#their legal father named them and obviously cared a LOT
bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Sek’s Wards: Sveyko and S’veyk
Their biological mother fell in love with a Klingon and ran off to be with him when they were both in their teens and they were very happy. Unfortunately, her family was not as happy and basically disowned her. When her bondmate hit his pon farr she was compelled to go back home, both because of the bond but also because she and her Klingon partner wanted their bond to be recognized by her family. It was incredibly important for some reason. Unfortunately again, the man she loved was killed during the kal-if-fee and she married her bondmate instead, unable to fight for some reason. A few months later the reason for both of these things was revealed to be the twins, belonging to her Klingon lover. The twins’ mother died when they were quite young and their father + the rest of their biological family were very cruel to them. Their father had long since lost his logic and blamed them for the way his life turned out, meanwhile the rest of the family was negligent and refused to speak of or interact meaningfully with the children. Sek came across them while visiting the house to speak to their father about something work related, as they were both teachers. Sek was immediately disturbed by their appearance (their living conditions were obviously poor but the house and its other occupants were fine. They also appeared to be very afraid/aggressive.)  Sek reported his suspicions to the proper authorities and their legal father was tried and placed in a rehabilitation center but it quickly became an anti-custody battle because neither the girls’ Vulcan nor Klingon relatives wanted to house them. Sek stayed with them throughout this process and enlisted the help of his siblings Asil (private eye) and Elieth (politician) to help him understand the legalese and government systems more.  Eventually, Sek took them in as wards so they would have a stable place to recover until they were put in a better home. However, after a few years he petitioned to house them permanently and all parties agreed that that ‘would be best.’
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geraldmariaivo · 2 years
I recently saw a DP/DC post about Jason being Danny’s bio dad, and I want to spit out my own idea of it:
1) Jason doesn’t know he has a kid. He’ done a lot of shady things and met a lot of shady people, and you can’t tell me he remembers every night of it.
2) Danny knows he’s adopted, he just doesn’t care.  3) Danny suddenly has to care one day because of Ghost Prince legality reasons where he needs his parent/gaurdian to sign something important because he’s a child, and Clockwork refuses to. Obviously he can’t bring this to Jack&Maddie, and Jazz isn’t old enough to sign either, so he tries to find his biological parents to maybe only slightly bully this hapless civilian into signing a piece of paper that says Danny *can* sign things, and then fuck off. 
4) Danny sets off to find his bio-parents only to find that his mother is dead and not a ghost, and his father is somewhere in Gotham. Which is where the Bats are. 
5) With a bit of help from his court and Wulf, Danny scours the city to find whoever the hell this “Jason” is, because just knowing his first name clarifies very little in a city like Gotham.
6) A few of the court physicians accompanies this search party because they’re headed to Gotham, and there’s no telling what kind of bullshit will happen, even if there’s no ecto-weaponry within a hundred miles.
7) One of the oldest physicians encounters Red Hood, and is immediately revolted by the nasty-ass ectoplasm they haven’t seen since Pariah was locked up the first time. Naturally their first impulse is to get this absolutely wretched ectoplasm out of this human as soon as possible.
8) Jason, naturally, doesn’t trust this glowing green person who makes the Pit writhe and try to get away. As such, he makes getting any kind of ghostly medical attention as difficult as possible.
9) Medic #1 gives up doing it solo, and conscripts the other medical personnel to help them effectively pin Jason (now out of costume) down while they filter out the nasty shit and replace it with clean ectoplasm from the Realms so his body doesn’t go through shock from suddenly having no ectoplasm.
10) Jason is still riled up and suspicious as hell, but he does notice that the Pit isn’t really there anymore. There’s still something there, but it’s not the constant anger he’s learned to live with. It’s calm, almost peaceful, actually. It takes all of two seconds listening to them giving out instructions to realize that they’re behaving like actual, good doctors giving out real medical advice. They repeat themselves when needed, and make sure to go over the whole of their instructions thrice to make sure he knows what they’re saying. It’s incredibly weird for Jason, but if drinking this weird not-pit-water stuff once a week or if he’s craving it from this weird glowing container is what keeps the Pit from bothering him 24/7, then so be it.
11) Jason asks what the actual fuck these people are doing here, because Metas generally know to stay away from Gotham.
12) They explain that they’re ghosts, and that they’re with a search party looking for a man with the first name Jason, and is likely to have black hair, blue eyes, or both.
13) Jason immediately puts together that they’re looking for him, because he knows his life well enough that he knows there’s no hope that the Jason they’re looking for is some random civilian who happens to have black hair and blue eyes.
14) Jason asks why they want to find this man, and if they have a way to confirm whether or not the person they find is actually the person they’re looking for. He nearly has a stroke when they say that they need him to sign some important thing because his son -which, WHAT?!?! When did he have one of those?!?!?!- is the High Prince of the Infinite Realms, whatever the fuck that means, but can’t sign official documents into law since he’s a minor.
15) Jason, against his better judgement, tells them his name, and says it’s possible that he’s the Jason they’ve been looking for.
16) He is right.
17) Jason has to grapple with the fact that he not only had a son he didn’t know about, but the son also died before he could meet the kid, and then apparently became the prince of the dead. 
18) Somewhere in this time, Danny (as Phantom) finds out about the nasty Lazarus water from his physicians, and tells Jason that Amity Park is a place where he can find much better ectoplasm if the man needs it for health reasons, and that he just needs to contact the right people. Preferably one of the local vigilantes rather than the Drs. Fenton.
Timeskip (how far depends on what you want to do in the meantime)
19) Red Hood goes to Amity park on Bat business. This is where Danny and Jason each find out about the clusterfuck that is the other’s life.
20) Shenanigans.
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rapz-rites · 1 year
Oh Baby
Damian Wayne x Reader established relationship
Jon Kent x Reader (Platonic)
You’re not telling Damian something, and he thinks it’s that you're cheating
A/N: A lovely anon requested this. I hope you like it and feel free to send more requests or even message me.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: misunderstandings, pregnancy, secrets 
You and Damian met sophomore year at Gotham Academy. You were in most of his classes. But he never truly paid any mind to you until your government class. It was a small class of 15 students. 
Your government teacher was holding a class mock debate. 3 students would ask questions as there were 3 topics of discussion. The rest of the students would pair off into 2s and prepare on all the 3 topics as it would be random and no one would know which topic they might get. 
“The three topics of debate will be abortion, racial discrimination, and immigration. And the 3 question leads will be Marcus, Catelyn, and Luca. Everyone else, pair up.”
Girls immediately started surrounding Damian and the boys with you. Damian saw how uncomfortable you were with the boys' awful advances at you. He continued to ignore the girls and walked to you. 
“You can leave. I’m partnered with Y/N.”
Everyone was confused. Even the teacher. Damian never willingly chose to work with anyone. But you decided to take advantage of the opportunity before it went away. 
“Yup. It’s true. So all can go now.” With that, you waved them off and Damian took a seat next to you. 
Everyone else paired off and the teacher started talking. She explained the instructions for the debate and the rubric as it would be graded. 
“There are 15 minutes left of class. You have this time to yourselves, use it wisely.”
You turned to Damian.
“When do you want to start working on the project? I'm available after school today to work in the library.”
“I can't today. I am tomorrow though. Let's exchange numbers.”
And that's how it started. The next day, you and Damian started going to the library after school and texted about the assignment. Even after the in class debate you two would talk. 
Damian found you more tolerable than the rest of the kids at Gotham, and much smarter. He started hanging out with you more and more. In and out of school, obviously without his brothers knowing. 
Eventually, he asked you out, you said yes, and both of you started dating. It’s been over 2 years since. You both have a lot into the relationship. You and Damian opened up to each other. He gave you his trust, which is difficult for him, and you gave him your virginity. 
Though Damian wasn’t your first boyfriend or kiss, he was your first time. And you were happy about it. Even though it was a bit awkward, especially at the beginning, he made it special for you. He would ask if you were ok with something, how you felt, and he just took care of you. Something you never truly had with past boyfriends. 
“Oh my gosh!”
You and Damian only had sex 2 times, both in the past 6 months. Damian took care of you after and you peed.  You were both safe and used protection. That's why you couldn't understand the 3 positive pregnancy tests. 
“No. It can't be.”
You suddenly started crying, collapsing on the bathroom floor of your one-bedroom apartment. 
Since then you haven't been the same. After a few days of thinking, you decided that you would keep the baby. You lost your parents at 15, in an accident. They were wealthy. They had a mansion on the outskirts of Gotham, just like all the other socialites, and a condo near your school. In their passing your parents left everything in your name. You refused to go in the system. You were able to convince your old nanny to become your legal guardian, at least until you could get emancipated. You’ve always wanted a family anyways
You had to tell Damian. Your mind had been running through any possible reactions you'd get from Damian once you told him. Best case scenario he accepts it and decides to stay with you and be a father to the baby. Worst case, he leaves you and you have to raise the baby all by yourself. 
Damian noticed your odd behavior. You were secretive, jittery and would always make excuses not to hang out with him. 
“Sorry, I have a test coming up and need to study. I'll text you” you would say. But you never texted. 
“I'm volunteering this afternoon. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you.” You kissed him goodbye on his cheek and walked away
You did the same to your friends. He didn't understand why. Did he do something wrong?
Keeping your pregnancy a secret was eating you alone. You had to tell someone. So you texted someone you could trust. 
You: Hey. Are you busy? I really need someone right now. 
Suddenly there was a gust of wind in your condo. Before you stood Jon Kent. Before you could even speak, that’s when he heard it. Not one, but 2 heart beats. Before you can even process him getting into your place, he hugs and spins you. 
“Oh my gosh! Congratulations!” He smiles from ear to ear. “Wait. I probably should be spinning you.”
Once he put you down he started looking around. Where’s Damian? How come he isn’t here telling me with you? That’s when you started to break down crying. 
“He doesn’t know. And I don’t know how to tell him.” You say hiccupping. Jon just comforted you until you stopped crying. You explained everything to him. 
“You have to tell him at some point. He probably thinks that you're avoiding him because he did something wrong. But I'm here for you.” You hugged him crying. 
“Sorry, it's the hormones.”
For the next 2 weeks, Jon comes to visit you whenever he gets the chance. No one knew.
Clark and Bruce had to collaborate on some League business. So, he and Jon would be staying in Gotham for a few days. 
Jon was heading out when he passed the kitchen 
“Hey Jon” said Dick. 
Damian was paying no mind to them. He was testing you, hoping he could see you today. 
D💚: Hello Beloved
Beloved💜: Hiii Dami
D💚: Are you available today?
Beloved💜: I’m sorry I can’t 😕
                     I promised Layla we could hang out today
                     We can hang out tomorrow tho
                     Pinkie Promise 🤞
D💚: Okay 🤞
         Have fun and be safe
Beloved💜: I will try
                    Won’t be much fun without you 😚
Once, at school you were texting Jon. You were stressing over telling Damian for the 4th time that day… It was only 11 am. And you were spamming him phone
Jon 🦸🏻: OMG
            We’re both at school go learn or something
            My parents are going on a date tonight so I’ll try to swing by
Y/N🤞🏾: ok ok
           See you tonight
“Hey Beloved. Who were you texting?” Damian came up to you. You quickly closed messages and put your phone in your pocket. 
“Hey Damian. It was Layla.” You responded hesitantly. “It’s nothing really but I have to go. I have to study before my test next period” You kissed him goodbye on his cheek and rushed off. 
He knew you weren’t texting Layla, he just saw her a few moments ago when he was looking for you. She told him that you were probably at your locker. Before he went to look for you she told him to tell you that her phone died last period. 
Why were you lying and hiding stuff from him? Damian didn’t want to think it, but were you cheating on him?
Damian looked up from his phone to notice Jon wasn’t there anymore. 
“Where did Jon go?” Damian asked. 
“He said he was going to meet up with ‘a friend’, but it’s obvious he’s meeting with a girl/boy the way he was nervous.” Dick responded
“We should follow him,” Jason spoke up. Damian didn’t know why he was here. Jason wasn’t too fond of staying at the manor. Usually, he would do whatever business he had, get food from Alfred then leave. 
“Sure. Why not” said Tim. Damian forgot he was here. But they all agreed. 
You hated lying to Damian. You decided that when you were going to see him tomorrow, you were going to tell him the truth, everything. You were meeting with Jon to get everything ready to tell Damian everything tomorrow.
Incoming Call: Jon 🦸🏻
You immediately picked up. You were sitting in a booth at yours and damian fav coffee shop. Damian thought that they had these great muffins that tasted even better the day after, so you were going to get him some.
You told Layla about your pregnancy after you told Jon. She was very upset with you. That you didn’t tell her first. 
“I can’t believe it. I mean I can because between both of us, you would have kids and I would be the hot, rich aunt that they love.”
You laughed at her little rant on how your kid would call her “Auntie Lay” and she would bring gifts every time she saw them. How she would have a room for them to crash at her place for when they're a teen and they get mad at you, or they just want to spend time with their auntie. 
“Thank you,” you said as you got up and hugged her “for being here for me. I don't know what I would do without you and Jon”
You were so glad that you had Jon and Layla. 
Jon was walking up to the coffee shop when he saw your call.
“Hey Jon. Layla and I are at the shop, where are you?”
“I’m across the street I’m heading in now.”
Jon didn’t realize the boys were following him. They were confused as to why Jon was at this coffee shop. He had never been there before. 
The boys watched Jon walk in and waited. Eventually, he would come out with whoever he's been secretly meeting up with for weeks. 
Being the type they are, they didn't notice Layla coming out of the shop and getting into her car. She was waiting for you and Jon to go back to your place. 
“He's coming out now,” Dick said excitedly. They all froze in anticipation. What they didn’t expect was to see you walking out after him. 
Damian's heart was breaking. You were secretly meeting up with Jon and cheating on him behind his back. How could you? He kept watch in hopes he was wrong. 
You walked out with a light brown paper bag in hand. You were struggling to seal it without dropping it. That’s when Jon took it from you and sealed it himself. They didn’t have audio but they had visuals. They could say thank you to him.
“Thank you my hero,” you said with a small giggle. Suddenly your face was serious. 
“What if- What if even if Damian accepts this, he won’t regret it later? He won’t think we ruined his life?” 
You started tearing up. From the angle the boys were at they couldn’t see your face. Jon hugged you. 
“Shhh it’s going to be fine.”
“What if he thinks I’m trying to baby trap him and he'll end up hating me?”
You were about to cry when Jon took your face into his hands. You were like the sister he never had. He hated to see you cry. 
“Listen to me. Damian could never hate you. He loves you.”
You nodded and hugged him again. That’s when Damian’s heart truly shattered. 
“I can’t read lips that well but I saw something along the lines of ‘I love you’” Dick said. Damian took off is “disguise”, it was just a hat and sunglasses.
“So she's cheating on me?” Anyone could hear the pain in his voice, even Jon did. 
Jon suddenly let go of you, and turned to look at Damian. He could see the pain written all over his face. Even though mind reading wasn’t a Kryptonian power, he knew what he was thinking: that you were cheating on him with him. 
You were confused. You moved over to see what Jon was looking at. That's when you saw Damian with his brothers. Now he was looking at you.
“Oh no.”
Part 2
So… what do y’all think??? Please let me know.
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suzukiblu · 1 year
join, scent, sorry
"Wait, so you just . . . ditched Superboy? Like right after he got out of Cadmus?" Captain Marvel sputters right in the middle of a League meeting, looking startled. "Why?"
"Batman is handling the Superboy situation," Clark says as neutrally as possible, resisting the urge to grit his teeth or rub at his temples or glower over at Bruce or just–anything, just anything. He isn't Superboy's father, though, and five minutes into this nightmare he's already more than sick of people making the assumption that he should be. He didn't volunteer for anything or consent to anything or even just make a mistake; he had his DNA stolen by people who built a weapon out of it, and just because that weapon's aging process got interrupted and it therefore currently looks like a minor, Clark is supposed to . . . supposed to what, exactly? Sell out his secret identity and his family and his whole damn life to something that only knows what some deluded mad scientists and enslaved genetic experiments thought it should know?
They're not even sure if Superboy is actually a real person. If the personality that's been presented so far is anything more than programming or puppetry or . . . or who knows what, exactly.
Clark can't take that home with him. Can't introduce that to Lois or Ma and Pa or hell, even Jor-El's AI or Krypto. He just can't trust that.
Who could?
And building a weapon that just so happens to look like a kid in a lab and conveniently getting that weapon found and broken out "early", and having that weapon be so eager to join the good guys despite its origins and education and so eager for specifically his attention, so eager to learn about specifically his powers and all the best ways to use and abuse them straight from the source, to try to make specifically him feel some kind of . . . of attachment or affection towards it . . .
Well, Clark's seen much more convoluted and improbable plans from supervillains than that, frankly. They don't know if anything they've been told about Superboy is true. They don't even know if the files Cadmus let them access are accurate or unredacted. They know nothing.
But everyone else seems to think that Clark shouldn't care about that, and that it shouldn't be making him crazy to see his dead birth family's crest in blood red on the chest of a weapon who won't answer to any name but "Superboy".
Dubbilex is a null and doesn't ever scent anyone at all, but sometimes Rex will give him a quick little scruff of approval or Tana or Roxy will give him an affectionate pat or two, and Knockout likes to find excuses to flirt-scent him whenever they end up having a throwdown or whatever, but none of it's ever . . . it doesn't ever . . .
It's embarrassing, but Superboy doesn't–he appreciates it all, obviously, appreciates anyone thinking he's worth any kind of scenting, but it's not what he really wants. He wants something–deliberate. Purposeful.
He wants something heavy, and steady, and certain. Something committed.
Or Superman's attention, just for a minute or two.
He wants to belong to somebody. He's not a real person anyway; he's a thing more than anything else. And if he has to be a thing, it's not fair that he . . . that he isn't a thing that belongs to anyone.
At least, not anyone that he wants to.
Technically speaking, he's Cadmus's IP. Technically speaking, he belongs to Cadmus. There's paperwork that says he does. A lot of it. Cadmus has "custody" of him, legally speaking. He's . . .
He doesn't want that.
He hates that.
"It wasn't . . . it just never felt like–like the right time to tell you, that's all," Kon stutters, feeling like an idiot, and Clark looks . . .
Clark looks pained.
"You mean you never felt safe enough to tell me," he says quietly.
Kon . . . swallows.
Because–that's true, yeah. He's trusted Clark to save his literal stupid life before, but . . . but he never felt safe enough to tell him this.
That's kind of fucked up, isn't it.
"I'm sorry," Clark says, and that suddenly Kon is too bemused to do anything but stare at him. "I should've made sure you knew you could tell me things like that. I shouldn't have just assumed you would."
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You wrote somewhere that marriage would be the next logical step for König and Engel after a while. How would the wedding go? I obviously can't see them having the cliché big celebration with 200 guests and all that fuss (König would go insane and hide for the whole night or take Engel away and leave the guests for themselves). I can see them having it officiated alone without anyone. Engel wearing a beautiful feminin dress that's maby just a bit more formal than her usual ones, just how K would like it. Maby a nice dinner afterwards? But that wouldn't be possible probably, because he would be horny as hell. Having her as a wife now would play so hard into Königs possessiveness. She is now even legally HIS. And that must be celebrated, right? ;)
And when she is finally bound by an official marriage certificate to him I imagine that for König this would imply, that he has some kind of legal justification for his controlling behaviour. His signature on this official paper obligates him to protect her and care for her. And with the same commitment he is killing people doing his job on the field, he is caring for his wife. And if that means watching her every step and limit her freedom for her own good, so be it. König is no man to do things by halves.
Awww. ❤️🥲❤️
König would do anything for his Engel, but yes, a big reception would be a little too much.
If you really really really beg him for a small one then he might give in to your wishes. But it would be short. No crazy partying. Some good food, a speech from your father, a wedding dance: ceremonial and beautiful and a bit too serious. You would get to decide and pick all the decorations. In that department, he would give you everything you want. Lots of flowers? He couldn’t agree more. And the dress.
He wants you in a pure, white dress, yes. No matter what it symbolizes, no matter if you two are already living together, sleeping together and having sex every other day, you will be pure like an angel on your wedding day. And GOD the legal justification to his possesiveness? Just yes, yes, yes. König's chest swells just from thinking about the moment when you two sign the legal papers, the moment you're pronounced husband and wife. And don't even try to have an adult discussion about whether you're taking his last name or keeping yours. No no no. You are officially Mrs. [König] now.
He waits for the paperwork and your wedding night like a man starving. Thinks the deal is only sealed after he has undressed you from that innocent, white dress and had you on your wedding bed (decorated with flowers too) in a classic missionary. Watching you with hungry admiration and broken love in his eyes, he takes your hands and raises them above your head, thinking it’s romantic to thrust into you like this. He’s exceptionally gentle, too. Doesn’t get it at all that it’s just his possessive behavior oozing out again as he makes you legally yours by holding you in place for him to take.
Calls you his, calls you his wife, asks if it feels good to have your husband inside you. The more helpless you look, the more you nod with humble dedication in your eyes, the closer to the edge he gets. You look so sweet, and you can’t run away anymore. You will never leave him. You’re his now.
He can’t believe he gets to tell everyone who asks (and even if they don’t) that he has a wife. The most beautiful, angelic being on this earth is his fucking wife. It’s like he’s saved, that he has been granted access to heaven after all.
Afterwards, you’re being held like a prisoner while he tells you he will keep you safe, and that you don’t have to worry about anything ever again. He will always protect you. He will take care of you like a good husband should. You could never have found a more dedicated man. He may be a little flawed… but at least he will take care of you, better than anyone else ever could.
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killergirlfuria · 11 months
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So I may or may not be working on a tiny little very self-indulgent crossover thingy. Will this go anywhere past this pic? We'll see.
The gist of this AU; year is 2029. Prototype and AC1-3 took place in 2012, Resident Evil Village in 2015. Alex and Desmond have been together for 17 years. Through legally sound and morally questionable means, Alex and Desmond ended up as legal caregivers of Elijah, Pariah/Michael, and Rosemary Winters.
From left to right; Desmond, Alex, Elijah, Pariah/Michael, Rosemary, Dana.
Stuff about it under the cut.
While they are messing with Abstergo and Brotherhood in Europe, they befriend one Ethan Winters and, after his death, Mia entrusts them with Rose as she can't take care of her in her deteriorating mental state. And, realistically, they're probably best equipped to giving Rose as normal life as someone as her could get. She grows up happy, aware and accepting of her powers. Hard not to, when out of her two dads one is effectively a demigod and the other is eldritch sentient plague. Being a sentient mold isn't so weird in this setting.
Later when raiding Abstergo bases they find Elijah held there. Desmond, now aware that he has a kid obviously refuses to leave him. They kill Juno as a father-son bonding activity, visit Elijah's mother grave. Cry a bit, argue a bit (he is a traumatized tween) but figure it out. It forces Alex and Desmond to slow down a bit; they do want to give their kids a stable childhood, after all. They thought they had more time, since Rose was barely a toddler, but with Elijah on board they reevaluate. Somehow, Alex ends up being his favorite dad. Desmond is only a little jealous, but he gets it. He likes Alex a whole lot, too.
They have a little break, a little wedding, they wrap up the Templar mess as well as they can for the time being. Desmond takes the Mercer surname and so does Elijah, because Bill does not deserve his name to be carried on.
Desmond becomes a Mentor somewhere in the middle. He's determined to drag the Brotherhood back into functionality whether it likes that or not; no more Bill sending people to die for nothing but his ego. Bill doesn't take it well, of course, but who'd care about him at this point? Desmond has three lifetimes worth of Mentor memories and the scariest dog on the block for a husband.
Alex does science, because he likes it. He's the kind of person to find writing dissertations fun. He may become an university professor; college students tend to be the most agreeable and most entertaining breed of a student. He does photography too. It's a memory-making thing.
They tackle Blacklight properly; find Pariah. Pariah, as it turns out, is actually somewhat unstable, hibernating most of the time, and stuck physically and mentally at 8 years old. Alex offers Blacklight to stabilize him; Pariah accepts. Purges his DNA of irregularities, replaces what's missing with Alex' DNA and the Blacklight. It's a little weird, to retroactively make him Alex' child when he was born before Alex, but that's what they're dealing with now. Pariah is still 8 in every way that matters. Greene named him Michael, which he gladly accepts (he never had a name before), and then he's a Mercer too.
It's 2020 by then, so plague jokes abound.
Dana in the meantime does what any girlboss does, gets her journalist career going, writes a book or two. Is instrumental in orchestrating the public downfall of Abstergo and Blackwatch. Adopts two cats. Struggles to find a girlfriend because things are never boring with the Mercers, but their kind of excitement oft comes with threat of bodily harm, cults, and shady corporations being hunted for sport. She's also kinda sorta infected with a dormant strain of Blacklight because it was either that or dying to whatever Greene infected her with.
In 2029 Desmond is 42 years old, Alex is 46, Elijah is 24, Michael/Pariah is 17 (chronologically 60), Rosemary is 15, and Dana is 38.
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mxboxlocks · 1 year
PLEASE can we see some of your HC designs? (Also yay, finally gained the confidence to turn off anon lmao)
I don't think you're aware of how mentally ill I am about soldier, and when I see that you've posted something new about him MY GOD I'm feral.
(This is to say I think you're great and you feed my delusions about a 40-something year old man fantastically well)
TF2 Headcanon designs, part 1/4
part 2
I HAVE THEIR EYES !!! which i think mostly encapsulates them pretty well. i also have quite a few doodles
here's the most complete ref i've made of them
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their eye color, skin tone, nose shape, and favorite colors!
i'll do the rest of my hcs in order. i usually try to stay close to what i see in canon visually, my hcs are more background and personality-driven. but there are some differences here and there!! starting with scout below the cut:
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(ft. spy)
he and spy have a very similar face and nose shape, as i'm sure you'll notice in the third image. they also have a similar eye color, with scout's being a little paler. i've decided his full name is Jeremy Valentine, because of course it would be. he's fairly tan, not only because of his ethnicity but because he's out in the sun a lot. he's trans FtM and his parents are fully supportive of him with very little fuss coming from either side. though, spy was more keen to treat him the same, just with a different name.
next is soldier!
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obviously, this is the merc i have the most examples of :3
starting right off the bat i draw his hair longer than it's kind of supposed to be. i know a lot of people say and think that soldier is very strict on his self-care, and while i do think that is true, i think it can coexist with his adhd and his inability to remember things a lot of the time. oh btw he's audhd lmao
he's mixed race latino/white, his mom being mexican and his dad being from all over europe. he had a sister that passed young. he doesn't remember his family, or his real name (legally his name is Thomas Anthony Mason. he's on file at Mann Co. as Jane Jamison Doe). he knew he was trans at a very early age, before his sister was born, and his father in particular was very elated to hear he would have a son to join the military. said father was unattentive and clumsy, and his mother was a little on the manic emotional side. his sister, named Betty-Ruth (but she would scowl at you if you called her anything other than Ruthie) was a very kind and patient little girl. the two used to get along great, before the incident that permanently changed soldier's life course. being he was kicked in the head by a war horse at an independence day reenactment. L bozo.
also he's deathly scared of clowns, so the team has him convinced they're not real. pyro likes to tease him about it
ALRIGHT! next up is pyro! i'll have to do it in another post because tumblr mobile is HOMOPHOBIC so stay tuned for that
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blanketorghost · 2 years
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Welcome to Yuuposting pt. 3 this time... relationship charts! Side A is Yuu's perspective, Side B is other characters' perspective. Template can be found here!!
Some relationship highlights + doodles ahead (possible spoilers for Book 7!!)
1. Special
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Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, Ortho: Yuu, despite being a freshman in NRC, still is 18 years old and was a university student back on earth. This obviously means he's slightly more mature than his other peers and has kind of taken the role of pseudo big brother of the first years and has also unofficially made them Ramshackle dorm members. Each (aside from Ortho) even getting their own bedroom to hang out in whenever they need a break from their official dorms. To Yuu, it is a bit weird to have this newly found authority. He was a younger brother and even the youngest in his friend group for the longest time, so he feels a newly found sense of responsibility towards his weird, rambunctious set of children.
Grim: Yuu used to have a black cat named Kafka back home, so when he found out he'd be babysitting Grim on the daily, he thought it would be pretty similar to taking care of a pet. Of course, he was woefully wrong. At first, he found it extremely annoying to have to take care of what was essentially a superpowered toddler, but now he has become extremely protective of little Grim. Even awakening a 'maternal instinct' as he likes to call it. Yuu and the ramshackle ghosts are the only family Grim knows of, so his little mind considers Yuu, his primary caretaker, as some sort of parental figure.
Trein: Yuu is this lost, barely legal child that is being used by the headmaster to do his dirty work with the looming threat of being thrown out if he does not succeed. As a self-respecting teacher who cares about his students, Trein couldn't just ignore the poor kid! Of course he cannot play favorites with his students while in class, but he still worries. Trein is also very displeased with Yuu cheesing it through his classes, and after learning he could even be a straight A student with a little more motivation, he does not hesitate to push Yuu to achieve his full potential. After learning that Yuu had to stay in Ramshackle over the winter vacation, basically doing janitorial work, Trein has offered Yuu a place at his home instead. If Yuu ever decides to stay in Twisted Wonderland permanently, Trein has also voiced his concerns about documentation, and has off-handedly offered once or twice to legally adopt him into his family. For documentation only.... of course. Yuu respects Trein a lot, and truly sees him as a mentor/father figure he can trust whenever he gets into trouble that he may not be able to handle all on his own. He may get annoyed at the fact that he can no longer purposefully half-ass his work at Trein's classes, but he appreciates the challenge— especially when he never had that sort of motivation growing up. Also, Trein is great at babysitting Grim.
2. Best Friends
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Riddle & Trey: Look. If you're friends with Riddle, best friends even, you are automatically friends with Trey. They are a package deal, period. That said, Riddle, Trey and Yuu have shared custody of the Ace2 duo, so of course they have stories aplenty to share about their dumb, dumb friends' shenanigans. Yuu also really values having friends his age and especially friends he can reliably trust and not look after like a distressed mother hen. After Riddle's overblot, Yuu does feel a little bit bad that he got sorted into such a strict dorm, but Trey assures him that Riddle's truly best suited for it. Either way, Yuu's always invited to the monthly unbirthday parties (Even when he complains about Heartslabyul's "gaudy" uniforms).
Vil: Them becoming best friends was a surprise to everyone, especially Vil and Yuu themselves. After SDC and Vil's draconian training of the NRC boy group, he was able to piece together that Yuu had some sort of musical experience judging by his management and mentoring of some of the members (mainly Deuce and Kalim). This ended up becoming the route in which they'd become unlikely friends, as Yuu's view of musical performance as a hobby clashed with Vil's extreme dedication to the arts. Either way, the two balance each other out. Vil pushing Yuu to practice and perfect his rusty knowledge, and Yuu encouraging Vil to have more fun with his art. While true they grind each others' gears very often and most of their conversations are comprised of insults, they are very close and are literally ride or die for each other.
Kalim: Look, Yuu loves Kalim. He really does. But does Yuu think of him as his best friend? Hell no. Yuu distinguishes his best friends from his regular friends by the amount of trust he has on them to keep his secrets and Kalim... He's got a pretty lose mouth unlesss it comes to Jamil. Kalim, on the other hand, thinks everyone is his best friend... he is literally so lovely but at what cost. Yuu's very protective of him.
3. Crushes and General Romance
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Azul/Yuu's perspective: Yuu didn't mean to get a crush on this conman. He really did not. He loathes the fact that Azul has managed to sneak his way into his heart and refuses to let go. It is even more embarassing to admit that Yuu caught feelings for him as soon as they first spoke. He was immediately attracted to his wit and cunning, how his each move was so carefully calculated to provide the best possible outcome. After it was revealed that Azul wasn't actually a genius like Yuu, but that he actually had to study and hone his abilities, and also how he was actually an (absolutely adorable) underdog during his childhood, Yuu's admiration for Azul only grew, him coming to truly appreciate and adore that stupid octo-jerk's personality even more. He knows having feelings for NRC's most notorious blackmailer is extremely dangerous, and so he is very tight-lipped about his crush and only has allowed his best friends to be privvy to that info (mostly so they can slap some sense into him). He doesn't really hate Azul. In fact, he thinks that if he didn't have a crush, they could have been pretty good friends. What he hates is how vulnerable he feels around him and how, if Azul somehow learnt about Yuu's crush on him, he most definitely will use those feelings to his advantage. This is why Yuu keeps his interactions with Ashengrotto to a minimum— having to pretend he is not absolutely head over heels for this stupid cephalo-punk gets exhausting fast.
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(I know Grim picked this up from Yuu gushing over Azul's grade school pic. I know it.)
Yuu/Azul's perspective: (Un)fortunately, Yuu's confusing feelings for Azul can only be rivaled by Azul's themselves. At first Azul didn't think much of Yuu. Sure, he'd solved some overblot cases with the power of friendship or whatever, but he had never thought that Yuu would not only beat him at his own game, but that he was aware of his every move all that time! Azul had finally found a proper intellectual rival, and he couldn't wait to win their next rematch. Yet, Yuu kept on surprising him in many other ways. First, by revealing that Yuu had been hiding his own academic potential under a guise of mediocrity— having Grim as his perfect mask and lowering his GPA to a fairly believable rate. And second, by subtly pointing Azul towards Jamil as the possible cause for Kalim's sudden bout of madness. Yuu seemed to be always one step ahead. Even when he fumbled, he still managed to regroup and recover so quickly, it seemed impossible to Azul that Yuu would be completely magicless. And not only that, but through some kind of ungodly power, Yuu managed to chip away at the walls he had put up for years. Azul felt at ease, comfortable even, whenever he and Yuu hung out— even if it wasn't as often as he would like. Behind all of the banter about contracts and shady deals, Azul found himself trusting Yuu even more than the Tweels themselves (not like he trusted them that much either...). The insecure, pudgy, nerdy octopus of his childhood came out and was completely embraced by Yuu with absolutely no judgement. Overall though, his crush on Yuu is often overshadowed by his much more prominent crush on Jamil, one that is certainly less confusing and, therefore, much more easy to focus on rather than the undescifferable mess that are his feelings for the Ramshackle prefect.
Malleus: Look, its no secret that Malleus has a gigantic puppy love crush on Yuu. He has been intrigued and enamored by the odd huamn's behaviour ever since that one fateful night at Ramshackle dorm. Though fairly rusty on his courting knowledge, he sure does try. And he tries real damn hard. When Yuu left Twisted Wonderland, Malleus' biggest regret was never properly confessing how he felt— and yet he cannot find the courage to tell him how he feels even after Yuu has chosen to stay indefinitely. Yuu, on the other hand, considers Tsunotaro to be a very trusted friend. Maybe if he wasn't so cryptic and if they spent more time together, he would even be promoted to best friend status someday. Yuu is sort-of-kind-of aware of Malleus' crush. And he wishes he could return his feelings. But, as his bad luck would have it, his heart is already dead-set on a certain, annoying cephalopod.
Jamil: Though Yuu does not harbor any romantic feelings for Jamil, the biggest, and most obvious reason he cannot stand the guy is pure and unfiltered jealousy. He is jealous that Azul shamelessly flirts with Jamil only to be met with a cold shoulder. He hates how, every time Jamil mentions Azul off-handedly and his advances, it makes him wish he was in Jamil's place instead. And what he hates the most is that Azul seems to forget Yuu's existence whenever Jamil is nearby. Either way, he cannot completely hate Jamil because, if Azul's crush on him is obvious, then Jamil's own disastorous crush on Kalim can be seen through space. Yuu, once again, thinks that if it weren't for his crush on Azul, they'd be on fairly okay terms with each other.
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yvonnesayler · 2 months
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, YVONNE SAYLER! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like CAMILA QUEIROZ. You must be the THIRTY year old BARTENDER AT THE FOUR LEAF PUB. Word is you’re RESILIENT but can also be a bit DUBIOUS and your favorite song is DARK PARADISE by LANA DEL REY. I also heard you’ll be staying in CRYSTAL COVE CONDOMINIUMS. Trigger Warnings: Death, grief, drugs
basic stats
Full Name: Yvonne Estela Moreira Sayler
Nickname(s): Yve (pronounced like 'Eve'), Slayer
Gender: Cis woman (she/her)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday: March 13 (30)
Hometown: Loch Lomond, Florida
Current Residence: Crystal Cove Condominiums
Time in AB: Two years
Occupation: Bartender at the Four Leaf Pub
Education: Just shy of a high school diploma
Religion: Non-practicing Catholic
Pets: None
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'6
Tattoos: TBA
Piercings: One in each lobe
Favorite Movie: True Romance
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Jack and Coke
Favorite Food:
brief bio
Yvonne grew up in a mobile home neighborhood in Loch Lomond, Florida. She lived with her mom, Julia, and no father, whom Julia has always claimed was Lou Reed of The Velvet Underground.
She was a moody, eccentric girl in school and ended up dropping out just shy of graduation to marry her boyfriend, who had graduated two years previously at a high school in neighboring Pompano Beach. He came from a wealthy family whom Yvonne got along with very well, at least until she eloped with their son. He already had his trust fund at that point and the two of them used it to leave Florida behind.
They ended up across the country in Phoenix, Arizona, and Yvonne was literally just happy being a wife and curating little hobbies while her husband worked. They were more or less happy for about five years, when she lost him to a drowning accident. In his will he'd left all of his money to her, which became an enormous legal battle with his family, but which Yvonne ultimately won, perhaps not least of all because she slept with his family's lawyer.
She then took her money and went to California, where she initially spent a few years in LA before deciding it was too fast-paced for her and relocating to Aurora Bay, still idyllic and still California but a little more her speed. She works now as a bartender at the Four Leaf Pub.
Smokes a lot of cigarettes, thinks vapes are fuckingggg lame
Kind of a coke fiend tbh
Has gotten in trouble with law enforcement for swimming naked in natural bodies of water
Was made for hookup culture, one night stands are her thing these days ever since she lost her husband
Genuinely has no idea if Lou Reed is actually her dad but she very seriously doubts it
Was utterly derailed by the loss of her husband, obviously, but also emotionally vexed by the way the sudden freedom excited her a little bit too
Not at all academically-inclined but very world savvy and can take care of herself
Very friendly and loves to yap but has an introverted side and will sometimes hermit herself away and only be in the mood to see her close friends
Has a 'mysteriously rich widow' vibe like you don't THINK she killed her husband for all that money but you also wouldn't bet your life on it 😭
Has a great singing voice, very croony and old-timey
Loves making her own clothes and has a small Etsy shop where she sells her handmade stuff that she doesn't keep for herself, has been known to take commissions
Has the moodiest wardrobe, absolutely walks around in head scarf + sunglasses combo
Drives a powder blue Audi A4 convertible
connection ideas
Neighbors in Crystal Cove Condos
Some close friends, some regular friends, some acquaintances from around town and regulars at the pub where she works
Anybody who's bought clothes from her or commissioned something
An ex from the last two years that probably deeply didn't work out
Tinder/Hinge/any of those, one night stands, one-or-two-off dates, maybe one fwb but I don't see her maintaining that kind of relo very often
She's such a consumer. Does your muse sell stuff? Have a shop? She's a regular
Her attorney and financial advisor
Possible connection to her late husband (a cousin or sibling of his maybe) but this would have to be discussed
Someone who is absolutely convinced she killed her husband 😭
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cangrellesteponme · 11 months
(read this on AO3 here)
dadbastian week day two let's gooo (on time!!)
this one… idk we get some modern au silliness with an alois guest appearance (and claude, i guess??? he's just mentioned and he does not matter at all lmao) in which ciel is sebastian's… adoptive son????? idk either i'm making shit up as i go!! anyway.
in which ciel, a very annoying eight-year-old boy, realises he kind of wants to be a certain someone's very annoying eight-year-old son.
“Ciel, your… guardian is here?” the new lady says, and Ciel thinks she’s weird for the seventh time that day, but he gets his backpack and politely says goodbye anyway.
School is… not very nice. Mey-Rin often tells him that if he has nothing nice to say he shouldn’t say anything at all — but Ciel can tell she’s only trying to be a good adult, because she always says it in her Good And Serious Adult voice — and Bard says that’s bullshit, and Ciel likes the sounds of that a lot more.
So, school is not very nice and very much bullshit. It’s a big word, so Ciel keeps it in his little head and never lets it leave his mouth. Eight might be big — not that big, but he sure isn’t a baby — but Ciel still is not allowed to swear. Not that he thinks Sebastian would ever let him, even if he approves of mischief way too much to be a Good And Serious Adult. Ciel thinks he is a bit evil, even if he’s nice and responsible or whatever-the-word-is.
Maybe that’s why he’s Ciel’s guardian. Even though no one ever calls him that, because saying your legal guardian instead of your adult like a normal person is like saying good morning to a friend when hello is right there. But the new lady — still undeserving of the title of “teacher” — is weird, obviously, and Ciel tells Sebastian all about it as soon as he is at the gates.
“Names don’t matter, little one,” he simply says. “I could be anything, really.”
He says it in that Very Sebastian Tone that means tiny words are being used for big things, and Ciel doesn’t get it. He’s a little annoyed by Sebastian’s sebastianing, so he looks away from him and turns back to the school.
Today, he has to wait a little at the gate. Ciel would say he is very patient — no one agrees with him but it’s fine because he’s right anyway — and the wait is worth it for one reason: he’s going to have a sleepover with Alois, whose father always shows up a minute ahead of being late. The sleepover mostly consists of them sort of being around each other in the garden for a bit, then having dinner, then late conversations in Ciel’s bedroom long past their usual bedtime — gossip, Sebastian says, intel gathering, Ciel corrects — until they eventually fall asleep.
Ciel feels ecstatic. It’s a big word — one he’s very proud of learning.
Of course, he does not show it one bit, because why would he, and he is also very patient in the car.
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As soon as they’re home, Alois all but drags Ciel to the garden while Sebastian stays inside with the other boy’s father. Claude is a weird adult. Putting him and Sebastian in the same room is even weirder, really. They always look like they’re about to fight but all they do is play chess and say words Ciel barely understands in a tone he can’t recognise at all.
(Later, he will understand that they are very pettily exchanging passive-aggressive remarks like the bored and evil old creatures they are, trying to one-up each other with more and more sophisticated ways of saying “you’re an ugly, untalented bitch”. Thankfully, eight-year-old Ciel does not know the word “bitch” yet.)
It’s easier to just go to the garden and let the adults be weird in their little corner. Ciel’s company is much more fun, anyway.
Some of the teachers say Alois is rowdy. Ciel disagrees. The other rowdy kids play football and fight in the mud and throw books around, but Alois — though he does some of those things because Luka is rowdy and Alois cares a lot about being a big brother for some reason — mostly just sits on the floor a lot and never talks at the right time. Not that Ciel knows what the right time is, he just knows what it isn’t, because that’s when Alois talks. He’s a very helpful friend, in that way.
He also asks questions at the weirdest possible time.
Ciel is halfway through making a really cool and totally not wonky construction — it was supposed to be a specific thing, he forgot, it’s a construction now — out of dead leaves when his friend lifts his head from the grass long enough to say a few words.
“...what did she mean when she said ‘guardian’?”
“That’s an easy word,” Ciel immediately retorts, but it’s more out of habit than anything — sometimes petty answers crawl all the way up his throat and not letting them out feels like ignoring an itch, and he’s not very good at ignoring itches — and all of the bite behind it is gone long before the end of the sentence, “you should know it.”
“Yes, yes, now be nice and answer me,” Alois says, not even looking up this time, unbothered by Ciel’s usual… cielisms. Ciel considers not answering anyway, but he does.
“It means an adult who is the one who takes care of you.”
“Why would she call Sebastian that, though? That’s obviously your dad!”
Ciel’s construction almost crumbles.
“It would be more like you’re obviously his son, actually…”
It falls.
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Ciel knows, obviously, that Alois is wrong. Still, he is quiet all evening, trying and failing not to think about it. Only when his friend falls asleep — he’s hard to wake up, even if he always moves around, and mumbles, and sometimes has nightmares that wake Ciel up first — does he allow himself to pace in his room and actually think.
Sons don’t call their parents by their names. Sons don’t think of their parents as the sort of responsible adult around. Sons don’t…
Ciel wants to be a son.
He doesn’t understand any of it, but it feels like wanting to sit at the window at dusk, or reading one more story, or having a second slice of chocolate cake, or wearing his softest shirt, or, or… Or something. He doesn’t know. He has never wanted to be something before.
He knows, from experience and because he has been told so many times, that he can have anything he wants as long as he asks nicely, and it’s possible, and it’s reasonable. He’s not sure about the last one. Sebastian always says he should just ask. He even agrees to unreasonable things if they’re funny, sometimes.
Ciel wants him to agree for more reasons than “sounds mischievous, I’m in” or “I’ll always approve of you being an evil little schemer” this time.
He doesn’t have much time to think about it any longer, because there is a knock at the door and a long pause before it slowly opens.
“Still up? You really shouldn’t be,” Sebastian fake-scolds, but Ciel feels real-scolded anyway. “Back in your bed you go.”
As he slips back under the covers, letting Sebastian tuck him in, he thinks he should say something now. He might keep it to himself forever if he doesn’t talk now, and the thought is an itch, and he really wants to scratch it, and Sebastian is leaving the room already.
Bravery and fear sit — or, well, jump up and down would be more accurate — side by side in his stomach, but Ciel dares open his mouth when Sebastian’s hand comes to rest on the lightswitch.
“Goodnight, dad.”
There is a second of silence, and Ciel’s entire stomach flips at least three different times.
“Sleep well, my boy,” Sebastian then says right as he turns off the lights, taking it in stride.
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Ciel’s dreams that night are warm and shapeless. He does not remember them in the morning, left with only a profound feeling of happiness that could come from anything, really.
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lxstfathier · 10 months
Hey, so, I love your Arthur Pym content, and I'm not sure if you're still into his character... but I keep thinking of a scenario where another one of Rodrick's kids comes out of the woodwork (way before the "prophecy" came into play).
She's like 27, and mostly works with Madeline on the tech side of things, and she has had many dealings with Arthur having to lead legal meetings and such.After like a year or so, there's one particularly nasty legal battle, where she fucks up by saying the total wrong thing. So after the meeting, he pulls her into a side office and backs her up against a wall. Asking her wtf was she thinking, that he had it in hand and it was in the bag, but then she opened her mouth and fucked it all up.
He's fuming. She pulls him in by the tie and kisses him. Completely catching him off guard.Anyway, I can never end these little blurbs properly. But I guess she melts his resolve just that little bit, so they have several "encounters" and eventually end up sneaking around a lot, not wanting the family (or god forbid Rodrick) finding out that the family lawyer/enforcer is nailing Rodrick Usher's 27 year old daughter.
I just wanted to get it out of my head and thought maybe you could do something with it. Obviously, no worries of not, just happy that I can share the Arthur Pym obsession with someone 🫣
Of course that i’m still into Athur!! and omg anon, i’m speechless, that’s a whole fic in an ask 😳 i absolutely love that plot, it’s perfect like that, but i can do a little drabble with it for sure 💗
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You hate these type of family reunions every month. Your siblings are insufferable, always fighting and complaining about everything. And your father? well, he’s the same asshole you’ve known.
If you could trade families, you would.
So you just lean back on your chair, listening to their discussion as background noise, because your attention is really not on them… it’s on Arthur.
He’s standing on the other side of the large table, with a serious expression on his face that you can’t read. But he notices. He can feel your eyes roaming on him, on his blue eyes, his black suit, his tie that you love to pull and those black gloves that have touched every inch of your body.
And he doesn’t say a thing. He does not want to risk whatever is going on between you.
You, on the other hand, let your mind run free while clenching you thighs together, remembering when you kissed him for the first time a few months ago when he was furious at you. Or that one time where he fucked you in his office and madeleine almost caught you. Or last night, when you got to have him with his face buried on your pussy, sucking your clit so good that you almost screamed his name.
What would happen if you father knew that you’re fucking the family lawyer? the man he trusts the most? someone who is more than forty years old than you? he would be absolutely mad and disappointed.
But you don’t care at this point. You’re sick of everything.
Maybe you should cause more drama and tell everyone that you and Arthur have been fucking for months.
Maybe you should get up and shout at Roderick Usher that you choke on Arthur’s cock almost everyday….
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iheartbookbran · 2 years
Why are Rhaenyra's "strong" boys are presented as something she alone is doing to the Velaryon's family and disrespecting them. Laenor is a part of this, he's expecting his sons to inherit after him. If Rhaenyra is guilty of disrespecting the Velaryon family, doesn't Laenor share some of that guilt? I get why most don't, but you'd think Rhaenys would know that this was her sons decision too.
I hate, hate with a burning passion how much this kind of argument takes agency away from Laenor, and Corlys for that matter. Y’know, the only two men whose opinion on the subject actually hold any weight. Like, if Laenor really wanted to, he could’ve accused Rhaenyra of adultery and he could’ve taken legal steps against her, if people wanna complain about how much PrIviLegE Rhaenyra has that the patriarchy can’t touch her (narrator: it can) and she can get away with whatever she wants (narrator: she can’t), well then Laenor is the one person who wouldn’t have any problem challenging her because, like Rhaenyra, he’s a dragonrider descended from royalty and his father is the wealthiest man in the realm so I’m sure he was never super intimidated by Rhaenyra’s so called Targaryen Male Privilege. But instead Laenor was 100% on board with Rhaenyra having those children, loved those children like he were their biological father, and claimed them as his own, which means that legally those boys aren’t bastards and no one can prove otherwise. So really, who cares?
The only other person who could potentially care and have any say in the matter is Corlys… but he also didn’t gaf. He like Laenor, fully knowing the truth of those children’ real parentage, claimed them as his grandsons and named Luke as his heir, and as the Lord of Driftmark he had the complete authority to do that which was why Vaemond had no business trying to challenge that decision and why he never had the guts to bring the issue to his brother in person and why he had to wait until he was gravely injured to run to the Hightowers trying to gain support for his usurpation plot (also why he never bothered to name Baela or Rhaena as potential heirs, because he only cared about getting power for himself).
Spoiler alert but when Addam and Alyn eventually appear, and are made heirs to Driftmark, even though they’re very obviously Velaryons if not by name, they’re still gonna face a lot of prejudice and be challenged by their relatives for being “dirty bastards” daring to step “above their stations” in life, it doesn’t matter who they might resemble.
The worst part is that those same awful prejudices against illegitimate-born children that we as audience are supposed to disagree with are then adopted by the fandom as valid talking points. Like it’s just incredible to me how many people in this fandom feel so strongly about children born out the blessed bonds of marriage and unironically feel they should be discriminated against because of their birth. Almost makes me feel like I’m in Catholic School surrounded by stern-looking nuns or something lmfao.
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writtenendings · 1 year
Cheryl Crane- An Important Parallel to Evelyn Hugo
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(Cheryl Crane and her mother Lana Turner, accessed from IMDB)
I recently finished The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins-Reid. It is a 5/5 and I highly recommend reading it if you haven't yet. I'm in a book hangover from it, and naturally that means I'm readings anything online I can find about it.
I'm not sure this has been stated anywhere, but as far as I'm aware TJR hasn't directly named her, but I think her story is very relevant and has some interesting parallels to the story. Obviously, as with Elizabeth Taylor and Rita Hayworth, there are many differences between them and the characters the book presented, but I think she's worth acknowledging.
Cheryl Crane (CC initials is also interesting, could be coincidental, Connor Cameron?) was the sole child of Lana Turner, who was a Hollywood it-girl that many lauded as a sex-symbol that was remarkable for her acting abilities (this could be compared to Celia's image which contrasted Evelyn or Ruby). Turner had also had 7 marriages, and Cheryl was born during her marriage to Stephen Crane. They divorced quickly, and Cheryl was raised in LA, where she was "famous at birth and pampered silly" (Connor had a similar upbringing).
When she was 14, Cheryl stabbed her mother's lover to death while defending her from his domestic abuse. She was found to be justified in the act of self-defense, but faced a lot of media attention that only compounded with the trauma she had undergone. In my mind, this is reflected in both Evelyn's own childhood with her father and in how Connor is always under the public eye, so when she acts out in her early teens, it isn't private but something published on front covers.
Most importantly, in my opinion, is Cheryl's identity and memoir. She fell in love with a model named Joyce LeRoy, and revealed her identity publicly in a memoir in 1988. Joyce was her one true love, finally marrying in 2014 (which could have reflected the changing social acceptance of queer people, and it had only been legalized in 2013 in California where they resided). In some articles, they refer to Joyce with the nickname "Josh". I'm unable to find anywhere that elaborates, but this could be a pseudonym like 'Edward' that allowed them to more covertly communicate. Cheryl actually ended up being diagnose with Breast Cancer, which she recovered from and is living quite a quiet life. Much of the information we have is from ghost-written memoirs from 1988 and 2011 (the second focused on her mother and published after her death).
When Cheryl had told her mother the plan to write about her identity and relationship (she had already come out to her at 13, which initially shocked her mother but she quickly came to understand it), Lana Turner had expressed concern over what kinds of social stigma it would open them up to (Lana seemed to be, first and foremost, concerned with protecting the people she loved similarly to Evelyn. She didn't care about her daughter being a Lesbian, but what the world would do because of it). Lana stated that Cheryl's partner, Joyce, felt like a second daughter to her.
Later, when Cheryl was publishing mystery novels, many of her interviews remind me of the way Hugo would answer. When asked if she wished she was just Cheryl Crane and not The Cheryl Crane, she said she wouldn't change a thing, that she loved her mother. When asked about her mother's legacy mainly being the scandals she was involved in, Cheryl said that this wild life has kept her image alive when so many were forgotten.
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Yonabar wedding headcanons, please? I know you're into the poly ships but they've been my OTP ever since "She's All Yak."
First and foremost, Yona’s father did not originally approve. Even going so far as invoking an old yak custom of the father of the prospective bride challenging the suitor to unarmed combat to prove Sandbar’s worth. (For the record, this wouldn’t necessarily mean Yona couldn’t marry Sandbar if he lost, that was still always her choice, it’s just a matter of Yak pride.)
Now, a little known loophole in that custom is that the suitor is able to name a second to fight in their stead. It’s kinda like Krogan rules, not every yak can be the biggest and the strongest, but even the weakest Yak should be able to inspire others to fight in their name.
So, naturally, Sandbar named Yona as his second.
Needless to say, Yona’s father had no more unkind words to say about Sandbar after that fight.
(Bonus points is that Yona’s mother also offered to be Sandbar’s second. And poor Yona’s father honestly didn’t know which of those match-ups would have been more painful.)
On the flip-side on the topic of in-laws, Sandbar’s parents absolutely adored Yona and doted on her non-stop in the days leading up to the wedding. For someone who’s lived a very harsh lifestyle where rugged strength is paramount over all else, being pampered by her future in-laws and treated like a princess was a very welcome change of pace for Yona.
It helps that all of the S6 spent so much time at Sandbar’s house that Yona was pretty much their daughter in all but marriage anyway. Sandbar putting a ring on it just made things more official.
When the in-laws officially met each other before the wedding, Yona’s father made the mistake of making a passing remark towards Sandbar’s physical weakness.
The sheer burning intensity of the glare from Sandbar’s mother made Yona’s father afraid to sleep at night for a whole week. The two mother-in-laws now make the effort to catch up once a month over tea.
The wedding itself was pretty multi-cultural, taking traditions equally from both pony customs and yak customs, with both fiancé and fiancée basically picking and choosing which traditions sounded the most fun. Interestingly, most of the yak traditions were chosen by Sandbar and vice-versa with Yona choosing mostly pony traditions. After all, both had seen so many weddings in their own traditions, why not try something they’ve never seen before?
One of the biggest yak traditions was taking a special wooden carving made by the bride’s parents and smashing it to pieces, which they would then replace with their own carving that would get smashed by their children, if they ever had any.
Obviously, Sandbar wouldn’t be able to smash the carving with his bare hooves, so Gallus gave him a sledgehammer as a wedding gift. He figured there was gonna be a lot more ‘smashing’ in Sandbar’s future being married to Yona, so he figured he should be prepared.
“Dude, like, ninety percent of yak traditions involve breaking stuff.”
“Yona would be offended if Gallus was not totally on money.”
Speaking of their friends, Sandbar asking Gallus to be his Best-Man was an obvious no-brainer, but Yona had a bit more difficulty choosing which of their friends should be her Maid-of-Honor.
After a few solid minutes of careful deliberation, Yona basically just shrugged and asked all of them to be her Maid-of-Honor.
So in the reception of their union, after the bride and groom had their first dance, the guests were all treated to the image of this poor, addled griffon getting dragged to the dance floor and getting absolutely crowded by three different creatures all wearing matching green dresses.
Of course Trixie took pictures.
Dang, I actually had a lot more to say then I thought. This is what happens when you ask for my headcanons.
(Self-indulgent bonus: If you’d like to include my OCs, Camren and his crew made a temporary truce with Gallus to procure some totally-legal, totally-not-stolen fireworks to cap off the reception.)
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icemftmm · 1 year
An old video, but I have only recently cared to comment as a reaction to somebody asking in the comments if it did seem illegal to raid someone's home without warrants and without the homeowner being present. My comment:
The raid was also performed during Manson's honeymoon abroad. But the US authorities have failed the US citizen Marilyn Manson in more than one way.
A federal agent played coy when informed that actress Evan Rachel Wood and her intimate friend Ilma Gore had forged her signature and used her name on a fake FBI letter, which main purpose was to help recruit a number of women to file false accusations against Marilyn Manson. Note that despite the fact that she was first to attack Marilyn Manson with unproven accusations, Rachel Wood never bothered to file any charges officially. Even after the statute of limitations in California was lifted. She simply organized a group of people to do the dirty work for her.
Rachel Wood also used the fake FBI letter in order to obtain full custody of her son and take him away from the father. An atempt which after a 2-year long legal battle recently ended tragically for her since she completely lost the custody rights over the child herself.
In any way, upon one of Manson's lawyers informing aforementioned FBI agent of the fake letter, no reaction followed by her or the bureau despite the obvious impersonation of a federal agent comitted by the actress and her friend Ilma Gore which is a crime usually punished by prison time if proven.
Manson also received a series of subjective unfavorable judge rulings in his own civil case against the actress and her fellow forger in which he is trying to do the job of the FBI and get a sentence for the two insolent cons. The lawsuit was finally gutted and reduced to almost nothing after the judge refused Manson the right to limited discovery concerning the fake FBI letter and the deposition of Wood herself to be taken, as well as refusing to accept as evidence the sworn declaration of one of the main Manson's accusers who admitted to have placed false accusations after having been systmatically manipulated by Wood. The judge also ruled that the fake FBI letter is to be considered protected speech under the first amendment and not taken in consideration for the lawsuit. The reason: it was already submitted by Wood in the child custody court as evidence, so it was priviledged. The judge intentionally did not consider the fact that the other court had disregarded the letter after noticing it was fake.
The video said that Manson could not have Esme Bianco's case dismissed, but it did not mention the reason why although it is in direct relation to the raid mentioned in the title. Well, here it is: Bianco was outside statute of limitations for sex crime charges, so her lawyer played another card. He placed on her behalf charges for human trafficking! And in order to prove that there is base for such charges, the actress went to testify in front of the sheriff's department. Hence the raid. Police officers didn't even find drugs for personal use during the raid, nor any trace of criminal activity of any sosrts. So they took all the electronic devises they managed to find in the house in order to search for any piece of information on them which could point to any criminal activity whatsoever. Two years later, no results from this investigation. It has obviously been raised by Bianco in order to justify the charges she filed. Her lawsuit persisted enough so that Manson's insurance company would offer a small amount to the actress in order to settle her claims. She took the money and no word from her was heard ever again.
Strictly following the bidding of actress Rachel Wood however, the district attorney of LA still hasn't cleared Manson's name and closed the investigation.
So yes, a lot of "illegal" is going on when it comes to the Marilyn Manson situation.Показване на по-малко
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
Hi! First of all, thank you for dedicating your time and space to trans issues, it's been really helpful for me. I am nonbinary and transmasc. I'm in my 20s and, even though I don't live with my parents anymore, I still depend on them financially and visit them from time to time. If I told them I'm trans they wouldn't exactly be supportive (my mother could accept it with time, but my father is terribly transphobic). Nonetheless, the thought of spending my younger years in a body that I don't feel comfortable in destroys me so I want to physically transition as soon as possible. I don't feel safe doing stuff without their approval and, since I would need their financial support, sooner or later I have to come out to them. If I start transitioning without telling them, they would obviously notice and I'm really fucking scared of what could happen in that case. Besides, I have been hiding myself for many years and I'm tired of this burden. How do I come out it in a way that isn't traumatizing to any of us? I want to make sure they know that I won't turn into a completely different person and that the physical changes that I need are not as drastic as they might think (my goals are T-microdosing, changing my legal name and maybe top surgery). I don't need them to accept my choice or morally support it. I'm even okay with them botching my pronouns and name, honestly. I just really need to feel free to live my life as I wish outside of my household and feel comfortable in my own skin.
i just wanted to say that i know more than anyone how much it hurts to feel like you cant change or express something in yourself due to depending on someone financially and/or for shelter. as a disabled person, i have depended on a lot of folks who have controlled a lot of various aspects of my life due to me not being sure if they would be okay with it or not, and it's really hard when you realize your entire safety network is at risk. i get that, it's a really hard thing to grapple with
i waited until after i moved out to fully come out. i sort of half came out before i left, but after i moved out, my parents weren't in control anymore and i made a beeline for hormones. if you can't wait that long, i really recommend writing your thoughts down, how you want to say it, how you want to represent yourself. use confident, strong wording. don't say "i feel like x identity", say "i am x identity", etc. you can even let them know that you've been concerned about how they feel and that you are taking their feelings into consideration, but that this is something that is so important to you that you can't keep putting your mental health on the line for it.
writing down how you feel will make it easier for you to make sure you're wording things in an accurate manner. you don't have to give them a letter if you don' twant to, some people just give their parents a letter so they read the whole thing. some people really struggle in face to face conversation, i mean hell, i texted my family when i came out :'-)
if anyone has any more suggestions for coming out in a situation like this, feel free to add on. i'm sorry it's affecting you like this, but i totally understand. it can be very scary to be in that position and i don' twant you to do something that endangers you if you're not ready. i hope you're able to get it sorted out. take care of yourself
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