#theres a little witch in all of us
alumirp · 10 months
Trafalgar D(azai) Water Law
a story about a Law who becomes very dark after Cora-san's death. Like, really dark. He lives with Wolf, still saves Bepo, Pen and Shachi, everything is exactly the same on Swallow Island. But. But he doesn't become a pirate. He doesn't create a crew with the boys. No, this Law is extremely depressed and unmotivated, he doesn't even have the desire to avenge Cora. Honestly, he simply wants to die and rejoin his family, friends, and benefactor. He turns to alcohol and becomes a little more 'lively' but starts to find the island boring. As such, he still leaves Swallow Island and becomes a wanderer, sleeping with people in exchange for a place to stay and sometimes offering his talents as a doctor. He wanders from island to island, from ship to ship and eventually finds himself on the Grandline. Where he inevitably runs into the Straw Hats. and Luffy immediately goes insane over this guy because omg he's super cool looking, has the coolest tattoos and is funny. Also, Law gets them out of trouble when he gets involved with them, proving himself to be very intelligent. and Luffy wants this weirdo on his crew. The Straw Hats are almost certain that this dark and clearly suicidal guy will say no and they are completely shocked when Law simply shrugs and accepts.
Now he's their problem. And soon they discover that this dark and seemingly grumpy guy is a…very active suicide. Jokes, songs and attempts, Law has little or no care for his life, simply living on the edge all the time, much to Luffy's admiration (bc Law would follow him into a volcano just to find out what it's like inside) and the crew's horror. , who is the one who has to keep this guy alive and on a leash, because he is a terrible influence on their already crazy captain
(hes also a man whore(bc if a man looks like Law he has a duty to be one) but that doesn't matter until Luffy gets angry with that fact)
((also, I feel like Law and Nami would be natural enemies lmao. Nami: giving orders and trying to debt/extort Law. Law, absolutely unimpressed and not at all inclined to respect Nami: try me bitch
There's only room for a petty bitch on this ship and they'll fight for the title)
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kruxton · 2 days
somehow ive made myself think im not an anime kid despite the countless animes ive watched. like i can feel my brain tricking me into thinking these didnt have any affect on me
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Okay but like imagine Jason Todd living in Crime Alley and he has numerous safe houses in gotham some of witch just aren't for him and in fact are apartment complexes that he bought out for cheap possibly due to a little life-threatening scare by Red Hood and any time he's in crime alley and he notices that especially in the winter months that the kids are sick or don't have a dry place to live he just starts setting them up in the apartment complex, and none of the kids ever talk about where exactly that complex is because they love redhood... Also, I imagine that once a week Jason makes like a really big dinner and he just goes outside and serves it to the kids around crime alley, the kids all love him and feel safe with him. I imagine it gets to a point where if the kids are in danger or are worried or scared they just go running over to Red Hood some of the kids have taken to calling him dad, uncle, and other various family references.. And one day on the way back to one of his safe houses he just hears one of the younger street kids yelling dad and he turns to where its coming from and theres just this small kid holding another small kid in his arms and red's just like what happened and the kid just goes shes sick and idk what to do and red just kinda sighs and goes yeah alright follow me kid and he walks over to one of his main safe houses puts his bike away and gets the kids into the car but before continuing to the doc office he calls out through crime alley of if anyone's sick yall better come here i don't wanna do numerous trips and suddenly theres a small group of kids coming out of the shadows and he ushers them all into the car drives them all to gotham general and the receptionist doesn't bat an eye at the gaggle of sick kids or the fact redhood is checking them all in because he and the hospital have an understanding so he gets them all treated and seen and has to sit in with every nurse and doctor, at one point he gets a call from bruce asking why he's not on protrol and jason thinking nothing of it just goes i'm busy im at the hospital have dickface cover my patrol and then he hangs up to speak to the doctors and check on his kids..
bruce shows up at Gotham general just to find red surrounded by numerous children with various flu's colds coughs one of them has pneumonia and was just diagnosed with asthma and he's just taking notes while there's one child in his lap crying cause she's scared and he's just rocking her gently while writing down various treatment plans for each kid and what safe house he's putting them in because he'll be personally taking care of them... and one of the docs spot Bruce and is like excuse me mr. wayne you can't be back here patients only and redhood can be here because he's there acting guardian which makes Bruce's brain short-circuit entirely
Also alfred 100 percent knows about this and has helped red set up the rooms for the kids and everything and some of those big family dinners Jason has for the kids yeah he's using Alfred's recipes
How Jason got guardianship of these kids is because of Harvey dent he got the proper legal advice from Harvey
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marksbear · 2 years
Could I ask for 141 with a southern male reader? I’d like to know what the boys would think of a heavy southern drawl (cowboys are all the rage now a days lol)
Wish I could write more, but I don't have much time rn. But I wrote as much as I could and on my blog theres more fics about y'know cowboy/southern reader
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Price is probably the least bothered by your accent. But he is interested by it. It's not everyday that he hears a southern accent like yours.
He secretly likes the silly nicknames you give him.
Anytime the team has a free day or something you'll take him to see you ride at a rodeo.
He probably knows how to ride a horse so you and him would spend time together riding around valleys and mountains and hike and camp. Like some brokeback mountain type shit.
As you two grow closer one day you'll just plop down your cowboy hat on his head and just walk away like nothing happened. Like your hat would just be a symbol of y'alls friendship when you give it to him.
He's not a messy person, but when it comes to arguing and he hears your accent thickens as you argue with the person, he'll watch from afar only stepping in when it becomes heated.
You teaching him how to use a lasso and how to make a lasso.
He likes to playfully correct your grammar when you say things. "Ain't isn't a word L/n."
He likes to help out on your ranch/farm from time to time.
Likes to call you outlaw.
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"It's hotter than a witches cooch ain't it soap?" *Soap stares at you like your were some fucking weirdo.* Your guys first ever conversation.
From that day forward y'all became the most annoying duo inside the whole military.
Steals your cowboy hat and boots all the time.
"Yer got a ol' lady at home or what?" Soap asks in a teasing tone.
Him laughing his ass off if you ever get thrown off a bull/horse.
If you have a ranch and you invite him over he would not help at all with chasing/ hurdling cattle. But he does help you groom the horses and milk the cows.
Him not trying to giggle while you scold him, because your accent is thicker and louder every time you do it.
Likes to poke fun at your accent even though he cannot be talking like at all.
Watching you in awe as you lasso an enemy and tie them up as if they were just some light sheep.
If you like to chew on wheat straw he'll side eye you a couple times as you just mind your business.
At your ranch he'll make a little competition to see who can lift more hay barrels.
Likes to watch you argue because you have a small temper and can be angered easily. So he just likes to see a good southern brawl from you.
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He was finally at peace once that he heard a familiar accent from where he was from.
The boy was thrilled to hear an american accent let alone a southern one. He was over the moon.
He probably grew up with people with a southern accent so once he heard yours he knew he had to get you on his side.
He knows how southern people get with their temper and feelings so he tries his hardest for you to not hate him like the others do.
Slowly you two begin to bond.
And once you two become friends y'all begin to hang out. He knows alot about farm animals and etc so he would help out at your farm/ranch. He loves taking care of the crops and all that.
The others on the team call you crazy for trusting him, but with your small temper you shouted at them with your accent coming in full force.
You calling him "City boy." while he calls you "Cowboy."
Him picking up your accent and words.
Since your accent begins to rub off on him he'll start calling you"darling." or "sugar."
Slowly tries to make you betray the team with him. He wouldn't force you, but he'll just go on and on as to why you should side with him.
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squiddy-god · 3 months
azul and riddle jealous hcs
Re-upload from terminated blog squid-god-supreme
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Now, riddle definitely isn’t the jealous type, he’s confident in your relationship with him and he trust you, why wouldn’t he? Your his lovely girlfriend
However it is possible to make riddle jealous!
Riddle tends to get jealous whenever you spend alot of time with others
Riddle isn’t very possessive but he does get kinda jealous when you spend alot of your time with ace or deuce, or even when you spend alot of time with Trey.
Riddle typically won’t act on his jealousy
However his temper, already short, with become noticeably shorter
He’ll get snappy and a little magic happy with cutting off peoples magic
But another way that he gets jealous is if someone gets a little to handsy with you, throwing there arm over your shoulder, getting wayyyyyy to close for comfort. No no no. Unacceptable.
Then he acts on it.
He’ll walk over and tap the person on the shoulder and start explaining that whatever they are doing is against the rules of the red queen
Will dinie that he’s even jealous
No he isn’t jealous! He’s just enforceing the rules that he absolutely MUST fallow… Except hes holding your hand… Lier
He much more open about it when he’s jealous of another dorm member, like he’ll straight up say he’s a little, just a little, bit jealous of the time you spend with trey or ace
Easy to remedy, just spend a little time with him that’s all~
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Now one may not pin poor Azul as the jealous type but oh boy he Shure is!
Azul is very jealous by nature, jealous of others talents and forms, much of that is rooted in deep insecurity and his jealousy is no different
Don’t get me rong, Azul trust you alot, and I mean ALOT, but theres always goona be that little voice at the back of his head that whispers false tales of you leaving him for another man
Azul gets jealous easily, the stranger he felt was a little to friendly, the time you spend laughing and out with others, the person at morsto lounge that keeps touching you as if your there girlfriend and not his.
Now when Azul gets jealous he gets sad, sullks in his octo pot and crys, or he sullks and acts grouchy
Now whether or not Azul acts on his jealousy depends on witch Azul we’re talking about
If it’s pre-overbolt Azul the he’ll stride over with an air of false self confidence, wrap a arm around the person and make it very clear that your taken
The person will also get a very unsavory visit from a certain two Eles.
But if it’s post-overbolt Azul he’ll pout and sullks in his office because he doesn’t want to come off as clingy or possessive like he used to
Please comfort him and reassure him that you do in fact love him, and that no, Azul, you arnt gonna leave him.
Give him the validation he needs 🥺
Gets clingy when you get back and it’s just the two of you
Pre-bolt! Azul is not at all open about the fact he’s jealous and will bottle it up no matter what. Post-bolt! Azul will try in vain to bottle it up but will eventually end up spilling the tea to you.
Kinda hard to remedy but so long as you give him lots of love and reassurance everything will be fine!
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xaytheloser · 5 months
The Sinner's and the Saint
The beast's relations with Bengin Butter Cookie (oc x canon lore, aka, doomed polyamory /silly)
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Knowledge, Volition, Happiness, Change, Solidarity... and Benevolence, these virtues where imbued into the six ancient cookies, as the witches trusted them with the sacred virtues, in hopes of the dessert world would maintain a constant state of peace and prosperity... Benign Butter Cookie Remembers the good old days.. the times she laughed and watched Shadow Milk Cookie perform his iconic shows, as he takes pride in making her crack a smile even if she had an awful day. she remembers Mystic Flour Cookie, who showed just as much compassion as she did when aiding the common cookies of Earthbread, she was a passionate ancient through and through.. she remembers Eternal Sugar Cookie, and how she and her used to laugh and play in their free time, sitting calmly on her cloud, looking upon the glittering horizon.. she remember Burning Spice Cookie, as she took great joy watching him train to get stronger day by day, clapping and cheering for his growth as a virtue... and Silent Salt... while they spoke few words, their compassion for the cookies of Earthbread was clear, as they would show great care of the cookies of Earthbread, no matter the circumstance...
Oh, how power corrupts..
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Shadow Milk, who now cackled in sinister glee as he used the innocent cookies of Earthbread as mere toys for his sick entertainment.. as he played gruesome shows to his comrades.. and Benign Butter Cookie.. whose face now showed horror instead of joy like she once had...
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Mystic Flour could now care less for such insignificant speck of dough that weren't her comrades, as they now viewed herself as a godly figure, she was granted powers for far greater use than protecting the useless cookies of Earthbread.
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Eternal Sugar Cookie, who was now to tired to put effort into anything but commute with her fellow ancients, and even then, she barely lifts her head up from her pillowy cloud.. as she smites anyone who disturbs her alone time..
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Burning Spice to great joy in the suffering of the weak little cookies he terrorized... he viewed them as new targets to get stronger, just mere punching bags to play with..
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and Silent Salt.. they saw no point in saving cookies anymore.. only cutting them down, crumbling them without hesitation as if they were no more than insignificant grains of flour... Bengin Butter Cookie could not stand watching her once beloved comrades fall under their own strength..
And so she helped her godly creators seal them away..
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Shadow Milk pried at the bars at his cage, reaching out for Benign Butter as he yelled for her to save him... took look at him! there no actual way she would do this to him! ...right..?
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Mystic Flour was surely shocked when her forked cage fell onto her.. thought she did not show surprise.. she knew that Benign Butter was still blinded by her faith in the gods that she might have had no choice but to trap her comrades if they so wished... Silent Salt could not bare to lift their sword at Benign Butter.. her expression looked.. so sad... and full of regret.. that they just couldn't do it..
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Eternal Sugar was waken up by the sound of chains ratting against her newly established cage, as Benign Butter was on the other side of her cage.. her head lowered down as she ignored Eternal Sugar's pleas to let her out..
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Burning Spice was full of rage... not at Benign Butter, oh no... at the witches... how DARE they make his sweet Benign Butter trap him like this! he saw her broken, crying face, theres no way she's doing this on her own volition! he swears to make the witches pay...
Benign Butter now resides in Beast Yeast... guarding the SIlver Tree along with Elder Faerie Cookie, preparing for the day she may have to put the beasts back into the seal if they ever do get out..
she will keep Earthbread safe at all costs... for the sake of Earthbread.. and her baby..
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Well! I actually saw your little question about CR plot holes and I wanted to share my little idea for a rewrite!
In the first ep of Beast Yeast, Elder Faerie states all the beasts were in a tree, but Cloud Haetae said that Mystic Flour hid in a cocoon, and that made me (and others) really confused.
So, I know a way to clear up that confusion
Lemme show you :3
Burning Spice
Her punishment is lying for eternity in the Great Destroyers Tomb, in a coma state. They say strange offerings are brought to the tomb, I wonder why?
Mystic Flour
She is the only one who managed to escape from the good witch, but it wasn’t without them splitting her Soul Jam into both Apathy & Resolution. She hid in the cocoon once again to avoid her crimes.
Shadow Milk
He is trapped in the Silver Tree. I don't know; I was running out of ideas. Also, it sort of fits since he used to have the Light of Knowledge and the tree—okay, you get it. Shadow Milk planted a fake White Lily inside a coffin to fool Pure Vanilla & Elder Faerie. 
Eternal Sugar
She spends her days napping on a cloud, from a dream she can never awaken from. 
Silent Salt
They’re stuck at the bottomless pit. Idk why I just thought it was funny. Just imagine this warrior trying to climb their way up the hole to fight. 
Basically, theres five guardians to these prisons, and EF was the guardian of Shadow Milks prison (Since I hc they were close before corruption). And the Four Heavenly Guardians are in charge of Mystic Flour's cocoon! This is all a WIP until we get the other three beasts.
The Soul Jam acts as the Beasts soul, it was stripped of them when they were prisoned, and they all fell into a coma like state. When they get their soul jam AND their prisons are "destroyed", they will have their full powers back.
Did I mention the Beasts have cults surrounding them? Because yes.
This is a brilliant idea!!! Also the cults would be so fun to think about. This is canon for me until devsis says otherwise. Thank you for this contribution to my humble little inbox.
I can ready imagine a bunch of people standing around Silent Salts hole trying to pull the guy out lol
And the people poking sticks up at the sky to wake up eternal sugar
And cookies burning themselves in the Destroyers tomb
This is amazing
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guesst · 6 months
the main reason i made this list lol concubine walkthrough is a video game isekai with a. a really REALLY cool artstyle b. very well thought out plot that kept me guessing and c. lovely characters. the game itself is set in historical korea so if youre a fan of that id rec. super super good
the art btw ⬇️
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this one i started reading recently! the art is cute, plot is also fun w a healthy dose of comedy and i really like the empress akfjsm her and the mc have such a good relationship its great
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could be yuri but its not and honestly i love it either way
okay well this one i dont have much to say about cus only 2 chapters are out so far lol BUT its intriguing!! the premise so far is that the main character, having been pushed off a cliff by her lover, is resurrected in a different body by a sea witch n is now out for revenge. has very strong little mermaid elements and againnn the art is lovely. look at the cover!! the art !!
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S-Class Hunter Doesn't Want to Be a Villainous Princess
IF YOUVE READ BEWARE OF THE VILLAINESS AND YOU LIKED IT AND HAVENT READ THIS YOU SHOULD. same artist!! same energy!!! tower dungeon protagonist is thrown into a romance plot and now has to clear this to get back home . i love her so much shes so op lmao. anyway its a good action/comedy so far and the constellations are funny too
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i am rereading this yet again. its so good its so so good you will cry and your heart will feel warm and happy i promise. it handles grief and friendship and the side characters so well the backstories are so !! pain inducing !! and good !! and honestly its so easy to like the characters !! if you pick one thing to read from the list please make it this. also theres this silly man
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super super super good take on the idol genre !!! i will admit i dont read much manhwa about idols (like. at all) but i am really enjoying how they explore the industry in this one. plus theres some bodyswapping :D and the character arcs are great too !! both mains learn a lot from each others lives :]
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they are good kids
INSANELY GOOD !! the author clearly did a lot of research into the era this is set in -- early 1900s, during WW1 (which on its own is pretty unique like im not seeing a lot of historical manhwas set this time) and definitely has some very heavy themes. the mc time travels back to her twenties just before ww1 breaks out, after her marriage goes wrong w her husband and she dies from. falling down the stairs. RIP. i just think its really well written and the pacing is lovely - the author is not infodumping all the bad things that happened in one go and its working really well. also look at this guy
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okay ive hit image limit cus im using app, truly terrible. TBC
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17magpiesinatrenchcoat · 10 months
As someone who can never really grasp meanings in media beyond surface level, analyses like these are always lovely to read. Here are all the ones I’ve gathered during my short time in the fanbase so far, this is mainly for myself, but maybe it would be useful to someone else!! Also. If anyone knows of any more, please please send them to me!! I will add more as I go too.
I don’t think these all count as analyses, but they all made me go “oooh :0” so yeah
https://www.tumblr.com/colorful-noircuts/733183847545683968/rambling-about-something-i-realised-in-slay-the hello my lovely mutual!!
https://www.tumblr.com/minotaur-asterion/735506279592787968/might-be-a-weird-question-but-what-do-you-think this one isn’t an analysis at all but I thought it was funny
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attyslittlespace · 2 months
Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday so I wanted to make something fun that the little community can be apart of! Yes, I know its the beginning of August 😭🙏 but I wanted to make sure people had time to make something nice with all the prompts since i know theres 31 <3
You can do anything you want with the prompts too! Moodboards, outfit moodboards, writing, drawings, anything! You can even mix it up! Get creative!
~ Things that make you nostalgic, halloween from your childhood, etc.
~ Anything to do with your fav Halloween movie
~ All about pumpkin patches
~ Your fav horror character, genre, movie, book, etc. Or could even be what you would be like in a horror movie, or horror costume, pretty much all about horror
~ Clowns, games, rides, food, aesthetic, just all about carnivals
~ Poison, Spells, Haunted Houses, Cursed Items, All that jazz
~ Fav slasher character, movie, aesthetic, etc.
~ Scare Crows!!
~ All about Nightmare Before Christmas (I added this for christmas elements :3)
~ Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Dolls, Possesion
~ Clowns, Circus acts, Circus tents, All things circus
~ Farms, tractors, like rural areas, etc.
~ All about monsters
~ I added this cus I love the backrooms leave me be 👀
~ Do whatever you'd like !
~ (I hope someone gets this reference) Summer camps, slashers, final girls, summerween
~ Nighttime, smores, ghost stories, etc.
~ Those school Halloween parties from your childhood :3
~ Bats :3
~ Yum
~ Your little age/little you but Halloween ooo spooky
~ Scooby Doo, Goosebumps, Stranger Things, it doesnt have to be Halloween coded
~ Stereotypical Halloween witches or genuine pagan witches or a secret third option, doesnt matter
~ Or as the british call it "Autumn"
~ All about ghosts and/or ghost busters
~ Cemetaries, Funerals, The Undead, Full Moons
~ Halloween movies, blankets, cozy vibes, and FOOD
~ Costumes yayyy
~ Tis the night before Halloween...
~ The iconic tradition, the star of the show
Feel free to skip any prompts, not go in order, etc. N you can start posting whenever you want! Me personally I will start posting on the first of October though
If you do this please use the tag #attys halloween prompts or even tag me ! Id love to see everyones creations and I will be reblogging every one I see <3
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Can you do a Peaky Blinders hc with a spooky, gothic reader? If you're taking requests :)
I received this ask so long ago (when i was binge watching Wednesday) and ive been proper looking forward to it so i hope i dont disappoint!!
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🌿Theres a lot of rumours that fly around town about you. You're infamous in Small Heath.. People say you're a witch, they say you can speak with the dead... Some people even say you are one of the dead...
🌿But Tommy doesn't believe a word of it... To him you're just any other woman...
🌿 At first he thinks you dress like that, walk around town with your dark smudged makeup and your gloomy expression to try and intimidate people... He thinks you're putting on airs
🌿And he's determined to suss you out, break through your shell and find out all about the "real you"
🌿 But you're also breath taking, beautiful. You have that cold, removed beauty.. You look deadly. Thats what makes you look so ghostly - its nothing to do with the colour of your skin and everything to do with the uncanny aura you possess, the way you drift down the street completely seperate from everything around you
🌿 He sees you as a misfit just like him, he isn't scared to talk to you but when you don't give him much to go off in conversation he struggles to begin with
🌿But then he grows to enjoy the silence. People do enough talking, and always about stupid inconsequential shit... No, sometimes silence is good, and he's glad he's found someone who he can just be silent with.
🌿 When you walk down the street together youre an imposing sight to behold. If there were rumours about the two of you before, they intesify now. The ghostly girl and the devil himself...
🌿People fear you both. They are superstitious about you, some old ladies make the sign of the cross when they see you.
🌿He loves it when you wear blood red, how it brings out the colour in your lips, its so striking on you, so seductive and glamorous. He's always buying you deep red velvet dresses to wear.
🌿 Often references the rumours which go around about you, just to tease you. You always have a dry smirk and a short and sweet, cutting come back when he does.
🌿Calls you his deadly nightshade, and foxglove, they start out as teasing nicknames but end up affectionate and intimate names for you.
🌿 He is obsessed with your eyes, transfixed by them, theyre so piercing and deep, if eyes are the key to ones soul yours are the murkiest most troubled of waters and Tommy would happily drown in them.
🌿 Will use the rumours about you to his advantage when it comes to trying to intimidate his enemies.
🐻 Doesn't think he's ever seen a more gloomy girl than you, the first time he sees you you actually send a shudder down his spine not just because you're beautiful, but because your sullen expression makes it look like you're cursing everyone in present company, including him
🐻 And he can't help but wonder if you did in fact put a curse on him because you have bewitched him, body and soul, as it were. Your pretty little face haunts him and for days youre all he can think about.
🐻 He starts actually the paying attention to the gossip in the bakery, listening out for your name, wanting to know more about the mysterious, miserable looking girl he can't get off his mind
🐻 The next time he sees you he does his best to charm you, and it isnt that you don't like him, actually he's one of the only people in this god forsaken place that you do like, its that you don't really understand he likes you like that.
🐻 You're not so much as shy, more reserved and you can listen to alfie talk and talk and talk, you love listening to him talk actually, but you never want to interrupt him, so he thinks you're not interested in him at all
🐻 Which means he tries even harder to impress you, he wants to do things you'll enjoy so he takes you on walks to the cemetary and tells you stories about the people the graves belong to. Some of them are real stories some of them, you're not so sure.
🐻 The way you never express an emotion until someone really gives you a good reason to, it makes him try ten times harder to impress you when he's telling his stories or putting on his own airs. He hasn't had to act up this much for someone in so long and he loves it. Your dramatic appearance and aesthetic really plays well with his dramatic aura and way of speaking. All his theatrical mannerisms compliment your dramatic style.
🐻 He comes up with all sorts of off the cuff nicknames for you, "and how is my little rain cloud on this dismal morning?" "my sweet dahlia," "my little inferno," "my dusky nymph," they get more dramatic every time.
🐻 He enjoys trying to coax a smile out of you, you're so mysterious and for awhile all he wants to do is get under your skin, get to know you better than anyone else can. He's captivated by you and wants to know all your secrets
🐻 You're his muse during his Opera Era.
🐻 He absolutely loves the shock effect when he walks into a room or down the street with his gothic princess on his arm. The way he can feel all eyes on the two of you, how he knows everyone's a little bit more fearful when they see you, the witchy girl with all those mysteries and secrets.
🐻 He will ask you to tell him spooky stories when youre both settling down to go to sleeo, he likes to have you curled up in his arms, drawing patterns on his chest whilst you tell him stories about ghosts and vampires.
🐻 Until you actually do manage to spook him and he has to cut you off, pretending to be a big strong man who isn't scared "enough now my little black cloud, its getting late, sleep!"
🐻 Enjoys buying you lots of gothic jewelery, seeing you adorned in the black pearls and obsidian he gifts to you.
🐻 Does worry about you, hopes youre not really as sad as you seem, hopes that most of that gloom and seriousness is just an act, an aesthetic, worries he can't make you happy.
🐻 Finds your dry, sarcastic sense of humour very entertaining, how deadpan everything you say it. How most of the time people are never quite sure whether to laugh at your joke or not. He also adores how cutting you can be when you want to be, the insults shoot like daggers from your tongue so casually that whoevers on the recieving end never knows how to respond.
🍂 Actually believes youre a ghost for far too long. The first time he sees you, his brothers observe how shocked he is, they recognise the fear/uncertainty in his eyes and they know they can take the piss.
🍂 "You alright there Arthur you look like you've seen a ghost?" tommy and John sniggering when Arthur nods in your direction, asks who you are, only to be met with his brothers frowns. "Who're you lookin at brother? All I sees Uncle Charlie..." "She's right there next to em..." "Think the drinks gone to your head Arthur..."
🍂 So he's actually terrified of you, every time he sees you he thinks he's going a little bit mad. Until one day youre talking to Polly and he comes rushing to his Aunts side all "Pol, Polly thank god," when she turns to him with a confused look in her eyes he whispers "you can see her too Im not going mad..." Polly laughs at him, "fuckin hell arthur of course i can fuckin see her shes standing right there..."
🍂 You're actually relieved to find out that the older mans apparent dislike of you (he always left the room when you entered, always looked at you with an abject horror in his eyes) is quite simply the result of a rather amusing trick thats been played on him
🍂 Polly leaves the pair of you alone together, recognising Arthurs sudden shyness, and when youre alone with him he smirks sheepishly and admits, "Well am glad youre not dead or a ghost or somet..." "I wouldn't mind being a ghost..." "I didn't mean anythin by it am sure you'd make a lovely ghost..."
🍂 Arthur gets quite flustered and trips over his sentences a lot when hes talking to you, because the fact that you don't give much away makes him nervous. You have an intimidating aura, and the fact that you're the most beautiful woman hes ever seen... He never knows how to act or whether he's managing to win you over or not.
🍂 You really confuse him sometimes, the way you arent disturbed by blood or fighting, the way the violence and bleak dark underside of the work him and his brothers do doesnt seem to shock you at all.
🍂 It frustrates him the way you like to go on walks in the rain until youre freezing and soaked to the bone, or the way that if you prick your finger or accidentally bite your lip to hard and draw blood, you'll stop to admire the blood instead of rushing to help yourself.
🍂 Can't decide whether he likes the fact that nothing intimidates you or not. On the one hand he adores your sharp wit, on the other hand he knows its going to get you into trouble one day.
🌼 I can't even begin to explain how desperate to make you smile this man is, he sees it as a challenge, a competition even.
🌼 Actually it is a competition between him and his brothers, theyve all been playing this game - who can make the mysterious, miserable girl smile first - John is determined to win
🌼 But not just to get a one up on his brothers, its because he genuinely does want to make you smile... Youre so dazzlingly pretty anyway, your piercing gaze, the downward pout of your lips, that gloomy faraway look you always have about you... Hes so drawn to you
🌼 Its a real opposites attract situation, hes always been known for his lighthearted playful, laidback ways, whereas your reputation around the city is one of despair, sorrow, misery.
🌼 Hes thinks you're beautiful, your mysterious, striking appearance, the way a shadow seems to hang over you at all times.
🌼 At first you dismiss every move he makes, shooting him down with dry cutting remarks but John is only made more determined by these rebuttals. And the more he tries with you the more he chips away at that steely exterior.
🌼 His nickname for you is Sunshine, he finds it very funny and feels like hes being very clever. He means them all affectionately though.
🌼 Is extra silly trying to make you laugh and when he finally succeeds hes so smug and proud of himself, you have to admit it is actually kind of adorable.
🌼 Finds all of the rumours which go round about you incredibly amusing, definitely gets defensive of you though, how dare people make out like youre a witch, youre his girl, no one gets away with calling his girl a witch, or saying discriminatory things like "be careful she'll put a gypsy curse on you" John will straight up fight anyone he hears saying anything like that about you... Even if in private the two of you make jokes like that all the time.
🌼 Hes the only person who can make you laugh and smile and hes incredibly proud of that fact. No one believes him when he tells them that you smile for him though which is infuriating for him.
🌼 At first he's incredibly unnerved by the fact that you're not bothered about blood or violence at all. When he comes home to the Garrison one evening all bloodied up from a fight you don't even bat an eye, you just come to him, study his wounds and say very matter of factly, "You're going to need stitches but i guess i can manage that."
🌼 He never quite gets used to it though and hes not sure how to feel about the fact that you never seem phased about anything. He's quite an emotional man and the fact that he never sees you get scared confuses him, he knows men are sposed to hide that shit but women are meant to be softer, so why aren't you.
🌼 Over time he comes to realise that you do feel fear and you do worry about him when he's been through the wars, you just don't see the point in fussing when it's wasting time which could be spent helping him. And the closer the two of you get the more open to showing him your feelings you are. You don't like crying in front of people but you have done in front of him and hes always been there to hold you and comfort you and let you know its alright.
🍀At first people are confused as to why the sunny, cheeky, seemingly optimistic boy is so taken in by you, but to him and to you, its clear what you have in common. The two of you both have a dark side, perhaps you express them differently but they are there. You wear your darkness on your sleeve, dark eyes, dark hair, permanent sullen expression, you're pretty but you look so sad all of the time. Around the camp youre known as the Grey Girl, because you seem so gloomy and ghostly all of the time
🍀 There are rumours about you that say you're half dead, that you only have half a soul, that you can see and speak to the dead. None of its true but youd be lying if you said you didn't like playing up to it.
🍀Bonnies darkness is in his determination and his honest view of the world. He's seen and done evil things and he doesnt really believe the world to be a good place, he admires your honesty, the way you dont feel the need to hide your gloom.
🍀 And he feels a persistent connection with you, he just knows he understands you completely and thats why he wants to get closer to you, to show you that you're not alone in this world, that hes right there with you, that he knows what its like.
🍀 Growing up in close proximity to one another, he never really had to try and "get to know you" as such, because he's known you since you were born, but he did have to try and get close to you, especially as you got older and began to isolate yourself more and more.
🍀He was the only lad to keep talking to you when you got "spooky" as the other kids called it, and hes the only person you ever really enjoy spending your time with. Nobody can understand how you tolerate him, when you don't seem to be able to tolerate anyone else, but you warm to him, rather than being like a warm summers day, he's like the little beam of moonlight cutting through the rain in the middle of the night. He makes the whole gloomy world softer and easier to bare.
🍀 He loves holding your hands, they're always freezing so he's always making a show of trying to rub them warm.
🍀 Hes very defensive of you because he believes youre misunderstood. He doesnt like the way some people laugh at you and he's definitely clipped a number of the younger lads around the ear when theyve made some joke about you talking to the dead.
🍀 Futher to that he's definitely gotten into whole fights with outsiders who have said things about you being a witch, men who have cat called you, been met with a sharp response from you and then said, "ooo whatre you gonna do about girl? Put one of your gypsy curses on me?" they think they're funny until their nose comes into contact with Bonnies fist.
🍀Every time you tell him he shouldn't, you are so determined to look after yourself, and every time he just shrugs and smiles and says that he likes fighting for you. Reminding you again that you aren't alone.
🍀 He calls you Trouble, or Little Rook when he's feeling cute.
🍀 Has definitely let you smudge black eyeliner beneath his eyes once or twice, it makes you laugh which is a rarity.
🍀 You look so striking when youre sitting among the drunken rabble who come to watch his fights. You dressed in all black, your ghostly aura, your fixed and intense gaze piercing, locked on him. You have this stubborn determination about you when you watch him and people have often accused you of "fixing" the match yourself, putting a spell on Bonnies competition to make them weak.
🍀 Bonnie gets annoyed when people make those accusations, he gets stubborn and defensive about it because a) "they only say it cause we're gypsies!" b) "And she isnt a fucking witch, its disrespectful" and c) "I don't need a fuckin spell to beat these soft lads in a fuckin fight, am Bonnie fuckin Gold arent i..."
🍀 On these occasions you're the only person who can really calm him down or settle him. Your quiet, calm, dry and cutting sense of humour the only thing that can put a smile on his face and stop him killing someone.
🍀 Your favourite thing to do is ride horseback with him across the moores in the mist, those gloomy gothic landscapes are perfect to you. You like being alone with him in the fog, feeling like youre the only living boy and girl in the world.
🐀Honestly he definitely thinks youre killer hot, your elegant dark clothes, the lace you often wear. The way you do your make up dark and smokey around the eyes. All he wants to do when he sees you, is take you somewhere dark and shadowy to do dark deeds with you
🐀 He definitely tries to flirt by teasing you, definitely made the mistake of using the phrase "cheer up love, it might never happen," the first time he met you, to which he was met with the iciest glare and the most cutting "that would be a shame."
🐀He is a little like John in that all the nicknames he chooses for you are overly affectionate and sweet on purpose just to embarrass you. He likes "sunshine" "princess" "sweetie pie" best because whenever he uses those names for you the glare you fix him with is so cold and sharp. It both amuses and attracts him.
🐀Really really enjoys watching you cut down other people with your sharp remarks, kind of likes the fact that you dont need looking after. You can stand up for yourself and he really admires that about you.
🐀Buys you lots of pretty black and red jewlery.
🐀Honestly hes the one spreading rumours about you, he finds it funny to put the fear of god into the men down the Garrison telling them all about his girlfriend who has definitely murdered men before.
🐀 Still, if other men cross a line, Isaiah might be the one that kills them. He can say whatever he likes about his girl but if any one else crosses a line then theyre for it.
🐀 Once Tommy gave him the job of disposing of a dead body and you asked to see it (morbid curiosity) and his first response was to get really angry at you, because why the fuck would you want to see that?! When your response was to simply shrug your shoulders all "fair enough i was just curious," he softens a bit, hes unnerved because you dont seem to give a shit either way and hes confused by that.
🐀He doesnt let you see it though and he tells you never to ask him or any of the peaky boys that ever again.
🐀 Hes obsessed with your cold touch, loves feeling your icy fingers dance over his skin or linger on his neck/cheek. Your lips are often cold when you kiss his cheek and it gives him those good shivers.
🐀 Teasingly makes the sign of the cross whenever you enter the room just to see you roll your eyes and have you call him ridiculous.
🐀Your favourite time to go out for walks is the middle of the night and it drives him insane because its not safe "even if you look like youve just popped in from hell, its dangerous!" so he loses a lot of sleep going on walks with you during the witching hour.
🐀You have a reputation as a couple, him for being a little unpredictable and you for being predictably sharp and cutting. People know not to cross you and it often only takes one sharp look from you with your piercing gaze for someone to think twice about what they might be about to say.
☘️ You're his Raven, he's well read and he often calls you Carmilla, feme fatale, Carmen.
☘️ Buys you black petunias which look like this...
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☘️ You have a really gothic looking house/garden with all these black flowers growing out the front and in the windows. People say you live in a haunted house and they warn Michael against calling on you, but Michael's mother is Polly Gray so he isnt scared of ghosts. He doesnt believe in them.
☘️ You wear so much velvet and he cant keep his hands off you, he loves smoothing his hands over your waist, feeling the soften off your dress and the curve of your body.
☘️ "That girls not to be trusted Michael, she's so clearly put a spell on you..." "Maybe she has," he shrugs smirks and ends any conversation which brings you into suspicion like that
☘️ Secretly enjoys the fact that people are a little bit scared of his girl, he likes the fact hes seeing a dangerous woman, it makes you a dangerous couple. More than that though, he likes the fact he doesnt have to worry too much about competition. Most men are scared of you afterall. It makes him feel powerful that he's managed to win you.
☘️ He won't take you seriously when you say spooky things or whatever, whenever you try to use your witchy reputation to prove yourself to Michael he just chuckles and tells you to settle down, he's stubborn about it too. "Put on all the airs you like when it comes to those other men my little Raven but they won't work on me..."
☘️ He likes when you sing your gloomy, spooky little folk songs for him, or when you put on slow, eerie tunes and dance to them in that strange sensual way you do. (im thinking audrey twin peaks style) he could watch you dancing for hours, so easily transfixed by you.
☘️Your darkness and spooky reputation actually ingratiates you to tommy so michael gets more respect from tommy because of you. Tommy has a real soft spot for you though and michael often gets jealous, worried that if tommy ever decides to get too close you wont be able to resist the older mans darkness.
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winniethewife · 14 days
I had all and then most of you, Some and now none of you.
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(Peter Roiter x reader)
Prompt: Can’t let you go
A/N: For my Event Nine weeks in hell and Angstember
Warnings: Angst, Death, Use of very generic names for NPCs,
Words: 605
There was nothing left in this timeline for him, everyone he had cared about was gone. She was gone. It made sense to join this time traveling initiative to stop the pandemic, that way, in another life, she was still around.
“Can I request one thing, before you send me back?” He asked the official.
“If I can accommodate it, I would be happy to help.” The man with the boyish face looked at him.
“Theres…one night in this timeline I’d like to go back to one more time before I…” He thought it was a long shot but the man nodded.
“What was the date?” He asked simply
“Halloween 2046.” He said. The night they met.
She walked in to the bar, her friends on her tail as she takes a look around. Their usual hangout was packed to the brim with costumed locals and people from out of town. She reaches to pull down the skirt of her witch costume again, she really should have tried it on before tonight, and she could have returned it for a size larger. Oh well Hindsight is 20/20. She walked up to the busy bar, her friend Mary taps her shoulder. She turns to look at the girl in the devil horns and bright pink hair.
“Hey I’m gonna stop by the bathroom, get me a Cosmo?” Mary asked innocently, She rolled her eyes.
“Alright but I’m not opening a tab for you to put all your shit on okay? I’m closing out.” She wasn’t going to let her friends drink free just cause she’s the one with a better paying job. Mary put her hand to her chest in Mock-offence and their other friend Jenny laughed.
“I would never…okay I would but still, I’m offended you think so little of me.” Mary wandered off, Jenny adjusted the Cat ears on her head and looked around.
“I think the whole town is here tonight.” Jenny Said surprised
 “I think it’s possible, there seems to be a lot of out of towners too.” She replied as they both walked to the bar to order their drinks from the bartender Arthur.
Peter watched her from a distance, He knew this moment so well, because he was there the first time it happened. There she was drinking with her friends, the two would later be her bridesmaids at their wedding. He was new to town, just moved there for work. She had grown up here, and never strayed far, he saw his past self observing her from the end of the bar, his own Halloween costume of Sherlock Holmes was something the two of them would make jokes about for years to come. He watched as Past Peter waved Arthur down and pointed over at her. He could hear his own voice in his head.
“I’d like to buy the Witch a drink.” He said. Arthur had obliged his request and handed her usual drink to her, and after an exchange of confused looks and exchanges, she walked over to him. Peter leans in closer to hear her voice, just one last time, to hear those words once more.
“Hello Detective, how can I help you solve the case?” Her voice, he had missed it so much. He watched for a moment longer, knowing he only had so much longer. Just as the scene around him started to fade he heard her laugh at his dumb joke.
He felt free.
He knew he could do anything now, to save another timeline, to save another her, so another him could have more than just the night they met.
Taglist: : @silvernight-m @queerponcho @boredzillenial
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dreamerwitches · 6 months
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So! After enjoying redoing the holy sextet doppels, I thought I’d give a shot at the original series witches! They were all super fun but not without difficulty. Okay let’s gooo!
I did two sets for each witch after finishing the first goes and not being satisfied. They felt like they weren’t witch enough and was too much of the magi. I took a round two but Im still torn on some of them.
I like both of Gertrud’s but I feel like the second would be better as a doppel. I think maybe a third go could make a best of both worlds outcome. I really like the lil Anthony heads holding up the skirt. I opted to have lil cotton ball Anthony heads on the second but I think these heads could be added. I was adamant on Gertrud’s head cause that’s really her most famous part.
Definitely happiest with the first Suleika try. I only really did the second just so I had two for each. I just think making the doppel a big spider is a total ‘duh! Of course!’. She’s simple, but that suits the witch. The second kinda borrowed from my rotten witch Suleika and the spikes are meant to be the jungle gym from her labyrinth.
Im torn on the two Ellys. I like both aaaaa. It features Elly’s main image - the tv - the orange goop and her wings are now more angelic. A) they look cooler and b) it fits in with daniyyel and jennifer being angels. Go one has her teapot as a gatling gun which she uses in the video games like portable. I thought that would be a nice deep cut. The second go was kinda because I was sad about not using her doll form. She’s kinda the star instead of the magi and I think that works well.
Once again torn on Albertine aaa. I was almost completely happy with the first but like others, I didn't feel like it was enough of the witch. I think the Jack in the box idea suited her and the eyes are a reference to the ones in her labyrinth. I think the second try is super fun as Albertine is shown to be huge in both of her appearances buuut the only problem is that it's just her. The magi is in her pocket and it still includes the Anja but theres no change from her usual appearance so it can feel a little lazy. Im torn, perhaps I'll try adding the first go's aspects to the second.
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dani-says-stuff · 1 year
The Art of Distraction
❥ Back to the Control Center
❥ Nate Hardy Masterlist
- couldn't wait to bulk post, i'm actually pretty proud of this one
- i didn't end up using the exact line/prompt in the request because it didnt really fit, but it's similar enough for the point to get across
Nate Hardy x fem!reader
Summary: Based on this request
i tried lol, i dont know if it's as spicy as you were hoping it to be, but i packed it with extra stuff just incase that part came out super cringy.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: cringe, suggestive(?), mentions of a haunting that i completely made up for background, very very loosely based on the witch's forest video, inconsistent capitalization, my usual grammar warning... i dont think theres anything bad in here but to be honest i cant really remember
Dialogue Key: Probably dont even need this, but just for consistancy
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couldnt really find a great gif for this fic, but i think its funny so im dropping it here.
It had been a few hours since you had returned home and you'd yet to stop shaking. You'd been on investigations with Nate and the boys in the past, but this one in particular threw you way more than you thought it would. 
For the entire car ride back home, the events wouldn't stop rapidly flicking through your mind. Nate's arm resting on the console and his hand softly placed on your thigh did little to ground you as it normally did. The thought of reaching down and intertwining your fingers as you'd done many times before didn't even come to mind, your hands too busy picking at your sleeves to do anything else. 
Dark midnight skies barely visible through clusters of twisted curling tree branches. 
Thick wooden trunks placed around you like a maze, they all looked the same no matter which direction you went. 
Dry dirt and bits of gravel kicking up in clouds behind you, scraping up the backs of your legs from the speed at which you were running. 
Branches strewn across the overgrown path splitting and cracking loudly beneath your feet. 
Your throat, raw from screaming out to the boys. 
Your heartbeat, deafening in your ears. 
Nate's one-sided conversation through the duration of the ride back barely made its way to your ears, it felt like you were underwater or your ears were stuffed with cotton.
The only thing you could hear clearly was the memory of your own panicked screams earlier that night. 
It had started just as any other investigation had, and for the first time in a while, it wasn't happening in a building. 
The first half of the video held a strangely nostalgic vibe. In the days of a better quality Sam and Colby channel, where they were now able to book the big shot hauntings and go to different countries with loads of equipment, would sit a small video similar to those of their early days.
They were once again investigating an area that wasn't highly publicized, the only ones to know of it being the eager locals with decades of ghost stories to share. 
It was said that there was a witch who lived deep within the forest many centuries ago. She dwelled in a quaint cottage where she would practice her spells and hexes... or at least that's how the villagers of the time saw her.
It didn't matter that the woman was in the woods alone because her family had all perished from sickness.
It didn't matter that she was cooking up the same herbal home remedies as everyone else.
When the drought came and wiped out the village crops but the witch's garden in the woods flourished due to the untouched aquifer beneath her land, they were furious.
It was said that they marched upon her house late one night, torches and pitchforks held high, enraged at the witch in the woods. They yelled, taunting her to emerge so they could take her into the small town square. When she refused, they tossed their torches at the structure, laughter overpowering the screams of the woman inside as the house was engulfed in flame. 
It was thought to be an old wives tale, the witch deep in the woods brooding silently as she worked on enchantments was hardly anything new. It was simply a story passed down from parent to child in hopes of keeping the energetic children from venturing off too far on their own. 
But then they started finding things.
The ruins of a small house, a foundation of stone left behind in the middle of the forest.
Old, hand-made historic brick, placed in a careful circle like the makings of a well.
The bones found throughout the property, most likely scattered by animals and winds over time.
With the influx of people from the small town once again venturing into the forest, it was only natural that the witch would awaken. 
So, you all ventured into the woods with no more than a flashlight each, a spirit box, and a REM pod to see if you would be able to communicate with the spirit of the witch that haunted the woods.
When the sun set was when everything went wrong.
The REM pod began going off rapidly, pointing in every direction, no clear responses being drawn from the item. The spirit box chirped to life despite never being turned on, spouting one word.
Branches cracked from close behind you, startling your group of four to do exactly that. 
You made it a few feet when you tripped over something cold and solid, just tall enough to catch the end of your shoe as you ran. Your flashlight tumbled from your hand, rolling across the ground to show two very terrifying things. 
One, the lack of the three boys running along behind you, meaning that you had managed to run off in a different direction than they had. You were now completely alone in the forest that was difficult to navigate in a group. 
Two, a short stone wall standing before you, encapsulating the leafy floor you were splayed across. You had managed to run straight into the remains of the cottage. 
If matters couldn't get any worse, the very thing commonly experienced by those who ventured to this area happened to you. It was said that if you ventured onto her land, the witch would drain the power of your devices and most often—the batteries of your flashlights.
Any sort of light brought near the ruins in the dead of night would be promptly snuffed out, assumingly because of the tragedy that occurred the last time beacons of light were brought to the location. 
Your flashlight began to flicker. 
And then the light was gone, submerging you completely in the stale darkness of night. 
Everything after that was a blur, all you could comprehend were the quick flashes terrorizing your mind. 
Dark midnight skies.
Clusters of twisted tree branches. 
A wooden maze of towering trees. 
Dry dirt and bits of gravel stinging your legs. 
Burning muscles. 
Overgrown paths.
Panicked screams of both you and Nate as you scrambled blindly through the wood. 
Your heartbeat pounding in your head.
Just as it felt like you were running aimlessly then, you felt as if you could make no progress now. 
No matter how far you ran—no matter how much time had passed—you stayed terrified. 
Both bedside lamps were on as you burrowed yourself under countless layers of blankets and sheets, your body curled in a tight ball. After all, if your blankets are covering you, the monster under the bed doesn't know you are there.
All that peaked out from the fluffy mass on the bed were your eyes, gaze solely focused on the Disney movie you'd turned on moments before, proving to yourself that witches aren't really as scary as they appear.
Good always wins and bad things can't reach you. 
Nate entered the room about fifteen minutes into your movie, hair still damp from the shower and one of your favorite shirts of his draped over his shoulders. It was an old T-shirt from who knows how long ago, but it was soft from wear and one of the most comforting things in the world to have pressed against your skin when he pulled you into his chest at night. 
His eyebrows furrowed at your eyes, wide and alert, quickly darting to him when he entered the bedroom, "Babe?" he spoke softly, slowly approaching and kneeling down by the bedside, fishing for your hand beneath the blankets, "Are you ok?" 
His eyes were sincere and brimming with worry as he looked upon you, gaze scanning over what he could see of you, assessing any damage that may have occurred in the brief time he left you alone.
You nodded slowly, eyes abandoning the movie and choosing to find solace in him instead. 
Once deeming you in no worse condition than he left you in, his head moved finally noticing the laptop perched on the mattress and the movie that previously held your attention playing out on the screen. 
A teasing smirk graced his features, "Really?"
Heat rose to your cheeks and you somehow managed to descend deeper into your cocoon. Your words were muffled by the comforter blocking the lower half of your face, "I needed to get my mind off of it." Nate laughed quietly at your explanation making you double down out of embarrassment, "I needed something to distract me so I could sleep." 
"A Disney movie?" he spoke, equal parts teasing and condescending. 
"What?" you whined rolling your eyes at him, "It always worked when I was younger." 
He hummed, standing up and plucking the laptop from the bed, quickly shutting it off and placing it to the side despite your protests. 
"Well," Nate spoke, waggling his eyebrows at you a few times in order to get you to laugh, "now you don't need 'em."  
You raised a single eyebrow, scanning him skeptically, "Why's that?" 
"Because," he trailed off, leaning to press a loving kiss to your forehead, "I'm going to be the best damn distraction you've ever seen."
"Oh really?" 
He hummed again, pressing a kiss to your nose.
You tilted your head slightly to the side with wide puppy dog eyes staring up at him, not quite getting what he was implying, "And how exactly are you going to do that?" 
Nate pulled the covers down to your chin with a soft, lovesick smile, "Like this." he whispered, finally placing a kiss on your lips. 
Your eyes fluttered closed, a warmth flooding your body unlike the one gained from the blankets. This was a warmth that came from the innermost parts of your soul, igniting each and every nerve, setting them on fire. 
He slowly peeled back the blankets to reveal your form, arms covered with goosebumps from the stark temperature difference flew up to wrap around his neck the second they were released, fingers sinking into his hair. His own arms swiftly moved around your waist, pulling your bodies even closer as he moved onto the bed hovering over you, never once daring to break the kiss. 
The only time his lips left yours where when they moved to trace your jawline and trail down your neck leaving you breathless. 
He moved across your skin, leaving a tapestry of red and purple in his wake, painting your skin the same colors as the fireworks dancing behind your eyelids. With your mind focused on him, there was no room to think of anything else, he moved in a way that you couldn't fathom wanting to think of anything else. 
His hands dipped lower and lower, teasing beneath the hemming of your sleepshirt and caressing your warm skin.
He leaned back, removing his lips from you after what felt like hours, pupils blown wide and a loving, lustful haze clouding over his eyes. 
The only reason he parted was to drag the shirt up off your body with his own quickly following suit to be thrown blindly into a corner, lips hungrily returning to your own the minute the barrier was gone. 
He held your attention fully until the sun breached the horizon line, chasing the moon and darkness of night away as it found its rightful place up in the sky. The night was over, any thoughts you had of terrible twisting branches and evil witches dissolved in the light of morning—at least the ones that hadn't been valiantly chased away by your very own knight in shining armor. 
You lay in bed beneath the single bedsheet, head resting against Nate's chest as he absentmidedly traced shapes across your back, humming a random melody as he did so. The warm light of day breaching through the cracks of the drawn curtains, bathing your tangled limbs in soft gold. 
He was right, you didn't need to distract yourself with the technicolor animations of your childhood. You didn't need to dull your senses with endless hours of princes and princesses saving the day anymore. 
Not when you had your very own fairytale sitting right in front of you, ready and waiting to do whatever it takes to give you your happy ending. 
With that thought and a sweet smile gracing your lips you closed your eyes, finally able to get some sleep. 
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leoruby-draws · 6 months
hello hello hello
i just want to say i love your little drawings so much they're adorable and so full of life and everything feels exciting in them and i love how you draw and make really fun stuff for many of the minor characters, you're doing such a good job with them and it gives me so much joyy
Hi Hi Hi
Thanks for liking my stuff! Happy to bring you joy, drawing these brings me joy!
Also its fun to get into and draw minor characters because their reading lists are super short lol! But I like to give a little love to characters that most people might not know about, in fact here's some random drawings that I had in the back-burner for the past year! Never could find a chance to just post them:
Here's a cute drawing of Cyclone, Maxine Hunkle! Wanted to give her a cute costume makeover. Kinda has a magical girl look to it huh? Took a bit of inspiration from Ojamajo Doremi, but also she's meant to resemble Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz! Both the princess and the witch. I have a bit of idea of what I'm going do with her, but that's for later.
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Got a drawing of Gan, Jason's friend from the Knight White books. Not sure if she exist in my Training Wheels au, but I like her a lot. Her rapport with Jason was fun to read.
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Here it looks like the Outlaws are trying to recruit new members, from the Relative Heroes group, Damara Sinclaire (Allure) and Tyson Gilford (Blindside). They're not likely to join, preferring to stick with their own group. Just as well since Damara's powers might make things a rather chaotic, she doesn't need that drama in her life lol. Tho I like the thought of Tyson helping out now and then, his invisibility would be pretty useful.
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Here's some random assortment of heroes, Ray Terrill the...Ray. Amethyst, tho top pic is uncolored (im lazy) but theres a Sailor Amethyst to make up for that.
There's the first Green Lantern (Alan Scott) with his kids,Jade (Jennifer Lynn Hayden) and Obsidian (Todd James Rice). Wonder why their babies here, de-aging mishap?
Jason and Toni gossip about their fellow teammates, and down below Jason decides to annoy a young Kyle Rayner. A universal constant!
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Todd can't help but join in!
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Also some cute father-son bonding! I sent this to someone else earlier, so imma just stick here too.
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For a really minor character, here's Jay, Eddie and Rose meeting up with a very strange new friend!
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And lastly here are the Metal Men, or should I say the mini-Metal Men. Read some comics about them, including a bit of silver age as well (they get destroyed pretty often, kinda funny ngl). I thought about what kinda sidekicks they could have, but I didn't want to look up metals or learn about metallurgy or chemistry or whatever. So I just made them smaller, its just temporary though, aren't they cute? Look at poor Copper, she just wants to join in!
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Anyways, hope that wasn't too much, tagging all of this is gonna suck.
Sorry I haven't been posting, due to Tumblr being a pile of shit and trying give our stuff to ai websites. So I thought I would download nightshade and glaze, but that didn't work out at all (I got a new laptop but it still wont render for me at all). So I'm just gonna hope my opt-out in the settings will be enough for now. Sigh!
Hope you like all this anon, might be a while til I post again. Later!
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yeahiwasintheshit · 4 months
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I watched and I really loved the new Suspiria movie from 2018, Luca guadagnino who directed the movie says he sees it less as a remake of the classic movie, and more like when a band covers a song. Which is one of the things I appreciated most about the newer film. It has only the loosest of character and plot similarities with the classic Dario Argento film from the 70s.
Style wise the new movie is very much on its own. It’s quite beautiful in its sort of earthy 70s color palette, and naturalistic lighting. It kinda looks and feels more 70s than the original movie made in the 70s. Lol the Argento film has such a distinctive use of bright vibrant colorful lighting that sometimes make sense sometimes don’t, where Luca deliberately did not even attempt anything close to that, and it’s to the movies benefit. It really feels like a completely different movie, and any comparison is ALMOST not fair, cause both movies are not trying to do the same thing. The Argento film is an almost stylistic exercise in horror... a waking nightmare of exaggerated color, exaggerated gore and exaggerated acting, in a movie with a plot that is very thin, and used to hang gory colorful scenes on. which i also love. Its great, and I like the original for the abstract weirdness it is, but the new one is so completely not that at all. its a slow burn, punctuated with intense graphic violence, told nationalistically, that is building fear, building tension, building a deeply complex plot that is not only about witches, but about power and how it corrupts. how it changes those in power into monsters who do terrible things. it kinda reminds me of dune and the messiah that is birthed into a world that needs to be cleansed. i dont know if any of that is spoilers, or not. or if im gonna spoil anything more, soooo....
the first real violent scene, is done so perfectly. what i really liked about this movie, is that the witches in the movie cast their spells thru dance. which makes sense why they have a dance academy. so we see theres a dancer named olga, who has previously slighted the witches, and is now caught in another room by them. shes alone and scared and she cant get out. so then cut to dakota johnson, shes starting to perform this dance, which was apparently originally choreographed by tildas character. it is this really sharp, rigid, animalistic almost tribal like dance. and as dakota does these wild "modern" dance moves, its edited wonderfully, so that this other woman, olga, is almost being punched and kicked and thrown around the room in sync with the dancing. dakota does these harsh twisting movements with her hands and the girls arm breaks, then another move and her leg gets twisted up behind her head. shes contorted like a pretzel by the end of the dance, but not dead. its horrific! the witches then show up later as shes a pathetic lump on the floor, and use these meat hooks to lift her up. shes later used in the ceremony at the end. its insane and creative and disturbingly wild!
the movies not perfect tho, and tilda swinton in old man makeup was kind of a distraction for me a little bit. i dont really understand why they chose to do that. like for me whenever i see someone in old age makeup it says to me that you are going to see that actor later, in like a flashback or some scene when the character is younger. i was waiting for it and it doesnt come. theres gotta be a reason for it, cause why bother. but we get thru the whole movie and there seems to be no reason... no flashback or tilda ripping her old age makeup off. so it was a little confusing. but it also actually makes me think, maybe there was a reason for it??? idk
for me when i figured out it was tilda in the old man makeup, i was wondering why? and as the movie went on i assumed that we were to infer that yes josef was a vessel for the witches to spy on chloe moritzs character, from the beginning. even before the beginning of the movie. to know all her secrets. to know who she was talking to. when we met josefs wife later in the movie, i thought maybe she was a witch too, and that was how they controlled josef and got information about the girls, maybe? josef also is important because he becomes a witness at the end to mother superiorums ascension. it made me think he has a deeper connection with the witches, maybe thru his wife. so by the end when none of that happened or at least none of that was spelled out, i was a little confused, cause i thought that would have made sense? but none of it happened so maybe it wasnt any of that? and they just wanted tilda to play the old man? idk. you cant make a movie more than what is on screen, but these were the thoughts i was having as i was watching it. it may be deeper or may not... maybe its left vague for a reason. i dont really know.
but that was pretty much my biggest question mark about the whole movie, besides that i was completely invested thru the whole 2.5 hr movie. it didnt feel like it dragged at all. the pacing, while some people may think is slow, i was really into. it made me pay attention to all the scenes. i wanted to know what was happening. i didnt want to miss any piece, so i was focused. didnt pick up my phone once lol
the performances also were really great! dakota johnson as susie bannion, was so good. in my opinion she knows who she is right from the get go. ive seen people say that they think susie comes into the dance academy as an "innocent" someone who is "corrupted" by the witches and is "overtaken" by the spirit or soul of mother superiorum, but i think susie is mother superiorum from the beginning and she comes into the dance academy as almost a spy, someone powerful enough to block the other witches knowing who she is, so she can observe the witches without them knowing. and when she see how they are following the corrupt and power hungry mother markos, she springs into action, in the final scene, to kill mother markos and her followers. which is so creepy and gory and insane! but for us, the audience, we are like the witches, we dont know the extent of susies power at the beginning, we find out what shes capable of as the movie goes on, like the witches do. i didnt see that twist coming, but when it did, i thought that susie has been mother superiorum from the beginning, which apparently some didnt think. so again, i dont know, and the movie doesnt explicitly state. which i do kinda admire that they keep it vague and open to interpretation.
tilda swinton is also amazing. playing 3 roles, as madame blanc, josef, and mother markos. the old man makeup is really good, but its clearly old man makeup, and they didnt really disguise tildas voice, so it sounds like tilda swinton doing a frail old man voice lol she does really do a great job physically as an old man. its a great performance. mother markos is all grotesque makeup and a gross weird fat suit and weird voice, that i suspected it might be her under all that, but i wasnt sure until after the movie. lol her best performance for me, was as madame blanc. her scenes with dakota johnson were great. you sorta get this feeling like blanc is falling in love with susie, but its played like shes afraid of it a little, and almost a little scared of susie. like blanc knows more than the other witches do. idk. i like they kept a lot of it vague. like there might be another chapter in the story possibly? who knows. id love to see a sequel.
its also worth mentioning, that the josef character has a bigger role than it would seem, and is in more of the movie than youd think. i appreciated the sweeter ending, especially considering the orgy of blood and naked bodies in that red cave scene, athe end, before the very ending of the movie. i thought that that ending scene of mother superiorum at the bed with josef, as he finally got the news he wanted, really worked. cause it doesnt end with the cynicism sometimes in horror movies. the real villains were killed in the movie, and now they can start over. like maybe the message is that when people in power become too bloated and disgusting with power, like markos, its time to get rid of them and start with a new one.
anyway, really loved the movie. i saw it last night and im still thinking of it, so that a good sign, when it sticks with you so long, and theres parts that are vague enough to build your own story to, which i like, & its kind of exciting. def worth watching.
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