#this took a minute.. sorry if there are any errors but it's hard to try and do a translation that's as close to her orig words as possible
vanteguccir · 7 months
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        𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Nick and Chris are trying to record wednesday's video, but Matt's lovestruck gaze keeps going to Y/N, distracting himself.
REQUESTED?: Yes, from anon.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
"Matt! Hellooo, is anyone there?" Nick spoke from behind the camera while moving his arms around exasperatedly, looking at his brother, who had his eyes focused on the couch in the back of the room.
Matt is the kind of guy that when he loves, he loves hard.
So to say that Matt was crazy about Y/N was an understatement, all that was on his mind day and night was his girlfriend; His days were happier with her by his side, he felt like he had more energy and strength to do anything, only because of her.
His favorite thing in the world was seeing her happy, so his heart warmed every time he heard her talking about the books she was reading with so much passion and affection - so much so that he lost count of how many times he took her to the bookstore and bought more than 100 dollars in books, just to be able to hear her talk about the characters that Matt never memorized the names of and the story that always made she speak too quickly and with so much devotion.
Whenever Matt was with his brothers or friends, he would mention his girl. It was automatic, everything reminded him of her. He was obsessed. With all that said, it was inevitable that, being in the same room, the boy wouldn't be able to take his eyes off her.
The theme of that Wednesday's video was something suggested by Y/N herself, as just a few minutes ago the four of them were lying on the sofa in the living room, the girl with her feet on Matt's lap while starting a new book, while the brothers watched old videos of themselves on television.
His hands caressed the tops of her feet covered in fluffy Iron Man socks, which she had probably stolen from his side of the drawer. Every now and then Matt's right hand would go up her legs to Y/N's left hand, taking it away from the book and to his mouth, sealing the warm, soft skin with love, keeping his eyes on the TV screen.
A smile grew on Matt's face every time his brothers made vomiting sounds, calling them disgusting. While Y/N felt like her cheeks could explode from how red they became.
Matt's teenage voice coming from the videos made Y/N's heart warm, and seeing the silly smiles on the triplets' faces as they traveled through the land of nostalgia made an idea pop into the girl's head, who instantly put down the book and paused the video, catching the attention of them.
And this takes us to the current moment, after Y/N has separated some pictures from when they were children, teenagers or nowadays on Nick's phone, having created an album to be used in that specific video.
Matt and Chris were sitting at the kitchen table, facing the camera, Nick - who was standing behind it with the album open on his phone -, and consequently also facing the sofa, where Y/N was sitting comfortably as she flipped through her book, a smile appearing every now and then on her face as her expressions changed according to the events in the story.
A cup of cappuccino that Matt made for her rested on her legs, keeping her warm, while her right hand came out of the book every now and then and picked up the drink, taking a sip.
It was the third time that Nick caught Matt's attention, who seemed to get lost in his girlfriend's figure, and all external sounds, including his brothers' voices, became muffled.
To disguise it, the boy would randomly guess the name of one of his brothers or himself when Nick showed a small part of a picture, getting it wrong almost every time. This led to him having the lowest score.
"What? Yes, that's Chris." Matt blinked his eyes quickly, looking away from Y/N and to the phone in Nick's hands.
"Matt, it's you!" Nick exclaimed, rolling his eyes and sighing, he knew the video would continue like this if he didn't get Y/N out of the room, but his best friend looked too comfortable on the couch.
"Pay attention, dumbass." Chris slammed the palm of his left hand against Matt's forehead, earning a slap back on the arm.
Y/N lifted her head from the book momentarily, holding back a laugh as she saw the brothers fighting, rolling her eyes playfully before returning her attention to the story, adjusting her position on the couch.
"I'm sorry, I'll pay attention. I promise." Matt raised his hands in surrender, swallowing hard as he glanced briefly at Y/N and saw her laughing softly, returning his eyes to his older brother and forcing himself to keep them there.
"For those of you who aren't understanding, Y/N is sitting on the couch reading, and Matt can't stop looking at her. He's obsessed, I swear." Nick muttered behind the camera, shaking his head even though they couldn't see him.
When the first round ended, Chris got up and took Nick's place behind the camera, agreeing to be the next to show the pictures and be the jury.
Nick handed him the phone and sat down next to Matt, looking briefly at the couch and closing his lips in a thin line at Y/N's wide eyes at the book, probably surprised by some absurd scene.
The oldest looked at Matt, seeing that his brother was already looking at Y/N, too. Their eyes quickly met when Matt felt Nick looking at him, a laugh escaping both of their mouths.
"Are you ready?" Chris asked after choosing the first picture he would use, receiving a nod from the two brothers, who had both arms on the table so they could reach the "button" faster.
The youngest zoomed in on the pic and turned the screen towards the two, waiting for one of them to get it right.
Matt had never moved so fast, his left hand slamming against the post-it too hard as his eyes were wide in euphoria.
"It's me! Look at Y/N's hand there." Matt shouted in excitement, raising his right hand and pointing at the phone behind the camera.
"Yeah, that's Matt." Nick sighed, knowing that even though he got it right too, Matt spoke first. "You only got it right because Y/N is in the picture!"
"Obviously, he knows Y/N's traits more than he knows his own." Chris scoffed from behind the camera, zooming out of the image and looking for the next one.
The picture in question was from a day when the four of them went out to dinner at an Italian restaurant about a year ago, Nick and Chris were sitting on one side of the table and Y/N and Matt on the other. Matt had his elbows resting on the wooden table and his hands crossed, laughter escaping his lips when he heard something Chris said, while Y/N joined him in laughing, her hands crossed around his right bicep and her head resting on his covered shoulder.
The pic was taken by Nick, being the passionate photographer that he was, and Chris felt a smile stretch across his face as he remembered the moment.
Even though they made fun of their brother so much for being a crazy in love for Y/N, they felt their chest fill with joy for their brother every time they saw them together. They knew that their brother had found his other half, and seeing him as happy as ever made them just as happy.
"I know, he's obsessed with her." Nick commented again, receiving a slap on the back of his head, letting out a laugh when he saw Matt roll his eyes, but don't deny anything.
The girl looked up again when she heard her name being said by one of the boys and her person being mentioned more than once. Her eyes met Matt's blue ones, who looked at her with love and affection, an easy smile appearing on his face almost automatically.
Y/N smiled back, blowing a kiss, which the boy pretended to catch with his left hand and keep in the pocket of his hoodie.
When the round changed again, it was Matt's turn to stand behind the camera and choose the pictures.
The boy got up from his seat, fixing his pants and walking over to where Chris was, taking the phone from his hand and closing the last picture chosen by the youngest.
His thumb scrolled across the screen, looking for the first one he would use as he let his brothers settle down.
A smile stretched across Matt's face as he passed by a picture of Nick and Y/N, where they were both wearing sunglasses, with feathers around their necks and making faces at the camera. Nick had his left hand raised showing a peace sign, and it was there that Matt decided to zoom in, but not before lingering his eyes for a few seconds on the full image, admiring his girlfriend there.
Matt took advantage of the fact that his brothers were in a silly argument and turned around momentarily, looking at his girl, who was now in a position that in his head was probably very uncomfortable, but he already knew that for Y/N, the most different positions were the best.
The girl felt eyes on her and looked up, seeing Matt standing there admiring her. A reddish color took over her cheeks, and her fingers played with the pages of the book, trying to hide her shyness.
Matt nodded briefly at the book as if asking her how the story was going. Y/N smiled at the action, making a chief kiss gesture with her right hand while her left held the book open, afraid of losing the page she stopped at.
"I want to hear all abo-" Matt began in a low voice, just for Y/N to hear, but his sentence was cut by a hand hitting the table.
"I'm going to get Y/N out of the room if you don't turn around now and do your job." Nick said, crossing his arms. Chris held back his laughter beside him, his face turning red from the force he exerted in the action.
"You're so unnecessary." Matt rolled his eyes, throwing a wink at Y/N, who had a goofy smile, before turning to face his brothers again.
"No, you are." Nick responded, opening his mouth to argue against Matt again, only to be stopped by Chris, who smacked his left arm while laughing.
"Go ahead, Matt." The youngest asked, straightening up and clearing his throat, looking at his brother as he waited for the first picture.
Nick sent a bored look to Y/N, who was still watching them intently. The girl laughed softly, turning her attention back to the book as she felt her heart warm.
Y/N felt so grateful for her boyfriend and his brothers, who she saw as family. She would never forget the day Nick thanked her for how happy she made his brother, but little did he know, it was Matt who made her the happiest.
extra - comments:
"Matt looking behind the camera every 2 minutes with a lovestruck look on his face was the cutest thing I've ever seen 😔"
"Matt being able to guess the picture that had Y/N in it just because of her 😭"
"I love how Nick and Chris make fun of Matt for his love for Y/N all the time"
~ "deep down, they love them together more than the couple itself lol"
"I want to have a boyfriend who is as obsessed with me as Matt is with Y/N ​​🧎‍♀️"
"Y/N is a total bookworm, and I'm here for it!"
~ "petition for her to make tiktoks about the books she reads ✏️📄"
"it's incredible to see the difference between Matt before Y/N and Matt during Y/N. She's so good for him 🥺"
"Matt smiles so much when Y/N is near 😫"
"Matt and Y/N >>>>>>> any other famous couple"
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Trial and Error (5.5) - Bonus
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: Based on the request: "Azriel with single mom reader? I feel like being a single mom in ACOTAR would be tricky as hell… reader comes from autumn court and flees to night court because she got pregnant out of marriage? 😯 the shame"
Word count: ~700
Warnings: azriel's pov, fluff that will make you explode probably idk
a/n: Hi so I'm crazy and needed to write this after getting asks about it and getting inspo surrounding Az singing night court lullabies to Mel. Please enjoy and I'm sorry for two posts in one day 😅
read part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part 6
Main Masterlist ♡
Azriel was back in her room the moment he heard the call. 
He’d placed Melanie down in her bed only ten minutes prior, but her sleep had been fitful and disjointed over the past day and Azriel hadn’t expected her to stay down for long. It was strange—the way the bond connecting him to you burned with the same protectiveness for Melanie. 
“Hey, Melanie,” Azriel whispered, kneeling beside her bed with his fingers resting on the outer edge of her quilt. “What’s wrong? Can’t sleep?” 
Melanie sat up in her bed with a small groan, the braid you had put in her hair earlier in disarray. “Yeah. Don’t wanna sleep. Where’s mommy?” 
Azriel hummed and pushed a wild curl behind her ear. “Mommy’s sick, so she’s sleeping. Like you should be.” 
“You aren’t sick, Mr. Azriel?” 
“No, I can’t get sick like you. Not right now, anyway.” 
Melanie’s brow furrowed and her head swayed. “Can you hold me like mommy does?” 
Azriel’s heart shattered in his chest at her request. Her sleepy eyes blearily stared up at him as he let out a shaky breath and attempted to push down some of his joy at her request. 
Maybe you didn’t fully trust him yet, but Melanie did. 
“Sure, sweetheart,” he replied, reaching out beneath her arms to hoist her up. When her head immediately found a home in the juncture of his neck, Azriel melted. “Are you feeling any better?” 
Melanie fisted Azriel’s shirt as he situated her against his chest. “Little bit.” 
Sometimes, when she spoke, Azriel could hear you in Melanie’s voice. 
He wanted so badly to be part of that connection. 
The want often scared him. 
“Can we go to mommy’s room?” she asked, pulling her head up to send him a sleepy question. “Not to wake her up. Mommy’s room is just nice.” 
The two of you always sought each other out—always found safety in being near. 
Azriel rubbed Melanie’s back and nodded with a smile that was fueled both by adoration and melancholy. 
Your room was dark when he entered. Melanie had taken a glance at your sleeping figure and then rested her head back into the crook of Azriel’s neck. He could feel each breath she took and felt each clench of her fists into his shirt. 
“Is this better?” Azriel asked, voice so low and careful he wasn’t sure if the five-year-old would hear him. 
But Melanie nodded and whispered back a small confirmation that made Azriel’s chest hurt. He held her closer to his chest and watched the rise and fall of yours as you slept an arm’s length away. When Melanie’s breathing didn’t even out after a few minutes, he placed a hand behind her head and started lightly swaying. 
“You have to try and sleep, Mel. That’s how you get better,” he whispered into her ear. 
“I’m trying,” she whispered back, strained and trying to keep quiet for her mom. “It’s hard, Mr. Azriel. My head doesn’t feel good.” 
Azriel tutted and hated that there was very little he could do for this illness. “I know, Mel. I’m sorry, sweetheart.” 
Her only response was to bury her face further into his shoulder. 
Azriel thought back to his youth, to the perils and hardships he had endured, and he sought after the light—the good moments. His mother’s singing stood out, the melody of a Night Court lullaby gently lulling in his mind. 
Azriel didn’t have much experience with children other than Nyx, but, with Melanie, that didn’t seem to matter. With Melanie, everything came to him with a practiced ease that didn’t feel deserved. But he took from it anyway. 
So, Azriel began to hum the lullabies from his childhood, wrapping a wing around the child in his arms to block everything else out. 
And she was able to sleep. 
part 6
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dancewithdeath11 · 5 months
Leave you with a kiss…
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Summary: A quick goodbye…
Warnings: SMUT! Cunnalingus, kinda lame aftercare ngl, petnames(ma, baby) ((sorry for any errors, just wanted to write something rq before finals))
Word Count: 900 (just a quick little thing)
“I know..”
“You’re going to be late-”
“Shut up, ma.” He grumbled as he tugged you further to the edge of the bed by your thighs.
You took a deep breath but did as told. Jay hated when you chastised him. Especially about patrol. He took patrol as a bit of a selective choice. At least after he met you. It didn’t matter if he went on patrol on time. Especially when he could be saying goodbye with some good head and a last peck on the lips before he left. If he was a few minutes late.. Whatever. He was saying goodbye to his girl after all. 
He started slower, licking a hot strip just up the side. Not quite on your pussy, but it made you shiver nonetheless. Squirming in his tight hold where he had his arms locked around your thighs. Making sure to keep you spread for him. He lapped and licked, sometimes going further up your thigh, just to bite down teasingly and suck a hickey there harshly. Jay cooed and nosed at the sensitive skin of your thigh at how you were already so fucking wet. “So messy, baby…”
He dipped his hand down, pushing your thighs up further with the movement. Just barely brushing your slick seam with his pinky. “Huh?” You murmured after he growled something under his breath. 
“Don’t worry about it..” He let out a hot breath, you bit down on your bottom lip at how it made your pussy twitch at the feeling. Your stomach flutters as you wait. He brought his other hand down, thumbs brushing over your lips before pulling them apart. He watches greedily, seeing how your wetness fucking webs as he spreads you open, exposing you to him in a way that makes you whine out of embarrassment. 
It looks too good to ignore as he was quick to lean down and lick from your hole to your clit suddenly. Tongue flat before he flicks it over your sensitive but in a way that makes you gasp. He grabbed at you a little tighter as you started to squirm again. He did it again, and again, and again.. 
“Jay!” It was a weak cry, one half buried in a pillow as you grabbed at his wrists. When he tried to push your hands away, you grasped at the sheets. “Fuck- fuck, I’m close.., Jay!”
He nosed at your clit, his jaw aching as he shoved his wet tongue into your hole, fucking you with the hot muscle. You grabbed his wrists again out of shock, a sob leaving your lips as you arched under his touch. He pulled away from your hold, only to trap your wrists in his grasp, pinning your hands to your hips as he held you there. 
He could feel it, see it in the certain way your hips seemed to twitch to and away from his mouth at the same time. It felt like a short circuit how impossibly fast you felt your end coming. Whines and helpless moans leaving your lips as your head thrashed on the pillow. He kept licking from your quivering hole right up to your clit, giving it a quick harsh suck before doing it all over again. 
“Jay-” You were keening under his touch, and he only doubled down. Just like he knew you needed it. He fucking knew everything you needed. And that's because all you needed was him. He will be your best fuck, and only fuck for the rest of your lives on this miserable fucking planet in this miserable fucking city. And he will pride himself on that until the day his dick stops working right and he needs a new jaw from all its use. Because a pussy this good, twitching and creaming all over his tongue is too good to give up. 
Fighting with your hands as he wrangles both of your hands into one of his. His other hand snaking down as he shoves two fingers into your pussy. Then he sucks, harsh and long sucks like he’s trying to give your clit a hickey. Not letting up even when your hips buck up too hard he has to move his head with you. Your cries filled the dark room of the apartment as you were slammed with the force of your orgasm. Jay crooks his finger in your cunt, feeling how you squeezed around his digits. He thrust them shallowly in and out, brushing that spongy spot just right. You’re quivering and thrashing in his grip weakly as you were riding out your high. Folding in on yourself as your breath stuttered, legs trying to close.
Only then does Jay pull away. Kissing just under your navel before getting up. He grabbed one of his clean shirts and wiped his hands, then your pussy. It was quick, almost unceremonious. But you knew, if he had more time, he would. “Need anything, baby?” 
A drowsy smile came on your lips, you shook your head softly. He nods and tosses the shirt in the hamper, taking the moment to adjust himself in his pants. Grimacing as he realized how hard he was, his dick bulging against his zipper and pulsing with need.
“Okay, love you, I’ll be back in a few hours.” He huffed and made his way back over. Kneeling on the bed, leaning down to capture you in a quick kiss. “Night, ma..”
“Night, Jay..”
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leahsfavefics · 11 days
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Title: Midnight
Pairing: Jungkook x reader (f)
Rating/genre: m (18+) fluff, smut
Word Count: 2,087
Posting Date: Sept 10, 2024
Summary: When menstrual cramps wake you in the night, your boyfriend decides to heal you in his own special way
NSFW Warnings: Oral (F), multiple orgasms, fingering, neck kisses
Author's Note: I wrote this all in one go and did not edit it, so forgive me for any errors!
A dull ache in your lower abdomen pulls you from a deep and restful sleep. Curling up, you fight a groan, not wanting to wake your boyfriend. He's sleeping soundly beside you, snoring ever so softly and not sprawling onto your side of the bed for once. He's usually one to toss and turn, even accidentally elbowing you in the nose once shortly after moving in together. When he woke and realized, he was horrified of course, terrified that he'd hurt you or upset you, even after you dissolved into laughter whilst wiggling your nose to get all the feeling back.
He was still tonight though, you were the one tossing and turning. You took a deep breath through your nose and blew it out slowly, trying to somewhat minimize the pain with your breath. Unfortunately, mother nature was not going down without a fight. Gently, you peeled back the blanket and slid out of bed, making as little noise as possible. You padded to the kitchen softly, popping two tylenols into your mouth before downing a glass of water. You pushed a hand against your stomach, the pain still twisting your insides like a knife. At least now you just had to wait for the meds to kick in. However long that would take.
You crept back into your bedroom and found Jungkook still sleeping. though he'd moved and had thrown his arm across your usual spot. You lifted the blanket, his tattooed arm along with it, and climbed back into bed beneath them, turning on your side so his arm was slung around your waist with your back to his chest.
You tried to stay like that. You really did. But the cramps were making you restless, and you couldn't get comfortable to save your life. You tried laying on your back, your stomach, facing Jungkook, turning back away. After a few minutes of your restlessness you heard his voice in your ear.
"Baby," it was a soft mumble, nothing more, so quiet that you almost wondered if he was talking in his sleep. That theory was shattered when he spoke again. "What's going on?"
You froze, cringing as you realized you'd woke him. "I'm sorry. Go back to sleep."
"Mmmm, can't," he replied, his lips at your throat as he nuzzled closer. There was nothing sexual about it, he was just seeking out your scent, trying to get comfortable. "Not if you keep tossing and turning like that."
"I'm sorry," you said again. "I have cramps, but I took some meds already. Just waiting for them to kick in and then hopefully I will be able to get back to sleep."
"I thought you didn't get a period anymore? IUD?"
"I don't, but sometimes the symptoms are still a bitch."
He didn't answer for a while, and you relaxed thinking he'd drifted back to sleep all on his own. Finally, he spoke again, his lips now at your ear, close enough that they brushed the shell of your ear and sent tingles down your spine. "You know, they say that an orgasm helps relieve cramps."
You huffed out a laugh in response. "Shut up."
"I'm serious."
You rolled your eyes, even though it was dark and you were facing away from him. "You just woke up with a hard on and want to get your dick wet."
"Baby!" he scoffed. "Not true, I wouldn't do that when you just told me you're in pain. Here, feel. Soft as dough." Grabbing your hand, he placed it against his groin to prove that he was telling the truth.
"That's a gross metaphor," you said, pulling your hand back. "And the answer is no. You have to get up so early for that music video shoot or photoshoot or whatever it is. I'm not going to keep you up any later."
"Hmm," he settled in closer, placing one hand on your hip and rubbing circles with his thumb. His hand began to move down your leg, and around until his fingers traced where your legs pressed together. "I think it will be a performance booster. I'll have that afterglow, you know?"
"Jungkook!" You gasped, turning to face him as he laughed. "That really is your favorite word now isn't it?"
He shrugged, a carnal grin on his face. "What can I say? It's nice to be able to put a word to something I'm so familiar with because I see it so often."
You had no words, so you just laughed against his chest. "I'm serious, though, y/n," he continued, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before moving lower, until his mouth was at your neck. "If you keep tossing and turning I'm not going to get much sleep regardless. You might as well let me help you out here."
His tongue darted out against the hollow of your neck, making you shiver and crumbling your remaining resolve. "Fine," you said. "But make it quick."
He deepened the kisses against your neck, alternating between sucking hard and licking gently, while he pushed your legs apart and slipped his tattooed fingers inside your panties.
"You're already wet, baby," he groaned against your collarbone. You merely shuddered in response as he rolled slick fingers against your clit. Warmth filled your body, spreading out from your core and chasing away the shadows of the pain. Your core was on fire, pulsating from his touch as his fingers whirled in quick circles over your swollen clit. "Can I have a taste?" he murmured.
You nodded frantically before realizing his face was buried between your breasts and he couldn't see. "Yes. Please," you whimpered.
He moved down your body at once, peeling off your underwear and audibly sighing in relief once he was eye level with your bare, sopping cunt. "There you are, baby," he said, closing his eyes and inhaling. This worshipping of your sex used to make you feel embarrassed when you first started sleeping together, exposed. But over the years you've come to appreciate how vocal he is about his attraction to you.
When he leaned in and placed that first gentle lick against your clit, your eyes fluttered shut, head collapsing against the pillow with a moan. He moved lower, running his tongue around the perimeter of your hole before darting inside and fucking you with it while his nose bumped against your clit.
"Jesus Christ Jungkook, don't stop," you said, fisting his long black locks between your fingers as you bucked against his face. His tongue slipped out, and you were about to complain when he dipped lower, tracing your asshole before placing the tip of his tongue firmly against it and running it up the length of your sex until finishing at your clit.
"Do you want fingers?" he asked, mouth full of your pussy.
"I just want to come," you whined, too delirious to answer the question properly.
He chuckled, and it vibrated against you. You pushed your pussy harder against his face, enough that he pinned you to the bed with a firm hand. "Stay," he said, no room for argument in his tone. You shuddered again, feeling wetness gush from you as he took charge.
He ran his fingers over your sex, playing with your slick until two fingers were soaked. After what felt like an eon, he finally slipped them inside you. You tensed at once as he began to pump in and out, returning his mouth to your clit and sucking. "Close," you whimpered. "Close!"
He didn't answer, but his eyes flickered shut at your taste and he hummed, sending you firmly over the edge. Your toes curled as your orgasm slammed into you, tensing every muscle in your body until you came apart in shuddering waves.
Your chest heaved as you came back down to earth, blinking your eyes open. Jungkook was resting his cheek against your thigh, smiling up at you with a love drunk expression on his face. "Better?" he asked, his eyes sleepy and the lower half of his face glistening with your wetness.
Mentally cataloguing your body, you searched for the cramps that had been plaguing you until so recently. "Much better," you answered with a smile.
"Good, then go to sleep. I'll take care of this and get cleaned up and then I'll join you," he began to climb out of bed, his erection clearly fighting at the seams of his briefs.
"That's silly, just fuck me," you said, catching his arm and pulling him back towards you.
"You need to sleep," he answered, smoothing your hair and pressing a kiss to your lips. His lips were sweet with your own taste, and it made you want him even more.
"I can taste myself on you," you murmured. You slipped a hand inside his briefs, caressing his length as you darted your tongue out to taste yourself again. It was his turn to shudder, eyes fluttering shut.
"Alright," he said. "You win. But like you said earlier, make it quick. We both need to sleep."
"Just cum fast, then it will be quick," you answered, shoving his briefs down to get to his cock. You got them as far as his knees before he brushed your hands away, laughing and standing to kick them fully off.
He crawled back into bed beside you, guiding you onto your side and pressing his chest to your back, so similar to the position you'd been sleeping in earlier. Until he grabbed one knee, lifting your leg up with one hand while he guided his dick until your cunt with the other. He eased in, moaning as your pussy swallowed him to the hilt. Biting down on your shoulder, he began to pick up the pace.
The hand holding your knee traced down along the inside of your thigh until it reached your apex. You jumped as he placed his fingers against your clit, still sensitive from your earlier orgasm. Each press of his thick cock inside you had your body priming for the next release.
"You're going to need to come soon, baby," Jungkook moaned against your neck. "Eating you turned me on so much, I'm already holding back."
You nodded, grinding against him as he pounded into you from behind while his fingers swirled against you, chasing that high. Mere moments went by before the tsunami of pleasure overtook you once again, this time sweeping Jungkook away as well. You cried out his name while he grunted, rhythm growing sporadic as he emptied himself into you until he finally stilled.
You laid there for a moment, both trying to catch your breath and fight off the incoming desire to sleep. As your eyes began to flutter shut, satiated at last, you realized it was a losing battle. But, you knew you needed to get cleaned up or you'd hate yourself when you saw the sheets in the morning. Or, worst case scenario, got a UTI. You peeled yourself away from Jungkook, who's skin was sticking to yours with rapidly drying sweat.
"Uh uh," he tsked. "Lay back down. Just go to sleep."
"I have to get cleaned up," you protested.
"I'll take care of it," he said, hopping out of bed nimbly. You shrugged and listened, figuring there was no point in you both leaving the comfort of the bed if he was promising to take care of you.
A minute went by and you guessed he was cleaning himself off as well, before he finally returned with a damp wash cloth. He crawled back into bed, pressing a kiss to your sweaty brow before reaching between your legs with the cloth.
He brushed against your clit on accident and you jerked away, feeling very sensitive and completely sexed out. "Careful," you whined.
"Sorry, sorry," he whispered, brushing against you more carefully to clean you up. When he was finished, he tossed the wash rag across the room towards the closet, eliciting a noise of protest from you. "It's fine. I'll grab it in the morning when I'm up. That's only like three hours from now anyway."
You sank back into the pillow, too satiated and exhausted to complain. "Thank you," you said, drifting back to sleep already, pain free and happy.
He climbed back into bed beside you and you rolled over, burying your face in his wide, muscled chest. You pressed a kiss over the spot that contained his heart as he slung an arm over you. "Anything for you, y/n."
© 2024 leahsfavefics Do not copy or repost without permission.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed :)
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redbullgirly · 8 months
Hi! Can you write something about Lando x reader where she wants to wait till marriage to have sex and how'd he react to this? I'll leave the rest to you, it doesn't have to be a whole fic, maybe just a small blurb. Thank you <3
Lando Norris x reader
Summary: You and Lando have been going out for few weeks, maybe months now. While you're enjoying each other's company on a beach with sunset behind your backs, you decide to tell him you want to wait with sex till marriage.
Word Count: 0.8k
Warnings: English isn't my first language and I honestly didn't write for a while, so if some sentences are kinda weird or sloppy, I'm very sorry! Don't be afraid to correct me if you find some errors.
Author's Note: Hi Anon, thanks for the request! I hope you and everybody else will like this shorter fic I wrote based on it. I'll appreciate likes, comments, follows, reblogs and any other form of support! :)
The sand beneath your feet was still warm, though the sun had almost set behind the fluffy clouds on the horizon. You ran up the beach, trying to get as far from the sea as you could, before the curly-haired man could throw you into the waves, messing up your hair. He followed you, laughing and almost tripping, which was probably the only reason you actually managed to escape to the laid out blanket with your things and bags.
You laid on it, your chest covered in droplets of salty water heaving with uneven breaths. Some sand probably stuck to your wet skin, but you didn't mind.
“Y/N, you left me there all alone!” Lando faked a pout, standing above you with crossed arms and a silly smile.
“Yeah, 'cause you tried to drown me!” you fired right back and stuck out your tongue.
He shook his head and stretched out his arm, helping you stand back up. Then, without any warning, he slapped your ass. You squealed his name and tried to punch him, but he dodged effortlessly. May his fast reflexes be damned.
It was getting darker by every minute, the sun now nearly gone from the evening sky. Shadows slowly crept to the beach, and you shivered in the cool air. Lando, the caring boy he was, instantly noticed the goosebumps popping up all over your body. You were both still just in your swimsuits, and it was getting cold. 
He bent down to the bag you took to the beach with you and took out a big towel. “C'mere baby,” he mumbled, and when you took a step towards him, he wrapped you and himself up in it. 
Suddenly, you didn't feel cold at all — quite the opposite, really. Lando's firm body was pressed against you, his hands around your waist and faces impossibly close to each other. You could feel his warm breath, smelling after the vanilla milkshake you drank at a cozy café before going to the private beach.
One of his big hands cupped your cheek, your eyes locked in with his intense blue stare. Lando and you were going out for a few weeks, even months now. You didn't put any label on it, maybe too afraid of the feelings that bubbled in your stomach every time that exact expression appeared in his eyes. The one of pure adoration and happiness, as if you'd give him the Moon. And honestly? If he ever asked, you probably would. Or at least try.
As if the boy could read your thoughts, his smile deepened, and he finally closed the remaining distance between you two. His lips felt soft and hard against yours at the same time, asking and demanding all at once. Lando was always careful at the start, but as soon as your body relaxed, and you gently bit his bottom lip, the kiss heated up pretty quickly.
He moaned into your mouth and his hold on your waist tightened. This wasn't your first time making out, but it never felt so intense, so breathtaking before. You struggled to keep pace with him, though you'd lie if you said you didn't like it. However, when his hands slipped under the towel that was still wrapped around your bodies, and tugged onto your bikini straps, you pulled away. Your cheeks were flushed, lips swollen and hair messy.
He stopped, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked at you questioningly, eyes wide. You realized Lando thought he did something wrong, again. And that made you feel even worse than before.
“What's wrong, babe?” he asked in a quiet voice, his hand still cupping the side of your cheek. You wanted to look down, ashamed and not knowing how to say what had to be said, but Lando didn't let you. “You can tell me Y/N. I won't be angry or anything.”
It was his assurance and sweet voice that caused you to sight and swallow thickly.
“I… there's something I need to tell you,” you whispered. He just nodded, listening curiously. “So, I feel weird saying it, but… I never actually… you know.” You point between you and him. “I never did this before,” you confess, not able to look him into the eyes.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “That's no problem at all-” You put your finger on his lips, silently asking him to be quiet.
“And,” you say, making him know that's not all you wanted to say, “I don't want to. Not until marriage.”
Now he seems surprised, taken aback even. It's clear he's processing your words for a moment, while you almost faint from the nerves. You're worried he won't understand. That now, when you told him he won't get what most men want, he'll break up whatever you two have going on.
But he does nothing like that. No, he nods slowly, a little smile tugging at the corners of his lips. A smile that soon turns into the grin you know so well by this point. And then, Lando pulls you closer and whispers in your ear: “Well, good thing I plan on marrying you one day.”
And even though he says it in a joking voice, wanting to lighten up the atmosphere, you know right there and then that deep down, he means it.
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shipmansflannels · 4 months
welcome home, cheater | jackie taylor x reader
oh, hi! well, sorry for promising I was going to post something yesterday but ending up not doing it. I was trying to take some time out of the computer and trying to organize my creativity. so, this is what I could manage to post after a day off. hope it's fine. enjoy! sorry if it's too short, it was actually based on a youtube video I saw a long time ago and I couldn't remember all the details in it. hope you enjoyed it anyway. thanks for all the support, and the rebloggs, and the likes, and the following!
sorry for any grammatical or coherence errors, english is not my first language and I'm trying to improve!
welcome home, cheater | jackie taylor x reader
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-> prompt: after an embarrassing situation at the mall, jackie has a jealous crisis. <-
warnings: non cannon, no crash, most fem!reader but it works for gender neutral readers too, jealous!jackie, jackie being a girlfaillure, 1996 timeline, mentions of randy walsh, plot twist.
She had spent the entire trip back in silence.
It had become an awkward silence in the car and you couldn't help but look at her and make sure everything was okay in the passenger seat, but Jackie hadn't said a word since you left the mall and she hadn't said anything when you were driving home either.
Her parents were on a business trip, and as two teenage girlfriends who did everything in secret, you were taking advantage of those days to be together. But suddenly, everything had become a confusing mess.
Opening and closing the car door with force, Jackie grabbed the bags of clothes that were hers and set off into the house in a hurry, before you could even park the car properly in the Taylor's huge garage.
Picking up your purchases and following her into the house, you threw them on the couch and promised that you would organize it after finding out what was wrong. As you imagined, Jackie had locked herself in her room and was probably listening to loud music on that damn Walkman you had given her for her last birthday.
In fact, if you had known that it would be the cause of all your ruin, you would have thought twice when you saw him in the store window begging to be taken home.
Knocking on the door three times just to be sure, you kept your voice low, hoping she would hear you anyway, over the loud music.
"Jax, can we just talk for a minute?"
There was no response. And instead of insisting, you just pulled the handle, not at all impressed that the door wasn't locked.
"Jackie, I'm serious. What did I do? Could you please talk to me for a second and sort things out?"
She looked at you, clearly listening to you, and with a sigh, she took the Walkman from her ears and threw it back hard, those huge eyes staring into your face. Like a stubborn child, she crossed her arms and sighed again.
“I think I should be the one asking that question,” she whispered, her voice a little firmer than you were usually expecting. Generally, while you had a calmer and more relaxed posture, Jackie was always excited, always outgoing, always talking loudly, as if she was always filled with sugar all over her body.
You frowned. "What the hell does that mean?"
"What did I do wrong, (Y\N)? What did I do wrong for you to leave me so easily, and right in front of my face, for Randy Walsh? What's different about him?”
Once again, you frowned, looking at her. "Jax, I don't get it. What the hell are you talking about?"
She huffed, returned to her normal expression and, with a roll of her eyes, leaned against the headboard. That was the signal she used for you to start a cuddle session on ordinary days, but now, you didn't know if you should join her.
So you just sat on the edge of the bed, still with your eyes fixed on her. "Is there something wrong? You can tell me, I promise I won't explode. You know I hate it when we fight, Jackie."
"You. Randy Walsh. At the video game store. Small talk. That pissed me off."
She explained, in pauses, now avoiding looking at you. Relaxing your expression, you gave an incredulous smile, but waited for her to continue, just to prove your point, and not to interrupt her in the middle of her justification.
"And what's worse, you left me waiting for hours in front of that stupid ice cream shop with my stupid raspberry cone in my hand, with my stupid shopping bags in my hand. Not hours, but…", she counted on her fingers, like if she was trying to remember. "... fifteen minutes, approximately."
You laughed again, scratching the back of your head. And she continued rambling.
"And you two were giggling, and you looked like a fool in love. I wouldn't care if it was a girl or a nice guy, I swear, but Randy Walsh! It's unacceptable, (Y\N)! How many times have you bumped into each other? through the school hallways? Once? Half a minute?”
You looked at her. "Look, love, listen… You got it all wrong."
"And I know I'm freaking out like it's a nightmare, like it's the worst thing I've ever seen in my life - and it really is, but whatever -. It's just… what would you expect me to do? I swear, it made me want to take your car, go home and leave you there alone, just to welcome you with a fucking sign stuck in the living room saying "welcome home, cheater"… But of course I didn't do that, I'm freaking out like it's the worst thing I've ever seen in my life, (Y\N), do you happen to realize what you fucking did? Randy Walsh, really? Are you fucking kidding me?"
You laughed again. "Jackie, please let me explain."
"Ah, now you want to explain? Well, go ahead. Explain yourself."
You sighed, looking at her and thinking exactly how you were going to put each thing into words, regretting it soon after, but knowing that you should move on. Looking straight into her eyes, you decided to start slowly, as you should.
"Do you remember the last day we went shopping? The day we spent at the new game store that opened on floor three and you saw that Nintendo 64 and your eyes lit up? So…", you bit your lip, nervously. "That day when you saw me talking to Randy for the first time, after coming back from practice, I was just trying to see if I could buy one cheaper, since he works at the game store in the other mall and I didn't have money specifically for the Nintendo from that store… And he promised me that he would try to ask his boss for an order, and that he would give me answers later…"
She widened her eyes, following you speaking as if it were the most important thing in the world, and from her reactions, you realized that you had made a mistake, and you realized that she also knew that she had made a mistake in judging you so early.
"Today, we were just passing by the aisle at Randy's game store, so I thought I would try to see if he had gotten the Nintendo yet… He told me yes, that it was on order and should arrive in a few days. And that made me extremely happy, Jackie, because… because it was my gift to you and because it was… well, it was your surprise birthday present."
With another bite on your lip, you laughed softly as you avoided looking at your girlfriend, who had her eyes even wider and her mouth open.
"That-? What-? How-? Oh, my God, babe… I…"
You nodded, laughing again.
"I screwed up, didn't I? I got it wrong and screwed up-"
"No, it's okay, I also overreacted, I should have told you… not told you, but at least given signs."
Jackie pouted regretfully and opened her arms. You fit into them well and breathed in her strawberry scent while ruffling those still wet hair. She whimpered a few times and hid her face in your neck, embarrassed. Her cheeks were too red, almost rosy.
"Shit, I'm so sorry, love. I didn't mean to ruin the surprise," she whispered. "It's just that seeing you and Randy together, I thought-"
"It's okay, Jax, I said it's okay. It was half my fault anyway…"
You shrugged and lifted her face to kiss her slowly. It started with a peck and then turned into a kiss that lasted a few seconds longer. When you pulled away from her, you whispered, touching the white blouse with butterflies sewn on the chest, looking down.
"Listen, I told you that I want to be clear about my feelings, and that I want to make us work, so… if I were cheating on you, which obviously I'm not, I would probably tell you. There's no reason I hide this from you, Jackie. Not even out of shame." You touched her lips with your fingers. "I love you. I wouldn't trade you for anything in this world. I swear to all that is sacred. You are the most incredible girl I have ever met and you are the woman of my life, I have never been so sure of that as I am now. "
She sighed and smiled, making another pout that you couldn't resist kissing, laughing softly and taking a moment to pull away from her.
"Besides, Randy Walsh isn't my type, and I'm not his type either…", you laughed again. "And when I say that, I mean it literally…"
Jackie frowned, her clear eyes emanating curiosity. "What you mean?"
“Jackie…” you shrugged, scratching your forehead. "He is gay."
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Quieter thoughts
Summary: Wanda told you not to disturb her but you didn’t want to be alone right now, maybe she’d understand?
Warnings: Just fluff and a sweet ending (I wrote this is 20 minutes please mind any spelling errors and such 😂)
Words: idk but it’s short-ish
“Wanda?” You dared peep your head into Wanda’s office, she told you not to bother her but you didn’t want to be alone right now, you needed her “what is it Y/n? I’m very busy and told you not to disturb me”
You flinched at the sternness of her voice indicating just how busy she is “I’m-I’m sorry Wands it’s o-okay I’ll talk to you later”
Wanda hummed in response not taking her eyes off her screen as you closed the door behind you and decided to just go to bed, hopefully your thoughts will be a little quieter if you’re in the dark and asleep
Not even bothering to get changed you slipped into the bed you shared with Wanda and closed your eyes wishing the day away
It was about 2 hours later when Wanda finally finished her work and emerged from her office stretching her stiff limbs “Y/n?” You didn’t answer
“Y/n?!” It wasn’t late, you were normally still up at this time, where were you?
Finally coming to the bedroom she sees you under the covers in the pitch black, turning the lights on she didn’t hear you make any sound or attempt to move “Y/n? Are you awake? Sweet girl?”
She came to stand next to you pulling the covers away revealing you still in your clothes from the day and dried tears on your face “oh honey why were you so upset?” Wanda gently took the covers away and started removing the uncomfortable looking clothes
You remained asleep through everything, you must’ve really been tired, finally Wanda picked you up and took you to the bathroom and turned the tap on for a nice bath for you
“Baby? Come on princess wake up” Wanda gently shook you and placed kisses around your face eventually waking you up “hmm don’t wanna…” you tried curling into Wanda’s body but she didn’t let you “no honey come on you need to have a bath let’s go” you felt yourself be lifted up and placed into the warm bath
“There you go don’t you feel better?” You didn’t respond instead just started playing with the bubbles from the bubble bath Wanda put in “what’s going on Y/n you never go to bed in your clothes”
You shrugged refusing to meet her eye trying to sink into the bath further
Wanda decided you needed quiet so she chose to stay quiet and just sit with you, when she offered to wash your hair you accepted and let her “you know, I might plait your hair like Nats, Maria showed me how to do it and she said it really lifts Nat’s mood up, whenever she’s sad she gets plaits and instantly she feels better, shall I do that?”
“I don’t want that, I’m not a child and that sounds very childish” Wanda was happy you were talking but she wasn’t happy about your attitude “okay, are you calling Natasha childish? I don’t think she’d like that detka”
“Don’t care” you said point blankly and Wanda sighed “my love I’m trying very hard here but please you need to help me understand”
You stood up and got out of the bath reaching for a towel to wrap around yourself “I don’t want to talk about it I just want to go the bed and you’re not helping!” storming out of the bathroom you slammed the door leaving a bewildered Wanda still sitting next to the bath confused
Exiting the bathroom 10 minutes later Wanda saw you once again curled up under the bed covers, but she was happy you’d put some PJs on, she didn’t say a word as she climbed into bed with you, she didn’t pull you into her to cuddle or face you, she knew you needed time
After a while you finally spoke again “you were mad at me earlier when I tried to ask for your attention”
Wanda thought back, she did remember you asking for her and she dismissed you “baby I’m sorry I did snap at you didn’t I?” She was facing you now and offered you a smile and you just gave a small smile back “why else were you upset my love?”
“My heads been a mess and I needed you but you didn’t want me”
Wanda’s heart broke and she pulled you into a tight hug “my love I’m so sorry I never want you to feel that way ever again I’m really sorry” she kissed your head keeping you close
“How about I take some time off? Its been so long since we’ve gone away, let’s go on a vacation somewhere”
You were quickly nodding in agreement already thinking where to go “the Bahamas??” You shot up out of Wanda’s arms grabbing your phone searching for flights “we can leave tomorrow!”
Wanda was so happy you were happy again, she hated seeing her girl sad “hold on princess, I’ll need to finish the week then I can take 2 weeks okay?”
You sighed sadly “okay I guess I can wait all that time”
Wanda kissed your nose laying down and pulling you atop her “it’s three days my love I promise it’ll go quick, you can buy us both new bikinis if you like?”
“Yeah! Matching ones too!” You went for your phone again but Wanda snatched it away putting it on the side table “ah ah princess time for bed now, we can lie in tomorrow, my work can wait”
“Okay, goodnight I love you”
Wand smiled kissing you one final time “love you too”
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nickfowlerrr · 1 year
🦋 - “what would you do without me?” with steve rogers maybe…? please? :}
(you don’t have to if you don’t want to, it’s totally up to you because ik you probably have a bunch of asks and you’re busy. and ofc if bucky instead of steve is better for you then im fine with that too! love you sweets and again… happy 3k ❤️)
working overtime
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pairing: steve rogers x curvy!reader
warnings: literally nothing but smut and a lil bit of fluff. 18+ only.
words: 1.6k
notes: look what you made me do. 💀
but actually, lol, thank you for the request. i wasn't sure i was gonna do it, but i woke up this morning and decided to at least try. i have such a hard time writing steve, especially smut with steve, but this just took off on it's own once i started! hope you enjoy it. not edited and quite hastily written, so sorry for any errors!
thank you in advance for reading! as always, reblogs and comments are more than welcome and so appreciated. let me know what you think! 🩵
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"Oooh, fuuuuuck," the sultry moan draws out from you as you grasp onto his body even tighter, pulling him down even closer as you whimper in his ear, your hot breath across his sweat dampened skin and your legs circling his waist as best they can.
His thick length is hitting just the right spot deep inside your warm walls and you swear to god you're about to combust from the never ending pleasure he's torturing you with.
Your nails are leaving marks all over his solid back, and his heady grunts in your ear are doing nothing but pushing you closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy.
With every deep stroke of his cock inside you, your chests are brushing together. You arch up into him, you need him closer. You need to feel him, every inch of him that you can, along your hot, sensitive skin.
Your lips are searching for him, desperate for his kiss as he fucks you so perfectly.
You nip at his jaw and earn a moan that spurs you on, your lips now incessant until he finally turns his head a bit and meets you. His lips are soft but adamant against your own, hot and fervent as he continues thrusting into you just the same.
"Please, Stevie," you mewl against his lips breathily, sounding so debauched and pathetic.
He fucking loves it.
He drops his body down on yours, but continues to hold most of his own weight with his arms either side of you, one on the mattress and one on your fleshy hip, keeping you exactly where he wants you.
His hips are flush to yours now, he makes sure you feel him, pressing you down into the mattress until you're a mess of broken moans squeezing around him. He can't take his eyes off your pretty face. The way your eyes are closed tight in your pleasure, how your lips are parted just slightly as you let out the most beautiful sounds, just for him.
His gaze stays trained on your face as he begins to slowly roll his hips against yours. The gasp you let out and the way your eyes snap open when he stimulates your sensitive clit with his movements send him even closer to edge he's been on for the past few minutes. He holds himself back, though. He just wants one more orgasm from you, and then you can call it a night.
He said he'd be quick, but from the twinkle in his eye as he kissed your neck, his big hands wandering all over your soft body, those big blues peering up at you, you both knew he'd be anything but.
It'd been a prolonged torture as he ate you out like a man starved, his tongue ceaseless as his thick fingers brought to the edge over and over again before he finally allowed you to come.
When he finally slid his throbbing length into you, you honestly could've come right then, but he took his time with you yet again. He moved slow and deep inside of you, ensuring you felt every inch of his heavy cock as he fucked you like you were the most delicate, precious thing in the world. And to him, you were.
He touched you so gently, large warm hands squeezing and caressing every inch of your body that he could. He slid out of you, turning to sit against the headboard of the bed before he pulled you onto him.
He nuzzled into your neck as you sank down onto his cock, the stretch of him had your head falling back in bliss as his held you to him, his hands on your back, keeping you close.
You rode him just the way he liked, your hands in his hair, holding him to you as he kissed, nipped, and sucked on your sensitive nipples, his hands smoothing up and down your backside as he kept you astride him.
When he felt your walls tightening around him, he grunted deeply, trying to keep hold of himself. He moved a hand around your hip, traveling down to where you met him, his thumb finding your clit and working circles of the bundle of nerves. He had you coming around him in seconds.
You swore you were through after that, but he had other ideas.
He kept hold of you, turning you back over onto the mattress as he hovered above you.
He gave you some time to come down, leaving his cock inside your tight walls, but not moving within you as he kissed you softly, trailing his lips over your skin as he hummed and whispered praises to you.
When he felt your walls squeeze him, he smirked and found your eye. "You ready, sweetheart?" he asked.
"Steeeeve," you bemoaned, "I have work in the morning," you complained while tilting your head to give him more access to your neck as he continued kissing you. You could feel his smile against your skin and couldn't keep your own from gracing your lips.
"Just one more for me, baby," he murmured against your skin, "then we'll sleep."
With that, he began fucking you once more, but his thrusts weren't as slow.
He was hitting you just as deep, but his pace was quicker.
And now here you were, teetering on the edge of your third orgasm of the night.
With every slow, deliberate roll of Steve's hips into yours, you swear you could cry from the overwhelming sensation. It felt so incredibly good, you couldn't stop the gasps and whines that were leaving you even if you'd wanted to.
"You take me so fucking well, angel," he groans. "Squeeze my cock just like that. Oh, fuck. You're so good to me, baby.," he praises with every rock of his hips.
His hand squeezes your hip tight as your legs starts to twitch. "I'm gonna give it to you, baby, don't worry," he soothes as you cry, the pressure compounding as the coil in your belly tightens even more - your muscles taunt as you can feel your walls starting to clench down on him. "I know what you need, sweetheart, I'll give you every last fucking drop," he grits out as his pace falters a bit.
One particular thrust finally has you coming completely undone. You can barely hear yourself as your body shatters around him, your moans and cries and his name like a prayer falling off your tongue are all lost to you as your walls pulse tightly around Steve's cock.
The sensation mixed with the sounds coming from your lips have Steve finally letting himself go; his thick, heavy load painting your walls as your body refuses to let him go without draining every last drop of release he has to offer you.
You're leaking him by the time he finally stops coming, heavy pants from both of you filling the air as he easily grabs your plush body and tugs you into him as he lays down, wrapping his arms around you and sighing in contentment as you let yourself nuzzle into him. You're both a mess of sweat and stickiness but you can't seem to mind all that much as he holds you.
"That was so good," you mumble in your exhaustion, your tiredness now more evident than ever as you melt in his arms.
"Yeah," he smiles. "And see, you're all tuckered out and ready to fall asleep now," he teases.
"I need to pee," you pout into his chest. He laughs and takes a breath before he suddenly moves to stand, holding you in his arms with ease. You know he's super soldier strong, but you'll never get used to how easy he makes it seem.
Your legs are around him, surely making a mess of his abdomen, but he doesn't seem to care as he walks you to the bathroom.
He sets you down gently with a kiss to your forehead before he turns, "I'm gonna grab the towels from the dryer," he says, leaving you to relieve yourself.
When you're washing your hands, he returns, clean towels folded and ready to be put in the cabinet.
"Wanna shower now or in the morning?"
"What time is it?"
"A little past eleven," he tells you, having the decency to be a little sheepish with the information.
"Steve!" you admonish with a whine.
"I'm sorry," he laughs, "but really, do you have to go in on a Saturday? You sure the boss needs you that badly?"
"Oh, the boss needs me pretty damn badly," you answer. He smirks at your quick response.
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind you calling out one day," he says.
"No? Well what would he possibly do without me there?"
He shrugs, "I have a feeling he's gonna be taking the day off, too," he smiles as he gets closer to you, arms wrapping around you.
"Is he, now?" you question.
"He is," he whispers as he leans close to you, brushing his lips against yours. "We both deserve it."
It's your turn to smile then as you kiss him gently. "We do," you agree. "Thank you," you add with another kiss.
"Mmm," he hums against you. "What would you do without me?" he jokes. You chuckle.
"Might get some fucking sleep for once," you shove him playfully, laughing as he humors you and pretends to be affected by your push. "Start the shower, Captain, you're a mess."
"Yes, ma'am," he says with a smirk, his eyes trailing your body, lighting a fire under your skin as he does. "You gonna join me? I know you cleaned up some," he says, pulling you in by your arms, "but we could always get you a little more dirty."
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tinytennisskirt · 2 months
Good Luck Charm
Art x Gf!reader
Summary: Art has had one of the worst days in a while and reader is so far away, not being able to make it back for his tournament. After a day of inconveniences and bad luck, Art is sure of one thing and it’s that time without you isn’t something he wants to experience ever again.
Warnings: kissing, proposal moment, shorter fic, unedited from my notes app
All Art did that day was lose. And he had so many chances. And the losing started even before the games did, with a failed alarm and a faulty hotel room key. Your flight had been moved back a day and you were going to miss every game of his until the very last match of the day the way the plane schedule was set.
He was late, but he was groggy and slept badly and worst thing is he missed you. He got up and he stretched and he had his smoothie and it was all fast-paced and rushed and he felt awful.
First match was okay, he didn’t win but he chalked it up to some sort of nerves and a bad morning. The day went on, he had time to practice, but he ended up on the phone with you for half of it.
“They delayed my plane, I’m so sorry, Art,” you sighed over the phone. You weren’t even on the plane yet. “I’m so sorry.”
He knew it wasn’t your fault, he rubbed his eyes and shook his head, “It’s okay. I miss you.”
“I miss you too,” you replied. And he told you about his first game loss and you told him to keep trying, encouraging him softly. But he didn’t have any motivation left.
He moved onto his next match. It was close but he just lost by a few points and lost more at the very end for an audible obscenity. It was hard, things were harsh, you were so far.
The day went on, Art losing a scrimmage game, then another real one. He had one more game and you were supposed to be there for that one but you were stuck on some plane coming home. He almost wanted to half-ass the game, he was so discouraged. But he tried, he played, and he nearly won, but he lost. Keeping sportsmanship he shook his opponents hand. Nobody was happy. It was loss all around.
Art went to get food after and they were out of everything he could possibly want to eat, so he left. He called a taxi back to the hotel but it didn’t come for forty minutes after it said it would and the driver got lost, yet wouldn’t reimburse him for the time.
Art moped up the stairs to his hotel room on the 7th floor, the elevator had broken while he was out. His feet hurt, his shoulders and arms ached from all the tennis. He made it to his room and tossed his things aside. He showered and ordered room service, but the order than came was wrong. Art succumbed to the problems of the day and just ate it anyway. Too many problems.
He sat on the edge of his bed and rubbed his face, hair just finished drying from his shower. He sat in his big t-shirt and his loose shorts, rubbing over his mouth, under his chin, reflecting on the day. Every game lost, every match a trial and complete error. At least it wasn’t important, Art thought. Just a bunch of games for no greater purpose. But it still ruined his day.
It got later into the evening and Art just sat and stared emptily, just thinking, more thinking than he’d been able to do.
A knock on the hotel door. Art half expected another disturbance, a problem with his card, the maids coming by, any inconvenience. He sighed, getting up from the couch, running a hand through his hair as he tiredly opened the door. And it was you.
“Hey,“ and the force of which Art stepped into the hall and hugged you almost knocked the wind out of you. You dropped your bags as his arms reached around you and held you tight, your arms wrapping around his neck. One of your hands held the back of his head as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. You were expecting a hug but not like this.
You held him just as tight as he held you and he stayed that way for a minute, you in his arms and him in yours in the middle of the hotel hallway. Neither of you said a word. Art just took the moment to stay close to you, inhaling the scent he’d been away from too long, holding the girl he’d been missing for much longer. Eventually, after a minute or so, he loosened his grip, kissing you on the shoulder and neck, not sexually, but casually. Sweet.
“Are you okay?” You asked, cupping his face with one hand. His eyes were tired, sad.
“Better now,” he said, small smile pulling at one side of his mouth. God, you missed him. “You wouldn’t believe the day I’ve had.”
“Give me five minutes and you can tell me all about it?” You suggested, rubbing your thumb over his cheek and he nodded, kissing your palm gently and letting you into the room. You took the five minutes to set your bags down and have the quickest refresher shower known to man. You got out of the shower and Art, sitting on the hotel sink counter passed you one of his big shirts to sleep in. The ones he liked to sleep in. You smiled and put it on, putting your hair in a towel. You turned the lights off as you passed them, turning on the bedside lamp to dim the room to something gentler.
You crawled onto the bed, propping yourself against the pile of pillows the beds always had. You opened your arms and Art gladly followed you onto the bed, crawling over you. He kissed you, it was soft and sweet and to him, meant the world to have. He then laid down on your lower chest, arms digging under you to wrap around your waist, his body fitting perfectly between your legs. Your hand instinctually went to his soft hair, your fingernails digging softly into his scalp as he told you about his day, about the inconveniences and the game losses, what they felt like. You told him about yours and they were honestly quite similar, minus the tennis.
You sighed, letting your nails trace down over his neck, his ear, the top of his back, the other squeezing his upper arm gently. “I’m so sorry,” you said quietly.
“It’s not your fault,” Art said, his words a little muffled from his cheek pressed against you. “But I missed you. I’m glad you’re back.”
“I missed you too,” you smiled. He couldn’t see it, but he knew. “I tried to get here as soon as I could.”
His hand pulled one of yours down to your side, making it accessible to him to kiss gently up your wrist, to kiss your hand, your fingers, his thumb pressing on the pads of your palms softly. “I can’t help but think-“ he kissed your wrist again, “- That if you were there today, I would have-“ he kissed your wrist once more, “Won. Or at least done better.” He confessed.
You giggled a little, “Oh, like a good luck charm?”
“A good luck charm,” Art echoed. He hummed as your nails slid over his scalp to behind his ear. “Something like that. You might be mine.”
“I would love that,” you grinned. You continued, squeezing him just a little tighter, “I don’t have another business trip for ages so I promise to fulfill my good luck charm duties from here, forward.”
Art, eyes shut, smiled as well. “Mmm, I’d like that.” He kissed you where his mouth rested and went back to caressing your hand. “Don’t go anywhere.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it after this day we’ve both had,” you said. “Honestly I think travelling without my good luck charm is what delayed the flights.”
Art chuckled at that. “So it’s settled then.”
You grinned, “Mhm. We just never leave each others’ side again. You’re stuck with me.”
“Sounds perfect,” Art mumbled. You could feel the soft beat of his heart against you. “I wouldn’t dream of a better solution.” He raised his head, propping himself up just a little. His eyes were soft as your hand slipped to cup his cheek again, he rested against it. Your thumb, as per usual, caressed over his skin. “I love you.” He said. Words you had heard a thousand million times. But he looked at you with every single time he’d said it compiled in his eyes. You could see it, you could feel it.
You almost pouted with the way he looked. He was gorgeous and kind and he loved you and you loved him. “I love you too,” you told him, feeling about the same as he did. “So much.” You hoped he felt it, your hands pushing hair out of his face as you spoke.
He looked at you through his perfect eyelashes, “Marry me.” He said. Your hand stopped where it was and your heart immediately picked up pace.
“Hm?” you wondered if you’d heard him wrong.
But you didn’t. “Marry me,” he repeated, a small smirk growing on his face. “I’ll do things properly, but I want to ask you. Because I love you and the days that pass without you are my worst.” He said, your hand tracing his cheek. You had always felt that any talk of this with Art would bring unbridled excitement, but as much as you felt excited, you also felt at peace. That was because you knew you were meant to be with Art as if it was just willed into existence that way. Pre-written.
“I’ll marry you,” you grinned. And he grinned, fully, for what felt like the first time that day. He moved upward and kissed you with all of the ‘I love you’s on his lips this time. All of yours on your lips, exchanged like the way they were spoken, from the very first to this one in this moment. Your hands that held his face moved down as he kissed you, taking his turn to hold your face. He kissed you and you kissed him and it was set in stone that neither of you wanted to leave the other’s side. Not ever. “I love you too.” You replied.
Art proposed a second time so your family could be there, but you didn’t tell anyone about the impromptu first take, even though it was the one you truly loved more. When it wasn’t posed like a question because Art knew. And so did you. That it was meant to be that way. There was never a chance you’d say no anyway.
In enough time there were tangible good luck charms in the form of wedding bands, but you both never truly stopped being each other’s.
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lexirosewrites · 1 month
I keep trying to send you something for SS but it keeps getting reformatted and an error comes up. I'll try to send in multiple parts.
I'm sorry that this took so long to answer, but I was trying to find the best way to post your submission because all three posts came in formatted a bit wonkily and I wanted to make sure everyone could read the full story properly, so I put them all here as text in order to make it easier to follow! Hopefully that works easier than linking all three posts together💛
⬇️ NSFW steddie ficlet below
Here's a little something for Slick Sunday O!S A!E: Steve hasn't gotten off in a while. It's not for lack of desire, he's been woefully single but honestly too busy to do much about it. The issue really has been he hasn't really felt like getting off solo. The few times he's tried lately, mostly when he's in bed for the night, didn't really go anywhere. He'd take his cock in his hand, dip his fingers in his pussy for some slick as lube, determined to rub one out but after a few minutes his erection would flag and he'd just give up and go to sleep.
Until today, where he's finally horny enough that he's SURE he could get off, and he wants to SO badly. unfortunately he's currently at work and he can't go anywhere because it's a busy day, he's by himself and has to man the register.
And technically he needs to walk around and organize things but he's staying put behind the register because he's hard as rock, and his boxers are slick soaked.
He's so embarrassed and he glances at the clock willing the customers to leave. He's panicking during transactions sure they all smell his desire, and even if they can he knows it's socially impolite to point it out. He hopes his blockers are doing a good enough job he needs to switch them out soon.
Finally the store is empty and Steve is about to turn the sign so he can go on his lunch break, finally, and speed on home for a change of underwear and quick crank.
But the front door makes a little digital bells sound, indicating someone else has arrived. nononono go away GO away GO AWAY!!!!!!
Steve glances up to see it's Eddie and he's half relieved and half nervous. Relieved since it's Eddie, whom he’s been crushing on for quite a while, and nervous because he's SURE he won't be able to leave anytime soon since Eddie tends to stick around when he comes to visit Steve at work. He's sure to want Steve to walk around with him and Steve really wouldn't be able to hide behind the counter anymore.
"Hiya Steeeevie! You guys get any new worthwhile flicks?"
"Uh maybe. Check the new releases."
"Haha well yeah I'm going to, just wanted to know if you have any recommendations!"
"Nothing comes to mind, sorry."
"You're sweating, somethings up with you. You alright?"
"Fine, uh. I'm fine AC's been on the fritz. I'll go check the thermostat in the back."
"Ah that sucks. I'll go with you, see if I can tinker with the unit and get it working better!"
"There's no need. someone will come tomorrow."
"Good :Eddie sniffs the air: oh wow. it smells SO nice in here today."
"Oh uh..."
"Wait, it's. It's you. You smell great Steve, wow. I don't usually smell you."
"My uh, blockers must need to be switched out, thanks for letting me know. I'll go in the back real quick and do that" It's a plausible excuse but embarrassing enough he won't be followed.
Steve starts toward the back room determined to reapply his blocker patch and will his erection to flag before he has to face Eddie, again.
"Oh! I'll just wait out here you go replace your patch and I'll get out of your hair soon I promised Wayne a movie night."
Steve, not knowing what to say, rushes into the back.
"Go down, go down. please. Eddie's right outside"
Oh Eddie's right outside?
It's like his cock is mocking him the way it does a desperate little twitch at the thought of Eddie standing outside the door. Beautiful, Eddie with his soft doe eyes, and his cropped top, showing off the trail to what is probably a huge alpha co— Now's not the time for horny thoughts!
"Uh Steve? you alright in there? you've been in there for a little bit?"
What if Eddie was waiting outside the door and thinks he's rubbing one out in here?
Oh no! oh no!
If anything it just makes Steve gush even more.
Imagines Eddie asking if he needs a hand—
"Fine!!! I'm fine!"
But the door handle is turning, and Steve curses the lack of locks.
Steve automatically turns around to wave him off.
They meet eyes and Steve can tell the moment Eddie sees his bulge because Eddie stops short and his eyes bug a bit, and he instinctively sniffs the air around him(This is it! this is when Steve finally dies of embarrassment, he just knows it!!!)
"Oh man you're soaked. Do you have a change of clothes in the car, I could get for you?"
"I don't, l used them when we decided to go swimming last week. I'm just going to go, uh die of embarrassment be right back."
"Don't be embarrassed, you don't need to be. I shouldn't have come in without knocking. I've been there before, pent up and no way to get rid of it, l once popped a boner in the middle of a grocery store. I was terrified the staff would think I was into cauliflower. "
Steve can't help but scoff a little laugh at Eddie's nervous ramblings.
"Cauliflower huh? Would have taken you for more of a cucumber man"
"Well yeah I guess don't want to be too predictable, and that's just low hanging fruit, well, vegetable really. Uh Why am I still standing here? You're sweating so bad, you smell fantastic wow. I'm just putting my foot in my mouth here."
Steve stares at him blushing "You think I smell good?" he giddily asks.
"You smell fucking amazing. And just look at you. You're packing some serious heat there, huh? Um, not to be too forward but wouldyoulikesomehelpwiththatSteve?"
Steve nervously smiles and asks for clarification "slow down a bit. what did you say?" please be what I thought you said!!!!
Eddie gulps but steps forward into Steve's space.
Gulps and takes a deep breath through his nose, his pupils dilating. "I said, would you like some help with that,omega??"
Steve gulps and feels himself start to gush even more, slick trailing down the inside of his thighs, Eddie seems to notice the way he glances down hungrily.
"PLEASE! :Steve clears his throat: I mean. Yes! I would. I really would. Let me lock the front door."
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vanteguccir · 8 months
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       𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N discovers she is pregnant and worries about how her boyfriend, Dean, will react.
REQUESTED?: Yes, on Wattpad.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Y/N closed her eyes tightly, leaning forward over the closed toilet seat as she clenched her hands into fists around the pregnancy test, pulling a puff of air through her nose as if trying to keep herself in reality.
The woman had noticed changes in her body through last weeks, especially in her breasts that seemed larger and more sensitive than normal, which made her wonder if she was close to her period, as this is one of the symptoms of it, but her calendar showed that her period would only come 2 weeks later.
But then the week of her menstrual cycle arrived but there was no drop of blood, the pack of pads Dean had bought the week before was untouched on the counter, and then she began to worry, several possibilities swirling around her mind, but none of them were that one.
Until the day before, during a conversation between herself and Castiel, where the angel blatantly blurted out something he shouldn't have.
"...But that's all I've been able to find so far, Cass. With all the evidence and research, I think we're dealing with a different species of werewolf, but I'd rather read up a little more just to be sure." Y/N informed Castiel, pointing to the open book in front of her on the central wooden table in the bunker room.
"Uhm... Just don't overwork yourself, it won't be good for the baby." The angel responded, getting up from the chair he was sitting next to Y/N and straightening his coat.
The sound of choking echoed through the room, Y/N having choked on air at the older man's response.
"Who?" She asked, looking at him intently.
"The baby." Castiel replied as if it were obvious, his blue eyes widening seconds later. "You didn't know?" He asked slowly, swallowing hard.
"Castiel, what are you not telling me?" Y/N asked, standing up from her chair.
"Wow look at that, Dean is calling me, I have to go." And then the angel disappeared, leaving Y/N alone.
"Hey baby, how are... Y/N? What happened?" Dean entered the room seconds later, interrupting his speech halfway when he saw his girlfriend's frightened and pale face.
"Nothing." She responded quickly, leaving the room with everything behind.
Y/N spent that whole day thinking about what Castiel said, putting the pieces of the puzzle together, and the worst of all, it made sense; her body changed, her mood changed, her desires were strange and her period was late.
The woman managed, later that afternoon, to escape the bunker for a few hours and go to the nearest pharmacy, where she bought four pregnancy tests in the absence of one.
The next day, today, she took advantage of Dean and Sam's departure to investigate more about the current case to take the tests, spending long minutes staring at the closed boxes and wondering if she was ready to know the results.
Finally, working up the courage, she took two of the four tests, leaving the other two closed just in case.
Tension took over her body and she wondered how she would tell Dean if the result was positive, what direction her life would take, her life as a hunter...
Finally, 5 minutes later, she opened her tightly closed eyes, lowering her head and looking at the small screen where the result would be shown.
That night, Y/N found herself sitting on the bed in her shared room with Dean, the two tests inside a small box that she had found among the Men of Letters' mess which she held in her hands, her eyes attentive to the closed door, seeming to hold her breath.
The sound of the bunker's entrance door opening and closing seemed to wake her up, Y/N blinked her eyes quickly, shaking her head and sighing, briefly looking at the box, but her attention was taken by the door again as she heard it open.
"Hey honey." Dean smiled big when he saw his girlfriend waiting for him, placing his suitcase on the floor and closing the door, starting to take off the tie that was part of his "costume" during the interviews he did regarding the current case.
"Hi Dean." Y/N replied quietly, a tight smile settling on her features, tilting her face slightly upwards as she saw Dean move closer to kiss her.
"Um, is this for me?" The hunter asked when he saw the box in his girlfriend's hands, bringing his hand closer to take it, stopping in his action when he saw Y/N move the box out of his reach.
"Um." She cleared her throat, taking a deep breath. "Sorry... Dean, yes it's for you, and I want you to understand the seriousness of this... gift. It's very important to us." Y/N informed, finally extending the box towards the taller man, who was looking at her in confusion.
"Wow, are you asking me to marry you?" Dean joked, taking the box gently and sitting next to his girlfriend, pulling on the makeshift navy blue bow and carefully removing the lid.
His hand that was holding the lid stopped in the air, his body tensing in seconds as his mind seemed to stumble on thoughts, green eyes almost popping out.
"Dean?" Y/N called nervously, her hands were shaking and her heart was beating like crazy, fear was settling in her body and questions were running through her head, the last thing she wanted was to lose Dean, but she wouldn't know how to act if he didn't want the baby.
"A-are you... There's a..." Dean stumbled over his words, never before feeling as nervous as he did in that moment. "Are we going to be parents?" He finally asked, putting the lid and box aside and taking the two tests in his hand, alternating his gaze between them and Y/N.
"Yes Dean, I'm pregnant." Y/N responded, smiling in relief when Dean laughed loudly with joy, pulling her into a long kiss full of smiles.
Y/N laughed as Dean laid her on the bed, lowering himself a little over his girlfriend's body and lifting his own shirt that covered half of her smaller body, looking enchanted at his girl's belly, still not completely believing it.
Dean never exactly imagined himself having his own family, having grown up in a completely unstructured one, his biggest fear was that he wouldn't be a good partner, much less a good father. But after he met Y/N and his heart was completely encircled by the woman, all he wanted most was to be with her forever, only seeing her with him when he thought about the future.
He knew that he wanted a family with her.
Dean took a deep breath, turning his head to the side, his eyes carefully analyzing Y/N's face, her eyes practically closed and directed towards the ceiling, feeling extremely relaxed with her head lying on the man's shoulder, listening to his heartbeat, and that's how she realized something was wrong, the sound of the heartbeat becoming louder and faster than seconds before.
"Baby? Is everything okay? Your heart..." Y/N raised her head, now more attentive and awake than before, her eyes focusing on his, feeling her own heart heavy with the confusion of emotions installed in the green pool's.
"What if I can't protect him? What if... What if all our enemies-" He swallowed hard, shaking his head. "You will be vulnerable in these 9 months, what if you can't protect yourself like before? What if I'm not with you at all times and something catches you? The demons, Lucifer, even God... We have so many enemies spread across the world, I can't even imagine the danger he would be in just by breathing." Dean spoke as his eyes darted around the room, trying to find something that would make him think rationally.
"Hey, breathe baby." Y/N sat up straight on the bed, bringing her hands to Dean's cheeks and pulling his face so he was looking back at her. "Are you with me?" She asked, following his eyes until he looked back, nodding. "Dean, we won't always be there for him, we will raise our baby for the world and not for ourselves, the last thing I want is to keep him with us, that would be selfish of us. We will protect him throughout his life, and I guarantee you that we will do a great job at that, you know why? Because you are an incredible man and you care, the way you take care of Sam and practically raised him alone says that in itself. Yes, we have many enemies, more than I will ever be able to count, but we will learn together how to deal with this having this new addition in our lives, and I'm sure you'll get it right."
Dean sucked in air through his nose, his eyes filling with tears as a smile spread across his face, approaching and planting a lingering kiss on the lips that he already knew by heart and would never get tired of tasting.
"What would I do without you?" He whispered against Y/N's mouth, feeling her lips move into a smile.
"I don't know, but you would definitely be lost."
And at that moment Dean knew that the two of them would make it work, and in the near future they would have their complete family.
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luvrrszn · 3 months
summary in which sirius black leaves you with a letter
warnings angst, bad writing, um idk!, spelling and grammar errors probably hehehhe i'm writing this in the dark my eyes r a little blurry whoopsies
a/n took songspo (song inspo? idk!) from Godspeed by FRUNK OSHENNN; sirius and you are both in your twenties! u guys r married already but let's skip right over any possible plot holes please n thank u
I will always love you How I do Let go of a prayer for you Just a sweet word The table is prepared for you
When you wake up in the morning, you can't seem to find Sirius in his usual spot next to you. You assume he's probably just getting washed up, or making a pot of tea for when you woke up.
You pull yourself out of bed, heading to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face before heading downstairs. You expect to hear the whistling of the kettle, or maybe a little ding from the bread toaster, but you were met with silence. Brushing it off, you continued making your way down the stairs.
However, when you reach the kitchen and still have no sight of Sirius, you feel something off. Never has there been a day where he hasn't been all over you within five minutes of you waking up.
You start thinking the worst.
What if he left you? For good?
Your heart sinks when you see a folded piece of parchment on the kitchen island. Next to it is his wedding band.
You try to keep it together as you reach for the letter, your hands trembling. Steadying yourself with a deep breath, you unfold the parchment.
Wishing you godspeed, glory There will be mountains you won't move
"My dearest bug,
I love you. Please do not think that my leaving was because of you.
Well, it was, but not for the reasons you think.
I need to leave in order to keep you safe, my love. They are looking for me, and I cannot take the risk of them finding you when they come for me.
There are no words to express how sorry I am for leaving you like this. I do not expect you to forgive me, I do not expect you to forget what I have done.
I just hope that you know that I love you. With all my heart and my soul.
I love you, my dove.
Forever yours,
Still, I'll always be there for you How I do
You look at the picture of Sirius on the mantle of the fireplace. It's your favourite picture of him, in which he's holding a bouquet of flowers. Flowers he gave you on the night of your first anniversary.
You notice a new picture next to it. Your heart stings a little as you stare at the picture. Sirius is blowing a kiss at you.
You kiss your fingers, and press it to the picture frame.
I let go of my claim on you, it's a free world You look down on where you came from sometimes
Slowly, you get used to life without Sirius.
You get used to buying groceries for one.
You get used to cooking for one.
You get used to not having to sort through socks to separate yours from his.
You get used to not having to complain about the toilet seat being up.
You get used to the loneliness.
But you'll have this place to call home, always
But you keep all his things.
His clothes keep their place.
His shoes remain by the front door.
HIs unopened mail rest on the coffee table.
His favourite crisps go stale in a cupboard.
You wear his wedding band on a chain around your neck.
You never, ever forget him.
This love will keep us through blinding of the eyes (oh) Silence in the ears, darkness of the mind (until it's time) This love will keep us through blinding of the eyes (oh, oh-oh) Silence in the ears, darkness of the mind (oh, oh-oh, oh) This love will keep us through blinding of the eyes (oh, until it's time we die) Silence in the ears, darkness of the mind
On the hard days, the only thing getting you by is hope.
Hope that he'll come back.
Hope that he'll walk right through the front doors and say that the two of you are free.
Hope that he'll come back and wrap you in his arms and never let go.
But that is all it is.
Hmm-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh I'll always love you until the time we die Oh-oh, hmm
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drthighs · 2 years
"is it?" d.r
wedding!daniel ricciardo x reader
attending to a wedding alone was not on your plan, but the guy in dark green tuxedo made it all more fun
wordcount: 2.4k
warnings: kinda cheating trope
A/N: this fic is based on the movie "the worst person in the world", it took me so long to finish it and im still not satisfied with the result but i wanted you guys to read it! also it is inspired by @mignonricciardo, @vroomvroommbtch, @silverstonesainz and @monzamash amazing writings. i hope you enjoy it <3 english is not my first language.
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weddings were one of your favorite plans, celebrating other people's love while  dancing, eating and having some drinks was always fun. you enjoyed everything, looking for dresses, getting your makeup done and all it took. but this time was different and it wasn't as exciting as other times. your boyfriend was on a family trip so would have to attend alone to a place where you didn't know anyone but the bride and the groom. they were good friends of yours, jack was your coworker and after a year you had bonded so well with him and his fiancé, you went on double dates and had a blast every time it was the four of you, but a couple of months ago your relationship with your boyfriend started to collapse, leading to fights almost everyday for any reason so when he told you that he wasn't coming to the wedding you felt some relief, you wouldn't have to be pretending the whole ceremony, but it was a whole new experience, out of your comfort zone. 
the ceremony was beautiful and you arrived just in time so the other guests wouldn't see that you were alone and it was a good idea because you didn't have to talk to anyone, stayed quiet and didn't miss any detail. the bridal veil, the rings, the vows and the kiss, it looked like a perfect movie scene with the sunset behind them and all their families and friends. 
the party was another story, the part when everybody started to socialize was about to start so before facing all that you went straight to the bar and asked for a martini, knowing that it’ll give you the confidence that you were lacking to confront the night. 
you were looking for a gloss in your purse when you heard “sorry to bother but do you know where the bathroom is?” looked up and saw a guy in front of you, trying his best to go unnoticed but it was kind of a hard mission since he was the only one wearing a cap, a lilac hoodie, black sweatpants and vans plus a backpack on his right shoulder and a hanger covered with a bag on his left hand. 
“i think it is that way” you said while pointing to your right and drank the coctel. he thanked you and walked to the signed direction.
The hall was beautiful, it was very nicely decorated with fairy lights on the ceiling and the tables decorated with a flower vase with garden roses, lisianthus and eucalyptus and the number three on top indicating the number of the table, the tableware tidy and some lighted candles. 
after finishing your drink you went to your table. there were four people sitting and chatting when you stepped forward, greeted and sat two chairs away from them, wanting to be far away from the conversation and avoiding any type of questions. in matter of time another two couples seated on the left chairs leaving an empty one beside you, at first you thought that they must forgot that your boyfriend wasn’t coming but when you were looking for someone to tell them about the error but suddenly the guy from before was taking a seat next to you, now dressed in a dark green tuxedo, his curls wet and the same pair of black vans that he was wearing before, you smiled at that, a couple of minutes ago you had thought that he was part of the staff but now he was sitting in the same table as you, looking so different. 
he cleared his throat and lean closer to you “i hope not everyone notices that i'm wearing vans on a elegant dress code wedding”
you smiled at him. now under more lights you could see how handsome he was, his eyes were big and brown, but not dark and had long eyelashes, dimples on his cheeks, a couple of days beard and mustache. but his nose was what made his face so unique and attractive. His hair was also a great factor, shorter at the sides and long brown curls on top. you were kind of amazed by him. 
“i think that gives the touch to your outfit” said quietly so the others couldn't hear.  he laughed and was about to say something else when the music started making you look at the entrance. 
after the bride and the groom danced the vals, the first course came in and while eating the man next to you poured you some wine and started to talk with him. Now being more relaxed about being alone you opened up to him a little. “wait, you weren't  supposed to be here alone tonight?” he asked, you shook your head and swallowed the food, he raised his eyebrows and swallowed the liquid in his mouth “and why is there only you here?” “my boyfriend is away on a family trip so i had no choice other than come alone and make friends here” he smiled and you sipped from your glass “well, if it makes you feel better i'm kind of in a similar situation” he pricked the food with his fork “because of my job i travel a lot so it was a coincidence that i was here for a little of time and  the plane tickets were sold out so my girlfriend couldn't come”. 
later that night you found yourself  so fonded at the man beside you, he wasn't only good looking but he was so funny, anything that you'd say he would find a way to turn it into something unexpected and funny. 
don't really know how you ended up taking a masterclass of wine with him while everyone else was dancing, but by now you had learned that he had released a couple of wines and was a good taster, so you followed all the steps he explained to you, the right way to open a bottle, how to serve it, how to drink it, what to taste and his favorite part how to swirl the glass. “how do i look?” you said as you moved your glass on the table “good, you're fast learner” he said now taking a sip of his own “well thanks, but i think i like the part when we drink it more” he raised the glass in a way of agreeing with you. 
the tension between you started growing. for you it was the way that his adams apple kept moving as he explained things to you and how his lips would turn into a smile showing perfect teeth and his dimples on his cheeks. maybe the alcohol was having an effect on you. and you could say it was mutual, because you didn't miss how he had checked you out and he smiled proud of his jokes every time you laughed
after the wine glasses and talks he was now your best friend. now seated in bar stools , looking for new cocktails to try and playing a new game he had teached you. 
throwing assumptions and judging the people by their movements and looks 
 “i think she works in a pet shop store” you said serious “no she doesn't” he said frowning , “of course she does, look at her hair, she's has those tiny ponytails that they do on sharpays” and he laughed so hard that some people around you turned to you making you giggle. 
“its your turn now” you said looking at him, the still stranger was looking for a new prey. now while he was concentrated you took a look at him, with the color lights from the dance floor reflecting on his face and his hands scratching his beard concentrated watching how the guests danced at the djs music, he looked beautiful, and now you knew that it was the alcohol effect mixed with you falling out of love with your boyfriend. 
while looking at him you reached your hand to grab the cup but unintentionally dropped it making a mess on the high table, your legs were covered in sticky vodka, tonic water and red berries. the cold made you gasp and he turned fast to look at you and helped you by grabbing some tissues and putting them in your thighs, looking down at the liquid running thru your legs you couldn't help but stop wiping the table and look at his hands on your skin, his hands were big and his fingers long,  had a little 3 on his little finger, and was wearing a horse shoe ring on his index. the feeling of his touch on your inner thighs and the amount of alcohol that you had drank made you laugh, he raised his head and looked at you confused with a smile on his lips “i think i should go to the bathroom”, “yeah sure, i'll go with you i have to wash my hands” he said not before grabbing the beer bottle and walking behind you.
the bathroom was occupied so you were in a narrow hallway waiting for your turn to go in. standing before him and close to his body, face to face. 
the music was low making everything more intimate and you wanted to check if he was actually on the same page as you, “nothing’s going to happen” he shook his head “no, of course not”. “i’m in love with someone” you said, looking into his eyes. “me too” he agreed and continued “and i cant stand cheating. i’ve been there. never again” you nodded “right. cheating is…” “no good” he followed.
less than a meter between you and you asked “but where do you draw the line?” he smiled and shook his head before answering seriously “you can feel it”. “if i do this…” you got closer to him and took the bottle from his hands taking a sip in front of him while he looked straight into you “is that cheating?” you returned it to his hands and he held it “no” he said now drumming the glass of the bottle with his fingers, you stood there “what about this?” he got closer, making you lean on the wall behind you still looking into his eyes with your hands on your back. your faces inches away, you held your look into his eyes “no, that's permissible” you said smiling “is it?” he asked now as he raised his right hand to caress your bare shoulder. you weren't expecting it so you stood straight and he parted. 
you were playing with fire now.
you were still looking at his eyes when the door opened and a girl walked out of the bathroom. you make a few steps when you hear him behind you “is it cheating if i go inside with you” you laughed and held the door open for him to come inside, he left the bottle of beer on the counter and turned to look at you as you pulled down your panties and sat on the wc “there's nothing sexual about this” he said still looking at you, “not at all, is just a little awkward” you said now taking your hands to your face and trying to contain the laugh. he doesn't even try and suddenly your laughs are bouncing off the walls. 
you were both now on the dance floor, dancing to some old hits. he had great moves, not the best ones that you've seen but not the worst ones either. 
you raised your arms to the ceiling while singing when you felt his hands on your waist, getting you closer to him “is this still cheating?” he said closer to your ear so you could hear. “i dont think so” you rounded his neck with your arms “is this?” you whispered and he shook his head making you smile and swing with him and you stayed there with your head laying on his shoulder. 
the bride had dragged you to the dance floor, gathering all the ladies for the bouquet toss and while everyone else was on the first row, fighting for the best place to catch the flowers you stood on the back looking at the man in green in a green tuxedo, you were shrugging your shoulders miming at him “i'm not ready for this” when the bouquet fall right in front of your heels and the bride went straight into your arms hugging you so hard. He started clapping and you could only hear his laugh louder than the music
“congratulations, you're the next to walk down the aisle” the man said walking by your side in the backyard under the moonlight. “im sure im going to be the last one between everyone else” he put his hands on his pockets, you hugged your arms because of the cold weather and took a seat on the wooden bench leaving the flowers on your lap “you never know” you smiled and looked at the white flowers when he took the bouquet and started to cut some tiny flowers and putting them on your hair, you turned to him, now sitting in front of each other closely, you cut one and put it on top of his right ear. “the purple matches your eyes” you caressed his soft curls and he put one of his hands on your thighs while looking at you. “i think you're so cute with this crown made of flowers” he led his hand to your cheek and got closer to you, making you feel the warm breath at the corner of your lips but the sudden noise of some drunk guys made you part, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth.
after saying goodbye to jack and his now wife you were both walking on the street side by side in silence, but it wasn't awkward it felt natural to you. once on the street corner he said “i'm going this way” pointing to his right and stopping his steps “okay” you said in front of him, but not moving anywhere, not wanting to leave him “what's your name?” he bit his tongue “y/n” you left out and he nodded “im daniel. daniel…” “dont say it” you shook your head “why not?” he said confused “ill find you in social media and…” “good thinking” he kept his eyes on you “okay” he smiled “bye” you said. “bye” he replied, turning around and taking a few steps but then stopped and looked at you again. “we didn't cheat” he said loudly “no” you were walking to the left“not at all” he was crossing the street “no” shook his head “bye” you said before walking slowly to your car, leaving daniel behind.
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winchesterwild78 · 2 months
Montana part 6
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Characters: Beau Arlen x Reader, Jenny Hoyt x Reader (cousins) 
Warnings: Language, DV, weapons, violence.
Trigger Warning: Gun violence
Minors DNI 18+
A/N: This chapter has gun violence in it. Please do not read it if it triggers you. There is also a time jump in the chapter. 😃Doesn’t follow the Big Sky story but has some characters. 
This is a work of fiction. All work is my own, don’t take it. 
I edited it quickly, Please overlook any errors. Thanks. 😊 
The evening with Beau and Jenny was pretty uneventful. You sat near Beau, but still kept your distance. You felt horrible. Here you two had just spent an amazing night together and in a matter of hours that connection was torn. As the night wore on Jenny decided to head to bed. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, Beau. Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?” You nodded and followed her to her room. 
“Hey, I don’t know what happened between you and Beau, but that man has it bad for you. Please don’t push him away.” “Jenny, I’m trying not to. We slept together last night. It wasn't planned, it just happened but it was amazing. I think I’m falling for him and that scares me.
She wrapped her arms around you. “I know it does, but if there is one thing I’m sure of, it’s that Beau Arlen is one of the best men I know. He is fiercely protective and loves just as hard. You’ll be safe with him, your heart will be safe with him. I know I gave you guys crap, but I see now I shouldn’t stand in your way. I love you, Y/N. Now go talk to him.
She gave you another hug and you both said goodnight. You walked into the living room where Beau was sitting, waiting on the couch. He saw you and stood up, offering you a soft smile. Walking up to Beau, you threw your arms around him and kissed him deeply. He froze for a second not knowing what to do. Then his hands slowly went up your arms and around you. Pulling you flush with his body. 
“Beau, I’m sorry I was pushing you away. I know you’re not David.” “Oh darlin, you have nothing to be sorry for. Your reaction is perfectly normal. I lo..” He stopped and looked at you. He couldn't finish his thought. He pulled you close “Come here baby.” He kissed you again. You moaned into his kiss. “Well darlin, I better get going. I’ll be back early to take you to work tomorrow.” 
“Beau, I’d like it if you stayed the night again. I just don’t want to be alone. That is, if you want to.” “Sure, I’ll stay. I need to run home and grab some clothes but I can be back in less than half an hour. You kissed him again and shook your head. “Hey, Y/N, I’ll be back really soon, I promise. You lock this door and don’t open it for anyone until I get back.” “Okay, Beau. Oh and Beau, I love you.” Your heart beat wildly in your chest. You knew he was going to say it earlier, and after what happened today you couldn’t let another second go without you telling him. 
He walked back over to you, took you in his arms and kissed you passionately. When he pulled away his eyes were filled with so much love. “I love you too, Y/N.” You smiled and nodded. “Now go so you can get back here quickly.” You two kissed quickly and Beau got in his truck and left. 
Once back inside you locked the door. Walking back to your room you were smiling and thinking about Beau. You couldn’t believe how fast you fell for him. You grabbed some clean panties, and your pajamas and jumped in the shower. 
The hot water covered your body like a warm blanket. Thick steam filled the bathroom as you washed away every bit of the day. Once you were done, you turned off the shower, grabbed your towel and stepped out. You dried off and slipped into your clothes. Wrapping a towel around your damp hair, you stepped into your room. 
You heard heavy steps in the hallway. You looked at your phone. Beau had only been gone about 15 minutes, surely he wasn’t back that quickly. Then you heard a voice that made your blood run cold. “Hey sweetheart, I know you’re in there. Why don’t you come out here so we can talk about what a bad girl you’ve been.” You froze. It was David, but how? How did he get out of jail?
You looked at your phone and saw missed calls from Beau and a text.
Beau: Baby, David escaped. I don’t know how, but he did. I’m on my way back to you. Pop is in enroute.
Your breath hitched. “Come out or I’ll kill Jenny!” He growled. You opened your nightstand and took out the gun Jenny insisted you keep with you. You tucked it in your pocket. Slowly you opened your bedroom door. David was there with Jenny at gunpoint. “Please don’t hurt her. I’ll go with you. Just let Jenny go.” David’s lip curled in a wicked grin. “No, I don’t think I will. She’s kept you from me and she is the reason you’re fucking the sheriff. Don’t think I didn’t know that. I saw how he looked at you. Fucking pathetic. He can’t love you like I can.” 
“David, let her go, now!” You yelled. David let go of Jenny and slapped you across the face. Jenny gasped. You turned back and faced him. “David, don’t ever fucking touch me again. Get the hell out or else.” He scoffed “Or else what? You’re not going to do shit.” 
You pulled the gun from your pocket. He sneered “Ha! You’re not going to shoot me you pathetic bitch!” David pointed his gun at you. You kept yours aimed at him. “David, this is your last chance. Leave or I’ll fucking shoot you!” David lunged at you and as he landed on top of you, both guns went off. Blood slowly ran on the ground. Jenny screamed and as Beau got out of his truck he heard the gunshots and ran towards the house. 
Jenny ran over and neither you nor David were moving. “Y/N!!!” She screamed. Beau came running in with his gun drawn. “David had a gun and so did she. They both shot. I don’t know who got hit. There’s so much blood.” Jenny yelled to Beau. 
Beau ran over and pulled David off of you. Your shirt was covered in blood. When they rolled David over, they noticed a single gunshot wound to his chest. He was dead. After they removed David, Beau gently lifted you up. Your eyes slowly opened. When David landed on you, you hit your head. Knocking you out for a second. When his gun went off it hit the floor inches from your arm. Beau and Jenny grabbed you and held you. 
You looked over and saw David, dead. You started sobbing. “Shh, it’s okay darlin. It’s over. You’re safe.” Beau assured you. “I…I…killed him.” You sobbed. “It’s okay baby. He was going to kill Jenny or you.” “I…I..can’t believe I shot him.” You sat stunned. 
A few hours later, all the statements were taken, you were cleared of any fault, and the house was cleaned up. You decided to take another shower to get the blood off of you. You climbed in the shower and collapsed to the ground. Pulling your knees to your chest, you sat on the shower floor and sobbed. You killed David. This nightmare was finally over. You were finally safe. Jenny and Beau would be safe. 
Beau and Jenny heard you crying. “Should you go check on her, Jenny?” Beau questioned. “No, I think she needs you, Arlen. Go check on our girl.” She smiled and touched his shoulder. Beau got up and walked into your room. He gently knocked on the bathroom door. “Darlin, can I come in?” “Yes” you whispered loud enough for him to hear. You opened the curtain a little bit and Beau saw you on the floor. “Oh baby, come here.” He turned off the water and wrapped a towel around you holding you close to him. 
He kissed your head. “It’s okay baby. I know. It’s never easy to take a life. Regardless of how evil a person is, it’s always hard. Just know you saved yours and Jenny’s life tonight. What you did was very brave. I love you baby so much.” You sniffled “I love you too Beau.” You dried off and put on clean clothes. 
Jenny came in to tell you goodnight and hug you. “Thank you, Y/N/N for saving my life. I love you!” “I love you too, Jenny bean. I’m glad I was able to protect you. Goodnight.” She hugged you and then Beau and left the room. 
“Come on baby, let’s get you in bed.” Beau pulled the covers back and you crawled in. “I’ll be right back.” Beau left to lock up, and turn off all the lights. When he got back, he kicked off his shoes, and stripped to his boxers. You sleepily smiled at him. When Beau got in bed he pulled you close to him and kissed your forehead. “I’ve got you baby. You’re safe. Get some sleep. I’ll be right here when you wake up.” You sighed contently and drifted off to sleep. 
The next morning you woke up to warm, strong arms wrapped around you. Beau was sleeping soundly beside you. As you started to get up you felt his strong arms wrap tighter. You smiled. “Beau, I need to get up and get ready for work.” “Ugh! I don’t want to get up and I don’t want you to get up either. I’ll call Ms Suzan and tell her you can’t come in today and since I’m the Sheriff I can just tell myself.” You both laughed. “Beau, I appreciate that, but I need to go to work. Ms Suzan is counting on me.” You leaned over and kissed his lips softly.
You showered, got dressed, and went to the kitchen. Beau was just stepping out of the room, hair still a little damp from the shower. You bit your lip looking at his toned chest under his shirt. His biceps bulged out of the sleeves and you had to clench your thighs together. Beau smirked and walked up to you, wrapping his arms around you. “Like what you see, darlin?” He whispered in your ear. You shook your head yes, not trusting your voice. 
He moved away, “well, guess we should go to work.” He laughed. You turned your head and glared at him. “You think you’re funny don’t you, Sheriff?” He smirked, “I think I’m adorable.” You playfully rolled your eyes. He threw his arm around your shoulder “Come on baby, let’s get you to work.” 
*time jump about a year*
The past year has been a whirlwind. No charges were brought against you for shooting David, and your relationship with Beau was getting stronger. You both love each other deeply. His daughter, Emily is so sweet and is supportive of your relationship. She’s even started working at the coffee shop a few afternoons to help out. 
You moved into your own place, a small, 3 bedroom house not too far from Beau. The two of you spent nights together often. You wanted him to move in with you, but you weren’t sure how he’d feel about it, or if it was moving too fast. The house was small, but a great size for a small family. Emily would have her own room, and there was an extra room. 
“Beau, where are you taking me?” You asked as you slid on your sandals. “You’ll see” he smirked as he leaned against the doorframe. “Am I underdressed, or overdressed?” You fidgeted nervously. Beau crossed the room and wrapped his arms around you, “You’re perfect. Absolutely stunning.” He kissed your cheek and you blushed.  
You walked on the porch and felt the warm sun of the gorgeous Spring day hug your skin. You wore a sundress and a light sweater, and your favorite sandals. You had no idea where Beau was taking you so you didn’t want to just wear jeans and a t-shirt. He was dressed in jeans that hugged his bow legs, and a buttoned shirt that clung to him in all the right places. 
Beau pulled the truck over after a few minutes. “Okay baby, I need to put this on you.” Beau said, lifting up a blindfold. You bit your lip, smiled and nodded. Beau placed the blindfold on you gently, and continued driving. You felt the truck stop and Beau got out. Your heart beating wildly in your chest. A mixture of anxiety and excitement filled your body. Beau opened your door and took your hand. “Come on darlin’, let me help you out.” His touch sent a chill through your body. Your body trembled with anticipation. 
“Where are we, Beau?” You asked, trying to steady your breath. “Just a few more minutes.” Beau said as he guided you to wherever he was taking you. Then he stopped. “Okay, baby, you can take it off now.” You removed the blindfold and you were standing next to a beautiful picnic set up in the exact spot Beau took you to over a year ago. He had it set up beautifully and it took your breath away. When you turned to look at Beau you gasped. 
Beau was down on one knee. You turned, facing him with tears in your eyes. Your heart beating so fast it pounded in your ears. He took your hands. “Y/N, you came into my life over a year ago and I knew I was in love with you from the moment I saw you. You’re kind, generous, love with every fiber of your being, and fiercely protective. We’ve shared some amazing moments and some hard moments together, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love you so much. Would you do me the distinct honor of becoming my wife?” Beau produced a gorgeous three stone diamond ring on a rose gold band. “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!” You cried out. Beau stood, placed the ring on your finger and hugged you. 
You cried and heard applause and cheers. You turned and saw Jenny, Pop, Emily, Suzan and Rick standing there clapping. Beau had everyone there that meant something to the two of you. It was perfect. Hugs and congratulations were exchanged and Beau took you in his arms. “I love you so much, and I can’t wait to call you my wife.” “I love you too, Beau, and I can’t wait to call you my husband. Now, maybe we can talk about you moving in with me.” You smiled, and he nodded. This past year turned from such a nightmare to a dream come true. You loved Beau deeply and couldn’t wait to marry him. 
Tags: @nescaveckdaily  @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter
@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl
@hobby27 @manicjk @stoneyggirl2 @1-read-the-hobbit-in-1937 
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luvneymar · 2 years
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SUMMARY: You and your best friend have been in-love with each other since forever, one day you both get drunk and you end up pregnant
PARING: teen!neymar x teen!reader
NOTE: I changed the ages so Davi could be younger & this was posted pretty late so if there’s any spelling errors or anything pls lemme know! 🫶
“You’re almost there baby-girl! Keep pushing.” Your mother sent words of encouragement as you squeezed the life out of her’s & Neymar’s hands, you were pushing out a baby with a head the size of the moon.
“I can’t! He can just stay in my uterus! It’s safer & it’s better for everyone!” You shook your head side to side curling your toes as you were in so much pain & discomfort you were sure you’d explode.
“Also I’m pretty sure I pooped on the midwife’s hand, so sorry.” You shouted out really fast before returning to screaming in pain & squeezing your boyfriend’s hand as hard as you could.
“It’s okay baby, you can do this. I believe in you!” Neymar sent encouraging words your way which just annoyed him, you didn’t have a huge head when you were a baby so this definitely had to be the genetics of none other than Neymar.
“You shut up! Just shut up! Who asked you to develop such a huge head? Now my vagina is going to rip into one huge whole because of you!” As you cursed him out you hadn’t even notice you had been slightly pushing the whole time which finally remove your large headed baby from your vagina.
You suddenly didn’t feel as much pain as you felt a few seconds ago which confused you until you felt pressure on your chest as you heard a crying baby lay on your chest. “Baby you did it.” Neymar whispered as he wiped the excess sweat off your forehead as you cradled your crying son.
“He’s so beautiful.” You cried out as you took in the fact that not only you survived the attack on your vagina but you were now a mother; to a huge headed baby. Neymar kissed you on the cheek as you both obsessed over your newborn son. “Alright mama, we’ve gotta clean him up. You did great.”
As your OB took your son out of the room to do whatever medical stuff they needed to do for him Neymar wrapped his hands around you pulling you in for a hug as you cried taking in what just happened.
That was 4 years ago, within those 4 years you became a well respected actress while Neymar continued to chase after his football career & had become a hotshot football player. You both had your ups & downs but you both had made it work.
You had just finished shooting the film “Avengers; Infinity War” & were preparing to attend the premiere, or at-least trying too. Davi kept throwing a tantrum about how he didn’t want to wear this, he was hungry, he was tired all the typical 4 year old problems.
Fortunately the help of your husband who your son practically worshipped you all managed to get dressed without too much of a hitch. “Davi baby are you ready to go?”
“Yes!” Your son smiled up at you as he offered you a soggy warm cracker he had been holding in his palm for the past few minutes. You took the cracker & tucked it into your purse before picking up your son. “Let’s go baby, your daddy is waiting in the car.”
Once you both arrived to where the car was parked & settled in the driver at the front had begun to drive you leaned into your husband giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for coming with me.”
“Don’t thank me baby, I always want to celebrate your success.” Neymar replied as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder pulling you in as he kissed your forehead, you smiled at his action as you leaned into his chest.
You closed your eyes as you listening to his heartbeat not aware that you fallen asleep in that exact position until your soon who was sitting beside you had nudged you in your side. “Mommy we’re here.” He whispered in your ear .
“Thank you for waking me up baby.” As you got up you wiped the crumbs that were decorated all across your sons face as well as checking your face for any smudges or marks. “Ney baby we’re ready.”
“Alright.” He answered as he opened the door revealing multiple cameras flashes & screaming people, you picked up your son from his armpit and mad your way out of the car shielding his eyes from the blinding lights.
As you all made your way down the red carpet and onto the photo booth area you were met with multiple reporters waiting to interview different actors & actresses about any topic they could conjure up.
As Neymar was pulled away by other reporters you made your way to the entrance of the building barely making it before being pulled away by a reporter with exceptionally bright teeth. “Hi there (Name)! I can see here you brought your son to the premiere!”
“Yes I did. He’s super excited to be here. He wants to meet Thor.” You answered smiling at your son who was completely oblivious to what was going on as he stared into the camera that was recording his mother.
“Thor?” The moment you mentioned Thor he begun to look around trying to find his favourite superhero thinking he was around him.
“Yes Thor honey.” You smiled at him pulling at his soft cheek as he continued to snack on his crackers getting crumbs on your dress, not that you minded of course.
“Such a cute child, (Name) you played the role of the Scarlet Witch correct?” The reporter smiled at Davi before turning to face you something weird hiding behind her smile.
“Yes I did. Is there a question in there?” You asked not paying any attention to the reporter as you son begun to fuss feeling overwhelmed by all the noises. “Yes, how did the casting for the role go?”
“Actually I didn’t go through a casting process, I was personally asked to play the role.” You answered turning to smile at the reporter quickly before turning back to your son feeding him more snacks to keep him calm.
“Really? So in your opinion—” Just as the reporter was going to say something Neymar had come out of nowhere interrupting them.
“My love, there you are.” Neymar kissed yours & Davi’s cheek as he wrapped his hand around your waist other hand used to wipe crumbs from his sons face.
“Neymar! Would you like to—!” The reporters face perks up seeing Neymar enter your interview. “I am so sorry but we have to get going, the premier is about to start & my son is getting cranky.”
“But I still—”
“Thank you so much for your time.” You thanked the reporter before walking away silently thanking God for Neymar’s timing, it wasn’t a secret that multiple people assumed you only had your success because your husband was a famous footballer.
You never felt the need to correct them simply because you have proven yourself side the beginning of your career & you still continue to by snagging large roles in movies like these ones.
“Thank you I knew she was going to ask the most foolish question on earth.” You kissed your husband on his cheek as you let your son down letting him walk his own. Neymar laughed at your statement before shuffling his son towards his seat in the dark building.
As you all say in your seats waiting for the movie to begin your co-worker; Christ Hemsworth shuffled past you trying to get to his seat which was right beside you. “Hey Chris!” You whisper shouted using Davi’s hand to wave.
“(Name)! Hey! You brought your family!” He whispered back as he exchanged in a manly fist bump with Neymar who sat right beside you, as you both exchanged pleasantries you were interrupted by your son who sat in your lap staring at your co-worker in awe.
“Are you Thor? The superhero?” He asked staring up at him with his big brown eyes as he gripped Chris’s suit jacket getting some crumbs on it. “Why yes I am little man!”
“Really?” Davi squealed out smiling brightly excited to meet his favourite superhero, you laughed at his reaction knowing all the times you had to rematch marvel movies because he wanted to see Thor.
“Really!” Chris replied, as soon as he did Davi begun to fuss trying to leave your lap wanting to spend time with his favourite superhero instead, you complied knowing it would allow you to spend more time with your husband who was snacking on his peanuts.
“Are you okay with this?” You asked him not sure if he felt used or as if you were dumping your child into him for a free night out. “Are you kidding? Me & him are gonna have a blast. Don’t worry about him.”
“Thanks Chris, I owe you one.” Hearing that reassured you as you heard your sons voice fade into the background you turned to your husband. “As for you mister.”
“Finally some attention from my wife, seems like everyone needs her attention.” He peeled his eyes from the screen and onto you placing his peanuts into your purse. “Not anymore, we are all alone.”
Hearing that was like music to his ears, you both loved your son but ever since he was born your guys hadn’t been as intimate as you could’ve been if you had waited to have him.
“Isn’t Davi beside you?” Neymar leaned over checking the seat beside you. “Nope, Chris took him down a row or two to be closer to the screen.” You explained as you pulled your husband in for a quick kiss.
“So do you wanna find a bathroom?” He asked preparing to get up as he loosened his tie looking around to see if anyone or cameras were on them. “No! We’re watching the movie!”
You slapped his shoulder laughing quietly as you realized that the movie had just begun, you both turned to face the screen as you intertwine fingers holding hands.
Once the lights turned on the movie had needed you stood up almost stumbling over as your leg had fell asleep, Neymar had shot up to catch you stopping you from falling onto the person in-front of you. “Careful.”
“Thanks baby.” You pulled him in holding his cheek as you kissed both of them before going to find your son Neymar not that far behind you. Once you arrived to Chris’s row you had noticed that he had fell asleep in his arms.
“When he fell asleep you should’ve brought him back to me, thank you so much Chris.” Neymar bent down to pick up Davi from Chris’s arms who stood up to stretch the moment his child duty as relived.“My pleasure, you guys have such a funny kid. Stay safe guys.”
Once Chris begun walking away you shook your son awake slightly as you walked right behind him going to the same exit. “You wanna say bye to Thor sweetie?”
“Bye bye!” Davi yelled out waving his hand back and forth at Chris as he turned around and waved goodbye smiling before pushing the exit door open holding it open for Neymar to take, as Neymar held the door open you conversed with your son. “Did you enjoy the movie?”
“Yes! Mommy can we watch it again at home?”
“Oh boy.” You sighed chuckling at what was about to go down once again.“It hasn’t come out on TV yet baby.” You replied shortly hoping it’d end his constant train of questioning.
“But Mommy can act it out for us! Did you see Mommy on the screen?” Neymar interrupted igniting the fire of Davi’s obsession with Marvel, you wanted to twist his lips off knowing every time you watched the marble series as a family he’d fall asleep.
“Yeah, Mommy can you act it out for us?”
“I’ll see what I can do.” You said while laughing as you took Davi from Neymar to place him in his car seat, once he was secure in his seat you sat beside him with Neymar going to sit on the other side of the car.
Once you all were settled & the driver had begun to drive Davi was out like a light soon after leaving you and Neymar in comfortable silence.
“Did you like the movie?” You asked breaking the silence as you turned to him reaching your hand out for him to take, he took your hand & caressed you knuckles with his thumb.
“Of course I did, I’m so proud of you my love. You’ve come so far.” Neymar kissed the back of your hand as he rambled on about how proud of you he was, your heart melted at his praises as you smiled brightly unable to mask your happiness.
“Well I couldn’t have done it without you, thank you for always supporting me.” Neymar smiled back at you small blush on his face, he turned to face the window not letting go of your hand before continuing, “I love you.”
“I’m not on rewatching duty though, you have to do that.” You reminded turning to look out the window small smirk on your face that didn’t go unnoticed. “Whatever.” He replied letting go of your hand to grab your face kissing you all over before finishing with a quick kiss to your lips.
“I love you too, I guess.” You grumbled happily before pulling him by his chin for another quick kiss.
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the-book-gnome · 2 years
You Make Me Feel Safe
Word count: 1k
Pairings: Simon “Ghost” Riley x reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood, implied pain, fluff
Summary: After years of not seeing Simon, he suddenly shows up with no explanation on why he's injured
A/n: I'm sorry if there are spelling errors, I just got my nails don't and I forgot how hard it is to type on your phone.
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The hour was late when you heard a loud banging on your door. You were cautious as you walked to the door, not sure of who could be at your apartment at this hour. You were shocked when you looked through the peephole, Simon. You haven't seen him In years what could he possibly want? When you took a closer look at him, a gasp escaped your lips. He was bleeding, his face looked banged up and he was clutching his stomach. You swung the door open, his eyes immediately catching yours. “I need help.”
You sprung into action, rushing to him and helping him inside. It took longer than you anticipated but he was twice your size and only helping you a little, plus he weighed a ton. Simon fell on your couch the second his legs touched it. You rushed back to the door closing and locking it. You didn’t want to deal with any nosy neighbours.
By the time you got back to Simon, he had passed out, that only made you worry more. Given that you had plenty of medical experience you had no issues patching him up. You knew his line of work was dangerous but you didn’t expect it to be like this. It had been about an hour before you were done, your choice stained with his blood. You hadn’t given yourself much time to understand what was happening, pushing all of your worries and thoughts away to focus on saving him.
Three days. It had taken three days for Simon to wake up and three days for you completely terrified that he was going to die. You knew better than to take him to a hospital so there was no way of telling if he was going to get an infection or if you missed part of the bullet.
When Simon did wake up he was no help at all, he is talk tried to leave and it took you 30 minutes to convince him he was safer here than wherever the hell he was trying to go. Now he was sitting up, staring at the wall. You tried talking to him but he refused to say a word. No matter what you tried he kept his mouth shut, even when you threw a pillow at his head. You were currently drawing a bath for him, hoping that might help with the pain. All you had to offer him was Advil and Tylenol, you doubted that was doing much.
He didn’t put up much of a fight when you helped him stand up, he only quietly followed you as you led him into the bathroom. You looked away as Simon pulled down his boxers, giving him at least some privacy. Once he was submerged in the tub you grabbed your loofah, pouring soap on it you started washing his body. “Bubbles?” His rough voice met your ears, relief struck you after hearing him speak.
“I used bubble bath stuff, do you have something against bubbles?” You smiled as you leaned over the tub to look at him. He watched as you ran your loofah down his chest, washing away the blood and dirt. Once his body was clean you moved on to watching his hair, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek before pulling away to grab the shampoo. “I missed you,” you let out a disappointed sigh, “Not a single call or text, you didn’t even write a note when you left all those years ago.” You noticed Simon's fists clench in the sides of the tub where they rested. “I thought you might’ve died.” You bit your lip, blinking away the tears that threatened to spill down your cheeks.
“I didn’t,” That was all he said, you wanted to punch him in the face.
“Yeah no shit, jackass,” You rolled your eyes at him and poured a small amount of shampoo into your hand, his hair was already wet so you didn’t have to worry about that. As you started massaging his scalp he relaxed into you. His head rested against the edge of the tub.
“I’m sorry,” Simon murmured, his eyes closed as he enjoyed your hands on him. You let out a deep breath, that was better than nothing. You made sure to be careful not to get any soap in his eyes as you continued to clean his hair. It was a little longer than what you remembered, the ends curling slightly.
“Why did you come here, Simon?” You asked as you fused the soap out of his hair. It was very soft, and so was his skin, besides the many scars.
“I didn’t have anywhere else to go, you were close by,” He sounded like he was holding something back. You knew better than to pry, that would only make him shut down more. “I feel safe with you.”
That comment threw you off. Simon had never been one to admit something like that, it was confusing, to say the least. “I don’t know why, I’m not very good at protecting people, though I’ve never really tried.”
“You saved me, that’s technically protecting me,” there was a small smile on his lips, you had to double-check to make sure you weren’t seeing things. You scoffed at him as you helped him out of the tub. You handed him a towel and then brought him to your room. You handed him a pair of pants that were his size, and after he got dressed you helped him to bed.
Once he was laying down you brought over a chair and placed it next to the bed. You placed a hand on his cheek gently stroking it, “You make me feel safe too, Simon.” You kissed his forehead and watched him drift off into sleep.
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