free hand that was on top of the baby chimp and playfully gripped my nose.
“Uncle Will!” I whined softly which made him laugh.  Our moment was stopped as the baby chimp let out a few more coos before snuggling up to uncle Will, all the while the grip on my finger got a bit tighter.  I smiled down at him and said as I stroked my thumb over his tiny fingers.  “Are you sure we can’t keep him?”
“I’ll—think about it. Holding him like this….makes me think back to the day you were born. Boy your mom wouldn’t let me near you at first. Feared I was gonna drop you, she always had that fierce mama bear instinct right from the get-go. Even when we were growing up and as she tormented me at times. When I needed it, she was there with her hot-headed attitude.”
“I miss her uncle Will.”
“Me too kid. Me too.” I leaned up against him and he rested his head on top of mine giving it a soft kiss.  “Go on back to bed, I’ll stay up with him.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I’m used to all-nighters, one day you might get there when you’re composing your first symphony. But for now, head back to bed.”
“Can I still get my juice first? I’m thirsty.”
“Just this once. Just be quiet when passing Charles’ room.” I nodded before leaning down and gave the baby chimp a kiss to which he let out a cute yawn and quiet hoot.
“Goodnight little chimp. Night uncle Will.” I gave him a peck on the cheek and he said goodnight to me as I quietly left the bathroom shutting the door immediately as I got out.  I went downstairs, got my drink and went back to bed.
The next morning I was finishing my breakfast and packing my school books into my backpack as uncle Will was coming down with the baby chimp and set him up in my old high-stool chair that grandpa had kept.
“Where’s my car keys?” grandpa asked as he was patting through his robe and pj pockets.  “My car keys where’d you put them? I need to get Lin to school!” he said urgently.
“Dad.” Uncle Will calmly spoke to him. “You-you don’t drive anymore. And Lin takes the bus.” Grandpa looked at him with a blank stare before turning away and telling him.
“I know that.” It really does make me sad to see grandpa this way.  He always looks so dazed and lost, like he’s here with us but at the same time he’s not.  Sometimes he’ll just sit there and stare off into space, frozen in his spot and not say anything for a really long time.
“Here, why don’t you feed him? Can you do that?” uncle Will suggested holding up a baby bottle filled with milk.
“Of course I can.” Said grandpa coming over.  As uncle Will went to get his coffee (blech!) grandpa came over and grabbed the bottle which made the baby chimp go crazy with hunger as he reached out for it.  As soon as it was in reach, he grabbed the bottle from grandpa’s hand and immediately began drinking it as fast as he could.
I dropped my fork and stared at him in awe.  I was told that babies always needed help being fed for at least several months and yet after just being born yesterday, he was feeding himself.
“Will, look at this.” Grandpa said as uncle Will came back into the kitchen and saw what we saw.  “How old is he? Like a day old, two days old?” Uncle Will sat down as he examined the baby chimp confused.
“Yeah.” Uncle Will said lowly as he kept his eyes on the baby chimp.
“Oh he’s a smart one isn’t he?” said grandpa as he came around and sat on the other side of the baby and gently placed his hand on top of his head.  “What are you gonna name him?”
“I—I don’t know.” Uncle Will said unsure.  That’s when I saw it.  Now I’m no monkey or ape expert but from pictures I’ve seen in books they normally have dark eyes, mostly brown but this little guy.  His eyes were green.
A green eyed baby chimpanzee.  One look into his eyes and I knew that he was something very special.
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Weekly Jungkook Fanfic Recs
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Some fine JK fics for your reading pleasure. 🔞 Please show your appreciation to all the wonderful authors :)
The Sea Watcher: They call women like you "The Sea Watchers". Your kind was bestowed with the power to bend air and water to your will, and with that power you are set on saving the lives of your brother and your lover Jungkook. https://jeonggukingdom.tumblr.com/post/180663619924/the-sea-watcher-m
House Of Cards: What does "safe" mean when you are chased by zombies. When every corner you turn could be the last. Jungkook is your safe haven, he is your home and your future, but things like that crumble easily in your world. https://jeonggukingdom.tumblr.com/post/623281022072717312/house-of-cards-m
Caught Me: You hate your new roommate Jungkook, and it doesn't help that he has been catching you at the most inconvenient of times. https://jeongi.tumblr.com/post/187247636795/caught-me-jjk-m
Down The Rabbit Hole: Jungkook leaves a long relationship, doubting himself, over issues that he can’t seem to control until his best friends drag him down into Wonderland, a secret and vast BDSM community, the place where he meets and falls for you. https://archiveofourown.org/works/27443704/chapters/67089778 Anti-Hero: In search of wine at a party that’s so not your scene, you run into Jungkook, the Weeb from your film class, and become determined to learn just how much he lives up to his big reputation. https://jeonjeonggukenergy.tumblr.com/post/188463063057/anti-hero Strictly Platonic: Sometimes Jungkook can be a little selfish, and sometimes the lengths you would go to for his happiness mean relinquishing your own. https://jeonqkooks.tumblr.com/post/689987014803750912/strictly-platonic-jjk
ESPN & BDSM: You would like to personally thank every loud-mouthed, ESPN commentator out there for saving you from Jungkook’s dangerous seduction skills. 
https://1kook.tumblr.com/post/629295243821498368/espn-bdsm Milestone: Part of you is touched that Jungkook really has been there for every milestone in your life. The other part wishes he hadn’t shown up looking so ridiculously sexy.https://1kook.tumblr.com/post/181282879483/milestone Baecation: “Lose the top, or lose the right to present yourself in any low back gown for the next three months.” He truly knew the way to your heart. https://1kook.tumblr.com/post/186660370133/baecation Distraction: “Soft.”/“No shit,” you say, “You’re deep between my boobs.” https://1kook.tumblr.com/post/188245142088/distractions
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Happy 28th! Here is my August 2024 fic rec, organized by word count, from longest to shortest. You can view my other fic recs here. Enjoy!
With The Strength To Carry On by lovelarry10, therogueskimo (113k)
The American British Doctoral Exchange Program was the best thing that ever happened to Louis. It gave him a chance to start over and make a real difference in the world. He could focus on work and not be distracted by anything or anyone. When Harry Styles shows up as the new intern, he turns Louis' world upside down. ~ Harry Styles had one passion in life, and that was helping sick children feel better. Putting smiles on their faces made Harry feel like he was making up for past mistakes and losses. When he gets accepted to the American British Doctoral Exchange Program, he treats it as the chance of a lifetime to make a difference internationally. He didn't expect to fall for his mentor along the way.
... or the one where Louis and Harry are doctors, and things happen.
Stranger Than Larry Fiction by Larrysmomfics / @larrysmomfics (90k)
It's been twelve years since Harry met Louis on TXF, became best mates with him, eventually falling head over heels in love with him. Six years post One Direction deciding to go on hiatus and now everyone is doing their own thing. All the boys have solo careers, some are touring, and with their busy lives in play, Harry and Louis have sort of grown apart. Harry's been filling the Louis void by devouring Larry fanfics, giving himself a chance to love Louis from afar in his own way. So far it's worked for him and he's content with his love of Louis being of the unrequited variety.
That all changes, however, when Harry reads a particularly emotional and classic fic in the fandom, and he simply can't help but call Louis despite his sobs to tell him all about it, inadvertently sending Louis down the Larry fic rabbit hole as well.
A canon-divergent AU where Louis and Harry read Larry Stylinson fanfiction.
Can’t Hide It, You Might As Well Embrace It by supernope (67k)
Together since they were teenagers, Harry and Louis are professors at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They may also secretly be married.
Someone to Fly Home To by kingsofeverything / @kingsofeverything (34k)
Louis. 55 year old pilot who wants someone to fly home to.
Harry swipes right. Or Louis and Harry’s marriage ended more than a decade ago, but fate keeps bringing them back together.
You Are Half of Me (and I Am All for You) by angelichl / @angelichl (24k)
One Direction, an obscure indie rock band, is about to embark on their first cross-country tour, living out of Louis' beloved van named Patricia.
Harry is in love, and Louis is oblivious. Or is he?
Featuring skinny-dipping in Texas waterfalls, getting lost in the desert, stargazing under the New Mexico sky, performing in front of crowds that grow in size each night, and falling in love on the road during the greatest summer of their lives.
Just a Minute More by kingofthefridaynight (6k)
“Look,” Harry said now, tapping Louis repeatedly on his thigh. There it was, the proud beam on Harry’s face, as he showed off a piece of fabric in a wooden circle. The bright yarn in the middle vaguely resembled a flower. Either way, Louis smiled, “It’s beautiful, angel.” “You recognise it?” Harry asked with a teasing smirk, wagging the hoop a little into Louis’ direction. “Or are you just being nice?” Harry knew him too well. He could read him like a book. That’s what marriage is about though, Louis figured, as he tried to squint at the flower to see what it was supposed to resemble. “I’m sorry, love,” Louis confessed after a second. “Tell me, though?”
Or, a rainy day in bed, where all they do is enjoy each other’s company.
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mistypsych · 1 year
/ yoongi / suga / agust d /
summary: as a doctor you never expected to be dragged into “the criminal life”, nothing and no one seems to be true anymore, your whole world turns upside down after you save him.
pairings: yoongi mob boss x f.reader x non idol bts members.
warnings: smut, guns, knives, stabbings, blood, gore, murders, drugs, criminals, gang life, medical emergency, illness, abuse, swearing, angst, dubcon, gang violence, corruption, manipulation, lies, cheating - 18+ minors dni.
Note: Hi! This is an attempt of writing a fanfic long after not writing anything at all. Please keep in mind English is no longer my first language and it might be a bit rusty at times. Comments and thoughts are well appreciated. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, state your thoughts for me to post up and have me add you to the tag list!
Sorry it took me a while to post this chapter. It isn’t too long but I didn’t want to leave you all hanging without anything. I had a lot of things to handle - family visit threw the holidays as well as I met someone and got into a relationship - first time since a couple years. Work has also been busy so I hope you guys will forgive my absence! I will try and post more frequently now! Please comment. Your words always are motivating!
The dead toned beep of the ended phone call rang in your ears mercilessly. Taking a couple seconds to compose yourself after Yoongis brutal truth, you looked at the mirror and took in a deep, sharp breath. Shaking your head, you grabbed at the bridge of your nose. This was all getting chaotic and you did not like that fact at all.
You’ve always lead a quite composed life. Yes your work was complicated and very intense at times but outside of that you lead a peaceful life up until now. Up until you got dragged into this fucking mess by your best friend. Up until you found out your fiancé was a liar and cheater. Up until you screwed Agust-D, or should you say - it was more like he screwed you.
Walking into the hot shower you tried to get rid of all those invasive thoughts. Your brain kept playing scenes of the black eyed gangsters lips attacking all of your skin, all of those sensitive parts, all the places that mattered. Your hands wiped down your face as if trying to toss off all the images together with the water droplets. This was not going to be an easy task. Sleeping with the long haired brunette just made your already complicated situation even more messed up.
Once you were wiping your body off with the soft towel you let out yet again another frustrated sigh. Knowing you had to get out of the bathroom and face Hoseok angered you. All you wanted to do was punch him in the face and break his perfect little nose. The vision of having to keep this relationship going for the greater good and to put his ass behind bars wasn’t in any way ideal for you. But it had to be done. You knew in the long run this was they only thing that would make up for all the heartache he put you threw.
You let your still wet hair drop on your shoulders. Wrapping yourself up in a comfortable bathrobe you walked out hesitantly. The smell of freshly made breakfast, deliciously tickled your nostrils. Well at least he was good for some things - you muttered soundlessly to yourself.
Stepping in the kitchen you saw the cheater himself hovering over some pans, while humming some tune. You used to love this view, you used to watch him quietly with a big smile on your face. These gestured used to matter. Now all they did was poke a deep hole in your heart. You could not help but feel as if dead inside towards the one you thought you’d end up spending your life with.
As if on queue Hoseok turned to you with a plated meal and a sweet smile on his face.
“Sit love” he said with a hum while placing the dish on the table. You felt you stomach clench while you braved yourself to put on the best fake loving face you could. “Thanks… hun…” you said a bit hesitantly, what he picked up right away.
Sighing loudly he looked at you with sad eyes and said “Hey… I know lately it has been rough… and I work a lot… and I don’t give you the attention you deserve. But that will change soon babe, I promise…” he whispered while leaning down to kiss your temple.
It took all of your impulse control not to push away from him. Forcing yourself to take the kiss you said quietly “Yea… it has been rough…”. After your words fell, he gave you a worried look. Knowing you well he decided not to continue this topic. Instead he gave you another peck and told you to eat up while he makes coffee.
Your eyes turned to the back of his head as he brewed the caffeinated liquid. You wished you could burn a hole in his skull, purely by your gaze. Giving up on that ridiculous thought, you focused on your food. You had to eat. You had work this afternoon. You didn’t want to feel weak and tired. Work was about the only thing that still made sense in your life. All the rest seemed to be going down in flames.
Once your fiancé put a cup in front of you, you gladly grabbed at it. Keeping yourself occupied and your mouth full was the best option to avoid senseless talk. You were only willing to answer what you had planned for the day. You really didn’t want to force the conversation. Thankfully Hobi seemed to think all the tension was coming from his lack of time and his hectic work schedule. Who were you to correct him? Even if you wanted you couldn’t. You had a deal with Jimin. The vision of the cheating bastard in front of you, being set behind bars was the only thing that kept you sane.
When you finished up your meal, you decided to do the dishes. You didn’t want to seem too upset. It was a usual with the two of you. When one cooked the other took care of the dishes. The brainless action made you zone out. The bubbles on your hand felt oddly relaxing. As you were about to calm down from all the anger your felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist.
You took in a sharp breath and get tense right away. It was something you could not control. It was just a natural reaction of your body to the touch of someone who you saw as a traitor. “Are you that displeased with me?” he asked, his lips almost touching your ear. Anxiety was attacking your nerve system mercilessly. You had to swallow the big ball that formed in your throat before you spoke “It just had been very awkward between us… that’s all…”.
Shaking his head slightly he kept on hugging you “I know baby… and I wanna fix it… you know what they say… good sex can cure many arguments…” hearing those words you felt your stomach flip. The last thing you were feeling up to was going to bed with this asshole. But did you have much choice? This was your thing. You guys used to use the act of desire take over you when in disputes. You didn’t want to raise red flags and have him suspicious of your behavior. There was so much at stake.
An idea popped in your head. You could use the fact he clearly wanted to sway you, please you. This was your way to get threw this. Turning around slowly you gave him a dark smile. Your brain automatically switching to imagine someone else was standing in front of you. “Is that so? You want to fix the situation?” you asked with a deeper voice and he nodded in agreement.
“Then get on your knees and please me. Since you didn’t have time to give me attention lately… today will be all about me…” you voice was sultry and tainted with a darkness you never let out yet. Hoseok was clearly taken aback for a second, completely not expecting such a thing from you. But you were right, he did want to sway your mood. So he smiled gently while dropping down slowly to his knees.
His long fingers grabbed at your shorts and pulled them down. You closed your eyes imagining it was those digits covered in rings doing this to you. At this moment you were great full for having a good imagination. You needed it to survive this, to take pleasure from it.
When you felt the hot breath hit your core, you bit down on your lip, visioning it was the dark haired mobster in front of you. The image of Agust-D on his knees made you soaked in seconds. “God you’re getting wet…” Jung gasped, his voice distracting you a bit, so you shushed him with a “Get to it then…”.
Once you felt his tongue on your clit you almost jumped. The next movements and sucking making you almost moan Yoongis name. He was right. You would be thinking of him… fuck you were already and this was the only thing making you enjoy the moment. It didn’t take you long to jump over the edge. Biting down on your tongue you made sure to not scream the name of another.
Luckily for you, your fiancé was so out of it all and happy with himself, he believed everything between you was ok for now. The fact he had to head out to work soon, was just the cherry on top of the cake. You on the other hand had time to get ready for the afternoon and think about how Yoongi read right threw you. His words from your last phone call echoed in your brain. Shaking your head you mumbled to yourself - Stop. This needs to stop. I am just gonna use what happened to imagine things, to survive around Hoseok as long as I need to.
The little pep talk was supposed to set you straight. You decided you would never give into temptation again. You’d never jump into the arms of a gangster. You couldn’t. He was bad news. Or maybe bad news was him. It was hard to decided which of the two was correct. But the fact was - this man was danger and it was best to stir clear of him. So that is what you planned on doing.
Work was going well for you even tho you didn’t get to have the shift with your friend. But maybe that was better. That way you could focus on the job and not risk falling into discussing the whole gang situation. Your phone was silent as well. No messages from you soon to be ex. No one to bother your. No one to disturb your flow.
You were telling lucky to have a couple of light surgeries scheduled. They were just basic procedures. You did not need to think too much about what you were doing. You were great full that you enjoyed your job. That it was left undisturbed. That it could be your anchor to sanity. You could lose yourself in it. Forget about all the other chaos. Just be present in the moment. Just focus on your hand work, on what needed to be done. Nothing else mattered then and there.
The wrecked mood from the morning switched to a content and relaxed on. The evening was nice. You decided you’d take a walk home. You lived not too far away. Some exercise would do you well. Taking out your phone you thought for a moment and texted Jungkook. You wanted to check if maybe he was out drinking in some of the bars close by. You’d gladly join him then.
While walking and awaiting and answer from your coworker, your turned into one of the allies to take a shortcut. It was still not that late and usually the are was safe. All seemed to be the same this time. That was until a black SUV appeared at the other end. Stopping in your tracks you felt the flight or fight mode sweep over your body.
Clenching your hands on the purse strap you were thinking on what to do. Once the doors of the car opened, you were ready to run. But suddenly the well known gravely voice hit the air.
“Didn’t your parents teach you allies tend to be dangerous?” he chuckled a bit at his own words clearly enjoying he gave you a scare.
Your feet became heavy. It was as if the got cemented to the ground. A shiver ran over your spine. Standing there you stared as the brunet slowly made his way to you. The heels of his elegant shoes clicking over the ground. The sound bounced off the bricked walls. It all seemed just like in the movies. The hunter walking over to his helpless prey.
As he came close he tossed the end of his cigaret to the grown and blew out the last smoke your way. You felt your knees becoming weak. This guys was something else. Everything about him was screaming danger, but somehow you couldn’t move, you couldn’t run, you just stood there, your eyes glued to him.
“I told you we’d meet again Y/N… and you owe me a morning…” clearing your throat you finally spoke “Do I? I don’t recall anything about spending the mornings with you in our agreement…” the words made him leans his head back and laugh. “What a mouth you have…” he spat out and grabbed your face with his hand. Pushing down on your cheeks. His black eyes piercing right threw your soul. “I have better use for it then starting up discussions…” his voice was low and coated with something you could not put your finger on. Was it desire?
The next thing you knew, you were pinned to the cold wall, his face inches from yours. As you were about to speak, he silenced you with his lips.
tags: @wobblewobble822 @nansasa @nochook @kootieful @kooslilhoe @yoongisducky @xjiminsthighsx @danielle143 @llallaaa @idkjustlovingbts @darcyw16 @missusally-blog @honsoolgloss @nochuel @kaitieskidmore1 @starrlo0ver @geek-lara-nerd @jwnghyuns @xyahrinx @acquiescence804 @prettytaesworld @i-have-three-feelings @citypop-princess
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Ask: this is a request you don't have to do if you don't want to, but teen! reader that wants to strike a deal with Lucifer, but with all the work he has, he asks Charlie to go instead. but when she goes there, she realizes that it's just a kid that wants to get away from her awful family. So Charlie helps her and then they get closer like siblings and then when she dies (either due to an accident or by doing it herself) they go to the hotel and there she meets everyone and bc Charlie helped her, she stays and helps out with the hotel by doing things like cooking, cleaning etc. I'm kinda rambling but I hope you get the gist.
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•Charlie Morningstar x teen! reader
•platonic, no horny
•what if…there was a kid who worked as a butler at the hotel
You ran. As fast as you could. Your mom was going to send you away. Somewhere far, far away. You couldn’t take it anymore.
You were going to make a deal with Lucifer in order to have a safe space. It was the only way. You couldn’t survive in that house. You had to summon him. The only problem is that when you did summon him….
she showed up.
Charlotte Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. She helped you. She gave you a safe space, a little hole in space time that she could visit you in, and you could access without her. If only you didn’t have to go back to that dreadful home at the end of the day.
Over time, Charlie became like a sister to you. You would celebrate birthdays together, watch movies, laugh, and just be…happy. You cared about Charlie, and she cared about you. She didn’t understand why you would sell your soul, but accepted it nonetheless. But atleast if you didn’t, she wouldn’t have had a cool new younger sister.
but….on your thirteenth birthday, when she showed up with a cake….
“Y/n? Are you there? I brought you a birthday cake.”
Poor sweetheart found your suicide note on the table. She was heartbroken, but knew you would be in heaven. Oh boy, was she wrong.
When you woke up, you were in this really bright place. It was on fire, and it smelled like a bar and dried corpses. But worst of all was the way you looked. You were fluffy, with a bright pink maids dress, white fur, pink hair, a little cotton tail, and…bunny ears. YOU WERE A FREAKING BUNNY KID! That’s worse than being a spider(angel dust slander).
You tried to look at some tv’s, hoping to find a news broadcast that could tell you about this weird afterlife. Instead you saw an ad for a dumb hotel-wait. Is that Charlie? HOLY SHIT, ITS CHARLIE!
You rushed to the Hazbin Hotel as fast as you could, and you were greeted at the door by none other than Charlie herself. She scooped you into a bear hug and showed you to everyone in the hotel.
Once Charlie told you about her mission, you were eager to help. You were too young to do much though, you simply helped clean and cook. You always smiled through the work, just like your mom taught you. A smile was safe. When you smiled, you didn’t get hit.
The hotel is better with you in, you always bring in a bright atmosphere, and you cook the best meals though. Sometimes you miss your friends in the living world, but you wouldn’t want to get your new friends sad, so you kept smiled. Although, someone might see through it.
___________________ Lmao this was so rushed.
I have this and a few other fanfics saved in my drafts on my main blog so they’ll get posted there then reblogged on @thathastagbiotch bc that’s my fanfiction blog so follow that account not this one
I’m so sorry this is so late
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