#the dude literally jumped out of a plane like it was nothing
thejadecount · 2 years
After a few hours of extensive research (and when I mean extensive I mean watching clips on YouTube and reading their wiki pages) I GIVE YOU
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(My reasoning is in the tags)
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pseudophan · 7 months
some post wad weekend thoughts...
i just wrote all this on the plane and haven't read it through so apologies for any mistakes
first of all, this weekend was incredible. i usually just kinda sit at home doing not much of anything, and this was a much needed break to actually have some fun. london in general always lifts my spirits but i suppose that danisnotonfire guy contributed a little as well.
guys i think i've met more people the past few days than i otherwise have in years. like. holy shit. i started listing people but i'm petrified i'll forget someone so i chickened out, sorry about that. but you all know who you are. i've met friends i've had for years, people i used to know but haven't spoken to in what feels like a decade, newer friends, and a frankly baffling amount of people i didn't know yet but who told me they've followed me for ages. like holy fuck you guys lmao what the hell??? and i mean did the reaction ever get old no of course it didn't. bad for my ego i'm sure but totally worth it. there's something very amusing and incredibly surreal about being chronically lame in most aspects of life and then suddenly finding yourself in an environment where you're kinda cool???? SO fucking fun oh my god, but also i do kinda feel like i've tricked you all? but hey i'll happily let you keep believing i'm cool, that is more than fine with me.
most importantly though everyone was SO lovely. like i said i don't think i've spoken to this many people in such a short amount of time in years and every single person i talked to was awesome. guys did you know phannies are kind of great... don't tell anyone but, lowkey... everyone is so funny and cool and absolutely insane but in a good way (shoutout everyone left at the gates until the very end, we should probably get some help).
and then lastly of course, mr howell himself. i talk about this a lot i feel like but fuck me that man was born to perform. whether you think he's actually funny or not, nobody can argue he doesn't absolutely thrive on a stage. he plays off the audience so well and he's so very obviously having the time of his fucking life. i'd already seen the show twice before this, and i didn't think anything would top the previous london show but man... the first night he came back out after the show having clearly been tearing up backstage, apologising for being an inconsistent absent parent, and i can't lie the "i had daddy issues and THEN i subscribed to dan howell" got me cause yeah no literally dude, you nailed it, exactly, well done. i think something about doing this show again, his magnum opus as he considers it, now after the dapg return was very special to him. he seems genuinely surprised that so many of us were ready to just jump back in like nothing happened, i don't think he was expecting so many people to still be waiting and it's... man. he comes off so grateful for us all and it's so fucking sweet. and then on the last night, i think that was my favourite, when the show ended and he got the standing ovation and people throwing him flowers.. he was so HAPPY. and clearly overwhelmed with emotion which, i gotta say, there is something honestly kinda funny about daniel howell standing in front of you trying not to cry. like no by all means dude go ahead, please, you've made me cry an endless amount of times it's only fair.
ugh. i'm proud of him or whatever. dick. and i'm proud of our ridiculous fucking community. i'm not sure what 14 year old nora would say if you'd told me i'd still be kicking it in the phandom a decade on, but at almost 25 (fml) i'm so so happy to be here still. you know, we get a bad rep, but i genuinely think as far as fanbases go we're pretty solid. and i love you all so much.
i believe i will have to rob a bank or something because the next time dan and/or phil do a tour i think i'll have to just show up at every date like i'm sorry but this was too good of a high we need to do it again immediately
anyway. back to work 💪
(by which i mean giffing dan and phil. i am still very much unemployed. fr though i'm two whole videos behind this has never happened i feel weird. who am i)
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scottxlogan · 2 years
Random Thoughts
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Random thoughts. As much as I am an X-Men fan I’ve been thinking lately about X-Men Apocalypse and how that film did such a HUGE disservice not only to Oscar Isaac, who in my opinion was HORRIBLY wasted in that film, which blows my mind given that he’s such a talented actor. Like seriously how could you not want to showcase him and let him run with being such an iconic villain and deliver a story for him to sink his teeth into? *sigh*, but that’s not what I’m in the mood to talk about right now. My BIGGEST complaint about that film is the characterization of Scott Summers. It’s something that’s troubled me from when I first saw the film. 
Now let me preface this by saying that I have nothing against Tye Sheridan. Before Apocalypse came out I went and saw Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse to familiarize myself with the actor because so many people were talking about how he was such a fantastic actor and how he would be PERFECT for Scott. I was skeptical, but willing to give him a chance because Scott Summers is my favorite character. Has been for a very long time. In Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse the character Tye Sheridan plays is so much like Scott that I was hyped to see him in the role until the movie finally came out and I realized that the character he was in X-Men Apocalypse aside from crushing on Jean Grey was most certainly NOT Scott Summers. (For those who want to see Tye in a Scott type character, I’d recommend the film that I mentioned above as he was more Scott there than he was in Apocalypse.) Scott is NOT a bad boy, rule breaking, smart mouth snot. I’m sorry, but that’s never been Scott. He’s not the ‘cool dude’ or Alex’s hip little brother who is edgy like Alex is in the First Class films. 
To those who don’t read the comics, I’ll just toss this out there. In the comics Alex is the younger brother and Scott literally gets brain damage saving his brother from the trauma of jumping out of the plane when their family is being attacked and their parents ‘died’. It’s such a tragic, interesting back story that leads to the ups and downs of Scott through the years with psychotic ‘father figures’ who experiment on/torture him, force him to use his powers for evil purposes until Charles saves him. The bond between Charles and Scott is one of the strongest ones in his life even if Charles has become a bit of a tyrant over time in how he manipulated Scott to do this bidding, but that’s another story for another time. Scott’s young life before the X-Men was loaded with pain and trauma where Alex was off adopted by a family and Scott was the obsession of a madman who for some reason was obsessed with the idea of breeding the perfect genetic mutant with him and Jean Grey...again another issue here lol.
That being said though Scott is shy, awkward, a lot of people have speculated autistic as well and there’s so much about Scott in his social awkwardness and his inherent self doubt/loathing as a teen that defines the man he becomes in the future. His rise from the shy, awkward kid too afraid to admit his feelings to Jean Grey or feel he was worthy of the role of leader that Charles bestows upon him to the strategic powerhouse he becomes is lost in Fox’s lame attempt to make someone that might be marketable to an audience who thinks it’s fun to see a a bratty fun cool guy who can come up with mischief. Now I love Scott. I do, but he is neither a bratty fun guy or a prankster. His sense of humor...well, really isn’t most of the time. It doesn’t fit who he is. Bobby was a prankster and a practical joker, but Scott is very serious almost to the point where he knows he’s not the popular guy that people gravitate to. He’s not the fun guy who is the life of the party, but rather he’s the guy who gets the job done and saves the day. He’s the guy with plans for his plans, etc. and he fights for his people with all that he has taking what he’s learned through the years and applying that knowledge to doing right by mutants and humans alike. 
In a lot of ways Scott’s almost like a blend of Charles and Magneto as he’s evolved into his own man. I cannot stress enough that there is so much to LOVE about this guy, who by his beginnings had what could’ve led him to be a villain as that’s the kind of backstory he had, but regardless of the struggles and angst he became a hero and a leader. His story is so inspiring and really gives the character depth which is why he’s my favorite. Fox NEVER got that.
In the first three X-Men films, they minimized Scott’s appearance to showcase Logan, but James Marsden was a fantastic casting choice (height aside). He brought so much to the character with what little was given to him to work with. His performance is always overlooked, but James expresses so much emotion without the benefit of his eyes, which is a difficult task for actors. Some popular actors who were offered the role in Apocalypse originally turned it down for that very reason of not being able to use their eyes. James more than delivers and is very underrated. Now, none of the first films will give a casual non-comic reader the full story on Scott, but I hope that those who haven’t seen the first films take the opportunity to at least look at those films and that Scott to see a glimpse of who he is and not the character with Scott’s name and his powers that doesn’t display who he is. Now I know some people liked the version in Apocalypse, but it’s so disheartening to know that those who never read a comic or saw the old films will ever understand what makes Scott so great. He’s truly the underdog that ended up saving his people and becoming one hell of a leader. The complexities of his relationships are another dynamic of what makes him great. 
There is so much to love about Scott and it makes me sad when I see so many fans who never were able to see that because Apocalypse was their first and only view of him. They were truly cheated and to this day it always makes me want to flood the blog with information and reference to Scott so people can see just how amazing he is as a character. Heck, even X-Men Origins which has a lot of problems in it did a better teen Scott than Apocalypse is so if someone wants to see a teen Scott that shows signs of who he will become, I would recommend that film as well for that alone. Like I cannot stress enough how much I hate that so many fans will never know how great he is. I literally went back and forth with a professor about how great Scott was, but with Fox not delivering it was so hard to share to only a film goer why my favorite character is so amazing since all people see is what little inaccurate crumbs that Fox gives. *rant over* Sorry it’s just sometimes I feel like letting this out because I hate how Scott gets overlooked or changed because those in charge don’t care enough to give the guy what he really deserves in a story especially in the film world. I do hope that the MCU does better. 
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OK ok let me just get this thoughts out of my head. But fr am I the only one who thinks that Blu from Rio (1-2, but mostly 2) deserves better?
Like, ok, I get it, Jewel made a step and trusted humans because Blu assured it was safe. But he also made a step to know her and literally JUMPED OFF A PLANE not knowing how to fly! So I think they are pretty much even at this point
And in the second movie I can admit - Jewel MAYBE forced herself to live nearby humans. But again, they had a separate home, so it should be uncomfortable.
So when they decided to fly to Amazonia (mostly bc Blu wanted to make Jewel happy) it started to seem unfair. She's not making herself clear, hiding her true intentions - like staying there in case they find out there's more of them. I for some reason refuse to believe that she wanted to help Linda and Tulio.
However it's nothing compared to what he expirienced while staying with Jewel's family. OK Jewel's dad hugged him, but what about after?
- Roberto showing affection to Jewel and sometimes making two sided comments (+ Jewel is more than OK with it)
- Jewel changes her behavior
- Constant judgment of his behavior without attempts to understand him
- Compartment with Roberto and showing how bad is he
- Underestimatement and kid of ignorance
- And, my favorite - Making him CHOOSE between his family and humans. Literally his other family in which he lived most of his life
And after all of that he called selfish, like, how does this work? Dude I just wanna write a fic where they are humans and Blu and Jewel are divorced. Maybe I'll make Roberto to like Blu as a single father of 3 cuz who's gonna stop me huh?
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vanosslirious · 2 years
BBS Dialogue Prompts #213
BBS Dialogue & Sentence Starter Prompts: [ 11 ]
Holy shit I’m so far.
Hey, what up, where are you?
Oh, nice dude.
Sing it.
Okay, I gotta get better at this…I went straight into the fucking rock.
It’s anyone’s game right now.
Oh no, please, please, keep going, please keep going.
Oh cool, what an accomplishment.
Fuck these trees.
Nice and easy, nice and fuck you.
I have a pipe? A pipe!
You had the same idea.
No, I tripped on his damn leg!
No, dude, that was so quick!
I’m not coming over there.
Who’s following who now!
I don’t trust you, bitch.
Please tell me he dies.
Why are you chasing me, I did nothing to you!
Are you holding it in your hand?
Let's roll a really low number so we don't got as many options, you down for that?
There's not enough room up here for you.
Okay, I got us covered over here.
What is happening?
Yes, take all my money.
Why would you ever listen to them, and let alone now?
Give me smooches.
It just looks crazy, instead of it being crazy.
These bikes are insane.
Is that an option?
I feel like we’re losing.
No, we have the sword!
Boys, I’m gonna die, I’m gonna fucking die.
I can’t get out of here.
I can’t make it!
Open the door!
I was running to the portal, and then I died!
I’m working on it!
It’s to stop it from burning down your house.
Fine, he gets one pass.
What, I want to be a part of that group, what?
You gotta talk me into this, because I’m already regretting my decision.
I like how you fist bump the actual murderer.
Yeah, it’s familiar, I’ll feel safe there.
What does that mean, does it register my voice?
Oh, you’re so cute, look at you.
I don’t need you adding to this fucking fire.
You trippin’ out, I thought I was scared, look at you.
Let’s get together, where are you?
I love you even in the ethereal plane.
No idea, where did he go?
You seriously are a fucking moron!
Did you want to check out my new sword?
Get off my back, Jesus.
You have four fucking candles, it's no one's birthday!
Come here, bitch.
Yes, he did.
I'm gonna be stupidely giggling for the entire remainder of this session.
Don't listen to the crazy man behind me.
She blew out my candle, she did it!
We should let them in here, they can throw more candies at us.
Open that door for me.
Don’t come jumping in like that!
Damn it, and I died anyways.
My team is getting fucking massacred.
The afk kid is burning alive, fuck him.
I want us to be on the same team.
He snuck in, he’s so sneaky!
He’s in there, dude, I can see him.
I can’t hear, my teammates won’t shut up.
That’s kinda what happened.
A bit late for that.
They’re definitely hitting you.
What a glitchy mess, dude.
Everything nice you say sounds repressed.
What was the code?
That was very accurate.
Keep pointing and laughing.
He got him last second.
You definitely did, it sounded like it.
Don’t touch his lever.
We need to figure out what this machine is all about.
Can you break the windows?
He’s contributed.
It’s this button.
Try to run through.
I haven’t see you in a long time.
We gotta go to the gravesite.
How the fuck do we get there, we’re running in circles right now!
I got the key for this.
Why is there a harmonica?
Ah, I'm being chased.
There's a car pulling up.
We need to replace every limb.
I can't believe you can do that.
There's a big fucking door in the way.
Fuck the other side.
I never get one!
Nah, I take it back.
Don’t tell me to shut up, bitch.
You know what makes me happy.
I can do it for you.
What did it sound like?
It's still going, what the fuck?
Hey, we committing crimes?
You are in your own universe.
I literally just saw you pop a cold one.
Get me the fuck out!
How are you flying so fucking fast, bro?
You gotta lose like one time.
It looks like a little candle.
I don't know why I laughed, I'm embarrassed.
Stop shooting at me, I'm fragile.
Someone rip out his heart with your bare hand!
The pink one.
Bring the battery over here.
You do it, I'm scared.
What the fuck is this?
Oh, I really don’t want to go.
Let me consult the archives, I might have that.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 8) - Good Days, Bad Days
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Summary: The reader has a special birthday surprise for Jensen and starts to get to know Jared more. When Jensen returns home from Toronto for good though, he and the reader have their first big fight and make more moves in their relationship...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 5,300ish
Warnings: language, angst, fighting, smut
A/N: Enjoy!
Thursday Night
“So how do you want me?” asked Jensen, leaning against his closet door in nothing but his boxer briefs. 
“Oh well that’s a dangerous question,” you laughed. “Jeans are fine for where I’m taking you.”
“Alright,” he said. He ducked into the closet and returned wearing only a pair of dark jeans, smirking at you with his hands behind his back.
“Being a little shit?” you asked.
“One of my best qualities,” he said. You hummed and went past him into the closet. “So what should I be wearing on this date out?”
“I’m kinda a sucker for you a henley and flannel. Not to let that go to your head at all,” you said.
“Oh you should never watch Supernatural then,” he chuckled, grabbing a long sleeve white henley off the hanger and pulling it on.
“I did sort of start watching it,” you said. “You look like a little baby that hadn’t hit puberty yet.”
“I got better with age, sweetheart,” he said, flashing you a wink.
“Oh yes you did,” you said. “I like it. It’s kinda scary but not too bad if you watch during the day.”
“It gets less scary pretty fast,” he said, putting on his red and gray flannel. “I all set?”
“You look very pretty,” you said, walking out with him on your tail. “So does the show end happy? Like they live? It’s got this angsty feel to it where I feel like something bad is gonna happen.”
“Do you want me to spoil it?”
“Dean doesn’t like die, right,” you said. He made a face and you frowned. “No. Why? He doesn’t deserve that.”
“Eh, calm yourself woman. Things could happen in the future...he might not have to die...or he might come back and I really shouldn’t be discussing these things.”
“You’d do more?” you asked.
“Oh for sure. On a streaming network where we get to do all the shit we couldn’t on cable. Get some fresh eyes in on the writing or maybe we’d even take a crack at it. It’s not really an if, more of a when so don’t go worrying about Dean. I like my new friends at work and everybody’s great but I miss Jared and my old ones. I’m definitely working with them again.”
“That’s great! Now come on, move that tush. We have reservations.”
“Reservations. Fancy,” he said. He put on a pair of socks and shoved his wallet in his pocket, following you out to the hall when you spun around. 
“Oh yeah,” you smirked. “You may also have a little birthday surprise waiting for your downstairs so eyes shut mister.”
“You’re devious. I like that. I like that a lot. We should explore that later in bed.”
“Tempting. I’ll have to take you up on that,” you said. “Eyes shut.”
You held his hand and he shut his eyes, going down the hall with you. You went slowly down the steps, Jensen’s arm around you the whole time. You grinned and walked him over to the family room before leaving him in place.
“Open,” you said. He blinked open his eyes, quickly landing them on a grinning Jared standing there.
“How the hell are you here?” said Jensen, Jared giving him a big hug he quickly returned. “Shit I missed you man.”
“Me too. But it’s someone’s birthday this week and I don’t have work tomorrow so I caught a flight up this afternoon. Y/N thought I’d make a good present.”
“Fucking awesome present,” he said, still grinning ear to ear. 
“You doing okay?” asked Jared, Jensen nodding. He gave him another hug and you smiled. “So how’s that crush on the nanny working out?”
“Shut up,” said Jensen, smirking as he pulled you into his side. “Jared. I know you guys met already but Y/N is your soon to be best friend just as an fyi.”
“Oh we’ve already started chatting,” you said, Jared chuckling. “He’s really sweet. I had to legit stop him from jumping on a plane that second when I texted him he thought something was wrong.”
“I think between the two of us we can keep an eye on him,” said Jared. “So you mind if I crash your date?”
“Not at all,” you said. “I’m taking both you boys out. My treat.”
“I’ll be back in a minute,” said Jensen two hours later while he excused himself to the bathroom. Jared finished off the last of his beer and smiled as he leaned back in his corner of the booth. 
“You know I’m totally covering this right,” he said.
“Dutch?” you asked.
“I’ll take the alcohol, you take the food.”
“That I can agree to,” you said, glancing over the dessert menu. “I’m really happy you were able to come up to hang out. I know you got your own family and everything and this was last minute.”
“He’s my family too,” he said. “I’d do anything for him. Literally. Don’t ever hesitate to call me, no matter when or where. I’ll be there for him like he’s always been for me.”
“I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a smile on his face like that before.”
“I have. You just didn’t notice that night at the bonfire.” You shrugged and he cocked his head. “How long you two been dating?”
“A month or so,” you said. 
“You like him?”
“He’s alright,” you said, smiling before you took a sip from your glass. 
“Thanks for taking care of him lately.”
“Don’t need to thank me for that,” you said, sliding the dessert menu over to him.
“Yeah but I’m still going to,” he said. “I meant what I said earlier. Between the two of us he’ll be okay again.”
“He’s never gonna be the same. He’ll be happy and it won’t hurt as much. But it’ll come back and hit him time to time.”
“There’s a reason he’s my best friend and it’s not just because we worked together for so long. He’s always been there for me and I’ll be there for him. I feel better about him being up here when he’s got someone else watching his back.”
“You had the hard job, not me,” you said.
“He’s come a long way. Doesn’t mean this is a cakewalk though I’m sure.”
“No, you’re right about that,” you said as you spotted Jensen returning.
“You guys order dessert yet?” he asked, sliding in beside you.
“Why doesn’t the birthday boy pick,” teased Jared, handing the menu over to him. “You guys ought to come home for a weekend when you get a chance.”
“It’s kinda a long way to go with the kids for just a few days,” said Jensen. “But we’ll be home soon. Hopefully.”
“I can get you a gig on Walker anytime you want it dude, just ask.”
“Maybe. I kinda want to get with the guys and maybe work on that Supernatural stuff. I need good stuff to look forward to, you know?”
“I do,” said Jared. “As long as you come home eventually I’ll learn to live with just using your jet skis in the meantime.”
“See what I’ve been dealing with for over a decade?” asked Jensen.
“Oh yes. He’s horrible,” you teased. “We really shouldn’t have him sleepover then, should we?”
“You’re staying at the house?” asked Jensen with a grin.
“Duh. I didn’t just fly a thousand miles to not see you dude. I’m here all weekend. Let’s have some fun.”
“Boys I’m heading to bed,” you said around two in the morning. 
“Yeah we ought to go to bed ourselves,” said Jared.
“I’ll grab you some sheets and stuff,” said Jensen. You waved goodnight to Jared, heading down the hall towards your room when Jensen wrapped an arm around your waist. “I thought you were gonna sleep with me from now on.”
“I am. Want to check something real quick.”
“Hurry back,” he said. He kissed your temple and ducked into his room, leaving you in the hall. You went down to your own and checked your email, smirking when you saw what you were looking for. A rattling of fingers on the door made you glance up, Jensen smiling there. “Texting your other boyfriend?”
“No, I sort of...submitted one of my stories to a publisher. They’ve been talking to me this week and said they’d get back to me today on if they wanted to move forward. They want to do a five book deal. I already have the stories done and mostly drawn anyways. They gave me an offer just now.”
“That’s awesome,” he said. “Seriously. We’re gonna celebrate tomorrow for sure.”
“It’s no big deal,” you said.
“It really is,” he said. He picked you up and grinned, carrying you back to his room. “I’m proud of you.”
“They’re stupid stories,” you said.
“I love those stupid stories,” he said, setting you on the bed. “The kids do too.”
“You’re just saying that cause you’re supposed to say that.” You set your phone on the nightstand and crawled under the covers, Jensen pulling you into his chest when het got underneath.
“My children think their mom is really okay now. They don’t get sad anymore and they ask questions about her again and I don’t want to cry every time I talk about her because your story reminded me that the wolf dad can be happy again for him too. That’s really fucking important to me right now in life.”
“Okay Papa Wolf,” you said. You grinned and he returned it. “Night Jensen.”
“Goodnight sweetheart.”
Two Months Later
“Hey Jared,” you said as you answered your phone. “What’s up?”
“Jensen at work?”
“Yeah. Late night again,” you said. “He’s answering texts between breaks I think.”
“Cool,” he said.
“You need something?” you asked. 
“No, no. I’m good,” he said. “Thanks. I’ll catch you later.”
“You doing okay?” you asked.
“Yeah. Just want to talk to him for a minute,” he said. He was a little quiet and you sat down on the couch. 
“You want to talk to me?” you asked.
“That’s okay.”
“Jared...Jensen and I are starting to get serious which means we’re gonna be together a lot considering how you two can’t go more than a day without talking. We can be good friends too,” you said. He was quiet and you hoped you hadn’t sounded too corny.
“I uh, I have bad days sometimes. Really normal days can be bad days in my head. It’s kinda how I was built I guess,” he said. 
“Nothing wrong with that,” you said. “Today a bad day?”
“Kinda. Nothing happened. I had a normal day at work and home. I’m just off. He um...Jensen makes me feel better as lame as that sounds. Just talking for a few minutes helps my head get on track that somebody really does care.”
“He’s very good like that,” you said. “I know you mean the world to him. You’re his brother. It’s not lame that he makes you feel better. You make him feel better too. I owe you a lot for taking care of him after the accident.”
“I much prefer when I’m the one freaking out and he takes care of me,” chuckled Jared. “You guys coming home soon?”
“He’s got a few weeks left of filming but I might head down a little earlier, try to get the house sorted out down there with the kids and stuff,” you said. “He’s literally counting down the days.”
“He really likes working on the show though I thought.”
“Oh he does but he’s got a big circle on the calendar for the fifthteenth called Jared day. I think your boy is planning something fun.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” he said. “You mind if I ask a personal question?”
“Shoot, buddy,” you said, stretching in your seat.
“Do you love him?” he asked. 
“Going full throttle out of the gate I see,” you said.
“I know. I know how he talks about you though. There’s no...casual relationship with him.”
“Well I haven’t said it to him yet and he hasn’t said it to me so...maybe another time I’ll be able to answer that question.”
“It’s been almost four months. You get to spend more time together than most couples starting out. I’d think you know by now,” he said.
“I do. But he deserves to hear it before anyone else,” you said. 
“So you love him.”
“Most things I love have a habit of going away,” you said. 
“He won’t,” he said. “You do more than make him happy, Y/N. A lot more.”
“I just wish he didn’t hurt.”
“He hurts a lot less lately. Some of that’s time and some of it’s you. Enjoy being one of his best friends. He doesn’t let that many people in that close.”
“I know. We were supposed to be talking about you I thought.”
“Eh, sometimes I just need the talk. Thanks. I got somebody else I can call now too.”
“It’s never a problem,” you said.
“It’s getting late there. I’ll let you go. Thanks for talking, really. I feel better.”
“Anytime Jared.”
“You too, Y/N.”
Three Weeks Later
“Doug you’re a lifesaver,” you said as finished washing Jensen’s truck in the driveway back home in Austin. He smiled as he wiped off his hands and gave Arrow a wave goodbye. 
“I owed you for that 3am incident,” he said. “You got easy kids. Mine are vultures.”
“Yes, yes they are,” you laughed. He gave you a kiss on the check and smiled as he headed back for his car, another one coming down the open driveway. “Later Doug.”
“Later,” he said. Jensen exited the back of the car along with his backpack and a suitcase, the car pulling out, Doug following after.
“Hey. How was the flight?” you asked.
“Who was that?” he asked, dropping his bags on the pavement.
“Oh that’s just Doug. He’s a nanny. I needed an extra set of hands today watching the kids trying to finish up these chores before you got home and it was perfect timing,” you said. You smirked and walked over to kiss him, Jensen taking a step back. “Something wrong?”
“You kissed him.”
“No. I didn’t. He kissed my cheek,” you said. Jensen narrowed his eyes and you scoffed, wiping the sweat off your forehead. “Seriously? He’s my friend.”
“That kisses you.”
“He’s affectionate,” you said. “Also he’s kinda married so you can tone it down with the judgemental looks.”
“Oh. I’m sorry. You’re right. You should be able to kiss whoever you want despite being in a relationship,” he said. He grabbed his bags and brushed past you inside. You grumbled and went after him, finding him upstairs in his room. “What?”
“What stick is up your ass today? I haven’t seen you in almost three weeks. None of us have and you’re in a bad mood.”
“I was perfectly happy until I saw you kissing somebody else.”
“I wasn’t kissing him!”
“It didn’t look like that from my perspective.”
“Is this just a little game to you? You get bored of the older guy with kids finally?” he asked, crossing his arms. “Or maybe you just got caught finally.”
“I don’t cheat,” you said, getting in his face. “He kissed my cheek. I’ll call him to come back and explain this situation right now but I apparently you just think I’m a cheater.”
“Well maybe you are. Geez, we’ve been together over four months and no real sex yet? Cause that’s not sending red flags.”
“Because you weren’t fucking ready!” you shouted. “I’m not your wife and I’m never gonna be her. Don’t be mad at me for it.”
“No that’s for sure,” he said.
“The kids are in the front yard. Don’t expect me back today,” you said. You stormed downstairs and into your room, shoving some things in a bag before taking your purse and getting behind the wheel of your car. 
You were seeing red by the time you were out of the suburbs. You slammed your hand against the wheel and shouted.
“You fucking asshole,” you said. You sniffled and drove for a bit before finally pulling off. You drove down a long road, rolling your eyes when of course you passed by his brewery. You’d never been but he’d told you about it more than once. You kept going down the road, eventually finding a park to pull into. You shut off the car and shut your eyes, a knock on the window making you jump. You put down your window when you saw a cop there and did your best to wipe off your face.
“You’re double parked,” he said. 
“You’re parked on the line,” he said. 
“Sorry,” you said. 
“Bad day?” he asked.
“Something like that,” you said. You could feel snot threatening to drip down your nose, the officer reaching into a pocket and handing you a tissue. “Thanks.”
“Best not to drive when you’re upset,” he said.
“Yeah. I’m just gonna sit here for a little while,” you said with a nod.
“Probably not a great idea to sit in a car next a playground,” he said. “The mom’s are kinda intense around here.”
“Of course they are,” you said, squeezing your eyes shut.
“Why don’t you move your car and you can join me on my patrol,” he said. “It’s only a short walk. Fresh air might do you good.”
“Last time I talked to another man my boyfriend sorta freaked out on me so maybe not a good idea,” you said. You blew your nose and realized what you’d said, the officer staring down. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Why don’t we take that walk so I can find out what you did mean.”
Two minutes later you were walking next to the cop. He had a baseball cap on and was in all black. You weren’t sure how he wasn’t boiling considering it was May in Austin.
“This boyfriend got a name?”
“You gonna run his name or something?” you asked.
“Do I need to?” he asked. You shook your head and he smiled. “He the jealous type? He get angry over you talking to other men?”
“It’s complicated.”
“If it doesn’t get uncomplicated I might have to pay this boyfriend a visit you understand.”
“His wife died last June.”
“Okay. I understand part of the complicated thing now.”
“Why’s he gotta be a dick? Called me a cheater,” you said. You crossed your arms and the cop chuckled. “Sorry.”
“As long as you don’t call me a dick we don’t got a problem. Did you cheat on him?”
“No. He...he works away and he just got home today and my guy friend was over helping me with watching my boyfriends kids while I did some chores and my guy friend is like, a really affectionate guy and he kissed my cheek as my boyfriend was coming in and my boyfriend thinks I was kissing him back and been cheating on him for the past three weeks.”
“Why don’t you just call the guy friend over to explain?”
“He got so pissed so fast and accused me of cheating. I’ve been dating him for nearly five months and he brings up the fact we haven’t had sex yet like that even matters when I’ve been holding back for him and he just blows up on me for fucking nothing,” you said.
“You’re both stubborn people, aren’t ya,” he said.
“Maybe,” you grumbled.
“Maybe this guy is scared and looking for a way out of the relationship. Or maybe he thinks you want out. You mentioned kids. That’s not easy.”
“He’s also...older. There’s an age gap. I was the nanny and now I’m the girlfriend nanny. He’s also kinda...famous,” you said.
“So there’s a lot of stress in this relationship then.”
“No,” you said, dropping your arms to your sides. “It’s not like that.”
“Maybe the dumb bastard just got scared of losing someone again,” he said. “Just a theory.”
“I wish he wasn’t scared,” you said. “I don’t know how to make him not afraid.”
“You ever think maybe he said that because you’re getting in there pretty good now and he’s getting real scared that losing you might hurt just as bad as this wife did.”
“He’s an idiot. But he’s my idiot,” you said. 
“Talk to him. Get an apology and try to forgive him.”
“I already forgive him. I know him. He was scared and I got mad instead of realizing after so many weeks apart all he needed was a freaking hug.”
“Then go home and give him a hug,” he said.
“Thanks,” you said with a nod. “I must have looked like a hot mess or something.”
“Oh for sure,” he chuckled. You smiled and he laughed. “That looks better.”
“Jensen probably left like five messages on my phone by now,” you said. The cop you were with paused and smiled. “What?”
“A kinda famous Jensen. There’s really only one of those in town,” he said.
“Oh. Yeah. Please don’t share that he’s dating. He really wants to keep things private for a lot of reasons right now,” you said.
“He’s my buddy.”
“Your buddy?”
“We went to school together,” he said. “In tenth grade he went for a slide on second base, ripped his pants right down the middle. His hanes bright blue covered ass still managed to get around to home base.”
“He split his pants in a baseball game?” you smiled.
“I know quite a few of his dirty secrets,” he said. “I don’t really know that whole acting thing but him I know and that must make you Y/N. You ever in trouble kid, ever just got a bad feeling and want a cop to come by, give me a call.”
“Thanks,” you said as you took his card. “You really think he’s a dumb bastard?”
“Oh knowing it’s him, 100%. Give him a break. We like him when he smiles,” he said.
“I’m gonna give him a call,” you said. “We should hang out sometime now that Jensen has a break.”
“Definitely. I gotta finish my patrol,” he said. “Take care Y/N.”
“Bye,” you said as you headed back towards your car. You pulled out your phone and saw seven missed calls and twelve unread texts. You tapped the screen and put the phone up to your ear, only ringing for a second.
“I’m sorry,” said Jensen.
“Me too.”
“I’m the one that...shit I’m so sorry, Y/N. I don’t know what happened.”
“You missed me and you were scared and seeing Doug probably hurt like a bitch,” you said.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t want to be the stupid jealous boyfriend.”
“I’m not too far from your brewery if you want to meet there. Get a beer. Blow this over,” you said.
“I’m sorry.”
“I forgive you. Stop apologizing. I want to give you a hug,” you said. 
“I’ll meet you there in thirty minutes?” he asked.
“I’ll see you soon honey.”
“Hi,” said Jensen as you sat at a quiet table in the back, sipping on a beer and eating a piece of pizza. You smiled and stood up, giving him a hug. He tucked his head down and sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey we survived our first big fight as a couple,” you said. “That deserves beer and pizza.”
He sat down next to you, forcing a smile on his face. You reached over and cupped his cheek, Jensen turning into it. 
“Please forgive yourself,” you said.
“I don’t really want to,” he said.
“You called me a cheater. I get what I want today and that’s for you to forgive yourself.”
“I don’t know why I said that.”
“Jensen,” you said, stroking his cheek. “I love you.”
He stared at you, a different look in his eyes, the tiniest sliver of a smile peeking through. You inched closer and slid your hand around to the back of his neck, pulling him into a kiss. He felt softer than usual, lips barely moving against yours. 
“I love you,” he said. He wrapped his arms around you and grinned. “I have loved you for a very long time.” You kissed him again, Jensen returning it. 
He left his arm around your back, smirking when you did the same to him.
“Can we forget about earlier?” you asked. He nodded and rested his head on your shoulder.
“One last I’m sorry though,” he said.
“Just don’t call me that again and we’re all good, Jens,” you said. “Now eat some of this pizza so I don’t feel like a glutton.”
“I don’t have to slip into a superhero costume any more so dad bod here I come,” he chuckled.
“Does that mean Solider Boy meets some untimely end?”
“No spoilers,” he said. “But I don’t think I’ll be going back to that show. At least as often. I know I want to direct an episode of walker in the fall. I talked to Jared about it actually so that’ll be fun. I might do a duck and run guest appearance on it. I’ll line up something for next year but I want to be home for awhile, do work around here.” 
“I know quite a few people who would be more than okay with that,” you said. 
“Don’t make any plans for Saturday,” he smirked.
“I thought you were having your Jared day tomorrow.”
“Oh we are. Gen invited you and the kids over. She’d like to get to know you. You’ll love her,” he said.
“So what’s Saturday then?” you asked.
“I’d like to take you and the kids out on the boat. We haven’t been since before the accident. Maybe we can go out for dinner and put up the tent in the backyard, have a sleepover out there with the kids.”
“That sounds fun.”
“And...I’d like to maybe next week take you out for the day, just us, maybe...spend the night somewhere,” he said.
“Like a hotel?” you asked.
“Yeah. Or the kids can have a sleepover at Jared’s. Maybe.” He glanced down and you moved your arm from his back, reaching behind yourself to hold his hand. Green eyes flickered over to yours and you smiled. “I’m-”
“You know if you keep apologizing about earlier I’m not going to have sex with you,” you said. “That’s just facts.”
“Okay,” he chuckled. “No more apologies. Aside from...I really am sorry about what I said. I’m the one that’s been holding back and not once have you asked for more.”
“We said we’d take it slow and that’s okay,” you said. He squeezed your hand and nodded. “I don’t like you because you’re attractive or your hair is great or your arms are massive. Having fun with you is fun but that’s not why I’m here.”
“I don’t know if I can give you things you want,” he said.
“Just give me you and that’s good with me,” you said.
“Okay,” he said quietly. You scooted closer to him, Jensen tucking a stray hair behind your ear. “Let’s do it now.”
“Uh, what?” you said, taking a sip from your beer.
“The kids aren’t home and I don’t want to wait and-”
“You don’t have to ask me twice,” you said, knocking back your beer and flipping the cardboard down over your pizza. He stared and you burped, picking up the box. “There’s like six slices left and this is too good to waste, even for sex.”
“You have literally never been more attractive than in this moment,” he said. 
“I could be.”
“I’ll see you at the house in twenty?”
“Yes you will Ackles.”
Forty minutes later you hand was slapping against his headboard, legs squeezed so tight around his waist you were shocked he wasn’t complaining. You moaned loudly as he teased your clit and he delivered one more hard thrust. He grunted as you gripped his shoulder with your other hand.
“Jensen,” you breathed out. “I’m right there. Please, please, please…”
You arched your back when he thrust hard, fingers rubbing just a bit rougher and you came all around him, every muscle tensed and riding out that high, long, deep, absolutely perfect orgasm. Jensen thrust a few more times before he groaned and rested his head on your shoulder, big panting breaths fanning over your skin. 
He was sweaty but pulled out slowly, plopping down on the bed beside you, hand resting on his chest.
“I don’t know about you but that was good,” he said. “Damn good.”
You giggled between breaths, nodding your head slightly. You tilted it over towards his, Jensen already staring at you with soft hooded green eyes. 
“Definitely damn good,” you breathed. His lips tugged up into a smile, warm and gentle, his head inching closer to you. You sat up and leaned down to kiss him, Jensen breaking off when he needed air. You trailed a finger down his chest before climbing out of bed and excusing yourself to the bathroom. After you cleaned up you found Jensen chucking the condom in the trash and wiping himself off quickly. 
“Come here you,” he said. He picked you up bridal style and carried you back to the bed, laying you down carefully. “I’m big on after sex cuddling just so you know.”
“I find that to be a very attractive quality,” you said as he lay down. He reached down to the end of the bed and grabbed the bunched up blanket, pulling it over the two of you. His arm slid under your head and he pulled you into his side, encouraging you to use him as a pillow. “You’re warm.”
“So are you,” he said. He kissed your temple and let out a deep breath. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“I never thought I’d be able to do that ever again. Let alone not feel bad about doing it,” he said.
“You okay?”
“I’m great,” he said. “Really. I know Dee would have been telling me to not worry so I didn’t. I don’t...I feel like I can talk about her again, you know?”
“You used to call her your wife a lot. Recently you’ve been saying her name more. I think you really are healing, Jensen.”
“I knew the second you left earlier I messed up. I dropped the kids off at Jared’s and then I wound up at the cemetery. I saw these purple flowers there. It’s kinda a different flower but they were her favorite. I’ve only ever told one other person those were her favorites,” he said. You traced your finger over his pec and rested your palm flat on his chest. “Why’d you put flowers there?”
“Why wouldn’t I Jensen?”
“That’s how I knew I can stop being so scared when it comes to you. Purple fucking flowers. You’re just…”
“I love you too,” you said, giving his whole body a squeeze. He returned it, holding you for a long time, neither one of you saying a word. It wasn’t until you noticed the light starting to change in the room that you both moved. 
“Y/N,” said Jensen when you sat upright. You looked over your shoulder, a smile on his face. “Do you want to stay upstairs with me from now on instead of your room? It’s okay if-”
“I’d love to,” you said. “To be honest, I slept up here the other night.”
“You did?” he asked as you nodded.
“I missed you.”
“Me too,” he said.
“I know three little faces that really missed you too,” you said. He smiled and nodded. “Let’s go get the rascals.”
A/N: Read Part 9 here!
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fruitcoops · 3 years
I think it would be really interesting for leo and sirius to talk ab how they both didn’t go to college and how they both joined the nhl at 18 but had v different upbringings
Ooo, I like this one! I’m always down for some Cap and Knutty bonding. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for mentioned bad parenting
“Kinda weird, isn’t it?” Leo said, breaking the nighttime silence after many long minutes of just their breathing. Sirius hummed in question. “Starting all this so young.”
Sirius made a noncommittal noise and Leo shifted, never taking his eyes off the sky. There was too much light pollution to see the stars properly in Gryffindor, but the roof of the rink didn’t have a bad view; the planes flying overhead brought pinpricks of brightness to the indigo blur.
“Was it hard for you?”
He heard Sirius’ coat move. “Was what hard?”
“Starting the NHL at eighteen.”
There was a long beat of silence. “Sometimes.”
“I didn’t know if I would make it,” Leo confessed, still barely above a murmur. Nobody else was around, but it didn’t feel right to talk in normal voices. The whole world was muted, save for the noise of the city below them. “There was just so much to do.”
Sirius laughed softly. “I hate to break it to you, rookie, but that doesn’t change.”
“How do you deal with it?”
“Before, or now?”
Leo thought for a moment. “Both.”
“Before, I would go home and shoot pucks until I was too tired to stand up. Sometimes I would read.” It wasn’t a secret, but it still made Leo’s heart hurt to remember. Nobody as kind and hardworking as Sirius deserved that. “Now, I make myself some food, take a shower, and steal Re’s softest hoodie.”
Leo could hear his smile in the dark—it echoed his own. “Nothing better, huh?”
“Finn’s fit me best,” he mused. “But Lo’s smell better.”
“Ah, he finally discovered deodorant?”
“Shut up,” Leo teased, elbowing his ribs. Sirius laughed a little louder; in the light of the streetlamps and the absence of his granite-hard focus, it was easy to remember that he was only 26. Leo had worshipped him as a kid, but now he just saw Sirius for what he was. His captain, who guided him through the playoffs even when his personal life was crumbling apart. His older brother, though Sirius certainly wouldn’t think of him that way. His friend.
“Really, though, it’s important to have those connections,” Sirius said when they both calmed down. “Being alone is good, but only if you know you have people to talk to when you need them.”
“Was it easier when you weren’t living with someone?”
“No.” The answer was immediate.
“Sometimes I want the apartment to myself.” Leo lowered his voice unconsciously, then sighed. “It’s not because I don’t want them there. I just need to be alone. Wash the dishes. Clean my room. Call my mom.”
“You should tell them.”
He turned his head slightly; Sirius was still scanning the sky. “Is that what you did?”
“It took a couple hiccups, but yeah. If one of us needs some alone time, the other will go to the grocery store or take a walk, maybe hang out with friends. You just have to make sure your boys know that it’s not personal.”
“You’re freakishly good at sage advice.”
Sirius snorted. “Merci, rookie.”
“I’m not a rookie anymore.”
“Yeah, you are.” He raised his hands, as if outlining a marquee. “The Eternal Rookie, starring Leo Knut.”
Leo stuck his tongue out, feeling rather petulant about the whole thing. “Watch it, Cap, I’m gonna sic Dumo on you.”
“My own father?” Sirius gasped dramatically. “How could you?”
“Did you ever get homesick?”
The question was out of the blue—he didn’t blame Sirius for faltering. Honestly, Leo was kicking himself for asking in the first place, though he had been keeping it in for ages. Unspoken rule of the Lions #1: Don’t ask Cap about his childhood.
“I…” Sirius fell silent once more.
“I’m sorry,” Leo apologized, and he meant it. “That came out of nowhere.”
“I missed Regulus,” Sirius continued carefully without acknowledging him. “But no, I didn’t get homesick. I didn’t have time, or a real reason.”
Alone in a new city, finally out of a horrible living situation, but desperately missing the little brother he left behind… Leo couldn’t even begin to imagine going through it when the NHL by itself was already overwhelming to his teenage brain. He scooted an inch closer until their shoulders touched. “I get homesick every couple of months.”
“You have a kind family.”
“Have you even met them?”
“At the party.” Sirius’ smile was practically audible. “Your mother was very excited to see me.”
“Oh, god,” Leo groaned. “What happened?”
“She—“ He broke off with a laugh. “She was very nice, I promise, but I think I surprised her because she squeaked when I said ‘hello’.”
Leo shook his head. “Did you sneak up on her?”
“I’m six two, I can’t sneak up on anyone!”
“You walk like a fucking ghost, dude! It’s creepy!”
“Okay, rude.”
“I swear, you and Loops need to be belled like cats,” Leo huffed.
They lapsed back into comfortable quiet for a few more minutes as a train rattled past on one side and the metro busses rolled down Main Street on the other. It had taken Leo a long time to figure out Gryff’s layout, and even longer to get used to the sounds of the city.
“What does it feel like?”
Leo blinked, unsure if he had heard correctly. “What?”
“Being homesick.” Sirius shifted again and folded his hands over his stomach. “I didn’t notice much of a difference in practices when I started the NHL, and going back to my parents’ house wasn’t my exactly a highlight of my year.”
Curiosity overrode his tact and reasoning skills. “You never asked Logan?”
“Non. It was different, with him. He had already left to go to college before I knew him, and spent four years away from his family.”
“Right.” Leo forgot about that on occasion. That Finn and Logan might be five years older than him, but they had only been rookies a year or two prior. Not everyone went straight from their city select team to an official draft. “It’s hard to describe.”
Sirius made an understanding noise, but he couldn’t entirely mask his disappointment. Leo licked his lips and tried again.
“It’s like a piece of you isn’t where it’s supposed to be. And it keeps tugging on your chest, but you never know when it’s going to start and stop so you just… deal with it. You ignore it some days and you think about it other days.” He swallowed around the lump in his throat. “The hard days are when you remember you can’t go back to the way things were before. I don’t even call my mom sometimes, ‘cause I know it’ll make me sadder.”
“The way things were before?”
“Yeah, like—like all my classmates are in college, and I’m laying on a roof with one of the most famous hockey players in the history of forever.” That drew a light laugh from them both. “I’m gonna go back to my reunion in a couple years and have literally nothing in common with the people I used to be friends with.”
“Sometimes I wish I went to college,” Sirius said. “But I would have missed so much if I did. I don’t think I would have been happy there.”
“Finn and Logan get weird about college.” Maybe he shouldn’t be talking about it, but Leo had the feeling none of their conversation would leave the rooftop. “It was hard for them, with all their shit.”
“Re does, too.” He recognized the sad edge in Sirius’ voice; it was the same as his own. “For a different reason. It started good, and ended bad.”
“I’m glad I missed out on that,” Leo said, biting down the urge to scream at the universe for putting their significant others through so much hardship at an already-difficult time. None of them deserved the pain they went through. “Besides, it’s not like we need degrees to play hockey, and we’ll have plenty of money afterward.”
“I never thought about my life after hockey until my ankle.”
“My parents always pushed me to make sure I wanted to do the NHL instead of more school.”
“You’re lucky to have them.”
“I wish you did.”
The words hung suspended between them before Leo could swallow them back down, somehow dangerous and calming at the same time. It wasn’t like he had never thought about it before; he just hadn’t said it out loud. The first time he had seen Sirius’ parents across the rink had given him a case of the heebie-jeebies so strong he had to shower twice. All the times after that just made him angry.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Sirius’ voice was quiet, but not upset. “You’re not the first person to say it. I’m glad you feel like you can be honest with me.”
Leo frowned. “Well, yeah. Obviously.”
“I try really hard to not be an asshole captain, so it actually does mean a lot.”
“I don’t think you could be an asshole if you tried.”
The barking laugh that split the night startled Leo so bad he nearly jumped out of his skin; Sirius clapped a hand over his mouth, though he was still snickering. “Sorry, sorry, I just—holy shit, I forgot you didn’t know me before. Mon dieu.”
“You weren’t that bad,” Leo protested. “Pots said you used to be grumpier, but that’s it.”
Sirius shook his head, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes. “I was such a dick. There’s not a single picture of the whole team where I’m smiling for about two years and I was such a stickler for the rules.”
Leo gaped at him. “You followed rules?”
“To the fucking letter. It was awful.”
“What happened?”
Sirius shrugged. “I got friends. Idiot friends who did things like showing me the easiest way onto the roof. Pots used to drag me up here every Friday.”
“Ouais.” Mischief flitted over his face. “He skipped date night with Lily once on accident, and she tracked us up here like a bloodhound. It was terrifying.”
“What did you do?” Lily was one of the nicest people Leo knew, but he knew better than to get on her bad side.
“Lied to her face while James hid behind that strobe light.”
“Did it work?”
“Are you kidding?” he snorted. “She called me a liar and suggested getting a better best friend. That was after she told James he’s better have something nice planned for their next date if he ever wanted to get in her pants again.”
“And yet you didn’t listen to her.” Leo tsked. “Of all the people on the team, you chose the hot mess.”
“Trust me, rookie, James had his whole life figured out compared to me.”
“Did you…” Leo trailed off and but his lip. He had pushed his luck a lot already; who knew if one more question would be the tipping point? “Did you ever think about coming out? Even just to Pots.”
Sirius didn’t hesitate. “After every single game.”
“For seven years?”
“Up until the day those pictures were leaked. Even more after Re and I were together.”
“How old were you when you knew?”
“13. You?”
Leo exhaled slowly. “I’m not sure. I think I had an idea of it as a kid, but didn’t really get it until I was in high school. My parents were even more worried about the NHL after I told them.”
“They worry a lot about you.”
“Only child, and I was going for a wildly unstable career path with no guarantee that I would ever see the ice.”
“They’re proud of you. More than you know.” Sirius’ watch beeped. “It’s ten o’clock. Are you supposed to be home?”
“I should probably make sure my boys haven’t burned down the apartment.” Neither of them made an attempt to move. “Can we do this again sometime?”
“Of course.”
You’re like a brother to me, he wanted to say. I don’t know who else I can talk to like this. “Thank you.”
“Any time. We don’t have to do extra practice beforehand, either.”
Leo nudged him gently. “You’re the best captain ever.”
“You’re the best rookie, rookie.”
“I’m not a rookie.”
“Yeah, you are.”
Yeah, I am, he thought as they laid side-by-side in silence once more with the past behind them and the future ahead. And if I end up like you, it means I did something right.
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spooderboyandtincan · 3 years
You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone
Chapter 2
There’s a spider on the ceiling.
Peter can barely make out its eight gangly legs through a blur of tears. He feels some sort of bond with it- not only because of the DNA they share- but because they’re both alone. Then again, the spider has probably spent its entire life in this room, and Peter’s only been here- on a whole different continent- for a good couple of hours.
Maybe it’s just the jet lag. According to literally anyone who’s known him at all- he gets adorably grumpy when he hasn’t gotten his beauty sleep (Tony’s words, not his.)
Who does he think he’s kidding? He’s homesick, he’s alone, and he really, really misses Tony. Misses him as in the his heart is literally being torn apart sort of missing. He wishes he’d considered how his severe separation anxiety might play a part in this when he’d still had a choice.
Peter chokes on a whine- the one that forces its way out of his throat until he’s full on sobbing and gasping for breath.
He scrambles for his phone on the nightstand. He needs Tony, he needs him, like a fish needs water. He fumbles with the lock screen and desperately taps on Tony’s icon (a picture of Tony holding a proudly displaying a mug that reads “Number 1 Iron Dad.”) It rings once, twice-
“Pete? How’s it going, kiddie?” Tony’s voice, so gentle, so full of love and concern- he already knows something’s wrong, of course, because his Dad Senses are off the charts- makes the tear in his heart rip open.
“Tony,” he sobs. “Tony. I don’t- I can’t, I can’t do this. I wanna go home, Tony.”
“Whoa, hey, it’s okay Petey, breathe for me okay?” He can hear, just barely over his sobs, that Tony is pacing, can hear that his breathing is just a bit too fast, and Peter feels awful for freaking him out, but just can’t stop crying.
“‘M so sorry,” he wails, “‘M so sorry. I-I wanna go home, I want you Tony.” He grasps his pillow tightly and buries his face in it, trying to stifle his sobs, pretending that Tony is there, wrapping his arms around him, kissing his hair, rocking them back and forth.
“I know, baby, I know,” Tony croons, “Everything’s gonna be okay, we’re okay. Right now I just need you to take a deep breath, buddy- in, two-three, out, two-three, okay?” Tony demonstrates for him, taking exaggerated inhales and exhales, which are probably benefiting him as much as they are Peter. “You’ve got this, Pete, I know you do.”
“I miss you, Tony,” Peter whispers after a few seconds of shaky breathing. “I wanna go home.” He feels so immature, begging Tony to fly across the Atlantic in the dead of night just because he’s a little homesick.
Tony, however, seems to consider his request very seriously. “Do you want me to fly out? I could be there in a few hours.”
Peter almost laughs, imagining Tony arriving to the hotel at daybreak, dressed only in sweatpants and a stained AC/DC t-shirt. It’s actually not a bad idea- Tony could act as a chaperone, they could explore the city together, make another precious memory.
“Yeah, um, that-that would be great, Tony,” he sniffs, wiping the wetness of his cheeks. “A-are you sure? I don’t wanna, like, make you, there’s probably Iron, um, Iron Man things, I don’t-”
“Pete, listen to me,” Tony interrupts, voice again so impossibly gentle. “Nothing- nothing- is more important to me than you, understand? I’m here for you. Always”
Peter smiles wetly, relaxing back into the covers, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “I know. Tony?”
“Yeah, bud?
“Can-can you, um, talk? Please?”
“‘Course I can, Pete. What about?” Tony says fondly. The idea that his voice can bring such comfort to this sweet kid makes him feel all… schmoopy.
“Anything. I just… wanna hear your voice, s’all.” He tugs the covers up and curls into a ball, resting the phone on the pillow next to his ear.
“I’ve got you, bud,” Tony says. I miss you too. “Oh, you’ve gotta know what DUM-E did today….”
Peter feels himself relaxing as Tony talks about his day. It’s not just the words that soothe him, but the familiar sound of his warm voice that’s full of such love and affection. His thoughts begin to wander as he drifts into a barely conscious haze, but the voice remains steady and present in his mind.
Tony is quick to notice that Peter is on the precipice of slumber and wakefulness, and is just as quick to provide the last bit of reassurance Peter needs to fall asleep. “Sweet dreams, buddy. I love you,” he murmurs.
Just before Peter slips away, he finds himself slurring, “Love you too.”
Tony stays on the call for a solid ten minutes after Peter conks out, listening to the steady whoosh of his breathing against the speaker. Before he finally makes himself hang up, he whispers a quiet, “‘Night, Petey. I’ll be there before you know it.” Tony leaves for the airport at daybreak, not able to spend another second in that horribly empty penthouse. The absence of Peter’s presence is tremendously obvious, and Tony finds himself desperately trying not to imagine the unimaginable.
With a pilot on-call 24-7, and without the hassles of a public airport, he’ll be back with Peter around early afternoon.
Thank god.
He steps out of the Cadillac, barely noticing the blistering wind and the tiny snowflakes biting at his cheeks in his haste to board the plane. He greets the pilot- Allison, he thinks- with a nod, but she gestures to stop when he moves towards the stairs.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Stark!” she says over the howling wind. “We just can’t fly in this weather!”
To hell with that, Tony thinks. “When’s it letting up?”
“I’m terribly sorry, Mr. Stark,” Allison says apologetically. “Not for a few days at least.”
Tony activates the suit with a simple tap of his watch, the nanobots rushing over him within seconds. Allison gasps and jumps back, gaping as he rockets into the air.
He’s been flying for a good 50 seconds before a neon red warning lights up the HUD.
“Boss,” F.R.I.D.A.Y says, tone filled with caution. “The wind is blowing at a speed of 78 mph. I must advise that you return to the ground immediately, or you run the risk of losing control of the suit.”
Tony curses loudly. Just his luck, really. “How high is the risk?”
“89%, boss.”
“So, not all that bad,” he chuckles.
Then, F.R.I.D.A.Y reminds him how devastated Peter would be if anything happened to him.
Tony returns to his car on foot and pulls out his phone to call Peter.
Peter basks in the sunlight outside of a bustling café, sipping from a cup of hot chocolate. He’s ordered a chocolate croissant, and added the tasteless protein powder Tony and Bruce had synthesized to keep up with his spidey metabolism to his mug. Despite the jet lag, he’s eager to explore the city and it’s merits, his enthusiasm only growing knowing that Tony will be here within a few hours.
Feeling pleasantly full, Peter leans back in his chair- it’s an armchair, on a stool, and it’s driving him nuts, he loves it- and beams at Ned, who lounges next to him in an identical chair. “Dude,” he says.
“Dude,” Ned agrees.
Peter is grinning, Ned is grinning, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, life is sweet-
Peter’s phone rings.
His first thought is that Tony’s plane has crashed.
His second is one of relief when he realizes it’s Tony who’s calling him.
His third is that his plane has crashed, and Tony’s calling him, mortally wounded, to say goodbye.
Ned stares at him, taking in the panicked look on his face, and mouths You good? Peter shakes his head and scrabbles for his phone.
“Pete?” Tony says as soon as he’s answered. He sounds fine, at least. “Hiya.”
“Are you okay?” Peter asks first, because he knows that even if Tony sounds like he’s fine, that doesn’t mean he is.
“Yeah. Yeah, Petey, I’m just fine, I promise,” Tony assures him. Peter relaxes in his chair, flashing Ned a quick thumbs up, because knows Tony would never lie to him, especially not if he was hurt. “How’re you doin’?”
Peter’s face lights up. “Oh, great! There are like, dogs everywhere here, even in the restaurants, and I saw this German Shepherd eating like- dog ice cream or something? And I got this super good chocolate croissant where we’re having breakfast. Y’know, I really thought the jet lag would be super bad but I’m not like, tired at all yet!”
“Aw, buddy, that’s great, I’m glad you’re havin’ a good time,” Tony says, voice dripping with fondness. “You’re drinking enough water, staying hydrated and all that, right?”
“Yup! Are you?”
Tony scoffs. “‘Course I am. Hafta set a good example n’ shi- stuff.” Peter snorts. He knows Tony does his best not to curse around his- and he quotes- “young, unsullied ears" but he ends up failing quite a lot.
“Which reminds me bud, how’s Ted?” Peter’s best friend’s health has pretty much no correlation with cursing, which makes the teen think that Tony has a specific reason for asking about him. He decides not to bring it up though.
“It’s Ned,” he sighs in mock frustration. And he’s good, he’s right next to me! I guess I didn’t tell you yesterday, but the hotel guy put us into two different rooms ‘cause they had extra or something and we didn’t realize ‘til we got to our rooms.” He sighs again then, for real, his good mood evaporating.
Tony’s Dad Senses pick up on it instantaneously. “Not ideal, huh?” he says gently, which earns him a small laugh from the kid. “D’you want me to talk to them?”
Peter nods sheepishly, then realizes Tony can’t see him. “Yeah. Thank you,” he says in a small voice, embarrassed that the genius is going to all this trouble just because he’s a little lonely. “Are you gonna be here soon?” he asks then, because he misses Tony, misses him just like he knows Tony is missing him.
Tony clears his throat. When he speaks, the guilt in his voice could rip him in half. “About that, buddy, well- Jesus, Pete, I’m so sorry. The, uh, the wind is too dangerous for me to fly over, and it’s not letting up ‘til around Monday. I’m so sorry, kiddo.”
Peter’s heart sinks. “Oh,” he says numbly.
He hears Tony lurch up. “Hey, Petey- shit, I’m so sorry, buddy. I- you know what, fuck it, I’ll fly over anyway, I-”
“No! No, I’m okay, I’m fine!” Peter says, wincing silently at the forced cheeriness in his voice, and knowing that Tony has seen right through.
“Hey, hey, buddy, it’s okay, I’ll be perfectly safe-”
“You can’t,” Peter pleads, desperate to keep Tony safe. “Please, Tony, you can’t, you’ll crash, or-”
“Whoa, Petey, deep breaths,” Tony interrupts, voice gentle. “I’m right here, I’m fine, you hear me?” He waits for Peter’s breathing to resume a steady rate, then says, “Bub, I won’t fly over if it’s not safe, I promise.”
Peter sighs. He’s relieved beyond belief that Tony is keeping both feet on the ground where he’ll be safe- he better be- but he misses the billionaire more than ever.
“And hey, who knows, maybe the wind’ll let up in a few hours!” Tony chuckles. Sobering a little, he says, “If the weather is on schedule, I’ll be there on Monday, 6 am, sharp.”
Peter prays he will. “I miss you, Tony,” he mumbles- he feels childish, knowing that he’s just begged the man to stay in New York, and now is just making him more miserable knowing that he’s miserable.
“I miss you too, Petey,” the genius murmurs back, voice filled with sorrow.
“Peter!” The phone nearly flies out of Peter’s hand as Mr. Harrington taps on his shoulder. He gasps a little, and though his teacher doesn’t seem to notice, Tony sure does, his gentle voice turning harsh with barley contained panic. “Who was that, Pete? Are you okay?”
“Um-” he tries.
“Come on, now! The bus is almost here, I can see it around the corner!” Mr. Harrington says loudly, and abruptly struts off, frantically waving down the bus that is already stopping.
“Peter!” Tony exclaims.
“I’m fine, I’m fine, it was just Mr. Harrington,” he rushes to reassure him. Tony breathes out a heavy sigh of relief. “Uh, the bus is here, I- I have to go.” He hurries to catch up with his best friend.
“I love you,” Tony says. “I love you so much, Pete, stay out of trouble, be safe.”
He doesn’t want to say goodbye. Neither of them do.
“I love you, Tony,” says Peter. “I’ll be safe, don’t worry about me!”
And with that, the call ends.
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woodchoc-magnum · 3 years
Lone Star Hate Watch 3x02
Disclaimer: I hate the show, you love it - that's great, please don't read this, have a wonderful day!
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Eddie Diaz for beautiful, calm, cleansing energy and here we go:
Spoiler alert - the show still fucking sucks
Ah they remembered the kid trapped under the ice
Oh shit the kid has asthma
I love that the kid just drops fucking cheetos all over the floor and mashes them into the carpet.
This is why I don't have kids. Only cats.
Asthma attack plus being trapped under the ice? That's a double banger right there
100% this kid should die right
Julie Benz – babe, you could do better than Owen Strand, I promise you
This dude's woken up in Owen Strand's house in fucking terror as Owen brandishes a hot poker at him
I think Judd should be a captain
"Those 126 boys really are something" oh godddd this show is so DUMB
Like genuinely I don't recall anyone in the OG being like "oh wow that 118 crew is so amazing" jfc
And I mean Buck and Eddie jumped between buildings and rescued a guy hanging from the back of a plane LIKE? Hello
Not to mention the whole tsunami deal but WHATEVER
And no one was like "oh wow the 118 WOW they're so amazing oh my god"
Anyway, re the boy in the ice – I'm at the part where they call 911 and Grace is talking to them, and here's what I think is going to be the explanation for how this child is inexplicably still alive. He was having an asthma attack when he fell into the water, which closed his airways, which meant he didn't breathe in any water which meant he didn't drown. And there'll also be some kind of bullshit about how the freezing water slowed his heartbeat or something.
BUT that doesn't explain how you can survive in sub-zero water with no oxygen to your brain for any length of time but it's Lone Star and of course nothing ever makes sense
You know the longer you clowns stand around talking about how TK was a firefighter in New York, the longer the kid is trapped under the ice and he should be dead already. Just saying.
Look I'm sorry but that kid should be dead.
And I feel like I'm supposed to be curious about why this guy in Owen's house was shot and stabbed but I really don't care
Other than hoping that he shoots and stabs Owen I guess
I know people were talking about how this was a good episode but I've literally just checked the time and I'm only ten minutes in
Which means I have another 30 minutes of this hard-to-watch, bad snow effect TV show
I guess maybe if you like, care about the characters, you might be invested? But I just don't care about any of them (except Judd and Grace, Billy and now Julie Benz)
Oh I also forgot that Marjan crashed her car in last week's episode, so guessing she's still trapped in there
I'm also supposed to be working and instead doing this, so... yeah.
This Paul trapped in a collapsed building storyline is very reminiscent to me of Hen trapped in a building in Season 2
(which was way better because I could actually see what was going on)
God the earthquake in Season 2 was fucking great, wasn't it? Buck and Eddie scaling the building, Hen getting trapped, Bobby and Chimney trying to rescue her, that guy falling out the window and splattering on the pavement… 10/10 absolute banger
How the fuck is this kid possibly still alive
I love this scene of TK hitting ineffectually at the ice, can't wait until he falls in
HAHA he just fell in
Is it too much to hope that TK dies
It is, right
I love these two onlookers are just letting Tommy and Nancy pull TK and the kid free and are doing absolutely nothing to help
"you're not dead until you're warm and dead"…. Yeah I'm thinking my theory on this is going to be 100% correct
Lindsay babe you are so damn hard on yourself
My god girl
I don't care about any of this mopey bullshit
Oh please let it collapse again
Now the water pipes have burst which means they could freeze and also drown? No they stopped it so no drowning, just freezing
"Survival window went to minutes" then WHAT ABOUT THE KID UNDER THE ICE HUH
I just feel like a lot of my thoughts on this episode and the first one have been a lot of worrying about the kid under the ice
The show is interesting, and then it shifts to Owen and completely falls flat again
Now the guy with the bullet wound, who was terribly traumatised by Owen branding him with a hot poker, has escaped
I just think the snow effect makes the show look even more washed out than usual
Nobody has done literally anything to help TK at this point
I hope he dies
I just think this kid should be dead.
He's been under the ice for like an hour you guys, he should be fucking dead
And the show's like "the kid's fine" but then TK is going to almost die
"Where's TK" oh here we go
Now Paul is making the poor girl strip
You know as much as I hate the heat in summer, I'm really thankful that snow is not something that I will ever have to worry about
I miss the OG
I miss Eddie Diaz
TK's out wandering in the fucking snow like an Abominable Snowman
(off topic but there's this line in the excellent 1999 movie "Armageddon" that makes me laugh every time and this scene reminded me of it - when they're on the asteroid and Steve Buscemi goes crazy and starts shooting everything up with a machine gun (yeah it's a fucking GREAT MOVIE you guys), Bruce Willis says, in all seriousness - "He's got space dementia." And I really think that line applies to TK here - "He's got snow dementia.")
Like I know you guys were saving the kid but like, he really needed some attention as well, is all I'm saying
You know when people talk about Buck getting whumped on the OG, this is what they want
And the OG has never done this to Buck
Like we couldn't handle it if Buck was naked on the OG, we would all spontaneously combust and Tumblr would meltdown
That's why people like this episode, because everyone's in danger and TK is getting whumped again, like he does in literally every single season
I'm not saying he's a Mary Sue damsel-in-distress, but I'm also not NOT saying that
I'm 30 minutes in, we're nearly at the end
I'd laugh if the jackhammering caused the building to collapse
And now Paul's passed out
Hey Marjan is still trapped in her car I guess
Oh god the thing that pisses Paul off is that they CLOSED THE 126 are you FUCKING SERIOUS
If I eyeroll any harder I'm going to get eye cramps
Fucking complain all you want about 5a of the OG but I still prefer that to this schmaltzy CRAP
I'm so bored.
By the end of this episode we'll have Paul with hypothermia, TK with hypothermia, Owen lost in the wilderness (probably with hypothermia) and Marjan trapped in her car (potentially with hypothermia)
Judd and Grace, loves of my life
Judd is the best, most devoted husband
Oh here's Marjan, still trapped in her car
Now she's gonna get hypothermia
I've typed "hypothermia" more in this than I ever have in my entire life
Now Owen's fallen down a small incline
And HE'S going to get hypothermia
Oh the kid in the ice is going to make a full recovery, well, no fucking shit Sherlock - also they give absolutely no explanation for this so my theory still stands
TK's in a coma I guess
I hope he dies
I hope Owen dies too
Maybe the show would actually be worth watching without the Strands
Owen's in a barn with a bunch of immigrants, if this turns out to be some kind of white saviour shit in the next episode I swear to god
And he doesn't know that TK is in hospital but honestly, he barely remembers that TK is his son at the best of times so I'm not really sure that's going to matter too much to him
I don't care about any of this
Oh the guy Owen rescued has a gun and he's the bad guy and I don't care.
In summation - this show sucks and I don't care.
I'm also always really surprised when I read stuff like "oh this was actually a really good episode!" like in comparison to what though? Because they all suck. This show is terrible. It's just stealing from the OG at this point.
Hit predictions - TK wakes up with Carlos by his side, they reconcile after a few episodes, the 126 is saved, Owen rescues all those illegal immigrants... yeah. It's going to be so fucking great.
Eddie Diaz to cleanse:
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Movie 3 Trailer Hyped-Up Overreaction Post
first of all, subtitled version here for anyone who’s interested! now, then.
so we start with a baby. I wonder if this is supposed to be THE baby? like, you know, THAT BABY. THE GLOWY BABY
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this guy has the longest, skinniest feet in the entire world. like, those are some snazzy shoes don’t get me wrong, but I can’t focus on that at all because this person has like an entire extra foot glued onto the end of his. hey mister why are you stepping on this golden baby
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what did it ever do to you
is this a cult?
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is the focus supposed to be people standing around this gold thing in the front of the main room, or the person standing at the top of those stairs up there? why are they pointing spears at a statue. this image is extremely strange
“are quirks blessed fortunes sent to humanity” possibly, but if that’s the case humanity did a great job fucking that up like we fuck everything else up sob
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what’s this bridge here? this kind of looks like the 25 de Abril bridge in Portugal, but the surrounding terrain is different and it looks a lot smaller. like, really small. is this bridge actually tiny or is this fountain secretly HUGE. or is the bridge actually like way farther away than we’re supposed to think it is?? this is another strange image
“creator, supervisor, and character design by Horikoshi Kouhei” all I needed to hear, THANK YOU. good job 2021. between this, the vaccine, and the boat stuck in the Suez Canal you’re on a roll lately
now we get to the really good part
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so, my brain refuses to accept that this is a real sentence. “hero Deku wanted for mass murder” no those words don’t go together like that. that’s a fucking fake sentence. this literally doesn’t compute for me at all. I can’t fucking process it without immediately cracking up lmao. DEKU KILLED SOMEONE YOU GUYS. HE KILLED MASS SOMEONES ACTUALLY. HE’S WANTED FOR MURDER. THIS IS WHAT A MURDERER LOOKS LIKE
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WORLD CRISIS. THE DESTRUCTION OF THE EARTH. yeah that sounds par for the course for BnHA these days
this person seems really upset
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it’ll be all right, friend
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also what city is this?? this isn’t any recognizable city that I can think of, but it’s not like I’m an expert, and also it is supposed to be the future so the skylines might have changed
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so can Burnin’ fly?? none of these heroes appear to be wearing parachutes. heroes sure are wild
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this gave the impression that he was trying to blast off like Kacchan did, but because his flames are only on his left side he ends up just spinning in a circle lol
boy what are you doing
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I guess they’re trying to shoot at someone?? probably Kacchan for showing them up like that
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they always gotta do this shot
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GLOWING!!!!!! SHINY!!!!!
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love how there is absolutely NO CONTEXT for Deku being a mass murderer at ANY POINT IN THE ENTIRE TRAILER. it’s just, “by the way Deku’s a murderer lol” and then all of this other stuff with people falling out of planes and being shiny. DEKU KILLED SOMEONE, EH... WE’RE JUST GOING TO IGNORE IT
anyway, so! this movie looks liiiiiiit you guys, I can’t wait. it’s hitting Japan in August, so hopefully we’ll start getting it in other countries within a couple months of that. can’t wait to see all that murder, goddamn
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Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Ep. 2 Takeaways
I’m sorry but the modernized “Star-Spangled Man with a Plan” tune was catchy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
John Walker...”I have guts like he did” yeah, he had a lot more than guts, kid. I believe he has good intentions (like his comic counterpart) but...I think he’s in it for the glory as well whereas Steve would have done everything he did with zero recognition. What’s the saying about the road to Hell and good intentions? Yeah. That. 
Bucky watching the Good Morning America interview. I could feel how badly he wanted to punch him through the screen. ((my youngest daughter, when they announced him as the new Cap goes “Boo. That’s stupid. No one should like you 😂😂😂))
“You think it didn’t break my heart to see them marching him out there and call him the new Captain America?” “You’re not gonna tell me about my rights.” Literally everything about Sam in this scene killed me. And that was nothing compared to what happened later.
Joaquin Torres. 
Bucky literally screaming when he jumped from the plane OMG. 
The fact that Sam and Bucky antagonize each other but also make one hell of a team. They’re still getting used to one another and dealing with their own shit and figuring things out. Totally signs of how perfect they are for each other and the kind of relationship they will have by the end of this.
When John Walker joined the fight on the trucks and introduced himself to Sam as Captain America, I honestly wanted to hurl. Like...jfc. 
Oh, and can I just point out that they’ve been playing Sam’s theme throughout and I fucking LOVE it. 
Um...Sam and Bucky rolling through a field and ending up on top of one another? Thank you.
Sam and Bucky using each others names. Idk why this makes me so happy but I love hearing characters use other characters’ names. 
How they totally ignored JW pulling up in a jeep.
“Just cause you carry that shield doesn’t make you Captain America.”
“You ever jump on top of a grenade?” JW’s answer, too, and the fact that he has no idea what Bucky means and that Steve’s jump was an entirely different thing. 
“It’d be a whole lot easier if I had Cap’s wingman on my side.” Fucking eh, dude. You don’t get it. You just don’t get it. He is NOT Cap’s wingman. First of all, Sam Wilson was a hero before joining the Avengers. Even with the Avengers and as Cap’s friend he was his own superhero. And then he’s the man that Steve Rogers trusted to hand the shield and mantel over to. No, Mr. Walker, Samuel Thomas Wilson is a lot more than “Cap’s wingman.”  
The villains. I’m super intrigued by their mission and why the think how/what they do. Also, who the fuck was texting her??? 
Sam and Bucky on the plane together. The real shit. Bucky wanting so badly to just get out there and make this right by taking the shield back. Sam obv wanting to do the same but thinking logically. Also the mention of Sharon. HELL YEAH. 
“Are you Black kid?” Yo, the look on that kid’s face!!
Isiah FUCKING Bradley. Holy SHIT i was not ready for that. I didn’t even know there were rumors about him being in it and I just...omg. No changing of his background. The bullshit the US gov’t put him through. Experimenting on Black men in the army and then completely discarded by those who did it to him. Basically left to rot after he was a legit hero. All of that justified rage. And, of course, the possibility of the young man there being Elijah Bradley and more hints at Young Avengers. God, this scene was so powerful.
Speaking of powerful scenes, the immediate scene when the fucking police pull up on Sam and Bucky, immediately thinking Sam is harassing Bucky and would have arrested him for no reason other than being Black if not for Bucky intervening. All of this right after the scene with Isiah? All of this with Sam absorbing what he just found out? All of this hanging over Sam’s head while a poster white boy is running around calling himself the new Cap? 
Couples Therapy. A Plus.
“Then maybe he was wrong about you. And if he was wrong about you, maybe he was wrong about me.” “Maybe this is something that your or Steve can never understand. But can you at least accept that I did what I thought was right?” So this scene is just all sorts of heartbreaking. Right on the surface is Bucky’s pain, obviously. He’s questioning himself and his hopes to be better. He’s worried that Steve was wrong about him and that there’s no chance for him. And at the same time, he’s literally staring his own white privilege in the face and has no idea how much Sam is hurting because of it. This comes just hours after their interaction with Isiah and Sam almost being arrested for being Black. Of course, Sam wanted to do what Steve asked of him. But carrying the shield means something entirely different for him and the world he’d be representing. It’s not the same as it was for Steve or would be for Bucky or is for John. The burden would be entirely different and Isiah Bradley is a living testament to what happens to our Black heroes. If this has gone over your head, I just. ((so many kudos to Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan for their talent. I don’t even have words for how great they are))
I love the emotional turmoil. The “and never see each other again” that’s obviously just coming from a place of hurt and anger in both of them. The foreshadowing that these two are going to find a good place within each other is right there. Even by the end, when their emotions are simmering down some, they find a more neutral ground again. I love that and look forward to seeing the relationship progress. 
“Stay the hell out of my way.” How bout go fuck yourself. 
And, I mean, of COURSE, the end with Zemo. 
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captainsimagines · 3 years
To Topple A Giant || Chapter Four
Summary: You had made it your mission to destroy even the smallest evils. When the opportunity arises to finally take down your own family after years of gaining their trust, you reach for it. And so does Steve, the man who represents a symbol of everything you hate.
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader || Avengers x Reader
Part 4 of 10 ~ Mini-Series
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Warnings: This story contains mature themes and discussions such as extreme canon violence, strong language, emotional angst, mentions of Endgame deaths and recoveries, sexual situations, and emotional/physical abuse. All trigger warnings will be listed before the chapter. This is purely fanfiction.
Warnings in this Chapter: reference to past sexual assault (very minimal); misogyny/sexism; mention of Infinity War deaths/Endgame deaths; abusive parental relationship; canon violence; heavy drinking; reference to cocaine use
Word Count: 13,900+
Tony’s Cabin, 2023, 8:56pm
You and Steve stared at the little girl in front of you, bouncing up and down with excitement as she held up one of Tony’s repulsors, the safety on but pointed right at the two of you. Steve instinctively pushed you behind him, the obvious fact being that a blast would most certainly kill you and not the super soldier himself. You were having difficulty holding in your laughter, watching as the girl kept poking at the metal, awaiting its true power. 
“Can I have that, Morgan?” Steve asked, his voice raising ever so slightly to try and seem nicer to the kid. 
“Talk to her with your regular voice, Steve. She’s five, not a toddler.”
Now you laughed at Morgan’s declaration of approval, still standing behind Steve with your hands braced on his back. 
Steve sighed and rolled his eyes playfully, “Alright, Morgan. Can I please have that back? It’s not a toy.”
“But daddy left it for me!”
You smiled at her, “Yeah, but he didn’t expect you to use it so early! Wait until you’re like… ten, then you can look through his things!”
“Y/N, ten?” Steve gave you a bewildered grin, eyes bright and laughter restrained. 
“Okay, twelve.”
His shoulders sagged with a heavy laugh. He reached over and took the chance, grabbing Morgan’s wrist softly and ejecting the glove from her small hand. 
“There we go!” you cheered, stepping out from behind Steve and scooping her up in your arms. Morgan started laughing loudly, kicking her legs to try and escape your hold. “Ah, don’t kick me!”
You had offered your time to Pepper whenever she needed it. You didn’t expect that she would call so early asking for a huge favor, her husband’s funeral not even four months ago. But you didn’t hesitate and packed an overnight bag, reassuring her that nothing would explode on your watch. On your way out of the temporary safe house, Steve had caught you just in time. A quick question of your future whereabouts and he was joining you, a tiny twinge of guilt in his chest from not seeing Tony’s daughter in so long. He was one of her godparents after all, just after Happy and Rhodey, beating out the third crowned position from Bruce. 
He had been hurt by that initially, asking why he wasn’t even considered. 
‘Bruce, the first time she comes into your room and stands over your sleeping body to let you know she had a nightmare, you’d scream.’
‘I wouldn’t be angry, just scared!’
‘Okay, after Cap here, you get custody.’
‘Oh, yay. Drafted fourth.’
Steve was happy to go see her on such short notice though, racing back up to his room to gather some overnight supplies as well. But you didn’t think anything of it - it was just a godparent wanting to see his godchild. 
“Ouch, that hurt,” you laughed and placed Morgan down in her bed. “Nighty night time.”
“Daddy said he left things for everyone, not just me.”
Steve’s eyebrows shot up with curiosity, a sudden interest to know what his gift was exciting him. He had already given him the shield back... but then Thanos broke it. Maybe, another shield? No, T’Challa had already offered to send him a new one.
“Ooo, that’s interesting! I wonder if he got me that pretty bracelet I saw in that department store window that one time,” you gushed, pulling the blankets over Morgan. You fluffed out her hair, smiled at her, and told her goodnight. 
“Night night!”
Both you and Steve called out from the doorway of her bedroom, “Night night!”
Several minutes had passed before you brought up the prospect of secret gifts again, knowing Steve was just as interested as you were. 
“Want to go find them?”
Steve immediately stood up, clapping his hands together and giddy with excitement. “I won’t tell if you don’t!”
You searched everywhere - living room, the garage, kitchen cabinets - even racing into the master bedroom, stealthy and secret, shame rising as you carefully picked up items around the room. “This feels like an invasion of privacy.”
Steve chuckled from outside the door, “Hurry up!”
But you found nothing. There was only one more spot to look - his office. You almost didn’t want to intrude any longer, this being his most sacred space, but the mere chance of Tony giving you a gift from the afterlife made you extremely happy. So you and Steve searched, stacking and restacking random papers and pushing away gadgets and books in the bookshelf. Finally, a small opening in the third shelf alerted you of your mission success. 
“Oh, fuck yeah,” you cheered, reaching in and pulling boxes and clipped pieces of paper, all different colors and sizes, from the compartment. They were labeled with various names - Rhodey, Pepper, Happy, Clint, Thor, Steve, Nebula, you - and Natasha. 
Steve sucked in his breath, his gasp similar to yours. “He got these before…”
“Yeah,” you nodded, handing Steve his labeled box. It was light blue, a white ribbon delicately wrapped around it, and with a cute little red ribbon with Steve’s name on it. It wasn’t big, but it was more than enough. 
“Open it,” you said. 
Steve shook his head, “Let’s open ours together.”
You agreed to his terms, taking your folder into your hands. It was one of those same art folders you had when you bought some new planners or notebooks. It was black, custom-made it seemed, as it had your name on the front in gold, cursive writing. 
On the count of three, you both opened your presents. 
Steve pulled out two sets of dog tags from the box, the sound of them clinking together reminding him of the times he would hug his fellow soldiers on the battlefield, cheers of victory mixed in with the smell of sweat and dry blood. He read the names on the metal. 
‘Steven G. Rogers
987654320 T42 O
Brooklyn, NY. P.’
‘James B. Barnes. 
32557038 T41 42 O
R. Barnes
Shelbyville, IN. P.’
He had not known they recovered his dog tags, faintly remembering clutching them tightly as he flew the plane into the ice. But SHIELD must have kept them for the museum, and Tony had recovered them. Bucky’s, however, were lost as soon as Bucky fell from that train. They were more rusted than Steve’s, almost as if HYDRA kept them underwater or stored for the majority of Bucky’s sentence. But no matter how Tony had gotten them, he was eternally grateful. 
“Wow,” Steve said, clearing his throat. But you were too caught up in your reading. 
      ‘Target whereabouts discovered mid-May of 2017. Only T. Stark and N. Romanoff approved for mission.
      Transport at 20:00 hours. Target(s) confirmed and exterminated at exactly 0802 Pacific Standard Time.’
You choked on the sob that suddenly broke through, hand instantly reaching up to cup your mouth. Steve put his tags back into the box, shushing you to get you to calm down. “What is it? What’d he get you?”
Four pictures accompanied the short report, each face crossed out with red paint. A tiny laugh escaped and tears of joy started to flow. To say Steve was confused was an understatement. 
“He… he got me justice.”
Steve took the file from you, reading over every word to somehow understand what you meant by justice. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and he looked up at you for more explanation.
You brushed your hair back and rubbed at your cheeks, the smile on your face now straining. Whether it was a sudden change of mind or the closure of your trauma was just that satisfying, you told Steve exactly what Tony and Natasha had done for you. 
“After I joined you guys in New York, Fury sent me on a mission to infiltrate and bring back information about this dude my father was trying to literally destroy. But I had to play both sides  - the good and the bad.”
Steve set the file down, his full attention on you.
“I got the information but for some reason, it wasn’t enough for my father. I had forgotten to get the most vital piece, something he thought I would automatically know,” you scoffed, your smile faltering at the next part of the story. 
“I cost him ten million. And to teach me a lesson, he let these men do whatever they wanted to me. Anything.”
Steve’s breath hitched as he understood what you meant. And it was no longer a mystery why you had been planning to kill him ‘again’ after everyone came back from the snap.
“I returned to the compound in such bad shape. I only told Natasha. She cleaned me up, she took me to med-bay in the middle of the night, she brought me breakfast in bed,” you chuckled at the memory, hand reaching out to hold Steve’s. 
“And Tony’s gift was murdering the men that hurt me.”
Steve let a few tears slip himself, his hand gripping yours tighter. “Y/N, if I would have known-”
“Hey, it’s okay. You didn’t know, though. I thought only Natasha knew. She promised me she would take care of it. I just didn’t think she would actually find them.”
“I think we know that Natasha could find literally anything and anyone,” Steve said. 
You agreed with his statement, a smile returning to your face. 
You jumped from your sitting position and went back to retrieve Natasha’s gift. “Hey, should we?”
Steve eyed the small, black box in your hand. He sighed as he walked over to you, eyes returning to the box. 
“It was meant for her.”
You frowned, “Yeah, and I’ll ask Pepper if we can give these to everyone else.”
You paused and shook the box near your ear. It felt heavy in your hand, and the contents gave a little jingle. 
“But this one was for Nat. I think she’d want us to at least see it.”
Steve chuckled and just nodded, awaiting the reveal. You pulled the ribbon and opened the box, surprised that Tony had given her a piece of jewelry. “Oh.”
Steve took the bracelet from the box, oblivious that the movement would unlock the charms from their heavy chests. In a matter of seconds, charms of similar size but different designs dropped to encircle the silver band. You inspected them in Steve’s hand - a red/white/and blue shield, Mjollnir, a pair of wings, two arc reactors, a singular arrow, a silver arm, a spider, an emerald heart, the letters ‘W’ and ‘V’ intertwined, a black cat, an ant - and your symbol, an intricately carved silver charm no bigger than your thumbnail, of your face. Tony knew no specific object or symbol was tied with your Avengers status, no one had ever given you one, but this was perfect. 
“Wow,” Steve whispered, examining each charm closely with a lazy smile on his face. 
“We were her family. This was an ode to that.”
“What do we do with it?” Steve asked.
You just shrugged, “Frame it? It would feel wrong just taking it for myself.”
Steve agreed. Later that night when Pepper returned home, you showed her what Morgan led you to. She let you keep your gifts and take the others, absolutely loving the idea of framing Natasha’s bracelet in the new compound being built. 
Present Day, 2025, 8:10 am
     The bright light from the open windows hadn’t hit you as suddenly as the random throw pillow that connected to your face, startling you with a quick gasp and causing you to choke on your spit. You snapped up, belly down and hair wild, eyes still half-lidded as you searched for the aggravator. And he stood there with a stupid grin on his face, already dressed in his stupid old man clothes, and stupid blond hair perfectly pushed back. 
“What the fuck was that for?” you tried to yell, voice cracking at the end and just the slightest hint of drool threatening to spill from the corner of your mouth. 
“I ordered room service. Plus, we have to leave in an hour.”
You grabbed as many pillows as your one free hand could hold, the other still tucked into the pillowcase below your head. You flung them wildly, none actually hitting the super soldier directly. His chuckle pulled a deep groan from you, and no longer wanting to look like a fool, you stumbled out of bed and pushed passed him roughly. 
“You could have woken me up the same time you got up.”
“But you looked so peaceful.”
His sarcasm was not helping your souring mood. Steve headed over to the monitors to turn them on, already setting up the morning video chat with Bucky and Sam. “Do you always sleep like a mounted spider?”
You flicked him off, “Leave me alone so I can take my morning piss in peace!”
You slammed the door and made your way to the toilet. Now, you were no morning person. But it was simple enough for you to crawl out of bed with only minimal protest when your awakening was a peaceful one. Having a pillow thrown at your head while mid-dream was practically excruciating and no one, not even the grandest morning person in the world, could possibly awake happy from that. And to top it all off, you couldn’t even remember what you were dreaming of. Just another thing to blame Steve for. 
After you had done your morning routine and slipped into a really comfy outfit, the breakfast finally arrived. You muttered a quiet thanks to Steve for ordering your favorites and damn him for knowing you preferred waffles over pancakes and a variety of creamers to choose from, and quickly filled Bucky and Sam in on what the plan for the day was. 
You had been on missions with Steve before, but no matter how many times you regrouped in the mornings, you had never actually seen him wake up. After your rude awakening, you wondered at what point during sunrise he opened his eyes - ‘cause you’ll be standing over him with a pillow of your own. 
“Torres has the air footage scheduled for around five today, then he’ll link you to the camera for the remainder of the mission,” Sam clarified. 
“Is it possible to link earlier?” Steve asked. 
“Not unless you can get the Wi-Fi password of the estate.”
You chuckled, still funneling mouthfuls of waffle into your mouth. “So, we can hack the Pentagon whenever we feel like it, but we can’t hack into my father’s estate without the Wi-Fi password?”
Sam cleared his throat, “You are so lucky this is a secure line.”
“Wait until she finishes her breakfast and her head will be screwed back on straight,” Steve joked, taking a long sip from his tea. 
Almost immediately, your phone dinged with a new message. You angled your phone away from Steve but your smirk was enough to alert him of a side conversation happening under his nose. 
Bucky: Ouch, I wouldn’t mind if you hit him upside the head.
Y/N: he threw a pillow at me to wake me up :(
Bucky: hit him
Y/N: bet
“Stop talking about me over the phone.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Steve grumbled, the rough sound catching Sam’s attention as well. His eyes flashed back and forth between the two of you - Steve desperately trying to catch a quick glance at your messages, and you leaning away from him with thumbs moving at a rapid pace. 
“Y/N, how you feeling?”
You put your phone down and pretended to not notice how Steve was trying to get a glimpse of your screen. 
“A little queasy, in all honesty.”
A myriad of emotions were present and coiling in your body, each trying to sprout and bloom and gain their five seconds of fame. And for the past several years, it was easy to downplay their true power. Because the power they held wasn’t one of distressing strength, but rather one that tip-toed to the front of your anxiety driven worries. It planted itself there, up front, but ever so silent. For it to finally meet its match, to possibly be freed of such a coil - well, you were more worried about not succeeding in its erasure than its final blooming. 
“We’ve come up with a system to make sure we both don’t go overboard or to tell the other that we’re alright,” Steve said, eyes on the monitor but hands loading bullets into your trusty handguns. 
“Alright, that’s good,” Bucky spoke, finally. He typed away on his keyboard, “Give us a word we all use in case we need back-up immediately.”
“Mm, you should ask Steve. He loves his safe words.”
Steve rolled his eyes, “Something Avengers related? Or something no one would ever say?”
“Pick anything you want, just don’t let it be awkward to repeat out loud,” Sam joked. 
Steve pondered for a few seconds before he settled on his chosen word, a hint of a smile forming. “Widow.”
You nodded, “That’s sweet. She’d like us using her alias for a dirty little safe word.”
You huffed suddenly, shoulder colliding with the carpet, the realization that Steve pushed you from your chair causing you to stare at him with your mouth hanging open. “Hey!”
“Steve, every single day I accept your fate from her murderous hands,” Bucky grumbled, Sam’s loud laugh causing the speaker to give a quick halt of static. 
“She’s okay- hey!”
You flew across your chair and onto him, lunging your body as your main weapon in taking him down. You both tumbled to the floor, the sofa chair you collided with scraping along and pushing the coffee table with it. A lamp shattered on the floor right when you wrapped your arm around Steve’s neck and hooked your legs from underneath him and around his waist, his back to your front, both his arms coming up to tug yours out of reflex. 
“Yield, you little shit,” you grunted, the grip of your arm remaining loose on purpose but your legs tight, heels now digging into his slim waist. 
Steve groaned, both from your pointy heels and the sudden impact his body made with the ground. “I’m letting you win.”
“You seriously got a mouth on you.”
You let him go anyway, choosing to save your strength for the mission and not waste it on a petty little fight. Besides, you could always smother him with a pillow in his sleep. 
“You two done?”
Both you and Steve stumbled getting up, faces back in your teammate’s view as you smoothed down your clothing and wiped at your foreheads.
“Now that that’s over,” Sam continued, clearing his throat. “The only task for today is to get a feel of the place, establish a legit backstory providing you some leverage, and to swipe those ID’s.”
“Got it,” you acknowledged, standing again to begin hooking your weapons in discreet locations in your clothing. 
“And we’re not responsible for that broken lamp so it’s coming out of your paycheck.”
     California really wasn’t like any other state. There was a vast difference from Northern and Southern, the difference being the amount of green fields visible. In Southern California, the mountains and desert areas took up most of the landscape, with an industrial complex here, a growing city there, and then nothing for a good ten miles. Since most of the landscape was below sea level, the atmosphere was almost always dry, modest dust storms forming only to quickly pass a freeway and disintegrate once it found the other side. It was more urban, more lively with people. But Northern California, even if it experienced the same weather patterns as the south, was mostly humid during the winter season. The mountains here were covered in lively agriculture, livestock roamed freely in the gated areas near the freeways, and the overall environment provided a rural look. 
 And the differences just stood out to you, your excitement for the livestock starting to annoy Steve as you kept pointing out every cow you drove past. He threatened to stop the car and dare you to tip one. 
“So, how did we meet?”
Steve chuckled, “We’re coworkers, Y/N. Thought that question was obvious.”
You whined, “Steve, we have to put some drama into it! How about we say we met during one of Tony’s parties after Fury assigned you to this?” 
“And what? I asked you to dance?”
You leaned over your seat and poked his arm, teasing him. “Would you have asked me to dance?”
Steve shrugged, “I mean, sure.” 
He glanced at you and then back to the road. “Can’t we just be honest? I like the way we met.”
 You pouted, “The way we met is a matter of national security.”
   “You brought that thing back to an unguarded planet?” Loki seethed, his voice still a whisper as he followed Thor through the hallways of Avengers Tower. A tower he had been prisoner of for a few weeks now, but would soon be released from once Thor decided to return home. Besides, it had been more than a year since his unfortunate attack and after thousands of apologies, brainwashing excuses (which were true!), and quite a few long labor hours equivalent to Midgardian community service, his leash was extended somewhat. 
“How am I the more level-headed one right now?”
Thor grumbled in response, now on his hands and knees as he searched for the tiny animal that had already eaten its way through the plush of the interior walls. “It couldn’t have gotten far. And how was I supposed to know the oxygen levels here would cause it to go crazy?”
“You couldn’t. In fact, I don’t know why it’s here in the first place!”
“Keep screaming, Loki. I bet that would make it come to us quicker!”
Loki was about to come up with another quick quip, but was interrupted by a quiet mumble down the hall. 
You rocked back and forth on your heels as you stared at the two brothers - one sweeping the floor on all fours and the other ducked down to scream into his brother’s ear. “Whatcha looking for?”
“Now, don’t be alarmed, Agent. But I may have misplaced my dog.”
“Dog?” Loki tilted his head, hands now cupping the side of his head in disbelief. 
Your eyebrows shot up from his reaction, “Not dog?”
“It’s… an animal from Asgard.”
“Okay, what does it look like?” you asked, now more interested than ever. 
Thor cleared his throat and rose to his feet slowly, “Like a dragon.”
You stepped back, almost tripping over your left foot. An involuntary laugh escaped from your lips and you brought a hand up to try and stifle it. “You brought a dragon into the tower?”
“He brought a dragon back to Midgard,” Loki clarified as he walked over to the wall and pressed his ear against it. 
“Oh, yeah. That’s much worse,” you agreed. “Fury’s gonna shove his foot so far up your ass-”
“Yes, yes. I know what awaits me. Now, help us find it!” Thor begged. 
This wasn’t how you expected to spend your first day as an Avenger. After all the training and promoting, the paperwork and oaths, you thought you would have a pretty chill afternoon. Arrive at the conference room, get the name badge and a rundown of your new field suit, and meet the rest of the team. Freshly nineteen and energetic as ever, you accepted this as a test. Find the dragon, make a good impression. 
It only took a few more minutes before you three stumbled on an otherwise empty hallway, staring down the colorful creature as it licked one of its paws. 
Your eyes widened, “It looks like an alebrije.”
“You have these creatures on your planet?” Loki asked, surprise written over his face. 
“Nope, alebrije’s aren’t real. They’re fantasy.”
“Nevermind that, help me catch it!”
Loki began shushing his brother, hands swatting his massive shoulders in the process. You leaned down to the floor and tapped it with your fingernails, hoping the nice gesture would cause the creature to meet you halfway. 
“Hey, buddy,” you cooed. “Can you come here please?”
The creature raised its head, colorful eyes on full display. Similar to rings of fire, but face like a fox, and fur as soft as silk. It titled its head, interested for only a second, before it kicked back and rushed toward the three of you at full speed. 
“Oh, shit-!”
As he was the closest, Loki pushed Thor to the wall and lifted you from the ground. But before he could throw you out of the way too, the creature leaped. Loki shielded you with his body, wrapping his arms around you and picking you up as the creature kicked his back and sent the two of you flying through wall after wall. Loki was taking the force of it all, his chest angled in a way to protect your head. It was about ten walls you two flew through before you landed in what seemed like conference room B… or C… or A. Loki rolled you over and groaned in pain. You landed on your back, bright lights blinding you as you tried to adjust. Then a figure came into view as your blurry vision cleared. 
You blinked rapidly and stared up at your new Captain. You smiled, a bit delirious, and raised your hand up for a handshake. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, new recruit!”
Steve just stared, eyebrows scrunched, an expression resembling a scowl and bewilderment painted on his face. He took your hand in his and shook it. 
“Forgive us, Captain,” Loki spoke, coughing as he turned over. “But you might want to get that shield of yours.”
    “When did we become a couple?” you continued once you agreed on the ‘party meet-and-greet’ as your previous answer. 
Now, this was a question Steve was wondering about since before you mentioned the necessity of such answers. Although he didn’t fantasize about being your significant other, he did wonder what possible event could jumpstart it. If anything, and he would take this to the grave, he assumed a line would be crossed during a particularly tempting mission. Bucky had admitted to him that on one mission, and Steve promised to take this to the grave as well, Bucky had to kiss Wanda to keep their cover. The feelings subsided soon after the mission was over, but Bucky confessed to real feelings developing. So if Steve had to bet, a particularly tempting mission. 
“When we were searching for Bucky?”
You nodded, “That works. We can say the fall of SHIELD basically led to us to realize how weak the system was and how we could easily manipulate it.”
The road veered off to the side, now dirt and unevenly layered. You checked the directions Torres gave you just to make sure. 
“And when is my birthday?”
You didn’t expect Steve to answer so quickly, and to get it right. Perhaps he looked over your file and remembered, because you were certain only your little friend group knew it. It was Bucky, it had to be him, the little shit, he told- 
“A little. How do you know it?”
“Nat. Who do you think sends you those chocolates every year?”
You were overjoyed, really. “Wha-? Natasha said she did it.”
Steve smirked, “She covered for me.”
“Because for five years after the snap, you and Nat did nothing for yourselves and did everything for everyone else.” He had been witness to the two of you pulling all-nighters, washing the sheets of your fallen teammates as if they were going to return that weekend, celebrating their birthdays in secret with a small candle and a prayer. Moving from the compound and into his own apartment was hard enough, but seeing his remaining teammates wallow in cursed self-determination was worse. So, he asked Nat about your birthday to send you chocolates and a lovely handwritten note, careful to write in a font different from his natural one, and he would fold tiny paper airplanes and leave them around the compound where only Nat could find them, providing her a sense of playfulness in her busy day. Little joys to make up for such an impact.  
“If it makes you feel better, I sent gifts to Nat and Bruce, too.”
But because Bruce had no forwarding address at the time, Steve settled for quick text messages here and there. 
“And here I was thinking I was special.”
Steve laughed at your statement. He reached into the middle compartment to grab the mics you would be wearing. “By the way, make sure to hide this behind your neck. My mic will blend in as a button.”
You inspected the flat, button-like mic, awed by how intricate their design was. “They connected to Bucky’s?”
Steve clipped his onto his shoulder, the camouflage effect throwing you off. Yup, you loved science. “Yeah, they record everything and immediately send it back already transcribed.”
You unfolded the sun visor and watched how the mic picked up the color of your skin and blended naturally. “Remind me to send T’Challa and Shuri a gift basket.”
“And more.”
The estate was exactly how you remembered it. Modern and simple all at once, a brown exterior to easily blend into the surrounding forest, and massive front gate that only opened with a specific code. You leaned out the window and typed it in. There was no speaker this time, probably evidence of newly installed cameras. 
“It’s beautiful,” Steve muttered, pulling into the long driveway and following the brick road. 
It truly was. Even from where you were, you could see into the mansion as the walls were all practically made from glass. The walls in the back were normal, however, as that’s where most of the business was conducted. There were no swing doors, only large and heavy double doors made from cooled lava rock. And even though your father was a very organized man, the house was littered in trinkets of all origins: professionally stuffed exotic animals, roman and oriental statues, porcelain eggs, multiple pianos, and first editions of some of the most popular books in the world. There wasn’t any set theme for this house, but it was screaming ‘money’. 
Steve parked the car away from the others, careful to leave enough room around it to ensure an easy escape if needed.
“Remember what I said - play the part. Leave the smart mouth to me, they know me. It’s what they’ve come to expect.”
Steve clicked his seatbelt and sighed heavily, “I apologize in advance.”
You gave him a small smile, “Nothing to apologize for, Steve. Like I said, this is a mission. Don’t stress about it.”
He shook his head, “Still.”
The sincere look in his eyes sent a tingle down your arms. You cleared your throat, “I feel dirty saying this, but know your place. You may be a Captain but you’re not manning this boat.”
For some reason Steve felt that he truly needed to apologize in advance. For the past several years, it wasn’t entirely real to him. He had not been directly involved. But now that he was here, parked and staring at you - the one person who had a first hand account of the horrors inside - he needed to make sure you understood he would never actually hurt you, or you him. “I trust you.”
You removed your seatbelt and opened the door, “I trust you, too.”
It was windy today, the ruffles from the trees almost disguising the labor coming from the back. You assumed they were still building the reception area. Steve jogged over to your side and hooked your arm in his, his body tenser than yours. Someone opened the heavy doors, immediately swallowing the oxygen for miles with merely their presence. You couldn’t help yourself from a small grimace, lips spreading into a straight line as you forced any other expression besides hatred. 
Seda, standing at barely six foot and a smug look plastered on his aging face that worried even Steve. This was the man that had shot you when he was on the run - the man that would most likely do it again. 
Seda quickly stepped down the stairs, “Y/N, so lovely to see you again!”
You let go of Steve to walk ahead, arms extended to match the idea of a grand entrance. “Really? Because the last time we saw each other, you shot me in the gut.”
Steve swore he saw Seda’s upper lip twitch. “You hold too many grudges. I was just following your father’s orders.”
You rolled your eyes and finally came to a stop in front of him, arms crossed over your chest. “Obviously.”
“And I’ve finally got the chance to meet Captain America! You’re much larger in person.”
No matter the acting skills one must obtain for this line of work, it was still obvious Seda was speaking through clenched teeth. He scanned Steve up and down, somewhat intimidated.
It was such a sudden shift, one you obviously knew was coming, but the deepness of Steve’s voice still caused unnatural goosebumps to rise. “I get that a lot. Helps in this business, though.”
Seda let out a low chuckle, “I would think so.” He turned and instructed the two men who had followed him out to reopen the heavy doors.  “This way.”
Steve tried not to gawk at the amount of decorations and old-timey artifacts he swore should belong in a museum. So much furniture, so much history that shouldn’t mix but somehow worked. And was that… was that a stuffed polar bear?
“So, how you doing, Seda? Besides the usual,” you asked, hooking your arm back with Steve’s. 
Seda walked with his head held high, only tilting his head downward when giving a silent greeting to those who walked by. You tried to memorize faces or see if there was anyone you recognized. But your father barely kept the same team for more than a few years. They either left voluntarily and luckily, or were simply never heard from again. 
“Excited for the wedding. Jackeline has been running around nonstop on her finishing touches,” Seda responded. 
You huffed out a laugh, “I bet she has. She used to have a scrapbook that outlined six different wedding themes.”
“And I haven’t seen the end of it.”
Only a few more twists and turns and you were finally near the familiar hallway that housed your father’s darkest work. The interior design was purposeful, no windows and no cameras. Steve unhooked your arms, opting for a more formal presentation between the two of you. Seda was difficult to please, but your father was near impossible. Better to not have his hands all over his daughter during their first meeting.  
“Hey, what’s the wi-fi password? I’m expecting a few important emails today,” you asked before Seda opened your father’s office door. Steve had to restrain himself from blessing the ground you walked on. Bless you for remembering. 
“Thanks,” you mumbled, sending the password to Torres as quickly as you could. 
It wasn’t the grand entrance you expected, truly, but you didn’t expect to see your father simply chilling behind his desk signing a few papers. He usually paced, was in a random meeting, or on the phone. Here, he was just… strangely normal. 
He looked up, eyes locking with yours for the first time in seven years. “Now, I haven’t seen you since your little weekend trip to Jalisco!”
Yeah, since you had me shot. 
Stepping into the office, the smell of cigars was heavy. Musty and daring, enveloping you like the times it did before. But now you had Steve - sweet Steve whose warmth you could feel behind you. 
You shrugged, “I’m not traveling much outside the country these days. Too much shit going on.”
Your father stood up and let out a dry laugh, “No lie about that. Seda was telling me how loose the borders were when half the world croaked.”
“Emigration was common, yup.”
He smiled at you, walking over and placing his hands on your shoulders. You did your best not to tense your muscles. “I wish I could have been there. You guys made millions those five years.”
You swore you heard Seda scoff near the corner of the room. 
“It’s about time we met! Ernesto Vega,” your father introduced himself, holding out his hand for Steve to take. 
It was instant, the change, and you found yourself pushed softly to the side as Steve stepped forward. “Steve Rogers, sir. It’s an honor to meet you.”
Your father was practically beaming, “Y/N isn’t giving you a hard time with all the business, aye?”
Steve chuckled, “None at all. She steps back when asked.”
Okay, maybe he was a better actor than you took him for. 
“I can’t believe you even have to ask,” your father hummed, glancing back at you with a disapproving look. 
Steve shrugged, “More like ‘ordered.’”
It was scary how easily Steve was making your father laugh. “So, she listens to you? I wonder what that’s like.”
You interrupted, scoffing quietly. “I have literally done everything you’ve asked.”
And without glancing at you this time, your father quipped. “Everything but learn how not to complain.” 
You rolled your eyes and met Seda’s stare. He always enjoyed the torment your father caused you. When he ordered you do something sketchy and you objected, Seda always had a front row seat to the slaps and harsh language spit in your face. He had a way of bringing up the abuse in almost every conversation he held with you - like it gave him some form of sick satisfaction.
“Regardless of my daughter’s inability to listen, I was still surprised when she named you as her partner.”
“The whole hero game was getting boring. I needed excitement.”
Your father agreed, “Don’t we all?” 
Before he continued, he squinted his eyes at Steve and scanned him once more. Almost like he was double checking his initial choice. 
“And you’re fine with breaking the laws of the country you’re the mascot for?”
“America has changed over the last hundred years. Trust me, I should know.”
Steve was answering exactly how you two practiced. You couldn’t help the small tinge of pride that it ignited. 
“Oh, I can’t believe you’re older than me. I mean, look at you.”
“The positives and negatives of being America’s science experiment, sir.”
“But here you are now. Working for me.” Your father stepped back to sit behind his desk again. “I’m very happy.”
“Likewise, sir,” Steve replied as he shuffled closer to you, trying to not seem so suspicious. Last time Steve wanted to crawl out of his own skin was when he was barely being introduced to the new world. Times Square really was a concrete jungle, his and Bucky’s old apartment building had been demolished in the fifties, and inflation… don’t get him started on inflation.  
“I’d like you to meet my two friends.” Your eyes widened. No, you weren’t supposed to meet them today. You hadn’t planned for this. 
“Friends and competition alike.”
You tried to keep your voice steady, “Shouldn’t you warm them up before you invite them in? They’re gonna take one look at Steve and freak.”
Your father motioned for Seda to open the door. “Then prepare your speech quickly.”
Before you or Steve could come up with a game plan, your father called out to the new arrivals. “Amigos! Me gustaría presentarles al hombre detrás de toda mi operación.”
The men summoned were completely different from the last time you saw them. Given you saw Ramirez long before the snap and White even before then, change was destined. Ramirez was skinnier, no more protruding stomach, wrinkles almost nonexistent and eyes lively. He hadn’t disappeared with half the world, but one of his daughters did - so getting her back definitely helped his overall health. White, on the other hand, aged overnight. His hair was now gray, eyelids sullen but eyes wide, and his nose was tilted awkwardly, like a surgery to counteract the powder he sniffed. You couldn’t remember if he was dusted or not.
“Tienes que agradecer a mi hija por esto.”
He did not just give you credit for this. 
“No fucking way?” Ramirez spoke, almost like he was out of breath. 
Curse your father for not preparing these two. You quickly reminded yourself where your gun was hidden in case things got out of hand. 
White stepped forward, circling you and Steve as if you were displayed in a museum. “Do we each get our own Avenger?”
“Maybe in the future. But this one’s mine.”
“I’m an Avenger, too. But okay,” you mumbled, offended by his singular statement. Steve’s lip twitched slightly but the look he threw at you let you know he wanted to smile. 
“¿Cómo lo hiciste?”
“Ya sabes cómo es... La gente simplemente sigue mi ejemplo.”
You decided to speak, anything to get White to stop inspecting you like some ancient artifact. “Steve green lights the routes and passages. He’s been a main player all along.”
White squinted at you, “And how long has this been going on?”
“For almost ten years,” you answered. 
White shook his head in surprise, eyes wider than you thought possible. His accent was more slurred than you remembered. “And you’re telling us now because-?”
Your father cut in, “The world is still in ruins. If we combine our forces like we discussed before that unfortunate disappearing act, we’ll be unstoppable.”
This seemed to catch Ramirez off guard, as if he truly didn’t remember the conversation your father brought up. You shoveled his reaction deep into your memory. Maribel would have to look into it.
Still, Ramirez played along. “And you’ll be loyal to us, too? Not just Ernesto?”
Steve nodded, his posture straightening. “I would.”
Now, the two new arrivals looked at you. You raised an eyebrow. 
“Don’t look at me. I do what he says,” you admitted, nodding your head toward Steve.
They seemed to accept that answer. 
“And he’s here to help us move the shipment this Saturday?” White asked.
“That’s the plan,” your father confirmed.
It was time for Ramirez to circle you both. But he did so more casually and without the intent of kicking you in the shins, it seemed. He went to sit on the couch nearest the door, away from the crowd. You could sense Steve tensing up, so you turned your body slightly to the side so you could see Ramirez through your peripheral.
“How do we know we can trust him? What those stars and stripes have to do with us?”
“You hear that Captain?” your father asked, leaning back in his chair with that twisted smile that always made your stomach drop. “Time to prove your loyalty.”
“Are you seriously going to haze him?” you spoke, a hint of a teasing tone on your words. It was time to liven up the conversation, for both your sake, or else your father was sure to go overboard. His hand… where’s Steve’s hand?
“Does she speak for you?”
Steve stepped forward, “No, she doesn’t.”
“Prove it.”
You should really punch your chest to get your heart beating again. Was he going to make Steve try the product? Record something as blackmail? Kill someone?
“Wha-” you began, but were immediately silenced as an arm wrapped around your neck and held you in place. The coldness of the gun’s muzzle tickled just below your chin, still and steady, but nonetheless terrifying. Your father had held you in this position before - hell, most of his men did when asked. But it wasn’t any of your father’s men threatening you under orders - it was Steve.  
“Obviously, I’m not going to kill her. You need her for this whole operation to work. But a little roughing up never did any bad.”
He removed his other arm but kept the muzzle under your chin, grabbing both your arms skillfully and pinning them behind your back. 
You had never seen your father so pleased. “Why are you dating my daughter?”
Steve chuckled and clicked the safety. No, no. 
You scrambled to open your right palm and squeeze what you could reach. Steve seemed to understand right away, and he loosened his grip and placed his other shaking hand into yours. You squeezed tightly. 
“Now, that’s like asking a man why he breathes air.”
No matter the position he currently had you in, you still praised his acting skills. 
“Perhaps. But I know my daughter. Why you?”
Steve kept a firm grip. “Luck?”
“It seems so. Let her go.”
He released you immediately, clicking the safety back on. Seda was in front of him before Steve could place it back on his person, grabbing the gun and emptying it. Seven rounds tumbled and scattered to the floor. This seemed to please both men, as Steve wasn’t presenting himself with an empty threat. He really could have killed you. 
“I’m assuming Y/N has told you stories about me. About my men.”
The floor beneath you was uneven, it seemed, but once your mind stopped playing tricks on you, you settled. You shot a quick glance to Ramirez, his eyes closed and hands clasped in his lap. He seemed distant.
“Only the ones worth repeating, sir.”
“Oh? And which are those?”
“Orders and the like.”
“So, you don’t know much? Nothing interesting? Nothing that could make me seem like the bad guy?”
The room grew hot, whether it was the natural air or the bubbling anger boiling in your stomach.
“Like I said, sir. I ask her what I want to know and she tells me. Other than that, it’s your call.”
The room fell silent as they debated their other questions. 
“How much do the other Avengers know?”
You were about to respond when Steve spoke instead. “Oblivious. I’m still the stars and stripes for them.”
White scoffed, “Those symbols don’t mean shit in this new world. Ridiculous of them to still assume you’re the same man.”
Steve’s jaw tensed, “Exactly right, sir.”
This seemed to be enough for your father. He stood from his chair, walking over to shake Steve’s hand again. So righteous and personal, almost like he hadn’t just ordered the assassination of an old friend a few days ago. “I like you, Captain. You’ve boosted my business, you’ve handled my daughter, you’ve made me a lot of money.” 
He looked away from Steve to look at you now, laying eyes upon a person he hadn’t bothered to reunite with in person. You had fought so hard not to be in the same room ever again, but now you were. A small little office, holding whatever air you were forced to share, on a mission that could change everything. You hated him, absolutely detested the ground he stood on, blamed him for the fallout, the change, the hurt. 
“Seda, you trust him?”
Seda opened the office door and started ushering the other two men out. “I’m getting there.”
Your father laughed, “Always so cynical.” 
Ramirez stood from his seat behind you, already gunning to make a good impression on your Captain. He shook Steve’s hand, “Until next time.”
“Sir,” Steve returned the handshake. Ramirez only adjusted slightly, and held his hand out to you. You looked down at it, momentarily stunned from any attention, but shook it in the way you were taught. Firm, short, and ready for business. You grinned at him and he returned the same emotion. 
“Two Avengers. Wow,” he mumbled, and tilted his head in a farewell. You watched him go, a silly smile on your face. 
You went to take your leave, cautious of being left alone with your father. But as fate had it, he stopped you from leaving so simply. 
“Oh, and Y/N?” 
You turned on your heel, lips plastered in a straight line. You raised your eyebrows at him, already annoyed from the request he most certainly had, no doubt. “Meet me in a few minutes. Alone.”
You forced yourself to nod, turning quickly and leaving the room. You shuffled down the hallway, Steve hot on your trail and reaching for your hand. 
“Hey, hey. I don’t want to leave you alone.”
He tugged you back to him, but you pushed him into the corner room you were originally heading for. You shut the door softly, and allowed Steve to grip your hands in his. 
“Well, you gotta. Link our mics. You’ll hear everything.”
“Safe word?”
You chuckled lowly but retracted the teasing attitude when you saw genuine worry written on Steve’s face. “Widow, Steve.”
“I didn’t mean to scare you back there. I couldn’t think of anything else to do-”
You shushed him, voice barely above a whisper. “It’s okay. You didn’t hurt me.”
“I fuck with you all the time but I would never take it that far.”
Where was this coming from? Steve looked like he was about to start hyperventilating. “I’m good. You didn’t hurt me. I’m fine, see?” you placed his hand on your chest, making sure he could feel your heartbeat. “I’m good.”
“You’re good?”
“I’m good.”
Steve removed his hand and placed it over his own chest, rubbing slightly. “I’ll be right outside when he talks to you.”
“I know you’ll be. Now, stand guard, whistle low to alert me.”
“This the room? You know the code?”
It was a simple office as well, but resembled more of a library than a workspace. It was dimly lit, cluttered, smelled of the wooden cabinets and the dust collecting on the books, and lacked any windows as well. You nodded to confirm Steve’s question, heading over to the farthest bookshelf and pushed it away from the wall. The loose dust swooped from the wood surface and into the air instantly, and you had to pause to sneeze down your shirt. 
You wiped your nose, “I’m third in command. My father may have some things hidden but I have to know the codes to shit like this.”
Steve leaned his ear on the door gently, “You’re clear.”
You gave him a thumbs up and fiddled with the outside of the safe. It was built into the wall, black in color and definitely made way before you were born. It was quite rusted, the gold numbers on the lock almost faded. 
“Let’s hope he didn’t change it.” You turned the dial - seven, thirty-three, eighteen - and it clicked on the first try. “Bingo.”
“Did you have a backup plan if that didn’t work?”
You snorted quietly, “Smash?”
Steve rolled his eyes and pressed his ear back on the door. 
Everything inside had been recently rearranged. You figured your father used some of these ID’s when entering the country for the wedding and left them stacked on one another for the quick heist on Saturday.  “We’re in luck! Both my father’s and Seda’s ID’s are here, along with-”
You cooed, taking out your phone and opening the camera app. You snapped multiple pictures, with and without flash. “Stacks and stacks of cash.”
You pulled your purse in front of you and pulled out your wallet to make room, shoving it into your back pocket instead. 
“Help me put this in my purse.”
Steve left his post to help you shovel the ID’s discreetly into every pocket your purse provided, shoving things into corners so nothing protruded. 
“Damn, we gotta leave the money,” you pouted. 
Steve chuckled, “What a horrible thing.”
A sudden, boisterous laugh right outside the door caused you to rip your arm away from the safe, thankfully pulling the last of the ID’s with you. You pushed them into your purse, zipping it up. Steve reacted quickly as well, shutting the safe and rotating the dial, pushing the bookcase back into its original position. 
“It’s Ramirez and White,” Steve whispered, looking around the room for any help. “What do we do?”
“Ramirez…” you blinked, eyes wandering around the room as well. Think, think, think. The doorknob jiggled. “Trust me.”
You ripped your purse off and threw it to the nearest couch. You hooked your arms around Steve’s neck and jumped to wrap your legs around his waist. 
“Oh my-”
In any other scenario, the whimper that left your throat would have been caused by a surge of ecstasy. But you were frightened of being caught, the whimper a blatant signal to just follow your lead. 
“Slam me into the wall, Captain.”
The door flew open just as Steve did as he was told. 
“And I told him it was ridiculous - oh my…”
You lifted your head from Steve’s neck, wide eyes to accompany your surprised state. “Oh! I thought we locked the door!”
Ramirez covered his eyes bashfully, turning around and staring at the wall. “Don’t mind us, we were just looking for loose smokes.”
Opposite to his intruding partner, White laughed at the scene before him. He dipped low, hands on his knees as he joked. “Didn’t think Captain America had it in him! Been a stiff ever since the ice, huh mate?”
You could feel Steve tense against you, and he froze entirely. You drew your hand up to play with the strands of his hair, putting on your best flirty tone possible. “Oh, trust me. He’s pretty stiff right now.”
Steve seemed to calm under your touch, so he turned his head over his shoulder and gave an embarrassed smile of his own. 
“Excuse us again, Y/N. You two enjoy your time,” Ramirez apologized, pulling at White’s jacket to guide him out of the room. Once you heard the click of the door, you jumped from Steve’s grasp and immediately began patting his back. 
“I’m sorry.”
Steve chuckled, his blush rising from his shoulders to his cheeks. “It’s okay, you saved us.”
You inspected him closely, a little embarrassed with yourself. It was a bold move, but one that needed to be done. You stood in silence for a few more seconds, each of you adjusting to such a sudden change of breathing pattern. 
You shut your eyes and groaned silently, “I need to speak with him.”
“Can I wait outside the door?”
You picked up your purse and swung it around your torso, “No, you need to wait in the car. Or smother Ramirez and White, your call.”
The lines on Steve’s forehead deepened, “Y/N, I can’t leave you alone with him.”
You wanted to argue further because Steve really over exaggerated. You fought a whole army of aliens, robots, and even the infamous Winter Soldier. Sure, you lost the battle with Thanos on the first try, you lost a teammate with Ultron, and gained a collapsed lung from Bucky’s insane roundhouse kick, but you were positive you could take your father. “You’re gonna have to. I’ve been alone with him before.”
Steve placed his hands on his hips and gave you a blank stare. “He shot you last time.”
“Ehh, Seda did.”
You laughed softly, “Then wait in the living room.”
“The shield’s in the car. If you need help, I may not have enough time-”
Steve and that goddamn shield. The guy was acting like he wasn’t a super soldier. You were annoyed. Annoyed with a pinch of salt?
“You whip that shield out to save me and I swear to god-”
“Okay, okay. I’ll link our mics.”
He fumbled around on his phone for a few seconds before you heard the softest beep from below your ear. 
     The last time you had entered that room alone, you left with a bullet lodged deep in your abdomen and with the threat of having it done again. Stumbling and crashing into the walls and random trinkets, leaving your blood stains on anything you used to steady yourself. This time would be different - it had to be. Your father wouldn’t shoot you with the Captain America waiting in the other room. Then again, your father always seemed to top himself each time you were forced to interact personally. In an instant, he dropped the good guy act. Or, hyped joy. 
Now, his stare was cold and calculated, posture upright like he was awaiting your arrival. You couldn’t help but smile and roll your eyes, a tiny scoff breaking the silence as he returned it. 
“You’re one damn good actor.” 
He chuckled deeply, “We do what we have to do in front of the people who threaten our reign.” 
You kicked the leg of a nearby chair to turn it toward you. Sitting down, you retorted with a chuckle of your own. “You’re not royalty.” 
“We are... you are.”
Third in command. Daughter of the biggest drug lord south of the border? In most cases, you could be considered goddamn royalty. Did you want to be? No, because the title that seemed to fit was ‘a chess piece in the middle of a mad supremacy’. But that was too long.  
“So, what is this? You scared my Captain is gonna knock you off your feet and take your place?” 
His hands slammed the desk. His little basket of pens and pencils toppled over and spilled onto the floor. “I have waited seven, long years for you to bring that man to me. And each time you defied me. Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you right now!” 
You remained seated, a blank stare boring into your father’s. “Uh, probably because he would avenge me. Get it?” 
He wasn’t one for jokes, though. “It would be so easy.” 
Aggravating him further was not the smartest thing to do. And Steve had the same thought as he fumbled with his own thumbs outside, hearing the conversation from afar. He almost wanted to barge in just to put your ass in time out. 
But you had seven years to make up for - a little joke here and there shouldn’t hurt much. 
“You do know I’m an Avenger, right? Trained by Natalia Romanoff herself?” 
You worded your sentence carefully, her alias need not be spoken out loud unless you needed backup. 
“Answer me.”
When his nostrils flared, you knew better than to twist the knife. 
“Steve didn’t sign the accords. He was on the run for two years before you asked me for him. This is public knowledge.”
He pointed his index finger at you, shaking it wildly. “You lie. Why you lie?”
You had to blink multiple times through your shocked state, mouth agape and involuntarily racks of laughter spilling. He couldn’t be serious. You could only repeat the same thing so many times. 
“Like I said all those years ago - He. Was. On. The. Run. No contact. I had no way of contacting him!”
He struggled to grab whatever on his desk to raise toward your face. In this case, he pointed his phone in a threatening manner. “Excuses! Remember the last time you made such a poor excuse?”
The laughing stopped, your mouth immediately shutting. You clenched your jaw to work through your murderous impulses. 
You wondered how your hands would look wrapped around his neck. Red and angry, tightening as each desperate second passes, nails forming crescents as they pressed in his skin. If there was a window, you would definitely kick him out of it. Wave goodbye as he fell dramatically. But the mansion was one story high and you couldn’t magically conjure up a window. God, this would be the absolute best time to have Wanda or Loki here to use some of that dark magic. Either way, you just wanted to wipe that shit-eating grin off his face right now. 
“He. Was on. The run.”
“And I thought you learned your lesson.”
You stood from your seat and leaned on the desk, arms holding you up and face inches away from his. “You gonna send in your men to remind me? With my Captain a few feet away?”
His lips were trembling as much as yours were - face blotchy with silver droplets of sweat and an angry blush now reaching his forehead. For a seventy-five year old man, he still had such a rage in him that didn’t risk a heart attack. Lucky bastard. 
“He best not interfere if it’s what I choose to do.”
Outside, Steve gripped the back door handle to the point it squished in on itself, metal twisting awkwardly and splintering the paint. His free hand was balled into the meanest fist, even his stubby nails wreaking havoc on his pale palm. He was making himself bleed by the restraint. He took slow breaths, eyes closed but ears fully alert. He wouldn’t cry. Not right now. 
“I called you back alone to invite you to breakfast the day after tomorrow.”
Whether it was because he knew you were only a few seconds from lunging yourself across his desk to break his neck or because he was tired from all the energy he had just exerted, your father slumped back into his seat as he spoke. 
“The hotel has free breakfast.”
He shook his head in complete astonishment, “You’re not getting out of this. I have important business to discuss with each of you.”
You continued to stare him down, “Over coffee?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “I can’t leave the estate so close to the wedding. Your sister is flying in tomorrow and I have to make sure construction is done by then.”
“Right, ‘cause you’re the best father in the world.”
Being in the same room was suffocating, but you couldn’t help but be fascinated by the man. How unbelievably thoughtless yet calculated he could be. How unbelievably fake yet so damn real in all his hidden meanings.
“Jackeline likes to think so.”
Your sister was sweet, sure, and there was an unspoken agreement between the two of you to not fight one another, being the only daughters and all. But you were eight years old when she was born, already tainted by the world in which she was just born into. Forgive your lack of sisterly bond. When you were sixteen, you dipped. Now, at the sprouting ages of twenty-six and eighteen, you two couldn’t be more different. 
Actually, yes you could. If she thought your father was a good man, she was entirely ignorant of the world she lives in. 
“Good for her. Why don’t we discuss the shipment transport during the most important day of her life?”
“Nice try. That’s what the rehearsal dinner is for - rehearsal.” 
You gave your father a sad smile, “You really won’t trust me. After all these years of following your orders.”
“Now, let’s not go bringing up the past.”
You interrupted, “Why not? You’re trusting my Captain and I to help you move that shipment but won’t trust me enough to tell me where it is right now?” 
He was back to standing but he was much calmer. “Right now, I trust your Captain more than you. What kind of man would leave everything moral behind for a bunch of criminals? A bad one.”
“You’ve known him for like, two seconds.”
Your father searched his pockets for loose cigarettes. “He left everything moral behind for me. For you. And you left me behind for everything moral.”
Rolling your eyes, you backed away from his desk and headed for the door. “Sometimes you don’t make any sense. Is that it? Are we done?”
“You accept my invitation?”
“Do I really have a choice?”
     The mansion seemed larger than when you entered, the hallways longer, the walls closing in, the trinkets reaching out to stop you by the wrist. The longer you stayed in this hell hole, the more likely you were probably going to unleash the rage attached to your body in the form of your favorite weapons. Bomb the hell out of this place. 
You marched to Steve’s car. He was already waiting, leaning along the passenger door like he was going to open it for you. If he did, you might kill him too. So, you repeatedly snapped your fingers at him and pointed around the car, silently but angrily motioning him to get in. He didn’t need to be told twice. In fact, he thought it might be therapeutic for you to throw the door open and slam it yourself. It was. 
Steve started the car. He didn’t need to ask, there was no reason to since he heard everything. And so did Sam. Bucky. Scott. It was being transcribed as you swerved out of the estate. God, you wanted to throw up. 
“I’ll tell you when to stop.” 
Steve choked on his breath, “Stop?” 
You rolled down the windows to breathe in the crisp cold air, teeth becoming sensitive as it passed into your lungs. “Once we get past the cameras and nearby neighborhoods.” 
“Did you need-“ 
“When I say stop, stop. Fucking damn, Steve! Listen to me for once!”
Steve didn’t know why he was challenging you. Your father had just brought up one of the most traumatic moments of your life, basically called you a hypocrite and a coward - he tried to tear you down. And here you were, holding it all together like the champ he found you to be. But he never handled your outbursts well, even if they were completely justified. 
“Don’t fucking give me orders if you won’t tell me what they’re for!”
“Stop the fucking car!”
He slammed on the breaks, instincts still kicking in during your argument and he reached his arm out to your side to hold you back from the powerful surge. His body lunged forward, however, chest hitting the steering wheel and horn. 
You scrambled out of the car and ran into the woods, feet guiding you through mud and prickly bushes until they reached a more secluded spot. Steve stumbled along after you, nearly tripping over the same rocks you had avoided masterfully. 
Before he could ask what you were doing, you pulled your gun from its hidden holster and clicked the safety. Steve’s eyes bulged out of his head just in time to see the first round sound off mid-air. He crouched down to the floor and shielded his head. You shot away from him, obviously, until all seven rounds were dislodged, aimed in the sky diagonally. 
Once the last bullet exited, you simply packed everything up. Now calm and collected, you turned around and headed back for the car.
Steve’s voice cracked as he spoke, “Seriously?”
You pushed branches away from your head as you walked, “Seriously.”
“Do you know how dangerous that is? Those bullets don’t just disappear into thin air,” Steve scolded, jogging up to speed walk beside you. 
“So fucking what? I’m keeping the rent low in this area, then.”
Steve sighed in defeat, “Talk to me.”
“Sorry, I’m shutting down.”
You groaned, tears of frustration not entirely formed, but in their beginning stages. “You already know what’s stressing me out, Steve. Do you need it in writing?”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Steve lowered his voice. “What do you need me to do?”
“Just,” you paused, stopping to face him. You opened and closed your hands mid-air as if that would help you formulate your sentences better. “I don’t know. But when I find out, I’ll let you know.”
This Steve could accept. So he simply nodded, guiding you the rest of the way with his hand gently placed on your lower back. 
     The drive back to the hotel was fairly silent. The radio provided a calming relief from such drama. Steve would glance at you every so often to check on you, but you were always resting your eyes. This was only the first day of the mission - officially. If you were this drained from one encounter, Steve needed to rethink this whole operation. Whether it was healthy to keep you on, or if the threat was just too large. But no matter the alternatives, Steve understood that this week was going to be difficult either way, and you needed to be present. This was your mission after all. He was just your partner. 
Even with a thousand things on your mind, you were still conscious enough to check your surroundings, check-in with the agent posted behind the front desk, and reconnect your mic with the teams. 
Steve pushed open your room door and threw the car keys on one of the nearby tables. “Nap time?”
You ignored his initial question, “I didn’t think seeing them in person again would be so draining.”
Steve watched you carefully, somewhat scared that you would pull out your gun again and shatter a window. “It was pretty cramped.”
You started to disarm yourself, tearing off your sweater and holsters clumsily. “And they acted like we were all on good terms! Around you, at least. I know they’re acting for my sister’s sake and then we can go back to hating each other after, but really?”
Steve sat on the edge of his bed, eyes sorry. “I really don’t know what to say.”
You threw yourself onto your bed, burying your face into the pillows. You continued speaking, albeit muffled. “You don’t have to say anything - just let me rant.”
“You’ll tire yourself out, Y/N. C’mon, we gotta draft up this report-”
You lifted yourself up and started smoothing down your hair, “I need a drink.”
Steve pointed to the computer, “The report.”
“A drink.” 
“Y/N, it’s getting late. The sooner we draft it, the sooner-”
You grumbled out again, already opening the door and shoving your boots on. “Steve, I need a drink. You know what they do to me, what they’ve done to me, what they continue to do every single day. Now, join me or not but I am going downstairs for a drink.”
Steve paused for a moment, looking around the room hesitantly. “Can I at least take the laptop?”
You threw your head back and walked out the door, “Take the goddamn laptop, jesus fucking christ, c’mon.”
     If there’s one thing you were happy about today, it was that you booked a hotel with a mini bar on the second floor. It wasn’t an outright full bar, but it was low lit, clean and the counters were made from fine wood, and there was a variety of flavors to choose from. There were only a few hotel guests spread out and a single bartender. You and Steve took seats at the counter. 
“Whiskey sour,” you called for the bartender, trying and failing to give him the nicest smile you could. 
Steve settled in his bar stool, “Thought you wanted to drink to drink hard.”
You chuckled at him and extended your arms in a stretch, “I’m mad, not depressed.”
He grinned at your movements - as if just sitting in a bar already loosened you up. “In that case, get me a beer.”
     Natasha had called Steve for help after your fourth beer and fifth whiskey. Her coaxing proved to be pointless, each request of a safe passage home seeming to enter one ear and leave the other. And you’ll end up killing her when you were sober enough for sending unwanted reinforcements, but even she didn’t want to fight you. If you wanted to drown in liquid courage, that courage churning itself into raw despair, then she would allow it. 
Steve stared at you for a few moments. Head hanging low, a deep frown etched into your tired expression, index finger tapping your glass as if you were debating whether to down it in one go or to leave it. Steve had never seen you like this, guard destroyed and face practically pale, just begging to be left alone. And it seemed the whole bar felt the same way, as there was no music playing and everyone was wallowing in their own grief. 
“I can spot you from a mile away, you know?”
Your voice immediately pulled Steve from his own mind and he was surprised you could still form coherent sentences given the amount of empty glasses in front of you. 
“I don’t mean to interrupt.”
You scoffed, leaning away from him as he sat down in the stool beside you. “Natasha sent you. Don’t tell me otherwise.”
“I’m not saying anything.”
Steve ordered a beer for himself, and although he was driving, one beer wouldn’t impair him anyway. It wouldn’t even cause a dent in his 20/20 vision. 
“Fucking ridiculous, it’s fucking ridiculous!” 
The bar patrons seemed to wince simultaneously and the bartender simply gathered a few of your empty glasses to wash. Steve didn’t hush you, didn’t touch you, didn’t try to reassure you. If you needed to cause a scene, it was time. Your silence for the past week had been frightening, but when Tony returned last night, half dead and without the kid, it seemed to be your breaking point. 
“Wanda destroyed it. She destroyed the fucking stone and all he did was use another to bring it back.”
Steve took a sip of his beer to disguise his quivering lip, but his eyes had no curtain. His waterline swelled with fresh tears, eyes instantly reddening, an undesired sting pinching the corners. 
“Strange must have had a reason. He must’ve, but - how can that reason include the death of trillions?”
“We’re going to find a way-”
“And if we don’t?”
Steve kept his lips on the bottle, incisors biting down only slightly as he took in your rhetorical question. You continued speaking.
“He destroyed the stones.”
“Carol is looking for answers.”
You shook your head and pulled out your wallet, leaving whatever cash you had on the counter before standing up. You stumbled but Steve latched onto your arm and pulled it to hug his waist. 
“Loki?” you mumbled, raising your head to lock eyes with Steve. He didn’t know if you were calling him another name or if you were asking for the God’s whereabouts. “Bucky?”
“Hey, stop, stop.”
Steve could only nod. What use was it to lie to you? Your new vertical position seemed to magnify the true extent of your intoxication as your eyes finally glazed over and limbs trembled. 
“Let’s get you home, okay?”
Gripping his shirt, you apologized each time it would crumble and you would accidentally tug it downward. But Steve didn’t care. You were practically limp in his arms, heavy and without proper use of your legs. 
“You’re a good man, Steve.”
Steve sighed sadly but couldn’t help the small smile that formed as he looked down at you and found you sporting a silly one of your own. 
“A really good man. I’m happy you’re still here.”
Steve paused for a moment, taking in your words and holding back his own tears. If there was a time he wanted to be drunk off his ass, it would be now. He was somewhat jealous of the brief relief alcohol had given you, loose and not fully aware of the drama of the world. “I’m happy, too.”
“No, you’re not,” you slurred, allowing Steve to guide you to his car. You slumped against the passenger door as Steve searched his pocket for his key. “I heard you crying last night.”
Steve halted his search mid-pat, a hard crease forming between his eyebrows as he lifted his head. “I wasn’t-”
“I cry too,” you admitted, a drunken pout on your face. “You don’t have to lie to me.”
Perhaps it was a dirty thing for him to do at this moment because you wouldn’t remember a single word of this conversation in the morning, but he figured there was no immediate harm. He found his key, unlocked the car, and helped you inside. Only once he entered the car himself did he take advantage of your blurry mind. 
“I cried for Sam and Bucky. Who do you cry for?”
You clicked the seatbelt on, mind clear enough for safety precautions it seemed. “Poor Wanda.”
Steve nodded and started the car. “Anything else?”
“Did I ever tell you about the time Loki asked me on a date?”
Steve immediately shut off the car and turned to you. “Huh? When?”
You grinned, small giggles bubbling from your chest. “A few months ago. He was so shy, too. I said yes.”
Steve ignored the twinge in his chest, “How was it?”
You leaned your head back and tilted it towards him, your smile faltered slightly. “Never went on it. And now he’s dead.”
The urge to lean over and wrap you in a much needed hug was there, eating away at him since you called him a good man. But he had taken advantage of this situation far too much, so he simply nodded in understanding and started the car again. 
“I’m sorry.”
You barely heard him, but you mumbled a quick response before letting the alcohol fully consume you. “Me too.”
     You thanked the bartender when they slid you your drink. “I hadn’t seen him since before the world went to shit.” You took a quick sip. “Kinda strange.”
Steve nodded, wondering if he should dive deep into the issue at hand. Instead of outright saying his outdated spiel, he eased into it. He gave you a few needed sips of your drink, at least.  “Y/N, can I ask an honest question?”
You hummed, “My toes are already tingling. You could probably ask me what my kinks are and I’d tell you.”
Steve suddenly burst into a fit of giggles, “You never could handle a sip of alcohol.”
Your eyes rounded at his reaction. Perhaps the alcohol affected him in other fun ways that he didn’t know. “Nope, I’m a lightweight.”
Steve contained himself before clearing his throat, “The question…”
“Go ahead.”
He rolled his shoulders and took a sip of his beer. Leaning in closer, he lowered his voice. “If it comes down to it, and god forbid you’re incapacitated, do you want me to kill your father?”
Your mouth opened slightly, the words stuck behind your tongue. You looked down at your drink, as if some special response was swimming in it. You knew your answer, but the way to phrase it was lost. 
“I don’t want his blood on your hands.”
“But if it was the last choice?”
You sighed, “If you pull that trigger, they’ll never stop coming after you.”
Steve’s eyebrows scrunched together, “But if you pull it?”
You shrugged and raised the glass to your lips. “That’s my life, Steve. Let me deal with the consequences.”
“That’s just it - you don’t have to. At least, not alone.”
God, you hated how perfect Steve sounded all the time. Whenever he was annoying you, fighting you, or protecting you, his syllables were stretched in the most glorious way, dipping into every crevice of the person they were delivered to and warming inches of body slowly. You wanted him to have somewhat of an evil side for once in his life, but no matter how many times you thought he would explode, he didn’t.
Two years ago, when he dropped you from his life in an instant, you had assumed you finally caught a glimpse at this evil side. It was the only time you were truly scared of him. 
“You really are a good person.”
Steve swished his beer bottle around, “I wish everyone would stop being surprised by that.”
“I’m not surprised. I guess I just want to hate you, and I can’t.”
Steve’s shoulders slumped like crumbling mountains and you couldn’t stop thinking about how vulnerable he looked. You wanted to pull him closer and rest your head to his chest, hear his heartbeat and apologize for theorizing a possible hatred. 
“Why do you want to hate me?”
“When you wouldn’t sign the accords, part of me saw that as the mascot of America not caring if he invaded and pillaged everything in his path.”
“But I-” Steve interjected, but you stopped him by raising your hand and waving it gently. 
“I know why you didn’t. Hell, I helped you escape.”
“Why did you help if you hated me?”
Being vulnerable with Steve wasn’t anything new. You were each other’s support system for those lonely five years, but it all changed the moment you defeated Thanos. So, for the last two years you didn’t quite get along. But here, now, you could always tell when Steve was being honest and open. 
“Guess I thought that if you were willing to help me with my family, I should help you with yours.”
His therapist desperately tried to rationalize the experiences Steve would tell, instructing him to look past hard exteriors and accept help from others. That his old friends were still friends, and enemies should never be compared to those he loved. And he knew he was easily blinded when something or someone had the slightest mishap, instantly writing it off as harmful. 
He spoke of you often during his one hour sessions - stories of your blatant silliness and crude jokes; how you would poke your finger into his sandwiches when you thought he wasn’t looking; how you almost beat up a kid and his little gang for baiting Peter after his identity was exposed; and how you and Sam had gotten into a bar fight over something so trivial, so unnecessary, that it was almost unbelievable to see you innocently scoot away from the body on the floor in the police video, as if you had nothing to do with it and those few feet of distance automatically cleared you. 
His therapist would just listen. 
“Did I ever thank you?”
You smiled sadly, “You went into hiding soon after. Then we went to battle, lost everyone, went to battle again, and then…”
“And then.”
‘And then’ wasn’t really something you two liked to bring up. It was still a fresh wound, somewhat patched up, but still open. 
You spaced out for a few minutes, both of you enjoying your drinks. You were no longer drinking to get drunk, not that it was your original goal to begin with. You just sat in comfortable silence, reliving the events earlier that day and drafting an internal report. 
“What are you thinking about?”
You pursed your lips and thought, clicking your tongue when it finally dawned on you. “This was the first time I saw Marcus White sober.”
Steve sat up straighter, “Are you sure? He didn’t look it.”
“Yeah, he usually speaks quickly and he fidgets. But he was coherent this afternoon.”
“Should that be a red flag?”
You took out your phone and sent a quick text to Torres for him to monitor White closely for the next few days, just in case. “A big one. My father referred to him more often than he did Ramirez.”
Steve tackled every idea in his head quickly, speaking as a new one popped up. “They could be planning a move against Ramirez. He’s close to overthrowing your father.”
You raised your head from your phone, “And the wedding would be a perfect distraction.”
“He would kill his greatest rival on your sister’s happiest day?”
You let out a low chuckle, “This man has nothing to lose. It won’t matter who he topples along the way.”
Steve opened the laptop, silently congratulating himself for bringing it despite your insults, and began drafting the report. The two of you worked for the next hour, nursing a couple more drinks before you sent the final copy to Bucky. 
TAGLIST: @dumb-ass-writer @justab-eautifulmess @supraveng @mycosmicparadise @missnighttigress​
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Every single episode of Ducktales (2017) Summarized in Roughly in One Sentence or Less!
Thank you Frank and team so much for introducing this family to a new generation of kids while remaining faithful to your source material. I hope you all enjoy my attempts at humor!
Woo-oo!: We don’t really know what’s going on yet but let’s do this!
Escape To/From Atlantis!: “Well I’m wearing a kilt McDuck! A kiiiilt!”
Daytrip of Doom!: They’re all siblings now and I love them all.
The Great Dime Chase!: “Shut up, everyone! I’ve done something brilliant!” (Also: Guess’s who my favorite character is?)
The Beagle Birthday Breakout!: Lena and Webby are best girls, fight me on this
Terror of the Terra-firmians!: This is the Spoopiest episode and also the most heartwarming.
The House of the Lucky Gander!: He’s an asshole but I love him.
The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks!: He’s an even bigger asshole but I love him.
The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra!: I too would do anything for a good burrito.
The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!: “If I had a nickel for every person who cursed me with their dying breath, I’d be twice as rich as I already am.”
The Spear of Selene!: Of course Scrooge showed up freaking Zeus.
Beware the B.U.D.D.Y System!: The fusion of Iron Man and Sailor Moon I never knew I always wanted.
The Missing Links of Moorshire!: I always knew My Little Pony had a deadly fandom but this is ridiculous…
Mystery at McDuck Manor!: Took you long enough, Duckworth, welcome back.
Jaw$!: In this house, we love and respect Tiffany. (Also: Whoever came up with this episode title is the coolest person ever)
The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!: Scrooge and Glomgold are in love with Allison Janney, and honestly, same.
Day of the Only Child!: Doofus is even creepier than Lil’ Gideon, and that is saying something.
From the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22!: *hums James Bond theme intensely to myself*
Who is Gizmoduck?!: He’s not throwing away his shot! (I’m sorry, I had to)
The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck!: I love Louie in this episode, he’s such a mood.
Sky Pirates… in the Sky!: The Pirates of the Caribbean meets High School Music crossover starring evil Panchito I never knew I needed.
The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!: We’re all Webby in this episode.
The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!: *ugly sobbing*
The Shadow War, Part 1: Night of De Spell!: Donald finally gets the love he deserves.
The Shadow War Part 2: Day of the Ducks!: *spoiler warning* How is she still alive?!?!?!
The Most Dangerous Game… Night!: David screaming “GAME NIGHT!” is the best damn thing I’ve ever seen.
The Depths of Cousin Fethry!: I love Cousin Spongebob!
The Ballad of Duke Baloney!: Dammit, Frank.
The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!: They’re boyfriends mates, sorry I don’t make the rules.
Storkules in Duckburg!: Storkules is the ultimate Donald Duck fan, we cannot comepete.
Last Christmas!: Somehow the Ghost of Christmas McBrayer is the least surprising thing I’ve ever seen in this show.
Whatever Happened to Della Duck?!: Oh, so that’s how she survived.
Treasure of the Found Lamp!: Dijin is the best character.
The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!: Yee–and I cannot stress this enough–haw.
The 87 Cent Solution!: *wheezing* Dammit, Frank…
The Golden Spear!: Oh my god, they were roommates!
Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!: Dammit, Frank!
Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!: “So stand out, above the crowd! Even if I gotta shout it out loud!”
Friendship Hates Magic!: Webby gets two friends for the price of one seance!
The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!: BEAKS SMASH… THAT LIKE BUTTON! (I’m so sorry)
The Duck Knight Returns!: *spoilers* The single best superhero, origin story-based episode ever! 
Whatever Happened To Donald Duck?!: *sobbing* He’s a good dad!
Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!: This entire episode is creepier than most indie horror games.
A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!: All the kids’ dreams are moods… except Huey’s, his dream can go jump off a microwave.
The Golden Army of Cornelius Coot!: Della is just pulling a Donald and adopting any and all kids within arms reach at this point.
Timephoon!: “I’m on it!” *gets struck by lightning* “I’ve immediately failed you!”
Glomtales!: I don’t know what’s more surprising, the fact that Louie won the bet or that they used Glomgold’s theme song takeover as the intro.
The Richest Duck in the World!: Drag them, Owlson. Drag them all…
Moonvasion! Part 1: *deep inhale* D A M M I T F R A N K!
Moonvasion! Part 2: Glomgold is my new favorite villain character.
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchuck!: Huey and Violet fight for the right to be crowned the squarest of squares.
Quack Pack!: Radical dude! *insert cheesy 90s riff here*
Double-O Duck in You Only Crash Twice!: We were all simping SO HARD this episode don’t think I forgot!!!
The Lost Harp of Mervana!: Scrooge fails a vibe check.
Louie’s Eleven!:  Is it really a heist movie if something doesn’t go completely wrong?
Astro B.O.Y.D.!: So much ANIME!!!!!!
The Rumble for Ragnarok!: Eh, the MCU did it better
The Phantom and the Sorceress!: Seeing Gladstone suffer brings me an odd amount of joy
They Put a Moonlander on Earth!: They’re lesbians, Harold!
The Trickening!: Did… did no one really tell Launchpad how Halloween works?
The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades!: If I had a nickel for every time a cartoon version of Ponce de Leon died a gruesome death on screen, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
Let’s Get Dangerous!: *spoilers* THEY ARE A SUPERHERO FAMILY!!!!
Escape from the ImpossiBin!: Scrooge and Beakley are a little too excited to traumatize their family because of their trauma.
The Split Sword of Swanstantine!: Dewey and Webby literally walk in blind, Violet spices things up, and Huey unleashes the Rage™
New Gods on the Block!: The most accurate representation of Zeus ever.
The First Adventure!: Young Donald is one heck of a mood.
The Fight for Castle McDuck!: The sibling culture episode.
How Santa Stole Christmas!: Charles Dickens would approve, probably.
Beaks in the Shell!: Huey ships Fendra and Gyro needs to stop hiding in the closet.
The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker!: The Battle of Theatre Kids... in the Sky!
The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck!: All the emotional weight was nearly overshadowed by One (1) attractive goth twink.
The Last Adventure Part 1; A Tale of Three Webbys!: They’re so cute! I love them!
The Last Adventure Part 2; The Lost Library of Isabella Finch!: Letting the kids on the plane is the single smartest decision Scrooge has ever made in his life.
The Last Adventure Part 3; Tale’s End!: *ugly, happy, heartbreaking sobbing* Woo-oo!
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All The Hurt - Chapter 5
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader
Warnings: ANGST, Peter was an ass, reader is a hurt and petty bitch, fluff to make up for the angst, curse words, lots of “coincidences”
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: had to make this one short because the next one is hella long
“Phew, all right,” you wheezed through fast pants as you finally reached the computer room, hand numb and aching from the dripping ice pack in your palm, “you need to explain to me what’s happening. Because- man, I’m out of shape.” You placed your hands on your hips and bent slightly for a moment, taking a huge gulp of air before marching over to Ned and giving him the pack, “I’m confused as fuck, Ned.”
One of his hands continued its work while the other reached out to grab the pack. His fingers continued to type away with speed you’d never seen before as he spoke, eyes never leaving the screen, "Okay, long story short, the day you were at the bodega-” you flinched, “-was the same day that bank was robbed using high tech weapons. Those weapons were part human and part alien, and were being created by a dude who has wings on his back. Peter found out that that guy is Liz’s dad, and now Peter’s going after him to stop him from selling even more weapons.”
He hissed as he placed the ice on his eye. You blinked, nodding once as you felt entranced by the layered codes on Ned’s screen. It was weird how you understood it and read them like they were normal words and letters. You mentally thanked your summer coding camp for the extra knowledge. "I..feel like there’s a lot more to the story than that but yeah, okay, I got it.”
A buzzing from your purse interrupted your entrancement. You shook your head and opened your purse, pulling out your vibrating phone.
Incoming call from..Flash.
You furrowed your eyebrows and rolled your eyes, taking a seat across from Ned and starting up your own computer, "Now’s really not a good time, E.”
"It’s not Flash, it’s Peter!” Peter practically screamed, making you wince from his panic-stricken voice and loud background noise that was filled with New York’s most obnoxious honks.
"Wha- did you steal Flash’s phone?” You asked incredulously, putting him on speaker while you typed away, hearing the same swift clicking coming from Ned’s side.
“No! I asked him for it!” He paused for a moment, “And his car!”
“You stole Flash’s car?” Ned asked, jaw-dropping and eye-widening in amazement, “Cool!”
“Yeah, it’s awesome, it’s awesome!”
"Peter! You’ve never driven before! How can you be driving?!” You scolded, suddenly feeling a twist in your gut at the thought of an accident due to his lack of experience in driving. Peter was never one to make impulsive decisions as dangerous as this. You guessed he changed over the months that passed.
"I know, this is a really big step for me and- ahhhhh! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!” Your hands froze in their place as you awaited a crash with a thundering heart, but it never came, which made you sigh in relief. The engine’s sound increased in volume as the car accelerated, but Peter’s voice was still louder, "I can’t see anything in this car!"
"Which car did you..borrow?” You asked, fingers returning back to work. You figured if you could help him, he’d get out of the vehicle at a much faster rate, and all you wanted to do was keep him safe and unharmed.
"How many does he own?” Peter asked in awe, honking the horn multiple times and screaming a couple of‘ move’s!
"Not important right now! What’s the logo of the car?"
"The four Olympic circle thingies."
"An Audi.” You said under your breath. Thank God, you thought, a car I'm familiar with, “Do you know how to turn the headlights on?
"There’s a knob on the left of the steering wheel. Turn it clockwise.”
Peter repeated your instructions, and released a small laugh of victory, ”How’s Ned doing with Happy?”
“Uh,” You peeked over your screen, noticing beads of sweat form on Ned's forehead, even with the cool ice helping his eye, “Ned?”
"Getting to him..” He said, not paying you any attention.
"Have you found my phone yet?” Peter asked.
"Working on it, sit tight,” you replied, finally seeing a moving blue dot pop up on your screen, "He’s on Jackson Avenue and 48th Street."
“Perfect! And Happy?”
You once again awaited Ned’s answer, and worried when a distressed look flashed upon his face, “He hung up on me.” He frowned, "I’ll try again.”
You looked back down at your screen and realized that the blue dot had suddenly stopped moving. You squinted, “Hey, he stopped at 10th street and 43rd avenue in Brooklyn.”
"What? That makes no sense!"
"Welcome to my world,” you mumbled, hearing a small chuckle come from Ned before he focused on talking to Happy again.
“He said he was going out of town!” Peter explained, obviously having heard you, but it did nothing to diffuse your confusion. Why would Liz’s dad stop in Brooklyn when he said he was leaving?
"Weird..” You commented, rubbing your eyebrow as you started to feel the pressure. Jesus Christ, is this what Peter goes through?
“Dammit,” Ned muttered, catching your attention, "Happy sounded like he was catching a flight,” he said, “he mentioned something about taking off in nine minutes."
"What?” You and Peter simultaneously said, and you fought the butterflies that made their way to your stomach. Now’s not the time.
"He was surrounded by a bunch of boxes,” Ned clarified.
“Boxes?” Peter wondered out loud, and you were sure you could see his face as he put two and two together, "It’s moving day! It’s moving day, it’s moving day, he’s gonna rob that plane, I gotta stop him! Shit, I don’t know how to get the directions on this car.”
You jumped at the chance to help again, pleased that Peter finally had a destination to get to, "I’ve got his location, I’ll lead you.” You pulled up Flash’s location from the Find My Friends app, eyes jumping back and forth between your phone and the computer’s screen as you voiced the directions to Peter.
Peter’s foot pressed harder on the gas pedal, causing too much skidding, and you had to try your best to hold your tongue as to not to be a backseat driver. You wondered if you were in the position to berate Peter for impulsively stealing Flash’s possessions and driving recklessly. You found it amusing that the crime fighting Spider-Man had committed two crimes as of tonight.
"Slow down, there’s a right turn up ahead. You’re gonna take it.” You directed, just as Peter’s dot passed his exit, "Parker! Turn right, turn right!”
Peter screamed as the engine roared and the car skidded so loud you were barely able to hear his web shoot out. Your eyes widened in fear as you heard metal grinding against the concrete before coming to a halt with a harsh thump. Peter’s hasty breathing seemed match yours.
"Are you okay?!” You and Ned asked, your voice cracking and brain melting.
"I’m okay.” He breathed, making you drop your head in relief, shoulders easing up, "Just keep trying to get through to Happy.”
"It’s been an honor, Spider-Man.” Ned saluted, and you gave him a look of disapproval.
But then you both turned your heads at the piercing sound of high heels clicking in the hallways that were getting louder as the person headed in your direction. Ned’s face became as white as a sheet, surely matching yours.
'What do we do?' He mouthed, eyes rapidly bouncing back and forth between the door and you.
You bit your lip and glanced at the door before sighing and getting on your feet, “I’ll distract her,” You whispered, removing all traces from the computer, “keep calling Happy.”
Ned nodded in affirmation as you straightened out your dress and took a deep breath, cautiously opening the computer room’s door and stepping outside. Ms.Warren was peeping into the science lab across the computer room, and you took this as your chance to make it look like you were just making your way in.
She turned around and jumped, “Jesus!” She placed a hand on her chest, “What are you doing-“
She stepped closer and squinted at your figure in the dark, “Y/n,” she seethed.
She said your name with poison dancing on her tongue, causing a deep frown to settle between her eyebrows as she popped her hip and crossed her arms, "What are you doing here? There’s a dance, and you know it’s prohibited to be in this area.”
“I know, Ms.Warren,” you surpassed the urge to literally bite this woman’s head off and pretended to be vulnerable for a moment. You looked down at your feet, trying to conjure up an excuse that was easy to believe - Ms.Warren wasn’t exactly gullible, and wasn’t fond of you, either. Your reputation for causing trouble in her class cost you her trust, but you frankly couldn’t give a fuck. Plus, it was fun to mess around with her, what’s one more time?
“I just..” Your mind went blank as her eyes searched yours, a small glint of mischief shining in them. Oh, you bet she fantasized about the day she’d get you expelled from Midtown, but you weren’t ever going to let her see that day. So, you did what you always did when you got into trouble.
Play the absent parents' card.
“I just..I just w-wanted to call my dad. It’s quiet in here.” You said, faking your wobbly voice. No teacher liked it when they had to deal with crying students, especially those who hid the fact that they had no role models around them, like yourself. A look of confusion flashed in her eyes.
You were getting somewhere.
“It’s just..h-he’s been gone for so long, Ms. Warren, and I never see him. He called me tonight, and he never has before.” You fiddled with the ends of your hair, “What if he tells me he’s here? Here to see me? While I’m partying down t-there?” You sniffed for extra effect, somehow feeling your eyes swell with tears.
You took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling to make it look like you were trying to hold yourself from falling apart, “I-I just wanted to call him,” you repeated, thickening your voice even more, “maybe he’ll apologize for never being there for me, especially after m-mom left us when I was ten.” You were almost impressed with yourself as you felt hot tears run down your face, traced with the mascara you applied before coming here.
In Ms.Warren’s shadow, you could tell her eyebrows were furrowed, and she was looking anywhere but you, clearly trying to choose between two options.
“I’ve never had a parent in my life.” You pushed, "No one taught me how to ride a bike, or swim, a-and I feel so left out because all the other kids have parents and I don’t!”
You grabbed onto her arms, looking her dead in the eye, “Please, please, just let me piece my life back together. Let me call him.”
For a moment, you swore you saw her demeanor soften. Just a moment where you felt like she understood you, not pitied you. But, just as quick as it came, it disappeared when she cleared her throat and looked around.
“Okay, okay.” She sighed, "But make it quick,” she stepped back from your grasp, ready to bolt, but you took the chance to make her slightly more uneasy.
This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, of course you were going to take it.
“Oh, thank you, thank you!” You sprung into her, arms folding around her tightly as she stiffened, clearly feeling uncomfortable about the affection you were displaying. You breathed in through your nose, hard, and nearly laughed when you felt her hands on your shoulders, trying to peel you off of her with a face of disgust.
“Don’t mention it, s-sweetie.” She said, discreetly rubbing her hands on her dress, "You better go now before your dad gets busy again.”
“You're right, you’re right."
And for your final act, you pretended to sniff and wipe your nose with your arm, catching Ms. Warrner’s eye twitch. She was known for being a massive germaphobe, which really only came in handy during her class - until now.
She cleared her throat once again, turned around, and marched down the hallway, practically running away from you until she was gone. You placed a hand over your mouth, muffling your giggles as you entered the computer room once again, slowly closing the door behind you.
“She’s gone?” Ned swiveled in his chair to face you, cracking a smile when you happily nodded and wiped at your face.
“How about you? What’d Happy say?” You walked over to him, running your eyes over the lengthy call history, which was mainly filled with declined calls from your side.
“Um,” Ned rubbed his arm in shame, “he cursed. A lot. And he..he blocked me,”
Your face dropped, hearing Ned sigh and imitating him.
“What do we do now?” Ned asked, desperate as ever.
You waited for a moment, feeling a lightbulb go off in your head as you rushed to the other side and opened your phone.
“Give me his number,” You said, dialing the number Ned voiced to you and putting him on speaker. You crossed your fingers and waited for him to pick up, each ring only causing you more anxiety.
“Yeah?” Happy said, sounding quite annoyed.
“Well, damn, you don’t sound like a Happy to me. You sound like a grumpy.” You rolled your eyes, immediately regretting what you said.
“Not this shit again,” He said angrily, and you were pretty sure he was going to hang up, making you panic all over again.
“Someone’s going to steal Mr. Stark’s shit!” You blurted, wincing when you heard nothing from the other line for a moment. You were going to check if he hung up on you when you heard a, “what?”
“T-the plane!” You exclaimed, "The plane with all of Tony’s stuff! There’s a guy who’s going to steal it and Parker’s going to stop him!”
“You know what? How about you tell Parker that he has some delusional, weird fr-“ His voice suddenly faded out, “Holy shit.” He breathed.
“What? What happened?”
"The plane just crashed.”
Your heart dropped to the feet as the color drained from your face, feeling the blood rushing through your ears and fear spiking in your chest. Somehow, somehow, you knew Peter was where the crash was, and you feared the worst possible outcome. You didn’t even hang up as you rounded the table, picked up your keys, and ran out the door.
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tags: @peachescream06
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And when dick finds out jason KNEW and didn't tell b/c of the bet. oh man. Can we get a chapter in dick's pov on this? idc where u put it I just really want to read it.
Dick rolled his eyes at his brother’s antics. Honestly, he didn’t really care who Ladybug was. They had more than enough proof that she was on the good side and their little squabble didn’t seem all that serious.
Besides, no one in France knew who she was after her being a hero for four years. Dick wasn’t one to attempt the impossible (he loved things that seemed impossible, but that’s different than things that actually are).
Still, Damian had come to him for help and he was fine taking some time out of his day to research with him.
And what did they find? Pretty much nothing.
The Parisians either guessed her age as 15-21 or somewhere in the thousands.
She had to have come over from France over the past two days but there wasn’t a single person even moderately matching her description who had come over.
Her friend group was iffy. Supposedly she was friends with someone named Chloe Bourgeois, who’d had the bee miraculous for a short period of time. Then again, some footage indicated that Ladybug might actually hate the girl, so that information was useless. All the other heroes she’d worked with were still a mystery.
And her powers? God, don’t even get him started on her powers. Did she know what she was going to summon or not -- sometimes it seemed like it and sometimes it didn’t. Just how far did the apparent invulnerability go? How does someone take a miraculous? How does her outfit work? Why won’t the mask come off? How much did her cure actually fix? The only thing they knew for sure was that she had to participate in a battle for her to be able to use it.
Even Tim hadn’t been able to scrounge up more than rumors.
But Damian still wanted Dick to be there when he confronted Ladybug with the information and question her, and he didn’t really have anything better to do.
Finding her was way harder than they thought it’d be. You’d think someone in bright red would be easy to spot in the middle of the night, but apparently not.
But, eventually, they found her.
She didn’t seem to notice them for a while. She hopped from rooftop to rooftop, drink in hand.
And then she stopped. She took a long sip from her drink.
“What do you want?” She asked. Well, at least they knew for sure she was French. Her accent was still pretty thick.
Dick and Damian looked at each other awkwardly. What were they supposed to say? ‘We tried to stalk you on the internet but it didn’t work’?
She spun on her heel and repeated herself: “What do you want?” Her smile was getting more strained.
Damian crossed his arms over his chest. “Who are you?”
Wow. Smooth. He fought the urge to sigh.
Ladybug grinned cheekily as she matched his posture. “I’m Ladybug, of course.”
He could already tell they weren’t going to get anything of substance from her. Still, Damian was sending him pleading looks out of the corner of his eyes. He brought a smile to his face. “We’ve spent the last few days researching you. We looked up immigration records, plane flights, everything. No one matches your descriptions. You, frankly, don’t exist.”
She tapped her earrings. “That’s ‘cause of magic. It keeps people from finding out my identity if I don’t want them to.”
He blinked and looked at Robin, trying to gauge if this could be true. Sure, metas existed and the internet had attributed her powers to the earrings she wore, but the idea of earrings giving people powers was still kinda odd for him.
Robin didn’t know. Great.
And then Ladybug took a sip of her drink and Dick gave pause. He’d seen that cup before. Pretty much every day, actually. He could ask Tim about it later --.
He was pulled back to the present when Damian groaned and left. He broke into a wide smile. Maybe this wouldn’t be impossible, after all.
He held out a hand to shake. “It’s been nice meeting you. Sorry about my…” He hesitated for a half-second, unsure whether he wanted to say ‘brother’. He glanced at her eyes and decided against it. He didn’t like how intent they looked. Whoever she was, she wasn’t stupid, that much was obvious.  “... partner. He’s a bit annoying.”
She beamed as she shook his hand. “It’s fine. It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Nightwing. I hope next time we can get to know each other without him around.”
He chuckled. “Just Nightwing would be fine. And that sounds great.” He gave one last wave before hopping away.
Jason’s phone rang and Dick grinned, glad for an excuse to stop working for even a second.
“Who wants to talk to you?”
He held up his phone to show it was ‘Timberly’.
They both frowned at this. Tim? Calling during work? He must be dying.
Jason turned on his speaker.
“Heya, Replacement, what’s up?”
“Hey, I’m going to take the day off.”
Jason and Dick looked at each other for a long time, stunned. And then they finally processed it. “WHAT?!”
“Yes, I’m fine. No, it’s not a prank. I’ve met someone --”
Jason laughed.
“-- not like that, Jay -- and I’m giving her a tour of the city. She just got here from France a while ago.”
Cafe person? From France? Dick’s brain clicked and he shoved Jason out of the way to get to the phone. “Did you meet her at the cafe?”
“Yes, I met her at the coffee shop, Dick. What does it matter?”
“She could be Ladybug.”
Tim and Jason laughed at him. Laughed.
“You’re insane. Can I have time off or not?”
Dick fought back his annoyance. Tim was actually asking to leave and he wasn’t going to stop him. “Yes!”
“Please!” Added Jason.
The line went dead. Dick dropped back onto the couch and pulled out his own phone.
How could he bully Tim into bringing (the person who might be) Ladybug over?
He opened up the family group chat.
Idontwantpicturesthatsjustmyname: Guys you will not BELIEVE this
Dick rested his head on his hands as he watched Marinette from across the table.
“So, what do you know about Ladybug?”
Her eyes widened slightly. Whether this was because of the suddenness of the question or because he was right he wasn’t sure.
“Subtle,” Jason said sarcastically. He sent Dick a short glare as if to say ‘don’t scare her off we just met her’ and then gave Marinette an apologetic smile. “Sorry, ‘bout that. He’s been obsessed since she appeared, and most of his research has been a dead end. He’s grasping at straws.”
She relaxed and gave a soft laugh. “I’m too klutzy to ever be Ladybug, you can ask anyone.”
Dick tried not to look too skeptical. He’d purposefully surprised her with a rather forceful hug when he’d met her to see how good her balance was when she wasn’t paying attention. She’d had no problem both staying up and supporting their weight.
He couldn’t tell her that, though.
He groaned. “And I don’t suppose you know who it is?”
And, just like that, the conversation moved on. Damn it, Jason, can’t you relax for a few seconds so he can interrogate her? Ugh.
Still, he smiled at Tim’s expression as Marinette began to explain exactly how they’d met. Even if it annoyed him that he hadn’t gotten any information, no one could ever pass up on the opportunity to mess with their siblings.
Jason sent Dick a glare as he pulled on his leather jacket. “You want to what?”
“Do a stakeout!” Dick said brightly. “I’m pretty sure Marinette is Ladybug.”
Tim sighed. “So we’re going to stalk my new friend? Great. Maybe this is why my friendships don’t last.”
“C’mon! It’s not like you even have to go, Tim.”
“And let you guys embarrass me? No thanks.”
“She won’t know --,” Jason said.
Tim sighed and put on his mask. “No. Come on. Dick, you owe me a coffee.”
Dick groaned but nodded. “Fine, I’m paying for snacks. Let’s go.”
“For the record, I think you’re stupid,” said Jason as they started to pull themselves up the fire escape.
“Thanks!” Said Dick brightly. “I know I’m right, but thanks!”
Jason laughed quietly. “Suuuure. Wanna bet?”
“Sure. How about 3k?”
He rolled his eyes. “Only 3? Are you really sure?”
Dick scoffed. “Fine. 5k.”
Jason smirked and pulled himself up the last rung and sat himself down on the edge. “Sucker.”
Tim glanced inside and gave sarcastic jazz hands. “Wow. How suspicious. She’s going to sleep.”
“Can’t you guys even pretend to believe me?”
“Nope. You’re insane, dude, the girl probably couldn’t hurt a fly if she wanted to.”
“I know what I saw. That coffee cup was the same one he --” he pointed at Tim “-- brings home all the time. And he saw her get one that day. She’s French and new in town. It’s got to be her.”
Tim sighed. “This feels wrong,” he mumbled. He took a long sip of his drink before continuing: “She’s a civvie, we can’t just watch her.”
“She might be a civvie,” corrected Dick.
His brothers groaned and they all opened their bags of Doritos.
And then Marinette flung the window open and stuck her head out. “Could you guys not do this outside my window?”
Everyone jumped. Tim literally jumped, nearly falling over the side of the fire escape in his surprise. They got into fighting poses on instinct.
Marinette had gone a little pale at the sight of them.
They quickly dropped their guards.
She flashed a weak smile. “Oh, I’m sorry, sirs. I thought you were just guys on my fire escape. You on a stakeout?”
Everyone looked at each other confusedly. Did her accent somehow get worse in the few hours since they met her? Tim looked especially confused by the development.
“Of sorts,” said Red Hood carefully.
She yawned and rubbed her eyes and her accent slipped back towards normal as she spoke: “If you’re staking out, can you…?” She trailed off and her eyes found their way to their Doritos. “Is that really all you’re eating tonight?” She asked, her lips falling into a frown.
The three all looked at each other.
“I mean... yeah, it’s stakeout food,” said Dick.
She clicked her tongue. “C’mon,” she waved them inside and began walking to her kitchen.
They all shrugged as they stepped through her window. What did it matter?
Dick snooped around her apartment with his brothers. He didn’t really know what he was looking for, just evidence that she did anything shady, but really he didn’t know where she’d hide anything. The place was pretty empty.
‘Damn, you live like this?’ He thought, giving her a glance and shaking his head.
His eyes found their way to her bed and he frowned. She’d set up a fake version of herself with pillows and blankets… but hadn’t she made it seem like she’d gone straight from bed to the window? How awake had she really been? And, if she’d been awake, had the accent been faked? Why?
He raised an eyebrow at the real Marinette.
“There were three people outside my window, did you want me not to take precautions?”
He looked away. Fair enough.
He continued looking for anything, but his attempts were fruitless. He would have thrown his hands up in frustration if he didn’t think that would make her suspicious of their true intentions.
Unable to do much else without making it obvious, he wandered over to watch her bake.
Dick looked the NightMare outfit up and down.
Ladybug sighed. “What?”
Maybe he could get some information on how her powers worked.
“Why is this outfit more intricate than your normal one?”
Ladybug rolled her eyes. “Because I was intending to make it look like a coincidence that I showed up here right after the Ladybug in Paris defeated Hawkmoth,” she said.
He knew she was lying. He didn’t know how he knew she was lying, maybe it was the cadence of her voice or the fact that she had a tendency to keep them as in the dark about her identity as possible, but she was definitely lying.
But he couldn’t prove it.
So he moved on.
She stumbled out of her portal and sent them all a tiny wave. “Salut.”
Dick’s eyes widened and he rushed forward to catch her in case she fell. She didn’t, but he still wrapped her arm around his shoulders to hold her upright. “Christ! What did they do to you?”
"Some sort of tranquilizer,” she mumbled, closing her eyes. “We need to warn the Waynes.”
He tensed and looked at his family, who were anxiously shifting from foot to foot.
“You’re not in any state to do that,” said Bruce, finally.
“I can open a portal.”
A wide smile stretched across his face. Aha! She’d admitted that she had to have been somewhere to open a portal. He had her now! “You’ve been to Wayne Manor?”
She opened an eye just enough to send him a glare. “No, but I’ve been outside it.”
His smile dropped. Damn. That’s a good point. The outside was a pretty popular tourist spot. He sighed.
“You need to get home,” said Tim. “I’ll make sure everyone turns around.”
Dick sent him a slight glare but let go of Ladybug and turned away. As much as he wanted to be right, the idea of watching her stumble into her room while half-awake in order to confirm this made him feel a little sick.
He could figure it out some other time, at least.
Jason dropped Ladybug onto the bed and they all scrambled around her.
Dick picked up a knife and started attempting to cut the suit around her wound and a curse slipped from his lips as it attempted to reform itself instantly.
After a few attempts, he reached for Ladybug’s earrings. He hadn’t even really been thinking about her identity, he’d just been frustrated about the apparent inability to help her.
Her hand shot up and grabbed his wrist before he could touch them. She tried to say something but couldn’t talk above the blood gurgling in her mouth.
He pulled his hand from her grip.
‘Fine, but when you die stupidly it’s not my fault,’ he thought.
He went back to attempting to tend to her wounds through her outfit.
Listen, just because he hadn’t done that didn’t mean that he didn’t still want to know.
He sent a text to Marinette. He’d check every once in a while to see if she responded, but if it took however long Ladybug was out then he would be right.
He stepped into the apartment and was stunned to see that Jason and Tim were already there.
But then he watched Marinette walk over. And she was probably injured, with how hard she was trying to hide her limp. And she clearly knew that he was onto her, otherwise why would she be trying to hide it?
“You’re walking a little weird, are you alright?” He said, a smug grin on his face.
But then Tim came to her rescue. He walked over and slung an arm over her shoulders protectively. “Maybe if you weren’t watching her walk she wouldn’t be overthinking it so much.”
Damn it. He hated it when Tim had a point.
Whatever. At least he’d thought of a plan B. He watched as Marinette’s eyes fell on Robin. She’d never met the vigilante before, so there was no reason why they shouldn’t get along.
And then she was nice to him.
He wanted to kick a wall. Was he actually wrong or was she just aware of what he was doing?
She pulled a bottle of wine from her cupboard. “You guys can all have this, right?”
There, a perfectly acceptable way to be petty. He snatched the drink from her hands. “It doesn’t matter because you can’t drink!”
Marinette raised her eyebrows. “It’s legal in my country.”
“But not in ours! Where you are currently staying! How did you even get your hands on this?”
She shrugged innocently.  “You’re more uptight than my actual mom.”
He scoffed. Rude!
So rude, in fact, that he didn’t realize that she had changed the subject until there was no natural way to come back to it.
He stared at the wine in his hands.
Screw it.
Dick glanced at his phone as he received a text.
His eyes lit up at the username. Marinette! Aha! He had her now! It had only been a day since Ladybug was released, surely this was proof --!
Definitelyforgottosleep: lemme in
He frowned. All thoughts of Ladybug were pushed out of his mind at the two words. Was she okay? What had happened?
Chloe Bourgeois? Where had he heard that name before?
A frown found its way to his face as he tried to recall this. “I know you.”
“You do?”
He nodded slightly and scratched the back of his head. “Definitely... so where...?”
Marinette looked a little pale. “Don’t all rich people kind of know each other?”
Dick gave a small nod. “I guess...” He said despite being sure that wasn’t it.
She grabbed both of them by their sleeves. “C’moooon. It’s cold out, we can at least do this inside.”
Dick watched from a bit away, trying to fight back a grin as Marinette and Cass greeted each other.
“Hi,” Marinette squeaked.
Cass looked Marinette up and down. If anyone could crack this case in two seconds, it was her…
And she did.
“Are you a vigilante?”
He fought the urge to squeal. Yes! Yesyesyesyesyesyes --!
And then Jason appeared out of nowhere to tackle Marinette in a hug.
This couldn’t ruin his good mood, though. Nothing could.
“Cass thinks that Mari could be a vigilante,” said Dick with a cheeky look on his face.
Jason and Marinette tensed slightly and looked at each other.
Then, Cass gave a short laugh. “No, wait, I was wrong. Don’t worry about it, Dick.”
Ah. Nothing could ruin his good mood except for that.
His smile dropped instantly and he groaned. “Dang…”
Dick looked between Marinette and Tim with horror. Ladybug had confessed literally hours ago and here he was dating Marinette? What the heck? Sure, they were cute together, but that was just cold. Couldn’t he have waited a few days at least?
It didn’t even occur to him that maybe the whole ‘Ladybug confessing’ thing could be linked.
When he’d turned on his comm, he hadn’t expected anything much from it.
“The bug’s been bugged,” said Cass.
“She’s been what?”
“Bugged. Someone bad found out her identity and now she’s got a bug.”
There was a silence as this sunk in.
“Damn, Nightwing, didn’t know you cared so much,” said Tim, who sounded a bit on edge.
“Because everyone gets to know before you,” said Cass calmly. “You’re officially the last to know.”
He couldn’t believe he’d been betrayed like this, especially by his own family.
And so he questioned them.
Tim had apparently figured her out the second day and not said anything about it because ‘her identity clearly matters to her, she didn’t even know I knew it until a little while ago’. Damn him. Dick couldn’t even get mad at him for that.
And then Jason was next. He’d apparently found out when Marinette had gotten shot. He’d given the same reasoning as Tim, which was more than a little suspicious.
Bruce was next. He’d found out on the Wayne Manor cams and hadn’t said anything because he thought everyone already knew. Ouch.
Duke said that he had just found out when Marinette had touched her comm. He got a pass.
And then Cass said she’d found out the moment she’d met the girl. Dick had suspected that, considering the conversation they’d had on Thanksgiving, but then he’d questioned her on why she hadn’t told him and…
“Red Hood and Marinette didn’t want you to know, so.”
Dick was practicing breathing exercises. It didn’t work, though. “WHO IS SHE?!”
He had a strong suspicion he knew, considering Jason had kept the answer from him, but he wanted to hear it directly from someone.
Jason attempted to steer the conversation away: “Hey, so about that bug thing --.”
Whatever attempts to save his wallet he was about to make was ruined by Cass, who simply said: “Marinette.”
Let’s just say Jason was lucky that Dick was against murder.
He was not, however, against cursing him out for the entire family to hear.
When you have to read 44 chapters of your own fic to answer a prompt--
I probably missed some things, too. I put a lot of little things in
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strawberryspeachy · 3 years
S4e10 is the first time i want to actually rewatch an entire episode of handmaids tale.... ok wait second time - was it the new “ofglen” who blew up that important building with all the commanders inside and the handmaids outside - that ending was great
But omg
First off elizabeths moss’s acting!!! Ive gotten too used to that same dreadful look shes been making for the past couple seasons that... the wide range of facial expressions really surprised me and it just!! Wow
the suspence the whole episode. Nothing EVER goes right in this show. I knew what i wanted to see but i fully expected fred and serena to go free and happy. That back and forth feeling was super engaging
I loved that even though there was that tension between june and moira before, moira jumped right back to trying to fight and doing all the screaming and ranting for june - someones gotta do it and june was too mentally exausted
K like im still confused why everyone can go in and out of the waterford prison so easily and was like.... dooooo they want june to kill him?!?!? Why are you leaving her alone???
And i was so excited like yesssss shes gonna kill himmm - well first i thought she was gonna go to serena and kill her baby
But when she was walking around that room... like a cat pretending not to notice the mouse in the room - we just know june too well to think she wasnt at least planningggg something
Also fred is fucking DISGUSTINGGGGG as usual. Lying during his ... conference like WHY are you just gonna beleive this psycho at face value?!
Oh and serena thinking shes got all the power back.
Omg the two of them. I cant
And fred really being such a fucking disgusting person to think ANY part of june enjoyed his torture. She is so strong dude - i could never sit there not knowing if my plan will work and playing nice. I thought she was gonna break that glass and stab him
And like. Ok. Lukes not the worst but also - his whole - just get over it!!! Attitude.... even if she cant get him on the wall why are you reprimanding her and trying to pretend she can just get over that trauma with some food. Absolutr lack of empathy.
But june saying hes gonna be on the wall... i was so giddy!!
And i rewatched that smile she made when larence told her she hanst lost her touch- well she could barely contain her smile throughout that entire negotiation. And i loved watching larence put on a show like ‘ah we rlly miss waterford! My brother!!’
Gah and just. Also... i kinda thought june was gonna kill mark when she was outside his building. Men in this show. She went through 7 years of hell and you told her youd help and fucked her over and then throw an entire dramatic tempertantrum when she calmly sits on a bench near your house.... lol wow..i mean uncomfortable but have some prespective
And i wanna say the like demand straight to - oh im sorry. Didnt mean to he a cunt - i meant please? Act june did, its not overacting but knowing june it is so it was funny af
The suspence watching fred get ready to go.., i was literally chanting for the plane to be to gilead but it was so much better! Watchint him get arrested all shocked. “Im a man! I have rights” all the fucking ew... open the door back up and slap him
I just thought he was gonna get sent back and wed watch the commanders all hang him. But it to be lawrence - again with his ‘oh? Is there anything i can do to stop this? No? Ok bye fred!’
And i mean i knew we were in for a treat with nick taking him but i was NOT EXPECTING JUNE to just POP OUT of the trees!!! Fucking perfect. A literal horror movie just for fred
Also why did he keep calling nick son.... like... no one likes you???? Do you really think you can regain power just saying words like this???
And this is e first time i fucking LOVED seeing june in a red coattt and her faceeee like last episode when she turned from calm to screaming - it wad so good and so intense and such good acting and that heartbeat music got me
But hereeeee i cant even desribe the combination or rage and calmness pouring out. Not to be a weeb but thats the first time i think ive ever seen a live action representation of how i imagine anime cool characters to act
That power play of nick and june making out in front of fred loool - i dont care about the ships but that was perfect
“This is sick” - whats sick is how you never run out of things to do and say that make me feel sick...
I loved how june told him to choose - i feel like jt was a call back to his lawyer saying that she CHOSE to be a handmaid. Like theres not good option here
Does anyone think she actually would have shot him dead IF he did choose the gun - part of me wants an alterantive ending where he chose that just so i could watch june either tell him ‘no thats too easy’ or like shoot him in the foot so he cant even run right before being like
Oops i missed and chasing him down anyway
I hate horror movies but watching them all chase him down UGHHH IVE NEVER FELT SO MUCH GLEEE - k not never but ya know
OMG ALMOST FORGOT that sceneee with june and emily talking at the table about how june wants him to be scared to death. And fucking luke - with his judgements turning and looking. I feelll like.... emily helped june decide to do this. Because after getting to the end of the episode it seemed more like they were planning in plain sight in thay scene
I havent rewarched the show. So maybe im remembering incorrectly but it does feel like this fits because - wasnt emily kind of what inspired june to actively start rebelling when she drove the car around and ran one of the guards over
Anddddd the songggg from the 1st? Or 2nd??? Season. The ending right? I just remember that the last time we heard that song was when june first started a quiet resistance against gilead and all the handmaids were together in it. So it brought back those feelings of like ‘FINALLY its happening!!’ And it fit soooo perfectlyyy
When the girls first ran up to fred i thought they were gonna surround him and reinact that “shame” thing they used to be forced to do. I mean i guess they did without actually saying it cause they definitely killed him the way gilead forced the handmaids to kill people in the first season
And it was wonderful to watch! Thank you handmaids tale for making me feel like a psychotic sadist for enjoying that ENTIRE scene. I was giggling like i was watching a disney movie
Gonna ignore that part where june picks up the baby covered in blood - ew
I wanted to seeeeee serena get the finger - more so - i wanted to watch tha family come in and get her and be like - hey guess what your coming back to gilead!!! And see it end with serena as a fucking handmaid - GIVING BIRTH TO THE BABY BETWEEN (i forget the one who visited hers name) LEGS!
But fuck seeing fred on a wall with the “dont let the bastards grind you down” from the the very beginningggg - it felt sooo goodddd
And i just needed to squeal over this episode some more! I watched it hours ago. But i kinda wanna rewatch it rnn
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