#there is not a day where I don't think about it or see another person post about it...
lychgate · 1 day
When will I get to see commander fox as the proper shit head he is
Man is head of police for the capital and yall think he's some righteous justice man who hates palpatine for all the boring right reasons YAWN
Instead of projecting the most straight forward wants what if, and stay with me here, Fox was just a tired loser that spends his days ticketing drunk politicians and semi engaging in illegal activities cause he is not immune to the effect upper world coruscant has on its citizens as it makes u a dull shit heel vs all the other commanders that are in active warzones doing actual combat.
Like truly idc how someone wants to hc a character live ur best u, but on my playground I don't even understand where a universe functions where Fox could be any type of righteous man without being some type of hard purist or elitist given his surroundings. He's not got a lot of personality in Canon but a specific point is that he's a hard by the book type of commander, so where are we getting the notion that he thinks 'fuck palpatine he's so CORRUPT I can't wait to kill him' how about instead we dig into the narrative of someone more realistic that has been raised within the system, who would be the LAST fucking clone to ever realize how fucked up something is, or if he does it's that he's so saturated in it like Who fucking cares. Just another government just another day. Empire, Republic, same shit who care.
Anyway give me that commander fox
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valyrfia · 2 days
Lando might be cocky now, but put him in Lewis' or Max' shoes in a season like 2021. The up and downs. The close fights. That last race in Abu Dhabi. Lando would crumble. Lando would bottle it. No doubt. Which is why I think Lando will never be a WDC.
I really hope Oscar will give him hell rather sooner than later. People forget that it's only the second season for Oscar and he's performing really well. Oscar is WDC material.
(Yet I can still see McLaren throw away a victory for Oscar because they do not want their precious man child to feel like the second driver)
Absolutely. Dare I even say put Lando in Ferrari 2022, I think he would retire. There's a reason why Lewis and Max are WDCs and why Charles over every other driver, even Lando, is hailed as the next WDC. Let's talk about Nico Rosberg shaving paint off his helmet and changing diet to lose 500g, Max wanting to just go to his mother's house for a week after 2021–a WDC fight is as much a mental battle as it is one of skill. If Lando enters a title fight, his opponent would be one of Max, Charles, or Oscar. Max would not hesitate to resort to Max Max tactics, which I don't think Lando would be able to deal with. Charles would definitely utilise the power of the tifosi which means that Lando would lose his cool by the time he hits Monza and gets booed. And Oscar would be his teammate in a title fight and Oscar is just so much less bothered by everything compared to Lando, so Lando would twist himself in knots and make a fool of himself.
As much as I love Landoscar, the cracks are starting to show there. Oscar would have won Miami if McLaren had not pitted him first, he keeps getting fucked by strategy this season one way or another, but he's driving very close to Lando's level, and like you said he's only in his SECOND SEASON. Lando is in his SIXTH. McLaren will choose Lando any day because he's been with the team for longest (even in his junior career), but I think Oscar's already started asking questions, and I don't see him staying past 2026. I'm reminded of that WIRED video where Lando says of him and Oscar "we're rivals, but we have to pretend that we're besties". He was joking, but it made me pause and go "hm. interesting." We're going to see that fall apart, no doubt. Personally, I'm seated, and Oscar is a Leclerc so he gets me in the divorce.
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koolades-world · 3 days
Congrats on 2k!
Could you maybe do prompt number seven with Belphie, but instead he's the one wearing MC's shirt rather than MC being the one wearing his? (I know people always assume MC's smaller than all of them, but just let me have this 😞🙏 /hj)
I mean, I don't really know what the prompt could indicate, so I thought I should clarify
thank you! yes of course i can!
since i got two asmo ones for this prompt too, i almost spun one to be asmo wearing mcs shirt, but then i saw this request! you read my mind haha
i'm glad this prompt is well liked because it's gotta be one of my favorites
not sure what my upcoming posting schedule will be either because i just downloaded wuthering waves and my man's (jiyan) banner is about to go away since i didn't start on launch. he goes away in three days. i must have him.
enjoy <3
prompt 7 w/ Belphie
Another day was finally over. It’d been fun, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t long. You had a day out with friends from breakfast, to a movie, then to someone else’s house where you spent the rest of your day hanging out. You hadn’t spent much time with them recently, and you felt as if was much needed catch up time. But, you couldn’t deny how tired you were now that the adrenaline had died down.
You were eager to get home and rest. But, the lounging clothing you’d laid out on your bed was missing. Well, half missing. The pants were exactly where’d you left them, but your shirt was nowhere to be seen. So the hunt for it began. Usually, you’d let it go but it was your last lounge shirt and considering you were currently waiting in the line to do your laundry, you didn’t have a choice.
You started in Mammon’s room. He wasn’t there, so you searched all the usual places he would hide things he snatched from you. While you were searching, he walked in on you rifling through his closet. Once you told him, he vehimently denied, but did suggest you text the group chat asking if anyone else had seen it. You thought it was a pretty good idea, but wanted to check a few more places first, in case it was in plain sight.
Next, you made your way to Levi’s room. It probably wasn’t in there, but if you wanted to ask him, you’d have to go in person. He was too busy playing his games to answer any text messages. After giving the secret knock and password, he opened the door for you. He was happy to see you and asked if you were up to play something with him tonight. However, once you informed him of your situation, he told you he hadn’t seen it, which you kind figured. Both of you knew he hadn’t left his room today. With that, you told him you would love to do something with him later, but you had to continue your search.
You decided to check one more place before you sent out the text. You knew Beel would be in his room because you’d arrived home at around the same time as you and he’d told you he’d be there after his shower. You made sure to knock, and after he opened the door, you asked if he’d seen your shirt. Unfortunately, he says he hadn’t and asked if he could help in any way. You thanked him for his kind offer, and just asked him to keep an eye out for it. With that information, you left and went back to your room.
Since it was your last resort, you sent a message to the group chat, simply asking if anyone had seen it. Everyone reponsed pretty quickly, save for Levi and Belphie. You’d already talked with Levi, and you knew he hadn’t seen it. Belphie, however, you hadn’t seen. He must’ve been asleep somewhere. Not in his own bed, at least. Since you didn’t have anything to wear, you decided to get something small to eat while you mulled over what to do. You could always borrow something from one of the brothers, but you were a little afraid you’d start a war if the other brothers found out you picked someone else. But, you weren’t about to wear any of your any day clothes to bed.
As you grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry and settled in a seat at the kitchen island to think about your next move, Belphie walked in. He had his cow pillow as usual and a blanket that had been a gift from his twin draped around his shoulders. “Mc. You’re back.” He sat next to you and set his head on your shoulder.
“Hey, Belphie. How was your day?” He looked very comfortable, and the way he dragged himself to your side basically answered the question.
“I had a great nap outside today. Beel went out for a hike and carried me on his back. We spent some time at the top of nice hill in some shade. It was great,” he sleepily recalled.
“Glad to hear you had a good day. My day wasn’t nearly as relaxed, but I still enjoyed it.” You unclipped the bag of chips and began munching.
“I was just about to ask how that went.” He looked intrigued at what you were eating, so you turned the bag around so he could see the label.
“Yeah, it was super fun. I won’t like though, I’m tired and I’m not even sure I can stay awake for dinner.” Belphie reached around you to grab a chip. When he did so though, you got a better glimpse at what he was wearing. He had on some slouchy, comfy looking pajama pants, and an awfully familiar shirt. Just the one you’d been searching for. “Belphie, is that my shirt?” You struggled to contain your giggles. You couldn’t believe he’d just had it all along.
“It’s very soft. And I missed you. So I just borrowed it,” he stated matter-of-factly.
“You’re adorable, you know that?” You gave him a quick kiss on the top of his head, much to his delight.
“So, if I borrow your things more often, I get more kisses?” He gazed up at you mischievously.
“As long as you promise to return them. I do need that back today though. Any other time I wouldn’t care, but that’s my last shirt.” With your statement, he shrugged the blanket off his shoulders and moved to remove the shirt. Slightly alarmed, you placed your hands on his shoulders to stop him. “Not right here!” He chuckled at your exclamation.
“Well, you didn’t specify.” He was such a little shit and he knew it. But, he also knew he could get away with it.
“If you’re so eager to take it off, let’s go to my room or something.” It was your turn to laugh.
“What are we waiting for them?” With the most energy you’d seen out of him in the past week, he grabbed your hand and effectively dragged you after him. You had a soft spot for him, and you both knew that. You loved this cheeky, mischievous demon with all your heart. He loved you back to. He always looked at you with a caring, soft gaze that was reserved for you and you alone. How lucky were the both of you.
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mopopshop · 2 days
i need angst w emily pls anything 🙏
Tension (Emily Engstler x OC)
summary: emily keeps running into her past flings and gabi gets jealous, kinda toxic but they love each other at the end of the day
i love this one a lot so i hope y’all enjoy!!!
You really only enjoy parties when you're with Emily, but you don't get to indulge in those too often since she's usually at practice. 
 But tonight, the plan is just fun, and when Emily asks if you want to go out to a party, you can't help how stupidly excited you get. You dress in a denim mini skirt and a black crop top. Your makeup is done as usual, topped off with a glossy lip.
You almost don't make it out of the house because Emily can't keep her hands to herself, but alas, you do, enjoying the free drinks and music when you arrive.
You've been there for about an hour when you leave Emily in the hallway momentarily to grab another drink. 
You return minutes later, a little giddy, "Just the way you like, drink up" you insist, holding your red solo cup to Emily who shakes her head uninterested.
 "Eh, not tonight. Ion really feel like it"
"Just a taste, Em. I could have a future in bartending." You say taking a sip of her drink to show how good it tastes. Instead of drinking from the cup, she pulls you in by your waist and kisses your lips, sucking on your bottom lip, 
"Hmm yeah that's kinda good."
You chuckle and roll your eyes at her antics, putting her drink on a random table and sip on your own as you stay cozy in her arms. "I think they should pay me to mix drinks for people instead of giving people that crappy jungle juice."
"Yeah? You tryna get into business?"
"Mhmm. Don't you think I'll make a fortune?"
"I mean you're mad sexy and selling good drinks. I don't see why not."
"Maybe we can go into business together, party favors all wrapped in one." Before Emily can tell you you're tripping, a girl strides up to you both.
She turns to the girl she doesn't recognize, "Hi..?” 
"It's Leslie. From a few years back," she explains.
"Ohhh shit. Hi," she says, dropping her arm from you to lean in to hug Leslie. "Thought you and your family moved?"
"We did. I was just back visiting some friends for the weekend. It's good to see you."
"You too. This is my girl, Gabi," she introduces, and you shyly wave.
"I'm Leslie. Nice to meet you. Emily and I were cool back in the day.” she explains then turns back to Emily “We should catch up while I'm here," she grins.
"Yeah uh.. I'm a little busy but we can see."
"Sweet, see you then," she says. "Nice to meet you, Gabi."
When she walks off, you get a flashback from a party you went to about a month back.
Emily was with the team that night, so you weren't around her like you usually would be. After giving her a few minutes of space you go searching. 
Finding her in a hallway where she and some girl are talking. They're both posted up against the wall like they've been talking for a while. And it's not that you're immediately jealous. You're merely curious. Your girlfriend isn't much of a talker, especially to strangers, so you're wondering who she is and why she seems so comfortable chatting with the stranger. You walk down the hall, and Emily catches your eye before you make it to them. She shoots you a smile and wraps an arm around you when you reach her.
"You having a good time?" she asks.
You nod and look over to the girl, Emily noticed and introduces her "This is Jen. We used to chill back in the day. This is my girlfriend, Gabi," she introduces.
Jenny smiles and nods, "Nice to meet you. You're lucky, Em has always been such a good person."
Your eyes twitch at the use of ‘Em’ but you smile and look up at your girlfriend, "I know. How did you guys meet?"
"Um, through a friend of a friend really. We used to hang a lot after parties. We were just reckless horny teenagers, you know how it is," Jenny says.
It finally dawns on you that this is one of Emily's previous hookups. You don't say that you, in fact, 'don't know how it is,' but remain polite nonetheless, "Yeah, of course. It was nice meeting you."
"You too. Good seeing you, Em! You look good."
You narrow your gaze at that ending comment, and as if Emily can read your mind, she reassures you.
“Baby, chill. She didn’t mean it like that”
"I didn't even say anything, Emily," you say defensively.
"Yeah, but I know my girl. You're real expressive and don't need to speak for me to know what you're thinking. Just know you’re the only girl I want, m’kay?"
So by the time it happens again, you already know their history before Emily explains anything, but you ask anyway.
"Who was that?" you ask.
She shrugs and sniffs, "Old friend."
"From school?"
"Mhmm," she says, looking down the hall. Seemingly avoiding everywhere but your eyes. 
"Why can't you look at me?" You ask because Emily finds it incredibly hard not to tell you the truth when you're staring at her. She can tell you've been reaching your limit lately with people approaching her, and she just doesn't want to send you over the edge. 
"I am looking at you," she chuckles, turning back to look at you and pecking your lips. You narrow your gaze up at her.
 "Why are you being awkward?"
"I didn’t mean to. Sorry." she says then quickly goes back to no eye contact. 
"Did something happen with you two?" you ask, grabbing her chin and turning it to look at you. "Hmm?"
"Um, I mean, we weren't like together or anything like that. Just hooked up a couple times," she admits. You nod, hands caressing the back of her head.
"That was forever ago," she's quick to explain. "Like she said, five or six years."
"Can I ask you something? And I want you to be honest," you say, moving from her head to your her hand and interlocking with hers.
"How many people have you been with before me?"
"Uh— like sexually..?" she questions and you nod in confirmation.
"Um, I don't really know to be honest."
Your brows shoot up, "What do you mean you don't know? Em, Is the number that high?"
"Why does it matter? It's just you now."
"I'm just curious. Is it over 5? 10?" you ask.
"Over 20?" you question then flinch when she doesn't reply, "Wow, Emily," you say, sipping your drink in disbelief.
 "Don't be upset, baby" she says, squeezing your waist.
"I'm not upset, it's just weird. It'd be nice to go to these parties and not run into every girl you've fucked. That's all," you say, seething through your teeth, walking off towards the kitchen to refill your drink.
"It's a small town, Gabbs. We're gonna run into some people."
You whip your head to her, " ‘Some people’ doesn’t mean be with nearly half of the girls our age in D.C"
"I was young. Like stupidly young, doing shit I wasn't supposed to. I grew out of that, chilled out for a while now and all that was before you anyway. Why you tripping?"
"I just don't like it. I'm your girlfriend, I don't like people you've been with coming up to us like you're still friends. It's weird, Em. And if you weren't my first and there were girls I've been with coming up to us every week, I know you would feel the same way."
"I get it, Gabi. I'm sorry. What you want me to do though?"
You shrug because realistically there's nothing you can do in this situation. You're upset and feel awkward and uncomfortable. Are the past girls looking up at you, wondering why Emily chose you? Were they wishing Emily was single so they can have a repeat of their nights with her? Why are they even so comfortable coming up to her to say hi? How did it end? Were any of them repeats? Your mind is just spiraling.
She takes your hand as she leads you out of the house and you both settle on the porch. "Ask me what you wanna ask. I can tell you're overthinking it and there ain't nothing to overthink," she says.
"I don't know, Em," you sigh, running your fingers through your hair.
"Just talk then. Say what's on your mind."
"I feel uncomfortable whenever someone comes up to us. I keep wondering why they're so comfortable coming up to you. Before you introduce me, are they trying to hook up again? Or how did y'all leave things? Were y’all friends with benefits, more? Or— I don't know. It's just really weird for me. I know I have no reason to be upset, like you've been with a lot of people, fine, but meeting them and— I don't know. I don't want to feel like I'm fighting to keep you interested in me. That's how I feel when we run into these girls."
Emily steps closer to you and wraps her arms around your waist, sensing your doubt. "Thank you for telling me. Would you like me to answer your questions?"
You nod.
"I've had a couple of friends with benefits. Leslie and Chelsea, the ones who were trying to make a move, were two of 'em. It's rare that I end things badly with someone; we just stop hooking up, so there's no bad blood, which is maybe why they come say hi. Never had anything more with any of them. You know you're my first girlfriend. There ain't no reason you gotta feel like you're competing with someone else. I'd put a ring on it if you let me."
You're still pouty and needing some affirmation, so you hold your left hand out. She chuckles, picking up your hand up and kissing it. "Gotta find your ring first."
"I'm sorry for being jealous. It's just really hard sometimes, Emily. I just wanna enjoy my nights with you without that or not worry when I don't come that they're gonna try something."
"They can try all they want. I'm not interested,
Gabbs. It ain't ever gonna be like that with nobody else. I'm in this with you for life; you're all I want. Come on now, you know that."
"I know, I do know that," you insist. "I trust you, Em. I really do. I just—it's just gonna take me a minute." You lean in to give her a chaste kiss. "Also, you still didn't tell me your number."
"Why you so curious?" She asks, stroking your chin. "I really don't keep track."
"What if, at the time, you caught an STI? How would you tell everyone you've slept with?"
Emily should be used to your random questions by now, but she doesn't know if she'll ever be. "I don't know, G. Come on, I don't wanna talk about this."
"Okay, okay," you say like you're about to drop it and then ask, "Just tell me like what is it around. 20, 40, 50?"
"Gabi," she chuckles. "I don't know, maybe around 20, 25."
You nod, processing the information. A brief moment of silence passes between you. "I'm not jealous, but I can't believe you even knew 25 people you wanted to sleep with."
"I mean, there wasn't really a bar to meet or nothing. I was just horny and puberty was ruining my shit. It's all I could think about at the time, so I was sleeping with whoever wanted to”
"Did you.. like use— any type of protection" you push.
"Baby," she sighs. "Why you interrogating me now?"
"What? You're sleeping with me now. I should know," you defend, looking up at her.
"And we got tested before we even started sleeping together, so that don't even matter."
"So I'm guessing that's a no," you conclude.
"Only with some I was sleeping with regularly. And they didn't crossover, so it was only unprotected sex with one person at a time. I wasn't that dense."
"Okay. Everything we've done, have you done it all before, or was any of it your first time?"
"A lot of it was my first time, Gabi. I'm telling you, that shit before was transactional on both ends. It was in and out, so all of this with you was still new for me. But even if it wasn't, I'm with you, G. So it's gonna be special for me no matter what."
"You good with the questions?" she asks when you don't ask a follow-up question.
"I think you're really in love with me, Em," you smile down in between you.
"I am."
"I know," you smile, wrapping your arms around her neck, your gaze shifting up to her. "I love you and I trust you. It's just strange sometimes, but I know you'll always choose me."
"Damn right."
"So when are you proposing?"
"It ain't gonna be a surprise if I tell you, G."
"But maybe like next year? Next two?" you try to gauge. Emily chuckles and kisses you. "Ain't telling you shit, baby, so you might as well stop asking."
"Okay, but like you'll tell me if I need to wear something nice the day of, right?" you mutter against her lips.
Emily ignores your insistent questioning, picks you up, and deepens the kiss, and that does the trick in shutting you up and getting your mind off it, at least for tonight.
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physalian · 1 day
There’s this unskippable Google AI ad on YouTube where this girl consults the robot about how to cancel dinner plans with the people across the table in the most annoying voice (likely because I have seen this ad now and had to listen to her asinine questions 20 times at least) and this ad, right here, speaks to my frustration around AI:
It disincentivizes critical thinking.
I know the ad is a joke and meant to be lighthearted and I’m only this annoyed because it’s unskippable and irritating af, but every time I see it all I can think is “if you can’t manage enough creativity and critical thinking to come up with your own excuse to cancel on your friends, maybe you shouldn’t have those friends.”
I have a relative who is firmly in the ChatGPT camp and, for example, yesterday I was trying to figure out how to compress a video file and was venting to them about it. They sent me back something I didn’t read from ChatGPT. Meanwhile, I looked up a YouTube video and figured out how to do the rest on my own, and getting the file compressed was immensely satisfying. Far more than mindlessly and thoughtlessly consulting the robot.
“It’s just like a YouTube video!” They’d told me.
No, a real person put time and effort into that video. That robot stole their content without their consent, didn’t credit them, and spat it back out. I used to patronizingly refer to ChatGPT as "the magic conch" and now I can barely do that anymore because that metaphor is becoming all-too real.
While I can understand the barriers it lowers—like if you struggle with writing the robot does it for you, or if you need a piece of art and are too poor, you can generate it for free. Mindless, repetitive tasks that eat up creative juices that can just be automated by a robot, too (even though everyone can tell when a response is canned and artificial and no one appreciates talking to a machine).
If you keep consulting ChatGPT for how to articulate what you want to say, or just straight-up having it do the hard work for you, you’re never going to learn. Yes it’s taken me 8 years to reach the quality and skill of writing I have but as another Tumblr post out there said: The time will pass anyway.
I can’t draw to the skill level that I’d like to. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to keep practicing until I get there. I thrive off that sense of accomplishment. There’s no little hit of dopamine from typing in a prompt and clicking a button and I certainly don’t appreciate the final product scalped without consequence from real artists.
Or, like when I had to fire a beta reader for flagrant abuse of AI in her work: I can copy-paste my manuscript into ChatGPT, too. I’d paid her for a human response, not garbage feedback that couldn’t understand what I was writing beyond that there were words on the page. I wanted so badly to ask her why she does a job in a creative field if she's just going to have a robot do all the fun parts? I beta read at a great loss of profit because I enjoy beta reading and it's a fiercely competetive market. Surely if she wanted to scam people, she could have done so in so many other ways. You don't need to know how to pen complex prose in your every day life, but by god, you do need to know how to effectively communicate, contextualize, and argue your perspective and this ridiculous ad joking about cancelling dinner plans sure is funny, until it isn't.
And I know the people who made AI probably did so with the best of intentions but people can be lazy and cheap and we love taking shortcuts to save money and I stand by this: "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
So. Yeah. This is a writing advice blog and this post has almost nothing to do with it, but that ad annoys me to no end and I had to say something somewhere about it. Bottom line: Robots were supposed to make the hard jobs, the monotonous jobs, the overcomplicated jobs, the belittling jobs easier, not make us all into pudding-boned Wall-E people. If you want to write, learning is absolutely free - write on the back of your grocery receipts for all I care. If you want to draw, pick up a notebook and pack of pencils from the local dollar store and start drawing.
What you made will always mean more to you than something that didn't cost you time, effort, brain power, or even money to obtain.
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huaidanta · 3 days
Observations about Fuuta's clothing choices
Some loose thoughts I had about Fuuta and what his clothing says about him. This was originally a twitter thread I made in November 2023 so it may be a bit jank since it was made to fit that format.
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So we already know that it's quite odd that Fuuta is the only one out of the guilty prisoners to have a clothing change for the 2nd trial. However, I find it especially interesting how his mask got swapped out for a hoodie.
Obviously, the point of a face mask is to cover part of your face. We see him wearing this mask in Bring It On and during Trial 1. While there's benefits of it protecting his identity, I personally believe he may be using it to conceal his insecurities.
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In comparison to the other characters, Fuuta has short and messy eyebrows, deep eyebags, and unconventional teeth. He's literally masking these, which is fitting with how he exudes a tough bravado to hide his inner cowardice.
Also, isn't it interesting that his older sister is a beautician?
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He also tends to wear baggy clothing or clothing that completely covers him up. The most skin we've ever seen from Fuuta is the birthday art (which still has him wearing the mask).
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There could also be something significant with him pushing his hair back and revealing more of his face than usual. As he's also wearing golden shoes, evocative of the European Golden Shoe awarded to top scoring football players, maybe this is Fuuta with fulfilled dreams and a greater sense of confidence.
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A reply I got on the original twitter thread pointed out that one of the first things we see in Bring It On is Fuuta getting ready for the day, putting on his hoodie and mask, and fixing his hair. Being shown this, we can infer that Fuuta does care about the way he presents (and conceals) himself.
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It should also be noted that Fuuta's armour changes throughout the song. He initially only wears a turtleneck, but starts wearing a black hood over it during the last chorus. His mask and hoodie are also items in his RPG inventory! It shows that these aren't just clothing items, but important pieces of "equipment" to him that boost his attack and/or defense.
(Note that fantasy Fuuta's outfit has double white lines on it which feels out of place in a fantasy setting. It of course ties to real life Fuuta's sporty clothing choices, including the hoodie. In this fantasy there are still elements of reality.)
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In Bring It On there's an emphasis on Fuuta properly wearing the mask but pulling it down when he's participating in the Dark Triad's activities.
If we go with my previous thinking that Fuuta uses the mask to hide his insecurities, it could mean that he feels most comfortable and secure when acting with the Dark Triad. Fuuta is someone that relies on the validation of others, so it would make sense that he feels most confident in himself when he's with a group of similar-minded people.
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(I'm also interested in these shots where we don't see the mask at all... The right image is especially intriguing as his mouth is covered despite not wearing the mask. It's a stark contrast to the nasty smirk he usually does when he's maskless.)
Anyways, he stops wearing the black mask in Trial 2, probably due to his injuries. He instead wears a black hoodie, distinct from the navy shirt he wore in Trial 1. He has essentially traded one concealing item for another concealing item.
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On his Trial 2 album cover, Fuuta has his hood up and is shielding himself with his hand. He's trying to hide away, to protect himself from the terror of persecution and the consequences of his actions. I find it eerily similar to the ending of Bring It On where he's doing the same thing but with an entire blanket as his hood.
This denial and hiding away from his sin is something even stated in Undercover.
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TLDR: Fuuta uses clothing, especially masks and hoods, to hide his insecurities and protect himself.
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raayllum · 1 day
so Ezran and Karim, right
The fact I'm making this meta, however small, when my third and final Mirrored Paths meta centring on Karim and Callum is still sitting in my drafts, is particularly rich. That said, this is sort, mostly speculative, and I do what I want.
Although Karim has the most parallels with Viren, particularly in his political path and choices, and Ezran mostly parallels Janai in Arc 2, I hit upon some interesting potential parallels, namely three main ones, that I think are worth talking about.
So let's get into it:
First off, Ezran and Karim are the only characters we see really negotiate with archdragons in S4 and S5, albeit for different reasons. Ezran invites Zubeia to Katolis and Karim seeks out Sol Regem, more similarly to how Ezran likewise seeks out Domina Profundis in S5.
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Ezran doesn't ask for help from Zubeia as well, but he does offer it: "If the Fallen Star is a threat the whole world will face, this is a chance to solve our problems together," whereas Karim offers a partnership and a request to a disinterested Sol Regem. Zubeia and Sol Regem don't have many parallels on the surface except for both being dragon monarchs, but there are some tethers with being lost in their grief, Zubeia being similarly hurt by dark magic in S5, and Zubeia saying that Zym's return "brought back [her] baby, hope, and her love" which echoes Regem's assertion that "I lost my hope long before I lost my sight".
There are more tangible parallels between Ezran and his archdragons (Domina, Rex Igneous) and Karim and Sol Regem, though. (There's also just a lot of bartering, offers, and exchanges in TDP in general, particularly in arc 2, but that's a meta for another day.)
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These similarities are mostly due to asking each of them for something; for Domina and Rex, Ezran needs information; for Karim, he needs literal, physical help. Where Ezran is asserted as the true king, needed by his kingdom, Karim offloads it onto Sol Regem.
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But just like Ezran asks for the dragons' aid, generally, in S5 to help hunt down Claudia and Viren (two humans in Xadia), Karim asks for help in getting rid of humans from the Xadian side of the border entirely.
Domina gives the information freely, but Regem and Rex both require a bit more... nudging, shall we say. And both dragons are convinced (seemingly, in S6 for Regem) by the right gift.
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Which fits nicely into our next parallel of sorts, regarding
Worth and Parental Keepsake
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Now, this is more of a contrasted parallel, of course. Karim asserts that the ring is worthless because it only has personal value (perhaps reaffirming his view of public relationships as something less important than political power, or his focus on symbols as something with immense value), whereas Ezran states that his crown has worth purely because of its sentimental meaning.
Additionally, while Janai loves Khessa and presumably their parents just as much as her brother, the same way that Callum loves Harrow just as much as Ezran does, it is the younger brothers who 1) seem to have always cared more about the throne in general and 2) who maintain keepsakes from their parental figure in comparison to their older sibling.
Which brings us rather nicely to our last point:
Brothers and Sisters
Like I've just said, Ezran and Karim are both the younger sibling and fiercely concerned with the future of their people; this is, admittedly, something Ezran and Janai likewise share ("to build a brighter future" amid other statements) but they have the hope and faith to get there. Karim is concerned with his own individual kingdom only, whereas Ezran has a broader view with Katolis at the top of his mind.
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There's also plenty that they could take from Karim's subplot and give to Ezran, honestly—particularly because TDP has a tendency towards exploring how the younger siblings are more heavily impacted by disagreements with the elder (Karim and Janai, Janai and Khessa), abandonment (Soren and Claudia), and death (Amaya and Sarai). We also have confirmation that Callum and Ezran will have a conflict in future seasons where Ezran will be inclined to pull rank about it, throwing Janai's line above into a new foreshadowing light, perhaps.
It also feels inevitable that the brothers are going to have a big wires crossed perspective moment. This could be over Runaan, what to do with Aaravos, or something else entirely, but it seems bound for there to be a moment where they expect to agree ("Who knows my brother better than I do?") and are shocked if not also angry when they disagree, heavily.
If it's over Runaan, this parallel would be particularly fitting due to 1) Karim and Ezran potentially pushing unforgiveness and 2) while Callum would free Runaan regardless because that's just who he is (nor do I think Ezran would actually want the elf trapped or jailed forever), Callum's desire to help Rayla and make her happy is undeniably a factor at play there, just as Amaya helps Janai realize that "Yes, absolutely, I do want to be queen" through both the trial and on the hillside, whereas Karim still believes that "Janai never wanted to be queen" so she will step aside.
Like I said, this is the most speculative, but it seems likely the Broyals will temporarily have a more bitter sibling feud for a time than we've seen, say, from even Soren and Claudia (though S6 could change things!) and I am not opposed.
Other Misc Thoughts / Speculation
Another interesting fact that, again, Ezran shares with both Karim and Janai, is the importance of a royal ancestor from 300 years ago. We know a decent amount more about Queen Aditi—the Merciful, the Kind, who outlawed blood duels and also bound Kim'Dael to her family tree, deeply trusted by the Archdragons, and then mysteriously vanished = was "swallowed"—than we do about the Orphan Queen.
However, the two women definitely have an interplay. One fell prey to Aaravos; one helped imprison him and discovered his treachery. There are also potential parallels if Ezran gets woven into more into the Key of Aaravos debacle, similarly to how only the True Ruler of Lux Aurea can free Kim'Dael, Janai leaving Karim a currently moot point.
That said, I don't think Ezran will have too much to do with the Key as it stands now; he's been pretty narratively removed from it despite being in plenty of seasons where it was actively around (s1, s2, s4, etc) and his main tether to it at all is the Orphan Queen herself. I also wouldn't be surprised if Janai ends up paralleling Aditi more than her brother (though he is, admittedly, the one working with Kim'Dael, so parallel points there) since Aditi seems like ultimately more of a positive than negative figure.
Additionally, we see Karim be reaffirmed time and time again as a 'student of history' in ways that only Viren really comes close to. Karim is our most indicative Mage Scholar character, calling upon history and its importance throughout most of his episode appearances, and his deep desire to return to the past is part of what makes him such a massive fuck up in ways even Viren never meandered into. While I don't think Ezran will have too much to do with the cube, I could see him doing research maybe now that he's back in Katolis on his own for a bit in early S6, and eventually finding out more about his royal ancestor and the cube his brother has, miles and miles away, subsequently for the audience's benefit (and horror?).
And yeah, that's about it! Hope you enjoyed about best king and worst prince until next time!
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grison-in-space · 7 hours
Hi! Just wanted to say, re:veganism discourse: Excellent Opinions, Great Delivery, Immaculate Vibes 👍 have a great day :)
cheers, ty! it is honestly sort of surprising to me that folks are reading along--as I said to someone else in DMs, I kind of figured that response was mostly something I was putting together in my own head, so I'm pleasantly surprised it's resonating with other people.
I am also just. :| not thrilled to have to be typing up all these "and here's how caring about animal welfare can radicalize you down all these shitty pathways if you add X and Y and Z" because at the end of the day I do think all species are worthy of basic respect; at the end of the day I do think there's nothing fundamentally better about me as a human than any other species. At the end of the day it actually matters a lot to me that my research mice are kept with as much enrichment as I can give them and that their lives and bodies and effort are honored and used wisely. It matters to me that the dogs I teach and the people I teach to train their dogs are learning with minimum stress and maximal confidence. These are all really important planks of my personal code of ethics!
It sucks to feel like I need to sit down and enumerate all the reasons that I think this other perspective of people who start in the same place I do--animals are neat individuals who encompass both the alien and the familiar, which share our lives in a multitude of ways--has developed in such a way that I think it encourages a really toxic way of relating both to animals and ourselves. In general I prefer to focus on places where I can agree with other folks, even if their opinions are different from mine. Someone in the notes brought up "struggle sessions," which are kind of the epitome of toxicity within the left: good values and a desire to help one another get so channeled through perfectionism and backbiting that you wind up with people gathering to literally torture and destroy each other. (Not just in China, either; it keeps happening, cf. Synanon in the US and the dissolution of the Japanese United Red Army.) That's not the kind of way I want to interact with people I'm supposed to be working together with.
So I try not to do that shit too much. I think about the places where people who have values just like mine go down rabbit holes and wind up in bad places, and I try and build barriers so I don't get burned out and angry and dissolve in a puff of flame. (I'm not directly engaging further with this anon for that reason, actually.) But just--aaaaaaaaauuuughhh, ARAs really irritate me because I can see where the roots are, and yet the entire ideology means that there essentially can't be listening. You can see that in the way I'm sitting here going "No, I know what your ideas are, here's why I have rejected them," and still I am getting exhortations to just listen and understand about ARA ideology. No. I did that, the last time there were protests about it in my workplace I went ahead and read the actual detailed IACUC reports released by FOIA that the protestors were shouting about, and bluntly it was a) not convincing and b) exactly the same appeals to emotional knee-jerk reactions and emotional flooding that I decried yesterday. Twenty years I have been checking my responses to these people, and it's never anything different.
I don't think that removing emotion totally from ethics and morals is wise or even possible--we use emotion for decisionmaking and encoding our values, after all, a person without emotion literally cannot decide things--but I do not like or tolerate subcultures that won't leave space to sit, think, and let the first knee-jerk rush of gut response die down. Sometimes, often, I do decide that my gut reaction is right! But I need the space to sit the fuck down and think about it, and if you take that to an ARA space you will mostly get flooded with more emotionally reactive imagery until you agree or leave. And that is coercive.
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It's never too late for improvement! I love both Hunter and Beatrix, but personally I think Beatrix is my favourite.
She is such a deep character: the details you gave us about her backstory, her character and how she grew as one are just absolutely wonderful and so well done.
The fact that I love about her it's probably her saddest one: that she was given a mind and a body against her will and had to forcefully live like that. I'd really like to see more about her earlier days where she struggled more because of that. Not because I like to see her suffer ofc HAHAHAHAH But because I think that would be very interesting to see how she grew from that to the B2 we all know and love now :) (and because that gives me more than one reason to hug her and caress her head UEUEUEUE)
I'd also really love to see more about her and Val! God, those draws of them are stuck in my mind, I love duos like them GNFJFNFJDBF
About her and Hunter- GAAAH LLEEEHHFBFJDNFIEJ I love them and I'd really want them to be together, but maybe it's better in another universe where he hasn't done all that stuff :'') (I was too late to vote on the poll that said to forgive him or not, but I would've said no. Yeah I wouldn't hate him for the rest of my life because, as sad as it is it's the past so "it is what it is", but still I'd never forgive him for what he did)
But as I said, don't put yourself down like that. It's never too late to give us a new image of Beatrix and to give us more about her character and the rest of the story! I think that whatever you gave us until now is already so BBBBBBBEAUTIFUL, so I'm really curious about what you will give us in the future about that IDBFJSBFJSBHDE
But take your time and take care Starbs! 💖💖💖
Ahh i'm glad to hear about your point of view on Bee. Maybe I was overthinking a lot these past few days because I couldn't draw Fusionsprunt comics. Turns out I was basically forcing myself to make art for every bit of lore shared... I'll try my best not to do it again and simply post some bits of lore here and there.
There's honestly so much about being given a body and mind against your will, and it's not the first time these themes have been explored (IHNMAIMS for example, like you mentioned!). I was afraid B2's character was pushed aside because Hunter was getting more attention, despite the fact he is not the main character. It was upsetting at first, because I'm very attached to her. I'd like to give both of these two some time to shine. They have a lot of stories to tell (and many battles to fight).
Thank you for your ask! This made me feel a little bit more relieved.
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martinsharmony · 3 days
David's autograph, my gift to him and his panel at Fan Expo Dallas
Day 3 of Fan Expo Dallas and the day that I got David's autograph AND I gave him a bracelet that I made him.
So, since his flight was cancelled on Friday, he came in on early Saturday afternoon which meant he went straight into autographs and then had a full afternoon of photos. Then he went *back* to sign autographs from 7 until (I heard) after 10pm. The con itself closes at 7.
Now the email everyone who bought autographs got was confusing because it said he would stay until every last person got their moment BUT IT DID NOT SAY Saturday only. It said 2pm and 7pm but it did not say a day at all. I thought this meant BOTH days but NO. I had actually planned to go at 7 tonight because the 2pm hour was pretty crazy. THANK GOD I DIDN'T.
I had gone early to go to the Jonathan Frakes panel and just on a whim I decided to scout out the David autograph table to get the lay of the land and understand where I would need to be. I saw a ton of people in line but at that time (12:20ish) he wasn't due to arrive at the table for at least another hour and a half. So I asked. I was told he had to be on a flight after the show so 2pm was the only autograph time for him today. And furthermore he only had an hour and a half window to do the autographs today because he had a panel at 3:30.
Now, I had VIP tickets. I splurged for that because I decided it was worth it to me to not have to wait in line and get in first/be up front in panels. I was right. If I ever go to another con, I'm getting VIP. Understanding of course that I ONLY go to cons if there is a must see person like this there. I really wouldn't have gone at all if David wasn't there.
So since I was VIP, I was directed to another line that only had 1 person in it. That meant we got to see him first before everyone in that insane long line. Perfect. This is what I wanted and really the reason why I bought VIP. I wanted to give him this.
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I make jewelry for people to show them I love them. Each piece is a "portrait" of the person I give it to. I think about the person and choose materials and designs that represent that person to me. These are my art. I don't sell them. I've made them for friends, family and celebrities- namely Martin Gore and Alan Wilder from Depeche Mode. Alan's was the 1st one I ever made.
Anyway, this bracelet is David. There's a lot in here and I couldn't possibly detail it all, but you can see the pride colors obviously and the trans colors are represented as well however a bit more subtly. The bead frame style is a signature of mine - I almost always include it in some way. The hematite gives it a bit of masculinity while the soft colors balance it out with a bit of femininity. The white beads remind me of his goodness and purity of heart, and the flat blue-ish abalone beads remind me of his red carpet styles. It's a little showy and a little ordinary. A bit flamboyant and a bit everyday. A little masculine and a little feminine. I thought the micro black spacer beads gave it a nice polished finish, and the gunmetal clasp ties it all together and goes with the hematite nicely. Interestingly I started off making something completely different and started over because it felt "too fancy" to me for David. It needed more color and more playfulness.
I didn't say a word to anyone about wanting to give it to him because I didn't want to be told no. I wasn't planning to talk his ear off. I just wanted to give him what I made and make sure he knew I made it and that it was a portrait of him.
So I'm 2nd in line behind the ADA folks of which there were about 3 or 4. It's my turn. I say I *made* this for him and that it's a portrait of sorts. The pride colors are represented and the trans colors too. He took it and looked at it (I think he had already signed my pic at this time) and said Thank you! and set it aside to his left. I said Thank you! and was out. I really can't remember exactly what was said. We were not allowed to take pics or film (so any pics you see at the autograph table from Dallas were taken surreptitiously).
My stomach was nervous all day long in anticipation of this moment. I slept about 4 hours last night despite being exhausted from a full con day the day before.
I'm kicking myself a bit for not asking if I could put it on him. When I saw him at the table the only thing on his wrists was a watch, but when he showed up at his panel he was wearing something on his right wrist that was not my bracelet. But now that I think about it I probably would have been disappointed if he had said no thank you or declined in some (most likely polite) way - probably because the line needed to keep moving.
I'm choosing to believe he tucked it safely away in his bag when he was finished with TWO HOURS of autographs at that table and that he has it with him now. It wasn't stretchy like it seems those other ones he was wearing yesterday were. I considered making it stretchy but decided against it because I'm not so skilled in that style.
We got some lunch then got in line for his panel. It was 45 mins away and the VIP line was already super long. *sigh*. He didn't show up until 4 (half an hour late) most likely because he had to finish signing everything because he was leaving immediately after. But they let him have his whole hour and did not cut him off.
We got a nice surprise! The schedule said it would only be David but Catherine Tate joined him and acted as moderator! I like this so much better than having an actual moderator. They really didn't need one at all - It was so fun seeing them bounce off each other and she did a really good job. David immediately took off his shoes and talked about his socks extensively lol. He also laid down on the couch and said he had jet lag. (Everyone in multiple panels had been saying how comfortable that couch was) Donna also said that David "Does not regard chairs in the traditional way". I was like !!! Yes! We have actual verbal confirmation that David does not sit in chairs normally! He said he likes to "perch" and then proceeded to do so. I was reminded of the lips chair he tried to sit on lol.
I didn't take a lot of video of the panel. I didn't want to be the asshole with a phone up the entire time. I'm sure someone filmed the whole thing so I'll look for it on YouTube. I did snap a few photos.
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Overall I'm very happy. It was a nerve wracking and exhausting couple days but David was such a trooper for staying so late to take care of everyone when he probably hadn't slept in over a day at least. The other problems were not his fault. Everyone I talked to who had time with him said he was so nice and sweet.
One thing he said during the panel is that the con experience is a joyful one for him because he is one of us. He waited in line to see Tom Baker when he was 10 so he understands the joy we have and shares it.
David is a treasure. I love him so much.
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mandy-asimp · 8 hours
A game for two
Pairing: emily Prentiss x fem! Reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: teasing, profanity, smut, fluff(?),
Summary: y/n is the youngest agent with a TikTok account. And after video goes viral, people notice a connection between her and emily.
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"Come on Pen! It'll be a quick break. No longer than thirty minutes!" Y/n beamed as she dragged Penelope from her office.
It was a known scene for anyone to see. The youngest member of the BAU pulling someone or a few others with her to teach them a new trend. Posting on a page she ran and deemed the official BAU page, naming it bootylicious_BAUbaddies. Fitting.
"What even is the trend this time? You post like every single day, people are gonna think we don't do our jobs." The blonde grabbed the phone. It was a complex dance with a lot of camera work. "This is what you want to post onto the BAU page? You don't think it's a bit risqué?"
The word made Y/n laugh, "it's an unofficial page under my personal information. I can post whatever I want. Plus, you are the only one who understands camera work." That's when her eyes landed on Matt and JJ walking in. "Omg! Can you guys throw papers and be flashlights?!"
"Y/n...we just got home from a case. It's almost midnight." JJ sighed, putting her stuff down anyways to help out. "Is it another dance?"
"Another? You did one today?" Penelope frowned, had Y/n found someone else to film her?
"It was a rough draft of the dance. So I could critique it and work on it. I only learned it this morning. Spencer filmed...but he doesn't have your magic Penelope," she reassured. "Lights on the sides at all times, Penelope moves forward following me, and it'll be a one take if you do it right."
Emily watched the one take from her office. Amazed by how smoothly someone could move even after a long day of murder. But yet, there was Y/n. Stretching very lightly before getting in position. The faint music from the phone played as Y/n moved in ways that made Emily blush from her office.
"You had all this energy for that dance, but you didn't have enough when running?" JJ teased, putting her phone away as she collected her belongings. "Goodnight to you all, I hopefully won't see you till nine." She left quickly, needing to get home.
Everyone else was close behind as their day came to an end. Another case and dance completed.
What Y/n didn't know, was that dance would be the one to bring her page to light.
By the morning, when Y/n was on her way, she had checked. Laughing a little bit about is the video blew up, but she scrolled and found another little idea to do. It was something simple and sweet, giving a kiss on the cheek to everyone and seeing their reaction.
It truly was harmless since the team was used to her affectionate behavior. She made it known that she cares for everyone on levels they don't even realize. How she had made it a point to spend time with them all individually continuously.
By the time she got to the bureau she could spot almost nobody. Her eyes jumped to the round table room, frowning as they all waved her in.
She set her stuff down and trudged over, "one day serial killers will respect our schedule." She sat before looking at the screen. Her frown instantly becoming laughter as it was her video. "Thats what you all were in here for?"
"Well it's only been up for a few hours and it's already surpassed three million likes." Penelope dropped the tablet with the data pulled up. "You put the BAU as one of the top units now."
"Means we'll have a lot more attention on us, and as the unit chief I have to remind you, just because it's personal, doesn't mean it won't affect you. If something is posted that is not appropriate to share, there will be consequences. Use this freedom wisely Y/n." Emily bowed her head and walked out. Heading to her office, where she would watch the dance over a few times before getting back to work.
And that's how most the day was. Just another paper work day with Y/n going around and gauging reactions from everyone for her next video.
Penelope covered her face and kissed her all over, leaving bright pink lipstick marks and a blushing Y/n. They also recorded the cleaning up and retouching as a separate video.
Luke gave his classic smile, which only earned him an eye roll and a playful laugh as he spun her and dipped her.
JJ smiled and gave a wide smile. The two talked about how sometimes the trends Y/n did brought light to such a dark job. And JJ really appreciated that.
Spencer was taken aback and started spewing facts about germs as Y/n wiped off her lips gloss from his cheek.
Rossi thought the trend was stupid, but still let it happen. Never having a smile on his face, making the viewers think he wasn't a happy old man.
The only one left was Emily. And Y/n couldn't have been happier. She knocked lightly before waltzing in. Setting the phone down on the desk, already recording as Y/n pulled over a chair.
"And what is this trend?" Emily looked at the camera, more watching how Y/n fixed her appearance and reapplied lip gloss. She was so entranced by the young agent.
Her eyes then jumped back to herself, she had silver hair and a few wrinkles. She wasn't as young as she used to be anymore. "You are still beautiful for your age, Prentiss." Her voice broke in. Could she read minds? "No you forget I'm one of the best qualifying new agents in my generation. Of course I can read your mind when you space off."
"Right..." Emily whispered. "So the trend?"
Y/n beamed, "yes the trend! In short because I can't tell you too much, it's quick simple, and everyone else can tell you that if you need another backing source. Even Rossi took part."
Emily pondered over for a second, but overall agreed. "Ok. I'll bite."
And so the younger grabbed Emily's phone, having already pre sent her the audio before walking in. "You know, I'm surprised you even have TikTok on your phone. I figured you would've been apart of the group that thinks it's useless and a waste of time. But then when I got the little notification that you joined, I have to admit, I got a bit excited. I can teach you about it if you ever need. And teach you any trend you want to learn." Y/n rambled on. Not giving Emily a chance to say anything as the sound started.
Soft music began to play as the two sat there and Y/n just so suddenly turned and kissed Emily's cheek. Her lip gloss shining against her pale skin, that soon turned a light pink. Her world went silent as her heart hammered and she looked to Y/n with a stunned smile.
It was silent as the two just stared at each other. But it wasn't a friendly stare it seems, Emily was looking absolutely smitten and Y/n could see it. The thought that her boss could possibly like her making her grow a matching pink.
The sound ended and began to replay, but was lost upon deaf ears. Suddenly the room felt different. Did it suddenly get warm in here?
Y/n was forced to watch as Emily glanced down to her lips. Licking her own in the process. It made her blush even deeper. "Emily..." she barely got out.
The silver fox leaned in closer to her prey. Suddenly eager to get just a taste. Her hand reached up to cup Y/n's soft cheek, feeling truly how warm she was. Smiling down at the stunned agent.
She pulled Y/n closer. Just barely touching their lips. Emily enjoyed the small gasp that escaped as her eyes widen in shock.
However, the knock at the door ruined their moment. Emily grabbed her phone, turning it off to end the song playing on repeat. That's when she noticed the other phone still recording the whole moment. And she flashed a smile to the camera, her canine seeming to twinkle in the light.
"Come in," she recomposed herself. Hands folded on the table.
Y/n on the other hand, had composed herself on the outside. But internally she was a wreck. She never knew Emily would be so capable of making her a mess. Yeah, she's thought about it, but it wasn't anything like what just happened.
JJ poked her head in. "We just got a case....it's bad." The worry on her face being enough for both to snap into work mode.
The case was over in a week. A week of sleepless nights and too much coffee. Everyone was exhausted.
"I can not wait to be on that plane," Y/n groaned. "I swear I'm taking tomorrow off. I'm going to sleep all day long."
"Now that does not sound like a bad idea," Luke agreed, along with the others. "A nice little at home day. What do you say Chief?" He turned to Emily.
She took a good look at everyone's exhausted face, and her decision was clear but she took too long to observe and didn't notice Y/n walking over and hugging her.
"If you say no, I will make the world think you actually hate us." Y/n playfully threatened, smiling up to her boss and practically skipping back to her bags. "I mean it." She suddenly had a serious face on.
Emily knew it was just the sleep deprivation that was causing this much attitude. But a little part of her, felt that she really did mean it. "Fine, tomorrow you can all have the day off. It'll be Saturday anyways." She gave in.
They all cheered as they boarded the plane. Spencer spread out on the small couch, JJ across curled up into a chair, Luke and Rossi on the other side sitting horizontally from each other, Matt and Tara in the other seats across from each other. Then there was Emily.
Y/n figured she would've sat across her, keeping a small space, but she wasn't complaining when she sat next to her. "Switching it up on me?" She teased.
"Mm well, I figured last time we were this close we got even closer." She threw back, reminding the agent of their last encounter. "Did you ever post the video?"
Slightly stunned, she shook her head. Her ponytail brushing against the seat and reminding her of her headache. She went to reach for it, eager to pull it out.
"Here," Emily broke in quickly. "Let me," her hands were up by the black rubber band suddenly. Carefully pulling at it and the hair. Dropping the hair tie onto the table and taking it upon herself to scratch the others head. Her nails sending tingles all down Y/n's body.
And y/n couldn't deny it, Emily was good with her hands. She seem to suddenly know how to touch her in ways she didn't even know. She scratched in the right spot and she hummed a moan as her eyes were shut.
The team all looked over to the two of them. Questioning at first but then laughing. "So she finally gets the famous 'Prentiss scratch," Spencer cracks the joke.
"Have you all had one..." Y/n sharply inhaled when she got a new spot. "Ohmygod..." she whispered as her face contorted.
"Enjoy it while it last, you only experience it once. Mine was four years ago." Luke mentioned.
"Mine was for my birthday, I felt like my hair was thirty times lighter." JJ gave her experience. Soon everyone was talking about theirs.
And before she could process any words, Emily's hands were leaving from her head. "No, don't stop!" She protested, earning chuckles from around at the reaction. But her hands left anyways, and Y/n whipped to look at Emily. Her pupils blown wide.
It wasn't a reaction Emily thought she could get. Did her touch really work her agent up that much? A sly smirk crossed her lips as she shook her head and turned away.
"You can't just give us the knowledge of how good your head scratches are and then just rip it away! That's vicious!" She put up a fight. Hoping that it would get Emily to continue her actions. "I thought you liked us..." her eyes suddenly pleading.
"I'm with her on this one, come on Prentiss!" Luke played along. "It's a gift, those hands."
Y/n dropped her head to look at Emily's hands. They were stunning. How only a few rings decorated them, but they all matched perfectly. Matching the bracelet that wrapped her wrist. Then were her arms. Strong and yet so careful. Sculpted by the best.
"Those hands..." Y/n mouthed to herself. Her eyes snapping up to Emily's. Already finding hers staring back. With a huff and blushing cheeks, Y/n turned away.
Y/n woke up, but it was colder on the planes than usual. Everyone was asleep, and by best guess they still have four more hours. It was too cold to sleep though, she wanted her sweatshirt.
But she was on the inside, the window seat. It was either over and out or under or just climb over the sleeping woman.
"Do you need something?" Emily's eyes fluttered open. Her head rolling over to stare. Even waking up she was still beautiful.
"It's cold..." she mumbled. Hoping it wasn't to much to ask, "my sweatshirt is in my bag." But instead, Emily slipped out of hers and handed it over. Falling back asleep before any protest could begin.
She sat there with the sweatshirt in hand. Knowing there was nothing to do but put it on. And so she did, along with setting up her phone and grabbing the mic of her headphones.
The video began. "Hey vlog, or whatever...turns out, I read her ," the camera panned over to Emily. "Signs right! She gave me her sweatshirt and the video we made...guys listen I can't even add it in because of how intimate it is. Maybe I'm delusional though. Cause she's literally my boss ...I think I'm being crazy....nah, she definetly likes me. Emily Prentiss, I hope you're ready for what's next." And the video ended. Lasting a little over a minute.
But she didn't fall back asleep, she couldn't. Her mind raced with too much thoughts. For another two hours she had to weighs her pros and cons of going for it.
Eventually she rubbed her eyes and sighed. She leaned back and closed her eyes again. Counting sheep until she drifted off.
A few more hours had passed, leaving only an hour left until the landing. Emily had woken up know. Instantly feeling something on her shoulder. Slowly looking down, she saw Y/n peacefully asleep.
In her moment, she pulled out her phone and took a few pictures. Dropping it quickly as the other stirred awake. Lifting her head and peeling open her eyes.
"That was some good sleep, holy shit." She yawned. Her comment earning tired laughs from everyone else. She leaned over to Emily, "see how they all are followers? Waking up at the same time as me? Wannabes." She joked.
Emily shook her head. "I'm glad you got some sleep." She hummed. Checking her phone now, and when she opened it, the pictures were pulled up. She tried to swiped out of them, but Y/n had seen them.
Blushing madly when the woman met her eyes. It was a hard stare, causing feelings to arise when they shouldn't. Her legs squeezed slightly at the eye contact. "Was that...I'm sorry if I was leaning, I truly didn't mean to." The apology fell with a laugh following. It was genuine and still light. "You're a little weird though, Unit Cheif Prentiss. Taking pictures of your young sleeping agent."
Her comment was full of playfulness. Emily knew that easily. It made her smile slightly. "Can you blame me? When a cute agent as yourself is sleeping, it's no doubt I'd take pictures."
Y/n elbowed her arm and shook her head, looking down to her phone. "Be careful, if someone sees they'll think I'm your sugar baby." The joke fell without second thought.
It caught Emily off guard. How easy the joke was made. She didn't continue playing the game, silently pondering over the joke.
"Seems like someone can't handle being a sugar mommy," Tara teased from across the way. Having watched the entire interaction. "Should make it your lock screen, really sell it. It'll bring you in more sugar babies. Have one for everyday of the week."
Y/n scoffed with a smirk, "who says I wanna share my new found sugar mommy? I like the attention only on me."
The jet laughed. "You make enough to not even need a sugar mommy, plus, sharing is caring." Matt butted in now.
"Even if I don't need financial support, Prentiss is still attractive and also...I don't care." She gave a shrug, looping her arms with the woman next to her and leaning on her. "There's only room for one sugar baby in her life."
Emily couldn't believe the conversation she was hearing. The term they kept using. Sugar mommy. Would Y/n let her spoil her if she asked?
Then there was the physical contact. How she held onto her. Pushing her breast against her arm and holding on so possessively. Who says I wanna share....her words rang in Emily's head. She wouldn't want to have anyone else if she had her.
She took a quick glance down to the other, finding her completely unphased by the conversation. Instead she was scrolling through her phone, looking for a new trend to partake in.
It had been a few days now. Everyone was doing paperwork and trying to finish their day. That's when Penelope came rushing in towards Y/n.
"People are noticing!" She squealed as she put the phone onto the desk. There was an edit made between the young agent and her boss. Comments about how they look 'down bad' for each other. "You and Emily are becoming a very popular topic, fifth trending hashtag."
"That's hilarious. How much evidence is built against us now?" She scrolled through a few comments, them all making her smile. She took it upon herself to scroll further on the new hashtag. Over a thousand videos reacting to the edit and a few more edits.
"Just wait till they find out she's your sugar mommy," Tara came and took interest in the phone as well. "Looking at it now, you two do look like you're beating around the bush."
"Well that's cus it's only a one sided bush. Emily Prentiss does not want anything romantic to do with me." Y/n clicked off the phone, handing it back over. "She probably wants someone more wise and shit. I have a TikTok account with the term bootylicious in it."
Both woman looked down in disbelief. That when JJ came in. "I have know Emily for a while now, and I can tell you know, that woman let's you get away with more than she ever would've. There's definitely two sides of the bush."
The woman in question came out, looking over her team and being curious of what the women were all talking about. "What's the conversation?"
Y/n sighed, "we've become a trending hashtag. They're beginning to think we're more than just friends. Then Tara made the joke about when they find out you're my sugar mommy." She explained shortly. Leaving out the bush part.
"Oh? What are they saying?" Emily questioned, almost feeling desperate to hear more of this new information.
Penelope opened the phone and handed it over. The four letting their boss scroll a bit and read. A small smile cracking on her lips. "Yeah...wait till they find out you're my sugar baby." Emily joked as well.
Truly, she was hiding the sudden excitement. Was there a chance? Surely she had made enough moves for the other to figure it...right? She almost did kiss her the other week.
"I have a meeting though, if anything comes through just shoot me a text." She made her exit, the smile really growing as she couldn't stop thinking of the two together. The things that she would do.
But the thoughts got lost over the long day. Papers being filled out and turned in. By the end, everyone was just happy to be free.
Emily had walk out, her bag in hand. Confirming they were actually done.
"We so have to get drinks. We haven't had a day were we finished reasonably on time." Y/n groaned, stretching from her chair. "Plus I wanna do who we all think will be the drunkest."
"If it's a competition I'm so there," Luke agreed. "But you're so going down."
Tara scoffed, "you do not want to play any drinking game with that one. She reigns undefeated on girls nights."
"We don't know how she does it, she's held the title since the first night. We were all set up that night..." Penelope reminisced in the memory. How drunk they all were...
"But you're so welcomed to try, Alvez." She beamed in pride. "I say we all change and meet in an hour?"
They all agreed and began to walk out together. Emily noticed how Y/n walked over to Penelope's car. "I can drive you?" She offered. "I live closer than Pen does to you so she wouldn't have to go out her way."
She glanced to Penelope, her head now facing away from Emily. Giving the blonde a wink before turning back. "Sure, it makes more sense. Though, this is very sugar mommy esc of you, Emily." She joked as she walked over. Looking through her lashes with such an innocent look, "I bet you'll even put your hand on my thigh and help me pick what to wear, won't you?"
Emily stared down, her pupils dilating at the words. Her lips curled into a devious smile. Her mind running with possibilities.
She simply turned, leading back to her car. Opening the door for the other as she slowly rounded the car, the smirk never leaving her lips.
And for the entire drive her hand traced circled on the others thigh. Yet, Emily never got a reaction. Y/n played it cool and just scrolled through her phone.
Although, Y/n could hardly read anything on her screen. The burning sensation being the only thing she could truly think of. But she enjoyed the game, eager to see how much Emily could take before loosing it.
They parked and walked in silence next to each other. The teen in the main lobby giving a second glance at how the two looked. She had seen the edit and couldn't believe her eyes now. Quick to pull out her phone and film the two getting into the elevator. Capturing how Emily's right hand fell to Y/n's lower back and the two shared a look before moving. Disappearing into the silver box.
Y/n gave a small exhale once it was just the two of them. "Someone can't handle their own game?" Emily's words were quick. Her eyes already staring back and full of wonder.
"I don't know what you're getting at, Agent Prentiss" she tried to deny the grin but it was useless once she looked at Emily. The whole situation was just setting in to her.
It set in even faster when the silver fox had her against the elevator wall. Her right hand gripping at her jaw as the other held her close by the waist. "You don't seriously think you'll win, do you?" Her voice was vicious. "Y/n, you're so much smart than that." Her brown eyes scanned over ever feature, lasting the longest on the plush lips.
The elevator dinged, and in a blink Emily was off her. Standing as if nothing happened, but she was stunned when Y/n walked away...unbothered entirely.
Her hands fiddled with her keys before finding the one to unlock her apartment. Laughing lightly as Emily rested her hands on her hips. "You are handsy, I must say." She joked. As the door unlocked, her hips pushed back into the others, causing the hands to slip more forward. A playful gasp came, "maybe even too handsy!"
She broke from the grasp, entering the home and taking a deep breath. "It's nice to be home," she dropped her stuff by the door. Y/n disappeared around a corner, only giving the choice to follow.
When Emily obeyed, she was speechless. The view from the big window was insane. Being able to see over half the city and the bureau. "If you would like to pregame, I have a mean stash of dark."
"Trying to get me drunk already?" The older came closer, leaning against the cool marble counter. Once again, her answer was a mere laugh.
Y/n had this glimmer in her eyes. It's the same one she has every time she's about to say something unexpected. This time being no different.
She came close to her boss, leaning into her and pulling her down by the neck. "I don't need you to be drunk for you to sleep with me. I already have you and you didn't even notice, so much for a profiler." She backed off now, still housing that devious look. "It's a shame the teams waiting for us, would've loved to see where this went..." her voice trailed off as her eyes looked Emily up and down.
Y/n winked, leaving the guest in the living room as she went to her bedroom. At first not hearing foot steps behind her, then they were hot on her trail. Glancing over her shoulder, she couldn't help the rush of excitement at the frustrated Emily. Everything was going to plan.
Emily turned to shut the door, carefully and not slamming it. Spinning on her heal to really lay it down, but Y/n stood by the closet entrance fiddling with the hem of her shirt. Pulling it up slowly, but right when her bra shows, she turns. Entering the closet with a sexy sway in her hips.
She passed through her outfits, trying to find the new dress she ordered. As she was about to push the George Town sweater over, hands wrapped around her waist and a nose was burrowing into her hair.
She let it play out, continuing to search for the dress. Stepping over twice while the woman still held her. Her hand pushed the black formal dress over, finding just what she was looking for. She felt the felt of the hanger under her hand, but forgot everything by a new touch. Soft lips hovered over her neck, letting warm breaths fan over the skin. Skilled hands roaming up to her chest and cupping her boobs through the bra.
The moan was light, quiet. But the groan following from behind was deep, lustful. "Is that all it took? Touching you right?" Emily whispered against her ear.
Y/n wanted to cave in, she was ready to as well, but she knew just one more would win her everything. So, with a steady hand, she grabbed the dress and turned in Emily's arm. "And what would you know about touching me right? Do you fantasize about me? Is that how you know?" Her voice steadier than ever.
Emily let her tongue dart over her lips. "You have no idea..." she thought this was it. That drinks would be forgotten and she could finally have her.
But it's never easy with Y/n. "I can give you a sneak peak if you'd like..." she beamed up to Emily. Not giving her the chance to respond as the younger stood on her tip-toes to be next to her ear. Fake quiet moans falling from her plush lips, "oh...right there...yes Emily...yes.."
Her grip tightened on the other's waist as her breathing became erratic. "Baby, id make you scream." She leaned her lips closer. She was right there, lips practically on hers.
That's when the small laugh came, and Emily had no idea what was so funny. "I always win," was all she got out before breaking away and leaving Emily on the verge on loosing it.
She groaned again, this time in frustration. Her head was shaking as she tried to piece together what the next move could be. The dress, she figured.
Her eyes snapped up when she thought of the outfit. Hands covering her face as she tossed her head back. It hugged onto her so well, showing off enough legs to keep Emily busy for hours. The perfect amount of cleavage could be seen. And the flowy sleeves to give a little arm coverage. It fell right below her ass.
Emily swallowed thickly as she left towards the door. Trying to ignore the sound of laughter that followed her out. "Can't handle a little skin?" She teased as she brushed pass. Locking her door before looping her arm to Emily's and handing over her keys.
The action confused Emily. "Why didn't you bring a purse? I'm sure you had one?" They stood outside the elevator.
"I don't plan to come home tonight," Y/n hummed. She stepped a little closer to the woman, squeezing her arm just a little to bring her eyes down. "That is...if you give up first. Cause I can play this out all night. And personally, I don't think you can last all night."
"You have no idea what I'm capable of, bunny." She gave the new nickname. And it made Y/n's heart beat a little faster and her smile grow a little more. The blush dusting her cheeks as her pupils dilated a little more.
"Bunny? Is that because you're a silver fox?" Y/n joked, feeling excited at the new found name. The elevator opened and the two get on. Just them. Neither one stepping away or saying anything until they hit the eight floor.
The doors opened and in walked a man that seemed unfamiliar. He was fine as he was...until he gave a once over on Y/n, then one on Emily. The difference being the smirk he gave the first, then the disgusted he gave the second.
He seemed closer to Y/n's age, and that's what they assumed was the reason for his comment. "If you ever get tired of the old hag, I can support you." The words fell out and both agents seemed star struck.
"And what is it you do for a living?" Y/n asked, loving how the interacting had Emily pull her closer to her and wrapped her arm around to hold her hips.
"I'm a college professor. Youngest in my building." He flashed his smile. Enjoying the attention, but soon letting his mood fall when the woman shared a look. "And what does she do? Crochet and feed her cats?"
"She's the FBI's section chief....so I think she's got you beat..." Y/n shrugged with a mocking look. Getting a mean look as he got off on the fifth floor. Grumbling as he shook his head. The doors closed a few seconds after. "I told you people think you're my sugar mommy."
Emily scoffed and let the tiny smile spread on her lips. "Maybe you're the one who fantasizes...this whole sugar mommy talk. Would you like me to spoil you rotten? Is that what this whole game is?" Her hand sliding down from the hip to rest right on her lower back.
It was a quick motion suddenly. She pushed Y/n forward and let her arms wrap her up. Her left hand holding onto the left boob and her right hand gripping her right thigh.
Y/n's hips pushed back into Emily. "I don't kn-,"
"I don't know? But bunny, you do know. You know you want to give in and just let me have you." Her hand slid closer to her core. "We could have so much fun if you give in."
It was tempting, but she shook her head. They were at the second floor. Trying to ignore the hand slipping into her panties. How close she was.
The elevator dinged, and Emily was off in no time. Something she was so good at. Disappearing like a ghost. Leaving Y/n cold from her touch.
The doors opened and Y/n relooped their arms. Passing the teen in the lobby once again. Y/n flashing her a friendly smile as they left. Emily's car being right in the front.
It was about two in the morning, and the drinking battle was about to begin. With the entire bar watching, Luke and Y/n had ten shots of light, and three dark shots.
Matt stood behind him, cheering him on. Saying how the rumors were fake and she couldn't drink. And Y/n knew they were all drunk and just saying things cause they can.
Emily was behind her. Hands on her hips as she gave them a squeeze. "Put him in his place and make me proud, bunny." Her voice was seductive on all levels.
Y/n met Luke's eyes. Both having hands on the pool table by their first shot. "You're so fucked Alvez," she slurred. She leaned over to him slightly, "I'm gonna make her proud."
"Wait let's film this!" Penelope came up. Setting up one of their phones to capture both of them. Giving a drunk thumbs up as Tara stood on the other end.
She inhaled, "ok, I want it nice and clean. Ready.." the room went silent. "Set..." the two contestants glance at each other one last time. "Go!" Tara shouted.
It was a blur, truly. Shot after shot. They stayed close the entire time, but by the fifth, Luke began to slow by a millisecond. That was all Y/n need for a lead, and she jumped three shots ahead. Making it to the darks before he could get down his sixth. Cheering when she slammed down the last one.
Her arms in the air as the room cheered with her. "I told you Alvez! I make my woman proud!" She gloated around. Reaching and grabbing the two dark shots he never made it to and turned to hand one to Emily. Pleased when she understood and they shared the victory.
JJ laughed at the sight, "do you even have a limit?" She also grabbed an unfinished shot. Passing one to Tara and Penelope. Matt taking the last vodka shot and handing Rossi the dark.
Y/n shook her head with a wide smile. "I was the academies party animal. I had to be able to out drink everyone." She spilled her secrets.
"You're who threw the party that nearly caused a city power outage?" Tara furrowed her brows, enjoying the openness.
Y/n grinned, "that's me! I out drank Captain Johnson that night." She took pride in that achievement.
"Mmm as much as I would love to hear a drunk confession, we are closed. Your drinking battle was the last round I poured." The bartender came over and informed.
And everyone was out within half an hour. The team biding drunken goodbyes as they went their own ways. Everyone too drunk to notice Y/n and Emily leaving together.
Their drive back to the closer apartment being filled with humming and wind blowing through the car. They stopped at a stop sign, and Y/n stopped humming along.
A sudden realization that the night was almost over...and Emily had still yet to make the her move. "What's wrong?" Her voice rang through her head. "You seem upset now..." the worry laced her words, only to be countered with a cute pout.
"You're being stubborn." Y/n grumbled. The effects of how much she drank really getting her in the car. Which was new for Emily to be witnessing.
She figured that the passenger would be more submissive now, but that would be too easy. Y/n was the farthest thing from easy. Always throwing in a curve ball. This was her drunken curve ball.
While the light stayed red, she just acted. Grabbing Emily's jaw with her light pink nails digging just slightly into her soft flesh. She brought the older closer, tight to touching their lips.
"Why won't you give in?" She pouted. Eyes flickering down to her lips, then back up. "Do you not want me? Have you played me Emily?" Her voice was quiet and fragile.
A laugh nearly fell out of Emily's mouth, but she contained it. Grabbing the hand that held her face, "because I want to be able to do whatever I want with you." She pulled the hands away as the light turned green. Y/n huffed and crossed her arms. Looking away and out the window. "Pouting about it won't help your side, bunny. You could give in and we'd be over this game already."
"No," the response was instant. Her eyes wide and back on Emily. "I'll play this game forever until you give in. I know you want me in ways I can't even think of, so you'll be the one suffering. Especially since you can't do anything about it." She yapped. Her mind truly telling her that her plan was going to work.
Emily rolled her eyes as they pulled up to Y/n's apartment. Ignoring the questions of why they were here. She opened the passenger door, sighing at the agent who was acting childish.
"Y/n, let's go."
They got into a staring match. And Emily was just not having it anymore. It was late and she was tired just as much as the other was. So instead, she reached in.
"Wait no, stop!" Y/n tried to protest but the hold Emily had was too strong. She was thrown over the shoulder as she kept trying to get free. "Out me down! My butts gonna show!"
That's when a hand was placed over it. Holding the dress down and making Y/n burn red. As soon as it was there, it was gone and she was set down. Facing the elevator.
"You're no fun." She grumbled. Meeting the brown eyes in the reflection. It earned her a small laugh as the doors opened and she got nudged in.
"And you're drunk. If that's even possible." Emily joked. Her hands found home on the others waist. Holding her swaying body up and from falling. "But you did take thirteen shots in a row. Which I must say, is pretty impressive."
Y/n suddenly switched moods. Turning with a bright smile. "Anything to make you proud." Her eyes being genuine with each word. "Luke never stood a chance anyways."
"That confident from the start, huh?" Her brow arched in question.
Y/n shrugged, "I had you on my side from the start. Well actually I planned it and you fell right into the trap. But shhh that's a secret." Her index finger rose to her lips.
"Your trap?" Emily was full of curiosity now. What plan did she come up with? "Tell me about it?" But she shook her head, spinning to face the silver doors. "Please? What did that pretty head plan?" Still nothing. "Bunny?"
The doors opened and the younger was gone. Swaying while fidgeting with her keys for the right one.
It wasn't until Emily came up and carefully grabbed the keys. Getting the door open in only a few seconds. The accomplishment getting a loud cheer from Y/n, who was being directed into the apartment.
This did not set well with Y/n. And making it easy wasn't gonna happen either.
Before Emily knew it, she was chasing Y/n down the hallway. Scooping her up bridal style. "We do not need to be running around like this. Someone will hear us and file a complaint."
Y/n gave a chuckle, "we're the only ones on the floor," she pointed Emily's chest. Stumbling into the apartment and kicking off her shoes. She found her way to infront the big windows.
Emily moved in the silence to get a glass of water. She figured Y/n would stay by the window...but then again she just chased her down the hall.
Arms wrapped around her and a head hit the back of her dark silk shirt. The action was cute, she'd admit that, but she was also set to get some water in with all the alcohol.
Without thinking much of her actions, she turned and gently gripped the jaw. Tilting her head back and bring the glass to her lips. "Drink." Emily simply commanded. Watching at how easily she complied, tapping twice on her wrist to say she was done. "No. All of it. If you can do thirteen shots you can finish a glass of water."
Waking up, Y/n felt like hot garbage. She had to have been drunk last night for the consequences she would face. Especially once her stomach begin to turn. In a blink she was in the bathroom. Letting the night free from herself.
There was a hand holding back her hair and another on her back. And if she wasn't regretting whatever happened, she would've been in defense mode instantly.
"I'll go get you some water," Emily's voice rang in her head. Oh dear god. What happened last night?
She sat back and tried to recall anything. Not getting past roughly ten. She came home with Emily, then went out for drinks, then had said drinks.
The possibilities of what could've happened continue to haunt her. "Here," the voice broke her thoughts. She looked up to Emily, who was giving such a kind look almost always while looking at her and holding out a glass of water.
It made her feel less nervous. "Emily Prentiss, did you sleep with your sugar baby while she was drunk?" She joked about what she thought happened, taking the glass. She wanted to know what happened in the missing hours.
The comment made her boss flush pink, "no! No you were far too out of it for anything of that sorts..." She shook her head, pausing ever so slightly. "I'd want you to remeber screaming my name."
It was Y/n's turn to flush. "Well played." She downed the water and got up. "Unfortunately I don't remember much after ten...and seeing that it is well into the day makes me assume it was a long night?" She prepared to brush her teeth and rid of the lingering taste in her mouth.
Emily laughed at the confession. "So you would say you finally got drunk?" She teased, coming up close to the other. Y/n rolled her eyes and was about to walk away from the bathroom. But Emily grabbed her wrist and spun her back. Holding her firmly at the waist. "You didn't answer my question."
"Wouldn't you enjoy that? Me obeying you so easily?" Y/n was so easy to quip back. Never in the mood to back down. "And even if I did confess that to you, nobody would believe you."
Emily was surprised at the remark. "You think the team wouldn't believe me? And why's that? You have something to counter it?"
"If you as much say a word of me being drunk, you'll never get what you want. And I will make it only hell for you." She got closer, the two being nothing but a whisper apart.
"And what is it I want?"
"Confident much?"
Y/n answered with a smirk of many implications. Leaving the grasp to change into a different lounge outfit.
"Do you have any Saturday plans I should be aware of?" Emily sat on the edge of the bed. Watching as Y/n moved to collect a new outfit. Throwing each article onto the bed.
"Why yes, actually! I have a hot date coming over." She flashed a smile over her shoulder. "Wouldn't want to third wheel would you?"
Emily rolled her eyes and looked towards the window, facing away from Y/n. "Your date would be the one third wheeling." She was about to stand, but she was weighed down.
Y/n had made her way over into Emily's lap, straddling her and looking down to her. "You're right. Especially because you're my sugar mommy. If they touched you I think I would've lost it."
"So you admit it?" Emily had a hopefully grin. Hoping that maybe, just maybe, this was it.
"Admit to what exactly?"
"That you would let me spoil you. Be your sugar mommy?"
"Mm...no. I don't need your money. Plus, being a sugar mommy is an arrangement with no feelings involved. And if I wanted to put myself through a literal living hell than I would, but that's not on my bucket list. Not good for my mental state either." She answered truthfully without directly saying her truth.
Emily processed the words, slowly putting them together. Not realizing how Y/n began to form a smile and get up. Her head shaking while she thought in her own world.
"I don't have any Saturday plans. The most is finding some movie that I haven't seen before. Do you have any Saturday plans?" She began to get dress.
Emily was still in her own world with the words. And when she looked back to the now dressed woman, she was full of questions.
"So does that mean...?" Was all she let out, still not knowing if she meant was she meant.
Y/n laughed and came to stand in front of Emily. Hands on her shoulders, and Emily's pulled her closer by the back of her thighs. "You are the worst profiler in the entire unit," Y/n teased, a cocky smirk in her lips.
"But that whole little game you played? You're telling me you meant it?" Emily stared up, confused still by the idea of it.
Someone as young as Y/n having a crush on someone older. Old enough to be her mother almost.
"The idea is not that hard to grasp Emily Prentiss. I like you for you. I don't want you for some arrangement. I want you as my girlfriend." Y/n cupped her cheek, bringing her lips to be just a breath away. "But now that you mentioned my little game, just know I still plan to win."
The younger began to back up, making the mistake of turning her back on Emily. It was the second her back was turned, that Emily was moving. Spinning her around and pinning her between the dresser.
"I am not playing your game anymore. You're not going to tell me all that and then just walk away after a night of teasing." Emily's eyes were dark and swarming with emotions.
Y/n cupped her cheek once more, watching the woman lean into the touch. Turning her head to place a kiss to her palm. From her palm to her fingertips and back, the action caused Y/n to fail at comprehending anything. How delicate Emily's lips were against her skin. To be able to feel her lips pushing against her skin.
"Give in." Y/n whispered, knowing she was only a few seconds off from giving in herself.
"What is winning to you?" Emily kept placing kisses against her skin, trailing up her arm and to her neck.
They met eyes finally, a hair apart as they stared at each other. Y/n licked her lips, "everything." And that's when Emily closed the space. Kissing hungrily but softly. Tasting the fresh mint in a delightful way.
Y/n smiled in the kiss, putting just as much emotion into it as the other, if not more. How her heart was beating to a fast pace tune, her mind was silent with only thoughts of Emily.
The two stayed there for a little before the kiss began to get more heated. Emily dropped to scatter kisses all over the others neck. Taking Y/n by surprise with a bite to her pulse point, eliciting a gasp and a grip in the silver mane.
Y/n tried to push off the dresser, her back still digging into the edge, but it seemed Emily was lost in the moment and almost growled. The sound was deep and her voice came out gravelly. "I could practically eat you, you're so sweet. Letting me have you here."
Her hands slipped under the oversized shirt, feeling how soft and warm Y/n was in contrast to her cold hands. Her rings not helping as the metal touched the skin.
Y/n tried to push off again, growing eager to get to the bed. "Emily...the bed is right behind us." She managed out, eyes glossy as she scanned over the messy duvet. Her hand came up to her chest when she didn't get an answer, pushing her off slightly to break her trance.
Emily's breathing was erratic and her pupils blown wide. Her brows dropped as she was confused by the push. "You got a bit too lost there," Y/n blushed. "Is that really what I do to you?"
"Oh bunny you have no idea," Emily smirked. Throwing a look over her shoulder to the bed. "Are you sure about this?"
Y/n followed and glance over Emily's shoulder, looking at the bed. "Yes. But...I won Emily." She smirked up, watching the dread fill her eyes. "Oh trust me, you'll enjoy me being in charge. I'm full of surprises remember?"
The older groaned and took a step back. "What is it you want me to do?" She sounded almost defeated.
Y/n laughed and pushed her back to the end of the bed. Leaning over her slightly, "you make it seem like I'm going to torture you. You wait here for five minutes, I'll knock and you'll close your eyes and then I'll tell you to open them, m'kay?"
"That's it?"
"That's it."
"Fine." Emily agreed. Sitting for the two minutes on the edge of the bed, taking in every detail in the room. Hoping to see it again. The knock had came and Emily closed her eyes.
Y/n peeked her head in first, making sure they were closed. Before going in to set up her winning. She had changed into a cute lingerie set, one she knew Emily wouldn't be able to resist.
The outfit change taking five minutes. "Ok." She stood right in front of Emily. Entirely on display for her. "You can open your eyes."
And when Emily did, her mouth ran dry. Y/n looked absolutely stunning. "I don't.."
"Ruin me Emily Prentiss." Was all Y/n had to say before she was being pulled in and being covered in kisses.
Emily took her time covering every inch she could get with kisses. Leaving several hickies on her neck before scattering them all across her chest. To anyone else it would look like a whole different story.
Y/n's pants and moans spurred the boss on. She truly would start to believe Emily had fantasize about this for how she just knew where to touch. It made her squirm for more. "Mmm, Emily..."
"I'm going to take my time with you." She was nothing short of stating a fact. "You look so adorable in this set. Have you been saving it?" Her deep brown eyes bored down at Y/n. "Did you order it with that dress from last night? I never told you how good you looked." Her head dipped down and kissed over the hardened nipple. Sending a jolt of electricity through her body. "And then when you beat Alvez," a kiss to the other. "You truly are something special, Y/n."
Her hands slipped behind to unclasp the mesh bra. Freeing the boobs and watching them naturally be. Emily licked her lips once again, ducking to the right nipple first.
Her tongue swirling over it lightly at first, but then adding more pressure. Listening to the sinful sounds that rang in the room.
"Emily...please..." Y/n breathily begged. Not knowing if she was ready for what Emily was planning. But her answer was teeth grazing her chest. Earning a new sound from the woman above.
"Baby, best things come when you wait. I want to work you up so much that it's undeniable that you'll never want anyone else." Emily answered truthfully, continuing her ministrations.
Y/n was lost in the feeling, but it wasn't enough. And it was clear it wasn't going to be enough anytime soon.
And after minutes that felt like timeless hours, Emily began to move down further. Her hair tickling in her previous place. She was back to her loving kisses all across her thighs. Feeling the legs shake slightly.
"You're so easy to work up," Emily hummed against the inner thigh. Her eyes staring up at the beauty above her. Watching as her head shook side to side. "Really?"
"You're just better than what I imagined," Y/n confessed without thinking. Realizing her words too late to even take back, and she knew they fed Emily's ego like a three course meal.
She wanted more though. Emily pulled back and hovered over Y/n, a yearning look hidden behind all the lust. "You've imagine it? So you do admit it. You've thought about me in naughty ways, how perverted of you." A laugh followed out. Making Y/n suddenly feel small at the comment, and not in an enjoyable way.
There was no answer in return and that's when Emily could see through the clouds. She had crossed a line and potentially screwed everything up.
Without realizing, the silver fox backed off entirely. Moving to the end of the bed and rubbing her eyes a bit. "Y/n...I'm sorry if I've crossed a line."
The younger sat up, crawling over to the other. Grabbing her hands and holding them silently at first. Trying to gather the right words for this situation. "...it's ok, but just know you're dealing with a pillow princess in all honesty. I like to be treated highly, like when you call me bunny. I enjoy that very, very, much. Your stone cold demeanor is sexy at work, but I want the real Emily Prentiss. The one who knows what emotions are." She snuck her hand on Emily's cheek and leaned in. Kissing her softly and with unspoken words. "Now don't let this afternoon be ruined." Y/n whispered before slowly moving toward the middle of her bed.
Sitting on her knees with her back arched and pushing her bruised chest forward. Her eyes glistening for Emily to come finish what she's started.
And Emily was not going to miss her chance. She took a deep breath and her eyes were filled with lust again. Exciting Y/n on a new level. She made her way up, standing on her knees as her hands slipped around the smooth waist. Leaning in and claiming the plush lips as her own now, forcing Y/n to bend back as well. Emily sunk down with each kiss until she was eye level.
"Can I undress you?" Y/n fiddled with the shirt. Only now realizing that Emily was in her clothes. The shirt and sweats making her seem so at peace. But as her hardened nipples poked against the fabric, it was hard not to imagine the lack undergarments.
A small smile played on Emily's lips, "of course you can, bunny." The two stood and Y/n took her time. Trying to mentally prepare to see her wild thoughts with her own eyes now.
She played with the hem of the shirt, balling it up before pushing the fabric up. Showing of the freckles that adored her chest. Taking a moment to admire the skin details, eager to ingrain every spot into her brain.
Her eyes then jumped up to Emily, who was staring and focusing on every move. "You're absolutely stunning...." Y/n let the smile take over as she leaned in for a kiss. Their bare chests pressing against each other.
The warmth of Y/n clashing with the coldness of Emily. But together they balanced the other out. Cooling down the burning skin, and warming up the icy touches.
Pulling back only slightly, Y/n slid her hands down. Slipping her hands to push down the shorts. Revealing the simple black underwear.
"Those mine?" Y/n gave a playful laugh, figuring if everything else was.
Emily shook her head though, "no I went home while you were asleep. I had to change from last night's clothes."
Y/n furrowed her brows. "So then why wear my clothes?"
"So that even when you were asleep, I could still be surrounded by you." Emily answered so easily. Gaining blush from the younger.
Emily would've loved to stay in that moment, it was simple and the start of something new, but when Y/n stood there in nothing but lace panties, it was hard to stay there.
"I could be surrounded by you forever," Emily smirked before pushing the other back onto the bed. Not waiting to dive to where they both wanted her. She took a deep breath in, "you smell so sweet, do you taste this sweet?"
Y/n let out a giggle, "you could find out." She propped herself up a bit on her elbows. Finally seeing Emily between her legs, growing impossibly wetter at the sight.
Maybe it was the lighting, but the sparkle in Emily's brown eyes was enough to say she planned to. She littered a few more kisses, leading Y/n to believe that there was more teasing, but with the first swipe of her tongue, both knew how this was going to end.
It was like an instant addiction. One Emily would never get enough of and wouldn't want to try and quit. And maybe she got a little out of hand when she tore the panties right off. Causing a surprised gasp to echo in the room as she dived right back in.
The room being filled with Y/n cursing, panting, moaning, and lewd Emily's that slipped from her mouth. It had to be a crime how good she was.
"Mm..fuck Emily," her name came out broken on Y/n's tongue. Her head rolling into the comforter under her. Emily swirled around her clit, moving so smoothly.
The tightening in her stomach grew suddenly. But right as she thought she would find a release, Emily wasn't working her magic anymore. Instead, she watched as Y/n clenched around nothing before meeting her eyes. "I told you. And with how addicting you are bunny? God we're gonna have a fun time," she smirked. Her hands massaging at the pillowy thighs. "You're beautiful you know that? Anybody would be lucky to have you."
Her hands slid up to her waist. Squeezing it in her hands and humming. "You look amazing in everything as well. It would take an entire country to make you look bad. But even then, you'd still be the most beautiful." She kissed all over her stomach.
Kissing up between her boobs. Where she took notice of how ragged her breathing was. "To be able to share these moments with you, baby. I promise to never let you go. I'll make sure you're safe everyday."
Her lips pressed against her neck. Sinking into the already bruised skin and sucking. Listening to the moan. They drove her into a different dimension, she would swear on that.
Y/n choked on a gasp as two fingers slid into her, catching her once again by surprise. The burn of being stretched was tedious, but it melted into pure pleasure. "You..." she couldn't think as Emily moved her hand. Her mind drawing to a blank as her palm hit her clit as it went.
"Yes baby?"
"You...mmmph...do you mean it?"
"Every word."
Tears pricked in the corner of Y/n's eyes as the feeling drew her close again. She prayed her legs not to give her away, but they work on their own for Emily. It seems all of Y/n worked against her. They began to shake, trying to close around her hand and keep it there, but with Emily in between, it was useless.
"Please," Y/n huffed. Her back arching up off the cover. And when she was just one more thrust away, Emily was gone again. "You so suck." She panted while looking up at the white ceiling.
"Oh, is someone upset they didn't get their way?" Emily faked a pout. Leaning in close and placing a chaste kiss to her lips. "I've told you my plan."
"The working me up?! If that's the case I want to redo my reward." Y/n sat up quickly and crossed her arms.
"Oh yeah?" Emily laughed a bit, "and what is it you want now? Even if you change it all now, you're still all worked up and no release. Now who do you think is gonna give it to you?"
Y/n blinked a few times, really thinking it over. Emily was right. She was worked up twice and knew it wouldn't be the same now that she's had Emily. She pondered a little more before crossing her arms and looking away.
"Are you gonna keep pouting?" Emily tilted her head to the side. Not getting Y/n to look at her. She knew what the other was wanting, it was obvious. "You are one princess you know that?"
Y/n smirked over her shoulder. "I told you I was, remember? Right after you called me a pervert?"
"You gonna hold that over my head?"
"Till you're on your knees begging me, I will sit here and look away." Y/n looked away again. Letting the choice be up to Emily now.
And man did Emily enjoy this more than she thought. The brattiness wasn't over done and Y/n knew what she deserved. She still held more control than she let on. Emily could feel herself give in almost instantly too, but she held down for a few seconds.
Then, she pulled Y/n to the end of the bed and got down in front of her. Hands traveling up her legs and wrapping them around her own head. Emily now sat with her head between Y/n's legs and looking up to her.
She placed caring kisses to the thighs next to her. "Is this better?" Emily glanced through her lashes, meeting the others eyes.
"You're not begging." She had spoke down to her, a devious smirk pulling at her lip. "Why should I let you?"
"That's how you play?" A brief nod. A beat of silence. And a silent sigh of defeat. "Please bunny, I need to taste you again. You've denied me too long. Please, please, please, I need you." Her humorus tone disappears as as she spoke, turning into true desperation as she could smell the effect of her words.
Her hands held her thighs, her grip tightening. Y/n wasn't budging yet. She was holding out on her self just to watch Emily fall apart. "Y/n. Please. I can't wait long. Please."
Y/n gave a look, tilting her nose into the air a bit to look down. Opening her legs to give Emily access and wearing a winning smile. "That's so much better," her tone was cockier than ever. Even her moan as Emily took her first swipe again.
And even for the second time, Y/n still tasted just as addicting. She sounded even angelic with her sinful noises. Everything about her lured Emily further in. Almost loosing herself in the moment. Her mind could think of nothing other than the beauty on the bed.
"God, Y/n...." she hummed lowly. "You're just so delicious. So beautiful. So desirable." Her tongue picked up. Her thoughts of wanting to see the other fall apart becoming heavy. "Just like that baby."
Y/n gasped once more before her breath hitched in her throat. The knot in her stomach snapping without much warning. Her hand flew down to Emily's hair, nails scratching at her scalp as she rode out her high. Profanities running from her like no tomorrow.
Emily once again littered her kisses once more before coming up. Placing a kiss to Y/n's plush lips, but following as it turned into a soft make out.
"Fuck Emily." Y/n laughed. She couldn't help but to think of the moment that just happened. "You definitely had fantasies."
The silver fox shook her head with a smile, laying down and pulling the other into her. "You know how to lure someone in, it's hard not to think of you." She shrugged off her truth. "We still have the rest of the day....can I take you to dinner?"
"Aww, was I not fulfilling for you?" She joked one more time before kissing Emily. "I would very much like dinner with you. But....it looks like I was in a fight and lost..."
Emily sat up and looked down at the other. Scanning over the amount of love bruises that covered her. "That does seem like an issue, you don't have any makeup?" A shake of the head. "Well then I guess we're going on a run to get you makeup and something to cook for the night."
"We're gonna cook? Didn't you almost give someone food poising last time you cooked?" Y/n loved how the idea sounded, she was thrilled. "What'd you have in mind anyways?"
Emily let a nasty smirk take over again, and Y/n could hear the thoughts and laughed. "Something easy. Maybe pasta? Then after....who knows what'll be for desert."
The younger let out another laugh at the implied. "Fine, but I'll make it a deal. We make a video while cooking, and then I'm all yours again. But the video has to get at least 100 likes by the time we finish."
"And if it doesn't?"
Y/n let her smile grow even more, "then you get nothing."
A shrug was her answer, "I don't make the rules." She sighed, glancing to her bathroom. "I could go for a shower, couldn't you?"
Emily looked over to the bathroom as well, taking a second to process what was being implied. "I could, I really could!" The thought to see the woman in her arm dripping with water and soap worked her up all over again.
Monday had came again, and the team was back in the bullpen. Enjoying the paper work to the best they could.
Penelope however was walking at a dramatic pace to find Y/n. Eager to know about this weekend that was all over TikTok now. And she came in hot with her phone already being opened. "Y/n! Care to explain?" She shoved the phone in.
Y/n watched the cooking video, smiling at the time they had. "We spent our Saturday together. And maybe our Sunday too but that's all."
Tara laughed enough to let everyone know she was listening. "Cooking doesn't leave a mark on your neck though." She pointed out the hickey right below her ear.
The side eye she received was vicious, "I burnt myself curling my hair."
"Yeah ok," Emily walked in with a knowing smile.
Tara leaned over to JJ, "bet the curling iron was that Prentiss brand."
"All the way up to it seems," the blonde fed the joke. "And what did you cook?"
Y/n sighed, feigning hurt," you don't even follow my account? You've made like a gazillion appearances."
JJ shook her head, "I don't have TikTok. But let me guess, there was a deal within that video that only you two know about?"
Emily came back with her coffee in hand, and another for Y/n. "She didn't win."
Penelope had been standing there shock about how simple they made it seem. "So! What I'm getting is! You two?"
Emily and Y/n shared a secret conversation. Both letting an infectious smile appear, "yeah, us two." They said in union. Too busy getting lost within each other to listen to the blonde jump for joy.
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doraambrose · 2 days
do yyou have headcanons about Gotham itself? there are city maps and stuff to use for reference for where things are happening. locations, community, where do each of the rogues usually commit their crimes...? Where do you headcanon gotham to be? In new jersey or somplace else and how far away do you think metropolis is?
Hello friend!
I headcannon that gotham is basically jersey city, but a new york duplicate if that makes sense? Like when I think gotham, I think new york city, but as we know from nightwing year 1, new york already exists. It's obviously east coast and I totally see it being in jersey because of how awful it is (kidding). In terms of where rougues commit crimes, it depends on the person and what they want to do. Like joker is doing his shit to get attention, like in the 80s movie with the parade. So he's doing shit in gothams equivalent of times square. Smaller rougues who try to do shit without getting caught or attention drawn to them are gonna do it in areas of town that unfortunately, don't get a lot of security or coverage like the narrows or park row. I saw a cool map that shows metropolis in Delaware, so its not super far away, actually pretty close. I think bludhaven is also in jersey because of the close proximity to gotham and how horrible it is (another joke because I'm so original). It seems like a lot of super hero hometowns are on the east coast lol. Probably for a reason lmao.
I'm gonna link this map because of how awesome it is, I'm not entirely sure who made it, so I'm sorry for bot giving exact credit.
Anyway, I hope I answered your ask. This was a fun little research project as I thought of gotham in jersey, but I haven't thought of the details before so thank you!
Have a good day friends
Edit: totally forgot that literally right after writing that I'd put the link in, I forgot so sorry about that. Here it is
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olsenmyolsen · 8 hours
I Can Fix Her (No Really I Can)
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master list . dark master list . Sequel to imgonnagetyouback
MCU (Female Reader X Natasha Romanoff)
Summary: You and Wanda Maximoff used to be something, but now that you're with Natasha Romanoff, Wanda can't stand by and let it happen.
Word Count: 1.4K
Content: Confused/Sad/Hurt Natasha, Manipulation, Heartbreak
tagging: @alexawynters @viktoriaromanovaa @flositaa @diffidentphantom @scarlettbitchx
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It had been a week since your girlfriend, Natasha Romanoff, returned from her mission.
A week since Wanda kissed you.
A week since you wanted more of Wanda.
A week since she said she was gonna get you back. One way or another.
But now here you were, looking out the floor-to-ceiling windows to the courtyard in between the compound. Natasha was sat on top of a bench with her clothed legs spread and her feet firmly planted on the wooden part where most people would sit.
Natasha used to be a smoker. A habit she picked up to deal with her past lives. A habit she broke around the time you joined the team. Yet you watched as the smoke billowed out her mouth like a freight train through a small town.
Natasha shook her and looked up to the sky. Strom clouds were beginning to roll in, and you couldn't exactly see what Natasha said, but it looked like she was asking a question.
The Black Widow wasn't stupid. She's caring and loving to the right people. A true fighter. She can see the guilt and pain behind your eyes when you think she doesn't notice. She can see the turmoil in your head even if you think you were faking it.
It pains Natasha because she doesn't know what to do. Or what caused this?
If Romanoff had to guess, Wanda would be the answer.
Natasha shakes her head once more and scoffs as she takes one last drag of her cigarette before putting it out. Her mind replaying a conversation with Steve Rogers from a few months prior.
"She just got out of the relationship with Wanda. Are you sure she's someone you want to be with?" Steve was cautious with his phrasing. Natasha just took a sip of her beer as the two of them sat at a bar in the middle of the city. Josie's was the name.
A crush wasn't the exact word. But Natasha had been fascinated with you from the start. Since the day you walked through the doors of the compound. However, you were a touch closer in age to Wanda Maximoff, and Natasha still struggled with her personal mind games. But after so long, you were now single again and fresh out of the slammer of a toxic relationship everyone could see from a mile away.
"I know what I'm doing, Rogers," Natasha said as she kept her hands around the bottle—not looking at her friend.
Steve sighed. "I just don't want to see you hurt." Natasha knew Steve only wanted what was best. But to Natasha, you were it. You were supposed to be someone to change the prophecy Natasha had been handed in life.
"I know Steve. Thank you." Natasha was quiet as she looked into Steve's blue eyes. He gave her a brief smile back. "God help her." He said, Natasha knew he wasn't talking about you.
Natasha scoffed with a laugh. "Your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger. I can fix her." Steve raised an eyebrow to Natasha's words. "No, really, I can."
"And only I can," Natasha whispered to herself just as raindrops started to land on her.
You who got tired of watching your gi- your- Natasha wallow open the glass door to the courtyard as the skies opened up. "Natasha!" You yelled as you ran towards her, taking your hoodie off and holding it up above her head. Natasha turned towards you in your Toyotathon t-shirt and smiled at that and your action.
You still care about me. Natasha thought to herself before she looked towards your eyes. She always did and always will love them. "Let's get you inside!" You spoke up as thunder cracked above you. Natasha nodded as she jumped off the bench and wrapped her arms around you.
You melted slightly against her.
You love her. You do.
As the two of you entered Natasha's room, the redhead let go of you and closed the door behind you. She then turned her green eyes towards your gaze and smiled. It was a genuine smile. "Hi," Natasha said, making you smile and chuckle. "Hi," You replied as if you were a shy teenager.
But then again, the two of you kind of were. Since Natasha came back, it was as if the two of you had learned the right steps but to different dances. And now, here, in Natasha's room, a little wet in front of the rain, the two of you felt like you were finally on the same page once more.
Natasha made her way to you and backed you up until your legs hit her bed, causing you to fall down. The action making the two of you laugh.
Before you could even speak, Natasha was on top of you. Kissing you softly with her love behind every kiss. Her need to be enough an underlying hidden meanining. When Natasha lifted her face, she smiled as she could practically see the dopamine racing through your brain.
She still had an effect on you.
She always would.
To a certain extent.
"What was that for?" You felt silly asking as you raised your hand to Natasha's cheek. Your hand so callous from your pistol tracing hearts gently on her face. "Because I love you," Natasha replied as if it was casual, but this was one of the handful of times Natasha said or would ever say it to you.
Your mouth dropped ever so slightly as Natasha grabbed your hand and locked her fingers between yours, moving them from her cheek to her lips. Kissing the pads of your fingers. "I love you too." You replied after seconds had passed.
"God help her." Rang through Natasha's mind.
She ignored it and brought her body down to yours. The taste of her lips makes you blush again. You loved the flavor. Always had.
You moved your hands further down Natasha's backside as the exchange between the two of you became more heated—a mix of lust and wanting.
Your warm fingers sent Natasha ablaze when they went below her black shirt. The contact leaving Natasha gasping as she lifted herself off you. The two of your lips darker.
I can fix her.
Natasha brought her hand to the bottom of her shirt and lifted it up and off her. Throwing it to a forgotten place on the floor. Her black bra distracting you. "Come on. It's your turn." Natasha teased as she gave you a quick peck before helping you out of your shirt. Your bare chest immediately on display.
Natasha loved it. Especially the group of freckles that danced across your left boob. Slowly, she brought her hands up to it. A whisper of a moan fell from your mouth before Natasha took your chin and pulled you into her again.
"Good girl." Natasha moaned out as your mouth ended up leaving marks of maroon on her chest and abs. You smiled into her skin. "Oh god, you're an angel for me." Natasha couldn't help but voice in sighs.
You moaned into her head as Natasha worked her down your body this time. "Oh, baby!"
Natasha smirked hearing you.
No, really, I can.
Yourblackpanties stayed hung around your ankle as Natasha spread you wider. The sight was always divine, but your taste was something Natasha had never wanted to take for granted. Yet she was a woman starved today. A woman who wanted you to scream her name. Natasha wanted you to cum for her. To be there for her.
Natasha loved you.
You threw your head back as Natasha ate you out and finger fucked you. Your moans and whimpers were past the point of euphoric. You were more than happy in this moment. The love you felt and gave was on another planet.
Yet, in an instant, your thoughts became muddled and confused; about someone else.
The words left your mouth and changed everything in the matter of seconds.
With a smile, Natasha kissed up your body. The taste of you still on her fingers and tongue, you moaned: "Oh, Wanda."
Natasha froze and looked into your eyes to see them... unchanged. You hadn't realized your words... maybe that's what made Natasha's heart hurt more even after you broke it.
It's that you didn't even notice...
Woah, maybe I can't.
Maybe I can't fix her.
Down the hall in her room, Wanda Maximoff opened her red eyes as they faded back to green and smirked.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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djcarnationsblog · 22 hours
Introducing the Covert Iteration of my Rottmnt oc: Jesse Burnham!
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Jesse, in both the og and Covert Aus, is a scientist who works in the fields of bioengineering, zoology and robotics! In the og Au, her main goal as a scientist was to create robot animals so life like that you couldn't tell the difference between what was real and what was fake.
In the Cover Au, she achieves this goal earlier than expected, but instead uses them to work as spy-bots for the times where a mission has to be done discreetly, undercover. They're also mainly used for outside data collection as well!
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The main bots that people will witness lurking around the organization are:
Eleanor the Ginger Cat: She's the one used the most for spying besides the incredibly amount of rat bots and Ant Queen bots, as there are very few people in the world that don't like a playful ginger cat. Out of her entire arsenal, she is the most indistinguishable bot from the real thing, so much so that even other cats will mistake her for being one of them, if only for a minute.
The only way you can really pick up that something is off about her is the lack of blinking, and the way other cats will avoid her like the plague.
Hunter the Jaguar: Hunter is less of a spy-bot and more of a combatant bot on the very, very (and that's two very's) few times that Jesse will be sent out onto the field.
He's the heavy hitter, agile and lithe. Not to mention the fact that he is entirely vantablack-the deepest black in the world- save for the soft gold glow between his plates, so it makes it frighteningly easy to lose him in the night or in dark, shadowy places.
Phoebe the Hawk: Phoebe is the most important one, being Jesse's most trusted companion and confidant, she is basically Jesse's right hand bird! She is the bot that does the most arial sweeps, mostly in order to locate any target who might be in broad daylight, but she also can be used to update any joint-tasked sectors on the status of the field from above.
Not to mention, Phoebe was Jesse's first successful project of life-like robot animals, so she holds incredible sentimental value to her.
Even though this isn't even half-not even a quarter-of all the robots she has manufactured, these three bots are by-far the most important ones to Jesse, tactically and emotionally.
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One very important fact about Jesse, as well, is the fact that he's bigender!
His masculine days aren't as frequent as his feminine days, but either way he certainly uses it to his advantage! Switching between the two genders (whether or not he feels like one or the other at the time) has always been a reliable disguise for him if Jesse needs to get out and do some personal investigation himself that his animals are incapable of.
Jesse is a natural smooth-talker and liar, which helps with his job especially well!
Another important thing to mention, is that I'm not entirely sure if Jesse would be in any sector himself, or if he's a solo act within the organization. What I do know, is the fact that you are able to request the use of his spy bots no matter what sector you are in, but only at a certain price. (What the price is yet? Not sure, but it's not money, that's what I know XD).
It's very, very, VERY (that's three very's!) rare for sector 5 to ever need his spy bots, as most often than not their missions are combat based (I think??? Correct me if I'm wrong qwq), but I like to think on the very rare times they do need it and DON has to get it from him? All I gotta say is that Jesse shows no fear when it comes to the turtles.
There's a medical reason for that-
AAAAAANYWAYS I THINK THAT'S ALL I GOT'S TO SAY RIGHT NOW??? Other than the fact that I wanna make a few lil' comic pages of Jesse and Don interacting cause I wanna see how accurately I can display Don's personality. I just think they'd be neat :]
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aishangotome · 2 days
Alfons Sylvatica: Chapter 3
Chapter 2
From the day I became "exclusive to tasks only"---, I desperately tried to distance myself from Alfons.
(Right, okay... Left, okay. I hope I can get through today without being found.)
But Alfons is elusive and you never know where or when he'll show up....
Alfons: Hello.
Kate: Eek!
He appeared silently from behind and blew into my ear, making me jump.
Kate: Alfons, you're bad for my heart!
As usual, I hid the back of my neck with both hands and glared at him, and as usual, he smiled cheerfully.
Alfons: Hehe, you're cute. You're bristling so much.
Alfons: Come on, I won't do anything, so come here.
Of course, I can't believe such words.
Kate: No... don't follow me.
Alfons: Oh my, don't be so cold.
---Even while being teased by Alfons like that, I gradually got to know the members of Crown in order to fulfill my duty as a "Fairytale Keeper."
For example, Liam--
Despite being such a brilliant leading actor and a very thoughtful and wonderful person, when the curse makes it impossible for him to suppress his curiosity, he sometimes plays dangerous games with Alfons.
(I wonder what kind of dangerous games they play... i'm worried.)
As for Harrison--
I noticed that he is often curt, but he subtly helps me out when I'm in trouble.
Thanks to his quick wit, I've been able to evade Alfons's eyes several times.
(I think it's probably true that he's a lying fox with a curse.)
(But I feel like he's the kind of person who can tell kind lies...)
Jude and Ellis are often absent, perhaps because they run a company.
Jude is always a menacing and unapproachable "13th wizard" with a curse.
Ellis is always a calm and kind "thorn" with a curse.
William and Victor are enigmatic and you never know what they're thinking.
When I heard that these two were the founders of Crown, I was surprised and at the same time, strangely convinced.
(William and Victor definitely have the vibe that you shouldn't make them your enemies...)
--And lastly, regarding Alfons.
(When I ask, everyone say the same thing...)
He's a "pleasant perpetrator who loves to feel good."
(Sigh... I'm tired.)
Today, the sun went down while I was gathering information about Crown as a storyteller.
(I'll make some tea and take a break.)
As I was preparing in the kitchen, a hand suddenly reached out from behind me without warning.
Alfons: "You've worked hard all day today."
Kate: A-Alfons!?
Alfons: For a hardworking robin like you, I shall brew the tea myself.
(When did he get into the kitchen...!?)
Kate: It's okay, I'm fine, don't worry about it...
Alfons: Oh, don't say that.
Taking the teapot from me, Alfons began to brew tea with smooth, elegant movements.
His gestures were so refined that I couldn't help but be captivated.
His dignified demeanor made me think it was not a superficial act, but "genuine."
Alfons: Here you go.
A teacup and saucer were placed on the table, and I hurriedly accepted them, trying to hide the fact that I had been staring.
Kate: Thank you.
I peered into the cup and opened my eyes wide.
Kate: What kind of tea is this? It's blue...
Alfons: It's a herbal tea called mallow blue. It gradually turns purple over time.
As if to prove his words, the deep blue color slowly changed.
Just like the deep blue sky at dawn faintly tinged with vermillion.
Kate: It's true... I've never seen this before...
Alfons: Please try it.
After enjoying the beautiful color with my eyes, I took a sip of the tea for the first time.
A faint but pleasant aroma wafted up.
Kate: ...It's very delicious.
(It's been a while since I've felt so at ease...)
My wariness unknowingly softened.
Alfons: That's good. There's another interesting change, would you like to see?
Kate: An interesting change...?
A few drops of something were dropped from a small bottle, and the mallow blue changed color again, this time to a pale pink.
Kate: Wow... it's beautiful...! It's like magic...!
I couldn't help but get excited like a child at the vivid and beautiful change.
Alfons: Hehe.
I heard a chuckle, and when I looked up, he was observing me with a smile.
Alfons: Did that cheer you up a little?
Kate: Cheer me up...?
Kate: ...Are you doing this because I've been avoiding you?
Alfons: Yes. I want to talk to you more.
Kate: ...!
My heart skipped a beat when he poked the tip of my nose.
Kate: If you want to talk to me, please stop doing that.
Alfons: What do you mean by 'that'?
Kate: ...Never mind.
The memories of the sweet touches we shared as lovers are still vividiy imprinted on my body.
(Every time I'm touched, it aches--)
The aftertaste of this troublesome illusion wouldn't fade away easily.
(I'm sure he knows what he's doing, so he's really bad.)
I glanced at him as he sat down at the table and started drinking his share.
Kate: ...It's bad manners to sit at the table and drink tea.
Alfons: Oh, is that surprising?
Alfons: Are you saying that I, who deceived a woman and sneaked into her bed the day after we met, have integrity and respect for manners?
I tried to change the subject to hide my agitation, but Alfons mixed me up.
Don't remind me of that night
There was no sincerity
That's mean
Kate: Well, manners aside, you certainly lacked sincerity...
Alfons: Yes, sincerity isn't exactly my strong suit.
Alfons: Isn't it better to be preoccupied with pleasure and fun?
Alfons: As you've heard from everyone, I love pleasure.
He smiles, as if he can see right through my actions.
Looking directly at his smile again, I suddenly felt a sense of unease.
(I was too stunned by Alfons's words and actions to notice before...)
Kate: ...Did you mean what you just said?
Alfons: Excuse me?
(Ah... what am I even asking?)
Even I think it's a strange question.
But for some reason, I couldn't ignore the discomfort that had suddenly arisen in my heart.
Kate: Just now, I felt like... Alfons, you...
Kate: I felt like you weren't smiling genuinely.
Alfons: ...........
Alfons blinked in surprise.
(Ah... this expression seems genuine.)
I leaned forward, as if I could grasp something, and peered into his eyes.
But before I could grasp it, that something crumbled like sand...
Alfons: ...Is that what you want from me?
His usual dubious smile graced his lips.
Kate: ...Huh?
Alfons: You want the empty me, the one who seems to be enjoying things but isn't really enjoying anything...
Alfons: Hmm, hmm, I see.
Kate: I wasn't talking about my preferences!
Kate: Don't try to dodge...
My words were cut off as his lips pressed against mine...
Kate: Ah...!!
Alfons: ...Hehe.
Alfons: Keep your mind preoccupied with me like that.
With a soft "chu" sound, he pulled me away. While I stared blankly at his departed lips, he smiled seductively and quickly left the kitchen.
(Ugh, the worst, the worst, the worst!)
I wiped my kissed lips and gulped down the slightly cooled mallow blue tea.
("I love pleasure," that smile too...)
(I feel like he dodged the question of whether it was true or not.)
Kate: Ugh, whatever, I don't care anymore...
I don't want to be toyed with by Alfons anymore.
...Perhaps because I wished for that...
(...He wasn't here today either...)
It had already been several days since Alfons, who had been persistently flirting with me, suddenly disapperaed.
(Not that I care or anything, but...)
Kate: ...I haven't seen Alfons for the past few days.
Roger: Ah, well, it happens often.
Elbert: He's probably somewhere in London...
I sighed at those uncertain words and recalled what Alfons had said before.
(Alfons said he was 'something like a servant to Lord Elbert'...)
I don't quite understand the meaning of the word "servant," but if it's something like a butler, it makes sense that he was good at brewing tea.
Kate: Even though he's like a servant, is it okay for him to leave Lord Elbert and act on his own?
His blue eyes, like the sea breeze blowing over the ocean, wavered slightly.
Elbert: It's a little different from being a servant...
Elbert: Al is more like a childhood friend, someone I've been with since I was young.
Kate: Is that so?
Lord Elbert is an earl.
(I'm not familiar with noble family names...)
(Perhaps Lord Elbert has a higher title, so that's why he uses the word "servant.")
It's probably something like having a close relationship with the family since birth.
Through my investigation, I learned that Lord Elbert is cursed with the "Greedy Queen" and is searching for beautiful things.
And that Alfons is helping him with that.
Lord Elbert, who always carries a hint of sadness, and Alfons, who always has a smile plastered on his face.
(I still can't believe those two are close friends.)
Elbert: That's why... I don't control Al's actions.
Elbert: ...I apologize.
Kate: No! It's fine, not taking me along means it's not a mission, right?
Kate: But... if it's 'common,' do you have any idea where he might be?
Roger: Well, either a pub, a social club, or perhaps an opium den.
Kate: Eh...?
Roger: Is his playmate a man, a woman, or something else? ...What, are you curious, lil lady?
Kate: N-no, I'm not!
(Not that I care or anything.)
But I can't help but wonder.
(Maybe Alfons genuinely smiles in those kinds of places...)
(If so, how would he smile...?)
(N-not that I'm overly curious or anything...)
I pat my cheeks to calm my swinging emotions.
Elbert: ...Are you alright, Kate?
Roger: It's complicated, isn't it? I'll leave you alone.
After a few days of absence without any news, Alfons...
Alfons: Kate, long time no see. How have you been?
He appeared before me as if nothing had happened on the day William announced the mission.
Chapter 4.
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letteredlettered · 5 months
I'm still confused by the wedding-industrial complex, tbh
#take proposals#like one day basically shortly after we got together my gf was like I want to marry you#i was like that's nice#then another time not that long after she was like hey we should get married#and i was like um that's nice i'm not ready#and she was like yeah sure okay#so next time we're together in person (because we're long distance) she was like hey I want to marry you#and i was like well there are things we'd have to talk about such as kids and finances and what country to live in#and she was like sure yeah okay#then there was a pandemic and the inability to see each other and a lot of other things including discussions#and then i was like okay yeah i think that's a great idea i'd like to marry you#and she was like that's great i love you we still don't know where to live#and so after that she still periodically says we should get married#and asks me to marry her#and i ask her to marry me#and we always say yes#and eventually figure out where to live and start applying for visas etc etc#but when we mention we're engaged people always ask#how did she do it?#did you know she was going to?#who proposed to who?#like fuck idk when it even happened don't you propose to each other like every other day when you love each other?#and isn't marriage a much bigger decision than a single question#and then like my cousin who coined the term 'wedding industrial complex' told me she was getting married#and i was like cool do you know when the wedding is?#and she was like what? no. he hasn't proposed#and i was like . . . but you know you're getting married?#and she was like yeah we've discussed it and agreed#and i was like sooo....that's not a proposal?#and she was like no because he hasn't asked
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