#though of course it is unlikely I'll ever do anything. I just have a random hit of nostalgia rn and bought a tablet for drawing the fanime
important note to myself: should I ever make a hyper accurate fanime adaptation, I should definitely draw Nagisa as the character he's called as in a chapter
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amethystfairy1 · 3 months
we're BACK!
the sun-burned beauty updates we've been waiting to read were... certainly NOT what we were expecting, but... i mean... i'm not complaining!
also DESERT DUO??? the desert duo content has finally arrived! and im already SO excited!!!
but now i'm home, and i can create all the fanart i want! ...hopefully. my motivation is as bad as ever.
for the rest of this ask, a bit random, but here are my silly thoughts about what would happen if the TTSBC pairings (and some extra friends) went kayaking together!
Desert Duo: Naturally, the obvious way would be for Scar to sit in the back. And at first, they tried that, but he kept getting distracted and losing rhythm over and over again. Eventually, Grian got mad and moved him to the front. Apart from that... hurdle, I think they would do really well at this type of exercise. Scar wouldn't have to use his braces, and both probably have great muscles and condition from their side hustle. That is, if they can stay awake from how little sleep they get.
Flower Husbands: Scott really didn't want Jimmy to do this with his back pain, but he insisted he would be fine, and Scott eventually relented. He still wouldn't let him sit in the back, though. I think they would be one of the most coordinated pairings in here - when Scott is not trying to splash Martyn, which he totally takes the chance at every time they get near.
Zedango: Tango SHOULD NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, be on a kayak. But it sounded so fun, and Zed really wanted to try kayaking for the first time, and if he stayed he would've drowned himself in work again, so they just wrapped him up in waterproof clothing and rowed very, VERY carefully. He ended up getting wet multiple times, underplaying the damage EVERY SINGLE TIME. They're dead last, and Tango's hands are water-burned all over by the time they get to the end, but they insist it was still a fun time. Zed's in the back - yes, it's his first time, but he quickly figured it out.
Treebark: Ren's got it. He totally can push the kayak on his own, Martyn doesn't have to do anything. But he still wanted to feel helpful, so he got an oar himself. It still got used mostly for the arbitrary splash war between him and Scott, and not for actual rowing.
Jizzie: Joel sits in the back, if only to satiate his own ego. Lizzie would probably be more competent than him, hunting clan and all. But they both are putting in the work, and enjoying the break from running a bakery as much as they can. Of course, Joel had to get some modifications made. The kayak is not butterfly friendly. 0/10.
Doctho: Unlike Martyn, Etho doesn't bother with false illusions of actually contributing anything. Doc's biotech can do it just fine, no sweat, so Etho's just going to enjoy the ride. They're closer to the back, keeping an eye on all of their 'little ones' - ESPECIALLY Tango.
Nature Wives: I like to think Katherine is the one who came up with the whole kayaking idea. She invited everyone, got the kayaks sorted, and found a suitable place (surely there are decent lakes in the under-city - Katherine herself fell in one). She's probably also sitting in the back and teaching Shelby how to row.
Gem & Pearl: My Shiny Duo heart wants to put them on a kayak so bad! They're not together, but would totally make short work of all these couples and their coordination. I can see them both in the back or front, but I'll put Pearl in the back just because as an avian, she definitely has a lot of back and arm strength. They're menaces, going in circles and splashing everyone. Nobody's safe from them! (Except Zedango)
Impulse: What's a kayaking trip without a nice lunch at the end? And for that to happen, someone has to give up one space on their kayak just for the supplies. I think Impulse would be great here. He's got the stamina needed to push a kayak on his own. As for the supplies... him, Gem and Pearl volunteered, so it may be just soup. (It totally is just soup.)
If someone wants to draw this, be my guest!
A bonus thought: isn't it wild how TTSBC!Scar would most likely be a Gryffindor, but TT!Scar a Slytherin?
I perhaps spent a little too long rolling around laughing about this 😆
Especially the image of Martyn getting paddled along faster than a speedboat because REN and meanwhile Zed and Tango are like going as slow as possible and Tango just keep going 'ouch! ow! ah!' because of the little droplets hitting him 😅 And Impulse just paddling along by himself with the big old picnic baskets stacked up in his boat, that's so cute! What a lovely outing for the group!
So glad you're back and enjoyed the end of Sun-Burned Beauty!
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itwoodbeprefect · 5 months
ooh there's so many good questions in that writers list. ummmmm 10, 18, 22, 59, 74
10. Cltr+f “blinks” on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
with a previous answer i did this for the starsky & hutch wips, so i'll do it for h50 now, which brings options. the main document with more or less Everything in it has 12 blinks, a flip-flop state of mind has 4 (though those have all already been posted), and sweet like a chic-a-cherry cola (which is, despite appearances, not dead) has 7, one of which is this one, from the aftermath of my gratuitous surf buddies scene rewrite ("“That’s so cute,” Mary says, while she accepts the coffee. She’s smiling, and Steve looks happy and clueless and good enough to eat, and Danny is, quite frankly, insulted."):
When he crosses the doorway he’s indignant, but by the time he’s hopping up on the kitchen counter there’s a nasty doubt creeping in. “Hey, look, we are more than just surf buddies, right? I’m not reading this whole thing wrong?” Steve has his head in the fridge, but at this he closes it without taking anything out. He turns to Danny and blinks. “Of course we are. We’re-” He predictably gets stuck right there, because they haven’t said anything like that out loud before. “Partners,” is what he settles for.
also, oh my god, that's 23 mcdanno blinks. brb editing out these people's twitching eyelids.
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
answered this one here!
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
ooh, interesting! and i'm leaning towards no, because i have very few hard boundaries with fiction. there are definitely things i'd be very unlikely to ever write, but there's very little i feel sure about ruling out completely. i'm not responsible (yet) for what tomorrow me thinks would be a good idea, and i only very recently had the experience of watching a show (one of the thai ones, predictably) that got me SO annoyed i had to grab myself by the back of my own shirt and forcibly yank myself back from attempting to rewrite the entire plot of a lazy thing about which i liked practically nothing, not even the characters. so i guess that's one thing i AM trying to actively avoid, and hope for future me's sake she won't be doing either: writing some giant project purely out of spite for a media property i don't enjoy. (peace and love, girl.) beyond that, i don't know! chances are vanishingly slim, but maybe i'll suddenly decide i have a great take on mpreg omegaverse deathfic tomorrow.
59. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
oh, yes! all my friends i think, my sister, my parents - though my parents wouldn't know where to find it, probably, and i wouldn't mind keeping it that way. i don't mind telling people, it's just that i also don't necessarily enjoy explaining (and defending) the concept of fanfic to random non-fanfic people, so it depends on the situation.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
also already answered this one, here. clearly people agree you picked the best questions!
Get to know your fic writer! 🔎
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hugedwarflover · 1 year
I'd give anything to actually write a movie for The 7D and hopefully have all the cast come back one more time. It would be amazing if I were to turn Empathy into an actual cartoon character, even her mother Vigilantra once I actually draw what she would look like. Maybe some things about Empathy and her backstory could be different in the movie than it would be in my stories on Wattpad. I could have it where she would wish for things to happen by snapping her fingers instead of actually saying "I wish" like Timmy Turner would. Empathy is pretty much her own fairy godparent without having a wand or wings. Also, I would love to put each of my ships in the movie, and I'm thinking that if they were to not kiss, they would simply hug and make each other blush, but I do see my ships kissing without giving a shit about what homophobes say. Unlike how I make them curse in my stories, I could make it where in the movie, they could have the things they say be censored by random sound effects or simply be interrupted by someone. I do want them to still sing popular songs like how they do in my stories but at the same time, they could sing songs that would be specifically written for the movie. It would be amazing to have Parry Gripp write more songs for The 7D again if it does come back. I wouldn't mind voicing Empathy myself, but I don't think I would be a very good voice actor since my own voice is pretty deep and one of the only high-pitched voices I can do is a valley girl accent. I do see Gillian Jacobs (Britta from Community) or any other great actress voicing Empathy if I were to not voice her myself and I see Rosamund Pike or just any British actress voicing Empathy's mother Vigilantra, who could probably have a different name in the movie. Next year will be 10 fucking years already since The 7D first premiered and if I were to actually make a movie where they all come back, then it could take place years after the show ended and they could still wear the same outfits they always wear or maybe they could have different outfits since it would be years in the future. Back in 2016, I made a story on Wattpad from one of my old accounts that I completely forgot my email and password for where it takes place 5 years in the future. I wrote in the description that it's not a musical, even though it clearly contains a song in almost every chapter. I also considered it as my first AU, but I prefer seeing my AU with Empathy in it being the first AU I've ever made. I'll never be able to remember my goddamn email and password for either of my old Wattpad accounts @Drumpy278 and @GrouchHead7D and I hate that I never even wrote them down. If I were to actually remember my email and password for those accounts, then I'll just delete those accounts since they are very old anyways. During the summer and, of course, throughout college, I could think of some storylines for a movie and even on Instagram, I could tell each of the cast about it and even if it'll never happen, I still hope the cast would be interested in doing the voices again after a long time.
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purlturtle · 6 months
Character asks: 4, 12, 19 and 20 for Helena Wells
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
(all questions here)
(I'm gonna put this under a readmore because this *will* get long...)
I have done a few of these already: I made Helena into Iron Man (more or less; these are all AUs, not crossovers) and put her on Wonder Woman's Themiscyra!
Helena is such an archetype, I think. She is the intelligent woman ahead of her time, almost modern in her feminism even though she grew up in Victorian times, slippery and adaptable and on her own side more than anyone else's, and thus morally ambiguous until she finds something (or someone) to latch on to. If there isn't a Myka Bering around, that's probably some form of transaction, of "I do this for you if you do that for me" - it might even have worked with Sykes if Myka hadn't come first, and the reason why it didn't work with MacPherson was because he didn't respect her (and also Myka.)
But I digress.
I still want to put her on Voyager, ultimately. And probably will, one day. I think the interaction between her and Kathryn Janeway would be exquisite (especially if you throw both Amelia Earhart and also (of course) Myka Bering into the mix. This idea has felt compelling for years now; I don't think I'll ever let go of it, even as I have no idea when I'll ever get around to writing it. One Day!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
A great many, a lot of which I've already talked about before, so I don't want to run the risk and bore you with something I've told you before. So, in a nutshell:
Helena wasn't a great mother from the beginning; she grew into motherhood but it was not instantaneous and not smooth
Helena doesn't know who Christina's father is and he's not important (sometimes I write the opposite, but mostly I tend towards this); she was so promiscuous that there is more than one potential candidate
Helena hasn't fallen in love before Myka and that's why it hits her so hard. She has had fun (sex) with a lot of people, but that's all it ever was. Maybe she's demi-romantic, maybe she's very discerning and never felt anyone was good enough for her, maybe Myka is her soulmate (although I do think that Myka was in love with Sam, but I digress) - whatever reason, I think the feelings she suddenly realizes she has for Myka are unprecedented.
She wasn't formally educated (unlike the historical H.G. Wells) but gleaned her education where she could.
I think I'll leave it at this - if you want me to go into more detail about any of these, let me know!
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Nate and Giselle both spring to mind, of course, but for both of those I think they weren't serious. I think in both, she was searching for something and thought she'd find it in these relationships, but ultimately didn't. I think she still loves Myka during that time, but is too scared to enter a relationship with Myka - and also too aware of how messed up her head and heart is.
So she tries to heal, in a way that is allowed to her and that she can conceive of - she can't/won't go back to the Warehouse because that would mean being back in Myka's orbit and she can't do that yet. She can't just go into therapy with any random therapist; her issues are intricately bound up with her history and the Warehouse, and I can't see her making her therapist her One. Besides, she might have hang-ups about psychologists/psychiatrists, from Victorian times/her upbringing!
And also, I can see her wanting to make it on her own, to be independent of the Warehouse, to find her own two feet in this world. If she can be anything and anyone, if she's not beholden to who she was with the Warehouse (or Myka) who is she? Who does she want to be? Being with Nate and Adelaide, and later with Giselle - I see these as attempts to answer those questions. And to a degree, the intention to be your own person, to *know* who you are before you offer yourself as a relationship partner, to heal from the worst of your issues is theoretically a very healthy approach - just, perhaps the way Helena goes about it is not the greatest, both for her and for Nate, Adelaide and Giselle? (Also, I have thoughts about the whole "I'm not worthy of you/I'm so messed up I'd only hurt you" thing, but that's a whole nother tangent.)
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
It is A CRIME that we don't see Helena have a best friend, HONESTLY. Seriously, give that woman someone at her side who isn't a romantic interest!
Given her approach to flirting and her *instant* chemistry with anyone halfway decent, that probably needs to be a gay man, though 😂 - not saying that everyone lusts after her and she lusts after everyone, but I think it would help if that person made it very clear, from the beginning, that any relationship or even just flirting was off the table.
A lot of fics put Steve in this slot, and I understand and approve. I think his insistence on honesty would be beneficial for her in two ways: one, I think she herself seeks that, seeks people who are honest to her, who she can trust (especially after MacPherson, her first experience of someone approaching her in this new time). I think that, while she's not used to speaking her mind quite *that* fully (she grew up in a very high-context society, after all, where a lot of things were implied and left unsaid), she would appreciate the candor involved, the not having to second-guess.
And I think that, two, it would help her trust Steve, and open up to some degree - although I also think that (if we stick with canon rather than AU versions of the two) Steve doesn't pry. I think if he gets the vibe that someone is being honest with him/not lying overall, and if that someone also does a good job out on cases together, he's content to just, be with that person. No need for deep soul-baring conversations, just regular conversations will do nicely. And that could be so refreshing for her; to have a man consider and accept her as a true equal, just going about business and having a pint after the job's done - I think that could work wonders with her. There *could* be some soul-baring, in bits and pieces, or even just offered understanding and compassion without all the reveals. They both have lost a family member, after all, both have traumatic experience with that (so does Claudia, but I think there's too much daughter/mother // mentor/mentee dynamic between her and Helena for a "we're equals" friendship), and they both tend to not talk about these things but try and get on with their lives and somehow heal past the trauma.
It doesn't get a lot of page space even in fic, but: Steve.
Thank you for these questions! That was lovely! ♥️
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bmpmp3 · 7 months
and you know recently i was thinking about the otome isekai vs otome game conundrum (a lot of the tropes and genre staples the isekai stories have in their fictional otome games are not very reflective of real life otome game trends historically) again and like ive mentioned before now that i dont mind that too much (although i do personally prefer my isekais generally to be into a book or a comic or something linear (or of course the classic isekai into the past or an alternate universe is also great) unless the story really goes out of its way to take advantage of video-gamey weirdness. if u die in the game u die in real life!!!!!!! shit like that LOL) but i was also thinking about like. i wonder how an isekai into an otome game would actually look like....
there is the problem that the localized scene is only a fraction of whats out there (although recent years have been very kind to us! but if u ever want good motivation to practice ur japanese, go on vndb and look at the sheer amount of jpn only psp otome games there are on this earth 😔 someday.....................) so if u were going based off the english speaking perception, otome games are like painfully varied genre and setting wise and full of high stakes action LOL we have been getting quite a few lower stakes ones about actors though recently....
alas as implied before i dont speak japanese (YET.......) so my knowledge is only secondhand and you should take everything i say with a grain of salt BUT it does seem in the jpn only psp era we had a LOT of highschool otome games, and it seems like samurai never go out of style. vaguely medieval and vaguely victorian fantasy is also a classic, although unlike most of the isekai stories it seems nowadays most villains will be men (another guy to romance) and villainesses are still pretty rare after like 2005.... but its still difficult to find a common denominator here to play off of cliches
BUT i do think there could be something funny about an isekai main character trying to remember the exact dialogue options needed to not get a random bad end HJWHRJDSHJFs oh fuck if i go left i'll run off a cliff and die!!! or was it right.....
but thats more on the character route-structure visual novel side of things, on the more stat-raiser-y true dating simulator side of things (we dont have a whole lot outside of a few indie games and a couple fantranslations) those seem to be largely fantasy (Angelique and the like) or high school stuff (there were ten bajillion on the psp and some ds ones too!)
many isekais do take the angelique fantasy story route, but it could be fun specifically to play on the princess competition premise. also didnt one angelique game let u play as the rival character? thats a bit intriguing...... but on the later highschool dating sim end of things i guess it makes sense thats not used as a setting that often LOL i mean I was playing storm lover kai like one wrong turn could kill me BUT that is not. the intended experience of these games hkjfdhjrkgfeldjfs but actually maybe it could be interesting for a horror or thriller story.... i just wanted to have fun being isekaied into my favourite romcom dating sim but everyones dying somehow????? this isnt in the programming?????????
i dunno its kinda fun to think about! i think usually among the english speaking audience the general consensus is that if they were isekaied into their favourite otome game they'd probably get killed immediately. if that says anything about the medium as a whole in the localized sphere.
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kal-lyp-so · 7 months
tokyo's 2024
here i am on my last day in tokyo, crying and writing this to you.
My dear cruelest heart i have ever known, i am not sure if it was you who broke me or maybe it is me.
i came to this city hoping maybe, just maybe. i get to meet you and i hesitated at first if i should really text you or not, but i know i'd probably regret not doing it at all so i did.
the only reason why i hesitated is that im so scared of you saying no or just ignore me. in a way, killing the only hope i had.
but either way, the hope was only there to help me realised that my life is definitely not a movie or as magical as i hoped it would be.
ive been keeping it inside because again my love, im still alone.
to my dearest peeta, i know you would probably never care but i couldnt betray the love i have for you. it was really beautiful. and to you, it was just another short discovery or maybe just an experience. you probably would never ever remember me on any random day and unlike you, whatever i do, you're on my mind every second. i'd still imagine we were together and that's the only way for me to stay calm and just pretend my life is okay.
i dont know how my life was ruined by something so genuine and so beautiful. Truthfully, i am too; very very scared to care and love someone not because i cant do it, but because it was one and done for me.
I told you so many things and promised you alot too, unlike you, ive never broken my promises.
Sayang, it hurts so much knowing that youre only a monster to me and nobody else.
As much as i would like to ask god, again and again, to let me have you back, i dont think id ever get you.
ive tried everything and still failed. maybe that is it.
and i dont think whatever success get fix my shattered heart.
funny how most of the songs talked about how they regret hurting or maybe how angry they are after being hurt,
why cant i listen how is it being perfect and fitting and nice and genuine; basically being the best human version of themselves and still getting hurt by other people.
other people said that its your loss. is it?
why dont i feel happy? why do i still cry though it is your loss?
your loss somehow feels like mine as well. and i wish i can prevent that from happening but you and i are so different.
its not like moon or sun type of difference, it ups and downs type of difference. its dishonest vs genuiness. its not yin and yang because they balance each others out, you and i are just wrong. to you of course because you were the one who chickened out.
my sweetest monster, please help me. i dont know how to get over you. why do i love you still? i want to stop but they keep coming back. I am so alone right now and im very strong. but i need you.
and i wish i dont need you. because people like you, dont deserve people like me. not the other way around. you are the type to always win by hurting people, by being selfish and arrogant. Sure, i can so too but its not fun nor nice.
i figured that maybe i really need to not only let it go, i need to force myself to walk away. but walking away doesnt mean im going to walk my new path with someone new. sometimes i'd wish or imagine im walking with you but just that. that tiny piece of imagination will make me happy. though i'll realised that it's not real, but i'd do anything just to survive.
im trying to survive, still far away from living.
sometimes i imagine us working at a same place so i could just see your reaction to seeing me, sometimes i imagine id meet you maybe when im traveling somewhere. but let's be real, from japan to south korea and now back in japan, we still couldnt meet. you didnt want us to meet and its just that.
i will still cry whenever i think about you and missing you.
i will still wish and forever wish with whatever hope that was left in me that you'd come back. but my reality is far more greater than my silly imaginations. they used to be smaller but look where it got me.
i will still imagine and wish that im watching Brooklyn-99 with you and would laugh and talk why the scenes were funny as if you're listening.
i'd still imagine going to the cinema with you because that was what we promised to do.
whenever i eat my butter scones, i'd think about you because you used to care about that.
whenever i listen to music, id think whether you would like the song or not because i like it and im hoping that you'd like it too.
but one day, when i stop imagining, there could only be two possible explanations.
i've outgrown my emotions
i have died
i really really wish that i dont have to go through this pain in my entire life. it sucked my soul. all the pretty parts thats left and ive managed to protect growing up; they got destroyed just like that.
you were so impulsive and im scared of that now. you were so so arrogant. the attitude.
why cant you talk to me how i talk to you? why cant you talk to my like how you talk to strangers? did i hurt you? no. you said it wasnt me but it was actually you.
then why did you make me the villain?
this will be my last time i will ever visit tokyo for traveling; this time it hurts me so so much. i dont think you understand how much it hurts and you'd never will understand my pain.
and i refused to allow others to fix what you have broken. i refused to give them the same chance i gave you.
I came here for you and i left without you.
I pray you happiness, best health, and a sense of security. this way you'd never have to lie or pretend anymore.
its a shame that i have met you. its embarrasing that i have showed you my flaws. its scary how i care too much too.
i will stop praying that i want you or anyone. its better being alone than having to deal with this pain again.
id cry being alone and yet it is still better than crying because i want someone who doesnt ever think or care about me.
he didnt even love me. and i gave him my whole heart.
he didnt love me.
kalypso, 18th feb 2024.
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away-ward · 1 year
Hey, I'm that anon who sent you that Emmy rambles part 1&2, lets just call me Zee to distinct my posts from others & avoid confusion.
Ok first off, thank you so much for your length reply, like i said, i enjoy having discussions with others who love it as much as i do. Second of all, i'll go about this ask by replying to your comments from my anon posts first and give some clarification to some if needed, starting from part 1 then moving to part 2, before i add some other thoughts below my replies to your comments. Third, if i don't have anything to add to some issues you've mentioned (because some are just random thoughts that i had when i wrote these asks so i dont really remember much now), i won't add in anything, and leave it at your replies.
-I don’t think Emory ever hated anyone. Not even her brother, in the end. I think she hated her situation, and had the tendency to lash out or direct her anger at people.-
>> I agree with you points and examples here, this was exactly what i felt when i read her story, pov and her character from someone else's eyes. In fact it was so consistent throughout the series too, it made it even unbelievable that "judgemental" was written and seem to be one of her worst traits because of how contradictory the text was to DN characters' observation of Emmy, of course Emmy herself included.
In fact, there were more than three very separate occassion that I'd like to add to prove this weird traits:
1 When Trevor was slandering Michael and the horsemen to Emmy a couple of times (three times to be exact, 3 times!) and was probably hoping she would join him on the Horsemen hate bandwagon and probably do something about it (like what he planned with Damon against Rika or something like that), but unlike what happened with Trevor and Damon in Corrupt, the same colluding acts did not happen between Trevor and Emmy, not even to talk shit about Michael who she never really knew much about even though he had been insufferable (by association) to her before. A worse person would've not just shit on Michael (even anonymously online like those hate messages for Damon, Winter and the Horsemen in Kill Switch), they probably could've used this time to take advantage of his reputation, money or whatever they can get from the Chris, to drag him down further, but Emmy never did any of that. She could've just blindly trusted rumours, especially something coming from a blood brother of Michael, and went after him to "pay back" or whatever for all the things the Horsemen had intentionally or unintentionally did to her, especially when it concerns her Grandmere, but she didn't. In fact, one of the characterisations of Emmy that i remember most was from the after basketball match and blackchurch because she always seek out for answers even if it might not be something she needed tor wanted o hear. She even called out to will about how he never asked for her for truth of the who jail situation, and would rather just bask in the mystery of it and go about things blindly, even if it's not true, rational and could hurt others (hence why they still couldn't justify hurting Rika, because THEY NEVER ASK). Also, wasn't this just like how he thought of his grandpa and Mccallahan's mystery too, no? He didn't want to know because it was comfortable.
Anyway, my conclusion towards this small interaction with Trevor already build up a solid characterisation to go against that "judgmental" thing that PD tried to hammer us down with. If this was Arion, even if she didn't have any evidence against Michael being a shit brother to Trevor (or especially if it concerns Damon and Winter), she probably would've taken the chance to hurt them to get what she wants, and because it's easier to pile on the Horsemen, since they already got an unsavoury reputation, so it's not like it's a far stretch from what people could've thought of them, she wouldn't have been stoned much for she was about to do to them. On the contrast, Emmy felt guilty for whatever things she played apart to. hurt them, even in duress because she knew it was undeserved, but she thought she was alone and had no way put of the situation then. 
2 Her relationship with Damon. Was Damon shitty to her? Kinda, but it was never bad. Shitty to others in that town, especially girls and women? Hell Yeah. Were all of them rumours and were things she heard from people or things she actually saw him do or say? We'll never really know, because it was never much clarified in text how much she saw it happen, or thought of him and his friends enough in Nightfall to have a conclusion about Damon's character. She only knew him as insipid, boring, shallow, and mean but that's about it. Nothing malicious about her observation, even for someone like Damon, who was seen as "evil" in prior books. She only fully judge what she was and heard with her her senses, not through rumours. Damon's character was seem softened in this book, not only because the conflict between him and Will had decreased, and the "amazing" way Will look at him, but also because Damon really had no prior bad relationship with Emmy, AT ALL. If this was Arion, he would've done worse, so it doesn't only show the other side of Damon that seems a bit normal, but it also shows the kind of person Emory was to make Damon react like that towards her, and how Damon & Emory's relationship shifted differently than his relationship with other female characters in this series. I believe this could support that anon's headcanon about Damon & Emory's relationship, because their dynamic didn't just start BECAUSE of will, it already happened prior to that, and i think it's believable that anon's headcanon just flows after my understanding of their relationship as stated here. The "Damon" we saw in Emmy's pov was indeed already very different than at least 4 other female characters' povs in the series: Rika, Banks, Winter, Arion. And surprisingly, it was heavily influenced because of Emmy's treatment and character towards him in general. Which is also why i agree with your reply to that anon that maybe this could be one of the reasons why Damon was forced to be open, honest, kind, sincere and vulnerable with Em, because nothing else that was bad worked with her. It had to be out of something good. I agree with you opinion that Damon's opinion of her changed even more after that second shower.
3 Which brings me to my third point (i might sidetrack a bit here, but there's still correlation to that "judgmental bit, stay with me for a sec lmao) where this might also be one of the easy reasons as to why MIcah, Rory & Aydin's can kinda bond with her, and their dynamics changes when she's in the picture. Wasn't it mentioned before that no one in BC had ever spoken to Aydin rudely, and they always had to wait for his green flag before acting out something? Sure, Aydin could've done something to suppress her or whatever, but it was never mentioned in text how they tried to fight him no? They just were in denial that they had to stay in BC and rot, not because they had to fight the "Alpha". This also is a proof of how they were not the only ones in control, she was too, and I love that in Emory's story, we always see this side of her, be it with Damon, with Martin, Will, Aydin, everyone really, because we were also shown the main reason why people had beef with her is usually because they couldn't control her, and then they lashed out, especially martin and will. In Nightfall, not only we see how the FMC reacted to people and how their dynamics change, but we also see how FMC's demanding character or her narrative and so she was always labelled as "others" or something negative to make it look like she deserves to be treated lesser, or something weird. They could've just given her freedom, but they had to be "dictators" to dictate everything she think, do or say just because they wanted control, and when she doesn't give the reign, she was framed as "bad", and the readers who lacked critical thinking just ran along with this idea.
I really love this part of Emmy where these MMCs were shown many times that they need to adjust their lives to HER instead of always expecting her to go along with whatever things THEY wanted HER to do, say or think. I like it, because it gives us a solid characterisation of what kind of person Emory is, and how does she usually respond in such and such situations. The downside of this though, if she was too prideful, instead of being open about working together on what could've worked, at her lowest, she might not listen and that could result to a bad individual choice that could hurt a a social group especially when things could've been handled better. When Will and even Emmy said something about her not wanting to accept help because she doesn't want to trade one for herself, it's consistent with her already existing fear of being too dependent on someone or something that could've turn out worse, because of her relationship with her brother. I think there was an anon who had talked about this before, the one that post a lengthy reply too about love languages, and I agree with their points of Emmy not being able to always accept acts of service, not always because she was prideful, but because the services always came at the expanse of someone else' safety and happiness, especially herself, her grandmere, the horsemen and other innocents.
Like every architecture books by her brother was a sorry for each time he relapse, every time he brought up about his contribution to her education and career choices, he reminded her how much he's done for her, so in return tried to make her believe that she deserves to be treated like that. Classic domestic violence things, and i'm sure many more scenes could back this up, but i'm gonna leave only these here atm. That's why i thought the undeserved guilt by will to emmy was too much, mainly because of this. Now, if PD used this flaw instead of whatever "judgmental" bullshit they tried to shove down our throats, it would be more believable, because there were many instances where she was prideful, silent and couldn't retort back because she went too far in her critiques or actions, and we can see by the end of Nightfall how she finally just let go, and go all out to accept love and other good things, from Will, and others, with no fear of being used as a weapon against her for their goods offerings. We see her working TOGETHER with them, instead of AGAINST them, and hurting each other again. This flaw would even fit well with and could be related back to the theme of "doing and feeling the most, being whoever you want to be, putting aside shame" blablabla yk. This could be the highlight of her strength and flaws of her character, because you're right, strengths and flaws are like a double edge sword, when it's imbalanced, it can be seen as good or unsavoury depending on context given.
There many other instances where this "judgmental" thing didn't work, but these above are some that immediately came to my mind rn.
-I don’t know, maybe I’m giving her too much leeway. But I never felt that she was judgmental; I thought that was a defense Will cooked up to comfort himself when in the depth of his heart he knew he was wrong, he just couldn’t get over himself.-
>> I agree with this too, because it was mentioned in the train right, after that orgy? So yeah, thats why i said, a lot things said in this series, if read without much thought, we too, could get swayed with stronger voices. but just because they're louder, doesn't mean they were always right, that's all.
-Emmy cares so much about people, often to her detriment. It makes sense that she carries guilt, but as I’ve always said, it’s underserved. But that’s who she is, so it came into play. It’s a shame that more readers don’t see that about her. Will’s issues were always about him; what he wanted from her, what he wanted her to think, what he wanted her to do. What he wanted, period. Meanwhile, Emmy wanted him to be happy. She wanted him to move on, because she wasn’t in a place to make him happy, and honestly, she might never be. When she thought she’d betrayed them, she was expecting he’d come for revenge, because she didn’t think he deserved to go to prison for hurting Martin or the gazebo, no matter how it affected her personally. She understood his anger and grief, but couldn’t take it away. What I don’t think though, was that it was hers to bear either.
But she needed to learn how to throw it away and get to a place where she didn’t need her anger to move forward anymore.-
>> This right here is so true, you describe it perfectly how i feel about her character. The main reason why i love her character so much IS because of this (unexpectedly so, we'll get to that soon haha!), especially her caring-ness and resilience in very passionate thing she loves to do and everyone she loves, and came across.
One other thing I like about Emmy's character was that she never made weird assumptions about BC's men's sexualities and thought if these BC men might be attracted to her or like her, like how a lot of reverse harem books were always implied and written. There wasn't much explanation to this, but I just wanna add this because it was refreshing to see it in this book (and maybe it was the same in the previous ones too but i don't really remember) where the FMC were just minding her own business and didn't think much about whether or not she was attractive to them whatsoever or overthinking about their sexual presence in her life now because "oh what happens when a male meets female in a secluded area" heterosexual romance cliche bullshit yk. and I love Em's character even more when she was very accepting of Micah & Rory's gay relationship from the get go, as if it was a normal thing to her, and not something that should be labelled as "other", and was respectful of their relationship, not be THE Other Woman in their little gay love story. It's such a small thing, but i love this choice of narrative very much. And this too might be one the reasons why Micah & Rory can accept her into their little group too, because she was very respectful and accepting of them, apart from being kind and caring towards them afterwards. A shittier writer could've used this as a plot device to bait reader for a reverse harem book, or worse, a love triangle between a gay couple with a strange woman, just to add some unnecessary heterosexual drama into a happy gay love, but thankfully, it never happened in Nightfall, especially not in Emory's arc. 
I remember her judging Aydin for swimming naked and laughing at her comments, because if it was some other FMCs, they probably would've reacted differently and made this about straight couple's insta-love-lust meet cute. The same goes when Will was eating out Emmy in that drawing room with MicahRory beside them, and when Rory approached her after, instead of being about the whole thing, she was only just minding her own business mooning over Will, then accepting Rory's clothes to change into like a normal wednesday for her, lmao! I just knew if this was Bella from Twilight, she would not react like Emmy, AT ALL HAHAHA! The pairing would be All x Bella instead, Not just BellaEdwards. So yeah, other than to show that Em's not a narcissist homewrecker, or a bigot, it also shows how she too, just like them, were a but desentisized with a lot of socially "shameful" things. She's kinda coo-coo in the head too, because no "normal" people would do that, definitely not Misha and Ryen.
Have you noticed this before too?
-Another reason why it bothers me that blackchurch happened towards the end of the series is that we don’t really get to see Emory act in normal circumstances. In Nightfall, she’s always stressed. She’s either dealing with her life as a teenager or she’s literally been kidnapped and dragged to an island to be threatened by men who are so bad, their families don’t want anything to do with them (at least as far as she knows). Like, we can agree that being judgmental is not the fatal flaw that the narrative makes it out to be, but then… what are Emmy’s real flaws? It can be a little difficult to determine because she’s always reacting from the gut in NF, not making decisions how she’d normally make them. And while I love that she’s quick and decisive enough to protect herself and deal with the situation, I’m kind of left wondering.-
>> EXACTLY!!! What are Emmy's real flaws??? That's her arc was flat to me. Even if I unexpectedly came to love her character, my unsatisfaction was exactly as you describe, and especially as a critical reader and a writer myself, we naturally gravitate to think about these things before we even realise them, so i cannot for the life of me unsee this flaw in PD's writing. Especially not something as big as a character's strength and flaw. It was never said that this book or series only explored characters' arc, ONLY when they're stressed either, so was it wrong for us to expect an arc when they were at peace with themselves too, when we were also shown snippets of how they live when they weren't killing each other? Weren't they also just literally living their life to the fullest when it's peaceful, with no immediate threats in sight? So how come we don't get to see as much arc of these characters when they were not stressed out, when the main theme of the whole series is to always live to the fullest every second?
I think some of the flaws you mentioned and guessed are interesting and could really be used for Emmy's further characterisation and make her a more fleshed out character too. I also agree with everything else you said about Damon and Winter. In fact, I love the acknowledgement that Winter wasn't this innocent little lamb that she always paint herself to be, because I imagine if it was Emmy, she wouldn't have thought like what Winter thought in that situation. Banks, maybe because of her attachment towards Damon, Rika too because she was still trying to understand him. It feels a bit weird, and lacked a sense of accountability from Winter to me. I don't hate it though, I love that she had ACTUAL flaws, because this flaw happens a couple of times throughout the book, and it had hurt Damon a couple of times outside of the time that he wasn't going after her, and they happen for absolutely no reason, but by the time Damon was about to die, you can see Winter's slow but steady shift and character growth and by the end of firenight, we saw how her character was transformed after all of that. Still didn't make her my fav character or anything, but i kinda like her arc.
-So I don’t want seem weird or anything (here on the being openly weird site) but sometimes I notice that people who are Emory fans tend to also like Nesta. Never having read the series, I’m not sure what the correlation is. Does anyone wanna feel me in?-
>> I honestly didn't know much about this because i don't interact a lot with fans of this series or SJM's or any writers's tbh, I found your tumblr while browsing contents for other fandoms' contents, but for me, at least, Emory or Nesta wasn't excactly similar or different with and from each other. Listing some points below. WillxEmmy, NestaxCassian for canon pairing clarification.
> both stories are grumpy girls x sweet sunshine guys
> poor girls with a mean streak
> hot golden retriever guys
That's where the similarity starts and ends, at least to me.
Difference: TOO MANY LMAO
> Cassian was WAY nicer, kinder, caring, sincere, honest, and in general just way better than Will, lmao!
> Will was literally a bad guy yeah, he wasn't a good bad guy, but Cassian was one
> Nesta was an ACTUAL bitch, like, AN ACTUAL BITCH (but i still love her character though, same with will but will can get a dropkick to his head sometimes, because they both grew up drastically different)
> nesta wasn't even as half as kind and caring towards her loved ones like Emmy was, and when she went against others, it's to put them down, not to solve the problem like Em. There's an underlying of cruelty behind her character, and while she was sorry for some, she wasn't really for others. And unlike Damon, she stayed that way for the rest of the series. Truly a win for me, lmao
> I would even go so far to say, Will was Cassian if he was a bitch, and Nesta was Emmy if she was a bitch. Basically, just Will and Nesta are more like the nastier version of each other. I cannot for the life of me imagine Cassian and Emmy do or say even 50% of what Will and Nesta did
Basically, that's my general opinion of them, but some others who have read them before might disagree, so to each their own.
-This took me a minute, but I eventually got it. So you were hoping for someone sarcastic and mean to put these men in their place, and instead you got compassionate and kind, and yet still put them in their place? But because her story was so genuine you still came to love her?? If so, I get it. I don’t know what I was expecting from Emory, but I wasn’t disappointed. However, I was a little shocked to see all the Emory hate. How could anyone hate someone so sincere as Emmy? But to each their own, I guess.-
Yeah, hahaha! I thought I would get someone even bitchier than Banks, but Emmy was just so... Emmy? And became my favourite #1 character of the whole series instead. In fact, one of the biggest reason why Em's being my fav was so confusing to me was because I expected to see a very big flaw in her character, but her genuineness sidetracked me from it instead. That's why even though i love her character, i still wished she had a more believable flaw rather than just a minor one. But then there a  lot of people and characters in this world who had lesser flaw than others, so if that's how it's going to be, i'm fine with it too. 
Like you, i thought i might have given Em too much leeway, or overpraise her, but the more i put deeper thoughts into her characterisation, it's because her character lack heavy flaws, something that can be heavily and negatively criticised about, that's why i felt like i overpraised her. But like i said, i don't mind reading characters with lesser flaws, i just wished that lesser made sense, that's all. Not all of my fav books and chars have heavy flaws, but they made, iykwim.
I was also shocked to see Emory hate too, especially if they've read the book from book 1, but these kind of people do exist, but whatever, like you said, to each their own. 
-They saw the truth of her character and I think at that point, it wouldn’t have mattered what anyone said about her, they were convinced of the type of person she was. Like when they fell from the balcony and she had the mind to protect his head? I'm not sure I could have reacted so quickly and thoughtfully. And then to not doubt herself that she just saved his life when he could turn around a hurt her? She did the right thing because it was the right thing to do. And that speaks volumes.-
>> Spot on! and I never made the connection of Rory warming up to Emmy because of Micah before, but i like that, it's very much a Rory thing to do since they both trust each other the most in BC.
-I forgot about that, but it is really funny. It’s hard to take him seriously when I’m reminded that he threw his entire life away for Alex. I mean, I’m happy they’re happy and all that, but come on, man? You got sent away for refusing to marry the woman you don’t want, okay fine. That’s an okay hill to die on. But kidnapping another girl because yours is busy sleeping with everyone but you, almost intentionally avoiding you? Seriously??-
>> Exactly! They never even kissed! Gods, they're insufferable. They're literally the cheating and lust at first sight tropes, and maybe if they're expended well, it could've been done differently, but it wasn't so yeah. 
-And why did not one person apologize to Emmy? She forgave them, sure. But still. No, I'm not over it.-
-Right, we all make assumptions or judgments based on prior information. That’s just how humans work. But Emory also adjusted when new information became available. That’s why I don’t think she deserves to be labeled judgmental. She works off information and evidence she already has, not what she assumes to be true.-
>> EXACTLY, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS SERIES. But unlike Emmy, or even Will, they always were resistant to change, or even admitting their fault, out of pride, or it's not something the bother too much about, because it doesn't serve them any significant purpose, even when those things could be very significant to others.
and I agree with your opinions about Damon's arc too.
I don't have much to add about that POC conversation, because i agree with your opinion and some from others. Tbh, maybe because i've been a write and reader for a very long time, so while this issue might be new to some, it has been something that I've long thought of and probably internally resolved myself, so apart from already giving my two cents, suggestions and responding to anon and your discussion, i don't really have much else to add.
-Same. I think the moment Winter lost me was when she did the dance to Mister Grinch. One, why are you using Michael and Rika’s engagement party for this, though I’m sure Rika loved it. And two, if you’re so scared of Damon, why are you mocking him publicly? It sort of ruined her story for me. From that point forward, I felt like she was always crying crocodile tears. I couldn’t take anything she said or did seriously after that because like... are you just lying to get your way?-
>> OHMYGOD THAT FUCKING CRINGE ASS GRINCH SCENE. Literally the train orgy equivalent! I'm sorry, winterdamon was so dull then especially cringe here that i didn't even think much about this says about their character. Like!! and damon was turned by her legs then no? ughh i wanna bleach my brain!! ick. We could've had a pole dance or something like in corrupt, privately between damon and winter, with winter torturing and teasing damon, putting herself on display for him, and him for her, but noooo, a fucking grinch dance was the reason he was turned on, ughhhh
-I hadn’t thought about that, but you’re right. What was all “this is red” “this is how black feels” who are you, tswift? Regardless, I felt nothing.-
>> HAHAHAH had to put this one in, because, same. And you know, it could literally slap!!! They could literally go over the edge together, and we can see them feel everything, but there were just red and black.... and it's all from damon??? Can't winter teach him other sense or something? she was literally the polar opposite of him, she could pull him into HER world, you know. That's why i think their epilogue of winter telling him the scent of the wrapper was kinda cute, because for once, at least non-sexually, she showed him something too.
-And on that note, as annoyed as I was, it was also like “em was so invisible that she notices everyone else but no one ever noticed her in their story… except for one person.” which was something to think about-
>> This, 100000%! She had the most valid to think that no cared or would've helped her, so it made more baffled when people expect her to just reach out to anyone, when the circumstances was this, and not like Will, where he had a stable support system that he fully believe that he can reach out to, anytime. Even after everything, at 26 years old, his mom still was only "tired" of him, but he was still his Mama's boy, so contrasting to Em's story. Which made me more angry on her behalf when they kept on piling on her as if she hurt them for fun. 
Thanks for the replies, this was really fun! 
Hey Zee. Thanks for giving me something to call you. I wanted to ask if the anons who are sending multiple messages could give some indication so that I know if I’ve spoken to them before, but it does sort of take away the anonymity. So, if you feel like giving yourself a code name or even just assigning yourself a number or something, please feel free but no pressure.
You never have to doubt that I’ll talk too much.
When Trevor was slandering Michael and the horsemen to Emmy a couple of times (three times to be exact, 3 times!) and was probably hoping she would join him on the Horsemen hate bandwagon and probably do something about it
I never concluded what Trevor’s ultimate motive was. I thought he thought that he found someone like him, who would hate Michael and his friends. I knew he wasn’t interested in Emmy, because his goal was Rika, but then why take the time to single Emmy out. The idea that he might have been trying to garner approval from her or something is an interesting one. I wonder if he had any further plans with that or if it was just in the moment. For at least two of the three, it seemed to be just a momentary, they were in the same place and he thought she was like him. The first one, where he follows her to the bathroom, that’s the one that always stuck out to me because ‘why? What do you want, ya slimy snake???’ But then it never went anywhere so I let it go. Or maybe she has an innate read of people and felt between Michael and Trevor, the latter was the one to avoid despite what was on the surface.
But you’re right; Emmy never joined him. She never even felt the pressure to try and fit in, to be well-liked on the chance that it would improve her situation. She just didn’t want any of it, if it meant talking about things she didn’t know about or needlessly insulting people to feel better about herself.
Emmy felt guilty for whatever things she played apart to. Hurt them, even in duress because she knew it was undeserved, but she thought she was alone and had no way put of the situation then.
This is a good point. You’ve heard the phrase to play the hand you’re dealt? Unlike the other characters that hand the chance to trade cards, lie and cheat to get a better hand, had cards up their sleeves, she played the best hand she could within the circumstances. She felt bad when it negatively affected other people, even though that’s the name of the game really. She didn’t even choose to play the game at first – she was forced to the table.
Damon's character was seem softened in this book, not only because the conflict between him and Will had decreased, and the "amazing" way Will look at him, but also because Damon really had no prior bad relationship with Emmy, AT ALL.
This is an excellent point. I often complain that Damon felt soft because we already know how his story is going to end, so none of his scenes have any bite to them; he’s lost his edge, so to speak. But it can also be because for the first time we’re seeing him from the mind of someone who actually likes him (Kai and Michael liked him, but they were also annoyed with him a lot of the time). Will genuinely liked Damon. And Emmy had no strong opinions. Sure she’s heard things, but probably no worse than the rumors that followed the others around. I remember her saying he smelled like an ashtray and that might have been one of her strongest critiques until he started targeting her. So now we’re seeing Damon in a different light, and it could just be a softer one.
I still think that shower scene would have been so much more tense if we didn’t know what Damon was capable of. KS kinda took that from us by defining his limits. Regardless, I would have liked to see more of Damon and Emmy. To see how they’re dynamic played out and how they relate to each other versus the others.
I love that in Emory's story, we always see this side of her, be it with Damon, with Martin, Will, Aydin, everyone really, because we were also shown the main reason why people had beef with her is usually because they couldn't control her, and then they lashed out
I love this point right here and just want it to stand out on its own.
It does have a lot of merit. Even with Aydin and his whole wanting her to come to him on her own, let him in her head shtick, he only built up her ability to make her own decisions when he was trying to manipulate her into making the decisions he wanted to make. When it started to fail, he ran out of patience and kissed her to get to both Will and Alex. Yes, validating her abuse and her reaction to it was nice, but what was his motive in doing that? Until the hospital scene, everything about Aydin should be questioned.
Now, if PD used this flaw instead of whatever "judgmental" bullshit they tried to shove down our throats, it would be more believable, because there were many instances where she was prideful, silent and couldn't retort back because she went too far in her critiques or actions, and we can see by the end of Nightfall how she finally just let go, and go all out to accept love and other good things, from Will, and others, with no fear of being used
Yes yes!! If her main flaw had been refusing to accept help even when offered sincerely, because of her fear, that would have been really good. It brings to mind all the help the guys offered her in BC, how at times she never questioned it because why would she. But if her biggest flaw had been to always doubt people’s intentions, to refuse help, even when evidence points to the contrary, then watching her get over that fear to accept the hand that’s offered might have been refreshing. I mean, I can see how people might tight that into be judgmental, but I just don’t think it’s the same thing.
A small example of that could have been with Micah. Say if at first, she refused his help when he wanted to talk and wash her hair because letting the strange boy abandoned on the island behind her and give him access to her neck isn’t the best idea, even if up until that point he’s been nothing but kind and speaking out for her, and she’s seen him get the low end of the stick from Aydin and Taylor and he’s offering help, and really she could use an ally, versus a later scene where she dances with him and gets injured and lets him help her walk.
Like… there’s something that could have been done there. That would have been a small sign of personal growth within the narrative.
I’m not sure where I’m going with this. At this point I’m just rambling.
A shittier writer could've used this as a plot device to bait reader for a reverse harem book, or worse, a love triangle between a gay couple with a strange woman, just to add some unnecessary heterosexual drama
I don’t have much to add to this (but watch me end up writing multiple paragraphs anyway) except yeah, PD’s way of writing relationships is very…
What I liked is that it was always clear what the end goal was for the main LI, and they didn’t deviate too far outside the group usually. There were no random side characters to create useless love-triangle-drama (which sidenote: this is why I never understood the people rooting for Alex. That was always a losing battle. It was always going to be Em. From Corrupt, it was going to be Em. There was no love-triangle. Even Will mentioned that he wanted to love Alex that way because it would have just been easier, but it was never like that for him. It was never going to be Alex, why are you mad??? Stop trying to make fetch happen it’s never going to happen! Anyway.).
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Even with Michael and Rika and Trevor, we knew from the get that Trevor wasn’t endgame, they made that clear.
So it makes sense that in NF, Emmy – who works in a creative field and has spent almost a decade in SF, knowing the community there – wouldn’t bat at eye at Micah and Rory. It literally was Wednesday for her.
But I also thought it was funny that people kept appearing naked in front of her, when that was the last thing she wanted. First Will in the pool, Damon in the showers, Damon again. Taylor. Aydin. Will again.
Little miss, your people-watching days are over.
And what I mean by that is Emory had a habit of watching people and she got away with it for so long because she was able to go unnoticed by most. She was only ever caught by people who were already aware of her.
No longer! Haha.
It was never said that this book or series only explored characters' arc, ONLY when they're stressed either
 What I meant by that was that unlike with Rika, Banks, and Winter, who’s stories took place in their home town and around people they were familiar with, which could give them a chance to go somewhere to decompress and find balance before going back out to fight, Emmy was thrown into the fire. She had no one. Nothing was familiar, not even the environment. There was no way she could find relief, except for in the people who posed her the most danger. This is not the same as the other girls who had people they could trust in their corner, even when things reached their highest stress point.
I don’t mind that these books only show a certain part of the year or snippets of their lives. I’m realizing the more I think about, I enjoy when media plays with the timeline a little. I liked One Day for the same reason, I enjoyed This is Us because of the past/present narrative similar to Devil’s Night. It’s a thing for me, apparently. I don’t need to know all the surrounding bits to appreciate that this time frame is different. I just… Rika, Banks, and Winter had a place they could retreat too. Emory was literally cornered all the time and cornered people - desperate people - don’t make the same decisions they usually make so the Emmy we met in the narrative isn’t the complete Emmy. It’s difficult to say is she stubborn and argumentative because she’s literally been kidnapped and is trying to stay alive, or is she just stubborn and argumentative because that’s who she is?
Emory or Nesta wasn't excactly similar or different with and from each other.
Ah, okay. I just figured they had a similar story arc or fan-reaction. Like people being upset because Nesta did something they didn’t like, and another set of fans being like ‘but no, she’s right.’ Like what we have with Emory. It seems people always double down when their favs are majority hated instead of simply disliked, so I thought the situation was the same.
OHMYGOD THAT FUCKING CRINGE ASS GRINCH SCENE. Literally the train orgy equivalent!
Thank you for the validation because it’s right up there for me.
And a pole dance would have been great. Like imagine if she got Will and Rika in on it, and one of them invited him to a club, maybe before it opened for the night so there’s only a few employees about. He goes thinking he’s going to have this secret meeting and he’s getting his friend back or something and then they’re talking having drinks and winter comes on stage. Somehow, that would have been less cringe. I think part of it for me was the announcement this is for my sister’s husband. Like… what? And this is supposed to be a classy event. Michael’s parents are right there.
Can't winter teach him other sense or something? she was literally the polar opposite of him, she could pull him into HER world, you know.
Aw yeah, that’s true. We could have had her blindfold him and taught him how to handle touch without freaking out or something. Or listen to the sounds of her breathing and getting the smallest details. Our eyes do so much to feed our brains information. He could deal with having it taken away for a minute. Or even is she put him in a dark room with no way for his eyes to adjust, just so his other senses had to come in. They could have taught each other stuff.
(wait was there a blindfold scene? Now I’m second guessing myself)
She had the most valid to think that no cared or would've helped her, so it made more baffled when people expect her to just reach out to anyone
This is very true. I was more pointing to how we had her running into Banks and how she saw Kai going into the confessional, so we know it matches up for Hideaway. But Banks never thought about ‘the strange girl I ran into’ and Emory noticing Winter and Damon around town. Emory noticing Rika giving Winter the wrong sandwich and trading it out. I don’t remember Winter thinking ‘didn’t Rika say she was getting me chicken?’ or whatever. Emory was there in all their stories. They just never noticed.
If those little moments had been planned (and I don’t blame PD for this. NF was the last book, and she couldn’t retroactively put these scenes in there if they weren’t already planned), then it could have been that Banks comments about the girl, and it’s just a throwaway line for the reader until we get NF and then it’s like “ohhhhhh!”
Winter could have thought about the discrepancy, and it’s maybe she didn’t hear right. Until we get NF, and then we see that Emory was there the entire time. But as it stands, nobody notices her. Nobody remembers her.
And that feels both sad, because it is part of the reason Martin got away with it for so long, and… but Will did. Will always noticed her. He misunderstood a lot. But he always looked for her.
I’m having fun too! Thanks for stopping by to chat!
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norangeyyy · 3 years
Late Night HCs
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Bucci Gang Edition
TW: nothing too extreme, just a little bit of hurt/comfort stuff sprinkled right here and there.
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Bruno Bucciarati
► Bucciarati typically doesn't stay up late at night, he has work and would squeeze all the amount of sleep he can get on his free time.
► Unless he has a lot of things in mind.
► It doesn't matter whether it's a work-related problem, his past, a random thought, or just generally his worries about his future. It will keep him up.
► He'll definitely need someone to be an outlet but if no one's available, he'll just stare at the night sky and distract himself with the moving clouds or finish some of his work until he's too tired to think of anything.
► If you happen to be in the same situation and same place that night though, then make sure that you take care of the trust he has for you when he was at most vulnerable and he will do same with you.
► I personally headcannon Bucciarati to be the type to like those kind of conversations since i highly doubt that he has been so vulnerable in front of anyone besides Abbachio ever since he joined the mafia.
► And even then, he's mostly the one who lifts the spirits up and not the other way around since he's the leader.
► So expect to hear things and words you wouldn't expect to come from the Bucciarati you see everyday come spilling out of his mouth, it'll be a lot.
► Pat his back or better yet, give him a hug and brush his hair while doing so. He needs it a lot since he hasn't really got one after his family fell apart.
► "I feel so much better now, thank you. I'll make sure not to forget about this night. "
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Leone Abbachio
► The night owl of the gang.
► Staying up until 3AM is nothing new to this man, hell, he could even go on a whole day without sleep if he has a lot of things that's bothering him.
► He's the opposite of Bucciarati, he prefers to shoulder his intrusive thoughts alone. It'd take some great amount of effort and trust to make him talk and let it out.
► What he does during those times is either using his stand to replay certain memories that could either worsen his guilt or put him at ease, or just drink until he passes out but most of the time, he does both.
► He could also be listening to some music while he does so but if he's feeling guilty for making Bucciarati concerned about his frequent drinking, then he'll just listen to music and hope that he'll fall asleep and not just keep his eyes closed until the sun rises.
► It works, kind of, but even without alcohol driving him to sleep, he'll always be tired. His sleeping schedule is seriously messed up because he never really cared about it in the first place.
► Would sometimes go out for a walk. Leone is fond of the city's peacefulness when everyone is asleep, with the only thing keeping him accompany is the cold air and the dim light of the lampposts.
► Secretly still has his police uniform and would occasionally take it out just to stare at it or talk to it in a not-so-kind of way as he sees his younger self in it.
► Gets dragged in whatever shit Narancia and the others are up to if he gets spotted. Mostly it's just for a movie night behind Bucciarati's back but Abbachio knows better and expects the unexpected when it comes to the gang.
► Knows what everyone does in late night if they're still up and has seen a lot of ungodly sights.
► Whether it be seeing a sleepy Mista and the pistols chanting a weird prayer to a bowl of cereals or Fugo being dragged out of his room by Narancia, Leone knows it.
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Pannacotta Fugo
► Just like Bucciarati, Fugo rarely stays up late at night and if he does, it's usually just because he's busy.
► Fugo has hobbies like painting and reading, everyone in the gang knows that. It's just that he gets carried way too far sometimes and loses track of time.
► Who could blame him though when the book he's reading is just too interesting or the painting he's currently working on is almost done, right?
► On extremely rare occasions where something unpleasant enough to keep Fugo up at night happens, he'll bundle himself in his fluffy blanket like a butterfly in its cocoon.
► He always does this back when he's still living with his parents, it makes him feel safe from anything that's haunting him.
► And if it's neither his hobbies or problems that's keeping him up, he'll just hear Narancia whispering outside his door or Mista throwing pebbles at his window.
► For the first few times the duo did this, Fugo was still able to resist until he just can't anymore knowing that they wouldn't leave him alone all night.
► "Well, this isn't so bad. "
► He says as he enthusiastically tosses a popcorn into his mouth with his eyes glued all over the lit screen of the TV.
► Movie nights, along with sneaking out to go the nearest convenience store, became a common thing between the Torture Dance Trio™ ever since then.
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Narancia Ghirga
► The type to wake up in the middle of the night and think "Hmm... Everyone's asleep, let's commit robbery tonight!"
► Fugo's sleep paralysis demon.
► Would literally not hesitate to steal chocolate bars with Mista and probably does 3AM challenges with him too.
► Never runs out of ideas to keep himself up at night and is the one who comes up with everything but what he does still depends on his mood.
► If Narancia's feeling a little too lazy then he'll just sleep and most of the time, with music keeping him accompany. But unlike Abbachio, he purposely doesn't wear headphones just to annoy Fugo whose room is right next to his.
► If he's feeling like it, he'll straight up just invite the others to watch a movie or play videogames even though Bruno has already made it clear not to use the TV after 11PM.
► But just as he likes staying up at night doing crazy things with the boys, he also uses his energy left and free time to self-study, as surprising that may sound.
► He may hate reading but he takes advantage of the fact that his brain is much active at night and he doesn't want to depend on Fugo too much. After all, he dreams on going back to school and he's more than willing to be capable enough to do so alone and pass without the other teen's help.
► Will cuddle anything that's near him while he studies but if you give him a plushie, it'll be instantly his favorite and he would definitely use it as a study buddy.
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Guido Mista
► Alright, let's be honest here, this dude wouldn't even stay up if it weren't for his bros.
► 5 seconds lying on the bed and he's already knocked out for a good 10 hours if there's no work he has to do for the day. Make it 8 at weekdays thanks to his mafia-related responsibilities.
► He sleeps like a log so only a combination of shaking him up awake with Fugo and Narancia can make him rise from what seems like a two year coma but is really just a normal tuesday night.
► Will pretty much join Narancia at anything he does but since his last three brain cells are obviously still as half asleep as him, he won't be able to remember that much the next day.
► And once he's out of the room and is already sitting on the couch with the guys, Mista's the type to fall asleep halfway through the movie.
► You can't blame him though, it's 12AM and it seems that Fugo got to choose what movie they'll watch since Narancia already got to choose the other night.
► Unless they're playing videogames or are going out then he won't be acting like a slow ass PVZ zombie with a fried brain. Actually, he'll be hella active if that's the case.
► Active at grabbing every snack each second, that is.
► Actually, it's the pistols who does that but oh well, it's not like Mista's innocent too.
► "I swear it's not me who ate all of our groceries for this month! Right, guys?! It's the pistols! "
► And that, everyone, is how Guido blew their little rendezvous without even trying.
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Giorno Giovanna
► There's not much to be said about this boy since just like Mista, Giorno goes to bed early as he makes sure he still gets the proper amount of sleep.
► He already has a lot of things to deal with at day so of course, by the end of it, he'll be exhausted.
► Nights before exams are excluded because although he may seem like he skips class sometimes, Giorno still knows his priorities.
► Only when he became the head of the mafia did he really started to lose sleep as great power comes with great responsibilities.
► It took a LONG time for Giorno to adjust to a lot of things cause come on, he maybe resilient but he's still a 15 year old teen.
► Not only does he have towers after towers of work but i like to imagine that he still continued his education and used some of the things he learns in class in the mafia, specifically in classes like history or geography class since as a boss, he has to know every nook and cranny of Italy.
► Not to mention that emergencies happen and he always has to be ready to give out orders, even if it means being woken up at 1AM.
► God, help this child because all the things mentioned above are just an understatement of what happens on the first few months of being in charge of Passione.
► "So this is why Diavolo looks like he's about to explode whenever something goes wrong huh. "
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efyra · 4 years
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pairing: remus lupin x reader
summary: the first time that remus almost lost his control
author’s note: i swear that i didn’t pretend to make two parts for this story but it just happened; i couldn’t help myself. i’m sorry 🥺 and I also am sorry for any grammar mistakes - like i said before, english is not my native language
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1994, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Honestly, you never thought that would be so sensitive about your last year at Hogwarts. You didn't think you would miss walking those halls, dining under the starry sky of the Great Hall, the Quidditch games that cheered up the students of all Houses, resting on that tree next to the Black Lake or the magnificent view from the Astronomy Tower. All these little things that never meant much to you before, made your seventh year more melancholic than you imagined it would be - you couldn’t even think about no longer seeing your friends every day without starting to cry.
In a few months, you would be a graduated girl; an adult woman who would be entirely responsible for your own future. Technically, you would be free. Free to pursue any career you want; you could become a healer, a teacher, a magizoologist, or even an auror, and you would have a happy and prosperous life. Or you could just screw yourself up.
The uncertainty made you apprehensive.
Ever since you were born, everyone told you what to do, be it your parents or your teachers; how did they expect you to make a decision as big as "the future of your life" being so young? You were only 18, for Merlin's sake!
Why did you stay only seven years at Hogwarts? If you could, you would continue studying there until you were 25 years-old.
But, unfortunately, that was not possible.
What made you feel a little better was to think that your colleagues were as apprehensive as you were about venturing into the adult world.
Since the school year has began, seventh graders threw a "farewell party" every month and overdosed on firewhisky. You have witnessed a diversity of drunken behavior during these parties; there would always be someone crying because they would miss Hogwarts, others despairing because they didn't know what the fuck they were going to do with their lives, some pompously saying that they already knew exactly where they would work after graduation, there would also be those who would make brave confessions, act recklessly or end up sleeping on a couch.
You weren't a very party person; not that you were those people who didn't even attend the party, but you never crossed your limit, let alone did something to embarrass yourself. Of course, you've taken doses of firewhisky before, but you never got drunk.
Until that night.
Earlier that day, you got a letter from your parents telling that they expected you to become an auror just like them; that gave you stomach pain all day long. You had already thought about following the same career as your parents - who were phenomenal in their job - but you weren't sure if that was what you want for your future.
You were a simple girl. You were never very extroverted, but you made good friends during your years at Hogwarts. You were a great student, not extraordinary nor mediocre. You never drew much attention, and frankly, you never wanted that - in fact, you hated being in the spotlight. For some weird reason, you become very clumsy at those times.
So you never really considered becoming an auror. And because of that letter from your parents, you forgot to control how much firewhisky you were consuming.
And, for the first time in your life, you were officially drunk.
"Ok, I'm hungry" you declared to your friend; your voice tone was louder than usual and your words came out a little shuffled.
Y/F/N faced you with some fun in her eyes; it was unusual to see you like that.
"Right. Let's go to the kitchens, then"
You frowned in confusion.
"How do we get in there?"
"Just tickle the pear" she shrugged "easy peasy". A giggle came out of her lips. "What?" Y/F/N raised an eyebrow.
"You said pee-asy" you answered, giggling one more time.
Your friend shook her head.
"You're very drunk," she said with fun. "Let's give you some food and water and put you on bed.
"Oh, but I don't want to go to bed" you made a pout.
"Well, we're going anyway," Y/F/N said firmly; she knew you wouldn't want to wake up on some random couch. "I'll tell Riley we're going and be right back. Don't go anywhere.”
If you were sober, you would never consider invading Hogwarts' kitchens in the middle of the night, and you wouldn't have escaped from your friend after she told you to wait for her, but, obviously, you weren't even a little sober.
Walking through the dark and empty corridors was already an unknown experience for you, but walking through them being so drunk seemed like an adventure. You had no idea where you were going - even though you knew you wanted to get to the kitchens.
Then an intense light blinded you for a second.
"Miss Y/L/N?" the familiar voice of your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher took you by surprise.
Your eyes widened and you stumbled in your footsteps.
"Professor Hottie!" exclaimed automatically as soon as Remus fucking Lupin appeared in your front, seeming very intrigued to find you in the middle of the hall. "I mean... Professor Hottie!" you paused for a short second; looking sideways and not noticing the amused little smile that appeared on the older man's face. "Wait I said it again... Professor Lupin! Now I did it" you smiled and turned your head to face your teacher.
Then you saw.
That damn look. The look full of savagery that made your knees weak and the air escape from your lungs.
Your teacher slowly approached you; he calculated his steps so he won’t scare you - and honestly, he needed to control himself to not kiss you right there.
Remus Lupin looked like a wolf hunting his prey - and you looked delicious in his eyes.
"Miss Y/L/N..." he kept walking towards you, causing you to automatically take a few steps back, getting close to the wall. "What a little girl like you is doing in the hallway off hours?"
The words got stuck in your throat.
"I-I-I... Ah... I..."
Then he smelled it. He smelled the firewhisky on your breath.
A surprised moan came out of your lips when Professor Lupin pushed you against the wall, pressing his body on yours; his 6'2" height rising dangerously over yours much shorter.
"Were you drinking?" his tone was not as gentle as usual; it was rough and demanding. His question came out almost like a growl.
You gulped.
Your heart beat wildly and you never felt so hot like that before; you wondered if you could burst into flames just with that interaction.
"No!" you lied.
"Y/N..." was the first time Remus said your name; you loved how your name sounded in his voice. "I think you're lying to me," he whispered close to your ear.
You felt shiver over your spine.
"Professor, I-I... I don't..."
"I, I" he repeated in a mocking tone, appreciating how nervous you looked before facing you intensely again. "Don't lie to me again. You won't like what I'm going to do to you if you lie to me again.”
You gasp with your words, and to your embarrassment, a pathetic moan came out of your throat.
Remus growled; he clenched his hands firmly, trying to control himself to not fuck you right there in the hallway - his cock already hard inside his pants.
"Or maybe you would like it" he thought to himself.
But at the same time your groaning excited him, it also awakened him from his trance. Remus remembered who he was; he was your professor and you were his student. He couldn't do anything with you.
He took a step away from you, reluctantly; taking the time to admire how delicious you looked with your breath intertwined, your cheeks blushed and so submissive.
You were disappointed when you could no longer feel his warm body against yours, but you stopped yourself from saying anything. Honestly, you had no idea what had just happened between you and your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher; it seemed wrong and it certainly was forbidden, but you couldn't help but want more.
"You will go back to your dorm. No more firewhisky for you, do you understand, Miss Y/L/N?" he asked, looking at her intensely.
"Y-Yes" you stuttered nervously.
"Yes, what?" he growled.
"Yes, Professor Lupin" you corrected yourself quickly.
A smile appeared on the man's face full of scars.
"Good girl" he couldn't prevent those words from coming out of his mouth. "Now, go" he said authoritarian.
You nodded before heading back to the party; the drunkenness seemed to have left your body completely and you almost felt sober.
Your little interaction with Remus fucking Lupin still made you feel a little dizzy.
Y/F/N found you halfway through, she guided you to your common room and brought you to your dorm.
That night, you slept quickly because even though Professor Lupin had taken you out of your drunk state, you still had a good dose of firewhisky.
Unlike you, Remus Lupin could not get a good night of sleep.
He thought about you all night long; the way you seemed to submit yourself completely to him without any hesitation, how small and fragile you seemed and how easy it would be for him to throw you on bed or any other surface he could fuck you into oblivion, the way you pressed your thighs together when he approached you - you didn't notice it, but he did.
Remus thought that, maybe, having you wasn't something so surreal; that, maybe, you wanted it too. But he remembered the firewhisky smell on your breath.
He knew he should never have done what he did.
He should have controlled himself.
The next day, he waited for Dumbledore to tell him that he was fired, but that never happened. He waited a week, two weeks, three weeks, more than a month passed and absolutely nothing happened.
Remus didn't know if he should be relieved or if he should feel like the worst man in the world; you had completely forgotten what had happened that night.
Or that's what he thought.
In fact, you remembered every minute of yours little interaction in the hall.
You remembered the way he looked at you ferociously, his predatory walk, you remembered perfectly the growl that came out of his throat, his body against yours, his chocolate and parchment paper perfume, and you, definitely, could never forget how dominant and controlling he acted - and how your body surrender to that behavior; how you liked it.
"You won't like what will happen to you if you lie to me again", it was his words, and Merlin, you had the most absolute certainty that you would love anything he did to you. And you would still beg for more.
You waited for Professor Lupin to come to you, but he never did. You waited more than a month and nothing happened.
It was as if that night had never happened.
Of course, you felt disappointed - very disappointed - but it was your last year at Hogwarts. Your last year walking through those halls, having dinner under the starry sky of the Great Hall, cheering for your house team at Quidditch, resting on that tree next to the Black Lake and enjoying the view from the Astronomy Tower, and you wouldn't waste it lamenting for your Dark Arts Defense teacher.
You graduated. And you thought you would never see him again.
But fate had other plans for you two because in that summer of 1995, you met at Grimmauld Place, number 12.
It didn't seem wrong anymore and it wasn't forbidden, so you promised yourself:
You were going to find out what Remus Lupin was hiding.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎! 𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜: 𝚂𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚒
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Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, justifying, encouraging nor trying to romanticize yandere behavior. This is all a work of fiction and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
Warnings: Mentions of bullying, toxic relationship, violent behavior, murder, sexual scenes, paranoia leading to mental blackouts, miscarriage, suicide attempt, mental disorders and death are contained within this post. Read at your own discretion.
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧:
𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎: 𝚂𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚒
𝙳.𝙾.𝙱: 𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟿𝚝𝚑, 𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟿
𝙷𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝: 𝟷𝟾𝟻 𝙲𝙼/ 𝟼'𝟶 𝙵𝚃.
𝙰𝚐𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: ■■■■□90%
𝙾𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: ■■■■■100%
𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢: ■■■■□90%
𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝚂𝚞𝚋𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚟𝚎
𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝙰𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚜:
•𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚏𝚒𝚡𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚘𝚋𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝
•𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚋𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝
•𝚃𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚍𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚝𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗
•𝙸𝚗𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛
•𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚞𝚗𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚏𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝
Mingi was someone who always kept to himself, never wanting to draw any kind of attention.
Unfortunately for him, he got a lot of attention while he was studying in university, and not the good kind.
He accidentally bumped into one of the jocks at school, and from that moment on, his life was hell.
He was constantly belittled, shoved to the floor, his locker filled with vicious and cruel messages ranging from "freak" to "kill yourself."
Mingi often just sighed and continued his day, as if this was totally normal.
It's not that he didn't understand what was going on or didn't care.
He was just too awkward and scared to stand up to himself.
So he often just came home, feeling hopeless and in despair.
Many times he hardly ate and would end up crawling inside his blankets and cry himself to sleep.
Even the few people he talked to stopped associating themselves with him out of fear of becoming the bullies' next target.
So Mingi resigned himself to being alone and to think no one would ever care about him....
Until you came along.
You had recently transferred to his school and one of the first things you saw was the poor sandy hair colored giant get punched in the stomach by his locker.
You were so disgusted and sickened by their behavior that you did not hesitate to go over and make sure he was all right.
"Hey, do you need help?" You asked as you helped him get up.
"I I'm fine...t-thanks.." Without another word, he left you standing there, running off to his next class.
He thought that'd be the last time he saw you but during lunch break, you made it a point to look for him and talk to him.
"Are you feeling better?"
Mingi looked up at you with wide eyes, wondering if it really was him you were talking to.
"Y-yeah...I'm fine. T-thanks"
Smiling at him, you sat next to him, taking out your lunch while trying to make conversation with him.
All throughout it, Mingi seemed agitated, scared almost.
You felt really bad and asked him if something was bothering him.
Sighing he told you:
"Look, I appreciate your concern, but I think it's best if you stay away from me.... I don't want them to hurt you because of me..."
You saw the sadness in his eyes, the loneliness behind them and that made you want to stay with him even more.
"What's your name?" You asked what you had really wanted to know since the beginning.
"Song Mingi." He answered you.
Grinning at him, you held out your hand.
"Well Song Mingi, I'm L/N Y/N. Your soon to be new best friend."
Mingi's mouth dropped at your words, he couldn't possibly believe you were serious.
But you were and not only did you become his closest friend, you also became his protector.
Unlike him, you were fearless, vivacious, outgoing and spontaneous.
And Mingi began to admire you a lot for it....
More than admired, he began to worship you, falling deeply in love with you.
For once in his life, he was happy, truly happy and filled with joy.
Instead of crying himself to sleep, he went to bed all excited to spend the next day with you.
And of course you two spent a lot of time together, since he became your math tutor cause you were the absolute worst with numbers.
You were thankful that Mingi was so patient and caring towards you.
He never showed any signs of frustration or annoyance even after explaining the equation to you about 20 times.
"Y/N. Pay attention or you won't ace the test." He often told you, adding a little pinch to your nose or cheek to get you to focus.
He also loved just talking to you during these sessions.
Obviously being your best friend, he also ended up picking up on what sort of things you liked in a guy.
He would often observe you at school or while you two were out.
One time he even read through a few of your messages with one of your other friends from your old school.
It was exactly what Mingi needed to know, he now had a glimpse of the type of boyfriend you wanted.
And for you.....he'd end up becoming that boyfriend.
So while you were in spring break, he prepared everything.
He got rid of his cardigans and vests, trading them for leather and jean jackets.
He ended up cutting his hair differently and started wearing tighter fitting pants that accentuated his thick thighs.
So when you saw him again, it was a complete 180° from the shy, nerdy boy you knew.
"Whoah! Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?"
You weren't going to lie, Mingi did look very attractive.
You were glad though that he was still the cute, adorable and somewhat clumsy boy he was when you first met him.
Because that's the Mingi you knew and loved.
And you wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.
It was after finals that Mingi decided to ask you out.
You were both out celebrating the fact you both passed when he popped the question:
"Y/N will you go out with me?" He suddenly blurted out.
You were taken aback, but said yes nonetheless.
Mingi was so happy.
He was extremely devoted to you as a boyfriend, always saying yes to you and going along with whatever it was you wanted.
Anything you said, he would do it.
"Anywhere you want to go is fine with me."
"Anything you want is fine with me."
You thought it was really sweet at first, he really wanted to make you happy.
But after almost a year of dating, it kinda started to get annoying.
It bothered you that he never seemed to have an opinion of his own.
You actually snapped at him one day while planning a date out.
"Can't you freaking decide for yourself once?"
Mingi just whipped his head at you, unable to comprehend why you were yelling at him.
"Do you not even care about me or this relationship? Cause honestly it seems like you're not actually putting effort into it and if it's like that, why am I even wasting my time on you?"
Mingi got really scared when you began walking out the door, he pleaded with you to stay, to talk through it.
"I'll do anything! Y/N please just don't leave me! What do you want me to do?!" He begged as he got on his knees.
"I want you to leave me alone!"
Alone......that word struck a chord in Mingi's head.....alone.
No....he couldn't go back to being alone...go back to the cold world that he was used to.
He began hyperventilating, his head was spinning and it was pounding like there was no tomorrow.
He doesn't remember much after that. All he remembers was the annoying knocking at the door.
He remembers opening it and seeing a random salesperson there....
But after that, it's all a big black faze, and when he finally came to his senses....
He was covered in blood, and a bludgeoned corpse was sprawled across the kitchen floor.
Although he was panicking, Mingi knew that you could not find out about this.
So he quickly got to work and cleaned up all traces of blood and managed to get rid of the body with no one seeing him.
He was so confused about what happened and panicking about if you found out, that he didn't hear you come in the house until you literally stood in front of him.
He instantly got on his knees and hugged your waist.
"Baby I was so scared that you left me forever! Please I'm sorry I made you feel like I don't care about you, I do! I fucking love you so much, and I promise I'll try harder....
Just for you..."
You felt so bad seeing him, and truly you loved him and felt like it was a petty thing to get mad about.
You pulled him up and reassured him that you weren't mad anymore and that you were too much in love with him to leave.
Mingi felt so relieved. He couldn't even begin to fathom what would happen if he did lose you.
He'd probably go insane.
True to his word, Mingi did try harder to get rid of that habit of just following what you said like a little puppy, and would now start expressing himself more.
Now the problem was he went the complete opposite direction: now he seemed to question your every decision and it would lead to small tiny banters between you two.
One time you got tired of him making a fuss over the fact you were spending so much time with a classmate that it turned really ugly.
"We're working on a project Mingi! Nothing else!" You shouted at him.
"What do you need to be going to his house though and staying til late hours of the night? Why can't you two do it here?!"
"Because you end up distracting us both and throwing passive aggressive words to him." You were exhausted from all the screaming by now you were losing your patience.
"Are you sure it's not because you're just whoring yourself out with them?" He didn't mean for those words to come out...but they did.
And you didn't mean to get so angry to the point of slapping him, but you did and that's when it hit you that you went too far.
You both stood there stunned at what happened, Mingi more hurt than anything by your actions, while you felt ashamed of yourself.
You lifted your hand against the very person you were protecting at first.....and now you hated yourself for hurting him like his past bullies.
Ashamed and full of guilt, you turned away and began walking out.
"Wait no! Y/N please! It's ok! It was my fault! I shouldn't have said that! Please let's just work it out!"
"No Mingi! I can't! I..... I need a break."
Mingi's world came crumbling down when you said that. He went into a slight catatonic state as he watched you walk away.
Once he regained his senses, he ran after you, desperate to bring you back, running around aimlessly through the dark streets and alleys, calling out for you but you were nowhere to be seen.
"Get lost you dirty bastard." A passerby rudely shoved him out of the way.
In a matter of seconds, Mingi's eyes darkened, his fist clenched at his side as rage now coursed through his body.
He turned his head to look back at the stranger who was now walking away.
Smirking, Mingi pulled out the switchblade he was carrying in his pocket before creeping quietly to the man.
Someone had to pay the price and feel the wrath and despair he felt at losing his goddess......and he found them.
It had been roughly a month since you last saw Mingi and although you hated to admit it, you missed him. But you knew you had to stay away for his sake.
But things don't go as planned and you soon found out you were going to have to see him sooner than you thought...
Because you were now pregnant with his child and you had to let him know.
You were so nervous about telling him, your hand trembled as you opened the door to the apartment you used to share with Mingi.
You quietly stepped inside, too afraid to call out for him just yet.
But then you heard some weird noises coming from the bedroom, your heart somewhat dropping when you distinguished what sounded like moans and panting.
You could also make out Mingi's deep voice calling out your name.
Opening the door open, your hand flew to your mouth, semi-muffling your sharp gasp as you took in the scene of Mingi fucking some random girl with her face covered on the bed you two shared not too long ago.
"What the fuck Mingi?!" You exclaimed in utter disgust and betrayal.
"Y/N! I can explain!" All color drained from Mingi's face as he pulled himself out of the girl and quickly dressed himself.
You couldn't bear to stay there another moment, you just ran out of there once again.
But you didn't get far because Mingi swiftly caught up to you and enraptured you in his arms.
"Don't touch me! You're disgusting! You liar! You cheater!" You tossed and writhed around as you tried to escape his grasp, while Mingi tried to hold you still and trying to talk to you.
You felt an immense pain run through your stomach at that moment, your body becoming paralyzed as some weird and excruciating torment bursted in you.
Mingi noticed as well how you clutched your stomach and had difficulty breathing so he wasted no time in taking you to the hospital.
You woke up hours later, late at night, a nurse by your side and Mingi on the other, his hand holding onto yours as tears poured from his eyes.
"What happened?" You immediately asked, your hand instinctively going to your belly.
The nurse explained with sorrow how you had lost the baby, apologizing profusely to you, knowing you were probably in pain.
You went berserk when she told you that, first you denied it, then you began screaming while trying to pull off the IVs attached to you.
Mingi tried to calm you down, but instead he made things worse with his presence.
"This is all your fault! If it wasn't because of you, my baby would be alive!"
Those words cut Mingi deep inside, you killed him immediately with them.
Other nurses rushed in to calm you down as one of them pulled Mingi away for his protection and for yours.
You were numb for the next few days, refusing to see anyone and especially not Mingi, you gave strict orders not to let him in.
You were planning on never seeing him again.
The very day you were released from the hospital though, he was the first person you encountered while you were on your way home.
"Y/N?" He asked, startling you when he came out from the corner.
Your feet shifted slowly, almost losing balance on the small step on your front door.
"What are you doing here? I thought I made it clear I never wanted to see you." Not wanting to waste another minute, you quickly punched in your passcode.
"Y/N baby you don't mean that! I love you! And you love me!"
You let out a dry and haughty laugh at that.
"You? Love me? Is that why you were fucking some whore behind my back?"
"I swear she didn't mean anything! And I made her cover her face because I was thinking of you the entire time..."
You rolled your eyes at that, feeling absolutely disgusted.
"But then I realized she was to blame for everything and so I got rid of her so I can make you happy, forgive me and we could start again."
You halted your actions when he said that.
"Mingi...what do you mean you got rid of her?"
If his last words disturbed you, now you were absolutely horrified as he calmly told you how he mutilated her body and discarded her remains in a lake outside of the city.
You actually felt sick and nearly threw up right then and there.
"Mingi.....what..... you're insane! How could you-?"
Mingi couldn't understand why you were upset.
"Don't you see? I did it for you Y/N. Everything I've ever done is for you."
Now it dawned on you, the person you've ever loved was sick, extremely sick and needed help.
"Mingi.....don't come near me again....stay away....seriously..."
And once again another struggle between you two ensued, you wanting to run away while he held onto you for dear life.
"Stop Mingi! Let me go! I don't love you anymore!"
The spinning in his head started once again, his vision becoming hazy, he could hear his own heartbeat resonating in his ears, his hand shook violently as it reached for an all too familiar object he kept hidden in his pocket....
Everything turned dark and blinding....
But when he came back, there he was, staring in shock at your lifeless body, a fresh, clean cut running all across your neck, blood still spurting out and staining his hands.
"Oh my God! What have I done?!" Mingi cried out, wailing and screaming erratically at the thought that he had just murdered his soulmate with his own hands.
He couldn't bear the thought of living without you, he just couldn't....
And so he picked up the very tool he used to kill you and held up to his own neck....
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transformersmr-hq · 3 years
TFMR Daily Random Facts - Day 03
Random Worldbuilding/Character facts about Transformers: mobius run universe
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What goes inside each TFMR Characters' processor when they think someone is being an unpleasant nuisance (aka an asshole)
OP: I think you're a fucking asshole, but not enough to deter my firm belief that everyone has good side to them and can become a better person with sufficient guidance. I am currently restraining myself from providing that guidance though, because I'm not about to coddle a grown ass adult like a newspark at the cost of emotional stress on my end. 
Ratchet:  I think you're a fucking asshole, but that's not my business. All that matters is that a) you're are not dying or b) not making others die. 
In case of scenario a), I'll do everything in my power to drag your sorry ass back to the land of living. In case of scenario b), I'll do everything in my power to neutralize whatever threat you're pitching at us... even if it means I have to stab you in the spark.
Arcee: I think you're a fucking asshole, and I'll make sure to let you know. I won't do anything else and simply leave you be, but the moment you mess with any of my friends I'll pull all your bone struts out of your frame and feed the remains to the scraplets.
Whirl: I think you're a fucking asshole, but honestly we're all assholes in our own little ways so who am I to judge? - I'm just mildly surprised to find someone who is a bigger asshole than myself... hold on, so you're the more toxic kind who finds enjoyment in treating others like shit? Well, time to lob a barstool on yer head!
Raj:  I think you're a fucking asshole, and while you are preoccupied with acting like an asshole I'll silently remove my existence from your vicinity to spend my time on something less pathetic. Oh, and do try to tone down that holier-than-thou attitude a bit, will you? Or "someone" might set your garden gnomes on fire tonight...
Bee: I think you're a fucking asshole. I won't say that to your face outright, because unlike you I was taught not to be rude to people. I might share some 'honest personal opinions' on you with my friends when you're not looking, though.
Meg: You're a fucking asshole, therefore I punch you. And you'd better stay out of my way, because your face will receive something worse than a punch if you dare to!!!
Starscream:  I think you're a fucking asshole, and I've already hatched an entire plan to make your life a living hell the very moment the assesment was made. Of course, you wouldn't know any of that because you're a dumbass and I am still smiling at you like nothing ever happened. Once you let down your guard and turn around for a second, however...
Blitzwing: I think you're a fucking asshole, so I'll silently give you a judgemental stare until you understand the message and get the fuck out of my face. AND YOU BETTER GET IT FAST BEFORE MY MOOD SWINGS TOWARDS MORE IMPATIENT SIDE!
Observation: Subject is a fucking asshole.
1. Pretend to agree whatever the subject is saying
2. Follow the subject around
3. Record every actions and words from the subject.
4. Repeat until enough fun is had.
Possible gain: 
• blackmailing material
• stories that will earn a gold medal in a human interweb forum
• entertainment
Pharma: I think you're a fucking asshole, which is good because assholes are usually quite dim on their processors. Normally I would mmediately tell you to fuck off before your idiocy worsens my chronic migraine, but since I'm in dire need of spare body parts I'd be nice enough to play along... until I take what I want, that is.
Knock Out: I think you're a fucking asshole, so I'll give you my most obvoius fake politeness just so that even a brickhead like you would get my message clear. Don't cross that line, or you'll soon learn how it feels to be slapped on the face with a rotary saw.
TL:DR: Don't be an asshole.
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Hi, Anon! If you mean modern domestic AU, you could check it in my masterlist on my header!
Hashibira Inosuke x Sick!Reader (ModernAU)
When he couldn't find you on your seat or anywhere in class, he became a little uneasy and started asking around.
Where is the girl who always challenging him (no, Inosuke, you're the one who challenged her)? The girl who smiled so brightly he became blind and often get angry for no reason because of that?
"She's sick." Zenitsu told him. "She got flu from yesterday's rain."
"She's so weak!" Inosuke grunted.
"Of course, she is. The one who being abnormal here after dancing in the middle of rain is you." Zenitsu pulled mocking face.
"I wonder if she's fine." Tanjirou put his book inside his bag. "I could lend her my notebooks."
"Inosuke, shouldn't you go to her house and visit her? You will be the one who give Tanjirou's books." Zenitsu tugged random papers onto his bag.
"Huh?!! Why would I?!"
"You really have the audacity for asking that. You're the one who pulled and made her dances with you yesterday."
"Ugh, fine... And you two? You don't come with me?"
"Sorry, gotta clean up Art room." Zenitsu disappeared behind the door.
"I'm sorry, Inosuke." Tanjirou put his notebooks in front of him. "I had something to do at the bakery. Please tell her 'Get well soon' from me."
"Wait!" He pulled Tanjirou's uniform. What should... What should I do when I came to her house. I mean- What should I talk about... Argh!! How should I put this... I never went to her home before. Well, yesterday I dropped her off at her house..."
"Oh, about that."
Tanjirou explained to him, the do's and don'ts when he visited you. He's actually happy because Inosuke wanted to know more about manners and really eager to meet you.
"That's easy. Alright, gotta go now!"
Inosuke pressed the bell in front of door, actually felt nervous. But he did the best to hide his expression by biting his inner lips.
"Yes?" Somebody, probably your mom,
"Ah, um... I'm (y/n)'s classmate!! My name is Hashibira Inosuke!"
"Ah, you're the boy who usually mentioned by her. Do you want to meet her? Come in."
"The- Then, excuse me."
When your mother knocked your room and your permission voice was heard, your mother opened the door. You sat on the bed with blanket covered your body.
The fever patch on your forehead was shown, your face was red. Plus, you only wore pajama. You actually flustered when he came to visit you. You just didn't expect him doing this.
He entered your room, bowing to your mother. She left you two alone after brought snacks and drinks.
"I will go to the convenience store. It's a little bit far from here. Inosuke-kun, could you look for my daughter for awhile? Her sister was in her room. So, just call her if anything happens. I'll take my leave."
"Uh, yes!"
It's just you two in the room now. He sat on the floor with one soft pillow below him and you stayed on your bed.
"H- How is your feeling?"
"Mm, better! I don't have to use my mask anymore."
"R- Right, I have something for you." He took out cake from Kamado Bakery from plastic bag.
"For me?"
"Ju- Just take it!" He shoved it to you.
"A-Ah. Thank you! Let's eat this together!"
He put the cake on two empty plates and ate it in silence again.
You suddenly giggled.
"Inosuke, you really acted weird today."
"H- Huh?" The cake dropped from his mouth. You wiped his lips with tissue.
"You become calmer. I mean, you usually use your big voice or- yeah, something feral- Hahaha! Sorry I called you feral."
"What?!!! I'm not!" He ranted and grunted towards you.
"That's it, that's the usual Inosuke I know."
"I know that!" He averted his eyes, looking at another direction and blushing hard.
You smiled brightly even though you're still sick. He became even clumsier in front of this version of you.
"(y/n), I'm- I'm sorry I urged you to ran with me in the middle of the rain yesterday." He played with his fingers. "I made you sick."
"It's fine, I'm enjoying it too!"
"Really?" He put his chin on your bed, puffed his cheek a little. "That's... Good to hear. Wait, it's not. I-"
You ruffled his hair while laughing. He grumbled and grunted, trying to get your hand out his head. Suddenly, he cupped your cheek and moved his head towards you.
"What is that for?!"
Your face become more reddened than ever.
"Oh, the fever raised again?" Like a usual dumb male, he sticked his forehead to yours, trying to determine the hotness. "Hm, probably."
From warmth to burning, you tried to release his cupping.
"No, I- I'm fine!"
"I will search for the cooling patch down there." He stood up and opened the knob.
"Wait! Did you-"
"It's fine! It's fine! I'll search for it. Wait here." You sighed as he closed the door.
He went to the first floor and started searching at the shelves.
"What are you searching for, Nii-san?"
Inosuke jolted and turned around. There is little girl who tilt her head. She really looks like you.
"Oh... Hey! Don't make me surprised like that!" She giggled. "I'm searching for cooling patch."
"There, second shelves."
When he rummaged thorough the shelves, your sister peeking him up. She still peeks him until he stood in front of your room.
"What is it?! You're irritating!"
"Huh... So this is Nee-chan's boyfriend? You got pretty face, Nii-san."
"Whatsksksksk SHUT UP!"
"What is with that words. Well, take care of my Nee-chan, will you?"
He slammed the door and found you covering your face, overhearing their conversation.
"Huh, what are you laughing at?"
"No... Pffft..."
He took off the old patch and put it the new patch, carefully. Unlike his usual feral action, he became more earnestly towards you.
"If something made you uncomfortable, tell me! I could fix it!!"
"Thanks, but I'm fine now."
He looked at your feverish face, realized that you maybe become tired after his interaction with you.
"You should rest. Right, these are books from Gonpachiro. I'll leave." He put the books on your table, ready to leave.
"Wa- wait!" You pulled his arms, and averted your eyes. "Could- could you company me? At least, until I sleep."
"What are you, a baby? But... It's fine I guess..." He sat again beside you. You positioned and tugged yourself inside your blanket.
He looked at you, while playing with your fingers.
"Get better soon." He mumbled. "I'm lonely without you." You giggled.
"I will."
Your mother came to check on you and Inosuke, along with your sister.
"Inosuke? You still there- Oh my."
Inosuke still grabbing your hand, in sit position, sleeping with his head on your bed. His snore was actually enough to woke you up, but your sleeping state seems didn't bother by it.
"Mom, don't disturb them."
"Okie dokie."
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years
DuckTales 2017 - “The Fight for Castle McDuck!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Ben Siemon, Bob Snow
Written by: Madison Bateman
Storyboard by: Stephanie Gonzaga, Krystal Ureta, Brandon Warren, Hayley Foster
Directed by: Matthew Humphreys
A family feud!
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This episode begins with Scrooge, the nephews, and Webby making another trip to Castle McDuck to meet Scrooge's parents. How are they able to visit this castle with that mist that only disappears every five years, as explained in the last episode that featured Scrooge's parents? Apparently, there's a fritz in the castle's mist, and Fergus, Scrooge's father, immediately blames Scrooge for giving them a lemon. As Webby narrates this clenched-teeth meeting of father and son into her tape recorder, Downy, Scrooge's mother, goes up and hugs the two.
Downy McDuck: Oh, let's just be thankful for this unexpected family visit! Group hug! (hugs Scrooge and Fergus, not really accepting of this)
Just in time for Thanksgiving weekend! Okay, it's not really a Thanksgiving special and it may be just a coincidence as there's no proof of Disney swapping the intended order of episodes this time, but it is an episode where someone is thankful for a family gathering that will involve some food; I've seen flimsier excuses to air episodes at certain times. Webby isn't the only one happy to see Scrooge's family again, as Huey, Dewey, and Louie are after yet another artifact: the Blessed Bagpipes of Clan McDuck. Yes, it's not just one of Scrooge's catchphrases, it's also an ancient artifact that was foretold to Huey by a druid somewhere between Mount Neverrest and that place where the Terrafirmians went after that one episode.
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No, just kidding, it's yet another artifact in that journal that seems to be used to make filler episodes to feel more important. This is not to say this episode isn't necessary. These Blessed Bagpipes have a bit more potential than, say, the Sword of Swanstentine: the bagpipes are told to be able to bring life to the lifeless. Louie doesn't interpret this as zombies, but instead just hears is that this is a rare and potentially expensive artifact, and since they already dealt with this castle's traps before, it should be easy to get! As for Dewey, he's going to be important later.
Scrooge isn't really here for Thanksgiving or the bagpipes, though, he's here essentially as a magic castle repairman. Using his cane, he pokes the druid stones that usually power that mist that keeps his parents out of his sight, and he comes to the conclusion that it seems like the magic was sucked out of it. Even if we didn't see the cause right before the opening, which we do, this is a good enough hint to what could have possibly happened. Fergus doesn't believe him, and Scrooge replies with him asking why he even asked him to do this instead of getting one of his other children to do the dirty work. Short answer: he tried.
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Meet Matilda McDuck, the youngest sister of Scrooge, who likes to start random businesses like emu farms. The very sight of a new McDuck neither she nor the audience has seen regresses Webby back to her Season 1 "McDuck fangirl" persona. Why wouldn't she still have that? Most of all, to her, there's no such thing as sibling rivalry in Clan McDuck, as McDucks always stay together! I'm assuming the sibling fights Huey Dewey and Louie sometimes get in are because they're merely Ducks.
McDucks, on the other hand, don't really do fights, as exemplified by Scrooge handing his sister a whole bill to invest in this empire of giant emu eggs. Wow, Scrooge must have been impressed: usually it's just a coin that's worth less than even if it was just one dollar! She immediately rejects the bill because she doesn't do family investments, unlike Scrooge and his Number One Dime. She then puts him in a headlock. Webby pays this no mind and talks about this sibling friendship, while Dewey just sits in the background and sarcastically says, "yeah, sure." No, being the stand-in for the audience isn't his important bit.
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Huey and Louie get into a sibling rivalry of their own, as Huey plans to do this epic adventure to get the bagpipes, with plenty of strategies that Louie calls, and trademarks after a long yawn, "boring nerd stuff". Louie, on the other hand, decides to do the "ask really loudly to the great-great grandma where the magic bagpipes are" approach, and Great Great Grandma Downy just tells them that bagpipe must be in the junk room, and she'll even show them where it is.
Louie's faces during these scenes are top-notch; there's a fine line between "off-model to the point where it's disturbing" and "off-model enough to be funny", and the scenes are more in the latter. We might even see it with Huey, who seems to be desperately trying to keep that inner Duke of Making A Mess in control.
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If one hasn't guessed yet, our villain of the week is none other than the Phantom Blot. We saw the Phantom Blot earlier in the episode, sucking up some castle magic with his magic-sucking gauntlet. He's joined by one of the Eggheads, a charismatic, overly happy sidekick named Pepper. The first time I watched this episode, I thought this was Matilda in a disguise, but then I noticed she didn't have those circles under her eyes. This is a totally different duck.
Blot didn't want any duck to be his partner, or any partner at all, but F.O.W.L. won't allow Missing Mystery taking alone. The Blot has his own vested interest in destroying anything magical, especially something as dangerous as a bagpipe that can turn something that's lifeless into living things. This is the second episode in a row where someone wants to take an artifact they feel is too dangerous, though it's done in a different way.
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Unknowing of any kind of evil, Webby, Scrooge, Dewey, and Webby are going on a tour through the castle. Webby stops at a room full of statues, including one statue of Danny McDuck that happens to be holding a bagpipe with symbols on it. Webby is completely enamored by all of this, but Dewey questions which one of their ancestors is invisible. Matilda explains that this space was left blank until a worthy McDuck can be immortalized in this room with a statue. Webby talks about an obvious candidate for such an immortalization: Scrooge McDuck!
Matilda laughs at this nomination, saying that it would be more fitting for someone who actually takes care of the castle, while Scrooge fights back by saying not only has be built this castle, but he built the castle that gave her and their parents immortality. This is where Webby's main conflict in the episode lies: she can't believe two McDucks can talk to each other like that, and, despite being told that sibling rivalry happens all the time by Dewey, she vows to fix this.
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Her first attempt at doing this? Let Scrooge look at an old family diary. This appears to work pretty well, as Scrooge is reminded of his first brother-sister mud pie business. Unfortunately for Webby's plan to let this feud end so early, one of the photos happens to be Whiskers, Scrooge's pet hairball, being around his sister, going against the story he was told that Whiskers ran away. Not only is Whiskers still around...
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...Whiskers had a new fur dying session, too! The emu eventually biting it ends up being the last straw, causing him and her to get into a sibling quibble. It's funny to see these people acting like children, even yelling out to their mom to tell on each other. It's not so funny to Webby, who thinks that she's going to break her beloved Clan McDuck, though Dewey insists this is normal. It's good that Webby isn't perfect, but one knows she's going the wrong way here.
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Meanwhile, in the junk room their great great grandma led them to, they see a whole bunch of bagpipes stacked onto each other. Once again, we see Huey trying to think of a good strategy to find out which one is the real bagpipe, and Louie just runs up and jumps on the pile. This massive bagpipe blowing this not only causes does cause a mystical bow and arrow to break a canister of tiny green flying lightbug beings that exclaim their freedom, but it also proves that all of these bagpipes are just ordinary bagpipes. That mystical bow and arrow also causes Huey to drop the book near a cardboard box that Pepper and the Blot were hiding in. Must have learned that from some snake.
This scene with Pepper and the Phantom Blot does show us one thing: she may seem like an incompetent sidekick, and the Blot sure treats her like one as he didn't want a sidekick to begin with, but she knows a clue when she sees one. She takes a picture of it with her smartphone, and deduces that the symbols that were drawn on it represent different rooms of Castle McDuck. This begins a slow bit of character development for the Phantom Blot, who was merely just "I hate magic and everyone" before this.
Meanwhile, as Webby is watching the family aggressively eat their dinner, she comes up with a plan. She even ropes Dewey into this for his big, important moment. Dewey gets to show his best talent...
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...pretend he accidentally died while trying to make everyone happy by making two statues! See, it's a win-win situation for everyone: Matilda and Scrooge would believe they're both deserving of statues, and Scrooge basically confirms what Dewey always knew: that he was the favorite. Honestly, I'd say he's only saying that because he's supposedly dead, but don't tell Dewey that. By the way, Scrooge falls for this even though Scrooge did fake his death before in this series. I should also talk about how Webby would have to find a way to show that Dewey didn't actually die for potential future adventures, but she won't need to even think about that.
Huey and Louie end up in this room, too, and Dewey just couldn't resist telling them that Scrooge said he's the favorite. This leads to even more bickering amongst Clan McDuck. This ends up being a perfect distraction for the Phantom Blot and Pepper to sneak around the room, too. Webby doesn't notice those two, but she finally decides enough is enough, and outright calls out the family for their bickering, saying that it just isn't the Clan McDuck way. Scrooge decides to agree, and says Matilda is worthy of being the next Clan McDuck statue...
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...because he's no longer going to be a member of Clan McDuck! This part feels like it should be in the trailers as a misleading line, as anyone would guess this would eventually be reversed, but even I'm not so sure if it was in the end. It really goes to show that Webby pretty much did what she feared she was going to do. It's going to take a miracle to fix up this family, and it has to be something blessed.
Remember that Danny McDuck statue with the bagpipe? Turns out, that's where the bagpipe was hiding all this time. Unfortunately, it wasn't any of the Ducks or McDucks that figured this out first, but it was Pepper. Admittedly, she had to smash through the bagpipe of the statue to find it, and I'm sure even with their bickering, degrading one of the statues would be a huge faux pas. The good news is that, while she may be able to figure out a mystery, she's still somewhat of a klutz, as she drops the bagpipe. Not only does this finally reveal the sinister villains behind what caused that fritz in the mist, we get to see that ability to give life to the lifeless that was foretold by that book.
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No, not zombies, but the bagpipes give life to the lifeless statues! It seems like this episode was going to go to a rather predictable ending, showing the now separated family that Webby was right all along, and that Clan McDuck is all about being together. Just let those statues show what being a family is all about. This could very well be, but the bagpipes gave them the vocal cords of the people they're based on, too.
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They immediately start fighting, starting with who stole the bagpipe, and Webby lets out an "oh, come on!". Not only does this lead to a big statue fight, this leads to a bunch of other fights. The statues are fighting, Clan McDuck are fighting, and even Huey, Dewey, and Louie are fighting. The last one seems a little tacked on, but it does add a little more power to the scene where Webby talks into her tape recorder about how, in her quest to strengthen Clan McDuck, she managed to ruin it. Even if I wasn't as big of a fan of Webby's antics in this episode, as I think she should absolutely know what she was trying to fix in the beginning was normal, it's still a powerful scene.
There's also a scene where The Phantom Blot and Pepper, hide behind a pillar, and Blot uses this opportunity to scold Pepper on nearly ruining the entire mission. It's nice to see the Phantom Blot actually getting a little development here.
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Of course, in the end, they do make up. A lot of this is due to the situation that surrounds them, and Scrooge even uses that to get those ancestor statues to finally stop fighting and get these F.O.W.L. agents out of their hair. Because, and I'm sure people will see this line coming a mile away...
Agnes McDuck (the one in the royal dress): Nobody fights our family but US!
Heh, get it, because all they've been doing before this is bicker. Nonetheless, it's still a good lesson, and it's good to see Webby still learn lessons from Clan McDuck that she wouldn't have learned anywhere else. In the end, the villains get defeated, and the family does find some way to get together and do something, even if it is as simple as cleaning up the mess everyone did. Happy Thanksgiving...kind of.
How does it stack up?
Matilda is entertaining, and while I feel Webby is the weak point of the episode, her actions do lead to a good lesson in the end. Four Scrooges.
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Next, ho ho ho, oh no no no.
← The First Adventure! 🦆 How Santa Stole Christmas! →
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snghwmylv · 5 years
run away - choi yeonjun
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— yeonjun x reader
— peter pan!au
— word count; 1.5k
— summary; you knew better than to run away with the random stranger that appeared in your bedroom. but he just seemed so convincing.
inspired by txt’s run away
— warnings; mentions of bullying, abuse, death. inaccuracies to the actual peter pan story.
— a/n; i had this in my drafts ever since the song came out but of course it took me three months to actually finish the story :")
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splash. you forced your eyes shut, not wanting any of the water to enter them. the back of your hands wiped the water trickling down your forehead into your eyes. you opened your eyes and glared at the three girls infront of you.
they held out their now empty waterbottles while grinning at you. “oops, didn’t notice you there.” “my bad.” they mocked. you wanted to speak. but the words were clogged in your throat, and your mouth just hung open.
“what’s wrong dollface? can’t even speak?” the third girl mocked, pushing you back against the lockers. you flinched at the hard contact. tears started forming, but you refused to open your floodgates. you didn’t want to seem weaker than you were already.
it seems as though they had enough for today, and walked away, laughing at your pitiful state. you sighed, looking down at the wet patch on your shirt and jeans. your breath hitched as you felt tears escape your eyes, dripping onto your already wet shirt. it was only the start of the day, and they had already managed to ruin it.
thankfully, the bell had rung, making everyone rush their way to their respective classrooms, leaving you alone in the hallway. you sighed, deciding that you would skip your first class to wait for your clothes to dry and clean up. you picked up your bag and books that were trashed onto the floor by the three girls, and walked to the nearest bench you could find, and sat down.
the hallway was dead silent. there was no one around, or so you thought.
the blue-haired boy kept his watch on you as he peered from around the corner. he watched the entire ordeal that happened earlier, and god knows he wanted to step in and help you, but he didn’t. not yet.
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you took your phone out of your pocket pressed the power button, your lock screen flashing before your eyes. a small smile crept its way on your face at the sight of the picture of you and your late mom. “i miss you, alot.” you whispered. it had been almost 10 years since she had passed on, but there has never been a day where you hadn’t thought of her.
you wondered how she was doing. probably better than you were, right? how could anything be worse than the current life you were living? constantly being bullied at school, having no friends. it wasn’t like being at home was better, either. your dad had to work for hours on end to make ends meet, so you barely saw him at home. and when you did, he would always be drunk and shouting at you.
you had roughly 30 minutes until your next class, so you decided to take a stroll around the school to clear your mind of the earlier events. as you were walking, you could sense that someone or something was behind you. but when you turned around, you were faced with nothing. strange, you thought, but you kept walking nevertheless.
yeonjun, on the other hand, let out a breath he held in, as he pressed himself to the ceiling of the hallway. he had almost been caught stalking you, but thanks to his ability to fly, he was able to get away this once. he carefully landed on the ground and continued his journey following you.
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you plopped your bag down on the floor, before collapsing onto your bed. you were thankful that you got home before your dad did, so you didn’t have to deal with him. you closed your eyes, the day’s events taking a toll on your energy.
just as you were relaxing, you heard the front door open. “oh no,” you thought. that only meant that your dad was home. you carefully got off your bed, and headed to your room door to lock in so your drunkard of a dad wouldn’t try and come in. just as your hand was about to twist the knob, the knob got twisted the other way round, and the door flung open, knocking you down to the floor.
your dad peered in and saw your fallen self. he went up to you, and grabbed a fistful of your hair. “you stupid bitch, can’t even stand properly,” he slurred. you didn’t even bother to retaliate, knowing that he’d get more fired up. the pain stung and made your eyes fill with tears, but you refused to cry infront of your dad.
he continued insulting you and pulling your hair, until he got bored that you weren’t reacting to him. he left your room and slammed the door behind him. the vibration ran through your body and you finally led the floodgates run free. you leaned back against the door and hugged your knees to your chest, letting out all the frustration and anger and sadness trapped inside of you.
yeonjun felt his heart break when he saw you cry. he knew that he had to do something, anything, just to help you. he took a deep breath as he stood outside your window, and carefully made his way in.
“hey, you alright?”
you almost jumped out of your own skin hearing his voice. you pressed yourself against the door, looking up at the boy who stood above you. you eyes went wide and your mouth hung agape. who was this stranger and what was he doing there?
“w-who are you?” you stuttered. you wanted to scream at the intruder who just randomly appeared, but yeonjun stuck out his index finger at you, begging silently with his eyes for you to not make a loud noise. you looked back at him with confusion written all over your face.
yeonjun sensed that you weren't that fearful of him anymore, and reached out his hand at you. you stared at his outstreched hand for a good few seconds before hesitantly reaching out your own, grabbing his. yeonjun pulled you up to your feet and gave you a smile. "i'm yeonjun."
"i-i'm y/n," you retracted your hand from his. he nodded his head, "i know."
this should've set off more alarms in your head about this man being potentially dangerous and having ill intentions towards you, but the way he smiled at you told you otherwise. he looked friendly and genuinely nice unlike the other people in your life. there was this comforting vibe to him, but you just couldn't put your finger on it.
yeonjun could see that you were deep in thought as you stared at him, and chuckled lightly. "sit down, and i'll explain everything," he motioned to your bed. you went over to your bed and sat down, not once breaking eye contact with yeonjun.
yeonjun went and sat at a reasonable distance from you, not wanting to make you more uncomfortable than you were already. he cleared his throat, "so, i've been watching you for awhile. a month, to be exact. creepy, i know. and i apologise for that."
he turned towards you, "and throughout this one month, i couldn't help but notice how badly you've been treated by everyone around you." you furrowed your eyebrows, "me? no, i'm not being treated ba-" "then how about those three girls at school? and your own father?" you sat there in silence.
as much as you wanted to report the girls, you didn't want them to get in trouble. and as for your own dad, you didn't want to have to live alone if you were taken away from him. so you just endured it. all of it.
"why don't you do anything? say anything?" yeonjun placed his hand ontop of yours. you opened your mouth, but nothing came out. "i want to help you. take you away from all this pain," you turned your head towards yeonjun who looked at you with determination.
"b-but, why me?" you whispered. yeonjun's other hand interwined with yours, "because i know how much of a good person you are. i see you feed tha street cat every morning and night, help that old lady that lives across the street with her groceries, and give money to homeless people you encounter. you are such a pure soul, and it's unfortunate that you are forced to live a life like this."
"what do you want me to do?" you looked at yeonjun with glassy eyes. "run away with me," he gripped your hand.
you heard the voice in your head tell you not to. that it was so suspicious that you would be running away with this stranger that had been stalking you. that he could do nasty things to you. but, you saw the sincerity in his eyes. heard the emotion in his words. felt the delicacy of his touch. and it made you throw caution out of the window.
after what felt like ages, you spoke up. "okay, i'll go with you." yeonjun's face lit up, and he felt his heart flutter. he got up, and you did too. he started walking towards your window, all while holding your hand, leading the way for both of you. "wait, yeonjun."
"where exactly are we going?" yeonjun turned towards you, and gave you a big grin,
"to neverland." and with that, he jumped out of the window, and dragged you with him.
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realmeisstuff · 4 years
(Hoshi Fanfic)
Her lids were getting heavier, but her gaze was going back and forth to the patient that she was supposedly looking after. It's not that she didn't want to do this job, it's just that the silence bores her.
Since they have fewer clients, the hospital had to lay off some employees, and luckily (unluckily) she was chosen to stay. But the downside is that she had to be on her own during night shifts.
She was actually an introvert, but right now she craves for an interesting conversation. One she wouldn't get from a confused, aphasic patient. But she didn't want to complain, afterall, she was there to work.
But then she just had to finish everything by 2am unintentionally, which left her with 6 hours time to kill, since the patient was stable.
She searched for her friends who might be awake at this hour, but there was none (obviously). Feeling daring, she tried to search for an app where she could chat someone. She really just wanted to talk to anyone, even though she knew what mostly happens in random chats, but of course she wouldn't cross that line.
First, she had to pick the gender she's interested in, then she had to click her age. Certainly, this is some dating modus that she's not looking for, but then again, she was bored. She picked Watashi wa Hana as her nickname, just because.
Most private chats would start with the usual "Hi" and "Hello", then random people with weird nicknames, would ask what country she's from. She contemplated for a bit whether to be honest, but she realized that lying would kinda be stupid.
To filter the chatboxes that kept appearing, she started the conversation with, "I'm kinda curious, why did you join this app?" As predicted, most would be so straight forward and would ask if she could send pics or do some sexy stuffs. Those private chats would automatically be deleted, she's not here for this.
TigerEyes would like to chat with you. She read. Unlike the others, he didn't start with the usual intro.
TigerEyes: r u Japanese?
WatashiWaHana: No, just got it from the lyrics of my favorite song
TigerEyes: Which is?
She immediately got that spark igniting within her, the same she got whenever she speaks to someone about her favorite music or other interests. She felt the need to promote but realized that she needed to tone it down.
WatashiWaHana: Some Japanese song. I think the title is Fallin' Flower. Sounds so catchy.
TigerEyes: Maybe I'll check it out. I'm boooooooored
That caught her attention, maybe he's just like her.
WatashiwaHana: Me too. Why did you join this app? I'm curious
TigerEyes: Hmm to have fun ofc. (Another predictable answer, she thought) Why, do you have anything else in mind?
Why does that sound so. . .provocative. Or was it just her imaginations?
WatashiwaHana:I like conversations, I just wanted someone to talk to. I'm bored
TigerEyes: okaaay, let's start a conversation then. What are your interests?
Hmmm nice, at least someone with sense, she said to herself. Maybe he'd be worth talking to.
WatashiwaHana: I like travelling, dancing, music. How 'bout u?
TigerEyes: I like dancing too, I sometimes do choreographies 😉
WH: That's impressive, you must be so creative.
TigerEyes: Yes I am, I could be sooo creative, I could fulfill your fantasies.
That was disappointing. She huffed.
She tapped her phone, while deciding whether to reply or not. It was the longest convo she had here so far, it seems like a waste to delete this chatbox.
TigerEyes: What are your fantasies?
She decided to be playful.
WH: I have lots of fantasies. In what exactly?
TigerEyes: Hmmm..What do you expect from this conversation?
He seems like a much more deeper person than she expected, but she get it that he's trying to be like everyone else who uses this app.
WH: I really just wanted to converse with someone, but I get what most people wanted to gain from this.
Most people? That didn't sound right for him, he didn't like to be like everyone else. But he gets why she thinks that way. He wanted to blame it to this stupid app, while denying his true intentions from awhile ago.
WH: It's cliche, really
TigerEyes: Fun
WH: Am I boring you already? (She laughed nervously, it's just how introverts are, she expected this already) Anyways nice chatting with you
She almost turned off her phone, when
TigerEyes: Wait. Let's make this interesting then
WH: Depends on your idea of interesting
TigerEyes: Oh no, depends on yours. What do you want? You told me you want  conversations. So let's do that 😁
WH: Do you have any acquaintances here?
TE: I'm actually new here. Honestly I had a girlfriend but we broke up. I kinda miss her especially when I needed a company
WH: Oh that sucks. Do you want to tell me about it? They say that talking 'bout it helps you move on
WH: You don't want to? That's okay.
She's starting to like this convo. Opening up is something that truly starts real conversations, and you rarely get that from strangers especially on online dating chat apps.
TE: How about you? Do you have some fantasies? How he should be? How he should treat you?
WH: I actually don't have anyone. Maybe that's why I donloaded this app 'coz I want someone to talk to. Maybe that's my fantasy. Chilling at the house with someone special, without fearing of not being able to go home.
TE: Don't regret. I still believe that best things are waiting for us. I'm willing to listen, just be yourself and tell me things. Like...umm ...what's your ideal date? If ever you meet that someone
WH: I want something cozy. Like lots of cuddles, coffee, movies and conversations, what's yours?
TE: I would like to take her to a romantic dinner date. Enjoy a sip of wine. Dance while holding her close and looking into her eyes.
WH: Sounds romantic. Kinda reminds me of romcom movies
TE: Thanks for the compliment.
WH: Have you done that with someone?
He didn't want to remember but it's too hard to forget.
TE: Yes. I did it with her before. I like taking her on surprised trips. She likes natural and serene places.
WH: Give me a recommendation where to go then
TE: Why? I thought you're single 😂
WH: Can't I go there alone? I told you I like travelling.
TE: Maybe you'd like to travel with me then. I could be your tour guide.
WH: Hmmmmm
TE: What? I don't bite! I have tiger eyes, but believe me I'm actually a hamster at heart
That made her chuckle. This guy seems so cute. It made her wonder why his ex- girlfriend broke up with him. He seems nice.
WH: I'd like that.
Now she didn't see that coming. Never had she ever thought that being bored during night shift would lead to meeting someone. Now she just have to wait 'til the pandemic is over to finally have that trip with her newfound friend.
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