#this is a mess pls just take it lmao
noahtally-famous · 1 year
revenge of the island where everything’s the same except scott chooses to vote out zoey instead of mike to gain the upper hand or smth 
the catch is that previously-dormant-since-leaving-juvie mal ends up fronting after, similar to how zoey invoked commando zoey, bc he’s the Protector of the system--or maybe he and mike end up co-hosting??? and it turns into a push-pull thing between them and scott bc mike and scott are already dealing with their issues; meanwhile mal’s as morally gray as the next person and although he’s royally ticked off at scott for messing with mike and threatening the system, he also can’t help but be impressed at how utterly slippery scott is--and ofc tries to exploit that slipperiness and use it against scott. while scott’s sorta confused bc ‘okay this guy isn’t svetlana or chester or manitoba or vito, so who is he??’ but also he’s like ‘wow a worthy opponent?? hell yeah!’ and there’s def some underlying tension reaching its peak that gets cut off when scott gets eliminated following canon events (so mike gets eliminated like zoey was btw) bc duh they’re both trying to beat each other for (mostly) different reasons and with questionable morales within a show where everyone’s pitted against each other, ofc there’s gonna be a tension plus mal kinda doesn’t like scott for what he did lmao (v understandable and valid)
and then they meet again in all-stars and that tension rekindles...among other things :)
somewhere along the way (maybe in a snippet of a scene before scott’s elimination or during all-stars or in the span of time between their eliminations and roti’s finale) scott does the equivalent of apologizing for threatening the system, mainly bc mal would have thrown him without ado straight into fang’s jaws if he didn’t own up to it, but also after being in mal’s (and mike’s) presence for as long as he was, scott genuinely starts to feel bad--not for kicking out all those ppl prior, including zoey, but of how he went abt hurting mike and the rest of the system--mal was just that push he needed to own up to his misdeed. anyway after that, mal doesn’t want to forgive or see scott in a more ‘positive’ light after that happens, but this time mike, the more forgiving one out of them all, is the one being the push to get the alters to try to forgive scott, and after that, as they say, it’s history :D
no but, the urge to write this as a oneshot-type fic set during revenge of the island that acts as a “prologue” for the next multichaptered fic set during all-stars-
it’d give an excuse to portray scott as the villain he deserves to be in all-stars while also warring with his emotions bc I can bet that homeboy has never had a crush, fell in love, or dated anyone before. (plus hopefully I can write mike’s system (namely mal) in a better way than fresh did, and I can touch upon his past--like how he ended up in juvie--and his relations with other characters, like duncan and zoey and cam.) 
swear I’ll elaborate more on this when I don’t have a project due within a day and when I’m not in a motivation slump lmfao
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dex-starr · 6 months
I swear I have to lose my patience with people for them to fucking get it, it's become annoying like y'all ask for so much lmao
I have to really find a new place of balance but that's easier said than done rn
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jeoseungsaja · 2 years
🍸 + not a question, but rather please take an equally drunk patrick stumbling over to his dear friend to ask him to hold something for him....it's patrick's hand. that and patrick will also be kissing his dear friend on the cheek once they're holding hands 😊
@ofgentleresolve ♚ from x.
♔ ———–
   Once again he’s sitting on the floor, his back pressed to the couch and his hand still holding the neck of a half-empty bottle of Soju. It almost feels like déjà vu, akin to that day where he was sitting right on this spot, waiting for Patrick to come back from the bathroom. The difference is that this time, his dear friend is not the only one drenched in tipsiness but he, too, is drunk to the point of feeling a bit of dizziness swirling in his head. 
   How did he manage to get like this? Well, the conversation kept flowing and he never noticed the drinks continued to be poured down the glass until part of his speech became a little slurred. Then again, not noticing has become something common when it comes to spending time with his best friend --- Hyuk forgets everything else but the fact that Patrick is there, with him. Why would he focus in the quantity of distilled spirit, when he rather remember the number of times Patrick laughed? 
    So now he’s here, under the roof of a familiar place, away from the table and stuck to the ground. His eyes close for a second, free hand pressed to his forehead as something similar to a grumble escapes his alcohol-stained lips. One eye opens when he starts to hear the sound of something hitting another something, head tilting to find Patrick clumsily walking and a bag with art supplies (that Hyuk bought recently) toppling over. He thinks he hears his dear friend apologizing (though he doesn’t know if the apology is aimed toward him or the bag); palm moving to be waved in dismissal. 
    “Leave it there, I’ll....I’ll pick--pick it up ‘morrow.” 
     Even in this hazy state, he doesn’t want Patrick to make any unnecessary efforts. Besides, what if he tries to pick up the brushes which rolled out of the bag and ends up hitting his head against something? No, no; it’s best like this. 
    “It’s fine. Could...you...come sit down, here, here---” 
     And he pats the space next to him; leaving the bottle of Soju somewhere away from his grasp so both of his hands can lazily land on his lap. Seconds later and he’s hearing more stumbling; torpid sight following Patrick’s silhouette making it to where he is. The signs of his dear friend being inebriated are present: red-flushed cheeks, rolled up sleeves; dopey (but vastly endearing) grin...and words that Hyuk can’t fully understand at first, but that must be because the detective is also under the influence. 
    “What? Y’want me...to hold somethin’?” 
    He repeats in the shape of a question, Patrick’s sluggish nod confirming Hyuk’s ears didn’t fully fail him. The detective’s hand stretches out, palm up and ready to receive anything his best friend wants him to hold. He doesn’t even hesitate, just accepts his request without even asking him what, exactly, wishes for him to temporarily have. 
    A plop is heard and the warmth of his friend is felt, meaning that he’s finally sitting nearby. Soon enough, weight is added to Hyuk’s waiting hand; head turning to see what it is. He blinks and frowns. That’s...Patrick’s hand, and he doesn’t feel an item or anything between their hands now clasped together. 
    Wait.      Wait.     It takes him longer to connect the dots when drunk.      Curse him for being a lightweight.
    “This is what y’wanted me to ‘old?” 
     And he lifts their intertwined hands --- funnily enough, Hyuk doesn’t let go. Not even for a second. A vague nod comes from his friend, along with the sudden planting of a kiss on Hyuk’s cheek. It’s not long enough before pink begins to bloom on his skin, along with a muzzy smile. Does this mean...Patrick is also prone to flirt when drunk? That’s something Hyuk didn’t know about...not like this, at least; a brand new door unlocked due to the stages they’re moving through.
    Because, at this point, it’d be insanely silly to say they’re just friends, right?     They can deny it all they want, but their hearts would challenge them, wouldn’t they? 
    Hyuk’s smile widens. He likes this. Likes that he’s getting to know more about another side of Patrick, likes that these lines and actions are aimed to him; likes that he gets to have this moment with his best friend --- likes him, Patrick, more than words can express. 
    “Okay. I’m taking good care of it.” 
     He tells Patrick, looking at him and that kind face which tends to send odd sensations (they’re called butterflies, but he’s too rusty to recognize that) to his stomach.
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  Eyes dance over dear friend’s features; drunken stupor adding a boldness to let his sight freeze on the shape of his best friend’s lips. There they are again, the thoughts, the what if’s, the undisclosed wishes. But instead of letting them win whilst drunk, Hyuk ends up allowing his head to fall on Patrick’s shoulder; temple comfortably pressed there. 
     His thumb, it begins to draw soft circles on Patrick’s hand; eyes dropping to catch the view of their hands holding each other. It does feel like déjà vu. 
    Except, except.      There is no thoughts of ‘I should let go’.      No, in fact, he squeezes his dear friend’s hand.      In fact, he decides to twist their arms a little so Patrick’s fist is facing him.      And when this happens, he brings the professor’s knuckles to his lips and kisses them.      Presses a hearty kiss there, between bones. 
     “I’m taking good care of it.” 
     He repeats, his eyes slowly closing; sleepiness somehow kicking in. It’s this peace, he knows. The peace he feels when Patrick’s near --- he’s the one who calms his raging waters; the sea that constantly threatens to lift high waves. 
    “Good care...of...you. I promise.” 
———– ♔
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olympiansally · 1 year
Whenever I see ppl portraying Chuuya as a sort of damsel in distress when it comes to skk I always find it hilarious because there’s an entire movie establishing that Dazai is the damsel in distresses of him own making to distress everyone else and like, that is so valid of them
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gabe-lovebot · 3 months
Will you port the counsler model to sfm too?? I would use it so much I’d go crazy it’s really good :D
omg i would literally cry & implode & melt into a puddle if i saw sfm stuff of him!!
i have an incredible 0 sfm experience and my weekend is looking kind of full so it might take me a while but i will definitely attempt it!! at this point i would sell my house for more councilor stuff
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joelscruff · 6 months
a kindness you can't afford (joel miller x f!reader) 18+
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kofi | a/n this is a sequel to my fic 'to freeze or to thaw', it's mainly just a lot of filth cause that's all my brain can handle at the moment lmao. pls be sure to check the warnings before reading & i hope you enjoy 💕 also shoutout to the incredible @toxicanonymity whose joel/reader/tommy fics inspired me to get tommy involved here. would highly recommend her fics stuffing & sweet little mess for a similar vibe. summary: there are no limits to how or when joel plays with his special girl. rating: 18+ explicit warnings: dark!joel, ddlg dynamics, daddy kink, big unspecified age gap (reader is of legal age), unprotected p in v sex, creampies, free use, somnophilia, cockwarming, squirting, light pussy slapping, size kink (joel's dick is huge), tummy bulge, oral (m receiving), praise kink, dirty talk, pet names (use of 'little one'), finger sucking, exhibitionism, mentions of pregnancy (but no risk), lil bit of tommy x reader teasing 👀(if you don't like tommy x reader then you prob won't like this) word count: 4.1k
He's so kind.
You've never known kindness like this before; never known the soothing whispers and gentle praises, the calming touches, the satisfying taste of homemade soup on your tongue, the comfort of a roaring fire, made just for you. You've never known the warm embrace of a much older man, the strong arms and solid chest, greying hair and sharp scruff, soft belly and thick cock. You'd spent most of your life in a frightening QZ, the past few years in a cold and unforgiving forest, and now - the warm safety of a cabin.
Woken by the gentle caress of two fingers against your forehead, pushing your hair back gently, a kiss to your bare shoulder, the heat of his solid form behind you, and the press of his hot tip to your soft opening. He doesn't ask, but he doesn't need to.
He pushes inside and you hum sleepily, drifting in and out a little as he feeds you the rest of his cock in one slow movement. Your eyes flutter but you keep them closed, nuzzling against the fluff of your pillow as he pulls you in and presses his body to yours, the hair along his torso tickling the sensitive skin of your back as the throbbing tip of his cock kisses that special spot in your tummy. He's so big inside you, taking up so much space in your body that it's mind numbing.
"Go back to sleep," he murmurs, pulling more hair away from your face and trailing his fingers along your cheek soothingly. His big cock twitches inside you, but he doesn't move, stays still as he waits for you to drift back into unconsciousness.
And you do. But not for long.
You're woken what you're sure must only be a few moments later to the feeling of his cock throbbing within the furthest parts of you, pulsing thick spurts of cum deep inside your body as he holds you tight and groans raggedly in your ear. His fingers are suddenly working furiously against your clit, circling and rubbing and pressing and making you cry out sleepily into the dark cabin. With barely any awareness, you feel the hot coil in your lower belly snap - and you're gushing. You feel him tug his cock out of you at just the right moment, just as a steady stream of liquid makes it's way past your freshly fucked hole, and you squeal.
"Shhh, baby," he soothes, but you can hear the smile in his voice as he watches your juices stain the dark wooden floorboards, watches it drip down into the blankets and soak the cotton, "Shh, I know, I know."
You whimper and squeeze your fists together, releasing another stream of liquid as your eyes roll back. An unintelligible string of words slip past your lips, slurred and broken, almost like you're speaking another language. He pulls you in and hushes you again, presses a finger to your lips as you convulse beside him in the bed.
"That's enough now," he murmurs softly, kissing your cheek and still rubbing your clit, pushing for more, "That's enough, little one. Go back to sleep."
He says this to you as if you can even control your sounds, your movements, as if your pussy continuing to gush isn't a result of his own actions, but he already knows this. He enjoys it, likes watching you fight to regain proper consciousness again after you squirt, likes watching you try to stop it from happening. And god, does he love to make it happen.
"Can't, daddy," you mumble, voice thick with sleep and pleasure, brows furrowed as you open your eyes to look down and see where he's still circling, "Can't stop wh-when you rub it like that."
You feel him press a kiss to your ear, watch him pull his fingers back from your pussy and slap them down lightly, then again, then twice more in succession. Another small gush of liquid spurts from your hole after the fourth slap, and he chuckles.
"Sleep," he whispers, slowing his movements, "I'll stop now, promise."
So you do, and he does - not before slipping his wet fingers past your lips for you to gently suck as you drift. You vaguely hear him murmur Daddy's perfect girl before you're lost to the world again.
You dream of him, as you always do.
He learned very early on that you could squirt. It wasn't even something you were aware of yourself - how could you be? It's not like you'd had many sexual encounters before this, none of them ever worthwhile anyway, and you'd never had it happen to you on your own either. But it's somehow easy for Joel to make it happen, once he knows he can, so easy that now it's one of his favorite things to do when he plays with you.
The first time, you'd been more than surprised - and very confused. You'd been spread out naked between Joel's clothed legs, back against his chest while four of his thick fingers pumped deep inside of you, thumb tapping your clit. He'd crooked them, curved his fingertips in the slightest way - and suddenly there had been a gush of heat, a heavy stream of release. You'd thought you'd done something else, something that had your cheeks warming and embarrassment flooding through your body as you twitched and cried in his arms. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, it was an accident.
He'd hushed you softly, kissed your lips tenderly and explained to you what it actually was.
"You're such a good girl," he'd praised, carefully easing your head into his lap and threading his fingers through your hair, eyes peering down at where your legs lay open, pussy still dripping, "Such a good girl with the sweetest little pussy, baby. Squirtin' just for me, just for her daddy, huh?"
You'd closed your eyes and let him hold you, soothe you, relax you. I know, little one. Did such a good job. M'so prouda you. Then he'd unzipped his jeans and fed his heavy cock into your mouth, let you suck on his leaking tip quietly for a few moments before he came down your throat with a long sigh, still stroking your hair. After you'd swallowed every drop, opened your mouth wide and showed him your clean tongue, he'd bundled you up and disappeared from the tent to make you dinner, off to fulfill that never-ending kindness and care he'd promised from the beginning. It had only been about a week since that first night where he'd first come into your tent, and you were already settling into the role of his special girl and doing it quite happily.
He'd made you squirt again later that night, had you shaking in his arms and gushing around his cock and close to tears, not because you were afraid or in pain but because it just felt so good. A relief, a release, a moment of bliss, all because of him. Your pussy had pushed his cock out of you with the pressure of your release, and you'd fallen back against him, sleepy and sated.
"Daddy," you'd whined, overstimulated and exhausted as he'd slipped his dick back inside your dripping heat, "Daddy, m'gonna fall asleep."
"That's okay, baby," he'd whispered, fucking into you slow with no plans of stopping, cock bulging in your trembling belly, "You can go to sleep."
You'd woken again a little later, warm in his arms, globs of cum drooling from your opening. You'd whimpered softly, reached down and touched where you were leaking, and - without even really thinking about it - gathered what he'd left there and pushed it back inside yourself before drifting back to sleep, safe against his chest.
The cabin you reside in is only temporary, though you wish you could stay longer. The group came across it in the early hours of yesterday morning, and you've spent most of that time naked in one of its four beds, sleepy and content among the warm sheets. It's been so long since you felt the comfort of a real bed, a soft mattress and thick blankets, and from the moment you passed the threshold Joel was adamant that you spend as much time in it as possible.
He's so kind.
He's been planning something with the others, an upcoming raid, a plan of attack, but you don't pay much attention to those things. When it all goes down, Joel has assured you that you won't be anywhere near the carnage, still safe and warm in the cabin until his return.
"Need you safe, little one," he'd told you softly last night, fingers scratching soothingly across your bare back, "Can't have anythin' happenin' to you." He'd kissed you tenderly, whiskers tickling your lips and making you giggle. "You'll stay here with Tommy, he'll take care o' you."
"Tommy?" you'd asked curiously, unsure which member of the group he was referring to.
"My number two." He'd brushed his nose against yours, touching his index finger to your bottom lip and tugging gently, "Don't worry, baby. I trust him."
"Okay, Daddy."
You can hear his muffled voice now through the door of your room, though you can't make out what he's saying. He's addressing the group, going over plans, but you're sleepy and have been in and out of consciousness for most of the afternoon, lost in the comfort of your warm bed. It's only when you hear someone say the girl, that your ears prick up, brows furrowing as soon as you realize they're talking about you.
Only seconds later there's a light tap on your door and you sit up in bed, gathering the sheets around yourself as it opens. You peer wide eyed at one of the other men of the group, standing there with a hand on his hip and his head tilted charmingly to the side. He's very handsome, dark haired and mustached and from what you've seen, always pretty well put together. You think this one is Tommy, the number two, but you're still not entirely sure.
"Your daddy needs you, sweetheart," he says calmly, though his eyes tell a different story - he looks at you hungrily, like they all do, gaze going glassy and dark. "He asked me to help you get dressed."
"Oh," you whisper, nodding slowly, "Okay." Knowing it's what Joel wants, you let the sheets drop, and now the man you think is Tommy can see that you're completely naked on the bed, exposed and soft. It's nothing new or alarming - Joel has not been discreet when it comes to your relationship, and you're no stranger to the men taking peeks at you, peering inside your tent when Joel's not there, watching the rise and fall of your breasts as you pretend to be asleep.
You watch as this man's eyes fall to your pussy, and you can't explain why it throbs beneath his gaze.
"He just wants you in a dress," he murmurs, leaning down and assessing the few garments folded near the bed that make up your incredibly simple wardrobe; two dresses, two shirts, one pair of jeans. He picks the warmer dress, the blue one with long sleeves, which you greatly appreciate; the cabin may be warm, but it's still the middle of winter.
He approaches the bed with a smile, unfolding the dress.
"Arms up, sweetheart," he says softly, and you obey. You wait for him to help guide your arms and head through but he doesn't, instead opting to stand there for a moment just looking at you. His eyes are glued to your breasts, smile still curving his lips as he reaches out and very gently strokes the side of one with his knuckle. You shiver.
"You're so pretty, honey," he murmurs, trailing his finger up and down slowly, just shy of your nipple, "You know that?"
You nod slowly, eyes hooded and arms still extended, "I- I think so."
His thumb finds your nipple and rubs it gently, bringing it to life under his fingertips. "Your daddy's been takin' real good care of ya, hasn't he?" he asks quietly, circling the hardening nub, "In a lotta ways."
You nod again, aware of a slow trickle of warmth beginning to pool between your legs, and unsure whether what's happening right now is something Joel would want. "Y-yeah."
"Heard him fuckin' you to sleep last night," he breathes, and the words send another throb to your pussy, "He was all up in your guts, wasn't he?" His hand suddenly moves from your breast to your bare tummy, and he palms the soft skin there delicately, "Right here?" You nod again and he smiles.
"You make the prettiest little sounds when you're gettin' fucked like that, babygirl."
His praises send tingles up and down your spine like Joel's do, as well as a blooming warmth to your cheeks. "Thank you," you whisper, unsure what else to say to such a statement.
"You're welcome, sweetheart." As he says it, the fingers on your stomach trail downward a little bit to rest on your mound. He strokes the skin there gently, thumb dipping low to brush against your outer lips. "Soft little pussy," he murmurs, smiling kindly at you again, "You like havin' this all filled up, honey?"
You nod again, still unsure the point of his questioning, of his touches, but also not really wanting him to stop. A quiet whimper slips past your lips when you feel the tip of his thumb lightly brush past your clit and prod very gently against your hole. There's no way he doesn't feel the sudden wetness there, the slow drip of stickiness and the warmth of your arousal, as well the faint remnants of Joel's cum still leaking from where he'd fucked you a few hours ago - he hums quietly, unsurprised.
"Yeah, you like bein' full," he breathes, that dark glint returning to his gaze as his thumb just barely pushes inside, "Y'like bein' used."
It's not a question, but you nod anyway.
He suddenly removes his hand from your pussy and finally helps you with your dress, pulling it down over your arms and shoulders and helping you stand on wobbly legs. With another kind smile, he brings his hand up and gently brushes your cheek.
"So pretty, babygirl" he repeats quietly, "Like a little angel, ain't ya?" He suddenly presses his thumb gently against your mouth, lightly prodding for entrance, and without much thought you allow him to slip it inside; it tastes like your arousal. Eyes sleepy and pussy throbbing, you suck on his thumb obediently, as if it's just second nature to do so.
"Christ," he mutters, watching your lips as you suckle around his thick thumb, "Now that's a good girl."
"Tommy!" Joel's voice from the other room suddenly shouts, and the man who you now know for sure to be Tommy - the man who Joel is planning on leaving you with during the raid - quickly pulls his thumb from your wet mouth.
"Come on, sweetheart," he says, smiling crookedly, "Let's go see what your daddy wants."
There are five other men in Joel's group, from what you've gathered, including Tommy. Four of whom currently stand in a half circle in the front room of the cabin, arms crossed, boots tapping, attention directed at Joel who sits in a dusty armchair in the corner of the room. They all turn to look at you when the bedroom door opens, and watch with those familiar glazed expressions as Tommy brings you to their leader.
Joel's serious expression grows soft when he sees you, a small smile gracing his lined face. He peers at you, crooks his fingers. Without needing to be asked, Tommy carefully hoists you up into Joel's lap. His thumbs linger for a moment on your waist, a small stroke so quick you're not sure Joel notices - you're not sure you want him to - and then he's pulling away to stand beside the chair, asserting the role of number two.
It only takes a few seconds for you to realize that Joel's cock is out, hidden beneath the thick cotton of his jacket, out of sight. With no hesitation you wrap your arms around his neck and open your legs, laying your face against his shoulder and sighing contentedly when you feel his tip notch at your wet entrance. Not fully hard yet, he pushes inside carefully, subtly, and you ease yourself down just as quietly to sheathe him inside of you. You close your eyes and nuzzle into the warmth of his coat, already feeling the soft weight of him begin to stiffen.
You've done this before. Sometimes when he's overwhelmed, in over his head, needing to be grounded, he likes to have you sit on it. The first time it happened you weren't sure how to feel, self conscious with the other members of the group staring and knowing that you were full of him, soft whimpers escaping your mouth with every small movement or jostle. It's okay, little one, Joel had whispered, barely audible, you just focus on me.
Now, it's second nature. You can feel their eyes on your back and you know they can tell what's happening beneath Joel's coat. But now you find that you don't really care.
He starts talking then, continues whatever it was he was discussing before you left the bedroom. It becomes white noise almost immediately, your eyelashes fluttering as you bury your face further into his shoulder and focus on the feeling of his thick cock growing large inside of you. You love the way it stretches you, pushes, begins to prod up and against your cervix. It pulses and twitches within your walls and you squeeze down on him tighter, mewling a little without really meaning to.
At your noise you suddenly hear a soft chuckle from directly beside the armchair. You open your eyes halfway, looking up sleepily at Tommy who's still standing to your left. He smiles at you like he did before, a twinkle in his eye, and then winks. He obviously knows what's going on - standing so close, there's no way he didn't see you settle onto Joel's cock.
You peer back at him, blinking your eyes slowly and tightening your arms around Joel's neck. He tilts his head, and you suddenly let a smile turn up the corners of your lips. Look Tommy, you almost want to whisper, he's all up in my guts, like you said. You're not sure why you feel so unbothered under Tommy's gaze, why you don't yearn for him to look away like the others and for him to pretend it's not happening. There's a feeling in the pit of your stomach that you can't explain, that you don't want to explain.
You stay settled like that on Joel's cock for about fifteen minutes, letting the deep voices of the men around you fade into the background. You close your eyes again but you can still feel Tommy's eyes on you, watching, assessing. Every now and then Joel carefully adjusts you, driving himself a little deeper each time, sending tiny bursts of pleasure throughout your body as your pussy leaks around the intrusion. If Tommy were to lift you up again you know there'd be a dark spot at the front of your dress, a trail of slick on Joel's coat.
One particular adjustment moves the edge of the lining of Joel's coat between your folds, coming to rub against your clit, and without any warning you feel yourself start to come. Your soft cry interrupts the voices of the group, a hush of silence suddenly blanketing the room as you tighten around Joel's cock and gush around him, shaking in his embrace. His arms come up to hold you close, rubbing your back soothingly.
You look up at Tommy again and find that his eyes are hooded as he watches you, lips parted and brow furrowed with what can only be arousal as he watches you fall apart on another man's cock.
"Christ," you hear one of the men murmur, and you feel heat flush your cheeks and ears, the self consciousness returning in full swing as you come down from your orgasm, burying your face in Joel's coat once again.
"Not a fuckin' word, Perry" Joel states, voice firm.
The conversation continues like nothing happened, and you try to let the sudden embarrassment you feel dissipate as much as possible despite still being impaled on Joel's length. You nuzzle against the warmth of his neck, sighing and trying to get your breathing back to normal. Your cunt continues to spasm around him in small twitches, aftershocks, soft whimpers still falling from your lips unconsciously. It doesn't take long for the sounds and sensations to set him off, and there's another lull in the discussion as Joel tenses underneath you and starts to come.
"Oh for fuck's sake," you hear the same voice from before mutter, but his commentary is suddenly lost beneath a soft groan from Joel as his cock twitches inside you. It pulses warmly, thick bursts of cum painting your insides. You gasp softly and squeeze your thighs against his, letting him fill you up in slow and steady spurts, claiming you. Daddy's special girl.
There's a moment of silence, a deep sigh from Joel, and you wait with the rest of the group for him to speak.
"You wanna say that again?" he finally says, voice gruffer this time but stern and serious, as if he didn't just come inside you in front of a room full of his men, "Huh, Perry? You wanna fuckin' say that again?"
Another beat of silence. Then-
"I'm just sayin'," the man named Perry grumbles somewhere behind you, "Aren't you worried you're gonna get her pregnant? I mean, Jesus Christ, Joel, we don't need another fuckin' mouth to feed."
The words send a shockwave through your body, eyes widening.
"And where the fuck do you get off tellin' me what I can and can't do?" Joel asks angrily. His body has gone stiff beneath you but you think you've gone equally as stiff against him, Perry's words suddenly circling over and over again throughout your mind.
Pregnant? Could you be pregnant?
"I don't know if y'all remember," Joel says coldly, "but back in my day there was a little thing called a fuckin' vasectomy. Need me to explain it?"
"Oh, fuck off, Miller."
You suddenly find yourself peering upwards again at Tommy, eyes still wide as Joel and Perry start to have a go at each other. He looks at you once, brows scrunching together when he sees the sudden look of shock in your expression, the confusion, the fear.
"We've all been thinkin' it," Perry is saying, voice slightly shaky in his anger, "It's a valid fuckin' concern."
"Well now it ain't a concern at all," Tommy suddenly jumps in, hands clenching into fists at his sides, "She ain't gettin' pregnant, he's shootin' blanks."
His protectiveness sends another confusing feeling of warmth to that pit in your stomach. Your heart is pounding as you continue to peer up at him, eyes still wide, and he shoots you a soft look of reassurance before turning his attention back to Joel.
"Don't know why you had to have her in the fuckin' first place," Perry spits, "She's just some fuckin' girl. And now we gotta stand around and watch you fuck her all the time? It's fuckin' sick."
Joel stands suddenly, almost like he's forgotten you're sitting in his lap, jostling you to the side as his cock slips out of you. You take a step backwards, finding yourself bumping into Tommy's solid form as Joel zips up his jeans and tilts his head from side to side, bones cracking loudly in the tense room. You can finally see this Perry now, a much younger man with dark hair, standing a few feet away. He's thin, almost gaunt looking.
Joel could kill him so easily if he wanted to.
But he doesn't. Instead, he reaches down and takes your hand, pulls you away from the group and back toward the cabin bedroom. He mutters something under his breath to Tommy in passing, something you can't make out, and as he ushers you inside the room you hear the heavy shuffling of boots as the men are lead back out into the snow.
He explains to you what a vasectomy is.
You breathe a sigh of relief.
Wrapped up in warm bedsheets again, you close your eyes and nuzzle against his chest, letting his large form crowd and comfort you, his arms firm around your waist. You can feel his cum starting to drip from you under your dress, making a mess of your thighs.
"I don't like the way he talked to you, daddy," you whisper like it's a secret, voice hushed and muffled against his coat, "I didn't like it at all."
He sighs, pulls you in closer and presses a kiss to the top of your head. "I'll take care of it, little one," he murmurs softly, a sense of finality in his quiet words, "Don't you worry your pretty little head."
He's so kind.
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arkhammaid · 4 months
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fandom. formula one
pairing. max verstappen x snowboarder fem!reader (fc: zoi sadowski-synnott)
about. y/n l/n, olympic gold medalist, goes viral after her unusal win. her boyfriend silently cheers from the sidelines
content warnings. social media au, not edited/proofread
notes. i vaguely remember seeing the headlines (years ago) of a teen snowboarder oversleeping because he was watching netflix the night before the race LMAO. so this is kinda the inspiration for that
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername, redbull and 3'370'884 others
skysports Gold Medalist @/yourusername had a rough morning during the Winter Olympics, she overslept thanks to a late game night binge with her boyfriend. Yet despite also forgetting her coat, she takes the win by storm, all while flueled by three Red Bull's she had as breakfast.
"When me and my boyfriend sim race, we totally forget the time. It's his passion and I like to challenge him in something he thinks he's best in. I think it was 3am when I finally went to bed, luckily I found a some cans of Red Bull. You can also thank my boyfriend for that, he drinks that sh*t as if it's water."
Y/n takes the whole incident with stride, jokingly saying that she will have to repeat this routine if she wants to win gold the next time.
⤷ user don't know if we should thank him or not
⤷ user you'll probably never be able to thank him, y/n and her bf have been together for years now but she never revealed who it is
⤷ user does she even have a boyfriend??
⤷ user check her insta, she's been posting the same man for a long time now
user she's literally the definition of genz
user i don't care what anyone else says, this right here is queen shit behavior
⤷ user i crown thee, y/n l/n, to the queen of whatever this whole mess is
redbull See! Red Bull gives you wings, we take no longer any criticsm
⤷ user you better sign her up
⤷ user imagine she actually lands a red bull sponsorship just because of this
yourusername lol, that was fun
⤷ user LOL???
⤷ user i can't do this anymore 😭😭
maxverstappen1 👏👏
⤷ user MAX?!
⤷ user game recognizes game fr
user i don't know what's better. the camera catching her downing her third red bull right before the race or her cursing after she won
⤷ user meme of the year fr
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liked by maxverstappen1, redbull and 1'552'082 others
yourusername happy to announce that i'm flying with @/redbull now! if one red bull doesn't work, try three. i won gold with it 😉
⤷ user now only the x games left
user can't wait for the insane promo shots
⤷ user bet she will do tricks from a cliff, right after drinking four red bulls
⤷ user straight from the skilift is my bet
redbull Proof that Red Bull gives you wings! Welcome to the family y/n ❤️💙
⤷ yourusername ❤️💙
user ahh the bigs smile makes me so happy, she deserves it
maxverstappen1 Welcome to the winners
⤷ yourusername thank you champ, i'll enjoy my stay!
⤷ user can we not pls... she has a bf
mathilde_gremaud welcome to the team y/n, so happy to see you here!!
⤷ yourusername thank you 😚
user i love red bull athletes welcoming newcomers
⤷ user a big family fr
⤷ user big and batshit crazy
⤷ user never said they're not lol
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris and 2'003'863 others
yourusername the moment this trophy comes in our home i will throw it off the balcony. how dare you not kiss ME when you won your fourth world championship?!
all jokes aside, maxie, i'm so fucking proud of you, my #1 racer, my favorite dutchman and cat dad 🫶 to many more years of red bull domination (max and y/n version) love you sm!!
maxverstappen1 You will not touch my trophy.
maxverstappen1 Don't worry, I'll kiss you until you're sick of me
⤷ yourusername impossible!!!
⤷ user STOP THIS
⤷ user ew, that's sickening sweet (pls don't stop you guys are the sweetest)
maxverstappen1 I love you too, schatje
⤷ yourusername i love you more
⤷ maxverstappen1 Not possible? 🤨
⤷ landonorris okay we got it, you both love each other stop this shit
⤷ yourusername @/landonorris get out of my comments if you don't like it norizz
⤷ user not lando catching strays 😭
⤷ user five years of softlaunching... only for us to be hit by the biggest hard launch of the decade
redbull The Red Bull Powercouple™️
⤷ user simply lovely!
landonorris fucking finally! now max can bother someone else with his yapping
⤷ yourusername max doesn't do yapping, he just loves talking about me🫶
⤷ landonorris well, i got sick of it!! i literally should've ruined your softlaunch and tell the press about you guys
⤷ maxverstappen1 That's not what a friend would do
⤷ user i bet y/n threatened him with violence
⤷ landonorris she did.
⤷ user HELP?!
user if max can comment on his girlfriend's post like a sap WHY CAN'T OTHER MEN AS WELL??
⤷ user they will never be max verstappen...
user brb, the highway is calling me
user con 😭 gra 😭 tu 😭 la 😭 tions 😭😭😭
⤷ user the bf was real... i fear i'm not strong enough to fight him for mother y/n...
⤷ user at least she's happy!!! (i'm actually crying my parasocial relationship is officially over)
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taglist. @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel , @aimixx , @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @lupicalbestwolf , @akiraquote , @lilypadlover , @adorablezhui , @peqch-pie
DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE TAGLIST? please send a non-anon ask to be added to the taglist. taglist can be general taglist (all fandoms and all works), fandom taglist (all works within the fandom), series (all works for specific series) or nsfw taglist (all nsfw works and all fandoms).
crossed off tags mean i can't tag you!
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togament · 10 days
𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌. sakura, ume, kaji, suo.
"ever thought how it would be like to kiss them? here's how they love to do it."
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : SUGGESTIVE KINDA SPICY, kaji is a mess (i’m in love), ume is a puppy man and he is needy, pls protect sakura, SUO????? SUO.
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- shy, shy SHY. You gotta guide him through it, babe. But once he gets the hang of it (and once he gets over the embarrassment), expect him to be all over you. - Handsy when he hasn't seen you for the longest time, caressing softly and he pulls you into him so tightly you feel like you'd merge into one being. if he’s pissed, his hands are fiery, all over your body, groping and pulling at your clothes. - please don't kiss him in public. not like he doesn't want to. of course he really does. but he can't take the teasing and the attention it brings. (he also can't prevent himself from blushing, ok? you know how red he gets!)
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- BIG SMILE KISSER. Your teeth kiss before you both do sometimes. Likes holding you in his arms when he’s kissing you. God. You know those sort of movie kisses where the love interest cups the lead’s cheek so lovingly, so softly like she’s about to break? Whispers sweet nothings to the main lead before leaning in for a perfect kiss? lmao you’re definitely not having that with ume. Sorry. - He’s a goofy kisser, giggles sometimes when you both are into it. Like, he’s just happy to be there, y’know? He whispers how much he loves you, how good you smell, how pretty you are though. who am i kidding? Any kiss is a good movie kiss with ume around. - Just expect him to ask for more than just a kiss after your lips leave his. firing all cylinders too. puppy eyes, all cutesy and stuff. He’s very needy. And I mean NEEDY.
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- of course, goes without saying that kissing kaji’s sweet. If he can’t kiss you in public, he gives you his lollipop. You tease him often, twirling your tongue along the candy, puckered lips slowly sucking it in. you know he's staring. you know he's blushing. he hates how he loves it. - Once he gets you alone? GOD. he presses you up against the nearest surface and kisses you feverishly, fingers harshly tugging at the base of your head to control you the way he wants. You yelp and he takes that opportunity to ram his tongue into your mouth, only to have you suck on it like how you did his lollipop. - But when he’s not super pissed or it’s just a lazy day for him, he looooooves lazy make out sessions while listening to music with you. His hand’s on your cheek, pulling you close. Your arms around his neck, pulling him closer until you’re straddling him already. (his go to is deftones btw.) - Kaji’s kisses are fiery and needy one moment, slow and sensual the next. No in between.
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- likes teasing before he leans in to kiss you. You could just be talking about mundane stuff and he’s looking at you with a hooded eye, gaze flitting from your eyes to your lips and back again. Tongue darting out his lips to wet them only to pull his lower lip slightly between his teeth. He knows how to work you way too well. - He likes it when you kiss him so desperately after he teases you. With how neat and proper he is, you’d expect him to prefer slow and languid kisses. au contraire, he likes it MESSY. Tongues battling for dominance, hands yanking and threading through hair, him biting your lip when he pulls away, whispered dirty talks. - it's crazy how he pulls away from you and he looks so neat and tidy while your hair's frazzled.
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a/n: ok another one before i head to bed. goodness i really do have to fix my body clock soon lmao goodnight sweetpeas~
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solarlunarsstuff · 8 months
HEY! i adore your writing :) i was wondering if you could write a semi long one shot abt reader riding mike and him being super sensitive and him whining and moaning and calling him a good boy and maybe like… spitting in his mouth… LMAOOOO
☆ Her Whiny Boy ☆
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Synopsis: Even if he started the teasing it'll always end in him being a big whiny mess, and him being so sensitive.
Tw: Dacryphilia, spitting, foul language, sub!Mike and dom!Reader, dick riding, marking, penatrative sex (p in v), and pet names.
For a start, Mike and you have been friends since you were both about 5 years old. He was sitting on the elementary school's swing.
You obviously decided to talk to him. That was about 20 years ago, you yourself thought that the relationship wouldn't go that far but here you are now.
Sitting on Mike's bed while he was all hot and bothered, all pressed up against you. He had his lips attached to yours for the past 10 minutes, Mike wanted more. He needed more.
But you knew, oh you knew how to pull his strings. Mike was leaning against the headrest of his bed with you straddling his lap.
You started to slowly grind into him, you tugged on his hair lightly to see his reaction. Mike's moan was muffled between the heated make out.
"F-fuck, {Y/n}, pl-please" he whined out.
You knew he needed it, but you don't want to just hand it to him, no no. You had to tease him back.
You didn't answer but you did grind down harder, he let a groan move past his lips while his head lolled back.
"Hmmm, how about I get you a little ready first? Sounds good, ay?" You taunted his neediness
Fuck he looked so hot, he looked so disheveled that it was attractive. His hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, you and Mike were both fully dressed making it a bit hard to get friction.
You reached your arms out for the hem of his shirt to pull it over his head, he obliged and puts his arms up for more access.
Once you got his shirt over he wanted you to take yours off but you thought otherwise, you instantly grabbed his hands and put it to your hips that were still moving up along his crotch area.
"No, you're not allowed to touch me just yet." You reminded him
Mike whined once again, shit you needed more. You got up off of him and looked down, he had a spot on his pants that were wet. That was sent straight to your core making you soak your pretty black laced panties.
Fuck it. You pulled your top up and over yourself to reveal that you didn't have anything under, you took note that Mike had been palming himself through his jeans.
You moved closer to him letting out a big huff while gripping the sides of his pants and pulling them down past him ankles, catching his boxers along with it and onto the floor where your top was.
You were nearly drooling at his cock, he twitched making him embarrassed and tried covering his beautiful face. While giving him a few experimental pumps and saw how his tip leaked a bit of precum and he grew a bit bigger which you thought was impossible.
You let go and stood up off the bed and onto the floor to shimmy out of your own pants, also catching your laced panties and tossing it into the pile of clothing on the wooden floor.
Crawling back onto him, straddling his thighs while pumping him a little again. You brought your right hand up to your mouth and spit just to lather it into his ready dick.
Mike moaned through his anticipation of wanting to touch you. He wanted to touch you, your body, your everything. Mike needed to touch your soft skin with his rough hands.
"You can touch me now, Mike." You finally replied
Mike was so eager he dove straight for your breasts, massaging them and giving them kitten licks so they would harden from his heated muscle.
You reached for his head and shoved it into your chest more, he was like a starved man. He took the opportunity and used his whole mouth sucking and leaving hickeys on your breast so he could see them turn into a pretty purple later on.
While he was stuffed between your tits, he looked up at you with his beautiful brown colored eyes, it broke something in you.
You pulled his head away by tugging a bit harder on his hair to move him, he let out a hng from the pressure. That made your core dampen even more.
You lifted yourself up a bit and grabbed the length of his cock and positioned it in front of your sopping entrance.
You sat your whole weight down into him, you both whined in unison. Your eyes rolled back while you sat there for a moment to make sure you could adjust to his size.
You slowly started to move, you were steadily sat on his lap. Mike's cock buried deep in you, you'd think he'd split you, which he was. But you loved every single second of it.
"{Y/n}- hiccup -fuckkkk, need more. Need t' move in you." Mike complained
God he was a mess and loved him because of how he acted. At this point you started to bounce on him, he couldn't take it. Mike had reached his arms out and had a death grip on your hips.
He moved you up and down with his hands on your hips, his breathing was unsteady and his whimpers and cries of shit don't stop, m' so close didn't help you out either.
"Open your mouth." You demanded him
He indulged and open his mouth along with lolling his tongue out, you used your left hand to hold his face in place while your right was resting on his thigh for stability.
While still riding him you spat in his mouth and called him dirty slurs while you assisted his dick that was stretching you out greedily.
"Hah, being- fuck. Being such a good boy f' me aren't you.. letting me spit in your mouth." You mocked at him
Your walls spasmed around his cock that told him you were close, you rested your hands on his shoulders.
"I'm gonna- fuckin' cu-!" You blurted out
Your sopping wet cunt tightened our him and came, leaving your slick on his cock and lower stomach.
He was ramming into you at this point, his dick was kissing your cervix which made you want to cum again.
As soon as you came back from your delusions, he came, and hard. You swear your eyesight went white.
You were both breathing heavily from your highs.
"You did so good.." you mumbled while collapsing onto Mike's chest.
He didn't say anything but tightened the embrace and kissed your forehead.
A/n: I feel like I did a shitty job one this one but I did it woo-hoo! Also I'm sorry again if it's to short my luvs :(
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sunkissed-zegras · 2 months
Paige nsfw hcs pls
─ warnings | NSFW under the cut! read at your own discretion!
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
─ ev's notes | the long awaited nsfw headcanons for paigey, i finally got the motivation to write it after i kept reading the INSANE smut yall keep writing (keep it up im lovin it) also this is such a mess, this is just rambling and not organized whatsoever, but wtv i hope yall enjoyed :)
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woo, where do i even begin?
let's begin with the obvious, paige is a TOP, i can't stress this enough
i genuinely can't see anyone topping her she's just .... a TOP
but that doesn't mean she won't let you take the reigns every once in awhile, esp after a bad game/tiring practice because everyone once to be taken care of sometimes
i'm def not the first person to say this and certainly will not be the last but STRAP GAME GOES SOOOOO HARD
i feel like at first she's gonna be weirded out cus like... she likes only girls for a reason??? and she has her mouth and fingers??? why would she need a piece of plastic to make her girl feel good???
but the first time y'all try it, she's hooked
she forgets ab her hands after that
jk but like
yeah she's HOOKED
she gets really into it LOL, def can imagine her calling the strap her dick
oh and she fucks HARDDDD like, no room to breathe or anything
like you'll be gasping for air after and she'll be super duper proud
i read this one fic with like the dual ended one (i didn't even know that existed) and then i was like yep, yes this is the oneee
with positions, i can't see her doing anything more than like missionary (cus she loves to see your pretty face) and like from the back
but as soon as she discovers riding, it's OVERRRRR for you
she's making you ride her strap anytime she can, cus she loves it
she has her hands on your hips as she's guiding you and she LOVES IT so fucking much, like the power she has over you makes her go feral
oh and do not get me started on sucking her strap, cus again she loves the power she holds over you
she has your hair in a ponytail and the more you get comfortable with the whole thing, she WILL make you gag
she acts like it's her dick (yeah i know we covered that) but like esp when you're sucking her strap, she will just dirty talk u the entire time
"you like my dick, pretty girl? like gagging on my dick?" cus yeah, u do
oh and yes, she does have breeding kink
it breaks her heart that she can't get you pregnant 😪
but she sure as hell will pretend to!!!!!
will 100% bend you over and just yap about getting you pregnant
also if she's fucking you in missionary, she expects you to look at her the entire time
so if you turn away, she will grab your face and keep you looking straight at her
paige is a D1 yapper i fear, and that would 10000% seep into the bedroom LMAO
mostly praise cus babygirl would feel really bad but when she gets into, she GETS into it
like she will call you her slut as she's about cum
that post-nut clarity goes hard the first time tho cus she's like no way i called my gf a dirty fucking slut 😭😭 she sits with her thoughts for a good 10 minutes trying to recollect herself
she is a munch for sure, like she will eat you out for hours and hours on end (not an exaggeration btw)
but she LOVES when you give back
it makes her go fucking feral when she sees you eating her out, like yessssssssssssss
she has to close her eyes bc if she keeps looking at your face, she WILL cum
she has a bad hair pulling problem, like she will grip your hair so hard your head will hurt after
it's apart of the appeal tho 🎀
her fav spot to get absolutely ate is her gaming chair cus like, she needs you in between her legs giving her support to get that victory royale 💯💯💯
she hates when she gets ass or tits bc she genuinely cannot pick
it depends on the day bc they're both great, she will never pick one
i feel like she's definitely thought ab fucking you in public but she can't risk it
the only time yall did was in a bathroom at an event and it was SOOO bad afterwards cus everyone could tell
you had to pretend like you didn't get your brains fucked out and paige had to pretend she didn't DO the fucking
but lowkey she enjoyed it a lot, but would she do it again?
maybe, a solid maybe (with the right motivation)
okay but like ....
she def has fingered u while the girls are over cus like, she was in a silly mood?
you just looked too fucking good, she had to
but thank god no one noticed (at least to yalls knowledge...)
she's a horny fuck ARGUE WITH THE WALL
she will get turned on by anything you do, like homegirl is just sooooo down bad for you
you could be applying chapstick and paige will be like "we need to fuck, now."
paige's aftercare is just giving you water and cuddling with you for 10 mis while scrolling on tiktok and then gets up to play fortnite with kk
she literally is the tiktok where it's like "after he rearranges my organs he goes and plays fortnite" i hope yall know what i'm talking about
but you don't mind ofc cus she makes you sit on her lap while playing
but then turns into another round cus shes a horny fuck
paige is all for hickies on YOU but she gets pissed when you give her a hickey cus she's like people are gonna see
like she's the only one who has to deal with the public 🙄🙄🙄
but she loves marking you EVERYWHERE, esp on your collarbone like it's so sexy
oh and god bless you in the summer, the ones on your thighs are getting AIRED OUT bc paige does not care
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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not-avery · 11 months
Aphrodisiac- Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Spider! Reader
TW! Sex, PvP, Biting, Semi-Public Sex, Aphrodisiacs, Technically Non-Con(Under the influence?), Language, Confessions, Poorly translated Spanish from google translate, No Beta read only Grammarly Probably more I forgot 💀
A/N!! This is my first fanfic!! I hope y’all enjoy it and that it isn’t totally unbearable lmao- Constructive criticism is welcome and wanted!!
“What the hell was that stuff?” I cough, the pink powder settling around us. We’d both breathed in a good amount of the mysterious powder, but there was still a good amount left on the concrete.
“I don’t know,” Miguel grumbles, ripping his mask off as he crouches to investigate the mysterious substance. I look around, trying to locate the villain that had just powder bombed us. “I’m going to take a sample, see if I can figure out what this is,” Miguel says, his voice gruff and cold like it always was.
“Well dammit,” It’s my turn to grumble, looking in the direction the villain had run. “We lost them,” I tell Miguel, looking down at him crouching on the ground.
“Joder…” (T: Fuck) Miguel groans standing up. “I was so close…” He practically growls, staring at where he ran off.
“We were close, Miguel,” I remind him, an annoyed expression crossing his tanned face. “We’ll get him next time,” I tell him, taking my mask off.
“That isn’t how it works!” Miguel growls, “What if that villain screws up this Earth more? What do we do then? Get him next time?” Miguel says, stepping closer to him. My breath catches in my throat, looking up at the man towering over me. “God I shouldn’t have brought you and your immaturity on this mission,” He growls, looking down at me. Miguel and I have never had a great relationship, we had very…different approaches to being Spiderman but when the leader of spider society asks you to go on a mission you can’t disagree with him.
“You invited me on this mission, Miguel,” I snap back, a frown on my face.
Miguel grumbles something I can’t hear, I roll my eyes at him. “I don’t think we are going to be able to catch him,” Miguel sighs, looking down at the mysterious powder on the concrete. “Maybe we should just head back,” He admits, a scowl on his face.
“So I was right?” I smirk, raising an eyebrow at him. Maybe this is why he doesn’t like me, I don’t care honestly.
“No, you were not,” Miguel says, looking at his watch. Lyla appears, looking at both of us.
“Kinda sounded like you were agreeing with her,” Lyla says to Miguel as he opens up a portal into spider society. I laugh softly, looking at the little ai person.
“See, even Lyla agrees with me,” I tell him, following Miguel into the portal. “You totally were agreeing with me you just don’t like to admit you’re wrong!” I say, walking around him in a circle as we get into his office. Instead of being cold to Miguel like he was to me, I chose to annoy him, being the biggest pain I can to him.
“Eres el mayor dolor en el culo,” (T: You are the biggest pain in the ass) Miguel groans, going over to his computers. “Just go, I’ll figure out what this is,” He says, looking at the mysterious powder.
“Good! No one wants to be around you anyway,” I yell as I walk away, I didn’t really mean it, Miguel just knew how to push my buttons.
I’m a sweaty, shaky mess in the bathroom. Around one hour after the powder bomb and the villain escaped my body started feeling…off. I was sweaty but freezing at the same time, my hands shaking, my entire body quaking. And I have no clue what can be causing this except…the powder. And guess who would be the only person who would know? Miguel.
I sigh as I get closer to Miguel’s quarters, my body shaking as I approach where he normally hides out. I lean against the wall for support as I see Miguel hunched over his desk. I go to speak but Miguel breaks the silence first.
“I know it’s you, Y/N,” Miguel’s voice sounds..weird. It almost shudders as he turns around, looking at me. “It’s the powder,” He groans as he stalks closer to me. I feel my breath catch in my throat as I feel a sudden wave of attraction for the man getting closer to me. I feel this need for him, my thighs squeeze together. “Dios Mío…you’re gorgeous,” (T: My God) Miguel groans as he grabs my chin making me look up at him. My breathing picks up as I look up at the man, lust fills his deep red eyes and his fangs poke out of his lips slightly. Suddenly all the late-night thoughts and dreams I had of this man came flooding back, my heart beating fast and my drop of sweat rolling down my neck and down the arch of my back.
“Miguel,” I whimper, looking up at the man above me. “Please…help me,” I practically beg him, biting my lip as my thighs rub together. Miguel smirks, those little fangs showing. Miguel slams his lips down on mine, pinning me against the wall. I feel his muscular thigh slip between my leg, stopping myself from trying to hit the heat between them. I whine into the kiss, Miguel nipping at my bottom lip. He pushes his tongue into my lips, exploring the wetness. I moan into the kiss, my nails digging into his scalp. It’s his turn to groan into the kiss, pushing me more into the wall. We pant with heavy breaths, our chests heaving against each other.
“I’ve been waiting to kiss you for so long,” Miguel growls into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He picks me up with no effort, having me wrap my legs around his waist. I can feel the painful-looking bulge press into my body, he feels huge against me, giant. “T-this is okay with you, right Mami?” He asks, setting me down on his desk, causing all of the papers and other items to scatter onto the ground.
“Yes, yes please,” I beg him, grabbing onto his broad shoulders. “I need you, Miguel,” I pant, spreading my legs for him. All of my self-control and embarrassment had left my body as soon as he slammed me into the wall.
“Don’t have to ask me twice,” Miguel says, slamming our lips together again. Then his lips start traveling away from my lips, to my jaw line then he latches onto my neck, leaving hickeys on the skin. I didn’t even realize what I would have to say if someone sees the marks that Miguel is leaving. “I need you now, Mami,” Miguel moans in my ear, sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine.
“Me too,” I pant out, hitting the button on my bracelet that retracts my suit, a nifty little thing I had created when I first became the Spiderman for my earth. I’m left alone in my shorts and a tank top, which I had slept in last night. Miguel on the other hand had to take off his suit, his dick bouncing up and down as he freed it from its tight constraints. At this moment I also realize that Miguel doesn’t wear boxer under his suit, keeping that information in the back of my head. His fingers slip into the waistband of my shorts, yanking them down. My cunt throbs as the cold air hits my heat, a slight shiver crawling up my spine.
Miguel slowly pushes his huge cock into my throbbing hole, moans escaping both of our lips. Miguel rests his sweaty forehead on my shoulder pants slightly. “Ay Mami,” Miguel groans, “tan apretada, carajo,” (T: So tight, fuck) He nibbles on my neck, feeling his fangs grazing against my neck. I don’t speak Spanish, hell I barely know Hola but whatever Miguel says makes me tighten around him. Miguel starts trusting, setting a fast pace.
“Oh Miguel,” I moan, my nails digging into his shoulders. “You feel so good,” I moan, throwing my head back. He quickens his pace, small whimpers and moans being breathed into my ear.
“I feel like you were made for me,” He groans into my ear before biting down on my shoulder. I moan out loudly, my nails scratching his back. He feels so good, this all feels so good, maybe this was the tension between us boiling over, maybe it was the powder but it felt too good. I was getting close, the coil in my stomach tightening. “Are you getting close? Te estás poniendo tan apretada a mi alrededor,” (T: You are getting so tight around me) Miguel grunts into my ear, his clawed fingers trailing down my body to the bundle of nerves between my thighs.
“Oh my God, yes!” I moan out, scratching his back as he picks up the pace of his fingers and thrust. As my moans escape my lips Miguel clamps his hand over my mouth, panting into my ear.
“Can’t have anyone hear you crying on my dick can we?” Miguel groans, “You don’t want people seeing how well you suck me in, do you?” He smirks against my skin, trusting in deeper. I moan into his palm, nodding frantically. “Buena Niña,” Miguel groans, pressing his fingers down onto my clit. The coil in my stomach snaps, orgasming around his thick cock. My hips buck wildly against his.
“Quédate quieta, mami, quédate quieta,” (T: Stay still, Mami, stay still) Miguel groans, his pace becoming frantic, chasing his own pleasure now. His hand keeps my hips pinned down as his trust overstimulates me. I whimper and cry into his hand, my nails leaving crescent-shaped imprints on the skin of his muscular flesh. Miguel stills, the liquid filling me up with a bite on my shoulder to prevent a loud groan from escaping his lips.
Our heavy pants escaped both of us, sweat dripping both of our bodies. “Miguel…that was…God,” I laugh, still recovering. I wrap my arms around his back, laying there for a second.
“Y/N…” He mumbles, kissing my neck softly. “I-I think I love you,” Miguel grumbles, his dick still inside of me. My heart stops, my breathing stops, my mind stops, everything stops.
“What?” I ask, looking at the massive man. There is a genuinely sweet look in his eyes, not the normal cold, aggressive look he normally has.
“I think I love you,” He repeats, staring down at me. “I know I’m scary and mean but Y/N, please just give me a chance,” My heart rate goes crazy as he continues. “I just want you to be safe and careful, and I love your teasing, you’re perfect, you’re beautiful, I think about you day in and day out,” Miguel finishes, looking down at me with pure love in his dark red eyes. I didn’t even know how to react.
“I think I may like you too, Miguel,” I say, thinking about all those nights I’d spent thinking about Miguel. That's all Miguel needs to press our lips together in a kiss, our lips moving against each other in a soft kiss.
“Do you want me to help you get home?” He ask, handing me the shorts he’d thrown off. I slip my shorts on, sitting up to look at him. I notice him doing the same thing, putting his suit back on
“I think I can get home mysel-“ I say but as I stand up my legs give out Miguel having to catch me. He just laughs, helping me stand up. “Okay maybe I do need your help,” I sigh, looking over at him.
“Let’s get you home, Mami,” Miguel says, helping me stand up, opening a portal to my home dimension.
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lilacqiqis · 5 months
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naruto, kakashi, obito(non massacre), hinata, itachi(non massacre), sasuke, sai
Scenario: getting casually called darling by their crush
A/N: pls send in Naruto reqs I'm starving to write stuff, also finally decided to give characters specific emojis LMAO last post i made i randomly gave them emojis 😭 Writing this at 3 AM sorry if it's ass -mod Lilac
TW: none, GN!reader
more under the cut
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🌱 Naruto isn't used to romantic affection from people, let alone his crush, so his reaction when you call him "darling" is a huge gaping mouth and stuttering as he tries to process what you said
🌱 "W-wait!! Whuh?! Huhhh?!! Whaddja call me?!"
🌱 Whether it's a joke or not he has a dorky smile after as he laughs, the pet name making him feel warm inside. He probably will try and call you a pet name back afterwards, hoping you'll like it just as much as he did.
🌱 Goes to brag to all his friends the next day. "Hey hey! Guess what?! S/O called me DARLING!!" Nobody really cares too much honestly, they think he's overreacting or even lying.
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🌾 A stoic man he is, that Kakashi. Not much can get him flustered, besides reading Icha Icha of course.
🌾 He usually can keep his feelings hidden away from his crush, treating you like any of his other friends, but when you call him darling? Lucky that he's wearing a mask because you'd be able to see the huge blush forming on his face.
🌾 He'd try not to react too much, his eye slightly widening and body tensing up when the word hits him. It felt so... Natural? The pet name came off your tongue so nicely that Kakashi can't help but want to hear it more.
🌾 Wouldn't comment on it, but may bring it up in the future to tease you. Perhaps to get back at them he'll also call you a romantic pet name... Nah, he's too nervous to do that, if he was that bold he'd go and just confess already!
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🌺 Like Naruto, Obito is flabbergasted. He's liked you for gods who knows how long and you can just casually call him that while he becomes a mess just hugging you?
🌺 His head whips towards you so quickly as he stares at you with wide eyes. How is he supposed to react to this?! Does this mean you like him...? Did you even mean this romantically in the first place? Do you call other people that too?!
🌺 His mind is running and he just kinda... Stares at you in awe. Don't let him down by telling him it was just a joke when he questions you later, he'll be devastated.
🌺 Obito will try and be confident, calling you an affectionate pet name as well but all that comes out is stuttering.
🌺 "Heheh... I think so too, s... S-sweet... Sw-sweethEART OKIMGOINGTOGONOWBYES/O"
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🌻 Goes absolutely red. Hinata already gets embarrassed by little gestures so something like getting called darling is sure to make her pass out!
🌻 Did you really mean that? She hopes so! That small name made her day, and she won't ever forget about it<3
🌻 Of course, she's still too shy to admit her feelings to you. If that was your way of confessing you'd be dumb to not see that she obviously likes you too... You'd probably be dumb to not notice her behavior before, after all Hinata isn't very good at hiding her feelings towards you.
🌻 She wouldn't realize it's a confession of your attraction if that was your motive, so please be more blunt with her.
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🌙 If you think he wouldn't remember, he will. Itachi is a romantic individual, though not as much before a relationship. He takes note of everything S/O says, and will try to hint towards his feelings through small actions and words.
🌙 Absolutely loves it. Itachi will think about the pet name, wondering if you'd mind if he called you that as well. Maybe you'd get embarrassed that you're getting a taste of your own medicine? It's not the humiliation part Itachi would enjoy, but he'd love to see your flustered face.
🌙 Doesn't make a huge fuss when you call him darling, probably doesn't even say anything about it, but has a small smile while thinking about it.
🌙 Will begin to also call you pet names!! It depends on how close you are, but if you two are good friends he'll return your affection. You two probably end up having a lot of romantic tension while everybody suffers watching wondering if one of you two will finally confess or not...
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🪻 Sasuke loves hates it. Do NOT call him that cheesy warm and gooey shit, he will scoff at you then turn his head away. jk he just has an ego to protect
🪻 Hates how it makes him feel. That disgusting ticklish feeling he gets in his stomach and the heat in his face makes him feel weak and vulnerable, so stop that. This is just as bad as a genjutsu and he doesn't like it one bit!
🪻 In reality though, Sasuke adores being called darling. He's just... Really bad at dealing with affection you know? He doesn't know how to react and the feeling of love is so foreign to him, so his only way of reacting is acting like he hates it in hopes of ridding his feelings. (Spoiler alert:it doesn't help one bit.)
🪻 You can catch him with a soft blush and tiny smirk on his face if you can catch a glance before he turns his head. Quit being such a loser and just accept it, Sasuke!
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🪶 This was mentioned in his book, so Sai should act accordingly, right? He'll begin to also call you pet names, and he probably already did before you due to the fact he read a book saying he should...
🪶 Doesn't quite understand the meaning behind the sweet names but he's trying his best
🪶 It makes him happy though, being able to connect with you... Someone he enjoys being around so much, someone who he feels he has a "special" bond with.
🪶It creeps into your twos friendship, and before you know it you two are acting like a married couple with all your affectionate behavior.
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mournings-stars · 4 months
Hello hello! I’d like to request some platonic into romantic headcannons on an Alastor x fallen ex-exorcist/exterminator reader please :>
Small background: Reader fell for whatever reason and maybe a few days to a week (or even months-) afterward they end up striking a deal with Alastor, where they’ll be under his protection (because as skilled as they are it wouldn’t matter much with the entirety of hell on their ass) but he gets a pretty good portion of their power in return or maybe something else that you think Alastor would take.
Gender neutral reader pls
I’ve only read one fic or two with this concept and I am on my hands and knees for more lol
If you prefer a different writing format or feel this is too specific or OC-ish please please please feel free to change anything! I’m not very picky ^^
Thank you for your time and have a good day/night!
okay i LOVE this concept — i think it be the slowest fucking burn in the world tho like
you were never one of adam’s favorites, as you had the tendency to spare demons who seem harmless, but covered it nearly everytime
during this last extermination, however, he was trying to catch you fucking up the plan, so the minute you skipped over someone, he had lute launch her weapon at you
i doubt he’d let her kill you or anything, but he definitely just left you there for the demons to finish off, probably pinned to the ground with lute’s spear in your wing or something before he called all the other exorcists back (and he made sure to leave your halo so even if you did change clothes people knew what you were)
luckily (not really) you’d be in cannibal town, so before anyone could get to you, alastor’s probably just walking around like nothings happening (LMAO) and sees you
i doubt he’d make it known he saw you, like he’d definitely keep humming merrily down the street until he saw you struggling to get away from him as quickly as possible and tearing your wing even more
“my, my, let’s calm down, shall we?” he’d laugh and take the spear out of your wing. “isn’t that better, little bird?” but he’d say that while literally pointing the spear at you so don’t feel too safe
you’d definitely get defensive and shoot into the air with your weapon, ready to kill, and i think after seeing you still attempting to fly with that damaged of a wing (like its fucked up), he’d be impressed enough to drop the spear he had with a very big grin
“you’d better hide, little bird”
and you’d take his warning to fly off, quickly snatching lute’s weapon with yours in case you needed to defend yourself
he would literally just smile and watch you leave before continuing to hum and walk down the street
it’d probably be like a solid three days of hiding and having to fight for your life before the damage to your wing really messed with you and you had to force yourself to find a good hiding place
maybe you see charlie on the news and notice that no one seems to want to go to her hotel, so you force yourself to fly all the way there like a week after her horrible interview (ep 1) and practically collapse at the front door
of course you recognize vaggie and of course you practically run over and hug her despite the spear pointed at you… and of course that means vaggie either may or may not have to confess depending on if you pick up that no one knows or not (off the concept but im sparing chaggie heartbreak)
“who the fuck is this?” would be the first thing you hear from a spider demon and you’d have to explain what you were and hope they didn’t kill you — which, duh, charlie wouldn’t that let happen
“hello again, little bird,” would make everyone shut up because… how does alastor know you??? of course, he doesn’t answer their questions, just says hello and moves on like it’s all normal
your first day would totally be catching up with vaggie, probably breaking down because you needed to get back to heaven and had no way there
i think exorcists probably have a little bit of angelic power, but they probably can’t create portals without that power being given to them or something which means you have no way home and no where to go
vaggie and charlie of course tell you to stay, but once anyone shows up they’ll know you’re here and all of hell would be coming to the hotel to try and get to you — and you didn’t want to ruin what they had going (even if it was small you thought it was a great idea) so they probably give you a change of clothes, something more hellish, and tell you to stay until you have somewhere else to go
that would probably give alastor the perfect opportunity to talk to you privately and offer his protection
you wouldn’t take his offer at first, but once pentious shows up and the overlords somehow find out that charlie is hiding an angel in her hotel (vox and his stupid drones) you dont really have a choice
i dont think he’d ask for any power in return, but i do think you’d owe him a favor each time he has to protect you
vox would probably give subtle hints in all the programs he runs, so alastor would have to protect you very often
that meant if he ordered you to get rid of someone, you did it — whether that meant by the snap of your fingers with holy light (which they could potentially survive or respawn from) or killing them with your exorcist weapon was totally up to him sometimes, he just asked that you create a bouquet of flowers for his room
usually the people he had you “take care of” were repulsive enough, and you never minded creating things with your abilities, so you agreed to what he asked with ease
it’d be a little time before who he instructed you to “take care of” slowly shifted to anyone who wronged you
of course, he’d still protect you, but if he didn’t own their soul and he didnt have an angelic weapon, he couldn’t ensure that they wouldn’t come back, so he asked you, “do you think they’ll come back for you, little bird?” if you were unsure, or knew it was likely they’d come back for the person that ended up being the reason they had to go through the painful process of respawning, he’d tell you to just kill them
it’d probably come to a point where he stopped asking for favors, made sure you were alright, and told you to focus on what you needed to do while he “did his job”
i think eventually you’d find a place you think could be safe and once your wing is totally healed up and alright you’d say your goodbyes even though you weren’t that close with anyone but vaggie (also i feel like niffty would be down to talk to u about her bug battles or some shit)
anyway, when you go to say bye to alastor, he definitely cashes in his favor with a simple “hmm, no” cus he sees no reason for you to leave??? like so what everyone else’s lives are in danger by you being here… you’re safer here
so you’d stay, and it’d definitely make charlie happy because if she can get an angel back to heaven that’d prove she could actually do this
you’d be pissed at alastor for a while, but slowly, it seemed like demons understood that by coming for you, they were fucking with the radio demon (and we all know how that goes) so after a few months you were finally left alone
in that time you’d totally help spruce up the hotel while slowly forgetting why you wanted to go back
but every once in a while you’d have a very prolonged sadness about the situation… heaven was your home after all, and even if you liked the hotel, you could never leave because the minute you stepped outside, there was a line for your head — you were trapped there (like a bird in a cage — hence the nickname)
i think even though everyone likes having you there, vaggie would eventually bring up lucifer (like he can literally open a portal…)
but immediately alastor is not fucking having it and he cashes in another one of his pent up favors, saying that getting back to heaven through a fallen angel was the dumbest thing you could do if you wanted it to look like you were the one wronged in this situation (he has a point i fear)
i think this is where you kind of accept that you’re not going home and maybe just give up because 1. you can’t go to the heaven embassy since you’d just be met with adam and 2. the only person that could get you contact wasn’t a good option
i think now would be when alastor recognizes how much you want to go home and finds himself feeling bad?? for keeping you, but he just wants you to get home safely and surely
still, once he sees that you literally wont leave your room and have contemplated taking your own halo he compromises to let you try going to the heaven embassy to see if you could get a meeting with anyone but adam
you said it wasn’t possible, but he insisted “i can’t have you looking so upset all the time, birdie” he’d say while using his hand to squish your cheeks into a smile just to make you laugh
so you’d go — i think you’d totally get there safely but once demons see an exorcist angel coming out of the heaven embassy, you have to fight the minute you step out of the building
you can 100% see holy light from the hotel, so the minute alastor sees a golden beam he’s out the door
you can handle your own, so you fought them off, but i’d imagine you get injured and that’s what really makes alastor realize he’s falling for you cus he’s seething
even just a minuscule amount of golden blood on you had him tearing apart any demon who even looked like they’d been near you
i hate to say it but i don’t think this would be a happy ending — reader loves heaven even though they hate being an exorcist and alastor knows that so he’d definitely keep his feelings hidden and if you showed any signs of feelings for him he’d be terrified because an angel falling, literally falling because thats what would happen to you, for someone like him would never get you back home
obviously it’d come to a point where he doesn’t want you to leave, but at the same time, he’d never keep you
if i did end up writing an actual fic of this it’d probably end on a bit of a cliffhanger ex. reader getting accepted back and being hesitant with alastor’s last favor just him saying, “if you want to stay for anyone, don’t,” and letting you decide whether or not to go back
OR reader being accepted back but still having to be an exorcist, so the next time they see alastor is the finale where adam would 100% put them against him
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leonasimp · 2 years
❥ 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦!
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: all dorm members x crush reader
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: slightly suggestive on leona's part, not proofread
𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚: i have homecoming tuesday so i decided to do it with the twst! plus reader's pronouns aren't stated!
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After losing another yearly tournament with RSA, the headmage and staff had decided to throw a homecoming dance!
This being your first NRC homecoming, you wondered how great it'll be.
Walking through the hallways to go back to your dorm, you're oblivious to what the twst boys have in store.
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𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬:
he would probably ask you to be his homecoming date in the rose garden
will give you a single red rose
his face will be as red as the rose
i think this would be his first school dance because he was homeschooled
at homecoming, he would be blushing the whole time and uses his signature spell on anyone (ace) who teases him
he's really good at slow dancing!
while being your date, he also supervises to make sure no one is breaking rules
i feel like he'll work up the courage and kiss your knuckles
"Thank you for being my date to the dance, Prefect. This is both our first dance so I hope this will be a great experience for the both of us."
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𝐀𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐚:
he'd probably ask as soon as he knows about it
wants to do it before deuce
he will blush if you actually are willing then would be smug about it
at homecoming, he'll look really formal
laughs at couples yet acts coupley towards you
there's never a moment where you aren't on the dance floor either dancing crazily to songs or embarrassingly trying to slow dance
teases you a lot during it although deep down, he's shy.
you guy will probably tell the dj to play an inappropriate song LMAO
riddle won't be happy!
"ew, yuck! look at those losers over there, all sucking each other's faces. HA, that's hil-...WHAT- i never even tried to kiss you tonight! pfffttttttt."
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𝐃𝐞𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐞:
he'd be a blushing mess!
he'd accidentally confess his feelings too :0
mans asked his mom for help and will end up getting you a bouquet of flowers
at homecoming, he's so awkward and tense but it's cute
he's also a gentleman and will willingly beat up anyone who tries to steal his date away
he will be so shy while slow dancing too, he just knows that ace is somewhere laughing and filming him
you'll definitely will have to take the lead
pls don't laugh if he steps on your foot, he's trying :(
i think by the time the dance ends, he'll give you a little kiss on the forehead
100% calls his mom and tells her EVERYTHING
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𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝:
will 100% film himself asking you and your reaction
i feel like he'll be standing with a huge cringe poster that has a pun line to ask you to homecoming!
he'll help you with your dress/suit and getting ready. you guys are matching
his magicam will be FILLED with videos and pictures of the dance with 98% of them being you.
you'll never be bored at all the whole time and you'll have so much confidence with him!
slow dancing will be comfortable and nice yet he'll probably be a little shy
"WOAH! Look at my amazing date, go prefect! #dancingprefect #nrchomecoming #caycaysdate."
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𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫:
i think he'd be really cringe about it
like he'll say a dad joke and ask you to the homecoming LMAO
during homecoming, he's a gentleman
he'll even pay for yummy snacks and drinks
probably a secret dancer, i think he'll dance pretty good
he'll crack jokes and he'll laugh if you fall while dancing but then help you up
the slow dances good? it'll probably be so romantic then he'll crack a dad joke---
"my dad jokes aren't that bad. these dance jokes really get you in the rhythm..hahaha that was the last one. yes! i promise."
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𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫:
probably wouldn't ask you to be his date until you're at the dance. like he'll be sleeping outside the gymnasium and get jealous at some dudes trying to dance with you or ruggie will make him do it
mans will look so fine like damn
he's great at dancing, esp slow dancing
i wonder if he'll hold you close to his chest while you dance
100% a tease the whole time and will definitely kiss your face or hand
he'll be smug with that mf smirk
will show you off to everyone
ruggie will tease him and you, probably will film to get blackmail
by the end of your night, you guys will sneak off to the botanical garden and cuddle or more :0 <3
"no one'll notice if ya ditch, cmon herbivore. let loose, will ya? it ain't nice to reject a prince. "
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𝐑𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢:
he'll get you a bouquet of freshly picked dandelions. they don't look REALLY pretty but it's the thought that counts :(<3
he'll play it off cool while asking you but is freaking out
during homecoming, he's probably wearing one of leona's suits or one of his own which probably has a few holes in it but he looks very good
you guys will always be near the food and you'll probably have to be on look out while ruggie steals snacks
i bet ruggie is a really good dancer but when it comes to slow dancing, he isn't all that good
he'll be shy and might step on your feet LMAO but he's cute so it's okay
"Oi, mc! come stand guard while i grab these slices of pizza for us!"
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𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐥:
i feel like he'll ask you and play it off as him not wanting you to be the only one without a date but he just really wants to go with you
he'll be wicked shy asking you and during homecoming but will play it cool, esp in front of the first years
his tail will never stop wagging like he'll be such a happy bby
i think he may be good at slow dancing
he'll growl at anyone who looks at you badly or hungrily too so yay
"hey, wanna go to the homecoming? the others seem to have found dates so i didn't want you to be alone."
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𝐀𝐳𝐮𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨:
he'll be panicking to ask you out. before he can ask you out, floyd will probably say something about him wanting you to be his homecoming date
during homecoming, he'll look very clean and formal yet he'll be panicking. dw, he'll loosen up throughout the night
slow dances will be good, i feel like he'll be MARVELOUS at slow dancing
he will NOT let you waste your money or his on the snacks and drinks there. instead, he'll make you guys go to the mostro lounge and have stuff there
"oh prefect, why spend your money on these things when you can get free luxury at the mostro lounge?"
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𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡:
he'll get your favorite snack and ask you out
a huge smile will be his face while he asks and at the homecoming
he'll be such a gentleman the whole time
100% will call you things like darling, love, etc.
he's a good slower dancer and will caress your back and HAUHDBDHDO
i bet he'll give you a little smooch the forehead just to see you get flustered
you guys probably sneaked to the bathroom and ate mushrooms (good or bad ones, you decide)
"fufu, you're quite adorable when you blush, darling."
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𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡:
once he heard about the dance, you were already his date. you got no choice cuz mans will cling onto you
he's the life of the party so you'll never be bored the whole time
why do i feel like he'll show up with an animal print suit?
he'll be clinging onto you the whole time
if he has mood swings, just do a goofy dance and give him kisses then he'll be fine
if you attempt to slow dance, it's just floyd picking you up and swaying you.
"shrimpy~! i love this song! let's go back to the dance floor!...nono! food can wait, we gotta dance!"
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𝐊𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝐀𝐥-𝐀𝐬𝐢𝐦:
he'll have jamil help him through a huge party to ask you
you guys will have such a fun time but always remember that jamil is watching
he'll be so excited over the littlest things
sm compliments and he'll probably give you some jewelry to go with your dress/suit
slow dancing is so cute with him. he doesn't really know how to do it but every time you guys mess up, you both will burst out in laughter.
"mc this is amazing! are you having fun? im having fun! yay, what should we do next?"
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𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥 𝐕𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐫:
kalim would 100% help him ask you out whenever that'll be him accidentally saying something or forcing you two to go together!
you'd have to remind him that he is supposed to relax and not look after kalim
he'll make sure you drink and eat enough
he's a great dancer so try and keep up with him LMAO
he's great at slow dancing but will blush obv
he'll be smiling too awhh
mans will 100% appreciate that you were able to make him relax for a few hours
"thank you mc for tonight. i don't normally relax like this so i appreciate it. you're a wonderful date."
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𝐕𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭:
he'll probably give you a whole thing of roses and shit then ask you out
he's a gentleman yass
now..there's no doubt that vil looks better than you. although he helped you get ready and everything, he still looks better. you just gotta deal with it
you guy will probably be the most popular date that night
he'll make sure you guys dont consume too much sugar
dancing with him is fun and you'll even get some dance tips and critics
slow dancing, he'll 100% take the lead and teach you
rook will be crying at how beautiful you guys are
"perfect! you're a natural already but just remember to keep your head up and be confident, prefect."
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𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭:
mans will go ALL out for asking. he'll stalk you and gain intel on your favorite stuff, write a love poem, and all that
when he sees you, non stop compliments. i think he'll even go far as to crying
he'll be the perfect gentleman and will always hold + kiss your hand
on the dance floor, he'll always be holding onto you and dancing
slow dancing, he's great! like it's really shocking at how good he is
"oui tricker! oh, you look so marvelous. this beauty is so overwhelming. look at me weep in your presence of beauty."
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𝐄𝐩𝐞𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐫:
he'll be so shy while asking you but will act manly
probably will carve a heart out an apple
he'll look all pretty cuz vil dressed him up but once out of vil's side, he'll fix it up to his liking
he'll talk in his country accent with you
he's wild on the dance floor esp with cotton eye joe
slow dancing, he's so nervous and will act goofy about it but when vil glances at him, he'll be so serious about it
"pfftt, this is how y'all snobby rich folk dance? oh no, he's lookin' at us."
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𝐈𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝:
you're gonna be the one asking him out with the help of ortho
if you manage to convince him, you're gonna have to help him get ready
at the dance, he'll be so shy and scared but probably after some monster drinks, he'll be fine
you guys will probably sit all the way in the back of the bleachers and play games
if you manage to slow dance, his hair will turn pink as you both sway back and worth
"a-ahahah- d-d..do we have to be with the normies?"
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𝐎𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝 (𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜):
he'll probably find you sitting alone and ask you if he could accompany you
you can teach him how to dance and slow dance
he'll say you're pretty and proceed to try and make you dance with idia HELP
"mc! you look so pretty but you're sitting by yourself! would you like to try dancing? idia put a new code to make me dance good."
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𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚:
he'll ask lilia for help on trying to ask you. on one of your walks, he'll shyly ask you and will be so happy when you do. he'll tell lilia all about it when he gets back
you guys will be the most popular couple and it'll be a little overwhelming but great
he doesn't really know a lot of dances but when it comes to slow dancing, well, he is almost fae king. you'll take the whole dance floor away but also good luck with dancing cuz he's tall!
you'll probably end up leaving and going stargazing
he gives you little smooches on the forehead
"haha, child of man, stop giggling. im trying to give you a blessing!..no, im not just giving you a "smooch" on the forehead."
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𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐞:
lilia will probably go the traditional route and get you some roses and ask you out formally
he's old so he knows a lot of dances but it's funny to watch and teach him modern dances from today
he's very great at slow dancing, he has had practice. will probably compete with malleus and his date for slow dancing
"fufu~ am i rocking it, like the kids say?"
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he'll ask malleus and lilia how to ask you but will regret it cuz they'll tease him
i hope the loud music will keep him awake!
he's decent at dancing and is pretty great at slow dancing cuz he dances with his animal friends!
he's the number 1 gentleman for the night
he'll only blush when malleus and lilia tease him
"father, stop! mc is my date, we're just friends! no no! ah, please be quiet..ahh"
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𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐤 𝐙𝐢𝐠𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭:
im not sure how he'll be your date but you'll probably ask him to dance and you guys'll dance battle HELP
he'll see you worthy and will only be with you as long as the young master is in his sight
he'll laugh WICKED LOUD if you fall or step on his foot
if you're a malleus simp then that's good cuz that'll probably be your whole conversation
he wont seem like it but he's actually really happy to have you as a date
"you human! you seem rather decent in the midst of the dance battle, let us be partners at this dance."
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writinandcrying · 6 months
TMNT HEADCANONS - Taking naps with the turtles / having a sleepy S/O
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As someone who has accidentally slept for 23 hours straight and literally has a nickname as “snooze” I’m obligated to do this (I tried to look for a cute / aesthetic gift but that pup is my spirit animal fr)
I’ve been digging how @oozedninjas does their Headcanons (as long with their writing, I seriously eat it up everytime yum yum yum)
as much as I love looooong Headcanons, sometimes I only have some blurbs going on in my mind, I also think this keeps things so dynamic, every interaction can be seen and everyone is happy yipee (I hope you don’t mind me using your writing style? Headcanon Set-up? Layout? as reference! Pls let me know if so, I’ll def take it out or reference you on new ones!)
English is not my first language and I didn’t proof read this, if there is any gramatical erros pls don’t hesitate to tell me!
• Isn’t the one for naps, lowkey thinks it’s a waste of time, he rather do activities with you! Time is precious! That being your hobbies or his, talking, playing games or reading, he has his mind set on it… until you flutter your lashes at him, giving him puppy eyes, and suddenly at the warm of your embrace, the way you hum over his plastron, how cute and serene you look… he starts questions himself, why haven’t you two done this sooner?
2003, 2012, Rottmnt Donnie
2003, MM Raph
2003, MM Mikey
All Leo’s (minus MM and rise) lmao
• Has been waiting for it. Since you two have been officially a thing, he has been patiently waiting for it. wants to do nap dates, casual napping after Sunday lunches, accidentally napping from watching a boring film, coming home late and you are tired? Lay on top of him babe, let him will take care of you 🫶🏼 adores the innocence of holding you close, caressing your skin as you caress him back, finally admiring your features while you sleep, he longs for it, absolutely eats it up
2007, 2012, ROTTMNT, Bayverse Mikey (keeping bayverse and 2012 still would be A Task (but anyways BOTH WANTS IT) 2007 is probably tired all the time bc of his gigs lol)
Bayverse, ROTTMNT RAPH !!!!
2007 and 2003 Donnie
• How come you are always this sleepy? This doesn’t make sense, something has to be wrong with your vitamins levels, have you been sleeping at night? Are you having nightmares? What kind of meds are you taking? Your sleep schedule and how you can just simply fall asleep everywhere is astonishingly worrisome, he will look into it
Take a wild guess (all versions)
Doctor feelings
• HE is the who Needs a nap. Drag him to his bed. Hold him close, put ambient music, kiss him softly and don’t let go.
2007 Leo, Future!Rottmnt Leo
2003, 2007, Future!Rottmnt DONNIE !
Future!rottmnt and Last Ronin Mikey
Future!Rottmnt, bayverse, 2007 Raph
Everyone in IDW-TMNT
Not a turtle, but Rottmnt Casey Jones
• can’t take naps (light sleeper or doesn’t want to mess their sleeping schedule) but enjoys you being by his side anyways, will give a dirty look to whoever makes loud noises next to you, tries to always save the most comfortable spots for you on movie nights, he knows you are bound to fall asleep. will takes embarrassing pics of you tho
Take another wild guess (all versions)
And another one (all versions as well)
Mm Donnie
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n-agiz · 1 year
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HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHTㅤ boyfriend! fushiguro toji x fem! reader — smut [ 0.7k+ wc ] cws public sex + risky sex + exhibitionism + creampies + lots of bickering, pls don't take this too seriously bc i didn't either lmao ! MDNI
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ㅤtoji's ideas were more often than not odd, but you had to admit that even through his craziness, the man knew how to give you a great time.
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you avoided going out with toji as much as you could — not because you were ashamed of your boyfriend in any way, but because he had a chronic lack of common sense.
“toji stop for the love of god! there’s people around” you half whispered half screamed, pushing his built body as far away from you as the cramped cubicle allowed you to. they were designed for one person to stand inside them while trying on clothes, not for two people to be inside, and this was the first time where that fact became painfully obvious in your eyes.
“i don’t believe in god sweetheart, you know that” toji said through a grin, putting way less effort into trying to conceal his voice to a lower tone, especially when compared to you.
“that’s not the point”
“then what is the point?”
“that we can’t fuck with this many people around!”
toji laughed at your attempts to hide your hysteria, watching as you resigned to half shouting instead of letting your voice rise to the volume you would usually allow it to while reprimanding him, all while also having to focus on getting dressed and pushing your boyfriend away any time he tried to touch you.
“it’s more fun that way though, you know i’ve always wanted to fuck with an audience”
“today is not the day we’re gonna do that, i’m sorry to break it to you”
“you sure about that?”
and exactly because your boyfriend was most definitely the incarnation of some demon to at least some degree, not more than a few minutes were necessary before he proved you to be completely wrong.
“look at me and tell me this doesn’t feel good, angel. just try to do that”
your arms burned from holding yourself up with your palms pressed against the wide mirror in front of you, legs shaking and knees buckling all while your eyes grew glossy, their corners burning as you bit harshly into your lower lip, keeping in any moan that attempted to escape.
how toji managed to stay so put together all while making a complete mess out of you was absolutely beyond you — but one thing you were sure of, he was driving you insane all while so effortlessly making you feel as if you had finally found heaven on earth.
“not gonna bicker with me anymore? weird, you’re usually more feisty than this”
“shut the fuck up toji before i slap you and your naked ass out of this dressing room”
“really? i wanna see you try to do that” he replied, fingers digging deeper into where they held at your hips while delivering a particularly hard thrust, grunting lowly against your ear, eyes staying glued to yours through the reflection on the mirror facing you both.
“fuck you”
“you already are!”
toji’s enthusiasm and smirk annoyed you, but at the same time, you couldn’t bring yourself to fully care, the snap of his hips into yours and the pleasure it gave you entirely too entrancing. the drag of his cock in and out of you was heavenly, and the constant reminder that you needed to stay quiet so you wouldn’t get caught was surprisingly arousing, more of your slick gushing out any time you reminded yourself that the only thing separating you two from complete strangers was a thin curtain.
how you managed to stay up long enough to not only reach an orgasm but also be able to feel toji filling you up was something you weren’t sure off — you just knew that by the end of it you were not satisfied like supposed, instead feeling greedier than you were at the beginning.
“aren’t you such a naughty girl” he grinned, one hand on your waist while the other found it’s place between your thighs, stuffing two fingers inside you to stop his cum from spilling out, humming as he felt you kiss down the side of his neck, pressing your chest into his.
“this is all your fault”
“it better be, wouldn’t want my girlfriend all horny in a dressing room over some random guy”
“just shut up toji, you talk too much”
“but also fuck you better than anyone ever could, so are you really gonna complain?”
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