#this dog i stg
greyias · 10 months
Okay, I launched the first cutscene I'm into it, going along and then the camera pans over
"Oh hey look, we're hanging out with Rass and--"
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"goddamnit I forgot to change her back into her normal outfit ESCESCESC"
Change outfits. Get ready to start the cutscene again. And then
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I'm getting nowhere at this rate. As usual.
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lovereadandwrite · 4 months
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“I shall protect you, & you alone… even if…you stand as the last person on this earth”
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dazaislanderer · 8 months
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kyomon0 · 1 year
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i (kinda) finished. Kolya's hair took too long to figure out so rushed everything else 😭 I don't want to open the file again bro
got a chibi Nikolai + colorless as extras !
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lesbiandardevil · 11 months
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rredbirdii · 4 months
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sskk as cats ft. gin
cat image it was based off below
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jeanmoreaue · 2 months
i am going to sound deranged but does anyone remember Nora answering a question about how the ravens celebrated halloween… with something unhinged and Jean-related.. did i hallucinate this
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pastafossa · 15 days
This ends fine so stick with me.
So Fozzie and Pip had a bit of a spat last night as we went to rotate them through the baby gates. There was some blood on Pip's leg from where Fozzie bit him, but it looked minor so we cleaned and bandaged it up. However, Pip was acting like this was SERIOUS. We're talking refusing to get up, even for treats, with tragic moans. Refusing to walk, even when I picked him up and set him upright (which he responded to by throwing himself on the ground again). Cried and gave me a very gentle nip when I tried to check the bandages. Like this dog was acting like his leg was BROKEN. We let him rest for the night but I had to physically carry him to his crate and put him inside. He was still acting like this this morning and trying to check the bandage resulted in more doggy shows of agony, so we took him in, where he made a big show for the vet techs of being unable to walk.
He had. Three. THREE...
Wait for it.
Small superficial cuts.
That's it.
No broken bones. No cuts that needed sutures. Just a couple lil cuts.
Treatment? Bandaging for 24 hours, some antibiotics just in case, and a cone on his head for a few days so he doesn't lick the hell out of the cuts.
He even asked the vet for BELLY RUBS while she was examining him.
"Wait, he can walk?"
"Oh absolutely, he just doesn't want to."
Anyway, now he's stoned out of his gourd because they still gave him some painkillers to keep him calm for a few days and god do I wish my meds hit me this hard.
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so....ignoring the fact that it took me three (3) weeks to get through um. twenty-six (26) pages. it's totally reasonable to try to speedrun revisions of the next thirty-two (32) in like six (6) hours tomorrow, right, Asking For A Friend,
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allastoredeer · 2 months
Can I ask some of your pet peeves that will make you say ew, no and turn back to a fic? Far from the top Al/bottom Luci that you have talked about
I, for example, can't stand any fic where they punish Stolas or Blitzø for what led to the breakup, and there's a difference between exploring a perspective and rejoicing in crushing a character. I love the relationship between Niffy and Alastor but when they infantilize her? Yes, no, goodbye. If your found family dynamic is trying to crush the characters in the nuclear family boxes I DON'T WANT IT
And I totally agree with you about Niffty being too infantilized. She is a grown ass woman, even if she acts childish at times. Also, I can't stand it when people put all the blame on Blitz's and Stolas' relationship on either one of them too. It's a very complicated relationship where they have both made mistakes and both of them suffer from unresolved trauma.
Here are my pet peeves:
The implication or outright statement that Alastor's love interest "taught" him how to love, or "showed" him how to love. It implies that there was something in him that was lacking, something in him that needed to be "fixed," and the aphobia is so real it puts a horrible taste in my mouth every time. Implying that a basic human emotion such as love is something that Alastor had to be taught (especially when in reference of his asexuality), sends me clicking out of a fic so fast my browser crashes.
Overuse of the word "deer" in substitute for "dear." Look, I know its a popular nickname. Yes, it can be cute. But terms of endearment like that are cutest when they're used sparingly. When its used a lot, it gets very old and very repetitive really fast. I can't get lost in a story when the words "my deer," or "yes, my deer," or "of course, my deer," or "no, my deer," is used every other sentence. It makes me want to pull my hair out. (Also Alastor using the word "dear" so much. He does say it, but not that often, even in the show. Like I said, endearments like that are much more effective when they're sprinkled, and not every time he opens his mouth).
Lucifer coming off as too naive or innocent. I'm okay with him being naive to modern day Hell, but the guy isn't stupid. And he sure isn't innocent either. When he acts too cutesy and sweet, especially for the majority of the story, I lose interest. Where's the spice? Where's his bite? Where's the guy that went from 0-60 in the blink of an eye and insulted Alastor within the seconds that he met him? (Also any fics that have him making a deal with Alastor so easily. Or Alastor manipulating him into making a deal. Or he's ever, at any point, scared of Alastor. That bitch is not scared of him, even when Al's in his big, creepy demon form. Lucifer would not be blink an eye.
Anytime Lilith is depicted as an abusive, shallow and neglectful wife, especially when that's also made to be the sole reason for Lucifer's depression.
Lucifer being overly obsessed with ducks. It's the same as the "dear/deer" thing. I don't mind seeing it sprinkled in through his character, but I hate it when its used as a defining trait.
Alastor coming off as too much of an old-timey gentleman. Or coming off as super masculine. If I can't imagine him sassily flicking his wrist or lounging on a bed, kicking his feet in the air, it takes me out of the story. I can't stand it when he's written so stiff. Too much like a prim-and-proper butler in an old movie when he's one of the most flamboyant characters in the show.
Over use of the word "picture-box" in reference to Vox. It's the exact same as "dear/deer." It has the potential to be cute, but it's so overused. It makes the dialogue sound clunky and unnatural when its repeated so often, and sometimes, it's when it's used that throws me off. It's the kind of word that clutters a sentence, and if its not used right, it sticks out to me like a sore thumb.
But what's probably my biggest pet peeve is when Alastor's dialogue is bland. Like, when he doesn't sound like a person and speaks like the walking personification of an instruction manual. When his words are too artificial, impassive, and formal. Alastor is very expressive when he speaks, he has a lot of vocal intonations, and he actually uses a lot of body language and hand gestures when he talks (see his entire first interaction with Lucifer). He can be very stiff, like when he's walking with his back straight and his head up, but he also spins his cane all the time. He flicks his wrist. He snaps his neck at 90 degree angles. He uses wide and expressive body language. He uses his cane to gesture at things. His face is very animated. And most importantly: he's an entertainer! That's how he keeps peoples attention on him. That's why is presence can be so big. He needs showmanship! And a lot of that showmanship comes from his voice. He deals in radio, which is all audio! He knows how to keep an audience with nothing but his voice. So when he sounds bland and impassive, I can't keep reading because I can't even see him as the same character. I feel like I'm reading an OC. Or an off-brand, less interesting bootleg version of him.
Adding onto the above, another pet peeve is when Alastor's internal thoughts are as bland and formal as his speech. Even if he's being written intentionally super formal, especially as part of a ruse, his head is where he doesn't have to keep up the act. His thoughts do not have to mimic his charade. He has the freedom to 100% completely and wholly be himself, because his act doesn't extend to him. If he doesn't sound like a a person who had once lived on Earth, who lived a whole human life, in his own internal thoughts, I can't even force myself to keep reading. His mind is the perfect place to see who he really is, and I have a hard time believing the real Alastor is the charade he puts on for everyone else.
There might be more that I'm not thinking of, but I'll add to the list as they come back to me.
LOL as you can see, a lot of my pet peeves revolve around Alastor. I can be a very picky reader, especially when it comes to him.
But I will say that a lot of these pet peeves also depend on how they're written. I have read, subscribed, kudo'ed, and bookmarked stories that have had multiple of my pet-peeves, but they were written in a way that was either so small that I could overlook them, or the story & plot were so interesting that I ignored them and kept reading.
I can enjoy fics that have any of the above, it just depends on how the author writes it.
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muffin-man-marq-lynch · 3 months
I kind of love that the more MJF tries to grow and develop as a person and a wrestler the more it backfires on him and he ultimately ends a worse version of the thing he was before.
He starts out the bullied kid with ADHD and a hyperfixation instead of a personality, heroes on the TV screen instead of friends, and he does the thing so many of us do and pieces his personality together from those 'friends'. Triple-H. Adam Cole. And of course, CM Punk.
My own vocabulary and personal lexicon is indelibly shaped by the media I fixated on and the characters I imprinted upon; the quirks and verbal tics of friends real and imaginary that got me through the worst days and years of my life.
It causes a personality crisis at times, when you look in the mirror and try to ask yourself 'who are you, and what do YOU want?' after a certain point, especially with success, and the imposter syndrome of meeting Said Heroes? I can only imagine with the few times I've tripped over my tongue at conventions to a couple actors. In the end, you have to figure out what the answer is that lays a layer deeper than 'I'm someone who loves [wrestling], and I want to be like the people I admire to emulate them and be accepted by them'.
But as MJF tries to grow and explore who he is outside of that 20-something prodigy fanboy who has built himself as an insecure collection of the best Frankenstein'ed traits of his Mentors and Would-Be-Mentors, the narrative denies him escape.
Today, June 19th, 2024, he returns to the ring for the first real match in 174 days, and tries to pull a Panama Sunrise, one of Adam Cole's finishing moves soon after their breakup, but doesn't get to land it.
Rush pulls a length of camera cable out from under the ring and in a nearly perfect parallel to Max's actions with CM Punk in the Dog Collar match whips him across the back as well as choking him with it and biting it and- the parallels are there. [I would be remiss to not point out Max had a lil doggo (wolf) on his shirt beginning of the match too.]
MJF gets his shit rocked Hard before a hand gently pats the back of his head while he catches his breath during the final pin.
He's trapped in the AEW time loop, haunted by the ghosts of his past, of his own creation that created him, long before he ever had a chance to create himself, slowly becoming a more haunted version of a copy of a copy of a collage.
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lovereadandwrite · 5 months
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he cooked ! he served !! HE ATE😮‍💨🥵
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the absolutely Vivid reality based chronological dream i had last night. man
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa is nothing if not consistent & feral.
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cryptid-jack · 1 year
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Been meaning to draw my Asari oc, Aera, from my ME fanfic 'The Shepard's Dog'. Kaidan meets him on his journey to take back Shepard's body and they wind up getting along like a house on fire.
Aera uses he/him pronouns and while he's not much of a fighter he's a hell of a hacker. Real 'guy in the chair' type, lol.
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 1 year
Hey uh what the fuck does this mean?
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