#this was such a fun game thank you for running it hex
wingedarrows · 2 years
A cozy Inn, a warm hearth, good food - what more could a person want? How about a magical adventure where you are The Heroes™ who save the day! Or, at least, that's the outcome Kindly Dewey Page is hoping for when four adventurers answer his call to help an old friend with The Cure to Writer's Block. Aria, Dakota & Philip, Jubilee and Keris will surely be able to help this... ....book?! It's a book. Sure! Help this book with finding that spark of inspiration once more. And they'll do it all in one night!
@hexabeast: DM Noodle: Jubilee Yukon @cardinalart: Dakota & Philip @morskijez00: Aria Marionette Myself: Keris
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moonstruckme · 1 year
James Potter x Reader where reader is in a different house (Hufflepuff if you don’t mind) and she ends up on the receiving end of one of their pranks which makes her angry so she avoids James and the other marauders, forcing him to grovel/beg for forgiveness? Thank you so much xoxo
Hi, thanks for your request! This got a bit long haha, but I enjoyed writing it and hope you enjoy reading :)
cw: mentions of blood
James Potter x Hufflepuff!reader ♡ 1.8k words
Though no one tells him it’s happening, Remus sees the prank coming from a mile away.
Primarily, this is because James and Sirius appear to be playing an entirely ordinary game of frisbee. Just tossing it back and forth, no hexes or nifflers or anything. A simple pastime between two boys on a lovely warm afternoon. 
Secondly, they haven’t asked Remus to join them. While they know from experience he’s content to read his book in the grass, they always make a point to ask just to be sure Remus doesn’t feel excluded. The fact that they haven’t suggests that they’re well aware that whatever they’re up to, Remus will want no part in it. 
Lastly and most importantly, James Potter has the worst poker face Remus has ever known. 
When the curly-haired boy slyly drops the frisbee they’ve been using into his bag, trading it for another, he can hardly keep the giddiness from his face. Which is probably why, when he tosses it well away from his companion and towards a crowd of gathered students, Sirius is the one who has to say, with theatrical volume and distress, “Merlin, can somebody grab that?”
Remus watches warily as several students turn to track the progress of the disk as it sails overhead, and after a moment one breaks away, chasing after it. Remus feels a pang of sympathy for you, your yellow and black scarf flying behind you as you run, needing no further evidence than the eager look in James’ eyes to know that you’ve fallen for a trap. 
You jump up to grab it out of the air, beaming in triumph for a moment before a yelp escapes you. You fling your catch to the ground, cradling your hand as the fanged frisbee twitches and snarls at your feet. 
“Shit,” he hears Sirius breathe, and the excitement is gone from his and James’ expressions as they jog over to you, Remus standing to follow them. 
You pick your head up as they approach, eyes wet but fierce. 
“What the hell?” you snarl, and Remus realizes with a stab of concern that there’s a small puddle of blood forming in your palm. “You’ve begun targeting your stupid pranks at anyone who’s dumb enough to help you now? How’s that funny?”
Remus looks at his friends in bewilderment, aggrieved on your behalf but unable to believe they’d do something so cruel. The fanged frisbee—a cheap trick, which really should be banned in Remus’ opinion—twitches closer to your ankle, and Sirius flicks his wand at it, its teeth retracting as it goes silent and motionless. 
“We…I charmed it so its teeth would be dull and harmless.” James scrubs a hand through his hair, at a loss. “It was only supposed to scare you, not hurt you.” 
You shake your head at him disbelievingly and bite your lip, face reddening as the pain sets in. James steps closer to you, blocking you from view of the small crowd of gawking students, none of whom, Remus notes with some bitterness, have come to help you or see if you’re okay. 
“I’m really sorry,” James says softly. “Let me help.” But when he reaches for your hand, you step back, holding it close to your chest. 
“Just leave me out of your fun in the future, yeah?” you hiss, stalking inside. 
James looks pained as he watches you go, and though Remus doesn’t begrudge you your justified anger, he feels for his good-natured friend. It had been an honest mistake, though the cost turned out to be far higher than either of his friends had expected. But knowing James, he’ll find some way to make it right. 
“Sorry, mate. They can’t all be winners.” Sirius claps him on the back, and Remus knows his light tone is more to make James feel better than it is true carelessness. Sirius is loyal that way; he’d probably lock you in a broom closet rather than have you upset James again. 
“It wasn’t meant to hurt anyone,” James says quietly.
Sirius’ smile is unfaltering, though Remus spies the worry in his eyes. “She’ll get over it. C’mon, there’s still time to go into Hogsmeade if we hurry.” 
And though Remus hopes you’ll feel better soon, he knows it will take James a long time to get over it himself. 
James shuffles from foot to foot, feeling silly and anxious as he waits for someone to leave the Hufflepuff dorms so he can go inside. He’s fairly sure you’re supposed to have potions together, but you hadn’t shown up to class, and though James had kept an eye out all day in the hallways, he’d never spotted you. He’d thought he’d caught a glimpse of you in the great hall during lunch, but you’d darted out of sight before he could be sure, and then there’d been no sign of you at dinner. Luckily, it had only taken a quick consultation of the map he shared with his friends to find out that you’d holed up in the Hufflepuff common room, so here he was, draped in his invisibility cloak and fidgeting like a nervous date at your front door. 
The door creaks open, and James slips in before it can shut, the exiting Hufflepuff shivering slightly at the breeze he makes whisking by them. It’s not difficult to spot you where you’re sitting painting your nails, lips pursed just slightly in concentration. The common room is mostly empty as other students enjoy the nice weather outside, and James is grateful for the privacy as he takes off the cloak and goes to sit beside your feet where they’re stretched out on the couch. 
You look up at the intrusion and startle to find James, pulling your feet closer to you reflexively. He hopes it’s an instinct to make room for him and not to protect yourself from him, though given recent events he could hardly blame you for the latter. 
“What’re you—how did you get in here?” you ask, eyes darting between James and the door in bafflement. 
Never mind that. “You weren’t at dinner,” James says, holding out his small stolen dish of chicken curry, “so I thought you might be hungry. Sorry, it’s barely warm now.” 
You take it from him suspiciously, careful of your wet nails, and James feels a stab of guilt at the sight of your bandaged hand. 
“I’m really sorry about yesterday,” he goes on, throat burning with shame. “I know I’ve already said it, but it was supposed to be harmless. I wasn’t careful enough.” 
You don’t look at him, not rejecting his apology but not quite accepting it either. “Pomphrey fixed it good as new anyways, so we can just say it never happened.”
James appreciates the attempt to ease his conscience, but your kindness only makes him feel that much more villainous. This would be so simple if you were one of those pureblood gits, or even just a bit ruder, but you’re you, and that’s so much worse. 
“Can I see it?” he asks softly, and you hesitate only a moment before scooting a bit closer and extending your hand to him, palm up. 
James unwraps the bandage with care, keeping one eye on your face to ensure he’s not hurting you, and so he notices the faint blush that colors your cheeks as he cradles your hand in his. The last layer of your dressing falls away, revealing three tiny white scars. Though they’re healed over, he hisses in sympathy, drawing your hand further towards him protectively but forgetting you’re attached to it. 
Your inhale is soft as you lean forward awkwardly, and James huffs a laugh at his enduring idiocy. “Sorry, love,” he says, letting you lean back. He doesn’t let go of your hand, though. “Were they deep?”
You give a one-shouldered shrug, as though it’s nothing to you. James worries you’re putting on a performance of exaggerated blasé for his benefit. “They bled a lot, but a charm sealed them up quickly enough.”
James nods, remembering with sickening clarity the blood that had pooled in your palm and dripped from between your fingers. 
“I’m glad,” James says, and it doesn’t feel like enough. Nothing feels like enough. But he can’t stop himself, even if it’s all inadequate. “I’m really sorry.” 
You sigh, and James knows enough about you to guess that being upset is exhausting you. It isn’t in your nature; you’re someone who always has a kind word for everyone, who he’s seen lend your quill to a student that forgot theirs and offer them an understanding smile when they broke it, who would rather spend all day avoiding James than let him feel the wrath of your grudge. 
Your very warranted grudge, by the way. 
It’s terrible luck that someone as sweet as you was on the receiving end of his mistake. But, as you’d pointed out, that was how the prank was designed, wasn’t it? Though James and Sirius hadn’t thought that part through at the time, the victim was always going to be whoever stepped forward to help. Normally it might not matter, but they’d gotten so caught up in the excitement of trying out their new toy that James had somehow gotten the spell wrong. And as a result, you’d been forced to pay a price for your kindness and his incompetence. 
“It’s okay,” you say.  
“It’s not,” James insists. “And I can’t fix it, but let me do something else. I can do your potions’ homework for the rest of the year, I can give you my dessert every night, I can…I can sneak into Hogsmeade and bring you whatever you want, anytime you ask, I can…what?”
You’re smiling at him, and it’s familiarly lovely but, James can’t help but think, entirely undeserved. 
“I don’t need any favors from you, James,” you say, and he realizes it’s the first time you’ve said his name. It’s not a long name, but somehow your voice gives it a cadence he quite likes. “Just be more careful, okay? I ended up fine, but next time someone might not.” 
“There won’t be a next time,” he promises swiftly, and means it. “But sweetheart—” if he notices how you soften at the endearment, he doesn’t mention it “—you’ve gotta let me make it up to you somehow.”
You sigh again, though it’s lighter this time, seemingly both exasperated and amused by his persistence. After a moment spent within your own head, you ask, “Could you help me study for the potions exam next week?”
“Yes!” James grins eagerly. “Of course. That’s a start. How’s tomorrow after class? I’ll bring study snacks as well, and we can make it a regular thing, if you like.” 
He’d like to make it a regular thing, debt or not. 
You smile. “Tomorrow is perfect. And can I call in another favor right now?”
If James weren’t sitting, he’d buckle at the knees in relief. “Yes. I’m at your service.”
“Can you tell me how you got into the Hufflepuff common room?”
“That,” he says smoothly, “is just one in my arsenal of skills now at your disposal.”
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greatlydelirious · 2 years
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞
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Slashers x F!Reader
What [blank] Dicks Look Like Masterlist
summary: “An extremely detailed description of different Slasher dicks.” Hex Color Codes, predictions of exact measurements, what sex would be like; basically, I went crazy with it.
warnings: pure debauchery, very much my own opinion 
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Billy Loomis:
Height - 6′ 0″ (1.82m)
Body Type - Lean, Toned
Tip - #AE6D6A
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Shaft - #D49D8A
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Length - 6.8in (17.27cm)
Girth - 4.6in (11.68cm)
Details - Circumcised, cleanly shaven, and has noticeable dark blue veins when he becomes fully erect. Grower, not a shower.
Billy is a lot of things; mysterious, brooding, and brash, but understated isn’t one of them. His plans are big, but his cock is bigger. It wasn’t a surprise for you when you say how large he was for the first time. Although it barely fit in you, it did fit his personality. The only thing he is more passionate about than revenge is fucking you until you can barely walk the next day and need to call out of school.
Expect to also have bruises and love bites to boot. Billy loved to lay his claim on you by making sure you had visual reminders that you were taken. Even if he was with Sidney, he needed everyone to know you weren’t up for grabs.
Just like him, the tip of his cock is a dark and heady reddish-purple. Billy’s taste in sex is quite rough and possessive. He took you with his cock in every way imaginable and only used positions that had you flush against him.
If he’s not inside you, he’s practically fucking you with his eyes. He watches your every move like a predator assessing its prey. An apt description when his eyes are as dark as a shark and he holds you so tight like you’ll bolt at any moment.
Do you want to be possessed completely and treated like a fuck doll? If so, Billy Loomis is your guy.
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Stu Matcher:
Height - 6′ 3″ (1.90m)
Body Type - Lanky, Toned
Tip - #EDA491
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Shaft - #F1BDA8
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Length - 7in (17.78cm)
Girth - 3.9in (9.90cm)
Details - Circumcised, hair is a little overgrown, but it’s thin so it’s not really a problem. Tilts to the left.
Just like his stature, Stu’s cock is thin and long. He fits nicely into your pussy but couldn’t completely bottom out.
Sex with Stu is more fun than anything else. He likes to make you giggle and squirm, especially while you’re impaled on his cock. He’s a goofball through and through, but at the drop of hat, he’ll go from tickling you to fucking into you like a man possessed.
Like any other young man, Stu’s as horny as it gets. His love language is touch so he’ll always either have his arms around you or have you planted on his lap. The latter was a dangerous game as it inevitably led to him grinding up into your ass. You tried to be discrete, but he was so long and always so hard against you, you couldn’t help but blush and bite your lip till you almost bled to suppress the string of moans that threatened to spill out.
Billy would always snicker at how you “fucked like rabbits”. Thank God for birth control, because with how frequently you fuck and how deep Stu comes in you, you would be pregnant by now.
Despite your continuous salacious activities, your relationship was rather sweet. You loved how you had to go on your tiptoes to kiss him and the way you got to lay your head in the middle of his chest while you snuggled together. You especially loved how he always made sure you were comfortable and getting maximum pleasure from sex.
To make a long story short; Stu was the pinnacle of a golden retriever boyfriend (with a big dick).
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Mark Hoffman:
Height - 5′ 9″ (1.75m)
Body Type - Strong
Tip - #D47F71
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Shaft - #E3A78D
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Length - 6.9in (17.52cm)
Girth - 5.3in (13.46cm)
Details - Circumcised, hair is trimmed, but not fully shaved, and he has one thick vein that runs along the underside of his shaft. Tilts upwards and to the right.
Intimidating was a word apt for all aspects of Mark Hoffman. Personality, looks, and more importantly his dick. You can still remember the first time you saw him in all his naked glory. As you gaped like a codfish, that damn devilish smirk spread across his face in cocky male triumph. At least that time you could agree with it.
The ratio of length and width was perfect for deriving pleasure that wasn’t painful, but filled you to the fullest. A personification of the phrase “just right”.
You loved to suckle and lick at the thick head of Mark’s cock. Lightly teasing him with pleasure light enough to make him grunt, but not completely come undone. But, just like the man himself, the tip is an angry red. Your teasing would last a minute before that same tip hit the back of your throat.
Mark loved to fuck your throat to feel how hard you work to accommodate him. Your lips stretched thin around his thickness almost uncomfortably. A factor that only worked to spur him on more.
When Mark Hoffman fucked you he didn’t seek to inflict pain. No, he made you so dick drunk that drool slid out your puffy lips and you couldn’t even begin to remember what day it was. That’s just what good dick does to a woman.
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Bo Sinclair:
Height - 6′ 1″ (1.85m)
Body Type - Muscular 
Tip - #BD7365
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Shaft - #D59C88
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Length - 8.1in (20.57cm)
Girth - 5.4in (13.71cm)
Details - Circumcised, clean-shaven (I mean look at his face, man grooms himself), and he has multiple veins along his shaft that are sensitive. Tilts upwards, hefty balls.
Holy Mother Mary and Joseph, Bo has so much feral masculinity it borders on toxic... okay it definitely is toxic. He’s charismatic, sexy, has a killer smile, a huge cock, and he knows it. Not only knows it, but revels in it. Cockiness is the least of your worries when it comes to Bo, however.
Bo is an experienced lover since he was the resident playboy when Ambrose was still bustling with life. Now you get the pleasure of having him all to yourself. More of a curse than a blessing since the man has an insatiable sex drive.
He fucks every hole you have with a delicious stretch that makes you moan like a whore. Bo praises you for taking him so well by grunting at you about how you're his “good little slut”. Degradation is his specialty, but you’re usually too dick-drunk to care (and the darker side of you absolutely loves it).
Bo is a shower all the way. His tight jeans leave little to the imagination as whenever you’re in the same room you can see the hard outline of his cock. An instinctual display of his dominance. He needed to be in power and you were more than happy to give it to him.
One of his favorite things was to have you lie your back on the bed with your head hanging off so he can fuck your throat. Nothing spurred him on more than the sight of his cock bulging down your throat. Sometimes he liked to wrap one of his hands around your neck, so he can feel him fucking you even more.
Get ready to familiarize yourself with being sore because Bo won’t go easy on you. If you do complain he is more than happy to ease your pain with his damned mouth. Good for being an asshole and even better for bringing you pleasure.
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Vincent Sinclair:
Height - 6′ 1″ (1.85m)
Body Type - Lean, Strong
Tip - #C98274
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Shaft - #DCAC99
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Length - 8.2in (20.82cm)
Girth - 5.2in (13.20cm)
Details - Circumcised, clean-shaven, and slightly paler than his brother. Tilts upwards and to the left.
Vincent is the sweet version of his brother Bo. Although they possess similar impressive equipment, he lavishes your body like you’re royalty. He is more of a giver than a receiver.
Aftercare with Vincent was glorious. In the afterglow of sex, he will wet a rag in warm water to wipe you both off before laying you against his chest. Once you become putty in his strong embrace, he likes to run a brush through your sex-tasseled hair. A gesture that is even more intimate than what you just engaged in.
Vincent thought it was fascinating that you are so fascinated with his dick. So much so that he surprised you with a mold of it as a gift for you to use whenever he was unavailable. (If Bo found out, you would never hear the end of it.) In return, you offered to model nude for Vincent which of course led to passionate, mind-melting sex. His room seemed to turn into a sauna during it all. You always ended up being hot and sticky with sweat that made you want to sleep the rest of the day away more than anything else.
Even though he was always quiet, during sex he didn’t hold back the animalistic grunts that crawled from his throat. Fitting since his cock was perfect for breeding you fully. Another accurate fact since Vincent always lovingly stroked your belly afterward.
Vincent is sugar, spice, and everything nice in and out of the bedroom (if you aren’t a prospective statue that is).
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Lester Sinclair:
Height - 5′ 7″ (1.70m)
Body Type - Scrawny 
Tip - #C7877E
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Shaft - #D6A795
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Length - 5.3in (13.46cm)
Girth - 3.8in (9.65cm)
Details - Uncircumcised, a nice accumulation of hair, and veiny. 
This man is the picture you see when you look up why size doesn’t matter. Lester has no qualms about putting in the work to make you orgasm. He eats you out like a starved man and his fingers are so deft that you forget he spent most of his day cleaning roadkill. Additionally, Lester always made sure to pay special attention to your clit while he fucked you.
He is the king of a quickie. In his truck, on top of his truck, on the ground, or in the bathroom; the man knows how to get you both off and do it fast. Especially since his brother Bo will never give the two of you peace.
Lester liked to call you his “little slice o’ heaven”. In his words, you were as sweet as pie and tasted like it too. It didn’t take much for you to rile the man up till he was chomping at the bit to touch you. When you wore your lace bra and tank top he would be practically beg on his knees.
Everyone underestimated him, but that left more for you. Who doesn’t love a man who isn’t afraid to get down and dirty? (Oh yeah, he totally eats ass too. I have no shame in saying it).
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Brahms Heelshire:
Height - 6′ 3″ (1.90m)
Body Type - Muscular
Tip - #DA9F99
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Shaft - #D7A294
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Length - 7.8in (19.81cm)
Girth - 4.6in (11.68cm)
Details - Circumcised, hairy just like the rest of him (facts are facts). Hangs low.
It was a mystery how Brahms was so well endowed with, well... everything. The man was mouth-wateringly muscular despite his proclivity for slinking in the walls all day and to say he was hung was the understatement of the century.
One time when Brahms was desperately grinding against your stomach you shivered at the realization of how long he was. The tent that grew in his sweatpants could have housed five people. A fact that the boy didn’t fully quite understand.
Ever the eager one, Brahms wanted nothing more than to completely sheath himself inside you in one thrust. Although, a good hard squeeze of his cock made him listen to you; even if he whined in need. (However, he loved nothing more than to bury his face in your sweet folds. Something he was far too good at for his inexperience.)
He liked when you were authoritative yet sweet. Whispering to him what you wanted him to do if he wanted to be your “good boy” while running your thumb along the slit on the pretty pink head of his cock.
Although Brahms only slightly stretched your pussy, the way he could barely bottom out in you made your toes curl with tortuous delight. Each push inside you made him rub against the spot that made your eyes roll back and made his tip kiss your cervix.
Brahms Heelshire may have no experience before you, but he learns rather quickly like the good boy he is.
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Thomas Hewitt:
Height - 6′ 5″ (1.95m)
Body Type - Wide, Strong
Tip - #C7777A
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Shaft - #EABCAF
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Length - 4.8in (12.19cm)
Girth - 6.0in (15.24cm)
Details - Uncircumcised, another hairy bastard, and has thick veins. Huge balls.
What he lacks in length, he makes up for in width, because just like every other inch of his body, Thomas’s cock is thick.
Prep is key for the beast of a man to snuggly (while still stretching) fit inside your warm depths. Thomas is desperate as he spreads you with his fingers, one at a time. One turns into two turns into three, and by the fourth, you’re a whimpering wet mess begging to finally be filled by the real thing.
Pre-cum weeps from the tip of his blushing cock as his bulky frame cages you in and fucks you like an animal in heat. The deep flush on the head is the same color as the flush on his cheeks by the end of your far too-loud lovemaking.
Charlie Hewitt often vulgarly taunted Tommy about him “fucking” you, but Thomas was so head over in heels with you, the only phrase he liked to call what you two did was lovemaking. Even if he was rather rough on occasion. Every time your sweet voice asked him, “Do you want to make love to me Tommy?” while you stroked his broad chest, he felt like he would burst right then and there.
Tall, strong, and wide, not only was he sturdy enough to not be swept away by a tornado, Thomas Hewitt could satisfy all your primal needs. And you did for him as well, because based on the whined grunts and growls he showers you with; pumping you full of his cum was Thomas’s favorite thing.
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Michael Myers:
Height - 6′ 8″ (2.03m)
Body Type - Strong
Tip - #EFA29A
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Shaft - #F5BEAB
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Length - 9.7in (24.63cm)
Girth - 5.6in (14.22cm)
Details - Circumcised, good amount of hair, and veiny. Hangs low (Do you see the size of that thing?).
Silent, but deadly. Inhumanely strong. A giant amongst man. And that’s just the descriptions for Michael’s dick. But seriously, it was a wonder how you survived being his girlfriend. He was a little too thick and a little too long. Not that you're complaining, it’s just A LOT to get used to.
Michael took you hard and near brutal when he wanted, how he wanted you. Despite this he still had an underlying tenderness. When he slammed you against the wall he cradled the back of your skull in his enormous hand. Instead of just ramming in you he scissored two of his thick fingers inside you to make sure you were relaxed and wet enough to accommodate him. Something that didn’t take very long, especially when he let your hands roam across the expanse of large muscle he procured over the years.
The light pink tip of Michael’s cock was soft and velvety; a stark contrast to the rough edge of, well, everything about him. Surprisingly, Michael wasn’t keen on fucking your throat like he did your pussy. He enjoyed looming over you as you gently sucked on the head while stroking his shaft with both of your hands (there was even room for a third). 
Sometimes he even just liked using your mouth to warm his large cock. That’s the only way you could get him to finally lay in bed. Nothing was more comforting for him than resting his cock in your wet mouth while you occasionally swallowed around him to prevent yourself from soaking your sheets in drool.
With his size pain was customary, but it only added to the onslaught of pleasure Michael gave you time after time.
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Freddy Krueger:
Height - 5′ 10″ (1.77m)
Body Type - Average
Tip - #E37B6E
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Shaft - #FCBCA0
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Length - 6.1in (15.49cm)
Girth - 3.9in (9.90cm)
Details - Self-circumcised (iykyk), no hair whatsoever, and similar to the look and texture of the rest of his skin. Details are for his natural state because he can make his dick whatever he wants.
This is what nightmares are made of it, but when it comes to you it is in the most sensual way. Like I said above I put what I think is his “natural dick state”, but Freddy can be as big or small as you want him to be. Want to be fucked by tentacles? He can do that. Want to be fucked by a guy with two dicks? Easy peasy. Want to be fucked by a dick that vibrates? Okay, I think you get the point by now.
If you’re into Freddy you have to be a little bit of a masochist. Those knife fingers aren’t just for display babe. It’s his way to have you marked by him even when you aren’t in the same realm. You either have to bundle yourself up or create lie on top of lie about how you have a really angry cat.
After terrorizing some poor victim, Freddy loved to thoroughly pump the leftover adrenaline into you. This made sleep not fully restful for you. The only time he is soft on you is when you fall asleep during the day. If he is not busy during those times, he will shower you with gentle touches and slow foreplay. Freddy likes to call you his “sleepy kitten”. Which is a nice reprieve from the many other groaned nicknames. Including but not limited to; slut, whore, dripping cunt, dirty little bitch, etc.
Freddy might be a dirty old man, but he is your dirty old man.
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Jason Voorhees:
Height - 6′ 5″ (1.95m)
Body Type - Strong
Tip - #AE8071
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Shaft - #CDAD90
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Length - 7.1in (18.03cm)
Girth - 5.7in (14.47cm)
Details - Uncircumcised, sparse/ patchy hair, and deep purple veins. Tilts slightly down.
Jason is like water in your hands (no pun intended). He was enamored by you the first time he saw you. You were so delicate and soft-spoken and didn’t engage in all the sinful activities everyone around you did. Rarely did his mother approve of anyone, but for the first time Pamela told Jason to go protect the “sweet girl”. Something he couldn’t agree with more.
Although he is the most inexperienced, he is also the most eager. Jason doesn’t fully understand his own arousal, but what he did know was that he wanted to touch you... everywhere. Pure instinct and your encouragement aids him in exploring your joint pleasure.
The last thing Jason wanted to do was hurt you. Unfortunately, he didn’t quite understand his own strength. Anytime you whined out in pain, he would immediately stop and pet your head in a gentle apology. All of Jason’s actions stem from the need to do good. Originally it was just for his mother, but now he wanted to do good for you even more so.
Jason’s cock has a dull hue due to his “reincarnation”, but you don’t mind. More than half of the time he is buried deep inside you anyway. He is so long and wide that its hard to pay attention to anything, but him.
At first Jason comes extremely quickly because the foreign pleasure is too overwhelming for him. Thankfully, he has no problems getting hard again and finishing right where you both left off. Stamina and strength coursed through his vein with an inhuman longevity.
With a little handholding, Jason has the attributes to be the sweetest and most attentive lover.
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Jesse Cromeans:
Height - 6′ 7″ (2.00m)
Body Type - Muscular
Tip - #E3A391
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Shaft - #EFC2A5
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Length - 7.2in (18.28cm)
Girth - 4.5in (11.43cm)
Details - Circumcised, clean-shaven, and rather smooth. Perpetually hard.
Unlike all the other little pigs, Jesse tortures you with pleasure and only a bearable amount of pain. Considering his size, he found it easy to succeed in just that. In tandem with knives, ropes, whips, paddles, toys, and various tools of course.
Not only does the mask stay on during sex, but also the camera. The only eyes who would ever re-watch it though is his. In a way, you’re Jesse’s muse. You inspire his strong ambition and lust for blood. Truly the only woman to spread warmth throughout his body. Well, a warmth that’s not from blood.
I also need to mention that he smells so good. A mix of aftershave, cologne, and a hint of metal is a concoction that calls to your hormones. Masculine, yet sophisticated.
“Perpetually hard” means just that. Jesse is always ready to fuck you. If he isn’t actively doing it he’s either watching one of your shared tapes or thinking about it. The sheer thrill from his kills only adds to this constant flame of desire. Anyone who lengthens how long it will take for him to get back home to you will greatly regret it.
Jesse has the means to give you anything your heart desires. Although all you will be able to think about is his cock and dominating presence over you.
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Asa Emory:
Height - 6′ 0″ (1.82m)
Body Type - Lean
Tip - #EDAB90
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Shaft - #F8CBB4
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Length - 6.9in (17.52cm)
Girth - 4.7in (11.93cm)
Details - Circumcised, clean-shaven, and flushes a hue of red when fully erect. Tilts upwards.
Like the creations he strives to make, Asa’s cock is perfection. Consistently colored with a small hue of red on the tip, soft-skinned, and tilted upwards enough to rub against your most sensitive areas. You would expect nothing less from him though.
This is an extremely dominant and submissive relationship. Although you are his prized creature, nothing is given to you freely. You must earn all his affection and expect to be punished when you act beyond your means. Asa loved how sweet you sounded while begging, but he loved how wobbly you sounded while being reprimanded more.
His cock is also big enough to hurt when he decided you didn’t deserve a gentle touch. However, if you took it like a good girl, he would make sure to soothe your aches and let you have a clean slate the next day.
Since Asa was the only person you interact with, you don’t merely crave his touch; you starve for It. Being a rare bird in a gilded cage made you stir crazy, but the second he spent time with you, all your previous sadness was quickly forgotten.
You may rely on Asa for everything, but no pet could ever compare to you. TLDR; You are a glorified sex slave, but no one in your life has cared for you this extensively.
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Norman Nordstrom:
Height - 5′ 10″ (1.77m)
Body Type - Muscular
Tip - #ECA9A1
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Shaft - #EEBEA2
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Length - 8.4in (21.33cm)
Girth - 5.1in (12.95cm)
Details - Circumcised, hair is trimmed, and has one thick vein on the top side of his shaft that goes from the base all the way to the tip. Tilts upwards, hefty balls.
Norman is a strong force of nature despite his visual impairment. Extraordinarily little would lack in your relationship. He has great spatial awareness and even better hearing. Another bonus was that he loved to constantly be touching you. Norman had a particularly good idea as to what you look like. Not that your looks mattered to him. Your heart was invaluable and to be honest… so is your pussy.
Even though Norman is much older than you, he has no problems getting hard and fucking you properly. And boy his cock was so huge it was easy for him to have you drooling. He is also huge on oral sex; not for him, but for you. Norman made sure you were sufficiently wet for him to fill you with minimal pain. He also only liked coming inside you. Truly the king of breeding kinks.
The mating press will become your go-to position. Not only did it keep his cum inside you the best, but it helped him press into you the deepest. You will eventually learn to have no shame. Norman sure didn’t. I mean his sweatpants left very little doubt that he was constantly horny for you.
Norman will treat you like a princess and protect you like a knight. All he asks for in return is your heart and eventually a child.
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Height - 7′ to 8′ (2.13m - 2.43m)
Body Type - Muscular 
Tip - #83453D
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Shaft - #7F6C41 near the tip and fades to #71653D at the base
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Length - 12.4in (31.49cm)
Girth - 6.5in (16.51cm), 7.5in (19.05cm) knot 
Details - Nothing to circumcise, no hair, and more details are below. Huge balls.
Did you really expect an 8-foot alien creature with more strength than you could ever dream of possessing to have an averagely large cock? The virility of Yautja males is unmatched by any other species in existence. Your hands will be figuratively and literally full.
Yautjas have their genitals sheathed inside them while they’re not actively mating. Leaving the area of the groin a rough round mound of skin. Due to their frequent hunting and sparring, it protects the sensitive flesh from being harmed.
The reddish-purple-hued tip is pointed and textured by ridges that help your male nuzzle his way deep inside you. Similarly, firm bumps and ridges travel down the widening shaft to aid in the mating process. The even thicker knot at the base of his cock keeps the Yautja snuggly in your depths to lock in all of his seed.
However, with the sheer quantity of hot seed he produces into you, a rush of it always spills out after he pulls out. While growling he will use his thick, rough fingers to coax it back inside you. An act that will never cease to make your face heat into a blush. 
You audibly gasped when you first saw your Yautja’s cock in all its unsheathed glory. In contrast, the male trilled at the sight of the soft pink flesh between your legs that was tantalizingly dripping for him. Neither of you had seen the opposite species naked before. Something about the foreignness of it all made you even more worked up.
Mating with a Yautja is difficult at first, but once you finally fit all of him inside you, you’ll crave nothing else.
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The amount of calculation and color comparison I did for this is wild. I hope you got a kick out of reading this because I sure did while writing it. Any and all interactions are greatly appreciated <3
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I found a goth speakeasy/coffee shop by my school that does a Thursday tabletop night where you can bring and run your own games and I was wondering if you had any recommendations for games you'd feel comfterble running with a table of strangers / mostly strangers? Thank you!!
THEME: Games to Run with Strangers.
Hello friend, fall comes upon us and I finally get around to answering your ask. Thank you so much for your patience! I’d definitely recommend bringing some safety tools to any of these games, since you’re playing them with strangers. That being said, I tried to pick games that were easy to pick up and quick to learn considering you’d probably want each session to be a standalone one.
I often run games with groups of people who don't know each-other beforehand, and I'd recommend allowing silliness to blossom when possible, even if you're running a spooky game. Let’s see what we can find!
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Wizardry and Bureaucracy, by Oh Little Moth.
You are a member of the National Parks Service. You and your team would do just about anything to protect your national park. Also, you’re wizards. But all the magic in the world can’t save you from the slog of paperwork you have to endure as a civil servant. Your mission is to preserve your park and all creatures living in it, promote a love of nature and the environment, and also keep park visitors from seeing through the curtain separating the magical from the mundane.
Like most Lasers and Feelings games, this has quite a bit packed into one page. Easy character generation, a standard list of gear, an introduction where you collaboratively design your park, and the classic Lasers and Feelings mechanic that makes you automatically better at one thing and worse at another. The game is also set up to be raucously silly. This game includes the very good piece of GM advice that I adore for improv: ask questions and build on the answers. You don’t have to come up with the entire story yourself! Give your players the chance to tell you how exactly magic interacts with the local National Park.
The Children of Saturn, by Dan John Crowler.
The people of Petrikstein are tormented by a blood craving beast prowling the night. Players take the roles of parish appointed investigators on a mission to find and slay this alleged Vampyr, before it claims even more lives. Will they be able to find out the truth in web of lies, myths, and fear fueled superstitions? Play to find out!
The Children of Saturn is a neat little game that combines the Keys mechanic from John Harper’s Lady Blackbird with the graded 2d6 roll of Powered by the Apocalypse. You can accumulate dice to roll depending on whether the action in question is in line with your character, and failure increases the chances of success the next time you roll. The characters are pre-made to some extent, but the players will be able to make them unique through names, descriptions, and how they decide to role-play. This game also come with a small hex map for your characters to explore - and everything fits on one page! If you want something spooky and quick to prep, this is definitely worth checking out.
2400, by Jason Tocci.
2400 is lo-fi sci-fi. It’s centuries in the future, and it’s a decades-old modem that screams like a dying robot when it connects to the net. It’s a space ship with an FTL drive, artificial gravity, and a flickering display you gotta tap a few times to see the jump coordinates. It’s hacking something together with whatever cheap materials you have on hand, ignoring the rules until you need them, banging out something that might not sound finished, but definitely sounds fun.
The 2400 system is a stripped-down ruleset inspired by the OSR that has been used to create a number of hacks in different settings. Every time I’ve run a 24XX game, the session lasted about 2 hours, so it definitely has the ability to play quick. The original page for 2400 currently has over 20 different settings to choose from, so if one of them really hits off, you could come back with a different setting each week for your friends to play through!
The Great Soul Train Robbery, by Cloven Pine Games.
On the road to hell there was a railway line. An express train to the infernal city of Dis, crewed by furies and carrying treasure and souls to damnation. You’re going to rob it.
The Great Soul Train Robbery is a tabletop roleplaying game for 2–6 players and 1 gamemaster about Desperados robbing the train to Hell. Spin an allegorical Weird Western yarn as your sharpshooters, fiddlers, homesteader widows, and other Desperados attempt a Hellish train heist. Will you claim your prize from the train, or be overcome, damned, or broken by the heist?
This is probably the biggest Honey Heist - inspired game that I’ve seen to date. It’s a solid pitch, with very little background needed in order for your players to grasp what exactly it is they’re doing. If players aren’t sure what kind of character they want to make, all of the options have d6 roll tables to give your group a goal, your train some complications, and your character a name and a special item. There’s quite a few pages of GM advice in this, which is probably a big boon to anyone running the game, as it allows you to construct a more complex train than what you might have created out of the top of your head. I’d probably even just steal the train construction section to use for other similar games!
Hold Your Own, by Sharkbomb Studios.
It's a time and place, not unlike the one that you, the players, grew up in. A dark mirror of the decade of your youth.  You play as a group of friends at the cusp of adolescence and life is hard. You're unpopular and unwanted. All you've got is each other.
But it comes worse: A strange menace threatens to devour everyone you know. And nobody wants to believe you, not the teachers, not the parents. It looks like it's up to you to save your home.
Fans of It and Stranger Things will probably like this game. This game uses small dice pools and four basic stats. You’ll be facing off against an antagonist called the Menace, a threat that the rest of the community believes doesn’t exist. The Menace will always be strong enough to provide a challenge, and as you play, you’ll learn more and more about what it is exactly that you’re fighting against. This is a great game for fans of suspense, and it’s also small enough to learn it within the few hours that you’d have at a coffee shop.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Something is Wrong with the Chickens, by Elliot Davis.
Koboldly Go, by CoffeeSnake Studios.
Faewater, by A Smouldering Lighthouse.
The Station, by pidj.
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titanrpg · 11 months
Hey, Lex, got a question. At some point in the last two decades, somebody in the indie space mentioned that it was all well and good to develop a system, but that what a lot of games lack is support, and that supplemental material like monster- or magic-folios or adventure modules or what have you. The argument was something to the effect that we have sort of a lot of one off, single page or even whole simulation systems, but once you have the base thing, there's not really much suggested to do with it, and while plenty of GMs and tables don't need help getting started, plenty do.
Is this anything, y'think? Do you have thoughts on the subject of supplemental material? Do you think it "helps" your ttrpgs, for whatever metric that... is measuring, lmao.
Hey! I've heard this here and there, and I'll share my thoughts as a relative newcomer (I'm around the 2.5 year mark of seriously making my own games).
I don't think it's a problem to have one-off games and barebones systems. In fact, make it as barebones as possible, and you have yourself an SRD essentially. We all know I love me an SRD.
That being said, the whole deal with Caltrop Core (my first SRD) was lowering the barrier to entry for people to start making games. If you can sufficiently lower a barrier, it'll be much easier for people to start. It goes for full TTRPGs as well. An ecosystem of support is the dream for any system, but the step I take before that is including materials in my game to help people get started.
Even though I don't consider myself the type of player who needs the extra help/content, I still like seeing a starter adventure or a table of ideas, as it helps me find where to start. Examples of play are also a big part of this. Wanderhome does a really nice job of this (is there anything this game doesn't do a really nice job of?).
Identifying the action you want someone to take and doing everything in your power to minimize the friction/number of steps between that person and the action -- that's digital marketing in a nutshell.
People mostly apply this thought process to sales, but it works for everything. When I'm finishing up a game, I'm concerned with one action in particular: someone actually playing my game.
As indie devs, it can often feel like no one actually plays our games. (Side note: I think it's worth making peace with this aspect of indie publishing. I make games because I like making games. If people play my stuff, great. If they don't, okay. I would have made this thing anyway.) If this is something you're worried about with a project, I believe the best thing to do is identify the type of supplemental material that will bridge the gap from reading the game to running/playing it. To me, that's what "helping" my TTRPG means. I often see quickstart one-pagers for medium sized games, and I think that's a really strong option.
You also do not have to have this supplemental materials ready when you first hit "Publish" on itch.io or wherever. For one of my own game jams, I wrote a minimum playable version (MPV, is that a thing?) of HEXFALL. Then later I went back and added a bunch of materials (new hex types, new maps, new examples, new story hooks) to help people get started as easily as possible. I pitched it as an expansion, and even came up with a cool dramatic subtitle which I always love doing.
It's really up to the designer and where they're at. If you're out here trying to build a publishing business, then I think this type of material should be included in your base game. Hobbyists should do whatever is most fun for them.
Thanks for the fun question! I hope I answered sufficiently!
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valiant-if · 16 days
What do the ro’s like to do for fun and what would the ro’s like to do with mc when there dating
Hi, anon!
There's a part of me that really wants to answer this with a "wait and see," but you might be waiting a long time to find out for some of them 😂
Anton - He likes "going out," but not in an extravagant or adventurous way. Going out for a meal and casually walking around are more his speed. This is also his idea of a good date. Incidentally, you'll get the chance to do this with him in Chapter 3.
Switch - She enjoys going to shooting ranges. By extension, I think she'd find something like laser tag pretty fun. (I bet the laser tag scene in the Valiant setting is popping, too.) As far as what she'd want to do with MC, she would let them decide. She doesn't think her interests are very good date material.
Zero - She likes a wide array of things from clubbing to having a quiet board game night in. For a date, though, she probably stick to quieter forms of entertainment.
Path - His idea of a good time, date or no date, is overriding the autopilot controls on a space station skycar and flying it around manually (this is technically illegal). This is something you'll have the chance to do with him, but I can't promise that it will feel like a date.
Kiran - Believe it or not, the mundane tasks that keep the Valiant up and running are what Kiran likes to do for fun. They would have no idea what to do for a date though. MC is gonna have to help Kiran find something fun that's not related to work.
Yulia - Workaholics unite, I guess? 🤷🏾‍♀️ Yulia enjoys her work and will spend a lot of her free time doing it if given the chance. She does enjoy the occasional movie, though, and might suggest that as an option for a date activity.
Hex - He has real Bro energy and enjoys kicking back with a hearty meal and a beer and watching sportball. (I dunno what sports look like in Valiant yet, don't ask me 😂). For a date with MC, though, he'd insist on hanging out so he can cook them a meal.
A2 - She enjoys working out in her free time. Working out is not good date material, though, so she will defer to MC for date activities.
Thanks for the ask!
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ask-court-genshin · 11 months
Hiii, I'm a new anon and I hope you've been well, hehe. I wanted to participate in the Hex and Checks event if that's alright, here are the descriptions. (Thank you so much for hosting, seeing you interact with everyone was a fun sight :0)
- Physically, I'm slender, but stronger than I look. Like, very frail looking, even though I'm taller than my peers. I can lift more things than them tho, and despite not being able to run for very long, I somehow walk faster.
- I would say I'm someone who's very introverted... I think. Contrary to what my online friends believe, I enjoy my personal space and only a few would be allowed to be around me. I'm very talkative around the people I'm comfortable with.
- My thoughts are always all over the place, like they'll only make sense if I take time to piece them together. If not, I'll end up saying something very random. I talk to myself to make sure my words won't come out in an unorganized state.
- Even with that being said, I consider myself very calculative. I'm able to figure out when someone's lying, pretending, etc. I can also make people believe me more than the other person, but usually this only happens through games like Among Us LOL HAHA
- I love sweet things. Cute things. Angsty things. I think as long as they bring joy to my artistic mind (where I'm both an artist and a writer), I'd love them to bits.
Thank you sm again for hosting, and no pressure to Mod Kopi ❤️
Hex or Checks:
You received a...
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Well, um, is what I would've loved to say but...
... 𝙰 "𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎", 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢?
𝙺𝚘𝚙𝚒, 𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚒𝚝?
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𝙲𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝-𝚞𝚙.
𝙽𝚘— 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚢𝚘𝚞 i𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚌. 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎.
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
❗- What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)?
✨ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy!
⚡ - Does this oc have any unusual or “irrational” fears?
- for OC of your choice (emojis OC ask game) 🙂
Thank you so much for the ask, @diabolical-blue! I'll answer for a few of my OCs namely Jack Tithus and Deimos Soll (Supernova Initiative), Kane Mylestrom and Orianna Whisperleaf (Song of Thorns), and Kyran Mavven and Eidan Delythen (Of Starlight and Beasts).
❗- What are the highest priorities to this OC (at a point in their life of your choosing)?
(Supernova Initiative)
Jack Tithus
Keeping his younger sister and his friends safe and happy
Rebelling against the Junction through his heists
Being free and fighting for a better future
Deimos Soll
Being rich and powerful so as to never feel neglected again
Redeeming himself to his old crew and friends
Getting far away from the woman who tortured him and tried to brainwash him
(Song of Thorns)
Kane Mylestrom
Perfectionism, never making a mistake again, being the best
Keeping his promise to his late best friend (of keeping said best friend's sibling safe)
Having revenge against the nobles who betrayed him
Orianna Whisperleaf
Seeing the world, learning new things, and having an adventure
Being a worthy apprentice and joining a druid coven
Making her adoptive mother proud and upholding her legacy
(Of Starlight and Beasts)
Kyran Mavven
Leaving his old self behind and having a new life far from the wrongs and mistakes he made
Having a perfect reputation and being an alchemist of renown
Being respected and admired
Eidan Delythen
Redeeming his family name and becoming someone better than the shadow of his relatives' mistakes
Running from his past and all the pain it caused
Hunting down the aberrations created by the Crimson Queen's curse and protecting the realm
✨ - Tell something that makes this OC feel happy!
(Supernova Initiative)
Jack Tithus
Watching movies with his little sister, and having fun together
Having a successful heist and being able to disturb the Junction's plans in some way
Drinking hot chocolate and flying his spaceship around
Deimos Soll
Reading a good book alone
Playing video games, especially when he can win
Training his sniper abilities and throwing darts
(Song of Thorns)
Kane Mylestrom
Winning duels/jousts and generally showing off his skill and battle prowess
Having free time to enjoy parties/taverns and generally be chaotic
Being complimented/praise for an achievement or be respected
Orianna Whisperleaf
Being around nature, feeling the magical energy that exists within it, playing with animals
Learning spells, potions, and hexes, helping her adoptive mother around her enchanted cottage
Seeing new places and learning more about the world and the people within it
(Of Starlight and Beasts)
Kyran Mavven
Working on his inventions, creating new gadgets, being in the vanguard of magical sciences
Memories of his past when he and his brothers were still friends with one another, before everything happened
Helping people with his inventions
Eidan Delythen
Being able to protect the common folk from monsters and war
Listening to good bardic music
Sewing and embroidering
��� - Does this oc have any unusual or “irrational” fears?
(Supernova Initiative)
Jack Tithus - Insectophobia (fear of insects)/Nyctophobia (fear of the dark, mild in his case)
Deimos Soll - Claustrophobia (fear of tight/small spaces)
(Song of Thorns)
Kane Mylestrom - Aichmophobia (fear of needles)
Orianna Whisperleaf - Autophobia (fear of being completely alone)
(Of Starlight and Beasts)
Kyran Mavven - Coulrophobia (fear of clowns)
Eidan Delythen - Thalassophobia (fear of the ocean and its creatures, mild in his case)
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 1 year
Lemme suggest Adiris, Lisa Sherwood & Pyramid Head for the muse suggestion meme!!
OHHHHH THIS IS INTERESTING! Thank you so much for the ask Ladybug! Let me think, hmmmm.
The Plague / Adiris : I should state, I really, really don’t hate the plague conceptually or from the snippets of her character that we’ve seen. I haven’t loved her from the beginning, mainly because she fell flat for me and a lot of her themes seemed recycled from Sally at the time (little did I know they really recycled a lot of Sally’s old character and seemingly distributed it around to different characters, c,:) BUT STILL, my dislike for Adiris is attributed like 90% to her gameplay. Call me wrong, but she is, to me, one of the least fun characters to go against. There is no outplay for her vomit other than just avoiding it. Her games are essentially running No Mither without any benefit and it’s so annoying. I hate it! You get puked on? Health state gone. Touch something? Health state gone. Heal someone? Health state gone. Fucking EXIST, health state gone. but Bun! You can cleanse! Well, when you cleanse, she gets damage for her massive reaching exorcist vomit and guess what! Health state gone, your down, your time is down, game over. It just isn’t fun and I will dc most times rather than try and put up with it. Sweaty Ghostface’s are more fun to go against and this is my hill to die on. So this all said, I will not ever be playing Adiris or the Plague because of my weird outstanding hatred for the way she functions in game and the Dev decisions regarding her outside of the game!
I will say though, FOR THE RECORD, even though I dislike all of the above, my position on Adiris has softened A LOT because of the wonderful work of my mutuals who write her. She isn’t my cup of tea obviously but watching them put so much skill and love into her makes me lessen my stance and come to love her in a different way! It’s sort of weird but the Adiris’s on my dash aren’t the Plague from the game. They have been redistributed to people who will love her and give her depth and love and make me forget all about the Dev’s ‘Doing A Pretty Good Job So Far,’
The Hag / Lisa Sherwood : MY DAUGHTER, I love she!! I’m sad they removed the fact you could banish her hexes in game with flashlights but still! She’s still so interesting and tragic to me. I adore her and I do feel like both her and Sally are slept on far too much by the fandom! This being said though, when it comes to writing her, I think I could. But I don’t know. Would people want to interact with her and hear about her? I would never want to add a character just to have them forgotten and fade away. Especially when they have as much potential for interesting dynamics as she does! I want to end this with like a definitive ‘I would’ or ‘I would never,’ but Lisa?? She’s an ‘ask me again later’ haha!
NOW PYRAMID HEAD, you’re gonna be mad but I have never played a single silent hill game ever and I have no idea about him or his deal! I was under the impression that he’s like… kind of a mindless monster executioner formed out of the main characters need to punish himself?? But I’m probably very wrong! I just don’t know about the man, though I am curious! All I do know is the Devs took his cake and it was a tragedy!
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hexavexen · 2 years
For the mun from a curious anon: What got you into Minecraft askblogging of all fandoms? Is it an interest in a certain type of Mob? Inspired by a veteran mcaskblogger? For fun/curiosity? Or something else? Thank you!
Literally nobody would know this but I actually used to run a different askblog on tumblr like 10 years ago for the character Laharl from Disgaea. It was text based but I did draw ask replies sometimes! I attempted to make some for my own ocs (which were fancharacters for that) but the fandom was positively exhausting and I left the scene because I was a minor, starting college, and the asks I got were.....gross.
I played a LOT of Minecraft with some Canadian friends via Hamachi before/around this time, but we were splitting off into separate interests. I didn't have anyone to hunt pumpkins with for hours or wait to see if it would snow or rain or collect all the roses with, so it kind of just became a game I explored on my own. The lore hadn't yet captivated me because my future favorite things had all not been added. I spent a lot of time in the Nether because it reminded me of the Netherworlds from Disgaea. I played solo every so often because they kept adding things or I just wanted to relax. I used to always try to build next to or in woodland mansions after their addition but I used the Sphax pack that turned evokers and vexes into something else. I never really got to pay proper attention to them. i was more drawn to the environment and architecture because my future obsessions showed up as ugly vampires and bats.
Fast forward many years and I'm moderating a huge Discord server and have to tell a guy not to say a bad word. That guy, Kurt (@ask-vulcan-and-toby) seemed to think I was cool so he invited me to play Minecraft, which I hadn't played with others for years. We hit it off so well that down the line we eventually became a couple. Things tended to happen together at that point, and we got wind of an SMP based on the nether update by a few people we knew from this big ol' server. We ended up not joining, but in the meantime I had made Hex and the lore dive I did learning about these mobs PROPERLY literally made Minecraft a special interest. I could not get enough information and my brain was zooming. Kurt got invited back by some MC ask veterans and I came with since our characters shared lore. I'm so much happier sharing my story this way, and it hits me with a boatload of nostalgia too, even if I wasn't in the Minecraft fandom for my former askblog.
So...basically my answer is all of the above!
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gamergal-ds · 1 year
Fun fact: that mad rat purgatory mod wasn't just my first time modding MRD, it was my first time modding a switch game, and also my first time making a mod in general
Also I only got the game like a week ago :P
IDK I was bored and after seeing no one had modded mad rat Monday into the game yet I thought "this is way out of my scope I'm still basically just a kid who's never modded anything before and don't know anything about how this game works" but I was bored so I gave it a try anyway, it was about as complicated as I thought it was going to be but I was so bored I kept pushing through anyway and somehow figured it out
This game's modding scene is basically nonexistent, and therefore there's basically nothing in terms of documentation as a result, I only found 2 others who had tried it, some guy on reddit who only edited the data files in a hex editor (who I only found after I published the mod) and a guy on gamebanana who made an Undertale voice mod, I had to figure out everything on my own but shoutouts to Undertale voice guy for including what programs they used to mod the game in their mod's dev notes (that I only found after already getting and using 90% of them) and for linking the last program I needed to finish decrypting the audio, I credited them on the mod's gamebanana page
The only reason I managed to do this is because I already knew how to extract files from a switch game dump (it's easy just grab switch explorer off of github) and I know how to search Google to find what kind of programs I'd need :P
I dunno why I felt compelled to share the entire story behind the making of this mod but uh there you have it I guess, you can search the mad rat modding tag on my blog and scroll to the bottom to see a detailed run through of everything I did leading up to finishing the mod if you're interested
Also, feel free to send an ask or DM my way if you want to learn anything about modding this game! So far I've got music, sounds and character dialogue names all figured out, and dialogue figured out to a decent extent though I've got more experimenting to do there, either way, I'd be happy to help out anyone interested in also modding the game! Do note this is only for the switch version, I've got no clue how to install mods on PS4 but theoretically with a PKG editor it can be modded in just about the same way too
Thanks for all the support guys, and happy mad rat Monday!
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||A Pride dragon's guilt; pain within her heart||
Hi everyone, time for a drabble today. I hope you all are doing alright today and being safe out there and warm. I got another one for you but lets see where this one turns out.
||Drabble Summary||
After the rescue of Ink, the six claws were recovering to themselves for a while. However, thanks to that kidnapping, Ren had given up his human life to become a new born demon. Now, he was in recover in the hospital with the other six claws. They were happy to have found and saved Ink. However, How did Ink feel about this? Even when Ren gave up his human life for her? If you wanna know, read to find out.
~A sad dragon is present in this
~slight sight of injury is present
||Guests in the drabble||
Ren Amamiya is from and belongs to the game persona 5 serious but also me due to rping him as a muse. Same with Davion as well.
Van Ink the dragon with some in the DBT, Kali belongs to my rp partner and wonderful friend @demon-blood-youths
((This drabble will have grammar errors and mistakes but this is written for fun so i hope you understand. With this said, please enjoy))
It's been a few days after the sudden fight with the six claws and Sukuna. Thanks to Ren, they were able to get away from Sukuna and save Ink from him. However, the six claws were badly hurt that they had to be sent to the hospital.
The healers, Opheila, Swan, and Hex were there to help them all even Ink as well. She was looked over but not in seriously danger after the shock. She was quiet, looking at her hands already feeling upset thanks to it. Sukuna was still an asshole but even more worrying for her was Ren.
He was no longer a human but a demon. Or his persona's devil Arsene. She remembers that when they got away, she saw how beat up her six claws was even with her crying trying to wake Ren up.
"REN! Ren wake up please!!! Please wake up!!" tears hits his bloody face but the other claws were too tired to move before the other fractions found Ink but gasped at the scene even her cousin was shocked.
"Ink!? What happened!" Davion said but he saw his cousin crying still trying to wake Ren up.
"It has to be Sukuna. He must have kidnapped her to get them. And a fight must have happened but what happened to-"
"Theirs no time! We need to get them to the hospital!" Navarro said seeing everyone quickly working fast to do that. Even with Ink still crying to the hoodie covering her face. Tears still didn't stop running down her cheeks.
'It's all my fault..it's all my fault...'
Right now, she already visited the other claws who was resting and being visited by the others. However, she was now going to visit Ren who was resting up after his team the Phantom thieves came to see him. However, they were informed of what happened to him. He wasn't a human anymore but a demon like Ink and the others here in New york. She was waiting to see him but that's when someone walks by to notice.
She blinks to look up seeing Kali here with some flowers. Rex was with her but the two saw that Ink looks down as she was holding some flowers.
"H..Hey Kali..Hey Rex. What are you two doing here?" she asked but the other two look at one another then at her.
"We were coming to see the others but we figured you would be here too. Are you alright?" Rex asked but he saw she said not one word. Sounds like that is a no. For now, the two wonder if she was okay to go sit down by her.
Kali saw her hands shaking, trying her best not to cry again but her rival was still pretty hurt and upset. Though she knew Ink was really upset that the six claws were injured even if they stood their ground against you know who.
"Ink, if your going to think this is your fault. It's not. You know how they are when it comes to you. They went to save you away from that asshole...." she said.
"I know but..they got hurt badly because of me. Like how badly I got hurt during that party but now..it's reversed. They got badly hurt and Ren he...he's.."
"We know. We heard from our devils he's no longer human. He gave up his human life to become stronger so he could keep you safe." he said.
"He gave that up...just for me. He wanted to keep me safe but it cost him his human life. He's a demon now..like me and the others. But it's my fault though. If I was more careful then he wouldn't have taken me and almost killed them!" she said.
"You know Sukuna is an asshole Ink and he wouldn't care. He heard they were strong and he wanted to see it. Second, you were not expecting Ren to do that for you but it proves a lot. Besides he did it because he cares about you and loves you. They all do remember?" she said but Ink was still quiet.
"Besides, they were like that at the party when you got hurt and shot you know. When seeing how badly hurt you were, bleeding out from the bullets, and your wings shredded..they lost it. They hated to see the one person they love hurt like that..and let me tell you, I've never felt such rage from anyone.." Kali mutters with arms crossed but she looks ahead before looking to Ink.
"I....wait, really?" she asked seeing Kali nod.
"But it tells a lot. They care and love you so Ren did what he had to. To insure you were safe....and alive too. We may be demons to heal but their are some injuries that could be fatal and could kill us. Just....just think about how he would have felt if anything else worse like that night happened to you, dummy." she grumbled and Ink looks to Kali as the two saw tears.
"Now, stop being upset and go see Ren. I bet he's expecting you. Me and Rex were going to go and do something after seeing the others okay. Just go see him." she said before standing up and Rex did too. Both of them leave and Ink was by herself. With a sigh, she goes to find Ren.
Ren of course was in his room but he was awake after what happened. True, he was indeed no longer human feeling some of his smaller injuries were gone but he still felt sore. However, he heard the other boys were okay and healing pretty well. However, he wonders about Ink. Was she alright? Was she okay?
As he was thinking, a knock was heard to have him look. "Come in..." he saw the door open to show someone holding flowers. He saw it was Ink. She said nothing to walk in but closes the door behind her.
"..H..Hi Ren...I hope it's alright for you to have visitors still....I..brought you flowers.." she mutters walking in but he saw her looking upset.
"I still can...please have a seat." He sees her walking over but sets the flowers in a vase before sitting down in the chair. Both her and him were quiet for a while not sure on what to say right now. He wasn't sure if she was upset and she didn't know if he was with her. In a bit, Ink speaks.
"I'm sorry..."
"Hmm? Sorry? Sorry for what Ink?" He asked as she looks to her lap trying not to cry but remains calm.
"F..for what Sukuna did. For what he did to you and the others. I should have been more careful so he wouldn't have kidnapped me. And yet he did...." she mutters with Ren listening. "But now thanks to me not being careful, you guys came to save me but ended up badly hurt..including you w..when you..."
"....When I gave up my human life to be a demon....." he saw her not respond but he sighed to look at her.
"Ink, It's not your fault for that. It was my choice because I didn't want to see you hurt. None of the guys wanted to see you hurt."
"I know but you...all of you went all out just to save me. You stood up against him but still got hurt at the end. Even you." She looks down but her hands grips her pants feeling them shaking. "You gave up being a human....for me? A idiot like me to see me safe. Your a demon now because of me.......all because I wasn't careful......" she said this in a sad tone to think it's her fault and yet Ren grew worried.
Was she really blaming herself for this? She didn't know Sukuna was going to kidnap her. She didn't know he was going to get the six claws to find her.
"All because I wasn't careful, you all were hurt because of me. You could have been killed Ren. and you.....I just...." that's when he noticed her starting to cry now. Tears hitting her hand as she shakes in her seat.
"...I never wanted anything bad to happen to you guys because of me! I'm so sorry for it! I'm sorry you did that for me because I wasn't careful.." she said sobbing and yet, Ren looks to her more worried but gently reaches to touch her hands.
"Ink, please don't cry It's not your fault-"
"But it is! Look where you and the guys ended up!" She said gripping the hospital bed but was sobbing softly now. "I should have done better and tried getting away from Sukuna! But I didn't! And I...I...." She was heavily crying now rubbing her tears with her hands, however, he only looks to her then carefully held her hands.
"It hurts Ren. It hurts seeing you and the guys hurt like this...it hurts.." she whispered.
"*Sobbing softly*"
"Ink, please look at me."
She said nothing right now but only lifts her head up showing her grey eyes but warm tears were running down her cheeks. She really was upset about this and yet, it made her worry even more.
"It's not your fault. I'm never going to blame you for anything. Not even this." He said to lift up one hand holding her cheek, using his thumb to clean the tears away. "I made my choice to be a demon because I knew I wanted to keep you safe. Even staying with you no matter what. This was my choice to make and I don't regret my choice."
She sniffles to look at him. "Y..Your not blaming me? Your not angry?"
"Of course I'm not angry with you. I'm more happy to see you alive and safe. We all are. You being safe means a lot more. We would keep you safe but if you were hurt or if Sukuna did worse, we wouldn't forgive ourselves. And I know your father wouldn't be happy with us if anything was to happen.." he knew that but he saw her sniffing now.
"But you...your alright with your new life? Your a demon now..b..but..don't worry! I can help you get used to what it's life. Help you know all about it. I know the others can help. Shdwkyz can too and he-"
"Easy now. I know you will and I appreciate the help you and the others will give. This whole demon thing is..new to me. But I'm willing to learn more about it.." he said to look at her, showing his red eyes as Ink looks to him. Seeing her gaze at him got Ren to gently kiss her forehead softly.
"Now no more tears, Ink. What matters more to me is that your alright and safe. I'm willing to do what I have to in order to see that you are...." he said softly but she only looks down with more tears still hitting the sheets but she carefully hugs Ren as he held her back petting her head.
"I'm still sorry Ren. I'm still so sorry.." she whispered.
"I know..but I forgive you Ink.."
Later that evening, Shdwkyz was coming to pick Ink up as everyone was ready to leave but as he did, he saw Ren still awake but petting a sleeping Ink's head. He saw she was tired but still upset.
".....She was upset pretty bad wasn't she?" Ren heard Shdwkyz speak looking to him.
"..She was. I already told her it's not her fault. She shouldn't feel guilty for what happened but I'm just more happy she's alright safe. I hope she knows that." he keeps seeing her sleeping but Shdwkyz did notice the dried up tear marks on her cheeks.
"......I take it your going to take her home? Visiting hours is almost up." he said as the snake nods.
"I am but she'll be back again to see you guys. We all told her it's not her fault for what happened. We all wanted to keep her safe. Even with me making my choice of being a demon now." he saw Shdwkyz shocked now.
"Wait, your a demon now?" he asked to see Ren's eyes no longer black but blood red like his persona's own. It seems like it was true. He did have the yellow eyes from his shadow but now he was a demon.
"Hmmm..I see. Well, then you will be alright with-"
"She already told me she would help me understand more about being a demon. I have a lot to learn but who knows? It might also help me during my heists in the other world. I'm just hoping to learn what I can.." he said.
"Believe me, We will help even myself. We all went through the same thing Ren so I know we can offer some help to teach you what we know." he said but Ren was alright with it.
"...Thank you. I'm looking forward to it."
"Of course but for now, focus on healing. We will hope to see you out of here soon." he said but goes to carefully pick Ink up to give her a piggy back ride. She didn't wake up but just held onto him as she sleeps.
"Have a good night Ren. She'll see you and the others tomorrow.." he said.
"Alright. Have a good evening Shdwkyz. And tell Ink I'll see her again soon." Wit ha nod, he goes ahead to turn and leave back home. The others were waiting for him. This leaves Ren alone in the hospital room but he lays back resting again but he looks to the window. The others could be sleeping which they were but he closed his eyes to relax.
He was alright with his choice, he was alright with that. Ren already told her and still will say; she means the world to him as the other six claws. Keeping Ink safe and happy was better. Even if he gave up his human life for her, he was happy of it. For now, he rests up to get some sleep but he knew Arsene was watching over him knowing of his choice. From here on out, Ren's life starts anew.
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cynthiaandsamus · 2 years
The Linkle List!
Linkle @linklewinklewoman has been generous enough to gift a present to every single visitor currently at the villa! After all the guests pull from the lottery to pick their present, these are the results!
The box opens and white snow like confetti launches out to cover the receiver.
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"Ahh! ...w-wait, that's it? I thought a snow golem was going to come out and strip me naked and pull me into a frozen wasteland~ Oh well... it's fun to dream~"
Inside the big box is a slightly smaller wrapped box. Inside that box is a slightly smaller wrapped box. Inside that box is a slightly smaller box. This would continue until a truly tiny box is the last which has a tiny folded note. It says "The Game".
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"I've been duped! I've been schmecledorfed! I have lost the game!!"
It is an envelope with a letter from the "Tiny Heiney Committee". It is denying your request to join as your butt is too small. They suggest joining the "Itty Bitty Teenie Weenie Tiny Heiney Commitee"
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"This has to be a mistake, nothing about me is small... but maybe I'll install an ass upgrade for the new year just in case..."
It's a tiny speaker like in those singing cards. It's reciting the Bee Movie script. All of it. It will only stop when the batteries run out.
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"Which of my enemies can I send this to in place of a hex this year?"
Classic pie to the face.
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"Ack! I got a pie facial! I can't let my cosplay fans see this or they'll meme me forever!"
A bottle of dehydrated water.
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"What is the meaning of this!? No matter, a soldier must acquire their own provisions I suppose, plus free bottle."
Rogard is staring at you from inside the box.
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"Hello, tiny chicken. Wonder if I can Mega Evolve you..."
It looks like a bag of candy, but the candy has beremoved and re-wrapped with rocks.
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"Oh nice, candy... wait... this isn't rock candy is it? It's rocks..."
A note saying "She is coming for you. Run!" Shadow Linkle may be targetting you.
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"Uh-oh... I heard about these pranks... I'm in danger."
It seems to be a link to a video. At first it looks like a sexy strip tease from Linkle. But then Jesus steps in front of the video and looks at you disappointed.
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A Honey Bun, fresh made!
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"Oh yummy! It's gonna go straight to my butt, but it's worth it!"
Gingerbread Metroid. Zebes helped with this one!
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"Well well, how seasonal. It is pretty cute, I'll have to give the boy thanks later as well."
Bread that looks like a little Cucco.
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"Oh yeah, bird bread! I'll make sure this one doesn't get used in on of Ruby's food fights."
Cream filled eclair. Do not make the dick joke.
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He's quietly sucking the cream out of it, like draining a prey animal, kind of terrifying actually, though the stray cream on his cheek is cute.
A fruit cake!
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"Oooh, I've heard of these! Aren't these things supposed to be indestructible?" She's dribbling it like a basketball before sinking her shark teeth into it.
A chocolate cake pop covered in white icing.
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"Oh this looks yummy!" She starts licking the icing off, obliviously suggestive and earning herself some stares.
Honey Glazed Meat!
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"Meat huh? Maybe I can share it with Risky and her crew, I know pirates love the meat stuff, bring 'em some fruit to ward off the scurvy and we'll have a holiday feast!"
Apple Pie
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"Pie! There's nothing like a nice warm pie on a winter night! I'll get some ice cream and we'll make it a la mode, maybe Cynthia will behave if I share some with her, she's always saying she wants some of my pie."
Carrot Cake
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"Hmmm, I don't think I've ever had this before. Well the holidays are for trying new things. Linkle's cooking's never let me down before!"
Egg Pudding
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"Huh, so you can make pudding out of eggs eh? It's so jiggly! I'mma just jiggle it a bit more before I eat..."
Honey Candy Bag
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"I knew this was coming, but it's not always the surprise that's the best part, sometimes it's the joy of the moment. And it does taste quite good..."
Candy Apple
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"Oh shit I dropped it in my cleavage. Anybody want to lick caramel off my boobs while I finish this apple?"
Nutcake. Don't.
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"L-Linkle's homemade cake... I'll eat it slowly and treasure it!"
Pumpkin Pie
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"Oh wow! We were never able to grow pumpkins in Littner village, I can't wait to try this!"
Wildberry Crepe
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"Hmmm, a crepe huh? Well I do love berries, maybe I can teach the girls to make these."
Monster Cake
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"How cute! It looks just like one of senpai's doodles, I'm gonna wreck this thing, but I'll see if Uzaki wants some first."
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"Oh, one of my favorites! The duel academy cafeteria doesn't make 'em like this!"
Sweet Dango
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"Hmmm, usually I'm not much for sweets but these are pretty good." She's idly throwing the sticks at a bulls-eye target as she finishes them.
Pumpkin Soup
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"Oh I've heard a lot of buzz about Linkle's famous pumpkin soup, just the thing to keep us warm on a cold winter night! Maybe I'll have Torkoal keep it warm so we can spoon it out for a while."
Stamina Potion
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"I don't know how effective a stamina potion is for an android, I'd hate to have it gum up my body like the fish incident, but I'm sure I'll find a use for it."
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My axe is my buddy, I bring him when I walk Me and my axe will leave your head outlined in chalk My axe is my buddy, he always makes me laugh Me and my axe cut bigots' spinal cords in half My axe is my buddy, and when I wind him back Me and my axe will give your forehead a buttcrack My axe is my buddy, I never leave without him Me and my axe will leave your neck a bloody fountain Everybody, everybody, everybody run Murdering, murdering, murdering fun, (everybody dies) Swing swing swing, chop chop chop, (everybody dies) Swing swing swing, chop chop chop
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Well hello boys and girls come on in see the show Its the mystical, magical, great dark carnival Don't bother lookin for parkin get rid of it It ain't like you ever comin back ya fuckin' idiot The carnival emerges only when you bout to die And right now muthafucka you bout dead in the sky So come and put your soul up on the murder go round And we'll strap you down and spin you into oblivion When it's yo time, death is near, step right up on over here Games, prizes, shows, and rides, its that carnival paradise
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Come one, come all, and witness magic! I introduce to you an occult sorcerer Of the ancient craft of Necromancy A caster of mind-bending illusions From the nether void of the shadow walkers Expelled from Shangri-La, The Great Milenko A beguiler of spells, hexes, and curses With the help of potions, talismans, and ancient relics From the forbidden realms of the Dark Carnival Ladies and Gentlemen...The Great Milenko!
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It's the one and only Boogie Man He creeps, he hides, he sneaks, he slides If your little feetsies are hanging off the edge of the bed You're running on stumps, motherfucker! Well, moonlight fills the room that you sleep in Things go bump in the night, me creepin' Ouch! Fuck! I stubbed my toe If you'd just quit leavin' your shit all over the fucking floor Fuck it, you're dead anyway And I'ma leave your head smack dead in the hallway In the morning, when your daddy walks out Ah! His foot's in your mouth, thanks to the Boogie Man
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Me and my homies stay tight like a noose And if you step to one of us you betta step to the whole crew I never knew that I could depend That I could have some friends that's down til the very end Well that's my home boys, excuse me, my family And when we conquer the world We macking on the galaxy Cause the skys the limit And we ain't finished And if my homies gonna ride then you know I'm with it
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
The Amityville Horror (1979) The Innocents (1961) Peeping Tom (1960)
hi hi hello amata!! Thank you for the ask, it always gives me a fun excuse to ramble on and on, which is always very enjoyable ^^ I’ll answer the first two questions for Sylph and then (attempt to) answer the last one for both her and Ghostie!!
The Amityville Horror (1979): Give a basic run-down of your s/i. What should we know about them right away?
(Utilizing a placeholder name) Sylph Plagued is 13 at the start of Homestuck and 16 by the end of it, of which she dies at least two times during the main timeline. Her screen name is awkwardGhost (hence the AG acronym), she types in the #7a249e hex color, her strife specibus is axekind and her planet is named the Land of Plants and Wonder (LOPAW). She’s a god-tiered Sylph of Life and a Derse dreamer (making her a Lesces), and she’s the unofficial white mage of her session.
At first, her powers are primarily defense based, spawning plants and roots to shield and delay attacks and threats, and she has the ability to heal injuries and illnesses. Eventually, she learns how to make the powers more offense based, utilizing the aforementioned roots and plants to work against the enemy and actively attack them rather than just protecting herself and her other server mates. She also strengthens her healing powers, working up to being able to cure any status, including death, as long as she hasn’t overused the power and exhausted herself. As most life players do, her blood is also capable of being used to heal.
Sylph is, as her screen name describes, awkward: she’s a bit more difficult to get close to compared to the other beta kids, and she often puts too much effort into pleasing the people she tries to get close to and can trust too easily. Despite this, she’s capable of holding a grudge and being stubborn, and is often a bit nosy, but this is all because she has the best intentions with her thoughts and beliefs, thinking that they are for the betterment of her and the people close to her. She can get confused and overwhelmed easily if she’s unfamiliar with something or someone.
During her time on the meteor, she becomes a bit more sporadic and prone to impulsively speaking out (likely from the influence of spending so much time with Dave and Karkat), and she becomes (slightly) more comfortable talking with people, considering she has to meet so many individuals during the three year journey. She also gains an unexplainably strong amount of determination once the main timeline splits from the doomed one, and, when needed, she’s able to be very focused and dead set on the things she does and believes she needs to do.
Her interests include typology, astrology, hoarding a stupid amount of books, horror movies, varying genres of music, random obscure facts and topics and formal debates. Sylph tries to form a friendship with Gamzee, having him as her patron troll, before he inevitably snaps and goes on his murdering rampage (of which she blames herself for not preventing). She aids with helping breed the genesis frog, dies from her injuries with Jade, before being god-tiered with Dave and Rose and getting stuck on the meteor with them and the trolls. During the Game Over timeline, she dies protecting Karkat from Gamzee, and during the final battle, she’s running around healing and reviving her teammates when Jane or Nanasprite aren’t present.
During the epilogues, she gains the status of Ultimate Self in the meat timeline and begins hearing totally not suspicious narration from a certain someone. She gets with Dave and Karkat in this timeline, going with them and the others to chase after Dirk when he leaves Earth C, and while her health hasn’t deteriorated as fast as the other ultimate selves’ health has due to being the essence of life itself, she has definitely been undergoing some kind of decline while on the spaceship.
Meanwhile, in the candy timeline, she remains at the normal god-tiered status and gets with Jade and Dave, eventually joining Karkat’s rebellion and adopting a kid with Jade. Her relationship with both Karkat and Dave becomes more or less strained, and her healing powers begin to waver due to the constant overuse in the rebellion.
this is definitely a basic overview please ignore how it is seven paragraphs long sgdkshs
The Innocents (1961): In canon, was your f/o the first person your s/i met? Or did your s/i encounter someone else first?
As to be expected, it was actually Egbert who Sylph interacted with first out of the beta kids. She met them through Pesterchum, and from there she was introduced to Rose due to them having similar interests. She then meets Dave through Rose, and lastly she meets Jade.
Her first few conversations with Dave were more or less her being very confused and lost on how to talk to him, due to his spontaneousness and quick changing topics, along with his complete lack of tone in his typing, so this causes their chats to rarely ever go anywhere. Dave inevitably catches on to this and tries to be a bit less all over the place when talking to her lol, and they talk about the different bands they like, which helps them bond.
Jade is very patient with her when they first meet and often talks to Sylph about her dreams on Prospit and her various interests, most specifically farming, physics and animals, since Sylph gets the most engaged with those topics. Jade gets really happy when she opens up easier because of this <3 she talks with her a lot about Bec, and Sylph does the same with her pets, which later brings them closer together when they both lose their dogs and have to prototype them with the kernel sprite.
Her first interaction with Karkat was obviously when he tried to troll her. However, due to being a bit of a mess when socializing, she doesn’t really pick up on that when faced with his screamy grey text, so their first conversation is full of a lot more of Sylph being confused and taking things a bit too literally, before she gives up trying to understand anything Karkat is saying and blocks him. Their first actual interaction outside of this was during the Sburb session when he approaches her about “stealing his moirail”, in which more confusion ensues. Sylph has no idea what is happening ever lol
However, Dave and Jade are the first people she sees in person during their Sburb session, so I suppose that could count here.
Peeping Tom (1960): How would your f/o describe your s/i?
Dave would want to describe her the way he thinks she deserves to be described as: she’s saved his life twice during their game session, grown even while in an environment that normally wouldn’t let her: surely that makes her more put together than him, someone strong and steady, someone he wants to protect even when he knows she doesn’t exactly need it. But a Strider hardly ever shares something so personal, so he’d probably say something cheesy about how Sylph is cool, but obviously not as cool as him. Would proceed to drop a surprisingly deep line about how she’s “like the sunshine”, wavering and ever changing but warm and almost always present. Continues to not provide any further explanation afterwards lol
Karkat would probably say some sort of half-affectionate insult at first (likely comparing her to an “INCONSOLABLE GRUB” or whatever), but would then stop to genuinely think about how he’d want to describe her. The feelings he has for her go beyond any of the quadrants, so he can’t just quote something cheesy from one of his red-romcom films. How could he ever describe something that goes beyond everything he was ever told about these kinds of emotions? How would he ever explain how he views someone who changed his views on all sorts of things? That’s just it. He can’t. He’d probably follow up the insult with saying that she’s “different”, that she’s stronger and braver than him and yet somehow so much more vulnerable, and that’s what makes her so confusing to him. Follows that up by saying she’s maybe the second most sane person on the meteor (meant to be a compliment).
Jade would get ecstatic over describing how she sees Sylph: she thinks she’s courageous and smarter than she knows and yet so stupidly impulsive and flighty — that’s what makes them so alike, but while Sylph is only capable of focusing on the small things, on one point that she thinks she has to fix, Jade is capable of seeing the whole picture as a Space player. She thinks they balance out each other’s impulsivity and flightiness because of this; they fill in the gaps together to get the full, detailed picture. Jade thinks Sylph is what brings everything together for her. She thinks she’s her rock, the one that keeps her thoughts straight when she needs it most, and she tries to be just the same for her <3
As for Ghostie…
Where does Marik even begin to describe Ghostie? He’s been inside her head before, surely it can’t be that difficult to come up with some easy, short answer. But when is anything ever that easy for Marik Ishtar? And even if it was easy, of course he’d want to go completely over the top with it. Marik thinks Ghostie is peculiar, but in a good way — a way he hasn’t been able to see before. He admits that he thinks she’s a little bit too inside her own head, prone to thinking more than she is to acting, but that’s what makes the moments when she does act all the more important. He knows she’s capable of herself and smart, and he sometimes thinks she’s almost too quick to forgive or understand things. He thinks she’s a sensitive thing, but all the same he’s seen her shoulder stress and still stand despite it. Overall, Marik would probably describe Ghostie as steady, thoughtful and intriguing.
Ryou thinks Ghostie is sweet and understanding: he would probably agree with Marik on how she’s too quick to forgive and understand things, seeing as she’s one of the only people who actively tries to get through to the spirit possessing him despite the danger written all over it (and the amount of times he’s put her in harm’s way — that only helps to add to the underlying want to protect her, even when it seems like Ghostie is trying to protect him). Even though he’s probably the closest to her, he doesn’t even know what goes on in her mind half the time, and this causes her to come off as aloof and sometimes even obscure (and if Ryou’s adamancy with learning more about the Millennium items shows anything, it’s that he loves a good bit of mystery and attempting to uncover things). Ryou would describe her as interesting and smart and as a good friend, if not a bit mysterious (not that that’s a bad thing — quite the opposite for him).
Bakura’s first response would be “annoying”, which isn’t necessarily wrong despite how sharp it might seem: it is pretty tedious when Ghostie is constantly getting in the way of his plans or escapades, even when they’re only for harmless fun at best. He thinks it’s admirable in a weird way, however; it takes a hefty amount of determination to continue catching him over and over before he actually does anything. Bakura finds her tedious and annoying, yes, but he also thinks of her as strong willed and genuine. He’d probably throw “sensitive” into that description, before scrapping it for a more accurate (and softer, less insulting) “caring” — he’s seen her get emotional time and time again, be it about him, or Ryou, or anyone else in her circle, but it’s not always through tears: sometimes it comes from a place of concern and care more than weakness.
Melvin is probably the only one who wouldn’t have an immediate, in depth answer to provide. He does know that Ghostie was the first to sympathize and try to understand the reason for his (Marik’s) actions, and that just counts for another fatal flaw of being too quick to forgive — obviously she must be foolish to think there’s more to his motives than getting revenge, but deep down he knows she’s right to think that. It makes her, yet again, intriguing to him: everyone else is visibly upset or frightened with him, and while Ghostie isn’t exactly excluded from that, she still sees that he’s completely human, not a ghost like the other two. Melvin would probably describe her similarly to Marik: intriguing (if not confusing), maybe a bit intuitive, an oddity. He doesn’t know as much about her as the others, but he does know that he wants to get closer to her <3
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hinnyfied · 2 years
Hermione's relationship with her parents was permanently altered after the war. As they celebrate Rose Granger-Weasley's eleventh birthday, old wounds are reopened.
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*** *** *** ***
The small silver spoon tinkled softly against porcelain as Hermione sat at her parents’ dining table, stirring a dash of sugar into her teacup. It was pink with a delicate trim of white roses, not unlike the ones she had loved dearly as a child. Hermione glanced up at her mother across the table, wondering with a guilty pang if perhaps she had done her best to replace them with a close match when they moved back to England.
Anna Granger, meanwhile, gazed lovingly at her granddaughter, Rose, as she ripped at the bright purple wrapping paper covering her birthday gift, slowly unveiling the present within. Hermione watched as her daughter pulled out a box bearing a picture of some sort of electronic device and the words Nintendo Switch emblazoned on the front.
“No fair, I want one!” cried Hugo from across the table.
“I’m sure your sister is happy to share, aren’t you darling?” Anna asked sweetly. Rose, however, was too busy looking utterly perplexed to properly appreciate her present.
“Will this work at Hogwarts?” she asked with furrowed brows. It was of no surprise to Hermione that this was her first question. Rose would be departing for her first year at the school in a few months time and had spoken of little else in the weeks leading up to her eleventh birthday.
“I’m afraid not sweetheart, but won’t it be so fun to use when you’re home visiting?” Hermione asked encouragingly, painfully aware of the way her mother’s jaw had suddenly tightened.
Rose grinned widely. “Yes, it will. Thank you!” She got up from the table and hugged both her grandparents tightly.
“That means I can use it while you’re away!” Hugo declared excitedly.
“You’d better not break it,” Rose said sternly. “I’ll know how to hex you when I get home if you do.”
“Can’t do magic at home, Rosie,” Hugo teased in a sing-songy voice.
Hermione’s mother got up quite suddenly from the table, picking up plates with remnants of birthday cake on them and taking them over to the kitchen sink as Rose and Hugo bickered back and forth. There was a stiffness in her movements.
“Why don’t we go play outside?” Ron suggested to the kids with a quick, knowing glance at Hermione.
“That sounds fun,” Hermione’s dad added jovially as he clapped his hands together, equally eager to distract the children from their spat. “How about I join you and we play a game of tag – we’ll see if I can outrun your dad.”
“Dibs on tagging first!” Hugo yelled before running to the back door, swinging it open and disappearing into the back garden, his grandfather not far behind him.
“Thank you again for the present, Gran,” Rose called back into the house as she followed them out to the garden. Ron gave Hermione a kiss on the cheek and squeezed her hand reassuringly. He shut the door behind him a moment later, leaving Hermione alone with her mother.
The kitchen was quietly tense, Hermione still rooted to her seat at the table while Anna furiously scrubbed at the dessert plates one by one.
“That’s a really nice gift, Mum. Thank you,” Hermione said tentatively, clutching her teacup.
“Is it? Even though she can’t take it with her to…that school in the fall?”
Hermione winced. The poorly masked resentment in her mother’s voice raised the hairs on the back of her neck.
“It’ll be more special then, since she’ll only be able to use it when she’s home for the holidays. She’ll enjoy it for much longer.”
Anna nodded stiffly, scrubbing even harder at a plate that looked perfectly clean to Hermione. She felt she ought to say something, but found herself lost for words.
Clink. Another plate set into the drying rack.
“She doesn’t have to go, you know,” Hermione’s mother said in a measured tone, breaking the silence. “I know she’s different, but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t do perfectly well at a normal school.”
“Of course she’d do well at another school, but Hogwarts is what’s best for someone like her.”
“Someone like you.”
“Yes.” Hermione felt herself growing defensive. “Someone like us.”
“So that settles it,” Anna’s voice shook. “I’m going to lose her, too.”
Hermione’s heart sank.
“Too?” she asked breathlessly. “Mum, you haven’t–”
“Don’t.” Anna dropped a plate into the sink with a crash and gripped the edge of the counter angrily. “You left us behind from the very moment you first set foot on that train. You couldn’t wait to go, and now neither can Rosie.”
“I was just a child who was excited to be somewhere with people like me, and so is she.” Hermione clutched her cup more tightly, taking a deep breath. Her heartbeat quickened, anxiety and anger coiling up within her, intertwining like a two-headed viper.
“I suppose you were just a child, then, when you chose to spend nearly all your holidays away, feeding us lies about studying while you went off to play soldier. I may be a Muggle, but I’m not a fool.”
“I was trying to do the right thing. You have no idea the things I was dealing with.”
“Yes, well, you made sure of that, and look where it’s got us.”
“You don’t get to pin this all on me,” Hermione said with as much composure as she could muster. “I was in a living hell after the war, and I needed you, but you wouldn’t come back for me.”
“We came back for you when it was the right time.”
“You came home when you had a grandchild on the way. That was not for me.”
“And whose choice was it, that we had somewhere to come home from?”
Hermione’s lip began to tremble as she felt hot, angry tears well up in her eyes.
“That’s not fair.” Blood pounded in Hermione’s ears. Her hands began to shake. “I did what I had to do to protect you.”
“You did what you had to do to get us out of the way,” her mother said bitterly, tears now pouring down her cheeks.
Hermione parted her lips to retort, when she was interrupted by a timid voice.
“Are you fighting?” Rose stood in the doorway to the garden, her eyes wide with concern.
Anna quickly wiped her cheeks and plastered a big smile on her face.
“No no, darling, we were just…talking about some grownup things.”
Hermione couldn’t stay in the room a moment longer; full-blown panic threatened to overtake her. She got up from the table and marched down the hall into the bathroom, refusing to let her daughter see her tears. As soon as the door clicked shut behind her, they began to stream down her face, and her chest heaved with silent sobs.
It had been this way ever since her parents regained their memories – uncomfortable, distant. Hermione had accepted long ago that their relationship was irreparably damaged, and she was kicking herself for still letting it get to her all these years later. They’re good grandparents, and the children love them, she thought to herself. Just be grateful for that.
There was a gentle knock on the bathroom door. Hermione took a few steadying breaths, wiped the tears from her face, and opened it to find Ron on the other side. No words were spoken. He simply took one look at her and pulled her into a hug.
“Let’s go home,” he whispered in her ear as he held her tightly.
Hermione thought of their home together, the one filled with laughter, joy, chaos, and magic – a place where she could be herself with the people she loved most in the world. She looked up into Ron’s eyes, filled with affection for her not in spite of who she was, but because of it. She smiled softly.
“Yes, please.”
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