#there's something so poetic about it
anisohtropy · 7 months
Kavetham constellation brainrot
we, collectively, don't talk about Kaveh and Alhaitham's constellations enough.
Looking at Alhaitham's first, Vultur Volans was the roman term for the constellation Aquila (the eagle). But why are we referencing its symbolism as a vulture instead of an eagle? That feels deliberate even though everyone assumes Alhaitham's meant to be an eagle. I contend that it's meant to be three things, an eagle, a vulture, and a falcon (just like the interpretations of the real constellation.) The eagle is obviously the well-trodden path of the divine symbol of Zeus/Jupiter. But what we kind of ignore is that the eagle was said to hold onto Zeus's lightning bolts, y'know his method of smiting people. Vultures and falcons have similarly death-related divinity. In an ancient desert environment, vultures are very useful as scavengers for getting rid of bodies to prevent the spread of disease and the general unpleasantness of rotting flesh. Falcons are very clearly associated with Egyptian gods, but particularly Horus, who was famously born/created from the dismembered body parts of his father. Interesting.
Now let's look at Kaveh. Paradisaeidae refers to birds of paradise, which are a real kind of bird, but the name is based on a kind of bird from Persian myth called the Huma bird. These things are wild. They're supposedly always flying and never lands on the ground. Some myths depict them like phoenixes, burning up every few hundred years to be reborn from the ashes. It's supposed to bring good fortune to people it flies over or who touch it. In some traditions it cannot be caught alive and whoever kills it will die within 40 days. It overall symbolizes unreachable highness and divinity. Obviously, it's a fake bird, but it's theorized that it's based on bearded vultures (meaning if we interpret it as a real bird that's gained divine properties, it would've probably done so via literally starving itself out of an unwillingness to bring or benefit from harming another creature).
They're the same kind of bird, fundamentally, but associated with opposing kinds of divinity. One brings destruction and the other brings fortune. One is self-sustaining, comfortable as the right hand of the true divine, but it is outcast due to its nature to survive using tragedy that befalls other creatures. The other cannot ever come down to be a normal bird, it sacrifices itself on an altar of being able to continue to bring joy to people it will never be close to. Change, decay, and cold rationality vs burning compassion and altruism and perfection. The burning bird can never be a meal for the vulture, as its death means only ash, and it is thus the only kind of misfortune of another creature the vulture can truly understand and care about. The Huma can never understand why the eagle is content as a messenger for the gods, why the vulture feels no guilt for the death it scavenges, why the falcon is content with a normal life when it was born with the potential for unimaginable greatness. The eagle, vulture, and falcon cannot understand the Huma's lack of pride or its willingness to damage itself for the sake of humans who would catch and kill it in their ignorance.
Also relevant is the fact that Deshret is clearly meant to be an analog of Horus or Ra. Both are associated with falcons and the sun, and their eyes are both significant in mythology (Deshret is symbolized by an eye in a sun in the lore). Nabu Malikata also has a massive pattern of sacrifice and she famously made a daughter-bird that was destined to die in the cataclysm.
There's a lot to unpack here but by god someone's gotta do it. The reincarnation, entangled souls, two sides of a coin vibes are SO STRONG with them. They're soulmates and the constellations only reinforce this when you pull back the hood on them. AAAAAA
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quatregats · 1 year
There's something to say about Jack writing Sophie long but straightforward correspondences that serve as a way of showing his continued love to her versus Stephen writing Diana correspondences where he fully bares his heart but which he immediately destroys after writing
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ditzybat · 3 months
jason in titans tower staring at bruce: how’d you know i was alive old man?
bruce: robin - tim - is an avid follower of your tumblr blog that has mysteriously updated after years of you being deceased
tim: mhm, at mrsbennetluvr88 started quoting hamlet and titus andronicus after years of radio silence, it was the only rational conclusion
jason: … at least you know your shakespeare…
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decompose1 · 2 years
i think there’s divinity in gross and ugly things. i think the radical love and acceptance of what is weird and nasty is angelic and i think there is something holy about indulging in the neglected/looked down on/outcast/unacceptable parts of this world. you should let yourself be weird
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mountainmoth · 1 year
I love travel friends. Like people you just happen to collide with on a coach journey. People who ask you for directions. People you joke with when an announcer says something funny. People you strike up conversation with over clothing or a book. & Then you laugh and smile, and then their train pulls in and they vanish. And then your taking different coaches or they get off at a different stop. You didn't exchange anything, but you collided for just that little second, and that was enough.
They're gone before you know it but that's okay.
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asleepinawell · 7 months
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Irem, the Pillared City: Futures
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guitarhero-3 · 1 month
even if i am not aromantic or asexual in the future i really really appreciate the aspec community. all of you are so wonderful and welcoming and i am so thankful for all of u every single one of yall
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macaroonkitti · 6 months
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Quick treat for my Zelda followers, thinking about Link post totk <3
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sweepingboy · 2 months
feng xin looks at mu qing's hands and reflects how they changed from rough and dry from housekeeping to soft and strong with the palms calloused by the sabre to burnt and trembling and how they always remained so skillful and careful ( he cherishes them even balled in a fist against his jaw)
mu qing looks at feng xin's hands and think they are stupidly sexy
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sugar-grigri · 4 months
I was thinking about this and I said to myself, wait a minute, it would be crazy to imagine that death.... didn't appear in CSM.
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And her absence wouldn't even contradict anything, because in any case... death is supposed to happen, isn't it? We'll all meet her!
The apocalypse is simply the existential crisis of mankind and demons when they realize their finitude.
Death doesn't have to intervene, she's already here.
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cinnamontoastcrunch-15 · 11 months
Today’s @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is father!
(112 words.)
“Remus, lovely, you’re panicking.” Lily said gently, an amused smile playing on her face as she folded herself onto Remus’ bed.
“Of course I’m bloody panicking! A letter? Who tells someone that they love them in a letter?!”
“Sirius, apparently.” She answered, watching Remus cover his face with his hands and groan. “You have to write something back, you-“
“Hey, you two.” Remus’ father’s voice rang out from the doorway, forcing Remus to sit up, Lily turning to face him. “Door open, please.” He watched them carefully, before moving away. Remus glanced at Lily, before promptly breaking down in laughter, dropping his head onto her shoulder as she laughed along with him.
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symbologic · 26 days
Soul-Bound in Wano: The Spooky Simpatico of Luffy and Zoro
Just finished Wano, and wow. I'm surprised there isn't more talk about the crazy parallels between Luffy and Zoro throughout the arc, but especially the raid. It's like Oda was trolling us with how perfectly they mirror each other in places.
Of course, there's the whole shared "wandering samurai" theme in Acts I and II, and then there's the heartwarming scene with them both freaking out over spilled soup. (Side note: I wouldn't be shocked if Zoro's anime-only sake scene was stuff Oda had to cut from the manga – it totally fits Oda's style with Zoro.)
But that's just the tip of the iceberg. We've got a ton of other stuff too:
Zoro uses Conqueror's Haki to injure Kaido because they're all desperate? Boom, Luffy digs deep and starts doing it too.
Zoro gets bandaged up like a mummy? Well, guess who can't move because he fell in the ocean?
Both of them get their own team of doctors? How lucky!
Zoro gets revived with an injection? Here comes Luffy, fueled by some meat!
Zoro declares he'll become a GOD if that's what it takes? 🤔 Makes you wonder what that means for Luffy...
Death himself shows up for Zoro? Not good! Now Luffy's literally in cardiac arrest! Speaking of, Zoro's looking rough. Those sunken eyes, man...
Thank god they're both too stubborn to die. And guess what? They get put right next to each other, while people pray for them to wake up
And wouldn't you know it, they wake up at the EXACT SAME TIME
This can't just be a coincidence, right? It feels like they're on some spooky, soul-bound level where Zoro's fate weirdly determines Luffy's. Which actually slots so, so neatly into Wano and its recurring themes of fate! Hell, Oda himself even said in an SBS (the one about Zoro's family tree) that Zoro's story is that of a strange, twisted fate he's completely clueless about.
Honestly, I love that for them.
Zoro might not get a whole arc dedicated to his backstory like Nami, Robin, or Sanji. But the choices he makes carry a surprising amount of weight in the grand scheme of things.
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vaugarde · 23 days
act 5 moments that gutted me alive
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miscellaneoussmp · 8 months
I love how Bagi and Roier are both reacting to the whole situation. They both love Cellbit in different ways, of course. That's what they share, their love for him. Their reactions are where they differ.
Roier only sees the knife pointed outwards, pointed towards those who have hurt them over and over. He doesn't care who it gets pointed at, as long as it stays pointed away from his heart as they both promised.
Bagi is worried that the knife is actually pointed inwards, pointed towards himself. She cares who it gets pointed at because she risks losing him again. What if the knife is pointing towards his heart? It's just like hers.
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butdaddyilovehimmm · 17 days
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"Staring out the window like I’m not your favorite town, I’m New York City."
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
if a zolu fic doesn't consist of religious imagery about luffy being the only god zoro will ever worship, then what's the point?
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