#this especially works with redheaded males
sexy-raccoons · 2 years
what is it about redheads that make them instant blorbo material???
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shadowkoo · 21 days
Just Dance It Off
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→ Summary: You're over the moon when you land the female lead in the end-of-semester show. It feels like your hard work has finally paid off, everything is going great. Well, until you learn who your partner is…
↠ jimin x f.reader | 9.5k words | 18+ ↠ genre: smut, angst, fluff, ballet dancers au, enemies to lovers, performing arts college au
→ Warnings: explicit and unprotected sex, jealousy, masturbation, alcohol consumption, underage drinking, use of fake ID, mild exhibitionism, creampie, hair pulling, angry sex, nipple play, degradation, dirty talk, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, multiple smut scenes, heavy teasing & banter, edging, orgasm denial, light choking
→ Author Note: This is a rewrite of an old 2019 fic of mine, so I hope you enjoy the newest version! If you’d like to read this on ao3 instead it’s been crossposted here! Also a biiiiiiig thank you so Sarah @caelesjjk for beta editing this for me. Go show her some love if you aren't already following her! As always, all likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated <3
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“Oh, no,” you hear one of the dancers behind you whisper to another, “Look who’s walking in.”
Your curiosity gets the best of you as you casually stretch, your eyes betraying you by glancing over your shoulder toward the door, dying to see who they’re talking about. You recognize him almost immediately and the whispers continue to grow about the slender male who is walking across the room to set his stuff down.
Park Jimin.
Of course, he would be auditioning for this show. It’s his final semester, and you really should have seen this coming. Especially since you knew he was bound to get whatever position he was auditioning for. That’s a given.
Park Jimin always gets whatever he wants in life; whether that be a specific role in a performance, who his performance partners are both on the stage…and in the bedroom, that sort of thing. He’s the most pretentious person you’ve ever met, seeing as he acts like he is God’s gift to the dance world, and you’re already dreading any interaction you’ll have with him.
Rumor has it that his daddy, former dancer and sponsor, paid his way into Juilliard, but as much as you hate to admit it, he (unfortunately) happens to be very talented and you doubt the school didn’t already have something lined up for him, regardless of who his family is. Unlike you, who was on the waitlist for two months and had to take out a loan worth more than your life to attend this school.
Your eyes meet his and Jimin does a once-over before moving onto the people to your left. What a prick.
“Y/N!” a voice yells from the entryway. Your familiar, freckled, redheaded best friend is quickly prancing towards you.
“I’m so happy to see you here,” Catalina squeals before hugging you tightly. “What part are you auditioning for? Please tell me it’s lead. God, I miss you. It sucks that we don’t have any classes together this semester. How are you?”
You hug your petite friend back, “I miss you too! Please tell me that you’re not also auditioning for lead, I don’t want to be judged against you. Your pirouettes are perfect compared to my lousy ones.”
Her laugh echoes through the room. “Apparently you didn’t hear about my recent tumble,” she jokes, bumping her shoulder into yours. “I’ll gladly be in the background after my solo-gone-wrong.”
“Alright, everyone!” One of the male judges calls out, walking past the lineup of dancers to collect everyone’s entry form. “We’ll start with the routine you were required to memorize as a group, and then it will be individual evaluations after. Make sure your numbers are secured and let’s line up outside the door.”
After taking your place and getting into position with the rest of the packed room, you wait for the cue to begin. The routine is short and simple, and years of practice have made some of the required moves second nature.
Before you know it, the judges are escorting people out the door for the individual sessions.
You're about twentieth in line, right behind Cat. That makes you a bit nervous because, even though she’s not auditioning for the lead role, her impressive skills might land her a more prominent part than the one she’s aiming for.
Everyone else is quietly chatting in line while you do your best to relax, working through your routine in your mind. This is one of your pre-audition rituals. It always helps with easing your nerves.
By the time you finish running through a couple of full-outs in your head, you’re second in line. You wish Cat good luck as she’s ushered into the dance studio. Her five minutes go by almost too quickly, but she exits with a happy smile.
“Hey, good luck! Kill it, okay?”
You nod, quickly following after the woman who calls your name next.
“Miss Y/N, it says here that you’re auditioning for the female lead. As a sophomore?” Mr. Jenson, one of your dance professors and judge, questions. You prepared for this. It’s very uncommon for an underclassman to try out for such a prestigious role.
“Yes, sir. That’s correct.” You hold your head high.
“Well, I have to say I’m quite impressed with your confidence. Whenever you’re ready.”
You wait for the familiar beginning notes of Tchaikovsky’s Waltz Of The Flowers to play before flying effortlessly through your well-practiced routine. You’re banking on the emotional state of your dancing along with the technical moves you’ve included to impress the judges, and based on their faces when you finish, you figure you did just that. You can’t help but grin widely as you watch the four of them scribble furiously onto the sheets of paper. That’s a really good sign.
“I have to say, I was a little thrown off in the beginning by your song choice since it’s so, hmm, how do I say this, so amateur. But I was very surprised by what you chose to express and the level at which you dance,” the first judge says.
“Yes, the lines you created with your body were very exquisite,” another praises.
You nodded, taking in their advice and criticism.
“Thank you, Miss Y/N, you may exit.” Mr. Jenson says with a smile.
As soon as you step out the door and exhale, you feel a sense of relief. The excitement of your successful audition courses through you, filling you with good energy.
You find Cat stretching in the warm-up room next door.
“Oh my god, you got it. Didn’t you?” She squeals the second she sees your face.
“I don’t know…” You have a pretty good idea based on their responses and comments but aren’t positive.
“Oh, please,” she rolls her eyes, “That’s your ’I just nailed my audition’ face. You totally got it.”
“I hope so. God, wouldn’t that be so insane? When was the last time an underclassman got the lead?”
Someone behind you scoffs; you look over your shoulder and see that it’s Jimin. Your eyes narrow at him, but Cat turns you back before you go off on him. “Not worth it, the rest of us seniors think it’s great that you’re trying for a top spot. How about we go get a drink from the vending machine while we wait?”
You nod before grabbing your warm-up bag and follow her out. “I can’t believe him. He’s so stuck up,” You grumble once you’re far enough away that no one but Cat can hear you.
“He’s always like that, just be thankful that you don’t share any classes with him.”
You’ve heard that Jimin is usually the center of attention in class, whether it’s his choice or not, so you can’t imagine being stuck in one with him. It sounds like it would be impossible to get good feedback if the teachers only care about him.
After you both buy the drinks that you want, you head back. The line is smaller but it will still be at least a half-hour until everyone has had their turn. You sigh impatiently and head back into the warm-up room.
Deciding to sit along the mirrored wall, you rummage through your bag to find a pair of headphones and put your favorite playlist on shuffle while you wait. Even though it feels like half the day goes by while you’re sitting there waiting, it’s really only been about an hour.
Everyone’s attention lands on Madam Jamie, one of the contemporary dance professors, when she asks everyone to re-enter the audition room.
“Okay,” she starts once everyone gets in line, “Those whose numbers I am about to call, please step forward. Dancers eleven, one fifty-three, one forty-seven, seventeen, thirty-eight, twenty-two, and one ten.”
Cat gives you a concerned look as she steps forward without you.
“Seventy-two, fifteen, sixty-eight, thirty, thirty-four, eighty-two, one twenty-one–” you step forward and sigh in relief once she spoke your number. Tuning out the rest of the numbers called, you smile at Cat as she reaches for your hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
“Everyone else, I’m sorry to inform you that you have not been selected. Thank you for your time,” She finishes, resting her clipboard against her chest.
Those who didn’t make the cut are escorted out as Mr. Jenson stands up to make an announcement.
“I have everyone’s part listed here,” He shakes the paper in his hand. “It’ll be left on this table for you all to look over. However, I want to first congratulate you all. We are excited to have this much talent for the semester’s exhibition show. We have some great things planned and cannot wait to get started with you all. Please take note of our rehearsal schedule. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Eight to noon. Most of you should not have conflicting schedules as all dance classes are held in the afternoon anyway, although if you do have a problem just stay after and we can work it out. Madam Jamie and I will see you back here Monday morning. Dismissed.”
You and Cat both wait until more people clear out of the room before you have the guts to read the paper.
Catalina Wilde - Corps de ballet
Your eyes wander across the page as you search for your name.
Y/N - Lead Female Soloist
Turning towards each other, you squeal “Oh my god,” at the same time.
“I can’t believe it. We both got what we wanted,” you excitedly rush out.
“I know, this never happens. Oh, I’m so excited!” She reaches for your hand and squeezes it again, picking up the paper with her other hand.
“Oh, no.” She turns the paper towards you, “Look who your partner is.”
Park Jimin - Lead Male Soloist
You huff, “Of course, I’m not surprised.” You turn your head and search the mostly-empty room for him. You have a feeling he’s still here, it’s like you can sense his presence.
“Cat! You coming?” the group of dancers near the door asks.
“Shoot, I’ve got to head to my next session. I’ll see you later, okay?” Cat says, giving you a quick hug as she runs out the door.
Leaving just you and Jimin.
Deciding to let go of your prejudice against Jimin, you figure the best move would be to congratulate him on getting the part he auditioned for.
He watches blankly from the mirrored wall as you walk towards him.
Once in front of him, you stick your hand out. “Hey congrats, I’m looking forward to–” you begin before he rudely cuts you off by holding up his hand.
“Yeah, whatever,” he sneers, “We need to take this extremely seriously so I expect you to be at our rehearsals an hour early so we can get in extra time,” he looks you over again, “From what I can tell you’re gonna need it.”
“Also,” apparently he isn’t finished, “I expect that you’ll be taking care of your diet from here on out since I’m going to be lifting you and I don’t want my arms to give out, or worse, snap.”
“Well, you can always go to the gym and work on that yourself,” you say defensively. What a jerk.
“So can you, sweetheart.”
“Uh, wow. Okay…” Here you are trying to congratulate him and here he is treating you like dirt. “Guess the rumors are true,” you mutter as you shift your duffel strap further up your shoulder, turning to leave.
“Excuse me?” Well, shit. He wasn’t supposed to hear that part. You look him in the eyes without showing any regret for your previous statement.
His eyes narrow at you, clearly not liking your RBF, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Sorry.” However, you aren’t.
“You know,” he remarks, “I don’t care about what you’ve heard about me or what you think about me. I care if you’re going to be too immature for this role and if that’s the case I’ll have no trouble replacing you.” He follows you out the audition room.
Oh boy, you’re pissed now. You turn around and get right in his face.
“What the fuck? In case you haven’t noticed, you aren’t in charge here. Just because you’re a senior and I’m a sophomore doesn’t make you any better than me,” you bark while shoving a finger in his chest.
“Secondly, I don’t need to believe the rumors because you’ve just proven them to be true. You’re an ass to all of your partners to the point that they don’t want to dance with you so you can,” you lift up your hands to finger quote this next part, “Pick who you think is good enough.”
You scoff, “Well, here’s a fun fact dickwad. I’m not going anywhere. The judges chose me and I fully intend on dancing as the female lead in the show. So get the fuck over yourself ‘cause you’re about to be seeing a lot of me in these next few months. Got it?“
"Fine,” he huffs, pushing past you.
“Fine!” you snap, turning away from him and heading towards your next class. Now that you're thoroughly annoyed and not in the mood for your next class, which happens to be a two-hour lecture on the history of interpretive dance, you sigh and get moving before you’re late.
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The first two weeks of ‘rehearsals’ are spent training, just at a higher level than you’re used to. However, you hide it well. You’ve been making sure to keep up with the upperclassmen because you know that you are, unfortunately, replaceable if Madam Jamie or Mr. Jenson deems it necessary.
It doesn’t matter that your thighs feel like they are on fire, or that your calves might be ripping at every bend and arch you make. You’re going to complete the one hundred pliés just like everyone else without a single complaint.
Jimin must have taken your last conversation to heart, or he’s exceptionally good at masking his feelings if your words bothered him, because he’s been an excellent partner all week. Although, you know you aren’t going to grow a typical relationship with him as you did with all of the other partners you have had over the years. You’ve been friends, good friends, even, with your previous partners, something you know is never going to happen with Jimin.
He doesn’t do small talk. He really doesn’t have much to say at all other than pointing out when you are making a mistake. No good comments, nor praise–not that you’re expecting any–but it would have been nice to hear him say that he is impressed with how well you’re keeping up with him.
It’s Friday of the second week, which means that it’s the last day of the training period aka hell week, thankfully. You’re dying to get started on learning the actual program. You aren’t looking forward to Jimin’s request of showing up an hour earlier than everyone else this next week, but even though you hate to admit it, the extra time will end up benefiting you.
Today also happens to be the day the choreographer is coming in. You’ve heard the whispers throughout the school this week, everyone trying to guess who it’s going to be.
And after seeing who Madam Jamie walks into the studio with, you’re so happy to see that they were all wrong.
“O-oh my–ohmygod,” you bumble and did a double-take. It couldn’t be, could it?
The brown curls hung gorgeously on the tall man’s head and you internally drool at how much better looking he is in person. He’s so tan, so fit, so delicious–
“Can you concentrate?” Jimin grumbles in annoyance, pulling you out of your slightly inappropriate thoughts. You’re doing partner stretches, which does require some level of focus, but not enough that you have to look away from the literal Italian God who stood a mere six feet away. “What’s your deal anyway? We’re supposed to be preparing our muscles for the toughest training session yet and you’re over there stuttering like a fool.”
You scoff at him and lower your voice, “Don’t you know who that is?”
Jimin rolls his eyes. “Does it look like I care?” He mutters, pushing the backside of your thigh towards your torso.
“You can’t be serious,” you exasperate. “That’s Luca Black! You know, one of the most famous choreographers in the dance world right now. I can’t believe you don’t see how big of a deal this is.”
“The only thing I care about right now is making sure your hamstrings are loose so you don’t kick me in the face when we’re dancing.”
Now there’s an idea…
“Alright, everyone! Front and center please,” Mr. Jenson announces as he walks in the door, right on time as usual.
“Dancers, I would like you to meet Mr. Black, your choreographer. I expect you all to treat him with the same level of respect that you give me and Madam Jamie.”
“Oh please,” Mr. Black says, stepping forward, “You can all call me Luca.” His smile hits the heart of every girl in the class, and even a few of the guys. “I am looking forward to working with you all to make this performance one to remember. Can we get into a lineup to start?”
Everyone moves into the typical sequence based on each person’s position of where they belong. Which meant that you and Jimin were dead center with Luca’s eyes right on you.
You swallow slowly when he walks towards the two of you. “You must be Y/N. Mr. Jenson has told me quite a lot about you. I have to say, I am most excited to work with a dancer like you.”
Jimin is perplexed that Luca went straight to you. If anything, he’s the better dancer here and he doesn’t quite understand why a sophomore is getting so much attention. He’s nearly sick to his stomach listening to the nauseating conversation that you two are having.
“It’s an honor to have you working with us Mr. Black,” you say in awe as you shake his hand.
“Luca,” he corrects before lifting your hand to kiss it, “And the pleasure is most definitely all mine.”
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“Sorry,” you pant, rushing through the door. “I know I’m a couple of minutes late. I couldn’t find parking. Why is it so freaking busy? It’s barely seven.”
“Don’t let it happen again,” Jimin says ignoring your question. You bite your tongue and get straight into your morning stretches.
“What do you want to work on today?” you ask, knowing what he is going to say after you’re warmed up. For the past three weeks, you and Jimin have been dedicating extra time to perfecting scene two's Pas De Deux.
It’s the only section of this scene where you’re both completely alone on stage and Jimin is dead-set on making it nothing less than perfect. He reasons that just because you are the only two people on stage doesn’t mean that the audience’s attention is a given, you need to earn it.
Which is a very on-brand thing for Jimin to say.
“Do you really need to ask?” He snickers with a playful smile plastered to his face.
“Nevermind then,” you banter back, joining him as he finishes stretching.
You’ve surprisingly gotten pretty comfortable with Jimin after spending more time with him. Dancing with him is mostly fun, besides when he calls you out on your mistakes…repeatedly. But even then, you know he tries to mean well. You both have to be the best or the other will end up looking like a fool–which (you assume) neither of you want to happen.
Knowing that you’re almost halfway through the semester is a little terrifying. All the dancers have been making great progress and everything is coming together seamlessly, but you can’t help but feel the nervousness set in.
You take a deep breath and clear your thoughts, getting nervous right now will do you no good. Thankfully, when you start dancing your mind settles and you’re able to concentrate on your performance. 
Well, that is, until Jimin drops you during the lift. You might have understood the mistake if he hadn’t done it three times prior.
“Get up.” He holds his hand out for you, pulling you to your feet. “We need to get this number down, you know how important it is.”
“I’m aware of that,” you hiss. “But it would be nice if you weren’t letting me fall every two seconds.” You rub your aching side and stretch to see if that helps ease the pain.
“Just dance it off, you’ll be fine.” Jimin walks over to his stuff along the wall, before bending down to grab his water bottle.
You scowl. “Stop being ridiculous and hold me properly. I don’t have teeth anywhere down there,” you say motioning to the space between your legs. “You can put your hand where it belongs without worry, you know.”
Jimin blushes as soon as he hears your words, he turns away quickly before you notice. Yes, it’s technically his fault that you keep falling. It isn’t intentional, but he can’t help it. Especially when he can feel the warmth of your center from where his hand is resting when he goes in for the lift.
The thought of other parts of him being this close to your heat is driving him crazy and yeah, he may have faltered, which yeah, may have caused you to crash down once…twice. Okay, maybe three times. Or four?
It doesn’t matter. He’s so hyper-focused on why he’s thinking about you like this at all. You’re attractive, he already knew that. But this new-found thought of wanting to take you hard and fast, right here in the studio is something else. It comes from deep within, and he can’t decide if he wants to squash the idea completely or let it lead to something wild.
Jimin shakes his head, trying to get rid of those thoughts just long enough for you to both get through these next ten minutes before the rest of the crew arrives for rehearsal. “Alright, let’s go again.”
You get into position, Jimin falling behind you. You try to hold still but his breath tickles your neck while you wait for the music cue.
The motions are practically natural to you at this point, and you take a deep breath, preparing yourself in case you fall again.
You rapidly suck in air when you feel Jimin’s fingers press deep into your inner thigh this time as he lifts you. They are incredibly close, much closer than they were last time.
You won’t ever admit to it, but your mind is overflowing with dirty thoughts of Jimin’s fingers somewhere else. Particularly somewhere that would have you writhing within seconds.
Those thoughts are distracting, and you’re late for your cue to jump down. And somehow instead of jumping, your body twists around in a weird way as your head dives down toward the ground below you. Tensing, you brace for the impact that doesn’t come.
Unexpectedly, Jimin manages to catch you before any damage happens, and he quickly pulls you up, as if you were never upside down to begin with. His arms are wrapped right below your butt, causing your head to be directly above his. How on earth it got there, you have no idea.
But you aren’t questioning it. Adrenaline runs wild through your body, and you cling to him as if your life depends on it. Your arms are wrapped tightly around his neck, scared that you still might fall somehow.
Your faces are only a few inches apart in this position, which allows you to see how soft and smooth Jimin’s lips look. You slowly lick yours as he lowers you down to the ground, keeping the same amount of distance, or lack thereof, between you two. The realization that it would be so easy to kiss him right now has set in and you swear Jimin has the same mad thoughts; especially when he’s gripping your hips this tightly.
What you both don’t realize is that outside of the main doors, the rest of the dancers are watching with wide eyes and shocked faces. If it weren't for the unmistakable red hair you see in the mirror's reflection, who knows what might have happened? You don’t think about it, instead, you pull away and play it off before heading toward your bag to grab a drink.
“Morning everyone! What are we all waiting for?” Luca says from behind the dancers, “Let’s go in and get warmed up.”
He opens the door and sees you and Jimin at opposite ends of the room, each taking big gulps from your water bottles. Interesting…
Cat walks in and sets her stuff down next to Jimin’s and silently watches him. His face is flushed but she can’t tell if it was because of the intense moment you two just shared, or from the strain of the lifting sequence. She was the first to notice the look you two shared before the crowd outside the door, and she has a weird feeling about it.
Last she knew you were still fighting with Jimin during your pre-practices, although she’s very aware of the saying ’there’s a fine line between love and hate’. Cat makes a mental note to ask you about this morning’s situation later.
The first half of practice is weird, to say the least. Jimin is treating you like nothing happened. And while technically nothing happened, something almost did and you don’t know how you felt about the something.
Needless to say, you aren’t on top of your dance game today. It’s hard to concentrate with your head filled with empty-answered questions and even more confusion.
“Okay, everyone,” Luca echoes, stealing every dancer’s attention, “Let’s take five. When we reconvene we’ll do a recap of Scenes One through Three with no breaks. If we can get it down we’ll move onto the beginning of Scene Four today.”
You and Jimin happily turn in opposite directions, grateful for some space.
“Y/N, can you stay back? There’s something I want to go over with you,” Luca calls out, stopping you from heading in the direction of Cat and some of the other girls.
Oh no. That’s never a good sign.
“Don’t worry, you’re not doing anything wrong,” he says after seeing your smile falter. “I just see a little room for improvement with the last sequence before the song changes in scene three.”
He gestures for you to get into position in front of him, which you do without hesitation.
Luca moves closer to you and rests a hand on your lower back, “Tighten here and stretch.” He shows you how to position your body to make it look more elegant and elongated. “See how much longer you look now?” His eyes meet yours in the mirror. “Hold yourself like this through the rest of the dance. Trust me when I say you’ll notice a difference. So will everyone else.”
A blush creeps up your neck when his hand slides across your hip before he steps away from you, “Thank you for the tip.”
His eyes burn into yours, and you feel the heat growing in your lower stomach. “Anytime, Y/N.” His lips turned into a small smile, which you returned.
Jimin stalks silently as Luca touches you, his anger bubbling deep down inside him. Fuck, he doesn’t exactly want you, but he definitely doesn’t want anyone else to have you either. And he sure as hell doesn’t want Luca touching you like that or giving you those looks; looks that have disguised intentions with ulterior motives behind them.
He wants to tell Luca where to go and how to get there, but he knows better. Not only would it be unprofessional as hell, but Jimin would probably be screwed out of a lot of future events if he tells one of the best choreographers to fuck off.
He forces himself to look away and takes another deep breath, calming down a little before part two of rehearsals starts.
The second half of rehearsals ends sooner than expected, and Jimin storms off before you even have the chance to talk to him about this morning. You sigh, your eyes trailing his fast exit.
“Y/N! I’m heading to the vending machine for a granola bar, want to come with me?” Cat asks. You’re sure that her question has a hidden agenda too, but you go along with it anyway since you’re starving and need to eat something small before your next class.
“Sure, just give me a second to switch out of my pointe shoes.” You don’t like to wear yours for walking since they’re new and still stiff.
“So,” Catalina begins, watching you put the money into the machine. “What was that this morning? And don’t you dare try to say it was just dancing, because I’ve seen 'just dancing’ with Jimin and that was not at all what I saw earlier.”
You groan internally, not wanting to deal with her interrogation. Cat isn’t the type to judge you if you told her that you would’ve fucked Jimin right then if it wasn’t for the fact that you noticed her (and the rest of the dancers). But you don’t want to admit it to yourself.
Saying it and thinking it are two very different things, and you aren’t sure you can come to terms with saying that you want to fuck Jimin. Hell, you have no idea if you will feel the same way in an hour. So you choose to keep it to yourself for now.
“Did something happen between you two?” she asks bluntly.
“No, nothing happened between us.”
“And is that a good or bad thing?” she questions next.
“Good,” you huff, “I think…”
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It’s been another busy few weeks, and things have been going great…until today. To be honest, this is probably the worst dance day you’ve had in years.
“I’m sorry guys, let’s start from the top,” you apologize again for messing up. The scene you’re going over today isn’t complicated by any means, it’s only a transition scene. But your head is elsewhere which, in turn, makes you mess up every couple of seconds.
You're not getting many approving looks from the room. Luca is a little worried, Madam Jamie has pursed lips, and the dancers are severely annoyed with you.
“No, Miss Y/N.  Stop before you hurt yourself.” Mr. Jenson lets out a frustrated sigh. “Kyra, would you stand in for Y/N and show her how it’s properly done?”
You’re embarrassed that it’s gotten to this point. What is with you? You’ve done this sequence perfectly with Jimin this past week, hundreds of times at least. Now with the extra dancers on the floor, you seem to be forgetting it all.
Taking soft, shallow breaths is the only thing keeping you from crying in front of everyone. But they wouldn’t notice. All eyes are glued to Kyra, a senior who had also auditioned for the same role as you, as she dances with Jimin.
They dance beautifully, you can’t deny it, even if you want to. You can’t help but wonder if she would’ve been the better choice for the female lead.
“Thank you, Kyra. Everyone back into position now.”
Kyra walks past you and smirks. You know she’s thinking the same thing that you are. She probably also thinks that she’s capable of sweeping in and stealing your position. Like hell if you’re going to let that happen.
Even so, it’s not your decision to make and you know if you keep screwing this up it’s more than likely to happen.
“Hey, are you okay? What’s your deal?” Jimin whispers once he lines up with you again. The last thing you need is for him to make you feel worse for fucking up.
“I don’t know, it’s not a good day for me,” you whisper back as your eyes fill with tears. You’re completely exhausted, defeated, and disappointed.
“Just dance it off, we all get days like this. Follow my lead, okay? I promise I won’t let you mess up again.”
You nod, blinking back your tears. This is a different side of Jimin than you’re used to. He’s caring and knows exactly what to say to make you feel better.
After shaking off the earlier mishaps, you get yourself together and push through practice, making sure that the first official run-through of the program is a total success. It makes you feel a hell of a lot better than two hours earlier. You can tell that the rest of the group is just as ecstatic as you and Jimin are.
“That was great, Y/N!” he says, pulling you into a comforting hug. “See, all you needed was a little reassurance.”
You’re slightly sad when he pulls back, the warmth of his body is no longer felt. “Thank you for today. I would’ve completely fallen apart without you.”
“Hey don’t worry about it, make sure you get some rest this weekend. See you Monday!” He smiles softly and waves bye. Who knew Jimin had more to him than what everyone else saw?
“Hey, Y/N!”
You turn your head and see Madison, one of the upperclassmen who’s also in the show, walking toward you.
“What are you doing tonight? Some of the girls and I are planning on going out to celebrate our first successful run-through of the show. We’re wondering if you’d like to come?” She leans in a little closer, “We have a fake you can use to get into our favorite club, Wander. We’d love for you to let loose with us.”
Usually, you would turn down any interaction that involves alcohol, especially since you’re underage, but you don’t want to disappoint your potential new friends. Plus it does sound like a lot of fun, and after the practice you just had, you deserve to let loose and relax.
“Yeah, totally! I’d love to come.” Madison smiles and you both trade numbers.
“Okay cool, I’ll text you my address later. We’re gonna get ready at mine before we head out. See you later!” She gives you a quick hug before heading out the door.
You’re secretly excited to hang out with the older girls since you don’t have many other friends in your year. Especially not now with all your free time taken up by rehearsals.
Jimin stands outside the dance studio’s side door, slyly eavesdropping. He makes a mental note to accidentally run into you later. He isn’t sure what’s gotten into him, but he doesn’t want to go without seeing you for two days.
You intrigue him, and after your almost-kiss, Jimin wants to know what your lips feel like for real this time, not just what he has been imagining.
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“What can I get you?” the bartender asks over the pounding music. You have no idea what to ask for; you obviously don’t drink and ordering something from the bar is a little out of your comfort zone since you don’t know what you’re doing.
Madison catches on and takes over. “Five shots of tequila for our group!” she yells while leaning over the bartop so he can hear her.
Oh boy, you don’t know much but you know enough to feel safe assuming tonight will be wild if you’re starting with shots, of all things.
With about a month left until the show, deciding to let loose with the girls is exactly the kind of break you need. Dancing, drinks, and good friends. Looking around, you’re happy to see that you have all three. It’s all a part of tonight’s plan.
What you don’t plan for, however, is seeing Jimin in the middle of the dance floor with Kyra all over him. After practice today, this is a total slap in the face.
You aren’t sure if the progress you’ve been making with Jimin is just one-sided, or if you had been imagining it this whole time. It feels like you’re both taking two steps forward in the right direction and then something like this will happen, sending you ten steps back.
Your eyes are glued to Kyra’s body as she dances with him, her hips moving at the perfect speed. You can’t help but be jealous of her. Not only is she gorgeous and a great dancer, but she also has a way of demanding everyone’s attention in any room she graces. Although, there’s only one person’s attention you want right now, and from what it looks like, you doubt you’ll be getting his anytime soon.
“Oh my god, is that Luca?” Catalina asks with a surprised tone, pointing towards the opposite end of the bar, “No way, it can’t be.”
“It is,” you laugh nervously before looking away. You’re a little worried that he might remember that you’re under the legal drinking age, only by a year, but still. How embarrassing would it be for him to get you kicked out…
“That’ll be $42,” the bartender drones, pushing the over-spilling shot glasses toward your group and happily taking whichever girls’ fifty-dollar bill in return.
You lift your glass along with the others, “Here’s to letting go and having fun!”
The tequila burns the back of your throat but that doesn’t stop you from hollering, “Let’s go dance!”
You pull Madison and Catalina onto the dance floor, coming to an abrupt stop when your back collides with someone., “Oh my gosh, I am so sor–” You pause and stare at the dark-haired man, “Oh. Hi.”
“Hi ladies, I hope you’re not getting into too much trouble tonight,” Luca jokes with a wide smile displayed across his face. He looks gorgeous dressed in all black, the leather jacket tops off his outfit.
“Oh of course not, Mr. Black,” Catalina giggles playfully, “We’re all good girls here.”
He raises his eyebrow which makes each of you giggle, “I’m not so sure about that. Can I buy you all a drink? Or is that a little weird?”
You look around at the girls; they do the same.
“Uh, sure? Madison finally says, breaking up the awkward silence.
Cat and one of her friends entertain Luca’s conversation while they wait at the bar. You slyly peek over your shoulder while dancing, looking for you-know-who. You can’t find him, but you’re happy to see that Kyra has moved on to her next man of the night.
"Hey,” Luca says, walking towards you with an extra drink in hand. “Here you go. Shhh, it’s our little secret,” he says humorously.
You thank him for the drink, nervously swirling the ice with the slim black straw in your cup.
“I’m happy I ran into you,” he begins, “Can I talk to you for a second, alone?”
“Oh, uh, sure!” You nod to Cat, silently saying that you’ll catch up with her later. He smiles and pulls you aside from your friends.
“What’s up?” You ask tensely while Luca grins, running a hand through his hair.
“I just want to tell you how impressed I’ve been with your progress so far, I haven’t been able to take my eyes off of you at rehearsals.”
Oh my god.
“Really?” You gape.
“Absolutely,” he reaches for your hand, bringing you closer to him before bending down to plant his lips on yours. You freeze as he kisses you gently, entirely unsure of what to do in that situation.
He quickly pulls back after reading your body language, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Luca,” you say curtly, taking a step back, “I appreciate your tips in class and kind comments, but I think we should keep things professional here. You’re the choreographer and I’m a student...”
“Of course, I apologize again. How about I walk you back to your friends and we forget this happened?”
“That would be perfect.” You’re thankful that things don’t seem too awkward, and you only hope things will stay that way when you see each other Monday morning.
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Jimin’s fingernails dig into the flesh of his palms as he clenches his fists. Fucking Luca Black. He was heading your way to say hi, but Luca led you in a different direction than the one your friends are heading to. He should have known better, but he follows behind slowly. And what he sees when he finally turns the corner doesn’t sit right with him.
Luca’s hand on your cheek as the two of you kiss. Jimin isn’t exactly sure who initiated it. And even though it’s eating him alive, he doesn’t want to know because it pains him either way.
He watches as Luca pulls away, and takes note of your stunned face. Jimin wants to believe that was because you didn’t enjoy it. He can’t hear what you’re talking about, and he truly wants to believe that Luca is making you uncomfortable based on your reaction to the kiss. But that hopeful thought is squashed as soon as you smile and take Luca’s hand, allowing him to lead you to the dance floor.
Jimin is still trying to process what he just witnessed even though you’re both long gone. He steps out of the shadows and throws his drink at the wall, ignoring the sound of the glass breaking behind him. Grumbling under his breath, Jimin takes the closest exit and slams the club door behind him.
He heads home with the hopes that a cold shower will ease his rage, but the cool water running down his back isn’t doing much for his boiling blood, nor is it getting rid of the image of Luca’s lips on yours. And inevitably, he can’t get you out of his head either which in turn results in him masturbating to those thoughts of you … which is anything but calming.
Jimin closes his eyes and imagines that it’s him kissing you, not Luca, and that he’s the one who has you pushed up against the wall. He can practically hear your soft whimpers, the ones you make when you’re doing partner stretches that always have him close to losing it right there in front of everyone at rehearsals.
But it isn’t him who’s stretching with you. His length quivers in his hand as he speeds up, trying to change his thoughts to you aroused in the club bathroom, his hand sliding underneath your dress and slipping into your panties. Jimin throws his head back at the image of you getting all worked up, but once again, it isn’t him that’s driving you wild. It’s Luca.
After the fifth attempt and still failing to picture himself with you, Jimin gives up. He groans, looking down at his length’s angry red tip that’s aching for release. And there’s only one thing that will give him that. You.
But not an imaginary you. The real you. The real you wanting him just as much as he wants you. He doubts that you ever will, not when you can have Luca instead.
Meaning that Jimin is basically screwed.
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Monday is a killer. Jimin has been hateful to you all morning, and you genuinely have no idea why. He seems to be fuming now at the end of rehearsals, compared to the quiet angry vibe he was giving off earlier this morning.
“Hey, great job today Y/n. You’re doing phenomenal. I can’t wait to see this all come to life next week. See you tomorrow!”
“Thanks! Yes, see you tomorrow Luca.” You wave bye while he rushes out of the room, leaving just you and Jimin behind.
Jimin waits until Luca is out of earshot before saying anything. He’s been annoyed all day by your and Luca’s behavior after witnessing the two of you making out in the hallway of Wander.
He’s disgusted, even more so by the afterthoughts of Luca bringing you back to his place and taking advantage of you. Needless to say, he didn’t sleep much this weekend.
“God, you’re such a suck-up,” he criticizes, failing to hold back his evil words. “How special do you think you’re going to feel when the paid help you’re boning doesn’t remember your name the second he moves on to the next school and finds a new student to seduce?”
“Excuse me?”
“You can pretend all you want but I saw you Friday night. With him.”
Oh god…
You shake your head, “Jimin, I can explain–”
“Whatever, waitlist. I don’t want to hear your excuses.” He turns around and internally grimaces, upsetting you isn’t what he was going for. He’s pissed and unfortunately, you’re the only person he can take it out on. It’s a dick move to say things like that, especially since you deserve to be here just as much as everyone else.
Jimin knows he should just let it go, but he can’t help it. It’s been eating him alive all day. He’s pissed that you’re acting like a damn fool because of Luca’s attention. Luca’s eyes hadn’t left your body the entire day.
Fucking perv.
Jimin is more pissed that it’s bothering him so much. He shouldn’t care, he doesn’t–or at least, that’s what he keeps telling himself.
Jimin’s words stung, and you’re shaking out of pure anger. “What the fuck is your problem? I can handle the normal stick-up-your-ass behavior but it’s on a whole new level today. Chill out, okay? It isn’t what you think. Nothing happened after he kissed me. Not that it’s any of your goddamn business, but it actually made me, like, super uncomfortable and he apologized directly after. We both agreed it wasn’t professional, so piss off Jimin. And even if I did decide to take it further with Luca, it wouldn’t concern you. So stay out of it.” You’re near him when you finish, with crossed arms and eyes glaring.
It’s unbelievable Jimin would make such a comment; the last thing you need is for him to start telling people what he saw.
You know you would be harshly reprimanded for using a fake ID to get into a club, but also for accepting a drink from someone who is a teacher, and especially for kissing that same teacher.
Jimin is just as heated as you are. So his intuition was right that night. His anger only grows, wanting to punch Luca over and over again for making you uncomfortable like that. How could Luca not tell that you weren’t actually into him, but rather idolized him for his contributions to the dance world? How dare he use that against you to pull a move like that?
“Fine,” he growls in your face, totally furious at the situation, and furious with himself for caring this much about it–about you. You’re driving him crazy, even now when you’re pissed with him. It turns him on how strong and defensive you always are, and fuck, he wants to do something about it.
“Fine,” you snap back, taking another step forward as your eyes subconsciously lower to his parted mouth.
In a matter of milliseconds, your lips collide and your hands are all over each other’s bodies. He lifts you into his arms and slams your back into the mirrors. It’s a miracle that they don’t shatter from his force.
You gasp at the contact and Jimin takes the opportunity to shove his tongue further into your mouth. Your legs lock around his waist while you continue to explore each other’s mouths and bodies ravenously.
Jimin pulls away and tugs your leotard down your arms, freeing your breasts from the tight compression.
“You’re so fucking annoying, do you know that?” He snarls before leaving a line of rough kisses along your neck and down your chest. You whimper at the sensation and run your fingers through his hair.
“You’re so fucking loud, do you always have to say so much?” You moan in response.
Jimin is starved for your taste and can’t wait any longer. His hands travel down your side while his lips close over one of your soft peaks, sucking it in between his teeth.
You mewl, crashing your head back against the glass from the sheer amount of pleasure.
Jimin abruptly pulls away and brings his face back in front of yours. “What? Do you have something to say?” he asks with fire in his eyes. But with his lips replaced by his fingers, twisting and tugging, you’re helplessly tongue-tied.
He moves one hand lower and another soft moan escapes your lips, his middle finger dancing dangerously above your panties before dipping into your slickened folds.
Jimin knows exactly where and how to touch you, causing your head to spin. He feels himself hardening watching your face contort in pleasure, and nearly coming in his pants when you slowly lick your bottom lip, pulling it in between your teeth and letting out a long moan in the process.
“Mmm, Jimin,” you cry, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. Jimin notices this and instantly pulls away. You don’t get to come that easily. Even though it makes him super fucking excited to see what his touch does to you. God, this is so much better than what he imagined.
You whimper at the loss of his touch, “What the fuck?”
“Turn around,” he demands, his eyes flooding with lust and a dash of something dark. He undresses you rather quickly, leaving your tights and leotard wrapped around your legs.
You decide you aren’t going to let him have all the fun, sneaking a hand back behind you. Jimin grits his teeth in pleasure as your hand slips into his pants. His length twitches in anticipation of feeling you wrapped around him. You pull his member out and lead him between your damp folds, moaning deliciously at the contact.
The scent of your arousal has now filled the room and Jimin can’t hold back any longer. He wants to fulfill his fantasy of taking you hard and fast, right here in front of the mirror. Without a warning he slams himself into you, causing you to lose your breath.
Your back is against him as he relentlessly pounds you from behind. The force of his thrusts are hard and you use your hands as leverage against the mirror to avoid being crushed by him, even though it would certainly be worth it.
Jimin brings a hand up around your neck and holds your head straight so he can watch when you come. You’re close and he knows just what to do.
“Say my name,” he demands, using his other hand to pinch your clit. “Look at me and say the name of the man who’s making you come like you never have before.”
“Jimin, oh my-” The waves of pleasure wash over your entire body, every inch of your skin tingles. You pulsate around him, but he’s not done with you yet.
“That’s damn right.” Jimin twists you around again, lifting you against the reflective glass. He keeps his fast pace, with a fistful of your hair held between his tightening fingers.
“You’re such a fucking slut. Look at you losing it over my cock,” he snarls with a clenched jaw, “I’m gonna fuck you like this until the rest of the class comes in.”
Jimin rams into you with twice the amount of force as before. “I’d make that fucking Italian bastard watch as I take you hard and make you feel this good.” He brings his lips up to your ear and whispers, “He could never,” before harshly biting your ear, sending you completely over the edge for a second time. 
Jimin watches you unfold, your beauty completely mesmerizes him. Your entire body is on fire from oversensitivity while Jimin’s fingers rub your throbbing nub. You watch, completely hypnotized, as he brings his soaked fingers up to his mouth and sucks them clean.
“Oh, don’t think we’re anywhere near done yet,” he smirks devilishly, moving his thumb back to your clit and rubbing in crude circles. Your eyes squeeze shut at the sensation, and you can’t catch your breath. It’s too much.
Jimin hisses when your fingernails dig into his shoulders. “Fuck, Y/N. You’re so tight right now.” It isn’t long after those words leave his lips that he’s shuddering inside of you, his release shooting into the depths of your heat.
Your insides coil as you reach the peak of your third and final orgasm. Jimin holds your legs steady as you come hard over his cock, and swallows your moans with his mouth.
He slowly retreats out of you and presses his flushed cheek against yours. You can feel his heartbeat thumping out of control while you both catch your breath.
After a moment, he draws back and lowers you to the ground. You both chuckle at the state of your appearance. “I think I have a towel in my bag, one sec.” He says while tucking himself back into his pants as you readjust your hair, trying to make the whole ’i just had sex’ look a little less obvious.
You’re still breathing heavily when he returns to wipe you clean.
“Mmm,” you hum in total satisfaction, and still a little out of it - if you had to be honest. “I should piss you off more often.”
He gives you a look, “Hurry up and get dressed before anyone sees you.”
You’re the one to smirk this time, “I thought you wanted people to see me?”
“Haha, very funny.”
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“Hurry up, you’re taking too long,” you whine while Jimin attempts to undo his stage pants as fast as he can.
“I’m trying,” he mutters, silently praying when his zipper finally works, “There we go.”
He lines himself up to you and pushes into your center.
You bite your lip to avoid making any noises as he stretches you out. The two of you are in the small storage closet behind the stage; there’s only about an hour or two until the opening night show starts.
Jimin thought you had to be joking at first when you whispered how badly you needed him after you both were dressed and ready to warm up with the rest of the dancers. But much to his delight, you weren’t kidding.
Hopefully, they won’t notice your absence. Who are you kidding, they probably know that you two are fucking. Plus, it’s kind of obvious when both lead roles go 'missing’ at the same time.
At first, he was torn between following you into the tight space–wanting to be in another tight space–and doing what he normally would call the right thing, which was preparing for tonight. But after seeing the look on your face, Jimin was quick to follow you into the closet.
“Shhh, you need to stay quiet,” Jimin grunts quietly with a hand over your mouth, silencing your moans.
You grip his shoulders as he quickens his pace, bringing you both over the edge.
“Holy fuck,” he quietly whines, the sensation of your inner walls clenching his length is addicting. It isn’t long after your sweet release that he’s quivering. He pulls out, knowing you can’t dance with his release filling you. He shudders one last time, his come shoots out and onto the wooden floor below.
You giggle, “Good thing we’re in a place that can clean that up.” you say referencing his load.
He rolls his eyes at your joke and leans in to give you a quick kiss, “You think you’re so funny, don’t you?”
“Yes, typically.”
You flatten out your costume and zip each other up, leaving the closet one at a time. You first of course, since you needed to touch up your makeup now. Leaving Jimin behind to clean up his mess.
About fifteen minutes later you meet Jimin backstage to practice, stretch, and chat along with everyone else. The jitters are bouncing off of everyone and you can’t stand still from excitement, a little nervousness too. But mostly excitement.
“Jimin, are you feeling okay? You look a little stiff and tired if I must say…” Madam Jamie mentions after watching him practice a few scenes.
“Nothing to worry about Madam, had a tiring warm-up is all. Not to worry though, I am more than ready for tonight.”
Madam Jamie reminds him how important rest and lots of water are when practicing hard before moving along to the next student.
“Hmmm, what is it that you usually tell me?” You begin, giving him a coy look, “Oh right. 'Just dance it off.’ That should fix your issue, correct?” You look down at his crotch, and back up at him with a twinkle in your eyes.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he says, daring you to go on.
“After our vigorous warmup, I’m sure you do. But we’re going on stage soon. So suck it up, sweetie.”
He can’t wait to make you regret that statement when he teases you later tonight. He had big plans to celebrate. And knowing you, you would love them.
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©shadowkoo 2024. All rights reserved.
252 notes · View notes
whore-ibly-hot · 1 year
Yan!General x Reader x Yan!Recruit
'The Little Soldier and His General'
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18+ Minors DNI
Warnings: Smut, power dynamics, mentions of sa, masturbation, oral, mentions of war and military, implied violence, threats, coercion, female and male genitalia, female reader, pet names.
(AN: Part two to 'His Little Bride', here by popular demand!)
Part 1 here!
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You trod up the stairs, your shoes clacking against the hardwood as you come to the door of Fritz's office, knocking gently on it. "Come in..." Fritz's deep voice calls, and as you enter he peers up from his desk. A smile spreads across his face, as he stands to see you. "Hello, my love..." He says, wrapping his hands around your waist gently. His stubble brushes against your forehead, and you giggle at the feeling. "Fritz, you're tickling me." You playfully smack his chest, causing him to back off. He steps aside, and returns to his desk. Someone coughs awkwardly, causing your head to snap in the direction of the sound. A young man, about your age, maybe younger, is standing by the corner of Fritz's desk, scuffing his shoe against the carpet and trying not to interrupt.
"Ah, my love, this is Johannes, he's the new recruit I mentioned a few nights ago at the dinner. Johannes, this is my lovely betrothed." You smile, and nod in the boys direction. Despite the fact he's probably only 20, a year or two younger than you, he's a giant. He's lanky, standing almost as tall as Fritz. Red curls adorn his head, matching the reddish-freckles that cover his face. "It's wonderful to meet you, ma'am." He stutters, smiling awkwardly. "Johannes, show some respect for the lady, especially an officer's wife. Make eye contact with her, shake her hand." Fritz, urges, trying to suppress a grin and seem stern. You scoff, and roll your eyes. "Johannes, ignore him. He's just trying to stress you out." You assure the boy, and he lets out a sigh of relief. You turn back to your betrothed.
"I don't want to interrupt, I'll leave you gentleman to your work." You offer. Fritz shakes his head, motioning with his hand towards a nearby chair while he sits down at his desk. "No, we were just almost finishing up, you can stay right here." You nod, and sit down. You take a book off of the shelf and busy yourself reading. While you do, Fritz and Johannes lean over his desk, examining some papers as they finish up. Sighing, Fritz places down the papers, and looks up at the redhead.
"Well, I believe that's all of our affairs in order, then?" He asks. "Yes sir! I've sent telegram to the infantry marching down south, and I ensured the diplomats would be ready to speak with you in the morning." Johannes explains, a small boyish smile on his face. Fritz claps a hand down on the boy's shoulder. "Only a few weeks in Johannes, and I think you may be one of the best young men I've trained. I've never seen someone so eager." Fritz compliments. The boy freezes, and looks down as his grin grows wider. "Just... just wanna make you proud, sir." Fritz feels his heart swell at the comment. In the few weeks since Johannes joined up with Fritz, he's been training the boy in every task he can think of, from infantry duties, to cleaning, to telegrams and more. After learning about the boy coming to fight for is family, and learning he has no father, Fritz felt a duty to care for him. He sees a lot of himself in him, and he feels himself get sick anytime he imagines Johannes having to endure what he went through when he first joined, before anyone treated him like he was worth something. Fritz keeps Johannes up at the main house as much as he can, as he's already had to punish several soldiers for picking on the new kid.
As Fritz snaps out of it, he notices Johannes gaze has drifted over to you. You are sitting in the chair, curled up with your knees tucked by your chest, skirt ruffled warmly around you as you read whatever book you picked up from the shelf. Johannes can feel his heart thrumming in his chest, the sounds of the world around him blocked out by it echoing in his hears. Fritz looks once, then twice back-and-forth between you and Johannes. If any other man had dared to gaze at his soon-to-be bride for this long, he would have them sent out on a mission they would surely not return from. However, as he looks in Johannes's eyes, analyzing his gaze, he sees no hint of malice or ill-intent. Johannes looks at you with such innocence, such curiosity that Fritz allows it. Fritz knows that Johannes is looking at you the way he looks at you. "Johannes?" Fritz asks, and the boy practically chokes, coughing as he snaps out of it. His wild and embarrassed expression makes Fritz chuckle warmly. "U-uh, yes sir?" Johannes asks, hand fidgeting with the edge of the desk as he taps his fingers against the varnished mahogany.
"Any particular reason you are staring at my bride?" Johannes shakes his head wildly, pushing his hands out in surrender and almost shrinking in on himself. "No, no sir! I was just wondering what she was reading, not, not looking at her in any way! I respect that she's your bride, and I respect her as a woman- I would never look at a girl like that. My mother always told me-" Fritz cuts him off, leaning forward on the desk and placing a firm, calloused hand on the boy's shoulder, feeling that he now quakes with anxiety. "Private Johannes, please, please calm down. I take no offence, my boy." Fritz gestures to you. "I will admit, I can be the protective type. But I need you to know, the only men who have been punished for trying to corrupt or gaze upon her like that are those who do it with nothing but animal urges in mind. You've seen how the soldiers in town act, around the bars and whorehouses, yes?" Johannes nods. Just the other day, a group of soldiers had tried to convince him to lose his virginity at a local brothel, but he denied, feeling sick at the thought. One of the women standing outside the brothel had touched him through his uniform. He knew one day a woman would do that, but to lose himself this way felt wrong. Especially because he knew many of the women in these places turned to this career only because of the war.
He couldn't stand the way soldiers spoke about girls late at night after an evening of drinking. Whenever they would whistle, or catcall some poor village girl, he was reminded of his sisters, and what his mother taught him about how to treat a woman. That was someones daughter, or sister, and the idea of making any woman feel the way he did when that woman groped him makes him wish that he was strong enough to deal with his fellow soldiers himself.
"Yes, sir." Johannes says. Fritz smiles when he notices the way Johannes frowns, grimacing a little as he recalls. He knows that Johannes feels the same about the urges and actions of those sick men. "Many of those men have tried, would try to harm her in that way." Johannes looks up, shaking his head as his eyes go wide. "No..." Johannes exclaims. Fritz nods gravely, enjoying stoking the boy up a little. "That is one of the reasons I keep her up here, why she is going to be my little bride. She must be kept safe, safe from those who would do her wrong. Even her father wanted to refuse to engage her to me. That man would have rather married his daughter off to some scum from the town than give her to a man who cared." Fritz growls, and the hairs on the back of Johannes neck stand up. Despite this, he stares intently at his superior, finding himself enthralled at the idea of keeping and caring for something, someone so lovely. Someone to protect. "Then how did you get her to wed you?" He asks, curiosity eating him from the inside out until he can't help but spit out the words. "I had her father... dispatched, I suppose. Trying to allow a young lady of this great country to be harmed surely counts as an act of treason." Fritz explains. He leaves out the fact he had your father executed so that any inheritance of yours could be put towards a wedding, but he thinks it a minor detail He glances over to make sure you aren't listening, then leans in close, so he may whisper into the boys ear.
"Now, Johannes. I have a question for you, and I want you to think carefully before you answer." Johannes bites his lips nervously, but waits for his admired superior to continue. "What do you think I should have done in that situation?" He asks. Johannes tilts his head, brows furrowed. "How do you mean, sir?" He asks. "I mean, what would you have done, if a lovely thing like her came along, who you adored and needed to protect, but someone was trying to keep you from her. What would have happened?" He asks. Johannes sighs, his fists balling up tightly. "The truth, sir?" Fritz nods. "I... well, I'm not very strong, o-or brave. I don't have your status, but... I think, I think I would do whatever it takes to keep her. Even if I meant doing something I don't think I'm quite ready for." Fritz pulls the boy in for a hug, and Johannes fear melts away for a brief moment. He hasn't felt affection since he left home, and the only thing keeping him from melting into his general is his shame about being affectionate with another man. Fritz pulls away, and looks the boy in the eyes. "My boy, by the time you are done training with me, there won't be a single thing you aren't strong enough or powerful enough to do, you understand me?" The thought of being good enough fills Johannes with glee. "I understand, sir."
"Good. Now, Johannes, you are a young man. I know by the way you talk, and the way you are that you are a good one. I don't want you learning to copy the other recruits in any task, but especially in how to care for a girl." Fritz explains. "Did your father have time to teach you about these things before his death?" Johannes shakes his head. "I know the basics, sir. My mother told me, and she told me to respect a girl, but... I know very little beyond that, I admit." He says sadly. "Well, I see how you looked at my bride. Look again, you have my permission." The boy looks up, unsure if this is some sort of test, but eventually he glances in your direction. He sighs at the serene girl sat before him.
"My bride was not unlike you a while ago. Innocent, naive. Do you want to protect her as I do, Johannes?" Fritz asks. "Of course, all women should be protected, and-" Fritz shakes his head, cutting the rambling boy off. "No, Johannes. I mean, do you want to protect her, specifically? Do you fancy my bride?" Johannes trembles, his cheeks reddened with a shame so deep feels like he might throw up. "Yes, sir. I'm sorry... I feel, I feel awful." He confesses. "I never wanted to feel like this, I admire you, and I respect you sir, I really do! But when I first arrived at your estate, I would see her around, reading or baking. I'd see her with you and, and god she seemed perfect. So caring, and I was drawn to her kindness in such a hellish place like the war." Fritz nods. "Johannes, you must understand. Other men and boys look at her with lust, desire. You look upon her with a craving, for how sweet she is. You don't want to defile her, you ant to care for her. You are not them. You, Johannes, are like me." Johannes can barely stand the feeling of euphoria that washes over him, the roller coaster of emotions is too much for him. Being told that the man he admires most in this world sees himself in him is enough to send the boy over the edge. "You don't know how much what you've said means to me, sir..." He whispers, looking up at Fritz. "Now, I have a proposal for you, my dear boy."
Fritz pauses, allowing Johannes to collect himself and steady his breathing. "I have taught you many things at camp, including manners. Given your love and respect for my bride, and the importance of me teaching you about all aspects of life, I think perhaps you should allow me to educate you on how to best care for a woman." Johannes chokes oncemore. "As in, giving them gifts, a-and courting them?" He asks, unsure if what he thinks Fritz is implying is true. "Partially. I am simply offering you to care for her. I fear I am not able to spend as much time with her as I want, and I know it's important for you to learn about the things women like, should you find a girl you want to marry in the future." Johannes nods. "Keep her company for a month or so, and when me and her wed, you may go and find a girl of your own, should you desire. But-" Fritz smiles. "Should you find yourself attached, which I would not blame you for, you may continue to live with me and her in our estate." Johannes grins. "Sir, I... thank you." Fritz only nods. "I care a great deal for you, boy, and I'm sure my bride will too. Tonight though, I think if you should want to, an education of another kind is necessary, should you keep my bride company or find another girl." "Do you mean?" Fritz nods. "I will speak to her after dinner, I'm sure she will agree. Meet us in the master suite after dinner, and I will provide you with a hands-on approach to the marital bed."
Late in the evening, Johannes finds himself pacing outside of his General's bedroom, unable to calm himself. Excitement eats away at him, though a small part of himself fears this is all a trick, a test, and that this is simply a way to shame him. He shakes off these thoughts, knowing his beloved superior wouldn't do that. Not to him. He hears the door creak, and he looks up eagerly. "Sir." He greets. Fritz nods his head. "At ease, my boy. This isn't a drill. Come in, take off your shoes." Johannes follows Fritz into the dimly lit room, and gasps as he sees what awaits him. Your lovely frame from earlier, once sat by the window, is now nude, layed on the bed like a present for him. He kicks of his shoes, and approaches. His fear of this being a trap has subsided, now replaced with anxiety that you won't like him, or the way he looks. He swallows deeply.
"Hello Johannes." You greet shyly, not able to fully make eye-contact. When Fritz proposed this to you, you were shocked, as he had always been very private and strict about intimate affairs. Many times when was balls-deep in you, he had growled things about never sharing and owning you. You couldn't deny you were curious what about this boy had gotten him so attached, and you agreed. Now the young private is stood before you, a bulge already prominent in his trousers.
Fritz senses you are a little nervous, and sits behind you, allowing your bare back to lean against his chest as he looks up to Johannes. "Johannes, firstly you must situate yourself. Come, sit down before her." Johannes eagerly crawls onto the bed, looking at his general for further instructions. "You've seen people kiss before, right?" He shrugs. "Yes, sir. My mother and father before he died, and a few soldiers with women, but I've never done it myself." He admits. Fritz nods. "Well, don't over-complicate it, just lean in, ask her if she would like a kiss?" Johannes kneels before you, his locks of red hair almost covering his downcast eyes. "Ma'am, may I kiss you?" He whispers. You blush at his continued formality, but nod. His breathe is shaky as he leans forward, connecting his lips with your soft ones. Much like Fritz, this boy is rough and calloused, with chapped lips. He isn't as hardened as Fritz, but he has the makings of what Fritz is. He moans a little, his hand coming to touch your chest instinctively. You squeak, and he removes his hand.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He exclaims, looking at you and Fritz, panicked. "No, it's fine, just, caught me off guard." You explain. "I.. I really liked it. You are a beautiful woman, thank you for letting me... y'know, engage in this with you." He whispers. You smile and stroke his cheek. "Of course." Fritz smiles. "Such good manners, private. Exemplary. Now darling, why don't you show him what makes a woman so different from a boy? Give him a look." Fritz urges. Fritz slips his hand onto your upper thighs, spreading them so Johannes can get a look at the bush between your legs. While you had initially been rather insecure about it, Fritz has always assured you he likes you natural. Johannes gulps, watching as you spread your folds with two fingers, allowing him easy access to your holes and clit. You are already wet, the slickness giving your pussy a sheen.
"See that little pearl at the top of her sex?" Fritz asks. Johannes nods. "That's her clit. Girls tend to feel the best when a boy know how to properly service it. Try gently rubbing it with a finger or two." Fritz instructs. Johannes extends to slender fingers to the pearl of your sex, beginning to rub small circles around the sensitive bud. It feels nice, but he's clearly inexperienced, as he doesn't touch you down there like Fritz does. Fritz notices you are quieter than usual, and he uses his hand to guide Johannes fingers. Small circles become the occasional flick, accompanied by a rub to the right side of your pearl. As Fritz moves his hand away, Johannes strokes that special spot, making you gasp. "J-Johannes..." You moan, causing the boy to pause. "No, no, my boy, when a girl feels good like that for you, don't stop. Keep touching her like that." Fritz urges. Johannes shakes it off, nodding. "Yes, sir. Sorry." He continues his ministrations. You whine, feeling his slender hands roll your clit, building you up. "G-god... A little faster, please." You beg. Johannes looks to Fritz, who nods. The boy speeds up, and soon you feel yourself about to cum on the privates fingers. "Ah... oh god, Fritz, gonna cum', he's gonna make me cum..." You groan. The moaning of his name with your erotic expression sends Johannes over the edge, and he gasps as he feels a convulsing. He looks down, and a wet patch is appearing on his pants. As you cum, he looks ashamed. "Sir..." He whimpers, and Fritz looks at the boys predicament.
"It's fine, my boy. Sometimes it comes early when your new to this, besides..." He places a hand on your chest, helping work you through your orgasm. "It's hard not to, looking at such a lovely girl..." As you come down from your high, you pant, shuffling forwards. "Thank him for being good with you, my girl." Fritz says. He was always one for manners. "Thank you Johannes." You say. "For what?" Fritz pushes. "For making me cum, for making me feel so good." Johannes can feel himself hardening again. "Now, Johannes, I'm sure she's eager to return the favor, so I want you to undress." Johannes hands shakes as he tries feebly to undo the buttons of his trousers. Eventually, he gets them off, springing free his cock. It's not the longest you've had, but then he isn't fully hard yet. "Darling, why don't you show Johannes just how thankful you are." You press a kiss gently to the red tip of his cock, watching as it twitches. He is clearly sensitive. You stroke it once or twice, teasing it until it's fully erect. "Does this feel good?" You ask. Despite being engaged to Fritz, you are still rather inexperienced. Johannes nods, then cuts off when you place your lips around him, taking his cock into your eager mouth.
"Oh, Oh god, sir!" Johannes whines, looking at his superior. He can feel the warmth of your mouth engulf his cock, your tongue rubbing ever so slightly along the prominent vein that runs on it's underside. "Don't be afraid to buck against her, just be sure no to damage her throat. She still struggles with taking a man fully." Fritz explains. At this, Johannes begins to gently thrust himself in and out, causing him to grip the sheets of the bed. "So good, ma'am. Please, uh... d-deeper, take me deeper." His little whines make your core throb, and you move to try and move him just a little further in, his tip rubbing the back of your mouth. He can feel his orgasm approaching, and calls out for Fritz. "Sir, I'm gonna cum again, am I allowed to-to, do I have your permission to-" He can barely ask, his legs shaking. "Of course, but ask her, she'll be the one to taste you." Fritz says. Johannes groans, and looks down at you. Tears prick the corners of his eyes. "Please, please ma'am, lemme cum inside, your mouth feels s' good. You feel so good, please!" He's begging now, the tears flowing freely. You bob your head, nodding, and the sight of your pretty face taking his cock with such ease sends him over the edge. "Ma'am, god, I'm cumming! Cumming in your mouth, shit..." He whimpers, feeling your mouth continue to suck him while he fills you up. He whines at the feeling of being practically milked by your tongue and soft lips. As he lays back, You swallow, and look at your betrothed.
Fritz is grinning, with one hand already unzipping the front of his trousers. "Felt s' good, sir." Johannes whispers, his cock now limp between his shaking legs. Fritz nods, grinning at how fucked-out his young subordinate is. "You did well, Johannes. So respectful and obeidient, servicing your superiors bride at his request." Johannes has to resist gasping at the praise. "Now, this last part is reserved for me, but you must watch and learn. It will be of use to you some day." Johannes watches as you lay on your stomach, innocent eyes looking up at him as you smile, while your fiancee slips out his reddended cock and lines it up with your pussy, caging you down beneath him as he prepares to take you from behind.
"Watch how a man gives his little bride a baby, Johannes..."
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serxinns · 4 months
Hi! If you do see this I am wondering if you can do baker x Yandere mha (like Class 1A) or aged up reader (baker still) x Pro hero’s
But as in Mafia Au :3
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Ooooo mafia drama I like your style
There is a city that is labeled as the mafia's playground yes the town was pretty well known for its famous buildings and activities and spots with beautiful views but everyone is terrified of the mafia, so bad that pro-heroes are useless against them heck they're even terrified themselves of going into that town knowing they're Mafia's main targets
but that didn't scare you into moving and opening your new bakery there! Your parents ofc were worried but you reassured them that you were fine and you'd protect yourself! Plus a dangerous city won't push you away from your dream job!
A month after settling in your house and giving out sweet treats to customers you were slowly but surely getting a bit popular around the city your bakery would be always crowded during the day, especially in the afternoons but strangely at night you understand at 1st since its night and some people have curfews and work it was the behavior that most customers would look panicky desperately trying to rush you to finish their order and once you did they quickly grabbed their order and leave
One day a group of people maybe about 5-6 showed up one night all dressed like they were at some fancy bar or some party there was an angry blonde, a goofy redhead, a bubbly pink-skinned girl, a calm and beatiful purple hair girl, another blonde dude with a blacklighting strike on his head next to him was a short black haired male with a playful grin, they were all chatting and joking around with each (well mostly the blonde and the black hair) but you didn't mind it one bit not noticing what kind of people you were talking to
"Hello Welcome, what would you ladies and gentlemen like?" They all stopped and looked at you your adorable smiling face and doughy eyes with adorable soft hair and a cute little baker outfit with a Cute apron to top it all together the gang was memorized by this untill one of them cleared their throat "yea sweet thing I'll have a taiyaki with a side of your number on it~" he said with a wink you mentally rolled your eyes and wrote down the order, the other blonde pushed him out the way to tell his order "I'll have some cinnamon apple pie with extra cinnamon" "I'll have some dango please!" "Cupcakes for me please.." After the gang shouted out their order you happily went headed to the kitchen
The gang watched how you happily hummed to yourself putting all the ingredients in the bowl pouring in the pans and putting them in the oven "It might take a while if you all don't mind?" "Nope not at all!" The pink haired girl said withna bright smile matching yours it wasn't like they wanted to go they want to know more about you "so whats a little baker like you doing in this here city?" The red head said with a toothy grin "Oh I always wanted to run a bakery on my own ever since I was a child-"
The more you talked about your experiences and fun adventures of being a Baker the more obsessive and possessive they became the mafa gang just wanted to protect you and your bakery a person like you shouldn't be running a bakery alone in this dangerous city you just screamed to be protected that's when they decided they're gonna protect you and your bakery! No matter what! During the time you found out who they were the guy who was trying to flirt with you was Denki the redhead, Kirishima or Eljijou, the gruff Aah blonde was Bakugo the bubbly pink skin was Mina the black-haired man was Sero, and cool purple head was jirou
"Here's your order" you happily handed them their sweets the package design for the sweets was even more cute with bows and Sanrio characters with a cute little bow on top! "So cute.." they all thought as they grabbed their orders "Goodbye have a good night!" "Wait you're not gonna go home as well street this time is dangerous" you gasped "Oh I am your last customer!" "And your dumbass is gonna walk all alone defenseless?" Bakugo eyeing you "I'll be fine I'll fight 'em off!" You confidently said as they all waved goodbye at younas you did the same "Such nice people!" You said obliviously
"We're totally following them back home for their safety right?"
"Right" the rest of the gang said
And from this day forward your mafia friends would come over every night trying to try and meet you they rarely ever come here for the sweets but you didn't mind they were your friends it was nice to talk to people without them scaring out their minds and rushing you makes you feel like this city isn't dangerous!
Until one day another group of people went into your store and it wasn't your friends they were dressed up like your friends all tator up and well dressed but they were different people one green headed boy with freckles, a brown haired girl, a man with glasses that look very stern, a man wit no expression with red and white hair, a girl with a ponytail, and a green haired girl with her tongue sticking out, "Oh this might be their friends? Or do they alao go to the same area bakugo and his gang " You thought curiously
"Hello welcome to the cafe how can I help you!" You smiled once again everyone stopped what they were doing to look at you, you were just so precious just so cute! Why is a little darling like you working in a dangerous city like this? The brown hair spoke up excited to meet you "Hello! You must be y/n!?" The brown hair girl said as she smiled, you were a bit shocked wondering how she knew your name but shook it off as they probably heard it from somewhere else "Yes I am nice to meet you!" The girl later introduced herself as Ochako, the glasses dude Iida, the green-haired, Deku the pony girl Momo, and the green frog Tsuyu but she prefers Tsu and that's how you all became friends!
Izuku and you would ramble on and on about who your favorite heroes are,Ochako and you have a passion for baking, tsuyu talking about retirement facts, and Iida being a gentleman as he is offering to help with the dangerous stuff! momo offered to buy more supplies for you which you told her she didn't have to but she insists
After you bid goodbye to your friends you bid them goodbye and happily walk to your home!
"We're gonna follow them are we right?"
Out goes the bakusquad and gang along with Takoyami and Sato who you didn't meet yet but will soon
"Kacchan! What a lovely suprise! What do you think ur doing here"
"We should be asking you the same thing Midoriya back off theyre already ours"
"Oh please like yall can take any good care of them"
"I might as well you watch that mouth four eyes our darling we saw them 1st and we get them 1st
"And what makes you think you decided that?"
The members kept bickering among each other untill Izuku calm quiet them down
"It seems like we can't decide a solution so why don't we just share them !"
The other members looked at each other and then at their group bakugo didn't want to do it at 1st but after some very hard convincing he was in (for now) and that's how it settled they all Decided they were gonna protect you
"No matter the cost~"
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weirdsht · 2 months
Hello, a cale x reader lunatic here 😭
They meet a fortune teller pre-relationship and pre-war
They're idiots
FT: you're going to have 10+ kids
Cale: uhh...
Reader: wtf is you spouting? /*Terrified
Ohn, Hong, Raon, and the wolf children: 🫂
Selective Vacuous - Cale/Reader
notes: I made it a 4+1 since I had several scenarios but didn't know how to connect them all hehe
tags: female reader, established relationship (except the first one), reader is mentioned to be a spearman, GoD priestess prophet (it'll make sense in the end), vague to mild novel spoilers
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
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“You will meet someone. A male. They will mean the world to you, and will bring you both trouble and comfort.”
“Miss priestess, you’re from the church of the God of Death, right? Don’t you think things like fortunes are for the God of Fate?”
_____ listened to the priestess’ ramblings. Yes, ramblings. Because that does not make sense to the spearman in the slightest. She was already married to her spear. There’s no way someone, especially a man, will suddenly become her whole world.
It just didn’t seem possible possible.
That was why the spearman did not understand the painful feeling in her chest when she saw Cale’s plate breaking. She couldn’t understand why her heart hurt for a person she just regarded as her employer.
“Everything is going to be fine soon young master. So please hold on a little longer.”
She couldn’t understand why her hands were softly wiping the blood on the redhead’s chin. Can’t understand why the sight of her employer in pain makes her heartache when she knows he's going to be alright.
She just can’t understand it.
“You have thirteen children. Whom you all love equally despite not seeing some of them often.”
“Do you think this is an elaborate prank?”
“I’m not sure but this the second time someone from the Church of the God of Death has given me a prophecy…”
“But 13 children? Really? If they're going to try and scam us at least make it sound believable.”
“I can’t even imagine having one child. Let alone more than ten.”
_____ shivered at the thought of having that many children with her significant other Cale. Turns out their chest pains were because she was in love with the redhead.
It took a whopping 5 months for the two of them to realise their feelings.
Another 2 for them to make a move and finally get together.
While the two are already in agreement that the priestess who said that might be a swindler, a certain silver kitten has another opinion.
She thinks that there’s a misunderstanding.
The priestess didn’t say “will have” but rather said “have”, meaning they already have thirteen children. However, she didn’t say anything and opted to keep her thoughts to herself.
'I’m pretty sure that priestess was talking about us and the wolf children…'
“You are destined to be with a powerful man with a very powerful family. Someone whose family has a long history.”
What now?
Does this mean one day _____ and Cale must break up?
“The family with a long history part checks out since the Henituse family are known to guard the Forest of Darkness.”
The spearman puts her hands underneath her chin as she thinks.
“But a powerful man? You have the weakest plate in existence. A powerful family? The Henituse family is a county. Not a Marquisate or a Duchy…”
Besides her Cale grumbled.
“Have you not learned anything? Just tune it out. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard such bullshit.”
“That’s true… I guess this one bothered me a bit since they implied we’d break up.”
“We won’t”
After the reassurance, _____ and Cale went back to eating their food.
What they don’t know is that a few days later, the Henituse County will be promoted to become the Henituse Duchy.
But at that time the prophecy told to _____ is already forgotten.
“Forbidden love is ahead of you. There will be a time where your own significant other will feel uncomfortable to show you affection.”
Great now the fortune teller scammers from that stupid church are targetting Cale too.
“But we’ve had great communication since the start of our relationship.”
Cale nodded in agreement as he thought about what could “forbidden love” and “uncomfortable with affection” could mean.
Sure they weren’t the most PDA couple but they don’t shy away from showing affection towards each other. They have also had their fights but they are always quickly resolved.
“Forbidden love is also a weird thing to say… Oh my god, Cale don’t tell me you’re planning to cheat on me?!”
Cale was so flabbergasted he said his true thoughts without filter.
“What the fuck?! You’re literally the love of my life??”
The sudden confession got the two of them to shut up. Both were shocked at what the redhead said.
“...You’re the love of my life too.”
“If you love me then you would not remind me of the embarrassing thing I said not even 5 minutes ago.”
As the two laugh, the words of the priestess slowly leave their minds.
However, maybe they shouldn’t have forgotten it when Cale had to disguise himself as Naru von Ejellan, a 12-year-old kid in human years. If they did then maybe they'd understand the priestess' words...
“You troublesome punk! I knew you’re dense but I didn’t expect you to be a blockhead!”
Cale was shocked at Team Leader Lee Soo Hyuk’s irritated voice. One moment they were talking about passing on one of the team leader’s abilities then suddenly he was yelling at Cale.
“Don’t look at me like a gaping fish out of water. I did so much to help you with your love life only for you to disregard my messages!”
“What messages..?”
Cale remembered all the times a priestess from the Church of the God of Death had told them a “prophecy”. 
“That was you?”
“You disrespectful punk, yes it was me.”
Oh indeed
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Oh boy, request are open!
If this catches your interests, may I request the freshmen knowing that the five of them have a crush on the reader and they try to interfere with the other when one of the boys manage to get the reader alone for themselves and pull a move on her?
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Well, this is an unexpected predicament
A transferred student from another world became the center of attention when she was enrolled in an all-male institution, especially how she manages to keep her herself afloat in a college full of talented and cunning magic wielding students. In the realm of Twisted Wonderland, magic tips the surface of survival. With no home and magic to rely on, she was placed at the bottom of the food chain; have no fear however!
With her close knitted friends she gained along the way, she pushes through every obstacle thrown into her and continues to stay alive! It's a classic trope of where the best of friends falls in love with one another after going through so much. But how does one handle five at once?
Each and every one of them vying for your attention, hoping that you would take notice of their profound love for you as it grows each time they spend time with you more and more; to the point where they'd wish that one day you'd suddenly be infatuated as they are. Alas, their wishes goes unheard by the beings above! Thus the only way to seize your heart is by pure determination and hard work! Maybe a handful of mischief to steer away the other suitors; it's in the name of love after all!
"Oi, (Y/N)!" Your name was spoken in a harsh tone by the redhead, fingers jabbing at your sides as his figure inched closer and closer to you; completely erasing any space you had with him "C'mon! You've been sticking your nose in those dumb papers for HOURS now! At this rate, I think I'm gonna grow white hairs with how slow you're writing-" You merely gave him a side glance before continuing your work which made the redhead pout. With a huff, the male enveloped his arms around your waist, your shoulder serving to be a cushion for his chin. You could only sigh and roll your eyes at his childish attitude, your hand far too busy jotting down answers from the library book you've borrowed; not once bothering to stop even as his grip on you tightened even more
"Ace, what are you- Hey!" The mischievous male had pulled away the library book before promptly slamming it shut; an audible thump resonated from the impact. Gradually, the book was held up into the air, bouncing from left to right to avoid you from ever reaching it. "C'mon and grab it already! Or you actually that slow witted, prefect?!" Grumbling under your breath, the book was so close in your reach, only for it to just be bounce away again; the notion clearly screams mockery to your entire being
"Stop playing around and give it to me!" This time, you stood up from your seat; catching the redhead off guard. You were sure that your fingers grazed the book but it seems like the male had the upper hand. Yes, he did momentarily loosened his grip but he never did released his arm around your waist. "Not so fast!" Regaining back composure, Ace was quick to pull you back down but in the process he had unintentionally forced you to sit on his lap; a bit too hard he think. Luckily you were too busy cursing him out! If only you could see how flushed his face was, he was praying that you wouldn't feel the rising tension in his pants; he'd never live it down!
"There you are, Pre-PREFECT?!" With a rough yank to the collar, Ace winced in pain before turning his head sharply to see the perpetrator; no other than Deuce Spade who's gritting his teeth in anger. "The fuck's wrong you?! My neck felt like it was about to snap into two with how hard you pulled my shirt-!" Without breaking eye contact, the blue haired male tugged your arm, effectively pulling your figure away from the scowling redhead "You!-Don't you have any respect for (Y/N)?! Just because you're one of her close friends doesn't mean you can do whatever you want!" Ace squinted his eyes to Deuce's words, brows furrowed in confusion. "What are you even on about?! We didn't do anything! I didn't do anything!"
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palaceofpassion · 11 months
The life of a House Husband
"Uhm... are you sure that I'm needed for this sir?" Jaune Arc was many things, he was a young awkward man, he was also the only boy in a household of eight women. Something that had a rather grand affect on his life, from cooking to cleaning, he could do every household task with ease. Something that had come akin to his mother wanting everyone to chip in.
And of course, being under the thumbs of his sisters. Whether it was through brute force, or being unable to say no. So... when he received a call from Headmaster Ozpin, of Beacon Academy, that he had a job for him, he was a little shocked.
"Yes, Glynda has informed me that you're quite skilled at helping others."
His cheeks felt flushed as he stared at the elderly man. "I mean, my semblance is good at helping bring out positive emotions but... I wouldn't really say I'm good at helping others." That was a lie, and he sort of wondered what his Auntie Glynda had told him. Glynda being his late father's sister of course.
"Mmhmm, she has spoken quite highly of you."
Now he was just embarrassed, "Oh. Well, that's honors." She was very brutal about the truth, even to family. "But I don't see why that means anything here."
"Well you see." Ozpin put a photo on his desk, ushering Jaune to pick it up. To which he did of course, the image had four young women. Ordered from tallest to shortest. Though he did note that three of them were quite short when compared to the tall redhead, who appeared to rival even him in height. "These four young women are some of our, if not the most promising huntresses this year... except."
"Except what sir?" He was a little confused, a bit embarrassed, if they were important and famous, he should know them... but he was kind of just a country bumpkin.
"Except that they would be unable to take care of themselves if left to their own devices. " Ozpin seemed frustrated by the statement, grabbing a cup of coffee to take a deep sip before continuing, "You see Mr. Arc. These four are the hope of Beacon, and while I would love for them to succeed, they have... problems. Ms. Cruz." He pointed at one of the shorter girls... actually THE shortest. With soft green hair, and dazzling emerald eyes. "She has unfortunately had... issues with the loss of her past team, so it's hard for her to open up to others, and she lacks self confidence in herself. And while the most calculating mind on her team, and their leader... it's doubtful whether she'll be able to communicate with the other three." He next pointed at the next shortest girl, with snow white hair, and frosty blue eyes, "Ms. Schnee is... strong willed, to say the least. She's grown in an environment that was about being used or to use others. As such, she'll be abrasive to the others, she also has very little experience with chores or taking care of herself, or so her mother has informed me."
Next was the maroon haired woman, with a stoutly figure, and pretty grey eyes, "This is May Zedong. She's similar to Ms. Cruz, but whereas Ms. Cruz has fears of being around others. May chooses not to involve herself, she's also had a hard time. Apparently she's had issues with both male and female students in the past. And likes to keep to herself. She's also quite soft spoken."
"And finally, this." He pointed out the dazzling red haired woman, with shining green eyes. "Is Pyrrha Nikos, she is, the strongest member of their team. However, she lacks the will to lead. She would rather not ruffle any feathers, and takes on an overtly polite persona when around other people. She's also quite famous, so it's not strange for people to come to her with ulterior motives. She's not quick to let people in, especially when she feels they'll be coming for her name. Unfortunately Ms. Schnee has already seemed to get on her bad side, and whether they'll work together at this point is impossible to tell."
There was obvious frustration in his voice, "Unfortunately, while each are all incredibly skilled huntresses, they haven't put much time, nor want, into self care. And that's where you come in." "So... you want me to be a nanny?" "Something to that effect, though you'll also be providing them with a shoulder to stand on." He wanted to say something, but as the most normal sibling, amongst a cavalcade of spectacular and amazing sisters. He sort of knew his position, and knew where people with talent tended to lie. Their single minded pursuit on improvement and being the bet. Especially if they have mental or emotional hang ups... he hated to admit it. But his semblance would definitely help. But more than that, as he listened to their stories, he wanted to help. "Okay." He would do what he could to help ease their lives, and besides... while he never wanted to be a huntsman. It would be interesting to see what kind of lives they lived.
While eyeing the image, he started to try to work things out. He didn't know their backstories, but one was afraid that she would see others die, or that she would be the cause. One is afraid of letting others in, because she's lived in a harsh environment, one is unable to communicate her feelings with others, used to being ignored... or something happened between her and a past team. And one has learned to close her heart, an actress if you will... He took a deep breath and sighed, "Okay, I suppose I should go meet them." "Mmhmm, they've already been informed of your... inclusion." He nodded, hopefully things wouldn't be too bad. But as he held the photo, he couldn't help but worry.
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Girls Trip
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~7.7k
Summary: You meet some friends at the beach for a long weekend. 
A/N: This is another Wanda jealousy fic, but also a fluff piece. 
Warning: fluff, unwanted male attention, mentions of drug use/alcohol, jealousy, and suggestive content 
When you’d told Wanda that you were going on a beach trip with some friends from vet school, she’d been excited for you. As usual, she’ll be busy with work and couldn’t go with you, but she wanted you to enjoy seeing your friends after so long. You’d been waiting for your time off from work for weeks, and you were excited to spend half of it with your friends and the other half at home with your wife. Although you usually weren’t a fan of traveling, especially by yourself, you were going to enjoy this trip and use it for some much-needed relaxation.
Boone sits up at the sound of you coming down the stairs two at a time, and he starts to wag his tail in excitement that matches yours. Wanda looks up from her phone to see you smiling widely at your dog as you scratch his head and neck.
“I’m going to miss you bud, so much!”
Boone whines and licks you frantically and you laugh before standing up to greet your wife. You’re smiling widely as you wrap an arm around the redhead and kiss her cheek. Wanda’s smiling as you move to sit down next to her, dropping your bag on the ground with a sigh.
“Don’t tell him, but I’m going to miss you more. I wish you could come with me.“
Wanda hums in response as she considers what it would be like to go to the beach with you and your friends. She always loved seeing you happy and you loved the beach. The water, the sunshine, and the ability to just walk for miles and always see something different. The only other place you liked more was the mountains. She would love to accompany you, but she couldn’t get away from work long enough to make it worthwhile.
“I’ll miss you too, detka, but you’ll have fun with your friends. I’ll be sure to take care of your baby.”
Wanda smiles as you kiss her hair and hug her tightly before reaching down to grab your bag. It was time for you to go to the airport and you didn’t want to be late. After kissing your wife one last time you start to leave the room for the front door.
“I wish you’d let me drive you.”
You’re shaking your head before Wanda can even stand up to follow you. As much as you would like to have more time with Wanda before you leave, it’s not a great use of her time driving for an hour when she’s so busy. You know she has something important happening today, and she needs to be nearby as it goes down. You’d reassured her that it was fine, but she still felt a little guilty. She wouldn’t see you for nearly 4 days, and she didn’t even get to drive you to the airport.
“Don’t worry about it, Wands. Bucky said he was happy to, and it gives me a chance to catch up with him.”
Wanda follows you to the front door to see that Bucky is already here and he’s waiting outside of his car staring at the sky. You smile at the sight of him and you reach down to pet your dog who’d followed you and Wanda.
“I’ll text or call you every day.”
Wanda nods as she hugs you tightly before opening the door so you can meet Bucky. She tells Boone to sit and he does but he whines as he watches you walk away.
“I’ll be waiting patiently for my jellyfish picture. “
You laugh before turning back around to face your wife with a wide smile. You’d told her jokingly the other day that you would send her so many pictures that she’d get annoyed; including anything from a street sign to a jellyfish.
“I’ll see you in a few days, Wands! Bye Boone!”
The flight was relatively short and by early afternoon you and your friends were already on the beach. In that time, Wanda had just been working, and since she wasn’t sure how long she’d be busy, she’d brought Boone with her. He’d spent most of the day with her and despite missing you, he’d enjoyed his time getting to see all of your friends.
“We’re not doing that.”
Your three friends from vet school that you’d met with for the long weekend were trying to convince you to go clubbing. You were already a little tired from the trip here and you were not really up for that tonight, but you were being out voted. You also happened to be the one who lived the closest so you didn’t have much to back up your ‘I’m tired’ claim.
“Oh, come on, Y/n, it will be fun! You don’t have to get a lap dance or anything, we’re just going for drinks. “
So that’s how you found yourself in a bustling club in downtown Miami with music too loud to think over, let alone hear your friends.
You check your phone briefly to make sure that you haven’t missed a call from Wanda, but she must have been really busy today because your text from earlier still hasn’t been answered.
Your friend near shouts at you to be heard over the music, and you jump slightly as she grabs your arm. The four of you move to a quieter corner of the club with your drinks before sitting down on the comfortable couches. You sigh as you take a sip of your cocktail, wanting to relax a little despite being slightly paranoid.
You realize that this is the first time in a long time that you’ve been out in public without someone watching you. You’d gotten so used to having Bucky around that you felt comfortable going anywhere regardless of the time or the place. At least to a degree.
Now that you were just with your friends in an unfamiliar place, you couldn’t help but be a little on guard. You had no idea how far Wanda’s influence reached beyond your city, but you found it hard to believe that someone here would recognize you. You stick to this belief as you address your friend who is a little tipsier than you, but not overly so.
“How’s married life? You know you could have invited her!”
She’d told you this already when she met you at the hotel, but you still smile before shaking your head and looking to the other two friends – your only other friends who knew who Wanda truly was. You’d told them because you could tell that her unexplainable absences had made them worried for you. Of course once they’d found out about her illegal activities they’d been worried for another reason, but you’d told them that was manageable. Wanda made sure to keep you away from her work as much as possible, and nothing too scary had happened to you.
“I did invite her, but she had a lot going on so she decided to skip this time. “
You finish your drink and watch as your friends just nod and frown at the idea of Wanda always being busy. In order to prevent what you’re sure might be a concerned question you look to the dance floor as you set down your empty glass.
“Do you want to dance?”
Wanda groans as she collapses on the couch in the living room as soon as she gets home. It’s nearly 11 o’clock and she and Boone had been out all day working. Your dog had enjoyed it more than she did, but now that she was home, she was going to shower and climb into bed. Rolling over so she’s on her back, she frowns at the thought of going upstairs to an empty bed. She hated it when you were gone. Despite being dead tired and certain that sleep would come easily, she’d toss and turn for a while trying to get used to not having your arms around her. She briefly considers letting Boone sleep in bed with her, but then she remembers how much dog hair she’ll have in her mouth when she wakes up.
Sighing as she stands from the couch to head upstairs, she looks to Boone who hasn’t moved from the carpet in the living room.
“Are you coming with me?”
When Boone doesn’t move, Wanda just sighs and decides to leave him be to do as he wants. He might wander up later, but most likely he’s just going to hang out here. As Wanda walks up the stairs, she hears her phone beep from her pocket and she stops at the top to see that you’ve texted her.
Miss you!
1 picture attached
Apparently, you had sent her a couple of texts and she just hadn’t seen the one from earlier. She feels bad about that but she’s more focused on the picture that you sent her. You and your friends are in a dimly lit room that Wanda deduces is a club given the drinks in your hands and the number of people visible in the background. She knows that Miami has a huge club scene and it would be ridiculous for her to assume you wouldn’t go to one while you were there.
Despite not being much of a drinker, Wanda knows that you will drink as much as you need to be relaxed and enjoy your time with your friends. That said, she trusts you to be smart and given that you’re not alone she’s not as worried. The willpower it took her to not ask Bucky to follow you around had been impressive, and she tries not to regret this as she texts you back.
Sounds like you’re having fun! Stay safe, love you.
The music and the fact that you’re dancing with your friends keeps you from feeling your phone vibrate. It’s almost 3 am and you four have been here for a while, drinking, talking and dancing the night away. At one point, Emily, your wildest friend for sure, had suggested trying to find some drugs but you’d just shook your head and laughed before telling her that both of your husbands would be furious.
Still, you found yourself leaving the dance floor and following your friend who wanted to try some of whatever she’d seen people tripping on. You were dubious and tried to dissuade her, but once she had it in her hands and you saw what it was you weren’t able to stop her.
“Are you sure you want to do that? It might not be…”
Too late.
You watch as you friend snorts a little and you just roll your eyes before grabbing her arm with a sigh. This is getting a little out of hand and it’s only the first night. You look for you other two friends to see them still dancing and you hurry back over to them.
“Come on, Em, let’s dance. You love this song!”
Luckily your friend listens to you and you both quickly rejoin your friends to dance to a song you haven’t heard since high school. You won’t find out until later that your friends requested this playlist for you. They knew how stressed you’d been recently and what better way to relax than to dance to hits that made you feel young again?
When they realized it was working, they had to resist the urge to take a video of you. You were really getting into it and you weren’t even that drunk which was usually a necessary precursor for you to dance like this. An hour of non-stop dancing later you and your friends return to the bar for a break. You’re all sweating but you’re enjoying yourself and continue to tap your foot to the music as you wait for your drink. It’s just a round of waters but the bar is crazy busy so you end up waiting for a bit for yours. Three are handed to you and while the fourth is being filled you hand the glasses to your friends.
“Alright, Stef, I admit that you were right. This was a good idea.”
Your friend smiles widely as she reaches out to hug you with a laugh. You grab her water before it can spill all over you, and you sip some before handing it back to her.
“I knew you’d have fun! Good for you. You work too hard!”
You’re about to comment when the song changes and you all nearly start screaming. It’s at this time that you catch onto what your friends must have done.
“You didn’t!? Go, go! I’ll be there in a second.”
You take everyone’s drinks and decide to finish them up as you watch your friends run back to the dance floor. You laugh in amusement at how they nearly trip over themselves, but you’re quickly distracted by a sudden presence. You frown when someone bumps into you and you have to hold back the sigh that threatens to pass your lips as you see who invaded your personal space.
“Hey there.”
You realize that you’re going to have to make a hasty exit, so you finish drinking before holding up your hand.
“Hey there, I’m married.”
He unsurprisingly seems put off by this and you have to resist the urge to laugh as you take a closer look at him. He’s wearing a shirt with way too may buttons undone and he’s got a gold crucifix necklace on that catches your eyes. He uncrosses his arms and leans against the bar and he looks to you with a wide smile.
“That’s fun, babe. I just wanted to ask if you’d like to dance. Your husband won’t mind.”
You’re not sure if it’s the loud music or the amount of alcohol that you smell on him that makes him ignore you completely, but you just decide to cut your losses and head over to your friends. You want to dance to at least some of this song. Em had started to record a video for her Instagram story to capture the fact everyone was dancing when she turns her phone toward the bar to look for you. Her camera falls on you just as you’re twisting a man’s arm and pinning it behind his back. She curses under her breath watching as the brunette cringes before you shove him away from you.
“You fucking bitch!”
“Go fuck yourself, dude.”
After dancing for a while longer you and your friends decide to call it a night. The music had changed at this point and despite it still being good it couldn’t beat the playlist your friends had given the DJ. You stand outside with your friends enjoying the cool early morning air as you wait for your ride to show up. The four of you are high from the adrenaline of staying up all night, and some of you still have alcohol or something else onboard. You glance at your friend Emily to see how she’s fairing from her single snort of cocaine, and she looks really happy. Kinda high.
“How are you feeling?”
The brunette just groans as she crawls into her bed next to yours after a short shower to clean the sweat and spilled drinks from her skin. You can’t help but laugh before nodding in understanding and turning your light off. You’d showered first and your hair was still a little damp as you and your friend went to bed at 6 in the morning. You had set your alarm for 12 so you could all make your lunch reservation at a place nearby. You reminded yourself of where the sunglasses you’d bought for the beach were before curling up to sleep. You left your phone on the bedside table and when it goes off with a text a few hours later, you’re too deep in sleep to hear it.
Wanda had woken up earlier than she’d planned, but she didn’t mind since it gave her some time to relax before getting started with her day. She fed the pets before walking Boone around the woods near the house for a bit. She then made herself a second cup of coffee and some breakfast before deciding to check in on you.
She looks through her messages not surprised to see that there’s nothing new from you. You’re probably still asleep despite it being close to 10 am there, so she goes to a different app instead. She’d only downloaded Instagram to follow your friends for this trip. She knew you didn’t have one since you didn’t like posting on social media at all, so you’d given her your friends’ names and their handles so she could follow your trip. Given the time difference, you both weren’t sure how often you could text, so you’d offered this as a solution for Wanda to still check in.
It's not until you wake up to a text from your wife that you realize this might have backfired.
Wanda’s looking through your friend Emily’s Instagram feed absentmindedly as she eats her breakfast. She glances between her phone, her plate, and the dog sitting at her feet every few seconds. When she comes across the most recent video of her still awake at 5am she realizes you and your friends had a very long night. The next video was taken from inside the club. As she plays it, she hears one of your favorite songs and she smiles. She can barely make out anyone in the large group dancing, but as the camera pans away from the crowd and towards the bar, Wanda frowns.
“What the fuck.”
You groan as you stretch out underneath the covers as your alarm goes off. You’re feeling surprisingly well-rested as you reach out for your phone to silence the alarm. You sit up with a yawn and look over to your friend who still appears dead to the world. You look to the curtains that are still drawn, but you can see sunlight peeking through them. It’s basically lunch time and you jump to your feet to get ready. You kinda shove your friend to wake her up as she’d asked you to yesterday. You’re sure she’s regretting it now as she just groans loudly in response.
“Come on, sleepyhead. Get up!”
You leave her for a few minutes as you run into the bathroom to wash your face and get ready to go out. You come back a few minutes later and are surprised to see that she’s awake despite not having left bed yet. She grumbles something that you don’t hear until you grab your phone to make sure its charged enough.
“Your phone kept beeping while you were gone.”
You realize quickly that it’s Wanda trying to get in touch with you. Her day has certainly started already, but that’s not what her texts are about.
What happened?
There’s a link to Instagram sent with this text and you open it quickly before watching something that Emily had posted. You don’t realize that it’s not just her dancing in the club until you reach the end of the video. You sigh in defeat before looking to her with a frown.
“You posted this video of me from last night?”
Em doesn’t remember much of last night, so she waves you over and takes your phone with a frown. She watches the video before nodding in confirmation, not that it was needed.
“Yeah! It was badass. Why you don’t like it?”
You shake your head because you do like that you put that asshole in his place, but you hadn’t banked on your wife seeing it. You sit back down on the bed before trying to figure out what to tell Wanda.
“I do, but Wanda doesn’t seem amused.”
You start typing your response as Em gets up and she shrugs before disappearing into the bathroom with a smile. She ducks inside before the pillow you threw can hit her, but you hear her laughing loudly through the door.
“Oh well, I’m sure she’ll just fuck you silly when you get home as punishment.”
Your eyes roll dramatically before you decide to check on your other friends to see if they’re ready. They aren’t early risers either, so you figure if you want to make this reservation, you’re going to have to be a little proactive.
Wanda’s driving to the compound when you text her back. She looks over to Boone who she’d let ride in the front seat next to her because he loved to stick his head out the window. She didn’t like letting him do it when she couldn’t see him, so she’d caved and let him sit in the front for once. He looked like he was enjoying having his fur blown back and the wind smack him in the face, but to each their own she supposed. When her phone beeped signaling a text she saw that your name popped up and she pressed the button that would read out your response.
Oh the usual. Men with their egos that are always larger than their brains.
Wanda isn’t surprised by this answer but she was hoping for more context. She supposes she’ll just have to ask for it once she gets to the compound. She looks over to Boone who’d ducked his head back inside when he heard talking. As soon as the music started playing again, he just turns back to the window and puts his paws up on the door.
“Boone, no.”
He whines, but he puts his foot back on the seat obediently. Wanda only lowered the window half way, but she didn’t want to risk him falling or jumping out. She’s sure that you’d be furious with her if you came home to your dog injured.
“We’ll be there soon, bud. Then you can see Fanny. That will be fun right?”
As if he knows what she’s saying, or he can even hear her over the wind blowing past his face, he barks excitedly into the wind. Wanda just rolls her eyes but she reaches out to scratch him with a smile.
He was ridiculous. Just like you.
Lunch ends up becoming an early dinner because your friends wanted to go shopping. You usually hated shopping, but you decided to use this as an opportunity to find something nice for Wanda. It wasn’t something she asked for, but whenever you went somewhere without her, you’d buy her something to surprise her with. It was usually jewelry or an outfit that you thought she’d like or that you really wanted to see her in. It depended on where you went, and you figured that in a place like Miami, there would be a lot of possibilities.
“I can’t believe you won’t tell us what you got for her!”
You laugh as you continue to drink your margarita with a shake of your head. You split from your friends briefly and wandered into a store where you thought you could find something for Wanda. Despite being very overwhelmed and a little uncomfortable, you’d found a couple things for your wife that you thought she’d like. At the very least you’re sure you’d like them.
After you’re finished with dinner, you’re dragged to yet another mall where you look for a less provocative gift for your wife. You’ve already bought Boone some new toys and you got Fletcher a little bandana that she’d look good in. You go to a couple of clothing stores but you don’t like clothes shopping, and Wanda has a lot of similar clothes already. You are wandering around the store, mostly following your friend when you notice a jacket across the room. You wander off with a smile and a brief excuse before going to get a closer look.
“Umm hello.”
You smile widely as you reach out to touch it and you groan under your breath. It’s so soft and it’s so cute. You know that your wife will look so good wearing this. You might also get to borrow it occasionally.
“Did you find something you like?”
You turn to see Stef looking at you with a wide smile. She’d noticed you practically run over here to look at the jacket, and she couldn’t help but follow you curiously. She looked to the price tag for you and she whistled catching your attention.
“Wow, it’s $500.”
You smile at this because you don’t care if it had been twice that. You are getting this for your wife. You take it off the rack once you confirm it’s the right size before you turn to your friend.
“Anything else you want? I think I’m good.”
Instead of clubbing again tonight because everyone agreed to take a break, you all went out for drinks on a bar along the beach. It was nice out and you could smell the salt in the air which made you feel even more relaxed than any drink could.
You look out onto the water that you can’t see because of how dark it is, but you smile as you think about what your wife could be up to. You and Wanda need to go to the beach soon, but maybe not here in Miami. It was a little hectic at times, and you’d seen more naked people here than you had at that nude beach in Spain.
Wanda groans loudly as she lifts the box out of her trunk with an exaggerated huff. Her brother had gotten her a new set of guns because he’d needed to replace his own, and they were a lot heavier than she was expecting. She’d thought that he meant maybe a couple of hand guns and maybe one other, but once she gets the box in the living room she realizes there are at least 8 guns in here.
“Jesus, Piet.”
Wanda decides to close the box and deal with them later before walking over to the kitchen with a yawn. She looks to Boone who’s sniffing the box that she’d made sure was locked before abandoning it to see what she’s making for dinner. You probably wouldn’t want her to have all of these guns in the house, but she’s not sure where else she could put them. She supposes she could give some back.
Her phone distracts her from this thought and she shuts the fridge before she can grab anything to eat. She walks over to where her purse had fallen on the ground and she picks it up and takes out her phone.
She smiles when she sees a message from you with a picture of the beach. It’s very dark out but she can make out the water line. The picture isn’t the main event anyway.
Taking a break from the clubs tonight. I spent most of the day shopping for the perfect gift for my greatest love.
Wanda can’t help but smile at this and she quickly responds before getting started on dinner. Boone’s pawing at her now waiting impatiently and she just frowns at him before shaking her head.
“No second dinner Boone.”
You receive Wanda’s text and laugh out loud at what she says. You’re rolling your eyes as you take a sip of your drink. Your feet are aching from being on them all day, and all night so you hope that this is your last stop for tonight.
Oh? What did you get Boone this time?
Your response comes a little while later because your friends return from the bar with food that you quickly dig into. You’re so hungry you could eat 7 of these appetizers, but you pace yourself before recalling that you have a lot of snacks in the hotel.
“This has been amazing! What should we do on our last full day and night tomorrow?”
Everyone was flying out around the same time on Monday, so tomorrow was going to be the last chance to go crazy which knowing Em, was going to happen with or without you. There’s talk of going back to the beach which you vote for because you want to keep tanning and you haven’t found your wife a jellyfish yet. Despite laughing at your adorable excuse, they decide they’ll go to the beach in the morning before it’s too crowded and too hot before going to a museum. You’d frowned at the thought of art, but one of your friends had mentioned going to a science museum nearby instead and you’d been more interested in that. You voted for a walk in the gardens but that was less popular, so you figured you’d just have to see if there was time.
“We’ll just see how it goes. Either way, we’re going back to Miami beach at night. “
Everyone cheers and you just laugh in amusement as they down their drinks. You miss your wife and dog a lot, but you can’t deny that you’re glad you came here. It’s been a nice way to relax and take a break from work. You probably weren’t going to do cocaine tomorrow though.
Later that night, when Em is in the shower you try calling Wanda. You hadn’t spoken with her since leaving for this trip and you wanted to see if she was available. It was only 6 there so there was a 50/50 chance she was working despite it being a Saturday.
“Hey, detka. One second.”
You just nod as you listen to Wanda shut a door assuming she was in the middle of something when you’d called. You hear the sound of Boone’s collar in the background and you smile widely.
“Hi Boone!”
You hear him whine a little and bark before Wanda’s laugh cuts him off. She walks down the hall to the bedroom before lying down with a smile.
“I knew you would miss him more.”
You laugh before shifting so you’re more comfortable on the bed. You haven’t showered yet and you don’t want to get under the covers, so you just curl up on top of the bed with a sigh as you glance at the too many shopping bags from today.
“Not at all, my love. I may have gotten him a cute toy and a vest, but your gift is definitely much better.”
Wanda smirks at the thought of what you could have gotten her this time. You were always so thoughtful and got her gifts wherever you went without her. She tried to tell you that it wasn’t necessary, but you’d always say that you wanted to. Or that you couldn’t help thinking about her. You were always so sincere too that she couldn’t even bring herself to roll her eyes at the borderline cliché things you said.
“Oh yeah? What did you get me? Or is it a surprise?”
The last time you’d gone somewhere, she thinks it was California for a conference, you’d gotten her a little surfboard for Fletcher. This was to try and teach her to like the bathtub, but it had backfired and now the sight of the board freaked her out. It had become more of a toy for Boone who would kick it around in the backyard. You’d also gotten her a beautiful necklace and a couple of rings to replace the ones she’d lost.
You’re still smiling as you decide to tease your wife a bit, and you jump out of bed and walk over to the bags near your suitcase.
“It’s a surprise, Wands, but I’ll give you a hint.”
You reach into one of the bags and Wanda hears what she’s sure is plastic and tissue paper that’s wrapped around something. She doesn’t have a good guess but she hears you set something down before unzipping some article of clothing. A dress? A jacket? She supposes it could even be pants. She’s of course more frustrated when she realizes that you really are teasing her.
“That was actually for Boone because yours doesn’t really make sound.”
You nearly laugh when you hear Wanda groan over the phone before you head back to bed. You hear the shower shut off so you don’t have a lot of time to say what’s next on your mind before you’re no longer alone.
“You’re so mean.”
You imagine Wanda’s pout and you wish you were with her to kiss it away. You sigh as you lie back down and stare at the ceiling. Tomorrow would be fun, but you’re glad there’s only one more day before you’ll be home.
“I’m sorry, love. I promise I’ll make it up to you when I get home.”
Wanda looks forward to this and she doesn’t care what she has going on Monday, she’s going to spend the day with you. She imagines that if she has her way, a lot of the day will be spent in this very bedroom.
“I’ll hold you to that, Y/n.”
You don’t talk to Wanda again until you send her a picture of a jellyfish in the water in the morning. Wanda of course sends you a smiley face before asking if you really took your phone with you into the water. It was not exactly waterproof and you had a lot of pictures of your dog on that phone. Once she points this out, she gets another picture of it half buried in the sand with the caption ‘it’s safe now’.
You and your friends spent the day going all over the city. While half of you went to an art museum, you and Stef went to the science museum nearby. You weren’t really an art person, but you could and had spent all day in a science museum. You skip out on the botanical gardens to go to a food market that makes you feel like it’s your favorite holiday. You buy way too much food, and send Wanda a lot of pictures and texts of food asking if she wants any. You’d gotten her some chocolate and wine, but she’d told you to just enjoy yourself. You’d still gotten her some goodies before going back to your hotel room to rest for a bit before dinner.
The last night, you were going all out and you’d reserved a spot at a ridiculously expensive restaurant to treat your friends at. You knew that they all made good money, but they’d spent a lot of money while here already. You didn’t want them to feel pressured and you told them it was a gift from Wanda, which it technically was. It was her ‘thank you for taking care of her wife’.
“This is so nice Y/n.  We have to call Wanda later to thank her.”
“Or send her one of those cute baskets that we saw today!”
“Or Y/n could send her a pic of the lingerie set she bought her.”
You are tempted to throw a piece of bread at your friend for this, but it tastes so good you don’t want to waste it. Instead, you glare at her and roll your eyes. You don’t offer a verbal response because there’s no point in denying it. Stef rolls her eyes too before shooting Em a look that has her raising her hands in defeat despite still smiling widely.
“Okay, but that’s from Y/n, not us.”
Dinner was amazing and you and your friends did end up thanking your wife before heading back to Miami beach. You all ran to the hotel to change into something more appropriate and comfortable. The night is somehow even wilder than the first and you and your friends don’t get back until 7am this time. Check out is at 11 so most of you sleep at the airport while waiting for your flight. You’re glad you packed ahead of time so you could roll out of bed, change, shower and check out.
You sigh in relief and exhaustion as you sit down in your seat on the plane. You’d splurged and bought business class because you knew this trip would be exhausting and you’d want to sleep all the way home. You’re counting down the minutes until you can lie down when Wanda calls you.
You’d been the last one to fly out and after saying goodbye to all of your friends you had to wait for a while before your flight boarded. Now that you were there and comfortable you had to force yourself to stay awake.
“Hey Wands.”
Wanda smiles at how tired you sound and she can only imagine how busy your night was. Your friend Em didn’t post as much, but she did have a picture or two that she’d posted while at the airport. You and your friends were drinking and dancing. She saw smoke in one of the pictures, but since you weren’t visible she wasn’t going to worry too much about it. After all she was only really upset about the beach video.
“Hey detka. Are you on the plane?”
You nod before telling Wanda that you just sat down and you should be taking off soon hopefully. You and Wanda chat for a bit before she asked if you had any plans for when you came home. You laugh before shaking your head and telling her that you’ll be relaxing until you got back to work in a few days. She hums in acknowledgement as she continues to cut up fruit for a salad. She felt excessive but she had a small separate bowl that was for the pets. They loved fruit and she would use them as treats for the next couple of days. Fletcher was a fiend when it came to blueberries and Boone would do almost anything for a banana. It was his favorite which made whenever you tried to eat one hell. He would chase after you and beg for some and you had actually stopped buying them recently for this reason.
“What about you, Wands?”
She just shakes her head before claiming that her only plans are to spend time with you. Work was a little calmer today and she’d told her brother not to bother her unless someone was dying. She hadn’t seen you in days and she wanted to spend time with you.
“And Boone of course.”
You smile before realizing that boarding is finished and you need to get off the phone. You sigh before telling Wanda this and looking for your seatbelt.
“I’ll see you soon, okay Wands?”
Wanda smiles before looking at the clock. 5 hours until you were home.
“See you soon, detka.”
Boone is lying on the carpet downstairs in the living room bored out of his mind. He’s already had his afternoon walk and Fletcher wasn’t in the mood to play, so there wasn’t much going on at the moment. His mom was upstairs and he was just left to his own devices. He fell asleep for a bit before the sound of a door slamming startled him awake. He listens carefully and hears a car drive away and soft footsteps on the driveway. He’s jumping up and running to the door to investigate at the same time that Wanda appears from the bedroom. She’d been tracking your flight and she’d tried to go pick you up but you’d told her not to. She wanted to see you sooner, but you didn’t want her to have to drive and come get you.
“Boone, who is it? Who’s here?”
Boone is already whining and pacing back and forth when he sees you outside headed up the front steps. He continues to cry and tries to jump on the window before Wanda tells him to sit and she opens the door for you. She smiles widely when she sees you and you return the gesture before dropping your bags by your side and holding out your arms.
“Hey there, beautiful. I missed you!”
Wanda rolls her eyes but she doesn’t protest as she pulls you into a hug and holds you tightly. She’s missed you and having her arms around you like this makes her want to get you inside as quickly as possible. She just wants to hold you for the rest of the day.
“You too Wands.”
Wanda groans in annoyance before slapping your arm playfully as she lets you go so you can greet your dog. He’s whining and shifting from side to side impatiently, but when you drop to your knees and smile at him he pounces on you.
“Hey buddy. Were you good while I was away?”
Unsurprisingly Boone continues to whine and lick you as you scratch him excitedly. You eventually stand up before kissing your wife with a smile as you hug her again. You missed her.
“Let me grab my stuff, then we’ll…”
You trail off as Wanda grabs them for you and leads you inside quickly. You laugh at how in a rush she is, but you figure you’d be the same way if Wanda was gone for days.
“I got it, detka. Come on, get your ass in here. “
You and Wanda made it upstairs into bed in record time and Boone is sitting outside the hallway panting excitedly. Your wife had wanted to help you unpack, but you’d dragged her into bed to lie down. You were still tired despite sleeping most of the flight. Last night had been a lot and you were realizing how long it took you to bounce back.
“I’m glad you had fun, Y/n, but next time I’m going too.”
You laugh at this before kissing the top of your wife’s head with a smile. You would love if she came with you next time because you know it would only make things more enjoyable for both of you. Someone would have to watch Boone, but that was easy enough to take care of.
“That would be even better.”
You pull Wanda closer to you before kissing her forehead and then lips. You continue kissing until you feel her start to tug on your shirt. You pull away with a curious look but Wanda just continues to try and lift it over your head.
“You know, I never told you how I felt about that video.”
You frown in confusion until it dawns on you what video Wanda’s talking about. The one from the club. You hadn’t really explained that, but you figured now was as good a time as any. You frown slightly but you’re not going to try to get out of it now. If Wanda wanted to know something she would find out one way or another, so the easiest thing to do was just tell her now.
“Oh, the one from the club? Yeah I--.”
Wanda cuts you off as she shakes her head with a frown. She was talking about the one of the beach where you had spent an adorably long time wading in the waves and looking for jellyfish to send her pictures of. It was taken by Emily again and it showed you walking around with your head down and phone in your hand muttering to yourself. The video had multiple people walking by, but only one stopped to look at you, and it was obvious from his expression what he was admiring. The video cut out with Emily groaning and muttering something uncomplimentary about men under her breath.
You look to your wife with wide eyes when she tells you all of this. You didn’t know that Emily had taken yet another video of you, but like the first it was biting you in the ass. You shake your head before offering an apologetic look that Wanda barely notices. She’s thinking about how good you looked in your swimsuit and how much skin was on display. How much of your beautiful, toned body that was only hers to look at, was on display. She pushes your shirt up higher so she can see the muscles that were barely on display in the video, but she knew they were there and that was enough to rile her up.
“I didn’t like watching someone else stare at what’s mine.”
You’re nodding immediately because you can commiserate. You would have been mad too if you saw someone looking at your wife greedily as she walked around the beach in a bikini. In fact most of the time when she wore one it was either with family or on your private part of the beach that your beach house was built on.
You let Wanda take off your shirt and you hiss as she immediately starts to run her hands along your stomach. She pushes your bra out of the way so she can kiss your breasts, and you squirm to free one of your hands to take it off. Wanda beats you to it though and its off and thrown near the door before you can blink. You miss how Boone just huffs and lies his head down in the hallway as your wife continues to lay kisses along your chest and neck.
“I’m the only one who gets to touch you, to kiss you like this, right?”
You know you don’t have to answer this question because Wanda knows that your hers and hers alone. You’d never had any interest to be with another woman since the day you met the brunette. You’d been drawn to her immediately and it only took a few dates for you to realize that you weren’t going to want anyone else like this again.
“Answer me.”
You didn’t realize that Wanda just wanted to hear you say it until she squeezed your neck. She doesn’t do it tightly enough to hurt, but it gets your attention and you gasp before nodding frantically.
“Yes, Wands. You’re the only one.”
Wanda smiles smugly before she rolls you over onto your back and she sits up so she’s on top of you. She settles onto your thighs and she releases her hold on your neck as she leans in to kiss you. You moan loudly when Wanda rocks against you before she reaches for the waistband of your pants with a smile.
“Good girl. Now let’s have some fun.”
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
I don’t really know if this is a prompt or whatever, but worth considering:
Phantom is likely seen as a very old being due to time travel shenanigans, but in the present day, he has a tendency to mention family members, especially “his sister” in the present tense. This doesn’t happen often, especially not around established heroes, but when he does let it slip around a member of the Justice League (be they friend or foe at this point, who knows), it sends them on a wild goose chase to find Phantom’s sister and determine her abilities. This goes one of two ways, because it could theoretically lead back to two different people.
Maybe it goes the easier way, and a JL member ends up stumbling across Dani on her travels. She’s got a very similar power set but is more of a free spirit (pun intended), so it’d make sense that she’s not tied down to a particular place. Of course, as the sister of a being thousands of years old, she’d be seen as quite old herself, and it’d be very easier for her to kill the illusion in a heartbeat.
However, I think it’d be a lot more intriguing if Danny’s statements somehow led back to Jazz, the towering redhead with superhuman strength (thanks to her liminality), exceptional fighting ability (thanks to martial arts from her mother and swordsmanship lessons from Pandora), and strong sense of justice and wisdom (due to her time spent analyzing the brain and working as part of a vigilante group).
Everything about Jazz would line up perfectly with her being an Amazon, and depending on when Wonder Woman left Themyscira, Jazz could be seen as an Amazon from before Diana’s time, possibly thousands of years old like Phantom.
That, of course, would lead to its own can of worms. How in the world are a long escaped Amazon and one of the leading representatives of the dead related? If they’re a found family, when did they meet? Otherwise, how is a male biologically related to one of the Amazons?
Ironically, Jazz would probably be much better at making herself seem Old than Danny would.
Bonus points if the League actually gets the chance to compare Danny and Jazz side by side. Phantom himself isn’t exactly small, not anymore, but Jasmine towers over him, every inch of seven feet tall. His big sister, indeed.
:0 oh man this is sick. How on earth does Danny's siblings break it to the JL that they aren't immortal? OR
What do they do to keep the misconception going to protect how young Danny truly is?
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henrioo · 6 months
Hey! Could I please request some fluffy scenarios about Shanks X Male and Mihawk X Male Reader (separately if that's okay) who's love languages are physical touch and quality time, but is also struggling with anxiety? Sorry for going on anon, this is my first time ever requesting and I'm a little nervous lol
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : You love your partners, you really do, but sometimes those voices inside you gain control over your body, making you withdraw into your own fears and feelings. Good for you that your partners won't give up on having you by their side.
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : MALE! READER, M! READER, NOT POLY! The reader can be Trans or Cis, talking about homophobia but nothing happens, a lot of talk about insecurities in a romantic relationship, talk about anxiety and fear
꒰ WC ꒱ : 2,4k at all, 1k for Shanks and 1,4 for Mihawk
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : Hey thanks for this request! It had been some months and I don't have any idea if you are still there but anyway thanks for that, that request is part of the first ask I received when I opened for male reader so this means a lot to me. The ask doesn't talk too much about the insecurities of the reader because I wanted that you guys could imagine your own, here talk more about how they would handle and help you. Enjoy!
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★彡 Shanks
It may not seem like it, but the redhead is a master at reading people, all it takes is a few nervous glances and body language and he knows exactly what the problem is.
However, while he knows what the problem is, he is not that good at knowing the best solution for it. Part of him just wants to grab you and say "stop with that and let's just kiss." Luckily he knows that not everyone works like him, so he is able to understand that you may have different limits and such a direct approach can make the situation worse and even push you away from him.
So, firstly, he tries to understand exactly why you are suffering from so much anxiety when it comes to spending time with him and having more physical touch. Are you ashamed or afraid of doing PDA because of prejudiced looks since you are both men? Are you afraid that he will reject you if you show this need for time and affection? Are you publicly ashamed of others? Regardless of what's going through your head, Shanks wants to understand so he can give you truer love.
When he has a little idea or some theories, which he will achieve after observing you a lot in various situations and talking to all the other men on the ship, he will try to talk to you. Of course he will never force you into anything, he just wants to try to understand and maybe ease this weight that you are carrying alone. Even if you just want to scream or ramble without knowing exactly how to express your feelings and anxiety, he wants to be there for you, to show that he is willing to listen to you, understand you, especially validate and support you. He wants you to see that he is there for you in every situation.
Whether you decide to speak or not, the outcome changes very little. The difference being that having talked to you, Shanks will be able to understand you more easily, thus being able to make fewer mistakes in his attempts to help you and make you more comfortable with everything. If you don't decide to talk, he will be forced to make several trials and errors on how to make the environment more favorable for you to feel comfortable and overcome your anxiety, so you can give in to your desires for physical touch and spend more time with him. quietly.
Since you may have anxiety about initiating contact, Shanks will do all the hard work for you. Which, let's be honest, isn't very difficult, the redhead adores you like a loyal servant to a god, he can't keep his hands off you. It may seem funny to others to see a pirate as strong as a stray puppy following you, especially when they discover that Shanks' lover is a man, but what can he do... He is a man completely in love with you .
It's not uncommon for him to go after you, but if he notices your difficulty in initiating contact, he'll go even more after his presence. Every time he is free on the ship he will come after you, suggesting that you play a game, have a snack, talk, dance, sleep, he never runs out of ideas knowing that coming up first with a goal can make you calmer since you will just need to go with the flow and not think about everything on your own.
With physical touch, the difference is that he will pay extra attention to your comfort, it is normal that every time you are on land he is glued to your side. Holding hands or a hand around his waist practically hugging you, he just doesn't want to let go of you. In bars or any other establishment he would like to sit next to you, he would never put you on his lap, wishing that this choice came from you first. Shanks doesn't want you to feel humiliated or insulted by him wanting you on his lap, especially if you're nervous about showing affection publicly because you're both men.
But that doesn't stop him from having some physical contact, when his hand isn't occupied he'll put it on your thigh or your hand on the table, if he's drinking he'll leave his foot close to yours or even leave his foot close to yours. His leg pressed against yours. Even if it's small touches, he wants to show you that he wants to touch you just as much as you want to touch him. On the ship things are easier, he can simply hide the two of you in your shared room, thus avoiding the teasing of your crewmates and also having a little more privacy.
In the end he will just try to demonstrate that he wants your touch and attention as much as you do. He knows that actions can be stronger than words and he firmly believes that, so he will always be by your side to show you that he would never turn down spending time with you or having a make-out session. You are his boyfriend, after all! The man he loves and would do anything to see smile, he could never get tired of you.
Shanks' greatest happiness will be seeing you slowly loosen up and work on your anxiety better. When you start spending time together or touching, he will be celebrating inside. In the end, he just wants your attention and for you to show how much you love him, so he will never refuse if you want to spend time together. And even if it takes a while, even if you don't touch him for months, even if you need to talk a lot until you feel more confident, he doesn't mind at all. You are the one he loves and he would do anything for you, no effort is too much, you are worth everything he has to face and suffer, and he will accept it with a smile on his face.
If you think Shanks is easy to notice his difficulties then it only takes Mihawk an instant to notice something wrong. The difference is that the redhead will consider that some of the reasons for your anxiety could be external stimuli such as other people, reputation, shame or fear... Mihawk is a little more insecure at this point.
His early theories for your anxiety and difficulty having quality time and physical touch with him is that the culprit is, well... Him. Are you no longer in love with him? Don't you feel comfortable? Not attracted? Is he not that interesting of a person to spend time with or is he not good at physical touch? It doesn't matter, he would initially think that it must be something he did that caused his estrangement.
He would have a few moments alone to consider everything, perhaps you no longer enjoy being in that castle without anyone's company but his. When he manages to calm his mind and open himself to any possibility, whether good or bad, he finally decides to talk to you. Luckily, Mihawk is extremely verbally expressive and is very good at communicating, so even if you were just rambling and getting lost in your own words, he will be able to understand you or even help you with how to express yourself better.
The conversation may seem a little suffocating due to Mihawk's firm gaze, but you've been his lover for long enough that he only pays attention to you like that. Furthermore, you can see a worried touch and even a loving look if you pay close attention to the way he looks at you.
Other than that, he is extremely patient with you, he will listen to you for as long as necessary and will only speak if you allow it and feel comfortable discussing it at that moment. Then he will try to analyze the entire situation to better understand your fears, insecurity, anything that is making you anxious and pushing you away from him. He will never judge any of your motives or tell you they are silly, no matter if you were just shy, if you were nervous about appearing clingy, if you were too nervous about his beauty? It doesn't make any difference why, if it bothers you in some way, then it's totally important and valid for him.
And just as he doesn't care about the reasons, he also doesn't care about the solutions to help you with your problems. He loves you with all the depth and loyalty he could have, so he is also willing to give his blood and sweat for the good of your relationship. For Mihawk it's more than fair for both lovers to make an effort, especially when one of them is in trouble, so not for a second does he think of you or this whole situation as a burden. He loves you and you love him, you are partners, you are the man he chose to spend the rest of his life with, if he doesn't make the slightest effort in trying to keep the relationship on good terms then he doesn't deserve you. That's why he will always do his best.
After that he will try to make everything easier for you, he might give you a few peaceful days without looking for contact, wanting you to breathe before facing your problems. After that he will begin his plan to slowly make you approach him again and feel comfortable coming to him whenever you want... And well, maybe he will be much happier when he can finally touch you again and spend time with you. , it may not seem like it, but Mihawk also really wants your company and the idea of being without it makes him extremely moody.
He will initially try to recapture the moments together, quality time is easier for Mihawk and he thinks that starting with that is the best way for the two of you to get closer again, after all you wouldn't be forced into any touching if you weren't already completely safe. Then he will reminisce about some of the activities you used to enjoy doing together, be it reading in each other's company during a calm evening, the sound of the fireplace and the birds outside providing a more peaceful environment for you to relax your mind and let go of the anxiety. go away. He will also invite you to garden together. If you don't like getting dirty he will just talk to you and ask for your help. That doesn't make you put your hands in the dirt. However, if you like it, he will be very happy to teach you or listen to his teachings. He will work in the garden while you talk about where you could use those vegetables. If you want, he can also help you make a flower garden or plant anything else you like.
He will also love your company in the kitchen, he may use the excuse of testing new recipes to include you more, maybe he will even try to make something that you like to eat from another island. If you cook, like it or want to learn, he doesn't mind your help either, as long as you are happy and coming out of your shell, forgetting your anxiety and allowing yourself to be comfortable and doing what you love again, he is satisfied. Also, he may start trying to initiate physical touches, if you are a swordsman he will love some sparring sessions with you, although he won't go easy on you. After all, you are a man and a worthy opponent, you can notice that his movements are much more sensual and loving, it is as if he is trying to seduce you, win you over again and using all his body language in favor of this.
If you don't fight or don't want to learn, although Mihawk would love to teach you, he can still think of other activities with physical touch. His favorite is dancing. You will find him the most patient and dedicated partner possible, if you understand dancing he will even let you guide, moving and handling his body as you wish. Furthermore, he could even go into activities outside of his standard if that could help him relax and be calmer with touch. Trying on clothes? You have Dracule's entire wardrobe at your disposal, luckily you are both men so this part is easier. Messing with hair? Of course, go ahead and touch his black hair, if you have longer hair he will enjoy learning how to style it or take care of it.
Other than that, once he notices you getting more comfortable, he'll go back to the subtle physical touches. Mihawk is not the type of lover who devours you in public, but you will always find his hand on your back, either guiding you or just making it clear that he is there. He will also offer his hand to help you get up or down from places, a hand on your shoulder or arm if you are in a situation where he wants to make it obvious that he has you and that he won't let anything bad happen.
He doesn't like more sensual touches in public, so in the privacy of four walls you will have more of that, light touches on your neck or your thigh, but they still won't be perverted touches, just a more romantic and deep touch, something he wants to keep for your eyes only.
Mihawk is a lover who is slower to deal with his anxiety, he in no way wants you to feel pressured, so he will wait with open arms when you are ready to regain intimacy. He'd also hate for you to feel like you're obligated to have this kind of intimacy with him, so he also doesn't mind if you don't like the closeness. In the end the truth is just unique, in Mihawk's eyes you are the perfect man, if you don't like so much intimacy and touching he is satisfied with that, if you like touching and want to be with him 24/7 he will too be more than satisfied. He needs you, everything you give him will be a gift. Therefore, even though he seems like a stoic and even cold man, Mihawk would never deny or be ashamed of your touch, you are the only one who can do whatever you want and he will never be bothered by it.
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
dark!gp!nat x dark!stripper!reader, were natty thinks reader is all innocent and even w reader's job she's just a sweet little thing, only to one day at the club one of the male stripper's flirts with Nat and r sees everything so she basically walks to her girlfriend's side and starts to bite at nattys neck, marking her all up, Natasha is surprised at this but also smug about it after that reader starts getting distant. Natasha, being the insane mf she is, starts stalking her only to see reader murdering the stripper that flirted w her
(Smutty 😈😈😈)
That shit turns me on
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Pairings: dark!g!p Natasha Romanoff x dark!reader
Warnings: dark fic, mentions of killing, mentions of torture, smut, horribly written smut tbh, fingering, unprotected sex, small dirty talk, jealousy, little bit of angst
Word count: 1,698
Summary: again just the ask written down in a story
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
“Miss Y/L/N will be out in a minute, for now you can take a seat.” The bouncer told the redheaded woman. She sighed and plopped down onto the chair, it wasn’t her first time here, in fact she’s been here many times before all for one person, you. Every weekend she’d come here and watch you dance on the pole and then ask for a private dance, at this point you’ve gotten used to seeing her.
The buff man approached you as you finished your dance. “You have that redhead in booth 4.” You nodded and thanked him. Getting ready you looked yourself over in the mirror, making sure you looked good for your favorite customer. Over the few months that she’s been going here now you grew a bit of a crush on her, I mean it was impossible not to. Her amazing personality and her stunning looks drew you in right away. With most customers you’d usually feel slightly uncomfortable, especially since they were mostly middle aged men who were tired of their wives so they decided to try and feel you up instead. Of course the bouncer would end up kicking them out but you’re lucky you’ve never experienced that with Nat.
Walking into the small booth you approached the woman seductively, discarding your bra and throwing it off to the side. She eyed your figure as you turned around, bending over to show off your almost fully exposed ass. You heard a groan come from the woman and went to grind against her crotch, using the arm rests to hold you up. You felt her cock getting hard under the confinements, making you grind slightly harder. She threw her head back in pleasure as her hands held the armrests with all her might, trying her best not to touch you all over right then and there.
You noticed this, she did it everytime. “Why don’t you come back to my place after this, there you’ll be able to touch me here,” You said while grabbing your breasts in your hands, “And maybe even here.” Your hand went to cup your covered center this time, letting out an exaggerated moan to rile her up.
At the end of the dance you told Nat to wait for you, telling her that you need to clock out and get dressed before she could take you back to her place. While she waited for you a woman came up to her, “Hey gorgeous, you looking for a dance?” Nat internally cringed at the nickname, it would sound way better coming out of your mouth. Although she still had to be polite with the woman.
“Oh, uh, no thanks. I’m actually waiting for someone.” The black haired woman looked to where she was pointing.
“I’m assuming you’re talking about Y/N. She’s always talking about you, but I guess now I see why.” She tried seducing Nat once again, this time stroking her arm with her hand. Nat was starting to get fed up.
“Look miss, you’re really pretty and all but-” “Ready to go babe?” The both of them turned to look at you, seeing your face smile that tried to hide your anger.
“Yeah, let's go.” Nat said as she took your arm in her own, not missing the glare you gave your coworker on the way out.
“Babe?” Nat repeated your words from earlier as she led you to her car. You got in with a small red tinted on your cheeks from embarrassment.
“Yeah sorry about that. I guess I was a little jealous.” You said with a fake chuckle.
“There’s no reason to be embarrassed sweetheart, I liked it.” Red painted your cheeks once again, this time it wasn’t from embarrassment.
Over the next two weeks you’ve been distant with Nat, whenever she’d request a lap dance from you it was denied, the bouncer would just tell her that you’re too busy. She’d start to leave until she caught a glimpse of you grinding onto another woman in the booth. You took her home with you after, just like you did with Nat not long ago. She hated to admit it but her crush on you has grown into an obsession.
She’d find out about your work hours and hide outside the building after, planning on following you home. She would take hundreds of pictures of you without you even knowing, she now had a whole shoe box filled with them. Whenever you’d go out with someone, whether it was a date or a hookup or even just seeing a friend she’d be hiding in the corners and would make sure nothing happened.
She was sick of this, all she wanted to do was explain the situation and ask you out on a date. She made a plan and followed you home once again, not noticing how you stuffed something in your trunk before leaving.
When you arrived at your place Nat made sure to park far enough from your home so you wouldn’t see her. Getting out of her car she walked over to where you were, hiding in the bushes near your front yard. She was confused seeing you lift what looked like a body bag into your home so she went into the garage door before you could close it.
When she entered the house she heard screams coming from the basement, worrying that you might’ve been in danger she ran down as fast as she could only to spot the woman from a few weeks ago tied up to a chair screaming for help. You turned around when you heard her gasp and smiled at seeing her face.
“Oh baby, I thought you were going to wait for me.” She said, confusing the victim even more.
“I know, I know but I just couldn’t wait any longer.” You said while wrapping your arms around the back of her neck and kissing her on the lips. You’ve both planned this night out, you would get the girl and the two of you would kill her together. Nat thought you might’ve bailed out on her since you’ve been ignoring her all month, but you wanted it to be a surprise.
“Well I’m here now. So, shall we start?” “We shall.”
The two of you tortured the old friend for what felt like hours to her. She was begging you to just end her life because she couldn’t take it anymore, but you and Nat had something else planned. You both dropped your weapon and connected your lips, already starting to discard your clothing. She ripped off your shirt and used your breasts as stress balls, squeezing and massaging them. When she dropped to her knees the woman's eyes shot open in shock, you were really going to have sex with Nat right in front of her. The redhead pulled your pants down swiftly and spread your legs, giving pecks to your exposed inner thighs.
She stared into your eyes and gave you a smirk. “I think our guest deserves a nice show, don’t you?”
“Oh I think so Natty.” You both giggled as she continued her screaming through her gag and Nat removed your panties, a shiver going down your spine when the cold air hits your cunt. Nat doesn’t wait any longer and dives right in, switching between sucking your clit and teasing your entrance with her tongue. You threw your head back as you basked in the feeling. Nat quickly lowered her own bottoms and grabbed her cock, starting to jerk herself off while still fucking you. She used her other hand to run them across your folds and entered you with one digit. Your moans increased in volume as did the guests' cries for help. Her finger went at a rapid pace, fucking you like there’s no tommorow. Nat stood up before you could finish and replaced her mouth with her length, slipping inside of you without ease due to her fingers previously stretching you out.
“Fuck baby, you’re so warm and tight, could be in you forever.” She whimpered out, going to attack your breasts with her mouth once she finished speaking. She drove in and out of you, skin slapping could be heard from a mile away. Her dick could easily reach your g-spot, knowing your body as if it were her own she was able to find it no problem.
“Yes Nat! I’m gonna cum all over your fucking cock!” You yelled out. The pleasure was too much, it felt like you were going to explode any minute with her mouth stimulating your breasts and her length sliding in and out of you repeatedly. She added her hand to the mix, rubbing your clit in circles as you squirted all over her stomach.
“Shit! Feels so fuckin’ good baby.” You said as you clawed at her back, leaving red lines all over her. She quickly pulled out and stroked herself, wanting to cum all over your body. While you were calming down you replaced her hand with your own, jerking her off at a fast speed. When you used your hands to massage her balls she spilled all over you. Spurts of cum hit your tits and your face as she finally let go. You used your finger to wipe it off and inserted it into your mouth, sucking off her juices while making eye contact with the barely alive woman in the chair. Nat bit her lip as she watched you moan around your finger, using her mouth to lick off the remaining bits on your chest while staring up at you with love in her eyes. She admired this dark side of you, the one that would kill and torture anyone that she asked of. You stood up and grabbed the weapon that Nat earlier dropped on the floor, taking her hand and interlocking it with yours that was placed on the trigger. You both shared a passionate kiss as you finally shot the woman in the head.
“I love you so much, my beautiful wife to be.” You smiled at her words. “And I love you so much more my amazing wife to be.”
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gregorovitch-adler · 1 year
Sherlock was pacing up and down; a body lying supine in a dark, abandoned building, not more than a few feet away.
Male, fifties (well, fifty-five to be specific but these idiot officers wouldn't believe him), average build, and a redhead.
The building was a work-in-progress project, and the man was one of the construction workers, which was obvious enough from his fingertips.
Whether his death was accidental or deliberate - that was the question.
The case was a seven, so Sherlock had to leave his flat.
Sherlock stopped pacing abruptly and opened his eyes to look around. John. Where was John? He absolutely needed to find John! Who would he discuss the case with, otherwise? Not with the officers, certainly. Especially since Lestrade was on leave today.
"Where's John?" he demanded to a new officer. Desmond? Daniel? Dennis? He couldn't remember. Not that it mattered.
"Oh, Dr Watson didn't come to the crime scene," the officer said nervously. "You came here alone, remember?"
Sherlock closed his eyes in frustration and exhaled. Of course. John was sick in the morning. He'd wanted to come with Sherlock but apparently, he couldn't even step out of the bedroom.
Who was Sherlock going to do the brainstorming with, now? He started pacing again. This was unacceptable. So unfair and intolerable.
Just when Sherlock was about to begin to fire his deductions, he felt his trousers pocket vibrate. He took out his phone from his trousers to unlock it. It was a text from John.
I adore you. Whatever you're doing or thinking at the moment is extraordinary.
Sherlock's foot-tapping stopped as he kept staring at the text for a few seconds. He was blinking rapidly and felt heated up around his neck and the tips of his ears.
Sherlock allowed a small smile at the text as he put his phone back. Then his smile widened a little, as he became somewhat calm to be able to explain his deductions effectively to the officers.
Sherlock September Challenge
Prompt adoration from @onesmallfamily
Tags: @helloliriels @topsyturvy-turtely @gaylilsherlock @lisbeth-kk @keirgreeneyes @clueless-mp4 @missdeliadili @lookingforlifeoutthere @peanitbear @a-victorian-girl @calaisreno
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shi-daisy · 5 months
Spring Beast and Silver Queen
Day 6 and here we have the second otp! Like Tamcien (or Feylincien) and Neris own my heart but Neslin has so much potential that I wouldn't mind them being endgame in a Canon. So here's a little oneshot for them with some Fairytale tropes. Hope you like!
Tamlin Week 2024- Day 6- Fairy Tale AU
Spring Beast & Silver Queen
Nesta walked onto the decayed manor, it was just as destroyed as the rest of the court.
Lucien might be the only one to come here out of genuine care, but if the mild mannered redhead couldn't do more than this that meant the High Lord was all but dead inside. She understood. Nesta felt the same way.
She found Tamlin sleeping. The male was in his beast form, like that day when he came to their cottage and took her sister. There were times she wished that hadn't happened. Now, she just wished she'd ran when she had the chance.
It didn't matter anymore. It was either Spring or a lock up on Night, and she'd take her chances with the wilted flowers.
Nesta came into the room slowly. A bird that slept on Tamlin's mane woke up, and left out the window, sparing her one last glance.
She kneeled on the floor and gently patted the man. He was alive, just deeply asleep, and he looked so very weak.
'Guess they've broken us both.' She thought.
Who had once been a monster to her now looked so very defenseless and sad Nesta felt compelled to be kind. Maybe being here wouldn't be so bad, at least Tamlin wouldn't bother her about her drinking if the empty wine bottles were any indication.
She didn't know why, but Nesta decided to plant a soft kiss on the beasts forhead, and wait for him to wake. Nesta didn't have to wait long.
Tamlin turned from beast to fae form in a flash, and when his emerald eyes fell on her their bond snapped.
A deep silence fell upon the room as he sat up and stared at Nesta who was equally surprised and stunned.
"I...Think you know what this means."
"Wait! Why are you here, Lady Nesta? Is this another strange dream?"
"Afraid not. I'll explain."
She told him of her downward spiral, of her sister's betrayal and the choice she was given. It nearly made his magic spiral in a rage.
"Stay here I'd that's what you want. I swear I shall protect you." Tamlin managed to say.
"...What about the bond?"
"If you keep it, they cannot take you away. Once we're certain they won't hurt you, then you may do as you wish with it."
It hurt to say, to denounce something he'd once wanted, despite knowing of it worst sides thanks to his parents, and yet...he wanted to prioritize Nesta's free will. It was clear she needed it.
Especially when her frown turned into a slight smile. "I appreciate it."
Baby steps, in time they could be friends.
Lucien had come to visit. After she explained the situation the redhead not only returned to stay with his partners but he cut off all ties to Night.
"We will help you rebuild this court!"
That was all they needed to let the Band of Exiles become part of the Spring council.
The Spring Library was a marvel after it was cleaned and she took to devouring every book she could. It helped fix the court and bring back the population.
In a few months things were already looking up, and Tamlin wouldn't stop thanking her. "Lucien did most of the administrative work. Vassa is in charge of diplomacy and Jurian is training the sentries. Why are you thanking me too?"
"Because if you hadn't arrived that day. I wouldn't be here right now. Your silver flame is what kept me holding on and made me rebuild what I shouldn't have left crumble. Thank you."
His gentle hand on hers gave her pause. Despite the slow friendship they'd cultivated and the bond that kept her safe, sometimes Nesta doubted a man like him could want her if it wasn't because of the mating bond. Still, she didn't want to break it. Her safety was at stake but also...she didn't want to hurt Tamlin further.
Nesta felt a tear slide down her cheek, but it was soon wiped away as Tamlin kissed her forehead. "You don't have to say anything. If I have to wait forever I shall. You're worth waiting for."
Worth. She hadn't heard that from anyone.
"There's a lot I still must deal with, but when I do. I'm certain you'll be who I want to spend my time with."
"I'm honored to hear that."
Tamlin often thought that beyond any person music would remain his ultimate love. Perhaps that would've been right, as he played his fiddle before the Calanmai celebrations and everyone danced with joy.
Then she stepped into the scene wearing the long sleeved silver dress he'd gotten for her and the glass shoes he'd seen her eyeing at the boutique.
Nesta was a delightful dancer. He knew she loved music as much as he did when she organized all his sheets and instruments with great care, probably more than the books.
Nesta danced beautifully for him, and he didn't remember the last time he'd played that well. By the time the song ended and she stopped dancing, Tamlin had picked her up in his arms and they shared a kiss.
"I love you." Nesta said, and he couldn't help but cry.
"I love you too."
No other Calanmai had left him as breathless and full of joy
Eventually they came for her a little over week after their bond was sealed and their frenzy over.
Nesta nearly barbecued the entire inner circle when they tried to get close to Tamlin. He'd wrapped them in thorned vines.
"We are mated. We are happy. We won't bend to you if you're trying to get the crown. Leave!" He said.
Cassian glared at her and Nesta regarded him with indifference, she had the man of her dreams right by her side and wore a crown of roses rather than chains of stars. The only ones she'd mourn for were her sisters, but she was free and she wouldn't apologize for it. Let the. Make their choice for themselves.
And they did. Because when shadows took her to the House of Wind and she was locked in its tower, Nesta could hear a battle far away in the Velaris palace. By now she'd realized Morrigan was the traitor and that Feyre had joined her, but she couldn't wait for them to rescue her. She had to get out herself.
Rhysand had brought her back to fight for Night's side. She wouldn't and so he locked her up. But he forgot she had power and she had read enough to figure out the end of the tale.
Nesta used her power to create thin threads of silver. They grew from her hair and she made sure to tie them onto the balcony rails. It wasn't enough to reach the ground safely, but she wouldn't need to. She saw a figure of green and was aware he High Lord came to save her.
With rope of hair in hand she jumped from the balcony of the tower and safely mounted Tamlin, who was now a dragon.
"My silver flower"
"My fiddler lord."
They flew away as the Obsidian castle in the distance was swallowed up a black hole in the sky. Both of them were worried until the event passed and the castle was nothing but rubble left away.
After landing they spotted Lucien in the distance with the healers. She saw Feyre and Mor with them, out cold but alive.
Tamlin and Nesta both breathed a sigh of relief. Then they looked at eachother. Nesta smiled at the sight of her mate, her beloved and the man who'd come to her rescue.
Tamlin pulled her close, holding his savior, his queen and his beloved.
Nesta kissed him, using words he'd once said to someone else yet were never returned until now. "I love you, thorns & all."
"And love you, my queen Nesta Acheron."
Two birds flew over them as they shared a kiss, into their happily ever after.
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unnamed-blob · 7 months
One way, or another, I'm gonna get ya (3)
⇢ Pairing: Ghostface/Meg Thomas
⇢ Length: Multi-chapter
⇢ CW: Violence (especially against Dwight, sorry Dwight)
⇢ A/N: Part 3 and the final chapter! Look forward to a few oneshots in the universe tho!
In the trials that followed, it became apparent that something had happened to Meg after the other three had been brutally killed off. That something in question, however, was tensely guarded by the redhead herself, kept behind tight lips and a suddenly nervous, twitchy attitude at any mention of it, drawing her hair over her neck despite the initial wound fading in rapid succession.
It first became noticeable when Meg wasn’t quite as quick as before, as slick, or hard to pin down, dashing away from hits and slashes at the last second. She’d gotten clumsy, sloppy, tripping over pallets and easily hooked first by the killer. The elite runner would typically be seated by the campfire by the time the others returned, flashing a strained smile.
She tripped, her ankle twisted, it wasn’t her day, she’d joke.
She’d assure the concerned glances that she’d be back to her prime by next time, plastering on a grin as she’d flinch at reassuring pats on her back. The brunt of it all came to fruition when Quentin mistook a glimpse of Legion’s dark clothing to be Ghostface, wrongly notifying the others of the killer within the trial. 
None of the survivors saw Meg after that. 
It was only by pure chance that Jake had darted by the outskirts of the map, stumbling upon the redhead curled in a corner, uncharacteristically quiet and tense, physically dragging her out of the exit gates barely in the brink of time. He’d notified the other two of their quartet in hushed whispers and quick glances as Meg had sat desolate by the fire, staring intensely past the flames to something only she could see. 
Claudette had padded over, sat next to her and spoken in low whispers that neither of the males could pick up on. Meg had only given her a tight smile and empty reassurances that the botanist frowned at, but didn’t push further. Had merely reached upwards to pull the taller into a tight hug while the others pretended they couldn’t see the shake in Meg’s frame as she curled into herself, grasping at Claudette’s arms like a lifeline. 
Meg crept several paces forwards, bracing a palm against the edge of an outdoor wall, glancing in every direction. She held her breath, straining her ears past the rustle of leaves and dry grass. Several moments passed in complete silence before she released it, calmly straightening as she gave a final look around and easily made her way to the nearby generator. 
Claudette popped her head out from a wall behind her a second later, jogging over to Meg to join her on the generator as she cast cautious glances about. She squatted down to work on the side next to her, discreetly shuffling closer to the redhead as she pulled and connected the wires. Meg held back a sigh, delving her hands further into the machine to reach the remaining colored strands in the back. 
It’s not that Claudette’s worry wasn’t understandable from her end. She’d been a mess after that trial, had been panicked and drawn tight, terrified that he’d be back in the next trial, or the one after that, or the next. That she’d be caught off guard and slammed back into the ground, weak and exhausted, putty in his hands to manipulate as he wanted, play with as he wished while he grinned in glee and pressed hot lips to her cold, sweat drenched skin.
Certainly staying tight-lipped on the entire ordeal was easier said than done, spiking her anxiety to an all time high that her friends would find out one way or another, the glances they’d exchange if they knew. 
Nothing had happened though- obviously. In the weeks that followed (or- whatever mannerism of time counting the survivors could come up with, certainly better than assuming it was the same day over and over), Ghostface didn’t appear. His mask didn’t pop up from a corner, startling Meg, and his hands didn’t yank her from behind a wall while she quietly hid, breathing too loud in her own ears. 
Despite her strange behavior, and the glances she noticed her friends attempting to exchange without her noticing, they didn’t prod. Didn’t force her to explain why she was acting off, or what had happened, didn’t put their foot down to make her talk. And Meg was more than appreciative of it, more than she could tell them.
Claudette, especially, stuck to her side like glue after her fumble, curling close to her at the campfire and remaining at a near distance in trials they were lucky enough to be dragged in together. The redhead had an easier time quelling the uncomfortable prickling on the back of her neck with a second pair of eyes to cover her blind spots, a warm hand that would clasp her arm and drag her into hiding when she’d lose focus and wouldn’t notice the nearing figure of the killer. 
Eventually Meg was able to shake off the event as nothing more than some bad vision she’d hallucinated. It wasn’t entirely logical, but it was the most plausible, and there were no remaining signs that it had ever occurred in the first place (she deliberately ignored that her pigtails were now held with two short ribbons she’d gathered from Feng).
Now, enough trials afterward that she’d lost count, Claudette still refused to leave her side, despite how Meg would wave her off, or that her behavior had calmed down to a close mimic of her attitude before it. Now don’t get her wrong, the runner more than appreciated it, but she was well enough to run trials on her own. Additionally, she didn’t want to hinder Claudette, forcing her to linger by her like a babysitter.
The gen popped to life, bright lights sputtering and flickering before it flashed on, nearly blinding were Meg not used to it by now. The two females straightened, the redhead casting a glance about for any sight of other nearby machinery before Dwight’s pained scream echoed across the map, their heads snapping in the direction in sync.
Claudette stiffened, but stepped closer to Meg, ready to follow before the latter placed a hand on her shoulder, snapping her attention upwards. 
“I can do it myself.” Meg wasn’t about to make Claudette follow her to another hook. The botanist had always been the least fond of them, her shorter build making the grueling task of lifting a survivor off even more difficult. It was only amplified when some killers lingered out of view, snapping out at the last moment to catch the wounded survivor and the well meaning one in one fell swoop. The shorter female furrowed her brows, opening her mouth to protest before Meg squeezed her shoulder in reassurance, flashing her a confident, familiar grin. “It’s alright,” she paused, adding in a quiet, “I’m alright”. 
Claudette searched her eyes for a moment, but seemed to find what she was looking for and stepped away. She gave her an appreciative nod, an uptick of the corners of her mouth, before she was gone, dashing off to find a generator instead. The runner watched her go, then turned back to her separate direction, inhaling sharply before she broke into a sprint. 
Dwight was struggling earnestly on the hook when Meg appeared, casting a final glance for any lingering killer before she jogged up the hill towards him. He grunted as his hands slipped, fighting for a solid grasp to heave himself off while his palms were covered in his own blood. His head snapped to the rustle of grass under her feet, panicked gaze finding Meg as she trotted up to him, bracing under his arms to pull him off.
“Meg- no!” Dwight protested, silenced with a pained grunt as the hook slid out of him, stumbling to catch his footing as Meg caught his shoulders to balance him. His hands lashed at her upper arms with unexpected strength, nails nearly digging into her skin as he cast a fervent look around, focusing back on her with a panic stricken expression. She ignored it in favor of trying to throw one of his arms over her shoulders to help him down the hill, but he remained stubborn, tense, casting paranoid glances in every direction. 
“You shouldn’t have come here,” he admitted in a low, wavering voice. Meg paused, then snorted, stepping back as she crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at the nervous leader. Dwight seemed to realize his wording a moment too late, snapping his head back to her as he lifted his hands up, waving them erratically. 
“No! That’s not what I- Meg! You know that’s not what I meant!”
Meg raised a brow, giving him the silent treatment as he sputtered his clarification. He snapped his head to the side, falling deathly silent as a leaf crackled nearby, the wind rustling the dead leaves on the ground. He whirled back around to her, grasping Meg’s shoulders as she watched him in confusion. 
“It’s Ghostface.” He admitted in a low, panicked whisper, eyes darting back around. 
The redhead froze, knees suddenly weak, reaching upwards to grasp Dwight’s arms to keep her balance. 
Ghostface. In the trial. 
With her. 
In a flash Meg was back in the moment, able to feel the dirt digging into her cheek as she scrambled helplessly, his robes brushing against her, the ribbons twirling behind him mockingly. Feel the low baritone in his voice, the tremble in her palms, the lingering touches. 
She gasped for air, digging her nails into Dwight’s arms as she forced herself back, inhaling, exhaling, dropping her head down to choke on nothing. 
Her hands trembled, her knees shook, she wanted to curl up. She wanted to be anywhere but here right now.
She forced herself up, unwillingly releasing Dwight to draw herself up. The male watched her with wide eyes, hands twitching to console her as he shuffled uncomfortably in place. She raised her gaze to meet his head on, giving him a stern jerk mimicking a nod, sharply gesturing to the ground below the hill they stood upon. 
“We should probably get off such a visible spot,” she forced out, choking on her spit as she curled her hands into fists, feeling her nails bite into her palms. She didn’t feel alright, didn’t feel confident by a single shred, but it was better to act as if she was then let her panic devour her whole. Dwight scanned her for a moment longer before he receded, responding with a nod as he shuffled down first, still tensely watching the area. 
Meg watched him go, breaking her gaze away to scan the area, forcing her breathing to a normal rate as her heart pounded in her ears. It’d be alright, she’d be fine. She’d figure something out. 
But first, Dwight needed healing, before his blood drew the killer right to them. The redhead forced a step forwards, stiffening as her nerves screamed at her before a force caught her by the arms. She yelped as something lashed itself across her midsection, pinning her arms to her sides before it yanked her backwards, her feet flying out from below her as she was lifted suddenly. 
Meg struggled, heart in her throat as she risked a glance backwards, mouth dropping open in horror. The hook Dwight had been impaled on only seconds ago had transformed into a mimicry of the Entity’s hand, its claws wrapped around her squirming form as it easily hoisted her above the ground. 
Dwight whirled around at her panicked noise, balking in terror at the sight, unconsciously stumbling back a step. Meg grunted, kicking out fruitlessly as he quickly limped back, gritting her teeth as she fought to free her arms. A flash of black in the corner of her eye made the redhead freeze, chest threatening to explode in her chest at the sight of twirling ribbons making themselves known behind a nearby wall. A mask she never wanted to see peeked out, as if he were playing some sick game of peek a boo. 
She snapped her head back as Dwight neared, scrambling up the steep slope with wounded, pained gaits, gasping for breath around clenched teeth. She desperately glanced past him, hoping her panicked, hyper imagination had played a trick on her eyes, before her scream caught in her throat. The killer had silently looped around the corner, casually twirling his knife as he crept closer to Dwight, pressing a finger to the mouth of his mask as he neared. Meg found her voice enough to choke out a panicked ”Dwight! Run!”, renewing her fervent struggle as the survivor snapped around to the sight of the looming killer.
He scrambled, diving to the side, narrowly missing Ghostface’s casual slice in the space he’d occupied less than a second ago. He pressed a hand desperately against the wound in his shoulder, stumbling for a second before he took off. The dark robed killer didn’t bother to cast her a glance, didn’t look in her direction as Meg struggled fruitlessly, yelling for Dwight to keep going as the masked male took slow, measured steps after him. 
Dwight glanced back, wide eyes finding the killer on his heels, and it was all the opening Ghostface needed to lunge for him, slashing his knife against his face. The leader cried out, hands desperately pressing to the wound on his face as he stumbled over his own feet, slamming into the ground, a choked gasp on his lips as it jostled his wounds further. He tried to curl into himself, hands clawing into the dirt to heave himself back up before a knife found itself in Dwight’s palm, a choked, gasping scream leaving him as he clawed at the foreign object impaling his hand to the ground. 
Ghostface casually slammed a boot into his back, pressing him into the dirt as he watched him whimper and claw beneath him. He shifted to look back at Meg, her blood freezing as he cocked his head at her. Then he turned back to Dwight, seemed to debate something for a moment, and slammed his foot on the hilt of the knife. 
Dwight cried out, jerking against the ground, his screams louder over Meg’s own panicked yells. The killer turned to casually watch the direction of the rest of the map, the redhead realizing with startling horror that he was using Dwight to draw the others out. Was going to kill them once more, torment them, and leave her alone. With him. 
It didn’t take long for Meg to notice Jake darting closer, slowing his pace as he neared, an obvious stiffness to his frame at Dwight’s ongoing, pained yells. She inhaled sharply, trying to shout a warning before one of the claws encircling her snapped upwards to block her mouth, muffling her abrupt screams. She kicked, trying to wrestle her pinned hands high enough to claw at the appendages, but her attempts were as helpless as the last. 
The runner watched with wide, panicked eyes as Jake crept closer, stopping for half a beat by one of the walls before he darted out to Dwight, into the open. His head snapped up to Ghostface, only now noticing the killer as the looming, dark figure watched him, knife already drawn and poised at the startled survivor. Ghostface lifted his knife and Jake lunged away, disappearing from Meg’s sight behind a nearby series of walls. 
The knife whistled through the air, a loud yelp of pain as it found its target and Ghostface casually stepped off of Dwight, hunting down his next victim. Meg couldn’t see anything from her position, but each of Jake’s abrupt, pained yelps made her struggle harder. (In some way, she was mildly grateful she couldn’t see him, her skin crawling as the typical steadfast and confident survivor screamed in agony).
Jake’s noises finally gave out with a loud squelch, the death toll ringing out a moment later as Meg slumped against her encasement, heaving for air through her nose, exhausted past her capabilities. Ghostface appeared around the corner again a moment later, casually wiping his blood stained knife against his equally stained robes, slowly stepping to Dwight, still curled, trembling, in his spot. 
He cast a glance around, catching her gaze and giving her an excited wave before he turned back, scanning the area. When it was obvious the final survivor hadn’t shown herself, his head tilted back to Dwight, the cowering male pleading in gasped, pained, broken sentences as the killer’s shadow fell over him, idly twirling his knife in his hand. 
Meg flinched further into herself as the final death toll rang out, refusing to raise her head to where the scattered, battered bodies of Dwight and Claudette lay. The botanist had come out soon enough, drawn in to help Dwight when more of his pained screams echoed across the map, voice cracking from the force of it. 
She’d always been the weakest of the four of them, a deeper focus on healing and helping than attack or defense. Caught off guard as well, it was immensely easy for Ghostface to dig his knife into her before she even noticed him. When her body had finally fallen limp and her death toll rang out second, well- there hadn’t been a use left for Dwight. And despite how much he pleaded and begged, trying to crawl away- Meg had flinched, turning away as she heard his voice give out abruptly, the wet sound of Ghostface reclaiming his knife ringing alongside the Entity’s arrival, a hand reaching down to collect him. 
Meg raised her gaze, choking on a breath to find Ghostface easily sauntering up the small hill to her, an obvious, excited hop in his steps. She gave a startled, muffled sound, still scrambling to free herself, thrashing in place. A warm, gloved hand cupped her cheek and she froze, deathly still as it tilted her head to look at him. 
Meg swallowed past the lump in her throat, eyes fastened to the familiar white mask she’d hoped to never see again, shivering as she heard the heavy panting on the other side of the fabric. Ghostface tapped his thumb on the appendage encircling her mouth, the pressure falling away instantly as the redhead sucked in a stuttering breath. 
Ghostface took the opportunity to swipe his thumb across her lips, despite how she tried to cringe away. She jolted when a damp, sticky liquid remained smeared across her lips afterwards.
Blood. Her friends’ blood. Oh go-
Ghostface cupped her face again before she could spiral, hands gently cradling the sides of her face as she tried to jolt out of his grasp. He leaned in, mask pressing against her forehead as he stared down at her. She shivered, watching him with wide eyes, searching for the figure behind the openings in the dark fabric as she shrunk into herself
“Hi darling.” Meg flinched, curling further into herself as a whimper unconsciously slipped out. Ghostface chuckled at it, hot air fanning over her face as she clamped her eyes shut. 
His hands held her in place, refusing to let her curl up, to hide her face from him. He hummed in thought, a thumb rubbing circles onto her cheek as he loomed over her, invading her space, stealing her breath. The hair on the back of Meg’s neck stood on end, a shiver wracking down her spine. 
He finally shifted, apparently having had his fill, stepping back just a tad as his hands dropped to his sides. Meg hesitantly blinked her eyes open, watching him warily as he tilted his head at her, heaving a silent breath of relief. He finally glanced up, studying the claw dangling her above the ground, before focusing back on her, leaning back in once more.
“You want to get down, right?” He asked, cocking his head; a strange, unmasked giddiness exuding from him. Meg hitched her shoulders up higher, watching him warily, mutely. Searching for the condition, the drawback, the price. She didn’t trust his “good” words.
He tilted his head closer, the grin in his voice more than visible despite the mask, nearly vibrating in place. “I can get you down. In return for, well- let’s say, just a kiss.”
Meg froze, watching the killer in front of her. He tilted his head in question when the silence drew on for too long, and she jolted. She managed a stiff shake of her head, a refusal, despite how her body obviously trembled. Ghostface’s shoulders dropped, deflating with a dramatic, heaving sigh that made her flinch in place as she watched him. 
“Oh well,” he quipped, perking back up as he shrugged. “I was lying anyway.”
His hand was yanking up the mask before Meg could blink, the other lashing out to grasp her chin in place as she yelped, the sound swallowed by his mouth. Meg jerked in place, pressing as far back as she could as his hands curled around the back of her head, one keeping her head pinned in place as the other drew circles on the back of her neck, fingers delving down to tease at the collar of her shirt.
He drew back, Meg gasping for air as she tried not to heave, shivering as she vowed to scrub at her lips with whatever brush she could find until they bled. His nose brushed at her cheek, nosing at her neck as she flinched violently, choking on quick, panicked gasps. His lips pulled back into a brimming grin, teeth barely drifting on her skin as she jerked in place, heart slamming against her ribcage as she bit back a whimper. 
“So, where were we last time?”
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Alright you three @auds-and-evens @energievie and @lingy910y
that have tagged me in WIP Wednesday.
My indecisive, ADHD, executive dysfuntion having ass can't decide which WIP to work on, which means I haven't worked on ANY.
SOOOO I'm gonna put little synopses of each and have the good people of tumblr decide.
Since I don't have the poll feature you'll have to comment.
Kight In A Shining Youber the one shot that turned to a multi chapter. Mickey is an Uber driver and picks up a fucked up Ian at the Fairy Tale with an older man. During the drive he keeps older man from fucking with Ian and then takes care of Ian. Finds out Ian owes a drug lord thousands of dollars and helps him with that, both of them falling in love along the way.
The Upside A mashup 'Me Before You' and 'The Upside' AU, Mickey is just getting out of prison and Svetlana won't let him stay with her and Yev. He applies for a job not knowing it was a caretaker position.
Ian is a C6/C7 quadriplegic thanks to a manic bipolar episode. After getting out of the hospital for another reason Fiona and Lip decide he needs a caretaker. In comes Mickey.
Can We Skip To The Good Stuff- Ian and his brothers are in a band together PICL and are performing in Chicago. This go round they have a VIP concert experience where they play dodgeball with the fans and Mandy Milkovich brings her brother Mickey along. Mickey beams Ian in the face not knowing who he is, he gets taken to a room where Ian finally comes in and they talk, set up a date later. Then when the show starts Mickey is completely thrown that the bruised redhead is the lead singer.
Valorous Vigilantes- Ian and Carl work together in a EMT/cop unit. They get called to the Alibi where a fight has broken out. Mickey just came out for his boyfriend Trevor (who dumped him right after) and Terry beat the shit out of him. Ian gets a soft spot for Mickey and goes above and beyond the typical EMT duties to help him out.
Once Upon A Food Truck- Ian and Mickey have rival food trucks in the park pavilion. Mickey's truck keeps stealing Ian's customers so a prank war starts. After a few weeks of that they figure out that they are being shipped online and decide to start fake dating to get them both more customers and possibly win a food truck competition.
I have two Stranger Things fics that are WIPS, but I really want to finish my Gallavich ones. Especially because I have a whole fuckton of ideas for more.
I'm tagging more of my mutuals to get more eyes on this to help me figure out what I want to write on next because I miss writing SO MUCH.
@ian-galagher @suzy-queued @celestialmickey @xninetiestrendx @gardenerian @michellemisfit @such-a-barbarian @suchagallabitch @iansfreckles @mikhailoisbaby @juliakayyy @gallawitchxx @flamingbluepanda @trans-alpha-male @milkmaidovich @surviving-maybe @deedala @whatwouldmickeydo @scurvgirl @lupeloto @imnotbrokenimme @guinguin1984 @stocious @too-schoolforcool @golden28s @francesrose3 @softmick @deathclassic @gillyp @look-i-love-u @tsuga-of-mars @creepkinginc @mzshko @sweetbee78 @mmmichyyy @smokey-mickey @ianstummy @imikhailotakeyouian @sickness-health-all-that-shit @twinklyylights @rayrayor @spacerockwriting @thisdivorce @sleepyfacetoughguy @deedala @tidalrace
I tried to tag as many people as I could remember off the top of my head (and a few I had to look up) if I didn't tag you feel 10000% free to comment and vote, hell share around too if you want.
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neuroprincess · 2 years
Abbott Elementary - Having a baby with Melissa Schemmenti (Headcanon)
Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word count: +1600
Part One | Part Two
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- She is scared to death of the idea of being a mother, first of all that it's something she put off all those years married to Joe because she knows it's a big responsibility she's not ready for, and second that Melissa thinks she's too old to have a baby. When you bring up the subject she immediately denies and laughs nervously, putting her cards on the table being sincere, you understood and respected her;
- But nothing is the same after that conversation, the famous "baby fever" happens and all she sees are babies, dozens and dozens of chubby babies, full of hair, gaping smiles and sweet eyes. And then her cousin had a daughter, Sofia, a baby who is obsessed with you and won't leave your lap at family reunions, in those moments she catches herself imagining how a baby of the two of you would look like. She always imagines a chubby baby with rosy cheeks, olive eyes, and a Schemmenti appetite;
- And it's at one of these reunions that she decides to give the possibility of having children a chance even at 50, you are cradling Sofia in the bedroom when she enters, with a plate of lasagna in hand and a rehearsed speech in mind, but when the teacher sees the scene she softens completely forgetting any words she has rehearsed. "I think I want one." She whispers sitting next to you on the bed, absorbed in the beauty of the scenery, pushing her own insecurities into the background and imagining a shared future;
- When you start talking about the possibilities, she tells you that she knows a guy and soon realizes the equivocation, retracting it by saying that she knows a guy who owns a fertility clinic and owes her a favor. After a few consultations you opt for artificial insemination and spend weeks choosing a donor, Melissa thinks it's stressful at first, but soon gets excited, especially when she and Barbara start ranking the "ugliest men no one would choose". After almost a month you find the perfect man, Italian family, green eyes, red hair, law degree, in appearance almost a male version of your wife;
- The first attempt is frustrated, there were six negative tests thrown away and a sensitive redhead for days, she is impatient and can't wait to work. The team finds her behavior awkward, and you fend off curious colleagues, choosing to hide from them and everyone else that you are trying to get pregnant, except Barb. The second attempt filled you with hope with a false positive from the pharmacy test and that was snatched away from you with the blood test, Melissa left the clinic silent and on the way home asked if you still want to go through this, the hormones, consultations, procedures and the disappointment. And it's not as if you can continue to pay for so many attempts on a teacher's salary. You say you feel equally frustrated, but want to give it one last chance and that you can turn to adoption;
- As some say, the third time is the lucky one. One trimester after the second attempt you decide to give insemination one last chance and, not wanting to give your already frustrated wife hope, you decide to do the test alone when suspicious. Almost a dozen positive pharmaceutical tests and one blood test confirm what you both hoped and wished for. A Schemmenti baby on the way;
- The reveal is simple but symbolic, you order an apron with the words "Mommy Schemmenti" embroidered on it. Melissa weirds out the random gift, especially since she hardly ever wears an apron for cooking, so she makes a sexual joke, teasing about a new kink she's heard about and whether this is an invitation for you two to try it. When you tell her that the two of you will be Schemmenti mommies she finally understands and can't help but shed tears of happiness, lovingly hugging and kissing you for the rest of the night, thanking you for bringing your child into the world;
- You decide to keep the pregnancy a secret, at least during the first trimester because it is the most delicate and intimate, the teacher is a fierce, loving and protective mother. The first weeks were physically exhausting, all those nausea, excessive trips to the bathroom, the fatigue and vomiting, the last one was the worst part, the baby apparently rejects any food that is not salad and yogurt. Melissa seems almost offended when you run to vomit after eating pasta a carbonara and questions the Italian origin of the donor while rubbing your back in front of the toilet;
- This woman has always had a hand on you, whether it's over the table at a dining table, the hand on your thigh at work meetings, on your back while you're leaving Abbott, etc. But since the discovery of your pregnancy this has become more than frequent, she simply won't leave your side, accompanies you everywhere you go and to all your appointments (she has even considered combining your two classes in just to be with you), takes care of your every need and desire. Do you want a weird milkshake in the middle of the night? She'll do it. Do you feel pain in your back or feet during class? Melissa will give you a massage at lunchtime. Did someone bother you? She will already be taking out her earrings to make that person cry;
- And that's how everyone finds out you're pregnant, you've just reached your second trimester and the baby has started to show, a visible lump that you hide with clothes. But Janine broke the air conditioner, again, and you had to take off the extra layer, which caught Ava's attention, the woman commented that you have put on weight and said she would send you a tik tok of a diet that is making success, Melissa doesn't lose your look of pain knowing how much you are struggling with the physical changes and self esteem. "She's not fat, she's carrying my baby, idiot!" your wife raises her voice and stands up, already taking off the earrings, ready to attack but you stop her;
- The team is simply delighted with the news, the next day they show up with gifts (among them an Eagles bodysuit and another written "Philly, No one like us. We don't care.”, brownies and Ava starts a bet about the baby's gender behind your back, Melissa secretly enters the bet, she is sure that the baby will be a boy. Earlier the redhead wanted to find out almost immediately, so you were weirded out when she suggested a cliché baby shower reveal and insisted it be at the school. Obviously Barbara was in responsible, the only one who wouldn't open her mouth to anyone and so it was, you found out only when the slice was removed from the cake, revealing a dark blue. She, Janine and Gregory won the bet;
- The Schemmenti's don't exactly know how to react or what to say with the news, the siblings and cousins soon show excitement, always waiting for the moment when Melissa would bring additions to the family and a cousin to their children. Her parents seem more skeptical, they have seen their daughter have her heart broken and everything seems so fast with you compared to her previous relationships, deep down they are just afraid that she will over indulge and get hurt again, but they quickly get excited about the arrival of the new grandchild, her mother shows you all the embarrassing photo albums, told you about how Melissa was as a kid and gave you tips, you come home with copies of photos of your wife as a child and a happy heart knowing how lucky your child is;
- She likes to call the baby "Tesoro (Treasure)" and "Amore mio (my love)", Melissa has the habit of talking to your belly, the boy is very agitated by the presence of the other mother, but is also easily calmed down by her voice and affectionate nicknames. If he won't let you sleep, your wife will read children's books. If he is agitated while you are teaching, she will lecture the little Schemmenti, which he seems to understand and won't kick your internal organs for the rest of the day. Before bed is her favorite time to talk to your son, Melissa likes to have deep conversations with the child while you fall asleep, admiring their interaction;
- Although it doesn't seem so, she is still scared to death to be a mother, but ready and willing to do her best for your son. Sometimes insecurities surface and Melissa soon goes looking for advice, usually from Barbara, the first grade teacher reassuring her about motherhood and always giving affirmations about how she will be a great mother, the kids love her and so does the bambino, and he hasn't even been born yet;
- When your waters break a month earlier than expected, the usually composed and rational Melissa gives way to a terrified and crazed mother, running around before putting you in the car and making at least three tickets on the way to the hospital. She doesn't leave your side at any time, except when you ask for something, and she holds your hand through the six hours of labor, not caring about the painful squeeze and the swear words directed at her, the redhead knows it's not easy and all worth in the end, when you hear that loud cry that sounds like music to your ears;
- Melissa is the first to hold him and suddenly she finds herself very vunerable, the teacher can't help but shed tears as she stares at your little angel curled up in her arms, fragile and lovely, so perfect as you once imagined, with coppery hair, olive eyes, chubby cheeks and a killer smile, moody like his mother, a perfect little Schemmenti.
Schemmenti Family Masterlist
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