#this is the reality they dont want u to know😭
deeez-n · 6 months
if any of u knew anything abt western asian/arabic culture u would have written the best cynonari fics ever. just do ur research ppl
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rucow · 10 months
pisces placements rly are the most "you'll never know how i really feel about you" sign.......... the image we show u depends entirely on *you*. on how you treat us, how trustworthy we feel that u are.... we mirror ur energy back at u. if ur superficial and don't have any sort of emotional depth, neither will we. if all u talk about are ur emotional troubles and how sad u are, we'll be there to empathise and relate to u. you wouldn't know that we actually don't even like u. water is a reflective surface after all
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honeytonedhottie · 6 months
how to be rich and luxurious⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🌺
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we must first understand that being rich is a state of mind. you could be broke and not poor. never poor. poor is a state of mind. and that choice that u make to be rich or poor is ultimately yours cuz u control ur thoughts.
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so how do we radiate luxury and become luxurious? through having luxurious thoughts. we know that what we think manifests so lets think things that make us richer in every aspect of our lives. 
when you exude the energy of luxury, YOU’LL ALWAYS BE LUXURIOUS. the luxury that u exude will manifest. thoughts manifest. have luxurious thoughts -> a luxurious reality WILL manifest. its rly that simple ✨
u cultivate luxury energy, like i mentioned before, through luxury thoughts. but if ur not used to thinking luxury thoughts/have a lack or poverty mindset, here are some affirmations to start and guide thinking. 
im grateful that im so abundant and rich in the things that i love
im like barbie cuz i have more then enough of everything
i have SO much, that i can bless others with my riches
i live my life lavishly
you can cultivate luxury by doing things that make u feel rich and luxurious. some things that help me to feel that way are. 
drinking drinks from a designated cup or wine-glass 
silky robes are EVERYTHING. or wearing lingerie and matching bra and panty sets
consistently practicing self care every single day 
wearing jewelry 
ofc everyone has different things that make them feel rich and different classifications for what luxury is and isn’t and that’s your choice to make ultimately. 
i recommend making a list of what makes u feel luxurious and doing that often. literally when i go to costco or a whole-sale store and have free samples i feel luxurious 😭 bcuz im INDULGING. 
that goes to show that u dont need to do the most to feel luxurious right at this moment. and that leads me to my next point. 
don’t deny yourself the things that u desire and the things that you want. if u want ur fun little drink, have ur fun little drink. get ur nails done, take urself shopping every now and then. if u can’t afford to get these done, do it yourself. 
you have the ability to make yourself feel special and luxurious. the idea to this is to cultivate the feeling of being rich or the feeling of abundance and luxury. 
start a collection that you can have a lot of, change the perspective in which u see the things that u already own. kind of like seeing a cup have full then a cup half empty? 
be rich in knowledge, be rich in culture, be rich in relationships, be rich in beauty. be rich in whatever interests that u might have. 
to be rich in knowledge -> seek higher education, study, read lots of books, start writing and seeking knowledge in whatever interests you 
to be rich in culture -> learn more about ur own culture and the culture of other people. explore and educate yourself on religion and customs that interest you. be well versed in another language or in something that’s important in todays media and pop culture
to be rich in relationships -> don’t close yourself up to meaningful relationships that you have. don’t take everything seriously and practice being social. 
to be rich in beauty -> take impeccable care of yourself and your body. pamper yourself every single day and pick up habits that serve the highest good for your appearance. 
to be rich in ur interests -> become well versed as i said before in whatever it is that interests you. there are countless resources online that can help give you information and direction on going about ur interests. 
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dollcherray · 5 months
W W W W WAITTT. I dont know If you do this but can you do a Δlice x reader but the reader is always sneaking into her room. (IF NOT I APOLOGIES A MILLION TIMES.)
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୨୧ HANSEL ✮⋆˙
Alice x Reader who keeps sneaking into her room
Tw: Slight killing mentions but nothing more than that.
A/N: i was waiting for this moment, reader is gender neutral, Alice is frustrated, your frustrating, probably OOC Alice, Oliver and Alice arent dating in this, kind of short , im in a hurry rn so its prob poorly made 😭 (didnt know if you wanted hcs or oneshot so i did oneshot)
Type: Fluff, Romantic, Oneshot
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୨୧ You are so frustrating, you really are, why do you keep doing this?
You kept sneaking into her room, and everytime, she would attack you for it and YOU somehow kept escaping her claws and KEPT coming back, she thought at first tha you had a death wish, then she thought you were trying to annoy her, but now, she just gave up and was here, feeling you lean against her and babble about something, probably about your classes and collegues.
—“Uh, Alice, are u even hearing?” your loving annoying voice invaded her ears and snapped her back into reality as she turned her attention to your face, who was puzzled and awaiting for her answer even though you probably knew it and Alice looking at your face for some time gave that confirmation, you only sighed in disappointment, but before you could even talk, Alice spoke up with her dark and firm tone.
—“why do you keep coming here?” The princess spoke up, simply looking at you with an angry countenance, and what made her more annoyed is how your expression just looked unbothered by her question and you taking your time to answer, cant u get a fucking hint?
—"Because, you seem to never have any visitors, so i decided to be your first one to keep you company" you said, normally and happily, you thought that your comment wouldnt really have much meaning to Alice but that struck the demon girl like lightning; someone, wanting to keep HER, company? thats new.
—“wait, did you have any visitors before me?" Alice looked at you with an unreadable look, as if she was analyzing something about you, before a silly smirk crept on her face.
—“well, i did have, but, none of them got out to see the light of day, so i guess your the only one that counts” Alice said with an smug and oddly cute smile no one ever got the chance to get off of her, so that alone was one heck of an achievement.
—“im honored to be the first visitor to the royal princess Alice” you said in a playful tone as you gestured a silly bown with ur head, getting a little breathy laugh out of the brown haired girl who tickled ur cheek with the point of her claw.
maybe you werent really that bad ♡
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A/N:(im gonna go eat now and rest then come back to writing, dont wanna burn myself with writing)
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mrs-monaghan · 17 days
all joker clowns thinks the same isn’t it ? 😭 I think the same too. And like they did with ms announcement in Jeju they’ll say it like it’s a normal Tuesday for them…
I’m waiting for that day so I can distribute sweets on my neighborhood 🤡🙌🏻
I honestly couldn't tell if you're hating or not, which is why I'm replying to this. I'm so confused 😂 i mean, u said clowns so ig you're an anti? I decided not to be replying to antis anymore but I'm not sure what you are so....
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This is exactly what is going to happen. They've done it before. They lived together for years and didn't bother to hide it. And yet people still called them bros. So yeah, they will do it again after MS and you will still be here idiotically laughing coz "they said it like it was a normal Tuesday."
Maybe they said it so casually because it was??? I'm sure when they first heard about it they cried and celebrated and had one of the happiest fucks of their lives. It was already in their system by the time they were discussing it on the show so yeah, they talked about it like it was no big deal. Because the big deal reaction had already happened in private with eo and their loved ones. We weren't privy to that and thats okay.
I will dumb it down for ya and give you an example. When I got married, for the next two weeks I was like "I'M MARRIED!?!?!?!" 🥰😄🥳😭😃😁👏🏽☺🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️ Then after a month I was like "I'm married" ☺🥰😁
3 months in, while I'm still super happy to be married, I dont say it all cheery and loud and stuff. Its just like, "yeah, I'm married." 🤷🏽‍♀️😁
Sometimes its easier to give y'all the most simplest answer because you just can't think for yourselves. 🤧
In the words of Monk; here's what happened:
Military enlistment is mandatory. Inevitable. Its something that was always going to happen no matter what. Jikook knew this... had accepted this... were prepared for this. They'd have to go almost 2 years without seeing eo... (if their breaks didn't allign) without spending quality time together. They were aware of this and had accepted it. It was unfortunate... and sad... but it was the reality and there was nothing they could do about it.
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But then... BUT THENNNN there was talk about exemption and oh shit! There was hope.
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That maybe... just maybe, BTS would be exempted and they wouldn't have to do this thing that they really didn't wanna do. That Jikook wouldn't have to be separated at all like they'd thought all these years. Like they'd mentally prepared for. They didn't want to... but they are only human and so they allowed themselves to hope.
Unfortunately, that did not end up happening and so they had to proceed as planned and serve just like everyone else. But here's the thing, hope had occurred. Hope is awful. Just awful. Because now Jikook had to accept reality all over again.
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But you know what? They tried. They did their best. They accepted it was happening. For 18 months, they would serve separately, it would soon be over and they would be reunited. It wouldn't be easy, but they didn't have a choice.
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But here's the thing, that ugly thing, hope? JK had felt it and now he couldn't... he couldn't. He just, simply, couldn't. The idea of going without Jimin for 2 years was just too much. He can't even go without Jimin for a day how was he going to do that for almost 2 freaking years??? It just... it wasn't... no. Just, no. Absolutely fucking not.
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Jimin saw this and couldn't let his Jungkook go on like this. There is nothing he hates more in this world than to see JK unhappy and thus the idea of enlisting together was born.
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But- but- they knew better this time than to hope. They couldn't. They couldn't hope. Not just yet.
(Thanks @chicknbunny13 😘 )
(JK didn't need reminding they were enlisting. If this was in Jeju where they already knew their request had been approved, JK wouldn't have playfully swatted at Jimin 😂) imo anyway.
Where were we? Right. Hope was threatening to rear its ugly head but they weren't gonna do it. Not this time. So months go by... fingers crossed until they finally get the good news!!!
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They were ecstatic, of course. Over the fucking moon. And this part you Jikook anti anon and all of us didn't get to see it. We didn't see them get the good news. We didn't see them cry in happiness. We didn't see them tell the members and their families. We didn't see the celebratory love making 😔😪 we missed all of it. But guess what? It happened.
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And they talked about it many times after that. And we just so happened to catch one of the times they talked about it casually on camera. It seems to me like you expected them to make a big deal about it. But your dumb ass didn't stop to wonder why they would when they'd already known about it before hand???
Sit down anon. Stupidity doesn't look good on anyone.
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tyunni · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤenhypen masterlist | library | ni-ki bf hc part 1
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a/n: man when will it be may over riki era... probably never. anyways pt 2 to my riki bf headcanons post 😭 p.s. i DID post this on a side blog a while ago to try out tags so if u saw that no u didnt lol
genre: fluff ☝️ warnings: not proofread, kissing, if you want me to add anything please let me know!
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idrk how to start this off so we're just gonna get str8 into it yeah lets GO
he is so whipped for you it's actually concerning. everyone can tell he is absolutely head over heels for you. from the way his eyes sparkle when he looks at you to the way he can't shut up about you, it's just so obvious.
he adores you, honestly.
he can't help but smile when he sees you, always admiring you. doesn't matter what you're doing; be it you brushing your teeth, eating food, putting your shoes on, or sleeping. doesn't matter! he's watching you with hearts in his eyes and a grin spread across his face from ear to ear.
his heart swells whenever you hug and/or kiss him. he may not act like it, but he is so soft for you it's actually insane. he melts in your arms the second you wrap them around him. feels safe and content, closing his eyes as he buries his head in your shoulder.
physical affection is very very important to him, it makes him feel special. he enjoys it more than he likes to admit, to be honest!
he loves loves loves kisses!! you littering kisses all over his face? he's down. him littering kisses all over your face? he's down. a kiss on his cheek? absolutely! giving him a big phat smooch on the lips?? you just made him the happiest boy ever!!!!!
(more under the cut!)
if you cup his face in your hands and just enjoy the moment as you get lost in each other's eyes he will get all mushy and lovey dovey. it's moments like these that make him realize just how in love he is with you, how much he cherishes you, and how he wants to show you he appreciates you.
riki isn't really the best with words, it's a bit awkward for him to verbalize his feelings toward you... and also impossible as well, because he simply can not describe the overwhelming amount of love he has for you.
but whenever the time calls, he can list a thousand reasons as to why he fell in love with you. from your beauty to your personality, he notices things about you even you don't notice, and it never fails to make you smile (which is basically all that matters to him)
3AM dates with riki? 3AM dates with riki.
it's a must, honestly. whenever he can't sleep he almost always messages you. he doesn't like to bother you, but he can't help it! he's so bored and you're his s/o, who else would he spam at like 2 in the morning??
he's always amused when you answer him & complain about how you were about to go to sleep and how he disturbed you. but he knows you're lying by the way you're refusing to leave when he tells you he won't mind if you go to bed and that he can always just go back to scrolling through tiktok.
"oh you're sleepy? okay 👍 i'll just go back to tiktok then" "NO DONT GO IM NOT GOING TO SLEEP YET"
and when he offers to go snack hunting at a 24 hour convenience store, who are you to refuse? and even if you were to refuse... too bad he's literally at your door right now, open up y/n <3
sometimes he doesn't even message you beforehand, he just randomly shows up at your house and the next thing you know you're taking a walk while everyone else in your neighborhood is sound asleep.
tries his best to be super cliche romantic with you. says he does it only cuz he knows you want him to do it, when in reality a part of him has always wanted to recreate those overused cute scenes in romance movies.
he will never admit to it, but sometimes he purposefully sets your dates on the days he knows there will be rain. he checks the weather beforehand just to make sure it's a rainy day 😭
but why? you may ask...
so he can take off his warm jacket and drape it over your figure when he notices you shaking and shivering beside him. so he can pull out his umbrella - specifically the smallest umbrella he could find at the dorms so he has an excuse to pull your body against his side and protect you from the rain droplets that slowly fall onto the top of your head.
and most importantly, so he can walk you home, discard the umbrella once he reaches your doorstep, watch as the rain drops glide down from your head to your face. and then he leans in and gently wipes them away from your features as he smiles softly when he notices your breath hitch at the close proximity. his hands then find their way to your cheeks, thumbs wiping away more droplets as the rain gets heavier and heavier. and at this point neither of you care that your clothes are basically drenched. all that you can focus on is how he's so gently holding your face in his hands, how he's looking into your eyes with so much love and adoration, and how he is so close to you that you can admire all the pretty moles that are scattered across his face, thinking that it's impossible for him to get any closer. but when he tilts his head and somehow shortens the proximity even more you can't help but flutter your eyes shut as you feel his lips lightly graze over yours. but he doesn't kiss you. he simply smiles before completely pulling away, grabbing his umbrella and walking off.
Yeah HE'S ANNOYING 😑😑😑👎👎👎
and when u run inside your house pull out ur phone and proceed to spam him telling him he can't just do that & that if he pulls that shit on you ever again ure gonna break up w him...
yeah he just smirks 🧍‍♀️ bcuz he knows u dont mean it- OF COURSE U DON'T- he's got u wrapped around his finger, there's no way out, i fear...
but let's not pretend he's not wrapped around your finger... cuz he is.
if you suddenly call him to hang out or tell him you miss him he is basically running to your location!!
but not before pretending that he's too busy and complaining about how you're so "needy" and "obsessed" with him, but in a lighthearted manner obviously.
he would rather step on a bunch of spikey nails with his bare feet than upset you with his words. and if he feels that his words affected you in a bad way he will kiss you all over your face and reassure you that he didn't mean it like that
he's soft but just for you 🫰
well... maybe not just for you but he's definitely the most comfortable showing you his soft side 🫶 you're basically the only one he doesn't feel awkward sharing his lovey dovey mushy thoughts with
even though he's confident now, just like the first few months of your relationship, he still gets shy around you. he thinks it's embarrassing, but you think it's cute :)
for example, when he tries to call you new pet names that you two aren't usually used to.
the second the word sweetheart left his lips he immediately turned away from your figure, hid his face in his hands and cringed at himself for even contemplating calling you that. you had to practically beg him to turn around because he was refusing to look at you for a good 5 minutes 😭
"that was so bad, y/n. why did i say that?"
and then he whines about it to you so if you want him to shut up you have to hold his face and give him a quick kiss
one time you tried shutting him up by putting your hand over his mouth... but it backfired. he licked your palm 🧍‍♀️ so naturally, you used his shirt as a tissue and wiped your palm on him while complaining about how gross he was
yeah... a kiss it is.
speaking of kisses, he loves them
more specifically, he loves catching you off guard with them.
you two could be play fighting with pillows, watching a movie, bickering, cuddling, simply talking and suddenly his lips are on yours?
mostly he pulls this on you when you two are playing video games and he feels that there's a chance he might lose to you
he puts down his controller, gently grabs your chin, squishes your cheeks so your lips pout and gently puts his plush lips on yours.
inevitably, you close your eyes. biggest mistake you've ever made.
with one hand still squishing your cheeks and his lips still moving in sync with yours, he uses his other hand to pick up his controller and beats your ass in the game
when you hear the victory cheers coming from the TV you quickly open your eyes and gasp in shock at the sight of the screen.
you call him a dirty cheater, which is true...
but is it really cheating if he's kissing you?
"you cheated!! you were kissing me just to distract me, what the hell?!"
"it's not cheating if you don't get caught 😁"
"that doesn't even apply to this scena-"
boom! he kisses you again.
he's a shithead. but he's your shithead.
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©tyunni please don't copy, translate or repost any of my work!
taglist: @geombyu @junityy @uygmoeb @sunghun @krewified @eternallyhyucks @pshjae @marknaeroni @feyregels @yyx2 @koishua @kac-chowsballs @echo-of-a-writer @w3bqrl @liz-riz @duolingofanaccount @goldenhypen @sungniverse @enhasimpeu @sieuneo @acciomylove @soobin-chois @anik-4 @yjwfav @ja4hyvn @ddeonubaby @deafeningballoonnacho @squiishymeow @odxrilove @iyeonjuni @nyaforniki @kittyeji @pinkyyyujin @addictedtothesummernights @love-4-keum @luveill @enhastolemyheart @kpop-kitkat @kageyama-i-want-tobiors (bold means i can’t mention you, if you want to be a part of my taglist fill this out!!)
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hugs2doie · 1 year
nct dream spotting you in their concert .
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anon’s request: hi!! i just found your account and omg i love it so much <33!! i was wondering if i could request a fic/headcanon about surprising nct dream on tour 👉🏻👈🏻🥺 like maybe surprising one of them after the concert, one of them spotting you in the crowd, etc ^^
genre: fluff
warnings: none
nini’s notes: rhis is so short im sorry i didne havw muxh ideas on this 😓 but thbak u anon i love u anf i hope u liek this :333
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⌗ mark
he’d be so excited byw
he’d gasp and allat
most of the times he’d be around your area just to see you
it would be without realizing too so the other members would literally push him/drag him away 😭
like poor boy wants to havw his eyes on you the whole time
but dating rumors and the idol industry 😡😡
would gush to his teammates abt u visiting and stuff like that later
afterwards he’d tell his manager or smth to ask you to stay so yall can spend timw :((
would probably just listen to you talk and giggle or smile big when u tell him how proud ure of him
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⌗ renjun
would be very surprised
wave at the fans in your area to not make it seem like it was just for you
when singing some of the cute lyrics he’d glance at you 💔
would bring his other members on your area so when he passes more often he won’t be as suspicious (work smarter not harder)
would love seeing your reactions omg
and ur eyes better be on him the whole time
or else he’ll be calling you out after you meet!!
would take a video of the whole crowd and slow down at ur area
for the memories and how u surprised him in his concert yk
would ofc love the feedback <3
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⌗ jeno
he would probably tell jaemin and he’d smile at you too
jaemin would also the one to remind him of reality if he stares at you for a long time
or stays in your area for a long time ofc
would show his abs/reveal his body more than usual
he’d get shy abt it later on though
boy how much he wants to stare at u for the whole concert :(
but he can’t!!! so he does other things to involve u and stuff
like taking pics of the crowd (OBVIOUSLY with u in it)
loves u sm and cant wait to meet u later so u can tell him abt ur exprience
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⌗ haechan
this little shit bye
would do the sexiest thing EVER
then turn to see your reaction and if ure surprised or anything like that he’d have that proud smirk
he’d be more energetic on stage and wants to give 100% of him
he wants to impress u sm (which he does ofc), hes like a little high school boy for u
he’d be extra touchy w/ renjun & the other members to make u “jealous”
which the members (and u) notice and just burst out laughing
idk i’d be a fun experience
oh and u better only look at him or he’ll give u a sassy attitude when u two meet
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⌗ jaemin
love eyes
and id mean it like his pupils would grow and all that
if u brought signs he’d read them out loud so it would seem like ure just a fan
and if u brought plushies AND are close to the stage??? he’s getting ur plushies first!!
will be VERY focused on the performances cause he knows that u distract him (for good like he loves u)
but he also wants to be amazing for u <3
would love if u hyped him up (u better lol…)
or if u sang along like he’d be so happyyyy
he wants u to enjoy the concert sm
he loves that u surprised him like a lottt
all that practice payed off bcz you’re there in the crowd <3
not that he doesn’t appreciate your support just by words too btw
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⌗ chenle
idk why i feel like he’d know abt it
i dont have anythint specific abt it its just how i feel like he’d def know somehow
so if he spotted u in the crowd he’d have like a happy and proud smile like yawppp i knew it!!!
but would be so happyyy
after any performance or anything he’d do he’d look back to u to see if u liked it or not
would also pretend like ure not there sometimes cause jaemin pulled him aside and told him that he were taking MANY glances in your way HELP
so for some mins he stopped even looking ur way 😭 let alone go in that area
would bring jisung along later but would not tell him that ure there cause jisung would make it pretty obvious
you’re a big distraction to him 😓
(he loves that but he would never tell u)
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⌗ jisung
theres the thing
he’d either
1) stay around ur area ALL the time
2) not even glance in ur direction
but if u guys havent seen e/o for a long time he’d pass most of his time there
however would ask for advice to his other members and often ask them if its too obv that he’s starring at u a bit too much
also he’d either
1) get super shy (stan new jeans)
2) be the opposite and get his sexy on (pls tell me yall know what song im talking abt)
but both things would get reactions out of u and that’s exactly what he wants :3
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sugusoneandonly · 6 months
Quixotic - STSG - ch 2
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a/n 1: ik i said fem reader but like there’s gender neutral pronouns, however the reader does have feminine presentations maybe? Like dresses, makeup, etc. 😭 idk how ts rlly works guys dont cancel me im a rainbow person too😞
cw cont: jealous sugu ,, questioning sugu ,, oblivious reader ,, thats all i got lmk if i missed smth
!! do not repost/copy on any other platform !! if u do at least lmk where and give creds 😒 /j !! pls don’t tho <3
After your brief introduction with Geto, you were now sitting on a leather couch that overlooked the bright city of Tokyo. Gojo had stepped out to go handle whatever modeling business he had to attend to, leaving you with Geto. It’s been silent since then, even more than before the chatterbox out of all 3 of you had left.
You couldn’t help but admire the man before you, no doubt in the fact that he could’ve become a model himself if he wanted to. As if he could feel your gaze, he turned around to lock his deep lilac eyes with your own. You blinked. He smiled, softly but surely. Anything he would say, you would do. Whether out of fear, admiration, or something else, you didn’t know.
His studio was clean (cleaner than yours at least) yet had the essence of life and his own soul strewn over it. Silken fabrics adorned the windows and deep fabrics were strewn across the island in his office, his desk with a stack of papers and an open portfolio. With curiosity your gaze shifted to it, focusing in on it to try and see what was on them, his latest line maybe?
Yet before you could catch the slightest hint, his pale hands had flipped the open file closed. “I apologize for my lack of introduction, i’m Suguru Geto, you probably already know though.” You had to get a grip on yourself, he’s your…mentor and you can’t swoon around for your own mentor. “I’m Y/N L/N, I really love your work.” you quickly managed to get out.
A moment of pause, and he let out chuckle that was deep yet as light as a summer’s night breeze. “I’m quite familiar, I see your name in my notifications quite frequently.” And with that, summer’s scorching sun had graced itself into your cheeks, and if you couldn’t blush before you might as well have now. Your appreciation for his work posted online hadn’t gone unnoticed apparently. What’s worse, he knew your social media already and you can’t remember whether you left it private or public.
“..I’m sorry again for my harsh behavior it’s not everyday you meet your lovers ex and take them in-” He began but you quickly cut him short, hands frantically waving in front of you frown etched with wide eyes and scrunched eyebrows. “I have no feelings for him anymore and even if I did there’s no way I’d express them, especially considering everyones… positions. I didn’t even know I-” realizing your rambling, you finally looked him in the eye, a tight lipped smile pulled on his face. “Then there’s no point wasting time on informalities, is there then?” , not trusting your mouth you simply nodded.
“We have a tight schedule today, we begin with picking the next project.” we. i get to help my idol make his next project. a project that people are gonna wear. and people that actually know who made it instead of my occasional etsy shoppers.
When you returned to reality, you saw a collection of various designs laid before you on the coffee table. The seasons were shifting from summer to fall. Although it was early September, the industry never waited, not even on the leaves to fall. Your mouth fell to a small o , Suguru swore if you had gazed at him with the stars in your eyes, they might’ve been warm enough to make him melt.
wait, what, that’s not how it goes - sugu
You skim through each and every sketch, feeling as if you’ve discovered a new chest of gems, one that nobody knew of. You stopped when you fell across a particular sketch, not really a sketch but a photocopy. The style felt familiar, and upon closer examination, it’s my drawing
You look up at Geto, “I was thinking, there’d be no point in interning if you couldn’t exercise your own work. So, if it’s alright with you I was thinking to incorporate some of your ideas into the next line.”
A grin spread across your face, “Yes, Of Course! I’d love that so mu-” you were cut off with the door opening, and Geto quickly shut the folder with the sketches out of sight. You turned around to see the door, none other than Gojo standing there, playful pout gracing his face. “He’s not allowed to see the works in progress,” Geto explained. You tilted your head, no words, and like second nature Gojo responded “He wants to be mysterious and keep it a surprise like the bum he is.” Gojo had scrunched his nose at Geto, plopping himself down next to him, arm resting on the couch behind Geto’s back.
A twinge of jealousy pinched at Geto, seeing what’s probably surface level remnants of your past relationship come back to life like clockwork. He brushed it off, you had no feelings, Gojo has none, what could go wrong.
he forgot about himself
Yet, you had no feelings. None. You looked at the couple in front of you and exhaled with relief. you did it, you were over him, and you can carry on
It was dead silence now, how unfortunate. Why won’t your mouth work, say something. Thankfully, Geto and Gojo had been fussing over whatever rich people business Gojo had brought with him. Albeit, quite hushed. Praying your stomach wouldn’t go back to its old ways, you had jinxed yourself. A quite prominent growl had presented itself to the room. Geto glanced up at the clock, Gojo smiled. It was pushing 1 in the afternoon, unfortunately you couldn’t brush it off as only one person was sitting in the direction of the sound, and that person was you. Gojo had slightly toed Geto under the table.
“Next item on the schedule would probably better off as lunch, hm?” Geto offered, a teasing, forced?, smile on his face.
“Really?” You glanced down at the paper, lunch wasn’t for another hour? Quickly the paper was lightly tugged from your hold, two different hands yet adorned by similar rings. The two glanced at each other. “A designers life never sits set in stone, little one.” Gojo said in a sing-song.
“Ohh” you had bought it. They take this very seriously, perhaps it’s best not to mess around too much like this - Suguru
Quickly, the two men had already began to make their way out the door and to the elevator down to the city. You made your way to keep up with them, to wherever they were taking you.
©sugusoneandonly 2024
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a/n 2 :: BONJOUR 🥖
This is very slow burn i think. Guys im being so fr idk what im doing im just throwing up my thoughts. Idk how to write enemies to lovers so i give u crisis sugu <33
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kuntsandkupcakes · 3 months
#ishifted (DAY 1)
so i remember seeing this cute lil "active as if" shifting challenge and i only now decided to do it (becuz why not, this is the TRUTH since my imagination is my true reality)
anywho, onto the challenge (im gonna write about my "teenage dream" dr)
dear diary, GUESS WHO SHIFTEDDDDDD?!! (me ofc)
anywho, it was like any other night where i did my night routine and got ready for bed and just affirmed "i have shifted, i will shift" yadayadaya and basically didn't rlly stress over it because it was bound to work anyways.
I woke up and the first thing i could see is the fact i shifted to one of my recent drs and my room looked teww cute!! it was a mixture of sanrio characters, y2k, etc and if i could best describe it, it would be something you would see if you typed "gyaru-themed bedroom" on pinterest.
Also, my room smelt like lavender (which is a classic signature scent i script for pratically all my DRs rooms) and yea, after pratically a whole hour of sobbing and getting emotional over shifting for the first time, i decided to head out to grab myself some brunch.
LEMME TELL YALL, life feels like a breath of fresh air when you don't have strict parents telling u that u can't go here and there. In my dr, my parents are rlly lenient and just let me do whatevs and all i gotta do it text em to let em know that i'm doing alright.
After grabbing some brunch, i went to do some shopping and guess the btch who don't gotta check the price tags anymore because she scripted herself some UNLIMITED FUNDZZZ 🤭 it feels so good knowing that i can grab whatever clothes i wanted and i didn't even have to worry about checking my debit card afterwards because i would still have sm funds.
timeskip to later that evening, i came home at around 9-10ish?? (again, the perks of having lenient parents in ur dr is that u aint gotta worry bout coming home too late because ur parents dont really GAF 🤣🤣) and like as i was walking down my road, guess who i bumped into?? my neighbour.
okay b4 yall come at me with questions talking bout "why u aint like ur neighbour for" HOLD AWNN TO UR TOPHATS!! basically, ur girl always craved an enemies to lovers typa relationship so i basically scripted our first interaction with each other basically left us disliking each other. anywho (i say this sm) back 2 le storytime 🏃🏾💨
i walk past him and give him the dirtiest look known to man, my goodness becuz ion like him (for now, muahahaha 😏) but yh, i carried on walking home and pratically chilled there and had a family game night with da famalam.
After that, i set an intention to shift back here & thats basically it 😭😭 hope u all enjoyed that whimisical shifting storytime <3
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msperfect777 · 1 year
non dualism vs law of assumption
⭐️part nine of the understanding consciousness & non dualism series
non dualism: everything is one, everything is you, you are awareness + consciousness + imagination + the observer, you are not the body, imagine anything and you instantly experience it, everything is imagination so imagining a hamburger is the same as a hamburger in the "physical world" bc everything is imagination, there is no "physical world" bc there is no separation since everything is consciousness, nothing is real bc this is all an illusion bc in reality everything is just forms of consciousness (you) which appear separate but arent
law of assumption: there is a 4d (imagination) and a 3d (physical world), thoughts / states "manifest" from the 4d into the 3d, you need to persist in affirmations and/or assumptions for your desire to "reflect", "dont waver", repeat and saturate so the subconscious mind is reprogrammed to give you your desire, stick to the new story, if you have limiting beliefs you have to loop your new story so that you get what you want, ignore the 3d and the old story bc you will get the subconscious mind confused, "4d creates 3d", according to neville goddard you should get your desire in 3 days. this is based on what the loa community has been teaching me and others for years so if u got an issue, talk to w the loa community bc u cant lie… this def what they used to talk about 24/7😭
clearing things up non dualistically:
there is no "4d" or "3d". they simply arent real. they are illusions bc they seem like different things but arent: its all consciousness, its all you
we should know by now that everything is imagination so the "4d" and "3d" are both imagination
there is no "manifesting" process. the moment you imagine whatever you want, it exists instantly
every "experience" the false self thinks it had was only just consciousness, all desires "you" have is consciousness, everything you can be aware of is consciousness = everything is consciousness
there cant be any "reflections" bc there isnt anything to be reflected. there isnt two separate things where one reflects onto the other
if all is consciousness/imagination (it is), and if consciousness/imagination is you (it is) then you are the power itself
you as consciousness does not create anything; you are everything; the cake you imagine is you, same as the cake in the "physical world" which is also you. you cant create what you are. nothing can be created nor destroyed; its all just forms of consciousness
there is no subconscious mind, it is unreal like the human body. you can be aware of the human body bc it is an illusion
thoughts arent real so they cannot "manifest". close your fist and keep it closed. now "affirm"/think "fist open" and repeat it... your fist did not open bc you are aware of your fist being closed; thoughts dont manifest and they are not real just like everything else you can be aware of
"persisting" doesnt make any sense when you understand non dualism bc what would you persist for? everything is consciousness so the only thing you would be "persisting" for is yourself (consciousness) which doesnt make any sense bc you are limitless imagination. you imagine whatever instantly. persisting is unreal.
you as power / consciousness cannot be limited to such unreal concepts like “affirming” and “persisting” whats funny is that you are those concepts bc everything is a form of consciousness yet forms of consciousness are never real.
some "non dualism" content creators:
some ppl make posts saying things like "you are consciousness so you are everything so that means you just have to persist in what you want" ... we already talked about how persisting is contradicting with non dualism. as everything and as power itself, there no way that "persisting" applies here. its like going back to the loa ways and assumption that you have to do something like "affirming, persisting" etc to get your desire. nahh you are the desire.
then other content creators write things like "you are the 4d bc thats imagination/consciousness" which completely doesnt match with the truth of consciousness. saying that you are consciousness means that you are everything. and while saying "you are imagination and god and the 4d" creates duality. saying you are everything means there is no separation. "you are the 4d"... ok so what about the 3d? are you saying that im not the 3d? so these ppl are implying there is separation. thats the complete opposite of non dualism.
i think ppl use the word "consciousness" more now in their posts trying to mean imagination which is correct but i think they use the word just for clout tbh (sorry not sorry). some ppl say: "thoughts and consciousness bring things into existence" you are consciousness. ppl are implying that consciousness is something you have rather than saying consciousness is what you are. you cannot talk about consciousness and then talk about the role of thoughts. there is no role. there are no thoughts. its all an illusion full of you (consciousness).
there is no "shifting realities" bc everything (consciousness) is reality. you cant say "you are the person who has it in imagination" when you are not a person. you are consciousness. you cant have what you already are.
some of these are the same ppl who put #nondualism under they posts like to get more clout (?) bc non dualism is seen as some kind of trend in the loa community. non dualism is not law of assumption 2.0. loa has so many limitations and you will realize that when you understand non dualism (or when you read this post). before, ppl were not using "consciousness" in their posts that much and now they are, at the same time they arent even talking about consciousness and non dualism correctly. the point of non dualism is to realize your true nature. this means there is no more suffering and there is only peace. ofc you can "get" what ego desires but the main point is showing the true self.
just dont believe everything you read guys bc just like loa, things can get confusing and toxic ngl. you dont have to believe anything either way bc none of this is real... you dont even have to believe me.. im just a form of you...an illusion... all of my posts that you read are not real. "you" read them bc the ego is curious. your true nature, consciousness, is just observing all this.
non dualism has nothing to do with manifesting n loa. thats where ppl get confused im assuming be loa ppl made it a "trend" so ppl think it has to do with manifesting. non dualism has to do with all of "life* the point it so notice that "suffering" isnt real. that nothing is real and once you understand it, you will realize all this is just a game and everything is peace. understanding non dualism = everything is you. since everything is you, what is there to "manifest"? non dualism haters say that non dualism stems from loa when non dualism is an ancient concept while loa was known during the 1900s.... loa is like an ant compared to the whole earth when it comes to non dualism. if you try to mix them together, it wont make sense which is what happened in the past when non dualism was a "trend" in the loa community.
also about loa, it has to do w "desires" and "getting" or "manifesting those desires. everything is consciousness yes? so those "desires" are you. saying you have a desire means its something you want but you dont have. when you understand non dualism, you know that you cant desire what you already are. there are no such things as desires. if you "desire" a cake, you already know that everything is consciousness and you are consciousness so you are the cake. there is nothing to be desired. there is only to be.
© msperfect777
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sixosix · 3 months
a little love letter to my readers
to start off, i know that the series is based off the entire reputation album, but i like to think that this whole series was written around call it what you want.
how it started LMFAOOO
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This was previously titled ‘melt’ before i was like ‘nah ill make it, like, thaw” and earthtooz went, “Thawed?” little did earth know,, that name would literally take over my docs,,, my tags,,, my ENTIRE account
A message to my readers: From the bottomest bottom of my heart, if you have reached this series until the very end, thank you so, so much for reading. Read that sentence again. And again, until you realize how grateful I truly am as a writer. Thawed is such a big project that I still can’t believe I was able to even start. I genuinely never thought it would garner this much attention, and in all honestly, I was intimidated by it, because I had no idea what I was doing, and I was afraid I would disappoint.
This entire project was intimidating, and I considered so many times to just drop it and end it on chapter five. I struggled so badly to write after I introduced the characters, and I thought: “well, that’s it. I guess it was fun.” I even told my friends that I would do that; and yet 14 chapters later, look at where we are now 😭
Writing it was so exhausting. Working on a series while studying as a student really makes it difficult to remember details about my own story T__T I had to reread Thawed so many times to the point where I don’t even like it anymore.
But I know the reason why I decided to continue it! It sounds so horribly cliche, but it’s true. It’s thanks to all your overwhelming support :( Each ask, comment, reblog—they all fueled me more than you think. All those replies of even incoherent gibberish made me realize that, ‘hey, someone read it and liked it enough to send an ask about it. Maybe I am doing something right!!!!’
some thawed extras for readers who are interested
If you haven’t noticed, the chapter titles aren’t actually accurately about the chapter. Those titles were taken from the songs in the Reputation album, in order. And the chapters are loosely based around them!
reputation is, like, widely known as the edgy album from taylor, but in reality its such a big love letter and i know that other people noticed that, too! i think it’s very fitting to the story of thawed: it’s dark and messy, but at the end of the day, it’s a love story. do you get what i mean hehe. i hope that’s how the series came across…
im sorry if aether doesnt appear in the last chapter :( in my head, mc is coming home. and by then i dont think aether would be in fontaine at all! but rest assured they definitely have met up twice or thrice while in the other regions heehee. Also aether will ofc be there for their weeding. 🙏
i have nothing much else to say aside from thank you for reading! i hope u enjoyed thawed as much as i did
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thehighladywrites · 6 months
this is not a request just. thinking. ik you’re writing the boys as plugs but have we considered. the women.
elain would %100 make her own edible pastries and give them to you in those colourful baggies with a bow. she’d invite you over to “make sure the new recipe I use is good for the next batch.” the watch movies and end up napping on the couch type
feyre would be the best if you’re a newbie and ever curious about anything. %100 is a bit of a push over for you and sometimes gives you a lil gram extra and offer to smoke with you. she would probably teach you (if you dont know) why you should put ice in your bong. i just know she smokes and paints. probably does art nights with you.
Nesta is pretty abrupt, definitely a one and done we dont small talk plug, but she is there for you if you need (like if you’re a newbie and greened out or paranoid or whatever) because she knows how scary it can be to feel out of control with your body. (replace her trouble with canon alcoholism with getting high every night. she knows how it can get to you.) tells you to drink water and sleep it off but is still hanging around when you wake up ‘just in case’.
mor is the plug thats more like a friend. would end up smoking half of the stuff she just sold you because you guys wanted to sesh and hang out. probably gossips about her other customers when you two get really close
idk anything for amren she probably only uses like cbd oils idk :/
anon i dont even know what else to add, this is so perfect😭😭😭 yess i’m agreeing with everything
also amren would probs smoke joints. i imagine her having one between her long manicured nails, she probs use magic on them to make them even more strong/she mixes in some crazy shit orrrr she has a cart, a fancy ass pen with diamonds and gem stones. when she offers u a hit, ur high for hourssss her shit goes crazy tbh, it’s probably borderline venomous
elain would have her own garden where she grows her supply, i imagine she’s a girl plug who have the cutest packages, they’re all pink with cute stickers that say “thanks for supporting my small business”
feyre is the curious one, down to try literally anything. so down to earth and would get high with you and paint you naked. she has one of those loose shirts with buttons and a pair of shorts, her hair is loosely braided as she mixes her colors, she’s so hot i literally need her rn
nesta is so real, like the helping out when u green out part is so accurate. ut her fav customer and she wants to make sure ur okay, she says it’s because she doesn’t wanna loose clients but in reality she likes u. she also throws in extra g’s but doesn’t say shit ab it
mor is forsure the friend turned plug, she put you on to her supply and ever since u buy everything from her. fav activity is eating infused food in public/meetings and trying to act normal. like at the high lords meeting, you eat a shit ton of edibles and then try to concentrate but it’s very obvious bc you both look stoned and you’re paying too much attention to peoples words, it’s not natural
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lorre-verie · 1 year
babes i have a request
so im in the mood for angst...bc why not
so like can i request like an aonung x sully!reader set in the way of water timeline but like instead of neteyam dying it's reader who dies
does this make sense😭😭
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CLEARLY u LOVE the idea of people dying because ??? WHY would u do this But ok Ye ask and ye shall receive
“I promised.”
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word count: 2.3k
pairings: ao’nung x f! sully! reader (angst)
notes: - reader is the sibling in between Neteyam and Kiri in terms of age - ao’nung and reader already have an established relationship prior to the events of this story - i am NOT giving reader a name, i also dont think there are any mentions like y/n or [name] or anything like that
warnings: descriptions of war, death, blood, idk more death, sadness, its sad 4 sure but idk if its tear-worthy?
“C’mon! We have to go get Spider!” Lo’ak nodded his head towards the inside of the ship as you cut him free from his restraints. 
“What?” you responded, unable to process what he’d just said.
Your older brother behind you, Neteyam, cut off the tie bounding Tuk’s hands with a dagger, and another quick snap further behind told you Ao’nung had just cut off Tsireya’s.
You and your siblings were in the middle of a full blown war.
Besides almost getting crushed by Payakan, getting taken hostage, killing about 5 people trying to save your siblings, and witnessing the deaths of many of your own people, things in your opinion were going great so far. 
“C’mon sis, we can’t leave without him!” Lo’ak crouched down, picking up a gun from one of the fallen na’vi soldiers slouched against the railings, blood seeping down their skull. 
Your gaze was fixed on the grip of the gun that was firmly clasped in his fingers, stained with red at the bottom. The blood trickled down silently, creating a small pool on the already drenched floor, yet it seemed inconsequential amidst the chaos.
In that brief moment of dread, a warm hand fell on your shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. 
Something similar to fear took over your body, causing you to be unable to take your eyes off your younger brother who looked at you hopefully, while you stood there like a deer caught in headlights.
It wasn’t like you didn’t want to save him. The images of blood spraying all over replayed in your mind, making it hard to focus on anything else.
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” a comforting voice drifted through the air, pulling you back into reality. 
The foreign accent had a calming effect on your senses, a zap of electricity running down your queue.
Whipping your head, you met the eyes of the person who had spoken, the comforting shade of aquamarine looking back at you with such emotion.
Lo’ak rolled his eyes at the sight, a low growl forming in his throat. He never approved of your relationship with the boy, but what could he do about it? He was in love with the man’s sister!
Neteyam sauntered towards your brother, braids waving wildly in the air as they always did. 
“I’ll go with you,” he nodded at Lo’ak, ignoring Ao’nung completely as he looked at you, seeking any form of approval.
Your brows knitted together, and you shook your head. 
“It’s fine. I’ll go. We all know I’m a better warrior than Neteyam anyways.” you joked, attempting to lift the mood. 
“Are you sure?” Neteyam said softly.
“Positive. You should go and help out the other warriors.” you nodded, feeling the comforting warmth of Ao’nung’s hand leave your shoulder. 
Looking back at him, you could see the fear and concern etched on your lover's face. He looked so perplexed, a reaction you’d never seen on his face before.
Before you could take a single step, his arms pulled you in for a hug as if he was shielding you from any threat that could harm you.
He didn’t want you to leave.
Lo’ak and Neteyam groaned, looking instead at the ocean, watching the metkayina and the sky people battle for their opposing goals.
Ao’nung leaned in and pressed his forehead against yours. 
"Please be careful."
The sound that came from his mouth was barely but a whisper, as if he would choke if he said it any louder. 
You smiled, placing a hand on his neck reassuringly. 
“I’ll come back to you. I promise.”
As the words left your lips, you waved a farewell to him before going inside the ship, Lo’ak in front of you. 
The thumping of your heart echoed in your chest like an empty chamber. You weren’t going to break a promise. 
At least, 
not this time.
“Lereho!” a guttural, high pitched scream reverberated throughout the forest. 
The sleeping creatures lifted their heads up in the sky, ears pointing in all different directions, attempting to make out the source of the scream.
“LEREHO!” a 7-year-old you screamed even louder, tears flowing down your pale face as you looked at the rusty helicopter. 
The rusty helicopter which had now trapped your friend inside its worn down metal walls, and he scratched against the door endlessly, trying to get out.
“I- I-” your words were unable to come out, your entire body trembling with fear. 
The large metal body was encased in mossy vines that suspended it above the lake, and Eywa knows Lereho couldn’t swim to save his life.
“I’LL GET HELP, LEREHO! PLEASE STAY HERE!” you cried out, praying to the Great Mother he could hear you. 
“I PROMISE I’LL GET YOU OUT OF THERE!” you yelled, your voice hoarse and strained, your entire body buckling down with the weight of your words. 
You turned back and ran as far as you could, as fast as your legs could take you. Your face was all scrunched up and your eyes were full of tears, partly obscuring your vision. 
Branches scratched your body and drew blood from your fresh wounds, but you didn’t care. Guilt overtook your body and put you on autopilot.
If you hadn’t told him to, he wouldn’t have gone in the helicopter with you. 
If you hadn’t been stupid, you wouldn’t have closed the door.
If you hadn’t slipped on the vines on your way back to solid ground, the helicopter wouldn’t be creaking slowly, on its way to submerge him fully in the lake. 
If you hadn’t been friends with him in the first place, maybe he would’ve been alright right now.
You wiped the water from your eyes and the snot from your nose harshly with your bleeding hands. 
By the time you returned with your father, all that was left were the torn apart vines flowing loosely in the wind of the night. 
They couldn’t even retrieve his body.
Beads of water welled up at the corners of your eyes as you crouched along the wall, Spider in your sights. 
Blinking rapidly to get rid of them, you leapt down with Lo’ak, taking care of the humans surrounding your friend mercilessly. 
You screamed as you smashed the last one’s skull along the railing, flipping them into the water, heavy pants leaving your chest as the adrenaline wore off.
“Woah. You alright?” Lo’ak gasped, slightly concerned. 
“I’m fine,” you breathed out. “We have to go, now.”
You grabbed a gun from one of the dead soldiers, and not long after you heard the sounds of rapid gunfire hit metal a bit too close to you for your liking. 
With your instincts you dove out of the way, grabbing Spider with your free hand and quickly crawling along the floor towards the moonpool, ensuring that Lo’ak was still behind you. 
The shots from the gun made the air burn in your lungs, and you coughed vehemently before hiding behind a wall just in front of the moonpool, whispering a quick apology to Spider for being so harsh with him. 
“You two go!” you shouted at the two boys behind you, whipping out your gun in an attempt to kill the bastard who was shooting so restlessly at you. 
“Are you nuts? We aren’t leaving you!” Lo’ak yelled back, considerably offended you’d think he’d abandon you so easily.
“Just go now! I’ll be fine!” you growled, taking another shot at the recom. 
Amidst the deafening sounds of gunfire, you were able to discern two distinct splashes in the water. 
Retreating behind the wall for cover, you swiftly reloaded your weapon with the remaining ammunition scattered on the ground. 
Taking a deep breath, you braced yourself and emerged once again, determined to make your final shot count.
Ao’nung whipped his head around frantically as he stood on one of the ships purposed for hunting tulkun, all of the previous occupiers…removed.
He looked towards the ship for any possible sign that you were still okay.
He’d witnessed Lo’ak and Spider riding away from the ship on an ilu, but where were you?
His heart beat faster and faster with every shallow breath he desperately took, unable to imagine what had happened to you. 
Just before he was about to call his own ilu, he heard a loud splash from the water behind him. 
He turned his body, bracing for a surprise attack, but instead, he got a surprise hug.
As your body melded with his, you rested your chin on his shoulder, feeling a calming sense of peace.
At first, his hands trembled as he placed them on your back, taken aback by the sudden embrace. 
But gradually, he relaxed into it, a radiant smile gracing his face as he shut his eyes, savouring every point of contact between your bodies, determined to remember what it felt like. 
There were so many things he’d wanted to say to you, but only three words left his quivering lips. 
“You… came back,” he choked out, even attempting to hug you tighter, before realising that he might have been hurting you- to which he loosened his grip.
You sighed contently, gazing at the water behind him. “I promised.”
Just then, you saw something underneath the ripples of the ocean. 
Everything was too fast for him to process. 
One second, he was hugging you like it was the last thing he could ever do with you in the world.
The next second, it actually was.
His eyelids whipped wide open as he heard a gunshot, his body hitting the floor in the direction opposite to where he was originally standing. 
You threw him out of harm’s way. 
The last time he’d ever seen you was with your mouth agape and pupils shrunken into the size of his thumb, as you fell lifelessly backwards into the water with a loud splash. 
“NO!” he screamed helplessly as he scrambled up from the floor, his knees scraping against metal as he crawled frantically towards the edge to see if you were alright. 
The only thing he could see from the surface of the water was your blood slowly tinting the ocean red. No bubbles. No sign of you resurfacing. 
Without hesitation, he plunged into the blood-red ocean, his body slicing through the water with a sense of urgency. As he dove deeper, his limbs thrashed and flailed, propelled by a desperate need to reach you and bring you back to the surface.
His panicked movements grew increasingly frantic as he searched for you, his bloodshot eyes darting around frantically in the murky depths. Every fibre of his being was focused on finding you, but as he scanned the water, he realised with a jolt that you were nowhere to be found.
Determined to keep searching, he pushed himself to swim deeper, his hands and feet churning the water as he scoured the depths for any sign of you. 
But as he descended further and further into the abyss, his vision began to blur, and his lungs burned with the need for air.
Despite his physical limitations, he refused to give up, driven by a fierce determination to find you. 
All he could see was the trail of your blood, leading him deeper into the unknown.
His fingers outstretched, he tried to reach you, but it was too late. 
His lungs burned with a searing pain as he struggled to hold his breath. But he refused to give up, clinging to the hope that he would find you alive and well.
As the seconds ticked by, his chances grew slimmer, and his body began to betray him. His limbs felt heavy and sluggish, and his vision grew hazy with tears.
Despite his efforts, he simply couldn't hold on any longer. 
He broke the surface of the water, gasping for air as his heart shattered into a million pieces. 
The devastating reality of his failure hit him like a ton of bricks, leaving him reeling with a sense of loss and despair.
A soul-wrenching cry tore through the air.
The sound was so raw and guttural that it felt as if it came from the very depths of the earth itself, carrying with it the weight of a thousand shattered dreams.
It was the kind of cry that would make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, a sound that would haunt you long after battle was over. 
The cries of the wounded and dying were nothing compared to the sheer agony and despair that his cry conveyed. 
The realisation hit him like a ton of bricks - he had lost you forever. 
The person he loved most in this world was gone, sacrificed her life to save his. The weight of his grief was so heavy that it felt like a physical burden, crushing him from the inside out.
He wanted to scream, to wail to Eywa, to beg for a chance to take your place. 
But he was powerless, reduced to a helpless witness of his own tragedy. 
He could feel the weight of his guilt like a physical pain, knowing that you had given your life for his.
Every following moment he had to live without you was a torture, a constant reminder of what he had lost. 
He tried to fill the void with his duties, with distractions, with anything that would make the pain go away, but nothing worked.
He would lie awake at night, imagining the pain you felt, the last moments of your life. He pictured you sinking into the cold, dark depths of the ocean, alone and scared, the light fading from your eyes.
It was a pain that he knew would never truly leave him, a wound that would never fully heal. 
He felt as if a part of him had died with you, and he knew that he would never be whole again.
They couldn’t retrieve your body. You couldn’t have a proper burial. He couldn’t ever see you again, not even through the spirit tree. 
Having to explain what happened to you to your family almost killed him; he could only imagine the pain they felt if he was feeling that way.
He blamed himself. And deep down inside, he knew that they did too.
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i hope it's sad lol i'm sorry if its not 😭 and tysm for the request @dearstell 💗 i finally got one after like a month 😭 idk i just headcanon that without a proper burial, the na’vi can’t be reconnected with Eywa upon death, so people can’t see them through the spirit tree. it’s an educated headcanon, if you will.
now how do u feel realising the words in the title are actually the reader’s last words?? do u feel upset?? i sure hope u do cause i put lots of thought into that, just for u guys :) 
as always, tysm for reading til the end! I appreciate all your support, comments and reblogs 💗
much love, lorre.
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cheri-2047 · 4 months
Could you maybe try high school Fem!Scaramouche hc with a huge crush on us but being super reluctant and shy about it?? :3
OKAY. I HAVE NEVER WRITTEN FOR SCARA OKAY PLEASE BEAR WITH ME 😭 also dude ure my first request thank u so much <3
so I didn’t know how to write this but THERE WAS AN ATTEMPT. Anyways basically I’m gonna write a bunch of headcanons then some scenarios under that
Please I’m so sorry if I mischaracterized him I really tried I SWEAE 😭😭😭
This is not proofread btw
WARNINGS: none, it’s all fluff :3
Fem!Scaramouche Headcanons:
Fem!Scara would seem like extremely pissed off to everyone, but she would do small tasks for you that she never does with anyone else
Fem!Scara would do her best to not make it obvious that she likes you. (Even if that means accidentally hurting you with her snarky remarks)
Fem!Scara would be more quiet around you. She doesn’t become as arrogant or stubborn around you, well she would be but just not as much since she cares for you
Fem!Scara ime personally, I don’t think she would be much on physical touch, but if you hugged her she would pay your back and put her chin on your shoulder
Fem!Scara enjoys seeing you be passionate about things. She would listen all day to you and keep eye contact.
Fem!Scara would be very well at hiding when she’s flustered. Like if you’re play flirting with her, she would just end it like “…? What do you expect me to say to that?” When in reality, she’s really giddy inside
Fem!Scara would choose to sit beside you during field trips, or if you go to school via school bus. She says it’s just a coincidence (for field trips) but in reality, she really made it so you Teo sat together
Confession time:
Fem!Scara would be really pleased if you confessed to her first. She wouldn’t say yes immediately, (like instead of going “yes yes!!” She would be in disbelief)
Fem!Scara if she were to confess, she would spend a lot of time thinking how she would do it. She would worry if you said no and I feel like she would spend a week bringing herself down saying you’d never say yes and it’s a waste of time (no it’s not)
Scara enters the school earlier than usual to look for your locker. She had decided to just send a letter. Scara finds it and rereads his letter (for the 100th time today…)
“Dear y/n,
Before I say anything, if you were to say no that’s completely fine. I understand I am not the best, but the truth is, these past few months, I’ve started to develop feelings for you. I just didn’t say or do anything about it well..since I didn’t really want you to know or anyone really. I really really like you, but understand if you would just want to stay friends. Thank you for hearing me out.
SHe hesitantly folds it up again, leaving a candy you really like taped to it as he slips it in the gap of your locker. SHe can barely calm himself down but he goes back to the classroom.
As she sees you, she stiffens up, but tries to remain the same.
“Did she read it?”
“Has she even seen it?”
“Maybe I didn’t write long enough?”
“Ah damn it I barely wrote anything!”
She stares at her lap, not daring to look up. As suddenly when you tap hee table, you mention the letter.
“I saw what you left..”
She immediately PANICS clutching her skirt getting ready for a no. She just laughs it off as if it were nothing to hide that she’s actually a mess inside.
“Haha, well what d’you think?”
She tries to act cocky and stuff. But as you come to terms and conditions (when u say yes) she looks at you in disbelief.
“….is this a joke? Are you lying?”
As you say no it’s not a joke, she then stands up and taps your hand.
“Thank you…”
WOWWOWOWOOWOWOW THIS WAS NOT PROOFREAD AT ALL AHHAHAHAH. Anyways uhhh if anyone else wants to request smth, go ahead. School just ended so I have nothing to do for the next few months. Once again, my bad if I accidentally mischaracterized her. I really tried ok. ANYWAYS THANK U, U DONT KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM THAT SOMEONE ACTUALLY REQUESTES SMTH FROM ME LIKE I KID U NOT I GOT REALLT HAPPY AT LIKE 6 AM😭😭😭 anyways thank u again omg I hope this was ok 😭😭
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junior-april · 5 months
Omg!!! I live ur writing so much! The way you write eren is like literally perfect!! I was wondering if I could request reader walking home or at a party or just like out somewhere and they notice some people making her uncomfy and they cal eren to pick them up? Some fluff and comfort are my coping mechanism 😭
LMAO STOP THE COPING MECHANISM IS SO REAL💀💀 and ofc bb thankyou so much for the request i love you😋🥰
Im just gonna work off the whole saviour dynamic w eren and hopefully u dont mind
More requests/masterlist
You don’t know why you’re here, you really should’ve just stayed home if only Mikasa hadn’t dragged you out.
“Cmonnnn it’ll be fun, I promise! Even Sasha’s coming!”
You really shouldn’t have listened to her, right now she’s - God knows where - with Sasha playing some obscure drinking game while you’re here sitting on the leather couch already intoxicated yourself.
You felt gross. Sticky even from the sweaty, crowded living room, humidity suffocating you. There was about 5 people on this couch made to fit only 2, you sat there staring down at your stupid sore feet in your stupid stupid heels with stupid strangers grazing your bare legs next to you.
The noise of the room tuned out as your tipsy brain was half conscious until you were snapped back into reality feeling a creeping hand on your shoulder.
Whoever was next to you was apparently speaking for long enough that you don’t know what they’re on about, “— or we could go back to my apartment..”
Your head snaps back up and you anxiously shrug off this guys tacky hand, sobering up just a little bit. Enough to start comprehending things.
“Sorry, I have to go” you say while peeling yourself off the leather, you don’t know where you have to go you just knew to leave because clearly you weren’t functioning well alone.
You turn and almost begin walking away until you almost trip on your stupid heels, this guys hand had gripped your arm rather too harshly to pull you right back onto the couch.
“Hey we were in the middle of something” he slurs, clearly a little more intoxicated than you.
You’re still so lost, why the fuck is he still talking? Why is this room is so hot? This couch is too sticky. His breath smells like shit. Your feet hurt like shit. You’re so tired all you want to do is leave at this point. All of your senses have been overwhelmed you can’t take it.
He continues to ramble nonsense again so you settle to tune it out again, unsure if your feet have the strength to even walk away and give resistance against this random ass guy if he tries anything worse.
You pull out your phone from your unpractically tiny bag and open your messages.
23:16 — Eren
Yes this is erenb
Can gou pixk me up
How drunk are you💀
Honestly nor that nuch this tine
Thid guys bortherijf me hurry up ples😋
This guy??
What’s going on?
Donr asknme idek myslef💀💀 hes jusr weirdinf me out
Im coming dw mika sent me the address earlier
He didn’t lie when he said he’d be quick, honestly Eren was waiting for you to return from the party. He got too bored sitting in your apartment alone watching tv.
You get a call and immediately shoot up knowing Erens arrived. You’re still too drunk to process whatever this guy was doing.
You think he’s following behind you? Who knows? You get out the front door with a cool breeze hitting you. It’s much quieter out here which would be nice if this guy wasn’t still trying to pursue you even after a good ten minutes of radio silence from you.
You feel your body sigh with relief as you spot Eren’s car, you make eye contact with him through the front window smiling. You can slightly see how he grins at your drunken walk in your painful heels until your vision spins to face the guy.
His hand was now on your shoulder and before you knew it Eren was getting out of his car. Whoever this man was he was clearly upset?? Clearly drunk and clearly mad at you. He’s rambling and you still don’t want to listen, hes saying something about you not mentioning you had a boyfriend or anything along those lines?
All you knew is that he was mad, you could feel it in his inebriated grip on your shoulder. Then you start to feel the alcohol coming back up you’re system as his other hand creeps to hold your waist. “Cmon ditch your boyfriend”
Before you can get a word of disgust out you feel familiar arms save you from this repulsive guys hold. Eren shoves his chest as he drunkenly stumbles backwards.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Eren spits out as his arm ushers you to stand a little behind him. He isn’t really one for violence when it’s a complete stranger. He has better things to do than that.
He can tell he’s drunk and after a few nonsensical sentences pour out the guys mouth; Eren’s done eyeing him down with demise so he walks you back to his car while the guy drags himself back to the party.
“Are you alright?” He questions you while rubbing his hand against your arms to warm you up as much as he can walking down the party’s front yard.
“Yeah I’m alright now at least, thank you Eren”
“That guy looked fucking homeless”
You softly smile to yourself, at ease in Eren’s presence. Half the grossness you felt in that stupid party had already began dissolving.
The drive home was quiet, calm. You were dozing off in the passenger seat while you held his free hand in you lap. His thumb swept back and forth until you arrived home. He reaches behind into the back seat, you’re too hazy to question why really. Eren bends over to take off your heels to then slide ur home slippers on.
“I don’t know why you wore those tonight, you know they hurt”
“I know right?!” You huff back at him. He laughs softly at your drunken state and gets out the car. He opens your car door to usher you out and puts his arm around you to help you walk to your apartment.
He lies you down on the couch and tells u to stay which you have no real trouble doing. He returns to the room holding one of his navy blue t-shirts and grey shorts.
“Okay baby, take off ur dress” he says gently.
“At least ask me to dinner first” you retort back. You snicker at your own joke but take off your dress all the same. He slips his shirt and shorts onto you then carries you to your bed effortlessly.
“You’re soo strong, do you have a girlfriend?” you giggle while feeling up his muscular arms. He only laughs at you and quickly leaves to grab something. He returns again, your micellar water in one hand and your toner in the other, “hey which one is the makeup thingy to take it off?” He questions, trying to communicate with whatever sober is left in you. You point to the micellar bottle and he wipes your face with it. The cool water and Eren’s delicate touch was extremely soothing. Although making you even more tired it did sober you up a little more.
Once he’s done, he puts everything down and climbs in bed next to you, pulling the blanket up, he moves you so that you’re on your side and pulls your knee toward him so that your leg is over his legs. He moves his arm to lie under your neck and pulls your whole body nearer with his free hand now on the small of your back.
You inhale deeply the scent of his chest and neck, now intoxicated by his musky scent while his hand slides up to bring your head nearer while he breathes deeply too, face shoved in the top of your head.
He moves to place a chaste kiss on your forehead.“You okay?” He asks, voice just above a whisper.
“Now I am, that guy was weird”, you murmur back still with a face full of chest.
“Yeah he was a fucking weirdo” Eren says, now speaking at a normal volume. “You’re not going alone to those parties anymore, I’m having a word with Mikasa trust”
You laugh at his seriousness and press a kiss to his collar bone, “No laughing I’m serious” he smiles, making space between you too to be able to kiss your collar bone too. He litters playful kisses on your neck. You laugh more while he roughly moves on top of you to only press more ticklish pecks all over you; intentionally smothering you.
You stop him by grabbing both sides of his head and bringing his lips to yours. You kiss him softly while he willingly returns it. He deepens the kiss with his tongue swiping your bottom lip until you open your mouth in the slightest, letting him slip it inside.
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simp4konig · 1 year
My personal thing, if you don’t mind me sharing <3, about König, while I know he has the potential to literally kill you without a second thought, I feel like he has a soft spot of children. Parents not so much, but he always spares the children. Now, for the bad behaved children I feel like he would give a scary talking to 👀
Because König feels very strongly about bullying, so if he heard a kid was bullying the other kid? Would come to their immediate rescue and shut the bully down harshly. For him, that’s a mercy, but he promises that if he ever hears word or sees them acting like that again he won’t be as “merciful”. But to the Victims he would console them, but also give them his harsh reality of “you have to be stronger than your enemies” and as much as he wants them to keep their innocence, he doesn’t want them to be weak either. Or worse killed.
But that’s just my little HC 😌
Anon rhis is such a good headcannon???? 🥹🥹 lemme just..,🤏🤌
No i don't mind qt all!!! 😊 If anuthing, im so glad you shqred this with me 🥰💖 bc I felt IMMEDIATELY inspired by this headcannon !!😽✨💖...
... so jere are MY headcannons for YOUR headcannon 🙈🙈⛅🌻💞💕💓✨🌼 Took me a short while to formulate my answer, so srry for the delayed reply 😿 I saw this as soon as you sent me this an i dont want u to tjink i ignored you at all:(</33
König with a soft spot for children headcannons🥺🥺
+ father König drabbles🤭
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Word count: ~2022
*If you ignore my VERY angsty depiction of König's childhood, then it's totally pure fluff all around 💖✨🤗
*General headcannons for König
Writinf block is fuckinf AGONY and im in PAIN 😭😭💔💔 give me time to recover and ill powt two fully-fleshed out fanfics sometime soon 🙏🥺
Tag List ♡ @simpforkonig ♡ @abysslovesyou ♡ @puff0o0 ☆ @rustic-guitar-notes ☆ @happy-mushrooms ♡ @reyner-lee
König, having been bullied all of his childhood, is FIRMLY against bullying.
To see a little girl/boy being labelled an outcast is oh too familiar to him, and hits far too close to home than it should. Brings back the insecurities, the feeling of being utterly humilated, a permanent reminder of his not fitting in. Literally.
Primary school: bullied for being a beanstalk, for head hitting the door frame, for being abnormally large, a "mutant"; balls hurtled at him in dodgeball, all competing in finding out who can knock out the "freak"; knees kicked from behind and legs buckling from the attack, a stampede of legs stamping on him as he cowered on the floor, helpless, and no one caring to help, teachers observing idly nearby.
Secondary school: nose broken to "fix" his crooked features, his "ugly" face; cast aside in class photos for "ruining the picture"; people of his own age turning their heads in the other way in disgust, avoiding him like the plague.
As if his "ugliness" was contagious, and if anyone was to touch him they'd catch the disease.
Power surpassing his tormentors, yet too powerless to fight back, he endured, yet didn't overcome.
Lasting trauma changed König's own perception of self completely.
It took a long time becoming the cocky and confident commander he presents himself as. To stand up to his full height and embrace himself for who he was and is, to be self-assured, domineering, and boisterous with others irrespective of their rank. The Colonel; a hardened soldier; a strict man of discipline exerting his authority over all, not at all sympathetic towards anyone.
Deep down, he is still that young boy, vulnerable in the center of a circle of so many pointing fingers and sneering faces. All became a collective body of ridiculing smiles, of sing-song laughter, so many that he lost count.
So, personally vowing to NEVER let his future children (or any children) go through the same turmoil, he would intervene whenever he had the chance to.
For instance, perhaps König was speed-walking home one day, dufflebag slung over his shoulder as he rushed to get back to you as soon as possible after being deployed these past weeks, and maybe he was passing by a playground.
Initially focused on the goal at hand, he couldn't help but turn his head, a small smile under his mask as he felt a wave of nostalgia crash over him. Nostalgic of times before he was forced to integrate with callous society.
Smiling at the oblivious children playing together, kicking their chubby little legs on the swings, sliding down a slide and falling, squealing. All giggling with glee, so innocent.
All except one. His eyes would land on a small girl, bawling on the ground, no older than five years old.
Surrounded by three others, all pointing fingers and laughing, the ringleader making fun of the poor thing as his henchmen stomped the remainder of her sandcastle, kicking sand at her. Hands on hip, chest puffed out triumphantly.
Rubbing her puffy eyes, thick pouting lips drooping in an open-mouthed frown, chin quivering as she struggled to contain her broken sobs, she kneeled on the ground, hugging her knees to her chest.
Usually, in these types of situations, people tend to behave in two very different ways when they see something that happened to them happening before their eyes:
"Why should I help them? I went through the same thing, so it's not my problem" or "I should help! They shouldn't have to go through the same thing".
You can probably already guess under which category König falls into.
He was NOT about to actively play a passive role in ignoring the poor blubbering child, to be downright apathetic like the other adults were in their radius. No way.
Still carrying his dufflebag, imagine the horror of the little shitlings*: seeing an imposing giant 2ft+ taller than them, huge body trudging towards their little troupe; cold, icy-blue eyes half-lidded staring into their bulging ones. Glaring.
Little band of clowns would probably actually shitting themselves fr 💀
Not only does König give the brats a stern talking to (all the while they are nodding their heads with jaws on the floor, knees trembling and nearly caving in on themselves), he later makes it his due diligence to track down the parent(s) and scold them too.
"Was wird deinem Gören zu Hause beigebracht? What do you teach your brat? This behaviour is unacceptable. You have set a terrible example, Du verdammter Idiot. How dare you allow this? Bulling is wrong. Scheiße, are you listening to me? Because you should, Dummkopf. You should be ashamed. I am sure ashamed of you. I swear to Gott—"
Cue 1 hours later, he personally grounds them (the child and parents)... 🤐
...And the child goes with it? Even the adults? 😭
I mean, to be honest, I would too, if a 6'10, body-so-broad-that-it-blocked-all-sunlight-and-did-not-fit-in-the-door-frame Colonel, gesticulating wildly, projecting strongly his German-accented voice, cursing in an aggravated amalgamation of furious English and a spiteful spit of German... Yeah, I'd be pissing my pants not even gonna lie 😭
I'd imagine that the parents would be immediately saluting, images of stupidity on their faces, completely dumbfounded to have their parenting challenged and to learn that their "precious little angel(s) that can do no wrong" actually can do wrong. (sorry guys i hate toddlers with a RAGING PASSION... rant over fyi no more of me insulting shitheads🥰)
As for the sweet, weeping girl, he would crouch down to her height, gentle eyes genuine behind his menacing mask. Slowly lifting the fabric, wary of his facial deformities, his scars, he'd do his best to give her a comforting smile, wanting to make her at ease.
She was not put off by his appearance at all. If anything, she maintained eye contact — was curious yes, so with no filter whispered, "You... you have a nice smile, sir. I like your eyes.
"They're—" a loud sniff, wiping her nose with her sleeve "—they're pretty. "
Taken aback, König's eyes widened. Then, in soft whisper:
"Meine Süße, I'm so very sorry about those— those idiots..."
The girl giggled a little, dimples appearing on her tear-stained cheeks.
"And I'm so very sorry, but there will others. Other idiots," he allowed himself to smile, letting out a dry chuckle.
A tentative hand dropping to her round shoulder, squeezing it every so slightly to emphasise his words. "And you have to be strong, Mädchen. You must be strong. This world isn't a good place for angels like you."
Obviously, he didn't sugarcoat the truth. Situations like this would be unavoidable. He would make that clear.
"I do not condone violence, but—" a wink, acknowledging the irony behind his words. "—if you stick your foot out when one of those brats are walking down the corridors, surely nothing will happen, ja?"
Seeing the girl lighten up, smiling brightly, no signs anymore of crying, he ruffled her hair with a toothy grin.
Letting the veil drop down his face, he suddenly fixed his posture and gave an exaggeratedly goofy salute as he turned to head home, satisfied. All the while the girl waved at him energetically, eyes crinkling up in an adolescent's adorable smile.
On another note: I never really gave it much thought before, but... König as a father? 🥺🥺
Your headcannons unlocked a part of my brain that had been locked. 🤭✨ Needed to upgrade my König skill tree before I got to this poin. 🦸🏼‍♀️ Sure has been worth it, though. 🤩
Ever since he was past his teenage years, the thought of a family was something he longed for. Desired.
Maybe it's because he was taught traditional house roles in his European household, or was longing for something that was out of reach, he couldn't tell.
What he was certain about was that it was his biggest wish. His dream.
Deployed in a foreign country, his favourite past-time was fantasizing about his future with a special someone, to have a big family, and to raise his children, giving them everything good he never had, and to shield them from everything bad he had experienced.
Something in being the breadwinner of the house was so masculine to him, and coming home to so many short, out-stretched arms, so excited to be reunited with their papa clinging on to his long legs brought a tear to his eye.
And, once you two officially became a couple, he knew that he wanted to start a family with you at some point. From the moment he met your eyes, intuition assured him that you would be the right one for him.
If you're a [fertile] female, he wants nothing more than to see miniature you and him running around, sweet cherub faces and their chubby cheeks smiling at him, calling him papa, calling you mama.
Seeing your belly swell up with his baby would strangely give him a sense of pride, proud that you would both bring sacred life into the world together, and would practically worship the ground you walk on. He would want to get this right, for everything to be perfect.
He wouldn't allow you to lift a finger despite your protests, catering to your every need, caring for you in any and all ways he could:
Carrying the groceries, 3 carrier bags in each hand, serving you while simultaneously subtly making you swoon, not missing the googly eyes you made at his strength from his peripheral vision;
Doing the bed, making sure to stock up on additional soft pillows and fluffy blankets so you would rest well, removing all stress from your morning routine, and the discomfort of finding a comfortable sleeping position at night;
Insisting you eat balanced meals, preparing nutritious food that had all the nutrients you would need, the sustenance to feed you and develop a healthy baby.
The gore and guts he had witnessed in the battlefield did not compare at all to the sight of blood staining the hospital bed sheet. The look of horror in his eyes as you went into labour, death grip on his hand, knuckles turning white. He'd be hyperventilating, almost feeling the same pain you were going through 😢💔
Not to say that your agony was worth it, but seeing the beautiful blanketed bundle in your arms, you cooing at the little one, made every single horrific moment combined in his life worthwhile.
All the struggles, the hardships, the troubles; all worth it if it meant seeing you with his child.
If you're anything other ([infertile] female, male, non-binary, etc), König would get so emotional when adopting a newborn with you.
He'd be teary-eyed, unable to hide the emotions.
To think that he'd be rescuing a child, giving them a second chance and making it feel so wanted, so loved. To give it all the love he was missing, the feeling forgotten through years of bullying, abuse, and violence, and war.
He would waste no time building the nursery. Painting the walls, building the crib, buying plush blankets, stuffed teddy bears, toys that would be in no way a choking hazard.
His helicopter parent preparations aside, his dream would be to grow old with you, and be surrounded by children, grand-children, and even great-grand-children, sharing stories as the lively atmosphere was bubbling with life, with a family.
Piggy back rides would be a MUST!! 😡 Or, better yet, his infants (taking turns — dunno if three kids at once is very practical 😭) sitting on his shoulders, seeing the world from so high up. Reaching out, and their head in the clouds.
Bouncing them on his knee, like a train conductor going through heavy turbulence, all the while the little ones would be laughing happily, telling him to go faster.
Every single one of his children cuddled up to him; in his lap, over his shoulders, splayed over his legs, clinging to him like a pack of koalas. 🐨
Reading bed time stories, stroking their head, stood in the door way minutes after his children had fallen asleep. Keeping them safe.
A family of his own. To eventually embarrass endearingly, to squish their cheeks, and tickle their sides, play-wrestle and tease by keeping objects out of reach. His extensive research also included horrible dad jokes, which were made hilarious by their poor translations into English.
Wanting to raise his children the way his mother had raised him while she was still around, to give his children the happy childhood he hadn't had, to make school a positive journey into adulthood. He'd teach them to deal with bullies, to stand up for themselves when he never could...
...And, athough he has good intentions, the truth is that with a father like him no snot-nosed brat would ever dare to mess with the Colonel's children ☠️
Note: Omg you. csn tell that i got so carried away w/ this😭😭 you know rhat line where König "fantasized" about a family ?yea that was me the entire time wiritng this...💔 God i need to stop daydreamimg excessively ajd return to reality 🥲 ...
...,,jk i wont 🥰💅✨💫 good mental health??😰😰 guurrl we don't know her 💆🏼‍♀️💫✨🧚‍♀️💓
Functioning like a normal human being💔🤮🤮🤮<<<<< Making up vivid scenarios in my head💓💓 😍😍😍
*fyi, shitlings is a loose translation for "gówniaki/gówniarze", an insult you have for children in Polish (similar to the English "shithead"). Do what you will with that new knowledge. The world is your oyster with that one ig 👍
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