#the damaged flowers aesthetic
countv0ncunt · 3 months
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Tumblrina golden age aesthetic never let me out of its clutches
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unexpectedstormy · 2 months
Skyward Sword Skyloft Aesthetic
I love the aesthetic of Skyloft so let's analyze it and see what makes it tick. This will be a long post with lots and lots of photos.
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First of all, In Skyloft there are two very different styles of architecture:
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Ancient architecture, which are the stately grey stone structures like the light tower in the plaza and around the Statue of the Goddess (as well as various locations on the surface)
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And the Skyloftian architecture, which is much more round, colorful and whimsical than the ancient architecture. I will be focusing on the Skyloftian architecture.
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Skyloftian houses are built underground with one exposed side facing out. The roofs are flat and often have paths or grass growing on them in order to maximize surface area and places to walk. Each house is unique and is personalized to the occupant.
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Non-house buildings like the bazaar, knight academy, and the Lumpy Pumpkin are built above-ground and have varying kinds of roofs, from wood to bamboo, to tented rugs.
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Interior walls generally follow this pattern: the walls are painted (or possibly frescoed) with a primary color--it's not a solid color, but with a dappled 'paintbrush-stroke' pattern. Decorative stones or tiles of a contrasting color are placed in a horizontal wavy line in the bottom half of the wall and in another line near the ceiling.
At the base, is a layer of stones of a different color. Structurally, this is likely a foundational base on which the walls are constructed to protect them from groundwater damage, like in cob (a certain kind of mud-cement) house construction.
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Buildings and rooms tend to be curvy or round and often have whimsical features built in, like the oven in the kitchen and the bird faucet and tiled round bathing pool in the bathroom of the Knight Academy. In houses, sinks and counters are sometimes built into the wall. This is another feature you see frequently in cob house construction.
In fact, the Skyloftian style of architecture seems to have taken heavy inspiration from cob house construction. Cob is a building material that is made of local mud with additives to turn it into cement with hay or grass mixed in. The cob is mounded up into the shape of the walls and sealed with sealant and plaster. It is very quick to construct cob buildings and they are highly customizable. Building made of cob tend to be whimsical--look up images and see for yourself.
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Furniture is made with wood and often has decorative tiling, painting, or carvings in them.
In terms of decorations, the most common motifs are geometric designs, floral and plant designs, and bird-themed designs. Bright colors are preferred, and almost everything in the whole game, but especially in Skyloft, has a pink or purple tinge/undertone to it.
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One thing Skyloftians love are ornate rugs. Every room and every house has a rug, usually multiple rugs. Each rug is unique, brightly colored, and usually geometric in design.
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There is even an entire (unmanned) shop in the bazaar full of rugs and other textiles.
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Other decorations you might find in homes and buildings are pots, vases, bottles, and plates with colorful designs
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Lace, stuffed animals, decorative pillows
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Turkish lamps, wall hangings, table placemats or a table runner
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Mobiles and decorative ceiling hangings
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Remlit tree
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And some rooms/houses are themed, for example, Fledge's room has a tropical island theme.
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Outdoors, the village is decorated with multi-colored banners, buntings, pinwheels, flags, and flowers.
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Together all these things construct the aesthetic and style of Skyloft: rounded and curvy buildings, cob-style construction, geometric, floral and bird designs, bright colors, ornate rugs, pots, Turkish lamps, stained glass, wood carvings, and lots and lots of whimsy.
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grotesque-grimoire · 3 months
Random Witch Tips
If you're going to use a mortar & pestle, invest in one that is stone/metal. Wooden ones are more common and accessible, but they're kinda shit from my experience. They don't last as long, they're not nearly as strong (seriously, the one's I've used couldn't pulverize fucking dried rosemary, c'mon), the wood can splinter off and contaminate your product(s), and then there's bacterial issues if the wood isn't properly sealed, which can also be an issue if the sealant/protectant begins chipping into your product.
Make sure you're actually going to use something more than once before you buy it. Do you really need that cauldron, or can you use a metal pot instead? Do you really need those crystals, or can you enchant a stone or something else to serve their purpose(s)? Do you need a fancy wand or can you use a twig or a pencil? Money doesn't grow on trees, but apples do. Are you buying something to use or to have? To be a tool or a decoration? (No hate if you want it for aesthetics)
Try to use old kitchen spices for witchcraft. Use newer spices/herbs for cooking; you'll get more of the flavor. Before you go shopping for an ingredient for magic, look in your pantry/spice rack. Use what you already have there, especially if they're older. Get newer spices to cook with. And don't be afraid to split ingredients between cooking and crafting; it's literally fine. Watch out for cross-contamination and you'll be ok.
Fabric is more useful for pouches that will be kept in the pocket, tight spaces, or traveled with. Bottles/jars are more useful for workings that will remain stationary, or those that contain liquid elements. Tiny charm jewelry bottles can work well for subtle/hidden magic. Use peat pods (decompostable flower pots) for workings that are to be buried. Do not throw workings into lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, or the ocean; that's littering and is damaging to the local ecology.
If you don't have space (or items) for a physical altar, digital altars are limitless. Make one in ms paint or photoshop; make a tumblr blog or pinterest board; make an altar in minecraft, animal crossing, dreamlight valley, skyrim, or whatever. Some might say it's cringe, but it saves space and gives you more freedom with design and items without costing much money.
Don't make a travel altar if you're not going to travel. Trust me. It'll sit in your closet or your desk or under your bed and just never get used. The water will dry up, the salt will clump, and the oils in the incense will end up eating through other things. If you don't need it, don't waste time and resources making one. You can plan them and design them all you want though, it's fun. But take it from someone who's done it more times than they should: they're useless if you're not actually going anywhere. (I plan to make a post(s) all about this when my spoons allow it)
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paintedperiwinkle · 4 months
plant dashboard simulator
🍁 nevergreen Following
when are we gonna talk about the superiority complex that evergreens have just because they don’t go dormant
🌱 sproutaloud Follow
🌳 oakspoke Follow
um it’s quite literally the opposite actually?? evergreens are always ostracized because they don’t turn colors in autumn
🍁 nevergreen Following
found the evergreen apologist
#evergreens if i see u on this post ur getting blocked immediately
25,398 notes
🍌 fruitsalad Follow
just a reminder that imported produce take away from the desirability of locally grown produce!
🍓 berrysweet Following
what the fuck??
🥥 tropical-chill Follow
op i’m outside your house with a weedwhacker
#tw discourse #tw idiocy
36,294 notes
🥕 carrottop-deactivated10022023
demeaning crops who weren’t sowed with higher quality soil and fertilizer is elitist btw!
🍒 redandjuicy Following
literally who is doing that
🪴 homegrown Follow
flop post i fear
🍂 autumnbreeze Follow
bro deleted his whole account 💀
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🥀 wiltedbeauty Following
can we PLEASE talk about the pretty privilege of garden flowers?? weeds and wildflowers are always cast out just bc we aren’t “aesthetic”
🪻 violet-and-violent Following
and the most stuck up ones are ALWAYS roses and sunflowers
🥀 wiltedbeauty Following
5,746 notes
🌻 de-flowered Follow
just got pollenated for the first time…
🌳 oakspoke Follow
some things can stay in the drafts op
🌷 pinkandpretty Following
don’t listen to them you go girl!
5,229 notes
🪴 homegrown Follow
dni if you think that kudzu shouldn’t be held accountable for the damage it’s done to native flora communities
🍌 fruitsalad Follow
op they aren’t gonna like this one…
🍁 nevergreen Following
your ass is always at the scene of the crime huh
57,385 notes
🍄 not-a-fun-guy Follow
do you guys ever feel like you don’t belong
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🌵 aloesoft Following
gentle reminder that the terms succulent and cacti are not interchangeable!! all cacti are succulents but not all succulents are cacti! it can be offensive to some of us to use them incorrectly!
🍓 berrysweet Following
reblogging so more people see this
3,385 notes
🍃 soil-lover Following
all lawns are beautiful!! lawns with weeds! lawns with sparse grass and dirt patches! clover lawns! overgrown lawns! you are all beautiful!
🍂 autumnbreeze Follow
one of these things is not like the others…
🌾 gonewiththewind Follow
the real issue is that “lawns” exist in the first place. what happened to wide open fields?
🍃 soil-lover Following
can you make your own fucking post
17,220 notes
🌱 sproutaloud Follow
vegetables that can be grown throughout multiple seasons i love you <3
🥒 cute-cumber Follow
so just fuck single season veggies then huh?
🌱 sproutaloud Follow
that is literally not what i said. but now i am. fuck you
#??? #are you stupid on purpose or
6,383 notes
🪷 hightide Following
some of you guys need to start including aquatic plants in your advocacy. we are the most overlooked plant group
🌵 aloesoft Following
🪷 hightide Following
why are you the only one who understands me
#aquatic plants 🤝 desert plants
104 notes
🌿 fabulousfern Follow
no offense but indoor plants will literally never understand what wild plants go through
🎍 bamboozled Follow
you want a medal or something?? as a wild plant myself we’re not somehow better than them because we don’t need humans to take care of us. they didn’t ask to be born house plants
🌿 fabulousfern Follow
kiss ass
#did they pick you? #i hope they see this bro
9,385 notes
🍀 luckyday Following
shoutout to all of the big trees that share their nutrients with us little guys down here!! we love you!! 💚
11 notes
🌳 oakspoke Follow
no one tell the climbing plants but it makes me feel a bit claustrophobic when they grow up all over me
🌲 suburban-spruce Follow
HELP i thought i was the only one 😭
🍁 nevergreen Following
oh that’s not…
🌱 sproutaloud Follow
it’s not too late to delete this…
🍇 leavesfromthevine Following
like literally wtf???
#sorry that not all of us have a fucking trellis to grow on?? #we literally can not help how we grow??? #yall pretend to care about plants different from you but then post shit like this #did u think no one would see this? be honest #pathetic
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
yo i want to see headcannons of any of the marble hornets or even ticci toby with a cottagecore fem s/o, how would they react with the way she styled herself? i mean.. they are a vicious ruthless monster and then here she is their s/o who is just love nature, 70s fashion, sweet and friendly like yk
Proxies with a cottagecore S/O 
Toby, Tim/Masky + Brian/Hoodie x Gender Neutral Reader (Separately) 
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons 
Content/Warnings: Toby’s section gets a bit suggestive because that’s how he is (small touches, staring, ogling, but it’s all light), a minuscule mention of blood, mostly fluff 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
Oooohhhh this boy 
Keep in mind, he’s about 19, 20 
Those horny teenager hormones are still coursing through him, and they aren’t leaving any time soon 
Seeing you in such cute little clothes gets him a liiiiittle worked up, he just can’t help it! 
If you’re wearing pants, he’s eyeing you up when you walk away, 100% 
If you’re wearing a skirt, don’t be surprised if his hands wander up your thighs 
He’ll stop if you tell him to of course, he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable! But if he knows he’s got the green light, you know what to expect 
He also loooooves that you love nature! He loves it too! 
Be prepared to pick all the leaves and sticks out of his hair when he comes back home after a long day/night 
And also wash the blood of off him (don’t be surprised if he asks you to join him in the shower) 
AND be prepared for him to bring back random bugs, frogs, and other small animals and try to convince you to let him keep them
(do not let him) 
He’ll definitely be bringing back random plants and berries to see if you can cook with them 
He’s really good at foraging, although he’d be significantly better if he could remember what’s edible and what’s not 
He’s got some brain damage and ADHD but he tries his best yk 
Just pat his head and tell him he’s done good 
He also may or may not sneak into your closet to try on your clothes every once in a while 
Masculine, feminine, androgynous, he doesn’t care! He likes your clothes! 
Overall he’s rather sweet, if a bit oblivious; you may have to teach him a few things, but he’ll learn for you! 
Tim grew up in an old farmhouse, he knows a lot about this sort of thing! 
In fact, your cottagecore aesthetic is borderline nostalgic for him, it really warms his heart in a way he’s waaaay too embarrassed to ever admit, even if he personally doesn’t partake in the lifestyle 
He’ll totally adjust fine to the cottagecore life 
He’s had his fair share of experience with cooking with whatever he can forage from the woods (and he actually knows what can and can’t be eaten), so he’s very helpful in the kitchen! 
He’s also a very skilled hunter, so he’s more than willing to bring back a fresh kill for you to cook 
He’ll skin it and do all the dirty work for you, that way your job is easy 
In return all you have to do cook him dinner while he’s in the shower washing off the smell, and he’ll be happy
He thinks your style is absolutely adorable, even if he won’t outright say it! 
That’s okay though, because you can see it in the way his eyes widen a bit when you come down the stairs all dressed up in the prettiest little outfit he could ever imagine 
He’ll pause and look down, exhaling the smoke from his cigarette before looking up and giving a brief compliment: 
“Lookin’ good, sweetheart.” 
He’s kinda emotionally constipated, but you’ll learn to read him 
If you craft, please give him homemade gifts! 
Baskets, wreaths, flower arrangements, whatever little cottagecore trinket you can conjure 
You’ll have his heart forever 
One of Tim’s favorite pastimes is whittling, so don’t he surprised if he leaves a little deer statue on your beside table as a thank you 
Tim isn’t high maintenance or hard to satisfy at all, he’s more than happy to share a quaint little cottage with you 
All he needs is a kiss on the cheek when he leaves for ‘work’ to keep him warm until he can hug you again 
Brian is probably the most well versed on internet aesthetics, and dare I say may even be a bit cottagecore himself! 
It’s a lot more subtle of course, but you can see it in the way he hoards potted plants and persistently makes sure the hummingbird feeder and bird bath are full 
He’s also the most invested in nature, if that makes sense; he knows a lot about the native flora and fauna of his area and will always point them out to you if you’re around 
It’s not unusual for you to catch him staring out the window at the birds 
He doesn’t really like to cook and he doesn’t forage since it’s not something that’s ever interested him, but he has a way with sewing! 
He collects patches for his bags and clothes, and he likes to alter and add to his own garments 
He’s phenomenal with patchwork and fixing up tears 
Never again will you have to be upset about a rip in your favorite dress or a split seam in your best pair of pants! 
Brian will have it fixed up like new in no time 
You won’t even be able to tell it was ever torn! 
Although he doesn’t forage, Brian always brings a bag with him to pick up any plants he hasn’t seen before or wants more of
If he particularly likes one he’ll uproot it and put it in a pot to keep in your cottage 
Soon half of your house will belong to the plants, but it’s okay because he makes sure they’re arranged cutely 
He cares just as much about the aesthetic as you do, don’t worry 
He definitely likes to match outfits too! 
If he’s ever in town and sees a piece of clothing he likes, he’s buying another (or at least the closest thing) for you too 
Be ready for many fashion shows, all while he compliments every single outfit (and you’d better do the same for him!)
When he’s home there will certainly be many calm, domestic nights filled with mundane couples activities and exhausting laughter 
He’s a romantic at heart, and nothing will ever change that 
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almadesarrollo · 3 months
MLB SEASON 6 FELINETTE'S BIG TRACK IN JEREMY ZAG'S VIDEO (new Miraculous scenarios via Instagram) ANALYSIS AND FELINETTE CLUES FOR S6 PART 3 marinette's balcony : THE BALLS AND color symbology
PART 2 marinette's balcony : flowers and HYDRANSIAS.
2 BALL: the balls of light have undergone a color change, here you have a scheme AND their color palette and order.
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Ok, we can see that the balls are not placed like that because yes, if not, there is a color pattern that repeats, both on one balcony and on the other, before analyzing the color pattern, which says a lot, we have to think about what it represents in Yes the balls on Marinette's balcony.
For me it is clear, they represent her self-love and her ability to shine.
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Let's look at the two characteristics, 1 they are round and the circle or mole is the figure that represents Marinette, it is in everything, her aesthetics, her clothes, her design and of course in ladybug since this is a pattern typical of ladybugs. This speaks to us about her, her self-love and her way of being,
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2 these give light, which tells us that Marinette is a soul of light, a pure soul, they shine in the night which tells us that even in the DARKEST moments of life Marinette is able to move forward and shine.
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Well, each color represents a character and from there we get clues, right? That is why as we look at the order we have, white, yellow, hot pink, red, light green and start again. What does each one represent?
- white: kagami and tsuguri are in all their aesthetics, but it is also representative of marinette, which tells us that part of that development and self-love and billiards ability, it will be kagami who starts it and it doesn't take long considering what we have said above.
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-yellow: represents Chloe and Queen Bee, yellow is a very characteristic color of hers but also, she combines a lot with white, Chloe resettles Kagami, which would confirm the first color for us, (remember that white was both Marinette and Kagami , one of the 2) that this pattern begins with Kagami, so Marinette's evolution will occur through her actions, realizing that Chloe is nicknamed queen just like Kagami who is nicknamed queen, there you have another confirmation.
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-hot pink/fuchsia; Zoe, MARINETTE INVERSE, this color is a very particular color because we find it in a certain aesthetic, a colored wick, aha, you have this wick for Zoe and Marinette from the inverse miraculous so it represents both,
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What does this mean? Well, it is confirmation that Marinette is going to become more characterful and evolve.
Zoe represents Marinette, but a more adult, more liberal, more confident Marinette, which is why they both have a similar aesthetic,
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Now, if we remember especially MIRACULOUS INVERSE, bad Marinette also had it and also on the same side of her bangs, what do we know about that Marinette? that her life was a shit (to sum it up hahaha) so what happens to that Marinette will surely happen to ours, this is going to make her become cold and isolate herself from everything, but also make her very strong, she It will be "broken" to be "built" again due to several factors, because they are going to damage it from all sides and the causes will be kagami and lila, but above all kagami, but this will force her to mature and become strong Well, only in the darkness is where we can shine, right? and that is where we would have "zoe", a very sweet girl but also very self-confident and brave...
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-red: kagami and ladybug, red is clearly the color of ladybug and kagami,
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Now which of the two are you referring to, well clearly Ladybug, because Kagami was already represented before and remember, we come from that hot pink, what does this mean? Well, the fact that Marinette becomes stronger in herself will logically influence her form as a heroine, it's like this side is going to reinforce it more, but also she won't have as much of a complex type of "if she doesn't" "I'm nothing" she will understand that Ladybug is part of her and she is part of Ladybug, overcoming her insecurities", but that is if she had a bit of a bad time before, the inverse special gave clues.
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-Neon green: chatnoir and adrien,
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Yes, we could say that it is black but the truth is that neon green is the color that we see in many of their patterns, together we see it in their transformation, logo, print, etc... so it is a very characteristic color of theirs. , What does it mean? WELL, the relationship with both Chatnoir and Adrien is going to end, because, well, because of Kagami (and Lila's lies and Marinette herself) all that domino effect will also ruin the relationship between these two, and to confirm this , then the pattern is repeated again, leaving white, and again the same order, thus finishing one thing, and for that reason in this new season we have a new pattern of colors and balls.
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Well, the order of this pattern is as follows, red, indigo blue, green, yellow and then this series repeats, red, indigo blue etc...ok? Well, knowing the order and what the colors and balls represent, let's do it.
-red: kagami and ladybug, represents both,
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and it tells us 2 things:
1st: Kagami will be the one to ruin Marinette's life completely and the fact that she appears here means that S6 YOU WILL HAVE MORE THAN OBVIOUS CLUE THAT THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN, to summarize, Kagami is going to betray Marinette by revealing her identity to the world, this movement will be given by lila from the shadows with manipulation.
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and this should no longer be a surprise, the Félix chapter already gave clues that SHE IS UNITED WITH CHLOE AND LILA.
esto ser aun batacazo doble para marinette porque uno se puede esperar traicion por parte de chloe y de lila, pero ¿de kagami? la serie va a ser como hermanas, así que imagínate.
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[this friendship will be broken]
This is going to destroy Marinette, so she will be left alone and this was both in civilian life and as a heroine (not counting the whole mess with Adrien and the lies and what Lila is going to get into their relationship)
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2nd after all this, Marinette will really focus on being Ladybug seriously, and she will take her place, by then, her life will be chaos and of course she will not be able to trust anyone (not even in chatnoir) so she will have to search to a new partner, IT COULD ALSO BE A CLUE THAT WITH THE MESS HE'S GOING TO BE IN, HE MAY EVEN HAVE TO CHANGE MIRACULOUS AND USE THE DRAGON,
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-índigo blue: Argos
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THIS COLOR REPRESENTS ARGOS, Argos and Félix, will play a crucial role because in S6, as we already see with my previous posts, and with all the chaos, Marinette will have the only person who will take care of her and protect, it will be Felix,
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Now, it should be noted that this color is Argos, not Félix, which would indicate that on the one hand, we will see in this S6 MUCH MORE OF ARGOS HIMSELF THAN FELIX, and that the help will be more on a heroic level than on a civilian level, Argos is going to Being Ladybug's right hand, the only one she will be able to trust, will lighten her burden as Ladybug and little will replace Chatnoir, this is because of all the loyalty, affection, care and understanding that he will show, that's why appears here, this confirms what we mentioned in many of our posts, that felinette and argonette will be real, what's more, since this is on Marinette's balcony, it is possible that we even have a scene where Argos visits her on her balcony (how romantic aww).
Now in fact that it appears after the red one, I think it is confirmation of the Argobug ship, both will be a great team AND THAT IS WHY IT APPEARS IN THAT ORDER.
-strong green: carapace,
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This color represents carapace, and you will say, what about this one in all this? It is not in itself that he is going to play an important role, it is what both Carapace and Nino represent, both represent Argos and through him they give us a clue (like with Chloe with Kagami)
Here I leave you a more extended link where we analyze everything about wayzz, nino and carapace and their connection with Argos/Félix
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This tells us about HOW he is going to protect Marinette, and the reason why he will become her constant companion, above all she will have protection from him, this will surely be at the end when Marinette's life falls apart, and He will be in charge of protecting several things; his heart, his secret identity (when she loses everything) his freedom, his friendship etc… EVERYTHING.
-yellow: Zoe
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According to the INFO that we already revealed above, it could be Chloe, but this does not make sense because as we have said through her, they tell us about Kagami and her intentions and that was already clear at the beginning, from the sequence of colors, in this case it is just zoe,
Zoe appears because through her she tells us about Marinette, as we have said, her identity will be revealed, so she will have to change in every aspect, (she will probably get blonde hair and get highlights) the fact that she is here only confirms to us that the seeds for this and its flowering will be in S6, for some reason "the end of ladybug" was announced, because it will literally be its end and they are preparing the ground, only here they will be Clues SO OBVIOUS THAT THEY WILL NOT BE OVERLOOKED, until it is It is possible that she even changes her miraculous temporarily, this could be a clue that she uses the bee one.
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THEN LET'S MAKE A SUMMARY: what does the ball change and all that mean for the S6? From now on, Kagami will betray Marinette's friendship, reveal her identity, all of this motivated by Lila, this will destroy her and cause a great catharsis in her that will force her to mature through pain, she will have to change her entire style of life. life, Félix and Argos will be his greatest support and protection, all this will make them come together quite as friends and then as something more.
Reblog, like and follow me for more content of this type.
See you in the next post.
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angelsworks · 11 months
Sick Doggy Klaus Mikaelson x Fluttershy!Reader
Type : Oneshot
Challenge Masterlist -> Here
Summary: The sick dog you take back to your home isn’t what he appears to be
Warnings: injury of animal, violence, etc
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You’d been picking flowers a while away from your small cottage. You’d walked down the weathered dirt path to an open meadow full of flowers. It was there that you started to fill your basket. The sun felt good on your skin, as did the breeze in your hair. You’d worn a lightly coloured flowy dress. One that fit into your almost cottage core aesthetic.
True to your aesthetic you did live in a cottage. That cottage happened to be on the outskirts of mystic falls - home to the weird and supernatural. Despite living there your whole life, you always felt a disconnect with the people around you. You’d prefer the company of animals to that of humans. But you still wanted to stay close to home, close to your roots.
The cottage was perfect. It had taken hard work on your part but it was now your home. It was a place you could live in peace with your animals. The majority of animals in your cottage weren’t necessarily pets. They came and went as they pleased. Always knowing your home would be there if they so needed it.
The exceptions were your dog and cat. Both strays that you had taken in over your time at the cottage.
It became almost a hobby of yours. Interacting and caring for animals. It was almost as if they were drawn to you. Or maybe you were just drawn to them.
A sound in the distance made you cease your flower picking. A loud cry from beyond the tree-line. Then a sharp howl. The sounds combined made you think it was a fox of some sort with the way it screamed. Then the howl lead you to a canine.
Abandoning your flower basket you cautiously walked towards the tree-line. Looking for any movement from the animal in question. When you saw none you made you way into the maze of trunks. Each one looking similar to the last. You knew these woods though, you wouldn’t get lost.
You followed your instincts and the occasional sounds of the animal. Finally you happened upon it, a relatively large wolf, dark grey in colour, apart from the dark patches on its face. It was in pain. The cause of that pain was a steel bait trap locked tightly around one of it arms or paws or legs.
“Oh no, you poor thing.” You pushed aside any idea of fear about this creature. Knowing that wolves weren’t necessarily common to the area but were warned against frequently.
You moved closer and it growled loudly. Causing you to jolt back slightly in fright.
“No, no, listen,” you crouch down trying to appear less threatening. “I’m here to help. Please let me help you.”
Almost like it could understand it stops it’s growling. Letting out a whine as it’s head falls to the ground.
You take it as a sign to get to work. Assessing the damage done to its leg and what the best course of action would be.
You take a breath, “I’m going to pry it off, okay? After that I’ll wrap it and take you back to my cottage.”
You rip your dress, pushing aside sad thoughts of damaging one of your favourite dresses. The fabric you’ve now got would be ideal to wrap it’s wound.
Next you press your hands down on the springs of the bear trap. This wasn’t your first time dealing with one even though the area was a hunt free zone. That fact didn’t stop some people.
As the force on the springs increases the jaws start to relive the pressure. They open slightly, enough to free the wolf’s leg from it. Once it’s clear you let go and the jaws snap shut.
You move to its leg, carefully wrapping the material of your dress around it. It’s not wounded badly, but it has broken the skin and it’s bleeding. When you’re finished the wolf gets up and starts to limp away.
“Hey, you can’t leave. There are hunters here most of the time, illegally of course. You won’t last long out there.” You tell it, trying to coax it in the direction of your cottage.
It sounds like it let’s put a huff of air as it turns around and starts to limp after you.
You walk slowly back to your cottage, picking up your basket on the way. You tell the wolf all about the different flowers you’ve collected and why. You tell it about the meanings of each that you learnt from your botany book.
“It’s not just me at the cottage you know. There’s Tilda, she’s a cat. And there’s Rocco, he’s a dog. You’ll have to be careful around Rocco he thinks everyone his girlfriend.” You laugh, making the wolf behind you growl.
“Are you a girl?” It growls again.
“A boy.” It stays silent.
You smile. Maybe it’s your mind playing tricks on you, but this wolf doesn’t seem normal. It’s too smart.
You approach the cottage by sundown. The wolf behind you still follows relatively closely. When you open the door you’re met with a bounding Rocco, who’s tail almost knocks off various photos and pots around it. It takes him less than ten seconds to notice the hulking grey figure behind you. He starts to bounce on his feet as he stares through your legs.
“No Rocco, no playtime. Go find Tilda, it’s dinner time.” You tell the dog. To which he trots off into your bedroom to bother the black cat most likely lounging under your bed.
You stand to the side of the door so the wolf can make his way inside. Once he does you close and lock the door then start to make a place up on one of your couches. Pulling blankets and pillows alike to fashion a bed of some kind for your visitor.
You motion to the couch, “You can sleep on here. Not that Rocco will be happy. He’s not normally allowed on the furniture.”
The wolf limps over the the couch. Then jumps up, careful not to put weight on its injured leg.
“I need to sort their dinner out, but I’ll find you something to eat soon.” Before leaving to the kitchen you find yourself stroking the wolf’s back, much like as it were your pet.
After sorting Rocco and Tilda’s dinner you call them both. Finding it unsurprising how Rocco runs in, almost colliding with the wall. While, at a much slower pace, Tilda takes her time coming to get her dinner.
You decide on cooking a few chicken breasts for yourself and your visitor. You flavour your own while you leave his plain. Not sure how Wolves feel about spices on their chicken.
After making some pieces to go with your dinner you begin to plate everything up. Once that’s done you put your own plate in the now turned off oven to stay warm, while you feed the wolf his own.
He sniffs the chicken cautiously and stares at you.
“It’s chicken. Rocco eats this all the time. Trust me.” After a brief stare down he takes a gentle bite from your fingers.
It’s the understanding in the wolf’s eyes that once again make you think of how smart it is. Completely illogical but it seems almost human.
When you’ve finished feeding him you go to feed yourself then wash up from dinner and clean your hands. After that you retrieve a bowl from your cabinets to act as a make shift water bowl for the wolf.
“This is for you, I’ll leave it just in the floor.” You tell him after crouching down near him.
“Now let me check your leg.” Carefully you start to unwrap the makeshift bandage, revealing the cuts underneath. You hiss as if his pain if your own.
“Let’s wrap this properly, little guy.” To that the wolf growls. He is in no was little but you can’t help treating him as such.
With his leg properly wrapped and wound cleaned you pull the blanket down over him and wish him a goodnight. When you turn out the light and return to your room to sleep you aren’t sure what will happen with the wolf. Maybe you need to contact the local ranger about him. Yet you don’t want him to be hurt further or killed.
It doesn’t seem to be a problem in the morning. When you go to greet your visitor, he’s gone. Blanket somehow folded neatly and door unlocked. Both strike you as strange but you shrug them off.
You don’t forget about the wolf and the wolf doesn’t forget about you. You don’t realise what an impact you’ve had on Klaus Mikaelson, but you’re about to find out.
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lailoken · 9 months
The Mistreatment of a Sacred Plant
Recently, I had an unpleasant emotional and spiritual shock. I struggle a bit to talk about it because of how upset it makes me, but I feel like the subject matter is important enough to warrant the discussion.
As some may know, one of my dearest plant allies is the Ghost Pipe. I work closely with Monotropes in general, but the Tutelary Spirit of Monotropa Uniflora, in particular, serves as a chief Plant Patron of mine. Part of maintaining this relationship involves visiting a specific location in a devotional capacity, in order to watch, tend, and learn from the population of Ghost Pipes that grow there. I went back to this place not long ago, in order to thank the spectral flowers for lending their power and grace to our Handfasting Ritual, and I was horrified to discover that every one of the colonies I've stewarded over the last few years is completely gone.
They aren't a major food-source for any animals I know of, and this was way more than a die-back, since I recognize what that looks like. What's more, for every colony to have naturally vanished without a trace since the last time I visited was unthinkable. As such, I'm all but sure that someone "Wildcrafted" them to make tinctures for sale. This is absolutely heartbreaking and infuriating, as they have totally misused and abused this sacred plant, and damaged an extremely fragile and unique ecosystem in the process.
The main issue with harvesting Ghost Pipes isn't necessarily that it's rare, though it is in some areas. The real problems are how sensitive they are and how exacting their life cycle is. Sometimes, just touching a Ghost Pipe is enough to damage the plant, disrupt the re-seeding process, and prevent it from growing back. What's worse, the conditions required for the succesful development of these ethereal organisms are extremely specific. Monotropes are Mycoheterotrophs, which derive their energy through mychorizal parasitism. This is to say, they can only get their energy by siphoning it from a small range of subterranean fungi, who in turn, siphon their energy from the roots of certain trees. Between these and other factors, Monotropes are virtually impossible to cultivate or propagate, and they are especially susceptible to the effects of overharvesting. Unfortunately, unethical harvesting has steadily become a real problem in Western Herbalism, where Ghost Pipe tincture is growing in popularity for its mystique and its beautiful violet color. And while it does have a long history of traditional medicinal use as a Nervine, people who aren't getting it purely for its aesthetic qualities are buying it as a miracle cure, without any real understanding of how or why to use it.
I've been muddling through strong feelings of anger, sorrow, and impotence since this happened, and I feel sick thinking about someone out there irreverently peddling this precious medicine under a capitalist guise of "Herbal Wisdom." These sorts of business practices are thoughtless, ecologically unethical, and spiritually blasphemous (as far as I'm concerned). So, I beg you: please think thrice about what you are doing before you harvest a plant. Ask yourself these five questions, and weigh the answers against each other: "Why do I want to harvest this plant?' 'What harm will my behavior cause to this organism?' 'What harm will my behavior cause to this species?' 'What harm will my behavior cause to this ecosystem?' and, 'What will I suffer as a result of not harvesting this plant?
I offer up my most fervent prayers that the seeds I helped to spread earlier in the year will count for something.
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Can you tell us more about MC's previous role?
So, you have the option to pick 1 of 4 choices for MC/Cheshire's Previous Role: Card Soldier, Talking Flower, Woodland Animal, and Chess Piece. Of those 4, each also has 4 sub categories to choose from which will add a bonus ability or stat increase to your abilities or stats, respectively.
For the abilities, only the default abilities are "innate"/used unconsciously. The sub-category abilities have to be consciously used/"activated".
Your sub-category also unlocks different aesthetic options you can use when customizing your Cheshire for both human and cat form!
Here's what comes with/is exclusive to each background:
Card Soldier Default: +25 FP (friend points) with Isabelle, +15 to Strength, Superior Weapon Knowledge (you've studied the blade)
Heart: Default + Superior Agility (more likely to dodge attacks and Ink Wells) & heart marking on body (human)/single heart on fur pattern (cat)
Spade: Default + +10 Resilience & spade marking on body (human)/single spade on fur pattern (cat)
Club: Default + +10 Strength & club/clover marking on body (human)/single clover on fur pattern (cat)
Diamond: Default + Superior Accuracy (good at throwing things) & diamond marking on body (human)/single diamond on fur pattern (cat)
Talking Flower Default: +25 FP with O, +15 to Charisma, Superior Resilience (it takes a lot to take you down)
Rose: Default + +10 Charisma & multi-shades of rose pink hair/fur color
Lily: Default + +10 Intelligence & white to red-pink gradient hair/fur color
Daisy: Default + Vicious Mockery (inflict psychic damage via insults. yes like the spell from D&D) & white with light yellow streaks hair/fur color
Tulip: Default + Advanced Persuasion (can easily convince others to tell you what you want to hear) & deep red to golden gradient hair/fur color
Woodland Animal Default: +25 FP with A, +15 to Wisdom, Heightened Sensitivity (more in tune with the changes of Wonderland)
Deer: Default + True Nature (have the ability to feel out someone's true feelings but don't know the reason why they feel that way) & brown and white-streaked hair (human)/fawn spots fur pattern (cat)
Rabbit: Default + Increased Speed (move much faster than your companions) & black and white streaked hair (human)/black and white rabbit fur pattern (cat)
Mouse: Default + +10 Agility & black hair with golden underside hair/fur color and pattern
Bird: Default + +10 Wisdom & feathers-like hair texture (human)/feather-like fur (fur)
Chess Piece Default: +25 FP with Fenrir, +15 to Intelligence, Heightened Perception (you notice details others might normally miss)
Pawn: Default + Accurate Predictor (accurately predict what people will do) & white hair with black underside hair/fur color
Knight: Default + +10 Resilience & white to black gradient hair/fur color
Rook: Default + +10 Intelligence & black and white split dye hair/fur color
Bishop: Default + Adept Illusionist (make others invisible with you as long as they're physically near you) & black to white gradient hair/fur color
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mimikusu · 2 months
He's working in heritage science, mapping historic gardens for the sake of conservation, despite suffering from uncontrollable allergies every spring.
He loves his job, as he loves all sort of flowers and plants and has a very keen eye for aesthetics... if just those stupid lime trees wouldn't have been so popular on every alley there is leading up to small castles and landmarks.
Imagine him with a clipboard and a pen, x-ing every damaged tree on a small map. Trying to take what must be the 100th shot of a broken branch, as he keeps sneezing and ruining the picture.
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arisenreborn · 2 months
5 Character Associations - Rann
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a warm swell of pride in the chest
curiosity and wonder, an appetite to learn
the dull ache of worry and concern
caring and protective, eager to offer aid
a blade-sharp, ice-cold vengeful malice
ash grey
ruby red
raven black
steel blue
dusky silver
old books + parchment & ink
whatever fruits and flowers he's using for his latest tea blend
a hint of rosewater, particularly on his hands
smoky incense
a faint scent of tree tea oil - cool, soothing, minty and pine-like
Eternal Bond - a gift from Reverie
A second-hand violin Keltse kindly gave him
A collection of books on the study of magic and magical applications taking up a shelf in their house
Feathered Shawl - matches with Reverie
Anathema - a gift from another Arisen...
Arms loosely folded, not exactly closed off but patiently guarded and watchful.
Alert and discerning gaze, taking in all of the details, movements, and going-on's around him. Though relaxed it serves a purpose, but he also seems to simply enjoy 'people watching' and taking note of such things. He's attentive and absorbs information easily.
A subtle but gentle smile, peaceful and friendly - calm, collected, and confident, but not lacking a sincere warmth, it offers reassurance.
A smile that looks very similar but is frightfully cold and seems to take almost callous delight in rendering massive damage to the enemy.
A slight lack of the awareness of personal space, he's not afraid to reach out and touch, grab, or move someone if necessary - especially to assist them (or what he perceives as assisting).
crows and ravens
tomes and scrolls
warm steam curling off of pots and cups of tea
kintsugi - mending, fixing what seems unfixable
blood and bandages
Hozier - Francesca
The Oh Hellos - Like the Dawn
Cody Fry - I Hear A Symphony
Syml - Body
Crywolf feat. Emalyn - Tenebrescence
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Tagging: @godwoken, @bearlytolerant, @fizzyghosts, @tautline-hitch, @pawnguild,
@riftstone-of-the-calm, @wraithwars, @hit-tab, @ritens, @elluvians,
@themanwhomadeamonster, @rosenfey, @pitiable-arisen, @soloavengers, @scorbutic-properties
This is one of my favorite character prompts to do, can be as brief or detailed as you want and just a nice way to grasp some character basics. So I'll definitely be doing it for all of my characters, but def won't be spam-tagging everyone every time 😂 But!! feel free to do it for as many or few characters as you want! (and tag me if you like I'd love to see them but you don't have to <3<3<3)
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atlasdoe · 2 months
The Tortured Poets Department as The Marauders Era (part one)
grab a drink, i'm about to talk your ear off
Fortnight - Regulus Black & James Potter
From Regulus' POV
I headcannon that for a short period James and Regulus were together in secret where only Sirius, Pandora and Alice knew about their relationship. They broke up during James sixth year and Regulus' fifth after Regulus started ignoring James because he was mad at James for "helping" Sirius run away. (he has a bit of a victim complex)
To me this song is Regulus looking back on his relationship with James. "I was a functioning alcoholic, til nobody noticed my new aesthetic" feels like something Regulus would definitely do. He puts on this big show just to see if anyone would notice but nobody ever does. It's the youngest sibling in him.
"All this to say I hope you're okay, but you're the reason, and no one here's to blame, but what about your quiet treason," is Regulus referring to Sirius running away. Regulus saw it as James choosing Sirius over him and although James didn't want to choose, if he had to, he would choose Sirius.
The chorus i think speaks for itself. "And for a fortnight there, we were forever, run into you sometimes, as about the weather, now you're in my backyard, turned into good neighbours, your wife waters flowers, i want to kill her" being Regulus' thoughts on the relationship. They thought they could've been forver but was quickly reminded of who they were and where they were. Now they hardly speak but because of circumstances (the war, the small small wizarding world) still have tabs on each other. And ofc Lily being James' wife and Regulus hating her. Possibly not only because she married James and because James loves her more then he ever loved him, but also because she's muggleborn.
In the second chorus it changes slightly to "My husband is cheating, I want to kill him" Regulus' "husband" is Voldemort and he's cheating in the war with the horcruxes. And ofc Regulus wants to kill him for bringing Kreacher into it.
Despite the fact that James moved on I don't think Regulus ever did. I think he tried, but what he had with James was the closest thing he had to having it all.
"I love you, it's ruining my life, i touched you for only a fortnight"
The Tortured Poets Department - Emmeline Vance & Remus Lupin after 1987
From Emmelines POV.
I am the only person who thinks this because I am the only person with this headcannon but I stand by this with my entire soul.
To give you the short version, in my headcannons Emmeline and Remus spend the majority of the 80s together because Emmeline is a talented healer and is asked by Dumbledore to take care of Remus after the full moons
They have a really solid friendship for the first half of the eighties until something happened in 1987 (which i won't bore you with) and it makes their entire relationship crumble
I am obviously looking at this song from a platonic prospective here. Lyrics such as "You smokes then age seven bars of chocolate, We declared Charlie Puth should be a bigger artist" reflects the late night conversations they had and the meaningless of it all. They weren't friends because they got along, they were friends because they were the only ones left from the younger ones of the Order. But the "who's going to hold you like me?" is also true. They were all each other had and it was enough and without it they were empty.
They were putting up with every demon in each others heads because it had to be worth it because if it wasn't then where would they be?
My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys - Pandora Lovegood and Regulus Black
From Pandoras POV.
I feel like not many people speak about how damaging their friendship could've been for Pandora. Keeping in mind that Regulus had always been a purist and believed in Voldemort enough to keep photos and arrivals about him and his followers hung in his bedroom.
I think Pandora loved Regulus but Regulus was a hard person to love. There was only one way for Regulus to go and he was dragging Pandora down with him.
I think lines like "here we go again, voices in his head, called the rain the end our days of wild" could reflect how Pandora felt once Regulus got the mark or was close to getting the mark. I don't think Regulus would've ever told Pandora straight up that he was a death eater but I definitely think she knew anyway.
Regulus had a phase where he kept trying to get Pandora to leave. He didn't want to drag her down with him but it was either that or she goes. Without telling her why exactly he no longer wanted her around he was pulling her back and forth. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to go back to the time when they were best friends without consequences which i think shows with the outro. "Just say when, Id play again, he was my best friend down at the sandbox, i felt more when we played pretend"
Down Bad - Remus Lupin after 1981
I think this is very obvious but I will go into detail anyway
I don't think this is just about Remus' thoughts towards Sirius but also to James, Lily and Peter.
Remus (as much as he didn't want to) felt resentment towards his friends for what happened. He was gone with the werewolves and risking everything for them just for them to die anyway! It wasn't right for him to be mad at them but he was anyway. "Tell me I was the chosen one, showed me that this world is bigger than us, then send me back where i came from" is how i think he was feeling in terms of them. Remus spent the majority of his childhood thinking that he would never have any friends other then his parents. He meets the Marauders and is silly enough to think that everything would be okay just for him to end up friendless again at the age of 21
And then we have Sirius which... of corse this is about him.
"I loved your hostile take-overs, encounters closer and closer, all your indecent exposers, how dare you say that it's? I'll build you a fort on some planet, where they can all understand it, how dare you think it's romantic, leaving me safe and stranded? Cause fuck it i was in love, so fuck you if i can't have us"
The words kinda speak for themselves
So Long, London - Mary MacDonald leaving the wizarding world
I don't think Mary is speaking/thinking about one particular person here but the entire wizarding world as a whole. Those she loved and didn't.
Being a Muggleborns would be hard enough to to be one of the only ones in your house must’ve been worse. Lily had Severus to help her navigate the wizarding world while Mary had no one and while also being friends with Sirius, James, Peter and Remus who all were from wizarding families it was easy for her to feel left out in the world.
With such events such as Mulciber’s attack on her and seeing the constant attacks on muggle families she felt unwelcomed. “I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist, I kept calm and carried the weight of the riff” is Mary putting up with all of the bigotry from her classmates because she saw the magic that the world had to offer. She loves her friends and loves being a witch. She loves Hogwarts and Quidditch and she wants the world to accept her but no matter what she does they won't
I think it also sucked for her to see her muggleborn friends thrive. Lily became head girl and married James and had Harry. Dirk also found love and became quidditch captain. Dahlia found a way to incorporate magic into her muggle job (preforming) and also found love. Meanwhile Mary couldn't seem to get a break. The lyrics "you swore that you loved me, but where were the clues? i died on the altar waitin for the proof" isn't her speaking to someone but more so like a wizard god (not dumbledore) She's saying "where's my reason for staying? where's the love of my life? where's the passion that's going to make this worth it?"
The Bridge is her as she leaves. In my hcs she leaves right before everyone joins the Order. She was considering it but decided against it and left while leaving five letters behind. One to James & Lily, Dirk, Marlene, Remus and Dahlia & Camelia explaining herself.
"And you say I abandoned the ship, but i was going down with it"
"my friends said it isn't right to be scared"
and the chorus
"how much sad did you think i had, did you think i had in me? how much tragedy? just how low did you, think i'd go fore id self-implode? fore i'd have to go be free?"
But Daddy I Love Him - Andromeda Black & Ted Tonks
From Andromedas POV
Do I even need to explain this?
I feel like I should just for the sake of the post but I'll just feel like I'm mansplaining (says the person who isn't even a man)
"I just learned these people only raise you, to cage you" is sooooo the black family
"Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid" "Growinf up precocious sometimes means, not growing up at all" LIKE HELLO???? ANDY IS THAT YOU???
"stay away from her, the saboteurs protested too much" being Bellatrix trying to stop them because she knew how bad it could end but Andy not caring
The only thing that doesn't match is that Andromedas family does not come around at all (looking at you Bellatrix "let me kill my niece" Lestrange
Fresh Out The Slammer - Sirius Black & Harry Potter
Listennnnn, I know we were all thinking wolfstar and trust me i was half finished writing about them to this song but this is Sirius and Harry.
"Now pretty baby, im running back home to you, fresh out the slammer i know who my first call will be to" speaks for itself i think. One of the first things Sirius did after escaping Azkaban was seeing Harry at private drive. He didn't need to be there, he knew Peter wasn't there. He was there because he had to see Harry. He had to remember who he was doing this all for
The pre-chorus being Sirius while he was locked up. "In the shade of how he was feeling" could represent Sirius spending a big part of his time in Azkaban thinking about what Harry must think of him.
"As i said in my letters, now that I know better, I will never lost my baby again" Sirius always being there for Harry even while on the run. He continued sending letters and even stayed in a cave just to be close to him
And "My friends tried but i wouldn't hear it, watch me daily disappearing, for just one glimpse of his smile" could be so many instances. Sirius going to Harry's Quidditch games, Sirius going to king's cross, Sirius staying in the cave, Sirius going to the Dursleys
"Now we're at the starting line, I did my time," being Sirius and Harry both thinking that the worse was behind them once they were reunited. Sirius offering Harry to live with him and Harry accepting immediately. All they wanted was each other and the family that they brought to each other.
The entire song is Sirius anticipating the life he could now have with Harry after Azkaban. After killing Peter all Sirius wanted to be was a good Godfather to Harry and he was ready to take it the first moment he got.
"No matter what i've done, it wouldn't matter anyway, ain't no way i'm gonna screw up now that i know what's at stake here."
"It's going to be alright, I did my time"
Florida!!! - Lucinda Talkalot leaving the wizarding world
This is going to be another one that only I think
Florida!!! is about escaping your issues and having a fresh start. I can see Mary being for this song also but I think it suits Lucinda's mindset a lot more
For anyone who doesn't know, Lucinda Talkalot was the Slytherin Quidditch Captain during 1976 and everything Im about to say is purely based on my own headcannons. But let me cook
In my headcannons Lucinda is a muggleborn and quickly gets tired of the wizarding world. She's sick of the bigotry and drama of it all and preferred her life as a muggle much more. Therefore she moves to America and doesn't look back, loving the rest of her life as a Muggle
Unlike Mary, Lucinda isn't doing this sadly. Mary didn't want to leave but felt the need to to keep herself and her family safe while Lucinda just doesn't want to be a witch anymore
I have a hc where it's common in the wizarding world to get married and start families early because of how small the wizarding population actually is. Unless you marry a muggle, someone from a different country (sometimes continent) or someone who is either 7 years older or younger then you in the wizarding world it's expected that you'll meet your future spouse while at school. The line "my friends all smell like weed or little babies" to me indicates that from Lucindas POV where her muggle friends are being young while her wizard friends are growing up too fast and making her feel unbalanced
Lucinda just needed a new start as many of us do but felt trapped in her life with the wizarding world attached to her. "yes in haunted, but i'm feeling just fine, all my girls got their lace and their crimes, and your cheating husband disappeared, well, no one asks any questions here" is her basking in the idea that no one is going to know anything about her once she leaves. While Mary was running away from something, Lucinda was running towards.
Despite being a muggleborn, i don't think Lucinda cares too much about the war. I think she had the mindset of "so long as they're not doing anything to me i don't care" She justified this mindset through her being in Slytherin and deciding that being quiet about the war was her best chance of survival. Because of this I don't think she properly digested the war for what it was. She left seeing the war as nothing but "wizard drama"
The bridge "I need to forget so take me to florida, i've got some regrets, i'll bury them in florida. tell me i'm despicable, say it's unforgivable, at least the dolls are beautiful, fuck me up, florida" Is her buried down guilt for leaving whatever friends she did have in a war Lucinda never let herself know how bad but she can't find it in her to go back. She just didn't want to.
Guilty as Sin? - Amelia Bones & Pandora Lovegood
Amelias POV
Oh closeted Amelia Bones who is deeply in love with Pandora Lovegood but never tells anyone other then her brother because she grew up in such a strict household in the 70s my beloved <3
But seriously we did all hear the queer undertones right? right?????
And the religious language that's used throughout the song??? y'all HAVE to be seeing the vision
And this is another headcannon that only I seem to have and I think I explained it enough (it isn't that complex tbh) but let me go into some more detail if that's okay with you
So i hc Amelia and Edgar Bones to be from a very well respected family but their grandfather nearly lost everything for the Bones family by being a deadbeat and an alcoholic. Because of this their parents are extremely strict on their children. They're obsessed with being the perfect family and "succeeding" as parents by having their children be and do great things
Their older brother Jamie gets eveything right. He becomes a healer, marries his "highschool sweetheart", has three daughters, all that jazz. Edgar (who is Amelias twin and seven minuets younger) is a mess. He fails so badly that his parents have to lie to everyone about how he died for damage control (but that's another story) And Amelia is somewhere in the middle. She becomes Head Girl, she's very smart, she starts working for the Ministry but shes a lesbian and her parents would not like that one bit
Amelia is just as obsessed as being perfect as her parents are. She wants to make them proud and be the daughter they wanted and knows the fact that she's a lesbian will make them turn on her. It doesn't matter how perfect she is.
Amelia falls in love with Pandora while they're at school and never falls in love with anyone else and it kills her that they can't be together
Guilty as Sin? is Amelias guilt when it comes to loving Pandora. Not only does she have them guilt of loving her best friend who is with someone else (Xenophilius) but also a girl
"I dream of crackin locks, throwin my life to the wolves or ocean rocks" is Amelia considering what would happen if she was to be honest with her feelings. If she told Pandora how she felt she would risk throwing everything away
"Someone told me there's no such thing as bad thoughts, only your actions talk" reminds me of something i learnt while at school. I went to a Catholic school and while there we talked about how the church views gay people. We were told that The Catholic Church has no problem with people being gay so long as they don't act on it. Here Amelia could be repeating that statement to herself as a safety net. So long as she doesn't do anything she's still perfect.
All this being said, she's still just a girl who's in love with her best friend and she spends her entire life waiting for it to be okay; for Pandora to come to her. "If it's make-believe, why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow?" Is Amelia still hoping and still waiting for Pandora to want her back
The bridge "If long suffering propriety is what they want from me, they don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly, i choose you and me religiously" reminds me of something i wrote for Amelia and Pandora a while ago. Here's a little part of it:
Tell her, the voice in her mind screamed. Tell her everything. That this is more than friendship for you. That you love her the way she loves Xenophilius. Tell her every single thing your rotten mind thinks. Tell her that she’s the only reason why you’re still alive. Tell her that she’s kind and caring and beautiful. Tell her that she brightens your day just by smiling and that everytime you see her sad you feel like carving out a hole in your heart. Tell her about all the things you would do for her if only she’d give you the chance. Tell her about all of the times you fell harder and harder for her eyes. Tell her that she is loved. Tell her that you love her and that you will always love her no matter what she does. She could scream at you, she could ignore you, she could kill someone, or hurt someone, or burn the entire world to the ground and you wouldn’t even blink. Tell her that she could choose every single slytherin, every single boy over you and you would still run whenever she came calling. Tell her that no matter what she is loved, because she is Pandora Lovegood and you are Amelia Bones and there is not one universe where she is not the love of your life, even if there isn’t one where you are the love of hers.
And essentially that bridge is exactly what I was trying to come across with that. In the end, she'll choose Pandora if only Pandora would let her.
And ofc the chorus speaks for itself
"What if he's written mind on my upper thigh only in my mind? one slip and fallin back into the hedge maze, oh what a way to die, i keep recalling things we never did, messy top lip kiss, how i long for our trysts, without ever touchin my skin, how can i be guilty as sin?"
Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me? - Severus Snape
There are so many people who this song could've been for in my mind so let's go through some honorable mentions before we get to Severus
My first thought while listening was Juliette Wilkes and how dangerous she could be behind the scenes. To me Juliette was a complete bitch. She was heartless but her reason for being was her desire to be loved. For whoever reason she knew she wasn't getting the happily ever after she was promised at childhood so she gave people a reason to hate her. She fought and bit and bitched and laughed.
I next went to Peter Pettigrew. Peter who was constantly overlooked by his peers and teachers, who pulled off the perfect betrayal because "who would be afraid of little old Peter?" I once compared Peter to the Earth in my writing and u stand by that statement wholeheartedly. Peter, like the earth, was collapsing in on himself because of the lack of care from others. I think the beginning of the bridge speaks the most for Peter.
We also have the obvious choice of Sirius Black speaking mostly to his family. Sirius being mad at what they did and who they made him.
There was also Dorcas Meadowes going on a killing spree after the death of Marlene. To me this song could've easily been Dorcas speaking to Regulus, Evan and Barty. Asking the question of if they only were friends with her because they thought she'd do nothing. Did they think she would sit by and let them get away with it? She's a very close second.
Finally theres Lily Evans, the muggleborn who killed The Dark Lord and ended the first wizarding world. Do I even need to say anything else?
It even could've been Remus Lupin if he had embraced his villain origin story
But despite all of that I think Severus takes the cake with this one and I think the best way to explain myself is to tell you exactly what I relate some of the lyrics to in a fast and speedy way.
"If you wanted me dead, you should've just said, nothing makes me feel more alive" Snape knowing more dark curses in his first year then the seventh years. I don't see Snape as a helpless victim to the Marauders. He fought back and I believed he liked that. He armed himself with the spells he created.
"The Scandal was contained, the bullet had just grazed, at all costs, keep your good name" The Prank. I've ranted and raved about how the prank meant nothing to The Marauders and how everything stayed the same for them but for Snape? Dude was nearly murdered by a werewolf and things just carried on as normal!! Would you be normal after that?
"Is it a wonder I broke? Let's hear one more joke" they didn't call him Snivellus Snape with affection
"I was tame, I was gentle til the circus life made me mean" "the circus life" being the wizarding world. the Marauders jokes, the friendship with Lily dissolving, the pressure of the death eaters and Malfoy
"Don't you worry folks, we took out all her teeth" Dumbledore constantly telling people during the second war that Snapes no longer a death eater. "don't worry, voldemort killed the women he loves so he ain't going back lol" (he didn't say it like that but you get my point)
"So tell me everything is not about me, but what if it is?" Severus being a spy for both sides while really just being a spy for Dumbledore. Severus the one who killed Dumbledore. Severus the one who led Hogwarts during its darkest days. Severus who was there when Pettigrew got away. Severus who taught the chosen one occlemancy (idk if i spelt that right) Severus who died willingly to "help" The Dark Lord. Severus who gave the chosen one the right information at the right time while on his death bed
"Say they didn't do it to hurt me, but what if they did?" Voldemort, Dumbledore, Lily, Lucius, The Marauders (tho they definitely meant to hurt him), i could go on.
"I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me" Save Charity and let your self go. Fight McGonagall or you'll be found out. You have to put whatever you had with James aside for the sake of the world. Don't actually fight in the battle of the seven potters!! you can't let them know who's side you're on. Betray everyone you've ever known for the sake of the greater good. And when Voldemort is about to kill you don't tell him everything, don't kill him first. you cant. your job is to die for the cause. you don't get closure.
"You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me" His abusive father. Slytherin house.
"Isn't that what they all said? that i'll sue you if you step on my lawn, that i'm fearsome and i'm wretched and i'm wrong" Severus' life as a teacher. I don't think there was one kid who actually liked him.
"Put narcotics into all of my songs, and what's why you're still singin along" to be reflects everyone constantly going to him for help. Bellatrix and Narcissa. Voldemort. Dumbledore. Even Harry trusted Snape enough to tell him about Sirius in his desperation. When worse comes to worse they're all willing to put their pride aside.
"Who's afraid of little old me? you should be" From a poor halfblood boy with no friends to the right hand man of both Dumbledore and Voldemort
The best way to explain why I picked Snape over everyone else is because while for the them I can relate certain parts of the song to them, with Severus the entire song screams him.
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) - Dorcas Meadowes friendship with Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr & Evan Rosier
From Dorcas' POV
Y'all ever had a friend who you've known since you were young and while you were growing up they just kept getting worse and worse? Dorcas Meadowes has
Similar to Pandora I don't think we talk enough about how Dorcas' must've been feeling as Regulus, Barty and Evan got closer to the dark side
While i hc that Pandora happily let go of Barty and Evan and came to terms with them becoming Death Eaters quickly with Dorcas it was a much different story.
I think Dorcas would've wanted to hold onto them a lot more. In my headcannons Pandora is the eldest of the skittles and is a year above Dorcas and Evan. Barty and Regulus are a year below them. I think Pandora had other friends besides just them. (Amelia, Edgar, Fabian, Gideon, Benjy and Caradoc who were all in the same year as her) but Dorcas didn't. Those boys were her closest friends and although she knew the path they were going down she was still holding onto the fact that they might change their minds
"The jokes that he told across the bar, were revolting and far too loud" being anytime Dorcas heard them say anything against muggles or muggleborns. When he heard Evan in class agreeing with Bruce Mulciber a little too much for her liking
During the time where Evan, Barty and Regulus were becoming more and more bad I also hc the time where Dorcas and Marlene get together. So Dorcas starts hanging out with Marlene and her friends a little more. "They shake their heads sayin God help her, when i tell em he's my man, but your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger, I can fix him, no really, I can" is Dorcas defending the boys whenever they become the topic of conversation. She goes through a phase of "you don't know them like i do"
The bridge is Dorcas' hope, thinking that what she was doing and saying (though i don't think she did/said a lot tbh) was working. "Good boy, that's right, come close" is her inner monologue when they do anything right and "Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man" is her response to people showing genuine concern for her.
The ending "Woah, maybe I cant" is the realisation and to me the exact thought that went through her mind when she found out that they joined Voldemort.
loml - Emmeline Vance & Edgar Bones
From Emmelines POV
There are a total of 5 Edgarline shippers and i live to serve them and them only
And this song just screamsssss them after Edgar dies
In my hcs Emmeline and Edgar break up before Edgar dies but they do so with the intention of getting back together once the war is over and they're both in better places. Their survivors guilt and the pressure of Edgar being an auror and Emmeline being a healer was getting too much for them and when they started taking their grief out on each other they decided to hit pause.
To me the beginning perfectly represents their break up. "Who's gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames" being their desperation to be together again. "We were just kiss babe, I said "I don't mind, it takes time" i thought i was better safe than starry eyed" is their reasoning for breaking up. Putting themselves and the war before their relationship
The line "you blew in with the winds of fate" could be interpreted two way and both of them i think match Edgar during the war. The first one is the effects of drinking as "the winds of fate" can be utilised as british slang for "a strong drink" I hc that Edgar struggled with alcoholism during the war and especially after the death of his two best friends Fabian and Gideon Prewett.
The second one is that the person is fading or being taken away by the power of destiny which I also hc Edgar to have struggled with. As I said while speaking about Amelia, the Bones parents were very strict on who they wanted their children to be and although Edgar was terrible at keeping up to his parents expectations he was still constantly trying. The only reason he joined the Order was because he felt it was his responsibility to as an auror and the only reason he became an auror was to please his parents.
The bridge is Emmeline thinking on their relationship after Edgar had died. "You shit talked me under the table, talkin rings and talkin cradles, I wish I could unrecall, how we almost had it all" reflects on how they really thought that they would be together in the end. At not one point after breaking up did either of them consider the fact that it was truly over.
"Dancing phantoms on the terrace, are they second hand embarrassed, that i can't get out of bed, cause something counterfeits dead?" The phantoms are the past versions of Emmeline and Edgar, looking at their future selves and seeing how their "fake breakup" is now dead. the break is permanent and Edgar died without Emmeline as his partner. Emmelines wonders if their past selves would be embarrassed that they let their relationship end the way it did
The first chorus is Emmeline looking back on them after his death. "If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary, you and I go from one kiss to getting married," is their relationship while it was good. "still alive, killing time at the cemetery, never quite buried," is them during the war before their breakup while they were still clinging on. "In your suit and tie, in the nick of time, you low down boy, you stand up guy, your holy ghost, you told me in the love of your life,"
In cannon, when Edgar is mentioned it's said that "they got him and his family." We know that by this Moody couldn't mean Edgars parents and siblings like we hc with Marlene because Amelia is still alive at the point. To get around this I make the ending of Edgars life way too complicated and messy but good for the plot.
As I mentioned before both Emmeline and Edgar are suffering with their mental health and Edgar is not handling himself well at all and is drinking a lot. One night after Edgar and Emmeline had broken up Amelia takes him out but has to leave early because she got called into work. Edgar stays, get smashed and meets a muggle women. Long story short he gets her pregnant during a one night stand. She doesn't know if she wants to keep it or not but Edgar tells her that no matter what he'll support her decision. If she chooses to keep the child, he would be in their life.
He tells Emmeline all about this as soon as he can and makes sure that she knows that he doesn't want it to change anything between them and for the most part Emmeline agrees. I bring this up because I think this moment is represented in the second chorus. "All those plot twists and dynamite, Mr Steal Your Girl, then make her grey, you said i'm the love of your life"
The ending is Emmeline never being able to let go of their relationship because of the lack of closure. I do hc that Emmeline finds love again, and in her lifetime will find herself a wife and step mother a child. But even up to her death she will always be thinking of him because they weren't supposed to end. Edgar was killed, taken from her before they got to reach their full potential. Their story wasn't over but half of the chapters were ripped out.
"Oh, what a valiant roar, what a bland goodbye, the coward claimed he was a lion, Im combing through the braids of lord, "I'll never leave" "Never mind" our field of dreams, engulfed in fire, your arsons match, your somber eyes, and i'll still see it until i die, you're the loss of my life"
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - James Potter after his breakup with Regulus Black
As I said earlier, I do headcannon that they were together at some point. In my headcannons James and Regulus start secretly dating in their 4/5th year and nobody knows apart from Sirius and Pandora (who were told) and Alice (who found out)
They broke up during James' sixth year and Regulus' fifth. Regulus got mad at James for "helping" Sirius leave and basically just started ignoring him. They had a few slip ups (make out sessions instead of talking) but ultimately broke up
James was obviously upset but considering nobody but Sirius, Pandora and Alice even knew they were dating he had to continue as if nothing ever happened
This song was actually hard to match with someone but I think the overall vibe screams James even if it isn't about Regulus but something else (for this example i will be referring to their breakup tho)
The line "Breaking down, I hit the floor, all the prices of me shattered as the crowd was chanting, "more"" reminds me of Quidditch or just the overall appearance of him and how he carried himself
"I'm so obsessed with him, but he avoids me" is James' entire personality while Regulus was refusing to speak to him and the line "I keep finding his things in drawers, crucial evidence i didn't imagine the whole thing," is James reminding himself that they actually did have a relationship as there's little to no evidence of it
There isn't much more detail to go into this song. It's pretty straight forward
The Smallest Man To Ever Live - Lily Evans & Severus Snape
From Lilys POV
oh snily... i will never be able to figure out how i feel about you
You can see this song as romantic or platonic snily but personally I will be referring to them as friends only as I don't think that Lily ever had any romantic feelings for Snape. I also don't think we talk enough about the FRIENDSHIP. y'all they were best friends😭😭 why does the marauders fandom act like they never were???
Starting from the top we have "Was any of it true?" being Lily asking Severus what if their friendship was real. We really never talk enough about how Snape always knew that Lily was a muggleborn yet still joined Voldemort, knowing how he felt about muggles and muggleborns
I do not believe that Lily would forgive Severus. I don't think he's a bad person but for Lily I feel like everything was a bit too personal. So the chorus "I don't even want you back, i just want to know, if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal, and i don't miss what we had, but could someone give, a message to the smallest man who ever lived?" is Lily wanting closure for their friendship and wanting answers but that only. All Severus could do was apologise but she didn't want that. After he called her a mid blood it was past apologies for her
The bridge is what reminds me of them the most. Oh the bridge... let's go through it together
"Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead?" and "Were you writing a book? were you a sleeper cell spy?" being Lily asking Severus why he told Voldemort about the prophecy
"In fifty years, will all this be disclassified?" More like in 17 years. Will she ever know what his true intentions were?
"It wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden" is Severus thinking that Lily was different to other muggleborns. Lily asking if her being muggleborn and his feeling of superiority over her one of the reasons why he liked her
"I would've died for your sins, instead i just died inside" and outside. Like Dorcas, Lily had a "you don't know him like I do" phase.
"And you deserve prison, but you won't get time, you'll slide into inboxes and slip through the bars" How Severus never went to Azkaban for being a death eater because of Dumbledore
"You said normal girls were boring" normal girls being muggles
"And in plain sight you hid, but you are what you did, and i'll forget you, but i'll never forgive, the smallest man who ever lived" being Lily in the afterlife after finding out the truth
The Alchemy - Marlene McKinnon & Dorcas Meadowes
From Dorcas' POV
Dorlene my favourite sports rivals to lovers <3
This song has a lot of american football references in it and today we are going to pretend that they're about Quidditch.
In my hcs Dorcas has "hated" Marlene since their first day of school where when waiting tj be sorted Dorcas thought that she was going to be called up but Marlene was instead (since McKinnon is before Meadowes in the alphabet) and ever since Dorcas had been bitter because Marlene had always been so unpredictable
To me this is Dorcas as she realises that she's in love with Marlene which is represented in the second verse "Hey, you, what if i told you we're cool? that child's play back in school, is forgiven under my rule"
I have no proof but i am so certain that "He jokes that it's heroin, but this time with an E" is something that Marlene McKinnon has said. I'm so confident.
I headcannon Marlene as a Ravenclaw and that she became the captain of her Quidditch team during her fifth year, won the cup and in her sixth year captioned Hogwarts first all women's Quidditch team. I have this whole story of the Quidditch season during their sixth year (which you can read btw it's called the epic highs and lows of hogwarts quidditch on ao3 by atlasdoe) and although it doesn't have a happy ending the bridge is what would've happened if they did from Dorcas pov. "Shirts off and your friends lift you up over their heads, beer stickin to the floor, chris chanted cause they said, "there was no chance tehing to be the greatest in the league" where's the trophy? he just comes runnin over to me"
"Cause the sign on your heart, said it's still reserved for me, honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?" is soooo dorlene i could cry. This song is just the right amount of happiness that they deserve
Clara Bow - Harry Potter
Oh Harry, being in the Marauders fandom has made you so much more tragic for me
The poor orphan boy who in the span of a day went from a nobody to the chosen one.
"You look like Clara Bow," "You look like Stevie Nicks" "You look like Taylor Swift" is Harry constantly being told he looks like his father but with his mothers eyes
The first verse saying "In this light, remarkable, All your life, did you know, you'd be picked like a rose?" reminds me of Harry entering the Leaky Caldron for the first time and having all those strangers be so eager to shake his hand. Being "picked like a rose" is him being the chosen one but even before he was known as it.
The second verse, "In '75, the hair and lips, crowd goes wild at her fingertips, half moonshine, a full eclipse" is Harry being told about his parents while they were at school. Him listening to Sirius and Remus sing his parents praises and only dreaming to be as loved as they were
The outro, "In this light, we're lovin it, you've got edge. she never did, the futures bright, dazzling" is Harry after winning the war. The "edge" that his parents never had allowed him to survive. His future is bright now that they know he has one
The Chorus is the repeated expectations that Harry has to live up to "This town is fake but you're the real thing, breath of fresh air through smoke rings, take the glory, give everything, promise to be dazzling" is what he was told during his first few years at Hogwarts while. "The crown is stained, but you're the real queen, flesh and blood amongst war machine, you're the new god we're worshipping, promise to be dazzling" is what he was told as the war became more serious.
I did not expect to write this much but oh well. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!! <3
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cloaksandcapes · 2 months
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Perhaps one of our favorite recent items we've made. We love creating artifacts in the style of Vestiges of Divergence from Critical Role. This was originally inspired by an idea someone had to create a blade that when you defeated someone, flowers would grow out of their body. Just as an aesthetic. But with more ideas from our Twitch Chat, we went a lot further with it!
Flora Mortella the Blooming Blade
Weapon (scimitar), artifact (requires attunement)
“The curved blade of this powerful scimitar has a shade of green to the metal. Several complex and beautiful designs of flowering vines crawl up the back of the blade. The hilt looks as though it was grown rather than crafted. It has the texture of tree bark and small ivy creepers and blossoms bloom from it.”
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon.
When you strike a creature with a critical hit using this weapon, grasping vines sprout from the blade and entangle it as they fill up a 10 foot square space. This space counts as difficult terrain for everyone but you and the target is restrained. A target restrained by these vines can attempt to break free with a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check. Another creature can use the attack action to cut the vines, freeing a restrained target.
The sword's bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2.
The DC to break free of the grasping vines increases to 16.
When a creature is slain by this weapon, their corpse is covered in vines and flowers, including 1d4+1 blooming blossoms. You or an ally can use a bonus action to pick a number of blossoms. You can use a free action to expend any amount of them after an attack roll and add +1 to your attack and damage rolls per blossom. Blooming blossoms wither and die upon use, or after 10 minutes.
The sword's bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +3.
The DC to break free of the grasping vines increases to 18.
Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19–20.
Blooming blossoms grant +2 to attack and damage rolls.
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merakiui · 1 year
If you thought bodyguard!Floyd would be insufferable with ido!darling, imagine gravure model!darling then absbdbjfjfj
Omg gravure model darling with stalker fan Jade…… gross, slimy, creepy Jade with his gross, slimy, creepy views!!!! >_< he closely follows the magazine in which you’re often featured, buying two copies of each new issue (one to frame as a precious collectible) and the other meant to sustain…damages (i.e. cum stains, sweat, drool, other bodily fluids). He’s found your social media and he also follows that, going through your posts and printing out each tasteful image to string up on his walls.
He’s even bought a few of the swimsuits and lingerie you’ve modeled, and when he fucks into his hand or the onahole (which he pretends is you) he imagines peeling those skimpy outfits from off of your pretty body with skilled fingers. You would look so lovely beneath him, skin hot with desire and arousal, chest heaving with hitched breaths and moans, hands curled into the bedsheets, when he traces his fingertips up your thighs, prying them apart to get a proper look at your pussy. Thoughts of you burying your hands in teal locks to hold him there while he eats you out always send him tipping over the edge. It’s a terrible shame it’s only a fantasy. Oh, the things he’d do if you were really here with him…
Lately, ever since he’s started cyber-stalking and obsessing over you, Jade’s wanted to get into photography. He buys the best camera, but then he also gets a vintage one just for the sake of aesthetics. It would be nice to develop these photos the old way: in a dark room where he must be precise and careful with handling every fragile photograph. Jade photographs a lot of nature, often things he comes across on his walks and hikes. Mushrooms. Trees. Leaves. Flowers. Unique stones or moss growing contrary. He photographs insects: a line of ants leading to an anthill, butterflies swarming blossoms, a caterpillar coming free from its cocoon. He likes the familiar weight of a camera in his hands. He likes being the one behind the lens, peering through at what’s seen with the camera, as if the world that lies beyond it is merely a portrait someone’s painted.
He wants to learn where you live, the places you frequent, what building the company you’re signed to works out of so that he may hopefully have a chance to capture candid photographs of you—things that no one but him will ever see. Intimate sides he will preserve within a picture.
Jade photographs potential locations deep within the forest. He captures the stages of death in permanence: the horrified countenance of your lover when they realize he’s holding a knife in his hand, the aftermath of a brutal slaughter, the perfectly, methodically dismembered corpse with all of its parts packaged in plastic and aligned in a grave dug deep, the mound of soil that soon covers the evidence, and the beautifully rare flowers or tree saplings he plants directly above the body.
Jade develops these photos in the makeshift dark room in his apartment. They’re well-done, but that’s how all of his work is. Eerily flawless. Recently, he learned where you live. It took some digging and lots of patience, but he’s good at uncovering forbidden things. When the time comes to take you, he’ll have to bring his camera along. He’d love to see what expressions he can photograph when he catches you by surprise. And he anticipates every photo will be far better than any of the previous ones he’s taken. After all, they’ll contain you and the raw, beautiful emotions you’ll show him. That’s something he’ll never be able to find in the average magazine.
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liyawritesss · 5 months
ᖴᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ Iᑎ ᗷᒪOOᗰ
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Hello lovelies! It’s been a while since we’ve had an event around these parts, so with the new year in commencement and with February coming up, I wanted to do something special to celebrate all the accomplishments I have achieved on this account with the lovely people who follow me! Therefore, to commemorate Valentines Day, Black History Month, and the milestone of reaching 3,000 followers, I have organized this event titled “Flowers in Bloom” to bring in the new year!
The event will have a total of three categories; Valentine Drabbles, Match-Making, & Love Letter Requests. These three categories will ensure that everyone gets the chance to read and/or request something they like, and I get to challenge myself writing wise and time-management wise!
Check out the categories, rules, and fandoms included in this event below!
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ᖇᑌᒪEᔕ & ᖴᗩᑎᗪOᗰᔕ
The general rules surrounding this event are as follows:
The Valentines Drabbles are specifically for black characters. These will be posted every day for the month of February, and will not be substituted. The Valentines Drabbles are 500-700 words each based on a prompt list provided, so you’ll have an idea of what will be written that day!
The Match-Making segment will span all the fandoms that I am in! How it will go is that you will send in a little entry about yourself, including whatever you want to include to describe yourself as best as possible so that I may give you the best match possible! These descriptors can include: your name, likes/dislikes, interests, etc.
Love Letter Requests are like any other request that one would submit to their favorite fanfic author; except these will be limited to 500 words for time and efficiency, but you will be able to ask for a character of your choice from the fandom list provided!
The Fandom List Includes:
My Hero Academia
Arcane: League of Legends
K/DA / True Damage
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Marvel’s Black Panther
Marvel’s Ironheart
Marvel’s Spiderman
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
Insomniac’s Spiderman (1, Miles Morales, & 2)
Mortal Kombat
Resident Evil (2-4 (Remakes Only), 5, 7-8)
Assassin’s Creed (All Main Titles)
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ᐯᗩᒪEᑎTIᑎE ᗪᖇᗩᗷᗷᒪEᔕ
The Valentine Drabbles will be the drabbles I post every day for the month of February, according to a prompt list I’ve formulated. The list of characters are all black characters from the variety of fandoms I write for, to center these black characters and their stories from their respective source of media. The said fandoms will include games, television series, anime, cartoons, and movies.
Prompt List:
Day 1 - Diamonds
Day 2 - Friendship
Day 3 - Flowers
Day 4 - Cheek Kisses
Day 5 - Secret Admirer
Day 6 - Acts of Service
Day 7 - Star Gazing
Day 8 - Chosen Soulmate
Day 9 - Promises
Day 10 - Gift Exchange
Day 11 - Chocolates
Day 12 - Devotion
Day 13 - Carnival Date
Day 14 - Secret Relationship
Day 15 - Love Letters
Day 16 - Situationship
Day 17 - Dinner Date
Day 18 - Gift Giving
Day 19 - At Home Date
Day 20 - Confessions
Day 21 - First Kiss
Day 22 - Music
Day 23 - Quality Time
Day 24 - Cuddles
Day 25 - Pictures
Day 26 - Notes
Day 27 - Matching Outfit
Day 28 - Soft Launch
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As stated above, the Match-Making section of this event is fairly simple: send me a brief description of yourself, including a name, likes/dislikes, interests, aesthetics, etc, so that I may pair you up with the best possible option for you! With the Match-Making, you will get a general synopsis of what I think you two will fit well together, and a few headcanons/scenarios that would describe the dynamic between the two of you! Who knows, maybe you might score a date with your lovely match!
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ᒪOᐯE ᒪETTEᖇᔕ
You can send in requests for the event like you would normally send in a request to any other author for your favorite character, and you will receive a cute love letter for said character! This will either be in the form of an actual love letter gifted to you from the character of your choice, or a brief storyline consisting of you and your chosen character. Both will be limited to 500 words, but you may also choose a prompt from the given prompt list in the Valentines Drabble section of this post if a scenario doesn’t come to mind for you!
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All things pertaining to this event will be tagged with #flowersinbloom🏵 so that it may be easier to find on my account. I hope everyone has fun here for the month of February, and remember; Black Lives Matter, black characters in entertainment media matter, love comes in all shapes and forms, YOU are loved, and that I am forever grateful to each and every one of you who make writing and fandom a comfort and loving experience for me.
Happy Black History Month and Happy Valentines Day folks! 
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