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lighting & color practice with the Fluffy Fruits <3
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lunarharp · 9 months
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figured i'd do this again..bit early i guess..
#to cheer me up.. i feel bad atm.. these things don't even make me feel very good tho bc i'm such a narrative/sketch-based artist..#but Proper Beautiful Finished Pieces are what grab attention and look good at the end of the year all neatly lined up lol.....#so looking at a “yearly review” where i can only choose 'the best image of the month' (??) is like...What have i even been doing...#i did a month by month look back on twt for myself instead..but even that doesn't express the quantity of comic-based stuff..#that i do put a lot of time/heart into..but alas i feel bad bringing even them back..RTing/reblogging my own art simply feels bad lol..#AND WHY IS IT ALL B&W...trying to accept that i LIKE doing that and sketching and scribbling..not like i'm trying to like..Get Artist Job..#this year was so profoundly lonely at times bc i spent all my time drawing instead of socialising and trying to find friends....#please please please have achieved more of your dreams in the future so you can look back at 2023 and think..#It was good that happened so that it got me further to the future. Or whatever i guess.....................#regardless i did have a great amount of fun drawing and improving this year and dwelling deeply & heavily on witch hat atelier.#art-wise and emotionally....march july & september were the best months i think..AUGUST WAS SO WEIRD SUMMER IS SO EVIL ALWAYS.#thank you very much if you are reading this for enjoying & leaving nice tags & such like <3 i've realised how fulfilling that is to receive#really keeps me posting stuff here instead of keeping it all to myself in my head#i wish everyone in this world could have a safe and happy end of year. i wish living in this world were easier
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sysig · 8 hours
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Stop being so pretty already, gosh (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#DAX#ZEX#They're just too pretty goodness me#Grumpy DAX! Piggybacking a bit off his grumps with ZEX but not all That much haha#Enjoys his company <3 Excitable and pleased and healthy - a good ZEX to be around!#Loves him ♪ What can you do#Pretty flirty ZEX! I don't mind making those obviously digital edits from time to time hmm#Makes things much more contrasty which is nice on the eye :) Dunno! I usually leave my scribbles alone but it might be fun to do more often#Like I don't already spend long enough on editing lol not the point it's for the ~aesthetics~ lol#Speaking of ♪ Starry dress ZEX ah <3 <3#I have a history of putting green aliens in sparkly starry dresses I just can't stop it's The fashion choice really#I think he'd look really stunning in a blues-and-golds like the VUX view in their close ups hehe#Though that central piece on his chest is a moonstone - obviously ♫#Phases of the moon belt :)#I love drawing the gathering of whispy dresses so much ahh and the way his arms pull either with just the tip or fully grabbed#Gathered into a bunch! Very fun shapes haha#I really enjoy putting him in unrestrictive clothing! Deserves to move comfortably!#Surprised I haven't put him in something with a leg slit yet tho lol - why does DAX grab me more for that style hmm#I guess the tunic style is usually like that haha I've got to put at least one of them in a Chinese style dress at some point#Not enough jewelry on his head tendrils now that I look at him hmmm - some starry webbing next time for sure#I never officially gave Bar the star-twinkling dress just the shooting star obi........o3o owo#It's a thought! It's an idea for sure :)#Fun fun fun with fashion ♪ S'why YIK is best girl hehe
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phantomrose96 · 5 months
Sham Sacrifice
(Hi it's time for my favorite headcanon)
Vlad Masters sat firm and proper on the Fenton Family couch, legs crossed, teacup pinched in his fingertips, fighting subtly against the sinkhole that came with the mistake of taking Jack’s usual spot on the couch. He appeared with all the same charm and delightfulness of an ant swarm rearranging your picnic.
Danny stood at the doorway, just-still-in-the-kitchen, just not inviting himself to join the adults in the living room where Jack boomed and rambled and Vlad sat so stiff and polite and nice that his tea in his hands was going cold.
“Oh, Danny you’ll love this story—Danny, you should join us—Danny this was, what, summer of ’84? When was that heatwave, Vladdy? The one where you—”
“There’s no need to bore Daniel with the mad ravings of two old kooks, Jack. Kids would rather be off at the mall or—some store, surely. No need to stick around Daniel on my behalf. I assure you I won’t be offended if you leave.”
“No worries, V-man. I’m good right here. I love hearing Dad’s stories." Danny met Vlad's challenge, speaking with more poisonous courtesy than Vlad had proffered first. "In fact I think he should tell a few more, if he’s got more in mind.”
“In fact I do have more in mind—” Jack answered.
Neither Danny nor Vlad were listening to Jack. They held eye-contact, Danny with a stern unblinkingness of a sheepdog on duty. A lot was said without words. A lot was understood when Vlad decided to visit through the front door. Vlad only used the front door when he wanted something.
And it was never good when Vlad wanted something.
“—the core reactor project, yeah? That summer? That was in the lab with no A/C. Top floor. We were sweating like pigs, all of us. And I dared you to eat the really moldy pizza from our fridge the night before and you ralphed right into—”
“—Surely you remember this more fondly than I do. Daniel, really, you can go.”
Not a chance.
“Actually,” Danny answered, brightening some as his opportunity struck. “I am interested in this. For science class I need to write a report on the invention of an important piece of technology. I was gonna ask Mom and Dad about the Ghost Portal. And now that you’re here, I can get the whole history.”
Jack made a giddy little noise. He leaned forward, words primed, but Vlad was quicker to the draw.
“Sorry to say, your faith in me is unfounded. I wasn’t the portal guy back in college—that was always your mother and father’s passion project. I was their skeptic.”
“Bet that’s got you feeling pretty foolish right now, doesn’t it V-man?” Jack chided, a quick jab to Vlad’s ribs that nearly unseated the teacup from his suspended saucer. “Considering the fully-functioning portal right beneath our toes.”
“I hardly feel foolish, Jack. Your calculation for the portal in college was never going to work.”
“What do you mean? Of course it did.” Jack thumped the ground with his foot. “It’s running the old girl right now.”
At this, Vlad’s eyes narrowed. For the first time he’d been shaken off whatever skeezy machinations had brought him in. His pride was being challenged, and by Jack no less.
“Absolutely not. With that calculation? Absolutely not.”
“Well forget the tea biscuits Vlad, because you’re going to be eating your words in a second. Mads, hold my spot,” Jack said, as if anyone was planning to take his spot. He bounced from the couch, scooted from the living room, and vanished into the dark maw of the lab stairs, leaving only the waning beat of his footsteps behind.
His absence filled only a swallowing few seconds. The footsteps returned, bounding upward, creaking with his heavy cadence, and Jack bounced back into the room in much the manner he left. A pad of yellow lined paper was clutched in his hand. When he dropped it on the coffee table, it revealed row after row of tight scribble, churning math, carrying down the page and occupying two entire pages more that Jack flipped through.
“Same baby I came up with in college. It just needed heavier dampening and higher voltage than what we made back then. The portal downstairs has that in spades. Well, in like two-thirds of a spade.” Jack tapped something on the last line. “The projection was still only hitting 70% of the threshold we calculated to reach dimension penetration. But it’s an art, not just a science. We fired it up anyway, and it took!”
Vlad grabbed the paper pad, agitated. His eyes ran over it. Then again. Until he settled on one line, a firmness overcoming his face. He tossed the pad back onto the coffee table, and Vlad leaned back into the couch, arms crossed.
“The lambda, Jack.”
“The lambda?”
“Check it again.”
Jack did, lips pursed, pad of paper nearly swallowed in his big meaty hand.
“What about--?”
“It squares. The units don’t balance otherwise. It originates from an integration step of λ*∂λ/∂t. It squares.”
Jack’s brow remained furrowed, firm, until delight cracked into his eyes, and he let out a laugh.
“Gods, my handwriting is gonna be the death of us. Mads,” he tapped something unseen on the second page. “That’s the genius of Vladdy. Cracked this puppy wide open with just a glance. I never noticed that in all my checking. That explains the missing 30%, at least. That explains how the portal took. Lucky for you Danny that Vlad was here—”
“Jack,” Maddie said.
“—your report can have the correct formula. It’ll be—”
“—A+ worthy—”
“—Jack,” Maddie said, curt. “Lambda is the ambient ecto-energy. It’s a few ten-thousandths of a unit.”
Maddie had surfaced a pen from her pocket. She sheared a few blank pages out from the back of the pad and started the formula fresh. She made quick work of copying it over, quicker work of solving it through – lambda-squared intact.
She hit the final line and hatched a pen mark beneath the number. Jack stared, confused.
“That can’t… no.”
He repeated the same. New pages torn loose. Formula copied over, processed, line by line by line—lambda squared—by line by line by line.
Jack settled on his answer. Same as Maddie’s.
Confusion made his face tense.
“So it’s not 70% of the way to the threshold… It’s 0.013% of the way to the threshold.”
He held the pen hard, his whole body holding firm and taut as the gears turned in his head. Jack’s eyes flickered across the formula, again and again and again. He looked to Maddie, like a dog issued a command he did not understand.
“But it worked,” he said, small. “But it worked.”
Jack stood, robotic almost, eyes lost in something far away. He disappeared into the lab almost as quickly as he had a few minutes before, but now he exited with a smoothness and a quietness so very uncharacteristic of him. It bothered Danny, somewhere deep in his gut.
Maddie followed, a possession matching Jack’s.
Danny’s fingers curled and uncurled. He’d succeeded. He’s successfully interrupted Vlad’s… whatever this was. But the disquiet infected him. He didn’t like it.
“So what does that mean?” Danny asked, perhaps to Vlad. “What’s wrong with the calculation?”
Vlad sipped on tea ice cold.
“Who knows?” Vlad lied.
The math didn’t work.
Maddie and Jack burned through paper, burned through pencils, burned through hours.
The math didn’t work.
Clothes stuck to skin. Sweat lingered fetid and stale in the cold basement air. Exhaustion beat like a slurry through their veins.
The math didn’t work.
The portal supervised all, placidly green, the light for their table, the light for their work when the lightbulb overhead burnt clean out and neither Jack nor Maddie could be pulled away to replace it. It stood, it watched, a testament of contradiction to everything they could not solve on paper, and yet everything they built directly into the fabric of reality.
And it should never have worked.
They threw every radical what-if they’d ever conceived over 20 years of ghost research.
The ecto-ether layer.
The latent activation stitches in space fabric.
The anti-ectomatter collision proposal.
The positive-feedback crystallization theory.
And still nothing worked.
All together, every crackpot theory in their favor taken for granted, racked them up to an activation energy 200x more potent than the calculation, and still just 2% of what would be needed to rip open, and hold open, a stable fissure between their reality and the ghost zone.
Maybe by pure luck, unfathomable luck, Fentonworks basement was directly situated atop a natural portal.
Maybe that would explain ripping it open. It did nothing to explain the stability. Natural portals were unstable by definition. There and gone in a few seconds. Not hours, days, weeks, months, a year, that the Fenton Portal had been open. Never so much as faltering.
It was late. 3am ticked away to 4am, and 4:30am. The discarded paper stacked higher than Jack and Maddie both. Calluses oozed from their hands at another attempt, and another, and another.
Maddie flipped through a folder’s worth of yellowed papers, aggressively thumbed over and over after two decades left untouched. And she settled on the one she’d passed over a few dozen times already, always seeking something else, something better.
This time she unsheathed it, and she placed it on the lab table.
“…If a mouse died. In the machine. If a mouse ran through the machine and accidentally bridged two live wires, and died of violent electrocution. 500 milliamps. Instantly melted into the circuitry.”
Maddie’s mouth was cotton-dry while she wrote. Ambient ecto-energy was low. Always very, very low.
Unless something very, very bad happened to something with the capacity to become a ghost.
The numbers wove. Maddie started the formula fresh, and it was pure muscle memory. A mouse. A big mouse, even. A 99th percentile beast of a mouse. And a wire that had been wired incorrectly. Something grounded that never actually grounded. An absolutely horrific amount of electricity.
0.37%, by pure numbers. If she included every permissive crackpot idea they had thrown on top, it topped out at 6% of the needed activation threshold.
Not a mouse.
“A cat,” Jack said, words gummy, tongue dry, face tired. “If we’ve got mice down here, maybe… a stray cat wandered in. Chased the mouse.”
Maddie nodded. It didn’t matter if it made sense.
She penned it in. A large cat. A devastating electrical short. Cats carried more ecto-potential than mice did. Ecto-potential did not necessarily go up with size. It went up with complexity. The things with the most ecto-potential were the things that most became ghosts.
1.45%, by pure numbers. 18% at absolute, absolute crackpot best.
“A dog,” Jack proposed with a shaky laugh. He swallowed. “A mouse… chased by a cat… chased by a dog… all electrocuted at once”
Maddie didn’t say the thing they both knew, which was that both of them would have noticed the evidence left behind by the electrically exploded pieces of a dog.
Maddie did it anyway. A mouse and a cat and a medium-sized dog, maybe just small enough to notice no evidence of, all together. All at once. All violently ripped apart, sacrificed to a machine still asleep in its wall.
Mice did not often make ghosts. Cats did not either. Dogs, occasionally. But infrequently. Very infrequently.
37%. At best.
“Maddie, I know just—maybe something really smart—”
“—like an octopus—”
“I hear, maybe, pigs are smart. If it was—”
Maddie was writing, already. Not for a pig. Not an octopus. Jack watched, and he knew what the numbers meant. The ecto-potential she penned gave her away. An ecto-potential that high.
65kg, an estimate
10,000 milliamps, a catastrophic accident, a death certificate.
A human’s amount of ecto-potential.
Maddie wrote.
And she wrote.
And she did not apply a single crackpot theory, not a single discredited proposal, not an ounce of exaggeration.
Threshold, and then some.
Comfortable, easily, then some.
For the first time, after all the hundreds of times she and Jack had penned this equation over the course of 2 decades, the number met her and Jack’s threshold.
A breakthrough.
A revelation.
A pure eureka moment.
Jack and Maddie were silent.
Alone in a humming basement. Alone with only the soft swirls of the portal for company, happy, stable, purring its contentment, singing to the cold air.
“It has to be something else,” Maddie said. And she said it weakly. And she said it childishly.
“You’re right. It can’t be this,” Jack echoed. “If someone died down here, we’d know. Dead bodies don’t walk away. We’d have seen it. O-or even if, if the body got stuck in the portal, we’d have heard of someone going missing.”
Maddie sat, quiet. A thought held her mind hostage.
“Unless they didn’t go missing,” Maddie said, and she said it barely audibly. “Unless the portal spit them right back out.”
“Then—that’s what I said—a dead body, on the floor, we’d have seen.”
“Not a dead body.”
“It had to be lethal, Mads—”
“I know Jack. But if they died, here, in the portal Jack, then their ghost did not get ripped away from the body and sent to the Ghost Zone. …They ripped the Ghost Zone here.” Palms slick with sweat smoothed over her notes. She pointed to one specific line and found her pen tip trembled no matter how badly she stabilized it. “The ecto-potential of a creature is how strong of a pull their ghost creates on the Ghost Zone. A strong enough pull means the ghost can reach the Ghost Zone and stabilize, like a fish reeling itself up, yeah? We agree on this Jack, yes?”
“Yes,” Jack answered.
“It’s what makes the math even work, Jack. Someone dying in the portal didn’t reel themselves to the boat. They reeled the boat in. Jack, they brought the Ghost Zone here…” Maddie wasn’t breathing right. She pulled sweat-soaked bangs away from her face. “Their ghost never left their body Jack. They died, Jack. And they walked back out.”
“…No. No,” Jack said. “No, they didn’t.”
“Then what?” Maddie asked.
Jack stared. He looked away. He didn’t like the expression on Maddie’s face.
“It—what about the ecto-ether theory?” Jack said, of the theory they’d tested and retested and tested all over, all night. He grabbed his pencil back up and pointed it aimlessly at Maddie’s piece of paper, pointed end out in self-defense. “If the ecto-ether is maybe… if it’s only 250-times stronger than we calculated. Then it could…”
Jack’s voice died. His pencil hung idle. Maddie’s paper remained unblemished.
“If it… was a pig,” Jack offered. “If it was a pig that died in the portal.”
“How, Jack? How would a pig get in? We lock all the doors at night, Jack. No one else can get in, Jack. It’s just us, Jack.”
Jack and Maddie were not there when the portal turned on.
Maddie’s statement carried two possibilities. Only two. Both felt like claws digging all the flesh right out of Jack’s heart.
“I want… I want to try the ecto-ether theory again,” Jack choked. “I think it’s the ecto-ether. I think it’ll work.”
Jack slid a piece of paper over, already covered in scribbles. In its single untouched corner, he started the equation for the several-thousandth time that night.
Above their head, birds were singing.
Sunrise hailed unseen from the windowless laboratory.
At 6am, Vlad answered his cell phone. The reception crackled, struggling through the layers of sheetrock above his head.
“Vlad?” Maddie’s voice crackled. “Sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Not at all my dear.” Vlad leaned his weight against the wall, playing with the singsong melody in his voice. “But you sound exhausted. Is anything the matter?”
“Yes. Well… Yes. Jack and I have—all night—trying to fix the equation.”
“We found something that maybe works.”
“Oh?” Vlad asked. He straightened, pacing now, cracklingly attentive. “And what might that—”
“If someone died. Activating the portal. We have an on-switch inside the portal’s interior. The trigger we use to press it is external to the portal, of course. But if someone went inside the portal, and they pressed it directly, and if they died, and pulled the Ghost Zone here—”
Vlad’s red eyes reflected pools of iridescent green. He twirled his free hand in the fringes of his cape, tongue working over the fanged edges of his teeth. He stared, consumed, forward.
“—and just, you, I was thinking, you’re the only other expert I’d trust to… maybe weigh in.”
“What does Jack think?”
“He denies it. He’s still. He’s trying other theories.”
“Well who knows, surely? The answer may lie somewhere you haven’t looked.”
“…I’ve looked everywhere, Vlad. That's the thing. There is no more ‘somewhere else’. I’ve looked.”
“You sound like your mind is made up.”
“I just… if maybe you have some idea.”
“Am I meant to talk you out of this idea?”
“Do you think I have some secret information you don’t? Sorry to say, I’m just your skeptic.” Some noise came through muffled from the other side. Vlad flashed a smile. “But…as your skeptic I will offer you this—It all sounds a bit absurd, doesn’t it? To kill someone and have them come back intact and… for you to never notice? Who would they be? How would they be? Surely not human anymore, surely. How would you never notice?”
Vlad paced forward, booted feet clicking along his laboratory floor.
“It would be ridiculous,” he continued, with a building crescendo, “so unfathomably self-centered surely, to not notice something like that befall someone so close to you, who died at the hands of your own invention? …If I’m correctly inferring who, in your household, you suspect of having activated the portal?” Vlad’s tongue lingered along his teeth.
Maddie’s line held, quiet. And the seconds of static drew long.
“Ah, apologies. I’ve overstepped,” Vlad continued. “I meant this as a vote of confidence in you. You and Jack both. Two people as attentive, caring, compassionate as yourselves. You would notice. I promise.”
“You’re… Okay, thank you, Vlad. I appreciate it.”
“Is there anything else, my dear?”
“No. No. Thank you, Vlad. I’ll think about this.”
Maddie’s line clicked dead. A chuckle built to Vlad’s lips and he let his head tip back with mirth. It lasted only a moment. He stowed his phone. And as if the interruption had never happened, Vlad reaffixed his attention on his own portal swirling in front of him. It bathed him, swimming green, purring contentment.
And Vlad vanished into his portal.
(Chapter 2)
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alotofpockets · 1 month
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The little mascot | Alessia Russo x Reader
Where your daughter climbs onto Alessia's lap in a restaurant, and later they reconnect when she gets to be a mascot for Arsenal
Woso masterlist | Words: 2k
When you realised your partner wasn't present in your daughter's life, and they didn't care much about yours either, you decided it was time to leave. Along with the separation, you had always wanted to live in London, but your partner didn't, so this seemed like the perfect time to make the move. 
You managed to find a place there pretty quickly, it would be about a month before you could move in, but that gave you the time to start looking for a job. With a job interview scheduled, you and Ellie took the tube over, for the first time. You didn't have anyone to watch your daughter, but the owners had been nice enough to allow you to bring her with you.
“Alright princess, Mommy is going to talk with the nice people, will you be a good girl and wait here for Mommy?” You settled her at one of the tables with a drawing book and some crayons. “Okay Mommy.” With a kiss to her forehead, you walk towards the back office.
You look over your shoulder once more before following the owner inside. “Thank you again for allowing me to bring her with me.” Tina smiles, “Of course, we are a family business, so we put family above all else.” 
In the restaurant Ellie was busy drawing, and hadn’t noticed she dropped one of her crayons until someone crouched down beside her. “I think you’re missing a colour, sweetheart.” She holds out the red crayon that fell to the ground. For a split second Ellie’s eyes widened, but when she met the soft blue eyes of the blonde stranger, she snapped back into reality. “Oh thank you.” 
Before the girl could get up, Ellie started rambling. “My Mommy is talking to the people behind that door, and I am drawing flowers, and stars, and butterflies!” She was enthusiastically pointing at all the things she had drawn. “They are very pretty, you are quite the little artist!” 
The girl went on her way again, and Ellie was quickly pulled into her drawing again. Working hard on filling the page with scribbles in all the colours she had brought with her. She looked over to her juice box as she was getting thirsty, but realised that you hadn’t opened it for her like usual.
She looks around thinking of what to do now, and then her eyes land on the blonde stranger, who’s talking with a bunch of other girls a few tables over. Full of determination she grabs the juice box and trods over. She pokes her finger in the girl’s arm gently, “Scuse me.” The blonde turns her way, “Oh hi, sweetheart.” 
Ellie holds up her juice box, “Can you open this?” She takes the juice box from her hands. “I for sure can. What’s your name, sweetheart?” She starts the conversation while putting up the little ears of the juice box. “Ellie and I am this many.” The girl holds up four fingers. “Wow, four already, you’re such a big girl! My name is Alessia.” Alessia hands back the juice box by the ears with the straw sticking out. “Enjoy your juice, Ellie.” Ellie hugs Alessia, “Thank you!” 
She walked back to the table you put her at, and she sipped on her juice box. As she was looking around the place, she saw some cakes being brought out. She followed the server intensely and watched the plates being put down at Alessia’s table, she gaps and is off her chair instantly.
“Lessia, can I please sit with you?” She put up her best puppy dog eyes. “Yeah, that’s alright. Beth, could you please grab Ellie a-” Ellie climbs into her lap before she can even finish her sentence. “That works too.” She chuckles. Alessia introduces Ellie to her friends. While Ellie is trying hard to focus on her friends, she keeps being pulled in by the piece of cake sitting in front of her. 
“Ey Less, I think someone is eyeing your food.” A girl named Katie chuckles out. “Oh is that why you came over?” Ellie quickly shakes her head, but when Alessia starts tickling her in her sides, she quickly confesses between giggles. “Alright, you can have a bite, go ahead.”
Your job interview went well, so well that they hired you instantly. That is why it took a little bit longer, because they wanted to show you around in the kitchen. You were excited to have been offered the job, and also to take a look around behind the scenes, but you were also eager to get back to your daughter. 
When you walked back in your eyes fixed to your table instantly, but Ellie was nowhere to be seen. Only her colouring stuff, and the juice box were still laying on the table. Before you could panic, you heard the familiar sound of your daughter’s giggles. 
She was sitting with a group of girls who looked to be around your age, and your nerves instantly settled, as you saw the way they were interacting with her and the way they had her laughing.
When you got closer, you noticed the chocolate creme covering her cheeks. “Hey princess, what are you doing over here?” Ellie jumps off Alessia’s lap instantly, “Mommy, you’re back!” You chuckle, “Hold it there, let’s clean you up first.” Alessia is quick to hand you a napkin. “Thank you, and I’m so sorry she interrupted your friend’s and ate your food. I’ll pay for everything.”
Alessia is quick to reject your offer. “Nonsense, we were having a blast together, weren’t we sweetheart?” Ellie nods eagerly, “Yeah Mommy, Lessia and her friends play football. Can I play football?” You nod your head, “We can look into it after we move, alright princess?”
Your daughter seemed to find that a good enough answer for now. “Go pack your stuff, I will be right there to help.” Ellie turns to Alessia, “Thank you Lessia.” The woman smiles at your daughter, “It was my pleasure, sweetheart.”
When Ellie is back at the table, you turn your attention to the woman you knew as Lessia. “Thank you so much for your kindness, she seemed very happy chatting with you all. Are you sure I can’t pay for your table?” Alessia shakes her head. “It really isn’t necessary, keep your money and put it towards your amazing daughter.” You thanked the kind stranger and helped back your daughter’s stuff back up.
You made the move over to London a month later, and Ellie was still on about football, so you had entered her in a local club, where she was having the time of her life, and made a bunch of new friends. Her team got picked to walk to be mascots to the Arsenal Women’s team at Emirates Stadium, and your little girl could not be more excited. 
You watched from the side with the rest of the parent’s as the kids lined up in the hall and watched the players arrive at the stadium. Ellie gasps when she sees a familiar face, “Lessia!” Alessia looks surprised at first, it had been a while since she had heard that nickname, she follows the line of kids and lets her eyes fall on the little girl at the end. “Ellie, sweetheart, what are you doing here?” 
Ellie begins telling her all about how she had started football and that her team got picked to be mascots. “That is so cool! I have to go get ready now, but would you like to be my mascot?” Your little girl lit up. “Yes please!”
Since you had only caught the name Lessia from your daughter, you hadn’t been able to look up the footballer that inspired your daughter to want to play. Now seeing her about to play in this gigantic sold out stadium, you knew instantly that your kid had found her idol.
When Alessia walked past the parents she looked for you and when she finally did, she sent you a small wave before following her teammates. Ellie and the other kids got escorted to another room, and you immediately started googling who this Lessia really was. Your daughter had set her heart on the blonde, but she had also piqued your interest. 
Your heart swelled with pride as you saw Ellie walking onto the pitch hand-in-hand with Alessia. The latter pointing you out in the crowd to your daughter. You waved to them both when Ellie spotted you. After, Ellie joined you in the stands to watch the match.
Arsenal got the win, and just like she had promised, Alessia found Ellie after the match. They shared a hug, and Alessia gifter her her jersey. “Did you like the match?” Alessia asked, kneeling down to her level.
Ellie nodded enthusiastically, “It was amazing! You were so good, Lessia! I wanna play like you.” Alessia felt honoured to hear that Ellie looked up to her. “With lots of practice, I am sure that you will one day!”
You chime in on their moment. “Thank you so much, Alessia. This meant the world to her,” Alessia gets up again, “It was my pleasure, she’s an amazing little girl.” Before you could respond, Ellie got Alessia’s attention again. “Lessia, do you want to play football with me?”
You didn’t expect her to say yes, after you had seen that she played for both Arsenal and England, at a top level, but her answer surprised you. “If it’s alright with your mom, I would love that.” You chuckle at Ellie’s hopeful eyes, “Of course that’s alright with me. If you give me your number, we can plan something later.”
The simple interaction of handing her your phone, had your cheeks flushed. She put in her number and sent a text message to herself. “Alright, I’ve got to go, but it was really great seeing you both here. I’ll text you and we’ll make some plans!”
True to her word, Alessia texted you a couple hours after the match. Over the next couple of weeks, Alessia had come over a few times already. Footy in your backyard, was the new normal. When Alessia was there, you’d go to the park as well. But your little girl was fully obsessed with football. Wearing her Russo jersey paired with her favourite article of clothing, a poofy skirt.
You found yourself looking forward to Alessia coming over. As time passed, she didn’t only come over for football, but she stayed for dinner, going out for picnics in the park, or lazy afternoons watching a movie. Not only Ellie was growing her bond with Alessia, but so were you. It got to the point where it wasn’t weird for Alessia to stay until after Ellie went to bed. The two of you spent hours after talking until it got late.
One evening, after Ellie had drifted off to sleep, you found yourself sitting on the balcony with Alessia, the cool London breeze brushing past you both. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for us,” you said softly, turning to face her. “It has made our move here so easy, and I could never have imagined seeing Ellie this happy in a new place so quickly.”
Alessia met your gaze, her eyes soft and sincere. “You and Ellie have become a big part of my life,” she admitted. “I’m glad we met that day at the restaurant.” You felt a blush reaching your cheeks at her words, “So am I.”
From that moment on, you and Alessia connected on a deeper level. It wasn’t just about Ellie anymore, it might not even have been for a few weeks now, though of course Ellie was and always would be a big part of it. It was about the late-night talks, the shared meals, and the quiet moments that slowly turned into something more.
“Do you think I could take you on a date some time?” Alessia asked nervously. “I’d love that.” 
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simpee9000 · 2 months
Not Just Friends - 2 -
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Prologue : Chapter 1 : Not edited : 3.4k words : M.List
Childhood best friends turned into something more, at least with the label. Katsuki Bakugo, a fast-rising hero and fast-learning guy who is ever so slow in getting attached to and loving someone. Even three long years into a relationship, and your friends even forget you're even dating. Nothing happening, spare a few kisses.. like 3 kisses, during high school. Graduated and living together, and you guys have done absolutely nothing to further the relationship. Are you sure you're not just friends? CW: Smut, brief domestic violence discussion, virginity loss, aggressive flirting from creeps, gore with pro hero stuff (lmk if i missed any) Applies to all chapters regardless of it is in said chapter.
-suit colors -can shut my quirk completely off -isn't a piece of shit -password. -others cant turn my shit off either      -katsuki
The note Katsuki left was majority scribbles, clearly written the second he left. You found it right when you were leaving, the crumpled sticky note being placed next to your keys.
Getting the watch set up and made for him would be difficult. Mainly making sure others can't tamper with his quirk. Everything else would be easy. Two weeks tops. Simply needed to take the same material used for his gloves and gauntlets and use it for his watch. The password and personal quirk disabled features would also be easy, just using the same techniques that normal quirk handcuffs use.
When you got to your office you immediately got to work. Drawing up the design and adding in the small details you wanted to add. You went through your email as well, getting the details Izuku sent you about what he wants. Unluckily for him, you would have to order the stuff he needs, everything Katsuki needed was already in the building. His case was personally yours so you saved up any left over materials from his suit. The quirk removing feature would take more time to set up though.
"Hey!" someone shouted, tacking your name to the end.
You just entered Katsuki's hero agency for lunch, talking with the sweet old receptionist. Ignoring the shout, you thanked the lady for buzzing you up. Walking over to the elevators and pushing the button to go up.
"Don't ignore me!" The voice whined. You rolled your eyes stepping into the elevator and frantically clicking the button to close the doors.
The doors almost shut completely, a hand stopping it a second to late and getting crushed.
"Fuckin' christ!" You opened the door as quick as you could, trying to make sure they weren't injured. They were doubled over, holding their hand to their chest. "Are you okay?" You asked, grabbing their shoulder to lift them away, attempting to see the injury.
They started shaking and panic ran through you, before you could yell to the receptionist to call paramedics they started laughing. Standing up straight and smiling, placing their 'injured hand' on your shoulder to support their laughter.
"Oh go fuck yourself," you brushed them off. Pressing the elevator open again.
"I'm sorry it was too easy!" He smiled. Moving to stand next to you again.
You ignored him once again. Stepping into the elevator that he unfortunately joined. Looking at the door that previously crushed his hand. "You broke the door," you pointed out, crossing your arms.
"Holy shit, Bakugo is going to kill me," he paled.
"That's what you get for activating your quirk between metal, Kirishima," you commented.
"Ouch, last name?" he feigned pain, clutching a hand to his heart, "Come on, how was I supposed to know?"
You glanced at him briefly, "You nickname your quirk unbreakable, what did you expect?" You deadpanned.
"Not that!"
"Be serious, I know you're not that dumb," you said, stepping out of the elevator at Katsuki's floor. Beginning the path to his office.
"I just wanted to talk to you," he complained, "but you ignored me completely."
"I wonder why."
"Come on," he pleaded, "I said I was sorry."
"Don't care," you knocked on Katsuki's office.
"Please," he begged.
Just as Kirishima opened his mouth to beg more, Katsuki opened his door. "The fuck are you two bitching about?" Katsuki looked at you for an answer. Which you shrugged and made your way inside. Sitting in his desk chair and sorting through the food he ordered for you two.
Katsuki turned his head to Kirishima, wanting an answer. "She won't talk to me," he pointed at you like a child.
Katsuki turned to you, raising an eyebrow, "Really?"
Before he could start getting to you about acting like a child you pointed back at Kirishima, "He broke your elevator."
He glared at the red head.
"I was just trying to talk to her!"
"And you needed to break my elevator to do that?"
Kirishima paused his comeback, knowing anything he wanted to say would be flawed. You choked back a laugh, cause Katsuki to turn to you.
"Don't act like you're innocent," he pointed, "All ya had to do was to talk him and my door wouldn't be broken."
"Nah, he broke my shit," you shrugged.
"I said I was sorry!"
"Yet now you just broke his shit too," you backed.
"What else did he break?" Katsuki asked.
You pointed towards Kirishima, and his hero outfit, "He broke his shoulder guards, again. I've fixed them five times this month because of the stupid shit he is doing."
"Whatever, out," Katsuki motioned for Kirishima to leave. Which he did, with a pout on his face. Katsuki shut the door and walked over. "Why do you insist on stealing my chair everytime?"
"The other ones aren't comfortable," you answered, handing him his food and opening yours to start eating. "Oh!" You perked up, "I finished the design for your watch, just need everything ordered and I'll start on it."
He took a break from his food, looking up at you, "How long?"
"Shipment should get here in two days, they just had a huge order and have a ton of left overs, so I'm using the stuff they have extras of. Wanna see the design?" You smiled, pulling up a picture on your phone when he nodded.
He looked over the notes you wrote down, zooming in on the smaller details, "looks good."
"Good!" You smiled.
His office door opened, "I forgot, we're having a little get together at Denki's place Saturday," Kirishima smiled before shutting the door again.
"Come on Kats," you begged, trying to meet his eyes.
"Nuh uh," he took a bite of his food, looking up briefly and meeting your eyes.
"Please! We haven't hung out with them in forever!" You pointed out.
"We hung out last night."
"Yeah, with Z', not with your friends."
He glared at you until he felt your hand rest on the top of his, "Please?"
"Fuckin' fine," he brushed off your hand and continued eating.
"This is lot more then a little get together," Katsuki grumbled right after pushing the door open. Disregarding a knock all together and walking straight in, taking a pause in his step.
You took a glance over his shoulder, since he took up the majority of the small hallway that started off the apartment, seeing the solid twenty or more people that crowded Denki's and Sero's apartment. "It's fine, it's not like we are forced to stay long," you pushed his back lightly, getting him to walk in entirely.
"Kacchan! Surprised you came!" Denki smiled once he saw Katsuki leave the hallway, you stepping out from behind him. "Thanks for dragging him here," Denki came up to you, giving you a one armed hug since his other hand was holding a beer.
"What else am I good for," you joked, "Didn't you say this was a small get together?"
"I was just trying to increase the odds of #2 pro hero coming in," he shrugged, Katsuki shooting him a glare and you a look, saying he wished he never came. "Now make yourselves at home, I gotta make sure Mina doesn't eat all the jello shots."
You watched Denki skip to the kitchen, instantly yelling at a stuffed faced Mina. Looking around the room you saw Sero sitting in a chair with two open spots next to it, turning back to Katsuki, he already knew your look, "Go, I'll get you a drink."
Sero saw you heading his way and gave you a wave. He was sitting in a recliner and had a loveseat spaced next to it. You took the loveseat and leaned on the armrest close to him, kicking your feet unto the other half of the couch to prevent someone stealing Kats spot.
"How's work?" Sero asked once you gave him your attention.
"Good, busy as always. But I've been ahead of the game lately, I think I can start branching out more on my own soon," you smiled.
"Exciting," he smiled, " I see you got the grump outside for once," he nodded to Katsuki, who was being badgered by some of Denki's sidekicks/partners.
You laughed, "Yeah, you're not the first to tell me that tonight, but I'm not surpised. He went out with me last night to Z' as well."
"Did you drug him? I won't snitch."
"No, I think his mom yelled at him or something," you pretended to expose. Hiding the truth behind Katsuki's behavior, which was likely the civilian death he had to deal with recently. "But how's your work?"
"Meh, it's hero work," he drank from his cup, "Recently had to deal with a spider villain so it was weird. It was like fighting myself if I had eight legs and eyes."
The two of you continue to talk about work or recent things between friends. Briefly discussing Kirishima and Mina's budding relationship that's been going on for years. Just before Sero could question your own relationship, Katsuki came back.
"Fuckin' nerds wouldn't leave me alone," he grumbled picking up your legs and sitting on the couch with you, handing you a drink.
"You love the attention," you bumped him with your knee, "and careful, might summon them again."
Casual conversation formed once again, banter between you and Katsuki, and annoyance from him to Sero. On the heated topic of old heroes. With Sero caring less, and just wanting to rile him up.
You smiled along with their conversation, more focus on Katsuki. He's rested into the chair despite being annoyed at the conversation. Having a hand rested on your knee and the other rested on the armrest, holding a low carb beer. Which he took a sip of every once in a while before he had to tell Sero he was wrong again. You admired every move of his, from his sharp jaw, to defined cheekbones, and his bright red eyes. Only stopping when Sero called you out.
"Stop eye fucking in front of me," Sero gagged.
"The fuck?" Katsuki question, not ever aware of what you were doing, "We're not."
"You might not be," Sero smirked.
"Oh fuck you, Sero," you rolled your eyes. Ignoring the blush you felt heating your face.
"Don't push your feelings onto me," Sero teased.
"Oh my god," you groaned, " I give up." Sero crackled as he laughed at you. "Shouldn't you be talking about your dumbass celebrity crush in America?"
"Who's that?" Katsuki questioned, willing to change the topic of conversation again.
"He has a crush on an actor, Ryan Reynolds. The one that reenacts the old anti-hero Deadpool," you informed.
"It's normal in America! Every guy loves him, even the straightest!" Sero defends.
"You do know the murders that Deadpool committed right?" Katsuki questioned, wanting to get on the topic of heroes, a topic he knew everything about.
The debate between whether Deadpool committed crimes for good or not was easily started. Giving yourself another chance to look at Katsuki. Not wanting to be caught you looked at the hand rested on your knee. Reaching out your own hand to trace over his. Soft and smooth from his sweat but rough from the work day. He let his hand lose the soft grip on your knee, letting you hold his entire hand freely. You traced over the rough pads of his fingers that you knew would turn soft again in the morning. Rubbing your thumb over his knuckles and the veins that lined the top of his hand. Remembering how a few years ago he would freak out if you tried to do this exact thing. Only this year has he started to let you hold his hand for longer than five minutes.
Yet he still wasn't perfect. Eventually he pulled his hand from your grip and wiped his hands off on his pants. It seemed like he didn't want your touch on him, it stung. You knew that was unlikely, but the thought couldn't leave your mind. you folded up. Crossing your arms slowly and turning your attention back onto Sero. Which caused his eyes to flicker between you and Katsuki, clearly reading your face. Before he could ask anything, he gave him a slight shake of your head.
Eventually Kirishima dragged Katsuki away from the conversation, wanting him as a partner for cup flipping.
"How come you aren't flirting with girls, Sero?" you asked, used to him normally parading the party rooms for someone to flirt with.
"Denki called dibs on everyone here basically," Sero shrugged. He sat up from his slouched sitting, " Now, what the fuck was that?" Sero motioned from you to where Katsuki was now playing games with Kirishima.
Play dumb.
"Whatcha mean?" you took a sip of your drink.
"Don't play that shit with me, He pulled away from you completely," he pointed out.
"I know, he always does that," you pointed out, wanting to stress that this wasn't a big deal.
"Always? You're kidding"
"Nope," you took a sip, "He's actually improved."
"You're saying it used to be worse," His jaw basically dropped.
"It's Katsuki you're talking about right now," you deadplanned, "Speaking of which, we never talked about this. He doesn't know it bugs me and he doesn't need to."
"Yes he does," Sero stressed.
"No he doesn't," you hissed, " I don't want him knowing. It's fine."
"Come on-"
"Sero, stop."
Before he could push forward someone entered your peripheral, standing in front of Katsuki's spot. Turning your head towards him you gave a guarded smile.
"This seat takin?" he somewhat slurred.
"Yeah it-"
"Kidding! I know it's not. No one has sat here for a good 10 minutes from what I've seen," The guy plopped down on the couch, giving you barely enough time to kick your feet off the couch and scoot over the crowd the armrest into order to not touch the guy. You and Sero shared a look. "So, what's a girl like you doing here alone," The guy smiled, slapping a hand down on your thigh to gain your attention back from Sero.
"I'm not alone?" you peeled his hand from your thigh, dropping it back onto his lap, "I was actually just talk to my friend here abo-"
He put his hand back on your thigh, "I was asking why you had no boyfriend here, you're so pretty."
"I do have one-" you tried to cut in.
"I'll be your boyfriend, names Mason," he smiled weirdly.
Once again, you peeled his hand off your leg, "No thanks."
"Is it cause the name? I'm from America, I'm not lying about my name to sound cool," he hurried out, replacing his hand on your thigh.
"Trust me, I know you're not trying to sound cool," you spoke out disgust, "Now could you please not?" Sero and you shared another look, his asking if he should step in, but you shook your head. You could handle this just fine.
He pondered for a moment, "It's cause you don't know me right? Well, I'm from America. Here to learn about the Japanese heroes-"
"Dude," you cut him off, "I could give less of a fuck, please leave me alone."
"Don't play hard to get," he grabbed onto your leg harder.
Just before Sero jumped in-
"I leave for five fucking minutes," Katsuki spits out.
The guy looked over the back of the couch, "Sorry, did you plan to make a move? I swung first sorry dude, better luck next time."
"No, I fuckin' plan to swing first on the dude that's holding onto my fuckin' girlfriend."
You took the opportunity of the guy being distracted to get his hands off you, and to leave the couch.
"Hey, babe don't leave yet, the guys just being an ass, he'll leave soon," the creep called out to you.
Everyone's attention was on the guy now. Staring at him baffled that he called #2 pro hero an ass right in front of him and his girlfriend. You stepped closer to Sero, prepared for what was about to happen.
"That's it," Katsuki grabbed the hair on the back of the guys head and yanked him down. Couch flipping over with the guy. A quick stomp on the dude stomach had him rolling over in enough pain.
"My couch!" Denki yelped.
"Fuck your couch and fuck your party," Katsuki walked up to you, grabbed your hand and pulled you to leave.
"Gimme a second, I want to say bye," you tugged on his hold when he got to the hallway that lead to the front entrance.
He looked at you baffled, "You just got felt up, they could care less if you said bye right now."
"Kats, I'm fine. I would of handled it if you didn't."
"Fine, say bye," he waved you off, crossing his arms and guarding the exit.
You walked up to where Kirishima, Sero, and Denki were standing watching drunk Mina lecture the creep.
"Hey, I'm heading out," you spoke from behind them, getting their attention.
"That's fine girl, Imma kick his ass more for you," Mina slurred as she jumped to hug you, almost knocking you off your feet. She pulled back from the hug and held onto your shoulders, "You okay?"
"Yeah," you nodded, getting her out of your hold and pushing her into Kirishima, "Make sure she doesn't do something stupid."
"I will, I'll deal with the guy too. What he did was fucking gross," you flinched, it was rare to hear Kirishima curse.
"I bet you will," laughed off. Hugging Sero and thanking Denki for inviting you, all of them double checking if you were okay. It warmed your heart that they were heroes, it was truly the right career. So after confirming that you were fine, you walked back to Katsuki.
"Yep," you put your shoes back on and left the apartment together.
Once in his car, Katsuki turned to you. "You sure you're okay? I'll go put the guy in fucking jail."
You laughed, "I'm fine, Kirishima has it handled."
"You sure?"
"It's not the worst thing a guy has said to me," you shrugged, "Can we get some fast food?"
"The fuck else has a guy said to you?"
"Nothing important Kats, can we drop it? I'm fine."
He eyed you warily, trying to find the correct way to go about this. He sighed and gave in, "What fast food?"
"I don't know, I want a shake."
The two of you got the food and cozied on your couch, digging in once you had a random Netflix movie playing. With half of your attention on the movie, and half on the situation, you decided to bring it up. "Is it weird that what the guy did doesn't bug me much?"
Katsuki glance your way, "No? Everyone has different reactions to everything."
"The main thing that bugs me is that people can't tell we are dating, like ever," you said honestly. "Like the dude didn't buy I had a boyfriend in general."
He hummed in reply.
"Our own friends forget half the time, like I wish they knew we were together, and took my word for it," you sighed.
"I know how you feel," Katsuki looked down at his hands, that held his half eaten burger.
"Even you feel that way?" you grabbed a couple fries to eat.
He looked at you, "The other night with that Nana girl, just wished it was more obvious."
"We can't blame them though, it's not like we act like a traditional couple," you shrugged and took a sip of your shake.
"Sorry," shame filled his voice.
You turned to him with you're full attention, "Why are you sorry? You haven't done anything?
"That's the issue," he crossed his arms," I don't do anything, I fucking brush you off me," he dropped his arms again. resting them on his knees and putting his face in his hands.
"Hey," you reached for his shoulder. Stopping when he flinched away from you, "Sorry," you mumbled. Forgetting he hates being sneaked up on or touched when he isn't paying attention.
"This is exactly what I'm talking about, I don't do anything but pull away from you. And you're honestly telling me you're fucking happy in this relationship?" Katsuki looked at you. Getting up to pace when you just stared at him, confused by his outburst.
"Are you not?" you asked, watching him pace the room.
He paused, "Why wouldn't I be? You give me everything I need. I don't even fucking acknowledge your primary love language while you hit every goal of mine."
"Kats, what I said to the girls the other night is the truth, I'm okay with it. The things you need are just as important, and if that's to not touch, that's fine."
"Fucking bullshit-"
"Katsuki," you said his name sharply, "I mean it."
"I don't know how-"
"That doesn't matter, you're worried I'm unhappy and I'm telling you that I am happy. Because I am, now can we please not get into this right now? Tonight already hasn't gone well."
"Fuck, you're right, I'm sorry," he rubbed his hands over his face and went back to his spot of the couch. leaving his food half touched. He opened his arms, "You can lay on me if you want."
"Katsuki, I told you, no physical touch is-"
"That's not what I'm getting at, c'mere," he motioned towards himself. And who were you to refuse, quickly curling up into his side and watching a movie to wash the bad day off you're mind.
-Next Part-
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dragon-kazansky · 5 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Nine - Late night scandals
"What do you think Bridgerton?"
Benedict turns around to find the artist he had accidentally offended at the gallery the other night.
"This one more to your liking?"
"Mr. Granville--" Benedict raises from his chair to approach the man.
"Perhaps they should take it over to Somerset House so it can be skyed right next to mine."
"I believe I owe you an apology, sir." Benedict says, feeling rather embarrassed.
"Unnecessary. I actually quite enjoy the eloquent stings of your critique. So?" He gestures back to the painting on the wall.
"A touch morose for my tastes," Benedict says.
Henry points to the next one.
"A tragedy. The hound deserved better," Benedict comments.
Granville laughs. "Where is yours?"
"Your work," Granville clarifies. "Are you tell me you're not an artist yourself?"
"Well, I-- I suppose sometimes I like to... Well, I mean, I almost--"
"I believe 'yes' and 'thank you' are the words you seek. But either way, you should come by my studio." Mr Granville holds out a small card to Benedict, who accepts it. "The pieces I do for myself are there, and I think you will find my real work far less, um... Oh, how did you put it? 'Cold and lacking inner life?'"
Benedict scrunched up his face as he nodded, still burning with embarrassment. "I shall never live that down, shall I?"
Mr Granville leaves.
Benedict returns to his table where he had been absentmindedly doodling. Eyes. He was sketching out a pair of eyes. Pretty ones. From memory.
He sighs and closes the sketchbook.
As you sit in the drawing room of the Bridgerton house, as invited by Violet, you discover that she had no idea about the boxing match, or that Daphne had been there.
You keep your eyes focused on the latest Whistledown paper, though you had stopped reading it.
Daphne was playing the piano while her mother interrogated her.
"A boxing match is no place for any young lady." Violet sighs.
"Is it a place for a prince? Was he at today's match, sister?" Hyacinth asks.
"He certainly was."
"It is a loathsome and barbarous form of entertainment," Violet was very displeased.
That was when Daphne took the opportunity to mention you had gone as well, which had Violet looking at you.
"You too?"
You glare softly at Daphne, who gives you a smug little look. Crafty one, she is.
"Anthony invited me," you admit.
Violet looked terribly ill all of a sudden. You were sure she would being this up with her eldest son at some point.
"What about the duke?" Hyacinth asks.
"What about the duke?" Both Violet and Daphne ask at the same time. You eye Daphne curiously from your seat.
"Was he also present?" Hyacinth asked, less enthusiastic now.
"I do not know," Daphne says. "If the duke was there, I did not see him."
Hyacinth leaves the piano to go see what Eloise is up to. She had been scribbling away in her book since you arrived.
You put the Whistledown column down and rose from your seat to seek entertainment near the window. Watching the street was surely more entertainment than listening in on that conversation.
Anthony enters the room and greets both his mother and his sister. You turn and he greets you too.
"Did you truly take your sister to a boxing match?" Violet hounds him.
"Your admonishment will have to wait. I have news," he cuts her lecture short. "Prince Friedrich has asked for my permission to propose." He looks at Daphne.
She stops playing. "So soon?"
"Well, what did you tell him?" Violet asks.
"That I know better than to answer for my sister. I have no objections to the man. People speak well of him. Whatever you decide, Daph, you shall have my support."
You look at Daphne quietly.
"I... uh... I..." She doesn't know what to say.
"You need not decide now," Violet tells her. "You certainly have no known him long."
"Let me know when you have an answer, and I shall convey it." Anthony says to his sister.
"Indeed." Daphne looks at him.
Anthony leaves as quickly as he came in. It was clear Daphne needed time to think.
When Daphne had pleaded with you to attend the next ball with her, you couldn't say no. There was a sadness to her gaze, and you wondered from where it had risen.
Something had happened between her and the duke, and she had been off kilter ever since.
The ball, like all had been so far, was wonderful. The theme was a little more out there this time, but everyone was behaving quite perfectly.
You were standing with Daphne as she scanned the crowd. Exactly who she was looking for, you weren't quite certain. You would suggest the prince on the account that the duke was apparently leaving London tonight.
The prince could be seen across the room. He was in conversation with someone. You glance toward Daphne, but your gaze shifts as Cressida Cowper comes over. You give Daphne a gentle nudge.
"Daphne." Cressida chuckles. "You look beautiful, as always."
"Thank you, Cressida," Daphne says politely.
"You could have chosen anyone," Cressida says. "You have gentlemen lined up to pay you tribute. Yet you did not hesitate to steal my chance for happiness away, did you? I knew the marriage market would make rivals of us, but I never thought youcapable of being my enemy."
"The man made his choice, Cressida. What did you expect me to do?" Daphne asks.
Daphne walks off in the direction of the prince. You look at Cressida and then walk off in the other direction.
There is nothing you could ever say to her.
You begin to walk alongside the dance floor, watching the couples dance. A hand comes into view, and you turn to see a friendly looking young man smiling at you.
"May I have this dance?"
You take a moment to gather yourself. You had hoped one of the Bridgerton boys would be here to dance with you, but you supposed you couldn't rely on them every time.
"You may."
You go with him to dance.
It seemed Benedict wasn't here.
Benedict was, in fact, making his way to the studio of Mr. Granville. He was intrigued by the artist.
He finds the address and knocks on the door. Henry Granville answers.
"Mr. Bridgerton."
Benedict stands there a little awkwardly.
"Come in, come in."
Granville lets him in. Benedict enters and follows him. He is led further inside and finds himself in a large room. A circle of easels presented around two nude models.
"I do not know what I was expecting, but it surely was not this." Benedict says.
"Oh, simply a gathering of like-minded souls." Henry tells him. "Here, let me show you what I've been working on."
Benedict is led further inside the studio. He passes a couple of painters discussing war so causally.
"What do you think?" Henry asks.
Benedict walks over and takes a look at the canvas.
"Hmm. It's a far cry from Somerset House, I must say."
"I shall take that a compliment."
They both chuckle.
"And I must say, I'm truly jealous. Is this your life?" Benedict asks.
"There are advantages to being the second-born." Henry tells him. "Heirs have the responsibility. Second sons have the fun."
They both chuckle again.
"So... why not go have some fun?" Henry gestures to the models. He's giving Benedict the chance to epress himself through art.
Benedict picks an easel and sits down.
As you dance once again tonight, you spot Anthony standing off to the side. He's staring at the opera singer.
You hard heard whispers about him being infatuated with an opera singer, but had no idea if there lay any truth to them.
You continue dancing with your partner.
Benedict was still a no-show tonight, which you found to be rather disappointing. You had been looking forward to another evening of his little quips and teasing.
When the dance ends, you curtsy to your partner and head in the direction of Anthony and Violet. Lady Bridgerton had tries to introduce her son to a rather pretty young lady, but he showed no interest.
"Shall we dance, Lord Bridgerton?" You ask, looking at Anthony.
He turns and looks at you, for half a second, thinking you were another lady his mother was intent on pushing on him.
"Yes, let's." He offers his arm, and you take it. Violet watches you both go. Even if he chose you, she would be pleased, but she knows her son will not take you as his wife. You're his friend who has come to rescue him from her for a while.
Violet downs a third glass of champagne.
"She is persistent," you say.
"Your mother."
Anthony chuckles softly. "Yes. Quite."
"The opera singer..."
He looks at you.
"Nevermind. Its not my business."
Anthony's expression softens. "I was - am - found of her."
"Yes. I assumed as much."
Anthony sighs. "It's complicated.
You nod and say no more on the matter. Anthony spins you around elegantly.
"Is Benedict not here tonight?" You ask, twirling with him.
"Benedict? No." He gazes at you. "Why do you ask?"
"I just noticed his absence."
"Missing your dance partner?" He teases.
You chuckle. "Am I that obvious?"
He winks at you, and you shake your head with a smile. "I'm fond of you boys. I can't help it when I notice one of you is missing."
Anthony grins. "How lucky we are to have gained such a special friend such as you."
As Anthony gives you another turn around the floor, you spot Colin speaking with Penelope. You smile softly at the sight and then turn your attention back to the eldest brother.
At least you'll have one Bridgerton on your dance card tonight.
As the next dance begins, Anthony keeps your company longer. You're aware this may catch attention from others, especially Lady Whistledown should she be here, but none the less, you dance with him twice.
You soon see that Colin has left Penelope on the sidelines to dance with Miss Thompson, and you also find the prince talking to Daphne amidst their dance.
The dance ends, and you manage to catch sight of Daphne fleeing the ballroom.
Anthony bows, and you curtsy.
"Until next time." He nods his head at you. You smile and nod, taking your leave. You worry about Daphne and intend to go check on her, but you're stopped by another gentleman.
You sigh and realise you'll have to dance with him before you can flee again.
The dance feels like it drags on, and on, and on. You smile, you listen to your partner talk, but your mind is focused on Daphne. She did not look well when she fled.
When the dance ends, you spot Anthony leaving the ballroom. You waste no more time and follow him.
He heads outside. You follow.
He turns and looks at you. "Go back inside."
"What's the matter? What's happening?"
"Did you see him?" Anthony asks urgently.
"The duke."
"He is here?"
"He was, and now I can't find Daphne." You realise he's concerned about his sister.
You hear something further in the garden, and Anthony hurries off. You follow him, close on his heels.
What you find is not what you ever expected to see.
Simon and Daphne were not just kissing. His hands were all over her. Her dress had been pulled down. You cover your mouth, though you can not hide the gasp that escapes you.
Anthony runs at Simon.
Simon receives a strong punch to the face. He falls to the ground, and Anthony takes another swing. He punches him a third time and then stands beside his sister. You hurry to her other side and checks her over.
She is speechless. She has no words for you. They have been caught in a compromising position.
"You will marry her," Anthony declares.
"What?" Daphne looks at her brother.
"Immediately. We can only hope no one saw you take such liberties, and my sister is saved further mortification. You will marry her!"
Anthony is angry.
"I cannot marry her," Simon says.
"You have defiled her innocence, and now you refuse her hand? I knew you were a rake, Hastings, I never thought you a villain."
"I cannot marry her," Simon states more firmly.
Daphne looks hurt.
"Then you leave me no choice. I must demand satisfaction."
"A duel? Anthony, you cannot--" Daphne begins.
"He dishonours you, sister." Anthony looks at her. "He dishonours you and me and the very Bridgerton name. I have misjudged you, indeed. You have duped us both, but I shall not see my sister pay for my own misdeeds. We will settle this as gentlemen."
"I understand," Simon agrees. "I shall see you at dawn."
"I do not understand," Daphne says softly. "You would rather die than marry me?"
You look at Simon quietly.
"I am truly sorry."
"We need to go, Daph. Before anyone should see us." Anthony says softly.
You reach out for her arm gently and pull her away, Anthony follows you both.
Daphne takes her brother's arm after he begs of you not to say a word about anything. You swear by it, looking him in the eye. Anthony thanks you.
You drift off from them as you enter the ballroom once again.
Anthony approaches Colin and tells him he is taking her home. He asks Colin to take care of their mother. You decide to step in and help. Anthony looks grateful.
Anthony and Daphne leave.
Colin looks at you, but you just smile softly at him and ask him to help you with Violet. He doesn't say anything about Daphne or Anthony.
Neither do you.
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
@sillynilly27 - @autumn-slaves - @ben-has-arrived - @ajdelilah - @aadu2173
@booknerdlife - @tamlinrose - @sarahskywalker-amidala - @cheryyluv - @louschan - @lou-la-lou - @cultish-corner
@hopshusushi - @katherinejess - @nannabug - @afunkyfreshblog - @f0x33 - @dd122004dd
@jupitervenusearthmars - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @captainlunaxmen - @winchestersimpalababy - @acupnoodle
@ms-fandomgirl - @fablesrose - @anyaisinyourcloset - @meowzerzstuff - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @crazymar15
@cosmixstar - @bree3parchen -
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I apologize in advance, but the brainworms did a heckin screech and I felt the need to share the chaos.
Imagine, if you will, that our Creator let's it slip that they've interacted with other worlds before reaching Teyvat. (Played other video games) Imagine having to explain that in these other worlds, they may or may not have been interested in the denizens of those realms...sometimes in the romantic sense, which led to wedding bells and/or children.
Cue the uproar from the Genshin cast. The Creator, Blessed Maker of All...you have courted others? Have been married?? You have had children??? Their image of you being pure and untouchable, blown apart into tiny little pieces of confetti. 🎉
Though many loathe to admit it, they are curious...who are these people, what are they like? Is there a common factor in your selection of spouses? You would only pick the very best of a realm to choose as a potential partner, surely another being of creation...or perhaps a demigod?
It leads to the proverbial red string board getting made, the Archons trying to find out who is your most likely pick from their regions. It's all for your safety, your Benevolence! If you insist on having a partner, they must find the perfect match for you! You deserve only the best of the best, after all.
Bonus points if the Creator was a fan of games like the Harvest Moon/Rune Factory series. They're gonna need to make a list of all their partners, there are so many options to choose from. >>_>>
I'll admit I never played any of those games so I skimmed through the harvest moon wiki and chose one of the bachelors and chose some other game characters lol. Plus a game for all of you, guess the characters.
Though I do think that the reader having children before causes a bit of whiplash because it's totally unexpected, mostly because there were no records of you taking spouses or kids, even knowing you ‘have’ (play) other worlds is a surprise that causes a bit of a crisis. Either way here are some head cannons.
“I must admit, your grace is awfully attached to Qiqi” Zhongli hums as he blows on his white tea, a small cloud of steam leaving.
Qiqi doesn't pay him much mind, her head coddled under your chin like a little puppy, between her hands there is a small bird plushie “Well, I must admit she does kind of remind me of one of my little ones” Your hand softly pats her head, a few strands of hair moving as you do.
He stills as you spoke, eyes fixated on his cup “your… little ones?”
“Mhm?” Without looking up from the braid you were giving to the little girl you just nod “yep, she is quite soft spoken like Milenoe”
“... I wasn't aware your grace had sired children” there was never any mentions about holy spawns or spouses taken by you in any manuscript he got his hands on.
“Well, I never chose a couple from this world, so there wouldn't be any descendants” the comment slips airly from your lips as Qiqi slides off your lap towards baizhu who had finished checking the books from your bookshelf. “Do you want to see her? She started elementary school a few weeks ago” without waiting for an answer a screen appears displaying a tall man with black hair and horns standing regally behind you and a child with emerald eyes and horns.
“She looks rather shy”
You hum nodding “she is as shy as her father when he was her age. There aren't many children her age she can play with so she was pretty lonely her first 50 years”
“50 years?”
“her dad is a slow maturing species” so it should be 10 times the life expectancy than humans. Not that long for him but certainly longer than usual.
“It's a wonder to see how you manage to get Klee to change her mind about going fish blasting,” albedo scribbles some data half mindedly as he watches you hover next to Klee, who showed you a new drawings every few minutes “she is so stubborn even with Alice”
“Well I do have experience with headstrong children, Pardine is as focused on her goal as her father” one of your hands fall on her blonde hair, bright but still darker than Pardine’s almost champagne blonde and her red eyes polar opposite to her icy ones, a carbon copy to her dad. Even if your genetics rarely showed up on any of your kids it was uncanny how similar she looked to her dad and aunts “but I will admit she does annoy many guards asking to train her”
Albedo just laughs it off, listing the few loose characteristics of one of her spouses. Venti has been annoying him about his nation almost getting no information so he hopes a few spare tidbits and Klee’s rough drawing of a blond blue eyed man with a big shield works for whatever weird thing the archons have going on.
“Your Grace has married before?!” Ayaka gasps as you take a stroll around the nature surrounding her home. Her hand had swiftly unfolded her fan in front of her face.
“Mhm, I don't know why people get so surprised, after all it would be weirder if I spent so much time somewhere but took no lovers” you laugh at her slightly seeing her slightly flustered “it's almost a tradition at this point, to wed someone from each world. Want to see some family portraits?” She nods fervently looking at the tablet like thing that appeared on your hands, first a white haired cowboy like man is kneeling on the ground holding a baby by the armpits surrounded by three wolves ,seemingly playing with an older child, by the time the next imagine passes Ayaka is almost hanging by your shoulder, asking things about the siblings and begging to see more photos of your babies.
“And who did you take from teyvat?” Ayaka looks up sweetly at you, she has always held you in high regard and now that you are in Inazuma she can't help but get giddy thinking about how you decided to spend the stay in her state and most of your time with her.
Feigning surprise you tap your chin with your index finger “now that I think about it I didn't choose anyone yet... maybe it's about time”
“Then that means you could pick my brother!” She wraps her hand around your own, smiling as if she got the best idea ever “I could even call you older sibling!... If you wanted so of course”
“Big brother you remember how you told me you would find me a proper bachelor”
“If this is about wanting me to rush it won't work”
“It's not about it, I found you someone”
“Fine, as you please, need I remind you my standards are quite high”
“It's their grace!... Why are you choking on your tea!?”
“There isn't one damned coincidence…” Raiden slaps her head against the table with the rough drawings and some information about them “a king, a captain, a cowboy, a damned sorcerer…”
“Maybe there isn't supposed to be a coincidence” Nahida guesses “maybe they just look for someone who catches their eye”
“It doesn't help out as much as you think it does” the tsaritsa crosses her legs and leans against the back of the chair “if we are doing people with very clear characteristics maybe Ajax could fit nicely? Redheads aren't very common”
“Mhm, maybe but don't they have a liking for smart men? Then Alhaitham would be closer to their past couples”
“Well if we are going by that logic they should like the geo archon, as one of them has dragonic features” the tsaritsa side eyes Zhongli from the other side of the table.
Sighing deeply Furina, who came in place of Neuvillette, chimes in “It is their decision who they want to marry and even if they wanted to!”
"obviously you would be so calm, after all they are very close with your iudex. Don't get so cocky, I heard the commissioner Ayato is interested in the idea"
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steddielations · 2 years
Of course Steve’s birthday is on Christmas.
It’s like the universe aligned perfectly for his parents to ignore his existence. Sure, he got enough presents to cover both when he was younger, when his parents wanted a perfect family holiday card to send out, but it was never about Steve.
When he got older, it was so easy for them to wrap it all up in one, mail him a check from whatever city, until the cards stopped saying happy birthday at all. Steve started wrapping it all up in one too. If his parents were going to leave him alone on Christmas and forget his birthday, it’s better at the same time, one less day of the year to be disappointed.
He hates December. He hates winter. He hates being surrounded by all those pretty lights taunting him for being alone in the dark.
He sort of forgets he has a birthday, until the last couple of years with Robin and the kids. He always tells them his Christmas present can double as his birthday present. Robin never goes for that though, she only gets him a birthday present.
Now comes Eddie. He doesn’t know about the wrap it up in one deal. He doesn’t know that Steve gets all broody around the subject. He’s just sitting next to Steve on the couch, going on about the fishing trip he’s taking Wayne on for his upcoming birthday.
It sounds nice. It’s only one weekend. Steve shouldn’t feel a pit in his stomach that already misses Eddie. They’re just friends, they can’t spend every weekend together, as much as Steve likes tagging along with whatever Eddie’s doing, he has to give him space.
“Yeah so it’s nothing compared to a big Harrington bash,” Eddie teases, passing Steve the joint, “Say, am I cool enough now to be invited to your birthday rager this year? When is it anyway?”
And that’s a simple question, but Steve doesn’t know what it is about Eddie that just draws the truth out of him, that makes him give the not simple answer. He blows out smoke and all the years of forgotten birthdays wrapped in one check and a Christmas card with it.
It’s too much, he’s too much and he starts to apologize, but Eddie cuts him off with a certain intensity he gets sometimes.
“Well, starting right now, fuck that. When do you want your birthday to be?”
Steve chuckles, tries to brush it off, “What? Eddie, c’mon. It’s not a big deal, dude.”
“No, seriously. When do you want your birthday to be, Steve?”
It’s so stupid. It’s so silly sitting in Eddie Munson’s living room trying to decide which day he’d prefer for his birthday, when he’s barely holding back saying how he sort of wishes he didn’t have one at all. He thinks Eddie knows anyway, without him having to say it, so he makes it easier. Eddie always makes it easier.
It takes a couple of tries, a couple cups full of torn pieces of paper with scribbled numbers randomly chosen, but Steve Harrington gets a new birthday that night.
“Yeah, you look like more of a summer baby anyway,” Eddie says and Steve wishes he wouldn’t, it’s so hard not to love him when he does.
Steve gets to tag along on Wayne’s birthday fishing trip, or rather, he was invited, as Eddie keeps correcting.
It’s nice, it’s May, it’s quiet by the river and it gets just cool enough at night to build a campfire. Eddie pulls out his guitar, a pretty acoustic one, and he playfully strums out the chords to happy birthday for Wayne. Steve watches across the fire, he feels warm down to his bones, melting away all those cold lonely Decembers frozen inside them.
Wayne spends his birthday teaching Steve to fish. He catches the biggest one, and he hopes the Polaroid that Eddie snaps doesn’t pick up the tears in his eyes.
Eddie sidles up next to him, pretending not to notice Steve wiping his eyes. He rubs his back, whispers congratulations, “Look at you, summer baby.”
He feels the sun rising in his cheeks, bright and burning. It’s impossible not to love Eddie, not when this is the best birthday Steve’s ever had and it’s not even his own.
Steve forgets all about the new date he chose to come into the world, and as the weeks pass in a warm haze, he stops trying not to love Eddie.
It’s too late to catch himself. He’s already falling as they lie on the trailer roof, talking about everything and nothing while sunset colors melt over them, as he rides along while Eddie deals and calls Steve his summer baby in the passenger seat.
Steve’s so in love with Eddie that it burns, makes him golden inside, even the places in him that have never known anything bright.
He doesn’t want to lose that, so he tells himself he can settle for just this.
And it’s true for a while, until that date comes along, the one he forgot about, but Eddie didn’t.
Robin has a spare key to his house, she helped Eddie plan all this, that’s the only explanation for what Steve sees in his backyard when he gets off work on a Friday in July.
All the kids are there, Dustin Henderson is in the pool that Steve hasn’t used since ‘83, with El Hopper on his shoulders, Mike Wheeler is doing the same holding up Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair and Max Mayfield are wrestling inside a bounce house, Nancy Wheeler is manning the grill Steve’s dad bought for show, Robin Buckley is grinning ear to ear with a bright glass of lemonade, and Eddie Munson’s at the center of it all.
Everyone that Steve loves is there yelling, “Surprise! Happy birthday!”
He can’t describe the feeling that bursts through him.
The July sun isn't in the sky anymore, it’s rising inside Steve’s chest. It’s too big and too bright. This body of his that grew up alone in the dead of winter wasn’t made to feel such warmth, bringing hot tears to his eyes.
He’s hurrying back inside the house before he knows it. He feels bad, rushing out like that, away from his party, but he just needs a second. He has to lean against the kitchen counter, run his hands over his face and through his hair, trying to stop all these feelings from melting out of him.
He hears someone come in behind him, assumes it’s Robin, but he feels a hand on his back, hears a low, reassuring voice next to him that belongs to Eddie.
“Sorry, fuck, I’m sorry, Steve. I should’ve asked if you were okay with this. I shouldn’t have sprung it on you like that.”
Steve blinks hard, brushing away the tears, “No it’s— It's fine, Eds, really.”
Eddie doesn’t look convinced, brown eyes deep with concern, he holds Steve’s elbows, “Okay well, Robin said you weren’t really a fan of your pool but that’s okay, if that’s what you’re worried about. No one expects you to get in, Stevie.”
He’s perfect. He’s everything Steve wants and needs. The light that’s been missing inside him, Eddie struck a match to it. Steve never knew his heart was so flammable and he doesn’t know how Eddie can’t see that he’s burning for him.
“No, thats— that’s not it, Eddie.”
“Is it the kiddy theme? Listen, I had trouble picking it, so I just thought maybe since it was mostly gonna be kids here and you never had a kids' birthday party then, y’know, summer, pool, bounce house, games— okay it sounds dumb now, I’ll just get everyone to leave—”
Steve reaches out when Eddie starts to pull back, hands catching his shoulders and the ends of his hair, “No, no, please don’t. This is— it’s perfect, Eddie. I can’t believe you did this for me.”
“Then why do you look so sad?”
“Because I—” Steve can’t hold it in anymore, it’s too hot, summer beneath his skin, he has to let it out, “Because I want to kiss you so bad right now and I can’t.”
He expects Eddie to pull back, or worse, let him down gently, like the quick press of fingertips to the flame of a candle, snuff the feeling out just like that.
Instead, Steve’s breath catches when Eddie’s hands cup his face, thumbs brushing away the stray tears Steve missed.
“Who says you can’t?” Eddie asks and part of Steve wishes he wouldn’t, because it’s so easy to love Eddie with every piece of him when he does, and Steve’s going to fall apart trying to stop.
“I shouldn’t have said that, sorry. I just don’t want to lose you as a friend, you don’t have to feel the same, but that’s what it is,” Steve lets it out, let’s it catch fire between them and just hopes it doesn’t turn them to ashes, “I want to kiss you for doing this for me, for being you. I want to kiss you all the fucking time and especially right now, Eddie, but I can’t.”
He waits for it, to be left out in the cold, for frost to cover his bones again, but Eddie’s hands stay warm on his face.
A smile lights on Eddie’s lips, the kind that Steve can feel radiating between them. He doesn’t know why Eddie’s smiling when he should be leaving, but Steve wants to keep that feeling forever.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you, Stevie? You can do whatever you want when it’s your birthday.”
Eddie’s eyes fall to Steve’s lips and back up again, setting off a surprised flare in his chest.
“Whatever I want?” Steve repeats in disbelief, searching Eddie’s eyes.
“Whatever you want.”
“You want that too?”
“I want you, too,” Eddie grins like it’s the easiest thing in the world to want Steve, then leans in.
Their mouths connect and it’s like something fiercely cosmic, a solar flare at the touch of their lips.
Eddie’s been sipping lemonade, Steve can taste it on his tongue. Citrusy and warm, Eddie tastes like pure fucking sunshine, all golden in Steve’s mouth.
Kissing Eddie feels like he’s at the center of the universe. He makes Steve feel like the sun, like the brightest thing in the goddamn sky is Steve Harrington.
No pretty light could compare.
Steve chases the heat of Eddie’s mouth, letting it light a fire inside him. His hands have a mind of their own, making Eddie’s messy hair even messier, then falling to his waist to pull him close and hold him while he just kisses and kisses and kisses Eddie.
They have to break for air, foreheads resting together, Steve misses Eddie’s lips already.
Their panting breaths fuse, gazes locked for a few delirious moments, half-lidded and close.
Eddie breaks the silence, laughing breathlessly, giving Steve’s lips one final peck before pulling back, brushing Steve’s hair out of his eyes for him.
“You good?”
Steve laughs then too, a rush of breath, relieved and light, “Never been better.”
Eddie smiles, taking Steve’s hands in the warmth of his, “C’mon then, summer baby. Don’t wanna miss your birthday party.”
They go back outside and Eddie stays close by Steve with a pretty flush high on his cheeks. Steve’s face feels sun-kissed too, and judging by the look he gets from Robin, it shows.
It should be stupid, having a birthday party with a bounce house and a bunch of screaming kids. Maybe it is a little, but it’s still the best birthday Steve’s ever had, and it’s actually his own this time.
He spends the better part of it trying not to cry, especially when he opens the few presents they got him. He’s not used to everything being about him, but Eddie’s arm stays around him, giving him encouraging squeezes, bursts of warmth that keep him going.
Steve’s not forgotten in the shadow of something bigger, wrapped up in one so it’s easier to forget he exists. No, it’s like nothing’s more important than him that day. He doesn’t need it, and it’s hard to let himself have it, but it’s nice to get a day that’s his.
When Christmas comes later that year, Robin still gets Steve a birthday present, there’s no arguing with her. Then Eddie tries to pull the same thing, and Steve’s not having it.
They’re both in their flannels on the couch, Eddie throwing his legs over Steve’s lap and trying to push the extra gift into Steve’s hands.
“C’mon, Stevie, I swear it’s not a birthday present. It's just because.”
“Uh huh, sure. Just because what?”
Eddie shrugs, rests his arm around Steve’s shoulders and presses the words against his cheek, “Just ’cause I love you,” he says like it’s the easiest thing in the world to love Steve.
Steve thinks he knows what to call that feeling now. The one that makes December easier because he’s got his own summer sun pumping warmth through his veins now.
It's love.
Eddie loves him.
Not just on his birthday, or on Christmas, or only on occasion, but everyday. Eddie loves him everyday.
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teastainedprose · 6 months
Hi !
Can you do a Homelander x F!Reader with a blackmail situation ?
For the context, someone's blackmailing Reader to leave Homelander and because of the stress she did it when he was patrolling. Of course, Homelander wouldn't accept it and try to find her but he can't. So a few days later Vought brought him a new "girlfriend" to heal the pain Reader "created" only for them to (by mistake) imply that they are responsible for the departure of Reader. After dealing with the situation at Vought, he went looking for her again, eventually finding her at her favorite spot, where she was trying to forget Homelander.
You can change some parts if you want 😁
Thanks you if you do it ♥️❤️
Listen, Anon. LISTEN! I am grabbing you by the shoulders, I am gently shaking you, I am lovingly cupping your cheek and whispering, "Write the fic." - because it's clear that you've got the plot and I bet you've been daydreaming up the story route and I need you to write it. Spit out some bullet points. Scribble out a few scenes out of order, but write it!!
As I read this ask while rolling out of bed half awake and ran off in a slightly different direction while I brainstormed in the shower and I know you've got an idea there so WRITE IT!! So I can read it
Now have something similar, but not quite what you outlined. This kinda evolved into a companion/epilogue?? piece to Play With Fire, as Vought would have plenty of reason to not want Homelander dating a canned employee, especially if she's a fat little thing. Bad for the brand and all.
+1.5k words | Warning for violence/gore, Homelander can have a little murder. As a treat. Plus-Sized female reader, established relationship, no proofreading as I was possessed
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The moment his boots drop onto the balcony and Homelander strides into the penthouse, he knows something is wrong.
First, there is the absence of you. Not just the lack of your body settled on the couch waiting for him as you often are, but everything you touched. The laptop you diligently type away at while working is gone. The vibrant throw pillows you insisted on getting to make the imposing couch more inviting are missing. The plush blanket you always coiled yourself into wasn't haphazardly thrown over the back of the couch as it always is when not in service. The lack of these items now makes the couch look barren and cold. Now Homelander can see how uninviting the whole thing looks.
There are other pieces of you missing as well. The trinkets and baubles you'd purchased on a whim and set about the penthouse, coloring the space with pieces of you. The discarded books, many with notes and dog-eared pages weren't haphazardly stuffed in strange places. Homelander would check the bedroom, but he knows the closet now has an empty space where your clothing hung.
There's a buzz starting up in his brain, an insistent worry that's setting his teeth on edge as Homelander's mind races across every possible reason why you're gone. You left him. Someone kidnapped you. You finally got tired of him. Someone stole you away. You hate him. Someone is hurting you. The buzzing grows in volume as Homelander's lip twitches up, feet taking him to pace across the floor before a movement in the corner of his eye cuts straight through the noise.
The buzzing goes silent. The colors are correct. Relief rushes over Homelander as he turns to face the figure in full. You, there you are and- 
No. Homelander blinks, drawing back a step as he takes in the woman standing at the entrance of his penthouse. She has your hair color; the cut has been styled like yours, but the texture is off. She's got something close to your complexion, your eye color even, and she's wearing clothing in your usual manner of dress, but everything is wrong. For one, she's thinner. Homelander sneers.
The woman smiles, uncertain as her heart races like a rabbit against her ribs. "Hi." One word uttered and it's all wrong. That's not your voice. That's not your smile. There is no sunshine breaking across this woman's face as she looks at Homelander. Her expression is quiet and expectant, waiting. Anxious.
He inhales slowly, rolling his neck as Homelander clenches his fists at his side. The scent on the air is bitter. She's afraid. She should be.
"No, no, no. Who the fuck are you?" Homelander snaps out, across the room in two long strides and now she's gasping. Gasping because Homelander has his fingers about her throat, gloves creaking softly as his grip tightens and lifts her. "Who the fuck are you?" He repeats, barking the words out.
"I-I'm Vicky," She stammers out as Homelander eases up enough to let her breath and set her feet back on the floor. That rabbit heart is trying to burst free within the woman's chest now, beating all the louder. "Y-your er, new girlfriend...?" Her words end in a panicked squeak as the woman tries to shrink away. 
"New- "Homelander cuts off as he stares at her, head tilted to the side and lip twitching as he digests this bit of information. He swallows and takes in a breath, reeling in his rage as his mind whirls. Vought had decided to replace you. Plucked up some stupid woman who only shares a similar color palette with you, but she isn't you. This woman is nowhere close to the beautiful creature you are.
Vought didn't approve of your secret relationship. They'd deemed you unmarketable. Not the image they wanted to project for the brand. Then there was the hope that Homelander would grow bored of you. To wait out his hyper-fixation on you. The months had crawled by and still Homelander kept you close. You'd moved in, burrowed yourself right into his life as Homelander wanted. 
For some fucking stupid reason, Vought thought a replacement would distract him. As if he's a child, or a dumb dog they've swapped a toy out on. 
"Vicky," Homelander smiles and it's the smile of a shark. All teeth and dead eyes. "How lovely," A purr now as Homelander slides his hand down her neck and brushes his thumb over her collarbone. Her smile is uncertain, but it's still there as she relaxes. The rabbit in her chest calms down. He digs his thumb in as Homelander sucks on his teeth.
Fucking idiot.
There's no warning when Homelander's fist buries itself into the woman's abdomen, only a wheezing hiss as the air is forced out of her. A wet sound follows under all that crunching and grinding of bone as Homelander twists his fist and pulls it back. He clicks his tongue, releasing the woman's corpse to topple across the floor.
Homelander exhales, puffing out his cheeks while looking down at his fist in mild disgust. The red leather hides fresh blood well, but he knows it'll congeal into a darker mess soon enough. Leaning over, he absently wipes it off on the fabric of the woman's sunshine colored dress. The sunshine would look better on you while the smeared red looks better on Vicky as far as Homelander is concerned.
It doesn’t take him long to hunt Ashley down, storming into her office with eyes flashing red. The only reason Homelander doesn’t fucking laser her in two is because she’s crying. Ashley is crying and blowing her nose into a tissue as she looks at Homelander, eyes filled with regret and tears. She’s grown fond of you, Homelander realizes and that’s reason enough not to cave her skull in. Homelander knows you like her well enough, too. Ashley blubbers the story out. They’d wanted you gone. Out of the picture and out of his life. You were an uncontrollable variable that refused to play ball and Edgar wasn’t one for loose strings. A replacement had already been found and was on her way earlier this morning. While Homelander was out on a mission, disposing of you had been easy enough. It only took thirty minutes to pack all of your things, revoke your access to the building and effectively lock you out. Ashley had managed a helping hand in the form of a plane ticket wherever you wished, knowing you no longer rented your own apartment after moving in with Homelander.
It had been a plot against you, he knows this now but why had you gone so willingly? Why weren’t you screaming outside of Vought Tower for him? Why did you take that plane ticket? Something rotten wriggles within Homelander’s heart. He knows he’s not an easy creature to live with and has worn your patience thin some days. The start of your relationship would have been considered rocky at best and there’s all that stalking he did that you still don’t know about. They gave you an out and you took it.
His trip to the airport is swift and no one would dare try to stop the Homelander as he seeks you out at your intended gate. Except you’re not there. You’ve not even checked in yet. He goes to your old apartment next, eyes scanning the building for your form. Your favorite restaurant is next. Then the place that makes your favorite tea. After that he’s hovering above the bookstore you’ve dragged him to. None of them contain you. Homelander is lost for a moment, mind frantic with worry now at where you could be. Then he remembers one of your favorite spots. A park close to where your old apartment is and it’s another place Homelander has been dragged to by you. This is a spot he enjoyed. It was quiet, even in such a bustling city. He always pretended it was a forest clearing you two were enjoying the peace of.
You’re there. Of course you are. You’re settled on a bench, head turned towards the trees as Homelander descends. “Sweetheart,” He growls. It comes out harsher than Homelander wants, but he’s on edge. Why did you leave him? 
You jump, head snapping round and he can see you’ve been crying. Your eyes are puffy, face pinched in pain as Homelander’s heart seizes at the sight. 
“What!?” You stare a beat, before anger rises. You’ve always been his little spitfire. “You had me cast out! They packed me up and kicked me out on your orders! You- You abandoned me…!” The fire smolders and dies as tears leak down your face.
"No, no, no. Not you, never you!" In an instant, all of Homelander's rage vanishes in the face of your sorrow. How could you ever want to leave his side? Foolish of him to even think it. Why would you ever want to leave? He’s beside you, he’s gathering you up in his arms, he’s crushing you gently in his hold. Your sobs are wet, loud, and there’s snot on his suit. Homelander doesn’t care. He shushes you, fingers combing through your hair as the arm about your middle squeezes just a bit tighter. The weight of you sinking against him and into him is a comfort, your flesh yielding under his grip on you.
“I came home and you were gone,” Homelander whispers against your ear as he nuzzles his nose into your hair. He inhales deeply, all of the tension leaving his body as he takes in your scent. “But I’m here now. It’s okay, I’ve got you,” He exhales, pulling back enough to look down at you. Homelander smiles. You’re here, you’re safe, he will never ever let you out of his sight again.
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
teamwork (makes the dream work...?)
genre: enemies to lovers I guess? I'm bad at these 😭
summary: one week, your usual work partner is absent, so instead you are seated next to a genius with attitude problems. it happens.
wc: ~500
A/N: if i can manage to be consistent for once, this will probably be a series because I haven't done one in a while. pls feel free to leave your reactions in the tags or comments! happy reading 🫶🏾
next see all parts in my masterlist!
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Sunlight filtered through the large classroom window. Usually, you'd be seated right by it, letting the rays warm your face in the air-conditioned room.
Not today. Your usual partner was out sick, so you were moved to the back of the classroom. Blocking out the sunshine was the silhouette of a boy you had only seen in the hallways once or twice.
He had deep brown skin, with two neat cornrows cascading down either side of his neck and brushing his shoulders. You also made out an undercut, faded cleanly beneath the braids. There was a case meant for holding glasses sitting at the front of his desk, but no spectacles sitting on his prominent nose. 
The boy was bent over his worksheet already, arm covering the page.
"Hey," you said with a pleasant upturn in your voice. A full thirty seconds passed. He didn't answer, so you try again.
"Um, excuse me-"
"I heard you." 
The boy kept his eyes on his desk, brows knitted together with focus. He was making broad, sharp strokes with his pencil. His elbow moved for a moment, revealing not a sheet of math problems, but a piece of printer paper filled with intricate geometric designs. Precise lines come together to create the form of a caped figure. It has large, mechanical claws and a mask with sharp, wide eyes.
"That's a cool drawing," you commented. The boy's shoulders jumped to his ears as if he'd been caught before dropping back down. He finally looked up from the page and paused. Wide, brown eyes flickered across your face, trying to determine what to make of you.
"Thanks," was all that the boy said before returning to his sketching. It wasn't long before you interrupted him again.
"You not gonna finish your work?"
"I'm already done, that's why Ms. Jones put me back here and let me rock."
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. 
"Well, excuse the fuck outta me," you muttered to yourself. 
You messed with the sleeve of your royal blue uniform blazer in silence, weighing your options. Ms. Jones wasn't going to let you turn in another incomplete assignment, and this kid couldn't even be assed to say 'hello'. A deep sigh escapes your lips.
"Can I get your name, at least?"
The boy set his pen down with a slam, and looked up at you as if he'd just been asked what color the sky was.
"Morales," he deadpanned, with a slight roll on the 'r'. 
"Which Morales?"
You hummed in slight recognition, having heard the name somewhere before, murmured next to you in passing.
"You Dominican?"
"Puerto Rican."
"Oh, cool."
He picked up his pen again and began to twirl it between his pointer and middle finger, but held your gaze. You looked like you were finally about to get to the actual question.
"Well, Morales," you began with a smile.
Here it comes.
"Since you're done, can you help me with-"
You scoffed, "What's the point of being partners, then?"
Miles had already returned to his original position, scribbling away. He didn't look at you, this time.
"We not partners, ma."
...And so began the longest school week of your life.
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chososdiscordkitten · 9 months
Obsessive!Choso♡ pt4
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pt 3 here content: Choso follows reader, finds ur house on Zillow, screen records ft, has a shrine for u, reader is slowly developing feelings for Choso, I mean who wouldn't? mentions of reader not having family, he doesn't know that he's a stalker, just thinks he's being nice, MENTIONS of choso scared someone will kidnap reader, the word assault is used once.
(a.n) ahhhh omg I luv him so much, I wrote this while listening to 'Mascara-Deftones'
taglist: @leafanight @tfamidoingwithmylife @sunaumei @adanfore @tojisworm-5 @bblgumfairy
Obsessive!Choso who was sitting peacefully in class, turning his head anytime he heard the doors open, in case it was you. But when you actually walked in, he didn't hear you.
Obsessive!Choso who shuddered when he got a hint of your perfume, almost feeling your presence. “Hi.” you said, earning him to jump slightly and turn his head to look at you. Looking down to where you usually sat- seeing your ‘friend’ was there. “Could I sit here?” You asked, hand pulling the chair out before he said yes. ‘You came to the same conclusion, didn’t you’ silence filling the air as Choso slightly leaned away from you- being able to feel the warmth radiating from your body to his. Being able to smell your shampoo. This was too close, you were too close. 
Obsessive!Choso whose shoulders were stiff for the first 20 minutes of class, wanting to talk to you, but not finding the words. Not wanting to speak up, just for his voice to crack from his nerves. Not even having the guts to look over at you- this was torture. So used to looking at you for the entire lecture, being forced to actually try to pay attention to what was being taught. Hearing a quiet rip coming from your notebook, moving his eyes to see you writing. 
Obsessive!Choso who flinched when he felt you elbow his arm, the first time you had touched him. Your hand passed him a folded up piece of paper. ‘You have to be joking- you really are into me, aren't you?’ he thought, smiling and opening up the paper. ‘how can u see from all the way up here o_o’ he read, looking over at you. Smiling at the small face you drew. ‘I think I’m in love with you.’ he confessed, pressing the paper down and writing. The class was quiet enough to hear a pin drop- Choso assumed that was why you didn't just speak to him. Scribbling onto the paper, rings scratching on the table as he wrote, trying his best not to take up too much space. ‘i squint a lot -.-’ you read, smiling at the small face he drew before writing again. ‘i think i need a magnifying glass- i cant see anything:(’ Choso read. Looking over at you and smiling. Folding the paper and holding it in his hand before he tore at his notebook. ‘i got u 🔍 ’ he replied, drawing a tiny magnifying glass, seeing you struggle not to laugh. Letting out a loud exhale. Various students looking back at you two. Among them, your 'friend'. Who had assumed you were just absent. Furrowing her eyebrows as the rest of the students looked away. ‘thanks, rlly helps.’ you smiled, seeing him place the note into his pocket before going back to your work. 
Obsessive!Choso who stayed after class with you for a few minutes, watching all the students walking out. Talking about when a good time would be to help you study. “Dude? You seriously deserted me?” Your friend asked you, making you turn around to look at her. “Deserted? I sat somewhere else.” You scoffed, Choso could feel the tension in the air between you and your friend. “Yeah, to sit with -Pierce The Veil?” She asked, holding her books close to her chest. ‘Pierce The Veil?’ Choso thought- eyebrows furrowed as he looked up at your friend. “You're being fucking rude, don’t you think?”
Obsessive!Choso who felt his cheeks flush at hearing you defend him. “Whatever- call me when you're over this whole ‘I can change him’ phase.” She sneered, looking at Choso, scoffing before leaving. You turned over at him, a pained look on your face. “Sorry about that-” You started, a small sigh leaving your lips, “She hates anything that's out of her version of normal.” you smiled, seeing Choso exhale with a smile. Easing your embarrassment. “It's fine- I'm used to people being,” he shook his head smiling before looking down, “Fucking rude- As you put it.” He smiled, making you look away from him. ‘I can see you're smiling. You can't hide it. Not from me.’
Obsessive!Choso who kept those two pieces of paper. Putting them in between two strips of tape so they wouldn't fade. Placing them next to your pen and the coffee cup you had taken a drink from, lipstick stain still evident. His collection of things you had touched- or left behind just for him, started to grow. 
Obsessive!Choso who kept thinking about how other people get to see you. Other people perceive you, what if there's more people like that one douche who dared invade your personal space? Who had the audacity to touch you? ‘What if there are people who want to hurt you- like your now, ex friend. What if she wanted to hurt you- to make you regret defending me?’ he thought. The feeling of responsibility was heavy in his chest. Knowing that you couldn't protect yourself- you don't even pay attention to your surroundings! Walking around campus with your earphones in, looking down at your phone. ‘No. I have to protect you. It's my responsibility. As your friend.’
Obsessive!Choso who started following you after class, learning what your classes had. Watching you from a distance while you killed time before your next class, sitting at a table in the large dining hall. Eating a small snack while on your computer. ‘You must live far from campus, that's why you won’t go home right?’ Writing down in a small notebook what class and what time it started. ‘I'm just making sure you're safe. Just in case someone tries something- I will always be here.’ He'd assure himself, drawing the line at following you home. Saying, ‘I'm not a stalker,’ He called your name in his head, as though he was speaking to you, ‘I won't cross that line. I refuse to invade your privacy.’ But something inside of him always told him to do it and get it over with. Afternoons of watching you walk away from the campus, the minute he'd see you turn the corner, he'd almost start hyperventilating. Thinking about all the stories and the news articles of people being kidnapped off the sidewalk in the middle of the day. Closing his eyes and trying to not think about how someone could be taking you away from him right now.  
Obsessive!Choso who heard your voice whisper in his head, asking him if he was just gonna let you be kidnapped. Taunting him in his own mind. Not being able to hear you clearly, trying so hard to focus on what you were saying- only making his ears hurt trying to listen to your whispers. Everytime, he fought off your voice. And everytime he felt guilty for even letting you be exposed to the chance. The chance of being assaulted, of being murdered by someone who was crazy. Someone who was stalking you. Choso hated the thought of someone hurting you, so he had to make sure you were okay. Make sure you get home safe. 
Obsessive!Choso who was walking far behind you, making sure to step lightly so you couldn't hear him. ‘I just want to keep you safe. That's all.’ he kept defending his actions to nobody but himself. Standing behind a tree as he watched you open the door to your house. ‘Not your parents, not a sorority- roommates. You live with roommates.’ he thought before opening his phone and saving the location.
Obsessive!Choso who was on his computer, hunched over as he looked through a walkthrough on Zillow. Wanting to know which one was your bedroom. 
Obsessive!Choso who spend countless nights picturing you in that house. He wanted to know if you were home right now, laying in the dark waiting for him to call you. Taking time to picture you in each bedroom he saw. Wondering what you had on your walls, what bedsheets you had. How many pillows you had on your bed. Closing his eyes and wondering if you had a desk- or a vanity. Scrolling through your feed to scan the walls of your bedroom. Going through the various screenshots from your story and your friends’. 
Obsessive!Choso who found a video your friend had posted in his gallery- of you laying on your back on the floor. Pillow beneath your hands, the quality was bad. It was a video that was posted over and over, taking it from their story on your birthday. Posting it to show their love for you. But from what he could hear- they were laughing at you. Making fun of you. While you asked them if they knew the true meaning of life, clearly on something from the looks of it. Trying to have a decent conversation with these people- only for them to laugh at you. Saying your name in his head, calling for your attention. ‘I would never do that to you. I will never laugh at you when you'd want to have a conversation. I will always listen to your words, no matter how silly they sound.’
Obsessive!Choso who thought that he was the only friend you will ever need. The only classmate you could depend on. Wanting desperately to tell you. Tell you that you don't need to surround yourself with superficial people when you have him. But for now. He will keep his opinions of your life to himself, till the day comes where he becomes a closer friend to you than any of them. 
Obsessive!Choso who was thrown from his thoughts when he saw his phone ring. Your cute contact name making him smile. Answering with a ‘Hello?’ like he didn't look at who was calling. “Hey- it's me.” You smiled, hearing him say hi again. “Are you busy?” you asked, wondering if he had time to help you study. “I'm not, no.” he exhaled, his hand on his knee while he closed his eyes to picture you. “Why?” he asked, feeling more comfortable speaking to you day by day. Closing your eyes, feeling uneasiness in your stomach before asking him. “I was wondering-” you exhaled, your tone telling him that you were smiling. “If you could help me study? If not it’s totally understandable- it's late and you must be tired-” You rambled, making Choso smile at how you were starting to feel nervous speaking to him. “No. I’d be delighted to.” He replied, making your cheeks warm at how polite he was. 
Obsessive!Choso who was starting to feel like he couldn't see you as he did before. It became clear to Choso. The more he sees you, the more he speaks to you. The more you keep flirting with him- the harder it is to see you clearly. Which was becoming more and more difficult, seeing as you never hesitated to ask him if he wanted to tag along with you after class. Or how you didn't ask him if you could call him through text anymore. 
Obsessive!Choso who was surprised when you asked if you could facetime him, muttering while moving the call to your computer. His hands knocked over the cup full of pens that was next to his laptop, quickly sliding his closet door shut, knowing that the angle of his laptop would've given you a clear view of his shrine dedicated to you. Scanning his desk before he pushed a strand of his hair behind his ear. Fixing his shirt before answering. Every time he saw you- he felt like you kept getting more and more beautiful. Even if you didn't have as much makeup on as you did in the day. Smile on your face when you saw him pop up onto your screen, “I can see you!” you exclaimed, your hand going to your mouth to pick at the dry skin to soothe your nerves. Seeing him with his hair down- light traces of the eye makeup he had on earlier. In truth, it was late, too late to be calling a class mate. But you wanted to see if he would answer, if you were tripping when you saw something other than friendship in the way he smiled at you, in the way he looked at you sometimes. Remembering how quiet and unapproachable he was before you had befriended him. Wondering if what you were feeling was something else. Not wanting to ruin a blossoming friendship with a real person, that formed his own thoughts. Not caring if the version he peddled to the masses was unacceptable. 
Obsessive!Choso who knew he didn't want to miss another opportunity, starting a recording on his screen. Even if he wasn't going to be able to hear what you said later- the feeling of knowing that he would be the only one with this video of you, was indescribable. Almost like he was keeping this side of you to himself. 
Obsessive!Choso who made sure to scan the walls of your bedroom, the angle that you had posed the camera was saddening. Only letting him see a small corner of your bedroom. But what he could see was your bed. Messy and not made, ‘If i lived with you- you'd never have to worry about the bed being made. I would always make sure that you'd come home to a welcoming bed waiting for you.’ he thought, hearing you read aloud the professor's comments on an essay you had turned in. “I feel like he's personally targeting me-” You smiled, that was the first time he had a violent thought about someone when it came to you. His eyes widening before trying to forget what he thought of. “What's your grade in the class anyway?” You asked, seeing his eyes glaze over at what you were saying. Not knowing that he was thinking of you, of defending your honor. He looked up, making a feigned thinking face before replying, “B- I think?” he lied. ‘I don't want to lie to you’ he thought, saying your name in his head, ‘I really don't. But I can’t let you see that I am not put together.’
Obsessive!Choso who died inside when you picked up your laptop to move onto your bed, ‘You didn't call me to study- you just wanted to talk to me?’ seeing that you didn't even bring up this so-called studying you asked him to help you with. While moving something- you saw the full print of the shirt he was wearing. “I love that band.” You commented, lifting yourself from the pillow you were resting on. Choso looked down at the shirt he was wearing, smiling at your compliment. “I didn't think that you listened to this kind of music.” He commented, sitting back down to look at you. Dim lights in your bedroom making you look ethereal. “I listen to everything really.” You mumbled, turning to your side, holding your head up in your hand. Moving the computer to face you. “Even country?” He asked, his tone soaked in sarcasm. “God no- But everything else, yeah.” You smiled, seeing him look at the screen with a warm smile.
Obsessive!Choso who let out a choked sigh when you asked what his plans were for winter break. “Goin home-” He exhaled, rubbing his forehead in frustration, remembering that college isn't the only thing in his life, you weren't the only person he cared for. The facetime was fun, talking to you outside of class was fun. Off campus, and it being so late. No valid excuse for wanting to talk with him now, other than just wanting to see him, to hear him. But the thought of winter break was heart shattering. Wanting to see his brothers but not wanting to go so long without seeing you. “And whose home?” You asked, seeing his eyebrows furrow at your past question. “My brothers.” He replied, hoping the conversation would steer elsewhere to stop thinking about this. “Younger or older?” You asked, wanting to know more about him.
Obsessive!Choso who for the first time, you asking about his life made him feel uneasy. The stinging in his chest made him pick at the skin on the sides of his chipped black fingernails. Twitching his head to try and shake off the feeling, “No, I'm the oldest.” He replied, fiddling with his thumbs and looking down, “Ahh I see.” You smiled, he looked down at his hands. A sudden wave of sadness fell over him, “And you? Where are you going for break?” He tried to snap out of the sudden funk. “I'm staying here, no family to go home to.” Your smile dropped, feeling the same as he did, remembering the fact that there was nowhere to call home.
Obsessive!Choso who felt so sad for you, who wanted to ask you what happened, thinking that he wasn't there yet with you. But god, the look on your face. Like you were about to start crying made his heart break for you. “Is it too far to ask what happened?” he mumbled, seeing you look away from the screen. “Just-" You sighed, "Family sucks. But I'd rather stay here. My roommates will all be gone-” You flashed him a toothy smile, trying to ease the tension. ‘Roommates. I knew it.’ he thought, a smile creeping onto his face as the worries of leaving you faded. “The campus will be empty. And I'll finally be able to catch up on my assignments, and the dozens of books I've started but never finished.” You assured him. Choso felt like he was finally able to get to know you, what will happen when he leaves you for three weeks? ‘Should I stay? If you asked me I would. I would stay right here with you.’
Obsessive!Choso who felt his heart thump in his chest, “Choso?” You asked, looking at him for the first time without a smile. “Yes?” He answered, his knee bouncing while seeing you cover your face with your hand. “I feel like a child asking you this-” you smiled, ‘Ask me.’ he smiled, “Could I- call you when you're out of town?” you grimaced, cringing at the words coming out of your mouth. He opened his mouth to speak, but feeling like you had just been caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar, you elaborated. “I just- I'll miss the uhh-” You looked up, “Refreshing conversations.” You laughed, seeing him let out a choked laugh with you. ‘Call me whenever you want, call me in the middle of the night, sad, happy, sick, for favors, for a laugh. Don't ever hesitate to call me.’ He wanted to say, desperately wanted to tell you to call him all the time. How he would wait by his phone for you to call him. 
Obsessive!Choso who couldn't bring himself to do it. Settling for; “Call me whenever you want. I’ll always answer.” He smiled, seeing you push the camera away from your face, your cheeks warm at how easily that came from his lips. Making Choso realize that his slow attempts at ‘friendship’ were working a little too well on you. “Okay, okay-” You smiled, pointing the camera to your flushed face. “I need to go to bed now.” You sat up, seeing him look at you in a way you haven't seen before, almost with hearts in his eyes. “Okay. Goodnight.” He smiled, deep voice making you want to laugh at how flustered you felt right now. “Goodnight Choso.” You smiled, clicking the red x and closing your laptop. Falling back to your pillows and closing your eyes. 
Obsessive!Choso who almost ran around his apartment, holding back all the blushing laughs and the many comments he thought while on the phone with you, felt like a torture that was perfectly crafted for him. Knowing he was going to rewatch those two hours of your face over and over again. Dissecting every frame and saving them as photos, making one of them his screen saver on his laptop. The past delusion of you possibly, maybe, just maybe, being his. Wasn't a delusion anymore. It was possible now, seeing you blush at his words made him see that. Smiling at the idea that all he's done wasn't in vain, there was an upside to his ‘crush’ on you. Closing his eyes and leaning back on his bed, picturing a day when you'd hold his hand, calling him your boyfriend. That day that was a possibility now. A day he wished would come soon. 
pt 5 here
........I have no words🫣 pls let me know if u wanna be tagged- nd make sure i can tag u lmao- ran into some issues while trying to tag accs that had the 'prohibit users from looking me up' on🫠
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llamagoddessofficial · 10 months
I'm on my knees for any more crumbs with prison AU therapist Mc and Sans 🙏 the more equal(?) dynamic is just so good And to the anon that brought it up—I love you
I'll do you one better. Here's some crumbs for ALL of them
Since she's not a nurse, this Mc doesn't have a very strong stomach. Stories of Skull's crimes sometimes make her physically ill.
Generally, Sans and Mc's 'sessions' can be quite pleasant. They talk about current events, how things are going. It's only once she starts trying to explore his feelings that he starts toying with her.
... Red teases her a lot. She tries not to react to it, it's unprofessional, but he can always tell when he's flustering her. He gets this infuriating smug grin.
Since Red is a high risk prisoner, he has to have one hand cuffed to a table during therapy. He often complains that he wishes he could be cuffed alone in a room with her in different circumstances. What Mc doesn't realise is that, considering his strength, the cuffs are basically for decoration- Red just pretends he can't break out of them so she feels more comfortable alone in a room with a massive skeleton monster who openly displays interest in her.
Sans doesn't require cuffs in his sessions. And the only time he was cuffed, he snapped them 'accidentally' to make a point. It just makes it all the more nervewracking for Mc.
Skull doesn't know she's his therapist. He thinks she just really cares about him. That's why she keeps coming back to see him, right?
Red isn't the only flirt. Sans is a lot more forward in this AU, considering she knows the truth about his nature. Granted, Sans being 'clear' about something is still incredibly cryptic, but he enjoys the shock in her eyes whenever he calmly flirts with her.
Red's flirting is warm, sincere, and never crosses the line... it leaves her flushed and (though she'd never admit it) flattered. Sans' flirting is nervewracking. It makes her feel like she's a mouse, and Sans is a cat playfully batting at her, capable of clawing her to death at any moment.
Skull gains bits and pieces of speech back a lot faster with her. Unfortunately, that means he's learning how to terrify the guards. It used to be that Skull would just scream or snarl, but now he likes to say broken ominous sentences to guards he doesn't like to see them shit their pants.
He's also figured out that, when he's really upset and angry, if he screams her name enough someone will send her. It's not a great lesson to learn... but it's better than him deciding to attack people.
Whenever Mc tries to get Skull to do therapeutic art with her, he just draws the same thing over and over. The art is scribbly thanks to his tremor, but it always looks like three people; a tall skeleton, a shorter skeleton, and a human. He draws them in various positions- standing together, sitting around a table, sitting on a couch. She suspects one skeleton is him and the human could be her, but she doesn't know who the tall skeleton is.
(It's him, her, and Papyrus. His family)
Sans, for all his power and control, gets ratty and jealous when she treats other people. The first time he hears her laugh is when she realises that was why he's being moody.
She'd never seen him so delighted before.
Sans likes when she dodges his conversational traps. He'll try to lure her into talking about herself, revealing information to him, but she won't fall for it and always turns it back on him. There's not much he's been able to glean from her. It's always so fun, to play with someone who knows what they're doing.
Again, she'll never admit it. But Mc is fascinated by Sans. Most serial killers are delusional and kinda pathetic, but Sans is as if all the stereotypes of the 'genius mastermind serial killer' were true. She gets to be up close and personal, see how he works; she gets to watch his mask rise and fall in real time.
Of course, he knows she's fascinated. He uses it to keep her coming back. He's fascinated with her, too~
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devvelle · 2 years
how they act when they miss you
Genre: fluff <3
Characters: first years (Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, and Sebek) x gn!reader PART 2
Scenario: you're away from NRC for a few weeks, and they have to find ways to get by until you return.
Notes: each can be taken as platonic or romantic! reader is the Prefect and the reason for the absence is up to your imagination :)
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Ace Trappola ;
Let’s get this out of the way. Ace is not well.
In his eyes, you’re like the whole reason school is fun. So when you’re gone he’s sulking all day, sighing dramatically at the mere mention of your name. 
"Remember the Prefect? I wonder how they're doing these days *sniffle* I hope they haven't forgotten us..." (Definitely gets yelled at by Riddle for acting like you died.)
He'll start spamming you with messages. You thought you’d get a break from Ace? Silly Prefect, not if he has anything to do with it.
He'll text you pictures of the randomest things, tell you every insignificant detail of his day, and ask you bizarre questions, all in the hopes of getting as many replies back as possible.
When you do answer, he's smiling like an idiot, replying asap while you're active. He's happy that you're okay and making time for him.
Ace will need lots of cuddles and quality time when you're back. He will vehemently deny all allegations of his behavior, though. He did no such things, how could you believe that?
Deuce Spade ;
Deuce hides his feelings the best out of everyone, but you are on his mind constantly in the form of daydreams.
He's a bit quieter as a result. Usually you’re the one he’s replying to and speaking to the most, so when you’re not there he prefers to listen instead, picturing what you would be doing or saying.
If someone mentions you though, he’ll be quick to join the conversation.
Would be more involved in his dorm activities as well as track and field. It helps him stay distracted and gives him more time to think about you and what to text you later :')
Being the model student he now is, he'll copy a second set of notes for you so you won't be behind when you return. He'll even draw little pictures on them and leave helpful (and sometimes silly) comments for you. If you see a scribbled out "I miss you :/" or two... ignore it.
Stays cool and collected throughout your absence, in the end. The time without you makes him appreciate you more when you're back. Just promise him you won't leave again.
Epel Felmier ;
Progressively starts spiraling the longer you’re gone.
He calls you nightly for as long as you’re away. 
Goes out of his way to make plans or do interesting things just so he can have more to talk to you about when he calls. 
He’ll make you talk to him until he falls asleep because he finds he usually dreams of you when your voice is the last thing he hears.
Probably gets a bit more snappy, though. Usually you’re there to keep the peace within the group and prevent their schemes, but without you they start to lose it just a bit. Perhaps he’s hoping that if he does something really stupid you’ll come back faster.
It doesn’t work, obviously. You scold him over the phone instead.
And now he's carving your initials into apples aggressively and pouting. You made him more sad. How could you?
Epel is definitely a handful in your absence. Come back asap.
Jack Howl ;
Also doesn't make a big deal out of missing you.
He's very considerate of whatever your circumstances are for being absent, so he leaves you alone unless you text him first.
He'll reply instantly when you do message him, though. He even set a special alert noise for you :')
Definitely carries something of yours with him at all times, like a piece of jewelry or an accessory. He was a bit embarrassed to ask for it from you before you left, but the comfort it brings him makes him glad he did. He’s very sensitive to smells so this little piece of you keeps him from worrying too much while you’re away.
The cutest thing he does though? He listens to the music you like. When he's out on runs he'll have your playlist on shuffle, thinking about you until Leona tells him he's falling behind.
Overall handles it well. You wouldn't even know he missed you if he wasn't seeking you out more than usual after your return.
Sebek Zigvolt ;
Sebek is so good at hiding the fact that he misses you, that he almost fools himself.
Epel and Ace would no doubt tease him relentlessly if they found out, so he keeps quiet and focuses on his duty to Malleus. That's always supposed to be his focus anyway, no sweat.
But when he can get a quiet moment to himself? He’s somehow always going through pictures of you.
There’s a secret folder on his phone titled '🤦‍♂️' that is filled with dozens of pictures of you and him. They’re all selfies you dragged him into while he pretended he didn’t want to be in them, but when you’d sent them to him, he’d saved them all immediately. He’s made sure no one's seen it though, especially you.
(Besides Lilia who’d crept up on him and seen it once and was overjoyed. Sebek is still mortified.)
Occasionally, he’ll check in on you through text and send something like “Make sure you’ve eaten, human!” or an image of the other first-years with, “Why did you make me befriend them?”
Pull him aside and give him a hug when you get back, please. He's in denial but he'll appreciate it.
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a/n: tried out a new format!! I’m going to try hcs like these in between my longer written works just so my brain gets a break :’) kisses, and happy halloween <3
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clemkruckinnie · 1 year
first time-d.lambert
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summary: dalton decides he wants to take his relationship with you a step further.
You feel peaceful.
Though it’s a Friday night on campus, you and Dalton have created a peaceful little corner of the dorm for yourself. You can’t help but steal glances at your boyfriend, scribbling furiously in his sketchbook. He’s drawing, and erasing, and drawing again, and before you can ask what’s up, he shoves the sketchbook off his bed.
“Everything okay?” You look up from the other corner of the bed, sitting up.
“I’m just not having a good creation day.” Dalton explains. “Nothing I wanna draw is coming out right, I have this stupid deadline to meet and I can’t even land on a rough sketch because my stupid brain and my stupid hands won’t-“
“Dal.” You cut him off, putting your hand over his. Getting an idea, you sit up further, uncrossing your legs. “Lay down.” Dalton happily obliges, sighing like the weight of the world’s been lifted from his shoulders once he lays his head against your thighs. “Better?” You ask, moving so that your hand is in Dalton’s hair, rubbing his scalp lightly.
Dalton nods against you. “Don’t make me fall asleep.” He warns you, half joking.
“Why, you’re not having nightmares again, are you?”
Dalton pauses.
“Oh, baby-“ You push his hair back from his face, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I just thought it’d be too much for you. That I would be too much for you.” Dalton explains.
“If it’s too much for me, it’s definitely too much for you.” You tell him, “let me know about that stuff, okay?”
“I don’t want to burden you.” Dalton objects, you shaking your head. “Thought i’d scare you off.”
“You don’t abandon the people you love when they’re hurting. You stay and shoulder it with them.”
You don’t realize the words that you chose until you say them, looking up into Dalton’s wide blue eyes.
“What?” His voice comes out shaky, uncertain that he heard you correctly. “Do you mean that?”
“That I love you?” You ask. “I do. I love you, Dalton.”
Dalton almost knocks you over with the force he hugs you with, tucking his face into your neck.
“I love you, too.” He pulls back, laughing tearfully. “We’re in love.”
His gaze softens before he leans in, cupping your face like he’s holding something delicate, and kisses you with a passion that almost makes you lightheaded.
When he finally pulls back, your entire body feels like it’s on vibrate. By the way his pupils dilate, you can tell Dalton feels the same.
“What’s on your mind?” You finally ask him.
He leans in again, but moves upwards, kissing your forehead instead of your lips. Then, he moves back down, resting his forehead against yours.
“I wanna do what people in love do.”
“You mean-“ You trail off, Dalton nodding against your head.
“I need you.” Dalton moves his hands down, his arms around you. “Please, baby.”
You lean back in again, kissing him with a passion new to the both of you as he lays you down. He moves to your jaw, kissing it gently before he goes down further, his soft lips trailing down and across your neck. “Dal.” You sigh, hands between his shoulder blades.
He lets out a sweet sound against you, the vibrations making you shiver. “Say my name like that again.” He sucks lightly at your pulse point, drawing his name out of you in a whine. “Sound so pretty.” He pulls back, his hands resting against your stomach, having slid them under your shirt. “Can I?”
You nod almost too quickly, wanting to get the offending garment off before you get too nervous to. Any lingering feelings of anxiety leave your body like a floodgate opening as he takes you in. You’re in an old pair of running shorts and a sports bra, yet he looks at you like you’re the finest piece of art in the world. “Beautiful,” Dalton marvels, smoothing his hands over your chest. “All for me, right?”
You nod, Dalton shaking his head. “Tell me.” His voice is so gentle, you feel your eyes heating up and you try your best to not cry while topless in front of your boyfriend for the first time. “All for you. I’m all yours.”
Dalton smiles, leaning in and kissing your nose before sliding his hands under you, by the clasp of your bra. “Want me to take this off?”
“Please.” You almost whimper, Dalton swallowing thickly as you lean upward. The proximity of your faces isn’t as close as it had been when you were kissing, but you’re close enough to see all the shades of blue in his eyes, the concentration on his face as he works at your bra clasp.
“Hi.” You break the silence, Dalton smiling at you again.
“Hi.” He whispers, finally undoing the clasp. “Got it. Let me just-“ He pulls your bra down your arms, discarding it somewhere in the room.You’re fully bare from the waist up, but don’t feel exposed at all.
Dalton drinks in the sight of your bare chest, sliding his hands up to cup each breast in one. “These are perfect.” Dalton marvels. He brushes his thumbs over your nipples, you arching into him involuntarily.
“Does that feel good?” Dalton asks, not cocky, genuinely curious. You go to nod, but stop yourself, remembering that he likes verbal confirmation. “Yes,” you tell him, “they’re really sensitive.” You admit. “Feels nice when you play with them.” Dalton groans, your praise giving him the motivation he needs to keep going. “Wanna get my mouth on them.” He tells you.
The word “please” is barely out of your mouth before he’s taken one nipple into his mouth, rolling the other between his fingers as he sucks. It sends a pang down between your legs as you moan, loudly, going to put your hand over your mouth. Dalton grabs your wrist, using his surprising strength to keep your hand away from your mouth. “Don’t muffle yourself. Let me hear you.” Dalton tells you, kissing his way across your chest to your other nipple, repeating what he had done before. Your hands find their way to his head instead, pushing his hair away from his face.
“I need more.” You beg. “Please, baby-“
Releasing your nipple with a pop, Dalton scoots down between your legs, tugging your shorts off. He’s about to take off your panties when you stop him.
“Is something wrong? We can stop-“
“No! No, I wanna keep going.” You assure him. “You just still have all your clothes on. Doesen’t seem fair.”
Dalton looks down at his sweatshirt and laughs softly. “You’re right. That’s not fair.” He tugs the shirt over his head. “Here,” He stands up, tugging his pants down and kicking them somewhere on the floor, leaving him clad in his boxers. “We’re even.”
You smile, nodding as he re-situates himself. He hooks his fingers into the waistband of your panties, tugging them down and discarding them somewhere with the other clothes.
“Can I taste you?” Your hips almost buck at the way he asks it, the way he looks at you, him, but you settle for a “yes”. He licks an experimental stripe up to your clit, circling it clumsily but still enough to feel good. You moan softly, Dalton taking it as his cue to keep going. He doesn’t really have a technique, as expected—you knew he was a virgin when you two got together, but he’s not doing a bad job, either. You can only imagine how good he’ll get with more practice.
“Am I-?” Dalton pulls away, looking back up at you.
“Try sucking on my clit, just a little. Not too hard.” Dalton nods, licking back up to your clit and sucking, like you told him to.
“Oh my God.” You moan, Dalton sucking at your clit again, anything to get you to make that sound again.
“Need your fingers.” You whimper, “Please, wanna feel them inside—oh!” Dalton easily slides one in, moaning against you at the feeling of you around his finger. “One more, please-“He slides another one in, stretching you open as he licks around and on your clit. He pulls away, his fingers still inside you as he looks up at you.
“Do you like it like this?” He slowly pumps his fingers in and out of you, gaging your reaction.
“Yeah—curl them up a bit, like,” you make a “come here” movement with your fingers. Dalton mimics you, pumping his fingers the slightest bit faster as he curls them. “Wanna kiss you when you cum—“ he tells you.
“Then get back up here and kiss me.”
He doesn’t have to be told twice, speeding up his motions as he moves back up to kiss you. You two separate with moans and gasps, surprised your teeth aren’t clashing with the way he’s kissing you. You can already feel the coil tightening as he fingers you, but when he moves his thumb up to circle your clit, you go over the edge, tucking your face into his neck as you come undone.
“Holy shit,” Dalton pants, “I made you cum.”
You nod, smiling, dazed after the intensity of your orgasm. “I did, hard.” Dalton laughs, pulling his fingers out of you slowly. Before he can do anything with them, you take his hand, guiding his fingers to your mouth and sucking them gently. Dalton watches you, mesmerized at the way your cheeks hollow, the feeling of your tongue on his fingers.
“I need to fuck you.” Dalton pulls his fingers out of your mouth, “Shit, condom. Uh-“
“You can pull out.” You assure him. “I’m on the pill, anyway.” Dalton almost passes out at the idea of being inside you bare, but manages to stay upright. “Is this position-“
“It’s perfect.” You cut him off. “Like you.”
Dalton smiles, lining himself up with you. “Wait.” Before you can ask what’s wrong, Dalton takes one of your hands in his, lacing your fingers together and holding them down on the bed. The intimacy of the gesture makes your eyes well up again. You don’t miss the way Dalton’s face falls, and before he can ask, you tell him the truth.
“That was just sweet—I just really, really love you.” You admit. Dalton kisses your forehead once more, pushing in with his lips still against your skin.
You both moan together as Dalton pulls back out, then plunges all the way in again. He keeps at the slow pace for a little bit, you getting more exasperated. “You can go faster.” You tell him, assuming he’d been afraid to hurt you.
“I know.” Dalton smiles cheekily, “Just wanted to tease you. Make you beg for it.”
You gasp at his dirty talk and newfound cockiness, tossing your pride aside and giving in. “Please, Dalton, please fuck me harder, I need it so bad-“
Dalton moans, giving in and speeding up his thrusts, grabbing onto the mattress with his free hand, balling up the bedding as he pounds you.
“Feels so fucking good, beautiful-“ Dalton ducks his head down, kissing your neck as his thrusts speed up, “-‘m not gonna last—“
“Let go.” You encourage him, “I came already, just let go—“
It’s as if his body was waiting for those words to finally let go, his orgasm hitting him like a freight train. He weakly thrusts his way through it, pumping you full as he cums.
“Fuck, baby.” Dalton breathes out shakily, kissing your neck softly before pulling away to look at you. “Came so hard, don’t know if I can walk.”
“Then don’t.” You offer. “Just lay with me.”
Dalton nods, smiling softly as he pulls out, laying next to you and pulling the comforter over the two of you.
“We should probably clean up soon, though.” You tell him. “Don’t wanna traumatize Chris.”
Dalton laughs, “We don’t have to worry about Chris. I paid her 10 bucks to crash in a friend’s room.”
“You planned this?” You ask, feigning offense.
“I planned the seduction, not you telling me you loved me.” He defends himself. “Like i’d only fuck you once in a night.”
“You didn’t know how it would go!”
“I knew I wouldn’t be done with you yet.”
You smile, nuzzling your head into his chest. “I wanna do all of that and more, but for right now I just wanna use you as a pillow for a little bit.”
“You want a hoodie?” Dalton offers. “We could watch a movie for a little bit. Don’t want you getting cold.”
You smile, nodding. “Always taking care of me.”
Dalton shakes his head, getting up and pulling on his boxers to find you a hoodie of his.
“Not as good as you take care of me, baby.”
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soft-mafia · 1 year
Can we have where the S/O was sketching Captain Buggy in secret, because she has a thing for him and she didn't want him and the crew to know about it. Until she lost it until the crew took a glimpse while laughing; they figured that she had a crush on the captain. She hid in the Crow's Nest in shame until Buggy finds her, after hearing what she's been doing in secret
Crush [Buggy x Reader]
warning: fem reader, nude drawing descriptions
a/n: this is such a cute idea😭😭 also this is me coded bc I low key draw Buggy half naked sometimes
part 2
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Y/n was sitting in one of the crow’s nests on the Big Top, hunched over her sketchbook, scribbling out another fantasy she had of Buggy.
Yeah, it was weird drawing her own captain half naked with a visible happy trail but— was she hurting anybody? No, of course not, besides nobody had to see these drawings except her. Y/n was beginning to get a little flustered sketching out the muscles, defining them.
She had a little smile on her face, but it was all interrupted by Buggy calling everybody down to the deck. Y/n left her sketchbook up there without thinking and quickly climbed down.
A while later after they had to make a pit stop somewhere to stock up on food, Y/n was carrying crates of meat when she heard some other crew mates snickering and giggling. She wondered what the hell was so funny, so she glanced over— but then a look of horror washed over her face.
“What a pervert!!” One of the men said, flipping through the pages, “Do you think she joined the crew just to get a piece of Captain Buggy?” Another man laughed. “Awww she has a little crush on him.” Another one said before they all burst into laughter.
Oh my god?! Is that my sketch book?! She nearly dropped the crate, so she quickly set it down and ran back onto the ship, panicking and feeling humiliated. Oh god.. this was awful, what if they show the captain?! He’s gonna kick me out of the crew!! This is so embarrassing I’m gonna throw myself off the ship, I can’t do this!!
Y/n hid in the crows nest, curled up in a ball, crying into her knees from embarrassment.
“Hey Captain!! Take a look at this!!”
Buggy’s attention was directed over to the group of men with Y/n’s sketch book, “Huh? What is it?” Buggy grunted and snatched it out of the man’s hands. His eyes went wide and nearly popped out of his skull when he saw the sketches.
Why was he such a hunk?! Damn he wish he looked like this, is this how people saw him? If it was then this was an absolute win. “WHO DID THIS?!” Buggy shouted, “WHO’S SICK JOKE WAS THIS?!” There were so many pages!! Who even had time to do all of this?!
“That girl, Y/n. I think she has a little crush on you, captain.” One of the pirates jokingly cooed, which made Buggy’s face go even redder.
Y/n could hear Buggy screaming from where she was, it made her curl up and want to die even more, “Ugghh!! Why did I have to leave that fucking book up here?!” She cried to herself. “Y/N!!! WHAT IS THIS?!” Buggy said once he got back onto the ship. Y/n sniffled, peeking over the side of the crow’s nest as she looked down at Buggy, “I’m sorry captain! I-I didn’t mean to..” oh god how could this situation get any worse.
“DIDN’T MEAN TO?!” Buggy took another look at the drawings. Damn he was hot, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘DIDN’T MEAN TO’?!”
Y/n hid in the crow’s nest again, crying harder. He was going to kick her off the crew.. she knew it.
Upon her cries, Buggy sighed and decided to climb up to where she was. “Cmon-.. don’t- don’t cry.” He kneeled down and gently patted her head, he looked back at the sketchbook, still amazed with how handsome he was.. “These are really good..!” He flipped to another page which was just him.. completely naked, his eyes went wide again. That fucking penis was bigger than his, why was it was so vascular!! He cleared his throat and closed the book, handing it back to Y/n, “You really captured my likeness.” He giggled, his cheeks redder than a tomato, “Maybe you can.. draw me.. maybe a bit more buffer, taller? Just a suggestion..” he coughed again.
Y/n took her book back and sniffled, “Y-You’re not gonna kick me off the crew? You’re not mad?” She couldn’t even look up at him.
“What? Why would I do that? It’s kind of a stupid reason to kick someone off..” Buggy laughed and sat beside of her, “Of course I’m not mad. But.. am I really that hot?” He chuckled softly, making Y/n even more flustered. “Maybe I can model for you sometime eh?” He joked, but then kind of regretted it.. no way did he look as hunky as those drawings.
Y/n hid her face into her sketch book, “This is so embarrassing..” she whined, “They’re never gonna let me live this down.” She could still hear the sounds of those crew mates laughing.. it made her internally recoil.
“Yeah.. not a chance.” Buggy laughed, then patted her back, “But hey, if you ever want the real thing, you can come to me whenever you want.” He grinned, winking at her.
Her face went red again and she hid it further into her book.
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