#this got so long ew i'm sorry ...
yoinkschief · 1 year
Hello Jay, I would like to hear your headcanons about Tom and his mom 👀👀👀 Go on, speak into the mic 🎤
Taps mic 🎤 ahem
Buckle in cause this got absurdly long I did not expect to get this long omll
So I guess I'll begin when he was younger,, when his mother and father first got married they were just going into their 30s, and while weren't actually trying for a kid they did end up having one: Tom
Barbara (Tom's mom) was ecstatic at having a kid whereas Peter (Tom's dad) was terrified, he knows he has anger issues and is very aware of how he's gotten easily frustrated with children in the past and doesn't want to get angry towards his soon to be son (though Barbs has been a dear with helping him and his anger, truly he'd be in jail by now if not for her)
Fast forward a bit, Tom's born and while Peter isn't magically cured of any anger issues, Tom is just the sweetest little guy and he, genuinely throughout his fatherhood, has not once gotten angry at his son. Gotten angry a good few things, but his son and wife weren't in that list
Tom is also born completely nonverbal (this is a little reference to how 2004 he's drawn without a mouth,,, I know that all the characters are at this time because mmm animation but in most fanart of 2004 only Tom is the one kept without a mouth because that and his one eye gives him creechur vibes I love it so I incorporated it like this) due to his autism, and he did get formally diagnosed early on due to this
It's a bit of a struggle trying to figure out what he's saying but he's a quick learner for how to read and write so if he can't get what he's trying to say through hand motions or actions he'll go and write it down (at least when he gets around 5yo, the years before were hard and they had to learn a weird, Tom version of sign language,, to clarify not actual sign language just learning what motions of his mean what)
One interaction I think about a lot with Tom and his mother is in Tom's youth when he's, maybe, 4? And he sees his mom shave her hair for the first time. Tom didn't like the sudden change as she looked like a different person and was having trouble understanding why it was gone
It took Barb a while to fully understand what he meant, why he was crying and whatnot, but finally able to sit him down in her lap he started making a lot of motions towards his own hair and then Barb's, and the interaction goes something like this:
"Are you talking about my hair?" Barbara quietly concerns, gesturing to her now bald head.
Tom made small grunts with wide eyes, rocking in his mother's lap incessantly.
"Okay, okay," She nodded holding her son's hand gently in her own- less so holding and more resting them in her own. "It's gone, baby."
Tom didn't seem to like that answer, shaking his head no with his hand reaching up to grab and tug at his his in distress. His eyes were screwed shut, why would his mom do that? But Barbara was quick to respond with carefully holding her son's hands again, their fingers interlaced as he squeezed on her hands instead in his temper.
"You don't like that it's gone?" She tilted her head to the side, bringing Tom's hands away from his face and towards her chest.
He shook his head no with an upset grunt, swinging his hands (and by proxy his mother's) side to side to drive the point further.
"Ohh,, pumpkin," Barbara gave Tom a sad smile, resting their hands in her lap as she gave him a small, reassuring squeeze.
"It’ll be alright-”
Tom hated that answer more, giving a frustrated noise as his eyes started welling with tears.
“Honey,” Barbara frowned at the tears coming out of her child’s eyes, it hurt to see him so upset, gently running her thumb along his cheeks to swipe them away. “I’m still mama, I’m still you mom.”
She led Tom’s hand over her heart, letting him feel the steady beating of it. The constant and steady pattern of thumping seemed to entrance him for a moment until his mild rocking and distressed noises slowly came to a halt.
“See? It’s still me, baby.” She cooed, running her thumb along the back of her son’s hand. “My hair is gone, but I’m here.”
“Sometimes, in life,” Barbara began, setting Tom’s hands down in his lap again now that he was calmer. “things change, and we can’t control it. Like my hair, you couldn’t control that, could you?”
Tom looked up from watching his hand feel the steady movement of her heart pumping, looking up at his mother’s face. He still looked displeased and upset, but less so, even going as far as to reach for where her hair used to be, trying to grab at the air around her head like it was still there. Fruitless.
She held his hand again, pressing it against her cheek with a broad smile, one she gave him often. He couldn’t keep his resentment for long, giving his own goofy smile back with a giggle. The way her gap tooth showed when she smiled that big was forever burned into his memory, only disappearing from her face so that she could kiss the palm of her son’s hand.
Tom shook his head, frowning at the thought but keeping a wide eyed expression to his mother as she continued her lesson. She smiled to him once again.
“Well, that happens a lot in life.” She sighed, cupping Tom’s cheek in her hand. “And no one likes it, you’re not alone for thinking that. But what you can control is how you deal with the change. Like how you showed me how upset you were, so now we’re talking about it. Do you feel better about it now?”
Tom took a moment, eyes casted down as he thought on it. He gave a small nod as he looked back up at her.
“Good.” She beamed. “And from now on, I’ll do my best to let you know beforehand when I make a change like that, alright?” She kissed Tom’s forehead, causing the child to give a small giggle. That was her favorite noise.
Now, Tom was always a Mama's Boy (not in a derogatory way, he just loved his mom a whole hell of a lot) but even moreso after his father died. They both were grieving and so it caused them to cling closer together because of it, to the point that had it not been for his friend (at the time only Matt, but later Edd too as this was before Tord was introduced to the friend group) he probably would've completely self isolated
They do a ton of things together as Tom gets over and they both eventually heal from Peter's death, baking, sewing, shopping, watch movies, anything they can do when they have the chance to hang out together
They were so close in fact that Barbara was genuinely the first person he came out to for being nonbinary (He/They pronoun user :) ) and of course she loved him unconditionally, but he didn't even tell Matt, Edd or Tord (now in Highschool and having been introduced to delinquent) that yet
However, later in his highschool years, around late Junior year (11th grade) or early Senior year (12th grade) of highschool his mother dies as well. Not from a freak bear with a gun attack though, instead from Pneumonia, which is something she tends to get a lot and always had in her youth, and while it usually isn't fatal and there is treatment and whatnot and she definitely took as much as help as she could, this time just hit different it seemed.
This really fucked with Tom during some of his most important years of his life and caused him to go into a BIG depressive episode for a long long time
Side note that I guess also kinda applies: Had it not been for Tord being just as stubborn of a jackass as Tom, he would've completely self isolated. Edd and Matt helped a lot in his youth but he also had his mom to encourage him, but now with his immediate family all gone he didn't see much of a reason to interact with people. And where Edd and Matt lack in persuasion, Tord more than makes up for in the lack of giving a fuck and would literally drag Tom outside even if he was kicking and screaming. This is mostly because Tord is second only to Tom himself in how durable he is, like a brick shithouse (built like one, too) and not afraid to make Tom hate him if it meant getting him better in the long run (a running theme I have for their relationship :) they're less so "GRR I HATE YOU I HOPE YOU DIE /GEN" and more of like have this weird understanding with eachother where like "I'll literally kill you if you touch me but I'd kill anyone you touched you" type beat, unafraid to get the other to hate them for the greater good because they have the understanding that they wouldn't do something so wildly stupid for no reason. Yes that plays into The End and the future events of WTFuture)
I love them so much oh my god you have zero idea
Anyway, TL;DR
Tom and his mom are extremely close and helped each other get through the worst of times while Tom continues to learn the lesson of "everything changes, it's out of your control, and you can only control how you proceed with it"
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crowdsourcedloner · 1 year
okay so nailah has a whole ~thing~ about people using her name and how she’s perceived so here’s the long explanation/story about it (covers pre-arr up through the end of base arr)
(it gets heavy - this is your warning. also ~1k words. sorry.)
As a kid, her mother Tasya would rarely use Nailah’s name, choosing instead to just call her “girl” or “child” the majority of the time. In the very rare times she’d praise her daughter, Tasya would say it quietly, and only ever in private. Nailah internalized the idea that a name is a vulnerable thing - something delicate, reserved only for people one deeply trusted. She projected this rule on others as well, picking up the habit of calling people by their job or title on the few occasions she was allowed to speak.
Once Nailah’s started having visions, she lost the privilege of having a name. Tasya immediately switched to referring to her with insults, ranging from “thing” to “half-mad beast” to “disappointment” and the like. Nailah’s potential was mourned far more than her presence was tolerated. The rejection and denial carved a weeping hole in her heart, and she spent an incredible amount of effort trying to be good enough again for Tasya. It never was.
After her mother finally abandoned her, she wandered nameless through the wilds. She thought of herself as a wild, half-mad beast, fit only to scavenge the very fringes of society. Yet when she’d encounter a stranger in the woods and they’d ask her name she never knew how to respond. Should she admit to her brokenness? Tell them she was a monster? Someone better left forgotten? She settled on simply being called “wanderer” - it was the truth, if anything. A mask to hide how she saw herself. She quickly realized it could be used to set people’s expectations of her on her own terms.
Once the wanderer discovered she could manufacture a social mask, she took up the mantle of the mercenary. She kept to remote villages, appearing and disappearing as suddenly as the wind, often only noticed by news of some local threat being quelled. Few people recognized her, and fewer still heard her speak. She hid as much of herself as she could, staying hidden under a thick cloak of silence and only answered to her moniker. She thought nobody could reject her if she rejected herself first, but her relentless visions haunted her. She felt, through other’s hearts, the warmth of lovers greeting one another, the affection in well worn childhood nicknames, the joys of long lost friends reuniting. The aching loneliness she was so used to grew more overwhelming with every vision. Was this truly what she wanted? To be forgotten and alone? Who was she really, hiding under her mask? 
She wandered town after town, road after road, using her title as a statement of being. She was just a Mercenary. Little more than a weapon to be pointed at a problem. People were kept at an arms length distance with professional ease, and she could still be useful to those she came across. There was comfort for her in how simple it all seemed, though simplicity was a poor answer to her loneliness. Every solitary morning she drowned in silence, every new horizon was greyed by her sorrow. She stopped trying to answer the cloying doubts that clung to her, their despair staining her thoughts more than she could bear. Who was she, under everything? She gave herself one last chance - go to the closest city and try to find an answer - or fade away, lost and forgotten.
Ul’dah held much more than just an answer for her, though she didn’t know it at the time. The adventurer’s guild asked for a name - she told them Nailah. She couldn’t remember where she heard it. Familiar as it was, she refused to let anyone call her such. She was Mercenary. Adventurer. The name was a formality, nothing more. It wasn’t a mask she wanted to use. Much to her displeasure, the guild used her name frequently enough for it to become common knowledge among their clients.
When the Scions took notice of her abilities, she asked the same comfortable distance of them she was so used to. In response the Scions gave her their names - Thancred, Yda, Minfilia - and she couldn’t understand. Why tell a simple mercenary the names of Scions? Did she not deserve scorn for her visions? The visions have a name? Their responses were acceptance and support and Nailah could not understand. She called them by titles instead - Scholar, Scion, Antecedent - though her echo didn’t let her miss the disappointment they felt. She tightened her masks and hid behind a new one, one given by those who accepted the mercenary - the Warrior of Light. 
Tales of the Warrior triumphing over Titan and Garuda spread through Eorzea like wildfire. Her new allies respected the distance she desired, though they had the odd habit of confiding their worries to her. The Warrior supposed she made a good listener, quiet as she was. Would they listen to her? Should she risk that vulnerability? She didn’t know what answer she hoped for anymore. She didn’t know what she would say. She kept her silence.
Her mask started to chafe. Strangers made assumptions about who she was, remarking they expected her to be bigger or a man. Few expected her to be as quiet as she was. Fewer still, a mage. She felt choked by their expectations - who she was wasn’t what they seemed to want. The desire to abandon her masks and nascent bonds writhed inside her whenever she heard new voices. What more did she need to do? Was the Warrior not enough for them? Scions noticed her frustration, offering short words of encouragement. She did her best to listen.
Once the Ultima Weapon was destroyed, she took a look at herself. The Scions - Papalymo, Yda, Urianger -  stood by her every step they could. Did they not deserve to see who their Warrior was? One quiet morning, once everything was moved to Mor Dhona, The Warrior met Minfilia in her solar for possibly the most terrifying request of her life - she asked her first new friend to call her by name.
As long as they were in the solar. Alone. Where nobody else could hear. 
It was a start, at least.
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writtenbymoonflower · 8 months
You have a panic attack and your boys comfort you. poly!maruaders x fem!reader
cw: panic attack, negative self talk, swearing, mention of raw chicken (ew ik)
1.7k words (it's long i'm sorry)
You never thought you would cry over chicken, but here you were. You knew that you had been having a lot of busy days as of late, there were a million things swimming about in your head. But you were managing it well, or at least you thought you were. But then it all came down.
You had bought a pack of chicken earlier in the week to cook for dinner one night. It had been on clearance so you knew it was  on its way out, but you thought you would’ve had more time. You opened your fridge so you could begin cooking before your boyfriends were going to get too hungry, when you realized that the meat was out of date by a whole three days. It was something so small, yet, it sent a billion anxious thoughts jumping around your head like they were on pogo sticks, and most of them were not very nice. 
How could you be so stupid? You should’ve checked the date. If you hadn't been so lazy earlier this week you wouldn’t be wasting this food. Now there was nothing to cook and your boyfriends would go hungry. They would likely end up resenting you for being a shit girlfriend and being so-
“Dolly? What are you doing over there?” Usually Sirius’ voice was a comfort to you, but right now it just added to your misery. It reminded you of all your failures and why you would never be good enough for anyone. 
Tears started filling your eyes. You tried to still your shaking hands and even your breathing, but it was all too much. They were going to realize your mistake and were going to be angry. His footsteps were painful and your other boyfriends’ laughter in the other room made you wince. When Sirius finally was facing you, your attempt at a facade fell apart. He knew you too well and apparently your body just decided to give over to panic because you suddenly couldn’t catch your breath. You tried to mutter out an apology but your voice was caught in your throat and your pulse was hammering. 
“ Hey.” Sirius’ dark brows scrunched in concern, his gray eyes searching your face and scanning your body for any injury. “What’s wrong?” His voice was raised in panic as you stood and shook. 
Apparently Sirius’ voice triggered your other two boyfriends to barrel into the room, but you refused to look at any of them, opting to hold the chicken package behind your back and stare at the ground. James thought you looked like a small child standing in front of a broken glass, ready to be reprimanded and punished. It made his heart ache. 
“Baby,” Sirius continued to beg for a response. “What’s happened? You’re scaring me.” Remus placed a soothing hand on his partner’s back while James scooted past the both of them to grab your shoulders and stoop to see your face. 
“Hey, hey, hey. Sweetheart, can you look at me?” James spoke softly. He was just as concerned as the other two, but James was better at keeping his head, even though inside he wanted to sob seeing you like this. You swallowed thickly and looked up at him. 
“There you go.” Remus whispered encouragement from behind James. Your chest was still heaving and you were still crying, but now they could read your face better. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I-” You choked out, hoping that if you spoke about your failure early enough they might forgive your mistake.
“Hey, not right now. Just focus on me, honey. I think you’re having a panic attack, I need you to try and steady your breathing.” James motioned the other two over, Remus getting behind you and pulling you both to the ground so he could rock you in his lap. Sirius and James sat and each took one of your hands, James putting the one he was holding on his chest, while Sirius put the other on yours. (After throwing the chicken on the counter, opting to ask questions after you could speak again.) You stifled another sob from wracking your body. 
“We’ve got you, sweet girl. Just copy Prongs’ breaths, yeah?” Sirius used his free hand to tilt your chin up to meet the eyes of the two boys in front of you. You could feel James’ chest rising and falling as he took deep, exaggerated breaths. Your first few were shaky and clumsy, but soon you were finally able to get a comfortable amount of air in your lungs and your tears slowed to a stop. You still felt guilty, but at least now your head wasn’t so loud. You pulled your hands back into your lap.
“There you go,” Remus soothed from behind you. “Atta girl.” He pressed gentle kisses all over the side of your neck. You could see the two boys in front of you visibly relax at your now calmer state. “Good girl, you did so well. I know that was scary.” Remus turned so you were sitting sideways in his lap and you could see all three of the boys sitting around you. 
“ Thank you for helping.” You said sheepishly, looking down at your fidgeting hands. “I’m sorry I did that, I know it was a lot.” 
“None of that.” Sirius said firmly. “It’s not your fault, baby. You didn’t do it to be bad, you have nothing to be sorry for.” 
Wrong. You thought to yourself, remembering the spoiled food now sitting on the counter. 
“Can you tell us what happened, lovely?” James ducked his gaze to meet yours, his brown eyes were sad and confused and swimming with all too much love. 
You really didn’t want to admit your mistake, but they deserved an explanation for your erratic behavior. 
“It’s really nothing that bad.” You tried to console, as if you weren’t the one shaking on the floor not two minutes ago. “I was just-” You swallowed hard again. “I was being stupid.” You went back to picking at your nails. Your self-deprecating comment made Remus raise an eyebrow and Sirius lightly pinch your thigh. 
“You weren’t. You’re never stupid, be nice.” Remus (lovingly) scolded. 
“I was just, I bought this chicken.” You struggled to keep your breathing even. “I bought this chicken earlier this week and I was going to cook it, but I was too lazy these last few days and I fucked up and I-” You bit hard on your lip to keep from crying again. James desperately wanted to reprimand you for your self-cruelty, but he settled for grabbing Sirius’ hand and squeezing, not wanting to cut you off. 
“Go on, sweetheart. Take your time.” James spoke even softer. 
“I let the chicken go bad. I wanted to cook tonight but when I went to grab the chicken it was bad and I just- I just felt bad because I can’t do anything right. I had all week to make it and now I can’t cook for you all and I just- I just feel bad.” You took another deep breath, still not wanting to meet their eyes.
“Oh, my baby.” Sirius lunged forward, wrapping you in his arms before you could even process what was happening. Remus huffed grumpily over you being stolen from his lap, but let it go. “That’s what you were all worked up about? That’s why you were all scared?” You nodded, your face still stuck in the crook of his neck. 
“It’s okay,” James soothed, now smoothing a gentle path up and down your back. “That happens to everyone, sweetheart. It’s not something you need to be mad at yourself for. You didn’t do anything wrong, and you weren’t lazy. You’ve been busy and tired. It just happens.” James thought he could cry, his girl was so hard on herself that she was all panicked over something like this. 
“Exactly.” Remus said. “It’s nothing we can’t fix, dove. We can go to the store tomorrow and you can make it then.” You started to protest, wanting to go tonight but you were quickly cut off. “Tomorrow.” Remus was firm, but no less kind. “You aren’t doing any work tonight. You need to rest. We’ll figure something out for dinner, it’s no trouble.” 
You were going to argue but you figured it was a losing battle. 
“Thought you would be mad at me.You should be mad at me. I fucked u-” You couldn’t even finish the sentence before James squawked, Sirius sputtered, and Remus inhaled sharply. Sirius forced your head out of his neck to look at you. 
“What?!” He looked genuinely offended.
“Lovely,” James was the one who formed a full sentence. “We would never be mad at you for something like this. Never.” He grabbed your chin to make you look at him. “Look at us, sweet girl. No ones mad at you. We care about you, not a pack of chicken. It’s not worth you being this mean to yourself, nothing is.” He pouted during the last sentence. 
“Also,” Sirius said, still being very gentle. “I’m pretty sure this isn’t just about chicken, dollface. You’ve been really stressed lately.” 
“And you’ve been really hard on yourself. You always have been, but it’s gotten worse.” Remus’ voice sounding sad. You knew he was right though. 
“I know.” You sighed, dejectedly. “I’ll try to be better.” You gave them all a tight-lipped smile. 
“That’s what we mean!” James whined. “You don’t need to ‘be better.’ You just need to be gentle with yourself.” 
“It’s just hard.” You admitted. 
“I know it is, baby.” Sirius empathized. Then his face morphed into his usual grin. “How about, we all lead by example. I know I can be very nice to you.” He took your cheeks in both his hands and started pressing kisses all over your face. You giggled wetly, trying to squirm out of his grasp. “There, like that. Nice.”
“I don’t know how she is gonna do that, Pads. It’s hard to kiss your own face.” Remus attempted (and failed) to keep the amused tilt out of his voice. 
“Oh no!” James dramatically gasped. “I guess we’ll just have to.” He beamed, taking your jaw in his hand to smear even more kisses on your cheeks.
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🎃 Good doggy
Begging CW: Stepping, Dom!Reader with whiny, sub!male
(Reader) looked down at the man on his hands and knees before them with mock disgust. They had to bite the inside of their cheek to prevent themselves from smiling at the pitiful little man kissing their foot while crying. They had known for a long time that their neighbor had been watching them, breaking into their apartment to steal their underwear and play with himself on their bed, but they never said anything. It was cute, the way he smiled so shyly at them, pulling at his pants to try to hide his boner from them.
They had waited in hiding, deciding it was finally time to catch him in the act. But it was so difficult pretending to be angry with him when seeing him whine on the floor was turning (Reader) on.
"What did you think was going to happen, Jackson?" (Reader) snarled, praying that they weren't blushing. He flinched, accidentally squeezing (Reader's) foot.
"I-I just-" He stuttered through his weeping, rubbing the foot on his cheek. "I'm so sorry!"
This was better than (Reader) could have hoped for. "Hmmm... I don't think you are." They heaved a deep sigh, turning their head away from him.
"What?" Large teary green eyes looked up at (Reader) pleading. "I am! I am sorry!"
"Sorry for what?" They kicked him back lightly, watching with glee as he fell onto his ass, exposing the tent in his pants. Jackson yelped, trying to cover himself in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry for breaking into your apartment!"
(Reader) fought to hold back a smirk as they pressed their bare foot past his hands and onto his erection. "Is that all you're sorry for? You're not sorry for being a pathetic little pervert?"
His thighs jolted under (Reader's) sole, bucking ever so slightly into their touch. "I'm- I'm sorry for being a pervert!"
The pressure grew heavier as (Reader) leaned more of their weight forward, rubbing his shaft through his pants. "I don't think you are... I think you like this."
(Reader) removed their foot, making the wreck cry harder. "I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" They ignored him, sitting on their bed as he crawled over towards them, eyes continuously flickering towards (Reader's) crotch. "Please forgive me!"
From their new position, (Reader) couldn't hold back their joy any longer, touching his dick so softly with their toes that he whimpered, shuffling even closer to grind (Reader's) foot into his pants. "Do you like this? You perv?"
"Yes!" His words were almost unintelligible through his panting.
"Hmmm." (Reader) pretending to think while stroking his cock. "You know, I've always wanted a dog.. maybe if you ask me really nicely, I'll consider taking you in."
Jackson gasped, smiling stupidly up at (Reader) "Please! Please make me your dog! I'll be a good boy for you, please I'll do such a good job!"
(Reader) added pressure, rubbing faster as Jackson's panting became uneven. "I don't know... doesn't sound like you really want it."
"No! I want it, please, please make me your dog, I want to be your dog, please!" He grabbed their leg with both hands, licking their knee as he grew closer to his climax.
"Pfft! Ew! Are you about to cum? Are you going to jizz on my foot, just from me stepping on your dick?" (Reader) loudly teased, raising their voice as he shrunk in shame, but they still kept their foot moving against his cock.
"I'm sorry! Yes, I'm gonna- I'm gonna-!" He couldn't finish, eyes fluttering shut as he came. (Reader) revelled in feeling his warm fluid through his pants, dampening their foot.
Jackson looked worried, sad that he came so quickly. He finally got (Reader's) attention but he ruined it by climaxing too early! But when he finally got the courage to look up at (Reader's) face, he was shocked to see a deep blush across their content smile, causing his love stricken heart to hammer in his chest so hard he thought it was going to burst.
"Good doggy..."
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
someone else tries to get with them
feat: bully!osamu, best friend!iwa, and rich bf!sakusa inspired by
part 2
cw: fem!reader
Tumblr media
you wanted to be anywhere but here right now, listening to this girl act as if she was your friend. you'd much rather be home, or at work, or at the library—quite literally anywhere but in front of this person you barely knew.
"i just think that osamu is a bit more extroverted and you might be too shy for him!" she said in a shrill, condescending voice. "he's always going to all these parties and i always see him talking to people...maybe he should date someone that's a more like him, you know?"
she must not know osamu all that well. he only goes to those parties because his brother or one of his friends drags him there and he spends the entire night blowing up your phone. as for talking to people, osamu can barely remember the name of his own lab partner, so it wouldn't surprise you if he got into meaningless conversations with people just to pass the time.
but on the surface, it looks as if one of the most popular guys on campus decided to date his weird, quiet childhood best friend and some people appeared to have a problem with that.
you tried to walk away from the conversation but the girl was persistent, not letting you leave until you vowed to leave osamu alone.
"don't you think it's selfish to stay with him when the two of you are so different?"
before you could respond—what you were going to say, you still had no idea—you were yanked into a solid figure, one you immediately recognized as your boyfriend already huffing in annoyance.
"been lookin' everywhere fer ya, jesus christ," he chastises, planting a quick kiss on the side of your head. "c'mon, let's go home—"
"samu! hiiii, i was actually just talking about y—"
osamu doesn't pay the girl any mind, rolling his eyes as he continues talking to you. "who the fuck is that? this is why i can't leave ya alone, babe. yer always talkin' to weirdos, let's go."
osamu pulls you away to talk about plans for dinner, leaving the strange girl dumbfounded by what she just witnessed.
best friend!iwa
"do you know if iwaizumi is seeing anyone?" the girl asked as she approached you on campus. it wasn't uncommon for random girls to come out of the woodwork to ask you about your best friend—he's a sweet, respectful, incredibly handsome man.
most of these girls figured that if they could get on your sweet side, they could get closer to their dream man. little did they know you were judging them every second they spoke to you.
when was the last time she even bothered washing her hair? or ew, her voice is annoying, haji would hate that. you let them get through their whole spiel, how they've liked iwa for ages but didn't know how to approach him and how they have a whole date planned, only for you to throw down the proverbial hammer.
"i'm sorry, haji isn't actually interested in dating anyone right now. he's really focused on his studies," you said confidently, watching the light in their eyes die.
"oh, but—"
"yeah, i would really give up if i were you," you shrugged, walking away before she could get another word in.
if anything, you were doing iwa a favor. there was no way he'd be interested in a girl like that. besides, if he got into a relationship now, he'd be too distracted to spend time with you.
"who were you talking you?" iwaizumi asks a bit later, noticing the weird interaction you had with a girl he didn't recognize.
"ugh, just another bimbo asking me about oikawa again," you lied so easily, throwing your legs over iwaizumi's lap as the two of you sat in the campus lounge. "you'd think they'd give it a break already."
iwaizumi doesn't question it. why would he? as far as he knew, you had nothing to gain by lying to him.
rich bf!sakusa
sakusa told you he had to take an important phone call and stepped away, leaving you in the shop. though, you weren't left alone for long. a few moments later you could hear incessant giggling behind you and after a while, you got the feeling it was about you.
turning around, you see a face that you're sure you've seen before but couldn't exactly place where. she must have known you, though, as she had no issue judging you with her eyes. "so kiyoomi does leave his little pet unattended. it's hard to recognize you when you're not in his shadow."
she was flanked on either side by one of her equally pompous, identical-looking friends, who both laughed at her cruel joke.
"excuse me?" fully turning around, you finally got a good look at the woman and realized that she was the daughter of a colleague that sakusa's father knew. you vaguely remembered your boyfriend complaining about having to entertain his father's guests during a boring gala a few weeks ago.
it wasn't uncommon for women to flaunt themselves at sakusa. he was the son of a prominent ceo, the heir to a successful company, and is absolutely breathtaking when he bothers to put his face mask down.
"it's just cute that kiyoomi still bothers to keep you around but he's always loved doing charity work." you weren't sure what was worse, her pathetic attempts to get a rise out of you or the shrill laughter of her air-headed friends. "our fathers are very close so don't be surprised when i'm the one on his arm whenever he gets tired of you."
"i'll be sure to remember that," you shrug your shoulders, turning your attention back to the rack of stupid clothes sakusa wanted you to try on. another day, another stupid business dinner with more spoiled brats of his father's stupid colleagues.
you tried to ignore the constant snicker, how they loudly wondered if you could even afford the clothes you were looking at—of course, you couldn't but sakusa loved to spoil you despite your attempts to dissuade him.
the teasing gets the better of you and you're about to snap back at them when the noises finally stop. you weren't sure when sakusa walked back into the store but he's by your side, staring daggers at the girl and her clique.
"and you shouldn't be surprised if my father never does business with yours again," he says curtly. his features soften the second he locks eyes with you. "here, babe. this gown will look perfect on you. go try it on for me."
the other girl tries to get a word in but she's stopped dead in her tracks by sakusa's harsh gaze returning to her. "you can go. i don't associate with trash."
the trio of mean girls drop the pieces they were looking at and scurry out of the store before they could embarrass themselves yet again. "do we still have to do this dumb business dinner?"
sakusa snorts, pushing you towards the dressing room. "of course, love, don't be foolish. you're going to be the most beautiful woman there.”
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©sugawarassoulmate 2023 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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norrisjpg · 1 month
scott street - ᴍᴠ¹
in which, the pressure of the 2024 formula 1 season becomes too much for the dutch driver, so instead of leaning on his best friend for support, he pushes her away.
contains: angst, swearing, crying, unresolved conflict, unhappy ending, shouting, mentions of childhood trauma, depression, jos verstappen mentioned (ew), a gilmore girls reference, not proof-read.
max verstappen x unnamed female character
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she thought something was off, something wasn't right - and she was correct.
it was right after the belgian grand prix, after max had lost another win through no fault of his own, after mclaren had gained a few more points on his beloved oracle red bull racing.
she was there, she always had been, waiting for him after the race like she always did. although she had prepared herself, nothing could have prepared her for this.
he knew he needed her, but he was just so wound up, so tired of the shitty car, so done with the team that he couldn't even bring himself to look at her when he walked into his driver's room.
"hey, are you okay?" she asked softly, standing up with the dutchman entered the room, his usual sadness replaced with something else - he was fuming. "max?"
"i'm fine." he mumbled, discarding his helmet carelessly to the floor.
"do you want to talk about it?" her voice was somewhat comforting, but nowhere near enough to calm the pure rage bubbling in his chest.
"no." max sighed, refusing to turn around and look at his best friend.
she nodded, not that he could see her, but it was more of a nod to herself. okay, he doesn't want to talk, that's okay. but she also wondered if he knew it wasn't his fault, because he couldn't help a ten-place grid penalty brought on by his team, and he certainly couldn't help that the mercedes were exceptionally quick today and being held up by cars he was lapping wasn't helping him either - it just wasn't his fault.
of course, she knew he'd be annoyed about his race - but that wasn't the route of his emotions, his father was. max had obviously told her about the traumatic events of his childhood, long after they'd happened, although she was around when most of them took place.
however, she didn't bring it up.
"max?" she spoke quietly, her voice a little airy. "it's not your fault, you know that, yeah?"
"i know it's not my fucking fault." he spat back quickly.
"come on, max, please talk to me." she pried a little more. "it hurts to see you like this."
"oh, it hurts you?" he scoffed, finally turning around to look at her, anger ever-so-present in his pretty eyes. "how the fuck do you think it makes me feel? you always manage to make everything about you, don't you? just can't stand the attention being away from you for just one fucking second, can you?"
it took everything in her to not physically recoil at his words - he'd never ever been like this, and she wasn't going to lie, her heart shattered at his cold attitude toward her. she was only trying to help him and he was acting like this.
"nothing to say, huh?" he almost laughed, but there was nothing resembling a smile on his face. "you know what? just get out."
"sorry?" was all she could muster, an expression of hurt confusion on her face.
"you heard me, leave." he repeated it, squashing her hopes that he was just angry and didn't mean it, that he'd apologise and lay in her arms and just tell her how he really felt.
she got up, putting her phone back in her pocket, glancing over at him to see that he'd turned back to desk, fiddling with something on there.
hearing the door shut behind her was confirmation of what he'd just done - why the fuck did he do that?
head in his hands, he slumped down on the couch, already missing her presence. clearly, max hadn't meant any of that, but it was like word vomit. he felt as if he was floating outside of his body, watching him shove his best friend away, and he couldn't do anything about it.
outside, she stood there, motionless. what the fuck had just happened? gritting her teeth, delicate tears fell down her cheeks as she started to walk out of the red bull garage in aimless despair.
maybe if she hadn't said anything he wouldn't have lashed out of her? did she pry too much? why wouldn't he just talk to her?
"ah, good afternoon." a familiar voice came from behind her as she stood in the paddock, unsure of what to do with herself.
daniel ricciardo.
"oh, hi daniel." she thumbed away the salty tears and sniffled before she turned around - but it was no use, daniel caught on straight away.
"what's wrong?" he furrowed his eyebrows, putting a hand on her shoulder.
she knew there was no point in lying, daniel would get it out of her eventually. "max kinda... blew up at me? told me that i make everything about me and then told me to leave- don't say anything to him though."
"you know i can't promise that, but are you okay?" he shook his head, mentally noting to bring that up with max in the near future.
"i'm not sure."
a pretty afternoon in monaco had brought about a lunch between max verstappen and daniel ricciardo. a whole week had passed since the incident, and neither had spoken to each other - both absolutely terrified of what the other would say.
max was scared that she'd push him away, the same way he did. she was scared that max didn't want her back.
the reality was, max needed help - he needed her back. since his outburst, things had gone downhill. the car wasn't looking as good as he'd hoped in the factory, one of his cats was ill, and someone had rear-ended his car somehow - it was as if the universe was screaming at him to just apologise to her, get in his car and go to her apartment, tell her he didn't mean any of it and then finally tell her how he really felt - but max verstappen had fallen deaf, clearly.
luckily, daniel ricciardo hadn't.
"max, what is going on with you?" he asked as the two sat on the bench, slightly hot from the round of padel they'd just played.
"what?" he scrunched his nose at the australian, glancing at him briefly.
"you." daniel repeated. "you're drinking way more than usual, i'm the only person you've seen other than for work purposes, and then you pushed your best friend away - god, why did you push her away?"
"how the fuck do you know about that?" max snapped, quickly apologising with a look afterward. "sorry, how do you know about that, though?"
"she was crying in the paddock after the race." he nodded, pursing his lips. "told me what you said."
"i didn't mean to, okay? i miss her. i know i shouldn't have said what i said, but i can't undo it. i just... i'm scared- what if this is it? what if she won't take me back this time?"
"max." daniel said firmly. "i promise you, that girl will always take you back - you could kill someone and she'd still stand by your side."
"what have i done, daniel?"
she was more okay than she thought she was going to be. monday evenings were always reserved for max - dinners, movie nights, whatever they decided to do, it was together.
this monday night was different though.
there wasn't the familiar dutch laughter bouncing around her apartment. there wasn't the delicious smell of home-cooked food lingering in the corridor. there wasn't the colour of freshly bought tulips adding to her plain white kitchen (max always gave her pretty flowers when he came over.) and there certainly wasn't the comforting smell of max's aftershave stuck on her cushions anymore.
it had been three weeks and no word from him.
maybe it was time to move on. maybe he wasn't coming back this time.
she decided early on that it was his decision to return - he was the one who pushed her away so why should she make an effort? in no way was she saying it was for the better, but she was... relatively okay. yes, of course there were things she missed about him - no one wanted to do anything on a monday evening apparently.
so, she spent her monday evenings alone, drowning herself in blankets and fast food, watching some movie that she would never even the end of of - because she fell asleep every time, without fail.
so she did move on.
max on the other hand? he was moving backwards - rapidly.
he thought he was borderline depressed. rotting in his apartment with his cats, occasionally venturing out of the house to buy food or see daniel and lando - but that was it. it was as if all the life had been sucked out of his existence - all the colour, all the light.
so, when he turned up to her apartment on a rainy monday evening, it was a knife to the heart, to the head, to the gut.
he walked into the lobby, planning on going straight up to her and confessing every single feeling he'd had since that dreadful day in belgium.
but, he was met with an unexpected sight. there she was, smiling, with a man.
she was laughing, with him. they were walking towards her apartment, about to head into the elevator. if they were on normal terms, max would have waltzed right up to her and asked who he was - but he didn't have that privilege anymore, remember?
so, he turned around, shocked and almost reduced to tears, and he left.
if only he knew, she would have run to him in a heartbeat.
but, maybe it was for the better.
coming next... novacane, ʟɴ⁴ motion sickness, ᴍᴠ¹ (part two)
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softspiderling · 2 months
illicit affairs - part eight | r.c
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Do not come over here right now, you thought to yourself, pleaded to God even, but of course, JJ walked right over to your table, stopping in front of you to bow theatrically. You could basically see Rafe’s vein throbbing in anger.
“Boss, can I get you anything?”
“I wasn’t aware you’re on her payroll, Maybank,” Rafe snapped, falling into your words before you could even open your mouth, glaring up at JJ.
“Oh didn’t you hear? She’s the one who got me this job,” JJ said gleefully and you groaned internally as Rafe drew his arm back, raising his brows at you.
“You did what?”
OR; The Spring Fling is finally here. And of course, no event on Kildare goes off without a hitch
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: none except for one macho context between Rafe and JJ lol
word count: 2,6k
author's note: hello don't ask what this is and don't yell at me bc i literally just wrote what the little people in my head told me to write (I think it's funny when you say that i'm making you insane, im telling you, im just equally as shook as im writing)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
pt. eight: "and clandestine meetings and longing stares"
“When did you and Rafe start having sex?”
You nearly spat your mimosa all over the table, but opted for choking on it instead, coughing as the liquid went down the wrong pipe. Out of everything, Topper chose to ask you that question during brunch at the Spring Fling party, where you were surrounded by Kook families. But you should’ve known.
Topper’s mother was anything if not punctual and she had turned up not even a minute after 11. Rafe and Kelce were set to come later during the brunch, this was the perfect opportunity to ask something like that and Topper knew it.
Reaching for a napkin, you tried to keep your coughs to a minimum when your mother gave you a dirty look from her table. Consequently, you turned to Topper to give him an equally nasty look.
“Top, what the fuck?”
Topper only sent your mother a charming smile, raising his glass in her direction until she turned away with a headshake.
“Sorry, were the two of you trying to be discreet?” he then asked, glancing in your direction as he took a sip from his champagne. You let out a scoff, downing your mimosa in one go, your cheeks burning. Playing with the stem of the glass nervously, you took your time with an answer, knowing that Topper was sensible enough to not push you.
“How long have you known?”
Topper sighed, pushing his hair back at your evasive question. “Remember when we were hanging out at Rafe’s like three days ago? I left my wallet on the table and came back inside, just to hear the two of you going at it.”
You groaned, covering your face with your hands. Of course. You had told Rafe to wait after Topper and Kelce left. For ten minutes at least, just to be safe; but then he started kissing your neck and your self-control flew out of the window. Asshole.
Topper eyed you skeptically, and you didn’t say anything, except a thank you to the waiter when he placed a new mimosa in front of you. Topper played with the corner of the tablet cloth, waiting until the waiter left before he spoke again.
“So… You what? Just fuck around?” he asked, frowning. “You’re willing to risk your friendship for sex?”
“We’re not risking our friendship, Top. We’re adults and we can have sex without complicated feelings, and if it ever starts to get weird, we just stop,” you told him, ignoring the fact that you had been questioning your friendship just last week. Topper didn’t need to know that.
He only exhaled, taking another sip of his champagne. The silence between the two of you stretched so long, you started to believe he had dropped the topic.
“Maybe we should hook up too.”
You nearly choked on your mimosa again, but you managed to swallow it this time, before turning to stare at Topper with wide eyes, your forehead creased.
“Ew what?”
Topper raised a brow at you. “What?”
“Why would you even say that? We’ve been friends forever, don’t be gross.”
“So have you and Rafe but you don’t have any problem fucking him.”
You bristled at his choice of words, turning away from him, frowning into the distance, knowing exactly what point he was trying to make. You had always wondered if Topper ever suspected that you had feelings for Rafe, but chose not to ask you about it. Until now.
“What’s your point?” you finally griped.
Topper gave you an exasperated look. “Seriously precious? You know this isn’t gonna end well. And it won’t just affect you and Rafe, it’s gonna affect me als Kelce, too. How the fuck are we supposed to choose sides if you’re our best friends?”
“What do you mean “choose sides”?” you huffed, throwing your hands up. “We’re adults, and we’re friends, best friends. Nothing is ever going to change that.”
“Do you really believe that?”
You sighed, rolling your eyes mostly to deflect. Topper had a point. This had potential to explode in all of your faces, have catastrophic consequences, and why? Because you were selfish? You’d risk your friendship with your best friend to have only a tiny more piece of Rafe, something that you weren’t entitled to? Clenching your jaw, you reached out to pat Topper’s hand gently, trying to find the right words, to take his worries away, but before you could, you saw Rafe arriving with Kelce and his family and you leaned back in your chair, glancing at Topper.
“Drop it,” you muttered under your breath, throwing him a warning glance, terrified that Rafe could overhear something.
The other half of your friend group approached your table, both of the boys kissing your cheek in greeting, before Kelce took a seat next to Topper, while Rafe sat down on the empty chair next to you.
“What did we miss?” Rafe asked, holding up two fingers to the waiter before turning to you, raising a brow.
Topper opened his mouth, no doubt to let out a stupid comment, but you stepped your foot on his, making sure that the heel only grazed the top of his shoe, warning him. Topper’s face contorted into pain, and he glared at you. Luckily, neither Kelce or Rafe noticed your squabble, as the waiter arrived with your drinks, placing four flutes of champagne and mimosas on the table.
“Just how precious over here stumbled over her words when she introduced her parents,” he said, making you roll your eyes. Kelce snickered and Rafe only smirked into his glass as he took a sip. Reaching for a new glass, you picked a glass by the stem, only to realize that Rafe had thrown his arm over your chair when you leaned back. You grew hot, which was stupid considering the fact that Rafe has always been touchy with you even before you two started having sex, but you couldn’t help but feel like you were showing your emotions all over your face. Throwing a glance over to Topper, you thought he’d show his disapproval, but he was engrossed in a discussion with Kelce over his new bike. If he had noticed, he hadn’t shown.
“Told you to practice, didn’t I precious?” Rafe muttered under his breath, the amusement clear in his voice. You only rolled your eyes, crossing your legs as you sipped on your mimosa. Things between you were… Almost normal. After the rather odd intimate moment you had in the shower and then in bed, it felt like Rafe had… Not exactly taken a step back when it came to sex, but you definitely felt like he was trying to show you how he valued your friendship more sex.
For example, when you were trying to come up with some sort of speech for the spring fling
“The way I recall it, I was practicing and you told me to “wing it” because “writing a speech is lame””, you said, quoting him.
Rafe snickered, taking a sip of his champagne. “You did a great job helping your parents pull this shit off,” he told you, his thumb drawing circles into your shoulder. You didn’t reply, swirling the mimosa in your glass around as Rafe glanced around the garden, before he did a double take, his eyes narrowing.
“What the fuck is JJ Maybank doing here?”
Three tables over, JJ was pouring Mr. Jones a glass of Champagne, the heavy bottle nearly slipping out of his fingers before he got a grip on it again. He only gave Mr. Jones a charming smile, you had no doubt he had some quip right on his tongue. You squirmed on your chair, finishing your mimosa in one go (was someone counting how many mimoas you’d had already?), shoving the empty glass on the table.
“Working, obviously,” you answered somewhat evasively. “Can’t you see that he’s wearing an uniform?”
“Obviously I can see that,” Rafe huffed, giving you a look. “I meant, how did he get a job here? I know for a fact that Kennedy hates his guts.”
Right, Kennedy the hostess.
“Why does Kennedy hate his guts again?”
“He said Carter’s name during sex,” Kelce suddenly chimed in, leaning over Topper to engage in the gossip session you were apparently having. You winced. Kennedy and Carter were sisters, you could see why Kennedy couldn’t stand JJ (anymore).
“To be fair, they’re twins, so I can understand how JJ mixed them up.”
“Why are you defending him?”
“I’m not!” you exclaimed. “I’m just saying, it’s an easy mistake to make.”
Rafe huffed, rolling his eyes with a headshake, clearly annoyed. You didn’t understand how he was so easily aggravated by pogues, especially JJ. Topper only gave you a look when you glanced over at him, while Kelce was too busy ogling JJ.
JJ, who had seemed to spot your group, judging by the way a smirk was growing on his lips. He leaned down to finish topping off the guests glasses, before departing from the table.
Do not come over here right now, you thought to yourself, pleaded to God even, but of course, JJ walked right over to your table, stopping in front of you to bow theatrically. You could basically see Rafe’s vein throbbing in anger.
“Boss, can I get you anything?”
“I wasn’t aware you’re on her payroll, Maybank,” Rafe snapped, falling into your words before you could even open your mouth, glaring up at JJ.
“Oh didn’t you hear? She’s the one who got me this job,” JJ said gleefully and you groaned internally as Rafe drew his arm back, raising his brows at you.
“You did what?” he asked incredulously. You rolled your eyes at his tone. He made it sound like you just betrayed his trust.
“He needed a job, what’s the harm in helping him out?”
“He’s a pogue,” Rafe all but spit out. “When the fuck did you even talk to him?”
“Last week after you guys left, he kind of broke into my house.”
“Accidentally!” “Wait what?” “He did what?”
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Can we not make a big deal out of this?”
Rafe scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest, JJ only smirked in satisfaction, Kelce was staring at you with an open mouth and Topper looked like he’d rather be anywhere else.
“Well, if you gentlemen don’t need anything else,” JJ said, looking at you. “Another drink, princess?”
“Don’t call her that.”
Just as you thought you’d avoided a full blown fight, Rafe was glaring daggers at JJ again, who just seemed to enjoy getting a rise out of your best friend and using you to do it.
“I think she can tell me herself if she doesn’t want me to call her princess.”
Rafe got up so fast, you could barely react before he was all up in JJ’s space, a frown on his face.
“Who do you think you are, parading around our side of the island?” Rafe hissed into JJ’s face, but the blonde barely blinked at him, his smirk never leaving his face. Meanwhile, you wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole, pressing yourself into your chair, hoping to disappear. You were just as angry as you were embarrassed, knowing how Rafe was causing a scene, making the other guests starting to look over; especially your mother, who was glaring at you as if you had instigated this.
“Guys,” Topper finally hissed. “This is not the right place for a pissing contest.”
Rafe took a step back, as if out of a trance. He flexed his hand, throwing JJ a dirty look. “Get lost, Maybank.”
Lucky for you, he did, but not without winking at you before he left. Rafe dropped back into his chair, and for a short second, you thought the whole party was ruined, but everyone quickly started chatting again, the incident forgotten.
“The nerve of that guy,” Rafe grunted, as if his behavior just now was insanely stupid. You only scoffed, shaking your head at him, and he glanced over at you, raising a brow.
“You’re unbelievable,” you muttered under your breath, snatching your purse off the table, standing up quickly. Without excusing yourself, you left your friends at the table, heading straight to the bathroom to cool off. You exhaled slowly as you washed your hands, letting the cold water run over your wrists, not caring that you were getting your jewelry wet. When you finally deemed it enough. you turned the water off, drying your hands with paper towels. But you weren’t ready to go back out just yet, so you rummaged through your purse, trying to find your lipgloss to reapply. Just as you were about to put the small applicator on your lips, the door opened, and Rafe slid inside with a frown.
“Get out,” you said, even before the door shut properly.
“You can’t seriously be mad at me,” Rafe guffawed, his jaw slack. “That little shit was walking around like he owned the country club.”
You rolled your eyes at him so hard, you nearly gave yourself a migraine.
“So what? What does it matter to you, Rafe? Why can’t you just ignore him?”
“Why are you acting like this is my fault?! He started it!”
“You’re my best friend! You embarrassed me!”
“Embarr-” Rafe scoffed, breaking off with a headshake. “Did you hear how he was talking to you? He called you princess! He made you give him a job.”
“He made me?” you repeated, laughing dryly, finally lowering the lipgloss to look at him, your eyes sparkling with fury. “Do you realize who you’re talking to right now, Rafe? No one is making me do anything, least of all JJ. I’m not some damsel who needs saving, don’t use me to win whatever cock measuring contest you have going on with JJ.”
Rafe froze, and you let your words sink in, dropping your lipgloss back into your purse and zipping it back up. He finally sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, his lips pursed. You looked at him, unimpressed. “I don’t know why, but JJ just gets under my skin. And it just made it worse when he treated you like that.”
“Like what?” you said, blinking at him. “Like he treats every other girl on the island?”
Rafe scoffed, leaning against the wall behind him. “You’re not like every other girl on the island, precious.”
“Rafe, I can take care of myself.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
You let out a sigh, the remaining anger melting away and you stepped to him, stopping just in front of him.
“How about I tell JJ where to shove it, and you sit back and shut up?”
Rafe quirked a smile at you, rolling his eyes a little. “I can try.”
You gave him a look and he let out a loud, dramatic sigh.
“Fine, I won’t say anything, I’m leaving it to you.”
“Better,” you said with a nod, making a shooing motion with your hand. “Now get out before people are starting to think we’re hooking up in here.”
“Now that you brought it up-”
“Rafe, get out.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
author's note: not me being proud of Kennedy/Carter (guess what their parents (me) named them after)
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smiths-fan--13 · 2 months
the spicy Croatian makes me daydream about her while I’m studying
ooo wait i love this request, thanks anon!
a/n: i am not american and therefore have no idea of dorm situations or any of that so i apologise if anything is wrong or doesn't make sense. please feel free to correct me!
sorry this took so long btw, my two week holidays just ended your girl is struggling.
It's finals week, and I've never been so worn out in my life. It's currently 9pm and I'm in my dorm- sprawled out across my bed with text books clutched, music blaring. Empty coffee cups litter my bedside table, making one hell of a mess. Whatever, I'll clean it tomorrow. Or Thursday. Or never.
My phone pings from underneath me, pulling me from my thoughts. I make a quick move to grab it, flushing when I see who it is.
Nika: Hey ma, u busy tomorrow night?
My head spins when I read over her words, a thousand butterflies erupting throughout me as I type out my message.
Me: Uh not that I know of.. why?
Her reply comes almost instantly.
Nika: Good, me and the girls are going out, you're coming with.
Me: Nika that's not a good idea. Need I remind you what happened last time we got drunk?
Nika: Dijete, it will happen whether we are drunk or not. Be ready by 6 tomorrow, I'm picking u up.
A second text shoots through a moment later.
Nika: In fact, I hope it happens again, I miss your pretty pussy. Wear that sexy little red dress I love so much.
Oh, I'm fucked.
Her third text wakes me right up.
Nika: Please baby, for me.
Me: Done.
Nika: That's my good girl.
I heart her message and shut my phone off, tossing it somewhere on my bed as I groan and throw myself into my pillows. Suddenly, studying seems to be the last thing on my mind.
My thoughts flash with images of Nika pressed against me. In the shower, on my bed, against her locker, in the bar toilets, the backseat of her car...
I close my eyes in agony as I try to fight off the familiar feeling- the warmth spreading over my body.
There was no use. That spicy Croatian had gotten under my skin, and in no time at all.
I let my hands wander as I thought back to our last bar trip with her friends...
My body glistened with a light sheen of sweat as I danced on the packed club floor. I stood alone, moving to the beat of the music as I let the alcohol take over me. I felt hands grip my hips, though I didn't bother turning around to see who they belonged to. I moved my body to the rhythm of theirs, grinding against them. It was only when I felt the person's hot breath and lips on my neck did I turn around. Oh, ew. Behind me was a man who looked barely 5'6, wearing a sleazy look on his face, his lips turned into a toe curling grin.
"Hey sexy, why don't you let me take you home?" He asked me.
"Gross," I shoved him off of me, stumbling lightly. "Get off of me."
The man looked at me confused and somewhat angry, like my denying his request had ruined his night. He reached out and gripped my wrist, pulling me closer.
"C'mon baby, don't be shy. It ain't far from here," he slurred out.
"I said no, now let go of me!" I raised my voice slightly, causing a few people around us to look at what was happening, though nobody helped me.
"She said let go of her," a voice boomed.
In seconds, the man was ripped away from me. The flashing lights made me unable to see who it was, though the accent and volume of her voice was enough.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any trouble. I didn't know she was your girl. It won't happen again, s-swear," the man stuttered out.
"Damn fucking right it won't," Nika growled. "Get the fuck outta here"
He stumbled away as bystanders turned back to their conversations, no longer interested. I felt warm hands grip my waist, though this time, her scent followed her, lingering in the air. I was quickly spun around, coming face to face with Nika's 5'11 frame. I looked up at her face, meeting her eyes.
"Princeza, are you okay? What happened? Why didn't you yell out? Or call me? Or tex-" Nika's questions came at a rapid speed, too incredibly fast for my intoxicated brain to understand.
"I'm fine," I interrupted. "Just another guy who won't take no for an answer," I grumbled.
"Are you sure? I can take you back to your dorm if you want. I'll go grab the keys and-"
"Nika. I'm fine. Please. Leave it alone." I say, gripping her chin softly.
Her eyes half close in defeat- she knew I'd be fine.
"Yeah, okay.." she mumbled.
I smiled triumphantly as a new song began playing. I quickly grabbed the Croatian's hand as I lead her further onto the dance floor. I tossed my arms into the air as she threw her head back laughing. And we danced for what felt like an eternity.
Leaving the club always seemed to be the most exciting part of the night- everyone was buzzed, laughing, taking photos and stumbling down the sidewalk. Nika's hand clutched mine as we walked behind our friends, chuckling occasionally at their comments and jokes.
"Hey" her shoulder nudged mine.
"Hey" I responded, nudging her back, swaying slightly.
"Why don't you let me drive you back? The girls are doing the rounds anyways- it'll take forever to drop everyone off." the sober girl offered.
Trust Nika to be the only one of us who drank water all night...
"Okay," I agreed.
"Alright, let me tell the girls," Nika replied, wrapping her jacket around my shoulders before racing to the other girls. I stood in place as I watched her with a smile on my face.
She said something to the girls that I couldn't hear, before racing back towards me. She grabbed my hand softly and turned us around, walking us in the other direction towards her car. A comfortable silence settled between us as we fell into a perfect sync.
We got to the car quickly, Nika opening my door for me with a smile on her face.
"Ladies first" I laughed at her words as I got in, quickly followed by her, right before she pulled out into the busy night traffic.
I softly hummed to the music playing on the radio, feeling content. Nika pulled up to the dorms, jumping out of the car to open my door again. I giggled as she held out her hand for me to hold. In all my awkwardness, I just about fell over. Her other hand reached out to steady me, landing on my waist. My giggles died down as I noticed our proximity, the closeness of our faces, the height difference. Our eyes locked and the world fell silent. It was just us.
Nika ripped her hands from me as I cleared my throat.
"Let's get you inside, hey?" she smiled at me.
I nodded as she locked the car.
The elevator pings as we wait. The doors open and we step inside.
"Which floor?" Nika mumbled.
"8" I replied.
She presses the button and the doors close, once again sheltering us with an awkward vibe. I looked over at her, admiring her side profile. Her sharp, defined jaw, her long lashes, perfectly shaped nose, beautiful hair. Fuck, she was really stunning.
My breath hitched as I watched her, prompting a glance in my direction.
"You good?" the Croatian asked.
"Uh, yeah. I just- yeah, no, I'm fine" I breathed out.
Nika turned her body to face my own, her head tilting as she stepped closer.
"Are you sure? You look awfully flushed." she smirks.
"Yeah, it's probably just the alcohol."
"Ma, you had 2 drinks. You're barely buzzed."
I watch her intently before ducking my head at her words.
"What are you thinking right now?" she says.
"Nothing" I grumble.
A low laugh escapes her throat, the sound making a beeline for my core.
God, I needed to get a grip.
"You sure have a lot to say for someone who didn't drink the entire night." I say.
Nika shrugs.
"Someone needed to take you home"
"Didn't need to be you" my eyes snap to hers. "You wanted to bring me home."
She fucking smirks. Again.
"You're right angel" One step closer. "I did want to bring you home. I wante-"
Her voice is cut off by the sound of the elevator bringing us to my floor. I quickly step away from her, putting distance between us as I exited through the elevator doors.
Nika followed quickly behind me, finding me standing at my door, fumbling to find my key.
"I'm home safe, you can leave now" I huff out, searching my bag.
Nika freezes.
My eyes meet hers.
"At least let me get you inside" she bargains.
"Fine, whatever." I agree, too desperate for my key to care.
I sigh in anger, looking at Nika again as she stood, leaned up against the wall, watching me. I throw my bag at her, a silent plea to find what I'm looking for.
She smirks as she catches the bag, almost immediately finding my key. Of course. I snatch it and open the door, walking in without waiting.
Nika follows behind me quickly, shutting my door and setting down my bag on the counter. I flop down on the couch, pulling the throw blanket on top of me.
"Uh, yeah, no. Get up" I hear.
"Makeup. Hair. Outfit. Shoes. You're not sleeping like that."
I scoff as she pulls the blanket off of me and drags me to a sitting up position.
"Whatever" I cross my arms.
I watched in surprise as Nika Mühl herself kneeled in front of me.
"What are y-you doing?" I rushed out.
"Relax princess" She looked up at me. "I'm just taking your shoes off"
I relaxed at her words and soft touch. She took my heel off, quickly massaging my foot, pulling a moan from me at the pleasing feeling.
Her movements freeze and I look down in confusion, only to find her watching me with dark eyes.
"You like that?" she asked with a smirk.
My breath hitched softly as I watched her with my mouth slightly open. I nodded slowly as she watched me. She simply raised an eyebrow at me.
"Words, ma" she growled out.
"Yes, I liked that"
She chuckled at my statement, before taking off my other heel, completing the same action again. Her fingers danced up my shin, her eyes flicking to mine. She pulled away as she stood, holding her hands out to me again. I took them as she gently pulled me from my sitting position. Our eyes locked as I pulled her to my bedroom, flicking the light on as I walked into the bathroom, grabbing my makeup remover wipes quickly.
"Uh uh. Sit" Nika appeared behind me in the mirror, instructing me to sit on the counter. I obliged, too tired to argue. I parted my knees, giving her somewhere to stand to take off my makeup, though she smirked at the sight.
"Get on with it, Mühl" I groaned, rolling my eyes.
She gripped my chin as she gently wiped the makeup wipe down my cheek, the cold feeling shocking me.
"Close your eyes" She whispered. So I did.
The cool wipe covered my eyes, taking any and all makeup with it.
When she was done, she didn't make an effort to move from between my legs. I opened my eyes and looked up at her.
She tucked a hair behind my ear as she pulled me off the counter, grabbing my hairbrush and spinning me around. I gasped in shock, before our eyes met again in the mirror. She collected my hair and began softly brushing the ends, before all of it together.
She finished just as my eyes drifted shut, my brain and body on the verge of sleep. She softly blew on the back of my neck, jolting my eyes open.
I shake my head at her jokingly as I walk back into my room, finding my pjs on my bed from this morning. I grab them and start to unzip my dress, before noticing Nika watching me through the body length mirror in my room. I speak without our eyes meeting.
"You gonna help me, or just stand there?"
a/n: hey guys! i know it's not part 2 of my original fic but it's something. i've had the WORST writer's block lately it's killing me omg.
anyways lmk what you guys think! part 2?
also I think I alternated between past and present tense, oops!
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
Could you do a blurb showing how Harry and 1dbandmate!yn reacted over the years when asked in interviews if they were a couple?? please 🙏
Always Asked
A/N: been in a writing funk lately but i'm happy i got this one done since i miss writing and posting to you all!! 💚
SUMMARY: Snippets of interviews over the years from when YN and Harry were asked if they were dating. (3.4k)
GENRE: 1dbandmate!yn, famous!yn
SINCE 2010 masterlist
Tumblr media
Never in a million years did YN ever think her dream career would start so soon. It’s only been a year since she auditioned for the XFactor and now she’s sitting at a table next to her bandmates as hundreds of fans go down the line to get a copy of their freshly signed album. 
With copious amounts of screaming comes along an abundance of questions thrown at the teenagers. Most of the time, it’s YN giving the screaming fans a beautiful smile, asking them how they are, and thanking them for their kind words before passing the signed CD case to Harry. With all the excitement in the air, she feels like she’s truly living the pop star lifestyle she’d seen many others live out.
“Hiya, love,” YN smiles at the preteen girl who’s practically vibrating with excitement at seeing the famous band. She also gives a polite greeting to the supportive dad of the young girl who has his hands on his daughter’s shoulders. “How are you? I love your shirt.”
She compliments, smiling at seeing the young girl wearing a shirt with YN’s face on it. 
“My dad got it for me for my birthday!” The little fan beams.
“Did he?” YN animatedly gasps with a smile. “Well, it was nice of him to take you over here, yeah?”
She signs the CD case with a heart over her name before sliding it over to Harry. His fingers brush over hers and the two of them catch each other’s gaze. A smile tugs on their lips before looking away just as quickly. 
“Are you two dating?” The young girl practically screams out, her eyes bouncing back and forth excitedly between YN and Harry. 
The two teenagers tense up, thrown off by the question in such a crowded place. Their management team is still media-training them and while they’ve learned so much already, they’re still getting used to taking what they’ve learned out into the field.
YN and Harry give each other a look, already knowing the answer but searching in one another’s eyes for maybe a smidge of something more.
“Lilly!” The dad scolds before letting out a chuckle. “Sorry about that.”
“Don’t be,” YN shakes her head with a smile, hoping it's convincing enough to not cause any suspicion. “Sorry Lilly, but Harry and I aren’t dating because quite frankly—” She beckons the little fan closer, cupping her mouth but still being loud so her bandmate can hear, “—he has cooties.”
Harry’s immediately furrowing his brows together and lets out a long and playful, “Hey!”
“Ew!” Lilly laughs, seeming satisfied with that answer before waving goodbye and walking towards the rest of the band.
Before they can dwell on what just happened, thankfully the next fan shuffles over for their own interaction and signed copy.
The band is at their first Brits Awards show and needless to say, they all got a little tipsy after their win. Their team didn’t even have time to give them a snack or water bottle to help sober them up a little bit before their backstage press interviews.
“Harry, how will you guys be celebrating tonight?” A journalist asks from the crowd.
“Erm,” Harry giggles to himself and it makes YN tipsily follow from her spot next to him. The hand that isn't gripping onto their award goes to cover her smile. “I think we’re just gonna hang out and stuff.”
“YN? Is there any lucky man whom you will be celebrating with?” Another voice in the sea of reporters asks.
“Nope,” YN raises her eyes with a tipsy smile and a slow shake of her head. She shakes her thumb towards her boys with a click of her tongue. “Just these lads.”
“Any lucky lad in particular? Perhaps a curly-headed one standing next to you?”
Almost as if it was planned, the two teenagers comically look beside each other, cranking their necks in playful search of who the intrusive lady was referring to.
“Me?” Harry dramatically questions, pointing to his chest with a bright, open-mouthed, dimpled smile gracing his face.
“Well, I mean he is part of the band, is he not?” YN sassily purses her lips together, her media-training to retain her “good girl” image slipping out of her alcohol induced brain. 
Thankfully, before anything could be escalated further by the tipsy girl, the intrusive press, or the snickering boys, a member from their management team instructs the audience to move onto another person.
“You guys have known each other for what seems like forever now and your bond with the rest of the guys is so strong...” 
YN reaches forward for a sip from her glass of water on the panel table in her seat in between Harry and Niall. It’s been a long week for the band as they do press for their new movie, This Is Us. They’ve been thrown left and right with interviews that YN can’t help but already be done with the repetitiveness of some of the questions.  
“So then we’re all clearly curious to know if you and Harry are dating?”
“Nope,” YN pops the ‘P’ and shakes her head as if her actions were automatically programmed to respond in that way. She casually waves her finger between the two boys beside her, “But him and Niall are though.” 
The crowd of press people laugh and chuckle as they see Naill gasp and Harry raise his eyebrows in playful shock.
“I mean, you kinda pointed it out,” YN puts on her media-trained smile good enough to win an Oscar. “These lads are like my brothers and our bond is so strong because we see each other more like family than anything else. I see them more as annoying than someone I'd rather date, to be honest,” she forces out a light laugh. 
“Plus, as YN so kindly pointed out,” Harry leans on his elbows on the table as he looks to his crush next to him. YN can see his dimple dig into his cheek as he fights off a smirk. “M’happily in a committed relationship with Niall.”
Harry doesn’t take his eyes off of his bandmate as he leans back into his seat. He watches as she tucks her chin into her chest, her fingers rubbing over her lips to cover her giggle as the rest of the room breaks out in commotion.
“Can we assume that the rock on your finger is from a certain curly-headed lad?” The woman who’s interviewing them for the band’s new book Who We Are excitedly asks. 
The band are all sat on an L-shaped couch as they discuss the contents of the hard cover book. Sat in between Zayn and Niall, YN purposely avoids her gaze from Harry as she answers.
“No,” YN lets out a forced chuckle as she looks down to fidget with the diamond ring on her finger. Anyone who has looked at more than three pictures of YN can tell that her favorite pieces of jewelry are her assortment of rings along her fingers. But only true fans know that part of her liking to the small jewelry is to help her fidget with them when she has anxiety. It’s an odd feeling however that the newly gifted one has been the cause of her increase in nerves. “It’s um, from me boyfriend—well, fiancé now—Matthew. Harry is like a brother to me so that would be quite weird.” 
“Of course! I was only teasing, love.” The woman laughs with an over-exaggerated smile, clearly disappointed in the answer she was given. “Congratulations to you both.”
“Thank you,” YN forces a smile, still twisting at the shiny ring that sticks out like a sore thumb.
“James.” She says with the same amount of playful seriousness, the audience in front of them laughs along. As the date of the band’s long-awaited hiatus comes closer and closer, their good friend James Corden interviews them in the same location where they filmed the music video for Story of My Life. 
“Harold,” the host directs his attention to the band member sitting next to her.
The fans in the crowd only giggle in giddiness even further as Harry playfully throws a hand up in confusion with what the fans call his ‘frog’ smile. 
“Now, we are all truly devastated when we heard the news that you and your long-time partner had called it quits a couple of weeks ago.” The audience laughs when James comically shakes his head no. YN even lets out a laugh when she sees the fans in the audience cheer at the news of her new relationship status. Despite the support she feels from the fans, it doesn’t necessarily calm the nerves at why the host brought the topic up in the first place. “Now we’re also all wondering if this may have possibly opened up, I don’t know, an opportunity for you to seek something with another lad?”
“Um,” YN lazily holds her microphone to her lips as she gives James the news that will hopefully shut down the conversation. “I think m’gonna just focus on myself for a bit. Yeh know, take a break from dating and all that.”
The room breaks out into chuckles when the host makes noises like he doesn’t believe her. He wags his interview cards in the air as he says, "I mean, both of your writing credits on some love songs tell me otherwise..."
Truthfully, the two friends can't deny that logic. They've either individually or co-wrote a plethora of love songs...that may or may not have been about each other. But will they ever admit that to a room full of their fans who have been shipping them since their XFactor days? Hello no.
“Well, the beauty that YN and I see in music is that songs are always up for interpretation," Harry interjects. "They can mean anything you want them to be, in any sort of scenario.”
“Yeah, like, lyrics don’t always necessarily have to come from a place of experience,” YN adds on, professionally keeping her voice from wavering in nervousness. “It certainly helps but that’s not always the case. Especially now.”
She can’t help but laugh along with the rest of the crowd as James holds an expression like he doesn’t believe a word they said.
“Okay, fine. Deny it all you want,” James puts his hands up defensively. “I just...I don’t know, I just think that this could really be Something Great.”
The room of fans (and die hard ynrry shippers) squeal and scream out in a mixture of excitement and disbelief from his use of the One Direction songs that are heavily speculated to be about YN and Harry. 
“Whatever, it’s your guy’s decision at the End of the Day,” James continues nonchalantly, trying to hide the smile that shows that he knows exactly what he’s doing. 
Fans’ eyes bounce back and forth between the two band members in question. They see as YN has her hands clasped together on her crossed legs, biting the inside of her cheek to keep her witty comments to herself. Harry, on the other hand, leans his elbow on his knee with his index finger over his smirk. He tries to cover up his chuckle with a cough to his fist before pushing back his long curls. 
“All we want is for you guys to live Happily ever after, is all.”
“Now, both of you little sneaky sneaks went to Jamaica together to make his album. Come on, tell me I’m wrong,” Nick Grimshaw teases, wiggling his fingers in a beckoning motion.
The two were currently on BBC Radio with their good friend that they’ve known since their days in the band. Dropping their first solo albums in the same week caused their fan bases to go into a frantic frenzy. The two have a full day ahead of them as their record labels and management teams paired the two up for a day jam-packed with press and interviews together.
“You are not wrong,” Harry laughs, adjusting the chunky headphones over his ears. He’s already rolled up his white button-up sleeves and discarded his picnic table-looking blazer to lay on the back of his chair.
“Sneaky sneaks?” YN chuckles next to him, leaning her elbows on the counter and moving her hips to rotate her swiveling seat from side to side.
“Well, I only say that because you guys are obviously dating now, right?”
“Do girl and guy best friends always have to be dating?” YN easily swerves the question back to the radio host.
“Well,” Grimmy tilts his head from side to side. “Not necessarily, but wouldn’t that be a good story? For your future kiddos perhaps?”
YN and Harry bark out a laugh.
“Sorry, m’getting ahead of myself. Maybe you lads would want to save that for your wedding day instead.”
“Can I swear on the radio?” YN playfully yet genuinely asks the host which makes Harry giggle.
“But I mean, what are your fans—and quite frankly, the rest of the world—supposed to think when a good majority of the songs on his album are about you, Miss Two Ghosts?” Nick teases with a wiggle of his eyebrow.
YN’s jaw humorously drops, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as a nervous laugh threatens to escape. The two knew that they would get poked and pried with questions and accusations like this since their trip to Jamaica. There’s no use in trying to deny their close relationship with one another, spending more time with one another than any of their fellow band members since the start of the hiatus. 
Unable to quickly come up with an explanation, being so caught off guard, she turns to the only other person she can trust. 
“Jenny?” YN playfully calls for her manager who’s behind the glass window of the radio studio, leaning forward to look at her despite Harry in the way. 
“Help me, Jeffery,” Harry playfully pleads to his manager as well.
“No, no Jeffery. Jenny, get back in your chair, young lady.” Nick points out for the listeners who can’t see what’s currently happening. “Alright, I’ll stop, I’ll stop,” The host waves his hands, seeing the two visually calm down at the news. “Now, I’ll just play the one Harry wrote about YN. This is Two Ghosts!”
Harry playfully yells out an “Oh, no!” as he pushes himself away from the desk. YN lets out a humored scream at the same time, taking off her chunky radio headphones and tossing them onto the desk. 
“Okay, a big question that I’ve been getting on Twitter since it was announced that the two of you would be on here today,” Roman Kemp waves a hand in front of him at the Capital FM Breakfast Radio headquarters as he looks onto the two pop stars in front of him on the Zoom call. The couple can be seen in two separate rooms: Harry in a naturally lit room while YN sits against one of the brick walls in her bedroom.
Harry has his purple robe on that his girlfriend gifted him a couple of years ago, looking as comfy as ever since he doesn’t have to get dressed up to go outside for anything lately due to being on lockdown. 
YN on the other hand, didn’t want to miss the opportunity to get dolled up. Well, at least from the waist up. She wears one of her silk button-up blouses with her last name embroidered on the left chest, her hair neatly done up in a slick ponytail and her make-up nicely done. When she got complimented on her look, she clumsily lifted her leg up to show off her heart-decorated, fluffy pajama pants.
“And I feel like both of your fan bases combined would come out of quarantine to quite literally murder me if I don’t ask you guys this...” YN and Harry keep a mutual face on as they wait to hear what the host has to say. “We all know that you guys are an official couple now, but are you guys physically staying together at the moment? Like, are you guys living together or at the same house or...?”
The couple takes a second to process the intimate question. As Harry parts his lips to answer, he’s interrupted by his girlfriend speaking first. 
“Y’know, we’re kind of tired of getting questions like this. I don’t think it’s really appropriate for other people to know about that kind of stuff,” The crease between YN’s eyebrows becomes more apparent and her shoulders move sharply after letting out a deep sigh.
“Oh, I-I’m so sorry if I offended you guys—” The radio host quickly begins to retract.
“M’sorry but I think m’actually gonna log off now. Erm, thank you for having us.” YN curtly nods before the host and Harry’s faces fill the screen, both with wide eyes at the unexpected reaction from the go-happy pop star.
“Wait, did that really just happen?” Roman and the other two interviewers are deers in headlights, his eyes bouncing around the screen to make sure what just took place. 
“I think so,” Harry sighs. “It’s just a sensitive topic for us, y’know. I can’t really blame her for what she did,” He professionally hides his smile as he hears the quick pad of footsteps coming down her spiral staircase.
“I really meant no harm, it’s just—”
“It’s just really hard to keep our private life private, you know?” Harry drags on with a deep sigh. “And it's just really hard for us to have to answer things like this. Like, we don’t really know what you guys expect us to do when...” Harry’s dimples dig into his cheeks, a boyish giggle comes tumbling past his lips when YN peaks her head sideways in front of his laptop camera.
“YN!” Romans scolds with a bright smile, infinitely relieved he didn’t just make enemies with the world’s favorite female pop star. He dramatically throws a hand over his heart.
“Sorry, I’m sorry! It was just too good and Ro, I think you’re the only one that would be able to handle a joke like that.” YN laughs as she slides in close to her comfy-looking boyfriend.
“So I’m assuming this confirms my previous question?” The host asks excitedly.
“Yeah,” Harry smiles fondly at his love, discreetly wrapping an arm around her waist that’s low enough to not be shown on camera. “We’ve been living at YN’s place in LA for a couple of weeks now. And yeah, it’s been fun.”
In a full black suit, Harry is escorted to the next interviewer on the red carpet for the premiere of My Policeman. After a couple of initial questions, the eager woman asks, “Last thing before you get whisked away, on behalf of the fandom and everyone else on this planet, we just want to send a massive amount of love to you and YN.”
“Thank you very much,” He nods, putting a hand over his heart and trying his hardest to keep the growing smile on his face at bay. 
“And we are all just dying to know,” She takes a quick, excited glance back to the camera. “If you’re going to drop the big question soon?”
Harry can’t help but huff out a laugh, the kind where his dimples dig into his cheeks and the crows feet appear next to his eyes. If they only knew that YN kept the ring he gave her—the ring that signifies their promise to become husband and wife on their anniversary—at home for the sake of privacy and for this very reason. 
“Um,” He looks up in fake contemplation before giving her a cheeky shrug. “I dunno. Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows?”
“Well, best of luck to you both.”
After being escorted away, the camera doesn’t stop filming Harry as he goes over to stand next to his fiancée on the red carpet. Although the camera can’t pick up what YN says to Emma Corin that makes the actress laugh, her beaming smile turns to Harry when she feels his hand on her back. He can’t hold back from planting a loving peck on her cheek before the two are escorted to their next section on the red carpet. 
On a show in Cardiff, Harry adjusts a flag on his shoulder as he walks around the catwalk on stage. As he begins to sing Satellite, he makes a stop to sing to a group by the barricade. 
It’s nothing new to YN and Harry’s respective shows when fans bring signs with something on it to get the artists’ attention. Honestly, it’s become one of the parts of the show they look forward to the most.
So when Harry’s eyes move over to a newly raised sign that says ‘shag?’ on it, he breaks out into a smirk. Part of the fun of when fans bring signs is that there’s always a handful that asks these sorts of questions: Are you single? Can I have your number? Are you dating? 
It’s not so much the content written on the signs that makes the interaction so enjoyable; it’s the response that he gives. 
Because all Harry does is break out into that dimpled, love sick smile that YN can’t get enough of and happily points to his wedding band.
@ashtongivesmebutterflies @cacapeepee
(let me know if you want to be added to the taglist 💚)
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torakowalski · 1 month
Bit of a delay since the last part, but we're back! It's still late 1986/early 1987, they're still in a hotel, Eddie has still recently seen Steve's dick. This little pre getting-together mini arc should be three parts, then we're back to swimming!
(part one | part two | part three)
Robin is laughing so hard she sounds like she's gonna die, which isn't really helping Eddie's troubles but is making him smile despite himself. Girl's got an infectious cackle, what can he say.
"Oh my god," she says, more air than words, making static blow down the phone and right into his ear canal. He winces. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I know it's not funny, but you told it like it was funny to make me laugh, don't deny it."
Eddie had told his tale of woe like it was funny to make her laugh, so he doesn't deny it. "I know I'm being stupid," he says, feeling serious now, and listening as her laughter trails off. "But I kind of feel like I'm being a creep? Like, he thinks we're straight guys together, and it's totally chill if he comes out of the shower naked, but we're not."
Not to mention that seeing so much of Steve so often is doing nothing for Eddie's stupid crush, but he doesn't mention that. Either Robin knows about it or she doesn't, and if she doesn't, he's not gonna tell her.
She sighs. "Yeah, I know that feeling. But I mean, being naked is just like the norm for him; you know what jocks are like. And even when he is dressed, it's in tiny speedos half the time. I'm lucky, he never got totally naked around me, but I literally had to scream at him to get him to remember pants."
Eddie grins to himself. "What did you scream?" he asks, privately hoping it was just the word PANTS! over and over until Steve got the message.
Robin does a little cackle. "Okay, bear in mind I was at the end of my tether but it may have been, 'PUT YUR DICK AWAY, I AM TOO GAY FOR THIS!'"
It's Eddie's turn to laugh until he's maybe gonna choke. That is so much better than 'PANTS.'
"You're an inspiration, Buckley," he tells her and he means it.
They were always friendly in Hawkins, but he thinks they might be real friends now. Mostly because half the time she calls for Steve lately, his training is running long and she gets stuck talking to Eddie, instead, just like she is right now.
It's nice, having a friend who just gets it. Who knows not just the painful things that come from growing up gay in a small town, but the weird things and the funny things, too.
"I mean, you could do it too," Robin says, like it's easy. "Yell that in Steve's face, and I guarantee he'll feel super guilty and take you seriously and never wave his dick around in front of you again."
"He's not exactly waving it," Eddie protests, except now that's all he can picture. "That'd be a hell of a way to come out to him I guess though, huh? Just scream it in his face."
"Isn't that how you tell everyone everything?" Robin asks. "Or does it only work if there's a lunch table to strut around on."
"Nah, I'm resourceful." Eddie grips the phone receiver tighter, checks the length of the cord. "Hang on, I'm getting up on the bed."
"Eddie," Robin laughs, but Eddie's already done it.
Feet planted on the slippery hotel comforter, he does an experimental bounce and almost immediately brushes the top of his head against the popcorn ceiling.
"Okay, I'm up. So? I picture I'm in the lunch room?"
"Yup," says Robin. "Table of cheerleaders over there, table of jocks over there, me waving at you from the band geek table, and Steve standing in front of you, totally naked."
"I think I've had that dream," Eddie mutters.
"Ew," she says. "Moving on. You're Eddie the Brave, you're on your stage, what do you say?"
He doesn't yell it as loudly as he could, since he doesn't want anyone in the rooms next door to hear, but Robin still says, "Yes! Perfect!" sounding delighted.
Eddie grins, flops down onto the bed. Then sits up again in a startled rush, when the door handle turns and Steve lets himself in.
Any hope that he didn't hear dies the second Eddie sees his face. His eyes are wide and his eyebrows are up in his hairline, and he is definitely, definitely blushing.
"Steve," Eddie says strangled. Then, louder, "Robin! Steve's back!" He shoves the receiver at Steve who takes it automatically. "It's Robin. For you. Robin! Calling for you! I'll give you guys some privacy. Have a good talk. Goodbye."
Shoeless, he flees the room.
(continued here)
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 7 months
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Pairing: idol!brat tamer!Minho x fem!reader Word count: 1.8k Genre: Smut 🔥❤️ Warning: Not proofread, possessive themes, enemies to lovers, usage of y/n with female pronouns, outta character Lee Know >.> (my fault)
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To say Minho hated y/n was an understatement. He hoped she stepped on lego, he hoped both sides of her pillow were warm at night, he hoped she sipped her coffee while it was too hot, he hoped she stepped in a puddle while wearing baggy jeans. Oh, how he hated her.
He was in the studio with Bang Chan, Hyunjin, and Han, trying to think of lyrics and of course she came bounding in, loud and annoying.
"CHANNIE!" She ran to the older man and gave him a hug. "How are you?!"
Minho rolled his eyes and huffed.
"Oh. Hi Lee Minho." she said his name like curdled milk.
He wanted to throw his papers at her, but he was better than that.
"I'm good, y/n, how have you been?" Chan asked ruffling her hair.
"Literally, so good!" She smiled brightly up at him.
Minho gagged. y/n made a face and grabbed a blank piece of paper off Chan's desk and crumpled it before throwing it at Minho.
"Idiot." she spat.
Minho sprang from his seat to throw the paper ball back but Chan raised a brow as if to ask "for real?" and Minho stopped with an exasperated huff.
When Chan made the executive decision to call it a day and try to think some more another day, when they had all packed up their things. Minho turned away from the locker, where he had locked his bag away. y/n was behind him, reaching past his left shoulder .
"Sorry." She said softly, her breath against his ear. "Am I bothering you, idiot?"
He tensed, her chest was pressed against his as she got up on her tippy toes to reach. He attempted to move but her other hand came to block his way "accidentally".
"y/n." Minho's voice dropped an octave, "Back up."
"Give me a minute." She pressed closer and Minho felt the heat rushing to his abdomen.
She shifted slightly, her thigh rubbed all too close and he couldn't...
He grabbed her right wrist and pulled her back. "Do you know what you're doing..."
y/n stared at Minho. "I-" How could she lie? She knew damn well what she was doing. "I'm not doing anything."
He looked at her for a long moment.
And then she pulled away and he wanted to die on the spot.
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They were seated in the small car, Chan was driving, Hyunjin in the front passenger, Jisung, Minho, and y/n in the back. How Minho allowed himself to get wedged between the two, he couldn't answer himself. y/n had shifted slightly, rubbing too close for comfort, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
"Move. You idiot." She rolled her eyes.
Minho glared at her. What on earth was she doing?
He moved a bit closer to Jisung and gasped slightly as she moved DELIBERATELY, to press her thigh against his.
"I said 'Move.'" she gave him a face.
"Move where?" He hissed angrily.
"You sound like angry cats." Chan teased.
Jisung cackled. Hyunjin sighed shaking his head.
"How about we go have fun? Get all the bad nerves out." Chan suggested.
"Let's go to a club!" Han said making his eyebrows bounce.
"No-" Chan started.
"I'm in" y/n agreed.
"Why not." Hyunjin said looking at his phone.
Even if Minho had said no, it was a three v two.
Minho sprang out of the car after Jisung as they finally came to the club. He couldn't bear to be in that car so cramped any longer. He walked with Chan into the club.
After one too many drinks he noticed y/n dancing with a random stranger, grinding back on the man.
Her gaze locked on Minho and she smirked, rubbing back on the man like her life depended on it. Ew. Minho thought, trying to control the urge to clench his fist.
As the song ended he watched y/n try to walk away from the man who was becoming extremely touchy.
He kept sipping his drink, not his business...
He looked up as the man dragged her to the door, he wasn't getting up because he wanted to make sure nothing happened to her, it was because it was the right thing to do.
"Excuse me." Lee Know grabbed the man's hand. "What do you think you're doing?"
"Mind your business." The man said lowly and tried to drag y/n away.
"You idiot!" y/n snapped. "Leave me alo-"
He punched the man clean in the nose and grabbed her arm. "Come with me." He gave her the room to pull away, the opportunity to say no. But she didn't, why hadn't she?
As he pulled her outside he grabbed her shoulders and shook her. "Are you stupid?!"
"Let go of me you dumbass!" She pulled away. "No, I'm not stupid you idiot."
He rolled his eyes. "Running off with a random guy isn't stupid?"
"Why would you care?" She looked up at him expectantly. "Don't you want me to step on a puddle or miss a step on the stairs just for the scare? You know you're really stupid, Minho. You're actually an idiot."
"Shut up." He glared down at her.
"Make me."
And he snapped. It was a twenty minute taxi ride back to the dorm and he checked multiple times to make sure the other members weren't home before he even considered it. The moment the front door was open he led her in before caging her against the door, locking it.
"Minho... I-"
"You want me to shut you up?" He grabbed her face. "Shut up." He kissed her hard, there was no room for protest, his tongue prodded at her lip for entry and her mouth opened obediently.
"You know what you've been doing to me don't you, you fucking idiot." He gripped her chin and glared down into her eyes.
"I didn't-" she started.
"Don't try me." He breathed shakily.
She nodded.
"Good girl." He kissed her hard.
She pulled back for air and he grabbed her hair. "Lee Know-"
"Shut. Up."
She didn't say a word as he led her to his room and locked the door.
"On the bed now." He unbuttoned his shirt before shrugging it off his shoulders.
y/n took a moment to admire him.
"Am I speaking another language you idiot?" He raised a brow.
"No, sorry. Bed, got it." She sat on the bed and stared at him.
"Idiot." He leaned close and she leaned back. "Do you understand you upset me earlier?"
"Which time..." y/n tried to resist the cocky grin that came to her face.
"You know what."
"If I say no."
"I'll fuck you in your pretty little skirt and send you home like that."
Her cheeks went pink.
She hurriedly removed her clothes and sat looking at her hands, oh how the tables had turned.
He gripped her face gently and smiled. "Bend over."
When she had bent over the bed she heard him walking around. "What are you doing?"
"Didn't I tell you to be quiet?" He asked.
"No, you told me you would shut me up bu-" She gave a sharp cry as he smacked her backside.
"I'm warning you."
Heat rushed to her core and she bit her lip. "Minho..." She looked over her shoulder.
"Hm?" He hummed, admiring the handprint on her ass.
"I think you're a dumass, who needs to stop holding gru-" she gasped suddenly when he rubbed her clit.
"What was that?"
"You little-" She started.
He nudged a finger against her entrance. "I think you don't hate me nearly as much as you pretend to, look at how wet you are for me." He pulled his hand away from her sex and played with the slick.
She whined. "Stop it..."
"Oh?" He leaned down with a smirk. "Am I bothering you, idiot?"
"Lee Kn-"
He slapped her ass and rubbed her sex again. She whimpered falling silent. "Are you going to be good for me?"
"You damn-"
"Ah?" He pulled away and she whined.
"Yes, I'll be good, I'm sorry." she huffed.
"Good girl."
She heard the rustle and zip behind her followed by the sound of a belt buckle hitting the floor. "Minho."
"You can take it."
"You haven't even-" Her thought was cut short when his cock split her walls, a moan escaping her lips.
"I don't think I need to..." He grunted softly before pushing deeper. "This pretty thing all for me? You're really too kind."
She clenched her fists and whimpered, "Move."
"Beg for it." he chuckled.
He started to pull out.
"Please? I'll be good."
"Since you asked so nicely." He slammed into her.
She moaned out loudly and jerked forward.
"Nuh uh." He grabbed her hips and pulled her back into his thrusts, hitting deep, "You wanted it didn't you?"
"Mhm!" She whimpered biting her lip.
Minho reached around and grabbed her face pulling it back to look up at him. "I want to hear you." His other hand snuck and rubbed her clit furiously.
She moaned loudly and he bucked into her faster. "Minho-" Her toes curled, 's too much! S-slow down!"
"I can't understand you idiot speak clearly." He pulled her so his chest was pressed to her back.
"Please!" She slurred out.
He continued rubbing her clit, "Please what?"
"Slow down!"
"Good girl." He slowed down and brought the fingers that were rubbing her clit to his mouth. "'Ah.'" He brought them to her lips.
She opened her mouth and he put his fingers in her mouth.
"Such a good girl hm? You want to cum?" He slowed his thrusts more.
"Minho!" She whined around his fingers.
"What?" He smirked against her ear.
"I wanna cum please."
He let her fall face down on the bed and slammed into her harder and faster, she moaned loudly and squealed.
"All these pretty little sounds for me. You're mine, no?" He breathed against the shell of her ear.
"Yes, I'm yours." She cried.
He rubbed her clit. "Cum for me pretty thing."
She came hard, her walls squeezing his cock hard, sucking him in deep. His thrusts grew sloppy and he gasped against her shoulder blade.
"Minho! Please please!" She begged and his hips stuttered, he thrust as deep as he could and stayed there for a moment. His release filling her as she whimpered.
He rolled off her and lied back on the bed, panting.
She glanced at him. "When did you learn to do that?"
"Shut up, idiot." Minho covered his face with his arm.
"You shut up." She muttered.
"Didn't you say you'd be good?"
"I'm being nice, I haven't even called you a dumass, you dumass."
Minho made a face.
y/n giggled and moved close to him. And Minho smiled.
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mochinomnoms · 11 months
I love your idea for Hanahaki! Like you said, it's always so tragic and dramatic and angsty (and who am I kidding, I'll keep reading it), but your take on it is so refreshing!
For the event, can I request Ruggie with 15, Trey with 1, and Jade with 18? Romantic; fluff and/or suggestive, please?
And if I completely misunderstood how to request properly, I'm terribly sorry. 😬
So excited to see more of your work!
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part 2: jade leech x gn!reader ruggie bucchi (15); trey clover (1) [separate] x gn!reader [tags] – fluff, suggestive [wc} – 2,500+ each prompt 15: “Sooo, are you gonna apologize for puking dahlias all over my breakfast?” prompt 1: “Why is your trash can full of flower petals? Are you secretly a botanist, or is there something you're not telling me?” note - both ruggie and trey got real long, so i will post jade's snippet separately later! a floral inconvenience
Dahlias – In pre-Colombian Mexico and Guatemala, wild-growing dahlias and their tubers were seen as a food source. 
Ruggie has been absolutely miserable for the past week, as one would be when they have mysterious large, red flowers sprouting out from their mouth and head. It also didn’t help that all the other second-years, especially the twins, were giving him a hard time. 
“Hey, hey Jade! You know plants.” Floyd was currently picking at the flower that Ruggie just spit out, undeterred by the spit on it. 
“I bet we can figure out who Sharksucker likes if we figure out what flower he’s spittin’ out. What kind is it? 
Jade leaned down to study the intense red, ray-like petals, poking at the central disk of yellow florets in the middle. Ruggie was NOT a fan of how interested Jade was, attempting to lean out of the twins’ grasp. 
“Hmm, I’m not sure. I certainly haven’t seen it on any of my hiking expeditions or in the botanical gardens.”
Ruggie yelped as Jade plucked a flower from a particularly sensitive spot behind his right ear. 
“Ow! Watch it man!” 
Rubbing his ear, Ruggie glared at Jade, who was still looking curiously at the flower bringing his arm down for Azul who also seemed eager to identify the flower. 
“I certainly don’t recognize it either, looking up similar flora, there aren’t any that are quite the same as this one.”
Ruggie could just make out under Azul’s breath, “Imagine all the money we could make if we say we discovered a new flower!”
He scoffed at Azul, rubbing his eyes from mental exhaustion. The twins and Azul weren’t the only ones interested in his hanahaki. 
“It’s a really pretty flower, Jamil! Do you think we have any like it in the gardens back home?” Kalim eagerly asked, trying his best to lean in without disturbing Silver, who’d fallen asleep on his shoulder. 
“Hmm, no I don’t think so.” Jamil looked mildly interested, holding a hand to his chin. “The Asim gardens have a variety of exotic and rare flora, so the fact that we don’t recognize this one is certainly interesting.”
Jade chuckled, “So, it would be easy to narrow down the person of Ruggie’s affections, yes.”
“Why are you all suddenly so interested in my love life?” 
“Why, we’re being benevolent, of course!” Azul replied, a cheeky grin on his face.
“Yea Sharksucker, it must be reeeeal annoying to puke up flowers all the time. Besides—” Floyd gave a nasally laugh as Jade continued his sentence.
“—wouldn’t it be nice to have some assistance getting rid of his annoying sickness? After all, with your background, you’re not the most eligible bachelor around.”
“Okay, first of all fuck you—” Ruggie jabbed a fork in his direction. 
“Not interested, but thank you.”
“Second of all—ew no, gross—second of all, you guys aren’t exactly the most pinned for guys, even with your family money.”
Riddle let out a laugh, nodding in agreement. “Certainly, no price in the world could make up for your personalities.”
“Aww, come on Goldfishie.” Floyd pouted. “You don’ wanna go out with me? Why? I don’t meet your mama’s standard?”
“Why you—”
“Hey guys!”
A chipper voice interrupted a reddening Riddle, who looked like he was ready to launch himself over the table to strangle Floyd. Ruggie perked up to look at you and Grim perched on your shoulder, carrying a lunch tray with some coffee, a bowl of oatmeal, and a singular powdered donut. 
Adjusting the tray in your hands, you let Grim jump off onto the table as you sat. You grabbed the donut with your freed hand and reached your arm out to Ruggie.
“Hey, I got you a donut, powdered’s your favorite right?”
Oh. Oooooh powdered was indeed his favorite. So were you. By the Seven, he thinks that you’d be his favorite snack. You were so cute. Your lips looked soft, plush. He wondered if you took a bite out of the donut if the first thing he’d taste was you or the sugar. 
Opening his mouth to reply, Ruggie found himself instead choking, a tickling sensation developing in the pit of his stomach and growing up his throat to his mouth. He gagged as various shades of bright red blooms fell out of his mouth and onto the table. Specifically, onto your tray as you sat directly across from him. 
Ruggie could make out the stifling laughter of his peers . He internally groaned, looking at your tray, now covered in red flowers. Riddle tapped his shoulder, offering him a cup of warm tea. 
“Here, it should help soothe your throat.” 
Taking the cup, he started drinking what he thought was honey lemon tea, soothing his throat. 
Across the table from him, you let out a soft cough, drawing his and the other’s attention. 
“Sooo, are you gonna apologize for puking dahlias all over my breakfast?”
The tea went down the wrong pipe. Ruggie started choking, Kalim frantically reaching over to pat his back. 
“Oh? Does the Little Shrimpy know this flower?” Floyd asked, he and his brother slithering over to sit on either side of you. Their eyes met briefly, then at Ruggie, both giving him a knowing grin.
“Dahlias? Yeah! They’re my favorite!” you answered, blissfully unaware of the predicament they’d just put him in. 
Ruggie wished he could be just as carefree.  
The other five slowly turned their heads to stare at Ruggie, each looking especially gleeful and teasing. 
“You don’t say?” Jamil drawled, smirking at Ruggie, whose state of mind was rapidly deteriorating. “We’ve never heard of it.”
You looked at Jamil in surprise. “Wait really?”
“Yes, these, dahlias you called them? They’re not from Twisted Wonderland.” Riddle had a mischievous smile, tipping the end of Ruggie’s cup before he could interject, making him choke on the tea again. 
“Aw really? That kinda sucks.” you pouted, twirling one of the loose flowers in your hand. “I love them, fun fact, did you know you can eat both the flower and the tuber?”
Ruggie would never admit it out loud, but your cute, excitable grin makes him feel all warm and giddy inside. He’d even give you his grandma’s homemade donuts if he got to see more of it. 
By the Seven, he’d give you his donuts. He really had it bad.
“Really? How fascinating! Isn't it Ruggie?” Jade asked, giving a closed mouth smile. The tone of his voice made it clear though, he and the others figured out you were the root cause of his hanahaki. 
Ruggle got up abruptly, snatching the donut from your hand (why miss out on free food?) and the breakfast sandwich he’d gotten for Leona. 
“I gotta go take Leona’s breakfast to him, I’ll see you guys later—”
“Wait, Ruggie!” Kalim cries out, startling Silver awake. “But the Prefect knows the flowers—”
Ruggie rushed out of the cafeteria, red petals flying behind him as he ran. The remaining 8 at the table stared after him, you in particular looking confused. 
“Is he okay?” You asked, looking confused and disappointed. “Did I say something wrong?”
“Ah, perhaps we went a bit too far…” Jamil muttered. 
Riddle sighed as he nodded in agreement, “Yes. Don’t worry yourself about it Prefect, we were discussing something else, you didn’t say anything wrong.”
You hummed as you cleared off your tray of dahlias, taking small bites of your oatmeal. 
“Why’s he puking flowers?”
The group stayed silent, sharing knowing looks with each other. The twins and Azul in particular were smirking, while Kalim perked up. 
“Oh he has hanahaki, it’s like a love sickness.” Kalim blissfully replied, Jamil pinching his nose and sighing heavily. 
Riddle placed a hand on Kalim’s shoulder, giving him a stern look. “We had our fun earlier, but it’s not our business to share his medical information with anyone.”
He turned his gaze to you, making you shrink in on yourself. “It would be best to ask him yourself, Prefect.”
Floyd tsked. “Aww, that’s no fun! Don’t you wanna help Sharksucker? You do, dontcha Shrimpy?”
The twins leaned into your ears, like an angel and devil on your shoulder if the angel was just a devil with a halo and wings taped on. 
“Why, you care for Ruggie, don’t you dear Prefect?” Jade cooed, chucking at your pink cheeks. 
“Hehehe, of course they too, look at their blush!” Floyd giggled, poking at your right cheek. “Little Shrimpy isn’t a shrimp for nothin’!”
“And after all, only you can help him!” Azul came up behind you, startling you as he placed his hands on your shoulder. 
The trio chuckled, coercing you to listen to their honeyed words, feeding on your soft spot for the hyena beastman. 
Riddle shared a look with Jamil before sighing and walking off. Jamil followed suit, grabbing Kalim by the arm to drag him away before he too, inevitably, got involved in their scheme. Silver, now that he was bright and alert, similarly left, nodding at you. 
Here you were, alone amongst the “benevolent” Octavinelle trio, now regretting waking up early to get breakfast instead of just sleeping in.
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Ruggie had been leaving trails of dahlias behind him all day, getting on the ghost janitors’ ire and lectured by Crewel specifically. 
“Loose flowers in a lab is the perfect example of a hazard to lab safety! Have you not gone to the nurse to get this taken care of?!”
He hadn’t had a fit since seeing you this morning, luckily. He had noticed you in the hallways in between classes though. Everytime your eyes met his own, you’d flush and rush away. 
“Ugh, one of the guys must’ve told them.” Ruggie groaned, slumped over as he walked over to the kitchens, feet aching from running around his shift at Sam’s and now Mostro Lounge. 
Azul had asked him to collect some perishable items that he’d purchased from a supplier, having it delivered to the school’s walk-in fridge until he could have someone pick it up. 
Jade and Floyd were supposed to be there, ready to help, but they were nowhere to be found. Ruggie shrugged, walking into the kitchen and heading to the fridge before he felt himself get yanked by his collar. 
“Hahahehehe! Be sure to thank us later, Sharksucker!”
“Fuhuhu~ Indeed Ruggie, I’m sure you’ll appreciate it later.”
“Oof! Hey!” Ruggie stumbled into the pantry, landing on something soft. “What the-Jade, Floyd this isn’t funny—”
“Mmph!” The floor beneath him started wiggling and groaning, startling Ruggie. His eyes were slowly adjusting to the dark, his hyena genes serving him well as he yelped, looking down.
A white cloth was tied around your mouth while your hands and feet were bound by what looked like Floyd’s scarf. Ruggie’s ears and dahlias drooped down as he saw that your cheeks were covered in tear tracks. 
"Mmmphie! Mmmphie! Mmmph mmph mmph!" came out from behind the tightly-bound cloth.
“W-what? FLOYD! JADE! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!” He could hear the twins’ laughter from outside the door. Ruggie started pounding on the door with his fist, growling before freezing, hearing your muffled crying.
The hyena scrambled to turn on the light switch before returning back to your curled up form, gingerly untying the bound on your mouth. 
“R-r-ruggie!!” You bawled out, fresh new tears spilling out of your eyes as he undid the knot on your hands, then feet. 
“Hey, hey it’s alright Prefect, Y/N? I’m here—AH!” He yelped as you launched yourself in his arms, landing on his back, red petals flying . He stiffened as you shoved your head into the nook of his neck, hiccuping as you began babbling. 
“I’m sorry Ruggie!!!” Softly glowing dahlias started popping up from between his ears and vines growing down his arms as he spat out petals. 
“What’re you talking about? This isn’t your fault—”
“But it is! Azul and them said you were sick and that it was my faaaaault!” He froze, pulling you away to look at your teary eyes and snotty face. 
Gods you looked terrible. Red-faced, puffy eyes, and pout made you look like an ugly crier, not doing you any justice. Ruggie couldn’t help the squeeze in his heart as you reached back out to clutch onto him again. You were the cutest ugly crier he’d ever seen. 
“What? What do you mean—”
“They said that my crush on you’s been making you puke the flowers!” Ruggie’s ears perked up, and despite the growing blush and the resembling dahlias, he let you continue.
“Your crush?”
“My crush!!! It’s making you sick, a-and that I needed to confess to make it go away but-but-but-” You wailed, Ruggie allowing you to shove your head into his chest. 
“I was embarrassed! Then Floyd got mad a-at me and he and Jade tied me up and threw me in here.”
Ruggie hummed in response. It made sense now why Azul specifically asked him to collect the produce from the kitchen, instead of letting him manage the floor like usual. 
“They said I was ’ppose to be a present. I’m sorry Ruggie, I didn’t mean to drag you into this.”
He let out a heavy sigh, rubbing the back of your head affectionately.  
“Nah, it’s not your fault entirely.” He tilted your chin to look up at him. “You are the reason I got the flowers, but not cause of your crush though.”
You made a questioning noise, blinking curiously at him. You looked like one of the kids back home after throwing a tantrum. 
“Shyehehehe! They didn’t say what the flowers ‘re from?” Ruggie laughed as you pouted, pinching his cheek.”
“What do you mean? Is it still my fault? And I basically just confessed! I’m crying in a closet, just confessed and you’re laughing at me!”
Ruggie’s laughter died down as he grabbed your hand, moving it to cradle his cheek instead. His ears perked up as he heard your soft gasp, his eyes meeting yours, blown wide. 
His tail wagged, despite himself. “It’s cause I like ya, Prefect. I like ya so much that it makes my stomach ache and flowers sprout from all over. I gotta hand it to ya, for a cute little herbivore, you sure got your teeth dug right into my heart.”
You scoffed, using your other arm to wipe your face clean. 
“The dahlias make sense now…did you at least try eating them?”
He let out a barking laugh, followed by your giggling. “I thought about it! I spat out enough of them that I got sick of the taste, besides…”
Ruggie could hear the rustling of his tail under his clothes as he wrapped an arm around your waist, grinning wider at the gasp that left your mouth as he yanked you onto his lap. 
He pressed you against him until your bodies were flushed against one another. Heat pooled in the pit of his stomach as he gazed up to your flustered face. Ruggie nuzzled his head into your chest, feeling your rapidly speeding heartbeat. 
“Ruggie…” You tangled your hands through his hair, making him groan as you gently pulled his head back and rubbed the backs of his ears. 
You leaned down to graze your lips over his, giving Ruggie a heady whine as he nibbled on your lower lip.
“Shyehehe~ You’re awfully clingy for a poor little hyena like me, you sure I meet your standards?”
Despite his attempt at humor, Ruggie was sure that you could hear the apprehensive tone in his voice, your eyes softening. 
Instead of pointing his insecurity out, you answered his question with a deep, open-mouth kiss. He groaned into your mouth, returning your kiss with desperation, as if you’d disappear in his grasp. 
Ruggie’s hands wandered along your sides, slipping underneath your shirt and tracing your spine, causing you to shiver in delight. You pulled away from his lips, causing him to let out a displeased growl before shifting into something closer to a purr as you left wet kisses along his neck. 
Feeling your teeth softly dig themselves into the crook of his neck and chest, Ruggie rolled his hips into yours, delighting in the moan that left you. 
Just as you started suckling, no doubt leaving a mark, his world turned upside down as he suddenly fell backwards onto the ground of the college kitchen. 
“Ow, shit!” Ruggie winced as the back of his head smacked into the hard tile flooring, you splayed over his body. 
“What is wrong with you two? When I said get them into a room together, I didn’t mean—oh my!” Azul squeaked, glasses skewed as he saw the two of you. Ruggie developing a dark red hickey and you with your shirt nearly half off. 
“Aw, see it worked out!” Floyd chirped, delighted at the turn of events. 
Jade chuckled, taking his phone out to quickly snap a photo. 
“W-what, hey! Don’t go taking pictures!” Ruggie cried out as the both of you scrambled to get up and tidy yourselves.
Jade smiled innocently. “Oh? Don’t worry, I’ll only share it with the other second years, just to win a bet.”
Ruggie narrowed his eyes at Jade. “Alright but how much did ya bet? You’re gonna split it with me right—”
The four men winced at your shrill shriek. 
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Zinnia – A purple zinnia flower symbolizes spiritual exaltation and honoring the divine. It also symbolizes love on a soul mate level.
Pink cosmos – In the Victorian era, cosmos flowers symbolized joy in love and in life. Dark pinks ones should be given to a romantic interest.
The latest unbirthday planning was going well. Since spring had just arrived, it was tradition for the first spring unbirthday party to have the desserts be made with the seasonal harvest. Riddle was especially happy to hear that Trey would be making strawberry and apricot tarts for this party. 
Trey was especially excited to try his hand at his mother’s sugared lavender cupcakes, a family recipe that she insisted on keeping out of his hands until he guaranteed her an in-law. 
Luckily he’d managed to convince her by telling her that the cupcakes might help him dazzle a certain someone. She was quick to mail him the original copy with the promise of a visitor during the next break. 
Now if only he could find the recipe card. 
“Hmm, I thought I brought it down from my room…hey Cater?”
“Yeah Trey?” Cater answered in a sing-song voice. 
“I can’t find my mom’s recipe card.” Trey groaned as he rubbed his face. “She’ll kill me if I lose it, can you go to my room to check if I left it on my desk?” 
Cater winked and gave him a finger gun. “Sure thing Trey! Cay-Cay in on the case! Brb!”
Trey nodded as Cater left the kitchen, now focusing on preparing the jam and frosting for the strawberry-lemon cake, which was cooling on the counter. He was so focused on making the jam and whisking the cream cheese frosting, he failed to notice a certain someone sneaking up behind him. 
Trey hummed, looking over his shoulder to look down at you with your arms out and teeth bared. “Oh, hey Y/N, you’re here early.”
“Aw booooooo! You were supposed to get scared!” You pouted at the taller man, pulling at his arm as he laughed at your little tantrum. 
“Haha, scared? Of you? Hardly.” Trey winced and held his arms up in defense, still laughing as you started to pound on his arms and back. 
“Ow, ow! Okay I concede!” He grabbed your hands, holding them over your head as he leaned down towards your face, smirking. 
Trey hovered his face over yours, enjoying your pouty blush. With a teasing lilt, he cooed, “Don’t be a brat, Y/N. Or else you won’t get a treat later~”
“Hmph, maybe I’ll just steal some later. What are you gonna do? Punish me?” You replied in an equally teasing tone, stepping on your tiptoes, making yourself just talk enough to brush your nose against his. 
“Mmm, don’t tempt me, I just might—”
“Hey Trey I found your—whoa! What did I just walk into?”
The two of you rapidly distanced yourselves from each other, Trey nearly knocking over the bowl of jam and you tripping into the table chair. 
Both of you answered Cater with a louder than needed, “Nothing!” as your faces turned the same shade as the strawberries he was baking with. 
“Riiiiight, uh, Trey I got your mom’s recipe card!” The ginger looked between you two with an absolute ecstatic grin, making eye contact with Trey and wiggling his eyebrows. 
“I can come back though, if you two need a moment—”
You interrupted, “No, it’s fine. I promised Ace and Deuce I’d help paint the roses.” 
Trey looked at you wistfully as you tidied yourself, pulling out a bouquet of dark-pink cosmos from your bag. 
“Here, you like these right? I thought you could use them to decorate the cake ‘n stuff.”
Trey smiled and accepted the bouquet of admittedly stunning cosmos, ignoring Cater’s open mouth smile and silent squealing. 
“Thanks, I’m sure they’ll go great with the cake, I’ll see you later.”
His eyes wandered up and down your body as you left the kitchen, waving your fingers as you gave a playful “Bye~”
Trey replied with his own enamored “bye” as he waved after you, a lovesick grin on his face as he watched you leave. 
Eyes still on the doorway you left through, it took a few moments and Cater waving his hand in front of his face to get his attention back. 
“Helloooo? Wonderland to Trey~” Cater sang, snapping his fingers in Trey’s face. “You’re a lil out of it, got something juicy you wanna share with me? Come on! Give Cay-Cay the deets!”
Trey rolled his eyes, swiping the recipe card from his friend’s hands. 
“There’s no ‘deets’ for Cay-Cay to know, not if he wants me to make him a spicy fruit cocktail for today.”
Cater hummed as he watched Trey resume building the strawberry-lemon cake, gesturing for him to grab stuff from the pantry. 
“Now, help me grab the lavender from the pantry, and get some more flour, I’ll need it for the cupcakes.”
“Sure! Speaking of flowers…” Cater leaned over to whisper into Trey’s ear, “why’s your trash can full of flower petals? Are you secretly a botanist, or is there something you're not telling me?”
Cater let out an uncharacteristically giddy cackle as he watched Trey drop the clean bowl he’d grabbed, whipping around to stare at him with wide eyes. 
“You saw those?” 
“Yeah, zinnias right?” Cater called out as he collected the items Trey requested. “Little Y/N’s favorite~ You want to tell me where you got so many?”
“Uh, the botanical gardens, where else?”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure, the gardens.” sneaking up from behind him, Cater plucked a light purple colored flower from the back of Trey’s neck, who hissed at the sudden prick. 
“Not from hanahaki popping up on your body, tooootallyyy!”
Trey groaned out loud, attempting to look behind him for any other blooms. “Damn it, I thought I got rid of them. Are there more I can’t see?” 
“Nah, you’re fine.” Cater waved him off, looking around the hard-to-reach places for his friend. “It was just the one.”
Trey sighed in relief, thanking Cater as he placed the bag of lavender petals in his hand, “Good, it was a pain to get them out of my hair, let alone my mouth. They’re really bitter you know?”
“O-M-G, Treeeeey!” Cater gasped, throwing himself against his friend. “That’s, like, a supes easy fix! Just confess, you already have the flowers to give!”
“Ha, I know, I plan to later.”
“Plus, with the way you two were allover each other earlier, there’s no way they won’t say yes—OMGWAITWHAT!”
Cater shook Trey by his shoulders, while the latter attempted to steady the bowl of dry ingredients in his hand, guarding it with a vigor akin to a knight and their liege. 
Trey smacked his free hand on Cater’s mouth, effectively silencing him minus a few muffled sounds. He breathed out a heavy and deep sigh before slowly replying to Cater. 
“If I take my hand off your mouth, will you quiet down?”
Cater gave an enthusiastic nod, eyes twinkling. Trey could feel the grin against his hand, and reluctantly and slowly removed his hand. 
“...So when did you find out? When did you decide to confess?!” The ginger asked giddily, watching as Trey resumed his task at hand, preparing the ingredients for the lavender cupcakes. 
“A week ago, I overheard Ace and Deuce talking about the Prefect coughing up a bunch of pink cosmos, they were arguing over what tea would help with their symptoms.”
Cater made an ‘O’ shape with his mouth, pointing at the cosmos you’d given to Trey earlier, placed carefully on the counter. 
“You mean—”
“Mm-hm, those are probably their hanahaki, grew up with those in my mom’s garden, she used them as garnishes on cakes, especially wedding ones.”
Trey smiled fondly as he reached to grab one of the small flowers, rubbing the soft petals between his fingers. “A bit after that I started to find zinnias in my bed, coughing them up and everything. I think the nurse probably put two and two together after I went to see her.”
He shrugged as he grabbed his mother’s recipe card, twirling it in his fingers. 
“I figured, why wait? Mom always said that it was these cupcakes that snatched Dad up, I’ve always wanted to try my hand at them plus she wouldn’t pass down this recipe without a partner in the picture.”
“Oh, Trey!” Cater clasped his hands together as he squealed, “You want help? I get some of the froshies to finish up the tarts and cake, so you can focus on those! Like, don’t even worry about it boo!”
Cater winked gave Trey a half-arm hug. “I’ll make sure they follow instructions to a T! All I ask for in exchange is the exclusive right to snap the first pic of the brand-new school couple, capiche?”
True to his word, Cater was quick to round up a handful of freshmen who he’d found goofing off instead of painting roses. They were more than happy to take over Trey’s baking, after he gave them strict rules and a talking too on what to do, in order to not be snitched off to Riddle. 
Thankfully, the cupcakes weren’t difficult to make, what with his experience in the kitchen. He’d cut the recipe down by half so that he’d only make four, medium sized cupcakes. In fact, the most difficult part was making sure that he ground up enough lavender to turn the glaze a soft purple, which complemented the zinnias he’d placed in the small basket. Using the plush flowers as a cushion, he placed the blooms of your cosmos in between the gaps, creating a beautiful, pink and purple presentation. 
He was sure you’d love it, carefully hiding the wicker basket, covered by a white tablecloth, underneath the table. 
Later, Trey smiled as he looked around at the dorm members enjoying the party. His cake was a big hit, and Riddle in particular was enjoying the flower themed desserts, specially the daisy-shaped fruit tarts. 
“You’ve outdone yourself this time Trey!” Riddle praised him, “It seems that everyone has particularly enjoyed the sweets this time around. Well done, I’d expect nothing less!
Trey chuckled bashfully, rubbing the back of his head. “Thanks Riddle, be sure to praise the freshmen too, that group over there helped out a lot as well.”
Riddle nodded, his mood in high-spirits as he walked over to the group Trey gestured to. Trey raised his head to look over the crowd of red, white, and black for Cater, who was currently adjusting his slice of cake for the perfect angle. 
Grim was also with him, hungrily waiting for Cater to give him the okay to make the sacrifice of scarfing down the sweet dessert. Perfect.
Trey briskly walked over to him, basket in hand, leaning down to whisper in his ear. Cater perked up and nodded before calling out. 
“Hey Acey, Deucey! Com ‘ere real quick, Cay-Cay needs ya for a super-duper important task!”
The pair perked up mid-conversation with you, nodding at you and rushing over to Cater per his request. Trey walked over to you, though he could make out Cater asking the duo for assistance with a Magicam post. 
“Hey, Y/N.” You smiled up at him as he approached, wiping the tart crumbs from the corner of your mouth. Trey had the impulsive to lean down and lick the mess off of you himself, though he shook it away. 
“Hey, what’s up Trey!” You clasped your hands behind you, rocking back and forth on your heels, unaware of the petals. “You did great with the desserts, I noticed you didn’t use the flowers I gave you on the cake though…are they not edible?”
“About that…I actually wanted to show you something else I did with the flowers,” Trey held his hand out to you soft smile growing bigger as you laced your fingers through his. 
Trey led you to an isolated corner of the rose maze, stiffening slightly as you wrapped your arm around his, relaxing as you leaned in. The small basket was being carefully guarded against his right side, being carefully cradled like a precious stone in a gold necklace. 
The two of you remained in a comfortable silence, basking in each other’s presence like an old, aging married couple on a stroll. The image made him smile. 
I wasn’t but a few minutes later that you’d arrived at a secluded white gazebo, roses and vines crawling up the sides. It was just far enough away that the sound of laughter and chatter from the party was but a faint white noise, giving Trey the perfect ambiance needed for his plan. 
“Take a seat right there, I got something for you.” Trey gestured to the stone bench, a fitting heart-shaped backrest further setting the mood. 
“Oh? Alright.” You took a seat, still looking up at him with a curious expression. “Is it something in the basket?”
He let out a soft chuckle, “Why don’t you close your eyes and let me surprise you?” 
You squint your eyes in suspicion, scoffing as you obey.
“Fine, if I get another spoonful of vanilla extract though—”
Trey barked out a laugh. “I told you it was bitter! Now keep those eyes closed.”
“It smells sweet! It’s made of vanilla!” You huffed, flinching and then relaxing as you felt him place the basket on your lap. “That’s not the worst thing even, I’m still angry about the oyster sauce donuts!”
“Okay that one was your own fault, you saw me do the same thing with Ace and the chestnut tarts, remember? When we first met?”
You smiled fondly, as did Trey though you couldn’t see it. What Trey could see though were the cosmos blooming along your exposed nape. He let out a soft cough, spitting out a lilac zinnia. 
“Hmm, yeah, I do.” He wiped his hands clean, gingerly placing the zinnia on the bench next to you, uncovering the basket and grabbing one of the still pristine cupcakes. 
“Okay, here—” Trey took the sugared lavender stem and held it up to you mouth. “—open up and say ‘aah’~”
“Pfft—okay, aaaah~” Grinning, Trey placed the stem on your tongue and watched as you slowly chewed. 
“Well? How’s that taste?”
You hummed. “It’s sweet, flowery…it tastes like the evening tea Riddle has before bed…soooo lavender?”
Trey hummed in affirmation. “That’s right, now take a bite of this.” He unfolded the wrapper off of the cupcake, holding it up as you took a small bite. 
“Mmmh! Trey!” Your moan of delight caused a pleasurable shiver down his spine, less than pure thoughts filling his head. “It’s so good, it’s lavender too? Is it a cookie…no wait, a cupcake!”
“Heh, good guess, I have one last thing for you to taste, ‘kay?”
He watched as you eagerly nodded, mouth open for the next treat. Trey leaned down, hovering his lips over you own, noticing the light purple glaze still on your bottom lip.
Feeling his breath over your own, you stuttered out, “T-trey? What are you—mmph!”
Trey gently, but firmly pressed his lips to yours, licking the glaze and swiping his tongue along your lip as you opened up to let him in. Your hands reached to tug him by the lapel, returning his kiss with eagerness and tugging him closer and closer, gasps leaving both of your lips. 
Still hands were now wandering, gliding up your thighs and along the curve of your back, deciding to settle on the backrest. Trey found himself leaning down to match your height, knee settled in between your thighs. 
A beguiling groan rang from between your mouths, from who you didn’t know, then another as Trey’s tongue met your own. Then a gasp as you felt his hand hook underneath you as he lifted you to curl against his body, left hand still cradling and rubbing soothing circles at the small of your back. 
Your back was so far arched, chest meeting chest, that you moved your hands from their steel grip on his lapels to instead wrap around his shoulder and neck as he dipped you further to feel your body press into his. 
Trey licked your lower lip again, positive he could still taste the sweet lavender on your lip, causing you to whine as he instead took your lower lip between his teeth and tug. Breaking the kiss to observe your red face, gasping breaths, and half lidded eyes. 
He has to say, of all the cakes, cookies, and pastries he’s made and tried over the years, you were by far the sweetest, and most divine treat he’s tasted. Trey decided that he needed another taste to confirm as he lips met yours for another passionate kiss.
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les4elliewilliams · 7 months
Ellie is away... // e.w
chapter 3 - 2004, Sophomore year college
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a/n: part 3 (ik finally) took me forever for no reason at all, i didn't even think anyone was gonna see part one but anyways!!! (reblogs and comments are always appreciated:))) wc/cw: 1.4k. jesse being bullied;( , swearing, loser!ellie i guess?, no smut or anything but MDNI. summary: set in the early 2000s. everyone was obsessed with AIM messaging and when you left your hometown for college, leaving your friends behind, it was what you guys used to stay in touch. Ellie's one of your best friends, and when you left for college, she started dating Cat, the girl she had always claimed to dislike. It wasn't just the fact that she hadn't told you about it; you didn't like Cat. It wasn't a secret, and neither did Dina or Jesse. Deep down, you knew that she was just afraid of your reaction. Their relationship was far from perfect, and when you told her that she should've just broken up with her, it didn't go too well. However, her grudge obviously didn't last long, you were her best friend, after all, and she couldn't go without talking to you for too long, so she ended up apologizing for being a dick.
➥ part one, two, four
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brickmaster signed in.
brickmaster: ohhh hey yn
ynshere: Ellssss hiiii
brickmaster: what's upp brickmaster: how's everything for you
ynshere: nothing much i was playing the sims lol ynshere: everything's fine. what about you?
brickmaster: it’s alright, just chilling in my dorm at the moment brickmaster: got any plans for the weekend?
ynshere: just hanging out with my friend Emma
brickmaster: sounds fun brickmaster: who’s Emma? ynshere: just a friend brickmaster: i don’t think you ever mentioned her before brickmaster: how did you two meet?
ynshere: just at some party, she spilled her drink all over my clothes lol
brickmaster: oh no your poor skirt and crop top
ynshere: oh stfu ynshere: what's with the way i dress now? ynshere: not pretty enough for you, Williams?
brickmaster: never said that ;) brickmaster: so? what is she like? brickmaster: is she cooler than me?
ynshere: aw c'mon you already know the answer to that
brickmaster: oh i know i know brickmaster: no one's as cool as me
ynshere: no, actually she is cooler than you
brickmaster: pffffttt as if brickmaster: i'm still hotter though
ynshere: is that what your gf tells you to make you feel less shitty about your looks?
brickmaster: ouch that hurt brickmaster: no more Cat by the way
ynshere: oh? ynshere: i'm sorry, i didn't know
brickmaster: well no dip, i just told you
ynshere: shut up, you know what i meant smartass ynshere: what happened? (If you don't mind me asking)
brickmaster: she was too much brickmaster: she was too controlling brickmaster: always telling me what to do, who to hang out with or who not to talk to
ynshere: mhm
brickmaster: don't. say. it.
ynshere: i told youu ynshere: yn’s always right ynshere: say it.
brickmaster: i'm so not gonna say it
ynshere: you make me wanna strangle you sometimes ynshere: but good, you deserved better anyways ynshere: i mean, i'm sorry but she was horrible to you
brickmaster: i know brickmaster: took me ages to realize it
ynshere: better later than never
brickmaster: you always say that brickmaster: you never change do you
ynshere: nop ynshere: i evolve if anything
brickmaster: i missed you
ynshere: me too El, so much.
brickmaster: i wish we could hang out like good ol' times
ynshere: ew now you are starting to sound like Joel
brickmaster: oh fuck off brickmaster: i'm being sweet for once and you're ewing me like that?...never again
ynshere: lol i'm just kidding dumbass ynshere: i wish we could hang out like we used to back in high school ynshere: i miss seeing your stupid face everyday
brickmaster: stupid? I think you meant pretty* brickmaster: or gorgeous* brickmaster: yeah that's more appropriate
ynshere: ..i'm going to log out
brickmaster: noooo stay please :( brickmaster: what would i do without you
ynshere: you're such a failure ynshere: Joel should've worn a condom that night
brickmaster: jokes on you... he did but there was a hole in it
brickmaster: my mum told me that...i don't know what to believe
ynshere: Ellie.
brickmaster: what
ynshere: you're a lost cause.
brickmaster: gonna make me blush
ynshere: i don't think i've ever seen you blush before like actually
brickmaster: cause i don't blush brickmaster: i make ladies blush, never the other way around
ynshere: damn such an alpha ynshere: your parents must be so proud of you
brickmaster: nah they hate me
ynshere: yeah, i wonder why…
brickmaster: you know brickmaster: ever since Cat and i broke up things have been weird
ynshere: how so?
brickmaster: well we have the same group of friends so it's just awkward, you know? brickmaster: i feel really alone sometimes and i miss you really bad brickmaster: i miss having you around, being in the same classes and all that
ynshere: i know we can't see each other but i'm here for you ynshere: always. ynshere: you can call me or message me anytime i really don't mind, i love talking to you
brickmaster: thank you yn, it really means a lot to me brickmaster: it's just… i feel abandoned brickmaster: she made me look like the bad guy for breaking up with her, it feels like they don't want me around
ynshere: have you tried telling them about the whole thing?
brickmaster: yeah brickmaster: but they're all up Cat’s ass and it's annoying brickmaster: i feel betrayed in some sort of way
ynshere: i'm sorry Ellie ynshere: they sound like shitty friends ynshere: maybe it's time to get new friends?
brickmaster: i know they suck but they were the only friends i had
ynshere: i'm sure you'll make new friends ynshere: you'll meet better people ynshere: hang out, go to parties don't stay in your dorm all day
brickmaster: you're right brickmaster: but like what did i do wrong? brickmaster: it's clear that they’d rather be friends with Cat brickmaster: fuck i feel like crying right now
ynshere: baby :( ynshere: hey listen to me, you did nothing wrong. you are amazing
brickmaster: i'm sorry for dropping all this on you brickmaster: i understand it can be too much
ynshere: don't you dare apologize for feeling upset, Williams. ynshere: it's okay, really ynshere: i'm here for you. It's not too much, you're never too much.
brickmaster: you're the only one i can talk to freely without feeling judged brickmaster: well you and Dina of course, but i don't wanna annoy her with my shit
ynshere: oh Ellie ynshere: i know for a fact that Dina cares about you as much as i do ynshere: you're never a burden to us, understand? ynshere: glad you vented to me
brickmaster: thank you so much yn brickmaster: you have no idea how much this means to me brickmaster: can i tell you something
ynshere: of course
brickmaster: you know that party at Jesse’s? brickmaster: the one from two years ago
ynshere: yeah what about it?
brickmaster: i always wondered if things went differently brickmaster: like if me and Cat never happened brickmaster: i remember i had the whole night planned, i wanted to spend time with you alone
ynshere: you never told me that
brickmaster: well you left earlier than expected that night sooo
ynshere: you're making me regret getting drunk that night ynshere: i was so sick, i remember drinking too much
brickmaster: yeah lol you were fucking wasted brickmaster: i have an idea
ynshere: shoot ynshere: and it better not include putting a dinosaur toy in your microwave
brickmaster: lmao no i'm over that phase brickmaster: what if i came visit this weekend? brickmaster: i really miss you and i need a break from this fucking school anyways brickmaster: besides, we promised we would visit each other right?
ynshere: oh my god please do ynshere: i would LOVE to see your ugly ass face again
brickmaster: you miss this ugly face though ;)
ynshere: maybe
brickmaster: fuck i can't wait brickmaster: ooh shit what about your friend Emma?
ynshere: it's whatever i’ll tell her you're visiting, she’ll understand
brickmaster: you sure? brickmaster: you don't have to ditch her for me
ynshere: Ellie. be for fucking real. ynshere: i would ditch anyone for you
brickmaster: alright alright just making sure brickmaster: so what do you wanna do this weekend?
ynshere: don't know, just hang out in my dorm?
brickmaster: sounds good to me brickmaster: anything sounds better than rotting in my dorm all day brickmaster: wanna get drunk too? I could bring some alcohol if you want
ynshere: sure why not? ynshere: if we gotta catch up
brickmaster: we must do it the right way brickmaster: i like the way you think
ynshere: lol see you this weekend?
brickmaster: see you this weekend :)
ynshere: bye bye :))
brickmaster is away.
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jessescool has signed in jessescool: yoo yn jessescool: how is it goin? ynshere: JESSE OH MY FUCKING GOD ynshere: MY MANNNNNNN jessescool: lol you feeling alright?
ynshere: Ellie's coming over this weekend :) jessescool: yn using a smiley face. odd
ynshere: shut up. ynshere: SHE'S COMING TO VISIT ynshere: IM SCREAMING
jessescool: about damn time you two got together
ynshere: we're not together ynshere: she's just coming to visit ynshere: we haven't seen each other in like forever
jessescool: will be soon jessescool: is she still dating Cat?
ynshere: she just told me she broke up ynshere: Cat was horrible to her
jessescool: i remember talking to Cat a few times back in high school jessescool: she was odd ynshere: you know what else is odd?
jessescool: what ynshere: your mom dropping you on your head as a baby
jessescool is typing... ynshere is away. jessescool: i'm tired of y'all
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¡! daily click・palestine masterpost・do not buy any game from naughty dog, neil druckmann is a zionist・more daily clicks. ¡!
taglist: @readbydayana @onlinelesbo @tearouthearts @macaroni676 @diddiqueen @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @amberputh @itsbecomeblue @benthoee
281 notes · View notes
ateezthings · 2 months
Soft moments with SKZ
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pairings: bf!SKZ member x genderneutral!reader genre: soft fluff warnings: sweathearts and lovebugs everywhere, reader wears a dress on Chan's, tiny hint of angst in Changbin's, blood in Jisung's word count: 2 k songs to listen to while reading: patrick watson - je te laisserai des mots hazlett - cemetery noah kahan - orange juice danandphilbeats - end screen (yes, I'm a phannie, sue me) a/n: I'm deep in my skz feels, this new comeback is doing things to me. Also, yes, we're doing reverse age order cz we love our dudes Seungmo and Innie and I feel like they usually have a disadvantage, so enjoy. Beautiful banners by @cafekitsune
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"Honey, have you seen my wallet?"
You were reading on the couch, while Jeongin turned your whole apartment upside down.
A bookmark now in your novel, you got up. "Well, do you remember when you had it last?"
"Not sure, could've been today, could've been yesterday... I definitely had it when I went to get coffee with Hyunjin Hyung yesterday." He rummaged through the whole wardrobe, looking into every single bag he owned.
You slowly walked into your shared bedroom where you kept the laundry. "Ugh, where the hell did I leave it?" You heard from the hall.
After going through a bunch of dirty laundry, you finally found the pair of pants Jeongin had worn yesterday. You found his wallet in his left back pocket. Jackpot.
Calmly, you walked to your boyfriend who was now going through all of his coats. You waved his wallet in front of his eyes.
"Oh my god, where did you find it?" He exclaimed.
"In the pants you'd worn yesterday, genius." He took it out of your hands and pressed a short kiss on your lips.
"Thank you, honey."
"I love it, when you depend on me for everyday tasks." You looked at him with love in your eyes.
He seemed mock-offended. "I do not, I'm very capable."
"Sure, Innie. Whatever you say." This time, you got on your tippie toes to press a kiss on his forehead.
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"You have a little... thing on your chin." Seungmin wiped some latte foam from your chin. Before he could take his hand away, your intrusive thoughts won and your mouth snapped after his fingers.
"Hey! You freak." He took his hand away quickly but smiled brightly.
"At least I'm your freak." You retorted and took his hand in yours, massaging it a bit with your fingers.
His nose scrunched up. "Ew, that was too cheesy, even for you."
"Don't act like you don't love it, Minnie." You fluttered your lashes at him, got up from your seat and kissed his cheek.
He seemed taken aback by that. His ears and cheeks turned bright red and he opened his mouth but closed it again after no words came out.
You were very pleased with yourself. "That's what I thought."
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4 am and you woke up again. You'd had too much coffee yesterday but things at work were also stressing you out, making you unable too sleep through the night.
You reached your hand over to your boyfriend's side of the bed but it was empty. In the dark, you tried to look around for him, but couldn't see much. It was unlike him to leave in the middle of the night.
So, you got up to look for him. It didn't take long, there was a faint light coming from the kitchen.
You carefully opened the door. "Babe? Is everything okay?"
The bright light in the kitchen hurt your eyes at first. After a few moments you got used to it and saw Felix in front of the stove heating up some milk.
He looked at you. "Yeah, sorry, did I wake you?"
"No, the third cup of coffee yesterday woke me... But when I reached over, you weren't there." You pouted.
"Aw, baby, I'm sorry." He came over to you, put his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek a few times. "I didn't mean to scare you. I simply couldn't sleep either and wanted to make a something hot to drink... Do you also want a hot chocolate?"
You nodded your head, still pouting. You lifted yourself up to sit on the counter next to the stove, so you could watch Felix.
He put some sugar, a pinch of salt and some cocoa powder into the frothed milk. Then he got two mugs and poured the chocolatey goodness inside. It was calming to watch him do the tasks one after the other.
When he was done, he gave you one mug and smiled at you. "There you go."
"Thank you, baby." The hot chocolate was smooth amd warm in your mouth, melting away some of the worries that had kept you up.
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"Oh, Ji, how did this happen?" Jisung had come to your shared bedroom, where you were reading your book. He pouted and clutched his hand, where blood came pouring out of his finger.
"I just wanted to make some dinner for you... and then the knife a personal vendetta against me."
You inspected his cut. It didn't seem to be that deep but a lot of blood came out. "Hold you hand high, babe." You turned him around and directed him into the bathroom.
This happened more often than you wanted to admit, so you'd routinely slipped into nurse mode.
You sat your boyfriend down on the toilet and got out the band-aids. First you disinfected his wound when Jisung winced in pain.
"Please, keep still, baby."
He pouted even more. "You keep still the next time I pour alcohol over an open wound of yours..." Sometimes he really was just a kid in a grown-up's body.
You gave him an amused look but continued bandaging up his finger. "There you go."
Jisung inspected your work and seemed impressed when he pressed onto the injured finger with his index finger on the other hand. "Thank you, sweetie."
"No problem, but babe, as much as I enjoy being your personal nurse, this is the third time this week you've injured yourself. Please be more careful, okay? I still need you in one piece."
"I swear I'm not doing it on purpose... even though I kind of like when you care for me like that." He smiled cheekily and pulled you towards him.
You couldn't help but bend down do kiss him.
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"Sweetie, I love you but you're getting the steps wrong... You're stepping on my feet a lot."
"Oh what? I only heard that you love me, Hyunie... I love you too." You playfully fluttered your lashes at him.
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon when you admitted to your boyfriend that you've never danced with a partner. It always seemed so romantic to you, the both of you dressed up, at a fancy event and dancing with the one you love until you were the only ones left on the damce floor. A bit old-fashioned? Yes, but definitely cute as hell.
Your boyfriend being the dancer that he is, couldn't help but offer you a waltz lesson.
He was a great dancer, he was able to lead you well. You however... had some troubles. Your feet constantly got mixed up, you couldn't lift your gaze because you were scared of tripping.
You took another step on your boyfriend's feet before he let go of you.
"Okay, babe, let's try something else." He took his index finger underneath your chin and lifted your head up so you would look at him. "Just look at me for now."
His dark brown eyes always pulled you in. The shape of his eyes, nose and lips were perfect to you so you spent some time analysing every single aspect of his face.
He took one your hands in his again and put his other hand on your waist. "Just keep looking at me and go where I lead you sweetie."
At first it wasn't easy to not look at the ground, but the longer you moved, the easier it got to dance with Hyunjin. Whenever he took a step forward, you noticed and took a step back. Whenever you felt him lift your hand, you knew it was time for a turn.
After some time you noticed how it felt completely natural to move like this. "Hyunie, I think we're doing it." You couldn't hide the excitement in your voice.
"Oh yes, we're doing it... and we're doing it well." He lifted your hand as a sign for you to do another turn under his lead.
Hyunjin made you turn quite fast and about halfway through you lost your balance, tripping over your own feet.
Luckily, your boyfriend caught you in the most cheesy way by wrapping his arms around your waist. Otherwise you would've fallen on your back. Hyunjin lifted you up again. "Did you just fall for me?"
You scrunched your nose up in disgust. "You're lucky I love you, otherwise I would've kicked you in the shin by now."
"Oh what? I only heard that you love me" Mocking you, he also fluttered his eyelashes at you.
This idiot was yours and you wouldn't have him any other way. You put your hands on his face to pull him closer for a kiss.
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You two had decided to take a walk at midnight. Since you both couldn't sleep, why not get a bit of fresh air outside?
"Jisung tripped over some trash today when we were on our way to the fan sign. It was hilarious, I almost peed myself a little."
You chuckled a bit. "That sounds funny as hell. I wish I could've been there."
There it was again: that tiny black cloud of sadness that came into your mind these days whenever you felt like you couldn't spend as much time with your boyfriend as you wanted to.
Changbin seemed to notice as he took your hand in his warm one. "Well, that's why I'm telling you this stuff." He smiled at you.
His thoughtfulness touched you. You stopped walking to wrap one arm around his shoulders to pull him closer.
You looked him deep in the eyes before you kissed him slowly but deeply.
"I love you, Changbin."
His eyes half-closed as he smiled blissfully. "That's the best reaction to an almost-pee story I've ever gotten."
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It was in the late evening. You were lying on the couch watching a really bad dating show on TV when Minho finally came home.
"Babe, I'm home."
"I'm on the couch."
You heard tired feet being dragged over the ground. He stopped in front of the couch closing his eyes for a second. Then, without warning, he let himself fall on top of you. It was not as gentle as it sounds. "Ow, babe, be careful."
"Sorry, I'm just so exhausted." His arms snaked around your tummy and he nuzzled his face between your neck and your shoulder.
You pat his hair. "It's okay, baby, you can relax now."
It wasn't often that Minho let his jokey, cool attitude slip away completely and just let himself be however he was feeling at the moment. But you loved those moments a lot. You enjoyed being with him whatever mood he was in.
"I love you." There was only a slight snoring in return.
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On a recent thrifting trip, you'd found a beautiful A-Line dress. You were currently trying it on in front of your bedroom mirror. It had flowy sleeves that made you feel like a fairy.
"Woah... baby, look at you!" Chan stopped in the doorframe to your bedroom. He just looked at you with big eyes.
You tried to dismiss him with a wave of your hand but he wasn't done.
"You look absolutely gorgeous." He walked up behind you and put his hands around your tummy. He rested his chin on your right shoulder. His eyes were fixated on the mirror in front of you, admiring the view.
"I really like this dress too." You smiled, feeling happy about your recent find.
"No, I'm talking about you. How did I get so lucky?" He pressed a few kisses to the nape of your neck. The moment felt so gentle, you closed your eyes.
After a few moments you turned around and put your arms around Chan's neck, gazing into his eyes.
"Thank you." You stated.
He raised his eyebrows. "What for? I didn't do anything."
"For what you're doing everyday. Thank you for being the best boyfriend ever, single day." His eyes sparkled and he kissed you gently on the forehead.
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Caught (Up) in the Act
Notes: Prompt # 7 from this Fake Dating Prompts list
Also for some reason tumblr isn't tagging past a certain point on my list?? So sorry if you didn't get a notification!
Pairing: Santiago Garcia x Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: Fake dating at a wedding; smooches
Summary: The little touches that Santiago had been giving you all night were honestly making you a little hot under the collar.
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You were trying to hate it. You had to admit that it was a dire: being invited to an ex's wedding was a tricky situation. You only agreed because Santiago had been desperate (though the open bar and opportunity to get all dressed up had also been appealing). He had sworn up and down that he'd owe you one, that he'd never ask another favor of you as long as the both of you lived. He'd seemed to struggle even asking you in the first place, and for as much as the two of you got on one another's nerves, you couldn't find it in yourself to say no.
The little touches that Santiago had been giving you all night were honestly making you a little hot under the collar. It had started with hand-holding, progressed to wrapping his arm around your shoulders, dropping a peck to your cheek, and giving you a brief, almost tender kiss when he'd noticed his ex looking at the two of you across the room.
As annoyed as Santiago made you, every little touch was weakening your resolve.
He wrapped his arm around you now, giving you a little tug when you didn't lean right into his side.
"Would you just," He hissed through his smile.
"Just what!"
“You’re a terrible cuddler.”
“And you’re a terrible kisser, but you asked me to be your fake girlfriend, so stop complaining.” You knew it was a mistake the second you opened your mouth. Santiago glanced toward you, smile eerily intact as his eyes narrowed.
"...Would you like to run that by me again?"
God, just back down, apologize, tell him it was a joke—
"You seemed to hear me well enough the first time."
...Or make it worse, that was also an option. Your stomach flipped as Santiago slowly turned to face you, eyes resting heavily on yours. You could still apologize, couldn't you—?
You didn't have a chance before Santiago cupped your cheeks and drew you in.
The first time he'd kissed you had been so brief and soft—hardly a brush of lips. But this...
Your mind went blank as his tongue slipped past the seam of your lips, teasing against yours. You couldn't help the soft, surprised moan that bubbled up, tipping your head as he gently guided you. You knew that it was all for show—that there was a swarm of people around you, people that you would never see again. There was a woman on the other side of the room in a poofy white gown that had given up being kissed like this, with a passion that made your face go hot, and sent a shiver down your spine. You didn't bother to hold yourself back as you curled your arms around his shoulders, allowing him to draw your body fully into his.
You slowly opened your eyes as he broke the kiss, his nose gently brushing against yours. His gaze lingered on your lips before he met your eye.
"...What were you saying?" He murmured, a knowing smile curling his lips.
"That was, um..." You cleared your throat. "That was just fine."
"Mm. Mhm."
"You usually moan for 'fine'?"
"I'm just playing a part, Garcia. Trying to be convincing."
He didn't believe you for a second, but he nodded nonetheless.
"Well." He slid his hand around your waist, smile widening as you willingly leaned into him. "Could've fooled me."
Tag list: @missredherring ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @blueeyesatnight ; @recklessworry ; @amneris21 ; @ew-erin ; @youngkenobilove ; @carbonated-beverage ;  @moonlightburned ; @milf-trinity ; @millllenniawrites ; @chattychell ; @dihra-vesa​ ; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices ; @missswriter ; @thembosapphicclown ; @brandyllyn ; @wildmoonflower ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @mad-girl-without-a-box ; @winchestershiresauce ; @lorecraft ; @kmc1989
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Slashers with y/n that just gets along with everything
Like slasher could litteraly kill somone near y/n and she would be like alr alr whats really important is that you are happy🤠😎. Im sorry that first 2character had super long headcanons while last ones have way less :( I had no ideas Request open!
Billy Lenz
He always expects some sort of negative response when he calls people and when he heard new voice on the Phone he got even more exited cuz new person new reaction! He totally didnt expect her to just go "yeah yeah sure buddy, anyways... how is your day man? Cuz im so so tired...*starts normal converstation*
He probably tries to stay in character but he is so caught of Guard he doesnt know how to react really (hehe the table has turn)
Now he kinda hopes that she will pick up cuz shes very intresting😈 billy likey
"Ew its this creep again! He is asking for you y/n? Of please dont tell me you befriended him??" "So what? He said hes favourite fruit is strawberry he cant be that bad!" *billy saying slurs on the phone*
You need to constantly tell him that, no Billy no harrasing women isnt sexy, you arent quirky, you are mentally ill
"Y/n i killed that bitch that was gossiping about you 🧍 " "👍good for you billy im glad you found healthy way to cope with that negative emotion😇" "on god"
His whole moral compass is created around the simple question 'does it hurt y/n?' .1:no it doesnt so feel free to do it .2 do not do it, she will ban Billy from sweets (bad ending)
The man from hush
This guy. This dude. This Little gremlin. He is upset that he gets no reaction! Like please oh please act all angy when he 'acidently' shot tire in her car! But oh no ofc no, she had to be like "oh its okay honey i have backup in garage🥰" hes like HHUH SINCE WHEN WE HAVE GARAGE
Like tbh thats how i imagine how they met: he saw her, he wanted to hunt her, she was so chill that she didnt even leave her household while the power was off and he went inside and just saw her having lil nap on couch. 🧍🤨erm exuse me gurl im trying to roleplay epic hunter here tf
He probably kidnaped her cuz she was too weird to just kill her but he didnt want to risk her calling police. He probably tied her up and yeeted her on backseats. And then she begun judging music on the radio"yo big guy can i get some good music taste?" "What? Whats wrong with Taylor Swift?"
He will overshare everything to kinda check where is her limit if it comes to being chill "yeah so i killed this old lady.." "im sure you had good reason🥰" "🤨... anyways... yeah so i was drinking some redbull when some guy said i look ugly so i shoot his head off and-" "HEY HEY hold up geez you CANT drink Energy drinks?? Bestie you know it is unhealthy?? Also you like hunt for sport it will ruin your condition!? How you gonna shoot people with shakey hands?? You crazy or something?" "Damn😔"
Micheal myers
I tried to put him here but i realised he will be as chill as her.
Like he can give her gifts covered in blood and she' just going to clean it and wear it like nothing happened or completley ignore it
He cares about this stuff as much as y/n so like not at all. I mean tbh theres is a bit of difrence: shes at least positive about it! Like "yeah micheal go for it, love🥰😇 i know its hard to cope with trauma take it all out alr?" Shes trying to be a good supporting gf not her fault she never had serial killer bf!
Brahms Heelshire
He lives for attention! What do you mean the war crime he commited this lunch break is okay!?!? Baby pleasee
But this negativity disapears the moment he realised he can get a lot of positive attention when he will do some nice stuff! "Oh honey I didnt kill any rats today" "oh that's amazing brahms I'm sure you and the rats inside walls will get along well soon🥰" (rats in walls bully brahms)
Please complement him or he will get a tantrum and destroy something
Brahms and rats have very hard past i might do seperate hc about that
"Look babe! My newest victim *shows photo*" "ugh baby...😰 you NEED to buy new camera or watch some youtube tutorials about how to take good photos" "aw man whats wrong with my pictures 😔"
Otherwise y/n supports his hobbies! People need to grow😇 (and he needs to grow up)
If theres 2ghostfaces(like in most movies) they will bet money on how long you gonna keep this 'do whatever as long as youre happy' act. Well they didnt know that this wasnt an act but her personality
Also they will probably try to use this chillnes aginst her like "oooh y/n something terrible happened! I crushed my car oh what will i do!" "Alr bestie i will drive you over there😇" "😈omg you are so nice i totally didnt expect that(heheh i dont need to pay for gas today (hes very evil))
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