#they just seemed so tired.. i feel like it’s hitting them how long this tour is and how overbooked they are
partynthem · 1 year
that was the exact same show i saw on tuesday…
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edenesth · 4 months
[7:16 AM]
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"I'm gonna dieeee," you wailed, curling up on the couch. Pouting, you glanced over at Jongho, who was busy preparing breakfast—or at least you thought so—in the kitchen of your shared apartment.
He snorted and shook his head. "You say that every month, yet here you are, alive and well time and time again."
"Would it hurt to console me a little? Try being a woman for a month and see how you like it." With a scoff, you reached for a pillow, ready to throw it at him, but a wave of cramps hit your lower half. Wincing, you clutched the soft material close and waited for the pain to pass.
Damn it, being a woman sucked. If you get pregnant, you suffer for nine months. If you don't, you still suffer every month. Why did you have to be a woman? Life would be so much easier if you were a man. Like that bastard standing there, engrossed in whatever he was doing, neglecting his poor girlfriend who was in so much pain—
"Here you go, babe. I got you your heat pad."
Suddenly, you felt guilty for thinking of him that way when all he had been trying to do was ensure your comfort. Your lips quivered as you reached out to him with grabby hands. Damn your period mood swings; they were driving you insane.
His eyes widened in panic at your tears as he rushed over, kneeling beside you and gently pressing the pad onto your stomach, knowing exactly where to hold it by now. One hand on your tummy, the other instinctively cupped your face. "What is it, babe? Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat."
You shook your head, mumbling, "No, that's too much work."
He hummed thoughtfully. "I can cut you some apples, at least?"
"Break them in half, you mean."
He nodded. "Yeah, or that too."
Just as he moved to stand up, presumably to go break some apples, you whined and tugged on his hand. "No, you idiot. I don't need anything else. I just want you to stay here with me… please."
Your boyfriend finally understood the cause of your morning grumpiness. Though your period cramps were always terrible and tended to affect your mood, today you appeared even more restless than usual. He softened as he realised his mistake in fussing over you when all you really wanted was for him to stay by your side.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here now. I'll stay with you for as long as you need me to," he whispered, settling beside you and pulling your smaller frame close. His heart fluttered when you immediately snuggled up to him as if it were second nature.
"Good, then stay forever," you murmured, leaning up to kiss his jaw. He gave you a comforting squeeze, his heart skipping a beat at your words. Pressing his lips against your head, he nuzzled his face into your hair, wondering why he hadn't done this sooner.
"Maybe I will," he said, savouring the feeling of you in his arms, pressed against him. The soft sensation of your breath on his skin, the warmth radiating from you, the rise and fall of your chest against his side, and the dreamy way you looked up at him—all of it made him think that staying like this forever wouldn't be so bad. "Be careful what you wish for. You'd better not grow tired of me when I do cling to you forever."
You bit your lip. "Never, Choi Jongho. I'll never get tired of you." With that, you sealed the promise with a kiss that seemed to make all the period cramps in the world disappear.
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ATEEZ Masterlist
The way I'm tired asf but felt the need to get this out of my system before going to bed. It's that time of the month for me HAHA I'm in pain and honestly, nothing makes me feel better than being delulu🤡
Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this random little timestamp and as always, let me know your thoughts! <3
General ATEEZ Tag list:
@aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 |
@evidive @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @ho3-for-yunho |
@the-kpop-simp @itstheghostofmypast @vantediary @green-agent @skzline |
@sharksandminhos @writingwieny @heyitsmetonid @tinyteezer @hollxe1 |
@pandabur666 @vampzity @tournesol155 @lilactangerine @oddracha |
@haven-cove @idfkeddieishot
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charlotteking23 · 9 months
Hi! I really enjoy your stories! I was wondering if you could write a batfam x batmom reader story about the boys (not including bruce) getting magically age reversed (i.e. dick becomes damian's age, damian becomes Dick's age, and Jason and Tim swap ages) and the 4 of them getting into shenanigans and chaos. And Batmom teasing and coddling them.
This sounds amazing, and sorry it took so long to post but I was writing it and my computer started resetting and it did not save this draft so I had to start over.
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Bruce decided to take his kids to the Justice League hall, where he was showing them the Machine Hall which was VERY DANGEROUS. During the middle of the tour, there was an emergency alert, deciding to leave his kids in said dangerous room but why not.
"Jason, don't touch that Dad said it's dangerous", said Dick was already tired of Jason's shenanigans, and playing pranks on everyone. "Quit being such a buzzkill, and have fun no adults are around", Jason said in a playful tone. Jason was very unserious sometimes but when he's mad he will kill you. "You know Jason, you don't act very mature for an Adult and BTW there are adults around you and Dick", Tim was the smart one always pointing out his brother's mistakes in a not-so-kind way. Damian just stood there glaring at his brother fighting like little children.
"Oh what, touching a machine is going to get us killed", said Jason. "I hope it kills you first", Damian said. But It was too late for Jason had touched the machine despite Dick's warning.
Suddenly a bright light blinded the boys. "AHHHHHH", screamed the boys, The bright light dimmed down and the boys saw each other but of different ages. Dick and Damian's ages were switched so Dick was 12 and Damian was 25. So were Jason and Tim, Jason was 17 and Tim was 23.
The boys were freaking out, trying hard to comprehend the situation. Damian started to immediately blame Jason for this while Dick was trying to calm himself down from having a panic attack. Lastly, Tim wasn't that affected and went looking at the machine Jason touched. "Hey guys look at this" Stated Tim when the boys looked at where Tim was pointing They realized... "Jason you Idiot you touch an age switch Machine", said Dick. "Aww shit, I didn't think this would happen," said Jason. "No fucking duh Jason, if you knew this would not have happened," Damian said while hitting Jason on the back of his head.
Bruce later found out with a panic attack and was scared of how he would tell his wife this happened under his care. But he also grounded Jason for 1 month again.
Timeskip to the manor
"Hey, kids"..... was the first thing Batmom had said before seeing her kids not looking like her kids. "WHAT HAPPENED?" Her Dick looks so young and cute and her Dami looks so tall and mature, Jason looks like a teenager and Tim seemed well older.
"Mom we can explain", Dick said and explained the whole situation of what happened because of Jason's stupidity. "Well, where was your father when this happened?" What Tim had told her was not the answer she wanted. "You left the kids alone in a dangerous machine room", Batmom continued scolding Bruce and her kids for this misfortune but internally screaming about how cute her kids looked.
No matter how hard she tried, she absolutely adored Dick and Jason, for it reminded her when they were young. And then she started crying with Tim and Damian feeling sad they had grown up so tall and handsome even though they were still the same by heart externally they looked different.
Being a 12-year-old was not as bad as he thought or so he thought. His mother became even more protective watching his every move and she refused to let him go whenever they hugged each other. "Mom, you have to let me go", "NO!," his mother shouted. "But...Mom, I can't breathe". "Then breathe later."
During this chaos, he found out he had to go to school, don't ask why. The whole day was torture I mean who wants to go to school after already graduating not Dick, to make matters worse he had to hang out with Jon. He was the only kid he knew and he didn't want to socialize with kids younger than him.
Curfew for patroling was a lot different since he was 12, he had to be home at 10:00 and he couldn't go anywhere without an escort because he was too "young" to drive.
And even the Titans made fun of his appearance, I mean their brave and powerful leader was a 12-year-old and a short one. "Can you guys just help me!" Dick shouted in anger. "No, can do, not until we finished laughing at how short you are", kon said laughing at Dick who couldn't even reach the high cabinets.
"Jason, honey what are you doing? you need to get up", his mother said in her usual calm voice. here he was lying in his bed with nothing to do, it was only 7:30 am. "Why, I have nothing going on. Didn't I tell you, you're going to school to collect Tim's work so he can complete it at home", Batmom said while opening his blinds. "But Mama"..."No buts get up and get ready for school". Jason was not happy and grumbled the whole time getting ready for school.
Jason was getting ready for patrol putting on his suit and wishing his Mama goodbye. Before she told him the horrible news, He had a curfew. His mother used the excuse that growing boys needed energy and he had school in the morning. "Mom, please I don't need a curfew I am fine". "No, and that's final Jason", his mother said in a stern voice.
good news He could drive and hang out unlike Dick who needed to be escorted when driving, Man did Jason crack up and tease Dick. HA, you can't drive what a loser, Dick was not happy and vowed he would get Jason back.
With Jason's curfews, he had to sneak out but lucky for him, he had done it so many times. The only problem is his mama was watching him like a hawk, but when everyone was asleep he decided to climb out of his window. Only to be stopped by the infamous Batmom and her sidekick Batman, grounding him for another month. "Hey Mom, how did you know I was sneaking out and where I would be?", "hmm, Dick told me". "Damn it," Jason said cursing under his breath passing by a laughing Dick when coming upstairs towards his room.
was Tim happy? Yes, yes he was. Switching ages with Jason seemed bad but it turned out good when he found out he didn't have to go to school, he had the whole day to himself. While Jason had to go to his school and get all his assessments, It was good because it only took him an hour to complete the work Jason gave him.
First thing first, He explained to Stephanie what happened after she accidentally came to the manor expecting to see her boyfriend but instead saw a tall, handsome adult like Tim. It took some time for her to cope with what happened but after she was furious with Jason. After he came back from school she hit him with her slipper right in the face. "OWWWW what Hell Stephanie! why did you hurt me", Jason said in shock. "You turned my boyfriend into well this," Stephanie said with her hands still griping the slipper. "MOM, why are you standing there, do something!" but to Jason's surprise, his mother did nothing and instead told him, he deserved it.
Tim had no curfew which meant rubbing it in his brother's face. HAHA, Damian and Tim both laughed at Dick and Jason going home from patrols while they get to stay. Shut up, both of them grumbled not liking the feeling of being teased. Since Tim was legally an adult, why not have alcohol, after one glass of wine he got drunk. "HEy GUyS, LoOK at ME I aM a BAnANa", Then proceeded to start crying when Titanic came on, "NOOOOO, HOw COuLd JAcK DIe!!!" while the whole Bat-family saw this, well now we know he has no alcohol tolerance said Dick, with Jason and his mother laughing their asses off. Damian looked at his father to say something only for him to be astonished, trying to find the proper words only for nothing to come out. And Alfred gets Tim some tissues and water.
Damian hated everything and everyone except for his mother of course. He Knew from the beginning this was bad and turns out he was right it was chaos.
Damian didn't do anything different except now he can drive legally, he could drive before but wasn't allowed for you know only being 12. He used this opportunity to get away from his crazy family.
Damian still hang out with Jon when he was out of school and gossiped about Dick and how he was at school, it was hilarious. Though Dick was not happy about it.
Unlike Tim, Damian had a high alcohol tolerance. "Dami, you are surprisingly good at drinking and not getting drunk easily, have you drunk before?". "No, Ummi"..... but could not continue, how could he lie to his Ummi so he told the truth. "Yes, Ummi I already had my first drink". "WAIT, WITH WHO?" said Batmom in a shout, ready to throw someone out the window. "With Dad", and that was not the answer she was looking for. "BRUCEEEEE!!!!," screamed Batmom. "Yes honey", Bruce said panting. "Did you take Damian to have his first drink?". "Umm oh no is that the Joker breaking into the bank again, Oh No better stop him bye", and with that, he left like he was Flash already out the door. And to say the least, Batmom was not happy.
Time skip after 3 days
Some random mad scientist Bruce found on the black market reversed the kid's ages. Dick was 25, Jason was 23, Tim was 17 and Damian was 12.
Everything was back to normal, SIKE. Batmom punished everyone in the manor except for Alfred of course for all the things they did when reversed. Bruce was grounded and sleeping on the couch leaving the kids alone in a Dangerous machine room and keeping the fact that Damian had his first drink.
Batmom was so happy but still sad. Of course, she's happy her kids are back to normal but her two eldest had to leave to go back to their house, it was heartbreaking. So to make their mom feel better they did Family Game Night 😉.
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 3 months
Can you do a smut where Axl Rose slaps readers butt as a joke or something but she moans when he does it?
A/n: I originally got this ask while I was at school and a teacher saw this notification I think
Warnings: smut, spanking, fingering (f receiving), if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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Axl come home from a six month long tour and was exhausted. His sleep schedule was totally fucked up which led to him waking up at absurd hours and falling asleep at worse hours.
You were brushing your teeth, just getting ready for bed. Axl was trying to get his sleep schedule back in order so he'd been trying to stay awake for as long as possible, at least until you got into bed with him.
Axl came in, dark bags under his eyes. "Hey, beautiful." He mumbled with a tired smile as he came over to you. You smiled back at him, though it was weird with the toothbrush in your mouth.
He wrapped his arms around you, his eyes struggling to stay open as he waited for you to finish brushing your teeth.
He chuckled lowly, a smile playing at his lips. He was clearly thinking of something.
You spat in the sink. "What is it?" You asked. Axl shook his head.
"Nothing, don't worry about it, I'll see you in bed." He said and turned to walk away. Before he actually did he landed a harsh smack to your ass.
You jumped a bit but nothing could've had you miss the noise that came out of you. Axl froze in his spot and stared at you, suddenly not so tired. "What was that?" He asked, his deep voice coming with such a teasing tone it had a heat pooling between your legs.
You waved him off. "Nothing, go to bed." Your face was burning a bright red as you spoke. You washed the toothpaste out of your mouth, Axl standing nearby, holding a bright smile on his face.
When you were done you went straight to the closet to find something to wear to sleep in. Axl came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you once more. "That wasn't nothing and you know it." You didn't respond and just kept looking through your clothes.
Axl's hands moved to your hips, giving them a quick squeeze before moving under your shirt. You hummed softly as his hands moved to cup your chest. "You liked that, didn't you?"
You huffed and gave up on looking for clothes. You took your shirt off while Axl unclipped your bra. He groped your body, fumbling with the fly on your jeans as he kissed down your neck drawing more needier sounds from you.
"Hah, fuck, Axl." Your voice was airy, your eyes closed as the gingers hand slid into your undone pants.
"Don't worry, I'll make you feel good." He hummed as he slid your pants down along with your panties. His fingers toyed with your clit while his other arm held you up, close to his chest.
Your legs kept wanting to close around his hand so he slapped your ass again, drawing another moan from you. “Spread your legs, can’t fuck you right if you keep ‘em closed.” He mumbled in your ear.
You tried harder to keep your legs spread, though it was hard when Axl’s slender fingers slid into you. With how long you and Axl have been together he knew just what you liked, he knew what spots had you begging for more and he made a point to hit them over and over again.
He slid another finger into you and your knees buckled. Axl slapped your ass again. “Can’t even follow simple instructions.” He tsked, another spread palm coming down on your ass. “How sad, huh?” And another.
“Fuck! Do it again.” You whined, shaking your ass for him. Axl seemed to shine at the idea as he pulled his hard cock out of his shorts and lined himself up with you.
“Wish I’d found out about this sooner.” He said, groaning as he pushed into you. You bent over the dresser in the closet, giving Axl a better view of your ass.
Axl was never one for sweet and slow as he soon set a harsh pace that had your body bouncing up and down on the cold wood dresser. Your moans echoed off the walls, though they were muffled by the clothes.
Axl’s hand kept coming down on the plush flesh of your ass, leaving bright red marks sure to stay as bruises. His other hand gripped your hip, making it easier for him to slam his hips into yours.
“Hah, m’gonna cum, fuck, m’gonna cum!” You moaned as Axl spanked you again.
“Yeah? You’re gonna cum on my dick?” He asked, giving your cheek a rub to ease the stinging. You nodded, reaching down to play with yourself. Axl smirked as he leaned over you, kissing your neck and shoulders.
“Fuck, Axl, ‘m so close.” You whined, body already shaking. Axl grunted in your ear, you could feel his body leaning against you more.
You were about to ask if he wanted to stop so he could sleep but he drew you out of your thoughts with another harsh hand on your ass.
You could feel him pulsing inside of you, his deep grunts falling right into your ears as he came. Feeling his hot cum hitting your gummy walls had your eyes rolling back.
Axl held onto you tightly, slowly falling to his knees and bringing you with him. You sat in his lap, leaning against him and kissing his jaw. “Tired?” You asked, your own voice coming out airy.
Axl kissed your forehead, pulling you tight to him and falling asleep.
You weren’t planning on sleeping in the closet, but Axl was warm and you were getting tired yourself so you got some clothes together to use as pillows before curling up with Axl.
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stxuxrniolochris · 7 months
safari guide - Chris Sturniolo
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Summary~~ You work at a safari and famous youtubers rent out the whole place and one catches your eye. Will it lead to anything?~~
It was early in the morning and I was tired. I normally took the night shift for the over night but there were some famous people who rented the whole thing out and I’m the only one who is experienced enough to give the full guide and was willing to be here for over 24 hours. I didn’t do any research on these guys but I know there triplets and that there youtubers.
I was at the front desk waiting, which felt like forever when I saw two people who looked very similar. And a guy with a camera behind them. I guess this was them. “Hey! We’re fore the safari overnight thing.” The first one smiled brightly. I smiled right back, I love people who are just happy and kind. “Hi! I assume your the Sturn-ni-olo triplets?” I said struggling to say there seconds name. “Yess haha I’m Nick Sturniolo and this is Matt.” He gestured to the other boy who was quiet. I smiled at Matt while taking a mental note on how to say there name. “The other one, Chris will be here in just a second, he’s getting the spare camera.” He continued still smiling. “Well it’s nice to meet you I’m y/n.” I said while handing them maps of the safari when a third boy walked up. They all look similar but you could tell differences about them. I got butterflies when I saw the last one, which I figured was Chris. He was cute, no he was hot. “Chris! This is y/n, y/n this is Chris.” I smiled at him and he smiled back. I could’ve sworn I saw him look me up and down quick, but I just brushed it off. “Do you mind be on camera?” Nick asked. “No not at all.” I smiled.
“So are you guys celebrating your birthday or..” I asked while we walked to the zip line. “No, 6 million subscribers.” Nick said smiling. My eyes widened, i mean I heard they were famous but not that famous. They chuckled at my reaction. “Well congratulations, that’s a lot of people.” “Thank you.” They all said collectively, which made me laugh. Chris kept looking and smiling at me, which I thought was cute.
I was walking a couple steps ahead of the boys, giving them space while they talked to the camera when I heard footsteps get closer to me, faster. I turned slightly to be met with Chris smiling widely at me. “Hey.” He beamed. “Hi.” I smiled back. “Soooo how long have you worked here for, you seem to know your stuff.” I smiled at him asking this, I was passionate about my job here. “Hmm 4 years I think, yea since I was 16.” “No way we’re the same age, 20?” He said playfully hitting my arm. “Yup, when’s your birthday?” I said while laughing. “August 1st, you?” “No way I’m august 2.” I smiled. “Well I guess we’re just meant for each other then.” He shrugged while smirking. I rolled my eyes while smiling, I could feel my face go red. “Ok buddy.” I replied making him laugh.
Whenever he wasn’t talking to the camera he was beside me trying to make conversation. I was glad because I was scared that they would be some like fake- rude out of touch influencers, but they were really genuine and kind.
We got to the end of the tour at the dinner tent. “Well this is the end of the tour, they have dinner made so I’ll be back when you guys are done.” I smiled. “Thank you so much.” Nick said at the same time Matt said thank you. “Thank you.” Chris said while waving. “Cant wait to see you later, miss you already.” He whispered, so only I could hear, while smirking. My face for sure went bright red so I just smiled, shook my head and walked out.
Chris pov
I just finished dinner and decided to go find y/n. I don’t know why I was attracted to her. I’ve never felt this interested in a girl since high school. After a bout 5 minutes of looking around I spot hee on the edge of a rock with her feet dangling off. She was smoking somthing, normally would be a turn off for me but the way her lips wrapped around the end just made me more attracted.
“Hey” I breathe while walking up to her. “Hi.” She smiled brightly while putting out her joint. I sat down and looked between us at her phone. Breathe by Lil Skies was playing. “No way you listen to Skies.” I smile happily. “Yes way, what’s so unbelievable.” She laughs. God I love her laugh. “No I just love him, favourite artist.” I nudge her arm playfully. “Really? Same.” I nodded as she hands me an airpod, I smile while taking it. After a few moments of us listening to the music she speaks up again. “I went to see at summer smash last summer.” My jaw drops “No way you were there.” “Yea front row and everything.” She smiles smugly. “Well I do you one up, I was back stage.” I smirk. “No shot i don’t believe you.” “Do you remember that one guy going on stage with him during ‘rage’.” I said while still smirking. She looks at me confused, then realisation hits her. “No fucking way that was you.” Her jaw slacks. I laugh “yup”
Y/n pov
I can’t believe this. So he was famous-famous. I suddenly felt confident. “Always thought you were my type.” I smirk while shrugging. “Oh yea?” He questioned. “Yea.” I replied while smiling. I couldn’t sworn he had gotten a lot closer over the last few minutes. It’s silent, but not uncomfortable. We’re just staring at each other. He’s slowly leaning in and so do I. What was just doing omg. It was unexpected but I liked it.
Next thing I knew his lips were on mine. It was a slow and passionate kiss but it got quicker as it went on. My hands found there way up to his hair, while one of his was supporting him up and the other on my waist which sent shivers through me. After a bit I pulled back for air and he rested his forehead on mine. I smiled and he smiled back. “You know your really really pretty.” He whispered making me smile even bigger. “So can I get your number.” He asks. “Of course you can.” I laugh making him smile. “Alright we better get back you have your night tour.” I say but not moving. He sighs and drops his head a bit then gives me a peck on the lips. “Alright pretty girl.” He said making me get butterflies. We exchanged numbers then walked back to the others. I couldn’t stop smiling and by the looks of it neither could he, causing to get a few suspicious looks from Nick and Matt. I didn’t mind though I was just happy.
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slicesofapple · 7 months
Favorite TodoBaku/BakuTodo fics
So, I am fairly new to this fandom/pairing, but I decided to start building my favorites list. Already it is very, very hard to choose. There are so many amazing fics and incredible authors writing them! But these (in no particular order) are the ones I am coming back to/re-reading the most. (I'll be adding to this as I go, this is just the start of it). Many of these authors have other fantastic todobaku/bakutodo fics as well.
playing with fire by ninanna. rated M. How things unfold and overlap, hurt and please between two people who do not see any potential in each other beside rivalry and occasional partnership. [Note: I think this is now my favorite all-time fic; it's a tour de force; spectacular. all ninanna's todabaku/bakutodo fics are - the author reaches in and rips out your guts in the best way possible.]
The Feel of His Hand is Like Home by XenophonSpeaks. rated T. A typical mission goes unexpectedly south, leaving Todoroki reeling with panic, injured and compromised. Thankfully, he didn't embark on this mission alone. [This author! so good.]
Sated, by Crossfire. rated M. Some Alphas and Omegas get cuddly, or tired, or hungry. Some Alphas and Omegas like to fuck. Bakugou and Todoroki like to fight. [I'm a sucker for (especially non-explicit) alpha/beta/omega, and this one hits the sweetest of sweet spots.]
anything you say can and will be held against you by delectum. rated G. What is the correct protocol for when the villain you’re supposed to be apprehending starts flirting? [So funny and perfectly executed.]
Be Kind, Rewind by seventh_time_lucky. rated T. What starts off as a normal-seeming Sunday starts to get stranger and stranger, until Shouto finds himself locked out of UA, with no money and no phone, and the only person he can find to help is Midoriya. But Midoriya is too tall and cries every time he looks at Shouto, and Shouto starts to think something has gone really, really wrong. [Perfect angst. wip.]
Finding and Holding by bigcatsmallcat. rated T. Shouto gets temporarily quirked into a mushroom. [This one is really bakutododeku, but it is so adorable I had to put it in.]
Something of Silence by Viidoll. rated T. When Bakugou Katsuki is unexpectedly hit with a muting quirk, he makes it his mission to hunt down the moron stupid enough to silence him. Reluctant to receive help, he somehow gets it anyway - in the perplexing form of one Todoroki Shouto. In the process of losing his voice and struggling to get it back, Bakugou might just learn a little about listening. [Ah, one of the earliest ones I read of these two. So perfect.]
put some socks on by Tierfal. rated T. Shouto comes home after an extremely long day, and Bakugou is sitting on the couch. [The banter here is especially delectable.]
the witch's familiar by orange_cheetah. rated M. The night he escapes from the castle, crown prince Todoroki Shouto finds himself cursed by the magician in his father's employ. Undeterred, Todoroki strikes up a deal of his own: kill the most powerful witch in the kingdom to have the curse broken. There's just one small problem: he's somehow ended up as the familiar of the witch in question—Bakugou Katsuki. [This is such great storytelling, the way the pieces all slot into place at the end.]
i'm tired, i'm tired of not loving you by yekijan. rated M. [Amnesia fic. So much fabulous angst.]
Ten Years Wanting by Ramabear (RyMagnatar). Rated E. Bakugou. His name is Bakugou. Or at least that is what they call him.Everyone has been calling him by some other phrase that he cannot understand and that makes his head hurt when he hears it too much. Bakugou doesn’t feel right until he hears Todoroki call him that and then it does. He remembers Todoroki calling him Bakugou. He has never really said his name with fondness and even now, as he tells Bakugou what he expects of him, he doesn’t say it kindly but he does say it.Something in the back of Bakugou’s mind tells him that this is progress. This is more than what there was before. This is closer to what he wants. [Another amnesia fic, this time the other way around].
A normal poly relationship doesn't have this many fucking spreadsheets by Anonymous. Not Rated. three teenage boys being fucking idiots because actually being mature about your feelings is for suckers. [wip. this is hilarious but also very sweet. warning: izuku is pretty much an asshole here, at least so far. and it is very much bakutodo/todobaku, not bakutododeku.]
I will love you in every universe by HeavenCat. Rated T. During a rescue mission, pro hero Katsuki aka Dynamight switches places with his fifteen-year-old self. (it's so good! so sweet and funny and good).
Ruin My Life by justhavesex. Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings. He's not a vengeful person, really, he's not. But him and Bakugou have started this little on-going war of theirs back in middle school when they were 10 years old and Todoroki had accidentally—if you got Todoroki drunk enough and fed his ego well enough he would, in fact, admit that it was very much on purpose—accidentally fed Bakugou's limited edition All Might magazine to his cat.
feel free to put your own faves in the comments or tags 😉
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yridenergyridenergy · 6 months
Is there a way to know if members are healthy and feeling well? Shinya's last video, he looked really really thin, the voice note on his last blog update felt sick and tired. The tour was very compact, the bus looked uncomfortable (for musicians over 45 years old, I mean, c'mon). They must be resting now, but I feel that their company is exhausting them for the sake of saving/gaining more money. I don't know if it's just me, and I'm worrying for no reason. Does the company even do routine check-ups on their health? Is it reasonable for us as fans to ask this to their management?
Shinya always has a particular voice, but I haven't heard that voice note that you mention. It's no news that Shinya is incredibly skinny, as even h.Naoto's assistant commented that he was the only one that she could wrap the dark tunic on at the smallest holes/size and she seemed surprised.
Traveling and being on a plane in general tends to make people sick, so if he did hit a bad patch, hopefully he is getting better now that he is back in Japan.
For Shinya, I have my own opinion, but at the end of the day, I'll trust that he is a midlife adult who must have at least learned how to manage maintaining that size in a sustainable way.
Nobody on the band has been outspoken about the downsides of touring overseas this year except Kyo, and I'm always baffled by how much Kyo is allowed to complain so publicly about his own management hah. Good for him, and I mean, he's an artist and their primary one when you think about it, so you can't really restrain him much.
It's difficult for me to form an opinion on the management's frugal tendencies when I don't actually see numbers. All I know is that Kyo is able to afford Gucci, expensive toys, etc. and when that impersonator was arrested, from what I understood, he assured us that he wouldn't have ever needed to ask for loans like that. Whatever sacrifices the band is making to apparently make touring abroad profitable at least translates into them being well paid, even if that's just from performing in Japan.
Money also may play only a small role into the decision to have them sleep on a bus and only carry one luggage each. Extra luggage would have to be checked in and could get lost. Checking into hotels, where fans are also staying, presents its own series of issues.
Either way, Kyo had mentioned going to see a doctor in a monthly birthday video on kyo-online (I won't give more details but it was a super minor issue, don't worry) and I think even in another type of content where it sounded more like a regular checkup.
Ultimately, they are adults, they're the main moneymakers fo sun-krad and I'm sure that they would be able to push back against at least future decisions if their health could be jeopardized in the long term. Kyo had mentioned in 2012-2013 that he had warned his management time and time again that the grueling schedule of their tours and shows would grind down his throat, so it was no surprise to him when it became so bad that he needed surgery and the band had to go on a hiatus. I'm sure that everyone learned from that, and Kyo's singing has been spot-on every time I have seen him since 2015 or so.
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spin-ya-zinnia · 9 months
⋅˚₊‧ ୨ You are more ୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
—☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆—
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Pairing: Velvet x FEM!reader
Genre: ANGST
Y/N, Velvet and Veneer's chartered accountant, visits Velvet's mansion for work, but their conversation takes an unexpected turn as she notices Velvet's distress. The two delve into a discussion about perfectionism, revealing Velvet's rooted fear of imperfection.
A/N: this is my FIRST ever oneshot, I have no idea how to feel about this since I don't have any experience with writing. Let me know what you think and if I should continue (or find a different hobby💀)!
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On her way to Velvet's mansion, Y/N mentally rehearsed what she would say. Just before knocking, she fixed her formal clothing and checked her appearance in a small pocket mirror. Okay, she's ready, she knocked, patiently waiting. When Velvet opened the door a minute later, her disheveled appearance spoke volumes with messy hair, dark under-eye circles, and crumpled clothes.
"Good evening," Y/N said, noting Velvet's tired look but tactfully avoiding drawing attention to it.
Velvet softly murmured a greeting and gestured for Y/N to come inside with a subtle nod of her head.
As Y/N stepped inside, she took a moment to glance around Velvet's place. The usual luxurious furniture and accessories were there, but this time, they were kind of hidden beneath clothes and a bit of a mess Velvet seemed to have just made. It was clear she had come home not too long ago, considering the mess still waiting for her servants to tidy up.
"I've got some wonderful news for you, your earnings this month have seen a significant increase compared to last month."
Y/N flashed a small smile, hoping to lighten the mood a bit. But Velvet seemed lost in her own thoughts, heading straight for a sofa and flopping down on it like she was more collapsing than sitting.
"Your recent performances and new endorsement deal contributed to a boost in income. The tour is doing exceptionally well, and the endorsement has been a hit among your fans. You should be proud of yourself."
Y/N said, forcing a wider, somewhat awkward smile and straightening her posture. She was attempting to maintain a professional demeanor, but the genuine concern for Velvet, who had barely spoken, was making it increasingly challenging.
She decided to take a shot and sat down next to Velvet on the sofa. Velvet looked up, noticing the papers Y/N held, but she didn't say anything. In that moment, Y/N recalled Veneer's comment about Velvet having a soft spot for her. At first, she brushed it off as a joke, but now it lingered in her thoughts, making her wonder if there was more to it than just humor.
"How are we doing compared to projections?" Velvet's voice unexpectedly cut through the silence.
Y/N, relieved that Velvet had spoken, responded with a tone infused with pride and happiness: "Surpassing expectations, actually. We've exceeded the projected earnings for this quarter. The new strategies we implemented seem to be paying off."
Velvet continued to look at her, like she was waiting for her to spill more. Getting this job was a real hustle for Y/N, and the fact that Velvet picked her over everyone else still felt a bit unreal. Though she couldn't deny her intense feelings for Velvet, she knew better than letting them mess with her professional game. Deep down, she cherished the fondness, but she had to keep it under wraps, not wanting it to interfere with the job she worked so hard for.
There was this unexpected sudden warmth in Velvet's gaze that caught her off guard, making her briefly look away and awkwardly clear her throat.
"As for expenses and taxes, we've been managing expenses efficiently, and there are no unexpected spikes. On the tax front, we've optimized strategies to minimize liabilities, so you're in good shape there-"
Y/N was all set to keep rambling, but Velvet cut in, shaking her head and letting out a little sigh.
"Alright, that's plenty for now. It's getting too late for me to fully absorb all of this. Do me a favor, be a gem, and put all this in an email. Send it over in the morning, okay? And simplify it." Velvet concluded with a tired yawn.
Y/N couldn't help but be entranced by Velvet, even with her beautiful long green hair tousled. Messy or not, Velvet always seemed to radiate beauty in Y/N's eyes. She silently pondered if there was ever a moment when Velvet wasn't the most beautiful person in the room.
Yet, amidst this admiration, Y/N couldn't shake the concern for Velvet's well-being. "Of course," she replied, a brief pause preceding her next words. "I know it's not really my place, but are you getting enough sleep? Lack of rest can mess with your performance," she said, her gaze wandering around the mansion, picking up on subtle details that hinted at potential issues affecting Velvet's mental health. "And it's not just about work, it can take a toll on you as a person too."
Velvet let out a chuckle. A slight bitterness behind her words. "You don't need to earn extra points for pretending to care. Spare me the act and go now."
Y/N blinked, earnestly stating, "I'm saying this for your own well-being. We need to address any potential factors that might negatively impact your performance. As a singer, you simply can't afford to make mistakes." Her gaze lingered on Velvet, who was reclined on the sofa, seemingly on the brink of drifting into sleep. Y/N chuckled softly, adding, "It must be exhausting, not being allowed to make any mistakes at all. Maintaining this image of perfection, isn't it draining?"
Velvet pouted her lips. "It's not draining when you're genuinely perfect, which, of course, I am," she declared, casting a confident smirk in Y/N's direction.
Y/N couldn't help but giggle. "As much as I genuinely believe in your awesomeness, I have to remind you that nobody is perfect, and it's okay to make mistakes," she said with a forced formal smile.
"Not me, I can't," Velvet asserted. Although her words carried a confident tone, there was a subtle shift in the air, a trace of underlying sadness that Y/N keenly picked up on.
"But Velvet, being perfect is impossible," Y/N countered gently.
"I'm either perfect or nothing!" Velvet asserted with an angry tone.
She stared at her for a while, the room enveloped in a heavy silence broken only by the ticking of the clock in the back.
"Velvet... that's... not a healthy way to see things," Y/N expressed with genuine concern.
"You don't get it! This is the only thing I have. I have to be perfect, I don't want to go back to being a nobody. I don't want my existence to be a waste of air," Velvet almost shouted, tears making their way into her eyes.
"You're not a waste of air..." Y/N tried to comfort her.
"But without my work, what am I?! It's all I've got!! It's all I am!!!" Velvet's frustration grew, each word expressing the depth of her inner problems. However, beneath the anger, Y/N sensed a layer of profound pain, hidden, creeping on her.
"First, you need to realize that you are a person, a soul, not defined by what you achieve. I'm sure you're a good person under all of this; you just have to see it," Y/N encouraged, offering Velvet a hug. Velvet stared at her for a while, contemplating, and then finally surrendered into her arms, tears streaming down as she released the weight she had been carrying.
She wrapped her arms around Velvet in a tight hug, feeling the significance of the moment. As Velvet chose to trust her with this vulnerability, she couldn't shake off a peculiar sense of protectiveness. If she could, she'd morph into a shield, guarding Velvet forever. Holding her in her arms, Y/N let Velvet cry it all out, creating a safe space for her emotions to unfold.
After Velvet's tears subsided, Y/N continued holding her for a moment longer before gently pulling away. As she glanced at Velvet's face, she noticed a certain detachment in her expression, as if she wasn't fully present, numb to the world. Y/N tenderly caressed her cheek, cupping her face, eliciting a surprised look from Velvet, who didn't resist.
"I wish you could see yourself the way I see you."
Velvet, uncertain of how to respond, looked away, her emotions swirling in a complex mix of vulnerability and uncertainty.
"I'll help you, okay? We can work on this, together. You aren't alone," Y/N reassured with a sad smile, she started caressing her shoulders.
She buried her face in Y/N's shoulder, silent, obviously thinking of what's going on to her.
Y/N gently caressed Velvet's back. "Is there anything I could do for you?"
"Can you just hold me a little longer? Everything feels better when you are here," Velvet whispered.
Y/N smiled, a slight blush gracing her cheeks. "Of course."
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saviorkid · 9 months
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la libertà
I lost the request for this one :(( but it was basically about a fluff phoebe x reader
Fem!reader x Phoebe bridgers, mostly fluff
REMINDER!!!! my first language is not english, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes 💘
I felt the gentle breeze hitting my skin as I watched the sea, on that balcony that would remain engraved in my heart for the rest of my days.
I took a deep breath
Is this a dream?
I could smell the soft smell of ocean salt and the sun stinging my skin and that's how I felt and I felt something that characterized those little vacations in southern Italy; The freedom
or I most to say la libertá
Lost in that landscape, I suddenly felt the warmth of her body hugging my back
"Good morning" she said in a hoarse voice
I answered a very shyly 'hi'
I could still feel the nerves of that first time I saw her, even though we had already been a couple for a long time.
She kissed my neck with tenderness because of my obvious embarrassment.
She loved to joke about my shyness, and I very proudly said that it bothered me when in reality it made me melt over her
"You got up early today, aren't you tired from last night" she said with that playful tone that characterized her
she laughed when I responded with a little smack.
"I just wanted to see the sunrise for the last time".
Today was our last day in Positano, a lovely village in the Amarfil coast and it was a total dream.
This vacation were actually our first ones after a long distance relationship because of Phoebe's tour with the boys
I actually can put on words how magic was this trip with her, I think I could never get ove-
"Babe? are you alive? " Phoebe ask with a little laugh
"Yes yes, sorry. What were you saying?"
"I asked you what do you wanted to do for our last day"
"oh, I actually don't know yet... but" I told her as I slowly turned my body to look into her eyes in a hug
She looked at my with so much love and also with with a confused face
I give her a little kiss and said
"The only thing that I want it's you and me on that bed..."
"Oh yes?" She seemed very interested in my idea
"Yep" I said and gave hee a long kiss that ended up being a little more intense than I thought and I cut it off to tell her
"Yes, you and me im bed eating some pancakes"
I swear I almost saw the disappointment until she understood what I said and smiled flirtatiously.
"Yes, if it's that what my ragazza wants"
I kissed her quickly and ran to the kitchen searching for the ingredients
and as I began to prepare the pancakes I saw her silhouette next to the door, still without seeing her.
I felt the little smile in her face
¿Do you want them with syrup ? I asked her
"I think that question is illegal" She said as she sat at the small kitchen bar that connected to the living room
“Here they are” I said and left the plates on the table. "Thanks love"
We enjoyed the comfortable silence of our breakfast while we tried those pancakes. Everything felt soft and surreal, neither of the two wanted to break that bubble of love and warmth in that apartment.
Phoebe looked at me for a while and simply took my hand and pulled me into the room.
I felt confused but I let myself go with it
Phoebe just lay down on the bed and softly said "Come here" as she hit the bed.I laughed as I looked at her in confusion.
I lay down on the bed and hugged her. "I think someone has been bitten by the love bug."
She didn't say anything and simply hugged my nakedness, which was very common for both of us but this time she felt different.It felt like one of those moments that stays etched in your heart. And she just said it, like it was nothing, like there was no fear of feeling it.
"I love you"
There was silence for a few minutes, insecurity had taken over me and I thought it was a little joke. But when I had the strength to look into her eyes I could see the love and her fear, and that's when I knew.
we were in love
A true love
They tipe of love that would leave marks on our bodies
So I kissed her, I kissed her like I had never done before. Leaving fears and insecurities behind, I only wanted her.
So i said it
"I love you, And I don't think I've ever felt anything like that for anyone else."
my first fic *crying*
I actually believe that it's I think it's bullshit but I tried it 🥺Thank you very much for the anon
XOXO, vic
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petrichorvidae · 5 months
Mushy May Day 2: Late night snacks
Rating: Teen Word count: 3,560 Pairing(s): Swiss/Dewdrop + some Phantom/Rain heavily implied on the side, as a treat. Additional: Recreational drug use, minor blood and injury, references to sex, the ever-looming threat of an earth ghoul whose weed was stolen, and the existence of cheese singles. Summary: Dewdrop and Swiss raided Mountain's personal stash, and now they raid the kitchen too! Link to it on AO3 for those who prefer!
I had to take a day off for health reasons, and then I forgot to post this last night, but now I'm back with some swissdew shenanigans!
Once again, a huge thanks to @forlorn-crows for organizing Mushy May!
Dew woke up with a start when something wet touched him, hissing out into the open air and looking around wildly trying to find whatever unknown had dared to disturb his sleep. His body was still adjusting to the suddenness of being awake, and that didn’t play favourites with his eyes, so he wasn’t able to do much more than squint and swish his tail back and forth in agitation.
“Whuh…!?” Seems his brain is still too mushy from sleep to even finish getting out a single coherent word. 
He continued to swish his tail but his hiss faded away into a low growl, near-silent in volume as he was far too tired to do anything more. Dew kept blinking his eyes hoping to open them each time with a newly granted sense of sight, and if he had energy left in him he would have jumped for joy when he finally acclimated to the light. Wait, why would the light be on?
He feels stupid when he goes to pull his blanket off of him only to find that it’s not there, as a matter of fact, it’s nowhere to be found in the room, which only serves to add yet another layer to his confusion. He wouldn’t be caught dead without that thing, be it in his bunk in a tour bus, serving as a protective layer between him and whatever uncomfortable sheets the hotel they’re staying at has, or just as a source of comfort and warmth back here, home, in the abbey. Not that he needed the additional warmth though, definitely not with how things had been warming up recently combined with his Fire ghoul nature.
He looked to his side, hoping maybe he had kicked it away in his sleep after getting too hot or something, but instead, he was met with the glorious sight of none other than Swiss, sleeping like a rock, snoring louder than even Aether, and with a long and luxurious strand of drool trailing down the side of a pillow he was holding onto for dear life. And then everything clicked.
Memories flooded Dew’s head of how he and Swiss had broken into Mountain’s stash earlier that evening, getting their grubby mitts into the real good shit that he usually kept for himself, giant selfish bastard. He also remembered how they had then raided his entire Stash and left very few survivors in their wake, and how they then locked themselves in Swiss' room before participating in some stupid fucked up contest of seeing who could smoke through the most of it in a single day. Dew looked back to Swiss again, that puddle of drool had definitely grown by a few centimetres since he’d last looked. Judging by the state of him, and how Swiss was apparently dead to the world, they probably weren’t finding out who had won any time soon. Dewdrop groans and flops back down onto the bed. Of course, the one thing he couldn’t recall was both the reason for and the result of them getting into this mess.
What he hadn’t been anticipating was for his coordination to still be a little off after only being awake for a few short minutes, and thus he hadn’t been expecting his elbow to hit a sleeping Swiss right in the face. Swiss’ poor nose certainly hadn’t been expecting it, that’s for sure.
The most pathetic and hurt-sounding yelp he’s ever heard let Dew know that all those comments about his elbows being unusually bony may have some basis in truth after all. The ghoul that was dead asleep just a few seconds ago was now wide awake and hunched over himself while he clutches his nose. What Dew thinks is the slightest dribble of blood serves to sober him up a bit from his self-imposed high. He immediately starts looking around before finding what he’s looking for, locating the box of tissues on the nightstand next to Swiss’ bed and grabbing it before he can think too long about why it would be there in the first place.
“Ah shit! M’so sorry Swiss, didn’ mean to.” He blabbers out an attempt of an apology as he holds the tissues out to Swiss, who now has tears of pain threatening to spill at the corners of his eyes as he snatches the tissues from Dew, hissing at him all the while, and, yeah, he did kinda deserve that.
“Th’fuck s’wrong with you? F’ckin’ asshole.” Not even the shock of having his nose bashed by Dewdrop’s elbow could truly wake up Swiss, as it would seem. In true Swiss fashion, the larger ghoul continued to spit and hiss out more slurred insults at the smaller while he grabbed a bunch of the tissues and held them up to his bloody nose which would definitely have a pretty purple bruise on it later on that would lead to them being subjected to another of Aether’s interrogations while the Quintessence ghoul would try to figure out how two idiots like them survived for long enough in the pit to be summoned, just for them to be even bigger dumbasses.
Once Swiss had cleaned up his face and shook off his shame from being defeated by Dew’s bony as-shit elbow of all things, the Multi decided to dedicate the rest of his life to giving the Fire ghoul the dirtiest look he could muster. He wasn’t even giving him daggers now, he was giving him full-on swords. It was almost funny how mad he was trying to look, his nose all scrunched up with his ears down, fur puffed up to further set in how pissed he was with him at the moment. And yet, Dew wouldn’t forget this moment between them for Swiss' ire, which he had rightfully earned to be fair, but for how that heated silence was suddenly broken by one of the loudest growls he had ever heard come from Swiss' stomach.
They stared at each other, both looked down at Swiss' stomach, and immediately looked right back up to each other again, before simultaneously bursting out into a fit of giggles. All of Dew’s elbow’s transgressions are forgotten as they roll around on top of Swiss' bed. 
After a few minutes of giggling and another interruption, this time from Dew’s stomach, Swiss finally let out his first fully formed words since he’d been so rudely woken up. “Woah, easy there tiger, don’t gotta go roaring at me.” He put his hands up in a mock surrender “How ‘bout we go and raid the kitchen for whatever good stuff we can find? We can bring it back here and have ourselves a feast.”
Dewdrop thought about it, and he was really hungry now that they’d both been made aware by their bodies, and rather loudly at that. But, and there was always a but, Dewdrop looked over to the locked door leading out into the hallway and his thoughts stilled for a moment. The whole reason it had been locked in the first place was because they both Mountain would be out for blood once he found his stash desecrated and gone, and another memory from the evening was returned to him, this one of Mountain pounding on the door when he had finally found out what they’d done, and how the only thing stopping him from going through with his threat to kick down the door and collect retribution for his precious weed was Aether quite literally dragging him away to cool down a bit if the scuffle they had heard was anything of substance. One thing was gnawing away at his mind right now, and he made sure to voice it; “What if he’s still out there.”
Swiss understood what he meant, and looked like he was speedrunning through the exact thought process Dew had just gone through judging by the slight panic in his eyes, but apparently, he wasn’t anywhere as worried as Dew was, because he just shrugged. 
“You got any idea what time it is?”
Dewdrop chews at his lip before digging around for his phone. He manages to find it under a pillow, the very same one that now had a damp spot from Swiss drooling on it, gross. After a more than slightly judgemental look sent the taller ghoul’s way, Dewdrop turns the screen on and goes to look at the time. Swiss leans over his shoulder to take a peek for himself.
Both of them are left in silent shock at the time.
“Did we really sleep for that long?”
“Must have, the phone doesn’t lie Dewbug.”
“Thought I told you to stop calling me that.” The Fire ghoul hissed, though they both knew it didn’t have any real bite to it.
“But it’s just so fun getting to see your cheeks go red like that, Dewbug.” There it was again, that toothy grin that would make a baby cry. And speaking of the devil, the Multi’s teasing paid off when he got to watch as his partner tried to hide himself amongst the pillows. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that the very blush he was referring to would be found spreading its way across Dew’s cheeks at that very moment if anyone were to get a good look.
With perfect timing as always, Swiss' stomach chooses that moment to remind the two of their shared hunger, possibly saving Dewdrop from any further torment and teasing.
Getting back on track, Swiss pads his way over to the door and opens the bolt lock, but before he can even get his hand on the handle Dew is diving across the bed and towards him. “Wait!”
Swiss gives him a look that hopefully reads as ‘You really wanna starve in here?��, but goes out of his way to voice the rhetorical question anyway.
“I mean, no, but-”
“Excellent! Then let’s get-a-going and get some grub.” And with that, Swiss swings the door open, but is careful to make sure it doesn’t bang against the wall and make a noise. He may be crazy, but he doesn’t want to risk being the one to disturb anyone’s sleep. Then they’ll really be helpless when Mountain inevitably gets his claws on them. “Just, y’know, be quiet. Sneaky.” He adds in a hushed tone with a wink at the end for emphasis. And with that, the two ghouls are slowly and stealthy tiptoeing their way down the hallway, making their way to the den and by extension the kitchenette as they pass by the doors to all the rooms that the band ghouls call home. They can hope each and every one of them is occupied by sleeping ghouls, especially as they pass by the room of a certain abnormally tall Earth ghoul. Step after step, they slowly inched their way down the hall, getting closer and closer to their goal.
Finally, the narrow length of the hallway spreads out into a much wider and vastly more spacious common room, or the den as it’s come to be known. The room is near pitch black in the dark of the night, and with their minds still a little hazy from all the weed they had indulged themselves with smoking several hours ago, even with their more advanced ghoulish eyesight, they can't really make much of anything out. Swiss, showing a brief moment of rationality and even using a little logic to boot, reaches out to his side where he knew the lightswitch to be and suddenly the large space is flooded with light, though thankfully on a dimmer setting so it isn’t too much of a shock to their eyes.
What does come as a shock, is the ghoul staring at the pair from where they stand by the kitchenette, looking like a deer caught in headlights, a freshly opened pack of crackers in one hand and an entire brand new tube of Primula cheese in the other.
The atmosphere is palpable, the tension in the room so thick you could cut it, right up until a cracker falls out from the packaging and clatters when it hits the floor, that is.
“Phantom? Why the hell are you up at this time?”
That seems to make the Quintessence bristle up a did. His ears pull back when he whisper-shouts a defensive and very creative “Why are you!?”
Swiss and Dew look at each other at the exact same time, both thinking about whether they should tell him about their escapades and Mountain.
“Uhm… stuff…” Dew blurts out. Very articulated. Swiss gives him a look but he just shrugs. Well, what did the Multi want him to say?
“Hey, are those Cirrus’ crackers?” Swiss tries to deflect Phantom’s deflection, and it seems to work as Phantom is immediately right back to looking like he’d just been caught with his pants down.
Looking around and finding no way to escape from the situation, Phantom resigns and answers the question. “Yes…”
Oh, this was gonna be good. It’s nice to know they weren’t the only ones dumb enough to steal from their packmates tonight. Everyone knows how defensive Cirrus can get over her snacks, and those crackers were her favourite. The fact that they’d only just been bought and she hasn’t even gotten a chance to try them yet will just add to the drama of all this.
“Oooh~ Somebody’s gonna be in trouble~”
Phantom snaps his gaze right over to Dew, glaring at him while he utters his next words. “You don’t tell Cirrus it was me, and I don’t tell Mountain.”
Dewdrop just had to go and tease him.
“Ha, nice try kid, but the big guy already knows all about what we did.”
“Trust me, we all know.” Phantom puts it bluntly, and it doesn’t come as a surprise at all considering how loud Mountain had been earlier, and that was just what they heard through the door. “I meant I won’t tell him exactly where you guys will be tomorrow.” When raises an eyebrow at him. “I’ve been speaking to Sunny, and I’ve seen your guys’ schedules for your chores tomorrow. I’ll do it.” Oh, okay, so the new kid had finally grown some fangs it would seem. Swiss almost barks out a laugh from the shock of it all, who knew Phantom of all ghouls would be the one threatening to sic a pissed-off Mountain on them?
“Okay, okay, you win kid. Sheesh.”
And with that, they seem to slip into a truce of sorts. Phantom sets his pilfered crackers and squeezy cheese off to the side so he can find a plate, and Swiss and Dew walk past him to start rummaging through the cupboards and fridge for anything that speaks to their hunger at the moment. Swiss flipped through the cupboards whilst Dew searched through the fridge.
“All I’ve got here is a bag of chips and a half-empty box of breadsticks that may or may not be on their way to going stale already, any luck over there?” When Swiss receives no reply he looks to check on Dew, and finds his companion doing a silly victory dance as he holds up a pack of some deli meat like it’s the cub in that one lion film they’d watched a couple months back. Swiss had to bite his tongue and hold back whatever laugh or teasing comment he would have let out. It was just so pure. They were both still decently high from Mountain’s weed, raiding the kitchen in the midst of the night as quickly as possible so they could return to Swiss’ room to continue hiding from Mountain’s wrath, and Swiss couldn’t bring himself to look away from Dew. He wondered if this was what people mean when they say that it sometimes feels as if time has frozen when they look at their partners.
“Dew, you look ridiculous.” And the moment is ruined. Swiss turns to bare his fangs slightly at the younger ghoul but Phantom is unphased and just sticks his tongue out in return, the cheeky fucker. By the time Swiss turns back to Dew, he’s finished his celebration and has placed the pack of sliced meat on the nearby side, right next to where Swiss has placed his findings, before diving back on in to grab the final piece to make this meal truly perfect. 
“Boom! Cheese singles.” He smirks up at Swiss while she waves the individually packaged slices of processed cheese in his face, positively pleased at himself with his findings.
Phantom decides to pipe in again from over by where he’s now got everything he needs, the entire tube of Primula now squeezed out onto the plate with a knife carefully placed beside it, his crackers still in their pack off to the side where he’d been snacking on a few when trying to find the knife and plate. Truly a charcuterie board for kings. “You’re seriously gonna eat those? Are they even real cheese?”
Dewdrop is quick to defend himself. “First of all, yes, I am seriously gonna eat these cheese singles, and I’m gonna love every second of it. And second, I’m not gonna be judged by the ghoul who is about to eat a fuckton of crackers with squeezy cheese!” He presses an accusatory finger into Phantom’s chest. Now with being so close to him, Dewdrop takes in how the ghoul is blatantly wearing clothes that aren’t his. The shirt is obviously one of Dew’s, while not tight it was definitely on the shorter side and left a bit of Phantom’s tummy out for all to see, and if he had to take a guess on the owner of the slightly too-big boxers he had on Swiss was probably the safest bet. He didn’t miss the messy hair or how a certain bassist’s scent was clinging to him like moss to a rock right now either, and gave the ghoul a small grin and a nod of acknowledgment before deciding to tease him some more.
“I’m gonna want to wash that in the morning, aren’t I?” He refers to the shirt.
“Someone’s going to be losing their weed privileges, aren’t they?” Phantom shoots right back.
“Too soon, man, too soon.” Swiss can be heard whining from off to the side of their little standoff. 
“Alright, I’m heading off now. Good luck I guess, you’ll need it.” Phantom stretched for a second before grabbing his plate and crackers and heading back towards his room, where there was no doubt a Water ghoul would be awaiting his return.
“We know.” They reply in unison and wave him off before they go grab their harvest and do the same.
Swiss is emptying all of the chips and breadsticks out into two separate bowls when they’re alerted by another door down in the hallway opening, that eerie creak causing their hackles to become raised and their ears to pull back. Dewdrop instinctively put himself between the hallway and his precious cheese singles and meat slices, ready to defend this meal with his life. “Who’s there?” Swiss calls out into the dark hallway.
Their blood runs cold when it’s none other than Mountain who emerges from the dark hallway into the dim, though still much brighter, light of the den, his imposing figure slowly approaching them with heavy steps. Swiss sidesteps over to Dew and holds the Fire ghoul’s hand in his, it was his idea to raid Mountain’s stash and if anyone’s getting their tail ripped off here, it’s going to be him. Before they know it, Mountain is stood right in front of the pair, practically snarling at them as a low rumbling growl permeates throughout the kitchenette. In what is possibly up there amongst the dumbest things he’s ever done when being growled at by a much larger ghoul he’s crossed, Dew reaches behind him blindly, grabbing around until he finds what he hopes will be their saving grace. He picks it up and, wincing as he hopes the Earth ghoul doesn’t just bite his fingers off, presents his peace offering.
“Deli meat?”
Mountain stares at the presented cuts of ham for a good long while, but his decision is finally made when his face softens, rumble dissipating as he lets out a heavy sigh. He wordlessly takes the offering and opens it up, taking a handful of sliced meat for himself before passing it over to Swiss, who only just about manages to hold onto it as he’s still stood there in shock and awe, amazed that Dew’s offering had actually worked as the Earth ghoul scarfed down the ham in record time. It does wonders to show just how hungry a ghoul can get after being mad for hours on end.
Dewdrop feels bold and a little stupid, so he decides to crack out the cheese singles too, and sidles up to Mountain before holding one out to him.
Swiss questions all of his life choices as he stands there in silence while they both watch Mountain eat the entire cheese single within seconds. He hadn’t even removed its plastic covering. Dewdrop was near tears at the horror he was witnessing. This must be their punishment for what they had done, surely.
“You two are just lucky that it wasn’t my main stash.”
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ihavenolife346 · 6 months
Don’t Forget Me PT.2
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Pairing: 1998/2002 James Hetfield x f!reader
Warnings: Cheating, swearing, and crying
Characters: James Hetfield, Kirk Hammett, Jason Newstead, Lars Ulrich, Francesca Hetfield, Y/N
Summary: James never meant to fall in love with a woman who wasn’t his wife. They fell in love…but knew they couldn’t be together as long as they wanted too.
Requested: Yes, one of my friends asked me to write a second part so here you are babes:>
Link to part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/
“Hi pretty girl.” His voice rang through her ears. Even though it was 3:18 in the morning in France, Y/N was wide awake now.
She could never mistake his voice…she never could. “J-James.” Y/N, shot up from her bed. It’s been 4 years since she had left…4 years since he told her his wife was pregnant. Y/N honestly never did expect to receive a call from him ever again. Though that never meant she stopped thinking about him. Somehow, no matter where she was, who she was talking to, who she was working for, he always lingered back into her mind.
Y/N heard James let out a loud sigh, “god you have no idea how happy I am to hear you.” Y/N found herself lightly giggling at his expression. As happy as she found herself being that he called, she was still wondering why he was. As bad as Y/N felt about it, she was hoping he was calling because it wasn’t working with Francesca anymore. But if he was just calling cause he needed a friend, she was ok with that too.
“Yea…it’s really good to hear you too James. What’s wrong?” Y/N could tell he was bothered by something. Even after 4 years, she could still read him like a book.
“Can I not call you cause I miss you?” James slightly teased, visibly relaxing at the sound of the small giggle she let out.
“You know what I mean James.” Y/N tried her best to sound serious, unable to contain the fact that she was really happy to hear from him. Y/N remembered exactly what she wrote in the letter she left him. She was being serious when she told him if things didn’t work out, or if he ever just needed a friend.
James remembered just how stubborn she was. When she had a question, she never stopped still she got the answer. “I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said in your letter.” James’s voice was hardly above a whisper.
Y/N softly smiled. That sentence gave her what she mainly wanting to know. “And?” Y/N pushed on.
James took a pause for a second. “Things haven’t been going good for a long time…” James knew he should feel guilty about giving up on his marriage, but he didn’t, he knew it wouldn’t work, and he tired, so he didn’t feel guilty.
Y/N knew it was wrong, but she felt happy the second he said that. “I’m sorry to hear that James.” Y/N tried to sound understanding.
James immediately started busting up laughing, “we both know you aren’t.” James wasn’t even offended.
Y/N started laughing as well, “can’t blame a girl for trying to make it seem so.” Y/N heard Dave groan next to her. Every tour, they always shared a room when Jordyn wasn’t touring with them.
“Shut the hell up Y/N.” Dave grumbled, throwing one of his pillows over to her bed in attempt to hit her.
Y/N grumbled, “one second James.” Y/N didn’t even let James respond before she took the phone away from her ear. “Shut the hell up Dave, you’re fine.” Y/N snapped back playfully, earning the finger from her friend before he turned back around to go back to sleep.
James felt his heart stop when he heard a man’s voice in the background. Was Y/N seeing someone? Was she is the same bed as another man? “Hey, sorry. Dave decided to be annoying.” Y/N snickered.
“It’s ok…who’s Dave…?” James asked hesitantly, not wanting to come off as jealous. It’s been 4 years, he wouldn’t blame her if she had found someone else.
Y/N knew his tone, that was the tone he used whenever something was bothering him or when he was jealous. Y/N lightly giggled at the fact that he was bothered by it. “Oh Dave? Just the guy I work for. Dave Grohl.” Y/N giggled at how jealous James sounded.
“Oh shit,I forgot you were working with them, still are I take it?” The name immediately clicked in James’s head.
“Yea! I have been since I left.” Y/N shrugged. She had grown quite close with the Foo Fighters members over the past few years.
“Y/N….! You know I love you, but please shut the actual hell up please.” Dave groaned, almost fully awake now.
“Fine…” Y/N sighed. “I’m sorry, I really have to go.” Y/N really didn’t want to hang up, but she knew she had stuff to do in the morning.
James sighed, “yea, yea, that’s perfectly fine. Call me back whenever you can.” As much as he didn’t want her to go, he knew it was late for her, and that she had things to do in the morning.
Y/N didn’t want to hang up, “Can you call me again 3:00ish your time? See ya rockstar.” Y/N sighed.
“Yea, yea I will. Bye pretty girl.” James felt a small appear on his face. It felt so good to hear her voice again.
“Soooooooooooo.” Dave came up behind Y/N, making her almost choke on her sandwich.
“D-dude!” Y/N choked, slightly jumping. “You scared the shit out of me!” Y/N playfully slapped the guitarist.
“You gonna tell me who you were talking to last night?” Dave blew off her other comments, a grin on his face.
“How’d I know this was coming.” Y/N giggled.
“Well you woke me up at like 4:00 in the morning, so yes, yes it was coming.” Dave hand a snarky grin on his face. “Welllllllllllll?” Dave drew out his question.
Y/N knew she had no way out of this. “God damn you…fine.” Y/N grumbled, watching Dave grin from ear to ear. “So…you know that I guy I told you about from San Francisco?” Y/N started, getting a nod from Dave.
“Yea, the guy you were with but ended things cause his wife was pregnant.” Dave remembered the story word for word.
“Well I got a call from him last night…” Y/N hadn’t taken their conversation out of her mind ever since she woke up.
“Based on how much yapping you did, I’m going to guess it went well?” Dave teased.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile, “yeaaaaaa, he wants to see me again.” Y/N sounded like a little girl with her first crush.
“How much time do you need off?” Dave didn’t even bother asking to already know what she was wanting.
“Oh no, it’s ok, I can just tell him that I can go see him at the end of the tour.” Y/N didn’t want to miss any pay she could get.
“Payed leave, you never take vacations, you deserve it. And I can tell you wanna see him. How long do you need off?” Dave remembered the stories she told him about who she claimed to be the love of her life, he remembered laughing his ass off when he found out it was James Hetfield.
“Maybe a week and a half?” Y/N knew she wouldn’t win this.
“I’ll put you in for two weeks.” Dave got up to get back to rehearsal for tonight’s show.
Y/N knew he would t let her talk him out of 2 weeks, “thank you Dave!!” Y/N couldn’t wait to get James’s call tonight.
Right on time, the phone rang, making Y/N practically run to pick it up. “Hi!” Y/N spoke the second she picked up the phone.
“You sound happy.” James smiled.
“I am…” Y/N trialed, “quick question.” Y/N added.
“What’s up?” James wondered. He wasn’t too worried about the guys getting mad that he was on the phone, when he told them what happened the night before they were all perfectly fine with him calling.
“Can you pick me up from the airport ok Friday?” Y/N grinned. She found everything she needed, flights, hotel, all she needed to know was if he could pick her up or if she needed a car.
“Wait, you’re coming on Friday??” James wanted to make sure he heard her right. Him and Francesca were already sleeping on separate beds, he could always get a hotel for a few nights to see Y/N and to get away from her.
“Dave gave me two weeks off, wanted to make sure everything was cool with you before I booked it.” Y/N couldn’t get the smile off her face.
James didn’t even have to think about it, “yes! Yes! Book it. Do you need money?” James hadn’t felt this excited in years.
“Ok! I’ll book it, I’ll be in San Francisco Friday afternoon at like 2:00 I think. And no, I don’t need any money.” Y/N giggled. She remembered how he always liked to make sure she was taken care of with whatever it was.
“Ok! Let me know the flight details and when you land then.” James felt like a little kid on Christmas.
“Yea, yea, I will! Ok well…I’ll see you Friday!” Y/N couldn’t believe she could say that now. She was seeing him again. “Oh! What’s your cell number? My phones weird overseas, doesn’t show me your number. Just so I can text over the flight info.” Y/N asked.
“Oh yea, of course. It’s *** *** ****.” James hadn’t wiped a smile off his face ever since she picked up the phone.
Writing down the numbers, “ok! Well I’ll text that over to you once I get booked, and I’ll text you sometime tomorrow. I have a busy morning.” Y/N once again didn’t wanna go, but she knew she had too.
“I’ll let you go then. I bet it’s late. Um…I can’t wait to see you.” James still hadn’t processed that Y/N was going to be with him in not even 3 days now.
“I can’t wait to see you too James. I’ll text ya tomorrow.” Y/N grinned.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow then.” James had never wanted Friday to come faster in his life than now.
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gl00my-b · 11 months
Hi! Hope you are doing great :)
I saw your requests were open and I wanted to tell you mine, it's my first time making a request so I hope Im not doing anything wrong (also sorry if there are any spelling errors or smth, english is not my first language)
So I was wondering if you could write Idia x gn!reader, in which reader is Yuu and Idia has a crush on them. how does he aproach them and (even tho its not realistic bc my poor boy has anxiety) how would he confess his feelings for them (I just think it would be completely adorable to watch Idia trying to confess, Im down bad for him sorry)
I'm so glad you requested! Of course I can write this request ^^
Idia Shroud x GN Reader
"Be my player 2?"
Idia hadn't thought he'd end up falling for the normie in ramshackle, he thought he'd always end up alone, staying with ortho. But...something changed when he saw how happy ortho seemed around you...even inviting you over to the Ignihyde dorms for a tour. At first, he was a little disturbed, seeing a normie hanging around his brother. He thought you'd be a threat to Ortho, so as normally as possible he kept tabs on you. Totally in a non creepy way, but informative.
He kept tabs on things like your favorite foods, your schedule, where you hung out with those Heartsyable dorks, and when you'd return to ramshackle after a long day...looking so tired...WAIT- why did he care? It wasn't like you were anything special, he was just looking out for his brother....right?
He was wrong. Very very wrong. The beating in his chest only grew as he kept on watching you like the main protagonist of his favorite video game. You were actually an interesting normie? Ortho had seemed to notice the shift in Idia's mood when you came up in conversations. "Oh? They had to chase Grim all around campus? Shehehe.." a rare minimum smile crossed Idia's face. Something that surprised both him and Ortho.
He started to try being in the same vicinity as you every once in a while, actually starting to show up to the chemistry class you shared...surprisingly. It was a major hit to Idia's hp when Crewel assigned lab partners, you being his. So, as most students would do, you and Idia had headed to the library. You grabbed a few textbooks while Idia typed frantically on his tablet. He barely spoke a word but would look over at you every once in a while.
Finally, Idia sighed, looking over at you. You were curious why his pretty eyes seemed to be staring right through your soul, but asked anyways. "Is...something wrong Idia?" "No...just...you." Idia said quietly. You knew what it was like to be an introvert, so you listened patiently. Idia carried on. "Look...just- here." He passed you a slip of paper, revealing his magicam account and a small note saying 'Be my player 2?"
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hueningsloverr · 1 year
౨ৎ time in a bottle !
pairing : ot5 x reader summary : the boys as lyrics from 'time in a bottle' by jim croce word count : 0.9k
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choi soobin -
“if i could save time in a bottle , the first thing that id like to do , is to save every day 'til eternity passes away , just to spend them with you”
lets be real, soobin is such the romanticist. he would whine and whine to yeonjun about how much he misses you (as would all the boys to be honest), and he would feel so awful whenever they went on tour and he couldn't bring you. he would beg and beg big hit for you to come just this once and nine times out of ten he would get shot down (so he would mope back to the boys and whine and whine again till yeonjun actually just sends him to his room). whenever you were around, soobin seemed to be in a daze. you were all he cared about, not performing. which is bad considering he's literally a performer. and so, whenever he does get to be with you, all he wants to do is freeze time. he takes so many photos / videos of you, just so he can look back at them late at night when he misses you so much it feels like he's suffocating. when you're halfway across the world, off doing whatever it is when you yourself miss him. at the end of the day, all soobin wants is you, and to be with you. he could spend the rest of his life with you and never get bored, or tired, or any sort of negative emotion, because he gets you. you are so much more then enough to him, and he's the type of lover to make sure you know that.
huening kai + choi beomgyu -
“if i could make days last forever , if words could make wishes come true, id save every day like a treasure, and then , again i would spend them with you”
both hueningkai and beomgyu strike me as hopeless romantics, who would wake up so early the first day of something important for you (school, work, ect.) just to be there with you. they're both the type to wish for every second to last forever, and for all their wishes to actually come true. kai and gyu, though the most chaotic members, are also in my eyes the members to cherish the most out of everything. everything you do, he cherishes. all he wants is to be with you. no matter the hour, or how tired he is. kai would clear all the plushies from his bed if it meant you would lay down next to him, and gyu would calm himself down if it meant a little extra time with you (or become a literal demon child so soobin has no choice but to let you come over). though they're like the other three boys in the sense that they do truly love you, and just want to be with you, they're somehow different about it. in ways that can't really be explained. your relationship is like watching puppies, you energise each other no matter what, until you tire each other out, and that means the world to him.
kang taehyun + choi yeonjun -
“if i had a box just for wishes , and dreams that had never come true , the box would be empty , except for the memory of how they were answered by you”
though both taehyun and yeonjun are similar to the other boys in the way of loving, they're the type to be more private about it. yeonjun would go about 'soft launching' your relationship, whereas taehyun would go more of a 'romance is not dead if you keep it just yours' —t.s route. they hold onto the special moments, simply because of you. both tyun and jjunie have cast aside their wishes because they get you in the first place. tyun is a quiet lover, who takes photos of you that you'll never see until you find a bouquet on your counter the morning he left for tour, doodled on photos tucked in between the flowers. and jjunie simply cherishes you - tucked far under his bed where no one will see is an old beat up shoe box, filled to the brim with small things that remind him of you - a flower petal from the tree he first saw you under , a receipt from the first time he took you out to eat , the long since forgotten tag of the t-shirt he sleeps in every night that you gave him despite him telling you not to. both tyun and jjunie are quiet lovers, but they also probably love the most.
ot5 -
“but there never seems to be enough time , to do the things you want to do once you find them , ive looked around enough to know ,  that you're the one i want to go through time with”
whenever someone talks about txt, and how the impact they've made on the k-pop industry in the few years since their debut will be remembered as history - but all they can think about is you. you're the one history should remember because you push them every day to be better than the day before. whether it's platonic or romantic love, your love for them causes them to strive to be great. they want you to be remembered with them, because without you there is no txt to remember. they wished they'd met you sooner, and could do so much more with you, because you truly are everything to them.
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©2023 — all rights reserved to hueningsloverr , please do not plagiarise or translate any of my work
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im-a-marion3tt3 · 1 year
To Much
Phantom needs a break. Tw for unintentionally sh. This is kinda shitty but I needed to write something.
Tour was hard on everyone, all the ghouls and papa eventually only looked forward to going home. This was especially the case for Phantom. The stage lights had stopped being awe-inducing and now only gave him a migraine and stress. His fingers felt far more brittle as he played his guitar; the ache never seemed to leave anymore.
The end of the performance came sooner than he realized, mainly because he had zoned out after the second song, thinking about when he would finally get to go to bed. Even as he bows and heads off stage, his mind isn't fully there, finding it easier to cope with his exhaustion in this state of mind. That is until he gets confronted.
"Phantom, what the hell were you doing tonight?" Dewdrop snapped after they had changed out of their show clothes. He looked tired and pissed off, his hair looking much more messy than normal. They all were too tired at this point, a long nap and going home were over due.
"I played, what the fuck are you talking about?" Phantom muttered back, rolling his eyes as he ran a hand through his hair. He did have the energy for a fight right now but if that's what Dew wanted, he give him one.
"Yeah, you played but you sure as hell didn't perform! You're not some baby and more, you have to fucking pull your weight now. Jesus, why did Aether have to fucking leave, this is ridiculous!"
"Then get him back and I'll fucking leave! So sorry your Highness that my best isn't good enough anymore!" Phantom spat out before storming out of the venue before anyone could even try and stop him. He blended in with the shadows as soon as he hit the streets, making sure his demon form was concealed.
And just like that, he was gone. Having followed the sidewalk to a brightly lit up building. It smelled bad in his head but it would do for now. Here, he could nap unbothered. Phantom curled up behind a dumpster and quickly fell asleep, cold and uncomfortable but happy to finally get the sleep he so desperately craved. Dew's words rang in his ears, maybe it would be better if he was gone, then they could get Aether back.
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Copia took longer getting ready to leave, having more to do and had to make sure the clergy knew of what went wrong during the performance. By the time he finally was ready to leave and met up with his ghouls, he noticed there was a stiff and uncomfortable whispering. Copia didn't know what happened but didn't really care, they were always up to something. Except, he started to get a little more nervous when he took a head count and found them to be one short. Phantom.
Shortly after, a screaming match started, fingers being pointed all while Copia looked on, a heart broken look on his face. He loved all of his ghouls and to hear the one away made him feel like a failure and question why he had ever been put in charge.
It was Mountain who realized Copia's facial expression. He hadn't joined in the fight either, being far to concerned that there was a little ghoul wandering the cold city streets alone. Carefully, he pulled Copia into a hug, holding him close to his chest.
"Just shut up!" Mountain eventually barked, a glare resting on his face as at the other ghouls with a frustrated expression, his horns sticking through his glamour as thorns started to grow off of them. He proceeded to yell at the group at how it was everyone's fault for letting him leave, for making him feel unwanted and for hurting papa in such a way. He had trusted them and they broke that trust. Thinking on his feet, he quickly paired them up and sent them out, figuring such a younger ghoul couldn't have gotten far. Mountain left Dew behind with Copia though, feeling as though Phantom might not want to see him.
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It was Aurora who found him, curled up and still crying softly, a piece of glass in his hand and a small puddle of blood on the pavement. She noted that the blood came from his palm, he had most likely crushed something made of glass.
"Phantom! Oh for Hell's sake we've been worried sick," she muttered kneel down next to him and carefully grabbing his wrist to look at this hand. Phantom was not having it though, he snapped his hand out of hers.
"Jus g-go away," he stuttered out, something he only did when feeling big emotions. It made Aurora frown though, unsure of how to actually help him. So, she simply picked him up and tossed his over her shoulder, uncaring of his fighting. She was stronger than him by far and she was scared for it.
Phantom fought the entire way back to the building, noticing that their bus had already pulled up. Great, now everyone would be mad at him, he thought, a fresh wave of tears coming. It was a great surprise to him that instead of getting yelled at he felt arms yank him from Aurora and hug him tightly. It was papa.
"You simply cannot run off like that. You are but a kit still and had us all worried sick," Copia said in his thickly accidented voice as he held Phantom close. Phantom just held him back, crying softly into his shoulder, uncaring of the blood that got onto Copia. He just wanted to feel loved and needed right now.
"I know sometimes we say too much and feel too much but we all love you," Mountain said softly, having come in recently though stayed silent. He knew the other ghoul needed to feel loved and no one but Copia could heal the wounds from Dewdrops words.
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swiftgreatest · 1 year
Still Loving You | Warren Rojas x Reader
request by anon: "Hiiii :)) So I was thinking... The reader sees Warren taking with some girl at a party and she gets rly insecure after they hug, and then she asks him if he still loves her, I believe that was prompt 19"
a/n: hii!! I love write this one because I've passed for something like that. I'm a insecure girl and I know how hard it can be, so I put a lot of myself in it. hope u like!
prompt: 19. “Of course I still love you, why would you even ask me that?”
words: 1.1k
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Being a girlfriend of a rockstar is hard, and being the girlfriend of a rockstar who was in the current big band of the world, with the best selling album, most songs listened in the whole country and world, it was something even harder.
Dealing with the distance, the busyness seemed small compared to the insecurity you were dealing with. With all those parties and concerts where all those different and beautiful girls were hitting on your boyfriend, it was hard to deal with.
It was hard for you to understand how he was with you when he could have any girl he wanted, whenever he wanted. It was very hard not to be in love with the drummer from The Six, he was beautiful, charismatic, talented and fucking hot, you were charmed by him from the first time you saw him and he felt the same way about you.
He always said it to you all the time, but still it was hard to deal with this, you never think to live like this. You feel all your confidence disappear when you see the groupies and girls who participated in the infamous parties of The Six.
They are so beautiful, their hair, their bodies, their smile, the way they act, how to resist it?
You always trust in Warren, you know him and know who he is, you know that he never will betray you, but if one day he gets tired and goes away?
He never knows about your thoughts and if knows he'll make you forget all these things, because he loves you and has eyes only for you. Since you didn't follow the tour you didn't see him dismiss every girl who tried to have a thing with him and sometimes he would even joke with them and show them the polaroid he had in his wallet with a picture of himself saying "My girlfriend is the most beautiful girl in the world, don't you think?" It was always funny to see.
But after you get time off work you travel to California where the band is going to make their next concert. Your boyfriend paid for your ticket, and he wanted to wait to receive you but the flight would be late so you would go to the show when you arrived.
The concert was amazing, you are amazed, of course that you have been to other concerts of theirs but they're fantastic, the harmony grew up, the songs got better, the performance evolved and the crowd seemed more and more excited.
When you came backstage, the first people you saw were Graham and Billy, you greeted them and talked with the brothers for a time until Graham said that Warren was in the dressing room and you went there.
When you came in you saw many people laughing, dancing and talking. Daisy was dancing around the room with a champagne bottle in her hands, Karen was smelling a line, Eddie was on the couch with two girls and Warren was hugging a girl in the back of the room.
Your smile falls and your heart racing. You start thinking and trying calm down yourself
say to yourself "It's just a hug, doesn't mean anything". But the mind of an insecure and anxious person can make you burn and go crazy. You started to compare yourself with that girl he was hugging.
And God, she's so pretty and you didn't want to compare yourself, but your mind can't stop. It had been so long since you were last together, and if he didn't feel anything for you anymore? If he was like another person now and if he doesn't love you anymore?
Why would he stay with you when he could have someone prettier, kinder, nicer, better than you in everything.
You are so deep in those thoughts who didn't even see your boyfriend had seen you and ran in your direction to kiss you.
"Heyyy maa love!! Finally you came!! Can't believe I miss you so so muuuch" He smiled while hugging you.
"Yeah…I missed you too" You give a little smile to him, those thoughts still in your mind hurt you and make you feel bad, but you didn't want him to know this.
He notices how you looked down and when he asks, Daisy shows up and hugs you. You smile at her, you love Daisy she always was kind and nice with you, it is impossible not to like her. And before Warren could talk with you about how you were feeling the lead singer pulled you to dance with her.
And you dance a lot for several hours, you dance with Daisy and after that with your boyfriend. You express being happy and vibrant, Warren feels you are not good, he feels you strange and down, he knows you very well.
After long hours at the party, you and your boyfriend decide to leave. When you two get in the car in the back seat Warren decides to talk with you.
"What 's happen? You're different" He takes your hands while facing you.
"This nothing"
"Why are you trying to hide it? Be honest with me, I always be honest with you my love"
You were facing him and this seemed a simple act but it was going so hard to you, painful and sad, how you could admit that the reason for your insecurity is a hug. You breathe deeply and do what he asks, you are honest.
"You still love me? After such a long time and distance?" Your eyes were waterlogged and you were ready to spill all your tears.
“Of course I still love you, why would you even ask me that?” He was in shock that you are asking this for him, he thought that never gave you reasons to doubt his love.
"I saw you hugged with a girl when I came and became insecure" You feel so bad now "I'm sorry I never should have asked it for you, I'm so sorry Warren, please don't leave me"
"Ei you don't have to apologize" He caressed your face "I understand how strange it may have seemed. But I don't want you to think about it, I wouldn't leave you for a foolish adventure and I wouldn't exchange you for anyone. I still loving you, today, tomorrow and forever, my love, my only one"
Some tears escaped from your eyes and you jumped in his arms, you two fell in the car seat and you two laughed about it. And although not to say it in words you also loved him and always would.
— — —
oh I love this one, have a lot of me here!
a little reminder be kind with yourself and to the other people! all you need is love and everything would be well.
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felixsmeshglove · 1 year
lonely comfort - lee felix x reader
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writers note: this is my first official post actually for my blog and i hope you guys like it! it was originally written as a sad little drabble for me to feel a bit better cuz i was sulking and feeling sad
pairing ; lee felix x gn!reader
content warning: not much reader’s got sad boi insomnia and misses their little sunshine
wc ; 0.5k
the various sounds of apartment living clutter your mind as you sit next to your window, running a hand through your messed hair. how long had it been since you’d slept? you frankly had no idea, only staring out at the soft white clouds against the nearing-afternoon sky.
felix was out on tour, unable to speak much as he’d been focusing more on the concerts and correspondence regarding such. you knew the sweet sunshine idol didn’t mean any malice behind it, as that was just unfortunately the life they had to live as idols. however, felix always made it an extra point to still apologize, and text when he could.
today however was hard, you couldn’t even quite pin why. sleep seemed to escape you every time you’d tried, so eventually you’d just stopped. the only thing you could think of to cure this ailment is to hear his voice. his voice was always so perfect and everyone knew. deep, mysterious, soft and rich like an artisanal coffee or a nice slice of dark chocolate cake.
while despite being convinced he wouldn’t reply, you’d still chosen to try texting him anyway. a soft buzz to your left alerts you to a message you’d received. eagerly and frantically, you pick up your phone to check. a tired smile spreads across your face as you see a reply to your text.
[11:29 am] 
y/n 💖🌟; hey felix, would you be free at any chance at all for a phone call or just to chat for a little? im not feeling too great and i’m really missing you hard today.
[11:43 am]
lix 💛☀️; hey doll, im really sorry but we’re super busy preparing for todays concert cuz something happened with some of the stage outfits.
[11:45 am]
lix 💛☀️; i promise ill make it up to you soon
lix 💛☀️; hope this can help you get by at least for the day, see you later this week baby
lix 💛☀️; felix lee sent a voice message
you hit play and indulge in the soft accented voice of felix, he’d recorded himself saying lots of sweet words to you, while also chuckling softly as you listened to the rest of the boys’ bickering in the background and felix trying to fend them off. you felt your eyes finally start to grow tired, and sigh with a gentle smile. you couldn’t wait to see your sweet yongbok when he returned later that week.
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