#there are some ways to get across I'm Not Interested to someone but alas this was not a very gracious or generous one
thebirdandhersong · 2 years
holding on real tight to "if you don't want me / then you're not the one" this week ladies
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luv4freddie · 5 months
Fools - T.N
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in which the only Hufflepuff friend in the group of slytherins develops a crush on Theodore Nott— something only fools do.
fem!hufflepuff reader, bff Pansy, use of euphemisms and teasing yn for being innocent but sfw, reader is very emotional, jealous theo, 2800 words
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After a year, you'd think that people would get used to seeing the same Hufflepuff go over to the Slytherin table, but alas, half the Great Hall turned to watch you approach the table and take a seat next to Pansy.
She sticks her middle finger up behind your back, aiming it at all of the people who are still staring, and they quickly turn away. It was an unlikely friendship, but she was not going to let anyone make you feel bad about it.
"About time you get here," Draco huffs, "I've had to hear Pansy's 'girl talk' while you were sleeping."
You smile sheepishly at him, you had taken your sweet time this morning, hitting snooze a few times before listening to your favorite record and doing more singing than actually getting ready— resulting in you being extra late to breakfast.
"Sorry, Draco."
"Don't apologize yn, he doesn't deserve it."
You can hear the teasing lilt in Theo's voice from across the table, and Draco throws a handful of grapes at him.
"Whatever," Pansy turns her back to them, "did you hear, apparently the Hufflepuff chaser has a crush on you."
Your eyes flit between her face and your hands, and you wonder where she got her information from.
The boys around you seem to perk up at this, and Draco chides Pansy for deeming that piece of information unimportant compared to all her other, much more useless, girl talk this morning.
"Where on Earth did you hear that?" You cut in, not enjoying the way everyone is suddenly interested in your (nonexistent) love life.
"From a very trustworthy source," is all she'll give away, and you cringe.
"Can we change subjects, please?"
Theo narrows his eyes at you, as if he's searching your face for something.
"You don't care about it then? You're not jumping at the chance to ride his broom?"
The Slytherins around you snicker at his euphemism, but you go bright red.
"I- what! Why would you say- no!"
This only makes them laugh harder, but Pansy collects herself enough to place a reassuring hand on your arm.
"Don't worry, we all know our little puff would never."
You slap her hand away, upset at them treating you like a child.
"Well if you guys are only gonna tease me, I'm gonna go back to my own table."
"Y/n, we didn't mean-" Theo starts, but he's still got a smirk on his face, so you ignore him, leaving before he can try and stop you.
You take a seat at your own house table, and the Hufflepuffs around you immediately welcome you into their conversation.
You don't know why it bothered you so much. They were right, you weren't going to be "riding someone's broom" anytime soon, but hearing the way they talked about it— like you were just some silly, innocent baby— really bugged you.
If you were being honest with yourself, you also knew that deep down you've been repressing feelings for Theodore, because you knew enough stories about him to know it would never work. He was a heartthrob, and had no issue finding girls to entertain him at night— to him you were just a little girl. That conversation was just more proof. There's no way he'd be interested in you.
You unintentionally make eye contact with Zacharias Smith when you finally get out of your head, but you immediately look away, turning back to your friends just as Hannah asks about your Christmas plans.
You don't see your Slytherin friends again until Charms class, and Pansy immediately brings up what happened at breakfast.
"Hey, I'm sorry about that. I don't want you to feel bad, that's just how we are."
You give her a tight lipped smile, shrugging your shoulders. You've realized that most of the anger came from the realization that Theo probably saw you as a child, not actually their teasing.
"No biggie, it's forgiven."
She eyes you suspiciously but decides not to question it, instead starting to talk about her next party idea until she gets shushed when Professor Flitwick starts explaining directions.
You use the quiet moment to sneak a look at Theo, who's leaned back in his chair smirking at something Draco said next to him.
Pansy turns to you and you quickly shift your focus, but it appears she's already seen you. She gives you a raised eyebrow, and you play dumb, looking back at the teapot on your desk and trying to give it legs.
"What was that about back there?" Pansy asks as the two of you walk out together.
"I know it took me forever to get those stupid legs," you cringe, hoping to throw her off course.
"No I meant your staring."
You try not to look guilty, just shrugging your shoulders and explaining, "figured the boys might have figured it out faster. Should have known better."
She grins at that, muttering "you really should have." But something tells you she doesn't quite believe your story.
Your thoughts are only confirmed the next day when she invites you over to her dorm and then immediately suggests the two of you take veritaserum to play a game of truth or dare.
You let out a sigh.
"I'm not doing that Pans, just ask me whatever you want to know."
She grins, "you know me so well."
"Unfortunately," you tease, and she slaps your arm but asks her question anyway.
"Do you have a crush on Draco?"
Her face drops into confusion when you start laughing hysterically.
"That's what you thought? Merlin, you had me scared for no reason. No Pans, I absolutely do not have a crush on Draco."
She lets out a small sigh of relief, but you can tell she's a little peeved you laughed at her.
"Well what was I supposed to think? You got all grumpy yesterday when we were teasing you about your love life, and then the staring. It was either that or you're secretly in love with Nott, which, lets be for real."
She leaves it at that, but your cheeks flush pink. Be for real what? Be for real, he'd never want you? Be for real, what universe would the two of you work out? Be for real, he hates you?
The thoughts keep coming one after another, and suddenly your vision is blurred.
"Hey, woah, what's wrong?"
You cursed Pansy for being so observant.
"Nothing, I think my allergies are acting up." You say, but there's sadness in your voice, and there's an inch of snow outside, which isn't exactly pollen friendly.
"Don't lie to me y/n."
"I'm sorry for being so stupid and emotional." You cry, and Pansy rubs your back slowly.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being emotional! You don't see us do it much, but a lot of that's got to do with how we were raised. I wish I felt things as deeply as you do."
Your tears seem to slow, and she smiles.
"Now as for stupid, that depends on where that fit came from."
You look up at her in embarrassment, more hot tears threatening to fill your eyes.
"I... what did you mean?" You ask instead.
"When you said be for real about me secretly being.." you couldn't bring yourself to say it, as if saying the words would make it true and something you could no longer push away and pretend wasn't there.
Realization dawns on Pansy's face, and she immediately wraps you up in a hug.
"Oh yn, it all makes sense now."
You continue to cry, and she looks at you with what you assume is pity in her eyes.
"I know, I'm such a fool! I know it would never happen, I know half of Hogwarts has a crush on him, I know he'd never want a girl like me." All of the things you'd been keeping to yourself and secretly thinking come spilling out of your mouth, and Pansy rubs your back while you continue to cry.
"Hey don't talk like that! Theo doesn't care about those people, and I know he cares about you. Not to mention, "a girl like you"? You're the exact type of girl that Theo needs. He practically never smiles the way he does when you're around. Just calm down okay?"
You nod through your cries, finally settling down as Pansy throws a magazine at you and the two of you lay across her bed.
Unknowingly, you end up falling asleep, tired from the amount of crying you did. Pansy notices but decides not to wake you, heading down to the common room where the guys would be getting back from quidditch practice soon.
When you wake up the room is dark, and a quick looks around reminds you you're in Pansy's room and not your own. You check the bathroom attached to the dorm, and when no one is in there you head down to the common room, assuming that's where she's gone to.
The whole group is sat on leather couches and armchairs when you make it down the stairs, and you rub the sleep out of your eyes as you approach the group.
"There's our assonnata bella," Theodore purrs, and you immediately flush even though you only understand half of his phrase. (sleeping beauty)
"Sorry for falling asleep." You apologize as you take the seat Pansy offered you, coincidentally landing between her and the reason for your crying.
"Stop apologizing so much," Theo whispers in your ear, and you refuse to look at him in fear of him seeing exactly the effect he has on you. Instead you continue to look at Pansy.
"No biggie, you needed it after that." She says, and you nod.
"After what? What happened?" Draco asked, ever the nosy weasel.
Pansy looked at you, obviously waiting for you to answer so she could go along with whatever you say.
You consider lying, but figure there's no point. They all know you're an emotional person, no one would find it unusual.
"I- uh- cried a little bit. Tired me out."
The boys (that you can see) all nod their heads in understanding and decide to switch topics, finally letting you relax.
However, since you'd turned your back to Theo, that now meant when you leaned back to get comfy you leaned directly into his chest, as he had one arm on the back of the couch behind you.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" You whisper, shooting back up and speaking only to him in an attempt to not draw attention from the others.
"Don't be silly," he says back, pulling your shoulders so you're back in the relaxed position against him, "you're welcome in my arms any day ragazza dolce." (Sweet girl)
You flush red again, but this time you do look up at him, a teasing glint in your eyes.
"You know I have absolutely no idea what you're saying, right?"
He grins, "that's part of the fun."
"Whatever," you turn back away from him to look at the group, your head resting right over his heart, "as long as you're not calling me a troll."
"I promise I'm not." He says, ruffling your hair before the both of you rejoin the main conversation.
"Zacharias Smith was at our practice today," Draco tells Pansy, and she looks at him in surprise.
"Really? Maybe he was looking for yn. She does sometimes keep me company in the stands."
"Oh he definitely was." Blaise smirks, and you feel Theo tense behind you. "Walked right up to Theo and asked where the pretty little one we're always hanging out with was."
"What?" Pansy shrieks, looking over, although you're unsure if the intentional target was you or the boy behind you. Her eyes momentarily widen at seeing your position before she notices something and smirks.
"Theo," she drawls, "I didn't notice those cuts on your knuckles earlier, is that new?"
Everyone turns to look at Theo, and you sit up in alarm, turning to look at his hand that's laying behind your spot on the couch.
"Theo! What happened? Why didn't you go get this checked out?"
He averts his eyes from your gaze. "Just wasn't thinking about it," he shrugs.
You frown. "How could you not be thinking about it, that looks painful!"
He shrugs again, grimacing when you grab his hand, insisting he let you heal it.
"Just let me go get my wand okay? I left it in Pansy's room."
You get up to leave, and with your back turned you don't see Pansy whisper to Theo and then him get up and follow you.
"I'll just come with." He announces, following you back to your friends room.
You try not to think about the intimacy of being alone with Theo while you tend to his wounds, trying once again to shove all your feelings down far in your heart.
Thankfully none of Pansy's roommates had come back, and Theo sits on her bed while you grab your wand from her nightstand before standing in between his spread legs.
"Give me your hand."
He complies, and you try not to blush at the warmth of his, much bigger, hand resting on your own.
"This is nasty Theo, did you punch a wall or something?" You ask, beginning to heal a few of the cuts. Luckily most of them were clean from where he'd washed them when he showered after practice, but they were scabbed over and his knuckles were blue with beginning to form bruises.
He lets out an amused huff of laughter and you stop your ministrations, looking up at him immediately.
"Tell me you didn't actually punch a wall."
He shrugs, "it was either that or Smith, and I know you don't like when I get into fights."
You feel yourself heat up. He didn't hit someone because of your preference, and the person just happened to be the guy who supposedly has a crush on you.
"Well I'm glad you didn't send my housemate to the hospital wing at least, although I wish you wouldn't have hurt yourself," you sigh, continuing to heal his hands.
Out of nowhere he pulls it away.
"Look, I-" he cards a hand through his hair, contemplating his next words. "I didn't like it that Smith came looking for you. Especially that he asked me."
You look at him in confusion, "what? Why?"
He looks distraught, but he can't help the crooked smile that etches itself on his face.
"You're damn oblivious, you know that?"
You continue to look at him, no thoughts behind your eyes.
"Uh, I mean I guess? I've been told that a few times, though I'm not sure how it's pertinent to this situation."
Suddenly Theo's hands are on your cheeks, and his face is inches from your own.
"What- what are you doing?"
"I want to kiss you." He states plainly, as if it's the most normal thing in the world— as if the five words didn't have you spiraling out of control.
"Wait- do you want to kiss me because you think I'm like pretty or do you want to kiss me because you like me?"
You'd never even thought he would consider you pretty, but at his words you had to rethink a lot of things you thought you knew.
"I like you, amorina." (Little love)
"Really?" You know you should be celebrating, but you can't help the doubt that creeps into your mind. "You don't think I'm a silly, innocent, little Hufflepuff?"
He grins, "you can be my silly little Hufflepuff. And no I don't care that you're not jumping at the opportunity to go broom hopping."
You can't help but laugh a his phrasing, but you're glad he knew what you meant.
"I like you, amorina, I don't care about anything else, as long as I get you."
You smile, and Theo swears he could die happy if it's the last thing he sees.
"Well in that case, I want you to kiss me too."
He can barely hold back his own smile as he places his lips on yours, cradling your jaw with one hand while the other holds your hip.
He kissed you gently, not at all like what you'd expected, but you feel his adoration flowing out of it, and you can't help but break it to let out a giggle.
"And to think I was crying over you a few hours ago."
He grins, standing up and grabbing your hand to walk back down to the common room together, where your friends were waiting for you to go to dinner.
"No more crying over me okay?"
You nod your head, and he pulls you in for one more kiss before you rejoin the rest of your friends.
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courtingchaos · 9 months
Ok, i thought i'd give you a few options.
Having to fuck your way out of a speeding ticket or a possession charge or something with gator
flashing Steve on a dare at a party because boobies
Eddie being a clueless, naive knob when his crush comes on to him in increasingly obvious and suggestive ways and he just can't put two and two together until she's forced to grab him and be like, hi. hello. I'm trying to fuck you here. please compute.
Sorry if these seem stale. I'm not the most creative and they're all smut because I'm a degenerate too. Love your writing :)
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Eddie being a clueless, naive knob when his crush comes on to him in increasingly obvious and suggestive ways and he just can't put two and two together until she's forced to grab him and be like, hi. hello. I'm trying to fuck you here. please compute.
Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
A record store meet-cute with Indiana’s most oblivious guitarist.
Warnings: Blow job and fingering, that’s it that’s all have fun.
A/N: Okay look, for one? Not stale at all. Also, degeneracy supremacy for all. This did the trick and in fact I also wrote the Gator prompt too because that was fun. However Steven eludes me lately so while I wanted to make all the dreams come true, alas I could not. These might not be exactly what you were aiming for? But there’s smut? And they’re fun? Meh, thank you for sending these in friend! Also I think I inadvertently channeled my dearest @chestylarouxx with this one so you know it’s gotta be good.
Gator will get posted separately.
18 + NSFW No Minors
He’s in the store all the time, always on your shift and usually finding you with whatever question he has like when he can’t find a new release or someone has misfiled a vinyl. He asks your opinion on the new releases and laughs when you roll your eyes, a scoff thrown at a new Madonna single. He’ll give you a shocked look when you tell him that you do in fact like Heart and also when you try to explain the shared root between his beloved thrash and the current punk scene.
Despite his affection for arguments with you he persists with toothy grins and a constant promise to ‘show you some real music’ sometime. There’s an undercurrent with your conversations, a feeling of flirting, like when he pulls that chunk of hair across his face while he tells you about his band. He gets bashful when you show interest and ask if it’d be cool if you went and all you can imagine is that dark hallway in the back of the bar and what he might look like under that dimming, yellowing light. It earns you a short nod and one of those smiles, lips tight over his teeth while his dimples dig craters into his pink cheeks. He says he’d love it. Says he can’t wait to see you. Says he’ll let the guys know they’ve got a number one fan now.
So when you get to the end of said night, after the fairly big crowd and all his other friends have filtered out, after his band has almost put up most of the equipment, after he’s collected their cut of the entry fees, you linger. Sitting at the end of the bar with your beer that you’ve been nervously picking the label off of for 20 minutes, waiting on him to make his way over. He taps the bar top and thanks the owner and starts his meandering walk toward you, counting back ones from the roll in a practiced hand. He looks like all the little daydreams you’ve had while watching him wander around the record store, dark hair damp from sweat and curling around his ears. His thin tee clings to him like his jeans cling to him and your heart hammers at the thought of pulling him back those few feet into that blessed, dingy hallway.
“You guys put on a hell of a show.”
“Oh you think so?” He looks up from his money and grins at you, the only girl in the room it would seem. You nod and laugh and start to pluck up your courage when one of the waitresses walks out of the back and squeals before grabbing his bicep and squeezing.
“Oh my god Eddie! You did so good tonight!” You can see her nails pressing into his skin and how his cheeks flame at her praise and suddenly you think you maybe misread this whole thing. “I told you there were gonna be more people this weekend!” She pulls him down and into her space, her nose scrunched up with a big smile for him.
“Thanks Vic.”
“I told you Robin would work miracles with those posters.” She gives him a final squeeze and gets back behind the bar to tie her apron on. He watches her walk down the bar until she takes an order and his gaze slides back to you, a little sheepish.
“Sorry about that.” He shoves the wad of cash in his front pocket and leans on the bar next to you. “You enjoyed it though?” He gives you a wide eyed look, anticipation rounding out his bambi eyes.
“Yeah.” It comes out more clipped than you meant so you clear your throat and direct your gaze back at your peeled Budweiser label. “Yeah, exactly like you said it would be.” A wide smile that you don’t let hit your eyes. Eddie shifts a little, his demeanor softer than it was before, his post show swagger gone when he tilts his head down to try and catch your eyes glued to your bottle.
“You sure? You just seem-“
“I-I’m sorry, it’s actually just-before I came out tonight I found out I need to open so.” You rush it out at him, glancing at your watch and never once noticing the actual time. “I didn’t want to just leave, but I gotta get going I’m sorry.” You shrug at him, half apologetic while you dig a five out of your wallet and toss it on the bar. “Hopefully I’ll see you on Tuesday though? Souls of Black is coming out!” You toss that over your shoulder to give your abrupt departure a bit of a softer hit. Eddie yells something after you that you pointedly ignore and you try your hardest to not kick the door open into the muggy night.
Tuesday morning and you pull a cassette from the display to hold on to. Not like it’s flying out the door but you know Eddie will beeline for you first thing, no matter what far corner of the store you’re occupying. You keep it tucked into one of the pockets on your half apron so you don’t forget it and so you can pull a magic trick when he inevitably comes up and asks you even though he walked by the display.
Noon rolls by and you see nary a curl come through the front door. By 2 you’re hanging out at the register, a permanent fixture there while your coworker takes advantage of your fixation and putzes around in the back. At 4 you contemplate calling the police because this is the most strange behavior you’ve witnessed from Hawkins’s residential Weirdo and at 6, when you flip the sign over to tell everyone you’re closed, you start to think you might have fucked up. Carla, your coworker, reminds you of the cassette in your packet when you toss your apron at the register. A little crease between her eyebrows when she asks, “That for Eddie?”
“Yeah, I was gonna be funny and tell him I could pull stuff out of my ass.” You tell her with a dry laugh and stash the tape under the counter.
“He never misses a Tuesday.”
“Yeah, well, first time for everything.” You shrug.
5 PM Wednesday night brings a rainstorm to downtown and a drowning rat in the form of a drenched Eddie into your store. He shakes off like a Labrador in the doorway and grumbles when he has to peel his jacket off his clammy arms.
“Hey stranger.” You say behind a pop of your gum. Barely looking up from the rolling stone you’re reading when he stomps over to the new releases.
“You’re shitting me.”
“There’s no god damn way a Testament album sold out in Hawkins.” He throws his arms up dramatically and lets them slap down onto his damp jeans. Again you barely look when you pick up the stashed tape and hold it aloft, waiting for him to finally turn around and see. “What, did Gareth come in here first and snag the only copy or something?” He snaps cases together angrily while he shifts through them and you almost tell him to quit pitching a fit but it’s a little fun watching him dripping all over the linoleum. His hair clings to his neck, his white ringer tee see through over his shoulder where the rain got in under his collar. You spare a moment to think about what the rain must taste like on him.
“Seriously! First my piece of shit van didn’t start yesterday again so I was late to the shop which in turn meant I didn’t get over here.”
“And then this fucking storm shows up out of fucking nowhere and I’m fucking soaked and I don’t have my fucking tape-oh.” He turns, fist clenched in front of him like he’s tearing at invisible threads, and stops mid rant when he sees the rectangle in your hand. “Oh hello gorgeous.” He looks like he’s in love and he holds out his hands towards you, grasping your fist in both of his to gently shake it. You laugh at his dramatics and let out a yell when he hops onto the counter, ass planted directly on your magazine you were staring through.
“You’ve made me the happiest man in the world you know that?”
“I have that effect on a lot of guys.” A buff of your nails against your collar and Eddie huffs. He pulls his shoulders in and gives you a side eye that feels a little personal for a second.
“Well alright, statement still stands.” He reads the track list on the back, a slight squint of his eyes and you wonder briefly if he needs glasses. “You listen to it yet?”
“Psh, no.”
“Why not?”
Well, you’d had a plan since the terrible show night and you stomping out of there with your feelings hurt over nothing.
“No one else I know listens to them, thought you’d maybe like to listen to it together?” This is the most courage you’ve ever had, you think as you look up at him through your lashes. “It’s not like a big deal or anything but-“
“Can I borrow your phone?”
“I mean yeah, obviously I’d love to listen together but I need to make a call first.” He flashes you that big smile again and you hand the store receiver over. That nervous knot that had begun to form in your stomach is all but gone with his revelation:
Obviously he’d love that.
Obviously! It’s been so obvious right? He’s your number one customer, he’d walked right for you in the bar, and now he’s vehemently agreeing to listening to this album with you, giddy with excitement.
“Hey! Jeff! Put your dick away we’re coming over.”
Jeff? Jeff his guitarist?
“No, I’m at the record shop I got it! Yeah, yeah she’s a real sweetheart she held a copy for me.” Eddie rolls his head to face you and gives you a wink. “I know, she’s the best right?”
Fucking Jeff? You stare at Eddie, dumbfounded, yet again questioning how you keep reading this man wrong. What part of ‘do you want to listen together’ qualified a third party?
“Yeah, we’ll be over after close.” Eddie hands you the phone to hang up and you go through the motions, turning your body away to stare at a spot on the counter so you can frown deeply without him noticing.
“This is gonna be great.” He claps his hands together before hopping down off the counter and pulling his wallet out to pay. “I can finally smoke you out like I’ve been promising.” He wiggles his eyebrows like he’s some kind of cartoon wolf and you feel like you’ve missed a step on the stairs. What is he doing? Is this flirting? Does he use Jeff as a pawn in his games or is he just not picking up what your putting down?
“Yeah, it’ll be great, can’t wait.”
The hang out at Jeff’s wasn’t awkward but you think something is broken in your brain with how off the mark you seem to be.
You’d been aloof with Eddie when he’d first started hanging around you in the shop, not sure how to take his overly forward approach but he’d grown on you quick and the banter was good. He lobbed the conversation back and forth with you with practiced ease and really it was destined for you to find him charming. With his dimples and his music taste and his tattoos it was inevitable that you’d spend your afternoons shooting glances out the window, waiting for him to breeze in with a joke or another long winded story that he’d loose the thread for halfway through. He’d apologize and you’d laugh and sometimes he’d blush at you and that feeling that you thought was there?
Maybe it wasn’t.
You weren’t being particularly subtle with him. Friendly flirting it may be but your touches always lingered longer on his forearm, your lashes always fluttered at his nicknames and your giggles were sprinkled freely for him through his visits. Standard faire ‘come get me, I’m yours’.
Once again at work, mindlessly alphabetizing and sending yourself into a doom spiral you hear the bell above the door ring and a quick glance up makes you pause.
It’s the whole band this time, Eddie in the lead and heading straight for you.
“What now?”
He stops in his tracks, hand flying to his chest in mock affront. “To your favorite customer?!”
Jeff snorts and Gareth and Frank roll their eyes and immediately wander off to the record bins.
“You come in here with a purpose, I need to brace myself.”
“It’s not even for me!” Eddie whines and leans on your cart full of tapes. His rings clack against the plastic casings and catch the overhead lighting, distracting you for a second. “It’s for Gareth, we need to know what you have for a Jazz section.”
“Jazz?” These men confuse you with every new turn. Gareth has already found what he was looking for though, sitting on the floor and flipping through aging cardboard sleeves.
“What does he know about Jazz?” You ask Eddie when he wanders back over with you.
“Oh he was the drummer for the jazz band in high school, you don’t remember that?”
“No, I wasn’t in band.”
“Ah.” He’s leaning on the fixture you need to reorganize but you don’t want to ask him to move, the sunlight shining in at just the right angle to light up his features. You could kick yourself with how enamored you sound, especially when he seems to be woefully uninterested in you and your flirting.
“Hey Eddie?”
“Hm?” He turns to look at you over his shoulder, brown hair gleaming like satin in the sun. His eyebrows hitch up and he tucks his lip between his teeth to worry at it. A thousand little fantasies about that lip glide through your thoughts and you decide to give it one last go.
“Would you like to go out for a drink sometime?”
His lashes flutter at you while he processes your question, his guard down with no witty response lined up.
“Oh like…like w-when?” He’s not meeting your eyes anymore, hands shoved into his jeans pockets. He shifts back to lean his weight on his other leg and leans away. He clams up and distances himself. “Because we’re free tonight after you close, but I know it’s a week night and you might be busy or whatever.” He cocks his head over to the other three grouped around the record crates and you realize it finally.
He’s letting you down soft. He doesn’t hate you, at least there’s that. He’d like to hang out sure, but there isn’t a romantic undercurrent like you’ve been imagining.
“Uh, yeah, tonight works.” You shrug and turn off your emotions. There was a brief prickle of heat behind your eyeballs but you stomp your foot down on that, converse pinning that feeling down like a moth in a frame. “Whenever though, I don’t want to interrupt your plans.” That roiling in your gut squirms under the pinprick and finally stills and you make sure your smile reaches your eyes this time. Eddie agrees and tells the guys and when they’re all standing at the register to check out you keep your cool. The countdown begins when you start typing in the prices, just ten more minutes before they’re on their way out and you can stand in the back and cry. You think about Carla giving you that sad little look and you know it’ll be a waterfall for sure.
“What fresh hell-“ Eddie yells and pushes the door open, red and blue lights flashing for a second before the cruiser engine shuts off. “Hey! I’m not parked illegally!” He shouts out at the deputy holding the windshield wiper of his van up, ticket clutched in his fist. When all Eddie gets is a blank stare he rushes out, leaving his friends staring after him.
“This’ll go over well.” Jeff sighs and hands you cash. “You’ll get to hear about this tonight for 8 hours.”
“About that. I might need to reschedule actually.” You can feel the cracks in the dam and you really don’t want to cry in front of these people.
“Oh?” Gareth gives you a side eye, something slick and calculating. Your eyes dart out the window to see Eddie gesturing at the signs on the street and you sigh heavy, handing their bag over to them.
“Yeah, I just forgot what uh, umm…” Trying to find a good excuse is impossible and he sees it on your face for what it is, an excuse.
“Oh my god Frank you owe me twenty bucks.” Gareth holds out his hand without looking at his friend. “I told you she didn’t have a boyfriend.”
“What.” That stops whatever waterworks were about to spring a leak. Gareth is smiling the biggest shit eating grin and suddenly Jeff and Frank are laughing while money is exchanging hands. “What are you talking about.”
“I’m so sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Eddie is the biggest fucking idiot.” Gareth laughs and pockets his money. “Like, I love that man but he has no idea what is going on.”
They aren’t laughing at you but you still feel rooted to the spot, and since none of them have started sharing this secret yet you start to get antsy. Jeff takes pity on you finally and tells you all about Eddie and his current fixation. He tells you about all the stories they’ve heard about you. How cool you are. How hot you are. How you’ll talk music with him like no one else and how you give only the best recommendations.
“You know he listens to New Order now because of you?” Jeff asks with a smile. “Like, great band but Eddie listening to them? He’s got it bad.”
You reel behind the counter while the three of them nod their heads sagely at you.
“He thought you had a boyfriend.”
“When you left the other night after the show? He thought you picked up on him trying to flirt and got upset. I told him it was because it looked like Vicky was flirting but he was convinced he fucked up.”
“I thought-“ You don’t know what you thought because it hadn’t been anything actually. You had been jealous and it seemed like it was over nothing.
“Listen, you should still come out tonight. We can talk some sense into him if you want.”
“No?” Jeff looks impressed.
“No, I can talk to him.” You run through your daydreams and your interactions. All his dumb jokes and how he looked after his show. You think about your hallway vision and what it might feel like to press him up against that wall and press a confession out of him. “I’ll talk to him.”
You don’t dress up for The Hideout. It’s dive bar chic only but tonight?
Tonight after you run back to your place to change, you dig out your black and white polka dot dress, the one you’d bought because Cyndi Lauper had made it look so good. It’s always sat a little short in the back, the buttons never coming up far enough in the bust for your confidence level but now it’s perfect. It flutters around your thighs and while you try not to poke yourself in the eye with your liner you think about Eddie’s fingers fluttering along with it. Maybe he’d be precious about it, a stuttering mess when you finally explain it to him in clear tones just what you were trying to do.
The whole drive over you imagine what his hair must feel like sliding between your fingers, what the stubble on his jaw would feel like grazing your knuckles, and you almost run two red lights. You’ve been stockpiling courage since the bands little conversation with you but when you finally pull into the parking lot and spot his van, you have a moment of doubt.
Right until he comes into view, leaning into his driver side with his ass sticking out, and it rushes back in tenfold. He doesn’t notice you park but you notice him futzing with his lighter, sad sparks sputtering around the end of his cigarette. Your kitten heels clack on the pavement and he only looks up when you’re almost on him, your own lighter held out in your palm. “Need a light?”
Eddie freezes, hands cupped around his face. You can tell he’s fighting the urge to let his gaze roam downward and you’re really hoping he gives into it. “I didn’t know we had a dress code tonight.” He mumbles around the filter and finally has enough of a thought to drop his hands and take your lighter. It strikes on the first try but you see the slight quiver of his hands when his eyes finally drop to the deep plunge of your dress.
“Oh this old thing? I hardly wear it.” You give him a half turn, just enough to make the hem ripple and he coughs on his inhale.
“It looks good. Y-you look good.” He’s a stuttering mess. “Um, if you want the guys are already inside I was just…” Eddie trails off when you take enough steps to crowd his space and he backs into his open door. The hinges squeak under the pressure and he scrambles to grab onto the frame with his free hand.
“Eddie?” You ask sweetly and he visibly swallows. “I don’t really want to drink with the guys.” You reach over and gently pull his cigarette from his fingers, mostly out of fear he might drop it in his van.
“Oh?” He’s taking short breaths the closer you get and when you lay your hands lightly on his chest you can feel his heart going a mile a minute.
The door creaks under his white knuckles and he seems to be holding on for dear life.
“I asked you out for a drink, but this is good too.” Inched close enough that your whisper ghosts over his lips before you close that short distance. That first breath in he smells like his half a cigarette and his aftershave. When his brain finally catches up to what you’re doing he gasps against your kiss, a move that you use to your advantage. Your hands find homes behind his neck to hold him close while your tongue pushes its way past his lips and he moans into your mouth. Here he taste like the beer he’s been drinking and tobacco and you start to get lost him.
He breaks the kiss before you can deepen it, breaths huffed across your face when he drops his forehead to yours.
“Ohhh, I’m a big idiot.” He laughs out in a whisper. “A big, big fuckin’ idiot.”
“No, just a little slow on the uptake.” You can’t resists the urge to slide your fingertips into his hair and the eye roll it gets you is divine.
“I can’t believe I wasn’t picking up on this, I thought I screwed up a few weeks ago-“
“Ed.” You slide your thumb over to rest on his lips. “It’s okay, it doesn’t matter.”
“I know but-“
“I’m serious.”
“I still feel stupid-“
“Get in the van.” You cut him off when you’ve heard enough. His eyes go wide before he gives one jerky nod of his head and quiet ‘yes’ and climbs in, disappearing between the seats to the back. You give one look around the parking lot before climbing in and closing the door behind you, any modesty long gone when you have to crawl into the back and you know your dress is bunched up around your hips. In the dark it takes you a moment before you can adjust but there’s a hand wrapped around the back of your knee pulling gently to bring you down to his level. You’ve barely got his outline made out before he’s pulling you in roughly by the leg, his other hand planting hard on the nape of your neck to bring you in for a kiss.
He’s less unsure in the back of his van, moving you around to situate you where he wants you and he lets you push him back against the hard floor once you’re settled in his lap. Your hands push up his shirt while his palms run up your bare thighs, bunching up the thin cotton of your dress till he hits the high cut of your underwear. His laugh turns into a groan when you move quickly down his neck leaving wet, open mouth kisses in your wake. You push his shirt up high and let your teeth drag against his nipple, the hitching in his chest making you smile against sensitive skin. His fingers slide under the edges of your underwear to grab at the fat of your ass and you slide your own fingers under his belt to pull it open.
“Oh hey, you don’t-“
“I don’t what?” The buckle clinks against his wallet chain and it all hits the floor with a heavy thud. “I don’t have to do this?” You tug at his button while holding his gaze and pull his zipper down quick. “Do you want me to do this?” A pause after you pull his jeans open so he can answer you.
His chest heaves but he smiles wide, tongue poking out to run along his bottom lip. “Yes.” He nods at your smile and keeps nodding when you pull his jeans down his hips and when your hand edges under the waistband of his boxers and when you crawl backwards out of his grasp. “Please.” He begs on a breath he started to hold when your dress slid up your hips as you bent down to place a kiss next to his bellybutton. “Please please please.” He chants when your hand wraps firmly around him, your smile pressing into the soft part of his belly.
“Please? Please what, Eddie?” You ask between the dotting of kisses you leave along his hips and the excruciating slow drag of your hand. He squirms under you, his stare heavy on the top of your head where he watches you move further down. “Please more of this?” You roll your wrist to finally free him and the flushed pink tip of his cock glistens in the low light before it disappears in your fist. He lets out a stuttering groan and falls flat on his back to run his hands over his face harshly.
“Or please this?” The flat of your tongue runs up from the base and follows your hand, ending with a cheeky kiss at the tip. You think Eddie might be crying under his big palms with how much he’s shaking.
“Is it that?” Another long lick that pulls a deep breath out of him. You spare a glance up his body to catch him staring at you in the dark from between his fingers.
“Yes fuck-oh shit.” You spare him his grief and swallow him down, your lips meeting your fist and your tongue exploring the soft skin against it. Every ridge and vein gets attention and Eddie rolls his hips up to chase the pointed tip of your tongue. His hands finally come down from his face, no longer obscuring his view, but they hover over your head haltingly.
“You can touch me Ed.” You tell him after popping off his cock wetly. When he stalls for a moment too long your pull a hand to fall on the crown of your head and his fingers slide in automatically, hair held gently between his knuckles. His hand tenses the same as his thighs when you wrap your lips around him again, humming at the taste as he hits the back of your throat. He makes breathy noises above you that choke off when your tongue swirls to match the twist of your hand. You bury your face down until your nose hits his bush and when you swallow around him he lets a string of slurred curses go into the roof, both hands sliding into your hair to grip tight.
You come up for air and to see his face go slack, eyes hazy where he follows the string of spit still connected to your lip and the tip of his cock.
“I didn’t know this is what going for a drink meant.” He tries to crack a joke but between his unfocused eyes and the hitch in his voice you laugh for a different reason.
“I did mean a drink actually, but this is a lot more fun.” Your hand speeds up, slick sounds loud in the back of his van and his eyes roll. You like watching him loose his mind, his hair pulled at and cheeks pink from the flush that creeps up from his chest. The urge to sink your teeth in along his ribs itches at the back of your mind until you can’t ignore it anymore and you attack him, hand trapped between the two of you still working him while you nip at his side. His laugh tumbles into an almost squeal and then a low moan when the head of his cock rubs against your thigh and he ruts up into your hand to chase the heat of your skin. You notice his sudden urgency and make your way back between his knees.
“Now I know it doesn’t look like it,” you lick your palm and continue jerking him off, “but I don’t put out on the first date.”
“This is a date?” He asks dazedly.
“It can be.” You smile at him before dropping your mouth on him again, bobbing up and down quicker this time.
“Oh fuck-“ His hands grip at your hair again, trying to pull back gently at first before he’s a little more insistent. “H-hey.” He tries again and you just stare up at him and hum, tongue running over that sensitive spot under the head of his dick. He must see the grin on your face because he finally drops his head back with a thud and he’s inadvertently bucking his hips up and gasping your name.
“Fuck fuck please don’t stop.” He bargains with you and the whine at the end of his words makes your stomach flip. You can feel the dampness between your thighs, your own arousal ignored in favor of making Eddie go stupid. With him toeing the edge of oblivion and whimpering about it though you almost wish you had just fucked him, if only to chase your own end.
You get a couple of courtesy taps and a whiney ‘no wait-‘ before he finally stills, a gasp caught in his chest that finally shudders out when he comes. His big hands cradle the back of your head when you swallow around him pulsing until he’s hissing and then he’s busy pulling you up to meet him halfway for a bruising kiss.
In the afterglow you realize you’ve had your whole ass out and anyone walking by his van could have seen you through the windshield. You only get a moment of embarrassment though before he’s moving into you and pushing you into the back of his driver seat.
“Hey we can-“ He pushes his face up under your jaw and cuts you off with open mouth kisses from your ear to your shoulder sitting bare under a hanging neckline. “We can go in for that drink now if you want.” You giggle at his eagerness and his hair tickling down your dress. He hasn’t even put himself together yet and he’s already got his hands on a mission, fists pulling and bunching up the fabric of your dress.
“I don’t want to go in for a drink.” He parrots your line back to you and carefully plucks at the big button keeping the top of your dress together. “I would like to express my sincere gratitude,” He works the button open one handed and catches your eye before dipping his fingers under the thin fabric and into the cup of your bra, “and deepest apologies,” the rough pad of his fingertip grazes a sensitive nipple and you bite your lip while your lashes flutter at him, “for being the worlds most ignorant individual.” He finishes on a whisper before he kisses you, plush lips soft and seeking like his hand now slowly working its way up your inner thigh. The tip of his pinky grazes along the edge of your underwear when his tongue slides along the seam of your lips and you grant him access to everything, knees falling apart and mouth molding to his.
This may not be your little dingy hallway inside but it’s better than any work daydream you’ve had about him. He slides your underwear down and pulls at your knee, spreading you open for him to run a finger in the crease of your hip. That earns him stifled whine from you and he tuts quietly. “Don’t be quiet.” His free hand pulls the shoulder of your dress down so he can plant a kiss there. “I gotta earn my forgiveness.”
“There’s nothing to forgive, it worked out.” You press your forehead into his and grin at him, stars in both your eyes you’re sure of it.
“Yeah but we could have been doing this so much sooner.” Just the slide of his finger through your folds makes you shiver, the wet sound of you loud in the quiet. “And look at me being ignorant again.” Two fingers this time, sliding up to find that small bundle of nerves that makes your head drop back. Eddie busies himself at your neck again, chest pressed into you and pinning you in place, fingers running tight circles over your clit. “Ignoring you in need.” His tongue worries at a spot behind your ear, an attempt to get you to relax into him and he dips his fingers down to gather your slick. “Let me help you out and maybe I’ll let you buy me a beer.”
You laugh and he sinks those two fingers in to hear you gasp and he wastes no time in his search for the right angle. He starts a quick pace that makes your breath catch in your chest and those musician fingers hone in on the spot that makes your legs jump.
“Oh is that it?” He bites softly at your neck stretched out under his mouth and laughs against your heated skin when you let out a strangled ‘uh huh’.
“Right there?” He flutters his fingers over and over, your thighs twitching with every brush. The heat pools fast in your abdomen especially with him mouthing at any skin he can find. You feel like you’re melting against him, the heat trapped between you and his fingers moving ceaselessly and when he angles his hand to press his thumb onto your clit you roll into him, thighs holding his arm in place.
“That’s it.” He murmurs and it’s your turn to bury your face, mouth hung open on a silent gasp against his chest.
“Eddie, please!”
“Please what?” He uses your words against you in play. “Please this?” A deeper brush of his fingertips and he grinds his hand against you. Your groan shakes deep out of your chest and before that band snaps to send you over the edge your hand winds up in his hair to hold on. It’s a quick push when your orgasm hits and Eddie doesn’t stop, not with you pulling his hair and gasping against his chest, not until you have to pull away, lightheaded and chest heaving.
“So I think that’s a good first apology, right?” He says into your hair, hand still trapped between your thighs.
“Yeah I mean I have at least four more to make.” He removes his hand gently and finds your ruined underwear to wipe his fingers off, all while giving you a sly side eye.
“Are they all gonna be like that?” You feel boneless in the stifling heat of his van. He shifts and pulls you with him, slotting you between his legs so you can stay laying against his chest.
“I mean, they don’t have to be.” He sighs.
“No, no I like these kind of apologies.” You giggle against him and he pulls the hem of your dress down back over your hips. “Just maybe not always in the back of a van?”
“Oh no, I’ve got all kinds of places in mind. I Can say sorry in that little hallways inside,” your eyes go wide in the dark where he can’t see, “I’m sure you have a back room at work I can sneak into.”
“Oh my boss will love that.”
“Shit, I can find a corner in the garage no one uses, really the possibilities are endless.”
You know someone has to have noticed Eddie being gone for so long and you expect a tap on a window any minute but for now you stay tucked up against him. You’ll buy him his drink when his friends discover his fogged over van.
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mikaila-orchard · 7 months
Anduin still gets more respect and dignity than Sylvanas ever did and I'm still mad about it.
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Aight, the new WoW trailer stirred up some old animosity that I have to get out lest it fester.
The problem I've had with Anduin for the past few years is something that isn't even strictly his fault, and is just symptomatic of how shitty the writing staff is. In theory, Anduin is an interesting bit of flavor for the Alliance. Someone who was raised in a very turbulent time in the Alliance's history, gone through some shit when he was too early to handle it and is plagued with self doubt because of it. All of this complimented by Velen's vision of Anduin's future going down two very different roads.
Alas, the problem is in execution. Because what we are left with in practice is a character who goes through comparatively less than other legacy characters (Thrall being raised as a slave, Jaina losing her home and loved ones regularly and Sylvanas with fucking everything) but who, by the time Shadowlands rolls around, insists that he is the one suffering the most and everyone else needs to get over themselves. And that wouldn't be so bad (hell, in Shadows Rising, it's kinda treated as a genuine character flaw) but that's not the case because WoW treats Anduin like the moral barometer of the franchise for many years now.
There are multiple examples of this throughout, but the biggest culprit is all across BFA and Shadowlands, where Anduin is made to understand the hardships that Sylvanas and the Forsaken have suffered, most of it by the Alliance's hands, and just shuts it down with "Everyone suffers, stop hiding behind your trauma and rise above it," and because BFA is framing him as the hero and Sylvanas as the villain he gets away with it. In the fucking Sylvanas book, he has the gall to say Sylvanas had a better life than him because she knew her mother and calls her selfish for committing suicide. And of course the book frames Anduin as being in the right about all of this because they decided Sylvanas holding him captive was the time they would even allow to let her reach out to someone and hope they understand her. The deck was always stacked against Sylvanas and in Anduin's favor in terms of audience sympathy.
But then, what happens in Shadowlands? He gets dominated by Zovaal, stabs the Archon (doesn't even kill her), maybe kills a bunch of unnamed npcs off screen, and fights his friends. Not a single tally to add to his body count while he was a puppet. And when he is freed from Zovaal's control, he doesn't lose his support system, he doesn't lose the respect of his loved ones or his people, and he's not put under pressure to just be okay again.
He still goes on this self imposed exile of his, and has been on it for over half a decade at this point, because he is just too haunted by everything he's 'seen and done'. Things that we as the audience don't really see. So in practice, the justification for all this on screen angst is so painfully weak. And yes, there's no wrong way to respond to trauma and there never will be, and Anduin's trauma responses are far from unrealistic.
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But compared to Sylvanas, Anduin is giving a great deal more respect and dignity by the narrative for, comparatively, much less. Sylvanas was enslaved and forced to murder her countrymen (onscreen too, we MADE HER DO THAT in warcraft 3) and when she was finally freed, she had no support system besides her rangers and Nathanos, she was feared by her former homeland who only accepted her help out of desperation and was hated and distrusted by enemies and allies alike way before she might have done anything to deserve it. The game even leans into the idea that the Sylvanas who suffered all this trauma isn't the real Sylvanas and we just needed to restore her soul to have the pure pious ranger general back (barf). And she still has to toil away in superhell because the writers were too chickenshit to fully backpedal on the deliberate character assassination the sexual predator on staff forced upon her.
"Oh, but M'Kay! That's the writers fault, not Anduin's! You can't blame him for all that."
Maybe not but a lot of the issue here comes from the fact that so long as the people who enabled this inequity of care remains on staff (IE fucking GOLDEN) this won't stop. So what choice do I have but to loathe the byproduct of this fuckery when it's being shoved in my face like this? What other way could I possibly interpret this disparity other than as misogyny?
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defectivefanboy · 11 months
Hello, hello my dear!
I really would like to request something, since you asked for it and hell yes the last episode was a banger. I love your Crimson HCs and I think you captured him really well. But I would like to read some nice HCs about the loveliest Prince of Hell, Stolas himself maybe got a little love interest in a Singer Succubus he met at Ozzies? Maybe she got something alluring to caught his eyes. (I don't mind if there are some nsfw parts)
Best regards
Ciel ♡
yall got me fucked up for saying this again, but still making me want to write the story (especially this request, it's like holding a carrot in front of the horse rn) but I will say my piece. I hope it was just a slip of the mind BUT I DO NOT WRITE FEMALE READER fuck I care if you read my writing, but the more it happens the more I'm pushed to write a cock onto the reader. I did ask for request so im not gonna complain anymore.
I would like to read some nice HCs about the loveliest Prince of Hell, Stolas himself maybe got a little love interest in a Singer Succubus he met at Ozzies? Maybe [REDACTED] got something alluring to caught his eyes. (I don't mind if there are some nsfw parts)
Overall Notes: Stories written on this blog are GN until specified. While this story uses they/them pronouns, and I don't mind female readers on my blog, I do not write for y'all, and if you are a fetishizer fuck off????????????????? ew.
C/W: SFW - NSFW(suggested/mentioned), Lots of song quotes, Suggestive behavior, mentions of alcohol/smoking, platonic flirting from Ozzie/Fizz, reader serves cunt /positive, low-key himbo reader, special guests Ozzie's other faces, I love them,
Notes: All music used and referenced too will be noted at the bottom. I realize I take so long on writing its like bad. I can either do it for hours on end or I have to split it up. Never in-between. Also tell me why I found myself at 1 in the morning listening to bird sounds to try and be accurate.
Sip the Gossip...
Hoot hoot boy
my dear beloved
My dear Icarus
He never saw himself coming back to the lust ring after the first time.
Truth be told he hoped it was the last time as well.
But alas he found himself wondering around the ring once more
Stolas wasn't looking for anything when he came to the Lust Ring
Well,,. he was looking for something, more so someone
And that was a meeting with Prince Asmodeus himself
Truth be told, it's not too hard to find the bright and extravagant circus tent like building.
Flashing lights drawing a demon in like a moth to a flame.
Matched with the loud music that reverberated across the ring
Yet, it was a hassle to find the damned three faced demon prince, an even bigger challenge to get a moment with him alone.
And the moment he finally got to talk to him. Just as he was about to ask him to take this somewhere private. Just as he was about to get the words out. Just as he was about to ask for a crysta-
A voice rang out behind him, taking Asmodeus's attention away from a now annoyed owl.
Stolas turned around with a huff, his tail feathers ruffling in irritation, as his entire body puffed up in anger and mock intimidation.
Only to be stopped in his tracks once again as soon as he peered down below.
The soft flick of a heart shaped tail and pointed blacks horns with soft cracks of red running through them entered his view.
A mischievous succubus made their way past him and stood in front of Asmodeus.
The cheeky smile on their face caught Stolas by the tongue as they interacted with the prince of lust.
"Quite popular tonight huh, Oz? It's not too often you work the floor." A snicker came from the succubus as they passed by the goetia without a second glance. Stolas watched as they did a little handshake with the other, before Asmodeus softly placed a hand on their back. "My, my, you're here early~ Looking for some private time with your favorite prince~?" Asmodeus said, his two other faces cooing at the succubus.
A soft blush rose to Stolas's face at the lewd comment as he looked between the two. "You need to pay the dancers before you touch them, big guy." They said with emphasis on their words as they gently pushed his hand off them before turning and looking up to Stolas with a mischievous smile.
"Right, Feathers?"
They left right after their jest
And Stolas was left lapping at his tongue
Asmodeus continued on with their conversation as if nothing happened
Like he didn't just forget what he came here for.
But god. did he know what was gonna make him keep coming back.
And it certainly didn't go unnoticed by Ozzie, who swiftly invited him to tonights show.
Gotta be a good host at the end of the night right?
Residing in a balcony seat, Stolas was left on his own while Asmodeus went backstage to settle some issues.
Stolas fiddled with his phone as he watched the countless tables of couples from up above.
Maybe it was stupid to accept the offer to stay. Maybe he should just go home-
"Bartender~ I really did it the time! Need a couple shots for a good time!"
Oh. He remembers why he's here now.
Soft curious hoots came form him as he peered over the railing watching you talk to guest and other dancers.
You wore a simple black outfit as you leaned against the bar.
He had to stop himself from taking a photo of you covering your face when you laughed at a patron's comment.
The playful smile on your face as you took the drinks brought a small one to his face as well.
It soon took a full on blush when you peered up at him, raising your glass in a cheers to him.
Poor thing didn't know what to do with himself as his brain became a literal bird brain.
Shooting back in his seat he raised a hand raised to cover his face as he broke out into a soft fit of giggles and coo's
you gave a soft smile before walking back behind stage, waving bye to others as you passed by.
Maybe he really did have a thing for red~
Sitting up in his seat he fixed his clothing and feathers as the lights dimmed
"Hello perverts, pervettes, and the freaks who like everything in between~ I hope you are all ready for the show tonight! We have something very special for everyone, me included~"
Stolas remembered him from the last time he was here
The clown's vibrant color scheme and loud persona was hard to forget
As he pranced around the stage announcing tonights agenda, a figure emerged from the curtain behind him
Gaining a bit of courage back he straightened his back and cleared his throat
"Asmodeus, I wanted to ask about that succubus from before if that was alright?"
"I hope it's not to make a formal complaint now. I was just starting to like ya' feathers." A playful voice rang out form behind him
His eyes widened as he softly gulped and turned around in his chair
Stolas was met with a familiar smile that held the same playful tone as their comment.
Instead of the black outfit you had on earlier it looked as if you were there to hang out with him
A pair of comfy pants and oversized hoodie to match, he had to restrain himself from squeezing your face in his hands
With a soft ruffle of his feathers he softly leaned into you with an awkward smile
Making himself smaller, he peered down at the figure before him as he stuttered over his words
"Satans No! No nothing like that. I- uh, I, wanted to ask if you were a worker here?"
"Ooh! You wanted to buy a dance? Well~ you'll have to wait until after the show, but I'll find you after, yeah?"
With the flash of a smile they left as quick as they came and Stolas is left with one thought...
"Oh, I have got to fuck them"
Not too long after they left, the curtains behind him pushed over once again. This time revealing Asmodeus, who had a cheeky grin on his face as he pulled his seat out.
"I hope I didnt keep you waiting too long, now. I had to deal with a few things out back stage." He said as he made himself comfortable next to Stolas. Quick to shake his head Stolas sat up in his chair, dusting himself off a bit as the lights faded to black around them. Spotlights circled around the stage as music slowly built up around them.
The lights slowed and focused on the middle of the curtains that hung at the back of the stage. The curtains flung open and revealed the succubus in a black and red outfit that didn't leave much for Imagination, not that Stolas was complaining. A chorus of la's came from their lips as the lights dimmed around them to a single spotlight.
"Oh baby, baby, have you seen Amy tonight? Is she in the bathroom, is she smoking up outside?" The slowly made their way down the stage, looking at the crowd as they sang the song and made small gestures with their hands.
They made their way to the end the stage, leaning down closer to the guest in the front row. "Oh, baby, baby, does she take a piece of lime for the drink that I'mma buy her? Do you know just what he likes?" Before they said their last line they gave a sly look up to the balcony with a quick wink for walking back down.
"Oh, tell me, have you seen her? 'Cause I'm so, oh I can't get her off of my brain." Each note was staccato at the end, they're danced following along with the words. "I just wanna go to the party she gon' go. Can somebody take me home? Ha, ha, he, he, ha, ha, ho" With a mischievous glint in their eyes they looked at Stolas once more with their words. Whether it be just in jest or in all seriousness, his feathers ruffled at the shiver that made its way down to each of his nerve endings, if demons have them.
"Love me, hate me, say what you want about me But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek Amy" More lights faded in as dancers in cages lowered from the ceiling. More dancers filed through the sea of tables and patrons as the succubus sang the along with the chorus. Each one performing their own dance with another as guest threw money their way.
The extra dancers disappeared once the second verse began, a few male succubus remaining on stage. The ones that remained interacted and touched the succubus as they danced along the stage, pushing them out of their way. Which was a little very enjoyed by Stolas as small hoots of laughter escaped him. "They seem to be livelier tonight, I wonder why~" Asmodeus commented slyly to the another prince while not looking his way. Though his other faces gave him dead away as they stared Stolas dead on, giggling.
With a choked hoot Stolas looked at Asmodeus as he tried to catch his breath. "Oh! Is that so? Well they are quite the... performer?" Stolas said questioning himself at the end, all while Asmodeus laughed at his confusion. "They are, aren't they? Seems they've taken a liking to you. Someones lucky tonight or better yet, getting lucky~" Asmodeus cooed softly leaning towards stolas playfully nudging him with his elbow. Only to laugh when he turned his head and was greeted with stammering and very flustered owl.
Safe to say Ozzie just found the story of the night for Fizzy when he finds him. Such gossip queens.
The song only continued on for a few more moments before the lights fully turned off and the crowd applauded as the dancers exited the stage.
Giving just enough time for Stolas to regain his composure
Or well at least a bit of it
Because the remaining minutes Asmodeus was there
He made it a mission to tease the prince before he had to return to his duties behind stage.
But thank satans Ozzie was called back stage quickly
Stolas didn't think he could take anymore of it
His feathers puffed up and face beat red he was pulled out o this thoughts by a knock
"Hope I didn't make you wait long. Wanted to wash up a bit before I came~."
Stolas let out a high pitched chirp his face flushed once again as he lapped his tongue for words
With a soft laugh you waved him off with your hand as you tried to form words through your giggles.
"I'm kidding! Ozzie said it's fun teasing you, but I think he's probably done enough already."
Before he could say anything you gestured for him to follow you
With a prominent blush on his face Stolas straightened his clothes and quickly got into step with you.
Walking down the hall Stolas thought of what to say as he followed behind you
'Would casual conversation be good? Or maybe a talk over a drink?'
Poor boy was a bit nervous
And it didn't help with each moment you got stopped by a worker or a fan.
Though most were quick small talk, some fans had gained enough courage to ask for a date.
Better yet, they would hop to the point and ask of your number.
Each time they got the same response, each given the same number.
"XXX - 867 - 5309"
With a smile and a wink, you waved them off each time.
'Maybe this was a bad idea' He thought to himself as he watched each demon walk away feeling giddier then the last
With only a few more twist and turns he found himself back stage passing by the other performers dressing rooms.
He took one glance away from you and the moment he turned back you were gone
Stolas only found you when you grabbed his hand and pulled him into a dressing room.
The room seemed still as the bass of the music became dulled behind the walls.
Clothing racks and dressers were scattered around the room as a vanity sat on one end of the room while a couch, a few chairs, and a table sat on the other end.
Knickknacks where randomly placed along the room, making it feel a bit less like the work place and a bit more cozy.
"Sooo, uhm- Was that really your number?" Even Stolas winced at himself for asking.
But it was quickly wiped away with a light laugh from you
you quickly made your way to radio and shuffled through the songs and pressed play
When the music started playing you made your way over to Stolas and quickly grabbed his hands. Pulling him into the middle of the room you danced with him to the music as you started singing along.
"Jenny Jenny who can I turn to? You give me something I can hold on to. I know you'll think I'm like the others before. Who saw your name and number on the wall" Letting go of his hand you twirled around before pointing at him and pretending to sing into a microphone.
"Jenny I've got your number. I need to make you mine. Jenny don't change your number. 867 - 5 3 0 9" As you continued to sing and dance around the room it finally clicked for him. It's a song. You've been quoting a song. A smile broke out on his face when he finally realized.
"You've been giving them a fake number! Won't they notice? They might even know the song-" His rambling was cut off by a hand waving in his face. With a gentle pull of his hand you lead him to the couch in the room. "Are you a cop? Or do you always ask these many questions, feathers?"
"What! Heaven's no I would never-" He was cut off once again, but this time, by a hand cupping his face and leaning closer to him. Enough to ghost your mouth against his as you spoke.
"Good, because I might not be able to justify my next actions~"
Then he never came back after that (im fucking wit yall)
While he doesn't make it to every show and performance.
He CAN be found in your dressing room right after each one.
Well you can honestly find him there most nights your on or in the building.
It' what a good boyfriend does <3
Yes, he was the one to ask what you two 'were' relationship wise
Bby didn't want another game of cat and mouse :(
But that was quickly cleared up with your answer
"Wait, are we not? dating? right now? Would you? like too? date?"
Be glad you're cute. He was ready to make a new ring in hell.
He was very possessive at the start of the relationship.
"Fizzie baby, when did we start ordering stone statues?"
They make wonderful coat and drying racks for the dancers though, so Ozzie doesn't have much to say about it.
"Just don't do it to any high bidders okay~"
stolas did apologize though, hes too much of a good boy not too
But there's always one thing he's glad about.
Stolas's day is filled with tedious and idiotic duties and task he has to complete.
But as soon as night begins to set in Hell, a new energy fills him as he runs around his room getting ready.
The one thing he is glad about is that he can always find you in the same place every night.
Be it the fact you're a dancer within the prestigious club, it was basically your job in a sense, you were always able to catch his eye off first glance.
Never more then a few glances away, soon only a few steps as he was the one now to pull you back stage.
What? Asmodeus said he was allowed too, as long as he put money in his pockets.
Make his pockets hurt, and make them hurt good - Ozzie, 2023
Your biggest supporter ever. It started off with simple five, tens, and twenties. Then it escalated to fifties and one hundreds. Soon he was throwing hand fulls of diamonds on the stage.
Which he was promptly yelled at for by Ozzie.
But after each set he's right back stage giving you hugs and kisses.
Not that your complaining much
Having your demon prince waiting for you, watching over you, and only you was an amazing gift after each performance.
He also helps ward off creeps from interacting with you often.
Were you a bit surprised when you saw his true form? Yes. Did you also fuck him in it after? Also yes, a few times. Never knew how much tension that form has. No worries his pretty little succubus is there to help him through it all~
But to be honest, I think he's always more soft than horny.
He's always bundled up in your dressing room, all cozied up on the couch as he has a movie or show paused.
Such a cuddle bug he is <3
And for the fact he comes here so often. bro might as well just work there
That the balcony seat he first sat in with Asmodeus was now a personal booth for him whenever he came
Nothing but the best for his beloved~
Only the best for his canary <3
・::。 ・: ・゚・: :。・: ・:: ・ :・゚・::。 ::・゚・:: 。・ :。:・゚ : ・ :。・゚・::。・: :・゚・
Songs used in the story ╮
Bartender song (Sittin' at a Bar) - You favorite martian covee | If U seek Amy - Brittany Spears | 867 - 5309 (Jenny's number) - Tommy Tutone
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
Hey Honey it's me again! I was wondering if could a Pomefiore and Diasomnia Headcannons with a Yor Forger! SO
I MEAN- WHO DOESN'T LOVE HER??? SKJDHSJDHDK I'm so sorry that I only did up to Pomefiore, but I'll try doing your other requests. ;-;;;;
You seem to lack social skills and initially come across as a somewhat aloof and sticking with the minimal with interacting, interacting, short and straightforward with a seemingly robotic and mechanical way of talking to others.
You are remarkably calm and collected in the face of danger, and you're incredibly polite… although sometimes you're rather blunt in compliments. Despite your front, you are actually a very kind and have a strong maternal instinct and as you grow closer with your peers, you're more expressive, and you have no problems with going to extreme measures to protect the ones you love.
However, you're usually insecure about your abilities, and you worry that you're not capable to be a good friend or more. Surely, they would see something more in you than you know it…
TWST The Aloof, but kind and motherly (and a bit violent) s/o (Yor Forger)
Vil Schoenheit
He doesn't really mind you being aloof, in fact, he prefers you being "straight to the point". You keep your answers sweet, short and relevant for anyone to understand, which he appreciates.
Vil values your politeness and courtesy, perhaps that's why he was charmed by you. Needless to say, when you got into a relationship, he realized that that calm nature of yours is to hide a very easy to fluster, sweet person.
In a way, it amuses him how someone who seems so calm gets their cheeks flushed when their lover simply gives them a simple kiss on the forehead. Who knew you were actually this adorable, potato?
Furthermore, you get more and more emotional the closer you are with him and your peers, which he blinks at a bit surprised to see you grin and chuckle, cry and whine. Oddly, however, you do seem to also... take "action" a bit too much when he's in trouble.
For example, one time a fan of his was being very pushy on Halloween, clearly neglecting his personal space and the number of times he tried to politely shoo them off, but to no avail. As he was wondering what to do with a slightly irritated look, you swiftly cut through the thick air to chop down a pole right next to that fan.
"He. Said. Personal. Space." Needless to say, that fan finally listened. Wow, how unexpected. Again-
What an odd lover he has. <3
Rook Hunt
To be honest, isn't Rook similar to you? He appears very kind (a little dramatic, pretty weird too with his shooting and stuff), but he has quite a backstory and... are those photos of students on his wall???
Anyways, like Vil, Rook doesn't mind your aloof nature. He thinks it's rather endearing to see you very polite as well as keeping most of your conversations short. So, he was a bit surprised by your change in attitude after you became his s/o, because the transformation was completely in contrast to your known nature.
You were more kind, more expressive, very sweet and easy to fluster. Oh my! How adorable! Beaute! He thinks it's lovely, absolutely lovely to see this adorable side to you. This dynamic between you too would be very interesting, nonetheless...
Rook does seem to know of you being "a bit" violent when it comes to protecting the ones you hold dear... like himself! (Oh god-)
When Rook found himself in a fair bit of trouble with the ghost, you swiftly used a pebble of some sort and threw it hard into the tree, which pierced through its trunk and flew to the other side. Seeing the intimidating and darkened look on your face, leaving the ghosts too stunned and they ran off in a frenzy. They can't even get hit...
Alas, he still thinks you're his beloved! You two sure make an interesting couple. <33
Epel Felmier
He didn't think much of it, but you are being aloof has him a bit awkward on his end. With your quick, short replies and mostly being quiet, he doesn't know how else to continue on with any conversation with you.
Somewhere and somehow down the road, he managed to get into a relationship with you, and to him, he has won the lottery of a romantic life.
The way you get so flustered easily, with your sweet and kindhearted attitude chiseled out of your usual calm composure is something real cute to him. On top of that, you called him "a real man" when he chased off those ghosts during that cursed wedding (quite literally cursed-)! He's ecstatic!
Furthermore... when did you learnt to fight??? He saw you punch the wall when a Savanaclaw student was making fun of his petite body, as you glared intensely into the soul of that now victim student.
"Leave. Him. Alone." Of course, he shrieked and backed off, the delinquent fleeing the scene without wanting to be the one your fist touched. Epel thinks you're so cool, and he wants to learn from you!
Well, he's trying his best. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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plussizefantasia · 1 year
The Black Queen
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Summary: An evening at Prince Thor's naming day ball, leaves you with a conflicted head, and heart.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Wordcount: 1k
A/N: This is for @salenorona23 who left me a request. I'm thinking of doing a part 2 but only if people would read it, so let me know in the comments.
Your very being exudes power. You are a queen. You command armies. You rule an entire realm. This is apparently intimidating to some men; the type of men who demand respect without doing anything to earn it. The ones who want a woman to live in their shadows, the ones who want a maid, not a life partner. 
However you needed a consort, the laws of your realm were very clear and very hard to change, you had tried. So for the past several years of your life, you had been searching, not necessarily for love, you weren’t foolish enough to believe that love was something you’d ever have but you at least wanted someone you didn’t hate. Lords from all over the nine realms had come to attempt to win over your favor. The issue you faced was weeding out the ones who saw you as nothing more than a stepping stone to their own throne. 
Like this idiot. 
“So what other things do you do? Needlepoint? Knitting perhaps,” the snide man whose name you never bothered to learn asks. You were growing increasingly more frustrated the more this man talked to you. You were in attendance for a ball being thrown on Asgard, Prince Thor’s naming day ball as well as a celebration of the Warriors Three’s latest victory. You were dressed in finery, a silken gown in a deep blue color cascading down your body. The dress had sheer scooping sleeves which rested parallel to your collarbones. Running up your forearms were matching arm braces, they were metal and looked entirely decorative depicting the image of shooting starts intertwined with one another, but could be used to deflect a blade if need be. Speaking of blades you had several hidden on your body, and were growing ever more tempted to use one on the insufferable man next to you.
“I think it’s just wonderful that women have found things to do to occupy their time, one must get so bored waiting at home all the time.”
“I’m afraid My Lord, that I do not often have the pleasure of indulging myself in hobbies, I am much too busy ruling my kingdom. But I should hope that whoever I shall marry will have their own ways to occupy their time. When they wait for me at home as you put it.”
Alas, your blades were not needed this time as the man sputtered and excused himself when your words reached him.
“Who needs blades when you have barbs that sharp” a voice called from behind you.
“I take pride in my ability to handle fools, as I’m sure you do as well.” You turned your torso slightly to be able to get a better look at the raven-haired man to your left. “They call you silver-tongued do they not, Prince Loki?”
The Prince raised his eyebrow in your direction wetting his lip with his tongue. “It is one of my titles, yes.” He smirked in a roguish way while making his way towards you. In one hand he held a goblet, full of what you can only assume to be wine. “I seem to recall they call you the Black Queen if I’m not mistaken.” His tone was sultry in a way that sent shivers up your spine.
“I have not heard that name in years, it's a shame, I was quite fond of it.” In a brazen move that you might scold yourself for later, you grab the goblet out of his hand and take a sip. Mead. the sweetness hits your tongue and causes a smile to involuntarily spread across your face. 
“It is lovely to meet someone interesting at one of these things, usually I turn to making mischief to entertain myself.” The raven-haired prince said.
“Well, I’m happy to amuse you, your highness” You responded. “Although I suppose I should be spending my time trying to find a suitor, as was my intention when I arrived.”
He raised an eyebrow at this, “A suitor? But don’t you already have a throne?” He questioned, genuine curiosity bleeding through his words.
“That I do, but the laws of my kingdom are clear, I must find a consort and soon if I were to remain in power.” It wasn’t like you to divulge this much information, especially to someone you had just met. But something about the Prince made him easy to talk to, which was dangerous in more ways than one.
“And who, may I ask, will take the throne if this fails to happen.” He tilted his head to the side and his eyes bore into your own. The green pools full of something mysterious, something alluring, something disastrous. 
“I am my father’s only heir. If I were to be forced to forfeit the throne, the custom in my kingdom is a tournament. The lords will fight amongst themselves with the weapon of my choosing until one is victorius, he will be named king. And as much as I would love to witness the lords fighting to the death, I would much rather keep my crown.” You explained.
“My brother, the blonde oaf fumbling about the other side of the ballroom, is also looking for a suitor. It might be worth pursuing, you both are heirs to your own thrones and while he may be dull, you’ll not find a better option. Besides, he’s not looking for love, only a match that will stop Father from pestering him. I’d imagine you’re somewhat the same in that regard.” Loki’s words caused you to pause. Never in a millenia would you have throught that he would offer Thor instead of himself. From what you’ve heard he was very self-serving. You heard of his play to take the crown and while his attempt had failed you would’ve thought he’d vye for yours once he knew it was possible.
“You seem a strong ruler, I’d hate for you to lose your crown becuase of a foolish law.” He took his goblet out of your hand and began to turn away. You let him
Your mind was muddled, and you had no idea what to think. You could not deny the attractiveness of the younger prince, he was witty and cunning and very very handsome. It also seemed that he respected you, thought of you as a good leader and wished the best for you. In a few short moments he had contradicted everything you had evr heard of him. You were left with one thought reigning over all the others in your mind.
Thor was not the prince you wanted.
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croziers-compass · 5 months
hello willbur!!
fuck marry kill + sit a sauna where anything can happen with: the four terror lieuts!
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Oh hello, darling elliot! It's always such a pleasure to see your charming face in my small home. Let me get some coffee on and discuss the hot pulsing bodies of the Terror Leftenants together, shall we?
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Fuck, Marry, Kill, and have a Sauna Date with the four Terror Leftenants, eh?
This took far more consideration than I anticipated. but I believe I have formulated an answer including a Blooper Reel for your enjoyment.
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I would fuck Jopson. This is not even a question. For certain he is the best choice in this regard, though Nedward is a close second. As a bottom, by trade, I know that Thomas Jopson would have such an astute ability to hone in on exactly what someone needs, wants, or will drive them the most mad. Truly, I think that Thomas Jopson's keen eye for detail and terrifying mind would make him quite the experience.
I would Kill John Irving. It's not personal. And by no means is this an attack upon Heinrich. But I do not wish to tolerate John Irving's presence in a sauna nor would I fuck him. Nor would I marry him. This leaves but one final mercy I can bestow upon him. I would make it quick. Something easy. Like lacing his tea so he simply falls asleep and never wakes up, none the wiser.
I would Marry Edward. I think he would actually be a superb spouse. Being a simple creature with simple needs myself, I think I could work well with that. He would be a splendid spouse, I think. I am rather anchored and well structured, so that gives him something to lean on. I am confident and steady and make a good touchstone that is not flamboyant and out there like James. I would rather focus on my interests and hold polite quiet conversation rather than have a lot of excitement. Humble people with warm dispositions.
And I would not mind whatever way Hodgson and I went in the Sauna. Let it become something of a scandalous debacle. Let it be a merging of intellectual minds full of clever words and well read verses. Whichever comes naturally. Perhaps we can start with the .... conversations ... and let it go from there. Sliding closer and closer, interested in what the other has to say, keenly at the edge of the seat until, well, you're seated on the other's lap. Who knows!
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Your blooper reel was a joke that I was talking about. How I would fuck Jopson, Marry Edward, and then I would seppuku myself and let John Irving and Hodgson have the Sauna. Who even knows what could happen there! I hate the prospect of killing any of these lovelies. I could never! But alas, I settled with a choice. Though now I am curiously shuffling various combinations of these men together, alone, in a sauna for several hours.
What would happen if we stuck Thomas and Edward into a wee sauna beside one another for a few hours? All warm and slicked with sweat, the aroma of herbs permeating the steam rising up... Or Hodgson and Little? How comfortable is Little with Hodgson? They've known one another for a while... Or John and Little? Close friends and serving many years on the same ships, certainly they've seen a bit of one another. Purely Christian thoughts of course with nothing deviating from the sort! No such thing could happen, certainly! I'm sure John's freckles across his shoulders and chest would not attract Little's eye at all...
Or Little's shoulders pooling with beads of sweat would not at all be something mesmerizing to Hodgson...
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I digress... Thank you for visiting! This is what happens when you come to my inbox. I write you a short novella.
I hope you enjoyed and that this satisfied your curiosity! How did I do? Was it what you anticipated?
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shwoo · 7 months
Day 31 of @flooftober! Thanks a lot to everyone who read/interacted, and especially @flooftyfizzlebeans for creating the challenge, and saying such nice things about these stories.
I would also like to thank antihistamines. They really... anted those histamines. And unclouded my brain a little.
Anyway, this story involves Gramble, and I'm using both the "Trick" and "Treat" prompts. Also it's double length since it's the last one. I considered making it much longer, but my brain's not quite that unclouded.
(Prompt list)
Title: Has many discipline-specific uses Summary: Floofty notices a sleepwalking Gramble about to make a mistake. (Also on AO3)
Floofty had released what was happening too late, and Gramble was too far away. They yelled "Wake up!" as they crossed the rest of the distance.
Gramble opened his eyes all the way. "Wh…" He noticed the Grapeskeeto in his hands, which were raised to his mouth. "Ah! Igrapetius!" He lowered his arms and hugged it, as it struggled.
"One of your pets, I assume?" said Floofty. They hadn't seen it get out, but these days, any loose Snak generally belonged to Gramble.
Gramble jumped. "Floofty?! Why're you here?" Floofty wasn't good at judging tone, but they knew suspicion when they heard it.
"As we both reside in the same town, I assume you are asking why am I in this particular spot at this particular time," said Floofty. "I merely observed you come across this Grapeskeeto in your sleep, and prepare to eat it. Knowing your views on this subject, I awoke you before any consumption could occur."
They were too tired to bother trying baby language. Gramble would just have to take what he could understand. Maybe he'd end up being yet another Grumpus who turned out to be smarter than they looked.
"You… saved Igrapetius?" said Gramble. He looked down at the Grapeskeeto in his arms. "I… I didn't know you cared… But why were you watching me in the middle of the night in the first place?"
"I often watch you," said Floofty. They knew Gramble might find that creepy, but that was his problem, because they weren't actually being creepy. "There is precious little else of interest occurring at this time of night."
Gramble didn't run away screaming, but he did frown. "A-are you running some kind of experiment on me, Floofty? Wait. Are you the reason I've been so tired lately?"
Floofty's tired brain took a second to catch up to what was happening now. "What? Your sleep difficulties are clearly the result of stress! I, too, am prone to sleep difficulties. Believe me, I would much prefer to be asleep in my hut right now. Alas, my brain chemistry will not allow it."
"Oh, you just can't sleep?" said Gramble. "I guess I have been a little stressed lately, what with having so many little ones to take care of, and Wambus, and I still got a couple Grumpuween decorations to finish…"
"What?" said Floofty. "Grumpuween already?" Last they'd checked, it had been July. That meant they'd already missed their birthday.
"Um, yeah, it's tomorr--" Gramble looked up at the sky. "Today," he corrected himself. "Wiggle's been real excited, and I thought… Maybe I could knit some little Fryders, or some bats, and hang them up around town. I dunno if the little ones would appreciate it, but I think the others might…?"
Floofty didn't know why he was asking them. "Potentially." They decided they might as well tell him what they did know. "I, at least, would be… disposed toward that concept." They'd always really liked the idea that boundaries between the living and the dead were thin at this time of year, although it was obviously not plausible from a scientific view.
"Y-you would?" said Gramble. He squeezed his Grapeskeeto. "Just goes to show. You never know what someone's gonna like until you talk to them!"
"Yes, I am beginning to see that," said Floofty. If Gramble had seriously believed that Floofty might be experimenting on him without his consent, then it was surprising that he hadn't expected them to like Grumpuween. Maybe they could lean into that. "Perhaps I, too, will create some seasonal decoration," they added, "if my work allows. Yes, some fake blood, perhaps some green lights inside test tubes… It may be quite entertaining."
"Ooh, the more the merrier!" said Gramble. "Just so long as the blood is fake." He almost laughed.
"I shall make every effort to ensure that it is," said Floofty. Gramble had sounded like he was about to laugh, so he was probably joking. Apparently that was something he could do, sometimes.
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winterinhimring · 2 months
1, 5, and 6 for the latest ask game
Thanks for sending this!
1: Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
The current project that's most consistently under construction is The Right Question, a fix-it for The Amazing Spider-man 2 (NOT something I ever expected to write fic for) which could very well be subtitled "Gwen Stacy and Aunt May Fix Everything (Harry Helps A Bit)". It's making pretty good progress and most of the main conflict has already been solved, so really what's left now is cleaning up loose ends and revelling in the fix-it a bit before I wrap things up. I think what I love most about it is the dynamic that's developing between Harry, Peter, and Gwen. Harry and Peter have spent most of the fic trying to express friendship for each other by mutually going 'I will sacrifice myself for you. Let me sacrifice myself for you PLEASE. I AM GOING TO JUMP IN FRONT OF THIS BOLT OF LIGHTNING FOR YOU DON'T YOU DARE TACKLE ME OUT OF THE WAY WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE SAVING ME I AM SUPPOSED TO BE SAVING YOU'. Gwen, meanwhile, has the brain cell, and has spent most of the fic trying to get them to actually TALK about all the things they sorely need to talk about, but crises keep happening and the boys keep running off into the blue before she can sit them down and sort them out properly. It honestly cracks me up laughing.
I'm also planning to add another arc to A Lot Can Happen In Twenty Years, a collection of short stories set after my rewrite of Spider-man: No Way Home in A Far, Far Better Thing (a series that started life as 'let's fix the post-Endgame MCU' and ended up spanning the entire live-action Spider-man multiverse). So far, entries to that have included lots of Osborn family bonding and a Raimi-verse edition of Electro; the next arc, if I ever actually write it, will be about the Raimi-verse Vulture, whose existence I've teased in previous fics, but who has never actually shown up on screen. So far, it's just in the planning stage, because I'm trying to get The Right Question written before I start it. However, I can already tell that it's going to be chock full of father-son feels and bonding between Norman and Harry, which is one of my favourite things, so I'm really looking forward to when it's written. (I don't want to have to WRITE it but alas, such is life.)
Finally, there is my oldest and least consistently worked-on project, aka That Pesky Original Novel, aka The Finding. It's about a pair of college students who stumble across what I can probably most easily describe as a magical artifact (though magic is really a bit of a misnomer for the way I've set up this world, and in-universe everyone would insist, correctly, that it's NOT magic), find themselves in the sights of quite a lot of interested parties, and have to figure out who to trust and what to do. It has been nominally in the process of being rewritten ever since I first drafted it in high school, but it has actually made some progress lately. It might get finished this year or it might take me another decade; who knows?
5: What character that you're writing do you most identify with?
This is a tough one! I tend to write characters that are similar to me in some crucial ways (I don't think I've ever written someone who's naturally open with their emotions, because that is simply baffling to me on a fundamental psychological level), but very different in others. It's not quite a case of opposites attract, but it's pretty rare for me to look at a character I write and strongly identify with him or her. I can find bits or pieces of myself in most of the characters I write (my sense of morality in Peter, my determination in Gwen, my dislike of emotional vulnerability in Norman, my snark in just about everyone, etc.), but I don't see my whole self in any of them.
6: What character do you have the most fun writing?
It depends on a lot of things! Right now, though, probably Harry Osborn, because he's (a) ridiculously dramatic and can always be relied upon to take a plot in new and interesting (by which I mean supremely angsty) directions, and (b) SUCH a snarky little dude who WILL unleash it on anyone he considers deserving at the slightest provocation. He considers quite a lot of people deserving and I love writing snark, so it's a writer and character partnership made in heaven.
Thank you for sending this question! I had lots of fun answering it.
Ask game is here.
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bluegrasssax · 10 months
I thought I'd give an intro to me and the fics I've written (Merlin x Arthur, E, AO3). I started late 2021 after I found writing helped me through _stuff_
This is in the order I wrote my stories, my thoughts, what I liked about it and what I wish I'd done better.
For most of the fics I started with a canon character trait for each of Merlin and Arthur that I carried through the story (that they either both come to embrace or overcome), I find this works well in keeping to the og character vibe
(No major spoilers)
1. A Fall We Can't Forget
Character archetypes: lost Merlin, naive Arthur
My likes: I love opportunities to be open about feelings without the pressure of consequences, hence dreams. I loved writing Merlin's Druid dream, and that Arthur could appreciate him without fear that way.
Even better if: This was my first fic and I definitely made some classic blunders! I feel I rushed things, and there were many other dream sequences I wish I'd managed to sneak in!
2. Wingless
Character archetypes: guilty Merlin, protective Arthur
My likes: Wings. I mean, come on! That's just cool! I'm honoured someone took the time to make art following reading the fic, it warmed my heart <3
Even better if: Again, I think I rushed into the reveal. I'd have liked better pacing especially in the last few chapters.
3. Parchments
Character archetypes: denial Merlin, self sacrificing Arthur
My likes: similar to the dreams, an opportunity to talk without repercussion. I liked this version of Gwen a lot, and I'm a huge fan of Samhain midnight shenanigans. Also poor Gaius. Sorry man.
Even better if: this is one of my shorter ones. I think it would have been neat to have an Arthur POV through to explain some of his actions too. Alas. Maybe a sequel.
4. Take Your Pain Away
Character archetypes: self sacrificing Merlin, dutiful Arthur
My likes: oh boy this one was a labour of love. I love soulmates, and I thought the dynamic of one person knowing way before the other way good in this case. The added layer of pain transference was for flavour and it snowballed on me lol, but in a good way I think.
Even better if: honestly, I have the fewest Gripes about this one, though I wish I'd taken a bit of a different route with Edith. There could have been more bullshit with that, but maybe it was angsty enough already.
5. Dead To Me
Character archetypes: powerful/unfortunate Merlin, growing Arthur
My likes: actually my favourite story of the lot I think, just because it's a different flavour of "destiny" than I'd considered before. It was a fun challenge to develop intimacy with no physical contact!
Even better if: I liked what I did with Gaius, but I know it wasn't necessarily a popular characterisation of the poor bloke - so if done again I'd like to have made his motivations clearer.
6. Passing Through
Character archetypes: innocent Merlin, whimsical Arthur
My likes: it was nice to have the "love at first sight" sort of vibe with this one, even though I tend to be more of an enemy to lovers fan myself! Merlin's magic felt so natural in this one and I'm really chuffed with how it came out. He is a part of magic as much as it is a part of him, and so it's no wonder it's overwhelming sometimes.
Even better if: I initially planned a bigger blow up with the Arthur reveal, but it didn't quite fit. Maybe in another life. This one could have handled a bit more smut imo.
7. The Satyr and The Prince
Character archetypes: outsider Merlin, conflicted Arthur
My likes: I'm a big fan of body horror - and while this is no xenomorph situation it was interesting to play with a tiny bit of gore. I'm proud of the inner conflict Arthur had, and I hope it came across well.
Even better if: as with most of my fics it seems, I feel I rushed it a bit. My initial plan was more drawn out, more angst (somehow), but I got impatient! Also, didn't get the chance to include any sex! It just didn't fit in naturally without seeking forced :/
And my current fic is on going, so I won't comment just yet on it. Only know that archetypes revolve around Wonderlust Merlin and Awed Arthur
If you've read any of these I'd love your honest feed back on it - this is a hobby I really enjoy, and I'd like to keep on it for a bit longer!
Also, let me know how this Tumblr thing works, I'm floundering lads XD
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cosmic-kinglet · 5 months
I have written a hypothetical scene! I may add to this later, but I'm tired, and this is a pretty solid start to where I imagine things could go if Ruin is semi-cured.
Basic scene:
Eclipse becomes curious about the plans stored away in Ruin's files and decides to question his prisoner. Instead, he discovers the one who actually created the plans.
After hours spent looking through files while simultaneously attempting to track down the creator, Eclipse had found quite a few interesting blueprints. His thoughts wandered to his prisoner, which wasn't surprising, considering the files and blueprints had been taken from him. So many designs and plans, and all for very familiar targets. Ruin also seemed to want Sun and Moon gone. And yet, how could someone so timid create such elaborate and brutal plans?
     As thoughts and questions continued swirling in his mind, and as he seemed to be making little progress in finding the creator, it all became too much. Eclipse needed to know what was going on. With this thought, Eclipse rose from his chair and made his way to the holding cells.
     The moment Eclipse stepped out of his lab, a faint echo hit his sensors. It wasn't a scream, nor was it cries. It was soft, gentle, melodic. Eclipse stood tall and rigid. Was someone...humming? With a breath in, he continued toward the cells. The humming continued to echo, and Eclipse was ashamed by the speed of his motor. The tune became clearer as he neared the cell holding Ruin,
     🎶Da dada da da~ da dada da dai~ya-da dada da da dai~ya-da🎶
     Upon reaching the cell, Eclipse could now see Ruin sat on the floor, hunched over. He was running his index finger across the floor, as if creating scratches within his mind. Eclipse had come there fully intent on immediate questioning, but the questions he had now drowned the questions he'd had before. Still, he stood silent, waiting to see if Ruin would even realize there was anyone there.
     His wait was not long. Within just a few seconds, Ruin's head slowly tilted upward, meeting Eclipse's stunned gaze.
     "Ah~, hello again. Is there something you needed from me?" Ruin's voice was unchanged, but his tone seemed different somehow.
     Eclipse, stunned all over again by Ruin's words, was silent for a moment. He tried to remove the uncertain look from his eyes, but some part of him knew he had already been caught. Still, he composed himself quickly.
     "Listen. I found some plans within your files. It seems that we have a similar desire."
     Ruin clunkily rose to his feet. "Oh~! So, you found the plans to torture Sun and Moon, did you?" He stepped closer to the barrier, leaned in, and whispered, "Quite nice, aren't they?"
     Despite his best efforts, Eclipse couldn't stop the surprise from reaching his eyes, nor could he keep his body from leaning away, despite knowing the barrier would keep the two separated.
     Eclipse squinted his eyes, and his voice reached a low gravel. "What's wrong with you?"
     Ruin tilted his head to one side. "Why, whatever do you mean?" The playfulness in his voice was obvious. He was teasing Eclipse. "What would e~ver lead you to think there was anything wrong with me?" Ruin then pulled the most dramatic gasp he could muster. "Could it be?! Have we spoken before? Do I seem different than I did then?"
     At this point, the shock had worn off, and Eclipse could only roll his eyes. "Okay, I get it. You've got your own little thing going on here. I'm familiar."
     Ruin lept forward, planting both hands onto the barrier. "Of course you are! You and Sun were once in much the same situation." He then removed his hands from the barrier and instead held them in a contemplative manner. "Although, I don't have quite as much free control as you did."
     "How so?"
     Ruin gave a heavy sigh. "Alas, I have very little control over my time here. It simply comes and goes, with no real pattern or cause."
     Eclipse crossed his arms. "So, basically you could be gone at any second?"
     Ruin raised a pointed finger to the sky. "Corr~ect! It's pure chance that we have met here, and I have no idea how much longer we have to speak! Now," he sat back down, legs crossed, head resting on his clasped hands, "I believe we have a lot to discuss."
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rennivere · 3 months
0.1 - failed meetings
I have Yue/G'raha Tia brain worms and I wanted to get them down before they wriggle away. This is entirely for myself, so please excuse the mess.
They knew each other, albeit only in passing. A proper "two ships in the night" sort of tale, one might say.
Yue certainly remembered seeing the Miqo'te, often intrigued by his mismatched eyes and the little frustrated pout that would pull on his lips as he struggled to reach a book on one of the library's higher shelves. She always wished she was a bit taller, a bit more nimble, something that would help her help him. Alas, she was neither, prompting her to simply watch him for a moment of fondness before returning to her own books.
She eventually learned his name when they shared a class together: G'raha Tia. He had stood at the front of the room after a few weeks, meek and a bit awkward as he cleared his throat, his voice fading between pitches a bit as his pubescence reared its head while he introduced himself, immediately before giving a thorough presentation on Allagan technology and aetherochemistry with the confidence of someone thrice his age. He spoke as if he had first-hand experience with the technology, proving himself early-on as a fount of knowledge on the topic.
Yue mustered up the courage to compliment him on his research not long after.
She'd never forget the way his mismatched eyes lit up with the most genuine excitement. He'd had to cut himself off from rambling, a little pink tinge spreading over his cheeks as his head dipped, hands wringing on front of him as he quietly cleared his throat before nodding in response to the young blond Au Ra boy (Yue was not 'out' at the time, mind you).
They planned to meet at the library over lunch the next day.
Yue hadn't expected to return home to learn that she was accompanying her parents on another venture to sea the next morning.
She barely had enough time to run a note to to one of the library's book keepers, insisting they give it to G'raha Tia when they saw him.
She wasn't sure if he ever received the note, or if he'd even visited the library to meet with her. She wasn't sure if he ever cared... and it would be some time before she found out.
Yue and her family returned to Sharlayan some months later, and in proper Yue fashion, she returned immediately to her studies. Alas, the class she and the ruby-haired boy had once shared had long since ended, and it would be weeks before she so much as ran into the other teen, although only briefly.
"You're back," was all he said in greeting, an almost timid smile tugging at his lips, his mismatched eyes glittering with restrained delight. Yue just smiled shyly in response, giving a small nod as she cradled a pair of books on aetheric manipulation to her chest with one hand, leaning into her crutch with another. He looked at her with a bit of intrigue and surprise, taking in the subtle changes to her appearance - the feminine fringe, the skirt to replace her slacks, the gentle pink blush across her nose and cheeks and the shimmer around her eyes. His mouth opened and closed like he wanted to comment - maybe question her, maybe compliment the change, but instead he just smiled.
"I got your note. If I'd known you'd been leaving so soon, I would've offered to meet after dinner instead," he said with a boyish grin that had Yue smiling, her head tilting to the side.
"Well... I'm still interested in learning about Allag from you, if you have time. Maybe... tomorrow, after lunch?" She suggested gingerly, a small but hopeful smile stuck to her lips - though it faded as she watched the boy's gaze drop. "Ah... I would love to... but I'm afraid now it's my turn to go on a little adventure. My guardians with the Students of Baldesion are having me join them on a... field trip of sorts. I don't know all the details yet, but... when I return I'd be happy to meet up. Then, I can tell you all the things I know, and all the new things I've learned," he suggested with a grin, shifting on his feet with gleeful anxiety.
Yue almost forgot to respond, instead just smiling for a moment as she admired the other teen's excitement.
"That sounds perfect. I'll look forward to it, G'raha,"
The boy's ears stood straight, tail twitching behind him as she said his name, and Yue had to stop herself from giggling at his expense. The Miqo'te gave a resolute nod in response, though otherwise said nothing for a moment. There were a few seconds where both just stared at each other, before G'raha let out a breath, head giving another nod.
"Right! So will I. I'm glad I ran into you again, Yos--"
"Yue," she interjected, causing the Miqo'te's eyes to widen, panic settling into his gaze as he tried to figure out if he had misremembered her name or otherwise made a horrible mistake. His mouth opened as he took in a breath, surely gearing up to rattle off apologies, but Yue just smiled, head giving a slight, reassuring shake. G'raha relaxed in response, briefly nipping at his bottom lip before swallowing, giving another nod.
"Yue, then."
Her eyes twinkled a bit with relief as she nodded in response.
"Enjoy your trip, G'raha. I'll see you when you come back."
Fate would not be quite so kind to the bookish pair, however. Before G'raha could return from his trip, Yue would be off on another of her own, and thus began the seemingly endless cycle of brief exchanges in passing between responsibilities, conflicting schedules keeping the two would-be scholars from sharing their knowledge and interests over lunch.
Even as they grew older, progressing from their teens into young adulthood, their different areas of study kept them at arms length, returning to their youth of seeing each other only in passing, catching glimpses of the other and offering a gentle wave. Yue was certain that once she'd made the decision to stay in Sharlayan full-time for her health that there would be a chance to reconnect with her childhood would-be friend, but G'raha Tia was on a seemingly endless pursuit of knowledge. It was a miracle he learned and retained anything with how quickly he seemed to flit from one place to another, always chasing after new opportunities to learn and grow and flourish. The Calamity had only seemed to spur on the Miqo'te's pursuit of knowledge.
She could hardly blame him. In fact, in many ways, she envied him and his drive.
Perhaps that was a contributing factor into her finding the courage to leave Sharlayan on her own one day, leaving behind her home and books to make for the recently formed Arcanist's Guild in Limsa Lominsa with hopes of learning more ways to cope with her physical ailments through aetheric manipulation.
She never could have guessed that the start of her adventure would be the very thing to finally bring her and a certain Miqo'te together... though it would still take many moons... and a number of life-changing discoveries and alliances along the way.
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atanx · 4 months
any subnautica character headcanons? especially the side characters, they're my faves :]
Sorry anon im normally better at answering my asks :P but alas exams had two write two in a week :)) not fun but anyway! thank u sm for the ask <3
Hhh I have sooo many character hc i could write a novel anon alvnqjcoqofpqf (partly because i do have a wip all about the subnautica characters and the journey to 4546B + ensuing canon divergence but pssshhhh)
So I think I'm just gonna choose the characters I've thought the most about:
I hc his name as Roman Keen - I saw it in the fic "Survivors" on Ao3 and honestly I think it's a really good fit :3
He's 28 and has been working for Alterra since he was 17, most of which has been with Captain Hollister, who has become somewhat of a parental figure for him. He joined because of a love for flying and space, which his family disapproved of, and so he doesn't get along great with them.
I hc him as genderfluid - on some days, he feels like a man, and on others, he feels like he had no gender at all. He hasn't got himself totally figured out and mostly uses he/him pronouns, being unsure about how he feels being adressed with other pronouns.
He's a gay disaster and crushes pretty easily and hiding that does not come easily to him, although he mostly manages. When he first sees Jochi Khasar, it's instant aesthetic attraction. He finds him fascinating, and Khasar seems to find him fascinating, too, since he starts flirting with him and they develop a relationship over the eighteen-ish month journey to 4546B.
He's ace, and although fine with talking about sex, isn't interested in having sex himself.
Even though he comes across as stiff, he's not actually all that stiff as a person. He is just very responsible and aware and is thus anxious to fulfil his responsibilities as 2nd Officer to the best of his abilities. For things unrelated to work, he is still responsible and mature but not a stick in the mud. He's a fan of adrenaline rushes and actually used to do illegal racing as a teen.
Keen works well under stress, but as soon as the stress abates enough, he will have a breakdown.
He has an annoying-sibling type relationship with CTO Yu >:33
I also liked the name "Emily Yu" from the same fic as before, and I hc that her Chinese name is "Yu Jian" with 'Jian' for strong, healthy.
She is 29, a year older than Keen, which she teases him with, and has been working on the Aurora for 4 years, since finishing her master in engineering with a focus on spacecraft engineering. She worked herself up the ladder by virtue of 1) having a master's degree 2) hard work and successful projects 3) spite (someone (rightfully) insulted one of her ideas once) and 4) a little bit of nepotism.
I hc her as a cis bi woman who uses she/her pronouns. She enjoys both more feminine and more masculine styles for herself, although her style is rather tame and doesn't become hyper-feminine or hyper-masculine. She doesn't like dresses.
She's into Berkely, with her first being sexually attracted to him and then also experiencing romantic attraction. She enjoys his sarcasm and teasing him.
Even though she likes to be silly she gets serious in serious situations. She has a tendency to think that her way is best and has worked over the years to curb that down and be more open to other people's thoughts. When she does truly firmly think that her way is better though, she will stick to that unless presented with a better option and will put everything into trying to make that work.
In very stressful situations she tends to... sort of zoom out, distancing herself from her emotions and achieving a strong focus to do what needs to be done. Afterwards, she struggles with feeling the impact of what was going on, sort of feeling like it happened to someone else. It's a mild sort of depersonalisation. She works well under stress in general but needs some time to recuperate and destress. If she doesn't, her body will respond to the stress via tense and pulled muscles, headaches, stress-rashes etc.
I don't have a particular reason why but I hc his first name as 'Cedric'. Honestly not too sure on that, if I find one that clicks more for me I might pivot to using that but this is what I've got for now!
He's 27 and he is not a routine member of the Aurora staff. Instead, he is part of the extra engineers meant to oversee construction of the phasegate at 4546B and hadn't met anyone from the Aurora before. He has a Bachelor in engineering but found studying so unpleasant he decided he was not going to go for a master and instead started and apprenticeship into job on a spacestation relating to phasegate maintenance.
He is intersex, which wasn't noticeable until puberty when he started developing boobs. Because he identifies as a man (he uses he/xey pronouns), he decided to opt for puberty blockers and later hormone therapy. He would have been fine with his boobs but society made him feel really shitty about them and he got top surgery.
He works out very regularly because it makes him feel good and enjoys jewelry and make-up, although he hates bracelets that move because he hates the sensation of them moving and bumping along his forearms whenever he has to tinker with something. He is somewhat introverted, not caring all that much for social interaction, and indulges in sarcasm a lot. He doesn't like the feel of long hair so he always wears it in a buzzcut. He's also chubby and built like a (short) bear.
He actually doesn't cope with stress well at all and only made it through school and a Bachelor's degree by luck, a lot of caffeine and the knowledge that if he doesn't manage at least a Bachelor's, finding a decent-paying job he likes will be very hard in Alterra-space. He finds it preferable to listen to others although not uncritically.
At first Emily annoys him to no end but as he gets to know her better (and she also tones it down) the annoyance changes to fondness. They become good friends and he eventually falls in love with her. He is pan and demi-romantic.
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twistedgardens · 2 years
Spider Man Kiss 
Tumblr media
In which you have to explain to Lilia that, no, Spider Man is not a giant half-arachnid humanoid creature that dwells in caves and eats unsuspecting travelers, and giving you a Spider Man kiss does not mean tying you up with webs and hanging you upside down to drain your blood.
Content: No Smut. Just fluff. We're keeping it G-rated today.
You walked down one of the many maze-like corridors of Night Raven College. You carried a load of books with you to Ramshackle Dorm. Grim was held back, again, after class for some remedial lessons. Serves him right for not studying properly. You rounded a corner only to stop in your tracks.
Lilia hung from the ceiling in the middle of the your path. Did he see you coming and prepared or was this just a coincidence? It was hard to tell because of his wide-grin.
"Good afternoon, Lilia," you said.
"Where might you be heading off to?"
"Just heading back to my dorm. Would you like to come with?"
"Well, I'm supposed to check in on Malleus in the library, but he's a grown fae. I'm sure Silver and Sebek can protect him themselves," he answered.
"Are you sure? Won't you get in trouble?"
There was a devious glint in Lilia's eyes. He landed on his feet more graceful than a cat. Just how many centuries did it take for him to master such a talent? You shuddered to think about it. Lilia's appearance was a trick, a rouse. Some people look old, but Lilia didn't look that way at all. The aura around him felt...ancient. Not old, ancient. It was never portrayed in his face, but even someone like you with no magic could feel it in your bones that Lilia was probably even older than Night Raven College itself. Did he know any of the Seven? Probably.
"Besides, how can I say 'no' to escorting a pretty girl safely home?" Lilia chuckled.
It was a long trek from the campus to your dorm. Silence wasn't suitable for either of you for such a walk. Conversation was inevitable. You talked about things you remembered from your home world in the vague hope that Lilia might be familiar with your world, alas no. He was just as confused about your home world than anyone else you'd run across. He never heard of a place called (insert home state/country). This world and yours weren't so different, the more you realized and talked about it. Although they ran on different mechanisms, technology from Twisted Wonderland and your home world were more alike than you thought originally. Lilia told you all about cinema from his realm. This gave you a thought.
"You know Lilia, when you hang upside down like earlier you remind me of a comic book character from back home," you said casually.
"Ah! We have those two. Now I'm curious. What are comic characters like from your world and who do I remind you of?"
"Well, remember that in my world magic doesn't really exist. So, people make up characters to draw that have fantastic super powers like flying and invincibility. When you hang upside like a bat, you remind me of this super hero from the movies. Spider Man."
"Spider man? Oh, we have those too!" Said Lilia, excitedly.
"Yes, but I don't think you'd enjoy meeting one. Spider men from my realm are humanoid creatures with the lower half of a giant spider. They're known to trap prey in caverns deep underground and slowly suck the blood out of them," said Lilia.
You ignored the bit of bile rising in your throat at the mere mention of such gruesome things.
"Well, where I'm from Spider Man doesn't really...do that. He's a hero who saves people. In one movie about this character, he and his love interest Mary Jane kiss, but because he has the powers of a spider, he's hanging upside down when they kiss in the rain."
"That sounds delightful!" Lilia smirked, though you don't know what for.
He was very hard to read despite being the most outgoing in Diasomnia dorm. Lilia wore that mischievous look on his face the whole walk to your dorm. He escorted you to the front door but when you turned to say goodbye, Lilia had already left.
The next day, you walked from one class to the next. Grim ran ahead of you because of your "slow human legs." You didn't have the heart to tell him it was because he was so tiny that he could weave in between students. He raced ahead of you and disappeared behind the wrong hallway. You sighed, a headache forming in your temple.
The hair on the back of your neck stood on end. You looked around for the source. You hoped against hope that it wasn't another student who overblotted. As you scanned the hallway, you didn't notice Lilia appear in midair. He waited patiently to strike. When you turned again, you yelped as you spotted him where he wasn't there before. Your startled cry was cut short by Lilia's lips planting themselves on yours. You eyes flew open at the shock of it all, but you slowly gave in.
Your lips meeting his was a bit..awkward to say the least. Not just because this was the first you'd receive in a while. You never kissed someone who was hanging upside down. Lilia must have taken your description of the "Spider Man kiss" to heart. The kiss was passionate but sweet and left you gasping for air.
When Lilia finally released you, he gave you a final peck on your forehead. His hand dropped something into yours and he vanished again. You looked down and saw a single blue rose with a note tied its stem with velvet ribbon. In scrawling flourish, the words read: 'Dinner at 7?'
(Is Mary Jane Spider Man's girlfriend? I have no idea, correct me if I'm wrong. I don't read or watch comic book hero stuff)
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television-bodies · 7 months
fic writer tag game
thank you for the tag @palmviolet ! love things like this. blessings upon you and all your sheep
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
five! my ao3 account is but a baby
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
63k. in approximately ten days this is going to jump by ~15k so perhaps i should have waited to do this tag but alas. impatience
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently only les mis. so many themes to explore... so many characters to sink my teeth into... so many dynamics to look at and so many situations into which i can drop people...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i mean. this is going to be all of my fics but here's the ranking
visiting hours
restoring the balance
tech week
the two sides of monsieur valentine (the perils of rarepairs)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!!! i love comments. fuel. life blood
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
well. there's a major character death marinating in my drafts, yet to be unleashed
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
currently all of them have pretty happy endings, which is something i'm sort of trying to change because i'm starting to get a little bored of writing that all the time. sorry. scared of getting myself into a funk! all things considered though, it's probably tech week. those final lines were in my head from the very start of the fic, and with the whole christmas vibe... yeah. that one, i think
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not so far! hoping that will not change!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
not as of yet and i can't see myself doing so if i'm honest but i'm also a big believer in never saying never because i don't know who i am (or more importantly, who i will be). so. not at the moment. but in ten years maybe i'll look back at this and laugh. you know
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
again, not as of yet! not a full crossover, with characters from each thing intersecting, anyway. i've got some AUs for les mis that are specific to other interests, but nothing closer than that.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i don't see many fics in the les mis fandom getting translated at all anymore! the fandom is so lovely but it's definitely quieter than it has been in the past, so it doesn't surprise me. i'd love for it to happen, but no, not yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nooo. i like the idea of it, if there was someone i think i worked well enough with -- but i don't know anybody over here well enough for that yet, i don't think. i am currently bad at messaging people/interacting on any level deeper than reblogging posts or commenting on their fics, which is really something i should work on. open to the possibility though!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
enjolras and grantaire, oh my god. living in my brain for goddamn YEARS now. years upon years. with that said, i do have certain Feelings about them -- maybe i'll go more into detail with this someday on some other post but really i think that the way they're done in canon is kind of perfect, which is why i don't write canon era fic for them. there's nothing i can do to that that would make it worthwhile, to me. but putting them in different time periods or situations? ohhh yeah
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i've got bits and pieces of a les mis AU for the BBC series race across the world which i am still sort of attached to but can't see myself doing anymore, purely because writing the logistical parts of how the race etc functions in that show was boring me, and i don't want to be bored by something that i'm doing for my enjoyment. but maybe i'll do a post at some point laying out the main plot points if anybody's interested because i do still like the concept
16. What are your writing strengths?
probably still nailing this down, if i'm honest. i like descriptions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i always think i'm not great at dialogue, but i've been told the opposite, so who knows! i think my issue with it comes more from wondering where the conversation should go/what should go in the middle of two points i want the characters to make, rather than making it sound realistic. i think i'm fairly good on the realism front.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
occasionally i'll make characters say the odd phrase in another language, but nothing more than that. i'm not fluent in any language other than english, so unless it's something i'm sure of in spanish i think i'd just be worrying if the translation is correct, which isn't worth it to me (and there isn't much use for spanish in what i'm currently writing lmao)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
fanfiction dot net days are ones we do not talk about... a haze in my mind... banished to the darkness... but i actually do know the answer to this -- it was dracula, for some fucking reason. (i know the reason. but i'm not sharing)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
i'm quite fond of suckerpunch, just because i think it's sort of speedrunning my personal exr manifesto, but i don't know! seriously no answer to this! taking that as a good sign: maybe my favourite is yet to come.
no pressure tags go to @pumpkinspice-prouvaire @sereendy @shamedumpster and anybody else who wishes to do it!
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