#the kid is FUCKED when he starts bending again it's literally a mess
hella1975 · 2 years
hey you guys seem to like my atla wips and im currently ignoring my lecture notes on exponential and logarithmic functions so here's another one for you:
i have an au that surrounds an Object - currently it's a necklace bc i think the 'overpowered magical necklace' trope fucks astronomically - that has the power to enhance any bending by tenfold. it's the equivalent of comet-powered bending except you can have it All The Time bc it's a necklace. traditionally, it was handed down through the avatars just bc it's so powerful that in the wrong hands it could become very dangerous (👀) so obvs it goes to the peaceful symbol of balance. it's very draining and most benders can only use it once IN THEIR ENTIRE LIFE because that's how fucking overpowered this necklace is, so it's more of a keepsake that the avatars have. THIS IS WHY AZULON GETS OZAI TO MARRY URSA. her grandfather is roku and since aang wasn't on the scene, the necklace stayed in ursa's family and they were charged with protecting it. azulon then took the necklace for his own gain. he didn't actually use it for years bc it's one of those 'knowing you can only use it once actually just makes you hoard it and never use it at all' things but he became OBSESSED with it and ozai was nervous of confronting him for a very long time but he wants that necklace. eventually, when zuko is 11 (aka the canon timeline for this), ozai makes a deal with ursa. now when i say her family were charged with protecting the necklace, i mean it becomes their whole thing. ursa was raised to believe this necklace came before her own life and it's one of the reasons she stays with ozai, bc she refuses to stray from it. ozai says to her that if she kills azulon and takes the necklace, then ozai will let her hold onto it as long as she remembers that it's HIS. she agrees bc at that point she's just desperate to get it back and she's very worn down by ozai at this point also, so she does as she's told, but instead of going straight to ozai, she hesitates, and goes to zuko instead. she gives HIM the necklace, tells him she's sorry, tells him to run. he doesnt understand what's going on but ursa is a mess (she's pretty hysterical and not making sound decisions hence her going 'hey im gonna give the most powerful object in the world to my eleven-year-old child who very easily could have stayed out of this') and eventually zuko runs with the necklace. to buy him some time, ursa confronts ozai and says that she's destroyed the necklace and thrown the remains in the fire. ozai is enraged and kills ursa. zuko sees this all happen and realise just how much danger he's in, and leaves.
he's 11 with absolutely nothing to keep him alive aside a hastily packed dagger and some money that he immediately has to spend on buying clothes that aren't immediately recognisable as imperial fire nation clothing. he goes to the earth kingdom, hungry and desperate and scared, and notices a stall selling food. he goes to steal, but he meets another boy trying to steal at the same time and they almost get caught. the other boy is very much 'fuck you i was here first this is MY town i know all the hot digs when it comes to stealing' and zuko's like 'my brother in christ NO ONE ASKED'. they're the same age and they're both angry, and they HATE each other at first. the other boy can tell zuko is fire nation and tries to kill him, but zuko already has quite a bit of training under his belt so it's not a fair fight. they both leave bruised and with their tail between their legs, but it starts a rivalry because they both keep coming to the same food stall. in the end, an unlikely friendship starts when zuko extends an olive branch by stealing from the stall and giving half of what he stole to the boy. they're both way too hungry to refuse. there's a comradery to it. it's a VERY slow-to-build friendship bc the other boy is soooo against being friends with a fire nationer, but zuko is still just so scared and alone and he just lost EVERYTHING and watched his mother die at his father's hands, so he's stubborn with it and keeps persisting in his growly, abrasive way. in the end, the other boy caves, and they start to talk. zuko finds out his name is jet, and that he very recently just lost his family to firebenders (it's very brutal bc while i dont think jet NEEDS a tragic backstory to hate firebenders so much i also think he must have seen something really awful to make him as extreme as he is). zuko is honest with jet and tells him he got kicked out of the fire nation, that his dad was a dick and killed his mum, and jet is like 'oh you're a victim of the fire nation too'. it takes a little longer for zuko to reveal exactly who he is, and jet is naturally furious and betrayed. they fight (like PROPERLY) and dont speak for a long time bc jet actually kicks zuko out of town and zuko's like 'fair enough' and goes, but at that point they're already kinda reliant on each other bc they're literally CHILDREN who witnessed horrific trauma and have no one else in the entire world, so jet comes after zuko. in this au, jet isn't as much of a jerk and he would never hurt normal civilians, and that's zuko's influence on him and what he learnt from this firebender who's actually good, but on the other end of that, jet's influence on zuko in this au is that zuko is a lot more brutal and sarky. he's kind of a bitch actually <3. jet teaches him how to steal. zuko teaches him how to fight. they become SUPER fucking close and start the freedom fighters together. it's very much steddie parenting the kids in stranger things like they're literally like an old married couple together (bc jet and zuko's friendship is based around just pure insulting each other) and act very much as the Adults despite only being teenagers at this point.
by the time canon catches up with us and the gaang arrive, jet knows all about zuko, from his royalty to his bending to the necklace. he's sworn to protect him. now, in this au the gaang actually catch wind of this necklace, and monk gyatsu spent a lot of time teaching aang about it bc he was meant to be the next inheritor of it. aang is VERY aware of how powerful it is and almost everyone knows the story now of how the lost fire nation prince stole it from his grandfather in the night, killing his mother when she caught him, powerhungry and cruel. sokka and katara are both very much WE CANT LET THIS NECKLACE STAY IN THE HANDS OF SOME CRAZY FIRE NATION PRINCE WTF WE HAVE TO FIND HIM so that's actually part of their whole mission. cut to them meeting the freedom fighters. sokka and zuko IMMEDIATELY hit it off bc what is an atla wip without zukka, and sokka's actually having a whale of a time bc he's finally with guys his age and zuko teaches him swordfighting and jet isn't murderous in this so things are actually Good, but then one day when zukka are sparring, zuko's living it up in some slutty low cut top and sokka SEES THE NECKLACE (bc zuko never takes it off, this is relevant). now normally it wouldnt be a big deal but sokka's a genius AND very cynical AND already hunting this necklace down, so he starts questioning when zuko left home - bc he's clearly fire nation - and all that and realises the timeline is exactly right. there's a whole betrayal there and zukka argue AND THEN THE GAANG TAKE ZUKO PRISONER EXCEPT IT'S A REALLY ODD SITUATION BC THE FREEDOM FIGHTERS ARE READY TO GO TO WAR FOR HIM RN AND THE GAANG ARE READY FOR A FIGHT BUT ZUKO KNOWS THAT THE AVATAR IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE THE NECKLACE ANYWAY AND HE'S ALSO KNOWN FOR A LONG TIME THAT HE CANT RUN FROM THIS FOREVER, SO HE JUST STOPS EVERYONE FROM SCRAPPING LIKE 'IT'S OKAY I'LL GO'. so he's a prisoner but he's also?? willing?? basically everyone thinks he's a prisoner except zuko who knows he could leave at any time if he put his mind to it. jet is reluctant bc those two have the STRANGEST relationship like they are more than besties it's not romantic but it's very much 'we have silent conversations based purely on the twitch of your eye or a nod of your head we are telepathic at this point' and they've not been separated since they were kids and had that fight, but it's for the good of the world so it happens.
so there we go! we get zuko travelling with the gaang from jet's episode onwards! except he's a 'prisoner' and zukka already have a pre-existing relationship before zuko became their prisoner so it's SUPER awkward for them and also because zuko has worn this necklace non-stop for five years his bending is now FUCKED (rainbow fire but also zuko is insanely powerful with very poor control) and it's just a whole canon rewrite on all that basis /\/\ it's so fun <3
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l0v3tast3 · 11 months
Older!pervy!boyfriend!price was sooo vfhdhshsg. I loved it.
But he would probably 100% get you pregnant. And whisk you awy from your parents.
god DAMN you anons are gonna kill me you just keep coming up with better and better ideas (☆ω☆) also uwu thank you anon im glad you liked it :3 <<333
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obviously, you can't blame the man for wanting kids. plenty of people do, plenty of people don't, and there's nothing wrong with either. so when he watches you coo at a baby that you pass by while out walking together, you shouldn't be surprised that as soon as you're back home john is pressing your legs into your chest to dig his cock that much deeper into you.
he's like a man possessed; you'll end up a babbling mess, weakly pushing at his chest and scratching at his arms, trying desperately to form the words to ask him for a break. john bends down to kiss your drool-covered lips and wipe away the tears of overstimulation from your cheeks. he murmurs soothingly that you're doing so good, that you'll look so beautiful with his baby, that he'll take such good care of everything, such good care of you.
john's hips slow their assault on yours and melt into a near-hypnotizing rock back and forth as a way of giving you a break. "already so gorgeous, how am i gonna handle you carrying my child, hm? y'think you're already pregnant, darling? mm, i know you're tired, i know sweetheart, we just gotta make sure. jus' one more, promise, bein' such a good girl f'me."
of course it's not "just one more". never mind the fact that he's in his late thirties and most men his age would have probably pulled several muscles by now. never mind the fact that he's cumming in you, buried as deep as he possibly can be inside you for the fourth time that night. none of that matters because the image of your belly round and your tits swollen and heavy with milk, you asking him for help because they're just so sore makes him feel drunk.
and sure enough, a couple weeks later when your period is late, the pregnancy test you take with a shaking leg comes up positive. john nearly cries from happiness when you tell him; he's over the moon, pretty much worshipping you, raining kisses all over your face and neck and hugging you and promising you everything you'd ever want and need. your parents don't take it nearly as well, so you end up moving in with him, to his even greater delight (he's already setting up the nursery by the time you manage to get all your stuff out of your old room).
john damn near makes the call to take a leave of absence before you even take the test, no doubt about it. he makes good on his promises and gets you everything you even mention you're thinking about (sometimes you think he's psychic because he'll get stuff you like before you even say anything about it). you'll never have to lift a finger. he claims it's so you don't hurt the baby, but he's literally taking plates out of your hands to put back in the cupboards when you're still in your first trimester.
when you start showing, john just goes fucking crazy. of course he restrains himself, but thank god your hormones are making you more horny too because the physical proof of you growing his child, your belly swelling and your breasts steadily growing heavier makes him feel like a teenager discovering porn again, constantly fucking horny for you.
tl;dr, john price will breed you literally as soon as you even give a hint of wanting/liking kids
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
Helluva Boss is Hella Sexist To Both Men and Women - Part 2
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In my last post about HB, I was discussing how the main female characters of HB get shunted to the sidelines/used as a vehicle for the men's character development. And its about time we started talking about the male characters as well. Cos despite how female characters being mistreated is the more pressing issues (cos female characters always have trouble being written properly for hundreds of years because the writers were incels or misogynistic women) male characters have their own stereotypes or objectification that writers fall into. Especially in regards to mlm relationships (OH, WE'LL FUCKING GET TO THAT)
But for now, lets talk about the main guys in HB:
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I might as well go into full character analysis here cos Blitz is ultimately the protagonist of the show. Blitz is a interesting character by concept. A foul-mouthed demon with a literal devil-may-care attitude, completely unprofessional, loves his job as an assassin but also craves love and intimacy with others but struggles to due to a history of failed relationships in the past so he hides behind a mask. Hes an absolute mess of a character and I love that. Blitz is not only a good vessel for comedy but drama as well as his self-sabotaging of his relationships with his friends/co-workers can be a great character arc of him learning to trust others again and start to love himself...
HOWEVER Vivziepop just LOVES throwing angst upon angst onto this guy cos it seems that every past relationship he's had from an ex-girlfriend Verosika to his former partner/childhood friend Fizzarolli to even HIS OWN SISTER ends bitterly and it seems no one from Blitz's past even likes him or is on some amiable ground. Verosika is portrayed like an antagonistic ex, Fizzarolli condescends and humiliates him and from what we see of Barbie's view from that animatic, she comments on how he fucked up her life. So we have two women who are scorned at him (one for justifiable reasons since Blitz was an inconsiderate jerk and the other for reasons we dont know yet) and a guy who broke ties with him to be his rival. And its not like Blitz isnt remorseful because whenever Verosika talks about their relationship, you can see the look of regret on Blitz's face and he was shown to be scared whenever he encounters Fizz, like a kid scared of a bully.
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Even Blitz's relationship with his adoptive daughter is fucked up, Loona constantly abuses her father when hes done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to warrant it outside of him being protective at a few moments or babying her (and by babying her I mean calling her Loonypoo or showering her with gifts and hugs). Aka what a typical parent is like. And yet he constantly bends over backwards for her and Loona hasn't even learned her lesson to stop being a bitch cos apparently the writers think women hitting men is funny. There are a few moments of them getting along, but its only for comedy. I would say the only good relationships Blitz has is with Millie and Moxxie. But even that's pushing it cos Blitz barely interacts with Millie in any meaningful way outside of co-worker banter and with Moxxie, the only meaningful scenes they share is in the Truth Seekers episode or that little scene in Seeing Stars.
Ultimately Blitz' relationships with others is why he's such a fucked up mess of a person to begin with. While he has a more stable relationship with his current friends/co-workers, the people of his past keep coming back into his life to mess with him and while he clearly regrets how he treated some, like Verosika, others like Fizz, are okay with hurting him for the evulz and thus set them up to be villainous foils. With all this baggage plus his traumatic childhood regarding his father and presumably dead mother, Blitz sounds like a great character to explore, especially with two characters who both have history with Blitz in different ways. And they barely show up.
You see, Verosika and Fizz ONLY appear in a couple episodes. Fizz appears properly (not his robot double) in the season 1 FINALE and his past with Blitzo is only expanded upon in season 2 premiere whereas Verosika had her own episode in season 1 earlier and her only other significant appearance is in the finale. Apart from that, we only get snippets of info about their relationships from Blitzo's viewpoint. WE HAVENT EVEN SEEN A FLASHBACK WITH BLITZ' BREAK UP WITH FIZZ OR VEROSIKA.
And then we come to his relationship with Stolas...and its fucking awful. That image at the top of this post? Thats what Blitz thinks of Stolas. Doesn't look like a wholesome relationship, does it? I can talk about Stolitz enough to fill a bible but to summarise: Blitz' relationship with Stolas is incredibly fucked up and whats worst, its shown so far to be one-sided. What started as a transactional sex relationship in order for Blitz to use Stolas' grimoire to enter the human world to do his job. (the ONLY METHOD HE HAS, mind you) And from what we see of Blitz' view of this relationship, he's tolerant of him at best to annoyed and angry at worst. The one scene at the end of the season 1 finale cements this when Stolas wants to comfort Blitz after the scene at Ozzies and Blitz refused to have sex with Stolas cos hes deeply hurt and embarassed after everything thats happened that night.
(btw love this video is titled Blitzo hurts stolas feelings. Like the scene of Blitz being publicly humiliated by both his ex and his rival didnt happen not 1 minute ago with Stolas just standing there not even saying anything so Blitz is clearly hurt by that but nooooo sad gay owl uwu)
Throughout the first season, Blitz treats Stolas like an abhorrent admirer with how Stolas constantly coddles or flirts with him to the nth degree and the argument shown above thats supposed to be the climax of this relationship's problems isnt even RESOLVED when the second season rolls around, the show just treats Blitzo like a tsundere slowly becoming more chill with someone whom he's force-shipped with. The writers really REALLY want you to root for Blitz to be with Stolas yet Blitz has been nothing but uncomfortable or annoyed in his presence. Look at Blitz' face on these photos on Stolas' phone. He looks bored as fuck. oH buT ItS OKAy cos BLitzo hAS a PHOTo of HIm slightly smiling AFter the two had secks so its all good.
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That's not the gotcha card you think, guys. Still doesnt excuse how fucked up the relationship is
The main problem I have with Blitzo is that Vivziepop LOVES to torture this imp for drama with scorned lovers, estranged siblings, an abusive father, a presumably dead mother, an ex-best friend who's now his bully, a one-sided relationship with a powerful prince thats built on coercion and pity sex. And yet the show flits back on forth on making him this lol screw you memelord who doesnt give a fuck to a tragic, broken man who doesnt know how to love anyone and himself anymore and the show doesnt dwell hard enough into the latter. I want Blitz to get therapy already or have him actually learn from his mistakes and the show doesnt punish him for it or treat his abuse like a joke. Ive got nothing wrong with a protagonist who's an asshole but dumping all this trauma and angst onto this character who's already got issues to deal with in his current life (like stalking, his lack of respect for boundaries, saying the r slur or making fatphobic jokes) is just depressing.
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Moxxie is by far my fave character for how level-headed and kind he is but cos the writers are so indulgent with their tropes, they've flanderised him into a soft boi malewife, infantilising him to the point he literally cant do anything without his wife picking up the slack.
My three main problems with him are: his status as a butt-monkey, his lack of agency and his co-dependency on Millie.
To start with: he's the most morally upright imp on the team so its only natural he would be the butt monkey of the team, but despite how Blitz respects him enough as an assassin, Moxxie is still ridiculed, assaulted and attacked by Blitz, Loona, Verosika, practically everyone except his wife. And while having a butt monkey for comedy is fine, the show goes out of its way to mock Moxxie for things that are so nonsensical it feels more like degradation than snarky banter. For some reason, theres a running gag where Loona and Blitz mock how fat Moxxie is...Look at him! He's thin as a pencil! WHO THE FUCK CONSIDERS THAT FAT?! And whats worse, Moxxie has internalised this by saying to Loona in the most recent episode that he lost weight, to which Loona looks up at him and ignores him. Why is this a running gag? What is the reason? It feels so cruel and pointless.
Secondly, his lack of agency. Despite Moxxie being the most intelligent of the team and his name LITERALLY MEANS "fighting spirit." he's still delegated to a damsel in distress or be given the idiot ball so other characters can have more spotlight. In the Spring Broken episode, while Blitz is distracted with Loona and Verosika, Millie and Moxxie put up the slack and carry on the mission, but Moxxie accidentally gets drunk and spends the rest of the episode being an inebriated doofus. Little moments like this are funny but there was and entire subplot in Seeing Stars where Moxxie gets roped into buying demo CDs and merchandise from every hack artist he bumps into in Hollywood and its up to Millie to take charge.
In the Exes and O's episode where we finally meet Moxxie's father and the uncomfortable reunion plus Moxxie's traumatic childhood flashback perfectly builds up to a scene where he stands up to Crimson for forcing him into marrying a dickhead shark and yet Moxxie gets struck down in one shot and wakes up being tied up at the altar. So the one chance Moxxie gets to take down his monstrous father is completely negated. Thats fucking weak.
Isnt Moxxie supposed to be a professional assassin? Have him do more badass stuff. Let him take control of a mission or a rescue. Have another scene like the Harvest Moon festival where he intimidates a villain with a DEMON-KILLING GUN. Or that scene where Blitzo and Moxxie take down a bunch of human agents in Truth Seekers. He has incredibly knowledge of weaponry and technology which are excellent skills for an assassin to have, so USE THEM. Where's this Moxxie?
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This issue also ties into his relationship with his wife Millie. Even though M&M have the most stable wholesome relationship in the whole show, half the time it feels like Millie is doing the most physical work out of their relationship. Whenever Moxxie is in trouble, kidnapped, put in danger or held hostage, Millie always bursts in to save the day and that would be fine except it makes Moxxie look like some baby who cant even tie his bow without Millie there. That whole wedding crash scene in Exes and O's was all set up so Millie can burst in doing cool badass fighting and save her husband. Why couldnt Crimson lock up Millie and Blitzo too? Well, we wont be able to have our cool Millie fight scene where she murders a bunch of thugs and do a Shrek reference. It feels imbalanced calling these two a "power couple" where only ONE of them is powerful and the other is just the emotional support noodle boy. And its even worse how Millie so far hasn't been in a situation where she needs support from her husband so we dont see that much of Moxxie being a good husband outside of cute couple banter.
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Basically less this and more of this
Lastly, it seems he gets hit with the angst stick too, cos the most recent episode was about his traumatic childhood with his abusive mob boss father and it turns out he isnt even dealt with or killed by Moxxie, the imps just rescue Moxxie and fuck off so Crimson can continue to be more of a problem. Yeah, that's exactly what this show needed. More traumatised men having their abuse being completely glossed over/treated as a joke so we can have our precious status quo. Except the rich white guy, he gets his happy ending.
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Oh god, its time we talked about this fucker.
My issue with Stolas mostly stems from two things: his treatment of the people he's supposed to care about like Blitz or Octavia and his flanderisation from a clingy rich asshole from the pilot who is in a transactional sexual relationship with a low class imp to a precious soft uwu nice guy who tries WEALLY HARWD
Vivzie clearly likes Stolas and she's been pushing for him to be a main character since the beginning, but the problem was Vivzie wants Stolas to be a well-intentioned person WHILST being a barely trying father to his teenager daughter and still being in a borderline SA relationship with a commoner.
Now I like the idea of Stolas being a complex character, theres nothing wrong with a flawed but sympathetic character (which Vivziepop is clearly trying to do). Stolas has made mistakes, he's neglected his daughter, cheated on his wife and put the only person he claims to love in his life in a transactional sexual relationship with a commoner imp, whilst treating other imps with apathy or disdain. These are all great things to unpack with Stolas, giving him the reality check he desperately needs (lets not forget he's a privleged prince of Hell and hes always been rather ignorant) so he can improve and be a better person, not just for himself, but to his daughter and to Blitz, whom he's grown to care about beyond sexual attraction.
BUT NOPE! Lets give Stolas a tragic backstory in the season 2 opener (JUST AFTER THE PREVIOUS EP TALKING ABOUT HOW STOLAS CLEARLY REALISING BLITZ DOESNT RECIPROCATE HIS FEELINGS AND THAT STOLAS MISINTERPRETED THEIR RELATIONSHIP). Lets give him an unhappy childhood, a father who doesnt care about him (yes Vivzie slap on another abusive dad to your characters as a shortcut for the audience to sympathise with them, that'll work), an unhappy marriage to an abusive woman, his relationship of Blitz is now established as a childhood friends trope (although I use the term VERY loosely as the two aren't even friends for more than a day) and instead lets depict Stolas' affair from a messy, complicated dilemma Stolas has to deal with the consequences to a triumphant act of defiance over an abusive wife. And dont get me wrong, Im totally fine with Stolas divorcing Stella, it was clear their marriage even in Stella's first appearance wasnt happy. BUT considering how that whole Circus episode was used to make the audience sympathise with Stolas EVEN MORE than the show was already doing, its overcompensating at this point.
When a show is shoving so many sad tragic scenarios into a character's backstory so the audience can buy merch feel sorry for him, thats a sign the character himself isn't very well written.
Lets also talk about Octavia, his teenager daughter who's bared witnessed to her parents declining marriage careening into divorce and while this is happening, we see Stolas making bare minimum attempts to fix his relationship with her. In Loo Land, we see Stolas taking her to a park she's clearly not interested in going to cos he's too stupid to ask about his daughter's interests and spends half the episode flirting with Blitz. After a talk with Octavia and comforts her afterwards, taking her out of the park and suggests they do something she enjoys. Now, I loved that. It really showed how Stolas can put his horniness aside to help his daughter. BUT in the next episode about them, Stolas dismisses Octavia AGAIN cos hes too focused on arguing with his ex-wife, causing Octavia to run away to the human realm. And sure Stolas is worried sick once he finds out Octavia's gone but when we get into the human realm and both him and Blitz get shoved into a sitcom studio, STOLAS JUST GOES ALONG WITH THIS WHOLE SITCOM SUBPLOT AND AGAIN FLIRTS WITH BLITZ LIKE THE PREVIOUS EPISODE OF THEM INTERACTING DIDNT HAPPEN.
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With how anxious Stolas was acting throughout the first act of the episode, you would think that he wouldnt have time to deal with Blitz' sitcom shit and spend the day but NO FOR SOME REASON LOONA'S THE ONLY ONE WHO IS ACTIVELY SEARCHING FOR OCTAVIA. OCTAVIA'S OWN FUCKING FATHER IS TOO INCOMPETENT TO SEARCH FOR HER HIMSELF ALL BECAUSE OF SOME WACKY COMEDIC MISUNDERSTANDING WITH BLITZ. Oh sure, your teenage daughter's missing in the human realm but nah l'll just carry on simping for my imp bf cos HEY AT SHE'S NOT IN DANGER.
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Loo Land: Stolas wants to spend a day with Octavia but ends up distracted with Blitz and learns to pay attention to his daughter and support her.
Seeing Stars: Octavia wants to spend a day with her father but Stolas dismisses her because he'd distracted with arguing with his ex-wife, causing Octavia to run off to the human realm, Stolas goes there but spends half the episode watching Blitz in a live sitcom instead of finding his daughter and yet is forgiven for being a neglectful dad.
But its okay cos Stolas and Octavia have a big hug at the end (they dont even get a chance to talk about the divorce btw since this is the first episode featuring Stolas and his family after the divorce) and despite how hurt and neglected Octavia felt by her dad, she's like "ah its no big deal the furry here told me dads fuck up but they mean well so im good now". So Stolas makes the bare minimum amount of parenting and he's forgiven for it cos he TWIES. Not trying hard enough, just trying at all. "Cos hey, at least its better than nothing!"
Vivzie, this plus the amount of abusive fathers youve already got in this show, I think you have daddy issues. You might wanna get that checked out.
So, much like with its female characters: Helluva Boss has serious problems with how it portrays men. The man with shitloads of emotional trauma and abuse is glossed over/never resolved for the sake of drama and protecting the status quo. (Blitz, Moxxie) The soft-spoken male being infantilised to the point he cant even fight his way of a paper bag with his badass hypercompetent wife to help him (Moxxie), the father who does the bare minimum amount of effort for his daughter and is forgiven for it because HE MEANS WELL (Stolas), the utterly RANCID fetishisation of mlm relationships with the endgame couple going from a toxic sexual manipulation/transactional relationship into a forbidden lovers romance (Stolitz) and the rest of the men in the show are either sex-obsessed (Chaz, Fizzarolli) or abusive (Paimon, Blitz' dad, Crimson) cos MEN AMIRIGHT?
Yeah there are a lot of perverts, coomers and abusive dads irl. Im not saying Helluva Boss isnt accurate to that fact. But these are negative stereotypes about men that shouldnt be shoved in our faces all the time. I think the only recurring male demon character so far who ISNT a chauvinistic dick, cruel or abusive is Wally Wackford. I know people pull the "oh theyre from Hell, of course they're jerks" to excuse all of this but thats fine when theyre characters youre not supposed to sympathise with like Crimson or Blitz' dad but its another thing when your supposed to sympathise with characters like Stolas but they're fucking horrible and yet the show constantly treats them like precious babus who did nothing wrong, while the characters who ARE legit sympathetic (Moxxie, Blitz) are dumped pain after pain onto them cos that makes good dramatic scenes for Youtube, not a story.
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/lolotheparagon/712718858369286144/helluva-boss-is-hella-sexist-to-both-men-and-women
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eyelessfaces · 2 years
llewyn davis x reader
summary: llewyn's hair is a mess, but you offer him some help with that.
warnings: sexual innuendos/allusions to smut, language (they swear quite a lot), a bit of angst because I can't help it
tags: gn!reader, established relationship, fluff, domestic shit with llewyn <33
word count: 2k
a/n: hi. I am in love with oscar's/llewyn's hair so it was only natural for me to write this........ the intimate idea of me cutting his hair does things to me so yeah. (I may be insane)
gif is not mine, I just edited it to cut out the text. original gif is by @isaachastain
also wanted to point out that his hair looks delicious in that gif
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When you heard the sound of your buzzer, you only wished for it to be him.
That clearly wasn’t the case for your Greenwich Village friends that had to endure his presence in turns, and you knew how Llewyn could get so you understood, but you were more than happy to see him at your door. When he wanted to show up.
Llewyn somehow felt embarrassed to stay over more than three days in a row; you often offered him to stay longer but he still insisted on rotating between places. 
And you were confused about it.
Why would he decline the offer to stay with you when he could sleep in your arms, and in a nice bed? 
You didn’t know that but it was simply because he was afraid you would think he only got with you or even just in your pants to have a place to sleep at. He was afraid you would grow tired of him if he stayed for so long, and he didn’t want to bother you.
Your relationship was still fresh; you had been friends for long before you started dating and you were somehow scared that the reason he didn’t want to stay at your place was because he didn’t like you as his partner, when it was just the whole opposite.
So you had mixed feelings when you heard his voice over the intercom.
You were happy he would finally pay you a visit but you were also angry because the last one was a long time ago.
You opened almost immediately when you heard the knocks on your door.
“Hey” he says before leaning forward to quickly kiss your cheek. “Just passing by to say hello, I know it’s been long” he declares walking around you to enter your living room. “I might need to leave some of my stuff here too.” 
“‘Just passing by?’” you ask, closing the door. “You gotta be kidding me. I haven’t seen you in almost two weeks! You’re staying here tonight, no questions asked.” you affirm, arms crossed as you follow him closely.
“Well I’m probably sleeping at the Gorfeins since I’m having dinner with them tonight.” he says, bending to put his guitar case down. When he turns back to you and sees your disappointed face, he can’t help but sigh, defeated. “Well what the fuck okay I guess!” he exclaims extending his arms out. “Come with me at dinner and I’ll sleep here with you” he sighs.
“No need to make it seem like it’s a fucking chore” you throw looking him up and down, kinda feeling hurt at his response.
He sighs again before lowering and shaking his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Baby you know it’s not-”
“Your hair is getting extra long, you know that?” you point out abruptly, noticing the length of his curls that were getting out of hand.
He looks back at you, confused at the sudden change of topic.
“Yeah well do you know how expensive hairdressers are?” he asks rhetorically.
“Who said you needed a hairdresser? I’m literally right here” you chuckle, frowning.
“You’d do that for me? You’d cut my hair?” he asks, raising an eyebrow while you tilt your head, looking at him sternly.
“No. Gather enough gigs to pay for a fresh cut.” you joke abruptly. “Of course I’d do that for you are you stupid?” you ask rhetorically, shifting closer to him to run a hand through his messy curls. “I’ve given you head before I don’t see why I would be offended at the thought of cutting your hair Llewyn.”
He snorts and smiles at you before wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you close and kiss your cheek multiple times.
“Awesome. Thank you angel” he mumbles against your skin, peppering some more kisses.
“Yeah yeah well go take a shower and wash that nest while I prepare everything” you say tugging on one of the curls falling to the side of his face. “I have clean clothes from the last time you came over”
Llewyn comes back to your living room, all cleaned and hair wet, and you gesture for him to join you in the kitchen. A chair is placed in the middle of it and he hands you his towel before sitting down.
“Fuck I feel like I’m getting sentenced please don’t ruin my hair or I’ll have to break up with you” he jokes looking up at you with dramatic pleading eyes.
You chuckle before putting a hand to his cheek and brushing along his beard.
“Trust me and nothing bad will happen to you Davis” you assure him before putting yourself behind him. “And it’s hair, it grows back, no need to be so damn dramatic”
“I have an aesthetic heritage to maintain.” he declares almost too seriously for it to be sarcasm.
You laugh out loud and ruffle his hair with the towel, making his curls even wilder. You put the towel around his shoulders and reach to your pot of utensils and his gaze closely follows each one of your movements.
You grab your kitchen scissors and start pinching strands of hair between your fingers, trimming the curls. Not too short but short enough so you won’t have to do it again that soon.
“You know what the worst part of this is? You being behind me. What’s the point in you taking care of me if I can’t even see you?” he rambles, making you gasp when he turns his head to look at you.
“Llewyn you can’t do that, you can’t turn your head if I’m cutting your hair at the same time!” you hiss, putting the scissors down on the counter. “And if you want a mirror to make sure I’m not fucking this up just say it loud and clear for fuck’s sake”
He sighs and gets up from the chair, making the stray strands of hair fall from his shoulders onto the floor.
“I really just wanna see you” he sighs, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You roll your eyes. “Are you fucking kidding me” you mumble under your breath.
“I’m not. Do you know how great that mirror is?” he asks rhetorically, pointing at the full length mirror in your living room. “It’s fucking amazing.” he declares sarcastically nodding vividly, taking the back of the chair under his arm.
You sigh before laughing, not being able to hold it in despite your efforts. You grab the towel and the pair of scissors and move to the living room.
Llewyn puts the chair down in front of the mirror before sitting down, slyly smiling at you through the mirror. You shake your head in fake despair and go back to cutting his hair, and he finally gets what he wanted; your deeply focused look as you carefully cut his damp curls, the way your fingers curl around his defined locks to put them back in place once you’re done with an area, the way you cup his face to hold him in place.
Llewyn somehow couldn’t explain it but he was so enamored with you. He wasn’t really one of those hopeless romantics; but you, you just had him wrapped around your finger, even if he wasn’t the kind to bend. He hated that feeling sometimes, but the simple things such as you just cutting his hair made him fall even more for you.
“What did I do to deserve you” he mumbles loud enough for you to hear, staring at your figure in the mirror.
You glance back at him through the mirror for a second, and focus back on his curls, doing your best to not let that stupid smile slip out.
“Sang well” you simply let out what is just the truth. What first caught your attention on Llewyn was his voice. And you couldn’t get tired of it, ever. “Be careful, you’re showing emotions” you notify him, lightly running your fingers through his hair and scraping his scalp.
“Yeah well thank god I do because how the hell would you know that I’m in love with you otherwise” he casually blurts out frowning.
Your heart flinches at his words; you knew Llewyn loved you. He had already told you plenty of times. But this out-of-nowhere?
He usually told you when it felt appropriate and logical. After you kissed, after you made love, after he got off stage. It would seem rather rare to couples that told each other every hour of every day on every occasion; but he did it whenever it felt like the right time.
“Yeah how the hell would I know since you don’t want to stay with me more than three days in a row” you say, raising your eyebrows, blame poisoning your voice. You wanted to figure this out, even if you had to break the mood.
Llewyn frowns and does his best not to move and turn to you as you’re working on the back of his head.
“Three days is already a lot for a couch crasher” he affirms, doing his best to read the expression on your face through the mirror. “I take some space in your bed and I don’t wanna bother you longer”
You get away from his hair and stand up straight.
“Llewyn, I’m your damn partner, I don’t give a fuck.” you sigh, putting the scissors down on the closest surface. “The more time I spend with you the happier I am. I don’t see why you would struggle to beg half the city to let you sleep on their couch when you could just be here with me” you say crossing your arms, piercing into his gaze through the reflection. “Unless you get tired of me after three days in a row, which I can understand but tell me at least”
“What? No!” he exclaims, turning to you. “Baby of course it’s not about you it’s just-” he pauses before mumbling curse words under his breath. He lets out a sigh before speaking again. “It’s just that I don’t want you to think I’m just here for sex and for a bed to sleep in. It’s just that” he affirms as the corner of his eyebrows angle up. “I don’t want you to think I got in your pants for practical reasons. That’s fucked up”
“Aw Llewyn” you coo, surprised. “Why would I even think that?” you ask him, cupping his jaw and lightly stroking his beard with your thumb.
“I don’t know. I’ve had trouble trusting people for a long time you know” he says shrugging. “And I don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of what you have”
You smile and roll your eyes.
“Come on” you chuckle as your hand leaves his face and you walk around to face him. “Lemme see how it looks but I think I’m done with your hair.” you say as you grab the towel from his shoulder and gently ruffle his hair with it to make the cut strands of hair fall and to make sure everything is cut correctly. You toss the towel to the side and admire Llewyn’s face adoringly. “Looks all good to me” you affirm with a smile, and Llewyn smiles back at you.
“Thank you dove” he mutters as he pulls you closer by your hips before burying his face against your belly, leaving kisses here.
You close your eyes and smile, combing your fingers through his almost dry hair, appreciating the feeling of his mouth against your clothed skin. 
You could stay here like this for hours but Llewyn seemed to have other plans.
“We should go to bed now” he growls as his hands slide under your shirt, making you gasp at the sudden cold feeling. 
“We need to clean all your hair on the floor” 
“No” he hums. “We can do that later” he says squeezing on your hips lightly, face still buried against you. “You took care of me, time for me to take care of you”
And hell, you liked having him in your bed more than three days in a row.
inside llewyn davis taglist: @apollo-enthusiast @scarabgrant @lockleysgrl @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @missmarmaladeth
reblogs and feedback are appreciated!!
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some-movies-ive-seen · 3 months
Avatar The Last AirBender (the Netflix | Nickelodeon series)
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Episode 1: 3/10
Episode 2: 4/10 (Kyoshi brought it up)
I don't really want to even watch further. Let's start off with the good.
I love the music and sounds. Brilliant.
Some actors are very good and their act is believable to the point it makes me forget I'm watching a TV show.
Honestly most of the time there's CG I don't even notice it.
the makeup, the sets, the costumes, wow. wowowoww. wowweeee. I love it.
The bad:
Very very very few actors know what they're doing.
It's a known problem that child actors are just terrible - not because children can't be great actors (c.f., Heidi, literally everyone in Matilda (ily Danny Davito)), but sometimes the show has a director that cannot for the life of them work with children (e.g., Stranger Things, and this ATLA series). Aang, for example, delivers a performance which is painful to watch. I'm not hating on the child, again, the direction is just completely missing. There's a scene where they have Katara just light-jog to Aang, then pivot slightly to Sokka. For what. It's so stiff and awkward and her expression is completely void of life (this happens a lot, her eyes are frozen, and only the rest of her face conveys expression). There are times when the laughter is obviously forced. There are times when dialogue delivered by the children are far too 'complex' for what a child would say. It's just so, it's not good. It feels like a show for kids. But I'm reminded that in the opening scenes a person was burned alive, so unless the kids these days are fine with that (deity knows I wasn't as a kid), I don’t know.
Most of the time it just doesn't seem believable. It feels like some friends and family got together and just shot some scenes on their iPhone to try and replicate the animated series. There are actions taken by characters which make no god damn sense. There are scenes where their facial expressions aren't human, because they're trying to mimic the animated characters (especially Sokka). I also get the vibe that they didn't rehearse lines, like at all. Aang messed up pronunciation TWICE in the first episode* (I'm pretty sure it was both in the first episode, he just mumbled over his words and they didn't think to re-shoot it or fuckin, I don’t know, do a little dub? like?).
There's no real explanation for bending??? Which ig wouldn't be necessary if you've watched the animated series. But like why can't the fire people just spew out a constant stream of fire, why must it be fireballs. Why does the earth bender boy need soooooo long to charge up his move? Why was Aang flying around the first time we saw him, but then he was free-falling reaching desperately for his stick later on (where did the stick even come from???)?
They resort to dark / dimly-lit scenes a little too frequently to make the CG easier / less noticeable. but it has the unintended effect of 'I can't see shit, babes'.
I think I'll watch more. I don’t know man it just feels like Netflix is hiring bottom of the fucking skill-barrel. Like I'm glad there's so many new people in the acting space, instead of recycling Marilyn Streep and, that guy, like they used to for the last few decades. But it comes at the cost of 'what the fuck are these people doing, do they want to be here?'. It's very Disney-girl-turns-pop-princess-because-daddy-knows-people. does that make sense.
I don’t know. Kyoshi just. compared to the others around her? Night and day. Night and fucking day, babes. Not even funny; her composure, her delivery, the tiny details, she just nails it for the most part. And then she's standing next to Aang who's just like omg when does this take end so I can go eat my fairy floss teehee.
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thequietmanno1 · 6 months
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 94, Replies Part 2
1) “OH WHAT THE FUCK HIS FACE”- Well, not all of it, but enough to say he’s not that ugly a dude after all, underneath all that. Got that Dave Baustra/Dwayne Johnstone look to his features.
2) “Oh jesus man you guys waited a whole day to remove the bodies and start investigating it? poor bastards, were left to rot in the open like that, I knew this society was rotten to the core #Stain was right”- Seeing as nobody actually died in this suppression incident, I’m not really sure what the body outlines are meant to indicate, especially since the only gunfire used in the fight was by Knuckles’ own hand.
3) “And I still want to see how that would’ve looked in an official hero report. “So I recruited a civilian fighting in an illegal ring and a non-licensed pro-hero in training also fighting in the same illegal ring to help me fight a villain. I also tried to pay them with law-enforcement funds but they refused””- I think Knuckles was working with the corrupt parts of the system long before he started working outside of it as a vigilante.
4) “Also completely bending the hero rules as he sees fit to protect elements that by intents and purposes were criminals and should’ve been arrested, but that’s too long so let us keep it at “cautious””- Knuckles sweeping this whole mess under the rug benefitted Him as much as it benefitted Mirko and Rappa, but it benefitted AFO in the end more. 5) “OH THANK THE FUCKING LORD THE BLACK BACKGROUND IS GONE THAT MEANS WE’RE OUT OF THE NIGHTMARE
TELL ME”- No news on the best Boi yet, but the good news is we won’t be dragged into any further flashbacks now… 6) “that super secret ultimate showdown that was so secret that apparently everybody in the police force is aware of for some reason, since a completely unrelated nobody like you is thinking about it
oh my fucking god man”- I’m gonna take a guess that The higher-ups were made aware of the fight by necessity in order to account for All Might’s weakened performance, and those law enforcement who had been experienced in the job for a while were able to find out the particulars through their own investigating around the office, based on “detective instinct’ something was up.. If that’s too much of a stretch, don’t worry, the massive plot hole he just opened got sealed with a bang. 7) “the dots that show that the super-villain from back then is too similar to the ones that showed up at naruhata, and the ones at the sky egg??
 Furuhashi: Well, we can’t have that! (kills him literally a few panels after he realises) Remember kids, competency kills!
NO, HE’S GONNA BE KILLED, ISN’T HE? THERE’S NO WAY THAT HE CAN JUST BRUSH THIS UNDER THE RUG, SOMEONE IS GONNA ICE HIM FOR SURE”-Well, it was a bit more of a fiery cover-up than a stone-cold cement shoes ending for him, but yep. Didn’t even make it to the chapter’s end. 9) “ITS HIM
HES GONNA FUCKING KILL TANUMA”- The Nomura everywhere system strikes again! 10) “SORRY DUDE, BUT YOU DON’T HAVE MUCH TIME
DEATH IS KNOCKING AT THE DOOR RIGHT NOW, AND THEY REALLY WANT TO HAVE A CHAT”- Tanuma’s chat with the reaper was short, but loud.
HE FOUND OUT THE TRUTH JUST FOR McBEE TO SHOW UP AND IMMEDIATELY KILL HIM TO KEEP THE TIMELINE STABLE”-Not the smoothest way to resolve plot inconsistencies, but certainly takes care of all the bumps in the road we’ve have had to deal with should Tanuma have lived. 12) “And out he goes, the say was saved once again thanks to McBee!”- When the Villain is the one saving the plot, you know something’s gone amis. 13) “Oh ho ho, I’m already liking where this is going. McBee is off his shits after that humiliating encounter with koichi, I can only hope this mean we’re about to see something magical happen
Now I’m excited to read what might come next, that’s for sure”- The chains of the past no longer restrain us, now the showdown of the next generation of vigilantes can commence! 14) “Which now, after properly finished and with all the information provided by it I can finally say:
why in the fuck was it even included here
Like, holy shit, I was already questioning how anything that could’ve come up in the flashback could benefit the plot in the present, since Koichi was not even involved in learning about what we saw it was a cop revisiting an old file, and then the chapter ends with McBee killing said cop and erasing all evidence
Net zero information gain for the story. Could’ve added those last five pages to a chapter as footnote and it would’ve been just as effective, perhaps even more effective. Like, no joke, what did we even learned there? And I don’t mean that Hoodie and Mirko fought before or that Rappa and Mirko helped a pro hero before going their separate ways, I mean, what information here was meaningful for understanding the Vigilantes manga itself.”- Given that the ending of the Manga was looming (which wasn’t announced to anybody until a few chapters away) I guess they wanted to show what Knuckles’ past connection to AFO was and how he got on his trail in the first place. That said, I do agree with the pacing issue, it felt like a filler arc that got added to pad out the runtime of an anime in-between adapting ongoing arcs of a manga. @thelreads
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angstama · 3 years
cigarettes | rindou.h
pairing:  rindou haitani x reader , mitsuya takashi x reader
genre: angst, fluff, romance
warnings: alcohol, smoking, cursing, suggestive, rejection!
✧. "hey, wanna smoke cigarettes together with me till the day we die?"
this is the alternate ending to mardy bum! where reader chooses executive rindou haitani instead of our dear mitsuya takashi :-)
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : cigarettes and feelings - the haunt
"for the love of god rin, you're so fucking slow!"
you gently tugged your cream coloured cardigan against your skin, pulling it close to shield you from the cooling air in the open as you excitedly roamed the streets of prague.
you were currently on the Europe leg of tour for your latest art series exhibition and finally had the day off to explore the little capital city with your lover and hopefully check off some of your bucket lists if rindou could only increase his pace just a little bit more.
you watched rindou roll his eyes, tapping the excess ash on his cigarette before stuffing his other hand into his pocket. "but you love it when i go slow and steady." he muses, a smug grin etched to the corner of his lips. your eyes widened, quickly looking around to see if anyone heard the suggestive comment that your boyfriend had made before shooting him a glare, "i swear rin, if you keep saying shit like this in public, i'll literally never let you fuck me again." you deadpanned.
rindou doesn't say anything but only slowly made his way towards where you've stopped to wait for him, eyes never leaving yours once. you raised your brows when he leans in to your ear, "i'd love to see you try darling." he whispers, voice husky from the lingering warm air of nicotine in his throat which only sent you squealing on the inside.
"whatever." you huffed, walking away to which rindou hastily grabs your wrist, stopping you from getting any further away from him. "cigarettes doesn't keep hands warm you know?" he says, intertwining your hands together before pulling you with him to visit the places you had in mind.
"man, i could sure do this everyday." you stretched your arms above your head and bending your body sideways before turning to face rindou and stealing the lighted cigarette in between his lips to place in yours. you allowed your lungs to inhale the ever so addictive nicotine into your system, mind slightly clouded which made the spectacular view of the cathedral in front of you even much more beautiful than it already was.
you were in awe. you've always wanted to come here and you remembered ever wanting to visit this very cathedral with your first love, mitsuya takashi. yet here you are right now with someone else who isn't him. someone else who held your hair back when you threw up from the excessive drinking in hopes to get rid of the aching feeling in your heart. someone else who would let you paint their body like a canvas when you were bored. someone else who would go on to make you forget that you've ever loved mitusya takashi.
the two of you sat in silence, both basking in the breathtaking view of the cathedral. it was peaceful and everything was perfect. the way the colours of red and orange skies blended together as the sun begins to set, the way your beloved cigarettes tasted almost sweet this very evening and the way rindou's warm hand was intertwined in yours, you never want this moment to end.
"hey," rindou whispered softly as you pried your gaze away from the view and to your man. "wanna smoke cigarettes together with me till the day we die?"
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3 y e a r s a g o
you carefully lowered the needle on your spinning vinyl, gently swaying to the tune as you started to prep yourself for your very own art exhibition that would be showcasing tonight.
it had been almost three months since you had last seen mitsuya takashi and during these three months, you had resorted to throwing yourself into paintings after paintings while rindou had stayed by your side, supporting you through every step of the way wether you’re high or not and you were absolutely grateful for that.
your heard that mitsuya takashi had gone on to continue excelling in the fashion industry and you were genuinely happy for him. though a part of you still wished that you were the one who helped him make it through.
“how do i look today tiger?” you gently rubbed your cat’s tummy, a soft smile tugging at the corner of your lips. you hear him meow a response as you unclipped the claw clip that held your hair together, letting your hair down on your shoulders.
your doorbell suddenly rang, catching you off guard. you weren’t expecting any visitors today you were sure of it. “rindou? is that you?” you called out, opening the doors only to be met with a pair of familiar lavender orbs staring back at you.
it was mitsuya takashi.
your breath hitched upon seeing the familiar face that you missed oh so very much. “ta-takashi? why are you here?” you stammered nervously when mitsuya leaned in closely towards you, causing you to stumble back slightly. “yours. i’ll always be yours if you want me to be.” mitsuya breathed. crashing his lips onto yours before you could say anything.
your eyes widened when rindou's face flashes at the back of your head which caused you to roughly pushed mitsuya away. "wh-what?" you stumbled back. oh how you've waited so long for the day that mitsuya would declare himself to be yours. you've dreamt of the day that mitsuya would finally kiss you with those pretty soft lips that often utter words of affirmation to you so why did you think of another man when he kisses you?
"you've got to be kidding me right?" your lips trembled, staring wide eyed at mitsuya who reached out to your arms. "i'm not y/n. i love you y/n. i've always did and i'm sorry it took this long for me to say it to you." he looked at you with pleading eyes.
this isn't right. it can't be.
"you're fucking kidding me takashi?" you laughed hysterically when you felt your legs give up, the cold tiles hitting your bare legs. "you can't do this takashi. you can't!" you ran your fingers through your hair frustratedly.
why does he always have the right to hurt you like this?
"you can't just disappear for months and then come knocking on my door saying that you love me! that's so fucking unfair!" mitsuya lowered his gaze, he knew he had messed up and was now paying for all the times he had broken your heart.
you loved mitsuya takashi you were sure of it, but you remembered that mitsuya takashi only loved you when you were sober while rindou haitani had willingly accompanied you through your highs and lows without you even begging for it. and so, you had unconsciously decided that you wanted rindou to stay in your life.
perhaps maybe it was your fight or flight instincts. no, scratch that, you have to look for rindou. you wanted to tell him that mitsuya takashi isn't that great of a kisser than you had imagined.
"i- i have to go." you stammered, anxiously getting up and dashing out of your apartment and leaving mitsuya behind. you have to see rindou.
and so, after running out of your own place with half your make up done and getting on a cab, you finally arrived at the haitani's penthouse. you knew this place at the back of your head, often spending your weekends spinning and dancing with rindou.
you impatiently knocked on the door when the electronic door finally unlocked, revealing the man you've been dying to see for almost half an hour who's now looking at you, mouth slightly gaped.
"darling? thought i said i'll pick you up at your place?"
you wiped the sweat of your forehead with your knuckles, letting out a small exhale before taking rindou's hand in yours and grabbing his neck to pull him towards you which allowed you to finally crash your lips into his.
it wasn't your first time kissing rindou. but kissing him now felt right and it completely knocked the air out of your lungs when you could taste the lingering taste of strawberries and cigarettes on his lips and you loved it. "what's going on darling?" rindou asks when you pull away to look at him with the biggest grin on your face. "i realised i only wanna smoke cigarettes with you." you breathed.
it was a weird analogy. but rindou knows. rindou knew that it was your way of saying the words of "i love you". smoking was more than just an addiction to you, it was your only constant since you were sixteen and you'd never give that up despite the health consequences for you were perfectly okay with dying earlier.
rindou only pulls you into his chest, a hand resting on your head when you hear him mumble, voice muffled. "i'd gladly smoke with you everyday."
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you felt the bustling street of prague slowly fade away in the background, leaving just the two of you and the enormous cathedral standing tall in front of you.
"w-what?" you stared at him, eyes wide and searching for any hint of joke or literally whatever that prompts an attempt to prank you in his eyes only to finally realise that he wasn't joking when he remained unfazed. "now?" you gasped.
rindou nods, "yeah. why not?" he squeezes your hand, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "unless you don't want to marry me?" he joked, raising a brow.
your brain finally fully processed what he had just said. rindou haitani wants to marry you. he wants to be yours till your last breath.
you shook your head frantically, "fuck rin- no! of course i want to marry you!"
"okay, then let's get married now." rindou stood up, dragging you along with him towards the cathedral that you love so very much where the two of you exchanged your vows that very day.
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taglist: @theresapancakes <3
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leedosbunnyboy · 3 years
Oh yasss so 1,28,32 a Lucas x male reader College au with frat boy, play boy, fuck boy Lucas who is STRAIGHT literally lives on the attention of pretty girls, has pretty girls in his DMs, he’s also the basketball captain, a vaper, six pack you know Lucas the casanova. But Lucas really has the hots for the male reader who is a dancer and is quite feminine and flexible 👁👄👁. This is kinda angst and smut since the male reader obviously doesn’t want to only be seem as an object and used for sex since he has feeling for Lucas but Lucas says “I’m straight!” But at the same time Lucas really wants to get in the male reader’s pants. The male reader almost gives in but I guess slaps Lucas then they do it anyway, really really hard. But after that the male reader completely avoids Lucas - @cherubsandswans
Ooo~ thank you so much for the request! I hope I did it justice.
Prompt game here
Warning(s): Smut, Semi-public sex, Unprotected sex (suit up boys), Creampie
Enemies to Lovers trope, College Au
"Calm down ladies. There's enough of me to go around."
*sigh* Once again, the very annoying voice of Lucas resonated in the hallways.
You've always hated Lucas. Why? You didnt quite know the answer yourself anymore. Hell, you remember having a huge crush on him way back in middle school, before he became the attention whore he is now.
"Hey, (M/n)!" You rolled your eyes in response and waited for the inevitable interaction.
"Make it quick Lucas. I have to get to dance class." Said male was still trying to catch his breath considering he had to run through the crowd of thristy girls fawning over him.
"Okay, well... I was wondering, would you like to go out-"
"I hope you're not trying to ask me out again?" You cut off the male in front of you.
"I mean, yeah I was." He sheepishly smiled.
You let out an exasperated sigh as you rubbed your temples.
"Look, Lucas, how many times do I have to tell you. I don't care that you 'like' me. You're obviously just some straight frat boy who only likes girls for their bodies and thinks that you can get into my pants for whatever hidden agenda you have. Now do me a favor and please leave me alone." You state and make your way to your class.
"Can I atleast watch you dance?" He begs with puppy dog eyes.
"What?!" You retort.
"Can I watch you dance? Please?" He again begs.
"Fine." You sigh and make your way to class. The handsome giant following behind.
Once you made your way inside the studio, you began your stretches and then plugged in your speaker.
"Just sit down and dont fuck with anything, okay?" You told him and he nodded.
Music began to overtake your body as you began to start the rountine. Routinely looking behind you to make sure Lucas didnt run off to mess with something.
You continued to freestyle as the rhythm in your body seeked an outlet to express itself.
You caught Lucas staring at you in the mirror and decided to give him a show. Slowly turning the choreo into a more sensual vibe, you began to move your hips in a suggestive way.
"And who allowed your ass to be this thicc?" Commented Lucas as his eyes continued to trail you like a starved wolf.
You chuckled as you continued to dance and grinded slowly on the floor. You finished the dance with a split, amazing the boy sitting a couple feet away from you.
You had just barely stood up when Lucas pinned you against the wall, his lips sloppily kissing up and down your neck.
"I want you to bend over for me." Lucas whispered in your ear.
"You want me to what?!" You yelled and then slapped Lucas across the face.
"Ow!" He exclaimed and rubbed his, now red, cheek.
"What did I do?" He asked.
"'What did I do' oh- so you're just gonna ignore the whole 'I want you to bend over for me' no, fuck you Lucas!" You yelled and began to make your way out of the studio.
"(M/n), wait! I'm sorry please let me explain!" Lucas said as he trailed after you, his voice loud as can be considering that everyone appeared to have gone home.
"Explain what Yukhei?! That you're some sex hungry motherfucker who decides to have his fun by playing with people's feeling? Why, just why can't you leave me the fuck alone?!" You screamed at him.
"Because..." He looked down at his shoes before regaining his confidence, "I love you so much it hurts!" He announced.
You stared blankly at Lucas, who could barely make eye contact with you.
"W-what?!" You stuttered.
"Ever since we've been kids, I've had the biggest crush on you. But I always thought that since you were a boy it was wrong. I've had these feelings for you hidden away for who knows how long all because of my own insecurities. But I dont care anymore! (M/n), I love you with everything in my heart." Lucas finished, struggling to catch his breath as if he had just ran a marathon.
You slowly began to clap, and Lucas looked at you, confused beyond all hell.
"Not gonna lie to you Xuxi... that was kinda hot." You state, to which Lucas responds with a cherry red blush.
"Follow me." You whisper and take Lucas's hand to drag him back to the practice room.
"What are we doing back he-?!" Before he could even finish his sentence, you cut him off by pinning him to the wall with a kiss.
He slowly began to trail up and down on your body, clutching onto any flesh he could. He then tapped on your thigh which you took as you signal to jump and wrap your legs around his waist.
Lucas laid you down on a, conveniently placed, training mat, before removing his and your clothing.
You laid back and admired his figure. His body was toned and it was obvious. From his shoulders to the abs, it was hard not to drool. And his chocolate brown skinned complimented it so beautifully.
"Can I put it in?" Lucas asked to which you eagerly nodded.
Lucas spit on his dick before slowly sliding it into your hole.
"God, you're so fucking tight!" Lucas moaned once he was fully sheathed inside of you.
"Y-you're really big Xuxi." You whimpered.
"Shh, sweetheart. Just wait and adjust." He comforted.
"You can move." You said and Lucas wasted no time and began to hammer into you.
Nothing but moans and slaps of skin could be heard as the room probably reeked on sex and sweat. (Good thing this was all after school.)
After a while, you began to feel the knot in your stomach begin to come undone. And considering how sloppy Lucas's thrusts were getting, you could assume that he was too.
"Lucas, I'm gonna cum!" You screamed.
"Me too, baby. I'm gonna fucking fill you up till bloat." Lucas growled.
His hips met your's as you both reached your climaxes. You spilling on your chest and Lucas inside of you.
"That was, fucking amazing." Lucas panted.
"Yeah... now get out." You said.
"Heh?" He questioned.
"I've still got to practice and you're gonna be a distraction, so go." You restated.
"I'll atleast get you some tissues." He said and pulled out and watched as his cum began to leak out of you.
You cleaned up and Lucas began to gather his things.
"Can I see you tomorrow?" He asked.
"Nope sorry. I have a competition tomorrow so I'm gonna be gone for a week." You tell him to which he responds with a groan.
"No fair! I finally confess and now you're leaving?!" Lucas whines.
You chuckle and place a kiss to his cheek.
"Calm down. I'll only be gone for a week. And when get back, we can do this again." You smile.
Lucas regains his happy demeanor and struts his way out.
Damn... all those years of hatred led up to you getting laid. Can't say you're complaining.
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looooooooomis · 4 years
F I N A L  G I R L  |  O N E
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You were his final girl.  And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   o n e  |  c o r n   m a z e
masterlist here 
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader  word count: 4.3k warnings: implied/referenced cheating, swearing (obv), angst, drinking, fluff, pending smut + mentions of smut. as mentioned, part 2 will be allllllllll the smut x
You were going to kill Randy.
In fact, as the five of you crossed the threshold into the corn maze, you thought of the various ways you could do it without it coming back to you. You could strangle him with the tape of one of his precious Jamie Lee Curtis flicks, you could push an entire shelving unit of said movies on him during one of his shifts, hell, you could just lure him over to your house with the promise of sex before ultimately throwing him out your window. Any of the above sounded good to you tonight because the bastard was running late. Which meant that you were currently fifth wheeling on what was supposed to be a slightly boozy corn maze with your friends. Only now it was a slightly boozy corn maze with yourself and two loved up couples as you all impatiently waited for the idiot to arrive.
Yeah, you were definitely going to kill Randy.
You and Randy were friends, had been for years, and you were always there for each other when it came to these types of activities. Nobody liked being a fifth wheel but at least with two single people in your little gaggle of friends, it made things easier. You were happy as a clam being single, you preferred it in many ways if you were being honest, but at least with Randy around, you could ignore the weight of his stare.
Billy’s stare.
His brown eyes were on you constantly. You could feel them on your skin, feel them raking over every inch of you as though he was trying to soak you in from afar. His stare had a weight to it, you found. No matter how far away he was or where you two were – be it at school or hanging out or even in a goddamn corn maze – you felt him all over you.
At least with Randy around, it was easy to ignore. The two of you could joke around and escape the couples long enough to focus on anything else but the weight of Billy’s stare. But tonight, it was impossible to ignore, and you hated Randy in that moment for unknowingly leaving you with the one man you hadn’t been able to get out of your head for the better part of three years.
You hated Billy more, though, for making you feel as though every inch of your skin was on fire. For making you feel this level of guilt each and every time you hung around with Sid. Sid was one of your best friends, as was Tatum, which only made this entire situation so much worse.
“You think they’ll kick us out if they find out we’re loaded?” Stu asked with a quiet chuckle, glancing behind them for effect as though he was being tailed by the owners of the farm.
Tatum smacked his chest. “Maybe if you said it a little louder, Shit for Brains.”
Stu giggled again and slipped his hand into his jacket before pulling out a mickey of cheap vodka wrapped haphazardly in a brown paper bag. “Then I guess they’d be really mad at this.”
Tatum opened her mouth to tell him off but seeing it as your only saving grace, you reached across the divide and plucked it out of his hands to take a big sip. The vodka burned all the way down your throat, and you could feel all eyes on you as you licked the remainder of it from your lips and bottled it back up before handing it back to Stu. “You’re a saint, Stu.”
“Damn, Y/N,” Tatum laughed, “I can’t even be mad at that.”
Stu was smirking across at you, knowing exactly why you were choosing the bottle tonight which only made you feel worse than you did. Of course he knew. Where there was a Billy, there was a Stu. The pair didn’t have secrets between them much to your chagrin which only made nights like this all the more awkward.
“Everything okay, Y/N?” Sid asked, sweet as ever.
Your stomach twisted in your gut at the genuine concern radiating off of Sid’s features and your heart fell into your stomach when you watched her lovingly place her head on Billy’s shoulder. Where the fuck was Randy?
“All good, Sid,” you smacked on a breezy grin and shot her what you only hoped was a convincing wink. “I haven’t done a corn maze since I was a kid, just preparing myself is all.”
Tatum leaned into Stu’s lean torso and frowned. “Why? You scared?”
“Nah, she’s not scared,” Stu hummed, grinning across at you with a gleam in his eye. “On edge, maybe. Why so jittery, girl?”
You rolled your eyes and flipped him the bird just as Billy spoke up. “She’s not jittery, pencil dick,” his velvety voice was closer than you’d expected and when you saw him reach for the bottle in Stu’s pocket to take a rather big gulp himself, you swallowed hard. “She’s just getting this party started.”
You held his stare for a moment, feeling your entire body light up like a switchboard, before the familiar voice of Randy rang out. Breathlessly, he waved you all down and grinned. “What’s this I hear about a party?”
Tatum rolled her eyes and hugged her jacket closer to her body. “About time you got here, dick, it’s fucking freezing out here.”
“I know a way we can warm up,” Stu teased as he leaned down to nibble at her neck.
Despite your mood, you found yourself smiling across at the pair. They were a good match and you could tell that Stu genuinely made Tatum happy. Just as Billy made Sid happy. Your smile fell at the thought.
Randy’s eyes circled around your group of friends briefly before he threw an arm around your unsuspecting shoulders. “What did I miss?”
“The usual,” you chimed in, smiling across at him. “Tatum and Stu sucking face, Billy and Sid cuddling up and me drinking my weight in cheap beer from Stu’s dad’s mini fridge in the garage.”
Randy grinned. “I chugged a couple beers before I left the video store, so good to know we’re all on the same level.”
Your chest was already starting to feel lighter now that Randy was around. Granted, Billy’s eyes hadn’t left yours for a second since Randy slung his arm around you, but that was to be expected. At least you had Randy here now. With that kind of distraction, you’d be just fine.
“Why don’t we make this interesting?” Billy suggested, running a hand through his unruly mop of brown hair. When everyone’s eyes were on him, you could have sworn he gave you a little smirk before shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket. “We should split up.”
“Fuck that,” Tatum laughed, “no chance in hell.”
“Yeah,” Sid agreed quietly, “I don’t know.”
“That’s literally what they tell you not to do in scary movies,” you chuckled. “When everyone splits up, trouble starts.”
Sid shivered and leaned into Billy’s chest. “Yeah, Billy, I don’t know. I don’t think that’s a great idea.”
“Oh, come on,” he was grinning excitedly now, looking between Stu and Randy for backup. “It’ll be like the movies. Dumb teenagers wander into a corn maze and split up for the sake of the plot. Halloween’s tomorrow - why the hell not, right?”
A slow grin began to pull on Stu’s face as he listened to Billy. There was a mutual understanding between the two men in that instance and if you blinked for just a second longer, you would have missed it.
It made you nervous.
“Dumb teens wander into a corn maze on the night before Halloween,” Randy repeated, “you know what, I like it. I’m in.”
You snapped your neck up to look at him. “What the hell happened to the Do’s and Don’ts of a horror movie? This is easily number one: Don’t split up.”
But Randy only shrugged. “I’m still a virgin, I’m safe.”  
“How about you three idiots stick together,” Tatum gestured to the boys, “and the three of us stick together. Whoever makes it out first gets a prize.”
You and Sid were nodding along to her words, but Stu simply pulled her in for a quick kiss and laughed. “Or we all split up and see where the night takes us.”
“I’m not Lewis and Clark, Stu,” you grumbled, “I had every intention of letting Randy and Sid lead us out of here alive while the rest of us idiots followed.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” Billy smirked across at you, “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
Sid seemed to still be unsure of the entire situation as she mulled over the suggestion. “Y/N is right, what if people get left behind?”
“It’s corn, not the berlin wall,” Stu pointed out incredulously. “Fucking walk through the stacks until you find an exit if you get too lost.” As if on cue, Stu’s eyes lit up as he noticed one particular bend of the maze that held six different options. With a burst of laughter, he took off running towards it and pointed to his newfound discovery. “If this isn’t fate, I don’t know what is.”
You, Sid, and Tatum begrudgingly followed the boys to where Stu now stood giddily beaming across at everyone. “This is a stupid fucking idea,” Tatum grumbled as she took her place in the row beside her boyfriend. “We only brought one flashlight, how do you idiots plan on seeing the route?”
“Here,” Billy gently tossed the flashlight to Tatum and shrugged. “Moon is bright enough for me.”
With another roll of her eyes Tatum flicked the flashlight on and scowled across at her route. “Girls, if you see a flashlight, come to me.”
Stu laughed. “What about me?”
“You lost that right when you agreed to this stupid idea,” she groused. “You’re on your own.”
Grinning – and probably much drunker than he gave himself credit for – Stu rubbed his hands together and began counting down from three.
“You okay to do this, Sid?” You found yourself asking. Her mother had only died a few months prior and the idea of the poor girl meandering around alone in a cornfield sounded barbaric considering what she’d just been through.
“I’m fine,” Sid vowed, “I’ll see you guys soon.”
“It’s okay, Sid,” Randy muttered. “You’re safe, I promise.”
By the time Stu reached one, you took a hesitant step forward and embraced the darkness that surrounded you once you delved further and further down your path. You could hear the footsteps and crunches of the stacks around you as your friends eventually all split up to take their own trail and you swore that you heard Randy bump into Sid a few minutes in, putting you slightly at ease to know she wasn’t going through the maze alone. But, as time went on and you continued to circle the gigantic moonlight maze by yourself, your nerves began to eat away at you.
You weren’t one to scare easy but there was something about being on your own in the middle of a corn maze that was eerily off-putting. You’d seen Children of the Corn one too many times to feel at ease right now and the fact you could only see a few feet in front of you at any given time wasn’t helping one iota.
Hugging your denim jacket tighter around your body, you turned left and were met with a dead end. Groaning, you threw your head back in defeat and turned on your heel to retrace your steps but stopped when you heard a loud snap come from the wall of tall corn stacks before you. Swallowing hard, you narrowed your eyes in an attempt to see through the wall of decaying crop, but it was to no avail.
You couldn’t see a damned thing.
Another snap of a corn stock echoed out before you, making your skin crawl. Why the fuck had you agreed to splitting up? This is exactly how every horror movie you’d ever seen started and sure enough, here you were. About to be killed by a child of the corn on the eve of your favourite holiday.
Another snap.
And then, just as you were prepared to run for your life, a husky raccoon came bounding out of the thick hedge with a mouthful of hard corn. Your scream caught in your throat as you jumped back from the wild animal but, before you could think of bounding away, your back connected into someone’s chest.
With a high-pitched yelp, you turned only to be met with Billy’s wide brown eyes watching your every move. “Hey,” he cooed, reaching across to steady you. “You okay?”
That familiar cologne of his hit you like a tonne of bricks and for just a second, you allowed yourself to get lost in it. You knew that smell well. You couldn’t count how many times you’d woken up to that smell all over your pillows and sheets, wafting all over your bedroom like a slow mist that never quite subsided. Swallowing hard, you blinked out of your reverie and took an instinctual step back. “I’m fine,” you breathed out, “a racoon just scared me, is all.”
He glanced over your shoulder briefly before those brown pools soaked you in yet again. “You sure you’re okay?” He asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket. “You’ve barely said a word to me all week.”
You offered him a polite smile. “I’m fine, Billy. Just been a busy week. With swimming practice and—”
“You know that’s not what I meant,” he muttered, voice strained. “You’ve been avoiding me.”
“Billy,” you sighed, pinching your brow, “I’m not doing this here. We can’t.”
His brows pulled together and a pained look crossed over his handsome features. “I meant what I said,” he rasped out. “You’re my girl, Y/N.”
“No, see that’s bullshit, Billy,” you bit back, “Sid is your girl. I’m just an easy lay. That’s all I’ve been for the last six months and I can’t do it anymore. I won’t.”
“You can’t believe that,” he stepped towards you and visibly flinched when you stepped back. “Sure, Sid’s a good girl but it’s compli—”
“Complicated,” you choked, “yeah, you’ve mentioned that a few hundred times in the last six months, Billy. And you’re right. It is complicated because me and you are making it complicated. For god’s sake, she’s one of my best friends, Billy. I’m fucking one of my best friends’ boyfriends. Do you get how fucked up that is?”
“Me and Sid are complicated,” he reiterated, ignoring your little tirade entirely. “But me and you, sweetheart, we work. We’ve always worked. You’re it for me. You’re my final girl.”
You shook your head and grabbed his wrist, yanking him closer to you to avoid having one of your friends creep up on the two of you and hear him rambling on. “Jesus, scream it a little louder, moron,” you growled, pulling him into the corner of the maze where the racoon had just jumped out of. “What is wrong with you? Do you want one of them to hear you?”
“I don’t care,” he admitted, “I miss you. I miss feeling you squirm against me when we watch a scary movie. I miss smelling you all over me the next morning. My fucking pillow smells like your shampoo and the fact that you haven’t so much as said a word to me this week is killing me, Y/N.”  
Looking over his shoulder to ensure none of your friends were coming, you nearly hissed as you pulled him further into the thick wall of corn stocks. The tall stacks towered over the two of you and shielded you away from any prying eyes.
“One week, Billy. It’s been one week and it’s hurting you? Try being in love with someone for three fucking years and watching them fall in love with someone else. And then, when he can’t get his whistle wet with his girlfriend, he ends up in your bed.” You ground your teeth together in an effort to control the burst of emotion pounding in your chest. “That is the shit that hurts, Billy. I wasn’t good enough to be your girlfriend, but I was easy enough for you to sleep with and I was so enamoured with you that I was willing to overlook the fact I’m hurting Sid each and every time we do it. I won’t do it anymore.”
The moon managed to seep in through a barren patch of the maze wall and struck Billy in such a way that you lost your breath. Those brown eyes you’d fallen in love with all those years back were glued to your face. He’d always had this air of intensity about him but, right now, looking at the long shadows cast against his face from the illumination of the moon, that intensity had all but dissipated. You’d never seen Billy look more beautiful in your life.
The silence that followed your words was thick and tense, but those damn eyes never left your face. Not even for a second. Slowly, Billy leaned in and, in the softest voice you’d ever heard him speak, he managed to break your heart all over again. “You love me?”
“Oh, shut-up,” you snarled, “like you didn’t know.”
“How the fuck would I have known that?” he whispered, taking a step closer to you. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you?” You snapped. “Billy, you have a girlfriend. I’m already fucking you, what am I going to do? Confess all of this in between sucking your dick and packing up before Sidney catches wind of us?”
“Don’t cheapen it,” he cautioned, “not when it comes to us.”
“There is no ‘us’, Billy!” You reminded him. “There is a you and there is a Sidney. Then there is me.”
“Fuck Sidney,” he snarled through gritted teeth. “And don’t act like it’s only been sex between us.”
You snorted. “Maybe the odd movie, sure.”
Anger flickered across his face as he took another step closer, backing you into a particularly sturdy corn stock. This was a side of Billy you rarely saw, this unhinged almost animalistic side that came out when his emotions got too overwhelming. You’d seen this look only once before. It was few weeks into your sneaky little affair when Billy had snuck in through your bedroom window with red, bloodshot eyes and bleeding knuckles. It was the night his mother had left, and he’d just had lost a one-sided fight with the brick wall of his house.
“You were there for me when nobody else was,” he leaned his forehead against yours and you watched the muscle in his cheek clench several times over as he chewed on his words. “When my mother left, you were the one that was there for me. Not Sidney, not my father – you.” You felt his hands trail up your jean-clad hips before guiding your hips towards the thick corn stock behind you. You should have pushed him away, stuck to your guns, and ran off to find the rest of your friends. But, you couldn’t. Not with Billy looking at you the way he was.
“Billy,” you tried, but there was no conviction behind it. “I meant what I said.”
“Which part?” He asked. “When you said you loved me or when you said you couldn’t do this anymore.”  
“Both,” you told him. “Sidney’s a good friend and—”
A growl escaped his throat as he shut his eyes, but he never stepped away. With his forehead still leaning against yours, it was as though he was afraid to break contact in fear of losing you all over again. “Can we not talk about Sid for one goddamn second?” He took a few even breaths before those brown eyes opened back up, capturing your gaze instantly. “I love you.”
“Don’t,” you warned him. This time it was your turn to shut your eyes as the pain of hearing those three little words sliced you from stem to stern. “That’s not fair, Billy.”
“What? You don’t believe me?” You felt his hands slither up the side of your waist and up the length of your body until they cradled your face. “Look at me.”
“No,” you griped, “to both of your questions. Don’t say shit you don’t mean, not when it comes to that. It’s cruel.”
His calloused thumb danced across the apple of your cheek. “Look at me,” he demanded, barely above a whisper. “Sweetheart, look at me.” Frowning, you opened your eyes but remained silent. Bumping your nose with his, Billy pushed your hair back and away from your face and shook his head. “I fucking love you.”
“You’re with Sidney,” you reminded him, sounding like a broken record. “If you loved me, we wouldn’t be hiding in the middle of a goddamn corn maze while our friends blindly stumble around looking for the exit.”
“Stu knows,” he admitted. “And when it’s a good time, so will everyone else.”
“Colour me shocked,” you rolled your eyes. “Stu knows everything.”
“You think I don’t want to parade you all over town?” Billy questioned. “I get so heated when I see Randy or any of those goons on the football team flirt with you. I want you every second of the day.”
You swallowed hard. “Then please, Billy, just be honest with me. Tell me why things are so fucking complicated with Sid? I get break-ups are hard but cheating on her isn’t the answer.”
Billy was truly torn as he took in the desperation in your eyes. Things with Sid were complicated but not in the way you thought they were. There were no feelings involved with Sid, at least not the romantic kind, but there was no chance in hell he was divulging his plans with Sidney. Not with you. He couldn’t stomach the idea of losing you knowing full-well you’d try and sway him on it. Or worse. What if you went to the police about it? What if you tried to stop him? No. He wasn’t getting you involved. You were the one person in his life who hadn’t let him down and he was hell-bent on doing the same for you.
The less you knew, the better.
“Just give me some time, alright?” He pleaded, grabbing your hands to ghost his lips across your knuckles. “She’s still dealing with the loss of her mother. I can’t spring a break-up on her, too. Not yet. But soon,” he kissed your hand, “I promise.”
“I don’t want to hurt her any more than we already have, Billy,” you told him, “we could end this here and now and then when you do break-up, we can continue whatever the hell this is. But we shouldn’t d—”
Before you could say another word, he leaned forward and captured your lips in a bruising kiss. Everything about this man was electric and despite everything –  the guilt, the secrets, all of it – the way his lips seemed to mould against yours so perfectly, stopped you dead in your tracks. Placing sloppy kisses down from your mouth and along your jaw, Billy nipped at your ear. “I really do fucking love you.”
You leaned into the kiss and tangled your fingers through his hair, tugging at the ends. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he continued his assault down your jaw towards your neck where he nipped and sucked at the sensitive flesh. “You give me a fucking hickey and you’re dead,” you chastised breathlessly. When he responded with a gentle bite, you gave his hair another gentle tug. “I mean it, Loomis.”
Pulling back from your neck, you were met with one of Billy’s rare but genuine grins. He was all teeth as he leaned his forehead against yours again, scraping his thumbnail gently across your cheek as he fought to catch his breath. “You’re perfect, you know that?”
“Your girlfriend would beg to differ, but I appreciate the sentiment.” Groaning quietly at the mess you and Billy had created for yourselves, you reached up and pushed a strand of his brown hair back and away from his face. “We should go,” you told him. “Before anyone besides Stu finds us.”
Giving you one final peck, he nodded in agreement and pushed a few stocks aside for you to escape from. Before you stepped out of the covering, however, Billy reached for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I promise, Y/N, everything is going to work out for us.”
Giving him a small, resigned smile, you leaned in and gave him a quick, chaste kiss. “I’ll leave my bedroom window open tonight,” you told him. “Do what you will with that information.”
Billy watched you disappear back into the maze with a shit-eating grin on his face. God, he was in deep with you. Too deep, perhaps, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Not yet, at least. For now, he had you back and he had no intention of letting you go again.
part two HERE
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Hollow Pass (Part 1)
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Summary: When the reader has to spend a day in the mines for work, she’s less than thrilled. When the miner showing her around for the day, Dean Winchester, is an ass, she’s even less thrilled. But an accident will change all of that and if they want a chance of getting out of the mess they’re in, they’ll need to put their lives in each others hands, literally...
Pairing: Miner!Dean x reader
Word Count: 4,100ish
Warnings: language, injury, frightening/claustrophobic/near death situations
A/N: Please enjoy the first of this 2 parter!
You sighed as you stood in the trailer of the manager’s office, a jumpsuit and a pair of boots sat in a chair. Your boss, bless his heart, thought it was always a good idea for corporate positions to experience a day in the mines to truly understand the product and what the little guy went through on a day to day basis. The argument that you were not really corporate, not even close, seemed to go over his head.
“Y/N, you gonna change? I need my office back,” said the manager through the door. You pulled it open and pouted. “I don’t want you going down in the mines anymore than you do but if you want to make corporate, you gotta do what the CEO says.”
“Dad I don’t even want to work there. I like my simple office job.”
“Then why have you been in all those development programs at work?” he asked. You shrugged and he sighed. “Cause you can’t say no.”
“Do I have to?” you asked, looking back at the overalls.
“Do you want to quit?” he asked.
“I don’t want to lose a good paycheck. But I don’t want a corporate job either,” you said. 
“Then you’re shit outta luck,” he said. “I’m gonna put you with the Winchester boy. He’s on safety checks in our most secure mines.”
“You mean the ones that never have problems.”
“Funny how that all coincidentally happened today of all days,” he said with a smile.
“Thanks dad.”
“I don’t want you going anywhere near explosives. You’ll be safe doing the checks with Dean for the day.”
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you said twenty minutes later. The man in overalls and a hard hat rolled his eyes.
“I’m ten minutes late because of you which means I’m gonna get docked those ten minutes of pay so thank you little miss corporate.”
“I’m your boss’ daughter, jackass.”
“Still ain’t my boss,” he said. You huffed and headed over towards the mine entrance when he grabbed the back of your overalls. “No, dummy. You have zero safety gear so unless you want to die, you’re coming with me.”
“Dean Winchester at your service,” he said, dragging you over with him to some lockers. He punched a card and went to the storage racks, seemingly grabbing a few items and putting them on. He picked the hard hat off your head and grabbed one with a light and a wire attached to it, clipping it on your belt. He put something over your shoulder you put your arm through like a sling and clipped a mask onto the back of your belt, a flashlight and a small hand pickaxe going through your other loops. “Turn this lamp on anytime you’re in the mine and never, ever, take off your hat. If I yell at you or you smell something funny, get that mask on. Flashlight and the axe are backup for emergencies.”
He put a radio in your pocket and looked you over.
“Oh and for the love of God, do not wander off. I don’t care if you see a bug or break a nail or gotta piss.”
“What do you do if you have to…” you said.
“Normally you piss against some rock like a man but special manager’s daughter we’ll walk you back out here, take our slow ass time, make me go longer than my shift and because I was late today, I don’t get overtime.”
“That sounds kinda illegal.”
“The contracts for this company are a fucking nightmare,” he said, walking out of storage.
“Why work here then?” you asked as he went to an area and grabbed a clipboard. He took two water bottles and clipped them on each of your belts before whistling for you to follow after.
“Well somebody had to pay for his baby brother to go to law school and it wasn’t going to be my drunk of a father now was it,” said Dean, stopping and writing something down. 
“So you didn’t grow up with mining in your family?” you asked.
“No. I’m not some redneck hillbilly like you imagine either,” he said. He flipped on his light and turned yours on when you got to the mine entrance. “Crouch.”
“We ain’t riding the cart which is missing, dumbass. Crouch down so you can fit in the tunnel,” he said. You swallowed and had to bend down some, following Dean closely. “Ain’t claustrophobic are ya cause now’s the time to tell me.”
“No,” you said. “Jerk.”
“Ah, see? We’re getting along already.”
You walked for five or so minutes before the ground sloped down further and an entrance to the right opened up. Dean straightened up and you did the same, stretching out as he grabbed the back of your jumpsuit.
“Dude, would you stop doing that?” you said.
“Would you stay in my line of sight?”
“That’s harassment. You can’t touch me without my permission,” you said, crossing your arms. He blinked a few times and rolled his eyes quite possibly the most dramatically you’d ever seen in your life.
“This? This is not an office building. Every single time you step in here you run the risk of dying and you have zero clue on how to stay safe down here. I hate it when you people with your big offices and penny pinching bullshit come down here and complain about every goddamn little thing. If you want out, get out of the fucking mining business.”
“You’re an irritable person,” you said. He grumbled and tugged you along with him until you brushed him off. You followed him down a hallway and another, Dean checking things off on his clipboard as he went. “Are you gonna explain any of this stuff?”
“What do you think?” he said. He whistled and you followed him down a few more hallways when he stopped a gauge looking contraption. He checked a few different numbers and valves on it as you spun around. 
“I guess it is kinda cool. That somehow you guys know how to block up rocks and leave all these cracks and know how to make it so it doesn’t all come crashing down.”
“Cracks?” he asked as he squatted down and read off a meter.
“Yeah like that big one,” you said, pointing at the wall across the way. He turned around and looked at it for barely a second before he grabbed your arm. 
“Move. Now,” he said. He pulled out his radio and pressed down the button. “We have a grade five crack in Lodge Six West. Do not blow. I repeat do not-”
The ground rumbled and you heard a splintering noise, Dean pushing you back into the hallway you’d been in. He jumped on top of you and covered your body with his, all the lights going out, a loud thundering of falling rocks happening close by. It seemed to go on and on before it finally stilled, the hallway pitch black.
“You alright?” he asked.
“I think so,” you said, coughing when you felt dust in the air.
“Don’t move,” he said. He lifted his head and there was some light, Dean looking around before climbing off of you and staring at a new wall of rock. He looked at the hallway you’d been in, clicking on his flashlight and you saw where the rock dropped off about a hundred feet away. “Well. Shit.”
“What just happened?”
“The rock was unstable and they already set off the charges and it shook the mountain so now there’s a giant hole over there and our exit is blocked.”
“What’s that way?” you asked, nodding down the only unobstructed hallway.
“Further down into the mine before you hit the decommissioned area.”
“Is there a way out,” you asked, Dean patting his side.
“Fuck. My radio is under all that,” he said. He took out yours and handed it to him, Dean nodding before he turned it on. “Main do you copy, over?”
There was silence on the other end and Dean hit the button again.
“Main this is Winchester in Lodge Six West with…what’s your name?” he asked.
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Y/N Y/L/N, manager’s kid. Copy, over.”
“Winchester this is Main. We got lots of calls coming in from ground crews about a shaking.”
“Lodge Six West Hall K is a giant crater of death and Hall H is buried, right up to the entrance of junction HJ.”
“We’re okay,” said Dean.
“Give me a second.”
Dean took a deep breath and coughed. He tapped your mask on your belt and you put it on, the air a bit easier to breath. 
“Winchester this is Melvin.”
“She’s okay, boss. Just a little shook up. Saved our asses from winding up in the ground even if she doesn’t know it yet,” he said. He held out the radio and you pulled down the mask. 
“Dad I’m fine, really. We both are. It’s just kinda dark and smelly is all.”
“I know. Put your mask on sweetie until you can get to some cleaner air,” he said. You put it back on, Dean, getting to his feet. He pulled you up and looked back at your blocked path. 
“Any other collapses?” asked Dean.
“None reported so far. Everyone should be out of the mine’s or on their way. Alarm is blasting.” You looked back at Dean, his eyes shutting.
“Melvin we can’t hear it. At all.”
“Rodney’s out checking where our side of the collapse starts. We’ll get you out,” he said, someone panting in the background.
“Hall B, Mel,” he said. Dean turned away from you and sighed. No one said anything for a long time until Dean finally raised his head.
“We got two 16 ounces bottles of water. If she rations it, she’s got a shot,” said Dean quietly.
“No, she doesn’t,” said your dad, his voice softer than you’d ever heard it. “How long does your radio have?”
“Mine got crushed. Hers was on a quarter charge. I’d guess maybe an hour or two tops,” he said.
“Should we call your brother?”
“He’s hiking in Glacier Park this week. No cell service,” said Dean quietly. “Just tell him to check my bottom desk drawer. There’s something for him there.”
“I can do that,” he said. “Is there anyone...parents-”
“All due respect sir, I’d rather you talk to your daughter,” he said. Dean held out the radio to you and you picked it up, Dean skirting around the corner to the one unblocked hallway.
“Dean?” you asked, following over there. He was leaned against the wall and looked over his shoulder at you. “What’s going on?”
“They can’t dig us out in time.”
“What do you mean-”
“Talk to your dad. You’re wasting time. That battery won’t last forever,” he said. He turned back and you walked back around the corner, sitting down against the wall.
“Hi dad,” you said.
“Hey,” he said, his voice shaky. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “Mom’s on her way down to talk, okay? She’ll be here in ten minutes.”
“I so quit this job,” you said, wiping off your eyes with the back of your hand. He laughed and you threw your head back. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything. I’m gonna stay on the line as long as I can, okay?”
“Okay. Okay.”
Two Hours Later
The battery in the radio had died about fifteen minutes ago. There was no sound aside from your sniffling and Dean’s down the hall. You got up eventually and went into the hall, sitting down beside him. You handed him the radio and he clipped it back on his belt.
“You okay?” you asked, voice hoarse.
“You try listening to someone say goodbye to their parents and not bawl,” he said. He wiped off his face and took a deep breath. “Air’s better now at least.”
“What do we do now?”
“Now,” he said, clipping his water bottle onto your belt. “You sit there and try not to exert a lot of energy and that water will last you a few days.”
“We both heard my father. They can’t drill or dig or do anything fast enough. It’d take weeks. I’m not sitting here next to your dead ass so take your damn water back,” you said, shoving it back in his chest. He didn’t speak but put it on his belt, pulling his knees into his chest. “Why were you so mean to me before? You gave up time on the phone for me. I don’t think you’re what you pretend to be.”
“I’m a dead man walking and that’s a fact.”
“Technically you’re sitting.”
He smiled and rested his face in his knees. He sat up and reached over behind you, hitting off your headlight.
“We need to conserve power as long as possible,” he said.
“Will our lights go out before we dehydrate to death?” you asked.
“Yes,” he said. “This is what it’ll be like.”
He flipped off his lamp and you swore you’d never experienced a darkness so deep. You felt his hand graze yours before holding it and you swallowed.
“Kinda less scary knowing you can turn it back on again,” he said.
“You didn’t answer my question. Why such a brute?”
“You do this job long enough and most people think you’re a dumb sack of shit with nothing in his head. You’re dead weight, odds are you’ll die down here or get into some kind of accident and have to go on disability the rest of your life. You corporate people are always so stuck up, like I’m not even good enough to be the dirt on your shoes. I didn’t give you a chance because odds were you were like all the rest of them. You’re the only reason we didn’t die in that hole, very painfully.”
“Wouldn’t we have-”
“No. It’s not a simple hole we would have fell in. Falling rocks, crushing and hitting, landing on you, ones you hit yourself. Might not kill you immediately. You’d feel it.”
“Dying of thirst is better?”
“I’d say so. Still get to keep this handsome face, or what’ll be left of it,” he said. He flipped his light back on and you scooted closer. “I think you’re very attractive.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m gonna die in like three or four days. Life has no consequences now and I happen to find you very attractive and you seem like a smart, sweet woman that put her parents a little at ease during the worst moment of their lives.”
“Who’s your brother?” you asked. “No consequences after all.”
“He’s a lawyer...and my best friend.”
“You said you did this job for him.”
“Student debt is a bitch. I try to help him out and the overtime helps make dents in it,” he said. “Our parents had debt out their asses. It caused so many problems for us. I wanted him safe, never have to worry about the next meal on the plate or the roof over his head or having to wear my hand me downs ever again. At least he’ll get my life insurance policy. That should help.”
“I have been busting my ass since I was a college freshman in that office to move up the chain for a job I didn’t even want. I completely lost nearly all of my twenties to work. All so I could die in here.”
“Well I know this doesn't sound good but I’m glad I didn’t die all super painful. Or that I’ll be alone,” he said. You smiled and nodded, Dean returning it. “Got any bucket list shit we can pull off down here?”
“We could make out,” you said. “Never knew anyone could make that jumpsuit look good.”
“Why the fuck not,” he chuckled. He leaned in close and your helmets bonked, Dean pulling his off and yours, quickly cupping your face. 
His lips were gentler than you thought, the two of you stopping when your lips were pressed together. You rested your forehead against his and broke off only an inch.
“Not as much fun at the moment as it sounded,” you breathed out.
“Pretty good last kiss though,” he said. You put your helmets back on and you grabbed his hand again. 
“Don’t let go down here. Please.”
He reached to his belt and undid a little pouch, pulling out a small tether of rope. He clipped one end onto him and the other to you.
“For when the lights go out,” he said.
“How long do we got?”
“About a day, maybe a little more,” he said. You sighed and turned your head, staring down the rest of the hall. “It’s decommissioned, Y/N. It’s a death trap.”
“Is there a way out?” you asked.
“Maybe. Maybe they never find us though,” he said. You stared at him and he nodded, hitting your headlamp back on. “Enough of the pity party. Let’s go get out of here or die trying.”
He stood and held out a hand, hoisting you to your feet. 
“So. What’s our best option?” you asked.
“It’s alright for a bit until we get to the decommissioned section. When we get there, that’s when it gets dangerous. Technically it’s dangerous now considering the blast but we’re okay for a bit,” he said. 
“Let’s go then,” you said. He nodded and you followed him down the hall, walking side by side. 
“Alright so the decommissioned section is called Hollow Pass. Beyond that is Upper Seven. If we can get to Upper Seven, we can get out the old entrance I’m pretty sure. Never been in there but hopefully it’s not a maze over there.”
“So Hollow Pass is the hard part.”
“Why was it decommissioned?”
“Unstable ground. Holes, pockets of air, rotted support beams, wood planks.”
“So it’s a death trap.”
“Yup,” he said. “We’re probably gonna die down there.”
“What do you think our odds are?”
“Well it’s been out of order for over fifty years, we have no map, I have no real idea where exactly to go...I give us 1% odds.”
“Beats are 0% odds here.”
“Good way to think about it considering we’re going to most likely die.” He stopped walking and took a deep breath. “If I fall or whatever, follow the widest hall possible and keep away from wood and cracks as best as possible. Ration your water and eventually you’ll find your way out.”
“If you fall I’m definitely not gonna make it.”
“Well at least try. You can tell my brother how devastatingly brave I was that way.”
“You just spent the past hour crying.”
“So did you,” he said. You bumped his shoulder and he returned it but it was playful and soft. You walked together quietly for a moment until Dean rounded a corner and took a deep breath.
There were a few planks across a hallway, Dean kicking them down, frowning when they broke pretty easily.
“There’s gonna be rot.”
“We don’t have to go,” he said. “You don’t have to. There’s a chance-“
“There’s no chance Dean. Not if we stay up there. If you don’t want to go, I will. Maybe I can get help back in-“
“We’re doing this together or you’re staying. I can go and you-“
“We both go,” you said. 
“I go first. You step where I step and if I tell you to do anything, you do it.”
“Dean. We already established that you’re not a hardass. You can lead the way but you know, nicely.”
“Alright, alright,” he said. He gave more slack in the rope attached to the two of you and took a deep breath. “Let’s go.”
He was calm for a few minutes until you were turning down a hallway, Dean suddenly stopping in front of you.
“What is it?” you asked.
“Look,” he said. You poked your head around him, swallowing at the rotted wood on the ground, holes worn into the planking. “Y/N that’s not good. Rot means there’s water and water means erosion and erosion means big shafts hundreds of feet straight down under those wood planks.”
“How much of it is wood?” you asked. You both looked ahead and sighed, the whole hall flooring covered in wood. “Shit.”
“Y/N. This is too dangerous. I’ve worked in mines since I was 18 and it’s way too dangerous.”
“Dean. I don’t want to die. If we don’t do anything, we’re dead in three days, maybe less.”
“Maybe they come up the decommissioned mine and get us,” he said. 
“Dean. The mountain collapsed from what my dad said. They are not coming in here, risking even more lives, in this mine. It might even have collapsed on the other side on the way out. We don’t know. All we do know is we stay and we’re dead or we go and we’re maybe dead.”
“You still won’t let me go on ahead on my own to try to get some help?”
“You’re not leaving me alone,” you said. You stepped ahead and he yanked on the rope, pulling you back. “Dean. Stop.”
“I go first,” he said. You held up your hands and he swallowed, Dean stepping past you, carefully putting his weight down on each plank. “Follow. Every footstep exactly where mine go.”
You followed after, the only sounds your breathing and the occasional board creaking. Dean put a foot down and stopped moving forward when you heard snapping. 
“Go back. Slowly.”
You stepped a foot backwards, putting weight on it and your foot going straight through. Dean grabbed your arm as you pulled your foot up, a few sticks falling into a deep dark pit. 
“What do we do,” you breathed out.
“Well we’re over rock that fell away so there’s a big hole beneath us if the rotted wood is anything to go by,” he said. You heard the slight waiver in his voice and sighed. “We make a choice. Forwards or backwards.”
“Back looks bad. Plus we already probably broke the supports.”
“I think solid ground is in front. But I have to jump for it,” he said. You looked past him and shook your head. 
“Dean, it's way too far. I can try to walk over there if you let out the rope. I get to solid ground and then you walk and if you fall, I got you with the rope.”
“Sweetheart, there’s no way.”
“You’re too heavy and we can’t stay here,” you said. You slipped past him and he tried to grab you but you went quickly. “Dean let out the rope. Now.”
“Fuck. We’re gonna die.”
“No we’re not,” you said, walking quickly, planks creaking but you sighed when you had solid rock under your feet again. “Alright. Just go where I did and fast.”
He took a deep breath and walked a few steps, a loud groaning of the wood making him move faster.
You hit the ground the second you saw him go down, the wood breaking away. Dean shouted and you dug your heels into the dirt. 
“Y/N!” he said, falling straight down into a hole and out of view.
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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“So you are the bitch I have to thank for upgrading me to this room. Well that ain’t going to happen. I don’t thank cunts like you....
“So, you live for servicing real men that are bigger than you. At least that’s what Cory was telling me when he set up this meeting. Get naked bitch. I want to see what I get to play with. Well you are a big boy. You are what 6′2″? About 300 lbs? Thought so. Well I’m 6′6″ and have twenty pounds on you. Nice chest hair. It would look better on a real man. Turn around and let me see that ass. Bend over. That’s a fuckable cunt. Stand up let me see that clitty. Hmmm. That cage you have is adequate, I guess. Your clitty is on the smaller side to begin with. At the first opportunity, a tiny one will be installed and riveted on. It needs to be a constant source of pain and discomfort. For the most part, I like what I see. Most real men like their cunts on the short side. I do not. I like transforming big beefy men into service cunts that exist to be laughed at, made fun of, pitied. While you are big, you are also fat. On real men like me, it’s acceptable. On shitheads like you, it’s wrong. Should I take ownership of you, you are going to be put on one hell of a grueling work out regime.
“That tattoo tells me you were in the Marines right? Well I was a Drill Sergeant in the Army. We both know the hell you need to go through. You will be roided up. I want to turn you into a crazed mindless beast. One of the benefits to the roids, is it shrinks your clitty. It also fucks with your head. Nothing hotter in the world than a drooling hairy gorilla with a non-existent clitty, collared on the end of a heavy chain leash.
“Oh shit here I am talking about already owning you. I haven’t even tried you out yet. That’s why we are on this seven day cruise. Take all the contents out of your clothes, room key, money, wallet, phone whatever and put them on the table. From this moment on, you are mine. You need to make sure every need I have is met. Getting me upgraded into a comfortable room is a start. You work for the cruise line? Should I claim you, that will be an easy job for you to quit.
“Now, my cock needs attention. Your pussy mouth is going to give it. Come with me to bed. Take my cock out of my shorts and start sucking. It’s a big one. I bet you weren’t expecting a nine inch fat hog for a big guy like me. Oh, don’t be surprised if I start pissing. I never warn a bitch boy when I piss into a pussy mouth. That’s it! Struggle to throat my cock. Gag away. That’s another reason why I like you big beast bitches. Your pussy mouth doesn’t cram my cock. That will make hours long blowjobs more enjoyable for me.
“Get up and squat down on my cock. I want to feel your cunt squeeze my dick. Fucking ride it. For the next seven days you are going to remain in this room. While I enjoy the cruise, you will be working on mind exercises. If you are going to be one of my gorilla slaves… Aw who am I kidding? I’m taking ownership of you right now. You are all mine. After you drain my balls in that cunt, my shock collar will be going on. You are an animal, you will need to be controlled like one.
“You need to have your mind wiped. All sense of being human is gone, replace with something primal, something instinctual. Cory was right that you need a more powerful man to transform you. You need it. I’m not even going to ask you, it is so blatantly obvious. Besides I have no desire to ever hear your voice again. I may have your vocal cords cut later on when we get to the body modification part of your transformation. Keep fucking riding my cock.
“But first I need to start wiping your mind clean. You are going to start mind exercises after I have something to eat. We’ll set up the rimseat. Something powerful happens when a cunt bitch like you is under a rimseat. You realize your place. Your tongue will worship a hairy hole that shits out waste hovering above you. Remember that it can expel some nasty nastiness into your mouth at any time. If you think about it, every time you are under that seat, you are telling yourself that you are literally lower than a piece of shit.
“Clamp down. I’m going to fucking cum. I’m gonna cum. Fuck yeah. Fuck fuck fuck. Keep riding me. Fuck yeah. Know your fucking place. You exist to serve my cock, you exist to serve my shithole, you exist to serve me. Everything else doesn’t matter. In fact, climb off me and go over to the pile of your clothes. Throw them overboard. Good.
“You didn’t even hesitate. Good. You have started transforming into what you always longed to be. I will work on severing you from the rest of your previous existence as soon as possible. You don’t need any of that to interfere with where your head needs to be. You need to be laser focused on me. Now get over here and clean off the mess you made on my cock.”
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magicpumpkin3 · 3 years
Idia Shroud x (Fem?)reader
Warning: NSFW; light!dom/sub; maid outfit; pegging(kinda); Idia is kinda OCC'ish
Note: thank yous go to → @intynidad Check out their blog! It's... interesting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Note 2: sorry for shitty writing, author is new to smuts :). (My second ever smut tbh)
"…P-please… stop!" Idia desperately trys to hide his legs as much as possible with that stupid skirt. He has nothing against maid outfits. It's more opposite way actually, he loves them! It's not that he's wearing one right now, no. It's you, staring at him. And all of this because of a stupid bet! He could've sworn, you were horrible at this game but no. You just had to be lucky today and win. And loser, who's punishment was to wear a maid outfit, is him. Blushing like a mad man, sitting in a corner of your room, Idia trys to hide from your eyes.
Giggling like a five-year old kid that just got their own toy as present for Christmas, you slowly walk towards your boyfriend. "Hey, you look wonderful, no need to hide!" His hair bursting in bright red flames even more, Idia lets out a groan of frustration. "It's n-not, I'm…You…m-me…" And there he goes mumbling again. You love him to the depths of your heart but sometimes he needs to be a bit louder and clearer with his words and thoughts. Though, you can't blame him. We've all been there, still there at some point actually.
Sitting on a floor, turned away from you, keeping his knees close to his chin, Idia trys so hard not burn your entire room. "Idia~…" Hearing your voice sing-song his name, makes him want to hide himself even more. Your gentle touch on his arms makes him jump in surprise. "You okay?" Asking him gently, making him want to tackle you and hold you for ever. How can you be so brave? He slowly, a bit shackly, turns his head towards you. Red as Riddles hair, he tries to to mutter something out.
He's so cute like that. Not being able to hold yourself together, you bend forward and give his lips a small peck. Small whimper escapes him. "It's n-not fa-funny…" Chuckling to yourself, you lightly shacke your head. "Yes, it's not funny how gorgeous you look." Oh boi! You can practically see steam leaving his ears. Gently placing one hand on his thigh, that are covered by black stockings and another on his shoulder.
Shuddering because of the gesture, Idia sheepishly looks you in the eyes. Staring at you, like you're one of the great seven. He suddenly feels your lips on his. What starts as a small tender kiss, turns into a heated make out session really fast. Your tongues dancing together, pushing one another. Moaning into your mouth, he closes his eyes in a bless.
Pulling away, breathing heavy, you look at him. Such a mess, flushed all over, breath wrecked, he trys to avoid your gaze. Though, his body speaks for him better then his words. Idia now is fully turned to you and is sitting on his knees before you. Looking so delicious, it's almost painful. Scooting closer to him, you now place your hands on his cheeks, making him look at you. Staring into one another's soul, you kiss each other again.
He can feel your hands slowly moving down his body. They gently, like afraid of scaring him, caress his sides, pushing on his sweet spots, that make him hitch his breath. Almost bitting his own tongue, and yours too off, when he feels you go beneath the skirt. Breaking apart, breathing in and out rapidly, Idia looks at you. Thin line of saliva still connecting your mouths.
You slowly, bend forward and start leaving trail of kisses and small bites down his neck. Idia sinks his teath down his bottom lip to keep himself quiet. Soft cry leaving his throat. You move one of your hands up his thigh. Reaching beginning of his underwear, you teas it a little, pulling and tapping it. You can particularly fell his cock twitch.
"P-plea-se! I…Ah! Pl-please…Hn...I c-can't!…" Face flushed, tongue rolled out a bit, your boyfriend trys to say something. "Yes, dear? You want something me to do?" You ask Idia in teasing manner. Your hand reaches his erection. Slowly stroking it through his underwear, you keep smiling at him with that grin of yours. "Use your words dear."
"P-please!!! More ah!" Right when he finished his thought out loud, you put a pressure on a head of his cock. Bucking his hips towards your hands he whimpers and crys in pleasure. Pushing Idia down, you pin his hands over his head. Kissing him heatedly again, you push your knee between his legs. Moaning into your mouth, he arches his back towards your other hand that is playing with his nipple under that stupid outfit.
Pulling away, you rise a bit to look at him. Flushed all over the place, hot rigged breath, eyes slightly open, his neck and collarbones with few of your marks. Maid outfit pushed down his shoulders to expose more skin that was begging for more marks. Realising his hands, you carefully help him to get those short sleeves out of the way. Front falling down a bit reviling his erect nipples, making you bend down and press a few teasing kisses to them.
"Idia, do you trust me?" You asked in husky hushed voice. He looked you on the eyes with a second doubt nodding. Smiling like Cheshire cat, you press a fee kisses to his face and get off him. You can see the confusion on your boyfriends face. "Be a good boy and wait for me here." Coying it sweetly, you quickly leave the room.
Laying down, all alone, Idia's hands without him noticing it, reach to his bulge. Slowly, with shaky hands he removed his underwear from his also shaking legs and slowly started touching himself. Moving fingers up and down his shaft, he exhales with a small whimper. Your loving hands feel so much better then his. Squeezing around himself he began to pump his hand up and down. Precum leaking out already. He closes his eyes and groans with pleasure.
What a beautiful sight you walked on. Him, moaning your name out like this, legs bend a bit, like waiting for someone to rail him in the ass, jearking himself off in that cute outfit. It makes you get even more turned on. Slowly walking closer to him, you sit down near your boyfriend. Apparently he got too consumed by the filing and didn't see you. Not to worry. You know just the way to get his attention. Reaching your hand, you slowly add pressure on his hand over his cock. Choking out a gasp, Idia opens his eyes and looks at you.
"I'm…I-" Before he could say anything, you shut him up with a kiss. He melts immediately. Slowly, you move one of your hands towards his asshole. He crys out in a kiss of the feeling of your fingers massaging hole. Breaking a kiss, you bend even further, whispering into his ear. "Sorry for, keeping you waiting you". You put mote pressure, more moans follow. "I thought we could try something…" Smiling like you're a devil in a flesh, you push your index finger in.
Silent scream left his lips. A few trails of droll roll from his mouth. Idia clings to you shoulders and crys out into your ear. You slowly start to move your finger inside, slowly trying to add another. "It-it! Insi-side!!! Agh!" After having all four fingers inside of him, rhythmetically fucking him, he's already almost sits on your hand. One of his stockings has rolled down, and his whole outfit was steady only on his abbs. Suddenly you stop and pull your hand away. Low whines and crys of disapproval are heard from your Idia. "So the thing I wanted to try…" you turn your back to him and grab something. "Well…what do you think?" Turning back to him, you revel a strap-on. Not too big, not too small. Medium. Glaring at it for a few moments, he realizes what's it for. He almost immediately got on his back and raised one if his legs. Turning his head away from you, he trys to hide behind one of his own arms. Chuckling to yourself, you smile down on him, putting your toy in place, getting the lubricant oil and getting ready. Whole time your boyfriends eyes were glued to you. Getting on top of him and placing one of his legs over your shoulder, you bend down and hover over him once again. "Say what you want~" you say in a husky voice. Idia desperately trys to push himself on your toy but you keep moving away. "Neh-neh! That won't do, dear. You have to tell me what you want." Even though Idia shuted his eyes long time ago he could feel you smile at him.
"I-I want…"
"I w-want you to…to," here he goes again, trying to push himself on a strap-on.
"Shh~. Tell me I'll do it" moving away from him, you kiss pulls on his neck.
"I want y-you! To!…"
"I want you to fuck me!" Almost yelling it out, Idia opened his eyes and looked at you. Holding on to you for dear life.
"Very well then"
A loud cry echoes through your room. Pushing in slowly, you sigh, as if you could feel how it feels to be inside of your boyfriend. Slowly bumping in and out, you thrusts deeper with each push. Head rolled flames a bit purple, not quite red, not quite blue, droll dripping from his mouth, tongue also out, Idia moans and crys like madman. You're truly grateful that your dorm is as far away from any 'crowded places'.
Kissing and sucking on one of his nipples, you slowly start to use your free hand to jerk him off a bit. Almost immediately his head shots up and he's pressed flushed to you. You start to move more aggressively and harsh, making him particularly scream your name and how much 'he fucking loves it'. You can feel his cock twitch when you hit one specific spot inside of him, making him scream from pleasure, literally. You start to hit it over and over again, making him see stars. Burning fire inside of him, grows bigger and bigger every single time, you touch one of his sensitive parts. He's so close he can feel it.
Suddenly he stops you. Looking down at him worriedly you ask "Everything okay?" Before you could mentally prepare yourself Idia half says, half huffs "C-can you…ri-ride me but k-keep t-the stra-pon i-inside?…" You at loose of your words. "I mean...we can try?" Slowly detention strapon from yourself, you get on top of him and line his dick to your entrance. Slowly pushing yourself onto his shaft, you sigh and shiver from the feeling. You can feel Idia buck his hips tawords you.
Slowly you, you start to ride him. Skirt up, revealing his crotch area, where your body's connect, hands holding into a carpet to keep himself from hurting himself or you, he looks at your eyes with his golden once. You smile daring at him, you start to move even harsher. Moaning in unison, bumping and crying out in pleasure.
A great idea comes to your head. Leaning back a bit, with one hand, you try to find with another the tip of a strap-on. Finally finding it, you grab it and push in your boyfriends hole a bit. Hearing a raw crys of pleasure, as you ride him.
Hot bubbling feeling inside of you getting stronger as you get more aggressive. Pushing in harsher, ridding more rigged you make eye contact with him again. And it's your both breaking point. You can feel him twitching inside of you and realising hot semen into you, he almost screams but bite's his lower lip just in time to just moan really loud. He stills and now it's your time to cum. Hot knots inside are vanishing. Your vision is unclear, white noise filing your ears.
After what felt like an hours, you collapsed on top of him. Giggling to yourself, you make a mental note to make more bets like that
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darthmaulification · 3 years
din djarin nsfw alphabet
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A/N: i STILL have writer’s block when it comes to all the other stuff i have to get done that it’s INFURIATING. 🙄😤😡 i literally write two (2) sentences, and then my head says “no thoughts, all done :)”.
so anons still waiting on your stuff, have faith, i will get them done eventually!! 🙏🙏😭😭
but i want to get more stuff out more regularly, so take another nsfw alphabet, my brain is melting. 💗
(again, i imply fem!afab!reader and also, there is sensitive content (abortion) under X)
nsfw below the cut! 😘
A = aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
Din may be a bit unsure at first, but he is so sweet when it comes to aftercare. He’s got a caring nature already, and when it comes to making sure you’re clean, comfortable, and content after sex, Din is very soft and gentle. He’ll be asking you the whole time about what you need, how you’re feeling, complimenting and praising you for being perfect. Once he’s done making sure you’re okay, Din will conclude every time with kisses and cuddles, holding you close to him all the while whispering to you in Basic and Mando’a about how much he loves you.
B = body part (what’s their favorite body part of their partner? what about themselves?)
Honestly, Din has spent so long without showing someone else any part of him, that he is fairly insecure about how he looks. He’s a tad... embarrassed by his body, because he wants it to be perfect for you, but he doesn’t feel like it is (of course, you think he’s perfect). Din has a lot of self-criticisms, he worries that he’s too old for you, that his nose is too big for your liking, that he’s got a soft tummy and not like men your age. So Din doesn’t have a favorite body part, he’ll just like anything that you like.
Now on you... Din is a big fan of your face. He comes from a culture where one’s face is kept hidden unless you’re family or spouse, so to have you in all your glory and beauty is almost overwhelming to him. He loves your eyes especially (windows to the soul, and all), how they’re so expressive, what they look like when he’s fucked you cockdumb... all glossy and hazed... Din also loves your lips in particular too, the smile that tugs them up, what they look like when you say his name... and for another obvious reason that tends to happen when you’re below his belt on your knees...
(Also Din is a boobie man, full stop).
C = cum (basically anything to do with cum)
Din cums a lot, and he wants it all over you. If you let him, he’ll splatter his nut on your face, belly, breasts, ass, and other places that he loves and wants marked. He likes seeing you all messy and sticky, covered in the stuff that he creates just for you. Din goes kinda feral though if you beg him to cum inside you, allow him to bottom out and let loose past your tight cervix straight into your womb... makes his brain fizzle out. Also, Din’s cum tastes abnormally sweet, almost too sugary, much like the sweet man himself.
D = dirty secret (what’s their dirty secret?)
Din wants to be cucked. Like he really wants to watch someone else fuck you (consensually, of course), and him not being able to do anything about it. It’d be such a fucking tease and edge for him that the thought makes him feel some sort of way in his pants.
Also, not so much of a secret but still dirty, Din can play the role of a dom to a T, but in his heart, he’s a sub. Just take the reins on day, there’s not much he’d be compelled to do to stop you.
E = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Most, if not all, of Din’s sexual experiences before you were clumsy, quick fucks with sex workers at brothels or cantinas. He had most of them when the desire became to high to ignore, so really the closest around satisfied him enough. And although most of the conquests had no specialness or emotion to them, they did shape the way Din moved around bodies, aided in his ability to please and such. So Din is rather experienced, he knows what he’s doing and how to make things steamy, but he’s really never been able to truly connect with someone before. Even though he’s well versed in the art of sex, there’s a few learning curves for him to accomplish, particularly making sure he meets your needs the way you want them met, not how he thinks you may want to do things.
F = favorite position (what’s their favorite position?)
By far, Din loves nothing more but to bend you over a table, or the console board of the Razor Crest, and pound into you from behind like there’s no tomorrow. He loves to have the warmth of your ass, heavy and plush, against his pelvis all while he’s up to the hilt inside your core. Din also likes the control it gives him, having you squirming and moaning under him, one of his hands heavy on your back keeping you down while the other squeezes your thighs and hips, or plays with your clit. Din might also get a bit grabby with your hair, pulling back your head enough so that he can nibble at your neck and hiss all the dirty things he wants into your ear.
The close second for his favorite position though is having you tied up to the bed, wrists and ankles bound. It’s one of Din’s favorite sights in the entire galaxy.
G = goofy (are they the more serious type, or more humorous?)
Din is serious about making sure he’s doing all he can to make you a moaning, cockdumb mess, that’s for damn sure. He’s very driven in that regard, serious about the task at hand and all the things he has to do to make sure you know just how much he loves you. Din isn’t a stoic robot though, he’s too vibrant and compassionate of a man for that, so he’ll being saying sweet things to get you to blush and smile, grinning against the shell of your ear before kissing your neck, maybe nipping playfully at your ass or stomach too... Din knows how to give a good time.
H = hair (how well-groomed are they?)
Din is a functionalist, so he likes to keep his bush below the belt to a minimum, or at least manageable, so he trims it and sometimes shaves it fully. Though he does have a tendency to let it grow a bit if he’s having a dry spell or if he just doesn’t have the motivation... but once the tuft starts catching on the zip to his pants (he goes commando, the dork), that’s when Din knows he’s got to shave. All his body hair elsewhere; head, face, legs, back, arms, etc, Din doesn’t care much about except his moustache and tasteful stubble which he does really like to keep. Of course, Din keeps everything as clean as a whistle.
On his partners, Din doesn’t have much of a preference, but he does lean towards someone who at least keeps their stuff trimmed (and clean, of course). However, he won’t force you to do anything, it’s your body, your decisions.
I = intimacy ( how intimate are they during sex?)
Just... so intimate. Of course, Din fucks like a beast in rut, but he’s so consuming and raw with it, it’s nothing short of perfect. Din wears his heart on his sleeve, so sex is constant “I love yous” in every word and action, even when it’s all vulgarity and dirty and horny, but it’s love nonetheless. You’re able to feel it from how he presses against you, molds against you like liquid heat, how his hands make your body his own, how he kisses you with stars in his eyes, how he tells you over and over again both vocally and silently, “Thank you”.
J = jack off (do they masturbate?)
Mm... it depends on his mood. He masturbated more when he was younger, when he had more time and drive to do so. Though once he got older, and life happened, and he’s almost non-stop running around chasing quarries... Din’s just too darn tired. It got even less so when Grogu came into his life, because oh my Maker the horror Din would feel if somehow his son caught him in the act. But Din is only human, and has that accursed Mandalorian sex drive, so sometimes the urge does rear it’s head, and he’s gotta make his hand and penis best friends again.
Doesn’t help when you’re occupying his thoughts either.
K = kinks (any kinks?)
Y’know that cliché where it’s like “normal looking person whose an absolute freak in the sheets”? Yeah, that’s Din. This man is the epitome of that. Here’s his kinks:
Bondage. Din really likes the sight of you tied up on the bed, at his mercy like a bunny in a hunter’s trap. He wants to have you bound by your wrists and ankles, maybe even tying you to the bedposts, and fucking you senseless while you beg to be able to touch him too. Din favors using handcuffs (technically binders, but Star Wars lingo is silly sometimes), but he’ll use whatever you’re okay with too. And, of course, if bondage isn’t your thing, he won’t ever force you to do it. (psst, Din doesn’t mind being tied up either)
Spanking. Kind of the only aspect of the “S” part of BDSM that Din will every really partake in. He likes landing a good few firm swats on your flanks, likes seeing your ass and thighs jiggle from the force of it, the bright flush that may appear afterwards if you let him go at it a while. Din also likes just being able to touch your ass too, so a nice spank to your bottom becomes the physical message of “You’re in for it tonight, mesh’la”. Oh, and he’ll make you count.
Daddy kink. Oh Maker, if you call him Daddy, he’ll lose his mind. Din has such a big Daddy kink that even if you call him it in a nonsexual situation, he’ll be feeling that warmth until he’s able to steal you away and rail you good. He loves being the Daddy and you being his “Sweet girl” or “Cyar’ika”... the dynamic runs him wild.
Breeding/pregnancy kink. Din wants to fuck a baby into you so badly he dreams about it. It’s been impounded into him that family and parenthood are really big deals, so you bet your ass he wants to fulfill that part of his Creed by making sure your pussy’s stuffed, womb is filled to the brim, and your breasts are swollen and milky. Din wants so so deeply to see you pregnant with the kid that you and him make, he desperately wants a family with you.
Breast/nipple kink. Yeah, Din really really likes your tits. There’s something about the shape, the texture, size, weight, etc that activates some primal monkey part of his brain that has him drooling. Din loves to knead and fondle your breasts, roll them under his large hands, press them together, watch the soft flesh squish and mold around his fingers. He especially loves the cute nipples of yours, pinching them between his fingers, tweaking them. Din also really likes sucking on your tits, leaving marks all over them, playing with your nipples with his tongue...
L = location (favorite place to “do the do”?)
When you both have the opportunity, Din really really likes taking you in a good, proper bedroom, something that the uncomfortable, tiny bunk on the Razor Crest really doesn’t account for. If it were up to him, he’d want to spend his entire life with you in bedroom fit for a king, taking you over and over again on a mattress that feels like a cloud. It’s no shock then whenever Din actually shills out the credits (being the frugal man he is) to buy a hotel room is the sex borderline godlike.
M = motivation (what gets them turned on?)
A sure-fire way to get Din fully and completely riled up would be to wear something real scandalous. Be that a shirt that shows a tad bit more, or pants that are tight enough to reveal you aren’t wearing panties, or (Din’s favorite) a set of cute lingerie... Din will get hard in his pants. It’d be even more so if you tease him in public, but be warned he’ll fuck you mean for that.
N = NO (what’s their turn offs?)
Very early on, it was, obviously, taking off his helmet. If you asked, or Maker forbid tried, the mood would drop pretty extensively if not entirely from Din. He’d get uncomfortable, go silent, and the first time it happened, he left the room. Removal of the helmet was a very big one before he eventually showed you his face.
After you’ve been able to kiss his face over and over again and cry because you think he’s so beautiful? Nothing comes to Din’s mind really besides the kinks that are... nastier. Like literally, y’know... some other bodily... stuffs. Anyways, Din is pretty adaptable when it comes to kinks/positions and stuff. The pros of already being a kinky man...
O = oral (do they have a preference in giving/receiving?)
Okay, Din really loves his dick sucked. The way that you wrap your lips around his shaft, kiss the tip of his penis, fondle his balls, lick and slobber on him... makes his eyes roll to the back of his head. He especially loves being able to watch you try and take all of him in your throat, seeing the tears of pleasure squeeze out your eyes, the way you hollow your cheeks around him and suck. Din loves it when you go down on him.
... Now that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like going down on you. There is no place Din would want to be more than with his face between your legs, lapping at you like a starving animal. He’ll spend hours with his mouth on your cunt, swirling his tongue around your clit, driving orgasm after orgasm from you until you’re shaking from overstimulation and begging him to stop. Din loves your pussy, the way you taste and smell... drives him wild.
P = pace & PDA (are they soft, sensual, rough, or feral? are they open to displaying the relationship?)
Din will most often rail you into the mattress with a fervor. He tends to fuck hard, and he likes to play rough. The pace he keeps is something that makes you see stars every time he thrusts, when he ruts into you so hard that your entire body moves. However, Din does this all with a type of passionate sensuality that leaves you in tears, he fucks you sure, but it’s also fully fueled by unwavering love. When he’s feeling especially sentimental, Din will indulge on this love, and he’ll go slower, deeper, make you feel nothing but the weight of him.
And PDA... Well, Din doesn’t take the helmet or beskar off in public, so PDA is every time Din steps in front of you to shield you protectively, it’s when he offers to carry whatever you’re holding, it’s when he fights for you, it’s when he stands close to your side, when he sends you long side-eyed glances that make you feel the love, it’s when he nudges your shoulder with his, when he lets you wrap your fingers around his, when he drapes you with his cloak, surrounding you with him... It’s the little, subtle things, the personal things that mean you’re closer to him than anyone else.
Q = quickies (what’s their opinion on quickies?)
Maker, yes. Din becomes kinda addicted to having sex with you, so any and all chance to pull down his and yours pants and rut you both into a quick release is perfect for him. They don’t happen all that often, you’re both too busy most of the time, but if there’s a window of opportunity, Din will take it.
R = risks (are they okay with experimenting? do they take risks?)
Din’s kinda a big baby, so anything you may want to try with him in the bedroom that’s out of the norm will have him a stuttering, blushing mess. Most of the time though, once you’ve explained whatever you’re wanting enough, he’ll be down to do it because he knows you’re fine with it, and so is he. Though Din has his limits, a few things in particular that he’d never risk: safety and his Creed. He won’t ever try something that would potentially put the both of you in mortal danger, and wouldn’t do something that breaks his Code. Other than that, Din does enjoy pushing the boundaries a little once you’ve started, and he might even become more advantageous.
S = stamina (how many rounds can they last?)
Din can last long enough, that’s for sure. He’s not borderline superhuman like some other men, but Din doesn’t tap out early either. With the skill he has with his hands, he’s easily able to make you cum a couple times before he dicks you down, and sometimes he’s even able to draw out an orgasm or two when he’s balls deep inside you. It all usually depends on his energy level, if he’s pumped up and well rested, expect a long, long night, but if he’s so tired he can barely keep his eyes open, honestly he might just cum if you jerk him off a little bit.
Though sleepy sex with Din, although it’s very short, is also a bit of an exercise in absolute trust with him. He’s able to fall asleep in your arms, all worn out and buzzing from his orgasm, it makes him feel fully at peace.
T = toys (do they own/use any toys?)
Haha, no. Din is such a minimalist, he didn’t own any type of luxury like that, unless you count the handcuffs, but he technically uses those for his job. It really is he just doesn’t have the space nor the credits he’s willing to spare, and he didn’t have a partner before you so really it would’ve been pointless for him. But now that he’s got you in his life (and bed)? Yeah, Din might splurge a little bit and buy some things to make your romps a bit more... interesting. Be that a vibrator, some silky rope, a plug... just some fun things.
U = unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
He likes to tease, because edging you edges him and that satiates the deep-rooted sub inside of him. Din likes to have you begging for release just as much as he likes the feeling of his cock practically screaming to sink into your velvety core. The teasing really goes both ways, even if Din is the one who’s technically doing all of it. He also gets really into dirty talk (for as long as he can actually speak) and will be saying all sorts of nasty things in your ear like “C’mon, cyar’ika, tell me you want my fingers” or “Pretty girl, use your words. You want my cock or no?”.
V = volume (how loud or quiet are they during sex?)
Din is loud, but in a quiet type of way? He like... whisper yells, like his voice is already naturally low, so when he’s got you all in his grasps it’s like the volume of his voice doesn’t increase, but the intensity does? Din fills the room, essentially, being the only thing you hear, even over your own moans, squeals, screams, etc. It’s mostly a lot of strained dirty talk, like each word Din says to you is determined, but he’s got to push them through clenched teeth because his dick’s twitching so hard and your pussy is just too good... and shit, once you’ve drawn the first moan out of him, it’s over for him. Din will be moaning. Once he’s lost in the sauce, which happens sorta quickly, Din becomes just as incoherent as you, maybe being able to babble out something about seeing you fat with child or maybe about how well you’re swallowing up his cock, but it really devolves into lengthy, horny moans and hefty grunts. So yes, our man’s is loud.
W = wildcard (what’s a random headcanon?)
Din loves when you tell him how much you think he’s attractive. He’s spent basically his whole life with his face in a bucket and his body in armor, so he’s never gotten compliments about his authentic self before. This kind of hampered his self-confidence and racked up his insecurity? Din doesn’t necessarily have any specific qualms with how he looks, but he also is very unsure of how you think of him. So when you tell him that you love his face; his crooked, hooked nose, his soft, honey brown eyes, his patchy stubble, and even his ridiculous moustache... it makes his heart soar.
This same sentiment goes for his body too, which Din does have a couple of more prominent issues with. For one, he’s a tad soft around the middle (age + indulging himself + taking excessive off days = weight gain) which makes him feel semi-insecure about what you may think when you don’t see chiseled, perfect abs, and he’s just generally self-conscious about his age. But when you’re fine with it? When you say you find his chub endearing?? That he’s really not that old and that he shouldn’t worry about it??? Din is beyond happy.
And in a complete 180, Din has a very high sperm count. Like astronomically high. A medical marvel type of high. So... if you indulge on his desire for a big family... expect a lot of little Djarin brats really fast.
X = x-ray & x-tra (what’s underneath those clothes? any more random headcanons?”)
Din is built like a himbo. He’s built like he’d ask you what pussy size do you wear when he buys pads for you. He’s built like the dude that comes into the store you work at every so often who’s just so captivating and out of this world handsome that you stare at him as he looks at the same thing he always does, until he leaves after not buying it for the third week in a row. He has a very good figure, muscular in all the right places from a lifetime of brutal physical activity. Din’s arms and shoulders are probably his best feature, the entirety of the appendages being toned with taut, powerful muscle and perfect for holding you. His chest is quite toned as well, though his pecs are softer and have a smattering of chest hair brushed on the muscles. Although he has a relatively trim waist and a defined Adonis belt, Din’s belly is actually pretty soft. He’s like a muscular boy, but with a bit more chub (if anyone gets that reference, you’re extra sexy), so Din doesn’t have a defined set of abs. He does have a dark happy trail that leads to the special someone between his thick-muscled thighs.
He also, from time and age, has a bit of a weathered look to him that makes him look experienced and jaded. His body also has a smattering of scars, most of them old and silvered, from scuffles and fights he’s had in his past. 
Big Dick Cum Daddy Din is hung. His penis is a mouth-watering 9 inches (22.86 cm) of throbbing glory, not overly girthy (2 inches, 5.08 cm, in width) but perfect nonetheless. He has a very prominent vein on the bell end of his cock, as well as fairly defined ridges on the sides, like he’s fucking ribbed for your pleasure. His penis is actually circumcised, so the head of his cock gets especially red once you’ve got all the blood and horniness in his loins. Din’s balls are perfect too, weighty things that hang a bit lower that only shows their virility.
Din is pro-choice. He’s a firm believer in people having autonomy over their bodies and having the ability to choose. So when it comes to abortion, even though the thought admittedly makes Din a little uncomfortable, he would fully support his partner choosing to have one, if that was their decision.
Also, Din is a bisexual icon, I don’t make the rules.
Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Yes. Ever since you come into his life, Din is horny like a teen boy all over again, it’s almost ridiculous. At the very beginning, it’s just a lot of him fantasizing about what he wants to do to you, because A) you’ve both just met, B) his Creed, and C) it’d be so embarrassing for him for you to find out how much you affect him. But once you two start getting closer, and spend weeks and months dancing around each other, Din starts to get a bit more flirty, more frisky. You definitely start noticing how much he’s wanting you, so really it comes to the point that at any time you reciprocate your feelings and consent, Din will be on you in a second. After that first time, it’s over for y’all. Din will want to fuck all the time, everywhere, whenever possible. Your pussy becomes his dick’s permanent home.
Z = zzzz (how fast do they fall asleep after?)
Din isn’t an easy sleeper in general, so after sex it’s really not much different. It always takes a while for him to fall asleep, so you’ll definitely be passed out before he even starts to feel tired. He’ll spend most of his time after making sure you’re taken care of with his exquisite aftercare, and then mumble sweet nothings to you as you fall asleep. Even after you’re out, Din will still lie awake and talk to you quietly about anything and everything that comes to mind before he eventually falls asleep too.
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willow-salix · 3 years
The story... Of my precious one.
So, I was knocking around ebay and I see a listing pop up for an 'Allan Tracey " action figure. Meh, thinks I, it'll just be the carton one from 2000's...but I click... And audibly gasp, like full out" my fucking Gods!" scream.
Because I know that face anywhere, and that ain't no Alan... THAT'S JOHN BITCH!
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He's lost the tip of his nose, he's wearing what might be either a sack or a sock... We aren't quite sure.
I show him to the girls and @misssquidtracy proclaims him to be hideous and haunting her when she closes her eyes... @olliepig says he has a flipper for a foot... I squeaked a protest because I was already in love by this point, totally and utterly in love with this gorgeous beast. @inertplanetary went awww because she's supportive. Not like those other two cow bags... Anyway....
I slap a bid in quicker than I would slap the next person that tells me Gerry hated John.
For six days I watch, I lurk, I pray to every Thundergod up there, because damn do I deserve some luck right now. So I pray, I pray with everything I have inside. I pray that people will be put off by the sack, that they will think he is ugly too, that they will miss him because he's misspelt and mislabelled. I want him more than anything in the world...
You see, I know my shit, I've done my research, and I know that they DO NOT make John stuff very often, either they make a full set or they make Scott, Virgil and Alan, you never get Gordon or John, and I was fully aware that in recent times there had been no John action figure made, which meant... Original from the 60's yo! So I tracked that sucker down...
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Made by Fairylite, limited production run, genuine 60s and I was determined to get him.
I'd stuck on 99p and it didn't move at all. Twenty minutes before the end and I was sweating, like heart palpitations, anxiety attack for days, because I hate bidding on things, hate it. This little voice in my head, the one I always listen to says "up your bid" I'm like, but no one else is here... But I do it anyway, throw in £25 as a starter.
And I wait...
I have a minute to go and I literally cannot look, I'm laying on the couch with my big chief John sat on my shoulder like a gorgeous blue parrot and the cat staring at me. My eyes are covered... Kid had control of the stereo and for some reason best known to itself her Spotify takes that moment to throw up "Phantom of the Opera" dun... Dun dun dun dundun... I scream at her to get rid coz that's not helping my anxiety... She scrambles... Finds soothing 5sos apparently.
Eyes still covered... I peek... 25seconds to go. Close eyes again...
I feel my phone vibrate at 15 seconds, that means I got outbid.
I almost start to cry. It finishes. I opened my eyes....
Some bastard had tried to outbid me in the last seconds but aimed too low and I got him!!
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Baby was coming home!
I was an anxious mess until my lovely postie handed me a box five days later...
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He looked like a mummified body... The sack didn't help. But my gods he was gorgeous!! Just the most amazing nose missing, slightly crossed eyed, fading at the temples boy I had ever seen!
I quickly order him something more dignified and it arrived today
I get the scissors and prepare him...
Strip tease... Oh mmmmmyyyyyy @selene-tempest I'm sorry about this...
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Cover ya bits baby, this is a family house... Cat is trying to help but its not Virgil so she doesn't really care, he's the only one she's got a crush on. She doesn't mind Scott but she does not care for Alan.
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It won't go over his peachy ass! I had to wrestle this bad boy on.
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Baby too thicc... He got muscles for days...
Look at those pecs...
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And he's on the John shelf!!!
Edit: I wanted to have him sitting next to Big Chief John but the suit is so tight he can't bend, coz he muscle man. So until I get him more wardrobe items he's standing like Bond in the background.
Also his flipper feet are too big for the shoes that came with it. So he barefoot.
It was a saga, it was a battle that I valiantly and willingly fought... And he's mine! I'm in love.
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grasshopperjay · 4 years
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the cold wind of it all (18+)
pairing: jay halstead x reader
song: no questions asked - fleetwood mac
word count: 2.5k
summary: the reader is part of the intelligence unit, and jay doesn’t seem to like her very much. a heated conversation between the two leads to something unexpected, and then that leads to something even more unexpected.
warnings: swearing, angst, yelling, mentions of death, smut, unprotected sex, dom!jay
You don’t like Jay Halstead.
And Jay Halstead doesn’t like you.
At least you thought he didn’t.
“You didn’t play that the right way, you should have called it.” He stomps down into the locker room, getting in your face before you even have the chance to explain yourself.
“I did what I thought was right.” You say, slamming your locker door shut.
“We could have got something out of that guy if you’d have just ended it when you were supposed to, but now he’s dead.” 
“Yeah and what if I had called it then? I’d probably be dead, Kevin included. I’m pretty sure if everyone thought the same Voight would be down here with my badge, but he isn’t so drop it Jay.”
“No I’m not gonna drop it! I lost a CI!”
You’re so frustrated in the moment, and you have no verbal comebacks so you do the only thing you can think of, even though it’s totally offside. You’re doing it before you can even evaluate your actions, your hands landing solid on Jay’s chest with a half ass output of force to try and push him back. 
He looks back at you with wide eyes for a moment, and then responds with some force of his own. One hand latches onto your waist, pushing you back into the lockers, while the other grabs onto your chin, your eyes meeting for a split second before he’s kissing you. 
What the hell is happening?
It’s completely unexpected, and the shock of it all has you dead still in his hold. Jay tenses and pulls back, looking at you with a look that mirrors your own, utterly confused at what just happened. 
He backs away, hands held out at his side, and then he’s rushing out of the room.
The adrenaline pumping through you is making you to run, get out of there so you can stew over it, think it over and process, but you’re in the middle of a work day, a ruined work day because of Jay. How are you supposed to go up in the bull pen and act like everything is completely normal when he’s just gone and done that?
You take another five minutes to try and collect yourself before heading back up, tail between your legs. Jay doesn’t make eye contact, and you try not to either, barely paying attention to anything that Voight is saying until he’s barking out your name.
“Y/N,” Your head perks up, and Voight nods to the interrogation rooms, “You and Jay, head in. Try and get something out of him.”
Your stomach drops, and you can all but see the blood drain from your face. When you’re not out of you chair immediately, Voight furrows his brows at you. “Everything alright?” He asks, and you nod. “Then head in.”
You sigh and stand, following Jay in while he looks through the case file to avoid looking at you. You close the door behind you, and Jay starts. 
“Ben Compher,” He puts the file down on the table and you try to figure out how’s going on completely normal, like nothing happened. “How do you know him?” 
“I don’t.” The suspect shrugs.
You really shouldn’t be in here. Your head is not in this. And you don’t understand how Jay’s could be.
“Well we know you’re lying, cause Ben said he got the information about the deal from you. And now he’s dead because of it.”
Jay leans over the table and you should be focused on the suspect, or literally anything but what you’re actually focused on. Jay’s hands are spread on the table and all you can picture is how that same hand was holding your jaw earlier.
And what it could do to the rest of your body. 
You’re really not supposed to be thinking this way about one of your coworkers, especially not about Jay. Someone who has shown zero interest in you from day one, well until today that is.
He’s never had anything to say to you unless it’s been negative. Correcting you, or belittling you in front of the team like you’re a newbie cop. And now out of the blue he kisses you? It’s infuriating, and you should be mad, you should have slapped him, but instead you’re sitting here thinking about how his lips felt on yours, and how you wish he were bending you over that stupid table. 
And that's were you pull yourself out of the game. Turning and walking out of that interview room just as fast as you blew in. 
You’re fresh out of the shower, in the kitchen making some tea in nothing but your underwear and a big t shirt. Ready to relax after the weirdest day, when it gets even weirder. 
There’s a hard knock at the door, and then your name is being called through the barrier. The voice all too familiar. 
You stalk to the door, already furious, opening it without even thinking twice about putting pants on. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“You made the wrong call today and you know it,” He’s barging into your apartment, determined. 
“Are you kidding me, Jay? Are you seriously here to lecture me right now?” 
“I just want to hear you admit it, tell me. Say it.”
“Say what?” 
“That you messed up! And then you walked out of that interview, what is wrong with you?!” 
“What is wrong with me? How about what’s wrong with you? Jay you kissed me completely out of the blue today! So I’m sorry if I wasn’t fully invested in that interrogation!”
He completely ignores everything you’ve just said, instead yelling back, “Admit it!”
“Okay whatever, yeah, I did. But I’m not doing this with you. I don’t wanna talk about this stupid fucking case anymore.” You dismiss. You really need to get away from him, cause if he gets too close you’re not sure what you’re gonna do. Ever since that kiss your mind has been in the gutter, and you’re not sure you trust yourself around him.
He stares blankly at you, like he wasn’t expecting you to say it. You can tell he was expecting more of a fight, he wanted it, but he’s not gonna get it.
“I’m done, Jay.” You try to turn away, but he grabs onto your arm, and that’s all it takes. This time it’s you who makes the move, all but lunging at him, and he responds just as eagerly, kissing you with fever. 
Apparently he’s been thinking about all the same things as you today, cause there’s no questions asked. 
He boosts you onto the counter, his hand coming up to grip your jaw, turning your head so his lips can slide down to your neck, and your hands fumble to grab onto something.
Your finger tips graze under his shirt, and his breath hitches. He kisses you one more time before pulling back to tug his shirt over his head, and the sound that leaves your mouth when you lay eyes on his bare chest is just about pornographic. He smirks, but before he can open his mouth you’re pulling him down to you. “Shut up,” You mutter, hands gripping onto his biceps while you kiss him. 
His hands slide up the tops of your thighs pushing up the t shirt until he reaches the waist band of your panties. He tugs them down your legs and your nails dig into the skin on his back. 
He grunts, gripping back onto your thighs with firm hands. “Easy, Y/N.” 
“What?” You smile, rubbing back over the raised skin on his shoulders, “Can’t handle it?” 
He lets out a breathy laugh and then he shakes his head, “Nah I can handle it,” His hands fall down to your right behind your calves, tugging you forward until you’re slipping off the counter. “Question is, can you?” 
You bite your lip, trying to hide your not so subtle grin while you lean into Jay. Your hands wandering down his chest to fumble with his belt. “Mhm,”
He smiles and then shakes his head, grabbing onto your wrists to tug them away. “Not here,” He flicks his head behind you and you step backwards, beckoning him to follow you.
You lead him to your bedroom and there’s barely anytime for you to turn around before he’s pushing you onto the bed. You try to scramble up to the headboard, but he’s catching your ankle before you can do anything, pulling you back down with a grin. 
“You sure about this?” He asks, but he knows the answer. He wouldn’t be hovering over you like this if he weren’t. 
“I’m sure.” You confirm, sighing while he kisses your neck. 
Jay resurfaces, his lips finding yours fast. His hands are just as quick as last time, they slide all the way up your torso, taking your shirt with them. You lift your arms so he can throw it to the side.
Jay’s lips land back on your neck again, biting gently at the skin. You arch your back, breasts pressing into his chest trying to get as close as possible. Your movements distract him and he pulls back, eyes trained directly on your chest covered by a barely there bralette.
“Fuck,” He whispers, sitting back fully to admire. 
You whine at the lack of contact, becoming impatient with his wandering gaze. “You’re so damn beautiful.” He sighs, ducking back down to press kisses down your neck. When he drags his teeth across the swell of your breast, you release a breathy moan and he laughs, his hand slipping underneath your back to get at the clasp. You bend your knee and push up, arching make it easier for him, but your thigh makes contact with the prominent bulge in his pants and he groans against your skin.
He undoes the clasp quickly, and you shrug off the straps, tossing the material to the side. His mouth is occupied immediately, and he sucks a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around before placing gentle kisses around the swell of your breast. He wanders downward, leaving a trail of wet kisses down your stomach. You wiggle as he rubs his thumbs over your hipbones, looking up at you devilishly from his position. He licks a trail up beneath your belly button, then blows cold air on it, raising goosebumps. His name leaves your mouth along with a string of whines and you start to become a little more impatient.
“Easy,” He whispers. He’s purposely going slow, trying to torture you. You moan, bucking your hips ever so slightly.
Finally, Jay drags a finger up your slit, a smirk crossing his face immediately. “So wet for me baby,”
“Jay,” His name leaves your lips much louder, and much whinier than you intended, making him stop in his tracks. He looks up at you, an annoyingly smug but handsome smile on his features.
“Needy.” He says teasingly, his finger barely applying pressure to your cunt.
“I’m gonna do it myself if you don’t hurry the fuck up, Jay,” Your hand moves down but Jay catches your wrist firmly, pinning it down to the couch.
“That’s no fun.” His voice drops an octave and you squirm on the bed. 
“Oh my god,” You breath out. He keeps his bright eyes trained on you as he leans down to lick a stripe up your slit. You moan at the contact, finally getting some relief. His tongue swirls around your clit, sending your hands straight into his hair. You run your hands through his locks, tugging on the strands. 
His hands reach under you, grabbing a hand full of ass all while pulling you closer to his mouth. He lifts one of your legs over his shoulder, his tongue not stopping for a second. 
You’re writhing underneath him, your hands gripping onto anything they can find, his hair, the couch, his shoulders. You’re a mess.
And then he slips a finger into you, curling it up while he sucks hard on your clit, queuing a high pitched cry from you. Your sounds bring back that damn smirk, you can feel it against your skin.
He pushes another finger into you, tongue flicking over your clit. Your breathing is long past fast, you’re trying to catch it now because he’s continuously knocking the wind right out of you. He’s doing absolutely everything right and in the back of your mind you’re wondering how he learnt to do all this, but your main focus is on the obvious, his face buried in your cunt.
His fingers curl up and swipe your g spot, opening up to stretch you out, receiving a strangled moan from your throat. “Jay, I’m so close,” You cry, “Don’t stop!” You hold his head in place, and buck your hips up to grind onto his mouth. You’re probably suffocating him, but you really can’t be bothered to stop, and he doesn’t seem to be slowing down, so you’re assuming he’s okay with it.
One last movement of his fingers throws you over the edge, and your body shakes as your orgasm rocks through you. Jay’s fingers slow as you work through the euphoria, his lips staying away from your oversensitive clit.
He places a chaste kiss on your stomach before moving up to your lips. You taste yourself on his tongue as it slides into your mouth and you moan against his lips, your hand wandering down to cover his bulge.
“Fuck, I’m not gonna last,” He curses, mouthing at your neck. “I need to be inside of you,”
You receive a sideways smirk as he pops the button on his jeans and pushes them down, underwear quick to follow. He strokes his hard cock and you swear your mouth starts to water. If he’d let you, you’d be on your knees so fast for him.
He hovers over you again, lining up with your entrance. You wrap your legs around his waist, running your hands up and down his shoulders. With a low grunt he pushes into you, you moan and watch as Jay’s features tighten, his eyes squeezing shut above you.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” The pace starts slow, he speeds up gradually igniting a second wind in you. 
“Don’t stop,” You beg, pulling his face down so you can connect your lips.
A sharp thrust grazes your g spot, and you quite literally wail out. Your arms are moving frantically along his back, grabbing and scratching anywhere, while you squirm underneath him. Amidst your moving your leg slips out from under his, and Jay’s weight drops further onto you. He grunts, and his cock slips out, you whine high pitched and he chuckles, “You’re desperate, huh?”
Punching him in the arm would normally cross your mind but right now you’re not in the mood to argue, so you just nod. “Please, don’t stop,” Jay’s hand slips underneath your leg to push your thigh to your chest while he pressures into you again. Your back arches of the couch and Jay curses, “Stay fucking still,” His free hand comes up to sit at the base of your throat and you moan out.
“You want it?” He asks, railing into you again.
You nod your head weakly with the constriction of his hand, and his fingers tighten around you.
“Say it,” He spits out, teeth clenched.
The words fall out of your mouth almost automatically, “I want it so bad,”
“Good girl,” He mumbles the words and let’s go of your leg, his hand slipping down to where you’re connected. The pad of his middle finger presses directly onto your clit and you jerk up. His grip on your neck gets tighter again as he works his hips up, sending his tip slamming into your g spot, which queues another scream and sudden movement.
“Jesus, I’m gonna need to tie you up next time, quit fucking moving.” He growls.
Your pussy clenches around him when he says that and a deep groan is pushed out his throat before he chuckles, “Mm, you like that idea don’t you?”
You nod, eyes squeezing shut as you try and fail to bring your hips up to meet him. “You can do whatever you want,” The words slip out embarrassingly easy, and you turn your head so he can’t see the way your cheeks flush.
His head dips down so he can get his lips on your neck, letting out a breathy chuckle that you feel on your skin. “Oh baby I plan to,”
He bites the spot under your ear and you whine, your hands coming up to hold him against you.
He slides his finger up again to circle around your clit and you feel yourself getting higher and higher, unable to move under his weight. His every thrust radiating pleasure through your whole body while he keeps you pinned underneath him.
You turn your head, and whisper against his lips. He slides his tongue into your mouth, pinching your clit.
It’s sends you over the edge fast and hard, your vision going black for a moment while warmth spreads through your body. 
When you come to, Jay is wiping a warm towel over your stomach, grinning while you lift yourself onto your elbows. “Are you good?”
“I think so,” You say quietly, and then you’re blurting out probably what you’re both thinking, “What just happened?”
“I don’t know, but I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.” He grins, walking around the side of the bed until he’s beside you. He reaches a hand out to stroke your hair and you hold onto his arm. “Need anything?”
You shake your head, tugging on him while he slides back into the bed, pulling the covers up and over the both of you. 
“We should, uh, definitely do this again...” Jay says, tugging you into his chest. 
“Absolutely.” You nod, “I’ll argue with you any day if this is what’s gonna come of it,”
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Oh, The Lies You Tell - Bakugou Katsuki - pt. 2
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, abuse, betrayal, fluff, slice of life, smut, cursing, manipulation, possible spoilers, physical harm, 18+
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Ep. Warnings: fluff, childhood trauma, cursing, Bakugou kinda OOC, DADZAWA
Summary: More Bakugou x reader interaction! And Y/N’s first time training with the students and showing off her “quirk.” How will the students react?
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
Once you saw the familiar blonde, you smiled. “.....hey back, cutie.” You said with confidence. Bakugou only blushed at the comment and sucked his teeth as he rolled his eyes.
“Soo...you’re my escort?” You flirtatiously asked. You can’t help it, it’s just your personality. Plus, after years of villainous work, you had to learn how to speak with a calm and seductive voice to get your way with your victims.
“Yeah, that means I’m stuck with your dumbass for the next few months. So try to keep up and don’t you dare hold me back.” He ferociously said. You just giggled and went to mess with his unbuttoned shirt collar.
“Whatever you say, Fiesty,” as you examined his clothes, you just had to speak up again. “Whattup with the clothes? No tie, no tuck, no....prestigiousness?” Bakugou scoffed at your question.
“Oh yea? Like you’re one to talk. You completely changed your uniform. You realize the girls in UA don’t dress this-“ you cut him off.
“What? Rebellious?”
“I was gonna say hot.”
“That works too.”
“Suits you real well.”
“Oh, I bet it does,” you smirked. During your time throwing spitfire replies to one another, you realized how close both your faces have gotten. You saw ruby eyes, perfect porcelain skin with the perfect amount of tan, soft but fluffy, spiky, blonde hair, and a smirk that copied your own. As Bakugou was too busy admiring your looks, you gently placed two fingers under his chin.....and flicked his head upwards at the sky.
“Hehe...let’s go, Cutie. You gotta show me my dorm, remember? Cant stand here forever staring at me.” You chuckled to yourself.
“I was not doing any of that shitty woman!” Bakugou yelled. As Bakugou did that, Rumor ran right across him making his balance go all outta wack.
“Heh..yeah, sure.” You said as you walked off with Rumor, petting his head. Oh, this is gonna be fun.
On the walk to the dorms, you and Bakugou got to know each other quite well. Just the basics though. Favorite music, favorite foods, personality types, likes and dislikes, all that good stuff. You also both shared a little flirtatious banter, not that you minded, however it threw Bakugou off. When the fuck does he ever talk like that? As you both walked up to the entrance you realized something.
“Hey, you never asked me about my quirk. How come?” You asked as you both continued to walk to the doors.
“Don’t need to. I’ll see all I have to see tomorrow during training.” Bakugou said.
“Makes sense.” You replied.
“Of course it does,” He said as he opened the doors to give you a tour. You were in awe. Growing up, you never really had a home before the league. You slept in benches, jail cells, or straight on the ground outside in the rain. But this? Basically luxury to you, but of course you kept up a chill persona.
“This is the common area, kitchens over there, everyone gets their own bathrooms, the showers are that way, and I’ll show you to your dorm,” Bakugou said, giving you the “grand” tour. As you walked up to your room, you saw how already filled it was...but this wasn’t any of your stuff.
“Didn’t realize you were into music like that.” Bakugou said. When you turned to look at your desk, you saw how large it was and how there was a control panel they used at recording studios on it. Set up with it was a microphone that artist used when recording their songs and there was a mini keyboard and acoustic guitar set up on the side. Then it hit you. You had gone over your interest with Mr. Aizawa, guess he filled up the room to make you more comfortable OR to make it seem like you were a normal kid who actually had stuff. In reality, you had nothing but your villain costume (which you demanded to be kept) and Rumor.
“Umm...not really. I just sing a little and enjoy writing little songs. Nothing special really,” you replied to him. “Uh, could you give me a sec? I wanna change out of this uniform and relax a little.” You said to him.
“Yeah, sure. Dinner starts at 6 so be down by then and come meet the rest of the morons.” He said as he backed out the room and walked on to wherever. You began to explore the room. Rumor took comfort on the soft bed, and you looked at the recording area. It was amazing. You strummed the guitar, taking in it’s beautiful sound and dabbled on the keyboard. You then realized.
“Rumor! What am I gonna change in to?! I literally have nothing!” You said as you ran to your closet, astound when you saw the large amount of clothes, along with a little sticky note.
Enjoy the gift, Y/N! Cant wait to have you in class!
- Ms. Midnight
“Midnight, huh? Then these clothes must be hot as fuck!” You excitedly said. Safe to say you put on a little fashion show for yourself and Rumor. As you put on the clothes and made new outfits, you noticed how she had gone for the typical “baddie style.” Lots of ripped jeans, plenty of casual heels, thigh high boots, leather jackets, bomber jackets, crop tops, tube tops, and of course booty shorts. You also noticed the massive amount of jewelry given to you. Plenty of necklaces and anklets. Very pretty.
Once done with your little show, you and Rumor looked at the clock. 5:30.
“I think we should stay in here. Who needs dinner anyways?” Rumor only growled at you. He knew better. You both needed food and you should go down there and make some friends.
“Oh c’mon! We’ve gone days without food before, why not now?” You saw how Rumor gave you this look of ‘because it wasn’t available then’ and you rolled your eyes knowing your friend was right.
“Fineeeeeee,” you reluctantly said as Rumor gave a happy bark and wagged his tail. You changed into some comfortable clothes and went to the common area.
When walking down there, you saw a spikey read head, a tall black haired boy, a girl with long greenish hair, and then you saw Deku, Kaminari, Uraraka, Todoroki, and Bakugou. While they were talking, the red head took notice of yours and Rumor’s presence.
“Oh! Hey L/N! Rumor! Come join us!” How sweet of him to include Rumor. As you both walked towards a single open seat on a solo couch seat, you saw how everyone had their eyes set on you with a smile.
“Umm....hey.” You nervously let out with a small laugh. As you tried to settle, Rumor placed his head on your lap to calm you down and Bakugou took notice of this.
“Would you idiots stop staring at her like that? She’s obviously kinda nervous.” Bakugou said with his head thrown back on the couch. The red head then spoke up to agree.
“Oh right! Sorry about that L/N!” He said kindly.
“No, it’s no trouble. And you guys can quit the formalities and just call me Y/N. I don’t mind!” You sweetly said.
“Alright then, nice to meet you Y/N! I’m Eijirou Kirishima, this is Hanta Sero, and Tsuyu Asui. I’ve heard you already met these guys, and I’ve also heard you got Bakugou as your escort!” Bakugou growled at Kirishima for mentioning that.
“Yeah! He’s kinda.....bratty?” You teased. Bakugou only looked at you with wide angry eyes and a small blush.
“Ha, yeah. Bakubro can be a brute, but when you get to know the guy, you find out he’s just a big ole softie with rough ways.” He joked.
“I AIN’T SOFT SHITTY HAIR!” Bakugou screamed. The group just giggled and watch the interaction go on. You guys talked and laughed and they got to know about you and Rumor a little better. Finally, a girl with a black ponytail came in.
“Hey guys! Dinner’s ready! Oh! And L/N, we made 2 steaks for Rumor. I hope you don’t mind.” She said.
“Oh not at all! Thanks you guys, that was really sweet of you.” Rumor understood what was going on just by the scent in the air and he was excited. As you all walked to the table and took ur seats, everyone got to talking again. Dinner went on and Rumor was enjoying his steaks.
“Man..what a lucky dog. Steak for dinner.” Kirishima spoke. Everyone chuckled and continued on. The girl with the pony tail, who you learned was nicknamed Momo, walked in with a final pot.
“Okay you guys! This is the final dish! Just some Miso soup to peck on. Kaminari, can you go and grab the ladel?” As the blonde walked away, everyone was excited for the dish.
“Sorry guys, the soup is a little too hot. You should wait for it to cool down before digging in,” Momo said apologetically.
“Oh hey, no worries, I have a solution!” You said as you made a tiny little tornado with you air bending and sent it to the pot of soup on the table to cool it down. The massive amount of steam was clearly decreased and everyone thanked you.
“So your quirk is tiny tornadoes?” Bakugou whispered to you as he was the one sitting next to you.
“No, you dummy.” You giggled until you heard a crack. Everyone looked over and saw Kaminari broke the one and only ladel. Everyone booed and sighed at the loss of miso soup and the poor blonde just apologized with a nervous smile.
“It’s fine you guys, we don’t need a ladel. Who wants some miso?” You asked and everyone raised their hands. So, you used your water bending to pick up the soup give some to all your classmates. Everyone was confused but impressed.
“Okay, what the hell is your quirk?” Bakugou asked in confusion.
“You’ll find out soon, Cutie.”
“Whatever you say, Princess.” He replied back.
It was safe to say the new nickname left you in shock with some blush and you noticed everyone stopped eating to look at you both.
“........huh?!” The group simultaneously said with blank and confused faces as Bakugou yelled at them saying they heard nothing.
The next day the students met up with Mr. Aizawa wearing any comfortable gym/fighting attire. Instead of meeting at Gym Gamma, the teacher took his students out to the Sports Festival Areana. The students all buzzed with excitement, most only wanting to know the new student’s quirk and fight style.
“Okay, today we’ll be doing sparring matches. We’ve paired you all up based on skill level and experience. One battle at a time. Whoever makes it to the top 3, those students are excused from classes tomorrow. Get warmed up, take your seats, and I’ll call up the first two fighters.” Mr. Aizawa spoke.
The students were ready. Everyone was, but no one was prepared for you. They never saw your fight style, never saw you use your quirk for battle, never even saw you pick a fight. This’ll be interesting.
“Okay bud, since it’s a 1v1, you’re benched.” You spoke to Rumor. He whined at the fact that he wouldn’t be getting any action but nonetheless, listened to his best friend. “Oh don’t give me that sass, why don’t you go talk to Kirishima or Bakugou while I’m in battle. Fair?” Rumor huffed at you, but you took it as compliance.
“Hey, Princess.”
You turned to who called you and saw Bakugou and what appeared to be his little posse following him. It consisted of Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, and Mina.
“Oh hey guys. What’s up?” You asked.
“We’re all pumped up to see your quirk! Those tricks you did during dinner last night had us all coming up with ideas on what it could be.” Mina squealed. “I guessed substance manipulation.”
“Telekinesis,” Kirishima said
“Weather powers,” Sero guessed
“Food control!” Kaminari answered. Oh what a piece of work that one is. Everyone looked at the fool with raised brows.
“Heh...guess not.” The goofy boy said with a scratch to his head. You all laughed and you looked towards Bakugou waiting for him to answer.
“Well..what’s your guess, Cutie?” You looked towards Bakugou as he just stared at you.
“Elements,” he said calmly. That shocked you. Who knew someone was gonna guess. Well, he was still wrong considering it wasn’t really a quirk but yeah.
“Just a guess. I’ll figure it out once I see you fight.” He added on.
“Oh yeah! Mr. Aizawa pairs us up based on skill level and experience! We’ll get to know more about how you fight based on your partner.” Mina said.
As the group continued talking, Mr. Aizawa finally came to speak up.
“Okay, listen up. I’m sure you’re all curious as to what L/N is able to do, so our first match we’ll be L/N vs. Todoroki.” Everyone had their jaws drop. Shoto Todoroki?!? He was one of the top students in the class in both intelligence and physical skill. He is an excellent fight with a powerful quirk. How the hell are you supposed to win. You only smirked and walked up to the fighting area. As you walked, a pair of red eyes followed you.
‘What the hell can this chick do?’ Bakugou thought to himself.
As you and Todoroki met in the middle facing each other with Mr. Aizawa in between you both, he spoke up.
“Okay, here are the rules......there are none. The match will begin when you hear the buzzer go off. You’ll hear 3 beeps then a ring, then you can spar. You can use your quirk at any level, do whatever you may please, do whatever it takes to win. The match stops when one of you falls off the square or is knocked out and unable to continue fighting. Understand?” He said while looking at both of you and speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. You both nodded your heads but Mr. Aizawa looked at you with a more stern stare.
“Do you understand, Y/N?” He asked once more. You nodded your head and waited for him to start the match. He walked off the field and went to sit with the class. They all stared in anticipation. Bakugou focused his eyes on you.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Ring!
At the first second, Todoroki used his left side to throw some fire your way. At the sight of the burning flames you only smirked and extended your hand. Everyone watched you do, what they thought was, nothing. They only saw you stand there.
“Y/N DO SOMETHING!” Bakugou screamed in fear of you getting hurt.
When the flames came close enough, you used your fire bending to move them around your body and attack Todoroki. The boy had a quick reaction and sent an ice wall towards you. Perfect. You ran to the ice coming your way and turned it into water, which you used to push back Todoroki, closer to the edge. You sent fire his way and he ran at you, dodging it and attempting to strike you. You flipped away from him. Everyone saw how acrobatic you were. When he came closer once more to punch you, you turned to you side and struck his right shoulder, paralyzing his arm.
Todoroki screamed in shock and pain as he realized he couldn’t feel his arm. He sent more fire to you, in which you used your air bending to put the flames out. You used your earth bending to lift the area that Todoroki was standing on into the air, as he flew through the air, you blasted fire from your feet to get up in the air and blasted him with a gust of wind that knocked him out the area of the square. When he fell to the ground, he hit the field instead of the square, meaning he lost. You fell closer to the concrete but used your fire to slow down before you could crash. Once you landed you looked around for Aizawa.
“That’s the match. L/N wins.” You looked around and everyone still sat in shock. Nobody even clapped. They just looked so....impressed? Kaminari was in the middle of petting Rumor and when he stopped, Rumor noticed the match was over and saw you standing. He howled to cheer for you as everyone ran down to say something. As the crowd came up to you, you were hit with compliments.
As the class continued to hype you up, you saw how Bakugou still just stared at you. You walked over to him.
“Impressed?” You asked.
“......you’re good.” Bakugou still said in slight shock. You only laughed at his answer. You knew he thought more, but you weren’t gonna push him. Every one saw Todoroki get up and limp towards you.
“L/N....that was a great fight. You’re incredibly skilled.” He complimented.
“Thank you Todoroki. And please, I told you to call me Y/N.” You kindly said
“Right, of course...ah.” He hissed in pain. You felt bad for how hard you went on him.
“Here..let me just,” you took the moisture in the air and took water out of it. You used it to heal up Todoroki’s injuries and soothe his pain. “Feel better?”
“Very much, yes. Thank you.” He said.
“No problem, but your arm is a different story. I temporarily paralyzed it with my dim mak fighting style. It’ll take some minutes for it to come back fully.” You explained.
“Okay. That was really impressive. I had no idea there was a fighter like you.” He said once again.
“Whats dim mak?” Kirishima asked.
“It’s the fighting style I use. It’s attacks a person’s pressure points with quick and sharp jabs. It paralyzes a person or just a limb for a good hour depending on how hard I hit.” You replied.
“Pressure points?” Kaminari asked.
“They’re the parts in your body where you’re sensitive and can be detained when they’re hit. With that, it means I know the human body like the back of my hand. Thanks to that I’ve come up with a skill called Chi Blocking.” You explained.
“What’s that?” Mina asked.
“Something you’ll all find out about the next time Y/N fights. Until then, let’s have Todoroki get to recovery girl and let’s continue the matches.” Aizawa said. As everyone went to their seat and Aizawa called up Iida and Aoyama, Bakugou asked you a few questions.
“What the fuck was that?!” He asked.
“What?” You giggled.
“The fucking fire, and the wind, and you moved rocks and you turned his ice into water!!” He spasmed out.
“Uh huh...” you said with a smile and raised brow.
“A-and the flips! You flip and did a bunch of acrobatic tricks, and the jabs, the “dim mak,” it was- I was- it was-.......HUH” he exclaimed.
“Not like Bakugou to freak out over a fight like that. What happened to Mr. Cool Guy?” Denki said.
“You shut your mouth, Sparky!” Bakugou threatened. “Look, all I’m tryna ask is..how and when did you learn all of this? Your quirk is crazy OP, and your fighter skill is insane! Appreciate that bullshit cuz I don’t say shit like that often.”
You just laughed and sighed. You weren’t sure how to answer his question. “Umm,” you started “I don’t really know...I just-“ you were cut off by a mouse. Principle Nezu, you remembered him.
“Mr. Aizawa?” The peppy mouse asked.
“Yes?” Aizawa replied.
“May I speak with you? Concerning your new student and her transfers. There’s been a few complications with her paperwork that need to be solved.” He politely asked.
“Yes, I understand sir. Class, free day. Head back to your dorms but be sure to get in an hour and a half of training today. That’ll be all. Dismissed.” The pro said as he followed the principle. As students gathered to leave and head back to the dormitory, Bakugou stopped you.
“Hey, wait. You still gotta tell me how you learned all this, Princess.” He said.
“What’s there to say?” You awkwardly laughed out. “Uh..I discovered my...quirk.. while doing some work-“
“Work as a child?” Bakugou asked.
“Sorta. I discovered it there and then..I met someone who trained me how to fight like that.” You explained.
“Your parents must be really proud.” Bakugou slightly smiled.
“Umm..yeah, I bet they are.” You said kind of skiddish.
“I can imagine the look on their faces when they saw the pretty impressive quirk you got. My parents were pretty shocked too with mine.” He added on.
“Oh really? You can imagine their faces?” You laughed out nervously. ‘I sure can’t,’ you thought to yourself.
“I mean yeah. Parents usually....” you drowned him out. Parents...parents...parents...PARENTS. You snapped.
“Bakugou!” You said with tone. “I don’t have or know my parents....” you said as he stopped talking and dropped his jaw to the ground. Before he could say anything, you bit your lips, called Rumor to go, and left, leaving Bakugou in regret.
As you ran with slight tears in your eyes, you told Rumor to change into a giant wolf. He shifted and you hopped on him.
“Let’s go to the spot, Rumor.” You said as he took off.
When Rumor arrived at ‘The Spot’ you settled. The spot was beautiful. Tall trees, beautiful plants, plenty of adorable creatures, and a gorgeous pond right in the middle of it all. You layed against a tree as Rumor placed you down so you could stop your tears and he transformed back into his wolf-dog form and cuddled up against you.
“No parents...” you said aloud. Although sad you never really got to experience or meet your parents or what it’s like to have them or a family, you were conflicted. Yes it was sad not having parents or a family, but you never had one so it’s hard to tell how you feel about the topic. As the thoughts ran through your mind, your eyes glowed a bright white and when you opened them, you weren’t at the spot anymore.
“Hello....?” You said as you looked around. “Helloooo...?? Anyone there?”
“Welcome back to the spirit world, Y/N.” When you turned to your side, you were in awe.
“Avatar Korra!” You bowed to show respect but then went to hug your spiritual mentor. She embraced you with wide arms. She’s always been the friendly, open, optimistic type. “What am I doing here, Korra?”
“Why do you think you’re here, Y/N?” She said with a sly smile and hands on her hips, but beaming eyes.
“My parents?” You questioned but she only shook her head.
“Your path.” Korra stated.
“My path?” You asked.
“Yes. Or more so, the path you choose.” She corrected.
“I don’t understand.” You said.
As Korra continued to smile at you, you both stood still as the world shifted. You looked around and saw the LOV hideout.
“The league? I don’t understand, what does my path have to do with them?” You questioned, but before she said anything, the world shifted once more and you were infront of UA’s building.
“The school?....Oh, this isn’t some typa light and dark thing, is it?” You asked Korra.
“It is.” She replied back.
“Ugghhhh, we’ve been through this. I’m a bad person. I could never fit in with those goodie two shoes! I’m a member of the league of villains! Not heroes. My path is the darkness.” You stated.
“Is it? You weren’t born into darkness.” Korra said.
“Y/N, you’re not a bad person. Your a villain because of survival. That’s the life that you know. That’s the life that you were kidnapped into.” Korra began.
“Yeah but-“
“But nothing. You know in your heart you would much rather be a hero than some low life villain!” Korra exclaimed.
“No I couldn’t. They’re too good. I could never be that great. Hell, I’m on a plan to take down UA right now!” You said.
“And are you doing that because you want to? Or is it because you think the league is gonna torture you any less if you succeed......you don’t wanna take down the heroes. You wanna be like them.”
“I don’t.”
“You do.”
“I can’t!”
“But you can. You can be all these amazing things, but you’re just on the wrong path with the wrong people. All you have to do is make the choice to leave them. You want to be good, Y/N. It’s in your nature. You’re the avatar after all. It’s your destiny to bring peace to the world.”
Once Korra had said that, a flash came and you were back in the spot. You gasped as you returned and shook your head. You saw it had gotten dark now and figured it was best if you headed back. You woke up Rumor and asked him to become a giant wolf again. He shifted and brought you back to UA. Along the walk, you couldn’t help but think back to what Korra said.
“My path......light or dark...” you looked down at your palms and squeezed them shut in frustration. You huffed and looked ahead, and saw you arrived at the front of the dorms. Standing there, waiting for you, Mr. Aizawa.
“Welcome back.” He said to you.
“Hi...” you blankly said as you attempted to get past him. However, he stopped you from going in.
“Not so fast, we need to speak first before anything else.” He stated
“What about? Because I’ve had a really long and kinda frustrating day, and I don’t need some bullshit to fuck it up even more. I mean, I’m so aggravated that I-“ a piece of paper dangling in your face shut you up.
“What are those?” You asked the hero.
“Adoption papers. I’m now your legal guardian.” Aizawa stated.
“.........HUHHHHH?!?!???” There was no way this was happening. It couldn’t be. You??? Adopted??? By a pro hero??? One that you almost killed???
“Okay, I’m sorry but I don’t need a guardian. I’ve been by myself, on my own, the second I was born. No family raised me, no motherly figure, no nothing. It’s just been me, the spirits, and the villain who took care of me till I was, what, 5? And then kicked me out and left me stranded. I’ve been surviving on my own for over a decade, I don’t need you to look out for me.” You exclaimed.
“Yeah, don’t worry. I won’t be an annoying parent, I’m just your legal guardian. You’re still underage, meaning you’ll need permission for certain things to continue to move forward.” He explained to you. You thought about it, and damn it, he was right. If you wanted to go about this whole thing the legal way, you’d need this.
“.....Fine. Just don’t tell me what to do dAD,” you sarcastically said.
“I’m your guardian and teacher now, I can tell you whatever I want, brat. Now get inside, you’re past curfew.” He said but you only squinted your eyes at him in disbelief. Did he really give you a curfew?
“Student curfew. You live in the dorms, all students have to be in this building by 10:30,” he explained. You just scoffed and went inside with Rumor.
“Guess I have a dad now, Rumor.” You sighed. You never had a father before. It warmed your heart a little, but then you remembered he wasn’t really your dad. Just a guardian. As you walked into the common area, you saw the lights were out. The students must’ve been in their dorms. You walked to the kitchen to grab a snack before heading to bed but you saw Bakugou sitting there with a water bottle in hand. He seemed kinda bummed out. You cleared your voice to get his attention and when he looked up at you, you told Rumor to head to the room.
“Y-Y/N! Hey!..” he said to you.
“Heh..hi Bakugou...Umm..I’m sorry about the whole..running away thing. I just needed to clear my head a little.” You said as you took the seat next to him.
“No, don’t apologize. I’m.....i-.....I’m sorry for pushing you about the whole parent thing. I didn’t know.” He apologized. You only shook your head and stared at your hands before speaking up.
“It’s fine. How could you know? After all, I’ve only been here for 2 days. Besides, you didn’t really upset me, it’s just..I feel kinda outta place when the parent topic comes up. Guess I just freaked out,” you saw the look on his face. Disappointment. Is he that upset that hurt you? Or at least thought he did? “B-but don’t worry! I’m fine! For real! I’ve been parent-less for almost my entire life so it doesn’t sting like that. Hehe..wow Umm. Depressing. You know I feel like I’m rambling, am I rambling? Should I stop? I think I should shut up, or maybe I’m just gonna go now that I-“ Bakugou placed his hand on yours which shut you up real quick. You looked up at his face as he stared into your eyes.
“You can talk to me about it you know. It’s clear you wanna get some things off your chest and I’m really interested in you.” You raised your brow at that last sentence. He realized what he said and quickly tried to correct himself.
“I mean- uh- not like that, or um it could be like that! It could be, if you’re cool with that. But it’s not, or maybe, i don’t know, it’s not it’s, I was, it was, I- yeah I’m gonna stop talking now.” He cleared his throat at the end of that, settling down. You giggled and reassured him.
“No, no it’s fine. I really don’t mind. Umm, what do you wanna know. I’m fine with sharing anything.” You said.
“Okay, let’s just continue with this parent topic then....how were you raised?” He asked. This scared you. You had to be real careful with your choice of words or else your cover would be blown.
“Okay, let’s see. I was born in a place-“
“Oh really?” He teased.
“Shuddup,” you laughed and playfully hit his shoulder.
“And that place was..very private. Very unknown, but my parents Umm, i don’t really know what happened to them. The earliest thing I can remember is that..someone found me and told me my parents were gone, they weren’t my real family, they just took me in because they couldn’t let a baby die, and raised me till I was 5.” You said.
“And then?” He asked.
“You sure? It just goes down hill from here.” You warned. But he only nodded and asked for you to continue. You looked at your hands in your lap before continuing.
“I was kicked out. Left on the streets. I slept on park benches, in alleyway tunnels, on rooftops of buildings. I pawned for food and..” you didn’t know if you should admit the next part. But Bakugou held onto your hand and asked for more.
“And then?” He questioned.
“.....I did what I had to do to survive. I committed crimes, but I had to live. I was just a child and didn’t know what to do. If you look at me any different for what I did though, I won’t judge you.” You said. He squeezed your hand almost as if he was telling you he understood. He nodded and pleaded for more.
“After 2 years on the streets, a cult found me. An evil and dark cult. They used their quirks to torture people they kidnapped and made them slaves to create weapons. They kept us in cells and chains, working 24/7. It was there that I learned of my abilities. I found out I could control the 4 elements and their sub-elements. There, I also met a master. He was old and couldn’t fight anymore, but he saw the potential in me and taught me dim mak in the shadows. After a year of being enslaved there and secretly training, these people (the LOV) came in and killed the cult members and stole some of their weapons and destroyed the rest. Once I saw them taking down those horrible people, I used my abilities and they saw. I guess I impressed them and they recruited me to join their little family. I’ve been with them ever since. But then I met Mr. Aizawa and he asked me to join UA. Since the group I joined wasn’t really family, I didn’t need their permission. They were more like friends and they were even the ones who pushed me to come here.” You finished up your little story and saw Bakugou looked at you with worry in his eyes.
“And now I’m here! Sitting in a dim kitchen at UA with a cute boy at 11:00 p.m.” you said trying to cheer up the mood. “Bakugou...”
“You’re not..affected? By everything you’ve been through?”
“You don’t have to feel bad!”
“But I do! You’re here! You’re not...”
“Dead?” You teased.
“Basically!” You laughed at that.
“Y/N, I’m serious!” Bakugou tried to say.
“And so am I! You don’t have to be upset. I value everything I went through, all the good and bad.” You explained.
“Why?” He asked.
“Because it made me the kickass baddie that I am today!” You said flipping your hair and laughing. “Seriously though! Everything I went through made me who I am. It’s made me stronger, more independent. It lets me know I can handle myself. So I’m good, you don’t have to worry.” You said grabbing onto his hand again and reassuring him. He used his thumb to rub at your hand and enjoy the feeling.
“You are...probably the strongest person I’ve ever met.” He said calmly with a small SMALL smile on his face as he looked at you.
“I’ll also bet that I’m also the only “criminal” that you look like you wanna kiss.” You playfully said.
“Maybe I do...” he said with a smirk and soft voice as he leaned in closer.
“And maybe I’ll let you..” you said as you leaned in. As you two got closer and closer, your eyes filled with daze and the world around you two fell apart. It was just you and him in that moment. Until it was ruined. Just as your lips were about to touch, Mr. Aizawa came in.
“Hey!” He shouted
“GAH!” You both screamed and jumped away from each other with a blush adoring both your faces. Aizawa walked up to both of you, shoving the adoption papers in bakugou’s face.
“No smooching with my newly adopted daughter!” He said with a stern voice.
“I’m not your daughter! You’re just my guardian and it only happened like a few hours ago!” You stated.
“You can’t tell me who I can and can’t kiss, old man.” Bakugou said.
“Listen you little punk! I outta...” then Bakugou and your teacher were now going at it, yelling over each other and saying whatever, completely leaving you outta the conversation. You let out a little gust of wind to shut them up and get their attention.
“Okay, it’s late, tomorrow is Saturday, so you two won’t have to see each other, MAYBE, for 2 days. Can we just let this whole thing cool over?” You asked.
“We can, I’m just annoyed at the fact that this dynamite stick was gonna steal my daughter away from me!” Aizawa complained.
“I wasn’t stealing her, I was-“
“STOLEEEEEEE” Aizawa corrected and Bakugou just sucked his teeth and looked around.
“Whatever, can we just let it go?” You asked again. They nodded and you all went your separate way. Except for the fact that once Aizawa was outta sight, Bakugou went running right back to you and walked you to your dorm.
“Sooo..about that kiss.” Bakugou said. You just giggled and opened the door to your room.
“Goodnight, Bakugou,” you said but as you were about to walk in, he said something else.
“Huh?” You said looking back at him.
“Katsuki. It’s my name. You can call me Katsuki.” He explained.
“Wow, trust me that much?” You teased.
“You trusted me enough to open up, this is the least I could do.” He said. You smiled and corrected yourself.
“Okay then...goodnight, Katsuki.” You said smiling. He pulled you in by your waists and held you close as he placed a soft kiss to your cheek.
“Goodnight, Princess.” He said and walked off.
A/N: Ok Cubs! That was the second part and in here we got to see the spirit world! We’re intorduced to Avatar Korra and we’ve discovered Y/N is the present avatar! How do we feel about this? Good? Bad? Let me know!!! I hope your enjoying the story so far. I know it’s kinda weird and all outta disorder but this is my personal day dream that I wanna bring to life that I’m hoping some of you enjoy. It’s just a jumble of avatar elements with a BNHA/MHA base. Please be patient with me! I know this is a Bakugou x Reader fic but it is also a story. It’s gonna grow and build and once we establish the basics, more Bakugou x Reader issues will show up along the way! I hope you’ve liked it so far! See you next time! 💗🧸
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