#this author wrote some other stuff I liked idk why I wrote this one off
llycaons · 2 years
I don’t know why I never bookmarked this fic, it’s actually really good. the writing for both the relationships and the characters are excellent, the dialogue is natural and doesn’t sound out of place, the worldbuilding is appropriate and expands the cast, and there’s a real effort to incorporate and expand on the themes from the show. wwx and lwj’s dynamic from the show is almost perfectly replicated, just becoming slowly more intimate over time, and it’s clear they both know how they feel about each other. it’s making me feel like a soft-boiled egg...it’s so sweet it’s so natural it’s perfect. the only reason they haven’t actually gotten together is because they’re technically solving a case and there’s a ton of kids around so it’s hard to get a private moment...which I don’t even mind because this is almost like they’ve already gotten together anyway. I just read a scene where lwj gave wwx some food from his plate at an inn and he became so overwhelmed he almost started crying 🥺
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teenytinyjimin · 5 months
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i miss you, i’m sorry (j. jungkook)
nothing happened in the way i wanted
every corner of this house is haunted
and i know you said that we’re not talking
but i miss you, i’m sorry.
summary: the first time seeing each other after the breakup is always the hardest. but seeing each other when you're still in love? an absolute nightmare
pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2k
tags: angst, smoker!jk, brokenhearted!jk, equally as brokenhearted!reader, why did they even break up in the first place?, featuring reader’s bestfriend!jimin, also jimin is sexually ambiguous let's keep it that way please
warnings: none, alcohol/nic use but nothing too intense, kinda sad but it's a happy ending i promise
author’s note: idk why i keep making my fic names and stuff inspired by songs, i guess it just helps me beat writers block.
also i wrote this in second person, lmk if you guys prefer that over third. i personally find third person fics easier to write, but i'm sure second person is easier to read for some of you. enjoy my angels!
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
Bars weren't really your thing.
If you were going to be honest, they were miles better than nightclubs, but still not your thing. It was something about the air that just rubbed you the wrong way. Perhaps it was all the creepy old men that turned you off of them, or just the fact that there's not much to do besides sit, drink, sit some more, maybe play some pool and... sit.
Jimin, on the other hand, loved bars. He loved being able to sit there, look pretty, and watch as absolutely anyone and everyone flocked over to him to start a conversation. It admittedly fueled his ego, and he loved the feeling of being the center of attention. However, he didn't love being at bars alone. Being so drop-dead gorgeous meant that about twenty times the amount of creeps bothered him than the average bar patron. Many of them figured that a pretty boy like him was sitting there waiting to be swooped up by a sugar daddy. Let's get one thing straight – that wasn't him. He had plenty of money. He just wanted to have a little conversation, give a little kiss here and there maybe, and dip at the end of the night with his bar companion by his side.
Unfortunately for you, that bar companion was usually you. It was certainly a compliment for Jimin to want to bring you along with him instead of any of his other gazillions of friends and other social connections, but it was quite exhausting for you to be in a bar pretty much every day of every weekend. He liked the attention, but you didn't. If it were an empty room with nothing but you and a bottle of rum, you'd have a blast. But what bar in Itaewon was going to be like that?
Alas, here you were, sat at the end of a bar with your friend sitting next to you. Something about the light in the building made him look extra beautiful tonight, his skin shimmering like the most precious of diamonds and his eyes deep and full of allure. At the moment he was making small talk with a lady on the other side of him, one who was definitely at least twenty years his senior but didn't look a day past thirty. Sighing, you drop your head down to look at your drink, a half-full martini glass that held a rather disappointing cosmopolitan (you weren't a vodka fan anyway, it wasn't the bartender's fault).
You wanted to be home. That was the only place you ever wanted to be these days. At home, cuddling your darling kitty in bed, and sleeping your days away. Maybe a year ago you would have loved being out and about, but now it feels more like a burden than a fun activity. And you know that Jimin doesn't mean any harm in doing what he does, but seeing him talk with so many people over the course of the night and being so happy is almost a bit gut-wrenching for you because you can't be as happy as him.
You began to feel the blood rush to your ears and your face get warm. Something was wrong, you could sense it. Everyone has those gut instincts when something isn't quite right, and this wasn't just an instinct, it was like a neon sign. A neon sign that read DANGER. Perhaps it was just you feeling rather anxious and overwhelmed, but either way you were craving the comfort of your home.
"Hey, 'Minnie, can we-" Just as you turned to Jimin to softly ask him if you could go home or at the very least switch bars, you felt a presence behind you. It wasn't just an I'm here to order a drink presence, but rather an I'm here for you one. Realizing that Jimin wasn't even listening anyway, you froze, waiting to see what would happen. And that's when you heard a familiar voice that you thought you'd never hear again.
You didn't want to turn around. You tried to stay as still as a statuette for as long as possible, however the more you thought about the man behind you the more you felt the urge to turn around and take a bite of the forbidden fruit. Taking a deep breath, you slowly turned until you were face-to-face with your ex, Jungkook.
"Want to talk outside?" Not yet looking at him directly, you hesitantly nodded before quickly looking back to Jimin and then standing up. You left your purse there, figuring that your friend would grab it if he changed locations, and began trailing after the tall tattooed figure that navigated his way toward the door.
As the two of you stepped out into the cool autumn air, you crossed your arms and leaned against the building. Your heart was between your ears at this point, buzzing at what felt like 200 beats a minute. It was stupid for you to have even left Jimin's side, you thought, because now you were alone with your ex of all people and God knows what this boy has up his sleeve.
"You look good," Jungkook said gently as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and placed one between his lips. "And I know what you're going to say, you're so full of it Kook, but I mean it."
"Since when have you started smoking?" You asked, ignoring his previous two statements and gesturing toward the pack in his hand. He shrugged. "Couple weeks after I last saw you maybe? Not a big deal."
"You know that stuff's bad for you."
"I don't think sitting here third-wheeling with Jimin and his beau of the night is any better."
"You don't know Jimin, don't act like you do," You said, completely taken aback and offended by the words coming out of his mouth. "And I'm having a good time, thank you very much."
"Doesn't seem like it. Weren't you about to ask him if you guys could leave?"
"I was having- What?- Is there a reason you asked to talk to me out here?" You were struggling to form a complete sentence. This man always knew how to leave you speechless, but now it was just irritating. You watched as Jungkook leaned back onto the building with you and shook his head, giving you a toothy grin before lighting the cigarette in his mouth. "Nah. Just figured you'd have more fun out here talking to me and getting a break from it all."
"You know he's waiting for me, right? I should go back inside." You stand back up straight and begin walking back into the bar, however you feel a warm hand wrap gently around your wrist and tug you back. "Hey hey hey," Jungkook called. "He'll survive a few minutes without you. Just chill with me. I'm not asking you for anything, just a second of your time."
You turned to face your ex-lover, your eyes finally meeting his for the first time that night. Even after all this time of being apart, those beautiful doe eyes still yearned for you, and yours for him. With a shaky sigh, you brush his hand away and return to where you were standing. "Exes don't hang out like this, Jungkook."
"Woah, you're pulling out the full government name on me now?" The boy teased, puffing a cloud of smoke from his mouth. "Should I be offended?"
"I'm setting boundaries," You crossed your arms and kicked at the ground beneath you. "Nicknames are for friends or more than friends, which we aren't."
"We aren't strangers either though."
"That doesn't matter. Not friends."
"Alright, fine," Giving up, Jungkook looked down at his hand and flexed it awkwardly. "Just trying to be friendly."
"Friendly?!" You said frantically, finally having enough of his antics. "You don't need to be friendly. We broke up and that's the end of it. Exes aren't friends. They go their separate ways and when they see each other again – if they see each other – they ignore each other. I don't get why you're doing this psychological warfare bullshit on me."
"Exes can be friends," He breathed out in protest. "Can you even tell me why we broke up in the first place?"
You remained silent. The truth was that you didn't know why you broke up either. It had been almost a year since the whole ordeal went down, and you were still confused more than anything else, even more than you were hurt. All you can remember is that you guys went through some bullshit ‘mutual breakup’ that apparently neither of you wanted in the first place. The only reason you even agreed to it is because somewhere within you, you felt like perhaps you weren’t deserving of such a wonderful relationship. And the only reason Jungkook agreed to it is because he thought that it’s what you wanted.
"No, seriously. What went wrong? What did I do? I just want some closure..." His voice became increasingly softer as he kept speaking, which only meant one thing. You stared at the ground intensely, refusing to look up and see his teary eyes.
You felt his hand gently wrap around yours and tug on it as a plea for your attention. Jungkook was your weakness, the only person you'd willingly do anything for, and he really loved to take advantage of that without even realizing he was.
You peered up at him hesitantly, worried that you'd find yourself in tears the second you saw the ones pouring from his eyes. Sure enough, when the eye contact began, you were driving yourself forward into his strong arms and dampening his shirt with your tears.
Jungkook's embrace felt the same as it did the last time you felt it. It was still so warm, so inviting, so loving. Never once did you feel unsafe in his arms and this moment was not an exception. As you sobbed into his shirt you felt his hand move from around your waist to the top of your head, stroking your hair gently.
The two of you stood there for what seemed like hours, simply letting all emotion out while enjoying the company of one another. While Jungkook has been exceptionally transparent in expressing the fact that he's heartbroken about the situation between the two of you, it's safe to say that you feel equally as devastated. This man was once the love of your life and the only one you ever needed, but now everything about him except for his embrace feels foreign. This was someone you once saw yourself building a life with, but now it's shattering to think that he has a life after you.
You pulled away after a while, refusing to make eye contact as you wiped the tears from your eyes. This all felt entirely pointless. It was obvious that nothing went wrong in the relationship yet here you were, no longer in one. You couldn't begin to imagine what Jungkook had been going through since you guys broke up considering the fact that for you, your entire world turned upside down.
"I'm sorry," You managed to choke out before you felt Jungkook's hand gently guide your face up to look at his. You watched him stare at you for a moment, taking in your features, before his lips began to curl into a soft smile. "Mmm. Yeah. You're way too pretty to let slip through my fingers."
Feeling your face turn hot as a blush crept to your cheeks, you let out a soft giggle before you were cut off by a familiar pair of lips meeting yours.
"JUNGKOOK?" You heard a voice call out. The two of you pulled apart, eyes wide. Shit. You forgot about Jimin.
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moved-lambyblurbsfics · 2 months
ik you wrote all little abt bully schlatt already but could you maybe make smth out of it? like a little fic? possibly smut👀🤭
just a thought, anyways LOVE YOUR WRITING!! BYEEE!!!!
I had alot of fun writing this! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your ask/submission <3
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Your Bully, Schlatt
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Summary: its finally your senior year of highs chool, ready to get out of this place and onto new stuff, but you still have to deal with your bully
Warnings:annoying schlatt
Word Count:723
Authors Note: May or may not make this into a series, idk yet, and I'm still trying to find my writing style. Ignore how all over the place stuff is, haven't written in a while. Getting my writing boots back on for y’all :D
It's your senior year, and you're just happy to get this last year of high school over with and done, getting onto better things with your life.
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You had plans for after high school and wanted to get away from these other people you went to school with. Especially your bully, Schlatt. He has always picked on you since probably freshman year of high school. You don't know why as your groups of friends never interacted that much or at all. But he's always just been mean to you. Making fun of your style, things you liked, or stuff you did with your friends. And it aggravated you so much.
First day of senior year, and you're already halfway through the day when you find out Schlatt shares a few classes with you. Which only makes you groan at the thought of having that semester with him in the classroom with you.
The first class you had with him, you walked into your biology class, kind of excited about what you'd be learning in the class that year. Only to immediately curse to yourself when you walked into the classroom and saw Schlatt. Sitting at the back of the classroom, leaning back in his chair, and resting his feet on the desk. He had a big smirk across his face as he saw you enter the classroom.
You avoid eye contact instantly, beelining for the furthest empty seat away from Schlatt. But it was still too close to him for your liking. The bell hadn’t rung yet to let everyone know that class was starting. Students were still coming into the classroom filling out some more seats. You sat silently in your spot, no one taking the seat next to you, yet.
But before you could call it clear with Schlatt not bothering you. But then you could hear a small whistle from Schlatt’s direction, you didn't pay mind to it trying to ignore him. The next thing you knew, Schlatt was now sitting at the table behind you, you could feel the smirk radiating off him as he moved his legs to bump your chair.
You started to get irritated and already over his whole annoying nuisance act, you whip around in your chair to tell Schlatt off. “Do you need something?” you asked him with a little angry growl to your question.
Schlatt just crossed his arms and leaned a little back in his seat, a grin on his face and shaking his head no, not saying a word making you more irritated. You turn back around in your seat hearing the bell ring signaling that class has started. Sighing in relief a little maybe the bothering would stop from Schlatt.
Your focus was on the front of the classroom, but you then heard the seat next to you at the table you sat being pulled out from the table. You glanced over to your right, to see none other than Schlatt sitting down in the seat.
You noticed Schlatt sit down only making you frown. The biology teacher got to handing out the packet that outlined the sections and stuff they were learning for the year, the class expectations, and the teacher's email for communication.
Schlatt quietly pulled out a notebook, as you did and some other students did as well. Writing down the information he was giving to the class. As you started writing down some of the supplies needed for the class, there was already a problem with Schlatt sitting to your right.
You're right-handed, and unfortunately, Schlatt is left-handed. His elbow bumped into yours now and then as the two of you wrote in your notebooks. Only making you more frustrated, you glance over at Schlatt with an annoyed glare as you look over at him. Only to be surprised with an almost apologetic look from Schlatt, not a thing you got from him ever.
Schlatt's POV Schlatt actually had a small, okay he liked you a lot more than just a small crush. He didn't know why he was mean to you or so rude. But he didn't know how to express how much he liked you. And since it was your guys' senior year, he might now see you after graduation. He was gonna try this year, and hopefully ask you out.
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mochis-cream · 3 months
11:34 — song mingi ♡
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・ sometimes you wonder what life decisions you’ve made that wound you up by this clowns side, but then again, you wouldn’t trade him for the world
s.mg x gn!reader ・ ateez ・ 에이티즈 ・ sfw ・ non!idol au ・ wc: exactly 600 ・ genre -> fluff, slice of life, slapstick ・ one shot! -> masterlist!
content warning: established relationship, collective sillies, mingi minging, princess mingi realness, cursing, lowercase intended, not proofread
author’s note: guys idk what happened!! one minute i was asleep and then the next i was awake at 3 in the morning writing this 😰😰 anyways mingi mingi mingi i love mingi mmrph (*´∇`*)
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you were certain that was the warning you gave. you were positive, actually, because you're looking at those words right now, written in your handwriting on a sticky note attached to a prank canister. the same prank canister that currently lies in the doorway, open at your feet, several feet away from the only other person in the room who could've opened it. the same person who currently lies on the floor, covered in confetti and fallen cereal, staring up at you like a deer caught in headlights.
"uh- princess? okay, what the fuck. what happened?" you ask, trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably. the sight is both tragic and fucking hilarious: mingi, wide-eyed and looking like he’s just survived a cartoonish explosion, is splayed out in a sea of brightly colored paper and cheerios.
mingi looks up at you, still processing the events that led to his current predicament. “i... uh... think i touched something i shouldn’t have,” he says, his voice a mix of embarrassment and lingering shock.
you take a moment to survey the room. the open prank canister lies a few feet away, likely flung from mingi's hands during his moment of panic. “and by that you mean the thing that said ‘caution! do not touch!’ in big, bold letters? the thing with the warning written in my handwriting?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
he nods sheepishly. “uh yeah, that seems to be the case.”
you can't help it. the laughter bubbles up from deep inside you, and soon you're doubled over, clutching your stomach as you laugh uncontrollably. mingi watches you with a mix of amusement and annoyance, still covered in confetti and cereal, looking like the world's saddest party favor. a tried and true damsel in distress.
finally, you catch your breath and kneel down beside him. “my, princess, you really outdid yourself this time,” you say, wiping a tear from your eye. you start picking confetti out of his hair, still chuckling.
mingi huffs, sitting up and trying to shake off some of the cereal clinging to his clothes. “it’s not funny,” he mutters, but as much as he might complain, the corners of his mouth twitching upward speaks for itself.
“ah, yeah, you’re right. it’s absolutely hilarious,” you counter, pulling him to his feet. “why on earth would you touch something that i explicitly wrote ‘do not touch’ on?”
mingi shrugs, a small smile playing on his lips. “i dunno.”
you shake your head, still grinning. “there’s never a dull moment with you, is there?”
as you both start cleaning up the mess, you can't help but think about how your life with mingi has always been this way, full of surprises left and right. sure, not every surprise is a good one, but such is life. both of you have your own things to work out, and thing are never always perfect, but you wouldn’t trade this relationship for the world. besides, who else would provide such endless entertainment?
it’s funny really, how two completely different people can come to live and share their lives, and in the end create something beautiful despite the messes they make along the way.
as you scoop up handfuls of cereal and confetti, you glance over at mingi, who's trying (and failing) to stuff the prank canister back together, and it finally clicks. a thought that’ll stay with you until the day you die, ‘yeah, this is the goof i’m staying with for the rest of my life.’
truely, you couldn’t possibly be any happier. lucky you, huh?
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lambyblurbsfics · 1 month
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I had alot of fun writing this! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your ask/submission <3
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Your Bully, Schlatt
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Summary: its finally your senior year of highs chool, ready to get out of this place and onto new stuff, but you still have to deal with your bully
Warnings:annoying schlatt
Word Count:723
Authors Note: May or may not make this into a series, idk yet, and I'm still trying to find my writing style. Ignore how all over the place stuff is, haven't written in a while. Getting my writing boots back on for y’all :D
It's your senior year, and you're just happy to get this last year of high school over with and done, getting onto better things with your life.
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You had plans for after high school and wanted to get away from these other people you went to school with. Especially your bully, Schlatt. He has always picked on you since probably freshman year of high school. You don't know why as your groups of friends never interacted that much or at all. But he's always just been mean to you. Making fun of your style, things you liked, or stuff you did with your friends. And it aggravated you so much.
First day of senior year, and you're already halfway through the day when you find out Schlatt shares a few classes with you. Which only makes you groan at the thought of having that semester with him in the classroom with you.
The first class you had with him, you walked into your biology class, kind of excited about what you'd be learning in the class that year. Only to immediately curse to yourself when you walked into the classroom and saw Schlatt. Sitting at the back of the classroom, leaning back in his chair, and resting his feet on the desk. He had a big smirk across his face as he saw you enter the classroom.
You avoid eye contact instantly, beelining for the furthest empty seat away from Schlatt. But it was still too close to him for your liking. The bell hadn’t rung yet to let everyone know that class was starting. Students were still coming into the classroom filling out some more seats. You sat silently in your spot, no one taking the seat next to you, yet.
But before you could call it clear with Schlatt not bothering you. But then you could hear a small whistle from Schlatt’s direction, you didn't pay mind to it trying to ignore him. The next thing you knew, Schlatt was now sitting at the table behind you, you could feel the smirk radiating off him as he moved his legs to bump your chair.
You started to get irritated and already over his whole annoying nuisance act, you whip around in your chair to tell Schlatt off. “Do you need something?” you asked him with a little angry growl to your question.
Schlatt just crossed his arms and leaned a little back in his seat, a grin on his face and shaking his head no, not saying a word making you more irritated. You turn back around in your seat hearing the bell ring signaling that class has started. Sighing in relief a little maybe the bothering would stop from Schlatt.
Your focus was on the front of the classroom, but you then heard the seat next to you at the table you sat being pulled out from the table. You glanced over to your right, to see none other than Schlatt sitting down in the seat.
You noticed Schlatt sit down only making you frown. The biology teacher got to handing out the packet that outlined the sections and stuff they were learning for the year, the class expectations, and the teacher's email for communication.
Schlatt quietly pulled out a notebook, as you did and some other students did as well. Writing down the information he was giving to the class. As you started writing down some of the supplies needed for the class, there was already a problem with Schlatt sitting to your right.
You're right-handed, and unfortunately, Schlatt is left-handed. His elbow bumped into yours now and then as the two of you wrote in your notebooks. Only making you more frustrated, you glance over at Schlatt with an annoyed glare as you look over at him. Only to be surprised with an almost apologetic look from Schlatt, not a thing you got from him ever.
Schlatt's POV Schlatt actually had a small, okay he liked you a lot more than just a small crush. He didn't know why he was mean to you or so rude. But he didn't know how to express how much he liked you. And since it was your guys' senior year, he might now see you after graduation. He was gonna try this year, and hopefully ask you out.
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spiderlandry · 1 year
Yes, Chef — ethan landry
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Description: The most loving thing one could do is cook for someone else. Ethan finds out it’s your love language.
Pairing: Ethan Landry x GN!Reader
Warnings: implication that reader is shorter than ethan, no ghostface, amber was reader’s ex but it’s only a small mention, lmk if there’s any warnings i should add !! there may be some errors since i only edited this once
Word Count: 3k
Author’s note: i wrote with a poc reader in mind, and much of reader’s experience with cooking is based off my own
Chad is starting to get worried. Exams are in a month, and even though everyone he knows is working hard to prepare, it’s like Ethan is studying as if exams are next week. Chad thinks he can even hear his roommate talking in his sleep sometimes.
He wakes up to Ethan being up at the crack of dawn, a large cup of coffee in hand and deeper bags under his eyes than yesterday.
So, yeah, it’s concerning.
He already tried to coax him into taking more care of himself, but Ethan waves it off. He’s tried other things: getting Sam to scold him, try to get him to go out and party so he’ll get tired, having Quinn threaten him.
If nothing happens, he may resort to putting sleeping pills in Ethan’s coffee.
However, there is one more thing.
Ever since Ethan was introduced to the rest of his friends which included you, he’d been paying more attention to his appearance and how he’s perceived. At first Chad thought he might’ve had a crush on Tara, but Ethan slipped up one time when he not very casually asked if you were going to a group hangout, a few weeks ago.
Chad can use that knowledge to his advantage, he realizes.
Knowing you since freshman year of high-school, you’re a naturally caring person, though can be quiet or a little closed off especially since the Woodsboro murders in which you discovered that your ex-girlfriend was one of the killers.
Your gentle nature, along with his crush, can surely save Ethan from burning himself out so much that he’ll show up to finals only a skeleton, right? Hopefully.
Chad prays he’s right as he sends you a text, Friday evening.
Hey, can I ask a favor
Might be a little weird but u know how ethan has been studying rly hard?
                    yeah u said u were worried. is he ok?
Yeah he’s fine mostly. Im just worried so Im asking if you can
Ask him to hang out or something
                    ? why
                     not that i would mind but why
Youre the one he would say yes to I already tried other stuff to get him to relax but man looks like hes about to pass out
Idk I have a feeling its more than about school but its not my place and I think he would open up to u
You know he has a crush on u right
                      i dont believe u but ill do it
Bro dont even act like u dont like him too
                      shut up
You roll your eyes at your phone, already coming up with a plan for a way to get Ethan to chill out. That’s when you think of it.
Ethan allows himself to sleep in during the weekends. But when he wakes up at 11 AM to a text from you that was sent at six, he immediately regrets it.
He opens his phone to read it.
hey i have this new recipe i wanna try but i need a second opinion
wanna come over after work? i get off at 5
He rubs his eyes, making sure he’s reading it right. You? Inviting him? To come over to your place alone?
He’s not proud of the way he gapes at the message for a long moment before he can answer, responding with a ‘sure!’ despite the word not conveying his excitement mixed with the worry at the pit of his stomach. Why are you inviting him alone? He can’t let himself think that it’s anything other than friendliness, right? But you only invited him, so it must mean something.
He rushes to his closet to pick out his outfit, already forgetting about the unfinished page of notes on his desk.
Ethan has known you for a good few months, since the beginning of the school year. But at this point, he’s memorized your smile and your voice, becoming less subtle as time goes on. He pays attention to every single thing you’ve said about yourself, including but not limited to how you almost went to culinary school. He remembers how you once baked a cake for Tara’s birthday, not only the batter from scratch but also the buttercream frosting. He smiles at the memory of you showing the group how to make pasta one night.
To say he’s excited is an understatement.
He doesn’t even bother getting his coffee this time so his breath doesn’t smell like it.
Chad notices that Ethan’s usual cup is still in the cupboard, mentally patting himself on the back for getting the idea to reach out to you.
It’s not long until it’s almost five, and Ethan is walking the few blocks over to your apartment, enjoying the wind. He knows not to show up empty handed, so he stops at a bodega to buy your favourite chips.
You‘d gotten home a little early due to your workplace not being too busy, thankfully. You start prep, laying out the ingredients. The knock from your door reaches your ears a few minutes later, and knowing it’s Ethan you open the door.
You’re greeted with a bag of chips to your face, taking it and seeing Ethan have a slight upturn at the corner of his lips. You mirror his expression, albeit with a wider smile (you can’t help it), letting him into your apartment. He sits down at the breakfast bar facing into the kitchen, while you stand on the other side facing him.
This isn’t the first time he’s been here, but it is the first time he’s here alone. With you. He tried to get rid of the images in his head of him being over at your place every day because you want him to be there. He can’t think like that, not now when you’re beaming up at him while you showcase the ingredients on the kitchen counter, your sentences going into one ear and out the other.
“…Ethan?” Your brows are furrowed, not knowing if he’s paying attention. You quickly catch that he’s not—he has to think for a moment about what to say.
“Uhm—“ he clears his throat. “Sorry, I wasn’t listening. What?” He mentally cringes at himself. He’s sure you’d think he’s not interested and oh god, what if you think he doesn’t want to be there?
You laugh lightly. “I said do you like steak? I mean, I probably should’ve asked, but—“ You’re glad he stops your ramble before it goes any further.
“I like it, don’t—don’t worry.”
“Okay, good. Because this would’ve been awkward.”
Ethan is determined not to let any weird silences happen, so he continues despite not knowing what to say. His curiosity gets the best of him. “Not that I don’t want to, but why did you invite me here? I mean…just me.”
You try to brush it off, coming up with an excuse. “I invited Tara, but she couldn’t make it.” You turn back to the ingredients to get started.
He’s glad you’re not facing him to see his shoulders practically deflate finding out that he’s not the first choice. He’s not sure why he got his hopes up so much.
Before he can say anything else, you interrupt his train of thought. “Wanna help?”
He stands up quickly, eager. “What do you need?”
Truthfully, you’d made this dish a thousand times before that you could do it in your sleep. You’re not about to try anything new when your main objective is to take Ethan’s mind off things.
“How are you with knives?” You ask, taking out a chef’s knife from the knife holder. His eyes widen, begrudgingly taking the object from your hand.
“This is gonna sound—nevermind,” He shakes his head.
“Tell me.”
“I’ve never had to…cook before.”
“Oh,” you sigh. “That’s fine. Do you not want the knife?”
“I do! I just—how do I use it?”
You smile, an image he wishes was burned into his mind. You slide the cutting board toward you, putting a handful of asparagus in the middle.
Ethan can’t help but stare at your hand at the way you delicately go through the motions of cutting, slowly to make sure he sees it. You show him how to trim the asparagus, and you give him back the knife to try.
A spark tingles throughout his hand when you put yours on it to guide him.
“Just trim all of these. Got it?”
He nods.
You prepare the steak on a separate cutting board alongside him.
“Can I ask why you’ve been studying so hard, E?”
The nickname isn’t lost on him, but he tries his best to ignore it before he accidentally cuts himself.
“Finals next month,” He says curtly.
“Is that the truth?”
“Does it matter?”
“It does to me. But I’m not trying to force you.”
He pauses. “Can we change the topic?”
You nod, “You pick. Turns out I’m terrible at conversation. Can you fill up a pot of water for the mini potatoes? And put some salt in it.”
“How long have you been cooking?” He puts the asparagus in the bowl they were previously in and doing as you say. With the way he gets the question out so fast, you’d think he’d been thinking about it.
“As a kid, I was around a lot of people who knew how to cook,” you begin while you prepare a pan on the stove, melting the butter. “I learned from them. International dishes, mainly. Lots of spices. But I moved to New York and started working in a kitchen when I was sixteen, so I learned about some European pastries and white people food.” You chuckle.
There’s something with the way you talk about food that makes his chest warm. It’s unfamiliar, but a welcome feeling nonetheless. It’s different from how you talk about other things—this one feels more intimate.
You continue. “I think you know, but I almost went to culinary school.”
He does know. He wonders why you didn’t go.
“I took cooking classes as an elective at my high-school. I was lucky they offered that. Senior year, I was a stage for some really pretentious restaurants—y’know, mainly as a server, but I got to know how the kitchen worked.”
He hasn’t even noticed that the butter is almost all melted on the pan and you’ve put some rosemary and thyme on it until you pause to turn to him.
You grab the cutting board with the steak on it, placing it next to the stove.
“They were the kinds of places that served small portions for high prices.” You stared at the stove, turning up the heat.
“Why didn’t you go to culinary school?” He timidly asks.
“The people,” You say it so quietly at first that he almost missed it. “I met people who made the kitchen pretty much unbearable. There was shouting…lots of it, actually. The crazy high standards. They didn’t shout at me, but seeing it from the sidelines was worse…somehow? I don’t know.”
He finds himself wanting to have a stern word with whoever made you feel that way about something you so clearly love.
He’s about to ask another question before you interrupt him.
You pick up the steak from the board, motioning for him to come closer. “Always lay away from you,” you say. “Otherwise you splash oil on yourself, ‘kay?”
He nods. He continues with his question. “Do you regret it?”
He doesn’t realize how heavy of a question it is until after he says it, and he’s going to retract his statement but you respond.
“No, actually, I don’t.”
There’s a sweetness in your voice that’s hard to catch, but for Ethan’s ears, it’s as if they’ve been attuned to your tone.
“If I went to culinary school, I would’ve started to hate it—“ You grab the tongs, using it to push the sides of the steak to the pan, “—That’s searing. You seal in the juices when the surface browns, see that?—“
When he nods, you proceed.
“I grew up believing that cooking was a way to care about people, you know? Like a love language. And If I made cooking my career, that’s not what it would be for me. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah, yeah. It does.”
Once all the sides are seared, you grab a spoon and you slightly tilt the pan, using the utensil to coat the steak in the melted butter. “That’s basting. So it doesn’t lose moisture. Every time you flip a steak, it loses moisture, so just do it once.”
He thinks he’s getting repetitive when he nods once more to show that he’s actually listening.
It’s not long until the steak is done, and he’s excited to get it on the plate but instead, you put it on a baking sheet and cover it in tin foil.
“You’re next.”
His head snaps up toward you, sputtering, “What?”
“Do you want to learn?”
“Then get to work.” You smirk, and he’d be lying if he said that didn’t awaken something in him. You point to the other steak in the packaging.
He tries to remember the steps you did, but you do have to remind him what to do occasionally.
You’re standing close to him, almost hovering, but he doesn’t mind one bit. In fact, he almost leans in instinctively when you bring your hand up to his face and pushes his curls out of his face.
“You’re doing good,” you whisper.
It takes everything inside him not to collapse right there. He’d give everything to feel your hand on his face again.
You’ve set two plates on the counter. The mini potatoes were boiled nicely, and you cut them swiftly in half (a feast for Ethan’s eyes). Ethan watches while you quietly as you carefully plate the food, and he can’t help but look around him. The used pan, the knives, cutting boards, you plating the food—there’s an element of domesticity.
It’s in the way you flash a smile directed at him and only him, in the comfort of your own home, after you’ve just cooked together. He imagines a future where it’s like this every night.
You open the fridge, grabbing out two sodas. As you turn around Ethan is surprisingly close to you.
Only a few inches away.
He slowly takes the cans from you, setting it on the space next to him. All as if he’s about to wake a sleeping dragon if he were to move too quickly.
“Why are you doing this?” He asks, almost in a pleading whisper. His eyes are boring into yours, and you can’t bring yourself to look away.
“I told you.” Your tone mirrors his. “Cooking is a way to take care of someone, and I care about you.”
He doesn’t know what possesses him to do the next thing.
He brings himself closer to you, not breaking the eye contact.
Suddenly, everything makes itself known. Your breathing, shallower than his, anticipating his next move. The way your clothes touch. The cold air coming from the fridge.
He brings his hand to touch your jaw, it’s a feather-like sensation as his digits make contact with your skin. “Is this okay?”
You gulp and nod, unable to find the words.
“Need to hear you say it.”
In the lowest whisper, “Yes.”
He lifts your chin, tilting his head.
It’s a tiny pause until you’re the one taking the leap, closing the small distance and slotting your lips against his.
Everything falls away, and nothing else matters. His lips are soft. You feel his large hands go to your neck and you wrap your arms around his torso, trying to get impossibly closer.
You’re the first to pull away and you grin when he chases your lips.
“Hi,” You beam. “W—what was that for?”
“You tell me,” he smiles.
You anticipate the night to end when you’re both finished the food and the drinks, and you’ve cleaned up the kitchen.
But neither of you want it to end.
You cross your arms, facing Ethan who’s reluctantly about to open the door.
“Wanna stay?”
He turns around, tilting his head like a cute puppy. “Thought you’d never ask.”
That’s how you found yourselves cuddling on the couch, a new show on your television.
“I have to tell you something,” you whisper, eyes still on the screen.
“Chad told me to ask you to hang out.” You grimace. “And before you say anything, I didn’t invite you just because of him. I was worried about you too.” You look up at him, the proximity comfortable rather than awkward.
“I figured.”
His arm tightens around you. “When you asked me why I was studying so hard, I remembered Chad’s been trying to get me out of it. This was his last resort.”
You snort, “His last resort was putting sleeping pills in your coffee.”
“I’m…gonna have to talk to him about that.”
“Can I ask why you’re studying?”
“To distract myself.”
You almost sit up. “From what?”
“Not tonight.” He lays your head against him again, and your trust is in his hands. “Someday.”
And someday, he’ll tell the story about how the week before, he realized he loved you. It scared him so much that it kept him up for days, but the night you kissed would be the day his worries all went away.
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hux-and-gay · 2 months
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024; Day 1: Vacation
Kylux Summer Vacation (Crack Fic)
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this translates way better as a comic but comics take time. So i wrote more a script then a fic. maybe I’ll make a comic later or maybe some kind soul wants to waste their time doing it for me. I don’t really care anyway, not to toot my own horn, but this is really funny. I was thinking of the Lego Star Wars specials when I wrote this so picture that vibe. Hehehehehe
pls pls reblog! I dont have AO3 yet
Warning: Suggestive content, brief nudity (it’s played off as a joke)
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Kylo: (announcing triumphantly, fist in the air) We’re going on vacation! 
Hux: (sounds unfazed) What? 
Kylo: (repeats previous gesture) We’re are going on vacation!
Hux: (no even looking up from his datapad) We’re in the middle of a war. We can’t just leave on vacation. 
Kylo: My grandfather went on vacation…
(Teary eyed dreamily looking off into the distance picturing the scene from the Lego Star Wars summer vacation special where Vader is being forced to apply palpitate’s sun screen) 
Hux: Oh so that’s what this is about. (Shakes his head) Predictable. Well we can’t. 
Kylo: (Angrily/Whiny) Why! 
Hux: I dont have time for this (Starts walking off)
Mitaka: (comes in, stopping him by the door) Sir… Did you authorize 30,000 credits worth of first order funds to be spent on (squints at his datapad) “Beach fun surprise?”
Hux: (looking up angrily) No! What even is that?!
Mitaka: (nods awkwardly) right I’ll cancel i-
Kylo: No! (Stepping forward) I authorized the purchase! (Turning to Hux dramatically) There’s no turning back now general! (Pointing to each person as he speaks) I’m taking you, and Phasma, and Mitaka, and… (points at a random dude walking by) THAT GUY, and we’re going on vacation!
That guy: Uhm sir I don’t even work here… I’m just visiting my wife…
Kylo: LETS GO! (Marching forward) 
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~Later at the beach~
Kylo: (walking up to Hux wearing his helmet  and swim trunks that are definitely too small for him) Why are you wearing a shirt? 
Hux: (eating a suspiciously shaped popsicle) Why aren’t you? 
Kylo: (leans back) isn’t that like, constricting? 
Hux: You’re just trying to get me to take my shirt off. 
Kylo: What? No! (Clearly lying) 
Phasma: (walking by) I’d take this off if I was allowed too (gesturing towards her sports bra style top) 
(#free the nip)
(They both just blink at her stunned before she walks away and then they turn back to their arguing) 
Kylo: I still think you should take it off (huffs)
Hux: Then take off your helmet! (Pokes it)
Kylo: (crosses his arms) I dont want sunburn! 
Hux: The rest of you is practically naked! 
Mitaka: (rushing up carrying way more than one man should carry) Sir? 
Kylo: (not noticing Mitaka) I could arrange that! but I don’t think this is that kind of beach!
Mitaka: (trying to get Hux’s attention) Where did you want this sir? (Holding up all the stuff some of it falls out of his hands) 
(Still not noticing Mitaka the two of them glare at each other and Hux menacingly bites off the tip of the popsicle which has now melted all over his hand) 
~Seconds later~
Kylo: (pointing) oh look beach hockey!
Hux: (deadpan) No
Kylo: (Pointing) look there’s limbo!
Mitaka: (Still trying to get their attention) Sir this is kind of heavy…
Hux: (deadpan) No 
Kylo: Live music? (Gestures to the stage, where, idk, the Cerveza Cristal meme is playing or something)
Hux: Too loud 
Kylo: There’s a bar? 
Hux: I suppose that’s fine 
Mitaka: Sir?! 
(They start walking to the bar where Phasma already is) 
Mitaka: Why do I even bother (Sighs) 
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(Meanwhile at the bar. Kylo has his helmet off now. the group was drinking (Cerveza Cristal!… No! Stop! You already made that joke!) when they see familiar faces walk onto the beach)
Kylo: Well look who it is (smirks) 
Phasma: The resistance scum (scoffs) 
Hux: How convient, you’d think this was a Crack fic (looking directly at you) 
Poe: (sauntering up) Hey Hugs 
Hux: (immediately standing to go) That’s it we’re leaving! Vacation over! 
Poe: (leaning on the counter) That’s a shame, we were just going to invite you all to a not so friendly game of beach volleyball. Right Finn? (nudges him) 
Finn: uhhhh… right. 
Poe: (whispers) Sound more confident 
Finn: (Yells) Right! we’re gonna beat your asses into the sand bitches! (Whispering to Poe) Was that too much? 
Kylo: Good luck trying. (Smirks standing up) It just so happens that… I don’t like sand~ (Turning to the others) Are the rest of you with me? 
Mitaka: (panting running up) I Just put everything down sir! 
Hux: (not noticing Mitaka again, setting his drink down) Well I suppose… if it’s a challenge (smirks)
Phasma: (cracking her knuckles) Oh I think it’s time they met the true power of the first order~
Poe: Good come meet us on the beach! (He gestures and runs off, Finn following, flipping them off as he goes. The others get up from the bar laughing and heading towards the beach) 
Mitaka: (exasperated) Did I miss Something?  —————————————————————————
(Look i could write out the volley ball match but I’m lazy so if someone wants to pick this up have at it) 
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~Later that day~
Kylo: (running down the beach to join Hux in the water) Wait for me! 
(Hux’s shirt isn’t off but it’s open) 
Hux: (standing in the water, raising an eyebrow) Do you even know how to swim 
Kylo: Pfft, yeah totally!
Hux: That sounded oddly suspicious but if you say so (shrugs) 
Kylo: (walking very slowly into the water) Yeah I definitely learned how to swim, that’s definitely something I did, I mean like, it’s easy, I’m not a pussy!
Mitaka: (standing beside Hux) Is it just me or does it sound like he’s trying to reassure himself instead of you? 
Hux: (nonchalant) oh yes, that’s exactly what it sounds like. 
Mitaka: If he can’t swim shouldn’t we stop him? 
Hux: Let him try, it will amuse me (smirks) 
(Kylo goes deeper in the water, even deeper than the two of them, probably to prove a point) 
Kylo: I’m… I’m doing it! (A wave crashes into him) Fuck! I’m not doing it!  (He starts flailing and splashing wildly even though where he is definitely isn’t that deep)
Mitaka: (looks concerned) Sir I believe he’s going under. 
Hux: He’ll be fine. 
Mitaka: I Really dont think he will be…
(long awkward scilence)
Hux: He’s drowning isn’t he? 
Mitaka: It appears that way. 
Hux: Ugh fine! 
(He goes after him and Drags him out which is definitely a struggle) 
Hux: (dragging him by his foot onto the beach) Why are You So fucking heavy?! (Looking up to Phasma who’s tanning on the Shore) Thank you so much for your help Phasma!
(Phasma Holds up a drink nodding to them) 
Hux: (sets him down on the wet sand) Well he’s breathing (slaps him on the face) 
Kylo: (coming to, spitting out ocean water) Hey! That wasn’t mouth to mouth… (looks down disappointed) 
Hux: (sarcastically) Oh no! he stopped breathing guess I can’t save him! 
Kylo: (glancing at himself) Oh! my shorts fell off in the water, and your kind of straddling me so- 😏
Hux: (glances down instinctively and quickly looks back up) Mitaka? 
Mitaka: Yes sir? 
Hux: Google if It it’s legal to feed someone to the sharks.
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~The end~
That Guy: Has anyone seen my wife yet?
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@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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delusinaldreamer19 · 1 month
Vent/Rant incoming. Feel free to disregard.
(But also maybe don’t, idk)
Something that’s become apparent to me as I’ve posted more frequently on Ao3 is just how disheartening it can be to feel like I’m performing for a silent crowd.
Dgmw, it is very much that I am just a sensitive & insecure person by nature. (I’m incredibly embarrassed abt posting this, but again, just venting.) And its not that I’m trying to directly beg for ppl to read and comment on my works, but I am sort of…indirectly doing that.
I just can’t help but feel a bit like ‘what am I doing wrong?’ I’ve both intentionally and unintentionally written a decently wide verity of fanfics for Kuro, whether it’s shorter oneshots or longer multi chapter fics, as well as tonally with things being funny, sad, mysterious, contemplative. I try and pay attention to what gets the most interaction so that I know what people are most interested in reading. But even with doing that, I can’t really tell. Like I want to write stuff that people enjoy reading, but it sometimes feels impossible to tell if I’m doing that.
(Pls excuse me, I’m about to start very much complaining)
I don’t even know why I tend to feel that way, I’ve got six stories posted and half have over 1000 hits (two that are over 2000 hits). But again, I’m a horrifically insecure person with an adhd brain that never shuts up.
I know that I’m doing nothing but preaching to the choir when I say ‘authors really want you to comment on their works!!’ And it’s not that I don’t ever get comments (and I swear that I am extremely thankful for each one despite how what I’m about to say sounds), but I just feel like the nature of them is what gets to me sometimes.
I put a lot of time and effort into my stories (despite how quickly I’ve been updating), and I work really hard to write things that are well thought out, interesting, and while I don’t write smut (as of now), mature. I’ll look in other stories comment sections to see what other ppl have said about works that I’ve enjoyed, and I’ll see questions and commentary about specific things that happened in the chapter, and my works just…don’t tend to get a lot of that.
It could very well just be that my neurodivergent brain is upset about not getting that instant gratification, I get that. But I just wanna like- talk to people about my stories. I wanna have discussions about things in Kuro or things that I’ve written. I wanna hear when something I’ve created has garnered any sort of reaction. And because I don’t get a lot of that, my cursed neurodivergent and insecure brain translates it as meaning that I didn’t truly make anything that warranted a reaction.
I’m just incredibly prone to growing obsessive over things like this. I didn’t really ease into writing fanfiction over time, I sort of just hit the ground running and took off. For reference, I quite literally wrote all of my stories (a collective 146,000 words (I added it up cus I was curious)) in JUST this past year.
I’m kinda not sure what I should do. If I need to “work harder” and “do better”, or if I just need to wait for this influx of self doubt to pass. Or even take a small break from writing, which I don’t necessarily want to do since it’s still something that I greatly enjoy. But if that’s advice worth giving in regards to my predicament, then I suppose it warrants being considered.
(inhale) BUT ANYWAYS, that’s the end of my little vent session. As I said in the beginning, feel free to disregard, or don’t. I could probably use some advice tbh, but don’t want to beg for it. I haven’t had much of an active presence in fandom spaces (or really just active internet presence) for most of my life, so dealing with this sort of thing is still very new to me and I’m not really sure how to navigate it😭.
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I'm Just a Recluse
REQUEST: Hi I saw that your requests were open so I decided to give this a go by the way I absolutely suck at doing requests but I seen almost nothing on this 'prompt' Yandere!idia shroud x reader who has a massive crush on him but thinks he doesn't feel the same way. This idea has been rotting in my mind for the longest time. (ps: I really hope that this was clear enough 😭😭😭 again I'm sorry I really suck at writing requests)
SUMMARY: Does he have feelings for you? WORD COUNT: 1.7k
WARNINGS: Maybe manipulative reader, yandere-ish Idia, Idia being possessive and jealous mostly, Azul just wants blackmail, most likely OOC, Idia getting flustered, written in less than 30 minutes so I can't guarantee the quality but this is how I write- A/N: Anon I love that you requested because I was unable to sleep, but at the same time it's nearing 3 AM as I write this authors note help 😭 (dw you're amazing and your request was perfect, I really suck at writing stuff that was requested so it's like we're two sides of a coin (if that doesn't make sense i'm sorry)) Anyways I'm like 90% sure I botched this because I don't think I know Idia that well (I am going off what I know of him so far, so there may be inconsistencies with canon and whatnot) and it ended up being less yandere?? Idk mostly because I was like "yes I'm writing a yandere but I got an idea that's not 100% yandere" (as one does) and then it went down a whole 'nother rabbit hole- so I'm so sorry if this is not what you were looking for (also the fact that I'm writing this late at night does not help either) Reading your request over I'm mostly sure that what you were looking for was something similar to "soft reader x yandere!Idia" and not whatever the thing I wrote is- but I wrote it so I might as well publish it- Also the fact that I added Azul and Floyd because I love them and my late night brain said "might as well" is uh- yeah- A/N: Also I'm really sorry Idia I suck at titles </3
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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You always liked Idia. You weren’t really sure why, since you never really saw him much… He seemed to be always in his room, playing games. Mostly, you saw him while passing by the room that the board game club occupied. Other than the occasional passing by as you walked through the halls, that was the only thing.
Well, there was really nothing to go by, to explain your crush. You tried to dismiss it as just liking his aesthetics, or something like that - you didn’t know him well, after all. Or, rather, at all. And there was no way that he even knew about you.
Well, it was a good thought. Still, you joined the board game club, if only to up your chances of Idia noticing you.
The housewarden of Ignihyde had not registered you much at first. You were the person possibly isekai’d into this world (like a character from an anime), but other than that, you seemed like another regular person.
Or so he thought.
Once you had joined his club, things changed drastically.
You had been doing everything you could to try to spend some time with Idia, playing the same games as him and trying to talk to him.
The poor boy got flustered and he couldn’t do much. Here was a real person who seemed nice, talking to an otaku like him. It was unheard of.
Still, a game was enough to make him relax a bit, enough to have a semi-decent conversation.
He gradually found himself getting more and more interested in you. At first, he had asked Ortho for anything on you, but then he started to try more to connect with you. However, they were subtle.
Sometimes, a note placed in your desk, other times a flower in your room. Small, simple things, never signed, and without a trace of anyone.
Of course, he had Ortho do it - he didn’t want to get caught, that would make him want to die - but he still wished he could see your reactions.
Maybe you were happy, intrigued. But then again, perhaps you would be disgusted when you realized who had been the one sending those gifts. Perhaps you hated otakus. Weren’t they the people least likely to get into a relationship?
Still, he shook off those thoughts. He had to make sure you at least didn’t get grossed out and quit his club. That would make him so distressed that he wouldn’t come out of his room for at least ten years. He liked seeing your face, and didn’t want that light of happiness gone.
He should’ve known this was coming, though.
Unbeknownst to Idia, however, you had struck a deal with Azul. "Help me get Idia to fall in love with me by whatever means necessary," were your exact words. And Azul knew he could most likely blackmail both you and Idia later, however this turned out. So, being the benevolent person he was, he accepted. (And also? It would be interesting to see how this turned out in general, even without being able to get blackmail). As a show of trust, he didn't even force you to sign a contract with him. How truly benevolent he was.
So here you were, sitting a bit too close to Azul, leaning in slightly to him to discuss a game when you heard the door open. Your eyes flickered up slightly, meeting Idia's carefully composed gaze. "Hi, Idia-san."
Oh, how he longed to snatch you away from Azul… But no, he couldn't do that. Obviously Azul was better for you anyway… He was smart, and he could talk to people. And he had money. Obviously you'd like that more than a recluse.
But still… How he wanted you to drop the formal titles and call him just by name… Just like in all the romance anime he watched. "Oh, drop the -san and call me by name!" That's what he could've said, what he wanted to say - but he couldn't. What if you were grossed out?
He moved to the other side of the room, getting out one of the games and starting to set it up. His eyes flickered up as he met your gaze (and unwillingly, Azul's). He didn't miss how your hands were intertwined. Why were normal couples like this…
You tilted your head slightly to the side as you asked about playing the game with him. Idia was startled at first, but reluctantly agreed. He was irritated that Azul was here - didn't he hate luck-based games? Or was he so in love that he would do anything just to stay by your side? Oh, how it made him sick.
After a few rounds, he was done. He was tired of it all. The last straw was when he saw Azul wrap an arm around your shoulders.
Your eyes widened as Idia got up quickly, hitting the table in the process, the pieces scattering to the floor. He didn't seem to notice as he stepped toward you, pulling you from Azul's grasp.
Azul had been holding on lightly, barely even touching you, so there was no resistance. He just watched you and Idia quietly, thoughtfully, all the gears spinning in his head.
"You're not hanging out with a guy like him," Idia muttered quietly. "You're staying with me." He moved his grip to hold your wrist, tugging you out of the club room.
You followed without resisting. What else would you even do? Try to fight him? Of course not. Not when you were so close to getting what you wanted.
He cornered you in a deserted hallway, staring at you. You waited for a moment before tentatively speaking. "Idia…?"
Idia stayed quiet, the tips of his hair just gradually growing into a vibrant shade of pink. Finally, he got out, "…I shouldn't have done that…"
"Shouldn't have done what?" Your eyes were wide, so cute… But he shook the thought off.
"Shouldn't have dragged you away. Obviously you want a guy like him for a boyfriend and not me."
You paused. Your plan… Had it worked? Was he jealous? "Hey- I don't like Azul. Not in a romantic way anyway. The person I like is the person I'm talking to right now."
Idia froze. He had to be dreaming. This had to be some elaborate VR set that showed him what he wanted most in the world. Perhaps… It was so cheesy too. Like some scene from a romance anime. He met your gaze.
But still…
"Me? You have to be joking. I mean, who would like me? I'm just a recluse who stays in his room all day playing games-"
"But you're more than that," you cut him off, before smiling a little apologetically. "You're sweet, and kind, and I love the way your eyes light up when you're talking about your favorite anime or game."
Shit. No one had said that to him before. "W-well. I-" He cut himself off. He couldn't say it. He couldn't say something so embarrassing. Yeah, he had dragged you away from Azul in the heat of the moment, but that was because he wasn't thinking. He let the jealousy, the possessiveness, guide his actions.
And now he was paying for it.
"C'mon, Idia-san, get it out." Your voice was so gentle, so soothing.
"I like you and I really wanted to get to know you better but I wasn't sure if you liked me so I sent all sorts of weird creepy stuff like notes and I bet you're disappointed because it was just me and not, y'know, some cool ikemen."
His words were so fast it was almost a blur. Before you could even process his words, he took a deep breath and continued.
"And I really want you to stop calling me -san and just by my name but I don't want to ask that of you because I'm just some random creep who is obsessed with you and wants to keep you to himself and-"
"Stop stop stop." You laughed a little. "Hey, I'm not disappointed that you were the one sending me the gifts - they were sweet. I was worried that Rook-san might have been the ones sending them, but I'm glad to get the confirmation that you were the one."
Why would you think it had been Rook? Perhaps you had a crush-
"And, you only needed to ask if you wanted me to drop the -san, Idia." You smiled sweetly at him.
Well, at least you hadn't caught the 'obsessed' and 'creep' part? That was embarrassing of him to say.
Idia looked more and more flustered before he just stepped closer to you, awkwardly wrapping his arms around you in an embrace. His face nuzzled in to the crook of your neck, heart beating too fast and his palms sweaty. Was this okay? Would you like it - perhaps he should've cleaned up a bit more-
Your arms wrapped around him, and he immediately relaxed. What he wouldn't do to have you hold him like that for the whole night - whole week, even.
Unfortunately, at that moment, Floyd had to come skipping through the halls. "Koebi-chan and Hotaruika-senpai? What're you doing here - Is Azul done with his boring club?"
Idia let out a soft huff, glaring at Floyd even as he held on to you. "One, the board game club is /not/ a boring club, and two, I'm hugging [Y/N]."
How bold of him to say.
"Ooh, can I hug Koebi-chan too? I bet I can squeeze them so tight~"
Idia somehow held you tighter, turning you away from Floyd. "No. Now go run off and find Azul or something." How he had managed to hold a full conversation with Floyd, he wasn't sure. At least he seemed bored enough to run off… He sighed softly. He'd have to spend more time with you in his dorm. He was still holding you tightly as he walked to his dorm.
~bonus~ Azul was just around the corner and listening in to your conversation, phone recording everything that had happened. He sighed as Floyd had come in - of course he had to ruin it. Still, he had gotten some good stuff. "Hmm? Azul, you're here… Spying on Koebi-chan and Hotaruika-senpai?" Floyd's head tilted slightly to the side. "Don't say something as crass as spying. I was merely gaining intelligence." "So, spying." "Gaining intelligence, Floyd." Azul let out a soft sigh. "That you got in the way of." "I did nothing." "Yes you did."
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As always, reblogs and comments are always appreciated! ♡ Send your thoughts grr
Feel free to send requests! Check out this post for info ^^
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qprpbj · 20 days
do you have any tips on how to start writing fics?
the outsiders brainrot actually has me coming up with ideas and i have a desire to start writing them into actual stories but i've never written outside of class papers/assignments and i don't really know where/how to start since it's all just my own prompts and ideas and there's no grading rubric lmaoooo
like do you plan out each fic with a list first or do you just start writing about the main plot point of the chapter and fill in out of order or do you just start writing and see where it takes you... do you do any research while you're planning or pull from other authors/fics/posts or write from experience...
how do you decide when to stop writing or decide on which endings/paths/plot points to go with... the deadly combo of indecisiveness and perfectionism along with having no guidelines or due dates is crippling me so im asking some of my fav authors (who have also been inspiring me to write and be creative)
wait hi this is so sweet thank you!!! 🥹🥹 i will preface All This (sorry i yapped so much lol) by. i’ve been writing fic for like ten years and i think a lot of my old fic, while deeply cringe and awful, was all very important to getting me where i am today where i feel i can accurately get across what im trying to say!!!
first. hone your ideas!!! try to find a good niche you feel comfortable in (but also. don’t limit your creativity!!!). idk for me it’s easier to start specific and small rather than super general bc then i have Tooooo much freedom u know. i think my niche sorta across fandoms is generally softer dialogue, exploring close siblings or familial or friendship bonds an dynamics through situation, a lot of fluff, maybe a lil hurt comfort
i basically exclusively write in order! unless i get a really cool line/paragraph in my head that i write out and save for later to fit in somewhere. i usually have a like one-line idea that just Comes to me (ex. this was my entire line idea that turned into that pony getting jumped fic!)
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then i’ll expand it a little more into a shitty little paragraph (ex. here’s a few!!!)
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and then tbh after that i just kinda write everything in order from top to bottom from there. i wish i were more organized tbh and writing long fic/chaptered stuff is still sooo hard for me (which is why i don’t do it much yet lol) but im really trying to break out of it!! slowly we are learning!!! retaining the inspo and drive necessary to write that much is harddddd lmfao
before writing i always do have a solid idea where i want it to start and go and end though. like that ponyboy jumping fic i Knew i wanted to have pony get jumped in the opening scene, then go home, try to break down cutting his own hair, brothers come in and talk him down and it ends with talking abt johnny, even if i didn’t like. List that all out in words in a document.
definitely do research!!! espppp for outsiders bc it was like 60 years ago!!! well researched fics are soooo obviously tonally different and it’s always super obvious imo when that sort of care is put into ur writing. that fic i wrote about darry getting a panic attack was important researching bc panic attacks weren’t well known or researched or even Called panic attacks back then, so it’d be hella jarring seeing like 1967 13y/o pony whip out “you’re having a panic attack darry 🤓👆” yk lmfaoo
i SOO get the perfectionism and having no due dates thing btw. i have literally like 5 fics i’ve started and not finished in my docs rn with like 15 more ideas i wanna write someday. tbh! try to enter that Hyperfixation Zone and be really excited about what you’re making!!! helps it go by easier bc i swear sometimes i’ll write fic and it feels like pulling teeth even though it’s supposed to be fun!!!
last thing. try and find friends to bounce ideas off of and go crazy with you <3 or ppl to beta read!!! makes writing SO much easier and sm more fun having a your own lil personal cheerleader!!! if you ever need a beta id be soooo happy to read whatever you’ve got and hype u up!!! <3 i hope this helped at least a little bit LOL my writing process is kinda chaotic ngl
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ch3rriewine · 2 years
Pink in the night ♡ {R.L}
summary: Remus drunkenly confesses his feelings, romance ensues
warnings(?): 1.6k words, idk like fluff, loosely based off of the mitski song "pink in the night", little bad idk how i feel about this one, i wrote this with fem!reader in mind, reader has hair long enough to be tucked back lol, reader has a cat:D, remus is a cutie as always, remus is a clingy drunk, theyre at a party and drinking alcohol, like one mention of a weed smell, the time it takes for the pain meds to kick in is a tad unrealistic but it's fiction so who cares, i'll add more when i think of more
authors note: ahhh!!!!! second fic thing idk tell me what u think :p also tell me what else u want writing wise im trying to write more
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
Remus needs to talk to you, even standing near you would be great. You might as well be glowing pink, and the alcohol makes you look no less than a ray of sunlight. In a little black dress and some kitten heels, you stand close to Emmaline. That dress does wonders for your already lovely self, he thinks. You arrived a little later than everyone else, so you only had a few sips of some cocktail in you. He stumbles over to you, okay maybe he's drunk, not tipsy. Still, he managed to get over to you. Your perfume hits his senses and suddenly he’s forgotten why he’s over there. Oh yeah,
“Hey” you speak up first glancing at him with furrowed brows accompanied by a concerned smile.
“H-hey!” he yells, maybe a bit too loud, over the music. You're still smiling, now it’s not in concern, it's in fondness. He hopes you never stop.
“Having fun?” you chide, cocking your head a bit to the side. The smell of vodka and a small hint of cologne is eminent on him.
“No, not really” he slurs his words ever so slightly, grinning the smallest bit of pearly whites showing and something glinting in his eyes that you can't quite place.
Small talk ensues, and then he starts following you around the flat, chatting about nothing. Soon enough you're sat on a couch that smells faintly of booze and weed with Remus playing with a small lock of your hair. The strands twirl through his fingers, he seems oddly entertained by it, how much alcohol had Sirius given him?
“Rem, you look tired, you wanna stay the night at my place?” you ask, worried he’d pass out in this sticky mess. It’s only a friendly worry, not I secretly want to take care of you because I like you a whole lot worry, totally not.
“If it’s not too much of a hassle, sure” he mumbles, apparently too tired to speak up. Thankfully, your flat isn’t that far within walking distance. You two eventually make it back with no problems, other than Remus would occasionally trip on nothing. You lead him to your couch and sit him down, he’s already half asleep and he doesn't notice you taking off his coat for him and his shoes. You drag him back onto his feet and lead him to your bedroom, a lot harder than it sounds when it's a six-foot drunk man you're dragging. He plops down onto your bed, sighing at the feeling of your blankets and pillows surrounding him. You get a glass of water and some paracetamol on your bedside table for his oncoming hangover, then leave to change into your pajamas. He slowly assesses your bedroom, your bookshelves, the color of the walls, to your photos hanging up. It’s so you, everything just fits in perfectly with your character. You emerge from your bathroom changed and cleaned.
You're so lovely, he thinks. With your sleep shorts and an oversized shirt, you make your way over to your bed. “Get some rest, please, you had a lot to drink” ending your sentence with a small smile. That damn smile again.
“You’re so beautiful” he admires while sitting up, his face flushed from the alcohol and maybe something more. He eyed your lips with hazy eyes. “I really like you, as I think of you all day, it's hard to get stuff done. I really want to kiss you right now.”
“You’re drunk, get some rest and drink water” you insist.
“I’m serious!” he presses “you're so lovely” he sighs and falls back down onto the mattress.
“Scooch” you push him lightly so he moves over to the other side of the bed. “You won't feel like this in the morning, you're drunk.” you look into his eyes in the dim room, his dark brown irises looking almost black in the dark.
“I will,” he says before closing his eyes “I always will”. After a while, his breathing deepens and he's snoring lightly. He was saying that you were the one that was beautiful but look at him. His fluffed-up yet put-together hair, his bushy eyebrows, and the small, sparse freckles dotting his face, I mean come on. You fall asleep with your body turned towards him.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
Remus awakes with meowing in his face. He blinks his eyes open slowly, looking at the black cat staring back at him. It was a small thing, with big yellow eyes and a pudgy figure. For a moment he was incredibly confused, he didn’t have a cat. He looked around to find that he wasn’t in his flat and he had a raging headache. His head was pounding and the shrill meowing wasn't helping. He looked over to his left seeing you. You were so peaceful like this, hair a mess, face completely relaxed, and hand resting on his chest.
He put the pieces together, he was in your flat after Sirius’ party, God did he say anything weird? Being too tired to think about it, he looks to his side to find water and some paracetamol. Downing the water, he turns toward your cat. Sashimi, he thinks is the name. Sashimi is sitting at the end of the bed now waiting patiently for his breakfast. Remus would feed him if he knew where you kept the cat food, so he has to wake you up. He dreads it, he'd rather not take you out of your peaceful state, but it’s for your son, as you call him.
“Hey, your cats hungry” he shakes you awake softly. “I'd feed him but I don't know where the food is”
You mumble something incoherent into your pillow, rolling into it. He laughs. That stupid, gorgeous laugh. “Ugh ok, I’ll feed him,” you say, not putting in any effort to get up. He rubs your arm comforting, the paracetamol already taking its effect.
You fight off the sleep still in your system and sit up. “Ok I’m awake, stay here if you want” Finally sitting up and getting out of bed. You smooth your hair, trying to salvage your appearance in any way possible. He follows close behind, walking out into your kitchen/living room, actually getting a good look at your living space. Your fake plants, your photos with your friends, and even a photo of you two. The photo is slightly blurry with you on his lap laughing wildly at something he said, a quaint smile spreading across his face at your reaction. It’s cute. He remembers that night, the party you guys were at, the smell of your perfume, the glitter coating your eyelids, the heels you took off halfway through the night, everything about you he remembers, yet he can't, for the life of him, remember what he said to make you laugh that hard.
The sound of a can opening pulls him back to the moment. Your cat meows at your feet, incessant with his demands for his breakfast. “Here you go, sweet boy,” you say to Sashimi while plopping the wet food into his bowl. Crouching to pet the cat’s soft fur, you turn your head and smile at Remus. “You want to go out for breakfast? There's a diner right around the corner.”
You sit opposite each other, him still in his alcohol-smelling clothes from the night before and you in sweats and a tank top with a flannel thrown over. The coffee is burnt and the bacon is too salty, but you couldn't be more content, what can you really expect from a diner whose main consumers are people like you, fighting hangovers with greasy food and coffee. “How're your eggs?” you ask, still kind of groggy.
“Rubbery,” he says around a mouthful of said eggs. “How’re your waffles?”
“Eh, they're ok,” you say moving your cut-up waffles around the plate with your fork, mind occupied.
“Are you ok? Something on your mind, lovely?” he asks. Of course, he can tell when you're out of sorts. Stupid, smart, amazing boy.
“You said, uhm, you said something last night.” you say “I just-I’m just thinking about it” you give him a small smile.
Oh God, what did he say? Did he mess it all up before he could even make a move? The poor boy looked mortified. It all came back to him, shit. He really said that to you? Drunkenly no less?
“I’m-I’m so sorry, genuinely. I was drunk and wasn't thinking and I should've expressed myself in a better way! I'll make it up to you! We can forget I said it or-” he rambles on.
“Did you mean it? Do you still feel the same way?” you stare at him anxiously, waiting for an answer.
“Do I-what?” he stares dubiously “Of course I do! How could I not? I meant every word I swear.” he takes your hands in his. This is all happening in a corner booth of a run-down diner, by the way. How romantic.
“Can I kiss you now?” he says, sincerely. Remus Lupin wants to kiss you, what a dream.
“Mhm,” you nod leaning over the table already. He laughs, shaking his head, then winces as his headache is coming back. You chuckle a little, it’s endearing in some odd way. He meets you halfway, putting a hand on your cheek and rubbing small circles with his thumb. His lips meet yours softly, just barely brushing over yours before you take the notion to deepen it. He smiles into the kiss, grabbing your face with both hands now. You break away after a while, smiling and on the verge of giggling like a schoolgirl.
“I think I didn't do it right,” he says tucking hair behind your ear "Maybe I'm still a little bit drunk," a knowing smirk ghosted his mouth.
“Oh yeah?” you question him.
“Yeah,” he nods “Can I try again?” a kiss “and again?” another “and again?” one last for good measure.
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oddballwriter · 2 years
For the spicy requests: perhaps a lil possessiveness from the emh guys? Do what you want w this lol
Warnings: HABIT is here, mentions of sex, hickeys, bite marks, possessive sex, and making out. This is smutty. I basically wrote smut
Author’s Snip: Honestly I was just ripping off the bandaid with this 
Notes: You can tell that I simp for Evan and HABIT the most lol
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
So I mentioned before that Evan gets real possessive over you
Not in the "he won't let you do anything kind of way", more in the "he wants people to know your with him and shouldn't bother trying to flirt with you kind of way"
So if you two go out somewhere and someone starts trying to chat you up in a way that clearly indicates that their flirting with you
Evan just joins in a bit but he's making sure he knows that they don't have a chance since your already taken
"Yeah, my partner is really hot, huh?" "They are really funny. I'm so happy to be in a relationship with them."
He's just passively beating the fact that you're his into their head so that they'll fuck off
Okay now to actually get spicy
I feel like the possessive feeling doesn't go away easily so that might lead to him grabbing some of your handles and maybe not really keeping his hands to himself
And once you get home, y'all might end up having some possessive sex
But only if you want though, consent is very important to Evan. He wouldn't do anything until you tell him or he knows that you want it to happen
However, if you're down then don't be surprised when he starts saying shit like "You like it when I fuck you like this" and making you say his name
This sort of lets the possessive-ness melt off of him so that it doesn't cause anything like a fight the next time someone tries to hit on you
But by the end of it it's all good and he's back to being his usual self
100% the morning after he's letting you wear his shirt or something
I feel like Vinny always wants attention
So if he gets possessive, he tries to get you to pay attention to him
He does get a bit whiny about if you're not
But in all honestly, the possessive-ness goes way if you kiss and make out with him a bit
Idk why but I feel like that will mostly just make it go away since in making out with him, you're paying attention to him and only him
The possessive-ness rarely ends up in sex but if it does it's honestly just regular plain sex
Maybe give you a little hickey for a small bit of good measure and then all is good
There's always a hickey on you
Jeff doesn't get possessive or jealous at all as far as he knows
He's a very chill kind of guy
But there's always a hickey on you, and that's honestly just because he's affectionate like that
He'll just mindlessly give you one
That might be why Jeff never gets possessive, because he's already done something that implies that you're with someone like your hickeys
Or when you go around wearing a shirt or something of his that you probably accidentally took when you were throwing on something to wear after having fucked the other night
So he kind of doesn't need to have that stuff go off in him
You kind of already have things set
We know damn well that HABIT is possessive as fuck and that he holds no mercy
Okay I'm gonna level with y'all here. As a HABIT simp in appreciate the whole idea of you and HABIT constantly be fucking, I really do
But I feel like HABIT only really fucks when he knows that you're horny
But judging by how horny y'all are for this bitch half the time, it's still gonna be constant
I won't go into detail but when you two fuck it's like... a lot
The fact that you're alive and or didn't need to go to the ER is a miracle
The possessive-ness is always there with him
You are HIS
So he makes sure whenever you go somewhere, even if no one knows who he is, he makes sure people always can see that you belong to someone
There's literally bite marks on you along with some deep looking hickies
You look like a chew toy /j
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runespoor7 · 8 months
nmj/wwx or jgy/wwx or lxc/wwx
Oh, interesting!
I answered under the cut, all three options and a surprise.
don't ship it
Why don't you ship it?
lack of history in canon, I think. never really thought about it, they both die early without much to do with one another, I don't feel like I see what's going on there. I'm very busy shipping them with their respective it's-complicated.
What would have made you like it?
More history between them would have been a good start.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything to say about it?
ok see the Draw for me here is that I think the in-universe RPF game for these two was insane. Probably unwarranted! Lots of LWJ or JC stuff being given to NMJ for some reason and some Meng Yao stuff given to WWX. But there was a time it was the big YLLZ-era ship. Righteous Chifeng-zun calling out and going to to war against the fallen Yiling Laozu! Action! Drama! Lots of possible captive scenarios! Some stories have WWX be secretly a spy for the Wens during the war and NMJ being unable to prove it, and realizing only after the war that WWX is trying to set himself up as the new WRH! Some stories have WWX save NMJ during the war, only to be corrupted by his demonic cultivation later on! It's definitely the Hot ship at the time.
It falls off in popularity after NMJ's death - it's taken over by WWX/JC (which had started becoming real popular since JC killed WWX; JC gets a lot of the darker versions of RPF!Chifeng-zun's personality traits in those stories) - but it probably leaves a decent smattering of heirs in non-RPF stories. The most popular romance story in the present is from an author who wrote NMJ/WWX, they're not quite expies but iykyk.
(the YLLZ's actual most common ship is YLLZ/Ghost General, in stories where YLLZ is the villain and not part of the main pair. These stories are overwhelmingly NMJ/JYL after she's been widowed by the YLLZ.)
don't ship it!
Why don't you ship it?
I have never seen a protagonist and a "main(?) antagonist" care so little about one another and be so perpendicular to each other's stories. The Venn diagram between WWX and JGY is "WWX's sidekick/boyfriend's brother is JGY's bestie" and "the person who wants JGY destroyed threw ideas at the wall and WWX stuck."
It's very interesting. It kind of makes mdzs into the kind of case fic where the case is less important than the emotions. For me, "the emotions," "the plot," was the mystery question of: "how come wwx died? how did it end up that way?"; I suspect ardent wgxn shippers see "the plot" as "how do wwx and lwj get together". In either case, it's got nothing to do with JGY.
What would have made you like it?
so if they did have interactions/history/something I might be into it, but otoh it's such a fun thing that they're just incidental to one another that it would almost be a shame.
(at this point it may become apparent that my answer to everything is "idk, if they'd been childhood friends and had a falling out?" but what can you do.)
This would have been a cool story: WWX and JGY knew one another as kids. Maybe WWX's parents left him at an inn down the street from the brothel Meng Yao lived in when they left on the night-hunt that would kill them.
Maybe bby Wei Ying boasted about his cultivator parents and gave Meng Yao pointers. Maybe Meng Yao gave WWX food once after bby WWX lost his parents. Maybe they played together/hid together. I see something like at most a few weeks of something that someone older would have called a friendship, and then bby WWX disappearing from Meng Yao's life.
Meng Yao remembers the other boy; WWX doesn't.
Depending on how long they were friends you might need to make up a reason why Meng Yao never learned the other boy's real name; maybe part of a joke during their first meeting that WWX refused to clear up later? fits in with WWX's joke to LQY. Or if they did exchange names, you might need a reason why Meng Yao doesn't try to turn his friendship with WWX into something actionable once he learns WWX is head disciple of YMJ. The reason might be as simple as Meng Yao not knowing what became of Wei Ying until after he tried to reach his father the first time. The rejection, the humiliation, the fear of being a laughing stock and or being rejected again, pride - those might suffice to explain why Meng Yao wouldn't throw himself at the mercy of Wei Ying or the Jiangs. (Especially if their meetings were under the sign of bby WWX bragging about his parents or sth like that.)
Keeping canon otherwise the same, this makes for a starting point for "what if" contemplations I'd be interested in.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I'm very into JGY having Opinions on WWX. there are definitely cool AUs to be made about them.
don't ship it
Why don't you ship it?
most of my ships need some... thing from canon. LXC/WWX is a complete mystery. I would be interested in making up stories about them, simply because there would be many stories to tell depending on your starting point. But I'm probably not going to want to spend effort or time on it.
LWJ and his feelings are also very much something that I'd need to consider, from LXC's PoV at least. And that's a lot.
What would have made you like it?
Hm, I dunno. A very different canon? One where they have more history, or more scenes together. Possibly one where I'm more invested in LXC as well.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Oh yes, it sounds fascinating!
Are we talking about WWX/LXC post-canon, with wgxn either a thing or having been a thing? How do they navigate LWJ's feelings for WWX? Are they going behind his back? Is it sad, or sordid, is it an unexpected friendship that goes deeper than any of them expected?
Or did LWJ die from his punishment while WWX was dead? Is LXC/WWX the relationship in this story because LXC has been mourning for his brother ever since; how resentful of WWX is he? Did LWJ try to get him to promise not to resent WWX? Does LXC try to understand WWX (for LWJ) anyway, does he try to meet him halfway? Does he end up seeing good things in WWX as well? Or it is a destructive urge that drives them together? (There would certainly be a parallel between LXC and JC in a story where LWJ died for WWX. Is WWX projecting? What kind of relationship do LXC and JC have?)
I don't ship it but I think if given the opportunity WWX might joke about performing a 3zun hat trick a lot.
And then possibly commit to the bit, the only sort of commitment he's at ease with. (/cheap shot)
Or panic and not do it, given that he's hugely sentimental deep down, but he would love the joke!!!!
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marvellouslymadmim · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag, @andordean
Tagging @room-on-broom @cassiopeiasara @tiffanyachings @nellectronic and whomever else wants to do it!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
Ninety five.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
1,840,502 (and counting...)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently? The Witcher. I do have a few other WIPs for other fandoms but we'll see if they ever see the light of day. Previous fandoms include The Worst Witch 2019, Criminal Minds, plus a few one-shots in a few other fandoms. But those are the big ones.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Pearl Diving (hells yeah the Lesbians win again), A Night with the Queen, Veiled Truths, Chaos Thy Name is Circe, Survival Skills.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Almost always...mainly because I feel extremely guilty if I don't (so if you have ever commented and didn't get a reply in return, don't worry. I still remember. It haunts me.) but also because I genuinely love geeking out with fellow fans. I legitimately have made some amazing friends (and also met the love of my life!) through conversations that started simply through fic comments.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof...I definitely went through an angst phase so there are plenty of contenders. The Hunter's Remorse (24), Cassandra's Lament, The Unknown Known (both Battlestar Galactica), Walking Dictionary (Criminal Minds), Heart to Ashes to Stone (Game of Thrones), Long May We Reign (Reign), and Orbis Incognitus (The Walking Dead)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All That Glitters, Veiled Truths, Monstrous, pretty much anything I've written since about 2018ish.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
oh god. once, yes. in the Criminal Minds fandom. Granted, I pulled a surprise cliffhanger that, looking back, I would have breadcrumbed more--but I got SO MANY PEOPLE on ffnet screaming at me and generally being abusive because I *dared* to put a character in danger. it genuinely upset me so much that I stopped writing for a long time.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
I think once or twice? But I'm more of an AU kinda gal.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. But I did have someone lift very specific ideas from my fic (i.e. an AU where a certain character was given a very specific nickname and occupation, which another author then took and used in their own AU), and ngl, it made me feel hella weird. For the record, I wouldn't have minded it if they had simply put in the author's notes: "hey this idea was inspired by Mim, in her fic xyz". I didn't need them to come formally ask for permission or anything like that. But to see it in the wild and see readers commenting on their "originality" really put me off that writer as a person tbh (granted they're sus af for entirely other (worse) reasons too so this only solidified my feelings).
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of. I have had readers who weren't fluent in English run my fics through translators for Arabic and French, which I thought was hella cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I don't think so? Honestly don't remember.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
God. ALL TIME? Idk. I do love me a dynamic of "A thinks they're unlovable and B is the most patient and loving person alive", so definitely ships like Hackle and Cal/Eist are my top faves.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Some of my old Criminal Minds stuff.
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Pridefulness over my characterization. And also...I am a fucking calathea of mental health and creativity. Everything must be *just so* or I cannot write. No messy house, no loud noises, no stress, no sickness, no dishes in the sink, no work emails to answer, NADA. Otherwise we shrivel up and die. Fun stuff.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have, and knowing my insane ass, I most likely will again. Sometimes it's just fun. But ya gotta actually know the language and be 1000% certain about what you're saying.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh god. I think it was Cats. Yes. The musical.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This is like asking a mother which child is her favorite 😅 I have a different relationship with each story, and love them each equally but in totally different ways. I will say that my favorites to re-read for comfort myself are: All That Glitters, Veiled Truths, Monstrous, and A Night with the Queen.
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I love that you have this place for us Poc! ❤️ Just discovered your blog
it bothers the hell out of me that some people read fiction and sometimes can also assume that an author is using something from real life ALL the time. this is referring to the white/eurowhite readers when it comes to acotar. the eurowhite readers (which there are alot of ofc) white wash all of the bat boys and lucien vanserra DESPITE knowing that for one, lucien is part black from his father. the second which is my main point with the eurowhite readers in acotar is that because SJM uses the name of a race called “Illyrians” in her books to refer to a race of poc and because “the map looks just like the UK/Europe!” they all ASSUME that because illyria (where balkans are, no longer referred to as illyrians) looks like the Prythians map and because it’s the same name that it means they’re eurowhite characters. There’s been no confirmation of them being europeans but they ASSUME they are when telling other poc readers that “they aren’t Poc” DESPITE SJM referring to them as “golden brown skin” “brown skin” “Light brown skin” multiple times the ENTIRE series. Most arts they’re in they’re brown too! Aside from the ones that whitewash them. Maybe she stole the name (which is like her taking the name of a race and denying they’re that race) BUT STILL she never confirmed they’re european in her fantasy version of illyrians they just assume and use this argument whenever someone says they’re poc. racist asses unable to accept the fact that they’re canonly referred to as BROWN. not WHITE. not PALE. GOLDEN BROWN. does that sound like white to you?
Im a a poc who doesn’t mind SJM not being clear about race, it’s somewhat refreshing not to have it be so “black white asian” like it is IRL, and I don’t mind her using the same name, but she makes illyrians her OWN and made them brownskinned even if people in europes “Illyria” were “Olive skinned” and not brown. It’s obvious she tweaked it and made them darker so either way they aren’t white like these readers want them to be. And if there are White casted for these roles in her possible Acotar Tv show? It’s only going to piss all her Poc readers off so I hope her team is careful and Hulu when they do casting. Bc I know they would all get canceled for whitewashing, whole show burned to flames via twitter for it, regardless of her using an IRL country’s name.
Also don’t believe those that thinks she’s racist again as a black reader they woman’s best friend is black, she’s a obama supporter, Anti republicans and trump, Young and super modern and she’s not a dumbass. People call her racist for her blurred lines of race and for supposedly “Posted about Breonna taylor for Attention and more money from Poc readers” When …where tf is the proof that was her reasoning? Maybe she just wanted justice for her. As a poc I hate seeing poc acotar readers act like she’s racist like use your brain and not bias to make it seem like something it’s not. Idk your stances on her but this is just mines.
Ok so here's the thing... I'm trying to read more diverse books. Like my white bestie from college wanted me to read acotar and the rest of the series but i honestly just watched a youtuber do a rundown of the first 3 books. and it was fine? so I will say this about sarah j maas: like her books do seem v white to me. BUT I also can't really say anything definitive about her works because I'm experiencing them through a white youtubers lens. so if she didn't pick up on diversity in the books I didn't think of it as diverse. you're welcome to have your opinion though but in general.... don't stan white authors.
Like I'll give you an example.
a favorite author of mine that wrote american gods, good omens and coraline is on this v site so that's why I won't name him but like even he's done some problematic stuff. like ok the biggest example is the marvel comic 1602 where he had a chance to race bend steve rogers but instead had a white steve rogers that was raised by native americans.
like just please don't waste your time stanning white authors. next thing you know they turn into jkrowling.
mod ali
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rabbittwinrithings · 1 year
How happy are you with your current follower mods you've created? Whether that is stage of development, general features, appearance, things like that.
While I'm at it, what do you think of the followers you authored as characters, personaility wise?
Oh shit, man, this is loaded. But I don't mind it. This may be some strays thoughts.
So first off, I love my characters. In fact, I've never gotten attached to character's I've written so much like my custom voice followers. And it amazes me how much I will feel for them. There was a moment in time where I was having a hard time writing a scene where one was super angry, and for that week I, in real life, was so angry for them. I actually had to step away for a bit to calm myself down and make sure I wasn't actually causing any harm with that anger.
I have moments where I will think of Khash and, idk, it's so weird, start crying and think of how proud I am of her and that's she's made so many friends and so many care for her, as if I am a real mother thinking about her daughter.
I feel this way towards the other's too. I'll look at Varrick and think 'You're doing so good. And you're trying your best, I'm so proud of you.' Or Caryalind and say 'I promise things will get better. You've found your tribe, they'll protect you.' It's so odd and I never thought of that aspect before writing them.
Next, personality-wise, every follower I make has a piece of me. There are two writing advice I take to heart a lot, and that's 'write what you know,' and 'write what you want to know,' though I take them both two different ways. With 'write what you know' I look at how I want that character act, what they're like, etc. Caryalind wears his heart on his sleeve, Varrick wants to protect others, Fir has problems socializing, Disnel has ties to her culture (which is native American coded,) and Khash, well, Khash is a lot of different stuff about me mashed into one. I try and have my character's have parts of me in them.
This also goes with 'write what you want to know,' when it comes to their conflicts or problems, those are parts of me too, but mostly taken to insane extremes. (I can't say Khash's yet cause it would be spoilers for her questline.) Fir has social anxiety and depression of being a shut-in, Caryalind has done stuff in his past he percives as unforgivable and yet it was done in ignorance, Varrick is dealing with religious trauma, and Disnel deals with anger towards the disrespect of her culture and wanting to become closer to it.
Because of writing stuff that I too was having issues with, I was able to find personal solutions to issues or shed some light on them, even if they aren't completely, or even partly, fixed.
I also want to add that there followers have parts of me I wish I had. Khash and Disnel both are very un-bashful about who they are, and that's something I wish I had. Disnel says weird stuff, and her laugh is off, but she doesn't care. She doesn't stop and think 'oh, was that weird, do the people around me think that was weird?' I wish I was like that now. Or Khash is who I wish I was as a child/teen. As someone who was bullied horrifically throughout elementary, middle, and high school, I wished I didn't care what other's thought and was just myself.
(But to be fair, Khash also has an attitude of 'why should I care what others think when I have my family,' Which was something I felt strongly as a kid despite now having self-cofidence issues.)
I do want to point out though, my follower's all having daddy issues got nothing to do with my personal life. My dad is fuckin' awesome!
(Funny enough, a line from Khash where she quotes Marlok about how a certain type of bird "are jerks," is taken by quote from my dad. We were sitting on his front porch bird watching, and I was taking notes for Khash and what she would like about nature, and he said that so I wrote it as quick as I could.)
I don't have much to say about appearance. I love how all the followers look, but even then I'm not picky. Like I adore seeing replaces and seeing how people interpret them. I may not agree with them 100% of the time, but I don't care. I love seeing my character's get reimagined like that!
out of all the followers, these two for Varrick and Caryalind are my favorites!
Obviously, though, I add little quirks I like to all of them.
I adore Khash's little stuck-up nose.
I love Caryalind's curly hair.
I love Varrick's fashion sense.
I love Fir's striking eyes.
I love how flat Disnel's side profile is.
Okay, maybe there is more I could say about their appearances, but I'm sure it would just be more 'I love (insert some detail about them.)' cause I just love how they all look!
Stage of development is a tricky one cause I have mixed feelings about it. School has really kept me away from my followers, and it hurts, but with summer break I've found I have the time to finally work on them.
I recently been working on a road map of the followers to hopefully see what all I need (at least for the initial release for some,) and want.
Caryalind should have an update soon.
I'm hoping to get the first half of Varrick's romance up during the summer.
I want to get most of Fir written and implemented over the summer.
I hope to get Disnel out by the end of the summer. (Not completed, but still a good chunk of stuff there.)
And Khash, is another matter I will discuss at the end...
Sometimes I feel bad for not making more or quicker updates. Some mod authors are absolute gods at it, and I wish I could update as quickly, but I also try not to get myself upset about it. This is meant to be fun for everyone, including me. Part of me says it's selfish, and another part then hits and says 'no, that's not.' (If you couldn't tell, anxiety is something I struggle with pretty badly.)
Okay, now the thing about Khash, cause I really didn't want to disrupte any flow with above is her questline has created such a huge headache, at first. I made Khash when I first learning the ck and the same for more complicated questing. Because of this, her questline is a huge, buggy mess. because of that, and seeing the state Khash's esp is in, I decided to try and make her from the ground up again, along with additions and changes. Cause like, now, a questline like her's is a cake walk from what I've done in Ganval and Disnel's stuff. I just didn't know how to do it at the time of making Khash. But this also means Khash's development and update will take much longer than I hoped. While the lines are going pretty steadily (I think I started rebuilding two weeks ago and half of the of lines are implemented,) It's voicing that will probably take the longest. This is because I haven't done Khash's voice in perhaps a year and my throat isn't used to it anymore. because of that, voicing lines will take the longest time to do. But, for a sneak peak, some other additions are:
New introduction quest
More inventory room (Khash will have a backpack the player can toggle on and off.)
And I really hope to give her some kind of pet.
There are other obvious ones like how I want to add her adoption. I would also like to add more questions for the player to answer about themselves. Khash didn't know much about Marlok's past, and if she is looking to the player as a new guardian, she wants to try and learn more about you. But these are still up in the air, aka, not written, so I don't want to promise anything until it is for sure written.
Hopefully this whole reboot will fix alot of her bugs, story issues, and other stuff in the og mod.
With all that said though, I hope to have an update or a good chunk of each follower done by the end of the summer. I'm not sure where that will put Ganval in development. I started Ganval just for fun set design, and then thought it could be a good quest portfolio piece. But with how much questing my current followers are getting, I think just themselves are good portfolio pieces.
Sorry for just this huge wall of text. I may have gotten a bit carried away. But I hope this all answers the question really well. I know writing all this did help me get some thoughts I had out of my brain and out there.
Love y'all!
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