#they're life partners your honor
rogueddie · 1 year
ok but aromantic steve. he has a high sex drive, which is why he was pretty infamous for 'dating' a lot of girls in high school but fell flat as soon as he tried to go on romantic dates. he probably just feels pressured by s4 to live up to his reputation and fit into the norm. it takes a while for him to accept that aspect of himself.
it definitely helps that robin is there through it all, the love of his life. the only thing about it that upsets him is that it took him so long to realize, thinking about those years he'd wasted thinking about dates and romance, when he could have been enjoying the platonic love he has with robin. it brings him more joy than anything else ever could.
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cometblaster2070 · 4 months
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I love this scene so much, ruby really did NOT hesitate in immediately taking that missile down. she really said oh you can TRY to hurt my partner just watch this.
like i love her expression in this, the way this goes from being just annoyed or upset; this girl is genuinely pissed with cordovin, because for one, she's being completely unreasonable about this matter, and secondly, i mean, she tried to shoot at weiss and maria.
(also ruby appreciation here; this girl sniped a moving missile out of the air like????)
and because i am whiterose trash, here is bonus ruby and weiss after weiss safely gets off the ship and is on ground with ruby.
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look at this dork i love her sm. the second she's reunited with weiss and knows that weiss is safe; look at that smile.
(also pls don't mind weiss's expression)
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epickiya722 · 1 year
I can't believe that, when it boils down to it, the current ship I'm obsessed with is a Rabbit woman who kicks bad guys and another woman with fire for hair that she can throw at bad guys.
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lexbiini · 2 years
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So I recently binge listened to all of Red Valley in like three days
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sasskarian · 1 year
Me: Roommate and I were talking and I discovered that there's a way you can just. Destroy me
Them: hi. Yes. I exist. I've won.
Me: no! I mean like. Make me melt. Turn me into putty in your hands.
Them: ...yes. I exist. I've won.
Me: musically! by singing to me!
Them: I exist! I've won!
Me: *yells into a pillow*
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vivelegalite · 4 months
dear dead boy detective (especially paynland) enjoyers: have you yet heard of the biggest gift bestowed upon the fandom so far, aka jayden's charles playlist? the one he mentioned in interviews? well, he dropped it on twitter at 19th of may. and man, do i have stuff to say about it.
there's a lot of 80's bangers, for sure, great to get into the mood and character, but some of the choices...
i'm gonna focus on a few of my favourites, songs that made me go insane when i saw them. honorable mentions: - category 1 (so devoted the lines blur): ain't no mountain high enough by marvin gaye and tammi terrell, there is a light that never goes out by the smiths, inkpot gods by the amazing devil - category 2 (family life): family line and summer child by conan gray, seventeen going under by sam fender, matilda by harry styles, father by the front bottoms - category 3 (being queer in the 80s): smalltown boy by bronski beat, boys don't cry by the cure - category 4 (there's no heterosexual explanation for this one): good luck, babe! by chappel roan, yellow by coldplay, fight or flight by conan gray (is this about monty? the cat king? i need answers!), the prophecy by taylor swift, arms tonite by mother mother, sweet by cigarettes after sex, head over heels by tears for fears
this list is by no means complete or comprehensive!
and now, the songs that made me go the craziest: (they're predominantly in charles' pov as it's his playlist)
found heaven by conan gray
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the only reason this song made it into the list and not the honorable mentions instead of smalltown boy is that it makes almost the same point, just so much more explicitly. i don't think i have to say much about it, it's a story of a young person griping with their queerness, being forced to leave home, a common theme of the playlist. "you're in love, you found heaven" when he chose edwin over his own afterlife, heavily implied to be heaven, and built his heaven with him on the mortal plane? ouch! (and we see this same notion repeated in another bop from the playlist, heaven is a place on earth by belinda carlisle).
2. like real people do by hozier
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"i miss kissing" charles rowland, 202X romantic meaning aside, the verses show a sort of a common understanding the boys have around the manner of their deaths and their lives before it. we already know from the show they don't really talk about it, with edwin not knowing about the severity of the abuse charles suffered. it feels like one of them saying "let the past be past, we're together now, yeah?". but also, jayden: can there ever be a platonic explanation for this? ghosts can't touch, can't feel, so they wish they could just kiss like "real" (alive?) people do?
3. flaws by bastille
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not the most romantic song, but i absolutely love how well it fits their dynamic. despite his edwardian brand of repression, edwin truly is the one that's more open about his feelings (recognising of course that in this case, the bar is so low it's in hell. haha, get it). edwin has worn his flaws upon his sleeve, and charles has held them buried - eg. bottling up all of his anger and resentment towards his family and his own death. the song presents a very sweet outlook, in which their flaws are brought up to the surface (for example, charles' outburst against the night nurse in episode 4), but they learn to accept them as they are, an extension of themselves.
4. a pearl by mitski
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you know it's gonna get intense if there's a mitski song in the mix.
the song is about a person who finds love in their partner, someone who treats them way better than they've ever been treated - and yet they cannot bring themselves to reciprocate the affection ("it's not that i don't want you, sorry i can't take your touch") despite reciprocating the feelings themselves because of the trauma. charles is known to bottle things up ("you're growing tired of me and all the things i don't talk about"). the person in the song recognises the love the other person holds for them ("you love me so hard and i still can't sleep"), which reminds me of charles' response to edwin's confession. not a "no", but a "maybe, as time passes".
5. fair by the amazing devil
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this one made me genuinely gasp when i first delved into the lyrics. it's simply so sweet, such a genuine and domestic portrayal of love. at first i thought it was way too open about being a love song (normal text instead of the subtext i'd be used to) for jayden to choose it with edwin in mind, but... there's no one else it can really be about. it's far too domestic, too "established" to refer to crystal. refers to a relationship that's laster for a longer while.
the narrator in the first verse is a person deeply in love with the other person, someone who loves to make his lover laugh and simply drinks in their presence. the "he" in the song i believe is charles, while the "she" refers to edwin. edwin promises to fight off anyone - or any feelings pulling charles down (we can see this in the first episode: "you ever think... what if death did catch us? she'd force us to go to the afterlife and split up" "i will make sure this never happens."). charles feels left behind by the world (seeing as he clings to crystal at first, refering to her as "someone their age who's still alive") and believes edwin to be so much stronger than he's ever been. i'm not going to break down the song verse by verse, but if you read it yourself while subbing out "he" for charles and "she" for edwin you'll see just how sweet (and... strangely very in character?) the song is.
6. work song by hozier
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if the previous song made me gasp when i saw the lyrics, this one made me go "NO WAY" out loud when i saw the title. the first one verse is just pure toothrotting sweetness, but the chorus is what i want to draw attention to:
when my time comes around lay me gently in the cold, dark earth no grave can hold my body down i'll crawl home to her
HELLO? charles, who keeps escaping death and afterlife to be able to stay with edwin? charles, as he literally takes his last breath with edwin right there, choosing to be by his side rather than move on? charles, who keeps choosing him despite night nurse's promises and threats? charles, who literally crawled through hell for him?
verse 2, to me, can be interpreted as referring to when charles died. edwin found him at his worst, and he "woke" up with his presence comforting him. he was shivering due to hypothermia and his injuries. edwin didn't ask him about what happened or pushed him, he simply listened. the lines "i didn't care much how long i lived, but I swear, i thought i dreamed her" are pretty self explanatory.
in verse 3 we still see the same attitude of "damn the afterlife, at least we have each other" as charles portrays througout the series. they're free, and heaven and hell are simply words to him.
7. orpheus by vincent lima
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i literally have no words for this one. it fits too well. if you want commentary for this one, just... i don't know, rewatch the staircase scene.
8. francesca by hozier
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(cracks knuckles) this is the big one. the album francesca is from, unreal unearth, is based on dante alighieri's divine comedy, a fourteenth century poem about a man venturing into hell, purgatory and eventually heaven. the eponymous francesca is one francesca di rimini, a woman who was politically married off to a man older than her, called giovanni malatesta. francesca didn't love him, and eventually fell deep in love with giovanni's younger brother, paolo. the two carried on with the affair for years, before being murdered by giovanni upon his finding out. francesca and paolo are mentioned in canto v of the first book, inferno, as two souls damned in the second circle of hell, lust. their punishment is to be permanently locked in a hurricane, swept away by the winds the moment they manage to get close enough to touch one another.
as opposed to their portrayal in the poem, the song is from the perspective of paolo, explaining that no matter the punishment, he wouldn't change anything about his life because he got to know, and love, francesca.
the first verse brings to mind the scenes in hell, especially on the staircase ("do you think I'd give up? that this might've shook the love from me? or that I was on the brink? how could you think, darlin', i'd scare so easily?" as an echo of charles' "sorry. no version of this where i didn't come get you"). "my life was a storm since i was born, how could i fear any hurricane?" could relate to charles' tumultuous family life, an assurance that nothing he has to deal with while by edwin's side will faze him given the things he's lived through. no, despite everything he's suffered through, charles wouldn't do anything differently - because his (admittedly shitty) life led him to edwin ("i'd tell them, put me back in"). we already know charles would choose him over heaven, willingly sacrificing his own afterlife to stay with a boy he's known for hours, someone kind enough to keep him company as he drew his final breath. all of it - his father's abuse, his schoolmates' bigotry, the pain of his own death, as well as everything he's gone through since - he'd do it all again, for edwin.
"for all that was said of where we'd end up at the end of it" could be taken as an allusion to the fate the boys would meet at "at the end of it", when they're finally caught by death and separated, or as more of a general "if you sin, you will go to hell when you die" (up to you to decide what the sin itself would be - an interpretation that would work with other songs on the playlist is that one such sin would be same sex attraction). then their hearts ceased, they never knew "peace", nor did they want to find it in death. their deaths were too soon, them being ripped away from life, but even though it would break his heart: charles would ask to do it all again.
the outro, i think, beautifully pulls it all together: heaven is not fit to house a love like theirs.
to wrap it all up:
jayden, what were you cooking in there? what do you know??
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celaenaeiln · 6 months
in like a one person gets one, who would dicks soulmate (platonic or not idk) be? i’ve asked this to several ppl and the answers are usually wally, donna, or jason though i’ve seen some ppl say slade, roy, and bruce.
Anon your ask has literally been haunting me at night. I thought I knew the answer but then you hit me with a Donna!! But between Bruce and Donna, I can't decide so I'll just present a case for both.
Bruce and Dick are soulmates on a cosmological scale. The DC universe ordained them to always find each other because they're quite literally a fated pair.
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Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Issue #23
Bruce: The only regret is that I'm out there alone. It felt good having someone at my back, being part of a team...but no sense wasting time wishing for something I'll never have.
Dick: He's cool, dad...d'you think we'll ever see him when we play Gotham?
The universe literally brings them together no matter the circumstances.
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Convergence Issue #4
"The bond between you and Bruce Wayne echoes in every reality."
I don't think there's any stronger evidence for Dick and Bruce being soulmates than this.
But if that's still not enough I have more-
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The Multiversity: Guidebook
In Bruce's world he lost Dick and in Dick's world he lost Bruce, but still in the end they somehow find each other. In every universe that has Batman, if someone is his partner it's always Dick.
In the medieval ages world-
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Batman: Dark Knight of the Round Table Issue #1
The world of "A Christmas Carol" with Ebenezer Scrooge -
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Batman: Noël
In a world where Bruce is a doctor at Arkham -
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The Batman of Arkham
Dick is always there as his second.
Here's another interesting but depressing fact: In worlds where Dick Grayson has died as Robin, Bruce Wayne has never taken in another Robin.
This is because on top of the fact that Dick and Bruce as fated to meet, Dick means the entire world for Bruce. Like sometimes Bruce will come across a case with a child involved and the first thing he'll think about is Dick.
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Batman: City of Madness Issue #2
Bruce's mind and life is literally consumed by Dick Grayson on a cosmologically spiritual level.
Donna is Dick's soulmate on a twin-sister spiritual level. Dick and Bruce are two halves of a whole, yin and yang. Dick and Donna though are one person. Their relationship is like taking paint and mixing it together to get something new. Like in those comics where two people look at each other and there's a "zing!" and suddenly it's an instant connection. That's them.
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Titans (2016) Special 1
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Titans (2016) Special 1
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New Titans (1988) Issue #89
Dick and Donna have no secrets. They're like a jigsaw puzzle, their pieces fall right into place.
He's always there for her-
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #38
They're so special and integral to each other that when an evil witch erases Donna from everyone's memories, there is only one focal point for her. One focal person for her throughout the years. Even though he doesn't remember her, Dick literally goes back in time with his future daughter Mar'i to help Donna, his soul-sister-
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The Titans (1999) Issue #25
In every. single. moment of Donna's past Dick appears again and again to comfort her and be her pillar from Robin to civies to Nightwing. In the "Who is Donna Troy" Arc, as the story goes from the origins of Donna to the present, it becomes very clear that Dick is her centerpoint.
They're the definition of soulmates.
She knows him better than anyone else and he knows her. She even had him walk her Donna the aisle for her wedding. He was given that honor because of who they are to each other.
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Tales of the Teen Titans Issue #42
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Tales of the Teen Titans Issue #50
to love like that...
They're made for each other.
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the-whispers-of-death · 7 months
John Price finally getting Grumpy!Reader's engagement ring. He had measured your left ring finger while you were sleeping (it was for a good cause) and he went to several jewelry stores to find the perfect engagement ring. It's everything you could ever want in an engagement ring, you'll love it and hopefully you'll say yes when he proposes.
But first, he has to ask for permission to marry you from your kid. After all, he's isn't just marrying you, he's officially becoming your kid's step-father (hopefully also adopted father if they want him to adopt them). So, he has to make sure they'd be okay with you two marrying.
If your kid's little, he's not too worried about them saying no. Especially since they've been calling him "Dad" so genuinely and have been so happy when he stays over. They tell him they want him in the house all the time, so he's almost certain that they'd give him permission to marry you.
Still, he crouches down to their height level to look them in the eye. "Hey, kiddo. You love I love your parent a lot, don't you?" he asks, easing them into their conversation. He smiles when they nod. "Sometimes, when people love each other so much, they get married. Which means that they're legally recognized as a couple and they move in together. And so I love your parent so much that I want to marry them, be officially a part of this family that we've created. You, them, me. The three of us together."
He lets the words sink in, lets your kid process what he said. "What do you say to that? You like that idea?"
Your kid thinks about it for a while before asking, "Would you adopt me?"
"If you'd like me to, kiddo. I'd be honored to adopt you," John says, smiling. His smile grows even wider when your kid says he can marry you and he picks them up, swinging them around and making them laugh. "I love you so much, kiddo. I'll love you and your parent for the rest of my life, I promise."
Now, if your kid's a teenager, then John's going to be very nervous because your kid honestly got your grumpiness (because they're a teenager and also because kids can emulate their parents a little) and so while he knows they tolerate him, he doesn't know if that's enough for them to be able to be okay with him marrying you. Liking your parent's partner is one thing, being okay with them integrating their life into yours is another.
"Hey, mate," John says to them when picking them up from school (or practice if they practice a sport, either way you're not available to pick them up). He waits until they're settled in the passenger's seat and he's driving home. "So you know how I love your parent and we've grown even closer over this past year?"
Your kid eyes him warily out of the corner of their eye before nodding. And then it dawns on them. "You want to marry them?"
John nods, his palms sweaty as he grips the steering wheel. "Yeah, I want to marry them. But only if you're okay with it."
"Why?" they ask, surprised at that answer. Apparently, they had been thinking John would just marry you without caring if they were okay with it or not. "You care about whether I'm comfortable with your guys' relationship?"
"Of course I care. You're their kid and... I've grown to think of you as my own too," John admits sheepishly. He makes a turn into the subdivision. "So yeah, I care about whether you're okay with us marrying or not. It's not just them and I, you're also being affected by this and I want us all to be a family."
They think on it for a while before smiling shyly. "I'm okay with you joining our family. I like having you around." They then glance at him, smirking. "But uh, you're going all the way with integrating into our family, alright? I'm getting adopted by you, that's my one condition."
John laughs, relaxing now that he's gotten their permission to marry you. He pulls his car into your driveway and parks. "It would be my honor to adopt you and officially call you my kid."
"Thanks, Dad."
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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snootlestheangel · 2 months
What if Soap had a cousin that's really close to his age: maybe the difference in age is as much as months apart, rather than years.
They were two peas in a pod, partners in crime growing up. They're cousins through Soap's mother's side of the family, so he doesn't have the MacTavish name, which sometimes Soap thinks is a good thing.
His cousin didn't join the military when Soap did, (partly due to the fact Soap cheated the system but that's neither here nor there) and a couple years went by before he decided to follow in Soap's footsteps and join. He's plenty smart and plenty capable, maybe not nearly as like Soap, but he's good enough that he progresses through pretty quick.
He's made Sergeant before either of them know it, and Soap is fucking proud. They're still close, and the shared experience of military life has definitely helped keep them that way in their adult lives. His cousin was the only one Soap confessed to about his feelings for Ghost. Granted it was more along the lines of a warning: "don't fall in love with your lieutenant, it'll only hurt."
Of course, that conversation happened a while ago, long enough ago that Soap and Ghost have indeed done something about their feelings for each other, but Soap and his cousin aren't ones to gossip about that sort of thing.
All his cousin knows is that Soap may or may not have something going on with his lieutenant, and quite frankly that's all he wants to know.
But here's the thing: his cousin doesn't know Soap is called Soap, and he doesn't know what taskforce he's a part of. He knows that Soap does some top shit, and he's not one to pry. Certainly not when he's got his own problems to worry about.
But he has heard of The Ghost. Everyone in the UK military has, for fucks sake. You can't be a soldier in that military without hearing about The Ghost and his almost supernatural abilities. You can't avoid hearing the higher ups mutter under their breaths "thank God he's on our side". It's considered one of the greatest honors a soldier can receive to work alongside The Ghost.
And that's how he ended up here. Standing in front of his new team, the two sergeants, his captain and lieutenant, suddenly feeling very murderous.
There are 2 options as to why he wants to commit murder:
1. Prior to coming to the Taskforce, he had a bit of leave and spent a few days with his cousin, John MacTavish. He asks him how things with "that lieutenant" are going, to which John says with a cheeky grin "Aye they're going". He then laughs a bit before adding "guess you could say he's my boo".
Of course his cousin is very confused: "boo?"
"Ya know, like a ghost"
"Like a ghost? GHOST?! YOU'RE FUCKING THE GHOST?!?!"
Its quickly revealed the taskforce his cousin has been assigned to is actually Soap's, to which the cousin refuses to believe Soap isn't just trying to mess with him. So he says "I'm kicking your ass if you're right"
2. There's never a chance for the two of them to talk about those sorts of things prior to his cousin joining the team. But he still knows that there's something going on between Soap and the lieutenant, so he's quickly putting together the pieces and getting very angry
Either way, the introductions end with his cousin politely asking if they would excuse him for just a minute. Price, albeit very confused, agrees. He doesn't expect the new sergeant to toss his duffle bag at Soap's face only for them to start wrestling, Soap cackling like a madman the entire time as the other shouts "I'm gonna fucking kill you!" And Gaz is the only one to say out loud what they're all thinking
"Holy shit, there's two of them."
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calisources · 6 months
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All sentences on these meme make references to royal balls, medieval ballrooms or regency, basically set during any period drama. You can change names, pronouns, titles and more as you see fit. Most of these were taken from different source materials found via google search. This meme makes references to masquerades, royal dances and partners.
Dancing, at its best, is independence and intimacy in balance.
Dance is the timeless interpretation of life.
Music does not need language of words for it has movements of dance to do its translation.
Masks reveal. They don’t conceal. Masks reveal your cravings, your passion, your deepest most secret desires.
It was you. I know it was you.
Look at me, Kia! Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not her.
And who shall you be once you don your grand disguise?
I don't like to hear you talk about yourself that way. Your scars do not define you, young lady. Your action do.
All the ladies must dress the same and the men have to find their partners. It’s a game of sorts. 
Even the smallfolk have their own version of the ball, at the steps of the castle.
Swoon, Dora. Every young woman deserves to swoon over the love of her life.
Dash it, Everton, how'd you know it was me?
A masquerade could have been a beautiful dance. 
 Oh, well. What's a royal ball? After all, I suppose it would be frightfully dull, and-and-and boring, and-and completely... Completely wonderful.
Each finds a partner, and upon the bell, we must change partner until we find the one we came to be. . .or the one we desire.
It has been a while since you gave me the honor to dance with you.
If the princess is not too occupied, I would wish for a dance, perhaps?
The Queen and King have to open the ball but the King is gone. No mind, I shall be in his place.
Sometimes in life confusion tends to arise and only dialogue of dance seems to make sense.
If we want our men to dance, we have to inspire them. 
 But with something more, something bigger, something that will give them a reason to want to dance.
But when balls are held for pleasure, They're the balls that I like best.
Will you be my princess for the Ball?
Keeping pushing, Andrei, and you and I are going to play a game.
Nothing like a ball to cheer a nation, give the old lords wine and the young boys the opportunity to find a nice woman and everyone shows up.
Where are you taking me? The ball hasn’t ended.
Royals is like a beautiful, broken angel: hard to look at, but utterly impossible to turn away from.
Attend the royal ball in all your glory and find out what fate has in store for you.
How many dances is one allowed before people begin to whisper?
You cannot behave like a brute. It is my duty to dance with every suitor. I am their princess.
I do not recognize you, my lord? Are you from these lands? 
It is bad luck to steal a princess.
Attend the royal ball in all your glory and find out what fate has in store for you.
There is nothing quite like dancing in the moonlight. It sets your soul on fire and your heart aflutter.
The beauty of a ball is not just in its grandeur, but in the connections it sparks, the emotions it stirs, and the hopes it ignites.
Just keep your eyes on me. No one else here matters.
I shall keep dancing with you until you stop being stubborn and go speak with me. Or you rather have people whisper?
The princess looks beautiful tonight, does she not?
Father, please, you must dance as well. Your dull looks are making people bored.
You promised me a dance when you were better. Are you?
I've loved you at every dance, on every walk, every time we've been together and every time we've been apart.
I can feel people's eyes on me.
Every time I walk into a ballroom, I know they are comparing me to Daphne.
You both get to choose your passions and adventures, while my beloved is chosen by me. And now I must join them for a dance.
Are you planning on running away when the clock strikes midnight? 
If you do wish to go away, I know a spot, secluded enough.
You wish for me to go with you, alone, unchaperoned. I am a maiden, my lord. 
Aye, but I am no lord, sweet maiden. And these masks allow us some privacy.
This is my last chance to find a match on my own accord. If I don’t. The King will do it for me and I would rather not.
 I'm only a girl, not a princess.
Believe me - they're all looking at you.
 They're all looking at you.
You are requested and required to present yourself to your king.
 I do not even know if that beautiful slipper will fit But, if it does--will you take me as I am?
 It would be an insult to take you to the palace dressed in these old rags.
How charming, how perfectly charming.
When I go back, they will try to pair me off with a lady of their choosing. I'm expected to marry for advantage.
Oh. Well, whose advantage would this marriage be of?
I hope you don't find our kingdom too confining.
I am. An apprentice monarch. Still learning my trade.
Our prince seems quite taken with her.
She went straight for him. You have to appreciate her efficiency.
Walk into the room knowing you are the best. Shoulders back, chin up. Their attitudes will totally change.
You dance love, and you dance joy, and you dance dreams.
The ball is about to come to an end, and you have yet not told me your name. 
I thought we agreed we would remain strangers.
I’m afraid my true identity would put you in danger. 
Have you ever been kissed by a stranger at the end of a ball? If not, let me be the first.
Put him on all the invitation lists, he's a divine dancer.
I’m afraid I’m more used to swordfight than ballroom.
You will ruin your pretty gown, princess. I would not wish to step on your toes.
 Silly, I am a great dancer, no one ever steps on my toes.
No. Let them dance. Interrupting would cause a scandal.
One of these men will be my husband one day. What a thought.
The art of husband seeking at it’s peak, during royal ball season. 
Maiden beware, a gentleman can become a beast when the bell strikes.
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edenianprincess · 9 months
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INTRO !!      ❤︎ ׄ                                               Different ways to say I love you .ᐟ
Sweet gestures that demonstrate their love to a gender neutral!reader. Characters chosen are Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Tomas. Content warning: none, just fluff. Please, respond to the poll at the end!
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Bi-Han !
He lets you call him by stupid nicknames, he acts annoyed when you're using them, but he won't admit to anyone or even to himself that he is fond of them. Everything you make him feel is so unusual for Bi-Han, he doesn't know why he seeks for this warm fuzzy sensation every time he has your attention and affection, when his body as well as his soul are made of ice, but he does, and your foolish nicknames provide them. So, if someone else uses them, he would not only see it as an attack on his honor, not hesitating to put them back in their place, reminding them of whom they're talking to, but also, who do they think they are to call him like that when they’re not you. He prefers if you only use them in private, for plenty of reasons which include that he thinks your love life should be kept private, it isn't a subject of chatter for everyone to be entertained with, but also a matter of respecting his clan's honor as he is its head. He'll be grumpy if you do, but let’s be real, when is he not.
"How many times do I have to apologise for you to move on, snowhan?" Your voice whispers in his ear as your body is glued to his back, an arm hugging his neck while your fingers are twirling a loose strand of his hair that escaped from his bun. The man in your arms lets out a grunt. "Those champions lack senses for making fun of me, Liu Kang wouldn’t have stop me I would have knock them some of it in their head. And you.. my own partner disrespecting me in front of them." Despite his back facing you, you can feel his glare that is meant for you when he spits those words. But, even with the anger within him, he doesn’t move on from where he is, not even moving an inch when you take his clenching fist and start doing circles on them. "I thought I made it clear but apparently it wasn’t enough for you to get it. How can we bring glory to the Lin Kuei, when my companion lacks perspicacity and respect for their husband, out of all people you should know better than putting on a foolish act… " His voice fades away, it seems like he was going to continue his rambling but loses himself instead in your fingers gently brushing his silky hair, his bun long gone since, causing his grunts to become quiet moans. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again." You suddenly remove yourself from him. When he feels your fingers being taken away from his hair, it catchs him off guard as he turns around to see you smiling innocently but also playfully, which he returns with a dirty look that questions as to why did you stopped. You tell him that you’re just respecting his space like a good spouse should. "Nonsense, there's nothing preventing us here. Continue what you were doing. Now.” He pulls you back with ease in his embrace going back to the soft moment where for once he let his guard down, and that’s a sight no else should be able to see.
Making sure you sleep well. Rest is important, he doesn't want to have a weak lover by his side, you must keep your energy in check and if you don't do it, he will. When he goes to bed at the same time as you, he'll wait for you to sleep first before he does, making sure you don't go on a sleepless night, and it gives him a moment alone to appreciate your features. If you can't sleep, he'll help by brewing warm tea or if necessary, draw a bath, anything that will help he’ll do, it’s one of his rare soft moments where he lets the cold facade fall for once, it’s in the night where it feels like you and him without the world or the worries. When he is occupied during the night because of his role as Grandmaster, he'll go check up on you, always, to see if you're sleeping safe and well. 
He opens the door slowly of your shared bedroom and walks at quiet steps to your sleeping figure, when he is next to the bed he let the blanket he searched for fall on your body and make sure to cover the exposed areas. The night is colder than usual and you aren’t used to the cold like he is, he doesn’t want you to end up ill and weak.  After he finishes tucking you in, he takes a moment to trace the features of your face delicately, his finger travelling from the lips he enjoys kissing to the cheek he loves holding, but it doesn’t last long as he has to go, with one last stroke he moves away to the door that he closes after looking at you again. Each times, seeing the moonlight illuminating your soft features in the dark night reminds him that seeing you being so peaceful is one of the reason he wants to strengthen the clan even more, the universe is full of threats from every realms and now even from every timelines, it gives him unspeakable worries if one of those threats reaches you, it’s too late to go back when the Lin Kuei was being held back and weak, time is changing and he needs to go forward with it. 
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Kuai Liang !
Using his powers to make you feel better.  Whenever he sees you shivering cold, he'll automatically wrap his hand around your waist, offering to share his body heat. But, if that's not enough he'll slightly heat himself up, making sure to not burn you but still bring enough warmth. You're free to lean on or snuggle to him whenever you want to, he isn't one to reject his lover when they are in need, and it would be a lie to say he doesn't find it adorable when you seek for him to warm yourself up, sometimes you’re throwing yourself on him so he has no choice but to hug you back, not that he complains, his arms are always open and keep their high temperature for you. He is also your personal heating pad for stomachache, it saddens him to see his loved ones in pain, so he's happy when he's able to help ease it even for a little, by rubbing where the pain is.
It is a particularly cold day and nothing that you found could bring you enough heat. You know it is the day for Kuai Liang to train the recruits so you go to the training place and seek for him. When you find him, you lightly tap on his shoulder without saying a word, and just by the look in your eyes Kuai Liang knows you need something, so he follows you into a secret hiding from the rest of the clan where you can talk. “What is it, my lo-” He is about to ask, but you interrupt him by throwing your arms above his waist and push your face into his toned chest that you can feel through the fabric. It takes him by surprise but he quickly laughs and returns the hug, you feel his hot touch on your trembling body, causing to send shivers of excitement down your spine. A sudden wave of comfort and heat rushes through your skin as he uses his power. You don’t want to hog him just for yourself but it feels so good and you don’t want to leave him for the moment either, his strong but gentle hands slowly start doing small caresses on your back as if you were the softest and most precious thing he ever held in his hands. “Does it feel better, love?” His lips whisper close to your face, so close you can feel his breath warming up your cheeks. You can think he is using his power in his smooth voice to make your heart melt like that. “Yes.. yes, it does.” Your voice drifts away as you let Kuai Liang’s warmth embracing you fully, enjoying it as long as it last.
Letting you do his hair. Every morning, you have the habit of brushing his hair until every knot is untangled, then putting them in a high and tight bun so he won’t be bothered when he goes to work. He can do his hair alone, but he trusts you with it, besides from his parents when he was a boy, nobody has ever touched his hair. It feels intimate and relaxing whenever your fingers pass through his hair which feel like silk, for once it’s like he puts a pause on everything and lets you manage the moment, with nothing being able to interrupt it. It’s impressive, even for him on how can you put the pyromancer in a vulnerable state just by your touch, while his enemies had train all their life to get even an once of his vulnerability, it’s like any fire within him extinguish with your presence. He really wishes to pay you back in some way, if you have long hair he’ll do them if you let him, styling you in hairstyles that he thinks embellish your natural beauty. And of course, his hair ties and pins become yours and vice versa.
“And, here you go.” You say as you rearrange the bun making sure no hair escaped. When you are finished, Kuai Liang turns around to face you, you feel the rough skin of his hand passing over your hand and gently take it to pull it lightly to bring you closer to him. “Thank you, beloved. I can't think of anyone better.” His gaze who holds sincerity it doesn't leave your eyes, still holding your hand he intertwines your fingers in an unbreakable link between his. “It's a simple gesture, however I'm happy to be the one to do it.” You smile at him, you really feel lucky to be the only one who can share this moment with him even for how simple it is, passing your fingers through is hair is almost like a small addiction, his smooth hair framing perfectly his handsome face is a sight you can't get tired of. “It may not be much but it means a lot to me.” His hand strokes your chin before pulling it and his lips capture yours in a kiss. It feels sweet and soft but you can feel the deep emotions he is putting in it, he is not letting your face go from his hand until his lips leave yours and smile tenderly at you.
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Tomas !
Being your number 1 fan. This man is quite easy to amaze, but nothing amazes him more than his sweet partner that is you. Everything that you try receives a compliment from Tomas, some may say he is a fool in love, while he’ll say that he is simply proud of you. His significant other kicking ass? That’s my bae for you! Showing off a new trick you just learned? It’s impressive, could you teach him how to do that? (Definitely not an excuse to spend some time with you) While the praises are genuine, they’re also here to make sure you don’t fall into the rabbit hole of insecurities, which unfortunately he has sunk in too many times. He would hate for you to feel bad about yourself, it means for him that he failed as a boyfriend and by extents, he failed you, that’s why he needs to cheer you up and show how much you’re incredible in his eyes.
It is one of those days again, where a gloomy feeling overcomes your mind and manifests itself when you're looking at yourself in the mirror almost defeated by its reflection, the more you look in the mirror the more you are able to see each imperfection and you suddenly start to feel like a mess. Tomas who has just arrived to check on you, notices your weird behavior, how you twirl your clothes, and look at yourself in every angle with a frown on the mirror that you have been looking at for a long time now, he knows what this means and he knows he needs to put a stop to it. Your investigation is suddenly brought to an end when you feel a pair of strong arms around your waist. “Hey, you look particularly beautiful today, have you done something new?” Tomas asks with curiosity and a small smirk, he is looking at you in the mirror and you notice his eyes are filled with fondness which makes you smile in returns. “I just woke up, Tomas. I didn't even brush my hair yet.” “Oh, I suppose it's your natural charm that makes you beautiful then.” When he says that you can't help but kiss him on the cheek, no matter how many times these bad feelings come back they could never surpass the feelings that your boyfriend is making you feel.
Making you surprises. Tomas is always trying to show that he cares for his partner, he fears that he may not show it enough so he tries through little pleasant surprises that he knows you will like. For example, bringing breakfast in bed, it’s convenient that most of the time he wakes up before you, as the way of teaching from the clan does not allow to sleep in and wake up after the enemy does. He’ll cook your favorite food of course, and somehow the fact that it is made by him makes it even more appetizing but also he learned from the best cook that he knows who is Madam Bo, honestly you don’t know who is sweeter between the breakfast or your boyfriend. He also likes to leave love notes when he is on duty in places he knows that you go and sometimes those notes are attached to cute gifts like plushies, chocolate or flowers.
Good morning, Love! I hope you slept well and did beautiful dreams (hopefully about me). I regret not being with you here but we had to leave early this morning and I didn’t want to wake you up so early. I made you a quick breakfast before leaving and this time it didn’t burn! I promise I’ll make up for my absence but for the time I wish you a nice day and can’t wait to hear about what you did tonight. With love, Tomas :) Your smile grows when you re-read the notes that Tomas left, you kept a small pile of them in the drawer and like to go through again when you’re in an emotional mood. Some of them are small, others are longer, they can be funny or romantic with a deep otherwise cheesy love quote, either written by Tomas or this ‘anonymous’ person who signs as ‘The King Of Smoke’ and hopes to not be caught by your boyfriend so he can keep sending you gifts that represents his love. Whatever those letters are, they always contain his sweet nature in them and never fail to touch you.
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‘𝓣𝐇𝐄 𝓔𝐍𝐃  Please don’t copy/translate and don’t reblog if you’re a yand3r3 blog/reblog account, or you’ll be blocked. Besides that, likes/reblogs/comments are appreciated.  Imagine Tomas leaving a love note and Bi-Han finds it accidentally, you can’t even imagine the disgust that he has on his face, he is even more displeased with Tomas than he already is, why can’t he keep his personal stuff private and not expose it to all the clan.
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lightsoutletsgo · 6 months
love letters; with love from... — cl.16 (part 2/2)
pairing: charles leclerc x singer!reader
word count: >1000
warnings: some brief mentions of angst but nothing to heavy, they're so in love your honor, bad screenshots??
tysm for all the love for part 1! i never expected it to do as well as it did. hopefully you all love part 2 just as much! happy reading! love mimi 🤍
love letters; dear (part 1)
taglist: @arieslost @d3kstar @minkyungseokie @evie-119 @sltwins @maplesyrupsainz @charlesgirl16 @jaydaaasworld @rhythmstars @ravisinghs-wife @itsjustkhaos
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You exhaled shakily as your eyes scanned the caption you'd drafted in your notes app. You didn't even tear your eyes away from the screen as Charles slumped down onto the couch next to you. "Everything okay mon amour?" You swallowed and nodded, offering your phone to him so he could read the caption. He was silent for a minute before he turned to look at you, tears in his eyes, "I am so so proud of you." You smiled, feeling yourself getting emotional, sniffling a little as he pulled you into him. You led there with him just enjoying the quiet comfort he provided before he spoke once more, "When are you going to post it?" You giggled and sat up, Charles following suit, "Are you gonna just drop it on instagram with no warning again?" You winked at him before unlocking your phone and typing out the post. Once you'd proofread it you hit 'post', immediately locking your phone and turning your notifications off as they already started pouring in. Charles gaped at you for a moment before scrabbling to find his phone, not struggling to locate it as it buzzed and vibrated constantly with new notifications, "You could have given me time to prepare!"
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Liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 25,942,833 y/nsworld here we are, a year later and another surprise for you beautiful people! 'all the things I love to tell you' is out now on streaming platforms everywhere! oh wow, how exciting it is to finally be able to tell you guys about this 🥹 this album is the second half to my healing journey and it's full of love and light and hope for the future. a huge thank you to my company and management for giving me the freedom to release my music in the way I felt I needed to. thank you to my friends for listening to these songs in the car at 3am and crying with me when we realise just how far we've come, for putting up with me stealing their napkins at dinner to write lyrics and for once again holding my hand until I felt ready to take a step on my own. as always, thank you to my incredible fans who inspire me to keep writing and whom without NONE of this would be possible. and finally to my love, charles, thank you for being my muse, my biggest encourager, my musical partner and my rock through the past year. this album is about you, for you and was made with you. thank you for letting me call you the love of my life every day. you're all I need until forever falls apart can't wait to see you all on tour soon! love y/n 🤍
y/nupdates I'm gonna need someone to dissect everything about this post in a twitter thread 😭
taylorswift I'm so proud of you for this album 💜 can't wait to come and watch you on tour! Comment liked by y/nsworld
sabrinacarpenter I will let you steal my napkins anytime if it means I get songs like pancakes for dinner 😭🫶🏼 Comment liked by y/nsworld
francisca.cgomes I need to breakup with pierre just to experience falling in love with him again with this album Comment liked by y/nsworld ⤷ y/nsworld babe i love you sm 😭 ⤷ francisca.cgomes baby? i love you more ⤷ pierregasly you're literally MY girlfriend? ⤷ y/nsworld but she's MY wife Comment liked by francisca.cgomes
yncharles oh to be a fly on the wall when lando, lily and alex heard these songs for the first time 😭🥹 ⤷ y/nsworld coming to tikotok and insta reels soon my love 🫶🏼 ⤷ yncharles OMG OMG SHE REPLIED SKSKDKDFKJ ⤷ alex_albon pls don't use the clip of me sobbing over 'that part' Comment liked by y/nsworld ⤷ y/nsworld too late bestie 😄 ⤷ lilymhe I am still not over and will never get over "you might not like her" Comment liked by y/nsworld ⤷ y/nsworld I will never be over the hug you gave me when I finished playing it to you for the first time
charles_leclerc mon amour, it was an honor to be involved in your music journey and I am so thankful for every day I get to share with you. darling I'd wait for you til forever falls apart 🤍 Comment liked by y/nsworld ⤷ chachacharles THEY'RE MY ROMAN EMPIRE 😭 ⤷ charlesfann pls tell me someone else noticed charles credited as songwriter on 'til forever falls apart' 😭
ynmylove LETS 👏 TALK 👏 ABOUT 👏 HOW CHARLES AND Y/N USED SONG TITLES IN THEIR COMMENTS TO EACH OTHER 😭 ⤷ charlesandcarlos try not to cry challenge FAILED
on twt:
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y/n's q+a on ig:
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Liked by y/nsworld, maxverstappen1 and 12,942,833 charles_leclerc my incredibly talented girlfriend's album is out now! I am beyond proud to be able to say that she trusted me to help her not only record some of the songs but write them too. I didn't know I was much of a songwriter but looking into your eyes suddenly turned me into a poet ma belle.
everyday you inspire me with your creativity, your passion, your energy and your love for those around you. I could write you a million love songs and there would still be things left to say. you're all I need now until forever falls apart. j'taime mon amour ❤️ (if you haven't heard the album yet make sure you go and listen now!)
View all 45,730 comments y/nsworld I love you more than any love song could ever express. my muse, my love, my life 🤍 Comment liked by charles_leclerc ⤷ ynloverrr OH MY GOD?! I'M SO VIOLENTLY UNWELL OH GOD ⤷ ferrar1 'looking into your eyes suddenly turned me into a poet'
sabrinacarpenter This album is literally on repeat! I cried the first time I heard 'you might not like her' and every time since
charlesforwdc can we all please just appreciate the STUNNING piano in 'so this is love' Comment liked by y/nsworld ⤷ y/nsworld we were literally just messing about in the studio and decided we liked it enough for the album! ⤷ y/nvocals the fact they were both "messing about" and sound THIS GOOD IS INSANE
maxverstappen1 congrats mate! you nailed this project!
landonorris from sliding into the dm's to collaborating on an album is CRAZY ⤷ y/nsworld LANDO 😭😭 ⤷ f1fannn exCUSE ME? sliding what?! ⤷ charleswifey charles sliding in her dm's is crazy but understandable 😭 ⤷ charles_leclerc try the other way around... 👨‍🦯 ⤷ y/nsworld BABY! 😭
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Honored One Shot no.7 - @loreley-ha
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"My Omega"
Yandere Alpha Geto x Omega reader
Omegaverse NSFW: Marking, possessive sex, pheromones
"Do you really think I don't know where my omega goes?"
You heard a voice behind you as you entered the house.
You jumped as warm fingers touched your neck, removing the collar that was covering your neck.
You knew it was Suguru. Because you will know his voice everywhere.
The feeling when he's next to you too.
Throwing his collar to the floor, he put his closed mouth and nose to the bite mark on the side of your neck.
You felt shivers when he did it.
That's what it feels like to be chastised by an alpha.
A feeling that makes you shiver.
Alphas have always been terrible to Omega. But not those who are partners. Suguru is your partner.
However, reaching the sensitive mark on the neck is like initiating sexual contact or possessiveness. Especially when Alphas do it when they're pissed off.
The alpha's possessiveness and scolding can be frequent. It all depends on the character of Alpha.
Your Alpha is possessive.
You are his and only his. His Omega. Only his.
The moment other alphas approach you is when he goes into standby mode.
When an alpha stranger approaches you, he's very careful and pulls you away so you don't get too close.
When it's a familiar alpha to you or him, it allows you a little more freedom, but not that much.
Alpha is Alpha. Just a little bit of your scent and you will become a morsel for some alpha who is nearby.
Even if you already have a partner. Alphas compete. Especially because there are less omegas.
That's why your partner is possessive. Because you're supposed to be his omega and no one else's.
He shows your place now.
Showing you to focus on whose mark is on your neck.
The marks of his teeth. And not anyone else.
He's the one who marked you as his omega. And not someone else. You are HIS omega.
You felt shivers as he exhaled from his lungs at that bite.
It's normal for the omega to be more sensitive around the alpha who is your partner. But he does it on purpose.
To show you your place with him as his Omega.
"I know my omega was seeing some alpha..." He moaned into your ear, holding you possessively in his arms.
When you looked to the side to see his face, you saw his purple eyes almost glow as he stared into yours.
You heard a soft growl coming from his throat as he looked at you.
If he had animal physical features, surely everything would show his displeasure.
Same as now.
"How are naughty omegas punished?" He asked, scanning your gentle eyes with intensity.
Omega so innocent...Alphas never can get angry when they see how their omega has such innocent eyes with them.
Just like you are looking at him now.
He is your alpha. your life partner. You can't look at him with hostility because it's written in your genes that you love your alpha. You don't oppose Alfie. You are really happy with your alpha.
And alphas have more aggression and possessiveness in their genes.
Omegas are so innocent, cute and beautiful.
And he loves his omega. That's why he wants his omega just for him.
Because he is the alpha.
And his omega is everything to him.
"Suguru...?" You giggled softly as a smile appeared on his face.
"Don't be afraid ~. Just you know... You're my Omega. And I don't wanna give you to someone else." He licked your ear, nibbling the earlobe with his tooth. "But little, cute omegas only have a place with one alpha. And you're my omega, baby."
You felt him release some of his pheromones on you.
Your body shivered as you felt hot.
"I need to mark my omega even more, right?" he purred in your ear.
You let out a shaky breath as his hot tongue slid over your bite on your skin.
And you felt more and more of his pheromones insistently attacking your senses to make you a moaning mess and begging for your alpha.
And that was for sure because Suguru's pheromones were so strong and intense.
It was affecting your body, making you a horny mess.
It was the same with him when he felt your heat. He was losing control by spraying you with waves of pheromones. And the omegas can never hold back their alpha partner.
Therefore, the heat is intense for both sides.
Especially when Omega is in heat. Because Alpha becomes aggressive and erratic just to get Omega.
That's why Suguru asked you several times to be very careful about taking supplements.
And his heat is also intense because it's unstoppable. And he closes himself off from you so he doesn't succumb to his instincts when he feels his omega.
Even though he won't hurt you, it's more aggressive sex than ever. Therefore, in order not to expose you to stress, during the most intense time of this he closed himself.
Even though you felt his heat and you were in a similar state.
And he went a little crazy because he smelled the sweet smell of your pheromones.
Same as now.
When you felt his pheromones and started to tremble, asking for his touch. He felt the same way as your body began to emit that sweet scent.
"Omegas are always so polite to their Alphas. And you're so good to me, baby ~. I should mark you again for what you did. I can't be so brutal when you're so meek. But I can't be gentle to make you understand your mistake."
He put his hands under your shirt and your body melted in his hands.
"You smell so sweet ~. My sweet omega~."
As he took off your bottom clothes, he saw your thighs getting wet.
Alpha pheromones are intense... And they immediately tell your body to be turned on for your alpha.
Just like alphas, they are crazy about the smell of omega. In the same way, omegas go crazy when their alphas release pheromones on them.
His hands also grabbed your top clothes, taking it off.
Leaving your body naked and begging to be touched.
He smelled the sweet scent of his omega's excitement, which challenged that predatory instinct in him. Instinct to HAVE his omega here and now.
His pupils dilated and his pants were so tight.
Undoing his baggy pants, he placed your hands against the wall for something to hold on to, and bent you down so he could access your hips. He spread your thighs apart, pressing the thick tip of his cock against your trembling entrance.
Your walls offered no resistance, nor did the rest of your body. And when he managed to slide in easily, he pressed his chest against your back and sank his teeth into the already existing mark on your skin.
Making you howl of pleasure as you felt his scent completely take over your mind. The pleasure you crave.
You want him.
He growled, feeling the pleasure of biting into your skin to leave a mark.
The way you shiver, barely holding on to the wall as your alpha's big dick digs into your insides.
"A-Alpha..." you moaned in a shaky voice as he kept one hand on your hip and the other next to yours on the wall.
Your trembling thighs and whole legs when you stood on tiptoe didn't bother him at all, because if you want your alpha to fuck you, you have to keep it that way. In this position.
But at some point, he's going to keep your body in a mess anyway. His Omega marking is something he wants. For your mutual pleasure, and also for you as a lesson. Because you only react that way to his pheromones.
He started mercilessly digging his hips into yours, leaving marks on your back as he positioned you the way you're supposed to be positioned so he could hit deeper with more accuracy.
So that your legs buckle under you and he can fuck your moaning, melting body in his hands as much as he thinks necessary.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
I can't believe that, when it boils down to it, the current ship I'm obsessed with is a Rabbit woman who kicks bad guys and another woman with fire for hair that she can throw at bad guys.
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bruhnze · 2 months
Apple tarts and tiramisu - Part 6
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Summary ''Apple tarts and tiramisu'': Lucy just moved to Barcelona, you offer to teach her Spanish. Reader gets into a relationship with Lucy Bronze who she met while she served her an apple tart.
Other parts: masterlist
Wordcount: 5K
Part 6 as requested😘
As Lucy was getting Narla some food you were messing around in the kitchen a bit, once you found some things you prepared two breakfasts.
"Hmm, what a life," Lucy said as she hugged from behind. ''I could get used to this''.
"Me too'' you said as you melted into her embrace ''but I couldn't find anything for macha or anything else to drink, what do you always drink with breakfast?"
"Yes Macha, but that's why I always came to your coffee shop, at home I usually just drink water."
"mkay, let's drink water then" "about today by the way…"
''a friend of mine is having a dinner tonight, people are bringing their partners...i was curious if you'd like to come..we wont stay too late because i have opening shift tomorrow but i thought we could sleep at yours after that''.
Lucy kissed your neck ''ofcourse''.
''They're making paella by the way, and yfs/n will be there too''.
"Well then I'm completely convinced."
You chuckled and then remembered ''oh shoot, how late do you have to go?''.
''hmm, in 35 minutes''.
''ugh, and i'm going to the gym this afternoon, with yfs/n''.
''really'' Lucy asked you ''oh if she wants yfs/n can drive with us to the dinner''.
''okay ill ask her, she'll probably like that''.
It was almost dinnertime, this afternoon you had told your bestfriend all about the last few weeks, with the highlight being your mother walking into your home and ofcourse the fact you now had a girlfriend.
But your friend had laughed way harder at the story about your mom.
You had asked her if she'd like to come with you and Lucy and as you expected, she wanted that.
You had texted Lucy and now you were together at your house, you had walked from the gym to your house together and had put on nice outfits for dinner.
"Hello beautiful" Lucy said as she stepped in after you opened the door for her.
You gave her a kiss and then walked her to the kitchen. Where your friend was having a drink.
"yfs/n!" Lucy called out.
Your friend stood up and there was this special handshake again.
You thought it was funny how your friend was so bro-y but she liked men and on the opposite was you, who was quite girly but you were very much not into men. A long, long time ago you once had a crush on yfs/n, but that was long gone. Yfs/n had been very nice about it, she had said that she thought it was an honor but that she ''didn't swing in that way''. She had never made jokes about it, your friends on the other hand... they sure liked to from time to time.. you just hoped they wouldn't with Lucy around atleast not the first time you'd introduce her.. but then again you had never brought someone ovet so you didn't know how the evening would go.
The three of you arrived at the party, in the car ride your friend had talked about her Tinder adventures the whole way, Lucy had laughed so much that they almost took a wrong turn, but eventually they had arrived at the house of Pascal, one of your friends who lived just outside the city.
Your friend went over to a few that were kicking a ball, but you and Lucy took your time to introduce Lucy and your friends to eachother one by one.
It was a fun night and the food was good, two guys had recognised Lucy as a soccerplayer but other then that nothing really special had happened. Everyone seemed to accept Lucy as a new addition to the group.
After dinner you had helped cleaning everything up while Lucy was asked to kick a ball with some others, you had encouraged her to go. Telling her there would come other nights where she could do the dishes.
-----------------------conversation outside, that you didnt hear----------------------
[This is the first time y/n has brought anyone]
Lucy: oh really, well im honered you guys are have a great friendgroup
[Yeah, she seems to be really in love]
[Haha, we had never expected it]
[Shut up guys]
Lucy: what
[Nothing theyre stupid]
Yfs/n: yeah guys, shut up. Y/n will tell Lucy herself.
[Oh shittt does she not know]
Yfs/n: how would i know, maybe, maybe not
*everyone laughed*
[Yeah how would you know, lovergirl]
Yfs/n: sorry Lucy, their English is not good, they're being stupid. And they had beer.
Lucy didnt respond but thought about what this could possibly be about.
After a few more rounds of drinks, some drinking, others just keeping it at soda or Lucy who just drank water, you 3 left the party.
"Goodbye guys, see you next time" you said as you gave some friends hugs.
Lucy and your bestfriend also said their goodbyes.
When Lucy unlocked the car, your friend got in and you stepped towards Lucy to give her a kiss "did you enjoy yourself?"
She kissed you back "yeah they're all very nice, very good english also, had a nice chat with Ale and Pascal, theyre cute"
"Aw yeah they are, i love that you met everyone now, and that they liked you a lot"
Lucy laughed "well i dont know if everyone liked me a lot, but most dont hate me, but ill work for it, i want them to like me"
Your friend knocked on the window "hello lovebirds lesgoooooo"
Lucy and you laughed and stepped in to the car.
"Jeez cant even go half a day without a kiss?" Your friend joked.
"Oh shut up, i was just saying that it was nice everyone liked Lucy"
"Most liked me" Lucy said.
You looked at her confused "why do you day that, did something happen?"
Lucy pulled out the driveway as she sighed "i dont know maybe im looking into something thats nothing,... wait yfs/n.. you were there"
You turned around looking confused at your bestfriend who was turning as red as a tomato. "What happend yfs/n?"
"van fer una broma sobre tu però crec que la Lucy no se n'ha adonat, no sabia si encara m'ho havies dit, saps de mi" (they made a joke about you and me, you know what im talking about, i didnt know if you had told her already, but anyway i dont think Lucy got it) your friend whispered quickly.
You blushed and looked at Lucy before turning back to your friend "merda, no, encara no ho havia fet, gràcies per mantenir-ho, com ho dic, ara ella creu que és un gran problema" (fuck, no i haven't yet, thanks for keeping that secret, how do i tell her that now tho, dont want her to think its a big deal).
"I dont like this" lucy said "i cant understand, you two are talking too fast and my Catalan is not good, you know that".
"Uhm, ill tell you, its nothing special, im sorry"
Lucy put her hand on your knee "its okay".
It stayed silent for a bit before Lucy laughingly said "well go on then"
"Oh i thought when we'd dropped of yfs/n"
"Why, she seems to know already right?"
Your friend in the back laughed as you were thinking out the best way to tell her.
"Just tell her y/n, its nothing"
"Yeah i know, but i want her to know that too"
"She's right here" Lucy laughed "come on baby, you dont have to be embaressed or anything"
"Okay, its a running joke in our friendgroup" you paused only to be encouraged by Lucy to go on "yesss anddd.."
"Well you know how Keira is in your team"
Your friend groaned "y/n you make it so hard for yourself, because litteraly nothing happend and Lucy and Keira had a whole ass relationship"
You gulped "oh fuck yeah, i didnt mean it like that, basicly they joke im in love with yfs/n" you quickly said.
Lucy laughed "this yfs/n" and pointed with her thumb to the back of the car.
Your bestfriend laughed with her "yup, crazy right".
"But your straight?" Lucy questioned "or is it just because the two of spend so much time together".
You chuckled nervously, happy that Lucy took this as the joke it was "no we didnt know yfs/n then, i told my friends i liked her and then they put in so much effort to get her in our friendgroup for me, and then it turned out she was straight" you and your friend laughed out loud now.
But Lucy got a little quieter "oh".
You looked confused at her "so nothing happend, yfs/s was nice about it, but my friends still think its the funiest thing".
You arrived at your bestfriends place.
"Oh thats me" your friend said "thanks for the ride girls, see you later" she said as she stepped out the car "dont let it ruin your night babes" she said as she closed the cardoor.
At her door she waved before she got in, you waved back.
"So- " you started
"Its a good thing i like her"
"You're not mad" you carefully asked as you took her hand.
Lucy shook her head "ofcourse not, i trust you, i love you".
"I love you too" you said, but you couldnt help but sound a little dissapointed.
"No why do you sound dissapointed" Lucy laughed, "you dont have a thing for anger issues do ya" she joked.
You gulped "n-no" "not for a-anger issues".
"you want me to be jealous" Lucy concluded with a smirk.
Your breath hitched in your throat.
Lucy acted mad, taking her hand from your thigh "I cant believe you went to the gym with her alone this afternoon! You want to fuck her dont you, i saw you laughing at her jokes, you were basically undressing her with your eyes at one point tonight!" She faked.
You chuckled "Luceee"
"You think this is funny? Because im being serious"
The rest of the ride had been a little back and forth of Lucy and you teasing eachother, but you acted a bit more submissive then usual.
From the car to her frontdoor she guided you by your upperarm. You gulped, this was very much working for you, she reached around you to open the door.
When she brought you in to the house, you eyed Narla that was laying on the couch ´´oh, do we have to take her for a walk?''
''Later'' Lucy said ''i walked her just before i picked you up''
‘’first i need to know are you going to listen to me, letting me take the lead?’’ Lucy said with a low voice.
‘’yes Lucy, tell me what to do’’.
‘’Such a pretty girl, I’m curious to see how good you can be’’.
‘’very good’’ you said as you got closer to Lucy and tried to kiss her, but she stepped back with a mischievous look on her face ‘’hadn’t said you could kiss me pretty girl’’.
‘’I’ll forgive you this time, only because we still have some talking to do’’ she put her hand on your lower back, ‘’let’s go to the room, get comfortable’’ her hand glid down on to your butt and she squeezed it.
She sat down on her bed and patted her lap, you took place on it sideways, because of the dress you were still wearing, much to your own annoyance.
‘’good girls do need to know the rules to be able to follow them’’ Lucy stated as she took a strand of hair out of your face, placing it behind you ear.
‘’mhm’’ you nodded, very much turned on by the way she spoke to you.
‘’if you want to stop, you have to say stop. If you need to slow things down, you have to say slow down. If I ask you how you feel, you will tell me exactly how you feel and you will not say things you think I want to hear, unless that is truly how you feel ofcourse’’ She looked at you.
‘’yes’’ you said eager, wanting to get on with it.
‘’can you repeat that for me?’’
‘’if i want to stop, i say stop. If i need things to slow down, i say slow down. If you ask how I am feeling, I will tell you the truth’’
‘’Good’’ Lucy said ‘’Okay next rule, if you disobey, you will get punished for it. But saying stop or slow down will not get you in trouble it’s not disobedient.’’
‘’Saying stop and slow down is not disobedient’’. You repeated.
Lucy grinned at you ‘’forget something?’’
‘’if I disobey I will get punished’’
‘’good girl’’ Lucy said ‘’now tell me if there is anything you are not okay with doing’’.
You swallowed hard and thought hard about her question, but the only thing you think about was Lucy fucking you right there and then. ‘’I don’t think so’’.
‘’Think a little harder for me pretty girl’’ Lucy cooed as her hand went lower and lower on your back until it rested just above your butt.
‘’Oh’’, you said, thinking about it now ‘’not in my butt please, i- uh- i don't have a lot of experience with that’’ you chuckled at the ridiculousness of the sentence.
‘’Okay good, anything else?’’ Lucy said with a neutral voice, you tried to detect disappointment but couldn’t.
‘’maybe no spitting in my mouth’’ you said carefully.
Lucy laughed ‘’well good to know, didn’t really planned to, but good to know’’. ‘’okay, if we are doing anything you are uncomfortable with just tell me’’ she kissed your shoulder ‘’shall we take of this dress?’’
You jumped of her lap, she laughed at your eagerness ‘’slow down pretty girl, we’ve got time’’
You whimpered at the thought of this taking another way to many minutes but you nodded.
Lucy stepped behind you and pulled down you zipper, kissing the bare skin that got revealed.
´´hmm, such a pretty back´´ she murmured against your skin. She slipped the dress of your shoulders, making it fall to the floor.
You stepped out of the dress and wanted to take your panties of.
´´nuh uh´´ Lucy smirked devilish as she gripped your hands, tight but not harsh.
´´Luce´´ you whimper.
´´Turn around´´ Lucy said. You obeyed and looked at her.
´´I have given you multiple chances already, I said let´s take of this dress, nothing else, did I pretty girl?’’
‘’yes- - Lucy’’ you hesitated.
‘’mkay’’ Lucy scoffed, you ached for her touch and almost stepped closer to her but rethinking that decision just in time, your feet shuffled.
‘’your such a needy girl, aren’t you’’ she smirked, ‘’so needy for my cock, suggesting we go to mine because you want my cock so bad yesterday and today again, or did you wanna sleep at mine for another reason’’.
You got weak in the knees, this was exactly what you had been thinking about and it was even better then you had imagined.
‘’bet your thinking about it right now, aren’t ya’’ Lucy scoffed and put her fingers under your chin guiding you to look up ‘’tell me, what were you thinking about?’’
‘’y-you’’ you stammered ‘’I want-
‘’tsssk’’ Lucy sucked air through her teeth and patted you cheek ‘’get on your knees little slut’’ she smirked ‘’ill give you what you want’’.
You lowered yourself to the ground, you were sure your eyes were sparkling with joy but you held your composure. You had to focus really hard on yourself not to reach out and hold Lucy’s legs and sat there on the ground waiting for Lucy’s next words.
She walked away ‘’don't look at me, just sit there and think about me pretty girl’’.
You heard the dresser and some shuffling, then some other sounds, you heard a buzzing sound that quickly got turned back off again. But you didn’t dare looking over your shoulder, feeling a rush of excitement running through you by this version of Lucy.
Lucy walked to the bed and you saw her drop a towel in the middle of the bed, you couldn’t see what else she did because she was at the foot end of the bed.
You gulped as Lucy stepped in front of you, she was wearing the strap-on that you had seen a few times now, only this time she was wearing a harness that was a bit more interesting, it was a leather harness that made her butt look perfect.
You were wishing you could see her behind again, only seen a glimpse of it, but Lucy clearly had other plans for you.
‘’my eyes are up here’’ Lucy waved effortlessly infront of your eyes ‘’you can’t think about anything else can you, so eager for my cock’’.
You nodded while looking up in to Lucy’s eyes.
‘’Go on, show me how much you want it’’
You sensed eagerness in Lucy's eyes and realized she wanted you to suck her of, you had never sucked on a toy, it had always seemed silly to you, but you were actually turned on by the idea now. You wanted to give Lucy a show.
You treated the rubber strap as if Lucy could feel everything, softly kissing up the shaft, licking it before you took the tip in your mouth. You played around with your tongue and put it a bit further in you mouth. Looking up you saw two eyes staring intensely, this made you work even harder.
‘’Fuck’’ Lucy groaned and took your hair in her hands ‘’such a pretty girl, looking so good with your mouth full’’. She pushed herself a bit deeper, making you gag. You looked at her with watery eyes but continued with eagerness.
After a minute she gripped your hair tighter and pulled you back, you hadn’t expected it so you were not able to control the saliva that was dripping from your mouth.
She sat on the bed tapping her lap ''come sit on my lap bub''.
You pushed yourself up, using the bed and went to sit on her lap like Lucy had told you.
She held you legs and placed you on her thighs, you felt her cock inbetween your legs and instinctively rocked against it.
‘’Youre such a slutty girl for me, grinding against me, cant even wait for my cock’’ Lucy groaned ''or would you do this to others too?''.
''no only you'' you gulped.
‘’Go sit on the bed, with your back against the board’’ Lucy commanded.
You obeyed quickly and crawled to the middle of the bed.
Lucy smirked at your questioning face ‘’Good, very good, you did so well that you may touch yourself now’’.
You frowned ‘’but i- want you to touch me’’ you were very confused and the throbbing feeling between your legs seconded that.
The devilish smirk was back ‘’and I want you to show me how you do it when I’m not there, so guess what we’ll be doing?’’.
‘’we do what you want Lucy’’ you blushed, the thought of your late nights alone embarrassed you, especially with the subject of most recent times standing right in front of you.  
‘’Are you sure?’’ Lucy broke character for a second, reaching out to you thinking you were hesitating.
You smiled ‘’yes, just a bit ashamed´´.
She got on the bed and shuffled towards you on her knees, ´´if you don´t feel-
‘’no, no, I feel comfortable’’ you smiled. She leaned in to kiss you, after a soft and tender kiss she pulled back slightly and whispered against your lips ‘’okay now make yourself come for me pretty girl’’.
You wanted to take your panties of again but thought about asking it first this time.
‘’Yes you can, such a good girl for asking me’’. Lucy said as she helped you pull them of.
You dipped you hands in your arousal, you were dripping wet. Lightly circling your clit you grabbed you boob with your other hand and closed your eyes.
‘’eyes on me’’
Forcing your eyes open, you tried to remain concentrated, focusing on the feeling between your legs, it didn't take too long before you came undone. It was an easy and superficial orgasm but you wanted to continue with the real deal so you did it quickly.
Lucy scoffed ‘’Now I understand why you're such a slut for me, you can't do it yourself properly’’.
She walked over to the end of the bed and took something, she handed you the vibrator you had seen laying on the nightstand weeks ago ‘’try again, let it be good this time, I want my pussy to be treated right’’.
Her words drove you crazy, Lucy calling your sex hers.
After you had made yourself come for the second time, this time taking it a little slower you still weren't satisfied. Your hole felt empty and Lucy was right there, wearing the cock you had tought about many times ever since you had seen Lucy wear it the first time.
Lucy took the device from you and put it away, she grabbed your ankles and pulled you lower onto the bed, making you yelp.
She laughed at you, squirming below her. Now that your thighs were against Lucy's, you could no longer deal with the empty feeling, you wanted her.
''Lucy.. fuck'' you breathed out.
As she pushed your legs apart and admired your glistening hole, she lowly said ''tell me what you want little slut''.
"I want you inside, luce fuck me" you whined
‘’good girl, telling me what you want’’ she lined herself up against you, swiping trough your folds first with the head of her rubber cock.
You moaned when it contacted your sensitive clit, it wasn’t uncomfortable, the sensations were just way more intense after the two orgasms you had already had.
Very slowly she slid in. Your eyes rolled into their sockets, and you bit your lip which stifled the moan that came from the back of your throat.
In one slick motion she bottomed out into you and started pumping into you rhythmically and at a leisurely pace.
The sight of her concentrated face, her bulging biceps and the way she hit all the right spots immediately brought back the feeling of an oncoming orgasm.
You were surprised at yourself, you didn't know your body could perform such feats.
Uncontrollable noises left your mouth. Lucy grabbed your hips and repositioned herself, she seemed to be chasing her own orgasm, she sped up her rhythm and was grunting lowly.
You were already approaching your high and grabbed Lucy's wrists.
"Tell me if you're close" she panted.
''so close'' you moaned.
This made Lucy slow her pace and she gently pulled out. ‘’good girl for telling me’’ she cooed.
You whined at the sudden loss and the denial of your orgasm, which you felt fading away.
"Turn around" Lucy directed as she shuffled you and herself in another position.
Your jaw dropped a little as you heard her say it, thinking about how you were going to do this with your unsteady legs.
As you were getting yourself together, you no longer had to think about it anymore as you were already being pushed into the bed.
''Okay wait like this for me pretty girl''. Lucy walked around the bed and put something in her harness, she saw you looking over your shoulder and smirked ''you just can't help it, can you?''.
''sorry'' You mumbled and turned around facing the bed.
''no it's good, i like it when you look at me, as a matter of fact, im the only one you should be looking at''.
You looked back at her grinning, she was really nailing this whole thing.
''mkay'' Lucy walked closer to you and got back on the bed, you felt the bed dip as she kneeled behind you, her hands traced your ass as she lined herself up with you again, but now you felt a slight vibration from the strap.
''your going to be a good girl and take me until i have come, if you get close you tell me''.
''yes Luce''
''good girl'' Slowely Lucy slid in. After she'd given you a moment to adjust to the new position she started to build up her rhythm again.
''fuck'' you moaned as she roughly took your ass in her hands, fingers digging in the flesh, you arched deeper pushing yourself further in to Lucy. Waves of pleasure rippled through your body, the feeling of the orgasm that had build up coming right back.
A small grunt escaped Lucy's throat, you knew she had put a vibrator in her harness so you imagined she probably felt really good too.
Her thrusts became faster and faster, it made it hard for you to control yourself but you wanted to be obedient for her.
''dont come, you wait''
''i cant Luce- im-
Lucy pulled out ''fuck''
You whined at the second denial of your orgasm. Without having any control over it, you moved backwards, wetness dripping down your thighs, and your hole longed to be filled again.
She slapped your ass, resulting in a moan from you.
''so fucking desperate''
''you fuck mi molt bo luce, si us plau''. (so good, please).
''El inglés no es lo suficientemente bueno para ti''. (is english not good enough for you?) Lucy said in spanish
''N-no, i mean y-yes it's good''.
''no more talking behind my back okay''. Lucy slapped your ass and kneeded it after, the prickling sensation made you even more wet.
''n-no sorry Luce''
''mkay'' She pushed herself inside you in one swift motion.
´´no cumming, tell me if your close´´.
You tried everything to delay your orgasm, feeling Lucy pump in and out of you, the sounds coming from her throat tell you she´s really close and you can´t handle loosing her from inside you another time.
She thrusts deeper and faster, bottoming out in you and grinding on your ass with her front you feel her shuddering breath against your back.
You moan as she changes her grip on you and reaches on of her hands around your body to hold you closer to her.
´´fuck that´s it pretty girl´´
With a couple more thrusts she comes undone and slowly rides herself through her high.
You know you can´t contain yourself any longer ´´im close´´ you moan.
Appearantly it gave Lucy a bit energy, because she pushed herself up and once again left you empty.
You fell forward on the bed, you whimpered "Lucy".
´´I need to see your face as you come´´. Lucy stated ´´but you can decide if you want to lay down or sit on top of me, because you´ve been such a good girl´´.
You rolled over as you whined her name again ´´Lucy´´.
Lucy grinned and leaned over you, giving you a couple kisses 'i didn't break you did i'.
''si us plau''
She no longer wanted to deprive you and pushed herself inside you, this time solely with the intention of bringing you to your climax.
Lucy held your thighs as she hit all the right spots with practiced movements, it was as if her fake cock was made for you.
When she reached for your clit your eyes closed and your head fell back.
´´look at me´´ Lucy practically moaned.
You forced your eyes to open as the orgasm washed over you, you felt it from your toes to your nipples and everywhere beyond. Your eyes rolled back and the feeling fell from your legs, your muscles tensed before falling completely limp and it had become a wet affair between your legs. Wetness gushing out of you along the plastic cock. But you didn't realize that yet because your hearing and vision had temporarily failed, just like your other senses.
You didn't hear it when Lucy cooed "pretty girl, you were so good."
You didn't feel it as Lucy gently slid out of you.
And you didn't feel when she very gently placed sweet kisses over your body, ending at your face.
After a few seconds, which had felt like minutes to you, you stirred slightly.
´´there she is´´ Lucy gently said, while gently stroking your body with her hand.
You gave her a weak smile and she looked at you with soft adoring eyes. ´´was it too much?´´. Lucy asked with a quiet voice.
"No" you say with a soft and hoarse voice.
Lucy chuckled ''good, how did you like it?''.
"It was perfect Lucy, but can we talk more later, I can't feel my body."
She looked at you worriedly which made you smile ''don't look so concerned, it feels like that one time, our first time, do you remember?''. you blushed ''fuck did i-
Lucy looked at you with a smug face ''mhm, yup, so don't try to walk to the bath on your own, we know how that goes''.
Now the feeling was back and you felt an uncomfortable wet spot where you lay ''how do you keep making me do that''.
"You don't like it?" Lucy asked with a neutral tone.
Your cheeks flushed ''w-well''
Lucy's hand rubbed your side encouragingly.
''i like it, but i feel bad ruining the bed''.
''Ruin it? No, I really enjoy making the bed, so don't feel bad about that."
You laugh ''no you don't''
''no I don't'' Lucy admitted ''but i'll happily do it 200 times if i'd get to see you do that again''.
''good to know'' you chuckled ''does that work for other choirs aswell?''.
''hey hey, don't be a brat, I'm still in control''. Lucy joked.
You gulped ''i really liked you taking control Luce'' you said as you took her hand.
She chuckled ''really, i didn't notice''.
You pushed her weakly, rolling your eyes.
''I'm joking baby, i think we're a perfect match, because i loved it too''. She smiled at you and went to wipe some hair out of your face. ''i love you''.
more parts
Thank you @ginger12202 for the inspiration to write this part!
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shirefantasies · 3 months
hello there!! i've been reading your works for a while and they're adorable, i love them so much ;A;
it's actually my birthday today! if it's not too much trouble, could you write the Fellowship (plus Arwen and Eowyn if you'd like <3) and how each of them would spend reader's birthday with them?
if not, then that's okay! hope you have a great day and once again i love your writing :D
Happy belated birthday anon! This is a cute idea 😄
REQUESTS ARE STILL CLOSED! This is a very old request I’m just getting around to posting.
Warnings: a bit suggestive at times
How LoTR Characters Spend Your Birthday With You
He is not exactly the biggest party person, so unless you are your celebration will be smaller, more intimate. You’ll be woken with the gentlest kiss and a whispered blessing. Whatever you command, Aragorn teases, he is yours…. Beyond that, he is his typical attentive self, cooking your favorite meal for you and laying it out beautifully as he can. Candles, flowers, you name it and he has found it. All day the words pass his lips that the world is all the richer for your entry into it, that he considers you a blessing every day of his life. So much so, in fact, he’ll even tolerate you smashing some cake on him if you feel a bit giddy that night! Shaking his head, he just smiles and laughs it off. It is your birthday, after all, and he is plenty used to the old antics of his friends!
You expect a surprise, ironically, knowing Legolas’s air of teasing mystery, and sure enough he whisks you away nearly as soon as he can. Any questioning fails utterly, but at least you get to see Legolas’s dark eyes glitter with mischief as he tells you you’ll see. In the end you’re taken to a little paradise all your own, a treetop canopy with a scenic view. “And of course you have your cake,” he teases, remembering how important it was to you. You’re still in awe of the view, jaw slack at the horizon of endless green blending into the blue sky with its sparse puffs of cloud. It’s amazing, utterly so and you tell him, but the woodland prince insists that the most amazing part of this all is you. Your birth, your entry into the world those years ago, means more to him than he can ever truly convey.
Such ambition! Boromir asks you to describe your dream day and vows to give it to you. Taking a boat ride? He’ll find a way. Having a joust? He would be honored to be your partner. A party with your friends? Simply give him the notice and he will invite them all to a grand event! He understands that cake is traditional so he commissions the best of his father’s bakers for yours. All the while of the merriment Boromir’s arm is slung about your waist, his eyes and grin loving as they fix firmly upon you. You may have to restrain him, for he’ll want to hoist your arm up and call out your praises in front of everybody! He definitely tries to be understanding if these ideas make you anxious, however, toning down the party in his mind to a candlelit dinner for two. Hm, yes, perhaps some romance would be a good way to spend your birthday after all….
Pretends he forgot. His jaw drops, lips widening into an o shape as he asks oh, was that today? Today of all days? …Followed immediately by mischievous he-he-hes of laughter as he reaches into some pocket or another and pulls out a box. “I jest, of course? You think I would forget the most important of days, the birth of my fairest One? Not in the slightest! Go on, open it up!” Inside is none other than a piece of your favorite type of jewelry, clearly handmade and beautifully custom crafted. Gimli made it himself of course, not a single other dwarf laying a hand on it. “Just like you,” he jokes as you embrace and pull his lips into yours. As far as any other celebration of course he wants to scream it from the hills and drink and dance the night away with you, but if you want no fanfare Gimli will simply walk with you anywhere you go, still telling everyone it’s your birthday, before taking you home for a more private celebration. Hopefully still some drinks and dancing, even if it’s just you two. And something else? Well, he would give you everything you want on your special day, just ask and he is yours…
You’ll awake to a pair of the most loving blue eyes you’ve ever seen upon you. Soon as he knows you’ve risen, Frodo reaches over to caress your face, a smile creeping onto his lips before he kisses your forehead. “Good morning, my love. How would you like to spend your day?” Anything you request within reason will be yours. The weather cooperates, luckily, so if you wish to take a walk on the edges of the Shire or take to the market opportunity is availed to you. Frodo will organize a party if you wish it, inviting only your closest friends and family and hoping he’ll be your only dance partner for the evening! Encourages you to be the one to cut your cake, nodding eagerly towards it with a big smile. He spent ages on your gift, a hand-illustrated and bound volume of your favorite story he made with his uncle Bilbo.
Spends a whole day making your cake himself. It has to be perfect, your favorite flavor and lots of edible flowers to make it pretty! Sam is very sweet with you, absolutely doting on you all day and insisting you don’t lift a finger. Even going so far as to romantically carry you over thresholds if he can. The most loving eyes fall onto you as he asks what you want to do, flushing if you make any more scandalous suggestions and agreeing eagerly, readying himself to pull off the bed and onto your next adventure. It’s the end of the night, naturally, when he insists on cutting you a big slice of your cake and showering you with gifts ranging from flowers to a new one of your favorite comfort items to a special piece of craftsmanship from his elven friends! Party or no, Sam will share a lantern-lit dance with you that night and will be telling you how much he loves you and is grateful you were born all day!
The type to suggest celebrating on your birthday, if you catch his drift. Loves your eager reaction or if you smack him and tease back, both is good. Morning or evening, he won’t be picky! But in all seriousness, this calls for a celebration and by the stars you are getting one! Merry will have the whole of the Green Dragon singing your praises and wishing you well that night, not to mention being ready with a cake and a hearty meal! All day he’s walking around with the proudest smile and a hand around your waist. His gift to you is the perfect mix of pretty and practical, a gorgeously embroidered coat with bejeweled buttons that had to have cost a lot, but he assures you it’s worth it with a kiss to your forehead and another happy birthday.
Writes it down so he doesn’t forget what day it is, then sets himself to work planning you a party! If you don’t like large events then instead of a massive Shire celebration he’ll throw something in your yard or the Tooks will rent out the Green Dragon for a night with all your friends. During the day, though? Pippin refuses to share you, no sir. All his attention is on you from the moment he surprises you with a big breakfast to when he sets aside the dishes. Even getting ready for the day he’ll pamper you, running you a bath and jumping in with you too of course! A picnic lunch in a field of waving wildflowers, lots of shared kisses beneath the sun, and a bouquet hand-picked just for you await! Tells anyone who runs across you that it’s his beloved’s birthday, you know. Your favorite gift this year is a scarf, one quite similar to Pippin’s but in your favorite color instead, the one you wear most. He had his mother make it for you just like the cake! Warning: Pippin will want to hand-feed you some cake and may see about smashing just a teensy bit up by your nose. If you really hate that he won’t, but if you retaliate? Well, your cake fight may turn into another bath for you two and then who knows from there…
His brother was always the better one at this, an internal voice tells Faramir, but that makes it all the more exciting, especially because Boromir is happy to help him execute his plan! You are completely unsuspecting of the brothers’s scheme as you pry open the doors to the chamber Faramir asked you to meet him in, lops parting widely in shock at the crowd awaiting you. They all wish you a happy birthday as one, just as your family did for you in your youth. Tears fill your eyes at the sight of the gathering, but you are quickly swept into Faramir’s loving arms. He doesn’t let go of your hand for the entire night, either.
Good luck getting out of bed that morning! Eomer will be upon you from the moment you arise, showering you with affection and ministrations of your every need and desire. He insists he can even do the cooking, which he does not usually undertake, but when you finally do arise for a meal you find quite a hearty selection awaiting you. From there Eomer takes you out for a ride, insisting you share a horse so he can hold you close and keep you blindfolded- no need to ruin the surprise so early, hm? You feel the incline before you see it, obviously, but after your mount slows Eomer lifts you up and sets you down to restore your sight. The fabric drops to reveal a flowered hill and a gorgeous view of the blue sky, both of which pale in comparison to the sight of Eomer knelt before you, telling you your birthday is a day of new beginnings. Asking then if you’ll grant him the new beginning of a married life with him?
Bless her soul, she makes you a cake. You can imagine how that goes. Looking at it with trepidation, you eagerly pull her to your day’s activities, saving that for the end of the night anyway. Rather, your focus is on the freedom you have to celebrate, taking a ride just to feel the wind in your hair and laugh with abandon at Eowyn’s side. Nearing your ride’s end she lays down a blanket and carries you down upon it, unpacking a meal for you to share as you watch the sunset. You will celebrate with friends and family, certainly, but this day is for you two. Laughter ensues further as you both choke on the cake, agreeing it’s no good but you assure her you love that she made it nonetheless, tackling her down upon the spread fabric with teasing, affectionate kisses. Giggling, she practically peels you off to give you your gift: a sword emblazoned with the Riddermark’s most gorgeous flowers.
Haldir was never one to celebrate birthdays. It just never occurred to him to do anything beyond well wishes. So imagine his surprise when you began pondering what kind of cake you’ll make, if your elven neighbors would come for a party. Party? Of course, you say? Raucous celebrations were more characteristic of those in Mirkwood, but for you, Haldir realized with a smile the next time you were in his arms, he would lace up his dancing shoes. Insisting on handling the cake, he enlists Lothlórien’s finest baker, the one who crafts for Galadriel herself, to make you a gorgeous dessert that sits at your celebration’s center. He lets you teach him a dance or two and performs one you both know, letting loose and even just laughing in simple joy. Your gift is his favorite part of the evening, a mantle crafted of the strongest material that will keep you safe and looking beautiful as you always do in his eyes.
Oh, you are going to be pampered. The most beautiful sunlight kissing your skin as Galadriel whispers good morning, caressing your cheek and pulling you into her lips. Spending the morning exactly how she knows you like before treating you to a day of luxury. Healing massages for you both, a ride upon Lothlórien’s boats until you moor at the base of a great waterfall, the power of your love’s ring parting the waterfall as she beckons you into a wonderfully dry and decorated hollow. Therein you share a meal and each other’s company, whispered words of how much you mean to each other and all your desires shared before you are gifted a necklace bearing the great works and designs of Lórien- but most importantly engravings of Galadriel’s love for you hidden beneath the metal swirling around its white stone.
Having a complicated family history himself, Elrond takes the task upon his own shoulders to show others compassion, comfort, and most of all senses of belonging and being loved. Of course this extends to your birthday! He wishes you well from the first and tells you what a blessing you are, how you surprise him with your strength and warm him with your smile every day. And do not doubt that you’ll be treated to the most luxurious of baths and Elrond washing and styling your hair for you. Following that is an afternoon lavished with gifts, jewelry and art and all you could ask for. That night, Elrond brings you up to the highest point in all of Rivendell to stargaze and so he can hold you and sway with you beneath the lights that looked down upon and symbolized his ancestors.
Unless you specifically request the opposite, she’ll steal you away completely. Gone are you from the many eyes which could fall upon you, gone far off hand in hand with your beloved. Riding away to a secluded hollow where you and Arwen can be free, be yourselves. Lay in each other’s arms, weave flowers in each other’s hair, and flush joyfully and bashfully when she reaches up to feed you by hand, her own face a playful grin. Each kiss she gives you is deep, languid, intent, her hands falling to you as if to hold you there forever, but you mind not being bewitched so by her. Whispers of how grateful she is for your birth shared between your lips until they are joined again. Arwen’s gift to you is a ring, one that bears words of her own writing within its band. My love for all time.
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