#this scribbly stuff is all i got I genuinely don't know how i used to finish stuff :(
shopcat · 10 months
i actually have so many digital art specific opinions obv that i just keep to myself bc i find it soo obnoxious to just be like Um actually this is how u do this just for myself bc i don't even post my work so it just feels hollow or something 😭 or like even people who do it in a normal way but are beginners themselves i would just rather die than do that. no one ever listen to me what the hell do i know.
but i think if u can't create what ur creating on a basic program like sai or something and rely too heavily on all the cool tools especially ones in procreate or even csp you can be limiting urself and ur growth. esp as a beginner to digital art or just in general .. or maybe in even kinder wording if ur art isn't working out the way u want to u need to stop muddling ur workspace with all these different brushes and overlays and textures and Hacks and stuff bc like YES they do definitely help and there is no problem with anyone using them (like as IF traditional artists use just One Brush in a painting !!! they don't) and things like i don't know that mirroring tool thing or having ur stabiliser up super high can help sometimes especially if ur going for a particular style like that but if ur feeling LOST about it i think u need to just do the digital art equivalent of using a black ball point and scribbling in a lined workbook. use some default brushes adjust them to ur liking make lots of what ur doing instead of chipping away at one Big thing and getting frustrated. is one thing.
another is it's crazy to see professional artists post on tiktok or something and the comments are like insane for the context 😭 like i don't think they need ur advice man that's wild
and third and this will get me shot at with arrows twitter and tiktok and insta all have different art communities and they are in my humble opinion so much more unbelievably better than tumblrs that it's crazy and just surrounding urself with inspiration can obviously help u as an artist so i think even just occasionally going on any of these is good for ur soul.. and also just watching tutorials and speedpaints alone still "counts" as furthering ur own art. imagine trying to sit down and do like a maths problem without having the prior explaination on how to even do it and trying to work it out like that'd be near impossible if u have little to no foundation AND if u did have that knowledge but not the equation to fill out u would still be ABLE to do it or at least try to so in that way literally Just watching tutorials can make you evolve further. y'know. watching and learning from others is GOOD and important before i even got my tablet i just spent HOURS and hours watching other artists on youtube and even tiktok Yes and i do genuinely believe it helped me a tonne and formed a good foundation and i felt less like afraid to do things. and still does help like i said.
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plastic-summer · 6 months
my current album ranking, and why
i think some of this will be pretty controversial, so i've done my best to explain. what i'll also say is that i genuinely believe that every album of hers is truly brilliant in every way, but i simply prefer some over others and that comes down to personal feelings. yours may well be different.
10. evermore.
ouch. sorry. i can hear the pained screams from here. i really do apologise. here's the thing about me: i'm a big pop girlie. like, almost exclusively. i love pop music for its energy and passion and power. i know evermore has at least the latter two in its own way, but i can't mesh with it. i have tried, and i continue to try. basically, when folklore came out, i was a little feral for more taylor, but i knew it wasn't for me. that meant my reaction to evermore at first listen was "really? again?" i'm so sorry. i really am.
favourite song: closure.
least favourite song: it's time to go.
9. taylor swift (debut).
i think it's pretty common to have this one so low, and for me it's roughly the same reason as everyone else. one, i'm not a big country fan. i like it, but it's not really what i like, and that's the way of things. it's a very good country album, but i can't force myself to be a big country fan, even for taylor. second, she just became a better artist as her lyrics, production and voice matured and developed. this happens with virtually every artist and it's great to see. i don't have anything really critical to say about debut, just that it is not as good as a lot of the rest of her catalogue.
favourite song: a perfectly good heart.
least favourite song: cold as you (sorry).
8. fearless.
i did not like pretty much all of the fearless vault. i'm sorry. i just didn't. i could see exactly why they didn't get onto the original album, which doesn't happen anywhere near as much with the other vaults. just to get that out the way, because a vault shouldn't judge the album.
this was one of the very first cds i ever owned. i thought it was the coolest thing ever. her face on the cover is scribbled all over, because i was six when i got it. okay? forgive me. it gives the album a lot of nostaligia factor, and i do genuinely love it, but for some tracks i feel like nostaligia is all they have going for them. the rerecord really helped this, but ... yeah. it's just not as good as her other stuff.
favourite song: fifteen.
least favourite song: bye bye baby.
7. folklore.
put your pitchforks away. it's a good album, a great album if i'm honest. i understand the hype wholeheartedly. i don't think it's overrated. it's just not for me. i wanted to be a folklore girl, i really did, but it just didn't work out between us. the thing that makes it better than evermore at least for me is the fact that the songs are a lot more varied in production - not to say all the evermore songs sound the same, but i find the production of it to be a lot safer in several ways. i'm just not an indie girl and i've come to accept that.
favourite song: seven.
least favourite song: hoax.
6. speak now.
this is another one i've spent so much time with, mainly because i just LOVE the concepts and aesthetics of this album. it's just gorgeous. but it's not my favourite. i do really like it, much more than i used to in recent years, but again, i'm a pop girlie through and through. i don't have a lot to say really, it's pretty middle of the road for me. i think the best thing about it is how well and clearly emotions are shown in it, which is just so so brilliant, especially seeing as she was so young when she wrote it. some of her best work lyrically is in speak now for sure.
favourite song: speak now.
least favourite song: innocent.
5. red.
okay, i love red. i love red so much. this was the album that made me a swiftie. i don't know how many people agree with this, but when i think of red i don't think of autumn, i think of being younger and things being simpler, i think of late summer. my favourite taylor swift song (which has been so since the first time i heard it) is on this album. the lyricism (which, shockingly, exists in songs other than all too well!) and the emotion is to me at one of its peaks for taylor. the likes of we are never ever getting back together, 22, and i knew you were trouble will be fossilised, like them or not. it's just so quintessentially taylor in every way and deserves so much love beyond atwtmv.
favourite song: treacherous.
least favourite song: not picking one. no way.
4. lover.
this one moves sooo much for me and is actually my most played album of hers which is pretty crazy. i'll never relate to it probably, but it's just too underrated. it's gorgeous and it screams summer and dancing and being so mindlessly happy you can't think of anything else, but still holds close to it that painful relatability taylor songs are so special for. i just love it so much, i couldn't put it into words. go appreciate lover more! i'm also an unironic unapologetic me! stan. it's great, you're just boring.
favourite song: i think he knows.
least favourite song: it's nice to have a friend.
3. midnights.
i'm a firm believer in the idea that her "best" album is a different question to "your favourite" album because they're affected by different things. THIS is her best album. i don't care what you say. it has it all. narrative? gorgeous and cohesive yet tasteful. production? thematically on point, cohesive but never derivative. lyrics? every emotion, every experience, packed into 13 songs. wow wow wow. she did that, released it, and got on with her life. most artists could only dream of releasing midnights. and then the 3am edition??? even more of the same. we don't deserve it, i fear.
favourite song: question...?
least favourite song: glitch.
2. 1989.
as i listen to the rerecord more and more, this will definitely go up at some point. this is just sonically, lyrically, vocally, conceptually pop perfection. there is not one bad song on this album. there isn't even a song below an 8/10 on this album. it's just amazing and beautiful in every way. no notes.
favourite song: i wish you would.
1. reputation.
REPUTATION !!!! i can't say enough about the beauty that is reputation. i don't even know where to start. it's too good. it's the perfect revenge album, the perfect comebacl album and the perfect love album. i still live in 2017 with how this album gets me. perfection, everywhere.
favourite song: call it what you want but also all of them at once.
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rookflower · 2 years
ok, so. i drew every warrior cat! here's a long rambling sentimental reflective-type post on the blog i guess.
I started this blog when I was 15, in 2018. I was bored at a summer job, scribbled Onestar on the back of a sticker sheet, and thought "huh, there sure is a lot of Warrior Cats characters! I've seen some design blogs around, I think there's a "draw 100 cats challenge" people do, wouldn't it be fun if I gave that a try?" I had nothing going on art-wise at the moment, I was losing steam on my Pokemon webcomic and had given up askblogs a while ago, so I quickly fell into it.
Starting out was weird- I'd only read up to about Power of Three at the time, and hadn't read TPB or TNP in quite a while. I vivdly remember someone sending me a request to draw Tawnypelt about 20 cats in or so, and I genuinely couldn't remember who she even was. I think I got a request to draw Jagged Peak before I even knew DOTC existed? I wasn't working off of a specific list, and would miss certain cats out entirely due to forgetting them which frustrated me. Drawing cats was fun, and once I got to 100 eventually I found myself going "well, now what? I haven't even drawn Sorreltail, Nightstar, Appledusk, Spiderleg..." so, i kept going!
Then 2020 rolled around and lockdown hit, and I was suddenly stuck in my house with no plans, seemingly unlimited time, and a desperate need for some kind of outlet that offered escapism from the world.
Drawing Warrior Cats was something mundane and rhythmic but creative and enjoyable, and I found the aspect of looking at it as a challenge alluring, the same way I had when the goal was "100 random warrior cats". How far could I get before having to stop? I couldn't do over 1000 cats, right?
I could!
sunk cost fallacy or whatever, I guess?
Lot has changed in my life over the course of this. I started the challenge just after leaving high school, and now I'm headed into my third year of uni. Some family's moved around, we have a cat now, I started playing video games again, my bedroom's been revamped, I met some internet friends IRL for the first time, I'm more or less publicly out as gay, all different kinds of stuff. It's fucking wild to consider that one of the biggest constants in my life these past few years has been drawing goddamn warrior cats. I've had the Warriors wiki list of characters open on my computer basically forever, and finally closing it feels like a goodbye.
So what's happening with this blog? Well, I'm not upkeeping a daily queue anymore, that's for sure. There are some cats here I KNOW I'm going to want to go back and redesign at some point though, so this isn't over! Even if I'm less active here, for now, I'm not going anywhere. I'll probably also use this for any general warriors art/posts I want to make, as well as those "send me asks" request meme thingies. those are fun.
I'm hoping to be maybe more active on my youtube now, as well as just generally experimenting with my art more. One of the biggest downsides of spending 3 years drawing fullbody flatcolours of warrior cats and not that much else is that my improvement on every ground except cat anatomy and character design has become pretty fuckin stagnant lmao. I need to make art with backgrounds and shading and non-cat characters again or i think ill explode. time to get out of this comfort zone!!
speaking of, very lucky this thing ended right at the start of Artfight. I'm @/RioBlitzle there and I try to revenge back attacks! Will probably put my energy into that for a wee while.
@daily-mario-characters might come back,, eventually but I'm not promising anything, and if I haven't learned anything from running this blog you might see me on a "drawing every pokemon" streak in a few months. it is how it is.
Anyways, thank you all so much for your support. Massive shoutout to everyone who's ever left nice comments in the tags of my posts, I don't really have a way to respond but I read every one of those and please know that they absolutely make my day.
Thanks for sticking through this challenge with me!
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thinking about dick
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
Hi!!! In “the studio”, it says that namjoon said a lot of hurtful things to vixen over the phone, is there a fic in the series that shows what happened that causes the tension in “the studio”? Thanks!
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Pairing: Namjoon x reader (nicknamed Vixen)
Wordcount: 2.2k
Genre: angst. comfort fluff at the end
Rating: 16+ (suggestive, cussing)
Synopsis: set before and after The studio | KNJ
Trigger warnings: swear words, insinuation of infidelity (?), Namjoon is pretty toxic in this one, mention of non-descriptive panic attack.
A/N: this is super old i am so sorry but ive been hoarding stuff for months and now I AM READY TO UNLEASH HELL ALL OVER YOU CUPCAKES MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Credits to my wife @joheunsaram the Great for beta reading my messes. I lob u ❤️❤️❤️
Here is my Masterlist, enjoy 💜✨
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You stayed on the phone, trying to cook dinner while Namjoon vented about his day, how unproductive he had felt, how the management and the interviews and the shootings kept him from writing.
He was nervous, tense, and so mad. He spoke too fast for you to understand all the words and he was cussing so viciously that you even flinched. Twice.
“Do you need me to come over? You're too stressed.”
“No, you don't get it, I need to get this fucking thing done!” he insisted, making you huff out and hold your head in your hands. It had been three weeks of him spiraling further and further out of control, all your instincts going haywire over his behaviour. You had been there before and it had hurt you more than you could afford. It had been days since he'd last asked you how you were doing. He seemed to have forgotten your work presentation — the one you had discussed with the board that very morning after pulling an all-nighter to finalise the presentation, match the colour palettes and fonts, check the sources and the estimated costs for the project.
You had worked your ass off and now you were in your kitchen. Alone. You didn't even have the energy to celebrate. You only wanted a bath and some good sleep.
“Lemme see. Read that again, please?”
Namjoon repeated the pre-chorus. “It's weak.”
“The problem’s in the metrics. The syllables don't add up in the last verse and you're missing the alliteration.” You sat down and grabbed a piece of paper, scanning the words as you scribbled them down quickly.
“What about an odd verse? Something like, 'till dawn breaks again'?” you suggested, counting out the syllables and writing down the alternative.
Your stomach rumbled. It had been way too long since you'd last eaten.
“That's cliché.”
You exhaled and picked another line, focusing on the rhyme this time.
His tone was lapidary. “That doesn't make sense with the rest of the lyrics.”
You rolled your eyes, standing up, thinking some more as you got your stew warm. “What do you want it to mean?” you mused, genuinely interested in the concept.
“I don't know. That's why I'm stuck.” You heard him fiddle with his pen nervously on the other side.
“Why don't you go for a walk? Take a breath of fresh air—”
“I don't have time for that,” he hissed, his voice growing cruel.
You realised he didn't have time for you either. You were just a burden to him. A bother. “I think I should let you work, then,” you spoke weakly, feeling your hopes waste away. You had fallen for another selfish man.
Like an icy slash on the face, you realised it was time to start letting go. Been there, done that. You had promised yourself you wouldn't let anyone forget you or use you as their emotional punchball anymore. And that's where all of this was going.
You needed to put yourself first and forget about the poisoned sweets he always gave you, so cunningly.
“It's been a long day for me and I need some rest.” You murmured, your voice too frail. You realised you were going to cry.
Namjoon’s tone was aggressive when he replied. “Sure.”
You waited for ten seconds, hoping with all your heart for him to ask why you were tired. “Goodnight,” you spoke, your voice already strained as you tried to hold back a sob.
“Sure. Go care about yourself.”
At that you lost all softness. “Excuse me, what?”
“I said, go care about yourself. Since you don't care about me.” His voice was so bitter you almost didn't recognise it.
“Are you serious? I tried to help and you spat on all my attempts, without giving me prompts or hints or anything. I asked if you needed me there, and you refused, if you wanted to go for a walk and again, nothing. I've had one fucking long day, Joon, but you seem to have forgotten what today meant for me. If there's anyone who should go take care of themselves is you, you arrogant fool.”
“Do you know what kind of pressure I have on me? Do you think it's fucking easy to be me? I have six pairs of eyes looking at me, waiting for me to work some sort of magic trick or outright a miracle!—”
“It's not about you, for once, Namjoon! This is about me and the fact that you've been treating me like your panic room for weeks. I'm tired and I can't do this tonight.”
“Fine. Then don't do this.” You could see him shrug behind your closed eyelids. “One more true colour of yours.”
You no longer owed him politeness. “Go fuck yourself, you fucking prick.”
“I'll be more than glad, especially considering that you're clearly fucking someone else. I don't take sloppy seconds.”
You gasped at that. With shaking hands you put your phone on the table and closed the call.
You shut the stove and crumbled on the floor before it, clinging onto the counter for dear life. It was time to let your daydreams go.
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It took three whole minutes for Namjoon to understand what he had just done. He hadn't had a panic attack in years, and he had to lay on the floor to calm down.
He'd lashed out at you. The only happy thing he'd had in months.
He had insulted you and cussed at you while you tried to help him even though you were tired. He opened his phone again to check the time.
And he saw the date.
Your presentation. Five months right after our first encounter.
He pressed his hands against his face, squeezing tighter and tighter until he growled out loud, his throat burning as a result.
He tapped on your name on the screen, hoping you would pick up and let him explain. Your voicemail came up straight away.
He didn't know what to do. He had to reach you at your place. Apologise. Praise you. Ask you about your day. Hold you.
With the gaping, bleeding hole inside his chest, Namjoon realised the cruel truth. He was in love with you, and all the aggression was due to the fact that he was still just a fuck buddy to you.
He didn't know what to do until a knock on the door startled him. “Namjoonie.”
“Come in,” he said, half destroyed.
Yoongi was wrapped up in his winter clothes, his scarf and beanie covering most of his face while his parka did the rest. “I'm going to the dorms. Do you want to come with me?” With a second glance, Yoongi realised something was wrong. “What happened?”
Namjoon shook his head, feeling more tears well up. He didn't know when he'd started crying. “I don't know. I— Hyung, I'm in love? And it… It hurts. She will never love me back. And now I made her hate me.”
Yoongi tutted and entered the studio, helping Namjoon pick himself up before fixing the room. “Vixen?”
Namjoon nodded. “I was fucking cruel to her. She ended the call without saying anything. I hurt her, hyung.”
Yoongi stretched his arms out, his bear-shaped friend immediately adding to the older's winter armour. “You'll be fine. You'll write her one of your heartfelt letters and send her flowers. Tomorrow. In the morning, when you'll be rested and more calm. No use thinking about it now.”
“She'll never forgive me,” Namjoon murmured.
“Then you'll learn the lesson.” Yoongi knew that was a hard thing to say, but he also knew there wasn't much to do at this point. At the lapidary reply, Namjoon startled a little. Losing you?
He never would have thought it came this way. And now here it was. How could he apologise?
Jewels? No, you weren’t Mara. You were you, which was precisely the reason why he had fallen in love with you and not her. Flowers. He would send you flowers. And a pretty thank you note. Apologies. Anything to bring you back.
Maybe an art book?
He shook his head. As he waited on the lift with Yoongi he continued thinking about the awful way he had treated you, how he’d spoken to you. He had disrespected you in ways you had never: he had been impossible and you had been nothing but caring and helpful and understanding. Still, he’d barked off at any kind words you had offered him. And he had offered in return nothing but bad vibes and aggression.
He had been hostile, angry, sarcastic and dismissive. And your presentation… He knew you were a tough cookie, a true professional, and you would conquer them without the bat of an eye, but that was no excuse for him not to worry or ask about how you were feeling.
Once safe in his bed, he still couldn’t understand how everything had got so out of control. He hoped he would sleep, but he rolled around for almost one full hour before surrendering. He stood up and once on his desk, he drafted the letter he should have written weeks ago, when he realised that, though watching you undress yourself always took his breath, his interest wasn't limited to your naked body; he liked your mind, your way of thinking, your little quirks, and the way he was never bored with you. You were his soulmate.
He was in love with you and he wanted to tell you in person. So he shredded the draft and wrote another. Then, he managed to fall asleep.
The following day — actually, just five or six hours later — he had a florid, large white orchid delivered to your office, his note together with the plant. He had chosen the plant personally, amazed by the thriving sensuality of it, which matched you perfectly. He was notified once the delivery reached you, waiting a couple minutes for you to read the letter before deciding to call you. He waited on the line for a while before it fell.
He called again.
Again, to no avail.
He didn’t let himself break yet. He thought about waiting for your lunch break; and he waited.
Until it was lunch time and he could call and make sure you weren’t in a meeting. Finally the line didn’t fall anymore.
“Vixen,” he said fondly once the mechanical sound ended and he could hear you breathing through the phone.
“Hi. I received your flowers. It’s not an excuse—”
“I was stupid—” he started, but you had no intention to listen. Your tone was icy when you spoke again.
“Do not interrupt me. I said it was not an excuse and I will not accept any. I have been disrespected for weeks and I will not accept that any longer. You are no longer welcome to call or text.” Your throat closed entirely as you spoke the next words. “I will bring you your stuff as soon as possible.”
He cried out your name.
“No. I knew this moment would come. I need to put my own good first, and you’re not good to me.”
He could hear your voice crack, your quiet sobs. “I can be good to you. You know I have. These last few weeks—”
“Goodbye, Namjoon.”
“Little fox—” The line fell.
He was left alone with his despair. Finally, he could complete the song, too bad he had to sacrifice his heart for it.
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Namjoon woke up sweaty, his heartbeat galloping as he sat up in his bed, however he relaxed once he saw you next to him.
He laid back down, resting at your side, pressing his nose into the crook of your neck and kissing behind your ear, nuzzling his nose into your hair, taking in your smell — which was quite pointless since you had showered at his place, with his soap, in his room, right behind that glass wall which had been cause of so much debauchery. And after that, he had joined you under the water, kissing all over you and speaking those words he had barely dared to mouth since he’d spoken them in the studio.
“I love you so much, my cute, smart, beautiful fox,” he murmured. “My precious baby darling.” He rubbed himself against you, his arms wrapping around you possessively as you slept like an angel in his bed.
No way he would let you get away from it.
He would have you move in on the weekend. He already knew you would have just a small case of cold feet, act grumpy and fight him just for the sake of it, but in the end you would consent, with a bit of compromising and a fair bit of bribing, of course. Still, that was the only way for him to take care of you as consistently and insistently as possible. He needed to make up for several weeks of neglecting.
“My darling baby love,” he whispered after one more kiss. “I love you, little one.”
“I love you, Joonie bear,” you whispered, your hand tightening around his before you turned slightly, offering him your cheek. He kissed it, watching your eyelashes flutter before you turned around and burrowed yourself into his embrace.
He smiled. That was the best thing to fall asleep to.
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ticklishfiend · 3 years
Cool Beans (My Hero Academia)
Pairings : Lee!Ojiro / Ler!Bakusquad (minor lee!bkg, ler!kiri with kiribaku!!!)
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A/N : aaa this was a rlly cute prompt, tysm anon! took me a while to write this considering i wasn't really sure how to write for ojiro's character haha. i also don't think the toe bean thing is canon whatsoever but guess what, neither is kiribaku and u dont see me shutting up abt them do u? either way, hope u guys enjoy this!! much love <333
Summary : Denki decides to invite Ojiro to one of the Bakusquad's weekly sleepovers, and once they both arrive, is shocked to find that Ojiro has...toe beans? No way he can't investigate those! (even if they do turn out to be a bit sensitive...)
Word Count : 3651
⚠️quick heads up!! i had to add some lines after the "keep reading" so tumblr wouldn't mess up the writing! pls ignore them, they have nothing to do with the actual story!⚠️
. . .
“Here, just glue that last paper down and we should be done!” Denki clapped his hands together with a wide smile, his tongue poking out of his teeth in excitement as Ojiro pasted the last picture onto their poster board for the night.
The pair had been working on a group project together for the past two days, and after hours of pretty heavy research and planning, they were finally finished, and Denki could not be more thrilled to not have to work anymore tonight. He’s had a good time with Ojiro the past two days, though, and wasn’t really ready to just part ways with him just yet. He’d never really hung out with the guy much before this, and as it turns out they got along much better than he would’ve initially guessed. No way Denki was just gonna give up the chances of a new good friend.
“So that’s it, right? We didn’t, like, forget a chunk did we?” Ojiro asked cautiously, knowing Denki was one to often forget important details like that. The electric teen sat in genuine thought for a moment, before popping his mouth with a smile.
“Nope! We’re all good, man,” Denki stood from his spot on the floor, moving the poster over to another side of the room and picking up his bookbag, turning back around to face Ojiro who was busy putting stuff away in his drawers. “Hey, um, me and a couple others are having a sleepover in the common room tonight. Would you wanna join us? I’ve kinda enjoyed hanging out with you these past few days so I think it’d be pretty fun if you went!”
Ojiro looked at him with an almost shocked expression on his face for a moment, eyebrows raised and mouth just slightly agape. “O-Oh, um...sure!” He looked towards his bedroom door a little warily and almost like he was confused, looking back to Denki with a thumb pointed towards the door. “Is it happening, like, now, or…?”
“Oh! Uh, yeah Bakugou and Kirishima already finished their project so they’re probably down there right now, but you can just come down whenever you feel like it! I’ve gotta grab a few pillows and my blanket first but I’ll be down there in just a minute.”
“Alright then, um...I guess I’ll meet you there?”
“Sure thing, man! I’ll tell the others you’ll be coming,” Denki gave Ojiro a big thumbs up before practically bouncing his way out the door and towards his own room to grab his stuff. This was definitely gonna be a fun night.
It took a while for Ojiro to get his stuff together for the night, wanting to make sure he had everything so he wouldn’t have to walk back to his room in the middle of the night and risk waking any of the light-sleepers of the dorm. But, once he was sure he had everything and had hyped himself up enough to do it, he finally made his way out of his bedroom, walking towards the common area with his pillow and blanket in hand.
Upon entry, Denki’s whole little friend group was sat lounging around the common areas. Bakugou and Kirishima were cuddled together under the same blanket at the corner of one of the couches, while Mina was on the opposing side of the same couch under her own pink and purple blanket. Sero sat on his own little chair, while Denki sat on the floor on top of an orange bean bag someone must have brought from their own room. Ojiro took a deep breath in before marching his way towards them, waving his arm that held his pillow under the armpit.
“Hey guys!” Ojiro greeted with a smile, all the teens turning around to face him with smiles of their own (well, all except for Bakugou, but Ojiro took no offense to that).
“Ayyye, it’s the Tailster!” Sero chuckled from his spot on the chair, giving Ojiro a little nod in welcome. Denki hopped off his beanbag excitedly, speeding his way behind Sero’s chair to grab a purple bean bag he must’ve brought just for Ojiro’s company. He plopped it right down next to his orange one, showing it off with pride.
“Jirou let me borrow this tonight! I invited her over too but apparently she had plans with Momo,” Denki rolled his eyes playfully with a grin, pretending to gag with a finger in his mouth.
“Booooo, love sucks!” Sero heckled with his hands cupping around his mouth, chuckling when Bakugou threw a throw pillow at him from his spot cuddled up against Kirishima.
Ojiro giggled at their playfulness, sitting his pillow down beside his beanbag before sitting himself down on it comfortably. “Thanks for inviting me, you guys, seriously.”
“Babes, of course!” Mina exclaimed from her spot behind Ojiro on the couch. “We love having you around, Oji!”
“Yeah man, what she said!” Kirishima spoke up, pointing at Mina in agreement. “You’re a super manly dude, Ojiro. We were so excited when Denki told us you said you’d come!”
“Dude, even Bakugou was psyched,” Sero smirked, pointing his thumb at a now seething Bakugou.
“I was not PSYCHED you Spider-Man wannabe! He’s just less annoying than any of you bastards; thought it’d be a nice change of pace for once,” Bakugou rolled his eyes, slumping into Kirishima’s chest with his arms crossed like a pouting toddler. Kirishima just giggled at his boyfriend’s little temper tantrum, scratching at his scalp just the way he knew the blonde loved (which immediately calmed him down from any previous rage he felt towards the, quote, “Spider-Man Wannabe”).
Denki threw himself onto the bean bag next to Ojiro, TV remote in hand as he grinned up towards the tailed hero-in-training. “It’s a Disney movie night; got any suggestions as our guest of honor?”
Ojiro sat in thought for a minute, scratching at his chin as he scanned through all the past Disney films he’d watched over the years through his head. “Hm...Wreck It Ralph?”
“Oh FUCK yeah, this guy’s coming to every movie night from here on out!” Bakugou exclaimed, the compliment making Ojiro feel a little sheepish as he chuckled shyly. The others nodded in agreement, Denki getting the movie ready on the TV from his position propped up on the beanbag.
Once the movie had started, Ojiro decided he wanted to make himself a little more cozy now that he felt more comfortable around the group of other teens. He laid his pillow down on the floor, lounging back against the beanbag and propping up his feet on the soft cushion. Denki glanced over towards Ojiro when he noticed the movement, his eyes naturally gazing towards the boy’s now propped up feet. Denki gasped in excitement when he saw something he had never noticed before on the boy.
“Dude! You’ve got little toe beans!” The electric blonde pointed eagerly down at Ojiro’s feet, the tailed teen blushing slightly at the attention. Denki scooted in closer to his feet, looking intently at the little pink buds on his soles and toes. “No way, this is so cool! Can I touch them?”
“U-Uh, sure, just be gentle please,” Ojiro scratched at his neck sheepishly, unable to keep down the blush pushing at his cheeks and ears from the attention.
Sero suddenly hopped down from his spot on his chair, plopping down next to Denki to get a look at Ojiro’s feet as well. “Yup. Tailster’s got beans.”
Ojiro chuckled at the nickname before flinching when he felt a single finger touch down on the pink pad right under his toes. Denki used the pads of his fingers to idly trace and feel around the flesh, and Ojiro couldn’t help the way his toes tried to instinctively curl up at the sensation.
“They’re so soft, I could do this forever,” Denki sighed, continuing to brush little shapes into the pads. Ojiro gasped with a small jerk when he felt a nail accidentally scrape against the skin, and Denki instinctively pulled his hand back in shock. “Oh, dude, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
Ojiro shook his head immediately. “No, you didn’t hurt me, it’s okay! It’s just...the uh, the ‘beans’ are a little...um…sensitive.”
Ojiro could see Sero raise an eyebrow at the word, a small grin appearing on his face as he nudged Denki in the shoulder with his elbow. “I think what Oji’s tryna say is, his beans are ticklish.” Sero glanced at the embarrassed Ojiro, Denki following suit with a large grin plastered on his face.
“Aww, that’s so cute! Kaminari, tickle his beans!” Mina giggled from her spot on the couch, Bakugou rolling his eyes at their silliness. The angry blonde pointed an accusatory finger towards Ojiro, the tailed boy’s eyes a little wide at the intimidation.
“Don’t be fuckin’ loud, Tail, I’m tryna watch the movie you picked out,” Bakugou grumbled, dropping his arm and pushing himself further into Kirishima’s chest as the red-head played with his hair soothingly.
Before Ojiro could respond, he yipped when he felt two teasing nails scratch slowly along the padding on his feet, his leg jerking back only to be stopped by Denki grabbing his ankle and holding the appendage in place.
“Ah ah ah, no getting away now, Oji! I wanna test this out a little more,” Denki chuckled, scribbling his two fingers into the bean. Ojiro gasped, quickly clamping his hands onto his mouth to muffle any giggles that threatened to burst out. Denki continued his slow, ticklish touches while looking over towards Sero. “Sero, get the other foot for me.”
“With pleasure~,” Sero chuckled, gently grabbing Ojiro’s other ankle and scribbling his fingers along the pad on his arch. Finally, Ojiro’s dam broke, muffled giggles being heard from behind his palms as he squirmed in his beanbag.
“Guhuhuys! Nohoho!” He giggled, gently pulling at his trapped feet to no avail. He really didn’t want to kick them, and was almost a little glad they were holding him by his ankles to prevent it, but at the same time it tickled so so badly and he didn’t know how much longer he could take it before he was gonna start to scream laugh.
“Does it really tickle?” Denki asked honestly, but the question only made Ojiro blush even harder behind his hands, the electric teen unintentionally teasing him beyond belief. “I’m gonna go faster, okay? I wanna test and see if it tickles more like that.”
Ojiro nodded shyly, before shrieking at the feeling of three fingers scribbling even faster along the pads of his foot, Sero’s hand still scribbling rather slowly on his other foot, but oh so teasingly.
“GYAHAHA! Kaminahahari! Guhuhuys! It tihihickles!” Ojiro cackled, keeping one hand over his mouth while the other went to grip at the side of his bean bag for support.
“Get his toes ones, you idiots. The toes always tickle worse,” Bakugou called from the couch, Kirishima giggling beside him.
“Yeah, you would know, wouldn’t you Bakugou?” Kirishima teased, pinching Bakugou’s side under the blanket and causing the blonde to yelp before hitting the redhead in the chest playfully with a frown.
Denki heard Bakugou loud and clear, moving his fingers up to scribble along the pads covering Ojiro’s toes. The poor tailed boy squealed, his kicking and thrashing getting a little more aggressive as Sero also moved upwards to mimic Denki’s tickling.
“NAHAHA! STHAHAHAP! IT TICKLES SOHOHO MUHUHUCH WOHOHORSE!” Ojiro cackled, both of his hands shooting down to clutch at his tummy that was convulsing from laughter. “PLEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAN’T TAHAHAKE IT!”
“Oh c’moooon Oji! You’re a hero in training! I’d think you could handle a couple bean-tickles!” Sero teased, switching to pinch at the pad with his finger and thumb. Ojiro screamed through his giggle fit, making Bakugou groan and grab the remote to turn on the subtitles.
“NOHOHO! NOHOHO PIHIHINCHING! PLEHEHEASE!” Ojiro pleaded, his eyes squeezed so tightly shut that he could see little colorful fireworks in the darkness of his eyelids. Kaminari just giggled, pinching at the boy’s big toe despite his desperate pleas.
“You’re really ticklish, man! Is it like this everywhere or just your beans?” Denki raised an eyebrow before glancing over towards his three friends on the couch. Mina squealed excitedly, knowing exactly what the blonde was implying, while Bakugou just groaned into Kirishima’s chest.
“I don't wanna moveeeee,” Bakugou whined, making Kirishima just roll his eyes with a smile. Kirishima pinched Bakugou’s side again without stopping this time, making Bakugou jerk with a few choked giggles. “N-Nohoho! Kihihiri!”
“I’ll just tickle you ‘til you help us tickle Ojiro, Kats,” Kirishima teased into the blonde's ear, who promptly scrunched up his shoulder and batted at the boy’s face.
“Fihihihine! I’ll hehehelp! Just quhuhuit!” he giggled, huffing when Kirishima finally relented. They both moved from their cozy spot on the couch, the three of them getting down on the floor next to Ojiro. Denki and Sero had momentarily stopped their tickling at this point to give the boy a breather, but still held onto his ankles firmly as to not let him escape just yet.
“Guys, w-wait, hold on-” Ojiro pleaded with a blush before being hushed by Mina.
“Sorry, Oji, but this is a tickle-friendly group! Might have to get used to it if you wanna spend more time with us!” Mina giggled, plopping down on his right side while Bakugou took his right. Kirishima sat behind him, quickly hooking his arms under Ojiro’s and pulling him back some to give the others access to his torso.
“Which we definitely want you to do! You’re super fun, Ojiro, and we wanna keep spending time with you!” Kirishima smiled, though Ojiro couldn’t exactly see it as Kirishima was behind his head. “And hey, if you really really need us to stop, our safeword is ‘koala’!”
“I came up with that one,” Denki chuckled proudly, holding a hand to his chest.
“That’s...that’s really nice of you guys to say,” Ojiro smiled with flushed cheeks, sighing before bringing his head up to face them. “Alright, I’m ready. Someone should probably sit on my tail, though; I’m really ticklish and sometimes it goes a little out of control.”
“No problem, buddy! Bakugou; tail,” Kirshima pointed with his finger extended towards Bakugou, who just rolled his eyes and plopped down on his tail. “Comfy?”
“Y-Yeah, just hurry up, I’m not sure I can take waiting any longeR-HRG! HEHEHEHAHAHA! NAHAHAHA GAHAHAD!” Ojiro cackled wildy as all the teens around him dug into his sensitive body. Mina scribbled her finger in the hollow on his right armpit, while Bakugou took a much rougher approach, digging his fingers into the grooves of Ojiro’s ribs and vibrating mercilessly. Denki and Sero continued their incessant assault upon his so-called “toe beans,” scribbling wildly with their fingernails and leaving Ojiro an absolute mess underneath them. Kirishima got a little bored just being Ojiro’s physical captor, and took to blowing teasing air along the backs of Ojiro’s ears, which resulted in him scrunching up his neck with high-pitched squeals.
“Aww, he’s so ticklish!” Mina cooed, massaging circles with her thumb into Ojiro’s armpit, making the teen jerk and writhe under her assault with vicious cackles.
“It’s fucking hilarious, he’s losing his goddamn mind,” Bakugou chuckled, moving his fingers down to pinch along Ojiro’s sides right above his hips. Ojiro screamed, thrashing under their hold with desperate cackles and pleas.
“NAHAHAHA! BAHAHAHKUGOGOGOU! NAHAT THEHEHERE!” Ojiro’s eyes were squeezed tightly shut, his body trying desperately to wiggle away from those torturous fingers that refused to relent on his sensitive sides.
“Aww, someone’s got really ticklish sides!” Denki teased, pinching at Ojiro’s big toe pad while having to hold on to his ankle for dear life so he didn’t kick it out of his pin.
“PLEHEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAN’T!!” he bursted, his body trying to curl in on itself from the ticklish sensations. “I’LL DOHOHO ANYTHIHIHING!”
“Looks like we’ve got a beggar,” Sero chuckled, scratching relentlessly at those little beans. “Tell you what, Oji; promise to come to our next sleepover and you’ve got a deal.”
“I PROHOHOMISE! I PROHOMISE JUHUHUST PLEHEHEHASE! NO MOHOHORE TIHIHICKLES!” Ojiro begged through his giggling mirth. Those fingers against his sides just would not let up, as Bakugou was quite the mean tickler he’d come to find out, and he really didn’t know how much longer he could stand it. It was incessant, it was torturous, it was...it was so much fun.
“Oh yeah? You wanna bring us some snacks too?” Bakugou added, one hand continuing it’s deathly ticklish attack on the boy’s sides, while the other took to scribbling along Ojiro’s stomach and pinching at the pudge when he felt absolutely necessary.
“Hmmm...what snacks do you guys like for a movie?” Denki asked, as if he wasn’t in the middle of pinching and scribbling at his friend’s sensitive feet and making the boy thrash and cackle cries of mirth underneath him. “I could probably go for some sour gummy worms. Sero?”
“Oh, definitely some Reeses Pieces. Goes great with popcorn,” Sero grinned, looking calmly towards Bakugou who was very evilly grinning while squeezing torturously along Ojiro’s sides. “Bakugou?”
“Hot Cheetos, easy. Forget those next time and this will look like child’s play in comparison,” Bakugou chuckled lowly, Denki raising an eyebrow at him.
“Dude...this is child’s play. We’re literally having a tickle fight right now,” Denki grinned, the background melody of Ojiro’s desperate cackles making him giggle from the contagion.
“SHUT UP, SPARKY!” Bakugou yelled, which only made him drill even harder into the boy’s sensitive flesh.
“Alright, alright, just two more snacks for you to jot on your mental list and you’ll be good to go!” Kirishima hyped the cackling boy underneath him, but looked to his friends to mentally tell them, ‘give the boy a second to breathe.’ They all slowed their tickling down some, still not relenting fully, but instead reducing Ojiro to a pile of happy, giddy giggles instead of the desperate cackling cries he had just seconds before. Kirishima smiled at the adorable sound. “I’ll take...hmm...I’ll take some jerky! Mina?”
Mina stopped her assault on the boy entirely, Ojiro opening a tear-filled eye to glance at her through his giggles. “I’m more of a fruit girl, so I’ll have to go with…” Mina grinned, pulling up Ojiro’s shirt to reveal his bare tummy, her face leaning down close enough where the boy could feel her breath brush against the skin, sending goosebumps across the expanse. He sucked in his stomach much to no avail. Mina smirked evilly up at Ojiro, his eyes now wide and his mouth still spilling giggle after giggle from the slowly tickling fingers along his side and feet. “...raspberries.”
Ojiro’s eyes widened. “No! Nonono, not thahahat! Wahahait, Mina pleheh-EHEASE! GYAHAHA STAHAHAP! NAHAHAHA!” Ojiro cackled and kicked as he felt Mina place teasing raspberry after teasing raspberry along his bare and ticklish tummy, He wiggled and squirmed to no avail until Mina finally let up, sitting up and back against her hands on the floor with her own little giggle.
Everyone finally stopped their tickling, letting go of the boy’s limbs and backing off to let him breathe. Denki chuckled at Ojiro’s heaving breaths and residual giggles, patting his calf in comfort. “You okay, Oji?”
Ojiro just nodded with a giggle, holding up a big thumbs up. “Yuhup, all good here.”
Kirishima smiled widely, clapping his hands together once before patting Ojiro on the shoulder in support, shaking the boy around a little. “You did great, man! Way better than I could ever handle a good tickling!” the redhead chuckled.
“Yeah, man, you were a total champ,” Sero grinned, holding up two thumbs up to the tailed boy who just smiled back at him.
“I’ll go grab you some water from the kitchen, cutie! Get comfy on the couch, I’ll take the beanbag,” Mina ruffled his hair as she stood from her spot on the floor, skipping her way to the kitchen to grab him a glass of water. He watched her leave, seeing Bakugou stand up from the corner of his eye. The explosive teen just plopped back down on his spot on the couch like nothing had happened, unpausing the movie and making grabby hands towards Kirishima. The redhead just chuckled and obeyed the boy, getting up and throwing himself on the couch to cuddle Bakugou back under their shared blanket.
Denki just rolled his eyes at the gross lovey-dovey display, standing up and offering a hand to Ojiro. “Seriously, man, you’re getting that other spot on the couch after all that. Waaay comfier than this old beanbag,” Denki smiled as Ojiro took Denki’s hand, letting out a huff of air as he pulled Ojiro off the floor. Ojiro plopped himself down on the couch tiredly, letting out a small ‘oof!’ when Sero threw his pillow at him before laying his blanket down on top of him.
“Get comfy, we sleep in here,” Sero smiled before walking back towards his own seat. Mina finally made it back from the kitchen, handing Ojiro the glass of water with a smile.
Ojiro just sat there, almost dumbfounded for a moment at their kindness. “Um...thanks, guys. You’re all like...super duper nice.”
“Aww, babes!” Mina pouted happily, her hands shooting to her chest over the spot that contained her swelling heart. “You’re such a sweetheart, of course we’d be nice to you!”
“Can you guys shut the fuck up already? Shit, I’m tryna watch the goddamn movie,” bakugou grumbled, pouting like a child against Kirishima’s chest.
Ojiro really couldn’t have asked for a better group of friends, and he was so happy they felt the same way about him.
. . .
A/N : aaa i hope u enjoyed that!! if u did, pls consider reblogging, it helps my fic to reach more ppl!! much love to u all, mwah!! <33
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hotchscvm · 3 years
prologue [dirty secrets]
Summary: At 17, you witnessed your father murdered by vampires. Two men save you, taking you in. But the hard part is, you were thinking about them a little too much.
Series warnings: underage reader, consensual underage sex, explicit sexual content, underage drinking, language, violence, gore, angst, major character death, major age difference, size kink, unprotected sex
Word count: 2.4k
dirty secrets masterlist
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Taking a sip of the cooler, you relaxed in the lounge chair, feeling the sun beat down on your skin, relishing in the summer heat. Ariana Grande sang in your ear, the upbeat music hyping you up as you laid beside the pool, watching you skin sizzle underneath the bright sun. The pool sparkled in front of you, the waves of light bouncing off the water. If anything, it was heaven.
A much needed rest, a summer break was exactly what you had awaited for a week ago after a few days of stressing about finals had been worth it. Sitting on the pool deck, you let the hot, humid air consume you, enjoying the unauthorized alcohol you held. You knew your dad was around the house somewhere, probably in his office working like a madman, but you gave up trying to get him to relax after he incoherently mumbled something about a meeting with a Zuckerberg. You hadn't want to get anywhere near that alien.
A few messages from a group chat had showed up on your lock screen before you had enough of the interruptions, and put your phone on silent, listening to the music as you read the book splayed across your lap.
The adorable Doberman laying beside your legs perked up as you turned the page of Anna Karenina, the dog turning his head, looking at the glass door behind you, barking at the commotion in the spacious living room. Draco got up, waiting for you to follow him.
You heaved a sigh, taking off the AirPods you had implanted in your ear, and ear-marked the page on your book. As you got up you looked through the glass wall, spotting two suited men entering the gigantic entrance, talking to your dad. Draco scratched at the glass door, and you walked over to it, opening the door for the dog.
The three of them looked up, watching Draco run up to the men in excitement, wiggling his tail as he jumped on the taller man, whimpering to be pet. Before anyone could react, you cursed, running after Draco with only your hot pink bikini on. "Shit! Sorry, he gets really excited."
Your father threw you a look, and you rolled your eyes at her, not caring about the swearing while the shaggy-haired man lets out a chuckle, petting the Doberman's head. "It's okay. Hi, buddy."
"Agent." his green-eyed partnered interrupted, letting out a cough as if to break his partner from the puppy trance. Green Eyes' eyes shifted to you for half a second, quickly noticing you were practically naked. He had an edge to him, a frat-boy sort of vibe as he looked around the spacious living room, his light brown hair pushed back into a clean hairstyle.
"Pumpkin, this is Agent Stark," he gestured to Green Eyes, then at the tall man who was still petting Draco before reaching into his pocket to reveal a badge, Gibbons following his actions. "and Agent Banner."
Dread ran through your veins, and you tensed up at the mention of the FBI. For no particular reason, you went through all the slightly illegal things you had ever done in the past seventeen years, quickly trying to come up with reasonable excuses for why you did them; including drinking the cooler you had previously held. But then realization washed through you, the FBI wouldn't send their agents for the small things, right?
With an arched eyebrow, you slowly took back your dog, a small smile resting on Banner's lips. "Like the Avengers?"
Genuine surprise flashed across Stark's face, an impressed look twinkling in his eyes as he took you in. A smack on his partner's arm, he smiled, his husky voice piercing the room. "Exactly like the Avengers."
Banner rolled his eyes, putting his golden badge back in his suit. Something about him pulled you in, maybe it was the amount of grief in his eyes that you related to or the way he carried himself. If only you were one year older. "Mr. Pierce, we'd like to ask you a couple of questions about your business associate, Andrew Daniels."
Your dad nodded, motioning for the agents to sit on the couch, doing so himself. Turning to you, he murmured, "Sweetheart, why don't you get dressed and take Draco on a walk?"
"Actually, we'd like to Ms. Pierce, too." Stark interjected, his green eyes meeting yours. To say you wanted both of them was the understatement of the year, trying to hold yourself back from flirting with a Federal agent. "If you don't mind."
"Of course not. Lemme just put something on and I'll be right back." you replied, walking back outside to put on the dress you had abandoned on the chair next to yours. You heard the low voices as you returned back, sitting on the leather recliner, across from the two agents, Draco sitting beside your feet.
"...and when was the last time you heard from Mr. Daniels?" Agent Banner asked, glancing at you as you sat down, giving you a quick smile.
"Several years ago. Unfortunately, we didn't end on the best of terms. We started the company but he left due to his wife's death, and gave me free reins. After a few years, I got a break and I think he resented me for having the life he lost." said your father, slowly shaking his head, glancing at you. "His son had died in a car accident shortly after his wife's passing; it was too much for Andy, and he snapped. He came into my office one day, started accusing me for stealing the life he planned, threatened to take my daughter. I had no choice but to call security and press charges."
The two agents shared a look, an understanding falling over them. Stark cleared his throat, his Adam Apple bobbing. "Other than that accident, has he done anything violent or threatening to you or your family?"
"Not that I know of. After that incident, I made sure there was always someone by my daughter's side, but she proved well enough she could take care of herself." the businessman gleamed with pride at you, the only family he had left. You gave him a small grin, rolling your eyes at the sentiment. "That was the last time we ever spoke. You're free to look around here or my building if you want."
Agent Banner nodded, clasping his hands together. "Would you mind showing my partner your office while I talk to Ms. Pierce?"
"Not at all." your father stood up, Stark mirroring his actions. Side-stepping the glass table, your dad motioned for the green-eyed man to follow him. "Right this way, Agent."
As they climbed up the glass stairs, you turned your attention back to the chestnut-haired agent, wishing you could make a deal with the devil to have him lock his lips with yours. Draco prowled over to him, unexpectedly jumping on his lap, the Doberman's head itching to be petted. You both laughed at his enthusiasm.
"I think that's my fault. I've been so busy lately I forgot to show my baby some love." you claimed, staring at the touch-starved dog as he was petted by the nice—and sexy—agent.
"Don't blame yourself too much. He's still a puppy and they're always so energetic." Banner replied, his lips pulling at the corner, as if he was one joke away from laughing. The sunlight reflected off the concrete from the pool deck hit his face at just the right angle to see the pool of brown swimming in his hazel eyes. "Um, what do you remember about Andrew Daniels?"
"Not much." you shrugged, trying to remember as much as you could about the man. You held up the angel wings that hung around your neck, showing him the diamond necklace. "He got me this when I was, like, three. I think that was the last time I saw him. My memory is a little blurry but he was nice. My dad told me that his wife died giving birth and his daughter died with her."
His brows furrowed, his lips turning down into a frown. The agent tilted his head. "How old are you, Ms. Pierce?"
"Seventeen," you answered, grabbing the glass of water your father had laid out on the table. Agent Banner watched your chug it down. "Can I ask what happened? Did he go missing or something?"
"We're not sure what exactly happened, but we think Mr. Daniels could be a suspect in a crime we're investigating. From what we've gathered, neither you or you father are in any danger. Yet. He seems to be straying from the city." Agent Banner informed. He continued to pet the Doberman, amused by the dog's panting. "You won't have to worry, your father's security was hard enough to pass that you'll be protected if he does come. If you don't feel safe, or you remember some more information, give me a call."
He reached in his suit pocket, placing the blank piece of paper on the table as he grabbed the pen beside the vase of Rosas. He scribbled a ten digits on the paper before handing it to you. Your nails slightly grazed his knuckles as you reached for it, clenching it in your fist prior to stuffing it in your phone case. "Thanks."
"Are you okay, Ms. Pierce?"
"Not really. You'd think by now I'd be used to this kind of stuff but—" you began, cutting yourself off before you could reveal the traumas you went through. But the hazel-eyed agent caught on, an eyebrow rising in interest. You wave it away, telling him your name. "You don't have to call me Ms. Pierce."
"Alright." he nodded, his lips curving as he said your name. You bit back a giggle, loving the way your name sounded on his lips. You could only imagine how his partner would sound.
Your father and Agent Stark returned, making the agent in front of you get up. Draco returned to you, a whine leaving his snout at the absence of the friendly FBI agent. Focusing your attention on the dog, you barely heard them wrap up their little interrogation, petting Draco long enough to almost miss Agent Banner giving your dad a business card.
"If he reaches out, or if you need any kind of help, call us." Agent Stark muttered, seemingly unsatisfied by what he had uncovered. Both agents gave you a nod as they were led to the door by your father.
Confused by the questions and, overall, the situation, you stood, waiting until the FBI agents had backed out of the gigantic, gated driveway in their black Impala before following your father to the kitchen. When neither of you said anything, the silence grew deafening enough for you to speak up.
"Dad, you okay? You look very tense, and a little constipated." you murmured, more worried about your father's health than what the Feds had brought up. He nodded, waving away the question while he got himself a beer from the fridge. You sighed. "It'll be okay. You have a shit ton of security here."
"That's not what I'm worried about, pumpkin." he mumbled, ruffling your hair as he passed by. You followed him through the living room, once again waiting for him to explain. He watched Draco snuggle against your leg, the knee length dress hovering over the dog's head. "I've— I need to make a few calls and then head to the office. You stay in the house until this situation gets cleared up, you understand? Don't you dare leave this property until Andrew Daniels is in cuffs."
You blanched, surprised by the sudden strictness. Over the years, you had free reign on your whereabouts and even your activities, and you father had never commented about it unless it had been really unsafe. But you couldn't see the immediate danger of the current situation and this Andrew guy didn't seem to be a serial killer by the nonexistent murders on the news. "You're fucking with me."
"No, and I mean it. You're not going to that bonfire tonight, or shopping tomorrow. Cancel your plans for the rest of the week 'cause you're staying inside, you understand?" he instructed, taking his phone out of his pocket.
Reaching out, you grabbed his phone, drawing his attention back to you. Your complaint came out sounding a lot more of a whine than you had wished. "No, I'm not. You're overreacting, and I'm going to that bonfire."
"The hell you are." said your father, crossing his arms, a stern look etched on his face. You challenged him, raising a brow. "You're staying in, watch some movies, invite anyone you want but you're not leaving this house. Not tonight."
"I'm not asking."
"Good thing I'm not listening." you snapped back, giving him back his phone, shoving it into his hands as you walked past him, practically storming away. "I'm going to that party, and you can't stop me. But have fun trying, daddy."
The CEO crumbled, unable to grow a pair of balls to stand up to his stubborn daughter. After all, you were his soft spot that he sometimes considered a weakness. He sighed, groaning in defeat. "Fine. Fine. Give me your phone."
Reluctantly, you handed your phone over, your curiosity growing as he took out the business card from the Feds. He looked back and forth between the screen and the paper, his finger tapping away at the screen. After a minute, he gave the phone back, the new contact information staring at you. You arched an eyebrow, seeing the agents' names on the screen.
"Really?" you questioned, reading the number.
He nodded. "You already have Edgar's number, but in the off chance he doesn't come, call them. And stay away from Matt Burke's kid."
"Jesus." you sighed, unable to sass back as he answered an incoming phone call. The phone in your hand vibrated, a text notification popping up. You swiped the banner up, too annoyed to text back when you saw the number. Taking out the paper you stuffed in your phone case, you opened it, comparing the numbers written on the paper and the ones typed on the contact information of business card Agent Banner had given your father.
It was different. You ignored the possible theories as you threw the piece of paper on the glass table. It had to been a simple mistake, after all, they did have the same area code.
With Draco by your side, you went back outside, taking off the dress to continue sizzling your skin. In the midst of the loud music playing in your ears and reading the spicy novel that you had forgotten your curiosity on what Andrew Daniels could possibly have done.
next >
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (2/4)
For now, nothing to complain about! We got Nya, we got MAYA AND RAY, we got GILES PANTON BACK A LEGO SHOW!!! 😍😍😍
Of course now I'm definitely curious about what the story is really about, like I'm guessing Wojira will wake up at some point so... Great Devourer all over again maybe? 😅 Idk, for now I just wanna enjoy Nya having her moment 🥳
Alright, here we go!
New alert for reader, during the Nexo Knights period I was and still am the hugest Clay fan. Now that his voice is in this season I might scream more than necessary... keep that in mind 😅
I love the humor in this, all random but still kinda clever 😂😂 Maybe I'm biased because I love Jay but still 🤷‍♀️
I really like the design of the marine world, very cool!! 🌊🌊🌊
I guess I'm not really seeing any big plot twist moment for now? Ninjago seasons have history of basing seasons on a "we need to prevent this event from happening but it will happen anyway", so I can see Wojira waking up no matter what 🤷‍♀️
I wonder if that will be shocking? Usually when this situation happen, someone makes a major sacrifice (Zane with the Overlord, sensei Garmaron with Chen, again sensei G with the Preeminent...). Maybe Maya? I DON'T WANT THAT 😭 But I am curious, everything is going nicely and I'm not sure what it will bring! 🤩 I'M EXCITED SO LET'S GO!!!
So this is the name of Clay's new incarnation, neat! 👍
Okay really, for having a season lately the main character just can't help but be trapped by the villain: kinda Zane in the ICE Chapter, Jay in Prime Empire, Cole in Master of the Mountain... we can call it a tradition at this point 🤷‍♀️
Giant serpent, yadda yadda, I wonder if we're gonna address the Great Devourer at some point? Not mandatory, but the reference would be very cool 🤩
Clay's new incarnation is a prince I- *hyperventilates in awe*
Nya playing dumb lol, I don't know if that's personal experience as she used to get kidnapped a lot in the past or she just have too many idiots in her life 😂
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Jay I love that you're so worried about Nya but maybe try NOT TO DIE? YOU'RE WITH LLOYD AND ZANE YET YOU'RE THE ONE GOING FOR THE SACRIFICE WTH?? 😱 But he's worried about his cool GF I kinda get it, also he didn't do it so good...
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So Giles is doomed to voice LEGO characters with daddy issues 😂 That being not having a dad at all or having one that is... a good guy? Idk he seems chill with the surface at first glance, I wonder what's the story of this family
Maya reminds of my mom, she also mentions her work a lot and I study the same thing. But she doesn't want to brag, it gets annoying but she just wants to give me advice. It's nice to see actually 👍 Also Ray reference NEAT ❤❤❤
Wow, if any child-parent couple of this show was doomed at going semi Emperor's New Groove style, I would've bet on Ed and Jay honestly 😅
Oh HECK yes I knew that with my water girls things were BOUND to get cool 😎 ... yeah I know where the door is *goes away*
My GOSH that scared the crap out of me 😅 Jay honey we have too many deaths in this team, you're not helping... BUT YOU POWERED AN ENTIRE SHIP BECAUSE YOU LOVE NYA AND YOU DIDN'T DIE AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BLUEBELL 💙💙💙
They were all so worried, I love this ninja family so freaking much 💜💜💜 Also better not tell this one to his GF 😂
And Bluebell?
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Welcome to the "change eye color because of elemental power" team! WE GOT ANOTHER ONE I LOVE WHEN IT HAPPENS!!! 😍😍😍
Awww, Zane letting Jay be the captain, that was so cute of him 💕
Another great episode! Doing great so far but I still wonder if we got into the main story. Feels like there should be more, well we got time! Next one! 😊
Sooooo... that's one very telling title 😅 If we're going full Lion King on this one, I think I know where this is going 😵
Maya: Don't they know that metal taste terrible?!? (Again feels like Kai could say something like this 😂)
FINALLY NYA USING FREAKING WATER POWERS UNDER THE SEA!!! Thank you Maya for saying out loud what we were all thinking 👌👌
Pff, okay, the fact that Kalmaar is all evil and cruel and then he gets startled like that, it's kind or adorable! 💕 Honestly Giles got such a deep voice, with Clay it was firm warm and reassuring, here we got plain devious and I ADORE it 😍😍😍
Maya come on don't doubt your daughter 😅 But I like her, and if she knew Nya they way we all do she wouldn't doubt that she could make it every time 😎
Yeah I was right, the king seems chill... oww I fear what's coming then 😳
Okay, so Kalmaar thinks that the world should go back to be lead by them like in the past, while the king just wants peace with the surface. And as we know, no drama no season so...
Yep, saw the death coming 😅
WHOA DID NOT SEE THAT LITTLE BLAME ACT COMING KALMAAR IS SO EVIL!!!... with a glorious voice but still (Rose focus on something that is not that godlike voice, you can do it 💪💪)
Awww Benthomaar is actually really cute, he's so worried about his father 😢 And he's adopted apparently? I wanna know the story!!! 🤩🤩
Yep, there's the reason why Zane got a mask even though he doesn't need one, it completes his attire 😂😂😂 My gosh how I love this nindroid ❄
Did... did Jay just say phooey? Dude Ducktales ended a while ago but I'm still not over it 😭
I said it once before I'll say it again, Ninjago is really REALLY good at making death scenes. Like, omg, I genuinely felt sorry for them 😢😢 I also really liked that the king didn't ask to be avenged, he still wanted peace and he asked his son to protect the ninja and he cried actual tears...
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MY HEART WTH 😭😭😭 So we're adding this to the real tears moments of the show, with Jay crying over pie, Zane with the flashback of his dad, Jay crying over Nya and Lloyd thinking the ninja are gone... my world this show is angsty 🙂
Third startle for prince Kalmaar, I love the gag 😂 Oh wait, king Kalmaar 🤷‍♀️
Okay, we got a coup, the ninja running away because they got framed, Benthomaar is most likely going to join them or at least help them, I guess Wojira will come out at some point while... Kai, Ray and Cole are still playing videogames? 😅
Although I hope we get more stuff with Nya and Maya, that's what I like 🤩
I'm good at English and I can follow most of it, but the fantasy names are tricky so I didn't get before that this was the name of the place 😅 It's nice, at least it's not another Atlantis 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Ah, there he is, my new son Benthomaar 💙 He is so lovable already, I know nearly nothing about him and I like his character already a lot! He could relate with all of the ninja really, but maybe with Jay the most? They were both adopted after all 🤔🤔
*scribble note for a fanfic for later if this doesn't come up in the season*
Alright moving on 😗
I am so happy Nya gets a season, Kelly got a great emotional range that doesn't come out often in my opinion, but with a full introspection of water goddess we are all blessed by her voice acting 😍
Gotta say, admitting that Bentho didn't have to help them to answer the usual 'Can we trust him' question is pretty reasonable, like, better than other stupid answers 😅
Also don't mind me
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Just screenshotting by ship 💙❤💙❤
Somehow lately we are letting Jay do the talking and I both hate and LOVE the fact 😂😂 Plain Bluebell nonsense, heck yes that's my jam👌👌
I literally can't not laugh at the startle gag with Kalmaar 😂
Aww Jay is still the Captain, nice! Wonder if it's giving him Skybound flashbacks... I hope not considering all he went through that time, poor Sparky 😅😅
Can we skip a season and hang out with Pixal one time? I really wanna know how she organizes her free time to create these things 😍😍😍
THANK YOU LLOYD FOR NOT DYING ONCE AGAIN, MUCH APPRECIATED!!! 💚💚💚 My green bean needs a vacation... they all do 😅
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Alright, back to the island hoping Kalmaar will not track us and follow us so he can get to the place and discover the amulet 🙂
Are we not calling the others? I miss my flame babe and Rocky ❤🖤❤🖤 Also RAY WATCHA DOIN I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING 🤩🤩
Wait what? Shark boy backstory? SHARK BOY BACKSTORY?!? 👀👀👀
Wow, I see that Kalmaar didn't change a thing growing up, still the same gonna-be-a-villain 😂 Of course his voice got a lot deeper and cool and okay you know I love his voice moving on
I find it kinda funny that Kalmaar is so focused on royal blood and superiority, while Clay was basically a farm boy who worked his way up. Giles knows how to get the character no matter what 😍
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The king seems like such a good pers- fish- creature 😅 Now I'm double sad that he died, my world, why do I always care so fast, it's not healthy in this show where everyone could die 😰😰
Literally every frame of Benthomaar makes me love him even more 😢
Interesting that we got an academic villain, he kinda reminds me of Clouse in a way, maybe even Harumi since she studied her way to her plan as well? I like that we got a bit of personality too!
Using your little bro for your own purpose... it's very evil but kinda also brotherly like 😂
Benthomaar really gives me that very PRECIOUS vibe, kinda the perfect son but also a naive and unaware BABY 💙
LEGO HUG 🤩🤩 Not exactly reciprocated but still 😅
Ooohhh, so this is how he found the temple! I like this, it shows that Bentho is most likely physically stronger than Kalmaar, while evil brother is focused on brain and studies. They are planned differently, I like it! 😚😚
Ouch, peer pressure... sibling pressure? Eh you get what I mean 😂
Bentho: will I really fit in with you guys? Do you really understand how I feel?
Lloyd: Jay was adopted, Nya's parents were gone most of her life, Zane lost his father while mine turned evil
Bentho(tearing up): yeah that can work
Okaaaaayyyyy, I like that we got a bit of backstory for Bentho too! We didn't get much for Vanya in Master of the Mountain, which is the only thing I was sad about (very little detail, AMAZING season 🖤🖤🖤), nice to see it here!!
But I really want more Nya and Maya interactions, I hope we'll soon get to them again!! 😍😍😍
Alright, getting somewhere here! I'm very curious about what's next 🤩🤩
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noona96n · 3 years
(1/?) hello nona! chinese names anon here to answer your call for more names :) u’re enabling me to dive eeeeven further into this fandom lol. however, i had to go through all the episodes again to find out where they are called by their names, so u better appreciate the effort.. just kidding, it was very fun actually looking at their name’s meanings, i never paid attention to it much before, until the “yes” to shuyis father unlocked curiousness in me as for shide’s name ^^
i’d like to take this moment to say chinese is not my mother tongue, however i study it in university for a while now. also, chinese characters can sometimes have lots of different meanings, given how u use them (verb/adjective etc.)
so just take what i say with a grain of salt, i’m just going off of what i learn in my classes and how i experience the characters in use. but i tried my best :)
so here’s what i got. some fit more, some less imo. but that makes sense, names are just names sometimes and maybe i interpret too much story meaning into them haha. PLEASE feel free to copy paste my ask into shorter pieces/leave stuff out!! i realise it is veeery long, i just wanted to be thorough and also explain since you asked :)
高士德 Gao Shide
高 high/tall/high up (no. 1, always on top)
仕 official, work in office (can also mean ‘bodyguard’ when in chess context, the two pieces protecting the king…omfg!!
德 ethics, moral, virtue (fun fact: also part of the chinese word for germany, 德國 lol)
周書逸 zhou shu yi
周 attentive, thoughtful
書 book/letter/write/calligraphy… um… the eMAiLs?? and his notebook scribbles? me is now dead..
逸 (unhurried/calm, can also mean avoid/escape.. b y e omg these writers)
政文 zhengwen
政 politics
文 culture, language, writing, gentle (文 can mean a few things, not sure what they intended with him)
聿欣 yuxin
聿 yu (this is interesting, yu is an introductory particle, at the begininng of a sentence, meaning like ‘and then’)
欣 happy.. so basically they tell us right away she’s there at the beginning and gets a happy ending for her story? lol
哲宇 zheyu
哲 philosophical, wise (L O L.. sorry hun, but.. lol)
宇 room, universe
(fun fact: i think i read somewhere his last name is a charcater that is pronounced ‘shi’, don’t know which one tho. while talking about the ‘i’m not inexperienced’ with shide, shuyi asks: 是哲宇嗎?(shi zheyu ma?) = is it shi zheyu? (the one he has experience with), however i always thought he asked “shi zheyu?” since, as with gao shide before, ‘shi’ can mean different things depending on which character that sounds like ‘shi’. what was used here is “shi” 是 = ‘is (it)’ and then the name. i always thought they meant just his last name here. i mean it both works and means the same mostly: “is it zheyu” vs. “shi zheyu?”. but chinese homophones man, so fun ^^)
秉 bing can just be a surname, or also grasp/hold/maintain
瑋 big/great, strong/robust
裴守一 pei shouyi
裴 pei again can just be a surname, or also flowing (as in a flowing cloth/garment) …lol
守 guard/defend, watch over, observe (T H I S tho!!)
一 the number “one”, first, entire, whole (this can mean a lot again)
餘真軒 yu zhenxuan
餘 odd, extra, beyond, remaining (hmmm not that’s interesting given his storyline isn’t it?)
真 true, real, genuine
軒 surname ‘xuan’, or high/lofty, pavilion/windows/veranda (often used with RESTAURANTS, or teahouses)
chinese names anon here! 🇨🇳 i hope the names all got to you and you enjoy having more insight into them now :) chinese sure is interesting, right? please excuse the length of the asks 🙈you don't have to post all or even any of it, i'm just glad to give more insight :) i love your blog, please continue what you do!
firstly, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TAKING THE TIME TO EXPLAIN THEIR NAME TO ME!!! i appreciate ur effort, so thank you, thank you, thank you! 
secondly, a lot of my posts are enabled by my mutuals and anon asks! ofc im gonna enable u! i always want to learn new things and read other people’s insights! feel free to come and rant at me anytime!
thirdly, the length is no problem at all! thank you for explaining everything so thoroughly!! and ofc im posting everything! this is a gem! everyone should read it!!
i just want to say that i give so much meaning to names so i really like learning what people’s names mean! our first names are gifts from our parents and the names we and other people give to us are also gits to us! names are such an intimate and integral part of our identity! 
i seriously love u so much for answering my question! thank you thank you thank you! 
im glad u enjoy the content i put out!
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bunnvoid · 3 years
Tagged by @batshit-birds,, Thank you! <3<3
1. why did you choose your url? Since this account was just for posting comic related things I used my alt name instead of my normal ‘glowyvoid’ 
2. any side blogs?
I have one not-main-blog-anymore I used for rbing whatever and an all art one that I don't use because I forget about its existence all the time ( I should really post there *wheeze*)
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I think either late 2013 or 2014, I got on in middle school and I have idea what year that was.
4. do you have a queue tag?
I do but I rarely or never use it
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I had already casually enjoyed superhero stuff for a while but after a convention in like 2019 I found out about Conner’s og superboy run and bought a volume of his 90s run at said convention. Then bam fell in love with the funky dude and posted art from a little crossover my gf and I made of our favs. (I stopped posting for a while because school and I accidently deleted 20+ dc fanart pieces and was majorly upset)
6. why did you choose your icon?
He,,I love he, need his gender
7. why did you choose your header?
I will always love Kon and its just genuinely some of my favorite panels
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
Batpack! Which im surprised but also not (cuz dami is baby), it was an on whim idea after thinking about carrying my little niece around when I use to look after her
9. how many mutuals do you have?
Numbers and I are mortal enemies. But I have quite a few! I love them all with my heart even if im too nervous to ever say anything to em
10. how many followers do you have?
1,035! Which is insane! and for that I shall show my gratitude with my scribbles
11. how many people are you following?
278! There’s a lotta really cool people
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
Yes. Mainly to terrorize my gf but also cuz funni
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Mostly yeah, life rn is pretty slow so why not
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
I don’t believe so. I try not to, that energy and attention I don’t have enough to waste
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
So-so, a lot of the times some are important so I think that’s good if they’re spreading awareness.
16. do you like tag games? Absolutely! Its just neat!
17. do you like asks games? Yeah! I don’t mind em!
18. which of your tumblr mutuals do you think is famous?
A lot of them are hella talented and funny individuals so like if all of them were I wouldn’t be surprised. Every time someone I follow follows me back Im just ‘:O!!’
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
@3jen3  I’d share my sticker collection with her (does it count if she’s my wife?)
20. tags
(feel free to ignore this if you’d like! I know tag/ask games arent everyone's things^^’’) @feralforwildblueyonder @scarletbirbs @awkwardalphajay @jasontoddsguns @3jen3 @monsterz38339 @junkoandthediamonds @astr0fish @queerbutstillhere (+everyone im too shy to tag)
Edit I broke the tags KDOWNSJ HOW DO I FIX IT
Edit 2: I fixed it! I’m so smart and totally know how to use this platform,,,no mistakes were made ever
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bumbershots · 3 years
Author’s note: Hello! Once more I would like to thank you all for the love this story’s been getting, it truly blows my mind. I am also looking for a beta reader so if anyone out there is interested let me know! (: Let’s pick up right where we left off...
Story masterlist ** Word count: 2.3K **
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Two souls don't find each other by simple accident, Harry thought after taking a seat for the first time that night, his feet were probably going to be swollen tomorrow, they were killing him already. But he wasn't keen on turning down a dance from the girl collapsing in the settee right next to him. A slow Amy Winehouse song was their cue to rest.
"Do you want a beer?" Her voice sounded a bit hoarse, probably from all the giggling and singing she did while dancing the night away.
"Yes please."
He watched her trot to the small bar on the other side of the flat, focused on how the multiple bracelets bounced in her left wrist as she instructed her brother which beer to give her. As she came back to take her previous seat, he felt a small wave of anxiety for wanting nothing more than to start a conversation with her, as she handed him the beer. Usually it was the other way around, but in most of the cases, people wanted to know his persona.
He knew the silence was becoming awkward, but he was still debating whether to ask about her upbringing or what she did for work, whatever the case was, he didn't want to make a fool out of himself, he almost never seemed to be that lucky.
"You're not used to people being calm around you, are you?" Alma’s frown os curiosity is a mirror to the one on the musician's face.
"Yes and no?" Harry's coy tone makes her smile warmly and shake her head in denial, "so, I'm Hampstead station guy?" Her eyes widen, a shy smile appears on her full lips before she takes another large sip of her drink.
"It's unlikely to find the same person thrice in the tube! I told my friend Laura, it felt like a glitch in the matrix." She answers and he lets out an amused laugh.
"For the record, I wasn't following you, at all..."
"I know, you just had to take the same line I did and it was a happy coincidence," she interrupts him, the new song gathers a few more dancers and Harry wonders if she will ask him to dance again, "although it would've made a great anecdote for my YouTube channel; story time, a famous musician follows me around the city possibly plotting my painful death." She joked as she gingerly flashed her hands before the two of them, as if presenting the latest play from the West End.
It was Harry's eyes turn to be wide and smack his hand into his forehead.
"You have a YouTube channel?" His interest was genuine and Alma made herself more comfortable on the sofa, before proceeding to fill him in about what that was about, just videos about her 'sort of interviewing remarkable people' or so she claimed.
It was something that started as a class project back when she was seventeen, trying to get good grades to win a scholarship and study abroad —none of those things happened. She kept doing it afterwards because it was too much fun, once she interviewed all her friends, she moved onto her family. "Believe me when I tell you, that I have more relatives than I should!" With a smile as big as hers, he sighed before breathing 'lucky' as his heart sped and she continued.
Restaurant owners, chefs, firefighters, barristers, doctors, accountants, waitresses, sexual workers, sex shop employees, bankers, homeless people, hairdressers and apparently every person from her home country had been on the informal interview series. Harry was impressed with the whole concept and her.
"I sort of abandoned it a little when I moved here last year, it was crazy busy the first couple of months and the whole bureaucracy... and I was a little homesick to be honest." For the first time in the night, her voice is thinner, he has to lean in a few inches to hear better, "I miss my parents, my cousins, my aunt, my grandparents. But this is something I've wanted for the longest time you know?" Her eyes bore into his, allowing him to see the vulnerability swimming in them, "I've never felt like an outsider here, never got lost in the tube, took the wrong bus or anything like that. Isn't it weird?" Harry smiled at the sentiment, thoughts of his latest trip to Japan flashing before him.
"No, I think it's marvellous that you feel that way." He cannot be real, is the only thing running through her mind like a restless hamster in its wheel.
Harry and Alma talked about everything they didn’t have in common, despite the brief interruptions to do some shots and drink champagne with the birthday boy. Their families were discussed, their favourite things to do in the summer. Alma even asked him how was work going, as if she didn’t know that he was one of th world’s most successful artists. Harry was thrilled to joke through their drinks and the girl wasn't shy to ask him for a couple more dances. None of them noticed the partying dying around them, it was only after Fernando said his goodbyes to his laughing sister, that they noticed how late/early it actually was.
Before they knew it, golden hues streamed through the window behind them as Freddie walked out of his room and offered them coffee.
"I'm never drinking straight vodka again," Freddie mumbled to himself after finishing his cup of coffee.
"At least it wasn't Vodquila like last time," Alma's words make him groan but agree. "I should go now, need a shower and a healthy breakfast."
After Harry also admitted he needed to be on his way, with all their belongings gathered and after saying goodbye to a very ill Freddie, neither Harry or Alma looked forward to their imminent separation. He had spent hours hearing how busy she is, when not recording content, she was working at Wenzel's and teaching Spanish to her neighbour's daughter on the weekends. Still, he was determined to meet with her again.
As soon as they started moving down the street, Harry noticed the next one was where he had to turn right in order to go home. It wasn't a short walk but the most effective route for sure.
"So, the bus stop is that way," Alma nodded her head to the left, smirking knowingly as she stuffs her hands in her coat pockets.
"Of course," they had come to a rolling stop at the corner. Harry suddenly felt beyond nervous about asking the girl for her phone number. "Thank you, for keeping me company last night." It was amazing he wanted to add, but licked his lips quickly instead.
"You mean keeping you from catching up with all your friends," she corrected him.
Harry shakes his head and smiles, the dimples graciously adorning his cheeks, his racing heart giving him the last push needed to finally ask. "Do you think we could go, like for coffee... sometime?” With that she laughed, immediately memorising the sound of it, her loud cackle is one of the nicest things he has heard in awhile.
"Only if I can buy you something from the selection of pastries." Harry laughed loudly, completely relieved by her answer. She dug around her purse for a moment before taking out a pen and what seemed to be an old receipt, quickly scribbling down her number and handing it to him.
"I'll call you," he beamed, carefully placing the piece of paper in his wallet. He'd be an idiot to lose such a precious fragment of information.
"Looking forward to it," Alma smiled at him for one last time before she started walking to the opposite direction. "See you around Harry." His face was a bit puffy from not having slept properly, but she would be lying to say he didn’t look adorable at the same time.
He waved and watched her walked away, her sweet and tired morning smile seemed to be engraved into the musician's mind as he headed home.
The air was still a bit cold, but the heat was starting to rise and plague London for the rest of the day, the hot summer everyone's been yearning for was finally here, even Harry could feel it in his bones as he continued down his path. He was still highly enamoured by the amazing night he spent sharing a piece of himself with Alma. His feet felt heavy, were even burning a little, but it was nothing as he made his way through his home gate twenty minutes later.
He decided to get some toast and a cuppa for breakfast, his high spirits not faltering even one bit although he could feel the consequences from the all-nighter already with each yawn. After eating he decided to take a shower that got him ready for a well deserved sleep in his comfortable bed.
Waking up around six o'clock startles him at first, Harry is well rested now but a bit grumpy for the weird taste on his tongue, something usual after drinking beer. He scolds himself for not brushing his teeth earlier as he walks in his bathroom. The cool tiles against his bare feet wake him up a bit more. After some needed dental hygiene, Harry gets dressed to go out and pick up his sister for their weekly dinner. Hopefully he can convince her to stay in, that way he can go on and on about the events from the night before.
His feet still hurt, he can even feel a blister underneath his big toe. But it doesn't bother him, it's actually a nice reminder of the incredible things that miraculously happened. Harry knew that since Alma was related to Fernando, someone that was bound to be in his life for the next six months or so, there was a big chance they would've met at some point. But he'd rather think it was fate, some sort of good karma coming round, he stared at her contact on his phone, still charmed by the fact that she gave it to him on the back of a receipt. Ignoring that she only did it that way, because the thought of asking for his mobile to enter it herself, was a very bold move. And Alma wasn’t really that confident, not when his green eyes were boring into hers anyway.
"When are you gonna call her then?" Gemma's voice snaps him out of his daydream for the third time during their quiet dinner in her flat. "What is it? You've got that look."
"What look?" He asks before his sister frowns and pinches her bottom lip with her thumb and index finger. It's his nervous quirk, he sighs, "I don't know, I'm just so nervous." Without a valid reason, he knows the girl is so lovely, maybe that's why.
"You're afraid of fucking it up," she knows, Harry nods. "Well, you could tell her that, perhaps on a text—
"—I want to call her, texting her will make me feel a wanker." Gemma smiles at her little brother, he looked uncharacteristically unsure of himself but nonetheless excited. It was endearing how the first thing he told her after crossing her home's threshold was 'my life is officially a chick flick!' Before proceeding to explain with detail about the whole situation.
"What about a text that reads: hello, this is Harry please save my number so when I find the guts to call you, you don't think it's a telemarketing scam," Gemma might be joking and mocking him all at once, but has a point. A text so she also has his number, makes the situation more even, she can call him too. "Assuming she gave you a real phone number."
"What?" Harry is mortified.
"I'm kidding, you should've seen your face," his sister wanted to drag a bit more her joke, but the preoccupied look on his face stopped her. Gemma couldn't wait to tell their mum, knowing that she would be just as absorbed. "There's nothing wrong with showing interest right away. If you want this to be honest and genuine, set an example." She finished before taking the last bite of pizza.
Harry knew that to be true, but now he was left wondering if it was the right time for him. Had he really left behind all the ghosts and baggage from his past? Or was he still carrying them in the new tattoos of his knees?
Despite his sister's encouraging words about how nothing could go wrong this early with Alma, he couldn't help but wonder if his still grieving heart was ready.
He takes his time walking back home, not caring if it was a really long one, he was aware of the curious eyes once he reached the Southbank but paid no attention to them. He welcomed the chill breeze, hoping for it to cool his boiling mind. Remembering the last time he walked along the river arms around his former flame, her laughter still ringing in his ears, her tender kisses in his knuckles, her delicious scent flying away with the airstream into London's sunshine.
Missing someone is not wrong, Harry reminds himself.
There's no point going down the rabbit hole of what ifs about their relationship. Harry can admit his mistakes, no matter how hard it comes to him, he can also apologise wholeheartedly. He did all those things already, months ago. Which is why he was able to keep her as a friend, not a close one, more like an acquaintance. And she's happy, he can see that, knows it.
Why does he feel like he's still drowning? He's already been pulled from the vast ocean of hers. Harry groans, struggles to open his gate, his good spirits from this morning nowhere to be found.
He doesn't know if it's the memory of her, the fear of loneliness, coincidence and laziness, or a bad habit? But he doesn't text the girl with warm brown eyes, instead he plays the voicemail that sometimes haunts his nightmares, on repeat, for the rest of the night.
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
ok so for the match up thing!! name is loren, im 20, a 5'2 tiny goth kiddo who looks always grumpy and has a dark sense of humor i guess. i study philosophy and i write for a theatre company because i don't have the guts to act!! im,,, a shy mess. never dated before although i had some casual sex but really it felt so empty that i choice not to have it anymore unless im in love honestly. i own a typewriter! and im always dancing in my room because it feels good and it helps me when im manic!
also I have BPD and I cling too much to people, like really depending by em if they’re my fave at the moment and im very jealous and have anger issues but I try my best to be nice or polite at least!! i love cats, snakes and ravens. i love cozy days when you do nothing at all except for laying under a blanket and watch the rain or little things like this! i like to cook and being Italian, i can cook very well. i have glasses but i hate how I do look with em so I don’t ever wear em.
i love arthur fleck so fucking much i literally would die for him because he needs to be spoiled and cuddled and just thinking about him makes me cry so loud- but i love the joker as well, of course, being the smug bastard he is!! and daydreaming about him helps me going through the day which it’s not always so easy because sometimes it’s just too much, you know
ohhhh I forgot I wear a shit load of make up like literally I look like Robert Smith most of the time and I don’t give a fuck about people opinions ai literally go to lessons dressed like a gothic doll most of the time
i’m also a night owl
Arthur Fleck (I know he’s angry in this GIF but fuck he’s hot)
word count: 1, 131
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We don’t know Arthur’s real age, but Joaquin (the gorgeous man that he is) is 44, so let’s assume the same for Arthur for a touch of realism, shall we? That being said, this means that Arthur would be so hesitant to even talk to you because of your age. You see him staring, though, you see him following you sometimes wearing that thin yellow hoodie he seems to love, and so you decide to approach him. He’s instantly smitten.
You have a dark sense of humour and so does Arthur, so this is perfect for his ego. His comedy is a sore spot, it always has been, because no one supports this precious boi in anything he does and it’s really fucking sad. When he cracks a really dry, deadpan and dark joke and you burst out laughing, love just blooms in his chest and he falls in love with you a little more. How are you real? He’s convinced you’re a delusion he’s concocted sometimes, but he dares not question it. Anything is better than the truth. Anything.
You study philosophy, so your intellect is definitely above Arthur’s. His handwriting is really bad (in the cutest way? Imagine handwritten letters from him that are filled with smiley faces and words scribbled out like 1000000 times because he can’t spell it right until he gives up and uses a word he does know how to spell) and because of how impoverished he is, that suggests that he’s uneducated. As such, when you write an essay or an assignment or you complete some other work, he’d want to read it but he wouldn’t really understand some of the more technical stuff. He’s not at all stupid, he’s very clever, and I think sometimes he’d ask you a question late at night about the thing you’re studying just so he can go to sleep to the sound of your voice. With his weary head cushioned on your chest, your heartbeat in his ear, your voice and your hands in his hair, he’d be asleep in no time.
I feel like Arthur would really love the fact that you’re shy because that means it’s easier for him to assume the protective role? So, like, he’d find your shyness frankly adorable and if you ever got shy over him then it just becomes a circle of shyness before Arthur bursts out into uncontrollable laughter and you have to comfort him through a fit. Just squeeze his hand, patiently wait it out, and reap the rewards when he can breathe again and his lips are on yours as a thank you.
You love to dance and this… Oh, this is a quintessential part of your whole relationship. When it’s late at night and Arthur is listening to music on the radio, he’d approach you, his body already swaying to the beat, and his hands would find your hips and he’d dance with you, doing that really fucking attractive shoulder thing he does. It ends up with the two of you in the bedroom doing a different kind of dance, if you get my meaning ;) Arthur understands how simple things can help you when you’re feeling a certain way, so when you’re feeling manic it’s almost 1000% guaranteed that he’ll just start dancing with you until you’re so tired you don’t want to do anything anymore.
You have BPD and you cling to people, which would actually really reassure our boi. He would need near constant reassurance that you’re real, that you love him, that he’s not hallucinating your entire fucking existence, that you’re not going to leave etc, etc. In return for all the coddling you (gladly) give him, he would do anything for you. And I mean anything ;) he would let you cling to him in any meaning - physically, mentally, emotionally. Anything. “You’re my Loren, it’s my job to take care of you.” and he’d do it so well you’d be ruined for anyone else in your life. Ever. He’s a jealous boi and though he’d take you at your word, if someone wasn’t getting the memo he’d have to step in. 
You both adore and live for cozy days inside his apartment. He has a special blanket that he likes to curl up under with you. It smells like the two of you and when either of you are missing the other because of work, studying or whatever else, then you huddle under it until the other returns. You can cook well, which is perfect because the best Arthur can do is really cheap microwave meals. He’s worryingly thin, not only because of the seven medicines he’s on but also because he just can’t afford to eat. It’d be really hard for him to even put any weight on, but at least you keep him regularly fed.
When you told Arthur that you would actually die for him and that you love him so much it just makes you cry sometimes, he’d be astounded. He’d just sit there, blinking for a few tense seconds before his throat rips with loud, intrusive laughter which is so hard and so uncontrollable that he can taste blood in the back of his throat. You’d hold him, love him, support him and cherish him and that right there means that he’s never going to leave you. Not ever. Sex with him reflects this. He’s so gentle, so tender and so loving that it makes your heart bleed. It’s not uncommon for one or both of you to actually cry during sex because you’re just so, so in love with each other that it hurts in the sweetest, most precious way.
You know who you are and you know what you want and you don’t give a fuck what people think about you. You wear what you want when you want and that’s such a fucking mood and Arthur would be so proud of you and he’d totally offer to do your makeup for you using his own work supplies! He’d be so careful and he’d giggle against the way your nose wrinkles when he’s a bit too careful with his brush and he’d want to kiss you again and again, ruining your makeup purposefully so he can stay closer to you for just a little longer and…. oh, I’m actually gonna cry writing this wow… (spoiler: I did.)
In the grand conclusion because wow I’ve rambled: you and Arthur have the sweetest, most precious relationship. It’s full of love. There are definite challenges, there are some arguments because things just get too much for the both of you sometimes and sometimes there’s more taking than giving on either side because that’s how it can be, but you never leave each other. Never, never, never.
Joker (fun fact when this part showed in the cinema I was with my mum and i legit went “Oh, fuck me” as in I properly moaned AND SHE HEARD ME. two weeks later and she still hasn’t said anything but I know she heard me)
word count: 1, 522
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Whereas Arthur struggled to even think of talking to you because of the huge age gap, Joker really isn’t all that bothered. You’re a fully consenting adult who knows her own mind, so what’s the harm, right? So long as you’re both happy and comfortable with each other, he couldn’t care less. That being said, you’re 5′2 and Joker is 5′8 so there’d be some height teasing going on. He would put things up on a higher shelf in the kitchen just so he can come up behind you and ‘accidentally’ (on purpose) press his crotch up and into your bottom as he retrieves the item you’re after with a cocky grin on his face and fire in his eyes. Sexual teasing is a very normal part of your relationship and it’s a serious warning sign that he is not okay if he doesn’t do anything like that towards you all day. 
You have a dark sense of humour and you look grumpy a lot of the time, which means that, often, Joker will practically bounce up to you and use his index fingers to make you smile. It wouldn’t take long for you to actually smile from his actions, though, and that’s exactly why he does everything that he does; because he knows you can’t resist him, the smug bastard. Oh, but you love him, and he know the depth of your love for him. He’s so very honoured by it, though his way of showing it is sometimes to murder someone who irritated you last Thursday and not ever telling you about it. He’s a strange one, but he’s so free that you find yourself not minding. Just so long as he’s happy; when Joker is down, it means that something is hugely wrong and it reminds you so badly of Arthur that it hurts and you might have to crack out some of his own jokes just to cheer him up. For example, if you handed him an actual human heart and said, “I love you, Joker”, he’d burst out into loud and genuine laughter and would end up smudging his makeup from kissing you so soundly. Isn’t he gorgeous?
Joker isn’t political, religious, or anything of the sort. He tells you and others that he doesn’t believe in anything. But there’s one thing he believes in. Just one. It’s the love you have for each other that he vehemently believes in. if anyone even dared to suggest that your love isn’t as strong as you say - she’s just scared of being killed, that’s why she’s with him, or what a freak! How can she stand to kiss him? - then he’d go fucking apeshit. The last person he overheard doubting your love for him ended up swallowing several bullets in quick succession. Overkill? Perhaps, but he doesn’t care. No one gets to doubt your love for each other, not even yourselves. He’d be very supportive of your studies and I have no doubt that, if you ever got a shaky grade, it’d be changed very quickly by a shaking tutor who can’t quite look you in the eye. The smiley face on the whiteboard which looks like a child did it clues you in hugely, though. His actions are wrong but it comes from a very heavily guarded heart of gold.
Where Arthur finds your shyness cute and he would immediately adopt Protective Mode™, Joker would just relentlessly tease you just to see how deep your blush goes. “That’s an interesting shade of red, Loren. Where have I seen it before? Ah, yes…” *Twirls and fingers the hem of his red tuxedo* Be warned, though… Only Joker gets to tease you about being shy. If anyone else dared to tease you for being shy or for stuttering or for tripping over your words and oh god shut up, he’d rip them a new one. Only he gets to tease you. He does, sometimes, wind you up on purpose, just to see how far he can push you before you snap and want to punch something. He finds it incredibly amusing. Deep down, though, he’d be just as protective as Arthur and would find himself doing things for you that you’re too shy to do; in whatever means you need! ;)
You dance because it helps you when you’re manic but also because you enjoy it. Just like with Arthur, this is absolutely essential in your relationship with Joker. A lot of the time when you’re dancing, he’d step in flawlessly and you’d start dancing together like Fred and Ginger, with him dipping you, spinning you around, lifting you up with surprising strength, and it’s one of his favourite ways (other than makeup sex) to apologise to you. “Dance with me.” Immediately would his hands grab you, spinning you, his intense green eyes never leaving yours, that damned smirk on his lips as he sees that blush rising on your face… Again, like with Arthur, you do several modes of dancing together; some are more preferable to others!
When you’re out and about together in public, you’re basically glued together. Your hands are held so tightly by the other that you’re not sure whose hands is whose and, are your fingers getting a bit numb? Both of you have jealousy and anger issues for slightly different reasons; Joker because it’s borne from a place of deeply set abuse and abandonment issues, and you have your own reasons that he may or may not know about. He finds it baffling that you get jealous over him, though. So many of Arthur’s neuroses still live on in Joker, despite his bravado. You try to be polite, but Joker makes no such efforts; he will destroy someone for even glancing at you in the street. 
You both live for cosy days. These are the days during which Joker will relax his persona. He will cuddle with you, watching shows on TV, his fingers grazing along the underside of your breasts or even dipping under your underwear. You can arch your hips into his touch all you want, he’s not gonna give you what you want unless you’re patient. He loves foreplay more than the act itself; to him, anticipation heightens everything deliciously. You cook very well, and Joker would love to watch you cook. He enjoys the heat you summon into the bedroom, and he loves bending you over the counter, sweeping the dirty plates into the sink with a noisy crash (and you have to buy new plates at least once a week), and fucking you until you’re only upright  because of his arm wound tightly around your waist.
You once told Joker that you often think of him when you’re not with him, just because he offers you comfort and support from wherever he is. Just knowing he’s somewhere in Gotham wreaking havoc or even waiting for you to get home makes you feel like you can conquer the fucking world, and he was flattered. He did get a little upset, though, when you confessed that you would actually die for him if you had to. He kills for you, and sometimes because of you without a thought, but turning that idea around onto you makes him feel hot in all the wrong ways. I actually think Joker would crawl into your arms that night, needing to feel that you were there, and real, and even now he’s wondering how you could possibly love him knowing all that he has done and will continue to do. He would make you promise to never keep your word on this topic, because no one is gonna be dying in this relationship. You and him are forever a ride or die. For better or for worse.
You stand together at the bathroom sink putting your faces on. Your shoulders are touching, which means sometimes your elbows bump into each other and one of you makes a mistake with the makeup. “Oh, would you look at that? My makeup’s ruined,” Joker would hum, “what are you going to do about it, darling?” There’s only one answer to this, and it’s the two of you kissing each other so passionately that you have to wash your faces off and start again. Who knows, maybe you don’t get to leave the bathroom that day. Makeup is one of the biggest expenditures in your small household, even with Joker knowing where to go to get the good stuff.
In conclusion: dating Joker would be so very different to dating Arthur, but there is love, compassion, trust, adoration, so much sex you’re surprised you can still walk most mornings (he can and will go multiple rounds with you in a day; he’s a horny fucker, is our Joker), and there are definitely more emotional challenges than there are any other, but you’ve learned to stick it out with him over the years, You’d never leave him for any reason, even if he murdered everyone in Gotham (and a lot of the time he’s sorely tempted to burn the city to the ground and start all over again).
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eruri-things · 4 years
Wow okay I wrote a fic-
That’s a first in a while...
Erwin held tightly to his dad's hand as he walked through the door on his first day of preschool, the warmth of the room hitting his face and complete difference from the chilly weather outside, it being mid september it was expected though.
Erwin wore a simple blue coat and black jeans underneath a long sleeved grey Captain America t-shirt, he also had on little grey running shoes, his small green backpack hung over his shoulders, his fluffy blonde hair parted to the left.
“Papa what if no one likes me…” the small blonde mumbled as his father crouched and squished Erwins cheeks. The boy still had almost all his baby fat and was so squishy.
“Everyone will love you, Erwin.” his dad kissed his cheek once before standing up and walking to the door giving him a little wave. Erwin took a deep breath and waved back before he turned, his father stayed put watching as Erwin walked a little farther into the room and looked around observing everyone in the room it seemed. Erwin knew his father would only be a few doors down in the older kids classroom but it was still nerve wracking to be in a new place without anyone he knew and nerve wracking for his father to send him off by himself. But he knew Erwin could handle it.
As Erwin glanced around the room noticing how a few kids had started playing, a man with short blonde hair walked up to him.
“Hey there, you must be Erwin right? I'm Armin, can I help you place your backpack and your coat in your cubby?” The man wore a genuine smile on his face and Erwin decided then that he could trust this man.
“Sure.” Erwin smiled as he started to pull his bag off by himself handing it to Armin. The large blonde took it in one arm while his other hand started to unbutton Erwins coat pulling it off him he placed it over his bag his other hand reaching to hold Erwins hand, the smaller boy took it and they walked over the wall where there were a bunch of square cubbies each one had everyone in the classes names on them. Armin pointed at one on the second layer.
“Erwin Smith here it is...see you are on top of Levi Ackerman..” he pointed down to another cubby tag that was underneath his, there was a little blue and white bag in there, Armin placed his bag in the cubby and then pointed to a wall that was covered with hooks all had little name tags under each hook.
“And here's your hook.” Armin hung his coat up and Erwin just stood there nodding his head. Armin crouched down so they were the same height once again.
“Would you like me to introduce you to some other kids?” Erwin shook his head at the offer.
“I think I got it, thank you.” Erwin turned glazing once more at the name tag underneath his, it was now his life's goal to find his cubby neighbor.
Erwin headed towards a dirty blonde haired boy, his hair was covering his eyes and most of his face so it was hard for Erwin to see what it looked like. The boy was sitting down at one of the small tables coloring next to a girl with short blonde hair. She picked up her white paper that had two stick figures holding hands and both heads had a yellow scribble on them.
“Look Mike I drew us!” She smiled happily, her eyes shining with joy. Erwin walked up to the table and leaned on it.
“Excuse me have you two seen a boy named Levi?” The blonde girl looked at Erwin and shook her head
“No sorry…” she mumbled and glanced to her friend
“Have you Mike?” She asked. Mike nodded his head before he turned and pointed towards a boy sitting in the corner of the classroom, arms wrapped around his legs and a scowl on his face. He had bandages over both his knees. Erwin’s blue eyes widened.
“That one huh…okay...thank you…” Erwin smiled and started to walk over to the corner where the kid sat. He got a little nervous as he was walking over towards him. What if that was the naughty corner? He didn’t want to make a bad impression and sit in the naughty corner by accident. He glanced around not seeing another teacher and Armin was busy helping a kid with chin length brown hair and glasses pull off their coat. He moved fast and soon stood in front of the boy. He was even smaller then Erwin.
“Umm hi…are you Levi?” Erwin was able to mumble out. The raven haired boy looked up at him a little confused before he nodded hearing his name.
“I’m Erwin.” He smiled pushing his hand out in front of him to shake the boy's hand. He had seen his father do this when he was meeting someone for the first time. The boy glanced at his hand before shaking his head, not taking it. He finally spoke up.
“I watched you touch the table. Who knows how long it’s been since those adults washed it. It could have the plague on it!” Erwin’s scrunched his eyebrows together.
“Well then wouldn’t I be sick if it had the..p-plague on it?” Erwin asked, keeping his hand out. Levi sat there for a moment before he finally grabbed Erwin’s hand.
“You...have a good point.” The boy pulled on Erwin’s hand making him sit down in front of him. Erwin made a little ‘oof’ sound as his bottom hit the squishy foam padded floor.
“Why are you in the corner?” Erwin asked and he reached out to touch Levi’s bandages on his knees.
“And what did you do to get these…” he looked into the others silver eyes. They were awfully pretty. Levi shrugged.
“None of the people here were worth my time...other than you...your nice...oh…” the little boy looked at his knees and a pout on his face as he touched them gently.
“I fell…” Erwin pouted not happy to hear that his new friend had gotten hurt. He leaned forward and pressed kisses to each of the bandages.
“My kisses will make it better.” He smiled before hearing someone clear their throat. It was an adult he hadn’t seen yet. It was a girl with short black hair.
“Hey there boys we are starting to clean up to get ready for storytime can you two help pick something up?” Erwin started to stand grabbing Levi’s hand
“Yes ma’am.” Erwin smiled as he pulled Levi close to him. Levi was obviously going to say something snarky to her but Erwin responded too fast.
“You don’t gotta help, I'll pick up twice as many things so it’ll look like you helped.” He started to grab some blocks that a boy with black pointy hair was trying to pick up alone. Erwin kept his hand tightly on Levi’s hand. He grabbed a block and put it in the bucket. Levi made a little noise before he grabbed a block and placed it in next to Erwin’s.
“I’m going to help silly…” Levi whispered. After clean up time was over all the kids were brought over to a rug that had their names taped on. Erwin kept his hand on Levi’s and pointed as he showed Levi that their spots were next to each other. They sat down and n the rug and looked up as Armin sat down in a chair in the front. He had a book in his lap.
“Alright everyone today we are gonna be reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar…” The story went by quickly and by the end of it Erwin tummy was rumbling, and thankfully it was snack time. Erwin hadn’t let go of Levi’s hand all day and it didn’t seem that Levi didn’t really mind going around with the blonde everywhere. Today's snack was graham crackers and string cheese. Erwin and Levi sat at one of the tables.
“Do you like superheroes Levi?” Erwin asked as he bit into his graham cracker. Levi nodded his head and pointed at Erwins chest where Captain America stood proudly and then his hand moved to Erwin's face.
“I like these two..” Levi had a small smile on his face. Erwin was confused he wasn't a superhero.
“Silly! I'm not a superhero!” Levi shook his head, not agreeing with Erwin, to him Erwin was the best superhero out there. He was the only kid that had walked over to talk to him after all. Snack time finished up and it was once again free play time until a parent came and picked them up, pre-school was only half day after all. Because Erwin’s dad worked at the school he couldn't come and pick him up which meant he had to wait for his mom to get him. Levi led Erwin to the craft table after snack. A kid with brown short hair was making two little dolls, they were a little creepy to Erwin both made from tan paper and they didn’t even have clothes on. The blonde boy hoped they would get dressed soon. Levi looked at the kid and his eyes widened.
“Hey how did you make those?” he asked. The kid looked up at Levi
“You mean Sonny and Bean?” The kid asked as they pushed up their black glasses. She picked up the little paper doll, its body parts taped on and dangling everywhere.
“Well I just folded up this paper into a tube and then added body parts--” Erwin cut the kid off and just blurted out what he was thinking.
“--wHy ArE tHeY nAkEd?” the kid with brown hair started to laugh. Erwin didn't understand what was so funny he was just asking a question.
“You're funny! I like you! They are from a tv show! They don't wear stuffs...in it either...I’m Hanji by the way..” Erwins mouth made a little ‘o’ shape and he smiled as they introduced themselves.
“Oh..i see...My name is Erwin and this is Levi.” Erwin pointed to Levi who was starting to fold somewhite paper into a tube, he was struggling to tape it and hold it down at the same time. Erwin reached out and pulled some tape off the stick and smiled as Levi held it catching onto what Erwin was trying to do. Erwin placed the tape as soon as Levi held the paper down. The smile on Levi's face grew once he had the white tube. He colored on a little tan jacket and tried to give the tobe a little green bolo tie but it looked more like a necklace. He then started to tape little white legs onto the tube. He added tan arms and then looked at Erwin.
“Help me squishy this ball of paper…” Levi mumbled handing it to Erwin. Erwin squished the ball in his hands.
“What are you doing Levi?” Erwin asked Hanji looking at the start of Levi's little doll. Once Levi had the peach paper squished he added some yellow scribbles to his head and stuck it onto the body. He looked at Erwin once more noticing he had eyes. Levi grabbed a blue pen and gave the newly formed doll bright blue eyes.
“All superheroes have toys that look like them..” Levi mumbled and handed it to Erwin. Erwin looked down at the paper in his hands realizing it was him. Erwin smiled and wrapped his arms around Levi giving him a hug.
“Thank you Levi!” Erwin spoke as Levi stood there a little awkward not sure where to put his hands.
“Erwin, did you make a friend?” Erwin pulled away from the hug, the doll still in hand, his eyes went wider as he recognized the woman instantly.
“MOMMY!” The blonde boy wrapped his arms around his mom. And he glanced back at Levi.
“Levi this is my mommy! she's here to get me.” a pout then formed on his face as he realized that would mean he would have to leave Levi here all alone. He looked at the doll and walked towards Levi handing him the doll.
“I have to go for now...but doll me will protect you I promise. And i'll be here again tomorrow.” Levi took the doll and wrapped his arms around it hugging it as his eyes teared up a little.
“Okay Erwin..” he whispered out and Erwin gave him a hug again before he turned and waved at Levi. He grabbed his mom's hand and she already had his coat and bag. She leaned down and wrapped Erwin in his coat. Erwin waved then at Armin who was waiting by the door.
“Bye bye..” He walked out of the class to his moms car, as soon as he was buckled in his mom glanced back at him.
“You have a good day?” His mother asked. Erwin just nodded his head before the little boy talked about EVERYTHING that had happened that day and it was mostly all focused on Levi.
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sinha-ri · 3 years
don't have the braincells to actually read the list of asks rn sorry but how about all [or half of] the ones with 7 in them
I’m doin almost all because i wanna SPEAK and rant so i’ll put half of them under a cut
27. What is their biggest strength? 
His biggest strength is physical strength and good adaptability. He can wield almost any weapon and get hang of them quickly. He’s pretty scary with a weapon ngl, even if its just a dagger.
37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
Not that easy at first. He would date dudes but it was hard for him to ever say he actually loved them, just liked them. Even if Oliver, when he confessed, he was only able to say it once before using “like” a lot. Now it is a lot more easier for him to say. But he definitely never says it without meaning it. He only loves one person genuinely and he will be the only one to hear those words from him.
47.  What’s their pain tolerance like?
eh? When he gets hurts, it hurts a whole lot more than a normal person. Yet because of what he’s had to do, work and other, he learned how to ignore it better and just keep going with the pain. SO, big pain sensitivity, big “lets repress this as much as possible and keep going until I pass out”.
57. How do they feel about sex? Are they a virgin?
Definitely not a virgin, sex is complicated. He thinks it can feel really nice, but in generally never thinks about it. He’s got a bad history with it, so he tends to steer away from it. Of course he doesn’t mind to mingle once in a while, but usually its the very last thing he’s thinkin about, or not thinkin about at all.
70. How do they feel about animals? Do they have any pets?
Loves most animals!! Hates rats and insects due to how much worse they made this homeless life. He does have two pets!! A cat named Pickle and a dog named Berry.
71. How are they with children? Do they have any? Do they want any?
Lily loves children sm. He thinks they’re funny and fun to hang with. They can be pretty ruthless, but Lily seems to always connect with them well. It might be because they think he’s a kid. He’s always wanted kids, so Jonah was like a dream come true! He didn’t mind that he was a teen, he just really wanted to dot on him. 
It greatly has to do with him not having parental figures for half of his life, so he gets very paternal with kids.
72.  Would they rather have stability or comfort?
Comfort. He’s never thought stability was a choice for him, and he’s a needy person. All he’s wanted was a home, because he wanted comfort. He was so desperate to date and find love because he wanted comfort. To him, what was the point in being stable if you live horribly and alone?
73. Do they prefer the indoors or outdoors?
A mix of both ngl..but mainly outdoors. He sometimes feels imprisoned and anxious being indoors too long. He likes the fresh air and going wherever he wants. It’s how he spent most his life.
74. What weather is their favorite? Do they like storms?
They love “perfect” weather. A mix of sunny and windy. A nice warm sun with a gentle breeze, it’s about the only weather he can enjoy. He hates storms because its too cold for him and he can’t go outside.
75. If given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
He would scribble. Not even draw, just scribble. He likes scribbling without a purpose
76. How organized are they?
Surprisingly decent. He likes order and knowing where stuff is. Not only that but because he does most chores in the house, he’s used to it.
77. What is their most prized possession?
His wedding ring. He wouldn’t give it up for the world. He asked for help from Jairo to help pay for them to be personally forged. He was so proud and excited, it always reminds him of Oliver and that he’s loved.
78. Who do they consider to be their best friend?
Besides Oliver...no one really. He isn’t very close with anyone. The closest person is his first ex Elliot, mainly because it was the most intimate and trusting he’s ever gotten with a person. They are still in okay terms, and he’s the only one Lily feels comforting being more like himself.
79. What is their economic situation?
Stable, thanks to Oliver. He doesn’t really work and occasionally does errands for money. Because Oliver is the only herbalist in the town and places near, he makes a lotta money there. And since Oliver doesn’t really care for money or buying things, he has a lot saved up. Since Lily came into the picture, he just gives Lily an allowance.
87. What is something they regret?
There’s a whole lot, but mainly being so naive. He believed he was being careful and didn’t trust others easily, yet he was so easily wrapped around someone’s finger just for them being nice to him. He didn’t want to accept kindness anymore, nor did he ever want to trust anyone and taking what anyone says to heart.
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Alright, how about this, the red army aren't actually bad, everybody who joins does so willingly, everyone loves being a part of it and it's done more good for everyone in the world then any one government ever could. All of this is because of one man, red leader. Tell us a day in the life of red leader. (If it was shippy that would be cute but you don't have to of course.) [Please post something to tell me you got this because my tumblr is being bad right now and just poofs my asks sometimes.]
(Okay, first post, beware that writing stuff on tumblr is new to me so if there’s a certain format you’d like to see, tell me–)
Tord genuinely thought leading an army while you were all powerful would be easy. Call him naive, yes, but being all powerful meant having money, having people at your side. A single whistle or a ring of the bell could get people falling down to his knees, asking Tord what he wanted them to do. That’s what he thought it would be like. And if people were so willing to help you, then you could have them deal with the work. All Tord had to do was supervise, correct?
God, he wished it were so. Tord wished with all his heart that it could go along like that, but the way he sat in his spot, shifting every now and then, he knew for a fact that this dreadful day was never going to end.
He listened to the other drone on and on, watching anything but the higher-ranking member seated at the table, talking about lab reports that came back from the testing units. Apparently, Tord couldn’t pay anybody to look over something like this. Couldn’t replace somebody else to be seated here in his spot. Pat had made that very clear.
Yes, Tord knew he’d have to put in some hard work. After all, Tord was a leader for a reason. He was the famous Red Leader because of the amount of work he put into this, spreading this army of his, making the world a better place. A cliche line, but it was something Tord wanted to hold and make clear.
Sure, they seemed scary at first, such a huge band of people doing what they cared for all the while throwing over their government. They took over, Tord slyly making his way to the top before it was too late to rip that position out of his hands. Anybody would be frightened, seeing how the leader himself looked like something straight out of a comic book. Scarred face, faded lines streaking into the untouched side of his skin. The definition of a villain.
It also didn’t help how dramatic Tord was. Sure, a leader he may be, leading more than thousands of people under the flick of his hand, but he was still a child at heart. A… dirty child, sure, but an anime/hentai loving fanatic at most. He had that style, that obsession with being dramatic, no matter where he was, no matter the position. So many times Paul asked him to cut it out, saying he needed to be more professional, but nothing stopped Tord anymore. Nothing these days could stop the Red Leader from wearing his god-awful dirty, old trench coat. Lined with stains and rips from over the years, its black color faded lightly. It was a surprise that it still fit him in general, but even if it was a bit snug, the man himself didn’t let that stop him.
Dramatic, he sure was. With the scarred face, his occasional suit being switched out with a damn trench coat, and the metal arm he wore, well, it sent certain vibes to someone who knew nothing about the man. Looks alone could send someone inching away.
So, in all honesty, it was a surprise to watch the Red Leader whine at something so miniscule. To watch this man that had raised to the highest of ranks just sit back and pick his teeth lazily, finger wedging in between to get pieces of food unstuck. Eyes trained on the reporter before looking away again, annoyance lacing his features.
Red Leader had to sit through every meeting and approve them, confirm that everything was going accurately and to the way he saw correctly fit. It was a bore. Having to listen to how this member continued to drone on about how their scientists found another way to catch deadly sicknesses years before they could develop. Interesting, that’s what it was. That’s what it should be to Tord, but all he heard was the other go on about something that Tord already knows that they’re capable of. Something that shouldn’t even need his approval by now.
Report after report was given, the man seated in his chair giving a wave of the hand every time the presenter looked his way for confirmation that he could continue. It was boring to hear all these things they were doing. They were good and productive, working on that step forward to perfect things in a place that seemed to be going along just fine. Tord was happy with where things were, but he was getting a little sick of how nothing interesting seemed to happen. He was at such a rank, at such power where nothing seems fun anymore. Nothing at all because the Red Leader had basically done everything.
His eyes wandered, grey orbs floating along the other members that were listening. They all paid careful attention to the presenter, so quiet and lifeless that Tord had basically forgotten there were other people here.
Meetings were boring. Everything was boring. And as Tord sat, he found his fingers begin to click along the wooden surface, finding anything to distract himself with. He turned, waiting for his eyes to land on anything, anyone, but no one dared to stray from their attentive state.
No one but Matt.
The ginger was also seated in the board, having gotten to this position because he was one of the main man’s closest friends. A rocky friendship they used to have, problems from years ago that were now forgotten. Tord and the others weren’t all too close after his little stunt. His little try at forcing himself to distance from them. He didn’t want them involved in something like this, didn’t want the stress he was feeling at the time to spill onto them. It was better if they weren’t involved. Just people who benefitted from Tord’s overrule.
That hadn’t been the case, however. And Tord was sort of glad things worked out this way.
Tom worked in other departments, that little ball of spitfire finally finding some common ground with Tord. Edd didn’t come around too often when it came to work, but he was useful for outside jobs. Things that shouldn’t be connected with the Red Leader’s army. Edd wasn’t exactly an expert, but he was stealthy when it came down to jobs. Especially if he could get paid in goddamn Cola. The things that man would do for that sugar addictive drink.
And Matt. Well, he seemed more than happy to help Tord with the things he needed. Always happy to comfort the other whenever the Norwegian found something to complain about. Whether it be too much paperwork, or having to give some speech to new recruits, or writing a document to his “friends” in foreign countries. The redhead was always there by his side, helping where the others couldn’t.
Tord was grateful for that. Very much so, because the way Matt’s eyes flickered towards him before smiling made the Red Leader himself grow a bit more interested. His back straightened, sitting more properly in his chair than when he was a couple seconds ago. Fingers stopped their drumming, only for a moment so he could watch the ginger turn to the reporter once more before finally looking at Tord again.
Matt could practically read Tord’s boredom off of his face alone. He was so antsy, so desperate to just walk out and not deal with this. And, well, he could if he wanted to, no one would object, but Tord would get a real damn lecture from both Pat and Paul if he did.
Matt had heard most of the reports, his little notebook on the table filled with the basics of each assignment. The man standing with the transcripts in the front was on his last paper, explaining the next thing he needed signed from the man himself. And, while Matt was sure Tord wasn’t paying attention, he could always fill him in on it later. The ginger was the only one who could actually grab Tord’s attention when it came to something like this.
He knew that he could handle this with Tord later. So, for now, Matt decided to relieve the other from his boredom. Just for a bit.
Tord’s brows raised a bit, lips parting slightly with question as Matt came to scribble furiously on his notebook. A quick little note, something small he was writing before he let the pen settle in between the pages. He eyed the presenter to make sure he wasn’t looking before sliding the journal to the Norwegian.
Tord eyed it, gaze flickering up at the man as well, as if expecting to get in trouble. Tord was the boss here, the leader and superior man, yet he still found a bit of nerves tremble through his skin as he picked up the pen, staring at the words.
Like a pair of friends passing notes in the middle of class, Tord had to restrain his grin from just the sheer comparison he made with this.
I can tell you’re bored.
Tord glanced up at the man across the table once more before scribbling back.
you should know by now just how much i despise meetings
Before he could send it back, Tord drew a little sad face, grinning to himself all the while.
He slid it back, watching Matt’s eyes come back to the notebook before picking the pen up, writing even as his eyes glanced towards the front. Scribble then the journal slid towards Tord once more.
Would you like me to entertain you then?
Tord squinted at the paper.
what do you mean ginger stick
First of all, stop calling me ginger stick. I will leave you to your boredom.
Tord snickered, having to cover his mouth when receiving a look from another official. He looked around, then back down at the paper.
okay okay fine entertain me already
A narrow of his eyes were given as Tord watched Matt smile, teeth showing as he began to write. A devilish little grin it was as he looked up at Tord before looking back down at the paper. And over he slid it again.
If Germany was the fatherland and Russia was the motherland, then World War 2 was basically just a brutal divorce.
Tord snorted, quickly looking up with wide eyes as the reporter paused. They made eye contact, the Red Leader seemed to freeze in his spot before remembering that, hey, he was the boss here. He wasn’t gonna get in trouble. “Please continue.”
Matt grinned at him, a cheeky grin as Tord turned to narrow his eyes at him once more. Tord quickly wrote back.
im intrigued
He paused.
you’ve caught my attention
Matt smiled at him, eyeing the others seated at the table with a side glance. He hummed quietly, picking up the pen again and writing a bit more.
An octopus is just a wet spider.
Tord had to physically hold back his noise, a hand coming up to press against his lips. He stared up at Matt with wide eyes, not even bothering to send a glare his way as the redhead put on a wolfish grin. Lips were covered as Matt smiled, turning his attention as he waited for Tord to respond.
And that’s all they did for the next half hour. Matt would scribble some nonsense down and Tord would respond, react, sometimes input his ideas and his own thought. 
It was fun. And while Tord knew this would bite him in the ass in the long run, seeing how he wasn’t giving the presenter even a single percent of his attention, the Norwegian knew that he’d do this again if given the chance. A small shot of nostalgia, smiling at how the two friends continued their little note passing. Like when they were in highschool and Tord would have to send Matt a note in the middle of a test, saying he didn’t understand certain words because of the language barrier. 
With his gap tooth and accent, not to mention his obsession with anime and such, Tord stood out like a sore thumb back then. I mean, even now, he still did. With his charred, burnt face and his scraped up prosthetic. It was a wonder how he managed to snag the coolest friends ever, all the while looking like a cringey fanboy.
Small snickers were vibrating between them, the soft sound of a notebook being slided back and forth heard every few seconds. It was absolutely wonderful being here with Matt, having the entertainment of your friend with you in such a boring place. It made everything ten times better, really. 
More joyful as they grinned at each other, made faces, stuck their tongues out in mockery. It was all fun and games until Tord’s head was snapping towards the direction of a grunt.
A man clearing his throat, eyes narrowed. Eyes pierced into Tord, and the man found himself shifting nervously, mouth growing dry as he stared at Pat, who was standing beside the presenter. He was glaring daggers at the leader, making the man himself grow weak. 
“Tord.” He muttered, watching the boss squirm in his seat before finally positioning himself in a proper position. From the corner of his eyes, he watched Matt sit a bit straighter in his seat as well. “Should we approve this or not?”
Tord gulped. He didn’t even know what they were talking about, or if they were even still on the same topic. God, he didn’t even notice the big wooden doors open upon Patryk’s arrival. He only watched the other glare at him, the Red Leader slowly growing more anxious in his seat.
“Out.” Pat demanded, nodded his head towards the door. 
Tord let his mouth hang open a bit, looking between the exit and the irritated man. He let his expression fall again, different from his giggly, happy one that was lacing his features only a second ago. 
After a few moments, Tord frowned.
“I don’t want to.” Tord muttered, staring at Patryk. He crossed his arms, brows furrowing as he watched the other. Watched as Pat blinked at him before beginning to round the table.
That got Tord jumping out of his seat, almost tripping in the process of scraping his chair back and pacing around the otherside of the wooden piece.
The Norwegian glanced at Matt, mouth pulling into another frown as he huffed a bit. He glowered when he saw the ginger hide his smile, posture still straight as he remained professional in front of the other two. Gosh, what a prick! No wonder they were friends. 
“Alright, I’m up! You don’t gotta do that…” Tord grumbled, angry at his sudden panic. He avoided the looks of other people, instead walking around the rest of the way before meeting Pat at the door. Despite being all high and mighty, the man couldn’t help but wince as the other grabbed his arm, opening the door. “Jeez…”
As they headed out the door, Tord took a final glance back into the meeting. He passed the multiple stares towards him before catching Matt’s eye. And, before Tord was pulled completely out of sight, Matt gave him a little wave, mischief clouding his look. Tord huffed, and finally, he was out of the room. Walking down the corridor, heels clicking loudly as Pat pulled him.
Oh boy. Maybe getting in trouble wasn’t worth it, but Tord had to admit. That was the most fun he’s had all week. A little smile rested on his face, even as Pat grumbled something under his breath when glancing at him. 
Yeah. Tord’s job was alright if he had his friends.
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saturn-space-squid · 5 years
Whumptober Prompt #1: shaky hands
A/N: so I've never posted any writing on here, but I loveeeee whump so I wanted to participate in Whumptober this year. This fic is for miraculous ladybug and takes place right after Miracle queen so if you haven't seen it prepare for spoilers. I might make a second part to this if you guys want it, but for now please enjoy!
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Chloe looks between her parents, their smiles and the look of love in their eyes is something she wanted her whole childhood, yet now that it was happening it made her enraged. She yelled in frustration before storming past them and up to her room. None of this was fair, she could've had what she wanted this whole time, but now things weren't going how she wanted.
She begins to pick up different objects and throw them around her room, continuously yelling out curses and her frustrations. Why couldn't anything she planned go her way? Even when her plans were arranged the way she wanted they never felt genuine, she just wanted people to love her for who she was, but she also didn't want to get hurt anymore.
Chloe paused as she spotted the homemade Queen Bee costume on the floor, the one her and Sabrina use while playing. She stomped over, picking up the stretchy fabric and attempted to rip it. When the fabric refused to tear she grabbed a pair of scissors and started cutting and tearing until there were scraps of yellow and black fabric all over the floor. Her eyes began to sting as she sunk to the floor, picking up some of the pieces.
She needed to talk to Ladybug, she didn't really mean what she said, she was just so frustrated and no one had ever taught her how to deal with frustration or really with any of her emotions. She picked up her phone and looked at her contacts, noticing how few she actually had when it came to real friends. She considered calling Sabrina, but decided against that when another name caught her eye. 
She let out a small whimper as she clicked on the call button. It had been a while since they talked and she began to wonder if they were even friends anymore.
"Chloe?" Chloe chuckled shakily, relieved he had even picked up his phone. "Chloe, are you okay?"
"Adrien…" Chloe let out another small sob before putting the phone down, breathing deeply to control herself. After a few seconds she put the device back to her ear. "Chloe, are you still there?"
"Yeah, sorry about that. Adrien I need…I need to talk with Ladybug…" She felt ashamed for talking about this, Adrien must have seen the news, he must hate her, he has to know what she did, there's no way he doesn't know.
"Chloe, are you sure you're okay?" Adrien asks after a moment of silence. Chloe can feel herself losing control again, she needs to be quick.
"I'm fine, can you just ask that Alya girl if she has a way to contact Ladybug?" She says a little too sharply. She sighs again. "Please?"
"Sure, Chloe. You know, if you aren't okay you can talk to me about it right?" Chloe laughs lightly.
"Thanks, Adrien." She hung up before he could even say goodbye.
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Chloe was on her way to class before Alya approached her in the locker room and stopped her, a glare piercing through Chloe. 
"Adrien said you wanted to talk to Ladybug. What I want to know is why you think you even have the right to ever speak to Ladybug again?" Alya crosses her arms, the glare still there.
Chloe felt anger boiling up even though she knew Alya was right. "It's none of your business why I want to talk to her. Just tell her to meet me at the Eiffel tower tomorrow." Alya looks both angry and amused.
"No, Chloe. I'm not going to tell Ladybug anything. I don't know if you remember this, but I was there when you attacked Ladybug. I saw the aftermath and I saw the news recording of the part of the fight I don't remember. You betrayed Ladybug, you betrayed Paris. I'm not going to let you hurt her again or anyone again, so I'm saying no, you won't be seeing Ladybug." Chloe could feel despair crushing her as she stared at Alya. 
Alya scoffed before she walked out of the locker room, leaving Chloe all by herself. Chloe could feel a sudden chill spread through her body as it trembled. No, she can't break down at school, that's unacceptable. She walked towards the back of the room and sat on the floor against the lockers as she felt herself suffocating.
 She couldn't breathe, her vision went fuzzy and blurry with tears. This was ridiculous, she had thought all of this before, why was she freaking out? She felt like she was out of her body, unable to control herself she kept hyperventilating and shaking. She stared at her hands and how they quivered, before clenching them into fists, feeling the frustration boost her anxiety.
Suddenly a door opened loudly and there was a sound of running and muttering about being late. Chloe tried to cover her mouth so she couldn't be heard by the passing girl, but it was too late.
Marinette peeked around the corner with worry etched on her face until she saw Chloe, the worry turning to confusion. Chloe put her face in her hands, hoping Marinette would just leave her alone and pretend this didn't happen, and at first it seemed like Marinette considered that option, before she slowly approached Chloe.
"Chloe?" Chloe tried curling in on herself tighter, her numb hands holding her legs to her chest. Chloe can feel Marinette sit next to her and she flinches.
"Chloe, you need to breathe…" Marinette says in a hushed voice as she reaches out and puts a hand on her arm. Chloe nearly cries at the physical affection, even if it's from someone she doesn't really like. Marinette softly rubs Chloe's arm as she continues talking, but Chloe can't focus on that, because she's too focused on the comforting feeling she gets from Marinette. 
Chloe eventually pulls her face from her hands as she looks at Marinette, suddenly extremely embarrassed as she realizes how sweaty her hands are and how puffy her eyes probably look. Marinette still looks unsure, but she offers a small smile.
"Are you okay now? I didn't know you had anxiety." Marinette says in a normal voice, a hint of guilt in her voice. Chloe nods, trying to find her voice, her body still shaking slightly. 
"I know you don't like me that much, if at all." Marinette starts. "But if you need someone to talk to about this stuff, you can talk to me. I have panic attacks too." Chloe's eyes widen.
"You do? You always seem pretty put together, didn't think you'd have much to be anxious about." Chloe pauses as she realised she just confessed her inner thoughts, Marinette looks at her, surprised.
"I have a lot of stress, I like doing a lot of things at once and sometimes I'm not able to handle it all. I also have a lot of responsibilities that can be really stressful." Marinette smiles at Chloe. 
"Do you want to talk about what's making you so anxious?" Chloe looks down and nods.
"I want to talk to Ladybug. I need to tell her how I really feel, that I didn't mean some of the things I said." Chloe looks at Marinette, scared she'll start judging her like everyone else.
Marinette nods and stands up, offering her hand to Chloe. "I can contact her for you. I trust you have good intentions with this so I'm sure she'll agree to see you." Chloe takes Marinette's hand and stands, smiling genuinely. 
"Thank you…" Chloe takes out a piece of paper and scribbles something down, before handing it to Marinette. "Give her this when you see her...please." Marinette looks surprised, before nodding and smiling.
"I'm glad we got to talk like this, Chloe."
"I am too…"
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