#things like cake? cookies? brownies? they really don't like them
incendiorum · 4 months
io doesn't have a big sweet tooth at all. in fact, most desserts make them wrinkle their nose in disgust. there are, however, exceptions to this. ice cream, especially ice cream with fruit, dark chocolate, and fruit pies. otherwise they greatly prefer natural sweet things like honey or again... fruit.
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inkskinned · 11 months
you're in the habit of denying yourself things.
if someone asked you directly, you would say that you love a little treat. you like iced coffee and getting the cookie. you drink juice out of a fancy cup sometimes, and often do use your candles until they gutter out helplessly.
but you hesitate about buying the 20 dollar hand mixer because, like. you could just use your arms. you weren't raised rich. you don't get to just spend the 20 dollars (remember when that could cover lunch?), at least - you don't spend that without agonizing over it first, trying to figure out the cost-benefits like you are defending yourself in front of a jury. yes, this rice cooker could seriously help you. but you do know how to make stovetop rice and it really isn't that hard. how many pies or brownies would you actually make, in order to make that hand mixer worthwhile?
what's wild is that if the money was for a friend, it would already be spent. you'd fork over 40 without blinking an eye, just to make them happy. the difference is that it's for you, so you need to justify it.
and it sneaks in. you ration yourself without meaning to - you don't finish the pint of ice cream, even though you want to. the next time you go to the store, you say ah, i really shouldn't, and then you walk away. you save little bits of your precious things - just in case. sometimes you even go so far as putting that one thing in your shopping cart. and then just leaving it there, because maybe-one-day, but not right now, there's other stuff going on.
you do self-care, of course. but you don't do it more than like, 3 days in a row. after that it just feels a little bit over-the-edge. like. you can't live in decadence, the economy is so bad right now, kid.
so you don't buy the rice cooker. you can-and-will spend the time over the stove. you can withstand the little sorrows. denial and discipline are practically synonyms. and you're not spoiled.
it's just - it's not always a rice cooker. sometimes it is a person or a job or a hug. sometimes it is asking for help. sometimes it is the summer and your college degree. sometimes it is looking down at scabbed knees and feeling a strange kind of falling, like you can't even recognize the girl you used to be. sometimes it is your handprint looking unsteady.
sometimes it is tuesday, and you didn't get fired, and you want to celebrate. but what is it you like, even? you search around your little heart and come up empty. you're so used to denying that all your desires draw a blank.
oh fuck. see, this is the perfect opportunity. if you had a mixer, you'd make a cake.
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perksofbeingpoet · 1 month
how the poets are at cooking/baking <3
TODD: hates cooking. the anxiety is too much. all his stuff ends up undercooked cos he's afraid of burning something. BUT he loves soup. it's chill and easy and makes him feel all comfy, and in winter, you'll find him cooking it more often, even though he still uses about ten timers for everything out of fear.
NEIL: overall not much of a cooking person, he rarely does it- but if he gets the opportunity, he enjoys it, especially if he can listen to music while cooking. loves making salads because he somehow really enjoys cutting vegetables into small pieces. go to for baking are muffins, sometimes brings them to birthday parties.
CHARLIE: do not let him anywhere near your kitchen, guys. the smoke detector goes off every single time this man lays his hands on an oven, there's stains and spills all over the floor, and he randomly forgets to add salt. he just can't figure out how to cook or bake, even if it's a box cake or something.
KNOX: LOVES it. he's not really an exceptionally good cook or baker, but he tries so hard, and it usually turns out well! He loves making pasta and trying out new kinds of sauces, he likes baking standard cakes and INSISTS on giving the poets cake for their birthdays. oh and Christmas cookies. Knox loves them.
PITTS: no, hear me out: pittsie's an AMAZING baker. he started out simple but soon moves on to fancier tartes and quiche and pretty cupcakes. Charlie basically inhales all of them. Oh and pittsie will bake brownies for their study group meetings so they don't suffer too much while studying all night.
MEEKS: why should you cook if you don't have to? Meeks makes Mac'n'cheese from the box, eats pasta with olive oil and salt and mostly just lives off of pittsie's kitchen work. BUT his 3am pancakes are literally the best thing anyone has ever eaten. This man can only cook after midnight.
CAMERON: SO precise. Follows the recipe almost too closely, always double checks every measurement. Because of this, his cooking usually turns out really good, but he doesn't really enjoy it.
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theunaestheticstudyblr · 10 months
Some of my favorite easy and fast foods/snacks for $5 or less that aren't ramen and spaghetti:
Couscous. You can get boxed couscous for like $3 and it's enough for 2-3 side dishes at least and takes literally 5 minutes and no extra ingredients. You can get large containers of it for like $5 at Walmart too so you can season however you want. A nice grain that's easy to digest and pairs well with almost anything.
Popcorn. Everyone's favorite healthy junk food that can satisfy most cravings. You can usually get a box for like $4 or a jar of kernels for like $6.
Oats. Whole oats. Extremely versatile. Put them in smoothies, make cookies, granola, snack bars/balls, brownies, oatmeal, etc. Truly the best bland fiber and filler out there. You can even easily make your own oatmilk for super cheap by blending them with water and straining!
Frozen veggies. Last for months in the freezer and usually under $2 a bag. Not great if you prefer raw veggies, but if you are fond of sautéed or roasted ones, save some money and just get them frozen.
Chocolate chips. Cheaper than chocolate bars and you get a lot more chocolate. Perfect for those cravings!
Powdered potatoes. I know I know but if you ignore the package directions and put some butter and milk and seasonings in it, you can't tell. Ready in like 2 minutes and you get a shit ton of mashed potatoes for like $2.
Vegan Mac and cheese. I'm lactose intolerant and so I will forever be thankful for the vegan movement of the early 2010s for making nondairy products easier to find and more affordable. Vegan Mac and cheese literally tastes the exact same and bakes so well. Annie's so far has been my favorite brand and they have other pastas with sauces too like squash which is so good.
Crepes. You can make your own batter for cheap but who likes all them dishes? You can find pre-made crepes for like $3 for 10.
Apples. You can find 2lb bags of these for $3 at a lot of places. I never knew they were so cheap and I go through phases where I'll eat like 4 a day.
Lunch meat. Packs of turkey cost like $4. I use turkey on so much. Bagels, omelets, salads, sandwiches, wraps, croissants, etc.
Ready to bake pastries. I'm not a big bread person but croissants ready to bake have my whole heart and cinnamon rolls can really help make a bad day a little better.
Pretzels. I'm an absolute whore for Pretzels and eat so many of these things. They're so easy to pack for snacks for class or anything really. I can't go two weeks without them.
Rice crisps. Rice cakes are great but they're big and crumbly and get stale if you don't close the bag JUST right. But little Rice crisps??? Elite. They come in so many flavors and are super crunchy and they're just super cute too and they're bogo a lot at publix.
Frozen potstickers. You can get them for so cheap and I have a giant bag of them in my freezer right now that I got for like $7. I usually get smaller portions for $4 or so though but decided to splurge and get 3lbs of them cus why not.
Frozen shrimp. A bag of extra small Frozen shrimp is about $5 at Walmart. Eat them thawed and cold or put them in pastas or rice or Soups. They're a staple in my house.
These are just a few I could think of off the top of my head. Please add to the list!
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topguncortez · 2 years
Made With Love- T. Kazansky
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word count: 700 genre: fluff:) requested: yes
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Note: my requests for full fics are NOT open, HOWEVER, I will always accept asks/requests for blurbs, moodboards, fake social media posts, etc :) I also don't have a general tag list anymore but HIGHLY recommend you follow my library page @cortezslibrary and turn on post notifications
Iceman would never admit it out loud, and if he knew that you were telling people, he would blow a gasket. But Iceman’s third favorite thing in the world (behind you, of course, and flying) was baking. He learned to back as a young boy, sitting on the counter and watching his mom bake anything from cookies, to brownies, to pies. Whenever Ice was having a bad day, he knew that when he got home there would be some sort of baked goods on the counter with his name on it. When his mother passed, Iceman inherited all of her cookbooks, and recipe cards. 
That was one of the ways you knew that Ice had a bad day at work, was when you came home to the smell of vanilla and warm bread. You sighed and kicked off your shoes, wondering what kind of baking mess you were going to be met with. Tom wasn’t always the cleanest baker, tending to throw flour and egg everywhere. 
“Bad day?” You asked as you walked into the kitchen. Tom looked up from the loaf of bread he was kneading and nodded, “New brownie recipe?” 
“Yeah, black walnuts and white chocolate,” Ice said, pointing to the pan of brownies that sat by the window sill, “Slider asked me to try them, saying his mom used to make them like that all the time.” 
“And these?” You asked, picking up the tin of cookies. You were surprised your cabinets weren’t bursting at the seams with how much tupperware was stored in them. 
“Rhubarb bars!” Ice smiled, “Viper’s wife sent him with fresh rhubarb for me to use.” 
You shook your head, smiling at your husband. You walked over to him, and wrapped your arms around his waist, and laid your head between his shoulder blades. Ice sighed and put his hands on yours. He looked around the kitchen that was covered in baked goods. One thing he loved about you was that you never pried. You always let him talk to you when he was ready. 
“It was Mav,” Ice said. You removed your arms from around his waist as he reached for a raspberry cheesecake cookie. 
“What happened?” You asked, and took a cookie from the same tin. 
“He’s just out of control again. I think it’s got something to do with Bradley’s birthday coming up. . .” Ice looked down at his hands. You nodded, it was coming up on Bradley’s first birthday since Goose’s death. Carole had even asked Ice if he would make a birthday cake for the little boy. Ice quickly agreed and had gone out to buy a bunch of dinosaur themed cake toppers. 
“And how do you feel?” 
“I feel. . . overwhelmed. I don’t really know what to think about it. I try not to let my mind drift there but I can’t help it,” Ice had shared after Goose’s death the guilt that he felt about it. That first night you held Ice as he woke up in a cold sweat. Ice didn’t go back to bed that night, but spent nearly three days baking everything under the sun. You knew that he needed to seek help when you woke up at 3AM to the fire alarm going off, and Tom Kazansky in tears. 
“Well,” You pushed off the counter and walked over to him, “You can always talk to me. As much as I love your baking,” Tom smiled, “I am always here for you to talk to.” 
“I know, and I love you for it,” Ice said, and ran his hands down your sides. You smiled and leaned up on your tiptoes to kiss his forehead. Ice chuckled, and grabbed your face gently, bringing you in for a real kiss. 
“Mm, you taste like chocolate chip cookies,” You said against his lips. 
“In the green tupperware on the table.” 
You smiled and pecked his lips before going over to where he said. The tupperware was still warm as you opened the top and grabbed a cookie. You moaned as you took a bite of the soft gooey cookie. 
“God, I am so glad our child is going to have a parent who can bake.” 
Ice chuckled, as he went back to kneading the bread he was working on earlier, “Yeah, we’re gonna win all the- wait, what did you just say?” He looked up at you, and you gave him a tight lipped smile. 
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xx-j4nu5-c4t5-xx · 2 months
Oddly specific stuff I'd feed you based on your favorite strangetown premade
Any of the deceased sims: A neat little goblet full of cherry juice but it moves every time you go to grab it.
Loki Beaker: Bowl of Skittles with one (1) M&M somewhere in it
Circe Beaker: A circular cake cut into square pieces OR one of those hors d'oeurves cakes that looks really pretty but tases like cardboard
Nervous Subject: A Monster energy that's been left in a hot car
Lazlo Curious: Buffalo wings and a Mountain Dew
Vidcund Curious: A black coffee in a goofy novelty mug
Pascal Curious: Also a coffee but a nice one with whipped cream and caramel and stuff
Tycho Curious: Those little cereal puff things they give to babies (you're stealing them from them) (they have plenty though so it's ok)
Jenny Smith: Waffles with ice cream
Pollination Technician 9 Smith: Blue Jolly Ranchers
Johnny Smith: Gatorade but only the flavor you slightly dislike
Jill Smith: Swedish fish
Buzz Grunt: bottle of piss
Buzz Grunt (but he has a redemption arc): bottle of water that isn't piss but kinda tastes like it
Any of the Grunt kids: Homemade soup
Ophelia Nigmos: A bunch of cookies you thought were chocolate chip but they're actually oatmeal raisin
Olive Specter: Completely normal steak but the entire time you're eating it you're acutely aware that you're eating the meat of a creature
Chloe Curious: Graveyard drink (all the sodas at a soda fountain mixed together)
Lola Curious: Coffee and fast food that's bad enough to complain about but not so bad you don't wanna finish it
Erin Beaker: Cosmic brownie
Kristen Loste: Some god awful smoothie you heard was supposed to be healthy but now you're drinking blended up kale or something
Ajay Loner: A whole pack of graham crackers
Crystal Vu: The little rock candy things on the wooden sticks
yell at me if I forgot anyone and I'll edit it
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midknightwritings · 2 years
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Knights as shimeji buddies !!
Synopsis : Shimejis are desktop buddies that play around on the sites / apps you use and love to interact with various elements on your computer !!
What would the members of Knights be like as your little computer buddies ??
Era : N / A
Warning/s : N / A
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader / Tsukasa / Leo / Izumi / Arashi / Ritsu
A/N : I felt super nostalgic when Electric Angel started playing in my playlist but all I could imagine was little chibi Knights running around in my computer LMAO
Tsukasa Suou :
He’s such a thoughtful little knight !! He’ll do everything in his power to help you as best as he can !!
Do you need resources for your school paper? He’ll gladly help you search and will provide you with the most reliable sources out there !! Is your computer getting slower? Fret not !! He’ll easily get rid of anything you don’t need, especially all those files you never knew even existed in the first place !!
Tsukasa’s so soft for your attention but he’ll never admit to it… He’s your knight after all !! He’s the one that’s supposed to be serving his liege, not the other way around !! Right…?
He'll 100% melt on the spot if you pet his head or gently move him to a quiet corner if he starts to fall asleep~ Small gestures like these show how much you really care and, even when separated by a screen, you still go out of your way to treat him with kindness. He really appreciates that.
Will definitely help you organize your files and folders if your homescreen starts to get a bit too messy. This might sound like a chore but you customize the names and icons together !! Now your homescreen has a cute royal theme going on :)
If you’re forgetful, he’ll gladly remind you of any important dates or things you need to do. Of course he wants you to have fun and relax, so he’ll let you have small breaks between work, but at the same time please don't slack off !!
Tsukasa loves talking to you and hearing your voice in general !! Your voice is so soothing to him, it helps him relax and destress if he ever feels overwhelmed. You both don’t even have to talk the entire time. Just hearing the quiet mutters under your breath or humming the tune of the song you’re listening to gives the same effect to him.
You’ll have a blast when searching for recipes online. Tsukasa will excitedly give you a masterlist of different websites based on recipes for cakes, brownies, cookies, ice cream and more !! Don’t ask when he created this though… He’ll get very embarrassed…
Loves being by your side as a whole. Whether you're drawing, scrolling through social media, watching videos, or more. He loves experiencing all these things with you. [ If you’re watching something together, expect him to slowly inch his way closer to your cursor. So please place your cursor beside your dock, it’ll save him the energy and embarrassment from having to climb up to the top of your screen. ]
Always greets you when you boot up your system and will always wish you sweet dreams / a great day when you log off. Isn’t he the sweetest?
Leo Tsukinaga :
Expect your screen to be filled with music notes 99.9% of the time. [ That 0.1% is reserved for the times Leo seemingly tires himself out and falls asleep. ]
Never a dull moment with this little knight !! Very active, energetic and LOVES being with you as a whole !! It doesn't matter what you do, Leo just loves being in your presence as a whole~ You give him so much inspiration !! Oh no wait... Where's his pen ?? He needs to write this melody down before it disappears forever-
When I say active, I really mean it. He will climb on the sides of your screen, move around your folders and files, close and open tabs. He’ll do it all just for the fun of it so be prepared !!
He will 100% play hide-and-seek in your folders and expect you to drop whatever you're doing and play along so good luck if you have a ton of them !!
Your playlist king but with his original songs instead !! He loves to show you his new works so please listen for a while, he composed it with you in mind <3
If he notices you overworking yourself, he’ll try and get you to take a break by doing his absolute best to distract you. [ i.e. Grabbing your cursor, opening your games, etc. ] He never nags you to do your work because he knows that you'll finish them at some point so c'mon !! Let's watch a movie together !!
Are you a musician yourself ?? WOOO BOY THIS IS A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN !! You’ll both pull all nighters composing and writing up new lyrics !!
Leo will be a happy lil knight if you want him to sing for you. Whether if it's for your original song or a cover, he’s ecstatic !!! Completely over the moon !! Of course he’ll sing, he loves you so~much !!
If you want to learn about music, or a music program, he will definitely help guide you through it. You’ll be a master in the blink of an eye with this genius composer by your side !!
On his off days though, he’ll be more dormant, less giddy and even tries to hide from you to avoid being seen in this state. Please comfort him :( He needs to know that he’s loved and that everything will be ok.
Izumi Sena :
Good luck trying to procrastinate with this knight around because he will absolutely make sure you get your work done in one go !!
The physical embodiment of those apps that lock you out of your social media or video games until you finish your work. Don’t misunderstand his actions negatively though. They may seem cruel on the outside but Izumi genuinely cares about you and knows how much you’d appreciate the free time you’ll get later. So please just bear with him for now and stop procrastinating !!
Gives you the best feedback possible for your projects [ even though they may seem quite harsh… That’s just Izumi for you… ] and his keen eye for detail helps him spot mistakes from a mile away !! Honestly this is quite helpful especially if you worked on something for so long that your eyes basically blocked out any sort of error in your work.
Always reminds you of any upcoming dates or assignments saying that he’s “going to say this only once,” before following up with more reminders later on because “it’s so~annoying that you still didn’t start when the due date is just around the corner !!”
Will go out of his way to organize your files. Every. Single. One of them. He will even go in and rename them all for you because he finds it unbearable that you have files called “ahufuhiahuifaf.ppt” or “FINAL final essay v2 (submit this one??) #5.docx” and you wonder why you can’t seem to find the version you wanted to submit huh?
If you’re the type to get fully engrossed in something when you’re on a roll, Izumi will make sure you don’t pull an all-nighter. Sleep deprivation isn’t good for your skin after all !!
The funniest commentator known to man if you’re doing online shopping. He will not hesitate to roast the outfits/products into oblivion in the best ways possible. At this point, you’re not even planning on getting anything, you just want to hear Izumi's roasts don’t you?
He may seem like a nagging mom, but he gets super flustered if you show any signs of affection. The literal personification of;
[ Pets his head. ] “What was that ?!” “Affection.” “Disgusting… Do it again.”
If you struggle with sending emails or messages to authority figures [ i.e. your boss, teachers, etc. ] Izumi will not hesitate to help you out !! He knows how the grown-up world works so he’ll guide you through it. Tips, sentence starters, professional synonyms and more; Izumi will give them all to you. He even went out of his way to write up various templates you can use for different scenarios <3 He totally didn’t do that because he doesn’t want you to worry or anything !! [ Spoiler alert : He’s secretly cheering you on. ]
Even though Izumi may seem strict, if you listen carefully, you might catch him mindlessly muttering under his breath on how much you mean to him <3 [ Don’t bring it up though, he WILL deny it… In a stuttering mess of course~ ]
Arashi Narukami :
This queen is your #1 supporter !! She’s always cheering you on when you’re doing work and keeps you company from the moment you log in till the moment you log out.
She’s like Izumi but more flexible. She wants to make sure you finish your work first before you chill, doesn’t want you to stay up too late, and will always give you reminders for any important dates that are coming up. At the same time though, she still lets you take breaks in between because she knows that you’ll get your work done eventually, she just doesn’t want you to do it all the night before~
Arashi loves hanging out with you !! Especially when you watch videos, shows or movies together !! The two of you would often make up various theories, predictions or just freak out over the characters !! It’s just like a super fun sleepover !!
If you play video games, don’t be surprised if she gets a little bit competitive~ It’s all for funsies though so don’t worry !! [ I don’t recommend playing UNO or monopoly online though... For obvious reasons~ ]
On the topic of video games, she’s the best partner you could ever ask for !! You always rank #1 in multiplayer matches together. Arashi never cheats by the way !! She plays by the rules no matter what game it is, even though she can easily go into the game's code if she wanted to. She knows you want to play fair-and-square though, and respects that.
Expect a lot of “older sister” - type of teasing and doting from her like c’mon~!! You’re both practically inseparable, did you really think she’ll let you off the hook ?? She finds you absolutely adorable and would spoil you to no end !!
Arashi also adores going online shopping with you !! She recommends the best products and even lets you know about every single website that’s currently having a sale~ If she finds something that she knows you’ll like, she’ll sneak it into your basket for you <3
If you’re swamped with work, she’ll actively organize your files for you to help ease your load. She’ll also happily tutor you if you need any help and will look over your work as a fresh new set of eyes to ensure that there’s no mistakes before submission !!
Swoons and showers you with affection if you give her any yourself~ She’s especially soft for your headpats or if you make a heart from your cursor movements !!
Every time you log in, you can see her pop into your screen and wave excitedly at you !! Arashi never fails to give you good morning and good night greetings and even gives your cursor a big hug before you finally click the “shutdown” button <3
Ritsu Sakuma :
Honestly, he’ll be asleep most of the time during the day. You can find him snuggled up in a small corner on your screen because your presence is comforting to him <3
At night however… This knight is much more active !! You better have finished your work during the day because Ritsu is craving for your attention and he’ll make sure he gets it !!
He will do everything in his power to distract you and honestly his efforts are quite cute. He’ll move your tabs, climb to the top of your window and minimize it, rearrange the apps on your dock. At this point, ignoring him is a futile attempt.
He actually understands if you have an important submission coming up though and will let you work. This is a long-term strategy because in his eyes, if you finish your work now, you’ll give him attention later on~
Ritsu loves when you give him headpats !! He finds them super soothing and it even lulls him to sleep sometimes. He also really appreciates the fact that you don’t bother him that much during the day [ even though you have every right to do so ] and in return, he tries his best to help you if he notices you struggling with anything.
A great planner !! As a "strategist", he helps plan out your schedules and timetables in a very detailed manner. All his timings include breaks so you don’t get burnt out easily~
He tends to be more of a watcher rather than an active participant when you work or play games because he finds your concentrated expression to be quite adorable~ Though, if you do need some help, he’ll happily give some to you !!
On the topic of video games, he will be such a tease. Ritsu’s your unofficial-official commentator and will constantly tell you to “get gud”. Even "chill" games like Minecraft aren't safe because he’ll purposefully adjust your settings without you knowing to subtly mess up your gameplay. Let's not forget that one session where he lowered the mob's volume when you were getting a glass of water so, when you came back, you constantly got blown up by Creepers from behind. Your diamonds will be missed…
You both talk a lot if you watch movies or shows together, but if you watch any vampire ones well… Safe to say Ritsu will roast it into oblivion as well. Poor Ritsu had to sit through the entirety of Twilight and no, vampires don’t sparkle in the sunlight so don’t even try to convince him otherwise !!
On the rare occasions where he’s actually awake during the day, he’s much more sluggish but will still try his best to help you as best as he can !! He expects a lot of headpats as compensation though~
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i-writes-things · 1 year
Bring You're Kid To Work Day Maria Hill Edition
Maria Hill x (15 year old) daughter!reader
Warnings-NOne, fluff, a sugar rush, giggles, protests, whining.
Extra Pairings:
Avengers x Hill!reader
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Not my Gif*
Steve walked in with a plate of cookies. COOKIES! Maria swiped them from Steve, hoping to hid them from-
"COOKIES" Y/n, Maria's 15 year old daughter shouted from her spot on the ground.
"Oh god." Maria picked her head up, smiling at her little girl. "Yes, my friend Steve brought them for-" She looked at Steve.
"B-both of you guys." He smiled at Y/n.
"Oh my gosh, I have wanted cookies since last week." Y/n shot her mom a quick glance.
"I told you I looked down that aisle four times. How am I suppose to know they are behind a big box of healthy snacks."
"It's their tactic to keep us on a diet. But I've told you about this before."
"Okay, well I can't remember everything. You know that." Taking a cookie and going back to her seat, Y/n says,
"Well you should." And to make sure her mother doesn't hear she adds a quick, "Thanks Steve."
"You're welcome." Steve gives Maria a nod before ducking out and almost instantly someone else walks right back in.
"There she is! The infamous Y/n Hill. If only Maria told us she had a kid. Maybe you'd be an Avenger by now."
"No." Maria butts in, giving Tony Stark a look. "I think Fury needs you, he is on the other end of the hall." She points down the way. Tony hands Y/n a crusty popsicle that he probably found on the ground and leaves the room. Maria walks over and hands her daughter a cookie in exchange for the lolly. She throws it away, despite Y/n's protests. "No, you're not eating that thing. It's not even food."
"Mooooooom!" Y/n huffs.
"Hey, no whining, come on, we're in public. And you're a big girl." Y/n pouts at Maria. "My big girl." She ruffles your hair. Y/n takes another cookie and walked out the door and down the hall. Maria listens from her desk. She hears people greet her and her daughter's laughter as she traveled down the hallway. Hearing Tony again, and Monica, Carol, Wanda, even Vision's, offering her a brownie. And Maria knew bringing her kid to work was gonna be more mothering than work as Y/n walked in with a plate of cookies, a smile and Vision with Wanda on his heels. Come to say hi.
"Hi!" Wanda cheers!
"Mom look what I found!" She showed her mom the plate, offering her one. Which she declines, seeing the chocolate smeared on Y/n's face. She goes to wipe it off, which Y/n avoids, scrunching her face.
"Okay, I have to be at training, 3 minutes ago. She kisses Vision on the cheek and gives Maria and her daughter a smile as she exits.
"I shall be on my way too. Good to see you, Miss Hill." Vision waves good bye to you and your mom.
Over the next few hours it seems you just started to bounce off the walls after finishing BOTH the brownies and cookie plates. With Maria's help, but mostly your own.
"Babe." She held one hand out to you, the other trying to hold herself together. "Please. If you don't specifically need me, don't call my name."
"Mom?" Maria took a breath.
"I don't know I just wanted to say your name"
"That's-" You were now running down the hall saying, as it echoed across the walls,
"Look mom nooo haaaaands!" Running with your arms flailing about behind you. Giggling you ran back into her office running around to jump into her chair, trying to, but fitting awkwardly in her lap. Maria just let you go, knowing you would crash soon enough. And 30 minutes later you were asleep on the ground. Thor had come in to gift you surprise birthday cake flavored pop tarts but you asleep. So he left. Maria wasn't even able to greet him before he was marching back down the hall. He came back in, gently putting a small blanket on your back. Maria smiled. She finally felt how the rest of her colleagues did. She realized that they were all just big family. And they all love Y/n just like she does.
After Thor left again, Maria took a photo of her sleeping baby. She smiled and watched her sleep peacefully. Turning out the lights she left to go talk with her family right down the way.
@ravensinthedaylight @may-z3@youre-a-total--poser
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defira85 · 1 month
This is incredibly petty and pointless bitching about family stuff but I'm stressed and exhausted and it's making me miserable so I need to vent
So anyone who's followed me for more than 5 minutes knows I like to bake, yeah? Has seen my posts of my elaborate christmas cookie boxes or the multi-tier cakes I bake or the extravagance of my choc cherry brownie loaf and so on? Feeding people is important to me! I won't say it's my love language cause whatshisface was a weirdo christian fundamentalist so we don't believe in love languages but you know. I like to nourish! I want to cook people a big meal and have them feel loved and indulged!
My SIL is having her 40th birthday in May, and she wants everyone to come on a 4 day getaway which is just. I don't understand why certain parts of this family don't understand that people need to work (I do understand, the reason is money, this family has money and so they don't understand that normal people have Mon-Fri jobs that they can't just drop for a 4 day beach getaway for a birthday) but anyway, that's another rant
She's been asking people about the food, and people have been volunteering for certain meals and I've got my assigned meal planned out to the letter (a giant paella with fresh baked olive bread and patatas bravas with a mediterranean salad) and I asked her last night about desserts with the implication that I was asking her what cake she wanted for her birthday, because so far she's just put "icecream/fruit salad" on every meal
She answers "oh I've just got a brownie box mix we were going to make. Also a carrot cake box mix, we don't really need anything else"
Now I've tried to calm myself down by reminding myself that SIL really absolutely does not care about food. Not in the slightest. She doesn't understand about things tasting good, she just eats whats in front of her
But. But. I cook. I bake. I express love with my food. She KNOWS that. And I went to a lot of effort in November to make an EXQUISITE carrot cake for my MIL's birthday when we celebrated her life and the one year since her death, I worked so hard to make sure it was perfect, and she's just like
yeah here's a packet mix. Tastes the same.
Like, does she even care about any of the meals I make? Does she notice? Does what it expresses as a gesture of love mean anything?
I KNOW I'M OVERREACTING. I KNOW I AM. BUT I'M REALLY EXHAUSTED AND MISERABLE and it just hit me a lot harder than I was expecting it to. Just a slap in the face, you know? All the hard work I do, all the love I pour into it, it's just the same as a box she bought at the store and adds an egg to
/throws away the recipe for the salted caramel and macadamia monkey bread I was planning
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osleeplessflowero · 14 days
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It's been long enough, time to bring back some content for this series. I hope you all enjoy! (Also yay new lily divider! Gonna start putting these around my notes from now on :] credits are in the tags!)
*Notes - Reader Soultype: Bravery🧡 - Reader Gender: Ambiguous, They/Them pronouns by default - Horror goes by Sans - Context from the first two parts is needed for this one to make sense - Words: 3,906
☕Previous Part☕ 🎃First Part 🪓Oneshot Masterpost/List 💜💙 In-Progress Fics Masterpost/List💚💛
Content Warning: Swearing, Violence, Light Blood
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A while passed since your coffee meetup with Sans. You've been texting each other pretty much daily, discussing this and that and getting a good laugh out of each other from time to time. He's been really supportive of you since your emotions from your breakup had started hitting you like a truck, bringing your spirits back up when they started to spiral. You really appreciate him for that..
At the moment, you're currently sitting in your living room and replying to the last message your skeleton companion sent you. The two of you had been having a long conversation about something obscure he found, before the topic shifted to meeting his brother, like you'd asked about when you went to go get coffee. Upon being informed, Sans said he was delighted at the idea, and wanted to invite you over for dinner. You eagerly accepted, but not without saying you'd want to bring something over as well.. call it a gift exchange. Perhaps dessert would be best, since he's really looking forward to making dinner.
Thing is, you have no idea what this guy likes, so you don't know how well your decision making could be..
i mean i could just go to the store with you if you need help picking it aint like i have shit to do
You perk up at his reply, grinning. That's perfect! If anybody would know what he likes, it'd be him. And it's an excuse to hang out a little earlier than expected.
sounds awesome, where should we meet? i could just come pick you up tho idk if ur comfortable with me knowing where u live i mean its not like youd be coming over to kidnap me lmao i dont mind sent attachment sick ok i think i know where that is ill be there in a few alrrr i'll get ready then
You hop up from your seat on the couch, walking into your room and picking out some warm clothes so you're comfortable outside. The air has definitely gotten more and more chilly after Halloween, and you're not quite sure if you like that sensation or not.
Hopping a bit to pull on your shoes, you hear your doorbell ring and drop your leg to walk over and look through the peephole. Sure enough, you're met with the skeleton waiting with a bored expression before you open the door.
"Hey! Wow, I didn't think you'd get here so quick." You muse, earning a chuckle from the skeleton as you step aside to let him in out of the cold. Can skeletons feel temperatures? You assume not because of the lack of skin.
He puts his hands in his pockets as he enters, watching you close the door behind him. "i took a shortcut, didn't take long at all. nice place."
"Thanks, it's nothing big, but it's home. That's all that matters, right?" You smile, walking to your bathroom and heading inside to fix your hair how you like it (if you have any, that is.) You leave the door open, glancing over briefly when he stands in the doorway to speak with you.
"yeah, doesn't matter what size. home's a home, anyway." His eyelight drifts around as he inspects what he can see, learning a little bit more about you from observing some of your favorite things. You give him a smile before exiting the bathroom, walking over to the front door to hold it open for him. He follows you out silently, and the two of you begin your walk down the street.
"So..does he like any particular kinds of desserts? Cakes, cookies, brownies, etcetera.. throw me a bone here." You hold up your phone and open your notes app so you can get an idea of what to look for.
"well, anything made from the heart's gonna appeal to him right off the bat. but if you wanna go for something he'll really like.. he loves sugar cookies. like the kind with icing, he eats those up when i get 'em." He smiles, thinking back to a memory. You nod, saving "sugar cookies" to your phone. If you're gonna bake, then it's gotta be something he'd love! That's one way to win him over.
"Sugar cookies it is! Any specific kind of frosting flavor?"
There's a pause. You wait patiently, but when Sans' reply never comes, you look up at his face. His eyes have gone blank, almost like he'd shut down.
"Sans? Are you alright?"
"just..hang on, i..i know it's in there. i know i can remember that, i know i can." He speaks softly, and you frown, stopping in place and stopping him as well.
"Hey. Don't worry if you can't remember. I'll figure something out, don't strain yourself. It's okay, Sans." You reach your hands up, placing them on his shoulders with a reassuring smile. His eyelight slowly reforms in his eye, warbling a bit before returning to its usual large shape.
"..okay. thanks."
You nod, leading the big skeleton along until you finally reach your destination: the grocery store. A nostalgic song plays as you both hear the doors slide open, granting you both access. Thankfully not too many people are inside at the moment, which gives you more room to look and gives Sans a bit more peace.
Seeing as you probably won't need a bunch of ingredients, you settle for a basket and begin walking to look for the baking section. Sans simply walks right beside you, ignoring any stares from other people inside.
"Okay, sugar cookies..I need a box with a mix..I'm not getting the frozen ones, I just wanna make these myself. I could get some red icing maybe, like strawberry? Or cherry? Is there cherry icing? I'm sure there is." You mutter to yourself as you walk, unaware of Sans' fond smile as he watches you talk, making sure to pay attention in case you ask him something out of the blue.
"I could make cute little patterns on them- ooor I could just cover them..I dunno, we'll see how I feel when the baking starts." You smile, reaching your hand up to try and grab a box of the mix you need, but frown when you can't reach it. Gonna need a step stool..
Sans leans a little over you from behind, putting a hand on your shoulder and reaching up to grab the box for you. You smile up at him, thanking him promptly as he shrugs it off. You should ask him to shop with you more often, it'd definitely be easier than climbing the shelves. You used to do that when you were younger, and had gotten caught a few times..well, you won't get caught again!
You look through some different cookie cutters, debating cutting the cookies into shapes, and if so, what shapes in particular to use. Your peace is interrupted when you hear quiet whispering a good distance away, furrowing your brows when you overhear what some people are saying.
Sans tries to pretend not to notice, but you can tell it's really starting to bother him..
You hold out your arm. He looks at you with confusion, raising a browbone.
"Take my arm in yours." You whisper, earning even more confusion. "C'mon, just do it!"
He holds out his arm slightly, and you take that as a cue to wrap yours around it, walking with him down another aisle. When you walk beside the few whispering, you glare daggers at them before looking over some different cookie cutters that are much more to your liking, wondering why they hadn't put them where you were. Poor organization..
Sans keeps his skull turned away, a mix of a blue and red flush covering his cheekbones as he avoids looking at your face. You don't seem to notice, which he's admittedly a bit thankful for.
"Okay! I think that's all that I-"
You hear your name being called, stopping mid sentence. Your eyes quickly dart over to the source, spotting him..
Your Ex.
Your grip tightens on Sans' arm. He snaps back to reality, looking between you and them before realizing. You glare at him as he approaches.
"So. One day you just ditch me out of the blue and now you're hanging out with monster trash. Man, I didn't think you'd stoop that low."
"Shut up. Nobody cares what you have to say. You're the only one who's trash here. Just leave me alone, and get out of my life."
"Woah, easy." He holds up his hands in mock defense. "Got me shaking in my boots, babe! So scary.."
"Yeah, still scared after we spooked the shit out of you in the haunted house?" You tilt your head, a sly smile on your face. His face darkens, and his brows furrow.
"Whatever- Look, you-"
"I just want you to leave me alone. The only reason you finally want to spend time with me now is because I'm gone. You had your chance with me, and now I'm spending my time with way better people. We are through, we will always be through, so leave me be."
"You really think a monster is better than me? You're kidding yourself! Just.. look at him. He's probably an actual axe murdere-"
You move before you can think, punching him square in the nose and watching him stumble. It isn't until you see his blood on your hand and his widened eyes that you realize what you just did, quickly ushering Sans away and pulling him to the checkout section. You have what you need, time to get out of here.
It's quiet as you pay, before you both leave the store. Sans tugs a little on your hand, so you stop, facing him as you calm your breathing down.
"..you okay?" He sounds a little worried.
"Yeah. I'm..I'm alright, now. Are.. you okay?"
"you just punched a guy for me." He states, a smile creeping onto his face.
"Well, yeah. I hate him and he was being a jerk, of course I did. Nobody messes with the people I care about." You grab some napkins from the bag, wiping away your ex's blood as you both make your way across the street.
Sans bumps your hand with his, so you unclench your fingers, allowing him to hold it. ..He's..never done that before. That's new.
Heat rises to your face, and you pray to anyone above that it doesn't show. That's all you need right now.
You enter your home, turning on the lights. "Just go wherever, my house is your house and all that jazz. I'm gonna wear something for baking." You smile, walking to your room. He gives you a thumbs up before you go, sitting down on your couch and covering his face with his hands.
Stars, feelings are complicated. You just made his soul do a somersault twice in a row without even meaning to. It's not fair, why does he have to feel so- conflicted?! He moves his hands down, groaning before taking a deep breath as you walk back in.
"Okay. You wanna bake with me?" You smile innocently, completely unaware of the rollercoaster looping around in his skull. He nods, walking into the kitchen after you, simply watching as you grab an apron and set the oven up for baking.
Several seconds of ingredient hunting later, you set everything out on the counter and get to work. Crack the eggs, add some butter, throw in some oil.. mix. You move around like a robot, earning an amused chuckle from the skeleton as he sits on the same counter to watch you, sending some ingredients over when you need them using magic.
Once you have the cookie dough mixed up properly, you smack his hand away once with a spatula to make sure he doesn't try and snatch any up. Your focus then shifts to the icing, making a bit of a mess as you stir. A bit of it lands on your face that you don't seem to notice, but a certain someone with you does.
"hey, c'mere." He slides off the counter with ease, making you stop in your tracks. He holds his hand up to your cheek, resting his thumb over a small bit of icing. He pauses for a moment, the two of you staring into each other's eyes. Heat rushes to both of your faces, his cheekbones erupting in a blue and red mixed blush as he raises his thumb to his mouth, allowing his mixed tongue to lick away the icing in question.
Oh. Oh man.
You avert your eyes when he does, focusing back on the icing. That's new. A lot of things are new today.
The tension eventually fades out once the cookies have been brought out, now cut into lovely different shapes Sans is sure Papyrus will love. He shares a few stories he can remember from the past, you happily listening along and sometimes replying with witty comebacks to his jokes.
Time flies, and finally the cookies are finished, ready to eat! You almost feel kinda bad that these'll be gone soon..but it'll be worth it if he likes them! You hang up your apron, grinning slyly when you turn back to Sans. He raises a browbone in your direction, when you place a small bit of icing on his nose. He laughs, a determined glint to his eye as he tries to get some of the leftover stuff on you, the two of you chasing each other around the kitchen before you erupt into laughter.
He looks up from the floor at you, and his breath hitches. You have a really nice smile..he should tell you that some time. Not yet, though. No..it's too soon for that.
You grin, licking any leftover icing on you and walking to your room to change into the clothes you'd set out previously for when you go with Sans back to his house. Alright, first impressions are everything! Gotta look nice for the occasion.
Sans stares at the ceiling for a little bit while he waits for you, trying to remember some obscure TV show he watched once as a child with his brother he just can't seem to put a name on. You eventually walk back into the room, determined and ready to go. You walk into the kitchen and grab the lovely bowl of cookies you baked, holding it under your arm.
"So, shall we walk?" You smile as he walks up to you, but then raise a brow in confusion when he shakes his head. Maybe he'd prefer driving? You didn't see a car outside, though..
"i know a faster way to get there, if you're okay with it."
"Sure. What is it?"
"hold my arm for a sec. you might feel kinda dizzy for a little bit." He offers his arm to you, and you accept it quickly.
"OkaaAAAY-" You panic when the ground disappears from beneath your feet, holding onto him tightly and squeezing your eyes shut. It is only when you're back on the ground that you open them, glancing around. ..You appear to be in someone's driveway, someone who owns a very lovely home.
"aaaand we're here. tada." He grins, letting you regain your balance. How did he do that? When did he learn he could do that? Why did he not tell you he could do that befo- that's how he got to your house so fast. Of course. A "shortcut".
"You're really amazing, Sans." You smile up at him, chuckling a little to yourself when he looks away. He leads you up the porch steps to the front door, knocking in a rhythmic pattern and waiting for a moment before it swings abruptly open.
"AH! Brother, There You Are!" The much-taller-than-you'd-expected skeleton exclaims, pushing up his glasses a bit so he can see better. "And You've Brought The Human Along With You! Excellent! I've Just Gotten Started On Tonight's Dinner. Do Come Inside! It's Certainly Much Warmer Than It Is Out There. Sans, You Both Didn't Walk, Did You? It's Easy For Humans To Get Colds!"
You both smile at his rambling as Sans reassures him that he used a shortcut to get here. He's a total contrast to his brother, a ball of energy to counter his brother's overall tired and "lazy" demeanor.
Papyrus gestures for you to walk in, you both promptly remove your shoes at the door when you see that there are a few pairs of boots there already. You can assume literally all of them belong to Papyrus, because Sans is usually either wearing slippers or sneakers.
"Ah! Where Are My Manners." He clasps his gloved hands together, grinning down at you. "I Am The Great Papyrus! I'm Certain My Brother Has Told You About Me Already." He grins, his braces shining when the light of the ceiling fan above him hits them.
You smile, moving one of your arms to hold it out to shake his hand, watching him eagerly grab it. "It's nice to meet you in person, Papyrus." You tell him your name, and he makes sure to remember it for next time.
"Sans told me you were really looking forward to making dinner tonight, sooo I thought I'd bake some cookies! We can have them after dinner's over with, and you guys can keep them for a while until you run out. And if you like them, well..I'd be more than happy to make some more."
Papyrus gasps, putting a hand where his heart would be, as if he'd been struck right through it. "Oh, That's So Kind Of You! And Fitting For The Occasion! You Can Place Them On The Counter For Now, There Should Be An Open Space."
You do as instructed, admiring all the lovely little details in the home. They certainly tell you plenty about the two, and the things they like.. There's a ton of pretty patterns in the wood in some parts of the kitchen, presumably crafted by Paps himself. There are some red gingham curtains gently blowing with the breeze from outside before he closes the windows, and you briefly catch a glance of a clothesline with drying clothes. Huh, Papyrus must be into cosplay. That's cool!
Sans spooks you, giving you a pat on the shoulder as he walks up to his room. Ooh..this gives you an opportunity to see it..you would hate to pry, though. Maybe another time you can. You'll definitely be visiting later.
Deciding not to pester him, you focus your attention on Papyrus, who's happily humming a tune you don't recognize and cooking up something that makes your mouth water.
"So," His voice catches you off guard, making you jolt. "How'd It Happen?"
"How'd..what happen, exactly?" You smile, leaning a bit on the counter to watch him work.
"How'd You Meet, And How'd You Convince My Brother To Think So Fondly Of You?"
"We met at a- wait, he thinks fondly of me?"
"Well, Of Course He Does! Don't Tell Me You're As Blind As I Am Without Glasses." He lets out a nyeh-heh, stirring something. "He Talks About You Quite Often!"
"He does?.." Your voice is soft when you ask, heat creeping back up to your cheeks before you shake your head to try and make it go away.
"Indeed! Now, I'll Repeat The Other Part..How'd You Meet? I'm Very Curious About That."
"Well, it all started when me and my..well, he's my ex now-"
"Oh, Is This Drama? Now I've Certainly Got To Hear About This. I Love A Little Bit Of Gossip." He grins slyly, and you let out a laugh before going into detail about everything.
Papyrus is such a lovely person to talk to, even if you have to repeat what you say a few times because of his hearing problems. You can definitely understand why Sans thinks so highly of his brother.
Speaking of Sans, he finally joins you both downstairs after a while, having changed into an almost exact replica of the clothes he had been wearing before but much cleaner. Look at him, getting dressed up for the occasion..
Papyrus finishes making his masterpiece, and you all sit down at the table together. It's such a warm environment..Sans cracking jokes, Papyrus groaning but making a few of his own in return..the two sharing fond stories from the past..Papyrus talking about his work and what he loves to do..you could listen to him for hours. The food is immaculate, and you fight the urge to groan with delight at the taste.
When dinner is finished, you send your compliments to the chef, and the taste test for the cookies begins..you stare with anxious anticipation as he inspects a skull-shaped cookie, amused by your choice before biting into it. Silence fills the room before he grins in your direction, putting his hands on his hips.
"This Is Excellent! You Did Wonderfully! Stars, I May Run Out Of These Within The Week! GAH!" He puts his hands on his skull, you and Sans letting out a laugh at his expressions.
"Don't worry, Paps. I'll definitely make some more for you later."
"Wonderful! You Simply Must Show Me How You Make Them. They're Exquisite!"
"Maaybe..but good magicians never reveal their secrets, do they?" You smile slyly. He gasps in understanding, before placing his fist against his palm.
"Right. Fair Enough!"
You don't realize how fast time flies when you're having fun. You could spend eternity with these guys, without changing a thing. They're both so much fun to be around, and..it's really nice, being surrounded by such caring people.
Before you know it you're sitting on the couch, listening to Papyrus ramble about scandals in the monster celebrity world, promptly gasping when you hear something shocking. Sans simply watches the both of you with a lazy smile, chiming in from time to time before you all focus on whatever movie's playing on the TV.
One movie turns into several..
You feel your eyes slowly close as you lean against something big and warm, relaxing with a smile.
Sans freezes when he looks down at you, holding his hands in the air and unsure where to put them. Papyrus scoffs, motioning for him to put his arm around you. Sans looks at him with an expression that screams "are you crazy?!" before Papyrus shoots one back, rolling his eyes and waving him off before whispering a good night to him and heading upstairs. Fuck. What does he do? He couldn't just..could he?
His eyelight darts around until it rests on your sleeping form. He sighs for a moment, before abruptly shortcutting to your house and ensuring that the doors are locked, reappearing in the spot he had been sitting in before. You readjust your position, getting even closer this time.. His face flushes again as he lowers an arm over you, unable to look away. Oh jeez.. Ain't this complicated? Well..lots of things are, aren't they?
Hearing your soft breathing leaves him feeling calm..content. He's..alright with this. He'll embrace the moment for a little while, while it lasts. He focuses on the screen, until his eyes begin to close as well..maybe a nap wouldn't hurt.
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team-headcanons-2 · 1 year
Can there be headcanons about how the mercs bake or cook sweets? Like brownies/cookies/donuts etc? I think Medic would try and put some sort of radiation in his muffins and be disappointed no one eats any
Ye ye of course!
Mercs baking!!
I think Scout has some baking knowledge.
His Ma passed it on to him!
This man can make you the meanest peanut butter cookies u ever did taste.
This man can't bake for shit.
That bitch burnt and crusty and you can't even tell what it is.
Who let this bitch near an oven and thought it was a good idea.
Heavy knows how to bake.
He's a bit better than Scout but not by a lot.
He's just not used to it, but he tries!
I don't think he can bake I'm sorry.
I think though he's very good and decorating baked deserts.
This man can make any shitty cake look appetizing.
He can bake but grilling his specialty.
He can make those shitty home made cakes you see moms make for their kids birthdays.
I simply think he prefers the grill.
He can bake well, like really well.
Thing is, he don't share his shit.
"5 star quality cake!" And then he didn't let them eat cake.
I think behing Spy, Medic is the second best at baking!
When he's not trying to radiate or experiment mercs, he makes the good shit tm
He likes to make pies :]
He can't bake and has almost lit the base ablaze trying.
He doesn't mean to it just always happens.
It's like a curse.
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fallout-fucker · 1 year
Hancock Headcanons (Including Goodneighbour Headcanons) Part One
Surprisingly a really good cook/baker. Will make 5 Star quality full-course meals when high as fuck. Or at least, as good as you can get in the Wasteland if you don't think mutated Brahmin tastes too different from cow. Man's is making steaks.
He also mass bakes when very stressed. There's been times Fahrenheit has walked into the office and seen the kitchenette, the coffee table, any and all of the free surfaces, really, full of trays of baked goodies. Cupcakes, cookies, brownies, special brownies, you name it. When this happens, Daisy has to organise a massive order to traders to make up for all the ingredients he buys. He always gives her extra caps for the inconvenience of Goodneighbour having less eggs and flour, etc, for sale than usual. He makes sure to never take all the stock, though, food's hard enough to come by, especially produce. His town needs it more than he and his baking sessions do.
He always gives away the goods when he's finally calmed down and the stress has eased.
He takes care in making sure the normal goodies are separate from the 'more fun' ones.
The normal goods go to the townsfolk and drifters. He goes to the kids first, though. If it's during the colder months, he'll also take the time to make hot chocolates or warm milk (Depending on what's available) for them.
Actually does his job as the fucking Mayor.
Makes sure the kids have all got blankets, coats, hats, scalves, gloves, socks and shoes, and beds somewhere warm.
He regularly checks this. Has a little checklist for all the items kiddies need. He isn't letting any kids die in his streets. As far as he's concerned, those are his kids. He knows Goodneighbour isn't exactly the most PG place, but the majority of children in Goodneighbour (Like most people in Goodneighbour) don't have parents or anybody.
He'll leave a few trays on the bar of The Third Rail for pickings. Lowkey likes to decorate it with cake stands and stuff. Makes him feel weirdly calm. He gets to just take his time with it. It's a breather from the rest of his 'Mayoral Duties'.
If he's feeling generous, he'll give away the fun goodies too to anyone that wants 'em (Within reason). But Chems and produce can be pricey so he'll sometimes give those to Daisy to sell so he's not wasting a good amount of his personal stash, especially if he made a lot of goods.
He considered giving them to Charlie at first because The Third Rail is nothing if not the place for a great time, but many people who wander into Goodneighbour are vulnerable. From experience (Both personal and second-hand), Hancock knows alcohol + easily accessible edibles/hard chems + vulnerable and desperate doesn't equal anything good. So, he decided against it.
He refuses to give them to AJ because the guy is sketchy, and he's heard about the whole 'Chems For Kids' thing. Hancock's been working discreetly on solving that issue. If he wasn't keen on drunk adults having access to edibles, you can believe he'd have a real problem with anyone tryna sneak it to kids, let alone that kinda dirty money making its way back to him, and that's if AJ didn't sneak some into his own pockets. Which he likely would.
So, that brought him to Daisy. Besides, it also makes up for the ingredients and he lets her pocket a good percentage of the profit as chems isn't usually her deal.
Once more, actually does his job as the fucking Mayor.
Like with the children, he makes sure drifters and such also have warm clothes for the Winter.
Also ensures everyone has clothes suited for Summer heat, too.
Essentially, twice a year (Autumn and Spring) he'll go around Goodneighbour with a survey to see who needs what, at least a few weeks in advance of when the seasonal weather for Autumn/Winter and Spring/Summer usually rolls in. Then, he organises a mass order to all of the trading caravans for suitable clothes, shoes, etc. Then he'll organise a day with timeslots and stuff where groups of people can go up to his office and get what they need.
Imagine a watchman at the entrance of the Statehouse, with a name list and time slots, and a queue outside of the door. In Hancock's office, it's full of cardboard boxes and tables. Him, Far, Daisy, and a few watchmen all giving out the items and checking them off.
Hancock has plans and blueprints to expand Goodneighbour so some of the apartment buildings just outside of the walls can be included in the town. Has a few trading deals on hold and watchmen guards he could use as contractors in mind for the job of converting the Pre-War buildings into livable homes when he is able to.
Unfortunately, with the Warehouse rats and Supermutants settling down just outside the gates, he had to postpone the plans to focus on other issues. All his contractors had to stay as Neighbourhood Watch guards and security just in case the mutants attack. The mutants are on his to-do list, but first is the Warehouse job and making sure people can stay warm in the attic instead of the homes he was hoping to have done before Autumn and Winter.
He predicted temporarily losing more workers in the Winter due to sickness, but didn't necessarily expect some to be rats, unfortunately. So, his options are limited when Sole meets him. Hence sending a stranger to Pickman Gallery and other things.
It's also why he doesn't mind traveling with Sole. Until Spring, his hands are mostly tied when it comes to progress.
Staying in town when he knows he can't do all of the things he needs to makes him antsy. He doesn't like sitting around and doing nothing when he knows his people are relying on him, so it helps to get away from it for a while.
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spinning-stars · 11 months
Sweet Tooth🩷🧁
Vincent Sinclair x Gn reader.
Warnings- it's fluff/sfw, pure and utterly fluff. Bo does make a joke about sperm at the end.
Yes I head cannon Vincent to love baking, I find it really cute.
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"Vincent! Y/N! I'm taking Lester out for dinner, be back in about- 2 hours? Fuck if I know." Bo screams from the front door. The plan is ready for action. Today was Lester's birthday, you and Vincent have been planning to bake Lester a large array of sweet treats. You knew Vincent liked to bake because he would bake fresh cinnamon rolls or beignets at least once a week. But you didn't realize exactly how much Vincent liked to bake until you saw the list of treats y'all had to make.
Lester's Treats:
1 cake
1 pan of brownies
2 dozen cookies (1 dozen peanut butter, 1 dozen chocolate chip)
6 soft pretzels
Soft pretzels may not be a sweet treat but Lester loves them and with the amount of chocolate syrup he dumps on them it's considered a sweet treat. This all may seem like a lot but between Lester and Bo it will be gone in a week max. Vinny lifts you up and grabs the list of his desk as he darts upstairs to the kitchen. You can feel his excitement to bake with you. He kisses all over your face before he sets you down and starts waddling around the kitchen grabbing the ingredients Bo bought prior.
You two decided to bake the cake first. It was a red velvet cake with buttercream frosting. Vincent put all the ingredients in the bowl while you mixed, when he noticed that you were struggling a bit due to there being so much cake batter. He came up behind you and put his hand on top of yours to help you mix. His other hand was wrapped around your waist, as he swayed slightly. "You're doing great don't worry," he softly mumbled. You could tell he still had the biggest puppy dog crush on you even though y'all have been dating for a rather long period of time. You two finished mixing the cake and put it in the pan. You worked on the buttercream while Vincent made the brownies. You put a little bit of the buttercream frosting on the tip of your finger and called Vincent over. You took the buttercream and drew a small line on his forehead while proudly saying "Simba". (You had to explain the joke to him but he did giggle after and asked if you wanted to lift him up.)
About 2 hours have passed when you two were done baking everything, the only thing left was adding a bit of powdered sugar to the cookies (to make it Pinterest worthy) and salt to the soft pretzels. "Y/n," Vincent softly mumbled, you turned around after you added the salt to the last pretze to be met with a spoonful of powdered sugar on your shirt. "You're it," he laughed while quickly grabbing another spoonful. "Oh It's on!" You giggle while grabbing a cup full of it while throwing it at Vincent. He quickly tossed his little bit of sugar at you before he got covered in the sugar you threw, War has begun.
Lester and Bo came home, on a table were all the baked goods you and Vincent had made. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LESTER!" Everyone yelled as you, Vincent and Jonsey popped from behind the table (you two made Jonsey a little bandana that had "Happy birthday Lester written on it). Lester giggled at you and Vincent was head to toe covered in powdered sugar. "Damn, y'all dressed up as sperm cells for the event wtf happened?" Bo says while shaking his head.
After the little party y'all had, you and Vincent spent the night attempting to clean up all the powdered sugar (while struggling to keep Jonesy out of the room so she wouldn't try to like it all up.)
Authors note-I thought this will be a cute little fic for y'all, Requests are open! Have a lovely day<3
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wlhelp · 2 months
Fear Fo0ds!
I'm bored and have nothing else to do :/
Peanut Butter
Sweet Tea (I know its weird but my mom makes sweet ice A LOT and its a weakness)
Protein Powder (it tastes like shit and makes me wanna throw up every time I drink it)
White Bread
Regular Coke
Ribs (not necessarily a fear food I just don't like them)
Jelly Beans
High Cal Yogurt
Nuts (I love them but they are so high in cals)
Chocolate/Caramel syrup
Mushrooms (I just don't like them)
Gravy (I just don't like it)
Chips (I love them but their so high cal)
Chip Dip
Bread Rolls (I love them but they have so many cals)
Biscuits (They are so yummy :( )
ICE CREAM (I love ice cream but I binge on it every time my mom gets some)
Brownies (I will eat every brownie is sight)
Trail Mix
Buttery Popcorn
Sour Cream (I love sour cream, like it's not even funny but it's just too many cals)
French Fries
Any Milk that's not Almond Milk
Donuts (especially custard donuts)
Most Juices
Cream Cheese
Spaghetti (And really any pasta, and I also just don't like spaghetti I thing it tastes gross)
Pizza (I absolutely love pizza but it's so high in cals)
Garlic Bread (Garlic bread is so yummy)
Cinnamon Rolls
High Cal Coffee
Fried Things (I'll only sometimes eat fried things)
Cheesy Bread Sticks
Bread Sticks
Most Beans
Hash Browns
This all I can think of right now v('-')v
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ettawritesnstudies · 11 months
You look like a really happy and supportive person, do you have any tips about dealing with resentment esp. against other writers? It's something I'm noticing a lot in the community and other spaces I participate. Everybody treats it like it's righteous anger but it feels toxic. The moment they see someone thriving, the person gets hate mail and someone finds an excuse to bring them down. I guess people have reason to be hurt because everything feels hard and unfair right now. I'm also from a fucked-up third world country, I'm queer, my life feels stuck where it was before the pandemic, I can't get a job and I worry what it'll be like for me 10 years from now. But I kept saying to myself it wasn't so bad because it's really worse for so many people where I live and I tried to be upbeat... But then I saw a writer I know irl get published and I noticed I was feeling and thinking the same way those people I disliked act online. Angry at them for getting published when I don't have the skill or the luck for it. What do we do when that happens? Sorry if this is a pessimistic ask
Hey anon,
First of all, I'm really really sorry you're going through that, it sounds like a bad situation and I hope you can find some peace and stability soon. If it means anything, I'll be praying for you. <3 <3 <3
It's really hard to keep a positive outlook on things when other things in your life aren't working out. As you said, everything feels hard and unfair right now and you can't be blamed for feeling pessimistic and bitter about the way things are going for you. It's easy for me to act cheery because I'm blessed to be in a good situation with a good support network, and I'm aware that's something a lot of people don't have. You're incredibly strong for dealing with this and I'm proud of you for both surviving and trying not to let this bitterness affect the way you interact with the writing community. That's a testament to your good character and you're someone I'd like to have as a friend.
I think the biggest thing that's helped me not get bitter about other people's success is the "Holy shit, two cakes!" mindset.
Tumblr media
I think this was made by @stuffman originally if "know your meme" tells true.
Life is a dessert table. Some people don't even like cake - some people are bringing brownies, cookies, tortes, pastries, jello puddings, fruit baskets, or whatever else suits their fancy. Chocolate cake ain't the same as lemon no matter which way you slice it.
Other writers aren't competition - everyone has their own voice and themes and stories to bring to the table. At the end of the day, I'm not trying to win over romance and grimdark true crime readers, and even within my own genre, if people like reading similar stories then they'll probably enjoy mine. A while ago I looked for comp titles to runaways and found a bunch of books that lit up all the same keywords with "sisters", "changelings," "seelie and unseelie courts", but they were nothing like the story I was trying to tell. I loved them all the same. Your words are important and meaningful and I hope this discouragement doesn't keep you from practicing your craft.
As far as publishing luck and money and time and skill goes: yeah the industry kind of sucks right now, there's no changing that. It might suck that you're not published yet, but hold onto that "yet". It's important. Hope keeps you striving, even if progress is stagnating at the moment. It's served me well through so many semesters slogging through engineering school when I didn't put a word to paper in months.
Helping other people can a tactical decision. I'm not published yet, nowhere near it. I started this tumblr (and the rest of my platform) for the sake of marketing and networking. One could argue I chat with the likes of @ashen-crest, @abalonetea, and @author-a-holmes for purely selfish reasons - if I help them out, hopefully they'll help me when the time comes. Maybe that's how it starts sometimes, but over time those connections become friendships so easily when people just want to tell stories together. I didn't have a lot of people to talk about my writing with when I was younger and I make no exaggeration when I say the community here on writeblr changed my life.
Friends make going through this painful slog of a life so much easier. I can't count the number of times I've cried in this past week about how fortunate I am to have so many people supporting me. From my sister who listened to my rambles off the top bunk every night, to my best friends in high school who helped me develop the bones of my world, to my college roommates and partners in crime who encouraged me to be more vocal about my work, to my boyfriend who patiently stood in lines for me at a book festival, to @siarven my first acquaintance here on writeblr 4 years ago, who I finally get to meet in person in a couple weeks. Maybe it sounds a little fairytales, but kindness truly does repay kindness seven times seven times over.
I'll keep writing my little fairytales. I believe in them. I hope you do too.
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calethelettuce · 10 months
The Sides and Their Signature/Favorite Desserts
I'm dedicating this blog to little un-canon ideas for SaSi, send me requests!!! Small TW, there's a mention of we3d and some minor cursing :P
- A red velvet, three tiered cake with cream cheese icing decorations so perfect you'd think it's a painting
"No baking skills can compare to the skills of the mighty Prince Roman! Prepare your feeble taste buds!"
- Might cry if one detail is slightly messed up
- Makes cakes for birthdays
- A simple thumbprint cookie, of course filled with Crofter's jam. Each cookie has a different flavor of jam!
"I don't bake often, however I will admit these cookies are satisfactory."
- The sides fricking adore these cookies and beg him to give them the recipe coughcoughROMANcoughcough
- One of his "guilty" pleasures
- Triple fudge brownies, topped with a thin layer of chocolate frosting and purple sprinkles.
"I sat here and panicked over the oven. I think they're slightly burnt? Oh well. You're welcome."
- Actually scared of the oven, makes another sit in the kitchen just in case (normally Patton, who's honestly glad because he gets to eat the extra frosting and batter)
- Literally never shares (I think he's a chocolate fiend ok, change my mind YOU WON'T)
- Hand-filled raspberry jam donuts, topped with different frostings and rainbow sprinkles.
"Oh, good to see you, kiddos! I made donuts! Al-dough, make sure you don't eat too many at once!"
- The jam inside varies, although the others normally beg him to fill the donuts with Crofter's jams instead of the jam he normally uses
- Stress bakes just about everything, so there's never a lack of desserts in The Mind Palace
- Banana Chip Muffins, sometimes with chocolate chips in there
"I totally put something in these. They're poisoned."
(Translation: "I didn't put anything in them. They're safe to eat.")
- Don't let this guy near the oven, he will literally stand there with the door open just soaking in the heat
- Enjoys baking every once in a while, although Remus likes to try and sneak some weird sh1t in the batter
- W3ed brownies.
"These brownies are THE SH1T! Come ooooon, just eat one!"
- omfg don't even eat them please save yourself
- bakes as a joke and then the kitchen always ends up smelling like drugs
- Starbucks Cake Pops.
"Seriously, babes? You expect me to care enough to bake? That's cute."
- Bro is obsessed with those things omg
- I don't even know what to say atp
Homemade Cookie Cats! They're a pet for your tummy!
"Well, if every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs!"
- Really can't bake well, but he's trying
- He likes making the ice cream inside the best :3
Will literally eat anything and make anything that sounds relatively good
"Who said I needed to have standards? Sugar is sugar!"
- I literally mean it, this dude will eat any sweet thing you give to him and then regret it 20 minutes later
- Remus almost got him to eat a we3d brownie lol
Oh also shameless tag @thatsthat24 hi Thomas :3
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