#they wanted! i remember having that talk and even then i was like hmmmm im not sure… i havent been here long :/ and they convincing me to
cyberbullyinc · 8 months
my boss called me to talk today and he straight up told me he wanted me to be “a role model” for the rest of the teachers………… (long story short i worked there before and i got promoted to teacher trainer but then the pandemic happened and my position disappeared) and i told him girl im gonna be 100% honest with u… im not doing that. ive been there and i know what it does and what it means for the teachers and im not gonna be “a good example” so we’ll see what happens maybe i should start looking for another job lol
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islandofsages · 9 months
Pomefiore boys with a friend (male reader), how is a hopeless romantic, where they help him (the reader) to win over his crush or comfort him when he is rejected.
characters: the pomefiore boys x male reader
tags: platonic, canon compliant, fluff, comfort, imagines format
warnings: mentions of beating people up LMAO, some physical contact in epel's
author's notes: ngl i was kinda debating writing this bc i was like hmmmm crush but yknow what? it's not romance with the main cast so i'll let it slide plus im excited to get a request after so long sorry if this isnt as good! pretty rusty from not writing imagines in so long ahaha
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Vil Schoenheit
You went to the right person - who else has better rizz charm than Vil Schoenheit himself?
Of course, his first word of advice would be to just be yourself but just in case “yourself” isn’t enough, Vil has extended two generous offers to you: he will personally tutor you on how to steal your crush’s heart and if somehow they still reject you, he’ll have a uh… nice little talk with them. Totally. He has a reputation to hold up you know
Jokes aside, he truly believes you can catch your crush’s attention. He may be a little tough on you at times but he’s only trying to push you in the right direction
“Remember. If they do not give you the time of day, then they are not worth any of your precious time.”
If you get rejected, he’ll admit he feels a bit guilty - mostly disappointed in the crush (unless they have a good reason to reject), but still
Of course you insist that he doesn’t have to be sorry but he takes it upon himself to make up to you somehow
Whatever you need to recover from the rejection, he’ll try his best to fulfill your wishes
He’ll make time in his busy schedule to go out and treat you to something to cheer you up
In all the love in the world, maybe your crush isn’t yours to keep. But at least Vil’s is.
Epel Felmier
He may not have much experience with confessions or being a wingman but he’ll try his best for you!
He might search up how to impress a crush online and have you genuinely try the ideas he found and let’s just say that some of them are… interesting alright
You know he means well so you just follow along. At least the embarrassing times make for good memories to look back on and laugh over
“Maybe this’ll work…? How are we gonna find these though…”
He also offers to beat your crush up if they reject you but you quickly shut him down.
He’s there somewhere, hiding in a nearby bush (or whatever is nearby), when you confess to your crush, face scrunches up as if watching an intense Spelldrive match
If you get rejected, he’ll be a shoulder to cry on. Literally - he’ll sit beside you and offer to let you rest your head on his shoulder if you want
He may end up not saying much but he can listen to you for as long as you need him to
The tears of rejection may be salty, but the memories you made with your friend could sweeten any taste.
Rook Hunt
He’s delighted that you trust him enough to go to him for support
You think that you’d like to be more charming like him, what with his way of speaking and how he carries himself
Tears prick the corner of his eyes already; you have to ask him if he’s alright
“To think you saw me in such a light… it would stir any soul.”
He would even offer to teach you the delicate art of poetry if you so desire to win your crush’s heart through prose
If you get rejected, he’ll empathize with you, wearing a frown that you almost feel worse about than your actual rejection
He’ll let you say whatever you need to say or let out whatever’s weighing on you
When you’re done, he tells you that even such heartbreaking events could bloom into a beautiful flower one day - that you need not be concerned and see it as a learning experience
You laugh; how could you forget? There are many types of people out there. Just like how there could only be one copy of your crush, there could only be one of Rook.
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jounosparticles · 10 months
reply to the tags of your reply to my previous ask: PLEASE RANT TO ME ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP!!!! i want to hear. they rot my brain too and im glad that i found someone who's also suffering the suegiku takeover
OKAYOKAY YAY!!!!! this will be fun >:)
a huge suegiku analysis:
okay in the last ask you mentioned how tetchou stabs jouno for fun and sillies and stuff which happened to make me think a lot about how tetchou acts decently different around jouno than others.
tetchou is typically rather formal in the way he acts in a way? as in he's very straightforward, generally composed and calm in his words, and polite to anyone he's dealing with.
an example of this is when he still treated the cafe owner kindly despite him being an "accessory to terrorism" in jouno's words.
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basically, in most situations, he remains very composed. even when he's up to his sillier antics (like when he was watching ants or doing pushups during a meeting). he's direct and straight-faced almost always around most people. he doesn't act that way to be seen as silly, it's just who he is (and i love it).
i would imagine he could act this way for many reasons. it is most likely him being professional, likely as a reference to the irl tetchou who had samurai lineage; making him act with the tone and professionalism of samurai.
despite his professionalism, maybe he has difficulty being expressive around most people, or maybe he doesn't want to be expressive around people by choice.
but this is where he's different around jouno.
firstly, i'll talk about the times he's stabbed jouno. this has happened twice, and both were to de-escalate jouno from his tendancy to mentally torment people.
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the wording in these panels implies this is a regular occurrence. which is a little funny to me hehe.
anyway, we see by the way that he acts around others that usually he de-escalates situations by talking first instead of acting. he will turn to violence if he believes it's needed, but typically he talks first. we see this when he confronts kenji verbally before attacking.
yet with jouno he doesn't bother to tell him to stop first, instead opting to jab him. remembering that the hunting dogs have enhanced physical strength, a small stab wound probably isn't a huge deal for them.
because of this i think the stabbings are tetchou partially teasing jouno. him messing around like that isn't something he does with anybody else but he seems to enjoy pissing off his partner.
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also. stabbing him directly in the ass? gay as hell. jouno following up by saying "don't poke my ass every single time" implies that his ass specially gets jabbed a lot. hmmmm
another example of this is when tetchou smirks/chuckles at jouno insisting that he's the greatest hunting dog. the small laugh was most definitely to bother jouno.
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mmmm theyre both so pretty.
once again, tetchou pushes aside his composed self and being intentionally silly only really happens towards jouno.
arguably, this can be shown again in the pushups scene.
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tetchou acting unbothered and then calling jouno's weight "just right" while he continues to exercise seems like a combination of him trying to (jokingly) annoy jouno as well as his tendency to not acknowledge his own actions as bothersome or odd to others.
anyway to sum up this segment: tetchou is only seen intentionally bothering and teasing jouno and nobody else. he acts much differently towards others but seems to let his professional guard down around only his partner. this shows a great layer of trust and comfort between the two!
oh. but im not done talking about this. not at all.
the other huge display of emotions for tetchou was everything that went down with kenji.
as displayed throughout most of tetchou's appearances, he's incredibly justice-orientated. he has a tendancy to put justice above everything. here's a couple panels showing this:
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ooog tetchou is so pretty. i love that left panel so much
using his own logic here, he should have went after bram after having found him. tetchou even admitted that, but there was one other thing more important to him than that. jouno.
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starting here, this panel takes place after bram and aya escape. at this point, tetchou had assumed the agency was using bram to control people; meaning it wasn't just kenji he technically had business with at that time.
i will also preface this by saying the book's influence likely had an impact on tetchou attacking kenji before they could finish talking.
however, the book's writing didn't stop tetchou from insisting on finding jouno before taking down the agency. his worry towards jouno's whereabouts made him change his stance on justice as well as deterred him from prioritizing taking down the agency.
now that he's talking to kenji, i'd like to start it by showing that he seemed genuinely grateful and happy when kenji initially offered to help him find jouno.
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as well in the anime, his eyes soften when kenji offers to help.
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after talking to kenji for a brief moment, he opts to attack instead of continuing. this seems out of character for tetchou; he even apologized to kenji before saying he needs to find jouno as quickly as possible.
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the fact that he apologized, combined with how we've seen him treat people in the past shows that this isn't typically what he resorts to.
also, in the anime we can see the gloss his eyes slightly shaking as he says this line, which could display worry, sadness, or anger towards whatever could be happening to his partner.
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he seems almost distraught, which is a huge contrast to his typically-composed self.
and, of course; there's the fact that mid-fight tetchou had to tell kenji that jouno is a good person despite what people think.
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he looks genuinely sad here, as if he's speaking from his heart. jouno has very-clearly put up a tough exterior that he uses around everyone, but tetchou goes out of his way to defend him even when he absolutely doesn't need to.
he could have stayed silent or just said he wants his coworker back, but he insisted on stating that jouno is a good person.
it's also important to note that nobody else tends to speak kindly of jouno, which puts a lot more depth on their closeness to each other. tetchou sees through jouno's words and actions and knows that he is heavily misunderstood.
and of course, we have tetchou directly saying that he will place jouno above justice despite knowing what the right course of action should have been.
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he is putting jouno above the very thing he basis his career as well as his morality on. that's how worried he is. that's how much he cares.
and in this panel, we see he's extremely angry towards kenji's lack of response.
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lets compare this to the first time tetchou fought the agency.
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in chapter 61, when he was fighting the agency alongside jouno; he kept a more menacing/intimidating look as he attacked. when he was not attacking, he kept calm-looking despite being pissed off. compared to when he was fighting kenji in chapter 100 and looked infuriated. even the different fonts used for the dialogue puts further emphasis on this.
now, i'm going to jump ahead to the end of tetchou and kenji's fight. tetchou recognizes his mistake and asks kenji to kill him.
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it's important to note that his reasoning as to why he should have chased justice was because he doesn't think jouno would have condoned his choice.
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he specified it again, even opting to call jouno his friend. also note how white his eyes are here, meaning his intent was pure and he genuinely felt awful for misjudging what jouno would have wanted. he cares so much that he was asking to be killed for misunderstanding what was the correct course of action.
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and then after kenji insists on helping him find jouno instead, he smiles in relief before the two pass out.
one last small note is that we've only ever seen tetchou smile three times throughout the manga so far, and all of them were mentioned here and involved jouno.
to sum it all up: tetchou, who is typically very composed and justice-orientated, is willing to throw aside his entire stance on justice for jouno. he lets his professional guard down around his friend, allowing them to tease each other and be silly as well, which he doesn't appear to do around others often. this shows that the two have a close bond and genuinely care so much about each other.
as for jouno, i don't have as much to say however there definitely is a few things i'd like to touch on.
firstly, despite claiming to hate tetchou a lot, jouno still uses a respectful honourific (-san) whenever he refers to him. i'm not a japanese speaker so please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong but there's a good chance jouno would opt to not use an honorific at all if he genuinely detested tetchou as much as he claims.
and when it comes to teasing, jouno does it much more often than tetchou does (however he also messes with more people, it's just a personality difference between the two).
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clearly with the way they act around each other, jouno does not actually hate tetchou. i think they like to bother each other by play-bullying.
also, noting on jouno's criminal past, he was given an easy oppurtunity to be thrown into the DoA where he could be incredibly powerful and would likely not face any consequences for his actions had he joined.
we know he declined fukuchi's offer because he found joy in saving innocent people. but i would the influence of the other hunting dogs helped set him into that place of mind. tetchou seems to be the one he works with most, so there's a good chance he takes a lot of inspiration from how tetchou handles justice.
another thing i noticed with jouno is that his displaying of emotions is almost an inverse of how tetchou acts. jouno keeps smiling a lot despite who he's speaking to. in contrast, he can keep a straight face when interacting with tetchou a lot.
of course, that could make it seem as if jouno is unhappy around tetchou, but i would argue it's the opposite.
some people will force a happy expression to appear unassuming or kind (or in a lot of jouno's cases, intimidating). so him allowing himself to maintain a straight face around tetchou could mean that he is comfortable enough around him to not feel the need to express everything. he doesn't need to keep his guard up around tetchou.
jouno almost always keeps a very happy or calm composure around enemies, likely as an intimidation factor. yet he allows himself to express frustration and annoyance around the hunting dogs in general, and most often with tetchou. i'd like to imagine this just shows his security in his partner.
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jouno talking to an enemy, for reference ^ i also just really love this page hehe
the last thing i'll mention here is a lot of speculation on my behalf. however i think that jouno seems like the type to push away those close to him. i kind of perceived his supposed hatred towards tetchou to be a combination of joking around as well as possibly a defense mechanism to try and avoid keeping people close?
my main reason in stating that is that he's claimed to not like any of his coworkers yet still opts to not betray them and still works well with them. if he truly hated tetchou, he probably wouldn't allow them to work together. he likely says such things to avoid being liked too much, and these actions proved to work since tetchou acknowledged that everyone sees jouno as cold.
yet through all that tetchou still knew he was good despite the exterior, which makes them well-suited for each other.
anyways: i feel like these two really do treat each other much differently than they treat the other people around them. that puts a lot of emphasis on their bond and closeness in general. they can be silly around each other, they can get through arguments no problem, they make a great team, and clearly care about each other a ton! they mean so much to me <3
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i love my sillies :)
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sporesgalaxy · 8 months
I know this is something u were probably asked before but as the guy that has a good relationship with art....how do you do that??? I mean I get that this question is vague but how do you not care if it looks bad? Do you just?? Keep on going till it looks like you want it to look? Despite the agonies? You seem like you enjoy talking abt this thats why im asking, dont feel the need to answer if u dont wanna
hmmmm. You know, I don't think about the agonies much these days. But it's not that I don't care. I guess I've become a freak who sees beauty in the agonies, sorta? It's kind of complicated! I will do my best to explain!
First of all, I know that I have the unfair advantage of having no ambition. I don't have a goal for my art besides making art when I feel like it. That makes it easy to be less judgemental-- I remember having a rockier relationship to my own art during the time when I thought I would make it my career.
This is why I like talking about my perspective, though!! I think it's important to try not to let yourself be consumed by self-criticism as an artist, even if self-criticism is necessary for you, and hopefully my carefree way of looking at things can help balance things out haha.
Anyways, ambition or not-- and I know how this sounds but bear with me-- art doesn't ever look bad.
(Barring ethically harmful art, ugh, I don't want to get into ethics so just-- surely you know what I mean!!!)
Art gets a lot less stressful if you can tell yourself that no art is bad, and remember the reasoning behind that until you really believe it. It isn't a fast process, but it's very worth the work.
The truth is that art either looks how you want it to look, or it looks different from the way you want it to look, but both are ultimately neutral. You CAN make art that looks different from what you wanted, that you still feel pleased with.
When art looks different from how you wanted, the gut reaction you have is often to call it bad or get frustrated. And of course it's frustrating! Maybe you feel it's not as effective at communicating something as you'd hoped, or you feel it's not as visually impactful as you imagined...but it's important to remember those things are only your perception. Not an objective fact. And art is a two-way street! A communication between creator and observer! And communication is really weird and complicated.
Other people's perception of your work won't ever be exactly the same as yours. Sometimes this is desireable and sometimes it isn't! Maybe your art will communicate the thing better to someone than anything they've ever seen-- even if a more effective version could theoretically exist, the "imperfect" version that actually exists and communicates is all that matters to the observer. Or, maybe a feature that turned out exactly how you wanted it to will fly completely over an observer's head, and not have the effect you wanted at all. A lot of the time, you'll never even know.
An artist can NEVER fully control an observer's perspective, so at a certain point you have to live with what you have. You already do this, to some degree, if you have ever EVER decided to stop working on a piece of art and share it. You can always keep adding to something. You can always keep editing. But sometimes, you stop. And perfection doesn't exist, so when you stop it must be because the art is good enough for now. And nothing about "good enough" is objective!
And is that really so bad? Surely people who grow fruit understand that a fruit which is smaller than they imagined can still feed somebody-- that at the very least it will feed bugs and microorganisms and be useful as fertilizer to grow more apples. Your art still means something, still accomplishes something, is still worth making whether it turns out how you imagined or not.
A lot of art is learning when to quit and move on. As a habitual perfectionist, this was something I had to learn early, to stop myself from erasing holes into every piece of paper I drew on.
There's this rule I was taught in middle school drama class: if you fuck up, act like you didn't fuck up. The audience doesn't have your script memorized, so odds are they won't have any idea you fucked up unless you tell them. Other art works the same way. No one knows what you wanted to make but you. And more importantly, a "perfect" version of your art doesn't exist (no "perfect" version of anyone's art exists, or ever will).
The version you made exists, so you have to find what's worth loving about that version. You have found what's worth loving in the imperfect art of others many times. Many observers will treat your art the same way you treat others' art. Why not treat your own art that way, too?
It sounds really REALLY corny, but I try not to think of this as embracing "mistakes." I think of it as celebrating coincidences.
I really really like coincidences. I like that every circumstance wasn't guaranteed to happen, that everything comes down to chance. I think all the little random things are beautiful because they turned out however they did, and not any of the millions of other ways things might have turned out. It's a coincidence that my genes expressed the way they did. It's a coincidence that my parents met in college. It's a coincidence that my oldest friend and I both got to middle school early every day, and stayed close even when we didn't share any classes.
Art is full of coincidences! I try to draw a straight line. The line does not turn out straight, because of the way my hand is shaped and the way my muscles contracted, because my body is not exactly like anyone else's in the world. No one else would have drawn that slightly not-straight line just exactly how I did. It's mine, and it's crookedness is what makes my art mine. Okay, maybe it's a little too crooked for what I want this time-- I'll erase it and draw a new crooked line at a bit of a different angle. There we go, I like that! Now it's my beautiful, irreplaceable crooked line! And the ghost of its predecessor guides the eye just so, and no one else's two crooked lines would guide your eye the same way, only mine! Isn't that nice on its own? Just to have made something that can't ever be replicated? To have made something no one else has ever made before?
You can also apply this in a bit less dreamy and more practical ways, I promise haha.
For example...I've never been a canvas flipper, as a digital character artist. I don't mirror my canvases to see if they still look preportional to me from either direction. I also don't usually draw visual novel character sprites that need to look good mirrored in either direction to serve their function, so it's never been a practical concern of mine.
I consider many kinds of distortion on a character I've drawn to be a good part of the visual flow of the image. Like a smear frame in animation, distoriton in the right places can make character art look dynamic and energized because it can lead the eye through a certain visual flow over the form of the character. If I were to flip the canvas, that eye-leading effect might hit differently because my American eye is used to reading from left to right-- perhaps it doesn't feel as "smooth" going in the opposite direction. This doesn't mean I need to change the distortion necessarily, it just means I prefer not to flip the canvas.
Often, these distortions aren't intentional. They're a coincidence of how my muscles move as I draw, and the areas my left-to-right American eyeballs instinctively pay more attention to. But the effect is still desireable to me. So, happy coincidence!
I think...that's the best I've got for now? Feel free to ask for clarification. I hope it's not total nonsense!
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not-5-rats · 1 month
Roommate is autistic, why? because I (autistic) said so
Also I have this image in my head, and really want to share it! So here have a silly little fic about besties with sensory issues (sorry if this isn't very good, it's like 11pm rn and I'm wacked-)
[approx 1,174 words]
Roomie hates fireworks, it's something Mitch and them had always agreed on. They're so loud and there no knowing when ones going to go off, literally the worst things in the world. Unfortunately there's not much you can do to avoid them, no matter where you go the noise will always follow you...
Roomie had gotten word from a friend that there was gonna be a firework display that night for some sort of celebration, they were annoyed because they had plans for that evening but they knew they couldn't go through with them if those fucking things were going off. So they were rather upset when they got home
They threw themself onto the couch as Mitch appeared in the living room. He cautiously made his way over to the couch
"Eh hey? You alright down there-?"
He tried to peek at their face to see I'd they were actually upset or just chilling in their own odd way...but there was no hope. He gave them a little prod, no reaction
"Heyy? What's up with you?"
"Hmmmm, fireworks :("
Mitch sat down on the floor, legs crossed, beside the couch. A hand perched on the edge just beside Roomies head
"There's gonna be fireworks tonight...I can't go out anymore-"
Their words were muffled because of their face being pressed against the couch cushions, but it was clear they were upset by this. Roomie had been talking about their plans for weeks! They had been so excited, this was the biggest thing going for them right now! And now it wasn't happening
Mitch knew how excited they had been for it, he felt sorry for them, not only because they couldn't go through with their plans but because....fireworks! He sat there for a moment, silence taking over the room until he had a sudden idea
"Wait there, I will be right back!!!"
He ran off, Roomie looked up as he sped of the door...jeez he was fast. They sat up, pulling their knees up to their chest and resting their chin ontop of their knees. Mitch was audibly running around, collecting things from many rooms, they had no idea what he was doing but they stayed sat down, rocking slightly as they gazed around the room trying to think of what he had planned
Eventually Mitch came running back in, a huge bundle of stuff in his arms. Roomie tried to get a look at what he had but as soon as he came back he began to shuffle Roomie out of the living room and into their own room
"Come on, I have to set things up! Nope, no! Im not telling you! Its a surprise dummy, i cant tell you! Although you should probably get into pj's, like supeeeer comfy ones! No I'm not telling you why!!! Just do it!!!"
And...he's gone again. At this point Roomie was itching to know what that idiot had planned. They decided they would get changed, it would pass some time and comfy pj's would probably make them feel a bit better right now. So they got into their pajamas and sat on their bed before remembering they hadn't told their friends they wouldn't be attending their meet up. Luckily their friends were understanding and promised to meet up another time.
The sound of the door opening made them jump almost falling to the floor, then they realised it was just Mitch who had finally finished his suprise. By this point it was dark out and Roomie knew the fireworks would be starting soon so they hoped that wouldn't distrust whatever he had planned.
They went into the living room...that's when they saw it. The most amazing couch fort you could ever imagine stood infront of them. Roomie was honestly pretty suprised by it, no wonder it had taken Mitch so long this thing was fucking awesome!! Adding to the greatness of the suprise, the big light was off and the curtains closed, the entire room lit only by fairy lights that were strung around the fort. So there were no overwhelming lights to stress abt
"Well? What you waiting for go, get in!"
Mitch hurried then into the fort, inside there was a mass of pillows, teddies and blankets. It was one of the cosiest spaces ever known to mankind. It didn't take long for Roomie to get cosy, just as they thought this suprise couldn't get better they were handed a box. They asked what was in it
"Just open it!"
So they did, inside there was a pair of noise-cancelling headphones along with a small scented candle
"I meant to give you these later but I thought now was probably a better time"
They smiled...their friends were always supportive of them and their disability but this? Nobody had done something like this for them before. They felt tears prickling in their eyes but just as they went to thank him they smelt...burning?
"Mitch...is something burning?"
"What?...OH CRAP!"
He ran off into the kitchen, Roomie just sat staring at the blankets around them. It was really nice in here, not just because forts are super cool but because this was one of the sweetest things anybody had done for them...their autism made dealing with change really hard for them and sure people tried to be supportive but this? This was a whole other level of support
"Okay so y'know the pizzas we had in the freezer? Yeah ehm I may have tried to cook them...and I may have burned them"
Mitch came through the doorway, standing with his hands awards behind his back
"You wanna order in?"
Roomie just nodded, words abandoning them in the moment. They ordered the pizza and were waiting for it to arrive, Mitch had joined Roomie in the fort and the two sat happily. Neither of them really said anything, they were just enjoying the cosiness of the fort...but Roomie felt a need to express their gratitude
"...thanks Mitch, for all this...it really means alot and ehm.."
They tried to find the words but alas...they couldn't put their thoughts into words
"I'm sorry...I don't-"
They were cut off by a suprise hug being wrapped around them. They were a bit taken aback but they quickly relaxed into it. They wrapped their arms around their friend. He knew how they felt, he knew what they wanted to say...even if they couldn't quite say it.
It was in this moment that Roomie realised just how comfortable they were around Mitch, he was the first...well not person but ehm person-like-thing that really understood them, that knew how they felt. Their connection felt almost unreal, like something described only in fairytales.
Slowly Roomie felt themself drift off to sleep, the arms around them acting as a safety blanket so that even after the fireworks began they didn't feel upset. They could still hear the explosions going off, but with the headphones muffling them and the arms around them offering a constant comforting warmth...it didn't really bother them.
"...thank y-"
"shhhhhh, shoosh, after everything you've done for me, there's no need for that"
They couldn't help but chuckle, as they rolled their eyes
"fine...no thanks to you then"
With that they fell asleep
I'm not great at writing like comfort first so ehhhhh hope this is ok? Also alot of Roomies autistic traits in this are based off of my own experiences with autism so sorry if it sounds silly to you guys
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dearlyjun · 10 months
yeonjun waking up hard next to you
ok I know I have alc in my system but I find it funny how this anon just went RIGHT to the point. we don’t waste any time here.
hmmmm feeling like this could go two ways….imma pick one and roll with it.
*warning* im about to write consensual sex when like half asleep. all parties are consenting adults here.
yeonjun doesn’t always wake up horny, but when he does it’s frustrating. he can’t fall back asleep. he’s tossing and turning, you next him sound asleep….hes surprised he hasn’t woken you up yet by his movements. my god…..he’s so hard right now. it’s 6 in the morning, barely daylight and he’s hard.
he remembers how you told him before that you didn’t mind if he woke you up, in fact you found it kind of hot that he could be so needy. still, he felt bad.
he looked at you some more. fuck it.
yeonjun climbs over you, hovering, peppering your face in soft kisses. hey.. his voice is deep from having not spoken yet.
you stir, confused. jjun?….whats going on?
I need you… he’s still kissing you. poor baby sounds somewhat whiny that it almost makes you feel bad. I just — fuck. I need you.
you know what he’s talking about, even though you’re half asleep. he’s practically pleading with you with his big brown eyes that you could never possibly say no to.
you comb your fingers through his somewhat messy hair. do whatever you want, jjun.
and you close your eyes again right when you feel yeonjun pull the covers off of you.
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alright next up on the list of ideas to dredge up from the drafts and talk about in more detail is the focus on books in this season, because its driving me around the bend
but because i literally have no answers whatsoever to this, im just going to do a crowley-core #justgirlythings and just ask questions:
ep2 goob (rip) lines: "books are key!" which ok yeah obvious but:
"and see, the big ones can be used as fly swats - and i know what you're thinking, but it's okay, because the beauty part is, it never works!"... hmmmm
but also earlier on, goob asks aziraphale "what [letter] comes after 'K'?", which is 'L', but goob then immediately refers back to his book that he's alphabetising, which is A Tale of Two Cities, and that starts with 'it'...? so why highlight the letter 'L'? (this might be something of nothing but given Book of Life idk could literally have been ANY other letter)
but then we have the rest of the episodes that cascaded from the two things above; first, the book blueprint of the universe in ep1, which AWCW was referring to, but only from page 11 onwards (so what was on pages 1-11?):
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ep2: crowley discovering that jane austen wrote books (like, other than it being a comedic point of their conflicting remembrance of her as a person, and gives the "you think you know someone!" foreshadowing, it felt very pointed that crowley learns that she was a writer as well)
ep2 also sees aziraphale looking at a huge tome which, given everything that's going on, seems weird that he'd be randomly consulting? idk what the book is so not doubling down on this... anyone know if ive just missed something obvious?
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but also makes a point of consulting the bible after goob recites what god said to job in the bookshop. which, given that he and crowley readily recognise what god says (he even says to crowley, "I most certainly do [remember]"), seems weird that they'd need to consult a book to remind them who job was and his story... could be exposition and for the cool fall-through effect, but possibly felt a bit unneeded. plus, it got aziraphale so absorbed that he totally conked out and missed crowley leaving the shop:
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aziraphale writing in his diary at his desk on his bed, lying in his tummy, feet kicking in the air, in ep3:
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the magician's pamphlet that not only follows aziraphale's epiphany of realising he's in love with crowley but also literally sets up the opportunity for aziraphale to demonstrate how much he trusts him, and is ultimately used against them in being discovered as (at least) being traitors to their respective sides:
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plus the Hoffman book, and the angel field-guide:
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like, oversimplifying, but literally all of ep5 being based on jane austen works
emphasis on muriel wanting to read books in the background of the Showdown going on in ep6, being chucked The Crow Road by crowley, and metatron being weirdly interested in the fact that they're reading it... like, how would he not know what a book is? why is it "excellent", and a "perfectly splendid thing to do"? odd choice of words even if you want them to take over the bookshop:
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now this one i can believe is literally just about goob in the shop and that's fine, but again the emphasis on books anyway (and also michael's weirdly strong but conflicting memory? might write a different post about that bc i think michael got got by metatron somewhere along the line):
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back to ep2 but fitting to bookend on:
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so okay yeah sure, im certain the book of life comes into all of this somewhere (ive posted about it here but im fairly certain it's not what heaven/hell seems to claim it is, and i think only the metatron truly knows that). there's been a lot of emphasis on memory too in this season, but taking that out of the equation a minute, the main things giving me heebie-jeebies is goob's line about using big books as fly swats, and obviously metty-babes' weird reaction to the crow road...
idk where im going with this and ill probably look at this again but all of this was floating around my noggin and i couldn't take it anymore
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
Tysm for the tags @monacobasedgirldad @schumigrace @fernandoalonzoo sry im a bit late getting to this lol
Are you named after anyone?
My great great grandmother(I think??), though she was named Katarzyna, and I was born Catherine, but go by Catie obviously(this lowkey annoys my mom lmao, especially bcs if I were to have a nickname, it was supposed to be Cate.)
When was the last time you cried?
Today, over classical music. I think I cry at least once a day 😭 I am very emotional
Do you have kids?
Nope :)
What sports did you play/have you played?
I played soccer when I was a kid. Also does marching band count?
Do you use sarcasm?
All the fucking time, literally constantly. And also we sarcastically bully each other in my family, so I have to pull myself back from accidentally insulting people 😭
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hmmmm, I feel like ive done this tag game before bcs I remember writing this exact answer. But usually I notice if someone is a good conversationalist or not. Like do they like to lead the convo, do they like to listen to the other people, do they talk too much, too little, are they awkward about it? It's just very interesting to me, bcs I think that kinda thing really does instantly show you if you're going to be compatible with a person(as a friend or more etc.) Cause I talk a lot a lot, and I think it's difficult to get along w people who are untalkative but also people who talk an equal amnt if not more djkfkglg.
What is your eye color?
Just brown!
Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies definitely. I mean im not opposed to a happy ending obviously, but that's not really what im always looking for in a movie, I guess? Rn I'm trying to think of my top movies, and man, not a lot of them have happy endings 😭 But I literally just watched two horror movies the past wknd so! Even though they make me paranoid
Any talents?
I think I could go on a rant about anything if you gave me a bit of time. I really think I can just talk endlessly. Is that a skill? Or is it just annoying..? But yeah I'm not sure, but I think I'm pretty good at absorbing information and being able to go on and on about it.
Where were you born?
America rahhh 🦅🦅 I like my state a lot even though I feel like all my peers keep saying "ugh I don't want to be in [insert state] anymore" Smh how dare you
What are your hobbies?
Mostly drawing! I draw both F1 fanart(pretty much all selfmade AUs tho) and ocs. I like writing lore and worldbuilding and meta, but not really writing itself. I like reading fic and watching movies as well. And I think one of the main things I do these days tbh is read about history and keep up with politics. I get more and more involved with it as the days go by, but unlike drawing, I don't really have an outlet for it sigh sigh. So that's why a lot of AUs involve history and random other things, bcs its fun to involve my interests with each other!
Do you have any pets?
Yes I do! Two cats and two dogs. The cats are named Jin and Frank. Jin is basically me in cat form, he's so anxious 😭 and Frank is like my brother, he's such a little bastard who loves to hiss all the time. My dogs are named Maisie and Ruby. Maisie is a menace to society, but she is also the most beautiful dog ever, so I forgive her. Her name makes me laugh bcs she's named after this book character, Maisie Dobbs right? So her name tag says Maisie Doggs
How tall are you?
Around 5'4
Favorite subject at school?
Politics >:) But I'm pretty interested in philosophy as well rn. Unfortunately my love for foreign languages has been slipping in the semester or so, bcs my professors on that side kinda suck. So I've been putting more energy into my other major, and now all I can talk about is history, politics and philosophy, etc etc. It's just a lot of fun and very interesting to me!
Dream job?
Man, sometimes I wish I could just be a student forever, I just want to keep learning all about the world and other things. But I'd like a job that's not too static, something that pushes me out into the world a bit, maybe smth in the government or like a non-profit idk yet!
Ahhhh I'm doing this a bit late so I'm not sure who's done it yet, I feel like mostly everyone has :,) I tag anyone who's interested, like seriously I'd love to see people's answers who I haven't yet!!
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 5 months
Thank you for creating this account, you are so brave.
Prefacing: I used to tolerate TS and her music when I was a teen and couldn't really avoid it. Now I'm 25 and I find her abhorrent as a human being.
(I'm not American and where I am from TS was never a Big Hit, unless we're talking 14 year old girls that eventually grow out of liking her. It's not entirely for a good reason, my country's a bit too conservative-brainwashed to like a self-proclained "girl boss" on a gov. level.)
Something that I noticed about that cult-like worship of that frankly boring woman is that most of the interesting shit about her is 1. made up 2. not about her music and I DO NOT understand how this is even considered a singer anymore.
Like, for example. A bunch of liberal queers like her because they take her bland music and fill it with their own meanings. Her lyrics are so soulless and boring and generic you can apply them to anything. You don't have to go listen to staples of quuer music like what drag queens, or queer women, or Black gay men create: because their music is visceral, it speaks onto real lived through opression that not everyone can relate to. But not with fucking TS! She writes the most TYPICAL line and a bunch of people assign some secret gay meaning to it. The amount of times I saw TS added to playlists for queer content is ridiculous. Like she wouldn't be half as popular if her music was regarded as what it is: straight white girl soliloquy.
The shit about her love life? Should not be fucking mentioned in regards to her as an artist. She's SO fucking fake. She will complain that people only see her as some girl who dates all those guys but she's the one fucking monetizing her love story. I'd understand if she didnt TRY TO but she fucking does! She knows she's bland and boring and she relies on people liking gossip enough to listen to her crap.
ok quick note when you said “liberal queers” it should be “queer liberals”. im assuming english isnt your first language so your native tongue has different grammatical rules but in this instance you put “queer” in front of “liberal.” i just don’t want you to be accused of being homophobic or anything so this is a quick note for you
you said you were 25 and everyone who’s been following this blog has been 20+ demographic in particular. i think it must be because we’re old enough to remember her entire journey starting w the 2009 kanye west mtv incident up until this moment. her staunchest swifties on here were born after the fearless release 💀
hmmmm i always wonder what people imply by Taylor Swift being a global superstar. like she’s isn’t popular in the entire continent of Africa but that doesn’t count apparently? and as much as she is popular in south asia, so much news is framed with a western perspective and all westerners think whiteness is default, and this includes taylor swift. i wouldnt be surprised if theyre inflating her popularity abroad as they are here in the states. idk
and so true! she’s known for her controversies and dating drama. even her music is known not for its success but ppl questioning the legitimacy of her grammys she’s received for her music.
also your gaylor hate—i understand. im not straight and i think gaylors were lobotomized by taylor swift’s music like genuinely these bitches have bricks for brains. there are soooooooo many better queer musicians especially musicians of color who write songs of their literal shared experience of queer love, identity, etc. but here they go theorizing that taylor seift and karlie kloss secretly dated 😭 it reminds me of this convo i had with my friend about gay people admiring/looking up to straight and cis people and labelling them as “gay icons.” its so stupid and reductive and continues to marginalize actual queer artists.
also talking abt taylor swift playlists i will never forget when i found spotify’s bad bunny x taylor swift playlist inspired by their photo from the 2023 grammys 💀 it was so dumb
“straight white girl soliloquy” PERIOD ANON! i need to start making a list of what you guys say cause its fkn fire
taylor swift embedded her relationships so deeply into her brand and music that its inseparable from herself. she really does define herself by her partners and her fans do too, which is why they expected this to be a joe alwyn album.
she really is so unoriginal and unremarkable and that’s why her thing WORKS. because to swifties she’s like “another everyday girl like you and me :)” 🙄 whatever. yuck!
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joelletwo · 5 months
@coquelicoq tagged me to list 5 topics i can talk on for an hour without preparing any material.......... fascinating!! thank you
animal care at this point i still retain most of the info i learned for my last job. if i had to narrow it: i never got very intimately familiar w small mammals. lizards confused me and have such a wide range of needs per species. invertebrates dont need enough care to talk about for an hour LOL. but almost certainly i still know enough about fish husbandry and tank maintenance to fill up an hour easy peasy without even going in depth on any of it. (or dog/cat food nutrition but only from a 'collating data' viewpoint and not a 'having confident opinions about any of it' one)
the intersection of thematic elements and real-world production circumstances of a small unrelated circle of media lol. the hs-gintama-orv-umi-twig venn diagram that lives in my head at all times.
i transcribed a lecture on baroque and rococo architecture that charmed me enough that i did attempt to replicate it for my roomie. transcribed material was always like. i understand it while working on it but lose it once i try to convey it to someone else lol so it wouldnt be very Coherent but it would be Impassioned. and for top lectures to vicariously listen to its between this one and the biology class one about the function of hormones from pregnancy to birth to childhood to adulthood to old age, and i have an easier time remembering architecture details
hmmmm riffing on yours. put any amv in front of me and i could talk about its choice of song/scenes/editing an hour easy.
tagging @arytha @istherewifiinhell @yamameta-inc if yall want bc im interested in what ud pick and ofc as always anyone who thinks this'd be fun to do :)
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wasyago · 1 year
I would like to know what your boundaries are when it comes to interacting with you.
are you ok with requests or questions that don’t have to do with your works
are you ok with receiving headcanons that are not relevant to or may contradict with what you already have 
how many asks are you comfortable with receiving at one time.
Are there other things that you want us to know about fan interaction that I didn’t think to ask about
hmm oh man no one has really asked this before... i think as a disclaimer i need to say that im pretty bad at replying to asks, and half of them get ignored and deleted because i either forget about them and get too anxious to reply, or just don't know how to reply and never do.
i dont really do art requests, so if anyone sends one it will most likely be ignored, and if its not related to what im posting it'll be ignored 100%. there are some exceptions of it, but i still don't appreciate people asking me to draw anything for free. i suppose i don't mind questions about stuff outside of my work! no one really asks anything so i don't have a good example of it, plus it all really depends on the context, but if its good I'll reply and if its something i dont like I'll just ignore it. so, same as with everything i guess, so those are okay 👍
about headcanons hmmm... not sure? i dont know how to properly reply to them if its not something im into apart from "oh thats interesting" and "nice". like, i don't really wanna say stuff like "that cool but i personally think that you're wrong and here are the reasons--" and take someone's headcanon apart? it just feels rude? even if i do process the headcanon in my brain and there's a thought process of how it fits or doesn't fit into my beliefs, i don't really want to say it out lound to not upset anyone? but saying all this, it is still nice to see headcanons from different people and different perspectives, to have some variety of views and opinions and more diversity. because you never know what you might like. so, i think all headcanons are good, if i know how to reply to them i will, and if i don't then i won't!
how many asks am i comfortable receiving umm, well, i don't have an exact number picked hsghd. i guess as many as you want if you really have a lot to ask? i do appreciate it when people keep asks topical tho. so, if you're asking about one particular thing, it'd be nice if it was all in one ask that is easy to reply to. and if you're asking about multiple different things it's better to send multiple short asks instead of a big one. because its hard to reply to billion unrelated questions in one post. so for example your ask is good because all the questions are on the same subject, but if you asked me about the weather halfway through and then swithed to an ask about jrwi, that i wouldn't reply to, yknow?
for other things... i already said about the art requests, which are like the main thing i really don't like. i guess some things are better asked in dm's than asks, if that's anything? especially if it's something more personal to you or requires an actual dialog, but i can see why it might be easier to send an ask first and move to dm's later, so its not a problem. hmmmm and i suppose just the general stuff, like don't send suggestive asks if i don't know you or you weren't clearly prompted to, don't be mean to me or others, even as a joke it doesn't feel good, remember that im just a random guy on the internet, im not a robot i have feelings, so talk to me like a person, don't spam the same question if i didn't answer it, etc.
i think that's it? thank you for asking!!
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Vega Latest Audio Thoughts
Im going to put in under the cut for those who can't listen yet and don't want spoilers. (Ik that feeling.)
MY HUSBAND IS BACK FINALLY I MISSED HIM SO MUCH!!! I love him and i want him to step on me im so fucking glad hes here im sobbing
I feel like Warden is settling more into their personality now. At first they kinda gave off a timid vibe since they were trying to fit in with humans and not appear as a threat. Then there was that moment they snapped at him. When they get frustrated, they lash out. And here we see it again. Vega is shooting down their ideas, so they call him stubborn instead of considering why he's shooting them down. It's his fault.
He calls them Darling when he's not upset with them or something. Then it turns into "My Warden" I'll be your anything.
Vega my poor baby had to go through so much. I'll kiss his boots to make him feel better.
Vega had to fight in the cocophany and he emerged before then. And he was one of the voices that spoke out. He's definitely old. Also does that mean that he was one of the first rebelling demons? (Wouldn't it be daemons then since everyone was a daemon until the sovereigns split and then the serenity and empathy kept the term daemon in rememberance of the sacrifice?)
What cost did daemons have to pay to feed? O.o
So the meridian didnt exist until the sovereigns formed it? But before then, they were running experiments on humans... so wouldnt aria have eclipsed or whatever with elegy?
He severed a Sovereign's spellsong? O.o (hmmm wonder where we heard that term before... HMMMM)
What stronger power? The sovereigns im guessing. Or what if this is where Hush comes into play? We know he's prolly strong as long as there's a conduit.
Plot twist, Blake's listener's death is going to be at the hands of Vega somehow. Blake did say their death was coming and he was out of time. First listener death owo? (/hj)
Vega baby, im like a face hugger. You can't get rid of me. Stop fucking trying. Morals dont exist in our love. Lets murder children idc. JUST LET ME LOVE YOU
Wait... we weren't in Dahlia this entire time? WHERE TF ARE WE?
Outside of simping... I wanna talk about the manipulations
The whole complicit thing? It's a subtle urging them to stay. He's told them everything that he plans to do. Even if they choose to leave, they're still incriminated. They're tied to him and his actions.
Firsthand accounts are difficult to give without making the other party feel a sense of guilt. Kind of survivor guilt type of things. Did you feel like you needed to apologize as if you were at fault? Not just from sympathy? Well there you go.
There's more but im too feral to remember.
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2 + 3 + 12 + 33!!!!
had to fish around to find that ask game again!!!!! also hiiiii better late than never :))) :}}}}} <3 i need to tell u smth abt kleo i have Thoughts (not big thoughts this sounds as if its big it isnt i just reconsidered my initial statement that u might not like iiiiit)
2. anything that you'd like to write but feel that youre unable to??
oh yes!!! so much!!!!! even the things im writing bring me constantly into a situation of hair-tearing-out crying-clawing-screaming hitting-head-against-the-wall. i flip-flop between thinking i cant even write what im writing and thinking that im kinda decent. hhhhh. anyway!!!!!
i want to write a solid longfic with extensive worldbuilding. it doesnt matter the genre, just solid and rich worldbuilding where the writing stays consistent and steady until the end is already good. but if i could specifiy, i yearn for it to be a canon compliant/canon divergence/canon era fic with a unique take on canon. i want to write canon era fics in general, but im always hesitant to. i know what happens when i fall into a research hole, it fires up my anxiety. and i want to write scifi or a cool space opera. and i want to be able to write novel fic (of tyk) and not want to die during the process. all these things feel impossible to me :]]]]]]]]
3. how would u describe ur writing style?
i had to think about this for a bit!!!! because my writing style is unfortunately directly connected to my mental stability which is not always. stable. huehe. hmmmm i think my style (given that im doing good!) leans very hard into economical but evocative storytelling; like, i mean the rhythm of oral storytelling. stream of consciousness. prose poetry. poetry slam. i want the words to explode in your mouth and i want it to paint a very clear image in your head. i want people to hear me telling the story! even if the reader (or listener!) cant be there to experience it for themselves, at least i can tell them about it! thats probably because my first experience with story as a concept comes from audio dramas and generally someone reading something to me. thats honestly still the medium i prefer, tbh.
12. if you write in more than one language, whats the difference?
currently i dont write in more than one language, if u dont count non-fictional handwriting bc i write all my notes in my native language. but i still remember how it used to be to write creatively in german. like im always whining about how difficult it is to cast the same image in english as in german; i just dont have that fine motor control over english as i have over german. i can easily switch between gears in german but english still ,, befuddles me pfft. its most noticable when im mucking around drafting and spend more time thinking about fun stuff like correct grammar and correct sentence structure and which word means what in english, than about the story and the characters. it takes so much energy and effort to think about and of all of this, there is barely any space left for the story that im trying to tell. which is def a major drawback for me and one of the reasons that ive been considering to start writing in german again. even though i have uh some baggage there that i dont really want to face. language is so connected to identity and culture. and thats another reason why english is difficult; i know english, aside from school, mostly from usamerican books or from online interactions with usamericans or people talking usamerican. so that has ofc heavily influenced my own english. like, i set all my stories in germany for reasons, but its stupidly hard to draw up the cultural markers because the language itself that im using is already coming with cultural influences from another country. its really strange and confusing, and i would find it fascinating and interesting if it wasnt so frustrating. sometimes it feels like there is a veil between me and what im trying to say, and also as if my thought patterns dont work as they would because the language that should just be a tool to tell a story is already so dominant. thats def smth i hope to change in the future
33. give your writing a compliment!
hmmm. its very earnest. reading my own stuff, even old stuff, i can tell what sort of struggles made it hard to get smth specific onto the page. and sometimes what ends up on the page is not what was supposed to be there in the first place. but its earnest and i can see that. its always the best i can do in that moment, and its always a piece of me because i give so much of myself during the process. thats not always a good thing but its how i am. im glad the earnestness, the sincerity, the love, the faith, the hope, is so visible to the bare eye.
yet another writing ask
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mangopit · 1 month
20 Writer Questions
ty @littlefirefox for the tag!! nice seeing the other folks you tagged too, fandom runs deep fr haha <3
1. Total number of AO3 works?
34! i haven't uploaded in so long ouurgh
2. Total AO3 word count?
103,336 :o
3. Fandoms I’ve written in?
oh boy, tons. and im too shy to talk abt a lot of them on my main blog lol, but throughout my life i've written for a lot of youtubers, bbc sherlock, rotbtd, atla, tlok, american idol, some disney shows, an anime, live streamers, musicians...
4. Top 5 Fics by Kudos
dhjdjhs again im too shy to list em directly, they're all rpf >:'D # of kudos: 519, 377, 341, 314, 305
5. Do I️ respond to Comments?
yes, i try to reply to all of them! tho i need to look at my inbox and check that i haven't missed any recent ones :')
6. What has the angstiest ending?
hmmMm on ao3 i have a drabble that ends in perceived unrequited love but i think my actual angstiest published story ends with 2 former best friends finally choosing to part ways. offline, i have stories that end in major character death 😬
7. What has the happiest ending?
oh! a delightful question! i think the one where the soulmates figure their shit out and finally confess their feelings for each other feels like the most triumphant ending that i can remember writing :)
8. Have I️ received hate?
not for my writing. i've received unwarranted constructive criticism before tho.
9. Do I️ write smut? And what kind?
yes sometimes but i've never posted it online 👁👁 and idk "what kind" means... gay i guess???? loll
10. Do I️ write crossovers?
yes! i don't think i've posted anything online but rise of the brave tangled dragons is one of my longest loves.
11. Have I️ ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of 😳
12. Have I️ ever had a fic translated?
no but i would be honored if anyone offered! :')
13. Have I️ ever co-written a fic?
i've initiated "finish the fic"s before, but i've never co-written a fic in the traditional sense.
14. What is my all-time favorite ship?
OH hmmm idk if i have one. maybe sh****** just bc of how long and intense my obsession was for it lol
15. A WIP I️’ll never finish?
i have a bbc sherlock fic that was well-received but i just can't imagine finishing it bc my writing has changed so much, i never had a direction for the story, and i don't really like how i wrote the characters.
16. Writing Strengths?
i'm good at eavesdropping on imaginary conversations between people who exist solely in my head so i think im good at whipping out dialogue, lol. i also pride myself on writing realistic, complex emotions and digging into the deeper, more hidden thoughts of characters.
17. Writing Weaknesses?
i think i get so excited about writing my favorite bits i have planned that i rush the pacing of my stories or i force plotpoints that don't make too much sense and can probably be cut. i've been trying to combat that by indulging in the first draft—letting myself write all the exciting, wild ideas i have first before revising and fine-tuning the story to my standards!
18. Do I️ like foreign language dialogue?
yes? no opinion? i don't think i understand this question.
19. First Fandom I️ wrote for?
i think it was american idol >:)
20. Favorite fic Ive written?
wahhh like lynn i find it super hard to choose bc my writing is such a reflection of my interests and general mindset at the time! plus i still love my most busted writing bc i have such a warm appreciation for who i was and how i've improved. buuuuut for whatever reason i'm very proud of this one friends to lovers fic on my ao3 that's set during the wintertime~ i think i was able to get the pacing just right, emotionally and plotwise, and everything just makes sense, and the ending is so satisfying. it's a very solid fic for when i wrote it, and i am very happy to write a simply solid fic :)
thanks again lynn for the tag!! tagging: @farklelucas @26velociraptors if you want + any other ficwriters who would like to do this! (lol gretchen i can't even remember if you post on ao3 ermm)
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
MNMOMS??? 👀👀👀👀👀
hmmmm I’d like to know more about the relationship between the moms and their kids maybe? if you havent answered that already?
oh or anything about the relationship between any of the moms
really just anything about mnmoms, im obsessed GSHSHSHGSHEH
HIII LEX!! oogh. relationships between the moms and their kids... i think ive mostly only talked about morgan and nick/nicholas, on tumblr at least, so i can definitely get more into that :D
morgan and nick... well-trod ground. morgan is severely paranoid and over-protective of nick, while nick is severely clingy but also has to pick a fight with everything she say, etc etc. i havent spoken as much about morgan's relationship with nicholas i dont think beyond establishing that she loves him and that hes a total mama's boy gbhjfdhjbj so i can talk about that!! though shes more well-managed by the time he is present, morgan is still very protective of nicholas, helped by the fact that he is the most high-strung kid on the planet. hes very jumpy whenever jodie isnt around, seeing him as his main source of safety, and hes also like... pretty aware of morgan's conflicted feelings on him? nicholas is exactly what morgan always wanted nick to be, well-behaved and careful, and it just makes her so much more aware of everything she lost. nicholas knows he is loved, and morgan does love nicholas, but hes also very aware of... well, his mom is different to him now, too. he can understand that he is just as foreign to her, hes a smart kid. they love each other very much, and honestly, morgan's relationship with nicholas is a lot healthier than it was with nick, but theyre both overly aware of the elephant in the room.
carol and grant probably have the most consistently positive mother/son relationship throughout the entirety of mnmoms, besides mercedes and lark at least! however, this... isnt for good reasons LMAO. pre-forgotten realms, carol generally wasnt home much, preferring to work herself to death at her office job. so grant literally prefers her to darryl just because she was never the one around to get mad at, she was never trying to talk to him, he didnt have to worry about helping her with chores because she didnt do housework, etc. they love each other very much, but once they get to the forgotten realms, carol becomes very aware that she cannot remember the last time she had a proper conversation with her son. just, no comprehension of whats going on in his life at the moment. its BAD, yall, but the two never really question their love for each other, which cant be said for all the kids. ive talked about this before, but they do have a plot of bonding over their sexuality journeys, carol works really harden to soften her sharp edges for her son and to be more present in his life, and they come out of the forgotten realms in a much better place than they went in! (though, take this with a grain of salt, because its definitely the same way that darryl and grant came out better in canon. this does not mean that they werent both traumatized LOL)
samantha and terry junior... start off the worst, for sure :') i have talked about their relationship before but it was part of a longer ramble about sammy, so i will reiterate it here! samantha has a bad habit of going therapy mode on terry junior and he is very aware of it. she is of the opinion that she should not put her emotions on her son at all, because she is his mother and thats not his responsibility (which actually stems a lot from samantha's relationship with her own mom but i think im gonna get into that more for isadora's ask--). however, terry takes her facade of calm as her being utterly in denial about terry senior dying at all, and he cant understand why she wont even show that shes upset. this already puts their relationship in a tenuous space over a few years, and when samantha starts dating and then marries ron, terry's trust in her is. utterly obliterated. at the end of their time in the forgotten realms, like with ron, they arguably have the best relationship though! samantha learns how to show her emotions without having terry junior feel obligated to help her and does her best to be more vulnerable with him in general, and terry junior learns how to accept that his mom is allowed to have a life beyond his biological dad. they make me so fjhbghjbghj <3333
and okay. right. finally. haunted expression. mercedes and the twins.
firstly, mercedes and lark. consistently a good relationship! they have the typical oak-garcia issue of lark running all over her, not really treating her as an authority figure, but its obvious that he absolutely adores her and that she adores him in turn. this is helped by the fact that mercedes is definitely the "fun" parent - glenn parallels, lol - so she has even less control over the twins than henry did, mostly because she never thinks to exert any. still, even though lark and sparrow are absolute agents of chaos, they love their mom and lark never stops loving their mom. by the end of their journey, he's a little more distant from mercedes out of guilt, mostly. lark is still the one to stab henry in this au without any of the deep rooted rogue card anger to validate it for himself, and he has a very hard time looking either of his parents in the eye afterwards. however, he also considers them both his main source of comfort, and tends to trail them quietly around the house when hes upset.
mercedes and sparrow. haunted expression intensifies. "Is there anything as undoing as a daughter?" sorry for quoting arcane but LITERALLY MERCEDES QUOTE OF ALL TIME. it starts... the same as mercedes and lark: no sense of authority, but very positive emotions! sparrow is not out as transfem at the beginning of their journey, its still something she is working out throughout their time in the forgotten realms (she very much has a moment of like... "i'm in a new place where nobody knows me, so i'm going to pretend to be a girl and see how many people are fooled! that's a very normal thing for boys to do!" and lark plays along lol), and a lot of their time pre-rogue card is dedicated to that! mercedes and sparrow bond a lot as sparrow warms up to the idea of coming out as trans, and mercedes. well. mercedes already knew before going into the realms and has been reading a million different pamphlets and consulting advice columns and talking to morgan on how to perfectly handle this situation LOL. so their relationship is kind of perfect, actually, and they are doing really really well until the deck of many things comes into play :')
post deck of many things, sparrow is... very openly Not A Fan Of Mercedes. she is still the upbeat positive lovewolf twin in this (though i think she more wants to generally be a witch than a lovewolf, since her mama's a bard and not a druid!), so it is even more obvious when sparrow suddenly is not giving mercedes the time of day. sparrow is utterly convinced that she is destined for greater things in a very negative way, and blames her discovery of this on mercedes getting them stuck in the forgotten realms. she also, similar to lark in canon, blames the moms as a whole for the fact that walter was hurt and sees them widely as useless. mercedes, for her part, does everything she can to redeem herself to sparrow, and is endlessly frustrated by the fact that nothing she does works. post-forgotten realms, they argue pretty relentlessly, sparrow locks herself in her room and screams herself hoarse, mercedes storms out into the back garden and cries until she gets a migraine, and henry takes lark out for ice cream-- despite this, sparrow does still seek out a lot of comfort from mercedes, and she has a habit of casually finding herself, at night, in wolf form and curled up at the foot of her parents' bed. strange and so weird how she ends up specifically sprawled out across her mom's feet at least once a week, if not fully laying between her parents. crazy. what a coincidence. shes a fully independent child with no need for comfort for sure though
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booboodaddysblog · 1 year
Some of you have asked how James met Roberta....
Roberta is Italian and came to the hotel because she found a job offer "Hotel Cortez is looking for someone to work in marketing". On the day Roberta toured the hotel, James appeared to her and began showing her around the hotel. He was delighted with her, and she with him. Love developed very quickly! They do not always get along in everything, but James will do anything not to lose his beloved!
Mr.March: Oh Darling you are a revelation to me! You give me so much happiness!
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Roberta: Of course im a revelation and you chose the best!
Mr.March: My choices are always the best, I mean they are usually the best…
Roberta: Maybe your first choice for your wedding wasnt right, but then you found me and everything changed!
Mr.March: Wedding?! We need to talk about it again! Something makes me feel like having a new Mrs. March. The previous one does not meet my expectations, she likes to betray me…
Roberta: And what have you thought?! Are you saying that I can also betray you?!
Mr.March: You? I have no idea! It's up to you. I still have a wife because I can't divorce her because I am a GHOST! After my death she inherited everything that once belonged to me.... Even when you become the new Mrs. March, I will not be able to give you anything more but myself…
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Roberta: My darling, I want only you for me, that's it! I don't need your belongings and your wife don't understand what she has lost! Such a gentleman as you!
Mr.March: She didn't care about me, but about what I have. You know yourself how she is. I am glad that you appreciate how I am, leaving aside my passions…
Roberta: For me you are just James, nothing more! Tonight love is in the air! No argue…
Mr.March: Thank you for talking to me so nicely. I don't feel like arguing today, although I did earlier. I got over it as soon as you smiled at me!
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Roberta: I will smile to you always, my dear! I don't want to argue, but I'm going to ask you something...
Mr.March: Yes? Dearest, ask anything you want!
Roberta: Ehm... how do I ask you?!... hmmmm... I need… I need to go outside tonight, again…
Mr.March: Well, so you want to argue though... and it was so nice! You ruined it!
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Roberta: But why?! I don't want to argue, you do! You have me every day, one night shouldn't make a difference!
Mr.March: I won't keep you because I don't want to get upset anymore today. You want to go, go.... have fun! I will even open the door for you..
Roberta: Oooh finally! Thank you my dearest! Don't be upset, I will come back soon!
Mr.March: Come back when you want....
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Roberta: Are you going to wait for me all night? Tonight you don't have works to do?!
Mr.March: No, my only plan for today was YOU! I'm going to walk around the hotel, smoke a cigarette and think about, I don't know what…. Why do you ask?
Roberta: Can I be your plan tomorrow?! Please! I'm asking because I care about you and your business!
Mr.March: Very funny! You care about my business! Don't make fun of me! You don't have to care about what I do!
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Roberta: Are you threatening me, darling? I'm not afraid of you! You can see that I do what I want!
Mr.March: No, I'm not threatening you! I don't even want to! I have more interesting things to do! For example, I can have a drink! I won't waste my energy on threatening you....
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Roberta: You are such a baby when you don't get what you wants! And I'm not going to waste my time with you tonight too, you are so annoying and obsessive! Drink as much as you like! You are a ghost you are not going to get high so you'll remember everything! Even every bad word you said!
Mr.March: I wonder who started this pointless argument?! You provoked it! I'm jealous because I'm in love and that's the problem! No, the fact that I am in love is not the problem! The problem is that I'm trying to be nice to you, I care about you! And you leave me!
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Roberta: All this for a one night out! The problem is YOU and your jealousy… and yes I want to be honest… I'm going to meet a guy tonight! You know that I love you, it's just a simple meet, two friends who hung out... that's it! I need my space!!
Mr.March: Oh good to know that you LOVE me! Therefore, you go to meet another guy! Fascinating! And just a moment ago we were talking about marriage!
Roberta: See, your fury is going to eat you! I want you to be a modern boyfriend, and leave me some fresh air! And I'm ready to marry you, I said, I really love you! But you know it isn't always easy to be with a ghost who is entrapped in a hotel!
Mr.March: All I hear in this whole speech is about how bad it is for you and that you have a "but" when it comes to marriage though! It's sad. I myself don't know what to think about it anymore! I thought you had everything, but from what I hear, however, this is not the case!
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Roberta: Your ego is bigger than the whole world sometimes, my darling, and you don't see the reality as it is! I enjoy to be with you, very much, but I'm only asking you one thing…. you are overreacting!
Mr.March: Me overreacting? Me overreacting?! Maybe I’m, but that's just the way I am. You know that from the very beginning and you’re still in this relationship! You know very well that I don't keep you here by force! I opened the door for you and you didn't come out! I consider myself a GOD because no one can stop me!
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Roberta: You don't keep me here by force?! I have to remember what you said to me? ”I MAY NEVER LET YOU GO!” So... But I'm GLAD to be with you, I don't have any other way to tell you this!! How much I want to slap you right now to punish you!
Mr.March: I remember perfectly what I said! I have too good memory! You can beat me as much as you want and I won't defend myself! I will surrender to you since it makes you happy! You have it too good with me!
Roberta: So what are we going to do now since my meet has been cancelled? Because of you, of course… but I preferred YOU, and it will always be like this... I’m telling you that I love you in all the way possible but you always yell at me!
Mr.March: Yes, because apparently there was a need! You provoked me! You know me and I wonder if you are doing this on purpose?! On purpose to piss me off! I think you should go to bed. I won't sleep tonight. I need to take a walk and smoke at least three cigarettes to calm down!
Roberta: Maybe I like when you get jealous, yes, I like it! But I didn't think we could arrive at this point, my love! Come on, forgive mee... And don't smoke too much… I don't like it when I smell cigarettes from you…
Mr.March: Dearest! Is it not YOU who arouses jealousy in me and demands that I behave differently? Or is it someone else doing it? Am I wrong?!
Roberta: Yes it was me! I love your jealousy, but I hate your obsessive manners, sometimes. So I provoked you, because I want to change this aspect of yours! And I won't stop until you will start respect my needs! Just one need!
Mr.March: We talk about you all the time... well, what about me? Do I have the right to expect something from you?
Roberta: Yes you have the right, but you want me to oblige to everything you say! So what do you expect from me now?
Mr.March: You know very well what I want from you. I simply want you! I don't expect anything else!
Roberta: You know how to calm me down.... Although tonight I didn't want to argue with you again, but we always have an unresolved case…
Mr.March: Dearest! What unresolved case again? Are we still talking about you wanting to leave the hotel and meet some guy? Or something else?
Roberta: Of course! It's my right and I don’t leave the hotel to meet some guys, I have also friends, my darling. But I don't want to argue! I miss you!
Mr.March: I'm also tired of these pointless arguments. Just keep me informed of your plans. Just don't do it when you're already about to leave. Because that makes me nervous. I like to mentally set myself up for being left alone…
Roberta: Mmmh we need to revise this deal… And I said, I missed you, what about you? Did you miss me?
Mr.March: You know very well that I miss you when you leave the hotel. I usually try to work when I'm alone, but I keep thinking about you and can't focus. Here is my answer…
Roberta: You know exactly how to melt my everything! But being alone increases love. I know that now, you love me more than yesterday!
Mr.March: I don't know if being alone intensifies my love for you, more my longing... and sadness. I have to get used to the fact that you will leave me more and more often, until you finally leave forever…
Roberta: So you don’t let me go out because you have fear to lose me? I won’t go anywhere, I swear! My love for you is bigger then the planet Earth! And the more I desire you, the more I love you, that’s how it works! So, separation is sometimes important…
Mr.March: I've thought it all through, and from now on, I will approach it with detachment.. I'm not going to stop you. You are not my bird in a golden cage. I can't lock you up. Although I would like to... You have the right to live and do what you want…
Roberta: Yes, of course you are not going to stop me!! But if I only try to get a step outside the hotel you begin to act as a FOOL! I am declaring my love to you, and you think only of yourself! So selfish!
Mr.March: Why don't you listen to me with understanding.... from this day forward I will not stop you or say anything when you want to leave.... do what you want...
Roberta: I listen to you with understanding, MY DEAREST, but your words are different from the way you act, thats it! And I think I’m done with the conversation now.. These days I’m having a hard time tolerating your temper. I will do what I want…
Mr.March: Good! I think we need a few days of rest from each other. I'll take care of my business and you take care of yours. We argue too often. And it's not nice… I don't want to lose you…
Roberta: Okay! As my lovely man desires! But I hope you will come begging me!
Mr.March: I prefer when you beg me… but this time it will be me, I sacrifice myself and fall to my knees before you!
Roberta: I am always submissive to you! So now it's your turn to sacrifice yourself for me!
There will be more!
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@robnovetre ♥️
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