#the resurrectionists au
nightingaletrash · 11 months
so me and @robotslenderman went to visit High Gate Cemetery this week, and while we were there, there was a brief discussion about how if Amicia and Sullivan had lived during the Victorian Era, they'd be in the business of body stealing and harvesting corpses for organs and blood in order to traffic them to other Kindred. And now I'm thinking about it some more and I wanna see this AU happen.
I picture Amicia as being an undertaker kind of figure to match up with her running a restaurant in canon, with her running a mortuary prior to the rise of embalming and women being pushed out of the business of caring for the dead. She'd receive the bodies of the recently deceased, either from the grieving families or from Sullivan and other body snatchers, so that she could prepare them for burial and harvest them of their organs and blood (if possible). If the contents of the corpse were unfit for harvest, she'd arrange for them to be sold to doctors and medical schools for dissection, claiming that the bodies were perfectly legal (prisoners, suicide victims, orphans etc). She's the face of the business and the one responsible for the legal side of things.
Even as women started getting pushed out of the mortuary business due to the rise of embalment and insistance that it was 'improper' for women to touch a man's body, Amicia had a way of repelling all attempts made to shut her down. Namely she made sure that her competitors were scared shitless at the mere mention of her, so potential clients figured that she had more nerve than they did in the face of death.
Sullivan would definitely be responsible for the less-legal side of the operation. He'd probably have a medical history that makes him real handy for harvesting, and he definitely taught Amicia how to do it and how to be as discrete as possible, all while procuring the bodies of the dead that had been handled by other mortuaries and funeral houses prior to their burial. He stuck around, helping Amicia get set up and teaching her what she needed to know, then once she was confident in harvesting, and had an efficient set up, he'd venture further afield to acquire less common 'vintages' of bodies to harvest.
They are the backbone of the blood and organ trade of wherever they're set up.
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dragonfire42 · 1 month
Just finished my 6th story for 7 upcoming Good Omens fanfiction/fanart bangs!! I've written over 50,000 words so far on stories that will be released starting at the end of this month!
(Pictured: the cocoa that kept me going!)
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Below are the starting dates for posting. (Longer stories will have weekly chapter updates):
Please note all stories this round are teen+, no archive warnings apply:
Good Omens Theatre Bang - 8/27
"Rainbow Connection" - Puppeteer slow burn human AU, art by @queenofthecute, beta @fifthstiel , complete, 14k words
"Jiggery Pokery" - diary entries of Prof Hoffman on his magical mentorship of Fell the Marvellous, art by @bjs4bildad, beta @andromeda4004, complete, 6k words
DIWS Silver Screen Bang - 9/7
"Here's Looking at You, Angel" - Casablanca themed crossover, canon compliant post S2, art by @saesomesaeni and @abitch-in-the-matrix, beta by @andromeda4004
Chapters posted Saturdays 9/7-10/26
Check out the AMAZING preview posters by Sae and GingerJo!!
Fairy Tale GO Bang - 9/13
"Crowley and the Seven Nac Mac Feegles" - Snow White story with Discworld and Sandman crossover, art by @emihotaru, beta by @ngkiscool
Chapters posted Fridays 9/13-10/11
"A Toast to the End of the World" Alternate Flood Myths while saving a unicorn and some kids, art by @sanzarus, beta by @seven-stars-in-his-palm
"Elspeth and the Beanstalk" - AU from minisode "The Resurrectionist" where Aziraphale drinks the laudanum instead of Crowley and grows big, art by @justzrero, beta by @ngkiscool
Good Omens Spooky Bang: 10/28
"The Angel's Gambit" - Seventh Seal crossover, art by @theeinkibus
The best part of these bangs has been connecting with so many talented artists, writers, editors and readers from around the world!
I'm so excited to share these stories and all our hard work with you! Follow ALL the amazing artist tags above and don't miss all the amazing stories in these collections by following the bang tags too!
Subscribe to me on AO3 to get notified:
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moonseekingsun · 12 days
thinking about 19th century bartylus au with physician regulus and resurrectionist barty.
the sexual tension between you and the guy you rob graves for… yum.
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queerpyracy · 1 year
Queerpyracy Writing Masterpost
Original Fiction
The Resurrectionist | 6k | weird western | 1st person pov
A trans necromancer tries to escape from her past, only for it to come tracking her down in the form of a resurrected soldier with his own ghosts in tow.
They Shall Take Up Serpents | 6k | weird western | 1st person pov
An unnamed protagonist tracks down the mysterious faith healer responsible for her parents’ disappearance. Warning for implied cult dynamics and magical/spiritual parasitism.
Wolf's Price (ao3) | 127k | fantasy | multiple 1st person pov
The first draft of a fantasy novel with an intended sequel. The mistress of a war hero and his lover finds herself unwillingly at the center of a centuries old conflict between their two kingdoms, placed there by gods with their own agendas. As she is crushed between a past she is hiding from and an uncertain future, she begins to imagine the possibility of a land without kings.
Brother of the Moon (ao3) | 79k | fantasy | dual third person pov
A monk who serves as his lord's spiritual counselor has been charged with finding his lord a pious wife. Lady Margaret, eager to escape her father's household by any means necessary, is willing to fulfill that role. On the journey to meet her betrothed husband the two become entangled in an affair that will alter both their lives--and in particular, Lady Margaret is more than she seems.
let them come and tear us free (we are bound eternally) | 19k creature/elizabeth and creature/elizabeth/victor multichapter, elizabeth pov. an AU where elizabeth is in ingolstadt with victor during the making of the creature.
from my clay to mould me | 2k victor/creature one shot, creature pov. an imagined meeting between victor & the creature before they reach the arctic.
the night that comes to hide | 2.6k victor/creature one shot, victor pov. set the night that victor destroys the creature’s companion.
we face the night | 40k creature/elizabeth multichapter, elizabeth pov. an alternate version of what happened after victor and elizabeth's wedding night.
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decepti-geek · 11 months
okay listen Aziraphale has basically NOTHING in common with Elle Woods aesthetically but besides that minor detail a Legally Blonde (specifically: The Musical au) would be PERFECT for Good Omens/Ineffable Husbands????
And I wanna make a distinction right off the bat - if we went by the movie, Crowley would proooobably be the only one who really fits Elle because she's the only one with a real fish out of water narrative. HOWEVER. Musical!Elle is more overtly like... fish out of water but still with some safety nets (ha) to fall back on, which are highlighted within the story. And meanwhile Emmett gets his own fish out of water story with the specific focus on his comparatively underprivileged background, and when you put those two together, Crowley feels a lot more Emmett to me.
Like, Aziraphale has the two key Elle qualities of a) lots of shit going unexamined because he's never truly lacked power/privilege before, and b) belligerent determination to do the right thing even when people are telling him it will cause him personal detriment. Crowley's whole dynamic with Aziraphale in the Job and Resurrectionist minisodes is basically just Emmett in Chip On My Shoulder if you swap 'navigating the heaven/hell dichotomy' with 'navigating law school.' GABRIEL IS A DEAD RINGER FOR WARNER. THE METATRON WOULD BE CALLAHAN. Serious and Blood In The Water fit them both so well post-s2 I'm just [clutches face] (the reprise for Serious is probably even more fitting for Gabriel than the initial version tbh).
Also, What You Want is just concentrated Aziraphale energy imo - "So! I will get into Harvard, impress Gabriel, win him back, and then marry him! Wait, you really think I need more of a plan than that? Can't I just... charge ahead and do it anyway?" In some ways I think I like this AU because it's effectively Aziraphale walking up to Crowley and going 'god says it's MY turn to be the absolute hot mess'
Beelzebub can a) be Vivian and b) stay together with Gabriel at the end, as a treat for Gabriel (Gabriel still drops out to become a model). This is partly because I find the idea of Beelzebub becoming Aziraphale's personal cheerleader towards the end fuckin delightful. The Brooke thing feels like it would take some finagling but I am confident it can be wrangled into a good shape with the right choice of characters (Harriet Dowling is legitimately a frontrunner right now but I think that could very easily change).
I can think of multiple directions in which to approach the Paulette and Kyle subplot, and honestly multiple couples who would fit if you changed up the surrounding circumstances a bit? I like the idea of Nina and Maggie in a very drifted version, maybe where they both still own their canon businesses, because then TECHNICALLY Nina as the one with the horrible ex would be Paulette, and it would be fun to switch around who is hopelessly pining after who!!
I am also playing around with Delta Nu roles BUT I know in my soul that Muriel is Margot if only because then they get her line like "Keep it positiiiiiive~ As you slap [them] to the floor! :D" Please take a moment to imagine Muriel singing that in full earnestness, it's a delight.
(And having decided this I kind of want the frat boys from the bit in What You Want to just be like... multiple Erics).
These are the edges of the idea, where stitching it together into something coherent starts to get a bit shaky, but at its core is Ineffable Husbands content along such lines as!
Crowley getting Emmett's little moment of delight at the end of Chip On My Shoulder when Aziraphale makes his first successful argument in class! ('Fell' rhymes with 'Elle' we can get some scansion going here with 'little Miss Woods comma Elle' I know it)
For that matter, the "Where are your law books?" bit in Chip On My Shoulder would be extremely funny if Aziraphale's dorm room is just the bookshop in miniature, and then still under all of that the textbooks are plastic wrapped and completely buried and unread becase they simply do not interest him the way an antique bible does.
Aziraphale in the playboy bunny costume and Crowley doing the "What's up?" [excruciating pause] "... Doc?"
The proposal right at the end where Crowley gets the repeated little 'oh my god's!
So many things about Take It Like A Man!
"Swallow your pride for me, just nod yes" is just such an Aziraphale @ Crowley line, generally.
THE CHORUS "Here you'll become what you're supposed to be/You think you can't but you can/Think of the guy you want most to be/Here's your chance to make it..." I will FIGHT people on how much this fits, Aziraphale has always wanted Crowley to have a place where he can inhabit the wants-to-do-good parts of his personality without fear or punishment, which Crowley is convinced he cannot have. This is the same idea!! (And in this AU, a more seamless role in the establishment is... legitimately the best that Aziraphale has the power to offer Crowley, tbh).
"Why can I never say no to her?" is basically just Crowley's canon inner monologue, c'mon.
"That's the best part/The outside is new/But now it reflects what's already in you/Couldn't change that if I wanted to" Again, I am prepared to Fight about this being a brilliant fit.
And then finally with this song, "Don't watch me change!" would have added embarrassed Crowley Noises which is wonderful to think about.
AND!!! The part of this whole stupid concept that so deeply compels me!!!!!
The duet part of the title song from either side of the door!!
"What about love/I never mentioned love/The timing's bad I know/But perhaps if I'd made it more clear/That you belong right here/You wouldn't have to go/Cause you'd know that I'm so much in love"-
"We both know you're worth so much more"
"If you can hear, can I just say/How much I want you to stay"|"It's not up to me..."
[in chorus] "You are the best thing about this place-"
I am going to be thinking about this last one for days.
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butcherlarry · 11 months
Weekly Fic Rec 42
Not as many fic recs this week :( Work was super busy for me. There are only three people in my lab and two were out on PTO, so for three days it was only ME there! And my boss threw a last minute project for me to work on (omg SAUSAGE). This resulted in long days, and not a lot of reading :( I'm very happy my coworkers are coming back tomorrow, lol.
Most of these recs are updates that made me do a little happy dance when I saw the notification emails in my inbox. The last fic I'm not finished reading yet. It's a long fic that I'm working my way through. It's been really fun to read!
Mission: seducing Superman by Speechless_since_1998 - Superbat, wip. More of Battinson trying to seduce Superman. He has also acquired a child :)
a sea of honey by TheResurrectionist - Superbatlex (is that a ship name? idk), wip. An AU of an AU. What if Clark, Bruce, and Lex were in a poly relationship in the a sky of honey universe. Featuring a sleeby Jason.
10 Things Every Brucie Fan Needs in Their Life by pomeloquat - Superbat & Bruce/everyone, wip. Bruce markets himself as the nation's boyfriend and sells A Lot of merchandise from it. Everyone loves him 💖
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 - Superbat, wip. More of the mer Bruce fic! The family keeps growing!
a sky of honey by The Resurrectionist - Superbat, wip. More of the omegaverse fic! Jason is brought home to the nest! But there are some complications!
Repeat Your Favorited Mistakes And Love Them All Again by watchingthestars13 - Superbat & Batfam, complete. The bat boys get magicked into their kid selves. Lots of fluff and domestic shenanigans with Bruce and Clark. This has been a lovely fic for me to read this week, especially after some of my long days :)
Happy Reading!
ngl, I feel kinda bad about the short list this week, so enjoy this photo of a pair of cedar waxwings I took last week:
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liketwoswansinbalance · 3 months
MODERN AU: Rafal's reaction to Rhian getting into a car crash.
We all know this happened
Several days post-car crash:
Rafal: [hears the clink of porcelain in their mudroom and races into the hall to find Rhian holding an empty dish that once held his car key.]
Rhian: [incredulously] Rafal?
Rafal: [sternly] What. Why are you out of bed? It's 6 am. Your first class doesn't start until 9 and mine's at 3.
Rhian: I need to check my mail at the university. And before you say anything: I wasn't injured in the collision, and I can't fathom why you're treating me as if I were. Next thing I know, you will have strapped me down like I belong in a psych ward.
Rafal: [musing] ...not a bad suggestion.
Rhian: Rafal. Just give me my car key back.
Rafal: Which key?
Rhian: You know which one.
Rafal: Fine. [He hands a key to Rhian.]
Rhian: ...this is the key to my mailbox at the university.
Rafal: And you'll need it when you return. I'm not sure why you trusted your ex as a TA. In fact, I seem to recall that the last accepted call on your phone was minutes before you veered into the highway railing. And it was from Hook.
Rhian: Not funny, Rafal. I thought he would take me back.
Rafal: No, it's not funny at all.
Rhian: You know, I can't check my mailbox if I can't drive to campus.
Rafal: You're not going anywhere. If you set one foot out of this house, I will hack into your gradebook and fail every one of your Intro. to Chivalric Romance freshmen, and you'll be out of a job.
Rhian: [spluttering]
Rafal: I'm not finished. Then, next year, they'll all have to transfer to my intro. course, Regency Era Resurrectionists and Anatomists in Irish Lit., and I know your students don't want to discuss the phases of decay in my slides as they'd rather go weak in the knees over love, not exhumations.
Rhian: I could report you, lackwit. For poaching my students.
Rafal: You wouldn't.
Rhian: [sighs] What do I have to do?
Rafal: [gloating] Ah, I'm ever so pleased to hear that.
Rhian: [still looking distressed] What choice did I have?
Rafal: Let's see. First: Fire Hook. Second: Give me your phone and I'll give you your keys.
Rhian: Fine. [He takes a deep breath, hands Rafal his phone, swearing up and down to fire Hook the next time he sees the boy. Though, he plans to hand off a letter of recommendation to the boy when Rafal isn't watching.]
Rafal: [hands Rhian a keyring and promptly blocks Hook's number before deleting it from Rhian's contacts.]
Rhian: [examines the keyring.] Garden shed, back door, front gate, storage unit—oh, shouldn't have bought that chandelier in the end—paper shredder, garage doors, and no car key. [He glares at Rafal.]
Rafal: I didn't specify all of them.
Rhian: You. What do I have to do to convince you I'm a safe driver? I'm a grown man!
Rafal: [unperturbedly] One: You can't pretend [he pitches his voice up mockingly and waves his hands like Rhian does] that everything's all 'tickety-boo' when it's not. Two: You're getting worked up. Can you see it, or do you need a mirror? Intense emotions interfere with driving. You'll get your keys back the day you're not in love with someone or another.
Rhian: But—
Rafal: Shut it, or I'll rescind my offer to drive you.
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internerdionality · 2 months
Tagged by @schmirius to share the first lines of ten of my most recent fanfics! I'm going with the last ten I've worked on, so some of these are entirely unpublished and some are WIPs. Thank you for the tag, smee!
An unpublished dark vampire AU OFMD fic:
Lucius flashes a wide grin at the bartender as he takes his drink, then turns to survey the room, sipping appreciatively.
2. An unpublished Sprizzy modern AU:
Izzy scrolled disgustedly past another missing chicken post, wondering again why he was bothering with this fucking website, full of idiotic suburbanites who didn’t know their arses from a fucking hole in the ground.
3. The unpublished next entry to the I'm Not Ready for Whatever This Is series, which is a SteddyHands/Sprizzy canon-divergent Season 2 fic:
Izzy stalked down to the captain’s cabin around midmorning, charts in his hand and determination in his heart.
4. To Err is Human, to Purr is Batman, my 'Bruce Wayne turns into a cat and learns the power of cuddles' WIP:
Batman crouched on the lip of a roof, wishing the rain would stop. 
5. Triptych in the Times Between, a canon-compliant (completed!) Boatmance fic written for @garlicsoupweek:
After the madness, after the mutiny, after the storm,  Archie comes to find them. 
6. To Hell in a Handbasket (For Two), a canon-era Rizzy desert island fic. (Also completed!)
It’s a rare moment when Roach wakes first.
7. Fuck it Through as a Crew, a canon-divergent OFMD Season 2 Ed/Everyone penance porn WIP:
“You know, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Stede said fretfully. 
8. Praying on the Height, a SuperBat/Clois WIP retelling "Death in the Family" in the modern era:
“Fuck,” Lois blurted out. 
9. Do the Hokey-Pokey and Turn Yourself Around, a Tony Stark-centric Infinity Saga time travel fix it WIP (I'm including the second line in this one since the first is literally copied from canon):
“And I… am… Iron Man,” Tony gasped out.   Under the circumstances, he was pretty happy with those as his (certain to be) famous last words.
10. An unpublished Good Omens WIP, going canon-divergent from The Resurrectionists minisode:
This is Anthony Crowley's (1) London flat. (1) The J wouldn’t be added for nearly a century, shortly after the rise of another famous A. Crowley made the differentiation desirable.
Tagging (only if you want!) @dragonmuse, @dracothelizard, @thetardigrape, @jupitermelichios, @blackforestfire7, @dubiousculturalartifact, @endlessstairway, @gement, @pasdecoeur, & @rimbaudofficial!
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hi hi hi I hope I am approachable. i am august, he/him, and I talk about things (in the tags, though there may be an original post here or there). insane about good omens, likes gravity falls a totally normal amount, definitely likes minecraft storymode normally, and if you made something and I liked it is 99.9% likely I’ve shoved it in my very cluttered queue or saved for my reblogging blog (top secret!). apparently an editor, artist, and poet as well a fic writer now?? but the fic writer is the day job. inbox is forever open, though DMs aren't (for the public—mutuals can 100% dm! i reserve the right to be awkward however) and tumblr is my dopamine machine. I really like writing, reading, reccing, and talking!
my ao3
fic masterlist
my one edit series
current wip count: 13 (3 bang fics, 4 public multi-chapters, 4 one-shots, 2 unpublished multi-chapters)
tagging system is under the cut!
tagging system
i tag the fandom and maybe the characters for my original posts, though I do go all out for the writing updates. but i also have some unique tags, for the interested...
be heard - personal posts
hath are perceived - answered asks
maniac writing - fic updates/posts + the occasional poem
maniac edits - one of my edits
maniac chicken scratch - my rare art 🔥
maniac art journey - attempt number 669 of learning how to draw, Properly This Time
the guys (with a z!) - talking with the mutuals and happy interactions i have with other people <3
tag game - speaks for itself
ask game - also speaks for itself
dumped on my porch - posts where I’m tagged in (not a tag game)
add it to the bible - resources im saving ✨️
you said queue me (and you did) - queue tag! (for the gravity falls people: s2ep04 of Good Omens, The Hitchhiker)
and if you want to track progress for public fics or just know if the post is about them, here they are:
good omens
stars in a jar au - a ‘crowley moves into the bookshop post-s1’ au, but with canon compliant misunderstandings and pain first. a dear of mine ♥️
in a west-end town - a ‘the 1941 bullet catch goes wrong’ fic, where shit happens.
1857 - a whump fic about crowley faking his death after returning from hell post-resurrectionists, and Failing. aziraphale takes care of him.
iceberg adventures - my titanic longfic fic turned bang fic, where they’re on the titanic.
the phoenix perched on the juniper tree - a bang fic about reincarnation and the concept ‘what if armageddon happened but aziraphale and crowley think they are human’. VERY dear to me!
gravity falls
dimension 18'\ - an au where ford is grievously injured during the fight with bill before ATOTS, and all the snowballing thereafter. currently on part two!
minecraft: story mode
obstacles au - a (future) fic about an au where the blaze rods join the jesse gang post order up!
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broomsticks · 2 years
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@bluesundaycake pahn you beautiful wonderful crazy human being, enjoy this so-very-your-aesthetic banner 😂😂😂
no seriously, i love how you manage to find a bit of humanity and more than a little bit of monstrosity in every character. love how you’re at the same time both incredibly intense and have such sane reasonable takes on things, and how you write such depraved things and are one of the kindest people around. betaing for you (weird timezone 🤝 weird sleep schedule solidarity) has been so fun and introduced me to so much fun new stuff; i’m very grateful!!
regulus/pansy gothic romance au! regulus/narcissa canon tragedy! neville/pansy/percy postwar celtic festivals! fleur/bill/tonks game show au! narlily au canon divergence! pahn has written such a range of incredible stuff i could go on all dayyyyy, but here are some absolute faves:
hades/persephone au! make it femslash! The hand that beckons • 1.5k, T • narcissa/lily luna oh my -screams- i still want to see that harry-as-demeter continuation someday!!
pahn’s snape voice snupin, just perfection: October 1984 • 24k, T. such a lovely take on post first war au snupin. after you’re done enjoying the story, take a min to appreciate from a writer level how naturally pahn’s weaved all the daily challenge prompts into such a cohesive and wonderfully paced story!
what do you mean eighth year explicit smut isn’t a good introduction to snarry? Hold me down • 7k, E. 11/10 pls bring straight into my DMs any day 😂
light and dark and dark and light. Plant your hope (rain down on me) • 9k, M. bahahah i love how you packed this postwar “all was very much not well” drarry with drastoria and on-page MCD and ughghghhfsh it’s so good.
coffee shop au but make it monsterfic 🥰 The Resurrectionist • tomarry, 12k, E. A story of monsters and men, and how alike they really are. honestly that pretty much sums up all pahn’s fic, hahaha.
it’s so cold T__T Don’t believe that god is dead • BCJ, gen • 2.3k, T. hey, look, a perfectly good underappreciated family trauma’d blorbo laid out right there, and you vivisected him so delightfully!
for an explanation of why i just wrote you a whole ~thing~, check out this post & the ‘mutuals march’ tag below!
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doomedlemur · 9 months
Good Omens Fanfic Recs
I decided to write up and sort my fanfic recommendations and thoughts, mostly for my own benefit, as an organized list of my favorites for reference. But also, here it is in case anyone's interested.
Heads up, no post-season 2 fix-it fics on this list if that's what you're looking for. I've got mostly historical canon-compliance and AUs. A few post-season 1 canon-divergent.
Also, I'm a sucker for pining, but also headcanon these guys (gn) as demisexual virgins, so nearly all are ace-friendly except the long AUs.
Canon Compliant - short
In general I favor canon compliance and keeping in character. Part of what got me hooked on Good Omens fanfic was the immense breadth of history available to explore with these characters. Let's list in approximate chronological order!
A Letter from “Crawly” to Azirapil (<1k) - Fanfic in Cuneiform. Amazing.
see, how the most dangerous thing is to love (6.8k) - 1185 BC. Crawly and Aziraphale meet during the Trojan War as Achilles mourns Patroclus. Super well-researched and thought out with the Iliad! I'll be looking for more from this writer.
Cat's Charm & Serpent's Sorrow (<1k) - 942 BC. They come upon each other in a temple in Egypt.
Day 7: Alexandria (<1k) - Just a little saving of people and scrolls in the fire.
that old common arbitrator, time (1.1k) - 1602. An epilogue of sorts for the Trojan War one, Crowley and Aziraphale critique Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida. Lots of fun references.
the stars are the same as ever (4.4k) - Vignettes about Crowley hanging out with astronomers in the 17th century.
Mean It (2k) - The origin of the Apology Dance. 1650, 1793, and 1941 all featured. Short and sweet, very believable. Just as flirty as I imagined.
Good Old-Fashioned Coffee Shop Date (1k) - 1750. Crowley goes to a coffeehouse to start an argument and guess who's also there!
well-versed in etiquette, extraordinarily nice (3k) - Jane Austen, mastermind of the 1810 Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery, brandy-smuggler, master spy, and wrote books too. Well-researched, with Austen-esque prose, and perfectly fills in the background for how Crowley remembers her.
Crossing Paths (3k) - Edinburgh, 1827. Showing how Crowley and Aziraphale crossed paths there, and dropping us off where the Resurrectionists minisode begins. Delightful.
Temporary Tattoo (9.8k) - Okay, this one's arguable on the canon compliance, it's kinda a crack-fic (and feels way more 19th century than 11th so I'm putting it here in the chronology) but I loved it. Crowley's snake tattoo wanders, and he can feel what it feels. (The sequel is also really sweet, though definitely canon divergent.)
I stretch out the time (and now I know why) (6k) - 1960's ineffable wives and what happened to make Aziraphale say Crowley goes too fast.
Orchids and Tea (3k) - A shameless plug for my own fic. Meet the old lady downstairs who Crowley gives his "bad" plants to.
What You've Lost But Never Had (3k) - A sweet outsider POV with Maggie's closeted grandfather.
So You Need To Get Into A.Z. Fell & Co.; Now What? (A Guide For Unfortunate Bookworms) (1.8k) - Handy guide for interpreting the store hours, etc.
All of This is Completely Normal Here (6.8k) - Some pre-armageddon fun with Crowley and Aziraphale being interviewed at a police station. Crowley is a regular and they have bingo cards.
The Disposables (7.5k) - Arguably canon divergent. Surprisingly heartwarming. Eric the Disposable Demon is buds with the Usher.
When You're Through With Life and All Hope is Lost (Friends Will Be Friends) (<1k) - COVID-era ficlet post-Lockdown minisode.
The Last Four Years (11.7k) - Perfectly fills in the gap between the seasons with all the feelings and poor communication that brought us here, from the Ritz to Aziraphale's phone call.
Pointless (1.5k) - An exploration of Crowley as he is at the beginning of season 2, anxious and depressed about the pointlessness of it all.
Been Together Long? (1.2k) - It's so common for fics to depict Crowley as knowingly in love but hiding his feelings for 6000 years. But I don't think he's self-aware enough for that, and I really do believe that was an Oh moment with Nina on the street. This fic is an excellent insight into what he was thinking there.
The Afternoon Lecture (<1k) - A cute little outsider POV fic, set sometime in the Happily Ever After probably.
The Slings and Arrows of Angelic Archery (<1k) - Guess which historical/legendary figure Crowley was! Sadly just a little modern-day conversation about it rather than the actual thing.
A Narrow Escape to the Country (10.7k) - This one is so fun! Crowley and Aziraphale are guests on a house-hunting TV show. (Established relationship with innuendo, but all sexy times are off-camera.)
My Roommate from Hell (5.7k) - Warlock ends up college roommates with Adam, and yeah, Warlock's upbringing made him kinda weird.
Canon Divergent - long
Divergent in that these were written before season 2 came out, so branch off from after season 1.
Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach (99k) - This one is recommended a lot I know, but deservedly so. This was the first GO fanfic I read, as I idly looked to see what had the most kudos. And then I couldn't put it down.
Instructions Not Included (68k) - Plot heavy but excellent. I loved the writing style of this one; it's so evocative with its metaphors, but without being flowery. Sadly left a few unanswered questions since the sequel was abandoned, but it's still well worth reading. Very realistic progression of feelings between Crowley and Aziraphale (intimacy without sexuality).
The Sandford Flower Show (E) (46k) - This was a bit of a painful read with flashbacks to ancient Egypt, but it's very good. Many feels. (Higher sex-drive than I generally prefer for canonverse, so note that E rating.)
Canon Divergent - short
Slow (9.3k) - Adam assumed Crowley and Aziraphale were married and restored the bookshop with a marriage certificate on the wall. Miscommunication and sweetness ensues.
Human AUs - long (modern day)
It took me a while to warm up to the idea of reading AUs, since the immortal natures and powers of Crowley and Aziraphale are so integral to their characters (also I personally don't seek out fanfics for the smut and the highly rec'd ones are nearly always Explicit). But after seeing Slow Show in particular recommended so often, I finally gave it a go. Yes, the human versions of the characters are always different in varying ways, but I've found it really fascinating to see the different ways characters, scenes, and lines get reinterpreted in AUs and have now read way more of them than I expected to.
Slow Show (E) (95k) - I have never in my life read anything (fanfic or otherwise) as emotionally intense as Slow Show. This fic is all lust and angst and I physically felt the agony of it for days while I read. While other fics are also explicit, this is the most mature and "adult" feeling with its themes. Yes this fic is recommended a lot, but its reputation is well earned. However, that said, I wouldn't say it's my favorite.
Old Vines (E) (189k) - Excellent slow burn. This one really captures the aspect of them both being anxious/frustrated under contractual obligations, wishing they could be freer to do their own thing. Truly gratuitous descriptions of all aspects of wine, from growth, production, tasting, and quantity consumed. I learned a lot. Was also actually really inspired by Aziraphale's journey in this.
Or Be Nice (E) (151k) - I wasn't sure I'd like this one at first, but I'm glad I went for it. It's more a character study than a drama. Well done progression from enemies to lovers, and some of the very best conversational dynamics (if a bit of ngk overuse). This one highlights the petty/mischievous sides of Crowley and Aziraphale that are rarely found in fanfics, and the execution is delightful. Loved Anathema in this also.
stalwart sun, wily moon (370k) - (What, a non-explicit long AU??) This fic is amazing. Yes, long, it could use some editing to cut back a tad tbh, but still, amazing. Heist AU with an intriguing plot and life or death stakes. Characters and side characters all really well done, incorporates everything from the botched baby swap to the Great Plan and more. Amazing. Really. Only fic I've bought a physical printing of.
Talk about the weather (81k) - (Technically not explicit but yeah no they have sex.) Weatherman/stormchaser AU. They have an Arrangement. The premise of this one was weird for me because I headcanon Crowley as disliking the rain, but it's good. Not the typical characterizations you see in fics, which was really refreshing. Finally! Someone who remembers Aziraphale is kind of a bastard who doesn't say what he means, and someone who lets Crowley be happy and confident instead of a nervous wreck!
on the same page (E) (117k) - They're both writers. A very good execution of your classic fake marriage. Some lush metaphorical prose. Excellent characterizations on our pair, and the setup preceded by 6 years of intense yearning was just perfect. I do wish the side characters had gotten more fleshed out.
Married at First Sight (146k) - This premise is so silly (though then again the TV show does really exist), but it's actually really well done. The feels nearly made me cry.
Human AUs - long (historical)
On Espionage and Prophecy (E) (133k) - Take the first season 1941 flashback and make it a novel-length human AU. Aziraphale's a bookseller and Crowley's a spy working with him to double-cross the double-crossing Nazis. I will say the plot contrivance sometimes requires a bit of suspension of disbelief, but that's okay, it's fun and has some great pining.
Half Agony, Half Hope (E) (31k) - Regency era AU, but it's not all Jane Austen fantasy-land. We've got some real history lessons here, highlighting the political struggles of the time. This one's on the short side, but doesn't really feel like it; time passes behind the scenes, so the relationship doesn't feel rushed. Overall it's excellent and really deserves more love.
Human AUs - short
On the Ethics of Asking Your Professor on a Date (7.4k) - I kinda wish this one was a bit better with the showing vs. telling in places, but I still found it really charming.
Postcards From Paris (12k) - Crowley starts receiving postcards from an A.Z.F. meant for the previous tenant, and after awhile gets a chance to write back. Very sweet.
Oh, Lord, Heal This Love (7.3k) - "Looking for someone to take to couples therapy and see how long it takes the therapist to notice we don't know each other." Very funny and also really sweet.
Miscellaneous AUs - short
air conditioned, love unconditional (8.8k) - AU where Aziraphale is a ceiling fan and Crowley is an air conditioning unit. Look, it's adorable, okay? (though the ending is kinda silly)
Speaking in Code (8.9k) - Cute queer Outsider POV. Aziraphale and Crowley become college professors in their retirement. Arguably canon compliant, but I'm calling it an AU since I don't really see it happening. A+ for the accurate gender treatment on Aziraphale.
Lit (12.7k) - Technically canon-divergent from the book? Crowley takes a university course on literature and surprise! The book they’re discussing is Good Omens. Crack treated seriously. It works really well actually!
Like a spiral sea unending (1.1k) - Crowley is a black hole, Aziraphale is a giant star. They're drawn to each other like gravity (pun intended).
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lurking-latinist · 10 days
280) The Resurrectionist – Sierra Woods (M&B Nocturne ) the Master is tough… even the grave couldn’t keep him down. Ever since mysterious beings brought him back from his tragic murder, he’s been using his newfound powers to restore justice. It’s dangerous work and backup doesn’t hurt – especially when it’s from seductive cop Rose Tyler. There’s only one catch: after what his ex-wife did, the Master can never trust another woman. He’ll just have to keep ignoring the heat sizzling between them. But as a great evil begins to rise, the Master and Rose must get closer than they’ve ever been before.
Oh, dear, oh dear. Clearly a post-Last of the Time Lords AU...
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dragonfire42 · 2 months
It's been a fun year for writing Good Omens fanfic and connecting with the lovely GO fandom!
I got hooked in January writing "The Neverending Archive" (G+, 19k, GO/Neverending Story crossover)
I made this video about learning Discord.
I followed that up with another T+ 19k story "The Feelings Catch Up"
And when I turned 42 this year I made a GO/Hitchhiker's Guide crossover "Fowl Play" (T+, 20k)
And currently in the middle of posting "Making the Effort" (M+, 12k+) and made some word art poetry.
I'm proud that I've been able to make a new chapter post every week since March in my AO3 account with all these stories!
(And for fun I made this daily Tumblr blog, for daily demon check-ins after The Kiss: @meanwhile-at-crowleys-flat )
(And I cosplayed Fell the Marvellous)
(And Duck Crowley)
But in the middle of these, I joined nine GO themed discords and four bangs where I'm working on seven stories and have been matched with seven artists for works that will premiere this fall (you know how God likes sevens!)
If you aren't familiar with bangs, it's a fanfiction event where a writer is paired with an artist to work on a project together. (Reverse bangs start with the art as inspiration, the others start with the story)
And I wanted to give a quick sneak peek of what I'm currently working on, in roughly the order of release starting in the beginning of September:
"Rainbow Connection" - GO Puppeteer slow burn AU - Theatre themed reverse bang
"Jiggery Pokery" - GO POV Prof Hoffman teaching magic to Aziraphale - Theatre themed reverse bang
"Here's Looking at You, Angel" - GO/Casablanca themed crossover, canon compliant post S2 - DIWS silver screen bang (preview poster reveal 8/5 and 8/7!)
"Crowley and the Seven Nac Mac Feegles" - GO/Snow White themed with Discworld and Sandman crossover characters - Fairytale themed bang
"A Toast to the End of the World" GO/Alternate Flood Myths - Fairytale themed bang
"Elsbeth and the Beanstalk" - GO AU from minisode "The Resurrectionist" - Fairytale themed reverse bang
"The Angel's Gambit" - GO/Seventh Seal crossover - Halloween themed bang
Subscribe on AO3 to get notified when these come out! https://archiveofourown.org/users/Dragonfire42/works
I'm VERY excited to share these stories with you as soon as they are ready, many that I have been working diligently on for over 3-6 months! I've written well over 100k in words so far this year.
And also want to take a moment to thank everyone who has stopped by to read these!
And all the amazing artists contributing work to these stories! Through these discord events I've had a chance to connect with so many talented artists around the world!
And all the mods facilitating such fun events year round and making this possible!!
I'll post more on these as we go but was excited to share some of what's on the horizon too 🤍🖤
And if you want to learn about these bangs or other upcoming events be sure to check out the GO Calendar blog!
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Why am I temped to write a resurrectionist au for Drakken? Lol
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queerpyracy · 2 years
there's a bunch of new folks here so have a writing promo. mind the tags & so on. comments will earn you my eternal gratitude 💜
frankenstein fic:
let them come and tear us free (we are bound eternally) | 19k creature/elizabeth and creature/elizabeth/victor multichapter, elizabeth pov. an AU where elizabeth is in ingolstadt with victor during the making of the creature.
from my clay to mould me | 2k victor/creature one shot, creature pov. an imagined meeting between victor & the creature before they reach the arctic.
the night that comes to hide | 2.6k victor/creature one shot, victor pov. set the night that victor destroys the creature's companion.
original fic:
the resurrectionist | 6k weird western, 1st person pov. a trans necromancer tries to escape from her past, only for it to come tracking her down in the form of a resurrected soldier with his own ghosts in tow.
they shall take up serpents | 6k weird western, 1st person pov. an unnamed protagonist tracks down the mysterious faith healer responsible for her parents’ disappearance. (warnings for implied cult dynamics and magical/spiritual parasitism)
wolf’s price | 127k fantasy, multiple pov. yes this is the entire first draft of a fantasy novel. (also found here.) laced through with myth and legendary family history, the mistress of a war hero finds herself unwillingly at the center of a centuries old conflict between their two kingdoms, placed there by gods with their own agendas, and begins to envision a future for her home without kings.
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ryttu3k · 1 year
Good Omens season 2, episode 2! Just gonna link all the previous episodes here, too.
Previous liveblogs: Episode 1
Crowley you leave those goats alone!!
You know what I can definitely see Aziraphale's response to the whole… Job thing being probably the closest he's actually come to Falling himself. Just going "No, fuck this." I imagine this might have been when the Arrangement started proper?
Gabriel that is the most unhinged shelving system I have ever seen, and I've seen Sascha's shelving system in the now-non-canon Gehenna novel.
Aaand there's the stakes.
Oh, Maggie :(
The Resurrectionist at 66 Goat Gate. Mm not ominous at all!!
lmao the Pratchett novel. Couldn't make out the title, kinda hope it's Reaper Man.
Oh no Aziraphale accidentally made a fake dating AU.
"A sudden rainstorm forces them together beneath a canopy, they look into each other's eyes, and realise they were made for each other?" "Sounds a bit unlikely." Well, more wingbrella than canopy ;D
Dear god Crowley would watch Richard Curtis XD
Oh shit I want to read about Jane Austen's other adventures.
That Clue was definitely capitalised XD Oh lmao "well at least don't pronounce the capital letter!" it was capitalised!
Man I kinda feel bad for Jim. And yes I'm calling him Jim right now because he's clearly not Gabriel. …The whole, not being able to remember who he is because his mind isn't big enough kind of reminds me of Donna not being able to stay Doctor-Donna, actually? I wonder if Tennant had input there in the script, or if Gaiman based it on that?
The goats!!
"Can I be a blue one? :3" Bless, a baby scaley XD
Oh, Aziraphale. Wait until you discover sushi XD
Whales are pretty cool.
Job and family are having the weirdest days and also what the fuck are those 'ribs' XD
"You have my word as an angel." And thus Their Side begins!
Our car, Aziraphale? XD
Tragically The Crow Road got trounced by The Bad Beginning in the book first line tourney but I still maintain "It was the day my grandmother exploded" is a corker of an opening line.
Paused to take a squiz at the books. I can make out… something, something, No Woman No Cry, The Crow Road, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time (ew, loathe that book), Catch-22, can't catch the title but it's Marquez so it's probably One Hundred Years of Solitude, something, 1984, The Big Sleep, the Bible, Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye, something, something either by or about Herzog, can't make out the rest.
"It was a nice day." …And that… is Good Omens XD Well that's meta!
A demon who's just a little bit nice, and an angel who's just a little bit disobedient, doesn't sound too lonely together :) Poor Aziraphale, I can understand him feeling freaked, but you know, I think they can make this work!
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