#the miseducation of draco malfoy magpie_fngrl
sitp-recs · 2 months
livvvv my rec goddess. i’ve recently developed an insatiable knack for draco doing little muggle things, like being obsessed with soap operas, or learning how to bake, or playing board games, or painting a house (??) etc etc. any recs as such perchance?? my eternal thanks x
Love this ask anon, “Draco in the Muggle world” can be such a fun trope! I tried to include a bit of everything but I feel like driving and cooking are very popular in fic, so there’s probably a lot of it here. I hope you enjoy these!
magic in the making by getawayfox (G, 2k)
I didn’t see Malfoy for a year after the trial. When Gin told me that, according to Pansy, he had opened a little posh bakery in Mayfair, I thought she was joking, so I went to see for myself.
Market Saturdays by iota (M, 3k)
In which Harry is an accidental part-time cheesemonger, Draco is an organic farmer and they fall in love.
Muggle 'Drug Store Items' by loveglowsinthedark (E, 4k)
Malfoy's interest is caught by a certain Muggle drug store item. (Hint: Flavoured Condoms)
To Make A Way by cavendishbutterfly (E, 5k)
When Harry finds Draco in the back row of the cinema, he doesn't mean to accidentally befriend him. Or fuck him. Or catch feelings. The thing is, Draco only does casual.
How We Throw Our Shadows Down by thistle_verse (T, 14k)
Draco has finally found the perfect, rare piece to complete his collection. The only problem is that the item belongs to Harry Potter, the last wizard on earth Draco wants to ask another favour from.
The Tapestry of Kinship by khalulu (T, 15k)
Harry is at loose ends, Draco is good with needles, and Draco's young daughter wants to see a certain tapestry repaired. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black will never be the same.
Tuesday Nights by firethesound (E, 15k)
The absolute last place Harry expected to see Malfoy was in a rundown Muggle cinema on a Tuesday night.
Rich Friend by iota (E, 18k)
As far as Harry can tell, Draco Malfoy is still rich as hell. He’s just not a wizard anymore. Featuring: Draco Malfoy trying to make it as a Muggle pop star, Harry Potter as our confused and horny hero, bad driving, good music, and the mysterious magic of falling for someone.
Harry Potter and The Bisexual Awakening by Writcraft (E, 23k)
Harry is perfectly content being single, heterosexual and living in Godric's Hollow with his very clingy rescue dog, Snitch. When Draco Malfoy turns up on Harry's doorstep demanding that Harry teach him how to drive, things quickly become a lot more complicated.
I Bet That You Look Good on the Dancefloor by birdsofshore (E, 28k)
Harry felt lit up from inside as soon as he entered the bar. There were blokes dancing together, their bodies close to one another, not keeping a wary distance as Harry was always careful to do when he was near another man. God, he wanted this – wanted it so much he could taste it, a metallic tang of heat and desire. He suspected nothing would ever be the same again – especially when he saw who else was in the room.
Around You Moves by ignatiustrout (M, 29k)
Harry knew Draco was gay when he invited him to move in. He’s never had a problem with this. So why does he feel so weird about Draco bringing men home all of a sudden?
Faint Indirections by ignatiustrout (T, 30k)
Draco Malfoy is the last person Harry expects to turn up in Boston, Massachussetts. But now he's here, and he won't stop requesting books from the library where Harry works.
Open For Repairs by FeelsForBreakfast (M, 35k)
After the war, Draco works at a tv repair shop and Harry breaks things.
(Un)wanted by aibidil (E, 36k)
Ginny's pregnant, then she's not and Harry's single. Harry, again with no family, doesn't know what to do with this turn of events, or how to find a new life—post-war, post-Ginny, post-abortion—in which he belongs. He doesn't expect that life to include dancing to the Backstreet Boys with Hermione and Draco Malfoy. A story of finding belonging in the unexpected.
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy by magpie_fngrl (E, 37k)
Zacharias Smith writes a tell-all about the D.A. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not happy about it.
Take A Chance On Me by mintaminta (E, 40k)
There's a DJ on RareFM with a secret. Or: the one with all the ABBA in it.
Nights With You by The_Sinking_Ship (E, 58k)
Draco is mortified when moments prior to departing for the most anticipated destination wedding of the year, he is cruelly dumped. But when he learns that Harry Potter has, at long last, split with his horrible boyfriend, Draco is certain his luck has changed. Never a man to squander an opportunity for revenge (and what would probably be a spectacular shag), Draco vows to make Potter his for the weekend. Now all Draco has to do is convince him.
Salt on the Western Wind by Saras_Girl (M, 60k)
When the war isn’t quite as over as it first appears, a guilt-ridden Harry is sent to a mysterious safe-house. Among sandwiches, insomnia, and Mills & Boon, he discovers something quite unexpected.
Modern Love by tackytiger (E, 61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
Running on Air by eleventy7 (T, 75k)
Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
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magpiefngrl · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thank you for the tag @hoko-onchi-writes! Great way to spend a lazy Sunday morning :)
Username: magpie_fngrl
1. How many works do you have on A03? 54
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 392,045
3. What fandoms do you write for? I've mostly written drarry. I'd started as a pynch writer (TRC) and lately I've written a bunch in other fandoms.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? all drarry:
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy
The Full Monty
Through the Looking Glass and What Draco Found There,
9 ½ Days
5. Do you respond to comments? I do my best. I made a decision back when I posted a lot of stuff and got more comments than I could handle that I would only reply to the comments on the last chapter of a multi-chapter fic. Other than that, I try my best to reply to everyone.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I wrote a Major Character Death fic (The Death You Carry). Can't get angstier than that.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics end happy, but now that I think of it they're mostly HFN in romance-genre speak. Happy For Now aka the fic ends with them as a couple, kissing or touching for example, the Ever After is implied but not explicit. Two fics which end with H/D living together, and thus more committed to each other, are Hush, darling and The Boy Who Died. These are also angstier than my other fics, which makes the happy ending sweeter imo.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not hate per se. I've received demanding comments ("Can you write more? Another sex scene? And make it mpreg?") or comments like "I like your story but I can't read on because you have X topping". Not hate. There was a time, though, that I got several comments about how stupid/annoying/an arsehole Harry is, which reflect an attitude I used to see in fandom, where Draco is perfect and Harry is a bumbling fool and the minute he says something sharp to Draco he becomes an arsehole and should be screamed at. Needless to say, I hate this kind of interpretation. I deleted a couple of these comments, I just couldn't have them on my page. It was the reason I de-activated comments on all my fics for some time.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? The sexy kind, I hope LOL
Serious answer: I have written explicit sex scenes, although I tend to be more vague rather than write a play-by-play description of what is happening. I mean, there is some of that, but not as detailed as it can be. I don't know how to explain it better in English, sorry. Anyhow, I love sex scenes, I love reading them, I enjoy the challenge of writing them, and I think what I like best in what I read (and thus I try to emulate) is when a sex scene reveals the emotional state of these two people rather than just say whose dick does what.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I haven't! A couple of years ago I got a few asks about wangxian and drarry meeting up and although it was fun to reply to the asks and imagine how it would take place, I don't think I'll ever write it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Someone screenshot dnab and posted it on instagram. The whole 40k fic. If there have been others, I don't know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, a few.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I haven't and I'm not sure I could. I don't think my writing process would lead to successful collaborations. If I were to imagine it, the easiest for me would be that each writer has their own POV (I'd write Draco, the other person Harry, for instance) and we'd have a general idea but not a strict outline and we'd write it like a relay race: I'd post something, they'd write the next part, then me etc.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I tend to move on from fandoms, so it used to be pynch, then drarry, now wangxian. I don't have a lot of time for fandom these days so I'm not as obsessed with a ship as I used to be. I love all my babies equally.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I started a fic with a magical university of sorts, or rather 8th year but they'd be more like uni students than normal school students, and Draco was a Veela whose mate was Astoria. Not sure where it would all go, but well--it won't go anywhere now, because I have so many other WIPs that take precedent.
16. What are your writing strengths? I'm decent at dialogue and I've been told my fics have great atmosphere. Occasionally I write an unusual turn of phrase and people comment on that. My fics are fairly short, but I've been told that they have a lot more story than the reader expected because of the word count, and I think that's because I edit ruthlessly.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plotting is my main problem. I pants my stories and it takes me forever to figure out what happens next. I also lack confidence and doubt everything while writing, which isn't a writing weakness exactly, but it does affect my writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? It's cool. I like it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The Raven Cycle. I was mad about pynch.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Currently 9 ½ Days but I have a very, very soft spot for The Boy Who Died.
Tagging: @lettersbyelise @lucifergraced @coriesocks @wolfpants @julcheninred @nerdherderette @lqtraintracks if they wanna!
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blorger · 2 days
Potter had clearly never heard about obscuring the truth — an essential life skill according to Draco's father, which wasn't outright lying but had the same effect — and he confessed to their long breaks in Muggle shops, like the idiot he was. &
At breakfast on Friday morning he was downright antsy. His mother noticed. “What’s Bothering you, Draco? You seem on Edge.” He knew better than to say that he’d be indulging in a popular Muggle pastime and so he tried to obscure the truth. “I’ll be late tonight, Mother. Potter and I have… uh, plans.” “What plans?” “I’m not entirely sure. They involve er… walking.” “Walking.” “And talking, I — I assume.” “And talking.” Cold sweat covered him at his mother’s unblinking stare. “Well, it was his suggestion and I couldn’t say no, I mean, it’s only polite, he’s only the bloody hero of the wizarding world.” “The hero of the wizarding world.” “Mother.” Draco put his fork down. “Can you please stop repeating what I say? It’s like having an echo.” “I will, if you stop Obscuring the Truth and tell me what is really Going On. What has Potter got you doing that you wish to hide from Me?”
& His mother’s knowing looks he could live without. Draco now strongly suspected she was a Legilimens of a high calibre, because all it took was for him to step into the drawing room the day after the ball and she'd gasped and put her book down. “Draco! You’ve—” Draco froze, waiting to hear the end of that sentence. Had sex? Boffed Potter? Indulged in some frottage with the Saviour? Fucked a Gryffindor? “You’ve had a Dalliance.” Draco blushed to the tips of his toes, wishing the earth would open and swallow him right there and then.
from The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy by magpie_fngrl
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marauderseraplz · 2 years
Keysmash by AllThisAndLoveTooWillRuinUs
The Star, The Moon, The Lovers by Raging_queer
French kissed by MarvelousGinger
The Mirror Of Ecidyrue Series
Kill your darling by messermoon
Sometimes it’s easier to be invisible by introvertedhufflepuff
Cadence of part time poets
edge by pinkpalaceapartments
[Marauder ink by jennaandblitz
Marauder’s Ink by stonecoldhedwig]
Art heist by babyotrtbs (I think??)
Choices by messermoon
Crimson river by zeppazariel
Away childish letters by lettered (Drarry I believe)
Whatever happened to the young young lovers by georgia_sk
plutomoony in general tbh
Best Friend’s Brother by zeppazariel
All American Boy by moonyslovergrl
Once Upon A Green Haze by Kris678
Im raking through all the open ao3 tabs in my phone for this and there is more i just don’t wanna write it rn :)
Shaping his future by queermicah
The miseducation of Draco Malfoy by magpie_fngrl
To make it better by izziecalloway
Teach them how to dream by im_still_tryin_to_find_it
Like real people do by third_crow
A big mass over highway ninety by greenvlvetcouch
What about the plans we made? by maraudersalyssa
Better off dead by skylarihardlyknowher
Teeth by amour_anguis, regularis_vas (So good omg)
The horcrux hunt by Keysie
Obliviate by endlesspossibilities
Howlr by partialtopotter
The star, the moon, the lovers by Raging_queer
The hot barista by WhyTFNot
I’ve loved you in a million different ways by dotty456
set those ghosts alight by justwhatialwayswanted
Harry Potter and the welcome to the world of grey by sobsicles
Did you miss me? by Fantasimal, Krethes
I see the light by messrfeli, serendipitysirius
When its warm again by moonymoment
Best friend’s brother by zeppazariel
Dropped classes and assigned seats by kirabasai
Coiled by cinnamonrooibos
Romeo save me (they’re tryna tell me how to feel) by Allthegaydudes
Grotesque by deadwizardskinnie
If an injury is to be inflicted by shealwaysreads (onereader)
Invisible string by moonysmirrorball
you belong to me (i belong to you) by Child_OTKW
The hand that feeds by rollercoasterwords
I want to be good by mightydolphin
Lethal combination by olivieblake
Let the light in by Eniaos
Away childish things by lettered
The prom date by xivz
Speak now by moonsblack
The blood in your mouth by moonysmirrorball
I could be a better boyfriend than him by 70deadgays
The secret language of plants by Endrina
Dwelling by aideomai
pink lemonade by moonysbookshelf
French kissed MarvelousGinger
Truth, lies, and storytelling by BreathOfThePheonix
Staying strangers by 3amAndCounting
disintegration by moonymoment
lyrics can’t explain this by vampireboyluvrr
all my cards are here by haey1
A Certain Mood by ???
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weeklyreadings · 2 years
Week 9 & 10
exes, horcruxes, and other reasons to panic by @lynxindisguise
Rated M. 14k. Wolfstar
In which everyone parted ways after the war, but a troubling discovery brings them back together.
Pride and Prejudice and Werewolves By @lynxindisguise
Rated M. 8k. Wolfstar
After twenty years of living in fear of the wolf’s murderous impulses, Remus finds himself weighing the pros and cons of strangling Sirius Black with his bare, human hands.
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy by magpie_fngrl
Rated M. 38k. Drarry
Zacharias Smith writes a tell-all about the D.A. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not happy about it.
I'm in Love With a Stripper by @kbrick
Rated E. 80k. Drarry
Harry's life is a bit of a disaster across the board, but it's particularly messy when it comes to love. Because Harry might have feelings for his best friend, and he definitely has feelings for his best friend's brother, and he sometimes sleeps with his other friend, for whom he has no feelings whatsoever. Then things somehow manage to get even more complicated when Draco Malfoy twerks his way back into Harry's life one night at a muggle strip club.Because as it turns out, Draco's a stripper. And he's gotten really, really fit. And his sugar daddy is a married club owner. What could possibly go wrong?
Song for the Dumped by @kbrick
Rated E. 35k. Drarry
Right after the most infuriating breakup of his life, Draco overhears Harry cursing love from a nearby booth at the Leaky and finds out that he, too, has been dumped. Before long, a plan is hatched: they will work together to utterly destroy (Draco) and win back (Harry) their exes. Of course, the only thing these dummies manage to do is make their lives more complicated.
The Matchmaker's Spell by @kbrick
Rated E. 21k. Drarry
Thanks to a spell cast over all of wizarding Britain, Draco is forced to marry Harry Potter, who still hates him. But Draco refuses to live a cold, sexless existence, choosing to fill the emptiness in his life and his bed with a parade of lovers. And while Harry may not be able to stand Draco, he despises seeing him with anyone else.
again, for the first time by @aibidil
Rated E. 14k. Drarry
Five times Draco lied about why he wasn't drinking, and one time he gave an honest answer. Or, a love letter to sobriety.
Calamity's Child by @aibidil
Rated R. 43k. Jeddy
Teddy Lupin—orphan, metamorphmagus, former Head Boy, grocery-store clerk—is due to find some things out. Namely, that he has an older half-sister born during the first war, that he knows nothing about his dad, actually, and that he's deeply and unfortunately attracted to his younger godbrother. This is fine.
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ajollybirdcollector · 2 years
my year of 2022 in books, movies, tv shows, albums & fan fictions.
{books}. 13 books, 4440 p.
1# sharp objects, gillian flynn ~ 321 p.
2# pride and prejudice, jane austen ~ 389 p.
3# my year of rest and relaxation, ottessa moshfegh ~ 289 p.
4# a deadly education, noami novik ~ 313 p.
5# gone girl, gillian flynn ~ 555 p.
the last graduate, naomi novik ~ 388 p.
the silent patient, alex michaelides ~ 339 p.
the cruel prince, holly black ~ 370 p.
the wicked king, holly black  ~ 326 p.
the queen of nothing, holly black ~ 305 p.
hood feminism, mikki kendall ~ 258 p.
dark places, gillian flynn ~ 424 p.
convenience store woman, sayaka murata ~ 163 p.
{movies}. 4 movies, 522 m.
elvis (2022) ~ 159 m.
death on the nile (2022) ~ 127 m.
top gun: maverick (2022) ~ 131 m.
fear street, part 1: 1994 (2021) ~ 105 m.
 {tv shows}. 7 tv shows, 54 ep.
1# reservation dogs, season 1 (2021) ~ 8 ep.
2# stranger things, season 4 (2022) ~ 9 ep.
3# heartstopper, season 1 (2022) ~ 8 ep.
young royals, season 1 (2021) ~ 5/6 ep.
my umbrella academy, season 3 (2022) ~ 10 ep.
bridgerton, season 2 (2022) ~ 8 ep.
peaky blinders, season 6 (2022) ~ 6 ep.
Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities, season 1 (2022) ~ 8 ep.
{albums}. 18 albums, 214 songs, 776 min.
1# strange trails, lord huron (2015) ~ 14 songs, 55 min.
2# the stranger, billy joel (1977) ~ 9 songs, 42 min. 
3# igor, tyler the creator (2019) ~ 12 songs, 39 min.
4# favourite worst nightmare, arctic monkeys (2007) ~ 12 songs, 38 min.
5# superache, conan gray (2022) ~ 12 songs, 40 min.
6# harry’s house, harry styles (2022) ~ 13 songs, 41 min.
7# carrie & lowell, sufjan stevens (2015) ~ 11 songs, 43 min.
8# pony, rex orange country (2019) ~ 10 songs, 33 min.
9# cleopatra, the lumineers (2016) ~ 11 songs, 33 min. 10# dizzy up the girl, the goo goo dolls (1998) ~ 13 songs, 45 min.
my head is an animal, of monsters and men (2012) ~ 12 songs, 53 min.
stratosphere, duster (1998) ~ 17 songs, 53 min.
titanic rising, weyes blood (2019) ~ 10 songs, 42 min.
heaven or las vegas, cocteau twins (1990) ~ 10 songs, 37 min.
cape god, allie x (2020) ~ 12 songs, 43 min.
2, mac demarco (2012) ~ 11 songs, 31 min.
lonesome dreams, lord huron (2013) ~ 13 songs, 58 min.
young the giant, young the giant (2011) ~ 12 songs, 50 min.
midnights, taylor swift (2022) ~ 20 songs, 1h & 09 min.
awaken, my love (2016) ~ 11 songs, 49 min.
{fan fiction}. 37 fan fictions, 3M 702k
1# art heist, baby! {hp; jegulus, wolfstar, dorlene & rosekiller} ~ otrtbs, 38 ch., 219k, completed
2# choices {hp; jegulus, jily & wolfstar} ~ messermoon, 56 ch., 624k, completed
3# evitative {hp; drarry} ~ vichan, 29 ch., 222k, completed
4# you belong to me (i belong to you) {hp; tomarry} ~ child_otkw, 18 ch., 104k, wip
5# quite like us {hp; jegulus} ~ alarainai, 16 ch., 67k, completed
6# the miseducation of draco malfoy {hp; darry} ~ magpie_fngrl, 7 ch., 37k, completed
7# after everything, always {hp; jegulus, wolfstar & dorlene} ~ reggie4dayzz, 32 ch., 236k, wip
8# the bucket list {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 17 ch. 32k, completed
9# just lovers (like we were supposed to be) {hp; jegulus, wolfstar, marylily & dorlene} ~ zeppazariel, 24 ch., 321k, completed
10# crimson rivers {hp; jegulus, dorlene & wolfstar} ~ zeppazariel, 40 ch., 403k, wip
intermission {hp; rosekiller} ~ zeppazariel, 4 ch., 43k, completed
redivider {hp; drarry} ~ vichan, 12 ch., 75k, wip
tea, cigarettes, and whiskey {the secret history; francis/richard} ~ jorsten, one-shot, 3k, completed
teenage wasteland {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 9 ch., 51k, completed
adventures of a suicidal gentleman {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 23 ch., 47k, completed
cassiopea lily malfoy {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 15 ch., 37k, completed
lessons in grace and decorum {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 21 ch., 48k, completed
goodnight from your future husband {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 5 ch., 13k, completed
code name L {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 17 ch., 32k, completed
“dad says” {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, 13 ch., 39k, completed
you’ve got the antidote for me {hp; drarry} ~ kandakickass, one-shot, 20k, completed
ship of theseus {hp; drarry} ~ gallaplacidia, one-shot, 18k, completed
dwelling {hp; drarry} ~ aideomai, 6 ch., 83k, completed
lumos {hp; drarry} ~ birdsofshore, one-shot, 41k, completed
lily’s boy {hp; drarry, snupin, ninny & sirius/charlie} ~ somewheressword, 109 ch., 746k, completed
how miraculous {hp; jegulus, jily, wolfstar & dorlene} ~ flipp, 12 ch., 37k, wip
house colours {hp; jegulus & wolfstar} ~ buttons_n_bose, one-shot, 3k, completed
operation keep black in the dark {hp; jegulus} ~ arctiinae, one-shot, 6k, completed
i am yours {hp; rosekiller} ~ heyhoessslol, one-shot, 2k, completed
don’t blame me, love made me crazy {hp; jegulus} ~ coup_de_foudre, one-shot, 14k, completed
like a balast {hp; jegulus} ~ orphan_account, one-shot, 4k, completed
never have i ever {hp; jegulus} ~ moonymoment, one-shot, 3k, completed
you fell apart like a stone {hp; jegulus} ~ kaedeeee, one-shot, 5k, completed
till forever falls apart {hp; jegulus} ~ nikipa, one-shot, 5k, completed
from now you love me {hp; jegulus} ~ orphan_account, 5 ch., 14k, completed
delenda est - rebooted {hp; harry/bellatrix} ~ lord_silvere, 6 ch., 44k, wip
i’m only here because of you {hp; jegulus} ~ miriammt, one-shot, 4k, completed
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wetassdrarry · 3 years
Drarry + Clubbing
in which our boys drip with chemistry on the dance floor
A Hag, a Hex, a Tale of Redemption by aibidil (43k)
All Bets Are Off by dualwieldteacup (31k)
Criminal by The_Sinking_Ship (83k)
dirtynumbangelboy by magpie_fngrl (39k)
Dreaming Darkly by Quicksilvermaid (40k)
Dwelling by aideomai (83k)
Faint Indirections by ignatiustrout (29k)
For Thine is the Kingdom by kedavranox (67k)
Hermione Granger’s Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run by waspabi (93k)
If It Takes All Night by tackytiger (10k)
I’ve Waited Here for You (Everlong) by heyitsamorette (23k)
Kill, F***, Marry by lettersbyelise (12k)
Little Compton Street by Writcraft (65k)
Paper Rings by lettersbyelise (50k)
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy by magpie_fngrl (37k)
The Only Magic Left Between Us by lq_traintracks (24k)
The Pure and Simple Truth by lettered (65k)
The Sleeping Beauty Curse by who_la_hoop (152k)
Things We Do by The_Sinking_Ship (17k)
This Year's Love by trishjames (84k)
(Un)wanted by aibidil (36k)
Welcome to the Broom Closet by incapricious (23k)
What You Do With Your Life, A.H.K.B.C.B. (After the Hero Kills the Batshit Crazy Bastard) by oldenuf2nb (39k)
When You Kiss Me (What A Lovely Way To Burn) by femmequixotic (22k)
Wild by orphan_account (92k)
Find your flavor
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dewitty1 · 5 years
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Justin Finch-Fletchley/Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Zacharias Smith, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Hannah Abbott Additional Tags: Post-War, HP: EWE, Humor, Bars and Pubs, Wandless Magic, Getting Together, Frottage, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, First Time, Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, POV Draco Malfoy, POV Harry Potter, Complete, Community Service Summary:
Zacharias Smith writes a tell-all about the D.A. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not happy about it.\
Excerpt: Potter glanced at his mouth again and, without removing his eyes from Draco’s, he dug out his wand and cast a quick Notice-Me-Not charm around them. 
He leaned in then and Draco met him in the middle, relief and happiness exploding inside his chest. Their noses touched, breaths mingling, and their lips played on each other’s, barely touching. 
Then Harry pressed closer and kissed Draco.
Potter smelled like the woods on an autumn morning. Draco loved the woods.
They kissed gently for a while, but they were both hungry for more. This was a long time coming, Draco realised, as his tongue slipped inside Potter’s mouth, licking and tasting, running along the soft inside of his lips. Very soon the kiss became deeper, insistent, their hands grasping tighter at their clothes. Draco slid a hand under Potter's shirt, smiling at his startled gasp. He run his tongue along Potter’s neck and tasted Potter's skin. Draco had never been happier.
“Draco,” Potter breathed, and Draco shuddered right to his toes. Harry’s voice was soft, almost trembling, a caress and Draco had to cup his face and snog him again, their lips devouring each other.
Draco found himself sitting on Potter's lap, pressing his erection against him. His mind had left the premises, he was all feeling and instinct and skin. He rubbed himself experimentally over Potter’s crotch, and Potter moaned, and oh if this sound didn’t almost kill Draco. Potter threw back his head, breaking their kiss and said, “I think we should continue this at my place.”
They Disapparated immediately to Potter’s living room, where he pushed Draco on the sofa and pressed over him, still kissing, always kissing.
Draco didn’t know where he ended and where Potter began. He trailed his hands over Potter’s strong back, tugging at his shirt, slipping under the waistband of his trousers and Potter pulled away, provoking a whine from Draco.
 Potter looked down at him with dark eyes and said, “you’re killing me,” and before Draco had to wonder whether he meant it as a good thing, Potter took off his shirt and resumed kissing Draco. 
A good thing then.
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vanrocelin · 2 years
Favourite drarry fics (33)
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy by magpie_fngrl [E, 37.6k]
Zacharias Smith writes a tell-all about the D.A. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not happy about it.
Irony by missbip0lar [E, 6.7k]
Harry goes and gets himself whumped by a Succubus Curse while on a case with Draco.
P&T Muggle Adventures by VivacissimoVoce [M, 43.9k]
Dean Thomas and Harry Potter start a leisure business for wizards that specializes in giving tours of muggle London. Everything goes well until they receive a booking neither one of them wants to take. Harry embarks upon what he suspects will be the worst trip of his life. Contains mature language and sexual content.
Light as Iron, Singed as Pearl by Snegurochka [E, 13.8k]
The owner of the elite BDSM club M. had not gained his reputation as the most coveted Dominant on the scene by taking on just any riff-raff submissive who asked. It would take an unexpected letter to convince him to accept a new client, but it might turn out to be the biggest mistake he ever made.
~13,800 words. NC-17. Dom/sub. Bondage. EWE. Written for hd_career_fair. Many thanks to marguerite_26 for the beta work. October 2009.
Sealed with a Kiss by Faith Wood (faithwood) [E, 46.4k]
Harry Potter will fall in love with the first person who kisses him. Draco knows what he must do. A Christmassy Hogwarts fic, this.
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allwaswell16 · 3 years
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This is a fic rec of my favorite Drarry fics as requested in this ask. (I'm not the most prolific Drarry fic reader, so this is very much a list curated just from what I personally have read over the years!) If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find all my other (One Direction) fic recs here. You can find my own Drarry fics here. Happy reading!
Any Instrument by dicta_contrion / @dictacontrion (E, 131k)
Draco Malfoy wouldn't go back to England for anything less than an exceptional case.
Grounds for Divorce by Tepre / @tepre (E, 122k)
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter.
Helix by Saras_Girl (E, 92k)
Seven months after the end of the war, Harry is feeling lost.
The Claiming of Grimmauld Place by @bixgirl1 (E, 74k)
When Grimmauld Place begins fighting against Harry’s ownership of it, he decides he needs help to train the historic home — but little does he expect that it’ll be Malfoy who’s most suitable for the challenge.
Embers by shiftylinguini / @shiftylinguini (E, 41k)
Werewolf Alphas aren't meant to be alone, or to suppress their ruts indefinitely like Draco has been since he was bitten eight years ago.
dirtynumbangelboy by magpie_fngrl / @magpiefngrl (E, 39k)
After Harry’s unfortunate encounter with his ex, Draco Malfoy makes him a proposition.
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy by magpie_fngrl / @magpiefngrl (E, 37k)
Zacharias Smith writes a tell-all about the D.A. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not happy about it.
Come Rain or Come Shine (I'm With You Always) by phdmama / @phd-mama (E, 35k)
After the war, Draco doesn't know where to go, he just knows that he can't stay in England.
Harry Potter and The Bisexual Awakening by Writcraft / @writcraft (E, 23k)
Harry is perfectly content being single, heterosexual and living in Godric's Hollow with his very clingy rescue dog, Snitch.
Phoenix Repair Services by carpemermaid / @carpemermaidtales (E, 20k)
Phoenix Repair Services — We’ll bring it back to life as if it was new!
The Frisky Furnishings of Malfoy Manor by Writcraft / @writcraft (M, 19k)
Hermione has a crafty plan, Harry and Draco are fake boyfriends and wizarding traditions have a lot to answer for.
Through the Looking Glass and What Draco Found There by magpie_fngrl / @magpiefngrl (E, 17k)
Draco discovers the Mirror of Erised is a portal and he enters an alternate reality where your deepest desires come true.
Can't Fight The Moonlight by sunsetmog / @magicalrocketships (M, 16k)
the one where Harry accidentally gets Draco pregnant, both of them fail to talk about their feelings, and in the end, there's a baby.
plasticine porters with looking-glass ties by M0stlyVoid / @bonesliketambourines (E, 15k)
Lately, Harry thinks things don’t seem the same between him and Draco.
Three Wishes by PalenDrome (E, 10k)
Draco meets his fairy godmother and is granted three wishes.
i think i'd be good for you (and you'd be good for me) by @dualwieldteacup (M, 9k)
Junior Auror Harry Potter doesn't mind working across the hall from Potioneer Draco Malfoy. Nope, not at all.
All I Have to Do by fluxweed / @fluxweeed (E, 9k)
The Patented Daydream Charm (Adult Edition) allows you to enter a top-quality, highly realistic thirty-minute sexual fantasy. Solitude and privacy spells advised.
It's So Hard by unadulteratedstorycollector (E, 9k)
Draco has posed for some interesting photos, and it is currently making things very... hard for Harry.
Tell Me How You Like It by phdmama / @phd-mama (E, 3k)
It's a beautiful sunny day, and when Ron is laid up in the common room with a broken ankle, he gets more of a glimpse into his best friend's private life than he ever might have wanted!
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His mother spoke often in capitals after the war. “Put the School Feud behind you and focus on Mending Fences,” she advised. “He Testified in your trial — and mine — surely that means he’s willing to put the Past behind him.” It only meant that Potter was a self-righteous bastard intent on Doing Good, Draco thought, but he didn’t reply to his mother and just stared in the middle distance, not really taking in the white and gold drawing room of their London house, a house drowning in silence, a house that got no visitors except for some insistent journalists that rang the bell asking for an “exclusive of his side of the War” as if Draco was an idiot and didn’t know it was a recipe for disaster, selling your soul to the media. His mother sighed, possibly remembering glorious days of dinner parties that this house held just a few years ago. “We need all the help we can get These Days.” But Draco had no inclination to mend fences. He’d do anything to help his family, except approach Potter. Even though he knew he’d been wrong, or perhaps because he’d been horribly wrong in so many things, Draco could never willingly face Potter again, could never stand in front of someone he’d treated so badly and who ended up saving his life and say what? Be my friend? Draco knew how that story went, he’d known since he was eleven.
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy by  magpie_fngrl
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hello !!! I LOVE your reclists and was wondering if you have something with harry/cedric (or someone else) but drarry being endgame?
Hi there! I don’t think I’ve read any Harry/Cedric recently but here are some fics where Harry has past relationships with other people:
When It Returns by academicdisaster (M, 7.5k)
Harry's husband is dead, and Malfoy is the only one who gets it. Or, the one where they drink at a straight man pub, renovate a house, and learn how to find joy again.
A Little Perseverance by Writcraft (E, 19k)
Harry’s wand is dying and Draco’s flirtation with a magical matchmaking service is causing him no end of trouble. When Harry turns up at Draco’s shop looking for help, everything gets a lot more complicated.
Forever Was a Lie by bluefay (E, 22k)
After breaking up with Charlie, Harry heads to Rome for Christmas to search for answers to a previous heartbreak. What he doesn’t expect is for Draco, the man who broke his heart five years ago, to be running the bed and breakfast he’s staying at.
Historians by oknowkiss (E, 30k)
It’s the Dumbledore’s Army Reunion Holiday, and Harry’s found himself in hot water with his friends once again, after telling them he has a boyfriend he definitely does not have. In an attempt to fix things, he’s made it his colleague on Level Nine, Draco Malfoy’s problem too. Featuring a ski chalet in Switzerland, a pair of bunk beds, and an agreement that should’ve been simple, were it not for all the bloody feelings getting in the way.
The Ghosts of Hogwarts Past by Writcraft (E, 30k)
Draco has hardly had time to bask in his promotion to Head of Slytherin House when he gets news of Harry Potter’s return to Hogwarts. With his increased workload, the reappearance of the ex he never got over, the ghost that won’t let him sleep, and some curious coded diaries, it’s shaping up to be a hell of a year.
This is Never Happening Again by hpleems (M, 32k)
Harry and Malfoy don't get along any better than they used to, but Harry can't get enough of their secret hookups, and he can't seem to figure out anything else in his life, either. He's looking forward to Christmas break so he can clear his head...but fate has other plans.
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy by magpie_fngrl (E, 37.5k)
Zacharias Smith writes a tell-all about the D.A. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not happy about it.
Going Once, Going Twice by VivacissimoVoce (M, 39k) - past Harry/Cedric
Draco Malfoy has been missing for two years. Now the Malfoy estate is going up for auction, and Harry decides it’s time to find out what happened to his former school rival.
dirtynumbangelboy by magpie_fngrl (E, 39k)
After Harry’s unfortunate encounter with his ex, Draco Malfoy makes him a proposition. Draco wants his parents to stop matchmaking him and Harry wants to make his ex jealous. All they need to do is simply pretend they’re in love. Problem is… Draco already is.
Shine On, You Crazy Diamond by lagerlout (E, 42k)
Harry has probably always wanted Draco, it just took him a few years to figure that out. A story about the joy of discovering exactly who you are and how easy it can be once you do.
Nights With You by The_Sinking_Ship (E, 58k)
Draco is mortified when moments prior to departing for the most anticipated destination wedding of the year, he is cruelly dumped. But when he learns that Harry Potter has, at long last, split with his horrible boyfriend, Draco is certain his luck has changed. Never a man to squander an opportunity for revenge (and what would probably be a spectacular shag), Draco vows to make Potter his for the weekend. Now all Draco has to do is convince him.
Home Truths by skeptique (E, 67k)
In the off-season Harry decided to fix up Grimmauld Place and found that Draco Malfoy was the only person who could help him. A demanding career and unrelenting press scrutiny were enough to deal with before Harry added a house with a mind of its own, family history, and a tense, flirty, complicated relationship with his childhood nemesis to the mix.
Such Great Heights by aideomai (E, 93k)
Draco Malfoy, wide-eyed and pale and in a decidedly ragged shirt, was crouched next to the pile of whatever the dragon had been eating. Harry threw himself to a halt and yelled, “Merlin, how many times do I have to save your life?”
Make This Leap by oflights (M, 118k)
Harry owns a struggling restaurant which is running out of money, and his Head Chef has just handed in notice. He's at a bit of a loss as to what to do until Narcissa Malfoy presents an obvious solution: bring in Draco Malfoy as Chef and part owner. Harry does.
By the Grace by lettered (T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
Lost In Your Arms by Femme (E, 257k)
Three months after their brief encounter, Draco has almost forgotten about Potter--or so he tells himself. Then a Dark wizard shows up on the Auror radar and all hell breaks loose. Draco will have to choose between everything he holds dear--everything he's worked so hard for--and a few stolen moments of passion with a certain green-eyed Inspector, once his sworn enemy and now something rather different entirely. He'll make the right choice, won't he?
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drarry-to-read · 4 years
Title: The miseducation of Draco Malfoy
Author: magpie_fngrl
Summary: Zacharias Smith writes a tell-all about the D.A. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not happy about it.
Length: 7 chapters, 37,600 words
Rating: Explicit
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exinasreadings · 4 years
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The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy by magpie_fngrl
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Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Justin Finch-Fletchley/Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Zacharias Smith, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Hannah Abbott Additional Tags: Humor, Wandless Magic, Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Community Service, Post-Hogwarts Summary:
Zacharias Smith writes a tell-all about the D.A. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not happy about it.
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ao3feed-harrydraco · 4 years
Hey! Sorry to bother, but I read this fic a while ago and loved it, but I can't remember the name of it. It went something along the lines of Harry and Draco bonding over this community service project they have to do, removing graffiti in muggle London, penance for punching Zacharias Smith (long story if you haven't read it lol). It was really good and I wanted to reccomend it to a friend, but can't for the life of me remember its name. Have you ever heard of it?
Hi! Pretty sure you’re looking for “The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy” by magpie_fngrl!  
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