#they have constellations on their face what is more mystical than that?
garbashedump · 7 months
what if they were human?
kay kay kay so i was thinking what would the bugs loook like if they we in a human form or like in a disguse similar to scrabby and this is what i got:
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I was also thinking hmm.... well beetles are one of the most diverse species in the world and literally I watched a video talking about how they collected beetles for a sample in the wild and out of those beetles they discovered 7 new species. Soooooo I was like what if they were different races instead?
honestly, I'd be so funny bc of how Scrabby is ginger and he just starts singing the Animaniacs song if someone asks his race
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its literally just this lol
also I did as much research as I could ofc :p
Also one with the pink/green eyes (Popstar) belongs to @chaosaliien and the one with purple eyes (Stella) belongs to @liqu3d
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shirefantasies · 7 months
the fellowship and how they would comfort you after a nightmare
Sure thing! This is such a cute idea I love it 🥺 no detail is given about the nature of the nightmare, so it’s pretty fluffy & open to interpretation 🥰
How The Fellowship Comforts You After a Nightmare
A pair of hands catch you about the waist. “Careful, beloved, you almost fell,” a deep voice whispers. Aragorn. You start despite the comforting voice, and he notices. Fixing you with a look of concern, he nods encouragingly, letting you speak; you tell him it was a nightmare. “What happened?” He asks, and he listens with great interest as you describe what you saw, what your mind forced you to experience. “The night can be false,” he tells you, moving so close you can feel his breath upon your ear, “bringing forth our greatest fears. But I am here with you in its darkness.” Nodding, you give a small smile as he takes your hands. “Come here,” he beckons, and acquiescing he tucks you into him, your back against his chest and his arm draped over you protectively.
“Come." You hear Legolas before you see him, feel the way he reaches for you. Fingers intertwine with yours and shakily you reciprocate the grip. He raises you gently to a seated position, holding you lightly about the waist as you rotate in tandem. You’re facing the window, you realize, looking out into the night. “The stars,” Legolas breathes, “ever have they provided us with hope and comfort. They are looking out for us.” Mystic as his words are, you cannot help but admit that focusing on the distant, twinkling lights is calming, especially in Legolas’s arms. Silently, you nod. Legolas peers down at you thoughtfully before speaking again, pointing out stars and constellations until you are lulled into a much more peaceful sleep.
A tear slides down your cheek, but before the lines to reality are fully crossed you feel a hand caress you, wipe the droplet gently. “What ever is the matter?” A voice you would recognize anywhere: Boromir. Before you can speak you’re latching onto him. Stroking the crown of your head, he questions again, this time asking if you are all right. “I will be,” you answer shakily. His lips fall to yours, firmly but with a sense of care, of loving. “Good. You have me until then, and, I’m afraid, long after that, too,” he jokes, pulling you closer. “That means more than you could ever know,” you mutter, nuzzling into his neck and giving in when he shifts to his back, your body draped over his like a warm blanket.
Gasping and shooting upward, you are met with a shout that has you exclaiming as well, heart thundering in your chest. Suddenly, looking as though he’s been slapped, Gimli reaches for your hand, taking it in both of his. “Whatever is the matter, my jewel?” You cannot help cracking a feeble smile at his words of endearment even through the involuntary terror you’d awoken to. You apologize, tell him a nightmare had taken you. “Not if I have anything to say about it!” Gimli retorts. “Does it realize who it is up against?” Cue your beloved dwarf highlighting every amazing thing about you, from your beauty to your fighting spirit to simply poetry, all the wonderful things in this world you remind him of. “So if some dream thinks it can take you, it is sorely mistaken,” he concludes, looking satisfied at the upward tug of your lips, the bashful way your head falls against his chest.
Stirs with immediate knowledge and understanding of what you are going through, having experienced it many times himself. No words are necessary, only the small, sad nod you share. Frodo's hand immediately trails up and down your arm, spreading grounding warmth across your skin. Your head falls back against his chest in defeat and with a deep breath, he pulls you flush against him, lips pressing against the crown of your head. Frodo never demands words, but listens with deep thoughtfulness if you wish to volunteer them and even shares any similarities in his so you know you are not alone. Especially if any of them embody your worst intrusive thoughts, the hardest things to share aloud. He only feels comfortable sharing the events of his own nightmares because of this dark bond you share, but seeing your face and feeling the caress of your hand upon his cheek is all it takes to cast a light back into his eyes, one that sparks the same for you.
Sam’s hold upon you is the first awareness you achieve as you are thrust back into reality, your eyelashes fluttering as you make out his form. The moment tension fades from your body, he’s pulling you into him, rocking you gently and running his hand through or over your hair. “Sam, I’m sorry -” “Shhh,” he soothes, smiling gently, almost tearfully, “there’s no need. There’s no need at all. Let’s just stay here.” At your nod, he rests his chin atop your head and tucks your bodies as close into each other as possible, limbs fitting together like puzzle pieces. The last sensation you remember before drifting off to sleep is Sam’s lips lightly pressed against your cheek.
A gasp alerts Merry to your plight, sending him shooting up into a seated position, looking around the room with concern before his eyes fall sympathetically to you. “Bad dream?” His voice is quiet, hoarse from lack of use. You just nod. “Well that won’t do,” he shoots back, sitting up further and extending a hand. Shakily you take it and are pulled up at his side, an arm slung around your shoulders. “In the Brandybuck household, bad dreams mean storytime,” he tells you with a growing smile, “so your choice. Family legend or embarrassing Pippin story?” You feel your lips curling upward, visions of your nightmare already fading. “Embarrassing Pippin story.” “Great choice! So this one time…well, we’d had one too many tankards, I’ll confess, but I was well until Pippin…”
Does not wake up at your first stirring, but as you shift you feel his body move alongside you, turning to face your way. “Are you all right?" He whispers when you fall into his gaze, distress clear upon your face that you both feel and see mirrored in his. “Nightmare,” is all you have to whisper before you’re wrapped up completely in Pippin’s embrace, his legs tangling with yours as his arms wind around you. A smile breaks through on your face when you feel him nuzzle into you with his nose, leading you to snuggle in closer against his soft curls. “I’m always going to be here for you,” you hear him whisper, feel his warm breath as he speaks, “always.”
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia | Reply/Ask/Message to join!
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docwritesshit · 5 months
hihi!!! can I request a traffic light trio x fem!goddess reader please!! (all separate head cannons!!)
Oooo this’ll be fun!
Traffic light trio x Fem!Goddess!Reader
With this one, yall met a celestial event
One look across the room and this one became so curious
You were someone newer, under the wing of Quanyin and still learning the ropes but getting the hang of it quite easily
So you two met, begrudgingly under Quanyins guidance
But Reds was very… nice and polite. Very different from the stories you heard
Then things evolved and here you were dating!
She visits you more often than you visit her, mostly because his father likes to joke they took after him
PIF and DBK both approve of this btw. They would be hypocrites not to.
Gifts and trinkets they made decorate your walls, however they are more mystical in nature
Loves loves loves when you send gifts back. Likes the the little swans you make to actually fly down to him the most
Dates consist of you guys walking the celestial heavens all day any day
Letters travel back and forth between you two a lot because yall are both pretty busy
What you don’t know is that they save all of the letters in order to craft you a swan of your own made up of the love he has for you
Cuddle up to him and watch them combust
Ok he may have flown a bit too high while in his bird form and smacked you in the face-
Instantly transforming back and apologizing profusely
Then he gets stars in his eyes once he really looks at you
“Wow… you might be the goddess of my dreams- SORRY THAT SLIPPED OUT!”
Poor boy, he’s too cute for his own good
Once you start dating, he sends you so many doodles he’s made of you
So. Many. Doodles.
Even makes you a whole ass portrait for your anniversary
Yall both go to Flower Fruit Mountain for dates
Wukong keeps to himself, but gives MK proud smirks so damn often
Loves cuddling you. Snug as a bug in a rug when you hold him with all your robes flowing around
Makes you food. Is very particular on how he makes it cause you’re a goddess-
Loves star gazing with you and hearing all the stories you tell about different constellations
Oh my god he’s so fucking cute I can’t express how endearing it is
Would try and replicate a clay pot he saw and it would come out a muddled mess and you still cherish that thing
You are so protective of him if any other celestial tries to criticize you for dating the pupil of that “menace of a primate”
He has and will faint if you coo over him being cute. Do it, it’ll be funny
Honestly, pure fucking coincidence you two met
You were talking with the her uncle and she decided to crash in for a visit
Took one look at you and went “oh, cute. Imma keep her!”
And so you two are dating now-
Dates take place in Megalopolis mostly, she doesn’t really like the celestial realm and you haven’t seen a lot of the modern world
Likes to take you on motorcycle rides the most. The gleam in your eyes pales to the sun in her mind
Gives you her jacket if you get cold, even if you pint out you can just summon one of your own.
Loves doing your hair. Trying out different hairstyles is so fun.
Gets you a phone. Then sends you songs that remind her of you. You have so many playlists from her
Teaches you hand to hand combat with weapons because you never know when you need it
Loves hanging you off her arm and bragging how she bagged a “goddess”
You wanna know what’ll get her weak as well? Do her own hair. Face will be beat red. Do it.
That’s all :3
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moodymisty · 9 months
Can I request just something sweet with Samael having a lover that just… loves the stars? Like… argh… they wish they could make their own constellations lol
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: Awww, this is really sweet. Here you go friend, I hope you enjoy. It's slightly inspired by an instance I had a few days ago. Happy holidays!
Relationships: Samael/Gn!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1138
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"And what do you see out there that has you so enthralled?"
Samael has some issues with traversing a human home not meant for a demon of his size, but thanks to some accommodations- and muscle memory on his part- he can finally traverse without too much trouble. You look away from the large bay window and at him, watching as he enters you bedroom; Him having to duck and fold his wings to get through the doorway.
"There's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight, and I wanted to see if I could spot any. The sky is so clear tonight though, I think I just got distracted watching it."
Any source of potential light in your room is off to avoid glare, as you sit on the windowseat wrapped in a blanket, cup of hot cocoa in your hands. You can see stars all over the sky, even a few constellations if you look at them the right way. It looks almost like it would in a cartoon; Like a child's paper lantern at bedtime casting a starry projection all over the ceiling.
Meanwhile Samael comes closer, looking down on your overall state.
"And, if you see one?"
You manage to peel your eyes away from the window and look up at him, adjusting your fingers against the metal of your mug.
"I just want to see them. But most humans would make a wish if they saw one."
When Samael learns something new about humanity, it can sometimes be heard to tell if he's curious, or just amused by the menial nature of humanity, comparative to demons. It seems this time he's a combination of both, watching his mouth quirk slightly to one side as he looks down on you. In the darkness of the room, his red eyes almost glow with a warm redness. You find it almost ensnaring.
"A wish?" Samael laughs with a chuckle coming from deep within his chest. Then he reaches down and cups your jaw, turning your head more towards him as his clawed fingers curl gently around your chin. The gesture forces your lips to just barely part, from the way he presses your cheeks. "You should know well by now that anything you could wish for, I could easy gift you. You only need ask."
You accidentally smother his confident attitude the slightest bit with a giggle and shake of your head. While he isn't wrong- you're sure the demon could gift you any myriad of things- you know that isn't the point of all this. Perhaps your love of mysticism versus his materialism is something that divides you, despite Samael being less so in comparison to other demons. He's states before that he finds those sorts of things like riches boring now; Perhaps it's why he's so willing to bed a human.
"It's a human tradition more than anything, most people don't actually want the thing that they-"
You suddenly see movement out of the corner of your eye, and quickly turn to look out the window. You nearly jostle your drink out of his mug in the process, wrenching your chin from his gentle grip.
There's a few meteors streaking by; Little shooting stars that are surely being wished on right now. You have everything you could possibly wish for anyways, so you'll leave it to someone else.
Samael leans closer, head tilted slightly to the right as he watches the same scene you are. Your face has lit up, watching the sparkling sky as the last of this batch of meteors streak by. They'd said that the shower could run well past midnight, so you have plans to spend the entire evening just relaxing and watching it. At least until you get too tired and retreat to your bed, only a few paces away.
"Will you sit with me?"
You ask him, looking up as he has that same unreadable, seemingly amused expression on his face.
He seems to indulge your request either way, so perhaps it doesn't matter in the end.
It is admittedly a bit difficult however for the massive demon to sit comfortably on the windowseat, but he does eventually manage it; One leg off supporting himself while the other bends. You sit in the nook that it makes, back against his chest as you keep looking out the window. Your blanket stays against you, and with the overwhelming heat of Samael's skin, it's almost a bit too hot for your liking. Yet another of those little idiosyncrasies about him being a demon. At least it's cold, so he feels like living, warm fire on a chilly winter's evening. You snuggle in deeper, and feel his arm wrap around your midsection to hold you there.
Samael leans his head down and presses his cheek ever so slightly against your temple, and talks softly. You can just barely feel his lips brush against the shell of your ear.
"There are many realms with have a sky full of stars that might be to your liking." He chuckles at your immediate and visible perk upwards, pleased to hold a such a key to your happiness.
"Really? I know that there was other realms out there but, I never thought I'd get to see them."
One of his wings stretches outward, attempting to in the indoor space but avoid hitting anything. Once finished, he folds it and wraps it around his shoulder, obscuring it and partly you as well.
"Some of them might be a tad bit dangerous for a little human, but perhaps I can show you the others someday."
It's a bit of an awkward stretch, but you move so you can just manage to press a kiss to his lips, feeling his hot breath fan over your skin. You can feel the rough skin of his lips against yours, and his sharp claws tense against your stomach. You don't know if it's because he wants you almost impossibly closer than you already are, or he doesn't want to let you pull away. Either way it's not enough to hurt, but enough so that perhaps you might fear for the wellbeing of your shirt, if you weren't otherwise occupied.
Given the sheer size of his hand in comparison to your body he wouldn't need to slip downward much more for it to become quite a bit more intimate, but for now, he stays firmly on your belly and ribs. His head leans down more to follow you as you sigh against his partly opened mouth.
In need of air you end your little kiss, and you lean your head back against his chest; Taking a sip of your drink and watching the sky some more, you can feel a rumble in his chest as he settles once more for the time being.
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routeunlocked · 8 months
Mobile Otome Recommendations
Hi, everyone! I've gotten into otome in the recent years. I got my start with mobile games, so I thought it'd be fun to talk about some of my favorites as my first recommendations post on this blog. If you have questions or other recommendations, let me know.
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Mystic Messenger has a chatroom setting with many beloved characters of the RFA (Rika's Fundraising Association). MC finds a phone with the RFA app installed, ultimately leading to MC's position as party coordinator. There's more than meets the eye with the organization and the founder's history, however.
Unsurprisingly, this is the game that sparked my interest in otome. I felt the chatroom playstyle was very unique and a relatable way of getting to know the characters. It's fun to get calls from them occasionally too. The characterization and plot are so enjoyable, it's almost heartbreaking each route ends after 11 days. I could easily spend months on each of these character's routes.
As much as I love that it works in real time, it can be difficult to play with a busy schedule. It's also heavy with the triggering/dark content the more you play, so make sure that's something you're comfortable with before picking it up.
Features: Chatroom, routes, calls, real time, dark content.
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MC is a model who has always faced misfortune in her life. She never expects anything good to happen. Some of her memories are also missing, including her history with the goblins, but they're there to protect her. Will her luck turn around as she suddenly finds herself living with four men and competing in the Wannabe Challenge?
I started playing this one more recently and I am in love with it. My only regret is not starting sooner. The blend of historical, modern, and fantasy is well done. The characters are so lovable, I'm not sure I can pick a favorite. The MC is pretty sassy too, which I'm fond of. The Wannabe Challenge itself is based on Instagram, so it's cool to see what characters post while having the opportunity to respond and make your own posts. There's also a dress up and gacha aspect to the game, if you're a fan of that.
The only downside I think is the difficulty of the photoshoot challenges, requiring you to have specific stats. You'll want to upgrade your cameras and cards wisely. On the bright side, the game is generous with free gems and occasionally allowing you to use a random SSR to help succeed.
Features: Instagram, text messaging, gacha, optional ads for free resources, dress up, challenges, affection levels, unlockable stories.
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The Summoner enters an unfamiliar world, filled with sorcery. Their presence seems to bring more chaos and mystery than ever expected. Why do they have a special ability? What is it they see in their mind's eye? What about them attracts danger?
I feel like Arcana Twilight is a very underrated game. I've thoroughly enjoyed the story and getting to know the cast of characters. Their dynamics never fail to entertain. I also appreciate that the cast is 19+ despite this being a magic school setting. Constellations, magic, and monsters are all my taste.
The challenges can be difficult in this game as well. You have to battle between chapters which gets increasingly challenging as you go. Pay attention to elements and leveling your cards.
Features: Gacha, challenges, affection levels, ads for resources, text messaging, unlockable stories.
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The MC is an artist during her first year at a university. She has special skills, resulting in her finding herself in different worlds. There are some familiar faces there too...
I was very excited to hear about an English release for this game. I thought the art was gorgeous when I first stumbled across it, and I still feel that way. They have an amazing voice cast too. I like the idea of being able to explore different worlds/universes and seeing the roles each of the love interests play. I'm looking forward to diving deeper and seeing what other worlds get released.
Much like the others listed above, there is a combat feature in the game requiring you to focus on your cards/leveling. Thankfully, you can bring support from other players into battle which may be the difference between success and failure.
Features: Routes, social media posts, affection points, gacha, combat, alternate universes, friend support.
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MC uses a dating app to find their "special someone." Based on initial answers, MC is paired with one of the love interests on the app. A relationship is built up over a long period of time. But is there more to the app than meets the eye?
I feel like it comes full circle to have a Cheritz game on my phone again. I'm a sucker for their games (Dandelion and Nameless included), so I had to check this one out too. I've only done June's route at the moment, but I adored every moment of it. I like that I can set it up based on my real life schedule and there aren't consequences for missing chats. I also like the ties to Mystic Messenger. If you're missing the charm of Mystic Messenger, you may want to check this one out to satisfy the nostalgia.
There are some other features on the app, but I'm mostly focused on the story. It is still fun to check out planets and posts by other players though. This game will require a lot of patience as the other routes span 200+ days. Parts of spoken conversations and some photos will also be hidden unless you pay a monthly fee, but it will not prevent you from enjoying the story if you choose to play for free.
Features: Chatroom, dating app profiles, planet exploration, community posts, optional monthly fees, real time, calls, routes (that can all be played at the same time).
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nochuelinha · 6 months
Chapter 1: Cassiopeia
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   My name is Stella, no last name, I was brought up as a baby in a small orphanage in Seattle, the only thing I have from my parents is the name I bear, nothing else. Sometimes I like to think that they were crazy about the stars just like me, at times when I felt very alone or when I thought that there would be no solution to my little problems of a girl alone in the world, I would console myself by looking at the shining stars in theirs.
Mrs.Adelaide, our tutor at the orphanage always told us to try to be bright and cheerful, good people attract good things, I don't know if I believe that, after 18 years of being left aside by brighter beings, I think we can't always expect things to come to us, so I always went after what I wanted. I was never treated badly, passed over today or punished at the orphanage, but the rule was clear, after a certain age leaving was the only option.
 I got a job in a bookshop in the city center when I was 16 and with the money I collected, I managed to rent a small room where I still live today. I ended up not graduating from high school, because I chose to work, so everything I learned came from the books I managed to read in my spare time at work, I won't lie, there were many and there with thousands of books at my disposal, I learned more about my passion. There are billions of stars scattered throughout the universe, several constellations and thousands more who, like me, don't have a family.
     Today was no different from any other day, cloudy and rainier than the others, but just any other day. I got up, had a quick shower, got ready and with an apple in my hand I left for work, from my little room to the bookstore takes an average of 20 minutes, 30 if I'm pressed for time, but as I'm a bit late, it took me 15 minutes. I grabbed my keys from my small purse and opened the bookshop, it's exactly 8:00 in the morning and I usually don't see any movement until 11:00, so I take the opportunity to clean and organize a few sections, but unlike the other days, a customer showed up at 9:00. The door bell rang and a tall man walked in, he had long hair and was dressed all in black, mind you, I'm not one to judge anyone by their appearance, but the guy was a bit strange, not to mention the eye-catching red lenses.
___ Good morning, can I help you? - I asked as nicely as I could. He didn't answer my greeting, which was rude of him, but just looked at me with a stoic face.
___ Would you happen to have a copy of Mystical Beasts: An Illustrated Guide - to my surprise, his tone was calm and gentle. I relaxed and went to get the book he asked for. When I handed it to him, he smiled sweetly - I've been looking for this book for so long, I'm glad to find it here, do you believe in them? - he asked casually. I never stopped to think about it.
___ Like unicorns? - I asked. He laughed.
___ More like vampires... - without wiping the smile off his face, he headed for the checkout, I followed him, collected his purchase and packed it up - Don't stay out too late, darling, Seattle is getting more and more dangerous. Have a nice day.
     You see, for someone who listens to people fascinated by invented stories and tales of totally unreal things, I didn't find any of this little conversation out of the ordinary, maybe that was my little slip. Usually Lizzie, a young teenager, comes to help me when she has some free time, she's the owner's niece, but as I think she's in exam week, I won't be seeing her here any time soon, so I spent the whole day alone. In the afternoon, the owner called, claiming to have an order scheduled for today and asked me to wait. Although I didn't like staying after hours, I agreed after hearing about the extra money, I like to think I'm not a money fanatic, but a little extra goes a long way. A little curious about these mystical beasts, I went for another copy, but to my displeasure it was the last one, so I read what looked like Indian tales, the tribe from which the stories were taken were called the Quilleute.
     Men who could turn into giant wolves after a certain age, who didn't feel cold and emitted immense heat, who like wolves only had one partner for life and this was characterized by Imprinting. The cold ones, perfect and immaculate, with eyes as red as blood and feeding on such, with their veins full of poison and skin as cold as marble. The reading was very interesting, so much so that I didn't even notice the time passing, it's now 9pm, damn it I should have closed up store an hour ago. I hurried to tidy up and called the owner to tell her that no packages had arrived. A little disappointed, she asked me to close the store and leave, but not before wishing me a good night, she hung up the phone.
     I locked the doors, put on my coat and went home. The night was beautiful, the stars big and bright, the weather cold and the moon huge. I walked calmly until I was two blocks away from the bookstore, despite the beautiful scenery and the pleasant atmosphere, I didn't feel safe there, so I pressed my steps as fast as I could, without looking like a crazy person running down the street. But when I heard fast footsteps behind me, I put all shame aside and took off running down the street, I didn't look back and when I didn't hear anything else, I dared to take a peek, and to my great relief, there was no one there, I took a step and hit something hard, the morning customer was standing in front of me, smiling sweetly. He raised his arm and touched my head.
___ I warned you to be a little more careful about being out so late - his tone was gentle, but I felt a shiver run up my spine and weaken the bones in my legs - Well, since we've met, I'd like to satisfy my hunger.
___W-We can go to a diner in the next street, it's not very luxurious but they serve very good sandwiches and...-I was shaking like a green stick and my voice came out garbled. I tried to pull away, to try and run, but he grabbed me and pulled me towards the entrance to the park. Desperation can leave you in different states, the best known being euphoria and the most feared being that which leaves you stuck. In a lame attempt to get him to let go of me, I kicked his knee, but to my surprise it wasn't his that turned, but mine.
___ Don't make unnecessary noises, I don't want to annoy you - he grabbed my throat and saw the state of my leg - You're dumber than I imagined, but I admire your courage in trying to get away from me, I like more reserved places to feed, but since you insist it should be here - he said as if he was talking casually about the weather, fangs appeared in his mouth and he threw me as if I weighed nothing into a tree trunk, I hit my head and my vision blurred - Thanks for the meal.
     As soon as his fangs were in contact with my neck, things became clear, he was one of the Cold Ones, and gradually I felt my strength going away, the cold night was becoming warmer, as my own blood dripped stickily down my torso. My whole body ached and I felt tears streaming freely down my face. The monster who was feeding happily consoled me: "Don't cry, dear, your miserable life has finally come to an end". I've never had many friends, I've never had a boyfriend, I know I like music, but I don't know exactly what my favorite genres are, I love the stars, but I've never looked at them up close or been able to identify them with the naked eye as I could in books, I haven't had a family to share my pain and happiness with, but for me, right now, the biggest regret I have is not knowing myself. He stopped and bit my arm to start a new sucking session, but something threw him off.
___ She's over there - a female voice shouted, cold hands touched my face, but I couldn't see anything, just the glitter of the stars above me - She'll die if...
___ Let the poison take her for us - a male voice, melodious and melancholy sounded, I looked for the owner with the rest of sanity that inhabited my thoughts, but logically I lost my life completely, an angel had already come to meet me and he was standing there, watching the rest of my soul drain out of me. Tall, very pale, with brown hair and his eyes, ah his eyes, golden like the purest gold, gentle and warm like a fireplace that heats up in cold times, full of life and pain, looking at him it was as if I was numb, like Cassiopeia who had been punished and condemned to be upside down, everything inside me was turned upside down by him - It's going to hurt, so be strong - he took my hand and everything that had once been silent and warm, overnight became fire.
     It felt like I was combusting, in my veins the purest acid was flowing and eating away at me as it passed through every part of my body, I screamed, my throat closed up and then another kind of despair overtook me, the kind where you ask for it to end, ask to finally die, to have an end in the face of so much pain. He held me tightly in place and whispered in my ear...
___ Close your eyes, tomorrow will be another day and you won't be alone anymore - and that comforted me, it didn't stop my pain or take away the fear that dwelled in my heart, but I believed his words and saw nothing more.
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harlronica · 2 years
Aldebaran Starseed/Blue Rays/Family of Archangel Michael
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It's important to note that everybody has Starseed Alignments in their astrological birth chart. However, not everybody is currently incarnated to awaken to their Starseed journey and purpose. We are all Starseed's of different soul origins but not all of us feel the influence of our Star Gate's due to the fact that we did not all incarnate to undergo our spiritual awakening in this lifetime. We all have a purpose in life whether it's adding to our incarnation cycle to further our soul evolvement or undergoing a spiritual awakening meaning this is now intended to be your last incarnation you will make in the physical form. Your Starseed origin(s) are found within your astrological constellation markers/fixed stars and their degrees in your birth chart.
Starseed's are advanced hybrid human beings that originate as a celestial light source of consciousness from star systems outside of our solar sun, representing the expansional extraterrestrial hosted platforms of their consciousness, and capacities to hold greater missions on Earth not defined by human limitations.
*Characteristics & Traits*
The Family of Archangel Michael are Violet and Blue Ray descendants of the First Order founder ray of the Melchizedek Elohim grail line.
They are a part of the guardian consciousness and hold the ARC portal system which allows many races to enter into and out of our time matrix.
Aldebaran is the brightest star in the Taurus constellation and is wrapped up very closely with the star system Pleiades.
This origin exudes a militant, warrior, protector, and hero energy for deep angelic reason. Aldebaran is the true celestial influence and guiding radial light source to Archangel Michael.
Having this origin in any planetary position means that Archangel Michael has incarnated within you and will be within your every heartbeat in this incarnation. This is your guiding angel in the angelic kingdom of source self.
This is the original grail line to Yeshua, Jesus Christ, Sananda, and the king of Solomon lineage.
One may activate the ascension codes in the DNA through Christed memories as one's own experience. You may relive the crucifixion and events that took place through powerful emotional Akashic remembrance.
The Aldebaran origin would indicate an undeniable connection to the Blue Flame/Ray and Violet Flame/Ray of the Elohim.
Aldebaran is the vision holder for the Starseed mission on Earth, defining what emissaries of light can best accomplish to serve humanity through evolutionary transition.
Many with this origin will consistently face moral dilemmas that challenge their integrity. When success is presented to you it's important to remember not to be tempted to compromise your position and go against your own integrity.
Those with this origin have a strong warrior spirit, and often feel as if they are the angel of justice.
Blue Ray beings came to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity, and set the stage for the other rays to come.
For the last 100 years the Indigos, Rainbows, Crystals, and Blue Rays have been incarnating to create a vibrational shift to the higher dimensions. Blue Rays are often overlooked. However, it is because of them that Earth will be able to take her rightful place in the galactic and universal councils of oneness and peace.
"Transformers" of the star groups and have the power to naturally transmute lower energies.
Ultra sensitive, intuitive, and can easily communicate with the higher realms. Extremely prone to astral projection more so than any other star group.
Often mistaken for Indigo children as, like Indigos, they carry the same 'eccentric' and warrior-like personality. However, Blue Rays are more quiet and reserved than the Indigos and seem quite mystical in the way that they look. They usually have an Indigo or Crystal parent.
It is very important for Blue Rays, like Indigo children, to express themselves as it is a crucial part of their mission.
Likely to have started speaking later on in childhood. Like Sirians and Pleiadeans they communicate on a telepathic level.
Have blue and violet in their energetic field to help with transmuting lower densities. It's important to work with Archangel Michael and/or Saint Germain and the Violet Fire.
Most are energy or spiritual healers and are associated with the divine feminine traits. Music and nature is very important to them.
Most are not born to enlightened spiritual consciousness parents. They have to heal and transform much family genetic damage, emotional trauma, and dysfunction first.
Very sensitive to foods, chemicals, the environment, noise, and electricity. Likely to develop rashes on different areas of their body or eczema.
Many have entities, spirit attachments, and negative thought forms come to them because Blue Rays transform and show them the light.
The initiators and activators out of the star groups. They're likely to trigger people through their very laser like energy, their ability to read situations deeply, or through their very presence. They automatically bring the shadow side of others to the light to be purified.
Deeply connected to Sirius, Sirian Lion beings, Archangel Michael, whales, dolphins, and Ancient Egypt.
Highly gifted with super sensory perception, telepathic and telekinesis abilities with communicating and seeing other realms, nature spirits, angels and extraterrestrials can be very common and natural to them.
Most have learning disabilities. Blue Rays can be walk-ins, been born as one, or merge with their Blue Ray essence later in life.
Like Pleiades, a Blue Ray alignment/astrological chart marking will not go unknown and these people are meant to undergo a spiritual awakening to one extent or another in this incarnation.
For business inquiries please email [email protected] ! I'm currently offering Full Starseed Origin chart readings for $30 and basic Starseed Origin chart readings for $20 which is a shorter reading than what you receive with the Full Origin reading. I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
Sadly, I have discontinued the Twin Flame Synastry readings as they were becoming too hectic and people were not happy with their results. It's always important to remember that no reading you ever purchase can fully determine whether or not you are on a Twin Flame Journey as that is something you will always have to learn for yourself. Any reader who tells you that they can accurately tell you whether or not you are is lying. My work is very important to me and I will always have the buyer's best interests at heart which is why I felt as if it was time to discontinue this service.
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affableboar-zero · 1 year
So I know I haven't posted much about these guys (yet) but I decided tonight to design a bunch of Parallel U characters in different punk aesthetics and I made it into an actual AU so here's what I have so far
Valerie (Atompunk)
Similar to her Parallel U counterpart, she's a part of a group of soldiers that managed to survive Nuclear Fallout. Her adopted mother is the leader of this group and assigns Valerie on a sentry job, basically acting as the base's police. She has a funky ray gun and a holographic hand-held ax that works similarly to a Lightsaber. She also writes poetry and acts as a sort of detective for the group and the base. She wants to go out and explore the ruins a bit more but after her first mission out gave her an x-scar across her face, her mother basically banned her from going out again.
Proxima (Solarpunk)
Absolutely living her best life, Proxima is being trained to be a Garden-Keeper. She loves plants and animals and spends her time learning about the species of plants and flowers in her assigned Garden, and she likes going for walks to see the foliage. She also likes to stargaze, often charting down constellations and documenting super moons and meteor showers or comets. She loves working outside and has a whole closet full of dresses and hats. She also likes stained-glass window art and wants to get into it more. Her obsession with the Gardens and plants do tend to alienate her since many see it as a way of life rather than the best part of life.
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Zion (Hopepunk)
In their universe, Zion is his hometown's very own Magical Girl. After finding a gauntlet with a mystical gemstone inside of it, she gained the ability to transform, but also to see the real world and how people, including himself, we being mind controlled. So they set out to try and save the world with the power of the queers, the sun and the moon, and friendship.
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Ezra (Cyberpunk)
Perhaps the one that didn't change at all, Ezra is still a bodyguard in this. Ezra is bodyguard to Erin, his sister, and he is his family's best hacker. Due to a raid that happened when he was younger, he ended up losing an arm and had to get it replaced with a mechanical one. Now Ezra works as a spy and assassin to his family. He also knows a lot of Parkour, despite the fact that his younger sister is undoubtedly better at it than him. (Almost exactly the same as Parallel U Ezra but like we speedran his trauma)
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Oliver (Gothpunk/Gothicpunk)
Now here was one that was a complete deviation from the canon counterpart. In this timeline, Oliver's family specializes in fashion, specifically for celebrities. When Oliver was about 10, his family made a set of outfits for a Gothic band, and Oliver became obsessed with the style. As he got older, he also learned he had a passion and talent at the drums, and started a band of his own. He knows how to do makeup, pick the right outfit for you, and because he also wants to be a gymnast, he's surprisingly fit. And he knows how to walk in heels and stitch together clothes.
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zaralla1 · 1 year
Izaro, the Dream-borne Fiend
Some music to set the mood ~~
Izaro, much like his Genshin counterpart Zaro, is an insect-inspired monster with a strong connection to dreams. His character is linked with various themes of astrology, and he enjoys the ability to see stars (or what he thinks are stars) which is something unique to the world of Twisted Crests, where his story is taking place. Most of the inhabitants have never even seen what the real sky looks like, and the idea of resting under a starry sky is almost a mystical concept.
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿ There is only one nation in Twisted Crests that can still "see" the sky, thanks to their goddess. But they also don't experience the dark plague of the land in the same way that others do. And Izaro was no exception- his scientific pursuit had no footing in reality. Izaro fell in love with the idea of the open sky, even though he could only see it in his dreams, but believed them to be more real than anything else. From these dreams, he drew divinations- of familiar shapes that he thought were constellations. Unfortunately, this would also lead to him getting killed in his own dream. When the god-like entity of Sagrad faded away.
In an attempt to shelter himself from reality, Izaro forced himself to dream. But this was a dream that he could not wake from. Seeing himself from third perspective, he saw stars become extinguished, and a massive darkness swell up from all sides. The darkness was palpable, warm... wet. He found himself trapped in an impossible space. But no amount of straining his will could make his body move against the repressing darkness. Izaro became subsumed. His mind and body disintegrating to feed the dark plague as his consciousness faded away.
Something else woke up. Revived from his body. This nightmarish creature was "the new Izaro". From the prophetic dreams he once enjoyed in abundance, he dreamt the horrific reality of his own death. The new Izaro is plagued by the inability to recognize his true form. He acts as though he was a human, and easily panics when witnessing his own supernatural strength. He doesn't see his six legs- he isn't aware that he has four arms. He's worried and upset that others become scared of him and try to flee. He accidentally cuts people's faces when he tries to stroke them because of his long claws... Because of the nature of the curse that plagues him, Izaro is nearly invincible. But by forcing him to acknowledge his true form, and by shattering the illusion that he is human, he becomes weak enough that it's possible to kill him. Izaro thinks he is "the real one" and is unaware of the truth that he is actually the nameless being that fed on, and killed the man he admires and thinks to be himself. To be at fault for killing the man who was everything to you- to learn that you are nothing but the living darkness born from the plague, is painful enough that it could even break the will of a monster. He didn't choose this outcome. It manifested itself- the curse unfolds without anyone's approval.
For context: This dark plague that's prominent in Twisted Crests represents "The end of beautiful things". It turns everything it touches into a twisted, decayed version of itself. It's hard to love yourself when you realize you're the living symbol of rot.
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multistoty · 2 years
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The moon is a loyal companion.It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.But there’s something about the darkness, the stillness of this hour that creates a language of its own. There’s a strange kind of freedom in the dark; a terrifying vulnerability we allow ourselves at exactly the wrong moment, tricked by the darkness into thinking it will keep our secrets. We forget that the blackness is not a blanket; we forget that the sun will soon rise. But in the moment, at least, we feel brave enough to say things we’d never say in the light. The sulking vampire had always wondered about raindrops.He wondered about how they’re always falling down, tripping over their own feet, breaking their legs and forgetting their parachutes as they tumble right out of the sky toward an uncertain end. It’s like someone is emptying their pockets over the earth and doesn’t seem to care where the contents fall, doesn’t seem to care that the raindrops burst when they hit the ground, that they shatter when they fall to the floor, that people curse the days the drops dare to tap on their doors. He was a raindrop.His heart was still a little heavy, but he’d decided carrying it around would only maker him stronger. Most of the bodies in his past had now gone back to dust and shadow. This journey to Mystic falls would be a new story and a search for a better ending. After all, she had a few mansions and unchecked heirlooms to take her anywhere. For now, he would torture himself with middle America..Every story has four parts: the beginning, the middle, the almost-ending, and the true ending. Unfortunately, not everyone gets a true ending. Most people give up at the part of the story where things are the worst, when the situation feels hopeless, but that is where hope is needed most. Only those who persevere can find their true ending.Happy endings can be caught, but they are difficult to hold on to. They are dreams that want to escape the night. They are treasure with wings. They are wild, feral, reckless things that need to be constantly chased, or they will certainly run away.He loved the feeling of doing something bold enough to make his future hold its breath while he closed his eyes and reveled in the sensation that he’d made a choice with the power to alter the course of his life. He had come here searching for someone who wore his lover’s face though this was an entirely lovely survive. His survivor and his tormenter. Katherine had the kind of odd beauty like a knife flashing under the light of a full moon that spoke to magic. Her smile the kind the devil would have pulled before he fell. Stefan remembered thinking falling for her would be like falling in love with darkness, but now he imagined he was more like a starry night: the constellations were always there, constant, magnificent guides against the ever-present black.Gold shimmered no matter what, but few people could make darkness glitter the way she did.Hope is a powerful thing. Some say it’s a different breed of magic altogether. The salvatore vampire had come searching for a new future and found himself in the fragments of his past. Katherine had been the one to create his shards while also arranging them into a stained glass window. People feared her for her ability to love the monsterous part of herself. to often people who wore many masks were more honest than those who wear only their own. For so long, he thought loving her had made him tainted. But now, looking like a freaking possum with a drive through cup and a dead rabbit in the rain, all he wanted was to run to her. To let his mouth claim her own before words could fall without parachutes from those same gates. A blood tinged hand rang through the length of auburn hair already mussed upon his head. Most ghosts had claws. This was the scab of a wound and a balm to it all at once. her coffee stained orbs like a kiss directly to his heart. “I’d like to say that I am surprised, but I should know you by now, Kat. In fact, you could say I am quite fluent in every aspect of you- not that that was at all an inuendo. What sorry soul have you left to die in the woods?”
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travel-with-bihari · 3 months
Kheerganga Night View: Witness the Surreal Darkness of Nature
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Introducing You to A Different Perspective 
Nestled in the heart of the Parvati Valley in Himachal Pradesh, India, Kheerganga offers more than just a picturesque trek. While the journey through lush forests and alongside gushing rivers is an adventure in itself, the true magic of the Kheerganga trek reveals itself at night. Under a blanket of stars, with the cool mountain breeze whispering through the trees, the surreal darkness of nature takes center stage. This blog explores the mesmerizing experience of witnessing Kheerganga at night, a spectacle that captivates the heart and soul of every traveler.
What Makes Kheerganga Trek a Versatile Location? 
The Day Trek to Kheerganga
Before immersing in the nocturnal beauty, the journey begins with a daytime trek. The Kheer ganga trekking is approximately 12 kilometres and starts from Barshaini, a small village that serves as the gateway to this adventure. The trail meanders through dense forests, picturesque villages, and roaring waterfalls, offering breathtaking views at every turn. Trekkers often take short breaks at Rudra Nag, a serpent-shaped waterfall, and the ancient village of Kalga, known for its traditional Himachali architecture.
As the sun climbs higher, the trail becomes steeper, but the beauty of the surrounding landscape motivates every step. The final ascent brings trekkers to the vast meadow of Kheerganga, where the scenery shifts from dense woods to open skies and distant mountain peaks.
Setting Up Camp
Upon reaching Kheerganga in the late afternoon or early evening, the first task is setting up camp. The meadow is dotted with various campsites that offer tents for rent, but many trekkers prefer the thrill of pitching their own tents. As the sun begins its descent, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, campers settle in, preparing for the night ahead.
The air grows cooler, and the anticipation builds as the last light fades. This is the moment when Kheerganga transforms, and the surreal darkness of nature begins to unveil its secrets, allowing you to experience the beautiful Kheerganga night view.
The Enchantment of the Night Sky
We know how long is Kheerganga trek, which means that after a day of trekking and exploring, camping at night will offer you some kind of relief. Once darkness descends, the night sky at Kheerganga becomes a canvas of endless stars. Far from the city lights and pollution, the clarity of the sky is unmatched. The Milky Way stretches across the horizon, and constellations that are often obscured in urban areas shine brightly. For stargazers, Kheerganga offers a rare and unobstructed view of the cosmos.
Lying on the grass, wrapped in blankets to fend off the chill, one can spend hours tracing the patterns of the stars. The silence is profound, broken only by the distant sounds of the forest. It’s an experience that evokes a sense of awe and wonder, reminding us of the vastness of the universe and our small place within it.
Bonfires and Stories
No camping experience is complete without a bonfire. As the temperatures drop further, the warmth of a crackling fire becomes a comforting presence. Travelers gather around, sharing stories of their journeys, singing songs, and often indulging in the local delicacies cooked over the open flame.
The flickering light of the fire casts a magical glow on the faces around it, creating a sense of camaraderie among strangers. In this shared experience, bonds are formed, and memories are made. The laughter, the music, and the stories all blend into the night, adding to the enchantment of Kheerganga.
The Mystical Hot Springs
One of the unique features of Kheerganga height is its hot springs. Even at night, these natural springs offer a warm, soothing retreat. The water, believed to have medicinal properties, provides a stark contrast to the cold mountain air. Taking a dip in the hot springs under the starlit sky is an experience like no other.
The steam rising from the water, illuminated by the faint light of the moon, adds to the mystical atmosphere. It’s a perfect way to relax and unwind, allowing the healing waters to wash away the fatigue of the trek.
Silence and Solitude
As the night deepens, many choose to venture a short distance away from the campsite to embrace the silence and solitude of the mountains. Sitting alone or with a companion, one can truly connect with nature. The sounds of nocturnal creatures, the rustling of leaves, and the distant murmur of the river create a symphony that is both eerie and comforting.
This solitude offers a chance for reflection, a moment to appreciate the beauty of the world in its most natural and unadulterated form. In these moments, the surreal darkness of Kheerganga becomes not just a visual experience but a spiritual one.
The Dawn and Departure
As the first light of dawn breaks, the spell of the night is gently lifted. The sky transitions from deep blue to the soft pinks and oranges of sunrise. The campsite stirs awake, and the collective feeling is one of renewed energy and peace.
After a hearty breakfast and one last look at the breathtaking landscape, it’s time to pack up and begin the descent. The journey back down is often filled with a sense of contentment, carrying the memories of the night and the magic of Kheerganga’s darkness.
A Peaceful Night: Are You Ready for the Kheerganga Trek?
Kheerganga, with its surreal night view, offers an experience that goes beyond the ordinary. It’s a journey that not only challenges the body but also nourishes the soul. The trek, the camping, the night sky, the hot springs, and the moments of solitude all combine to create an unforgettable adventure. For those seeking to witness the true beauty of nature under the cover of darkness, Kheerganga is a destination that promises and delivers a magical escape.
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marialiwanag137 · 1 year
The Moon, The Sun, and the Star
“It’s sad that people from big cities do not get to see this much wonder,” sighed Maya as she shook her head in a disappointed manner. Tala tilted her head and looked at the eldest. “Why do they not see the stars like we do?” “They are too busy building things,” Hana grumbled. “The city lights are the only lights they see at night. That is all they see because cities pollute the sky. So much, that not a single speck of white can be seen up above.” “Do these city lights tell stories like the stars do?” Tala innocently asked. “No, they do not, ading,” Maya replied while shaking her head. “Those lights do not last forever. The stars do. They were all there before everything and everyone was born. As they watched us live, love, and learn, these stars changed and made shapes. Constellations are what they are called. Each one tells a story, a sign, anything really. And they will always be there, so that we will always remember.” “Even when we don’t see them in a big city?” “Even when we don’t see them in a big city,” repeated Hana in a reassuring voice. Tala looked at each of her older sisters and in a hushed voice, she asked, “And what do they remind us of?” Maya thought for a moment before responding with, “Many things, like honoring the past, or that love goes on and on.”
Tala grinned as she hooked her arms with Maya and Hana’s arms, pulling them closer to her. “Well then, my love for you two will definitely go on and on, even when we reach three hundred and thirty-three years old!” “Will I still be taller than both of you by then?” Hana asked with a deadpan face and tone. “Hana,” Maya spoke in a way like how a mother is trying not to scold her child. “When will you let that joke go? We are triplets! We were born at the same time, and we all have the same height!” “Not unless I eat more rice and drink more milk,” Hana countered with a smirk. “Speaking of milk,” Tala then stood up, tugging her sisters’ arms to do the same. “I want to hear Papa’s story time, and I don’t want my warm carabao milk to get cold before bed!” Upon seeing Tala sprinting off into the field, Maya worriedly exclaimed, “Tala, be careful or you might trip!” And just like that, the three sisters laughed merrily and raced back home as the moon and her fellow stars from above flickered with farewells and wishes of sweet dreams.
On the 10th of October, at exactly 10:10 PM, three daughters were born. Based on a story told by their father, each of them were named after a heavenly body.
The youngest was named after the brightest evening star.
The middle was named after the rising and waking sun.
And the eldest was named after the mystical yet comforting moon.
Yup, I forgot to mention that Maya has two younger sisters, Hana and Tala. I'm pretty sure you may be wondering: why had I not mentioned them before, or at least show them in my posts? They're triplets, right? So, why did I not put them together as a whole in my posts? Well, you'll just have to wait and see why. ;)
All I can say is that today marks the night that I have completely conceived the concept of the Masalanta sisters. Let's all wish them a happy birthday!
As always, keep up the good vibes, everyone! Goodnight, and I hope your dreams are filled with lights like the night sky! ^^
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muses-archive · 2 years
On the cards #1: The first draw
Ganyu's invited him to her university club’s carnival project-fundraising-thing, but as he expects, she's not there to greet him. A workaholic through and through, she's most probably running around the place helping anyone who calls her over. He tries getting through to her phone to no avail. Well, he won't bother her for now. He's here as a favour, and "to get you out of the house", as she put it. He does go out for classes, isn't that good enough? Whatever, she's trying to help as always, and he can't begrudge her for that.
He walks around idly. They call it a carnival, really more of random tables set out with stuff on them. He's too early it seems, no wonder she's still off doing whatever she's doing. The one that seems more lavish is a small black tent. He feels compelled to peek inside. He's got nothing better to do anyways, and worst case, he just walks away.
It's dim inside, with electric candles lining the wall barely providing any illumination. 
"Oh, we're not open yet."
He starts at the voice from deeper inside. The person's messy pale hair gives off an almost supernatural glow in this lighting, emphasizing the stray red streak in it.
"If you're curious though, you can come in."
He considers refusing politely, then shrugs. He walks towards the figure, a man with mellow red eyes seated behind a velvet covered table. There's a crystal ball on it, one that he pushes aside. He gestures to the plush stool in front of the table, inviting him to sit. For whatever he’s doing here, he isn’t dressed as one might expect seeing his casually messy look: one suspender hanging off the shoulder, dress shirt sleeves rolled up and not buttoned up all the way.
"Don't mind the crystal ball, it's just for flavour. I do tarot."
"Should you be saying that?"
He winks. "Call it a hunch that I don't think you'll be very convinced with my usual sales pitch."
He rolls his eyes, lips quirking up slightly despite himself. The other man looks pleased. "Find anything you like?"
"A place to sit to spend the time," he replies, dryly, at which he gets a snort of amusement.
"For gracing me with your presence, I'll do a reading for you for free," he gestures exaggeratedly, pulling out a deck and cloth with flourish. "I'll tell you now, use these as a guideline, not an absolute, and you're the one who has to make the connections."
"Sounds like you're terrible at it."
"Ah, a refreshingly frank take! Hey, I'm no mystic, cut me some slack. Besides, I don't think we're meant to read the future. Isn't it more exciting to not know everything?"
A patterned cloth is laid out, the corners held down by some glittering stones. The gold threads seem to form constellations he doesn't recognize. He watches the process silently.
"Hey, Kazuha, I brought the - who's this?"
A louder voice cuts into the moment, from the tent's entrance. "A guest. Thanks, Tomo."
'Tomo' raises an eyebrow and enters. Assistant (?) is likewise dressed not befitting the setting, in regular varsity jacket and jeans. He pushes in a box cart, extracting a radio. "Where does this go? You sure you don't wanna supervise the outside decor?"
"Leave that here for now, and it can't be any worse than you normally do," he quips cheerily.
"Oh, damn. Don't blame me if nobody comes in."
"Good. C’mon, I'm trying to do a reading here."
"Yeah, yeah, sure. See ya later man."
Several beats pass, before 'Kazuha' resumes speaking. "Anything you'd like to ask the cards?"
He shakes his head. "Let's do a simple spread then. Please mix up the cards however long you like first."
He proceeds to cut and shuffle the cards as instructed, placing three face down. He turns them over, the art on the cards unfamiliar to him. There's abstract patterns of nature, or figures surrounded in them. 
"You like them? I got the deck because they looked cool," he hums. "Now then, what do we have here…"
From his left to right, Kazuha says, "This represents what you're thinking, feeling, and doing. Queen of Cups, The Hermit, Page of Swords. You’re thinking of someone who really cares for you. You’re not really one for socializing, though you’re nonetheless giving it a try. How was that?”
“... fair enough.”
“I’ll take that as an affirmation then!” his face lights up. “I’ll recommend you stay here for now, they’re still setting up, so… what’s your name, dear stranger?”
“... Xiao.”
“I’m Kazuha! Nice to meet you!”
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heliads · 4 years
Cedar Trees and Lost Boys
You are a dryad, living on Neverland with your family. Will a friendship with Peter Pan blossom into something more, or is he just using you for information on the other dryads?
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The green of the trees is a dazzling emerald around you. The forest is a beautiful place to live, and the woodlands of Neverland are no exception. As a dryad, you have always loved the sight of the woods, and today is no exception.
Your feet are light on the mossy ground as you stride silently through the forest. Every dryad on Neverland has a species of tree that is unique to them and is the source of their powers. Yours is cedar. You can control their growth, and they help you stay young forever without having to rely on Pan’s magic. You are also connected to each and every cedar tree on the island- you can feel when one is cut down or newly planted.
Once you find a thicket of cedar trees, you walk to the nearest one and place your palm against it, closing your eyes to anchor your magic to it. Once you’re ready, you walk forward through the tree, and end up outside of a different cedar on the other side of the island. Dryads can travel from one tree to another, and you’ve used it to your advantage to save you time otherwise spent walking pointlessly around the island. You’re almost to your destination, and soon the familiar sight of your close friend’s treehouse comes into view.
You barely even have to knock before your best friend comes cheerily to the door. “Oh, Y/N! I’m so glad to see you! Come in, quick, before anyone sees you.” Tinker Bell’s usual bright voice turns anxious in the last sentence, and she peeks her head quickly out the door to make sure no one is around to see you two. Peter Pan is always watching, but you want to make sure he won’t see you.
You sit down in a chair opposite your friend, letting out a long sigh and kicking your feet up. “What’s wrong?” Tink asks, concern lacing her eyes. “Just the usual. The High Council wants me to stay alert because they think another Lost Boy will be coming to the island soon and they want me to follow through with the usual responsibilities.” Every time the council of dryads believes a Lost Boy to be the True Believer, they send you to lure him away from camp and towards the dryad regions of Neverland. The Lost Boys always seem to trust you more than anyone, and once you deliver the potential savior to the elders, they can determine whether or not the boy is really the Truest Believer. This upsets Pan, of course, but seeing as he has no idea who’s drawing away the Lost Boys, he can do nothing but stew over it.
Tinker Bell clucks her tongue sympathetically. “I’m sorry. At least you have something to do, right?” Your mouth stretches into a frown. “I know, but still! It feels like none of the other dryads want anything to do with me until a new Lost Boy shows up, and I’m sick of it. I just wish I could do more than just lure away newcomers, you know-” Your voice drops off as you sense a disturbance in the forest. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps comes from right outside the door. It’s Pan! 
“Quick- get up! There’s a window in the back room, you’ll have to leave through there. Hurry!” Tink leaps up, rushing you out before opening the door once you’ve gone. Just as your feet hit the ground, you hear a voice coming from Tink’s treehouse. “Now, who was with you? I know I heard another voice..” 
You shiver at the sound of Pan’s voice, and run as fast as you can towards the nearest grove of cedar. There’s an odd sound behind you, kind of like the crack of lightning but more muted. You dare to check over your shoulder, and you see Pan closing the gap behind you! He doesn’t know who you are, and he can’t tell what tree you control, so you sprint with all of your energy to the cedar trees and disappear. Thankfully, you were far enough away from him that he won’t be able to follow you through the tree, but your heart is still pounding in your chest. That was close.
Later that night, the new Lost Boy arrives. He seems innocent enough, with a mess of black hair that’s just long enough to keep falling in his eyes. The other Lost Boys seem delighted to meet him, and they dance around a bonfire that soars high into the sky. Eventually, though, the new Lost Boys looks out into the trees and catches sight of you. His stare is full of curiosity and wonder. You suppose he’s never seen a dryad before, and you can’t help a small smile. You are dressed in flowing green, with a crown of white flowers encircling your hair. His interest in you eventually wins out his desire to stay with the other boys, and he slips away from the camp and into the forest.
“Who are you?” His voice, so full of the innocence of young children, is almost washed away by the loud clamor of the Lost Boys’ celebration. “I am a spirit of the forest, my friend. Will you come with me to the land of the dryads?” The boy nods slowly, then takes your hand. The two of you walk back into the dark woods, unnoticed by anyone.
Before long, you reach a tall cedar. “If you come with me through this tree, you can meet all of my friends. Would you like that?” You keep your voice soft and relaxing, and the boy immediately agrees. You place your hand on the tree, opening the doorway between it and the tree at your home where the others are waiting, and usher the boy through. You’re about to step through yourself when a hand closes around your wrist, yanking you back and stopping you from joining the boy.
“And who might you be?” You whirl around at the voice, freezing in place when you see who’s found you. Of course, it’s none other than Peter Pan. You find you can’t say anything. “You must be a dryad, probably the one who ran from me at Tinker Bell’s? The one who keeps stealing away all of my newest Lost Boys? I can’t blame them, of course, who wouldn’t want to go with you, but still. They are my boys that you’re taking.”
You can barely find the courage to open your mouth. “I- I don’t-” Pan just smiles that vicious grin of his. “Don’t worry, love. I won’t hurt you. All I ask is that you visit me tomorrow. Midnight, at the cliff’s edge. I just want to know exactly who else lives on my island.” With that, he releases your wrist and walks away, leaving you staring after him.
The next day passes in a haze, and before you know it, it’s time to meet Pan at the cliff. By the time you get there, a light wind has kicked up, and it toys with the strands of your hair. No one is there waiting for you, and you take the moment alone to stare out over the ocean. Dryads usually stay within their region of Neverland, and seeing as this cliff is in Pan’s domain, you don’t often get to see this particular view. The sight of the crashing waves comforts you, and for a second, you almost forget why you’re there.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” You jump at Pan’s words, spoken from just a few inches away. “Yes, yes it is.” You murmur distractedly, trying to calm your racing heart. You hadn’t realized he was there, but nonetheless he comes to stand beside you. “I’ve always enjoyed this sight.” Pan turns you, staring deep into your eyes. “Tell me, was it your choice to lead away the Lost Boys? Or did the Council ask you to?” Your shoulders stiffen at the mention of the Council. How does he know about that? 
“I do what they ask. We all do.” You manage to say, but Pan just clucks his tongue impatiently. “Oh, but where’s the fun in that? Come on, Y/N, haven’t you ever wanted to do something just for yourself?” You look at him, surprised. “How do you know my name?” Pan just chuckles lowly. “I have my ways of finding things out. Are you going to answer my question?’ You look at him skeptically. “Why do you care about whether or not I like what the Council tells me to do? I don’t have a choice, and you don’t even know who I am!” Pan looks at you contemplatively. “I suppose I’m intrigued. I heard you talking about it to Tinker Bell, anyway, so it doesn’t matter that you didn’t answer. I want to give you a chance to be yourself, instead of a pawn of the Council.”
You laugh at that. “Well, I appreciate your offer, but I doubt Peter Pan wants to befriend a dryad just because. What strings have you attached?” Pan pretends to be hurt. “None, actually. I was just going to ask for you, in case you were bored of just doing things for the Council. I can see I was mistaken. Well, I’ll leave you in peace. Goodnight, Y/N.” He turns and starts walking away from you. At first, you hold your tongue, but your curiosity overwhelms you and you call after him. “Fine. What do you want, Pan?” He stops walking, and when he looks back at you, a taunting grin is spread victoriously across his face. “I want you.”
That wouldn’t be your first meeting with Pan. They end up happening every few days, or whenever you can get away from the Council long enough to see him. You find that he actually wants to be close to you, and his reckless, wild friendship is one of the best things you’ve had in a while. You can finally be yourself with him, not just another dryad that the Council can order around.
It’s on a clear night like this, moonlight drenching the island in a mystical silver glow, that you and Peter sit side by side, legs dangling over the cliff’s edge. You always meet here, to talk and laugh like you’ve known each other for your entire lives. You’re pointing out the constellations, or at least the ones you know. He knows some that you don’t, and you’re surprised to find that the dryads have different names for some constellations than the Lost Boys. Just before you can find Perseus, a deep voice behind you makes your heart drop.
“Y/N. What is this?”
You turn to see none other than your father, glaring at you from the entrance to the forest. Behind him stand a number of other dryads, including a few members of the council. You stand up quickly, trying your best to come up with excuses but only able to stammer out a few syllables. Your father takes a step towards you. “This is forbidden! You are not to speak with Pan, and you knew that! What are you doing?” He squints his eyes suspiciously. “Are you under a spell?
 Peter speaks from beside you, his voice cool in contrast to yours. “What else would it be, dryad? You know, it’s taken you so long to find out. Just think, all this time she’s been walking around your home with my spell on her heart. Who knows what she would have done if I asked?”
Your father glares at Peter, and you turn to the boy beside you. “What are you talking about?” You hiss, your voice barely a whisper. “Look, she doesn’t even know. Why else would I want her near me, for company? Please. I just needed to make sure the spell still held. That’s what I said when I first met her, actually. I just want to know exactly who else lives on my island.” Peter turns to face you now, emboldened by his cocky confidence. “She was just doing your dirty work, and I had my chance. What a shame.” Your heart feels like it’s about to shatter. It was all a fake. You can see right through him now, and you know he’s not lying. Why would he want to stay with you? Why would he want you around? It was just so he could get inside your head. He’s telling the truth.
You collect the last scraps of your confidence, then walk briskly away from Peter and towards the other dryads. “I’m so sorry, Father. I didn’t know.” Your father shakes his head understandingly. “It’s alright, Y/N. There was no way you could have known.” No, there wasn’t. You leave with the rest of the dryads, and you can’t even bear to look back at Peter. You know the pain will overwhelm you if you see his face once more.
And so you don’t return to the cliffs. It hurts to be without him, even knowing what he’s done. You miss his late-night conversations, and the sound of his voice by your side. The days go by, night after night where you stare up at the unforgiving moon and wonder about Peter. Is he at the cliff, waiting for you? Is he laughing at you now, from the camp of the Lost Boys? Is he wishing for your company like you’re wishing for his?
Eventually, you can’t take it and slip out of your bed and into the night air. You’re still firmly on dryad territory, and that’s where you stay. There’s a small creek a short ways away from your home, and you let your feet lead you there. You crouch down beside it, watching the silvery clear water burble over small rocks in its path.
“You haven’t come to the cliffs in a while.”
Your eyes go wide as you recognize the voice. Sure enough, it’s Peter. “What are you doing here? This is the middle of dryad land!” You hiss at Peter, trying your best to cover up for the jump in your heart when you saw him. He just tilts his head to the side, dismissing your worries. “I wanted to see you. Why have you been avoiding me? I know you can go wherever you want in the forest and not be caught by them.” You let out a sardonic laugh. “Of course I’d go find you. You know, when we were found out by the other dryads, I realized something. You weren’t lying about why you were with me.”
Peter raises his eyebrows. “Trust me, there was no spell. I just needed to get them to believe in you.” You shake your head. “Not the spell, but the reason. You used me to get to the other dryads. You know it’s true! Why else would you want to be with me? I’m just some dryad, and you could have chosen anyone.” Your voice drops off until it can barely be heard. “I was the easiest target because you knew I’d trust you. You knew you could trick me into believing you, and you used that to your advantage.” Peter’s usually confident smirk has slipped from his cheeks. “That’s not true. That’s not true at all.” You look at him desperately. “Then what else would it be?” Peter says only one word: “This.”
Before you know it, he’s kissing you. The sudden touch of his lips on yours is enough to bring everything to a standstill. When he finally breaks away, you feel like you could get lost forever in the emerald of his eyes. You don’t think any forest in the world could hope to have that shade of green. 
“This is why. Because I knew, even then, that I never wanted to be without you. I love you, Y/N.” Your breath comes shallowly. “I love you too, Peter.” He smiles at that, and leans over to kiss you once more.
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yolkyeomie · 4 years
Granter of the Stars | Jung Wooyoung
summary — glow in the dark stars are pretty on your ceiling, but wooyoung just makes them even prettier than normal
word count —2.3k words
pairing — wooyoung x gender neutral!reader
genre — fluff, friends to crushes(?), wooyoung isn’t as much of a menace to society as he normally is
disclaimer — i wrote this in two hours so it’s not beta read or spellchecked at all so if something looks wonky.... ignore it
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“Be careful,” Wooyoung called to you, “if you slip and fall I’m not going to catch you.”
“Yes because that’s so reassuring to know,” you grumble, rolling your eyes at the boy who sat comfortably on your bed. You had invited him over to help with a new task you had given yourself, sticking glow in the dark stars and moons onto the ceiling of your room. It was supposed to be a fun bonding experience for the both of you and you yourself was super excited to place these all over your room after impulse buying them a week prior.
Instead of helping your cause, however, Wooyoung was simply watching you struggle to reach your disgusting popcorn ceiling. You had to stand up on your tippy toes to even touch the ceiling and you were standing on a chair to even make the impossible possible at the moment.
Sure, Wooyoung wasn’t that much taller than you were but his extra inches of height would have helped this process go by much faster than it was. All he had done since arriving at your house was slam face first into your bed and play on his phone the entire time.
“I should have just invited Seonghwa instead,” you teased, already catching the boy’s gaze on you at the mere mention of the older friend’s name. “Not only is he tall enough to reach the ceiling easier than me, but he also would have willingly helped me stick all of this up here.”
“Hey, I helped a little bit!” The boy complained, immediately trying to counter your argument.
You roll your eyes at his defensiveness, giving him one look over before peeling another sticker off of your sheet. “Really know? How have you helped me in the past hour and a half you’ve been in my house?” You ask him, reacting up on your tippy toes once more to stick the star securely into the ceiling.
“I read the directions on the package,” he confessed, “and then I shined a light on the stickers like the package had said. You know they’re supposed to be in direct sunlight or under a flashlight first in order to glow in the dark right? I bet you didn’t even know that’s how they worked.”
“My light is on either way,” you pointed out, gesturing towards the giant ceiling light that was hanging down and illuminating the room. “So whether or not you shined a light on the stickers or not they’d still light up.”
Wooyoung mumbled something under his breath, falling back into your sheets as he angrily picked up his phone and began to play with it once more. You were always the one in the friendship that would take the more logical approach towards things, never falling for his baby doll eyes and slickly placed lies. He hated it but he’d never have the guts to say anything about it to you. Not that he really had a chance to call you out on your immunity to him.
“Stop pouting,” you demanded, a smile growing across your face as you threw one of the sheets of stickers to him. Wooyoung barely caught them in time, tumbling off of your bed with a thud as a result. “What’s your zodiac sign?”
“Sagittarius,” the boy replied, rubbing his shoulder as he got off the ground.
“Alright then, go grab a chair and go to that side of the room,” you instructed, pointing towards the emptier side of the room that hadn’t been completely littered with stars yet. “Make your zodiac sign’s constellation on the ceiling and then I’ll let you chill out for the rest of the day. You’re not just gonna sit in my room and do nothing while I’m putting in all the hard work.”
“So mean,” he teased, but still obliging to your orders.
You finally put the boy to work, watching from the corner of your eye and catching Wooyoung stumbling around on the chair he was standing on. He struggled to find a good angle to start sticking the stars into the sky, not wanting his constellation to look a little wonky and mishappend if he didn’t do it correctly. He would lean back obscenely close to the edge of the chair; still maintaining balance but very close to tumbling off and hurting himself.
“Be careful,” you told him, a cheeky smile growing on his face as he reached up to stick a star on the ceiling, “if you fall I won’t catch you.”
He snorted in response as he slapped a few stars into the ceiling. “Wow… who knew my own words would come back to haunt me?”
For the next ten minutes there was a warm silence between the two, the type of silence where the quietness was welcomed instead of resented. It was a little odd, seeing as Wooyoung was known to be the louder of the bunch when it came to you and your friends but you guess even he can enjoy the tranquility of simply being in the presence of a friend. He didn’t even stop placing stars on your ceiling when he had finished recreating the Sagittarius sign, filling up the rest of the empty space without being asked to.
“Wooyoung, come here,” You asked of him, gesturing towards the bed where you sat with an almost blank sheet of stickers left. Cautiously the boy hopped off the chair, hitting the ground with a slight thump before scurrying over to your side. “Now sit there and close your eyes, oh and stay still while you’re at it.”
“Are you about to draw something gross on my face?” He questioned, sitting on his knees in front of you as his expression twisted with suspicion. “Because if you draw something inappropriate on my face, I’m going to draw something even worse on yours.”
“Oh shut up, even if I wanted to draw something stupid on your face no one would see it because you’re just going to go straight home after this.”
“Of course!” Wooyoung grinned, “I’d never give you the opportunity to embarrass me, it would give you too much power.”
“Shut up and close your eyes, idiot.” The boy giggled once more, a squeaky and childish laugh escaping his lips and he finally closed his eyes and kept them shut. As quickly and discreetly as possible you began to take the stars off of the sticker sheet, grabbing a hold of Wooyoung’s face and sticking them into his skin. You were surprised by the fact that they were staying on, seeing as though the instructions on the package had clearly started to not put the stars on your skin.
After a few moments of concentrated silence you scooted away from him, a smile on your face as you looked down at your masterpiece. “Perfect! Now open your eyes and turn off the lights.”
“Did you stick the stars on my face?” The boy questioned instead, cautiously touching his face and feeling the suddenly rough texture of his usually smooth skin.
“I had some left over and decided to use them up in a fun way,” you shrugged, “now you have glow in the dark star freckles! Now hurry up and turn off the lights so that we can see them glow.”
“Not yet!” He told her, scurrying over to where his chair had been and grabbing his sticker sheet. On the sheet were only two mediums stars left and he smiled back at her before saying, “an eye for an eye? A star for a star.”
“Oh come on! The glow in the dark stars aren’t getting pay back for—“
“—shut up and let me out on the stars!” You groan at his eagerness as he takes the last two stars of the sheet, wobbling over to your side and sticking them underneath your eyes. It was almost like he was mimicking the mole underneath his own eye with them, but giving you an extra one that glowed and wasn’t just there to elevate his attractiveness like his. “Perfect, now we can turn off the lights.”
“Finally!” You cheered, jumping up from your bed and scrambling towards the light switch. Wooyoung seemed just as eager as you were, pushing the chairs the two of you had used out of the way so that you could lay on the floor and stare at the final product that hung below you.
“One,” You began, glancing towards the boy to make sure he was ready.
The boy plopped down on the floor with a thud, laying down on the ground with his arms sprawled out, “Two.”
“Three!” The lights flashed off, coating the entire room in an ebony black for just a moment. It only took a few seconds for the stars on your ceiling to begin to let off a green hue, lighting up your room one star at a time and creating a similar sight to the night sky. Your eyes sparkled at the stars above you, catching the glow of the stars on your cheeks following suit with the rest of the stickers in the room. It wasn’t exactly like the real stars in the sky, but it was still a mystical experience despite the whole ordeal being set up by you and Wooyoung alone.
“It’s so pretty,” you manage to say, finally prying your eyes off of the ceiling to look towards Wooyoung. The boy was sitting up from where he had originally laid now his eyes glued to the ceiling and not even paying attention to the fact that his starry freckles were glowing with the same exact hue as the stars on the ceiling.
“Yeah, no kidding,” Wooyoung answered after a moment, turning towards you when he finally snapped himself out of his trance. He couldn’t help but snort as he watched you approach, pointing towards the stars under your eyes. “You’re glowing just like them!”
“So are you!” You countered. A small gasp of realization left his mouth as he touched the stars you had scattered around his cheeks, finally taking notice to the greenish hue he was emitting along with you. The two of you laughed together as you shined like the fake stars on the ceiling staring up at them in fascination.
“Now that you have stars in your room,” Wooyoung began, leaning back onto the floor to get a good view of the stars on your ceiling. On one side of the ceiling was his star sign, the constellation of Sagittarius and your star sign in the direct opposite side. You had totally forgotten you put your own constellation on the ceiling, you were lucky enough to point Wooyoung to a location where they’d be facing each other. “You think we can like… make a wish on stars in here or something?”
“You make a wish on shooting stars,” you clarify, “these are fake and don’t move at all.”
He snorted at your response, not taking any variation of no for an answer. “That’s a stupid, we don’t have to only wish on shooting stars to make them come true you know? In fact, I bet you could become your very own wish granted and make whatever you want come true without a shooting star!”
“Oh really now,” you ask him, entertaining his wild behavior.
“Of course!” Wooyoung declared, pointing to your constellation before explaining, “anytime you want your wishes to be granted, make a wish on your star sign and I’ll come running to fulfill it, got it?”
“But what if my wish is like… something super crude? Like what if I get asked to get kissed by my crush or something? How would you make that come true.”
“I’d just make you kiss me, duh.” He shrugged, taking you off guard for a moment. Wooyoung was so bold in his answers and for what? “I mean it’s not like you’ve got a crush in the first place! In all my years of knowing you, you haven’t liked anyone. Which is crazy, because not only are you constantly around me, the most attractive person you’ll ever meet, but you're also around my other friends who are also attractive but not as much as I am.”
“That confidence is going to get you hurt.” You remind him.
Though it seemed as though the boy didn’t care, smiling up at your starry ceiling and picking at the glowing sticker on his face. “This confidence is what got me here in the first place.”
You scoff at his words, not taking them to heart knowing how much it would boost the boy’s ego to know you knew his confidence was his charm. But he was just as human as you were, which meant that all confidence would come to an end eventually.
“Okay then,” you declared, sitting up straight and facing the glowing constellation on your ceiling. Wooyoung’s eyes followed you carefully in silent intrigue as you held your hands together and called out your wish to it. “I wish for Wooyoung the Sagittarius to kiss me and not bail out on it because he’s a wuss.”
The boy laughed at your wish, earning an annoyed glare from you almost immediately. What was so funny to him? “Oh my god, I can’t believe you fell for it,” He said between chuckles, struggling to compose himself for even a second. “You just fell for my trap card, Y/N.”
“I don’t think I’m understanding?” You tell him.
“I give everyone kisses so I wouldn’t just bail on you because I’m a wuss or something,” Wooyoung explained, scooting closer to you with a mischievous grin on his face. The light of the star stickers illuminated the browns of his eyes, exposing the eager and roguish glint in his eyes as he continued to speak, “but I’ve just been waiting for the right moment to give you one too.”
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noodlyfun-blog · 3 years
Mystics and Malice
I have new stars that fly above me. They’re bright; the brightest is green like Gugo’s hair. They form no constellation  but make a foundation. I sit in a tall tower, surrounded by lightning on the top floor. Nothing is keeping me inside but I like looking out into the distance. Way off is a visible island, the sea is no longer infinite and dark, over it I can see the old stars of my dreams. Odd that they sit over land now when they used to just rest over sea. Primary color is a deep blue, blue like the oceans. 
The tall Viera, illuminated in a dull orange by candles, sighed deeply and closed her diary. She hadn't been keeping up with her dreams as she had wanted and knew she had forgotten some details; but dreams are temporary like these days spent in a city. Alaria took one last look around her makeshift tent; her tea kettle resting over a small fire, a couple empty chairs across from her, a small table with only an assortment of odds and ends resting atop, and a depressingly empty jar next to her that simply read ‘Tips’. It was a rough night outside the tent with rain falling in sheets and thus it was a bad night for customers. The woman stuffed her diary back in her bag and replaced it with a single night-blue teacup. She'd at least enjoy a sip of hot tea before making her way through the cold night for the ship.
Alaria had just lifted the hot kettle when a pair stumbled their way into the Viera's tent. She couldn't make out too many details of the two as they both had their own drenched cloaks wrapped tightly around their faces. Neither had a tail nor discernable ears. They were neither very small nor very tall. Neither seemed to acknowledge the Viera at the other side of the table, their wide eyes darting in every direction and to each other. Alaria couldn't tell if they were shivering from the cold or trembling in fear. She decided that it must be both. 
"Welcome my dear new friends. Please have yourself a seat." The two jumped in surprise when Alaria spoke in her sagely, mysterious witch tone as they realized they weren't alone. 
"You're both in luck as I was about to read my leaves. Come grab yourself a seat and share a cup of tea with me." The two were hesitant and just stared at the Viera with wide, fear-filled eyes but she got a better glimpse of their faces. They both had gray eyes and the same nose, clearly siblings, maybe twins. The Viera smiled at them while placing the kettle on the table. "Come now, it's very warm." 
The promise of warmth loosened the two up and they tentatively stepped deeper into the tent, eyeing the flap they entered warily as they sat. Alaria rose to her feet and blew out all the candles except one and extinguished her little stove taking the fairly lit tent into a barely illuminated haven. She returned to her chair to see the pair more at ease with the lights dimmed. 
The Viera returned to her chair and pulled out two more tea cups. She filled all three cups with hot water before opening a jar with loose tea leaves. She sprinkled a fair amount into each cup. 
"Now while those are heating up, how about you tell me your names my new friends? Mine is Alaria, reader of the stars and teller of the moon." She spoke barely above a whisper with a sing-song seer voice. The two removed the cloaks from their head to reveal dirty but young faces, they both had to be a few years younger than Alaria. One sported some face around the face that barely passed for a beard and the other had a ring through their nostrils and long, red hair. 
"I'm Erryl and this is my brother Philipe" said the one with the piercing with a soft voice. Philip looked upset at being introduced. Alaria paid him little mind and motioned at the cups. 
"Erryl and Philipe, how wonderful for the stars to guide you to me tonight." She lowered her head slightly. "Now I want you two to think of a question that you need answered. Feel with all your being and concentrate on it as you drink your tea. And please don't drain your cup entirely, try to leave a thumbful." 
Alaria studied the two from behind her own cup as they drank their tea. Philipe seemed relieved to just have something warm, but his eyes barely left his sibling and the tent flap. Erryl mouthed a silent prayer as they brought the drink to their lips and drank with their eyes tightly closed. The pair had some mud caked on their faces, probably from hiding. What clothes she could spot under their cloaks were barely better than rags. The two were also thin. She frowned that she didn't have any snacks to offer. 
The Viera’s long green ear tilted toward the sound of boots splashing in the streets outside. She couldn’t make out how many pairs of boots were running out there nor the shouts being muffled by the rain and the tent. Erryl opened their eyes and Philipe tried to crouch lower into his chair at the sound outside but thankfully the boots seemed to run right past Alaria’s little tent.
"That should be enough tea for now." Alaria said to the pair as she pulled a couple spoons from her bag. The two turned their attention back to the Viera just as she had hoped and she handed them both a spoon. "Now swirl those leaves in your cups. And remember to concentrate. We want to make sure you get an answer." 
Philipe half-heartedly turned his spoon in the cup, paying much more attention to the outside of the tent. Erryl had returned their full attention to theirs and swirled and swirled, the spoon occasionally clinking the edge of the glass. Alaria watched them but began putting a few items in her bag. Normally there would be some expected theatrics as she tried to cultivate a mode, but tonight was not the night for it. Instead she spent a minute gathering whatever was in reach until finally telling them "Stop. That should be good." 
Alaria rose to her feet and leaned in behind Erryl, placing a hand on their shoulder for comfort, to gaze into the cup. They watched as the leaves settled into place; Philipe's leg began to twitch. The leaves danced and danced as Philipe’s leg bounced faster and faster and the rain dropped harder and harder. But as the leaves finally settled into their place, Alaria gave a big “hmmm” and squeezed Erryl’s shoulder.
“Ahh a wing.” She said tracing the outline of a wing with her fingers. Erryl leaned in more closely and even Philipe calmed down to watch. 
“What does the wing mean?” Erryl asked softly.
“It means you need to find your freedom. You are caged; held down by some oppressor.” Alaria says barely above a whisper. Both siblings’ eyes dart first to each other and then the Viera.“You may be crushed from a danger unless you find your own wings and fly to your own freedom.” 
“The Hikari Family wants to kill my brother!” Erryl blurted at the Viera; her voice cracking with a plea.
“Quiet Erryl! We can’t trust anyone!” Philipe interjected, his voice strained. 
“You heard her though! We need to run!”
“What do you think we’re doing?!”
“Please! You have to help us. We have nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide. Please!” Alaria saw tears forming in Erryl’s eyes. Their brother looked absolutely exasperated. She pulled Erryl in for a quick hug.
“My dear new friend, you were guided into my tent tonight.” Alaria gave her most reassuring smile to both of them. The pair shared an uncertain look with each other as the Viera grabbed her bag. "I have a ship docked right now and we go back a-sea in two nights time. You can hide there and then we can get you out of the city." 
“And you’d help us just like that?! Erryl! We can’t trust this woman! There’s no reason for her aid us, no reason for her to not sell us for some gil!” Philipe pleaded with his sibling. Meanwhile, Alaria had already begun stuffing her bag with some of her things.
“Philipe. If she were to turn us in, she would have already. She’s done nothing but kindness for us.” Erryl reasoned. 
“Listen to your sibling Phil. I can tell that neither of you are armed so you’ll want to stick close.” The Viera had made it to the flap of her tent and opened it. “Come on then. Let’s open your wings and fly out of this city, hm?”
With a resigned sigh, Philipe relented to following their new guide out of the city. Alaria prayed her tent wouldn’t be moved by morning so she could collect it; she had grown rather fond of its ugly purple cloth. It was a long and harsh trek with bitingly cold winds and sharp downpour of icy rain as the three wove their way through backstreets and alleyways. The Viera kept an open ear and cautious eye to avoid any armed looking guard on their hike. Unfortunately for the trio, the cold rain made for empty cobblestone streets which meant no hiding in crowds. Fortunately though, the weather made the street lanterns nearly ineffective; their orange glows dimmed or dead in the winds.
No crowds meant slower movement as to not be seen. They had to have been sneaking their way for at least a bell in this miserable weather before finally spotting the docks across a bridge. Alaria ducked behind a box as the other two hid behind some barrels; one guard stood stoically in the middle of the bridge with his back toward the group. They could try and find another way across and into the docks but Erryl and Philipe were waning with each step. It was clear to Alaria that they were exhausted and needed rest.
There was only one clear solution Alaria sighed. She motioned for the others to stay down as she stood straight up. A small line of purple aether began to swirl around the Viera’s right wrist. She summoned all her anger toward those who would oppress and the line of aether became a pool encompassing her wrist. She invoked all the loathing she had for herself and the pool of aether swallowed her entire arm. She called forth the malice toward Her and the aether shot from her arm. Alaria glared at this man as her violet aether shocked through his body. He crumpled there and the Viera strolled toward his body. Maybe he was still alive but it didn’t matter to her as she rolled his limp form into the black waters below. She beckoned the siblings and they continued along.
Finally they had made it. Only Boone stood guard but his was a giant with an axe; only the foolhardy would dare tempt him. He grunted as the trio made their way aboard.
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