#this is how i flirt
Reader: *casually approaches Price as he leans against a counter top flipping through paper work*
Reader: *holds their hand up to him, showing the upside down styrofoam cup held in their palm*
Reader: “this is for you.”
Price: *looks cautiously at the cup then back at the reader*
Price: “what is it?”
Reader: “its for you.”
Price: *stands up straight and starts to step away nervously*
Price: “yeah, but what is it?”
Reader: *follows him, still holding the cup towards him*
Reader: “it’s a gift. For you. Go on, look.”
Price: *looks at reader then back at the cup before hesitantly raising his hand to the cup, nervously pulling back a couple times before quickly grabbing the cup off of reader’s hand, revealing the fuzzy tarantula sitting calmly in their palm*
Price: *jumps back in surprise fear*
Price: “AGHHh! God! FUCK! Why is it always a big ass spider EVERY TIME?! Fuckin hell…”
Reader: *laughing while trying to keep the spider from falling off their hand or climbing up their sleeve*
Reader: “it just gets funnier every time…”
Reader: “I’ll never understand how a huge military brute like you could be scared of something so small and harmless. Britain’s best and all it takes to make you jump is a creepy crawly?”
Price: *closes his eyes and takes a deep breath through his nose as his cheeks flush pink. He’s embarrassed, angry, annoyed, thoroughly charmed, as always*
Price: *points at reader, lowering his face to hide his embarrassment*
Price: “you. Laps. Now.
Price: *quickly grabs his paper work and begins to leave as reader smirks at him from behind*
Reader: “are you talking to me or the spider?”
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outromoony · 2 months
Let me seduce you with my encyclopedic knowledge of the Marauders fandom.
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teddybeartoji · 4 months
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snezus-christ-risen · 5 months
When they start gearing up for another sneeze
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fanaticsnail · 6 months
YOU ARE TK GOOD TO ME SWEETNESS!!!! Thank you thank you thank you
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Any excuse to spoil a moot and write some kisses. I love writing kisses, and you looked like you needed it 😘😘😘
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altsasuke · 1 year
My fic for day 8 of snsmonth23 Prompt: are we fighting or flirting?
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lucradiss · 1 year
Flirting by forcibly indoctrinating them into your favorite media
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captainbogwitch · 1 year
Excerpt: The Princess, the Knight, and the Beast
They are surrounded by the smell of limestone and salt, the water dripping from the ceiling composes a sweet, haunting polyrhythmic symphony broken only by the sounds of their breathing. Link’s brown skin is bathed in the softness of this mystical world around them, this world where the stars of the heavens commune with the earth, bathing this lowly plane in the celestial light of the Goddesses themselves. Latticed webbing of fungus mucilage hung in the corners of the cave and titiwai trailed themselves down like glowing streaks of rain. Pink brightcaps line the ground, bathing Link’s brown skin in a near imperceptible purple haze. And the water, oh, the water! It is the color of the sky in the morning, the bright blue shallows of the bay, it was indescribable with words alone, but Sidon swears it is the very color of Link’s eyes because those eyes—those blue, beautiful, hypnotizing eyes—are alight with the luminescent creatures and plants in this cave, his pretty lips are parted as he sits there, still, open mouthed drinking in the stars that shine where the moon’s light does not reach.
“How? I’ve seen the brightcaps before, but…” Link’s hands trail off, gesturing widely in wonder.
“Most commonly it is caused by the chemical compound luciferin possessed by a number of organisms that reacts when exposed to oxygen. It can be seen very faintly in the light of the sun or moon, but only to those with very sensitive senses of sight. However, in the dark, their light is unfettered.” Sidon had studied the scientific reasoning behind the phenomena after leaving Link the last time and coming up with this plan, just in case the Hylian asked. “In this cave system titiwai—or glowworms in Hyrulean Common—and the mucilage of fungus hang down from above, and in the water live the microscopic algae dinoflagellate.” He sincerely hopes that the deep specifics of what lived in the cave would distract Link from asking—
“How does it happen uncommonly?”
—Exactly that.
He could lie, of course. Omitting the truth isn’t fully a lie, but there’s really nothing to worry about—it isn’t as if his luminescence would present itself with a non-Zora.
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monstrsball · 2 years
you think i’m right about my favorite characters? 😳🤭 you wanna get married?
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mulletnico · 2 years
the pictures of my knee after I fell are so interesting to look at all the time bc that's the inside of me and it's weird and theres like no blood bc it got cleaned up but it's still a gaping wound
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andreaheartscats · 8 days
date idea
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wolfythewitch · 4 months
My thoughts on the champion!Patroclus au are so disorganized I have not slept, but know that the main reason for its existence is that fictional men are infinitely more attractive when sweaty and covered in blood
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i-eat-deodorant · 2 months
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bluerosefox · 3 months
Striking of the Clock
BrainDead or DeadTired idea.
During Tim's BruceQuest he uncovers hidden texts/tombs of a being that controls and watches over the Time Stream and Tim knows this being will have to be his best bet of finding Bruce while also trying to figure out on his own how to get Bruce out of the Time Stream as well.
However the being doesn't have a summoning sigil due to being an Ancient.
He does find the sigil for the Ghost King however, a being that borderlines into Ancients power territory and could in theory grant Tim an audience with the Time being if Tim plays his cards right.
In the end, Tim decides it was worth a shot. He convinces Ra's to 'help' him summon the Ghost King. Ra's wanting to see if such a being could be real and to see how far Tim is willing to go to bring Bruce back, allows League resources to be used.
It takes a few weeks, with Tim also making plans to undermine not just the Council of Spiders but Ra's as well, but eventually the time to summon the Ghost King comes.
Tim honestly was expecting the large eldritch like being that showed up, he just wasn't expecting the being to be basically a formed galaxy mixed with ice and the northern lights itself.
He also really wasn't expecting when he negotiated a deal with the Ghost King, and taken into a place called the Infinite Realms when they shook hands (Tam and Prue is also taken with him, he refused to leave them with Ra's), for the being to shrink down and turn into a white haired, green eyed teen around his age who starts flirting at him.
Nor was he expecting for another being, one that apparently is able to shift aging forms, and a grandfather clock in its chest to appear next to the teen and bonk the white haired teen with a staff and tell him to stop flirting with his future new apprentice....
Wait what?
Danny is rarely, very rarely summoned since taking the mantle of Ghost King. Due to being a new Ancient most old sigils that was once connected to Phantom (mostly teens from Amity tired summoning him a couple of times) no longer worked and the only ones that did were the ones he gave to his friends and family or the Ghost King ones (but again rare due to how rare texts/tombs to the Ghost King is written down)
So when he felt the pull of a summoning he made sure to go in his eldritch form, mostly to see if he could scare them or at least intimidate.
Honestly he was expecting the cult, given the fact they summoned a being known as the (freaking) Ghost King, maybe not them being assassins/ninjas but still a cult.
He wasn't expecting the cute, same age as him too, guy in the room.
(CW totally paused time for a second, gave Danny a file on who and why he was summoned, discussed getting Tim Drake out of Ra's hands (and maybe allowing CW to finally have his own future apprentice because Tim is a smarty smart whose been slowly able to figure out the freaking Time Stream itself.), and then started the timeline again)
Danny decided, after striking a deal, that since he's going to be working with Tim, aka Red Robin (who Danny found out used to be Robin! From Gotham), from now on he might as well shoot his shot and flirt with him and-
"Stop flirting with my new apprentice for now My King, we have work to do."
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heynhay · 3 months
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playing dirty
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