#the other ships with him are just...a big no
veinsfullofstars · 2 days
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🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈
(ID: Kirby series fanart sketches of various Kirby characters, each with scribbled backsplashes of pride flag colors based off of my headcanons**. Clockwise from the top - Meta Knight (Bi, Demi) & Dedede (Bi), the former wrapped in his cape and perched on the latter’s arm, smiling at each other contentedly, little pink hearts over their heads. Gryll (NB) & Keke (Lesbian), holding hands and cozily sitting side-by-side on Gryll’s broomstick, along with the former’s familiars Salt, Pepper, and Sugar. Daroach (Pan, Aro) & Dark Meta Knight (Gay), the latter looming over the former and wrapping him in his tattered wings, the rat gazing up with a sharp grin and reaching up to run his claws down the side of the knight’s mask, a burning heart over their heads. Magolor (Aro, Trans) & Marx (Ace), the latter running in to wrap the former in a one-armed… one-hatted? hug, nuzzling against his cheek as the giddy wizard hugs him back, a yellow heart set against queerplatonic colors over their heads. Susie (Lesbian) & Zan Partizanne (Lesbian), the two holding hands and carrying many shopping bags, the latter looking about in curiosity as the former smiles fondly at her. In the center of them all, Kirby (Agender) leaps up with a big, joyful smile, holding up a heart filled with all the colors of the Pride flag. END ID.)
**Note that these are just my personal interpretations of these characters’ orientations/identities and may not reflect yours or even those implied in canon (they may also be subject to change given my own ever-evolving perspective). If these do not perfectly match your own takes on the characters, then that’s totally fine. I hope they bring you just as much joy and creativity as mine do for me. Part of the fun of this series it how open it is to interpretation, how so many people can see different things in the same piece of art and inspire each other thanks to those differing perspectives. Additionally, all ships shown are of consenting, non-related adult characters.
Sketch start 06/01/24, sketch finished 06/02/24.
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bonefall · 3 days
i think the funniest part about moonpaw's parents being literal first cousins is that they picked the most random fucking pair. bayshine and thriftear??? they've never had a conversation with each other in their lives???? BAYSHINE AND THRIFTEAR??
My tinfoil hat conspiracy is that it's not random. They intentionally pick cats that have popular gay ships, and then emphasize them in a straight pairing. Plumstone and Thriftear were a pretty big one, considering they were small background characters, and now it's sunk.
Other times it happened;
Leopardstar's Honor retconning and emphasizing her relationship to Frogleap, as well as confirming romantic interest in Tigerstar
Onestar's Confession replacing a major scene from Winds of Change where Firestar saves him from Mudclaw with Whitetail
Blossomfall, often paired with Ivypool, with Thornclaw. Vice versa with Ivypool getting with Fernsong so suddenly.
Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves. A random ghost boy.
Riverstar's Home giving him a dead wife that he pines over for a significant part of the book, and suddenly giving him a new wife in the last few chapters. Plus retconning his backstory in a way that makes one of his most popular ships (One Eye x Riverstar) canonically impossible.
It could instead be their notorious misogyny, because they cannot allow a female character to go without a love interest (in a boy) and Onestar and Riverstar are just coincidence. Maybe it's just that they wanted to give Ivypool grandkids for her SE and picked Bayshine, who was Nightheart's friend in ASC, because he was the nearest boy.
No one can know for sure, but honestly I'm at the point where I'm not willing to give good faith on this front. The new field guide couldn't even bring itself to describe Ravenpaw and Barley as mates, they're perpetually Dear Friends.
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alchemistc · 23 hours
If you're still doing the 'send a sentence and a ship write the next five': Bucktommy
He'd had better days, but here, now, he was having trouble remembering them.
They're all suckers for a happy ending. Happy beginning. Happy whatever, actually, but this is something special.
His best friend is getting married.
He'd always sort of expected that being Buck's Best Man would be a fucking nightmare -- groomzilla on the loose in the streets of LA, trying to coax him away from viciously checking off items on one of his multitude of lists, trying to talk him down from doubts or fears about whoever he'd decided to tie himself to for an approximation of forever, trying not to lose his cool over some comment from Phillip fucking Buckley that Buck was pretending didn't bug him.
Instead they're here, enjoying a quiet moment away from the hubbub of the party - leaning together against the stupid cool backyard bartop Evan's fiance had built in his spare time one weekend after Eddie and Buck had told him it'd be cool, curled toward each other like parenthesis, gigging a little about the fact that Buck is here, and he's happy, and the big crazy family they've built over the years is all here too.
"No bachelor parties," Buck had said, three days after Eddie started planning one out in his head, and Eddie'd stared at him like he'd grown a second head because mister Parties celebrating major life events should always have a ridiculous theme and hopefully a costume had just derailed Eddie's desire to dress like an extra from Dukes of Hazard, but Buck's eyes had softened with the now familiar adoration Eddie's privately dubbed The Tommy Look, and he'd tilted his chin and murmured something about family that had made both their throats a little tight.
So. Here they are. Two idiots celebrating the last day of Buck's freedom, only --
Eddie clinks the mouth of his bottle against Buck's, and Buck grins, wide and bright and happy and definitely fully ogling Tommy's ass from across the yard. "You're getting married tomorrow."
Buck's smile has always sort of made Eddie feel like a warm blanket is being tossed over him, straight from the heat of the dryer. Tonight the warmth is an inferno. "I'm getting married tomorrow."
"Still don't know how you bagged the coolest guy any of us know, but I'm not questioning his taste."
Buck preens, and Eddie doesn't know if it's the praise of his partner or himself that means more to him, but Eddie doesn't care. It feels like his entire life he's been filling a broken bottle up with sand, but just tonight the leak has been sealed, and he can breathe and enjoy his person reaching a peak he's been desperate to crest for years.
There have been other moments in his life where the happiness has warmed him from the inside out -- moments he'll be reminded of later, maybe even tomorrow when he thinks of all the milestones Buck has to look forward to -- but right here, right in this moment, this one sparkles real and true and important.
Eddie watches Tommy's eyes settle on Buck, watches the way the creases in his forehead smooth and the way his eyes seem brighter when they catch on Buck, and for a moment he thinks he might just burst with the gratitude of knowing Buck's found someone else who'll take care of him the way Eddie wants him taken care of.
"Shucks," Buck says, looking like he might vibrate out of his skin with happiness when Tommy shoots a sly wink his way, and Eddie can't help the way he bursts into delighted laughter.
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mcytblrconfessions · 2 days
anon related to rtgame again, i just wanna add some details cause the peanut gallery seemed to like my suffering.
it was on wattpad, and i scrubbed my account there in like. 2021? i think? and while i did save a few fics from there i dont think it was one of them. wont stop me from looking through old drives for it tho
im not gonna say much on how im related to him, for his sake and my own, but im on his canadian side and very much another side of the family, and thanks to some drama & my location im not exactly going to any family gatherings. i knew OF him, but i only saw a picture of him about a month ago, which is how i recognised my cousin daniel as daniel “rtgame” game.
its not really a big deal, but damn itll be awkward if i ever do meet him in person.
also, i saw someone who didnt know he ever did anything with wilbur. i dont really want to talk much about him, but eh. rt joined smp live a few times, and had a running gag with wilbur about being his boyfriend. this led to younger me being weird about him and writing a mediocre smut fic.
i really had poor choice in ship looking back. an abuser and my fuckin distant cousin. wonderful.
i think thats everything that was asked?
im (probably) not gonna meet rt, & i dont give a shit about will. i live in canada, on the other side of the country from our family. its a little awkward to watch his streams atm, but thatll probably fade with time. no fuckin way im telling anyone this irl tho
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milotraflgkl · 3 days
Fallen Overboard
note: THIS IS A REUPLOAD!!! content: angst, heatstroke in detail, reader is in serious pain, near death experience, comfort, nudity mention, luffy being fluffy. WC: 874
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You weren’t sure how long you had fallen overboard, keeping a knocked out Luffy close to you as the both of you drifted out at sea on the plank from the enemy pirates ship. You laid on your back, your eyes closed as you found yourself nodding in and out of consciousness. You felt your heart pounding in your chest and your skin felt all dry as if you had scrubbed it with sandpaper or mini blades. Finaly you heard the sound of your crew and felt gentle hands grabbing ahold of you, you knew it was Sanji how he handled you with such gentleness.
You weren’t sure what was happening once you heard the crew panicking over Luffy but most importantly the way that Chopper and Sanji seemed to have all their attention on you, you weren’t upset over the others giving their attention to Luffy - he was your captain without him there was no crew - and you really couldn’t even stay awake long enough to be upset over such silly things. Sanji would take you along with Chopper to tend to your serious injurious, feeling cold touch your skin and causing you to flinch up attempting to pull away.
Sanji would hold you down carefully so Chopper could put medicine to the skin that had been the most burnt, your ears were ringing and you had no idea what the two boys had even been talking about except for the fact that you were a bit worried if Luffy was okay yourself. It was funny that in such a serious moment for yourself you couldn’t think of anyone else but your captain, I mean who could blame you? He did so much for so many people and he had a dream that he still needed to fulfill you didn’t want to be the reason he wouldn’t be able to achieve that.
Eventually after struggling to stay awake, your body grew to weak and you gave into sleep.
You woke up to be wrapped up in bandages, cold covering your whole body and your vision was blurry struggling to comprehend what was surrounding you. Once your eyes had finally adjusted you saw your captain, he seemed bored as he held a bit paper fan that he moved lazily to cool your body off. He was to busy using his other hand to pick at his own nose to have noticed that you had finally opened your eyes after a whole day of sleeping.
“Luff…?” You spoke up and the boy with raven hair snapped to look at you, “[Name]!” He called out with a big grin and flicking whatever came from his nose off to the side as he scooted closer to you. He was being careful, he had been scolded by Nami and Sanji multiple times for attempting to shake you awake only causing you to groan out in pain in your sleep. You looked at him for a moment before attempting to shift your position only to hiss out in pain.
Luffy looked at you before remembering what he was sitting here doing that had caused him to get so bored, he continued to fan your body as he watched you. “Chopper said you shouldn’t move to much.” He told you, the only important part of the conversation that he had with the little reindeer. He stared at you and you stared back with a worried expression, though straining your face began to sting and pull at the sunburn that had grown on your face.
You watched him for a moment before letting out an upset huff, “’m sorry luff.” you mentioned to tell him, your lips tugging to smile but only causing you more discomfort and pain. He tilted his head and furrowed his brows, “For what?” He questioned you and you just blinked at him, giving your face a moment to relax before responding. “Not protecting you…” You mumbled, attempting to use as little of your facial muscles as possible.
Luffy blinked slowly at you before breaking out into a cackle, “Oh [Name]! Yeah you totally sucked at protecting me.” He says bluntly causing you to huff out at him upset but he shakes his head, “But thanks to you I’m not at the bottom of the ocean!” He hums out smiling at you, “I should be the one saying sorry for not protecting you from the stupid sun!” He retorts.
You looked at him and shook your head ever so slightly before letting out a small giggle, “You were passed out.” You tell him, “I don’t blame you.” You tell him and watch as his facial expression… softened. He scooted closer causing the chair to scrap against the ground with a loud and obnoxious sound; then he planted a small kiss against your forehead.
This action caused you to stop breathing for a moment and stare at your captain who rarely ever showed any kind of, romantic affection to anyone. He smiled at you with his toothy grin before gently patting your head then continuing to fan you with the paper fan, you watched him and cursed mentally at the fact you were restricted by these damn bandages.
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marlynnofmany · 1 day
Drying Out
The wind on this alien planet was like I’d expected: not quite strong enough to put my balance at risk, but enough to make me glad I’d braided my hair back extra tight. Even with that precaution, little hair tendrils were whipping the sides of my face as I walked, and I didn’t have a hand free to brush them away. I was, as usual, carrying a box.
Mur could have carried it, but it would have been much harder for him, since he needed his tentacles to walk. Lucky bipedal me, with my free hands. I tried to focus on that as I squinted into the wind, scanning the nearly-deserted spaceport for our clients. I really should have brought goggles. Or at least a hat that wouldn’t get blown off.
A beanie would be perfect right now, I thought. Or even a scarf. I could be nice and fashionable with my swim goggles and a tie-dye bandanna. Why did I grab chapstick but nothing for my eyes?
I knew it was because Wio had only mentioned the drying properties of the local air when I’d asked. She was a Strongarm like Mur, and they admittedly had different priorities. No hair, for one.
“There they are,” Mur said over the wind. Not a thing got in his eyes.
I followed the direction of his blue-black tentacle, and spotted the little alcove that looked like an old fashioned bus stop. Three small whitish shapes huddled there that I’d thought were trash bags. Whoops. A bit of judicious squinting showed that they were another pair of tentacle folk and their bag of belongings, avoiding the worst of the wind.
Not a bad idea.
They unfurled as we got close enough for them to see the package and correctly deduce that we were here to deliver whatever they’d ordered. Miscellaneous stuff from an offworld store without its own delivery crew, I think. Not my business.
Mur greeted them warmly, taking point in the conversation while I stood there like the hired muscle with the box. The clients were very glad to see us, mostly because that meant less waiting in all this wind. The bus shelter didn’t do much to hold it back.
“Thank you for being prompt!” said the bigger of the two Strongarms as she signed the payment tablet. Her coloring was off-white with patches of yellow, which reminded me of a popcorn-flavored jellybean. The other popcorn squid was a little smaller, but had the same coloration. Probably related, but what did I know?
“Our pleasure,” Mur said as he took the tablet back and they pulled out a small hover platform to carry the package. “The less time spent in this desiccating wind, the better.”
They agreed heartily. I placed the box on the platform and helped the small client strap it in place while the big one explained that they had one more delivery to wait for.
“Unfortunately, that ship has been delayed,” she said. “Which would have been good to know before we got out here, but that’s the twist of the current for you.”
The smaller one piped up in a voice that sounded young. “I’ll say. I ran out of moisturizer with one arm to go — I would have dug up more from storage if I’d known we were going to be out here all day.”
The big one was visibly worried, already tugging at the small one’s tentacles. “Where aren’t you covered? How bad is it? Let me see!”
Mur made sympathetic noises while I mentally went over what I knew of Strongarm physiology. The previous courier ship I’d worked on had kept the air at a higher moisture level than the current one, largely for their benefit. Mur had told me about the lotion they all wore in dry air. I’d honestly forgotten about it.
And it appeared to be a big deal. The one yellow-white tentacle that the small Strongarm had been holding curled close looked dry and stiff even from where I was standing. She winced as she uncurled it. Her mother (yeah, I’m assuming) rushed to dig through the bag for a bottle of water, which she rubbed into place with visible worry.
The young one watched her fuss over it. “I’ll be fine; it’s just a little dry.”
“It’s a lot dry! Why didn’t you say something? And I didn’t bring any moisturizer either, because this was supposed to be a short trip. Oh, and this port doesn’t have a shop!”
Mur winced. “Yeah, this place is mostly Heatseekers and Mesmers, isn’t it? They probably wouldn’t even stock the good stuff.”
“Or any stuff,” the older client agreed. Another gust of wind spun in from a new direction, as if it was determined to make things worse. I licked dry lips while the client fretted.
I had an idea.
“Hey, I don’t know if this works, but do you want my chapstick?” I offered, pulling the tube from my pocket and removing the cap. I swiped some on the back of my hand to demonstrate. “It’s made to keep human lips from drying out, but it might work for you. Assuming you’re not allergic. It has like three ingredients, mostly wax.”
The big Strongarm was already reaching for it, spilling gratitude. She inspected it quickly, picking up the cap with another tentacle while she read the ingredients. “Beeswax, coconut oil… What is coconut? And almond?”
“Plants from my planet,” I said. “Seeds, kind of? Though the coconut is really big and kind of like a fruit with a shell. I don’t know what it really counts as. At any rate, it’s not toxic for me, though that doesn’t mean much.”
She turned it further. “There’s a species-safe diagram here, though it’s very small. I think that’s a dot in the Strongarm corner. Do you remember which is where?” She looked up at Mur.
“Lemme see.” He studied it for a moment while the wind gusted around us and the smaller Strongarm curled her tentacle under her. “Yes, that’s the right corner! Good news.”
“Excellent! Thank you!” The client snatched the tube and instructed the young one to hold out the vulnerable tentacle.
It took a while to cover the whole thing in chapstick, but the elder was determined, and the youngster was patient. Also more than a little embarrassed if I was reading the body language right, but I couldn’t blame her for that.
“Done!” the elder announced. “Did I miss anything? Are there any other spots that feel dry?”
“No, it’s fine.” The youngster pulled her tentacle back. “Feels weird.”
“Yeah,” I agreed with sympathy. “The wax is more noticeable than a good moisturizing lotion would be. But I hope it helps!”
The elder put the cap back on and moved to return it to me, but I told her she could keep it. They needed it more than I did. Plus it had tentacle-alien cooties all over it now, which I’d feel weird about using on my own mouth, but I didn’t say that.
“Honestly, it’s my least favorite flavor,” I said instead. “I got that one in a multipack. I’ll just get a better one later.”
She thanked me again and badgered the younger one into holding the tube, with instructions to reapply it the moment her skin started feeling dry again. The youngster insisted she was fine. The adult had clearly heard that before.
“Well,” Mur said. “It’s been a pleasure doing business with you! May the wind torment you as little as possible.”
“We appreciate that,” the client said. “Do all humans carry these? I’ve seen human-run shops before, and never thought to look for moisturizing agent there.”
“Most of us probably don’t have chapstick on hand all the time, but it’s a good thing to have available. And humans do use skin moisturizer too! It’s probably not the same grade as the kind you’re used to, but if you’re in a tight spot in the future with a human-run store nearby, you can probably find something there.”
“That is very good to know,” she said. “Thank you again!”
We said our goodbyes and headed back out into the brunt of the wind. I could swear it was trying to unbraid my hair one strand at a time.
“Morbid curiosity,” Mur announced as we walked, “But what flavor do you prefer for lining your mouth with? Knowing humans, it’s probably gross.”
I had to smile. “I like the minty ones, which isn’t that weird. Or cherry. Though there was a cinnamon one I found once that I’d like to get again. It looked more like lipstick, which isn’t really what I’m going for, but it smelled good.”
“Hm,” Mur said. “And what was this one? Plant flavor?”
“It was mostly just beeswax. Not that great.”
“What kind of wax is ‘beez wax’?”
“Oh!” I lit up. “I told you about honey, right? The sweet stuff made by bugs?”
“Yeeeees,” he said with suspicion. “Your food additive that’s full of insect spit. Don’t tell me this is the same concept.”
“It’s what they make their hives with!” I told him. “I don’t think there’s as much spit involved. I looked it up once, and the wax seeps out of these pores on their sides, making little scales, then if enough of them flap their wings to raise the temperature to soften it, they can shape it into the little cells to lay eggs and store honey in. But not at the same time. And yeah, they probably do that with their mouths, so there might be some spit involved.”
Mur’s squid face was contorted into an expression of spectacular disgust. “And you put that on your mouth,” he said.
“Yup!” I brushed hair back from my face. “Probably good the client only asked about the other ingredients.”
Mur walked faster. “I hope they don’t find out until we are far out of range.”
“It’s not that gross!”
“You said that about honey too.”
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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lakesbian · 3 days
Are there any spesific moments you wish to see be adapted/animated from worm? Do you think your's differ from most others?
i too am unfortunately not immune to the fact that worm is a Big Fucking Book and it's easy to forget or lose visuals that were striking in the moment but some ones i remember really wanting to see drawn in the moment:
THE OIL RIG. taylor literally turning into a bug and being furious with scion scanned like something that should be an iconic fandom visual to me the first time i was reading it, but i would also like to see the bit w/ sveta clinging to the metal rails & weld coaxing her onto him with the sky and sea and disaster as backdrop
this visual of alexandria:
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also from the echidna fight, when the part of the-thing-that's-still-getting-called-noelle that still looks like noelle is just entirely lopped off....and then regrows, but with her arms wrapped around and attached to her chest like a flesh straightjacket, and she sort of keels back and is tipped up at the sky. incredible visual and also i love it as an indicator of like. Ohh. It's been getting called noelle because it used to be noelle, but she's long gone now. reports are in: ship definitely not theseus's anymore
the part in arc 17 where krouse and to my memory jess find a pet bird in the house they've broken into bashing its head against its cage over and over again and they're like hm that can't be good
when the travelers are crawling across the now-horizontal apartment building with krouse carrying noelle on his back and the simurgh is like. Right there where they can see her. fanart of this please please please youre nothing
there is probably more i could think of if i pondered longer but alas i do have tasks. no idea how different or not they aren't from other people though
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sadiestarrs · 3 days
To Meet A Jinx
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this is part one!!
Warnings: none :)) just one mention of a gun
A/N: this is my first arcane/ jinx fic so if it's terrible I'm sorry lol
Plot: You work for Silco and his infamous adopted daughter Jinx, except you’ve never met her until now.
Word count: 1,535
Everybody in the city knew about Silco’s insane, blue-haired, and seemingly manic daughter, Jinx. Working for him meant that you were around his henchmen 24/7 and they definitely talked about her.
Most things said about her ranged from the fact that she looked innocent but could blow your face off or that she did actually blow someone's face off that day.
You had heard Sevika complain, too, especially on shipment days. They were always the busiest and most stressful. Silco made sure to have his trusted members on the ship “just to be safe”. 
He had no reason to make everyone work, mostly because he had Jinx. Everyone knew that she could take on twenty people double her size and still win. You hadn’t seen her do anything remotely close to this but it wasn’t hard to believe.
When more than half of a city knows you for being a bloodthirsty killer, of course, they would be weary. But you still weren’t that convinced.
Some older workers talked about a young Jinx running into Silco’s arms with him hugging back and taking her in immediately. Silco didn’t look like the type of guy to appreciate hugs from anyone but it was clear he loved Jinx. And that had to be for a reason.
“I want you to keep an eye on those two,” Sevika says to you, directing people carrying crates. The two men she pointed at were getting on each other's nerves, shoving and bumping one another for no reason. They must have had other issues away from work. 
Your main job was to solve disputes and help Sevika. It didn’t take much but when there were problems, they were always big.
The two guys had moved out of sight and started bothering each other again, causing commotion and yelling. Before you could get around to them, three shipments were falling on the floor, creating a bright purple pool on the ground. 
Everyone had started shoving, making it too much to handle. People were on the floor, glass was being shoved into the soles of your shoes, and most importantly, nearly 500 coins worth of shimmer had been wasted.
Sevika was definitely going to blame you and no one would fess up. You couldn’t even get to the core of the fight before being shoved to the floor and cutting your hand on a large shard of glass.
It didn’t take much to lose all hope for the future. Not only would Silco fire you, but he would make you pay one way or another. None of those things were appealing, especially considering the fact that you desperately wanted to leave this chapter of your life behind. But not before getting a bit of cash and ditching Zaun.
You were sitting helpless, contemplating your life when a shot was fired. It was hard to see through the crowd but it stopped everyone, all the men scattering and moving away.
In front of you was a, surprisingly short, girl, braids nearly touching the floor, holding a revolver and looking around the ship.
No one made eye contact with her. No one went near her. They all went back to their original places as if the fight never happened.
Just her presence alone was enough to make everyone nervous. You hadn’t even realised that you were still sitting on the floor when she came towards you, holding the gun’s handle out. 
It took you a few seconds before realising that she was helping you up. It was enough to make the workers stop. From the corner of your eye, Sevika stood, arms folded, looking at the both of you. You could have sworn that she was laughing when you held on and got up. 
It brought you extremely close to her face, enough to see her baby-blue eyes glimmer. A smile pokes from the side of her mouth. She stood, analysing your face, eyes, lips. You couldn’t move if you tried, she had hypnotised you.
“What the hell is happening here?”
Silco appeared, frozen on the spot. “I spend half of my life working to make life better for all of you and I’m paid with this?”
It was almost symbolic, the liquid sitting under his shoes, mixing with the dirt and mud on the ground and turning into a deeper purple.
“Jinx?” He looks at her but she doesn’t deviate from you. Her body was rigid, completely cornering you.
Confusion was apparent in his expression, looking over at Sevika who only replies with a smirk.
Another glimmer appears in her eyes just before she turns around and walks past Silco, no words said.
No one moves or says anything but everyone was looking at you. Sevika pushes off of the wall she was leaning on, leaving the ship, still laughing.
If it wasn’t for your increased heartbeat, you would have questioned the event but too much had happened. Why did she help you up? Why did she analyse you? Why did she ignore Silco?
The questions rushed to your head faster than you could comprehend and faster than you could move after Silco ordered you to go with him. 
He simply pointed, and yelled, “You!” starting to walk faster than you could keep up with. 
“What relationship do you have with Jinx?”
Standing in front of Silco in his office with Sevika next to him was never a place you imagined to be. It almost felt like being in a principal’s office and getting scolded.
You didn’t have a “relationship” with Jinx. You had only met her a few minutes ago on the ship. Everything that happened was unplanned and, frankly, strange. And being interrogated by both of them didn’t help.
“I-I don’t have a relationship with her.” The words were staggered and hard to come out. Your heart had only slowed by a few beats but you could still feel it against your skin.
“That isn’t what I saw. Jinx doesn’t do things like that, meaning that you must have something to do with her.” 
His reasoning didn’t make any sense. Just because she looked at you for a few minutes doesn’t mean that anything happened. 
“Jinx is like a daughter to me. I would hate to have anything happen to her.” Silco continues talking, fiddling with his shimmer eye injection tool. It was nice seeing how much he cared for Jinx but in the end, nothing would happen between you two for a multitude of reasons.
Besides, Jinx didn’t seem like the type to be in a relationship. She was probably too busy blowing things up and creating gadgets.
“You’ll keep your distance. If it wasn’t for her you’d be paying for the lost shimmer right now. Don’t come in next week.”
If it wasn’t for her? Did Jinx help you? What could she have said to make Silco excuse you? You couldn’t walk out of his office quickly enough when he finished. It had turned into a hotbox with his continuous smoking, and you desperately needed air.
Just as you walk down the stairs to leave through the Last Drop, there she was, sitting at the bar and leaning dangerously far back.
“Heya toots!”
She springs up, walking towards you and trapping you in a tight hug at the waist. It was a stark difference from only an hour ago.
“Hi,” you say, walking down the stairs and stopping, awkwardly waiting for her to speak.
“Sorry about earlier, I just couldn’t take my eyes off of you.” You tell her that it’s no problem, trying to ignore the comment and your heartbeat increasing again. “Thanks for helping me with Silco.” 
She shrugs, crossing both arms behind her back. “Yeah, he gets like that sometimes.” You both stand in the awkward silence. Luckily, the bar was empty but it was surprisingly chilly. All you wanted was to leave and try to forget everything that just happened.
“I’ve been watching you for a while. You seem pretty cool.”
The compliment was nice and well-intentioned but the more you thought about it, the more worried you became. She watched you? 
“Would you wanna go out sometime? It doesn’t have to be out out, but somewhere we can talk.”
All you could do was nod. It was stupid in hindsight. Silco had just spent twenty minutes telling you to stay away from her and but here you were, practically agreeing to go on a date. 
“Cool! I’ll see you here tomorrow!”
Here? Tomorrow? It was too soon and too close to Silco. Whether he would be out or not, Sevika and other henchmen would be nearby, not to mention all of Silco’s other enemies. It was all a bad idea. 
But you still agreed. It would be nice to talk to someone new. And you were sure that saying no would have a painful consequence.
Jinx smiles again, hugging you once more before disappearing up the stairs, leaving you standing at the bottom of the steps.
“Good luck.” You look behind the bar and see Chuck emerge from underneath the counter.
 “She’s a crazy one.”
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OK this idea has been running around in my head for a hot minute and I gotta tell someone.
imagine if when Boo took Alphonse to meet their family, someone made a half assed “it’s not gonna last” joke. Big mistake, because Al knows how deep that cuts with Boo and he’s not letting that shit slide.
Do with this what you will.
It's not gonna last they say...How wrong they were huh?
Alphonse felt his eye twitch at that saying his partner's cousin said. Some of the other family members there gave a half chuckle at it. Some even said how 'Y/N always had high standards' or 'Y/N is difficult so maybe he'll end it?' And his partner, Boo just sat there. Alphonse felt his silver tongue itch to say something slick at the family members or hell point out how their relationships didn't last.
"Fuck off, (cousin name) your partner left because you were a dick and couldn't keep your hands to yourself." Hissing out Boo gave a nasty glare at the cousin who started it all. Alphonse left a snort leave him, causing everyone in the room to look at him.
"Wow a cheater wants to comment on MY relationship. Fuckin wild huh Boo?" The couple looked at each other before bursting out laughing.
"His fuckin stupid ass can't even get a girl no more because she spread it around (his/her/their) campus!" Tears began to flow as both added onto the conversation. The cousin was flustered and throwing insults like a child. Alphonse and Boo left the family gathering talking shit about all the family members that tried to say something about their relationship.
That was months ago, almost a year. Boo was glad Alphonse can match their energy, and even stopped at their favorite fast food place to get them something. They ate in the parking lot on top of the car acting like fools. It was one of Boo's favorite memories of their relation ship with Alphonse. Hearing the door open their pink head boyfriend walked through with bags.
"Guess who got the best fuckin deal at the grocery store? This guy!" Pointing at himself with his thumbs Alphonse gave a big smile. Going to the kitchen he started to pack things away for tomorrow's dinner. Making sure to leave the things out for tonight's dinner as well.
"Hey Boo what sandwich ya want made sure to get your chips as well. 'Cause you got annoyed last time when I didn't." Not hearing a reply Al looked at his quiet partner. "Boo? You good?" Causing Boo to giggle and nod.
"Just realizing that how it wasn't gonna last they said....how wrong they were huh?" Going to their boyfriend Boo hugged him from behind with a big content smile.
"Wait...That thing ya family said? Man fuck them let's enjoy this bomb ass sandwich I made! I'm basically the sandwich master." Proudly exclaiming Alphonse finished Boo's sandwich and started on his own.
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livyjh · 16 hours
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Come Sail Away ch.1
Bff’s dad!Joel Miller x Plus size!Fem!Reader
Series rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Chapter 1 rating: PG
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: Your spring break has been saved by your roommate and best friend, Sarah Miller. She’s invited you to come on vacation with her and her dad, a man you’ve never met. But you didn’t think twice before accepting her invitation. When you finally meet her dad, Joel, you have an instant crush on him. You thought it was one sided… he proves you wrong.
Chapter warnings: mainly plot forming exposition, no smut, meeting new people, large ships, the ocean, talk about clothes and vague plus size body description.
Series Masterlist
Joel Miller Masterlist
“What are you doing over spring break?” Your roommate and best friend, Sarah, asks you.
“Probably nothing. I mean, we have beaches and stuff at home but they’re just… gross. Lots of rocks and trash and seaweed and stuff. I wish I could go on that cruise with you.” You sigh.
Sarah and her dad were going on a Caribbean cruise for the whole of spring break this year and you’re incredibly jealous. Home is… fine. Your parents are okay. You love them but you don’t really have a lot of fun hanging out with them unless you’re all doing an activity or playing a game or something.
Being an only child had its perks, there’s no doubt. But not having someone close to your age in your immediate family kind of sucked.
“Sorry, I need to make a quick phone call.” Sarah smiles and gets up, leaving the dorm room for a few minutes.
You’re not sure what she’s up to, and you’re even more unsure when she walks in the door with a big grin on her face.
“Call me a genie because I just granted your wish.” Sarah giggled and sat back down on her bed.
“What?” You sit up and raise your brows.
“You’re coming to the Caribbean with me… If you’ve got $500 to spare?” She scrunches up her nose.
“I have been saving for a car… but I’m doing okay without one for now…” you think for a minute.
“Fuck it. Let’s do it.” You clap and stand up and she does the same.
You both grab each other’s hands and do a quiet but excited little scream. “Yay!”
Sarah explained to you that she and her dad were already going to have separate staterooms on the ship, but now you can bunk with her for a great last minute deal the cruise line was offering.
You were so excited you almost couldn’t sleep. You had one more exam tomorrow and then you were free for a whole week. And going to the Caribbean on a fucking cruise!
Your exam was a piece of cake. All you had to do was pack tonight, go with Sarah to her dad’s place, then fly to Florida, and get on the ship.
Yeah. That should be simple enough, right?
You were excited but stressed at the same time. This last minute planning was a bit chaotic but you knew it would be worth it.
You packed all of your favorite outfits that were suited for tropical weather, your sexy two piece bikini, your more modest and practical one piece that fit you like a glove, and your best walking shoes and cutest sandals.
You remembered all of your toiletries and meds, your device chargers, your vibrator (for times when you may get the room to yourself for a while), a sweater just in case, and a few snacks for the plane.
The drive to Sarah’s dad’s place wasn’t bad. 3 hours from Houston to Austin was nothing compared to the trip your parents took to drive you to college in the first place.
You chose your school based on its business major program, which is what you wanted. You were a a year and a half into your 4 year masters degree and 24 years old. You already had your associates degree and decided to take a little break between that and getting your masters.
Sarah was younger, 21 now. She studied music theory and production. You guys got paired up this school year as roommates when your last roommate graduated.
You’ve been best friends ever since.
“Here’s my place!” She smiled as she pulled into the driveway of a beautiful two story house in a nice neighborhood.
Tomorrow morning you three would fly to Florida and head straight for the ship.
For now, you were a little nervous to meet Sarah’s dad. Was he gonna be awkward? Weird? Quiet? Mean? Overbearing?
Just as you two were getting out of Sarah’s car, the front door opened and a gorgeous man about 6 feet tall emerged from it.
He had medium length brown hair that had some curl. Probably more if he were to let it grow out longer. He donned a simple and semi-close trimmed beard, one that was starting to get gray patches around his jaw. His nose looked like it was sculpted from the finest of clays by a renowned artist. His arms were thick and toned, as were his thighs.
“Hey, girls!” He waved and walked down the driveway to Sarah to give her a big hug.
“I’ve missed you so much, dad.” Sarah was almost in tears. You knew she hadn’t been home since Christmas.
“Missed you too, baby girl.” He kissed the top of her head and took a good look at her, like a parent does, trying to make sure their child is in good health and well fed.
“Dad, this is my bestie I’ve been telling you about; Y/n.” Sarah walked around to your side of the car and her dad followed.
“Y/n, this is my dad, Joel.” She motioned to him.
He reached out his (quite large) hand and you shook it happily. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you!” You smiled and tried to keep from blushing.
“You too, Y/n.” He smiled and nodded before you both broke the handshake.
Joel took a breath and broke eye contact as he walked around you to get into the trunk and help with bags. “How was the drive?”
“Pretty chill.” Sarah said as she also went to the back of the car.
You followed, “yeah it went by quick.”
“Good.” Joel smiled at you both.
You brought the bags in and then sat down in the living room. It was nearing 9pm now.
“Ya girls hungry?” Joel asked.
“I could eat.” You shrug, trying to keep from smiling at his adorable accent.
“Me too.” Sarah nodded.
“How about I fix some turkey sandwiches?” Joel stood and walked into the kitchen.
“Thanks, dad!” Sarah spoke up.
“Thank you, Mr. Miller!” You called out.
After you all finished eating you took the luggage upstairs to Sarah’s room and got settled in.
Joel retired to his room after a quick goodnight to you two.
You and Sarah got into pajamas, both of you pulling your hair into cute little top knots.
“Thank you, Sarah.” You smile as you both get into her bed.
“For what?” She pulls the comforter up over you both.
“Well, everything. But the cruise mainly.” You reply.
“Of course. I’m not gonna let my best friend have a boring spring break if I have anything to say about it.” She laughed.
You giggled along. “I appreciate it.”
The next morning was a blur of airport traffic and security checkpoints. Things slowed down when you boarded the plane.
“I call the window seat!” Sarah walked back to your row and scooted in to the third seat, by the window.
You usually hated sitting in the middle because it made you a bit claustrophobic but this plane wasn’t as cramped on butt space as other ones you’d been on. So you got into the seat next to Sarah and Joel sat in the aisle seat next to you.
You figured Sarah would’ve wanted to sit next to her dad… but you also wanted to sit next to her. Now you had the best of both worlds.
Sarah on one side, and her sexy dad on the other.
Oh god, you cannot be attracted to your best friend’s dad. There’s a rule against that somewhere, right??
You couldn’t help but to keep touching elbows with both Sarah and Joel. You were thick, wasn’t anyone’s fault. With Sarah being so skinny she really only bumped elbows when she leaned in to talk to you. With Joel, he was broad shouldered and half asleep for the first part of the flight. You fell asleep too.
“This is your pilot speaking, welcome to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. The skies are blue and temperature at a comfortable 73 degrees.”
This was what you heard as you started to wake up, realizing your head was rested on none other than Joel’s shoulder.
You sat up quick, “oh my gosh, sorry, Mr. Miller.” You blushed and laughed a little.
“It’s okay, sweetie.” He smiled and briefly patted the back of your hand that was on the armrest between you two.
“Th- thank you.” You stutter a little.
The lights in the cabin come on and the plane makes a slightly rough landing, waking Sarah up next to you.
“Are we here already?” She held her head up.
“Yep.” You look over at her. “It’s almost cruise time.” You giggle.
“Cruise time?” She mocks you.
“Shut up. I’m still sleepy.” You snort.
Getting off the plane and out of the airport was nothing short of a nightmare. It was extremely busy. It took a half hour to get an available shuttle to the pier.
You all finally got on board the ship after checking your big bags and going through security.
You could breathe now. Vacation had finally started.
Joel Miller tag list: @evyiione
@chyannealaniz @cesspitoflove @supersingle @jrosie25 @blackfemalenerd @bongsrconfusing @milly-louise @farintonorth @brittmb115 @ashleyfilm @steverogers123-blog
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solid-white · 2 days
Canon vs Fanon [TF2 edition]
Okay so I finally got to reading the tf2 comics after being gone for 7 years and never having read the comics, so here's a comparison between Fanon and Canon:
Fanon: The mercs all care for each other and are like a family (but who doesn't love some found family?)
Canon: They could give two shits about if they die or not. The only ones that actually "care" for the team is arguably Ms. Pauling and/or Scout. Even then they have their separate reasons for why they're sticking around around. They refer to and think of each other as coworkers. Though they're friendly with each other and do think of each other as work friends (helping each other out, making jokes with one another)
Fanon Demoman: a drunkard who's excessively flashy and eccentric. Ruins a lot of stuff by being drunk and shares the same braincells as canon Soldier.
Canon Demoman: A pretty chill guy when he isn't in battle. He's also pretty serious when it involves matters he needs to be serious about (ex. Having to go undercover in the lead paint town). Overall? 8/10 character. Currently my favourite besides Pyro.
Fanon Pyro: (will refer to Pyro as him) Sometimes his childish trait overlaps with his violent nature, the opposite spectrum happening as well. He's also sometimes depicted as being unaware that he's killer. Loves the team and sees all of them as family. Non-intellegent.
Canon Pyro: He's very much aware that he's a freak of nature. He's a gentle mix of childish and pyromaniac. Is actually pretty intelligent, having gotten a company rich in a matter of 6 months. Won't hurt people just cuz, only does so when it's a job or they dislike fires, and when he does, makes sure the person suffers because it's fun. Extremely chaotic. Barely interacts with the team (besides Engie) outside of jobs.
Fanon Scout: Childish, yaps, reckless, dies a lot because he's the runt, narcissistic, and doesn't know how to do anything (idiotic). "Erpy derp, me twink scout. Will not hurt you because bad." (Depicted as non violent). Comic relief. Doesn't get along with any of the mercs due to his childish nature, particularly Sniper and Heavy.
Canon Scout: Likes to yap a lot, has a brash attitude, and is self-centered/egotistical. He's also in deep denial that Spy is his father. He isn't book smart, but he's smart enough to know how to play his cards right (persuasive when it comes to things he wants). Knows how to drive. "And brother, I hurt people!" (Enjoys hurting others). Pretty close to Sniper (Hangs out with him outside of work/buddy-buddy with him. Ex. The fist bump, Sniper jokingly smiling at Scouts joke during expiration date, etc) he's arguably the only one who's truly buddy-buddy with the entire team.
Fanon Heavy: Big beefy guy who doesn't have a single brain (that assumption has corrected itself over time). He's also obsessed with sandviches, will pummel Scout if they're even in the same vicinity, and gay for Medic and will go out of his way to be close to Medic.
Canon Heavy: Intelligent (Russian literature PHD), doesn't speak much unless spoken to, serious and has a 24/7 stone wall expression. Only gets annoyed with Scout because of his constant speaking, willing to die for Medic and sees him as a close friend (now I understand where all the ship art came from). And loves sandviches.
This is getting long and I'm tired. Will continue analysis soon.
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wickjump · 2 days
i never get asks about what friendships or familial dynamics i like or headcanon so i’m uhh doing that now cuz i can
farm and sci!!!! sprouted from a convo i had ages ago with someone. shipping it is ok i guess but just not for me and i like to see them as friends.
reaper and ink are familial 2 me. i have a whole au where ink takes reaper in as his son………they’re parental child dynamic to me….. i could talk about them all day if prompted by some1.
LUST AND KILLER. ink and killer. reaper and lust. reaper and killer (depends on interpretation). reaper lust ink and killer. i think they’d all be good friends.either as a group or one on one. but i like them a lot. plus lust deserves a friend who doesn’t have ulterior motives and reaper deserves dynamics with characters outside geno my god
ccino and therapy sans. they’re okay as a ship even tho i don’t think about them too much. but i really like them as close friends. like a lot. i think ccino deserves a friend who is also a therapist instead of a boyfriend who is satan incarnate sometimes. maybe throw in sci there.they can all be besties
swapfell, fellswap, and fellswap gold.i think they’re all besties and they deserve to be besties.
outer fell classic swap and sometimes horror.”but you ship some of them-“ yeah but like stfu this is about friendship. and they’re friends to me. this is poetax’s fault btw… classic swap and fell especially though.they’re all besties i prommy you
swap and blueberry (as in the uwu child version of swap) are so so so father son to me and you can pry this from my cold dead paws. and this isn’t about ship but since i like lustblue (lust x swap, NOT lust x blueberry) i like to think lust would be his other dad. and ink dream and error would be familial to him too. not uncles or fathers or family friends but something else and it works for them. they’re one big happy family please believe me please please pl
fresh and epic.i’ve talked about them in a ship context before but i just want them to interact at all. and i think they’d be super good friends but nobody talks about them???? wtf!!!! evil…..
ccino and reaper. best buds 100%. reaper likes coffee and ccino makes him coffee.please….i want them 2 be best buds pleas.e..
classic sans and swap papyrus would be best buds 100% and swap sans and classic papyrus as well. but i also like the swap fell and classic papyri too in a friend group,,,sigh papyruses are so underrated!!!!! no attention wtf
this one is like. sorta canon if you squint but i wanna mention it anyway.cross and chara ar brothers n best buds once they sort their trauma out please believe me. they get frustrated and mad at each other all the time and don’t see eye to eye and have backstabbed each other plenty of times but they care about each other like brothers in a sense and would defend each other’s name i think..they are traumatized individually and neither r evil i’ll stand by this forever and ever and ever
swap and cross are best bros absolutely. best friends ever. they are LITERALYL both swaps!!!!!jakei draws them hanging out too a good few times and i like that…
xpapyrus should get to be buddies with fell swap and classic papyrus now that i think about it. cause jakei drew a comic of that and i really liked it. adding that here
OK THIS IS GETTING LONG ending it here now. hope you enjoyed this wickramble i sure did
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yona049 · 2 days
𝐀𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 ♤
Joker x fem!Reader x Jason Todd
Part 2
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Part 1
Part 2
>Head crushing.
>Parent death
>mental patients (Arkam Asylum)
Y/n just captured by Batman and Red Hood. Only for them to come face to face with her in Wayne mannor. Y/n took the first opportunity she got to dive Jason.
"I'm gonna KILL you, Jason!"
She yelled looking down at the blue eyed boy, dark fluffy hair with a white streak through the front. Jason Todd. The one and only Vigilante Red Hood.
He slowly smirks and moves his hand onto Y/n's cheek giving it a gentle rub with his thumb.
"I missed you too, babe."
He whispers watching Y/n smile for a second before growling again.
"You could've been a little more gentle with the dart! Fake blood is hard to clean out of a clown costume!"
She stands up slowly wobbling a bit, but Jason quickly slips his arm around her waist.
"Gotcha!" he mocks while holding her steady.
"Can't be that bad? Atleast the bullet looked real? Might leave a bruise."
He boops Y/n on her nose making her look back up at him. She sighs and pushes herself onto her toes giving Jason a delicate kiss.
"Thanks for getting me out of there." she whispers against his lips until a certain bat clears his throat.
Y/n smiles and turns to the batman before jump-hugging him.
"Hey, Bruce!"
Batman was much bigger in size, so a hug from him lifted her off the ground until he sat her back down.
He pulls the cowl off his face and gives Y/n a pat on the head.
"Sorry about the wait, Y/n. We weren't sure when you'd be out again. Jason went out on every patrol."
"Awww! Jason!" she teases tossing the Red Hood helmet onto the bed.
She follows shortly after and sits on the fluffy duvet before pulling off the polkadot socks she wore.
"Joker had a long business period! I couldn't get him out of base for anything! It was constant paperwork and gun shipping."
She pulls a small piece of paper out of her sock and hands it to Batman.
"All recent shipments and crate numbers are there. You should be able to find some other interesting numbers."
She falls back onto the bed with another big sigh.
"We eventually went out, but it took a bit of teasing to get him to draw attention to us. I thew a grenade into an empty shop. I hope it helped you find us."
She glances over at Jason who had an annoyed look on his face. Y/n figured it was probably the kiss he walked in on, between her and the Joker.
Batman quickly pulls her from her thoughts.
"I'll look at this. In the mean time I'll have an armored truck take you to Arkam in two days. Best you take a shower and sleep before then. Joker is sure to take you back."
He places his hand on Jason's shoulder heading for the door.
"Y/n. Good job."
Y/n smiles getting some well deserved praise from Bruce Wayne. He finally walks out closing the door, leaving Jason and Y/n alone.
Outside the room Damian Wayne was leaning against the wall with crossed arms. The newest Robin to the family, dressed in a black turtleneck looking mature for his age. Once Bruce walks out he follows him to, presumably the Bat-cave.
"Father! Why have I never heard of this Y/n?"
Bruce unfolds the paper Y/n gave him and starts reading.
"Well, Damian. She's been undercover for a long time, and Jason talks about her alot."
Damian stops dead in his tracks in shock.
"That is his girlfriend! I thought he was making her up since we've never seen her!?"
He runs down the hallway catching up with Bruce who walks up to the piano in the middle of the study. He hits a few keys until the platform underneath their feet starts going down.
"She was before your time. I can give you her file."
Damian nods walking off the platform and into the Bat-cave.
A large caved out space with drip stone covering the walls along with Platforms holding all sorts of other bat related things. The Batmobile, Batman's suits, and finally the large screen, the bat computer.
Damian lifts himself onto the counter watching Bruce pull Y/n's file onto the screen.
A picture of a young Y/n pops up, with short hair and dyed streaks in her hair. She looked like a typical rebellious teen with an angry expression.
Y/n L/n. (Alias : Y/n Caster.)
Age : 20
Gotham resident.
Occupation : Criminal.
Parents : James Caster (Deceased)
Abigail Caster (Deceased)
Damian lifts an eyebrow and glares at Batman.
"How can her parents have the same last name as Y/n's alias?"
Bruce smirks and hits a few more buttons before another profile pops up on screen. This time a picture of Y/n with a bright smile and longer hair.
"This is her real file, albeit a little out dated."
Y/n L/n.
Age : 17
Gotham resident.
Occupation : Student.
Parents : Marideth L/n (Deceased)
Harrion L/n(Deceased)
Damian looks settled with his thoughts then asks another question.
"How did This Y/n come to work for Joker? Surely he wouldn't trust some mentally challenged girl!"
Bruce quickly snaps.
"Hey! That's rude Damian."
"Sorry. But I'm still curious!"
With a sigh Batman sits down on the chair.
"It's a long story."
Damian wiggles himself into a comfortable position and hits a button on the bat computer.
"Please bring some popcorn down to the Bat-cave, Pennyworth."
A small confirmation from Alfred and Damian eagerness to listen made Bruce chuckle.
"Very well, If you're so willing. Here's the story of my secret adopted child."
"Y/n was young at the time. Maybe just 8? Her parents worked at psych Wards all over the world, but eventually they settled at the toughest one of them all."
"Arkam Asylum." Damian answers.
"That's right!" Bruce congratulates.
A large medieval castle with a looming darkness over it. It held the laughter and cries of all their patients.
A young couple rushed into the building holding their coats over their heads. One older man is the first to shake off the droplets with his wife following behind.
"Well! Wasn't expecting your first introduction to our work to start out like that, huh, Y/n?" Her father pats her on the head as she hid underneath his coat.
Mother takes her hand and walks with her down the hallway.
"Now, honey. Remember our deal."
Y/n nods looking around curiously.
"Stay close! Only go where mom and dad says. Don't talk to patients."
Mom giggles and kisses Y/n's forehead.
"Good! Now let's get to the office before we get to the really scary patients!"
Once the family was in the cozy office, Y/n immediately took to the bookshelf covered in different old books.
Dad walks up behind her and points to one specific red colored book. 'The Phycology of a Disheveled Mind.'
He hands it to Y/n who smiles and takes a seat at the big desk with a spinning chair.
A small chuckle from dad as he kneels down beside her.
"We'll be back soon to give you a better tour, first we need to go check on some patients. Read up so I can discuss with you after ok!"
Y/n nods excitedly watching mom place a packet of gummy candies on the table.
"A surgery snack for a buzzing mind." she uses her finger to imitate a bee and makes a buzzing noise before landing her finger on Y/n's nose.
"Love you, Bee!"
Y/n laughs.
"Love you, Mom! Love you, Dad!"
They make a swift exit with clip boards in hand. Soon their both in the ward with patients all around them in cells. Bane, Scarecrow, and a few empty ones awaiting their escaped patients. Like Penguin and Dr Freeze.
"As you can see, Mr Wayne. Your sponsorship is greatly improving our necessary medicines and holding cells." Mom shows.
A young Bruce wearing a tucks and neatly combed hair looks around intently.
"I see, and The patients are treated well?" Bruce asks.
"As well as they can be treated, the staff almost treat them too nicely unfortunately. We had a Doctor try sneaking a machine gun in, a few weeks ago."
Bruce sucks air though his teethad they reached the end of the hallway.
"Well! Keep up the good work you two. I'm glad to see my funds are helping better the mental health of patients."
Saying their goodbyes, Mom and Dad make their way back down the long hallway.
Mom smiled scribbling down some notes.
"Let's get back to Y/n, I'm sure she's pretty sick of that book by now."
Dad laughs and shakes his head disagreeing.
"Our little girl is brilliant! She's probably studying that book cover to cover."
He walks up to a cell and smiles making notes. He looks up at a man wearing a top hat and a grin on his face.
"Good evening, Jervis. How are you feeling tonight."
The man only smiles with a glare towards dad. Dad sighs but keeps his smile.
"You're doing better than yesterday. Don't tell the others. But I brought you a snack!"
He places a round cookie in a tray and pushes it into the cell. With a warm smile the patient grabs the cookie and takes a small bite of it.
"Thanks, Doc!" he grumbles and continues eating the cookie.
Dad smiles happily and nods.
"Your welcome-"
A sudden explosion sends a Shockwave through the hallway causing mom and had hit the wall hard.
The entire building shakes causing Y/n to Scream. She hides under the table as the heavy bookshelf falls straight down onto the ground.
Y/n calls for Mom and Dad but the open office door beckons her to run out to find them.
Back in the Cell block. Scattered debris welcome a Crown Prince of crime, like a red carpet.
Joker was still a very young and very new Criminal in Gotham, so no one expected him to break into Arkam for reinforcements.
He laughs at the chaos he caused with alarms going off and a few Criminals running wild.
He snaps his fingers and points some of his Joker Goons towards Bane's cell.
They make use of another explosive to blast the cell door off its hinges.
Y/n runs in just in time to see her dad hunched over her mom. Mom was trapped under the heavy wall that had been blasted off.
She runs closer already starting to feel the tears run down her face.
Dad was bleeding from his head when he looked up at Y/n running towards them. A dark shadow followed behind her.
Bane was about to grab her until dad pulls Y/n behind him and out of the way, just in time for Bane to grab him instead of her.
Dad yells and struggles as Bane holds him off the ground by his head.
"Stop this Bane! We can help! We can Change what happened to- Ugh!"
Y/n stares at her dad in horror, her mom's body unmoving and bent in so many unnatural ways.
"Dad! No! Leave my dad alone!"
Y/n watches in horror before charging towards this huge man. Bane, now only using one hand to hold the entirety of Dads head, smacks Y/n into the wall with great force. A small child getting hit into a hard wall.
She blinks a few times, dizzy from impact but crawls towards her dad. A laughter fuzzy in the background, until a horrible sound fills her ears.
The cracking of bone and a mush before a final thud, as her dads head is crushed.
She froze looking at both of her parents infront of her. But only for a second until a big black cape crosses her eyesight.
"Don't look!" a growled voice. Batman came to save the day, but just too late.
He pulls her into his arms, squeezing her broken terrified body. Once he knew she was in his arms safe, he uses a grappling hook to pull them out of the chaos.
"After that, we brought her back to Wayne Manor. Even after revealing my identity, she didn't react. She was like a ragdoll for months. Dick tried everything to help her grieve."
Bruce taps his foot thinking back, feeling her little traumatized body.
"It was only after that, when we found Jason again. Jason was so battered and bruised once Joker brainwashed and tortured him. After what Joker did to him, and Joker did to her. They bonded over it."
Damian looks down at the empty popcorn bowl in his lap with a growl.
"How did she manage an under cover mission around the man who killed her parents! I would've taken the first opportunity to cut him with my katana!"
He slips off the table with an angry growl. Before he could storm off Bruce lightly pats his head getting him to calm down.
"Y/n took alot of time to train and work though her anger."
Batman quickly looks to the side when his attention is pulled by a Zooming engine.
A motorcycle echoes though the bat cave and with a screeching holt it stops on one of the platforms.
A blue bird on his chest and incredibly strong build, Dick Grayson also known as Nightwing steps off the bike and lifts his helmet off his head.
"Hey Bruce! Hey Damian!" he walks up to them lifting his mask off his face with a satisfying sigh.
He looks up at the Bat computer and his eyes light up seeing Y/n's picture.
"Y/n's back? It's been forever!"
Batman smiles and nods.
"7 months to be exact."
Damian gasps and growls annoyed.
"You knew about Y/n too?"
"Yes! I helped train her." Dick assured grabbing the empty popcorn bucket Damian was holding.
"I wanna go say Hi before she goes back undercover."
He takes a few kernels, chewing on them a little before patting Damian on the head. Bruce shakes his head and presses a few more buttons.
"Not yet! She's catching up with Jason right now. She needs rest."
Dick stops chewing for a second then places the popcorn bowl down. He looks straight at Bruce with a serious face.
"How long is this gonna go on, Bruce? How long does he have to stay near that phyco?"
Batman stops typing for a second and turns to look at his two boys waiting anxiously for an answer.
"She doesn't want to leave, I've asked her. She's determined to stay." he looks down a little worried.
"Y/n has been undercover for a long time. I'm worried that before long. She'll become Ace instead of Y/n."
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yanderespamton78 · 7 hours
sometimes i feel like toby fox made spamton and the addisons especially for people to hyperfixate on. everything about them seems so perfect for people to go rabid about its insane to me
for one, spamton himself pretty much counts for 4 people, those being addispam, big shot spamton, in game spamton, and spamton neo. now sure you mostly see people going rabid about in game spamton but ive seen plenty of people who are obsessed with a version we dont get to see on screen
secondly, even the main in game spamton himself is kinda up to interpretation. loads of people characterise him differently. if i compared two aus to eachother theyd often be very different and depending on the ones i chose could be almost like 2 different people, and then if i compared those to in-game spamton, theyd still be very different. also since you dont see addispam and big shot spamton on screen you dont even know what they acted like so again basically you can make your own guy to fixate on with a few prompts as to what he was like
dont even get me started on the addisons. now im biased as fuck here seeing that ive been fixated on the addisons for like 6 months now (send help) but toby fox basically gave us 4 templates for us to have fun with. sure based off of in game dialogue you have a bit to go off of when it comes to their personality (pink being an asshole and blue being caring for example) but even then every addison in every different au is slightly different and i have never seen two addisons turn out exactly the same. ALSO you dont even know the relationship these characters have to spamton meaning you can have them be siblings, you can have them be friends, or you can ship them based off of what you enjoy. OR you could just ignore them altogether (which a lot of people do lmao)
also another thing is the fact that you dont necessarily need to have your addisons' personalities just reflect off of spamtons. I mean the main 4 addisons give you enough to go off of to make your own, and you are given cyber city, an entire fantasy world for you to put them in. cyber city again is up to interpretation, some people have it be like a normal city, some people make it a utopia, some people make it a hellscape. the choice is yours!!
and even then in game spamton is so versatile. he is perfect for angsty stuff, fluffy stuff, or jsut silly stuff, and none of it is out of character. you couldnt really make an angsty spongebob edit could you, itd be weird and out of characer and no one would take it seriously. but also you couldnt make a silly walten files video, sure people do but its out of character and wouldnt actually happen canonically. but spamton on the other hand. hes the kinda guy who you can draw holding a wallet in his mouth like a cat and generally being silly but also you could draw him sobbing at the bottom of dumpster and neither would be out of character!! AAAA
also extra thing i thought id add but his backstory is also very up to interpretation, like i dont think ive ever seen two people who think spamtons rise and downfall went exactly the same. sure everyone has the same general idea of how it went but some people believe in acid theory, some people believe in puppetification theory, some people have a mix of both, some people have their own idea of how it went down, and with that you can project different parts of your own trauma onto whatever happened to him.
ok sorry that was so long thank you for reading my very biased ramble about why spamton is perfect byeeee
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therealvinelle · 3 days
What are your thoughts on the titanic movie?
Oh I wanted to watch it, tried once as a child, didn't make it through, then again with @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin, at which point I also didn't make it through.
I'm here for the ship, literally only the ship. Rose and Jack would not get off the screen and let me look at ship, and so even though I made it to the part where they impact the iceberg, I realized I couldn't sit through Jack and Rose running around the decks, no matter how true to life the models were. Watch party ended, and some time later we tried Raise the Titanic with Alec Guinness instead (a deeply silly movie where a dangerous weapon was on board the Titanic when it sank, and the Americans must find it before the Soviets do).
James Cameron's movies have a very consistent problem where he is in love with a concept, or an idea or a new bit of technology, so he makes a movie to show it off and has to put a story in there somewhere so we're watching something happened. This worked incredibly well in the two first Terminator movies, it gave us a deeply funny Aliens movie, but it did not work out for Titanic as his worst tendencies all came out to play.
I like him, as a director, I just don't like the majority of his movies, if that makes sense.
His characters are plainly good or bad with one note motivations and no nuance, and they are all consistently and painfully American, to the point where they feel like caricatures. Jake Sullivan, who is such a staple army vet that he has no personality whatsoever other than being a protagonist with the assigned traits that would make him sympathetic to as wide an audience as possible, is a terrific example of this, as are the gun-toting military crew heading to the colony in Aliens, but so too are the characters of the Titanic, only in a different way. Rose's mother and peers are what I can only describe as Victoria's parents in Corpse Bride without the satire - they are not real people, but old world aristocrats seen through the eyes of filmmakers who fundamentally don't understand class. Rose becoming infatuated with a working class boy is a very simple and straightforward matter where there is no actual reason for them not to be together, it's just that Jack gets made fun of for not knowing the right forks to use. It's just shallow.
I have more complaints, but much of the movie is luckily forgotten so I'll stick to the big one: I wish Cameron had either made this a purely fictional story that was inspired by the Titanic but without actual victims, or else gone out of his way to be respectful of the fact. Going of the wikipedia page for how historical characters were treated, Bruce Ismay being depicted as boorish and attributed decisions he never made in life so he can be at least partly blamed for the sinking. The man's life and mental health was ruined after the real sinking as the act of surviving made him a media target, Cameron could have chosen to leave his memory be and I side-eye his decision not to. The movie has First Officer Murdoch shooting passengers and then himself, I struggle to see what this added to the movie besides upsetting his surviving family.
Perhaps I'm overly strict, but even fictionalized retellings have historical import because they play a much larger role in how people remember the past than history books or documentaries do because more people see them. The film industry has immense power over how we view the past, and in turn over how history is remembered. This comes with a responsibility, and a plea for consciousness of the fact. Set your stories to whichever periods and cultures you may like: but do so knowing that no matter how much media and recorded history already exists on your chosen subject, there will be people walking away from your product whose view is now affected by your depiction.
In other words, Raise the Titanic is somehow more respectul in my eyes because while it was a very silly movie, it insulted no one's memory. And I'll be sticking to documentaries and animations when it comes to RMS Titanic-related media.
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punkeropercyjackson · 9 hours
Jason Todd and Percy Jackson parallels but by someone who actually reads comics and was technically never a Harry P*tter kid so it's accurate
Black hair,green eyes and supernatural white streak combo
Poor and hate rich people even though they ended up gaining a rich dad and refuse to actively associate with him on principal
Said dad's inflicted brutal trauma on them(though to Bruce's credit it was an accident and he genuinely loves Jason while Poseidon's just a deadbeat who refuse to parent Percy to keep us his 'image' because that's 'women's aka Sally's work',grown ass god)so they claim their mom as their only parent and are just huge mama's people in general,which is perfectly understandable even on it's own considering their mom's are fucking TALIA AL-GHUL AND SALLY JACKSON.Who wouldn't?
Respect women,disrespect men
The EXACT SAME sardonic and little shit attitude and created their own type of sense's of humor that can only be described by using their names to be truly accurate
Physical inability to not run their mouths dating way back to when they were little kids,closed off not out of fragile masculinity(I mean Jason's goth and Percy's a transfem egg so?)but as defense mechanisms,have anger issues and merciless tendencies and complex feelings on morality because of heavy life experiences due to being screwed over by the system as minorities(poor,neurodivergent and Percy's transfemininity she won't even let herself admit)and can be scary as shit when they do and don't want to
Punks with the ideals,behavior,lifestyles and interests you'd expect but also super dorky ones on all fronts too
Don't actively pursue romance and the thought of doing so is VERY unppealing to them and they dunk on romance norms like the true punks they are and they DO have good canon ships but sadly none endgame(Jayrose,Jaytemis and Jaydana are banger after banger after BANGER but DC hates Jason so they won't let him enter his malewife era and Perachel was the best ship for Percy but got shafted for the sake of ruining Annabeth)
They refuse to be normal in general because conformity disgusts them but also they just kinda.Can't turn the weirdness off,ever(It's their bptistic swag)
Ethan=Rose.Wasians with an eyepatch because their abusive god(ish)parent took their eye out,gloomy and moody,swords users,were groomed into the villain life as little kids and never considered real love interests for Percy and Jason despite tons of chemistry via bickering flirtatious banter and 'I really do care about you' undertones.Their heritage and unpalpability as victims undoubtedly plays a role in this as Luke and Slade are the easy and accepatable villains to stan as opposed to the oh so horrific and unlovable realistic survivors
Super chaotic and unrestrained
Team Parents because of childhood trauma and they did fumble a bit at first out of lack of experience but now they've got it downpat
Huge love for food that's not good for you(i.e fast/junk/desserts)
Make a big show when they're feeling particularly cocky or want to intimidate and it's real easy for them to thanks to experience and being able to walk the walk for the shit they talk
Claimed by afro-caribbeans and we're right and should say it(Those are monoracial dominican third gen iminigrants ma'am)
Get horndog allegations,are actually demisexual and don't care about white boys or white girls when it comes to attraction(Percy's canon namesake was married to the Princess of Ethopia and Jason hates Roy and barely cares about Tim,please be serious)
Or when it comes to platonic relathionships!!If they're to be a trinity the perfect 3rd is Miles Morales like how Hazel is Nico and Percy's and Jason's Robin and Batgirl are Duke and Stephanie and he wouldn't have it any other way
There's a significant difference that makes them all the more interesting together though-Jason's story is a selfmade tragedy where he choose hurt and darkness and even evil again and again for a long ass time until his redemption arc that he actually worked for and Percy's is that she's NEVER done anything wrong in her entire fucking life,she DIDN'T mean to hurt anyone,she WAS a good,good kid and she grew up to be an even better adult who's good at so many good things and good to so many people.Jason is Percy's legit foil and deserves that title more than any fascistic misogynist character does
They're the son of no one and the daughter of Poseidon and Sally Jackson.Them(and the 1610 Spiderman)are my characters ever
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