#the self image issues
girlboyburger · 4 months
you're nice to people who are bald or balding, right? you're nice to people with high hairlines? or weird hair growth? right? you don't make mean jokes about going bald at the expense of people who are going through the very scary and usually very isolating process of losing hair?? right???
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bunnieswithknives · 6 months
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In which Angel does not know biblical lore
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stringcage · 2 months
If trb were girls Adam would be like 'god I hate how Gansey can get away with wearing no makeup and still look glamorous even though she could afford all the best products, not like me I need to use this drug store shit on my face just to slightly keep up and so people will treat me with respect' and Gansey would be like 'if I didn't have all these expectations upon me to be the perfect daughter and the perfect classmate and the perfect girl I would be able to just express myself like how Adam does I love Adam her eyeliner is so cool I want to be cool like Adam'. And Ronan would be like 'eyeliner tastes so sexy let me chew on this liquid liner pen and pretend I'm licking it off their eyelids'
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jorindasfate · 7 months
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So you're saying you transitioned to escape the pain of being gender non conforming? Because of external pressure? Because it's simpler living as a "passing" trans woman than a feminine man?
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canisalbus · 8 months
I really appriciate how often Machete is depicted struggling and feeling like a burden, while still being loved and supported by Vasco. It gives the top tier angst of "i'm not good enough, I'm not worth it" but you frame it in such a way where it's clear that's just how he *feels* and is not how things really are, but also it's so nice to see someone who struggles quite often in a loving and unique relationship that suits them. The narrative of not being able to love or be loved unless you're consistently healthy is really tiring lol.
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oneweirdbookaddict · 2 months
Are you still doing fic requests? I've always had this weird headcanon that Four eats four times as much as a normal person (cuz he's four people lol). What if he was too shy to tell the others that he eats the equivalent of half the team's food so he's starving himself? What if he and Wild were buffet buddies? The possibilities are endless! Feel free to go angst or fluff or humour, or to ignore my ask altogether! Love your work~
Hey fun fact this was supposed to be fluff 😂
I’m always doing requests! I love doing them, so if anyone has any I’d be thrilled to write it!
Thank you, lovely anon! I hope you like it!
1695 words, warnings for malnutrition? Kinda? Accidental but not really starving yourself? Eating issues? And one (1) very brief, undescribed mention of vomiting. Let me know if anyone wants me to add something!
Four hides it well, in the beginning.
When they’re still fresh in supplies, coming across towns on a regular basis, they’re in the woods where he can sneak off and find some berries or fruit if he’s lucky.
The others catch him snacking, and he shrugs it off as a personal preference to snack during the day instead of having full meals.
And it works.
For a while.
Until they stop coming across towns, they leave the safety of the woods, and they’re running low on supplies.
At first, he tries saving the food Wild makes from breakfast, stretching it and eating on the road until lunch, doing the same with his lunch, and then stretching out dinner until he goes to bed.
But then he’s aching with hunger all day.
So he tries eating the full meal, which… well, helps for a little bit. Then he’s starving again.
Either way, he’s practically starving himself.
He didn’t think the effects would be… this bad.
But he gets lightheaded, dizzy, any time he moves quickly he’s convinced he’s going to either pass out or throw up for a second.
Once, in the middle of the night, he woke up shaking uncontrollably. Blankets did nothing- he was shaking until his muscles ached and he was so nauseous.
Somehow, he’d managed to crawl out of his bedroll, stagger far enough away from camp to throw up his dinner, swear Hyrule to secrecy, and go back to sleep.
The others notice, of course. He must look terrible, he feels terrible, he’s so hungry, all the time, and the lack of proper nutrients to his body makes him exhausted.
They’re convinced he's sick- which… maybe he is. Technically. He’s not… healthy.
Wars always looks at him with an understanding glance when it comes up, never arguing with him.
Just always finds a way to sneak him an apple, or even an orange if they find a tree across the massive plains of Wild’s Hyrule.
So he’s not surprised, that when the awful shakiness comes back again, this time in the evening as they’re getting ready for bed, Wars knows what’s going on.
He’s leaning against a tree, ignoring the rumbling of his stomach, fighting to focus on the book in front of him.
His head keeps drooping, though, eyes falling shut, until he dips too much and jolts right back awake.
“Goddess, Smithy, just go to sleep. You’re clearly exhausted.” Legend jokes softly, sitting next to him.
His stomach growls. Loudly.
He doesn’t feel well.
“Hey, you hungry? Four?” Legend feels his forehead, arm wrapping around him when he groans softly.
Wars glances up at them, standing.
The veteran digs in his bag for a moment before sighing. “I’ve got nothing to eat.
Wars produces an orange from out of nowhere, peeling it and handing him a slice. “You alright? Just hungry?”
He accepts the orange, popping into his mouth with a shrug. “I… just feel… weird.”
Wars nods, handing him another couple slices. “I get that too. Low blood sugar- your body isn’t able to release enough glucose into your bloodstream, causing all sorts of adverse effects.”
He nods, finishing up the orange.
“Sugary foods help. Pretty much any fruit, juices, honey. Oranges are my go to.” The captain smiles gently, handing him a cup of water.
“Thank you.” He says quietly, already feeling a ton better.
Wars nods, patting his shoulder before moving away again. “I’m off to sleep, need anything else?”
He shakes his head, getting another smile.
“Alrighty, if you need anything, you can wake me up. I got another orange or two in my bag, too, if you need.”
“Thank you.” He says again, and gets a salute from his friend, making him smile.
He’s a nauseous, shaking mess the entire next day.
He manages a few bites of breakfast, giving up when he feels like puking and gives the rest to Legend.
When the shaking starts right before lunch is served, his heart sinks.
But he hands Wind his lunch with hopefully unnoticed shaking hands, the sailor accepting it without too much questioning.
They continue walking, after their lunch break, and he’s shaking so much he keeps stumbling.
The sun bears down on them, the day warm though there’s a nice breeze.
“Wild?” He manages, drawing unwanted attention to himself. Wars is already making his way toward him. “How long until we reach that stable?”
“If we go fast, we can make it tonight.” The champion says confidently.
“Are you alright?” Time asks, voice ever so steady.
“Just a bit lightheaded. I’m alright. We can keep going.”
Everyone just stares at him.
“I’m alright. I’m fine- not even dizzy. I swear. Wild said we needed to get going, let’s go.”
Though they’re concerned, the thought of a real bed and maybe a warm meal pushes them to accept his request and continue down the road.
“Do you need to eat something?” Wars asks softly, hand reaching out.
He bats it away, stomach growling as if on cue.
He feels his cheeks flush up to his ears, not meeting Wars’ eyes.
“He didn’t eat lunch.” Wind rats him out, frowning at him. He throws the sailor a scowl.
“Why not?” The captain asks immediately,
“He’s been shaking all day, too.” Hyrule points out softly.
“I’m fine. Really. Just-”
“Smithy, I need you to be honest.”
“Hungry. I’m hungry.” He sighs, fidgeting with his hands.
“Well… yeah, you skipped lunch, Four. Why’d you do that?”
“We don’t have enough to feed us all.” He mumbles, not looking at the captain. “I wanted Wind to eat.”
“And breakfast?” Legend asks with a raised eyebrow.
He doesn’t answer that one.
Wars gives him an oddly gentle look, reaching into his bag and sighing slowly. “I’m out of oranges.”
“I’m fine. Really.”
“Four, you’re really pale. You sure you’re just lightheaded?”
His feet drag, Legend gently wrapping an arm around him. “Easy, Smithy, you need to sit?”
“No- no, I’m fine-”
“I think your blood sugar is low again, buddy.” Wars says gently, taking his hand.
Feeling his pulse, he realizes.
He frowns up at the captain, pulling his hand back. “I’m fine.” He repeats for what feels like the hundredth time.
He gently pushes away from Legend, stumbling immediately, both the veteran and the captain jumping to steady him, and he sees the twin looks of concern before he hits the ground and passes out.
“Four, time to wake up, bud.”
Pain. Throbbing behind his eyes, skull pounding.
“You need to eat something, or the medic is gonna shove a tube up your nose to feed you. That’s going to be very unpleasant, Four.”
“Speaking from personal experience, yes. Very uncomfortable.”
Even with his eyes closed, he can tell it’s bright.
Painfully bright.
“Link, kiddo, we need you to open your eyes.”
A gentle hand in his hair.
He squints in the harsh light, eyes watering immediately.
“Hey… there ya are, you scared us pretty good, kid.”
He blinks, still squinting.
Eyes finally finding the rancher, who looks worried.
“ ‘m’nota kid.” He slurs out, hearing a small laugh.
“Yeah, he’s alright.”
“We’re gonna prop you up, can you drink some water for me? Wild’s making some food, we managed to find a deer to hunt for some stew.”
He obediently sips the cool water, the light slowly turning less painful.
“Small sips.” Wars reminds him gently, taking the cup away for a moment. “Eyes on me? Good.”
The captain eyes him, looking for something that he doesn’t care enough about to find it odd. He’s hungry and he’d like the water back.
“Four. Where are we, do you know?”
He blinks, wondering if this is a trick. “Wild’s world?”
A nod. “Remember what happened?”
“I… erm. Passed out.” He does remember that. Oops.
He tries to reach for the water Wars is still denying him, though the limb feels much too heavy to lift.
“Water?” He asks weakly, getting awarded another drink.
“Four, don’t chug it, you’re gonna make yourself sick.” Wars chastises him softly, taking the water again.
He makes a protesting noise that makes him sound like a child.
“Food’s almost ready, bud, can you wait a minute?”
His eyes flick to Twi, nodding.
Which makes his headache worse, slowly rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“How you feeling, Smithy?”
“Tired.” He mumbles honestly, leaning back against Twi’s chest. “Head hurts.”
���Hungry?” Wars asks gently. “When’s the last time you’ve eaten enough food to be sufficient?”
His eyes flick away despite himself.
“I need… more food to… suffice.”
Wars frowns.
“That’s why I had snacks all the time.” He explains, still looking at his knees. “Then… I ran out. And we got low on… everything, so-”
“You haven’t had enough food to suffice you in weeks?” Wars interrupts, giving him the water back when he reaches for it. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
He sighs slowly as the group all glances up at him.
“I didn’t… want to cause problems. We’re all hungry, making sacrifices.”
Wars nods understandingly, patting his knee awkwardly. “I understand.”
“He does.” Time agrees, shooting a glance at the captain with a small smile. “And you’re a hypocrite, Captain. You’ve skipped more meals than he has.”
“That was different!” Wars defends himself. “We were feeding an army, not nine people!”
Time raises an eyebrow.
Wars looks away, ears flushing.
“Ignore him. He’s lying.” The captain mutters, and he manages a shaky laugh.
“He’s not!” Wind calls, making the group laugh.
“Here, this is ready.” Wild says gently, approaching him with a bowl of stew. The look he gives is all too understanding.
“I had to eat a lot more than your average person after I woke up. Guess it was a side effect of not eating for a hundred years.” The champion says, though, pressing a bowl into his hands.
He nods, looking down at the food. “Thanks, Champion.”
“Anytime, Smithy. Now eat- you need it, man.”
“Goddess knows that right- there’s no way you weigh any more than forty five kilograms.” Wars chimes back in with a grin.
He has to smile, rolling his eyes as he takes a bite.
Thanks for reading! Any interaction is appreciated :)
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isatartdump · 4 months
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Tuxedo cat and orange cat
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morninkim · 3 months
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that one movie sinbad did about the genie
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revelisms · 1 year
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Lil' comic of a scene from a fic I haven't gotten around to writing.
(basically Vi and Jinx have reconciled, Silco is alive, and Vi is begrudingly finding herself beginning to look up Silco as a mentor/father figure. She accompanies him on an errand run, one of which winds them up at the old cannery, and emotions bubble up biiig time 🥲)
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bloodyrosesnthorns · 3 months
this life thing is getting too difficult to continue.
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Prompt 87
Geralt has learned in his many years on the path, that he can't smile like other people. Humans have been disgusted or more often than not afraid of his smile. So he doesn't smile. But Jaskier looks to him one day with a sigh and asks "Why don't you ever smile at me?" and it flicks a switch in his brain. He starts practicing whenever he has a reflection he can see, but he can't get it to look right. Certainly not as pretty or approachable as Jaskier's smile. It always looks like a snarl. A baring of fanged teeth. An uncomfortable grimace. The more he tries to have a nice smile, the more he's sure it's impossible, and the more sure he is that Jaskier should never see it. He'd be so disappointed, Geralt thinks.
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 2 months
I like to think that hoshina IS flirty with Kafka but in a very... Hoshina way.
He's not like "OMG let's compare hand sizes teehee" he's like "DAMN Kafka why are your hands so damn huge. Big meaty claws lol" and that's just His Way of doing the same thing cus he's a fucking goofball, and it WORKS cus Kafka is a goofball too!!! He speaks fluent goofball!!!
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nonymous06 · 2 months
if you did alejandro angst....maybe some heather angst too?
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Alexa play pretty isn't pretty by Olivia Rodrigo
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skele-bunny · 2 months
okay okay okay gimme pregnant swiss!!! (with mountain ofc)
Self Conscious. (CW) Mountain/Swiss
CW - Self Image Issues, "fat" used negatively
Characters: Swiss, Mountain
(Hi STINKY 🫵 Swissalps for you. Fluff post! Divider by @ wrathofrats )
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Staring into the mirror felt like a burden. A disgrace and reminder of how tormented and swollen Swiss felt. His eyes lingered as he turned, grimace worsening as his very obvious, very big, very fat pregnant stomach looked back. Carrying twins wasn't pretty, Swiss knew it wouldn't be. He just didn't expect it to look so bad on him. After all, Swiss was only three months pregnant at this point. He felt disproportionate. His keyhole scars around his chest just a bright pink as his breasts started swelling again, leading to another thing Swiss hated about his current stature.
Stretch marks ran up his sides, armpits, and more importantly his stomach. The soft flesh just above his genitals had started swelling just as much to the point he required help to shave himself. Needless to say, Swiss felt fucking ugly.
The multi turned to see skin rolls on his back, and that just seemed to set him off. Tears slowly swelled before openly crying, bringing his hands up to cover his face. He used the sink counter to lower onto the closed toilet seat, tail wrapping around his thigh and squeezing for some kind of reassurance that did nothing but make it worse as Swiss eyed the extra fat it squeezed.
His sobs wracked through his body, setting off a surge of both hormones and elements, dead flowers popping up through his frazzled hair he hadn't gotten done yet. Even worse, his body felt hotter than normal, hand going to his chest as a warning burp made itself known. He was a mess. Through and through. Another wail left, finger pads pushing into his round stomach.
"Petal?" A knock at the closed bathroom door echoed, Mountain's scent of worry becoming obvious as the smell of wet dirt clouded. "Are you alright? I could smell you from the kitchen."
The sentence hit worse, Swiss now too obvious of his own body odor from not showering yet. "G-Go away!" He sobbed again.
"Oh, darling... What's the matter?"
Swiss couldn't find it in himself to respond, frantically wiping his cheeks and shaking his head. The door knob jiggled before a silent curse, a tiny vine slipping through the keyhole and the wooden door opened, Swiss snapping his head up and grabbing the roll of toilet paper near to throw at Mountain's head—Who thankfully ducked in time.
"Get out!" He now grabbed their toothbrush holder, throwing it next. "Get the fuck away from me!"
Mountain lifted his hand, catching the container quickly but placing it back down with gentleness. "Swiss... What's the matter?" He got down to one knee, ignoring as Swiss pushed at his shoulders and chest.
He kept sobbing, "Get away from me! I-I smell bad, and you said you could smell me, and I don't even know how you can stand looking at me!" Swiss fumbled as Mountain carefully grabbed his wrists, concern written on the earth ghoul.
"Darling, you smell distressed, not bad... Sweetheart..." Mountain whined, lifting his hands away to carefully wipe away tears that fell from his mates puffy face. "What's ailing you?"
Moving to lean into Mountain's calloused palms, Swiss sniffled again, his ears drooped. "I feel so ugly, Mount... I can't stand looking at myself anymore. I try t-to find positives in everything but I just can't. I'm not cut out for this..."
In an instant, Mountain's heart shattered. In his eyes, Swiss was the representation of the sun and moon, the existence of both life and death. He was beautiful. Represented every single thing Mountain loved, packed into one. To know his mate seen himself in such a negative light hurt him, better yet the fact of how much his mate was hurting—unbeknownst to Mountain this entire time.
"Are you having second thoughts?" He asked quietly, leaning up to rest his chin on Swiss' shoulder so the other could dead weight against him.
"No—Maybe? I don't know... I feel so lost. I feel so disgusting about everything. I love you, I love our children, but I can't... Love myself. I can't love the fact that me growing our kits is doing this to me."
The earth ghoul trilled, tail swaying some as he thought for a moment. "Can I use my logic?"
"I love your logic." Swiss laughed some, letting tears continue to quietly go down Mountain's shoulder.
"Okay, well... Tell me what you're not liking."
"My breasts are coming back."
"Well, since you stopped testosterone, your estrogen is coming back in play. Our bodies are quick to adapt, and you're in another adaptation stage. They're now clicking into your other hormones like prolactin which is causing the growth. However, since you had top surgery, your prolactin is trying to fill in the gaps which is causing the bumps." Mountain moved back, showing Swiss the bumps along his chest. "They're swelling your ducts more to prepare for the kits as you're carrying multiple and don't have bigger areas to swell at. However, once the kits get out of a nursing stage, you'll start getting flat again."
"So it's not," Swiss looked up, grimacing just a bit. "Forever?"
"No. Not forever. They may have a bit of a swelling for a long time, but not outright breasts. You'll just have some Aether tits." That caused a laugh from the multi, slowly kicking his feet back and forth.
"My stomach."
The taller moved down again, nuzzling his face against the bump and kissing it gently. "Your uterus is creating extra layers of protection and enlarging itself for nutrients and more blood flow using endometrium. Since you're growing two rascals, it's having to expand more to adjust to their sizes. Earth kits are known for being giants... Let alone the sac placed around them. But your body is adjusting to the size change and actively going to keep them healthy."
Swiss stayed silent, looking down as Mountain caressed his stomach. His fingers were so delicate, going up his stretch marks to his belly button. He leaned in once more to place a kiss.
"If you're worried about what you'll look like after, our skin is elastic. It's how we're able to shift through our forms without ripping ourselves open. You can maintain your size, if that's what you want, or simply use your elasticity to shimmer back down. Your stretch marks, though, won't go away..." Mountain sighed, admiring his mate's skin. "But I love them. Baphomet save me, I love them so much. Every single one of them."
A small laugh, "Even the ones on my cooch?"
"Even the ones on your cooch."
Leaning down, Swiss gently cupped Mountain's jaw so they could make eye contact. "Do you promise that you still love me? That I'm attractive? I don't even fit in your clothes anymore..."
"Oh, petal... I think if mother nature was a person, it'd be you. I think you're more beautiful than the earth." Swiss' heart jumped, tears swelling up more.
It was a serious mockery to ghouls to whisper your love more than your element, but such a strong example of devotion. Swiss wrapped his arms around Mountain's neck, crying harder against his shoulder. Never once did Mountain let go of Swiss, purring and sending comforting pheromones to try and relax.
Wiping his eyes on Mountain's collar, Swiss exhaled. "I need to shower and do my hair, I just need to feel... Better."
"Want me to help you?"
"...Please." Swiss nodded. "I need to shave."
"Ahh, deforestation. The bane of my existence."
Swiss broke into hysterical laughter, covering his mouth as he snorted. Even Mountain kept a smile as he leaned over to turn on their shower, making sure the temperature was comfortable.
"Am I washing your hair?" He asked, questioning to grab Swiss' shower cap or not.
"Yeah." Mountain placed the cap back on their shower caddy.
Slowly stripping himself, Swiss couldn't help but eye the stretch marks Mountain had on his back, slowly looking down at his thighs that had similar design. He smiled somewhat, rubbing his thumb over the discolored line.
"And what would my darling like his style to be once we're done?" Mountain scooped Swiss up, stepping them into the warm water, sitting him on the shower stool. "Are we thinking buns, are we thinking top knots, maybe even twists?" His claws gently began to rake through Swiss' messy afro, pick carefully sectioning his hair.
The sigh of relief that left Swiss could easily be mistaken for a moan, Mountain's tail twitching in response. He gave a chuckle, moving to kiss his mate's forehead.
"Dealers choice?"
Swiss nodded, moving his back against Mountain's fur-covered legs. "Yeah... Dealer's choice."
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deimosatellite · 4 months
god the chapter where alyosha overhears pavel playing the guitar on a date is actually so fucking good because we get to see one of the very scarce times that pavel isnt putting on his usual act around his brothers/father but instead him in The Wild where he takes a girl out to the garden to play guitar for her and alyosha just eavesdrops. to pavel playing guitar and singing and then immediately insulting the girl hes trying to flirt with and then talking about how much he wants to die. hes a karamazov just like the rest of them god bless
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facadep · 11 months
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I am starting to have an unhealthy obsession with these two- I swear.
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