#this is all very long and personal and hopefully people didn't bother reading it
medicinemane · 2 years
Every time I'm honest about how I feel, which is very bad and I want to die, it's always just "get help, get help, get professional help"
I did, for many years. I did more to fix my life while not in therapy, not because therapy is bad and I don't need it, but because after I'd stopped going to therapy cause Rob was the wrong fit for me, that happened to be the point where enough movement happened in my life to make change possible in a way it wasn't while I was in therapy
Rob I think could be useful to me now, but I no longer have feasible access to him or anyone else. Why is me going it alone without professional help not good enough? Why is me wanting to die everyday, but never doing more than preparing for it not good enough? Why is all my work on myself and my situation not good enough, and I have to do it alone?
Why is it always "get help" and never "good job"? (not literally, some of you are supportive but like... stuff doesn't internalize, but the ratio of just being told "I hope you get some help" to like "you did good on this" is way closer to one to one than I'd like)
I'm just tired. I'm just very very tired. I don't want to sleep, I don't want to wake up, everything enjoyable is very fleeting for me and hardly worth the price of continued existence... yet I continue to exist as much as I don't want to... why can't that be good enough for people?
Why has it always been people being like "I hate seeing you depressed... which is why I won't be friends with you anymore, so I don't have to see it"? Don't know how to help? Might I recommend trying seeing me outside of school like even once so I have a chance at company?
To be clear, I like the people here. The people I'm friends with are much better friends than people I've had in the past, and I think people over all do care, but I've noticed that people just in general are very bad at helping others even when they do care
The people saying I should get help are saying it because they care, but like... I've asked, I've laid it out plainly so many times on here in plain language. I've said exactly what the problem is over and over and over and over and over
I only have the evidence in my head to work with. I know it has been collected through a warped lens, but in absence of any other evidence it's what I have. When I only hear how worthless and useless I am, how am I meaningfully meant to counter that. When it's years after years after years of my grandma going up against and occasional "neat" on some minecraft build I do, how I am supposed to counter it?
This isn't to blame, this... I want to lash out, I'm always so bitter and I often just want to be hurtful, but I'm trying to choose my words very objectively and I know that the people I'm most likely to hurt are the people who care the most and I like the best, who really are trying to help and have done more than most
This is just me trying to be totally plain. This is me trying to show things exactly as they are. I feel like I still won't be heard, because no matter how plain I've ever made myself it always seems to go astray... but here it is
No one here will fix me. I don't even know if I can be fixed, but if I can't it won't happen overnight, and it's also no one's job to fix me
But I also don't really want to be fixed. I want to be allowed to exist and maybe get some support. I'm so tired of everyone just wanting me to be better and not accepting that I'm not
I want to be back in therapy, but there's barriers I've said over and over, and unless you can move those barriers for me I'd like therapy or any kind of professional help to be dropped. I'm slowly working towards getting even that figured out, but can we just leave it
But it's also I think any one of my therapist would agree that it's not even really professional help I need. Therapy doesn't fix years and years of isolation, a whole life of isolation. I've regularly said that the pandemic didn't effect me cause for me it was all just another day and I didn't even notice. That should tell you that there's something very very wrong with my situation
I don't want people feeling guilty, that just makes me have to try and help them. I don't want people to... to feel like they have to do something to stop me from being broken. I just... I just want to be honest about how I'm doing and have people sit with me and treat me like that's ok instead of leaving and getting upset which just lets me change things to being about them (because I will always try to shift it to being about someone else)
I'm so close to making things work. I don't want professional help, I don't want meds, I want to accommodate myself. I've got the trailer emptied, I've almost got the first wave of cleaning done, why isn't any of this enough to make anyone trust me?
Why is it never anyone wanting to help me figure out why I get stuck when I try to clean the room I'm working on and figuring out how to fix that? Why is it always just that I should take meds that'll make it work? I don't want that, I want the tools that are almost in reach to do things my way. Why can no one ever respect my personal decisions when I'm always happy for people on meds that they have something that's working for them?
Why can't I get the respect for my choices that I try to give to others?
...what would it take to get treated the way I try to treat others?
#mm tag so i can find things later#this is all very long and personal and hopefully people didn't bother reading it#I'm tired... I'm gonna go take a shower maybe#I'm just... I'm just tired#and I don't really want to like... I don't know#I could say I wish people were better with communicating with me; but then I worry the people I'm fine with how we communicate#will think that I'm talking about them and feel bad#and meanwhile the people I do mean; I wish that we could talk it over and figure out ways to do things that work for both of us#because I like them very much and don't want anyone feeling guilty... I just want to be able to understand things#and... I'm just tired of always always always feeling like trying to get my needs met is such a burden on people#some in one way; other in another; but always a burden#and I'm tired of almost every time I just try to talk people trying to tell me what I need to do differently#I can't open my mouth without either total silence or people telling me ways I can get better#why do I have to get better? and more so... why do I have to do it right now?#why isn't everything I've done to get better enough to give me a chance to just exist around people?#one of the best times in my life was when I almost drowned and for one night on that trip I just got to sleep in a room#where just for a bit my teachers and classmates cared about me and I just got to exist and rest in company#...and that was the end of that forever more#I don't know...#I'm not perfect; not at all; but I'm such a broken people pleaser that I'm always always trying to take everyone's feeling into account#and I just wish... I just wish I got returned a fraction of it#and I wish... I wish I could just say stuff like this without worrying that I'm hurting people's feelings by making them feel bad#making them feel like they're not being good enough for me and it's like that's not the point#I like you and you're doing fine#and I'm just very drained a lot of the time#so it's not like... I don't know#...I really don't know#just take care and look after yourself and like...#don't feel like I'm so broken that you can't share how you're doing with me because it's taking away from me#and... don't make me feel like I'm laying down 1000 rules that force everyone to walk on eggshells
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jo1sstuff · 17 days
I think I know who the Archivist is, and it's not Jon. (TMAGP SPOILERS AHEAD)
(TLDR: I think it's Celia. Read on to see why!)
I know the title sounds kinda click-baity, and this is gonna be a bit long, but this is such a ground-breaking theory that you'll hopefully want to stick around.
This is just a theory, so I might be wrong, but it would explain a lot.
I listened to TMAGP 29 earlier, and since my sister doesn't listen to TMA/TMAGP but I like to talk to her about it, I was mentioning the whole "It's on the train" thing, and a crazy theory popped in my head. So now I'm here sharing it with you all, so you can discuss it and maybe prove me wrong/right.
Anyways, I'm gonna start with something that might seem confusing at first, but it'll make sense later.
So we all know Celia, right?
Well, it's pretty much confirmed that she's from the TMA universe, but there are still a few things that don't quite make sense.
For example, the 'sleepwalking' thing she does. She'll wake up somewhere with no memory of what happened.
While I've seen some theories explaining it as the TMAGP Celia sharing a body with TMA Celia, it doesn't make much sense to me. Why would the TMAGP Celia still be in there? Wouldn't TMA Celia be able to communicate with her? Why hasn't anyone else mentioned seeing Celia when she 'sleepwalks'? Wouldn't TMAGP Celia have friends that would talk to her? If so, why wouldn't they notice it's not the same Celia?
Anyways, that theory just doesn't make sense to me.
Another thing that will make sense later: We all remember Michael Distortion from TMA, right?
And how his reflection looked different than how he sometimes looked in person?
An Avatar looking different through glass; whether through Sasha's window, or in the reflection of the cafe's window.
That was the thought that made me first come up with this theory.
The other thought was the "It's on the train" bit.
Sam and Celia get on a train to 'follow' the Archivist. Alice, however, sees it on the train with them.
(technically we don't know for certain that it was the Archivist, or if it was in or on top of the train, but it context makes it seem like the Archivist was in the train with them)
Why wouldn't Sam and Celia notice it? It's a monster that's all eyes, how could they miss that? Sure, it might have been hiding, but they likely weren't the only passengers on board. So why didn't the other passengers see it?
Well, what if they do see it, just not it the right way?
Because of the whole 'avatar looking different in windows' thing, what if that's why they don't notice?
Because they're not looking through the window?
Alice is though.
Alice is looking through the window.
She sees it.
What if, the Archivist is in a human form, but Alice can only see it because she's looking through the glass at it?
But who would it be?
It's Celia.
Who else could it be?
What if, when she's 'sleepwalking', she's actually in Archivist form?
Sam got Archived, after all. And shortly after that, Celia appeared.
Wouldn't Celia have noticed the Archivist leaving?
Unless she just came to.
And she's so used to it happening, that she isn't bothered by the time she finds Sam.
Who knows how far away she got, after all. Maybe it was only one alley away, maybe it was a few blocks.
She'd have some time to compose herself.
And after that disorienting event, she managed to find her way to the O.I.A.R. and found Sam.
She was in the same area and time-frame the Archivist was there.
It's her.
Another thing: The statement-givers. Aka, the talking corpses. Aka, people that got Archived by the Archivist.
I'll bet that every time it mentions Celia having a 'sleepwalking' episode, it was around the same time that someone got Archived.
I'm not gonna go back through the episodes to see if I'm right on that, but if someone else will, it would be very much appreciated.
How exactly Celia became an Archivist, I don't know.
Maybe when she changed universes the Eye decided to make her its new 'precious little boy girl'. Maybe (if we believe that TMAGP is Somewhere Else) the Archivist part of Jon got stuck in Celia. Maybe she even became an Avatar by herself, who knows! I certainly don't.
Another thing I don't know is whether she'd remember what happens when she's the Archivist.
She seemed surprised to find Sam, after all.
And (if I remember right) she doesn't know how she gets to places while she's 'sleepwalking'.
I also don't know how Jack fits into this, but he's a mystery of his own.
Anyways, feel free to chip in with your own thoughts and criticisms, I could be completely proved wrong next episode after all!
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Hii Soda, Here I'm sending my best wishes for your well-being 🩷🩷 I might made some mistakes in my text, I hope that you don't mind them. I'm not a native speaker.
I wanted to make a one-shot request for Nacht Faust where the reader (who is also a Black Bull) despises his all-knowing personality, and how he scorns at the members. And she always talks back at him about his remarks about the members. But things escalate, I don't know how I didn't think this far 😭 I'd love to know what you can come up with this, I just want to read some fluff and see him happy 🥹🩷✨️
Hello there Anon~! First off, thank you for the well wishes, I do kinda need them at this moment. And don't worry about writing in your second language. I make tons of mistakes still land English is my first language. 😅
This oneshot turned into something a little on the long side. I couldn't think of how to make a romance between a critical reader and Nacht work without it feeling weird so I did something longer to show how the two grow closer (not quite a slow burn but the fluff isn't immediate either). It's part of why it took a bit to finish your request. It's probably not exactly what you were picturing but hopefully you still like it.
Summary: The progression of your relationship with Nacht is gradual and not very standard. But it still brings you two ever so close together. Genre: romance Word count: ~1800 A/N: This is a female reader, though female pronouns only come up, like, twice.
“Tch, what a mess…” Nacht groaned after he walked into the base.
The scene he came across was the common area having turned into a war zone. It was a mess of broken furniture and spells being thrown across the room. The usual suspects of Magna, Luck, and Gauche were at play along with Vanessa, Zora, and Noelle. It appeared that there had been an especially nasty disagreement.
“These people really are no better, even after becoming the kingdom’s second ranked squad.”
“Quit giving commentary like anyone here cares about your opinion, vice bastard.”
Nacht turned his head in the direction of the voice. His eyes landed on you, leaning against the wall and glaring at him. Your presence made him tense the slightest bit.
The rest of the squad hesitated to interact with him. But not you. Even if you weren’t friendly with him, the fact that you approached him at all was something he appreciated. But because of your aggression, he was at a loss for how to reply.
Every time. Even now.
“If you really don’t want to bother with us, just quit the squad already,” you remarked before you walked past him and through the chaos, completely unaffected by it.
“Master Nacht… You’re staring at her again…” Plumede whispered in the back of Nacht’s mind.
“Yes. I know,” he said. Nacht felt like an utter fool. Why did his heart race with excitement from your glare? Why did he want to be nearer to you when you clearly resented him?
“Thanks for getting our order,” you said while handing payment over to the shopkeeper. You received the parcel and turned to Nacht.
His arms were full with bags of goods that you two picked up for the rest of the squad so he extended one of the less filled bags for you to slip the package into.
“I never expected you to be okay with being used as a pack mule,” you remarked as the two of you walked away.
“I only agreed to accompany you on the shopping trip. I never said I was okay with this kind of treatment,” Nacht replied.
“Yet you haven’t complained about carrying everything.” You quirked a brow in Nacht’s direction but all you got back from him was the same empty smile that he usually wore. You found it a shame that a pretty face like his didn’t express much emotion. “But now that we’ve picked up everything, we can head back.”
“We came by broom, but how about I transport us back with my Shadow Magic? It’s sure to be quicker,” offered Nacht and you immediately blanched.
“Hell no. I’m not getting sucked into that creepy void of yours,” you retorted.
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Nacht or his magic. Okay, maybe it was a lack of trust. But after Nacht’s harsh behavior early on, putting your faith in his good will didn’t come easily. Plus, you considered yourself to be Nacht’s biggest critic in the squad. There was no way you were about to be buttered up.
“Alright then. I thought to ask instead of merely whisking you away without permission. And since you’ve declined…” Nacht veered from your side and into the shadows of an alleyway. “I’ll see you at the base then.”
“Huh? Where are you—?”
“Good day.” And Nacht was gone.
You blinked.
A part of you wanted to scream at his abandonment of you. Another part wanted to laugh because of the absurdity. And yet a third part wanted to stop and appreciate how he’d, somewhat clumsily, tried to be polite to you.
“He…” You placed your hands over your face, which felt warmer than usual. “He kinda sucks at being nice.”
Nacht put his signature at the end of a mission report then put it into a file with the rest of the paperwork that would be delivered to the Magic Knight Headquarters later that day.
The door opened and Nacht lifted his head to see who it was.
His heart skipped a beat upon seeing you enter, a tray of food in hand.
“I noticed you weren’t there for lunch,” you said by way of explanation.
“Lunch?” Nacht checked his clock and, indeed, it was long past the usual hour for lunch. “Ah…” He turned back to you. “Thank you for thinking of me.”
“We need to keep you fed and alive if we want any paperwork done around here,” you joked while placing the tray down. Due to your closeness, Nacht was able to make out a faint blush on your cheeks. Your eyes flicked in his direction. “What are you staring at, shadow stalker?”
“You’re hovering quite close,” Nacht coolly answered as he averted his eyes. “I couldn’t help it if you drew my attention.”
“Ha! Like I’d ever go out with you. I have a strict ‘no assholes’ policy when it comes to my dating pool,” you said with a wry grin.
Nacht raised a brow at your reply.
“First off, you realize that everyone has an anus so your pol—”
You smacked Nacht’s shoulder. Though it was clear from your bit back smile that you did find his remark funny.
“Since when did you know how to tell a joke?”
“I’m a man of secrets and surprises,” Nacht replied. “Secondly…” He rose from his seat and walked around his desk to you. “It’s awfully presumptuous to think I was staring at you with romantic intentions.”
“Uhp—!” You choked up and your flush darkened.
Feeling bolder than usual, Nacht placed his hand under your chin and coaxed you into looking up at him.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were the one who had an interest in me.”
Nacht’s heart fluttered at the idea of you liking him back. He wasn’t about to get his hopes up, not with the way you still threw insults and sarcasm at him on a daily basis. But he wanted to pretend.
You stayed silent for a moment, staring into Nacht’s eyes. It was cute, the wide-eyed look on your face. But Nacht also worried about what was running through your head. So he prompted you again.
“Well? Have anything to say for yourself?”
“Your cologne smells nice…”
Nacht blinked. “What?”
You blinked. “What?”
“You… pay attention to the way I smell?” Nacht felt his face heat up rapidly.
At that, your own face paled.
“What?! Shut up!” You yelled while stepping away from Nacht. “I’m not some creep! I just—! I just have a good nose! Shut up!”
You hurried out the door and your heavy footsteps were heard fleeing for a while.
Nacht blinked a few more times.
I don’t wear cologne, he thought. Then he grimaced. Oh gods, do I smell of something else? He raised his wrist to his nose. I probably can’t tell if I stink. I’d have to ask someone else.
“She was probably talking about your natural, masculine musk, Master,” Gimodelo said.
“I doubt it.”
Nacht touched a hand to his chest and tried to will his heart to calm down.
The Black Bulls were celebrating a day off, complete with alcohol and games once night had fallen. On Vanessa’s insistence, one of the games was 7 Minutes in Heaven with the choosing method being drawing lots.
You stared at the “1” drawn onto the stick you’d drawn. Meaning you’d be going first along with the person who’d drawn the other “1.”
“Alright, so who did I match with?” you questioned the group while showing your stick.
You scanned the group. Vanessa and Zora were already paired. Luck pumped a fist as he exclaimed how he and Magna had been paired off. Where was your partn—?
The second “1” stick was tapped against yours.
“I believe this means we’ve been paired off.”
Your heart leapt to your throat and you felt lightheaded as all blood rushed to your face.
Why him?! You were still recovering from your conversation in Nacht’s office the other day. And now you were supposed to be locked in a closet with Nacht for seven whole minutes? This is torture!
You shuffled into the closet with Nacht and plopped yourself on the floor without much care. It’s not like you had much dignity to bring into the situation.
After a few seconds, Nacht sat down beside you and you instinctively scooted to give him space.
“Don’t worry, we don’t have to kiss if you don’t want to,” Nacht whispered and you swore he sounded hurt.
The problem is that I actually do want to kiss you! You kept the thought to yourself, unable to think of a way to put it more… normally.
“Since we’re in here though, I’d like to make a confession.”
You dared to glance in Nacht’s direction but immediately looked away when you saw his bright red flush and the faint, relaxed smile on his face. It was an entirely different look to him and you feared your heart might burst because of how handsome he looked.
“I might sound ridiculous but I’ve liked you for a while now. You were critical of me and yet I was okay with it. Because you were right with how… flawed I acted at times. I like how unafraid and upfront you are without being reckless. And I’m glad we’ve grown closer so to speak and joke with each other a bit. It might sound strange but it’s true.”
At that point, you felt a firm thumping in your chest and your head getting light from the many beats your heart had skipped.
It was more than shocking to learn that Nacht had started loving you before you’d learned to go easy on him. Then again, you had started falling for him when he was still being distant and aloof.
Love worked in mysterious ways, you supposed.
You felt Nacht’s hand on your cheek so you faced him. Nacht smiled at you with a genuine grin full of warmth.
“I like you. I hope you’re okay with me saying that.”
“Nacht…” You finally found your voice. “It’s okay. I… like you too…”
The words hung in the air for the longest moment of your life.
You and Nacht… Alone in that small space…
Nacht cupped your other cheek, his hands were cold but soft against your skin, and leaned down closer to you. You fully turned your body toward him and placed your hands on his shoulders.
Then, your lips met Nacht’s.
The kiss was slow and soft. Neither of you were too eager, but neither of you were too afraid.
For a moment, you two were in sync.
And hopefully that one moment would become many more in the future.
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andreeacircus-blog · 1 month
She had been tossing and turning for a good while before the first attempt to lift her heavy eyelids, which was a complete failure. After what felt like eons of drifting in and out of sleep, she woke with a gasp. Dazed, her eyes slowly moved towards the left side of the tent, where the sun rising behind the trees was weaving intricate patterns of branches and leaves on the fabric.
She felt so far away, yet slowly became aware of where she was. An emotion like nothing she'd felt before rose up through her abdomen and stopped in her throat then. She couldn't put a name to it, but instinctively knew that it had something to do with the pained expression that popped into her mind.
Aloy was not herself, and hasn't been herself for the past few days. It felt like reality suddenly shifted from a solid to a liquid state. She, who was usually so grounded, believed everything was drifting further apart and was harder to grasp with each passing moment since she met Seyka.
How was it even possible to go thorugh so many extreme emotions in the span of just a few days? At first, there was the bewilderment that stirred her worldview when she met the confident warrior who took the lead as soon as she deemed Aloy worthy enough in battle.
Then, the curiosity that made her ask way more personal questions than she was ever bothered to ask someone she just met. Aloy felt pretty embarrassed for showing so much interest, like she was interrogating the girl. She so desperately wanted to know more but then there was the constant fear of saying something wrong that would bring the end of their interaction. A simple misstep and their budding companionship could be over.
That's why she was beating herself up about what happened last night.
She knew that there was no stable ground for them to stand on. She knew that, yet still went and spilled what she'd been keeping from Seyka since they first met.
She didn't know which was was the stupider move, keeping the promise of impending doom hidden for so long or blurting it out at the worst possible time, when they had both been so tense from the difficult fight they just went through.
Seyka's disturbed yet dejected face when she found out that the world was ending, was exactly the type of expression Aloy wanted to avoid seeing on the faces of every person she had met thoughout her journey. But what really caused the guilt coarsing throught her veins was the hint of betrayal in Seyka's eyes.
Escaping these constraining thoughts, her eyes focused back on the slowly vibrating patterns on the tent. Her ears could now make out the familiar hum of nature mixed with the faint sound of heavy metal moving, all parts of the world she was so desperately trying to save.
Despite her general lack of sentimentality, she was very fond of the world that emerged from both insufferable greed and pure love. She wanted to give everyone a fighting chance, or rather, a chance for reconcilliation, both the people and the machines.
But Varl showed her she couldn't do it without her friends now. And this made her feel like she couldn't do it without Seyka either. The confusing part was that what she felt towards Seyka was nothing like what she felt towards her friends.
What this what she feared it was? And did Elizabeth ever feel it? She remembered Tate's words. Then she thought of Tilda. The answer was difficult to ascertain.
What she knew for certain was the strong need to make up with the endearing marine. Even if Seyka hated her now, hopefully she didn't, Aloy had to at least help the girl find her lost sister. She didn't want to be written out of Seyka's story yet. Or ever, maybe.
She suddenly felt the urge to hear her sister's voice, a recent source of comfort.
"Aloy?" she heard through her focus. "It's pretty early. What's wrong?" Of course she knew something was wrong. Beta was very good at reading her lately.
"Hey, Beta. Uh, did I wake you up?"
"No, I was actually doing some research. Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just..." suddenly Aloy's eyes filled with tears and her vision became foggy. After a long pause to recollect herself, she managed to let out something she never thought she would, to a sister she never knew she had, not until recently.
"I think I just picked the worst possible time to fall in love for the first time."
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Random Prompt Generator pt.3! ~Kirishima edition~
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Pro hero Kirishima x Awkward florist reader!
You were surprised, to say the least when Pro hero Red Riot lumbered his way into your shop...
Your business wasn't very big, it was an old building in a not-so-popular spot. You took it over for your parents so they could retire peacefully, it was pocket change really. But you enjoyed arranging the flowers, you got lost in your own little world, enthralled by the colors and smells. It was the people that made you dread your job... You were homeschooled all your life and you were never really good with people in general, you end up making conversations awkward and dreading the whole interaction in the end when your customer starts quietly judging you.
So let's just say you were BEYOND nervous to help a pro hero of his status. This could be the end of your entire business if you fucked this up. You were just hoping he was as nice as he seemed on camera.
"w-welcome" you stutter out, embarrassed.
"Hey! I saw your display in the window and I thought it was really pretty! You can tell it was made from the heart!" the big redhead chuckled with a big grin on his face.
"I'm in charge of flowers for this hero Gala and I wanted to help a small business out you know?"
"So you came here?" Mentally face-palming at the stupid question., 'Hopefully, he won't think I'm a weirdo and leave.'
"Yeah, there isn't much around here so I thought I could lend a hand or a wallet." The redhead chuckled, his size was misleading, he seemed more like a puppy at heart.
You got to work right away. He explained what he wanted it to look like, but gave you some creative freedom, which you appreciated. "I don't know much about flowers, I need some flowers that will last for a long time, won't wilt fast, and look pretty. But I'm not sure if that's possible, like I said I don't know much about flowers..." The hero rambled on, you silently got up, walking to your flower shelf and pointing to some chrysanthemums.
"I like these because they last long after their cut," you stated.
"Those would look great!!"
For the next few days, The pro hero who told you to call him Eijiro came in every day. Watching you work and helping you meet the criteria that was set. He chatted away and you mostly listened, adding in here and there. You preferred it this way, you liked hearing him talk about things you never experienced. And with him doing the talking you didn't have to worry about coming off as awkward. You didn't want to admit it, but you looked forward to him coming in.
When everything was finished, you were a little sad, to say the least. I mean, you got used to talking to him and it felt easy. You considered him more than just a customer. You wanted to be around him and hear all his stories.
"Thank you again for all your help y/n!"
"is something wrong?" he questioned you.
"Will I see you around?" You felt stupid asking. He was a pro hero and had a life to live, he had people's lives to save. He couldn't bother himself with a small-time florist like you...
You were surprised when he pulled you into a hug. Mumbling into your hair "Of course, it's been so much fun!" when he pulled away, his face was about as red as his hair. Saying your goodbyes, you put your hands into your pockets sighing. only to find a piece of paper.
Pulling it out it read 'I thought you should see your work in person, be my plus 1 to the hero gala?
-Love. E
with his number scribbled on the back...
Let's just say the flowers were dull in comparison to your date.
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zredarts · 1 year
HI HI! why thank you! Everyone is being so nice about this, its very warming since i didn't even know he would do this.
I already talked about it on twitter, but i think I'mma go into detail here for those who have no twitter, and also because i have more space for rants.
For starters, im a very anxious person. I am aware of everything and everyone in my surroundings, and i don't like to bother people. Miraculously, i made some friends there and they helped me be more comfortable (this was my first concert ever, not even first ritual just concert in general). I tried showing Sodo my sticker during ritual, but to no avail he didn't see it, and i don't blame him it must be hard to see with that mask, and i was in an awkward place (between middle and right stage, front row). One of his picks also accidentally hit me in the face but thats another topic lol
After ritual they tweeted about some event going on. We decided to go check it out since they said they'll be around. I didn't think we would see them but sure enough they arrived to take a look a bit later. My mind was set on giving him the sticker because it was now or never, but i didn't feel comfortable doing so, and so my friends just pushed me near him. I was afraid he would reject it, and at first i felt like i was being a bother, but as soon as he realized i was handing him a sticker his face just lighted up with a smile. I still remember his exact words when he went to grab it. He thanked me, looked it for a bit and said it was adorable. When i tell you this man was the sweetest and spoke to me softly im not exaggerating, he was such a sweetheart. After that i had to leave immediately because again, insecurities and i was shaking very badly so i turned around and went back to my spot. I dunno if he wanted to say something about it, cuz when i looked back he had come closer to my friends and they were talking about something. They left soon after, i think they went to see another concert playing on that venue.
That said, i was certainly sure he may have lost the sticker because of how many people were there and the probability of it falling on accident, and i forgot to give him a backup. I didn't mind if he would have lost it, it was just a sticker after all, but almost a week later i get a message at 3 am from a fan (if you're reading this, thank you so much i wouldn't have known without you) who recognized the sticker from my Instagram story. I didn't have words, i actually was mentally denying the fact it could be my sticker because thats such a great honor. I saw all the comments from people saying that was so on brand for him and that the sticker was cute and it really made me feel nice about it. Even now i still can't believe he liked it enough to be like welp this is going on the guitar lmao
It goes to show how a simple gesture as using a sticker can mean so much for others, and in this case it really made me feel more confident about it. It makes me wish i could thank him for it, a proper thank you. Seeing how they said they had one of the best tours at my ritual, im sure they're gonna come back at some point, so hopefully by then I'll be able to thank him properly, because this not only helped me with my own self esteem, but also with my art career, as seen as people really liked it and would want stickers too.
And thats what I'll do, hopefully my adhd allows me to lol. But thats basically the gist of it, sorry for the long rant. Theres so much that went on, and so much going on in my mind. I appreciate everyone who's spreading the word, and all the kind words about it. And i appreciate Dew for giving my sticker a special place in his heart. Thank you for reading
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garden-of-omegas · 9 months
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characters: sylvia sherwood | fiona frost | franky franklin summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: spies, war, injuries, references to dying rating: sfw a/n: brain decided to be weird about my writing again, so this got a bit delayed, but hopefully i can be a bit more consistent with these? though the ones i have coming up have a lot more characters so we'll see.
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≿━━━━༺❀ sylvia sherwood ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a general of westalis, and a spy for the newly established WISE. being a rather high ranking one, people usually referred to you as "watcher", probably because people around you constantly felt like you were watching them. you weren't, but you let people believe what they wanted to.
✿ you were both in your early twenties, surprisingly. it hadn't been that long since you became a general and sylvia had recently joined the war efforts as a nurse.
✿ you'd arrived at a field hospital with the newest group of injured, hiding your own injury from the staff. it wasn't big enough for you to bother the nurses, especially as people around you were on the edge of dying. but sylvia, despite being a rather new nurse, noticed you favoring your left leg and immediately came over to treat you and scold you for hiding injuries in the middle of war. you couldn't get a word in with her strong voice.
✿ you and sylvia came across each other rather often after that, and every time she would check you over for injuries. you didn't actually ever hide any from her after that, her scoldings terrifying you more than the enemy. but due to this habit of hers, she essentially became your de facto nurse, to the amusement of all the other medical staff.
✿ sylvia thought you were fucking stupid. a brilliant soldier and tactician, she'd heard of you before, but so fucking idiotic all the same. it was like something was compelling her to take care of you, which wasn't very omega-like. not that she ever cared about such things. you're fairly certain it was love at first scolding. sylvia was so strong, and beautiful, and just... perfect. you'd never before felt so attracted to someone, not a single omega or alpha had ever held a candle to her. if you weren't in the middle of war, you'd have already tried courting her.
≿━━━━༺❀ fiona frost ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a westalian informant for WISE, though on your average day you worked as a lawyer. you'd just recently been assigned your first full-time agent, so you didn't have an official codename yet, you and your agent had to come up with that.
✿ you were both rather young for your profession, though neither of you would ever actually reveal your ages. far too much personal information.
✿ you were sat at a cafe during it's busiest hours, still in your work suit. you'd set up a meeting with your new agent there, through her handler. the business would create the perfect reason for her to sit with you without suspicion. fiona did arrive, while you were reading your favorite book and almost missed her asking to sit with you. you gladly let her, cracking a joke about the busy day, which elicited absolutely no reaction from her. talk about awkward.
✿ the two of you had decided on the codename "slowburn" for the both of you, after the book you had been reading. and boy did you start hearing that name a lot. fiona really did make it her mission to run you ragged with work, and you made it your mission to try and make her laugh at your jokes. it hasn't worked thus far.
✿ fiona thought you were... fine. for your job anyways. personally though, she found you extremely irritating. your insistence on joking and messing around, it made what she thought would be a good partnership the bane of her existence. you found fiona to be fun. despite her never even smiling at your jokes, her witty replies were just so delightful. you were a bit worried about her lack of emotions, but you knew for certain that it wasn't all there was to her.
≿━━━━༺❀ franky franklin ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you're a spy, plain and simple. you were most known for your seduction abilities, which is where your codename "heartbreaker" came from. though normally you were simply an accountant for various charities.
✿ you were in your late twenties, a bit older than franky. you'd been working as a spy since you were fifteen, though you'd been in training for far longer.
✿ very simply, you needed information while on your more-or-less permanent mission in ostania, and one of your co-workers recommended franky's services. so you ended up at his work place, the little cigarette stand he ran. and to say he was stunned upon your arrival would be an understatement. you almost couldn't get anything out of him with all the stuttering and stammering, but you could eventually decipher that he'd get back to you with what you wanted.
✿ franky became your go-to informant, and you'd even sometimes help him with his work. but it took an immensely long time for him to be able to actually talk to you normally, only once you convinced him to go on a casual outing with you did he start to get more comfortable with you.
✿ franky found you absolutely irresistible. the prettiest, handsomest... every adjective like that, alpha he'd ever met. it was very intimidating actually, he really didn't know what to do with himself. he was very adorable to you. it was admittedly kind of annoying having to try and figure out what he was saying half the time, but it was an endearing reaction regardless. it made you want to eat him up, if given the change.
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911-on-abc · 5 months
the second they made buck bi i watched the whole show for the first time, took a week, finished just before the latest episode came out. this obviously means i do not know my first thing about anything, most theories and fanon storylines included. what is the most important stuff that i need to know? the more deranged and delusional the better 🌸
oh LORD buckle up anon!! but also... hi!! Welcome!!! I'm so glad that ur here and that you've enjoyed the show enough to (hopefully) stick around!!!!
Full disclosure, I've only started watching 911 since season 6, so there are years of fandom lore/drama that I'm not even aware of. I really recommend checking out blogs such as @captain-hen @gracieryder @maygrcnt who have been around here MUCH longer (I'll tag more people in the morning) & follow @911bts who keeps track of literally EVERYTHING 911.
Okay, 911blr 101 is couch theory. What is couch theory you ask? well, it all starts at the beginning of S6 when Buck's couch (or lack there of) was used as a metaphor for Buck's romantic relationships. In S5, when Taylor moved into Buck's apartment replaced Buck's couch (that he got with Ali) with her own. When Buck and Taylor broke up, she took the couch with her, leaving Buck couchless. The connection between girlfriends and couches first comes up during a conversation with Buck, Eddie, and Christopher. Buck's struggle to find the 'perfect' couch reflects Buck's struggle to find the perfect person to partner up with. At the end of the episode, Buck decides to move his armchair where the couch used to be, signifying that he is trying to become comfortable with himself outside of a relationship.
Then we get to the start of S6b. Buck's parents come to town, Buck gets struck by lightning (as one does), and his parents buy him a new couch. There is probably some metaphor there about family and blah blah blah, but that doesn't matter because the couch is uncomfortable and Buck can't sleep on it and everyone keeps bothering him, and who does Buck run to? He runs to Eddie. And then he falls asleep on Eddie's couch.
and like this is a big fucking deal. because it shows that he is comfortable with Eddie! he feels safe in Eddie's home! he is more safe and comfortable on Eddie's couch than he is on his own and Eddie welcomes him there!! and couch = romantic relationship, so falling asleep on eddie's couch = relationship with Eddie???? There is another scene in S6 where Christopher falls asleep on the couch and people are like!! we are connecting the dots! (we were not connecting the dots)
and then!!!! the Kameron gives birth on Buck's couch and the couch is ruined and then y'all never guess what happens. In one of the last scenes of s6 Buck asks his brand new love interest Natalia if she wants to go couch-shopping and everyone is like WTF???? aren't we past this?? didn't we just have this conversation about NOT buying a couch with ur gf at the beginning of this season???
uhhh this explanation was NOT supposed to get this long. okay, let's speedrun this shit. The Christmas Elf!! Very important!! OG Buddie Queen!! Buck Navy Seal AUs (ugh. he literally talked about how he was too emotional for the Seals I hate this AU so fucking much!!) everyone is fucking irrational about the lawsuit arc, just filter that shit out. eddie = gay and/or demisexual. buck = christopher's second dad. literally, everyone is bisexual. Chimney? bi. Bobby? bi. Maddie? bi. is this canon? no, except for in my heart. there is SO much that I am missing. but if u are still reading this drop ur favorite/least favorite fanon theories in the chat and drop the @'s of some good blogs to follow. OH!!! ALSO!!! do NOT trust Tim (the showrunner) that man LIES!!!
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siriuslysatorusimping · 10 months
Possibly very hot take?
I will preface that this is just my opinion as a writer/reader, and I’m not inherently judging or hating on anyone.
I see a lot of posts about “don’t expect anything from me because I don’t have to finish this if I don’t want to” and that’s completely true. But it’s sad to see how hostile some people are about this.
And I hate seeing people with a few hundred notes and people showing genuine interest in their story, saying they want more interest and more interaction in order to keep writing.
Because just like you are not obligated to write, people are not obligated to read and interact. And the more you act like an entitled person who demands reblogs and comments, the less people will want to give you what you want.
I’ve seen people mention that they don’t want to write unless they get more interaction, more reblogs, and more comments when they have tons of people already doing that. The problem with them saying this? They say it to the people who are already interacting. And it sends the message to those people that their interaction isn’t enough, so why bother?
Here’s the thing: if you write for the interaction alone, you’re doing it for the wrong reason. You have to write for you, not others. Because others won’t always be there. Life happens, people get busy, they lose interest.
And that’s okay.
As an AuDHD person, I struggle with staying consistent. Keeping up with projects is hard because my interests shift so drastically. I get really into a hobby for a little while and then six months later it’s like it never existed.
Writing is the only thing that I’ve enjoyed for as long as I can remember. Or rather, telling stories. I’ve always loved telling stories. I’ve always had an overactive imagination. I was the kid with my head in the clouds, daydreaming about my ideal life or building my own worlds. I had notebook upon notebook filled with stories and I still have those damn things somewhere in storage.
That being said, I get it. I probably have a thousand drafts of stories I never finished. And I used to be someone who wrote and posted for the likes and interaction. And I love the interaction, but not just because of the praise. I love the conversations that arise from when people send asks.
I love this little corner of wonderful people who care about Rinko as much as I do.
Before I Love You is a great example of conversations we’ve had. People had so many thoughts and I had a blast going back and forth and hearing from people. I loved learning about how people’s lives effected how they read and reacted to the story.
Another Level is likely going to be my best accomplishment in terms of completing a series/story. And the reason for that is because the base story, my base motivation for starting it, was because I wanted it. I wanted to write it and I wanted to finish it. The kudos and comments and asks helped push me along, but in the end, I wanted to see it through to the end. Physical Paradox is definitely one I feel the same way about. I love that story so much.
People who want interaction don’t bother replying to comments. They don’t bother interacting back because they feel like the writing itself is enough.
Even when I’m not posting, I’m still writing for me. I post because there’s interest. But I’m writing the story because I want to reach the end. I want to know the end.
I think Yoshihiro Togashi (Hunter x Hunter's Mangaka) is a great example of an author who cares so much about his series and his readers because he knows there’s a chance he won’t get to finish what he’s started and wants to provide some closure in case that happens.
That's my rant.
Hopefully I didn't piss too many people off if anyone read this at all 😅😬
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larcenywrites · 1 year
Hi! I absolutely ADORE your writing❤️❤️ I was just thinking back to that one scene in Iron Man three when Pepper gets home and Tony was all “I thought you’d be getting drinks with Killian.” And that got me thinking— Jealous Tony hc? 👀 Now, I completely understand if you’re busy, uninterested, or just not feeling like writing and that’s completely okay! Take care of yourself 💖💖
Thank you for your kind words ❤️☺️ aaahhh tony is so jealous, and for what?? At least it’ll have its benefits 😏
Jealousy Headcanons
Warnings: a few sexual references
💠Tony claims that he's not a jealous person. What would he ever have to be jealous about? He trusts you and your love more than anything! Sure, there probably is someone a lot nicer than him. And actually comes home at the end of every day. And isn't constantly getting hurt, or causing chaos in the house. No! You've talked about it! He knows it's fine, he's not insecure, and there's nothing to worry about!
💠Besides, who's so ballsy to try and flirt with Tony Stark's partner? With Iron Man's partner? Surprisingly, a lot of people >:(
💠Let's be honest, he'll be more threatened by another man than a woman 🙄 especially one on the same level as him
💠You're a responsible adult! He doesn't need to keep constant tabs on you, or keep you by his side. He's not one of those controlling assholes! But he can't help but make sure he can still see you from across the room, and make his way to your side as soon as someone gets a little too close or looks a little too happy or a little too hot
💠Hey, maybe they don't know who you are! Can't fault anyone for that or can he because it should be obvious you’re taken, and maybe you have the curse of being too polite or too oblivious... hell, maybe you just have a naturally flirtatious nature that Tony is just as guilty of at times! Either way, a hand is on your back and he's hurrying along the conversation with that overly polite smile. He knows you meant no harm, or probably didn't even realize... or maybe Tony was just reading to much into it and nothing was happening at all...
💠There's probably one very specific guy that Tony hates but can't really do anything about for whatever reason. He can't really kick him out of parties or kick him out of the conference room or get rid of him. He probably dislikes him for a multitude of reasons, and one of those reasons is that he can't ever seem to leave you be whether it's at a party or maybe even before a shareholder meeting at the company HQ. It's probably only a few times a year when you see him anyway, but you don't need anymore rich assholes in your life to do any sort of catching up with!!
💠He's honestly really nice! To you at, least. Tony could probably argue with that, but he's no better! If you're ever in conversation, Tony is at your side within the next minute, and the immediate tension can be cut with a knife.
💠"Mr. Stark," he'll cheerily start, holding out his hand for a tense handshake that doesn't last very long. "Always nice to see you."
"Yeah, it usually is." Neither of them are hiding their stern and sarcasm, but hopefully you can hide the amusement in your smile.
"I'm guessing now's not one of those times."
Tony merely takes a drink of whatever is in his hands and peers at him over the glass's rim. His competitor leaves with a curt nod and a courteous farewell, and with a glare that could kill on his back.
💠It's funny, but you should probably scold this behavior at least a little bit. He can't go around like this to everyone that talks to you!
💠Once you do bring it up, no matter how gentle or upset you decide to be, he'll play pitiful and pout about being called out. He just really hates the idea of someone bothering you, and the fact they have the nerve to try and flirt with you! And the idea of someone being better than him :( As much as you probably shouldn't, at least coddle him a little. Let him pout in your arms 🥺 because no one else gets to be in your arms but him and that makes him feel better 😌 But no matter how much you reassure him, he'll eventually cause a fuss again- especially after a few drinks… if you can avoid a person, just do it (and you might want to, anyway, if they actually are just flirting with you all the time).
💠But sometimes you literally cannot avoid a person, be it due to work, friends, or simply social graces, and it will drive him up the wall.
💠Oh, you're going out with friends? Uh, in a very casual way, which friends? He's only listening for that one name, just so he has something to be upset about, honestly. Or maybe you've had a lot of lunch meetings for the past few weeks, strictly business of course, but god it makes him so feral! Where did he take you? Did he pay? Did you go anywhere else? You didn’t get in his car, right? Of course, these questions are going to be asked oh-so casually, but you'll know exactly what he's getting at and why. Being sarcastic and joking about it only adds insult to his injury, and if you try to call him out on it again and make him out to be the bad guy (which, in a way, he is). The good news is, because now he feels like he should be competing in a competition he's already won, he's suddenly finding more time to take you on dates. Better, more expensive, prettier, romantic- surely sooo much better than wherever you went. He'll rent out an entire botanical garden, or the entire outdoor patio lit with cute string lights and adorned with your favorite flowers of your favorite restaurant (even if it’s another damn country)! Who else would do that? Not who's-his-face that's for sure 😒
💠You might come home one day, and he's decided to be all passive aggressive and pissy about it today. "You're home early," he casually observes, until chiming in with a not-so-casual snide remark. "I figured you'd still be out with what's-his-name." Oh, he knows his name, but he feels like he gets to... insult him? With name-calling? You guess? You can just play nice and give him the simple answer of no, but you not engaging with his antics honestly gets on his nerves. Bite back! That's just how he communicates when he's frustrated, so while he may sulk around afterward, you choosing to argue with him about his behavior honestly makes him feel better 🙃
💠You might be busy getting ready and you look a little too good. He's already upset you're going out, but no one else gets to see you so pretty 😠You can try all you want to smack away the hands on your hips or chide the lips on your neck, but he'll make sure you're late… or preferably he’ll make you miss out entirely 😏 Don't worry, he'll send that awkward apology text for you while you're still catching your breath next to him in bed 😇
💠When you do finally stop meeting with them or stop hanging out for whatever reason, Tony will act like he's won. As if you stopped because he was upset or something or he chased them off himself. At least now he isn't on your case about who's joining you on your outing or how fancy the restaurant is, but suddenly he's all smug smiles and overly cuddly the days after you mention it. Let him bask in his fake glory because god knows he doesn't have enough already 🤧
💠Heaven forbid you let any obvious flirting or touching go on for too long, or even worse: you flirt back, but if he finds out any of these mfs are your ex??? I hope you enjoyed walking because he's going to ruin you. He should have already ruined you for any other partner, but now he has to do it again. He’s going to make sure you know who you belong to now, and remind you of how good he takes care of you. No one else could ever treat you so well, or fuck you so hard until you've made a mess in his bed. You'll remember who's name you scream every night next time.
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crayonpac · 11 months
Long time, no post.
If you're here, and I have no idea why you would be, you've probably read something bad about me from when I was in middle/high school years ago that my stalker or groomer and their friends posted on a callout blog that has genuinely ruined my life.
A few things first.
Don't call me Tr!ckster or T%ny. I consider both of those deadnames.
Please don't use they/them for me. My only pronouns systemwide are it/its. Please don't call me a person, call me a thing. If you can't do that you don't get to talk about me.
Most of the people I was friends with during the events of the callout, like @raystarkitty , I have cut ties with.
For the love of god, please don't reupload or edit any pictures or gifs of my dog or pictures of my face.
I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm not innocent, because as someone who had a chance to grow up a little I realized that I did hurt quite a few people.
To those people, I am genuinely sorry and if you want an apology this inbox will be open for a bit if you'd like to ask for one. I am not going to message anyone spontaneously because I want to respect boundaries. There are also some people I will never apologize to.
I also realized a lot of people who were and weren't involved were totally weird about me being an edgelord about all this. A lot of people who were involved or wanted to see The Drama™ were generally cruel and really fucking racist towards me.
I get that some of the things I actually did, like bothering a few people who genuinely didn't deserve it, was wrong, but there was no reason to edit my skin white or go to where I used to live and go to school and take photos looking inside the windows of my bedroom at the time, and posting my number on here and kiwifarms.
There's a lot more things that have happened, including several people trying (and succeeding) to contact my abusive family or call CPS on a friend of mine because I said "hi" to their kid on call every once and awhile, or purposefully using my very much real schizophrenia and OCD against me regarding numbers and false doomsdays and using my very obscure trigger and CSA trauma against me.
That was fucking weird to do to someone who was barely out of high school.
I could sit here and talk about how the blog came up with a mirad of false accusations, like the many involving me abusing my 13yo ESA or me sexually assaulting people, some I haven't met IRL ever, or how I am allegedly faking my disability despite there being recorded proof of me being a victim of police brutality.
The entirety of @herocallout and @stationarchive was a smear campaign that never attempted to do research into what accusations were true, and which weren't. They wanted quantity over quality in regards to testimonials.
Because, yes. The abusive woman who raised me DID know about the blog, and submit to it, and check it frequently. My college at the time has pulled me in for questioning about posts about I'm apparently a nazi despite converting to Judaism. This very much had an impact on my offline life and still does.
I'm not saying any of my actions were okay, especially the ones I actually committed. I am quite literally not the person I was when the events of that blog unfolded (because we're a system and that alter was integrated with therapy). I'm also not going to say that I'm the only victim.
Hopefully the few people that were involved that shouldn't have been have moved on and gotten better and I apologize again for my actions. I can't change the past, but I hope you can recover.
I'm not going to link my other socials because I don't want to be harassed. Have a good one, I guess.
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chzdavmpr · 7 months
Delicious in Dungeon Reading Diary Vol 5
Spoilers below, obviously
Oh so we are getting right into Falin weirdness off rip.
I called it that this person was the mad mage.
Hmm. So they recognize Laios, but know it's from within a painting that they recognize him. I'm surprised but I think that actually fully explains how the painting work. I guess it's time for a big rant on my guess as to how living painting work. If you don't care skip this paragraph. Ok so the mad mage made the paintings to trap people and it seems like whenever someone enters them a scene starts playing like a tape, except that people trapped inside can interact with things. These recordings are of things that actually happened, and the people within them act roughly how they actually did. However the mad mage is the exception to this. It seems that they can either perceive through the scenes of their painting counterpart or just know everything that happens in the painting. It also seems that they can choose to override their painting counterpart's recorded actions and take control of them, allowing them to know that laios was in all the paintings. This I'm a bit iffy on because if I recall they seem to think Laios is some kind of kingdom infiltrator in the painting which wouldn't quite line up but it's the best I got. Additionally you can draw/paint extra stuff onto the painting and it will be sentient but won't be in the painting proper, just kinda in a plane on top of the painting, or maybe that's just because Laios drew bad. Either way that is a lot, but hopefully this is the last time I should spend way too long talking about living paintings.
Very funny how the label follows them. I also love Senshi's face of "what the hell man those are my hams"
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Oh so since Falin was made with the dragon's flesh and blood she is the dragon. Wait does this mean Falin is dead forever? I sure hope not.
I'm skipping over most of the next 3 chapters, I'll get to them in my final thoughts.
Wow this samurai guy is having just an awful time.
So senshi probably got the cheese from the orcs. But I should mention I've also been watching the anime with some friends as it comes out. And one of them has a huge pet peeve about every time they have oil in the dish, since he says they should've run out forever ago. I'm not bothered by it at all, and find it very funny how he reacts every time oil is on screen. The reason I bring this up now is if this cheese is seen more then just this once he is gonna blow his gourd and it will be very funny.
Senshi giving Chilchuck "the talk" is so funny that I literally got light head from laughing.
It's very cool that Laios is learning magic. I feel a lot of stories wouldn't do that just because he's "the fighter" and Marcille is "the wizard" and they would have to stay as those archetypes.
The art in this whole series is great. I love the way the cockatrice is drawn here.
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It may have been fine if it didn't come right after another whole chapter where Chilchuck recaps the story so far like there's been a hiatus and they wanna make sure you remember everything.
Man this chapter is on a roll with these A+ panels
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I somehow only just now, while taking the above picture, that the chapter called cleaners has the characters dressed up as cleaners. That's cute and I may be a little stupid.
Ok so I was gonna say this this guy may be Delgal hiding, since we saw that the mad mage is looking for him.
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But then I remembered; isn't the whole backstory for the golden city that it's king told of the mad mage and then died? Cause that would make it kinda hard to find him.
But then now when I'm composing this I'm remembering that the dungeon doesn't allow people to die, so either he died right outside or that story was wrong. Hmmm.
Seriously every panel with Shuro has him look like the worlds most depressed man.
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He's practically sinking into the earth.
You know in retrospect, if the Dungeon Gormet Guide was a bunch of lies and guesses it's awfully lucky that it's happened to be right about what is and is not poisonous. (Or which tentacles' swelling can be reduced with vinegar)
To conclude my thoughts on this volume, that first chapter is great. I was a little worried about what the next plot hook would be but it delivered. They just show straight up that the elf is the lord of the dungeon. And they introduce the mystery of "what is going on with falin." But then it spends 2 whole chapters just telling us stuff we already know. Like it was kinda cool seeing the B Team piece together who A Team is with limited knowledge, but other then the stuff about Shuro there wasn't much new or interesting.
And then the party is just trapped on the 5th floor the entire volume, I imagine because next volume their plans will change and they won't want to go back to the surface and the author wanted to avoid too much backtracking. Which I get, but it ends up feeling like a bunch of these chapters are just kinda killing time until the B team shows up.
That being said, still a great volume of manga. Probably the weakest so far, but only because it's a like a 4.5 instead of a 4.75 or 5.
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eleni-cherie · 1 year
a thief's end ✨ || bts • myg - chapter 1.4
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"so eager to be in a headlock again?"
"only if it's by you."
he thought he was done with the criminal life and ready for some peace and quiet. but his plans collapsed in the form of a strange girl who was in trouble. © 2023 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to lovers s2l
The sky was pitch black when Soyeon left work that evening. Now that she had returned, she'd been immediately assigned to two bigger projects and the meetings had felt endless. She dragged a sigh, looking up at the starless sky while walking to the metro. 
Same old, same old. 
As if nothing had ever happened, as if nothing had ever changed. Going to work every day and writing on songs for artists, hoping they'd perform well on charts. Everything was the same. Everything but Soyeon.
All of a sudden, everything seemed so absurd to her, so comically pointless and silly. Yeah, she still enjoyed working on songs but what was even the point in it if there were deadlines chasing them and she had to work on uplifting songs when internally not feeling happy at all. The only good thing was that she was able to pour everything into writing, helping her coping with that numbing feeling of emptiness knowing she wouldn't see him again.
Summertime was supposed to be exciting but all she felt was anxiety and sadness. Anxiety as her gut feeling kept telling her it wasn't simply over yet and sadness about having parted ways with Yoongi, most likely forever. The blue feeling about that unwilling to fade that easily.
At least he had been right about one thing: Interpol had indeed come knocking on her door the following day, asking her if she'd known about their escape or heard of him. And she'd put on her best fake-surprised expression, shaking her head vigorously and affirming she hadn't had a clue but wouldn't deny being happy hearing about it.
It must've been convincing enough as they hadn't bothered her again since.
Thinking about it now, she technically could try finding him. She knew where he lived after all. However, he had made it clear to her that he didn't want that. That he didn't believe it'd be a good idea. And she respected it, although it was tearing her apart a bit. Just a little bit. A tiny bit. It drove her mad how he'd made that decision for her.
A yawn left her lips, interrupting her thoughts as she entered the main street. She was sleepy, she realised. And hungry. She hadn't had a proper meal all day long yet. Just lived by her iced coffee and some snacks here and there. She was just overall tired.
Too tired to notice two men following her through the mass of pedestrians in the busy street. 
Only when one stumbled into a food stand, creating a ruckus and earning scolding from the vendor, she noticed them. And the way they shoved past people with determination in their eyes. 
It was like a déjà-vu. Those cold stares, those suits - her instincts instantly kicked in and she started running. Not caring about the weird looks she received by pushing through people.
The metro sign was glowing in the distance, it wasn't far but she decided to take another way to hopefully make them lose sight of her. She turned into a sidestreet and into a bbq-restaurant she knew had a back door next to the restrooms that was leading into a back alley. From there she entered different street after pulling on the hood of her black hoodie. Another station entrance already in near distance. She dared peeking behind her, not able spotting them anymore and she sighed in relief when reaching the stairs leading underground. Quickly making her way down to her platform.
Cautiously, she stayed at the far back. Her eyes wandering over the waiting crowd. Making sure those guys hadn't followed her till there. And only when the train arrived and she finally entered, her racing heart began calming down.
Perhaps she had only imagined things. Perhaps those men weren't actually looking at her some type of way. Perhaps they weren't after her. Perhaps it had been two regular men walking home from work. Perhaps those past weeks had made her literally paranoid, beginning seeing threats when there were none.
The keys clicked in the lock as she turned them, entering her apartment with dragged steps.
Soyeon felt exhausted. Mentally and physically. 
After slipping out of her shoes, she trotted into her living room and let herself fall onto the couch. Sighing contently as she closed her eyes. Staying like that until her stomach rumbled and she forced herself sit up with the last bit of energy left. Grabbing her phone out of her pocket and ordering some delivery food. Not feeling like standing at a stove right now.
And her eyes closed once again, her body sliding back down onto the couch, deciding to rest until her food arrived. Unsure of how much time had passed when the ringing of the doorbell rudely interrupted her short nap. Much to her empty stomach's delight though. She rubbed her eyes, seeing half an hour had already passed. 
Still drowsy from the nap, she opened the door expecting to see the delivery guy with her food there. Instead, she found a tall foreigner looking down at her with a sharp glance that could make even hell freeze. 
He was older, dressed in an elegant white suit, with a gray mustache and an engraved wooden cane. And despite her being certain of not having seen him ever before, there was an unknown familiarity she recognised.
Next to him standing a shorter man, also a foreigner.
"Soyeon, I assume?" the shorter man asked. It was more of a rhetorical question. Of course they knew it was her, they were at her door after all.
However, she sensed the obvious danger and was ready to deny it, when the older man stepped forward and wordlessly brushed past her. Followed by his assistant.
"C'è molto di cui dobbiamo discutere." The older man spoke up with a hoarse voice, as if he hadn't spoken in awhile.
"There's a lot we need to discuss," the other man translated.
Swallowing down her mind's concerns, she tried collecting herself. Instinctively knowing who that was and what this was about. Following the men further inside to at least hear them out. After all, she was certain running out of the apartment right now would be pointless. There might be more waiting outside.
"You might've fooled these idiots my son's friends sent, but it wasn't hard to find you."
"Oh.. really?" she nervously laughed. So it hadn't been irrational paranoia, she had indeed been chased earlier. "Your son's friends.."
"Non mi conosci."
"You don't know me."
"Ma tu conosci mio figlio."
"But you know my son."
The older man stopped in his tracks, glancing at her briefly as he was standing in front of the large window.
"Y-you mean the guy who kidnapped me? Yeah, I think I remember," she mumbled dryly. Making the younger man's eyes widen before he translated it to his boss. Presumely without the sarcastic undertone.
The man in white nodded slowly, his stern eyes not leaving the scenery outside before replying in italian again and his assistant translating his words. "I know my son hasn't made the wisest decisions and he's being punished for that right now. I got sick of always bailing him out. But that was his wrongdoing, not mine. That's not why I am here."
"You see, he might be an idiot, but he's still my son. And whatever he does, also affects me. Whether I like it or not. And what happened back there in Florence, sadly affected me and my reputation a lot. And I can't let it slide like that."
"Your little friends there created quite the ruckus during our annual family gala. A prestige gala held over generations with equally prestigious guests. So you can imagine the headlines afterwards."
"So what do you want from me now?" Soyeon carefully asked, afraid of the answer.
The man eyed her from the corner of his eye, scoffing lightly. "Corregge."
"A-and how?"
"We thought your friends would be dealt by interpol here, but they fled. And we wanna know where to."
She didn't know where this courage came from despite the intimidatingly calm face of the man in front of her. "You're rich, can't you find that out?"
"I could. But it'd take longer, so I decided to ask you instead."
"Well, unfortunately for you, I don't know either," she lied. Or perhaps it wasn't a complete lie after all considering she didn't know Jimin and Taehyung's exact addresses in Tainan. "You see, we ain't that close. I still don't know exactly why they even helped me back then."
Emilio Rossi closed his eyes for a moment when listening to the translation of his employee. Nodding then. "Que peccato."
"What a pity."
Her eyes widened, scared he didn't believe her or worse - wanted to use her as a bait now. So she unintentionally flinched when the man moved. Her tense shoulders relaxing, however, when realising he was walking back to the door.
"You know, I'm not the only one after them.. the people my son unfortunetely bargained with, these 'friends', are also after them. They're in fact assisting me. However, if I fail imprisoning them again, they want to bring them to justice themselves. And I don't think they'd just want to put them back behind bars like I do."
The shorter man pulled out an envelope then, handing it to Soyeon who hesitatedly accepted it.
"Deliver them my invitation, which they better accept. Otherwise I'll be forced to pay you another visit. And you don't want that."
He opened the door and his translator followed suit. And with that he bowed and left as well. Closing the door behind him.
The apartment fell into an oppressing silence. The ticking of the clock and the ringing pulse in her ears the only noises left. And as she came back to her senses and let everything that had happened in the past minutes sink in, panic started rising. Taking over her.
What the hell was she supposed to do now?
The sudden ringing of the doorbell made Yoongi flinch.
It had been early in the morning. Not too early for him, but definitely too early for anyone he knew visiting him. Besides, he didn't expect any visitors. If he ignored it the person would maybe give up. And indeed, after a few seconds it stopped and he exhaled contently. Focusing back on his training, when the ringing started anew. Making him internally groan as he put his katana away to check who was being so persistent.
Who knew, maybe it was something important after all.
Checking the camera, he didn't recognise the person standing in front of it, though.
With a slow move, he opened the door. Catching the young woman standing there off-guard. She blinked at him, her lips eventually parting.
"H-ey, uhm, are you Yoongi?" she asked with uncertain voice, causing his brows to furrow. He was good in memorising faces and he surely didn't know hers. He mustered her carefully, eventually deeming her of no danger and nodded.
The woman looked seemingly relieved at this and she rummaged in her bag, taking out a slightly crinkled envelope. Holding it out for him. "I think you should read this."
The crease between his brows deepened as he hesitatingly took it from her grip. Reading the name of the sender. And his head snapped towards her.
"W-who are you?"
"I'm a friend of hers and you should read this, now," she insisted with urgency in her voice. She turned around then, already walking away when he called out for her again.
"W-wait, is she okay?" he swallowed, regretting having had his phone switched off for the whole week as he had spent most of the time outside the city. Meditating to try sort out his emotions and scattered thoughts of frustration. Now fear of Soyeon being in danger arising inside him.
Her friend's black hair swayed as she looked over her shoulder.
"She's fine, as far as I know. It's not her who's in trouble."
He blinked confused at her statement, watching her glancing him up and down for a moment. She nodded then. "I don't know what the hell you got her into, but I can see why she likes you," she giggled to herself then, "Sorry, but I couldn't help reading both letters. Don't tell her though."
And with that she disappeared in the direction of the elevator and out of his sight.
Yoongi stood there at the open door for a second too long, processing this strange girl's words and how Soyeon had mentioned having a friend in that city, assuming this must've been her when remembering the envelope in his hands. He quickly closed the door behind him and walked to his couch in the living room, opening the mysterious letter.
The first one being clearly adressed to her friend:
"Hey Shushu,
I know this must be a weird request, especially coming in a letter when we talked on the phone only a few days ago, but I wouldn't ask you for this favour if it wasn't urgent.
I'll explain everything to you the next time we talk but for now, please bring the other contents in this envelope to a guy named Min Yoongi who lives in -"
He paused, taking the second letter out.
"Since this is urgent and you won't pick up calls or reply to texts, I hope you'll forgive me for disobeying your wish again (even if I still disagree with it) and sending my friend over.
I received some unexpected visitor, the italian douche's father. And he was looking for you guys, wanting to turn you in again.
I obviously didn't tell him anything, but he said some 'friends' of his son were also after you. And he gave me this invitation for you with the remark of coming back if you dismiss it.
Listen, I don't believe he'd actually come back and hurt me. But I still felt like warning you, in case he or those other people end up finding you guys on their own after all.
I hope they won't.
Please, stay safe.
- Soyeon xx"
"Of course," he mumbled under his breath and took the third object out of the envelope. A folded card out of thick quality paper with a red wax seal keeping it closed. With a deep sigh, he cracked open the seal.
"Dear wanted criminals,
Me and my son's friend and business partner Morita invite you to his Kyoto mansion on the 21st of this month at 7pm to a last night of freedom before we request you to surrender to the police and face your lawful trial.
You are advised to accept this invitation.
If you do not, you will have to face the consequences set by my co-host. And I cannot guarantee for your or your loved ones' lives if you disobey my request.
Respectfully, Emilio Rossi"
He lowered his hand with dark eyes staring out over the card's edge. Processing the message he had just read.
He should've known this wasn't over just yet. It never was. And yet he couldn't help but feel relieved that they weren't after Soyeon anymore at least. Still, the fact they had contacted her and knew were she lived put him at unease. And that they were now after him and his friends was grave.
Again proving that them getting involved had been a terrible idea.
He grabbed his phone from the table then, switching it on for the first time in a week. Jimin picking up after the third ringing.
"We got a problem."
Silence followed before he heard a small whine on the other line. "Uh fine, come over."
next chapter: 1.5 here
Sorry for taking a bit longer. Was kinda struggling with this one :') Hopefully the next one won't take so long.
Also hope the Italian is correct T-T let me know if not.
Don't forget to like, reblog & leave feedback!♡
It motivates me to keep writing :)
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Hazformers Ships: Blitzdust/Blitzhusk/Huskdust Plus More Part 1
[Note: if you haven't watched all the episodes of Hazbin Hotel Season 1, please do that first before reading this, cause this will also talk a bit about some stuff that happens in some episodes. I will also be talking about some other stuff before getting to the fun parts where it talks about ships...oh yeah, reading this post will be optional, meaning only do so if you want. also only Mature Audience can read this. ]
first I want to say before talking about Hazformers Ships, I did end up going to sleep when I went to lay down after listening to a bit of music after talking about in that last post that also talks about who I believe Grim Jr.'s Father is...
I listen to the song "Born Without A Heart" by Faouzia, a few times before listening to something else.
it just matched how I was feeling, and I think I feel a bit more better now…my thoughts were that I think I will wait until a few hours or maybe later tonight to work more on that "Transport To Any Fictional Reality Spell" but with how many hours I slept and I didn't wake up until some hours later, I might have to wait maybe tomorrow to try to work on it...
the spell that is called "Transport To Any Fictional Reality Spell" has both English and Runic placed into it.
and it is going to be a very long spell, which of course has to have some kind of program placed on it and hopefully it will work once I try it and I can be in what some can picture as a VR-Dream......ya know like a Virtual Reality.
after I decided to listen to that song "Born Without A Heart" a few times and after listening to well another song, I decided to lay down for a bit in bed.
but not really go to sleep, but like just lay down and try to relax… the song I ended up listening to after listening to that song a few times, ended up being "Angel With A Shotgun" by The Cab.
but even though I didn't want to go to sleep, I ended up doing so anyway.
also I wouldn't expect some Toxic-Religious like that guy that peeved me off before with his video where he doesn't even bother to watch the full Episode 1 of Season 1, to understand the whole Redemption Project to SAVE Sinners at Princess Charlie Morningstar's Hotel.
(if ya wish to skip to the part where it finally talks about the Ships, go down some and keep a eye out for the bold letters.)
and I wouldn't expect him or most Toxic-Religious Jerks to understand while talking about the theory about who Grim Jr. is, and even talking about some other stuff and then end up talking about how I feel at times about my own Dad, and while listening to the song "More Than Anything" that was sang by both Charlie and Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel, having a Father & Daughter Moment...
and yeah there is that reprise version that is sang by both Charlie and Vaggie at some point.
but it was the whole Father and Daughter part, that made me cry even though it didn't do that before I think...
and while listening to that song and talking about my own feelings about my own Dad, I ended up crying...so I wouldn't really expect some Toxic-Religious person to understand or comprehend it, since most Toxic-Religious People are so full of themselves, even if not all Toxic-Religious People are like that, but I know I had that bad experience from that one a few years ago, who couldn't accept that while I do still believe in God/The Heavenly Father, but I had come to believe in Goddess/Earthly Mother as well...
oh I guess a Matriarchy being just as equally important as the Patriarchy wouldn't be important to that Toxic-Religious Jerk who didn't stop misusing those words at me despite my saying it was hurting my feelings and making me cry, and even if I did tell them to stop it, they didn't and kept throwing those misused words that were either "may god have mercy on you" or "may the lord have mercy on you."
I mean seriously, at least some people who are Religious but not the Toxic type, have more freaking sense than that Toxic-Religious Jerk.
plus it is pretty obvious they were misusing those words, if they are gonna use them, do it on someone who ACTUALLY needs to hear it.
plus it is possible they weren't only having a problem with the whole my believing in our Omni-Mom, too....but also the whole my being Nonbinary, well I was still figuring out the type I was, and I'm pretty sure I mentioned it along with my believing in the Goddess, too.
which that Toxic-Religious person from a few years ago, seem to have a problem with...
well excuse me if this Earth Angel Princess doesn't fit your image of perfection. of course I don't think I had figure out I was a Earth Angel when that mess happen, and even though I may have already known about the whole half of my Ancestors are Royalty, and yeah it did take me time to process the whole Jesus being technically family, because he is suppose to be a descendant of King David as well, but I'm still glad to be on the tree branch that is a descendant of King Solomon.
because it means I wont have to take that throne, and it ain't even a curse, it is a freaking blessing.
anyway, I think in Hazbin Hotel, Huskdust is a possibility but it will start out as Friends First and in theory could become Romantic later on in a few Seasons later.
and well I want to talk about a Poly-Ship of Huskdust, Blitzhusk and Blitzdust, as well as the whole Lockdown from TFA ending up being pursued by Niffty, but I think Will wait a few hours to talk about it.
maybe wait until tomorrow, so I'm making this into a Part 1 and I will have Part 2 pick it up where some of this left off...
but I will say this, like it implies, Blitzdust is a ship name for Blitzwing and Angel Dust, and can start at the friendship level which is a "I bud it" but like how Blitzwing hasn't a clue that he is in love with Husk, he could have some feelings for Angel as well but they are the type that hasn't been discovered.
if Husk got to know Angel a bit more and not the fake persona, he would understand there is more to Angel than meets the Eye.
the Angel that even Blitzwing could get glimpse of.
Husk and Angel's Bromance in the last episode of Season 1 was one of the best moments, yeah there might of been a bit of a accidental dirty joke that Husk walked into, but ya can tell those two have formed the perfect Bromance that might evolve into falling in love later on, maybe not in Season 2 but like maybe around Season 3 or 4.
if Blitzwing and the other Deceptions were in that fight even in a Crossover AU Fanon Timeline version, where Adam ended up living but was thought was dead...
I think The Decepticons would have the most fun, cause Princess Charlie will allow them to get as down and dirty as well as frag those Exorcist up.
I will talk more about my favorite crossover ships in Part 2, and besides enjoying the thought of Lockdown trying to outrun Niffty, and the the thought of Blitzhusk x Huskdust x Blitzdust...
I am still gonna view Megatron x Carmilla Carmine aka Megamilla, as one of my fave crossover ships and when I can I will add them to that story that has to do with Sari where she is all grown up and in her 20s.
it was thanks to listening to that song "Out For Love" from one of the episodes, was probably to thanks to my wanting to ship Megamilla and also wanting to draw Megamilla...when I'm able to I will do another drawing of Megamilla.
anyway sorry I can't really make this longer, but I will try to make Part 2 later tomorrow when I log back in.
I will also talk about Helluva Boss mixed in, which it might be a spoiler, but in the story I'm working on, Sari who is at the moment 23 but will be 24 later on, will end up in The Lust Ring and will have to use Asmodean to disguise herself in a Imp-Succubus form, her horns are Imp horns, and I think I will have Swindle and her's ship be in a Semi-Ship, where they might have feelings for each other but it doesn't mean they wont end up in a rocky relationship.
anyway, I'm going to log off now, but I will try to come back around later tomorrow, anyway see ya later and hope some like the Crossover ship idea of Megamilla, and the whole Semi-Ship that is Niffty x Lockdown, she could take some of his fur for her collection.
come on, you know Niffty would do that in a heart and spark beat. XD
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sostrangerous · 2 months
l*ser's br*cket has been so... disappointing for me too. they did all this build up for the wedding and then essentially nothing happened? they couldn't even be bothered writing out the best men's speeches? it was one big scene of going "thing happened then thing happened then thing happened. the end <3". not to mention the latest chapter (idk if you've read it yet so um. spoilers for that ahead) but it was such an utter anti climax. after all this will-they-won't-they instead of bursting it open it felt like a slow diffusion for no reason... i think nahyck is one of the pairs in dream that have a lot of good tension like that even as their default irl, and it's totally being wasted here. IDK. it's the midpoint, so ofc there's a lull before the next rising tension, i just find it weird to have your lull in your gay romance fic be the culmination of the gay romance. LMAO. hopefully things pick back up soon, but the fact that it's meant to be a nahyck hating each other fic and they've basically been best buds for the last 80k i think proves the point basically. just like how markno's family brought no drama to the wedding, there's been a distinct neatness to something that really should be much messier. if that's to come in the chapters ahead then like, why even bother making the fic so much about the wedding? lol
im not sure how I feel about criticizing fic bc it feels a bit mean but also art is art and nobody reads this blog anyway so, LOL
I agree so hard about the neatness of the story. I realized that this fic is about well adjusted people being mature around eachother, which is not compelling to me. Admittedly I think I also write characters who are well adjusted to a somewhat silly degree (even fyck Mark. considering the shit he's dealing with, I think he handles stuff really well. Or at the very least, he could be a lot worse)
anyway!! yeah this fic is simply too long and slow and sweet for me. Slice of life isn't my thing at all and I'm an impatient horny fuck so slow burn irritates me
and as previously stated, the fact that the wedding is so normative aggravates me due to who I am as a person. I'm glad they didn't write out the best man speeches though, speeches are lame. But also I think the revelation that jeno was wearing a corset is the perfect example of what I mean. It's not kinky or naughty to wear a corset, put that boy in a collar for his wedding and I'd be interested. A picturesque color coded matching suit wedding (with family in attendance) is just too... cis? normie? i don't know how to put it
I really hope they do something with haechans relationship with his family though because the tension there is killing me. Don't tell me it's fine!!! Don't fucking tell me this status quo is fine I can't handle it. Let haechan rage, let his mom be a piece of shit to him. I'm not closeted to my mom but I don't talk to her about my sexuality and it's uncomfortable and it sucks. I want to see that awkward, not quite good enough but I love you anyway, how could you ever do that to me, why do you pretend it never hurt me kind of relationship. Parents and kids man
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plasmasimagination · 9 months
Hi I’m hoping that your match up’s are still open, but if there’s to many idc if you can’t get to mine 😭 if it’s alright can I get a match up for HSR and/or Genshin I don’t mind either
I’m an INFP and I’m a quiet individual practically around everyone that I meet. I try to make conversations as best as I can, and I tend to put my attention on everything and everyone that’s around (I get distracted so easily unless I’m focused really hard on something that I love). It takes me a while to open up to someone to the extent where I can be more talkative and silly with them. I’m pretty creative with a lot of things and like to share my ideas with people who have similar interests. The only thing is that I tend to be quiet about a lot of things especially when it bothers me so I just remain silent until the time is brought up (it ranges from 2 weeks to 2 years tbh cause I have this underlying fear of making people upset with me)
The things that I like to do is drawing, writing, playing video games and talking to friends. I know a lot of things about marine biology so I tend to ramble a lot about sea creatures and tell random facts about them. I also love music and like to share playlist with close friends. My love language is quality time, gifts and physical touch. Honestly I don’t really care if that person I’m with is doing something else or nothing at all, just being with them is fine enough for me.
I’m not to picky but as long as they listen to whatever I talk about I’m fine with whatever.
Hopefully this was good enough to put AA—
Hellooou darling
You didn't mention if you want male or females, so I just gave you a male from genshin and female from hsr
Your creativeness, would fit well with Childe's appreciation different forms of expression.
He'd find joy in hearing you talk/ show him about something you wrote / drew
The fact that you have the habit on focusing intensely on things a lot is also similar to childe when he's in battle, so he understands the devotion and often attempts to help you out in certain things
Childes nature between being stubborn and going headfirst into fights to being calmer and talkative , mirrors your shy and then chatty nature with close friends
Much like your efforts to make conversations, Childe similiary adapts to different situations and engages with those around him!
Himeko is calm and collected
Himeko appreciates your quiet and calm attitude, she thinks that quiet people have a certain kind of charm to them
She's also very proud of you when you do make conversations with people, after all she wants nothing but pure happiness for you
She finds your hobbies quite interesting, and asks you about them a lot, asks to read your writings or see your art.
Himeko usually encourages you to tell people whenever something's bothering you and not bottle it up
Just as she encourages you to talk to her, she freaking loves talking to you
Himeko meets your love languages, some atleast, hers are quality time and physical touch, but she's also a fan of words of affirmations and gift giving
She prefers to spend a lot time with you, just sitting in each others embrace or simply enjoying sitting in the same room
And don't be surprised if you receive a few gifts here and there :}
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