#the sub quote is a little more suggestive
foursaints · 4 months
“I don’t care what [Barty] says, Dumbledore’s not stupid”: On Barty as Machiavel
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i think we're all forgetting the moment where harry explicitly draws a parallel between barty & remus and i wrote the world’s longest post about it 
under a close reading, moody!barty operates in a manner that is SO distinct from canon!moody, and i think it’s made especially apparent in the way he interacts with students & the virtues he emphasizes in his lessons. even when disguised, barty has a machiavellian tendency that comes through consistently in several different moments. 
i think this quote is a weaker example, but “very tactful” is NOT something that would be used to describe canon!moody under any circumstances. c!moody’s lack of social tact is a known characteristic, and barty uses his tactless reputation to get away with his machinations (see: the dustbin excuse, breaking into snape’s office, even the ferret to an extent).
on the other hand, BARTY is clever and subtle and manipulative, and we see this coming through in how he handles neville. the biggest difference between him and c!moody is the way that barty!moody tends to openly value or praise Cleverness & Craftiness above more moody-ish virtues like bravery, loyalty, or Taking Care of His Students’ Safety… but i think the most interesting part of all this is the way that harry reacts to it.
the hp books notoriously do this clumsy thing where the morality is starkly Black/White (as ursula leguin rightfully criticized). but seemingly arbitrary categories like “gryffindor” or “slytherin” are also conflated with this strict Good/Evil dichotomy. which results in these random-ass traits like “brave 😎🦁” and “cunning 💀🐍” also taking on moral associations within the world of the text (jkr has also done this with physical traits & racial stereotypes, which is vile) 
but an overarching theme in hp is harry grappling with this dumbass in-world black/white morality & unlearning part of it (ex: snape, the epilogue w albus severus about slytherin). but i think it’s sooo interesting that one of the few characters (aside from snape & dumbledore) to demonstrate & valorize a machiavellian tendency AND be admired for it (by harry) is LITERALLY barty jr. 
like! barty’s tact is not a good thing in-canon! he uses his tact to get away with murder & torture & elaborate terrorist plots (he’s part of a group of death eaters described as having "managed to talk their way out of azkaban” p. 527) but i looove that the same trait which allows him to do all sorts of Dastardly Evil is cast as positive and remus-like in this moment. obviously i don’t think jkr was doing of this on purpose, but i love how these little things are unintentionally more compelling than whatever the hell she was trying to do with snape. and it goes deeper!!
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this moment is especially telling of barty’s character, to me. subbing out the names, “I don’t care what [Barty] says… Dumbledore’s not stupid” is a CRAZY line. 
it’s lowkey THE barty!moody thesis in comparison to c!moody: nothing we’ve seen from c!moody would even remotely suggest that he’d EVER imply that dumbledore is stupid. (c!moody adopts the “it’s imperative that we blindly trust dd’s mysterious plans” attitude that most of the adults in harry’s life take, that hermione re-emphasizes here). but barty’s attitude is something that harry heavily fucks with in this moment!! 
that’s all i really have to say about The Implications or whatever. but i want to call more attention to moments in canon where barty’s tendencies shine through his disguise because (unlike most marauders characters) his personality is really fleshed-out. especially this aspect of it. my silly 
i. "mind works the right way, granger"
barty speaking about dumbledore like he’s stupid (💀) is enjoyable for several reasons up to & including how big-dicked it is of him, but most importantly i think it’s symptomatic of an overarching theme of his character. in GOF, barty has a tendency to take stock of the people around him, according to what appears to be a really concrete & consistent set of internal values: he values cleverness matched with a certain degree of ruthlessness. 
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this bit with hermione is fun. there are about ~6-7 other instances where he praises cleverness, but that’s not really a unique or noteworthy thing to value? but the phrasing in this quote is my favorite. i know that it’s in reference to the skillset required of an auror, but the phrasing of “mind works the right way” can be applied to so much of barty’s character if you reach hard. i love that barty’s language almost casts the mind as something rote & mechanical which can function right or wrong. 
but anyway it only becomes interesting when placed in context of THIS earlier interaction: 
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there are endless ways barty could have gone about guiding harry to use his firebolt here, so his specific phrasing holds a lot of weight to me. (keep in mind: he’s prompting harry to feel that he came up with the firebolt/accio idea, but this whole plan was concocted by barty himself much earlier. he’s on the “convince harry to do my broomstick dragon thing” step of his overarching scheme) 
in a sense, by “inspiring” harry to do what HE already independently decided was best, he’s sort of… giving away his own reasoning, a little? the italicized emphasis on enabling oneself to “get what you need” feels… unnecessary, in context? i love that THAT is where emphasis slips into his voice because it betrays his values. 
barty’s Revenge Scheme is insanely fucking convoluted, but at every stage i think that logic is there. in his villain monologue where he rehashes the deranged level of micro-managing he was doing to get harry to resurrect voldemort, at every individual step he was following his own advice. to barty, sometimes murder is just the Simplest Spell to Get What He Needs. 
according his own advice, barty sees the clearest path between two points, and generally has 0 ethical qualms about closing that distance by the Simplest means possible. he later confirms this by describing harry’s morality introducing complications as “contend[ing] with [his] stupidity” (676) 
ii. “good boy,” growled [barty]. “i can make good use of this…”
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the scene where barty acquires the marauders map is CRAZYY.. for a moment, barty is so excited & taken aback that we see a few of his genuine reactions. i love that absolutely nothing manages to faze him EXCEPT genuine delighted shock over an interesting new tool he can implement in his schemes. (sidenote: he probably recognized the marauders’ nicknames, which is so funny)
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that fact that we have a canonical barty crouch jr “good boy” makes me claw at the walls. anyway. i feel that i don’t need to explain how “i can make good use of this… this might be exactly what i’ve been looking for” supports characterization of barty as a scheming little machiavel because it’s pretty much explicitly stated right there. 
but this quote stands out for his genuine preoccupation with it. from the instant that barty sees the map, his eyes don’t leave it— his eye “whizzed over [it’s] surface” (491), he questions harry about how his name appeared when he searched snape’s office (”’Crouch,’ he said. ‘You’re— you’re sure, Potter?’” (491))— all while harry is sinking into a trick staircase & getting concerned that moody is ignoring him.
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“penetrating glare” ← top barty rights! 
the image of him getting new information, questioning harry about it tactfully, and then spending A FULL MINUTE silently integrating it, is one of my favorite instances of him in the book… it’s like you can hear the gears in his head whirring. i like that we can see this type of assessment that he does extends to other people, when he turns it on harry and “size[s] him up”. 
this post is long enough as it is! but all that’s left to say is that barty will always be at his most interesting when you pay attention to canon… there’s another longpost that could be written about barty!moody’s differences in disposition. the jokes he cracks, his relative lightness, and the sheer number of times he was openly like “FUCK the law i do what i want” (while literally masquerading as a literal wizard cop) are so intriguing. but that’s for another time 
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onyx-syn · 1 year
"All Eyes on Me"- LA! Husband! Buggy x Chubby! Wife! Female Reader
Warnings: Little to no plot, Some Fluff, Smut, Sub! And Dom! Elements, Flirting, Bondage/Restraints, Praises/ Some Degradation, Pre cum used as lube, Unprotected Sex (no pulling out), Body Worship, Pet Names and Foreplay
*Don't steal my writings and claim it as your own*
*18+ Only*
Summary: After many nights alone without your husband by your side due to his busy schedule, you finally get time alone to explore eachother once more.
A/N: ITS FINALLY HERE! I've had this idea for a while, I'll come back here and make some changes but for now let's just enjoy this piece ✨ (heh, get it, piece, like a piece of Buggy's body part, heh)
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“You know, last time I was just my head in a bag was when-"
You turned your husband's decapitated head to look at you in the palm of your hands. Your fingertips gracing his painted cheeks, caressing them softly as you held him, "Shhh! Shush! Just - l-let me do my thing bugs", Not like he could see you. You covered his eyes with a thin black cloth which surprisingly did well at hiding your figure from his sight.
However, that didn’t stop the onslaught of lewd words from his red stained lips, smugly smirking as he did "Wow, getting feisty I see!” He started. “I’ve always liked that side of you doll~ What are we doing tonight hm? Am I gonna have to- eat you out like a feline? Maybe with some popcorn in there heh. Hold you down with my hands only? Or-"
“Bugs!” You cried out, puffing your chubby cheeks out ready to smack that dumb look of his face you adored so much.
You couldn’t really see it, but you watched his eyebrows raise a bit over the black blindfold, presuming he was rolling his eyes at you from behind them.
You cradled Buggy's head in one arm now, pushing his cheek against the fabric of your outfit clenching to your chest. You raised your free hand and flicked his head, which brought the clown a stinging pain, erupting a noise out of him.
"Okay! No need to show your claws missy" he exclaimed, pouting a little wishing he had his hands right now to do the same comeback to you.
You smirked down at him, giggling at your husband's reaction. "Well that's what you get~".
You have suggested the idea of switching things up tonight earlier in the day, wanting to do something 'special for buggy', quoted in your own words. You two haven't had the time to spend nearly as much together as you used to. With all the meetings he's been going to, talking with Alvida and such.
It didn't help that whenever he came back from those meetings, he would either be too busy sleeping or scheming his next show to spend alone time with you. Ultimately it did hurt you, but you understood where he was coming from.
So, on the day that he finally had off -no meetings, no show runnings, no rehearsals, no nothing- you told him that you two were going to spend time together tonight no matter what.
At first he was a little annoyed, joking and groaning to get your attention. You knew he wanted to spend time with you just as much as you wanted to. The nights he would come back to your quarters from the meetings, he would be exhausted from it all. He was more or less annoyed, as he felt like they weren't getting anywhere and wanted to call the big actions during the meetings too.
He would nuzzle up to your tummy once he returned to your bed together. Mewling into your stomach, his makeup smearing on it. He would grope your sides, pulling and jiggling them. It was like a stress toy for him, and he enjoyed it very much, amongst other things.
You pull yourself out of thoughts once you hear your husbands, still in your arms, complaining and questioning.
"Hey! Heyyy baby!~ You awake over there? Curtains are still calling" He manically giggled as he spoke, the way he would crack himself up with his own puns. "Where are we heading anyways? Where the hell did you take my body too? It feels like... Erm. Something I'm sitting on-"
You shook your head as your husband spoke, trying to talk and come up with conclusions on where you put the rest of his body at. As much as he would blabber on with this and that, it was endearing and sweet to hear him speak.
“We’re here, Mr. Dinkleberry” You say aloud playfully, walking up to your bedroom quarters that you both share and opening up the door with Buggy still in your one arm, who looked visibly confused even behind the blindfold.
“D-dinklebe- What the hell does that even mean?!? Are you making fun of my name now huh? Wow, after everything we’ve been through doll-”
“Oh my god Bugs!” You pinch his cheek, a bit of his makeup smudged on your fingers now. Buggy made a smile that resembled pain, but you knew he was only joking. You sat his head down on a little blanket with radiant sunflower tapestry on it on the dresser that faced your bed. Luckily, the tides weren’t bad outside of the ship, the waters were calm which would make it easy for tonight's activities.
Buggy, to say the least, was a little bit curious of what was about to happen. You and Buggy have always been adventurous in bed to say the least, so he was more excited than anything else.
Your husband was going to speak before he felt his breath hitch in his throat, feeling your hand rub his neck slowly, putting pressure lightly before you moved downwards. The tips of your fingers grazing the skin of his bare chest lightly, sending a shocking wave of euphoria up his spine.
Buggy gritted his teeth, wanting to tear this blindfold off of him to see what you were doing. A small sweat tear gliding down the side of his head. You held back a giggle, walking over to pull the blindfold off your husband. Once the blindfold was off, Buggy fluttered to keep his eyes open, getting used to the bright light now being in his line of sight.
When Buggy got back to his senses, which was pretty quick to say the least, he was greeted by the most wonderful and gracious thing he's ever seen. Your chubby body, in a beautiful sheer lingerie, clutching to your sweet rolls. The lingerie stopped at mid hip, making your flesh spill underneath making it look squishy and pudgy. Your breasts cupped perfectly in the lingerie’s cup holders, making a slight jiggle as you moved ever so slightly. Because of the sheer fabric, Buggy could see your nipples perked through the fabric, a bump against it. Buggy gulped, feeling as if his breath left him and went above the great clouds in the sky.
With the sheer fabric of the lewd clothing Buggy could see with his eyes your beautiful stretch marks. Buggy would compare the tidal waves out at sea to your stretch marks, how wavy they were and how they decorated your skin like the engravings of eroding wood of a ship from the waves. Buggy could feel himself lose it, his river color eyes looking up at you, almost in a puppy like form. Your hands were behind your back as you looked down at him, swaying your shoulders back and forth.
A smirk was plastered on your face as you looked down at your husband, leaning down so you could grasp his chin in your hands. You watch as his eyes glance from your eyes, down to your hanging chest -taking note of the stretch marks on them that he oh so wanted to kiss- and then back up to you.
You decide to break the sensual tension and speak up, "You like what you see?~" you question playfully.
Buggy responded with a toothy smile plastered on his face, making his red stained lip stick perch up almost all the way to the top of his cheeks.
"Very much, my baby~"
You giggle lightly, letting go of his chin and start walking over to the bed. Buggy disrespectfully looking at your ass, watching you sway your chubby hips as you walked over to the bed. He wanted to do so many sinful things to your body it was unbelievable, grip harshly onto your love handles and feel your weight bounce off of him.
You walked over to the bed, lifting your hand as you slide up and down his chest once, slowly getting on top of the bed, putting your exposed cunt onto the crotch of his pants. You bit your bottom lip as you felt his clothed bulge collide with your pussy. Rolling your hips to gain friction, a small bubbly feeling created in the pit of your stomach, it felt good and erotic. His chest was bare, his skin glistening in the light illuminating from the lantern next to your bed. The only thing that covered him was just his pants, the part he desperately wanted off so he could rail your beautiful self.
You moved your body just a smidge downwards, jiggling a bit as your hands caressed the sides of his thighs, watching him tremble underneath your touch.
"y-you!" Buggy exclaimed, biting the inside of his cheek. Buggy had many sensitive spots that he liked to be touched at by the grasp of your hands, even through the clothing. His thighs were part of the case.
Of course he could just attach his head back but... oh fuck he wanted to be a good boy for you. After all these stressful meetings he wanted to be pleased and pleasured, just feel the righteousness of your love and attention, even if it meant he wasn't allowed to touch you just yet. He wanted to get the greenlit from you before he could enact all the sinful things he had in mind to do to you.
His breath hitched as he felt his cock be released from the comforts of his pants, the thick air he was feeling in the room hit his sensitive muscle. He bucked his hips in the air, your eyes glaring at the flesh of meat flop in the air as he did so. You couldn't help but let out a little playful giggle at the sight, truly finding enjoyment out of it all.
Buggy had enough, he used his hands -attached to his body- to try and grab you, only to make a noise of discomfort once he realized they were restrained by rope on each end of the bed frame. Buggy, although very pouty and ready to throw a tantrum that he couldn't touch you, was smirking with devilish delight.
"We're bringing in ropes now huh?~ very naughty from a performer to do my doll~"
He admitted, his body squirming underneath your chubby figure trying to break out of the ropes. The ends of your lips curled up, watching your husband desperately trying to get out and fuck the ever loving shit out of you.
"Does my baby boy want his wife to let him go?~" you ask, your voice oozing with sensual tense.
Buggy rolled his eyes, still struggling to get out of the ropes, "What does it look like dumbass, of course I do! Fuck you until your brains are pouring out" He said, not having an ounce of embarrassment as he watched in glee as you looked away from his staring, a flustered smile appearing across your face just now.
"I wanna do a lot of backstage stunts with ya baby~" He giggled.
You looked back at Buggy once you gained composure over yourself. You moved yourself back against the bed, laying halfway on your back but kept yourself raised on your elbows. The flesh on your hips and thighs expanding once your bottom half laid down, how squishable and pudgy it looked. Buggy loved your hips, how much he could grab and mark with just his hands alone.
You settled yourself between your husband's legs, spreading your big thighs apart to reveal your exposed cunt to your husband's head still perched on the dresser. Buggy's eyes were swirling in a lake of lust, seeing your fat pussy on full display to him.
The way your flesh was rolled up in the sheer fabric as you laid down, how it clenched like its life depended on it to your skin. You can hear the bed frame shake vigorously, like his hands were about to break the entire bed. You hiss as the air in the room touches your cunt, your clit twitching from the sudden contact.
"fuck~" You whisper under your breath, surprisingly buggy didn't hear, too focused on trying to get out of the restraints cursing at how tight it was. You knew he could easily get out of it, but you knew that he wasn’t a complete master at his trade. Regardless you loved him and even more so loved to tease him.
Your hand trails down from your breast down your belly, moving over the rolls that were prominent in your lingerie. You stopped your hand just at the top of your pussy, touching the squishy flesh lightly making Buggy go wild at how close you were to your entrance. You can see the desperation in his eyes, you knew he wanted to touch you -grasp- at your skin, mark all over your rolls and handles. Make you remember who you belong to.
You were in love with this dynamic now, smiling at your poor husband’s reactions as you slide a finger down your folds, mewling at how wet you already were. You slide another finger down, thrusting your hips up just a smidge that wasn’t noticeable. Your chest feels heavy all of the sudden, rising up and down a little slower now, your breathing becoming hefty.
You add two fingers into your pussy, gasping at your own intrusion. Moaning abruptly into the thick air. The heat of the room rushing to your chubby cheeks, you bite the inside of your cheek as you start to go further into your pussy with your fingers, reaching your knuckles. You continued to do this process over and over for a few moments until you found a nice rhythm, adding speed and pressure to your cunt fucking.
Buggy’s eyes were entranced at the scene in front of him, seeing you all flustered from your own actions. He was jealous that you could feel your own satisfaction while he had to sit back and watch. His hands tighten into fists, frustrated that he wasn’t gripping you by the hips and railing you into oblivion. His hips thrusted into the air, imagining you riding him, how he wanted to feel your tight walls around his hardened cock. Pre cum leaked from the slit of his red hot tip down to the base of his cock, gliding down the vein that started from the top and ended mid way.
"Shit" Buggy said aloud, seeing the slick of his wetness drip from the tip of his cock.
His mind started to sprout dirty thoughts seamlessly out of thin air making the poor head shut his eyes close. He imagined your mouth wrapped around his tip, swirling your tongue around, putting pressure onto his veins and underside of his cock, sucking the cum out of him. A soft whine erupted out of his throat, his cheeks burning hot which brought his makeup to grease now. His whine, however, did not go unnoticed by you.
You smugly pride yourself with a smirk on your face, throwing yourself off by your own pleasure of your fingers. You spoke, “Aw~ looks like someone is enjoying the show? Is my baby boy enjoying the show?~” You ask him, your voice in a low seductive voice ending it in an annoyed moan. Your fingers brought you great bliss but didn’t go far enough.
Buggy pouted his bottom lip, opening his eyes and looking away from your gaze, making an occasional glance back over to your position. To say he was upset would be an understatement. “This is unfair” He replied to you, sounding petty.
You didn’t respond, only shaking your head before you stop, reaching a spot in your fat cunt that boiled a pit of hotness in your stomach. You sped the speed of your fingers, trying to go deeper to hit your g-spot with little to no luck.
The speed of your fingers now started to make your flesh jiggle, triggering Buggy’s head to stare fully right at you, the struggling of his tied hands stopped, memorized at how much your body jiggled just from a single movement or touch. You let off a cry, desperately trying to reach that sweet spot of release but nothing.
A wicked smile started to form on your husband's face, a maniacal chuckle rumbling out of his mouth. “Does my baby need help over there now, hm~?” He questioned you, knowing what your answer will be, or should be.
Your breathing became heavier, arching your back as you deepin your fingers, putting on a real 'good' show for your husband's delight. To Buggy, it felt like you were edging him at this point, finding it a real big shame in his case that he wasn't gonna be the one to make you cum.
But you had a little scheme up your sleeve. You slowly pull out your fingers with ease, showing off how much you've stretched yourself with just your chubby fingers alone. You hummed in delight at the feeling, noticing how slick and glistening your fingers looked in the light.
Your thighs were quivering at the sensation, just the pleasure you brought upon yourself extreme your acceleration. You slowly but surely moved back on your knees, struggling to keep yourself stabilized as you crawled back onto your husband, straddling yourself on his thighs. You brought your hands and caressed them through his trousers.
You watched as he trembled again, hearing him let out a noise of enjoyment. You moved his trousers more downwards, showing off his bare naked skin to you. You felt heat rise up from your neck to your cheek seeing your husband so bare. It's been so long since you've been this close to each other, even the sight of his sweating head brought much euphoria to you then it has in so long.
You leaned down, pressing your precious lips onto his sweaty skin, tasting the saltiness of him. Buggy was so quick to reattach his head back to his body that you didn't even realize it until his body jerked under your lips, forcing you to lean back and almost have your neck attacked by Buggy's greedy red stained lips.
Your eyes lock onto your husband's, how desperate and lenient on kissing you, ravishing your body as if you were a prized steak for him to eat up like a lion.
"Baby, baby baby baby~" Buggy whimpered out for you, pulling at the restraints once more, wanting -no- needing to get out of them and fast.
You tsk at the man below you, he was at your will and command. You felt buggy hum in a sensual tone deeply under his breath as he felt your added weight switch back onto his hips, watching you straddle your thick hips onto his. Your dripping wet core was hovering over his cock, in one drop you would be in direct contact with his cock entering you.
Buggy could not get over the fact he could not touch you. He tried to thrust his hips upwards, colliding the tip of his cock with your folds as you tried to move away from the moving mound of flesh. He moaned at the contact, feeling how wet you were which sent a shivering cold sensation up his spine.
He let out a breathy sentence, "P-please i- hmmmm" he begged, throwing his sweaty greasy head back against the bed frame, sweat gliding down his body.
"I... I want you- fuck" He was embarrassed of speaking. His lust coated eyes staring into the ceiling before glaring back at you, licking his lips slowly as your rolls jiggled at the slightest movement once more. 
You smiled deviously at your husband’s pathetic excuse of begging. You trailed your hands back down to his body, feeling how sweaty his flesh was against your skin. You caressed him, moving your thumbs in circles around on his torso and side. 
Your lips started moving, “Does my husband want to be a good boy for his woman?~” You asked gleefully, your hips moving downward little by little. You bit your bottom lip once you felt the slit of his leaking cock touch the entrance of your fat cunt. 
Buggy nodded profusely, giving in to his predicament of his constricted hands. “Yes yes yes please i- Shit! I’m supposed to be on top fucking your brains out! Not like… Erm… This…” He admitted defeat. He loved the dynamic but hated it so much at the sametime. 
You chuckled, leaning forward and pressing your lips on his cheek, pressing many kisses on his face. You can feel his makeup melt from the intense heat of his cheeks, how much he was blushing and flustered from the ordeal you put him in. You moved along down his cheek, reaching the edge of his lips. You pulled back just enough for the tip of your nose to touch his. 
You began to speak, your hot breath sending goosebumps throughout Buggy’s body, his watercolor eyes staring right back into your colored orbs. 
“You want me?~”
Buggy gave you a toothy grin, giggling lightly, stopping abruptly once he felt his tip enter your core just slightly. He tried to thrust his hips up until you stopped him, pulling yourself off from intrusion. Your hands traveled up to his shoulder, moving your hand in the way to wag your finger in the side of his vision.
“Nuh uh, uh~” You told him, smirking devilishly at the poor man who was desperately wanting you badly now. You can see the desperation in his eyes, lust and hunger swirling in them like a pool of lava. 
He whimpered as you kissed him for a quick second, pulling away before he could slip his tongue deep into your throat. He wanted to feel you, feel your touch in more then just his exposed areas, he wanted to love you so deeply that his cum explodes in your and paints your walls.
"please! Just, fucking, fuck my cock goddamnit! I wanna feel you baby~" He proclaimed. "Feel your ice cream around my cone~" he giggled at his, otherwise, stupid joke.
However, you liked his response enough to give him what he so ever wanted. "As you wish, my husband~" you whispered against his lips.
Your lips locked onto his once more, as you pushed your chubby frame down onto his cock, moaning aloud in his mouth, feeling a burning hot creation being made at your regions. You felt his redden tip spread your wet folds apart. His pre cum acting as lube for his entrance way to your fat pussy. You hissed in the kiss, feeling tears amerge from the edges of your eyes as you felt his cock being swallowed by your walls as you continued to lower yourself back onto his hips.
Buggy was no better. His breathing fastened, his chest rising up and down heavily. His tongue swirled around in your mouth, dancing with your tongue as he took in the sensation of your cunt. Your walls were so warm and wet, coating him in your slick and bliss. He was sweating intensely, the euphoria of sex bringing heat throughout his body. He felt his knuckles burn from the fist formation of hands, trying hard not to break the bed frame from the restraints. His hips squirmed, pushing up a little out of instincts. He groaned as he hit the back of your wall, breaking the kiss.
You pulled up from the kiss panting, pressing your hands down on his chest as you sat on your knees. You cried out a moan, setting yourself on his hips now, your big thighs straddled on each side of him. You sprouted out curses underneath your breath, your cunt taking his cock fully. Your cunt walls stretch at the size and girth of his length, been a while since you've felt him this close to you and in you so it was quite an experience to re-experience once more.
You pulled your hands into fists, trying to get used to his size and length. You could feel his cock twitch inside you, sending a surge of pleasure throughout your pussy and up your spine.
"oh fuck buggy~" You whimpered out, trying to change your breath as you wiggled around, not noticing how your husbands eyes were entranced by the way your hips shake with each wiggle.
"Goddamn baby" He said aloud, thrusting his hips just a little bit. Just enough so he could feel the tip of his harden flesh touch your gushy walls.
"I wanna fuck you so bad, please please please... please just... fucking, FUCK ME!" He couldn't hold it in anymore, he wanted you, needed you, every part of your squishy flesh out on him. All your weight, all your gloriousness, put up on him so he can completely wreck you.
You nodded quickly, your face sweating from the intense heat brought upon your chubby cheeks. You shook your hips, trying to get comfy in the position as well as getting used to being on your knees with the slightly constricting lingerie.
"Yes darling, fuck I-i~" you huffed, holding yourself together, keeping your breathing steady.
You raised your hips up slowly, Buggy's river eyes staring at your folds lifting and spreading, showing his wet cock off glistening from the light as you lifted yourself up before coming back down on him.
Buggy jerked his head back, mumbling out a moan from his chest as he felt you clench around his entire length with your slippery cunt. He looked back quickly, watching you go up and down slowly, painfully slow for that matter. His ocean orbs staring in a trance at the way your rolls recoiled from you riding him. Oh, how gracious your skin looked beneath the sheer lingerie as it jiggled. Your stretch marks stretching as your flesh moves up and down on his cock.
He could see the ends of the lingerie that stopped mid hip losing its placement, moving up further slightly, showing off the dark imprint it left from its tightness around your squishy skin. The chest of your lingerie that cupped your breasts perfectly was also starting to let loose, the top of your breasts slipping out of the holding, almost as if they were gonna completely let loose and flash your husbands eyes.
Low huffy moans erupted from your parted lips, riding him up and down. You looked so beautiful on top of him, the way you had control of how you wanted to ride him, swallowing his cock hole in your wet core. You could feel a similar heat swirl in the pit of your stomach, a sensational lustful feeling that you've experienced before.
Buggy was so hard, it was starting to hurt with how much he just wanted to slam your hips and fuck you. He couldn't believe that you would do this to him, what did he do to deserve this punishment of not being allowed to fuck the most priceless treasure amongst the 4 seas that he claimed as his.
He was gonna fuck you so hard once he got out of the restraints.
And then, it finally happened.
You watched -your eyes clouded with sinful aura- as a light bulb clicked on Buggy's head, seeing him detach his right arm entirely, floating over to untie the restraints of his left arm and repeated the process with his right arm.
You could almost watch in horror as Buggy's torso and top half leaned up, wrapping his around your thick waist and pulling you in closer. You gasped at the sudden new position, feeling yourself lose the control of keeping yourself at your own pace and be in your man's arms. Your breasts pressed harshly against his sweaty chest, the tears of which stained through the sheer fabric of your lingerie. His cock still deeply inside of you, twitching aggressively as Buggy now had the power of switching up roles between the both of you.
You looked at Buggy with wide eyes, your hands raised up to grasp at his shoulders, taking note of how close and how tightly he held onto you.
Buggy on the other hand, was in a greed of delightfulness, sinfully smiling at you as his eyes narrowed at you, tightening his grip around your waist.
"My how the tables have turned, sweet cheeks~" He exclaimed, chuckling darkly. He lifted you up by the waist, seeing you whine at the empty feeling of your cunt, upset that he pulled himself out of you.
You let out a noise of surprise, feeling your entire body switch positions so quickly you could not process it fully until your back hit the warmth and comfort of the bed sheets, how soft they were to your skin. Your body recoiled as you hit back against the bed, sending Buggy into a crazy rage. He quickly went in between your legs, wrapping the thick mounds of flesh around his waist, letting out a hum in glee at how you could easily crush him with your thighs. God how he- no, not now, later maybe he could find out- but now was not the time. He needed to fuck you.
He looked down at you, seeing your beautiful self spread out across the sheets. Your chubby face burning from the intensity and movements, your breathing just a tad bit heavy from early activities.
Buggy loved it, adored it, adored you, loved you.
"God your so beautiful~" He mummers underneath his breath, pushing his length back into your pussy admittedly.
His eyes memorized with the way your lips parted, letting out a cry as you felt your cunt get plummeted with the hardened piece of flesh, taking it in whole. The way your flesh recoiled from the harsh thrust he gave you, his blue curls gracing the top of your pussy.
Buggy huffed out a low chuckle, his body surging with adrenaline or sinful delight.
"So perfect, so perfect for your captain, your husband, your director~" He slowly pulled himself out of your pussy, watching as the base was still coated in the slickness of your fat pussy and walls clenched around him, before immediately slamming back into you. Your body recoiled from that greatly, a little shred of fabric appearing from the lingerie, showing off a stretch mark that claimed your skin.
A sheer cry leaves your throat, gasping for air as you feel your insides turn into a gushy mess from the harsh impaling of your cunt, his tip touching the edges of your walls feeling you up. His hands grasped at your thighs, huffing out low breaths as he composed himself. Sweat dripped down his sides, his gloved hands wet through the fabric.
"Holy shit~" He mumbled, his mind becoming foggy. He started to thrust his hips in and out of you, his eyes focused on the way your rolls bounced off his cock, seeing you recoil and jiggle.
It was incredibly erotic.
His grip around your thighs became tighter, surely leaving a bruise behind for the morning. "So g-good, you feel so good baby fuck~" He praised you.
His right hand trailed down from your thick thigh to your stomach, gripping onto the moving flesh through the tearing lingerie. He sped up his pace, wet ludicrous sounds emitting from the slapping of skin that could be heard across the quarters near your room.
"Look at how beautiful you are, hmph, my wife~" He groaned out loud to you, smiling deviously as he began to pinch and pull at your roll, his hand ripping through the fabric which caused a bit of a hole to appear.
"So soft, so soft, so soft. God I've missed this, I've m-missed you my sweetcheeks~" he told you in a genuine tone, smiling still as he did so.
He was trapped into a deep entrance by the way your skin felt underneath his covered hands, completely overtaken by this sensational effect. How good your body felt underneath his touch, his grasp. How beautiful your moans sounded, sounding like music to his ears.
His eyes watched the expression of your face commence, seeing you become his drooling brain fucked wife spread across his bed just from his cock alone. His hips were deeply thrusting into your core, his tinted red tip hitting the back of your cervix which sent a thrilling shriek to abrupt from your wet lips, face burning hot.
"Fuck right there bugs! Right there!" You yelled, leaning forward to wrap your arms around Buggy's neck, bringing him down so you could hold onto him. He could feel your chubby flesh roll against his torso now. Buggy was in total bliss from how close you too were now, enjoying every second of it.
Buggy let you take him down, leaning down so his nose was right next to your ear. His hot breath sending a next heating shock through your body, already feeling overstimulating from the pleasure.
"That's it, that's it baby, that's my girl~" he whispered in your ear. His thrusts became unstoppable, going at a pace beyond this known existence.
He can hear your moans scream throughout the room, hoping the crew could hear how much you loved your husband and how much he was making you feel good. His harden flesh hitting the back of your fat pussy with every single rough thrust he gave into you.
You drooled out, "I'm. So. Close!~" you could feel the pit of your stomach curl tighter, ready to explode at any given moment.
Buggy took your words into effect. He leaned back up to his knees, his hands gripping your legs and pushing them forward -moving his grasp around your big thighs- your legs now beside the sides of your head. He loved the way it made your chubby rolls looked like a row of dough ready to be turned into deserts for the oven. He absolutely adored it to the ends of the four seas.
The new position gave him the advantage to continuously ram into you, hearing the sweet gushy sounds your slick pussy made from his cock. Your walls greeted him nicely, taking him in whole with no drawbacks, accepting his full size and length. Your rolls recoiling ever so slightly, however your thighs trembled underneath his touch. He knew you were getting close to coming.
He grinned, "You wanna cum baby?~"
You nodded, trying to find the right words to say but couldn't be able to pronounce them aloud to him.
Buggy licked his lips, tasting the old cherry flavored lipstick he applied way early in the day. "Do it~" his grip tightened, pushing his hips into you roughly, bringing a loud moan out of from your chest.
"Cum for me, cum for your husband. I want to hear you sing my name for the show. Every. Single. Show!~"
With one final push, his cock ticked your g-spot, sending you into feel euphoric shot. Your nails dig into his back, leaving deep red marks for later as your walls clenched down around his cock, warm liquid spurting out of you. You reached a point of total bliss, moaning still as buggy continued to slowly fuck into you before a deep rumbling moan left his chest, his hips stuttering a bit before his liquid spewed into your cunt.
His cum coated your insides, white of his product. Both of your eyes were clouded with a lustful aura, your room stenched with the smell of sex and sweat. Your thighs quivered as both yours and Buggy's cum leaked out of your puffy walls once he pulled his cock out of you slowly -almost cumming at the new feeling of fresh air from your insides- your inner thighs and folds burning intensely from the harsh thrusts.
Buggy could see how out of you were, and granted so was he. You both haven't been this 'passionate' together in so long, both of you couldn't help going this far with each other. It was most needed.
Many people wouldn't expect it, and dear god if anyone besides you found out, but he was certainly an affectionate man in bed surprisingly when it came down to the final moments like this, wanting nothing more then to craddle you in his arms and love you. He could be the most disrespectful man between your chunky thighs and then give you all the kisses in the world for you.
He rolled you both over in the bed, pulling your sweaty body onto his. Your poor lingerie was torn at this point, the fabric just barely hanging on as all your mounds of flesh spilled out and collided with his.
You breathed heavily, trying to compose yourself and find a steady point as your thighs shook with a great deal. Buggy wrapped his arms around your, keeping you close to him. He nuzzles his face into your chest, smothering his face in the valley of your breasts.
He kissed the skin in-between your mounds. The kisses weren't light, making sure his makeup smeared on your skin, but he made sure they were hard or rough, knowing how over stimulated your body was from his electric touch.
For Buggy, this, this was his heaven, this was his treasure, this was his favorite show. He had a deep love and appreciation for you that he hasn't felt for so long, and for a while he was worried that you wouldn't feel the same way for him anymore when he became busy with meetings.
You shakily hold your husband's cheeks in your hands, your thumbs rubbing his greasy skin as you moved his head from your breasts and made him look up at you.
You lean just enough to press your lips onto his, turning your head just a smidge so his nose could have a comfortable spot resting against the side of your nose or cheek. You both closed your eyes into the kiss, letting your lips do all the talking.
You moved in synchronization, letting your tongues intertwine with each other in a waltz like dance.
It didn't last long, however. You pulled away, a thin layer of salvia connecting your wet lips from his. Your lips went up and kissed his forehead, whispering softly, "I love you, my Bugs~"
Buggy's hold tightens around you, his hands gripping your walls as they spill over his finger tips. He has only ever heard those words leave the mouths of three people who are or once were important to him in his life.
His mother
And you
Buggy always loves the spotlight being on him, no matter what, wanting the attention with every chance he gotten. He wanted all eyes on him, to see him shine, to have the chance to put on a spectacular performance, hence why the meetings he would go to would help him get the spotlight he wanted.
But he knew, the only eyes he needed was yours. His beloved. His wife. Your eyes and attention, was the only one he craved for each and every day no matter how he presented himself as a dangerous and cruel pirate to those who imposed a threat to him and his crew.
Buggy looked up at you as you pulled back, locking onto your colored orbs. He couldn't help but smile gleefully as he stared at the beautiful woman laying beside him, genuinely happy to spend time with you once more.
"I... I love you, sweetcheaks. My wife~"
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mllenugget · 9 months
Hello I mcyt fandom-ified la Team du Lundi members and wrote a shit ton of text about it
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After exhausting myself on trying to catch up on the current QSMP lore I got a sudden craving for a more familiar and fast paced kind of minecraft content and ended up rewatching all the Team du Lundi's SMP best of's I could find
And while doing so with my brain still hazed in fandom brainrot, I started picking up on minor details or info the players casually dropped, and drew parallels to the French speakers' QSMP counterparts This is going to be a long wordy post I don't even know what I am rambling about and for. Three things you need to be aware of about la Team du Lundi before reading :
Baghera, Antoine and Etoiles are the only QSMP players that are part of la Team du Lundi
As far as I remember the only two elements that suggest that la Team du Lundi's SMP could be canon to QSMP are Antoine being pressured into building another Tower of Shit, and Baghera's infamous fountain being mentioned when she was asked if her character remembers anything from her past before the island
La Team du Lundi's SMP was NOT a roleplaying server, it was just a private survival server for a small circle of friends casually playing together. So whenever I quote someone in this specific post, it is the streamer : there is no character other than the persona the streamer is usually showing on stream, but I just thought it would be fun to interpret certain situations while keeping in mind the QSMP lore. And here goes :
Baghera claims that when she was a kid she strongly believed that she could breathe underwater. The others joke about her having fins
Antoine jokingly tells Baghera he doesn’t need oxygen at all
Antoine claims he will still be alive thousands of years forwards
Antoine’s voice shifts when he wants to appear creepy
Baghera built an aquarium at her place, then helped Antoine build one at his tower, then built a giant swimming pool, then a fountain, then a waterslide- do you see a theme ?
Baghera knows that her skin is actually that of a chick and not a duckling, and calls it so here
Chat said that Baghera has a middle child syndrome, justifying that she bullies Angle Droit because Etoiles bullies her in the first place (Etoiles has also called her « little sister » in a derogatory way)
Etoiles has repeatedly asked people to play Valorant with him at least once
Here's a clip of Etoiles getting languaged in french and owing "a gifted sub in the swear jar"
Unrelated random clip of Etoiles because it creates happy hormones in me brain
Etoiles is regularly refered to as "the warrior"
Etoiles guided the whole group during an expedition to the End and he was literally glowing doing so (enchanted arrows effect) Everyone called him "the guide"
Baghera was the one who gave the final blow to the Enderdragon (and died from magic right after)
Etoiles spent most of his time adventuring in order to bring stuff and gear back to everyone for their builds
Etoiles asked Aypierre for help in order to design a redstone door for his cave which could only open upon solving a puzzle (which was egg & arrow related) (Aypierre was not a member of the server)
Etoiles built a nightclub with the walls and ceiling covered in wardenblocks making it look like a starry sky. He also rehomed Allays holding golden apples inside claiming them to be the souls working for him and that they lived there peacefuly
Etoiles jokingly talks about Antoine acting jealous and violent towards him because Etoiles told him he wanted to go and visit Kameto (who also was not a member of the server)
Baghera (along with Horty) had a rivalry with Joueur du Grenier (host of the server with admin powers) after he decided to build a massive parking lot right next to their house. They countered by covering the whole thing with dirt, followed by JDG building a factory and the two parties went back and forth. Baghera argued that it was stupid because they didnt even have cars to begin with (which is a sentence she reused when talking about Forever's roads) Also she tells JDG that he could've built a seaport instead, which makes JDG contemplate the thought of building an airport (and though he ended up never building it, I am side eyeing the French's plane crash)
At some point JDG wonders about what a roleplaying minecraft server would look like (RPZ 2), to which Baghera replies that she has a hard time picturing the thing "We'd all just build things you see ? I don't think we'd create stories, we would all just be like "I'm a builder, ah you too ? Well awesome, builders, cool"" and I find this to be hilariously ironic (fun fact : Baghera had no idea that QSMP was a roleplaying server when she first joined and often claims she would've taken a different approach with her character had she known right off the gate)
As I was finishing to write this down, these fuckers (/lh) decided to host a closure night for the server as they've never really officially did it, everyone just sort of deserted the server after a while. Baghera, Etoiles and Antoine kept referring to QSMP throughout the night, mostly talking about how weird it felt without mods. Among other meta commentary things
They mentionned Cellbit and Bad multiple times as the group was trying to solve enigmas. Antoine talked about "the cultural sharing" between communities as he taught insults to each others with Mike, Roier and Maximus in their respective languages Multiple more players were namedropped (including eggs) while Antoine was talking about how the server functions
Yes, Baghera and Etoiles kept their QSMP skins. Etoiles with his code corrupted purgatory one, and Baghera with her fading pink disheveled hair (with the addition of her cubito wearing Horty's merch)
Baghera admits that going back to this small familiar vanilla server feels like coming back home to your family during the holidays
Team du Lundi's cameos in QSMP :
Though Pomme has never canonically met JDG (even though most of her parents have talked about him to her at least once), she occasionaly breaks the 4th wall to refer to him. She once compared one of BBH's "vacation" flower shirts with his, and when Foolish and Bad asked her to elaborate (obviously not getting the reference) she proceeded to play JDG's music theme with the flute instead (Also I really feel the need to once more point out how mindblowing it is for your average french speaking viewer to have JDG's intro theme being added to the mod they use in the QSMP because of how anchored it is within french internet pop culture. Like this shit has been existing for 14 fucking years, it's part of the childhood of a lot of us, so to find a clip of British hardcore player Philza peacefuly listening to Mexican egg admin Tallulah play this theme on her flute feels like a multiverse fever dream)
Horty has been on Quesadilla Island through cc!Baghera's account, but neither of them really wanted to justify it RP wise. Baghera just wanted to give her best friend a tour of the island. Horty only got to meet Richarlyson who gave her a tour of Cellbit's castle and made her pick a room (she chose Chaos). She also chatted with Etoiles who tagged along for a bit and (this is obviously justified by it being a one-shot out of roleplay filler episode kind of night) they both already knew each other and were on friendly enough terms to bicker with one another Also she was part of the French speakers Quackity reached out to to invite on the server, but she had to decline because she was very busy at that time (and also not interested) Also also she was Baghera's teammate for that Formula 4 event, and Baghera has discussed it and showed pictures to a couple of islanders, including Richas who was very hyped about it
Another player the viewers were hoping to see on Quackity's server is Mynthos. He exists within the server with the picture of him that hangs in Pomme's art gallery, the cursed animation video that used to play in La France, as well as with Aypierre's health potion factory that bears his name
Angle Droit and Zerator are sometimes namedropped when the French speakers talk with their chat. Angle Droit frequently raids Baghera's and Antoine's streams, and though it has never been confirmed, a lot of viewers theorized that she was the +1 player Baghera and Etoiles wanted to invite on the server had they won the elections.
As for Zera, Etoiles went AFK on QSMP a couple of times in order to test some of Zerator's TrackMania maps (which he later discussed with Pac). I also remember a very trivial conversation Etoiles had with Mouse and Aypierre where he laughed about hurting his back very badly after carrying a fellow streamer during a caritative event, said event was hosted by Zerator (he's also the one judging them with concern from his desk)
I'm done.
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Bonus alternative design for Angle Droit because at first I thought she was a fox then it turned out she was a corgi but then she changed it again to a fox and woop
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blradley · 22 days
A powerpoint introduction to Liesmyth!
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(I swear the next one will actually be in Comic Sans... shout out to @incandescent-creativity for popularizing this medium!)
Do you wanna read a dark, Norse-inspired Adult Fantasy?
Do you wanna read about queer gods causing mayhem?
(literally every single character is queer lmaooooo)
Do you wanna support a queer, multiply disabled author?
Look no further than Liesmyth! We're out on subs at the moment - so, pretty-please reblog this powerpoint if you like the concept! Let's prove to all those prospective publishers that there's an audience for my book!
Image IDs:
All eleven images are power point slides.
Image 1: Title card reading 'Liesmyth: or, how Sigyn ruined everything, by B. L. Radley'. The words are displayed over a person in (...vaguely) Viking-era garb, against a green background. Only a slice of their torso is visible.
Image 2: A picture of an ash tree against a green, cool, mountainous scene. In a yellow text box, words read: Welcome to a world inspired by Norse mythology, where witches can climb through the cosmos using the boughs of an ancient ash tree, and any magic is possible, so long as it is cast with a suitable sacrifice. Yes, it’s basically a Viking Isekai. Shoot me. Then, a quote in italics: I know an ash tree named Yggdrasil, Nine realms cradled in its loamy arms… Prophecy of the Voluspa, verse 19
Image 3: Meet the characters! An image shows a white woman in Viking-era dress, leaning against a fence, looking pensieve. She is introduced as Sigyn Narisdottir. Her quote is: “It’s a God-eat-God world out there…” Below this, there is a description of Sigyn, reading: Just a nice, normal Christian woman from a nice, normal Christian village. (Totally not a gay witch, haha no, why would you suggest such a thing.) After her father is killed by his own God, Þórr, Sigyn has only one chance to free his trapped ghost from eternal torment. She must confront Þórr and slay him in combat. But how can a mortal defeat a God? Traits are bullet pointed at the bottom of the page. Hers are: Ruthless, ambitious, cunning, and desperate.
Image 4: The next character description is of Loki. His quote is “Monsters lost their menace when they huddled crying in the corner. And when you might use them for your own ends.” His image shows a clean-shaven half-naked man sat against a scandinavian-esque backdrop of rugged rocks and dried grass. He is white, with curly red hair, and is looking curiously off to one side. His description reads: The savior of the Gods, or their bane? A framed innocent, or a prophesized murderer? A victim, or a monster? Loki is a man of juxtaposed polarities, not least of which being that he isn’t a man at all. At least, not when it doesn’t suit him. Sigyn knows he’s dangerous. But in the viper nest of Ásgarð’s royal court, he might be her only ally… or her downfall. His traits are: Sly, wily, and 'not to be trusted'.
Image 5: The two characters introduced on this slide are Freyja and Thor. Freyja's image is of an Arab woman staring directly at the camera, expression serene, curly hair falling around her face. Her quote is: “Goddess of beauty. Goddess of desire. All who saw Freyja fell a little in love—but though silken longing stirred in my belly, I wrung it dead, reminding myself that Freyja was a goddess of bloodshed, too.” Her description reads: Queen of the Vanir, Freyja is an ancient and powerful goddess who takes Sigyn as her indentured servant. Her traits are: Proud, cold, and vicious. On the opposite side of the page, Thor's image shows a white, bearded man in an iron helmet glaring into the camera, viking sigils scrawled across his face in charcoal. He is shadowy and menacing. His quote is: “I saw a rainbow flash over a church. I saw a broken sky. I saw the end of everything.” His description is: Eldest prince of the Æsir. Murderer of Sigyn’s father, and countless more beside. The living embodiment of berserker rage, he is the strongest god around – and next to inherit Ásgarð’s throne. Unless Sigyn can stop him. His traits are: Violent, mighty, and 'a storm made flesh'
Image 6: introduces Angrboda and Baldr. Angrboda's image shows a white woman with blonde braids, wearing chain mail and warpaint (black streaks over her face), with a huge axe over one shoulder. Her quote is: “ ‘Sigyn, meet Angrboða: witch of the Ironwoods, god of a lost nation, relic of an elder age, master of magics that not even my darling brother dares dabble in, cosmopolitan worldwalker, mother and father of my children, and—if I might say so—a practitioner of truly superlative strap-game.’ ” Baldr's image is of Assad Zaman, looking wistfully, beautifully, into the camera. His quote is: “Out strode the most beautiful man in all the Nine Worlds. His gentle smile, his topaz eyes, his black curls, the fawn velvet of his cheeks… Oh, warmth radiated from him. I looked at him and felt, for the first time in oh-so-very-long, safe.”
Image 7: introduces Saga and Menglod. Saga's image shows a Black woman in darkness, with facial tattoos and a nose ring. She raises her eyes to the camera, pulling back a dark hood, her expression difficult to read. Her quote is: “In another version of this tale, I stayed with Sága. We travelled to Ljósálfheim every winter—one for every six of Vanaheim’s years—and raised foundlings as our own (for ever were the elvish freer with their loves than those of my world). But in this tale, we reached Freyja’s palace, and I had a dream.” Her description is: Prophet, witch, worldwalker. The woman Sigyn left behind. Menglod's image shows a Black woman smiling slightly, slyly, as she looks back over her shoulder, her natural hair framing her face. Her quote is: “If I tended the hearth in Freyja’s chamber, I left ash on her floors. If I swept the ash, I left streaks invisible to any eyes but Menglǫð’s. If I breathed, I did so far too loudly and regularly, and if I were a considerate soul, I would stop.” Her description is: Freyja’s attendant, and Sigyn’s main rival for her favor.
Image 8: So, like, wtf happens? Set against a background of dramatic red-on-black fire is a description of the book's plot, as follows: Crumbling kingdoms. Hungering Gods. One woman who will end the worlds. Loki, Norse god of fire and mischief, will be tortured until the end of time. And he shall deserve every minute. At least, that’s how the story goes. Behind every great man is a great woman, and behind every genderfluid trickster-god is a spouse who darns his socks, plots his victories and keeps his secrets, as well as her own. After a thousand years of agony, Loki looks to the woman who kneels by his side – his jailer, his torturer, his wife – and asks for a different story. Hers.
Image 9: a continuation of the plot from the previous slide, this time with a cool blue lake as the background, with a viking-style ship floating atop its surface. The image feels less calming, more unnerving in its stillness and the lack of human life. The description reads as follows: Down with the gods. So swore Sigyn, a young mortal woman, after watching her father die at godly hands. One millennium later, she has joined the same pantheon she once despised. Now, as Ragnarǫk approaches – the end of all Nine Worlds – Sigyn narrates the tale of the Norse Gods’ fall, and her own.
Image 10: Themes. A picture of two crossed axes accompanies a list of themes, which are: 1) Revenge. What is a life worth? And what would you give up, to avenge the life of someone you love? 2) Corruption. Can you ever fix a broken system from the inside? Or will it, inevitably, consume you? and 3) Divinity. What does it mean, to become a god? What might you lose along the way?
Image 11: A picture of Loki as a woman, with red hair, dressed in a Viking-style dress and sat on the edge of a Scandinavian dock, accompanies text that reads: This book is for you if you like... Queer-led, queer-written fantasy, with main wlw and nonbinary characters! Court drama and political intrigue, mixed with a sizzling dash of mythology! A prophecy that cannot be averted; a tragedy that cannot be outrun…
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velvrei · 6 months
love your sub!mike sm. plz write more 🫶
ofc!! he’s my favorite person to write :)
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pairing : mike schmidt x reader
summary : mike has been wondering what kind of books his lovely girlfriend has been reading. one day he looks for himself and is surprised. not only by what you’re reading, but how badly he wants to try all of it.
warnings : icebreaker by hannah grace, suggestive content, not smut but close to it, degradation, dom! mike
word count : 2.4k
nsfw below the cut
you sat on the couch, right leg crossed over your left as you turned the page in your book. you were reading and had been so invested in it, it was starting to annoy mike.
the little time he got to spend with you, you were reading. why couldn’t you just read while he was at work then spend time with him when he finally got home and abby was at daycare already?
a concept he didn’t understand, he normally would just keep his mouth shut and be grateful for the mini conversations you too had during your chapter switches.
he didn’t even know what had his girlfriend so intrigued, yearning to read the next page. legs always crossed and your lip caught between your teeth as you read on.
you were too focused in your page that you didn’t notice mike slowly approaching you, and before you knew it, he snatched the book from your hands.
you flinched and went to grab it but he hid it from you and watched as your whole body filled with worry.
“mike!” you squealed, watching as he held the book away from you and laughed as you tried to retrieve it.
“icebreaker.” mike reads the cover. “what has my girlfriend so intrigued?” he asked, started to look at the pages, skimming over the one you were reading moments before.
“babe, you can’t do that!” you shouted, trying to get the book from him one last time but failing, so at that point you gave up and just let him read.
you happened to be on page 136, which was convenient and you started to feel embarrassed.
as mike read on, you watched his expressions change, eyebrows raising and his mouth eventually falling open as his eyes scanned the second half of the page.
when he finished reading, his eyes slowly raised to look at you, but you were looking at the tv pretending you weren’t stalking him from the corner of your eye.
“this is quite a book,” he started. you scoffed, impatiently waiting for his teasing to start.
“fuck me like you hate me,” he quotes, looking at you, realizing that you’re looking away.
he slowly walks up to you, sitting next to you on the couch. his hand roams from your thigh then up to your face, touching your chin and turning your head so you’re forced eye to eye with him.
“is that why you’re so invested in this?” his tone is gentle, not what you expected. “is that what you want? you want me to fuck you like i hate you?”
his words and the thought caused a whimper to leave your mouth, usually you’d be embarrassed but it showed him how much you wanted it.
he chuckled, looking up and down at your face, admiring your beauty. “let’s read on, then, shall we?”
he grabbed the book, keeping eye contact with you as he skimmed over the next page.
you were confused as to what he was doing but very turned on by how serious he was taking this. you expected his teasing and maybe a laugh, but this was the opposite.
he turned the page and skimmed the next two, his smile widening when he made it about halfway through page 139.
“you want me to talk to you like that, baby?” his words sent shivers down your spine. as his eyes left the page, he looked over at you, nothing but lust behind his pupils.
your usually submissive boyfriend, was now somehow reading fucking icebreaker, right next to you. and he wasn’t at all weirded out by it. you were astonished.
he was ready to be dominant, you were more than ready for him to dom you.
he read the rest of page 139, feeling his pants tighten and turning to look at you once he finished reading.
“i didn’t know you liked it rough, baby. could’ve just told me that instead of letting me look liken fool.” his words stung, not only to your heart but to your core. she was throbbing.
“fuck, i’m sorry, i-“ you were at a loss for words and he found it the cutest thing ever.
“don’t speak baby. show me you’re sorry.” his words made your legs tremble. never had he ever spoken to you like he was now. you were so confused, yet so turned on.
he kept one hand on the book as he let his hand roam up and down your body, the smallest amount of friction causing you to wince and smile as you realized he was letting his dominant side out.
you loved when he was submissive. but this, this was different. and you couldn’t get enough of it.
you slowly went to straddle him, your lips touching, then slowly progressing as you made out and your hands roamed and tugged on his hair.
he still had one hand on the book while the other came up to grab your hair, yanking it back and watching as your mouth fell open.
he watched your face as you were lost for words, his smile sent an aching feeling straight to your core.
your back arched as he read the next moment out loud, beginning of page 140. “like this?” he quoted, yanking your hair once again.
you let out a loud moan, watching as his eye shape somehow formed from doe to siren. his eyes intensified on you and looked you up and down.
he set down the book, throwing a sticky note inside to save your page before closing it. he placed both his hands in your waist, staring intensely into your eyes.
“you like being treated like a slut, don’t you?” you nodded slowly, watching as he eyed you up and down, hands roamed from your waist to your ass.
“yes, mike.” your words made him raise an eyebrow.
“first name basis, huh?” he chuckled.
after a few seconds of silence, his right hand slowly moved up your body, stopping at your neck. he looked at your face for any sign of concern, all he saw was need.
your eyes basically begging, daring him to do it. you gave him a soft nod of approval.
he hesitated, so you brought you hand to his, squeezing his hand around your throat, moaning at the sudden tight feeling.
“that’s what you were hinting at.” he smiled, scoffing, “so you’ve been wanting me to choke you, but haven’t bad the courage to tell me, so now you show me? fucking pathetic.”
you moaned loudly at his words, back arching, and your crotch accidentally rubbing against his clothed cock.
both of you moaned, you knew this moment would permanently change your sex life with him, and you couldn’t wait.
“tonight, you do what i say, got it?” you gulped at his words.
you blinked a few times to remind yourself this is real, and not something you’d read in one of your books.
“yes, sir.”
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augenblicklich-lila · 2 years
cod incorrect quotes #4
I did warn you that I have a ton of these :D
the usual jazz, mainly Y/N/reader stuff, platonic and romantic, also some suggestive stuff but I feel like that's a given with these dummies. Also has some Soapghost!
at some point, I feel like a masterlist might be useful.
- Lila
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛ ♛ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ━━✫・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーーJ   °。+ *´¨)
Y/N: Made you all playlists! Y/N: Ghost, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul. Y/N: König, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression. Y/N: And Soap has the ABBA Gold album.
Price: For self-defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely. Ghost, Soap, & Y/N: Okay. Price: If you don't want to die, give me all your money. Soap: Bold of you to assume I have money. Ghost: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die. Y/N: Bold of you to assume I can die.
Y/N: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess. Ghost: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to? Soap: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit. Gaz: Guys.
Soap: I just found out from Gaz today that when Sheperd died and the service did the 21-gun salute at his funeral, Y/N said, “They should aim at the coffin to be sure.”
Gaz: What’s up with Ghost? He's been laying on the floor for like….an hour now? Soap: He's just a little overwhelmed. Gaz: Why? Soap: Y/N smiled at him.
Price: sees Ghost and Soap together Price: They're cute. I would put them on a boat. Y/N: You mean… you ship them?
Y/N: I am darkness. I am power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Soap: A doll. Gaz: A cinnamon roll. Ghost: A sweetheart. Y/N: Y/N: …stop it.
Price, teaching Y/N to drive: Okay, you're driving and Soap and Graves walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit? Y/N: Oh, definitely Graves. I could never hurt Soap. Price, massaging his temples: The brakes. You hit the brakes.
Y/N: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything? Ghost: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital. Y/N: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you. Ghost: But I heard a siren. Gaz: That was Soap. Soap: Sorry, I got nervous.
Y/N: That's ridiculous, Ghost doesn't have a crush on me. Price: Yes, he does. Gaz: Yes, he does. Ghost: Yes I do.
Gaz: What is it called when you kill a friend? Ghost: Homicide. Soap: Murder. Y/N: Homiecide.
König: What is love? Alejandro: An emotional minefield. Ghost: A neurochemical reaction. Y/N & Soap: Baby don't hurt me.
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛   ∧_∧ (。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨) “Hie thee home, little wanderer.”
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omentranslates · 4 months
Not gonna bother titling this ok so at Momocon yesterday they showed a relationship chart that showed both the English and original Japanese text and I have some INSIGHTS (JUST INSIGHTS) about how they translated it and they're mostly superfluous but I have rabies about this anime SO
(+) in Knives's line about Vash the language implies that Knives believes Vash has already been brainwashed not that he's in the process of it and also that the brainwashing IS his love of humanity. Lit translation including every word: "Wants to save his younger brother who has been unfortunately brainwashed/mindcontrolled into follies such as loving humans" (does not specify that loving humans is the only "folly" actually uses particle that suggests there are others and Vash is doing multiple things Knives disapproves of (you could probably use a more normal word than folly like literally just foolish action but I like folly bc I think it has the same weird vibe as 愚 which is part of the word he uses in JP))
(+) in JP the same word is used for mindcontrolled in Livio's line is used for brainwashed in Knives's line about Vash
(+) part of Vash's line to Wolfwood is left out: "thinks he's an intrinsically good person AND wants him to be good again, Lit. translation "wants him to return from bad back to being good (of his own volition)"
(+) phrasing that they translated to irritable is 気に食わない, I JUST HAVE A DIFFERENT PREFERENCE I JUST THINK THIS PHRASE HAS A VIBE THAT GOES A LITTLE BEYOND "IRRITATED" my personal favorite eng equivalent is "unable to stomach" if it was my tl I would say: "because Vash's pacifist ideals run contrary to his own beliefs he cannot stomach them"
(+) the section they titled Fanatics in JP is 狂信者 (lit. fanatic, never seen 狂 used in a way that wasn't negative) instead of 崇拝者 (more positive connotation ig, lit. worshipper) and they seem to be using these terms kind of interchangeably bc they also in the description of the Eye of Michael use the word 崇敬派. Legato notably calls the cult 崇拝者 in episode 6 and Roberto uses 崇敬派 to describe them in episode 5 and I FEEL like I remember the subs translating that part to fanatical or fanatics or something equally negative but I can't remember and I can't check the episode for a while so don't quote me if I'm stupid I also don't remember where or if they say 狂信者 in the anime they probably do but I wasn't looking out for that one sorry this is literally just me rambling abt word association than something more comprehensive
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tinyidle · 1 year
Gp Ceo Shuhua going to a strip club to get rid of stress and she sees stripper reader and takes her to a private room,ill let your imagination decide what happens next ;)))
hear me out(2)
wc: 1.3k
ահąէ ì աąղէ - YSH × YN
WARNING: smut, mentions of a lapdance/private dance, striptease (but not from the dancer), kissing and groping, small mentions of masturbation, cowgirl, unprotected sex, messy creampie, a bit of a rushed orgasm, dom!shuhua, domanitrix shuhua, b!gd¡ck shuhua, sub! reader, fem reader, needy reader, all fiction ofc
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤᘡ ۫ 𖨂 𓈒 🦑 ۟ ៹ 𓂂
being a ceo for Queencard Enterprises is not easy at all. in fact, it was extremely draining. all shuhua wanted to do was relax and have some fun for once. and so, after three long months of leading and marketing and stressing and barely getting any sleep, she finally got that chance.
the strip club, famously known as Club Nxdix, is one of the most high-end hangout spots in seoul, and only the richest of the rich could even get a wiff of the place. it would be a lie to say that shuhua's been saving for this moment, since she used to frequent the area often. she just wanted to relax here again after so long not being able to.
her silky soulful blue dress looked just as shiny as ther disco ball in the dim lighting of the club, as for a second all the millionaire sleaze bags turned their gaze towards her. it was until she gave each man a dominant glare that they remembered who she was, quickly turning their lustful eyes back to the strippers in fear of shuhua wrapping their ties around their necks.
she took her seat in the spot she used to always take, ordering her old usual drink. looking at the performers, she spotted you in this sunning mermaid performance outfit. the rainbow-pink-to-blue coloring adorning your barely covered breasts and crotch looked stunning on you, and the incredible tricks you performed on the pole caught everyone's eye. but what got her the most was the way you performed. it was like you were seducing her to take you right then and there, and she was going to get you.
once you finished your dancing bit and was on the way to ask the men if they'd pay for a private dance, you heard someone quickly interject.
"i'll have that private dance with you," she spoke out. you saw the man you were about to ask starting to protest, which was immediately shut down from the woman's death look. she then turned back to your gaze, spitting out a price tag for the dance that had all the men around you gasp.
liking her attitude, you smirked and nodded. "okay," you obliged. "to room 202".
the room was huge and was definitely for those who paid a hefty sum for the dancer, and shuhua was that person. bills upon bills of constant hundreds were being poured on your body as you seductively swayed your hips to the invisble beat of the outside music, as shuhua suggested you to dance to beat of your own rhythm. when you were about to finish your performance, you were stopped by the woman's hands on your leg.
"um," you chuckeled nervously, even though you didn't mind at all. "customers aren't allowed to touch performers."
they woman smiled to herself, laughing a little before replying to you. "baby, im no ordinary 'customer'," she repeated in air quotes. "i come here all the time, your boss knows me, the older strippers here know me. hell, the shitbags they call rich men out there know me. im yeh shuhua, so i get what and who i want." her hand that rested on your leg traveled up your thigh, lightly gripping it. making you gasp. "and i want you."
to say you were turned on would be the biggest understatement known to mankind. you wanted her, needed her. she gave you more confidence and sense of security more than any other man or woman you've ever been with in and out he club. just as you were about to melt in her touch, shuhua let go of your thigh.
"that is, if you want me to take you."
you desperately wanted to beg for her touch, but you didn't to look as needy as your now soiled panties were feeling.
"see, i have wanted to relieve myself of stress from working so, damn hard," shuhua slurred, slipping her dress off, revealing her braless breasts covered with nipple covers. her thong was the same color as her skin tone, the tease. she wanted to fuck all along, you thought.
"and nothing would feel better than to have a sexy performer help relieve me of my aching back, or aching nipples." she careful popped off the nipple covers, her hard buds on display for you to see before taking off the last of her bottoms. her cock was long and thick, something you haven't seen in a while. you couldn't take it anymore, deciding to join her naked figure on the couch and kneel next to her, waiting for her to tell you what to do next.
shuhua laughed at your current state right next to her, your guard completely let down. "i told you i always get what and who i want," her voice laced with poisonous vixenry. "now, my lovely pet, what do you want?"
you set your head down as your eyes turned up, becoming completely submissive for the woman. "i want to please you, mistress."
her eyes quirked up at the name. "mistress? i like the sound of that." and with that, shuhua guided your lips to her own, kissing with ravenous hunger as her hands were busy toying with your body. you gasped and hummed as your nipples and ass were constantly getting pinched and smacked, the connection between your mouths being a mixture of messiness.
when you two finally detached from each other, shuhua leaned back on the couch and wrapped her hand around herself, stroking it lazily. "do you want to wet my dick with your mouth or that pussy of yours?"
instead of answering, you raised you leg over her hips and squatted down to take her length whole. the stretch felt incredible, and if not for you playing with yourself the other day you wouldnt've been able to handle it. but you did, and shuhua was mesmerized by how tight yet perfect you were around her.
"mm, shit-" you moaned out, her hardness twitching inside you. gosh, she felt amazing.
"wow baby, you feel fucking amazing." she groaned out, her hands connecting with your hips almost instantly. "i wonder how many men have fucked you like this before me." you blushed and looked away shyly, causing shuhua to smile.
she suddenly slapped your ass, making you yelp. "come on, pet. fuck mistress's cock. make her feel good."
with all the strength you could muster, you rolled your hips forwards and backwards on the woman below, getting more turend on with her words of encouragement. soon your rolling turned to full-on bouncing, feeling yourself getting close to cumming on the spot.
shuhua threw her head back, moaning and gasping loudly as she was getting closer and closer to cumming herself. "im gonna cum," she muttered through gritted teeth, her hips moving faster. "fuck, stay still." you were pulled forward as she pistoned her hips in and out of your sopping cunt, with you alomst crying as your orgasm rushed out of you like a gush of wind.
when you felt her thrusts inside you finally stop, you looked down at shuhua, feeling the pearly fluid flow from her cock slowly trickle down your thigh. "did i do good?" you asked shyly.
shuhua nodded. "oh god yes, pet. that was absolutely amazing." she wiped the sweat from her forehead and set her head on the couch, watching you pant on top of her with the remnants of her cum on your thighs. you were starting to feel woozy, trying to catch your breath after such a powerful release. "well, baby, it looks like you're coming home with me tonight."
you sat up and clung onto shuhua, letting the sensations sink in as she ran her fingers through your hair.
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risunsky · 10 months
I am sorry for bothering you, but if you don't mind, can you tell the tips for the very very begginers. I really want to start learning how to draw, but it is overwhelming and I don't no where to start and feel a little at loss
ha! One of these days I'm going to have to write something detailed and well-constructed to be able to answer these questions properly. ^^"
In any case, you're not bothering me at all and I'll try to give you a clear answer, but I apologise in advance if it's too long or if my English isn't good at times. In short version I would just quote Lorenzo from How to think when you draw : source
My long version:
It's hard because everyone functions differently, but I'd say that first of all you need to define a goal or a project that will be your driving force so that you don't lose your motivation. It could be a personal comics project or doing fan art, it doesn't matter as long as you're enthusiastic about it. If you have to choose between academic seriousness and fun, choose fun, because fun make you practice and practice make you progress anyway so you'll be less likely to get discouraged.
It's important to practice as regularly as possible, because your ability to draw is like a muscle that you need to maintain. If you don't practice enough, your progress will be slow, and if you don't practice for too long, you'll lose what you've learnt.
Having said that, learning fast is not an obligation - it depends on your goal.
For the technical aspects that you still need to learn between two sessions of fun, the order that seems logical to me is :
shape and volume || light and shade
colour theory
That's assuming you start by doing just characters before getting into complex backgrounds. And bearing in mind that certain parts are connected together and can be learned simultaneously. For example, I've put perspective towards the end, assuming that you come to the backgrounds last, but it's useful for drawing characters too.
To make each of these parts easier, they need to be broken down into stages.
Shape and volume || Light and shade :
Shape and volume :
Basically, it's useful for everything else. understanding shapes allows you to decompose complex subjects so that you can reproduce them more easily. Absolutely everything around you and everything you want to draw can be decomposed in this way. It will then help you to know how to apply light and shade. A good article here. Light and shade : not knowing how to sum it up in a few words, I found some useful links :
[link] [link] [link] these three articles talk about the same thing, but maybe if you look at what else their authors have in stock you'll find something different or explained in a way that suits you better.
Anatomy :
Once you know how to build a human being with tubes and rectangles, you can go into more detail about anatomy. You can start with the head alone, practising drawing it from all angles, with different characteristics, different expressions etc, then arms, then torso, etc and then gradually moving on to the whole human body. Study the skeleton and musculature, it sounds annoying but it really changes everything. Even if it's possible to know how to position a character correctly without it, the result will inevitably be better with it and it'll make your task easier and drawing skeletons is great fun! This doesn't mean that you have to learn every single piece by heart, just that you know enough to be able to place the bumps and hollows in the right places. a good article for beginners, giving the balance needed to avoid being overwhelmed by the study of anatomy. I suggest as an exercise : with the help of references and tutorials, draw a character 4 times in an identical posture, except that first you only do the skeleton, then the musculature, then a normal nude, and finally with clothes to familiarise yourself with the behaviour of the fabrics. (The folds and drapes are, I think, a sub-chapter of the anatomy part because clothes.) about folds and drapery [link] [link]
Colour theory :
Basically, it's what colour you get when you mix these two together, or which colour is best for shadowing this other one, or to produce a certain mood over the whole illustration, I have to limit my palette to these colours and so on. Again, I can't summarise this easily but it's a big important part. Just type colour theory in google or pinterest and you'll find so many good tutorials. Note: again I think that, colour and light / shade are connected and should be learned simultaneously.
[link] [link]
Perspective :
For this part it's easy to broke it in steps. Start by practising with a single vanishing point to understand the principle, then two points, then three, then the fish-eye effect. I forced myself to do the spiral staircase exercise with the perspective, it was terrible but once you've done it and understood what you've done then you're good. Better, you can test your understanding of perspective by having fun reproducing Escher's impossible constructions. I love his work. 1 point [link][link] 2 points [link][link] 3 points [link][link] [Escher]
Composition :
It's one of the last things I learnt and I can really guarantee that there was a before and an after to it. Composition is one of the fundamental that will make you say: I'm an illustrator, in the sense that I know how to tell a story, evoke a feeling with a single drawing. [link] [link] [link] [link]
To come back to more general things, accept that it can take time, it's OK if it's not great at first, we've all been there. Don't put pressure on yourself and don't make yourself feel guilty by comparing yourself to others. Be curious too, look for new challenges, and always do it for fun. Finding a community in which you can make artist friends with whom you can share projects can also be great, because you feed off each other and that helps to keep you motivated. Don't be afraid of failure, failure is good, failure is your friend. Because once you've identified the reason why you think your drawing is a failure or not good enough, you'll remember to pay attention the next time or it'll motivate you to do more training on that point. Knowing things is good, but turning them into reflexes is better.
Here it is, I hope it helps, most of the resources I learnt with were in French so I quickly tried to find the English equivalent, I checked them quickly, but I think it's ok. And, the links I've found are just entry points, in some cases you'll need to find other resources, like anatomy for example, but just type anatomy tuto on pinterest and see what seems easiest for you to start with. aaand this is the end, I think.
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mtkay13 · 2 years
The "there is light on you" line has a bunch of different translations that I've seen, do you have any more commentary or thoughts or insight about it?
Hi!! First of all, thank you for being interested in my commentary/thoughts on this, I feel very honoured. Second, not being a translator myself and only being very nerdy about mandarin and TYK, I decided to first have a little discussion about it with Lianzi and E whose insight I will also add to my response. Enjoy a long winded response!! haha.
Translating is in general quite tricky, and that sentence is even trickier in its own flavour. The original is : 你身上。。。有光。 Literally, it would be translated as : "On your body.... there is light" (which is also how the show was subbed). To be very honest, I never paid that much mind to it, however clunky it may sound. After all, as Lianzi pointed out, the original sentence also sounds a bit unusual. To directly quote her :
Here are the difficulties with translating it : - it's a short sentence that has to accomplish a lot of things: - emotional weight; convey wkx's delirium and reverence. 你身上有光 is kind of an unusual phrasing that should ping the ear as "that's strange" - semantic clarity: paint a mental picture of ZZS backlit with the rising sun
In the context of the story, in WKX's current mindset, and alongside that, him then trying to "catch" that light, he most probably perceives it as ZZS himself being luminous, emitting that light. ZZS is here for him, to pull him back into the light, into the human world. ZZS himself is the light. Based off that, there could already be two possible translations :
- (A) light shines from you. or - There's light shining on you.
I like the use of "shining" because it sounds brighter and carries a bit more... emotion, I would say, with it. Now, E also made a very poetic suggestion that I also quite like :
- You're bathed in light.
So... Yeah, not an easy sentence to work with, actually! I love how sweet and almost 'pure' the mandarin version sounds, and how efficient it is. How, like Lianzi put it, it does also ring a bit... delirious. But it does reflect how bright of a presence ZZS is for WKX at that very moment.
All of the above translations are attempts at retranscribing that feeling and its nuances... but it's not an easy task haha. Anyway, I guess that's my insight about it! And I thank E and Lianzi for helping me out, too. I can't wait to see what it will ultimately sound like in Lianzi's TL!!
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treasure-mimic · 1 year
Felt like messing around in photoshop today, so, what started as a want to create some franchise icons for Smash turned into full character mockups, so I put together my 10 most wanted characters for Smash Bros., whatever the next game looks like, and I’d like to post them and talk about them a bit.
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Quote is I think my most wanted newcomer to Smash, I really like and appreciate everything Cave Story has done, and I think if you’re talking about indie games, Cave Story has probably had the most influence on the industry. Kids today probably don’t know much of anything about this game, but trust me when I say there’d be no Hollow Knight, no Ori, no Celeste, without Quote.
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This one might be a little obvious nowadays, but I am fully behind the Waluigi train. Just one point of contention, I think people undersell his potential by just having him reference different sports games and spin-offs. I think the real play is to come up with a wholly original kit based around being a dirty cheater and trickster with a penchant for explosives.
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I’d much rather have Paper Mario than Dr. Mario if I’m being entirely honest with you.
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This one’s a bit weird, because I don’t have a huge fondness for Excitebike the game or Excitebiker the character, I’m just enamored with this concept of a fighting game character who fights entirely from the back of a motorcycle. I just think that’s wicked as hell. I’ll take it in whatever form I can.
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Metroid Dread is in strong contention for my favorite Metroid game ever, and it did finally give us a character with a body plan and toolkit that lends itself to Smash, outside of Sylux and the Hunters, whom I’m not the biggest fans of. I’ve had some contentious history with the way Smash fans talk about Metroid, so I guess I’ll put it out now that I think if, at this point, you’re not vouching for Raven Beak, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
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Love me some DS VNs, Professor Layton I think at this point has the strongest ties to Nintendo and, since Phoenix Wright got to play in Marvel 3, it should be his time to shine, though I wouldn’t be opposed to any of them.
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Honestly, every generation of Pokemon there’s a couple of new mons that I think would make sick Smash characters, and will inevitably get passed up for a lame starter. Nihilego deserves a spot, dammit, she’s more plot important than any number of fire/fighting muscleheads. But if we’re shilling for the most recent gen, you can’t go wrong with a giant hammer.
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The Heavy is commonly in talks around Smash Bros. wishlists, especially here in the West, but the obvious problem rears its head pretty quickly. He’s a giant, lumbering, immobile mass whose main weapon takes several seconds to start up and then chews through anything it hits. This is my counterproposal, I think the Scout is just as iconic as the Heavy, comes with a lot of fun weapons and abilities, and actually has some mobility. Imagine using a downward Force-A-Nature shot to recover while spiking someone into the blast zone!
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This is for sure a weird one, but once the idea came to me I started getting really attached to it. The number of Enderman variants from Minecraft Dungeons gives the Enderman a surprising amount of variance to pull from, and the Ender Dragon could be its Final Smash.
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For the final suggestion, this is for sure a “there’s no chance in hell” but also “it would be really funny”. Scorpion, I think, best represents the aesthetics of Mortal Kombat, a ninja with fire, bladed weapons, and the ability to teleport, which centers him more than Sub-Zero who uses ice, Raiden who uses lightning, and Liu Kang who’s just a martial artist. Leaning heavy on the fire aspect is also a good way to nerf MK’s hypergore for a Rated E10+ game, though that really is the central appeal of Scorpion, trying to shove this edgelord into a kiddy cartoon beat-em-up.
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
It's the end of July, so I hope it's OK asking. a Youtuber I know is doing a series about depictions of Atlantis, and of course, wants to talk about Namor. But he's (and I quote) "struggling to find a definitive comic arch or graphic novel to go with." Do you have any suggestions? (I apologize if you've been asked this before, I'm recovering from a sinus infection and don't have the energy to trawl your blog)
Always alright to ask, it's just been taking me some time to reply to stuff so thank you for being patient, I appreciate it. I hope you have recovered from being sick by now and even if you trawled my blog(s) you wouldn't find all the information you needed because I haven't spoken about every aspect of Marvel's Atlantis in depth and I mainly complain and moan about Marvel being stupid and not world building enough. lol. The wiki gives a linear explanation of Atlantis if you need hard facts and summaries but my view on Marvel's Atlantis is that it's a total mess.
As of my current count there are 8 origins/histories of Atlantis. However I'm sure Marvel will squeeze in a few more that make no sense and totally ignore everything that comes before it in the future. I'll discuss the history and different origins further into this post.
That youtuber is struggling to find a definitive arc on Marvel's Atlantis because there is no definitive arc or series of comics about Atlantis, unlike DC's Atlantis Chronicles (1990) which takes time to set up the history of DC's Atlantis in a concentrated mini series, Marvel's Atlantis is literally an afterthought. Even Nate Moore stated how little worldbuilding there is for Marvel's Atlantis.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever's Producer; Nate Moore; “But in thinking about from a filming standpoint, what’s interesting about publishing is Atlantis feels very Greco-Roman, vaguely drawn, and Namor’s backstory isn’t as interesting as you want it to be. And this is from somebody who’s read all the Namor books. It was like… it doesn’t have the depth that it could have."
I agree and disagree with Moore, while Atlantis's world building severely lacks depth in the comics, Namor's backstory is very original and very interesting. By backstory I literally mean that, his origin story, his mother and father, grandfather and scheming cousins, going to the surface world, meeting the Human Torch, joining the fight against Nazis, etc., if it wasn't so interesting to see then the character wouldn't have endured all these decades. However Moore speaks about Atlantis in this way to explain why they decided to change Atlantis to Talokan, and as you know I'm very pleased with Mcu!Namor & his world, and welcomed those changes because it finally put the work into building Namor's world. Someday I hope we get to see that 400 page Talokan bible that Hannah Beachler created for Wakanda Forever.
As I mentioned in my "Namor was never white to begin with" meta, Atlantis was introduced in Timely/Atlas/Marvel Comics before Aquaman's Silver Age Retcon. However breaking down the creation of Namor and his people goes a long way into explaining why Atlantis wasn't really focused on in Namor's world and why the change in the movies was necessary to bring Namor back to his original non Atlantean origins.
Bill Everett was a nautical enthusiast, and he had a fascination with Antarctica. In Saga of the Sub-Mariner (1988) Roy Thomas wrote several segments that feature Bill Everett's thoughts, and one important factor is that Everett never intended for Namor to be from Altantis to begin with.
It's interesting, then, that you didn't call your submerged world "Atlantis". Everett: No, I didn't want to, because Atlantis to me was another world, a world that existed and I believe it still does, somewhere. I don't think it's alive, but I think the remnants and relics are there somewhere. I think it was a continent that did exist at one time. But the idea of the submerged continent came from Atlantis.
Subby, Bill, & Me by Roy Thomas (Saga of the Sub-Mariner (1988) #5)
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So much of Namor's creatioin is drawn from inspiration; Tha-Korr's City (Antarctic Submerged Kingdom) is inspired by the myth of Atlantis. Namor's wings are a nod to the statue of Mercury/Hermes. "Namor" is "Roman" spelled backwards. Sub-Mariner comes from "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor-Coleridge. If you want more of Everett's history/interviews then I recommend reading Saga of the Sub-Mariner (1988), and Fire & Water; Bill Everett, The Sub-Mariner, and the Birth of Marvel Comics by Blake Bell.
Saga of the Sub-Mariner (1988) #8
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Namor's underwater world was never meant to be Greco-Roman even though Everett draws inspiration from the idea of it. The Greco-Roman Atlantis of Namor's world was added after Everett left the comics. However it was only truly reinforced and expanded by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee in the Silver Age Fantastic Four comics.
January 1949 - Sub-Mariner Comics (1941) #31 - The first time Namor mentions that he and his people are descendants of Atlantis. In context Namor is telling Betty a Tall Tale about how gravity was invented and makes mention of his ancestors from Atlantis, by the end Betty is left with wondering what was truth or fiction from Namor's story, however this was the only time Namor makes mention of Atlantis in those early years.
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In the Silver Age Namor's world is revamped, the people are no longer green and blue, and whatever colors the printers would decide, now they were a solid blue skinned race of Atlanteans from the lost city of Atlantis that sank during a Great Cataclysm. However if you read the first reappearance of Namor in Fantastic Four (1961) #4 you notice he never says Atlantis, only "My Undersea Kingdom"
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Marvel's many Atlantean Origins:
Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 1 we finally get the first origin. Namor, declares to the Fantastic Four that he is from the Empire of Atlantis, and later while Namor is disguised as a human scientist, he tells the world the origin of Atlantis, about his father and mother, and his own birth.
Origin #1: The Atlanteans were a sub-sea race of homo-mermanus, nomads who were born and lived in the sea, and they developed as surface nations do, they settled, built great cities, their people developed and created sciences and weapons, etc. They were a Myth to the surface world.
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As Namor's stories continue in Tales to Astonish and The Sub-Mariner, you see the cities are built and the Atlanteans are all dressed as an undersea fantasy Greco-Roman style, they worship Neptune as their god, and speak in a very archaic manner.
In the 70's Bill Everett came back to work on Namor comics in The Sub-Mariner series, however he was struggled with his health due to his life long alcohol addiction, he had quit drinking years ago but his health continued to decline until his death in 1973, and because he was working on Namor comics at the time he wasn't able to complete the required number of pages Marvel wanted, so after the main story Marvel had small mini stories of Namor's youth, and a later a segment called "Tales of Atlantis".
The Sub-Mariner (1968) #62-66
Origin #2: Atlantis was a Island Nation that was caught up in a war with Lemuria, the Deviants & Celestials, which leads to their country sinking into the sea, where later a young water breathing warrior stumbles across the lost city of Atlantis. The warrior has a vision of what Atlantis was, and what it will be, and then decides to go back to his people, the homo-mermanus, and make them give up their nomadic ways to settle in the sunken city and create an empire.
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Now this is where things get confusing and never stop being confusing for any fan of Namor's comics. Why? Because Marvel does not have all of the Atlantean History in a neat and tidy comic series like DC does, every instance of Atlantis and its history is split up among several comics series and books, and Marvel confuses things further by including Conan's Era, the Hyborian Age, which is meant to be in very distant past and they have Namor's Atlantis be of that Atlantis and there's Celestials, and Deviants, and Lemurians, and Amazons and on and on. It's a soup of "whatever" thrown in.
This would confuse any reader because so much of the Atlantean history is contradictory. No reader is going to know they need to read Conan to get a backstory on Atlantis before the Fall (The Great Cataclysm). No reader is going to care about the Space War between the Celestials and the Deviants or the Lemurian Deviants, or care about the copy/paste Lemuria which is just Atlantis but in the Pacific Ocean and it sank at the same time as Atlantis did. No reader is going to follow every comic to get the full picture. If we just read Namor comics its confusing enough, let alone adding in more. Not to mention Marvel's additional Marvel Universe books. It's safe to say from now that Atlantis is an afterthought and made up of a patchwork of stories over decades where no one cared about continuity or sense.
After all how is it we went from an evolved sea people to a island continent people who's city fell into the sea and then is found by those same sea people and the warrior is the spirit son of the fallen king and queen. See how confusing that is? But wait, it gets worse.
Saga of the Sub-Mariner (1988) #1
Origin #3: Now it's Deviant Lemuria who challenged the Celestials who punished the Lemurians, and Atlantis is caught up in the crossfire of that war. This origin follows the Tales of Atlantis origin.
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This next origin goes more into detail between the Elder Gods, the war between the Celestials & the Deviants, and Lemuria. The important thing to note about this next one is that this is the first major Crossover Event to happen at Marvel comics, by crossover event I mean a comic event that spans several different comic series/characters and this is a very confusing, long winded series, thats is found in the Annuals of different comics, however it does touch on the Atlantean Origin.
Atlantis Attacks/Atlantis Rising (1989-1995)
Origin #4: The War between the Celestials & the Deviants cause Atlantis to fall into the sea. Uncanny X-Men (1963) Annual 13
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During this event Morgan Le Fay raises the sunken Atlantis from the Sea and claims that it's actually Avalon, because in Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #62 one of Namor's ancestors comes to him a vision and tells him that all of Atlantis didn't fall into sea and there still scattered islands left around. Later the island of Atlantis sinks into the sea as well.
So as you can see, the origins are just a tower of unstable blocks, every writer comes along and adds something to it. Now its not just Atlantis, Atlantis is also Avalon. Why. Why does Atlantis need to also be Avalon, why must they be connected at all? I think this got retconned later but I honestly don't care to find out.
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Now this next one is my favorite origin and imo the one that is uniquely Namor's. It's written by J.M Dematteis and drawn by Liam Sharp. Firstly I regard this as the best Atlantean origin because Namor is directly involved, it's an interesting and original take on Atlantis, it brings in so much lore and artifacts in such a short amount of time and it has Cleito who is Neptune's wife as a goddess whom Namor worships as well. Namor's destiny is tied to Atlantis, and this is the first time we actually see him interacting with his destiny as a Son of Atlantis, it's Avenger, it's Protector.
Secondly, anytime Marvel uses Atlantis in the shared Marvel Universe, they twist it to fit whatever comic they are using it in. In Conan comics, in Hercules comics, etc. there are different stories, and while comics are very confusing, its worse when other characters comics are involved. I personally feel that Marvel tried to make Atlantis's history as linear as possible and just cram in all the origins/history but it doesn't work, you can read the wiki for different Atlantean Ages but for me, if it isn't directly tied to Namor then it means nothing. I'm here for Namor. I'm here for Namor's Atlantis. Which is why this Origin is what I consider to be the true origin because Namor is a big factor in it.
Man-Thing (1997) #7-8
Origin #5: Namor has a vision to seek out Man-Thing, who guides Namor to the lost City of the Golden Gate to retrieve & restore the Nexus Fragment. Here we learn that Atlantis was not one country or one Island Nation, but it was an Empire made up of Ten Kingdoms and had Ten Kings of Atlantis. Cleito is the Divine Mother, wife of Neptune/Poseidon (In the comics Neptune/Poseidon are interchangeable, they are they same character who is called by both names, because Atlantis is a Greco-Roman mash up.). Evenor (seahorse looking deity) is the Guardian God. Here we learn that the City of the Golden Gate was the capital of the Altantean Empire. It currently exists both in and out of time.
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Namor is then taken into the past, to the capital city in it's prime, sees Atlantis in her Golden Age, and meets with his goddess, Cleito. She tells Namor: "Come forward Namor, and accept the coveted stone that only the Child of Earth and Sea may receive." Namor is given the Nexus Fragment and hears Cleito's words of wisdom, love, and praise.
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Then Namor witnesses the Great Cataclysm, the Fall of the Ten Kingdoms of Atlantis, and sees his people drown in the sea.
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All throughout Namor's comics we are told that Namor has a Great Destiny, that he is destined for something, destined to save Atlantis, to save the Seas, to save the Surface World. However in all of the other origins or even in Namor's other comics we do not get any further information of that Great Destiny, except in these two comics we get so much Lore & History; Namor witnesses his Ancestors downfall, and meets his goddess, and for the first time I actually felt that Namor is special. I really love this story and personally I feel this is the best arc for an Atlantean Origin because as I said before Namor is essential to the story, and that's why this story is valuable for his Atlantean Origin. There is more details in the comics, they talk about other artifacts like a Shroud, the past kings/people of Atlantis, etc.
Inhumans (1998)
Origin #6: Triton claims that the Inhumans and the Atlanteans are cousins. Atlantis that was risen by Morgan Le Fay is now home of the Inhumans, Attilan. Inhumans (1998) #9 I don't know or care when the Inhumans and Atlantean cousin origin started and it might have just been mentioned in this series.
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And why not, why isn't Atlantis also Avalon and connected to Attilan, at this point I'm just waiting to make sure Atlantis isn't also Asgard as well. /sarcasm. Marvel, we do not need every magical/superhuman place to also be Atlantis. Anyways we aren't done yet.
The Incredible Hercules (2008) #123
Origin #7: The Atlanteans hired Amazons to slay Gorgons for them, instead of paying them their due for their work they killed some of them, and used magic to try and protect themselves from the Amazons retaliation, however the magic was too strong for them so as Atlantis sank into the sea they used their magic to turn their people into water breathers.
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Finally we come to the final Atlantean Origin.
Namor: The Best Defense (2018)
Origin #8: Namor travels through tunnels and is transported to a world of water, where the Vodani live. On Vodan he meets the king and his daughter, the princess, and attempts to get them to rejoin their people with the Atlanteans. The Vodan King sets Namor to a test, kill a giant beast, when Namor and the princess do so the King still refuses to join with Namor and attempts to kill him while informing him that all Atlanteans are descended from Vodan. That Vodan is the true homeworld of the Atlanteans.
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This origin is my most hated because it goes against everything that I believe Atlantis should be set in. 1. It makes Atlanteans space aliens. I hate that. I hate Atlantis being connected with space stuff. 2. It flies in the face of what Everett intended Namor to be, he wanted Namor to be the opposite of Superman, superman came from another planet so he had Namor be from Earth. By making the Atlanteans from Vodan it severs the last tie Namor has to Earth. After all if Vodan is so great and its a entire world made of water where the Vodani are so safe then what's to stop the Atlanteans from simply returning to their home world? In the comics Atlantis is constantly destroyed by events, and enemies, and bombs, and poisons, so why would they rebuild Atlantis over and over and over again? I just really really hate anything Atlantis being "Space Aliens". I also hate the Celestial & Deviant Lemuria war origin, and I hate the Amazon origin, I dislike the Spirit Son origin too, because in the end it over complicates and doesn't add anything to Namor's Lore.
Throughout the years Marvel has handbooks that explain Atlantis.
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition (1985) #1 - Basically outlines Origins # 2, 3, 4
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History of the Marvel Universe (2019) #1 - This Origin also goes along with the Celestial and The Great Cataclysm origins but once again Atlantis is caught in the crossfire of the Lemuria war, and this time Atlanteans somehow survived and Adapted to become water breathers. This differs from the origins of 2, 3, 4 where it says that a race of water breathers were already there but this is also different than origin 7 where magic was used to change the Atlanteans.
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Now stories about Atlantis that take place in Atlantis are found in Namor's books, mostly the Silver Age gives the most focus with an Atlantean setting. However many of those plots are the same, Attuma attacks Atlantis, Namor and friends save the day. Krang betrays Atlantis, Namor saves the day. Some other threat comes up and Namor- you get it, he saves the day. Even Atlantis Attacks both the first and second series that have that name do not focus on Atlantis itself. You find some comics have short panels or issues that mention Atlantean History (events that happened after the Great Cataclysm) such as Emperor Thallo outlawing all clones/the cloning process (Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #20). Or Namor having a very bad time in hell (Namor: The First Mutant (2010) #6-7) and speaking with dead Atlanteans rulers like Empress Rithea. We get Namor's childhood in Atlantis as he grows up but to wrap up this already long post about Atlantis; There is no definitive origin. There is no definitive arc, except for one that I actually feel is a comic arc worth reading if people want a good Atlantis storyline.
Suma-Ket & Artys-Gran - Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #30-40
The Suma-Ket Arc begins in issue 30, with Namor, having lost his memories (again) is found by Doctor Doom, who also finds a woman who looks like and claims to be Princess Fen, Namor's long dead mother. As the arc proceeds the readers are drawn into a dark high fantasy story about Suma-Ket, the Prophet King of Ancient Atlantis. Before Namor's time, and before the time of his grandfather, and many before that. Suma-Ket came to "save" Atlantis from the Faceless Ones, demons with no faces, and the people welcomed him not knowing he probably sent the Faceless Ones himself so he could have a foothold into Atlantis. Over time he and his wife, Artys-Gran, overthrew their king and took control of Atlantis and its people. Both of them were sorcerers, Suma-Ket was a Necromancer who could command the Unforgiven Dead, and Artys-Gran was a Bodysnatcher, trading her mummified body for the body of whomever she chose. They slaughtered Atlantean children in their blood rituals, and ruled Atlantis through death and fear. They used blood magic to try and open the gates of the Demonic Elder gods, and needed royal Atlantean blood to do so. Both were banished along with all their loyal servants centuries ago but they return in issue 36 to take Atlantis once more. The art is harsh, but very compelling and I really love this story arc. Suma-Ket arrives in issue 36.
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King in Black: Namor (2020) #1-5
This is another series that has a great Atlantean arc, and it's set during Namor's childhood with flashbacks to the present day. I really love this series and can't recommend it enough.
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As you know, I love Namor and his world, but I personally feel that Namor's story is more about his character, navigating through two worlds, whose people are a minority and their homes were taken from them. Which is why I'm very pleased with Namor's Greco-Roman Atlantis being brought back to what it originally was, a isolated sub sea nation that sought to protect themselves from the surface world. That's why the Mesoamerican influence works with Mcu!Namor, and why I really feel that we haven't lost anything due to the changes to Talokan when Marvel Comics themselves never really put in an effort for a clear and concentrated Atlantean Worldbuilding.
Anyways, I hope this very long post helps explain things and if you want to check out my art commission of Namor and who I consider to be his Atlantean gods, enemies, and allies then I will link it, and I also commissioned a Talokan art. ( Atlantis / Talokan )
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citadelofmythoughts · 4 months
I've got a few sapphic NV suggestions, though most of them also have male LI options.
First though I wanna reemphasize that Studio Élan and both of the Arcade Spirits games are really good.
a new life.: modern angsty af, 1 female LI, for when you need a good cathartic cry sesh.
Arcadia Fallen: high fantasy, 2 male, 2 female, and 1 enby LIs, if you're familiar with The Owl House, Luz's VA voices the enby LI.
The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood: sci fi/urban fantasy vibes, there's like... one dude in the game and he's friend shaped.
Flowers Trilogy (Le volume sur printemps, Le volume sur ete, Le volume sur hiver, in that order): occult/psychological horror/boarding school setting, you play as different characters and have different LIs in each game but you're at an all girls school so... game was originally in Japanese and has English subs.
Heaven Will Be Mine: sci fi, 3 female LIs (only two for each playthrough, however, as you play one of them), to quote the creator "select one of three terribly behaved girls to fight and/or make out with each other in their struggle for the fate of space."
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist: sci fi, 5 male, 4 female, and 1 enby LIs w/ some poly options, game's 80% VN, 10% deck building, and 10% world exploration. My highest recommended game period.
Love Notes: urban fantasy/horror, 2 male and 3 female LIs, extra point for this game because you can choose to play as a guy or girl and while you can romance all five LIs as either, the actual romances play out differently, which is kind of a staple with this studio.
Royal Order: high fantasy, 2 male and 1 female LIs, if you're familiar with Fire Emblem: Three Houses you can tell this game was inspired by it at least a little bit.
A Summer's End - Hong Kong 1986: modern (or well, real world in 1986), 1 female LI, just a nice journey of self discovery and love.
When The Night Comes: supernatural, 4 male, 1 female, 1 enby LIs w/ some poly options, was aimed more towards the BL side but is worth if either the female or enby LI appeals to you.
And some up and coming VNs to look out for:
Arcadia Fallen II: the sequel to the aforementioned Arcadia Fallen. LI information unconfirmed on the store page so far so numbers.
Call Me Under: urban fantasy/horror (but in an underwater city?), 2 male, 2 female, 1 enby and 1 genderfluid (he/they) LIs, same studio as When The Night Comes and has Robbie Daymond (The Curious Cat, Dorian Storm) voicing one of the LI characters.
Drops of Death: modern/murder mystery, 2 male and 2 female LIs, one of them is the killer... but it changes every game so you might end up romancing them and then it's up to you if you can forgive or not.
Our Life: Now & Forever: modern, 1 female LI, the sequel to the (typically) BL game Our Life: Beginnings & Always, childhood friends to lovers and navigating the journey to adulthood.
Nova Hearts: modern/superhero, LI info isn't available yet but it's a LGBTQ+ tagged dating sim and the premise is fun, all the local "hot singles" got turned into superheroes/villains and now you can date them.
Wow, thank you so much anon!
Definitely quite a few on this list I hadn't heard of.
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nettleshuttle · 2 years
for another batch of ygo opening analysis content, i just want to point out the way the first four lines of pendulum beat (arc v, op 6) nicely relate to yuya, yuto, yugo and yuri respectively, because that’s some very nice (semi)direct characterization right there!
the translation i found on ygo wiki goes:
“fly away, far away/ over your own walls!/ don't just have dreams, achieve them,/ even if you're covered with wounds, don't give up,/ go down the path you believe, the world you want.”
but what i remember from watching the subbed version is more like:
“fly away, fly away/ my walls,/ dreams are not meant to be granted, they are to be reached,/ don’t give up, even when you’re badly bruised,/ dash away to your desired world.”
so, from most to least obvious. the third line goes to yugo (the characters literally appear on screen along with their respective lines of lyrics, so the connection is pretty plain) — i’d say it naturally fits his character, with his totally unyielding attitude and stubborn refusal to ever give way, though it becomes a sorry maxim when i think of how this very attitude was totally trashed in his duel with rin.
fourth line, yuri. this sort of selfishly independent “do what you want” mindset is totally in character for him; i’d say it also relates to the conversation he had with asuka, where he decided not to follow the professor’s orders anymore and just card whoever the hell got in his way because he wanted to reach a world in which he is the only person left alive (talk about fucked up, but also direct reference to the quoted line of the op).
first line, yuya. centered round the overcoming of obstacles and personal walls, so to say, though i wonder what walls he has to fly over tbh. it’s interesting how this line is split in two, so the “fly away, far away” may suggest how he wouldn’t want to be involved in all these traumatic events, while the “my walls/over your own walls” part reminds me only of him fusing with his counterparts in the context of zarc and all, but that’s not a very optimistic reading, is it?
second line, yuto. most of an enigma to me, probably because i have the poorest grip on his personality out of the four (and he has the least of it too, in my opinion). anyway, i’d be most inclined to link this with xyz dimension’s crisis and the dream they all have of returning to a normal life; but this dream is “not meant to be granted, it is to be reached/achieved”, underlining the gravity of the resistance’s doings, as futile as they may seem.
it’s a little thing, really, but i like looking for and exploring such connections; makes me want to to appreciate the lyrics and all.
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I can now wrap any in-terminal REPL program with
my custom history setup (histdir, synced with Syncthing, with inotify/etc watches pulling in new history entries as they sync in, with narrowing fuzzy search to grab/re-run/delete entires), and
my moderately customized vi-style editing, copy/paste, scrollback navigation, and so on (editing commands and cursor positioning are translated into a handful of practically-universal control/escape key sequences to send to the REPL)
all without any degradation/regression in the REPL's native interactive terminal features. Besides just being nice in its own right, this is a strong benefit by default over comint, where I'd otherwise need to find, wait for, or implement a language-aware+integrated mode on a per-language/per-REPL basis like. For example,
in Python's REPL I hit Tab and it auto-completes as much as it can, and then if I hit Tab more it prints out the available matches;
in Ruby's "irb", I get those litte live indicator updates in the prompt as I type, the completion candidate TUI Just Works, and so on;
in node.js, I get the live evaluation previews below my input line, the shaded completion candidates appearing as I type, and so on;
because it's just those programs running in a full-fledged terminal, and yet I've got my own history, line editing, and ability to move around in the output, because the terminal is implemented in Emacs and that opens some doors.
It's not perfect. In fact it's basically one big fragile hack (or multiple hacks, depending on how you want to taxonomize), and there's some things that this approach can simply never get right.
For example, the Node.js REPL treats right arrow and Ctrl-E not just as motions to the right but also as accepting the current completion candidate - but in order to achieve these wonders, I have to send those keystrokes to the program, so in Node I get suggested autocompletes committing into the input line when not intended... although it's amazing how little that bothers me (I barely even noticed at first) because it doesn't move my cursor in most situations, and I can just "d$" or "cW" or "R" or whatever when I don't want them.
Also, these quirks only happen when I'm doing my vi-style stuff. I can still drop down to just the stock REPL experience if I need to, by just using what I already know - staying in vi "insert mode" and bypassing any remaining keybinds with the same escaping/quoting/send-next-key-verbatim keystroke that I use everywhere else in Emacs.
Also, after using histdir for about ten days, I can already notice the performance limitations of the initial MVP - the brute-force, quickest+simplest solution was an O(n^2) synchronous de-duplicating load into a ring every time I start a histdir-using buffer. In these first ten days, my Eshell history grew from a blank slate to ~350 unique history entires, ~1100 total history entries. This now causes a perceptible (still sub-second, but now perceptible) delay. On my computer it's still "instant".
Deleting all but the newest call timestamp file for each entry brought it back down to seemingly instant on my phone, which was exactly the kicking-the-can-down-the-road technique I was planning to use to keep this MVP practical longer, and I think I can probably keep that going for a few months.
Of course, many optimization opportunities here are obvious, and I'll tackle them... basically once the slowdowns are bad enough to annoy me (unfortunately I am easily annoyed by perceptible latency which is directly within my power to solve; fortunately, some low-hanging fruit are practically touching the ground). Or before a public release. But speaking of...
None of this is cleanly separated out into its own reusable pieces, let alone factored to be as decoupled+composable+flexible as would be proper for public packages/libraries/tools. It's not even documented/commented - not even a little. One day, hopefully. Currently I want+need to focus my time and effort on a job search, so unless a living wage worth of donations materializes, probably not soon. In the meantime, most of it lives inside my .emacs file, which is public, and I'll flip the "histdir" script's repo from private to public as soon as I'm satisfied from usage experience that the current directory layout is good enough to be an official v1 (I'm like 99% there already).
I started implementing an MVP script for histdir 11 days ago. Then initial Eshell integration. Then added the ability to remove, search, and inspect histdir entries. Then reused the same stuff I already had for history fuzzy-find in Emacs in order to get really pleasant history removal UX. Then mirrored what I did for Eshell in Comint. Didn't like the Comint limitations and the need for language-specific enhancements to be as good as the stock CLI REPLs. Fiddled with sending raw tabs to processes under Comint, gave up on that. Did the first significant implementation on top of the terminal provided by Eat, but the approach was a dead-end: I was trying to annotate every character to distinguish terminal output from in-buffer edits, only send the in-buffer input when Enter or Tab was hit, and then track which characters in the output were actually part of the current input that were already sent and were echoed back so I knew to include them in the history but not in the next send - I eventually got it to the point that it basically worked for Python's REPL, but tripped over itself terribly in Node.js. (Each sentence so far was about a day each.)
Then, as of about 5 days ago, I started down my current path. At first it was just histdir integration. I had given up on vi-style integration and just decided to do the minimum: I needed to know where the input of a REPL started and ended, and copy the text out so that I could save it as a history entry. Okay, easy enough, basically every terminal REPL understands Ctrl-A and Ctrl-E for moving cursor to start and end of the input line - send Ctrl-A, wait for the terminal to redraw the cursor position, send Ctrl-E, wait again, and those two cursor positions are your start and end. And deleting is also easy, basically everything understands Ctrl-U (it turned out not everything in practical use today does - a couple years ago Reline had a bug with it and f.e. Debian's Ruby still ships with it), but Ctrl-K is basically the same thing (in the other direction) and works on every REPL I tested. Inserting a history entry into the cleared input text is just normal sending input to the process. Most of that first day was not spent on sending the control codes - it was figuring out why the cursor in the terminal and the "point" in Emacs weren't matching up, except sometimes they were, and it took me a while to really understand the behavior.
So then the last few days have been me incrementally going from "okay, just a couple teensy super-simple vi-style key-bindings for the whole-input-line-deleting stuff I already have" to "just one more vi-style thing that I can see how to implement now", and as my understanding of what Eat offered and how it worked grew, so too did my ability to see how this could work.
The biggest breakthrough was yesterday, when I came up with the approach of progammatically sending inputs to align the REPL's cursor with the buffer's point just before any editing operation. This profoundly simplified and optimized the remaining problem. Prior to that, I was thinking I'd need to translate every motion within the buffer when the cursor was in the REPL's input line into an input to the REPL to move the cursor accordingly. But then I realized that nope - we only need the cursors to be in the same spot when editing starts, and only in that moment do we need to check if the Emacs point is in the REPL's input, and determine+send how many left/right movements are needed to put the REPL's cursor there. With that figured out, by yesterday night I could move my cursor around freely with any conceivable Emacs command, not just keybinds that the REPL knew, and it automagically Just Worked whenever I started inputting characters into the REPL. It truly is magical. One of the few computer UX things that has felt that way to me, and the first one I've personally crafted.
Then today, spurred on by this game-changing approach, I implemented
, vi-style replace (both "r" and "R"), including hitting backspace while still in replace state to peel back the new text and get back to the old, going off the end of existing input and still being able to insert/backspace as you'd expect, being able to move the cursor while in replace state with in-REPL keybinds for moving the cursor and having the replace and backing out the replace work correctly (I had some help in the form of the Evil package automagically remembering the replaced characters in a little list in-memory) (I am sure there are some edge cases to be found in this, but I got it fairly solid in my testing, so at this point I'd be more worried about me having made a breaking typo or vi command keystroke that I didn't notice after all the testing and before saving+committing+pushing); and
full vi-style delete/change commands - any vi-style motion can be used to delete exactly the text it covers in the underlying REPL, (I have some concern about multi-byte characters and the like - but as far as I've thought it through, it should all Just Work so long as Emacs and the underlying REPL count things consistently) (again I benefitted a lot from Evil's design here - I was feeling like this would be a really big task, but it turned out to be a very small and simple one for the most part, because it turns out Evil had the same idea that I came up with when writing my vi-style window split management - you split your code up into "operators" which compose with literally any "motion" code which moves the cursor position / window selection / whatever);
oh and visual selections and registers Just Work, because again, these things just compose - vi-style motions move the selection around, Evil gives the operator the coordinates from the start and end of the selection (just as it would cursor position from before and after a motion), and then my custom operator receives that and takes moving the underlying REPL's cursor and sending key codes for things like Delete and Left Arrow to actually cause the deletion (and of course copying the text first, because in vi every deletion is also a copy for later pasting)
vi-style paste, so that's the standard "p", the traditional/BusyBox variant of "P" where the cursor stays at the front of the pasted text instead of moving to the end of it (because I prefer it that way, I find it a far more useful distinction), and my personal addition of "replacing" paste (which I've been binding to "gp" and "gP" ever since I implemented it for Emacs+Evil a few months back) - that is, you paste the normal vi way, but the text overwrites as it inserts, as if you were in replace state ("R").
And with that... I'm basically blissfully happy. I'd be blissfully happy just from having achieved these UX improvements. But also I never in my wildest dreams thought I would achieve them all this fast. ~10 days. Automatic history sync between devices (of course I owe most of that to Syncthing - all I did was make a questionable history storage scheme that works well with it), my preferred history UI/UX with fuzzy search (owe the initial big-picture UX inspiration to Atuin and most of the the in-Emacs implementation to Vertico and Consult), and full vi-style editing/motions (owe much of this to Evil for being a really good Vim for Emacs, plus I wouldn't be on the vi direction if it weren't for BusyBox vi), and literally every other personal efficiency I've made available within a couple of keystrokes in my Emacs (all because Eat did such a great job of bringing a better terminal emulator to Emacs, in a form that was more readily available and more amenable to exploratory hacking than something like vterm), for basically any shell or REPL.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 5 months
🌙vixen's masterlist;
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💚about me:
vix. 19. nsfw blog! i would block any weirdos who send in weird messages (like the guy who said he wanted to be sugar daddy with 💲300, baby be your own sugar daddy first. you clearly need it.) i love to chat, so, please do send in a dm anytime!!
💚fandoms i write for:
currently: one piece, jjk. to be added: aot. may be added in the future: gintama, csm
💚my general fics [can be read with anyone in mind]:
[nsfw]; thinkin about: men with thigh kink :) [nsfw]; think about: men who are insufferable once they find out about your hand kink :)
💚my works for one piece:
🌙special: 2k event! [the op AU series] now open! [22/07 - current date]
T H E M O N S T E R T R I O: [fluff]; have i told you i love you? // their love language! // my girlfriend's a nerd! // stupid pmsing headcanons // highschool headcanons // highschool headcanons pt. 02 // stay, please // banter, baby! [fluff/suggestive]; not a dream [nsfw]; i feel kinda ugly // unwinding with you // such a pretty sight // suits // domestic!op men headcanons // stepbro! // 's too big // round two! [sub!op men nsfw]: my name is whatever you decide // let me help you out //ask me again [angst]; i wish i never met you // the time travel series
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T H E M O N S T E R T R I O, A C E ' N L A W: [smut]; breeding kink! // switchin' it up (ft. sub!op men) // brat! // step-bro, no! // [coming soon]; keepin' things quiet
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I N D I V I D U A L C H A R A C T E R S: monkey d luffy; [sfw]; alphabet // family man! // the worst mistake [nsfw]; sub!luffy // alphabet roronoa zoro; [sfw]; alphabet // tryin' his best // moss and towel // got me losin' my cool [sfw, angst]; drunken liabilities [nsfw]; at your mercy vinsmoke sanji; [nsfw]; feral shanks; [nsfw]; the fuckin' captain // jealousy, jealousy portagas d. ace; [sfw]; hey! that's unfair! [nsfw]; pretty, little slut! // masked fantasies crack!fics; tumblr au // let me warm you up! [monster trio/ace] strawhats as tumblr quotes // more quotes as strawhats
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💚my works for jjk:
itadori yuuji; [sfw]; headcanons // headcanon [nsfw]; headcanons // aftercare // teaching a lesson: series! choso kamo; [nsfw]; academic rival series [the subsequent parts can be found at the end of part 01] ino takuma; [nsfw]; faceless killer crack!fics; tumblr au [part 01] // tumblr au [part 02]
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💚my works for aot:
crack!fics; tumblr au
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💚as always, please send in suggestions for any fandoms [that might not be mentioned above]. or, you can always send reqs for the above mentioned anime!
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